! OM M v L v \: i u 1 L D, PRETTY POEMS, SONGS, &c. IN EASY LANGUAGE, For the Amusement of BY TOMMY LOVECHILD. CHELMSFORD: Printed and Sold by L M^rsder*. Price One Permit, 6 THE SHIP. Upon the sea the well trim'd ship doth gterrmg its course upon the hriny tide, To distant clime* it moves hv press ol sail, Whilst Henv n protect* the crew an< *et>d« the g'aie. I tti; DOG, With faithful diligehcfc The dog your house will keep And from the raging wc^f Prelect your tender sheef», THE TOP, Now, Master Henry, as you'> © jood to- You are allow'd to have a littk'^Iaj : Go, whip the top, but keep frof idle bo\ s, Because their rudeness will but damp your joys. THE FOX. Old Reynard the fox Is certaia to slay The hens and the cock* That come tfi hia wsf 10 HIE ASS. The ass, tho* mean, does, by his lira Oblige a horse to run awrty : This beast is useful to the pony, To carry sand from door to dottf. ti THE OWL. The owl for wisdom has been often priz'd, Alt ho' her plumage is by sdsne deapis'd t Bill mark, the truth ! — If thou with sense art blest, No matter what the garb in which we're dreat; 12 1 1 9 it IBi^^SS^ mm |! Hi ■ H 11 ft Mr fi: ; il .bV-. - •iffy 3 if THE MOUSE. t'he little mouse Dot It skip an