CHEAP REPOSITORY. THE SORROWS of YAMBA; OR, THE Negro Woman's Lamentation. Sold by J. MARSHALL, (PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Religious and Moral Trafts) No. 17, Queen- Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard 3 «*nd R, WHITE, Piccadilly, LONDON. By S. HAZARD, PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY, at Bath; and by all Book fellers, Newfrnen, and Hawkers, in Town and Country. — Great Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers. Price an Halfpenny each, or 2s. 3d. per 100 — is. 3d* for 50.-* Entered at Stationers HalL .On the ljl of June was publiflied, The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain. Part 1 1. —The Beggarly Boy, a Parable, — and Wild Robert, a Ballad, • On the lji of July, The good Mother's Legacy — Daniel in the Lions' Den, — and the Newcaftle Collier, a Ballad. On the if of Augitfl, Hints on the prefent Scarcity. — The Happy Wa- terman. — The Plow-boy's Dream, a Ballad, — and the Riot, a Ballad. On the if of September, Noah's Flood. — The Second Part of Tom White ; or the Way to Plenty, — and Dame Andrews, a Ballad. On the ifl of Oclober will be publifhed, The Parable of the Vineyard. — The Two Farmers, Part I. — and the Honeft Miller, a Ballad. On the ifl of November, A Sunday Reading. — The Two Farmers, Part II. — and the Shopkeeper turned Sailor ; or the Folly of going out of our Element, a Ballad. And other Pieces on a fimilar Plan, on the tjl of . every Month* i 3 > • X II I ' Sorrows of Tamba % Sec. To the Tune of Hojier's Ghojl. " IN St. Lucie's diftant ifl-.e, JL Still with Afric's love J burn; Parted many a thoufand mile, Never, never to return. Come kind death | and give me reft, Yamba has no friend but thee ; Thou can 'ft eafe my throbbing breaft, Thou caivft fet the Prifoner free, Down my cheeks the°> are drippings Broken is my heart with grief; Mangled my poor flefh with whipping, Come kind death ! and bring relief. -* Born on Afric's Golden Coaft, Once I was as bleft as you ; Parents tender I could boaft, Hufband dear, and children too. a Whity Whity man he came from far, Sailing o ? er the briny flood, Who, with help of Britifh Tar, Buys up human flefh and blood. With the Baby at my breaft (Other two -were deeping by) In my Hut I fat at reft, With no thought of danger nigh. From the Bufh at even tide Rufh'd the fierce man-ftealing Crew; Seiz'd the Children by my fide, Seiz'd the . wretched Yamba too. Then for love of filthy ' .Gold , . Strait they 'bore.rfre to the Sea). mO * Cramm'd me down a Slave Ship's hold, Where were Hundreds ftow'd like dbH, .... ... : Naked { 5 ) Naked on the Platform lying. Now we crofs the tumbling wave ; Shrieking, fickening, fainting, dying. Deed of lhame for Britons brave. At the lavage Captain's beck Now like Brutes they make us prance ; Smack the Cat about the Deck, And in fcorn they bid us dance. Naufeous horfe-beans they bring nighy Sick and fad we cannot eat ; Cat muft cure the Sulks they cry, Down their throats we'll force the meat* I in groaning paffed; the night, And did: roil my aching head; At the break of morning light, My poor Child, was cold and dead. Happy, S 6 ) ;Happy, "happy, there fhe lies, Thou (halt feel the lafh no more, •JThus full many a Negro dies Ere we reach the deftin'd fhore. r Thee, fweet infant, none fhall fell, Thou haft- gained a wat'ry Grave 5 (Clean efcaped the Tyrants fell, \While thy mother lives a Slave. Driven like Cattle to a fair, . See they fell us young and old ; Child from Mother too they tear 9 All for love of filthy Gold. I was fold to Mafia hard, Some have Mafias kind and good''; And again my back was leaned, Bad and (tinted was mv -food. ^ Poor Poor and wounded, faint and fick, All e-xpofed to burning fl>y ; Maffa bids me grafs* to pick, And I now am near to die. What and if to death he fend me, Savage nuiider tho' it- be, Britifh Law fhall ne'er befriend me. They p rot eft not Slaves like me.' : 'Mourning thus atay wretched, ftke, (Ne^er may I forget the day) r Onee iir duik of evening late | Far from home I dared to ft ray ; J Dared 5 alas-! with impious hafte Tow'rds the roaring Sea to fly ; Death iticlirl longed to taile r Long'd to call me in and Die* There I met upon the Strand Englifh Miffionary Good, He had Bible book in, handy Which poor me no underftood. Led by pity from afar He had left his native ground; Thus if fome infliQ; a fear, Others fly to cure the wound. Strait Strait he pull'd me from the fhore? Bid me no felf-murder do; Talk'd of ftate when life is o'er ? All from Bible ^ood and true. Then he led. me to his Got, Soothed and pitied all my woe ; Told mc 'twas the Chriftian's lot Much to fufFer here below. Told me then of God's dear Son, (Strange and wond'rous is the ftory ;) What fad wrong to him was done, Tho' he was the Lord of Glory.' Told me too, like one who knew him 5 (Can fuch love as this be time ?) How he died for ihehi that flew him, Died for wretched Yamba too. Freely he his mercy proffered, And to Sinners he was fent : E'en to Maffa < pardon's offered : 9 O if Mafia would 'repent ! jj Wicked deed full many a time Sinful Yamba too hath doiie ; j But flic wails to God her crime. But Jke trults his only Son, O ye ( 9 ) O ye flaves whom Maff^ beat, 4 Y| are ftained with guilt within i As ye hope for mercy fweet, So forgive your Maffas' fin. And with grief when finking low, Mark the Road that Yamba trod ; Think how all her pain and woe Brought the Captive home to God. Now let Yamba too adore Gracious Heaven's myfterious Plan; Now I'll count my mercies o'er, Flowing thro' the guilt of man. Now I'll blefs my cruel capture, (Hence I've known a Saviour's name) Till my Grief is turn'd to Rapture, And I half forget the blame. But tho' here a Convert rare Thanks teef God for Grace divine. Let not man il-^e glory (hare, Sinner, ft ill th~ guilt is thine. Here an injured Slav* forgives, There a Hoft for ve*>g eance CY y ; Here a fingle Yamba liv* S9 There a thoufand droop a*4 die. "Ss Duly C 10 ) Duly now baptiz'd am I By good Miflionary Man: Lord my nature purify As no outward water can ! All my former thoughts abhorr'd. Teach me now to pray and praife ; Joy and Glory in my Lord, Truft and ferve him all my days. Worn indeed with Grief and Pai,F 5 Death I now will welcome^. O the Heavenly Prize to I O to Tcape the ;powe r of Sin! True of hearty and n<ek and lowly, Pure and blame^ 8 let me grow I Holy may I be for Holy, Is the pl^ 10 which Lugo, ( * i But tho' death this hour may find mc ? Still with Africs love I burn,- (There I've left a fpoufe behind itie) Still to native land I turn. And when Yamba finks in death, This my lateft prayer {hall be, While I yidd my parting, breath, that Afric might be free. Ceafe, ye Britifh Sons of murder ! Ceafe from forging Afric's chain ; Mock your Saviour's name no further, Ceafe your favage lull of gain. Ye that boaft u Ye rule the waves," Bid no Slave Ship foil the fea, Ye that tc never will be /laves," 4 Bid poor Afric's land be free. Where ye gave to war it's birth. Where your traders fix'd their de n. There go publifh " Peace on Earth," Go proclaim " good-will to men" Where ye once have carried {laughter. Vice, and Slavery, and Sin ; neiz'd on Hufband, Wife** and Daughter, Let the Gofpel enter -tru Thus Thus where Yamba's native home. Humble Hut of Rufhes flood, Oh if there ; fhould chance to roam Some dear Miffionary good ; Thou in Afric's diftaht land,' Still ft alt fee the man I love ; Join him to the Chriftian band, Guide his Soul to Realms above. There no Fiend again (hall fever Thofe whom God hath join'd and bleft : There they dwell with Him for ever, There " the weary art at refi-" FINIS.