> PARKS BISTORT Or SIMPLE SIMON. Pub. by A. Park, 47 , Leonard Street. PARK'S Simple Simon met a Pieman, Goiog' to the Fair, [pieinai Says Simple Simon to the SaH me taste your ware. Says the Pieman, unto Simon First give me a penny, Says Simon, to the Pieman, I have not got any. He went to catch a dickey bird, And thought he could not fail, Because he'd got a little salt, To put upon his tail. Then Simple Simon went a huntings For to catch a hare, He rode an ass about the streets, But could not find one there. He went to eat honey, Out of a mustard pot, It bit his tongue, until he cried, That was all tin- good he got He went to shoot a wild duck, But wild duck flew away, Says Simple Simon I can't hit him, Because he would not stay. Simon he was sent to market, To buy a joint of meat. He tied it to his horse's tail, To keep it clean and sweet. He went for water in a sieve, But soon it all run through ; And now poor Simple Simon. Bids you all, adieu. Ao PARK, 47, LEONARD STREET FINSBTJRY, LONDON, E. C. 6d. 3d. & 2d. coloured toy books in great VARIETY. LARGE PENNY COLOURED BOOKS 12 SORTS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HALF-PENNY AND FARTHING BOOKS. Ot FIĀ« W cp S Fruit, Bird*, Butterflies, Animals, fcanseapes, Sporting, Hunt in*, Ac, IOO sorts, 2d. plain, 4d. coloured. HALF-PENNY PRINTS, 2000 SORTS. With Characters and Scenes, in complete Sets, \d.Plain. Miller and his Men 23 plate, Moid and Mag-pie - - - - 14 plates Large scenes for do. Id. plain- Large scenes "for do. Id. plain- j*' 11 "*^, - 17 do Old Oak Chest 22 do. Der Freischutz 14 do. Wood Daemon 26 do. Red Rover 18 do. Woodman's Hut. 16 do. Books for the above, 4d. Drop Scenes, Orchestras, Fronts, Sta-es of all sizes, Lamp* and Slides. Large Stage Front, 17 in. by 22 in. 4d. plain, Is. coloured, 2s. 6d. built. Wtnnv Eable Boons, primers, Brattght BoavHs. Sec. $ct. The largest variety in the trade of Fancy and Comic Valentines.