r r : IIP J ' 1 Jack Spratt's pig, He was not very little, Nor yet very big; He was not very lean, He was not very fat, He'll do well for a grant, Says little Jack Spratt. Little Miss Mnffett She sat on a tuffett, Eating of curds and whey; There came a little spider Who sat down beside her, And fright-en-ed Miss Muffett away. The North Wind doth blow, And we shall have snow. And what will poor- Robin then ?' He will hop to a barn, And to keep himself warm, Will hide his head under wing. Poor thing. do hi S One misty mom-ing, When cloudy was the weather, T met a little old man, I Clothed all in leather, Clothed all in leather, With a strap below his chin. How do you do? and how do you do? And how do vou do again? Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns. If your daughters don't like them, Give them to your sons. One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns. Away, Birds, away ! Take a little, and leave a little, And do not come again; For if you do, I will shoot you through, And then there will be an end of you. Pease pudding hot, Pease pudding cold, Pease pudding in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, Nine days old. Ride a cock horse To Banburv Cross, *./ 7 To see little Jenny Upon a white horse. Rings on her fingers, Bells on her toes, She shall have music Wher-ever she goes. — " " "" " ■ t — ■■• 1 One Cent Books— Dolls and Grames. YOUNG AMERICA'S SERIES* Printed in colors. Apple Pie, Good Natured Boy, Cross Girl, Disorderly Girl, Noisy Boy, Industrious Girl, AUNT MARY'S LITTLE SERIES, Large 32mo. Toys. 12 kinds. Covers printed in Colors. Old Mother Hubbard, The Crooked Man, Little Tom Tucker, Peter White, Mischievous Boy, Jack Spratt, One, Two, Buckle my Shoe, Harry Heedless, Five Little Pigs, Greedy George, Primer, LITTLE PLEASE WELL'S. Printed in Colors. Cruel Boy and the Magpie, Greedy Ben, Little Frog, and Pretty Mouse, Naughty Puppies, Mouse and the Christmas Cake, Truant Bunny, LITTLE DELIGHTS. Printed in Colors. Diamonds and Toads. Frog's Bride, Jack and the Beanstalk, Lazy Harry's Home, Prince with a Long Nose, Three Wishes. OLD SERIES— DOLLS. Emma, Baby, Jenny, Lucy, Frank, Will ie. TOPSEY SERIES— DOLLS. Eva St. Clair, Grecian Bend, Fanny, Florence. Topsey, Alecla, LITTLE TOM THUMB SERIES. Mrs. Tom Thumb, Mr. Tom Thumb, Pink, Minnie Warren, Louise, Maud. ANIMAL SERIES. Jocko, Tabby, Fldo. SOLDIERS. Rifles, Zouave, Continentals, Highlanders, U. S. Infantry Band. GAMES. Domtnos, Checkers, Tit Tat Toe, (Vine Men, Morrice, Wheel of Fortune, Bower Puzzle. McLOUGHLIN BROS., NEW YORK.