THE HISTOEY OF 1 LONDON : Printed and Published at W. S. FORTETS Whole. Bale Juvenile Book Warehouse, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. W.C. I THE AND DEATM OF JENNY WREN Jenny Wren fell si*k upon a merry time, In came Robin Rtdbraast and brought sops and wine. LONDON .- Printed by W. S. FORTEY, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury, W.C. a-l» e A Eat well of the sop 3 Jenny, Drink well of the wme. Thank you, Robin, kindly, You shall be mine. Then Jenny, she got well, And stood upon her feet, Aad told Robin plainly, She loved him not a bit. Robin, being angry. Hopp'd upon a twig, Saying, out upon you, fie upon you, Bold-faced jig. Jenny V^ren fell sick again, And Jenny Wren did die, Tbe doctors vow'd to cure her, Or know the reason why. Doctor Hawke felt her pulse, And shaking his head, Said, I fear I can't save her, Because she's quite dead. She'll do very well, then Said Doctor Fox, If she takes but one pill, From out of this box. With hartshorn in hand, Came Doctor Tom Tit, Saying, really, good Sirs, 'Tis only a fit, You are right, Doctor Tit, You need make no doubt on l t But death is a fit Folks seldom get out on't. m w Doctor Cat says, Indeed, I don't think she's dead, I believe if I try, She yet might be bled. I think Puss, you're foolish, Then said Doctor Goose, For to bleed a dead Wren Can be of no use. t Doctor Owl then declared, That the cause of her death, He really believed Was the want of more breath, Indeed, Doctor Owl, You are much in the right, You might as well have said, That day is not night. — Says Robin get out You're a parcel of quaoks, Or I'll lay this good stick On each of your backo ; Then Robin be°an To bang them about, They stay'd for no fees, But were glad to get out. ru ■; r^-s r /& \"«l "THE GATNACH PRESS." -51 ( 'Established 1813.; WILLIAM. S. FORTEY (Late A. &y,t, Suflcessor to the late J. Catnach,) J ^ anb MlljoIesHle Stationer, ^ 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, Londoa, W.C. The Cheapest and Greatest Variety in the Trade ol Large Coloured Penny Books j Half- penny Coloured Books; Farthing Books ; Fenny and H&lfye'iiry Panoramas; School Books; Penny and Halfpenny Song Books; Memorandum Books; Poetry Cards; Lotteries.; Ballads (4,000 sorts) and Hymns ; Valentines ; Scripture Sheets; Christmas Pieces; Twelfth-ni^ht Cha- racters; Carols, ; Book and SheH Almanacks fciuvelojKJs, Note Paper, Sfc. fyc. r W S. FORTEY tH-e to infornj Lis Friends and the Pi- no generally, that aftwi 19 years' service, he lias succeeded to the bngiuess of hi^ iate empioyera (A. Itylc and Co.), an ^ intends carrying on the same, trusting: that his long expen- h ence will be a recommendation, and that no exertion shall he 1( Wanting on his part to merit a continuance of thoee favov. that ha/e been bo liberally b<.*towed on that es ihinent during the latsi 4o years. .] •