TOBY MEND-ALL, THE MERR Y CO BLEU, Ycur Shoes he'll mend with woa« drous care, If you unto his stall repair. THE MERRY CO BLEU AND HIS MUSICAL ALPHABET. GLASGOW: Published and Sold Wholesale hu J. LUMSDEN & SON. [Price Two-penc^J THE MERRY COBLER And it was dapple graj \ Its head was made of pea, straw, Its tail was made of hay; I A is an Apple, You can buy in the street; L : ■ i C is a Cat, That catches the Mice; E stands for Elegance, Which you see in this Horse ; F is a Footman, Than him there are worseo 12 G is a Goat, That is fond of his tricks) I etands for Industry; Which you see herej J is a Jumper, Without any fear* 4 K is our Keeper 5 Whom you often may seej I? i L is a Lady, Now crossing the Sea, . j llM I IIMi l l lll llMl lll lliWirM^ lvi m M is the Music, To charm every heart j 20 O o P is a Poor Hermit, Without any Shoes, Q's the Queen's Regiment, Look at tiiera drilling j 11 Y R is a Romp, To swing, very willing, 24 S s S is a Sailor, s jokes, and is witty j 27 V V V f s a very nice Girl* Too civil by half. 28 W is William, Been to market, by Dickens: X stands for Xerxes, So peep at the Clticksnsj II hi