• Pub bv Wo4pson btfio Wnvpate f- THE ANGLERS COMPANION ; OR, perfect Extractor IN THAT USEFUL AND PLEASING RECREATION: Including WntXQ l$ttmwc& Ensrtructton AS TO Baits, Hooks, and Flies, Worms, Grubs, Different Methods of Angling, Names of the Principal Rivers in England; and a Variety of other Interesting Information to the Learner, as well as the to the most PRACTICED APJGLER. ALSO, IS ANNEXED, Abstracts of the several Acts of Parliament relative to Fish, &c. as Private Property, highly necessary to be known by those who follow this Pleasing Sport. To which is Added, The ART of SWIMMING; '\ ADVICE TO LEARNERS, &c. And a Variety of Useful INSTRUCTIONS TO BATHERS. LONDON : PRINTED FOB HODGSON, 43, KING STREET, SNOW HILL. [Price Sixpence.] Printed by Hodgson, 25, Fleet Street, London.