1 k [No, 15. PICTURE BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. — — ♦ ■ PICTURE LESSONS IN VERSE. LONDON-, THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY; 56, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND 164, PICCADILLY. PICTURE LESSONS IN VERSE. HAPPY ANNIE, On" Sunday it is Annie's rule To hasten to the Sabbath-school, That she the Bible well may know, And in the best of knowledge grow ; There may she learn to love His name Who to this world of sorrow came, And dwelt with sinful men below, To save them from all sin and woe. 3 PICTURE LESS0XS THE CHICKENS. See the chickens round the gate, For their morning portion wait ; Fill the basket from the store, Open wide the cottage-door : Throw out crumbs, and scatter seed, Let the hungry chickens feed. Call them — see, how fast they run, Gladly, quickly, every one. m VERSE. THE BEE HIVE. 1 saw a bee with toils and art, Draw from each flower its sweetest part ; And when she had her load obtained, She hastily her hive regain'd. " Don't labour thus, poor bee," said I, " But live like yonder butterfly." The bee safe lodged within her cell, Which she in summer stored so well ; With food supplied, from cold preserved, Enjoy cl the comforts she deserved. Ah then thought I, 'tis best for me To imitate the careful bee. PICTURE LESSONS MY DARLING BROTHER. Little brother, darling boy, You are very dear to me ; I am filled with love and joy When your smiling face I see. Shake your rattle— here it is ; Listen to its merry noise ; And when you are tired of this, I will buy you other toys. 6 IN" VERSE. THE VAIN LITTLE GIRL. What ! looking in the glass again ! Why ? s my silly child so vain ? Do you think yourself as fair As the gentle lilies are ? Beauty soon will fade away, Rosy cheeks must soon decay ; There's nothing lasting, you will find, But the treasures of the mind. 7 PICTURE LESSONS ' PLAY AND WORK. Oh ! how pleasant 'tis to see Little children full of glee, Full of frolic, full of mirth As the kitten on the hearth. But wo must not always play, Frolic clays and months away ; Like the bee upon the wing, We must gather in the spring- Let us learn as well as play, Mindful of a future clay. 8 IN VERSE. THE HAPPY FAMILY. Jesus, Lord, we look to thee ; May we in thy name agree ; Let us for each other care, Joy or grief together share. Make us one in heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek, in thought and word, That we may be like our Lord. PICTURE LESSONS STOLEN FRUIT. Some children think how sweet must be The juicy apples, red and fine, That grow upon a neighbour's tree, And wish, " Oh dear ! if they were mine !" A thief in thought, then soon in deed, Guilt springs from such a little seed : Then from the spot without delay, From sin and Satan haste away. 10 m VERSE. THE MOON. When the sun is gone, I rise In the clear and silent skies ; And a cloud or two doth skim Bound about my silver rim. Then the reaper goes along Singing forth a cheerful song, While I light the shaking leaves And the yellow harvest sheaves. PICTURE LESSONS DILIGENT DICK. Some think it a hardship to work for their bread, Although for our good it was meant ; But those that don't work have no right to be fed ; And the idle are never content. It signifies not what our stations have been, Nor whether we're little or great, For happiness lies in the temper within. And not in the outward estate. 12 IN VERSE. THE LITTLE CRIPPLE. I'm a helpless crippled child ; Gentle Christians, pity me ; Once in rosy health I smiled, Blithe and gay as yon may be. But, oh ! let me not complain, Still sweet comfort shines for me ; 'Tis enough to soothe my pain, When I think, Lord, of thee. PICTURE LESSONS THE KOBIN. Pretty robin red-breast/ Hopping in the snow, x Why are you so early here \1 should like to know ? Come nearer to the doorstep, friend, For safely you may come : There, eat your fill, and take besides A tiny morsel home. 14 QUESTION AND ANSWEB, 4f Lovest thon me ?" Hark, I hear iny Saviour speak, To me, so very young and weak, With a tender voice and mild, " Dost thou love me, little child ?" 44 Lord, thou knowest that I love thee." John xxi. Blessed Saviour, thou dost know That I would not answer, " No." Weak and sinful though I be, With my heart I do love thee. THE NEW BIBLE. Great is our privilege to know The Holy Scriptures in our youth ; Wise to salvation may we grow, Thro' faith and knowledge of the truth Q Oh may the Holy Spirit write Thy sacred word on every heart, To guide our youthful steps aright, That we may ne'er from thee depart. 16 1 Q r\ 2. *7 r=r i PICTURE BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN 1. THE PICTURE SHOW. 2. THE FARM. 3. THE LOAF OF BREAD. 4. VERSES AND PICTURES. 5. THE SCRAP BOOK. 6. BIBLE PICTURES. 7. SEA-SIDE PICTURES. THE PICTURE TEACHER. THE LITTLE VERSE BOOK. PICTURE LESSONS. 11. BIRD PICTURES. 12. MY OWN BOOK. 8. 9. 10. Sd. per dozen assorted; or Is. in a neat ornamented case or bound in a volume,. 1 s. HEW SERIES. PICTURE BOOKS, IN NEAT COLOURED COVERS. 0/ 13. PICTURES OF THE MONTH. 14. PICTURES OF A CHILD'S DUTY. 15. PICTURE LESSONS IN VERSE. 16. PICTURE LESSONS IN PROSE. 17. PICTURES ON THE LORD'S PRAYER, 18. PICTURES AND PARABLES. 19. PICTURES AND PROVERBS. 20. PICTURE GIFT BOOK. 21. PICTURES AND POETRY. 22. PICTURE-PAGES— A. 23. PICTURE-PAGES— B. 24. PICTURE-PAGES— C. Oi\K PcirifX bach, in neat eover ; or in a Packet complete, 1*.