LABORATORY ANATOMY OF THE TURTLE LAURENCE M. ASHLEY, Ph.D. Professor of Zoology Walla Walla College College Place, Washington First Edition Illustrated by CARL PETTERSON WM. C. BROWN COMPANY jPu h litk ers DUBUQUE, IOWA QL A&3 Copyright 1955 by Laurence M. Ashley The LABORATORY ANATOMY Series Edited by Ernest S. Booth Laboratory Anatomy of the Cat Ernest S. Booth, 1943, 1946, 1948 Laboratory Anatomy of the Shark Laurence M. Ashley, 1950 Laboratory Anatomy of the Fetal Pig Theron O. Odlaug, 1951, 1955 Laboratory Anatomy of the Frog Baymond A. Underhill, 1951 Laboratory Anatomy of the Turtle Laurence M. Ashley, 1955 Other Subjects in Preparation IHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARIES MtnufictHTtd by WM. C. BROWN CO. INC., Dubuque, Iow» Printed in U. S. A. I I r lear nerve between the dura mater and the skull and enters the semilunar ganglion from which its fibers, as part of the main trigeminal trunk, pass' into the brain. The maxillary nerve traced pos- teriorly comes from two branches, one passing below the orbit and the other coming up diagonal- ly across the floor of the orbit to join its mate at the posterior orbital wall. From here the maxil- lary passes between muscles to enter the skull. At this point it is joined by the mandibular branch coming up from the lower jaw. The trunk formed by the union of these two nerves enters the skull through a foramen and promptly joins the semi- lunar ganglion from which its fibers parallel those of the ophthalmic as they pass into the brain. VI. Abducens nerves, these spring from near the midventral line medial to the roots of the facial (VII) and acoustic (VIII) nerves. Do not attempt to see the abducens until after the re- mainder of the cranial nerves have been traced. VII. Facial nerves. These arise in company with the acoustic (VIII) nerves from the lateral -wall of the medulla and just posterior to the tri- geminal roots. They at once separate into the facial nerve passing through the capsule of the in- ner ear anteriorly and the acoustic next to be de- scribed. The facial soon passes rostrad out of the skull over the anterior horn of the hyoid bone and innervates muscles between the hyoid and the lower jaw. In order to further trace the seventh as well as the ninth, tenth, and twelfth nerves proceed as follows: remove the skin and adjacent muscles from the hyoid bones on the ventral side of the head, locate the anterior and posterior horns of the hyoid, and identify the nerves mentioned above, in turn, as described below. VIII. Acoustic (auditory) nerve. It arises in company with the facial and passes promptly into the inner ear capsule to divide into an acoustic branch to the cochlea and a vestibular branch to the semicircular canals and vestibule. IX. Glossopharyngeal nerve. It arises as sev- eral small roots just posterior to the acousticofacial -roots on the lateral walls of the medulla. These nerves exit from the skull by passing through the posterior wall of the ear capsules and forward between the two horns of the hyoid on either side to supply, adjacent muscles as well as the lining of the mouth and pharynx. X. Vagus nerve. It springs from several root- lets along the side of the medulla just posterior to the ninth nerve roots. These two nerves leave the skull together with the eleventh and twelfth nerves. Now locate the vagus (vagosympathetic) trunk in the neck and follow it into the skull by dissecting longitudinally through the floor of the mouth and pharynx into their cavities. Turn back the two flaps formed by this incision and remove the mucous membrane from the roof of the pharyngeal cavity. Here the hypoglossal nerve (twelfth) will be seen passing ventral to the vagus. At about this point the vagus enters the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion from which several nerves emerge, some (or one) of which enter the skull and medulla as the vagus roots. XI. Spinal accessory. Like the vagus the spinal accessary is formed from several roots which emerge from the posterior medulla to exit from the skull in company with the vagus. The ac- cessary nerves supply motor impulses to the muscles of the neck. XII. Hypoglossal nerves. These emerge from the posterior medulla near the mid-ventral sulcus. They can best be seen by first cutting the roots of the vagi and accessories on one side so as to uncover them. Traced rostrad into the throat the hypoglossal supplies motor fibers to muscles of the anterior hyoid horn and to the tongue. B. Ventral view of the brain, fig. 41. Removal of the brain from the skull is required in order to study the ventral (basilar) surface. First, gent- ly lift the olfactory bulbs and (if not done before) cut the optic nerves which lie side by side just beneath the bulbs. 1. Optic chiasma, a fusion of the two optic nerve trunks beneath the olfactory bulbs. A par- tial crossing of nerve fibers to the opposite side oc- curs at this point. 43 but larger than that of amphibians. It functions as the principal center of equilibrium and muscu- lar coordination of the brain. 5. Medulla oblongata (hindbrain), a caudally tapering region continuous with the spinal cord posteriorly. a. Tela choridea, a thin roof of the fourth ven- tricle or cavity of the medulla. The tela choroidea is similar in structure and function to the choroid roof of the diencephalon, each serves to secrete nutritive cerebral fluid into the cavities (ventricles) of the brain. b. Somatic sensory columns, the dorsal mar- gins of the medulla. c. Auricular lobes, small lobations of the cere- bellum representing the anterior continuations of the somatic sensory columns. These columns con- vey sensations to the cerebrum and cerebellum from outside the body and from the body wall. d. Somatic motor columns, fiber bundles paral- leling the midventral groove in the floor of the medulla and conveying impulses for muscular con- , traction from the cerebrum and cerebellum to the somatic muscles. 6. Cranial nerves, figs. 41-43. In the turtle, as in amniotes in general, there are twelve pairs of cranial nerves instead of but ten pairs as in anamniotes. You should memorize both the num- ber and the name for each of the cranial nerves. I. Olfactory nerves. There is one from each olfactory sac to each olfactory bulb. They carry impulses for the sense of smell. II. Optic nerves. These will be seen after cutting through the olfactory nerves and lifting the anterior end of the brain slightly. Optic nerves are rather stout trunks which carry visual impulses from the eyes to the optic lobes. These nerves enter the cerebrum ventrally on either side. III. Oculomotor nerves. They leave the floor of the midbrain just anterior to the trochlear nerves (IV). They are visible only after pressing the cerebral hemisphere away from the skull. The oculomotor nerve can be further traced by loosen- ing the eyeball ventrally and lifting it so as to reveal the loose tissues between the eyeball and the orbital floor. Remove loose connective tissue down to the glandular tissues so as to be able to see these nerves. Usually adherent to the eyeball is a portion of the maxillary branch of the tri- geminal (V). Loosen this nerve from the eye- ball, cut the pyramidal muscle, lift the eye up- wards and mediad, then cut the inferior and ex- ternal rectus muscles between and above which will be found the heavy white trunk of the optic nerve (II). The oculomotor nerve contacts the ventral side of the optic nerve and supplies the four following extraocular muscles: superior, in- ferior, and anterior rectus, and inferior oblique. IV. Trochlear nerves. On the dorsal side of the midbrain, in the dorsolateral angles between optic lobe and cerebellum, will be seen the small trochlear nerves. By pressing the cerebral hemi- spheres away from one orbit a trochlear nerve will be seen to pass behind the oculomotor toward the orbit which it enters. Cut the superior oblique muscle at its insertion on the eyeball and look beneath this muscle to find the trochlear nerve which innervates it. An- other nerve running medial to the trochlear is the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal (V). V. Trigeminal, the thickest of the cranial nerves. These originate from about the middle of the ventral wall of the medulla and pass laterad to enter a large semilunar ganglion located in a fossa in the medial wall of the skull. From the ganglion, on either side, three branches pass an- teriorly one above another. From above they are the ophthalmic distributed to tissues around the eyes, the maxillary innervating the face, and the mandibular distributed to the lower jaw. Un- cover the ophthalmic and maxillary nerves by re- moving an eyeball without injury to these nerves. Sever the nerves lying anterior to the trigeminal and raise the brain gently drawing it toward one side to reveal the ophthalmic nerve. This nerve may now be traced anteriorly into the olfactory sac. Traced from the orbit to the brain the ophthalmic enters the skull, travels in company with the troch- 42 CHAPTER VII Nervous System The brain and spinal cord are relatively smaller in the turtle than in animals with cartilaginous skeletons such as the shark. However, a careful study of the nervous system of the turtle is both interesting and profitable owing to its higher de- gree of development and complexity. Care must be exercised in opening the skull as well as in re- moving the brain lest important structures be dam- aged or destroyed. A pair of bone shears will be useful in removing the top of the skull (skull cap). This permits study of the dorsal view of the brain without its being disturbed. This view should, therefore, be studied before the ventral and lat- -eral surfaces are examined. THE BRAIN A. DORSAL SURFACE, fig. 43. This is clearly seen only after complete re- moval of the skull "cap," as directed above, and the meninges now to be described. 1. Meninges, membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. a. Dura mater, a tough membrane lying be- tween the brain and the skull. b. Pia mater, a thin membrane which intimate- ly covers the brain surface to which it is closely adherent. c. Subdural space, a narrow space lying be- tween the two above membranes. It is criss- crossed by numerous membranous cords passing between the dura and the pia maters. d. Peridural space, a narrow space lying be- tween the skull and the dura mater. Remove as much as you can of the dura mater from the dorsum of the brain. 2. Cerebral hemispheres, a pair of conspicuous swellings forming two halves of the cerebrum, the largest of the several regions of the brain. The hemispheres are separated midlongitudinal- ly by a deep superior longitudinal fissure. In turtles they are relatively much larger than those of fishes and amphibians. The lateral surface of each hemisphere is extended to form a flattened temporal lobe. a. Olfactory bulbs or lobes, a pair of elongated triangular anterior extensions from the cerebral hemispheres. These bulbs each receive an ol- factory nerve from an olfactory sac, (one sac on either side in the nasal cavities). b. Choroidal sac, a very thin sac adhering to the dura mater. It is often torn off when removing the dura. This "sac" lies between the posterior ends of the cerebral hemispheres where it forms a choroidal roof for the diencephalon. c. Pineal body (epiphysis), a small body lying upon the choroidal sac to which it is attached. It lies in the triangle formed by the posterior separation of the cerebral hemispheres. Remove the choroidal sac and note the cavity of the diencephalon which is a shallow depression in the brain floor just caudad of the cerebral hemispheres. 3. Optic lobes, a pair of prominent subspheri- cal bodies just caudad of the cavity of the dience- phalon. They form a large part of the midbrain region being important centers in the visual sys- tem. 4. Cerebellum, a posteriorly projecting pair of lobes which overhang the anterior end of the medulla oblongata. The cerebellum is relatively smaller than that of selachians (elasmobranchs) 41 Fig. 40—Male urogenital syst. ventral. 40 1. Penis, a dark mass visible through the ven- tral cloacal wall. A penis is not present in anam- niotes but does occur in reptiles, also in some birds, and in all mammals. Attached to the ven- tral cloacal wall are muscles which retract the penis. Its eversion is achieved by vascular en- gorgment of the paired corpora cavernosa penis, rounded spongy tissue masses projecting laterally at each side of the neck of the bladder from the anterior cloacal wall. Its midlongitudinal urethral groove terminates caudad in a heart-shaped glans penis. 2. Kidneys, previously seen as lobed organs flattened against the postero-dorsal walls of the pleuroperitoneal cavity. 3. Testes, male gonads. Each testis is a spheri- cal organ of yellowish color attached to the ventral side of each kidney by a mesentery termed the mesorchium. 4. Epididymis, a dark, elongated structure of coiled tubules, one of which lies postero-lateral to each kidney. Each testis receives, in its anter- ior pole, a series of minute efferent ductules from the testis of its own side. These ductules convey sperm cells from testis to epididymis and they traverse the mesorchium en route. Efferent duct- ules and epididymis are derived from embryonic mesonephric tubules and ducts. 5. Ductus deferens (deferent ductule), derived from the mesonephric duct also. It is much coiled anteriorly where it may be termed the epididymi- dal duct. Remove its peritoneal covering and un- coil it posteriorly, thus tracing it to its cloacal orifice which lies cephalad of, and basal to, the bulbs of the corpora cavernosa. These bulbs, which when the penis is retracted extend craniad along either side of the bladder-stalk, are the an- terior swellings of the corpora cavernosa. Filling of the corpora cavernosa with blood from the in- ternal iliac vein causes erection of the penis at the time of mating. The walls of the urethral groove meet dorsally to form a duct for the passage of spermatozoa. 6. Ureters. These convey urine from kidneys to the cloaca. The ureters lie on the kidney s ventral face and may be seen by removing the epididymis from the kidney. Each ureter is a short uncoiled tube the cloacal orifice of which is just anterior to that of the ductus deferens of the same side. These openings are at the anterior end of the urethral groove. 7. Accessory bladders. As in the female, A-6 above. Find and probe these bladders to dis- cover their openings into the cloaca. 39 St f: 3 7/ Preface One of the most interesting vertebrates to study in comparative anatomy is the turtle. Some may think it either too difficult for class dissection or too atypical a reptile to be included in the course. Actually it requires but little dissection — mainly removal of the ventral armor (plastron) and breaking away of sufficient of the dorsal armor (carapace) to enable visual- ization of internal parts. Furthermore, the turtle is one of the most readily available and inexpensive of North American reptiles. Except for its armor is it an excellent example of a vertebrate whose anatomy is inter- mediate between that of a typical amphibian and that of a typical bird. This manual is intended as a laboratory guide to the dissection of the turtle. Numerous labeled drawings are included so that the student may: (1) progress rapidly and intelligently; (2) make fewer errors in dissection; (3) have ready access to correctly labeled drawings for review; and (4) save valuable time which will be spent reviewing for oral quizzes covering his dissections and in making additional dissections. It is suggested that laboratory grades be based upon quality of dis- section as well as performance on oral quizzes. Students will generally appreciate not being required to make their own drawings, and grading will be more equitable when those having artistic ability are given no better chance for high grades because of making superior drawings. The time required of laboratory instructors may be reduced since oral quizzes can be given during the laboratory period and because students will have fewer questions owing to the labeled drawings. This method of laboratory study encourages more careful dissection and observation and requires further use of the specimen dissected each time the student appears for an oral quiz. It is further suggested that instructors require students to demonstrate structures called for, rather than pointing them out for the student to name. Constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this manual will be gratefully received by the author. College Place, 1954. L. M. Ashley. Introduction Painted turtles or terrapins are commonly used in the study of the anatomy of the turtle. Turtles are reptiles belonging to Phylum CHORDATA, subphyllum Vertebrata-, class Reptilia, orders Che- Ionia or Testudinata, families Chelydridae or Testudinidae, genera Chelydra, Chrysemys, or Pseudemys and to any one of several different species. Since a variety of species and genera are sold for dissection it is not always possible to obtain the scientific name of the turtles purchased without the use of a key and even then it must rirst be known just where the specimen was col- ected in order to know what key to use. Before beginning to dissect you should become amiliar with the following suggestions regarding aboratory work: 1. When possible, separate organs without cut- ing (blunt dissection). 2. Use teasing needles, probes, etc., in prefer- nce to scalpels or scissors, whenever possible. •3. Ask questions only when they cannot be nswered by reading your manual. 4. When you really need help do not hesitate ) call upon the instructor for assistance. 5. Variation is the rule in nature, therefore, you may expect to find differences in the anatomy of certain muscles, blood vessels, etc., from time to time. Marked deviations from the normal should be called to the attention of the instructor so that they may be demonstrated before the entire class. The drawings in the manual represent the usual condition to be found in terrapins and in painted turtles but in most respects the anatomy of these forms is the same as that of all turtles and even tortoises, with minor exceptions. 6. You will profit by looking about at some of the dissections of other students from time to time but remember to do your own dissection so well that you can satisfactorily demonstrate any struc- ture called for in the oral quizzes. 7. In addition to the usual dissecting tools it is desirable to have a cheap pair of pliers or a pair of bone shears for breaking off pieces of carapace when dissecting. 2 CHAPTER I External Anatomy and Exoskeleton Study the external form and structure of your turtle. Its longitudinal axis is relatively shorter than that of most vertebrates but its transverse axis is much greater. The body is so constructed as to be well adapted to life either on land or in the water. Although slow-moving on land it can swim rapidly and, its vital organs are well pro- tected by dorsal and ventral shields, the carapace and the plastron. A. HEAD. Observe its reptilian form, the strong bony skull and jaw giving ample protection to the special sense organs. Note the covering of the head—is it naked, scaled, or with well-marked head shields? Is the jaw and throat region similarly covered? 3n the tip of the snout find the anterior nares, a pair of openings leading into the air passages of the respiratory tract. Observe the horny beaks covering the jaws. Are each of these pointed anteriorly in the midline? The horn is epidermal in origin and forms part of the exoskeleton. Ex- amine the eyelids, both upper and lower, and find the nictitating membrane in the anterior corner of each eye. Next find the tympanic membrane (eardrum) on either side just behind the angle of the jaw. If this is not externally evident wait until the anatomy of the anterior part of the mouth is described (see Chapter IV) when it can be located by probing from within outwards. B. NECK. Turtles have long necks but they are especially long in snapping and in soft-shelled turtles. Note the skin covering the neck of your turtle and determine whether it is smooth or wrinkled and whether it is loose or tight. NUCHAL SCUTE NUCHAL PLATE 9th VERTEBRA VERTEBRAL SCUTE VERTEBRAL PLATE COSTAL SCUTE 4th RIB 3rd COSTAL PLATE MARGINAL SCUTE MARGINAL PLATE PYGAL PLATE Fig. 1—Carapace, dorsal view Fig. 2—Carapace, ventral view TRUNK. The trunk contains the main visceral mass of e body. It is made firm and rigid by the large my carapace above, and the almost flat plastron low. Carapace and plastron are strongly united i each side by bony bridges varying in width Fg. 3—Plastron, ventral view I LIMBS. Forelimbs and hindlimbs are alike supplied with e toes each. The toes (digits) each exhibit a iw except the fifth (little) toes on the hindfeet. le legs are supplied with powerful muscles chapter III) in order to provide for rapid swim- ing, or walking on land. Spread apart the toes a fore and hind-foot noting the webbing of in between the toes. TAIL. This appendage is short in the painted turtle Ihrysemys) but is rather long in the snapper with the species. Horny shields (scutes) cover these rigid structures externally forming the major portion of the exoskeleton. Learn the name and location of each kind of scute, and bony-plate (endoskeleton) of the carapace and of the plastron. Figs. 1-4. Fig. 4—Plastron, dorsal view (Chelydra). The rounded anal opening appears on the ventral side near the base of the tail. F. SUMMARY. The body surface is covered with either a tough dark skin or with horny plates or shields. Horny plates cover jaws, carapace, plastron and bridges — skin covers the remaining surfaces. External orifices of mouth, nostrils (nares), and anus pro- vide necessary openings for the digestive and the respiratory tracts. GULAR EPIPLASTRON ENTOPLASTRON HUMERAL PECTORAL HYOPLASTRON ABDOMINAL HYPOPLASTRON FEMORAL XIPHIPLASTRON ANAL 4 r CHAPTER II Skeletal Systems (The Endoskeleton) The first part of the skeleton, the exoskeleton, vas considered in Chapter I. The endoskeleton » the second part of the skeletal system. It is lerived partly from cartilage by replacement of artilage by bone, and partly from membranes or onnective tissues, by intramembranous ossifica- ion. For the study of the endoskeleton it is neces- ary to have available specially prepared skeletons, loth articulated and disarticulated skeletons are esirable. First study the articulated skeleton fter which study separate bones, if these are vailable. The study of the endoskeleton requires a knowl- dge of various bony fusions or joints. Skull bones re firmly united by immovable suture joints ;ynarthroses). Such joints consist of more or less interlocked toothed edges of the bones thus united. Joints may be slightly movable (amphiarthroses), or freely movable (diarthroses) as in the limbs. Certain smaller or larger holes (foramina) through bones will be noticed. Only the major foramina will be mentioned in this manual. Other features of bones include such projections as spines, condyles, tuberosites, and other so-called processes of bones. These are specifically men- tioned only when they seem to be of special im- portance in comparative anatomy. The endoskeleton consists of two divisions, the axial skeleton consisting of the skull, vertebrae, and ribs, and the appendicular skeleton consist- ing of the limb bones together with the girdle PREMAXILLA EXTERNAL NARES PREFRONTAL NASAL ORBIT MAXILLARY FRONTAL POSTFRONTAL LACRIMAL PREFRONTAL JUGAL ADLACRIMAL PARIETAL SUPRAOCCIPITAL ORBIT OPISTHOTIC FRONTAL POSTORBITAL BAR POSTFRONTAL INFRATEMPORAL FOSSA SQUAMOSAL PARIETAL OCCIPITAL CONDYLE | OUADRATE 9 SUPRAOCCIPITAL SUPRATEMPORAL FOSSA Fig. 5—Alligator skull, dorsal Fig. 6—Turtle skull, dorsal anes. The girdles serve to attach the limb bones i the body or to the axial skeleton. The bony plates of the carapace and plastron ive been noted in Chapter I. AXIAL SKELETON A. SKULL. This consists of two portions, the anium (brain case) and the visceral skeleton, iat is, the bones and cartilages of the upper jaw, ie suspensorium of the lower jaw, the lower jaw self, and the hyoid apparatus. 1. CRANIUM. Study the dorsal and lateral pects of the skull, figs. 5-8, and learn the names the bones shown by identifying them on your rtle skull. Next study the ventral skull bones, 5s. 9 and 10. The alligator skull is also shown r comparison with the turtle skull. ; PARIETAL OUADRATOJUGAL I I PREFRONTAL | POSTF RONTAL TRANS VCRSUM Fig. 7 and 8—Turtle and alligator skull, lateral Fig. 9-Alligator skull, ventral Fig. 10—Turtle skull, ventral 6 2. LOWER JAW. Study figs. 11 and 12 and dentify the named bones on your skeleton. A >right light and a good hand lens may be needed o reveal some of the suture joints between the bones of the skull and of the jaw. Skulls from young turtles should reveal suture joints better than those from old turtles. PREARTICULAR \ ARTICULAR / Fig. 11—Turtle jaw (above, medial; below, lateral). Fig. 12—Alligator jaw. (above, medial; be- low, lateral). 3. HYOID BONE. Normally found within the nuscles of the tongue and neck, this bone de- •ived from the second pharyngeal arch consists )f an unpaired median body and two pairs of jostero-laterally directed horns, the anterior and :he posterior homs, fig. 13. B. VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND RIBS, fig. 13. 1. CERVICAL VERTEBRAE. Eight verte- irae are present in the neck. These can be with- drawn beneath the carapace by the contraction of powerful neck muscles to be described in Chapter III. Observe the articulating processes (zygapophyses) of these large vertebrae. Notice the first cervical vertebra or atlas. It has little or no body or centrum because this has been added to the second vertebra, the axis, and forms the odontoid process of the latter. The odontoid pro- cess serves as a pivot about which the atlas may turn from side to side. The remaining six cervical HYOID BONES LOWER JAW (MANDIBLE) SKULL ACROMIAL PROCESS V CERVICAL VERTEBRA (EIGHT) HUMERUS RADIUS INTERMEDIN CARPALS PHALANGES OBTURATOR FORAMEN ISCHIUM FIRST SACRAL VERTEBRA (TWO) METATARSALS PHALANGES Fig. 13—Axial and appendicular skeletons, ventral 8 trtebrae are similar in structure and are typical vertebrae in general. 2. DORSAL OR THORACIC VERTEBRAE. in of these lie caudal to the cervicals. The dor- 1 vertebrae are firmly fused dorsally with the ^rtebral plates of the carapace. These verte- ae consist of slender centra whose processes, cept in the first, have been poorly developed, le first dorsal vertebra exhibits strong lateral ocesses curving abruptly ventrad to articulate ith the eighth cervical vertebra. 3. RIBS. Each dorsal vertebra gives rise to a a on each side. The ribs develop together with c costal plates of the carapace with which they se as thin bony ribbons which may reach lat- ad as far as the marginal plates. Anteriorly e ribs arise at right angles from the interverte- al joints but posteriorly they arise from stubby teral bases of the vertebrae and project postero- terally from the centra. Some variation from is pattern may be seen in different species of rtles. Notice that the first pair of ribs, being orter and smaller, fuses with the second pair, short distance from vertebrae one and two of e dorsal group. 4. SACRAL VERTEBRAE. Dorsal vertebrae even and twelve are the sacral vertebrae and e not fused with the carapace. The first ex- hibits enlarged ribs, somewhat pyramidal in shape, whose expanded distal ends are fused to the ilia of the pelvic girdle. 5. CAUDAL VERTEBRAE. From twenty- five to thirty caudal vertebrae generally are pres- ent. Like the cervicals, the caudals are free from the carapace and are moved, in life, by a number of slender tail muscles. Caudal vertebrae four, five, and six generally have longer rib-like pro- cesses projecting from their centra at right angles. On the first and seventh caudals these processes are exceptionally short. On the remainder they are further reduced or are entirely absent. Be- ginning with the eighth caudal vertebra secondary ventral processes, arising on the sides of the cen- tra posteriorly, fuse at their tips to form a canal through which the caudal artery and vein pass. On the dorsal side each vertebra gives rise to a pair of lateral articulating surfaces (zygapophyses). Processes are reduced greatly or are lacking from the most caudal tail vertebrae whose centra are very slender. APPENDICULAR SKELETON, figs. 13-15. The pectoral girdle unites the forelimb, and the pelvic girdle unites the hindlimb, to the axial skeleton. These unions permit the turtle to bear the weight of head, neck, trunk, and tail upon the limbs when walking. RIGHT Fig. 14—Pectoral girdle, posterior Fig. 15—Pelvic girdle, anterior 9 A. PECTORAL GIRDLE AND FORELIMR. The pectoral girdle of turtles lies between the carapace and the plastron and is attached via the scapula to the vertebral column. 1. SCAPULA. The longest, straightest bone of the pectoral girdle — also the most dorsal one. It is united proximally by a small cartilage to the first dorsal vertebra being attached at the angle between the first dorsal vertebra and the first rib. At the distal end of the scapula find the acromial process (pre-coracoid) projecting anter- iorly at right angles from the scapula. 2. CORACOID, the third part of the pectoral girdle. It also lies at right angles to the scapula but is not fused to it as is the acromial process. The coracoids are joined by cartilage at their medial margins. The distal end of each coracoid is united by a ligament to the broad flattened ?nd of the acromial process. 3. GLENOID FOSSA. A cavity formed by :he union of scapula, acromion, and coracoid. It -eceives the head of the humerus to make the ;houlder joint. 4. HUMERUS, the bone of the arm. In addi- :ion to its head note the two proximal tuberosities separated by a groove, and the neck below the bead, and the heavy curved shaft expanded dis- tally for the articulation of the foreleg bones, the radius and the ulna. 5. RADIUS, the smaller of the foreleg bones, [t is about the same length as the ulna but is more slender. 6. ULNA, the larger bone of the foreleg. De- termine which of these bones, radius and ulna, is medial and which is lateral in position. 7. CARPALS, the wrist bones as a group. Dis- :ally the ulna articulates with two bones, a lateral jlnare bearing a small knob on its side and a Tiedially placed intermedian (intermediate) which ies between the ends of the radius and ulna. Distal to the radius is the radiale which may be "used to the bone lying medial to it —the cen- y.rcde. 8. CARPUS. A carpal bone appears at the base of each metacarpal or bone of the forefoot (hand or manus). 9. PHALANGES, the bones of the toes (digits). There are two phalanges each in the first and fifth toes. All the others have three phalanges apiece. In each toe the distal phalanx bone forms a claw which is capped with a horny covering. B. PELVIC GIRDLE AND HINDLIMB. Like the pectoral girdle, the pelvic, too, is composed of three pairs of bones. These are more firmly united than in the case of the pectoral girdle. The pelvic girdle is also housed within the turtle "shell" betwen the carapace and the plastron posteriorly. 1. ILIUM, the most dorsal bone of the pelvic girdle. Each ilium serves to unite the pelvic girdle to the vertebral column. Each is a stout bone, flattened proximally where it fuses with the pyramidal-shaped end of the first sacral rib on either side of the first sacral vertebra. 2. PUBIS, antero-ventrally placed and medially fused with its mate of the opposite side. The pubes form a triangular horizontal shelf, the apex of which is cartilaginous and is directed cephalad. This portion is sometimes termed the epipubis. Laterally each pubis exhibits a large pectineal process for attachment of muscles. Postero-later- ally each pubis is fused to an ilium as well as to an ischium to form the acetabulum socket in which the head of the femur articulates thus forming the hip joint. 3. ISCHIUM, the third bone of the pelvic girdle. The ischia also fuse together in the mid- line and unite with the fused ilia anteriorly. On either side of this union is a large round hole, the obturator foramen. Each ischium exhibits a tub- erosity projecting caudad. These processes are for the attachment of muscles. 4. FEMUR, the thigh bone. It resembles the humerus, having similar tuberosities and a some- what larger head. 5. TIBIA AND FIBULA, the bones of the leg. The stronger one is the tibia — its proximal 10 id is club-shaped but this is not true of the 3ula which is more slender throughout. 6. TARSALS, the ankle bones are six in num- ;r. Considerable fusion of more numerous em- yonic bones has occurred here. 7. METATARSALS, the five bones of the foot one for each digit. 8. PHALANGES, the bones of the digits. Like those of the forelimb there are two each in the first and fifth but three each for the other digits. The distal phalanx of the little toe is very small, being included within the web of the foot, there- fore, there is no claw on the little toe. 11 CHAPTER III Muscular System The muscular system, as studied in anatomy, includes only the somatic or striated skeletal muscles. Heart muscle and visceral muscle be- long largely to the circulatory and digestive sys- tems respectively. The skeletal muscles of the turtle have not been as thoroughly studied as have those of some vertebrates, however, most muscles presented in this chapter can be readily identi- fied with the aid of the table of origins, inser- tions, and functions together with the labeled drawings. This method, it is believed, will per- mit the identification and the learning of more muscles in a given amount of time than is pos- sible with the ordinary style of laboratory manual. The student should be prepared to pass one or more oral examinations on his dissection of this system. STRUCTURE OF A TYPICAL MUSCLE. Most of the named muscles of the body wall (soma) consist of more or less spindle-shaped bundles of microscopic fibrils. These bundles have a thicker middle portion, the belly, and two rather slender ends, one of which, the origin is more or less immovable and the other, the in- sertion which is more or less movable. White glistening tendons generally attach a muscle at each of its ends to a bone or to a ligament. Liga- ments hold bones together, their fibers blending securely with the fibrous periosteum which covers the bones. Since tendons generally attach muscles to bones their fibers blend with the periosteum at one end and with the muscle fibers at the other. Along their sides adjacent muscles are held to- gether by connective tissue or intermuscular fascia. Subcutaneous fascia unites superficial muscles with the overlying skin. Broad sheets of con- nective tissue covering flat muscles such as the Dblique and transverse abdominals, in most high- er vertebrates, are termed aponeuroses. These muscles are not very evident in turtles owing to their being firmly attached to the plastron. Care must be exercised in "dissecting" muscles for one must avoid cutting them but rather they must be separated by tearing away the inter- muscular fascia by means of the back side of a scalpel blade, the scalpel handle, or a strong probe or seeker. Every muscle identified should be thus fully separated from its fellows and its origin and insertion identified by means of the tables and diagrams. Be sure to break away the cara- pace wherever it interferes with your progress. If at any time it becomes necessary to cut or to remove a muscle in order to identify others be- neath it, you should cut across the belly of the muscle so that it can later be studied by merely bringing together the cut ends. PREPARATION OF THE TURTLE FOR THE STUDY OF MUSCLES. The muscles of the head, neck, limbs, and tail can readily be exposed merely by skinning these parts. In order to study the more proximal limb, neck, and tail muscles, however, as well as those of the trunk it will be necessary to remove the plastron. If this has not been previously done you must cut through each of the bridges uniting the carapace and plastron. Next cut through the skin where it joins the plastron and the latter can now be easily removed. A bone saw, hack saw blade, or strong bone shears will suffice for this job of bone cutting. CAUTION: The muscles adhering to the dorsal side of the plastron should be cut off close to the plastron in this case. IDENTIFICATION OF MUSCLES. Rather than reading a detailed description of each muscle it will be possible to save much time 12 referring to the tables of the muscles given low. These may be used in connection with 5 illustrations so that the origin, insertion, and action of each muscle may be learned as it is identified. Figs. 16-20. GENIOHYOID HYOGLOSSUS BRANCHIOHYOID STERNOHYOID OMOHYOID TdACHEA DELTOID MYLOHYOID (INTERMANOIBULARIS) LIGAMENT SUBSCAPULARS BICEPS BRACHil CORACOID SERRATUS MAGNUS FLEXOR CAUDAE LUMBALIS TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS INTERNAL ILIAC - IICEPS FEMORIS ADDUCTOR GRACILIS DILATATOR CLOACAE FEMUR ENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS GASTROCNEMIUS EXT RADIUS LONGUS DELTOID INTERNAL BRACHIAL EXTERNAL RADIUS BREVIS EXTERNAL ULNAR EXTENSOR DIGITORUM BICEPS BRACHiI SUPRASCAPULARIS SERRATUS MAGNUS CLAVICULOBRACHIALIS LATISSIMUS DORSI ELEXOR CAUDAE LUMBALIS EPIPUBIS ATTRAHENS PELVIM INTERNAL ILIAC OBLIQUE ABDOMINIS PECTINEAL PROCESS RETRAHENS PELVIM ISCHIUM SARTORIUS SEMIMEMBRANOSUS SEMITENOINOSUS FLEXOR CAUDAE LATERALIS PL ANTARIS ANTERIOR TIBIALIS Fig. 16—Muscles, ventral Fig. 17—Muscles, lateral 13 LONGUS COLLI LATISSIMUS DORSI CLAVICULO BRACHIALIS TRICEPS BRACHII PLANTARIS SUPRASCAPULARIS BICEPS BRACHII CORACOID FLEXOR CAUDAE LUMBALIS INTERNAL ILIAC PSOAS RECTUS FEMORIS SARTORIUS ANTERIOR TIBIALIS EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS PERONEUS GASTROCNEMIUS AODUCENS PELVIM SACRAL VERTEBRA ABDUCENS PELVIM FLEXOR CAUDAE LATERALIS GLUTEUS SEMIMEMBRANOSUS SEMITENDINOSUS Fig. 18—Pelvic and pectoral muscles, ventral 14 S 15 1AJBLE 1. SKELETAL MUSCLES OF THE TURTLE MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION ACTION HEAD AND NECK MUSCLES Temporal 'Digastric Cervico-capitis Stemomastoid Omohyoid Latissimus colli Longus colli 'Retrahens capitis collique Longissimus dorsi Transverse cervical Biventer cervical Spinal cervical Obliquus transversalis colli Supratemporal fascia Ventral side of bulla Ant. cervical vertebrae Ligament at tip of post- erior hyoid • Anterior margin of cora- coid Sides of cervical verte- brae Cervical vertebrae > Cervical vertebrae and roof of mouth Vertebral column dorsal to ribs First cervical vertebrae Middle cervical verte- brae Last cervical vertebrae Cervical vertebrae Between rami of jaws Ventral ramus of jaw Posterior tip of bulla Base of skull Edge of ant. hyoid With mate on midven- tral line Cervical vertebrae Carapace ant. to ilium, and dorsal vertebrae Posterior cervical verte- brae Posterior cervical verte- brae Fascia over skull and temporal muscle Middle cervical' brae Cervical vertebrae Elevates jaw (closes mouth) Depresses jaw (opens mouth) Turns head (side-to-side) Turns head, supports pectoral girdle Helps depress jaw. retract head, and lower oral floor Compresses throat as in swallowing Extension of neck Retraction of head and neck Extension of neck Arches neck (flexion) Elevation of head Extends and elevates neck Twists and extends neck PECTORAL GIRDLE AND FORELIMB MUSCLES Pectoralis major Deltoid Suprascapularis Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Internal brachial External radius b re vis External ulnar External radius longus Extensor digitorum Serratus magnus Palmaris Suprascapularis Claviculobrachialis Latissimus dorsi Precoracoid, distally and plastron Anterior margin of plas- tron fir precoracoid ventrally Coracoid, ventrally Posterior margin of coracoid Head of humerus fir periosteum over scap- ulo-precoracoid joint Head of humerous Humerus, distally Humerus, distally Alongside humerus and radius Humerus, distally Carapace, anteriorly and ";e of bridge I end of humerus Coracoid, dorsally Along scapula Carapace, ventrally and along scapula Head of humerus Suprascapularis muscle anteriorly Ac head of humerus Head of humerus Radius and ulna Ulna Radius and ulna Carpels Carpels Carpal and phalanx of first digit Metacarpals fir phalanges Coracoid Broad ligament continu- ing as phalangeal fascia Head of humerus and claviculobrachialis Head of humerus Neck of humerus via a broad ligament Adduction of humerus posteriorly Anterior and lateral extension of arm Flexion of arm Forearm flexion fir adduction Extension fir rotation of forearm Forearm flexion Extends and rotates hand outwards Extends and rotates hand outwards Extension of hand Extension of hand Anterolateral extension of shoulder or foreleg Flexion of hand fir digits Posterior adduction and flexion of arm Ventrolateral extension of arm Lifts arm dorsally fir anteriorly Will irsskunoN Attrahens pelvim Oblique abdominis i/fhese Transverse abdom. J Triceps femoris adductor Internal iliac Flexor caudae lumbalis Flexor caudae lateralis Dilator cloacae Sphincter cloacae Retrahens pelvim Adducens pelvim Abducens pelvim Sartorius Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Gracilis Anterior tibialis Plantaris Gluteus Vastus internus Rectus femoris Gastrocnemius Peroneus Extensor digitorum longus Crureus Semimembranosus Psoas MUSCLES OF PELVIC REGION Pectineal or lateral pubic , Plastron, posteriorly process are mostly removed along with the plastron to which they are attached) Proximal head of femur Pubis, ventrally & isch- ium Dorsal surface, margin it apex of pubis Periosteum above thor- acic vertebrae 2/3 way back from neck Head of ilium & cara- pace Distal to head on femur Ventral tail fascia Tail, mid-dorsally SKELETAL MUSCLES CONTINUED Sacral vertebrae it along tail Sacral vertebrae & along tail Lateral pubic process and pelvic ligament Carapace near anterior head of ilium same as above Tail, midventrally fit anal skin Tail, midventrally 6t anal skin Plastron, posteriorly Anterior head of ilium same as above HINDLIMB MUSCLES Via tendon to pelvic ligament Posterior border of isch- ium it pelvic ligament Proximal end of ilium Pelvic ligament via a long slender tendon Head it body of tibia Femur Head of femur along edge of ilium & sacral vertebrae Lateral pubic process & margin of femur On ilium via a tendon Distal end of femur On body of fibula Distal end of femur Head of femur Proximal end of tibia Multiple insertions on tibia Body of fibula Proximal head of tibia, along inner surface First metacarpal it other small insertions By broad fascia over plantar area it by ten- dons to phalanges Head of femur On tibia with sartorius Metatarsus of last digit Metatarsus of last digit Metatarsus of 4th it pha- lanx of 5th digits Metatarsus Head of tibia with sar- torius SKELETAL MUSCLES CONCLUDED Head of ilium it caudal vertebrae Ilium & sacral vertebrae Ligaments of semimen- branosus Head of femur, ventrally Fixation of pelvic girdle Extends thigh Flexes leg Pulls in tail Lateral flexion of tail Retracts it rotates tail Retracts it rotates tail Fixation of pelvic girdle Anchors pelvic g'rdle to carapace same as above Extension of leg Flexes leg Flexes leg Flexion it slight rotation of leg Pulls foot towards body as in walking Retracts claws, extends foot, flexes leg Pulls leg forward ic dorsally. Helps retract leg. Aids sartorius in extension of leg Leg extension Pulls foot to body, spreads claws, tc helps pull leg posteriori)' Spreads claws it pulls them posteriorly Pulls claws together it lifts it extends toes Leg extension Flexes leg Pulls leg under carapace CHAPTER IV Digestive and Respiratory System If by chance the muscular system has been )mitted, then the plastron will now need to be emoved. If the bony bridges joining plastron o carapace have not been previously cut, this hould be done now as directed in the foregoing hapter. l. PERITONEUM AND COELOM. 1. Parietal peritoneum, a tough thin membrane overing all visceral organs and forming an inner ning for the plastron and carapace, where they irround the visceral cavities. Muscle layers are bsent or much reduced in the ventral body wall nee the plastron fully supports this region in tost turtles. The muscles of the girdles and limbs -e present as usual. 2. Pericardial sac, a triangular sac continuous ith the parietal peritoneum in the ventral mid- le just posterior to the pectoral girdle. This c encloses the heart and is termed the parietal zricardium while the thin outer covering of the ;art itself is the visceral pericardium. 3. Pericardial cavity, a portion of the original >elom lying between the parietal and visceral yers of the pericardium and surrounding the :art. Remove the ventral portion of the parietal •ricardium thus exposing the heart but preserve e dorsal portion of the sac for future reference. 4. Ventral abdominal veins. These large ves- ts form a letter H-shaped design in the ven- il peritoneum. Their posterior limbs arise from e pelvic girdle and their anterior limbs enter b right and left liver lobes, respectively. A anch from each anterior limb extends antero- erally to the pectoral girdle on its own side. A jss anastomosis (transverse abdominal vein) will noted midway between the apex of the pelvic girdle and the posterior borders of the liver lobes. Cut away the ventral peritoneum but leave the vessels intact. Now cut both ventral abdominals just posterior to the cross anastomosis and reflect the anterior limbs forward so that the abdominal viscera may be clearly seen. 5. Pleuroperitoneal cavity, the space exposed by removing the ventral parietal peritoneum. This space includes most of the visceral organs. 6. Coelom, the pericardial and the pleuroperi- toneal cavities. B. VISCERA AND MESENTERIES, figs. 21 and 22. Break away the sides of the carapace (use bone shears or pliers) between the fore and hind legs to facilitate viewing the viscera. Various masses of yellowish-green fat and more peritoneum may be removed. The form, color, and relationships of the following organs should be learned. 1. Liver, a brown gland — the largest in the body. Its left lobe nearly covers the stomach and extends to the right, dorsal to the ventricle of the heart. It expands into the right and largest lobe which covers part of the small and large in- testines. An extension of. the left lobe lies dorsal- ly in the lesser curvature of the stomach. If the specimen is a female, ovaries containing eggs of various sizes and of spherical shape will be seen lying just posterior to the liver and against the dorsal body wall. 2. Hepatic mesenteries, in which the anterior limbs of the ventral abdominal veins are con- tained, are short mesenteries uniting the right and left liver lobes to the ventral peritoneum. These mesenteries correspond to the falciform ligament seen in most vertebrates. 18 3 Fig. 22—Digestive system, ventral 19 3. Transverse septum, a membrane formed of he parietal peritoneum dorsally and of the under- ying dorsal wall of the pericardium. It lies in an >blique plane owing to the more caudal position »f the heart in turtles (the heart lies farther an- erior in fishes and in amphibians). 4. Coronary ligament, an attachment of the iver to the transverse septum. Follow the parietal >eritoneum as far anteriorly as possible and ob- ;erve its continuity with the dorsal portion which orms the inner lining of the carapace. Note also he connections between the ventral and dorsal )eritoneum in the region of the pelvic girdle. 5. Esophagus (gullet), a slender tube uniting he pharynx with the stomach. It may be seen n part by lifting the left liver lobe far over to the ight. It joins the stomach at a point just dorsal o the left atrium of the heart. 6. Stomach, a curved tubular digestive organ eading into the small intestine. The stomach is nach greater in diameter than either the esopha- gus or the intestine. 7. Gastrohepatic ligament, a short mesentery ittaching the stomach all along its lesser curva- ure to the left lobe of the liver. 8. Duodenum, the first part of the small intes- tine. It begins where the stomach ends just dor- sal to the bridge of liver which connects the left ind right liver lobes. 9. Hepatoduodenal ligament, a mesentery unit- ng the duodenum with the right hepatic lobe along the middle of its dorsal surface. 10. Pancreas, a long slender pale gland lying ilong the duodenum at the attachment of the hepatoduodenal ligament. 11. Pancreatic duct. This is fairly stout and passes from the pancreas into the duodenum about ane half centimeter from the right end of the pancreas. Tease away the pancreas at this point and identify this duct. 12. Gall bladder, the bile reservoir. It is greenish colored and lies on the dorsal side of the right liver lobe near its right border. 13. Bile duct (ductus choledochus), a short stout duct which empties the gall bladder into the duodenum. It can be easily identified and traced to its termination. 14. Small intestine proper, that part of the small intestine beyond the duodenum, beginning at the sharp curve posterior to the right border of the right liver lobe. It forms several coils and termin- ates by empting into the beginning of the large intestine, the caecum. The right ovary may now be removed, if necessary, to facilitate tracing the small intestine. 15. Dorsal mesentery (mesentery proper). This attaches the intestine to the dorsal midline of the body cavity. Lift the intestine enough to demonstrate this mesentery. 16. Mesoduodenum. This is fused to the hepa- toduodenal ligament so that the two are indis- tinguishable. Both of these structures are mesen- teries. 17. Mesogaster, a separate mesentery distin- guishable from the gastrohepatic ligament. It connects the greater curvature of the stomach with the dorsal midline of the body cavity. 18. Colon, the large intestine. Trace the small intestine to its junction with the caecum (begin- ning of large intestine) located in the posterior right quadrant of the visceral cavity. 19. Mesocolon, the mesentery of the colon. 20. Cloaca, the terminal portion of the alimen- tary canal. It opens to the exterior via the anus. Cut out the anterior mid-portion of the pelvic girdle, using bone shears, and trace the colon, noting its ascending transverse, and descending limbs, to the cloaca. The transverse colon will be found to be fused to the mesogaster. A thin- walled bilobed urinary bladder will be seen just dorsal to the pelvic girdle. 21. Spleen, a spheroid vascular gland whose functions include destruction of old red blood cells, salvaging hemoglobin, the manufacture of certain kinds of white blood cells, and other specialized duties. It lies in the mesocolon just anterior to the caecum but is dorsal in position, hence careful search in the mesocolon may be required in order to find it.* ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX, fig. 23. Force open the jaws and cut the soft tissue ck through the angles of the jaws until the mth can be opened enough to see the beginning the esophagus. A probe can now be passed rough the entire esophagus into the stomach. Fting the stomach over toward the right side 11 facilitate passage of the probe. 1. Oral (buccal) cavity, the space enclosed by j jaws. Note the horny beaks which cover the vs. Observe the relationship between this horn d the skin of the nostril, face, and neck. 2. Beak. True teeth are lacking in turtles but the horny beaks extend into the mouth and de- velop tooth-like ridges paralleling the edges of the beaks. Compare these for upper and lower jaws. 3. Anterior nares (nostrils), two small open- ings in the tip of the snout. These lead back through the nasal passages which open on the roof of the mouth as the: 4. Posterior nares. These "can best be found by passing a slender probe back through the nos- trils and nasal passages where their openings will UPPER JAW YE IASSETER MUSCLE NGLE of JAW EXTERNAL NARES POSTERIOR NARES SOPHAGUS OPENING of EUSTACHIAN TUBE PHARYNX A.RYNGEAL PROMINENCE DNGUE GLOTTIS BEAK LOWER JAW Fig. 23—Mouth and Pharynx 21 >e seen just posterior to the bony plate of the lpper beak and in a depression bounded antero- aterally by a Y-shaped ridge of soft tissue. 5. Tongue, a triangular papillated fleshy struc- ure in the floor, of the buccal cavity which is irmly attached along its entire length. 6. Pharynx, a cavity extending from the pos- erior border of the tongue (its base) to the be- ginning of the esophagus. 7. Laryngeal elevation or prominence, a raised sortion of the floor of the pharynx just behind he base of the tongue. S. Glottis, a slit-like opening in the center of he laryngeal elevation. It opens into the simple arynx. 9. Auditory (Eustachian) tube, a small canal eading from the roof of the pharynx to the middle ?ar cavity. Both tube and cavity are derivatives )f the first pharyngeal pouch. (The openings nto the auditory tube may have been damaged when cutting back through the angles of the aws.) Find the slit-like opening of one of these :ubes and probe it to the cavity of the middle jar. A disc of skin (tympanum) covering this javity may thus be identified. Cut away this lisc and view the cavity beneath it. D. RESPIRATORY DUCTS AND LUNGS, figs. 24 and 25. 1. Larynx. The upper end of the respiratory luct. It leads into the trachea telow and opens ibove into the pharynx via the glottis. Find a pair of arytenoid cartilages, one on either side ot the larynx. These support wedge-shaped flaps on either side of the glottis and serve to regulate the size of this opening. A ring-shaped cricoid cartilage lies posterior to the glottis. It is wide ventrally but narrow dorsally. 2. Trachea, a connection of the larynx with the bronchial tubes which enter the lungs.. Slit open the glottis and anterior part of the trachea along the mid-ventral line and notice that the glottis opens into a spheroid chamber anterior to the first cartilaginous ring of the trachea — this is the cavity of the larynx. Now slit open the skin of the neck along the ventral midline. Spread the skin and muscles apart and trace the trachea to its bifurcation into the right and left bronchi. 3. Bronchus, a branch formed by the bifurca- tion of the trachea. There are two main branches, a right and a left. With a curved flexible probe follow the left bronchus as far as you can. Re- flect the stomach and large intestine to the right, open the peritoneum over your probe and note the lungs. 4. Lungs, reddish spongy respiratory organs lying against the carapace on each side just pos- terior to the pectoral girdle. Open the left lung by a lateral incision passing to the left from your probe. Study the texture of the lung, observing its air pockets or alveoli and the tough connective tissue strands which separate them. Note the relationship between peritoneum and lung in both its anterior and posterior regions. Is the lung en- tirely retroperitoneal or does part of it extend into the pleuroperitoneal cavity? 22 r