WG WO SS \ Qy SY A \ \\ AQ IO \ ION NX RRS AK SS WS SW \\ \\ SN WOH WN \\ IO ~ IAG A S \\ \ \ — s os ‘ Ce Fat More Cig § 5 mMeEGIiFES A well balanced meal having cheese for’a basis is economical as well as appelizing and nourishing. Domestic Economy SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 1924 wr a wt J ‘ ‘ g ae en tie Me; is YY ey GME Oy YY My e 7 , » ay 4 4 { fi g ] e ; mr mn ~~ * 7% ' Od COoOntalis _nantratat ; : 4 2 Pr te a hntrate, ; 4 ." J . ‘ ‘ ‘ Lrnwven . VV Cl a J ve x + eis oe wy t Civ s- tS g . . a ae Re. APR? Cheese should rightfully take its proper place on the menu of every household. Its constant use spells Economy—both in time and money—to every housewife, especially when the prices at which the above mentioned foods are sold, are so high as to seriously entail the family budget. Cheese is economical. Every particle is edible. There is no waste. It is essentially nutritious and supplies in abundance those elements which are so necessary to the formation of muscle, to bodily warmth and to physical energy. No other form of food is so readily adaptable to the prepara- tion of dainty, nourishing dishes, as cheese. The proven recipes we enclose are only a few of the many ways in which cheese may be served. Province of Quebec Cheese, as sold to the consumer, contains all the vital elements of food, which fact alone should encourage its greater use, and we do not hesitate to state that by its constant use in the home, in hotels, restaurants, and public instituticns, we will not only comply with the dictates of health, but will at the same time contribute to the support of one of our great Provincial Industries, Cheese Making. A. Désilets, B.S.A., Chief of Domestic Economy Service. le (2) Delicious Ways to Cook and Serve Canadian Cheese &¢ ¢ Cheese Fondue a la Savarin Grate enough well flavoured Que- bec cheese to fill four tablespoons rounding full. Put it into a saucepan with one tablespoon of butter and at once break in four eggs. Season with salt and pepper and scramble the mix- ture. Dish it the second the eggs are ‘set’. This is tempting and satisfy- ing on buttered toast or toasted crackers. Cheese Ramikins Roll pie pastry out thin and cover with grated Quebec cheese, fold it over itself and roll again. Do this twice, then cut it out with biscuit cut- ter and bake. Nice for luncheons. >» SSE ——_ lt gil! eT LY ? French Scallops Crumb stale bread and soak it in a batter made with one cup of milk and two eggs, one tablespoon of butter, melted, and one quarter pound of Quebec cheese grated. Season with pepper and salt. Mix thoroughly and pour into scallop shells or patty pans, cover with buttered crumbs and bake In a moderate oven until brown and light. Scalloped Cheese Three slices bread well buttered, one pound of Quebec grated cheese. Lay bread in layers in a buttered bak- ing dish, sprinkle with grated Quebec cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Mix four well beaten eggs with three cups milk. Pour over bread and cheese. Bake in a hot oven as you would bread pudding. This serves four persons. Scrambled Eggs with Cheese One-half dozen eggs, one-half cup- ful of grated Quebec cheese, two table- spoonfuls of butter, one-half teaspoon- ful of salt, six tablespoonfuls of cream, and pepper. Beat the eggs well, and add the salt, pepper, and cream. Melt the butter in a pan, and when hot turn into it the egg mixture. Stir it as it thickens. When almost done, sprinkle in the cheese. Stir for a moment longer, and then turn it into a hot dish, and serve. Cheese Omelet Beat three eggs well; if the yolks and whites are beaten separately the omeletislighter; add three tablespoon- fuls of grated Quebec cheese, pepper and salt. Pour into an omelet pan into which two tablespoonfuls of but- ter has been melted and skimmed. Stir until the omelet begins to set, fold one-half over the other crescentwise, allow to brown slightly on both sides, and serve immediately. . Baked Cheese Buttered bread, one egg, |!/ cups dried Quebec cheese, three-quarter cup milk, salt and pepper to taste. Butter a baking dish or casserole and line it with buttered bread. Put in cheese; beat egg, add to it the milk and seasoning. Pour over cheese and bake in a moderate oven until the cheese is melted and brown. Cheese Cakes Two tablespoons butter, three and one-half tablespoons flour, four table- spoons grated Quebec cheese, whites . of three eggs, one-quarter teaspoon | salt, few grains cayenne. : Melt butter, add flour, and stir \ until well blended. Remove from range and add cheese, salt, and cayen- | ne. Fold in whites of eggs, beaten until stiff, and drop from tip of spoon on a buttered sheet one inch apart. | ~ Bake in a moderate oven twelve minutes. Serve with salad. fe Nt _ . 4 = | ee f Stee s a 2 q's; i ea ed @ 1 ) ee | 5 eo = é eggel NNN ae pest’) = =e , Welsh Rarebit Half pint milk; one-quarter pound Quebec cheese; one teacupful bread- crumbs; salt, pepper, half teaspoonful mustard; toasts. Place the milk and cheese, with the seasonings, In a saucepan, and heat until the cheese is melted. Add the crumbs and make all thoroughly hot. Spread the mixture on toasts and serve immediately. Macaroni Turnovers with Cheese Two ounces macaroni, one gill of milk, salt and pepper, one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon grated Quebec cheese, one saltspoon mustard, a little cayenne. Break macaroni into very small pieces and cook in salted boiling water till tender. Strain, add the butter, milk, cheese and seasoning. Mix well. Make a short pie crust, roll it out thin and cut intosquares. Puta spoonful of the mixture in centre of each square. Fold over the edges and bake a golden brown. Cheese with Corn Cook one tablespoonful of chopped green peppers, either fresh or canned, in a tablespoonful of butter; have ready a sauce made by thickening two cupfuls of milk with quarter of a cup- ful of flour, and add to it one cupful of canned corn, one cupful of grated Quebec cheese, the beaten yolks of three eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt, the cooked peppers, and last of all the whites of the eggs stiffly whipped. Turn into a buttered baking dish and bake for thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Cheese and Tomatoes Three tablespoonfuls of grated Que- bec cheese, four ripe tomatoes, two eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, salt and paprika to taste. Skin the toma- toes and rub them through a sieve, add the cheese, salt, paprika, and eggs well beaten. Melt the butter in an earthenware dish, pour in the mix- ture, and bake in a moderate oven for ten minutes. Serveimmediately. , Salt Codfish and Cheese Cut one-quarter pound of shredded salt fish into one quart of boiling water for five minutes, drain on a sieve and press out water. Heat two table- spoons butter in a saucepan, add two tablespoons flour, stir well while heat- ing for a moment, pour in one cup hot ~ milk, stir well until it comes to a boil; add codfish, season with a little cayen- ne pepper and grated nutmeg, mix well and let cook 5 minutes longer, pour into a baking dish, dredge with two tablespoons of grated Quebec cheese; divide tablespoon butter into small pieces on top; set in oven ten minutes. A Cauliflower Cheese One cauliflower; quarter pound grated Quebec cheese; pepper, salt, mustard. Place one large cauliflower in a kettle of boiling water with a little salt. Cook until it can be removed ‘rom the kettle without breaking, take it from the stems and lay it in small pieces, in a deep round dish. Cover it well with grated Quebec cheese that has been seasoned with pepper and a little mustard. Put in oven and bake until brown. Corn Meal and Cheese One pound of yellow corn meal; quarter pound of Quebec cheese (one cupful grated); one tablespoonful of salt; two quarts of water. Put the water in the top of a double boiler; when boiling add the corn meal slowly; boil until thick. Set the top of the boiler into the bottom, and boil for one hour; remove from the fire; add the salt, and the Quebec cheese which has been grated or put through a food chopper; stir until the cheese is melted pour into brick pans which have been brushed with drippings; smooth the top and brush with drippings to keep from forming a crust. When cold cut in half-inch slices and brown on a hot, greased griddle. | Oatmeal with Cheese Put one quart of boiling water and teaspoon of salt over a quick fire; gradually str in two cups of rolled oats; continue to stir until the mix- ture thickens somewhat, then cover and let cook over boiling water, about two hours. When about ready to serve stir in one cup of grated Quebec cheese and a tablespoon butter, and, at the last moment before serving, fold in one egg; beaten light. Serve with milk or thin creem as the main dish at luncheon or supper. Baked Eggs and Cheese Six hard cooked eggs, one cup me- dium white sauce, half teaspoonful salt, quarter teaspoonful pepper, one cup grated Quebec cheese. Cut the peeled eggs into rather thick slices. Butter a casserole, add layer of sauce, then a layerof sliced egg, then grated cheese. Repeat until the baking dish is full. Place buttered crumbs on top. Bake in a moderate oven until the yeese melts Designed and Printed by Canadia. 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