THE JTH'S OR CHILD'S FIRST BOOK. CAREFULLY COMPILED BY A FRIEND OF YOUTH, HARTFORD: H E NRY BENTON, 1 84 4. TUB YOUTH'S MANUAI OE CHILD'S FIRST BOOK. CAREFULLY COMPILED BY A FBEESTO OF YOUTH, NEW ?OHE, PRIXTSD BY A, J. w. BUTLEK. The Roman and Italic Alphabets. abcdefgiiijkltn nopqrstuvwxyz .IB € & EF G II IJMLMJTQP abed ef g h ij hlmn opqrstuvwxyz 12 Syllables of Two Letters. ab eh ih oh ub ac ec ic oe uc ad ed id od ud af ef if of pf ag eg ig og ag ak ek ik ok uk al el il ol ul am era im om ura an en in on mi ap ep ip op up ar er ir of ur as es is os us 18 Syllables of Two Letters. ba be -i • DI bo bu ca ce • CI CO cu da de di do dn fa fe fo fit ga ge gi go gu ka ke ki ko kii la le li lo In ma me mi mo mil no nn po pn ro rn m mi &a pe re se pi ri si u Reading Lesson. He is up We go It is so JjO we go Do ye so I go up So do we If it be so I am he He is in It is an ox We do so Do so Is he on ! He or me So it is As we go Be it so As he is So am I We go on So go ye 15 Syllables of Two Letters*. am my we up lie no me Oil ox fell ue do US g'O by as an ha in oh at ye lo to if pi wo in Syllables of Three Letters. ant arm axe frag boy bed cap eat cod dog" doe day eye ear e§fe> % foe fox g% gun gum hen hoe hat ice Ink mn Say lot Jet S\ liable* of Three Letters. may men mop nan net not oar oak owl pan pig" pen ram rag rat sap sea sun sod sop sky tan tea ten urn use vex wig why you 20 Syllables of Four Letters. luie iron jolt kiek kind kiss keen k ^ep kin^ lash lend lamb land lime malt mast meet mint L 22 Syllables of Four Letters. shop shun sham sal' sent sea tool tide tile thee vine vale wine wise Syllables of Five Letters. J jrf^K A^k "ISl^llk HI Wall |f t&Pllf ft ft (jfl gFclllU. dltr*i vip snftiid world Ifl *H Wl i*f * If* ll«ilII^<o PLF.HLJBL «jiaJia. Sill I HL thumb prose thong crane clock tenth 24 THE SQUIR-REL This beau-ti-fol lit- tle a-ni-mal is ad-mir- ed for the neat-ness and el-e-gance of its form-a-tion and ac-ti- vi-ty. They are ve-ry play-ful crea-tures. 26 THE DOG Nu-me-rous are the in-stances giv-en of the won-der-ful sa-ga-ci-ty of the Dog; they are more or less re-mark- a-ble for u$e-ful-ness« Words of Two Syllables. a a-Rer ci-dep have >n-se -IID mason er- noting* or-gan. ei-dep 27 Words of Two Syllables. 4 imis-fy ripen par-rot rat-tie flax-eo ba-sin bar-ber gau-cly iiii-der lus-ty sea-son co-py ma-gic re-bel ia-mioc ies-ter mas-tea* tai-los* vir-tue thir-ty £3 THE CAMEL. This crea-ture is one of the most use- ful a-ni-mals. Its milk is the com-mon food of the A-ra-bi-an; and af-ibrds me-di-cine for the cure of wounds. 29 THE COW. We are in-debt-ed to the Cow for that ex-cel-lent be-ve-rage Milk. She al-so fur- nish-es us with a sup- ply of cream, but-ter, cheese, and va-ri-ous o-ther lux-u-ries. Words of T< vo Syllables. irlo-py Will-fep fbr-ty ten-dep af fep gun-ner co-Ion Miad-ep motto cap-sro wa-tep vocal aw-fssl caiidv pen ny l ^ ac-top an-gel w vi-per Word3 of Two Syllables. a-Dart Mi-fair J&^m. SSL Ml, JSL *iL/Wk JSL ML, ex-ert se-lect upon cn-iov se-date re -fit at-tire bob-by dis-fort instil pc-past pup-py amber jalap Words of Two i Syllables. tem-per ho-vel poi-son m lius-ky wilful ca-ble re-fuse favor hea-vy fathom mis-ty te-naut rl-sict V — J chorus so- lid hostess spi-trot pla-net me-lon 83 Words of Two Syllables de-note untie in~cur a-dept in-vert ex-alt vacant un-der fe-male ta-per Iior-net pig-gin timber ud-der not-ter wo-ful la-dy invest emit Reading Lesson. Tiiere are se-ven days in a week, and they are called 35 Reading Lesson. There are twelve months in a year, and they are nam-ed Ja- nu-a-ry, Fc-bru-a-ry, March, A-pril, May, June, Ju-ly, Au-gust, Sep-tem-ber, Octo- ber, No-vem-ber, and De-cem-ber. The four sea-sons are al-so call- ed Spring, Sum-mer, Au-tumn, or Fall, and Win-ter. i I ■