BROWNE (Sir Thomas) 1605-82. 4416. MSS. in English, on paper : written by Sir Thomas Browne about 1659-82 : various sizes, viii + 20 leaves : collected by Sir W. Osier and recently bound. i (foil. 1-2). Autograph letter (3 pp.), dated July 6 [c. 1680], beg. ' The Kidneys are not only different ' ; signed YLF TB ; addressed to his son, ‘ For Dr Edward Browne in Salisbury court . . . London ' ; and stamped IY 9. Unpublished. He quotes Ruini (no. 918) on the comparative anatomy of the kidney ; and sends a piece of lizard's skin to be shown under the microscope. On the spinal cord in a “ tabid con- sumed person " he quotes Pauw’s Observationes and says, " I do not see how you can showe the medulla spinalis of a man butt by figures, or how you can take it out of the dissected body." The letter ends : " Bee temperate at eat[ing] of feasts . . . indeed there is no such pittifull thing as a Guttling. Tom [Edward's son, 1673-1710] holds well though hee toyles & moyles at all sorts of playe after schoole. Wee . . . haue sober stayd little girles for his playfellowes that hee maye imitate them ..." ii (fol. 3). Autograph notes headed ‘ pericardium and a Latin distich on the diaphragm. Unpublished. One of the notes reads : “ Few vses it surely hath out of the body. Only ... as mens hearts are commonly in their purses, so many of the countrie people, taking aduantage of the figure & toughnesse of this part, make little purses hereof and carry their money in it." iii (foil. 4-5). ‘ D r Browns discourse concerning the fishe bone found at Con- ington/ Undated letter (3 folio pp.) beg. ‘ S r I cannot sufficiently admire the In- genuous industrie of S r Robert Cotton ' ; with autograph subscription, ‘ Sr, your seruant to my power, Tho. Browne/ and corrections. In this letter, belonging to his correspondence with Sir Wm. Dugdale, and written probably in 59 , he discusses the significance of a cetacean vertebra found inland. Formerly in the collections of Arthur Preston (sold in 1888) and J. Eliot Hodgkin (Sotheby's, 23 Apr., 1914, lot 31 1), it was first printed in ‘ Eastern Counties Collectanea Norwich, 1872-3, and largely reprinted by South- well in no. 4517 a, pp. 91-4. Monro, no. 4520, has recently published another letter of the series with extracts from this one and a r6sum£ of those printed in nos. 4512 and 4524 (i, pp. 380-93). See also art. vi ; and no. 4520 a. iv (fol. 6). Autograph fragment (lower part of a leaf). Ends ' America might haue been a perpetuall terra incognita & neuer arose unto us \ The same passage is re- written on the verso. v (fol. 7). A page of autograph comments on a new translation of Plutarch. Probably sent in 1682 to his son Edward, who wrote to him on Feb. 9, " I am desired to translate the life of Themistocles " (Wilkin, i, p. 329). The new Plutarch was published in 1683. vi (foil. 12-20). Typed transcripts of arts, i-ii, iv-v; MS. notes by Hodgkin (?) on art. iii and a pr. description of that letter (Hist. MSS. Comm., 1897, xv, pt. 2, p. 294) ; and a letter from Dr. Keynes on these MSS. . + iV fcc^ Jj.'s -vS ’* L v 1 *--. a *• 0***^ £T*+S / >y - // '■*& ' L * ! £ ,c > .-'- 1 • y . Z ‘V^ I H .', ' ' , . • < -■ •• Jr^ ! > r ... a ^ f r ■ . r ' M _ / < f *- ► , ' ’ ; v • ' * < -4 ■' > • - -/• ' ' */ _ 7 " / 4 * , f ■ t # ; ■ - + ) ,, . '> r< ■ p - t* . * V * b * ?> tr*f ^ ' y w . • * ' ' ’ ' " • w -/ ' * ' < v * v - fe ».<- > . ( o ..> , \. .... ‘- v . >• ^ v ^' ^-4 . , *?+>}'*+ - J fr -i. fa*-f C . . Jj ^ ;rff ^ ^ ; , i , * c y . v‘ ./ • ^J-
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