SS'S'ffiSf ON CREATION. m ~> § i-2 Thy wisdom, power, and goodness, Lord, In all Thy works appear, And, Ob ! let man Thy praise record ; Man, Thv distinguish 'd care ! /% Stereotyped by James Con ner, JVew- York. NEW-YORK; PRINTED S& SOLD BY MAHLOK D AY, AT THE NEW JUVENILE BOOK- STORE, NO. $16', PEARL- STREET. \ PI ± IB 7 SI H ON CREATION. Thy wisdom; power, and goodness, Lord, In all Thy works appear, And, Oh ! let man Thy praise record : Man, Thy distinguished care S Stereotyped by James Conner, New- York. NEW-YORK: PRINTED & SOLD BY MAHLON DAY, AT THE NEW JUVENILE BOOK- STORE, NO. 376, PEARL- STREET. Good Girls and Boys, Will find nice Toys, With many pictures intermixed, Done up quite neat, And very cheap, At three hundred seventy-six.* Pearl-street, New- York, * The Glorious Sun* Hast thou beheld the glorious Sun. Through all the sky his cuv cuit run, At rising morn, at closing day, And when he bcam'd bis noon-tide ray? The Watery Bouk Say, didst thou e'er attentive view, The evening cloud* or mora^ ing dew 1 Or, after rain, the watery bow, Rise in the East, a beauteous show ? The Silvery Moon. When darkness had o'ef- spread the skies, Hast thou e'er seen the moon arise : And, with a mild and placid light, Shed lustre o'er the face of night ? iiinlii liifi mum - ii i mi n iiiitiriMin ril miWlimriMi ii ■ *riiini IfMli— IWmrtJUl (> The Waving Grain* Hast thou e'er wandered o f/ et the plain, And view'd the fields and waving grain, The flowery mead, the leafy grove, Where all is melody and love? L w The Sandy Shore. Hast thou e'er trod the sar«dy shore, And heard the restless ocean roar, When rous'd by some tremea- dous storm, Its billows roll in dre&dftii form? awssea m 8 The Lightning Stream. Hast thou beheld the light- ning stream, Through night's dark gloom with sudden gleam ; While the bellowing thun- der's sound, Roil'd rattling thro' the hea- vens profound ? MM wiwmmi m 9 The Cutting Gah* Hast thou e'er felt the cutting g ale > , The sleety shower, the biting hail ; Beheld bright snow o'erspread the plains ; The water, bound in iej chaihs ? i mm „tj JO ^6 «fea. Various Being*. Hast thou the various beings seen, That sport along the valley green, That sweetly warble on th& spray Or wanton in the sunny rayt Jk 11 "*q Beasts of the Gloomy Forest* That shoot r~ong the briny deep, Or under ground their d\fei^ ing keep : That through the gloomy forest range, O'er frightful wilds, and cte* serta strange ? 1 2 /W ll'i y^i^l§ife^= FForaflfnm* Scene. Hast thou the wondrous scenes survey'd, That all around thee are dis- played ? And hast thou never rais'd thine eyes, To Him who caus'd the&e scenes to rise ? ■-■ -- 13 The Concave Shjk *Twas God who form'd tha concave sky, And all the shining orbs on high ; Who gave the various beings birth, That people all the spacious earth. •WH 14 The Tempest Ris% Tis He that bids the tempest rise, And rolls the't.h under through the skies, His voice the elements obey, Through ail the earth extends His sway. ncvdfei*. 1 WWWIH1IWJ—1W wmmmmmm 15 Let Man Praise Gad. His goodness all his creature* share, But man is His peculiar caret Then while they all proclaim his praise, Let Man his voice the loudest raise. 16 .'t*^' On Harvest. When the rosy morn appearing, ^ Paints with gold the verdant lawn-f Bees, on banks of thyme disporting, Sip the sweets and' hail the dawn* See, content, the humble glean- er, Takes the scattered ears that falL Nature, all her children viewing, Kindly bounteous, gives to all, Warbling birds, the day proclaiming, Carol sweet the lively strain, Then forsake their leafy dwelling, To secure the golden grain. See, content. &,c. THE END. I % m 'MATCHES ! PEWIT !