i /— *7— ' m 51^ K? THE HISTORY ■ OF Miss Maria Wilki ADOKNED WITH CUTS. -MsiP i^if » B I R M I It G H A M Feinted by T. Brauda Price One Penvi/, THE HISTORY OF mih'S Maria Wilkin$, Miss Maria Wilkins was the on)y chil^ of Mr. and Mrs WilkioB who thought thera- seivei super or to their neigh- bours, bv whom th'^v were yrciconed the proudest people in the town they iivedjn-Miss Maria was brought up indul- ged in all sorts of pride : nay even her papa bought some lambB and had a dog to amuse hen Her mam^ma would n©i suf- fer her to speak to a poor child on any accout, nor even to any of the misses she went to school with* unless they "were dressed well ; aud if Miss Maria told her maaiHia such a mis? had a new slip on, she would go immediately and buy Miss Maria a new silk one, that she might be above the other miss wit!^ her 1\nen one. As she always was her- self ihe head of the company, she would have her daughter be so too. Miss Maria wa*s despised by ali the scholrirs, nnd ns ^he would ir^t speik to those she tiioiight beneath her, so the others woeld not speak to her. This was a great iiiortiricatioa to Miss Mari^; trml she begged of iier mamma no to let her go to schooi any more, for says she, I h