V waLxh fe^j^^ lelSllfc/i li vt NEW HISTORY OF THE Life and Adventures & <,. OF TOM ^ '■395 ^ £v ^S^J V II s>^ h- NEW HAVEN. PUBLISHED BY S. BABCOCK. 1850. =& && %\ I -% s*=~ rs» LL visa* =J=E~5?^fe? I '!'• .'.1< MkMMMHl « NEW HISTORY OF THE ii LIFE AND ADVENTURES ^ OF TOM THUMB. His shirt was made of a butterfly's wing, His boots were made of a mouse's skin, His coat was wove of thistle down, An oak-leaf hat he had for his crwn, A tailor's needle hung by his side, And a mouse for a horse he used to ride. NEW HAVEN. PUBLISHED BY S. BABCOCK. f ■««» yV ■■KKBMai NEW HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF T O IV! T H U iVI B . When I was a little boy, children's books were not quite as plenty, or as cheap, or as good as they are now. In those days, children did not often have a present of a pretty book with beautiful pictures; but when they did get one, it was highly prized. We had Cock Robin, and Jack the Giant Killer, and Blue Beard, and The Forty Thieves, and many other amusing but not very instructive tales. Tom Thumb was one of the number, and was a favorite book of mine, al- though I knew the story was not true, and that there were no such beings as magicians and fairies. Perhaps my little readers would like to know what kind of stories we old folks read when we were such little bodies as $> ( you are now. I think I remember enough of Tom Thumb to be able to tell you the story. . Once on a time, Merlin, a famous magician, was traveling, and beincr weary, he stopped at a plowman's cottage to ask for some refreshment. The plowman's wife kindly brought him a bowl of milk, and a wooden plate of good brown bread, which she urged him to partake of. Merlin could not help seeing, that the honest couple looked quite sad and sorrowful ; so he asked the cause, and learned that they had no chil- dren ; the wife declaring, with tears in her eyes, that she should be happy if she had a son, even if he were no bigger than his father's thumb ! Merlin was much amused with the idea of a boy no bigger than a man's thumb, and sending for the queen of the fairies, he told her of the desire of the plowman's wife. The queen was no less pleased than Merlin, and she said the wish should be granted. 4> j. ■MM V I > NEW HISTORY OF TOM THUMB. 7 Accordingly, the plowman's wife had a son, who was just the size of his father's thumb, and was named by the queen, Tom Thumb. One dav his mother was making a pudding, and that he might see how it w r as made, Tom climbed on the top of the bowl ; but his foot happening to slip, he fell over head and ears into it, and his mother not seeing him, she stirred him into the batter, and then popped the whole into the pot. The hot water made Tom kick and struggle, and his mother, seeing the pudding jump up and down in the pot, thought it w r as bewitched. A pedlar going by at that moment, she gave him the pudding, which he put in his pack and then walked on. As soon as Tom could get the batter out of his mouth, he began to cry out. This so frightened the pedler that he flung the pudding over a fence, and took to his heels. The pudding was broken by the fall, and poor Tom crawled out and ran home. * j\i I ; -'. j via 1 ." i i i IS I tflii 1 < /' NEW HISTORY OF TOM THUMB. 9 Tom never was any bigger; but as he grew older be grew cunning and sly. When he played with boys for cherry-stones, and had lost his own, he used to creep into his playmates' bags, fill his pockets, and come out to play again. One day, as he was doing this, the owner chanced to see him. "Ah, ha, my little Tom/' said he, " I have caught you at last ; now I will punish you for stealing/' So he drew the bag-string tight about his neck, and then shaking the bag, Tom's legs and thighs were so sadly bruised,' that he was thrown into a raging: fever. Just at this time the queen of the faires came in a coach drawn by six flying mice, and placing Tom by her side, drove through the air to her pal- ace in fairy land, where she kept him till he was restored to health. Then, taking advantage of a fair wind, she blew him straight to the court of kino- Arthur. But just as Tom was about to land in the palace-yard, the king's cook happened to pass with a huge =4> mm v_ V 10 TOM SWALLOWED BY A FISH. * sg ^ Ju Ill ■Hi <4= -r ' i i ir«i i f m ■ | """'' " ^■'■f'YfA i. w rm.Cf i. u_ • -- W .- W .tt nA t.lf f . , „,» > ■~ \ bowl of soup, into which Tom fell plump, and splashed the hot soup all in the cook's face and eyes. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" cried Tom. half scalded and half drowned in his hot hath; "murder! murder! mur- der !" bellowed the cook, who was a cross, red-faced old fellow, and sup- posed Tom had done all this mischief on purpose. Determined to be re- venged on the little fellow for the 'im- aginary insult, he urged his brother, who was a miller, and as cross and cruel as himself, to take little Tom home with him, and put him where he could do no more mischief. Accordingly, the miller pocketed Tom, and carrying him to his mill, dropped him from a window into the river. But Tom was not born to be drowned. A large salmon swim- ming by at that moment, caught him in its mouth and swallowed him without any trouble. The salmon was soon caught, and being a fine large fish, was presented =s> «■ TOM RELEASED. t \ "% mm \? to the king, who ordered it to be dressed immediately. "When it was cut open, every body was delighted to see little Tom Thumb step out. He soon became the favorite of the king, who knighted him, and gave him a little golden palace to live in, and also a tiny coach, which was drawn by six white mice. King Arthur one day questioned Tom about his parents, and Tom in- formed his majesty that they were worthy people, but very poor. Then the king led him into his treasury, and showing him the piles of gold and silver, told him he might pay his parents a visit, and take with him as much money as he could carry ! Accordingly, Tom procured a little purse, and putting a sixpence into it, he with much labor and difficulty got the purse upon his back and started for home. His mother met him at the door, where he arrived almost tired to death, having traveled nearly half a - 4 > . m v ,/ ii^H 9/ ^3 * t> 7T< p^wL*. *^ Ktzz? s? \