RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY; 56, Paternoster-row; 164, Piccadilly, * LONDON rwfi K i. '*V #^r «0* %/*-.<6 ^c u — : *-'/W ^U^^^£^^ ^ THE CHILD AND THE SPAEEOWS. W. M Ye are of more value than many sparrowa* LuKKxii. 7. Childbek, you are wortli more than many sparrows. You are of more worth than all the birds that fly ; — not because (rod made yon, and did not make them. The same great Creator gave life to all things *" 2 THE CRlLii AND that live, and move, and have their being. Nor are you worth more than they because you are larger. True worth does not depend on size. Nor is it because you are better dressed than the birds : for your clothes are not so pretty as theirs. Even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like the peacock, the humming-bird, or the gold- finch. Nor are you worth more than they because you can sing more sweetly than they can ; for the notes of the lark, the thrush, and most birds, are sweet indeed. Noi is it because you live longer than the birds. Many little children die as soon as the spar- TJlE SPARROWS. 3 rows ; and some birds are said to live as long as the oldest men. Do you ask why you are oi more worth than many sparrows ? Attend, and you may learn. 1. You have a thinking mind. Birds are very clever in getting their food, making their pretty nests, and doing many other things. Grod gave them this skill ; but they cannot think as you can. For thev have not reason ; they know not what you may know, nor can they study as you can. There have been some children who have had very yd thoughtful minds. A little boy named Isaac Newton, grew up to be a very wise man. He became wise in the study of the stars, the air, and the earth. Some have 4 THE CHILD AND grown up to be learned about trees and flowers, some about birds and beasts ; some about one thing, and some about another-, with their minds they have sought to know much of the works of God. So you may learn a great deal about his works, and also of ^ Ids word, which is best of all. 1] That will teach you he is holy |j and just ; — -that he has all power and wisdom ; — that he has ever lived, and must ever live ; — that he is always doing good, and is full of mercv and love. There is no other kind of knowledge that is so useful and blessed as this is. All this you may know, because you have a mind ; and this mind of yours can think upon what you know ; you can reflect and THE SPARROWS. 5 study, and so may grow wiser every day you live: of how much more value, then, are you than many sparrows ! 2. You have a never-dying so id, When our Lord Jesus was on the earth they sold in the market live sparrows for two farthings, and it was of these he spake. They were, indeed, of small value. But who can tell the value of a soul that will live for ever ? If a clever boy were to fill a slate, on both sides, with figures, and then to add all together, as a sum of money, how great the amount would be ! Set it would not be the price of a soul. If you could offer all the money in the world, with all the pearls, rubies, dia- monds, and other jewels that have 8 THE CHILD AKD been worn in tbe crowns of kings, they would not be of equal value with the soul of a little child. Not all the riches in gold and silver mines would be of the same worth, for the soul can never die. 3. Tlou have a loving Saviour. God so loved the world as to send his Son into it, that we through faith in him might be saved from >ur sins. The soul of every child is in danger of being lost, for all arc sinners. But we see how Grod values the soul. He knows its true value, and in his sight it is of richer price than sun, and moon, and stars. He desired that it should be saved ; but it wns not to be redeemed bv silver and gold, but with the precious ME SPAEItOWS. V blood of Christ. That the soul might be saved, Jesus lived and died, and now pleads in heaven for all who go unto God by him. And the word of God declares that all who believe in Jesus shall be saved. 4. There is a glorious heaven in which you may dwell. It is pre- pared for those who love and obey Jesus on earth ; for those who repent of their sins and believe in his name. It is a great thing to be with God, and to serve him. All who are in heaven are like God — they are like him in good- ness, holiness, and love. They hft-ve a crown of glory which tiideth not away. They are happy and blessed. They shall no more know sorrow, nor pain, nor sin, 8 THE CHILD A.KB THE SPAEH0W8, cor death. They shall never part from those they love. They shall sing the praises of their _ Saviour, and live for ever and ever. If Grod did not value you very much ? he would not have invited you to all this joy and honour. Would von not like to go to heaven when you die ? To be sure, you wish to be happy for ever. But do not forget that those who live in sin, and whose hearts are wicked and unbelieving, cannot enter into heaven. A little child who loves to pray, And loves the Saviour too, Shall rise above the sky one day, And sing as angels do: Shall dwell in heaven, that world above Where all is joy, and peace, and love: A harp of gold he then shall have, And sing the power of Christ to save. Benjamin Pardon, Printer, Paternoster Roto* ., 1 MP^^^P^ 5 ^^! The leaves of autumn pass away, The summer's brightest flowers decay, The fairest things below the sky But bloom awhile, then fade and die : And ail of beauty, all of bloom, On earth is passing to the tomb V But there is something that will live, When light no more the sun shall give ; When moons no more shall set or rise, And stars shall quit the silent skies ; And, vanish 'd in eternity, Time and this earth shall cease to be. It is the soul, the better part, That which is thinking in my heart ; 'Tis that which never can decay, Though all things else should pass away; My body in the dust shall lie, My soul can never, never die.