CHEAT K&rv&izvrn T H E GRAVES TO I lr J Being an Account ( Supposed to be Written on a Gravestone, ) Of a Wife who buried both her Children on one Day anJ who, from that Time, became a very devout Christian. WITH A SUITABLE Address to those whQ may be attending aFuner; I. 3 M , ffr jaate i«g».rj»T»». J Sold by J. EVANS and Co 1 N? e ^*5 R ^i^y for Moral and ReJi^u* hy S. Hazard Bath; and by. a J] Bookseller,, ^e^smencijidHawkersin'lownandCounrrv ♦ * PRICE ONE HALFPENNY, Or p, per Hundred. THE GRAVESTONE, ERE rests Id peace a christian wife, Taught by kind Heaven's afflicting roc}, She well had learnt her way to God. Once a gay girl, she trod the green, The foremost in the festive scene ; 'Twas then she follow'd all her will* And wedded William of the hill : Safe from the cares and ills of life; L 4 3 No heart had he for prayer and praise, No thought of Gods most holy ways ; Of worldly gains he lov'd to speak, In worldly cares he spent his week; E'en Sunday pass'd unheeded by, And both forgot that they must die. While thus by Satan quite beguil'd, The God of Mercy smote her child; Bereft of one sweet infant dear, She shed the mother's mournful tear; A second next she tried to save, Then bore the second to the-gravc; Both on one day the parent led To silent mansions of the dead. There, while she wept her children's fate, She learnt to feel her mortal state ; Stood pondering all her errors past, As if that day had been her last ; And as s-he held the mournful bier, Dropt for herself a secret tear. Once she believed her sins were few, But this one moment clear'd her view: Then first she felt a Saviour's need ; A sinner in thought, word, and deed! Of her own worth she ceas'd to dream, For Christ's Redemption was her theme. Henceforth her ways were ordered right, She " walk'd by faith, and not by sight ;* She read God's word, believ'd it true, And strove to practice what she knew. Her husband saw the mighty change, And thought at first her humor strange ; Deem'd his own worldly ways the best— ■ But soon his error stood confest. Ceas'd is the noise, the jarring strife, For now how humble is the wife ! He proudly feels each cross event, While she, poor sinner, is content; No more she has her stubborn will, . Returns him daily good for ill ; And though her love is still the same, She loves him with a purer flame. Oft would she pray the God of Grace His lofty spirit to abase; Upward his grovelling thoughts to raise, And teach him bumble prayer and praise. Heaven heard her voice — the youth so gay. The thoughtless sinner, learnt to pray ; Sad sickness too, with pain and smart. Was sent to soften all his heart She follow'd next her husband's bier. She wip'd his last repenting tear; She heard him mourn his former pride; She heard him thank her when he died. Here, then, in hope of endless life, Rest both the husband and the wife : Here too, the babes, whom God hath given, And such, we trust, shall enter heaver. C 7 3 ADDRES S TO PERSONS ATTENDING A FUNERAL* YE mourners, who in silent gloom Bear your dear kindred to the tomb, Grudge not when Christians go to rest, They sleep in Jesus and are blest. Call then to mind their faith, their love, Their meetness For the realms above; And if to heaven a saint is fled, O mourn the li'ving, not the dead : Weep o'er the thousands that remain Deep sunk in sin, or rack'd with pain ; Mourn your own crimes and wicked ways, And learn to number all your days : Gain wisdom from this mournful stone, And make this Christian's case yoir own. T H E FOIXD W I H G T R A C T HAVE BEEN LATELY PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. E VA N S and Co. The History of Mr. Bragwell 7 Parts The Two Shoemakers - - - 5 ditto Price Threepence. The Story of Joseph and his Brethren. The Explanation of the Ten Commandments. price 6d. ~ 4^. Prayers to be used by a Young Person, by a Grown Per- ton, by the Mastei or Mistress of a Sunday School, &c. Price Tivopence. The History of Tom White, the Postillion. The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Black Giles the Poacher, iti Two Parts. Price Three -Halfpence. Watts's Hymns for Children, complete, with Prayers* The History of Mary Wood. Mr. Fantom. . The Labourers in the Vineyard. The Valley of Tears, in Two Parts. The Judgment Day. Hints to all Ranks on the Scarcity of 1795. Price One Penny. The Two Soldiers. The Thunderstorm* 'Tis all for the Best. The Cottage Cook. The Sunday School. Hester Wilmot, -Part I. II. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. A new Christmas Tract. Good Friday Tract. Parley the Porter. The Fall of Adam. The Black Prince. The Cheapside Apprentice. The Lancashire Collier GirJ. The Life of William Baker. Betty Brown. The Sho p keeper, 4 parts. The Good Mother's Legacy, The Beggarly Boy'. Noah's Flood, The Troubles of Life* The Harvest Home. Sorrowful Sam. Tawney Rachel. Charles Jones, the Footman. General Resurrection and Day of Judgment. Onesimus Patient Joe, Wild Robert, Faith and Works, Gin Shop Sinful Sally, Robert and Rich- ard, Hampshire Tragedy, Bad Bcrgain. Turn the Carpet, Christmas Hymn, Army of Martyrs.