By the late Rev. Mr. JOHN WILLISON,
Miniſter of the Goſpel at Dundee.
[ Price One Shilling. ]
K I N G's
Are humbly dedicated.
That they may be in any degree uſeful in warning the
highly favoured People of thefe Kingdoms, to make a
proper Uſe of thofe ineftimable Bleffings, which, by
Divine Providence, they at prefent enjoy, both in
Church and State, under the Aufpices of a Sovereign no
leſs pre-eminent as a Pattern to his Subjects in Religion
than in all thoſe Virtues which render him ſo fupremely
examplary as A MAN, A HUSBAND, A FATHER, and
A KING, is the fincere wifh of
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HESE are the Words of John-Baptift
THESE are the Words of
concerning Jefus Chriſt, upon the Oc-
cafion of his Diſciples complaining of Chrift's
baptizing, which drew great Multitudes to
him, whereby they feared their Maſter might
come to be darkened or deferted. But the
humble Man, inſtead of reſenting it as his Dif-
ciples did, falls a commending Chrift and
abafing himſelf; yea he profeffeth the greateſt
Chrift's increasing.
Satisfaction in the Advancement of Chrift and
his Intereſt in the World, and compareth him-
ſelf to a Friend of the Bridegroom, ver. 29.
that rejoiceth in the Succefs of the Match,
which he had been labouring to promote: It
being Honour enough for the moſt eminent
Miniſter of Chrift, to be an Inftrument to
recommend his glorious Mafter, and to court
and make ready a Bride for him.
In ver. 30. where my Text is, 1. John
foretels the Increaſe of Chrift's Kingdom and
Glory, as a thing highly juſt and equitable in
itſelf, and moſt agreeable and fatisfying to him,
and all other Friends of the Bridegroom. He
muſt increaſe; that is, his Intereſt ſhall grow
in the World, his Name fhall ſpread, his
Throne be raiſed, his Crown fhall flouriſh, his
Dominions be enlarged, and his Subjects mul-
tiplied. You think he hath gained a great
deal already, but that is nothing to what he
will gain And all this is in confequence of
the Decree of God, and the Prophecies re-
corded concerning the Meffiah, in Pfal. ii.
and Pfal. lxxii, &c. fo that there is a Necef-
fity for it, He must increaſe.
2. John foretels the confequent of this In-
crcafe to himſelf, I must decreaſe; that is, I
What it includes.
muſt be darkened and difappear. He is not
at all diſpleaſed to ſee himſelf obſcured and
outfhined by the bleffed Meffiah, whofe Ser-
vant and Forerunner he owned he was. No,
no, fays he, Let him ſhine forth as the Rifing
Sun, and let me diſappear like the Morning
Star: Let his Name be raiſed and mine de-
preffed, I chearfully fubmit to it. I am con-
tent to be any thing, or to be nothing, fo
that Chriſt may be All.
Doct. The Increaſe of Chrift's Kingdom
and Glory in the World is abfolutely certain
and neceſſary. It muſt infallibly be, for God
hath faid it, Jer. xxiii. 5. A King fhall reign
and profper in the Earth Pfal. lxxii. 8. He
fhall have dominion from Sea to Sea. Pfal.
cxxxvii. 18. Upon himſelf ſhall his Crown
In difcourfing this Subject, I fhall,
I. Enquire what is that Increaſe of Chriſt's
Kingdom and Glory, which we may warrant-
ably look for?
II. What are the Times and Seafons of this
III. What are the Reaſons, why Chriſt muft
thus Increaſe?
IV. Make Application.
I. As
Christ's increafing.
I. As to the firft, What is the Increaſe here
meant? 1. Negatively it is not to be under-
flood, ft. Of any Increaſe of Chrift's effen-
tial Glory as God; for this is impoffible, he
being infinite, and therefore the fame yeſter-
day, and to-day, and for ever, without any
Variableneſs or Shadow of turning.
zdly. It is not meant that Chrift's Kingdom
fhall increaſe or flouriſh in outward Splendor
and Greatneſs, like one of the Kingdoms of
this World. No, Chrift's Kingdom being not
of this World, its Glory is of a ſpiritual and
heavenly Nature, and peculiar to itſelf alone.
3dly. Neither is it to be thought that the
Increaſe of Chrift's Kingdom is to be conftant
or alike at all Times, or without Decay or
Diminution at any Time. No, no, for fome-
times it ſeems to be brought very low, yea fo
low was it brought under the Anti-chriſtian
Apoftacy, that it was 'fcarce vifible.
​2. Pofitively, the Increaſe ſpoke of in the
Text is to be underſtood of the flourishing of
Chriſt's Mediatory Kingdom, and of the ſpread-
ing of his manifeft active Glory in the World,
which doth confift chiefly in thefe Things:
ift. In the Increaſe and fpreading of Goſpel-
light through the World, fo that the dark
What it includes.
Places of the Earth fhall be enlightened with
the Knowledge of Chrift; and thoſe Places
which had but Twilight Diſcoveries of him,
ſhall attain to brighter Views of his Excellency
and Uſefulneſs, and to a clearer Infight into the
Goſpel Myſteries, and the way of Salvation
through Chriſt and his Righteouſneſs imputed
to the Sons of Adam. Then the Sun of
Righteoufnefs fhall arife with more powerful
Beams of Light and Heat upon his Churches
than before, and at length with fuch Clearneſs
and Efficacy, as to expel Anti-chriſtian Dark-
nefs, Error, Idolatry, Superftition, dead Forms
and Ceremonies of Man's Invention. For how
is it elfe that the Man of Sin fhall be confu-
med by the Spirit of Chrift's Mouth, and de-
ftroyed by the Brightnefs of his coming, 2
Thef. ii. 8. But by the out-pouring of his
Spirit with his Word preached, and by the
bright and convincing Appearances of the Re-
deemer in the Glory of Gofpel-Light; Then
is it that Chriſt ſhall increaſe and his Kingdom
be enlarged, when the Earth fhall be filled
with the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord,
as the Waters cover the Sea, according to the
Prophecy of Habbakkuk, Hab. ii. 14.
Christ's increasing.
2dly. This Increaſe takes in the Lord's
furniſhing his Church with many burning and
Shining Lights, able Minifters of the New
Teftament, to be eminent Inftruments of dif-
playing his Glory in the World. When he is
fignally to increafe his Kingdom, he will raiſe
up and qualify Minifters for the Work, who
ſhall be Men of large Hearts, fluent Tongues,
and public Spirits, fhining Holiness and Piety,
undaunted Courage and Zeal for God, in-
fpired with a burning Love to Chrift and the
Souls of Men, inclined to prefer the good of
Jerufalem to their chiefeft Joy; and willing
to run all Hazards by Sea and Land, to ven-
ture all that is dear to them in the World,
their Reputation, Life, and all the Comforts
of it for Jefus Chrift; and chearfully content
to ſpend and be ſpent for the Increaſe of his
Kingdom and Glory, and the gathering of
Souls to him. And particularly it is a Pledge
and Forerunner of this happy Increaſe; when
the Lord fends down his Spirit upon Students
and Expectants of the Miniſtry, gracioufly
touches their Hearts, and works an inward
Change upon their Souls;
their Souls; animates them
with fincere Principles and Ends, and gives
What it includes.
them fuch Impreffions of the Weight of the
Paftoral Office and the Charge of Souls, that
they will not run thereto unfent, nor have an
active Hand in thrusting themfelves into it, or
do any thing to beget Prejudices to mar their
Succefs; but will wait patiently upon the
Lord, till he ſhall open the Door, and clear
their Call to enter into his Vineyard,
3dly. It imports the Increaſe of the Num-
ber of Chrift's Subjects and Followers. As
the King's Honour is in the Multitude of
his People, Prov. xiv. 28. fo Chriſt is glori-
fied in the Multitude of his Subjects. Thus
fhall Chrift's Kingdom and Glory increaſe in
the latter Days, when the Kingdoms of the
Earth ſhall become the Kingdoms of the Lord:
then the Jews themſelves fhall gather to
Chrift's Standard lifted up in the Gofpel, to-
gether with the fulneſs of the Gentiles; they
fhall fly to it in clouds, like Doves to their
Windows, according to theſe Promifes, Ift.
ii. 2. Micah iv. 1.2. Ifa. lx. 8. Rev. ii. 15.
Rom. xi. 25, 26. Pfal. cii. 15, 16, 22. Now
what is it that will bring about this glorious
Increaſe, but the Miniftration of the Spirit
В 20
Christ's increafing.
with the Goſpel? It is this that opens a great
and effectual Door, 1 Cor. xvi. 9. a Door of
Utterance in Minifters Mouths, and a Door
of Entrance in Hearers Hearts. Then Mini-
fters Spirits fhall be enlarged, and their Tongues
loofed in preaching; and Hearers Appetites will
be ſharpened and their Hearts melted in hearing.
When the Lord comes with his Spirit, and
gives teftimony to the Word of his Grace,
then the Arrows of the Word fhall pierce the
Confcience, the wounded fhall cry, What
fhall we do to be faved? And Multitudes
fhall fall under Zion's King, Pfal. xiv. 5.
4thly. Then Chrift's Kingdom doth increaſe,
when Truth triumphs over Error, and pure
Doctrine and Worſhip prevail againſt Super-
ftition and Delufion. There are happy Sea-
fons when the Lord doth magnify his Power
in binding up the Winds of Hereſy and falſe
Doctrine, and making pure Scripture-Truths
to be reliſhed and preferred to the vain Opi-
nions and falſe Reaſonings of Men. Then he
caufes Infidelity, Deifm, Socinianifm, Ari-
anifm, Popery, and Arminianifm to be re-
jected and abhorred: And makes Men willing
What it includes.
to fubject their own Reaſon to divine Revela-
tion, and to fall in with the plain Truths of
the Word, and the Goſpel-Scheme of faving
loft Sinners by the Righteouſneſs of Jeſus
Chriſt, and through his Death and Purchaſe
only Then he brings Men to fee their own
natural Impotency and Inability to do any
Thing for their own Recovery and Happineſs:
ſo that inſtead of afcribing their good Actions
and Attainments to the good Ufe of their own
natural Powers, they are willing to acknow-
ledge God in every Thing that is good in
them, and to aſcribe all to the Praiſe and
Glory of his free Grace, who for Chrift's Sake
works in them both to will and to do. O that
Chriſt and his Truth may thus increaſe in the
5thly. This bleffed Increaſe of Chrift's
Kingdom includes the Downfal of its Ene-
mies, and eſpecially the Overthrow of Ma-
homet and Antichrift, the Ruin of Babylon,
and the binding up of Satan, that grand
Enemy which excites all the reft. This is
foretold, Rev. xx. 2. Now when once that
Time comes, that Satan fhall be reftrained
and bound up from influencing Rulers to per-
Christ's increasing.
fecute or opprefs the Church, from infti-
gating Seducers to propagate Errors;
from exciting fchifmatical and feditious Per-
fons to fow Diffenfion among the Followers
of Jefus; then the Kingdom of Chrift will
greatly increaſe in the World.
6thly. It imports the Increaſe of true Piety
and Holiness among the Subjects of Chriſt's
Kingdom, when they ſhall ſtudy an univerſal
Conformity to their Holy Lord and Maſter,
and like him make it their Meat and Drink to
ferve God and do his Will. When their
Minds and Affections fhall be greatly difen-
gaged from the World, and the Strain of their
Converſations ſhall be ſpiritual and heavenly :
Their Lives fhall fhine in Holinefs and good
Works; and their great Study ſhall be to have
their Spirits and Tempers, their Walk and
Carriage in all refpects fuch as becomes the
Gofpel of Chrift. When they fhall be juft,
righteous and true in all their Dealings, Words,
and Actions; when they fhall be meek and
and lowly, fober and temperate, patient and
peacable, loving and forgiving, harmleſs and
inoffenfive in all the Parts of their Conver-
What it includes.
fation: And at the fame Time ſhall abhor and
depart from all Lying and Diffembling, In-
juftice and Intemperance, Pride and Am-
bition, Slandering and Back-biting, Malice
and Revenge, Difcord and Strife, and what-
ever elfe is contrary to true Godliness and the
Pattern of the holy Jefus : Then it is that
Chriſt's Kingdom fhall greatly increaſe.
7thly. There is in it the Increaſe of Zeal
and public Spiritedness for promoting true
Religion, and of Chriftian Courage and Mag-
nanimity in owning and avowing of Chrift
and his Caufe before the World. When
Chriſtians ſhall not be aſhamed of a crucified
Jefus, or of his Truths, Ordinances or People,
but ſhall openly profeſs him, glory-in him,
and whatever belongs to him; and alſo bear
Teſtimony againft every Thing that he hates
or forbids. And when a Spirit of Reformation
ſhall be poured upon all Ranks and Degrees of
Men; fo as every one in their feveral Stations
and Capacities fhall do their utmoft to fup-
prefs Sin, and recommed Chriſt and his Ways
to all around them: Then it is that Chrift's
Kingdom and Glory will increaſe in the
When is it that Chrift
II. I propofed next to enquire into the
Times and Seafons of this glorious Increaſe
God hath his Set-times for Zion's Increaſe
and Glory, which none can ſtop, Pfal. cii. 13.
The Apoftolic Age was the moſt remarkable
Set-time for it that ever was, when every
Sermon made new Conquefts and Additions
to the Church, till every City and Corner of
the vaft Roman Empire was ftored with Chrif-
tins. But befides this, we have Promiſes of
a more full and ample Increaſe of Chrift's
Kingdom in the latter Days, or towards the
End of the World, of which Daniel ſpeaks
in his Prophecy, Dan. ii. 28. 44. and Dan.
vii. 27.
There he tells us, that in theſe latter
Days God will ſet up a great, large, and flou-
rifhing Kingdom, which will break all others
in Pieces, and ftand for ever. That he means
the flouriſhing State and glorious Increaſe of
Chriſt's Kingdom toward the End of the
World, is clear from this, that he makes the
latter Days he ſpeaks of, to be the Days of
the Kings which fhould divide the 4th
Monarchy or Roman Empire among them.
This Empire was to be divided into ten-
may be faid to increaſe.
Kingdoms, called in the Revelation ten Horns,
and reprefented in Dan. ii. 41. by the ten
Toes of the Feet of the Image. Now the
Stone cut out of the Mount, which is the King-
dom of Chrift, is faid to fmite the Image upon
its Feet and break them in Pieces, Verfe 34.
which fignifies Chrift's conquering the Roman
Empire when divided into ten Kings or King-
doms, called ten Horns, Rev. xvii. which Di-
vilion hath happened in the latter Days. And
theſe Horns, or Kings and Kingdoms, being
joined together in giving their Power to the
Beaſt or Roman Anti-chrift as their Head, do
preferve fome Shadow of the ancient Roman
Empire or Monarchy, feeing Anti-chrift's
Power is almoſt as extenfive, as the Emperor's
once was. Hence Anti-chrift is fometimes
called the Image of the Beaft, and is faid to
exerciſe the Power of the firſt Beaſt, Rev. xiii.
12, 14. as being fet up at Rome in place of
the Roman Empire in the Weft, and as bear-
ing the Likeneſs of the then Emperor that
reigned there. For at the Time the faid Em-
pire lay dead and wounded by the Sword or
Invaſion of the Goths and Vandals, and in
effect was not, the Pope got up and mounted
the Beaſt, which the Emperor had rode upon
before him, namely the Roman State, for that
Of the Time of the Increaſe
is the Body of the Beaft, and fo ſet up a new
Image of the old Heathen Empire at Rome.
The Papal Power may be well called its Image,
as being like it in Largeneſs of Dominion, in
Form of Government, and in Tyranny and
When Chrift's Kingdom was firft ſet
up in
the Apoſtles Time, the Roman Empire was
in its Iron Legs, as reprefented in Nebuchad-
nezzar's Image, that is, it was in its greateſt
Strength. But in the latter Days, which
Daniel fpeaks of, Dan. ii. 28, 44. when
Chrift's Kingdom is wonderfully increaſed,
the Empire is in its Feet and Toes, that is in
ten Kingdoms fubject to the Beaſt, as they
are explained, Rev. xvii. 12, 13, 17, 18.
Now, as Daniel tells us, it is upon theſe
that the Stone fmites, and ſo it is among them
that Chrift will make his glorious Conqueſts
in the latter Days. For it is faid, Thefe Kings
fhall make War with the Lamb, and the
Lamb fhall overcome them, not only their
Power and Armies, but he ſhall at length
overcome their Hearts, fo that they fhall be
brought to hate the Whore and make her
defolate, Rev. xvii. 14, 16. which Time is
yet to come.
Then it is, that Chrift's Kingdom will re-
of Chrift's Kingdom
ceive a glorious Increafe, and the Kingdoms
of this World becomes his, as in Rev. ii. 15.
Then the great River Euphrates will be dried
up for preparing the way of the Kings of the
Eaft; Rev. xvi. 12. Then the Blindneſs of
Jews fhall be removed, and the Fullness of
the Gentiles fhall come in, Rom. xi. 1, 25,
26. Theſe and many other famous Prophe-
cies about the Increafe of Chrift's King-
dom and Glory do remain to be accompliſhed
in the latter Days, at leaft in the Extent,
fuch as thoſe which foretel, that every thing
in Jerufalem fhall be holy the People thall
be all righteous. The Sanctuary ſhall be
cleanſed; and Purity be both in the Wor-
ſhip and Worshippers in the Temple, and no
more a Canaanite in the Houſe of the Lord.
All Nations fhall be gathered to fee his Glory.
There fhall be no more War betwixt Nations.
The Jews fhall be gathered out of all the Coun-
tries where they are difperfed, and brought
to their own Land: They fhall be no more
ſeparate Kingdoms, &c. for which fee Ifa. ii.
2, 3, 4. Iſa. xxvi. 2. Ifa. lii. 1. Ifa. lx. 5,
10, 12, 13, 21. Ezek. xxvi. 24. 28. Ezek.
XXXV. 21. to 28. Dan. viii. 14. Zech. xiv.
21. Rev. xi. 1. &c. Now what a glorious In-
creaſe muſt it bring to the Mediator's King-
C 2
Of the Time of the Increase
dom and Glory, when all theſe Prophecies
and Promiſes ſhall be fulfilled concerning the
Overthrow of Babylon and Anti-chriſt, the
Deſtruction of the Turkish Empire, the In-
bringing of the Jews, with the fulneſs of the
In regard the Fall and Deſtruction of Anti-
chrift, or the Papal Power, is the great Mercy
promiſed to the Church in the latter Days, and
with which all the other Bleffings promifed
are connected; and that the Scripture is more
particular about the Time of its being fulfilled,
than any other; it is fit to enquire what is
there ſaid about it. And first, let us view the
foregoing Signs and Fore-runners of Anti-
chrift's Fall, and of Chrift's coming to deliver
his People from his Tyranny, which point out
the Time as near: fuch as,
Firſt, Previous thereto, there will be a great
Defection among all the Churches of Chrift.
Among God's People Deadnefs and Formality
fhall fo increaſe, that all the Virgins fhall feem
to fall afleep. Errors and falfe Doctrines fhall
greatly abound, the Luminaries fhall be dark-
ned, and the Stars fhall withdraw their fhining.
Many Miniſters ſhall fuck in corrupt Principles
about the glorious Doctrines of the Goſpel,
particularly, that of Juftification, by which
of Chrift's Kingdom.
means the Earth fhall be turned into Blood and
Slaughter. Yea, in theſe laſt Days, there ſhall
be falfe Teachers, who privily fhall bring in
damnable Herefies, even denying the Lord that
brought them. There fhall be many Infidels, and
profane Scoffers who fhall make a Mock of ferious
Godlinefs, and the Holy Spirit's Operations; and
fcoff at the Gofpel-Revelation, and the way of
faving Sinners by Chriſt and his Righteouſneſs
imputed to us. Alfo they will deride the Promifes
of his coming to deſtroy Anti chriſt, to deliver
his People, and to judge the World, faying,
Where is the Promife of his coming? for all
Things continue as they were from the Begin-
ning. Of theſe things the Apoſtle Peter ſpeaks
in the 2d and 3d Chapters of his 2d Epiftle. Nay,
fo general fhall the Defection and Infidelity of the
World at that time be, that our Lord himſelf
tells us, that when he cometh, he fhall fcarce
find Faith upon the Earth, Luke xviii. 8. that is,
he will find few that have the firm Belief of the
Goſpel-Truths, and few that have Faith concern-
ing Chrift's coming. So great have been the
Reelings of the World, fo long the Delays of
Chriſt's coming, and fo frequent their Miſtakes
who have prefixed Times for it, that there will
remain but little Faith in any about his glorious
Appearance for his Church, when behold he is
juſt at the Door. As Atheiſts, Deifts and Adver-
Of the Time of the Increaſe
faries of the Truth have been much hardened in
their Infidelity, by the Miſtakes of thoſe who
have been too particular and peremptory in
timing future Events; fo the Godly themſelves
may be fadly fhaken, and tempted to deſpair of
Chrift's coming, when he fo long paſſeth their
Reckoning. Therefore, faid he, When the Son
of Man cometh, fhall he find Faith on the
Earth! But Glory to his Name, He is faithfu
and true, and will come at the appointed Time,
and the Unbelief of Man fhall not make the
Promife of God of none Effect.
zdly. There fhall be great Troubles in the
World, and very great Fear and Diſtreſs in the
Church, before Help ariſe to her. In Dan. xii. 1.
Daniel is certified, that when Chrift is to ftand
up for the Church, there fhall be a Time of
Trouble fuch as never was, fince there was a
Nation, even to that fame Time, and at that
Time thy People fhall be delivered. So in
Matt. xxiv. and Luke xxi. Chrift faith, that
before his coming, there fhall be ſtrange Signs
in the Heavens, and in the Earth, Earthquakes,
Wars and Rumours of Wars, the rushing of
Nations one againſt another, and fuch univerfal
Diſtreſs that Men's Hearts will be failing them
for Fear; and even then fhall Deliverance be
at Hand.
3dly. Chrift will appear when his Church's
of Chrift's Kingdom.
Enemies are moſt confident and fecure, and par-
ticularly when the Romish Harlot is lifted up
with Pride by her Succeſs in this or that King-
dom, and begins to fay, I fit as a Queen and
Shall fee no Sorrow, but then it is that her
Plague fhall come as in one Day, Rev. xvii. 7,
8. How confident was that cruel Perfecutor,
Diocletian, of his Succeſs againſt the Church,
when he erected Pillars with that Inſcription,
Delata Superftitione Chriftiana? Then he
thought he had got Chriſtianity extirpated, and
the Church ruined; when behold her glorious
Deliverance under Conftantine the Great was
juſt at hand.
4thly. Before Anti-chriſt's Fall, one of the ten
Kingdoms which fupported the Beaſt ſhall un-
dergo a marvellous Revolution, Rev. xi. 13.
The fame Hour there was a great Earthquake,
and the tenth Part of the City fell. By which
tenth Part, is to be underſtood one of the ten
Kingdoms into which the great City Romish
Babylon was divided: This many take to be
the Kingdom of France, it being the tenth and
laft of the Kingdoms as to the Time of its Rife,
and that which gave Rome Denomination of
the Beaſt with ten Horns, and alfo it being the
only one of the ten that was never conquered
fince its Rife. However unlikely this and other
prophesied Events may appear at the Time, yet
Of the precife Time when
the Almighty Hand of the only wife God can
foon bring them about when leaſt expected.
Though the Church fhould be wrapt about with
the blackeft Clouds and thickeft Darknefs for a
Time, that will be no Stop to God's great
Defigns. As a little before the Break of Day is
the darkeſt Time, of all the Night, ſo uſually it
is a dark Hour before the Day-break of the
Church's Deliverance. Let us not then be
fhaken in our Minds, whatever Storm blow,
but firmly believe the Word of a true and faith-
ful God, that all his Promifes to his Church
fhall be exactly accompliſhed, that he will arife
in due Time and ſcatter all his Enemies, and
that the fet Time to favour Zion will certainly
come. May we then be helped to look to Hea-
ven, and cry for a ſteady, fixed and perſevering
Faith, that we may never be fhaken nor car-
ried away by the prevailing Torrent of Infidelity,
but may ſtill be eſtabliſhed upon the firm Rock
of Truth for Chrift's Sake. Amen,
Of the Increase of Chrift's Kingdom.
Upon JOHN iii. 30. He must increafe.
N the preceding Difcourfe I was ſpeaking of
the Times and Seafons of the Increaſe of
Chrift's Kingdom and Glory; and feeing this
Anti-chrift's Reign began.
Increaſe in the latter Days is very much con-
nected with Anti-chrift's Fall, I was enquiring
a little into the Time of that Fall, and men-
tioning fome Forerunners of it. But to
more certain View of it, it is fit to enquire into
the Scripture-Account of the Time and Length
of Anti-chrift's Reign; which according to
Rey. xi. 2, 3. and xii. 6, 14. and xiii. 5. doth
amount to 1260 Years, as is generally agreed to
Now if we could hit upon the Time when thefe
Years began, we fhould certainly know when
his Reign would end. But God for our Trial
and Exerciſe hath left us much in the Dark when
to begin them. Thus alfo dealt God with his
People in ancient Times; for though he told
them their Bondage in Egypt would be 400
Years, their Captivity in Babylon would be 70
Years; and from the Commandment to rebuild
the Temple to the Meffiah's Death, there would
Weeks of Years, or 490 Years: Yet ftill
the precife Time when to begin theſe Compu-
tations was much queftioned among them. So
that they were never perfectly certain about the
exact Times of the Church's Deliverance, until
the glorious Events happened; and then every
one faw clearly when they thould have dated the
Beginning of thefe predicted Years. Now the
fame is the Cafe with refpect to Anti-chrift's
Of the precife Time when
Reign and Downfal. Though now we be not
certain when to begin the 1260 Years, which is
the Duration of Anti-chrift's Reign; yet after
the Event of his Fall, the Time of its Com-
mencement will be fo plain, that After-Ages
will be apt to wonder that we fell into fuch
Miftakes about it. Some in their Calculations
have begun Anti-chrift's Reign too early; Others
again perhaps begin it too late. Some of which I
ſhall mention, with the Grounds of their Opinion..
I. Becauſe Anti-chrift is called the Beaſt with
ten Horns, Rev. xiii. 1. and the ten Horns or
Kings receive their Power one Hour with the
Beaft, and give their Power and Kingdom to
the Beaſt, Rev. xvii. 12, 13, 17. Many there-
fore did begin Anti-chrift's Reign, as foon as
the Roman Empire was broken and divided into
ten different Kingdoms; to wit, when the tenth
or laft Horn appeared, which was the Kingdom
of the Franks, now called the French, under
Childericus their King, in the Year of our
Lord 456; to which if we add 1260 Years the
Time of Anti-chrift's Reign, the End of it was
to have been in the Year 1716; and accordingly
many did expect it that Year: But the Event
hath fhewed that they began Anti-chrift's Reign
too foon. And indeed the Scripture doth not
fay that his Reign (though contemporary with
Anti-chrift's Reign began.
the ten Horns) fhould begin as foon as the laft
of them appeared; and in the Year 456, Anti-
chrift was fcarce difcernable in the Church.
But yet, in the Year 1716, Anti-chriſt got a
fevere Blow, when the Lord broke his Intereſt
in Britain, by defeating the Rebellion there in
his Favour, and fecuring the Proteſtant Succef-
fion to the Crown in the Houfe of Hanover.
II. Others did begin Anti-chrift's Reign 20
Years after, viz. in the Year 476, becauſe till
then fome Shadow of the old Roman Empire
remained. For it was not entirely diffolved,
nor did the ten Horns appear formally in its
Room, till the Depofition of Auguftulus, who
was the laft of the Roman Emperors that
reigned over both East and West. Now he was
depoſed in the Year 476, after which Time the
very Name of the Roman Empire in the Weft
became extinct. Thofe of this Way of Think-
ing did alſo ſtrengthen their Opinion from that
Text, in 2 The ii. 7, 8. He who now letteth
will let, until he be taken out of the Way: And
then shall that wicked one be revealed, that is,
Anti-chrift, who then was working under
Ground, would not formally appear until the
Removal of the Roman Emperor, whofe Power
in the Weft did greatly hinder the Papal Ty-
ranny and Grandeur. Now, according to
D 2
Of the precife Time when
this Opinion, Anti-chrift's Reign ſhould have
ended in the Year 1736, but the Event alfo hath
difcovered they began it too foon. For though
the Biſhops of Rome, upon the Fall of the
Empire, made great Progrefs in their projected
Ufurpation, yet Anti-chrift was not formally
revealed fo foon as 476. Neither doth the
Scripture fay that he would be immediately re-
vealed and begin his Reign upon the removing
of the Roman Emperor. "But though the Lord
did not overturn Anti-chrift in the Year 1736,
as fome expected, yet I hope he hath taken a
remarkable Step toward it, and for the Increaſe
of his own Kingdom, in or about that Year, by
raifing up eminent Inftruments for ſpreading his
glorious Goſpel through the World, fuch as the
Moravian Brethren, and the Oxford Metho-
difts; and particularly by fending forth the Rev.
Mr. Whitfield that very Year to preach the ever-
lafting Goſpel with wonderful Succeſs. And now
both he and others, whom God hath excited, have
fince that Time made a noble Progreſs in this
Work, both in Europe and America, by preach-
ing in the Demonftration of the Spirit and with
Power, the Doctrine of Free Grace, of original
Sin, of Regeneration by the Holy Spirit, and of
Juftification by Chrift's Righteoufhefs alone,
which Doctrines had been fadly buried before.
Anti-chrift's Reign began.
And I verily believe that it is by the Effufion of
the Spirit with the Gofpel, and the bright con-
vincing Appearances of Chrift, and free Grace in
the Glory of Gofpel Light, that Anti-chrift will
be confumed and deftroyed; and Chriſt's King-
dom increaſed and enlarged.
III. Some there are who are very late in be-
ginning Anti-chrift's Reign, not before the Bi-
fhops of Rome turned grofsly idolatrous, and fet
up for the Worſhip of Images, and for excom-
municating and depofing the Emperors of Con-
ftantinople their civil Rulers, becauſe they op-
poſed them in their Idolatry. This was firſt at-
tempted by Pope Conftantine against the Em-
peror Philippicus in the Year 713; and after-
wards practifed with greater boldneſs and ſucceſs
by Pope Gregory II. againſt the Emperor Leo,
in the Year 726. According to this Opinion,
Anti-chrift's Reign will not end before the Year
IV. But the moſt probable Time for com-
mencing Anti-chrift's Reign feems to be, when
Boniface III. got himſelf declared univerfal
Biſhop and Head of the Church, and affumed the
Title of Pope, which was in the Year 606. And
in this ufurped Supremacy he was then owned
and fubmitted to by the ten Horns or Kings who
gave their Power to him. Then it was the
Of the precife Time when
Pope became Chrift's declared Oppofite by ufurp-
ing his peculiar Office and Titles, and fo ap-
peared formally to be Anti-chrift. Now if we
add to 606, the time of Anti-chrift's Reign,
1260 Years, his Dominion will not end till the
Year 1866, which is 124 Years hence. Though
none now living will fee this, yet we may com-
fort our lives as once a godly Man did, I have
had a longing Defire, faid he, ta fee or hear
of the Fall of Anti-chrift; but I check myſelf,
Ifhall go to Heaven, and there the News of it
fhall quickly arrive, for both Angels and Saints
will rejoice at it, Rev. xviii. 20. Why? that
will be the happy Time of the Increaſe of Chrift's
Kingdom and Glory. May God haften it for
Chrift's fake.
III. I propofed next to give fome Reafons
why Chriſt muſt increaſe as above;
Ift. Becauſe of the Decree and Promife of
God, which cannot fail. He hath promifed this
not only to the Church, Jer. xxiii. 5. but alfo to
Chrift himſelf, Pfal. ii. 8. and čx. 1, 2. And
furely he will not alter the Thing that is gone
out of his Lips, he will not lye unto David, Pfal.
lxxxix. 34, 35-
Anti-chrift's Reign began.
2dly. Becauſe it is for the fake of the Kingdom
of Chriſt and its Increaſe, that God hath made
the World, and hath given the Adminiſtration
of the Kingdom of Providence to Chrift himſelf,
in order to fecure the Accompliſhment of all the
glorious Promifes made to him, the reins of Go-
vernment are put in his own Hand, Mat. xxviii.
18. Eph. i. 22.
And to be fure the great
Mediator will fee to his own Intereft.
3dly. Becaufe Chrift is the darling of Heaven,
dearly beloved of God for undertaking the Re-
demption of a loft World, a work whereby God
is highly glorified. In this Tranfaction he chear-
fully complied with the divine Will, became
obedient unto Death, even the Death of the
Crois, and therefore his Name muſt be exalted
above every Name, and every Knee muſt bow
before him, Phil. ii. 8, 9, 10.
Ift. Ufe may be of Information.
1. We here ſee what Encouragement we
have to pray as we are taught, Thy Kingdom
come, and that it may be increaſed and enlarged;
feeing we pray for what God hath decreed,
promiſed and foretold and muſt certainly come
to paſs.
2. It
Lamentation for the decreafe
2. It muſt then be great folly to oppoſe the
flouriſhing of Chrift's Kingdom, they who do it
have a ſtrong Party to fight againft, even the
Omnipotent God, who hath faid of Chrift and
his Kingdom, He must increase
IId. Uſe may be of Reproof and Warning to all
who would hinder the Increaſe of Chriſt's King-
dom and Glory in the World; fuch as,
1. Thoſe who perfecute and opppreſs his People.
2. Thoſe who promote the violent Settlement
of Miniſters contrary to the Will of Congre-
gations, and thereby put a ſtop to the Converfion
and Edification of Souls.
3. Thofe who promote Infidelity, Error, or
any Doctrine in the Church, contrary to the
fimplicity and purity of the Gofpel, and the
Scripture Scheme of Salvation by Chrift and his
Surety Righteouſneſs, whereby free Grace is
exalted and Self debafed.
4. Thoſe who refuſe to ſubject themſelves to
the Laws of this Kingdom, and will rather obey
their own Paffions and Lufts, faying in their
Hearts, we will not have this
Man to reign
over us; if Chriſt be a King, let him be a King
without a Kingdom, Subjects, or Laws; if we
could, he ſhould have none. Sinners take heed
ye are doing; you directly oppoſe the will
of that God, who faith he muſt Increaſe.
of Chrift's Kingdom.
IIId. Ufe, of Lamentation. We may here
take Occafion to bewail the State of Chrift's
Kingdom, in divers Places, in which it once.
flouriſhed and increaſed, but now alas de-
creaſeth, as in France, Germany, Poland,
Bohemia, Hungary, Piedmont, and other
foreign Parts, and likewife in Britain and
Ireland, and particularly in our Mother
Church of Scotland. Oh! what a dreadful
Flood of Infidelity, Atheiſm, Irreligion, dam-
nable Herefies, Loofenefs of Principle and
Practice, Contempt of God and Religion,
fcoffing at the Truths of God and ferious
Godliness hath broke out in this Age, and
fwelled to a greater Height than at any Time
fince our bleffed Reformation. Our holy
Chriſtian Religion in its firm Foundations and
infallible Proofs hath been openly attacked
and ridiculed by profeſſed Infidels and Pre-
tenders to Reafon amongst us, and that not-
withſtanding the ſtrong Obligations they lay
under by their Baptifin and Education to ad-
here to it. And many pretended Friends
have been undermining and deftroying it, by
promoting Opinions and Practices inconfiftent
with its Purity and Intereft. Yea, all ranks
Lamentation for the Decreafe
of us, whether Magiftrates, Minifters, No-
bility, Gentry, Citizens and Commons, are
fadly chargeable with the prevailing Defec-
tions and Declenfions of the Age. Alas, we
have left our firft Love, and have woefully
degenerated from our Anceſtors Piety, Zeal,
and folemn Engagements to the Lord! How
lamentable is our Neglect of Family Worſhip,
fecret Prayer, Sabbath-Sanctification, and
Goſpel-Holineſs! As alfo our loſing our for-
mer Livelineſs and Spirituality in God's Wor-
ſhip and Service, and letting our Devotion
dwindle away into a dead Formality, and mere
bodily Service! and finally, how ftrong is
the Propenſity of the prefent Generation to
Vanity, Lightnefs, Plays, Comedies, Ro-
mances, idle Diverfions, Contempt of Ordi-
nances, Lying, Cheating, Perjury, and all
Sorts of immoral Practices.
Upon Account whereof God is provoked to
forfake his Ordinances, and ſmite our Church
with fore Judgments, fuch as a Spirit of Di-
vifion, a miſcarrying Womb and dry Breafts,
Impenitency and Hardness of Heart, fufpend-
ing the Spirits Influences, fo as Hearts are not
melted by the Word. The Angel defcends
of Chrift's Kingdom.
not to trouble the Waters, and the difeafed
Step not in to be healed as in former Days.
Our Hearts do not burn while Chrift is talk-
ing with us; the Times of refreſhing come
not from the Prefence of the Lord. And
alas, we who are in the Miniſtry want not
Reaſon to fear that we have a Hand in bring-
ing on the Judgments, by our undertaking
the Miniſtry frequently for carnal Ends, and
without experimental Knowledge of the Spi-
rit's Work in Regeneration; helping in lax
Men to the Miniſtry, and difcouraging the
more ferious: Little reading and ſtudying the
Scriptures; want of Zeal and Concern for the
Converfion and Edification of Souls: Seek-
ing ourſelves in our public Appearances, more
than the Glory of our bleffed Maſter, not
looking to him for Furniture, and depending
on his Preſence and Spirit for Succefs: Not
labouring more earneſtly, and preaching more
rouzingly for awakening and convincing of
Souls: Laying Stumbling-blocks before Hear-
ers, by finful Strifes, untender Walking, and
wrong Steps, whereby they are tempted to
abhor the Offerings of the Lord, not acting
as faithful Stewards, by rightly dividing the
E 2
Lamentation for the Decr cafe
Word of Truth, and ſpeaking to the different
Cafes of the converted and unconverted,
Saints and Sinners; and not making it the
great End of our Sermons to convince loft
Sinners of their Mifery, to exalt a crucified
Chriſt as their only Remedy, and to lead
poor Souls to him. O that all Ranks were
brought to acknowledge their Guilt, and to
lament the Hand they have had in ſtopping
the Increaſe of Chrift's Kingdom!
IV. Uſe may be of Conſolation to all the
Friends of Chrift. Though you have Caufe
of Fear and Trembling, becauſe of the me-
lancholy View you have of the Church's Cafe
at preſent, her Groans and Grievances, De-
fections, and Back-flidings, and the Power
and Succeſs of Enemies; yet rejoice in the
Tidings my Text brings, Chriſt muſt increaſe.
The Church fhall arife and ſhine, her Light
ſhall come, and the Glory of the Lord fhall
rife upon her.
her. It fhall not be in the Power
of all her Enemies, though Hell and Rome
be joined with them, to hinder this Increaſe.
Anti-chriſt muſt fall, he hath been in a deadly
Conſumption theſe 200 Years, and will ex-
pire at length. Whatever be the Oppofition,
of Chrift's Kingdom.
Chriſt muſt overcome, triumph, and increaſe
at laſt. His Church will certainly outlive all
her Enemies. And though fometimes fhe
may decreaſe in fome Places, yet we ſhould
mind that Chrift's Kingdom is like the Sea,
what it lofeth in one Place it gaineth in ano-
ther. If it lofe in Europe and gain in Ame-
rica, Chriſt loſeth nothing. And though
his Church in our Land be brought low, yet
her Head and King lives, and many of his
Worthies have lived and died in the Faith of
it, that he would not leave her, but return
and revive his Work in her with a powerful
Arm and ſpreading Glory.
And here I
Vth. Ufe, of Exhortation.
exhort and obteſt all Ranks, high and low to
do what they can in their Stations by their
Prayers and Endeavours, for the Coming and
Increaſe of Chriſt's Kingdom, as Chriſt directs,
Matth. vi. 10. O how concerned was David
this way! Pfal. xxv. 22. And li. 18. And
fo were Afaph, Ifaiah, Daniel, Nehemiah,
Paul, &c. Pfal. lxxx. 14. Ifa. lxii. 1. Dan.
ix. 16, &c. Neh. ii. 3. Rom. x. I. Confider
alſo the Woes and Judgments denounced
againſt thoſe who are unconcerned for the
Exhortation to promote the
I, 6.
Intereft of Chrift's Kingdom Am. vi. 1,
Efth. iv. 14. Likewife take a view of the
Bleffings which would attend the Increaſe of
it. The Redeemer's Glory would be mag-
nified, the Church would become a fruitful
Mother of many Children, and many Sons and
Daughters would be born to God. Then
Light would ſpread, Knowledge be increaſed,
Ignorance vaniſh, Error be abhorred, Satan
reftrained. Vice forfaken, Virtue efteem'd,
Love and Peace cultivated. Then the Lives
of Chriftians would fhine, Sabbaths would be
Days of Heaven, Sermons and Sacraments.
would be longed for, the Friends of Chrift
valued as the excellent ones of the Earth, and
all Wiſdom's Ways would be pleaſant and de-
lightful. And what happy Times would
theſe be?
Quest. What are thefe Means and Endea-
vours we ſhould uſe for the Increaſe of Chrift's
Kingdom and Glory in the World, according
to our ſeveral Stations and Capacities?
Anf. 1. Let Magiftrates contribute to
this noble End, both by their Authority and
Example, diſcountenancing the Immoral and
Vicious, and putting Refpect upon the Vir-
Increafe of Chrift's Kingdom.
tuous and Godly. Let them with Zeal and Im-
partiality execute our good Laws for fuppref-
fing open Vice, fuch as Drunkenneſs, Un-
cleanness, profaning of the Lord's Name,
and of the Lord's Day, &c. Let them in their
own Lives be Patterns to others in Juftice,
Sobriety, Family Religion, and attending upon
publick Ordinances; and no doubt their good
Examples would have great Influence upon
thofe around them.
2dly. Let Minifters eſpecially lay out them-
felves for this Increaſe, by making it the great
fcope and end of their Sermons to awaken
fecure Sinners and lead them to Chrift; by
diligent catechizing of them, and dealing par-
ticularly with young Perſons in private about
their Souls, and taking great Pains with them
at their firft Admiflion to the Lord's Table.
Let them be careful to keep back the Ignorant
and Ungodly from that holy Ordinance; and
depend on the Miniſtration of the Spirit for
all the Succeſs of their Endeavours. Let them
beware of licenfing or ordaining any to facred
Functions, who are not of good Report for
true Piety and Soundnefs; and of impofing
Paſtors upon Congregations without their
Directions for the Increafe
confent or good liking. Let them preach to
their Flocks by their good Lives, as well as
their Lips; and in all Things behave as true
Friends of the Bridegroom, defiring, like
John Baptift, that their bleſſed Maſter may
increaſe though they ſhould decreaſe; that
his Name may be great, though theirs fhould
fink to nothing.
3dly. Let Elders in their Sphere contribute
all they can to the flouriſhing of Chrift's King-
dom, by their fervent Prayers for it, and ſtudy-
ing to be exemplary in Family Religion, So-
briety and Holinefs of Life: By reproving
and admoniſhing of thoſe who walk diforderly,
informing Minifters about them, and faith-
fully affifting them in the Exerciſe of Dici-
pline, and in ruling and governing of the
4thly. Let Teachers of Youth affift in this
Work, by labouring to inftil the Knowledge
of God, and the way of Salvation through
Chriſt very early into their Scholars Minds 00
and to perfuade them of the Neceffity and
and Advantage of Prayer, a new Heart, God-
linefs, Meekneſs, Chaſtity, Sobriety, and Juf-
tice. And likewife to train them up in the
of Christ's Kingdom.
Abhorrence of Vice in all its Kinds, and of
every Thing that may prove an Inlet or En-
couragement to it.
5thly. Let Parents and Heads of Families
do what they can to ſet up and increaſe Chrift's
Kingdom in their Families, by maintaining the
Worſhip of God in them; fanctifying the
Sabbath in all their Dwellings; catechizing
and inſtructing Children and Servants, and
requiring an Account of the Sermons they
hear; reproving and curbing Sin whenever
it appears; and earneſtly recommending Chriſt
and the New Birth, Prayer, reading of the
Bible, and holy Living to all within their
Gates; and eſpecially to Children when their
Hearts are young and tender, for thefe are
the Hope and Seed of the next Generation. Let
us follow the Example of the Jews in Nehe-
miah's Time, who repaired the Walls of Je-
ruſalem, every one againſt their own Houſes,
Neh. iii. 10, &c. If every Houfe would
ſweep before their own Door, it would foon
make a clean Street. And if all, whether in
public or private Stations, would diligently
apply themſelves to that Part of Reformation-
Work that lies neareſt to them and within
42 Directions for the Increafe
their Reach, there would foon be a happy
Change among us.
6thly. Let thoſe whom God hath bleſſed
with worldly Subftance, imploy Part of it for
the Increaſe and Enlargement of Chriſt's
Kingdom, by fupporting Charity Schools, and
encouraging Minifters, Preachers, and Cate-
chift, to travel in dark Places of the World,
both at home and abroad, for propagating
Chriſtian Knowledge, and bringing precious
Souls to Jefus Chrift: Surely there is no
better Uſe that Money can be put to; many
of our Fellow-Chriftians have done worthily
this Way before us, and the good Effects
thereof are notorious; which fhould excite
others to the like Acts of Charity and Bene-
ficence, which have fuch an evident Tendency
to fave periſhing Souls, and increaſe our dear
Redeemer's Kingdom and Glory.
Object. But (fay fome) we are poor and in
low Stations, what can we do for Chrift's
Anf. There are feveral Things incumbent
on you for this noble End, be what ye will.
ift. Let every Man, whatever his Station
be, receive the Gofpel Revelation with a firm
of Chrift's Kingdom.
unfkaken Faith, as the very Truth of God,
and the Way of bringing Men to eternal Life,
which God himſelf hath devifed. Abhor the
impious Cavils of Infidels against it, and re-
ceive Goſpel-Truth with warm Love and
Affection. Love and blefs God, who in his
infinite Love and Wifdom contrived this
Scheme of Salvation, and Jefus Chrift that
executed it by fhedding his Blood on the Croſs.
Let each one by Faith put his Finger in the
Print of the Nails, and cry with Thomas,
He is my Lord, and my God.
2dly. Let every Man ſtudy to recommend
this excellent Religion to the World, by con-
forming his Practice to its Rules, and adorn-
ing his Life with fhining Holineſs and Vir-
tue ; and by guarding againft all Injustice
and Diſhoneſty, Pride, Paffion, Revenge,
Evil-fpeaking, and every thing that may
ſtumble and beget Prejudices in Men againft
Chriſtianity, who are too apt to impute the
Faults of its Profeffors to the Religion itſelf.
If every profeffed Chriftian would contribute
by perfonal Reformation to mend one, then
we ſhould all be mended, and the Increaſe
of Chrift's Kingdom would be glorious.
F 2
Directions for the Increafe
3dly. Let every one be fearching diligently
into the Time prefixed for the Church's being
in Sackcloth, viz. the 1260 Years.
when (like Daniel) we underſtand by Books
that the Time of finiſhing them is near, let
us with him, Dan. ix. 2, 3, fet our Faces
unto the Lord God, to feek by Prayer and
Supplications with Fafting, that he may
remove all Hindrances, and haften the Time
of the Church's Liberty and Increaſe. If
you can do no more for it, pour out earneſt
Prayers to God for fulfilling his Promiſes of the
Downfall of Anti-chrift and Mahomet, the
Inbringing of the Jews with the Fulneſs of
the Gentiles. And that he would pour out
a Spirit of Mourning and Repentance upon
the Church of Scotland and other reformed
Churches for their Decays and Back-flidings,
put a ſtop to Infidelity and Error, maintain
Purity of Doctrine and Worſhip, remove the
Cauſes of Divifion and Contention, heal
Breaches and reftore Peace. And that God
may grant a Spirit of Reformation, and of
Zeal for Chrift's Kingdom to all Men of
Power and Influence, that they may exert
themſelves for the Enlargement of Chriſt's
of Chrift's Kingdom.
Dominions, and the Diminiſhing of Satan's :
And that he would fend a large Effufion of
his Holy Spirit to qualify Inftruments for
ſpreading his Goſpel through the World.
We are apt to be difcouraged, when we fee
not likely Inſtruments to carry on the Lord's
Work and bring about the glorious Things he
hath promiſed; and to cry, By whom shall
Jacob arife? Not minding that God can raife
up Children from Stones, and Inftruments to
ferve him where they were not expected.
Though we be oft at our Wit's-end, we
fhould never be at our Faith's-end God
can never be at a loſs to carry on his Work,
while he hath enough of Clay and Spirit to
form Inftruments for this Purpoſe. When
the Arm of the Lord doth once awake for
his Church, no Impediment can ftop him, he
makes out that pleaſant Word in Pfal. Ixviii.
11. The Lord gave the Word great was the
Company of thoſe that publiſhed it. The
pouring out of God's Spirit from on high doth
anſwer all Objections, overcome Difficulties,
provide Supplies, and afford Remedies in the
moſt deſperate Cafes.
O how
Directions for the Increafe
O how defperate-like was Luther's At-
tempt in the Year 1517, when he a poor
Monk fet himſelf againſt the Torrent of Ido-
latry and Corruption that prevailed under
Anti-chrift at that Time! It feemed as ridi-
culous, as if a Man had fet his Shoulder to a
great Mountain on purpoſe to remove it. And
fo it was in the Reckoning of the wifeft of
that Age; and hence, when Luther opened
his Defigns to a great Doctor who difapproved
of the Romish Corruptions as well as he, he
bade Luther retire to his Cell and
pray, Lord
have Mercy on us, as if there was no Re-
medy. Yet how wonderfully did the Purity
of Doctrine and Worſhip break forth and pre-
vail to Amazement among fundry Nations, fo
as to fhake the Foundations of Anti-chrift's
Throne, and give him a deadly Wound, under
which he hath been languiſhing ever ſince ?
There had been feveral Attempts for Refor-
mation made by others long before Luther,
as by Wicklif, Hufs, and Jorom of Prague;
but all were ineffectual, becaufe God's Time
of Reformation was not then come. But we
fee when once that Time cometh, no Man is
able to hinder it more than ftop the Sun from
of Chrift's Kingdom.
breaking out under a Cloud. It becomes then
all the Lord's Servants and People to keep in
the Way of Duty, and wait patiently till his
fet Time to favour Zion doth come.
How patiently did Joshua and the Prieſts
wait for the Downfal of Jericho! Amidſt
the Infults of Enemies they continued in their
dutiful Obedience to God, encompaffing the
City every Day, and blowing with Trumpets
of Ram's Horns, carrying the Ark ftill along
with them. This they did fix Days, once
every Day; and feven Times upon the fe-
venth Day. All the fix Days the Wall ſtood
firm, not a Stone moved, nor a Pinning in it
loofed; nor was there any Alteration for the
moft part of the ſeventh Day, until the Even-
ing, when God's fet Time was come; and
then, without Difficulty, all came tumbling
down at once. In like Manner let us perfe-
vere with Patience in the Way of Duty, look-
ing to God and blowing with the Gofpel-
Trumpet, which by many is deſpiſed as the
Sound of a Ram's Horn: But if we hold on
carrying Chrift (the bleft Antitype of the
Ark) along with us, we fhall come off with
Triumph at last. One Thing is fure, Anti-
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chriſt muſt decreafe, and Chrift muft In-
creafe. Fericho must fall, and Zion muſt
be built up. And however dark and cloudy
the prefent Time be, we are well affured
from Pfal. cii. 16. When the Lord fhall build
up Zion, he shall appear in his Glory. The
Lord in Mercy haften that Time in Scotland,
and in all Parts of the Earth for Chrift's fake.
Amen. Even fo come Lord Jefus. Amen
· and Amen.