279 SBS 4 28 «ores ere ty Pal pt — = es emenmenpe ie Se | 1 cs a Ss eee —e 2p eo _ . oon —o- eS TOES aay OTA ETRY F ELT! : 8S «2 Serpe ae C0 > DP PaO ETRET PP VIO HAE Pet eS Tino cab eneg auemerenateiaena Piet alin « Wien ETP A. i we aan ai OMAR a an aw: ‘ ee EE Lo geet 7 aes a ge, eee eee = ee OPE Se a ae McGILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY woADLLOORH HID “ a CELA MRS ATEN waged irae’ eee Mase Tk ay eines o~ . a SB BS Wi ee! Gwe Bier aT we cestgutetetetaenti aries 1 REPO a | ; ! i —_— em SS ee = 3 3 ~ a i EA MES ROMAINE ye congornal Cat went” . - g ny ? nN] t Cle. i MER oe PORE Le Bee © Gs .c eT r Sct SESS WY Gee! j F ' { oo —- ._ AZ40 OLOGY, N D TAY SECOND EDITION. LONDON. Printe dby HENRY HUGHS, for ROBERT FAULDER. MDCCXC. —_~ — . . — ——$—$—$—— ee eowiee ve’ ADFVERTISEME NT. HIS work, or rather fragment, was begun in the year 1769. ‘The defcriptive part fell to my fhare: the expence of the plates was divided between Mr. Banxs, now Sir JosepH Banxs, Baronet; Joun Gipzon Loren, Efq; a go- vernor in Ceylon; and myfelf. Twelve only were engraved and publifhed: foon after which, the un- dertaking appeared fo arduous that the defign was given over. It would be injuftice to Mr. Loren not to fay, that the etchings are taken from his fine col- leGtion of drawings made in India: for he alleviated the cares of life with the delicious purfuits of the ftu- dy of Narurz. I prevaled on my two friends to unite with me in prefenting the learned Joun Rein- Hop Forster with the plates. I alfo beftowed ES > ie oe “> A a on z. | i ian 4 3G ia ADVERTISEMENT. ence, on him three others, engrave at my own exp before the work was dropped. Thefe were never publifhed in England ; ‘but when Dr. For/ier left our ifland, he took the whole with him, and in 1781 printed, at Halle, in Saxony, an edition very highly improved, and tranflated into Latin and. German. He prefixed to ‘+ a moft elaborate lu- cubration de Finibus et Indole Aéris, Soli, Mari/- gue INDICI} defcribed the fubjects of the three ad- ditional plates ; and inferted, after the defcription of the fifteenth plate, a moft learned differtation on the genus of the Brrps oF PARADISE, and on the Puorntx. He added feveral notes; and at the end prefented his readers with a Faunula of the qua- drupeds and birds of the extenfive region of In- pia and its iflands. The laft year, Mr. Robert Faulder, of New Bona- frreet, bookfeller, applied to me for permiflion to reprint this very imperfe& performance. I con- fented; but advifed him by all means to get the additions by Dr. For/ler tranflated, and an improvell Faunula to be formed from the beft authorities which ADVE RUF US:E.MGCE NT. which could be procured: but, having myfelt ab- jured all future publications, referred him for that labor to any gentlemen willing and able to do juf- tice to the performance. I took the liberty of pointing out three friends, of indifputable abilities, and of whofe kind fervices I had long and ufeful experience. Dr. Aixin, of Yarmouth, in Worfolk, with great chearfulnefs undertook the tranflations: Mr. Joun Latuam, of Dartford, Kent, jultly celebrated for extending the ftudy of OrniTHoLocy far beyond any naturalift of our days; and the Rev. Mr. Hucu Davis, reétor of Aber, in Caernarvonfbire, underwent the tafk of arranging the very numerous fubjects of the Inpian Faunu.a. The more la~ borious part, relative to the Infects, fell to the fhare of Mr. Laruam: the reft to that of Mr. Davies. A more complete enumeration was never formed, confidering the extent of the country 5 and the ma- terials imported into our iflands. Science has of late years found its way inte our moft diftant pof- feflions ; and we gather its fruits: the Faunula a Z 1S ADVERTISEMENT. is a fufficient proof of the richnefs of the harvett. Colleétors at home, or 1n the diftant Indoffan, will find confiderable benefit from this part of the work. It will direct their refearches, or inftruct them in the arrangement of the new acquifitions. If my paft labors. can in any fhape contribute in the left to the amufement of the ‘ndividual, or to the pub- lic in general, the reflection cannot fail beftowing on me the moft pleafing fenfation. THOMAS PENNANT. Downing, March 3, 179%+ CONTENTS. ce Nt ee Page Is Say ce ENDIA OS eee INDIAN ZOOLOGY, p. 29. 1. Sciurus Macrourus.—The Long-Tailed Squirrel — 31 Il. Falco Melanoleucos.—Black and White Falcon — 33 Ill. Ofus Bakkamoena.—The Little Horn Owl — 34 IV. Trogon Fafciatus.—The Fafciated Couroucou — 36 V. Cuculus Pyrrbocephalus—The Red-Headed Cuckoo - 38 VI. Picus Miniatus—The Red Woodpecker — — 39 VIL. Perdix Bicalcaratus.—Double-Spurred Partridge — 40 VIII. Columba Melanocephala.—The Black-Capped Pigeon - 41 IX. Mu/cicapa Flammea.—F lammeous Flycatcher — 43 X. Motacilla Sutcria.—The Tailor Bird —_ — 44 XI. Tantalus Leucocephalus—The White-Headed Ibis — 47 XII. Gallinula Phenicurus-—The Red-Tailed Water-Hen - 49 XI. Anfer Melainotos—The Black-Backed Goofe — 50 XIV. Anas Poikilorbynchus.—Spotted-Billed Duck — 52 XV. Anhinga Melanogafter-—The Black-Bellied Anhinga -— 53 XVI. Squaius Tigrinus—The Tiger Shark —_ — $5 XVII. Labrus Zeylanicus—The Ceylon Wraffe — — 56 INDIAN Oo N tf EE N TT 9. INDIAN FAUNULA, pp. $7. ClafsI. QuADRUPEDS. Diy. I. Hoofed — — Seét, I. Whole-Hoofed — Il. Cloven-Hoofed — II. Digitated — -—— Seé. I. Anthropomorphous II. Rapacious. Canine Teeth III. Without Canine Teeth IV. Without Cutting Teeth V. Without Teeth — Ill. Pinnated a IV. Winged _ Clafs ll. Biros. Div. I. Land Birds site Order I. Rapacious II. Pies — Ill. Pafferine — 1V. Columbine — V. Gallinaceous —_ Div. 1]. Water Fowl — — ane Order VII. Cloven-footed =e VIII. Pinnated Feet — IX. Web-footed — Clafs II]. Claffis IV. Claffis V. Ciaffis VI. CON TB ee Ss AMPHIBIAs Ordo I. Reptilia fies II. Serpentes PIsceEs. Ordo I. Branchioftegi IJ. Chondropterygii Ji]. Apodes — IV. Jugulares V. Thoracic VI. Abdominales INSECTA. Ordo I. Eleuterata Ii. Ulonata Il. Syniftata -- IV. Agonata V. Unogata En VI. Gloffata VII. Ryngota VIII. Antliata VERMES. I. Inteftina II. Mollufca — IlI. Teftacea IV. Lithophyta V. Zoophyta 6 co co Qo i gi 93 93 94 99 III 112 11§ L17 118 136 139 141 141 143 160 161 PLATES, Vil Po et A TES: ’ ‘ITLE PAGE. The common Bird of Paradife, with a View of Dory Harbour in New Guinea. | J Long-Tailed Squirrel; and the Tree, Eugenia Malaccenfis, to face Page 31 Il. Black and White Falcon. The Tree, Rhamnus Jujuba. 33 III. Little Horn Owl. The Plant, Gloriofa Superba. — 34 IV. Fafciated Courocou. The Plant, Nummularia La¢tea Minima. Rumpbh. Amboin. ~~ 36 V. Red-Headed Cuckoo. o 38 VI. Red Woodpecker. — 39 VII. Double-Spurred Partridge. 40 Black-Capped Pigeon. 4l 1X. Flammeous Flycatcher. 43 X. Tailor Bird. — 44 XI. White-Headed Ibis. 47 XII. Red-Tailed Water-Hen. 49 Black-Backed Goofe. 50 Spotted-Billed Duck. 52 Black-Bellied Anhinga. 53 Fig. 1. Tiger Shark. $5 Fig. 2, Ceylon Wrafie. AN UNDARIES, CLIMATE, SOIL, AND SRA» U Tranflated from the Latin of Joun Retnuotp Forstsr, By Joun Arkin, M.D. ee ——e ts i A ET A PO ttl a aA A Me f-_ “4 HE name of India is probably derived from Hind, or Hindu, the appellation of the people inhabiting it, which the Spaniards and Portugue/fe, the firft navigators to Jndia, were accuftomed to write Gentu. The Greeks, who penetrated through Perfia into India, received from the Perfians the name of Hind, as that of the nation; but they alfo improperly called Indus, the river named by the inhabitants Sind or Sindo. Ina later age, the Komans termed the country, Judia, the people, Jn- dians, but the river alfo, Indus; yet they were not unacquainted with the name of Sindi. The Arabians and Perfians again em- ployed the names of Sind, and Hind, which occur frequently in their writings. After the Portugusfe began to navigate for the purpofe of exploring new regions, many of them fufpected, that if they were to fteer directly weftward, they would at length arrive at the fartheft iflands in the vicinity of Jndia; and becaufe they conceived thefe iflands to lie before thofe Indian regions (ante illas.) they gave them, in the geographical c2arts made before the difcovery of America, the name of Antilles ; and that India, which B 2 they ag ESSAY ON INDIA, they fuppofed Gruated behind the 4 Indtes, becaufe it might be ! ache -d by failing Wei ftward. Hence Antilles, they named the Weft appears the reafon why in our age the name of Indies is fo widely exte ended. — ry C ms - aL aat India whence the animals now to be defcribed are taken 2 i 2 | y, even here there is muc inkahad as to the countries to which this name 1s proper and peculiar. In the firtt place it 1s niaintained, that Judia is only wherever the Hindu nation inhabits, or the country called by the Perfians, Hindoftan, which is comprehended between the rivers Sind and Ganges, clofed to the north by the ridge of Jmaus or Gaucajus 5 and on the fouth furrounded by the ocean; fo that the whole peninfula on this fide the Ganges, belongs to Hindoftan. Bur ina more extended fenfe, the peninfula beyond the Ganges alfo is a part of India. And its limits are much more extenfive, ‘funder this fecond fignification of India are reckoned all the ‘ands of the Indian fea, from the eaft and north of Madaga/fcar, fr as New Holland, and thence eaftward to the Philippine iflands, together with New Guinea; and it is principally with this meaning that the Ezgli/o and Dutch failors ufe the word India, and Mr. Pennant feems to have adopted it in his account of the animals of Jxdia. From what has been faid,.it will be evident that a difquifition a Ce concerning the climate, foil, and feas of India, thus largely under- —— —- = ~~ {tood, will be a matter of much difficulty. Mou nTAINS. Mount Jmaus, arifing in the very borders of Perfia, and whofe — northern ridge feparates India from Bokara or Baégiria, from Ca- foimire or Ca/patyrus, from the kingdom of Tidet, and from the Chinefe province of Yunnan, terminates at length in the kingdom of ne ee Se fi wr BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. of Tonguin, and runs out into other branches. At the root of this mountain the temperature of the air is very various; for in the winter feafon the country is buried in fnow and froft, not, however, fora long time. Thofe fummmits alone from which the Sind and Ganges are principally fed, are covered with perpetual fnow. Yet even the plain tract at the mouths of the Ganges is not entirely free from froft during winter, fince the inhabitants coliect ice artificially prepared, for cooling liquors in the heat of fummer, although Fabrenbeit’s thermometer never finks below 42. But in the fummer feafon the inhabitants undergo the moft intenfe heats, arifing to the 1 14th, nay even to the 120th degree of Fabrenbeit’s thermometer; fo that men are fcarcely able to breathe, plunge into water up to the chin, and afcend the higher trees that they may inhale a fomewhat cooler breeze; whilft they whofe occupations oblige them to endure the hot air abroad, not unfrequently fall fuddenly dead. The birds too are often killed by the heat, while flying, or fitting on trees, and fall to the eround. Turn, as the flat country is inundated about the folftice by the fwoln waters of the Ganges, which returning into their channel, leave many ftagnant pools, the exhalations raifed by the fun’s heat form a body of intenfely hot vapour, extremely noxious, fo as to occafion putrid fevers of the higheft malignity, which frequently prove fatal within three hours. Ler us now pafs into the peninfula of India on this fide the Ganges, and examine the nature of its climate and foil. This part of India is divided into two parts by the ridge of mountains called Gatté; and while fummer reigns on one fide, winter pre- vails on the other. This chiefly proceeds from the winds, which, from Great HEaTS. RiIvERS. MaRS: A VIO NEN DIA; ° Lu nw: tho aoe a se rides aed: / “ry , . ~ 1. e el To Ane } > f ae al.) 4 ee <1T2Q r April tO Offober, from the ioutn. ror tne {pace of 1iome W eeks . , > 2 ee pees ee eee - =: OFS 7 a) . before this change, there is generany fcarcely any wind ; but at the ‘ oot h; > fucl : ote arife as t re commencement of the change, fucn tempeits arile aS tO Cauke great damage to mariners. On the eaftern fide of the peninfula, called the coaft of Coromandel, the fky from Aprit to Ode conftantly ferene without a fhower, but from Offcber to April is the rainy feafon, On the weftern or Malabar coaft, on the contrary, there is no rain from Oéober to April, but very heavy rains fall from May to September. During the fair feafon, intenfe heat ‘nfefts the whole coaft; but in the rainy feafon, the temperature ‘s at intervals more moderate, and at that time all the rivers fwell, and their ftreams are partly diftributed through the fields for the purpofe of fertilifing them, and partly are received into ponds or great receptacles, where the water is preferved with care, to be let into the fields at proper periods. Tue region of India beyond the Ganges has nearly the fame climate with the peninfula on this fide; but it is particularly well watered by large rivers. Of thefe we fhall firft mention the Babramputter (Burrampooter) which flows through the whole country of Tidet, from the very confines of Ca/bimire, and, after it has croffed the kingdom of 4fam, enters that of Bengal at Ran- gamatty, and at length, juft upon the coaft of the Jvdian fea, mixes its waters with thofe of the Ganges, in an equally copious ftream, and thus enters the fea in a common channel. Next, the rivers Ava, Pegu, and Tenafferim, rifing in the Tibet mountains, after watering the kingdoms whofe names they bear, enter the bay of Bengal on the weftern fide of the peniniula. Tue Menam and Menam-kom, or Siam and Cambodia rivers, flaw thie BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. flow down from the mountains which part the province of Yun- nan in China, fromm India. All the above rivers, the Babramputter excepted, take their courfe through large vallies, enclofed on each fide by ridges of hills. On the approach of the fun to the tropic of Cancer, the {now on thefe mountains is diffolved, and all thefe vallies are overflowed, like Egypt by the Ni/e. When the rivers return into their channel, the moiftened counitries are fown chiefly with rice, which yields a very rich increafe. The kingdoms of Cochinchina, and Tonguin, are bounded to the eatt by the fea, and to the weft by a ridge of mountains feparating them from the kingdoms of Cambodia, and Laos. From this ridge many rivers defcend, which, after they have watered the country for a fhort traét, mingle with the fea. Tue foil of all Jndia hitherto defcribed is rich; and, by the cultivation of the populous nations, which from the remoteft ages have inhabited thefe regions, and addicted themfelves to agricul- ture, 1s rendered extremely fertile. And, by reafon that fo many nations, and fuch various fpecies of animals, have for fuch a courfe of ages putrefied with the vegetables of this fruitful land, the foil, lixiviated with water and mixed with afhes, affords to Lurope a great quantity of nitre, the principal ingredient of its gunpowder. Rice is chiefly fown in moift fituations, and fup- plies thefe people, who live a Pythagorean life, with a food of eafy preparation, and extremely cheap. There is another kind of rice, which grows even on the hills, and fpares the cultivators the labor of watering. THe marfhes are covered with thick beds of reeds; and, near the mouths cf the largeft rivers, overgrown with impenetrable groves of mangles. Among the cultivated traéts, here and there dry SoLL. MARSHES» IsLANDS:s ANC ESSAY ON INDIA, dry {pots are obferved, covered with briars and thickets. The with the moft beautiful and fingular birds, efpecially parrots, parts neglected by human culture are full of woods, which abound peacocks, pigeons, and others infinitely diverfified with the gayeit and moft varied plumage; together with herds of antelopes, tribes of monkeys, and numbers of lions and tygers. The ele- phant, and rhinoceros, alf inhabit thefe forefts, which {carcely ever lofe their leaves, but are always verdant, and perpetually loaded with fruits of one kind or another. NATURE wears a different form in the ‘flands of the Jndian fea. But, that we may the better underftand the nature of the climate, and the temperature of the atmofphere, it will be of particular ufe to confider the courfe of the winds which prevail in thefe {eas. Between both tropics the wind almoft conftantly blows from the eaft; and at the equinoxes, about the line, the courfe of the wind is directly from eaft to weft, For the fun in the day-time heats the air; and about noon, when it is vertical, the atmofphere clows with heat, and therefore is rarefied ; at the fame time, the fun, feeming rapidly to move from eaft to weft, on account of the diurnal revolution of the earth, caufes noon fucceffively in different regions. Towards evening, when the fun is in the weft, the air from both fides of the globe, as likewife from the eaft, -uthes towards the weft, and follows the fun, in order to balance the rarefaction of the heated atmofphere: this current of air is . the eaft wind. The greater the diftance from the equinoctial 1 i ‘ne in each hemifphere, the more the wind inclines to the north T } i . ] r i _. Now, wae > trop! . 0 fouth D WwW, when the fun arrives at the tropic of Cancer,.the eaft wind follows it; but the eaft-north-eaft and north-eaft ex- tend beyond the tropic of Cancer into the northern hemifphere - p ‘> ” whilft, BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. 9 whilft, on the contrary, the eaft-fouth-eaft, and fouth-eaft {carcely reach farther than the equinoétial line. And when the fun re- cedes to the tropic of Capricorn, the eaft wind follows it there too; but the eaft-north-eaft, and north-eaft fearcely reach beyond the line, rarely to the tropic; while the eaft-fouth-eaft, and fouth- eaft fpread far into the fouthern hemifphere. Thefe obfervations are generally true concerning the winds within the tropics, and efpecially in the great Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Every where within the tropics, on approaching within three or four leagues of land, a breeze is met with blowing from fea to land, from nine in the morning to fun-fet; and from land to fea, from about ten at night to fun-rife.. Thefe obfervations alfo hold in general with refpec& to the winds in the vicinity of lands within the tropics. | In the Indian fea, from Offodber to April, the eaft-north-eaft, and north-north-eaft winds prevail as far as the line. But during the fame feafon, from the line fouthwards to about the 14th de- oree, the weft, weft-fouth-weft, and fouth-weft are the prevailing winds; and beyond this {pace, the eaft-fouth-eaft, and fouth-eaft. From April to Ofober, in the northern hemifphere, the weit, weft-fouth-weft, and fouth-weft winds reign: to the fouth.of the equinoétial, as far as about the 12th degree, the eaft, and eaft- fouth-eaft ; and beyond that point, the eaft-fouth-eaft, and fouth- cait. Thefe prevailing winds are by failors termed the Monjfoons ; and from them fome inferences may be drawn as to the tempera- ture of the air.’ The winds which blow acrofs great tracts of J 1h be land heated by the fun’s rays, acquire a great degree of heat ; us and the greater fpace they pafs over, the more fcorching they ai prove. But wherever winds blow ever the fea, they are cooled ares C by OriGcin OF THE ISLANDS, AN ESSAY ON INDIA, by the evaporation of the water: hence all fhores and iflands, though firuated under the horteft fun, enjoy the benefit of tempe- rate fea breezes. Iz we mean to confider the nature of the foil in the Jndian ifands, we muft attend to their two-fold form and origin. Some are lofty, and if of moderate fize, they have generelly a conical fhape. On examination of the mountain and ftrata in this cafe, it will prefently be obvious that the whole ifland has emerged f-om the bottom of the fea through the force of fubterranean fire ; for all parts are full of volcanic remains. Actually burning mountains are likewife not uncommon in thefe iflands. All the high iflands which I have furveyed between the tropics, in the Atlantic and Pacific oceéartis, were found to contain /corie, eruc- tated afhes, and liquefied matter, the manifeft veftiges of inteftine Gres. And that the fame takes place with regard to the iflands of the Indian fea, is rendered probable by fo many volcanoes yet to be feen among them, by the teftimony of various navigators and eye-witnefies, and by the ftones, evidently refembling {coria and melted rock, brought from thence. It is wonderful that afhes thrown up from volcanoes, and other feoriaceous matters commiguted and mixed with the earth, fhould conftitute a fo ‘aferior to none in fertility; but it is certain that moft plants thrive moft hixuriantly in this foil, and that trees of all kinds grow init to-a ftupendous magnitude. : THERE ate within the tropics other iflands, low, and little elevated above the furface of the fea. All of this kind are the workmanfhip of zoophyte vermes, which raife on ail fides from the bottom of the fea their manfions of a calcareous matter, whence at length are formed rocks and ftony thallows 1 ery dan- awerous PCcroUs aTih BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. gerous to navigators. Since for the moft part eafterly winds are frequent in thefe feas, thefe animalcules, as if a¢tuated by inftiné, endeavour to exclude the waves driven by the winds, by means of their ftupendous works; and therefore, carrying on the’ artful ftruéture of their calcareous or {tony habitations, they extend them in long arms, which at laft unite in a circle, within which they include a portion of calm untroubled fea. On the oppofite or windward fide, the waves continually throw up fragments of corals, which, accumulating by degrees, form a mound againft the force of the billows, and on that part the fea is rendered gra- dually fhallower; whilft on the other fide, immediately under the arms raifed by the zoophytes, the fea is of aftonifhing depth; and not unfrequently a part of the work remains open, for the ingrefs and egrefs of the tide. In the coral banks themfelves, fand is collected by the waves, which afford foil and aliment for the feeds of fhore plants brought thither by the fea; and thefe plants at length perifhing, gradually create and accumulate a vegetable mould. If by chance a cocoa-nut be carried by the fea to thefe {pots, it germinates, and grows into a tall tree, bearing and dif- feminating many nuts, fome of which again germinating, foon form a palm-grove, affording fhade to birds, and other animals, and fupplying navigators, driven to the place by ftreis of weather, with a grateful food and liquor. The bay included within the arms conftruéted by the zoophytes is a receptacle for fifhes which re-— quire a calm wnagitated fea, and thus another food from the ani~ mal kingdom 1s prefented to ftrangers. ‘Che fhallows, too, afford quiet and defirable fituations to mollufee; and fheil-fifh of all kinds, and contribute much towards fupplying the inhabitants of the ilands with a variety of food. | 3 | C2 JHE ‘ 4 =. — seth. = ee eee Useru.t TREES; &e, AN ESSAY CON INDIA, Tue greater ‘(lands of the Indian fea; Ceylon, Borneo, Fava, Su- matra, Celebes, Lugonia, Mindanao, Ceram, Gilolo, Weaighen, and the ifle of Papua or New Guinea, are all mountainous, and full of. burning or extinguifhed volcanoes. They are covered with ever- green woods and reed-grounds, luxuriant in various tropical frufts, produétive of all kinds of fpices, and of many drugs valuable in nedicine and the arts, efpecially Camphor, Benzoin, Gamboge, Sanders, the Amomums, Coftus, Zedoary, Galangal, the Peppers, Snakeroot, Dragons-blood, and many others which need not here be enumerated. Thefe iflands,, enriched with fo many and great. advantages, are everywhere inhabited by various animals ; their woods and thickets are thronged with innumerable birds; their feas abound in fithes of all kinds, the oreateft part of which have never been examined by. naturalifts; and what vaft treafures of fhell-fith their fhores, marine rocks, and the bottom of their feas contain, may be gathered from hence, that for at left a century. that thefe feas have been frequented by Europeans, they have. continually been offering fomewhat new to the’ curiofity of men whofe avarice or vanity has prompted them to colleé& fuch' ftores from all parts. Nor are thefe regions deftitute of inhabitants,. differing from each other in colour, fhape, manners, drefs, religion, and language. For fome tribes in the interior receffes of the woods and mountains preferve their antient favage ftate, treat all ftrangers as enemies, and devour the flain; others, adopting gentler manners, and formed to commerce, and even to fubmil- fion, become daily more civilized. a Zs ee : = - 1° . [uus much, concerning the limits, climate, foil, and feas of India, \ thought neceflary to prefix, in order to rencer what follows more perfpicucus. ON BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL, D. ON THE BERDS or PARADISE, AWRY... EHS Po. Bc Nea HE Birds of Paradife are a genus of birds fcarcely as yet fufficiently known to the ornithologifts, becaufe few of them are imported into Europe, and thofe, too, mutilated in their feet, wings, and other parts, or diftorted by having a ftick thruft within their fkins, and thus too much lengthened. No real naturalift ever had the fortune to fee a live Bird of Paradife, or to have obferved their manners and economy * ; for they inhabit a region vifited by very few Europeans, fince fcarcely any but failors and merchants are permitted to penetrate into the remoteft eaft, the country of the Paradife-sirds. The hiftory of this genus 1s there- fore ftill full of falfities, or rather buried in fuch darknefs, that we can fcarcely hope to gain more and truer information con-~ cerning them, till fome perfon, by a journey into thefe parts, 1s * Sir Josern Banks did me the favor of communicating the drawing of the common Bird of Paradifé, brought alive to England, drawn from the life. ‘I’. Ps. enabled, 13 AN ESSAY ON INDIA, enabled, by his own obfervations and experiments, to give the public fome accounts more ample and exact than we hitherto poffefs. Ir is moft certain that thefe birds were never known to the antients; and whatever the Egyptian priefts delivered concerning their Phenix, has little agreement with the Bird of Paradife. But, that there may not be the left doubt remaining on thefe points, we fhall collet what has been faid by the antients concerning the Phwirix, and, after the paflages are brought in view, briefly ex- amine them. Herodotus, the father of hiftory, relates (1. il. 73.) that the Phenix is a bird of the fhape and fize of an eagle, deco- rated with gold-coloured and purple wings ; but he frankly con- feffes that he had never feen the bird, but knew it only by its picture. Pliny (x. c. 2.) confirms that the Phenix is of the fize of an eagle, with the fplendour of gold around his neck; the reft of the body purple; having a blue tail {potted with rofe- colored feathers; combs adorning his face, end a creft of fea- thers, his head. his was the antient opinion concerning the form and colours of the Phenix; but the fame Pliny reiates from Manilius, that the converfion of the great year correfponds with the life of this bird, from which period the fame courfe of feafons, and pofition of the heavenly bodies, is renewed; and that this takes place about noon on the day that the fun enters Taurus. Horapollo delivers the fame notion refpecting the Phenix. “ They (the Egyptian priefts) meaning to fignify the converfion of the great year, paint the Phenix.” Thefe notions are then to be explained from the theology of Egypt. “Tue Sun, which produces the feafons, is the Egyptian Ostris, a deity whofe name has the fame fignification ; for Oei/cb-iri in the P Eg yptian BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. Egyptian tongue, is the maker of feafons. But almoft all the male gods, efpecially, of the Eg ypiiaus, exprefied the virtues and powers of the Sua. Hence, the vernal fun, when it is peculiarly vigorous, and operates with moft power, according to the difcipline of the Egyptian priefts, was Hercules, whom they therefore called D/em- _menuti, the virtue of God, or of the Gods. The fame Hercules, according to Athenagoras (pro Chriftianis, p. 18.) or, as Dama/- cus has it (wep: agyav ap. Wolff. Anecdot. ii. p. 254.) “ that prin- ciple was named, time void of old age, and likewife Hlercules.”” Nor is it to be omitted, that in the obelifk of king Rameffes, the fun is called the lord of feafons, which in the Egyptian language is Sefoei[ch, or Sefoofis. THE annual revolution of the fun makes a year of twelve months; but the Egyptian year, long, was only 365 days; whence, every fourth year, four true folar years exceeded as many Egyp- tian years a fingle day, which they were not accuftomed to inter- calate. Hence the feafons of the year wandered through the whole Egyptian year; and hence of the folar years as firft fixed by Julius Cefar the dictator, 1460 equal 1461 vague Egyptian years. On this account, the Eg yptiaz priefts were accuftomed to call four years with the day of intercalation, the year of God; and 1461 vague Egyptian years made the great year of God, that is, of the Sum. And they taught, that at this great period, the con- verfion of the great year toak place, at which alfo the Phenix regenerated—flew from rabia to the city of the fun, and de- pofited his father’s body on the altar. Ir will now appear, why the Orpbdics, in hymn xi. to Hercu- les 3. addrefs him by the title of various-formed father of time. And Plutarch, in his treatife on [fs and Ojris, aflerts, “ that the if aNoRSSAY ON INDIA, the Egyptians fable Hercules to be placed in the fun, and to re~ volve with it.” For, from thefe premifes, it might juftly be faid, with Nonnus of Panopolis, \. xl. p- 683, “ that Hercules rolls sound the whole earth in the glittering orb of the fun, and carries round with him the year, the fon of time.” Every common year, therefore, is a year of God; and the great year, the /on of time, which, in the Egyptian lancuage, would be Dfphenoeifch, and, on account of the harfhnefs of the firft letter, the Greeks would make it gom¢, Phenix. This origin of the name adds ftrength to my opinion, fince it is perfectly agreeable to the doc- trine of the Egyptians concerning thefe things, and at the fame time exaétly expreffes all the facred fables of their priefts relative to the Phanix. Tuat the fabulous Phenix of the Egyptians has nothing in common with the Birds of Paradife, will be fufficiently manifeft f-om what has been faid; yet it 1s not altogether without reafon that we have here treated on the Phenix; for the firft Portuguefe navigators to the Jndian ‘(lands called the Birds of Paradife, paffa- ros da fol, Birds of the fun, in the fame manner as the Egyptians had regarded the Phenix as a fymbol of the annual revolution of the fun, and the converfion of the great year. ‘The inhabitants of the ifle of Ternate call thefe birds Manu-co-Dewata; Birds of God. The French, Englifh, and Germans have adopted the name of Birds of Paradife. All thefe names feem to attribute fomewhat of a celeftial origin to the birds,” ‘T’he name Manu-co-Dewata has ‘nduced fome writers of natural hiftory to call the bird Maenuco- diata (Edwards, t. 110. Marcgrav. Brafil, 207. Rati Synop. Av. 21. n. 7. Briffon Ornithol. 1. p..130.) and the illuftrious count de Buffon, by cutting off part of the name, has made from If wer ~ es BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. it his Manucode. Valentyne (vol. ill. p. 306, 313.) has treated at length of the Birds of Paradife. The Portuguefe firft faw them in Gilolo, Papua, and New Guinea. Many idle fables have been propagated concerning thefe birds; among which are to be reckoned, that they have no feet, are always on the wing, pafs their lives in the air and feed on this element; on which account the inhabitants of thefe countries are accuftomed to cut of their feet. But the people of the 4rz iflands have taught the Dutch in Banda better ; and it is found that the feet are cut off in order that the-birds may be more eafily preferved dry. The Judians, too, pay little regard to the feet, becaufe they ufe the fkins of the Birds of Paradife only to adorn their helmets in their games and mock combats. But the Aruans, 70 or 80 years ago, brought thefe birds with their feet. Pigafetta, who accompanied Ferdi- nand Magalbaens in his voyage, teftified from ocular demonftra- tion, about 1525, that they were not without feet. But the length and peculiar ftructure of the fcapular feathers, prevent them from fitting on trees in windy weather; and if they are once blown down to the ground, they are utterly unable to raife themfelves again by their wings. When taken by the natives, they are immediately killed, becaufe their food is unknown, and they defend themfelves courageoufly with their very ftrong beaks. Or the Birds of Paradife there are about fix fpecies *. 1. The great Paradife-bird of Aru. 2. The leffer Paradife-bird of Papua. 3- and 4. Two black fpecies. * The Faunula will produce many more, D eo> Ene no See ~ 17 AN ESSAY ON INDIA, s. The white Paradife-bird. 6. The unknown Paradife-bird. >. The leffer King-bird, which is alfo to be reckoned among the Paradife-virds. { Parapis#a apopa. GReaTER Brrp OF PARADISE. Latham Syn. ii. 4.74. Index, 1. 194. Tru E greater Paradife-bird is generally about two feet in length. Head, fmall: beak, the length of the head, hard, pale-co- loured. Head and nape of the neck, yellow. Space round the eyes, black. Neck, beautifully refplendent with very foft, fhining, emerald-coloured feathers: thofe of the breaft, equally foft, of a pale yellowifh-grey. Large chefnut-coloured wings. Back co- yered with the fcapulars elongated, ftiff, narrow, pale brown, very much refembling the loofe feathers of the oftrich. Thefe expand while the bird flies; and therefore it is eafy for him to remain in the air. On the fides of the breaft and belly are bundles of feathers, much fhorter than the anterior ones, ftiff, gold-coloured. From the rump arife two ftiff feathers of great length, naked in the fhafts, terminated with radiated plumes. Several birds of thefe countries are furnifhed with fuch long feathers, as the Belurus (Pylftaart) of Amboyna, the Alcedo Sari- qwak, and a {pecies of Papuan parroquet. In fize it little exceeds the blackbird. Feet fhort, with four ftrong toes, The inhabi- tants of Zernate call this fpecies Burong Papua, Papua birds; and fometimes Manu-co-dewata, and alfo Soffu, or Sioffu. The Amn- boynefe call them Manu-key-aru, birds of the iflands Key and Aru, becaufe BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. becaufe the people of thefe iflands bring them to Banda and Am- boyna for fale. The Aruans give them the name of Fanaan. In fact, thefe birds are not found in the ifland Key, which is about 50 miles eaftward of Banda, but are met with in the 4ru iflands (which are 15 miles further to the eaft than Key) at the dry feafon of the weftern monfoon, and return to New Guinea at the commencement of the rainy feafon, as foon as the eaft wind begins to blow. They fly in flocks of about 30 or 40, led by a bird which the Aruans call Kine, but which is altogether diftiné from the leffer Bird of Paradife. ‘This leader is black with red {pots, and conftantly flies higher than the reft, which never fepa- rate from it, but immediately when it fettles, fettle too; whence they frequently perifh, for if the leader fettles on the ground, they are not able to rife on account of the peculiar ftru€ture of their feathers. Nor can they fly with the wind, for in that cafe their very long loofe feathers would be totally difordered: they: therefore always fly againft the wind, and carefully abftain from fight in a ftorm, which often throws them to the ground. Waite flying they are noify,. like ftarlings; but their cry rather refembles the croaking of ravens, and is particularly audi- ble, when in windy weather the incumbrance of their feathers brings them into imminent danger of falling to the ground. In the 4ru iflands they perch on the higheft trees, efpecially on thofe of the fmall-leaved Waringha with red fruit, on which they chiefly fubfift (Ficus Benjamina? Hort. Malad. iii. f. 35. Rumpb. Amboin. iti. f. go.) They are taken by the inhabitants with bird-lime, fnares, or blunt arrows. But though many fall alive into the fowlers hands, they are immediately killed, and after em- bowelling, and generally cutting off their feet, they are fumigated D 2 with 19 AN ESSAY ON INDIA, with fulphur, and dried ; in which ftate they are fold, for half a dollar in Benda, but in Aru they may be purchafed for a large nail or. piece of iron. The Dutch fhips frequenting the fea be- tween New Guinea and Aru (a diftance of 18 or 20 miles) not unfrequently fee flocks of Paradife-birds crofling the fea from one to the other of thefe places, but always againft the wind. ifa more tempeftuous _ eale than ufual rifes during their flight, they feck the upper and calmer regions of the air, and thus continue their courfe. ‘The natives faften thefe birds to their helmets in place of crefts, in real and mock fights; and often tie the whole or part of the fkins to their fwords. During the eaftern mon- foon their very long feathers fall; and in the weftern monfoon, within the fpace of four months, as the Aruans report, they are replaced by new ones. Il. Parapisea aPpoDA. Lesser. Latham Syn. i. 474- Index, i. 194. B. HE lefer Paradife-bird of Papua. This fpecies 1s about twenty inches in length. Beak, lead-colored, paler towards 7 - e the apex. Eyes, {mall, and furrounded with black. Neck, eme- rald-colored. Head, and back of the neck, dufky-yellowihh. Wings, {mall and chefnut-colored. Breaft and belly, brown. Back, yellowifh-grey. Long fcapulars, about a foot in length, and paler than in the former fpecies; which is in ceneral ser be obferved of alk the fplendid colours in this fpecies. The long bare feathers of the tail are conftantly reje€ted by the inhabitants. In other refpects, this fpecies has every thing in common with the 3 former. buy BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL.. D. former. Thefe birds alfo follow a leader; which, however, has more of a dark purple in his wings; but this leader is diftin- guifhed from the 3d and 4th black kinds. The Papuan inhabi- tants of the ifland Mifowal, (Mixoal, Mayfol) relate that thefe Paradife-birds never migrate, but build nefts in the higheft trees, where they are found by the “fubris. The beak and neck are longer in the male than in the female. By the people of Terzate, and Tidore, this bird is called Tofu or Burong Papuwa, Papua- bird. By the Papuans it is named Shag or Shague. The people of Eaft Ceram give it the name of Sama/eik; but in the ifle of Serghile, in New Guinea, it is called Tfhakke. It was formerly believed that thefe birds were found in Gilolo or Halamabera, and the adjacent iflands to the fouth and fouth-eaft; but it is now certain that they are peculiar to the Papuan ifles. Thefe extend from the fouthern extremity of Gi/olo, and northern coatt of Ceram, as far as the weftern part of New Guinea. The largeft of them are Miffowal (Mayfol) lying to the north of Ceram; and Sala- watti, or Salawat, fituated near the country or ifland of Serghile, in New Guinea. This laft, in the earlieft Portuguefe maps, is im- properly called Ceram, and 1s feparated from New Guinea. Thefe Paradife-birds perch on the higheft trees of the mountainous egion, and are killed with blunt arrows by the people of Mi/o- qwal. Others relate, that the natives medicate the water of which the birds are ufed to drink, with the Jndia-berries ( Menifpermum Cocculus Linn.) whereby they are rendered fo ftupid as to be taken by the hand. Thefe birds commonly feed on the fruit of the TL/hampeda-tree, which they perforate with their bills, and thus extract the kernels, It is fabled by fome, that when thefe birds become weak with age, they fly a great height towards the fun, 21 AN ESSAY ON INDIA, fun, till they fall down dead. The Papuans, after killing and embowelling them, dry the cavity with a hot iron, and enclofe them in a joint of Zambco, in order the better to preferve them. III. and IV. T HE black Paradife-birds. The larger variety of thefe is fold by the natives without wings and feet, and therefore is very difficult to be defcribed with accuracy. The remains are generally ftretched out on a ftick to the length of four {pans, The feathers of the head, neck, and belly are black, filky, and mixed with a radiant hue of purple and gold. Beak, blackish, an inch long. From both fides fpring bunches of feathers, fome- what fimilar to quill-feathers, but in reality very different from them, for this fpecies is always offered to fale with the wings cut off. The feathers in thefe bunches are extremely foft, with broad webs like peacocks feathers, of a fine fhining green, and all reverted ; whence Valentyne fufpects that they become reverted in the bamboo joints in which they are enclofed by the natives. Tail, wedge-fhaped. Tail feathers next the abdomen, hairy ; upper ones, longer, and pointed; thofe immediately beneath thefe, above a fpan and a half in length, ftiff, with loofe doubly com- pound rays, black above, fhining below. The birds of this variety are brought only from the part of New Guinea called Serghile. ‘Yhe inhabitants carry the fkins dried upon fticks by fmoke, and enclofed in bamboo joints, to the ifland Salawat, and exchange them for hatchets and coarfe cloths. The Pa- puans call them Shagawa, and allo, Paradife-birds from Sergbile : in Ternate and Tidore, they are called Soffu-kokotu, Black Paradife- : birds. BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. birds. Serghile is the moft northern part of New Guinea, running out to a fharp promontory, fituated beyond or to the eaft of Gilolo and the Papua ifland, and facing the north. Besipes the greater black Paradi/e-bird, there is a lefér variety. Its feathers are equally long, but not fo thick; black above, not fhining. ‘This variety is alfo deftitute of the fhining peacock feathers found in the firft. It likewife wants the three long pointed tail-feathers, which are proper to the greater kind. The Alfubris, or inhabitants of the mountainous part of the ifle of Meffowal, fhoot thefe birds with arrows, and fell them to the people of Tidore. V. Parapisea ALBA, Latham Index, 1. 197. @.Waycuinu. The fame. THE white Paradife-bird is the rareft of all the fpecies, and has two varieties, one entirely white, the other black and white. The firft is very rare, and in habit much refembles the Paradife-bird of Papua. The fecond variety has its fore-part black, and back-part white, with twelve flender crooked almoft naked feathers. ‘This kind is the rareft of all, and is procured only through the people of Tidore, becaufe it is found in thofe Papuan iles only which are little frequented, particularly in Way- ghibu (called allo Wadju, Wardju, and Waygiu.) Some fufpec& that they are imported from Serghile, in New Guinea. VI, 23 ———— S = ss Se = — roo ——=> eS. = aes —— — 1. <-- — —— == <3 s » balls re ¥ “ wa &, ’ tie " ” oy } Sr $i - : ; 57, sy 7 1 =, J ‘] 7 ——— } a : 7 Bed a \ aie tet) 4 ¢ au Bit a eyes) a > : \ on ‘) ‘ 4 4 . 5 a! 5 e\ ik - . ¥ in wt att - f ait » . ! }, if rt " ‘ ; a oi , Fi r 4 1a tik + ; ' , ; q ~ 1 i 5 by - 4 - 4 > s - ’ gz - 4 . - r ii} : a ih : M a Bit as Bay ia : } = ' i a - ehh ——— ~ Ss = AN ESSAY ON INDIA, Vi. N 1689, a new fpecies of black Paradife-bird was firft feen at Amboyna, brought from Miffowal, about a foot in length, with a fhining purplifh hue. Head, middle-fized; bill, ftraight; back, as in the other fpecies, adorned with purple-blue feathers, but under the wings, and on the belly, yellowifh, as in the apodous fpecies. Back of the neck, moufe-colored, greenith. In this kind it is obfervable, that on the fcapule are bundles of creen-edged feathers, which can be ereéted at pleafure, like wings. In place of a tail, it has twelve black, naked, fetaceous and thready fhafts, like pendulous feathers. Feet ftrong, with fharp claws. Head fmall; eyes encircled with black. VII. Parapisza recta. Kinc. Latham Syn. i. 475. Index, 1. 194 “re "ry HE laft fpecies is the King-bird, which fome reckon among a pte Bs the Paradife-birds; but, according to Valentyne, it is totally different from them. Linnaus and Burron, however, refer them to the Paradife-birds, chiefly induced by the fhape of the bill, and the feathers peculiar to this genus. This bird is about feven inches in length, and fomewhat exceeds a titmoufe in bulk. Head, and eyes (which are furrounded with a black circle) fmall. Beak, ftraight. Crown of the head, flame-colored: nape of the neck, biood-colored: neck and breaft, chefnut; with a band of bright emerald. Wings, large for the body; quill-feathers black, with rays {potted and ftreaked with fhining red. Tail, ftraight, fhort, and brown. Intermediate tail-feathers, long, thread- Jha) a Al Gi paths wn ARS BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. thread-fhaped, black, exceeding the reft a palm in length, with a lunated feathered tip, of a fhining green above, brown below. Belly, fpotted: from the fides proceed bundles of broad-rayed feathers, one part of the rays, green, the other, brown. Back, blood-brown, glofty like filk. Feet, like thofe of a lark; three toes before, one behind. Tus bird never affociates with the other fpecies of Paradife- birds, but flies about the lonely thickets, wherever it fees red ber- ries, nor ever fits upon tall trees. In Aru it is called Wowi Wowi: in the Papua ifles, Scpclo-o. The Dutch name it Kings-bird. It is chiefly brought from Aru- Scpclo-o; and efpecially from Wodjir, a well-known town of this ‘dand. ‘The Aruans fay they have never feen its neft; but fuf- pect that it is a ftranger from New Guinea, and there brings up its young, but never leaves Aru during the dry feafon of the weftern monfoon. It is taken in fnares made of Gummatty, or with birdlime prepared from the Sukkom or bread-fruit (Artocar- pus communis For/?. Charatt. ) Ir is embowelled and dried, and fold in Banda. ‘The Aruans put it in their helmets in their mock fights, and the game Toba- kalil. Tur illuftrious Burron, or rather his friend Gueneau de Mont- beillard, defcribes fix Paradife-birds in his Hift. of Birds, tom i. edit. in-4to: and tom v. edit. in 12mo0, p. 207, 238. Thefe birds feem alfo to be delineated in Daudenton’s fplendid Planches Enluminées, N° 254, 496, 631, 632, 633; 634. Sonnerat like- wife defcribes and delineates the fame fix birds. We fhail now therefore briefly compare thefe fix birds with what we have above deferibed at length from Valentyn, vol. il. E, I. L’otfeau te cry gear ages ated = em Siar Po ee 3 EF : reese SST aE : pee peeyees apes eS z3 AN ESSAY .ON.IN DLA; I. Loifeau de Paradis, is Valentyn’s, 1. Paradifea mayor Aru- gna; and the Paradifea apoda Linn. II. Le Manucode, is Valentyn’s, 7. Avis regia; Paradifea regia Linn. III. Macniricent. Latham Syn. i. 477. Index, 1. 195. Le Magnifique, ou Manucode a bouquets, may feem in fome refpects referable to Valentyn’s Paradifea minor Papuana; though I confefs it much differs from it. 1V. Supers. Latham Syn. ui. 479. Index, i. 196. Le Superbe, ou Manucode noir, as delineated in the Planches Enlum. {eems to be either a young bird, or a hen, or taken at the moulting feafon; for Valentyn’s 3. Paradifea nigra major, has long fetaceous feathers in the tail; and the Hift. of Birds, as well as Daubenton’s Le Superbe, are without them. What Gueneau de Monbeillard obferves, however, is not to be overlooked ; that the {pecimens in the royal Paris mufeum are ill kept, and have loft thefe long feathers by accident. V. Gotp-sreasteD. Latham Syn. ii. 481. Index, i. 196. Le Sifilet, ou Manucode a fix filets. 1 can {carcely help thinking that this 1s Valentyn’s, 4. Paradifea nigra minor, which by chance or defign had loft its long filaments near the ears. VI. Buug-creen. Latham Syn. ii. 482. Index, i. 197. Le Calybé, feems to be an obfcure fpecies, THE BY JOHN REINHOLD FORSTER, LL. D. Tue other Paradife-birds of Valentyn are not yet fufficiently afcertained. It is greatly therefore to be wifhed, that a naturalift fhould undertake a journey into New Guinea, and the Papua ifles, fince thefe regions feem full of new and unexplored natural wonders. In the meantime we hope that thefe obfervations con- cerning the Birds of Paradife will not be unacceptable to thofe who are defirous of an accurate knowledge of the works of Nature. 27 a U © aa] O O N Z, * Q Z Pet FA epee —s Se ae Sait < > -- ies - . = eager -— a's > > a te ons i . oc. Macrourus, Gmelin. Lin. i. 148. FIIS fpecies is found:in Cey/on and Malabar. In the Lonc-ratuep Cingalefe tongue it is called Dandoelana; and, from es the noife it makes, Roekea. Ir is about three times the fize, of the European {quir- rel. 3 wae Ress THE.ears are tufted with black hairs: the end of the nole is pink-coloured::.the cheeks, legs, and belly, are-of — ' a. dull yellow: between the ears is a yellow f{pot: the | crown of the head, and the’back, are black: from each | ear is a bifurcated line of the fame color, pointing down the cheeks: the upper part of the feet is covered with black hairs: the lower part naked and red. : “ Tue tail is near twice the length of the body, of a light afh-color, and extremely bufhy.. The part next the body quite furrounded with hairs: on the remainder the. hairs - are feparated, and lie-flat.. 42/4 i: 5 : ee " J5# EucENta MALAC. INDIAN ZOOLOGY. THE tree is the JAMBU Rumph. Ambon. \. 121+ tab. 37. HUGENIA MALACCENSIS, Sp. Pi. 672. Fl. Zeyl. N° 187. It is the mot excellent of the Indian fruits, delicious in tafte, grateful in fmell, pleating to the eye, and falubrious in its effects. Irs native place is Malacca; and is only cultivated in Goa and Amboima, on account of its fine qualities, its rofeate fcent and color, and its happy faculty of allaying the rage of thirft in the burning fevers of the torrid zone. eae” a CATO LSP SRR GR CLE ST OS Sages at. Sy VO re, : > HF . fy ANY f ‘ » Song i | \ if} }) \ b 4 7 ‘ \ Net : = = : fi i M3 KSA A - z : sie . ; : : : <3 : 2 Yi wy f Y ee MERE rie ee eee alana ne iiss orekY cul)? O THE BLACK & WHITE FALCON. INDIAN ZOOLOGY, IT. FALCO MELANOLEUCOS. BLACK AND WHITE FALCON. F, Melanoleucos, Gmelin. Lin. i. 274. Latham, i. 81. Index Ornith. i. 36. NHABITS Ceylon: its length is. fixteen inches, its weight about ten ounces. Tue bill is black : the irides ofa reddith a honk the orbits marked with white fpecks. The head, neck, back, fcapulars, quil-feathers, and fome of the middle coverts of the wings, are black; the reft of the coverts, thofe of the tail, the tail itfelf, the breaft.and belly, are of a pure white. Tuis fpecies is called in the Cingal: efe, Kaloe Koercel- goya. Weare uncertain ‘whether it is trained. for the amufement of falconry; as fome other kinds are, a: By the Natives of ee THE tree is the Vidara of Rumphius, ii. 17, tab. 36. the Rhamnus jujuba, Sp. Pl. 282. Fl. Zeyl, N° 89. It, bears an eatable fruit, of very little flavor, eee Grus.. 33 BLACK AND WutitTe FaLcon, RHAMNUS JUJUBA, © ‘ | ‘ PF | yy ae * ee 4 a a ee = a : ado nore q = — 5 —_- ———— INDIAN ZOOLOGY. Til. OTUS BAKKAMOEN A. THE LITTLE HORN “OWL. Strix indica, Grnelin. Lin. i. 289. Latham, i. 127. Index Ornith. i. 56. N° 12 LitrtLe Horn pie | HIS elegant fpecies is found in Ceylon; 1s called there Bakkamoena, and is a {carce {pecies even in that ifland. Ir ‘is reprefented of ‘its natural fize. The irides are fearlet : the horns take their origin from the bafe of the bill, anid point to* the fides of the head: on their inner fide they are dufky, on their exterior white. Tue bill is dufky, furrounded with long briftles: the circle of feathers round the eyes is of a very pale ath- colby? the external circle of a yellowith brown. THE head of a deep afh-color: the back dufky: co- verts of the wings grey, marked with. narrow lines of black, pointing downwards: the quil-feathers regularly barred ‘with black and white: the breaft buff-colored, marked with’ {mall fagittal black {pots: the legs feathered half way down: the naked part of a reddifh yellow. GLORIOSA ir a THE plant i one of the moft beautiful of the Indies; ks but ei ew 42" all INDIA SM. 200 5.06 Y. but at the fame time its roots are the moft venemous. It is found in Ceylon and Malabar, and, on account of its charming appearance, is called by Linnaeus, GLoRiosa SUPERBA, Sp. P/. 437. By the natives it is ftyled Na- jyala and Nyaghala, poflibly from its being poffefied of a poifon as potent as that of the ferpent Naja, or Cobra de Capello, whofe bite is the moft fatal of any yet known. F 2 IV. TROGON 35 FASCIATED CourRovucau. DESCRIPTION. IV. TROGON FASCIATUS. THE FASCIATED COUROUCOU*. Trogon -fafciatus, Gmelin. Lin. | index. Ornith. 1 HIS: fpecies is rarely found in the ifle of Ceylon, where the Cimgalefe call it Rantvan-konaea. A {pe- cies: bearing fomie refemblance to it is defcribed by M. Briffon, iv. 165, by the name Le Couroucou Cenare; but the bend on the breaft, which diftinguithes the Indian {pecies, evinces it to differ from that of Cayenne. Irs length was ten inches and an half: the weight one ounce five-eighths. | Tue bill ‘black, thick, ftrong, and arched; the bafe se S belt with briftles ; ; the orbits naked, and of a deep blue: the irides. yellow. Tue head and neck of a very deep dufky blue, fading into a paler as it approaches the breatft. Across the breaft is a fafcia or band of white; beneath that the whole under-fide i is of a bright reddifh orange- color. * Read, on the plate, Tuz Fascratep Covrovucoy THE Or a te Re ee Bt@ 23 Rive. ea —— - . ht A A A A A te te oe i ee — whet SSeS BEPULWY GW!) Ble VRE rR SU sha Oe eT Be ~ A Oe a oe” tthe ee ee ee ee et at een etn OO Re anne ae ee waetle or -4 -~ ; t > Ald I 7 , — a sa = ea - —_ = > . e-. = az : —_—_ ~~! — a. —<—> — << = = — ——7 os = wae — —_— — -— Ss aS > ~~. we Pe = te —. —— — > — rn ee = ee ee aSs are eae SS NN SS err Sos peg ae ae e a 2 a ee SS FS ti Foyt: i 2 = See A = re ne a i ad ey ma a a aa ar a = PF em 3.33 6 a > > jae ee ee, ee ee eee ee ++ Co I SOT EN DDAN> ) Pa ; aaa a i § me ibs } \ * 2 ‘ : 4 Py : : ce Loe ‘Dah it 1 oe 4 Bi an wag eth og ~ . Mi (he oo) oe uy bl gs 7. aera) B we ie 5 i ' iG } ‘8 4 el “de “e |G. 4] aH f ' it i U shies ibe!) Ub el a ne) ean “ 7 Be " | Pi a ree a q hy me a { ' Daa) Bhai hy VI. PICUS Se bens pee. ee TR DENI FS SR —— a agers =. eee a — J t 7 2 + all Coad ra = Pv + es ee eee TAM 2 Rae es Were De) COU eT EP WY EES WES NNR ESE shh OMI NEI OSs EN SST ot fet dab fi ri (te a). vist AR 1! tts ee) \) Wnty ‘ \\ NYY ’ WW iN ) ae fy f ph Wy) ih ’ Ww CA yee rs a a ale ro és Pe ae Al eo hee A ae as f ’ } HK Cj. Z dj Uf id f Sti, fi hitter, Sf See Se } ‘ | bit 4 4 gs) s | \ ‘gh i, | aN Hit fy) lity! \\ DRAB | \yy MN x iii D CUCKOW. SD HRADE THE RE : . “ a : & t ~~ = ES os pra Pe | aan, ae SE OE. ee S chore ee — Hv ; v SS aks Aw) ¥ DIR? « Nhl Sy " ") R. , Ww Wy OT TT nc ccc ’ “MM yg pyndh Vitam: pi ©. tel, LILA LIM :3f,3 pnitttutisiygy mm * Vai. 0 MEM Mb yyy. Oe. Rat) AS) } Ha 4 yy oP LBA P70 GOK: Leg SLA GIEN jig, vin! ML MAD Wit Linteay Gt — wae, . CK or WW) 7 hea tied ~ Jaa - -» oe “ 1 SF gpiezeSs = VU 4 4 dé oe ney. - Ts PEPER Ayys ttt Sp AMAT Ab sr « + Weitere - s Sp TY LR S28 MONA 2 “types, wh PP ia MMW ji anor ‘al ; — a ar ar, a © a — Fo — ae — ea _ . ‘ we e ad eT 2 Ee om om a ES vt : = _ = ~ Asse : —————— a - I ce i tT : — = “= —_——-- - : = + oT. at : ; =: Spa ene ; 2B wie 2 jain ' Se : = ee = OP IR 8 UP EE RENEE, PTR, CS AOS TT oe eee tae en ey PN Di AW 050 150:-G-Y: VI. PICUS (MEN LA TUS. THE RED WOODPECKER. Picus Miniatus, Gmelin. Line i. 432. Lathamy ii. 595. Index Ornith. i, 241, R. Loten fhot this on the ichigadis of Fava. It is.’ called by the Malayans, Toekan, or the Carpenter, a name they give to woodpeckers i in general, from. the noife thefe birds make in boring trees, which ‘refembles that made by a workman, | It is drawn the fize of life. The bill is of a “duly blue: the head of a deep dull red, ‘and adorned with a long creft pointing backwards: on the ‘teapes isa ite -of yellow. ? Tue hind part of the neck, the hack. the coverts, and. fecondary feathers of the wings, are of the color of red lead: the fore part of the neck is ‘of a rofe-color: the . belly white. | THE quil- feathers black, marked with large white {pots: the coverts of the tail green: the tail confifts of fharp-pointed feathers, like the European kind, apd is of a deep blue. i PRRDIX 39 Rep Woop. PECKER, ~* Bisxid} en | H whe} +h J = i. i r an , 7 i) vy 4 al . nee if ! y : } | 4 Ele a ' ‘} : : ie ah | it 1 ; « bi ; } t : { } \ f } pal ' - cee Ab hs Bal) ibe aad 4 \, . a. ’ +. , a iat wih ua i] : iiss) ef at oe ’ {| | =| Ne ae ‘i 4) bie ini un Be } Waa 1 ete ni Bei Te | hi ee i 4) WW ate) ' Al pe iD pe Lee 2 ane F WW th palit "| ik i Ht f } a .) My a, " t i 4" i! ; hte ne eit | 4h | it eet { ath fal! A ell Wn 1] : . iy U i! etek t ey. 2) Lay Fe. r 7 {Bree | Si f gag ’ ty s het i\Mnaye? ae: i Bi eee i > aie oe ¢ Ae wi a . ;! eis hh Th a t my ae he ul ) al » ‘il Z Fi ‘! - e' '. a » Dia) ot ial t 4 r ‘ < ‘ i ‘ ‘junk ; re eet: + ay thee i Ao 4iee’ at) tid a | , 4 . i) ee - ‘eh i} ht 7 aes, ie 7 > 3 eu : i. Mera 4 HE oeeitan tie | re). B \ ~ Mh & | Me i Me : mh) aa) eh «k Cat } ) h : tha \ ath, ! | Th ‘ Lag 7 +, * ri an | fie hi Dene at) ce a) \ - DouBLE-SPUR= RED PARTRIDGE. fant AN ZOOQOLOG%, VIE. PBRPRDIX BICALGARAT US. DOUBLE-SPURRED PARTRIDGE. Perdix Bicalcarata, Gmelin. Lin. ii. 759. Forfter Ind. Zool. 25. Ceylon Partridge, Latham, iv. 758. Index Ornith, il. 674. HE bill of the MALE is red: from that to the re- gion of the eyes is a naked red fpace. The head is varied with black and white ftreaks. The whole neck, above and below, is black, elegantly marked with fagittal lines, the points tending upwards. The thighs white. The primaries dufky, edged with rufous. The back covered. with rufous’ feathers, dufky on each fide of their fhafts. - Tail dufky. Legs red, on each a pair of ftrong fharp {purs. | Tue head of the female is cinereous. - The color of the back and belly rufous, brighte% below. The tail dufky. Legs red and unarmed. TuHeEse were taken near Colombo. The Cingale/e call them Haben-Kukella. VIMT. COLUMBA L\y ff Vil. ee Ss © - weneecewn + mete vam 2 . rt een M&F. DOUBLE SPURR’D PARTRIDGE. BE NEST ROS Re DESIRE RITA IO WINE CEP ORNATE ION eT LITT Ea Sake or é ; 8 ‘ f ec : te ee eg ee Sia BA Be ie BA 24) Feri: so - (i ih ni ie f sa Wane a ‘ a i) : i i if Ka g ii" ui ts | ye i le H ooh | pile He Me Wt ane ce WN in of wi i lions, ie " ‘ foi i antan Zs he iif i un iN ay ey) 1 t fi i ih M \ i i ae a va 4 a ‘ae a (il uh} 1 W i oe we an hi i tt _ ae a“ Hi At ii 4 if ll Na ! ‘ta A al ey. ae ca ON. 4 D PIGI 3 BLACK CAP A 4 THE ex DTANaA ZOO LOG Y: VII. COLUMBA MELANOCEPHALA. THE BLACK-CAPPED PIGEON. Columba Medanocephala, Ginelin. Lin. i’ 781, Latham iv. 654. “Index Ornith. ti, O10, HIS mott elegant {pecies is painted the fize of life. It was found on the ground in theiile of fava, hav- ing dropped down dead in one 6f thofe hot days that are known only in the torrid zone, when the fowls of the air often perifh, unable to refpire s ‘when lions, leopards, and wolves, immerge themfélves upto their noftrils. in the water, to preferve themfelves from’: the fcorthing fun * ; and when even men themfelves have been forced to af- cend the higheft trees, in order to. draw in-a more tempe- rate air, SucH a day pcsaicate the difcovery of this {pecies. Tue fore’ part-of the head, the cheeks, and beginning of the breaft, were white: the hind part of the head black : the chin yellow. ° Boone’s Account of the Climate and Difeafes of Senegal. + Phil. Tranfad. 1767. G THE 4% BLACK-CAPPED PiGEOxR. HeaT OF THE Torrip Zones. DescrRIPTION. ers . me et Ry ¢ i Pint: #: aan 7 s Ye? q ; | | Pa au | 1} pi ; hy ae Fi } wi : a i 7 i ) ¢€ ‘ ppd eee al , e 4 ‘\ | 1 y, 7 ) ; H es) | ine yes | Wenn =< 5, } 0 Fm s "hy i" i 2 : Hi { hi ap wii ; | a | (Bie | itl) r : - Tee , HY, ae i Re Fail i > ie ui : Rs mat / ; Sale i = ~ TI Han! : 5 ‘1 , - RC ; Pod A ; ite brill » Pad , } at i 4 A ee ali Oe Lin Gian | Mel chal b= Hy pel ta é | ) { *: - : ] if ‘ Ps rere - > 4 a) 4 p Ay! i ay uta ie a i " Hy : INDIAN ZOOLOGY. Tie reft of the neck, the breaft, upper part of the belly, the back, coverts, and fecondary feathers of the- wings, of a fine green: the quil-feathers of a dark pur- ple. Tue lower. belly and vent feathers of a fine yellow:: the outfide of the thighs green; the infide white: the. lower fide of the tail .crumfon:.the legs red. IX. MUSCICAPA OUS.FLYCATCHER. + 4 G — ral — i a _ 3 — ce, & — e: aa ee et - binned ee eeetennenmmanaunieml RT 8 OTA RE CE RRR. TARTS OT TT LL MLDUVANZZOOLOGY. 43 IX. MUSCICAPA FLAMMEA. “FLAMMEOUS. FLYCATCHER. Mufcicapa Flammea, Gmelin. Lin. ii. 942. Forfter Ind. Zool, 25. Flammeous Flycatcher, Latham, iti. 338. Index Ornith, ii. 474. HE bill, head, neck, fore part of the back, and lefler Frammeous ~- coverts of the wings, black: reft of the back bright SPR HER: orange or flamé-color: primaries partly black, partly orange: breaft and belly of the laft. color, finking into pale yellow towards: the lower belly: tail dufky yellow towards the point: legs black. Tue upper part.of the head, and whole back, of the fuppofed female, is afh-colored: about the cheeks and throat dufky: breaft orange: belly white: acrofs the primaries a flammeous band, bounded above and below with black: tail black above. THESE are inhabitants of Ceylon. G 2 X. MOTA- ¢ Hl 1 | j a 13 ‘2 j | hil. i i" Aha | ban mia | f i my | Hi } at ht i) a | {| Mi , { ma | | i | i] | W ; ia at : | 7 ; t : FarLtor BIRD. VONDROUS INSTINCT. An INDIAN ForkKST. INDIAN ZOOLOGY, X, MOTAGILLA. SUTORIA. THE*TAELOR: BIRD. Motacilla Sutoria, Gmelin. Lin. 1..997- Latham iv. 515. Index Ornith. 1. 551- AD Providence left the feathered tribe unendowed with any particular inftinct, the birds of the torrid zone would have built, their nefts in the fame unguarded man- ner as thofe of Europe; but there the leffer {pecies, hay- ing a certain prefeience of the dangers that furround them, and of their own weaknefs, fufpend their nefts at the ex- treme branches of the trees; they are confcious of inha- biting a climate replete with enemies to them and their young; with fnakes that twine up the bodies of the trees, and apes that aré perpetually in fearch of prey; but, heaven-inftructed, they elude the gliding of the one, and the activity of the other. An Indian foreft is a fcene the moft picturefque that can be imagined ; the trees feem perfely animated; the fantaftic monkies give life to the ftronger branches; and the weaker {prays wave over your head, charged with vocal and yarious-plumed inhabitants. It is an error to 5 fay PX THE TAYLOR BIRD. P Maro. Sirk, oo ig = Kale AW Nt 4 ‘ INDIAN 2’O:10L 06%, fay that nature hath denied melody to the birds of hot climates, and formed them only to pleafe the eye with their gaudy plumage: Cey/on abounds with birds equal in fong * to thofe of Europe, which warble among the leaves of trees, grotefque in their appearance, and often loaden with the moft delicious and falubrious fruit. Birds of the richeft colors crofs the glades, and troops of peacocks complete the charms of the {cene, fpreading their plumes to a fun that has ample powers to do them juftice. The landfcape, in many parts of India, corre{ponds with the beauties of the animate creation: the mountains are lofty, fteep, and broken, but cloathed with forefts, enlivened with cataracts + of a grandeur and figure unknown to this part of the globe. Bur to give a reverfe of this enchanting profpedt, which it is impoflible to enjoy with a fuitable tranquillity ; you are haraffed in one feafon with a burning heat, or in the other with deluges of rain: you are tormented. with clouds of noxious infe€&ts: you dread the fpring of the Tiger, or the mortal bite of the Naya. Tue brute creation are more at enmity with one ano- ther than in other climates; and the birds are obliged to exert unufual artifice in placing their little broods out of * That of what the Portugue/e call Dominiquia, is particularly fine. + Thofe of the ifland of Celedes are diftinguifhed for their magnificent fcenery, as appears from the drawings in pofleflion of Mr. Loren. the 45 —— = a oe a — == ae ae ——— mens ™ 8] 4 ] tT ae og. | me i "eh al He 1, . ; ’ 2; H ( me aH a TT oa hie . ath fe i} fh ' 8 a i} i ¥ ! \ { : : wr {| ‘ae q _ 4 " q : | Mn f ayine 1} é Db ie : ‘ i: yu ey aes, eh Hh ‘a ; wy | 1) bi mT ae | H } HbA wet > } “" au ~ 4 ) 4 AC ah if cr ul a i : ‘a ’ a a ; ny : in | aan | { nly : : Wf an ih ) i i} \ j Ait ia | ' 2 He ee ; ih S a . a iT we ; Tine } eau wiht Ge + ne the eh 7 AYES Gt ‘ Binal fix : ) ) i; euins Ph \ ie A ae Ae it | ree a0 ; WL. be ht ii ; ene | . ts Aga! | Ca a “4 7 " ; 4 7 All a t } \ i ’ 4) Th ee bi 34 } i om) oF - bl Va ui 7 if ‘oh t - tol ae Le oa am 7a - ri hi yy a4 "1 | ‘ ey SR 14 1) By : 4 4] > Hl Tak PS | 4 ‘og . uy w ae” ahi ve! “ eh ‘ s it i i 4 ; i Wy ae : ¢ ; ie ein - i ee bn ren ah te wh) aes : } 14 |e 4 % ~ Ke ; ba i Sr ieee Kon i uw iS! aa § +4 by: \y Pa ‘ei ; : Wa Ja | Aas La - hi 73 ti * 4 Se = ie ie Z 4 i; abl ‘ ¥ 3) ' 4 i +i | He BA" ————— a ae a = - Sa ae PescrRiPrion, TAIEDIAN <2 O00L OGA, the reach of an invader. Each aims at the fame end, though by different means. Some form their penfile neft in fhape of a purfe, deep, and open at top ; others with a hole in the fide; and others, ftill more cautious, with an en- trance at the very bottom, forming their lodge near the {ummit *. Bur the little {pecies we defcribe, feems to have greater diffidence than any of the others : it will not truft its neft even to the extremity of a flender twig, but makes one more advance to fafety by fixing it to the leaf itfelf. Ir picks up a dead leaf, and, furprifing to relate, fews it to the fide of a living one-+, its flender bill being its needle, and its thread fome fine fibres; the lining, feathers goflamer, and down. Its eggs are white. The color of the bird light-yellow: its length three inches, its weight only three-fixteenths of an ounce, fo that the materials of tne neft, and its own fize, are not likely to draw down a habi- tation that depends on fo flight a tenure. * This inftin& prevales alfo among the birds on the banks of the Gaméia, in Africa, which abounds with monkies and fnakes: others (for the fame end) make their neft in holes of the banks that over-hang that vaft river. Purchas. ii £ p. 1576. + The hve leaf in the print is that of the Mango tree. A neft of this bird is preferved in the Britib Mufeum. XI. TAN- DHF o» val ii — | AVY HAA bee Why tHe . ry ‘ fr i | V ‘ tilef aaver a \r Pie }; jh bey , , Ar Va ‘ * - *F } we fy ~ if i i! vs ’ UU WAY ITAL in oe | a y= - ——— : rr Ws \\' ee ‘ ANY SADT a ee om STS rane ter? ; = me See Svea om es Bae hen por ey eae Tue ~— CO? Re 2 OO Pee Fe’. w: eer, "ETE Peps TOTS rmNDIAN ZOOLOGY, XI, TANTALUS LEUCOCEPHALUS. THE WHITE-HEADED.| IBIS. Tantalus Leucocephalus, Gmelin. Lin i..649. - Latham,.v. 116. Index Ornith. ii.:706. 4) N fize it is much fuperior to. our largeft curlews, a ae ea bill is yellow, very long, and thick at> the bafe, and a little incurvated: the noftrils very narrow, and placed near the head: all the fore part of the head is covered with a bare yellow, and feems a continuance of the bill; and the eyes are, ina very fingular manner, placed. very near its bafe. Tue reft of the head, the neck, back, belly, and fecon- dary feathers, are of a pure white; a tran{verfe broad band of black crofies the breaft: the quil-feathers, and coverts of the wings, are black: the coverts of the tail are very long, and of a fine pink color; they hang over and con- ceal the tail. | ee THE legs and thighs are very long, and of a dull fleth- color; the feet femi-palmated, or connected by webs as far as the firft joint. 6. | ) | _: Saee Tus IBIs. DESCRIPTION. . O O . O O N ya < QA 7, the ifle of Ceylon, and kept mbo; it made a fnapping noife in T Hrs bird was taken tame for fome time at Go 7 £0 with its bill like a ftork; and, what was remarkable, its fine rofy feathers loft their color during the rainy feafon. XII. GALLINULA —- ‘ il ‘NUBMALVM CAITIVL any - , “) = >. ee LE ee = = “scm — a —— = i : RE EO RP SPIE, AN SAT ENG RE ET, LL LI ILL ON Panes AN. ZO O10 GY, VT Lui GALLINULA PHCENICURUS. THE RED-TAILED. -WATER-HEN, Rallus Phoenicurus, Gmelin. Lin. i. 715. Latham, v. 259: Index Ornith. i. 770. : HIS fpecies is very common in Ceylon, where it is called Kaloe-kerewaka, and feems the fame kind that is fo often figured on: the Indian papers. Tts length is nine ‘inches; its weight feven ounces and a quarter. | Ir-has the-form of the European kind: the bill-a little thicker, of a greenith caft, tinged with red; on the fore- head-is:a flefh-colored fpot: Tue hind part of the head and neck, the back and coverts of the wings,.are black: the quil-feathers black, marked: with large {pots of a bluith caft. Tuer crown of the head, the cheeks, and whole under- fide of the body, as far as the.vent, are of a pure white: the vent feathers, and the tail, of a ferruginous red. Tue legs and feet long, and of a dirty green, tinged with red, H XIII. ANSER 49 RED-TAILED WarTer-Hen. DESCRIPTION. 4 H i Fl ‘) gd “ite wi ’ 7 i Ni t td ) sb ‘ “a1 \ ray "| + ; a y ' t he a. @ iv i 4 bi f b L: t if £ : 7 “ Mv oe a it i ule D : . nd -. a a“ ® Saws ¢ due Tbe oe —- ery te ipa etn 5 2 > ee * _— a = pe ° tea \ i | | ' sui ay ball | ine - ‘i + . eo | i ' NM ' rh 10 { ) aan eB. an Sa NE a SH 7, Wee oi ea 1 hal! ( ‘ of j 4 Ne 4 q ’ } : ; ; 4 i 14 ah: . a : 4 4 a al ia i | hy pit Se Fe. - ‘ ih) air Y : vl : _ ee } ‘ ' : 1 | ae oN if Bt 1% i 2 i mdr i 4 t “| i | ae ey Bhi ( : ; , oe Fr. 3 ’ . q a is | ; ore hug t 4 t - Paty ee = ee ——————— a eS x > BLACK-BACKED GOOoskE. iweoi AN 7,001.02 XIII. ANSER MELANOTOS. THE BLACK-BACKED GOOSE. Anfer Melanotos, Gmelin. Lin. i. 503. Latham, vi. 44.9. Index Ornith. ii. 539- NOTWITHSTANDING the ifles of the Eaf-Indies fwarm with crocodiles, which are animals of infati- able voracity, catching at every living creature that fre» quents their element, yet no country abounds more with aquatic birds; nature hath happily given them a quick- nefs of fight, and an inftantaneous locomotive power, which enables them to elude the jaws of an enemy, which, +t is well known, cannot turn without the utmoft difh- culty. It is by a fine inftiné that the leffer and more agile fpecies of ducks frequent, in flocks innumerable, the fhores, the mouths of rivers, and the marfhy parts of the ifles, and are, with the crocodiles, joint tenants of the waters ; while the larger and more clumfy fowl avoid thofe places, and, dividing into {mall families, haunt only the Jakes and ftreams that lie * in the deep recefles of the * Which Knox, in his Hiftory of Ceylon, p. 3; fays, the crocodiles never approach, 3 lofty ——— seamen - i Ds “ "HSOON GAIOVA WOVIEA —_—- ——— SS I seein OE A A AO = 2 = ee SS ee =a ~ == ——— Se : = ee pls cee 6 ER rNDIAN>- ZOOLOGY, lofty and craggy mountains, protected by the cataracts that prevent the approach of their enemy. Tame ducks abound fo greatly in the ifles, that the capture of the wild fort is much neglected. - Decoys are unknown there: the commoneft method of taking them is this: A man goes into the water with a pot or a hol- low calabath on his head, and walks or fwims fo low as to conceal his whole body: the birds, imagining the gourds to be brought down accidentally, fuffer the fowler to ap- proach them; he pulls them by the legs under water, faftens them to a girdle he wears for that purpofe, and then proceeds in his fport. This method is alfo practifed in China *, and was doubtlefs introduced there, and into India, from Egypt, the original feat of {cience. Tue fpecies of goofe we now defcribe, is extremely common in Ceylon, and is equal in fize to our wild goofe : the bill is long, and black; at the bafe is a knob, which in old birds is very large. Tue head and neck are white, marked with {mall black fpots: the breaft and belly of a pure white: the back and wings are black, but the ends of the primary feathers of a fine variable green. Tue tail is fharp-pointed and black: the legs of the fame colour. * Du Halde Hift. China, i. 314: H 2 XIV. ANAS FOWLING. DgSCRIPTION. 52 iN -D-T AN ZO0 LOG XIV. ANAS POIKILORHYNCHUS, SPOTTED-BILLED DUCK. Anas Poikilorhyncha, Gmelin. Lin. i. 535. orfler, Ind. Zool. 23, Spotted-billed Duck, Latham, vi. 487. Index Ornith. ii. 850. SPOTTED-BILLED HE bill of this {pecies is black, tipt with yellow, ee and marked on each fide of the bafe with a red {pot: Description. a white line paffes from thence to and beyond the eye. The cheeks; and under fide of the neck and body, white, more and more clouded from the chin-to the vent, which is totally. black: the wings, back, and_tail, are black; each feather flightly edged with-white ; fome of. the ter- tials wholly white: the /peculum of a variable green, bounded above and below with a narrow line of white. Tuis is the common wild duck of Ceylon; and, if I recollect right, is not inferior in fize to the Englifh wild duck. XV. ANHINGA EVs SPOTTED BILL DUCK. ee et ie ead i ae EL ee 2 ee Re Fe STE! DOPE © FE " eee 3 2c > Sg ee ee Gee ee bP IA PO ES ae EE _ . ~~ - — ee = =: —— SSS SS ---- 3 ieee i ere eee 4 = =se a ome rs : = = Se —s = Z he =< + —-—-— —-- = —— am —- wr a oe » Show ae ~~ ee —_ é ~ nf) J : i oes - 7‘ - = ete) 7a See 8 5 Gy : = ; si : éen Od 4 ar “ _ i arate ae ‘ ~ ee es ete id Fe ——— at = = = Fe = -_—~ — ERLE SS SS = —— re < e =a Se Ee : =. = = - oo. = = = = a : = +z anne ae —— ———— ae - so! == a Seer = = ; ; . a —- Saar Be gt 2-2 ee ee ee a ie — = es Sa = CL BAIN SS NAF + ee EAE He +: pas POST PP ST LSE Ble We 3 be VERE? nes “ : 4 ; | 4 2p CRON SE CLR SOL A “ A we eats , ae SP ge LA ay ap dy —_ LIPO te a SS iy i bth EPA Pe ae oe Lis “qr ,— = BG < Za | Wh ee, te eS / SASF i Aft; a bf 4 LL, Fd LLL: ELL, LLGEE j o's D ANHING 7 vi BLACK BELLII mewn. D1 A N 2-200 .L O1G*Y. XV. ANHINGA MELANOGASTER. N THE BLACK-BELLIED- ANHING Plotus Melanogatter, Gmelin. Lin, i. 5808..Latham, vi. 624. Index Ornith. ii, 895. E give it this epithet, to. diftinguith it from an Ame- rican {pecies with a filvery belly *. Tuis kind is found in Ceylon and fava, but is: not peculiar to thofe iflands ; a variety, if not the fame, being met with in Senega/.+, | Ir fits on the thrubs that hang-o over F the water; and, a.country, where every one’s. ideas are filled with aie often terrifies the paflengers by fhooting out its long flen- der neck, which, in their firft furprize, they take for the darting of fome fatal reptile. Irs body i is about the fize of that of a common duck, but the neck extremely long: the bill ftrait, long, fharp- -pointed ; the uBper part of a pale blue, the lower reddifh. — and THE ave 1s very Bictéing. * Found in Brafil- Vide Marcgrave, Hif. Braflia, 218. + Planches Enluminées, 107, > r * + BLACK-BELLIED ANHINGA. DescriIpTION- . ay aw Ss tes aes s cyt fe be eeu TET ? Arh : ob LIGPNL—-D1LO VV 13 9 ore 8 OF Bt biLLW TN DY A N 4 a > ti ~ - < > 44 each 4" my my ~ 44740 A« a THe head and neck and upper part of the breaft are of z } rey ~ 7 ory ; " aga 41 > <> 4° 7 Gde of the head, and the upper part q ™ i - oA oy 7 t ° 9 ot tne eee & ria el- ad tA71T a proad white ime U ne NCCK, ileal ALU VV Abid ¢ a + ae ee ee fe ian eee -« wweeaetr. 14fore LHE crop 18 VCLy icipre ry Eee ele Meag hee. Oa x ee is i HE back, icapulars, ana coverts or tine Wings, are s marked lengthways, equal portions, with {tripes of black and white. Tue quil-feathers, belly, t black ; the tail remarkably long and flender. Tue legs and feet of a pale green; the four toes united by webs, after the manner of thofe of the corvorant. highs, and tail, of a deep XVI. SQUALUS nifty odie HSSVUM NOTA? Pa on ~ ep em gs I a oe, SN Oe ae, J y i, shi) i) Wii i. i. Sek mi | va 41] HUVHAS YUAOLL a =e ee ~ oa Ss ne ee = Saeed = a . ee ae pita BA. 2 ODL: G:G YX, XVI. SQUALUS TIGRINUS. tH TIGER SHARK. Squalus Tigrinus, Gmelin. Lin. i. 1493. Bleche, i. 19. N° 4. Gronov. Muf. i. N° 136. Seb. Muf. iii. 105. tab. 34. fig. i. Herman, tab. Affin. p. 302. Forfter, Ind. Zool, 24. HE head of this fhark ends obtufely, being of an equal thicknefs: the noftrils are at the end of the nofe: at each corner of the mouth is a {trong beard: the fins of the back are rounded and contiguous: it is of the divifion that has the’anal fin. The ground-color is dufky: the body marked with white bands pafling from the back towards the belly: the fins are {potted with the fame color. Tuis fpecies grows to the leneth of fifteen feet, and is faid to feed on the teftaceous and cruftaceous animals of the fea. XVII. LABRUS 55 TIGER SHAR, DESCRIPTION, tNDIAN ZO.0:150 Ga XVII. LABRUS ZEYLANICUS. THE CEYLON WRASSE. Labrus Zeylanicus, Gmelin. Lin. i. 1284. Forfter, Ind. Zool. 24. Labrus Polyodon, Seb. A4y/. iii, p. 96. tab. xxxi. fig. 7- ry" HIS. {pecies refembles in form the elegant European fpecies, the L. Pavo, and L. Iulis. The head is blue: the coverts of the gills green, marked with purple lines: the whole body of a rich green: the dorfal and anal fins purple, edged with pale fky-blue: on the mid- dle of the pectoral fn is an oblong purple {pot, environed with light blue: the tail is lunated, the bafe blue: the two fide rays (which appeared by the drawing to be ftrong) purple; the intervening rays yellow. The fize, about a foot and a half. Inuasits the feas of Ceylon and ‘fava: 1s called by the Cingalefe, Dfchirau-Malu: by the Dutch, Papegaay Vifch, or Parrot-fifh ; and is eaten by the common people. a" THE vee “ INDIAN FAUNULA. -_---— eer ae te ee pe are Sne seecemarry ttre semereenn thet a OA OT FAUNULA INDICA. 9 CLASS I. QUADRUPEDS. DIV. I. HoorFeD. SECT. I. WHoLE-HOOFED. GENUS. Hons. I. ENEROUS. - Hist. Quan. vol.i, N° 1. 2. SS ee ee ee Se [UAW and SEN, =. Se Sa eS SECT. Il CLroveN-HoOoOFED. II. Ox. 1. Great Indian. - - - - - © = - = = 64 ». Little... coo 2+ Sete. BS = eee ee Oe 4, Hufslos + 4 eee — 107. 18, Peo a> oe ee 108. 19. Philippine. oe ete ae ee ere eee TTS, I 3 XIII. Maucauco, XII. | Bs - “ , a * A! , A Be laa wi ee || j } ‘ aif (it4H +} ne" | bbe * hy ai bei HS Biter ut +11} er ee Whe at ae ny mh ‘BT hiadl t : wet. t Hub 1h i itt) ee 4 ® a ahh } Bh pe | a 7 i q Theat Dut Hh} aut) a { f Hs ¥ +4 | HS ni He a ' | é ‘ + | + ahd ee ) ‘ Pry Hat Abel i "| 4 ot iy ey hl i Bib } A) ' 1) ee \ ai Wy the ts’ | et On 111) hea | oan | iE : f | ¥ ta io ee the ee, f Me ig Pa te ; ip ie ie Fe | i ee | q oe - i} ee wie ; ' it) ‘ be 4 t ayy Tt " ‘an ne ia Aad & | He ES : rie a es li \ ‘ : ol HET ' he i) Bi ae i oH) § r : \ : } ; 4 4 7 : i : ae Ran) "th nH ul i 1 ‘ i eee ; 1 ini ‘ Hy } gg Mi hi rt! fr ‘3 Mie ; | Mab) ae ny ila! 7 “4 9 ‘ath: wat) he " bred it & t ai int ¥ vale’ |i’ : a he ATT dite aed | i h "4 | “ ‘ - + - my ia Hy hh +} i ba eth ne i as t iy ' 1 aay rt “hg : Ty , oh Se | Stig. es _ end Sec eapeie ioe LST Sefwer eros = - rs ar a as > e > = XVI. BEAR. XVII. BADGER. XVI: OpossuM. MAvCAUCO. FAUNULA 1. Tail-lefs. 2. Loris. - 3. Tarfier. - 4. Flying. - * ae 9B _ Faithful. - - Bengal. - - Schackal. - Lion. - - Tiger. - Panther. - Leopard. - Lefier Leopard. Hunting. - Bengal. - - Lynx. - = = cd “i Cin G&S 9) Perfian L. Serval. - 1. Brown. Indian. Molucca. Javan. - Phalanger. RAPACIOUS. INDIC De Buffon, v. tab. XXXIV. CANINE ITE TH. — 136. — 146. — Iff, — 152, = S53 — "1546 wes E555 — 156. — 164. — 170, & vol. ii p. 565. oee 1] Se — 169. 174. 180. 182. 18 3. 190. XIX. WEESEL FAUNULA INDICA. 63 AIX, WEESEL. by ACHNCUMON, <-8> “ego Set eu em ce oe N° fry: 2. Civet. - -' 2s © = 2 ss @ ow = me 223, . 3. Zibet.. = ee we eee ee ep, 348, | 4. Foflane, = - - = = = © = | = == 226, §. Zeylan. - - - =~ Gmelin. Lin. Syft. 89. 6. Malaccan - - - Sonnerat Voy. ii. 144. 7. Fatciated. - - = - The fame, ii. 193. 3 SECT. TI. Wituwout Canine TEETH, : GENERALLY HERBIVOROUS. XX, 1, Cavia. 1. Surinam. - - - Hist. Quan. vol. ii, —-238.- : XXI. i, Hare. PeoeOIe en ee SS ee AT, ‘ 2. Rabbet. - - - = o - a = ~ oo _ — 24.4, i Ge StU. ee eee is ae 249. io XXIL beat Porcupine. _ 1. Crefted. - - - - =~ = - = = ~ = om 253, Las ee SEOs SSeS SO ae cea ene a 254. J D XXII. SQUIRREL. 1. White-legged. - - - - = = = = = — 266.4 2. Ceylon. - - - - = Ind. Zool. tab. 1, — 267. im 3. Javanese FS ERS 2S 260. 4. Bombay - - - - = = = = #= 2 = ~~ 970 SR Ao RS SSS Serena eee ae eas See 271, 0, Pg say Ege pes se et 276. Zo Valm. - ew = = ow Se ee ee ee FG, ene, OR SS. SN a ae Ye ih -9. Great. = = - + Gmelin. Lin. Syf. 149. — 281. iS Dichinfchi. - - - Gmelin. Lin. Syft. 151. | FLYING, BCS FLYING. Gmelin. Lin. Syfte 154- 1. Brown a. Moutfe. 3. Oriental. 1. Perfuming. Murine. 10. Salient: 11. Arrow. 2. XXXVI. SHREW- WituHouT CuTTING TEETH. op oy Ces ye a XXVIII. Urfi-form. 2. Two-toed. I. SLOTH. — 368. XXX. ANT-EATER: fs = f) Ee H 2) oO a * > ~ 0 fx) Sp FA EN A iN Dt € A. XXX. Mereearea, - ¢, Obfcures. 2° SSS Laft paragraph. N° 9772. Be OO as + Se = ae co, 4d Y¥ I. PINNATED QUADRUPEDSs, XXX], WaALRuvS, eee tele ae ee — 374. XXXII. MANATI. Bo nale-tailed.- -< .o e e — 390. meew ety: Wincacep QUADRUPEDS, XXXII. Bart. eS RTS ie as SR ee Cs 393. no ee eee ey ner te cee 397. 3° Striped. Pate aete aie 3 NCNM Se en cek aa apg ya 404. Monette oe - = — 40s. 6 K CLASS — + ——~-—_—--- — ee : = as . ro = Ta. FAUNULA INDICA. by CL AS Sth Brews. DiV. kh -=BAND BER vs, ORDER i. RAPACIOUS. Turs Catalogue is taken from Mr. Latuam’s Synopsis oF Brrps, in Seven Volumes, Quarto (including the Supplement); and from his Inpex OrnitHo- Locicus, the moft complete Work in its kind which I am acquainted with. GENUS. LatuH. Syn, VOLTURE.. Ty DPUNG Baas @ © Se ee ew OQ. phe. 2. Pondicherri. - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. p. ace VIL 6 pl. 104. Set Ss 3. Indian. - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. 183. pl. 105. — 6. 4 Gingi, - - - ~~ Son. Voy. Ind. ii. 184. — 7: 5. Cheriway, - - - - Facquin. Vog. pl. 4. — 5. 6. Secretary. - Phil. Tranf. \x\. p. $5. tab. 2. I. 20. pl. 2. I]. Fatcon, he SBRCas SS ee ie ee ee ee PE ah ie INS RE ge ie OS ee I 3. BNGIOD. » = 6 8 ee ee ee ee ge OE 4. Pondicherri, - - + =~ Pl. Enlum. 416. — Al. §. Javan. - - «= <= «=. Index Orn. p. 27. 6. Maritime. - - Licht. Mag. iv. 2, 6. 20. 7; RedIndianw - = - = Will. p. 81.4.9. J. 6 9. K 2 8. Crefted FAUNULA INDICA. LaTH. Sy, 8. Crefted Indian. - - - a at Se ea we /hite-cre ted. - - - “~ - “ $4 vie oe ba Pak - #5 ge ee oer y hd ORE 81.8 VII. 20. bg RO ee ie tS oO 35: 12, Brown. - - - Brown Ill. Zool. 6. t. 3- 96. PCa ee 8 dete 33. . 14. Bengal. - . Edw. Birds, iii. pl. 108. 112. * FARED. o Caligne «<== ~~ Brown Til. p. 8. t. 4. 9 Céromandel. = °-* - -- = 5. Bankai 20 2 Pee Ind. Zool. ** Whrrovt EARSs. EE 1 TSE a a Br. Zool. 5. Javan. = Licht. Mag. iv. 2. 10. oot Orn. p. 64. ORDER: tk Pres. y. Malabar. - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. 111. 56. pl. 108. 2. Forked-tail. - oe = Pl. Eal, 189. 158. 3. Luzonian, - - Brif. ii. pl. 18. f. 1. 172. 4. Antiguan. = - - - -_ Soi. Voy. pl. 70. 171. 5. Creyea-tees 2 = Edw. Birds, pl. 54- 170. 6 Aen a es Pl. Enl. 508. 175. 4; Bengals. +s S Edw. Birds, pl. 190. 175. ¢ White = <<< - - Som. Voy. pt. 72. 18-9. g. White-billed. - - - - PL dal,.9.2f--1. 181. 10. Dominican. - - - ~ Som, Vay. pl. 26. 181. Pt, anaya. ee Ibid. pl. 70. 182. 16. Boulboul. .-..- = *- - MIS Ste £4, Spotter te ee ee +, R. Forfter. s A mr " : pease 25 ‘a H j a.) , ‘ , Pea ti te, ae - ": lH we ae! al | a pithy. Z it Bilal 5 2 ; Wy. ab | hey Brey Hitt, i a ait Mie Miia] ts By } Bs ‘| ye aa BR ay aa ee > | { ee 7 : it = * - t i : ( aie. t t ia Pe Bane { a ak ue . y Me et) | 1h a \ 9 wih ne 4 c Miia tae ro t Bi | ~ MTT iPad - | 7h Yh " ‘ ; ar f |W at’ . 4 mel) ee i Bes ithe pe] f wa “I i me y a , - : ®t ’ , 4 ni ‘| ie : } WEL MP ai ee oF | { : i bi | t| i > Zi i} Al > J, t 4 £ i ana a oa eit 4 re >} as a: he i ui HN) Pade i mae : { : ned “ : , enh A in 7 AP att ‘ al | t SAN ea eal eon | f % ee ig ae 7 4 J : 1 , a Ft al 4 on ' q ab} ; id | HY if i ; : : int pa inias? + ta ten | Vitae a) She ot c } if hy BE oh UY bert te ai i nl ] Aly 4 TERA ee 4 re ae he f° 9 ae I's Py Pal , a ee 1 wane}? i BET . Be ih Gut 4 ] a a teh (act! ote ia Te ae yi . 4 i | f } > . ja , "a ""y " 7 » TB eee ‘ o ATTY we ha Pe). Waba H hn ‘ “et : mE | ry: i | Ry ih We. ; 1 iF Wea " ue i i il Vhs ee Oy Heh 1 ' : ih, y hae ) 4 3 A ae 2 ‘ Ay ltoeedie ie \ aah ah att H : Aa, : : i ea)! nh te ‘ etl | 5 te. . Bi ri 1 : \ Ve ph waia Nib vee byh it ve (| ‘ 1} Sind ae " BS oh : Lah BRPSA Hib e tee - i Pt: u bt? unl y hs 4 b o 4 i} a B: TAU) i toad - > } ‘ 7 Poke i ie -| | ae fl ie ae: werd lea et . ee i 4a mF Ge ~ * ‘ a ih ' t ‘3 i me) > th a = a - ———— =e Sees ae PY des EF ss “ C Py. > a = poh ick V. ingie - Fi, Enl, 2295. =~ 1. 209: Parrot. 1, Ging! 39 fe pen COVN PO * eo “4 me he fe > »p PP Bw we tt et te HArfpopH Ow co NN > (Iwi wwp pb *} Sr fe Nem OW) Co wWHNem O’} Om . Lory Parakeet. - o HIDRDEIS eo fs . Crimfon-vented. - - .. Varied-winged. = . Lace-winged. -. - . Alexandrine - - . Purple-ringed. - - ; IMRRRAeNeee-< - Bloffom-headed, - - - Rofe-headed: - - - Red-winged.. - = » White-collared. - = «. - Black Cockatoo. - » Red-creifted‘C. - - » Red-vented'‘C, - = - . Great White C., - Red and White C. - - Hawk-headed.. - - YAU NG EA . Amboina red; - —- » Blue-headed, -- -. - a OT ea Beh: 6. ok. SS. . Se Red-breafted.. - Black-crowned. -- <~ » Rapuam::— ak eed. ss. a a 5, Monicca Lory. <<< . Coccineous Lory. - . Black-capped Lory. . Beautiful Lory. - - » Crimfon Lory. - - . Gueby Lory.. -. -. - . Ceram Lory, and Varieties. - Variegated Lory. - - . Purple-capped Lory. - } = -_ INDICA, - Pl. Enl. 240. - Pl. Enl..192. - Kdw. pl. 292. - Edw. pl. 232. Seba, i. pl. 63. fi. 4. Son. Voy. pl. 111. - dw. pl. 173. - Pi. Enl. $19: ~ Phe Balog: - - - dw. pl. 170. - Pi. Enl. 518. - Pl. Enl. 684. Edw. 171..and Pl. Enl. 119. - =. = = Edw. 174. = -_ - 7 - = Son, Voy. pl. 43. - PI, Enl, 287. - Edw. pl. 292. Albin. 11. pl, 18. - Pl. Enl, 517. ~> Pl... Emlz- 4x. - Edw. ple 233. - dw. pl. 236. - Gen. Birds, 59. - Edw. pl. 316. « Edw; pl. 160. Brown's Ill, pl. §. - Pl. Enl. 263. = Eahe. ph. 165. 69 LATH. Syn, x oe ae B.6 ee ee a 210, 211%. 237. 237. 212. 273. 28 oe 216. 274, 217. 273, 217; 273. 219. 269, 220. — 271, ea Ok as ae ak a A ah le i 221. 22 3. 2.29. 234. 244. 234. 236. 238. 239 239. 246. 251. 270-1, 260, « 257+ 253. 256, 260. 266, 37. Red ne" i x PET I NOLES rh + * #4 es", J . nL wild “ * p : Cem DE I a =e = -- a_i > se ¢ yn ae as mk aie t - b - 4 di Rn anes Pei ee an i i | a tt watt) 2 o Oy bell Hive ie i} ty Pe) r J Preiet ; i Mt at a | 1» cid? ; ii] a! : Cy i : 4 Me 7 . hit ‘> 4 . - Poni @ re ) . Sa f vii. 7) r a mika! Wiha o ) (een | = |:| mS Yee ae Ba ee ee Si ye) | 1 tou nik 4 i a i on ; eel abel be ail |! ute She ah } uo ails 4 \ a) i $ bat . : | ut at, w s t ! 4 . ate oA t Bb ies on pe ei i) we ie ata i z 1 Ie! | V f Santee | a : a “paltl es — : } | " re, ; NO abs ‘s ai 3 - eo ii. ; * ui . sar : : — ] 4 T } ’ Ps w Pah i\ t Sits y 1 BW Pa ee i Biel “4 | 4 +9 i” ~ Sos | 7 D rant q : ip q Pere . : F a ‘ mw f iit t P A 4 1 Wea att ' >" ! aot ea ql 4 Se alt re. wet ay ; —i> z. ih , ‘ a tae / it : i. A H he ei 5 We il) Se Sel oebte b ‘ ft i ' : : } at yer a Hie | So gS Se #! Se 4 r 4 i ' : a. a , 4 f wih a ia F Le a mo) THES tien! => Ma i pa A ' t vont! oie of meat | eat wre : We’ og A's : - , € -s 7 i! y we a oe ee Pm) . meen ie tu! :| 5 a) A { - * ul i al A wt | Sage ee ae | Bae } itr 7 wee ' : al! } - , C 4 : ‘ a7 H Hh : 7 halt |}! eee ete > ae Wak 1 i , Beat: vi 7 : « : , ; by ad OP : + vie |! : . HT \ fr 4 yh " eg < Soli tony ay “ti ’ “Gogh ‘ Toei a eae te = | 14 ) ; Bit eG * am oy rb Ke . am | , v7 2 mati} dae I ike | 2 i. *. 4 ft . a “ay fy j Hn — ae ’ . ao tS ss ah YY eee . ~ Tie Hl mt ; te. ay Hie 1” Sih - + a Ph | Shae: 2 "! WM) } =a - NY BRET LAG ote ni eth i bo 7 ri 4 Bat US TRNT ae ; * c | 1 vet ‘ — . ' t t A 4 o mn ee | = A : ;Uitupeet la ota he - rT Hilt ai: ' AMG ala ' wy 7 6 +x : . Sy Ms 2 ' Bie hog 4 iy} hp ht. tz ‘ ‘ Nhe 4: st gt? | f ‘i ~ ea Ay) {ii Ho — oe #4 Pt Uh ¢ ee ae : i : OS Br nas ai } — © Boe o? } ty ee Ai) S 4 #) ae . , i ; Me D \ “ a) : ‘ 1 Bd hy bh ib 1? - oe 1 THT it TR eae ea ; Hite a ee eS iat tel “ : hag. e. tie ; De ae: att ; <5 oe 4 1 Hie + bb ih hada eS ’ ae . ; : ra i c= Bist ' ‘ { ~ mie } aad ap ra tae ui 4 by : ; an ne | i i Fe ao : > 494 ii rao! % ¢ ? ie "air a ! rs % r) or s* is " a i a anos ¥ be AA i. +} Gee il ‘ if “| ae a Pee re aN ea 4 coon) eet} Wea . i * } i - a -)| } SE da i, te —— FE ae 4} 7a J ge! re) A aT + ah ‘ < q ie. ¥ . t {eh gd = - ih We eh Sa lit _ ; MS | Ss z : : t a aie th E ae a ee | ee i a a : with 7 - 4 ! } - pri } i ee 4 ; - A t .) « A - > ‘ Src owt ee er ~ > ~ eee 33 ——— oS ay sve —— Ss ae, Vi. HorN-BILL. FAUNULA Red Molucca Lory. - . Grand Lory. - - - Cvin -f Go ow om ped Cochin China: “= -- - Green and Red Chinefe. Great-billed. - - - Amboina Gramineous. Manilla Green. Faftern.: = - - - Pi te ia OS Golden-winged. - - Blue-rumped. Red and Green. - - Sapphire-crowned, Philippine. - - Black-winged. - Collared. - - Luzonian. - - Rhinoceros. - - - Helmet - - - * Philippine. Pet. Gaz. 2 Ried. SS Indian. = - - - Panayan. - - - Manilla. - White. - Wreathed. Gingl. - Philippines - - Short-tailed. - = - Philippine Sh. tailed. . Bengal Sh. tailed. ~ Molucca Sh. tailed. I INDICA. Pl. Enl. §19. Pl. Enl. 683. ; Edw. pl. 23%. Pl. Enl. 713. Pl. Enl. 862. Coal Saal - fi Bri. iV. pl. pe? 2X fe Te —! = — _ - - Edw. pl. 293+ -. « dw. pies. Edw. pl. 293- Pl. Enl. 520. - Brown ill pl. 8. ~ Son. Voy. pt. 39- - Son. Voy. ple 40 - Edw. pl. 281. B. - Edw. pl. 281. C. 8. f.6.and¢#. 31. f. I. Son. Voy. Ind. 1. pl. 121. Pl. Enl. 283. Pl. Enl. 780, 781. - = Pl. Enl. 391. - Damp. Voy. i. pl. 3. Son. Voy. Ind. i. pl. 121. - Pl. Enl, 603. - Pl. Enl, 258. - Pl. Enl, 89. Edw. pl. 324. Pl. Enl, pl, 257. LAaTH. SYN. I. Vil. I. ——_—e VII. I. VII. 1. = PLP T tte 27 4 275. 65. 278. 278. 279. 296. 64. 65. 309- 66. Eee 31% 31I. 316. 317 318. 342. 343° 345: VII. 69. VII. 69. VII, 70. A. Cc. . Malacca FAUR UL A INDICA 7i LatTuH. Syn, $2. A. 410, 408. All. 412 87. 86. 449. 41. 451. B. 452. D. 455. VII. go. 457+ 457: 458. 465. 471, 475. 477 478. pi, 20. 92. 479- 481. 483. 482. 6. Malacca Sh. tailed. Sou. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. 110. VII. 81. 7. Malabar Sh. tailed. - - - Id. p,191) — } VITl. ! ROLLER. e Benpel.S = 29 a oe ee PE ee ae ST. 2. Senegal. - - - - - = Edw. pl. 327. — 6, 3. Oriental - - - = - = Pl. Enl. 619. = r 4. Indian. - - - =~ = = Edw.pl. 326. — (, ae Se ee ee ee ee eee a & fF " 6. Grey-tailed. - - = = -= = = = = = ‘ 1X. 4 ORIOLE. yr Golden. - = - - = = = Br. Zool. I. 1, 2. Black-headed. - - - EKdw.pl. 77. — f, 3. Yellow. - - - - =- Edw.pl. 186. — af 4. Indian. - - Wide. 4v.1. pl. inp, 862. — : X. GRAKLE. 1. MinorGrakle. - - = - Edw.pl. 17, — tt 2. Greater Minor, - +~- -° - - Jd. ibid, — oh PLR eee oo ee es Pa Seo iv 4. Paradife - - - - - - Pl. Enl. 219. — al 5. Dial - - = - © - - Edw. pi. 181. — iu XI, f PARADIS#. =. *9. Geek ae 2 ee pl. 110.) — ‘4 2. King. - - + - = - - Edw. pl. 496. — i 3. Magnificent. = - -- -- - Ph Ent. 631. — i! 4. Crefted. Wil. Orn. 92. Index Orn. p. 195. yh SL APEPUETS Oca eS a os ee Re ae ey 6. White- winged - = = = = = - = «Vi, 7 Superb. ce =e ee, Ph, End 92- Kh. i 8. Gold-breafted: = - - Pl. Ent, 633. -— B 9. Golden... - - - = Edw. pl. 112.5 — gh » 10. Blue-green, a ee ee ee 634. mp 11. White, FAUNUWLA INDICA. LATH. SyN. --White,. - .- -. dndex Orn. p- 197+ 42 Setaceous. Gerin. Orn. t.65.f. 1. 197: 12.8. I]. ie Fafcjated. =< - - - = - * Ind. Zool. Spotted. - - - Brown. Ill. pl. 13- . Blue-cheeked. Sor yO gt le ck Indian, - - aad ca re EO: Xt. BARBET. tame © Philippine. - x Phe Bt BGS Black-throated. = Son. Vo. D3 Great. .- - - _ « Pl. Enl. $71.2? VU. 95: Green. - + . - Pi. Enl. 870. UW. 504 Red-crowned. - Brown. Ill. pl. 146 — 595: Indian. - - ae ata ta oe ee Zeylan. - - - - - Brown. Til. pl. 15. Ul. 506. Gerini? Ger. Orn, ii. pl. 181. Index Orn. p. 207. 2. 3. 4 4. 6 7 8 XIV. Cuckoo. Indian fpotted. - - Edw. pl. §9- 516. Chinefe fpotted. - - Pl.knl. 764. 519. . Black. - - - - ei EM, 2746 99: Coromandel crefted. - - Pi. Enl. 872. §20. Bengal. - - - - - Brown Ill. pl. 13. 525. Sacred. - - -. ---- = Pb. Enl, 294. 526. Panayan. -' - - - -- ~ Son. Voy. pl. 79. 5276 Grey-nendeds = = = = = 102. Sonnerat's.= = =--- - - - = *.- 7 102. Yellow-bellied. - - - -. Pl. Enl, 814. 5276 Paradife. -. -. -- Brif.iv. pl. 14. A. fi. 529. Collared.< =~. os = 5 PA, Ent. 274. 529. Red-headed.. - - - - - .- dnd. Zooi. 5440 XV. WRryNECK. Wryneck, - - - - - - - &r, Zool. 5438. XVI. Wood- = a A: — >, = x = > So ee eee ee ee : eere se ar a yee ae Se ee ad > = $ XVI. W oop- PECKER, AVI. KING-FISHER. So ea on. Ae FEN BSE CA. 73 LaATH. Syn. me Eittle fpettegy 3s Se SA ag? LT 566. CB. y 2. Cardinals SS SS * Sone ay. Pl. 35. — 576. a. Brown... =. ->:.4 4S Pi ee 748. fo 2, — 577 Be. R08, = ee pen eS PR 696. — 582. ce wenmal: Oa Pe ee pl 182. — 580. reviens St Se Naturforfch. xii. pl. 1, — §81. B. 7 spp Sk See OP ie 691. — 581. pe Dears ot eS Soy, a - 36. — 583. Go. Faal-billed | = a Se — 586. tO. Red-winged: 9. =< - ae Ind. Z: iad: — $96. ee Stee aer Oa Es a re eee es S90. H. 610.VII. 114. 2. Black and White. - - ~ = Edw. pl. g. — 612. peoememmncmencal, - 5 Pp): Kyl 894. — 616. B. 4. Ten-rou joulc ig Se Sn Ps Bal. peg 6 PF. 5. White-collared. - Bri. iv. pl. 37- fi 2. A. — 620. 6.. Green-headed, © <. - . 2 = Pj). Ey]. 73 30i--= 620. 7+ Collared, - - - - ~ Som. Voy. pl. geen 023. D. 8. Black-capped. - - ~~ Sox. Voy. pl. 31. = 625. A, 9. Coromandel. - Sox. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. 118. l Lhd. Orn. p. 252. § 10. Red-headed. - - -- = Gen. Birds. pl.g. — 629, & A, ri. Purple - - =~ Ph, Enl. 778. fo 2 == 630. 22) Dtaea a eS -. Br. Zool. =~ 0 3X. iy Ctefedss oS - = Pl. Enl. 756... — 632: 632. 8, pe naitern. eS Brif iv. pl. 37. fi 1. As — 633. Pg dT ciate: s 5s SS ~ - Pl. Enl. 116. ° — 634, * THREE-TOED, i. Tridactylous, - Son. Voy. pl. 32. eat 645. Orn. 1. 260. XVIII. Nur- ee er ane = + = a Le i = — — _ ——— SS 74 XVIII. NvuT-HATCH:- XIX. Topy. : XX. BEE-EATER. XXII Hoopo. XXII. CREEPER. FAUNULA INDICA. a ee ee pn ail tea ET oe Nites = epee eee | Cc See, Seg ee Edw. pl. 183. 670. 9. Philippine. - ~ ~ Brif. iv. pl. 43+ fi re —— 072. , ay Philtwppmes--27 30 5” Pl. Enl. §7- — 974: Xen 2 Will. Orn. pl. W10 = = 676. Ki Coromandel. - 50%. Voy. age i tap: Vil. 120. 6. Yellow-throated. - - ~ I]. 678. 4, Red-headed. - - Brif. iv. pl: 4 44. ; Z? A. — 679. a Mipdnocie tense ~*. Bek Pe se oe 684. ie Gs! ah oh em OOF Common. European. - - ~ 1. Crefted. - - - 7 2 9. Crefted Promerops. - Seb. 1. Ke Red Hled Pa ee Blieg 5 +. Familiar? - - = ©" . Br. Zool. t. 30. i. ba . Br. Zool. ~—- Maniliaes (= 4. = =~ S Sat me 3. Red-breafted. - - ~ = Pl. Enl. 246. 4. Brown and White. - - ~ Edw. pl. 26. e Louden 23 oo * Son. Voy. pl. 30. D. 6 Phinpeines ss = = Pil. Enl. 576. 1. 4. Cogeie sc S52 ee Edw. S 205» $; Cees - of Gethin ie eS PL Fal: 696. f. 2. co Latte ee Pl. Enl. 576. f- 3- rr. Loteniane = * Pl. Enl. 575. f- 2+ 3- 12. Green-gold. = - - Seb. Th. pl. 69. fr §- I LATH-: SYN. I]. 687. VIL. 122. — 691. . 124. pl, 1106 — ibid. — — ° 701. 706. A. 706. 8. 707. A 708. B. 71%. 709. 713. Ae 714. 714. AA SEK 716. 13. Afiatic. PPETLLtbtil Tv Vibe XXITI, STARE. XXIV; THRUSH. Oe Se a ee ee a ee | ad wo wb tv POX NY HF OND EN An | el 2 b&b comnT Hw 10. rt, 12. I 3. 1. 16, FAU sigs - = _ = Rec Tufted. = = = Red-biiled. Yellow-winged. - Long-bille Soa Macaflar. - = Indian. - - - Amboina. - - = Seat KR. TE. Contras => .- = Se Pagoda. - = - Malabar. - - - Chinefe. =< - - Philippine. a Sse Surat. Penfive. - - -«- Hermit. - - - Pigeon. - - - = Dominican. - - Songfter. Niatabar) = = Ceylon, - - - Orange-headed. - Indiag;~ =. = Grey. Mindanao. - - ULA SC Ns } ‘OY » Ind. 1 IN DIC A. - Ind dex Oru. 1. 288. 1 $e SESS FOR. Edw. pl. 81. Y ellow-bellied. be. Ss hi ze il. PL. 116 BAe Seb. 1. pl. 6 = Sed. ii. D T = Seb. ll. pl. 6 — . tO Th TS > ; ~) PASSERINE. - = Law pl. 187. Brof. tt. ph. 236 fT - Pl. Ent. 636. 564. Pl. Enl. 339: - ~ Pl. Eni. 6a, 2. - - Son. Voy. pl. 73. - = fdw. pl.-921. - = Pil. Ent. 504. I. - - Ph. En. oy, I. Eo 75 Latu. Syn, VII, I 32. TT ak ie 7 30. VII. I 30. —— 131. — 132. agent a 13 3s aaspgiee be St IT. 741. Gua 741. eee 741. Hl, 5. AAT i ‘vu. III. 30. VII. rao. 30. VII. 140. 36. 33. XXYV. Co.y. XXVI. GROSBEAK, 17, 18. 19. 20. Q1. 22. 23. 24. . Panayan. - - FAUNULA INDICA. Penge. ces = te Theses ° OR ia ee ee 62. f. 4- Yellow-crowned. - - Brown Ill. pl. 22. Afh-rumped. - - - = Pl. Enl. 273. 2- ers 4a eS ea Daumia..--° == - a ea a aaa Pa Black and Scarlet. ~ moe gee ers Rofe-colored. - - -. Edw. pl. 20. Rock. Luropean. set sie Son. Voy. pl. 74: Indians - - - - - Gold-backed. - - - Brown Ill. pl. 25. Cardinal. - - -~ Mu. Carlf. fafc u. ¢. 41. Boeton. - pin BER y Fe Pe OOF 4 Madagafcar. - - - Pl. Enl. 134. 2. Javas; + = se ot FAW. DL GI AR Philippine. ms wm wm PE EM. 135s 2 Bengal. - - - - - Edw. pl. 189. Sumatran. Muf. Carlf. fafe. 1. t. 71. Index Orn. 384. ; rin faite Ge a Se Re > . Yellow-rumped. age Malacca. - « - - - ~ Edw. pl. 355; Molucca.. = - = 7-_-° Pl. Eni. 139. 2: Cowry. - - - - ~ ~ Edw. pl. 49. ratte a a es ee ee Lineated? - - - - SBrif.in. pl. 17. 1. Red-billed. - - - - Edw. pl. 271. 2. Cinereous. « Edw. pl. 179. 2. Indian.” - s Malabar. ae ee LatH. SYN. Til. Vil. Ill. ean bad RP a - - VII. Ill. 72+ Pl. 39. 73: 74. VII.14% 74 144. 145. 146. 14.2. 34° 103. 147.6 115. 11%. 11g. 11g. 29. 129. I 33. 139: 140, 140. 141. 142. 147s 149. 1S. 154. eer 154. 20, | (nt? EAUN UE A] IND EC a: 77 Latu. Syn. 20. Orange-bellied. - - - Kady, pi. 83. 1. II. 157, 21. Prafine. - - Muf. Carl/. fa/c. iii. t. 7, Index Orn. i. 396. 22. Dwarfk - - - Facg. Vog. p. 28. pl. 13. — 168, XXVII. BuNTING, §. Long-tailed. - <- S--- Gl Orn & 45. a 787. So FORE a a te aS eee 184, ee Patni se Se SS ae — 194. 4. Red-rumped.. - -- - Pj. Eyl sor, 9. 208, §- Blue-faced. - - - Byif. iii. Pho FiPe Aas ae 209. 1S gk Sy SRR Se ee ges — 209. PRERANC, oe = 8 oe oe ee = Vil-166, XXVIII. TANAGRE. I, Amboina. - Soe ee Seb, l, pl. 32. ¥ 6. III. 244, XXIX, | Finca, By Dc et ase a VII. 168. 2. White-breafted. - - - DP}, Eni. 224. 2. III, 268. Je SU OS eS pl. 272, —- 280, o Mive-wellied, - . - - Bi. pl 131. — 310, Se deiandavad, = <- §- - Edy, Pie 355+ le — 311. Dr MPOWH he es ee PL Bey TTS. 2. meme 379, 7+ Maia, or Cuba, - - Pi. Eyl. 109, 2. fem > ies 315. Se CFR a ee a 317+ 9 Linares aS ee a pl. 30, — 320. £0, “Giptierumped. 5 2S Se aoe 320, XXX. Fly¥-catcner, 1. Pied, - . _ ~ Br, Zool. Edw. pl. 30, — 324, 2. Coromandel, 2 -. eee ease go SOONCOUGS Kak RS eS Zool; —— 338. @ Glatamon, . oa SS eee 447. 0g) Sc: Neer pe bees See Br obhds 334. 6. Red- { % | i 4 7 a | Hh 4 s ui it. ] j | ’ ay eo i if P, , 4 i Paty | | t | 7 : I \ i : i} - : Ht i ; " | } 4 ’ ; ——— Ce Pe aS F LARK. XS: W AGTAIL. XXXII. 'W ARBLER- FAUNULA 6. Red-vented. - Variety. aAtTa se” (ua V Ge o4 a 6, Greene te ox Black. 12. Philippine. - Ot. ares 5 14. Blue-head. - 5. Y cliow-throat. 76. Paradife. - if, jen 13. Cambaian - ST ie 1. White? - 9. Collared. - Pe ee ie LATH. S¥N. : Brown Ill. pl. 31- Hi. 335: Wane vented...- - <= 3 ibid. Be? Bay. HO. Dis DS ae _ Brown Ill. pl. 82.0 — 336. BSN CEES = + nc” 5 - Son, VO. Bi 8 [ste care 338. : See rr ie Pl Enl. 666.. t= sae a “Ray. Po. pl. 20. Le, eee BSS Song. VOB. LO ao ee - a Kidwi phe AL Hoa INDICA. Mus. Carly. fase. i. t. 75: Index Orn. 1. 49°. -- = -_ a - Br. Zool. . Son. Voy. Ind. it, pl. 113. I- - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. 113. 2- 4. aS Smeets 6. Yellow. 7, Green. - 1. Luzonian. 2. Coromandel. 3. Philippine. 4. Wheat-ear. s. Pink. - SS ee at PS, SM LYS. Te Ds = oe ee mee BS ob Obe . Son. Voy. pl. 29. Raii Syn. pl. 1. f. 1. = “= “Br. Zool. var. - Br. Zool. ViImMor. - Brown Ill. pl. 33- oS Pita. 105. 2 Br. Zeol. - om 473 - Brown lil. pl. 33 p SO O IV. 368. 379: — 380. —= 39" IEP: 396. | —=- 397° 398- 399: 6, A. ee ee 7 401%. — 403. —- 45l- —— 452. cee ee — 465. 6, Olive. XXXIV. MANAKIN, XXXV. TItTMouse. XXXVI, SwWALLow. XXXVITI, GOAT-SUCKER. oe oN U2 AR EN PEC. A. 19 LATH. Syn, 6. Olive. = - »~= + = Brown Ill. pl. 14. IV. 473. 7 CHPCENS es ee. pl. 79. — 474. 8. Cingalefee. - - = = Brown ij. ple 32. — 474. Q. Superb, np ere Be Shing ee a Aa AE ae ade EOE pl. $2. 10. Blue-headed. - Son. Voy. t.27.1. Index Orn. ile 546. tt. Gold-crefted "Wren, - -- Be Book TE 508. Barc D ONG 8-28 a a ee S15: Bor Didier keds it ek Sa RS, 187. 14. Cambaian. - - - += Index Orn. ii. §54. Ber CHROME Te ers = lS SS ee OR SS ee a enanereme ar. tellow Wren. - . - =} ee ape te gr. I > Se eT 526. 1. Malabar, - - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. pLI4. 1. — $55. 2. Indian. - = Mu/. Carl/. fafe. ii. t. 50. i Index Orn. i. §72. Sr Paneyaths sta yk acne. Son, Voy. pl. 76. — 56s. Oi. Nedshtadedh Gs ~~ — SL eee ee $71. 3+: DRAG ies yee SS Se ees S7 tS pl 56. 4. Efculent. - - - Brif.ii. pl. 46. f.2- A. — 578. GREE ee (oe ae Se 560. SE SRS SS Cen mpee ee ce Reeis SIR 196. Poem. ic. Se es eee ee 196. y : pats s mas a! _* t Ss Ly ‘ : . 4 ta: 2 P,: ae bok ‘ 4 oo Sa, 4 H t > we apa YR a Bg ele AAO os olen ah a AiR Sb : SA mae 4 yk : x Pasi; Cty Ome ee he he ary Neh Ts Sw gh Tieton ey wen AE? be . AS Tee es Chae ts ; * eae 7’) we ‘4 + oe s ms pere> VES ~ avs, * " 4 .. . ~ A » see i x ; » wie Ay . cJ ah a BN Oe 48 aadced ¥ - ~ a = — - SS o pase ea iy ide = ete he 7 i nd eee ee - - - -—— = _ -~ = ten = = = —_ wa « ve iz : paae ——— SS SS <== ae : SS — —— ———— 4 _ a ss 2 —¥ 2s -- 5. + -SS = en = -——- - * ; are = 3 Ss aa 35 55 : ; “ : * « hi we ay ~ we =< 22am r4 —_ a acre — 3 = = sss E = — - — - -* ~ i —- - -~ = - = —— = oe = = = —_— = = — ——— — P=: . = oe St —* ry has ty : Last : a é Rtrnt J hte i Kasigigrtchts ee dur 5 wg a Se = 2 tt se XXXVIIL. PIGEON. ORDER IV. FAUNULA INDICA.-. CoLUMBINE,. * TatL EVEN AT THE END. it Eats Se ee . White-wniged. - Great-crowned. - S. Leffer-crowned. - '~) pO EG oteac i S _ Pl. Enl. 466. _ .. . Edw. pl. 76. Edw. pl. 338- Son. Voy. Ind. it. pl. 100+ _ - ~ LATH. SY IV. 605. ost Ne oe 6175 ¥: — 620. N. II. 197: — 622. 623. pl. 58. 6. ahey-neaded... = =" =F Son. Voy. pl. 66. — 623. 4. Yellow-faced. = - ~ Brown Ill. pl. 20. — 624. g, Purple-fhoulder. - - - ~ 7 oye SS VAL. 20%; i TS Fe foe mee t Joe ae = ee so; Green-winged.. =. == 7 Edw. pl. 14. TV. 625. eerie se ee . — 627. 45, Red-crowned. - - ° ~- Son. Voy. pl. 67. — 628. 13. Parrot. - Pl. Enl. 138. Son. Voy. re 4 a pre 629. ie Aeotiatle. = Ae tT Pl. Enl. 163. — 631: cep pens i es Pi. Enl. 491. — ©42- <6. Common Turtle. -—." - Pl. Enl. 394. — 644 ij, cazoman tT. * = 7 Son. Voy. pl. 22.0 == 646. Se a = Ph. Fits 244 648. 18. Collared. - —- 1g. Grey. a0. Barred. - ~- ° 91. Surat - - 7 99, Cambayan. - ~- 23. Malabar. - - 64, A5teen. = <7 -- 25, Black-capped. - a6. Javates = = =. 27. Blue-crowned. | - 28. Red-breafted. - og. Sanguine. - - 30, Malacca. - ~ Son. Voy. Ind. \. pl. 102. TS asce = ~dewcple 10. - . Index Orn. i. 609. a eee 2 mes SE es E eee ee i fae ee ple Tl AF . . = Son. Voy. pl. re - - - Son. Voy. pl. 20. — 6 — 652. — 652. — 653: — 654. — 654. = 055: — 057s za gh — 661. 630. 49. 650. VII. 200. #* * TONG by XXXIX, n Pracock, XL. TurRKY. XLI. XLII. PHEASANT. PARTRIDGE. FAUNULA baN D=1.C A, ** Lone anp CungEIFoRM Tals. 31. Amboina. - 32. Bantam. - - fae Ee RV. f7Glened. - 1: Hormed,.....< - 1. Wild Cock. - « Colored.-.- - 3. Impeyan. - i) ae) » Francolin, ~- ~» Hackled. Reds. sss Gingi. -. - - Pondicherri. . Fafciated. - « Afiatic. - . Indian... > . Javan, - Om! Ain BO DD A i O © — —_— Soo Si ne ae a | in B& NN . Common Quail, . Coromandel. - - Manilla, . . BY Te DE fe 3. Muf. Carlf. fafe. iit. t. 67. Index Orn, il. 615. GALLINACEOUS. eS Ph Bak AS etek. - « «- = Bdweplt6, don. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. 94. 95. cue, el et 2S See; Zool. 2 es Edw. Pt aS Ses Pl. es EL 23 Index Orn. ii. 640. - = Brown Ill, pl. v7. - Pl. Enl. 170. Baer pi aa Will. Ora, Bi ~ Son, Koy: ph s - VIT. $x LatuH. Syw, IV. 66s. IV. 668. pl. 60. me 680, 698. 210. 208. pi, 114, 758. VII. 222. 759- 766. 767. 773: 774: 221. pl. 66. bee) | 3 752. 20. 775: 779: 793. 787. 789. 792. 16, Cambaian. a ee | PO nfo aa FAUNULA INDICA. ne Lartu. Syn. Index Orn. ite 655. Cambaian. - - ° - * TRIDACTYLOUS, tusonlim = - «-/- ~~ Son. #7. pl, 23. 1V. 792 XLII. PaniaH it. BusTARD. idea ew 6 Edw. pl. 250. — 804, i | Ht Ge alae ee OEE - VII, 228. ; 3. White-chinned. - - - Mill. Ill. pl. 33. 1V. 806. XLIV. CASUARY.- ; Cie ee es Pega ee pl. 72. BAy oH Water Fowh. ORDER. VII. CLlovEN-FoOoTED. XLV. SPOON-BILLe I Luzonian. - Son. Voy. pl. §1. Index Orn. i. 668. 8B. XLVI. JABIRU. inden eo aan = 5 ee VIL O38 ®CRAWNES. XLVII. HERON, 1. Sibirian Crane. - - - Pallas it. u. t.1. Vi 37. 9, Indian Crane. - - - - - Edw. 45. — 38. 39- -3. Common Crane. + - -- = Pl. Enl, 769. 8 Powe re BE NBIC “A. 83 Latu. Syn. ‘apa Cre, Ae + SS eee SV, go. Se \ipanticn “see SS ete = = 4c. VIT, 232. pl. 11s. ee et SRO 9, 6. Philippine Heron. - - - Pi. Enl. 898. — 72. 7. Coromandel - - - - Pl. Enl. gi. — 7a. * POT, =e TSS ea 7, g. Malacca. - - - - - = PH. Enl. g11. — 78. 10. Violet. - - -. = -< = Pl. Enl, 906. — 97. 11, Louhayjung. - - - - = - = += «= VJI. 238. £2, “Senowenecked, - - 2 2° SSeS g 396 *** Brec-OuveERTS. 13. Pondicherry, - - - - Pi. Enl. 932. Vz. 101. 14. Coromandel. - Son. Voy. Ind. ii. pl. p. 219. —- 102. XLVI. IBts. Er we te-Reddt. 6 2 Pod Fol. es 9G, 2. Manilla - - -~ - = Son. Voy. pl.a7. — 117. 3- Bigck*headed,: <= -e <. S e SS 240. XLIX. CuRLEW. 1, Luzonians - - = = Son. Voy. pl. 48. V. 122. L. SNIPE, I. Woodcock? - = - - = Br. Zool. — 129. 2, Common Snip. - - - - = Br. Zool — 134, 2 Rapes eS oe a eee a oar oR, 4. Bengal. - “— = = - Albinviii. pl. go. V. 140. D. 4. $. Madras. Se aS Ra Syn. te 1. fi 2 — 141. M 2 6. White FAUNULA INDICA. LaTH. SYN, eerie indian, sii om A ee Y. 3Ats See Ait lish cay Li, ee ek eomemrera, 1, (0A, = 7" = SP | ~ Pi. Enl. $07. 165. LI. Fee PLovER. ce “ielden? = - «= = 8 Br. Zoolh —= 193: é Lonc-leaoed. = <= = sta Br. Zool. — 195. VII.252 oy See ee Son. Voy. pl. 46. — 205. Ce Pl. Enl. 880. — 216. a Wie eS a 5 ae ee Le - VII. 254. La. RuNNER. ;. Coromandel Pl, - - - - Pi. nl, 892. V CuRSORIUS. Latuam Index, il. ‘751 ENV. 217s Ro wasenta + Wisldivian. =~. 0+ 8 = + 22 tet tt ot ae ei ak ee ee OR ee ibid. NE OS PE a ee ae a ibid. LV. Rall. . PRONG. a ee Pl. Enl. 7746 — 230. >. Striated Phe - - = Brif.v. pl. 14. fo 2 =m 232. EY 3° Dufky. oe eS le ee eee ee B. 4. Banded. - - - - Brif.v. pl. 15. f- le —— 233 k, DION = eo se Pl. Enl. 773. — ibid. 6. Ceylon. - - - - - Brown Ill. pl. 372 —— 235: EVI, JACANA. 1. Luzonians - - - - - Son. Voy. pl. 45. —= 245+ 9. Indians « = > = 7 = oe ee et eH VEL, 257- LVII, GALLINULE,» Pe Gen Gi A cEN Dt ¢ aA. LVII. GaLLINULE, 1. Madras; - ~ - - Raii Syn. te 1. fi 4. RP Urple, == Ses aia = 3 ie. fr ic eMCCTN: b= 9 Al we a Meumeeumtatied. i= 6 eT ae Zool. Si ee ee ees Se ees Wh . ORDER VIII. Pinnarep Feer. LVIII. GREBE, Bs Datta et es ee DE eh 945. ORDER IX. Wes-Foorep. LIX. ALBATROS. Wandering. - = - - - Edw. pi, 88. LX. ORME Bee Ss Pk wy 357. LXI. 7 TERN, 1. Cafpian, - -~ -~ Index Orn. ii. 804. B. ee 2. FRuOme, a. Ss ce Soe Voy. pl. 85. 5 3-2 anavan.- es ie.» - Son. Voy. pl. 84. Be VERE Se ie Portlock Voy. pl. p. 342. LXII. PETREL, a eee eaeace 5S pi. go. ; LXIII. Duck, Ye CBIR? ee Pe 374+ 2.. Black-backed, = © = a= SS gk, Foot pul 85 Lat. Syn. 253. 254. 257. vals 267. m— 290. A. ome 304. VI. 347+ VII. 267. VI. 363. — 363. VII.266. ame AIT. — 447. — 449. 3. Barred aa: te ‘ ‘ TS Rot ee- c tn WAS iAr$ * bk oo aS > Feed Whe MS ede. | LAS ay Ce pre eS a ¢ SOOO TE 36 |. aR'2 PELECAN. 3 4 ‘5: o. Faleated. - = - 7 8 9 FAUNULA INDICA. tartedhegde eae eS KF es eeeyueell. = Fer = Brown Ill. pl. 41+ 42+ Spetted-bil: +e = * Ind. Zool. a = ow. PLE 93°- Pink-headed. - = ° Coromandel. _ Manilla. i 2 gp tae nae Pl. Enl. 949+ 950 Son. Voy. t. 54+ a oe ee. Be. pl. 92. « Roleate, « eC Sm. VQ. pl. 54- a WR ee Son. Voy. pl. §3- 4. PMNpDING,- Re. Brif. vi. pl. 46. Black-bellied. - = - ° * Ind. Zool. Latu. Syn. - VII. 2977. VI. 458. — 487. — 617. A. VII. 276. ph. 119. VI. 556. oe oe 57§ ‘eG Wa Cc me | cn ~ t GENUS. I, TESTUDO, I]. RAna, IIT, Draco, IV. LACERTA. cL? FAUNULA INDICA. $7 CLASS Il]. Amputreta. im DO fT, ee Por tt A. [MBRICATA. =. ° eS ee Piel. BO Ie, G, Squamata. - - - + - - - =. == Bont. Fava. 82, OS ee ina Acad. \. p. 139. N° 23. DORR Se Sk Muf. Ad. Fr. 2. p. 36. PR ee, ew Schneid. Schild. Da SES.N 4A. CHODGGGcecece me SD Muf. 1. tab. 71. figs 4. 5. We SS a 2 Muf.i. tab. 74. fig. 1. oes ee eS eee 7 y Muf. i. tab. 72. fig. 4. ee ee ee Muf. Ad. Fr. i. p. 47. MS ee ee ee | Muf. i. tab. 86. fig. 3. Gangetic, - . =.= = ~ + Edw. AB. Ang. 49. p. 639. t. 19. CS ee ee ee see ae Ss 5 Muf. uu. tab. 86. fig. 2. 2. Bicarinata. eo B. Seb. Muf. i. tab. 108. fig. 2.7. J SS aa eee Mu/f. i. tab. 95. fig. 1. 2. So Se Ce ee ee Muf. i. tab. 86. fig. 6, Superciliofa, 88 Vv. Boa. VAG COLUBER. FAUNULA INDICA. _ . «- Seb. Muf. i. tab. 94. fig. 4. Buperciioia, = <9 * REE Se ot Sa ge Seb. Muf. i. tab. 109. fig. 3. 4 Amboinenfis, & Var. (. Bees, <= yee SS Seb. Muy. ii. tab. 12+ fig. 7» So Ee SS 6 See a ee Houtt. A&. Uliffing. 9. #. 2. ety a ee i FS ES For/e. Fn. Arab. p. 13. N°4. Chameleon. - - - - 7 ° Seb. Mu/. i. tab. 82. fig. 2+ 4. 5- TE TNR CEE ee a Seb. Muf. ii. tab. 79. fig: 5- OE ER a, a ee eas a ae Seb. Muf. i. tab. 96. fig: 1- Plica. Serpens. eg ee Oe Seb. Muf. i. tab. 53. fig: 8. O-422-B-O: - Hi. SERPENTES. Meese = Se OU Seb. Muf. ii. tab. 34+ fig. 2 etwas 6 we i ee eS Oe, Muy. i. tab. 36. Fig. 5- ee ee ee ee eo NOR Myu/. ii. tad. 93. Lutrix. Proalise 6 Sw ew ee ew = 80h. MY. 11, tab. 57+ ig: §: Alidras. Bi Bee eo a - t= Mal. Ad. Pre ae Sig. 3: i a SS Seb. Mu/f.i. tab. 10. fig 2 hh ea ee es oe Pc Sh Mae fig. 8. Typhlus. RANE ee ee Mu/. Ad. Fr. i. tab. 13. Fig. 3: Mfculapii. - - - > - = = Mu. Ad. Fr.i. tab. 11. fig: 2 Rhombeatus. Bo ee 3 ee. Mal ARTA. ee fig. 2 Rtas in oe we eee ee i A i, Pp. 27: Dpitee, .~ = Fe Muf. Ad. Fri. p. 24. te 14+ fife 2 BR Ga AS ee See Muf. Ad. Fr. i. tab. 21+ J§ 9 Lacteus. ) i on Vt, VII. ANGUIS. VITI. CACILIA. im Sion Usb A tN .DAL-C A. fos) “© beaceus, <= = soe = = = Mu. Ad. Fr. i. tab. 38. fig. Peeudus.. 2g eee = ep ee Lbid. tab. 4. fig. SNe Sao a ew) Se eee ee Muy. il. tab. go. jig. Midj@e =. = 5 om te ee Seo. Mf. i. tad. 44. fis. eG ee Gee eS eS Muf. Ad. Fr. ii. p. 44. — mt RS oe o sg rae ZN Canus. =~ - - = = - = Muf. Ad. Fri. p. 3%. t. 11. fig. 1. Zeylonicu. - -- - - - - - = Seb, Muf.i. tab. 100. fiz. 4. Laticaudatus. - - - - - - -. Myf. Ad. Fr.i. tab. 16. fig. 1. Prox. = - - - Ss ee =. BR. Seb. Mat. tab. 43. fig. 4. 5. Saturninus, - - - = - - - - Myf. Ad. Fr.i. tab. 9. fig. 1. CamiGiep = Re Se Se Bid. tab.-4. fig.1. OCANGEs Bete FS ee tab 1s Hew. Carinatus. Exoletus. - - = - - - - - = - = Ibid. tab. to. fig. 2 Trifcalis. Pelias. Ocellatus. - - - - - - - = Seb. Muf ii. tab. 1. fig. 3. 8. Hitambocia, - - - - - = - - Seb, Mujf.i. tab. 33. fig. 6. Tigrinus. - - - = - - = - + Seb, Muf. ii. tab. 15. fiz. 2. Molurus. Pp ie eae SY ee Catefo. Car. i. tab. 47. Petalarius. - - - - - - - -~ Mu. Ad. Fr.i. tab. 9. fig. 2. WaMOrss = = - ee ee Ibid, tab. 17. fiz. 2. ee ee SS SO a SL Shed, 0-96. RrteerelS, ei es Se ee ee a pe ag, IINICOMUS, © eS Se SS ee 8 oe ie Cerulefcens, - - - - = - - - = - SJbid. tab, 20. fig. 2. lun | SOS eae Sat a ee YS Muf. i. tab. 21. fig. 4. Scytale. - - - - = = = + ~ + = Ibid. tab. 2 fig. 1. 4. PLICRS SSeS eS ee oe. Stiteciittas oo. os aS SS SS eee Ibid. tab. 25. fig. 2 Glutinofa. - see Se ee Pe. tab. 2 a JE. 2 N CLASSIS PUN UL Ac INDICA. gt PEASSIS IV. “Pisers GENUS. I. OsTRACION. II. TETRODON, IIT. SYNGNATHUS, ly.. PEGAasus. ORDO I, BRANCHIOSTEGI. Ty RIQUETER. - - - - Seb. Mu. iii. tab. 44. fig. 6. 12. Trigonuss - - - - - - = - Artedi Gen. 56. fyn. 85. Bicaudalis. - - - - = = = = Seb. Muf. iii. tab. 24. fig. 3. Tricornis. Quadricornis. - - - - = = = Edw. Glean. tab. 284. fig. 1. Sete ee Se we (Wl cht: t. 1. 13. Ye. £: fuberculamis, - -~ = = =< =» <. =: Arted. Gen. $5. fyn. 84. Cubicus, = = - - = = = «= Seb. Muf-iii. tab. 24. ig. 4. 5. Teftudineu. - - - - - - = Amen. Acad.i. tab. 14. fiz. 3 Flectricus. - - - - = = = AG. Ang. \xxvi, p. 382. tab. £3. Oblongus, - - - = -~ - - Bloch. Aufl. Fifch.ii. t. 146. fig. 1. Ee See OTST 2a Sean eae - - - Lbid. fig. 2. BO SS ons eee - tines, “fad iv. p. 207. N° 23, Tetragonus. - - .- = - = Bloch. Aufl. Fifch.i, t. 121. fig. 1. Hyppocampus. - - - - = = - =- Wil. Lchth. tab.1. 25. Draconis, - - - = = = =- = Gron. Zooph. tad. 12. fig. 2 VGMNE a 6 Se eM. Ad, i p56. Natan¢: SS a Se Bloch. Aufl. Fifeb. i F298. fr. 2.4, N 2 VY. CENTRISCcUs, ieee 92 V. CENTRISCUS. Vi. BALISTES. Vil. CycLOPTERUS. Vill. SQuaLvs. 1X. Raja. FAUNULA INDICA. _ Gron. Muf. ii. tab. 7. jig. 3. Tie ae ie 0, RR MattanG, = i 4) (See Pall. Spic. Zool. vill. tab. 4. fig. 8. Pnetidhisn <2 eo Gron. Muf. i. tab. 6. fig. 5. Vieruciiiie is = ee oe TS Mu/. Ad. Fr. i. tab. 27- fig. 4: irileats. (se ee Will. Ichth. App. tab 10. fig. 2 Mem nore Oe SS Seb. Muf. iti. tab. 24+ Jig. 15: OI ELT EE er er eee aE Catelb. Carol. ii. tab. 22. Na at ae Seb. Mu/. iti. tab. 24. Fi 16. tae ke ee Nieubof. Ind, it. p- 275: Mais ~ 8 Miff. Pifc. ii. tad. 3 fig. 12 EN CI I ale a a rae B. y. Brit. Zool, iii. P. 103: N°. ae tans =, SS FS Mu. Ad. Fr.i. tab. 27. fig. 1. OR D O- I. CHONDROPTERYGII. gg BEE eee Brit. Zool. iii. p. gO. N° 9 Ty = ee Seb: Mu/. iii. tab. 34+ Ag. Gime = ee Brit. Zool. iti. p. 84. N° 5 Canela OS OB. Zool. iii. p. 88. N° pata we ee Rondel. Pifc. i. p- 389 pe ee ES Brit. Zool. iii. p. 77 N° % Ring ee ee ee = OO IES N° 133: Pains =. = ee Brit. Zool. iii. Pp. 71+ N°’ 6. ORDO IU. dap 1, ee he ‘ iM 4 v6 " wat lis m ey po Ne ee ee X. MuRANA., XI. GYMNOTUS., XII. TRICHIURUS. XITT. OPpHIDIUM. XIV. CALLIONYMUS. XV. GaDbDuvus, XVI. BLENNIWS. FAUNULA INDICA. 93 ORDO III APopDeEs. Colubrinag - - - = = = Pall. n. nord. Beytr. ii. t. 2. Sig. 3. Anguillaa - -~ - - = - - = Brit. Zool. iii. p. 142. N° 12, Notopterus. - - - - - = Pall. Spicil. Zool, vii. tab. 6. fig. 2. Indicu,y += - - - = - = «= Will. Ichth. App. tab. 3. fig. 3. Aculeatum. - - - - - - - Will. Ichth. App. tab. 10. fig. i. One O [V. Jucvita kr zs. Ocellatu - - - - - = Pall, Spic. Zool. viii. tab. 4. fig. 13. OBR eS eS SS ee Ue id he as, SMA ae Set Brie, Goh 6g. Nw Crrtbtuss Ss Se eo ee SE ene es Cornutus, Fafciatuus. - - - ~ - - = Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. ii. t. 162. fig. i. Superciliofuy. - - = - - = = ~Gron, Muf. ii. tab. 5. fig. 5. Mutftelaris. XVII. Kurrus, " eit ee )| 3 ae et - Al pa : | an} iM " bel Ky ate ) We 94 FAUNULA INDICA. XVII. ¥ emma cc tadicls. - - - = - . . Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. i. tad. 169. on ™ a Ds <3 ix ~ ye SO ky * a Seer or = ue hee y vou t Ab bya sti ey Hah eal eo . eines } 4 ‘" Bit i . hts s ; D PROMO ENS ght Sha Nem rea ey ETE re - aa Ps ee} Fionn oo EO EINER OF, ee ee SS a Se = ~ : ” \ ~ “=f ORDO V. THORACICI. ay Sea Pri AY = eS SS oe ‘ i, { te tab —— a ne PAlt® AS XVIII. i ede meena. ee SF Seb. Muf. iti. tab. 33- fig. 2 il rsa ‘ss: Rt eC rue XIX. CoavereNa, pen@useyla = oe Fe ee Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. i. t. 173. Halt = oS Se Pall. Spicil. Zool. viii. tab. 3. Jig. 2» Mei? ae i ae ee . « bid. fig-1. ¢ AR \ + yy Sah? a - _ 4 ‘a ie ves S ae Ps ) XX. Mapes ER SR Ibid. tab. 1. fig. 3+ 4 i en ees eR Ibid. tab. 2. figs 4+ 5 Capea Ibid. tab. 1. figs 5 XXII. ee = Cone ene ee Seb. Muf. iii. tab. 23. fig. 4 Ce a tn A Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. it. tab. 180. Monopterigius. - - - - Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. ii. t. 178. fig. 1. 2 XXII. | i dee ieee) Se ee Gron. Zooph. tab. 11. 12. 13. fig 1 Mili gw mee = Wi. Ichth. App. tab. 2. fig: 3s hatenpdle oe a Se = te Aufl. Fifeb, iii. t. 185s Didattyla - - - - 7° Pall. Spic. Zool. vii. tab. 4. figs 1+ 3 - XXIII. | | Beet. Reiter Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. iii. tab. 192. fig. 2+ 3 feng 8 ee - = Seb. Mu. iii. tab. 26. fig. 34 Bris. oo oe oe ae Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. tab. 19}: XXIV. PLEURONECTES: Fs ASS p08 wie BAS. ND $C: Aj 95 XXIV. Prevronec- Iricodactylus. - - = » - + = Art. Gen. 18. Jt. 33+ [p. 60. TES: SO See es ac a ce SS Aufl. Fifch. iii. tab. 181. XXV. em Mnneeehs. ee a Be, Muf. ii. tab. 25. fig. 7. AGcUminatus. - = = =. = = es Ad. Fri. tab, 33. fig. 3. SG ws ee SS - - = Lbid. fig. 3 COG. ~~ 2 = ss = © Seb. Muf. iti. tab. 25. fig. 6 Argenteus. - - = = - + = = - men, Acad. iv. p- 249. ROME a= = ek eS - = Lbid. fig. 17. 5 OFBi ete ee SS ee Bloch. Aufl Fifeh. il. tab. 102. Bg 2. : Nigricans. - - - - = = - - 4&. Angl. 1784. ii. tab. 12. ‘! Lineatus. - - - - - = = + = - Seb. Myf. tab. 25. fe. :. m Trioftegus. - - - - - - - = Brouffonet Ichth. = Soh Siaetelemicots, - =. - «= . - Seb. Muf. ii. t. 25. f. 8. . Argus. - - - - - - = - Will. Ichth. App. p. 2. "s Se 8 nae Stratus. - - - - - - = - = Seb, Muf. iii. tab. 25. fig. 9. I SOLO UI eS eer ee ee Si tad-06, jig. 23. yh Vagabundu. - - - - - - - - - - Ibid. tab. 5. fig. 18. CHiPs a ore a 8 SS Rep. Saw. tc). 233. fiz. 4. Saxatilis, - - - - = = - Bloch. Aufl. Fifch. iii. t. 206. fig. 2. me ee eg tuf. Ad. Frei. p. 64. Mt Lanceolatus, - - - oe ee) Se S Ede. Av. tab. 210. I ie SES aetna tea ae Se ee ce. SS Fifch. iii. tab. 195. Pav 6. See eS ce 198. jig. I. | ROMO. cS OSS". oS ee ee See 199. fig. 2. A Wonnaculatus,.< <0 = 22 3 SSS ee ad. 208 jig. Ts jah BICOL Se ie Se oe ae oS a Sw eadee deps 006, Bee i OSSiite eo Soe 8 ee eS Se ES ee ee Sige 2 4 Benoalenfis.. ke i ee OttoGitianiiis = ss. SS SS ee ee jig. 1. Mitts SS ee Se eee 215. fit. 2, 1h Phage 6 ee Ibid. tab. 212. fiz. 2. 20 fs Dita... .as => bid. tab 199. fig. 1 Forfh. Fn. Arab. p. 60. N° 82, XXXVI. Sparus, b Se sect nthe Due vi he B* ‘ a i “Ss > tty Pe edb Sis : ns Veet ae “4 hes re Sie an FS ; : lia. se ‘ . . ar at! AS SOS ‘a bo Aes : ‘ aii aa ete An > th Wat TRIN A ete ARR cee te A Gera w 4 ae aur ROS A's wy ’ ta = Ae , € 7 | “se ' {ey 1 na Oe 5} { ie” re. i ; , ik 4s sed} 027 j 9 r i} i} : ban se , , pnw) : J =a ors BOT, n ; : a | mJ be : ; _«r- 5 va s- : 4 ay, i a - a tania » - , Ba ; > ‘ Ti ‘ Tae ee ‘ : 44 - a | = 2 : j Poe) a - , 1} WL F ( - “ | a, a * ee “so \ Pe Lo “ ij 4 ' : ie ae Bete a » eat - « a \ \ : > - ie i j > | owe it - The Ah : " , | 4 ha eit 3 A i] P ; Lay * q ~. Pa - " 4, att bon phi ~ r ae S Ve! Bek ll : iL | a " boul | o H Z A f ar, t iT be th. ?, ‘ : ] | : 4 | ae < ' ‘i | mul = : $ Hi ] : . : be : Pod) He thie : : .'} = ithe , f wo] 2 wed : Vi 4 t t -‘ jae Be 14 i | ob j . 1, i , ; | Stee = fo ih} vW. jd } a sa Nie i - j tou ete : t ? a ~ < at | Ce - - ; y . i) i 7 7 pe) iit 2 bs Hi ; J hy bl ! +? , : | > 5 : | ) ' . ta Wl y aa | 4 i} e2 : ‘ yi “ : ‘ Ay : ie s ii r: IM be > - j 7 - iS seo. 4 Li a ae tlh. = ie We : th (2. , 7 in x) : oe q My , - bea eee lit | ie : 1 ee a” athe a. iis “ae ry , “—* mi rT 7 a 4 i hy ar i ‘ MS, hes 7 : ' i) < ‘ sh { XXXVI. SPARUS. XXVII. S CARUS. XXVIII. LaBRUS. > @ 29.e PERCA. XXX. ‘TRIGLA. , XXXII. SILURUS. XXXII. LEUTHIS. FAUNULA Infidiator. - - Palpebratus. - ~ ~ Ce eg ee Shigherm 92.5 2 re -* Lunaris. = = - * Trichopterus.--- = 7 ~ Zeyianicus, = Pow =>. 7 Comeidts. - - > - Stigma. Radula. - => Minuta. ORDO VI. Keita: = Coftatus. - : Hepatus. << = 2 Miia 6 INDICA. = _ Pall. Spic. Zool. tab. §- jig. 1. _ Pall. n. nord. Beytr. M. + 4 fit. 16% = _ Mu. Ad. Fr. i. p- 74 ” _ . = =. Pall. Spic. Zoot. Vill. 2. 41 _ 2 . =~ Gron. Muf. tab. 6. fig. 2 8 Pall: Spite. Zoot, Vis Pome _ . . = Ind, Zool. tab. 13- fig. 3: Lk Maf Ad ae Aman. Acad. 1. Po sre es pein Sal. BAUS. Ahs tab. 26. ff. 20. 24 . Muf. Ad. Fr. ii. ps 84 _ - Amen, Acad. \. Pp» 313 ABDOMINALES. - ~- Muf. Ad. Fri. -p. 79> 4-39: fig. % Gron. Muf. ii. tab. 5. fig. 1. » _ = = - Cate. Carol. ii. ‘tad. 1- fig. 1. Valent. Ind. iii. p. 339- F8- 440 XXXII. SaLMo —_e = he > XXXII, SALMO. XXXIV. FIsTULARIA. XXXV. Esox. XXXVI. PoLYyNEMUS. XXXVIT. CLUPEA. XXXVI. CyPRINUS. FAUNULA INDICA. fe Gafteropelecus,; - - - - = Pall, Spic. Zool. viii. ¢. 3. fig. 4. 5. Anoftomus. - - - = * - = «© Gron Muf.ii. tab.7. jig. 2. Chinenfis, - - - «= - = - = = Pet. Gaz. tab. 68. fig. 1. Paradoxa. - = © - + = Pall. Spit. Zool. viii. tab. 4. fig. 6. Brafilienfis. - - - - = © - = Brown Fam. tab. 45. fig. Gymnocephalus. to Paraneus,. == <= 6 2 ee eS ae ee eee ee Thriff€a. - - - - = = = - + = Brouffn. Ichth. i. tab. to. Myftus. - - - = - + -. = Amen. Acad.v. tab. . fig. 12. Tinca, - «© + Brit, Zool. iii. p. 306. N° 3. Will. Ichth. t.2. 5. Le O CLASSIS ” es eres SSeS = s ee ae ae Bence Se Ta eB —_—— a. < SS a ae ES FAUNULA INDICA, 99 Soo Oa SW i Be Sk SS os eae: sa OF.) Ooo Rae eer Bok 2: Lucanus. LCES. = Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 1. Petiv. Gazopb. a FABER S615. Gazella. - Fab. eg P. 1. Oliv. eee (Lucan. 4f. 13. a. b. Lama. - -* - = ee ee SF Carinatus. - - Lis S. N. Nes, SCARABAuS. Alcides. - Fab. Sp. ae N° 2. Oliv. Col. (Scar.) .- pli. fi 2. Gideon. Lin. - - oo ene ot ie, Phy fs. FOR. Cepesnete ae egies ie See See Sp). 11. f. 104. See SL, ee eS pl. 18. 166. Meee ee ek GS ee ee ep 26. f. 119. pichotomus.” Iam, --° - - -".9¢° « --2ter ves pl17. fi 156. ROR pes ce ED, Ses ee = 5. fe 40. a. Hi: Pl Seo ee we 8 le hk ARS Se a ee ap SSS 3 3. f: = eos oS SS SS ee ee Ye. KI Ney. oes Se ath, AS “ge 3S ee eee ee oe. WuaGrifpinotis, S. egh, eS oe a ee tos tUsGNeeng eS Et oa So a oe ee ee a. b. Enema. - Fab. Mant. Inf. N° 12. Rhinoceros, [;, Fad. Sp. Inf. N°40. - - = = = pil. 18. f. 166. Corohatts, 2-2 NG a ae ee 9/195 f. 110. O 2 Hircus. 100 FAUNULA N DIC A. Flircus. - Piceus.s - - ~- - POs. . “,. Ty E>” Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 52+ ss ee aight: ye Py Analis. - Fab. Mant. Inf. 64. Gcaber. L. - Fab. Spec. Inf. 72. Oliv. Col. - Pygmaus. - = Gmel. Lin. 186. Sch. H. Nat. Longimanus. L. Fab. Sp. Inf. 73- OU. Col. Vieos: SS a Ap: P: 37 7 Barbatus. - - Spec. Inj. N° 83. Moarcineliuss 45 Ce, StS hing nie a ee Bae Ta ee Doteiias, => = 8 te FO ee Merrett cin 6 oe oe 1Ofe = TS Rome ere 8 TOR = iadaniuse; <0 = = ST S108 5-* Me Lar, - -. - Mantiff. Inf. 124. Bifafciatus. - - Gaeetintia = eg Se EISe ee Mant. Inf. 129. Boas. - = -_ Bonaius. - - Bucephalus. SES. $a peoee Lancifer. L. Spinifey. - - Fricator. - Miliaris. - - 7 les co Fa Pallipes. - pe es ee pee - Mant. Inf. 140. 153: ped A. 5 II7- = = = I1g- - - —< mi = Ky ee Sy ae ae es ge a Tee - Oliv. Col. (Scar.) Unifatciatus. - Gmel. Lin. N° 182. Schall. Hall. Naturf. - pl. 24. fr 21%6 pl. 13. fe 120. & pl. 4.f. 2%, a. b. 1. PD. 240. pl. 23. fr eG fi le Po 239 pl. 4. fa 27 pl. 13. fi 110. a. b. pl. ge fo 85 pl. 9. f- 13: p17. f. 56. a. pl. 12. fe Uh pl. 14. fe 130 a. b. pl. 13. fe HY a. b. pl. 2. fe 1% fl 25. f. 1nd pl. 6.f. 438 & pl. 4. f 26. ph 10. f. 9% b. pl. 4. fr 3% pl. 12 f. 1d pl. 18. f. 164s pl. g. f- T7 FEneus FA UNE L A: RN:Dil € A. fBneus. = - = Op. Jaf. 156. Ouiv. Coceop. (Scar.) piig. f. 128, aA DO, Catia, = = fab. Mant, N°tis. - “= = “c= = . pl. 23. f. 208. Meee es Ot USPS a ae ee ss PE -24, fi 212, nah cc hg SO we OA See Sele ie ail Pek 2 159. SUHUS, RS ee ede: Sel Oe. eae Shug. f, 88. b. > es ae Qo. i POI peruse 3S. ae ee a et ee Pl. 84 fe 890. - = a = oni Ss = = ~ ann = * me ) OrsUatus, rere oo ee Fe 15g. CE Dhe 10.-f. Erraticus.. -~» Lin. S. Nat. N° 29. Faun. Suec. N° 353. TRox. Horridus...- Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 3. Oliv. Col. (Trox.) - pl. 1. f, 2. MELOLONTHA. Serrata. - - - - - - 2.Oliv. Col. (Melol.) 9 Lanigera, SES ae ee 7 SS SS Rn 2 i ae Seige a Ao Ss ee eres oP > = Ww IO Ww g \O SASS SAS MeeGMi ee - - = 24, -: & (ete ol II. meyesrocephala, 2 = = « 238. -- = =< =.i85-=. pi. 80. Rs ee BF ee a O25 PORUDIRE Ae ee ohne 995°5° STQMOICIGEA ee ee AQes on eo peee ph a. Se Seer 2. ae pl. SS See a ee eee ee ee 7 Vittatas= & = She ee RS ~ - - - - pl. SONU) SOL SSeS eee oS SS eee ers ee eee ee er oo - - 57-pl. Unicolor, - - Bae im, 3 os eae = as - 7p. 43- Cilatess. 32S - - sepicolaa = - is Ss. Nia es "My. Sar Ulr. - 24. BAGO Gs tt cos! n> © Sat TH SS Dh hh Nal CO NNO 7 : . ; 2 : : : : - - Syriacus. BASS oe » RAY SORT aes. as rs” 7 ae was 4 ; ‘ : Uh ee ‘aha 0 ar ® +a") = i “hy “i Aa \) Ds Nee € osha F TRICHIUS. CrEToOnNiA. HIIsTER. APATE. Syriacus. - Lin. 5S. Nat. N° 56. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. = 25. 3 Tec. - ~ = Gmel. Lin. 427: N. Aéf. Stockh. 8.1787+ 3+ N° 304 Tndus. FAUNULA INDICA. ae gb, Sp. Taf Nw 2. Oliv. Col. (Ceton.) pl. 6. f. 40. ~ a «= mivame * fl. Gin Vandals. -2 = <0" 2 ; Chinenfis. Miata. eas oe Gaencwak, et a - - pl. 4. f.2h Pieeins. 8" ee eee ~ $1. 4. fae Aurichalcea, - - _ RE = RIOD pl. 9. f. 78: Orichalca. Lin. S..N. i. i. App. p. 224. | Maculata. - Jad. ap DAL Ee ale ee eee pl. 7. f. 66. Verficolor. - - a ee pl. 4. f. 23, eee oy Ee og ee pl. 5. f. 318 & 30. | Quadripunctata. Fab. Mant. Noo. * - = = gee f. 93: Caputihas. ° + = se ia So 16. Ephippium.. = - = - %- °- “3I- Drur. Inf. .- - 3-P 44. fr Je Ui a eel Ae ite. Col. i SE )N°43.p4. 2. fr 9 reteras. = or a = hae Plea ea a ee 46. pl. 8. fi The Czrulea.- -- = - = 65. pl 5. Jae Cerulea. - - Cail: 5g 382. ae: ae Inf. 4. tab. 19. J. 3 Bimucronata. - -. - - 384. Pall. Lcdn/. Rof j. tab, A. fr 13 Maximus. - Lia. S. Nat. N° r. Oliv. Col. Seren == pli. f. % ] Major. L. - Fab. Spec. Inf. N°2 - ~ Lanes php Capuciiiis.- = -2< + <= =r BWR 2 Ste ae DERMESTES DERMESTES. J;:; BRucHus, TRITOMA. Hispa, SILPHA. OPATRUM., jh" CoccinELLA. FAUNU-LA LN DICA 103 Lardarius. L. - Fab. Spec. Inf. 1. Schef.Ic. - - -~ pl. 42. f. 3. Pellio. - - Ricetie Se rae SS ete. 42, fa, Ruficollis. - - - “= - 426. 2bunb. N. Sp. Inf. 1.p. 8. f. 7. Marginatus.- .~ = -Gmel.. Lin. 44.0 - = =. = =. 9l.7. f. 6. Pea 6 le TERS EES pale Sh Vitidigs == - 25 ee BS we Se ee TD Oe Cacs0; eee MIE NGG Theobrome. L. - - « =| 7, BMANS.S Se cS ee = eG Abdominalis - - - = 13. Vittata. - - Fab. Mant. N°4. Bihamata. - Lin. S. Nat. N° 3. Indica. L. Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 3. Muf, Lud. Ulr. - 38. Cinereum. - - Guwel. Lin. 11. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 4, tab. 21. A. a Dimidiata. Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 5. Cingulata. - Fab. Mant. N° 24. Sexmaculata. - Spec. Inf. N° 20. seprempunctataT sis + 21, Schaef. Ie. + gence 2ehab. Ge fF Centumpunctata. Gmel. Lin. 118. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 4. tab. 22. f. 13. Tranfverfalis, Fad. Spec. Inf. 24. Sparfa.. --. - Gmel. Lin. 120. - - - = = 7. tab, 43. fi 11. 28=punctata. - - - = 4. Minuta, - ~~. 2 5 +> 54, Tbunb, N. Sp. Inf ef. U1- CASSID Ae | | : . . . | : | | . ee ots 104 CASSIDA. ALURNUS. CHRYSOMELA- CRYPTOCE- PHALUS. Marginata. L. - 9p. Inf. N° 25. Naturforfch. * N° 9g. f. 2 Wortata. > Mantif. 33- FAUNULA INDICA. §-punctata. - Fab. Mant. N° 18. Bicornis. L. - ~ Sp tn/-.29: Amen. Le. - 7 Ops 393+ 9% Reman. a Ar FeO fi, 4 eH RE Ds 3G2« 7 Trifafciataa - - - Mant. 46. Annulata. - =< -- Spec. Inf. 39- Natuarl. < 1g Biounttas. Li. - -=-.- 4 Alatrata, - Lin. S.. Nate N° 15. Anguftata. - Gmel. Lin. N° 31. ae aa? f. 6 Femoratus. ~- Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 2. Drur. Inf. - = 2 ab. 34 fi $e fa punta. tere ES Winger 2d Gaddis ee a1. 4men, 4c. = = 6. Ps 3930%e , Wiridas. =.=! = Mant. N° 64. Cruenta. ©. - =. Spec. Inf 82. Sternicornis. - Gmel. Lin. 147. Schal. Hall. Nat. pet. ¥. file re ae ce VSS: Fuef. Arch. Inf. - 4+ be 2}: frd ieee a ee De SS fe 5: Malaccenfis. - - 7 ~~ 249- Horn. Shr. Berl. Nat. Set. I fo Fafcicornis. (Altica.) - - ee eee Koenigil. - Fab. Sp. Inf. 45. Martinius. - Gmel. Lin, N° 74.Schal. Hail, Nat. p. 278. i I. Petegripise 2 - Oi Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 4- Multicolor. - - 7 7 246. Horn. Shr. Berl. Nat. 3. 23. fe 25 1. fib. Sumatranus. - = = 7 247. Coffe: <= se oe = Se eythane Ovientalisy ° =e Se Gg os ee BatavienGS: (= iat eS - DG0n = ee rE Javanus. , Saath ta th of : 2. ‘. g. If A Oe Es a oT Oe DT |S A, 106 Cistera. Analiss - -. - Fad. Sp. Inf. 8. Ceiecrar, “Cinttas - = = = sees. Palliataa - .- - - ~ -+ 6.44. Hall. -. - I.p. 279. Picta, - - - - Mantiff. 12. Peéftacea.. ~~. ese ce cine seg0. 4-puitulataa - - - - - 23, a) it eee eel Pe Abdominalis. - Gmel. Lin. 130. Ochracea. - - ~- - - 180. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 7.1. 44. f. 9. p.q. ERoTYLUvs, Giganteus. L. Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 1.De Geer, Inf. - 5. tab. 16. f. 8. Longimanus. - Mant. N°11. LacRia. Abdominalis. - Fab. Mant. N° I4. Inda - - Lin. S, Nat. N° 121.Muf. Lud. Ulr. - 41. CuRcULIO, Palmarum. L. - Sp. Inf. N° 1. Oliv. Col. (Curc.) - pl.2. fi 16. Indus. t. - - - - - §.DeGeer, Inf. - §.pl.15. f.22. PI te te mG, Fiemipterus. LL. - - - -. 8 6s eee ph. 56. fr 2k. Melanocardius. L. - - - 10. Suilz. Inf. = eB idbteie OS 65.S¢h. Muff - - 4 tab.gs. f. 5. Frigidus. Feb. Mant. App. p. 381. Mucoreus. L. Fab. Sp. Inf.N° 74. Muf. Lud. Ulr. = 53. SS Se 365. Se = Sa PURSE AGS oe QS 6 SS Se SSS eee = a | ee Si, a 8.6. Stultus. - . © Mant. N° 117. Anchoraco. L, - Spec. Inf. 118. De Geer, Inf. - §.tab.15. f. 4. P Argyreus, oF 106 FAUNULA INDICA. Argyreus. L. - Spec. Inf. 128. Muf. Lud. Uir. 54 Canipess 2s Mant. 183. Lacerta. - -.- Spec. Inf. 161. Frigidus. - Mant. App. p. 381. Daestsin Vig tse Ope: If. 1Qee ee. eee Cinnamomi. -- Gmel. Lin, 275. Fuefl. Arch. Dif Globofus. - Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 193.Drar. Inf. = - Atetis. ba 2 ee 206. De Geer. Inf - Viridanus. - -°- * - = 219. r at + cas tense . _ ft FEE Bae Ge ee me - t+ ee - — oe 2 - pl. 3% Fame 6 5. ¢. 24. f. 20. hoi I 5.tab. 16. f. I ArreLasus. Indicus. - <= <- Mant. N° 5. Thunb, N. Spec. Inf. 3- pl. 68. f. 81. Cyaneuss 290 << e -S5 ES Crerus. Apiarius. L. fad. sp. Inf. N° 9. Schaef. Ie. - = = pl. 48. -f. Il Cyaneus. - - - Mant. N°1S. | Prronus. ‘Trochlearis. Lin. S. Nat. p. 622. Armillatus. L. Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 21. Oliv. Col. (Prion.) pl. 5. f. 17s Roftratus. - - - Mant. N° 3. Spinofus. - - - - - - 26. an i VAD) Ak ge oe ray a ™Cr- 7 oy — is Sa. -——2 ee ee — —— WAT.) : As ares © a > oo gt Sa —E-- —o a ee Fe = —* « = CreramByx. Gigas. - - Sab. Mant. N° 20. Fafciatus. - - Spec. inf. N° 23. Barbicornis. bo ee OL Oh. ee Rugicollis. - - - Mantif. 40. Holofericeus - - - ~ 45. Longicollis - - = - - 46. Sentis. - Lin, S. Nat. p. 626. 23. Ferrugineus. - 2%. Platypus.. - Gmel, Lin, N°132.De Geer, Inf. - 7.#. 49: pes, LAMIA, LAMIA. STENOCORUS. SAPERDA, CALLIDIUM. LEPTURA., LAMPYRIS, FA OUWNUL A 7 Vaginator. - Fab. Mant. N° 8. Grifator, - -~ = - = ={ 72, Nigricornis. - - Spec. Inf. 10. Ariolator. - - - #*= 14 Reticulator, - - - - = 16, Rotator, = = -)..- = = 32. Lufia. - - Fab. Mant. N° 35. Molitor. - = = Spec. Inf. 42. ae Rubus. Sentis. - = Lin. S. Nat. N°23. Ferrugineus. - - 7 - - Depreifus. SS a eS Cyaneus. - Rufticus. - - - - = 19, Vittata, ea ee wi ge, Barbatum. = - = - - 172, Comprefflum, - - Mant. 21. Glaucum, - = - Spec. Inf. 4t. Annulare, - ~- - Mant. 509. Venuflum. - - Gwmel. Lin. 298. Hage. ee Sa) a te Lincaris. - Lin. S. Nat. N° 25. COC dae se Deprefla =<. = Compreffa, - Gmel. Lins N° 3 44. De Geer, Inf. - Bcabrator. <= 4 I SS A 25. Muf. Lud. Ulr. - 26. Schr. Inf[ - = Fab. epee Inf. N° 2, Lorft. Cent. Iny. 299. Fab. Sp. nf . NDICA. 107 Site 13. f. 16. 70. 8. f. 10. AO. (palliatus.) Fuefl. Arch. Inf. F..26. fi 32. a Seg Se ey, 1G, Muf. Lud. Ulr. = 77. Thunb. N. Sp. Inf 4p. 80. P 2 PyROCHROA, 108 Pyrocnroa. Nigripes. - - - Mantif. 5- eo > FAUNULA INDI LymexyLon. Teftaceum. Jad. Spec. Inf, N*1. Cucuyjvs. CANTHARIS. ELATER. BuPpRESTIS. Rufus. - ~- Gmel. Lin. N° 10. Swed. Aft. Stock. - %. N° 3. 21. Melanocephala. Fab. Spec. Inf. 13. Tropica. - Lin. S. Nat. N° 19. Gron. Zooph, - 515.4. 14. fe7: Flabellicornis. L. Fad. Sp. Inf: N°1.Dr. Infs = - - 3: pl. a7. fr lef Semtiatih. Nave He a sivas Veg nets fees 8b 2 ee 3 Berigineii ie = tic SY: Melanocephalus. - - -. 39. | Notatus. - - - - -.° 45: Pallipes. - Fab. Inf, Mant. 46. Gigantea. L. - - - - - 3.Petiv.Gaz - - % TA] fr 16. 17. Vittataa - - - - - = 4 a leat ds ee ee. eee f. 8. GO ig OB a oe a Sternicornis. L. - * - - .17-Grew, Muf. - = 4.13 Chryfise ia = = = =~ 18s De Geer, Inf. = fa 25: Fulminans. - - Mantiff. 29. Imprefla, - - - Spec. Inf. 27. Seabra.. <2 0-8. -. 32 2B Plebeia. - - - - - - 4!I- Impreffa. - - - Mant. 61. Bimaculata. - - Spec. dnf. 45. Sulz. Inf. «im agyete 6. fo 4-maculataa - - - - - 46. z T riftis FAUNULA INDICA. 109 Triftis, L. - Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 47. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. - 93: me@piis. 1... -- - - = 49. Sater. = = Dae SNA. a eee 87. CicinpELa. Longicollis. - Fab. Mantiff. N° 1. Grofla, - - - Spec. Inf. N°1. Cyanean = - - - Mant. 2. Bicolor. - - - - Spec. Inf. 2. Bespunctata. ---. - ach ea: atineata. 35.0 = Se eae, Biramofa,. - - - Mantiff. 20. Thund. N. Sp. Inf. i.pl. 26. f. 40. Catena. - - - Spec. Inf. 18. HyDROPHILUS. Olivaceus. Bimaculatus. Dytiscus., Limbatus. = 7 = Sp. Inf. Se Ruficollis;s - - - Mant. N°6. Fafciatus. - - Fab. Sp. Inf. 7. Vittatus. - = - Spec. Inf. 10. SSS as ieee Aciculatus. - - Gwmel. Lin. 64. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 5.6, 123. N° 4, mevianicus,. .=— = a... .« 83. Gron, Muf. = = 29. 164.N° 552. GYRINUS, Brings. acc: os — 4. . i : CaraBus, Di guttatug, 6 ie Se AG i Be RORUS Se <6 et 4 Angulatus. - Fab. Spec. Inf. 21. i POR oe 5 Sh eR | Attelaboides, -- + - - 30. i SHINNEALUS, ew 4 eS SK i i = . - - ~= OO OR I TOT ye yee 110 PIMELIA. SCARITES. BLAPS. TENEBRIO. HiELops. MYLaBRIS. FAUNULA INDICA. Bimaculatus. L. Fab. Spec. Inf. 45.Sulz. H. Inf. - = t fom Cinétus. Siar grab eee: OS Flexuofus. - -. - - - 66. Tedicusc: = - Gmel, Lin. 153. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. - 6.4.29. fc im ames Re Si Be et p. 1383 Nae ee SCA RR Rn ee p. ¥38. N° 4a | Gtriatac$ = eee EFA SS Gibba. - - - - Mantiff. 3. Fafciatae - - «= - Spec 18. Bucephalus. - Gmel.Lin. N°20. - 7 £. 2% t.29. fib Striata. - - Fab, Sp. Inf. N° 5. Crenata. © - - ~ += - 6. Laminatuss - - - Maniiff. 1. Punctulatus. °° - - - “= & Abbreviatus. - - Spec. Inf. 6. Maura. - - - - - = = §&. Dentipes.-- + +--+ = -. 12, Fafciata.. 2= ~--<--s .- - 1, Plowicd, ds es it oe Be indica oo = Gehl Ae ee RS ee Undulata, - = > - s: ache eo - wicoetiv. 48. fe Bifafciataa - - ~ - = 2% - = - = = 448. f. 2 LYTTA. STAPHYLINUS. BLATT a. MANrTISs. ACHETA. Aureus. 7 om oe “ecais, - ~ - FAUNULA Syriaca. L, = - Ruficollis, - = Gwmel. Lin. OR DO. SB Gigantea. L. Fad, ae nf. aica, - «=~ =e = Petiveriana. Beets, 13. Se OS LS MM — Aterrima. - - Gwmeil. Lin. Gigas, &S fab. Necydaloides. Rocgeee - - =- Mined. Se SRS . SS ee Goneyloides. L. - Paunctata. se = SE ie eo a ee 2 TOE. Eso ee anGrrats. a a ISSN BSS SS ene ers. eeer™ Bectinicorig. 45. =. ac c= iaiiasn Ss oo 5. ce Fuichra.. = < >- Gryllotalpa. - -~ Spec. In/. fad. Sp. Inf. 3.1 N° 3. Drur. Inf. - - Spec. Inf, INDICA. Mantiff. 1+ ULONAT A, 4 14; Pétiv. Gaz. ee 14.S9cbef. [0 = - - fh. 79. 32. fuel. Arch. Inf. - fuefl, Arch. Inf. - 6. t. 3 Be ee ee i t, Fed, Gaz. 2S 2%, 60. f. 2 0. Roef. 2. Gryl. =. = 19 3, Pall. Spi. fafe. - 9.¢. 4. Q. 8. Drur. 4 Roef. Inf. 2. Gryll. t 2. Muf. Lud, Uir. 3. 14. Roef. Inf. 2. Gryll. t, 166 Drur.: daft AS at 26. - Mantiff 34- 1. Roef. Inf. 2. Gryll, t, Lif SEE -3 fo. > I, ~ 14. 16, Monftrofa, i at | i aa - ~~ Pep ane gg — —-- ~ ~ _ —— -—- = FE a ee Ply Ee OF ee ee =. PN eR: ee a ae ———— ft se > — a ~-- - aA--7> eS ae at ee - ian — =e. : — > — = SS eo ees SS a —- ee ——— — =e se = —— — See ze Tet SSS: = <= a —~- — = —— = = . 4% facet fe < ae I 4 > 27 2 = we is — rs - weet se " al Fon =e =e 4 =. : > = he 0 SF ata. > te te +" - ee = « - » 4 - - pene - t< mn on 2-23 - ee ees SS Cee ere +. = een 2 MESS TS a i i > 44 eS Par 112 LOcUSTA. GRYLLUS. Montftrofa. Orientalis. - FAUNULA - Fab. Sp. Citrifolia. L. - ~ - Flongataa Ll. - - Femorata. - 7 ab. Ocellata. L. Triops. L. - INDICA. Inf. N° 2. Drar. nfs. . - 1.Roef. Inf. 2. Gryll. aon gs es = A ree Mant. 12. go me OD. dN. 12.Seb. Muf. - 16. Coronata. L. -_ Fab. Sp. Inf. 17. De Geer, Inf. Melanoptera. i Pye Coriacea. L. - = Spinulofa. i [Indica - Unicolor. - Lin. S. Carinatae - - - - Lamellofaa - - -° Bae on = t - Aquilina. -- - - Faltiguta. <2 = Succinétus. L. - - Reticulatus. - - - Serripes. es, TepCicuss.- ace = Punétatus. - - - Hematopus. lL. - Perfpicillatus. L. - OR DC 18. 19. Muf. Ad. fr. - 28. Edw. Av. -- Gmel. Lin. N° 116. Fuefl. Arch. Inf. Nat. N° 3. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. ma cae Wg 7? St ee : a1. Roef. Gryll. - . - 25. Muf. Lud, Ulr. - = 27]. = - ~ - ne ee |, Oa eee <8 em F Fab. Sp. 2. Aman. Ac. ~ oe aes Mantiff. 8. peas AO, Sp. Inf. 14. Drur. Inf. - 16. De Geer. Inf. 50. dmen. Ac. - iif. Sy NIST ATA. Monocutus. Polyphemus. L. Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 1. Rump, Muf. 0. %. 440 feds t. 16. fame - 18.0 | A. t. 73> fc Jum 3. te 38. fr 5 1 36. - 9, f.285.f. 3.4.5: . $.t..$39em I IQ. 122. .. 1a 13% 13 135. - 6.7. 398. 36. i) a ae 5. t. 40. fe 10 - 6. p. 398. 34% 21. f. 12- Onrscus ONISCUS. SEMBLIS. TERMES. SPHEX, MyYRMELEON. IcHNEUMON, EAU HE EE As } N-D ECaA\ 113 Linearis. L. - Fad, Sp. Inf. N° 8. Pall. Spic. fafe. = 9.t. 4. gps & MONRG em ee ea Fatale L. « - = 5.55.5: a,De Geer, Inf. _- Tete 37s fe i, 2 RPUAGs. A se oe ge ee Punctatum,. - - - Mant. 7. Pedator. - - - Spec. dnf. 52. Polycerator. - - - ~ = 63. Punctatu. - - - - - 104, Fervens. L, - = - ~ - 12. Muf.Lud.Ulr. 406. Frythrocephalan - - = = 14, Argentata, - - - Mantiffl. 6 Maderafpatana. - Spec. Inf. 16. COMpiciRe as -. - - - 19 oo SS Mantiff. 24. Vefpiformis. Fad, Sp. Inf. N° 23. pie: ORS Oe eee eee, 2 Affimilis, - - += Mantiffl. 33. Tropica. Ea ee Spec. Lnyf. (en eee eee tS Maura - - - ~ Mantiffl. 38. SRS a eee ae 45. Nigtita, .+ ~~ < Spec. Inf. 45. eee eee Pe: Stew Sas. oS eee Indoftana, - Lin, S. Nat. Ne Sis Se pe ee RA SiS en Se QO oe ee Q. TIpHia, Fab. Sp. Inf. N°8. - Mantiff. 11. EE aS Yi, Ruficornis. Collaris. Dorfata. TIPHIAs Splendida. Oculata CuRYSIS. Repanda. BEMBEX. ~ Interrupta. £3. Sp. Inf. 7. Drur. Inf. - Mantiff. 55. > NS .3 me, x DH ie yf = SS S ‘S Ky i " Cornuta. L. Calida. L. Cinéta. VESPA. 4-punctata Hebrza. - 538. Sp. Inf. 50°. Mantiff. 75. 56. Flavefcens. Petiolata. Efuriens. 5 10. Fab. Mant. N° 3. Interruptus. Cornutus. Repandus. CRrABRO. 11. Muf. Lud. Ulr. = 41. ; inf. -3. Sp Cincta Zonata L. ANDRENA. 35: Plumipes. Arts, NoOMADA., FoRMICA. Morita. CANCER, FAUNULA INDICA, Erg Bicolor. - - = = Sp. Lif. § s Villoias = 9 <> (5m) SS cae 60. Floreaa - - - anny sh Smaragdula. - - Cordata? - - on S. Nat. I 75, My, Lud, Vir. 434. Hiftrio. - - - Fab. Sp. Inf. 1. Smaragdinag - - - - N°2 Comprefla - - - peek 5 2. Cinerafcens. - - - 12. Hionoata, <- - - = -9<. S833 Elevataa - - «= Sp, Inf. 26. | Bihamata. - - - - = 29.Dr.dnfi.- = = 2.4.38. f.7. 8. Maxillofaa - - & S © 37. Indica, = - - Lin. S. Nat. 3. Mu/. Lud, Ulr. 419. oom 1) O —£V. AGONAT A, Raninus. L. - Fab, Sp. Inf.1. Rumph. Muf. - - £.7.f.T.V. Ceratopthalmus. - - Mant. 6. Herbf. Cancr, - 174.t. 1. f. 8. 9 Globus. ~ - - = Sp. My: 6. Craniolaris,s L. - -— - 7. Rumpb. Muf. - = t.10. f. A.B Porcellanus. - - Mant if. 11. Herbft. Cancr. 92. 12.¢. 2. f. 18. Corallinus, =< === 03. Rumph,. Muf. = - 6.8. f. 5. Floridus. Le - - Sp. hy. 16. Herbft. Caner. «eb. 3 fe 39s Vocan. L. - - - 17. Petiv. Gaz. .- = #. 78. fe 5. Maculatus. L, - - - = 21.umpb. Ada: pies Os i ee oe ee oe ee SR Sa oe Oe fe O Domaia-L.= s335nee 6. fu ds Pagurus. a eS ee Ie ee ee + ~- - 6 41. Je 4. rede 1. mh Aimee eey 3 gts S08. Muf. - - Bite 19. foTfe Fornicatus. Sp. Inf. App. p- $92. Ochtades. - - - Mantiff. 55. Herbjt. Canc. - = t. 8. fi Gas oie eae wie «Oe OO Ae eee Fe 74s Cylindrus. -. - ~- Sp. Inf. 35. Chabrus. L. - - - - 36.My. Lud. Ulr. 438- Muricatus. - - Mantiff. 67. Herbf. Cancr, - = Se FS Erinaceus. - - : - - 7!: Supetciions, ta: °° 25> 72. Seb. Muf. - - 3-4. 18. fi tls Punftatus. L.. - - Sp. Inf. 44. Rumph. Ambo. -~ 382% f. 6. 4-fpinofus. - - - Mant. 75. Horridus. L. - - Sp. Inf. 51. Rumph. Mu. - - is 9. fo™ Longimanus. Apt ino #55. 3% eee b 8.fSc% Lpngines. 142 So 72S 56... ».= 2s eee 8. fet eee da ew eS T- Muf. Lud. Ulr, 447+ Saltese tnt 8 pe Remph. Me. > ee rR a ee ee ee th. fo teen Hungarus. - - - Mantiff. 4. Hert/. Cancr, - - t.- + Joe TE a ed eS «a fi. 14s Cippeniis. oe: San Fiippa. Adaétyla? - Fab. Mantif. N° 1. Dorfipes. L. - - - - 3.Rumph. Mui - - t.10 Sr 3. NGHOWWIA, sen f= ee em Se Rawicamusc Arts, Le 25-2. Shi a, oe oe he maeteee- Tomorns 1. «6 = aS Be a 2 a i eee Emeritus. SQUILLA. ‘Liperiuta. AGRION, Junius, SCOLOPENDRA. FAUNULA Emeritus, LE, .<. Se PoN: De TS 3A. II? Sp. Inf. 16. Gron. Zooph. 1000. 4.17. fi & 9. Mantis L. - - = - ~- 1, Ramph. Muf. - = tf. 47,0. Seyllarus.L, - - - = .- 9.$¢b. Muf. «- = Rr3.°20; Ff. 6, Ciliataa - - - = Moantiff. 3. Chiragrat- - - ~ Sp. Inf. 3, Rumpbh. Muff - = t3AF. UK DO - Vs Urec & Tx: Indica - - - Fab, Sp, 1¢ 8. Drur. Inf. - + = 2.4.46. fit. Pacrata. LL. ---- - 17. Edw. fu. - = = £174, meracricatia, LL. = <« 5 - ~93: Fiiftrio. - = = Mantiff. 24. Variegata. - Lin. S. Nat. 18. Aman. Ac. - - 6.p.412, N° 86, Ciliataa - - - Fab. Sp. Inf. 3. Linearis, - -~ - = ~~ 6, Drur. Inf. - = 2,2. 48. Sets we pitt Se Soe eee Ls aS Sr ae eR g. Schroet. Abb. - te 3.f. 7. BROS Lona cae es Peo Gee t. 74. fe 3 RUNOUB Sa oe Sk Mal. 29 Ste Bae J ae Se es 2 6. Petite GaZ, = eb 136 fe 3s By Sa oe eS ee 7 Cos at Se ee Faormneréac 1, esa eee ARANEAs a | i an} Sere sil! FAUNULA INDICA. 113 Aranea. Argentata. - ee Sp. Inf. 18. | Luica. - - > . N° 10. Cram. Inf. - = 16.4. 181. A. B Pelaus. = =. -* $$, = = See 177. A.B.G Deron: ia a5 8 = 16 - = = Se ree t. 141. D. Cem a aia ee me me RS, 16. t. 182. A.B. Polydorus. =~ = = 80) oF r1.¢. 128. A.B. Wéation. Lista = Boe -— S ee A. B. Dearne 4 aw a Nin eo ee A. B. Dens. = so ae a eee A.B. & 11. A.B. Agenor. lL. = = - Ob. = - ~ = = Bebe 3% A. B. Amphrifius. - - Mantif. 23. = 2 toe © 19.4. 219 A. 7 candor FAUNULA Wucandor.. - “sa Sarpedon. L. - Amphimedon, - - ee Rs ee Ee ee Eyiander= >. eS eS Polymneftor. - - - - Premios, 15. = See meeting. sas 3 OOS ee menos ee Se = Bou Pes s Ripheus. - Pyrrhus. L.. - mariates. - | --. « - —s. le a So a li a. = . . Remedies: fe ee OE ven ae Se Alcibiades, - - Mantiff. ROMDUNG ae te Sinon; ==. SSR Sp. Lyf. Antheus- ... - a ee Saree ae oT Periander. BOGMB a Sn ws Meneftheus, -~ <= - OS SS : Fab. Mantiff. N° 43. arate. ae: SD. sa a5 IN ee. - Mantiff 0. Sp. Inf. N° 47. Mantiff. 53. P. “+ 46.2 oS EN DP ICA, Spee. In 28. _ i... + eS 325 SSeS eis Se ere 9B SS Mantiff, 24. Spec, 37. Mu. tus Ulr. 38. Cram. Inf. = AcHIVI. — = bal _> $2 - + - Spee ee ras pS Se HSE bE pec aha ea 65. ae eee $9. Drur. Inf. - - Cram. Inf. - 60. - - = Mani a %. lyf. 119 - #.40.A.B.D.E, 1, 7..122. DLE. 17.#. 194. A. 3.t. 29. C_—F 57.04. Be? a7. 53, A. B 11.2. 123. 124. 12. #.135.A.136.A. 198. 17.#.195. A wpe G08: Ae BD ae, 290. A,B - #161. A.B MT Fe 359. OD = =e: 35. C.D ~ f¢.121. A.B - #109. A.B ee ee ee a42-160. D.E =<. fi 97. AaB Base Sa eae x oe = 8; 2380 Bok, ~~, 2007 D. E.. - 7.179. A.B == 7.142. A.B - #73.A. B. Crefphontes. “ie rif m fF : eAtIN Ui A LN 'D Crefphontes. - - Sp. Inf. 77. Cram. J | ere - ¢, $9. A.B, gee 1 ewes e2 BQe ny oe t, $3. A. B. Fé giftus. De cee Te ~ + - - $b, 241. C.D Agamemnon. tee Bag Se 106.C.D, FEgiftheus. [ew ees NS ee ee t, 200. A.B.C, Empedocles. - = Mantiff. 94. Purvalus. << =n SP. dy 83, = > eee t.74. A.B. ; Piidinus., dae ees Te x * Si. =. * 2 See 69. A. B. BE ok wi om ek ree ie BAe: 5 So t. 150. Ac Bee Dee nat Nie Gl * 5 80g SE Tee t. 168. A.B. Weenies ig Sc a pe EE ee t. 231. Acme dala Lae a A BG ES ee 205. B.C, Diigtietes lo. 22 ee ee Se eee t. 20. A.B.G itis. 1. 2 SSE - ee eee 187. A. B, Arplumachis, 9 0f0- er gee - ¢,84. A. Ba Amphitrion. - ote QO. ott = eee 157. A.B. Gambrifius. - Fab. Mantig Se See ee F.G. Drufius. - ~ ~ _-~ = = = 6.299 :-enae Demophon.L. - 4p. Inf in <9. + eee A.—E Prope iis L AO e ¢, 122. B.C. Aftenous. - ere ee ee Sabinus. - Sp. Inf. Ap. Fe 601. - - +¢. 289. AD: Jafon. - -. Lin. S. Nat. N° 38+ Myf. Cas Ulr. 210s ee* TL ELICONIS Calliope. L. = -Fab. Eee: dif 107. Cae. Inf. . 2 eee 246, C, Melite. L. - - 108. - Cepia a ote Se + 10g ee -_ Mneme. hi, = - - s 2240. ~- w “= oe te EO (.. Lybis. = = = = 9 ee Se t.177. C. Ds Viole. 1... :- = = 1, ea Be eg agen 2 iE TS 298. Dts Terpichore lass =n Sie 2 ere 298. A.B. C, Rinse me ea ww ee B. Urania PoAno raed LAY EN D PEA: 121 Urania. L. Fad. ‘it iif N® 117. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 225, Pfidi. L. - 124. Cram. Inf. - = = t,267,P Afpafia. = <= - Mantiff. 146. Mig ~ RS Se Ia = es 106. C.D? Peale Se me ee gg, eS Rp 04 6.-A, bury. Ln oe ee 6 SQ 525233, A. B. Aedea. L. = -. 3) 2o.- 190. Clerck. z mae ie! PH. 41, f. 2. O43 Antioch. L. - - = - 134. Cram. inf oS Siew 7, 98. ELF. 10 EPMO N TS. gt HE ae ae © Sesh ¢. 129, A; 0h, Rte. te oe eS = oe ee Ses op 369. ALB, i eo: 2 ee ee ee aye Quirina. .- ~.<\-.-- ra. ah Peete Fae te ge St Sey. ao1.. C.D: my wefithor. 1. se mar $4 = - eee, 958. ELF, tl memeromeda;- s « 4... 168: 16 Idea. i. ~ ~ - = at . = “3 e t. 193. A. B. vf ee"? Dae are ee OT, I > el OTS. eS ome fF, o71. E. F. oe a 163. Albin. Inf. - e460 FCG. VAMAS aan = = SN es ra a eee Sy RAUROR ee = Be ee Cron oe RGA EOE: C.—F 2 Neriffa.. - Ss AS eae SSA Sr. 4 A, ye Demophile. LL. - = - = > 399; Cler ck. i, - = = 14,28. fi 4. My rocale = os 2 eB es Oyler ce GS, De pf | Tol SS Se ee per een me Le NEARS crore a ee a) SS A Saeeeeaes PTO. -G. Ail Pe ee eS es Scylla. L. - = Coronea. - - Cornelia. - - Agathina. - - ae. Belifame. - - Amata - - FEnippe. - - Cypraa. Hilaria. ~“- Danae. - - Sefia, Ss. <6 -s Rahel. - = - Ac oe? en Meffalina. - - Zeuxippe. - - Gnoma. - = Drya. “= “=. * Philea. L. - - Dorimenes. - Mantiff. 229. Ry Cs GOR? Se ieee See eat A s e 188. Mu/ Lud. Ulr. : y i 190. Pl. Enlum. - + ine Ee 1gt. Cram. Inf. - - eka TET, - <2 '« 903. Reis. 5 ee eee = Sr = 230. - =- = Mantiff. 232. === °236. - 189. Cram: Tif. > a ae eee - - 3194.Clerck. Ic. - - ._Cram. Inf. - - .352.C. DEF, t. te f. t. t. f. fh. t. b. t. 187. E.F, 141. E. 229. B.C. 229. Bake 36. AC. 238. E.G, gl. fs tom 270. A.B. 164. A—C, 320. C.—F. gt. D.—G.! 44. B.C, 38. f. tem 221. F.G. 12, C.D. 68. B.C. 237. D. Es #.258.A.B.C.D t. i. f, h, = CQ RS eS 157. C.D. 339: E. F. 217.C.D.E. 363. C.D. 362. E. F. 361. C.D. 120, C.D. 173. EF. tay PATE LA. = B.N-.D-EC..A. Acafta, - Lin, S, Nat. N°’ $3. Muf. Lud. Ulr. Encedonia,.-- <.+,< <= 90 - - =. + Wrialte,.. - © se cue oe. GI. Clercki dee = Damone. - - - - = = 93. FESTIVY. 7, Dawar Midamus, L. fad. Sp. Inf. 227. Cram. tis - Claudius.- -- - Climene. - <- - iene Paerins = <- < AMARY: “ i. - = Sp. Inf a Meee nD Syphax. - -.- - ky a Fyialeus. -.- - Fualthe - - - Ceneus: L. - - ‘©!’ =. 239. Mul. Lud. Ufr, SS a pres ha a oe Mantiff 267. sie > oe SO. tif, 2355 == eee ees fs em EAR SCS Chryfippus. L. - - - Pregenppus, -- - = - 2408. = = OS See a es Wieaeus; - - - = *=2615 =< = + -f ae Se Eee ae Xanthus. lL. - - - - Arcefilausy. - - Mantiff. 305. Eribotes. - - - ee Inf. 267. Morvus, - - - ly [> Si cee eR Cocytuy. - - - Mantiff 316. Obrinu. L. - - Sp. li. 275. = - i Se Wee Ts a a eR ae ee SS mak he so Se Se SE oe Pe ew oe Se ee, Aeropus. L. - - WS ke. | SRE SES he eae ~ 2) Baldus. - - - - - 306. Zetes, - Lin, S. Nat. N° 110. Clerck. Ie. - Enceladus, - - - - - 412.Mu/. Lud. Ulr. : R 2 250, 244. 254. t. ™“™ ° hs Mh ™ TR TM ST TH OS “2 Bel 4.7 Sia. Bs 8 Ve aaa ba Eat shjefe-Te Eribote, FAUNULA INDICA. 124 Eribote. - Lin. S. Nat. N° 115. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. Perius, - - 7 ecm EDs = ft ES Philomelus. - -°- - ~- 123-4men. Ae. - * Ny™MPHALES GEMMA T Ie Polynice. - Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 310. Cram. Inf. - = Reaeeaa A eg Oe ee RS ee a , Pe te ae ork C5 Sie a i nt ie aR ee TR SOD: © TU ae gees Rcigee are ee Oe ee ee Lemonias. L. - lathe ee ee Villida. - - = ” Mantiff 766. Glecerit.:. «cai ee eo ae Orithya. da. = 6, Sp. Inf 31S. eee te ge EE Re Re eg nm 2B O ee Lampetia.L. = Mantif. 378. - - = = Wagsland. « <= “pp, Mie 320. er ee ati es ms BE EE, Ra Tae ot me ar eI ge ee en ee ee ee Atlia. - - - - Mant. 388. Libye. L. - - - Sp. Inf. 334- Sultz. Inf. = = Folim, a4 = ee Cram. Inf. = Tie gree ir aS emesis > fs cee le a eta deta et AGS Pe RS Panthera. = - Mantiff. 407. Pipies.-..- = ba. Ji. Jeo = eS Claudia. =. 6 ee 69. ONT Ore. Ge Bankia. = - - - - = 371.Cram. Inff ~+ = Leda. ORE Path, ete eas MA 376. a ps Ps é Rohria. - - - Manitf. 446. 33+ 261. 6.p. 404, 60, i \o sry o tn I > &> a Of ™ . ° ea Bo hes on” bm Ponm ae hel 5 3 62. 3 — ? t. 32, Home t. 232. FG, t. 192. EE t. 148. D. Db 349. A.B. f. 141. C.D. t. 116. BF t, 8. F.G. t. 26. E. Fe t. 17. f- 7 ft. 390% t. 6g. C. D. t. 160, B.C t. 60. A.B. 2. t, 26: Aaa 291. I. t. 196. CG: D. Arcenfit PA UNO LA Arcenfia. a ne OY 277777 Drtaitiad, ..S. «tte Ae Date. F endl To Polydecta. Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 373. = Tphica. RG She oar Pe Yolumnia. - - - = - 374. - Meas +e ke ee ee PaOrha ss se OR gag PRte: =~ at ha Ee eee Juliana. Fad, Sp. App. p.§03. - Keita. - See es Helie. os S. Nak N° Pipe ck. PO Se a ee a age ee sillind PHALE NyMPHALES EE RS SPAR aaa te Cydippe. L, - Fab. Sp. Inf: 3 Penthefilia. —- oe oe os RE i. o .- <..sk Vitehia.“- <. ~ Antilope. Reitea sao See Protogenia. - - Sp. Inf. Matas a SS SS ROK ee Polychlores. L, -- .= > - VS eS Seer SS Se PaIDPOCHIGs ae .- SBR SS ee ane A, -- ~~ ha Proferpina. . Bone, -b. - aia eS x INDICA. - Cram. Ses a 47 4. Cram. 390 : 392 ~Drur. 395- : SF eatin 990.>-= 484. >> 407. <= 410, - 412, - 414 2 Inf. Inf. ns T Ie ™ > ™ Th T™ MS TH .* 274. - 280. ei. <. bs 34 Js 3: 5 2 eS Oe 92. DS t : o bh. AOS we 235. OPA - 189. F. G. . $84. E. F. Var: ; a ty pee. US. Pe oe -330.C.D. Var. 188. B. 82950 os 222. C.D. 19.1. F. iad. ts. FH, ~are. &. D. SOtr Er. Lifionaffe. Lz - x * —<- = ae Se eS a a FAUNULA Lifio rafie. = - - - - Pavia iL, =. = <4 Thyonneus. - - : Archefia. - - SD. App. D. 504. Amathea. L. - Spec. Inf. N? 416. Sp. App. p. 504- Undularis. - ny nf ¢ AZ {7 0° Monina. - = Mantt1ff. N ibe 2 amis. a = =." => = Pics. = Se USE N° 510. Leucothoe Le. - Sp. Mnf. 421. IMelicerta. - °° - - - 423. Heliodore. - - Mantiff. 516. llithuia.- - ~ - => Sp. Inf. 426. Pema 2 SS a 523: Frymanthis. - - Véniha: dice Sp. Inf. 431. Alimena. Lie == + - 432. Phoerruofaa LL. - - - = 433: Manilias - .- - = - =. Hiippona,.:. << = et 434° Adonia. - - - Agatha. - - - "Mant iff ‘ 30. WNegret. Lig =: = ‘?. Inf. 441. Accor 1 oe - nila Porphyria. = - *. =. - - Eurinome. - - - + 2° 443. Wefte:-) 6232 See Diffimilis. Le. - - = 444. Affimilis, L. -- -— - Similis, Ly. =" “== 32 -- =. 446. Lotiss = - - = 5 = - 8 Midis Hoa we ee oe EO Valentina - - |- - - - - Egialeaa - + - ~- = 449. Alcippe. ==. 6 = = eee Panope. - - = = = 450 4 aN aN > Cram. Inf. Ja ly. 415. Muf. Lud. Cram. Inf. _ - INDICA. Ulr. t, 213. A.B. ™ a7 238. F.G, 219. B.C. 221. A.B.C, 130. B.C. 259. A. B, go. C.D. 259. C.D, ™ ™ . ‘ ernie ™ * 75- C.D. 121. EF, 259. EF, 70. A. 256. E.F. 82. C.D. 154. A. 30. D. 230. D. E . 110, A.B. t 327. C.D. t. 192. D. t. 389. G. H. t. 65, C.D. Villida ™ 7 7 OLA UP UR FAUNULA INDICA. 127 Willida. -- $) Wien eae. Cram taf. = -ae-= ft. 349. C. D. Hippia. - - = Mantiff. 545. POSURE SES. Peter to. SBS ACO. ew ee ee F242. D. F Cytherea. L.. = - =.= tap. Clorck. Ie. = ami =. t. 39. f. 3. Phalantha. ad. Sp. Inf. N°485.Drur. Inf. - - 1.4.21. fit. 2. Tipha, -- - Lin. S. Nat. N® 164. Clerck: Ic. «. = cet. 32 f. 3. Canace. =< ---- -.-% 6 493: Drar. def, .=- Sete tp fein 2. Idmone. - - - - = +182. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 310. Flea. a -oe te 2s se Spy Draredal a seh i7s f. 5.6. Janafla, - - - - = - 1865. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 294. peaupna,* = == <9 = = 897eClotk.-St.~ + ees th, Ab. fF, 12 Hypermneftra. - - - - 198.4men. Ac. - - 6.7. 407. 69. Nefea. - = - - - -- 199.Muf. Lud. Ulr. 302. oh 6:5 3-23. TRG R-A1L-2 S. Amor. - - Fad. Sp. Inf. 491. Mureanus. - - - + += - Cram. Inf. - -_ -..t. 208. E. F. Lifas, - - <= Mantiff. 615. Biota > -- = - - -- 620. Cagemes, - - Sp, Unf, S0OQ.8 2s ce ee t. 40.C.D. tie. = ei GTI, ~ oe ee 4, 46. BG. mepeerenus, - =< - i> - $16. -- = * =- -e0+. 4. 36.C.D. Jarbus. - - - Mantiff. 648. Beticu. L, = - Sp. Inf. 529. Ernft. Pap. d’ Eur. t. 37+ f. 76. Strephon, = - - - - 2 Atymnus. - - Mantiff. 662. Cram. In. - -. - +t. 331.D.E. Aeolus - - - Sp. Inf. $35. Pl. Enlum - + t,18. f. 6.7. Suet, ~ os 3 -- - = = - 699. Drak. Df. = GREK Ie Je Zs Ixion.. - - = <= © = 540. Nedymond, ==... - = .-- =. Cram. Inf. 2-- = > 4 299. E.F. Rofimon, - - - = - 541. Bs eds SS 2 Se oe Se ls ee kgs DD. Ie Amyntor..- = -- - -- - $43. - - eo: ett Fe 59: D. E. g Triopas. (_~ 7 ] FAUNULA INDICA. EONAR. << = Cram. Inf. Eurmolphus. - ~“ -- peeks = Fab % yf Sep. Midas. <--- - = Sek DMiglampus,. 7° 588° - - Mees 2 Sa S455 oe <6, Drur. Inj. Phedris.. -7 shrew Sc sh Cram. Inj. Asatis, << iAm oes t= - eenus. > aes SP eo 576. Petavius. - -~ - --- Haraldus. - - vem: TA Ubaldus. - - ° Neleus. L. - - 8p. ‘def ii. Find. Ic. Bochus. - -.- mil oe Ne Mls ee Priaffus. L. - - - - 591. Muf. Lud. Ulr. Polybe. - Lia. 5. “Nat. N° 218. Amen. Ac. Timantes. - = - - - 241. Mu/. Lud, Ur. teeta a ww me ORO. Clerck. Je. ++ PLEeBEII URBICOLA. Exclamationis. Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 595. oo” ee aR le eee re 597. Amen, Ae. Colon. -= < -<-+ “=2- -598. Alcithoé. - - - - = - = Cram, Inj. Alexigg. See = st 3 - SO 1g. Phra. dacs =2 e+ at 2 - 620. = = Dan. - - - = Mantiff. 798. Chromus.. - -- - - - * = + - Ladon. . = = te wp ee = ee eek Gnetus. - Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 624. Pl. Enl. Polycletus. L. - - - - 627. Cram. Inf. Cendon. 20-2 6 ots eS Phidias.- LL, 26-2 — --+S32.- = -- Japetus. - - Sp - - > - - ~ ~ | ‘ t. 310. Gale t. 299. G. Hi t. 365. C.D. t. 390. L.M. t. 391» CDs 6. p. 404» 58 6. Pe 410. 80, t. 80. C.D. 6.7. 68. E. t 169. F. ye: | t. 3400" iis EAU DT LA EN DY.-C A. 129 Ke Maimon. - Fab. Sp. Inf. N° epee | SSE Be Re eS Foreftan. - - - = = = Sa tetie wes ft, gk. Be Pienaicas. -- -<« = «>= 639. 1 Coens. = = 1" “Ss. - - #, 393. A. B. me ae. = eS Se 645. Mu yf I tad Ur. 3430. ei Menes. -. - = - = - - #. 393.H. I. i Pygmeus. - - > - - Gae. a Butes. - Lin. S. Nat..N° 261. Clerck. Ic, - = %- £. 46, f. 6. pumerOs,.-- = -s “syns caus, - - = “sas 27%. é SpHInx, Afiliformis. - Fad. Sp. Inf. N°6. | Nefii.. -. => - o: ee Oo dnfe- = Seote tage. lag | BePOtnOS, = 3 Se aoe OS Oe 8. DL i MetiGia. f= << ee Ge Se ee eG. maecis, = + > ej weo Roget ee, 5S. A. Alope. - - = - yeas if: ae See f.-30T. XS. Opheltes. - - - = wo: Sea Se ROSE SS a ae Sp. 1H: 17. oo Inf Sees ge Ss BRE Acteuss - - - - - Cram. Inf. - - - t. 248. A. NS, S229) Se. ee ae ee 78. A. & 7s Poe np en te BE ee ee I SLB. : Ree ne cn peer Ae & OSS ie Pagana. - - © - -_ = 29 Oldenlandie., - - - - 37: yt Sia ae a ee Se ee me lon eS «Feat ee ees Si 61. D. he Peace es eS ea eee AaB. j,i" Boerhaavizw. - - = - - 39> Sultz. Inf. ae rs s. 20. f. 30 } iia SS mi ie - 2 ee PAINGG. es Se Mantis 44° Drancus. - - - epee! * =) i 132. F. fae Porcellus. i= = o Sp. Bil AA. En ft ‘Pap. - - ee is GH N° 161-6 If Conyolvuli, L. - - - - 46. ss Inf. - = =~ #.225.D ™ Celerio. ee ttl Bde —~ eS eH Est) .2e- 130 SESIA. ZYGENA. BomMByx. FAUNULA Celerio. L. = - - - es 2 a If - = Neffus. - INDICA. Crantor - > Fab. 5p. Tif. N° gs ae oe Alecto. L. .- - SM emi. 34s oe Soe er eG 2. Pa GI MOU ee ee bicleem.: © tt, Se | PR RE i) EE Sst adr Meee — ta at aacea gags Butus. - - - - Mantiff. 62. WDPTUS. 5k et 66. Ocypete? - Lin. S. Nat. N° 4. Mu/. Lud. Ulr. NMenwts. ==" = age aes Clerck. Ic. - Tihipnone. -. oe Se a ee Mu/f. Lud. Ulr. Hetnmis: 2 = ew et oe Oe inion. 1. - fe. 5). BAND = = = Otomaculataa - - = - 9% Wipe a ee te Hemorrhoidalis, - - - %133- 7 "7 7 Wenelitvata: "3" oS oe ew ce ES Se ee ee ge en a ee ee eR Dipteraa - = =< = --° 44> | Aurata. - =~ Grenia.: "= ‘Ba: S. Nat N: 39 Clerck. It. - Cyffeu. - - - ae om ee Atereus.s - - = «= - - - - SS Bombyomus. = + + ES Ste Paphia. L. Laocoon. Mylitta. Fabia. - . Fab. Sp. Inf.N°4. - - - PS a we - #, 226. D. - #.104,A. iene Pe Ky Fe OF ote RSet elit. 26 Gia = i 9, 285. C. 344° - $b 4]. Joan 359: ‘ : t. 398. B. oh bh 68e%% - #, 286. A. bit. $2 “2 D.¢ = .t. 261. D, ~ t. 368. A. = $, 264. Bisse < z. 46. f. 4.2 St. 25g = t. 400. . +t. 400.C. h 147- A. B. 52-8 Fickkee " ‘ ~ Be = = 250. B Lunt FABUW aL A chN-D)-£.-C. A. 131 Luna L. - - Fab. Sp. Inf. 15. Cram. Inf. - - - #31. A.B, My Feneftra, L. - = 9 -oce 18; Clorck. fe. 5. - = 4. 65. fos | Polybia. - - - = = = =~ Cram. Inf. - - - +t. 369. A. | Penelope, = = nes Se EO, SS ee 45+ AA Ve Tea 6 ee ee oe es 300. Ai. Mt Perfpicua. L. - -.-- = 23. Muf.£ud. Ulr. 373. Confpicillator, - - - - - Cram Inf - - - +£.97.A.B. nM Militariss L. - - - - 22 .- - = = - 429. B. | Namatias. =) 4258 se eee tS Se ee eo Eugeniaa - - - = = = = = © = = = 4398. M. Beondide (4, ne ew a ee Sl ee, ee Aconytan - - = - = = = - = = == = #4131. A. Quadricincta. - - Mantiff. 44. il Marder: <=. 66 np eo ee eee Buca. © = <- = 32° seg. Niceta, = - - - See ee Se HS RS tht Hibifci. - - - Sp. Inf. 45. Glauca. - - - - © e+ 25+ = > Imperialis, - - - - - 62.Drur.Inf. - - 1.49. fr %e Lunata. .- - - =3- _ =. Cram dof. = =. =. bs 309 ©. rn Crafficornis.s - - = - = 63. Rn 5 Se i ee pe ee eee ee Ogee Pafinuntia.. - - - pe eS ee rl Nuda. - - - Mantiff. 105. VOU => ee 9S es oh Hyphinoe.. - - *© - 2 = - - fi eS eae Ae ae Te HE Paatie. 2 Sie be Se hee de ef Ricini, = - = = =: S82 4 te tH c= ot eee - a Sanguinolenta - - ~- £28. . £ ~ = +» 183. Lepida it i, Wig! See i 2 Far OT eT At ates = hy ~~ ot i = 2 eS oo Te = CS t st ae ee le ae wa 2 _ sie ese Se Mantiff. 10. WMinedss ee Siete Crepufcularis. L. Fad. Sp. Inf. 1. Irrorata. - Fad. Sp. App. p. 506. Lame. «2 = > 506. ‘Sinuata. - 2 aOR Squalida, - ad. Mant. N° 13. Vefpertilio: = = + --~ 16. DS a OR ce a el [llibataa = - - Sp. Mf. 13. Seg ee os Umminia. - Sp. App. p. 506. india: = ae Se Be eS t= Scrobiculata. - Sp. Inf. N° 14. Careneaa - = - - - - = Diofcoreez, - - - - = 14. Materna. - - - = - = 16. Hypermneftra. - Cephife.* < +> z= -#2=-254= Paphos. - - ~ . Mantif. 24. Chione. - - - - Sp. Inf. 26. Sapa. - - - - WMantiff. 29. Fab. Sp. Inf. 3. Cra UN DD EGA, Cram. Infe an fags Bo Nats 281. Clerck. Le. m. Inf. _ ~— -_ me @ _ a -_ _ a — _ _ - = - a - — i ond - t. 130. E. ™ Me t, 133.00 t. 3900 te 50. fats t. 1465, fem t. U7 Aeie #174. A.B t. Poi ae t, 159. Ae t. 116. D. t. 274, B. t. 267. F. t. 239. E. t. 269. E.F. ,. 30. A.—C. t. 174. Av B. t. 323. A.B t. 227. 3B. Bajularia. FAUNULA Bajlatia.” = = 8s tea 5 eS ae TES Poavoluta.” = ~- = “Shee gO, Membliaria. - - - = - has ew ee Lutca. - - = Mantiff. 49. Wana. =.\-= > =. =, See ae 96s aries, ca eee ie Leonina. - - - - = - 33 Suivi. ia = SR SH Avida. - - Fab. Mantif. 68. Triangulum. - - - = = 74» Arcuata. =. <9. -° = ste Fhe Vulpinag - - - Sp. Lif. $0. Barina. = et ee Mezentina. - - - = -°* Swit, = == = =e oe Geometrica. - - - = = $3 Bea. oe a a RT Pe ee. SNe ee ey Ammonia. - = - - Sl femaia, - <- - <%= >=>- Frogais. - - - = - 62. Se a et ee OR Stigmatizans. - = a ee Ke Eoguettis. “= -- =< <-*""- 65. Mei Sane = ee S= S Dorfalis.s - - - Mantiff. 103. SO) 2 Sn a Malindi. Rejecta. = = -- Sp. Inf. 66. Aenatina. - =<. - <—<- -* t= eee ae a Archefia, <- 4 = 3. Clerck. Ie 52. Cram. Lnf. IN DIC A, Sp. Inf. 23. Gram, Inf. = I 133 $197 2.0 208. D. . 269.C. DD, ™ ™ ™ ” 92. A. ; 242. A. B, ™, t. 56. f. 6. t, 250, E. t. 250. F. t. 274. C, t.274. D. 1.27 3.E.288.A. s. 273. F. G. Mercatoria. 134 PHAL/AENAs FAUNULA Mercatoriaa - =< - - = 79-Cram. Inj. Tele 6 = ae et Se Rapta. - - = Mantiff. 120. DGGE ass a es we eS Partita. -.- - - Sp. Inf. 80. Melanthus..- - *-.-+ =" Pagana =—- -- + +2 - gO. Joviana, - -- -- -. - - - Orichalceaa - - - - - 92. Ciytids 2 ee ee ke Signata. - = = + - - 96. Dominica. - - - - = = = Peponiss - - = - = - 97. Nitidulaa - - + Moantiff. 153. Sinuata, - .- = Sp. InfrXG, Amphix. <<< - -5---.- Hiiftrionica. +s ce ce. ce 2 114. Perithea, = © — - =~ = -= -- Pellex. - Lin. S. Nat. N° 104. Mu/. Lud. Interrupta. - - - =- = 116. Cram. In. Strigaria, - Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 12. Undaria. - + - = - - 20. Monilariaa - - - = -- 23. Rondelaria. - - -. = =~ 24, Maculariaa = - - = = 27. Oculariaa - = = ---- -~ 38. Perdicas -- = = = 3- ++ -e Hefperia. «= = - = - = = Flavaria. - Fab. Mant. N° 32. Margaritaria. -~- - - - = » Tripunctaria. L. - Sp. Inf. 47. Cauda. «9 -— 5. A se 26S Lateraria. - - - Maniiff. 77. Laétucinaa-- - -- = = = » INDICA. 4 ee 62.C.D. 275.8, 275. D. 286. B. 399 B. » 399. G. 399. H. 134. Ci 172. D. 185. 133: C. 129. C. 178, F. 251. B 367. K. 22. E. 104. D. 273. B.C Venarla FAUNULA INDICA. 135 Venariaa - - = mee in ns = ay: Reet 7.29. A Zemire. - = = a eat t. 367. I Obliquaria. - - Mant. 81. Rofalia. - - < - - -< = Ss gmpieerc 4. 368. F Erheftina, - - = -S0'e-e oh = He Sikes A 369. F mauearida, \-- = = Selim eS - ws 1 ieee 381.D Saudata, = = = Sie Ga. = we | = Se ow, D Fafciataa - - - = = = 66, Wulpenaria.. -.- «oie ler eo ee eee ae Arcuataa - - - Mantiff: 104. PAMpAUIA, =~ 2 ee me i EK PERS Liturataa - - - - = 109, Roletde = = = = ee ee ee SA Se oe Irrorata, - - = Sp. Juf. 77. Rarmenta,-- - -— 9: 9§p ese eee POeer, Bulebia, << 246 Yes S25 eS See te Fe 0G, Ge Ee Blaveolata. - - + =< = Of ese) .- mh 88.C. anworiatay, =e et es ae es IR Janata. Lb. - - + - « 123. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 398. Expectata,. -. = = = -- 123. Cribrata. - - - = -~ 133. Cram. Inf. - = = #208 C.G Maarpinata. =< <: 2 ee ee es St F400, I, fiftuata, LL. - = = - 149. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 397. AG ew BS Sulphurataa + = = = 152. Fiavatty 3. @
  • ee Cram, Inf. Sulcalis. Fufcalis, - Fab. i dns 182. Pueritiaa - - > +: a Cran. Inf: - ae 264. E, Anguftalis. - - Mant if. 309. : Procopia. - - Si es =) =) >) Sta Recurvalis. - - DS Inf 192. | tele <2 2 4 HAG Pyratis. Koenigiana - -~ - ~ = 65. TINEA. Crfptella. <2 = eh 25- ORDO VII. RYNGOTA- Futcora. Diadema. L. Fad. roe Inf. N° 3.Seb. Mufp - > 4 t. 770 fe Jobs Truncata. L. - . = 1. Amen. Ace - = % p. 399. 40 Elyainata. =) i Se Fe Deftiva.> c=. < = ----- = 3 Mempracis. Spinofaa - - 7 - ~ = 5. Sulz. Inf. , eounosh be 9. f. & Tauris. .=* = = Se 2 - 10. ‘Tepriconia. Fornicata. - - Gmel. Lin. 11. Mu/. Lud. Ulr, 156. Fafciata. - - Fad. Mantif- 9. Stoll. Cicad. - Wt. 4. fe IT Ginette = 0 Foo SRE 6. Vaiss <0 t= Bi g2* 26> =F Confpurcata. - - Sp. Inf. 13. Repanda. L. - © = 2s > 16. De Geer, Inf. - 3-4 33 fils Teftaceaa - - - Mantiff. 23.Stoll. Cicad. why he bt. Oo fe meee CICADA. NOTONECTA. NEPA. Cimex, FAUNULA INDICA. 137 Perfpicillata, Fab. Sp. Inf. N° 1. Ocellata. - - Sen 95.De Gerla oni Po 39. fo di Cunicularia, L.. -- = Son Se On Lanataa Le. - - = = - 312.DrureInfi = - 26. 37. fiit. Tomentola. - 7. = Seah Barbataa - - - - = = 14 Fiyalina. «© «© 4) Soe 94. Lyncea, - << w=) = 97. ives... >.< °« ™ = _ = 33 Indicaa - - Mantiffl. p. 534. Annulataa - - - Spec. Inf. 2. Rufticas <= = - « - 3 Fufca. - - - + Mantiff. 4. Stoll. Cimic. - + 2%t%1. fit. Tac.) SS ey ee ey OE oe Sn Behe Ve Maculata. - <- Sp. Inf. N°6. Rear. Ly, 0 ek 8 Ss he Te a EY, 6. 6. Nobiis. Lb. 2 <= - = + 9. Stoll. Cimic.. --° thy. fit. Clavipes. - - Fab. Mantiff. 5. IMiaculatus, .- < += <« = 41. MUNICHG ce oe eae ee Lunatusy, + (- - - Sp. ief. 9. - - - = =) ah 13. fa 64. Vans eo ee Ss eS Hiftrio. - - - Gwmel. Lin.-12. Goindes c.f en, Thand. N. Spi Inf: 0. N° 310 f 40. Taurus. - - - - Sp. Inf. 34. Dentatuy - - = - = 43. Spinidens. - - = Mantiff. 61. Franiatiig; 62-3 - Bo: . Scaber. - - = Gwmel. Lin. 30. Amen. Ac. - - 6p. 400. 43. Puonator. - Fab. Mantiff. 84. x : Thoracicus. =<"? rw FAUNULA INDICA. Thoracicus. - Gmel. Lin. 262. Stoll. Cimic. - - #8. f. 55. A. Blaftatus. - Fab. Mantif. 88. Maktig =< (o.oo < ge Ban B63. Sst See i110. fo7 tem Tenebrofus. - Fab. Mantiff. 93- Sulcatus. - - Gmel. Lin. Pal je ee ee F spies nis. - Lab. Mantiff. 94- Poftulatus. - - Gwmel. Lin. 231. De Geer, Inf. - 3-4 34 i Femoratus. - Lad. Sp. Inf. 77- aratitiuss. =o -<-* Mantif. 116. Stoll. Com. ee 6. fi. 39.. Wigticthla oo 68 = EY Gs 2 So eee 6. fi 40.. Nigripes. - - - Sp. Inf. 92. Drur. Inf. = = 2b. 300 fe fe a Grquatus. 5 eae OF Guttatus. - - - Manitiff. 121% Viridulus. L. - ~- Sp. Inf. 95. Muf. Lud. Ulr. 472, Peregrinator, - Gmel. Lim. 40. - - = * 17 3- Beryllus. - - - Mantiff. 127. Javanicus. += - Gumel. Lin. 332. Stoll. Cim = - = t. Ile fe Ie 6-punctatus. L. Fad. Sp. Inf. 105. Mu/: Lud. Uli. 175% Brunneus. - - Gwmel. Lin. 334- Rubrofafciatus. Fab. Mantiff. 140. Ruficornis. - - Sp. Inf. 114. Gramineus. - - Mant if: 161. Hiftrio,.. - = => 167. Piétus. - - - Sp. Inf. 117. Faber. - - = Mantif. 181. Cruciatus. - - e y- 122. Indus. Lh - = 140, Muf, Lud. Ulr. 176. Civili ..<- 4a Mewiff 186. Familiariss - - - - 190. Varicornis. - - - = 194. Malabaricus. Fad. Sp. Inf. N° 147. Koenigii. - - = - = - 156. Stoll, Cimic. - - 24. 1. fi 5» Mendicus.s - - - - - 158. Cruentus. - - Mantiff. 214. Augur. - = = Sp. dnf. 167. REDUVIUS. BIzi0, SYRPHUS, FAUNULA INDICA. 139 Mactans. - - - Sp. dnf. 168. Erythrozonias, - 'Gmel. Lin. 456. De Geer, Inf. - 3st. 35. fo 12. Sordidus. - fab. Mantiff. 231 Calens. Le - - Sp. Inf. 213.Gronov. Zooph, 712. CsPOnOVi. BL. 8 ce oe oe SA OR See Cingulatu. - -* Mantiff. 287. Pedeftris, - - - Sp. Jnf. 224. Foffarum. - - - - - 226. Filum - - - - = = 232.DeGer, nf. .- 3h. 35. J. 16. OO Ee ee See ae ne Marginatus, - = = -- = Je Sanétus. - - 7° Mantiff. 12. Pilicornis, - - - - = IQ. alaris. ~~ = Spine Sexeuttatus. - - © - - 17. A-cuttatus. - = = = - 18. Alurantius, - - +. = *# = PUncuuM.s = - - = = = 49, Bipunétatus. Fab. Manti/f. N° 30. Pte MT a BB $-{fpinofu. - - - Sp. duf. 27 O-R-D. OO - VL ANE EAST AS ON Se eee ree Sphinx, - - - Mantiff. 20, Troglodyta. - «= Sp. lf. 20 Craffus. = - - - Mantiff. 7- 4-lineatus. = - = = Q4, “«-3 MuSCAs t. 6. ff 14. 1h. 1. Schaf. Elem 2. Red, Exper. 126 x % Sy FQ S -< a mt co a y S oy ‘< Ry rd] a ae ‘3 5 a w a se QO, vu _— fx) Maculatus. Maculatus. Humanus. L. Pubis. L. Vulturis. Indus. L. ASILUS. BoMBYLIUS. PEDICULUS. ACARUS. =, sialeaiie hieg ats nade oA rae FAUNULA INDICA. 141 SLASS VE: V ERwes, [,...- ba ee Bes or RAL N. B. From our ignorance of the productions of Judia in. this Clafs,. we are obliged to omit many Genera. Gorpivs.. WM Eaineniis. ~ = - = Sloane Fam ii. 190. tab. 233. Jigs Ie Sipuncuaus, Saccatuss - - - = - = = = Amen. Acad. iv. 454. tad. 3. hi Il... M:-o- 8b b US € As Doris. Verrucofas - - - -.- - = * Seb. Mu. it. tab. 61. fig. 5: Wiewitse MaQ@thic. . . - -.- = - Aman, Acad, iii. 203... tad. 3 Gigantea. - - - - - - 7 7 Seb. My. i. tab. 81. fig. 7: Actinta. Swalloo. . - - Anedible Species collected. in the Molucca Les. Honutnuria. Priaspus. - - - - - ° “ 7 - = Amen, Acad, W. 255- SEPIA, Oftopodia. Br. Zool..iv. N° 44. tab. 28.. Of a monftrous fize in India. Mrpusa. Porpita. - - - 7 - Aman, Acad. iv. 255. tabs 3. fig. 7.8. * ENTIRE, os) 142 ASTERIAS. EcHINUS. FAUNULA INDICA. * EnTIRE. Luna. = - - = - = = Amen, Acad. iv. 256. tab. 3. fig. th £* S$ 7 ELLA TE D- Reticulataa ~ - - - Linck. tab. ar. fig. 72. tad. 23. fig. 46 Nodofaa - - - = - = - = Seb. Muf. iit. tab. 5. Jig. 7.8. LViGtihe a a ee Cine Mla tab. 8, fig. 1. % *“*#*® Ri aDiIaATED. Ciliatis, - ~ - - - = Linck.. tab. 40. fig. 70. tab. 3]. Oe Peétinata. - - - - - - - = - Linck. tab. 37. Jig. 64, Oe Multiradiata. - - - - Linck. tab. at. fig. MH Caput Medufze, Sed, Mi ill. oa i & tab. 11. Rumph. My. 4. tab 16, Efculentus. © - - =. - 2° - eph Muf. 31. tab. 13.3. Globulus. - = - - - - -'- - =- MLV. 7%. Sphzroides. : Big ee a a ee we eee Lixalas “<> 22% Se ee ee - 22.5 Diadetiias= 52 6 6 we re ae RR fens A Mu/. tab. iA, 2 fergie: (= ss ee es Galt s, oft. tab. 107. fig. ©. Atratuus. - - - - - - - Rumph. Muf. ii. tab. 13. fig. % Juacunatus,. =: = - - =<=‘=s = = + »- Sid. tab Ange Rofaceusy. - - = = = = = = Rumph. Muf. tab. 14. fig Gimwulnk te ee ra a + Geel ee P HI, TEestTAacis FAUNULA INDICA. 143 Ill. TEestTrace a: BV Fee AE OE AS Curron.. Aculeatus. - 2+ <«..4 2 = = - Tsai fe Muf. tab. 10. fig. 4 Squammofus. - -« - = = - - - = M, L. U. 465 *, ; Punctatus. - - = - = = - =~ Seb, Muf. iii. tab. 1. fig. 13. Lepas. Diadema. - - - - - - = = Rumph. Mu: tab. 14. Aig. H. Anatiferaa - - - - = = = yrgenville, tab. 26. fig: F.G. Teftudinariaa - = - = = = = Rumpbh. Muf, tab. 40. fig. K. Puoras.. Dactylus, Born. 14. I muft not omit my acknowlegements to the magnificent work on Shells by the Chevalier Ignatius a Born, for very confiderable additions to this Catalogue. Rumpuius, jultly ftyled the Priny, muft have the preference in every authority, as uit the great collector of moft of the articles referred to. es DIV. I. Bivatvu4a. Mya, Walfellas 9. ne ee Ren ae e.-.90. fez. Fi SOLEN. . ——— ee — Oe joe ce ee == i a a = sit. seme ee oo = eee Aa HF 5 oie , oer res 4 2 —_ - % 7 - “3 :23 an aa er Sse Fe ee OT KS —- 2 7k wal ' : Cia a 4 144 SOLEN. TELLINA. CARDIUM. FAUNULA INDICA. Rumph. Muy/. tab. 45. fig. M eg 2 me Puiclipsc- “8% <9 3 «+ 1 * (Osi ee Badia. 3 aie aoe te ee ee ee ee ee Ibid. fig. E, Rens. aoe ee oF - Ibid. fig. 0. REINO Sones eh elk ef ee ee bid. tabs 44. fig. N. Virens. Gargadia. ee eK wt em Se le ——— Muf. tad. 43. jg. N. Lingua Pelise 80 - - tab. 45. fig. G Virgata. ee ea ae eS a ~ © tab. 45. ite Raita oe eee Lif. Laut: tab. 394+ fig. 241. Git tgs ea 4 Se 2 + s=) tab, 45. ge Foliaceas. =. -- = oe oe ee be ok. pgs er se - - - tab. 45. fi ob wa A ts chy genville, tab. 22. fig. 0. Truncata. ** SuBORBICULAT &. Ree = = = + = + - Repl. Mil ae fig. Reticulata.- - - - --*- °- jig. | Scobinataa - - - - °- oe Pe Cia eh 76. fig. E. Cardiff - - - - = = = + Rumpb. Mu/. tab. 42. fg E tetufum. - - - - - - = = Born. at. tab. 111. fig. a ds Hemicardium. - - - - = = = = -, + tab. 44 fig. B Medium, --- -~ ~ +s = 5 + =~ MLE Bee 34 Tuberculatum. - - - |= - - Rates Muf. tab. 48. fig. Us Btagiine: 33 = oie faba Uned0s ss. es SR eee ee ee fe. F. Nocardia, = 8 ea a ee ae OS eS Aa eee JEolicum, he MactTRa. lah Downax. tt, i 1a), 4 Venus. FAUNULA INDICA, 145 MERICUM, ¢.- = oe - = Bonan. ii. fig. " PeeACUM.: = pet Sali RO as Rumph. Mu/f. tab. 44. fig. K Plicataria. Sprengleri. - - - = ~- - = = - Gualt. tab, 85. fig. F. Trunculusy. - - ~ + - > — = Bonan.\v. tad. 4..fig. 3. 4 Scortum. - - - = = - = = = “rgenville, tab. 21. fig. L Buipelcens.. - = 3. - = nos =~ WG 403--N* 49 *. Trunculu. - - « - - - - Born. lv. ¢ad. iv. fig. 3. 4. Scottum. = - - © = - =) = 8} mie Jul, 720.4. Jig. 1- ee Se eS as Od. OS Flexuofa. - = - - - = - = Rae a: tab, 43. fig. O. OL SS ee tab. 42. fig. 9 rs ele KS SS A genv. tab. 21. fig. F. Re ee a ee ee, He ae. V- Caftrenfis, - - - - - - - ~- -Rumph. Muf. tab. 42. fig. K. ee. eg ey Se See RN TOPs Ae es Bs Squammofa. - - - - - - - - - - = tab. 44.jg.M *** TupuBERES ORBICULATA. WR coe ee ee = A HH. Pigiivaa pe RS SO eee Riess SM - . -. Lift. Conch. tab. 310-28. 146. Becta sectnda, <= = == .- -<- Rear. ey: tab. 43+ Jig: e Paenata. Sw eee : tab. 4.2. fig. D OSE eS Se eee ee ec = 43- fig. C Bp = ego N74 *. Petite oo a SS Rab ae tab. 43. fig. G U IMPUBE SPONDYLUS, FAUNULA INDICA. #*%* TupuBERES OVALES, SUPRA RIMAM SUBANGULATA. Litterata. - - - - - = = - Rumph. Muy. tad. 43. fiz.B Rotundataa - - - - - - °° - MiboW S092] Decuffatas = - - - - = = « « = MLY, 505 VG Virginea. | Regius - - - - - = - - = Rumpb. Muy. 156. N°8. Plicatus. - - - - - = = - > tab. 47. Oftrea Eletirica, Gederopu. - - - - - - > - 44d. 47. fig. E. 48. fg. 1.2 Gigas. -- = © - + - = 5 * = -~) 600.4377, Hipipepicet 5) eee eS - = tab. 42. fig. C aes oe: eo ee ‘ose 83. tab. 5. Ag. 12s 4% n Arcinella. - - - - - - = Born. Davila, tab. 27. fig. T Gryphoides. - = - - = - - - = = Bonan.u, fig. 02. * MARGINE INTEGERRIMO, NaARIBUS RECURVATIS. ii a a er es a oS ee ** MARGINE CRENATO. Aanquata, <= 4 le et 5 ew ee fg ICC a ea Se ea ee ee ee Jig. 60. PRON oo ee en eo ML ae Tortuofaa - - = - = = = = Rumpbh. Muf. tab. 47. Jig. B Rhombea. - = - = = = - = ah Conch. tab. 244. fig: 15. Pectunculu. - - - = - - = = ~ = tab, 239+ fig 73 * PECTINES “OSTREA. | ANOMIA, Myrizus. FAUNULA INDICA, 147 * PecTINES AURICULATI, AL QUILATERES. SMU ee ee te be 523. N° ror. ReRRtS Sm + eae - = 524. N° 102. Pleuronectes. - - - - = = Rumph. Mu/. tab. 45. fig. A. B. Radulaa = - - - - = © | = -. = tab. 44. fig. A Puta =e See . SS aes pe. ** PrcTinEs AURICULA ALTERA INTUS CILIATO-SPINOSA, Pallium.— - Nodofa. - Lima. - Cucullata. Malleus. - Edulis.? - Perna. Ifogonum. Ephippium. Placenta. % Crifta Galli. Frons, - ee ee ee eee ee a ee ee Re eS ae a ee eee - - - + «= tab. 44. fig. D. - - Born. 114, tab, vis fig. 11s 12. *** RupdDES, OSTREZ DICTA. = ==. SS = + Sm nr red gt. figs dK. Capitaneus. - - RN ee AR oe Riis - aD, BF. Seiinue Admiralis..~ == = <= = Oe JC Bees «+ + es we ew SS ee x B ER ae ee ee ee Oe 5 1S G A << Se eS a Hs. C MMininas, ~~. - = ee oe eh tad. 12. fig. Betulinus. - - - -- = - - 7 Rumpb. Muy. tab. a. jig. oursroges Stercus Mufcarum. - - - - - - = = #4b. 33- fig. 3. A. A. Beets oe ep se em te ee. LAD 33. Jig es RE oe og er a ee IY 3D jig. O - - tab. 33- Jig. 3+ BMICUS = - =. - 3 tae tab. 31. fig. F. RI oN ae ee : er oe Qe a i Sao eee : - - ~ tab. ae Yragulinus. - - - - Paice - “Seb. Myf. ill. {ak 42. figs 31. 34- 35: a Waris. eet. wos est - 4rgenville, tab. 12. fig. R - - - Rumph. Mu. tad. 32. jig. 1. Bere ete tabs 340 fig. Ke Le MUDAL ee a Rennes. = eee tab. 31. fig.G SSS ee es EDS REP RE. SD eS Arabica, ~~ ss eS ~ * rat tah me Oar) a Die ta RH pa ee NS Pe YS : eri bP acs, Se aden ~ ~s Poe bi a a! We Ht Peeks wd An, ‘ i ateitialan i —e ota ar i pitee t " a * a x '* ° Sah. .. "ee Pe Lesa PA 4 | % i. 2: c med A> , RS pat th + : Morel Sate ae ¥ yohs oe tp PORN IR 6p py lant a Uae ‘ Es es : svat Nee al 5 Ss > 7 VF % we ee oe A bd a . rs : PEG, | Nee Mine vk ok Bek br betes Rick. AWRET YD ARS NEE A ROR Ry Lene rarer by ; CORD INSEE ae Ac SP NODA REL ba DDL RO Se RE RAL pats Ave Von vee bess Vi NEPAL Prem Ae © = = x —————— - ~ - ~ — — _ ~ a 4 toe Cua UN? Peat Sunk hey pent yes ult Soo yfus ert # ns t P ; > ta ' So A wad tees: yeti tent Ls = sr ~< 4 S ei , Ae BULLA. FAUNULA INDICA, 4 ee ee ae ea Rampe, Mi: tab, 38. fig. Carneola. - - - ST = Be tab. 38. Jig. K. Teftudinaria.. - - - - = - - - =. = «= tab. 38. fee MN ek es la oe me age eee tab, 38. fig. I. Caput Serpentis. - - - - - - - - = = tab. 38. fig. F. Mauritiana. - - - - -- - - - - = © © 4b. 38. fig EE Vitellus.. 3 <=. 25 = = + = = 58 fie 24a TO na ee eS eS ~ o tab. 36. one) a be ie Mid eS Lise Conch. tab. 683. fig. 30. TRA hfe i CO ae eS Kune Muy. tab. 39. fig. G. Onyx. - - - > tad, 38. fig. B Hirundo. Lifter Soa. tab. 674. fe: 20. fora. 184. fad. vill. fig. 11. Afellus. - - - - - Rumpb. Muf. tab. 39. fig. M. Cribrariae - - © - - - - = Lifter Conch. tab. 695. jig. 42 Moneta. ae So 8 ee Ringe Muy. tab. 39. fig. ©. Annulus.s - - - - - = - ¢ ~ « -« tabs 39. fia Caurica..--<-< © - + = = - = -95 £) 41 33-e Dracenae - = - - = = © - - = =) = “bab. 39. fii te Ps0lgee 4 ew es 2 oe tee 1 eee Helvola, - - - -*- + - + = - + tab. 16. fig. 1}: Ocellataa - - - - - -- = = E ‘fer Conch. tab. 696. fig. 4h Pedicuius...- - - + e+ = e+ Batts Muf. tab. 39. fig. P Wucleus.. - + --.+ = - % = - - - tab, 39. fig. I. Biienyidede = oe Pex. 194. tab. vill. fig. 18 Cicerculaa - - - - - -- = - Rumph. Muf. tab. 39. fig. X Globuluss = Ss ee aD. 90: pee JMU ehn Rs ees ut Ob. 80 ee ee ee Se Lifer Conch. tab, 711. fig. 66. Wapruchttc sm 6 eS nS eS pangie Muf. tab. 38. fig. re PINCUS. ao a in ae ae sce, $00s 27s ee FU PE 9 ane 7 ee ee ~ ees tabs Sa pee Phys. <=: ae ee eee Lifer Conch. tob. 715» ig 75. PUM DIGG, oe ee en - Born, tab. ix. fig 1. PICHS; a ee a eo em Rima. Muf. tab. 27. jig. Ke I Rapa. VoOLUTA. Buccinum, FAUNULA INDICA. Matt. = Se eee = eS Sate Muf. tab. 27 Terebellum. - « .s - Buen $20. FO, Virgineas - - - - Biter Conch, Jak 12. fig. 7. tab. 15. ms Peedatiias = cc te ee. te ae ope, x. jig. 1. Auris Mide. - - - «= = - Ratipn Mas, tab, 33. fg. H. H Oiva.2 eS See - + tab. 39. fis 3 Et Plurime ie et. = ew 5 Le Vie Bort. 2 Tn. — Gibbofa.? - - - - - - ~~ Lifter Conch. tab. 723. Kg. 10. Hifpidulaa - - - - - - Sas Y- Life Conch, tab. 722. fig. 9. Bullata.” = = ‘“--2s «= » ©» 40h. BI. Jig. 3h Pactylus. = - = ee oe ee ae eee $12. Jig. 23. Scabriculaa - - - = = = =| = = Gyalt. tab. 53. fig. D Sanguifuga. - - - - = = + Rumpbh. Mu. tab. 29. fig. V. Caffra,-- - - -« - = = <= = = = Gait. tab. 53. fig-E Vulpecula. - -- = - = = -= Rumpb. Muf. tab. 29. jig. F PIL Se ee es ae ee ee es eee ee Epifcopalis. ql pey Gas ee Ee ee Muf, tab. 29. fig. K Mitra Papalis - - - - - --= - - - tab. 29. fig. I Capitellim. - - = .- + <= = = = a en ee _—_ Muy. Ate 27. fig. © 5 Pomum. - - - - - = = es b. 27. Aig. Pui: = os. -~ es Seb. Muf iil. 24d. 68. fig. 14. Is Dolium, - - - - - - - + Rumph. Mi. tab. 27. fg. A *#*® CASSIDEA. 151 . Jig. E. jig. 8. 10 2 LS ET SS I one P A —- ee . ‘ te at ee a nnd . ar 352 FAUNULA tw DCs o%.C As S 1.0 2d . = « = = Rumph. Muf. tab. 27. fig.% NR in ow ES ee tab. 23. fig. 1. ee a ek Re ee tab. 23. jig. B. Tubceotams i ce Seb. ly. iii. tab. 73. fig. 10. 11. Wismuneuin: = ne Rumph. Muf. tab. 23. fig. % I ene ne a Ee tab. 23. fig. C. rN RS EE en ee ea atte rae tab. 25. fig. B. & 1. Gramaettting 65 — = oe a eS tab, 25. fig. C. Echinophorum. - Ses e 5 al , . : ‘ 5 * \ Ne Pi ue " By! 24 , ‘ < or? is H * is Ix ry ee) Siete that — ee > fs Reels ~ yee 4 _ + 13 eek ee ¢ } ve, >+ ( ; A Wie bo S'S tos Sed y on Hts Eee Series Rint Nese ant ey hb eas to her ba Pap a. % Sams. yd * teers a as a OS be Ree ANS Sh Hat ty BS iat SRM RS ERG Oe . es ~ 7 Por cea te A ‘awe bs. : = , aate ree fay Spe, ; . 1 7 By kes FORO alias F a i yw ., oo > c * tak Cae x A) es " + ay 4 , wi Bewse PAs alle o tu’ 2 WARS & ’ Y \ ¢ > ss “a a . jae = - - _—— 3 so == = — =a —= + —Z Ss —— ——— cto ree a “kin Pecans A} ny PS Pde ***® CasstpEA Laero MuRiIcaTo. kins hie x goo Pe ND 4 Riera. os. RO Se ee tab. 25. fig. D. & 7 ees a nn ee 8 te Jig. A. ie 8 a ne 8 a eee fig. Ee PRO 3 © = a Se ee tab. 29. fig. M. eg ae oe SS eee eee P, cs he Rs + hishy ; a ‘ ey ee eat hey eh SS hb 3 Vii dud N bok Bich Shee eh hess » he A #kE® Carrosa AD CoLuM. REFLEXAM. Mec ea eS eS tab. 27. fig. M eke CoLpuM. Quast ABROSA, PLANA. Pe oe ee SS Se eS tab. 32. fig. K.L eat a ee ee So ES tab. 27. fig. Es Smaragdulus. - - ~ - - - - - Argenville, tab. 6. Ii P. #eeeEE GLABRA STROMBUS, FAUNULA. INDICA, 153 t | ee GF a a ae Spiratum. - - - - - - - Rumph. Mu. tab. 49. fig. C. D. Glabratum. - - - - - - - - - Argenville. tab. 9. fig. G. HEKEEBE A on GU LAT A. Undofum. - - - - = = - Rumpbh. Muf. tab. 29. fig. O Bezoar. - - - - - - = - = 4rgenville, tab. 15. fig. G. FHEREHEH TURRITA, LAVIA, SUBULATA. Maculatum. - - - - = - - a: Muf, tab. 30. fig. A. Subulatum. - - = = - = = - - - tab. 30. fig. “3 Crenuiatun), == = eS ee re eS Bad. 30. fiz E. Strigilatum. - - = = - = 23 Mab. 35. fe A.B Scorpius. - - - - - = - = = = = tab. 36. fig. K Lambis..« = se 8 ee Se SS Se -5 Millepeda.. = 26° =4 S65 8 + = Lentiginofus. - + - - = © - - = = #40, 37. fig.Q Gallus, =, = = ee ee ee 37, Jie 5 xX Auris ae eee Ro A Ee Aaa M GSace Te iG +, i pies ean : r rT. i . 6 ey . 7 at ee iri : cin ot Lean ons. ee ied as oe > pes Rabe tte he Ne bat ve ne s. ; “ae As APR Wes tay or NEM Ee Stas as * . * RP, POD et eS” Py \ er? ie ba Ga yihs teh (Pat Oe ee eT ae ~ 41 ie ot . iy we er) Ts ty hy X ets } - + a ihee, : ‘ ‘ SLA ME = 4 RE Irony he] PUR MER ors TSS NCAT rhe Nena 9 Lae > aah ‘ “ b he + es ~ yr SAS = . ++ RNAs ARI rv & % as er a Mi, eo) Am. anes Fe : — ‘ 4 vi Seem da Aus ors at en) . » ee ik SANG \ UPS TF ite tie > "bony “cy i. ~ 7 7 — 5% —————— 154 MUREX, FAUNULA INDICA: Auris Diane. -.- - °° + Rumph. Muf. tab. 37. jig ® MCAS. 3 me ee OS ee = 31 i ceil oe ar ag St + ee 37+ Me Seat 2 fab. 26. fe mii Be ge ng 3 8 8 ee eee fig.G Cia ew 676 ee tab. 26. fig. § ater > apohte seme lil, fab. 111. fig ea red. 9 a Ke <= ti Ramofus, = +" = - - * - = * Rumpb. Mus. tab. 26. Bg.? Seite a mee ee ee tab. 26. fig. Co % *#* Va~arRICOsSst! Rana. - = - = o = 2 Es = - ~ tab. 26. Fig. G. él. Varittass - 2 - - = 2 = Lifter Conch. tab. 949. fig 4” lanes — se ae ee Rumph. Mujf. tad. 28. IE C. eatin “2 ee Se eee eee 289. porte ~ ee = = © = = Rumph. Muy. tab. 26. on 2 FAUNULA INDICA. £65 Pontiacs ee - Rumph. Mu. tab. 26. jig. E. Rubecula. <- «2. 2° & + - .- “= =, Gualt. tad. 49. fig. 1. Anus = - - - + - = = = Rumph. Mu. tad. 24. fig. F. **#** ECHINATI SINE ROSTRO. Hippocaftanum. - - - - - = = - = = 44d, 24. fig. 4 Mancinella.. - - 2+ - = = = (2 = = = #ab, 24. fig. §. Tce Dae a ee ee a 2, 2 PE Senticofus, = <— «= «= + 6 ‘= = <1 sab. 29. Jig. N. Melongena. = + = - - - = AUS tab, 24. fig. B. Rapiformis - - - - - + = Kifer Conch, tab. 894. fig. 14. Lacerus. - - - - - - © = = © dem, tab. 958. fig. 11. #*#*4#* TNERMES RosTRO ELONGATO. Babylonius - - - - - > - = ack a Muf. tab, 29. fig. L. Javanus. - - - - + = -* - - Bonan. ii. fig. 79: Cols ea A? SS ee Rawed: Muf, tab. 29. fig. F Wier t. > ioe ce se a Se ee Ss Boman. tt. Pe 357° Cochlidium. - - = © = = <= =: Argenville; tab.-9. fig. A Spirillus. - - - - - - - Martin Konch. tab. 115. fig. ae FEU. se ee ee sec Muf. tab. 28. fig. A Prtohiss = = Se oe eS oc tab.°98.. fig. B. *8*#*## Turritr SuspuLtaTtTr Rostro BREVI. Vertagus. - - - - - © - = = - = = #ab, 30. jig. K. Sulcatus. = - - - *= - = - - « Bonan., iii. fig. 68. Ae ee ee kine Se Rumpb. Mu/. tab. 30. fig. O. Coronatus. - - = * * - = - - tab, 30. fig. N. Radula.. =. ee a Bona. Ul. fig. 3:27. X 2 * UnMBILICATI. £ < aes ~ seecel> } - be es = > hs OE hc Giaot AGEL AG PO AY ee eee 156 TROCHUS. TuRBO, FAUNULA INDICA. *{JMBILICATI. Niloticusy. - 2 - - - «+ = +: Rumph. Mu. tad. 21. fig, Be Maculatus. - + - = tab. 21. fig. c. Bonan. iii. fig. 27. 28, Petipetiivaias soe SO St ee tab, 27. fig. L, Solafisc << <<. se: 5 + ee = eo =e ere ** TMPERFORATI,. Vetiariuy. - - - - = Lifter Conch. tab. 650-51. fig. 46. 48. Labio. - - 7 2 = = = - Rumph., Muy. tab. at, Jig. E. **#* Ty RRITI Telefcopium. - - - - - - = - - = fab, 216 fig. 1% * SoLIDI, IMPERFORATI. le we pe ee ee ie) Meee Petholatus. - - - - = - - - - #ab.tg. fig. D. 5.6.7 Chryloltomus, =< =» - - - - «= . - = tab.1g; Jem Pagodus. -«2< 5 6 - =i s** 2) +--+. = ss be Cite 6 Se a on eee Rugofus. - - - = - - = - «= Bonan. iit. fig. 12 Marmoratusy. = - - > - = Rumph. Mu/. tab. 19. fig. A.B. ** PERFORAT!T, SOLIDI Pica. 3. a8 ee ee me Re ces 1h Ee Argyroftomus. - - - = - = = -~ - = «= tab. 19. fig. 3 Margaritaceus? - - - = - = = -~ «= = Bonan. iii. fig. 1: Delphinus. t HeEtix. NERITA. FAUNULA INDICA, 157 Delphinus. - - - - - - - = - - Bonan. ii. fig. 31. Diftortus. - = + 2-5 - > Rumpb. Muf. tab. 20. fig. H. Scalaris. Wentel-trap. - - - - - - - tab. ag. fg. A. * Tasora A NOERPETS Scakabeus:=2- <=. .= — = we ee. 9 Seger fab age fg. I. ** ANFRACTEBUS - Bomansii. fig. 330. 331- Carocolla. - - - - - - - - - Mrgenville, tab. 3. fig. D. *** UmpiticaTt& ANFRACTIBUS ROTUNDIS. Cornea. - ee ae Se ee ee ee ee ee eS Ampullaceaa - - ~- - - =. - Rumph. Muf, tab. 27. fig. Cretateas: 2 Sas Sa ime Ss So Borin tab; xvi. fig. 1.2. Ungulinae - - = - = = = = Sas. Muf. tab. 27. fig- = SOMGNMIGs = <. -e So we - = tab, 20% fig. **6* QOvatH& IMPERFORATA. Amarula.< = 28S 5 ee eS Se i eR Ge es es Haliotoidean - - - - - = = = = = = #ab. go. fig. R. * U-mep 1 Li ¢c AT & Canrena. = ee iil. ile JR 228.224. et Argenville, tab. 7. fig. C. Glaucina. - - - = Brit. Zool. iv. tab. 87. fig. 141. Rufaa = - - « + = = = = Rumph, Mi/, tad, 22. fig. D. Vitellus. a Lee nor VEYA tM WA CEAK ~*~ D ~ » oz \ . SP eee SiN)" Dey Se i ene k : ‘ Sorat. ; . - a . \ Ith Te cee | ae RT Ea eens bes te {aNS : = ia SN SOS ae Ce , ry 2 s “ es A‘ tie pshaal Wag sala Me Bett OR). . a i 4 = — eo ieee q Tt i ar ‘: nae ts ue ~ oat oh mre BA) Kote | =) Mebt al x01 Mae rer be ae A eet Se ESE knee ua me ~ = * i eey Pal y Seley ah AORN SOT eS ithe Seer R ea C SG 158 HALIOTIS. PATELLA. FAUNULA INDICA. IS 2G. eft, fe oe He = sass Mu/f. tab. 22. fig. A, Alpunieas Ss -o 5 ms = se & 4S - = tab, 22. Jig. B. Mamillaa ~« s« = * - «= = « *+ = & & ab, 22 fig, F, ** TMPERFORATA, EDENTUTA. Cornea. - - + - - - + - = Seegenville, tab.'7. fig. M, *** TMPERFORATA, DENTATA. Pulligera. - - - = - = = - = Conch, tab. 143: +: fe 37. Péinata; =< = < a 2G ss - = tab. 604. fig. 29, Polita. a-<= < = = «= = =~ = = = = + tab, 000, fee Bie we es 8 8 eS Be ee Yow ee A ee — Mu/. tab. 22. fe Pelorontds= = + 5 a eS le - = tab. 22. fem WICW oa Sa rn 8 ty Ee eee Git is 2 a a ee EE 1h eee Chatieleon. -<- << - 2-2-5 = ee 30d. ee Wider sc a et Oe a Biiea = 4 =e se ee Mide, - = -~ = = = = = - - Argenville, tab. 3. fig. A Striataa - = = = = = «= Martin Konch. i. tab. 14. fig. 138. Marmorataa = = = - = = = «© Argenville, tad. 3. fe : Afininas - - = = = = «= Rumpb. Mu. tad. 40. fg. B * TL aAaRIAT A. Equettris. - * = = - ay = = = ~ tab, 40- jig. P. 0, ** ANGULATA: DENTALIUM. SERPULA. TEREDO. FAUNULA INDICA, 159 ** AN GC UL AT Saccharina. - - - - - - - = Rumpb. Muf. iad. 40. fig. B. *** My cRONAT &- eit ae Se ee eS es BBO. FF eS. #*#*# TuTEGERRIMZ VERTICE OBTUSO. Teftudinaria. - - - - - - - = Sgenville, tab. 2. fig. P. Retail REE IOP E08 eee TOs Comprefla. - - = - - - - Lifter Conch. tab. 541. jig. 25. as ead ee a ae Se ek ee re BONA, 1, Safa He Elephantinum. - - - © - = Rumph, Mu. tad. 41. fig. I. Deritahias oa wc. oe a cee eam se. 41. Je. ©, Bt ee en ns a ee eee, DONMMe bh Sg. ge Boles - - so ce te ce ataah tab. 10. Jige ks Aprinum. - - - «= = « «© «= - LINN«I. Eburneum. - -_ = = + =. = = «= AJINNAI. Lumbricalis. - - - = - = «+ Rumph. Mu. tab. 41. fig. 1. Polythalamia. - = - - - - = - = - #ab. 41. fig. D. Ek. Acéiarta as. oR ee ee = eee Aggwine....> - — 4 ee ee ee tab, Al. fig. 2. Miteaie a. a. a A So ee Rin ee ee ee oe Navaliss ct SS ee ee ee eee FIN” 2. § : SABELLA. 160 FAUNULA INDICA, ee re ee - - - Linvat TV 4, 4-e se 0.241 See Tegrwowts.. Wilics. =a. <- + = 2. See Ellis Zooph. pag. thse ~ Maprepora. Fungits. = - - =~ - - 2 7 Ss 2 eee Pileus.- <2 3 = ee eS = Ramph, Amb M2, 8S ee ‘Labyrinthiformis.s - - - - - Elis Zooph. pag. 160. N° 34, Fayola - = oo = «e638 eS = eee Polygama. - - - - - - - Amen. Acad. iv. tab. 3. fig. 1. Fafciculariss - - - = = - = Ellis Looph. pag. 151. ie Porites: See = ts ee eee eee Damicornis. - - - - - - Ramph. Amb.~i. tab. 86. fig.§ Muricata. - - -4- - + = - Ellis Zoopb. pag. 17%: me Oculata. - - - - ~ + ~ ~. Seb, Mui. tab. 116. fee Infundibuliformis. -- - <« - = - - = Gualt. Tei. tam Faftigiata, - - - - = - - - Ellis Looph. pag. 152. N° 8, LS, PO a ee ME as Anthophyllites.=-~- = = - - = - - - ag. 1§% N° 4, Wits 2 oS at Alpera. ~.-> = <9 = 3 0 a 1 ee Cinerafeess,- Se + eae Dadaist. 3 Ss eee Scabrofas- = + ee ce a pa, TG. ee ~¥ Man ' ‘ P ‘ . 4" Deas at hy ay SE LSE as ae ; es eee tens 7 mt ea} A doy at aS + aa 77 we — yeasty wan’ oY ete v 7” + XY ~ ¥ f tan % ti a a) a Vera: oy FAR AS Se Rs es tye Sek Thi oe bw TINT Sy ee ee tg, eb va le > SAS sine SOM e ee SA BL Ke US ed Oe. 23 HUaY cree ake * = S -_ 4 z d ~ - - = - —— —e 4 ly a - e - . + = 4 ? = "~ -ea — 3 - = - Ss - ; = OEE ahi EP IT OT BO A ee SO SRR RSS Se eee te ee 5s Yer FO Sa - ra oe : “>= -_ we shmaye + Pyne og: : 2 _— Po a a hy Say * ia . r teh wer’ - Mitiepora. Alcicornis. - - - - - - - - Sloan. Fam. i. tab. 17. fig. to Fafcilis. -- = = + - - = Ellis Cor. tab. 30. fig. A. ads Cclliidia. -29 = 5 = ee Fa <= Polymorpha, +. - = th. Ge VY. ZoopHytTa- Tsts. GORGONIA. 2 SPONGIA., SERTULARIA. VORTICELLA., PA Hippuris. Ochracea. Abies. - GB. Finea. - Antipathes. Pectinata. Veo een ULE NOD EC A, 161 Vo Boa eee et ex, ~ - - © = = = = = Ellis Zooph. pag. 105. N° 2. = Se a ee ae. 105. N° 1. - <= 5 = 5 = ee Be ee fe pag. 103. N° 6. ot Re a ee eee ee, es ee ae - - - = = 2 = Rumph. Amb. vi. tab. 80. fig. 2. a es ee ae ey of P - 2 - = 2 = = = Elis Zooph. pag. 85. N°. Flabelliformis, - - - - - - Rumpbh. Amb. vi. tab. 80. fig. 1. Fiftularis. Aculeata. Tubulofa. Tomentofa. Pennaria. Pennatula. - = = = = = = = Shan. Fam.i. tab. 24. fig. 1. - = = = © + = Rumph. Amb. vi. tab. go. fig. 2. - = = = = = = + Seb. Muf. iii. tab. 97. fig. 2. - © = = = = = Ellis Zooph. pag. 187. N° 7. = ae eS le we See = Bae, oe. pars 1313. N°. 26, - © © © © = = = Ellis Zooph. pag. 56. N° 31. Conglomerata, - -= - - + ° = Amen. Acad. iv. tab. 3. fig. t. | oS GS, aS Se Sexe seen eee a Se See Sete ster Apte serer nme SS Ss ae +: 5M as sa phe Ciel cag 2 7 eS ee ade ——— ete a Sk i eS ; > rl = * a eS — -~ eis see ee RS > = — — =e ae peers, Se ET te AE te oe ~ ee ce a OS a - A ». LOND ON: Printed for B.W HITE MDcCiIXAXXL. %. - - y x * p> . . — - eee ee . en ere: ape hae : nd (=e = == ease - = one sei gS See ee 2 nee i LRN tee ee ee ae eh AER Sah heme = - -. - -“<- o ~ ~— © ow < = >. * ri > 5 oe ar — = " 4 ae wan = : = - - a PSS OG: FEI EE er RIE 1* AGP aeRO I PEE me ee -_-—-- = eo a ee ee a el _- + Se ee ee a eee |e ee ee SS ——— ~— Sree BRS eee Ta be SS San pe —_ — SS eee = Ee + et tae es er re TI SEE an a IO Ti Se aig eged ae) 2 SS ree Se ee re pa ae prea La = —r ==: - —y —. SO EE = eT Pee Sa ato a < « 6th yp SP = i. 7 on = ens. = -- ;— = - Sa ~ —, SS Sa 2 — = @-2 = = . = ieee ‘6 i : = scaled aibtiiaieteee»=><0 ‘daha yore ae ' . AD VER TIS EME NF, HIS trifle was written in the year 1772, and prefented to Doftor Ropert Ramsay, Profeffor of Natural Hiftory in Edinburgh, for the ufe of the clafs over which he prefided. He printed one impreffion in the following year; and then refigned to me the copy. Deatu deprived the community of a worthy member, in the lofs of my friend, on December 15th, 1778. I fuffer the Dedica- tion to remain in this edition, as a {mall monument to his me- mory; and of the efteem in which I held a gentleman, ever active in all good offices to Downline, THOMAS PENNANT. Dec. 20th, 1780. - ~~ a ase s5 4 = a a — > 3 - - _ a ow ~ Sow _-.< ae ie. an 57 ae ani tee a. —_= - ; ~ or : = | ete a ee SE Ee ee et a — —— = ~—— ——_= = ep EL = - = a lS <=> = = = — = le thoes : — ‘ CS ea et— a — ee a ee = ee eg Fe 2S ie a a OTT I I A OTT ~ _ — o-~ ~Beg. He ——_——* a ee « An ROBERT RAMSAY, MD. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, AN D PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVER-~ SITY OF EDINBURGH. DEAR SIR, if THINK myfelf happy in having an opportunity of giving you this mark of the fenfe I have of your {teady friendfhip, from its origin, in 1769, to the prefent moment. From the beginning, it has proved a regular feries of good offices: You never confidered me with the jealoufy of a Rival courting the fame Miftrefs; but, with uncommon generofity, promoted all my purfuits after DAME Nature, whether fhe retired to the depths of the Highland Glens, or lurked amidft the intricate groups of the ftormy Hebrides. If, in my late expedition, fhe has granted me any favors (for fhe proved rather coy) fhe humbled me by faying, that I was indebted to you for them. So that I find myfelf bound to make public ac- knowlegements of advantages acquired by means of the clue you gave of arriving at the few I have obtained. — NoT- a5 t CO A TAS cg I own your power with the ced, yet Inever can be induced ending myfelf to her NoTWwITHsTANDIN Lady on your fide of the Tw to omit any opportunity of recomm good graces, and, with you, muft ever remain a warm ad- mirer of her univerfal charms. But the following analyfis of one which captivates me moft, is now offered to you, with the hopes of meeting with your approbation, and that of the feveral votaries who depend on you for a more intimate acquaintance with her various beauties. Long may you enjoy health, and every happinefs, to perform fo e atafk: May you be fuccefsful in extending her empire; Good fortune attend you in each of her haunts, whether fhe affects. the air, the woods, or the fields ; whe- ther, like an Oread, fhe treads jocund on the mifly moun= sain’s top; ox a Naiad, {porting in your rapid {treams. Again, fuccefs attend you every where; and may non¢ but Birps of good omen flutter round you. ) agreeabl Sis licet felix ubicunque mavis, Et memor noftri, mihi care, vivas: Teque nec lavus vetet ire Picus, Nec vaga CoRNIX. DowNniInc, RIN oe Pies ee GP THOMAS PENNANT. 4 Id nd tok Soe eo A Ck, RNITHOLOGY is a fcience which treats of Birds; defcribes their form, external and internal; and teaches their ceco- nomy and their ufes. A Breo is an animal covered with feathers; furnifhed with a bill; having two wings, and only two legs; with the faculty, ex- cept in very few inftances, of removing itfelf from place to place through the air. External Parts of BIRDS. A Birp may be divided into Heap, Bopy, and Liuss. H E A D, Roftrum, or bill, is a hard horny fubftance, confifting of an up- per and under part, extending from the head, and anfwering to the mandibles in quadrupeds. Its edges generally plain and tharp, like the edge of a knife, cultrated *, as the bills of Crows; but fometimes ferrated, as in the Toucan; or jagged, as in the Gan- * This and other terms are explained by figures in the Bririsn Zoouocy, vol, 1, tab, xv. A few terms are explained from the figure on the title, B NET Brit. foe FS Rise” sent tne >. eee ers — Fe ee : - ~~ i ere eas a be SS Pw _ “ - q ae — * > os oe, ees —— Si pate seers orgs tek “e ~ were NostrRiLs. PARTS OF THE HEAD. ORBITS, wet and fome Herons; or peéctinated, as in the Duck; or denti- culated, as in the Mercansers; but always deftitute of real teeth immerfed in fockets. Tue bafe in Fatcons is covered with a naked fkin or Cire (Cera;) in fome birds with 2 carneous app sndage, as the Tur- KEY; or a Callous, as the Curasso. In birds of prey, the bill is hooked at the end, and fit for tear- ing: in Crows, ftrait and ftrong, for picking: in water-fowl, ei- ther long and pointed; for ftriking; or flender and blunt, for fearch= ing in the mire; or flat and broad, for gobbling. Its other ules are for building nefts; feeding the young; climbing, as im Par- RoTs; or, laftly, as 4n inftrument of defence, or offence. ( Nares) the nice inftruments of difcerning their food, are placed either in the middle of the upper mandible, or near the bafe, orat the bafe, as in Parrots; or behind the bafe, as in Toucans and Hornpi.ts : but fome birds, as the Gannet, are deftitute of nof- trils. The noftrils are generally naked, but fometimes covered with briftles reflected over them, as in Crows; or hid in the fea- thers, aS in Parrots, &c. Tue forepart of the head is called the Front (Capi/trum ;) the fummit (vertex) or the crown: the hind part, with the next joint of the néck (wacha) the nape: the fpace between the bill and the eyes, which in Hrrons, Grepes, &c. is naked (Jora) the ftraps: the fpace beneath the eyes (gevae) the cheeks. (Orbitae) the eye-lids ; in fome birds naked, in others covered with fhort foft feathers. Birps have no eye-brows ; but the Grous kind have in heu 4 fcarlet naked fkin above, which are called /upercilia; the fame word rf a mi ‘ ig : SS Oe ee. Se. word is alfo applied to any line of a different color that pafles from the bill over the eyes. Birps are deftitute of auricles, or external ears, having an ori- fice for admiffion of found, open in all, but Owxs, whofe ears are furnifhed with valves. Tue chin, the {pace between the parts of the lower mandible and the neck, is generally covered with feathers ; but in the Cock, and fome others, have carneous appendages, called WatT.es (Pa- learia;) in others, is naked, and furnifhed with a Poucu, capable of great dilatation (Sacculus) as in the Pertcan and CoRVORANTS, (Collum) the part that connects the head to the body, is longer in birds than any other animals; and longer in fuch as have long legs than thofe that have hort, either for gathering up their meat from the ground, or ftriking their prey in the water, except in web-footed fowl, which are, by reverfinge their bodies, deftined to fearch for food at the bottom of waters, as Swans, and the like. Birds, efpecially thofe that-have a long neck, have the power of retracting, bending, or ftretching it out, in order to change their center of gravity from their legs to their wings. B O D + Consists of the Back (Dorfum) which is flat, ftrait, and in- clines, terminated by the (Uropygium) furnifhed with two glands, fecreting a fattith liquor from an orifice with which each is furnifhed: and which the birds exprefs with their bills, to oil or anoint the difcompofed parts of their feathers, Thefe glands are particularly large in moft web-footed water-fowl ; but in the Greses, which want tails, they are {maller. B 2 ( Peétus) CHIN. Neck. Bacr. RuMpP. ti — = apes sore er —— 3 . ad & S Pt SS 3 EE ee ~ ; eae — : aps rene woe =o Se ~ --3 Pate © pad " Sends ” — bas = Des. ee See ee —— _ a Se ok ea ced a > —— -- ss. ry oe iO roe ee ie sb PRA 7 NOE i dee lee - a ; 5 z = aed * - ‘ POMS SF NS SR Ee F A Ce BREAST. (Peéus) is ridged and very mufcular, defended by a forked bone (clavicula) the MERRY THOUGHT. Tue fhort-winged birds, fuch as Grous, &c. have their breaits moft flefhy or mufcular; as they require greater powers in flying than the long-winged birds, fuch as GuLts, Herons, which are fpecifically lighter, and have greater extent of fail. BELLY. (Abdomen) is covered with a ftrong fkin, and contains the entrails. VENT. - Tue Vent, or vent-feathers (Criffum) which lies between the thighs and the tail. The Awnvs lies hid in thofe feathers. L I M B S. Wines (Alae) adapted for flight in all birds, except the Dono, OsrricHes, great Aux, and the Pincuins, whofe wings are too fhort for the ufe of flying; but in the Dopo and OstricH, when extended, ferve to accelerate their motion in running ; and in the WINGS. Pincuins perform the office of fins, in fwimming or diving. Bastrarp Wine. Tae wings have near their end an appendage covered with four or five feathers, called the Basrarp Wine (ala notha) and alula fpuria. Tue leffer coverts (teéfrices) are the feathers which lie on the bones of the wings. Tue greater coverts are thofe which lie beneath the formers and cover the quil-feathers and the fecondaries. Lesser CoveERTs. GREATER CoveERTs. QUIL-FEATHERS. and metacarpi) of the wings, and are ten in number. Quit-feathers are broader on their inner than exterior fides. Tue Srconparrss (/econdarie) are thofe that rife from the fe- cond SHCONDARIES. Tue Quil-feathers (primores) {pring from the firft bones (digit. tS Ps RS Ee eA... C...E. cond part (cuditus) and are about eighteen in number, are equally broad on both fides. The primary and fecondary wing-feathers are called Remiczs. A turr of feathers placed beyond the fecondaries, near the junction of the wings with the body. This, in water-fowl, is ge- nerally longer than the fecondaries, and cuneiform. Tue Scapunars. are a tuft of long feathers arifing near the junction of the wings (drachia) with the body, and lie along the fides of the back, but may be eafily diftinguifhed, and raifed with one’s finger. Tue Iwner Coverts are thofe that clothe the under fide of the wing. : Tue SuBAXxILLary are peculiar to the greater PARADISE. Tue wings of fome birds are inftruments of offence ; the ANxI- MA of Marcgrave has two ftrong fpines in the front of each wing, a fpecies of Plover, Epw. tab. 47. and 280. has a fingle one on each; the whole tribe of Jacana, and the Gampzo, or fpur-winged Goofe of Mr. Willughby, the fame. Tue Tair is the director, or rudder, of birds in their flight ; they rife, fink, or turn by its means; for, when the head points one way, the tail inclines to the other fide: it is, befides, an egut- Librium or counterpoife tothe other parts; the ufe 1s very evident in the Kirt and Swatiows. Tue Tate confifts of ftrong feathers (reéfrices) ten in number, as in the Wooppeckers, &c. twelve in the Hawkx tribe, and many others: the Gatirnacgzous, the Mercansers, and Duck kind, ef more, frp TERTIALS> SCAPULARS, Inner CoverTs.- SUBAXILLARY FEATHERS, Tair. ee eee quasi SSS Folate - 3 res a: ~ - a ee es > SO a rae Co. > Seal (oi eM. a * » ee bk auieh ‘LA - ih 1 \ we Y Ms eee 298 REI . ee Bie pete Sree PEO S ~~— bate 7 4 Se ads. aa Ae =, oe P — aan abron ons a ee eS es 3% ay Ff SE = es aed P ‘of — ae ae oy =F 78 TRIES = ——-- x TST SL a > err OP a. eS Saar Pa pedes compedes. . e- F FF: Ai Ce Ir is either even at the end, as in moft birds, or forked, as in SwWALLows, &c. or cuneated, as in Macprers, &c. or rounded, as in the Purpiz Jackpaw of Catefby. The Gress is dettitute of a tail, the rump beine covered with down; and that of the Casso- wary with.the feathers of the back. ImMepIaTELy over the tail, are certain feathers that {pring from the lower part of the back, and are called the coverts of the tail (uropygium. ) (Lemora) are covered entirely with feathers in all land-birds, except the Bustarps and the Ostricues; the lower part of thofe of all waders, or cloven-footed water-fowl, are naked ; that of all webbed-footed fowl the fame, but in a lefs degree; in rapacious birds, are very mufcular. (Crura) Thofe of rapacious fowls very {trong, furnifhed with large tendons, and fitted for tearing, anda firm gripe. The legs of fome of this genus are covered :with feathers down to the toes, fuch as the Golden Eagle, others to the very nails ; but thofe of moft other birds are covered with fcales, or witha fkin divided into fegments, or continuous. In fome of the Pres, and in all the Passrrine tribe, t] 1¢ dkin is thin and membranous; in thofe of web-footed water-fowl, {trong. Tue legs of moft birds are placed near the center of gravity : In land-birds, or in Wapers that want the back toe, exactly fo; - +} for they want that appendage to keep them-ereét. Auxs, GREBES, Divers, and Pincuins, have their legs p laced quite behind, fo are neceffitated to fit erect: ‘Their pace is aukward and difficult, aaa 3 = os : , walking like men in fetters ; hence Linneus {tyles their feet 9 THE 73 ut Cn tg eg Hits ft: PS Re Bee eee Ce Tue legs of all cloven-footed water-fowl are long, as they ynuft wade in fearch of food: Of the palmated, fhort, except thofe of the FLaminco, the AvosreT, and the Courrier. (Pedes) All land-birds that perch have a large back toe: Moft of them have three toes forward, and one backward. Wooppeckers, Parrots, and other birds that climb much, have two forward; two backward; but Parrots have the power of bringing one of their hind toes forward while they are feeding themfelves. Owzs have alfo the power of turning one of their fore toes backward. All the toes of the Swirr turn forwards, which is peculiar among land-birds: The TrRipactyLovus Wooppecker is alfo anomalous, having only two toes forward, one backward: ‘The Ostricn is another, having but two toes. (Digiti) Tue toes of all Wapers are divided; but, between the exterior and middle toe, is génerally a fmall web, reaching as far as the firft joint. Tue Spoonsitt ; and a SanppipeR I received from N. Ame- rica, have webs that reach half way up each toe, or are /emi- palmated. Tue toes of birds that fwim are either plain, as in the fingle inftance of the common water Hen or GatiinuLeE; or pinnated, as in the Coors and Greses; or entirely webbed or palmated, as in.all other fwimmers. Aut the Prover tribe, or CHarapDril, want the back toe. In the fwimmers, the fame want prevales among the ALBaTROS- ses and Auxs. No water-fowl perch, except certain Herons ; the Corvorant ; and the Suac. (Ungues) Rapacious birds have very ftrong, hooked, and 3 fharp Fert, ToksSe Claws, E FF .4.235— , - fharp claws, Vuttures excepted. Thofe of all land-birds that: rooft on trees have alfo hooked claws, to enable them to perch in fafety while afleep. Tue Gatuinaceous tribe have broad concave claws for ferap- ing up the ground. Greses have flat nails like the humar. Amonc water-fowl only the Sxua, Br. Zool. II. No. 243. and the Brack Tozp Gutt, Br. Zool. Il. No. 244. have ftrong hook- ed or aquiline claws. All land-birds perch on trees, except the STRUTHIOUS and fome of the GaLtinacgous tribe. Parrots climb; Woopprckers creep up the bodies and boughs of trees; i i + all SWALLOws Cling. . ih : Att water-fow] reft on the ground, except certain Herons, and one fpecies of Isis, the Spoonsitt, one or two fpecies of | i hig a Ducks, and of CorvoranTs. pis a Y EAT ee Ee ee Sheed Fratuers are defigned for two ules, as coverings from the in- a | | 1 clemency of the weather, and inftruments of motion through the a ; air. They are placed in fuch.a manner as to fall over one an- Aa bd | other, tegulatim, fo as to permit the wet to run off, and to ex- i de i clude the cold; and thofe on the body are placed in a quincun- EO) Sab st fs cial form, moft apparent in the thick-fkinned water-fowl, par- | ticularly in the Divers. al . 1} Sic sie: Tne parts of a feather are, the SHAFTS, corneous, ftrong, | light, rounded, and hollow at the lower part ; at the upper, i convex above, concave beneath, and chiefly compofed of a | } { + On oY ee bs gh 9 24 =. > s : —- P 7 = =< nd, & r r- a. ee) Se a te peer te Ber met a = en as ga Day Fo & = te +) ee ee SES ae a —— > * a sy. . £e AEA 5 1 C= I EX ee =! 7 Se. Pr. RBs cae. Clee On each fide the Swarts, are the Vanes, broad on one fide, narrow on the other: Each vane confifts of a multitude of thin /amine *, ftiff, and of the nature of a fplit quil. Thefe /aminz are clofely braced together by the elegant contrivance of a multitude of {mall briftles; thofe on one fide hooked, the other ftrait, which lock into each other, and keep the vanes fmooth, compaét, and ftrong. Tue vanes near the bottom of the fhafts are foft, uncon- nected, and downy. FeatuErs are of three kinds; fuch as compofe the inftru- ments of flight; as the Pen-reaTHers; or thofe which form the wings and tail, and have a large fhaft. ._The vanes of the exterior fide bending downward, of the interior upwards, lying clofe on each other, fo that, when fpread, not a feather miffes its impulfe on the air}. The component parts of thefe feathers are defcribed before. Tue feathers that cover the body, which may be properly called the PLumacgs, have little fhaft, and much vane, and never are exerted or relaxed, unlefs in anger, fright, or illnefs. Tue Down, Pluma, which is difperfed over the whole body amidit the plumage, is fhort, foft, unconnected, confifts of lanu- ginous vanes, and is intended for excluding that air or water which may penetrate or efcape through the former. This is par- ticularly apparent in aquatic birds, and remarkably fo in the An- SERINE tribe. ‘There are exceptions to the forms of feathers. The vanes of the fubaxillary feathers of the Parapisz are un- connected, and the Jamine diftant, looking like herring-bone, * Derbam’s phytic. theol, 336, tab. f. 18, 19. + Derham. C Thofe ix VANES. 4 ‘ PEN-FEATHERS. PLUMAGE. Down. = Se — ress Segre ee Ber _— = “ aan SSE Faas — eos “3 Re ne od ‘= ap oe mes ot eee : '. LS - 24 ponte ~ — y= es tas a ; ee : tee - co aS » Sex tea |. AS 4+¢ -odat f-4r . PE: +S _---- Fit IE i , Sis 4 : ke Sty. FE RapPaACIovus. Pies, GALLINACEOUS. CoLUMBINE. PASSERINE, ~ Tek: FF A ORS Thofe of the tail of the Osrricn, and head of a fpecies of Cu- rasso, curled. Thofe of the Cassowary confift of two fhafts, arifing from a common ftem at the bottom. As do, at the ap- proach of winter (after moulting) thoie of the Prarmicans of Ar&ic countries. The feathers of the Prncuins, particularly thofe of the wings, confifting chiefly of thin flat fhafts, and more refemble fcales than feathers; thofe of the tail, like fplit whale-bone. Bob be NS 3 aa Tue flight of birds is various; for, had all the fame, none could elude that of rapacious birds. ‘Thofe which are much on wing, or flit from place to place, often owe their prefervation to that caufe : Thofe in the water to diving. Kites, and many of the Fatcon tribe, glide fmoothly through the air, with fcarce any apparent motion of the wings. Mosr of the order of Pres fly quick, with a frequent repeti- tion of the motion of the wings. The Parapisez floats on the air. Woopprckers Ay aukwardly, and by jerks, and have a propenfity to fink in their progrefs. Tue Gatiinaceous tribe, in general, fly very ftrong and fwiftly ; but their courfe is feldom long, by reafon of the weight of their bodies. Tre Cotumserne race is of fingular fwiftnefs; witnefs the flight of the Meffenger Pigeon. Tue Passertne fly with a quick repetition of ftrokes; their flight, except in migration, is feldom diftant. AMONG PRB we A C!S. m1 Amonc them, the Swattow tribe is remarkably agile, their evolutions fudden, and their continuance on wing long. Nature hath denied flight to the Srrutsious; but ftill, in Srrururous. running, their fhort wings are of ufe, when erect, to collect the wind, and, like fails, to accelerate their motion. Many of the greater CLoven-rooTrrep Water-fowl, or Wapers, Wraeweks: have a flow and flagging flight; but moft of the leffer fly fwiftly, and moft of them with extended legs, to compenfate the fhortnefs of their tails. Ratts and Gatiinuzes, fly with their legs hanging down, Coors and Greses, with difficulty are forced from the water; PiNNATeD Freer. but when they rife, fly fwiftly. Greses, and alfo Divers, fly with their hind parts downwards, by reafon of the forwardnefs of their wings. : Wes-FoorTeD fowl are various in their flight; feveral have a W8-Foorsp: failing or flagging wing, fuch as Gutis. Puincutns, and a fin- ele Aux, are denied the power of flight. Wutp-cexss, in their migrations, do not fly pell-mell, but in a regular figure, in order to cut the air with greater eafe; for example, in long lines, in the figure of a > or fome pointed form or letter, as the an- cients report that the Cranes aflumed, in their annual migra- tions, till their order was broken by ftorms. Strymona fic gelidum, bruma pellente, relinquunt, Poture te, Nile, GruEs, primoque volatu Effingunt varias, cafu monftrante, figuras, Mox ubi percuffit tenfas Norus altior alas, Confufos temeré immifte glomerantur in orbes, Et turbata perit difperfis /itera * pennis. Lucan, lib. v. 1. 714 *YT AA. C-2 Of = —— KD +e ee x > =. — = =< ———— —————— = ————— —— —=— ——- a — ——— = SS = ae ; — 7” . ¥ ee . a aie in = Wie ar ja =) ee a se avEw Rs 6 et —, . ‘ — wee B : = S ee > pons —_ ae — ex a es [Tr : —- = oan ieee c= —= ae Se ee =e, —* — oes — «gee ares 9 et ae? a ee al paneth — ie Ha 5 ——— = =e*% ea ‘ . = = eee i eae oe ~~a— ae 2 -= 3 Pas — ~ = — 3 a -—-= - —: .- rz 2 = ~ — Baws Wee bth (oy olen diye <= Goes : + ys . wae in TO ee on put tep ee Ba Se PSR SR FIO : tous * : - P 7 ; 32 i ena 4) ee One Be vl a = ae a 7 o ‘ ee) entree ween tata Se oad -< 7 : Re ear A ag aa as EE Ee . : —— = —-— -- —~— : es SS ee = - a: ~ —- = « = tote ae ——_ - _— - =: aes — = . =e <= pepe ares SS 2 = aS Sa WS a cw = le ee ors 2 Sas eS 2 noe sent 7 Se ——— — = — Set ee ae re © ~ a4 wes es Pe ad ma need reer r a a nies : - wee F A» Cem Of the NUPTIALS, NIDIFICATION, and EGGS of BIRDS. Most birds are monogamous, or pair, in fpring fixing on a mate, and keeping conftant, till the cares of incubation and educating the young brood is patt. This is the cafe, as far as we know, with all the birds of the firft, fecond, fourth, and fifth orders. Birps that lofe their mates early, affociate with others; and Birds that lofe their firft eggs, will pair and lay again. The male as well as female of feveral join alternately in the trouble of in- cubation, and always in that of nutrition: When the young are hatched, both are bufied in looking out for, and bringing food to the neftlings; and, at that period, the mates of the melodious tribes, who, before, were perched on fome fprig, and by their warbling alleviated the care of the females confined to the nett, now join in the common duty. Or the Gatirnaceous tribe, the greateft part are polygamous, at left in a tame ftate; the Pueasant, many of the Grows, the PARTRIDGES, and BusTARDS, are monogamous ; of the Grovs, the Cock of the wood, and the Brack Game affemble the females during the feafon of love, by their cries : Et venerem incertam rapiunt. Tue males of polygamous birds neglet their young, and, in fome cafes, would deftroy them, if they met with them. The ceco- nomy of the SrruTuious order, in this refpect, is obfcure. It 1s probable that the three fpecies in the genus Osrrica are poly- eamous, like the common poultry, for they lay many eggs; the Dopo is faid to lay but one. AL, Vil, ® P RS Se Pee |G OE. Att Waders, or cloven-footed fowl, are monogamous, except the Rurrs; and all with pinnated feet, as far as I know, are alfo monogamous, Tue fwimmers, or web-footed fowl, obferve the fame order, as far as can be remarked with any certainty-; but many of the Avxs affemble in the rocks in fuch numbers, and each individual] fo contiguous, that it is not poffible to determine their method in this article. Ir may be remarked, that the affection of birds to their young, is very violent during the whole time of nutrition, or as long as they continue in a helplefs ftate ; but fo foon as the brood can fly and fhift for itfelf, the parents neglect, and even drive it from their haunts, the affection ceafing with the neceffity of it: but, during that period, The mothers nurfe it, and the fires defend ; The young difmifs’d to wander earth, or air, There {tops the inftinét, and there ends the care ; The link diffolves, each feeks a frefh embrace, Another love fucceeds, another race. N. (1... DDe Bh Geli dB oh OO Sa Tue Nett of a bird is one of thofe daily miracles, that, from its familiarity, is pafled over without regard. We ftare with wonder at things that rarely happen, and neglect the daily operations of nature, that ought firft to excite our admiration, and clame our attention, Eacu bird, after nuptials, prepares a place fuited to its {pecies, for the depofiting its eges, and fheltering its little brood: Diffe- rent xi) Ss eens p> te Sear gre teen, ame at or ne — -_ —_ ~~ ——— =a Bs . we RAaPACIOUS, fent genera, and different fpecies, fet about the tafk in manners fuitable to their feveral natures; yet every individual of the fame {pecies colleéts the very fame materials, puts them together in the fame form, and chufes the fame fort of fituation for placing this temporary habitation. The young bird of the laft year, which ne- {i ver faw the building of a neft, diref&ted by a heaven-taught faga- city, purfues the fame plan in the ftructure of it, and felects the fame materials as its parent did before. Birds of the fame dpecies, of different and remote countries, do the fame. The SwaLtows of England, and of the remoter parts of Germany, obferve the fame order of architecture. Tue nefts of the larger rapacious birds are rude, made of fticks and bents, but often lined with fomething foft. They generally build in high rocks, ruined towers, and in defolate places: ene- mies to the whole feathered creation, they feem confcious of at- tacks, and feek folitude. A few build upon the ground. SHrIKES, the left of Rapacrovs birds, build their nefts in bufhes, with mofs, wool, &c. Tue order of Pizs is very irregular in the ftructure of their nefts. Parrots, and, in fact, all birds with two toes forward and two backward (as far as I know) lay their eggs in the hollows of trees. And moft of this order creep along the bodies of trees, and lodge their eggs alfo within them. Crows. build in trees: Among them, the neft of the Macprtz, compofed of rude materials, is made with much art, quite covered with thorns, and only a hole left for admittance. Tue nefts of the Ortoxes are contrived with wonderful faga- city, and are hung at the end of fome bough, or between the forks 5 of Y © 2 Boe CC & of extreme branches. In Europe, only three birds have penfile nefts; the common Ortoreg, the Parus PenpuLinus, or Hanc- west Titmouse, and one more *. But in the Torrid Zones, where the birds fear the fearch of the gliding ferpent and inquifi- tive monkey, the inftances are very frequent, a marvellous inftinct implanted in them for the prefervation of their young f. Aut of the Gattinaceous and Srrutuious orders lay, eheir eges on the ground. The Ostricu is the only exception, among birds, of the want of natural affection: Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in the duft, and forgetteth that the foot may crujh them, or the wild beaft may break them, Tur CoLuMBINE race makes a moft artlefs neft; a few fticks laid acrofs fuffice. Mosr of the Passerine order buildtheir nefts in fhrubs or bufhes, and fome in holes of walls, or banks. Several in the Torrid Zone are penfile from the boughs of trees; that of the Taytor Birp j, a wondrous inftance. Some of this order, fuch as Larxs, and the Goatsucker, on the ground. Some Swattows make a curious plaifter neft beneath the roofs of houfes ; and an Judian fpecies, one of a certain glutinous matter, which are collected as delicate in- eredients for foups of Chinefe epicures. Most of the Cloven-footed Water-fowl, or Waders, lay upon the eround. SpooNnBILES and the Common Herow build in trees, and make large nefts with fticks, &c. Srorxs build on churches, or the tops of houfes. Coots make a great neft near the water-fide. * Vide Tour in Scotland, 2d Ed, page tot. + Indian Zool, t+ The fame. (GREBES av GALLINACEOUS.- STRUTHIOUS. CoLUuMBINE. PASSERINEes WADERS» Coors, Pp 2 EE OF CK eee 8 ». . s - wre seh AT\S } 7 (sREBES. GREBES in the water, a Hoating nelt, perhaps adhering to fome neighboring reeds. WEB-FOOTED. Wes-Froorep fowl breed either on the ground, as the Avoset, Terns, fome of the Gutts, Mercansers, and Ducks: the laft pull the down from their breafts, to make a fofter and warmer bed for their young. Avuxs and GuiLiemors lay their eggs on the naked fhelves of high rocks; Pincutns in holes under ground: Among the Peticans, that which gives name to the genus makes its neft in the defart, on the ground. SHacs, fometimes on trees; Corvorants and GanneTs, on high rocks, with fticks, dried At- ce, and other coarfe materials. E G G 5. RAPACIOUS. Rapaciovus birds, in general, lay few eggs; Eactes, and the larger kinds, fewer than the leffer. The eggs of Fatcons and Owts are rounder than thofe of moft other birds. Pres. Tue order of Pres vary greatly in the number of their eggs. Parrots lay only two or three white eggs. Crows lay fix eggs, greenifh, mottled with dufky. Cucxoos, as far as I can learn, two. WoopPeckerRs, WRYNECK, and Kincsrisuer, lay eggs of a molt clear white and femt-tranfparent color. The Woopperckers lay fix, the others more. Tue Nuruwatca lays often in the year, eight at a time, white, fpotted with brown. Tue Hoopoe lays but two cinerous eggs. THe Creeper lays a great number of eggs. Tse Honeysucker, the left and moft defencelefs of birds, lays but ie ek RS ORR OP KV but two: but Providence wifely prevents the extinction of the genus, by a fwiftnefs of flight that eludes every purfuit. Tue Gaturnaceous order, the moft ufeful of any to mankind, Gattiinacsovs. , lay the moft eges, from eight to twenty ; Benigna circa hoc natura, innocua et efculenta animalia fecunda generavit, is a fine obfervation of Pliny. With exception to the Bustarp, a bird that hangs be- tween the Gatiinaceous and the Wapers, which lays only two. Tue Cotumsrne order lays but two white eggs; but the do- meftic kind, breeding almoft every month, fupports the remark of the Roman naturalitft. | Aut of the Passerine order lay from four to fix eggs, except Passerine. the Titmice and the Wren, which lay fifteen or eighteen, and the Goatfucker, which lays only two. | Tue Strrutuious order, which confifts but of two genera, dif- Strautuiovs. se agree much in the number of eggs: the Osrricn laying many, at) as far as fifty; the Dopo but one. Tue CLovEeN-FooTeD Water-fowl, or Wapers, lay, in general, Waners. tt four eggs. The Crane and the Norrork Prover feldom more than two. All thofe of the Snipe and Pirover genus are of a dirty white, or olive, fpotted with black, and fcarcely to be diftin- euifhed in the holes they lay in. The bird called the Lanp Ratt 1 (an ambiguous fpecies) lays from fifteen to twenty. Of birds with eh pinnated feet, the Coor lays feven or eight eggs, and fometimes more. Greses from four to eight, and thofe white. Tue WEB-FOOTED, or Swimmers, differ in the number of their Wes-roorep. eges. Thofe which border on the order of Waders, lay few eggs ; the Avosret, two; the FLaminco, three; the ALBaTross, the Auvxs, and GuiLuemors, lay only one egg apiece: the eggs of +i D the if My) yi) - aie 2 ~-— 7. = = \ «f - 1 38 Ss = - ; do — ——=- ’ i = - - : — yer v > ee a = es ———— = ; a ns oe P > Ae S . ot — or cours ; rr — : A - Pe tains Se . > fess aga - —— = z A —+s ee ‘. as ete OS --'5 —-—-- -- — ——_—_ = ~- _ we ; = = = E . - ries am. mt + caven= — = = = ~ ¥ - -- °: . == — ” c “ = rie 2 = — ~~ <<. is ass eee e — —_ ——— ™ = : = - ¥ ¥ Pigge iad —— er ——- —_—- — + RS Sie a — a 3 S$ ———— —=:=> = ea ——— - Ee? ae rm a “a3: 5 rs, —- < Re £2 = ~~ 2 —-- ——————-- —— — 5 w---- > ‘ : - er oo-= ek mot Fe = = _ eS om ad - iS - ~ = on Ka = ~ ——— = — = — =< e : — " == = Saer= = ; = == — -— ; tere —- > - My eo isetes - ~ EAT = SS = ~ ree “nia a - = = SS Base rits : = x — SEs ‘ a - - ~~. =< — = - 2 _— yeni ss SST DRSEAE = re ‘ =sarr a =i ee — ee x — ¥ a : sa ee . 4 .' ; = —. : = = Fe ——— Ze 2 eir- “ — ts 5 es = r=. —_ = so = = ao J =. Sap e oF ; F773 ~ ; ’ " —~ = —— — ? a4 < — er —— = a “ — ca : : were to aS . a = — : = = ; : be “ey: | ae pate tie ae re LE QSFP SER = ee ee oes . “3 ae a Se > = : “ . ee 4 re = —> = -; «tH, SS —e- - a . = TR em “= a ---® .. a es — — = : 3 - = . z — a - 2 ann the. SIS Aap PONE ’ SBR SIR SES” SES ee ge ee a = : See oun eal by BS = = S53 7 . S Pa a SNL sx ¥ . a . ‘ - = . ¥. 2 € rae Ae - ee and - . a bse P wad ys 7 i pes ° a ty 7 x KV11) SB FEF A fae the two laft, are of a fize ftrangely large in proportion to the bulk of the birds. They are commonly of a pale green colar, {potted and itriped fo varioufly, that not two are alike ; which gives every individual the means of diftinguifhing its own, on the naked rock, where fuch multitudes affemble. Divers, only two. Terns and Guts lay about four eggs, of a dirty olive, {potted with black. Ducxs lay from eight to twenty eggs; the eggs of all the cenus are of a pale green, or white, and unfpotted. Pincuins lay two eges *; white, and remarkably round. Or the Przican genus, the Gannet lays but one ege ; the SHAGS, or CorvoranrTs, fix or feven, all white; the laft the moft oblong of eggs. A MINUTE account of the Eggs of birds, merits a treatife of it- telf, or fhould follow the defcription of each fpecies. This is only meant to fhew the great conformity nature obferves in the fhape and colors of the eggs of congenerous birds ; and alfo, that fhe keeps the fame uniformity of color in the eggs, as in the plumage of the birds they belong to. Zinanni publithed, at Venice, in 1737, a treatife on egos, illuf- trated with accurate figures of 106 eggs. Mr. Reyger of Dant- zick publifhed, in 1766, a pofthumous. work by Kieiy, with 28 plates, elegantly coloured: But much remains for future writers, * Penrofe’s Voy. Falkland Iles, 32 SYSTEM. ae” P: > Ba FeeA- Cx &: SY ibn ConsipErine the many fyftems that have been offered to the public of late years *, I hope I fhall not be accufed of national partiality, in giving the preference to that compofed by Mr. Ray in 1667, and afterwards publifhed in 1678. It would be unfair to conceal the writer, from whom our great countryman took the original hint of forming that fyftem, which has fince proved the foundation of all that has been compofed fince that period. Ir was a Frenchman, Be.on of Mans, who firft attempted to-range birds according to their natures, and performed great matters, confidering the unenlightened age he lived in; for his book was publifhed in 1555. His arrangement of rapacious birds is as judicious as that of the lateft writers ; for his fecond chapter treats of Vutrures, Fatcons, SHRIKES, and Owns; in the two next, he paffes over to the Web- footed Water-fow], and to the Cloven-footed ; in the fifth, he includes the GatLinaceovs and SrruTHiovs, but mixes with them the Provers, Buntincs, and Larxs; in the fixth are the Pres, Prcrons, and Turusnes; and the feventh takes in the reft of the Passerine order. Notrwitustanpine the great defects that every naturaliit will at once fee in the arrangement of the leffer birds of this writer, yet he will obferve a rectitude of intention in * By M. Barrere of Perpignan in 1745, Mr. Klein in 17 50, Mr. Mochring in 1753; M. Briffon in 1760, and by Linnaeus at different periods. Mr. Ray formed (in conjunétion with Mr. Wittucusy) his tables of animals, in the winter 1667, for the ule of Bifhop Witxin’s real character. D 2 general, xJK 50>: °h b B ns = 2 = = | tee 5 = = <> $ of>- ae - - ee = <= === = - — eS - - Seana eeu? =". a ah : oven ESE Le ———s - ; —— —: = J = -- _ —— t= Fo ~ ; be = : — ~ -~ — = : —_— ———— <= = ———— SEE — on 5 Spied - A = = ————— == = 7 > a8 > = a ¢d z ——- == - 7 J cpeceians ral ngre Are et se a nn ee ee os ate ee - - ——~—— Sa = CAPITA OMS ve =m 5 =x toe 2 ot ae = “ o= - —eibademmmaind - eg a ee ce 2 3 — = = aa = f ae eeeS =e - =, ‘ 2 saat ee a . =—— - ne — ae a - ; : : ; -— / = Ac SS Spr = eS s . 5 othe v ‘ . ; ea 3 = —_~-~ Le a - - ~ ™ — - — x a Ju sap Se EP eee P= ge ane eres So TT eee se 7. aon FE) Ai Cem Ps Re general, and a fine notion of fyftem, which was left to the following age to mature and bring to perfection. Accord- ingly, Mr. Ray, and his illuftrious pupil the Hon, Fra, Wittucnusy, affumed the plan; but, with great judgment, flung into their proper ftations and proper genera, thofe which Beton had confufedly mixed together. They formed the great divifion of TerrestriaL. and Aquatic birds ; they made every {pecies occupy their proper place, confulting at once exterior form, and natural habit. They could not bear the affected intervention of aquatic birds in the midft of terreftrial birds. They placed the laft by themfelves, clear and diftiné from thofe whofe haunts and ceconomy were fo different. Various attempts have been made to alter this fyftem of our countrymen. It is a difagreeable and invidious. tafk to expofe the defects of other methodifts, who may have, in many refpects, great merit. I leave that to the peevifh malignancy of the minute critics; therefore fhall only acknowlege the fources from which I draw the materials of the prefent work, and give each their due fhare of merit. Mr Ray’s general plan is fo judicious, that to me it feems fcarcely poffible to make any change in it for the better; yet, notwithitanding he was in a manner the founder of fyftematic Zoology, later difcoveries have made a few improvements on his labors. My candid friend Linnaeus did not take it amifs, that I, in part, neglected his example; for I permit the Lanp- FowL to follow one another, undivided by the WaTER-FOwL, the Gralle and Anjeres of his fyftem; but, in my generical ar- rangement, I moft punétually attend to the order he has given in P WS: Bee «CCC: in his feveral divifions, except in thofe of his Au/feres, and a few of his Gralle. For, after the manner of M. Briffon, I make a diftinct order of Warzr-rowt with pinnated feet, placing them between the Wapers or CLoven-roorep Water-fowl and the Web-footed. The Ostricn, and Land-birds with wings ufelefs for flight, I place as a diftin& order. The Trumprrer (Pfo- phia Linnezi) and the Bustarps, I place at the end of the Gat- Linacgous tribe. All are Land-birds. The firft multiparous, like the generality of the Gatiinaczovs tribe; the laft grani- vorous, {wift runners, avoiders. of wet-places; and both have bills fomewhat arched. It muft be confeffed, that both have legs naked above the knees; and the laft, like the Waopers, lay but few eggs. They feem ambiguous birds that have affinity with each order; and it is hoped, that each naturalift may be indulged the toleration of placing them as fuits his own opinion, Before I conclude, let me not pafs over the affiftance received in fome of my definitions from Mr. Scopotr, an ornithologift of Car- niola, who, in 1768, favored the world with a moft elaborate ac- count of the birds that had fallen within his obfervation. Thus, I flatter myfelf, I have given every naturalift, I am indebted to, his due, —— Miferum eft aliorum incumbere fame. Ne collapfa ruant fubduGis te&a Columnis. TABLE = . x 4 | ; " ry TABLE of ARRANGEMENT, with the correfpondent ORDERS and GENERA In the SvsTEMA Natur of LINNAEUS. Drvrsron I. LAND-BIRDS. Drv. Il. fOrder I. Rapacious. II. Pies. III. Gallinaceous. Divifion I. IV. Columbine. V. Pafferine. VI. Struthious. (OrderVII. Cloven-footed, or Waders. Divifion H. < VIII. Pinnated feet. 1X. Web-footed. WATER-FOWL, Accipitres LINNAT, Pica. Gallinz, Pafferes. Pafferes. Galline. Gralle. i Grallzx. Anferes. Gralla. Anferes, Gralle. Strix Be aie gee & Orver I. RAPACIOUS. xs Vulture Vultur 3 Owl 2 Falcon Falco OrpveER I. DH? 4 Shrike § Parrot 6 Toucan 7 Motmot 8 Hornbill 9 Beefeater 10 Ani rr Wattle — 12 Crow 13 Roller 14 Oriole 15 Grakle 16 Paradife Oro. IV.§ COLUMBINE. ( OrveR Ii, Lanius Pfittacus Ramphattos Ramphattos Buceros Buphaga Crotophaga Corvus Coracias Oriolus Gracula Paradifa Oro. Ill. 30 Cock Phafianus 31 Turkey Meleagris 32 Pintado Numida 33 Curafio Crax 34. Peacock Pavo 40 Pigeon Columba 19 xxiii) PIES. 17 Curucui 18 Barbet 19 Cuckoo 20 Wryneck 21 Woodpecker 22 Jacamar 23 Kingsfifher 24. Nuthatch 25 Tody 26 Bee-eater 27 Hoopoe 28 Creeper 29 Honeyfucker Trochilus GALLINACEOUS. 35 Pheafant — 36 Grous 37 Partridge 38 ‘Trumpeter 39 Buftard Trogon Bucco Cuculus Junx Picus Alcedo™ Alcedo Sitta Todus Merops Upupa Certhia Phafianus Tetrao Tetrao Pfophie. Otis Orp. V.. — eo | | . | } i tw ) f ~ywiy ( XXI1V Ord.2V. PAS S E:RAEN E, 41 Stare Sturnus 49 Flycatcher Mufcicapa | 42 Thrufh Turdus 50 Lark Alauda 43 Chatterer Ampelis 51 Wagtail Motacilla 44. Coly Loxia 52 Warblers Motacilla 45 Grofbeak Loxia 53 Manakin Pipra 46 Bunting Emberiza 54 Titmoufe Parus 47 Tanager Tanagra 55 Swallow Hirundo 48 Finch Fringilla 56 Goatfucker Caprimulgus OQano. Vl SARU T ALS Ge. 3 . os = = bed ——~ —= 3 oe? seed 2 a — : = ——— =—— “= ee pa 5 ae oe af a, . —_+ —_ DIV. I. LAND-FOWL. ie Se ee NES 8 ie hak es ee ae aoe oe BOC FATE Re Sok neces Birr, ftrait, hooked only at the end; edges cultrated, bafe co- vered with a thin dkin. Nosrrizs, differing in different {pecies. Foncue, large and flefhy. | Heap, cheeks, chin, and often neck, either naked or covered only with down or fhort hairs; the neck retrattile. CLaw, often hanging over the breatt. | Lecs and Fret, covered with great fcales; the firtt joint of the middle toe connected to that of the outmoft,, by a ftrong membrane. Ciaws, large, little hooked, and very blunt, InsiDzs of the: wings covered ‘with down, King of the Vultures. Bearded and crefted Vultures. Epw, II, CVI. CCXL Bengal and Secretary Vultures. Latham’s Syn, of Birds. Pi. 1, 2. The yo of 4riftotle, who mentions two {pecies. Vultur of Linngeus, genus I. who enumerates V{E] {fpecies. The Vultur and Vautour of Briffen,.who deferibes XU fpecies. MV. de Buffon VIII, Mr. Ray VIII I. 2: Wao. I. VuLrure, EXAMPLE. _ . fo pe ee 8 ee ——s -- aS IE TN a et om : — 2S Be nn ; 23% St oe -- - > wt wyst*, = esis ae o< - — —S od eh ietie “ % = = _ i a - ae — = = ~ = ~= — _ ~— er sae he Uo Pe Se =_ Bria —.- 7 = P of = ye + S'S Aes Sop ~ -- oor = Sr a we - a9 phere oF at Pia nals os. Il, FaALcon. EXAMPLE: “ae A Cul O AS No Vultures north of the Baltic, none in Great Britain. Various fpecies in Europe, Afia, Africa, and America, as low as Terra del Fuego. A fluggifh, ungenerous race; prey oftener cn dead animals, and even putrid carcafes, than on living creatures. Their fenfe of fnelling moft exquifite. Collect in flocks from afar; directed to their prey by the fagacity of their noftrils. Fly flowly and heavily. Are moft greedy, and voracious to a proverb. Are not timid, for they prey in the midft of cities, undaunted by mankind. Britt, hooked ; covered at the bafe with a naked membrane, or cere. Nostrits, fmall, oval, placed in the cere. Toncvue, large, flefhy, and often cleft at the end. Heap and Neck, covered with feathers. Leas and Feet, fcaly ; middle toe conneéted, from its firft joint, to that of the outmoft, by a ftrong membrane. Craws, large, much hooked, and very fharp ; that of the outs moft toe the left. The Femate larger and ftronger than the male. Golden Eagle, Br. Zool. fol. tab. A. Falcon gentil. Br. Zool. I. tab. XXI. Chinefe. E. N. Zealand, F. Latham’s Sya. of Birds, Pl. 3; 4. A carnivorous, rapacious race; not gregarious ; quick-fighted: Generally fly high. Build in lofty places ; except a few fpe- cies which neftle on the ground. Eagles and the larger kind of Falcons do not lay more than four eggs; fome of the leffer, fuch as the Keftril, lay fix or feven; the + dre low tf, aU \OTaN | yal i R.. AwPorhky Goe. 0. U: S. the Eagles, properly fo called, feldom more than two or three: Drink feidom ; the juices of their animal-food preventing thirft. Capable of enduring very long abftinence. Very long lived. Are clamorous ; their note puling and_ plaintive. Strike their prey with their feet. Their excrements white and fluid. Vomit up the indigefted hair or feathers of their prey, in form of a round ball. Vary in the color of their plumage at different ages ; fo the fpecies are often unneceffarily multi- plied by Ornithologifts. Inhabit every climate. Mr. Ray and M. Briffon feparate the Eagles from the Falcons. The firft has VIII {pecies of Eagles, and XXV of Falcons or Hawks. The laft, XV of Eagles, and XXXVII of Falcons. Linn £us,who, with much propriety, places both in one genus, enumerates thirty-two. Mr. Ray’s divifion of the fluggith, and of the more active and generous, a very judicious one. Brit, hooked ; bafe covered with briftles; no cere. Nostrixs, oblong. | Toncug, cleft at the end. Eyes, very large and protuberant, furrounded by a circle of- feathers. Heap, very large and round; full of feathers. “Ears, large and open. OurtmostT Tok, verfatile, or capable of being turned back, fo © as to act with the back toe. Cxiaws, hooked and fharp. Fagle Owl, Br. Zool. 1. tab. XXIX. Owls. Latham’s Syn. of Birds. Pl. 5. A nocturnal Bird, preys in the evening and by night; often flies along Ill. Own. Ex. R°OA-2 A C FOU Ss. along the ground in fearch of prey; carnivorous; quick of hearing; winks in the day; makes a hooting noife in the night; fometimes a fqueaking. Snores loud. Builds in rocks, in hollow trees, or ruined edifices. Lays not more Ja than five eggs. Inhabits every climate. in Mr. Ray divides this genus into two; thofe with and thofe with- i out Horns; enumerates III fpecies with, and VIII without. i M. Briffon-ftyles the firft 4fo, and has IX; the other Strix, A and has XI fpecies. Buffon XV. tl ORDER H. i Sede ; ; - 13 t - d : { : 7 : - : : : : \ : ; q ’ : - uF 4 f ; ; 7 : if) 7 : t b : ’ : : rite PIC # Linnai. 5 Brix, ftrait, hooked only at the end; near the end of: the upper IV. Surrke. mandible a fharp procefs. No cere. NostRiis, round, covered with tiff briftles. Toncus, jagged at the end. Togs divided to the origin. Tart cuneiform. Butcher Birds, Br. Zool. fol. tab. C.1. Br: Zook ls tab. XXRUM. Bx. Carnivorous or infecétivorous; kill {mall birds by {trangling, or by erufhing their fkull with their bills, then pull them to pieces, and ftick the fragments on thorns; do the fame by in- fects. Bold, noify, and querulous. Build in low buthes. Lay fix eges. The genus that conneéts the rapacious Bitds and Pies ; acree- ing with the firft in the ftrength and crookednefs of the bill, and its predatory life ; with the laft, in the form of the toes, the tongue, and tail. Nearly related to the Magpie: The French ftyle it Pie-Griefche. Different fpecies found in the new and old world, and in all cli- mates, except within the /réic circle. The Butcher Birds or Skrikes of Mr. Ray, who defcribes IV fpecies. The Lanius of Linnzus, who has XXVI fpecies. v7 10 The : : : aie bo = ey ae eee | * : - - I ‘ - x ES =e ae — ae == _— = ~~ 4 > SS = Se ie —eanrree _ ay a ’ e r 2B — - ins - - = Fi oe a = = = 4 _— . ve ee leh oSows > - wf ¢ = ¥; » wl ’ ~ oo <« Qt Be- ce +> > . oe one ae) 3 , a ; a Pn | ee mp sees oe ee rs ae y + Sk ad ° 3 : . por mrmenr * ee ied | -=gete- are 5 GPP res eo ew PT SSP LEAF ~ > sa boas 7° haa - = ~ wats — \ — [igre he EDS Rebekah = mae oe ** a - - V. PARROT. WI, Toucan. oe 1. Bee The Lanius and Pie-Griefche of Briffon, who reckons up XXVI. Buffon XIV. I reject the compound name of Butcher-Bird, and retain the old Englifo name of Shrike, from the noife. Bit, hooked from the bafe: Upper mandible moveable. Nostrizs, round, placed in the bafe of the bill. Toncve, broad, blunt at the end. Heap, large; crown flat. Lxcs, fhort. ‘Tors, two backward, two forward.. Maccaw Epw. CLVIII. Parrot, CLXVI. Gregarious, clamorous ; the wild note loud and harfh. Very docile, imitative of founds; imitates the human {fpeech. Climbs by help of the bill and feet. Makes ufe of the feet as hands to convey meat to the mouth, turning the legs out- ward. Frugivorous : Can crack the hardeft kernels. Breeds in hollow trees. Makes no neft: Lays two or three white eges: Inhabits within the Tropics, Africa, Afia, and Jme- rica; afew are found as far North as Carolina: and South as the Straits of Magellan. Phittacus of Linnaus, and Briffon, IV. 182. The firft has XLVI. the laft XC fpecies, Britt, moft difproportionably large ; convex and carinated at top, and bending at the end; hollow; very light, ferrated at the edges. y ae y pe : ; Nostrizs, imall and round; placed clofe to the head, and hid in the feathers. Toncur, long and narrow, feathered at the edges. ‘Fors, two forward, and two backward. Toucans oft is er FP. Re S. Toucans Epw. LXIV. CCXXXIX. A genus confined to America, within the Tropics. Feeds on fruits: Breeds in hollow trees. Is very noify; eafily made tame. Mr Ray, mifled by the name of Bra/fiian Pie, places it with the Magpie. Linnaus calls it Rhampbaftos, a ‘Pauoos, a broad _{word, from the form of its bill, and has VIII fpecies. Briffon, IV. 407. retains the Brafilian name Toucan, and has XII {pecies. Brx1, ftrong, flightly incurvated ; ferrated at the edges. Nostrizs, covered with feathers. a Tart, cuneiform: The two middle feathers much longer than the others: Near the ends quite deftitute of webs. The webs at the ends fubovated. Tors, three before, one behind; the fore toes clofely united a]- moft their whole length. Brafilian faw-billed Roller. Edw. CCCXXYVI. Inhabits S. America. Ramphaftos Momota of Linnaeus. Momotus of Briffon, 1V. 464. who has II fpecies. I retain the Mexican name in Fernandez bift. av. Nov. Hifp. 52. Great bending Bixt, oft-times a large protuberance refembling another bill on the upper mandible. Edges jagged. Nostrits, fmall, round, placed behind the bafe of the bill, Toncvue, F LEcGs 7 VII. MOTMOT. VII. HORN« BILL. - : : f : : ’ ; ‘ j ; : ] ; s] - a { | : : ft j ; IX. BEEF- EATER. X, ANI. P , Ar Leos, fcaly: Tors, three forward, one backward : The middle~ conneéted to the outmoft,. as far as the third joint ; to the in- moft, as far as the firft. Several Bills Enw. CCLXXXI.. Wil.. orn. tab. XVII.. A fpecies with a horn pointing forward, and wattles. under the chin, en- oraven in Moore’s travels into the inland parts of Africa, p. 108.. Found in the Indian iflands. Buceros of Linn vs, a Govs an ox, and xegas a horn, from the form of the bill. Hydrocorax of Briffon, Il. 565, or Water Raven,. from its being fuppofed to inhabit watry places. Linnevus has IV {pecies. Briffon V. Bitt, ftrong, thick, ftrait, nearly fquare. Upper mandible a little protuberant; on the lower, a large angle. TONGUE. Tors, three before, one behind. The middle connected to the outmoft as far as the firft joint. Le pique Beeuf. Briffon Il. tad. XLII. Inhabits Senegal, Only one known fpecies. Buphaga of Linnaus and Briffon Il. 437. 4 Gous an Ox, and garetr to eat, becaufe it picks holes in the backs of cattle, to get at the Larvae of infects depofited there. 4 Bit, comprefied, greatly arched, half oval, thin, cultrated at top.- NostTRIxs, round. Tors, two backward, two forward. Ten feathers in the Tatz. he my tothe, bee da? EP ae 8. Razor-bill’d Blackbird. Cazte/by Carol. app. Ill. the feet faultily expreffed. Le Bout de Petun, Briffon IV. tab. XVIII. Inhabits South America: Within the Tropics. Crotophagus of Linnzus and Briffon IV. 177. from Kedlov, becaufe this genus feeds on ticks. Only II fpecies. Mr. Ray places it at the end of the Parrots. I retain the Brafiiian name Axi. Bixt, ftrong, thick, rounded at top; convex, NosTRILs, covered partly above with a flap; and near their ends with a tuft of feathers: On each fide of the -bafe of the bill, a red, thin, flelhy membrane, or Wattle, of a round form. ToncuE, truncated, fplit, chiliated, Taiz, long and, cuneiform. Lecs and Fret, ftrong: the firft carinated behind. Toes, large; three forward, two. backward. CLaws, great and crooked, efpecially that of the hind toe. A non-delcript genus, as yet difcovered only in New Zeland. Briy, ftrong, upper mandible a little convex. Edges cul- trated. Nostrits, covered with briftles reflected over them. Toncve, divided at the end. Togs, three forward, one backward, the middle joined to the out- moft as far as the firft joint. Royfton Crow, Br. Zool. fol. tab. D. 1. Different {pecies found in every climate: clamorous: promifcuous feeders: build in trees: lay about fix eggs. Corvus of Linnaus, who mentions XIX fpecies. Griffon divides this genus into Coracias, or the Chough; Corvus, F 2 or XI. WATTLE. XII. CROW. XIII, ROLLER. XIV. ORIOLE. Ex. or Crow; Pica, or Magpyes Garrulus, or Jay; Nucifraga, or Nutbreaker; including XXIII fpecies. Bixt, ftrait, bending a little towards the end, edges cultrated. Nostrits, narrow and naked. Toes, three forward; divided to thei origin; one backward. Blue Jay Edw. CCCXXVI. Roller Br, Zool. Ul. App. Europe, Afia, Africa, and the hot parts of Amerisa. A genus nearly related to the Crow. ‘Thence Linnaeus calls it Coracias: a word of Ariftotle’s, applied only to what we call the Cornifo Chough. Kopaxsas Dowwinoevyxosy Hift. an. lib, IX. ¢. 24. Coracias of Linnazus, who has VI fpecies. Galgulus of Brifforr, who has X fpecies. Bizz, ftrait, conic, very fharp pointed, edges cultrated, inclining inwards, Mandibles of equal length. NostRILs, fmall, placed at the bafe of the bill, and partly covered. Toncuk, divided at the end. Togs, three forward, one backward: the middle joined near the bafe to the outmoft one behind. Redwing Starling Catefby Carol. 1. XIII. In general, inhabitants of America. A numerous race, gregarious, noify,. frugivorous, granivorous, voracious: often have penfile nefts. Linnus enumerates, under the title of Orio/us, XX fpecies, but fome belong to the Yurdine or Thrufh kind. Briffon Il. 8 5. calls this‘genus Iferus, and has XXX fpecies. The genuine Oriolus is a Thruth. BILL. —— 4 ira stra: sonra ) Vid rich in} P ig Vp =—=SD Be Rt ae. S, Brix, convex, thick, compreffed a little on the fides, cultrated. Nosrtrits, fmall, near the bafe of the bill; often near the edge. ToncuvugE, entire; rather fharp at the end. Toes, three forward, one backward; the middle conneéted at the bafe to the outmoft, Ciaws, hooked and fharp. Mino, Epw. XVII. Chinefe Starling. Epw. XIX. Inhabits 4fa and America: Gracula of Linn&us, VIII fpecies. Iferus, Pica, and Turdus of Briffon. None of Linn us’s fpecies can be the Graculus of Pliny, or our Chough. For all his are dfatic, African, or American. Bicx, flightly bending. The bafe covered with velvet-like feathers. NosrTriLs, fmall, and concealed by the feathers. Fait, confifting of ten feathers ; two very long naked fthafts, fpringing from above the rump. Lecs and Fret, very large and ftrong; three toes forward, one backward: the middle connected as far as the firft joint of the exterior. Ciaws, large, hooked, and fliarp. Birds of Paradife, Enw. CX. CXI. Floats on the air, and often flies fwiftly backwards and forwards, like the Swallow; often lights, and perches on trees; feeding on fruits, and even fmall birds. Inhabits New Guinea and the Molucca Ifles. Paradifea of L1n- né£us, III fpecies. Manucodiata of Briffon Il, 130. only I {pecies.. More fince difcovered. BILL, TS XV, GRAKLE, XVI,PARADISE. ee ee 7% XVU,CURUCUI Birt, fhort, thick, and convex. NostTrixs, covered with {tiff briftles. TONGUE. Tors, two backward, two forward. Lecs, feathered down to the toes. Taiz, confifts of twelve feathers Yellow-bellied green Cuckow, Epw. CCCXX XT, Fafciated Couroucou. Jnd. Zool. tab. V. Probably have the manners of the Woodpeckers. Inhabits South America. ah A Trogon of Linnzzvs, III fpecies. ame of Briffon, IV. 164. has VI fpecies. The reafon for the name Zrogon feems to be, becaufe Pliny has fuch a name after the Picus. As the genus is Brafilian, I retain the name of the country. XVUI. BARBET. Bix, ftrong, ftrait, bending a little towards the point. Bafe co- vered with ftrong briftles, pointing downwards. Nostri ts, hid in the feathers. TonGcuE. : Toes, two backward, two forward, divided to their origin. Taiz, confifting of ten weak feathers. Ex, Yellow Woodpecker, with red fpots, Epwarps, CCCXXXIII. Inhabits South America and the Indian Iflauds. Bucco of Linnaus and Briffon IV. gt. The firft has I. fpecies. The lait V.‘ Briffon ftyles it Bucco from the fulnefs of the cheeks; Barbu from its briftles, a fort of beard, from which I form the generical name Bardet. 5 BILL tox. =. Yo ee ee 13 Bitz, weak, a little bending. XIX. CUCKOO. Nostrits, bounded by a {mall rim.. Toncue, fhort,. pointed. Tors, two forward, two backward. Tart, cuneated ; confifts of ten foft feathers. Cuckoo, Br. Zool. fol. tab. G. G. 1. Br. Zool. 1. tab. XXXVI. Ex, Inhabits every. climate. Cuculus of Linnaeus and Briffon, TV. 104. The one has XXII {fpecies ; ‘the other SX VILE The xoxxvé, and Coccyx of the Ancients, a word formed from the found of the European fpecies. Cuculus is only ufed in an op- probrious fenfe. Bitz, weak, flender, pointed. XX. WRYNECK, Nostrits, large and oval, near the ridge of the bill. ToncueE, very long, cylindric, very flender, and terminated by a hard point, miffile. Tors, two forward, two backward. ‘Fart, confifting of ten even and foft feathers. Wryneck, Br. Zool. fol. tab. G. Br. Zool, I. tab. XXXVI. Ex. Its manners, vide Br. Zool. Inhabits Europe and Bengal. Only one fpecies known. Ivy£ of Ariftotle, tynx of Pliny, Linnaus, and Brion, vol. iv. 3. Bit, ftrait, ftrong, angular; cuneated at the end. XXI. WOOD: Nostrits, covered with briftles reflected down. FECKER. Toncue, very long, flender, cylindric, bony, hard, and jagged at the end, miffile. TOEs, Sa le te ——-— — > " ewe ee = =e —— ae i x a - _ = aie > see = oe Com — ~ las, ~~ ee al =~ —~— a ee eee, vz es cm = —— == M i — P > 2 P Toes, two forward, two backward. Tat, confifting of ten hard, ftiff, fharp-pointed feathers. Woodpeckers, Br. Zool. fol. tab. E. Br. Zool. 1. tab. XXXVI. The manners, vide Br. Zool. [Inhabits all the Continents. Aevoxorwnlns or Oak-rapper of Ariftotle, Picus Martins of Pliny, Pi- cus of Linnazus and Briffon, 1V. 8. Linnacus has XX]. Briffoa XXXI {pecies. . XXII.JACAMAR Bixt, long, ftrait, fharp pointed, quadrangular. XXII. KINGS- FISHER. NosTRILS. ToncuE, fhort. Leas, feathered before to the Toes. Toes, difpofed two forward, two backward. The two foremoft clofely connected together. Jacamicir1 Eow. CCCXXXIV. Inhabits S. America. Alcedo Galbula of Linnaeus. Galbula of Briffon, 1V. 86. who has Il fpecies. . I retain his name from the Brafilian Facamiciri. Bitt, long, ftrong, ftrait, fharp pointed. Nostrits, {mall], and hid in the feathers. ToncvuE, fhort, broad, fharp pointed. Lercs, fhort; three toes forward, one backward : three lower joints of the middle toe joined clofely to thofe of the outmotft. Kingsfifher, Br. Zool. fol. tab. 1. Br. Zool. 1. tab. XXXVIII. Found in all the quarters of the world. Flies fwiftly, ftrong, and direct. All the fpecies do not haunt rivers, nor prey on fifh. pr Is He. & § fifh, ‘Adxvev of Ariftotle, the Halcyon of Pliny, Alcedo of Lun- NUS, L[/pida of Briffon, lV 471. The firft gives us XV fpecies. Briffon XXVI. Brut, ftrait ; on the lower mandible a {mall angele. XXIV. NUT« Nosrtrizs, fmall, covered with feathers reflected over them. HATCH. Toncue, fhort, horny at the end, and jagged. Togs, three forward, one backward. The middle toe joined clofely at the bafe to both the outmoft. Back toe as large as the mid- dle toe. Its manners, vide Br. Zool. Nuthatch Br. Zool. fol. tab. H. Br. Zool. I. tab, XXXVIII, Inhabits Europe, Afia, America. Sitta of Linnaus and Briffon III. 588. he defcribes V fpecies, Lainnaus II. Ariftotle’s CixIn not eafily determinable, Bitt, thin, depreffed, broad, bafe befet with briftles, Nostrits, fmall. TONGUE. Toes, three forward, one backward, conneéted like thofe of the Kingsfifher. XXV. TODY. Green-{parrow, Epw. CXXI, Ex, Inhabits the hot parts of America. Todus of Linn aus and Briffon IV. 528. who enumerate II fpecies, The name firft given it by Dr. Brown, I fuppofe, from Todi, {mall birds, G BILL, DOSEN Caley =" SSS ae AE ‘ gree ®t } e Sap Ce egy ale S + ip pa Ae ee orn py eas a _—— 16 —. [7 Be S b, We uae Brit, quadrangular, a little incurvated, fharp pointed. Wh) Nostrizs, fall, placed near the bafe. ToncuvueE, flender. Toes, three forward, one backward: The three lower joints of the middle toe clofely joined to thofe of the outmoft. Ex; Indian Bee-eater, Eow. CLX XXIII. Feeds on Bees, which it catches in its flight; from which the Englifh name. Inhabits Southern Europe, Afia, Africa, and America. Merops of Linnzus, Apiafter of Briffon, IV. 532. The firlt has - VII fpecies, the laft XIII. XXVILHOOPOE B111, long, flender, and bending. Nosrrits, fmall, placed near the bafe. Toncue, fhort, fagittal. Toss, three forward, one backward; middle toe clofely united at the bafe to the outmoft. Ex, Hoopoe, Br. Zool. fol. tab, L. Br. Zool, 1. tab, XXXIX. Inhabits Europe and Afa. Upupa of Linnaus. Upupa and Promerops of Briffon, 11 456. 460. Linnzvs has III fpecies. Briffon I of the firft, V of the laft. XXVIII. Brit, very flender, weak, incurvated. CREEPER. NosTRIL$, {mall. Toncve, not fo long as the.bill; hard, and fharp at:the point. Tors, three forward, one backward; large back toe, and long hooked claws. 2 Creeper; HV F.5. o eS, 17 Creeper, Br. Zool. fol. tab. K. Br. Zool. I. XXXIX. According Ex, to its name, creeps up and down the trunks and branches of trees, feeding on infeéts,.their eggs and /arve, Inhabits Europe, Afa, Africa, and America. Certhia of Linnazus and Briffon, WI. 602. The firft has XXV {pecies; the laft XXXII, Bit, flender and weak; in fome ftrait, in others incurvated., XXIX. HONEY- NostTRILs, minute. SUCKER. Toncug, very long, formed of two conjoined cylindric tubes ; miffile, Toes, three forward, one backward: Taiz; confifts of ten feathers. Long tailed-red humming bird, Epw; XXXL which is the fort with crooked bills, called by Briffon, Polytmi. White bellied humming -bird, Epw. XXXV" or the kind with ftrait bills: The Mellifuga of Briffon. Feeds on the fweet juices of flowers, which it fucks out with its tubular tongue, hanging in the air on its wings. Inhabits America, efpecially ‘the warm parts: A numerous genus. Trochilus of Linnaeus; Polytmus and Mellifuga of Briffon. Lin- N#us has XXII fpecies; Briffon XVI of ‘the Polytmus, XX of the Melifuga. The old Englifo name was Humming-bird ; which I now change to Honzy-Sucker. Ex. G 2 ORDER —<— pf es : eee ate -- -- : + —_ = — a COREE : > eee we ee = 3 be f Ae so - a! =e seer? Se az = > mae Stee . estit ws nee OR DUE R24, GALLINACEOUS, Heavy bodies, fhort wings, very convex; ftrong, arched, fhort bills: The upper mandible fhutting over the edges of the lower. ‘The flefh delicate, and of excellent nutriment; {trong legs ; toes.joined at the bafe, as far as the firft joint, by aftrong membrane. Claws broad, formed for fcratching up the ground, More than twelve feathers in the tail. Granivorous, feminivorous, infeétivorous, fwift runners, of fhort flight; often polygamous, very prolific, lay their eggs on the bare ground. Sonorous, querulous, and pugnacious. Or, with bills flightly convex; granivorous, feminivorous, infec- tivorous; long legs, naked above the knees: The genus that conneéts the land and the water-fowl. Agreeing with the © cloven-footed water-fowl in the length and nakednefs of the legs, and the fewnefs of its eggs: Difagreeing in place, food, and form of bill, and number of feathers in the tail. nets, *” egos F ve GALE MNSAIC EF Ov s. 19 Brix, very convex, fhort, and {trong. Nosrrits, bodied in a flefhy fubftance, Toncug, cartilaginous, fharp, entire. Heap, adorned with a Comd, or elevated ferrated fleth. Spurs on the legs. Tar, confifting of fourteen feathers; that of the male, fickle- fhaped, XXX. COCK, To be found in every farm-yard. Ex. Its native country India and its ifles. Domefticated every where. Phafianus of Linnzus, who claffes it with the Pheafant, and has VI {pecies. Gallus of Briffon, 1. 165. who enumerates V, but they are only varieties. Bitz, convex, fhort and {trone. NostRILs, open, pointed at one end, lodged in a membrane. Toncug, floped on both fides towards the end, and pointed. Heap and Neck, covered with a naked tuberofe flefh, with along fiefhy appendage hanging from the bafe of the upper mandible, Taiz, broad, confifts of eighteen feathers, extenfible. XXXII, TORKEY. Unknown to none. Native of North America only : Domefticated in moft countries. Meleagris of Linnazus, and Gallo-pavo of Briffon, 1. 168. Lin- nus has III, Briffon Il fpecies. rej BILx, ee eee Ln = 3 eS ag ee ~— aL oes —* ibaW. Ritch aye k ARR POPS ~ Oe Be mete er TR TTS 6S ipliskes

    a =_ > zi == 2ST 20 GAL GWIFNA CEQW? & ind XXXII, PIN- Brit, convex, ftrong, and fhort; at the bafea carunculated cere, a TADQ. ; Mie | in which the Nostrits are lodged. Heap and Neck, naked, flightly befet with: briftles, A Hory, reflected and large, on the head. Lone Poinrep Watt es, hanging from the cheeks, lait, fhort, pointing downwards. Ex. Too common to need a reference. Its native place Africa. Numida of Linnaus, who has I. fpecies. Meleagris of Briffon, We 4 I. 176. who has likewife I. He calls it in French, Za Peintade, il ‘ 4 a name I retain. ie aia sm XXXII. CU- Bitz, convex, ftrong, and thick, the bafe covered with a-cere, ait ant a RASSO. qi ta ty often mounted by a large nob. a Shia a - Pea | Nostrits, {mall, lodged in the cere. NEE sli Heap, fometimes adorned with a creft of feathers, curling for- AM he : ¥ wards. th i TaiL, large, ftrait. i Ex. Curaffo, and Cufhew-bird, Enw. CCXCV. Inhabits South America. Crax of Linnaus and Briffon, 1. 296. But the laft claffes them with the Pheafant, and has VI fpecies, Linn aus ILI. . XXXIV. PEA- Brit, convex, ftrong, and fhort. Gogo NosTRILs, large. Heap, {mall, crefted. Spurs on the legs. Tall, GA Lf ee ac: Od S; 21 Tari, very long, broad, expanfible, confifting of a double range of feathers, adorned with rich ocellated fpots. Common Peacock, frequent in moft parts. ‘The Peacock Phea- Ex, fant, Eow. LXVII. The native place India, Fapan, and China. Pavo of Linnaus, and Phafianus of Briffon, 1. 281. who reckons IV fpecies of Peacocks, Linnavs III. Brit, convex, fhort, and ftrong. XXXV. PHEA- Nostrixts, {mall. SANT Tait, very long, cuneiform, bending downwaads. Painted Pheafant, Epw. LXVIII. Inhabits 4fa and South America. Phafianus of Linnavs and Brifon I. 262. who has (including Peacocks and Curaffoas). XVI fpecies, Linnazus VI. Bitzi, convex, ftrong, and fhort. XXXVI, GROUs, A naked fcarlet fkin above each Eve. NostTrixs, {fmall, and hid in the feathers. ToncveE, pointed at the end. Leas, ftrong, feathered to the toes; and fometimes to the nails. The toes of thofe with naked feet pe€tinated on each fide. Grous, Br. Zool. fol. tab. M. 3. Br. Zool. 1. tab, XLII. Ex; Inhabits the mountains or woods of Europe, northern and eaftern Afia, and North America. TETRAO . it s heal v hi vt Wie Os } Hdl v 4 te TR ;. + 8 Bite ‘ i] i} ya : ae P| i ; . } We it ‘ - ‘Mil US ee ie | heed - J eb ‘It Toh ¢ itp . Hea Py ts i ih al i P| WH eb i} By ih 4 i i i i ‘ 1) LS A We lap: | a Wy i : Ny, HH Lait ie i; fy h aa wen rf ali fh ( | itt 1h 4 Vee | ; “ai 4 Sipe | ii a ih " i | " aNiee Fae, \ | Hi Fit ae 4 ae ee | ] La he : We ae al b ‘ - \ : : * | ral i) ; al bike] / 5 ibe | | WH ‘A Mt it fad wie , ka ais Pet ee) ; ; Ber Wilh ‘ 4 “ : i | ia Hy West . hee 1) | ee i iy Mh) iP ae ier 1 He }! i? | i} " ait. we i baad tt ee a Wht a) yi VES "tite Ca mi i ne it ahi eae Flep, iia Hee | rf i ’ bh u "" ; { et " He Thee eri 4 TREN if) ig - ; p? *) n wie! Whee) eb me ii : an. +33 ay t tet it iy dee Hi ele | ‘ 4 q j ae * i] = ae: as a -— -_— naa aee = 7 Ss ie My +3 at [4 ah | { rte ta ae Hd Med ae? i! Ris BE ge: Ft Ba Pat | aed | Re ae mi h Ay Se Ha i eae 5 py Se ge WELLS. | ae > f a? -& ’ wht i “hit it uth mi ' : t +. “Re Rip! ks - : hy * tn | yy » 4 # Ss 4 2 rete =, 2 a ws AXXVITI. PAR- TRIDGE., Exe XXXVITI. RUMPETER,. as GA Loki N AO H@Qwee Terrao pedibus birfutis of Linnaeus, who has IX fpecies. Za- gopus of Briffon, I. 181. who has XII. Bix, convex, ftrong, and fhort. No naked fkin above the Eves. Nostrits, covered above with a callous prominent rim. Lrcs, naked, tetradactylous. Exception, two {pecies of Quails, Tat, fhort. Partridge, Br. Zool. fol. tab. M. V. Inhabits the cultivated parts of the world. TeEtRao pedibus nudis of Linnazus, who has XI {pecies, Perdix of Briffon, who has XXI. Bixt, fhort, upper mandible a little convex. Nostrixs, oblong, funk, and pervious. Toncue, cartilaginous, flat, torn, or fringed at the end. Lees, naked a little above the knees. Toes, three before; one {mall behind, with a round protuberance beneath the hind toe, which is at a {mall diftance from the eround. Grus Pfophia, Pallas /picil. fafc. 1V.- tab. I. Inhabits South America; lives in the woods ; feeds on the fruit that fall down. Does not perch. Makes a ftr ong noife with its mouth, which it anfwers by a different noife from its belly, as if it came from the anus. Lays many eggs. Pfophia of Linnarus, from Wooew Jirepitum edo. Perdix of Briffon, 1 227. only I. fpecies. A beautiful fpecimen in the LeverIANn Mufeum, BILL C a eC | Mi, ail GALLEN eee §£E OU s. 23 Bitt, a little convex. XXXIX. BUS~ Nostrizs, open, oblong. Scere Toncus, floping on each fide near the end, and pointed, Legs, long, and naked above the knees, Toes, only three; no back toe. Bustarp, Br. Zool. fol. tab. IV. Br. Zool. 1. tab. XLIV. Ex, Inhabits Europe, Afia, Africa, and New Holland. Otis of Linnzus and Briffon, V. 18. One has IV. the other II] [pecies. De Buffon. Pliny tells us, that Otis was the Greek name, that the Spanifh was Sarda. Bi ORDER et ae 4 “ 4 ‘+ “4 2 _ — — ——— << = wee = 3 ‘ =o —— =n. 2 i A te See ek <. REST os Se ee PT =< > —=" >< ms . -- e ~ ee Tar 2 er i - - a rrr * = . - re —_ . ere 4 . ” Ts r 2 “ - 7 r Cn ok eee Ce a laces = a3 tentang ae paras ER “ ee ee SEES LS a << —— - . ' = . =o Hin —— - ae alee =H <> = ee — FE ch - a “i ee a 2s = are eee ee ee « = Peas 2 ~ 23 ae c — => Sr: SS p= oew a == “29 - b > ES ~ = — SS et - -- — - - ee ee - ——= - - - - n= ~ a PN ee, Oe ee —— = =z a —— = ; = re ae = = = — 2 ———E—— =e =. — * * egies eogsber Re ne re ee) : rir Fe een ep —j wd TUT as Ore SS TST : =~ (pew or ee a i = as ree os —— - pa a fa a TT 4 — —S errs > , > en “? a AF! #33 a x os 2 f< == = - — Es Sie ma ~ nore O* FFE SP SS 7 : = cls a- Wee ie $ aA ? i} Sai iy ‘lt '« ; LIT 7 5 ah pig i -, "o> pyn eee ep * . SP ee “+ » aS = a 2 a a. ° he IE LOES LI NFS oat Puy . 4 - Se f 3 all parts of the world, except the Arfic: The mof me- lodious of the fmaller gexera: Infectivorous, feminivorous, de- light in woods and bufhes. Their pace hopping. Motacilla of Linnaius, Ficedula of Briffon Ill. part Il. 369. Linnaus has XLIX fpecies, Briffon L XXIII. LI. MANAKIN. Bit, fhort, ftrong, and hard, flightly incurvated. Nostrits, naked. TONGUE. Toes, the middle clofely united with the outmoft as far as the third joint. LaAIL, fhort. - 4 Manakins, Epw. CCLXI. Inhabits South America only. Pipra of Linnaus, and Manacus of Brifon IV. 442. Linnaeus enumerates XIII fpecies, Briffon XIII. Pipra, a wvrea, a certain bird, mentioned by 4riffotle, bift. an. lib. IX. C.J. Manacus trom the Dutch, Manakin, the name they bear in Surinam. LIV.TITMOUSE Bit, ftrait, a little compreffed, flrong, hard, and fharp pointed. NostTRILs, round, and covered with briftles refleéted over them. Toncug, as if cut off at the end, and terminated by three or four briftles. Toes, divided to their origin; back toe very large and ftrong. Titmice, a fe onet thre PF A S'S Ban I Ws, Titmice, Br. Zool. fol. tab. W. Br. Zool. 1. tab. LVIL. 2 reftlefs fliting race; moft prolific; infectivorous, germinivorous, pug- nacious. Inhabit Europe and America. Parus of Linnaus and Briffon Il. part II. 539. Linnaus has XIV. Briffon XVIII fpecies. Parus, from Pario, becaufe it lays many eggs, Bit, fhort, broad at the bafe, fmall at the point, and bending, NostTRILs, open. Toncuve, fhort, broad, and cloven. Lecs, fhort. Taiz, forked; Wings, long. Inhabits the univerfe, even as far as Eludfon'’s Bay. Swallow, Br. Zool. fol. tab. Q. Br. Zool. 1. tab. LVIUI. Swift, much on wing, infectivorous, migratory or torpid during win- ter, twittering, forerunners of fummer. Hirundo of Linnaus and Brifm Il. 485. Linnaeus has XII {pecies, Briffon XVII. Brit, very fhort, hooked at the end, and very flightly notched near the point. Nosrrits, tubular, and a little prominent. Moura, vaftly wide: On the edges of the upper part, between the bill and the eyes, feven {tiff briftles. Toncug, fimall, entire at the end. I Lics, 3t a little Ly, swALLow, Ex, LVI. GOAT- SUCKER. t . | . | . | . BM sa = — $i yt J Ai} i yay Te i j Ae fifo it] ih ’ { ie Heid We doa: 1} | iH}! : Wey ‘it (t heh at | ray i Ex ATR Hie aida ib Hy : in } ae 1 ee) ! Hid i} + i yi! | Wt, | (| i iB t / t yi a ni th sf if ith i al : ; + ' 1 aol) ' i ; ’ | : 14 Joe a ee Halak 4 iil ; el eR i Hi t bt a ih isa | Bett: ; ree |! ‘fe r Blea Be a oy" i] 2s Vy id ae iy 45 * ‘VU 1h ) Maa wh ss } be a -_ ~ oo NE. Ace Se Ee Be Leas, fhort, feathered before as low as the toes. Toss, joined by a ftrong membrane as far as the firft joint. Claw of the middle toe broad-edged and ferrated. Tari. confifts of ten feathers, and is not forked. x, z , Inhabits Europe, Afia, and America. Flies by night; infectivorous, fonorous, migratory. Has much of the nature of the Swallow. Goatfucker, Br. Zool. fol. tab. R. Br. Zool. Y. tab. LIX. Capni- mulgus of Linn&us, Caprimulgus and Tette-chevre of Briffon Il. 470+ and Asyolnans of the Ancients, from a vulgar notion that they fucked the teats of Goats. Linnzus has only II fpecies, Briffon VI. Caprimulgus ORDER yi oo: ORDER VI. 8... RSE BP ohh il OR af, Very great and heavy Bodies. Wings, imperfect; very f{mall, and ufelefs for flight, but affiftant in running. Flefh coarfe, and hard of digeftion. STRUTHIOUS is a new coined word to exprefs this order; for thefe birds could not be reduced to any of the Linnzan divifions. Bitt, large, bending inward in the middle of the upper man- Lyy, Dopo. dible, marked with two oblique ribs, and much hooked at the end. Nosrrits, placed obliquely near the edge, in the middle of the bill. Lees, fhort, thick, feathered a little below the knees. Tors, three forward, one backward. Dodo, Epw. CCXCIV. Ex, Inhabits the ifles of France and Bourdon. Didus of Linnaus, and Rapbus of Briffon, V. 14. only I. fpecies. T2 Bikt, pecies, S. rts of South America, P the knees. ar pa Struthio of Linnaeus and Briffon V.. 3. Il ay a eprefied. Ff aes L IT The . <_ - =" A omen | : ~ . Z i : ‘ _ al — ar ‘ a) r~ 4) _ mm, — \ = Ui Se WW t : o- ‘ . \ " » oS iS Ty wv od my . or — — ~ coil ry ~ >, 5°) lode cy a. ’ . ” . a t for , ftrong, naked above "3 he : w S$ M1) _ - ~ : Ab os } — ~~ room +a - "™ —_ (— -~ Sa ‘ <4 — = ~ a Oo me co ‘“ rr rs ry mad —" nt Y ~% ”"~ tous ~ cr ’ ~ a= 7 Of © ae ae GN = + ct Cc > © “* Ce = a | a ° —_ . ~~ an ) — co re} Cc cc fo We ho am eae P O - 4 eed 2 = cr — ~ 2 foe = ~ es +e MP oo = —— e = =. ; << - = ioe Se - ant i lem TT AS ee a ae 222s = —- -_-— ---— —— SSE ——_ SVS — ——_ — ~- - — = - = ————— = —— = ee oe eee ———- s se oe ene pomenas —_—_ — = —= —— SS = - oe | A, A -——- an = =. —_ =: = = — 7 ~~ - a ee SSS SS SS = ee SS ea Sea S=S= : < ee er — > — — —— _ — — —— ay _—_ — — + =o ‘ = » DIV. IL WATER-FOWL. Orver VII. With CLOVEN FEET. VIII. With PINNATED FEET.. IX. With WEBBED FEET. Mott migratory, fhifting from climate to climate, from place to place, in order to lay their eges, and bring up their young in full fecurity : the thinly inhabited north their principal breed- ing. place; returning at ftated periods, and, in general, yielding to mankind delicious and wholefome nutriment. All the Cloven-footed, or mere Waders, lay their eggs on the ground. Thofe with pinnated feet form Jarge nefts, either in the water, or near it. From the firft, we muft except the Heron and the Night-Heron™, which build in trees. All the Web-footed fowl either lay their eggs on the ground, or on the fhelves of lofty cliffs; and none perch, except the Cor- vorant, Shugg, and one or two fpecies of Ducks, * Night Raven, Raii Syn. av. 99¢- = ae ee ee - =-- " : - Ate ae eS re n Fr) RQ OG s 3 a} — o 7 See op S oS & o § < S 4s) U 6 Ce 8 5 @ } - O = ne S es = tae q eo > “— vo Q 5 > on 8 © SS = = c * 8°S a de » oud » = TW w & a 3 v te a8 Zz Ss a re) sah “ cs > see \ ~ ° O = S © Oo % -~ «© os + fx] . & 2 = * o ¢ : eon . eS rs 1 oO S$ % rte fat co "TC 60 <— = ~ 2 oS So S fae = Bp 9s £ § Pee SS Ea oO. ~ Se po . ~ tas » § 2 5 ec & S a = 2 Ses aes nn >> ~ Gs c oma oS = ~ =~ vo rm) a —~ Zz S tt in Ue aan, 2 S826 ¢ - ew 2° . Sarit c O's 3 = oe + 3 a eS j 2 pal GY nD pas ees& gon Y Q "> > a 3 : 2 & yale Ege een oS 8B See go baa 1S See $ = GU a - YU re c3 . = ry % vn RF me, S Rey S e 7 = as mm + g on + nm - < a > O oT aw > ~% ee i ce Ww = a me A he ne _ VB) ») .- S$ vY) vO es 23 = ¥ or & ile Man 8 oT = ie eee 2 BS et ert oa ie Cae s e io. Leone OR Pov ee > ae _ n we H ” Vv = 2. o, a On gf me & & YS Sw ee Bl ee. eS Oly Sct et GS I up :o QO > soe Ye oon 0 lUlRMULUMRCU A CG = nee ~ — © ct = a) ~ c S$ SH m9 AZGR RHR a2 AZreh Bee 5 ' ez > , : : ef : LA Ps a m— fx] ie = mR - Se : rs €: ae a~ ; £ — = ~ ~ Reger = ¥ a ~ + ay 3 Se TEE ELS Se IRD D yo PS a . 3 - : pow ne «abel cath nnn Stites Nate Leet he eran ee ews re - Z | , ; = 5 = = = , x ‘ aa 2" —a- _--- 6 7a ee Ce a we = — te > == a oe ee a ant z - Zoe ee eee et Sealy ee Cai OV 2 Ne © 6 TRE -_r. 39 Bitt, long, ftrong, fharp pointed, LXIII, HERON. Nostrizs, linear. ToncvE, pointed. Tozs, connected as far as the firft joint by a membrane; back toe large. Crefted Heron, Br. Zool. fol. tab. A. Female Heron, Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXI. Inhabits every continent. Ardea of Linnaus. Ardea, Ciconia, and Balearica of Briffon V. 361. 391. 511. Linnaus has XXVI fpecies, Briffon LX. Bitz, ftrong, thick, ftrait, comprefled, the upper mandible com- 1, pofed of feveral pieces. Brown's Zool. 90. tab. XXXV. Inhabits Senegal and the South of Africa. Scopus of Briffon, who has a fingle {pecies. He calls it Scopus, from cxix, a fhade; and Ombrerte from the general deep brown of its plumage. Brit, long, thick at the bafe, wholly incurvated. Eyezs, lodged in the bafe. Face, naked. Nostrixs, linear. Toncueg, fhort and broad. Togs, connected at the bafe by a membrane. K Red XIV. UMBRE, LXV. IBIS. CcCroVEN-FOOGQE ®@ ” a — > ages A : ‘ i aa SS. ae = sige ya ~ oe 2 io a - = Z ee = — - ——————— — ‘ m< wr 2 Tee “~ ad = -_~ _ ~v 7 er eee Wee fe ee - ‘€ ea CEE a3 oa he se a. ER Ss ot - == mies = — a So a “ . ——— ee a a a — ———— anual —— a 2 4 a oe: Se ee = a [eee ere > te + ars @ pie othe > aw >. ms = = —— $= = = = a = i= rae ae = Red Curlew Cate/by Carol. 1. LKXXIV. White-headed Ibis, Ind. ~/ Zool. tab. X. Inhabits Europe, Afia, anc Tantalus of LinNzzus, Numenius of Briffon V. 311. Linnats has VII fpecies. Briffom mixes them with the genuine Curlews, and has in all XIV. 1 America. LXVILCURLEW. Bitt, long, flender, incurvated. Face, covered with feathers. Nosrrits, linear, longitudinal, near the bafe. Toncue, fhort, and fharp pointed. Tors, connected as far as the firft joint by a {trong membrane. Curlew Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXIII. Inhabits Europe, America, the Philippine Tfles, and New Holland. Scolopax of Linnaeus, Numenius of Briffon V. 311. LInNaUS has IV fpecies of genuine Curlews. eM LXVIL SNIPE. Brix, two inches long and upwards; flender, {trait, and weak. Nostrits, linear, lodged in a furrow. ToncueE, pointed, flender. Toss, divided, or very lightly connected ; back toe very finally Woodcock, Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXV. Inhabits Europe, Afia, and America. Scolopax of Linnaeus, Limofa and Scolopax of Briffon V. 26%. 292" ae Linnaeus reckons XIV fpecies, exclufive of the Curlews. ae Briffon XVI. Woodcock being the name of a fpecies inha- : biting. as ~ 6 SEARS = -- - — eae ly AED E POE aS rr ck Ligne te ne BSE - = =—- Sa Se — : _——_—— 3 ———== _ ~ - . v a 7" r; ‘| ‘all : Wa di f ly ag ; ae « { We ‘4 “aj CGebO. VAEE Nii: O Baum pv. i. biting woods, I change it to the more comprehenfive one of Snipe, which fignifies a Jong dill, LXVIII. SAND- Brvt, itrait, flender, and not an inch and a half long. PIPER. Nosrrits, {mall. Toncue, flender. Togs, divided; generally the two outmoft connected at bottom by a {mall membrane. Purr Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXXI. Ex. Inhabits all the quarters of the world; but in greateft plenty in the Northern. Tringa of Linnaus; Vanellus, Arenaria, Glareola, and T: ringa of Briffon V. 94. 132. 141. 177. including XXXY fpecies. Bit, ftrait, as fhort as the head, LXIX. PLOVER, NostTRILs, linear. TONGUE. Tors. Wants the back toe. Dotterel Br. Zool. Il. tab. LX XIII. x. Charadrius of Linnazus, Pluvialis of Briffon V. 43. and Himan- topus and Oftralega 33. and 38. Linnaus has XII. Ch, Briffon XV. Pi. Il. Himan. Bitt, long, compreffed, the end cuneated. NostTRILs, linear, Toncug, fcarce a third the length of the bill. Toss, only three; the middle joined to the exterior by a ftrong membrane, : CATCHER, K 2 Sea- ta DE Ere, s LXX, OYSTER: : te tle 3 ; 7 ; i 7 a “ " $9 Up ari be et 4 7 - | Ai ea eal Bae a 1 ih | ie ! ufa Ne tat XI. JACANA. feed ind ‘ LXXII. PRATIN- . : —- . a e —on- ee sili ee - ——— = . —_ - eS > a : z —— = - - pe Pe Ne PP SS ————— —= == ere ret SS ee Se niente oO Se “ Se at — inp ee - —- : a = es Sa : - — ree . --~ = — — = ee. ee _< a ‘ oe a — 5 —— — = = — — —_- = —- SSS = = = — =. - ‘ - = » wre an SS eS —— —~= a * - — Ss E> a = me! J = et = ——— = ‘ oeseent"g - st . = : 4 = a CCL 0.VeE-N -- F4O20 72 eee Sea-Pie, Br. Zool. fol. tab. D. 2. Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXXIV. Inhabits Europe, North America, and the ealtern coaft of New Holland. ‘The bill calculated to raife limpets, oyfters, and other fhells from: the rocks. Hematopus of Linnzus, Oftralega and L’Huitrier of Briffon V. 38: Only one {pecies. Bit, lender, fharp pointed; thickeft towards the end; the bafe carunculated. Nosrrits, fhort, fub-ovated, placed in the middle of the bill. TONGUE. Wines, armed on the front joint with a fharp, fhort fpur. Toes, four‘on each foot, armed with very long and ftrait fharp pointed claws. Spur-winged Water Hen. Epw. CCCLVII. Parra of Linnaus, Facana of Brifon V. 122. Linnaus has has only III. genuine f{pecies, Briffon V. I retain the Braflian name Facana. Is not the Impios Parr recinentis omen of Horace, which. was probably fome fmall bird. Vide Pliny, lib. X. c. 33. Bixt, fhort, ftrong, ftrait, hooked at the end: Nostrits, near the bafe, linear, oblique. TONGUE. Togs, long, flender, bafe of each conneéted by avery fmall mem- brane. Tai, forked; twelve feathers. Pratincola,, D Gili O VOEGNeaeO O oRSE: D: 43. XX) Pratincola, Kramer Auftr. 382. Ex, Oa) Inhabits Southern Europe. ont Pratincola, or inhabitant of meadows, a name given it by Dr. Kramer, and adopted by me; placed by Linnzzus with the Dia Flirundo, by Briffon among his Glareole. Bix, flender, a little comprefied, and flightly incurvated. LXXIH, RAIL, nd; th NostTrRits, fmall. Toncue, rough at the end. te Bopy, much compreffed. Tat, very fhort. tal Water-Rail, Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXXV. Ex, {hhabits Europe, Afia, and America. Rallus of Linnaus, who places it among others very different, fuch as the Land-Rail, &c. Briffon calls the genus Rallus, but ish mixes with it others of another genus. He! Bit, ftrong, thick, a little convex: upper of the upper mandible srk Tans: ba lodged in a corneous fheath.. Sometimes elevated and open in | front : at other times clofely applied to the bill ; reaching be- yond the edges of the mandible. Nosrrits, {mall : juft appearing out of the theath. Orsits, naked, granulated. WinoGs, armed at the fecond flexure with a hard knob:. Lecs and Togs, thick, gallinaceous. Toes edged with a thick membrane. The middle toe conneéted. to the next by: Tr \ ad tS fee ; : 7+ — == cs ee ee = < — _ - —: — _ = = iatiaie - ’ wr enum a — eo = - = Se ee = ee pa ae ne ee = ~ b] u n {, ou tte red below. Toncug, fagittal, blunted at the A new genus. Frequ ents watry pl aces New Zeland and * 4 544 la j SLateniand. Bitt, thick at the bafe, oping to the point ; the upper mandible reaching far up the forehead, and not corneous. Bopy, compreffed. Wines, fhort and concave. Toes, long, divided to their origin. Tal, fhort. Water-Hen, Br. Zool. fol. tab. L. 1. Br. Zool. Il. tab. LXXVIIL Inhabits Europe, Afa, and America. Fulica of Linnzus, Gallinula VI. and Porphyrio V. 522. of Briffon, who has III fpecies of the firft, and X of the laft. In Bill and Legs, the Land-Rail agrees with this genus; but, with us, differs in its manners, by refiding in dry places. But, as it mi- erates at approach of winter, it may, in warmer climates, dur- ing the feafon, inhabit fenny tracts, to which the form of its legs are adapted. ORDER [ 45 J 0 oe ee a Eee, With PINNATED FEET. Biiv, ftrait, flender. LXXVI. PHALA- NosTRILS, minute. ROPE, TonGue. Bopy and Lees, in every refpect formed like the Sand-piper. Toss, furnifhed with fcalloped membranes. Scallop-toe’d Sand-piper, Br. Zool. fol. tab. E. Br. Zool, I. tad. Ex, LXXYVI. Its manners, &c. unknown. Inhabits Europe and North America. Linnaus places it among the Tringe; Briffon very judicioufly forms a new genus, under the name of Phalaropus, from the {callops on the toes, like the garaess, or Coot. Bit, fhort, ftrong, thick at the bafe, Noping to the end; the LXXVI. COOT, bafe of the upper mandible rifing far up the forehead; both mandibles of equal length, NosTRILS, ~~ =e — ~ a ——— 5 gee aw SS i bao —_ + ——— SSIS yee Ss - We wie | } 1 { P) iN | ‘ ‘ ( ) f Mt) 4) Ge ' nia | ; \ ne 2: . \ Me Rei) } ' : i | \ VO at SEA i %.) $| , ’ we. ee { ! hal ’ tay . 4 j ii , 1 Beaty ¥ : ne ‘ i ji : nile + eth a : | ' R t ' a : aut Y il ae th. it ' 1Q*HT | aa Aj an ell ihe i sal ete: ‘ 7 id . } tt a | | heh | tia ° “Th. 4 *} \i . : He , i! - : | | pi THR \ y iid 1 : it : Phin i a ' ' ‘th ; ih , aa) ahi : ‘et bate j ' ‘ W im Al ant Het : i] ; "| : : \ ; Wi ihat rie 4 "| had i Buea, sf: a ies a ee eT limi s m aie f "| 5 «Aah } i eRe i Muh) 117 LXXVITII. GREBE. Pie N: NGA A ewe ub L & Nostrizs, incline to oval, narrow, fhort. ToOnGUvE. Wines, fhort. Bopy, comprefied. Toss, long, furnifhed with broad fcalloped membranes. Tart, fhort. Coot, Br. Zool. fol. tab. F. Br. Zool. Il. tab, LX XVI. Inhabits Europe, Afia, and Africa. Continues much on the water, makes a large neft of water-plants, lays fix or feven eggs. In winter, ofttimes are feen in great flocks on arms of the fea. Fulica of Linnaeus, and Briffon VI. 23. Linna@us has only II fpecies, for he mixes other birds with them. Brifon has Il, Bixt, ftrong, flender, fharp pointed. NostTRILs, linear. Toncug, flightly cloven at the end. Bopy, depreffed. Fratuers, thick-fet, compact, and very fmooth and clofly. Tait, none. Winos, fhort. Lxeos, placed very far behind, very thin, or much comprefied ; doubly ferrated behind. Toes, furnifhed on each fide with a broad, plain membrane. Greek, Br. Zool. fol. tab. K. Br. Zool. Il. tab, LX XVIII. Congenerous birds, found in moft countries ; north as high as Hudfon’s-Bay, and fouth as far as /at. 48, 30. and Jong. 58. 7- eatt, | PIN NAT @ip F BE T. ‘7 eaft*. Linn aus mixes his birds of this genus with web-footed birds, fuch as Divers and Guillemots, by the general name of Colymbi, Briffon V1. 33. very judicioufly feparates them, and ns has under the fame name XI fpecies. * Cook's Voy. i, 48. Forfter’s i, 115. eff L spr) A etl, L ORDER 5 a g @ = = S s ~~ :- = = i ‘fa « os he rv z a. : a x Ss _ oD S ae = ‘ - om ss cs w~ O : n (+) 2 vw b< oO n pomacard 3 oO 2 Ye _ a ; ¥ = = da oO o Hs Cs E ito - ss 2 on SS 2 o Uv - Y a ies ars é _ er . > a = ~< (2) a = ae bE od ra = eae: Niet 5 , e — ac = —S ¥ oO As et er RP ae 5) = S at rrr rv, ae YL N = = iz 5 oe U > “ : ¢ ‘ O st c a "- RQ i > = co fx) ba Z, 48) ber —_ S 3 ss S ba " yo 7 A 43 S c “4 O SS ~ > ©) ~ on a ra i R ee oO ea ue PO ss Big ae -O $ xy Q Cc os . 4] o~ A > wee . = > e J. qe we Z. rr o 6 = MSE Sag gee | bed = | v = ~ 49 gO = ‘3 & oS Sea re ae S S foes oe Nee: ° e 3 SiS © tee a = (x) = « 8 SS ees Sa) ik. o a ~ Oy 4 5 ~ — m= ope = ww > mont o— — c os ~o & O mn uw si3 8 a. ‘ tZen we 8 a oe 3 2 s a 3 _ ~. | o 2. * Boren. eer —- Pee os ee se ee ee tS TS: Li ie a eS A ee he me RS tot tC —— 104) \ edie . we | ae Pie i WE oS a oPSaeeO Se. wD. Clamorous, much on the wing, gregarious, lays four eggs on the ground, Inhabits Europe, and America, North and South, Sterna of Linnzzus, and Briffon VI. 202. Linnavs has VII {pe- ‘cies, Briffon the fame. Birt, ftrong, ftrait, but bending down at the point; on the under part of the lower mandible an angular prominency. Nostrits, oblong and narrow, placed in the middle of the bill. Toneug, a little cloven. Bopy, light; Wincs, long. Lecs, fmall, and naked above the knees; back toe fmall. Great Black and White Gull, Br. Zool. fol. tad. L. Winter Mew, Br. Zool. II. tab. LXXXVIL. An univerfal genus ; much on the wing, clamorous, hunery, pif- civorous, Carnivorous, gregarious; lays four or five eggs, ge- nerally on high cliffs. Larus of Linnaeus, and Larus and Stercoraria of Briffon V1. 153. The firft has XI fpecies, the laft XVIII. Biiu, ftrait; but hooked at the end. Nosrrits, cylindric, tubular, Toncur. Lezcs, naked above the knees. Back Tos, none; inftead, a fharp {pur pointing downwards. Fulmar, Br. Zool. fol. tab. M. 2. Stormy Petrel, Br. Zool, IV. tab. XCI. Inhabits $3 LXXXVIT. GULL. LXXXIX, PETREL. Ex, SS ~~ ——— se \ : + -3 ; ‘ were = ee ee aS Ae sent Ee. 969 tee Aba + Spe Oe < tn ee OL ee Sy ‘ 25 _—= > LS ss - WEB-FOOTED. Inhabits all parts of the ocean; but the fpecies moft numerous in the high fouthern latitudes, as the Auks are in the northern, Many have the faculty of fpurting an oily liquid out of their {tomachs, Procellaria of Linnzus, Procellaria and Puffinus of Briffon. Lix- wzus has VI fpecies, Briffon VII. XC. MERGAN.- Bitz, flender, a little depreffed, furnifhed at the end with a XCI. DUCK. crooked nail. Edges of each mandible very fharply ferrated. Nostri xs, near the middle of the mandible, fmall and fub-ovated. Toncue,,. flender. Fert, the exterior toe longer than the middle. Goofander, Br. Zool. fol. tab. N™*. Red-breafted Goofander, Br. Zool. Il. XCIH. Great divers, feed on fifh. Mergus of Linnzzvs, and Merganfer of Briffon, V1. 230. Lin- wus has VI fpecies, Briffon VII. The name, Merganfer, or Diving-Goofe. Inhabits the North of Europe, and North America. Bizz, ftrong, broad, flat, or depreffed ; and commonly furnifhed at the end with a nail. Edges marked with fharp Lamelle. NostTrRIixs, {mall, oval. Toncue, broad, edges near the bafe fringed. Fert, middle toe the longeft. Br. Zool. ll. tab. XCVII. Found in all climates, Wi Ets- 2: Oe .T Bay, 55 te Anas of Linnzzus, who has XLV fpecies. Briffon divides this He ne genus into Anfer and Anas; has XVI of the firft, and XLII out ¢ of the fecond. fa Bix1, ftrong, ftrait, bending a little towards the point. XCII, PINGUIN. NostTRILs. Toncug, covered with ftrong fharp fpines, pointing backwards. ve Wincs, very fmall, pendulous, ufelefs for flight; covered with i as mere flat fhafts, ‘a Bopy, covered with thick fhort feathers, with broad fhafts, placed. a as compactly as fcales. Leos, fhort and thick, placed quite behind. Tors, four ftanding forward; the interior loofe, the reft webbed. Tat, very ftiff, confifting only of broad thafts, \ | NH ‘ a i H | abe | ' ,/ ; ia : i] a tt \p IP y $4! 4 Ya i} ; i Ha a 4 r ry Lay ia! j + i nT % ‘ — Patagonian Pinguin, Pb. Lr. vol. LVIILI. gt. tab. V. | Ex. inhabits an ifle near the Cape of Good Hope, on the coafts of New Guinea *, the ifle of Defolation, fouth of the Cape, the fouthern parts of South America, and the {eas among the ice as high as fouth lat. 64. 12. long. 38. 14. eaft +. Lives much at fea, The wings aé& as fins. On land burrows, Are analo- gous to Seals. Diomedea demerfa and Phaethon demerfus of Linnavs, Sphenifcus and Catarraétis of Briffon VI. 96. andro2. I call it Prncurw, the name firft given it by the Dutch voyagers, a Pinguedine. —- => _—~ == & ee Ts - aemtte ae oF Sees SS See = 2k aa ee I = 2 — net) =r o < ee * Voy. de Sonnerat. 179. + Cook's Voy. i. 38, M BILL, i but te pt bal ea! ¢ ar f be Le 66 WEB ; [Se = — : = . : z —— = << =e = — 4 2 4 pal on, SS sees = - See ~ . 2 srs aad - = = * > = eS = = -" —_ oa a 2 = <= = > : : ce a — == —— = Se iaiiemaaaee “ id = = ape, _ Soe + : =e = ad ele a _-— a —_ = - : = x a == e wer iore ct = 7S a = —— ss — ~ i dy, mt > > o = peas ts e : - = ——s oF oe re a - =: = am ~ aS mrs a < po Put as = ¥ 2g -* c 7 slag a aa ———— —— —— — — ——— = > = on a. = —_- -~ is _ _ Pip ree ——- = 4 — “at = : _ _ —_ — ~~ = - ~ ae = —S = = = = == mean - — ie at See SSS — = “= —_ Sr ——_ Se a ee ——— = eee = : = : —- = : - emf -— — roy rT youre ‘ cs = 2 Se nt, fon ad EP ae - = = a =~ — —= - - +t om SoS” BEET ig = Sa IS. dhe te stays m a " a + = a Ee SS — s saad a a ee ee ee eh eee ia = ees aes ee , ; oars _ ean > = ot : —— aor — a — - : - = —— = : - - ape ene eee eee i seg —— -—-=2 Sa ee eee ss : - - ~ RE A RE 5 eae a ei selen - nl te ee me —— =x. 2 ter Og See eee ee a sa 7 > a a ee aC. a. - ST RS = — —— we > wR HVS — | ” STED HOBBY. “% Sa ‘RY ( if aa, net. ae ee aes Ps . Sse ey Se ee ae SF lbaenhds wortraie ae eS oe = ————— eS ee Cn Oe ls i PO ig lila ATM odoin = rn ee ae - ; -- —— SS “tne Lace , , = a ee —- ; a - OY ates —" : , - 5 N) ROS PPL OMIM. - ee we WHITE COLLARED PARROT. ee : . =< —— = 28% - wire A — a pee ie ot Sea SS == “OIET steed ye SE ; <= 2 — a Rs fies 6-0 a = . oe a ee - : = = — (= eel a : + SS Se aS = ; —. : r = Age es eed Fad “eS et ee ————— =. aS ae ~ Bap Bb ned ae me eAp. e' - : = eT y= 7a. al “see wow = ; a era: pagan ee EE = ws a Sanaa eS eS >= = a3 ~ : - i bee 28 * 3 Lb mit tilyimnnge lala eee " - = - s eon Ee ae ee ee eee mes ee en ee Se — —————— eS ee —= =———— ———— ae ee ur 3 "I pe -- rd = — : Se ____.____ a c = oe - See as : —= Ee — = > : ¥ . - ce _— at : en ee 4 Bo oat — : —— — - ee [ 59 ] EXPLANATION 0. FT E Pp 6A em ss. Genus I. Fatutcow., f. CRESTED Hopsesy. F. with black head, cheeks, and hind part of neck. Head flightly crefted. Back, and coverts of wing, black. Primaries and tail, of the fame color, marked with numerous bars of white. Throat, white. Breatt, thighs, and vent, ferruginous. Legs, yellow. Size of the Engiifh Hobby. From Surinam. Preferved in the Britis Muszum. Genus V. Parror. Ir. WHITE-COLLARED PARROT. P. with a red bill; blue head, cheeks, and chin; ereen neck, back, and wings. Neck half furrounded with a white collar, paffing over the upper part towards the throat. Upper part of the breaft a = ) { a i ‘ ay f wa) 4 4 7 ‘ ’ } 4 ty . fy fy ' 7 SS 2, eaten te ee a i ee — is 7 coe t > eK. < tow SE See eee SS RE ok ae ‘. ad ~ Ooo whos aS Ss o . z re é %S ; 35s wt. - > _ ~ = - -— — we a 2 J - = = TO SS ees oe ib Ss es —— = erm y o - < - ~— —_ (nse PES ose 7 2 Fs) SoS s « teeta tat 2 +~ ‘x an Re PLANATION OF breaft of a fine red; the lower, yellow: belly, blue: thighs, yellow and blue: tail, cuneated; yellow beneath. Inhabits the ifles of the Eaf Indies? i Genus XXII. [] ACAMAR. CupREOUS JACAMAR, jg. I. AnceDo GartBuLa, Lin. Syf. 182. J. with a black bill: whitifh throat: head, cheeks, wings, and tail, of a bluifh green: breaft, belly, and back, of a variable copper color, very rich and glofly. Varies in fome refpects from that figured by Mr. Epwarps, tab. X XXIII. in having lefs green on the back; fo probably is of another fex. Size of a Lark. Inhabits Surinam, and other parts of South America. IV. Genus XXVIII. CREEPER. YELLOW-CHEEKED CREEPER. Cr. with green head, back, wings, and tail: cheeks and throat, deep yellow: breaft and fides of a yellowifh green, marked with bluifh fpots: belly, yellow. Size, inferior by half to the Engi/b Creeper. Inhabits Surinam. Genus ee UR eee + - ee e— 7 ~~ . 5 4 P44 P| ra} fx] aa YU : id © x iz 4 a ie : ~ ~ a - / S JACKAMAR 10OW N 1 CAPRE wy iit > = zee i zt —, wo a ae a . —j = a = x = 2 : = - —_- = ona = S —_—- - os = aa = 3S - = " ; bi ES ee —— ote ae ces cet =. ior = os = ' = eae = . secre == — = oa - ae . ae ———— — So a a a a Si ST c i den oot eee a 17 oe eee == > Ed ‘a - 7 3 a v x si S » mos Lise om fer eenenrads . ees 2st Eee. R i -FISH ’ + KINC ADED ‘ 7) . RED-Ht ee eee ee annie - - - —— as: ad — Se ee ee SS Se a oe re a ee ee . ———— it x .. _ ow ~ — a pugeetters —" see a a OR i a ae ee —_— ° : = 7 5 — = =- ae eee ee ee geo ee ee - x —- aces - oe ee BRSY PPC. CWP Sikes v ED ~ ee ee . ae ) 2.BROWN Topy. * a © a v; a “ - _ —e . a - ? = : é . EES SS ETS TE a a a << - = ee io ee —— 7 : = : >See = — Eg eee oa Sea SS ew pa ee ere ee seep me aR TT ane F - ~_ : : 2 # - e>-- ae = as el Seer St eer egg he ee St amee eel > = +e eed oo ee BT B.S, 61 Genus XXIII. KINGFISHER. V. Rep-HEADED KINGFISHER. K. with a red bill; near the bafe of the upper mandible, a white fpot: head, and upper part of the neck, of an orange red: from each eye, towards the back, extends a purple line, termi- nating in a white {fpot; and on the inner fide of that, one of black: chin, white: upper part of the back, a rich blue: the lower,.light purple: coverts of wings, black, edged with blue: primaries, black: breaft and belly, yellowith white :. back, orange: legs, red. Size, leffer than the common Kingfifher, . Inhabits India.. Genus XXV. Topryy. VI. GREEN Topy, fe. f. Topus Viripis, Lin. Syf. 19%. T. with head, back, wings, and tail, of a fine green: throat;.a rich crimfon: breaft and belly, of a pale yellow: vent, deeper. Size of a Wren. The Green Sparrow of Mr, Edwards, tab.. CXX., Inhabits Famaica, and the hot parts of America, BROowN wy a ne Pibs ya : . , Te fo ? A - bag - 4 “ ly Shane : eo ee RE aa aia — | as ee ee = a ae ee ee na PLT nd a ers . y : de Te ed 1 os eH 1 ie 7 Bil? : a 7| oa Lee ‘ 4 itis: 4 ae tr at , ; : hed AN 245 St 7H Pan Bee ee a ee Te genic rdig Bh. iia nj re | (4 ihe Ha. aT “atk lad fOr RR be ; : jet 1 i Whdte | A i it at ta4 EXPLANATION OF Brown Tony, jig. 2 T. with the whole upper part of a ferriginous brown: the coverts of the wings, croffed with a dufky bar: lower part of the body, olive, {potted with white: tail, ferriginous. Size, larger than the former. ; Inhabits the hot parts of America. VII. Genus XXVI. BEE-EATER. In DILAN BE&E-E aT Ee Merors Viriptis, Lin. Syf. 182. B. with head, and lower part of neck, of a fine light blue, bounded below by a line of black: a black line paffes from bill through the eyes to the hind part of the head: hind part of head and neck, of an orange red: upper part of back, coverts of wings, fecondaries, and tail, green: the middle part of the fecondaries, of a reddifh orange: lower part of back, of a light blue: breaft and belly, of a yellowith green: tail, long; two middle feathers two inches longer than the others, and appear like mere fhafts. Nearly the fize of a Redwing Thrufh. Inhabits Jndia. VII. Genus XXIX. HonEY-SUCKER. YELLOW-FRONTED HoNneEY-SUCKER, fy. I. H. with a yellow forehead: green body and coverts of wings: black primaries and tail, PuRPLE- sa Wee BGs gv.®& > WITT 10 Yt 1 Pb | Wi Mm art fy a) Ea \—4 a. > H rer md 4 ppt 01 Mie we . i ae oy y Dy ‘a 1 INDIAN BEE EATER. ”~ ES — . = = ~ Fn ~ ye _ ae s = - - a - o.- > 7 a — : Cun 5 ee Se —_— is = . _ = > Te* ~ y a Rn -- ~& - - os - - : 7 = - .- ~ ~ * a a4 - = > ~ ae at — . © Jeet +e <- a c< - a = “~ ae - =? — “Se we en = ao ~—.- => — Se —— Sa ¢ = Sosck : = : a : = woe te ee ~ - => Pr: mee + . an = —— ee a nan are nan te be — e a — + = - : — 2 >= a he ne are SMS 2 = == = 3= oe Th el eS : ed Be OE Baty, er y - — x ~- pe By Lt ~ p ooting = = - ~ a te 55 cee | = = eae © et ae - — = — - - _ a nee a >. a ie ~~ ~~ = peg ae - et - se . si li hc gl tip te Ste Nile alates Ge Sve oe. | i ll A A el DN NN a ee ue » ‘/ soars ONEYSUCKERS. ’ . € ——— ae a - 2 nee SS re Si eee _— ; pape ae o3 - +) == eee eit a ioe : rear + te . - on it peso tee ee aoe, -heteetiners: < ame Ce en eee eee ee eee ee et _ eo a eo> ae pee = a ee oe == oe = rs - 5S ag Tae =~ ge - - = none Roos Ch ~~ te = ewe ae 4 = = _ — oe < a CO 2 4 ~ = = ae ee ee ee a oh 5 arenes , ; ieee. SE eat 2 eee — Roe pec RPO coe pe . = ~ = ——- — eS SS . > oe ab SS a 2 a SS aa _ i ee = > at 8 Oe te SE oe ot eee + A Fe vrs = -4 = Sos = ee ee eT EM Pe AT ES 63 PURPLE-CROWNED HoneEY-SuCKER, fe. 2, -H. with a purple crown: green throat: rich deep blue collar round the whole lower part of the neck: back, green: wings, and forked tail, of a deep purple. ORANGE-HEADED Honey-SuckeEr, fig. 8. FI. with an orange head: yellow throat and breaft: deep brown belly and back: purple wings: bright ferruginous tail. All very minute. Inhabitants of the hot parts of America. —— Sa — oe ee mee Genus XLII] CuatTrerer, 1X, aw 4a 7 4 1 Fi) COoTINGA, Pe oo: ese r AMPELIS CoTinca, Lin. Syf, 208. ——— + = — = 2-5 a BS ae ae — —— Ch. with head and upper part of the body, and coverts of wings, of a moft {plendid blue, deepeft on the crown: belly and vent, of the fame color: under fide of the neck and breaft, of a lovely purple: in fome the breaft is croffed with a band of the fame blue with the upper part: primaries and tail, dufky. Size of a Stare. | Inhabits Surinam, and other hot parts of South America. RT i i ee - p28 — a Lt Sen a OO Gm a eee Ae N Genus ith ‘black ged with 339 of a fine orange color, crofied near the end of each feather with a darker . 2. CuRLEW. MANAKIN. great round upright creft, LXVI. Pycmy CuRLEW, jg. I. LITl. CresTep MANAKIN, jg. I. tail fhort, partly brown, partly orange. xy Oo 4 Oo a q i se. oes — er ae = oe to Sg meen on ewe. Se Fn bap aed ea Ss pda ETE 5) Bn Bd a ee oe Se ae ae alt —— wernt sr ee rs - Of, “i 4 Aig rad £F hats iy, op Oe } ees "Uy ‘ttt é DWARF CURILEW. et ENTE Ta a es = ee 2 ae et nar lpg he Slee 2. Siete ee ee 5 F ? ‘ YW 7 - ih 5 ; ‘4 _ : A : . if * 2 ' M . : - » 5 ; mu a a ee R DPIPE ; A_IN ~ ee - - So eee - _ SE ee ee a == . we ¢ oe ec J =. eee bw =~ a SS ed a aA SS <> = — savtus See -_ - eee —s —— . =. ax . O P SB us a : \N Nn) | i NAN Sep? Hy Fae ORE a ey tL ; See Nag We err cst RE nae OEE erent ph Bi Me aS Sy ree = aoe 3 a ‘ * , 3 : Se oe ee A SE a ees iP SS SSS re *. = edn = ——— 5 ; pes ‘ : ST boas ° eee eS Ss —— = =. es ——_ => <= Ag ay a er YY. WW ae x +. Se S Qa 2. HE Pes AEs ee 6% white: breaft and belly, and rump, white: tail, dufky: the exterior feathers edged with white: bill and legs, black. Size of a Lark. Inhabits Holland. Sent to me by Doétor L. Turopore Gro- NOVIUS. Genus LXVIII. SanoppipeEr, XII. LittTLe SANDPIPER, jig. 2. Br. Zool. Wl. N°. 207. S. with head, upper part of the neck, back, and coverts of the wings, brown, edged with black, and pale rufty brown: breaft and belly, white. Leffler than a Hedge Sparrow. Inhabits Europe and North America. Genus XCI. Dueck. SPANISH Duck, AINE, Anas Vinpizra, Lin. Syf. 206. D. with forehead, cheeks, chin, and hind part of the head, of a {nowy whitenefs: crown, black: neck, furrounded with a black collar: back and breaft, bright ferruginous, croffed with nar- row dufky lines: wings, pale brown, without a fpéculum: belly, whitith brown, fpotted with black: tail, cuneiform, black: legs, bluith, N 2 Size - — ee = : J Oe ET -_ a - “Lt Pt a4 . : 5 f t 2 f {! ‘ | est mat | eee or J Lili rete! - fe we . ry . Ly — as : a Size of a W Ip@eon. VV niities like one. : . } 8 FR gt T) inred vo. Vv wT / Inhabits Spain and Barbary. Preientead to. me by Sir Hugh ‘ - So Williams, baronet. XIV, Genus ACII. PinGuUIWN, PaTacGoniaNn Pincuin, Pb. Ir, Vol. LVI, 91. P. with a flender bill, lightly bending: head, hind and fore part of the neck, dufky: each fide of the neck marked with a nar- row ftripe of bright yellow, pointing from the head to the breaft, uniting beneath the dark color of the front of the neck, and fading away into the pure white of breaft and belly: whole back, of a deep cinereous color, marked with numerous fmall czerulean fpots: outfide of wings, black: infide, white: tail and legs, black. Length, about three feet three inches. Weight, forty pounds “ Inhabits Falkland Ifands, New Georgia, the ifland of Defolatio, (vifited by Captain Cook, in his laft voyage, fouth lat. 48 3. eaft longitude from Greenwich 70.) and New Guinea. | The meafurement of that which I defcribed in the Philofophical Tranfactions, is faulty, being taken from a ftuffed fkin too much diftended. I correét it here, and add a figure of the bird, taken from life. * Forfter’s Voy. ii. 528. ‘To the places where the Leonine Seals are found, p. 535 of my Hif, Quad, add Staten-land, and the ifland of De/olations Genus " y SVEN BAB LS PRE og. oy ‘. (eth Fite Dh! Pe snes Ch AITO ga SOLE, SOLVES ESE DPE ABLE ATE ALLEN IN PEER st DELLA + AMEE £2 LERECBN AD LEAD - en deme ee \ia ee LUIS . Tle ws ELL Rect RENIN EWES TEIN WE CSTE RUE OP SS I CANT MD Oe TR CEE FE a : SA SN ei OS ts et Re Seale ltr rai s Steei gt a SS Oy Ranta “ath PINGUIN. / Why Whe Z MY nL LZ “Oa a2, ; Mpg, Wi LP . “ngs ~My YY CB iy MT yiyj Mapp Midy, ins. 4 ZILLA Wy, ~ Mt lg . ‘ Td . . 44, Yay 4 | 4 z 7 . Se Ve OT. y ‘ yi y WHEE SNL ED, YYW. Ny / ZUG MPA 7 LA de 7 . 4 ‘ ; | Yio Z, - ti), Leen) e a | SOV L a * - p : ; © x $ a rf : . s 5 Gd ¥ tan Ba. . PATAGONIAN r XIV —s a = 25 —. es = = —} a %& a an —z Ss. . = - ~=—3 ee no ae, Se — os =a —s a ace ee c= —_— a ae ae 7. ~~ er a eae Te ica a Pe eT z m : = z as a Se me - 7 = > ——— ae fi z ee en oe et Ain. Care — a ng ll lin aE mar a ae Somers 7 < ~ — fz] A. - —— SS ne et ee eee : : i = . 5: <2 = . : : — 6 ye “ { ns Taan eee ee . = = ‘oF —- = —* s--= z i - * . - at ae a * 2 Ed ——— ee — ee —t ie -- ere —————— ee ss - a ¥ HE Ee Po? er : es Eero « eases HESS HOW ad a aetna tality npg WRAY, AAA, WMV Amos, y a i ; re | ! : : aan - -- Rh ee Qe ~——<—-D oa i — " “NVOWDTHgG Lvl ee tee Be se BT, - A. Tes. Genus XCIII. Prtieca yn. COMMON PELECAN. PerecAnus OnocraTatus, Lin. Syf. 2X15, P. with the head flightly crefted: plumage, white, tinged with a fine bloflom color: the primaries, black: legs and feet, pur- plifh: webs, dufky. Size, fometimes double that of a Swan: bill, twenty inches long: extent of wings, eleven feet eight, Engii/h *. Inhabits the Danude, in its paflage through Hungary: abounds in Africa and Afia, in feveral parts: numbers about the Ca/pian fea; and it is not unknown on lake Bazka/. Found alfo of a vatt fize in New Holland, Genus the fame. FriGcgat PELECAN. PELECANUS AQuituus, Lin. Syf. 216. P. with a flender bill, hooked at the end: under the lower mandible, a vat naked {carlet pouch, like a bladder, extending down the whole front of the neck. The ufes of this pouch to this and the former fpecies, is to convey food to their young: the com- mon Pelecan, which often breeds in arid deferts, makes it a ve- hicle for water for its young brood. Color of the plumage of the male, a deep brown, or chocolate; the coverts of the wings lighteft, and tinged with ruft color: the longeft feather in the tail, © EDWARDS. 10 nineteen XVI, 5 ee OF ‘eg 7 t J | f if cH, _ &c. feeds on fifh: darts on its prey as the Campeachy Voy. 25. *. Dampier. P. xxvi. 1. 31, for Pelican, read Pelecan- eet. ~ ifion Iftand, the Weft Indies, fome of the Indian Ilands, and Eafter Ifland, in the fouth feas: hovers in the air with the +4 © 4 or . tad + § atime =a: 3, , ' 2 dg . aortas cle pee Pe re " — me I - : ae as , a? coe : : = — sips, 0 = : Trey BT oT ee i ee ee aahenee > : 7 + z o ts : i = : a = = ES AS . . “ans Sie A Bee 3 EE et eee SLT Fe I N D EK xX. Out 8 A Page F Page LBATROSS = — 50 Falcon —- —— 2 Ani —_ 8 Feathers _- — Viil hb Auk m——- co Finch — — 28 ) Avofet oe —— 48 Flammant _ — 49 var Flight —— — x si B Flycatcher — — 28 eg) Barbet —_— ——- 12 Frigat Pelecan _ — 67 mt Bee-Eater ne —— 16 | Beef-Eater ——- inti g G MP Bill of Birds | Tee 1 Gallinaceous OrpER ——— 18 Boat-Bill | q 38 Gallinule _—— — 44 Body of Birds -—-~ —— Il Goatfacker oS S42) Bunting 27 Grakle — — Ii Buftard —_—_—_—_— 23 Grebe SS Rea ere 46 Grofbeak ———_ —_— 27 Cc —_—— Cere oop TS ee Chatterer — cea. Stet o°) || ae ok 2S Cloven-footed Water-Fowl, or 3 Waders 37 Cock 1g H 3S Columbine OrpeER a 24. Head of Birds _—-- — 1, Coly ae 2 reeyon — ope — 39 Coot —— 45 Honey-fucker — — a7 Cotinga defer. -~——— — 63 Three Species de- Courier wa —— 48 {cribed —— 62,63 Creeper — — i 16 HS plner — — i: Crow — ‘hain 9 ornbi aapeheon aie Cuckoo —_—_— —— 13 Curaflo —— 20 I Curlew —— —— 40 Jabiru Sans — 48 Pygmy — — 64 Jacamar — — A Curucul — ——= 12 Jacana ae ina ee Ibis a —— 39 D Darter —_—- —_- 67 K Diver od —— — “5! ; Kingsfifher — — 4 7 33 Red-crowned — 61 own — ix Duck — —— $4 Spanifh — — 6 L ' 7 Lark — am 2% E Limbs of Birds — — iv Egss ays M Manakin PUTT ieee bo ae WE] ey ed et -——— —_s —_— —-- “4 | nna Page explained ker Secondary Feathers Titmoufe Sheath-Bill Shrike Struthious ORDER Swallow SYSTEM Web-footed Fowl Tertial Feathers Wings Thrufh Sandpiper, Little Raipacious ORDER Screamer Roller Trumpeter Turkey Sandpiper Skimmer Stare Tanager Tern Wagtail Wattle Woodpec Wryneck Tail 54 7 li 10 34 3 6 59 ~='Title- 30 64. ib. Xill ib 41 II 22 20 41 42 43 4 ‘ ice —— = = ~—— = me —— —ws a M r — od — — —« —— ceed ——e oor Ee l, of Birds Pafferine ORDER Peacock Pelecan Petrel “cd V ae) cs 5) " S Vv a) © O Patagonian Pinnated Feet Pintado Plover Crefted White-collared Partridge Wood inguin Pies, Orper of Pigeon Parts, externa P Merganfer Nidification Nuptials Nuthatch Oftrich Oyftercatcher Paradife Parrot Phalarope Pheafant Pratincole Orbits Oriole Owl Manakin Nefts at —— 52 =~ eo pe - 76" <= as sn - * | maolLOIRE NATURELLE mer 6 SlCUOE OA OU «CX, PAR et Oe es ee DE OB ee ON, A N DBD LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES, SYSTEMATICALLY DUES? @Gse uw, O -S.wy- Owe PRINTED FOR B. WHITE AND SON, FLEET-STREET,. errr ersten tee M.DCC.LXXXVI. eee oe en eee a ot > eaewe ett ep — pa Sn - sie Se Cf OE ELS 0 OPN HA o> er err ee . Hee ee > AE ee <2 SS ee oe tA bi gf mm pucine ONT FOI ere eS SSE I Oe, = Ae Sten ee Sp ag cD Ee a NN ae o- é , : . ‘ ‘ 2 iy ‘ ' vs MAS ey ad ; ha : SEA fala | ae ‘ ~ Lethe 4 Le ae ew *, 2 9 Tl nmr , eee = RSE 6 oth . r cs WHEN Wetean Pee TGP WT Gt? QUE Oe SPS OMT S Behe DAE 6 [IN DEXE S lo the ORNITHOLO GLE of the COMTE DEB UFRFON ana the 4 PLANCHES ENLUMIDNEES 2 BROT TOA LT BOF Ee OES ARTLINE TELIA LAG AOS EIT PER ae ore Sheath bill = — \ jf Minerva Library. | {Deade tee Street = / PROTEOME LS HOTNESS CE IIT TO ni i J , 4 : , : Hi ee te i,k ive. ti j wri 2 ‘ | \ ‘ uy +iMr i at > ~ Feria s te w Ser = = warns ee ee ae = ~ a a a eceme st OE a P Maxell siulp.— Printed fer BENJI: WHITE &k SON MDC CLXXXY I =a SSS SS SS —= = Sy ea _ — -x- wees sak IF 2 noah Cs Phe an awh ol one ef : B;-é Sine ee Ne SU... Se eee S-— see - _ ee -- e Jak aes SL Si SE ee TR Eo ela neal yo r rd : nr we ————— ey ten pn rere e LSE erate ewe ADVERTISEMENT. N immethodical author, fays Mr. Addifon, 1s like a duck, which dives and rifes in places where you left expect its appearance. This fimile may be very aptly applied to one of the moft celebrated and illuftrious writers in natural hiftory which this age has produced: to a gentleman of firft-rate abilities, creat acquired knowlege, and of an eloquence which dazzles, delights, and oftentimes inftructs. Unfortunately, a contempt of fyftem, and fyftematic writers, has taken full poffeffion of him. He flutters along the ftream, and gracefully difplays the elegancy of his plumage; and, having favored us, as much as he thinks fufficient, with the pleafing fpectacle, immerfes and difappears, without leaving to common obfervers the left power of guefling at the fpot where he means to emerge to day. I myfelf have fo frequently been deceived by conjecture, that I have wearied my eyes by attempting to follow his fub-aqueous courfe. By long and congenial ftudy, 1 have at laft attained a knowlege of his ways.. Eyes which have habituated themfelves to one parti- A 2 cular - arRe? ‘i ; : digg aet py tt agit 3 Hl iv Ate 2 RT 1S KB Mw Ss NF af See —— tthe rela > ‘yr - ; as as = - aeretss.. fi oe thap> Rare 4 yes : 7 4 - > x : ee - J ; CIARA AE TENDS. = tae : ; " . ‘ : | ‘il cular object, may, without boafting, be allowed to have greater \y cp ty Hi me \i he tt {i 4 . ° - 4 : x | ara perfpicacity than thofe of many other people who have happier aan: | i , ibe et J lhe ‘ii i quicknefs of fight in more important matters.—Like another Fi i bite . ; > 1 eed th Proteus, he aflumes variety of fhapes ; we are as much amazed Ty . : place in which he rifes + ] Gait al at the form as the place in which he rifes: he goes down in | : | i one and comes up in another fhape. ‘To anticipate his emer- eats Hi a fion, to point out his track, and to foretel the figure in which i he will prefent himfelf to us, 1s the exercife of the following | ml / pages. So charming is his manner, that by a delicious fafcina- ‘ 4 ! : tion, even the dull labor of index-making never once appeared ai irkfome, et an. | But to quit metaphor. In’order to give facility to the read- oy ing of the laft nine entertaining volumes of that able writer matey SRL || a eat Beryl the ComTe pr Burron, I undertook 1] 1e tafk of forming two mat Indexes ; , the one to thofe volumes—the other to the Planches +) ta re il fee, ay Entuminées, a vatt mute work of a thoufand and eight colored HOM hs plates, publifhed in the name of a M. Daubenton, under the ee aufpices of the Comte, and entirely fubfervient to his Ornithologie. ah fe ye | ene ‘ : : z has Ee Every thing in it is Siven péle~méle, without a catalogue, or a > Se fyllable indicative of 3 meet | yitable indicative of the contents of the collection.—In one In- o., : i dex, [| firftly refer to the nine volumes of the Ornithologie; and, Lem | according to the predilection every author has for his own | ike, Sines . Se cf) orks, arrange the fubjects according to the fyftem layed down “t via rhe . yap Praha In a pte at . ae} dahl at ) ‘4 rae Bc | if rt Gt =—- => Seem Eee xx iene - rs + aS SP a at eee _ see + : | Pe se at ee tae “Es es ~~ <> —— ste salt ADYERTFESEMEN KR Vv in my Genera of Birds. In the firft column are the Birds, named according to the illuftrious writer, with references to volume and page, and the addition of the Linn@an names. In the fecond are references to the Planches Enlumineées, as quoted by the ComrTe pe Burron; and the lat contains the Englifh names ufed by Mr. Latham, in his mott comprehenfive Synopsis oF Birps, in which may be found the fynonyms of the mott ef. teemed authors in this clafs of Natural Hiftory ; an article im- poilible to be performed in a work of this kind. I mutt alfo mention another great merit in Mr. Latham, in having indefa- tigably {crutinized all the treafures of Natural Hiftory, brought home by our daring and inquifitive circumnavigator Captain Cook; and in having added to the catalogue of the feathered tribe a number, which has {welled his lift far beyond that of any preceding writer. The great, the pious Mr. Ray, could not pronounce that there were more than five hundred known {pecies of Birds ; M. Briffon has enlarged the lift to above four- teen hundred : but our Exgli/h Ornithologift defcribes with exa¢t- nefs near two thoufand five hundred, and imagines that he may ftill find fubjeéts fufficient for a fupplemental volume ; which, for fome years at left, will leave little for future writers to add *, * Including the Varieties, thofe already defcribed in the Syopfs amount to near 2,800 ; and, with thofe hereafter to be mentioned in the Supplement, it is probable that the number may exceed 3,000, The oS a ah eS +e EA dale 3. Seige -.TL 6” St ee ane TEES! ABBADID PrAenvans Sale : z 4) bo 4 . “4 . 5 CoV (RP a a CLE ele ry 1. f OC aAs - is “ * e : : . ¢ a a =. Ty r tril ¥ s L; : \ i fit Se€conad Index in A HitCLtc t adlLaiUQ Ur oO] the birds of the / . ~ i, a Ls ae v aed 7 r. 77 4-- > Z 7 4 ,y* 14 exthich t] “V7 y ~ 1; lunches Enluminées, 1 the order 1m Willer t icy were publifhed, of a = SS Se eee a 4 SM ~ fe ots awk dee aes eee = LAP Rb ee “ hn SS ee + > - ere en bs OC Of: 448, OY ST. SYSTEMATIC CATALO Qa XLII. FALCON, Gen. Brros, II. Hist. D’Ors, i. Aigle hupé — yy ~ <4 16. 12. F. coronatus, Linz. 124. L’ Aigle commun F. melanaetos, Linv 124. Le Pygargue ae ~— I, F. Leucocephalus, Lin. 124. L’Orfraie — F, offifragus, Lin. 124. Le grand Aigle — F. Chryfaetos, Lin. 125, Le grand Pygargue Vultur albiulla, Lex. 123. Le petit Aigle — Le petit Pygargue — Le Jeanle blanc — Urubitinga — L’ Aigle de Pondichéry Le Balbuzard — F, haliztus, Lin. 129. Caroline —_ Le Faucon-Pecheur de “} Mansfeny seni La Bufe a F. Buteo, Lin. 127. La Bufe cendrée — La Harpaye — la Bondrée — F, apivorus, Lin, 130. Le Bufard ee F. xruginofus, Lin. 130. ae —- 139 99 91 99 124 141 136 103 142 144 206 22 217 208 218 Le Faucon de la Baie de Hud/on 223 lL’ Autour a F. palumbarius, Lin. 130. L’Autour fors _ Petit Autour de Cayenne — Le Milan de fa Caroline — F. furcatus, Lin. 129. Le Milan royal) “— F. milvus, Lin. 126. 230 237 221 197 Pi. ENt. N® 409 411 112, 416 410 411 413 416 414 4239 424 eee 418 461 473 422 LATHAM. Crowned Eagle — I. 97 Black —_ w= 28, 32 Bald — —— 29, 32 sea a Golden — wee Cinereous — ae Rough-footed — 37 Leffer white-tailed — 39 Jean le blane Braflian — — 4! Pondicherry. Ofprey _ — ae Carolina Ofp. — 46 Mansfeny — — 47 Common Buzzard — 48 Harpy ae —. §1 Honey B2. — — $2 Moor B. — — 353 Ath-coloured B. — 55 Gofhawk — —. 5 Cayenne — — 59 Swallow-tailed — 60 Kate ee — 63 as. Le HA, ’ apie SPSTEMA TEC CAPAL O GAR Hist. D’Ors. ¢5. Le Milan noir — I. 26. Caracara — tenet 27. Le Faucon Gentil — a F. gentilis, Lin. 126. 28. F. rouge des Indes Orient. + 29. Le Faucon — ence B. — Tiercelet de 3" Ans — C. Le Faucon fors — D. Le F. Haggard _ E. Le F. Paflager — saci F. Le Faucon noir — = G. Le Faucon Pelerin — H. Le F. Tunifien et Tartarien - 30. Le Sacre _ avis 31. Le F. hupé des Indes — 32. Le Gerfault — — 33. Gerfault d’J/eland — -—- F. Gyrfalco, Lin. 130. 34. Gerfault de Norvege — 35. Le Lanier — ore F. Lanarius, Az. 129. 36. L’Oifeau St. Martin — 37. Le Soubufe — — la male — F. Pygargus, Lin, 126. 38. Le Rochier — _ 39. LaCrefferelle — —_ La Cr. femelle — F. Tinnunculus, Zia. 127. 40. Le Faucon Pecheur de Sene- gal, ou le Tanas — 41. Le petite Aigle d’ Amerique — 42. L’Epervier — — F. nifus, Lin. 99. A. Tiercelet Hagard d’Epervier 43. L’Epervier des Pigeons — | F. columbarius, Liz. 128. 44. Epervier a gros bec de Cayenne 45. Le Hobreau — — F. fubbuteo, Lin, 127. B. Une Varieté — _ ie 46. L’Emerillon — = 47. L’Em. de la Caroline_ ack 43 F, fparverius, Lin. 128. L’Em. de Cayenne = _— 203 222 258 270 249 254 ——_—_— 263 268 249 259 24.6 271 239 241 241 24.3 212 215 286 280 er 275 142 225 238 237 277 278 289 293 291 Px. Ent, N° 472 421 430 470 469 Aga 446 210 462 459 443 430 447 401 47% 478 417 412 467 464 432 431 468 465 444 B 2 3 LATHAM. Black Kite — |, 62 BrafilianK. = — 63 Gentil Falcon none 64 Red = — 69 Common Falcon — 65 Yearling — — 6¢ Haggard — — 66 Black — — 67 was sil ibid. Peregrine — — 7% a POO P25 Z3 Sacre — — 77 Crefted Indian — 80 White Jerfalcon -—— 83 Arétie Lanner eee Hen-harrier Ringtail Stone Fa Icon Keftril — — $6 — $3 ee Fifhing Falcon == g¢ Red-throated Sparrow-hawk Pigeon Hawk Great-bil Hobby Merlin Little led ——s —— III, ee FE ae — 10% — 103 — 103 — II0 STRIX, os) PEA BRAD a dpe © oe ba es [eer er eee tisk. - & 2 “J d | - 3 - - wl) SR ce a 2. 3: 4 f. 6. cP 8. 9. 20. ar. 32. e: i4. aS. 16, CO CP a CLR Sd He SYSTEM:A:T IC CATALOGH. Mi Sst RI X,. irr. Syst. Rise OWL, Gen. Birps, Ill. Hist. D’Ors. Le grand Duc — I. 332 Strix Babo, Lin. 131. des Terres Magellaniques 339 Le Moyen Duc — — 342 Str. otus, Lin. 132. Le Scops, ou petit Duc — 353 Str. Scops, Lin. 132. Le Cabure — — 333 Le Harfange — — 387 Str. nyctea, Lin. 132. La Hulotte a — 358 Str. aloco, Lin. 132. L’Effraie, ou Frefaie — 366 Str. flammea, Lin. 133. Le Chathuant — — 362 Str. ftridula, Lin. 133. La Chouette, ou grande Che- véche . — —f 3/? Str. ulula, Lin. 133. La Chouette, ou grande Che- véche de Canada came SS" Str. funerea, Lin. 142. Caparacoch — — 38 ia Chouette, ou grande Che- véche de St, Domingue | Le Chathuant de Cayenne — 391 ‘ Chouette 4 longue queue de Sibirie — eaepe oe La Chevéche ou petite Chouette — =I 7 Str. pafferina, Lia, 133. PL. EN, N® 435 335 29 436 “= aoe * * 458 441 440 437 438 442 463 439 LATHAM, Eagle Owl — I, 116 Long-eared Scops = Brafilian-eared O. Snowy — Aluco ~~ White — Tawny — Brown — Canada = Hawk — St. Domingo Cayenne — Ural —— Little — — 129 — 125 — 132 wy hee ae — 140 sheers $49 — 143 ote) 16 wn Se inn te — 150 ORDER SYSTEMATIC? CATALOGUE P Orpver II. | Pies. LV once ANCE US. btw Syst. ZLIV: SHRIKE, Gen. Brrps, IV. THA Hist. D’Ors. Pi. Ent. LATHAM. . 1. Le Drongo — — IV. 586 N° 189 | Fork-tailed crefted I, 158 L. forficatus, Lin. 134. : 2. Le Fingah — — I. 308 — Fork-tailed — 158 Pe | L. cerulefcens, Lin. 134. . . 3. La Pie-griefche grife — 296 445 | Great cinereous — 160 ‘ A. Pie-gr. d’ltalie — — 298 32 B. Louifiane — — 299 397 | Louifiane — — 162 red 0, L. excubitor, Lin. 135. 4. Pie-g. grife de Senegal — 305 297 | Senegal — — 162 L. Senegalus, Lin. 162. C. Pie-g. grife du C. B. E/p. — 299 477 | Collared — — 163 - L. collaris, Lin. 135. 5. L’Ecorcheur — — 304 31 | Red-backed — 167 L. collurio, Lin. 136. 6. La Pie-griefche rouffe — 3014 9 et 31 | Wood Chat w 169 D. du Senegal — 305 477 | Var. A. — — 170 he a téte noire du Senegal 306 479 | Var. B. — — 170 8. Le Vanga — — 312 228 | Hook-billed — i71 L. curvi roftris, Lin. 135, 9g. Le Gonolek — — 314 56 | Barbary — — 173 L. Barbarus, Lin. 137. 10. Le Cali-Calic. Le Bruia — 315 299 | Madagafcar — 174 L. Madagafcarienfis, Lin. 137- 11. Rouge queue — — 309 — Bengal —_ — 175 L. Emeria, Lin. 236. ; 12. Le Merle de Roche — IIE. 351 562| Rock — — 176 L. infauftus, Lin. 138. ’ 13. Pie-g. bleue de Madagafcar — |fig.1.298}Blue — mee 178 L. bicolor, Lin. Mantiff: 124. 14. Tcha-chert — — I. 310 2. 32] Green — —- 179 15. Le Schet-bé — — 313| - 2. 298} Rufous —- — 180 4 L. rufus,. Lin. 180. : 16. -Tcha-chert-bé — — 314 374 White-headed — 180 17. Langraien im — 310] 9. fig. 1. } White-billed — 18% L. Leucorhynchus, Lin. Mantif. 524. 18, P. Gr. hupée de Canada = — 316 479 \ Crefted — — Tee L. Canadenfis, Lin 134. he be ee iy 6 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. a | “ : ut } Hisr. D’Ors. Pi. Ent. LATHAM, it ray ie ek 19. Le Guirarou — — IV. 459 _~ Grey = — I. 18; eas F | L. nengeta, Liz. 135. Tia di 20. —— Varieté — — 461 N° 699} Var. A, = — 184 a ; a1. Le Titiri, ou Pipiri — 572 537 | Tyrant — — 134 Me Sy L. tyrannus, Liz. 136. bere 22. Tyran dela Caroline — 677 676) Var. B. — — 186 Aha 2%. — de la Louifiane — 579 676 1 Vata — — 186 24. Le Bentaveo, le Cuiriri — 579 212 | Brafilian — — 137 L. pitangua, Lin. 136. 25. Becarde a ventre jaune — I. 312 296 | Yellow-bellied — 188 L. fulphuratus, Zin. 188. 26. Becarde — — ZI! 304 | Cayenne — — 189 L. Cayanus, Lin. 137. 27. P.G.tachetée de Cayenne — 311 377 { Spotted, Var. A. — 189 28. P.Gr. rayée de Cayenne — — |fg.2.297 | Pied — — 190 L. doliatus, Liz. 136. i VW PGETTACO SS law rer 2 a PARROT, Gen. Breos, V. | He | hi ® BP ae Hist. D’Otrs. Pi. Ent. LATHAM. | id iat 1. L’Ara rouge — VI. 179 N° 12] Redand blue Maccaw I.199 * un | Pfittacus Macao, Lin. 139. te i a. Le petit Ara rouge — 180 641 | Red and yellow M. 201 ne - i 3. L’Ara bleu — a — Ig! 36 | Blue and yellow, M, 204 ih ih i i Pf. ararauna, Lin. 139. | 1H) Se 4. La Perriche Ara — — 277 864] Parrot Maccaw <— 205 | fy ha S- Ara noir os — — 202 — Black M. — — 206 Plage 6. L’Ara vert — — — 194 333 | Brafilian green M, — 208 ; A | Ge te ee Abita (lap 7- La Gr. Perruche 4 ailes at Ht i : rougeatres — ~ 156 239 | Gingi PB. = P= Oem Hi: Pf. eupatria, Linz. 140. ao ay 8. La Per. verte et rouge — 169 pen Faponele — — ibid. : Pf, Japonicus, Lin. 141, 9. Le Lori Per. tricolor — 138 240| Amboina — =~ 210 : Pf. Amboinenfis, Lin, 141, 10. La Per. a téte bleue — 145 191 | Blue-headed — 211 Pf, cyanocephalus, Lin, 141. 11, La (THA e Mactd lon» lon + en Mh” SY STEMA FIC CAF AL OG U E. 7 Hist. D’Ors. rr. La Per. a face bleue — VI. 150 Pf. hematodus, Lin, Mant. 524. 12. Per. des Moluques — 150 3. La Gr. Per. abandeau noir 158 14. Le Lori Per. rouge — 137 Pf. borneus, Lin. 141. 15. Le L. Per. violet et rouge — 138 16. Le L. rouge et violet — 135 17. La Per, Lon = — 145 P{, ornatus, Lim. 143. 18. La Per. huppée — — 160 19. Le Jendaya — — 262 20. LaPer. jaune — — 147 Pf. folftialis, Lin, 141. 21. Le Guarouba, ou Per. jaune 272 22. La Per. a téte jaune — 9=— 350 Pf. Carolinenfis, Lin. 141, 23. L’Aputé-juba — / = 269 Pf. pertinax, Lin. 142. 24. LaPer. emeraude — — 262 25. Le Sincialo — — 265 Pf, rufiroftris, Lin. 142. 26. La Per. Pavouane — — 255} 27. La er. Per. a collier dun 141 rouge vif — — Pf. Alexandri, Lin. 141 28. La Per. a collier couleur de rofe — Gee 29. Le Per. a double collier — 143 Pf. Alexandri, Lin. 142, 30. La Per. atéte d’azure — 148 Pf. Alexandri, Lin. 142. 31- La Per. & mouftaches — 149 32+ La Per. a téte rouge — 144 33- Lapetite Per. a téte couleur de rofe & longs brins — §- 154 34. Le gr. Per. 4 longs brins — 165 35. La Per. a front rouge — 268 Pf. canicularis; Lin. 142. 36. La Per. 4 gorge brune — 257 Pf. xtupinofas, Lin.142. 7 Pi. & NL. N° 61 ~——— ea 743 143 684 552 525 499 528 85 550 young, 407 old, —— 167 642 55% 21% 517 264 $88 887 767 LATHAM. Red-breafted Orange-breafted — 212 b istue bellied 213 Black-crowned — ibid. Long-tailed fcarletLory 216 e 212 Indian Lory — 217 Gueby Lory — 219 Lory Parrakeet — 221 Crefted red Parrakeet 223 Yellow-headed Parrot 224 Angola yellow P. — ibid. Brafilian yellow P. — 225 Carolina P. — 227 Illinois P. — 228 Emerald P. — 230 J Long-tailed ereen Hid. Parrakeet enti l pavouane Parrot — 232 } Alexandrian Parrakeet 234 Rofe-ringed Patrak. 235 Double-ringed Parrak. 236 Azure-headed Parrak. 237 Muttachoe Parrak} 238 Bioffom-headed Parrak.239 Rofe - headed ring ? .,. ; Parrak. t ibid. Matacca Parrak. Red and blue- . } headed Parrak. f = — 241 Brown-throatedParrak. 243 37. La ae eeRee rs ‘alpen the i ‘ Mf ef 4 me g SYSTEMATIC C-AT.ALO GAS ie : 1 tr if) ‘ Tae Bo s {By ee Hist. D’O!rs. Pi. ENL. LaTHAM. : Enh @ i ue ; . 4 r my , A iy ne ny, Ja Per. aux ailes chamarées VI.151 N° 287 | Lace-wingedParrak. I. 244 1s =f Ft | - s z “] ka Kae ad Y ellow - winged ibid | fr Lee th °) Lua | Cr. a alieS varices — 259 359 Parrak. ae 1D1d, . ae 39. La Per. 4 gorge variée — ibid. 144 W ave-breaftedParrak. 246 We eh ane Ree or Seg: Pree map se Little red-winged oi | il Ee reacntiny hy oe, a -* 3/ Parrak. Se oe Ht 41. La Per. fouris — — 148 “68 | Grey-breafted Parrak. 247 | La Per. couronnée d’or 271 Goleee ean 251 AWE 2 IF 4 , jhe i Cc —s_ ~ —— i * 7 Parrak. Be Gs eh , Otaheitan bluePar- ! 4%. LZArimanon — — 17 1. Qs 2 Ih *. 15 | #8 455 rakeet coe % *& % * WITH EVEN-ENDED TAILS- x 3 c= — = ) a 223 - : - - cl ome ss ae - = : is oom ——— = = en - -— ea SS a cena ps ee ae - ae ——S — —————— = =e et ewe 4 Se Slee — . y Seliek ee — a _ —— = = Pres Se a eee. ern = > i = (wna ——_ — 2 = 2 reves ~ + ‘> = — — — — = = a = cache == Se a — ast — a é ee 2 —— s+ —. wg a ~ ftir a re re ~ : a ~ a8 7s aS i 3 Ae - , * ae rou aX : = oO - — - - = : sapeneaecal rn . z —— = SY BAxz MA TIC Hist,:D’Ors, 80. Le Papegai de Paradis, VI. 237 SI. 90. gi. 92. 93- 94. ee 96. 97+ 98. D9- 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. Pf. Paradifi, Lin. 147. L’ Amazone jaune — Pf. aurora, Lin. Mant. 524. Le Papegai a téte & gorge bleue — ag. Pf, menftruus, Liz. 148. Le Papegai viole — Le Saflebeé hee — Pf. collarius, Zin. 149. Le Papegai brun caidas Pf, fordidus, Lin. 148. aoe «A tete aurore — Le Maipourr — — Pf. melanocephalus, Liz. 149. Le Caica — — Le Perroquet a téte grife — Pf. Senegalus, Lin. 149. La Perruche aux ailes dor Pf. chryfopterus, Lin. 149. La Perruche a téte rouge, ou le Moineau de Guinée f Pf. pullarius, Linz. 149. Le Coulacifli — sii La Perruche atéte bleue — Pf. galgulus, Lin. 150. _ atéte gprife — L’Anaca et sii La Perruche aux ailes variées —— aux ailes bleues a collier pin 4 aux ailes noires L’Eté, ou Toui-eté ie Pf. pafferinus, Lin. 150. Le Toui a gorgejaune — Le Tirica tis ae Le Sofové it Le Toui a téte d’or ii 169 163 171 260 172 173 bid. 174 23 3 CA T A*L{'O Gai. Pi. ENL. N° 336 13 384 408 $27 744 2388 60 520 if. 2. 190 2. 19! M701 1.455 I. 190 8 37 2.456 1. 456 LATHAM. Paradife P, — I. 300 Aurora P, — — 301 Blue-headed P. — ibid, Little dufky P. — 302 Red-throated P. — 303 Dufky Pp. — — 304 Orange-headed P. — ibid, White-breafted P. 305 Hooded P. — 306 Senegal P. — — 307 Golden - winged } Parrakeet — “4 3°9 fee -~ headed Gut- iat nea Parrak. — Philippine Parak. — 311 SEL ae *5 } Parrak. alc Grey-headed Parrak. 315 Cheftnut-crowned ; Parrak, ie Black-winged Parrak. 316 Blue-winged Parrak. 317 Collared Parrak, — ibid. Luzonian Parrak. — 318 Little biue mie ; green Parrak. 3° { Yellow - throated ‘bid. 314 Parrak. — Green Parrak. —- 320 Cayenne Parrak. Gold-headed Parrak. 32! VI. RAM- OO SEAT EMA TIC CARPAL OG US It VI, RAMPHA‘S T OS,“bBiw: Syst. XLVI: TOUCAN, Gen. Birps, VI. Hist. D’O1s. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. Ki 1. Le Toco — — VII. 117 N° 82 | Toco. — — I. 325 te 2. Le Toucan 4 gorge jaune — 118 269 | Yellow-throated T. ibid. Ramphaftos dicolorus, Lin. 152. R. Tucanus, Lin. 15t — _ 307 | Yellow-breafted — 326 1 R. Pifcivorus, Lin. 151 — — 262 | Brefilian — — 327 one 1. Le Toucan a ventre rouge — 122 — Preacher — — 329 R, picatus, Lin. 152. 2. Le Cochicat —— — 124 — Collared — — 330 3. Le Hochicat — — 125 —_ Pavonine — — 331 4. R. Viridis, Lin. 150 — — 727,728 | Green — — ibid. not 5. Le Grigri —_ — 126 166 | Aracari — — 332 _ R. Aracari, Lin. 151. r 6. Le Koulik —— — 128 $77,729 | Piperine — — 334 R. Piperivorus, Lin. 150. ‘ +. L’Aracari, 4 bec noir —- — 130 oo Black-billed — — 335 PF 8. L’Aracari, bleu — — 13! — Blue — — ibid. ans VII. RAMP HAST OS; - Line S¥stiSbhVE NS. Hs MOTMOT, Gen. Braps, VII. Pri Th Hist. D’Ots. Pi. ENt. LATHAM. ’ 1. Le Houtou ou Momot, VI. 430 N° 370 | BrafilianMotmot I. 338 Ramphaftos momota, Lin. 152. i C 2 VII. BUCEROS, = ee. el = SS rst ar ros 4 = “~ ‘ 4 ' rien wiciie tree iy xaos ‘a tegen eidaier ~ Px Sk ade hee - o or Na Oe Qe tne 9 ae ae bth uate Rane cek De eS: Sa Sa Se nT We Sens ge ee ri 1s? “oo ee — . = os $ = ek i, la ———— — ~ [72 2 ; pe = ~~ —s meno . = ee = oh ee. * : 2 =O\¢ os “IIs ——— ns - r: . "ae P { c=. AF na. ea ee * - - ; = cuba ar ; - aa SS See See SSS Ss = = > =3 t oes sl oe = = —=— ‘ : ” = ; Sa - t - fi), hia! Hf be mA! 1 | 12 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGS VIL BUCEROS, Lun. Syst. XLVII. -~=HORN-BILL, Gen. Birps, VIII. Hist. D’Ors. Pri. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le Calao Rhinoceros — VII. 161 N° 934 | Rhinoceros — I. 342 Buceros Rhinoceros, Lin. 153+ 9. Le C. a cafque rond — 159 933 | Helmet — — 343 3. Le C. des Philippines — 157 oo Philippine — — 345 B. bicornis, Lin. 153. 4. Le C.d’Abyfinie — — 155 779 | Abyfinian — — 347 5. Le Brac ou C. d'Afrique — 154 — African — — 348 6. Le C. de Malabar — — 149 873 | Pied ~-- — 349 7, LeC. de Moluques — — 147 283 | Indian — — 351 B. hydrocorax, Lin. 153. M. Fem. | — 8. Le C. de lIfle de Panay — 146 780, 781 | Panayan — — 353 9. Le C. de Manille — — 144 891 | Manilla — — 354 ro. Le Tock, 1 Efp. — — I4I 890 | Black-billed — — ibid, B. nafutus, Lin. 154. . iI. 2Efp. — — 4! 260 | Red-billed —- — 355 IX. BUPHAGA, Luin. Syst. XLVIII. BEEF-EAT ER, ~ Gen. Birps, IX. t Le Picbeuf — — III. 173 N° 293 | African — — I. 359 Buphaga Africana, Lin. 154. x ZROTE OP HAGA, Aan Sisto eee A N JI, Gen. Birps, X. i. L’Ani des Savanes — VI, 420 |fig.2.N°102] Leffler Ani — — I. 60 Crotophaga Ani, Lin. 154. © 2. L’Ani des Paletuviers — 423 | fg-1. 102] Greater Ani — — Gs eo ON i) XI. E€ORVUS, se rroct ch M: A Til Cc XI. CROW; Hist. D’Ors. 1 Le Corbeau — — Ill. 13 Corvus corax, Liz. 155. 2. La Corneille ont — 45 Cz corone, Lin. 155. 3. Le Freux ou la Frayonne — C. frugilega, Lin. 156, 4. La Corneille mantelée — 61 C. cornix, Zin. 156. : §. La Corneille de Senegal — 67 G: loa CS Geta Famaigue — 67 7. Le Choucas — — 69 C. monedula, Zin. 156. 8. Le Choucas noir — — ibid. 9g. Le Choucas mouftache — 79 C. Hottenrottus, Zz. 15 Se 10. Le Choucas des Alpes — 76 C. pyrrhocorax, Lin. 158. 11. Le Balicaffe de aru Plies — 83 C. balicaffius, Lin. 15 12. Le Choucas de la Noe Guinée So 13. Le Choucari de la Nouv. Guinve 81 14. Le Colnud de Cayenne — 82 n4. fe Choveas chauye: =. — 95 16. Le Geay a — 107 C. glandarius, Lin, 156. 17. Le G. bleu de Canada — 120 C. criftatus, Liz. 157. 18. Le G. de Cayenne, ou Le Blanche Coiffe — =F 118 C. Cayanus, Lin. 157, iQ. Le G. brun de Canada come 5 S| e Canad lenfis, Lin. 153. 20. G. de la Chine a bec rouge — 115 a1. G. de la Sidirie sia — 118 2. Le G. de la Perey — — 116 23. Le Garlu, ou G. a ventr ms us +3 jaune de Sige ee — ze 24. ee eee. en —_— C. pica, Liz, 157. CORVUS, +5 -~_ . C'ArT> & EL, O:G:Ur BE} 13 Lin. Syst. L. GEN. Birps, XII. PL. ENL. LATHAM. N° 495 | Raven — — I. 367 483 | Carrion Crow — — 370 484 |Rook — — 372 76 | Hooded Crow om 7A / 374 327 | White-breaftedCr.— 276 — Chattering Cr, — 377 §23 | Jackdaw — — 378 §22 | Black Jackdaw — 379 226 | [ottentot Cr. — — 380 §31 | Alpine Cr, — — 381 603 | Philippine Cr. — ibid. 629 | New Guinea Cr. — ibid. 630 | PapuanCr. — — 382 609 | Barenecked Cr. — ibid, §21 | Bald Crow -——- — 3383 481 | Jay — — 334 29 | Blue Jay — — 386 373 | Cayenne Jay — — 388 30 | Cinereous Crow — 389 622 | Red-billed Jay — 391 608 | Stbirian Jay — — 391 E25 | Peruvian Jay — ibid. 249 | Yellow-bellied Jay — 392 488 | Magpie — — ibid. La { tw Lr Oo BW NY Wb > Gs Gs Gj & “ MN Go + —~ C= a 4. SN CO * \O — © en | J »e _ &> ~ -r ° SN OM, Sy Aeon aa AS TI Fitst. D’ Ors. La ap du Seneg al Bene Ill. 97 . afer Lin. 157 La Pie des Antilles — 101, 129 L, Hocifana — — 103 Le Zanot — — 106 Breve de Bengal — — 414 C. brachyurus, Lin. 1538. Breve des Philippines —- — 413 L.a Breve aes ew ibid. Breve de Madagafcar — 414 Le Caffle-noix eles — 122 C. caryocatactes, Lin. 157. Le Coracias ion on I C. graculus, Zin. 158. Le Coracias hupé, ou Le Sonneur — at I C. eremita, Lin. 159: XII. SEORAL TAS, A T A L; O G U E. Pc. ENL. — Caribbean Cr. — 395 aly Mexican Cr. —— — 396 — Leffler Mexican Cr. — Short-tailed Cr. a= 397 398 A variety A. — ibid. Variety B. — — 399 Variety C. — Nut cracker -— — ibid. LATHAM N° 538 | African Crow — I. 304 — 400 | ROLLER, Gen. Birps, XIII. Hist. D’Ots. Le Rollier d’ Eur ope — Ill. 135 C. garrula, Lin. 159. Le R. ad’ Abyfinie — — 143 R. de Senegal — — ibid. Le R. d’ Angola — — 144 C. caudata, Lin 160. Le Cuit, ou R. de Mindanao ibid. C. bengalenfi:, Lin. 159. Te Rollicr des Judes — — 147 C. orientalis, Lin. 160 Le R. de Madagafcar — — 148 Le R. du Mexigue — — ibid. Le Rolle de la Chine — — 132 Le Grivert, ou R. de Cayenne 134 Caffican de la N. Guinée — ibid. 255 | Red-leg’d Crow — 401 a Hermit Crow — = 403 Lin. Syst. LI. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. N° 486 | Garrulous Roller I. 406 626 | Abyfinian — — 408 ibid. | Senegal — a 88 |} Long-tailed — — 409 285 | Bengal — — 410 619} Oriental — — All s01 | Madagafcar — — 413 — Mexican — — ibid. 620 | Chinefe — — Ald 616 | Cayenne — — 415 628 Pied el — ibid, XIU, ORIOLUS ee tee wv - Le caffique rouge du Bra/fil, er ST.EMAT EC AMT, ORIOLU Hist. D’Ors. Le caflique jaune du Bref/, III. 235 Oriotus perficus, Lin. 161. ou le Fupuba = — aay. 73° OQ. hemorrhous, Lin. 161. 3- Le C. huppé de Cayenne — 241 4. Le C. vert de Cayenne — 240 5. La C. de la Louifiane —~ — 242 6. Le Troupiale — — 203 O. ifterus, Lin. 161. 7+ L’Acolchi de Seba — — 206 8. L’arc-en-queue _ — 207 9. Japacani — — 208 10. Le Xochitotl, & Coftototli — 210 11. Le Tocolin — — 217 12. Le Commandeur — — 214 O. pheniceus, Lin. 161, r3.. Troupiale de Cayenne — 218 14. Le Tr. de la Guiane — ibid, O. guianenfis, Lin. 162. 15. Le Tr. a calotte noire — 222 O. mexicanus, Lin. 162. 16. Le Baltimore — — 231 O. baltimore, Lin. 162, 3 17- Le Baltimore batard — 233 O. fpurius, Lin. 162. 18. Le Cap-more — — 226 1g. Le Carouge es — 243 O. bonana, Lin. 162. 20. Le C. de Cayenne — —_ O. mexicanus, Lin. 162. 21. Le petit cul jaune de Cayenne 247 22. Le Carouge de St. Domingue ibid. O. dominicenfis, Lin. 163. 23. Le Carouge du Brafil — 249 4 QS. - Le C. de l’Ifle de St. Thomas 248 O. cayanenfis, Lin. 163. Les Coiffes jaunes — 217, 250 O. idterocephalus, Liz. 163. CATALOGUE, rs 5S, LIN. Syst, XLII, ORIOLE, Gen. Birps, XIV. Pi. EN. N° 184 482 344 32 646 $32 402 Jig.2 236 336 §33 I. 506 2 Fone. 27 5.f¢m.276 eS SK 6 I 607 5 2. ibid. 2 oP 343 LaTHAM. Black and yellow, II. 418 Red-rumped — — 420 Créfted = — 421 Varo B, as — 422 W hite-headed — ibid. LCteHe — 424 Mexican — —— 426 Ring-tailed — — ibid. Japacani — — 426 New Spain — — 427 Grey — — ibid Red-wing — — 428 Red-breafted — — 430 Guiana — — ibid Black-crowned — 431 Baltimore — Baftard B. —- — 434 Weever — —— "ARE Bonana -— — 436 | Chefnut and black — 437 Leffer Bonana — 438 re ——s, Brafilian — — 439 Yellow-winged —_ Yellow-headed — 441 : ’ hoa! i : : 148) Be | a A jf J ‘ ; a lel 70 SYS EMA pC CAT AL OGU E. 3 , . Ly TY? ON ATHAM. a Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. Lat i ABA | 26. Le Troupiale tachet€? yyy 444 | fo 1.9. 4a | Schomburver — Tl. aa Vi ii lil os. Je ° 1.2 pe y Pa) yar de Cayenne — — Ween Mn 1s O.n selancholicus, Lin. 168. 3 Seely "lg 1s ‘1d Tariety A. —= ome Ad ena A. Une varieté — — ibid. ibid. | Variety A. 442 re} ey a Hf siesta s r 9: > pe GC pee Se % F< 2 ; i a ) Al 27, Le Ttede st. Domingueap-l 430 | fg.1. 2361 Whiltler —" =e agg { eae pelle le iffeur — eet BS a . aa) 28. LeCarouge olivede la Loutfane 251 2. 607 | Olive net om 444 4 Ya QO. capenfis, Lia. 163. eet! | dat 29. Le Troupiale noir — — 320 5 34 Black — — 445 11K 4 20. Tr. dela Caroline — — 22! 1. 606 | Black, lefler — — 446 FY Mei 31. Tr. olive de la Cayenne — 225 2. ibid. | Cayenne olive — — 447 ‘i i 42. Le Kink — — 253 617 | Kink — — 448 D | eed bey a . Es pe a * ie, 33. Le Loriot —— wm 254 26 | Golden — wm 449 ve O. galbula, Lin. 160. 2 th 34. — ce lachine — — 262 79 Variety A. — — 4§1 O. melan psi Lin. 160. ras-$4 35. Le Cou} ‘ete — 962 CIC | \ aricty C— — 452 O ates 9 dette “4008 | oe 36. Le Loriot de s Indes “— — 264 —- | Variety D. — ibid. 27, a téte rayce — 265 | 38. Le Talapiot — — Vil. 82 605! Climbing — tees AMS mi veces 2 U1; A; Lr. Syst. LXIT. GRAKLE, Gen. Birps, XV. Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL3. LATHAM. Lol Le Mainate -— — Ill. 416 N° 268 | Minor — — II. 455 Gracula calva, Lin. 164. a 2. Le Grand Mainate — — 419 a Greater M. — — 457 3. Le Goulin kés im 420 200 | Bald Gr. — ee (DIG 4. Le Martin siting — 423 219 | Paradife — a3 458 Paradifeea triftis, Lin. 167. Ta Pie de la jamaique Gr quifcr ula, Liz. 165. Le Merle huppé de la Chine Gr. criftatella, Lin. 165 | 5. 7. lua Pie-griefche noire aa I — 97 — Purple — — 462 — Nn MN a 567 i Crefted — == 404 . wen AO Bengale — 799 3 Dial aa oo Gr. faularis, Lin. 166. Le Picucule de Cayenne, VII. 82 621} Climbing — — 467 — _ I EE SYSTEM A TI € CATALOGUE. 17 XV. PARADIS EA, Luin. Syst. XLIV. PARADISE, Gen. Birps, XVI. Hist. D’Ors. Pu. Ent. LATHAM. 1. L’Oifeau de Paradis — III. 151 N° 254 | Greater — — II. 471 Paradifzea apoda, Lin. 166, 2. Le Manucode — — 163 496 | King — ia) P. regia, Lin. 166. : 3. Le Magnifique de la N. Guinée 166 631 | Magnificent — — 474 4. Le Superbe a — 169 632 | Superb ~~ — 479 5: oe ae is re) at 171 633 | Gold-breafted — 481 6. Le Calybé de la N. Guinée — 173 634 | Blue green —~- — 482 7. Le Rollier de Paradis —- — 149 _ Golden — =m, 483 Oriolus aureus, Lin. 163. XVI. TROGON, Lun. Syst. XLy. CURUCUI, Gen. Birps, XVII. Hist. D’Otrs. ot Pic Bitte LATHAM. “Sig Ng were Vi. a8e N° 452 | Red-bellied — II. 485 Trogon curucui, Lin. 167. 4 2. C. gris 4 longue queue de Cayetine ane q a 288 737 Variety - — — 486 @ he C. a ventre jaune — — 291 195 | Yellow-bellied — 488 Trogon viridis, Linx. 167. : ; 4. LeC. verd 4 ventre blanc — 293 os White-bellied — 489 Tr. viridis, Lin. 167. . oe 5. Le C. cendré de Cayenne — 293 765 | Cinereous — — ibid. Tr. ftrigilatus, Lin. 167. —— 6. C. a queue rouffe de Cayenne ibid. 736 | Rufous — —~ 490 7- Le C. achaperon violet — 294 ~ Violet-headed — 491 D XVII. aww od -« = - 2 SS —— = ais = eee a =< - = = ? : ES i. x ., 4 d a ‘ ~ - . — = —- 2 7 = 2 i » . i ” — ed a RT Celio. - B) ry SS a aaa rf q 7 = =~ oS SSS eee ee = — = 55s = es { ae fae ———— a a La rang 5 no ae pene nn + penne —— Ne. ag ae ee aa 4 4 be’ ¢ a - A - “ ete ae: 2 et ae tats EC : Gk sae se 7 ae: wt = ASP a vi = - 2 a oe 7 5 Ea ha == ie = ———————— : ie 8 3 as << = oF ot onnh tex eat ~ : : a - : wr, omg ~~ > = - —>™ a = = - = oe sah > a tt ogee ine! . «45 S ee es - - ar as ? es — 4 é “Sa ; ~~o = =A + _: cra _- en ——- ——_ : j ==» a : ~ 7s ee NA, be me Nee < = ore whine _ =P < ae oe G Het a tp Hh hy " ie %,,, i 7 | 2 18 al NN wb WS om . Le Coucou oti SY sec aMATAC CATALOGUE. XVII. BUCCO, Lin. Syst. XLVI, BARBET, Gen. Biros, XVIII. Hist. D’Ots. — VII. 94 Le T. 4 téte et gorge rouges — 96 Barbu de St. Domingue — _— Ie Tamatia acollier -—— — 97 Bucco capenfis, Lin. 168. Le beau Tamatia — — 98 Tamatia noir et blanc — — 99 —le petit — — ibid. Le Barbu a gorge jaune Le B. 4 gorge noir —= — 103 . Le B. 4 plaftron noir — 104 Le petit Barbu ~~ — 105 Le grand Barbu) — — 106 Le Barbu vert — — 107 Le Barbican _ — 132 XVIII. CUCULUS, Lin. Syst. LVI. Pr. ENL. N° 746 . 1. 206 2. 746 395 33° 689 688 331 1. 688 2. 746 $71 870 602 LATHAM. Spotted-bellied — I. 494 Cayenne — — 495 Black-fpotted — 496 Collared — — 497 Beautiful — -—— 498 Greater Pied — — 498 Leffer Pied — — 499 Yellow-throated — 500 Black-throated — 501 Variety A. — — 502 Little _ — 503 Grand — — ibid. Green — — 504 Doubtful — — 506 CUCKOO, Gen. Birps, XIX. Hist. D’Ors. — VI. 305 Cuculus canorus, Lin. 168. Le C. duCap de Bonne E/perance 353 Le grand C. tacheté — — 361 C, glandarius, Lin. 169. Le C. brun varié de noir — 376 Le C. varié de Mindanao — 373 C. mindanenfis, Lin. 169. Le Boutfallick — — 372 C. feolopateus, Lin. 176. . Le C. tacheté de la Chine — 378 Le C. brun piqueté de roux = 377 C. punétatus, Lin. 170. Pu. ENL. N° 811 277 764 77} LATHAM. Common — — Il. 509 Cape — — 513 Great fpotted — ibid. Society — — 514 Mindanao —= — $35 Indian {potted — 516 Chinefe {potted — 516 Rufous fpotted — 577 g. Le HAM > F-S'‘TE MACT-1 € Hisr. D’Ors. 9. Le Coukeel, Ler. — VI. 3383 C. orientalis, Lin. 168. ro. Le Coukeel, Le 2. ——. = ibid. 11. Le Coukeel, Le 3. — —~ 384 C, niger, Lin. 170. 12. Le Jacobin huppé de Coro- 380 mandel _ ~~ 13. Le C. huppé noir et blanc — 362 14. Le C. verdatre de Madagafcar 364 15. Le Coua — —~ — 365 C. criftatus, Lin. 171. 16. Le Houhou d’Egypt — — 367 17. Coucou des Philippines — 369 18. Le C. de Madagafcar — — 369 19, Le Rufabin _— — 370 C. fenegalenfis, Lin. 169. 20. Le Cuil — — 375 C. honoratus, Lin. 169. a1. Le C, brun etaaaes a ventre ae *t 379 22. Le petit C. a ventre jaune 95 téte grife xf ® es 23. Le C, vert doré et ie blanc — 385 24. Le C. alongs brins — — 387 C. paradifeus, Lin. 172. 25. Le C. huppé @ collier — — 388 C. coromandus, Zin. 171. 26. San-hiadela Chine —_ — 389 C. Sinenfis, Lin. 171. 27. Le Tait-Sou — — Ig! C. ceeruleus, Lin. 171. 28. Le Vourou-Driou — — 395 29. Le Gr. Coucou de Madagafcar 396 30. Le Tacco — — — 402 C. vetula, Lin. 169. 31. Le C. dit le Vieliagi. ou 9 l’Oifeau de Pluye = 39 C. vetula, Liz. 169. 32. Le petit Vieillard — — 401 33. Le Vieillard a ailes rouffes — 400 | C. Americanus, Lin. 170; 34. Le Guira Cantara — w— 407 35. Le Quapaétol, ou le Rieur — 408 36. Le C, brun varié de roux — 411 C. nevius, Liz. 170. —_— ==" ee $72 81§ 589 772 C-A-T’A°L, © G-E 19 Pc. Ent. LATHAM. g. 1. 274 | Haftern black — [f. 518 Variety A, — — ibid, Variety B. — — c19 Coromandel Pifan —_— — 1b1d. Great Madagafear — 521 Madagafcar crefted — 522 Egyptian — — ibid, Variety A. — = — 523 Long-heeled — —= 524 Strait-heeled —_ — 525 crefted —- 520 Sacred — — 626 Panayan — — §27 Yellow-bellied — ibid. Gilded — — ibid. Paradife — — 529 Collared — — ibid. Chinese — — 530 Blue — — ibid, African — — $32 Variety A, — — ibid, Long-billed Rain — 535 Rain _ — 536 Mangrove — — 537 “Caroline — — ibid. Brafilian creed — 538 ‘Laughing — an, £399 Spotted — — ibid. 37- Le 20 SYSTEMATIC CAT ALO GAM Hist. D’Ors, Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 37. Le Cendrillard — — VI. 413 — St. Domingo — I. gar C. Dominicus, Liz. 170. 38. Le C. Piaye — — 414 N° a11 | Cayenne — — 642 C. Cayanus, Lin. 170. 39. Le C. noir a Cayenne — — 416 512 | Cayenne black —. — 543 40. Le petit C. noir de Cayenne — 417 sas | White-rumped black 544 41. Le Couroucoucou — — 298 a Red-crefted —- — 645 C. Brafilienfis, Zin. 171. ee 42. Le Touraco — — — 300 601} Touraco — — ibid, C. Perfa, Lin. 171. 43. L’Atingacu du Brefl. — IV. 409 — Horned — — $30 C. cornutus, Zin. 171. AIA; YoY NH Ay DI st. Aa WRYNECK, Gen. Brros, XX. 1. Le Torcal — — VII. 84 N° go4 Common — — Il. 548 Yunx torguilla, Zin. 172. tthe tbo © US, Lars. Syst. XL: WOODPECKER, Gen. Birps, XXI. Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENt. LATHAM. tr. Le Picnoir — — VII. 41 N° 596 | Great black ~— II. 552 Picus martius, Linz. 173. 2. Grand P. noir a bec blanc — 46 690 P. principalis, Lin. 173. 3. Le P. noir a huppe rouge — 48 718 P. pileatus, Lin. 173. 4. Le Picacourouge — -— 53 612 s. L’Quantou — — 50 717 P, lineatus, Lin. 174. 6. Le petit P. noir, Var, — — 64 me P. hirundinaceus, Lin. 174. 7. Le petit P. noir — — ibid. 694 8. Le P. noir 4 Domingue rouge — 55 117 P. erythrocephalus, Lin. 174. . L’Epeiche, ou le P, yari¢é — $7 | 196. f. $95 P. major, Lin. 176. ‘6 White-billed — — 553 Pileated — — 554 Red-necked — — 558 Lineated — — 556 Leffer black — — 559 Variety A, — — ibid. Red-headed — “— 56! Greater-fpotted — 564 10. P. 10. II. 12. I 3. 14. 1G: 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 2%. 42. 24. 25. 26. Pg 23. 29. 30. 33: 32. 33: S LISTE. Me APR EOC Hist. D’Ojs, P. varié 4 téte rouge — — P. medius, Lin. 196, Le petit Epeiche — — VII. 62 Picus minor, Lin. 176, L’Epeiche de Mexique — — 70 L’Epeiche de Canada,1. — 69 dela Famaique — 72 P. Carolinus, Lin. 174. ou Pic rayé de la Louifiane — — 73 ou Pic chevelu de Virginie = =-— it 15 P, villofus, Lin. 175. ou petit P. varié 26 de Virginie — — pubefcens, Lin. 175; Le P. varié de la Caroline — 77 P. varius, Lin. 176. L’Epeiche, ou le P. varié d’Encenada — 4 Le Grand P. varié de Ife 6 de Lugon _ = ] L’Epeiche de Nudie ondé et a 66 tacheté Le petit oe ae des aaa 63 Molugques a . Le Pic verd — — 7 P. viridis, Lin. 175. Le P. verd de Bengale — — 23 P. Bengalenfis, Lin. 175. Palalaca, ou P. verd tacheté des Philippines — — ~ Le P. verd de Goa — — 22 Le Goertan, ou P. verd du - Senegal me — 5 Le petit P. raye du Senegal — rbid. Ee P. a srife téte du Cap de 26 Bonne Efperance —_— _ Le P, rayé de St. Domingue — 27 le meme — — ibid. Le petit P. olive de St. et 29 mingue -— — P, paflerinus, Lin. 174. Le grand P. rayé de Cayenne = 30 CA ERALOGU E. 21 PL. Ent. LATHAM, N* 611 | Middle fpotted — II. 565 598 785 | Le male 748 667 fig.2. 748 371. 879 695 691 696 320 2. 345 2. 736 281 614 FYY -Leffer {potted — — 566 Varied — — 668 Canadian {potted — 569 Carolina — — 570 Variety B. — — 571 Hairy — — 572 E.fttle: 75k — 573 Yellow-bellied — 574 Encenada — — 575 Cardinal o— — 676 Nubian = — ibid, Brown — — 577 Green — — ibid, Bengal — — 580 Variety B, — — c8r Goa — — 682 Crimfon-rumped — 583 “Gold-backed — — 584. Cape — ~—— 686 -Rayed -_ — 5637 Variety A. — — 5688 -Pafferine — = ibid, .Gold-crefted —- -—_ «5:89 34. Le a2 SYSTEMATIC “CAT ALD Ga Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 34. Le petit P.rayé de Cayenne, VII. 31 N° 613 | Cayenne — — IT. 590 35. Le P. jaune de Cayenne — — 32 509 | Yellow — — $91 26. Le P. mordoré — — 3 male 524 | Ferruginous — — = 599 37. Le P. Acravate noir — — 35 863 | Black-breafted — 593 38. Le P. roux am — 36 | fig.1. 694 Rufous oo — 594 39- Le petit P. a gorge jaune — 37 784 ¥ ellow-headed — 595 40. Le trés petit P. de Cayenne ibid. 1, 786 | Minute — — 696 41. Le P. aux ailes dorées — — 39 693 | Gold-winged — -—= 597 P. auratus, Lin. 174. "ST RID ACT Y 4-0 0:5; 42. L’Epeiche, ou P. varié ondé — 78 | 553 | Southern three-toed — 601 XXII. ALCEDO, Lin. Syst... LXII. N? 15. JACAMAR, Gen. Birps, XXII. 1. Le Jacamar — — VII. 220 N° 238 | Green — — Il. 603 Alcedo galbula, Linx. 182. 2. a longue queue 222 271 | Paradife — — 605 Alcedo paradifea, Lin. 181. AX. ALCEDO, Lin. Syst. LXIL KINGSFISHER, Gen. Birps, XXIII. Hist, D’Ors. Pi. En x. LATHAM, 1. pA chem VII. 181 N® 663 | Great brown, K.F. II. 609 a. Le M. P.a gros bec — — 184 sgo | Cape — — 610 Alcedo capenfis, Linz. 180. 3. M. P. huppé —_ — 188 679 Var. A. — — 612 4. M. P. pie = — 1835 716 | Black and white, A. rudis, Lin. 181. 5. M. P. blew et roux —~ — 382 232 | Great Gambia — — 616 A. {myrnenfis, Lin. 181. “as 6, M, P. de la céte de Malabar — 894 |Great Bengal — — ibid, 9. Mak om i S ¥ S:E.E-MA F.1,C Hist. D’Ots. 7. M, P. a téte et cou couleur de paille t VsEY 490 C A EA -L»O-G- UE, 23 PL. ENL. LATHAM. 757 | White-headed — II. 617 9, M. P. crabier — — 183 334 | Crab-eating — -— 618 g. M. P. a téte grife — — 194 594. Variety A. — ibid. A. fenegalenfis, Lin. 180. 10. M. P. bleu & noir du Senegal ibid. | fig.1. 356 Variety C. — — 619 11. M. P.atéte verte — — 190 733 | Green-headed — — 620 12. M.P.acollier blanc — — 192 se Variety D. — — 623 13. M. P. acoiffe noir — — 189 673 | Black-capped — —~ 624 14. Le M. P. en l’Alcyon — 164 77 | Common — — 625 A. ifpida, Lin. 179. 15. Le Baboucard — — 193 — Variety A. — — 628 16. M.P.afront jaune — — 195 ane Red-headed —- — 629 A. erithaca, Lin. 179. 17. M. P. pourpré — — 199 2.778 | Purple — — 630 18. M. P. roux — — ibid. 1.778 | Rufous — — ibid. A. madagafcarienfis, Lin. 179- 19. M. P.atéte bleue — -— 198 356 | Blue-headed —- — 631 20. M. P. de Bengal — — 201 ~— Indian — —— ibid, a1. Le Vintri — — 205 1. 766 | Crefted — — 632 A. criftata, Lin. 178. 02. M.P.alongs brins — —= 196 116 | Ternate — — 634 A. dea, Lin. 181. 23. Le ‘Taparara — — 207 sities Cayenne aie = 635 a4. L’Alatli — — 208 284 | Cinereous — — 636 A. torquata, Lin. 180, as. Lejaguacatt — — 210 a Belted — — 637 A. alcyon, Lin. 180. : A. Le méme — — 593 Variety B. — — 639 B. Leméme — — ibid. — Variety C. — — ibid. C. M.P. dela Louifane — — 715 Variety A. — — 637 26. Le Matuiti — sme’ 23 2 — Brafilian {potted —-640 a7, M. P. vert et roux —- — 215 592 | Rufous and green — ibid, 28. M. P. vert et blanc de Cayenne 216 591 | White and green — 641 2g. Le Gip-gip “= — 217 — Braflian — — ibid. 30. M. P. vert et orange — — 218 fig. 2.3.7 56 Supercilious —- — 643 A. fuperciliofa, Lin. 179. 31. M. P.abec blanc — — 200 _._| White-billed — — 644 XXII, SIT TA, kore | Fe SA . > ee = 3 << ae a = = age ~ tke — : — . . 4 . 2 — —— —— — —- — — Se . - > a ge bp abe ere gS “Sp ee 2 —==— S Pow aw A TIC CATALOG ASijbewto a 2 OT A; «6LuweesrstTi ix. NU THATCH, Gen. Birps, XXIV. Hisr. D’Ors. PL. ENL. ee LATHAM, 1. La Sittelle, oule Torchepot, V. 460 |fg.1. 623 | European, N.H. = I. 648 Sitta europea, Lin. 177. : 2. La petite Sittelle — — 470 — Variety A. — — 650 3. La Sittelle 4 téte noire — 473 Variety B. — — ibid, 4. La petite Sittelle a téte brune 474 — Variety C, ——_ me 651 s. La Sittelle de Canada — — 471 2. 623 | Canada — — ibid, S. canadenfis, Lin. 177. 6. LaS.ahuppe noir — — 472 a Jamaica — 652 S. jamaicenfis, Lin. 178. 7. La petite S. ahuppe noir — 473 — | Variety A. — — 663 8. La grande S. 4 bec crochu — 475 e Great — — ibid. 9- LaS.Grivelée — — 476 a Spotted — — 654 rt. Le Todier de L’ Amer. 2) 36 4. 5. . ave TiceTic, on Le ‘T'. ad ga peeev. 2 O DU S. Lin. Syst. LXI. 20D Y, Gren. Bikps, XXV. Hist. D’Ors. Pu. Cai: LATHAM. Septentr, — —¢ VHT. 225 lfp.1.2.585 | Green T, — — Il. 657 Todas viridis, Lin. 178, ’Am. Merid, — T.. cinereus, Lin. 178. Le T. bleu 4 ventre orangé — 229 3. 585 | Cinereous — — 658 u 783 | Blue pte — 659 Le T. varié — — ibid, — Variegated —. — ibid. Le Roi des Gobe mouches, IY, $52 289} King — — 662 XXV. MEROPS, XXV. MEROPS, Lin, Syst. BEE-EATER, Gen, Hist. D’Ots, Pi. ENL. 1. Le Guépier — ~—= VI. 480] N° 938 Merops apiafter, Lin. 182. 2. Le G. vert a gorge bleue —- 497 740 M. viridis, Zin. 182. 3. L’Ictérocephale — — S10 — M. congener, Lin. 183. 4. La Patarich — — 495 259 M. fuperciliofus, Lin, 183. §. Le G. vert 4 queue azure — 404 $7 M. Philippinus, Lin, 183. 6. Le G. a téte erife — — 49I —_ M. cinereus, "biel 183. 7. Le G. a téte jaune et blanche 490 i 8. Le Merops rouge et bleu — 479 MH g. Le G, Marron et bleu — 493 262 10. Le G. Marron et bleu de Senegal _ we faa Jt4 11. Le grand G. vert et bleu a ed gorge jaune — mag 52 12. Le petit G. a eS queue etagée — me 5°93 13. Le G..a téte rouge —- —= 508 —_ 14. Le G. rouge a téte bleue — 506 649 15. Le G. rouge et vert de Senegal 507 318 16. Le G. vert a wie et queue rouges : = 279 454 17. Le Fournier — 476 739 18, Le Polochion — om 4/7 — 2 2S TLE. MAA TAICC CATA LOGUE. 25 LXIil. Birds, XXVI. LATHAM. Common, B. E. II. 66% Indian — 670 Yellow-headed — 672 Supercilious — — 673 Philippine — — 674 Cinereous — — 675 Yellow — — 676 Breflian — — ibid. Cheftnut — — 677 Variety A. — — 678 Yellow-throated — ibid. Angola — 679 Red-headed —— — ibid. Blue-headed —— — 680 Red-winged —= — 681 Cayenne — -—— ibid. Rufous — — 682 Moluca — we 684 XXVI, UPUPA, a ee a naire a AXXVI. Hist. D’Ors. x. La Hupe, ou Puput — VI. 439 to ry to 1. Le Grimpereau — 2. Le Grand Gr. —— 3. Le Soul manga — . Le Promerupe — Upupa epops, Linz. 183- . La H. noire et blanche ee —- 3 Cap de Boune Efperance — asians 465 Up. paradifea, Lin. 184. . Le Promer. 4 ailes bleues — 467 . Le Promer. brun a ventre 6 409 Po SIN tacheté — — Up. promerops, Lin. 183. Le Promer. brun 4 ventre raye 471 zt / Le Grand Prom. a paremens ‘ frifés — —_— ae Le Promer. orangé —- — 474 la femelle — — ibid. XXVIII. UPUPA,; SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, Lin. Syst. LXIV. HOOPOE, Gen. Birps, XXVII. PL. ENL. NM? £3 697 637 6 38 639 LATHAM, Common H. — II, 687 Madagafcar — Crefted Promerops — 691 — 692 — 690 Mexican Pr. — Cape Pr. — New Guinea brown Pr. 694 Grand Pr. — — 695 Orange Pr. —— — 697 Yellow, Var. A. — ibid. CERTHIA, Lin. Syst. XLV. CREEPER, Gen. Biros, XXVIII. Hist. D’Ors, Certhia familiaris, Lin. 184. — 486 we 495 4. Le S. M. marron pourpre a s. S. M.brun et blanc — poitrine rouge — — 497 C. fperata, Lin. 186. C, pofilla, Lin. 185. 6.5. M. a gorge violet, et ne ae poitrine rouge — 7. Le $.M. violet 4 poitrine FOUgC . — se eee C, fenegalenfis, Ziz, 186, If Pi. ENL. — V. 481. [fg.1. 681 1.2. 246 LATHAM, Common C, — Il, 701 Great, Var. A. Violet —_ — 705: Red-breafted — — 706 Variety A. —- — 707 Variety B. — — 708 Senegal =m mm 709 Stet © = ge ee eee i is t } E ot) Sipe 22ST EMTs ¢ CATALOGU FE. 27 Hist. D’Ors. 7£e S.M.a collier — ww V. 502 C. chalybea, Zin. 186, . Le Gr. des Philippines — aks C, zeylonica, Zin. 188. . LeS. M. olive a gorge pourpre 506 . LeS. M. olive a gorge pour- O pre, fem. — —— / . Le Gr. grife des Philippines — 508 C, currucaria, Lin. 185. 13. Le petit Gr. des Philippines — sog C. jogularis, Lin. 185. 14. L’Angala Dian — — 510 QI. 22. 23. 24. 2% 26. a7. 23. 29. . Le S. M. a longue queue C. Lorenta, Lin. 188. 15. Le S, M, des toutes couleurs 513 16. Le S. M, vert 4 gorge rouge 514 ©. Afra, Lin. 186. 517 et acapuchon violet — C. violacea, Lin. 188. . Le S. M. vert doré changeant 519 C. pulchella, Lin. 187. Le grand S, M. vert 4 longue 521 queue —— _ C. famofa, Lin. 187. L’Oifeau rouge a bec de 522 Grimpereau) — _- “Trochilus coccineus, Lin. ed. 6. Le Gr. rouge a téte neire — §24 L’Oifeau brun a bec de Grimp. 525 C. gutturalis, Lin. 186. L’Oifeau pourpré a bec de 6 Grimp. — ae Le Guit-guit noir & bleu — 529 C. cyanea, Zin. 188. Varieté de Guit-guit noir et bleu —_ a 53% C. cerulea, Lin. 185. Le G. G. vert et bleu 4 téte noire — ee 5 34 C. fpiza, Lin. 186. Le G..G. Var. Tr. — $35 Le G. G. vert et bleu 4 gorge 6 blanche _—_ ae Le G. G, tout vert — eo | PL. Ent. (een gees Jig. 3. 246 r. §76 4. 576 Ae $75 2... £76 © 3s 570 + 3+ 575 3. 578 2. 578 I. 578 I. 682 LATH AM, fee ne Collared —" — ff; 709 Philippine — — 71} Ceylonefe — — 712 Olive ~- — 713 Grey — — 714 Variety A, — — ibid. LOTEN’S — — 715 Green gold —. — 716 African — 717 Violet-headed — — 718 Beautiful — — 719 Famous = — 720 Red — — 721 Variety A, — — 722 Green-faced — — 723 Purple — — ibid. Black and blue =—-— 724 Blue — —— 725 Black-headed — — 726 Var. A. black-capped 727 Blue-headed —- — ibid. Var. C.; all green — 728 30 Le ml 28 SYSEEMATIC CATALDO Game, ay a Hist. D’Ors, Pi. Ent. Latuam. aa | Haid 30. LeG. G. vert tacheté — V. 538 | fg.2. 682 | Cayenne —— —= II. 798 ea C. Cayana, Lin. 186. ego 31. LeG.G. varié — — 540} — _ | Variegated —- — 729 32. Le G. G. noir et violet — 541 — Black and violet ~=— 730 33- Le Grimpereau de Muraille 482 3721 Wall —: — ibid, C. muraria, Lin. 184. 34. LeS.M. rouge noir et blanc 514 — Red-fpotted —. — 736 C. cruentata, Lin. 187. 35. Le S. M. de l’Ifle de Bourbon 516 2. 681 | Yellow-rumped » — ibid, 36. Le Sucrier ial — 542 — Black and yellow — 737 C. flaveola, Zin. 187. AAV. 22 ROCHILYUS, -diss, 3¥st4Laa HONEYSUCKER, Gen. Brros, XXIX. HUMMING BIRD, LatHam. "Wit nw CURVED Pits Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM, 1. Le Colibri huppé — — VI. 54 — Paradife, H.S,. — II. 748 Trochilus paradifea, Lin. 189. 2. Le C. dit le Topaze — — 46 |jig.1. $99] Topaz — — 746 Tr. pella, Lin. 189. 3- Le Brin blanc =a — 49 3. 600 | Supercilious —= — 747 Tr. fuperciliofus, Lin. 189. 4. L’Oifeau mouche 4a eet oe Black-capped — — 748 queue — _ Tr. polytmus, Liz, 1%9. s. Le Brin bleu — — oI — Blue-tailed —— — 749 6. L’O. M. al. q. ou vert et bleu 38 _— Fork-tailed. — — 7§0 T'r. forficatus, Lin. 190. 7. L’O. M. a queue fourchue — 37 — Leffer fork-tail — 75! * Mopac dace benef 36] — | Come fork — ii 9. Le Colibri 4 gorge carmin — 56 — Red-breafted — — 753 Tr. jugularis, Lin. 190. 10. Le C. 4 queue violette — — ¢¢ 2. 671 | Violet-tailed — -— 754 11. Le C. vert et noir — — 53 — Black-bellied — ibid. Tr, holofericeus, Liz. 191. 12. Le Zitzil, ou Colibri piqueté 50 = Spotted — = = 2 13. Le wts eR See Maer Hist. D’Ors, Tr, criftatus, Liz. 192. Pi. ENL. C CATALOGUE. 29 LATHAM. 13. LeC. 4 cravate verte — VI. 56 jig. 1, 671 | Green-throated — Tf. 758 14. Le Colibri violec — — 657 2. 600 | Violet ais — 756 15. La hauffe Col. verte — — 58 — Black-breafted — ibid, 16. Le Collier rouge — — 59 4. 600 | White-tailed — 757 Tr. leucurus, Lin. 190. 17. Le Plaftron noir — — 59]|2. 3. 680| Mango — — 758 I'r. mango, Lin. igi. 18. Le Colibri 4 ventre rouffatre - 63 — | Rufous-bellied — 760 19. Le Plaftron blanc — — 61 1. 680 | Grey-necked — — 761 20. Le C. bleu — — ibid. —— Crimfon-headed blue 762 21. Le vert Perlé — — 62 ~— St. Domingo — — ibid. T. Dominicus, Lin, 191. 22. Le petit‘Colibri * — — 64 1. 600} Admirable —_ = 763 Tr. thaumantias, Lin. 196. Weer ep parr pres: 23. L’Oifeau mouche 4 larges 35 2. 672 | Broad-thafted — — 76¢ tuyaux — — a eae “t 34] 2 640] White-billed — — ibid. cobine _ — Tr. mellivorus, Lin. 1936 25. L’Emeraude amethyfte — — 27 3. 227-| Greenand blue — 766 Tr. ouriffia, Lin. 191. : 26. L’O. mouche a oreilles — — 32 — Violet-eared —- — 767 27. Le Rubis Emeraude — — 31 4. 276 | Ruby-throated — 768 23. Lie Rubis “— — — 13 — Red-throated — — 76g Tr. colubris, Liz. IgI- 29. L’O. M. a gorge tacheté — 31 2. 276 | Spotted-necked — 779 30. Le vert doré — — 29 3. 276 | Cayenne — — 773 Tr. mellifugus, Lin, 192. 31. Le Saphir — — 26 — Sapphire — aS 32. Le Saphir-émeraude — — ibid. —~ Saph-emerald — — 775 33- Lacravate dorée — — 25 3. 672 Gold-throated ae Se 34. L’O. M. pourpré — — 24 — Little brown — — 778. Tr. ruber, Lin. 193. 76, Le apg ne ee — — 19 2. 227 | Ruby-necked — — 779 Tr. mofquitus, Liz. 192. 36. L’O. M. S eoree répase —_ — 1. 640] Ruby-crefted — — 780 T. elatus, Lin. 192. 37. L’Efcarboucle aoe — 28 = awasee? “3 ae he 38. L'O. M. araquettes — — 23 _ sacece-taric — oe 39. L’O. M. hupé — —~ 22 1, 227 | Crefted-green — ex 40, L’Hupe. = , 2 — SS 2 - ae prea. ~ - aw ~—— - = = . —— os ps : >-¢$ Shes Sat - a — = - — 7 . > = re << = 4 bets ors > — — EE _—— - _ —— ae pa ee 0 ee ee onl —— 40 SYBTEMATIC Hist. D’Ors, Ph. G. lanatus, Lin. 271. CAT A'L Ogee PL. ENL. LATHAM, 40. L’hupe Col. = — VI. 18 | fig. 3. 640 | Tufted-neck — II. 484 4t. L/Orvert — — — 17 ~~ All-green — — 736 42. L’Amethyfte ola ents” 16 1. 672 | Amethyftine — — 7$7 43. Leplus petit Oifeau mouche — 11 tr It | Leaft — — — 783 Tr. minimus, Lig. 193. Orver III. Gallinaceous. AXIX,. PHASIAN US, Lan. Syst. Ci ies C OC K, Gen. Birps, XXX. Hist. D’Or1s. Pi. ENL, LATHAM. 1. Cogcommuh — — I]. 116 N° 1 | Domeftic Cock IV. 700 Phafianus gallus, Lia. 270, A. Le Cog huppé — — 116 49|Crefted — — 703 Ph. G. criftatus, Lin. 270, | B. Le C. a cinque doigts — 124 — Darking — — ibid. Cw C.4rife — — 121 ~o Frizzled — — 704 Ph. G. crifpus, Lin. 271. D. Le C. fans croupion, ou de Perfe — SE Bey — Rumplefs — = 70§ Ph. G. ecaudatus, Lin. 271. E. Le C. nain — — 118 wane Dwarf = = — ibid. Ph. G, pufillus, Lig, 271. ¥. Le C. de Bantam -—~ — 119 ses Bentam — — 706 G. Le C. de Turquie — — 120 — Turkifp oo — 7 H. Le C. de Caux, ou de Padoue 12 5 = Paduan — — ibid. I. Le C. Negre, ou de Mozam- ; 9 bique ee "ak 122 — Negre —_ —a dO Ph. G. morio, Lin. 271. K. Le Poule A duvet — — 21 98 | Silky mek — ibid, ; SPST EM ARH CEP RAL O CES 31 AXX. MELEAGRI S, Lin. Syst. XCIX. TURK Y, Gen. Brrps, XXX]. Hist. D’Ors, Ps. Ent. LATHAM, r. Le Dindon fauvage -— II, 148 ~— American'T. — IV. 676 Meleagris gallopavo, Lin. 268. A. domettique — 132 N° 97 | Domeftic — — ibid, 2. Le Napaul, ou Faifan cornu 362 — Horned — — 680 M. fatyra, Lin. 269. | Sle Facows:. - < — 387 _ Yacou — — 681 XXXI. NUMIDA, Lun. Syst. CII. PINTADO, Gen, Birps, XXXII. Hist. D’Ors, Pi. ENL. LATHAM. r. LaPeintade — — IF. 163 | N°? 108 | Guinea P, — IV. 68% Numida meleagris, Lin, 273, XXXII. CRAX, Lin. Syst. C. CURASSO, Gen. Birps, XXXIII.. Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent, LATHAM, t. Le Hocco de la Guiane — JI. 373 N° 86 } Crefted C. male, IV. 690 Crax aleétor, Zin. 269. A. Hocco Faifan de Peron — 375 123 fem, — 693 Cr. rubra, Liz. 270. 2. Le Hocco de Mexique — 348 78 | Cufhew — — 696 Cr. pauxi, Liz, 270, : oe 3» Le Chacamel —— 394 we Crying — — ibid, AXXITI. PAVO, SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE XXXII]. PAVO, Lui». Syst, XCVII. PEACOCK, Gen. Birps, XXXIV, Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent. LATHAM. 1, Le Paon — — II. 288 | 433, 434] Crefted P, — IV. 668 Pavo criftatus, Lin. 267. = ——-- a ee a —— A. Le Paon panaché — — 327 — Variegated ——_ — 671 B. Le Paon blanc — — 322 — White — — 672 2. Le Spicifére —- — 366 —- Fapan — — ibid, P. muticus, Zin. 268. ; 3. L’Eperonnier — — 368 | 492, 493 | Iris ae — 673 ; P. bicalcaratus, Lin. 268. 4. Le Chinqguis — — 365 _ Thibet ~— — 675 : P. tibetanus, Lin. 268. / XXXIV. PHASIAN US, Lm. Syst. Cl. PHEASANT, Gen. Birps, XXXV. Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ki. LATHAM, 1. L’Argus; ou le Luen — JI. 361 —y Argus Ph, — IV. 710 Ph. argus, Lin. 272. 2. Le Faifan = wm 328 | 121,122 | Common — —— 712 Ph. colchicus, Lin. 271. Le F. varié a 352 — Ring Phh — — 716 Le Coquar — 353 an Hibridal — anne OAs ————e . ; | ee ey } Le F. doré de la Chine — ibid, § Ph. pidus, Lin. 272. | 3. A. B. 160 Turkey — 71] Ae 6. LeF. noir et blanc de la Chine 359 | 123, 124 | Pencilled —=_ — 719 7. 7 9. 10, 355 217 | Painted Ph. nyéthemerus, Liz. 272. L’Hoazin — Le Katraca — Ph. motmot, Lin. 270. Le Parraka haa L’ Hoitlallotl pen 385 337 | Crefted — — 720 364 146 | Motmot Ph, — — 721 394 7 Sega Parraka — — 722 | 395 — Courier — — 723 i XEXV. tines SSR MAT ChOa Ee 2 InO'G WE. 33 XXXV. TINAMOU, Latuam Gen. LII. Vol. IV. This Genus ought to follow the Pheafant in my GENERA of Brrps. We owe the diftinction to Mr. Latham. The characters are as follow: Britt long, and blunt at the end. Nostrits placed in the middle. GaPE wide. Sipes of the head-and throat thinly feathered. Tait very fhort, and often hid in its coverts. | Hinp Toe very fhort; and ufelefs in walking. Cxraws hollow beneath. Inhabits the upper parts of South America, fuch as Guiana and Cayenne. This Genus comprehends four Species, viz. Hist. D’Ots. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le Magoua — — IV. 507 N° 476 | Great T. — — IV. 724 2. Le Tinamou cendré — — 510 _ Cinereous — — 726 3. Le Tinamou vari€é —- — 511 828 | Variegated — — 726 4. Le Soul —_ — — 512 829 | Littl — — 727 XXXVI. TETRAO, Ly. Syst. CII. GROUS, Gen. Birps, XXXVI. Hist. D’Ors. Pre: EN. LATHAM. 1..he. Coq-de ihe addi ig oulry le Tetras — ao Tetrao urogallus, Lin. 273. . be Cog de Bruyére, ou le aoctace = petit Tetras — at 210} 172,173 Black 733 N°*73, 74.| Wood Grous — IV. 729 to F. tetrix, Lin. 272. . Le Gelinote du Canada — 279] 131,132 Spotted — anti SE T. canadenfis, Lin. 274. 4. La groffe Gel. de —— — 281 — Shoulder-knot weg T. togatus, Lin. 27 5. Le Coq de Bhavere: a fraife ibid. _ Ruffled = — — 738 T. umbellus, Lin. 275. 6. Le Lagopéde — ee 264] 129.494 | Ptarmigan -— -— 74! T. 1 ny BIA agopus, Lin. 374 7 7, Le 5 = a a ae ee : : ————— - ee aac = = ~ - - — ror -o -. 7 a Cs aS : = e . z : - te ~s——9 - = — aneteratl ; : = " aT E i ba ‘ —s _— . ; os is el DO Fi, o - - wate ® -o = we. = ee ' an 3 = che, ete PQ re ."; ov" ~ al oo — =_ = < ¥ + _ - = - J J Fase + > a 4 adage - ss - - noe i E: a ou . —— 2 none aes = == F377 ee ee Bs - — SEW, a 4 “ : r a x 3 os oe - ~ . - > — ——s 5S J . Acar “ rs oa . : * Se Se 2 eS = = = — ie ate, = ~ = — a ’ ———— ey Le ~ - 3A Bh igk A : or = =f as Soe 7 : ‘ = - a _ % - - a , . nc —- : —- - Lena " — a _ ae FP ye 7 r 3 ¢ = = —_ Se Sa = = “ = ye = es i - —— > eae o~—_ —-— he 3 > Se ‘ ———- ? I OE LF ¥ ; - 4 r . — - 2 wie a x vr" ty in Ve ‘ pe - oe ee — ~ vt = os Pw > P+ 0m Bt = Hes ~ — st = —~ - ~ - : a p a - thr Ny le - . an ‘ . > - pen m i - - oe ~— " — + ~~. oo“ . - ~ _— ‘ ie, 27 ~ ss : 2 > as ~ > _ eae = 5 a _— 7 ee = 2" : mr “2 © 3 Sao ; => xl ta — — eee diph 3 ee 7h oer. - ~ - 5 a aesicet = ; ~ -. = = Sa So , Sr ; : — a # eee o. + - i.“ ee ee Be rr . eel “ o ee age enw a a : - — 3 . atc we. 3 : : - a -= ~ 4 - — “a4 wre att oe _—— a — s¢ Ae 7 3 . - = ae x i ~ ™ ra _— — - ae — ns = - = : —— na a! ; —~ . od NP! — OF em pee aoe, - = on regs 2 > w-, Sr ——= e — + . " a = —— - — ——e SS == +H. ~ —— | ; -—- ae ee al =, ome A oa a a > - t _" pies. OS ~— + Et 77 < ~ or, —.——9 -— Ss = —-—_—__—_ — - = —_ = —e SS =a a ae ¥ : a a Sus ap ee Sel 5 - = : = : - —————— — = " pexs* oe a Pe ae. . i * = Pr 7 - 2 7 : < = ne ” —— - 7 — - > ~< en ~_ 2x. = ses = - - —= _— as “? bf < J . > 7) Te ee = me - bye — == - - a . see : —_ - ——— ars = — = en am — ae ee nee an “iiiieanen + ow ee ae r = =o wae ee he += - a - — my per + -C. om . - - tous : — - —— ~ ae a £ o~3e = emai —— —=2* ¢ = - 3 x = — %” —_ 7 4 . ~ —) . - 7 ao eS 3 ”- " ia os ™ 5 s ene « = eA ss : — : a - Be EAE EE — Pi init :*# . / id ” e im = = == Sao re 34 YT. COM CV - t&> ¥ gh 12. 13. tA. 1s. 16. 17, 18. 19. ONO O™ - La Gelinote de Senegal — Sinan . La P. grife blanche — . La petite P. grife — . La Bartavelle — SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. Hist. D’Ors., Pi, ENL. Le L. de la Baye de Hud/on Il. 276 — La Gelinote — — 233 N° 475 L’Attagas — — 252 — Le Ganga — — 244 — T.. alchata, Lin. 276. I 30 T. fenegallus, Lin. Mantif. 526. AXXVII. TETRAO, Li. Syst PARTRIDGE, GEn. Hist. D’Oxs. Pi. ENL. Le Bis-ereot — — Il. 443 Letrao bicalcaratus, Lin, 277. Le gorge-nue — Le Francolin — T. francolinus, Lin. 275. Le Perdrix grife — T. perdrix, Lin. 277, N° 137 444 e 438 | 147, 148 401 27 415 om 417 ad 419 1 36 4.20 231 La P. de Montagne — a = rufus, Lin. 276. et rt a Ee ae: La P. rouge de Barbarie — 445 La P. rouge d’ Afrique — 444 Iso 180 La P. de Roche, ou de Gambia 446 — La P. perlée de la Chine —~ 446 — Ococolin _ — 489 — LeTocro, ou P. del aGuiane 1V.513 — La P.dela Nouv. Angleterre 11.447 — T. marilandus, Lin. 277. La Caille — — A449 _ T. coturnix, Lin. 278. Le Chrokiel, ou orande Caille de Pologne — -— 476 es La Fraife, ou Caille de Ja Chine — — — 1. Chinenfis, Lin, 277, LATHAM. White Grous — IV. 743 Hazel —— 744 Red ~ — 746 Pin-tailed — — 748 Variety A. — — 749 CIII. N?® 12. Birps, XXXVII. LATHAM, Senegal P., — IV. 757 Bare-necked — Francolin — we: 3am — ibid, Common — Variety A. — Damafcus — — Mountain — — 765 Greek Soil gin Guernfey, Var. A. — 768 Barbary, Var. B. Red-necked — Rufous-breafted Pearléd . — Mexican — — 775 Guiana — 776 Maryland ~— — 778 — — 771 — ibid.. -— 7/2 Common Quail — 779 Variety A. — — 781 478 126 | ChineleQ. — — 783 20.. Le eserves s 2 OU ae ee SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, 35 ~ Hist. D’Ors, Pr. Ent. | LATHAM. a0. LeZonecolin — = Il. 485| N° 126] CreftedQ. — IV. 784 T. criftatus, Lin. 277. 21, La Caille de la Lousfaw — 487 149 | LouifaneQ. — — 78 T. mexicanus, Lin. 277. Ji. a2. La C. des Ifles Malouines — 477 222 | MalouineQ.— — 786 23. Legrand Colin —. — 485 — Mexican Q. — = ibid. 24. Le Coyolcos — — 4386 _ Leffer Mexican Q. — ibid. 25. Lereveil Matin, ou la Caille} Noif de Fava — cee Saye. — olyQ. — = 787 26. Le Cacolin -— — 486 27. Le Colenicut — — 487 149 | LouifianeQ. — 785 28. La Caille de Madagafcar -— 479 171 | Black-necked Q. —= 791 eaXVITL PSOPHIA,. Lin. Syst. XCIV. TRUMPETER, Gen. Birps, XXXVIII. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. L’Agami — — IV. 487 N° 169 | Gold - breafted IV Pfophia crepitans, Lin. 263. Trumpeter — + 7193 BAAIA...O FEES; Line S¥sr. Gy. BUS TARD, Gen. Birps, XXXIX. Hisr. D’Ors. PL. Ent, LATHAM, 1. L’Outarde a — Il. 1 N° 245 ; Great Buftard — IV. 796 . La petiteOutarde, ou oor 40 Otis tarda, Lia. 264. 10. 25 | Little —_ wr £99 petiere i O. tetrax, Lin. 264. . Le Lohong, ou Phe 52 see Apshion e —_ Sor huppé d’ ct — QO. arabs, Zin. 4. Le Churge, ou mt et a =: | moyenne des Judes 56 | Indian — 804 5. Le Houbara, ou petite Ou- =e es = tarde huppé d’ Afrique es 59 Ruffed om 805 F 2 6, Lit 36 sty 9° TOE oM AT bC..C: A F A LrOpGeae Hisr. D’Ors. PL. ENL. LATHAM. 6. Le Rhaad — — IJ, 61 — Rhaad — — IV. 80s 7. Le grand Pluvier appe/lé vulgairement courly de $VII.105}| N° 919| Thick-kneed— — 806 Terre — — Charadrius cedicnemus, Lin. 255. OrpeER IV. # Columbine. Xi; COLD MS A, betes Sve Gy. PIGEON, -Gen. Brros, XL, 4 rr. Le Hist. D’Ot1s,. PL. ENt. LATHAM. f eo Nya ie 1. Le Bifet — — I]. 498 N° soo | Stock P. Var. A. IV. 605 i ty ie Columba cenas, Lin. 279. ita a A. Le Pigeon commun — — 601 4.66 Hite te B. Le Pigeon nonain — tab. XIX. |fg.1. Jacobine, Var. H. — 610 iis hie | C. Le P. frife — — 519 -— Laced, Var. J. — ibid, " ‘it bs a PD. Le P.acravate — — 513 — Turbet, Var. K. — 611 Melt ae EK. Le P. paon — — 512 — Shaker, Var. L. — ibid. Ap pe EF. Le P. culbutant — — 617 — Tumbler, Var. M. — 612 | (ger G. Le P. cuiraffé ~~ — 515 — Helmet, Var. N. — ibid. Liane t ie Pa grofle corge ——- — 607 — Pouter, Var. Q. — 613 Aah} 2. Le P. violet de Martinique — 525 162 | Martinicoo — iim OES Sue C, Martinica, Lin. 283. ee 3. Le P. roux de Cayenne — ibid, 141 Var. A. — ibid. Bai 4. Le P. de la Famaique — — 529 — White-bellied — — 619 eth) C. jamaicenfis, Zin. 283. Pi 5. Gros P. couronné des Indes — 542 118 | Great-crowned — 620 Ch C. coronata, Lin. 282. Bibi 6. Le P. verd des Philippines — 528 138 | Parrot — — 629 Bi C. vernans, Lin. Mantif.- 526. eit | 7. Le P. verd d’Amboine — ibid. 163 | Aromatic — — 631 Ath 8. Le P. verd de I’Ifle de St.) ., : 1% ie Thomas Sey co ibid. _ St. Thomas’s — — ibid. ae 9. Le P. du Mexique — — 525 — Mexican — — 633 ash 10. Le P. fauvage de Mexique — ibid. — Black-{potted — ibid. iy apes Il. 22'S TE MATA CC. € ALTA L OG ARR 37 Hirst. D’Ors. Le P. de montagne de H. g2¢ Mexique — a. 12. Le P. bleu du Mexique . — bid. 13. Le P. ramier — — 531 C. palumbus, Lin 282. 14. Le P. ramier des Moluques — 538 C. znea, Lin. 283. 1%. Le P. de Guinée? — — 538 C. Guinea, Lin. 282. 16. Le P. a queue annelée de la Famaiqgue — we (959 17. Le Founingo — — ibid. C. Madagafcarienfis, Lin. 283. 18. Le P. ramier verd de Mada-Q oe 340 £4fcar — ee | C. auftralis, Lin. Mantif. 526. 19. Le P. de Nincobar — — 541 C. Nicobarica, Lin. 283. 20. Le Ramiret — — ibid. 21. La Tourterelle — — 545 C, turtur, Lin. 284. 22. Le T. de Portugal — — 556 23. La T.acollier — — 550 C. riforia, Lin, 285. 24. La T. rayée de la Chine . — 556 Ce Sinica, Lin. 284. 25. La T. rayée des Indes — — 557 C. ftriata, Lin. 282. 26. La T. dela Famaique— — 558 C. cyanocephala, Liz. 282. 27. La T. verte d’ 4mboine — 555 C. viridis, Lin. 283 28. Turvert — — ode - Efp. — ibid. . Le Turvert -— 3d Efp. — 556 30. La Tourterelle : corge es 562 chetée du Senegal — — C. fenegaleniis, Lin. 233. at, La Dn collier du Senegal — 553 32. La T. du Senegal — — ibid. C. afra, Lin. 284. 33. La. T. de Canada — — 552 C. canadenfis, Lin. 284. 34. Le Cocotzin —~ — $59 C, pafferina, Lin, 285. PL. ENL. N° 316 164. Il 491 213 394 244 161 160 176 m.etf, 243 LaTHAM, White-fhouldered, IV. 634 Blue — — ibid. Ring Pigeon — — 635 Nutmeg — — 636 Triangularly-fpotted 639 Ring-tailed — — 639 Madagafcar — — 640 Var. A. — — 641 Nicobar — — 642 Scailop-necked — 643 Common Turtle — 644 Portugal T. Var. B. 646 Collared T. — — 648 Striated T, — — 650 Barred T. —— — ibid. Blue-headed T, — 651 Green T. — — 653 Black-capped T. — 654 Favan VY. — == ibid. Senegal T, — — 655 Collared Senegal T. — 656 African T = 2 ibid. Canada 1, — — 658 Ground T. — — 659 **¥ WITH SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, ** wsitTH LONG TAILS, Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM, 36. Pigeon de Pafflage — — Il. 527 — Paffenger —~ — IV. 661 C. migratoria, Lin. 285. 37. La Tourte — — §57 N° 175 | Carolina — — 663 | C. carolinenfis, Liz. 286, . 38. LaT.d’Amerique — — $52 a Marginated —=- —— 664 C. marginata, Lin. 286. 39. La T.d’ Anboine — — 557 a Amboina = — 665 C. amboinenfis, Liz. 286. 40. La Tourtelette — — 554 140 | Cape -—~ — 666 C. capenfis, Lin. 286. 41. Le Tourocco — — 553 329 | Great-tailed — — 667 OrdezR V. Pafierine. ain. DL URN US; -Lin. Syst. CVI; STARE, Gen. Biros, XLI. His. D’Ors. Pri. Ent. LATHAM. t. L’Etourneau — — III. 176 N° 75 | Common Stare — III, 2 Sturnus vulgaris, Lin. 2go. a téte blanche — 189 — Pied, Var, B. —_ —4 du Cap de Bonne Efperance — et St. capenfis, Lin. 290. ; Pie — — 191 ~~ Contra — — ibid. St. contra, Liz. 290. . —— dela Louifiane — 192 256 | Louifiane — — 6 St. ludovicianus, Lin. 290. 6, Le fer 4 Cheval -— — 371 —- Crefcent — — ibid. _ —Alavda magna, Lin. 289. 7. 1Et. de terres Magellaniques 196 113 | Magellanic — we 8 9 a = — Y > < > =- -_ . — = a = --- : : | : Ss oe —= : = - a _— a ~ = . — ~ = > ms =- - rer oe os = ‘ines = "9 >» 7 . : = =- = . ae . = = 3 = | oF : ; - ? zee = ~—~- > - — — - C : ~ : ae x vim ae rr - ——eESE el SS, = e - : olla ee ES ~ = a =. F- i Se 7 — a = 7 =s z =e: =- - = : is 2s a ¢ tm z _ 6 em get ee er Oe oearar es a eee eogie = - ee ———— Zi —*s Feira! ee. i

    j i Ra ae ‘ ‘ } : es } ‘weeb) (ie ae. ; ! 1 . PRR Ratt fi wine ra _ Hh) ’ } f fl aon t ; { | + nt } nw “ it i rite t - i ao) (eae an) i : ' zh ae f ia . Ai | a, : " i : th) ‘ y } it i] i 1 | : ph } } : " . : ’ i 4 ! tT (8) - i a Pet ba Ma : ~ raped : al se ne mf, eal it! , / , 7 oo) TTS { 4 “ARE Aa ed - 1; abit! 2 Pe it Ai ‘ i : 1 t 7 Wy ] “e Se on " P| " eR! ne ia i : hh : ; i ht ane * y q \ male : wr! at { ‘ ies t y « ‘ea i i q ! \ ‘ 4 ni -: ; nt | 1 | i . o hl 7 ‘ ti 2 f f 4 : li } ST ile yim ct Poe's) : seat F my ae A i » 398s bs yy i ut . an iy ue tg iets t i - i Ar FI q iH ’ ii A a) oe > ee aE th oe ah Nae) tae i . Ay i ' oh 4 ‘ 4 | i ate f | de LP. ’ id ry ia - L 4 } * }! By ie a4 eq : | } : “ i } - : ‘ ‘ : | bet) th iF : it ‘ iy rie | mau) ee ' r I | an 5 ( te 4 ' i a 7 a { - - - i ‘, : @ 4 } 1 ee } ‘ “> ; ‘ | - ie @) a) } fis 5 ni al a P ref, Poh. ' ~ " bel bo it she ae ’ 3 fe q “d ” ‘ Het : ! th A b 7) » 4 - 4 ‘bin PER) : m'. . af Pan : \ < aes - ES a aa es Ere 4 ag” 7 Se ee nl ee le ioe 2° a 40 SYSTEMATIC Hist. D’Ors. 22. Le Merleaplaftron blanc, III. 340 T. torquatas, Lin. 296. 23. LeM.d’Eau — — VIII. 134 Sturnus cinclus, Liz. 290. 24. Le M. couleur de role, Ill. 348 T. rofeus, Lin. 294. ac, Le M. bleu — — 355 T. cyanus, Lin. 296. 26. Le M. folitaire — — 353 247. Le M. folitaire de Manille — 363 28, ———— des Philippine 5—— — 364 ag. Le Jaunoir du C. Bonne £ ‘ Alon —_— —- he 366 T. morio, Lin. 297. 30. L’Podobé du Senegal — — 368 31. Le M. vert d’Angola — = —— 372 T. nitens, Lin. 294. 2. Le M. vert 4 longue queue — 369 2 Le M. violet de Fuida — 373 34. Le M. violet a ventre blanc de Fuida — se abt 35. Le M. Dominiquain de Phi-] , ¢ lippines — a a 36. Le M. de la Chine — — 368 37. Le Plaftron noir de Ceilan — 374 T. zeylonicus, Lin. 297. 38. LOranvert —— — 377 39. L’Oranbleu — aed. 40. Le Merle brun de la C. Hg Bonne Efperancé — fi 3/ 41. L’Ouravang — — 3380 2. Le Merle “des Columbiers 381 43. Le Merle, a gorge noire de 26 St. Dominique —- ms ar 44. Le M. olive du C. Bonne] Efperance — ee T’. olivaceus, Lin. 292. 45. des Indes — 384 46. cendré des Indes — 385 47. brun du Senegal dn Ft 48. Le Tanaombé — — 3386 49. Le Merle de Mindanao — 387 50. vert de |’Ifle ae 388 France oat CATALOG GS PL. ENL N° 516 nN Ww Wn > O O 4 ON rs CO tw ON ro i) ~J hr Ww Go rm Wr m CO i) Un = ~] P) 559 2. 563 I. $57 627 2. 648 LATHAM, Ring ouzel — Ill. 46 Water ouzel — — 48 Rofe colored — — S0 Blue ates sen Solitary ~~ — 52 Penfive eins — 53 Hermit — 54 African — — 65 Rufous-winged =~ ibid, Shining. Var. A. — $6 Glofly om. — 57 Gilded — — bid. W hidah — — 58 Dominican —» — ibid, Spectacle — — 61 Ceylon — en OR Orange-bellied —_—_ — 63 Var, A. =. —aole White-rumped — — 64 Cinereous — — ibid. Pigeon — — ibid. Black-throated — — 65 Olive —_ —~ tn Indian — _ ibid. Ath-coloured — — 67 Senegal — — 68 Madagafar — — ibid. Mindanao — — 69 ao . ibid. gI. Le Mauritius hy 53: 54s 55. 56. §7- 538. 59- 60. 61. , Le Merle a téte noire du} Deo FEMA TICS’ Hist. D’Ors. Cap de bonne E/perance cil. 338 a atricapil! us, Lin. 295. . Le Brunet du Cap de Bonne : 39° Efperance — T.. capenfis, Liz. 295. ae Le Merle 4 queue jaune —@ tbid. —— hupe du Cap de? Bonne Efperance — i, 393 T. cafer, Lin, 295. — cd’ Amboine — — 394 —de l’Ifle de Bourbon 395 —des Indes — — 397 ——— doré de Madagafcar 398 — Olive de St. Domingue 403 ——— de Surinam — — 399 T. furinamus, Lin. 297. Le Palmifte a = 400 T. palmarum, Lia. 295. » be Moloxita, ou la =! pais ibid, ad’ Ady ffinie a 63. Le Merle noir et blanc 6 Cd’ Abyfinie — BE Bee 64, ————— brun d’ dbyfinie — 403 65. Le Verdin de la Cochin Chine — 66. Le Merle a cravate de Cayenne 392 67. ——————-. roux de Cayenne — 402 68. L’Arada _- — IV. 480 69. Le Coraya — _ — 484 70. WI. 75. 73: 74° 75: 76. 77> 78. 79+ 80. SI. L/Alapi de Cayenne — — 485 Le Fourmillier hupé — — 476 Le Carrilloneur — — 479 Le Bambea _ — ibid, Le Fourmillier a oreilles blanches a dee 6 EER Le Colma — ane — 8¢ Le Tétéma — — + — 475 Le grand Befroi — — 470], Le petit Befrol — — 472 Le Palikour, ou Fourmillier L’ Azurin — —_ Ill. Le Roi des Fourmilliers, 1V. 468 473 CATALOGU E3« 45 PL. Ene. N° 392 317 Jig.t. 563 2°97 3 2- 359 re. O77 te. 539 2. 644 3- 643 2. 560 1. 644 2. 706 I. 7OI rt, ibid. 2. 700 2.703 ts FO $21 1. $23 I. 700 355 702 G. LATHAM, Black-headed — III. 7o Brunet a — ibid, Var. A. pene — 7! Cape — — 72 Amboina = — 73 Bourbon — — ibid. Afh-rumped — — 74 Black-cheeked — — 75 Hit/paniodla — — ibid, SUrinam = — — — 76 Palm = — — ibid. Wane = — 77 Ethiopian — — 78 Yellow-breafted — ibid. Black-chinned —- — 79 Black-breafted — ibid. Rufous — — 80 Mufician — — ibid. Barred-tail — — Sy White-backed ——~ — 89 Black-crefted -—~ — 83 Chiming — — ibid. Black-winged —- — 84 White-eared — — ibid, Rufous-naped — — 85 Var. A. — — 86 Alarum = — ibid. Speckled — — 87 Ant — — ibid. Blue-tailed — — 8§ King — — 89 XLII. AMPELIS, 42 CYC Prema ATIC CATA CO GA XLUL AMPELIS, Lum. Svst. CVIII. CHA TTERER, Gen. Birps, XLIII. Hist. D’Otrs. Pi. EN. LATHAM. 1. Le Jafeur de Boheme — III. 42 N° 261 | Waxen Ch. — III. ot A. —i 2- $5 2. 153 2.152 I. 152 G 2 43 EX, 7T VW LJ Dy roe ay | LATHAM. Common Crofsbill, III. 106 Hawfinch — — 109 Pine chnine wae ETE Cape —~ —— 113 Var. A, — — II4 Long-tailed — © — ibid, White-throated — 115 Blue spies — 116 Purple — — 117 Cardinal — —— 119 Madagafcar — — 11g Grenadier — — 120 Var.A. — mas [OF Brafilian — — 122 Crefted Dominican 123 Pope — — 124 Red-breafted —- — 126 Canada — — 127 Fan-tailed — =m. 528 Java a — 129 a1, Lt 5 abs ee - ¥ The aT ’ Liisd af i : i ‘s 2) : | p $ \ “ial t) } ie | ' Ait Ht niet z ane hf : tT | itl ea et) )| OR pa i | ‘TF ae iF hi 4 "is ' + : ’ u T ’ ‘» 2 he a 3 } 4 a} } iT ee ‘ et) i | +e 4 ain “ } 14 : i ea | | Wel a, Aa 19: > s ) ' . if : nh +) Be i : i « s 7 | q | el 4 i ‘ S haa . a , ’ t bth Hee D ih} a. | ee ' a 7 r; me hit | } } ‘ UE ri) UAE "| ’ | » 4 i zt mA { Wf { f Z , ‘. f | ¢ 7 he if ‘ ; i meeehe ie ° so Aad a te) Pg a1). 4 bi - | a 1 wih i] f i at : } ina ay i Vy + } fe | . x | ! ‘wid ae i “s 5 aa Fe q C 4 > +e J ‘ i Pig: f un Tt i Ne a : { j i ‘ ‘ tea " ? ap - “al ‘ H Od ] : Pau “| : Tu -?, ibai van ' . AS ee u ° | + Oa : } He | Bani) A y ‘ 1+ : Lit, f } ? a" e +i } ' oe W . s é + 7 e ' 1 aia ie : . A ee tt ori \ h rv a il , } j A 4 > bat | TA ti” Py ¥ } A ‘Si 7 Pt * f Phe t tat y , i Ph bit ’ >! Ae. 1 fer ele ! fe uD veh net ll z re aS . ‘ Ph ‘2 BPG Os) , on + aie , ‘ "> , 7 r ‘ : « . ty - Ate Lh , a The ‘ ‘ 5 WJ pet Le de rt os by ' i . Ve nm) era Y a Als: Q . Cie ! TA - ‘ aT tee ba i 2 o bie +o : ; ; 4 t >.» SIMA TEC Hist. D’Ors. . Le Toucnam-courvi — III, L. philippina, Lin. 305. 22. Le Baglafecht — = 23. Grofbec d’Abyfinie — — 24. L’Orchef ~—- ~— L. bengalenfis, Lin. 305. 25. Le Grofbec nonette — — L. collaria, Lin. 305. 26. Le Grivelin a cravate— — 27. Le Grifalbin — — 28. Le Verdier — — IV. L. chloris, Lin. 304. 29. Le Verderin oo — 30. Le Verdier fans vert — — 31. Le Noir-foucl — — 32. La Linotte a téte jaune — L. mexicana, Lin. 304. 33. Le Jacobin — nue TIT: L. malacca, Lin. 302. 34. L. Molucca, Lin. 302 — 35. L. ftriata, Lin. 306 — 36. L. punctularia — 37. Le Bouvreunl — — IV. L. pyrrhula, Liz. 300. 38. Le Bouvreuil noir — — 39. blanc — ~ — 40, noir d’ Afrique — L. panicivora, Lin. 302. 41. Le Bouveret — _— 42. Le Bouvreuil a bec blanc — 43 noir de Mexique L. nigra, Lin. 306. 44. Le Hambovereux — — 45. Le huppe noir — — 46. Le Matan — — L. maia, Lin. 301. 47. Le Senegali rayé — _— L. aftrild, Lin. 303. 48. Le Serevan os — 49. Le petit Moineau de Senega 50. La Linotte gris-de-fer — L. cana, Lin. 305. Pi. ENL. 465 |fig. 2. 135 469 4.76 466 446 47 3 467 172 185 186 150 83 468 394 398 397 107 1Ol 103 104 82 2 °. SOS Ge "IIS . 659 393 267 bm NSN 341 WSs 3+ 139 23 ab: I. 163 I. 139 145 ae 2. 204 I. 109 2. 157 3. 230 2. 1b, CAT AL GG Ale LATHAM. Philippine — III, 129 Var. A, — — 130 Abyffinian — — 131 Bengal — — 133 Nun — — ibid, Var. A. — — 134 Grey — — ibid. Green — — ibid. St. Domingo — — 137 African — — ibid. Marygold — — 139 Yellow-headed — 140 Malacca — — ibid, Molucca — — I4I Striated — — 142 Cowry — — ibid, Bulfinch — — 143 Black, Var: A. — 144 White, Var. B. -— ibid. W hite-winged — ibid. Orange — — 146 White-billed — — ibid. Black — — 147 Hamburgh — — 149 Black-crefted — — 150 White-headed — — 151 Wax-bill — — 162 Red-rumped, Var. A. 153 White-rumped, Var. B. ib. Cinereous — — 154 gi. Le SYS TS MAT IoC Cc AWA £50 6 Ue. 45 Hist. D’Ors, Pi. Ent. LATHAM. st. Le Brunor — — IV. 137 — . Orange-bellied — III, 1S7 L. bicolor, Lin. 307. 52. Le bec rond a ventre roux — 390 |fig.2. 319 | Minute — — 168 L. minuta, Lin. 307. * WiTse THREE TORS 53. Le Guifso balito— — III. 471] — | Three-toed — III. 159 XLVI. EMBERAUZA, Lin. Syst. CX. BUN TING, Gen. Birps, XLYI. Hist. D’Ots. Pin BNE: LATHAM. 1. L’Ortolan de neige — IV. 329 |fg.1.497| Snow —— — III. 161 Emberiza nivalis, Lin, 308. 2. de neigeacollier - 335 — Pied, Var. A. — — 163 3. ——— Jjacobin —— — ibid. ~~ Black — — 166 4. L’Ortolan — — — 305 1, 247 | Ortolan — — ibid E. hortulana, Zin. 309. & jaune — — 312 — Var. A. — — 168 6. blanc — — 313 ~~ Var.B. — — ibid, 7 a queue blanc — 314 — Var.C. —— . — ibid. 8. noir — — 313 — Var.D. — — 169 -g. Le Bruant — — 342 1. 30} Yellow — — 170 FE. citrinella, Lin. 309. ro, Le Proyer a 35 § 233 | Common — — I71 E. miliaria, Lin. 308. : 11. L’Ortolan de rofeaux — — 315] 247.497 | Reed ~~ — 173 E. {cheniclus, Lin. 311. 12. Le Gavoué de Provence — 321 1. 656 | Muftachoe —— — 175 13. Le Mitilene de Provence — 322 2. ib. | Lefbian — — 176 14. L’Ortolan de Lorraine — — 323 sii |} Lorran — — ibid. 15. L’Ortolan de la Louifiane — 325 1.158 | Louifane — — 177 E. ludovicia, Lin, 310. 16. La Veuve €teinte — — 168 — Pfittaceous — — 3178 E. pfittacus, Lin. 312- : 7 17. La Veuve a collier d’or — 155 194 | Whidab — — ibid, E. paradifea, Lin. 312. aK g 18, La Veuve Dominicaine — 160 2. 8| Dominican — — 180 E. ferena, Lin. 312. 19. La Ua SEU Reb Gabbe eS sabia a 0 ee OD ae ETE Se a — LO, to " wm ww St) WN to ir to ON 31. 49. RPE 34 35: 36. 37> 38. 39+ 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45. S°Y S-T EMA -T Hust. D’Ots. La grande Veuve — — IV. E. vidua, Lin. 312. La Veuve mouchetée — — E. principalis, Lin. 313. Lia Veuve a quatre brits — E. regia, Lin. 313. La Veuveaepaulettes-— — La Veuve enfeu — L’Ortolan du Cap de Bowne. ao E/per G2uNCe od BK. capenifis, Lin. 310. ——_——=——. 4 ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne Efper ance — Agripenne, ou eee de Tis ee E. oryzivora, Lin. dee Agr. ou l’Ortolan de la Lauz- tei —f 399 Le Bruant de Naas) a E. cirlus, Lin. 311. Le Bruant fou -— ss EE. cia, Lin. 310. Le Moineau a bec rouge? de Senegal br a E. quelea, Lin. 310. Moineau de Sexegal — — — de P’Ifle de France Le Bruant familiar — — E. familiaris, Lin. 313. L.a Flaveole — ~~ L” Amazone L’Olive a — aes E. olivacea, Lin. 309. Le Guirnegat mat o— Le Therefe ; jaune. — —- a> 162 165 158 164 yee 326 337 RE 435 434 369 363 364 463 361 362 Le Pinfon noir aux yeux rouges 141 E,. erythropthalma, Lin. 318. Le Cul-rouffer — citi L’ Azuroux — — Le Miniftre — — Le Verdier de la sees ats dit la Pape — E. ciris, Lin. 313. Le Quadricolor oo Le Toupet bleu — 3 — III. — IV, 368 369 86 176 467 179 C AcT: ALO GAR rt . ENL. 2. 159 2. IOI LATHAM, Long-tailed — IIT, 18 Variegated —— Shaft-tailed — — 133 Orange-fhouldered — 184 Panayan — — ibid. Cape —- — 185 Var. Aj 2a = 186 Rice — — 138 Var. A. = ~~ 189 Cirl — — 190 Foolifh — — Ig! Black-faced -—— -— 192 Var. A, — — 193 Crimfon — — 194 Familiar — — ibid, Yellow-faced — — 195 Amazons — — ibid, Olive — — ibid. Brafilian — 197 Mexican — — 198 Towhe — — 199 Cinereous — pre 204 Blue — — 205 Indigo — — ibid. Painted — — 206 Red-rumped — — 208 Blue-faced —- — 209 46. Le Ph Aretaitnlie, entrar the 46. 4/- 48. 4.9. 50. to . Le Becd’Argent — SY S°T E:MAACT 1:C CA: TAM. O GAN 47 Hist. D’Ors. Le Parement bleu — IV. L’Emberife a cinque couleurs Le Mordoré annals Le Calfat babe, Le Gonambouch — XLVII. TANAG(RIE Hist. D’Ots. Tanagra jacapa, Lin. 313. . Le Cardinal — an T. brafilia, Lin. 314. 3. Le Scarlat — 4. L’Olivet — 5. Le Tangara du Mififipi 6. Le Preneur des mouches co™~I a4 20. rou ge Mufcicapa rubrit Lin, 236. . Le grand Tangara — . La Houpette —— T. criftata, Linz. 317. . Le Tangavio — 10. il. 12. E%: 14, a4 16. r?. 18. Le Camail, ou la Cravate La Coiffe noire — Le:Mordoré L’Onglet — Tangara noir et T. roux Le Turquin “= T. brafilienfis, Ziz. 316. T. Dominica, Lin. 316. Le Bluet — T. epifcopus, Lin. 310. Le Syacou — T. fayaca, Lin. 316. Le Syacou —- T. punctata, Liz. 316. Le Rouge Cap T. gularis, Lin. 316. ——e et — IV. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 181 — Green — — III. 209 210 ne Plata Sec cite ee 366 | fig. 2. 321 | Bourbon — — ibid. — 371 — Red-eyed ——- — ibid. — 366 _ Grey — 211 TANAGRA, Luin. Syst. CXI. Gen. Birps, XLVII. PL. ENL. LATHAM. 269|fig.1, 2. 128} Red-breafted — III. 214 —|| braflian — — 215 — 246 — Red, Var. A. —= — 217 — 269 —_ Olive — — 218 — 252 741| Mififipt. — — ibid. ad 585 a Summer — — 220 — 239 205 | Grand — — ibid. some 240 2.7. 4. 301 Crefted et we OOF — 241 710| Violet — — 222 — 254 pay Se Black-faced — — ibid. soci 234 22 720 Hooded — a= 223 — 2656 2. 809 Black-headed — — 224 — 256 — Furrow-clawed — ibid... — 2571/2. 179. vit Guiana -—— ees — 253 1. 179| Turquoifle — — ibid.. sais mS 2. 156| St. Domingo — — 226 — 265 r. 2. 178| Bifhop -- — ibid. — 288 I. 301|Sayacu. — — 227 — jbid =— Spotted: — — 228 — 267 2. 155 Red-headed —-.. —= ibid.. 21 . Le ™ = _ Pe Panel” Pe ~ _- ae aa The =e » 7 2 "e: t=. - = —- + x r= ee Se aie iS : a oa 7 =" ee 2 ANTE SSI PDT 1 alate ot = 5 — On. tt i 4 7 « Ripe a if 7 } ia ‘ ay Ae abe 1 ae a : rt : 1 Pt 7 , { eT ie Waibiita | ts) th : 14} at om gt \) a ae iy t fi ’ om i i st ‘4 J We F, | 7 pe) y bik 1a 4 a ay 4 rf Cd ie Ga ‘he ‘ My ! F’ ) . a ee | bY } ¥ | AT ) +) id {8 . : . ‘ | ’ Debit a4 a } ! Th ’ Ah Wed 1a vag The at a4 } ‘v ; 1 mi tak ‘a 7 aT Be i ’ ry! Le i > oat “| . , Th An eo. | 8 ee we ‘ ‘ de iy) H yi) + R .% : i Hr) : i ae ; 1) beet 4 eo 4 /- - Bat tw f ae. i - ne at ‘ ’ ‘ } | 4 ta) 1 ‘ ; i ‘ i Sl 7 : 1 ty > % 7 i aoa) F | : ay é é 5 he ; . a! ba ee, rer: ) 4 | Mod ih { } al i" : yes : : Se of) ii d via ; ‘| 7 meer +a’ Re te ee : r { *, 4 TORRE ds Bina 4, ; beau | ay | Py ' . | , ® 7 4 4 } ‘ ) y) ut hha ‘teh Pitie ay tk ta : " et D Le | | ) ae } ? eae q rt GLE eee #5 ae ot ee We a 7 b 7 bash | i* paths Heit Pi - 44, oa) e« - 7 Ny P : * : gt ‘4 +.) Pomel D ab q t ‘ 4 ” : } - u vat tiw aed aie ¢ eh. ie itp wg a bd 7 : “ff ™ - . bd Pe es at alae: © 30 » ba as PR ‘hha |} be ‘ ; he 4 8 F B é +} ” aS va bd if bhi 4 } ' i co til ae ] h. ‘ ie Cs 9 i Ate ‘ ro + : ih: ipa ; 4% re a ‘ $ f aE y : Lis eS , i y ~s ; Livi g Siary t ah. a ee ij q ' : 4 fer in eS bh (one 7 e* PA, I J t Led } ape A i re A + Pe t : y i ra! pth } hie rare t 1 4 + )ieoee *, > ‘h} ‘4 Pr rans. f rye : { yy 12.) a 4 7 aa’ (31 | rt hee ie e . * ie 1) baa eee — a! ———- 22. a) 24. 25. 26. 27. ny 29. 30. 2h 33, 345 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, Hist, D’O!rs. . Le Tangara vert du Bref/, T. virens, Lin. 317. Le T. diable enrheumé T. mexicana, Lin. 315. . Le T. bleu tare Le Verderoux — Le Paffe-vert, III. 494. T’. cayana, Lin. 315. Le Paffe-vert a téte bleu Le Rouverdin - — T. gyrola, Lin, 315. . Le Paffe-bleu fieane L.e Tricolor — Le Tricolor Le Gris-olive Le Septicolor T.tatao, Lin. 315. = o—-s —- . Le Tangara a gorge noire Le Jacarinl — ‘I’, jacarina, Lig. 314. Le. Teité — T.. violacea, Lin. 314. Tangara de Cayenne — T. chlorotica, Lin. 317. Le Tangara-négre — T.cayana, Lin, 316. Troupiale de Cayenne — T. militaris, Linz. 316. XLVI. Va Lys t to 2 a | CN O co we Ww bP bP oomI «~J~I Cc COnWw jw WY WwW 234 276 — ibid. 277 236 23 3 293 295 297 Pe WH ewe PW nl ° LATHAM. PaeLN GIG LA, Lin. Syers CRT FINCH, Gen. Birps, XLVIII. Hist. D’Ors., Le Moineau franc Fringilla domeftica, Liz. 323. Le Friquet a Fr. montana, Lin. 324. Le Moineau fou — oe 4. Le Friquet huppé — s. Le Soulcie -— Fr. petronia, Lin. 322. 489 491 496 498 PL. ENL. Green —= —= IIT. 229 290| Black and blue — 230 165} Var. A, — — 23! Grey-headed — — ibid, 290|Rufous-headed -—— ibid. Var. A. — = 232 133|Red-headed — — 233 203| Blue —- ——= 234 33| Green-headed — ibid, 33 Var. A, — — 235 714|Grey-throated — 237 127|Paradife — — 236 720| Black-throated — 237 224|Jacarint — — 23% 114 Golden oe ann 239 ib.} Var. A. — —— 240 ib.| Negro — — ibid, 236| Military — — 242 LATHAM. 248 — Ill. 474]1.VI.1. 55} Houfe Sparrow — III. 1.267|}TreeSp. — — 262 255 — Foolifh Sp. — — 2. 181|Black-faced Sp. — 253 225}Ring Sp. — =— 254 6. Le - Le Pingon — >. VSoR EE MA BEC Hist. D’Ors., Fr. celebs, Lin. 318. ‘- a ailes et queue te noires — — 8. Le Pingon brun — — ibid. Fr. flaviroitris, Zin. 322. 9. Le Pincon d’Ardennes — 124 Fr. montifringilla, Liz. 318. 10. Le grand Montain — — 134 Fr. lapponica, Lia. 317. 11, Le Pingon de neige, ou la NT; . 136 Niverolle — sf Fr. nivalis, Lin. 321-6 12. Le Soulciet — — III. 500 13. Le Dattier, ou le Moineau g de Datte _ FESS, as 14. Le Croiffant — — 501 15. Le Beau marquet — — 497 16. Le Pere noir — — 485 Fr. Noétis, Zin. 320. 17. Moineau de Brefl] — — 486 23. Le Bouvreuil violet de la Caroline — a 395 24. Le Pincgon a téte noire et blanche — ae _ Fr. zena, Lin. 320. 25. Le P. along bec — — 143 26. L’Olivette — — 144 Fr. finica, Lin. 321. 27. Le Pingon jaune et rouge — 146 23. Le P. frifé — — 148 Fr. crifpa, Lin. 324. 29. Le P. a double collier — 149 30. Le Chardonneret — — 187 Fr. carduelis, Lin. 318+ , A. atete blanche 202 B. a téte ray€ ——- 203 6 ———— 4 téte noire — ibid, ~ i Brunet ..— . Le Bonana — . Moineau de Cayenne — — _——-— de Macao — — 486 — ibid. — IV. 138 = hao —de fava — Fr. jamaica, Lin. 323. — IV. 109 |fg.1. CATALOGUE. 49 PL. ENL. | | Te oe H §4.| Chafiinch — LATHAM. — Ill. 263 Var. A. — — 9c¢8 Arétic — — 260 Bramblinge — aon, 8G Y Lapland — — 263 Snow ~- — 264 Mountain = — 266 Capfa sont — ibid. Crefcent — ew 266 Beautiful — == ibid. Rufous-chinned — 267 Gloffy¥y — was” 1D1d, Var, A, = — 268 Black and orange — ibid. White-breafted — ibid. Cow-pen — — 26 Bonana — — ibid. Purple _ me 275 Orange =— — 276 Long-billed — — 277 Chinefe — ows 101s Variegated —— <—= 279 Frizzled — — 280 Collared — = ibid Goldfinch — — 281 Var. A. — — 282 Var. B. — — 233 Var.C. — ‘o— ibid , Le s- SY Les = SSS : = re Mest , pM { shanty | i] - aut het |" vi 4g) Ai if “at | , Ma i by , ' ‘ { | :15 ih Se ‘ ry Hie 2 at : ‘an Sy ee ' iz ete) | Wale) i} 7 : w : : Hl + - : as) oe he ie i : j : he | t : ei) rey b o| oth) oe 1 ; ne : t ¥'% i j oie 7 il an ‘ . | 1} 0. | CR Baie set WW ta Jy tal ti 7 ta ff 4 4 we ip eta i! . Wits So ti ; pee te : on i - i 1h _- ‘ A Se ‘ (pees i : ¢ Ad N4 i. : Le oy » T? i+) a : " | iby ii ; i ' Po tae ay * q : th ht e* ft ‘1 | Ma it a1. fhapee A Mt : q ‘ - |} . U a | | ) a ea 1! { td j ? + i\ie A ) y , ye ; || an :. i ; a 4 Bal f 7} ies eae 4 mH 4: , | 3 ; - : : ia rae ec) a ‘ ; aa lime: iia? oie ; in ? - ‘ hh P, 1 y ae ‘ : ry « ¥ ¥ 7 - : ai i iby} *? : 7 ; \ ' : re 7 ‘ { hy ., H Ht ’ ‘ eer py? FI ' 1} q i 7) 4 ‘ \ - Whe | eats yt ; | + id! val ve r) a 1 hil bot bhi | ' } 1 ¢ ' in) SOME na} : a Ti 4 i : int’ | ey : : ; 7 ib ba Hal 23 i i “ . : : el } “ 5 1 oo a 4) uy ath i fh ey Ui: Ty ene Pit 8! uli fp W ae ‘ BS t¢ “ibe " ne +) ae an : af J e*. 0 toh ° ’ i | hs . t > She. bee | (— Cas bat ete . yy it h : " ' } *] ag : 1. ¢) bead wae af ay La’ Ste Pie % 'CaY Sgr}, We zh, t, 504 ae ‘ 4 ae i , - a) & 4 Hy 7 ii om eS 4:4 Lin Dy ‘ay tee «|S Si ft " hee ir’ * : 1 , iu int 7s : y \ . ! , : ‘ i Lee Hae y ) yw & : 7 Lee € | j rhet yf | i 7 { iy. ce ce. ih # Pe. his ree Pa (t's : ‘d ; " } ba ant ri RRO ge? 4 a) . b eee of ie ‘ t U ¢ A >) es, if it . ‘a ails ' 14 0) a ‘ ‘ 4° i? > 4 7 A ' ay es : Ee . > 4 4 ' * . wi { f " av ac} f Mig ‘ : a : Fae i 4 the 4 “ED * . jane som. rs Sea? Py ‘-h 7 ‘ Viet. rye iy > { ah) ie aan ni Re tie OR h e 7 ; 77 : Vb} t Prue @ ys i t 15 oH Rae Sf S| it ‘s 8) + BP | Peel (ie A . et ape a) i tee Of ‘ Sera: Siar | 7. u Lilt 7 fi, ae | 18 ay ee ay! 7 r4.} “hs At AY th ¥ as - - } ' b) Ot a uJ ‘| 7 7 \ ~ eh? J | oe te See 7 "i ’ Tah} ia + i iki 7. D+}. oN % sobs Le SP { 4 Ge eae oi : + ae t te abe a i sf \ 4 i ih if 2} A pi i ' ia er aes : tet t ey } 7h f : > ; ; : : ih +3 ' ie eit ’ ft ey ¥ wit ie 1.4 7 { | i's 7 ‘ } ; 96. erhe ih a TF 14 r] 1] : nh ay ; , ea ik . . ; ia it ie a f t 13% in " \ : | 7 ! : : : i : i Ht) i! iii : 4 : , yw ¥ +5 : ni i \ =: Pe aan : ; 4 y 4 . - — — . “< =: . : i a = 5+ os > Yee ee rt eed ~ > ce 8 te Se eee ee be Rane SS hi See te ee eer pee A ee oe Fe - ee < < = ; - 5 oo so D. E. F. G. H. At. SYSTEMATIC CATALOGU Hist. D’Ors, Le Chardon. blanchatre, 1V. 204 blanc — — ibid. —— noir — — 205 ——— noir a téte jaune 207 metis — — ibid. — verd,oule rest Qi1 racaxao — a= Fr. melba, Lin. 319. —— a quatre rales —— 210 Fr. lulenfis, Liz. 318. — jaune — — 212 Fr. triftis, Zin. 320. Le Tarin — — 221 Fr. fpinus, Lin. 322. ——— noir de la Nouvelle York 231 L’Olivarez — —— — 232 Acatachii — — — 234 Le Catotot! -- — ibid. Le Serin des Canaries— — I Fr. canaria, Lin. 321. —— de Mozambiques — — Fr, ferinus, Liz. 320. — — Fr. citrinella, Lin. 320... — = — Le Vert brunet — Fr. butyracea, Linz. 321. Le Verdinere — Fr. bicolor, Lin. 324, Le Worabéee — L’Outre- mer — — L’Habefch de Syrig — — La Linotte — — 568 La grande L. des vignes — Fr. cannabina, Lin, 322. La Sizerin — Fr. linaria, Lin. 322. La Linotte de montagne ” 4. La petite L. ou le Cabaret— 76 Le Gyntel de Strafbourg 7 cs oe. 2D | oo as | Un p — 216 — / 3 Jua Vengoline — — 80 La Linotte brune — — 84 Le Bengali a — 92 Fr. benghalus, Liz..323. Le Beng. piqueté — — 96 Fr. amadaya, Lin. 319. PL. ENL. Sig.2 4 I, I; (eros reer Te. 341 ud I. 161 I. 486 ISI Nw brews LATHAM. Var. D. Var. KE. — Var. Fe’ — Var.G. ——= = 285 Var. H. — — ibid. Green Goldfinch — 286 — III. 233 — ibid. — 284 Lulean oo — 287 American Goldfinch — 288 Sifkin — — 289 Var. A. — Var. B. — Var. C. — -— ibid. Mexican Sifkin — 292 Black, Mexican Sifkin. ibid: Canary — — 293 — 296 — ibid. — eal 2 — 300 anil TOU: — 29% — ibid, Mofambique — Serin —e Citril — Yellow — Bahama tii Black-collared Witra-marine — — 301 Tripoline — « rouge} 547 huppé Gali Black-capped — — 353 Cat sree oe Dido in Wy -| = oN i) 2. §71 Forkt-tail — awe 8, Un Wn ~] 564} 677 | Swallow-tailed — 356 ‘ 565 t. 569 Crefted . —<. — 367 a —— eo Sse ee ee a aS PLEAD Po GOLETA IES 526 2. 568} Petechial — — 360 Wiens - mae = 3 “ ? ——— en Se got-t, a —_— : —— . be: = -- ern . me supe ope yr ae — hl yaa ms ~ —s- | eevee 2 ~ SS <2 — 5 es a+ = he . - “e + dies — os — "i ye. 7 ‘e~ rat= Tips 2 et — se —-e S = Sein = ee = ¥ en —— : we bee Sa = ~ al “ ~s “ +e Te — ‘ saserar ore 2 ~~ oe. = a = — = eS Be i z= : ; = ~- i + a 1 eee i ae mS |e Hit | * Vs | tah ne le - ; 4 » LE) iH! a . { : wah tie 7 oF - Dee ie ihe 2 tl i sit tb ie | : ft i} rt : ae | et. at ‘ 5 ar eal : 3 : " bi i hy. | be Fae he 1h. Gehan 4,( a Ope > | 1 eae » : } Jalan 1a a wee <4 7 thet 1 way 7 tan | : Thi ‘i 1 : » ties rin hy L bh . i, 2 | : ; \ ‘ade Biz @ " mh | et) ay 4 Wa ; 4 Tv i i : ) ! La yah t woh thie - : i Ta) 1. . i? aan” W ‘ ide t { i * :} ht 3 ; a A i) } 7 i UBT Wee e a} " ; ' " v) a ae ia Bute ' bel + PP eae { ee he ha Ley, - ; $ ) , i HEY | 1 ‘* ‘ 1) : oT j s) 5 tal F re! ‘ H ‘ } ' nit : ee . a) it am) : 1) Eee a ‘ y es : ' : ? 7 if oa! ts tp eh, at a) tL Rae At _ OF - ‘ ' tas ee * , s'T jl \ i , ee HS Lee. mi br. cab + dae .af Fic ke h. 8 Par 4 wl 5 ay’ - » oe i 0 eh ) a “i ie iS Gale oR. hee > ee ts . We | | i i oS ee 4 | ¢ ‘ " os > ht. ! oO ; 1 - ' ‘i ta 4 a Ais is tt / wy . , ' : - ‘Fi ny! iw (ene hear D p ' rites § Pe it e ' ; ee S ie | > en > ria +a Ye J . . a " 4 rh Aah i a Thi : . ’ 4 i? 7 Mon € Met ie > i : a + Ac ee | J : vi * - a st H Nite if tr} | ia rr + eh it ' a ai Slee } | x 1 — =a - - ant — — " a + ri ~ 3 x e aa. 7 . ne ae ‘ = cae =: een eres se “S t. 675 | Round-crefted — 362 42. Le — ew = ae mn a ge RY Se Ne oe ee tee reo ae = asin Se Se ae a weal” .- _ “ A OL LLL LI. ipa ai Gene aw: Ss - toa a7 c ae 1 % tine » 8 | Wik ty : Ae a 1 Serene grt anette A PO Rt we) +> C43 Co 0. \O 46. 43: §4- 55. 56. 57° Co Go &> me ee Lg SYSTEMATIC CATALOGU: Hist. D’Ors. L.a Fauvette a poitrine? jaune — SHAE LaF. de, Cayenne a queue rouffe — “ a gorge brun et ventre jaune _- cae} bleuatre de St. Domingue Le Cou-jaun —_ — Le R: ouge g jue — — Mo. eee la, Lin. 337. La Gorge bleue — —_ lo. fuecica, Lin. 336. e Rouge - gorge bleu | lV Amerique Sepient rional — Mo. fialis, Liz. 336. Le Traquet — — Mo. rt ubicola, Lin. 332: Le Tr. de Madagafcar— — Mo. ybil la, Zi 4s 337. Le Tr. duC: ap de Bonne ef perance Le Tr. del’ Ifle de aan cow Mo. capatra, Lin. 33 Le Tr. des P bilippin ri sae ee Le Clignot, ou T raquet a Lunette — — Le grand Tr. des Phslippines — Le erand Traque to — mien Le grand ‘Tr. ou le Tarier -—— Mo. rubetra, Lin. 332. Le Tr. du Senegal — — Le Mefange a eather i a Le Gobe sition citrin de IV la Louifane — — Le Cul-blanc vitrec, mb He Motteux — —{ . Mo. cenanthe, Lin. 332+ Le Cul-blanc gris — — Mo. cenanthe, Lin. 332. Le Cul-blanc cendré — Le Cul-blanc roux — — Mo. ftapazina, Lin. 431. Le Cul-blanc rouffatre — Le Motteux du Sere sal pues 8 , 4 452 538 237 2.44. 245 246 245 249 Pi. ENL. _—s- 7 686 261 I, 2,3.610 2. 390 1, 678 666 I, 2. $54 LATHAM. Var. A. ——— Rufous-tailed Yellow-bellied Blue-grey — Penfil —— Red-breaft — Blue-throated — Blue ses ~ Stone-chat — Sybil i, Var. A. — Luzonianaoo— Sooty — Spectacle — Philippine — Dark sei Whin-chat — Senegal ra Hooded —< Var.A. — Wheat-ear — Var. A. — Var.B. — IV. 439 — ibid, — 440 — ibid, ain AES —' 447 — 444 — 446 — 448 — 450 — ibid. — 451 — ibid. — 402 — 453 — ibid. — 454 — 456 — 462 — ibid. — 465 — 467 =e 40% Ruffet Wheat-ear — ibid. Var. A. — — 469 Rufous Wheat-ear — ibid. 58. Le SYSTEMATIC Hist. D’Ors. 58. Le grand Motteux du eh a Cap de Bonne E/perance tv tas 59. Le Motteux brun verdatre — ibid. 60, Le Fift de Provence — — 194 61. La pivote Ortolane — — 62. Le Grifin de Cayenne — III. 408 63. Le Figuier vert etjaune — V. 274 Mo. tiphia, Lin. 331. 64. Le Cheric — — 279 Mo. maderafpatana, Lin. 334. 65. Le petit Simon — — 280 66. Le Figuier de l’Ifle de France 282 67. Le Figuier du Senegal — — 282 68. -tacheté du Senegal — 69. —brun du Senegal — 70. —blond du Senegal — 71. —aventre gris du Senegal 72. —a téte rouge — 236 Mo. petechia, Lin. 334. 72, a gorge-blanche — 287 74. ——a gorge jaune — 288 753 —vertet blanc — 289 76. — a gorge orangée — 290 27, ~A téte cendrée — 291 78. = brun — — 292 79: — tacheté de jaune — 293 80. des Sapins — 206 Certhia pinus, Lin. 187. Si. —atétejaune — 299 Mo. icterocephala, Lin. 334. $2. — —cendré a gorge- oe. jaune — — Mo. dominica, Lin. 334. 8 3. couronné d’or — 312 Mo. coronata, Lin. 333+ 84. aceinture —- —= 303 Mo. canadenfis, Lin. 334. 85. —bleu — — 304 Mo. canadenfis, Lin. 334. 86. varié — ome 305 Mo. varia, Liz. 333- 87. —~atéte roufle — 306 88, 4 poitrine rouge — 308 Mo. penfylvanica, Lin. 333. C ATA Go pf — DLL LLL LLL LLL LLL CC i) a ™ O Wn No WwW & Un CO Ww ae eae ae ee 731 | 2. 685 LO U E. -§7 LATHAM. Cape Wheat-ear, IV. 47 Orange-breaftedWh. FE. ib. Provence Wheat-eat — 471 S potted W heat-ear — 472 Grifly — — 473 Green Indian — A474 White-eyed — — 475 Bourbon — — ibid Maurice: _.— — 476 Citron-belli¢d — — 477 Undated _— — ibid Dufky — — ibid Blawe m QO Flaxen — — 478 Red-headed + — 479 St. Domingo —— — ibid, Lo outfiane — — 4.80 Green and White — ibid. Orange-throated — 481 Yellow-rumped — ibid. Brown-throated — 482 Spotted yellow — ibid. Pine -~ — 483 Quebec — — 484 Jamaica — 485 Golden-crowned . — 486 Belted — — 487 Black-throated — ibid, White-poll — -— 488 Bloody-fide -—- — 489 Red-throated —- <= 490 “Sg. Le + ee rr oe Ps a es Sey er ae a? Feats = = : ~ poi 2 t - are : a "Ye Z ut o tal / : 1 " bee's gi ee bid) eee & a " » i " “ dl { } it) ne Va |, . a Hh eat): 3 } ee : ‘ ie. f ere Layee iba le a ih el ihe ' i. | : t 1 ; Pabhiee ‘i : , ee nd . id + Be y : 33 4 ae a ‘la 7 4 al . ’ } ae | ji a aN: a : ie : lad au 1G . : A ' i Db i el i enn. Ty i i Ah iL. } | ‘lag I Le i. OF . 4 } f \ P| : ha La eer ) - t 4 at : . ‘ia : 7 Lhe 4 coed ee ; ie 7 | } ) af al! i eat log aw iW ¢ D ae rey - ail : SY +} : . {4 SA |, Laat 4 i | bd i LE | } 4 erat < : ¥ ; i heel - ie i ‘ ; iH ! ai {yt ‘ i! it ; : ? i de i i Ps oa iee iy a ey CA : yf i ty nt te } i th 4 a im | | a 4 » ‘ wh La ia if ‘ Ty mea | 7 . *, } : ‘oy * te A Bah Se) . C Libra : ‘wr Hy : a) a | ae . r * aS : ¥ 7. o - i + 4 il? a. , ; - T 4. 2:1 * a wh) 4 a 7) EK | < 4 ae 4 ‘ 7. ew tbe : _ Bah) needa, | ; ac’ He LoD, aa Mm ERE 'y we tee ia tO 2 Se a) ce : t ar aby i“ ; Sige: ay Hi y X “ ie ae = fn ee a ee -o<. . a - ee es ple ill . SYSTEMATIC Hist, D’Ors, . Le Figuier gris de fer — V. 309 Mo caerulea, Lin. 337. go. a téte noire de Cayenne gi. -aux ailes dorées 311 Mo. chryfoptera, Lin. 333- 92. —orangé — — 313 93- —huppe de Cayenne 314 94. —nor — — ibid. 95: ~—— olive de Cayenne 315 96. —— protonotaire —- 316 97. a demi-collier — ibid. 98. — a gorge-jaune —= 317 99- ——-——— brun-olive — 318 100, ———- oraflet — — 319 IO1 ~ cendré a pipes 4 A: cendrée — 102. Le grand F. de la famaique 320 Mo. calidris, Lin. 329. 103. Le Demi-fin noir et roux — 328 104. Le Bimbelé, ou la fauffe)? . Linotte — asi 33° 105. Le Bananifte — — 332 106. Le Demi-fin mangeur de vers 325 107. L’Habit-uni — — 336 Mo. campeftris, Lin. 329. 108. La petite Fauvette act e du Cap de Bonne E/perance tog. Le Pipit bleu — — 339 Mo. cayana, Lin. 336. t10. — de Cayenne — — iit. —verd — — 338 112 —acoiffe bleue — 344 113 —varié — — 341 Mo. velia, Lin. 336. 114. Guira-beraba _- — 342 Mo. guira, Lin. 335. 115. Le Troglodyte — — 352 Mo. troglodytes, Lin. 337 116. Le Roitelet de Buenos Ayres — 361 117. Le Trogl. de la Louifiane — ibid. 148. Le Roirelet oo — 363 Mo, regulus, Lia. 338. 11g. Le Roitelet mefange — — 375 2 CATALOG @z. PL. ENL | SU Rea - 39! » 7$§2 708 LATHAM. Cerulean ~=') coe, PV, Var. A. meee Gold-winged — 490 —= 491 Orange-headed — ibid. Crefted -_— — 493 Rufous and black — ibid, Equatorial —=_ — ibid. Prothonotary —- — 494 Half collar — — ibid, Orange-bellied — 495 Olive-brown — — ibid, Grafflet — — 496 Grey-throated — ibid. Hang-neft — — 497 White-chinned — ibid. Palm - — 498 Banana — — ibid. Worm-eater — — 499 Simple — — 500 Great-tailed —- — ibid. Cayenne =—= — 502 Var. Bu. --—-. - — $03 Blue-headed — — ibid. Blue-ftriped —- — 504 Red-bellied — — ibid. Gura — 505 Wren — — 506 Var. A, — — $07 Var. B. — — ibid. Gold-crowned Wren 50% Var. A. — — 510 120, Le SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE: 59 Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. | LATHAM. r20. Le Roiteletrubis —~ V. 373 _ ee t IV. 511 Mo. calendula, Lin. 337. | seg its =e 121. Le Pouillot, ou le Chantre — 3441 1. 651 | Yellow Wren — — 512 ~ ‘Mo. trochilus, Lia. 338. 122. Le Figuier brun et jaune — 295 ~-< Var. A, —- — 613 Mo. acredula, Liz. 338. 123. Le grand Pouillot — — 361 — Var.C, — om S14 nin Var.B. — — 1bid. 5 124. Le petit Pouillot du Lorraine ib. | 125. Le Figuier tachete — — 285 }1,; 2 58 | Yellow-poll — EI], PIPR A, kin. Syst. CAY. MANAKIN, Gew. Biaps, LIll. Hist. D’O1s. | Pit. EN. LATHAM. 1, Le Cog de roche — Pipra rupicola, Lin. 338. 9. Le Coc de roche de Perou — 437° 74.5 687 | Blue-backed — wo 3. Le Tije, ou grand Manakin — 411 P. pareola, Lin. 339. 4. Le Manakin varie — P. ferena, Lin. 340. 5. Le Caffe-noifette — P. manacus, Lin. 340. 6. Le Manakin atéte noire — — Ie 303 — 418 I. 34 7, ———__———— 4 téte d’or P, erythrocephala, Lin. 339- — IV. 432 |m-39- f.747 — 423 2. 324 — 413 I. 302 Rock Manakin — IV, 518 Peruvian, Var. A. — 519 White-fronted—— — 521 Black-capped —= — tbid. Var. A. — — $22 Gold-headed — == ibid. 8, —-—---_—_———- 4 téte rouge — 4138 — Var. A. — wr. 533 P. erythrocephala, Lin. 339- ae wee 9. ————— téte blanche — ibid. 2. 34| White-capped — ibid. P. leucocilla, Lin. 340. 10s — agorge blanche 421 1. 324 | White-throated — 524 P. gutturalis, Lin. 340. 11. —— : rouse — — 415 2. 302 | Redand black—- — 525 P. aureola, Lin. 339- , ae P. aureola, Lin. 339» 13. Fourmillier tacheté de Cayenne — 2. $23 | Spotted = — $27 14. Le F. a oreilles blanches —= 477 |! 2- $22 | White-eared — — ibid. rs. Le Picicitlh — a 426, — Purple — — 528 P. criftata, Lin. 339- | 16. Rubetru,; it | | 23| : | th | | ! it Bit ht AION 2h PS Ab ae ate ice lakh aa Sate Hs le - == — ere 60 S¥YSQTBMATICV CATA L'IOG Uae Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. | LATHAM. DEES Sy | 16, Oak me lV 425 te | Yellow: 42a 44 cee rique huppé — — | P. rubetra, Liz. 339. | ts 17. Maizi de Miacatotot] — — 424 = Collared — — ibid. 18. Coquantotl — eae BT A em Grey — — 530 19. Le Demi-fin ah uppe aA. 335 ae White:faced ae) sheet a hac roux-de Senegal — H. fenegalenfis, Lin. 345+ . L’Hirondelleaceinture blanche 611 — 612 — 632 ambré de rivage H. riparia, Lin. 344. — erife de rochers 641 — 668 ventre blane Le Martinet noir et blanc 8h 670 ceinture egrife La petite Hirondelle noire « =" 673 ventre cendré — a a 591 -| fg. I. CAT wWEOG Ws. PL. ENL. mY 4433 pes I. 718 . 502 I, 2.. 618 3. 708 Lepaa HIR UNDO, Lin. Syst. SW ALLO W, GEN. BIRDs, Pi. ENt. 543 2s 642 1 72% 24.723 310 2.°724 $43 545 61 LATHAM. Languedoc — IV. 549 Long-tailed — — 550 Cape — — 552 Bearded — as ibid. Sibirian. — — 556 Creeping — — 558 CXVII. LV. LATHAM. Chimney Swallow, IV. 564 Martin — — 664 Rufous-bellied — 566 Cape — — ibid. Senegal = — 567 White-bellied — ibid. Ambergris — — 568 Sand Martin — — ibid. Crag — — 570 Black — — 572 St. Domingo — — 573 Peruvian — — ibid. Afh-bellied — — ibid. L”Hirondelle Ha tue Ure \ We a a ey : Te 3 ! é j i : ! 4 Pe, q ) Oh te —epenneee saree per ee & »- ~ 62 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. Hist. D’O!s. . L’Hirondelle bleue de la? ,, Louifiane —— V1.074 15. —————— de Bayerkic — 675 16. —— de ita Baye d’ Hudfon — mT 677 H. fubis, Lin. 345. 17. La Tapere — H. Tapera, Lin. 345. — 678 ceinture brune — 19. —————_— 4 ventre blanc 18. L’Hiron. brune et blanche fe 680 681 de Cayenne — — 20. ——~———-— iventre tacheté 632 de Cayenne — a1. La Salangane — — ibid, H. efculenta, Lin. 343. 22. Lagrand Hirondelle brune a ventre tacheté, ou UH. | 694 rondelle de blés — — 23. La petite Hirondelle pees} bab a croupion gris — — 9 24 L’Hirondellea croupion roux 6.08 et queue quarrée — as 7 25, ———__——— de la Caroline — 700 H. pelafgia, Lin. 345. 26, ——_—_——-— brune acuti- 6 penne de la Louifiane — t 99 27, —————--— acutipenne de Cayenne — oa pie 28, ——__—___—_—_ noire acuti- penne de la Martinique at ee 2g. Le Martinet noir — — 643 H. apus, Lin. 344. 30. Le grand Martinet a gaia 660 blanc — H. melba, Lin. 3 31. Le Martinet a coe blanc — 671 Pie ENL. mn. 322 Pig. 2- 545 2 - 546 2. $44 2. 726 2.725 LATHAM, Violet — — IV. 574 Chalybeate < — ibid, Canadm — — 575 Brafilian — — 576 Brown-collared ° — 647 White-winged — ibid, Var. A. —_ — ibid, Efculent — — 578 Wheat — — $1 Grey-rumped — — 582 Rufous-rumped — 683 Aculeatéd’ —~ om ibid. Var. Acie) see ee Var. B, — — 584 Sharp-tailed —= — ibid, Swift — — 585 White-bellied — — 586 White-collared — §87 LVI. CAPRI- ~ ae ~ lite. So a SYSTEMATIC CATALOGU RE. LVI. CAPRIMU LGUS, Lin. Syst. CXVIII. GOATSUCKER, Gen. Brros, LVI. Hist. D’Ors, PL. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le grand Ibijau — — VI. 541 N® 325 | Grand Goatfucker, IV. 590 2. Le Guira-querea — — 536 a Yamaica — $91 3. L’Engoulevent gris —- — 548 — Grey — — 592 4. —— de la Caroline — ah Carolina — wae! ibid: 5. Le tette-Chevre, ou Cra- paud volant — me 74 193 | European — we 593 Caprimulgus europeus, Lia. 346. 6. L’Engoulevent roux de Cay- Ruf : enne — — MES Se ES 735 | Kulous — mer 597 7. La Montvoyau dela Guiane - 549 733 | Guiana — — 598 8. Libyan _ — 539 — Brafilian — — ibid. » Lepetit Engoulevent tacheté ; 9 a Eniiee ‘oe a 45 760 | White-necked— — 599 10. L’Engoulevent tipenne . Ps e papeisy 'P nt 547 732 | Sharp-tailed — -— 600 II. 4 lunettes, ou = See et a le Haleur =s arf 9 peeling “se Capr. americanus, Lin. 346. | OrverR VI. _ Struthious. BVil. D-bhDUS, tr erate eG Vib DODO, Gen. Birps, LYVJI. Hist. D’Ots. PL. ENt. LATHAM, 1, Le Dronte — — I. 480 — Hooded Dodo — V. i Didus ineptus, Lin. 267. : 2. Le Solitaire — — 485 — Solitary = 3 3. L’Oifeau de Nazareth — — 485 eae Nazarene wae — 4 LVII. STRUTHIO, 64. SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, ivi Ss TRU THYPO, Lin. Syst. SCV OSTRICH, Gen. Birps, LVIII. Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. 1. L’Autruche — — I. 398 N° 457 Struthio camelus, Lin. 265. 2, Le Touyou — — 452 sii Struthio rhea, Lin. 266. 3. Le Cafoar ~=- — 464 313 Strathio cafuarius, Lin, 265. LATHAM. Black Oftrich — V.6 Nhandhuguaca? — 23 Galeated Caffowary — 10 Div. Tl. . te STSTEMATAC CATAL OCUR 6x Dtiv. II. Water Birds. Orvder VII. With Cloven Feet. bis. FLAT ALEA, Lu Svstickha kX. SPOON-BILL, Gen. Binns, LIX. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. LaSpatule — — VII. 448 N° 405 | White Spoon-bill- V. 13 Platalea leucorodia, Lin. 231. 2. — couleur de rofe _ 165} Rofeate — — 14 Pl, ajaja, Lin. 231. LX. PALAMEDEA, Luv. Syst. LXXXI. SCREAMER, Gen. Birps, LX. Hist. D’Ots. PL. Env. LATHAM. 1. Le Kamichy — — VII. 335 N° 451 | Horned Screamer = V. 18 Palamedea cornuta, Lin. 232. - Le Cariama « ~— — 325 — Crefted — — 20 P. criftata, Lin. 232. i) LXI. MYCTERIA, Lim. Syst. LXXXII. JABIRU, Gen. Birvs, LXI. Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent. LATHAM. % Le Jabiru — — VII. 280 aoe American Jabiru — V. 22 Myeria amesicana, Lin, 232. K LXII. CANCROMA, 66 SE¥ESTEMATIC CATALOCUE g. LaGrue blanche — — 308 889 | Hooping Cr. — — 42 A. americana, Lin. 234. 6. LaGrue brune — — 310 — Brown Cr. — — 43 A. canadenfis, Lin. 234. 7- La Cigogne blanche — — 253 866 | White Stork — — 47 A. ciconia, Lin. 235. 8. Le Maguarti — — 275 — | AmericanSt. — — 50 g. La Cigogne noire — — 271 399 | Black St. — — ibid, A. nigra, Lin. 235. yo. Le Bihoreau — — 435 |m.758.f.759.| Night Heron. — 62, 53. A. ny@icorax, Lin. 235. rf; de Cayenne — 439 899 | Cayenne Night Heron — 56 12. Le Butor ae — 41! 789 | Bittern — oe. IDI: 13. Sn, 14. Legrand Butor — we 422 — Greater BL, = — ibid. LXII. CANCROMA, Lin. Syst. LXXXIH.. BOAT-BILL, Gen. Biros, LXII. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. LeSavacovu — — VIL. 443 N° 38 | Crefted Boat-bill — V.. 26: Cancroma cochlearia, Lin. 233. 2. LaCuilliere brune — — ibid. 869 | Brown, Var..B..— — 28: C, cancrophaga, Lin. 233. LXIIIl ARDEA, Luin. Syst. EXXXIV.. HERON, Gen. Birps, LXIII.. Hist. D’Ors. Pri. ENt. LATHAM. r. L’Oifeau Royal — — VII. 317 | fem. 265 | Crowned Crane — Y. 3% Ardea pavonina, Lin. 233. Jog Hae te Meade oro > soni — cies 313 241 | Demoifelle Cr. —- 35 A. virgo, Lin. 234. 3. La Grue a collier - sas — 307 86> | Indian Cr. Var. A. — 39: A. antigone, Lin. 235. 4. La Grue — — 287 769 | Common Cr, — — 40 A. grus, Lin. 234. A. flellaris, Zin. 230. dela Baye d’Hud/on 430 Var. A. — —" 53 15, Le So VIS. EF MAAS Tal <= C AST A-L, O'G UF RB 67 Hist. D’Ors, as. Le Butor roux — — VII. 425 16. Le petit Butor — — 423 17 Le Butor brunrayé — — 424 18. Le petit Butor de Cayenne — 430 ig.’ L’Onoré — — 431 20 -~debois — — 433 A. brafilienfis, Lin. 239- 21. —— rayé — — 432 22. Le Butor jaune du Brefl — 429 23. Le Blongios de Suife — — 395 A. minuta, Lin. 240. 24. — tacheté — — ibid. 25. Le petit Butor du Senegal — 426 96. Le Crabier verd — — male 404 27. —tacheté — fem. 405 A. virefcens, Lin. 238. 28. — eris a tete = 408 queue vertes — — 299. L’Etolé — — — 428 30. Le Pouacre, ou le B. tacheté 427 31. Le Pouacre de Cayenne — —_ 32. Le Crabier cendré -— — 401 notes ge 34. Le petit Crabier — — 395 35. Le Crabier caiot — — 389 36. —roux — 98 37+ —marron — — ibid. 38. Le Guacco a — ae 39. Le Crabier de Mahon “— 393 40. —-= de la céte de Co- i sey romandel — — 41 ~ blanc et brun — 394 2. ee Dieu — — 3938 A. cerulea, Lin. 238. 4.3 — bleu 4 cou brun — 399 44 —chalybe —-— == 404 45. — oris-de-fer aa > A. violacea, Lin. 238. e 46. . roux a tete . 407 queue vertes — = 47. Le Heron hupé -— x — A. major, Lin. 236. 342 48. Le Heron — — eh Sit A, cinerea, Lin. 236. PL. ENL. N° 763 790 $60 343 a ae tem. gi2 908 939 926 898 348 gio gil 349 909 ma. 755 oe K 2 LATHAM, Rufous. B. .k>. ws; Ge Swabian B, —_ eo ibid. Rayed B. — — 61 Zigzac B. —~ — ibid, Tiger B. — — 63 brofilianB. — — 62 Lineated BX — — 64 Yellow B. — — 65 Little B. — — male 65 Little Ba see See fem. 66 Senegal B. — — 67 Green Heron — : — 6% Var. A, — — 69 Var. B. — 70 Spotted Heron. —~ ibid. Gardenian — — 7I Cinereous — — ibid, New Guinea — — ibid, Philippine — — 72 Squaiotta — — ibid. Chefnut — — 73 Red-legged — —— ibid. Squacco _ — 74 Var. A. — — 75 Malacca — — 78 Blue a ex ibid. | Var. A, — eapic! o Var. C. — ose 80 Yellow-crowned — ibid, ais w— $1 Louifiane Common Heron — $3 49. Le 68 CVISTURMATIC CA TALOG UE Hist. D’Ors, Pi. EN. LATHAM, 49. Legrand Herond met VIL. 385 id Great Heron — V. 8% rigue — — A. herodias, Lin. 237. i so. Le Heron de la Baye de? _ ss : tee eit hi Huid{in “i ie 386 Red -fhouldered 85 A. hudfonias, Liz. 238. ; sit. L’Aigrette a“ — 372 N° gor | Little Egret —- — go A. garzetta, Lin. 237. a. L’Aierette rouffe. — — 378 go2 | Reddifh Egret — — 88 53. LademiAigrette — — ibid. 350 | Demi Egret — — ibid, 54. La grande Aigrette —— — 377 925 | GreatEgret — — 8g gs. Le Heron blanc — — 365 8.36 | Great White Heron — gs Ardea alba, Lin. 239. 66. Le Heron blanc 4 calotte noire 380 907 | Black-crefted White H. 92 57. Le Crabier blanc 4 bec rouge 401 — Little WhiteH. — 93 A. zquinoftialis, Zin. 240. Z 58. La Garzette blanche — — 371 — Var. A. — — 94 eg. Le Heron blanc du Mexique— 406 — Var. B. — — ibid. 60. Le Heron noir — — 368 — Black Heron — — ibid. 61. pourpré — — 369 788 | Crefted Purple H. — 9¢. A. purpurea, Lin. 236. 62. — pourpré du Danube 369 on Purple Danubian H. — 96 63. Le Crabier pourpré — -— 402 --- Mexican H. — — ibid. 64. Le Cracra — — 403 — Cracra — -— ibid.. 65. Le Heron violet — — 370 906} VioletH. — — 97 66. —————-agami — — 382 — Agami — — ibid. 7. Le Soco — =o ee ee = Cocol — — 98 A. coco, Lin. 237. | 68. LyHotti — —_ — 382 — Dry H. — — 100 69. Le Houhou — — 304 _ Houhou — a 70. Le Bec-ouvert * — — 409 932 | Pondicherry H. — 105 71. Le Courlan, ou Courlirr — 442 848 | Scolopaceous — — 102 LXIV. UMBRE, Gen. Brrps, LXIV.. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. Ent. ¢ LaTHamM. z. L’Ombrette — — VII. 440 | fem.? 796} Tufted Umbre — V. 30 * This Bird ought to form a feparate Genus, and to be placed after the Cancroma, or Boat-bill. —The Bill is depreffed, and rather broad towards the bafe: the edges are ferrated: the Mandibles gape in the middle, and only touch each other at the bafes and tips: the Wings extend beyond the Tail: the Middle Claw is not ferrated. LXV. TANT A- ST SPEMA TE LC CATALOGU RE 69 LXV. TANTALUS, Lin. Syst. LXXXV. L B I S,.Geen. Binns, LAV; Hist. D’Ors. Pi. En. LaTHam. 1. Couricaca — — VII. 276 N° 868 | WoodIbis— — V. 104 Tantalus loculator, Lin. 240. 2. Le Courlis rouge du Brefil, VIII. 35 81, 80] Scarlet — — 106 T. ruber, Liz. 241. 3 —debois — — 42 820 | Cayenne — — 107 4. L’Acalot _ — 45 —- Mexican — — 108 5. Le grand Courlis de Cayenne ~ 47 976 | White-necked — — 109 6. Le Matuitui des rivages — 46 — Grey ai ee ETS 7. Le Courlis brun a front rouge 42 _ Brown — — ibid. T. fufcus, Lin. 242. 8, ——_——— blanc — — 4! 915 | White --- — III ~g. L'Ibis blanc a — 14 389 | Egyptian — — ibid, T. ibis, Lin. 241. 10. noir — — — 17 — Black — — 112 11. Le Courlis vert, ou d’Jtalie — 29 819 | Bay —— — 113 T. falcinellus, Lin. z41. 12, ——-——- atétenue — — 32 867 | Bald —- — 114 3.2 —brun — — 31 ~~ Manilla — — 117 14, ———— hupé de Madagafcar 33 _ 841 | Crefted — —— 118 LXVI. SCOLOPAX, Luin. Syst. LXXXVI. N° 1—4. CURLEW, Gen. Birps, LXVI. Hist. D’Otrs. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le Courlis — — VIII. 19} N° 818 | Common Curlew, V. 119 Scolopax arquata, Lin. 242. 2— de Madagafar — — 198 | Madagafcar —— — 121 Sc. madagafcarienfis, Lin. 242- 3. ————-——- tacheté — — 32 — Luzonian — = — 122 4. Le Corlieu, ou petit Courlis — 27 $42 | Whimbrel — — 123 Sc. phzopus, Lin. 243- 5. Le Gouvarona some a mek Brafilian Wh. — — 125 Sc. guarauna, Lin. 242. { dd a yy s! ' | } : } } : aT : al | ‘ : - 4 H : | { i Ha : t ‘ : ,@ 4 4 * i i” : ne tl , : ; Wi etd : : {be ae ' aM. y } i} i] ,s ney 4 * ie | : — - .] } : : y ht | , 1 hh ; -_ + : 7 ' ! ‘ - i " UF yim! = p | : ii : - j Poth Wed : - : : : 7 i : ‘ mae Pe t Dt (| { * - : : - re We : ; 1 : { . 4 e 4 : ee | 5 ; ; {| : t f - - te nf : 51 » 1 may |i te ff b= - pe ey 1b he eg a4 ie J ¥ . th ; a ‘ : Bi 2 ie ' : ia * ih j : : 79 - GH Cn SYSQWEMATIC “CAT AWoGcuese LXV. SCOLOPAX, ‘Lin. Syst. N° 5—18. SNIPE, Gen. Brros, LXVIL. Hist. D’Ors. . La Becaffle — — Vil. 462 Sc. rufticola, Liz. 243. —— des Savanes — 481 La Becaffine -— — 4383 Sc. gallinago, Lin. 244. . La petite Becafline — -— 490 Sc. gallinula, Lin. 244. . La Becaffine du Cap de Bonne _ ¢ 494 E/perance alii Sc. capenfis, Zin. 246. 6. dela Chine —= 495 7._— — de Madagafcar — ibid. 8. Le Chevalier vert — — £20 Rallus benghalenfis, Lin. 263. g. La Becaffine de Madraf — 496 10. La Barge rouffle de la Baye d’Hudfn a 597 Sc. fedoa, Lin. 244, II, ————~— roufle aes — 504 Sc. lapponica, Zin. 246. 12. —aboyeufe — — Sol Sc. xgocephala, Lin. 246, 13. La grande Barge rouflé-§ — 5o0¢ 14. La Barge — — 500 Sc. limofa, Lia. 245. 15. —varice — — 503 Sc. glottis, Lin. 245. 16. Le Chevalier aux pieds rouges 513 Sc. calidris, Lin. 245. 17. blanc —- — S19 3 Sc. candida, Lia. 247. 18. La Barge brune — — 608 Sc. fufca, Lin. 243. 19. Le Caurale, ou petit ?,, Paon des rofes ot © LAS) Pi. EN. N® 885 895 $3 3 goo LATHAM. Woodeock— —~V. 129 Savanna NW. — — 132 Common Snipe — 134 Jack Snipe — — 136 Cape Sn. — — 138 Var. B. — — 139 Var. C... = a _ ibid. Var...D. non — 140 Madras Sn. — — I4I | American Godwit — 142 Red Godwit — — ibid. 876 | Common Godwit — 144 Var. A. — — 145 Jadreka Sn, — — 146 Greenfhank — — 147 Redfhank — — 150 White Redfhahnk — 151 Dufky SN. = me GS Caurale — — 156 LXVIII. TRINGA, r. Le Combattant, ou Paon BO. Tl. r2. 20. Le Cincle . Lia Brunette 24. . Le Chevalier raye . La Guignette SS. Tourne-pierre - Le Coulon-chaud de Cayenne SYSTEMATIC CATAL O GUE: LXVII. TRING A, Lin. Syst. LXXXVII. SAN D-PIPER, Gen. Birps, LVIII. Hisrt.. D’Ors. ar vir. 521 Tringa pugnax, Lin. 247, Le Vanneau — VIII. 48 Tr.-vanellus, Zz. 248; armé de Cayenne — 66 — armé de la Louifiane 65 — armé des Indes — 64 armé de Senegal —= 62 Parra fenegalla, Lin. 259, La Gambette Tr. gambetta, Zin. 248. La Vanneau de Suif2 — Tr. helvetica, Lin. 250. — pluvier Tr. {quatarola, Lin. 252. - varié Le Becaffieau, ou Cul blanc Tr. ochropus,. Liz. 250. Lie Chevalier varié Tr. varia, Lin. 252. Tia Maubéche Tr. calidris, Lin. 25 26 ui —_— _—veT1 wr ie lo ae — 60 — 68 5 eat VIE. 534 me 5 7 eae he ——-—— tachetée— — 631 — 516 Tr. ftriata, Lin. 248. cm — 540 Tr. hypoleucos, Lin. 250. . La Grive d’eau—— — VIII. 140 Tr. macularia, Ein. 249. . L’Alouette de Mer © — VII. 548 Tr. cinclos, Lin. 251. ae — 493 — VIII. Tr. interpres, Lin. 248. Tr. alpina, Lin. 249. Le Canut we 142 Tr. canutus, Lin. 250. load f 130 923 843 300 7f LATHAM. Ruff ——. — V. 159 Lapwing — er 163 Cayenne — — 164 Loutfiane — — ibid. Goa — — 165 Senegal — — 166 Gambet — — 167 Swifs — — ivid, Grey — — 168 Var. A, — — 169 Green _ — 170 Var. A, — m= I7E Dufky — — 174. Freckled — — ibid. Grifled — — 176 Striated ——. — 176 Common — — 17% Spotted — =— 179 Purre — — 182 Var. A. — — 133 Duntin — ms TSC Turnftone — — 193 Var. B. — — IGt Knot oo — 187 LXixXs € HAR A- 72 LXIX. CHARADRIUS, Luv. Sysr. LXXXVIII. PLOVER, Gen. Brraps, LIX. a Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le Pluvier doré — — VIII. 81} N° 904] Golden — — VY. 193 Charadrius pluvialis, Lin. 254. 2, L’Echaffe — —— 114 $73 | Long-legged —= —= 195 Ch. himantopus, Lin. 255. 3. La Sanderling — — VII. 532 — Sanderling -—= <= 197’ Ch. calidris, Zin. 255. pt ia FE pia 4. Le Pluvier doré a gorge VIII. 8¢ a Alwargrim — — 168 noire ae sR Ch. apricarius, Lin. 254. 5. La Kildir — _— — 96 — Noify — — 199 Ch. vociferus, Lia. 253. 6. Le Pluvier acollier de St. Domingue 286 Var. A. — — 200 Ch. torquatus, Lin. 255. : i. A collier —_ — go 921} Ringed — — 201 Ch. hiaticula, Lin. 253. 8. Le petit Pl. ou le Guignard— 87 832 | Dotterel — — 208 Ch, morinellus, Lin. 249. ; 9. Le Pluvier 4 aigrette —— =—= 99 Sor Spur-winged — — 21} Ch. fpinofus, Lin, 256. 10. hupe de Perfe — 98 — Var. A. — wm 214 Ch. fpinofus, Lin. 256. LI. armé de Cayenne — 102 8 33 Var. B. —— 219 12. coiffé — — 100 834)— — w= ibid. 1 3 couronné — — 10! 800 1 Wreathed — — 216 14. —————— a lambeaux——- — 102 880} Wattled — ta LES 15, Le Pluvish — — 104 918 } Black-headed — — 217 16. Le Coure-vite — — 128 795 | Cream-coloured — ibid. 17. dela Coromandel — 892 Coromgndel — — 217 LXX. HEHE MATOPUS, Lin. Syst. XC. OYSTER-CATCHER, Gen. Birps, LXX. Hist. D’Ors. Pri. ENL, LaTHAM. 1. L’Huitrier — — VIII. 119 N° 929] Pied — — V. 219 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, Hzmatopus oftralegus, Lin. 257° LXXIJ, PARRA, £ — . S ae 1 rc co SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE. 73 LXXI, PARRA, Luin, Syst. XCII. JACAN A, Gen. Birps, LXXI. Hisr. .D’O1s. Pi. Ent. LATHAM. 1. Le Jacana — — VIII. 185 N° 322} Chefhut — — V. a4 Parra jacana, Lin. 259. 2. Le Chirurgien noir — — 189 —~ Black — — 249 3. Le Jacana-peca — — 190 sa Brafilian — — 243 vert — 189 —v Green = =< — ibid. 5. ————— vari¢é — — 192 —< Variable — ——= 244 Parra variabilis, Liz. 260. ell. HIRUN DO, Lin. Syst. CXVIT.N? ra. PRA TINCOLE, Gen. Birps, LXXII. Hisr. D’Ors. Pi. Enu. LATHAM. 1. La Perdrix de mer — VII. 544 N° 882 | Auftrian — om V, 222 Hirundo pratineola, Lin. 345. 2. ————— de mer 4 collier - 145 - Collared. «= — 223 3. —— de mer du Senegal 544 — Senegal mm — 225 Tringa fafca, Liz. 252. 4. —————— de mer tacheté— 545 | — Spotted — — ibid. Xe. :R AcbaL U Si abaeeSyst. ceCHil. RAIL, Gen. Brros, LXXIII. Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. LATHAM. tie Rale: deqa i aes VIE 54 N° 749] Water Rail — V. 227 Rallus aquaticus, Lin. 262. 2. Le Tiklin, ou Rale des ce Ke lippines — — | R. philippenfis, Lia. 263. Taye —_ — 161 — Var.C. = — 232 774.| Philippine — — 230 R. ftriatus, Lin, 262. 4. Le SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE: i. Hist, D’Ors. Pi. ENt. LaTHAmM. 4. Le Tiklin a collier — VIII. 162 — Banded — — V. 233 R. torquatus, Lin. 762. ; 5. brun — — r61 97731 Brown — — ibid. 6. Le Rale a long bec de Cayenne 163 849} Long-billed — — 237 7, ———— tacheté de Cayenne ~ 165 775 | Variegated —- — ibid. 8. Le Kiolo — — 164 368 | Cayenne — — 238 9. Le Rale a ventre roux de Cayenne — 753 Var. A. — — ibid. 10. —Bidi Bidi — — 166 —: Famaita — 239 ri. Le petit Rale de Cayenne — 167 847 | Little oa — 239 LXXIV. FULICA; Lin. Syst, XCI. N”® 1. and 4, &c. nm AES AAS BATA. IN *. Se GALLIN ULE, Gen. Birps, BXXV. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. EN... LATHAM. t <7 re ate ort vu. 146 | N° 750 | Crake Gallinule ~ V. 250 Rallus crex, Zin. 261. 2, La grande Poule d’eau de Q 2 Cayenne ae. Et 192 352 | Cayenne — am 252 3. L’Angeli — — 205 — Madras — — 253 4. La Poule-fultane — — 194 810] Purple — —— 254 | Fulica purpurea, Lin. 258. 5. Lapetite Poule-fulrane — 206 _ Martinico — — 255 F. martinica, Lin. 259. 6. La Favorite de Cayenne — 207 897 | Favorite — — 256 7. L’Acintli — — 208 a Crowing — — 257 8. La Poule-fultane verte — 204 — Green — — ibid. 9. La Pouled’eau — — I71 877 | Common — — 258 F. chloropus, Lin. 258. yo. La Poule-fultane brune — 204 896 Var. A. — — 269 11. La Pouletted’eau — — 177 — Brown a — 260 2 _ erand Poule pier ou a 178 ro Ware a ee ae orzane — — ; 13. Le Rale de Virginie — — 165 _ Soree ca — 262 Rallus carolinus, Zin. 263. 14. La a —_ — 179 — Grinetta — — 263 3 3 15. La SES TEM ATTICS Clara. OGAR "eo Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. LATHAM, 15° > ahaa luke on EVIL. 157 N° 751} Spotted —, — V. 264 R, porzana, Lia. 262. 16. La Smirring oe — 180 _- Yellow-legged — 266 17. La Glout a — 181 —- Piping — — 267 Orver VIII. With pinnated Feet. LAXV, TRINGA, Luin. Syst. LXXXVII. N* 8, 9, 10. PHALAROPE, Gen. Birps, LXYVII. Hist. D’Ots. Pi. ENL. LATHAM. 1. Le Phalarope cendré, VIII. 224 N° 766 | Red Ph. (male) = V. 276 . Tringa hyperborea, Lin. 249. 2. —— rouge —- == 225 on Red (fem.) — — 271 Tr. fulicaria, Lin. 249. a feftons dentelés 226 = Grey _ vome 292 Tr. lobata, Lin. 249. LAXVI.: FUBIC A, Lon Svar, Ser as, C OOT, Gen, Birps, LXVIII. Hist. D’Ors. PL. ENL. LATHAM. 1, LaFoulque, ou Morelle, VIII. 211 N° 197 {| Common Coot — V. 27§ Fulica atra, Lin. 257 2. Soa Foulque, “a aa Ss Pe ccaatar so tines — 277 F. aterrima, Lin. 258. 7 3. La grande Foulque a crete — 222 797 | Crefted = —— 27 i529 LXXVII. COLY M.. 76 SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, LAXVIE COLYMBUS, Lin. Syst. LXXV..N" 7 to 11, GREBE, Gen. Birps, LXXIX. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENt. LATHAM. 1. Le Grébe huppé — VIII. 233 N° 944. ; Colymbus criftatus, Lin. 222. 3 | lcretted Grebe — V.. 281 2. cornu — — 1did | 400 S 5. no me 227 | 941 | Tippet — — 283 C. urinator, Lin. 223. | 4. Le grand Grébe — — 242 |fig.1.'404 | Cayenne — — 284 5. Le petit Grébe huppé — 235 ~~ EKared — 285 C. auritus, Liz. 222. 6. Le petit Grébe . — — 232 942 | Dufky oa — 286 7. CONN — 237 2. 404 Var. A. — — 288 8. Le Grébe a joues grifes, ou : G6 ee le Jougris — a sik 931 | Red-necked — — ibid. 9. duc-laart —— — 240 susie Black-breafted — 289 tO. de la Louifiane — ibid. 943 | Louifiane — — ibid. II. de la riviere, ou le Caftagneux — se 74-4 905 | Little 24 =r. 209 C. auritus, Lin. 223. , 12. Le Caftagneux des Philippines — 945 Var. As —= © — 290 13. ——. de St. Domingue 248 ~— White-winged — 291 C, dominicus, Zin. 223. 14. a bec cerclé = 247 — Pied-bill — —— 292 C. podiceps, Lin. 223. OrpverR IX. With webbed Feet. “a With £ON-G 4:8 6 §. LXXVITI. RECURVIROSTRA, Luin. Syst. LXXXIX. AVOSET, Gen. Birpos, LXXIX. Hist. D’Ors. | Pr. Ent. LATHAM. Tt. 1s Avecette. — — VIII. 466 Recurviroftra avocetta, Lin. 25 . La Barge blanche — VII. Ha Scolopax alba, Lin, 296, 353 | Scooping Avofet, V. 293 875 | White — — 2096 LXXIX, COURIER, SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE, 17 LXXIX. COURIER. Gen. Birps, LXXX. Hist. D’Ois, PL. Ent. LATHAM. t. LeCoureur — -— VIII. 472 — Courier * — — V. 298 * A farther account, and a good figure, of this bird is among the Defderata of Ornithology. It was well known to the illuftrious 4/drovandus, and the Bolognefe fowlers. It is much wifhed that travellers into Jtaly, or any gentlemen who have correfpondents at Bologna, would give themfelves the trouble of enquiring into its hiftory, and of procuring a {pecimen or accurate drawing. . LXxx. PHOENICOPTERUS, Lin. Sysr. LXXIX. FLAMINO, Gen. Birps, LAXXI, Hist. D’Otrs.. Pri. Ent. LATHAM. 1. Le EFlammant — — VIII. 475 N° 63 | Red Flamingo — V. 299 Phoenicopterus ruber, Lin. 230. **® wITH SHORT LEGS. LXXXI.. DIOMEDEA, Luin,.Syst. LXXT. N°, ALBATROSS,. Gen,. Birps,. LXXXII. Hist. D’Otrs. PL. ENL. LaTHAM. Diomedea exulans, Lin. 214, trois — — 2. L' Albatros: — — IX. 339] N° 237 | Wandering == $V. 304 LXXXIL ALC A-. 78 SEF STEMATIC CATALOGUE LXAXIT. ALCA, Lin. Syst. UXIX, AUK, Gen. Brros, LXXXIII. Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent. LATHAM. . Le Pingoin) — — IX. 390] 1003, 1004] Razor-bill — — V. 319 Alca torda, Zin. 210. owe! 2. Le grand Pingoin — — 393 367|Great Auk — — 311 Alc. impennis, Zin. 210. 3. Le Macareux aa — 358 275;Pufin — — 314 Alc. arStica, Lin. 211. 4. Le Macareux de Kamt/chatka 368 761} Tufted — — 313 5. Le petit Pingoin — — 396 —~ lack-billed Auk — 320 Alc. pica, Lin. 210. 6. Le petit Guillemot — — 354 — Little _* — 327 Alc. alle, Linz. 241. BXXXITT. COLYMBUS, Lin. Syst. LXXV. N17, 2. GUILLEMOT, Gen. Biraps, LXXXIV. Hist. D’Orss. Ps. Est. LATHAM, 1. Le Guillemot — — IX. 350 N® 903 | Foolifh Guillemot, VI. 329 Colymbus troile, Liz. 220. Le petit Guillemot noir — 332 917 | Black — — 332 C. grylle, Lin. 220. 2 ° LXXXIV. COLYMBUS, Luin. Syst. LXXV, N* de. 5, 6: DIVER, Gen. Bravos, LXXXIV. Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent, LATHAM. -%. L'Imbrim — — VIII. 2<8. N° 952} Northern Diver, VI. 337 Colymbus glacialis, Liz. 221. 2. Legrand Plongeon — — 251 914] Imber = — ark 8 7 C. rege Lin. 232. kled 3- Le petit Plongeon — = — or4 992 | Speckled —- = —— 341 A. Le Lumme Z einen olin a — : Black-throated m—— 343 C. aréticus, Lin. 221, 5. Plongeon a gorge rouge de Sibirie - 308 | Red-throated — — 344 C. feptentrionalis, Liz 220, LXXXV. RHYNCOPS, a ee ee ee ae SYSTEMATEC CATALOGUE, 79 LXXXV. RHYNCOPS, Lyn. Syst. LXXVIII. SKIMMER, Gen. Birps, LXXXVI. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. ENE. LATHAM. 1. Le Bec-en-cifeaux —— VIII. 454 N° 357 | BlackSkimmer = VI, 347 Rynchops nigra, Lin. 228. LXXXVE. STERN A, Lyn. Syst... EXXVIK TERN, Gen. Biraos, LXXXVII. Hist. D’Ors. Pi. EnNL. [ © LATHAM. tr. La grande Berees VUE: 346 N° 988 | Cayenne Tern — VI. 362 de mer de Cayenne — 9. L’Hirondelle de mer 4 = grande envergure — . 345 Stat Sooty 4 w= ibid, 3. Le Noddi — — 461 997 | Noddy _ — 354 Sterna ftolida, Lin. 227 4, La Guifette —_ — 339 924 | Sandwich, Var, A. — 358 St. nevia, Lin. 228. s. La grande Hirondelle de mer 331 987 | Common. — wm 361 6 St. hirundo, Lin. 227% 4 ———___—_ e? Sas | ta og ’Ifle de Panay — — 344 Seles 3°3 7. La petite Hirondelle de mer 337 996 | Lefler — — 364 St. me Lin. 228. 8. L’Hirondelle de mer noire, ? Se — 266. oul’Epouvantail — —§ 34° 333 | Blac 3 St. fiflipes, Lin. 228. | de mer a téte noire, ar es SET ou le Gachet ve sid 54? oH Seas St. nigra, Lin, 227: | | | | | {LXXXVII LARUS,, | $0 Star eaMAT IC CATALOG LXXAXVII. LAR US, Lin. Syst. LXXVI. GULL, Gen. Birps, LXXXYVIII. Hist. D’Ors. ; { Pi. Ent. LATHAM. 1. Le Goiland noir — VIL. gos N° 990 | Black-backed Gull, VI. 371 Larus marinus, Liz. 2256 2. ——__—__——. 4 manteau aris- , brun, ou le Bourgemeftre fs = at Herring = a L. fufcus, Lin. 225. 2.o——- a Manteau gris — 406 253] Glaucous — — 374 4. varié, ou le Grifard 413 266 Wagel sah — 375 L. nevius, Lin. 225. | 5. La Mouette blanche — — 422 994 | Ivory pace — 377 6. La grande Mouette cendrée — 379 977} Common — — 378 L. canus, Lin. 224. 7, La Mouette rieufe — — 433 sti Laughing ‘— — 383 L. atricilla, erg 2 3. rieule a pattes ).,. rouges ee ae ibid, 97° | Black-headed — — 380 L. ridibundus, Lin. 225. 9. La petite Mouette cendrée — 4.31 969 Red-legged — — 381 L. cinerarius, Lin. 224. : 410. La Mouette V’hyver — 437 Spm Winter — — 384 11. Le Goiland brun — — 408 — Skua et — 385 L. cataraétes, Lin. 226, , 12. Le Labbe 4 longue queue — 44.5 762 | Arétic — — 389 L. parafiticus, Lin. 226. 13. La Mouette cendrée tachetée 424. 309 F4 MTOCK "me — 392 L. tridactylus, Lin. 224. LXXXVIII. PROCELLAR] A, Line S¥s7i- xx. re TRE, -Gen. Brrps, LXXXIX., Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent. LATHAM. i. Quebrantahueflos— — IX, 319 _ Giant Petrel — VI. 396 2. Le Puffin de Bref] — 1 ERY) — Lroflian — — 398 3- Le Petrel-Puffin brun — — 326 ~ Black — —— ibid. Procellaria equino€ialis, Lin. 213. 4. Le Petre] antarctique, a 311 . cacti i by ic me Damier brun — a Antarcti w= 4.00 5.-Le cao lt EMA S.1-¢ © AcTAALL OG. TR 1 Hist. D’Ors. Pi. Ent. LATHAM. LAs Pintado — — VI, 401 . Le Petrel tacheté, ou le : Damier — ae IX. 304 N° 964 Pr. capenfis, Lin. 213. 6. Le Fulmar, ou Petrel Puffin | : gris blanc 5.68 a 302 59 Fulmar — — 403 Pr. glacialis, Lin. 213. 7. Le Puffin _ — 321 962 | Shearwater —- — 406 Pr. puffinus, Zin. 213. 8. Le Petrel cendré — — 302 — Vo — 407 blanc, ou P, de S neige — ret JT4 ae wel — 408 10. L’Oifeau de tempéte — — 327 993 | Stormy — — AI Pr. pelagica, Lin. 212. 17, Le Petrel bleu ~ — 316 — Broad-billed —_ —= 414 chk nians ME RG U'S;. Lm... Syst. LXVill. MERGANSER, Gen. Birps, XC. Hist. D’Ots. PL. ENL. LATHAM. 1. LeHarle — — VIII. 267 N° 951 | Goofander -— VI. 418 Mergus merganfer, Lin. 208. a; cendré, ou le Bievre 254 953 | Dundiver —- — 420 M. caftor, Lin. 209. 3. huppé — — 273 207 | Red-breafted — -—— 423 M. ferrator, Lin. 208. 4. . 4 manteau noir — 250 — Var.A, — — 425 5. couronné — == 280 | m.935-f£.936 | Hooded — — 426 Pas M. oer “ane 207+ . Le petit Harle huppé, ou la aes eee sper hae O81 apg 44g | Sew M. albellus, Lin. 209. 7~ Le Harle etoilé — — 278 |. 4s0| Minute — — 429 M. minutus, Liz. 209- tae | XC, ANAS, 82 SYSBpte MA TAC CATAL @G ALPE XC. AN AS, Lin. Syst. LXVH. HY Hirst, D’O PL. Ent. LATHAM. ae TB 1. LeCyegne — — IX. 1 N° 913| MuteSwan — VI. 43 He At aa cygnus man{uctus, Lin. 194. ee \ ng 4g eee nie Y — Whiftling S.§ — = — 433 qi ) An. cygnus ferus, Lin. 194. HN 3. L’Oie des Ifles oY ok tap ee 69 sas Buftard Goofe — — 440 Wise 4. ——— des Te res M lagellaniques 68 1006 | Magellanic G.— — 44% Te b, meen de Guinte: :... mas — 72 347 | ChineleG, —- — 447 | An. ¢ cygnoides auftralis, Liz. 194. Ha 6. ———-—bronzée — — 77 7. ———— a cravate -— — $2 346 | CanadaG — — 450 } An, canadenfis, Zin. 198. | 8. — armée — — 76 — Spur-winged G. — 452 | An. gambenfis, Lin. 1956 q — d’ Eprpyte — — 79 |379,982,983 | Egyptian GG. — ; 9 LI PEI 79 | 3792982,983 an Ge 453 { An. exgyptiaca, Lin. 197- 10. ———~— fauvage — — 30 935 An. anfer, Lin. 197. 11. ———-= privée, ou domef- tique — ie § I> 49 An. anfer domefticus, Lin. 197. 12, ———_— rieule — — An. erythropus, Faun. Suec. N° 116. Grey-lagG. — — 459 Tame, Var, A. — 461 oO =~ White-fronted G. — 463 4 ‘ ati -_ = - 7 4 be . ° A 7a a AP S : - 4 t a Pile “Ean SL ER: : at ; 3 : i ’ v s Pia . ’ & 937 | Black-backed G. — 449 13» La Bernache -— — 93 855 | Bernacle G, — — 466 An. erythropus, Lin. 197. 4-Le Cravant, — — — 87 342 | BrentG. — — 467 An. bernicla, Liz. iieg 15. L’Oie des E/guim — — 80 _ Blue-winged G.. = 469 An. coer ulefcens, ie 198. | 16. L’Eider — —~ 103 | 208, 209| Eider G. —- . — 470 R A. LV¥ia ] t+ ~ «~ An. molliffima, Liz. 198. 17. Le Canard fauvage -—— -— 316 An. bofchas, Liz. 20+. | ard — — 489 a téte grife— -—— 253 —— King Duck — -— 473 An. fpectabi Ms, Lin, 195- 19. mufgué —- — 162 989 | Mufcovy D,. — — 476 An. mofchatus, Lin. 199. 20. La Macreufe — — 234 978 ; Scoter = — 480 An. nigra, Liz. 196. | 21 mene Alaroce bec =e 244 995 Black D. — — 479 An. perfpicillata, Zin. 201. lO 42, La SYSTEMATIC Hist. D’Ors, 22, La double Macreufe — IX. 242 Le Turpan — — — 291 An, fufca, Lin. 196. 23. Le Canard a collier de terre? | neuve — PG ER An. hiftrionica, Zin. 204. 24. brun et blanche — 287 An. minuta, Liz. 204. 25. fifieur — —— 169 An. penelope, Lin. 202. ©6, Le Siffleur a bec rouge et 9. narines jaunes — et =a An. autumnalis, Liz. 205. 27. —a bec noir—— — 185 An. arborea, Liz. 207. 28. Le petit Morillon rayé — 233 An. marila, Lin. 196. 29. La Sarcelle foucrourou mo 279 An. difcors, Liz. 205. 30. — foucrourette — 280 31. La Tadorne os — 205 An. tadorna, Lin. 195. 32. Le Marec — — 256 An. bahamenfis, Zin. 199. 33. Le Mareca — — ibid, 34. Le Souchet — — IgI, 291 An. clypeata, Lin. 200. 35. Le Chipeau —_— — 187 An. ftrepera, Zin. 200. 36. La Sarcelle de Java — 275 37. Le Canard Jenfen — — 174 38. Le Millouin —- — 216 An. ferina, Zzn. 203. 39- Le Canard a face blanche — 255 An. viduata, Lin. 205. | 4.0 A longue queue — 199 An. acuta, Lin. 202. 41 4 longue queue ea San terreneuve — ol An. glacialis, Lin. 203. 42. Ia Sarcelle de Ferroe — er 273 43. Le petit Canard a groffie tete 249 An. albeola, Liz. 199+ 44. Le Garrot — aon = 222 An, clangula, Liz. 201. - rt . Gf %) 91% eee 958 9390 955 $03 808 954 1008 999 94 802 M 2 CATALOGU £E, LATHAM. VelvetDuck — VI, 482 H atleq uin D, Its female Common Wigeon — 618 Fee eS Whitt- ling D. — l 5 Sete W hi % ling D. ey ce scaup D. = man COO White-faced D. — 502 Itsfemale — — 503 Sheldrake — — 5O4 Ylathera — SOF Mareca — — 508 Shoveler — — 509 Gadwall — m— 51S Var. A. — — f17 American Wigeon — 520 Pochard — — 523 Spanifh — — 526 Pintail . = — 526 Long-tailed ——- =< 528 Var. A. — — $31 Buffel-headed — — 534 Golden-eye —- == $35 45. Le SYS PEM ATIC CAT ALO GHEE 34 Hist. D’Ors, Pi. Ent. 45. Le Morillon — — [X. 227 —— An. glaucion, Zin. 201. 46. La Sarcelle de Mexique — 285 — 47. Le petit Morillon? — — 231 1001 An. fuligula, Zin. 207. 48. i.e Canard fiffeur huppé — 182 928 49. Le beau Canard hupp€é — 245 | 980, 981 An. fponfa, Lin. 207. $0. La Sarcelle de la Chine — 276 | 80%, 806 An. galericulata, Lin. 206, g1. La Sarcelle — — 260 94.6 An. querquedula, Lin. 203. 2. La petite Sarcelle — — 265 947 An. crecca, Lin, 204. 53. La Sarcelle d’eté — — 268 — An. circia, Lin. 204, ag a roufie a past 084 968 queue a — : An. dominica, Lis. 201. [[.— — aqueue epineufe — 282 967 56. -d Egypt — — 273 TOOO B7, — male de Mada- 2] 4 7/9 gafcar — —— 58. ~ de Coromandel — ibid. | 949, 950 59. Le Canard de Barbarie — 290 —- P &NH - Trés petite Sarcelle -—~ -—— 292 - Le Woures-feique — -=— 293 XCI. DIOME-DEA, ‘Lin. Sysr. PHAETON, LXXIV. N° n ~ LATHAM. Morillon — °. VJ, 537 Mexican —~ — 539 Tufted Duck — — c4o Red-crefted —- — 544 Summer D. — — 546 Chinefe — — 548 Garganey — — 55O Common Teal — — ci Summer Fe = ee $52 St.DomingoT.— — 554 Spinous-tailed T. — 555 African T. — — ibid. Madagafcar T. — 556 Coromandel T. — ibid. White-headed Duck — 478 Lema. ANS Ss PINGUIN, Gen. Birps, XCII. Hist. D’Ors, Pi. ENL. 3 Le Manchot fauteur — IX. 409 N® 984 Le grand Manchot — — 399 975 Le Manchot moyen? — — 402 382 Diomedea demerfa, Lin. 214. — a bec tronqué == 411 TOOS LATHAM. Crefted Pinguin, VI. 561 Patagonian — — 563 Cape — — 564 Var. A. — — 567 XCIl. PELE- oF! SoT-E MATRIC. ChAT AML O Gtr 85 fl XCII, PELECANUS, Lu. Sysr.’: LXXITI. ‘ PELECAN, Gen. Birps, XCIII. F Hist. D’Ors. PL. Ent. LATHAM. ! 1. Le Pelican — — VIII. 282] N°8 eae White Pe- tv is / lican — 575 Pelecanus onocrotalus orientalis, Lin. 2 1S. 2, —————— a bec dentel€ — 309 — Saw-billed, Var. A. — 579 36 —- brun — — 306 957| Brown — — 580 P. onocrotalus occidentalis, Lin. 215. 4. La Fregate _- — 381 g61| Frigat — — 587 P. aquilus, Zia. 216, §. LeCormoran — — 310 927 | Corvorant — — 693 P, carbo, Lin. 216. - =~ stead oe ae 319 a Common Shag — 5938 P, Sprazntus, Lins 217. F 7. Le Fou de Bafan — — 376 278 | Gannet — — 608 P. baflanus, Zin. 217. 8. Le Fou — — — 368 — Common Booby — 612 P. fala, Lin. 218. g. Legrand Fou — — 372 — Great Booby —- — 610 10: -L¢ Fou blane .-..— — 371 -— Lefler Gannet— — 611 P. pifcator, Lin. 217. 11. Le petit Fou brun — — 374 974. | Brown Booby — — 613 P. fiber, Lin. 218. 12. Le Fou de Cayenne — — ibid. 973 | Leffer Booby — — 614 13. ———— tacheté — — = 986 1 Spotted Booby = -— ibid. SCHE .P H A E-TO-N;.:Lm, Syst. LXxiv.> N° 1. TROPIC BIRD, Gen. Birps, XCIV. Hist. D’Ots. - PL. Ent. LATHAM. 1. Le grand Paille ot vit. 348 | N° 998 peste FPS 613 queue — Bird — Phaéton eethereus, Lin. 219. - Le petit Paille en queue — 355 369 Var. A. — — 618 3: Le Paille en ee a meat 357 979 | Red-tailed —- — 619 rouges XCIV. PLOFUS, 86 Sr eee MA TIC CATALOG XxCIV. PLOTWUS, Lt. Syst. LXXMI1. ANHINGA, Gen. Brros, XCV. Frist, Vy Ots. PL. ENL. LATHAM. es ; White - bellied )., 1 L'Anhinga — = — VIIL 448] — | J Ao hingn ¢VI-6a8 — - ee ee ek . “ ee — 7 gstwmess - = SSE = = : — eee et Oe 2, —————e — de Cayenne — ~ N° 959 | Black-bellied — — 624 Plotus anhinga, Liz. 218. 3. L’Anhinga —— — tab. xxxv.? | 9 = Var. A. — — ibid, 4. —————-— noir de Cayenne— — 960 | Black, Var.B. — 62¢ a —roux — — 453 107 | Rufous,Var.C, — 626 6; Le Grebe-foulque =» — 248 893 | Surinam — — ibid, > k —— ay ee ee eee er ~~ ——- } . : ‘ H | : 3 L : ore hiatal eg eee ee CATALOGUE [. 87 J oem TA be Oe GatU--E * BIRDS, AND OTHER SUBJECTS, LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES: WITH REFERENCES TO peewee ortRE NATURELLE. DES OFTSEAUX PAR more OM TE Dp Bb Bie Fr SO ON. PL. De Burron. 1.;Coq — — a — _ Fre: 3126 2.1 Merle de France, male — diiien iach III. 330 3. | Groffe Mefange, ou Charbonniere — — Ve. $92 Mefange bleu aa — -— — 413 Mefange de marais, ou Nonette cendrée — — 405 4.{|Chardonneret — — -—~ — IV. .187 Chardonneret blanc -— - — 204 5. | Carouge du Mexique~. ad —- —_ Il. 247 — de St. Dominique —— — — ibid. 6. {| Moineau franc de France, male - — ae Ill. 474 Cardinal du Cap de Bonne E/perance os — 496 4. {| Tangara“ — — — — IV. 236 - hupé de Cayenne - ~ — —~ — 240, 279 8.1 Veuve de la cote d’ Afrique —~- — zo 153 Petite CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, Ge, Lo 8 PL. De Burron. Petite Veuve ~ — — — 160 9. | Pie-griéche de Mazille a ~= — I. 310 - rouffe de France — _ one 301 ro. | Petite Outarde, ou Canne-petiere de France, femelle — | Biome f° 11. | Pigeon ramier bleu de Madaga/car 12. | Ara rotige — — — -— |} VI. 179 13. | Perroquet jaune a oa —_ — 214. 14. | Petit Kakatoes a hupe jaune — —_ —_ 93 15. | Scarabés 16. | Hannetons 17. | Phalene chauve fouris de la Chine 18. | Papillons a queue ig. | Le grand oculé de Cayenne 20. | La. Veuve La Palatine 21. | Pipa male. Rana Pipa, Lin. Syf. 1. 354. Pipa femelle Jeune Pipa 22. | Cameleon. Lacerta Chameleon, Lin. Syf. 1. 364. 23. | Manchette de Neptune | 24. | Corail rouge 25. | Petite Outarde, ou Canne-petiere, male — — He 40 26. | Le Loriot, male — — — —} III. 264 27. | Perdrix grife, femelle — — — II. 4or 28. | Bergeronette jaune, male — — V. 268 du Cap de Bonne Efperance — — 273 29. | Moyen Duc, ou Hibou — — — I. 342 30. | Bruant de France — — — _ IV. 340 Bruant de prez de France — —_ — 351 31. | Pie-griéche rouffe de France, femelle — — I. oe F.corcheur — — —_ — 304. 32. | Pie-griéche d’ Italie — — ~~ . 298 — de Madagafcar —_ ao — 310 33- | Tangara varié 4 téte verte de Cayenne — —{ IV. 276 blanc de Cayenne — — ibid. 34. | Manakin a téte d’or — — —_ 418 — a téte blanche os -- — 419 — rouge — —_ — gp" 415 35- | Mafcarin — — — —j} VI. 120 36. | Ara bleu et jaune du Bref] — — — 1gl 37+ | Gros-bec de Virginie, appellé Cardinal hup€é — —j]| III. 458 aI 38. Savacou 4 ] a Bi wel a s* — te hs 59- 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. Savacou de Cayenne Cog-de-Roche — Scarabés La Giraffette Le Taureau-volant Phaléne 4 croiffant, de la Chine blonde —eo Le Chapelet bleu de Cayenne L’Echarpe de la Gouadeloupe Le Flambé du Perou Le Tigré de la Gouadeloupe Le Frangiverd Lezard volant. Draco volans, Lin. Grand Pore Litophyte de l’Ifle de Bourbon Cog hupé Caffe-noix Mauvis la Hupe Tadorne Pingon wo — dW’ Ardennes Moineau franc, jeune Cardinal Dominiquain Pie-grieche du Senegal Grand Guépier, des Philippines Figuier de la Caroline Etranger — Pétrel de lIfle S. Kilda de Canada — * Petite Perruche, male, de Guinée Perruche d’ Amboine Martin-pécheur du Senegal Flamant d’ Amerique L’Arlequin de Cayenne Le Thufte de Cayenne Le grand Soldat de Cayenne La Fraife de St. Domingue La Vitrec de Cayenne La Hachette du Soiffonnorg. L’ Arlequine 4 Ww Syft. I. — — | aa SS a te ae QO Oe Al AA a Mk i 89 De Burron. VIL, 443 IV. 432 Ill. 122 3°7 Vi. 439 206 IV. 109 121 Wil. 474 500 ) eas VI. 504 V. 286 285 313 IX. 302 VI. 165 VII. 185 VIII. 479 La Bere 3 ~ ~~ BS % ~~] Seer heats.” 90 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c. PU. De Burron, La Bergame de la Martinique La Confole de la Martinique 68. L” Alpicola Le Velouté de la Chine 69. | Le Feftonné de la Gouadeloupe 70. | Le Rocou de St, Dominique Le Nacre de St, Dominique Le Quinterage de St. Dominique 71. | Le Page de Cayeune Le Tafetas rayé de St. Dominique Le Brun-verd de la Chine 72. | Le Parafol de Surinam Le Guidon de Surinam 73- | Coq de Bruyere — — _ — | II. «ror 74. | Poule de Bruyere — — — ibid. 75. | Sanfonnet, ou Etourneau de France — — i III. 176 76. | Corneille mantelée — —— —- 61 77. | Martin pécheur — oo —- —}|VII. 164 78. | Faifan, le pierre de Cayenne — — — i} Ik 382 79- | Loriot dé la Chine — a —j; Ill. 262 80. | Courly rouge du Brefi/, de age de deux ans — —j VIII. 35 81. ————_——— de troisans — — ibid. 82. | Toucan de Cayenne, appellé Toco —- m7 VIT. 117 83. | Grimpereau a longue queue du Cap de Bonne E/perance| V. 521 —___—_—_—— du Brefil —- —~ — §29 84. |} Lory des Judes Orvientales — me —j; VI. 130 85. | Perruche des Terres Magellanigues * -- _ 262* 86. Hocco * The illuftrious author had not the left occafion to apologize for the epithet Mage/laniques’s but, having refolved that no Parrots fhould trefpafs beyond the tropic of Capricorn, defpifes the authority of the Durch navigator Spilbergen, who was eye-witnefs to the woods of Terra del Fuego, the very fouthern boundary of the Streights of Magellan, in latitude 44, being full of a fpecies of thefe birds +. He might have cited the evidence of Captain Wood, who faw a {mall parrot at Port Famine {. And he might have quoted Commodore Byron, who fays, ** that, notwith- ** ftanding the coldnefs of the climate, he obferved Parrots innumerable in the woods of the ** fame harbour §.””) Mr. Edawards, one of the Surgeons, now living at Caerzarwon, in- formed me, that he faw them in abundance, and that they were of a deep green; probably the very {pecies engraven in the P/. Endl. : The Comre treats with the fame contempt the authority of the obfervant and veracious Captain Coor, who (in defiance of the Comse’s canon) had the hardinefs to truft to the evi- + Purchas’s Pilgrims, 1. 80. } Printed at the end of the Voyages undertaken by the Dutch Eaft India Com- pany, p. 87% - § Hawke/wortb’s Colleétion, I. 38. dence se eee 2 | eee —— va > IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. 91 Px, De Burron. 86. | Hocco, Faifan de la Guiane — _- — SS 379 $7. | Le Pelican — a a —j} VIII. 282 88. | Rollier d’ Angola _ — — — Wl. 144 89. | Merle des Philippines go. | Capricorne du Senegal ———— du Canada gi. | Le Buftard de Cayenne Le Soleil levant de la Chine L’Efclavage de la Chine 92. | Papillons 93- | Papillons 94. | Papillons 9s. | Papillons 96. | Papillons 97. | Le Dindon — _ —- ~~ id. "139 98. | Poule du Japon —_ — — 121 99. | Gros-bec, male — -— _- ae} iT. ..99 100, | —————— femelle —_ —- — ibid. 101. de Coromandel a — — 456 ~ de Fava — — — 467. 102. | Le grand Bout de Petun a ~ — VI. 423 Le petit Bout de Petun — — — 420 103. | Cardinal Dominiquain hupé, de la Louifiane — -—]| Ml. gor 104. | Groffe Gelinote du Canada — ms — Il, 28% 105. | Gelinote, male, des Pyrénées ~~ — — 244. 106, femelle o ~- -—— ibid, 107. | Anhinga du Senegal — — — | VII. 453 108. | La Peintade — = — — Il. 163 109. | Maia de la Chine — — = 1V. 105 dence of his own fenfes, and affert that he faw Parrots in the Ifle of New Zealand; and even to fuffer Captain Furneaux to blab out, that Perroquets were inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land, the very extremity of New Holland *,—both of them countries interdicted by the il- luftrious naturalift to the whole Parrot race. How greatly again has our able navigator ag-~ gravated matters, by not filencing the learned ForsTER, for proving more than one = to be found in the raw wet climate of Dafky Bay, in latitude 46 +3 and, to. make bad to connive at feveral of the companions of his voyage bringing into this kingdom not fewer than eight fpecies of this vagabond genus, who had dared to take open Bemanes <2 beyond the genial limits of the torrid zone, which the Comte DE Burron had fo be A San y decreed to them ; and like a great Creator faid, HITHERTO SHALT THOU COME, BUT NO FURTHER! worfe, * Coox’s Second Voyage, I. 112- t Forster’s Voy. 1. 158. N 2 Maia rg oF: wen Fo # a ~ By F CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS;: &c. 138. Pigeon PL. De Burron, Maia de Cuba -— a bs gy ee Grenadin de la cote d’ Afrique — 3 169 110. | Pigeon Romain —- = a iH. 496 lit. | ———— Ramier verd de Madaga/car —_—~ a $40 112.| Le grand Aigle de Mer — — cote J, 1i2 113. | Etourneau des Terres Magellaniques _ os Ill. 196 114. | Tangara de Cayenne — _~ — IV. 296 —du Brefil — ~-- a os 295 — de Cayenne — — ox 297 115.| Le Bengal — ee ids ave: 92 —— brun -— ~- os 95 nia piqueté — — — 96 116. | Martin pecheur de Ternzate — —_ —j| VII. 196 117. | Pic de Virginie —~ —- — at 55 118. | Faifan couronné des Indes — — at IT. 542 119. | Lory, male, des Judes Orientales — — VI. 120. | Perroquet Amazone varié du Bref/ — — 236 121. | Faifan de france — oe — II. 328 122.} Femelle du Faifan —~ — — ibid, 123. | Faifan blanc de la Chine - — — — 359 CP og pe aaerameee: femelle — — ibid, 125. | Le Hocco du Perou — na = 373 126. | Caille hupée du Mexigue, une Efpece de Colin? — 482 - des Philippines — — — 478 127. | Tangara du Mexigue, appellé le Cardinal. — — 4 IV ae ———— du Brefil — — — 279 128. | ————-— pourpré de Cayenne — — — 259 —_—_— femelle — — ibid. 129. | La Gelinote blanche — — —_ II. 264 I 30. du Senegal _ —_ — 250 131. male, du Canada — — — 279 132. femelle — ne _ ibid. 133. | Tangara verd tacheté des Indes Occidentales — — 7 -1V. -a88 | — du Peron — — — 286 134. | Moineau du Cap de Bonne E/perance — eperk ad! ee ———- de Madagafcar —~ — — 495 i 135. { Gros-bec du Canada — —_ one 457 des Philippines ~~ _ see 465 136. | La Perdrix de Montagne — —_ si IT. 419 137. du Senegal = — = 443 — — — - [md e IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. 93 PL. De Burron, 138. | Pigeon verd des Philippines — — — 3 Sie sy 139. Gros-bec des Moluques — _ — Kil. 4.68 -- de Fava, dit le Domino -— — ibid, --— de Fava, dit le Jacobin — — — ibid, 140. | Lourterelle 4 cravate noire du Cap de Bonne E/perance It. eke 141. | Pigeon roux de Cayenne — ne — 526 142. | Lourterelle 4 gorge pourprée de Anboine — — 555 143. | Perruche des Indes Orientales — — —- ¥i.i. 533 144. — a gorge tachetée de Cayenne — — 258 145. | Bouvreuil, male aii stone — IV. 372 — femelle — — — ibid. 146. | Faifan de la Guiane ‘nin wii — II. 364 147. | Francolin, male — _ — — 438 148, — femelle — — — —— ibid. 149. | Caille de la Louifane — _ _- 487 150. | Perdrix rouge de France, male —— —— — 4.31 151. | La Linotte — ~~ — a8 EW | 2 88 La petite Linotte des Vignes — — — 216 152. | Gros-bec de la Chine — — —j III. 463 de Cayenne — — — 4.62 153. de I’lfle de Bourbon aa de la Louifiane os — - 460 1o4. bleu d’ Amerique — _ _ 456 155. | Tangara bleu de Cayenne — — — 232 —— brun d’ Amerique — — — 267 456. | ———— du Canada —_ — — 250 . —— de St. Dominique — — — 263 157. | Le Senegali _- —_ —_ -- i. 99 Senegalt rayé — — — — 10% Pincon de la Chine 158. | Ortolan de la Louifiane — — _- 325 du Cap de Bonne E/perance _ — ibid. 1gg. | Verdiers de la Louifiane, la femelle —_ —j| IV. 176 ———~ le mile, appellé le Pape — _ ibid. 160. | Tourterelle du Senegal: — -- — Il. $53 161. ii 4 collier du Senegal ~~ —_ ibid. 162. | Pigeon de la Martinique _ — — §25 163. verd d’ Amboine _— a —_ 528 164, Ramier des Moluques _ _— — 538 165. | Spatule couleur de rofe de Cayenne = —| VII. 456 166, Toucan 94. CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c,. PL. De Burron, 166. | Toucan verd du Bref/ — — —]} VII. 126 167. | Perruche de la Guiane — -— — VI.! ans 168. | Lory des Philippines -— .- —~ 132 169. | L’Agami de Cayenne oo — — IV. 487 170. | ia Caille -— — os —_ II. 449 L7 i. de Madagafcar — — “— 479 172. | Coq de Bruyeres 4 queue fourchue, male — vot 210 173 . —————--_—___—- femelle — — ibid, 174. | Tourterelle de la Famaigque — -— — 558 175. | —————- de la Caroline ae —~ —~ 557 176. du Canada —~ a —— $52 77. _ de Fava — — ~ 556 178. | Tangara de Cayenne, appellé l’Eveque —~ =~ IV. 266 — fa femelle ~ — — ibid, 179g — bleu du Bref/ _ — =~ 258 | noir d’ Amerique ~— ~~ — 257 180. | Perdrix d’ Afrique — — — Il. 444 181. | Moineau de Cayenne —— “— — III. 496 de la Caroline — —~ mee ibid. 82. | Merle de Montagne — _ — 3472 183. | Moineau du Royaume de Fuda — —- 487 — a bec rouge du Senegal -~ — 485 184. | Troupiale, appellé Caffique jaune du Brefl — — 235 185. | Traquet noir des Philippines — —- V.| 296 Le grand Traquet des Philippines —- — ibid, 186. | Le Cotinga oan — — — IV. 442 ’ 187. | Vautour du Brefl — wo -—— eres 188. | Cotinga du Bref/ — — — IV. 442 ; 189. | Gobe-mouche hupé de Madaga/car — — 586 190. | Petite Perruche a gorge jaune d’Amerigue — — VI. 280 —--—- du Perou _~ — — 163 191. | Petite Kakatoes des Philippines — ~~ 96 192. | Perruche a téte bleu des Judes Orientales — — 145 193. | Le Crapaud volant — — — 512 194. | La grand Veuve d’ Angola reduite — —- IV. 255 La meme Veuve, apres la mué, de grandeur naturelle ibid. 195. | Couroucou de Cayenne — — ~ VI. 291 196. | L’Epeiche, male, ou le Pic varié -— —{ VIE 57 197. | La Foulque — inn — —j| VIII. oan 198. | Courly de Madagafcar —- _ — 26 199. Merle @ 3 2; a Z 4 z # aoe 3% IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINE ES. 95 Pik. De Burron, 199. | Merle du Cap de Bonne E/perance — atk, Ill. 366 200. ~ chauve des Philippines — ae ih 420 201. | Le Pere noir de la Martinique — ddl 485 Moineau 4 téte rouffe de Cayenne a — 4.94 202. | Le Serin — — se IV. 2 Le Chardonneret du Canada — =“ 212 203. | Moineau de la céte d’ Afrique — — oni III. 497 — bleu de Cayenne — — are 495 204. | Bouvreuil de l’Ifle Bourbon -— — — 386 du Cap de Bonne E/perance -- — ibid, 205. | Langara des grand bois de Cayenne — — 239 206, | Barbu de Cayenne =F oat anki Ft 96 , — de Sf. Dominique — * a —- ibid, 207. | Harle hupé, male ons _s —j} VIII. 273 208. | Eider, femelle — — — IX. 107 209. | Oye a duvet, ou Eider, male, du Dannemarck — ibid. 210. | Gerfault d’/fande — — — I. 239 a11. | Coucou de Cayenne — —_ —- VI. 414 212.} Tyran du Brefi/ -- ~~ — PY 5 S98 213. | Pigeon ramier de Cayenne — --~ -—~ Hi - saz 214. {| Tourterelle de Batavia — — —— 556 21s. | Perruche a collier de l’Ifle de Bourdon ~— a VI. 143 216.-| Lory des Moluques — —- — 127 217. | Faifan doré de la Chine — -— — Bi, ... Fe6 ——_——— {a femelle — — oo ibid,. 218. | Le Bec-croifé d’ Allemagne ae —- ~ HI. 449 219. | Merle des Philippines — — ~ 423 220. — a longue queue du Senegal — —~ 369 est; —du Cap de Bonne E/perance — — 378 222. | Caille des Ifles Moluques a —~ ~ Il. 477 223. | Moineau du Senegal — oo — Ill. 484 — du Canada -—- — a 500 224. | ————_— de Macao — — — 485 —-——- de Fava — —_— —— ibid. ————. de Cayenne — — — Ve 3:293 22¢ — de Bois, ou a la Soulcie — — Hil. 498 226. | Choucas du Cap de Bonne Efperance — — 79 227. | Oifeausmouche huppe de Cayenne —_ — VI.. -22 a gorge dorée du Breil — — 1g SSE a gorge verte de Cayenne — — 28 4 228. Pie-~- 96 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &e, Pi De Burron, 28. } Pie-grieche, appellé l’Ecorcheur de Madagafcar — B.. 312 229. | Cotinga des Maynas — — —} IV. 447 230. | Moineau du Cap de Boune E/perance —_ — 103 : — de Senegal — — aa 104 231. | La Bartavelle — — — —- TI. 420 232. | Grand Martin-pecheur de Madaga/car — —} Vil. 182 233- | Bruant de France, appellé le Proyer — em) AV ig Ee 234. | Gobe-mouche huppé du Cap de Bonne Efperanee — 558 _ blanc — — — ibid, 235-1 Traquet, male, de l’Ifle de Lugon — — V. 229 are — fa femelle — — — ibid, 236. | Troupiale de St. Dominique, appellé le Sieur —{ Ill. 230 —_——- de Cayenne — — — | - 218 237- | L’Albatros du Cap de Bonne E/perance — —| IX. 339 238. |] Jacamardu Brefl = — —j| VII. 220 239. | Perruche de Gingi — — ~~ Vie 24.0. — rouge d’Amboine =—_-— — — 1 33 241. | La Demoifelle de Numidie — — —j| VII. 313 242. | Le Vanneau — — _ —j VIII. 48 243- | Petite Tourterelle de St. Dominique — — Ils.) $66 —__-- de la Martinique — = ibid. 244. | La Tourterelle a collier — — — Ile: 566 245. | L’Outarde, male — — _ I 246. | Grimpereau des Philippines — _ V. 497 ——_—__—-—- fa femelle — — — ibid. du Cap de Bonne Efperance — a 502 247.1 L’Ortolan — _ — —— IV.” 306 de rofeaux — — -— ki es 248. | Gobe-mouche a longue queue de Madagafcar — — 567 a longue queue, & 4 ventre blanc — ibid. 249. | Geai 4 ventre jaune de Cayenne — — —} III. 119 250. | Le Merle folitaire femelle d’/talie a — 355 251. couleur de rofe de Bourgogne _ — 348 252. | Guépier de I’Ifle de France — can —j| VI. 493 263. | Goiland cendré eine atti — | VIII. 406 254. | L’Oifeau-de Paradis des Moluques os — | il, 31s1 255. | Le Coracias des Alpes a — wae i 256. | Etourneau de la Louifane — — — £92 257. | Merle des Molugues —_ -_ = 414 258. | ——e—— de Bengale = =m — — — ibid, 259. Guépier PL. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 280, 281. 982. 284. 286. 286. 237. 288. 289. 290. IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES, 97 r ;? oe . De BUFFON, Guépier de Madagafcar =a =a Poe i “aga Calao a bec rouge du Senegal — — ai ER aa Le Jafeur de Bobéme — ane — Ill. 429 Toucan a gorge blanche de Cayenne — —j| Vil. Kakatoes des Molugues sa siti ae VI, 92 Perruche a téte rouge du Gingi = a 144 L,Oifeau-royal, male — sen —{ VII. 317 Le Grifard — o— an Bot VET. 497 Le Friquet = Sa ani a Ss7 HII. 485 Le Verdier — — — —— 2 ee Le Mainate des /udes Orientales — a Ill. 416 Toucan 4 gorge jaune de Cayenne — —/; VII. 118 Becaffine du Cap de Bonne E/perance — — 494 Jacamar a longue queue de Surinam — — 22 Merle a collier du Cap de Bonne E/perance — —j{ Ill. 374 —de St. Domingue a a — 403 —— des Indes Orientales mo mo — 397 Coucou des Judes Orientales —- —- — VI, 382 huppé de Coromandel a — — 388 TLe Macareux — = - — ry 2G8 Oifeau-mouche, le plus petit de l’ Amerique — a Vi. II — tacheté de Cayenne — a 31 de Cayenne ~= — —~ 29 —_—___—- A gorge rouge de Breil = — — 31 ‘Coucou tacheté de Mindanao a — ~— 373 Le Fou de Baffan — — — VIII. 376 Cotinga pourpré de Cayenne — — — IV. 448 Etourneau du Cap de Bonne Ef/perance — aes Il. 191 Pic rayé de St. Dominique —_ oo —| VII. 2 Coliou du Cap de Bonne E/perance -~ —j| IV. 404 ~——— huppé du Senegal ~— -— — ibid. Calao des Moluques — — —| VII. 147 Martin-pécheur huppé du Mexique Bas res 208 Rollier de Mindanao — a —| IIT. 28% Pluvier a collier de St. Domingue a — Vil. 97 Perroquet de Vifle de Lucon -- — ~_ vr. 15% Petite Perruche du Senegal — -— — 123 Tyran hupé de Cayenne — —_ aug IV. 552 Tangara a téte rouffe de Cayenne ae — 273 _— tacheté de Cayenne — — = 271 O 291. Moineau — - to wo wo WO \O © Cr —- GG oN to oO Oo LS CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c. Tarin de la Nouvelle York ———— {a femelle Le Pique-boeuf du Coucou de Malabar —— de Madaga/fcar, a bleu de JZ —_——e! 5 Senegal r Pie-griéche jaune de Cayenne ye J SS a rayee ‘ — grife du Senegal e Cayenne opellé Loulou Ada gafcar ——— a >) i % a 343 | 299. | Petite Pie-griéche de Madaga/car, mile — (315 | ——_—_—-——__—_——. {a femelle — ibid. | | 300. | Le Chevalier varié — — Vil, eee Hl gor. | Tangara tacheté de Cayenne — — IV. 288 — hupé de la Guiane —- — 240 | 302. | Manakin du Bref/ — — 413 ) — orangé de Cayenne oo — 417 | 303% — a téte noire de Cayenne — 413 — vert hupé de Cayenne — 412 304. | Pie-gri¢che grife de Cayenne -- — I. 304 305. | Paon de Mer, male — — Vil. i gga 306. femelle — — ibid. 397. | Toucan a gorge jaune du Brefi/ _—- 118 308. | Plongeon a gorge rouge de Siderie ~~ VITT. 26% 3°99. |. Gros-bec du Brefi/ -— —- —; Ill. 461 — de Cayenne — —- ~~ —| ibid. _ 310. | Hirondelle a ventre roux du Senegal — —| VI. 610 311. | Perroquet cendré de Guinze — — -— 100 312. verd et rouge de Cayenne — — 210 313. | Cafoar des Indes Orientales -— —- I. 464 314. | Guépier a longue queue du Senegal — — VI. 494 315. | Petit Heron roux du Senegal — —- od VII. gt 316. | Le Pigeon ramier — — — Lis 63% 317. | Merle a-cul jaune du Senegal — G Gs Go Gs WD & Yb Ww oF ee Ok 342. 345: 346. 349+ Onwr oO o~ IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMIN®EES. 99 Pic, appellé Goertan du Senegal Bruant du Bref/ — de PIfle-de Bourdon Jacana du Mexique —— Le Blongios de Suife a Manakin a gorge blanche a — a front blanc de Cayenne Grand Crapaud-volant de Cayenne Rolhier du Senegal — Corneille du Senegal = Caffique vert de Cayenne — Tourterelle a longue queue du Senegal Barbu de Maynas amin des Philippines _ Coucou du Senegal ~— | ea 7 | || Hirondelle de Mer, appellé l’Zpouvantail — Martin- -péecheur du Senegal, appellé Cradier Perroquet a front blanc “du Senegal de Cuba ~— Faifan huppé de Cayenne — — verdatre de Cayenne ~- Merle folitaire des Philippines — Coulon-chaud de Cayenne _— Verdier du Cap de Bonne E/perance — de St. Dominique — Je Cravant — — Carouge de Cayenne — -~ Caffique huppé de Cayenne ~~ Pic du Canada — — Petit Pic du Senegal — Oye du Canada —: —— de Guinée — — — Heron huppé de Mahon ~- — bleuatre de Cayenne —- —_—_—_— om —— ————s —=--! Leen tal a _— —- —_—— —Sw —— —_— ——weg —_—— — ——-— bleuatre a ventre blanc de Cayenne —. Roffignol de Muraille, male —_ intents {a terete Poule-d’eau de Cayenne a L’Avocette — Merle du Senegal,, appelle Padobt O A - —_— wee De Burron, —i! VII, 25 —- EVs 964 — 366 —j| VIII. 185 — VIl. 395 _- IV. 421 a 423 -~ Vis Ba? —_ lil. 143 ennai 67 _ 240 Rea) Ae —i; VII. 98 — 102 — ba SR 2, — VIII. 344 —j} VII. 183 — Vi. 212 = 237 _ Il, 385 — 399 — Ill. 364 —j} VIll., 133 cone IV. 182 ~~ 186 — IX, 87 —j} Ill. 217 —- QAI owt Vit. 69 — PX. 384 — 72 —{ VII. 393 — 399 oe 378 — Ve “£70 — ibid. —i VIII. 182 — 466 -- Ill. 368 355. Merle <-_ 100 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS; &e. \/ Pi, De Burron, 355. | Merle de la Guiane — — —- — | Ill. 410.470 356. | Martins- tore du Senegal —- —- ome fe VET. ge 357. | Le Bec-en-cifeaux de Cayenne —— —j| VIII. 454 358. | Merle a ventre orangé du Senegal —- — bil. pes 359. | Petite Perruche verte de Cayenne ~ _ NV 2.) ag 360. | Perroquet de la Havane — as ga 227 3617, 4 id Gorge- rouge a — — V3, gg yleue ton — _ 206 362. | Vanneau ae du Senegal — ee 1 VIE see 363. | L’Alouette — — Jon jee V. : Le Calandre —- — — — 49 364. | Serin de Mozambique, mile = — — LV. 3 ee shin {a femelle — — ibid, 365. | Maubéche tachetée oo -— =} VII. 631 / 366 grife _ — — —~ ibid, ‘ 367. | Le grand Pingouin, duMerdu Nord — —j| IX. 390 368. | Rale de Cayenne oo -— — —} VIIT. 164 if 369. | Paille en queue blanc de l’Ifle del’ Afcenfion — — 355 ‘: 370. | Momot du Brefil — — ais — Vi. 430 . 371.1 Le Pic Verd — we —j; VII. 7 , 372. | Grimpereau de Muraille, male — a V. 487 fa femelle — — ibid, 373- | Geaide Cayenne — —- — —j III. 118 374- |. Grande Pie-griéche verdatre de Madaga/fcar.— — lL. 4 375- | Troupiale, male, du Senegal — —)| Ill. 226 376. _ fa femelle -—— — — ibid. 377. | Pie-griéche tachetée de Cayenne -— — ee 378. | Cotinga rouge de Cayenne — a — 1 ee 379: | Oye d Egypte os — — —! IX. 79 380. | Gros-bec, a ap pelle queue en eve ntail de Virginie —} III. 463 351. | Gobe-mouche noir a gorge pourpré de Cayenne — IV. 688 352. | Le Manchot du Cap de Bonne Efper ance — —! IX. 402 353- | L’Ara verd du Brefl. — —~ _ WA, =< TOG 384. | Perroquet a téte bleue de la Guiane — — 243 385. | Hibou des terres Magellaniques — — | L.-= 339 336. | Bruant du Mexigue —- — —| IV. 362 ——— du Cap de Bonne E/perance — —| . 370 3¢7- | La Mouette cendrée tachetée — — —| VIII. 424 3° 8. | Ortolan de la Caroline — — _ Ee Pees & yi de la Louifiane — -- a 339 389. L’Ibis IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINF ‘ES. IO] 3g ¥ De Burron, 389. |-L'Ibis blanc d’ Egypte aig ins ant VIR ae 390. Coucou du Cap de Bonne E/perance — san Vile 3¢9 391. | Figuier hupé de Cayenne — ona aha Vio a4 7 — noir et jaune de Cayenne — — ibid. 392. | Merle a téte noire du Cap de Bonne E/perance — — III. 388 393. | Gros-bec de Virginie ~-- o — 467 — des Indes — — -— 4.66 — appellé la Nonette a — — ibid. 394. | La Tourterelle — — — — Be REG 395. | Barbu 4 collier de Cayenne —_ — —j}| VII. 97 396. | La Gorge-rouge de la Caroline — = wee OTS ———____+—__—___—— fa femelle _ — ibid. 397. | Pie-griéche de la Louifiane — — — - 307 398. | Grive de la Guiane — — —j} III. 289 Petite Grive de St. Domingue — oo — REY eS , 399-4 La Cigoene brune — — —j| VII. 271 400. | Le Grébe cornu —_ —~ —/ VIII. 236 401. | La Crefferelle — — — J. 280 " 402. | Troupiale 4 ailes rouges de la Lousfane — IIT. ar4 403. | Sarcelle de Cayenne — ~~ —j Ik. 280 404. | Grebe de Cayenne — —_ —j| VIII. 242 — de Efclavonte — -—- -— 237 405. La Spatule — —_ = — Vil. 448 . 406. | Grive (appellée la Litorne par erreur) — — III. 280 407. | Perruche de la Guiane — — — VI. 255 408. | Perroquet varie de Cayenne ~ — — 244 409. | L’Aigle commun — oak 2 I. 86 410. | Le grand Aigle, ou l’Aigle royal — — 76 411. | L’Aigle a téte blanche -—-- — — 99 412. | L’Epervier — — — = aes 413. | Le Jean-le-blanc = a — — 124 414. | Le Balbuzard — — ee =< tY3 are: ai ou l’Offifrague, le grand Aigle de ee 35 femelle -—— = — a 416. | Aigle des grandes Indes — —_e << T3 A17. d’ Amerique _ — — ae 418. | L’Autour —_— — pean aa hts 419. | La Bufe — ee: Eee acs — 420. | La Bondrée — ee Se: ae 208 421, | Le Faucon — — rns — “5% 422. Le CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &e. 102 PL. : De Burron. 422. | Le Milan wee om — — I. 199 423. | Le Bufard — — — - Z| 424. de Marais —— — a 218 F 425. | Le Vautour ~- _ — —— 158 : 426. | Le Percnoptere -— — a 149 ; 427. | Vautour de Malthe — a a 167 } 428. |-L.”Urubu, ou Roi des Vautours de Cayenne — a 169 : 429. | Vautour de Norwege * ~ —- —- 164. , 430. | Le Lanier-Tiercelet de Faucon de la troifieme année 254. E 431. | Varicté finguliere du Hobreau — — 277 432. | Le Hobreau ~= — — ibid. - 4.33. | Le Paon a _ —- ~ IT. 288 4.34. | La Paonne — ~-- _- — ibid. ; 435. | Le grand Duc — ike ve I. 332 436. | Le petit Duc, ou le Scops — ak ced + 353 437. Le * This bird is placed at left thirty degrees beyond its true latitude, no Vulture having ever been native of Noraway.:There is no doubt of its being the male of an Egyptian bird, the. Vultur Percnopterus of Haffelguift, Itin. 2cg, which is wholly white, except the primaries, which are black. + Itis a very unhappy thing to have to do with a gentleman of too lively imagination, who, when he cannot find error, will invent, or, like a fencer, for want of an antagonift, will chalk out a figure on a wall to fpend his fury on. ‘This little owl has been made the fketch on which the illuftrious Comte has exhaufted his wrath, aimed in fact at myfelf. May ‘ I attribute to him more wit than he intended, and fufpeé that he feleéted this bird as em- blematic of the poor author? The Comre roundly charges me with miftaking this fpecies for one I call the Short-eared Owl, Br. Zoo. fol. p. 71. tab. B. 3. and B. 4. fig. 2. Now it happens, that in that edition (the only one he could at that time fee) I defcribe it as a new fpecies. [ nevereven mention the name of Sgogs, or /e petit Duc, till I have occafion to {peak of it in the fourth edition of my Brit Zoology *, and then with the candid intent of letting the Comte know, in a peaceable manner, that I had made no confufion of the birds, but that I was very capable of diftinguifhing them. I defcribe the length of my {pecies to be fourteen inches; the weight fourteen ounces; whereas the length of the Scops is not above feven inches and a half. As Mr. W’illughby compafes its bulk to that of a Black.bird, the weight probably does not exceed four ounces. 1 do not even confound it (as the Come unhappily afferts) with his Moyen Duc, but give that fpecies the Linuzan fynonym of Strix Otus. 1 could not confound them, as I give defcription and figure of that bird under the name of the Loug-eared Owl. After all, I fufpe&t my Short-eared Oavl to be the bird defcribed by the Comte under the name of La Chouette, oun La grande Cheviche + 3 Belon defcribes the fame, yet neither of thefe authors obferved the ears or horns, which I have | more than once obferved very confpicuous in the living bird. But whether it be the fame which the French call La Chouette, I will not determine, having never feen that bird ; but my fpecies greatly refembles the figure given by the Comfe in tab. XXVII. which has the appearance of horns, but is unlike that which he refers to in the Planches Enluminies, tab. 438.—But what fhall we think of this critical Comte, when he refers his * Vel. I, Pe 175+ A4tOe pe 206. Syvo, edition. 5G Ornitholegie, I. 372+ Meyen IN LES PLANCHES rf Z oo Cc ra a) ned —- P A 4 e3| (ry Te . 10% Pr. De Burron. 437. | Le Chathuant — on ahaa oR i. ana 4.38. | La Chouette — aos Yee oe. 439. | La Chevéche — — noe ies Si 440, | 1. Effraye, oula Frefaye - — ili eee si 44t. | La Hulote — — re Set ~e8 442. | Chathuant de Cayenne -— —_ “= a : - J7 443. | La Soubufe — — ane boca Ate 444. | Emerillon de Cayenne oo — — a 445. | La Pie-griéche — — — — 296 446. | Gerfault blanc des pays du Nord _- i I. 239 447. | Le Rochier —_ See cere ide: 236 448. | Troupiale tacheté de Cayenne — i bIE->: 98s —__—__—_—_—_-—_—. fa femelle — a alk ibid. 449, | La Piette, male — — ee Sl. 97% 4.50. femelle — — —_ ibid. 451. | Le Kamichy — — — Mei VIL. 336 452. | Couroucou a ventre rouge de Cayenne — — VI. 287 453. | Le Gobe-mouche roux de Cayenne — wen lV. 549 , tacheté de Cayenne _- -—~ 582 454. | Guépier 4 queue et ailes rouffes de Cayenne — — VI. 509 455. | Petite Perruche du Cap de Bonne Efperance — — 173 ——— de l’Ifle de Tait — — 175 456, | ——-—-——_—_———- de I'Jfle de St. Thomas — _- 284 — de Cayenne —_ a 280 467.} L’Autruche = -- -- — ES. 368 Moyen Duc (my Long-eared Ow/) to avery good figure of my Short-eared Oal, in the 2oth plate of the P/. Exl. under the very title of Moyes Due, ou Hibou ? without even having eyes to diftinguith between that and his own excellent figure of the Hiboxz, in tab. XXII. of his Ornithclogie, et ce Qui prouve auffi Jon peu de connoifjance et d’exa&itude + eff d’ avoir eralement. indiqué ce méme oifeau dans les Planches Enl. N° 473, tur le nom de Perit Autour de Cayenne f. Flow bleifed is he in the rapidity of his genius, which will not fuffer him to diftinguith /ecies from /peci:s, or even genus from geaus / otherwife it would nave been impoflible for him to have miftaken an elegont Fa.-on for a grotefque Oz/; or how could he avoid feeing, that the two figures I had given, in the great edition of the Br. Zoo/. were not of the fame bird, notwith- ftanding one was leffer than the other, which was occafioned by its being placed in the fame plate with another? If they are badly executed, atonement 1s made by better in the quarto and o€tavo, or the fourth editions. If the public (for wafting fo much time on fo ridiculous a fubje&) call us a brace of owls, I freely refign to my noble antagonilt the fuperior title of Le grand Duc; for 2n uncandid critic, by an eafy tranfition, Feedague fit volucris, venturi nuncia luétus, Ignavus Buso, dirumque authoribus omen. ; - os 5 “A cn 7 ‘5 t tr r + See there his own words employed againft me. Ornithelogie, 1, 353+ tf Sce p. 342 of the fame volumes 458. Le 104 | CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &ec. De Burron, P65 a 458. | Le Harfang —- “— -— — I, 489 459. | L’Oifeau St. Martin vo —— — 212 460. | La Harpaye — — wom — 217 461. | L’Autour fors — we _ 230 462. | Gerfault de Norwege —- — — 239 463. Chouette 4 longue queue de S7derie — -— 385? 464. | Epervier 4 gros bec de Cayenne — — 237 465. Emerillon de St. Domingue — — — 291 466. | Le Pigeon, commun — — -— Ils} ems 467. | Tiercelet hagard d’Epervier -—- — | Fae 2 468. | L’>Emerillon — cia — — 988 469. | Le Faucon noir et paflager ne — — 258. 268 A Te fors —_ — —— 254 / 471. | La Crefferelle, femelle sil si ite 280 472. | Le Milan noir ao — — 203 473. | Petit Aucour de Cayenne — — — 237 474. | La Gelinote, male a — << II. 233 475. ~——— verd et roux de Cayenne — — 215 === {4 femelle —~ ~— ibid, 593. — hupé de St. Domingue — — 210 594, _ a tete grifedu Senegal — a 194. 595-} L’Epeiche, femelle — 7 — 57 596. | Le Pic noir, male a _ — 41 597. Le we SS IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. 109g PL. De Burron. 597. | Le Pic varié, femelle, de la Famaique — —j| Vil. 42 598. | Le petite Pic varié =a —% Sees bo ~ fa femelle _ —~ o ibid, $99. Colibri de Cayenne dit la Topaze —_ — VI 46 violet de Surinam — _~ — 57 600. | Le Colibri ae — a was 64. - violet de Cayenne ~_— —- 57 ——— a longue queue de Cayenne — = 49 a collier de Surinam wos ~ 59 601. | Le Touraco de Guinée — —~ — 300 602. | Le Barbican des cétes de Barbarie ~- — | VII. 132 €03. | Choucas des Philippines — ~ —jf Il. 83 604. | Merle de la Chine — ~~ — 368 605. | Le Talapiot de Cayenne _ od —j} VII. 82 606. | Troupiale de la Caroline —- —_ — II]. gar olive de Cayenne —_ — 225 607. | Carouge de Cayenne os — 244. ———— du Cap de Bonne Efperance — — 251 608. | Geai de Siberie — _ — 118 609. | Le Colnud de Cayenne ~— i — 82 610. | Gorge-bleue, male, fans tache blanche — — V. 206 femelle — ~— — ibid, jaune — — me ibid, 611. | Pic varié a téte rouge — oe —j| VII. 59 612. | Grand Pic hupé 4 téte rouge, de Cayenne — _ 53 613. | Pic rayé de Cayenne — — — 31 614. | ——-—— 4 téte noire de St. Domingue —— — 27 615. | Le Mouchet ~ — = Ve. 151 Le Roffignolh — — — —| St 616. | Le Griverd de Cayenne — — —/ Ill, 134 617. | Le Kink de la Chine ~ — — 253 618. | Le Mouftache -— — — — Ve. 418 ——_—___—__——. fa femelle —_ — —_ ibid. Le Remiz _ —_ ~~ = AZ 3 619. | Rollier des Judes a —_ —j} III. 147 620. de la Chine _ ~— =e 132 621. | Le Picucule de Cayenne —_ —_ —j| Vil. 82 622. | Le Geai de la Chine —_ = Shoe ts 623. | Le Torchepot _ = Bi Y. 460 — du Canada = — 471 624, Cotinga reas eases asso eterna Ee | 110 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c. i De Burrow, 624. | Cotinga de Cayenne o — ——{ IV. 444 625. | Geai du Perou ~~ — —j} III. 116 626. | Rollier d’ Zbyfinie a —~_ “— 143 627. | Merle de Mizdanao —— ~~ — 387 Dominiquain des Philippines — — 396 628. | Le Caffican de la Nouvelle Guinée aoad = Vi.) ge 629. | Choucas de la Nouvelle Guinée -— ooose Gree BE 5 ony 650. | Le Choucari de la Nouvelle Guinée aes — ibid, 631. | Oifeau de Paradis de la N. Guinée, dit le Magnifique 167 632. | ——_—_______ dit le Superbe — 169 633. | Le Sifilet de la Nouvelle Guinée —_ — 171 634. | Le Calybé, de la Nouvelle Guinée a —_ 173 635. | Le Veuve a ailes rouges, du Cap de Bonne Efperance — IV. 164 636. | Merle folitaire, male, de Manille _ ood. Ul.; 66a 637. | Promerops du Cap de Bonne Efperance — ond VI.) 46g 676... F. —de la Nouvelle Guinée — — 471 639. | Grand Promerops de la Nouvelle Guinée —~ — 472 640. | Oifeau mouche huppé A gorge topafe, de Cayenne —] VI. a1 dit la Jacobine de Cayenne — ~— 34 dit le Hupecol de Cayenne — — 18 641. | Le petit Ara — _~ — 180 642. | Perruche 4 collier des Indes Maldives —_ ~- 141 643- | Le Grifin de Cayenne _ — — |III.408.1V.476 fa femelle —~ — — ibid, Le Verdin de la Cochinchine — — — 409 644. | Merle roux de Cayenne — — —j} Ill. 402 Petit Merle brun a gorge rouffe de Cayenne — — 403 645. | Grive de la Caroline, appelle le Moqueur Francois — 323 646..| Caflique de la Louifiane —_~ — — 242 647. | La Veuve 4 poitrine rouge, du Cap de Bonne Efperance| IV. 167 648. | Merle Violet 4 ventre blanc de Fuida aes oe III. 402 verd de l’Ifle de France — ~— — 388 649. | Guépier de Nudie — — —j| VI. 506 650. | Alouette noire — — — — Vi i. 92 — de Siberie — — _ 61 651. | Le Chantre — — — — 344 Le Roitelet — eine — — 352 | Le Souci, ou le Poul — — — 363 652. | La Lavandiere — — — 264 Varieté dela Lavandiere — _ — ibid. 653. Le IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. T1i Pr. | - De Burron 653. | Le Bruant de Haye -~ —- IV. 347 ————— fa femelle — — . — rbid. 654. | Le Fifte de Provence as — — V. 494 La Pivote Ortolanne de Provence — — 195 655. Le Pitte-chou de Provence — — oar 158 La Boufcarle de Provence — -— — I 34. 656. Le Gavoué de Provence wii _— aka iV. co Le Mitilene de Provence ao oo — 322 657. | Coucou verd du Cap de Boune Efperance — — Wis 385 658. | Le Serin de Provence atl ans — IV. 4. Le Venturon de Provence — — — ibid, 659. | Gros-bec tacheté du Cap de Bonne E/perancee — — eT 49 3 ~ d’ Angola ~— — —- ibid, 660. | La Farloufe — a — eee Le Cujelter — a no — 26 661. | L’Alouette de Marais — ~— — 60 apenas Pipi = cans _ 39 662. | La Coquillade _ — | ~~ 7M 663. | Martin-Pecheur de la Nouvelle Guinée — —; VII. 181 664. | Ortolan du Cap de Bonne E/perance — a IV. 328 a ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne E/perance — 326 665. | Moineau de l’Ifle de France — — 7 TH. 484. — fa femelle — _ — ibid. 666. | Gobe-mouche bleu des Philippines — _ LV. 534 - de la. Loutfiane -_ — 538 667. | Pic tacheté de Nudie — a —; VII. 66 668. | Le Becfigue — 7 ~ — V. 187 Fauvette des Alpes — — — 156 669. | Le Pitpit bleu de Cayenne _— — can 339 | de Surinam — —_ 341 670. | Grimpereau a longue queue du Senegal — — 519. | $i ne ——— di Gap de Bonne L/perance 517 | 671. | Colibri 4 gorge verte de Cayenne — ee pos Vis - 56 } a queue violette de Cayenne — — $5 | 672, | Petit Oifeau-mouche a queue fourchue de Cayenne — 16 | Oifeau-mouche 4 larges tuyaux de Cayenne — -— 35. 4 cravate dorée de Cayenne — — 26 673. | Martin-Pécheur de la Chine —_ —j{ VII. 189 674.| La Bergeronette grife eis = wat V. 262 . du Printemps —_ — ibid.,. t 675. Gobe-. 5 + = PERRET ee NEF TEN ae gosenoempeenrnae. -- 12 PL. 681, 682, 633. 684. 685. 687, 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c. Gobe-mouche pie de Cayenne o— - rouge hupé os _— an de la Caroline — _ a queue fourchue de Mexigue — Le Traquet oa —_ — Le ‘Tarter a a Martin-Peécheur hupé du Cap de Bonne E/perance Colibri de St. Domingue — a du Mexigue a an de la Famaique oo —_— Ie Grimpereau — oe de I’Ifle de Bourbon — verd de Cayenne nee verd tacheté de Cayenne Lory de la Nouvelle Guinée a de Gueby — Figuier olive de Cayenne ~~ cendré du Canada —~ La Gorge-jaune de St. Domingue — Le Rouge-queue de Cayenne ome Manakin cendré de Cayenne — noir hupé de Cayenne _ Barbu du Cap de Bonne E/perance — a poitrine noire de Cayenne — a gros bec de Cayenne — — Pic noir hupé de la Caroline — — —-verd des Philippines oe _ —— rayé de la Louifiane — — ——rayé du Canada a — —— roux de Cayenne — oe —— petit noir de Cayenne —_ ~— — verd de Bengale _ — —— verd de Goa — — La Huppe du Cap de Bonne E/perance — Le Torcol oo — — Cotinga gris de Cayenne — —_ Le Fourmillier de Cayenne — Le Carilloneur de Cayenne ~ — Le Coraya de Cayenne — — L’Alapi de Cayenne _ c— POSPPUSARURTIITIPEEDETRIITILbitid einai De Burron, IV. 542 547 $77 564 V. ars 224 VIL: “$36 VI. 763 60 9 V. D> 516 537 538 Vi. | 29 ibid, Vu gg 304. 165 186 IV. 430 41 VII. 104 100 VI. 463 VII. 84 Ty. 461 PL. 702. 703. 704. 795: 706. 797> 708. 709. 710. 71% 712. ai 3s 714. ate. 716. rae 718, 719. 720. 721. 722. 72% 724. 9TF 726. 727. Toucan verd de Cayenne — — . IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. 113 Le Roi des Fourmilliers de Cayenne —~ von Le Colma de Cayenne ~ — ae Le Baubla de Cayenne ~- ~~ ai Figuier a téte noire de Cayenne — —_ a ventre et téte jaunes de la Louifiane — — de I’Ifle de France oe wane clit de I’Ifle de Bourbon -— nds ii de Madagafear — — sere: Le Beffroi de Cayenne — sien ac Le Muficien de Cayenne —_ — an Le Manikup de Cayenne — — per: Le Manikor de la Nouvelle Guinée — — Mefange du Languedoc — — — — hupé de Cayenne — a di — de Siberie —— — is Fauvette tacheté de la Louifiane — oa — 4 poitrine jaune de la Louifiane — oo Le Tangavio du Buenos-Ayres — ote i Le Tangaroux de Cayenne — — a Le Sirli du Cap de Bonne E/perance — ~~ Perroquet de la Nouvelle Guinée ~—— — Tangara olive de la Louifiane — — —a cravate noire de Cayenne a — Martin-pécheur hupé de la Louifiane “— — de la Louifiaie — -~ —_—_——_--——_—_—_———. du Cap de Bonne Efperance Pic noir hupé de Cayenne — — ~ de la Louifiane — ——— orand varié de Cayenne ood — Tangara olive 4 gorge noire de Cayenne — a coiffe noire de Cayenne — Le Meffager du Cap de Bonne E/perance — Hirondelle de la Louifiane = ~ brune a collier du Cap de Nie Efperance — — a ventre roux de Cayenne = — — 4 bande blanche fur le ventre, de Cayenne — Martinet de la Loutfane oo — -— — a collier de Cayenne wm — Hirondelle 4 queue pointue de Cayenne — — Q De Burron., IV. 468 475 479 310 316 282 230 ibid. 47° 480 429 431 433 375 446 165 162 IV. 241 257 Ve ee VI. 122 1¥0 3877 254 VII, 210 1865 50 48 30 IV. 283 284. VII. 328 VI. 674 608, 680 607 611 61f 6°% 7oOr 699 VII. 1227 +98, Toucan - -_—— — Er Rp : ; : | ‘ : 114 CATALOGUE OF, THE BIRDS Sc. ri Dez Burrow. 728. | Toucan verd, fa femelle — — ame: 1: Wil... team 729. | ———— 4 ventre gris de Cayenne — ie 129 730. | Roitelet de la Louifiane — — -— V.. (96% de Buenos Ayres — —- —- ibid, 731. | Figuier cendré de la Caroline — — — 301 ————— du Mififfipi — —_ — 300 732. | Crapaud-volant, ou Tette-chevre de la Guiane cial Vite 7 ets roux de la Guiane — 549 734.|—- petit tacheté de Cayenne — _ 540 735. —————- ou Tette-chevre de Cayenne — — 550 736. | Couroucou a queue rouffe de, Cayenne a — 293 737- — gris 4 longue queue de Cayenne —- — 288 738. | Petite Alouette de Buenos Ayres —- — Vin: | 64 Alouette noire de la Excenade — ten 23 739. | Le Fournier de Buenos Ayres — — — VI. 476 740. | Guépier a collier de Madaga/car —- — 497 741.| Tangara du Mififipi — oa — IV. 262 742. | ————- de la Guiane os — — 304. 743. | Perruche des Moluques * — — — VI. 150 * This beautiful fpecies is far from being confined to the Molueca Iflands, for it is found in flocks innumerable in the woods about Botany Bay, on the eaft coatt of New Holland, lat. 346 feveral degrees beyond the limits prefcribed to this genus by the Comte de Buffon. St is well figured in the P/. Enl. and alfo by Mr. Brows, in tab. VII. p. 14. of his Iluitrations of Na- tural Hiftory ; and defcribed by Mr. Latham, I. 213. N° 14. B. Befides this fpecies, the following have ventured to fettle in places in the Southern Ocean, beyond the boundaries of the tropic of Capricorn, where they increafe and multiply to a pro- digious degree: The greater variety of the Cockatoo with a yellow creft, the Pfrtacus Criffatus of Lin- NUS, is found in vaft flocks in the fame place with the preceding, and fills the woods with its loud and harfh fcreams. Captain Furneaux * {aw Perroquets on Van Diemen’s Land, in lat. 43. 21; and Mr. Anderfon faw others of a yellowifh color in the fame place +; whether thefe were diftin@ fpecies we cannot determine. The Red-ramped Parrot of Mr. Latham, vol. I. p. 249. N° 50, is an inhabitant of lat. 46. in Difky Bay in New Zealand. Doctor For/er obferved in the fame place a fmall green Parrot ; and another fpecies, very large, of a greyifh green colour, with a reddifh breaft ¢ ; probably the SourHERN BRowN Parrot of Mr. Latham, I. 264. N° 70. The Pacigic Parrot of Mr. Latham, |. 253. N° 56. Var. B. is a native of the woods of the fame bay. And the Perruche des Terres Magellaniques, before-mentioned, makes the eighth fpecies which we are affured are inhabitants of places to the fouth of the tropic of Capricorn. There may be others, fuch as a gigantic black {pecies, imperfeétly defcribed in Parkinfen's Voyage, 1443 and another fpecies I have feen, I believe hitherto undefcribed ; and a third, * Coon’a Sccond: Voyage, -I. 112. t Coox’s Third Voyage, I. 109. t ForsTer’s Voy. I. 158. _a'fo IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINPES, LIS Pu. De Burron. 744. | Perruche a téte noire de Cayenne a — veel See 745. | Coq-de-Roche de Perox — _- — a 746. | Barbu a ventre tacheté de Cayenne ~~ — | VII. O4 —du Senegal — — ete 106 747- | Femelle du Coq-de-Roche de Cayenne a — IV. 432 748. {| Pic, male, de la Excenade — — —{ VII. 74 Petit Pic des Moluques —~ — —. 68 749. | Le Rale d’eau — a —j VII. 154 750. | Le Rale de Genét —- a — 1A6 7$1- La Marouette — a a 157 752. | Fauvette tacheté de la Louifiane ~~ — V. 16% du Cap de Boune E/perance — — ibid, 753. | Rale 4 ventre roux de Cayenne - — o— — | VIII. 164 754. | Pic varié, male, de Virginie — — —j} VII. 75 755. | Le Heron hupé oe _ ~~ 342 756. | Petit Martin-pécheur hupé de I’Ifle de Lugon — — 206 ——— verd de Cayenne —- _ 218 —————__—_—_—_—___——- fa femelle — os ibid. 757. | Martin-pécheur de Fava —~ _ — 1990 758. | Le Bihoreau _ see — _ 4.35 759 {fa femelle — _ — ibid. 760. | Crapaud-volant varié de Cayenne ~~ _ Vie. gee 761. | Macareux de Kamt/chatka — _ —j} IX. 368 762. | Stercoraire 4 longue queue de Szdirie — sme | VITI. 446 763. | Petit Butor de Cayenne —- —- —j} VII. 430 764. | Coucou tacheté de la Chine — _- — V4: 248 765. | Couroucou de la Guiane — _ — 293 766. | Phalarope de Szdirie —— _— — ij VIII. 224 767. | Perruche a front rouge du Brefi/ _ — VI. 268 alfo from New Holland, defcribed by Mr. Latham under the name of the crestep, I. 250. N° g1: but as I am not affured of their latitude, I fhall not venture to add them to the lift. In the northern hemifphere, the Carotina Parrot, Aric Zoology, Il. 242. N° 132, is found as high as Virginia; and the Illinois Parrot, N° 133, abounds in various parts of the banks of the Mififip:, far beyond the tropic of Cancer, even as high as the foreits of Niagara, in latitude 43, as I have been informed by a gentleman long refident near that celebrated cata- raé. Imuft not omit, that‘on the weltern fide of America, but in fomewhat lower Jatitudes, Parrots have been feen by the Spaniards about Trinity Harbour, in latitude 41. 7 *; all which proves inconteftably the extenfive habitation of this moft numerous genus. * Barxincton's Mifcel. 489. 491- Q 2 — 968. Perruche 116 PL. 768. 769. 770. eRe 772. 773: 774: 775° 776, 777- 77°. 779° 780. 781. 782. 733. 78346 735. 786. 787. 788. 789. 799. 791. 792. 7 93> 794+ 795: 796. 797> 798. 799- 800. Sor. 802. 803. CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c. Perruche a poitrine grife sad ogee La Grue aa ia a4 Sarcelle, male, de Madaga/fcar — Coucou tacheté des Indes Orientales — a longue bec de la Famaique — Rale brun des Philippines — ray€ des Philippines — tacheté de Cayenne -— a Le Canard fauvage — — ——____—_—_—_—_—- fa femelle _— Martin-pécheur de Madagafcar — a de Pondichery aH Grand Calao d’ Abyfinie _ — Calao de I’Ifle Panay -— — —fa femelle — — Le Caurale de Cayenne — nn Todier de Fuida — iain Martin- pécheur 4a téte verte, du Cap de Bonne Efperance Pic a gorge jaune de Cayenne — — —— varié de la Careline — — —— petite de Cayenne — pam —- a téte grife du Cap de Bonne Efperance — Le Heron —- — ERR ER EEE CRE Bee a —— ——_——— pourpré hupé ams ts Le Butor — — = ie L’Honoré de Cayenne — Adi ‘a Petite Perruche de Batavie — Tala fi —- de Madaga/fcar — ist Perroquet de St. Domingue — — part Cotinga blanc de Cayenne _ —_ aes — fa femelle — _ Le Courvite -- — — wail L’Ombrette du Senegai — — abs Foulque de Madaga/car — —_ iia Canard a collier de Terre-Neuve — fae —_——— {a femelle — a sti Pluvier du Cap de Bonne E/perance — _ armé du Sexegal © — a — Le Garrot — + —~ oe Le Millouin —_— — a — De Burrow, Vi... as Vil. 987 IX. 274 VI. 377 402 VIN. 161 160 165 IX. ¥1¢ ibid. VII. 199 ibid. 155 145 ibid, VIII. 169 VII. 229 1g0 37 77 37 26 342 369 412 431 VI. 172 171 241 IV. 454 ibid. VIII. 128 VII. 440 VIII. 222 IX. 250 ibid. VIII. 101 99 IX. 222 216 804. Canard — ———— —— Pb. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. $09. 810. Sil. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. $20.. 821. $22. IN- LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES. 117 De Burron. Canard Siffleur de St. Domingue — wero Tas ae Sarcelle, male, de la Chine en ti 276 fafemelle — — sai ibid. Vanneau armé de Goa ~— — i Vill. soe Canard du Maragnan — -- oe ae Goes LOrganifte de St. Domingue — — IV. 290 Tangara jaune 4 téte noire de Cayenne ~~ — 255 La Taléve de Madagafcar — one — VIII. 194 Le Coucou _— anes sine VI. 305 Coucou tacheté de Cayenne — — — AIE des Paletuviers de Cayenne — oui AOL petit de I’ Ifle Panay ~- _ 382 verdatre de Madagafcar — —- oo 364 de la Caroline — —- —_ 400 Le Jabiru de Cayenne _ — —j; VII. 280 Le Courly — — — —| VIII. 1g dq’ Italie — —_ — 29 verd de Cayenne — — — 43 Le Tétéma de Cayenne — - ——| IV. 475 Fourmillier a oreilles blanches de Cayenne — — A477 —____- --—____—- {a femelle — —- ibid, — grivelé de Cayenne _ — 472 — tacheté de Cayenne _ ~— 480 Coucou des Philippines a — -~— VI. 369 Le Canard fiffeur a -- —j} IX. 169 —____~ de Cayenne — — 183 Le Chevalier rayé * a — ——| VII. 516 Tinamou varié de Cayenne — — —} IV. gr2 Le Soui, ou petit Tinamou de Cayenne — — s12 Le Barbichon de Cayenne _ — ~- 534 eetiw es Eh: fa femelle — ~-- — ibid, Gobe-mouche 4a poitrine orangé de Cayenne — — $57 Se sa petit tacheté de Cayenne — — 555 Le Guignard — — a —jVIIl. 87 Pluvier armé de Cayenne — — a 102 du Senegal — a — 100 Vanneau armé de la Louifiane _ — 65 peeasee de Cayenne — — — 66 Petite Perruche, appellé la petite Jafeufe — a1. -ViE~ gag Perruche 4 front jaune de Cayenne <= oe 118 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &«. Pts De Burron, 839. | Le Perroquet criq de Cayenne -— _— Vi: oo 840. ~ tavoua de Cayenne — — 240 841. | Courly,hupé de Madaga/fcar oom — —/ VIII. 33 842. |\Le Corlieu ~~ ~~ — — 27 843. | ke Beccaffeau, ou Cul-blanc —— —j| VII. 534 844. | Le Chevalier — =~ a _—— ise 845. | La Gambette —- we — — 513 846. | Jacana du: Brefil — — —| VIII. 192 847. | Petit Rale de Cayenne oo -- — 167 848. | Le Courlan de Cayenne — a —j| VII. 442 849. | Rale a longue bec de Cayenne — —| VIII. 163 850, | La petite Alouette de Mer — — —j| VII. 540 851. | L’ Alouette de Mer — — am 548 852. | Le Cincle — — — — $53 853. | Le Vanneau Suzfe — — am! Vill. ~, + * 4 gE SS ke Ae Pi », PL. 942. 943. 944. 945- 946. 947: 948. 949. 950- 951. 952. 953: 954- 955: B59: 979- 981. — IN LES PLANCHES ENLUMINEES, Sarcelle, male, de Cayenne, ditte le Soucrourou — 4 queue epineufe de Cayenne — — de la Guadeloupe — Le petit Goiland —- La Mouette rieufe — Le Souchet — — ——_———— fa femelle — Le Fou de Cayenne — brun de Cayenne - Le Manchot des Ifles Ma/louines Courly 4 col blanc de Cayenne La grande Mouette cendrée = La Macreufe — ms Paille-en queue de l’Ifle de France Le beau Canard hupé de la Caroline ————— fa femelle _ Le petit Grebe — sack min oa Grebe de la Louifiane — hen ane Grebe | hupé — ite baal Caftagneux des Philippines ie ain ie La Gipcelle ates aa sib ae La petite Sarcelle — hie es Sarcelle de la Louifiane, dite la Religieufe — ieee male, de la céte de Coremand: of a cull {a femelle — toes a Le Harle, male ines ae L/Imbrim des Mers du Word —_ iii his Le Harle, femelle — wae sag Le Canard a a longue queue vii = bai —jenfen de la Louifiane _- ~~ La grande Macreufe — — wee Pelican brun d’ Amerique ins an = Le Chipeau oun alas te L,’ Anhinga de Cayenne _ — — ————.— noir de Cayenne — — — Le grand Fregate de Cayenne — — Le Puffin — ~— — ~— Albatros de la Chine — — — Le Damier — — — — Pelican des Philippines — —— “— a = I2r | De BuFFON. IX VUIl. IX. V II. VIll. IX. VIII. IX. VIll. IX. VIlt. IX. VIIl. IX. VII, ms VIII. G3 ww Y WW bm H WH a —~— i TR moO DHMH DHHS ” Fig - CO pS ~] \O CoN LA = ON = COVvN PLO ™ CON] 3 Om bid. 2S) Ca Co wn cx — Dm © bb b> SI O OF BO HR ~Y 233 4.30 433 19t ibid. 374 ibid. 399 4.28 234 357 245 ibid. 982. Oye - esd ee es 208 Steel Lee LA ee i ent as 2 122 CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS, &c, Py. . {De Burron. 982. | Oye du Cap de Boune E/perance — te AR. 998 98 3. {a femelle — — — ibid. 984. | Le Manchot hupé de Siderie * ~~ — "409 985.| L’Oyefauvage — “a — o— 30 986. Le Fou tacheté de Cayenne -- —i VIII. 375 987. L’Hirondelle de mer — -—- a 331 988. - de Cayenne -— — 346 989. | Le Canard mufqué — — — | IX. 162 ggo. | Le Noir-manteau —, — —- —-1 Vill. aoe 991.1 Le Stercoraire — — — 441 992.| Le Plongeon — Soin ee — 254 993-| Le Petrel, ou l’Oifeau tempeéte [ — —— IX. 329 994.| Le Goiland blanc.du Spitzberg — — VIII. 422 g9s.}| Canard du nord, appe ellé le Ma irchand — —| IX. 44 996. | La pet tite tind: lle demer — — —j| VIII. 337 997. | Mouette brune de la Loutfane — — 461 998. } Pailie en gare a Cayenne ~— — — 454 999: Sarcelle de lIfle Ferroe — —_— —~ ix. 278 1000. ae Givi -— — — 273 1001. | Le Morillon — — mae aaa 227 1002.-} Le Mi: Psy an — — we shi 221 1003. | Le Pingoin diel sie aad: 390 1004. | ————--—— {a femelle ~~ mn bl ibid. 1005. | Le Mancnot des Hottentots stil owes in 402 1006. | Oye des Terres Magellaniques a — 68 100’ 7 « Le Canar ra Orun o——~ — — 2652 1008 | Canard de Miclon —e — —— 202 * Le Comre pt Burron very properly admits the impropriety of this appellatian, for the whole genus is confined to the fouth of the equator, firft appearing on the coafts of New Guinea, is continved on fome of the coafts of New Holland to Kerguelin’s Land, the Cape of Gocd Hope, Fa. hland Tle Sy F erra del Fi C20; and even to the iflands ‘of ice within the AatarGic citle. we Sane WW 5 ee Re Bn SE — s+ PRET OT < pep. . . _ Fie eee eS Wel Sl MULE. BEAR Wael WU RTs 9G O88Ne ee Be DSTO 2 I eee ee | ae — ’ a oo eee 5 f \f : }' 4 . . Mi 1 j » Aa | : WOE / b AA ; ‘Vy : : V i : ae , 21 , } ¢ [ § BY ha ‘ ve As vi - 7 ny , ~ - Ss \ + , » \e 7 i we : 1 ; : ae re . S Lt Y : » “i | : FESR ep rt - ate ed te oe FB . ——= : re ee ewes Rens ee ~ > eed > aa . — wine SA WT GAS WUE Ul NRE S SPS CAR Cee WSL OUT } a : " a f g Ni + 2 $ret ‘ Fi ibe titer le Rk pt bce ere es Ve Meee i va