A tortoise-shell Cat had a Kit, they say, Who said to her, on a very fine day, See, there's a Mill on yonder hill — We'll go, and of mice have our fill. So away they toddled off with glee, And with the Miller them you'll ae*. When at the Mill they mew'd at the door ; Says the Miller, 'tis a noise I'm sure ; Then made a bow, — put milk in a pan, Which to sup they both began , So having drank while they were able, Tab by the fire and Kit on the table, v < i Says Miller, old Cat, what's your name ? Tab ; said she, and Kit's is the same; So the Miller asked her in a trice, I*" ' ft? r If she thought she could catch mice. When, as he spoke, one peeped from a hole, And pussy lugged him out by the pole. 3 The Miller had a Son, they say, Who would with Cat and Kitten play , So when at marbles or at top. The Kitten would around it hop- Would mew and roll, to please this Son, Who always laughed at what was done. Wj&F.RwJW*;' ■■■■*<■ ■■;ir.-,ry.t: