&4 Sam6e 4z O( 0 S~%C4 7'4kd#1(4S 76se Zfr~e ityo( 7 W clsa% '975  N :3Q I 1 4j Ccpypl9h-t Q 1975 byq neu.t T. Abde-Ma sis-U AUZ ~g hises e ed No pwt o j th o book ay be tPepdace~d in n 4~o Am withouwkittenpe~mjzsLcn c the auwthfrai. fbiw7tLg o~ Cong~e6z Car~d WNubeAr: 75 - 18985 ISBN Numbed.: C-932098-1O-X Second Ptr-&ztLng June 1979 Thud P ~v~g Jcanaax y 1981 Nl $ " iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Fonewo d .d ..... Ackanow edg eexn ..tt..6 Irutcducton...0.000 LEXICON ...... INDEX TO LEXICON.. Table. o 6 Ca g'uLes Categot.La. Lush65 0 NOTES .00.. EngL,~.h En'hiez ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 109 171 113 151 iv FOREWORDV The. pnepwwaLovt o this Sam ple.Lexicon waA 4appo'L ted by the. Un&' eitvs L yo6 Mchigan Centers 6 onN eats. EatVn and Nort~th Axcan Stuct~.aats patst o jt gene/,a2 p/ogtwxn o6inets eacch and tr aini.ng on the . Zcnguxtge/s and cuttw'CA o6 the .ae.z.We. Zookz owwLd to the. continukaton o6 the. pwtject wiith the. addtiton o6 A Cate.9oi& Lexicon o6 Pan-M zb Lc, Volu'me. 1: Ca ego' Leis 1-40, and, uwt ma te2 y, to the. comp-Pemote. work, A Compiehensive Lexicon o j Pan-A'tctb_'c. We. axe.i- debte~d to a/sZ-utance 6xom the. Un~vet't&&tq of Michigan and the Unite~d States O{ Lce. o4 Education iLn accomp~%sW ng the. wo-fz to date.. W.V. S choig enx V12&e~ ton, Ce~n-en bon Nea.xEa~te/n and No-Lth A6'iucan StudA&S The. Uve.vs&t y 06 Michigan V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 wish to thankz a)Zthous e who have hetped -in pttepalu n9 the &na~e mano.- 4 cA p~t o j the s4tudy. I am i~ndebted to the Ho'wx~ce H-. lacfiham S chool o j &adate StuiLes and to the Centt S oI New't Ears 'tn and No-'Wi Ajt Lan Sta-ZeA at the Un-ive-k&tq o jfMichigan, both o j whom aw~arded me -'eseatch gpi tut to -s appoAt.t the j.etd wordh and the anaL ys&&6 o j the data. The rte seafcch t 'epotcted he'te ways a-&so a4&&~uted by a gtran~t awiarded byj the Joint Commnittee o jthe Neaup. and M Ldd~e East o the Soc a Science Res eatch Council and a )te, eaitch gttan-t awatded byj the Ameiulcan Phto~s o ph-Lea! Societyi, whixich ae here g'u te~wCey acfanoweedged. I am g'wztejuL to Ptwon~'. K. ALn Lthet, who ass then V-L'tecto'z. o~ the Centerit. -tNeat .EasLetu'i and Notrth A6'uican S-td.{ens a-t the Un~&etot g o6 Michig~an 64Zncetze~y -sppo-tted and eneowtcaged the /teeatch since £-t6 ea.&et .tag ens. To P o~eoot. W-&P1iam D. Sehotgvt, p-'tezen~t VLtecto' o6 the Centet ot. Neut Eastern and Notth A1~r,Lan Stu~d eis a-t the Un~v etas -tq o6 Michig an, I owe a .sp ecLae deb-t o6 gttatttude. Pito 6e s 4on.S cho-4g etc.hats whoee- heatrted&g .uppo't ted and enco wtag ed the Le s eaxzh {)uom the ve'Ly beginning. The Cen-teit de6'tayed the co4o-&6 o typing and pubfJ-6 hang the man.rwAipt. In addition, I wZ-ush to exp'tes4my1' thanzs to Ptco~eszof tz.'nu~t N. McCaWAs, Cha -Pzman o6 the Vepatr nen t ofj Nea-'r. Eastvt.n StudLi6 at the Wn~eusLty o j Michgan, and to Pt. A. Fwth y &h4g, Cwutttac Coons eot, Embas4 y'o jthe Ahtab Repubic o6 Egypt, 6ot .theii't con4-t'wc ve itema!Lkv5, Zni~ght~u2obisevaton-s, and enco wrag emen-t dwlr.ng the wo tfz on ~this -study. ThankA cate du~e to P/Lo 1es oIL Waltace M. rwin, ChaiWtman o6 the P epaIti nent o j ktab.Lc, School o j Languat~ges and Ltng u.s Lcis , Geortgetown Univ euZtqy, jot h o va &abee g g&enstdonAs and gt ea t ZLntve6-t in the studyJ. Thanks aire due to myj colleague PIzo 6e6so r. Raft- M. Rammuny, to Mxt. Saud A-Ruhailqy, a g' aduto te stdent at the UnLve4 .t t o6 Michigan; 2 am indebted ~to them jo-t theix he4p Zn checki-ng ~the PalsL n~an and Saudi eq wLva envtts . I wooed tiLfe to than Mt. Mohammed Gutrteitee2, a g'Ladttate -stden-t at the Univet -Lty, o j W a s h ngton, 4 or. his gr'eat h etp width ~the Motoccan A-'abLc vo cabu~eat ya-t an vi eat.Len'cstage o j the n ens ech .(1968-1971). I am g iea~tyij-ndebted ~to Mt. Hatin L3. B&s hay~, Ph.V. codiLda-te att the Uin Lv eit z4 tg o6 Michigan, bon chi&s devotiion, corscetiusn grcea-t heap, and ceatvi ty duiu~ng the woict on the study; he aZlso ass- zumred the. £xbontLow6 e66o'n-t o6 ptzoo~uzead&cg the mccnwsc-zupt. I owe ac -specLJ debt o6 g'cati~tude to Cecile Abde2-MasiJc 6bonchen vatuab~e heap with the 6yieed wo-'cf and the 6 4etd data, son.c hen c4 exIuw ont on the /stucdy#, son .arwetLvig my J nwnecab~e que16tcows , and botc hen patience, en cowcag ern enrt and deep and eastan dLng . I wo u~d £tUe to expn'e~s my ,1nceIne thanks to M4. Susan Haxtvz, Ph.D. candidate at the LU&'ie'v6-&tg o6 Mi'chigan, don. hetc dedi~cation to ~the studyi; hen't comments, eorvuttuctive tiemavs, and ccectv-ty wer'e ca grceat heap thrcoughout the wot.. am gca-teuZ. to henc bon hen. patience in typing the EngZ~sh and phonetic s~ectiLonso6 the /studyj; hen. hetp~jwtne&s and dependabibt ty throucghout the wo'ii on thi&s 4tudy care deepP q app'cec z-ed. In addition, than-s cate duce to M s. Sandy CoLnson bon,. h&L he ep with the EngL?,s h typi~ng. To the A'cab-.c typi&t, Mr. JamczfiBs ha ab e, who devoted h-im'se2e6to the task, I woud PJfze to expu's myg LIati~tude. Eunest T. AbdeL-Ma'sLth Ann Arbonc, MichiLgan Jwuj', 1975 vii INTRODUCTION A. Putpos>e. 064the. Study The. pw'Lpo4 e 064 the. p'Le~s ent .tudy .us .to p'Le envt the. 'eadv L with a £%6~s 06j basic high-{9Leqaencq 4spofze~n Axabc wox'~dosacmpansib e .i~n 6o.'in m tModexn L~teiua~q Mab~Lc - wO'Ldi tlat aw.wi.deeq and Ct e aA y xecog n~zab.Ie with max imum app1Lcabl tty tht oughow t the. Mrab coonttueA and ax'e thou exceLten meatus 06 commun ca tLo n 6o'L the.ws ex . The pxe.6enwt b&oC Lnceude s 5, 40 5 woa'rd (o6 whi.ch 5, 300 axe. compaiibte with Moder~n Lte'wt~q A'ab-ic) , 'epes enti ng -t4--W0 catego4uLes (Co~eoa'us; The. Ph y Lca eWoarned; Mank ind, Se~x and K..i bhi p; Mea2s, Fooces , vtuZnk and Co okling Utem t &, etc .) L.n a~ephab etLca o Tde}L accorLding to the EgntUsh ent'zieA. ThW e.66c'ut -us paw'ot 0 a much YJxgVLxVL tidy tha~t wileLpiroduce, among other h.ng, A Caego'r iaL& Lexiconl o Pan-ArtabiiLz: VoLwrie I (Catego'ue! 1-40)1, VotumeI i (Categour ie 41-80) , Vofeume III (Categotr~4eA 81-120) ; az we.Ui ats A CornpLehen~n ue. Lexicon o Pan-ktrab~ic. The £atte' wi2l be. a computeriuze~d d Lc- ti onafu, -nc-&tcirtg aLZ 06j the. wo&'Wi n the 120 c e~g ot'uiens 06jthe. thr'e~evo~wne~s mentione~d above., aAvuang ed atphabe t~zatty ,i~n 6ve pars t: Par/ut One.: Mode.rn Lt tetar'Ly A'abic - Edcaccte~d Va ect - EngVush; Pa/u t Two : Educa-ted d &at~c t - Modexn Li tevaxy kxab~ic - Engt&&6k; Pa/ut Three.: ngLLzh - Educatedd l2Za-ect - M od ern Li t ea/Ly A'rab-Lc; Paxt Fouts: CW w'a, Eth no - and S o .Lo - ing uiistic Notes 6; Paut F cve.: L cngLLvtic Lexicon. B. Bac~zg'uoand Noes In the. Lazt twenty yeats oxr. o, a grteat deaL 0o6 ftea t e ha's bee~n p ubLe s h ed b y kxabz a~ well ad b y W enster'n 64cho&'a~ o n the eme./g ene.o06 a new £Ln- gw&~ot Lc phenomenon .in Wze. AVab WJo ld, nareey that o06 "EL evat e~d Educa-te~d A'Lab-c, " 1. d i I rJ II ~l tJ1,"aY6 o %e6e/uLe~d to as "Eduaated SpolFze~n A1ab Lc,"~ c rI : ,~a "The. Midd e. Language.," t " ..L I I , "LJwIich viii Us -the. common .gang tag e o6 educa-ted A-~cb4 a-2U o vvi. the Ahab Wo'u2d . Thus tevLatutce te2M us tha-t th-'waghowt the Mhab woaned, and pac't curq i Egypt, thie -isa tendency among edkucated Attab4 to uw e a .gangauag e which -vs a mbc-twie o f "Mo d e'n LiteluLhy kM ab-c, " II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i it *-J ~~-~!,L~& pau sa,2. 6 otuw, and cettaLn eatwte,.s {om the educa-ted dLa~ec-t. Theis e 6 eatLUAvLVcy, o6j cowixs e, with the bacfzgtLoand o6 the 46pecdze, the deree o6 6~attmaLity, the na-tul~e o6 the ,situation, etc. Thus mixtuiie o6 "M od elcn Li te'La-'y AttabL&' and the " ELe- vated Educated V La-ee c t"?hais been t etvied to Li the £bite'uttwce ad In tet'L- ktcabic, I1n teiL-Common Atcabi e, Middt e Language, and Pan-ktcab-.e. Thus 4vtady em peo y sthe teutmn"Pan--Attab.Lc' - " e ____ .._I d ,J 1 i acus cured by T.F. MtcheZZtLi hs CoP~ogu a- t A'abic: The Living Language o~ Egypt (London: Eng-PJs h LUnivv-' u tesP'Le,, 1962) - with e tta Ln modL&Lca- ti onu : Lm-&t-ig the ups e o6 the teamn to I spoken k~abk'c woltd-s compat ib~e with -he.-U Modelcn Li te'ta-y Altabic coLuntVLpa-'L-t6. M~itche-PJwutteJ, : A~s a o4po (ken mediumw, Zt L6 an exam pLe o 6 tha-t palz.ado x known to £Lng u-6-t&6 azs a Scht 6p'tache and mnigh-t aptly be named Pan-AlLabic. (p. 10) The educa-ted Egyptiatn, -then, upse4 Pan-A'ab 'c to ta, on a-s wide a tiange o6 topic ,6 at the p-teo en-t -taote and degr'ee o6 unLi(catLon o6 the w tten Lang uag e aLows, to eq ux'%&j fteitate I taq~u, SaacL-&~, M on'occanA , and even Euto pean6s. (p. 11) Pan-Ataib c "& the ntAu wt o6 the 46ptead o6 educa-tion a (L ov e'tc the Ahawb Wotd, o6 -tecen~t nctkeaA ed contac-t among A'tab4 o6 dieLen-t coun-txieAs, and o6 the manyj oppo'Lw "~tes 6o'L daly commwnication on vats Touts LeveL6. It .Us al&so the %u tetit o6 the 4Lnce Le de-4Ute o j the 'uaLe o and Leadeu o6 the mode'tn Atab W o-t.d to 'teach the macx4es Li the Pt"-6 peeche- Li thus ve/Ly Lmpo'r tan~t e~a - the elca o6 Aiuab conventions~ and o6 mutwual unde' standLng th oagh the common Language, Pan- A-tab Lc . Thus phenomenon ceea-'Ley dernon Wta eA tha-t, with the -sp/tead o6 educa-tion and with inc eatsed in teL-A'tab contact,;the educated A'Labs have teaC Lzed the im po'tance o6 e~eeva ting theirt daly speech to the Lev e2 o6j Modtn Li te1'tcy Atab c, which .us the o JLciaL Language o o vvt 12 5 m Z&o n Alkab.s, the Lan- guage o6 the 'tLch ktab hettitage, and the mean~s 06 commn-unication among the educated membepi o6 a-C2 the Artab count~is. Thus phenomenon is hete 'teieted to as the "Ceats4Lciza .tLon o6f the Atab-ic Via-Lect6" ix It has been notwed in the. tte.'wtw'te. that Egyjpt.vs the. p!ace whetce the newly e~m etgingPan - Aab.Lc be.ing used, a~thcug h .i~ n e.ita bLqyd ev e.op.Lngin the. /Les lo Jthe. Atab WoaTtld as we.).2.A 6n th et t t-eniento 7lP'w 6. &bitcheZL wilt be. Leevan-t.in T[hus connection* Egppt, cw'zr.ab£~j place~d azs 4he .v-s cwt Zy, poLt ic.aZ~y, G eagoph Lca££q, and demo tphlcaZtj, and with the consciousnes of 'own LangLage' t~ha~t ,o mnanyj o4hen peoupleenjoy, has a pen d doppot n~itq to give theZead in -thus6 I to e matter to the tIeAst o4 the. Axab worned. The . awrhov a "v&e gi~am- maxus, dl c io naz~ee, and o Ithe -&£aw-giving bookfs mw t be. witte~n and comnpiled by Egyptians heme.Lves, JtsItheyq atone. atemays5tx6o theax own LangLuage. (p. 12) W-tchett a z o xema'th4 : * .-hexe axe. 4~Cn6 tha-t an Egyptian wxZ..tte~n Langage s /stcaggt?~ng to emer/ge.; the dialogue o6 some p~aguiZgh t, jot eexample., -us de etibexateey con- tuued to con~aorrn to bothA w-4tte~n and co££oqLaL wsage.. (p. 11) Sa2ih J. Attoma, Zn "Language Edation in /the A'wb Coan txeA and the Role o /the A cadern Ve o, " CUqA1t T Lends Zn Ling u. tie~ 6 (The HagLue.: Mouton 9 Co., 1970), wtteA that I btaJm Anus, a Leading Egyptian £Zng u%&t, Zn hLs Muss tagbwt Al- Lug ha Al- ' At'abl y a AL- Mws h.aa, C ao, £a 960 utute o -the I n- t-Commo n rbic Languag e.;the. iciantoZa t o n u mine.), pte~sen-tthe Zanguage o eduated Egypt an s asthe. po4.Z.b~e Jw:CwzeLe.anguag e.jotsaP l krab co un t-ez . Au cites -oeveIxal ac tox4 6avotr (ng 4such devielopments : a) Egup-t isthe Zaxge t 4zng~e A/Lab county Zn population; b) 1t enjoy poYV%,Lcal and cu% tw'LZprestige no-t equaie~d by tha-t of o-theA' A/Lab coaunt tens; c) Egyptian krtabtc xep'eze~n t6othe. spokaen vaxtety mot wI deb'qyuwse~d Zn -Ct.L- a-tule., moviZes, adlo ptwygamw and whcen. modes of exptz~es4Zon. (p. 692) The newy eerxging .Language £4 Zndeed a b~eo-Zng £o' ktab4 as we.£Z as box non-naiv'e/students of Atablc. In the 6oPumet'IZnstance., Pan-A-'.ab~c can be of grFeat se Zn ihe. ptepatat o n o J Arabic Zanguatgetextbooks oatziUetxacy pxo - tLamo5 and e.lemenitary -4choos , as wellZ at Zn the pxepaxat On oJ textbooks jot the. entiWee. eeme~n tcuuy £eri7ng -stage. C errtalnl y thierxeaxegte~a t educa-tonal bene.cit6 ox a c vast gxzade pupil who begln4 - s chooL by Leading and wx-tZ~ung words- tha-t axe. Zdentcal with the. spofze~n anguage. he. aes at home.. Pan-A-tablc can be., and has been, /5acce-&/ wuly u e~d Zn mass media, Zn Znter- --Mab communication Zn ihooZo, un ve6LitZe-s, co n~exence4o, conventons5, and otherx ga/iht x~ng4 o J educa- ted Arazbs. In thi-s connection, we.is houed rem emb errthe.Imp olrtan-t tole tha-t the. Egyp-tian wqLve.-tgets Zn g enetxa£, and AL-Azhax UnZ'ivutq Zn pa'tticuweax, play X in the. ktab and l4Ltam-Lc Wot&Lds: the jone,'.us the. centteA of highvL edLcation jot handeds o6 krab sttde~nfz {iom va'u ou, Arab couti&eAs; the toatte'i ,usthe. most iimporutant Izslami~c center Ln the wod. Fo'r-non-na~tive. tuden /sattending A/Lab univ et. t ters onL 4studyitg A'Lab~4> and ideawtedd s§Ledck a-t -he'Lhome . ivvtLtieu6, Pan-Akabic Lothe kfund o j Zanagaage which can pt an end to rcu~inLn~Rangu~age 1nW/t'La- t 1o nis. TiLme. and tie again, wse.have. ob4 e~iwe~d our. students' paiLn u.L di-6 appo4intmenut at d Iscovetuing .he~.-.nabi&btty to communicate with Anacb4 whops e. d t&at~c t6 the~y have not /tudied. W'Jth 'Le-tpec t to the. Za teA poicnt, Mictche L atzeA t: The. ueston may 'Leaonab~y be. pose~d as to whiLch 6okcrn o4 Arabic the jo'- eign ZeaIcneIL4ihou~d iSLPt ~be taught and the. k ght an~swVLt£n the cWVrtekt .Ltuat o n .vs undoub-ted ey Pan-ktab~c . Sut the./e.4tenLhe. may wish to Lear'n one. o6 the. many fUvcin9 6o-4in6 o4 ktabc and the queztion again cvs es, whichi? In the. ab~sence o any i~ndication ao to the parrticutatL coakvty rmos4t ikely ~to -Lnteineut him,, the-'e can be no doubt abowt the ants we&L. Egyptian 6-Z sm COie. seen and the. Egyptian rLadio heatd in evue. y Ar~ab countiig and Egyptians5 teach i~n .ochoo&6 {nom Kwait to Libya; Lt £.o hwndt y 4w'LpruSn9, ;Che'Le.60'e., tha~t the. Egyptian co22oqwu~aZ -us much b e tteniL known than any otherL. In ad- d,t ion, ithats advanced jw'rthetui. than othvL ,cottoqwiawtsaong the -wad to 2Lnuusttc .independence., jotLther~'e exxAto a ceay 'ecogn-czab(e no/tinto which educate~d Egyp-tian wage co n6 oumo. Standa~ds axie . et i~n Eg~ypt by ~the cw~twted c2az s s i n Caito. (p. 12) S.A. Hanna and* N. G/Leus , in the.it Beginniing krabi~c (Leiden: B.J. B/Wi2, 1972), Zn~joit~m us: . . . by cjani.the. Zang e.4-t kab counts y .us Egyp-t and the Lang e/s t Mtab cen- -te . us Ca&Lo. The. eduate~d -peech o6 Ca-1-'Lo may the'ejoLe be. consdeied pat-ccuiwaty Ly /.6ccan-t /Lom ithe pount o vi~e~w o6 the Eng-Po h sh peaFze-L who .vs .too king 60/L a means o j communica-tion with a maximum appYicabLfJty -th~'o ugh out the. krab co untu'LteA. (p. 3) The. seame authotu/Lepot: In June. 1965, A'rab-~c teache/Ls /Lep/Le4 entcing j otiiLteen Am-e.can un tustA-tA ag/Lee~d dui-ng a wo'dztshop tha-t -L -pokae~n kab-. -us to be taugh-t, Ca iAene A/Lab-cc -us p/Le.ie.t}Le~d. (p . 4, n. 1) An -cmpottaknt iole in the. development of th-U new phenomenon al&C oven~ the Aab Wlotd ./s bei~ng playe~d by t ad-Lao, TV, the pne., and, mo4st pankt c cauai- Zy, by RadiLo Canto, Egyptian (ims and the£eadling Egyptian new papelus , Al- Ahitam and AL-Akzhbwt%. The. pttezoent -tudy aoi Pan-A'tab-Lc LncLade4, thvnejlo-'e., not onmy spoke~n educate~d Mab-Lc, but a o -&it~s wrLtte~n (printed) 6 oitmos , such ass -4ho'vt o'ie/, p~ay~s, newelpapetus , and the. med-a. xi WhiIte Pan-Arab Lc has Long been tcecogn.Zzed byj A'ab~s and W estetan schot&vtus ass the mo t signai{,canvt 6 o'w7 o6j A'abiLc, nothing o6 ptac cat importtonce has6 been pubf..zhed on it; -indeed it hats 4s caIcce~g been /stcd-ied. The £Le/Latwe te L6 w that. in tvL- diac ec toeeducated Atab is ,- "a rma -tt whichthas t ec e,Lued Ltteat- tention 6t'wm densctt ptive tnwLeots n g enettat and AtabLs5i.n piuticu~aO (H. &&znc, Con-t butioras to A'tab-Lc LngwLt&cs, Hoavawtd Unive~zity 'Pt'ez, 1960) ; and that "vvuj y 6ew s4chot as have been c~oncetned with the CtasLca2 Mrabi&z Lang uage a s wsed oiuzLL y ot with the I nt e/tr e ao noshLp o6 C i1s&ca2 and Colic o- qwia e £n actu~al speech ztonhs" (C.A. Fetguwon, op. Cit. , p. -i .Z) . FW'rthey: "Spokzen CZ scaL Ata&ic., to whiLch Ltittt e spec46ic attention ha~s been devoted, hays c evta in conv evt ionos o6 its own, whiLch di, jetc tom the p'tet.'t ,ions o6 the cixuzz-LcaZ ytcammari anus "CR. Hatef, op cit., p. 3). At the M~dcL e Earsterm Stacdies5 Asso cti.Lon C o njetenc e at Pato Amato ~i Augut, 1973, on the "State o+C the t 4 n M-ddt e £a.te'n Stdi.&, " the - L2 d andeir. which the tPopicoj the p'te4ent 4tadqy 6aL.Lz kec e~Lved top pt-io-'utq. The pa- pet on li nguut Lci tatted g~otto-dnem c. 4taci m s athe ntes etch o6 h~gherst p'ri orty, mentioning 4pec L caLty the study o6 the 'Leg Lona2 standca-'d ciatec 's o6 ktab Le. and th e ,'t ntezptay with L~itevuv yq tab~ic, thent ta-tw6 n.cni.ety, etc. It was noted that nothi~ng o 4 4abstfance had been pub~Z hed on Al. White CLtassica2ektcabLc, " I I, " the Language o j the HoLtj Ko'an, and Zt6 tuLn, Mo dean LiUtetcuvty Akwb-c, " l, I, the o Wi..c~aLeLtang uag e o j the Atab W ot'r2d, alte te at ive ey uni o.'ntmhtoughou t the ktab coun tt Zez, Atabic diazlects -s how cet a in dLijeLenceus{tom one Ah'ab count'uj to anothvtL and ace, inLnwn, d{Y66tent jtcom Modern LUttuvtcy A'abic. Howevt, the phonofog.caf. and mo'tphotog.Lcat diUvteene4 betw~een Mode'tn L-itetcan'y A/ritb.Zc and one ot 'ev etaLo6 the d-&zitect6 can be s~tated in te'unz o6 a 4 hott debsctAp- tLon and a 4se t o6 'we. In addition, the 4yntaxL of L tex'vq A/Lab-&c and that o j the coL~oqw.La&, ace, joitunateJt~', Zatgety paxattet. ThLus btr ng4 wa to the co nctusiio n cdawn by a numb eft o j chotts: the cI.iej 40wutce o j cL4{ Lc1Ltq Ln the artea o6 Pan-Ak~abLc ties not iLn pho notog.Zca e and motpho togicaZ-zsyntac t Lc dt66e'tence6, bautathet -Ln LexiLca i6etenets. It 6oLtow6s, theteote, that the p/Time concern og the ptesent 4tudy mnut conceivt.te on the Llexcca2levet, 'tathei than on any of the othert £eveLo . xii C. The. Pt'eent Study Pt~e.m inn y p! anninq an'd wo'iJz on the. pte~ent study began -i 196E w-&#h a i~e~v Lew o j a gt~eat deal o 6 .&to a-tw'e on the. topic, and with ct%5- cus&1ov4 wth educate~drna-tive. 4 pexdaekito de.tehrminethe. vatiC-i d~ty o6the. pizo je~ct. HoweveAc, ac tut wortz on ~the. pilot p'w je~c t, o6j whi~ch thi&s Sam ple Lexicon -is a te swbt, be.gan -in the.sp/piLng o6 1973. The. ptceent Sample. Le~xcon us but a vetLq 6ma2Y po'Lton 06 the Pan- At'~ab Lc ptwjec t. The. mai3n objective. o46he. study, whe~n comnpleted, ,Ls to comnpl~e A Categ o'ti Lexicon 04 Pan-ktcab Lc and A Comp zhns.ve Lexi&~con 01 Pan-kLab.LcL, t'e.j evLe~d to in "A" above.. The. Cate~gotu ia2e Lexicon wi.CL be. aAvan e~d ctccwixl cng to its 120 cawtegoiteA (e.g. Agucwttw e., Co~ov, c othng, Cooking, Vtv~nk45, Educa-tion, Enttainment, etc.) and its appwox ima-te2 y 360 4ub - ae~g otL~en (e.g~. 6ot'L Agtucitte.: Fatrming, F~eLd, FPoweius, F'wtzS, Nut4, Sp-Lce.- , Seedsk, TooZt, VegetabJ.e. , etc.). e6eiLence. wlt& be. made. in the. Cornp!Lehen6-ve Lex.iicon to the. c atego.'uj n whiZch a wor'd s Lo s i4.ied . The. advantagets o, choo-&Lng Educate~d Egyptian Ahab-Lc act 'Lep'Le2 e~nttng the. not'un o6 an Educa-te~d Spa fae~n Aiab 'c idiLom have. been d i,cuss'se~d -n "6" above: i&t is the.J6o-'un o6j A-'abc that U w.LdeLyj and cfieca q -'e cog n -zabLe wi.th max&- mum appL-Lcabi&tj tk htoaghowt the. Atub cou~nt e s, and ,Us thw6s an exce&Vent means o6jcommunication 6otL the. use m In the .summer o06 1974 (June. 18 - Augs-t 27), 1 wenvt to Egyipt £n wrtdvL to tape.tecoILd 6i.&cL data, to o bpse.ve and %Lecot d sages 06 E everte~d Educated Egyptia'n AMab Lc, and in aitde!!.tostudy it~s deg'Leeo 06 cWze.-cna tLwn and acceptaibZ&ty in Egyptian soc-Le.ty. A La-g enumb e. o06 recoir-dting 06 Rado Caw& ob-'oadcaMAz wetre. made., coveir.Zng ~the. pe.t.Zod 06 June. 19 - ALLuut 25, 1974. R~adiLo Ca-&ro has bee~n ire.6etizre~d to by is4cho~curv6 as an exceiuen-t PLepe-oentat iv e. 06 Pan - A'LabLc . RPchatd HwV ureL no-tes : Log-Lca2Lq, there. ax-e. exce.Zent breats o vt 6o'L choo4-. nng the.ups ag e. 06jthe. Egy'ptian, 6/oadcabtLng Ser-vice. ass a .'re.ie.6entactveva'r iZety 06 'poze~n C& s~o-LcaL A'abic. Pw/Ie.L2j in teu o06 quantity, 'r-dAco bir-adca.st6piwbabL~y make. up the. bwtiz o06 /pokae~nCLa~sLcaLe kr-ab Lc which occurl in the. A-'ab -WoirLd, and Egyp-t is bh 6wrc the. Leadetx in bir-ad catJng ac tv.i ties among the A'rab nations5. (c;-xcit., p. 4) The . 6ieLd /%ecow&Zdfng cov er-ed a g/'reat va'r--e-ty j 0 to p Les : J6ea twke ptwgtr-amo on women, hour w-iv-,chid-en, students, LaborLets, and czut tow- xiii £i Se wvuie otded. Aside 1jiwm news ptwgtwxns and ptwgams o6 newu~s commentaJLyJ, ,spec -aZ 4ea tWLeis wve tape~d 4uch ad "Atownd the St'teet Com'n," "Science and Li, "PopPe and Summrse," "Open Meetng," "The S.to'rg o6 a FZb," "A New Book,"1 "The Wlo td o6 S po trJco, " "Out ChLed/Len Ab-'wad," "With younig Peo p-ee, " "Just a Coapee o6 olcd, " "Good Mo/L'ting, " "The L stevte, Mai2, " "A MedaJ. Ir. thus Citzen," "A Song and a Sto/Ly, " "The Va-'rietq Magazine, " "The A-Ut Maga- zine, " "Peope in Sinac," "Wicthi the VoLung L etaw)y F-cgw'Lez," "F'ti{idcy S/w-cceps," "S eAmo n4 ," "The Hfoieq Kowan, " "Swunday Se'w~ice/s, " "The Ptie44 TaYef, " "The Woul~d PPies4," etc. The above 'Leco'd~ing4 we'ie peayed Soi. a nurnbet. oiSeducated Egyptians6 IteplLesekt cng vatt~ow6 waeki o j £iiZe : unvuve L4 ty .4tadents Zn a. numnb etc o 6 6-eed5, eng neeto, ZawqeAus, 4chot aiu6, admi t a toes, e-tcz. The pwtpo4 e heice was to en- gage the/ e peope Zn conve'usatiovas concenning a. ce'-a 'top'c (one {~tzom the -ages) and ob.6 ve -te,L 4,peesh, pa Zficu a01-iyon the Zexic .° Leve~.. (I aw,- un~e tha-t spofzen Educated A'Lab-ic. va/tne6 {tim one set o6j eu2-tt co nd3JY-o n6s to ano - the>., out. jiwm one Znd~iv~idua eto anothe'ri. Vatria.tio nos and s pec ca2e usages6 wVie noted. Topics and s~emantic ca teg o'u ie wer'e then tabula-ted and LexkcaL -items wei .e e2Zec ited Zn pw iuaIL contex-ts. FoiL exampee, 16 coLo'us, "tted, " "g/teen, " and "blue" o erccwved Zn a digs cowt'o e, o-th e'L eo to sw&/e e ic,&ted by asking /Jpea atfze questons that wowed jtwmpt .they.i P~eA pon6 es . In connection with co- Lotu6, JettL Znvtance, 6Zeed no-teAsshow that the ma. j o'u ty o6 non-bays-.c coLotus we'Le s ppYe ied by iSemae speafavi m. Viw ctsZ~o nos w4th educa-ted g y ptLan4 Zn Ca -Pro and Aexandu is co ncvxn~ng newvspapeu Ieveaied the irnpo'rt nt act that these peopLe arsLe a.tt,~acted by Lea- twxe co&unnvs - dail~y oiL weekly - morLe than by anythZig eLe Z.1n the news papVL. Appatcen tty, eofunnA have .the ZL own tylW t i e.a t ac ttono6. Because o6 the £tim- ted space o 6 the column, the w'u teI s es a moit~e ne axed, mo'r-e 4iptLi Sed 5tyee, and (keeps to the basic and most {keqaente- wsed vocabuaiq. The WI teJL 'Zoncen- t'w teA on conveying an .idea, withot puwtaming any bwtcden on thje -'teadecaL ax IsCU s~tyle ote vocabwury .us concvtcned. The ijavoIL-teo o many ZL the 6eatwtre eoCumn Fita " " "An Idea, " by the g& eat wtu t&, Pizo jes6sso'. ALL Amin . The column indeed qtaaLL5Les a~s an exee Len-t ex- ampLe o6 ptact~cae ModvtLn L tvAy/Pan-A-tab~ic. xiv The. 4tady o65 neLaJpapeA co~ewnAis 6 gIeat £nte/Le/st in tThus con- nection. Manvy o6 my Egyptian { lends have toed me tha-t the p!esence. o6 a nwmb eL o4 e. eLten-t jeautwze.co~amnzt in the. Ca-&w news pape.i A2- Akzba-'has prmn p-ted many eduica-te~d 'eade.us o AL-Ah tam to /Lead AL-Atahbat'L ass wee2L. I ways toed, int fac-t, that many Lead A-Akhban .i6They have. the tim ne01 on~ey one news 6pate}L. O6 the Zatvs 6eatwe. cotw-nn4 (numbeing moane. than wenty) , I wZ&& mention o ofy a 6 ew: Fk~a, "An Idea," by ALL Ain; Maua -L , "S~tua Lio nos, " by Anus ManP T,; Ma QaL2 wa daft2, "In a Nut heUf, " by Ahinad At -Saw-il; Nahw a~T-JPn, "TowacvwLi Lght," by Mohame~d Zafa- Ab de -Qade.n; and, 6-Lna-e&ty, Kae bna MiLn AL-Man i'&, "A Wo-'Ld 6/win the Editon, " by Moita~a AmiLn. At-Akam o 6eue 6e.We.-k6 ea tu-e. co~umnA than do ens AL-Afahbaui&, p'wbab-e-y ten, a~tZ o6 which arse. ex- c e.-Cent. A nwrmb en o6 them an e. e~x e~m e.y po pa~ea'. To mentilon a 6 ew : Min Ghay ' Unwan, "Without a T{tt e.," and SabahtAt-Khan~, "Good Mon'tunng, " by Kama-e c2-Matakh, fad~ith aL-Nwas, "Peop1e'4 TaJl," by AUL f-amdL af-Gamma!; and, o6 cou' oe.,the. exce.Ltenvt co~w-nnzs o6 I hisan Abd At- Qaddw s. Thus phenomenon has Zed me to co-tect a!L o6 A&-Akzhbai'4 6eatw'Le. co2-umnzs 6o-'r the pe o d June 19 - August 27, 1974, as~ weLLass a gneat numb el o6 At-Ahyramr'- eatw~e. co~wnris. The academic2 yeaA 1974-1975, my zsabbwti ca e yeahvz, was devoted .to ths 4-Ldy . in 6pate o6 the. 6ac t tha-t the -e-&e '.-twne v -idcate4 tha-t Educa-ted Egyptian k~ab~ic u a .6uwLtable bao-s s on' Pan-A'wbic, thus ie./seaLch did not p!Loceed on the. ba4-&s o6 /such an a~osw-ption. in May o6 1974, 1 wo/'dze~d with a 4sampee. of 300 bas~Lc high-neqaency woandcs, chteckilng the. compatibZUty ( = -&im-~au~y)o6 Edate~d Egyptilan A~b~i c with Modertn L~te caxy A'Lab-i c on one. hand, and the. cornpa-tkb- lLty ( = .6ii&nLty and/ott itecognLzabiL-&! ty) with Syrian (-teptten~vtilng Eaistetrn Aihab Lc) and Mo-'zaccan (tepLes entiLng Westertn ktabic) on the. others hand. Ot o6 300 won'td6 (with onVy a modticum o j 4t'actute wo'td-e), 293 Egyptilan wor'ds wve. cornpatilbte. with Syr.uiLan and 289 with Mo'taccan. Speaki-ng 06 st6tc en-unnthis connection, we. mnight m-entilon that the.SampLe Lexicon a atotaL 06 5,405 wottd6 06 whiZch 5,300 Educated Egyptian A-tab-ilc wanr-ds a'te compatibLe. with Mo de.-tn Li te/Lwtuy kt.b-c, and an avvt.age. o6 5,278 ate compatible with th~e. Lnv eisti gated eduacte~d dite~ci (S y/Lo- Lebano -Pateo tiLn Lan, Saudit, Kuwaiti, and Moto ccan) . The. 6-LnaL anaey.6-i6 wtiL, o6 coutuse., der.'-Lbe those. pa'L-tcuLl/ xv jea uttes o j pho no.og y, mo'qvho2og y and syntax that chaxacte'kz e EduLca-ted Egyjp- tian and d .L ,ngw~ush ,t jiwm Mode-tn Ltetiwaq kAtab.c and OIhVL Atcab.Lc dLatects . The ma jotILij eces, howeveA, wU&P.cetctain-q be -i the Lexicon, whiLch cones e- qaen y qw~ be ~the mo4st c aciaL waLea to be obise'a'ed i the deetopmen~t of Pan- Atab.Zc. I would tikfe, theiejo-'e, ~to go Lnto /s ome detail with -'iegaiLd to the &ea nen tof this asspect ofthe t)Leaevc.. The 4e2ecton o j a -£%It iLep'Lesenv-ting ~the most appiLop'it ate £ex~caZ -&term ways an inpotait j-&ut ztep . A .&g&st was Leqw&ed which iepties en ted an o' '&ztZv.Lew o j the Language, -Lnc~dng the macj o-uty ooj ba's-Lc and h-Lg h- Jieqauen- c y vo cabw uj -y tems 4uZ ta±'Le jo1% c2atss4 Lca Lo n -i sev e kt wtw'aL ca teg o't-LeA, e.gj. Agtucw~twie, Paxte to o4 the Body, C~othing, Co~o'us, Food, Geogt aphy,, KiLn- .shiLp, etc. A Lust cormbinving . eve-'iae ex ustLng £Lsto ways then compiled {tom the vo cabutavxq .Lemn s Lnctaded -i the jottowc ng : a. The F . H .Ak&t- LL The Bas.Lc Vocabu ~'jo the A'cbLc Pit-maiy Reazding (Vamasc ws , 1953). 10,164 wo/'i4,: a s t a t , U-teaZ an azu 4o 4 ete A'iazb.L& /eadet ws ed iLn e~Pementtwiqy .ochoob L i Egyjpt, Lebanon, S ypi-Za, ItLaq and SaudiL krttb-La, showi-ng j/LeqLuency o o ccwtrtence . b. The M$. &'z L2 Lst, The Bas-Lc WoiLd L&usts o the AMabLc VaLty New4pape't. (Je/wvsaLem, 1940). 5,9g81 wog.c so new6 pape-'i ktxtb-.c coZPec toe e-ieeni 1937 and 1939, 4howiLng {9LeqLuen(2q obi occwtuience. c. E'cneo -t N. McCcv'~ws and RafLi M. Rammunq, " Wotd Count o j £temen-tanq Mode4n LL tV'.a/'y A'tab-Lc Textbook&'" (Cen-te' jo Re-/sea-'c~h on Language and Language Behav-Lot, Ann APiboti, 1968). A ewnL at~AveL&s~t o j aU.wo-td-s ocewvi-ng in eleven e~ementatiy Modevin LLtetLyu kab-Lc textbooks used iLn the United Staters, with Eng&Uh mean-Lng.s; ovvt. 3,500 woizd6, 4how.Lng 6/LeqLuencf o j o ccLVL/ence. d . Mohamnmad Qand t2tAt-&Bat , W a hdat aLe- am-th 2 at- ' cure.a cZa- bi,2ad a.2-'a'ab Lyya (Common Pi oveiubb -in the A'iab Coavv'x e ) (Ca &w: 1968). 1, 055 p)Love!Lb-6 commonly w ed in te A'iab cow1-ti-e. The book -cs divided .into eight topees: advice, moiwafs, economiLcs, WO)Ldis o isdom, pouP-t, c4, wa/uv~ing46, and edartion (a LC,-U5t o6j 3, 000 woiL&6 wasl compiied j u~m thus WOtdz - ieqLuencq o6 o cczwvienie shown). e. A List o6 aUL the wo/cLs that o ccwV~ed -Ln the j ea twube columirn F-LkMc, "An Idea," by, Pe en.o'. AUAmiLn. (F'iom the Egyjptia~n newespapeA A2UAJ hban. , June 19 - kugwtst 27, 1974). This -is an ex-t~'eme~q populater dai2c,' column, one whiLch .us -'ead byj almo~t evetj educa-ted Egyp-tian. An avetrag e column cork&-c-&t6 oo6 abowt 250 woz4~ds: thus y-Le~di a total o j about 16,000 WO-Lds ({inequency j o6 ccw vence shown). ~.ChtLes Feuig ws on and Ma jed SaiLd, Lex-Lca2 V atLants -LiA-'zab-Lc V-a ec-to xvi (Waigton, .C., 1958). A comp ehens-.ve L-st of 280 .items, with eqwvc~anc e4 in Mo dean Li tvwLan kcab. ctand the Egyptian, SyptZan, I nq Z and Monawcca~n d-aec t. g. The. Mo'uA%' Swadelszh wan'd &,szt, "TowxvncL- GteateIn Accuacyjn Le~xico4ta.- tis Vati,"ng," (Itevrna tiona.Z Joannao oA ke/'tccan Lin u &6tics 21, 1955, pp. 121-38). 200 watt s Iep'.e1entiivlg niveXv5aZ ctw~54-cL&~UL. . ejnt Lc. a/ ears: patscto 06 the. bodyj, nwV l af.A, e.tc. h. A £Z~t of coZZoqwia2 wotid. (about 7,000) :taife.n ma-Ln.Cy {rm: Richanid S. Hfaiu. eLL2, A Vict~oncvinqo6M oxoccan Ariabic (G eoIr g e~own Univ ety~&~ PI e s6, 1966), Kat2 Sto ways e,'i and Moazhtcvr.AnZ, A V c ionma.y o S .k-can A~'i~abc, GeaoIg e.own UnLv eitu& y Press, 1964), and the. twbo vo cabuE'cai-q £i&sts (LEXICON) at the end 06 E'uiei/t T. Abde Z-Mas~h, An intitoductLion to Mowaccxtn A'ab.bc, 1973, and An lnjio dac t io n to Egyptian A'iabic, 1974 (Center d oni Ne.. Eatteit-n and Notcth Atucan StWI.eA, The. UniveAii- .sZ-ty, oiyMichigan)lj. Woitf on the. above. mater i.a.P ygZ&de~d about 26,000 wo'id6 o0J whiZch only 15,000 we.'i.e. comp i2e~d (Modeiicn Lite'VLWq.ya.c - 5ngfJush) into a. maustet'i.£.Wt. The. choice.o06 the. 15,000 wo'i~d~ wall base~d on: (a.) my juj~dgemne~t aus to wh thv'i a cvtrta .Zn wantd -us a. "basic" and "high- Ine.aencyj" woind (.tb e26 whicch atedi.e.c-- -cuLt to d e.6-Lne. and can o n~y be. d ete~m cn ed in the.JSwtwi e.by1 worth on a v enL4y huge. nurb nb o 06textuaZ mateiuZaL6through compter zed z a-t ZtLc4J ; (b) checking my judgements with edu~cate~d na-tive .6pea.ze/.S o6 A'irtbic heri~e n Ann Atbo'i., and (c) techeck ing the. 6Ze2d ;a p ens Jon ooccwvr-ience. and -'ie.OccuA/i.e.lce o6J 4erZe c~te~d tems. The. next 6ep wa-cs to ZdentL jqyapp-'iox-nateiq 120 rmain categ oL~e4 and 360 sb- catego'i~eA pe t inernt to A-iabLc .Zanguage., pe~opi2eA, 1 e., and thought. Onf-q th-t tq-two categoies we/i~e. -et~cte~d Jon'i wodza on the. pitot pwaj ~c t, which /L~ets uwte~d Zn the. 5,405 wo-'idts 06 thL/s Sample. Lexiccon. Only woli.& that o ccuu id .ttie~e. timeA0oi.mrnie.ontpe. Zn a. d 4scoiows e.nvo'v ing a. cvi.tar-n to pic, cO.werie. mentione~d bytwo sp eake.us otheui.iha~n the. pewson Zitexv iewe~d dut-'i.Zng a . -hoa.t d£6scw&Z4on 06 a. ceiuta~n topic, and had hig~h Jiequency o6 occutrience on the master. £J6t, we/ie. ZncZLde~d Zn -th£t Samp.2e.Lexicon. The. wo-'id6 06 -GtsASwnp Pe. Lexicon axie. aiitang ed Zn alphabetica2lo-aident accoing to the. Engf6 h e~n t iLe-o. Eng&6sh e~n 't iez~ werie. Ieco-ide~d on the. Le.6t hand coInne/i.o06 5 x 7 caw'ds. FoxL each entry.j txo ca-id'.s we.ie. made., one. Joni.the peie.s ent wodz. (Zn which a U 5 ,4 05 d5 w i e.xeZn a2phabe.,t cat oIxde-i on cauid s beats Ln9 the. numbero.06 the. categoryqZn which the. ent'.y u£ ca6ZZred) , and one xvii itut a 6wtwte. pubs ica ion o6 the. CenltVL jolt~ Neawt. Ea tetow and NottthWi AtLcan StdieAs, The. Un-&vz~tq tof Michigan, iLn 1976-1977, A Categotua,& Lexicon o Pan-At.abLc: Vo(ie. One - Ca egtue 1-40, o6 whiZch 32 categotuL.e ate -Lnceuded iLn the pn eierr t zstudy. Modem LtLte'uW yq Maczb-eq u qvaien to were t cot~de~d on he iPJht-kand e.o'- ne2L o j the ca/Ld6, and wve. ve,ui ie~d tom Hans W ehvL, A 1&ic iona'Lq o4 Modern Wtut- teni A/LhZ&Ze (Coi'ie2 Un-&'t Ltq Pt'e, 1966) ; M. Z. MaciLna, A'a4- Enq h V 'Lc- ti (Pockfet Books, 1973) ; AF-Mnjid Victionah'uj(8th Lt, 1956); and Mays' ud J~btn, AL-RZa 'Ld &-c tinaty (Se'wt, 1964). Egyptian Atah~Le So'Lm6 Weie /Le.CO1L- de~d b e ow the Eng!J h. A tjp is t e ntit j o the p'&s en~t Samp. e Lexicon (on a 5 x 7 cw~d) .us Th own hVLe (31 to Jeeta to ~the ca-te~go /L j£n whiZch .the envt' y ways ca.S44i.ced; V = yens; .e. Egyjptian AMab~ic io-twn L6comnpatible with ModeILn L &tL- atLq Akctbi4-c) : 31' abblLev.ate, -to ~ A typ-Lca a.ent'qo~ the jotr thcorm~ng tgI dy, A Ca ego'v at Lexicon o j Pan- AiLa b-c (on a 5 x 7 civ~d) Los4 hown a, 6Of.2ow4 (MLA = Mo d e~n LitteLVLq Aabic.; S LP = S yiw - Lebano -Pa2eti t n, an; SA = Saud. Aab-.c; KA = KuwaiLti ktab~ic; MA = Mo'woccan Ahabic; S = zin"La"i y, 1R = Lecogn~zabL&&U; ,ii S -us !Y, no need to check R; R .u checkaed onlyq.i. S L~ N, .i. e. no) : 31 abb/Lev is te., to - 4 xasa/.ix taaL S R MLA V SLP V SA V KA V MA V xviii The. punpose. o the. above cazvig ement -us to teco/td Ln jo w atLoYL ve.u,4ax/LtJ 1oth&e. compwte.V zaf on of the. p'wjec~t Ln -&t3 j nat ztage. PeAte ,nenvL - i~o'naLon teco' de~d on the . ct and ptrLinte~d n the p/LeA enkt Samp'e Lexcon b&s :(a) i.owe.Po o6 th~e &pe~ec t, e..j.: write, to katab/kitaaba (i) - (u) / and (b) cwutw'rxzaeno-te.4, e .c_.: don't worry fadaak #14 Note #14 = Restricted usage; said when someone breaks something or loses something. Literally: May it be your ransom, or, let it be a sacrifice for you. ThevLe. WLe . to 6aCC 0/LhS ito be co n ide1e~d -in co mp t.LzLng the dcta o6 tche. 6o Jhcor-ng A Cacego't-La2 Lexicon o Pan-Anab-Le, and tche LnaZe wo'il, A Compieheno~ve Lexicon of Pan-An'zab.Lc: (a) ~o6 Educate~d Egypti.an toc ModeI~n LitCIuvL y Aiabic (b) Recogn.zab y cgo j Educate~d Egyptian by educate~d zpeafae'zso6 other cit~ce. tzs o j kab-Lc. The. oLow-Lng tab~ee. L utha-teA ceinicwin nportart a~pec tcs iche 6cnczL cornpLJ.te./L Lust: COMPATIBIL ITY __________ 1Recog nizabLitty S' !1 ~ Icu .v' misaa? 'iaaw-(z eieu eehq I C/) /) u II It II It v v vYY w v VVY cJ d S0. I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e.veningL ,see., to need, ito who (mss4) what? 4t' engich may sa? )La?aa ?a'iwaz ma, maa~a c'aa{4&J V N N V N NN yyy NNN yVN y yVyy y y yy xix Note that "CcmpczfLbZt, " azs~Lde ywm 4emaintic &im-&ttq, -'t ets to ~the 4o t ow.Ltg : (a) lI .vimz4 o4 Modet vi LZte 'aiity A'rabic Livd the d ec ts, the Educatedl Egyp- -tian jo'tm.saxe &im~it tc tothe McdeitnvLL &tzavtyq oitni, butt axte nvot veceu- 4izat~eqphcviemica2Ziey Lde.tiaiJ. Rwue n the accompanvyZig gctrnmtt w-2 aiccoun~t box .a i exenvce4S. lIexam'ple.#6, sot.intanvce, ~denviwe- a 4ematntic ddtjexece, joit Moro~ccan / 2a1~ya/ meaLns6 "ij-Ute..if (b) Reccgn~zctbii %tqmeansv6 that the.Egyptin 6citmz do nott ex%t ithe. othet. dLaLects,butt te. omp eheai b~eto zspeit.6 of theose. dtcz-~c tsbeccwe they LVte.& mivt o Modernt.viLttcvy Ara~b-Lc, cit.because o6 the. it zenvce of Egyptian Cu tot asmedia. Thug ai V (= yens) avider .Siniia tZLtqdenvoteAsthe exstenvce. ciS an Ltem wch-us Le.Xicaz~2qideni&clwith the Eg yp ian .Ztem, but nvot nece. ai~2 pho- viemicL iq-dent~icat. A "Y" wtdeit.RecogruLzabiJJ..tq ymeanzvuthat the Egypt~in 6oit .us 4scmiCt. to (or .detu&ve~d i£m) Modern t.viLtvxaxty Axit a n Lvd thexite~icte itcocgvize~d byj nonv-Egyptiani4pe.Wzvi, cit. that the. Scun hays 4pitead thtt.ughot the. Aracb Woit~d v-i ctd o Ca tio and diuss er.-Lon~tcv o j Eduxcte~d Spoklen Egyptian, o&r.v-i the. Egyjptiani movALe-scand vnewpaper . -v. e. N = vnc, and ""= nvi6"znLvd nc ixccgvnLitiLt i: nviexample 6, Mortcc /civ/6i151L/ meains$ "{6-~e . Iteims c the. Maytvt.List aiUCbe. puviche~d oncvi mpwtt. catrdos Livd je~d -Ln.to the. IBM 360/370 Vap~e.x Ccmputer .a.t the. Un~ve4'ty o&t cj Michiganv. The. data wi2U tlhen be. pr'tgwramme~d with FORTRAN IV, SNOBOL 4, and ASSEMBLER pitogtxamm-Lig Ling uaig e/swi'th 4 e~ve.taL 'tes-uYtt~ng Zexica ptunte~d out by the. cuwpwte.'r, howinvg 100% (dowy to 0%) ccmpa cbL-&tq betweenviEgyptiaannLvd L~te'ta ti.aktLb-Lc, S yxo c- Lebaivi-Pat~e t&ii, Saudi, Kuw~aZ ii d/Cit. Monot ccaiviAtctb-ce, Livd the. e-the-t. dcia- Ze~c t6; MdeLA Ltte-tat.q Ait.bLc wori.ds icompartible wi&h Egyjptianv, Sqito- Lebain- Paea At viazn, Saudi, Kui~~4t ivind Mo cccnctviktbce, Livd the. othieris xlee .t L the. gcal o6 thus istudy,'tc emb ae. al&e o the. maijoCt. educate~d d.&ztec to 4 0 the. The. prcgtramn wiLU.aiLou.& the. jcZ~ow~ig : (Li) A~phaibetL c Z c sj, Lca L cnio0j alUethe. we.'tds invtoc the. puinc~paY1 caY t-rLw'tacteterien6 Livd 4ab-categoieA t .eimte~d tCo abve.. (b) I nc~j6vi o id-Y"tovia2 -.i 6e-'mattLoni(e.2_. g ammatLc a2 viCte. W ensteutn Zcoan wcithds, jemaP e. angaige., 6a s e. cogvniteAs, pettin ent ethicLivd 46oc oL&vgIXA-tc .vn6oimtfWvi, e.tc.). Although this stud!# .us ma&iy cevicern~ve~d with .simZi~t-Ltties a theAr thanv withl d-ciivjeece6 , t -s vetuq itnpcitctantto hav'~e. Licomputtert. 'iZtowut o j aZZ wcir-d that arte . icmpatcbte ia &itthe.vaiwetie4s ciSjA'.cb-Lc. uvde.rt. cvi-deitatCi. Thus xx Ls mot heip~u2e: Modern LttenAw'yutj bJc mcaj be con~Lde'ted the jofw one mus upse 6soIL max,'mwun common app cabti %ty. Ano-thVL Jntpo/xtakt &z t woultd consis{At o6 wotW4~ compa t~b-e in czQ&e dLta~ec t6 bwt not £n Mod&'r~n L- te~a&q yrMb.Lc. The nimpo)Etcance oj6fdha,&o t ens .-n the jct tha~t thZ6 s can imz~tcnce in whi ch tle ,ite-d La~ecta i n L4the Pan-AabiLc jozrm, a though t .us-incompcz-tbZe with Modelin L~iteiwitj izyAbic. Amiong the pe Brtent data to appeac int the a.naLe ana I&&L6 wZZZ be icndAicatons o4 the 6oZiow4Lng: LW = Loan Wontd (E = EngfJzh, Ft'L = Ftench, I = LtaLeian, P = PeisLz n, T = Tuxfzus h, etc.) ; FS = Female Speech, NL = Notes e)zy Language, * FC = FaZs e Cognate (e.g~. / ca tjc/ Ln Mono ccczn AInab-Lc mecLntg " J. e" whetiea,s in Mo detnn Lttevuaiy ArabLc cand the ma j ot ciS Cohe d-&azec t6s it mean -6 "good hearth; tgoi") . A 4epcvate h /ection o6j ciuwJ~J, ethnic, and o c o- Wng wL t~c no-tees will be -Lnc2Luced. The Linguistic Section (Phono~ogqy-Mo'rzphotogqy) o6 the {&-na2 tdy wC2 be o j gtteat npot ance -to those Lte fed in ktcab-Lc Lingw6tLcS cand d i.lec toCogqy. Am-ong the .n~o'ation p-4nted out willL be: 1. /q/ - // lea Lo nh4p. Lipsts o45 aZZ wo'Wct with /q/ iLn Mo denn Li.ttAy inwb~Lc that have /?/ -in the dialect, e.g. "%cay,,to" ( J LU" - ?aaL) ; WO)d6s tha-t mwus have /q/in-Li the d~atec t, e. ~. "Koran, sthe" r -1 - .ew'?aaczn) ; wotzdck that can hav'ee & th en' /q/ on'./?/, e. .'"ecst, the" (,~~~J LXa4q -.ZILcut?) ; a L&&St o65 wond ud 6Lch as "tzema~n, to" (p L/ Lt/~-~ -b-?4baqaa?) (neveii ba?cza?) ; "centtuny" ( --------- °- q atn)~ and "h o'n (anial) " ( c-- - ?aun). 2. e - - - t, e.jc.: "three" ( d ---- - toa-&za to) "t~rto i.t " ( --J - .4a2Luws) 3. 6 - z-4, e. g.: "o pp'ieA6, to,, ( r- - za.Lam ) 4. 6 - d - z, el.: "gotd" ( .-- - dahab ) "'s ~nvi - zanb ) 5. z, e.g.: "%ce ur-eam" (C - - Yiaat ) 6. v, e~. : &&iPQa" ( ~ -vi~L~z ) 7 . p , e. . "PatcPuL6 .) '-pcDt6s) 8. A 1&!st ozi aP~ v eth-so ccuting iLn the stu&dy. 9. A 14.t o6 a U nouns occwvr..ng -i the tudy~. xxi 10. A 1& t o4 at adjec kv. occwfvr t 9 -in the studyi. 11. A £&&t o f ale cdve.bTh4 occwu A ng tinthe. study. 12. A Ztst o 4 al tpiepo4i4Zon4s occurtZng iLn the 4tadq. 13. A AP t o4 allconjutnc ttonos occwtLng -i the. stu~dy. 14.. A e£&t o64 aU Form I ven/s4 in Moder i tetvuiq abic and .the dciaeects thcat have LdervutLca2 LmpeA4~~c t stem vowe.2z, e.g. (a) - (a), (iL) - W (u) - (ui). 15. A &&uSt o4 Foam I vetb-s n Modern L-t eaty Aiiabic and the.dcLa2eec t/ tha~t have dZ v 4en-t cmpe.jec t .stem voweo , e.gq. (.i) - (u), (tL) - (a) . 16. A -&&zt o4 vedb that wse a Fot-'un n the educate~d d a.Le.c t tha~t L&s di'- 4e&en~t 6/wintha~t use~d i Mo denn viL~tVtcat A'ab-Lc., e-.~: banktapt, to become " vr-W l(IV) - 6aPt/ta iVL (II). In th tz pat ti-cwevL -istance., one. can have.Asat t es on the vatidtq t, o ,uch statemen-tsas"For'm IV .cis on the. decLLne ithe d a eects; -t Ls be.Zng ieptace~d byjFour n d cUa e~c t A and by Form y n d -Licfate~cZt8." 17. A £%&st o j vePb4$ co-exstin9 -i Mode.'Ln L~te'a'Lg Arabic and the d-a e~c t6 who-se 'Les pectLve, .6fandatd, ve.'ibaL noun pa tetn4w~e no-t commonZyus ed, .bt wate . e.ace~d byj patte'Lns whiLch atre.4-tandcurd G/ot theAr vetch 4o/uV, e... ina-v~ o { , t o (( CJAF) L 9 J / 9 - gauw-iLz/gawaaz) . 18. A t~&Lt o6j v eitbb, n Egyptian Mtab.Lc that uw6e. ve.tba~t nowuns o v' eItb JoiunoS othert. than the v e~b~sthe~y ate .e Lasted wi.th, e.2_.: bath, to take. a -u i mm/hmu 19. A &st 06 all&e.da ee~taZ wo ~k z4 howing accw/swt,cve endiLng, e~. "-Lrten- tLo natLty" ( 1,, .. - -i'amdan) ; "herto! ?(: ahan) ; "at y~" ( L'~J - tab Tan) . 20. A 1,Ut o j wotisAwith the ducie endiLng ( C L- een) ; e..j.: to~s ( u -~J I - i~lozteen) . I-t .us hope~d W-at wotifa on tht~&s s1tuidy w Lt continue anid tha-t A Sample. Cate9ot'iL Lexicon: Ctego/tiLeis 1-40 (appiox tmwte.Zy 9, 000 wo/Ws) wit be. pubClshe~d Ln 1976 - 1977. The. publication o6 A Compt'ehernuive Lexion of Pan- A-iab-Lc (a ephab etcaL. and -i 120 categotcLe1 and 360 46ub - categ o/u ie4 , w-ith co mp e~te no-tes and app end c es) -us a&s o anticipated. xxii V. How .to LLps e the Sunpte. Lexicon The. p'L&$sent 6tudq asume -s a tanowLedge aiS Modenai n Lito.-'wJy A'zab-Lc; with thus fznoweedg e the uw6Veh.ccn deiuve maximum b ene {mo&t iS/am the .h£ex ~on . Fot in - iomration an the phono~eogqycand moLphotog y of EgyIp-tianlAhab-,c the. teacden -u£s /Le~ieVLe.d to EPnut T. Abde1-Mas5Zh, An Int'.odactLon to Egyptian k~ab-c, Centex. iPn Nea/L EasVen and No ith A6, Lczv Stucdies, The. Un~ve.IT-Ztq o4 S-Mch- gan, 1975. AU L tingz cie. w a~'JXng ed ass6j o 2tow : c~a te~go/anJy kgYJ h Egyptian Modetn nubr .0,1 aILb Lc LteILW~q (o-' vwm b e ) At'cb-.c A ijew po Lnts cvte. £ete~d he/Le. o'ithe. coven Le.nv ce of the !Leacdext: G( I r I FL) JITI1 VI LL)( Mode/in cztego/iy - ng&hj A'gbypc Impeiect ALczbiy 32 write, to katab/kitaaba (i) - (u) ~ U '~ (Heheie.mpeiije~c t vowe.Z (i) ijo/i Eg ypi cn and (u) ijolt LL et'i~y jAhab-,c; Note. tha-t aU& ve. ate. g~o44e~d thwl: write, to (no-te. lto"l a4 moadzi") . (2) Nouni.s ins m P minms 11 accountant inuiaasib -uin J - .--. U (A~e&e .e vst cngzs oiS nouns and add ec tLv e s ate. io i mayscw&Lne. nouns6 when not ioe2owe~d by in o'i f) (See. 3 beo~) . (3) MascwPLne.noauns (in) and iGem &Ln ne no uni, (f) aie.Lusted.dbihs : ins (-)inp inms 1 1 chemist (f) kiinyaa?iyya -aat C.,I - ;.- 1 1 chemist (in) kiiyaa?i -yyiin- Take. note. o6 the. JoPowig: (a) .6 diens (and p~&uw~a,6 ) (b) Egyjptian A/iab-Lc pho no~og-Lca2 /ige. o iS One. Long V owe2 Onej in a wotid; tun casie. oiSJ two ong vowe z the. 41("U t vowel -us Ahotrten ctts : kucmqaa2Zy ya~aat - - - - > knqa? yyaa t (4) VezbaL nounsat ue. LPtete~d ate i the. verib: oppress, to zal am/ uln /5; Thus,.v "app/i,64tn" Ls not unc2ude.gin thusZex.Lceon. (5) No ants o6 uninty 24 jasmine, Arabian full , a -aat - - (To be. uead: CoZ~e~cve. noun , noitn o6Sanity - pZu/iae. 0icount). Note. EngZUsh ent'iiq 1jassm-ne., kiab,Lan:" the. conven-tion o4S /i/angemen~t by kIeyq wo'id -z ioftowe~d th/ioaghowt the. Lexicon. xxiii (6) Co~oru ins f s 2p 2f s is 2 black iswid ,sooda -suud ~ PteaSe. note.: iswid = /2.iswid/. No waInd in Egyptian iAtab Lc be~g 'n,6with a tvowel. In thep3z ent syfstem, /#i-/, c. e.. -nit&aZ /./ = /2i/ . The gZo tta2 estop /?/ appeatv. 4nitiZaZtq n t tiud y onyj when Lt co't-tei- ponc~s to McdeAn LZite,tq ykwabc /q/ 6 . Medi-&ty of 1Snaq /2 coIvze6pon& 6eitht Cto /q/ of /2/ in Modetn L~tetczg yAtcbec. The~ bes~t exmpeu axe: "penciX'e" - ?aLam "pain"Ca7a Ceta o n (n s ba) cco'tox have. onlyj one. U&Zting jot mi s, f s, and p : orange (color) burtu?aani L. (7) NweaL3 - 10 seven (f) sabS~a (sabas) Note. hat (saba?) Lo the. s ot'tene~d 6 o-rn wue~d iconsruct-z, e ..c. ",seve~n g9t6." Note. that nametitaY61-20 cite.ai2eL4 ted; mptets o6 eo mpc undo6 Ju m 21 on au ite.Zted. (8) Lttvtcancez in Egyptian A'wbic Ut te.t anceA cate .e s te~d acc ct~ng to nowimae /peech (e~Ce&-o n o6 /4i- /, c6~scms c ,on of IZI o J.de e. toa t~ce., he.lp inrvowe4 i e.tc.) . Foxt th 4v matteAr the. teadet L.usite.ge.vte~d Co Ex'nest T. Abde-Ma4h, An Into- duc t on to Egyptian AitabLc, Centex£ot Newt Eau ter'n and North A~tu~an Stu ed4, The. UnLvet6Ltq o J Mchigan, 197.5 ExamnplesJofow: 27 five to nine tis Sa a xamnsa (< tis Sa illa xamnsa) 27 night, last illeela linadya (LJ tayyaara -aat .."........................ - Alb su?uun . ..... ....... assar! ta?siir akkid/ ta?kiid xaaf/xoof af riqya"""" barid """ bad ma"""" salaat ilcasr .........../...... .a a .. . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 marra tanya........................... a la; Qum - achiaar........................Los I- wikaala -aat... .... ... .. ... .. .......... wikaal it anbaa?.................. . ... :iajL gadwal acmaal...................... Lo~ rasaa?a.................................. asL ittifaa? 0 0..* 0 0...... .I -c waafi? Siaa/muwaf?a S C -qI . waaf i?/muwaf ?a........................aw - -. 7(3W agmaS Gala/igmaac ...... ,-ss ilhandasa zzira'?iyya ....., IJ d . ziraa'?a ............................. d izziraaia..... ......... I, maScuuna -aat................. hadaf - ahdaaf . ................... L - ramna ila . (i) - (i)...........SJ L hawaI , mukayyaf ilhawa ..........."."s I gihaaz takyiif ilhawa....... 18, 23 air conditioning 31 aircraft carrier 18 air- line 17 air mail 17 air ministry 18 air pocket 18, 28 airport 18 air-route 18 air transport 18 air travel 8 alcoholic beverage 8 alcoholic beverages 32 algebra 16 Algeria 16 Algerian, an 16 Algiers 5 alimony 14 all 30 all bounty is from God 13 allergy 31 allies, to become 31 allocate, to 24 allspice 25 ally 25 ally, to 24 almonds 19 alms 19 alms at the end of Ramadan 19 alms giving (Islam) 19 alms (Islam) 30 alms, please! #1 22 alone 32 alphabet, letters of the 14 also 19 altar 14 although 14 although 14 although 14,27 always 26 amazed 26 amazed, to be 14 amazing 25 ambassador 25 ambassador extraordinaire 32 ambition takyiif ilhawa...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .... JI .5_: fiaamilit ta?iraat..................... . C L.. sarikat tayaraan........................ v S,. bariid gawwi............................ .. '-- wizaarit ittayaraan..................... J dj1 j matabb hawaa?i......................... . mataar -aat............................ ... I _ inallgawwi ............................ JiWI issafar bilgaww.............. muskir -aat.................I- masrubaat rooFiiyya...................... . 1 ,.. cilm itlgab ............................. ._ I 1 ilgazaa?ir -~ ilgazaayir ........ , 1 gazaa?iri -yyiin....... ........ . . ... . ... . . .- c5 )--1 madiinit ilgazaa?ir................," r J I a ,... nafai~a kul........................ "..... il?arzaa? Tala llaah d 1I *1 hiasasiya................................. ithaalif/tafiaaluf............."". t":/ silt.: xasas/taxsiis.."."""""""""............. buharaat . . haliif - hulafa... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... ithaalif/tahiaaluf.....................iJ . :/ -LJ looz a -aat................:, _ CjJ sadaqa -s aca?a -aat.......................I - lJ zakaat ilf itr.................,iJ I a . zakaah ....... ... . ... . .. . ..... .. .. .. . . . . . .LS zakaah ........"."".......... . ... .... L hias ana lillaah.......................... dii '_;,,, waF~iid ".. ............ . - ilhuluuf il?abgadiyya ...... ...... ~ I~ J bardu ................"".".".".."""".... heekal - hayaakil.......... .... "". . . . . .Js L - raym inn..................................() V birraym min inn..................... v I c>. ~ Gala rraymmin inn .......... . . . v w .o dayman................................ ..... L!,I~ mundahis -iinv9 indaha / indihaas -.dahsa......... 1 agiib - 1 ugaab. .. .. .. .... .. ........... safiir - sufara............... -Wi., manduub foo? il'caada "" """ al v- tumuuh.......................... .... """.. 16 Amman 14 among 31 analysis 32 analytic 32 analyze, to 5 ancestor 18 anchorage 18 anchor, to 8 anchovy 14 and 14 and soon 30 and so on (etc.) 13 anesthesia, local 13 anesthetic, an 11 anesthetist 13 anesthetize, to 13 anesthetize, to 19 angel 26 anger 14 angry 26 angry, to be 6 animal 6 animal, savage 24 aniseed 31 announcement 31 announcement 12 announcer (f ) 12 announcer (in) 19 announcer of prayer (Islam) 25 announce, to 31 anonymous 32 answer 32 answer 32 answer, to 6 ant 32 anthem, national 32 anthropology 13 antibiotics 9 antimony 13 antiseptic 26 anxiety 26 anxious, to become 10 apartment 28 apartment buil- ding 31 apologize, to 19 apostle 19 apostolic 19 apostolic bene- diction taan..................... ............. . Faltahliil s alaf - aslaaf ."."..""...."... . " marsa - maraasi ".""""""".... ... risi/rasayaan (i) - (u) ". . . ". . . "., / ans uuga............. ..... . ..... .... wa . wa ............ "................. ilaahaxmriigaa....."......"."... dJ-IL.I bing mawi i................... bing ..""............. "......... duktoor taxdiir""""".""......... bannig/ tabniig............ ...........,...../ xaddaff taxdiir.......................... .. 1 ;/ . malaak -malayka ....... "............... yidib /y adab (a) - (a)..... . ". . . . . . hiayawaan -aat... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. wa hi - wuhuus............ ... ""......"" ..3 9 yansuun " . . ." . . . . . . " . . " iclaan -aat .......................... .. .- a nasra -aat................... ............ - muziica -aat ............. ".......... ....- a .. muzii -u n ............................. - mu?azzi~n -in.................. acilan/iSclaan......................... vy,/Cs maghuul il?ism ........... gawaab - agwiba........................- I radd - ruduud............................ ..- gaawib/igaaba...................... a l 1/ f namla - nami..... .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . issalaam ilwatani................... ~ IL~J Ti lm it?insaan ....... ...... "...... mudadaat i l fay awiyy a ".. - I ku Fil .."."......""...".......".."."...". J mutahhi r....................... "...... ? ala? ""....."."".."....0 0.""."0 0..""" oa ?ili?/?ala? (a) - (a) .... ..........3JU / ,3WL (sa- su?a?........"""""..".. ' A i maara -aat . .. ...... . . ... . . . . ictazar/ictizaar .. .... . . . . .... rasuul - rusul.......................... ,,,- rasuuli ..."."... .".."..*0".."0 00 0 ilbaraka ;rasuliyya..............OJiiji 17 appoint, to 18 approach, to 14 approximately 14 approximately 2 apricot (color) 8 apricot paste, dried 24 apricots 1,27 April 9 apron 19 Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem 16 Arab, an 31 Arab cause, the 16 Arab countries, the 8 Arabic food, variety of #2 32 Arabicization 32 Arabic language ciayyintacyiin.................... ?arrab (min) /?urb....... .)~i Fawaali .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .I Gala wagh itta?riib.................. " .s.JI1& , mi smis i . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . amar iddiin..............................(.:Y.~. J . v .v nasmis ,a -aat """""""" abriil........... ................. maryala - maraayil................. ilmasgid i l aqa................... . d i _ .. ,s., .ts ' . ,,,,r.,o...1 32 16 Arabic speakers Arab League, the 16 Arab Nation, the 16 Arab Republic of Egyp t 16 Arab World, the 16 Arab World, the 32 archaeology 11 architect (in) 32 architecture 31 argue, to 31 argue with, to 32 arithmetic 7 arm 31 armament 10 armchair 31 armoured 7 armpit 29 armspan (measure ; = .68 meters) 31 arms race 31 arm, to 11 army officer, non-commissioned 14 around (place) 31 arrest, to 31 arrest, to '?arabi - ciarab................. ..- ms il?adiyya 1Scaabiyya.............4 """"" ~..J idduwal ili'arabiyya ......." " "" "J.Jf kisk..................... ...................S taciriib ".. ... . . . . . . . . . . . " , ; illuya llarabiyya................... . ...JF .&.JI il'?arab i innatiqiin bidcdaad.................. .s ' t. ~J I gaami fat idduwal.. .... ~ ..J!JI JI . L.UI it £arab iyya il?unma lciarabiyya......................."L" aa.JI tl~ gumhuriyyit masr """ d. JI a ilScarabiyya ilcaalam i1'arabi....................X 11j JLC.JI ilwatan itlcarabi . ..... "....... . ~ I~~J cilm it?asaar ................. , LJ-:I muhandis micmaari""" """" " 51 .o 'y ilhandasa lmicmariyya......." "" L L, J gaadil/gidaal ............... J I./ naaqis /munaqsa..... ".. .. . . . . . ...... 'ilm ilFuisaab ... ........... l 1J! diraac -aat..."......."..t I tasliiF -aat . .".."...........C.:I- foteyy -aat 00....00 .".. . . . .:,I _ - . mudarraT' biaat................................... sibaaq ittasalluFi.."... . . . . . .. ...~I L+.. sallaR/tasliih ...................... / w.. caskari gees ....................... ;,_ Fawaeen BFawl............................. "". is~taqal/ic~tiqaal..................... ...../ J ?abad Tala/ (a) - (i) ./ ?abd wusuul """"""""""."""""" J wisil/wusuul (a) - (i)............../ fann - funuun .......................... tasallub issarayiin...........>IJ ..U suryaan - sarayiin................... I xar suuf , a -aat............c -~ c ., madfa'iiyya........................ tilic/tuluuc (a) - (a)................ / ~i 18 18,28 32 13 7 24 31 10 arrival arrive, to art arterios clerosis artery artichoke artillery ascend, to 19 asceticism 14 as far as 14 as for 26 ashamed, to be 10 ash tray 19 Ashura (Islamic feast) 4 Asia 14 as if 32 ask, to 14 as (like) 14 as long as 14 as long as 31 assault 25 assembly 25 assembly, general 32 assistant professor 31 Associated Press 32 associate professor 17, 31 association 14 as soon as 14 as soon as 14 as soon as 26 astonished, to be 26 astonishment 14 at (chez) 4 Atlantic Ocean 32 atlas 30 at least 23 atmosphere 25 attache 25 attache, air 25 attache, commer- cial 25 attache, educa- tional 25 attache, military 25 attache, naval 25 attache, press 25 attache, titular 31 attack, to 25 attack, to 30 at the most 31 attitude 31 attitude, hostile 17 attorney general 26 attraction 30 at your service 21 audible 12 audience fiima yaxtass bi "-"""""" ,,; ..... ..... am~ma ... f a- ammia .....*"loI .. "L.I xigil/xagal (a) - (a)..................... taffaayit sagaayir ""..................... Sauura ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . """ "" "" """ , asya ......................... L.. ka?ann........................S s a? al /su?aal (a) - (a)........J ./jU ka .zayy .. ... . . . . . . . . . ..e taalama................................. .a lz madaam....................................I.J , U huguum ......"." ... ." .".".."."" " z gamc iyya -aat........................1~ i lgamciyya 1 Gamma.......... . . J j " ustaaz musaacid................... Js L...JL-:. I it?assosyeetid press........................ ,,,~ I ustaaz muaarik............"""."...Q, U.I gamiiyya -aat ......................I awwil ma.................................UJ)I bimugarrad inn............."......" IJ J bimugarad ma...........................U indahas /indihaa dahs a..........." I/~~ ilmuhiiit il?atlasi.............. j~yI k. atlas - ataalis .................. J lbI Gala 1?a?a11.......................... jpw ac mul F la ? -uin...""..... ".............." mul Fia? gawwi.........................1. mul Fa? tugaari ......... ....... mulFia? saqaafi............."" ...." ..... mul Fia? baskri.................... " " ...... mul F ia? su Fafi . . ... ""..... "......... mulfia? f axri................ i dada Gala/i'itidaa?........... IJ I/ .s haagim/huguum.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... Salal1?aktar......................... l mawqif - mawaaq if..................... - mawqif Scadaa?i .........".L-, j, naa?ib Scaam ...... ..".." gaazibiyya .".....".......* samnacan wataaca........."............ 1g ma smuu ..... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..... gumhuu0 ................................ 32 authoress 31 authorities, local 31 authorities, the 17,25 authority 17 authority, legislative 17 authority, military 25 authority, umlimite d 17 authorization 18 automobile 23 autumn 22 average 14 awful mu?allif a-aat issultaat ilma~alliyya............. "..W...I cLLU 1 issultaat................................ LLW sulta -aat.......................... .a issuita ttasrii'?iyya "" """ . J I sulfta £askariyya........................"A " " " tafwiid mutlaq """"""""""(-O° 9" tarxiis.............. . . utomobiil -aat............................- c- ilxariif................................. A jJI mutawassit "f"""""""""""" ' faziiV - fuzaai .............................- - B 5 baby 5 bachelor 7 back (anat) 32 bacteriology 26 bad 32 B.A. (degree) 30 bad, very! 18 baggage 16 Baghdad 16 Bahrein 12 bait 8 baken, oven- 8 baklava #3 31 balance (e .g. of power) 29 balance, to 10 balcony 7 bald, to become 29 bale, a 12 ball 12 ballet 31 balloting 24 bananas 20 bank 20 bank, credit 11 banker (f ) 11 banker (in) 28 bank (finance) 20 bank, land mortgage 29 banknotes 29 b ankrup t ti fl - atfaal................."""JujI - a'?zab ciaazib - ?uzzaab......... dahr - duhuur .... ................ ; I- £ilm ilgarasiim.......................J .I w iis radii? -uin................."o " orL.J, I S zift.ns.............................. ,. ... . baydaad""""".....""""".""""""..." ouafs................................... ,- filfuadn............................~.. iJ (. ibakoona..aat.....................I fila'ii ........................" baloa - aat iqtiaa'i...............................I mooza-aat....... . booak uun ".......f..",.. ..VI-d bank ittasliif .................. muwiazzft bank....................... I.:I mot a aan.................. bank - bunuuk "".."...""""" -.. . bank -iqaari........................._J wiaainna . . .d...................... -~L 9 0 29 bankruptcy 29 bankrupt, to become 25 banquet 19 baptism 19 baptismal font 19 baptize, to 28 bar 11 barber 7 bare 24 barley 31 barrel 31 base, a 3 basic 24 basil, sweet 8 basin (sink) 3 basis 12 basketball 9,12 bathing suit 9 bathrobe 10 bathroom 10 bathroom 10 bathroom tissue 9 bath, to take a 31 battalion 31 battalion 12 battery 31 battlefront 27 B.C. 6 beak 24 beans, black-eyed 24 beans, fava 24 beans, green 6 bear 7 beard 6 beast of burden 30 beating a dead horse #4 26 beautiful 14 because 14 because of 31 become known, to (news) 31 become, to 10 bed 10 bedroom 6 bee 8 beef 8 beer 14, 27 before 14 before (conj) 14 before (place) iflaas ,tafliis f allis I/tafliis .0 0/ ~ W ma?duba - ma?aadib................ U(,o- , (,U, tacmiid -. £imaad """"""""="" . macmudiyya . . . . . . . . . . . . , , camid/ aciid imaad ..............y baaa -................................- 9 U Siala?-u.............................. L, siciir a -aat....................... -4 c , barmii l- b arami il..................J 1 r _ qacda - qawaa'iid................ asaasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,,1.. ri fiaan "...."."....................... ,"1 f 1 o o - a fiw aa ....................... .1 - .>: asaas - usus. """"""""". ,I-,,.................~ ..I kurat issalla............................J, JJ d mayo oh -aat..............................- d l. burnus ilFiammaam.........................LJI , doorit mayyao .d Fiammaam -aat............................. - wara? tuwalitt """"""""" :.,1 C9 is ti F arma / Fumuum.................. ;,,,, ,4/ foog - afwaag.......................... I.-- katiiba - kataayib........................- battariyya -aat........................ !- . ,J gabha -aat ................... I- .. 2abl ilmilaad........................." L.J.J1 J2L mun?aar - mana?iir.......... .:s L....- Ls. 1 ubya ,ya -aat............................. yj. fuul midammis ...................... fasulyaya -aat......................... L.J 9. U dibb - dibaba................... ....-v da?n - du?uun 000000 iim aay...................... ihiiablahayimaam.. rI, 1! , giamil-gn a.............................. .- bisabab .li~ann ""."...."........... l saaT/suyuuT (1) - (i) ....../ Cu. asa 000 000siriir - saraayir ........... dI_ oodit noom "....................... . - naF1a -nahl..................j lahima ba?ri............................ f~ biira ...."........".. .". .. ".".." d . ?abl ......................... 2 abl ma...................... . .. . .. . .. . wudaram............................. 2 16 19 19 31 10 31- 28 7 7 26 14 9 14 14 31 14 31 30 13 12 14 19 19 18 14 14 31 20 20 22 32 32 6 30 12 5 5 19 5 5,7 6 21 2 12 32 2 2 11 beige Beirut believer, true believe, to believe, to bell belligerency bell, to ring the belly belly beloved below belt benevolent beside besiege, to best be, to better, it is better, to become bet, to between Bible , the Biblical verse bicycle big bigger bilateral bill bill billion bind, to (book) biology bird bird in the hand, a birds birth birth, date of Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed birthplace birth, to give bite, to bitter black black-and-white blackboard blacken, to blackness blacksmith blaktobeom beezv aai/ma................ ................../ _ baliuut i~~. ............................ " 1JU. da?igaian....................... v - -° bamin - butun """""""""" t.a. kiras - kura................. ........,, S I- ,, batn -bu un """"" """""v hizaa - khizima.... ..... .. ;,9.. - ; . tayir-....................................,; ganb................... .................... . . aasir/ani.aa........................ ..........7, kaan/koon (u) - (u).............. ...5./ , min it?afdal .."" """ IC. ithiassin/tahissun......................... raahin/rahaan....................... . / V been.......................................*, ilkitaab ilmuqaddas.............. j,, I ..L1-3JI aaya -aat................................... "- lt biskilitta -aat..............- kib iir -kub aar fatuura - fawatiir j ..' 1.. K. kasf Fisaab...... "............ ..""" L..'- bilyoon....................................vW 1-: gallid/tagliid...................... . J. /7 L ~i~m il?a~yaa? "&"""""" teer - tuyuur .... dafuur filyaad """. " "" "" "" !- L milaad ........................ ,9 tiaiix i.ilaa....................... j I taiximla """"""""J Imawlid innabi............................ .II Jyo maFall ilmilaad......................... J wilid/wilaada (i) - (i).................. cadd/cadd (u) - (u)...................°- / mur ........ . . . . . . aba iswid oa-udL sbauuwa-aat..........................91- 9L). sawwid/taswiid.............. 7 ,: " .A sawaad...................................... Iy.,,, haddaad -uin..............."".".".. - aita nii............................. I/J~ anbnibnaziih - nuzaha.......................* , .. laam/loom (u) - (u)......." ............../ P bat taniyya - batatiin ""1L"" .. - _ ;LL, 0 10 13 bleeding 13 bleed, to 8 blender (appli- ance) 19 blessing 19 blessing 19 blessing of God 19 bless, to 13 blind 31 block, to unite in a 2 blond (complex- ion) 73,13 blood 13 blood circulation 13 blood, loss of 13 blood pressure 9 blouse 4 blow, to (wind) 31 blow up s.th., to 2 blue 2 blue, light 2 blueness 25 blueprint 25 blueprint 2 blue, to become 18,28 boarding house 17 board of direc- tors 31 board of editors 31 boast of, to 12,18 boat 18 boat 12 boat, fishing 18 boatman 12 boat, sailing 7 bodily 7 body 8 boil, to 31 bomb 20 bond (commercial) 7 bone 32 book 12,28 booking office 18 booking office 28,32 bookshop 20 borrow, to 32 botany 8,13 bottle 31 bottleneck naziif """ nazaf/nazf xallaat -aat (i)-(i) baraka -aat................................- 5 ni ?ma - ni Tam ..........c..; riz? - arzaa?.......................F"'Is, " -. baarik/baraka....."........ a - 4,qL- a'ima - £imyaan ...............u1.,.o - I itkattil/takattul..............""""". J . /JS as?ar ,sa?ra -su?r - - , r. 'G s- datumda.a.iyy............................. naziif ............... . .J: day t damm ........................b biluuza -aat........................... (- d habb/hubuub (i) - (u)..................../ nasaf/nasf (i) - (i).............. , z " azra? , zar?a -zur? """- """ , cv; samaawi " ..............L9 zur?a.................................... ilxutuut i1'iariida...........~J ~~ ilxutuut ilkubra.............." " ..... " ~ i izra??................................ w pansiyoon -aat........................ maglis i1?idaara idaarit ittaFiriir.. . . .. . . . . .. ..... : 11d iftaxar/iftixaar.................. ..JU. arb-?aarb """""""" I /_ ?arib - 2awaarib ..........................- ,, ?aarib seed .." , marakb i-yy a"" ^I gasadi................................ ... L gism - ag saam .................. LI- " yili/yalayaan (i) - (i).................../ qunbula - qanaabil """""""-.L ?unbila - ?anaabil sanad -aat ............. I :. 'iadma - ciadm ......... . b - as kitaab - kutub .. ........... - , .; subbaak tazaakir ............. maktab tazaakir....................... .siJ..:, .. maktaba -aat......................."........J... 5 is talaf /salaf - istilaaf.............ay,.,,,/ .sJ, ..I £ilminnabaat.........................L I izaaza - azaayiz """"""""" I a £unuq izzugaaga................." .jJf . baaqa N §uFiba........................... ..- am~aa? - masariin ... .............. f s agad/s uguud (i) - (u)...............j.. / ,, ilba - f~lab............................- 1oo~ - alwaaz ............. ".............- 11 12 box, to 5 boy 25 boycott, to 12 boy scout 9 bracelet 9 braid, to 7 brain 8 bran 32 branch 9 brassiere 14,26 brave 6 bray, to (donkey) 8 bread 8 bread , French 8 bread, loaf of 8 bread, rich crisp 30 break a record, to 8 breakfast 7 break wind noiselessly, to 7 break wind noisily, to 7 breast 5 breast-feed, to 7 breathe, to 23 breeze 31 bribe 31 bribe , to 10 brick 5 bride 5 bride and groom 5 bridegroom 18 bridge 28 bridge 25 brief 2 bright (color) 18 bring, to 12 broadcasting 17 broadcasting corporation 12 broadcasting station 12,31 broadcast, to 20 broker 13 bronchial catarrh 13 bronchitis 10 broom 8 broth 5 brother 5 brother, full 5 brother-in-law laakim/mulakma........................~y / walad - awlaad...............................- J ?aatiL/mu?atca.....................U""" a 5i kassaaf - kassaafa................... t.,;5 _91Lw. iswira - asaawir............J dafartadi............ ......................./ nuxaala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - far - furuuL sutyaan -aat...........................I ll . s ugaa T- sug caan ......".""v , _l nahha?/tanhii?............................./ Le es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tees a4rangi..............................' K) 9- riyiif - iryifa.....................L~ ?ar?uusa - ?ara?iis """""" -a.; it darab irraqam ilqiyaasi """ .,las_ sJf fitaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l fisi/fisa (a) - (u) ""....".".. ..,.;/ U. zirit/zuraat (a)-(i)I bizz - bizaaz..... . .. ..... ......I " raddaL/tar4iiL............... ~ i tnaf fis /tanaf fus.. .. .. ... . . .. ......./ nis iim -nisma ""."".."".."."""."."."".. raswa - rasaawi.................... J rasa/raswa (i) - (u) """""."" .'"J/ 1 tuuba - tuub.... .. .". .. .. .. . . . . . .. 1 aruus a """.".""""...."""..""."""."."" 6 il~aruusa wil~ariis .. 19 .AJ I- Lariis """.".."."....".""."""......"""" ?antara - ?anaatir............IL ..:m kubri - kabaari ". . . . " ..S. muugaz.......... "". . . . . . . . ...... . . . gaab (i)....."......... L I/ izaaca -aat.........................."""" hay?it il?izasa a....... ..SZL.JI iII llaas ilkiyya ~ti zaa """""""""""""".""" " G. azaa /izaa ia............................ " " " I if / LI simsaar - samasra """"""""""""" d-t j nazla sucabiyya......................... .ai nazia sadriyya . ........ "................ y maknasa - makaanis .................... mara?a .."".""""""".""".".. ..".""".""" }, axx -ixwa -ixwaat "....". I-- s a ? ii? ""."".".....""....""" ".."".".." s ihr - ashaar ............ . . . . . . .... - b unni ".""".".""."".""""..""".""."."."" k adma -aa t........ .. ".. . . .. .. . . . . ..... kadam/kadm (i) - (i) . .... ........ / jS / asmar , samra -sumr "..............~ ~... fursa - furas.................... mutawah r is -un.............................0 00 12 32 B.S. (degree) 19 Buddha 19 Buddhism 19 Buddhist 31 buffered zone 10 buffet 6 bug, bed- 6 bugs 10 build, to 10 bulb, electric 8,24 bulgur 6 bull 31 bulletin 31 bullets 24 bunch (e ..& grapes) 17 bureau (office) 9 burnoose 7 burp, to 18 bus 32 business admini- s tration (subject) 11 businessman 25 28 14 14 11 14 8 8 6 8 7 9 20 20 20 30 30 12,28 24 18 17 businessmen bus station busy but butcher but for butter butter, cooking butterfly buttermilk buttocks button buyer buying buy, to by God by the way cabaret cabbage cabin cabinet, the b akaloryo os........................ , - .- _ buuzi yii....... ..........................-I mantiqa aagiza ....... " ......... d ..-"r bufeeh -aat........................ b a??a - ba??................... _ bana/buna (i) - (i) ................... " / f lamba -aat................. """" """". """" . ,I J buzyul.. .. .. ..... .." .."". . "". .... " toor - tiraan................~j-' j runasa-aat ................................-" (, can?uud - £ana?iid " "..." "" " " g - maktab - makaatib........ ............ buraus - baraanis..."".....". itkarra?/takriiT..... utbl at """" 000#099 ilm idaari t i4 A . lmaal-jI r agul a' 'maal -...... "" "JUI.S lJL , - J us. IJ. rigaal a&?maal arb aab ilt?a hiaal................... ju n -8w _j ma~aiit utubiis......................... " " ma.yuul -u1n.........................."." " " -J laakin............."..."......."".. gazzar -uin . ..... "".""""". . . ". . " " . lawla .............. ................... Y zibda................" " " " " ". " ... .."". ". d faraasa - f araas ""............. - - ma?ad -ma?aacid ".".".""".." ridf -ardaaf zirra zuiaar - zaraayir " "" "". -" mutari............... ."""""......" ,mo wallaahi "............... ...... d.U Gala fikra ."00" ."000. 13 31 cable, to 8 cabobs 6 cage 16 Cairo 8 cake 22 calculate, to 27 calendar 6 calf (animal) 32 calligraphy 31 call, to 19 call to prayer (Islam) 19 call to prayer, to (Islam) 14 calm 6 camel 6 camel, she- 12 camera 12 camp 13 cancer 25 candidate, nominated 10 candle 11 candy dealer 7 canine tooth 31 cannon 17 canonical court 19 canonical law of Islam 24 cantaloupe 28 canteen 9 cap 9 cap (hat) 28 capital 20 capital (finance) 18 captain 31 capture, to 18 car 24 caraway 24 caraway, black 8 carbonated beverages 24 cardamom 10 cardboard 12 cards, playing 14 careless 26 care, to take 31 caricature 2 carmine (color) 24 carnation 11 carpenter 10 carpet abraq............................Wc J-I c L)- kabaab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ?afas - i?faas """."""""""""""""."I ilq aahira ................................ tdi keek -kaFk ,a -aat.................... - I ac W.S Fasab/Fiisaab (i) - (i).............. / > natiiga - nataayig.........................- ..,. £i gl - uguul Jg xa t t -xutuut.......................... . ..>...Ja. naada/nidaa?..........................r f _ / azaan...................................... u I I azzin/azaan v 6V l / haadi - hadyiin........................ gamal - gimaal .....".... ""......... J u .. - naa?a -aat...................... kami ra -aat............. .....1y°I ,. - 5 . 'c.)I muxayyam -aat. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. ... .... sarataan 00.."..."......."...0 00 .."". murasaF -iin ,,,",,.,,,,""," , ,... s am ' a -a a t..................- Falawaani -yya............................. naab - anyaab.........."..".."..".. .J I- l madfai - madaafi """.."......... .......- .y Ina rkamaisar iiy a................ sammaam ,a -aat............... kantiin ......"............."........(, ta?iyya - tawaa?i .Li kaskitta-aat....................... L i'aasima- awaasim """..... I-yn-ca, i ra?s maal qaa?id -qaada ............... ls- s as ar /as r (u) - (i).. .".............../ £arab iyya -aat...... . . .". .. . . . . . . . . ....- karawya ......... "............. " .......... " Rabbit ilbaraka................5 ! JI *. miyaah Gyaaziyya "........... "" "" "" " L d F abb haan . ............... "..................I kartoon .. . ". . . . " " . . ". . . 9 S kutseena..................".".. JI muhmil -iin """."""""".".U9-L ih tanmm b i/ih timaam........../ karikatiir 0009 00, , qurtmuzi . . . . ." . . . " . . . . . " L ?urunf ul ,a -aat............I - d c . naggaa -iin ..". .".......L busaat - ibsita .."""""""..""".."". ciarab iyya -aat............." " "......... " gazar ,a -aat.......... ..""..... Baal/seel (i) - (i)............../ JUC '?arabiyya -aat .. ... ... . . . .... . .. .......- ?ar?uusa - ?ara?iis ......L Sarabiyya Rantuur.................. 14 30 case, in any 11 cashier (f ) 11 cashier (f) 11 cashier (in) 11 cashier (in) 29 cash, in 12,28 casino 6 cat 13 catarrh 19,28 cathedral 19 Catholic 24 cauliflower 25 caution, to 27 cease, to 10 ceiling 31 celebrate, to 24 celery 7 cell (anat) 31 censor 31 censorship 31 census 23 centigrade 29 centimeter 17 centralization 27 century 13 cerebrospinal meningitis 25 ceremonies, mas- ter of 14 certainly 20 certificate (savings) 32 certificate (school) 10,32 chair 32 chairman (dep artment) 17 chairmanship 32 chalk 25,31 challenge, to 20 chamber of commerce 8 champagne 29 change money, to 29 change, small (money) 12 channel (T .V .) 19 chant the Koran, to 32 chapter 19 chapter of the Galaku11 Faa1...............""*"** "* JU ...JS. Lc amiini t xazna....................... m.z sarraf a .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ." 'teI , aiiin xazna.................... sarraaf na?dan . na?di ............. f, kazinu -haat..................c aL,.. J LS -1.JL ?utt -?utat..................lzbLi..mssL z uk aam 00 00 0 00 0..... ..."... l katidra?iyya -aat.................... -a1 4 katuliiki ............ ?arnabiit , a-aat............. - .' F az zar /tahfz ii r...... ........../ itwa??af /tawa??uf t .........../"" "" 7 t.La,_ battal/ tab tiil s a? f.- su?uuf......................... iFitafal bi/iFitifaal "JL""$"..." .I/ karafs ... . .. . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . . . xaliyya - xalaaya................ raqiib - ruqaba """"""""""""".... -" rigqaab a............................."..... "" "" " " i Fis aa? -aat........................... . La~ mi ?awi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. s a ntimi tr - aa t. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ......._-.:..o_-. markaziyya ........................." Barn - quruun ......................... 0 .............i Fiuinma lmuxxiyya issawkiyya ra~iis ittasrifaat...............""""" ~ I b it ta ?k ii d """""""""""""""""""""""""IJlL sahaadit is tismaar . . . . J L sahaada -aat.......................... kursi - karaasi .. . . . . ..0. . ... ra?iis qism.......0 ........0 0 0...00 ri?aasa riyaasa """"""""""" tabasiir tabasiir """""""""....." itFiadda/taFiaddi ""...""....."" ilyurfa ttugariyya ~ ", .. .. ~L fakk/fakk (u) - (u)................... z qannah - qanawaat................... ~ gawwid/tagwiid ................/ fasl - fusuul........................... ..... aa asFi-at.............................-_ . suura -suwar........................... qaa?im bil?acmaal ... ... ... .. JL@ L L 15 2 5 charge' d'aoff a ires . 29 charge (selling & buying) 31 charge, those in 19 charitable 17,25 charter, a 19 chaste (f) 19 chaste (mn) 19 chastity 28 chat 18 chauffeur- 20 cheap 20 check 7 cheek (anat) 14 cheerful 8 cheese 11 chemist (f) 11 chemist (in) 32 chemistry 24 cherries 12 chess 7 chest (anat) 10 chest of drawers 7 chew, to 8 chicken 8 chicken, fried 8 chicken, roasted 11 chicken seller 17 chief of police 17 chieftain (f ) 17 chieftain (in) 5 child 23 chilly 7 chin 32 Chinese language 8 chocolate 13 cholera 19 Christ 19 Christian 19 Christianity 19 Christmas 193,28 church 19 Church of the Nativity 19 Church of the Resurrect ion 8 cigarette 12 cinema 12 cinema-goers 24 cinnamon ilqaa?im bi?acmaal ...........J""""" J L . U sukuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilmas?uliin """"" """ " """ v 9 °J xayri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L misaaq - mawasiiq................ " caf iif a-aat............................ - Tiffaiif .-....ffaa ........................ ass dardis /dardasa sawwaa? -u......... ......................... ,.,. seek -aat...................................... s . xadd - xuduud " " " " """ " " " J . marih -iin gibna . kimyaa?iyya -aat........................- a kiinyaa?i -yyiin...................... ... cillmilkimya. I kireez .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " suvenn.ra-aa.............................. , maday /macdy (u) - (u)........... f iraax .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . f iraax mihRammara ... ............ ,I f iraaxinaswiyya...................... d, , farargi -yya .. . . . ... . . . .. Aakimdaar........................., ra?issa -aat............. .. ra?iis - ru?asa............ t if l - at faal ** . . . . . JL (_- baarid . da?n -du?uun.......... luYa ssi iniyya ......... iJI issiini sukalaata ..................... ....... . . y5. kolira .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5 ilmasiiF " " " " " " "" " " " " " masii~i -yyiin ......................w~ -- ilmasi~iyya . .. .. .. .. 9iid ilmilaad """" """. " ". L J j kiniisa - kanaayis "*... « a., ., kiniisit ilmilaad...................... I , kiniisit il?iyaama .. """ "" " dcL .W1 I sigaara - sagaayir..................... _t- l - sinima -aat ruwwaad issinama....................... . : 1 dara -daai...............................d>J .aahir/tuhuur............................./ ,.LL tuhuur .t ahaara..............Li ~art - zuruuf "."""........ . sirk sark ............... muwaatin -iin * . . . . . 16 24 28 28 32 31 32 31 31 32 32 32 13,14 21 citrus fruits city city hal civil engineering civilization civil law clarify, to classified ads class room class (school) class (school) clean 13 cleanliness 10,13 clean, to 23 clear 23 clear, it is (weather) 19 clergy 11,19 clergyman 17 clerk (f ) 17 clerk (in) 14 clever 20 client 43,23 climate 31 cling to, to 13 clinic 9 cloak-like woolen wrap 27 clock 27 clock, alarm 10 closet 10 close, to 9 clothes 9 clothing 4,23 cloud 4 cloud 24 cloves 12 clown 28 club 12 club, night 11,18 coachman 31 coalition (adj) 9 coat 8 coca cola 6 cock 8 cocoa 6 codfish 32 co-education 31 co-existence, peaceful 8,24 coffee beans 30 coffee, please! 8 coffee pot 8 coffee (powdered) 8 coffee (prepared beverage) 8 coffee shop wawa al i Fi..... .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . madiina - mudun.................. ~ - ja baladiyya -aat . . . . . ihandasa lmadaniyya . . .. Fadaara -aat.................... I- a Jl, ilqanuun ilmadani.................... J I CJ9LUJ I waddafi/tawdiifi................. r ..fI/ 9I i f anaat ubawwaba...................... " C....J"L fasl - fusuul...........................9Q-9 - saff - suf uuf..............- f as l - fusuul.............- nidiif -nudaaf nadaafa...................................aJL" _: naddaf/tandiif................... I / isafai fy.............................. . c .J ikliiruas................................(, ...._ ? ass i is - ?u su s. .. .. ... .. ... .. ..~ kaatiba - katba ,":(S kaa tib ............................. t. saatir - suttaar................. zubuun -zabaayin ... ..... s munaax...... ..... . ................. .. itmassik bi/tamassuk . ........ 'iiyaada -aat........................ £abaaya -aat.........................d ...r saa'?it fleet.............."""."""."....... M.d"S , minabbifi-aat............................. dulaab -dawaalib....................._J - ?afal/?afl (i) - (i)/ malaab is huduum ,. ,yo malaabis huduumjJAaaa-sub """""""""-ol., yeem - yuyuum ".... ........ I" ?urnftu ,-aa..... ................ -... c naadi - nawaadi................. malha layli "... ....... I 1 _, '?arbagi -yya ............................ i ?ti laaf i ........... .. "y. zakitta-aat "....."""""" J & S o kooka koola............................ Y L$,s5 diik - duyuuk......................... ...- kakaaw......................LS LS samak b akalah .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... . . . .. ta 1liim muxtlat.........................." " ittaiaayus issilmi...................L...J bunn flub uub............................. .... .~ 17 8 coffee with ample sugar 8 coffee with cream (milk) 8 coffee without sugar 8 coffee with sugar (correct amount) 29 coin, small (Iraq & Jordan) 14 cold (adj) (body temperature) 4,14 cold (adj) 21 (things) (for 23 persons: unemo- tional) 13 cold (illness) 23 cold, it is (weather) 4,23 cold (n) 4 coldness 13 cold, to catch 13 colic 13 colic, renal 9 collar 32 colleague (f) 32 colleague (m) 32 collection 31 collective (adj) 17,28 college 32 32 College of Agriculture 32 College of Arts 32 College of Busi- ness Administra- tion (commerce) 32 College of Den- tistry 32 College of Eco- nomics and Poli- tical Science 32 College of Edu- cation 32 College of Engin- eering 32 College of Fine Arts 32 College of Law 13,32 College of Medi- cine 32 College of Phar- macy 32 College of Science 32 College of Veter- inary Science ?ahwa sukkar ziyaada .. ..... Li ?ahwa billaban.. *~.. **............. . ?ahwa bilhaliib ?ahwa saada ................. aJ L. ?ahwa sukkar mazbuut...*********** =-- fils ** * * * * * * *-** * * * * * bardaan .......*........................ - baarid ** . . .. ** . .. . .* . . . . bard . . . . .. . ........ J itta?s baarid ~ "" " * * ** * **" Jl ilgaww baarid bard * * * * * ** * * * * * * . . . . . bard buruuda *** ** ** ** ** ** 6 itzakam ... . . .* * * * * * * * * * may as mayas .. ................................. mayas kalawi ** ..**** .-** ...** * ** * * ,; "- yaa?a ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * .* . L zimiila -aat ... ...................... I - '1 zimiil - zumalaa?. .*-.................. - -- J. * zumala magmuua -aat ............... **...... A1 - gamaai * * * * * * ** **i* * ** * * r gamkulliyya -aat............................... - l.JS kulliyya -aat .... .... ..._ kulliyyit izziraaa .....*.............. I l LJ kulliyyit il?adaab ......*................. ~J kulliyyit ittigaara *........... .... e -JI lJ kulliyyit tibb il?asnaan ....... -- kulliyyit il?iqtisaad. L.JII I J I j L I wil uluum issiyasiyya kulliyyit ittarbiya "_*_ kulliyyit ilhandasa . ................JI kulliyyit ilfunuun ..... *.*...Lp.J I J ilgamiila kulliyyit ilRu?uu? .... "***.J I kulliyyit ittibb ................. ... ,JI kulliyyit issaydala. ****..............*I kulliyyit iluluum. ................... I kulliyyit ittibb ilbetari ***** s, I qJ I -s 18 18 32 9 31 2,21 2,21 2 31 9 9 12 30 30 18,31 collide, to colloquial lang- uage (dialect) cologne, eau-de- colony color colored color , to column (news- paper) comb comb, to comedy come in, please. come on. come, to 32 comma 31 commandos 31 commentary 31 commentator 31 commentator, economic 31 commentator, political 31 comment on, to 25 comment, to 20 commerce 20 commercial (ad j) 20 commercial register 11,17 commissioner 11,17 commissioner of police 31 commitment 25 ,31 committee 31 commit, to (crime) 31 commodity 31 common market 31 communications media 31 comuniqu 31 communique 19 Companions of the Prophet (Islam) 17 company (commerce) 20 company, trading 31 compare with, to 18 compartment, train 23 compass 26 compassionate 26 compassionate tasaadam/tasaadum......................L,- / .a: ioloamya................................ l J mustachara -aat. .....................vI-d loon -alwaan....................... I.. Ijj-&v mulawwan milawwin LjJ lawwin/talwiin.......................,j / £amuud - a'?mida................. mist- amx aat mas sat /tami it. . . . . ~ , ~ yamii4a................................ ***- 9 ga -gah / (i) - (i).......L ' migiyy magii? f as la.................... .................. d ul fidaa?i -yyin ". .... .. .. .. ...v - "I ..9~ tacliiq tacli i? -aat r :........ - . mucalliq -un............................ - mu~alliq iqtisaadi.....................~ ._ i m Salliq s iyaas i """""""""""..................... ,, Sallaq Sala/ ta'cliiq ........I. / ~~LJ cSallaq /tacliiq ............ :/Cs tugaari.................................... sigill tugaari ,. " ," , S ma?muu r....................... ma?muur buliiss "".......... J,.,U taScahhud -aat............................: I- . lagna -ligaan......................L. J - :., irtakab - irtikaab............... silc~a - silaS.........................h... -aI., issuu? ilmustaraka...................1 0 ,Ji il?iiiaam y balaay -aat.............................. - mugtama -aat........................ -I issaFiaaba ...... ................ sarika ,sirka -aat."""""."""".............. sirka tugaariyya..................... _ , 19 14 compassionate 32 compass, pair of 31 compel, to 31 compensate , to 17 competence 32 competition 25 competition 27 complete, to 31 complete, to be or become 7 complexion 32 compose, to 32 composition 20 compound interest 32 comprehensive 32 compulsory 32 computer 26 conceited 32 concept 25 concerned with, to be 25 concerning 12 concert 12 concert 12 concert hall 30 condolences #5 30 condolences #6 25 condolences, to express 25 conduct, to (e..g. plebiscite) 11 confectioner 25 conference 26 confused, to be 25 congratulate, to 25 congratulation 30 congratulations #7 30 congratulations, a thousand! 30 congratulations (lit: blessed) 30 congratulations, our 12 conjurer 19 conscience 31 conscience, world 19 consecration 19 Consecration (part of Mass) 31 conservative (adj) 31 conspiracy Fianuun Fiinayyin .. . .. ... . . .. v bargal - baraagil............................ agbar cgala/igbaa;.................~. £awwad/tacwiid...............-y-- kaf aa?a.....................................' a'f-i t an aaf us -mun a f s a............ munafsa -aat ""........................- 1j xalas/taxliis .......... tamm/tamaam (i) - (i)""""". basra "" " " " " . " " . . . . . . . . allif/ta?liif.""""..................... / J1 ribh imurakkab L- - igbaari -ilzaami....................l3, I ilcaql it?iliktirooni......... " ...~JIJJ mafhuum - mafahiim............U.- ihtaam bi/ihtimaam.............""" bisa?n... . .. .. .. ... . ........ .. .. . . ..... Fiafla musiiqiyya.................... s imf oniyy a6 qaa'?it musiiqa...........................L-LB ilba?iyya fhayaatak............... i...J iddawaam lillaah................"""" 4JJ 1-9J1 £az za/ ta z iy a....................5t agra/igraa?........... .". ". . . . . . . . . ...II7 F al awaani -yya........................y> mu? tamar - aat..........................C~ it hayyar/ tarl ayyur...............j """ "" 2"" d/J hanna/tahni?a................. 1 /~ t ahni ?a - t aha ani " "". " ""....."" / na~iiman ."..."...000 ".""...".". ." " al fmabruuk """""""."0 mabruuk " . " " . " " " " . " . " . . tahaniinala;".( 5aawi - Fuwaah """ 4amiir - damaayir " " " taqdiis ..ta?diis " " " taqdiis ..ta?diis """ dIy~. - jU. . JLJJ~J . . muFaafiz -un.........................U .-;L-* mu?ama -aat...................... imsaak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, . dustuur - dasatiir............................. - - ?unsul - ?anaasil . . . . . . . . . . .......... ?uns uli.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ?unsuliyya -aat......................... -N ?unsuliyya ciamra ............ .........00 . d J~ 25 2 consulate general 20 25 25 25 20 13 13 31 12, 32 4 30 13 20 30 31 13 19 25 25,28 31 11 8 8 11 8 23 25,931 25 17 20 31 19 19 32 19 17 17 26 24 8 24 31 25 13 20 31 31 31 consul general consult with, to consul, vice- consumer contact lenses contagious contain, to contest continent continue, to (lit: not to cease to) contraception contract contrary, on the contribute, to convalescent convent convention conversation convoy cook (f) cookies cooking vessel cook (in) cook, to coolness co-operate with, to co-operation co-operative co-operative, consumer's co-ordinate, to Copt Cop tic Coptic language Copts, the copy, a copy, a cordial coriander cork corn corner cornerstone, to lay the corn (toe) corporation corpse correspondent correspond with, ?uns ul £aain ........................... .U itsaawir ia'a/taaawur j -9 / 70 ) wakiil il?unsul....................,-i, ps 'adasaat laas iqa, , , inuSdi .. . . . . . . . ihtawa 'ala "" " """ musab?a -aat "000000 qarra -aat .......... ma zaal " " "" " " " cJ1- mands- ui ud.............................. ..- itbarrac/tabarru?............................/ , door innaqaaha .......... a i:_ deer - ady ura............................- mu?tamar -aat....... ". .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... 1"adiis - aFadiis............................ - xs q aaf il a- q awaafil................... tahbaaxa -aat..........................c.A - dL4 baskoot -baskawiit .:......_ kasarolla .............. N tabbaax -iin....................... tabax/tabx (u) - (u) ...... buruuda .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . itcaawin maSca/tasaawun "7 (.er; c. 9. " gamca taaawuniyya.......................W9z .: gamsiiyy a t a caawuniyy a " "I" " " " " " """-" '-_-_ stihlaakiyya nas saq /t ansiiq........................ ...-./ ,Qr," ?ibti - ?a?baat.......". .. .. . . . . . . . .. illuya l?ibtiyya -. il?ibti..... ".......J"J'.~J i l? a?b aat ...............................j suura - s uwar...........................- d 4 nus xa - nusax......................... "- ?albi- s kuzbaa .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. falliina ... filla """""""..... ._ rukn -arkaan ...........v5,I &, waai ilhagar il?asaasi......... ~ kallu -haat........................... S-9JL s arika musahma """""....... d,,~t gussa - gusas ...................... r - d muraasil -u. n .. ............. - ~ kaatib /mukatb a........... "". . .. . . .....L/ mama r-aat. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ..... f as aad .....0 0 ............. ......... takaliif... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........... takaliif ilmaciisa...........................f ( 21 9 cotton 13 cough 13 cough syrup 4,13 cough, to 17,25 council 25 counselor 25 counselor of legation 22 counting 28 countryside, the 22 count, to 31 coup d'etat 8, 28 course (food) 17 court, criminal 28 courteous, to be 17 court of appeal 17 court of cassation 17 court of law 19 court, religious (Coptic) 19 court, religious (Islam) 10 courtyard 8 couscous 5 cousin (fa br da) 5 cousin (f a br so) 5 cousin (fa si da) 5 cousin (fa si so) 5 cousin (mo br da) 5 cousin (uo b r so) 5 cousin (mo si da) 5 cousin (mo si so) 25 covenant 6 cow 26 cowardly 5 co-wife 7 craving for food, to have a #8 14 crazy 14 crazy (visionary) 8 cream (dairy) 9 cream (paste) 19 create, to 19 Creator, the (God) 20 credit 20 credit, on 29 creditor 20 credit, to sell or buy on 19 creed, Christian dawa lilku.................................W I kJfaR ./ku ..a (u).-.(u...................... " - . / magliasaa- mgis.......................LY t~~ mustasaar ilmufawwadiyya ""I ,""" £add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . irriif..................................... ,J I cadd/ cadd (i) - (u).................. / js inqilaab -aat............................ 1 - . :sI sanf- asnaaf.........................." A I ' ma Fikami t "ilg inayaa t.................... ' " L. L,...JI1 L.S gaamil/mugamla................. maFikamit il?isti?naaf...............L 2 maFikamit inna?d.. ......" ......" I "J wil?ibaraam maFikama - maFiaakim..................." ilmaglis ilmilli.................... L.JI I i lma kama s sar iyy a...................d" -AJ:Is . .0J Foos - afiwaas........................ -9 -9~' ibn £amm................ .................... . bint 'amma................................. ibnC1 £ainn. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. . .. . . . .. ... bint xaal.................................JU ibn xaal.................................. J l> bint xaala;Ul inaa lawa.ii.........................1y l-' o ba?a , a -aat .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... ......~ gabaan - gubana....................... .. durra ............................... ... d i twa F i ami t/wahfim a........ ....... . '''......../ °-. magnuun - maganiin.................00 - - mahwuus - mah awi is......'" .............' v .9 - r°- 99{ macguun - macagiin.................." L ~ xala?/xal? (a) - (i) ............ " ...... ../ . ilxaali?.................................. .J t WI tas liif .salaf 00 0 0 0 0 0 0.". ...."' " baiden -iinkuk... .................. maii un........................... - sakkik/taskiik................j / ~ qanuun il?imaan.............,L I 22 25 8 31 25 25,31 6 14 19 19 28, 31 31 31 13 6 14 24 8 26 21 24 32 24 8 8 10 10 30 12 13 13 29 29 29 29 29 4 12 14 32 19 10, 12 10 17 13 13 crisis crisp critic critical time criticize, to crocodile crook cross (n) cross, sign of the cross, to crossword puzzle cross words crown, gold (dental) crow, to cruel crushed wheat crust, a cry, to cry, to (weep) cucumbers culture cumin cup cup cupboard cupboard cup of coffee, please, a. cup (sports) cure, a cure, to currency currency, hard currency, local currency smug- ling currency, sof t current (air, water, electri- city) current, electric currently curriculum curse, to curtain cushion cus toms cut, a cut, to azma -aat................................- mi?ar?1S .............. naqd uqad...................... - - J wa ?t £as iib..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... inta?ad/inti?aad.............Li sz_,JI/ _, " t ims asaF - t ama s i i Fi........................L" muhftaal -uin...........................v. - JL-2.4o saliib - sulbaan............... ..... Lv isaarit issaliib..............."...... (,J,;I 1 abar/ L ubuur (u) - (u)......................... musab?it ilkalimaat ' 4J,' Li .Jt I c LJS..I L'd 1... ilmutaqaati~a kalimaat mutaqaati ca....... ........" U..." "L"JS tarbuus dahab :6 saahi/siyaah (i) - (i)..............."" ?aasi - ?asyiin........................""" " "L buryu1.............. ....................... ?isra -?ir . .. .. ... .. ... . . ........." -g sarax/suraax (u) - (u) .. ... .. ... . . ..../ baka/buka (i) - (i) ....... . . . . . . .f... /, ~ xiyaa , a -aat......................... - ~c saqaafa ...........................0 0 fimngaa .-.anaii.................... ....- J, 9-° f ingaan - f anag iin................ LA - dulaab - dawaliib..................."" -,v. dulaab malaab is fingaal ?ahwa law................." yJ" v sama Fit kaas - ku?uus.................." ". .. .. .....- safa/ifa (i)-W ""i""" " Lumla mafial liyya ..".""" tah riib i l 1umla """""""""""" " , ./r. Lumla sahla...........""".."....... ~ tayyaar -aat 0000*0000...000000 tayyaar kahrabaa?i " . fiaaliyyan.................. ........... L birnaamig diraasi -""" " lacian/lama (a)- (a) . sitaara - sataayir.............." t..--- mixadda -aat"."""""" 1l gum ^uk ......0 ?t1- ?utuuC """""""- ?ata 1/?at L (a) - (a)""""""""" ?ass iSa~r """"0"""""""""""""""" .:_ ?ass/?ass (u) - (u) 0000000.00. U JI 23 D 24 15 31 8 4 16 30 21, 23 23 12 12 12 26 25 26 2 4 24 8 5 27 27 15,27 19 19 27 15 27 19 7 16 13 11 11,17 32 26 20,29 29 29 13 263,31 1,27 5 17 31 31 31 dahlia daily daily (e.g . newspaper) dairy products dam Damascus damn damp dampness dancer (f ) dancer (in) dance, to danger danger=seriousness daring dark (color) darkness dates (food) dates, pressed (food) daughter dawn dawn, at day Day of St. Mary Day of St. Peter and Paul days of yore, in days, working daytime deacon dead Dead Sea, the deaf dean (college) (f) dean (college) (m) dear (person) debt debt, in debt, to incur decay, tooth deceive, to December de cendan t decentralization decisive declaration declare, to dalya LW Ij yooi - yawmiyy an """""""""". l- : . 9_ yooumi .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s-r" muntagaat il?albaan..................." LJ~ I c~ s add - suduud .....................j.. dimasq . dimas? " . " " " " " " " "" zift wi?aaan.................... j J. ritib Nratib " . " . . " " " " " " " " t.b rutuuba ...................... raaqisa ra??aasa -aat..................." I - I, ;aaqis .. a??aas -uin........................ ra?as /ra?s (u) - (u) """"""" / xatar - axtaar................"""""I xutuura . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . garii? - gura?a........................... yaami?............................... U zalaaxn...dalina "" . " " " " " " " " "-.1 blF a-aat ................ baa......................... bint - banaat """""" fagr . . . . . . . . . . f ilf agr .. . . . . . . .. yoom - ayyaam """""""""". iiid ilSadra " """" " "" ciiid irrusul" ayyaam zamaan ""-"""" ayyaami iSamal nahaar .-nihaar """ " "" sammaas - samamsa """" mayyit ......... ilbahr ilmayyit -"""" arras - turs """" " " Samiida -aat ""'"' " :.V L 1 . ._;s J~4JI r'-1 I ~~~.- " . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 iamiid - cumada 'aziiz - acizzaa?......... "' " ¢I j...sI - deen - duyuun "- """""" C madyuun -iin ..................... 9 '-' istadaan/istidaana """" a- / v - taswiis................. xadas/xidaac (a) - (a) f y""" I .- disimbir, ._J sulaala -aat..................." " " la markaziyya................. Faasim ".""" """. .."""." tas ri i f-aa t- sarraFd/tasriiF """" "". 24 31 decline, to (e.g. invitation) 19 decorated litter #9 ictazar can/ictizaar............. " I s l / us .. s I 2 2 31 17,25 32 32 6 31 31 32 32 32 4,23 27 27 25 25 ,34 14 14 25,31 31 17 19 19 decorate, to decoration deco ration (medal) decree dedicate, to deduce, to deer defeat defeated, to be define, to definite article definition degree (tempera- ture) delayed, to be delay, to delegate, to deliberation delicious delightful demand demand, to democracy demon demon, female ilmaFmal issar' zayyin/ tazyiin ziina -aat wisaam - aws im, jif * 00 *0 00 00 0& I J.... Z.J I ... ... ... ... ... I - a .. . . - Q_:9 / r - marsuum - maras iim "--"-" " " .11-° - r ahda/ihdaa?........................ICI /7 .. is tantig/is tintaag """" - . I/ .- ., yazaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . - haziima - hazaayim " ""1 " lL--csJ inhazam/inhizaam ~ carraf/tacriif....................... / adaat ittariif "" "" "" "" ta'?riif - tacariif............... 4.. L...t - daraga -aat........................ :I - J it?axxar/ta?xiir """""" -- / l axxar/ta?xiir .................... L nadab/nadb (i - (u) " mudawla -aat...................... I - , IJ- laziiz - luzaaz..........................- : bahiig matlab - ma taalib " " J L. .._- ...1.L talab /talab (u) - (u) . J.j"" I / JJL dimuqraatiyya """""""""""""" d . ._o 'iafriit - 'cafariit ...L - ginniyya -aat.................. itzaahir/tazaahur..................y ( L...t. / ,._ L... muzahra -aat......................cI - l asmaa? ii?isaara.................."" L I 31 demons tr ate , to 31 demonstration 32 demons tratives (gr) 19 denomination 19 denominational 11 dentist (f) 11 dentist (in) 32 dentistry 13 dentures 31 deny, to 17 department (agency) 17 department (government) 17 department of antiquities 18 depart, to 18 departure 30 depend on the Lord: 30 depend on the Lord! 31 depict, to 14 depressed 25 deputized 31 deputize for, to tayfa - tawaa?if "'°"" a~f duktoorit asnaan """""" ( duktoor ansaan tibb il?asnaan ........ asnaan inaaiiyya """"""" d nafa/nafy (i) - (i) .."".... L$ L. S U., cj . .. I f ~/ maktab - makaatib malafa - masaali F masla fit il~asaar L & L .. d- raFia1/raFiii1 (a) - (a) 7.... tawakkal Gala llaah dJ Vy sawwar/taswiir mukta?ib -uin m u n ta d a b - u in n a a / i a b c L Li M L. / 25 25 17 25 32 32 11 11 32 10 31 4 26 deputy deputy deputy.. (vice- ... ) derived derive, to dermatologist (f ) dermatologist (in) dermatology descend, to describe, to desert desire, to manduub -uin................. naa?ib - nuwwaab """"""" - naa?ib ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .._ mustaqq is tagq/is tiqaaq...................... LJ.z.s:.I / -:~ duktootit amraad """ " & .o rI - -5 gildiyya duktoor amraadI gildiyya ""&J""" yI r°I(y S. tibb il?amraad ""*....."" " a.:,, LJ I (! 2I h ilgildiyya nizil/nuzuul (i) - (i) / 9 J wasaf/wasf (i) - (i).................../ 9 sahiara - sahiaari...................... - 'I ., caaz (u) ../ riyib/rayba (a) - (a) maktab - makaatib """"."".. yi?is/ya?s (a) - (a) . .../ mudammira -aat...................... - taf siil - ta fas iit.................(J-- - } tafaahum inf iraag... . . . . . ........ haamid - amaad.... . . . . . . . . . . ..... tawwar / t awiir............................J..../ hiammad /t a frm ii..................... ..../ . 10, 32 desk 26 despair, to 31 destroyer (ship) 31 de tai l 31 detente 12 developer, film 31 develop, to 12 develop, to (film) 31 deviate, to 31 deviation 19 devil 31 devote, to 19 devout 19 devoutness 23 dew 16 Dhahran 13 diabetes 32 dialect 9 diamond 13 diarrhea 27 diary 32 dictate, to 17 dictatorship 32 dictionary 19 die as martyr, to 18 diesel train 5,7 die, to 14 difficult 14 difficulty, with 13 digestion 7 digestive appar- atus, the 7 digest, to 31 dignitaries 31 dignitary 32 diligent 29 dimension 29 dinar (monetary unit, Iraq & Jordan) 18 dining car inFiaraf/inFiiiaaf inFiiraaf -aat sitaan - sayatiin karras/takriis mnuta'?abbid nusk .. nada """ izzahraan " " " " . " . " " " " " / - C~-4' L~ - ~ LJ~ / ~LJ f L9~ d~L-o marad issukkar lahga -aat """ iaasa - maas ... ishaal ... .. mufakkira -aat """"" malla/ imla """""" diktaatoriyya """ qamuus - qawamiis istashid/istishaad " diizil ... .. maat - moot (u) - (u) J / J / * 009 J9o / vL sab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bisu'~uuba .. .. . . . .. hadm """""" """""" """"" ."""" ilgihaaz ilhadmi hadam/hadm (i) - (i) "."" kibaar issaxsiyyaat """" s axs iyya kbiira """".".000mg a i inv ma? aas -at.... ......" ............., dinaar - dananiir- £arabiyyit il?akl 31 JS:fl a_.1 26 10 dining room 10 dining table 10 dining table 13 diphteria 32 diploma 25 diplomacy 25 diplomat 25 diplomatic 25 diplomatic corps 25 diplomatic corps 25 diplomatic immunity 25 diplomatic pouch 25 diplomatic privileges 3 direction 23 directions 13 directions for use 14 directly 11,17 director 32 12 director, movie 17 directress 3,31 direct, to 29 dirhem (North African coin) 13 dirt 14,21 dirty 25,31 disarmament 31 disaster 31 discover, to 13 disease 13 diseases, con- tagious 13 diseases, venereal 14 disgusted 26 disgusted, to feel 8 dish (plate) 8 dish (plate) 10 dishwasher 32 dismiss, to 12 dismount, to (horse) 13 dispensary (clinic) 32 dissertation 17 district 12 dive, to 22 divide, to 19 divine 19 divine fore- ordainment 5 divorce 5 divorce, to 13 dizziness oodit akl "....... sufra - sufar tarabeezit akl ***** diftirya""""""" dibloom -aat """""* diplomaasiyya """""" diplomaasi -yyiin ** ** * diplomaasi ** ** * issilk issiyaasi *****.... Ray?a diplomaasiyya ..... Fiasaana diplomaasiyya .... aqiiba diplomaasiyya ""* N - " " j W.J _ .A 4. I l JJ. imtiyazaat diplomaasiyya **** y L o L5 h I . giha ~ ittigaah -aat ***** - _ L "- ._ ilgihaat il?asliyya ""J*"* J l . J kayfiyyit il?istimaal * J L.... " ." mubaasaratan mudiir -iin L~j - r 4 muntig -iin ..*................... mudiira -aat *. * * * *i - ,_ waggiF/tawgiiF **********z dirham - daraaFim ....................- was aaxa qazir . nazi issilaa6 kaarisa - kawa iktasaf/ikti a marad - amraad amraad mucdiya **** *** *** ***L. I - ......................... aris ********* ,,I . af / J-9 ~ IS s~2I u0-)-4 I~,~. 1 amraad sirriyya 0. ?arfaan -iin ""- 0 """"-"** isma?azz/i mi?zaaz ***** i 9 9 l / L sa6n - su6uun """"*** taba? - atbaa? *******" yassaalit mawa iin ........ tarad/tard (u) - (u) ....... nizil/nuzuul (i) - (i) ....... mustawsaf -aat """"** risaala *** * * ** * "* 1 markaz - maraakiz "***** yitis/yats (a) - (i) **"* ?asam/?isma (i) - (i) .... . samaa?i** * ** * * *" . qadar - aqdaar *** ** talaa? ** * * * * * * * * * talla? dooxa ...................... 1~90 V / / cic.- 27 13 dizzy, to be come 32 doctorate 11 doctor (ear, nose and throat) 11 doctor (general practitioner) 11 doctor (M.D.) (f) #10 11 doctor (M.D.) (f) 11 doctor (M.D.) (in) #11 11 doctor (M.D.) (in) 13 doctor, medical (f) #12 13 doctor, medical (in) #13 11 doctor (Ph.D) (f) 11 doctor (Ph. D) (in) 31 document 14 do ... ? does .. ? did ...? 6 dog 12 dog, gun 16 Doha 29 dollar 19 dome 25, 31 dominateg to 6 donkey 18 do not enter (traffic sign) 30 don?'t mention it: (lit: forgive- ness) 30 don?'t mention it! (lit: forgive- ness) 30 don't!' (no need to!) 30 don't worry ! #14 30 don't worry ! (general usage) 10 door 10 doorman 10 doorstep 13 dose 31 do, to 22 double 8 dough 28 downtown, the 8 drain, a 12 drama daax/ dooxa (u) - (u) d. J/ J duktoraah " "" """" " "". J,1S wi hangara mumaaris 1 aam..............................0?U r LO- duktoora -aat ci0. US tabiiba -aat """" """"" duktoor - dakatra """""""""""" tabiib - atibbaa? doktoora - dakatra doktoor - dakatra .......... - d 9' - S duktoora -aat........................i _ - :5 duktoor - dakatra , J._:.5- mustanad -aat...................... . . 1,I . hal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jl kaib - kilaab S _L. LS kaib seed .. . . . . . . . . . . .,o 1 iddooFha . . . . . . . . . . . . d , dulaar -aat.........................i - 9 ?ubba - ?ubab.............. - saytar Gala/say~ara 1.00..3",: .,'/ ,.....,, Rumaar - iiniir................. - , Lo.. mamnuuc idduxuul...............- Tafwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.-. i1'cafw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. mafiis daa'?i .balaas """""" l fadaak ma~lihs .. macliss """""'" (JI l.. baab - abwaab b ib aan """"""" bawwaab -uin""" """"" cataba - ciatab "" " " " " " " " gurca -aat ... . .. .. . ciarnal/carnal (i) - (a) """" di'if - ad'?aaf " " " " " " " £agiina . . . . . .. . ilbalad . . . . . . . . . . ballaaS~a . . . . . . . . .. diraama . . . . . . . . . . dung - adiaag "" """""" kalsoon -aat """ """"" LA.y~~I - C)-, cJ / ci - Filim/film (a) - (a) """""/r fustaan - fasatiin "-"""" ,L.- 9 tasrii~a .. tuwalett 28 9 9 8 8 11,18 18 18 13 13 14 8 21 32 16 6 14 14 27 L/, 27 4 10 10 31 10 4 9 dress, evening dressmaker drinks drink, to driver drive, to driving permit drops, eye drops (medica- tion) drowsy drunk, to get dry dual (gr) Dubai duck due to dull (distaste- ful person) during dusk dusk, at dust duster, feather dust off, to duty (obligation) dwell, to dwell, to dye, to f us taan sahra...................9 xayyaata -aat................. mas rubaat.............................'° s irib /surb (a) - (a) " "' '1 sawwaa? -iin............................."C" j k3K saa?/siwaa?a (u) - (u) " "" /"c ruxitqgiyaada """...".............il 'J nu?at li]S'een........................... -jJ j j nu? at ...................... .i. nacsaan -iin """ " """""'" sikir/sukr (a) - (a) """""/ gaaf mu ayy ..................... batta - bats....................... j- bisabab .. ......... ............ . tiiiidm LS'3' asnaa? .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .t::f i .may rib.. . . . . . . . . . . . .Qf f ilmay rib ..........................L .9°J f (S9 turaab................ ................... . I . I manfada - manaafid...............U-9 t - - naffad/tanfiid """"""" / .- waagib -aat """" """"""" i - Lw1 s ak an/ sakan (u) - (u).................Cr-" / v5 sabay/ (a)- (i) c'dLs . sibaaya sabya duzintarya . . . . . . . . . . . . - 13 dysentery E 14,22 each 7 ear 27 early 9 earrings 4 earth 4 earthquake 14 easily 3 east 19 Easter 3 eastern 14 easy 7,8 eat, to 19 ecclesiastic 32 economics (sub- ject) 11 economist 11 editor (f) kull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wadidn- ..da........ .....................)I I -- Fiala? - Fil?aan """""""""""""" C- -'- c zilzaal -zalaazil............ _ ~JI yJ bisuhuula ... . . . . .. ."" { Siid il?iyaama sar?i sahl . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . akalN kal /akl (u) - (u) .... / JSJ5 kanasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..; 'aalim iqtisaad mu Fiarrira -aat c:v - 29 31 editorial 31 editorial 31 editorial section (office) 31 editorial s taf f 31 editor-in-chief 11,31 editor (mn) 31 edit, to (to write) 32 educate, to 32 educational psychology 32 education (pedagogy) 32 education (subj ect) 26 effect 31 effective 26 effective 31 effectiveness 6,8 egg 24 eggplant 8 eggs, boiled 8 eggs, fried 6 eggs, to lay 26 egoism 16 Egypt 16 Egyptian, an 29 Egyptian pound 22 eighteen (f) 22 eighteen (mn) 22 eight (f) 22 eighth (f) 22 eighth (mn) 22 eighth, one- 22 eight hundred 22 eight (mn) 27 eight o'clock 27 eight p.m. 22 eighty 14 either ... or 7 elbow 31 election campaign 17 elections 17 electoral district 10 electric 32 electrical engineering 10 electricity 17 elect, to iftita~iyya -aat maqaal if titaafi ?alamn ittaFriir Fay?it ittaFiriir ra?iis ittahriir mu Farrir -u n Farrar/tahriir LS . I J ... .. ... .. u J 1 L7 ... ... .. ... ./ a b b a / t a r b i y a " " " "/"" " film innafs ittarbawi "I" " " " L £ilm ittarbiya................... .. 1-J il ittarbiya """"""" asar -asaar """"""" """ C faTaal mnu?assir .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I _. r 1 J LS. r.~.-°U Q L.. . faa'ciliyya "" bee4 , a -aat" bidingaan , a -az ,at........c - d C b eed masluu? ........ .. - bae a bee ...i..-.(i................. L , Fiubizat............................... . A~jJ ias ri -yyiin.......................... .- c gineeh masri ........................ , . d . tamantaasar.... .. ... ... .. ... .. ......... tamantaasar .....".." ,: tamnanya (taman)............................... , L. tanna.... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ......d...4 l taamin...................................... . U tumnumy tamanya (tia............................ 6--~ tainanya mi.saa?an............. 1 UI tamaniin................ .................C)9, imina ... wi ? ima................... (.I...UI * L..I y a? imma ... y a? ima Fiina tia.yy............................. aw.s intixabaat """" """""" dayra ntixabiyya ................&.. kahrabaa?i................................" L handasa kahraba?iyya "...". - kahraba .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0L intaxab/intixaab.. .. ."........../ anaaqa..................................... di ittacliin il?ibtadaa?i "" "" LAI I I- madrasa btida?iyya " "" "" I" d' ....~. fiilfiyla........................ L..-J.$ asanseer -aat.................. 30 22 eleven (f ) 22 eleven (mn) 27 eleven o'clock 22 eleventh, the (f) 22 eleventh, the (mn) 32 eloquence 25 embarrassing 25 embassy 31 emigrant 31 emigrate, to 16 emirate 26 emotion 25 emphasize, to 17 employee (f) 17 employee (mn) 22 empty 22 empty, to 32 encourage, to 32 encyclopedia 22,27 end 12 end, the (movie) 27 end, to 31 endure, to 31 enemy 5 engagement 11 engineer, civil 11 engineer, electical 11 engineer, electronic 11 engineer (f) 32 engineering 11 engineer (in) 11 engineer, mechanical 18 engineer, railroad 32 English language 12 enlarge, to (photograph) 31 enquire, to 32 enroll, to 12 entertainment, place of 10,18 enter, to 31 enthusiasm 18 entrance 25 entrust, to 14 envious 4 environment 25 envoy, special fii daas ar..............................,z I Fidaasar............................. Fiicdaaar........."""".".".......... ..... l-3..J ilFiidaasar........................... . ... iL Jf il1FiidBaas ar.......................... l -UJ I b a la a ya .................... ........ A- mufirig . . . . . . . . . ..... .... y sifaara -aat..............""""..........- muytarib -uin .......... "._ j:, haagir/hi gra..................... ..A{ / §'z imaara - aat.............................. " " (:, 'd - .L.I £aatifa - C lawaatif .- ... akkid/ta?kiid....................... L / S muwazzafa -aat.................. -ity~ muwazzaf -inn...........................- f aariy .,faadi .........................V farray/tafrii """"""""".,/ sag....asii 1 ".. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......./ dayrit ma'iaarif...........................QW iI nihaaya -aat... .......................... innihaaya...... ........ . . . . .. . .. ...... intaha/nihaaya """"""""" I/ ,__"I itiaminl / t a amul 000 "/"" 'iaduw - a'daa?..........................." = ....... xutba.. . . . . . . . . . . . . inuhandis inadani ".............".. L- .,-J:"' muhandis kahrabaa?i 0000000 L muhandis iliktirooni muhandisa -aat " " ilhandasa .... muhandis -uin .. muhandis mikaniiki sawwaa? -uin ". . . illuya l?ingliiziyya it~ingiliizi kabbar/takbiir "" "- 6 LJ _ Jo istaf him/ isti fh aam """"" . I/ ,._9.:,,, ilta~ia? bi/iltiFiaa? """"L" zyJ"" 7 ialha -malaahi.................".. ,L - daxal/ duxuul (u) - (u) " "" / F aiaas a .. . . . . . . . . . . ...il"> duxuul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Lahad ila (a) - (a) """"" J . Fiasuud - bus saad-J 9. bii?a -aat.............................,I- -d., mnanduub xaas...............................1-0 Fasad/ iasad (i) - (i) . ""7 "J--- saran . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . risaala - rasaa?il """""""""""l. inuSadla -aat....................... ...- Wl. xatt il?istiwaa? """"""""""""""sI r,, I as tiika - as at iik 000000""0.0000"0000" d 31 26 31 14 14 14 31 31, 32 31 3 20 14 32 28 16 4 7 err, to escape, to especially especially especially espionage essay essence establish, to estates etc. ethics (subject) etiquette Euphrates, the Europe evacuate the bowels, to yilit/yalat (a) - (a) ".... LJt / hirib/harab (a) - (a) """"- . / ,. xusuusan bil?axas................... > t,_, (, xassatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '- l la s iyyama . . . . . . . . . . . . -a_ , gas uus iyy a . . . . . . . . . . . . a.... , maqaal - maqaala -aat .-" ... Lit.. J L -.o gawhar - gawaahir.................... assis/ta?siis............................f l maaka """"""""""" .,S ila aaxirihi................................ .i £ilm il?axlaa?............................... himugamalaat............................."" 0L..iI ilfuraat....................................FIJI uruppa .................................. . , I itbarraz/tabarruz """"""/ ' 5 Eve 14 even i f 14 even if 27 evening 12 evening enter- tainment 27 evening, every 19 evening prayer (Islam) 22 even (number) 31 event 31 event 19 Eve of the Major Feast 19 Eve of the Minor Feast 30 ever and ever 14,22 every 14 everyone 31 evidence 19 evil 6 ewe 14 exactly 14 exactly 31 exaggerate, to 13 examination, comn- plete medical 32 examination, final 13 examination, medical 13 examination, medical 32 examination (school) 13 examine medical- ly, to 13 examined medical- ly, to be 31 examine, to (study) Fiawwaa? -Fhawwa 6iatta iza Fatta law " Saga "" sahra -aat kull leela Ku 4 zawgi ...... .. Fadas - aFidaas """" waqca - wagaa?i9 wa?fit it ciid ilkibiir ' " wa?f it il'ciid issuyayyar 0 . . r .; ,,a I J... tI A Q- daa?iman at kull "" ilgamiuic daliil - a s arr - s un na'7ga - ni tamaaman bizzabt baaiiy fl/z kas f tibbi badan 9"0"0"0009 .. .. .. I l.j . I ilkull.................J" I . dilaag..................... ._ , nubalya "..... a Jl / C .4_JL s aamil .. ... . . . J°L% b 5 faFis tibbi........................... (~.... i: & - kasf tibbi............................... f imti aan -aat I _ C:j la. I fa~ias/fadis (a)-(a).........L / kasaf tibbi/ (i) - (i) A" "- "/" kasf tibbi ittalac Giala/ittilaaQ / 'JL 32 30 example, for 14,30 excellent 32 excel, to 14 except 14 except 14 except 14 except 25 exchange of views 32 exclamation point 30 excuse me !1#15 30 excuse me: 1#16 31 execute, to 31 exempt from, to 32 exercise 20 exhibited articles 28 exhibition 18 exit 20 expense 32 experiment 25,31 expert 32 explain, to 31 explode, to 31 exploit, to 31 explosion 20 export goods 20 export, to 31 exposed to, to be 32 expression (language) 32 express, to 25,31 express, to (idea) 18 express train 31 external 31 extinguish, to 13 extract a tooth, to 13 extraction (den- tal) 31 extract (writing) 14 extremely 31 extremes, to go to 31 extremist 7 eye 7 eyebrow 13 eye inflammation 7 eyelash 31 eyewitness masalan ".........."1""...""°.""."".""°" mumtaaz -iin........................ .9 - - itfawwaq/tafawwuq """"""° ' illa..........................................J1 siwa .................. S9~ veer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,s ma cada....................................1JJI - tabaadul irra?y.................. .. ...-J'J',t-e calaamit ittaScaggub........................I biadiznak nfiz/anfiiz......................... -- -I us a'ifa min/i'ifaa?..................LinI - tamriin - tamariin................. L._, ma crudaat ............. o ma'?rad - macaarid...................L L) y xuruug nafa?a -aat........................... ..- .r tagriba - tagaarib " , L1 z xabiir - xbara e _- y s~araF /sarF ~ (a) - (a) / inf agar/ inf igaar ......................., L-=.I 7 istayall/istiylaal " " L'.2" 'I 7 J .I infigaar -aat..........................- J a.9. issaadiraat..............................I)JL JI saddar/tasdiir...................... ........ i t arrad li ... / taoiarrud """" / "" V tacsbiir -aat ta'?abiir ""* " rt, . :;.. ,L _ - :. £abbar/taibiir.............................. a~rab San/iiraab...................~1y~1 ?atr sariiT """""" xaarigi .................. tafa/tafy (i) .... xalai sinna (a) - (a) 0 .IN. " ""I ,I /f UI I " 09000 I j muataf-aat.............................. I -;.. lilyaaya.................. ................ .-.J tatarraf /tatarruf """"""""" mutatarrif -uin..............................j 9- t .+ teen/ \iyuun -. Leneen """"" .s hiaagib - Fiawaagib............... ramad-ruu.................................- ,, s aahid itlSayaan... ......................l.-1I a 7 face 7 facewagh - wuguuh d y. 9 - 9 33 7 f ace 31 face, to 31 facilitate, to 31 fact 17 faculty, academic 32 Faculty (College) 31 fail, to 5 fair sex, the 19 faith 14 faithful 26 faithful, to be 14 faithless 18 fall, to 29 falsify, to 5 family 5 family 5 family of 14 famous 19 fanatic 30 fancy that~ 14 far 18 fare 28 farewell, to bid 24 farmer (f) 24 farmer (in) 24 farmer (in) 13 far-sightedness 9 fashion 9 fashionable 27 fast (adj) 27 fast (clock) 19 faster (one who fasts) 19 fasting 19 fasting during Ramadan 19 fast, to 14 fat 31 fate 19 fate and divine decree 30 fate and divine decree, by 5 father 5 father-in-law 5 father, step- 7 fat, to become 8,10 faucet 26 fault 31 favor (merit) 26 fear, to .vv . V V wiss - iwsaas waagih /muwagha sahhil /tashiil Fia?ii?a - Fia?aay hay?it ittadriis kulliyya -aat" fasal/ fasal imaan """"""" muxlis -uin axlas /ixlaas xaayin -uin " wi?i 'ciwu?uu'i zayyif/tazyiif usra - usar £aa?ila Leela (a) - (a) ..... '/ J$ (a)-_(a) ..... 9 / 9 -aat.................... mashuur -uin.............................-, a mutaScassib -uin......................Cj- '-z- ya salaam...............................Lya,~ U biciid -bucaad """ """" L% wgada ...wii........................... 2 f allaa F a -aat... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ........... muzaari i'-uin............................ "" ...- 0 fallaaF -iin ...................... bu 1d nazar ......0 mooda............................ Galalimooda..........................~ 4J sarii 1',o mi?addima """"""""""""""""""""" §aayim -iin......................... . L Boom iyaam """ "- """" soom ramadaan """""""" saam/soom (u) - (u) "-" §iyaam simmi - sumaan """"°""" masiir - masaayir ""-"-""""" ilqacjaa? wilqajar "-"""" 1po L~ 4 - qadaa? wiqadar abb - abaa? ... abbahaat 000000 Fiama .. . . . . ... . . . . . goo zuommn ........... simin/simnna (a) - (a)""""" Fanafiyya -aat 00000000 Yalta -aat- aylaat """"""" fadl - afdaal """"""""" xaaf/xoof (a) - (a) """"" £iid ilfitr""""""""""""""""" I - JL~I - IJ;/ .9 £iid - aciyaad riisa - riffs fibraayir buraaz 00 34 29 feddan (square measure) 17 federation 20 fee 21 feeling 26 feeling 26 feelings 21 feeling, sense of 26 feelings, human 21,26 feel, to 21 feel, to 32 fellowship 9 felt 5 female 32 feminine (gr) 24 fenugreek (grain) 31 feudalism 13 fever 13 fever heat 14,22 few 4 field 4 field (agricul- ture) 18 field path 25,31 field (sphere, range) 22 fifteen (f ) 22 fifteen (in) 22 fifth (f ) 22 fifth (in) 22 fifth, one- 22 fifth 31 fight, to (military) 24 figs 24 figs, Indian 7 figure (body of a person) 24 filberts 17 file 13 fill a tooth, to 28 filled up (bus) 13 filling (dental) 12 film 12 film, color 12 film, detective 12 film, romantic 12 film, silent 12 film, talking 14 finally faddaan - fadadiin N - - I u af diva ittiFaad.................................. "l rasm - rusuum """" iFisaas -aat """"" sucuur "".""" masaaScir """ """ Fassit illams """" ilmasaa'iir il?insaniyya sacar bif (u) - (u) su~uur fuss/i Fisaas (i) - (u) hiss .. "" ." ""I -J .L " " . " J .. minhia - minaF " """ " "" ".° guux unsa . ... . . . . . . . . . . . mu?arlnas . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiilba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iqtaaT Fiuima - uniyyaat................. --; . . sumnma .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?ulayyil -uin............................J".* Faql - FAuquu1 et -7ian """"""""""" . - 4o. sikka ziraciyya magaal -aat S - J -o. xamas taas ar.............................. ..e LY-° xamastaasar................. xamsa...................................... . .. t xaami s................. ..............L'. xums .0 0...0 0 0 0 y xamsiin.. .. ...... ... .. ... .. ... . . . Fiaarib/Fiarb.............. ./ timn ,a -aat """ timn sooki """"" qawaam .... ....... ...... 0.~ . ,- bundu? ,a -aat """"""" - a c J doseeh -aat........................c -9 fiasa/ Fiasw (i) - (u) " "" . / kaamil il~adad........................"" I J.. L film - aflaam...................y 'L - - film mulawwan.......................... .1 4 +.1:s film buliisi............................." " " film yaraami......................... I film s aamit...........................* film naati?..........................( ;iL: axiiran.................................... IJ I maaliyy.............................. . l..o mawwil/tamwil........................... li?i/la?y (a) - (a) """"""" / wagad/wuguud (i) - (i) """""" subaa? - sawaabi T ""0""" / J 35 27 4 11 11 10 28 28 5 19 18,28 22 173,25 22 22 22 6,8 finish, to f ire fireman firemen fireplace fire station fire station first-born first chapter of the Koran first class first (f) First Lady first (in) first, the (f) first, the (in) fish 12 8 fish, broiled 6,11 fisherman 12 8 fish, fried 12 fishhook 12 fishing 12 fishing tackle 6 fish, mullet 6 fish of the Nile 12 fish, to 6 fish, to 22 five (f) 22 fivefold 22 five hundred 22 five (in) 27 five o'clock 27 five o'clock sharp 29 five-piaster (Egyptian note or coin) 29 five pound note 22 five-sixths 25 flag 31 fleet (n) 7 flesh 18 float, to 4,23 flood 28 floor (building level; story) 10 floor (ground) 10 floor rag 31 flour 31 flourish, to 24 flower 24 flowers 32 flunk, to 18 flying 6,13 fly (insect) 6,18 fly, to xallas /taxliis...............)y°-3 naar -niraan....................... ,L Laskari imataafi...................""". rigaal ilmataaf i.... . ". ". . . . . . . ......LSiL Jt , daf faaya -aat ""..""""" - rd "_ mahiattit harii? """"""""" -e mahattit ilmataaf i bikr................. ilf at Fia -alf aati Fia... . ... ............" "- daraga uula ...... .... . . . ......... Farainirra?iis.. ...... . . . ...... awwal ....""".""""..".""..J il?uula.............. ....."""..".".......... il?awwal Li samak ,a -aat """""-"""""c s amak maswi . . . . .. . . . . . s ayy aad samak.. ..... ................. samak ma? l i """" """" "" L s innaara - sasnaniir 0""""" seed issamak.... . ... . . ............ adawaat seed issamak """""""":- buuri .""....."......".....".""".."." L - bulti .""""."""."""...."....."".."" s aad /seed (i) - (i) " "" "" -/ istaad samak....................... .a.jl xans a (xainas) xumaas i xums uiiy ya ".".."""".""..".".".. xainsa (xainas) 't xamsa ""............"....".".....".L xamsa tamaaman . ."..." ol_,a.0lJ I xamnsa bizzabt xainsa s a a y........................0 0 .Lo .J xamnsa gneeh "" xamas asdaas " Lalain - aclaam ustuul - asatiil lahn " " tafa/tafayaan f ayacdaan -aat door - adwaar L.~1 .. d.rr.o .. I ,9J .(u)-(u).0 0. ardiyya .. . . . . . . . . . . . . mainsa ha - mamaas i F ""L """ "" "" - di?ii? ....."..........0 0 0 izdahar/izdihaar """"7" zahr aat............. - zuhuur 0 si?it fit?imti Fiaan " c "" ul tayaraan .. . . . . . . . . . . ., dibbaana -dibbaan......... ""." taar/tayaraan (i) - (i) 0000v .4- / l 36 12 23 32 8 8 8 14 30 12 7 12 29 31 19 31 31 5 -7 25 25 32 32 4 14 19 26 8 17 14 25 30 14 22 31 10 22 22 22 22 27 22 22 22 22 22 27 6 22 focus, to fog folk (as in folktale) food foods foods tuff fool (dim-witted) fool s.o., to football foot (human) footlights foot (measure- ment) forbidden forbid, to force, by forced to, to be forefathers forehead foreign foreigner Foreign School forensic medicine forest for fear that forgive sins, to forgive, to fork (utensil) form, blank formerly form, to for the sake of fortunately forty founder fountain four (f) fourfold four hundred four (in) four o'clock fourteen (f ) fourteen (in) fourth (f) fourth (in) fourth, one- four twenty (time) fox fraction zabt iladasa............. dabaab , abbuura sa~hi V5 ma?kulaat - akl """"""" mawaad yizaa?iyya """"" ahbal - hubl """""""" di Fiik G~ala (a) - (a) """"" da?nu kurat ilqadam """""" ?adam - ?a?daam """"""" adwaa? ilmasraf """"" adam - a?daam " '" " _ LJI =I ' mamnuuc -iin """"""""""""v- Faram/toariim '''''''' --- bil?uwwa ""."""""".."""""""..."." ittarr 1i/ittiraar " ""A"".- I I / salaf - aslaaf """"""" gib iin ...............0 agnabi ...............# agnabi - agaanib """"" . madrasa agnabiyya ittibb issarci """"""" s 1 yaaba -aat....................- la?illa ...."..................... yafar/yufraan (i) - (i) " . uI 7 caf a/cafes (i) - (u) " "-" sookit akl """.."..".""""""""". istimaara -aat... .. .. .. .. .. ....... saabiqan ......................... sakki1/takii1 """ f i sabiil ...................... li 1 usn ilhazz "..".............. arbi'?iin ........................ mu?assis -uin...... ........ .. . . . . - f as ?iyya ......................... arba la (arba 1) """"""""""""""""""""" r ub asa1 i .......................... urbu~umiyya """"""""""""""""""" arba~a (arba i) """""""""""""""""""" arbaS a ....................... arba 1 taasar """"""""""""""""""""" 4 rs arba S taasar ....................% rabSa . . . . . . . . . . . . . raabi 1 .............. arba 1a wt il t.........................LWif I J' LS WL ta'ilab - ta'?aalib kasr - kus uur kasr - kus uur " J-'- kasar/kasr (a) - (i) " - ,. riiFia . . . . . . . . . . . . . birwaaz - barawiiz """""""" r- frank -aat............................ I_ saraaFiatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 I dsI .o 37 31 freedom 31 freedom of the press 31 freedom of thought 19 freedom of worship 32 free (gratis) 4 freeze, to 18 freighter 18 freight train 32 French language 14 frequently 24 fresh (e.g. vege- tables) 15,27 Friday 19 Friday prayer (Islam) 19 Friday sermon (Muslim) 8 fried ground bean patties furriyya Fiurriyyit issaFiaafa hurriyyit ilfikr Fiurriyyit ilcibaada maggaani **** it gammid/tagammud markib na?1 * ?atr budaaca ** illuya ifaransiyya ilfraransaawi miraaran **** taaza -d -'9 L .s a ,. I1 -~ (-S -, ~J-JI ilgum a *********************.* salaat ilgumia '""""""""""""" "d. t..o.,-)L I uo."ti G xutbit ilguma falaafil - .tamiyya **** 28 28 31 8 9 6 14 14 30 8,24 11,24 8 8 14,22 8 7 31 10 9 10 10 10 10 26 27 friend friend friendly fries, French frock coat frog from from now on from time to time fruit fruit seller frying pan fry, to full (things) full, to become (food) function fundamental funnel fur furnish, to (an apartment) furniture furniture furniture fury future, in the saaFiib - as~aab ........ sadiiq - asdiqaa? ...... widdi *** **** ** bataatis mi Rammara """ ridingoot "*** *** dufdaa - dafaadi "* * min .* . . * . * * min il?aan fasaacid **** min wa?t liwa?t *** * 0'o00 l. I - L L LS. v fakha - fawaakih fakahaani -yya taasit ta6miir ?ala/?aly (i malyaan -iin * sibV/ abaT (a: waziifa - wazaayif asaasi -yyiin ?um - i?maai * farw **** assis/ta?siis * ) - (i) " ) - (a) " "" "" 9 -. r """" """" """ J Vl """""" """u asaas ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * * *.* af mubilya -aat "** ** ** ** *** *..*.L -. yeez ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **" filmusta?bal .................. . . 38 G 29 12 12 12 31 18 10 11 10 11 13 13 24 9 10 18 18 13 32 17 32 14 14 5,27 28 14 32 14,32 32 11 32 32 gallon game, final game, interna- tional game (match) gang garage garbage garbage collector garden gardener gargle (mouth- wash) gargle, to garlic garment gas, butane gasoline gas station gastric trouble gas (vapor) general assembly generalize, to generally generally generation generosity generous genitive case (gr) genius geography geologist geometry German language galoon -aat ""'""""'""""""'"* mubaraah nihaa?iyya """"""" mubaraah dawliyya A . F. r d.+ mubaraah .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 'iisaaba -aat ...........".. garaaz -aat """ " """". zibaala .. . . . . . . . . . . . zabbaal -iin """""""" gineena - ganaayin " """ ±. l". ganayni -yya .. . ....... ray ray a .. . . . . . . . . . .. L~. cJ "" rayay/rayraya toom , a -aat libs "00000 - d yaaz Nbutagaaz " " " ". "" banziin " " " " " ." . maFiattit banziin """""" tacab f ilmacida """""""".. yaaz.. . . . . . . . 0 gamiyya %mumiyya"""""" iammm/tacmiim ""- """ £umuuman "" "" " """ " Gala lcumuum """"""""""""""" giil - agyaal ............." karam .. . . . . . . . . . kariim -kurama """""""""""" gars . . . . .. . . . . . . " . " " " " N d. JI ..-'-S G.b 7 Uy4~V. ~)~WI LSLV. ~ ~Js- 30 get lost! 28 get off, to 31 get rid of , to 28 gift 24 ginger 6 giraffe 9 girdle 5 girl 28 girl friend 30 give an example, to 30 give her my best regards! 30 give him my best regards! cabqari - £abaqra """"""" d JLfs - t~ film ilguyrafya.......................LV I (J1 * ziyoloozi -yyiin "".""".."........"JI film ilhandasa.. .. . . ... . . ...... .4"J illuya 1?almaaniyya - "" """ d.." L.~l I -iJ i l? almaani israb min ilbaFir..........' ........ " nizil/nuzuul (i) - (i) """ j / Jj-. itxallas min /taxal lus """. .J / (.:)4v hidiyya - hadaaya """"""""" ganzabiil ......................"" zaraaf a ............0#0000 korseeh -aat... ..........0 0...... ..... r bint - banaat safiba -aat darab masal sallimli '?aleeha s al limli '?aleeh (a . - ..(i) ... c1, 39 30 give my greetings to ...: 31 give, to 26 glad 30 gladly 7 gland 8 glass, a 13 glasses, eye- 13 glasses, sun- 26 glory 9 gloves 14 glutton 6 goat 19 god 19 God 19 God bless him #17 30 God is generous 30 God is great 30 God knows best #18 30 God protect, may 30 God provide for you #19 30 God provide for you #20 19 God's 99 attri- butes (Islam) 30 God willing 30 God willing 9 gold 2 gold (color) 9,11 goldsmith 30 gone with the wind (vanished) 14 good (adj) (f) 14 good (adj) (in) 31 good as, to be so 30 good boy 30 good bye (by person depart- ing) 30 good bye (by , person remain- ing) 19 good deed 19 good deeds, the 30 good evening #21 14 good-for-no thing (person) 19 Good Friday s al lim Giala ... " ....... .. 'iata/'atiyya........................ .L. I / .L~I far Aaan -uin """-"""" 9 1. bikull suruur.............................. , JS yudda -yudad.......................- as kubbaaya -aat......................XIJSI - e nacdara tibbiyya.................... ...,U_. naddaarit saws........................:. ~ l magd....................... ....... gawanti .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . I sarih-uin......................... mi~za -miciiz....................... s ilaah -aaliha...................... _ - JI allaah..................................... aJJ1 saJla llaahu Valayhi "."*- LW., & .J! &JI was allam aljlaah kariim """"""""""" , du labbina mawguud............................ L, alaahu adlam........................... sJ J JJJI rabbina yus tur allaah yirzu?ak " " " " " " " " " " ... .. 1 W i allaah yif tabi caleek asmaa? allaah it1Fiusna bi?izn illaah.........................dii in vaa? allaah 4J dahab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dah ab i .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. saayiy - siyyaay..................... - zahaba maca rriiFi +" "" (~j j, -o ', kuwayyisa - kuwayyisiin..........a. kuwayy is - iin.................................C,...3 itfaddal Siala/tafaddul.................J / >' - ibn F alaal "---""""""-""-"""---" allaah yisallimak """-""" J U LC, I1 s WI ma ca ssalaama Fasana -aat issali Fiaat misaa? ilxeer xaayib -uin ~L J!.40i ilgumia 1'iaiima L.JJ ilgumca ikibiira bint Falaal.................. . y asalaam .................. muwaf fa? ins aa? allaah """" d I 4-.9,- ysai ilxeer.... ....................a,, . 40 19 30 good (n) goodness, my! xeer " ( . 1 30 good night! #23 30 good night! #24 30 good night! #25 19 good omen 14,26 good (person) 20 goods 6 goose 19 Gospel, the 10 go out, to 18,31 go, to 27 go to bed, to (sleep) 17 government 17 governmental 17 government circles 11,17 governor 17 governorate 19 grace of God, the 32 grade (level - school) 32 grade (level- school) 32 grade (mark - school) 30 gradually 32 graduate, a 32 graduate, to 24 grain (of a..) 81,24 grains (cereal) 8 grain (seed) 32 grammar 32 grammar (subject) 32 grammatical 29 gramme 5 granddaughter 5 grandfather 5 grandmother 5 grandson 25 grant 24 grapes 8 grater (utensil) 8 grate, to 18 grease, to 30 great! 19 Greater Bairam (Muslim feast ) 14 greedy 32 Greek language 2 green 2 green, dark ukuuma -aat """"" Fhukuumi """"""""" dawaa?ir ii Fukuuma a.c SJ I -(. mu~faafiz -uin " J9 - muhiafza -aat...............- L. naSi im al laah.................J saf f -sufuuf.................. fasi - fusuul daraga -aat tadriigiyyan """""'" xirriig -uin itxarrag/ taxarrug """""""""" hiabba - Fiubuub """""" Fubuub . . . . . . . . . hiabb ,a -aat """" " qawaa'ild illuya """""" innahw .......... nahwi ya nhaa; abyad.............~'~ ,' tisbaFi Gala xeer """""" liltak sa'ilida....................... - j .jJ winta min ahl ilxeer JA IJc J rt I faal.......................................JL9 tayyib -uin....................... v- . budaaca. - badaayi~.........5d wizza -wizz...........................- djjI ingiil - anagiil J"""U I.-- xarag/xuruug (u) - (u)/ raafi/mirwaaFi (u) - (a).... "...... .. / -'A naam/noom (a) - (a)....................' " " v a J " " " " " " " C; I " " " " " " " " 1 " 1 " " " " " " *..u 7 -Ls giraam -aat """. ""."" hafiida -aat """ gidd - agdaad "". "."" gidda -aat """".""""""""""" hlafiid - ahifaad """""" minhia - mina 6 """"""" 'ilnab ,a -aat ."""""" mab sara - mab aas ir basar/basr (u) - (u) "."""" saFiam/tashiim"""""" J I c 1 L- s 1~ -~ 7 = c~v d 7 £aziim .. . . . . . . . . . . : . £iid il jad a ''''' '''''' '''' £iid iddaFiiyya sarih -uin j il luy a lunaaniyya " "' a_ U9° i lvunain IJ 9 WGI axdar ,xadra -xu@ -' ' 'C zeeti.....................................( ) xudari -yya ..................... xudra -.xadaar _p zatuuni....... ...... . .. . . . . . .. . . kur unb i-5. 41 2 2 30 30 30 28 28 2 2 7 8 8 8 26 11 11 31 7 7 31 31 25 24 21 25 18 31 20 4 16 16 16 7,13 6 31 11 11 32 green, to become green, to make greeting, a greetings, our greetings (said to one returning from trip) greet, to greet , to grey grey, dark grey, to become (hair) grill, to grinder, meat grind, to groan, to grocer groom (horses) group (crowd) grow big, to grow, to guarantee guarantee, to guard, honor guava (fruit) guess, to guest, invited guide, a guide, to guild, chairman of gulf (bay) Gulf of Aden Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Suez gums (anat) gundog gunpowder gynecologist (f) gynecologist (in) gynecology ixc1arr.......................-4 xaddar/taxdiir """""""/ > tahiyya -aat.........................' - .: tahiiyyatna .. . . . . . . . . . . . C .: s al amaa t . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( ,,. Fayya/tafiiyya sallim Lala rainaadi "" rus aas i """ saab/seeb " f""" """ A J / L .""""". . . .4."". ". . . . Sawa/sawy (i)- M ...i..);/ 5.7 maframa -mafaarim """"" - & aantn ()-()"""""". v. / L" ann/aniin M(i)M- ..i... I /-I / baaal-in..............................-., foog -afwaag .........4 &-'-i / kibir/kubr (a) - (u) ...........)A/ ; nama/numuw (u) - (u) ............, -' Iamaan -aat.............................. C L 4' daman/damaan (a) - (a) """"v / Faras issaraf " " " " " " " " " ' .! .?'.' gawaafa .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . w49 I xaimin/ taxmiin """"""/ madcu -wwiin .......... 9- daliil inursid """ """ " "r -l ars ad/ i rsaad.......................JL ) ',I/ '"' naqiib...................................* s. xaliig a a .......... .....................C". . xaliig i1Scaqaba....................""'""I~J Lasissiwees...........................W kaib seed................................ ,J b aruud duktoorit amraad nisa "'" " "" "Ul I duktoor airaadnvisa "....."" ., tibb amraad innisa '"""'''''''v - H 23 7 9 9 22 29 hail hair hair coloring (dye) haircut half, one- half-piaster (Egyptian coin) b arad gacr ,a -aat . .. . .. . .. . Ca y ' sayi ~k.............................. - ?a.q issaT............................. Y--'' LA irs ta~rifa..............""."".....- 42 29 half-pound (E- gyptian note, = 50 piasters) 10 hall 19 Hanbalitic (Is- lamic Sect) 7 hand 31 handbill 27 hand (clock) 27 hand, hour (clock) 9 handkerchief 9 handmade 27 hand, minute (clock) 31 hand over, to 27 hand, second (clock) 29 handspan 10 hang, to 31 happen, to 31 happen, to 26 happiness 19 happiness 14,26 happy 30 happy birthday 30 happy blessed day! #26 30 happy day! (hello!) #27 30 happy holiday! #28 30 happy holiday! #29 30 happy holiday! #30 26 happy, to be 26 happy, to make 30 happy to meet you! #31 30 hard working per- son, a 6 hare 16 Hashemite King- dom of Jordan, the 14 hateful 26 hate, to 9 hat (European) 26 hatred 30 have a safe trip! #32 30 have a safe trip! #33 30 have a speedy recovery! #34 14,20 have (possess; non-verb) xamsiin ir **''""* saala -aat ** * * * * * ** * * Ranbali ** * * * * * * * * * * * . iid - ideen ********....... mansuur -aat ""** *** La?rab- La?aarib *****...... Ta?rab issafaat c. Ls Li_ mandiil - mandadiil sinaaga yadawiyya ra?rab idda?aayi? sallim li/tasliim ca?rab issawaani ... .. ... . I I ±l. sibr - asbaar ********** calla?/taclii? ****...... nasal/ Fusuui (a) - (u) ** Fiasal/Fusuul (a) - (u) ** fara6 far a *......... naciim ******* ** farFiaan -iin ****** liid milaad saciid * * nahaarak saciid mubaarak *** ** " ... *** ... / J4 Jy" " U i / nahaarak saciid * kull sana winta tayyib kull Laam winta bxeer J-S kull Laam wintum bixeer *....* I U sifid/sagd (a) - (a) .. - ( -- / - sacaada sarr/surur (u) - (u) **.*** / " fursa saciida ************* Fumaar suyl **.................... 1.* arnab barri ***********...****** . ...I ilmamlaka l?urduniyya ** • L.JI Lja 1 I S 1 1L lhaasimiyya kariih -iin ....................... .- kirih/kurh (a) - (a) ........ *"" / butneeta - baraniit ***.....- . _ _ . f_ karaahiya.. al......................... rabbina yiwassalak . *...J ..-JL L . bissalaama maca ssalaama ..".................... -J I _ salamtak ......................... _ a - sand ,** * * * * * * * * * * * * 43 14 he 7 head 13 headache 32 headmaster 32 headmistress 17 headquarters 31 headquarters 13 health 13 health, excellent 13 healthy 21 hearing, sense of 7 heart 21 hear, to 30 hearty congratu- lations. 4,23 heat 23 heater 23 heater, electric 19 Heaven 30 Heaven forbid: #35 30 Heaven forbid! #36 30 Heaven forbid! 30 Heaven forbid! 19 Heavenly reli- gions 29,21 heavy 32 Hebrew language huwwa raas - ruus.......................-) (9 sudaa'T naazir - nuzzaar.......................,tJ. Bbl-. nazra -aat........................... - markaz il?idaara.........................IJ' jr maqrarr-aat............................ v I - siFFia mumtaaza.........................ud saliim...................................... L Fassit issami ......................... JI 4I.L ?alb - ?uluub.................. 9-Li- -- simiS/samai (a) - (a) / tahaniina lqalbiyya. """""" ............ 22 Farr - Riaraara ". " " " " . "" .I daffaaya -aat...................... cI - d. daffaaya kahraba....................L rLrZ is sama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l balid issar Laleek..................... L-. ._4JI biS~iid Lannak . " " . " " " . " . _. - la samaF allaah la ?addar allaah - allaah la y?addax il?adyaan issamawiyya """""'' d_1J IJ I 9 1. .J 1 v L, )'/ I 7 20 25 19 30 30 heel (anat) heir held, to be (meeting) hell hello #37 hello #38 ti?iil illuya l cib riyya- ""'"""' ilcibri kaTh - kucuub waaris - warasa """"""0" in'?aqad/in'iiaad "-""""" ilgahiuim """"""" 'ialeekum issalaam "o"""0 Laleekum issalaamu d. warahmatu llaahi wibarakaatu issalaainu 'aleekum 000 I I (~~S LS - c~~Jl ~J1 ~SWc ~1I 30 hello (peace be with you) 30 hello. (telephone) 31 help, to 6,8 hen 63,8 hen 9 henna 24 henna plant 24 herb 14 here 12 hero 12 heroine 7,13 hiccup 31 hide, to 25 High Commission- er, the 32 higher education aloo........................................ .JI saacid/musaida......................... ° / farxa - firaax................. Minarx .-.iaa............................ t 1.- tamr Minna.......................... 'L ..,.Jl I -o-- cu~b - a caab..................... . .,:j s - hina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C" batal - abtaal.....................JILTI - batala -aat............................""" axfa/ixfaa?..........................LjI / 9 ilmanduub is saami """"""".. ~ "- 9j -- ittaVliim ilcaali I 44 32 Higher Institute for Home Econo- mi cs 32 Higher Institute for Music 32 Higher Institute for Physical Education 32 high school 4 hill 32 historian 32 history (subject) 26 hit, to 19 hold sacred, to 25 hold, to (meeting) 27 holiday, public 27 holidays, legal 19 holiness 19 holy 19 Holy Books 19 Holy Ghost, the 19 Holy mosque, the (in Mecca) 19 Holy scriptures, the ilma Vhad ilticaali L 5 J WJ I .. J I littadbiir ilmanzili ilmachad il~?aali..........." i-o J--U JWLJ I ~ lilmusiiqa ilmashad it Saali L L,, I J I I J littarbiya rriyadiyya madrasa sanawiyya................... . _ L.; ..., tall - tilaal........................J""z - 44 mu?arrix -un.......................... - - £ilm ittariix................... darab/garb (a) - (i) """"" y/ ?addis/ta?diis....... .............. ...._/ - Lt4gLLZLs ca?ad/ ca?d -. (i ) caqad/ £aqd cutla -aat """"" ayyaam il'iutlaat i rrasmiyya qadaasa ?adaasa muqaddas -uin "" ilkutub issamawiyya irrooF ilqudus " ilmasgid ilFaraam - (i) ,%.. s / .mss ..... .... .... i _- " "" """ "" """ \n - LJ41 ilkitaab ilmuqaddas................... . ! L IJ 19 32 31 32 14 8 27 26 26,28 25 6 6 26 31 Holy Sepulcher home economics (subject) homeland homework honest honey honeymoon honor honor, to confer honor, to (revere) hoof ilqabr ilmuqaddas ittadbiir ilmanzili . I~ J wa tan -aw taan............... ".......iz Q - waagib -aat """"..... . amiin -umana .""""""" slI- sahr ilSasal ..............0 0 s araf ."00 0""."......0 .....""00 """" sarraf/tasriif """"/""" karram/takriim ...... ............ Faafir - FAawaafir...................j"9'' ! hudhud -hadaahid """"" i.. - amal -amaal...................... J~L - amil/amal (a) - (a)......." ......J-0 I/ saF~ii nnoom """ ...... J hoopoe hope hope for, ol ol 441 44 to 30 hope you slept well! 30 hope you will en- joy it! (food or drink) 30 hoping the same for you: #39 4,23 horizon 6 horn (animal) 18 horn (automobile) 31 horoscope, today's 8 hors d'oeuvres 6 horse 6 horses 1 .0 haniyyan L. -J cu?baal Landak..................... s Jls ** ufuq - afaaq...................... L I - ?n-?ruu..............................- , - F~azzak ilyoom "..................... ;1 mu~ahhiyaat fns aan xeel .... CL4:I 45 6 horseshoe 13,28 hospital 28 hospitality 13 hospital, mental 19 Host 31 hostilities 31 hostility 14,21 hot (weather) 23 4 hot 28 hotel 18,28 hotel 23 hot, it is (weather) 23 hot wind 27 hour 10 house 12 houseboat 11 houseboy 11 houseboy 10 household uten- sils 14 how? 14 how many? 14 how much? 14 how much? (price) 14 how often? 19 humanity (human beings) 4 humidity 12 humor 22 hundred, one 22 hundred thousand, one 22 hundredth, the 14 hungry 8 hungry, to become 6,12 hunter 12 hunting 12 hunt, to 12 hunt, to 23 hurricane 27 hurry, to 27 hurry , to (rush) 5 husband 10 hut 13 hygiene 32 hygiene (subject) 19 hymn 19 hymn 19 hypocrisy 19 hypocrite, to be musa "f ..-yaat ..................... . . 9 karam iddiyaaf a....................... L. J 1 , mus ta f a "lmagaz iib """"""""" a ..JI ?urbaana - ?arabiin """"" C), . -O. 'adaa? £udwa anlu 'iudwaanvI harr .................................. 1 s uxn..................... funduq - fanaadiq.....................-JL**L-.S-- lukana-aa................................ ,L~ saa'ia -aat......................... 1_ ' ...cA - d~.. beet -buyuut £awwaama -aat........................ 4. xaddaam -iin.................. I 1 - U sayyaa1 -uin........................ L -_ ' , adawaat manziliyya """"""""" I izzaay # 0 0 0 0 0 kaam . . . . . . . kaam . . . . . . . bikaam """ " " " " kaammarra """"" illibaad """ """ " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " . " " A " " " " " " " " " " " " . " . Du o pS " " " " " " . " " " " " " " . J ~ . rutuuba " fukaaha " miyya . miit alf " TL~ .l ilmiyya .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .a,..JI ga'iaan -uin..........................- gaal/guuc? (u) - (u) Et? sayyaad -iin...........................u9 .- "o"""""""" """""""" seed . saad/seed (i) - (i).......... / istaad/seed........................bLJ 1 / LL .I z awbaS~a - zawaab i~ asralhisraa?....................... ...1../ ,,, ista'igil/isticgaal................ . .. 1/ - goo z - agwaaz """".............. ! "I kuux -akwaax """""""". I qawaaS~id si Fiiyya..........................&jW £ilm issiFa........................... ~f r- tartiila -taratiil..........AI - tarniima - taraniim " - - ni faaq .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ naafiq/munafqa.............L / 46 14 30 8 8 19 31 17 I I am very glad ice ice cream icon idea identity card 14 idiot 14 idio ti c 14 idiotic 19 idol 19 idol 14 if 14 if 14 if (contrary to fact) 30 if only (would God) 19 I (form of modesty) 19 I (form of modesty) 32 ignorance 25 ignore, to 13 ill (f) 32 illiteracy 32 illiterate 13 ill (in) 13 illness 13 ill, to become 31 illustrated 31 imagine, to 32 imagine, to 11 Imam (Moslem prayer leader) 31 imitate, to 14,27 immediately 19 immortal (adj) 14 impatiently 32 imperative (gr) 31 imperialism 14 impolite 20 imported 20 imports 20 imports and exports 20 import, to 14 impossible 14 impossible, it is ana .. . . . . . . . . . . ana saeciid giddan """""""""""" t alg . . . . . . . . . . . zilaati " - " " " " " ayquuna -aat .""" " """" fikra -afkaar """"""" bitaa?it tali?ii? """"""" , isaxsiyya £abiit - Lubata """ "o ahbal-hubl .""""""" mahbuul -mahab iil .... sanam -asnaam """00""""""""" wasan -awsaan........ iza . . . . . . . . . . . . in .. . . . . . . . . . . yaw ret...........**........ itiabd iddaliif "0""000000000 .......... , - d lI " ~ I v. j 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 ... I J J ! il cabd lil laah dJJ JI gahl .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Z tagaahal/tagaahul......................Je / . .,L t maiida -aat.................... ummi yy ii.............................., mariid -marda.......... marad - amraad........... """"" mirid/marad " (a) - (a) " ° musawwar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i- i txayyil/ taxayyul....".... .........../ itsawwar/tasawwur ".".."V imaam - a?imm........".""". ". ". .... ?allid/ta?liid......................."J "V"j" Faalan .filhaal..............J JI .. / xaalid . ........ ".........................J s~ bif aariy isabr """ """. . ". ."...~J I LLj isti maar . . . . . . . " . . " . I ?aliil i32adab......................... ..,jYI J mus taw ra d """"""""""."""""...""...". J 9 waridaat ".""""""..".""""..".."".." waridaat wisadiraat "...... "" " l :.y I jI j istawrad/istiraad """ """ 1j.1-I V/3jy .. mus tafiil ". . . . .." " ....................... . .. 1 a yumkin................0 *..0................. 47 31 impossible, to be 14 in 31 in accordance with 30 in addition to 14 inadvertently 25 inaugurate, to 19 incense 19 incense, to burn 29 inch 31 incident 20 income 25 increase 7 increase, to 30 indeed~ 32 index 32 Indian language, East 4 Indian Ocean 13 indigestion 26 indisposed 5 individual 14 inexperienced 31 infantry 5 infant, suckling 13 infection 19 infidel 19 infidelity 31 infiltrate, to 22 infinity 13 inflammation 26,31 influence 13 influenza 31 inform about, to 25 information 31 information (pub- licity & conmu- nications) 17,28 information of- fice 31 inform ... of, to 31 infringe upon, to 14 in front of 32 ingenuity 20 inheritance 20 inherit, to 13 injection 13 inject, to 32 ink 5 in-law (f) istafiaal/istihcaala 00a" :u -.. J I/ f i..........................................c-- bunaa?an Lala.........................."j- - bil?idaafa ila........................s J I L4i:,) Lala yaof la.............................&L9 c-J- dauin/tad..in......................... -- baxxar/tabxiir....................... / ., buusa -aat........................... ,I - Fadsa - Rawaadis............c-,J) - I daxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jm izdiyaad izdlaad/iyaad. ....................... JI / fihris rf ihr is t - "" - - c .- fahaaris illuy a lh indiyy a......................& rr- I l1 ilhindi ilmufiiit ilhindi .......""" $ -err-lI1 @I Sus r h adm . . . . . . . . . . . . munearif ilmazaag """""""""""" C fard - afraad..................... ....iK91 9- .r y asiim - y usm 00000 0 ... . musaah radiiiT 1 adwa kaaf ir- kuf faar...................0S000L kufr ..................00 0...0 ..... itsallil/ tasallul....... .........3 J-., / JJi la nihaaya .......................... ">1 ma la nihaaya iltihaab -aat......................I - I-{rJI ta?siir nufuuz.....................J-' - in filwan za axbar Sian/ixbaar .,L .. .J.7 ma'iiumaat .. . . . . . . . . . ..lA i iiaam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maktab il?isti'?lamaat " ..... a~caat ... iSilman bi.............J "". 1,L. I itc~adda Sala/tac~addi.............. / s _ ?uddaam l. Sab q aiyy a miraas..................... waras /wi rs................~ Fu?na - Fhu~an........................ ..- Ria?an / a?n (i) - (i) / . Fiibr .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nisiiba 48 14 in spite of 14 in spite of 20 installment 20 installments, by 20 installments, to pay in 14 instead of 14 instead of 32 Institute of African Studies 32 Institute of Public Health 32 institute (scien- tific) 12 instrument, musical 20 insurance 20 insurance, fire 20 insurance, life 20 insured 21,32 intellect 14 intelligent 14 intelligent 25 intend, to 14 intentionally 311,25 interest 20 interest (finance) 31 interest in, to take an 25 interfere in, to 31 interim 31 internal 32 internal medicine (subject) 25,31 international 25 International Bank for Recon- struction and Development 31 international day 31 international news 32 interrogatives (gr) 12 interval, theatre 7 intestines 28 introduce, to 32 introduction 21 intuition 4,23 inundation Giala rraymmnn........................ , ---JL birraym min.........................i- . Jl _L ?ist - a?saat "" " " " " " " J .. _ b. s gala a?saat..........................L...21 l ?assat/ta?siit............. /AZ badal......................................... J b adal min . . .. . . . . . . . . . - machad iddirasaat ' """ -- il?ifriqiyya maThad issif Fa 1?amma ""4 "" J I a 4-1-4 machad - macaahid * 000 900 & " - tV aala musiiqiyya """"""" ta?miin """""""" "". ta?miin did itlFarii? """"""""""" ta?miin Sala l Fiayaah .... mu?amman Laleeb """"""" zihn - azhaan """""""" zaki - azkiyaa? """"""" a zkiy a nabiih - nubaha """"""" ictazam/i~tizaam 'amdan -?asdan """""""""" masla~ia - masaaliR """"" ribi- arbaaF ... ...." I JJ Uri r LJ I ) - -a ihtamm bi/ihtimaam """" I tadaxxal fi/tadaxxul """" / J> mu?aqqat - muwa??at """""""""" daaxili..................................... JJJ.j tibb i1? amraad .................. ..,1 J Ic, -21 .. ilbaatiniyya 9aalami dawli........................J w ).l i lb ank iddawli """" LL..: : .:-ULJ ijjI JLW! yoom dawli ............................ ! - axbaar 'iaalamiyya.............~. . il?istifhaam """"""""""""I istiraafia .. . . . . . . . . . . . . nIJ .I amaa? .masariin.......................t4-2I ?addim/ta?diim........................Ji / ." muqaddima -aat .................. " ..... ZI - ao _s il assa ssadsa Fiads " I L ..jL. J I '.. -- seel - s uyuul..............J ~ - J. yaza/yazw (u) - (u) ..... . / I a yaar Siala / iy.aara..................."d,,L-I / JLlI Fa??a? fi/taFi?ii? """"""" / s tali?ii? -aat...........................c.I _ istismaar -aat..............................-., istasmar/istismaar..........L .I / 49 14 in view of 25, 28 invitation 25 invitation, official 28 invite someone, to (hospitality) 25,28 invite, to 20 invoice 20 invoice 19 invoke a bles- sing, to 19 invoke evil, to 13 iodine, tincture of 16 Iraq 16 Iraqi, an 10 iron 9 iron, curling 11 ironer 9 iron, to (e.&g garment) 32 irregular (gr) 32 irrigation engi- neering 19 Islam 19 Islamic 19 Islamic law 19 Islamic world 4 island 25,31 issue 31 issued, to be (published) 31 issue (of paper or magazine) 25,31 issue, to 30 it doesn't matter! #40 30 it's a great pleasure to me 30 it's o.k. #41 14 it's possible that nazaran i........................... ....J I1J;. dacwa ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o da~wa rasmiyya . . ..... .. a.a., o. ista~aaf /isticaaf a *0 . /~ $ .~ datia/daScwa (i) - (u) """" d J / L..j fatuura - fawatiir.................." ' ,,, - dj - l kasf Fisaab.............................. .,, L ..5 datia li- (i) - (u)..................J" )L~, datia Lala sabyit yuud cis cup ............. Ls. il'?iraaq ..ilSiraa? ..........""" ""0 "" ; J £iraaqi £iraa?i -yyin """""" - : . s .- makwa - makaawi....................L makwit issa~.........................""""" makwagi -yya 00 ...................... / VC kawa/kawy (i-(i """""" / s aaz . ................................ . : handasit irrayy " ..." ....""""".sJj ~wJ " it?islaam """""""""""""""""""""""". is laami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . issariica /1?islamiyya """"""" ilScaalam it?islaami """""- giziira - guzui """""" ?acdiyya - ?adaaya """"""" sadar/suduur (u) - (u) "'""""" ' . .,-' aJL.J / . J 'adad - acdaad asdar/isdaar " ana saSciid giddan J I Js 1 J Js ...*................ Fasal xeer..............................." min ilmumkin inn................. W l I ~c.r-° J 8 1,27 32 8 24 24 jam (food) January Japanese language jar j asinine jasmine , Arabian ma rabb a ............... - yaaair ....................... illuya lyabaniyya "-"........ ., LL.JI ilyabaani bartamaan -aat............................... yasmiin ,a -aat......................- d c fulla -aat................... c a '~ 50 7 jaw 14 jealous 26 jealousy 16,19 Jerusalem 19 Jerusalem (third holy place) 19 Jesus 18 ,31 jet aircraft 19 Jew 9 jewel 9,11 jeweler 9 jewelery 19 Jinn 17 job 7 joint (anat) 12 joke 12 jokes, to crack 26 joke, to 26 joking 16 Jordan 16 Jordan Rivers the 31 journalism 31 journalism, science of 31 journalism, the 11,31 journalist (f) 31 journalistic 11,31 journalist (in) 31 journalists 31 journalist's union 31 journalists' union, head of 14 jovial (likeable) 26 joy 19 Judaism 11,17 judge 8 juice 8 juice, orange 1,27 July 30 jump in the lake, let him 12 jump, to 18 jump, to 1,27 June 32 junior high school 19 jurisprudent (Islam) f akk """"""""" yayyaar -uin "" yiira """"""" il?uds """""""" taalit ilhFarameen " ". "" "" "" V9 - J I J tm yasuuT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . naf faasa -aat........................- ,( al9: yahuudi - yahuud """""" . _u gawhara - gawaahir """"" i - a gawahirgi -yya ..................... " mugawharaat "" " " " " " " " " " " l ginn waziifa - wazaayif.............. u; mafsal - mafaasil........................ nukta - nukat..................... .......- nakkit/tankiit........................ / . 5 mazaFi/maz f (a) - (a) "7 / r mizaaFi .Fiizaar . " " " " " " " " . " iaht?urdun............................. v jj s if an ..uaf........................... d-qifnnisjai """""""""Jf (;J issahiaafa............... .........a~i$L.,JI sufiufiyya -aat........................ suFifi-yin.............................- 'Us rigaal issaFiaafa.................. . J ju , niqaabit issuFufiyyiin................ " i d _ naqiib issuF~ufiyyiin...................t...i.Jl r xafiif iddamm........................... .11J suruur .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilyahuudiyya ............ d,9 j ?aadi -?udaah..................... ......... cas ii r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1",° casiir burt?aan...................... . ~r yulyu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-a yis ab mmi iba Fr. qaf az /qaf z (i) - (i) """""" -=/ -s nat;/natt (u) - (u)................." "...~/~. yunyu "......".""...................".d madrasa i'cdadiyya """"""" 'J 6J- faqiih -fuqaha........................ 51 K 19 Kaaba, the 19 Kaaba, the cover- ing of 19 Kaaba, the (holy shrine, Mecca) 29 Kantar 18 keep right (traffic sign) 29 kerat (weight) 8 kettle 8 kettle, electric 10 key 16 Khartoum 19 Kibla (Islam) #42 7 kidney 5 kill, to 29 kilocycle 29 kilogram 29 kilometer 29 kilowatt 32 kindergarten 31 kindle, to 26 kind (person) 17,25 king 16 kingdom 26 kiss 26 kiss, to 26 kiss, to 8,10 kitchen 8 knead, to 7 knee 19 kneel in prayer, to 8 knife 12 knob, radio 28 knock at, to 32 knowledge 32 know, to ilbeet i1faraam....................... IJ.-J1 ~J1 ilkiswa sariifa.............""""" "J ilkaiba .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . d _I ?intaar - ?anatiir ""*.." .... ' ilzam ilyimiin................... ...... ifJj i ' ?iraat - ?arariit....................L,IJ ., jJ y allaaya -aat.........................- " l yallaaya kahraba """"""". a ,J, , muf taa h- maf atii Fi ...............! ilxartuum .............J.1 qibla .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kilwa -kalaawi........................ " y," d y-- ?atal/?atl (i) - (u) ...../ kilusaykil ""...............,.. kilu . kilugraam """""" kilumitr .L,_ ki luwaat.............................. .!.9,, ' ;oodit il?atfaal """"".. L * asa/is caal /J~ safuu? - sufa?a" malik -muluuk............d L - L mamlaka - mamaalik I. _ boosa -aat................................ -a.. bass/boos (u) - (u)/ b aas /boos...................../ c- matbax -mataabix "............. lL Cagan/'iagn i) - (i)............v s/ ., rukba -rukab.................."............. rakac/rakia (a) - (a) ...../ sikkiina -sakakiin.............. ...~.L.. S. muf taafi- mafatiiFi """ da?? Lala/da?? (u) - (u) """""""" / 1 macrif a 'iirif /macrifa Ca) - (i)........... a9 o/ musfiaf- masaaFiif....... 000 .- ...............-(. aaya -aat...................... .....- i z zikr il1Fiaki im ...... ,............... ~J ,Lj 1 ilqur?aan ............. ilqur?aan ilkariim ..1 """".vI Js ilkuwe e t .......... 0 0 00 0 madiinit ilkuweet " . ".""'". ~~ kuwee t i-yyiin ..,.00000000000...u - 'r5 19 19 19 19 19 16 16 16 Koran, copy of the Koranic verse Koran, the Koran, the Koran, the holy Kuwait Kuwait (city) Kuwaiti, a 52 13,32 9 5 18 8 8 4,12 6 8 10 4 20 20 20 18 4 28 32 5 22 19 27 27 14,27 27,28 32 4 7,26 12 11 17 11 11 13 14,32 25,31 31 31 253,31 32 32 20 20 9 28 16 laboratory lace lad ladies' (lava- tory) ladle, a ladle, to lake lamb lamb (meat) lamp land landlord landlord landlord land, to land (world) lane (street) language lass last last meal of the day in Ramadan last, to late lately late, to be Latin latitude laugh, to launch laundryman law lawyer (f) lawyer (mn) laxative lazy leader leadership lead, to lead, to, to learned person, very learn, to lease, a lease, to leather leave, to take Lebanese, a ma naml macaaiil........................J.° W -. a- dantel tantilla " """ """ " ""I §ab i - subyaan v, - - sayyidaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . mayrafa - mayaarif """....." yaraf/yarf (i - (i) """" buFaayra -aat"'""" "" " xaruuf -xirfaan """""""" laFimit xaruuf "" " " "" "" " " la Fima daani lamba -aat and - araadi """"""........."" ru?aggir -uin :....... *aaFiib ilmilk """ " " "" "" " maalik -mullaak """"""....." nizil/nuzuul V - 9, v Vo l v - iL 9r / JI -0 u L, . . o ard . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Faara .-hawaari 9 luy a -aat........................ .... (:,I._A sabiyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . axiir .. . . ... . . . . ... . . .. suFiuur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . daain/dawaain (u) - (u) " , / I J muta axxir mu?axxaran . axiiran...................!IJ - I y- it?axxar/ta?xiir """"""""""""** L/ iluuya llatiniyya ............. .. " &&I.LJ I illatiini xatt Vard .. ... . . . . . . . . . ° s di~iik/di ik (a) - (a) Jqg/ 2aarib buxaari """""""""" - makwagi -yya.............. L qanuun - qawaniin.................C,"" :IyJ -..yU muFiaiiyya -aat ........."""""-"4..0. mu Fiaami - in ..... ..... musahhil .. . . . .".. . . . . . ...o kaslaan -iin -.kasaala................JL..S.v. -S za'iim - zu'ama """"""".""""" s ... qiyaada -aat........................ I dJ. qaad/qiyaada (u) - (u) """"""" JL,1. / J U. adda ila/ta?diya """"""""""" LU / Jl1w I Sallaama "" "" "" " " "" " " " itSallii/ta~liim """""""" ('/ ' ca?d igaar . .. . . . . .. . . . l IJ"- aggar min/igaar........... gild................................ xarag/xuruug Cu) - (u) """""" '/ lubnaani -yyiin """""""" u 53 16 Lebanon 32 lecture 32 lecture, to 24 leek 3 left (direction) 3 lef t (direction) 7 leg 7 legal age, to reach 19 legal opinion (Islamic law) 25 legation 19 legitimate 8 lemonade 24 lemons 20 lend, to 12 lens 19 Lent 24 lentils 14 less 32 lesson 20 let for rent, to 30 let's~ 31 letter (mail) 32 letter of the alphabet 31 letters to the editor 24 lettuce 30 let us.. . 25 level (n) 14 liar 31 liberal 31 liberation 31 liberty, depri- vation of 31 liberty of the press 11 librarian (f ) 11 librarian (in) 28,32 library 28 library, public 32 library science 16 Libya 16 Libyan , a 6 lice 8 lick, to 6 lick, to 26 lies, to tell 7,28 life 12,18 lifebelt lubnaan .............. muira aat .................. ............. . siaalirmuh..........................~ .../ rimal -.igee............................., balay/buluuy (u) - (u) .....J0 . J U. fatwa - fataawi """"""" """""" msfaww iyya.-aat............................l - ; £asiir lamuun........................ v~ lamnuun ,a -aat..................."" I d c j9.J sallif/tasliif..................... ~ / ,A Ladasa -aat... .. ... . . .. . . . .. . . .... ....- issiyaam ilkibiir.................""""" ~i Tads , a-aat....................... c a?all .................................. V I dars - duruus..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... aggar li/igaar........................ ... ,_;/ r Y4 la .1... ................./G risaala - rasaa?il.... ........ ...Jt gawaab -aat Fiarf - Ruruuf... ... .. ... .. .. . . . ...... >- bariid ilqupraa?............................!I ( r+ . xas* ,a -aat..................... yaila ... ............ mustawa -yaat """0"000""""""""""" kazzaab, kaddaab -in """""" mutaaiarrir -uin ""00"""""""*"""" ta Firiir .................. hiagz itlFiurriyya...... " ................ 0 *** i _ fiurriyyit innasr...........................:WI , amiinit maktaba........................d~rS:.- ,a - amiin maktaba........................ .... .4 .Q maktaba -aat.................. maktaba cainma........................ a..~. U '?ilm ilmaktabaat.................... L jJf J~ libya .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . liibi -yyiin ....... "...... ".............. ?aml a -aat................... . laFias /laF s (a) - (a) """""""" J/ ; lavia?/la'?? (a) - (a)..............9~ kidib/kidb (i) - (i).............""/"j flay aah. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... ..... Fii zaam innagaah................> .W I I ?aarib nagaah.................d Li duu? ........*0 0.".0 ..00"..0 00.0 ..: xafiif ".."........."....."""...."..... nuur axdai...................,1J f anaar -aa t..............................- 1 54 4,23 21 14 30 26 26 24 32 9 32 32 lightning light (weight) like (as) like father, like son #43 like, to liking limes line linen linguistic linguistics bar? .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . xaf iif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.,s ka -zayy e ibn ilwi z z 'awwaam............. ........ ! Ji CJ-4 hiabb /Fiubb (i) ......... ,./ , Fiubb lamuun , a -aat... ... ... . . . ........ satr - sutuur ...................J- ki ttaan..................................... u Ls luyawi...................................." L ." £ilm illuya ..............cl .~J I a&J illasniyyaat bawasal/wasl (a) - (i)................ ..o / J00 as ad - us uud............................ . siffa - safaayif............................- afimar safaayif . ruuz................ L- Jo., saa?il - sawaa?il........................" " J~I - J. L xamra - xuxnuur.................... .....- mustami -iin..........................9 - istamaS/istimaa """""" / _.r biar f iwaa ........ ..................... . JL.q 9 lining 5 link, to 6 lion 7 lip 9 lipstick 13,32 liquid 8 liquor 12,21 listener 12,21 listen, to 30 literally 14 literally (to the letter) 32 literary 32 literary criticism 32 literature 14 little 29 litre 7 liver (anat) 6 livestock 7,10 live, to 10 living room 8 loaf of bread 20 loan 20 loan, to take up a 31 local 17 local council 31 local news 10 lock, a 10 lock, to 18 locomotive 32 logic (subject) 4 longitude 26 long, to 21 look, to 19 Lord, our 19 Lord's prayer, the 19 Lord's Supper, the 19 Lord's Supper, the 19 Lord, the 18 lorry adabi """"*" innaqd il?adabi J 'Ls adab -adaab................~j suy ayya -uin.......................... ...- .° litr -aat................................. .- _ J kibd - akbaad............................_~.SI - . bayi aas/maSciisa (i) - (i) " """ / ,i saloon -aat........................... 1- v riyiif I iryif salaf iyya.............................. - _L. istadaan/istidaana ". ""/ ma Fall i ............................. x1,0 maglis ilmadiina.............. axbaar mahalliyya...................."""""LJ ?ifl1 - ?i?f aal............." . . . .....J I - ?afal/?afl (i) - (i) / qaatira...................................da ,bl. £ilm ilmantiq .. . . . ......... ......... ......I * xat tuul.................................. J.91 J Fann/Faniin (i) - (i) """""" "_ /- ba/bass (u) - (a) / .." rabbina.......................................L , i.$4aaah irrabbaaniyya ..................d 1.. u-I y* JI ilsagaa? irrabbaani LS.: l._;ILW i;rabb....................................... ,Jf £arabiyyit na?l """"""""""" -. 55 20 12 20 12 21 12 26 30 26,31 26 14 26 26 26 14 14 18 13 8 7 24 20 lose, to lose, to (game) loss lottery loud loudspeaker love love is blind love passionate- ly, to love, to loving luck luck, bad luck, good luckily lucky luggage lumbago lunch lung lupine luxury xisir/xusaara (a) - (a) ' xisir/xusaara (a) - (a) """"""""" xusaara . .. . . . . . . . . . yanasiib .. .. . . . . . . . . . £aali .. . . . . . . . . . . . . mukabbir soot "" " "" " """"" Fubb ........................... it iubb a ima 66000". . . . . . . . . """ "" Sisi?/cis? (a) -(a) " " " " . . d, L /.. c /. JL~ jCS~ Fiabb / Fubb (i) . / "z, muFiibb -inn """..............-" nasiib ".............................. suu? ilFiazz.................. . . . . . .....~ zuni a............................. JsnitazI 1iFusn ilFiazz.......................... .A JI (~ maFizuuz -iin .9...... . ......w (.j9 -- luaagu......................................Y s rimbaaat............. ........... - yadaa.h ...........................I t M' 8 macaroni 31 machine gun 32 M.A. (degree) 31 magazine 31 magazine, monthly 31 magazine, weekly 19 magic 11 maid (f) 11 maid (in) 11 mailman 11 mailman 28 main entrance 17 main post office 19 Maintainer, the (God) 28 make an appoint- ment with, to 31 make, to 9 make to measure , to 31 make, to (render) 9 make-up (ladies') 19 make the pilgrim- age to Mecca, to makaroona 999999**9.. . . madfac rassaas """'"""'""""".. . cU., &~~ magalla -aa............................. .: _ magalla -ahryy......................... 1 a. magalla sbuiiyya """"""""" -. siFir - as Faar....................... J,,,,I .1 - sayyaala -aat """"""""""" i JW~ sayyaal -in............................. ,I _'. I3j saaci bariid.........................-,-JI .s.., saaSibuta............. """f" 4.-, I .. ilmadxal ira?iisi.................. " ",-JI J. "-" irra?iisi irrazzaa? ................... I .1I waa'?id 9...9.................. uI - fassal! taf siil (i) -(a) . . . ........ . . . 0 0 0 0 / xalla..............................J' / makyaaz ................... ...... l_54 fiagg/Fiigg (i) - (u) ........ . 56 5 male 14 malicious 19 Maliki (Islamic school of theology) 24 mallow, Jew's (vegetable) 13 malnutrition 28 manager 5 man (as vs. woman) 31 mandate 31 maneuver 24 mango 5 man (human being) 5 mankind 32 man of letters 32 manuscript 14 ,2 2 many 32 map 10 marble 1,27 March 6 mare 32 margin 31 Marines , the 8, 20 market 28 20 market, black 2 maroon (color) 5 marriage 5 married, to get 5 marry off, to 31 martial law 31 martyr 32 masculine (gr) 8 mash, to 11 mason 19 Mass 31 massacre 12,18 mast 24 mastic 10 mat 8 matches 12 match (game) 9 material (cloth) 32 mathematics 12 matinee 12 matinee 25 matters of the hour 10 mattress 22 maximum zakar - dakar virriir - asraar.............................- malki.......................................(5SJU muluxiyyad-- suu? tayziya " " " " """ " " " mudiir -iin raagil - riggaala """"""" UL j -- intidaab mungawr-a...............................-.:. ins aan..................................... 1. 1 ba diib-udab............................ ..... .- maxtuut -aat........................... I-.- , xariita - xaraayit .................." " . . - b: ruxaam ~ maaris................................... . U faras ..haw................................- .r ilbahiriyya ......... ... suu? - aswaa?....................... y .I c issuissood..........................~ 9... J gawaaz....................................... C itgawwiz/gawaaz................................./ gawwiz/gawaaz................... ... ...... Fiukm turf i................................-,.s j 5. sahiid - suhada.................. muzakkar..................................... .SA i- haras/hars (i)- (i) """ ,r/ , banna -yiin............................ v - tA . ?uddaas - ?adadiis " """" - I -°J_ mazba Fia - maz aab i..........................J..o - - saari - sawaari..........................9y mistika................................... kabril -.a.aayi......................~ mubaraah - mubarayaat............. Li...- . ?umaa - a?mica ". ""." ,:..I - ' irriyadiyyaat ........... l I Fafla sabaaFuiyya............................ L.Li.-N card sabaa~i..........................""" cO)- ?adaaya ssaa& """""""a...............L I ULi martaba - maraatib............. innihaaya lkubra...................."y..t-JI L(.J maayu ................ ,. raFiimahu llaah "".............""" awl allaah yirfamu bilhana wissifa......................U J I j 1J L 57 30 may itc good! 30 may nolr you! I 17 mayor 8,28 meal, a do you much (food) harm befall #45 haniyyan l s la ba?sa Laleek........................... £umda - 'cumad ........................... akla -aat """""............................zI _- JSl wagba -aat ".........I a9 Faqiir - Fuqaia....................... ..- xasiis -uin -xusasa """"""-.A igraa? -aat............................- ardabb - aradibb ....- 8 meal, a 14 mean person 14 mean person 31 measure (action) 29 measure, dry (Egypt) 29 measure, dry (Egypt) 29 measure, dry (grains) 29 measurement 29 measure , square (1/24 feddan) 29 measure, to 29 measure, to (dry; for grains) 6, 8 meat 8 meat balls, a variety of 8 meat, canned 8 meat, ground 19 Mecca 19 Mecca pilgrim 11,18 mechanic, a 32 mechanical engineering 31 medal 31 mediate, to 13 medical 32 medical science 13 medication 13 medicine, forensic 13 medicine (medication) 13 medicine (science) 19 Medina (in Saudi Arabia) 32 meditate, to 16 Mediterranean, the 25 meeting 28 meeting 25 meeting, summit 28 meet, to 31 meet :with, to 24 melons, musk 23 melt, to 31 member 31 membership 7 membrane 17 memorandum 32 memorize, to kee la -aat............................ " "" " mikyaal - makayiil """""""""" J. mi?yaas - ma?ayiis """"""""" iraat - arariit """""" ,, ?aas/?iyaas kayyil/keel (i) - (i) (i) JL&. -JL&. / " b5 _ JL1, la 6ma - 1u Fuum kubeeba 0 laFima mafifuuza..............................z ,J imaafruu.............................. .. Fagg - Fiuggaag . . . . . . . . .l miai yailhandasa lmikanikiyya "*.. . _.. J (J I L...JI wi saam - awsima............. - itwassat fi/tawassut ""/""" - .tibbi .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ittibb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , dawa -adwiya""""""""" ',,,. i ittibb issarci.................I~J dawa -adwiya...................... .: I- X- tibb ................................ L i lmadi ina 1munawwara ""I " d, J1 I. it?ammil/ ta?ammul. .. ... .. .. ... ........./ J .U ilbahr iit?abyacd ilmutawasit " I" 7JI ~1 igtimaa9S -aat.........................-.~ mu?abla -aat........................... iL.I _ igtimaac ilqimma.................... .a..JI ?aabil/mu?abla '''"""""""'""" L 'J igtamac bi/igtimaac "...""""" sammaam ,a -aat.................... ....- C. daab/dawabaan (u) - (u)... . . . ......./ £udw - adaa?.........................~LsI - £udwiyya """""."""""""" ."""."""""". ~^ yisaa? - aysiya .............. G Asl- Ts muzakkira -aatI fiif iz/ Fif z (a) - (a) "........,... / j 58 9 men, for or pertaining to 13 meningitis, cerebrospinal 18 men's (lavatory) 7 menstruate, to 7 menstruation 31 mention, to 11,20 merchant 11,20 merchant, commissioned 19 Merciful and Com- passionate, the (God) 19 Merciful, the (God) 19 mercy, to have 30 mere ink on pa- per (insignif i- cant ) 11 messenger 19 messenger (religious) 32 metaphor 23 meteorological station 29 meter, cubic 10 meter (e.&.. elec- tric, water) 29 meter (measure- ment) 29 meter, square 31 method 32 metonymy (indi- rect speech) 18 Metro (transpor- tation) 13 microbe 22 middle 27 Middle Ages, the 31 Middle East News Agency 16 Middle East, the rigaali LSJL it6wmma lmuxxiyya " . a 5 ,:_ aJ Ij y ssawkiyya rigaal ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jl Faadit......................................_ zakar/zikr (u) - (u) " .....7 taagir - tuggaar "............ ....... komisyongi -yya c j9 °y irra Frmaan irra Eiiim """"".... I~ irra Fmaan raFiam/raFima (a) - (a) """.. Fibr iala wara? "" """"""" saa~i - su~aah "... ...... rasuul - rusul """"""""" 7 i st i Saar a . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1..:,,, mafiattit i1?arsaad """""" ilgawwiyya mi tr muka c ab.... .. .. .. . . .......... Saddaad -aat................I _J- J mitr - amtaar """"""""" ")L~I --)* mitrmaba i................................._'te_ mttii .-.uru.........................~ i4 gursuuma - garasiim................. I wasat .wis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' itcusuur ilwusta.................. I Jf.z~J il?awsat issarq il?awsat..........................yl nusitle el........................JJ miil - amyaal ......... .J" ilculuum ilFiarbiyya""""." d I r-I laban -albaan...................... L JI - labbaan -labbaana -""""" a J_ L J malliim - malaliim -""""""" 27 29 32 8 11 29 29 22 19 8 26 4 midnight mile military sciences milk milkman milleme (1/10 piaster) millimeter million minaret mince, to mind mine, a I : I. milyoon .. . . . . . . . . . . . . v madna .mi?zana -......... v, - ma?aaz in f aram/ farm (u) - (u) """"""" / Sal- ciu?uul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- mangam - manaagim.............. " "" ........ ~ 59 31 mine (explosive) 32 minerology 22 minimum 17 minister 17 minister of agriculture 17 minister of air 17 minister of com- merce 17 minister of com- munications 17 minister of economics 17,22 minister of education 17 minister of finance 17 minister of food rationing 17,25 minister of for- eign affairs 17 minister of higher educa- tion 17 minister of industry 17 minister of information 17 minister of justice 17 minister of labor 17 minister of muni- cipal and rural affairs 17 minister of na- tional guidance 17 minister of planning 17 minister of public health 17 minister of public works 17 minister of re- ligious endow- ments 17 minister of social affairs 17 minister of the interior 17 minister of the navy 17 minister of the youth 17 minister of war 17,25 minister plenipotentiary 17 ministry 17 ministry of agriculture layam - alyaam " film ilmataadin innihaaya ssuyra waziir - wuzara waziir izziraaa waziir ittayraan waziir ittigaara waziir ilmuwasalaat r l 1 I - Al os waziir il?iqtisaad ************* .._..I . w. waziir ittarbiya " **-_ , J l " Jl _I 3 wattacliim waziir ilmaaliyya *** ***** waziir ittamwiin *** ***** 'a L -J J J waziir ilxargiyya *** waziir ittacliim ilaali .... waziir is.inaaca **0**** uiJ6-11 . .. dsL. J I "- waziir il?isti'lamaat ......... waziir il'adl ****** **** " waziir ilfamal *.***.............. waziir issu?uun •*** ..,i-JL 4 LJ_, ilbaladiyya wilqarawiyya waziir il?irsaad ********** ' -* ilqawmi waziir ittaxtiit **************** waziir issi6fa ....* --........- 1 muumiyya waziir il?a yaal **... - ilumuumiyya waziir il?aw?aaf ................. waziir issu?uun "' ' -* L - il?igtimaTiyya waziir iddaxliyya *** *** I JWW ,;A lI j waziir ilbaFriyya waziir iuabaab 'a J I ,Jl 1 r L .L.zJ waziir ilharbiyya **********"*"" waziir mufawwad *************"*"""" wizaara -aat ...."''..'..''' '"" wizaarit izziraafa . ...... v dJ1 J) d 1) J I 'a J 1 9 60 17 ministry of air 17,20 ministry of com- merce 17 ministry of communications 17 ministry of economics 17,32 ministry of education 17 ministry of finance 17 ministry of food rationing 17,25 ministry of foreign affairs 17 ministry of higher education 17 ministry of industry 17 ministry of information 17 ministry of justice 17 ministry of labor 17 ministry of muni- cipal and rural affairs 17 ministry of na- tional guidance 17 ministry of planning 17 ministry of public health 17 ministry of public works 17 ministry of religious en- dowments 17 ministry of so- cial affairs 17 ministry of the interior 17 ministry of the navy 17 ministry of the youth 17 ministry of war 24 mint 22 minus (arith- metic) 31 minutes of a meeting 27 minute (time) 19 miracle 19 miracle 9,10 mirror 7 miscarriage 14 miser wizaarit ittayaraan wizaarit ittigaaraa wizaarit ilmuwasalaat J - J ****** ** 2 I J 1) wizaarit il?iqtisaad *********** J Lo-: -9 I d J I J .9 wizaarit ittarbiya ***** ..pJ d "_;J witta'liim wizaarit ilmaaliyya "............. _ _JL.Jl d_~) I9 wizaarit ittamwiin ****** wizaarit ilxargiyya 00000 wizaarit ittaoliim *****. __ U iliaali wizaarit iqsinaaa ****......... wizaarit il?isticlamaat ******* J-° - wizaarit iladl .................. J ,__JI 1 9 wizaarit ilcamal wizaarit iisu?uun ilbaladiyya wilqarawiyya wizaarit il?irsaad ilqawmi wizaarit ittaxtiit wizaarit issiF6a 1 umuumiyya wizaarit il?asyaal il umuumiyya wizaarit il?aw?aaf wizaarit ilsu?uun il?igtimaiyya wizaarit iddaxliyya *. . . . . . . . ..*** I - I I)I . 0 0 0 0 0J" A J-4wI .' - I j9 'a.., ,>...5J I d I J.9 wizaarit ilbariyya ............. wizaarit isabaab .LJL4JI wizaarit ilFiarbiyya .......... "-"' ni naa1 ............................ naa?is ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 0. maRdar ilwaqaa?ic * *** *** " 0 t-.., di?ii?a - da?aayi? -.......... " _ J ucguuba - a agiib ...............L' .. - d mutgiza -aat *.................... I- 4 miraaya -aat ........**. _......." .. ighaad * * ** ** I baxiil - buxala ............................ / . 61 14 miserable 14 miserable 25 mission 25 mission, chief of 25 mission, diplomatic 25 mission, educational 31 mission (task) 4,23 mist 26 mistake 32 mistake, to make 8 mixer, electric (food) 8 mix, to 31 moderate 19 Mohammed the Prophet 19 Mohammed the Prophet 19 Mohammed the Prophet 4 moistness 7 molar 8 molasses 27 moment 19 monastery 15 ,2 7 Monday 20,29 money 20 money (capital) 29 money., counterfeit 20 money order (postal) 29 money, ready 19 monk 6 monkey 19 monk's cell1 25 monopolize, to 25 ,31 monopoly 1,27 month 27 month, last 1 monthly 27 month, next 27 month, present 4 moon 23 moonlight 23 moon, the 26 morale 14,22 more baa?is - bu?asa.........................'L .-L ta'?iis - tu'casa.........................L~-:;- - bicsa -aat.................... ra?iis ilbiicsa " " " " " " " " " -1 0 b i sa diplomaasiyya.................... a 1. L-1--r e b i cs a to cliimiyya "..." "..."".". G.a muh imma -mah aaml_.-'t-o sabbuura .dabaab """"'""" . -a yalta -aat aylaat.......................... " . "" .- - yilit/yalta (a) - (a) """""-"" dLJ /7ILLs xallaat -aat ........................... - xalat/xalt (u) - (i) """""""""" muSctadil -uin """""''''' innabi muhammad "°°°°°°"' rasuulu llaah """"""'" " " V.9, - / .L, d-ii I irrasuul.................................. J 3jJI taraawa .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 9I dirs - duruus...............................- £asal iswid..............................JAIJ.c lahiza -at.............................. .-41. deer -aduyra........................... illitneen .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; I fihius maal -amwaal......................JI yJ - JL. £umla muzayyafa........................a LtI .LLS izn bariid """" """ " " "" " J-,? J-- na?diyya .- filuus " ""Ls- s- raahib - uhbaan....................I ?ird- ?uruud.......................... .sA- sawma ca - s awaamiiS I - ihitakr/ihtikaar......................L J/ ihitikaar -aat.........................I - 5. vahr - uhuur............................ issahr ilmaadi..............L .J I .:JI s ahri -s ahr iyyan """"""""'""" is sahr ilmuqb i1..........................J."-;mssJI )* issahr ilhaali...............jil-%aI ,J issahr da ?amar .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,os duu? il?amar.............................J I X,, it?amar ilma'inawiyyaat ....... ... ;LjJ. aktar ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sabaah - sub h kull sub Fi.................................. .5 kull yoom i§§ubhi salaat ilfagr........................yJI d L., may rib i - mayarba- 62 16 13 20 19 19 19,28 19 6 14 14 5 5 32 5 31 18 4 18 12 6 7,18 18 12 28 4 19 11,19 24 6 32 22 13 16 7 28 28 12 12 12 32 19 7 24 2 13 8 Morocco morphine mortgage, to Moslem judge Moslem, to become mosque mosque mosquito mostly mostly mother mother-in-law Mother's Day mother, step- motive motorcycle mountain mount, to mount, to (horse) mouse mouth move s.th., to move, to movie camera movie theatre mud Mufti, His Eminence the Mufti (Islam) mulberry mule multiplication tables multiply, to mumps Muscat muscle museum museum of antiquities music music, Arabic music, Eastern music (subject) Muslim mustache mustard mustard green (color) mute mutton ilmayrib .............. . mur f iin ........................... rahan/rahn (a) - (a) " / ?aadi sar~i.........................""""" L aslam/islaam......... .............../ 5L gaami T -gawaami c " ..................." .. , - _ u masgid - masaagid " .....""" , 1 __- namuusa -namuus.................." ., 0l. _U - &.. .. y aa liban....................................... " " " " ..JUs fi aylab it?a~yaan......."""""......... I t I unmm - ummahaat """"""."-.,. Fama - Famawaa t............................. £iid il?um """"""""""""""""""""""" r I miraat abb """""""""""""""""""""""" baaa lis - bawaaciis.................. " . I r - r mutusikl -aat.................. gaba l- gib aal.................. J. r ik ib / ruk uub (a) - (a) / 6 i i / u u b ( ) - ( ) " " " " " L , 5 faar - firaan..................................- V bu?? - fumm.. ... .. ... .. .. .. . . . ......- f arrak/ tahriik.........................." / it harrak/ta~arruk............., /. " aalit taswiir.................._, hL r-" ,a.:;dii s inimaa? iyy a sinma .-aa............................ samaahit ilmuf ti.... .. .. .. . . . . . .....d' mufti ............................... tuut ,a -aat..........................- d c bayl - biyaal """""" Jam - gadwal iddarb...........................y9OJ J1ii9 darab/darb (a) - (i)..............." % abu kuieeb............................... masqat ....... ........ . cadala -aat............................ ,l matFaf - mataaFif................"""" antikxaana """". . diE"5 musiiqa " " " " " " " " . " " . mus iiqa ciaab iyya """"""""""""" musiiqa sarqiyya """"""""""""" £ilm ilmusiiqa """"""0"""-"""" muslim -un """"""""""""""""""" sanab -aat """"""""""""""-"""" mustarda 0 00 kammuuni 0*...""""0 1""".. 0 *. axras - xurs """"""""""""""0 0""" laFima daani """""""""00 ""0 0""" mutabaadal ...go...".0 0.".." 0. ya salaam 0"0000.t 0...090 000. LYj jo 0L 0 x&' 63 N 7 7 7 8,10 24 28 31 14 17 17 16 16 31 4 14, 30 4 26 26 26 14 14 7 31 14 16 nail (finger) naked nape napkin narcissus narrate, to narrate, to narrow nation nation nationalism nationalism, Arab nationalize, to natural naturally ! nature nature, delicate nature, of delicate nature (person) naughty naughty and crafty navel navy nearby Near East, the difr -dawaafir........................... £iryaan ... . . . . . . . . . . . . v , s ?af a ...................................... Lii_ fuuta - fuwat....................... .~ys nargis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiaka/Fikaaya (i) - (i) " " CS./ rawa/riwaaya (i) - (i) / .. dayya? .................................... umma - umam """"""" .0 dawla - duwal J j- qawmiyya -aat...................... I ilqawaiyya lcarabiyya """""" ' 1 .. tamimfa' ii.............................. . tabcan .bittabc """""" 4Ltbia ............. mazaag latiif """"""""".. latiif ilmazaag -".""""" _w'9. . SI 9t~oJ ." i- I mazaag - amziga """"""""""""" £af riit - 'afariit """""""" as 4'- 14 necessary 14 necessary, it is 7 neck 9 necklace 9 necklace 9 necktie 9 needle 31 need, to 14 ne'er-do-well, a 31 negative (adj) 32 negative (gr) 31 neglect 25 negotiate, to 31 negotiate with, to 25,31 negotiation 25 negotiations, to open 28 neighbor 10 neighbor of, to be the 6 neigh, to sutra - surar..........................- ba ryya ?urayyib........................~..... - isar it?awsat labu d. .. .. . ................................. rab a- ri" ..aab ....................... j Sud- i S?aad .. .. . . . . . j -g kirdaan -karadiin "" "" ! I - karavatta -aat " "" " 1 aI iJ - . b ibra -ibar """ .... "Id l ihitaag 1ifi F tiyaag .""" L 2 I / J I La X a ayi.b -ii..........In................- " "" ." salbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . innafy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .y1 ahmal/ihmaal.......................j.Jl J/4A itfaawid/tafaawud """""""u69 /7~ f aawid /muf awda """"""""9 .o / u . muf awda -aat ..................... a ~ fataFi baab ilmufawadaat " " " UL9.U.J I U gaar - giraan gaawir /giwaar /- saha1/sahiil (i) - (i) " (-"""k J*.90 64 14 neither ... nor 5 nephew (b r so) 5 nephew (si so) 7,13 nerve (anat) 14 nervous 7 nervous system, the 6 nest 6,12 net, a 25 neutral 31 neutral 25,31 neutrality 25 neutrality, posi- tive 14,27 never 30 never: (i.e., a likely story) 1146 14.27 new 31 news 31 news 12,31 newscast 31 news commentary 31 newspaper 31 newspaper 31 newspaper 12 newsreel 12 news, the 31 news, today's 31 news, tomorrow's 19 New Testament, the 19 New Year 14 nice 14 nice 14 nice 5 niece (br da) 5 niece (si da) 27 night 28 nightclub 27 night, every 9 nightgown 6 nightingale 27 night, last 19 night on which the Koran was revealed 10 nights taned 27 nighttime 11,28 night watchman 16 Nile, the la ... wala '" ibn il?axx ... ibn il?uxt " " " casab - acsaab £asabi -yyiin " ilgihaaz il~asabi " " " " " " f " " " " " " s " " " 0 0.L4" sabaka - abak............................- d-. mu~aayid -uin............................- Gala 1 iyaad..........................1 ;. hiyaad "............................... Fiiyaad igaabi................... ......,,1 j1.: abadan......................................f 1 gidiid -gudaad """""""""' - xabar -axbaar.........................L..i- - naba? -anbaa?......................_ =- _ nasrit il?axbaar....................."""'"i taSc1iiq Lala l?anbaa?..............L41" gariida - garaayid """"""""""" - dJ- una aail """"" a-;_?-J_. safiifa -su~uf......................... " film axbaar................................ " "4.."$ it?axbaar ................................Ju 1 axbaar ilyoom .. . . . .. . . .. . ...... axbaar ilyadd........................... .JI L.. iliahd ilgidiid......................."" raas issana........ .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . ...... zariif- zuraaf........................." "- kuwayyis -uin .................... . .. C ,J- latiif - lutaaf - b int il?axx .. . . . . . . . . .. . " .~ bint it?uxt . . . . . . . . . ... c . leela -layaali................... LL math a lay li..................s {L"J ,- kull leela...................."J. amiis noom . . . . . . . . . . . bulbul - balaabil "J "" ... ' -' illeela lmadya """""""""""'..... .&..L4.Jl - jJ illeela lli faatit lelt il?adr . . . . . . .jJ L leelit il?adr kumudiinu leel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , yafiir - yufara.................... t I - inniil ............«................... tus Suiniyya .. ....... .. .. .. . . . 00 ..... tisci1a (tisaST) *0 0 0 .................... t is atasrN tisa1 aasar ....................0 0 0 0 00 65 22 nineteenth, the (f) 22 nineteenth, the (in) 27 nine to five (time) 22 ninety 22 ninth (f) 22 ninth (mn) 22 ninth, one- 22 ninth, the (f ) 14 no 28 no admittance 14 noble 14 noble origin, of 30 no call for that, there is 30 no effect, of (agreement) 21 noise 14 no matter what 31 nominal 25 nominate, to 32 nominative case (gr) 31 non-aggression pact 25 non-alignment, policy of 25 non-intervention 30 nonsense 27 noon 19 noon prayer (Islam) 18 no parking (traf- fic sign) 3 north 16 North Africa 3 northern 7 nose 13 nose drops 18,30 no smoking 18 no standing (traffic sign) 32 notebook 32 notebook 14 not (followed by imperfect) 14 not (followed by non-verbs) 14 not (followed by ittisactaasar " """" "-"" ittisa'?taasar " """" """" . -JLiI U .J I tis ca lla xainsa ~ ...~tl a~-L06 tis ciin .. ..................... ... tas'ia .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . t aasi T ...... ....... tus c1 .............. ittasica ........................... la- la? .. . . . . . . . . . . . . mamnuui1 idduxuul """"""".""""" , nabiil -nubala 000&0#9 0 asiil - usala ...............". I mafiis daa~i li balaas ....................J 1.Li sIJ 4 Fiibr alawara?.......................... C " dawma.................................... o--. rasaF /ta......................7... mucahdit 9adamin 'itidaa? "f "j " t I u W.l 9adaiittadaxxul......................~JJ kalaam faariy......................... duhr ". . . ... . . . . . . . . . . salaat idduhr """""""""" , J 1 - 4 mamnuu ilwu?uuf...................... .14 JJ - samaal samaal afriqya................. l,; , ...... ::, JL. b a Fri.......................JL manaxiir - anf............................ ..J nu?at lil?anf........................"" L J..L nu?at lilmanaxiir mamnuuc ittadxiin............. ""-" I y mamnuu9 il?intizaar.................. Jf - daf tar - dafaatir.................." " ".. L$. karraasa - karariis ""- """ I IJ.,l . mis - ma ... s ........................... . mi s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,,,. ma ..,s wala see?, wala Fiaaga ""'""""" t i claan -aat.......................... .- vys fikra - afkaar "".......°" lS _ d .S. 66 32 32 1,27 27 32 32 22 22 19 11 11,13 11 11,13 32 24 8,13 noun novel November now nuclear physics number number numerous nun nurse (f ) nurse (f ) nurse (in) nurse (in) nursery school nutmeg nutrition ism -asmaa?.....................- .,I riwaaya -aat .. ..............- r. I- n uvimb ir .. . . . . ... . . . . . . y dilwa?t -dilwa?ti """"""""""" ittabiica nnawawiyya................. : I raqam - araam........................L, ( - £adad - adaad """""""" J -Cs £adiid .kitiir """"""""S .s rahba - raahiba -aat............. tamargiyya -aat.......... " ...................- .. mumarrida -aat..............................- tamargi -yya ........................ ..- mumarrid -un............................ madras it iada ana.... .. .. .. .. .. . . .... gooz ittiib...........................0 tayziya 0 12,18 4 19 19 31 32 31 32 31 31 28531 25 17 14 31 4 1,27 30 30 31 251,32 13 25 11,17 11 11 17,25 17 31 17 17 oar oasis oath, an oath of allegiance obituaries, the object (gr) object to, to oblong obscurity obstacle occas ion occasion, on the occupation occupied (busy) occupy, to ocean October of course! of course! offer, to office office, doctor!'s office (position) officer officer, army of ficer, public official (adj) official circles official duties official jargon official letter migdaaf - magadiif " waafia -aat ...... ilfaan qasam """ yamiin """"" "" -L ilwafiyyaat """"""""""""" C: ;J maf cuu1 bihi....................... ictarad SGaa/i'ctiraad " ."" I/ !st J . mustatiil -aat...........................- J yumuud.................... "....."". Laqaba -aat..............................i - ;S munasba -aat........................ci -. bimunasbit suyl - asyaal...............J f i- ma y uu -lIn .. ......." U I iFtalh/iFtilaal.....................J)L-.J muFiit -aat............................. - uktobar..................................~ S tab cn..........v. ........... . . .............WJ " . ma I1uum ?addim/ta?diim ... ... ... . . . ........./ maktab - makaatib ...".""- !iyaada -aat........................ . I - a s mansib - manaasib """""" -- zaabi - zubbaat.... . . . . . . . . . ."- Zaabit gees....... .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . ... zaabit buliis............................oa L rasmi "..".."0 " ddawaa?i r irrasmiyya..........- 1J mahaam ilmansib........................L. luyat iddawawlin.................... IJI - xitaab rasmi .rgawaab """ ". . .. rasmi 67 25 official representative 31 of ficial,semi- 25 official speech 14 of (particle of belonging) (f) #47 14 of (particle of belonging) (in) #47 mumassil rasmi """" """""" sibh rasmi " " " " " " " " " " " " xitaab rasmi -""" " " "" " " " bitaait - bituu' """""" -.. LIZ.~** bitaai - bituuc 14,27 8 31 of ten oil oil field 8 oil, olive 31 oil (petroleum) 8 oil, vegetable 13 ointment 29 oka (weight) 24 okra 27 olden times, in 5 old man 27 old (people) 19 Old Testament, the 14,27 old (things) 7 old, to become (age) 5 old woman 24 olives 31 Olympic games , the 16 Oman 8 omelet 31 omit, to 19 Omniscient, the (God) 14 on 14 once in a while 14 on condition that 22 one (f ) 22 one (in) 27 one o'clock 22 one of a pair 27 one thirty (time) 18 one way (traffic sign) 24 onions 30 on the subject of 31 on the point of, to be 8,10 opener 8,10 opener, can 10 open, to 25 open, to (inaugurate) 12 opera house, the a Fyaanan ............... l> zeet - zuyuut............................:,-' - -- Fiaql bitrool -J~.- """" J Js 9 . . Riuquul bitrool zeet zatuun ................."" nafd . zeet bitrool """"" - zeet nabaati """""""""""" C dihaan -aat................ ..cA-(:U, wi??a -aat.............................. ...I- dLi b amy a ayyaam zamaan............................... " " . . U9 l._,I see x -suyuux. ... .. .. .. . .. . . . ..... . - £aguuz ..........................0 0 # ittawraah -.itcahd " " " " -1 il?adiim ?adiim - ?udaam................................- .-. s aax/ sayxuuxa (i) - (i) / j caguuza ......... zatuun ,a -aat """""-"""""""- il?al'caab il?ulimpiyya """" - .. .. j 'iuiaan ........ . ... . . .. . . . .. 'iigga .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fazaf/fhazf (i) - (i)..................L 9- / it icaliim 0.. .00000....00. 0. 0 0.... V) L9 J. c- J s 'ala ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mmn Run li~iiin """"""'" L II : Gala artinn............................." v L wahda .. . . . . . .. . . . . .dj waaF~id .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I wa Ada....................................... a ,I farda .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. wahda wnuss.....................""" JIB .4IJI ittigaah waahid .............. 9 basal , a -aat """"""""""&"""" bixusuus -bisadad .. J .-, d kaad (a) - (a) .. . . . . . . fattaahia -aat "*............... .- . fattaa~it Lilab """""""" " fataRi/fatR (a) - (a) """"""""/ iftata5,/if titaaF ............. ................a daar il?opiraIr,91 68 31 13 11 11 31 31 11 14,31 26 32 14 31 2 24 32 31 7 17,25 171,31 3 2 2 2 5 19 19 19 11 11 6 19 29 30 14 8,10 26 9 14 14 18 20 6 20 20 20 operation operation (surgical) ophthalmologist (f) ophthalmologist (in) opinion oppress, to optician optimistic optimistic, to be optional or oral (e.g. exam) orange7(-olor) oranges orator order, to organ (anat) organization organization origin ornament ornamented ornament, to orphan orthodox, orthodox (Islam) #48 Orthodox Moslems osteopath (f) osteopath (in) ostrich other world, the ounce our greetings to ... outside oven overburden, to overcoat over (prep) over (prep) overtake, to owe, to owl owner ownership ownership, transfer of own, to ox Tamaliyya -ant.............................- £amaliyya giraaFiiyya................... duktoorit £uyuun................ j'- duktoor 'iuyuun.........................& j ra?y - araa?....................... . l- / zalam/zulm (i)-(i) naddaraati LS mutafaa?il -iin """"""......".-1. itfaa?il/tafaa?ul...................J $./ ~L. ixtiyaari.................................. I Saf awi sof ahi.................. burtu?aani ."..........." ,JU_ burtu?aan , a-aat ""CA"" I- ad U-: xatiib - xutaba?.".......................L--b-. - - ainar/ar (u) - (u) . ""l / . r cudw - a i aa?......................0 .,osI - ° munaz zama -aat................ hay ?a.. . . . . . . . . . I _. ' . asaas - us us ...............................- , ziina -aat..................- muz arkas . . . . . . ... . . . . . - zarkas/zarkasa """"""" ' /c:- yatiim - yutaina "'"'"..-... urs uz uks i .. . . . .. . . . . . . ;I Fianii f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ahi issunna............................. .M JAI duktoorit £cizaam """"""" 3. duktoor £izaam.......................... naScaama - na~aam1..; ._ '. . il?axra ................................. . 1jJ taFiiyyatna li .............. ... J 1." LL4 barra.............................. l... ~I frnafraan..................... (, gal-aq/ h"................................/ Lala foo? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li Fd? (a) - (a)............ 1...1U/ y daan/deen (i) - (i) ""'..° - / . buuma - b uum............... . - a.. maalik -mullaak......................-J ( LJL mi lkiyya.................................. -L taialiik .. . . . . . ."". ".. . . . __ 20 6 malak/milk toot - tiraan (i)_-(i) (ILL. / (ZLL. 69 P 4 31 19 19 31, 32 13,26 13 13 10 11 10 22 9 10,17 28 16 16 16 7 19 Pacific Ocean pact (treaty) pagan paganism page pain pain painful paint painter paint, to pair, a pajama palace Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization Palestinian, a palm (hand) Palm Sunday ilmufiiit ilhaadi mcahda-aat..................." wasani -yyiin "" " """" ilwasaniyya saof ha-aat .. . . . . . . . .. alam -alaam waga - awgaaT """""""" mu?lim .. . . . . . . . . . . dihaan . . . . . . . . . . . . na??aas -uin """"'""""""" dahan/dahn (i) - (i) """" gooz .. . . . . . . . . . . . biiaama-aat """""""" qar- qusuui """"""""" 6 - -4' filistiin "" " " " " " " " " " " " " munazzamit ittaF~riir " &".. .w, y~~J L-1 ilfilistiiniyya filistiini -yyiin kaff - kufuuf "" Fadd issacaniin Fiadd izza caf v 9 - " 5 32 paper 31 parachute 19 paradise 19 Paradise 31 paragraph 30 pardon me ! #49 19 pardon, to 32 parenthesis 5 parents 12,28 park, a 17 parliament 17 parliament 6 parrot 24 parsley 22 part (portion) 12 part (role) 31 participate in, to 32 participle, active 32 participle, passive 32 particle (gr) 32 particle (gr) 14 particularly 14 particularly 20 partner wara?a - wara?...........................- ds maalla -aat.........................3 - o ganna -aat ............................ . - o ilfirdoos...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . faqra - faqaraat..............................-" ............la mu?axzadja.I.A safaF,/safFi (a) - (a) /""" qoos - aqwaas................YO~~ waldeen abaween...................,"y4 CJI muntazah -aat...........................- d9 -o b arlamaan .... ..... .... mnaglis il?umma...........................&oI 4 baybayaan -aat """"""-, 9. _ ba?duunis """""""""""""".""""""""""" guz? -agzaa?...... ...... . . . . . . . . . door - adwaar............................j" " 1 (JI1 - 9 saahim f i/mus ahma 0 ism ilfaai~il ""-""""""" ism ilmafcuul "" "" " ' " Jx wjI adaah - adawaat................... xI;1 - d4K I Farf - Fhuruuf... ....................0 0 .....- binuuc xaas......................... xassatan . bit?axass.......... " V -- dJ U siriik - uraka """" "" 70 32 parts of speech 25,28 party 25 party, dinner 25 party, evening 18 passenger 18 passenger 18 passenger boat 18 passenger train 26 passion 19 Passion Week 32 passive (gr) 17 passport 17 passport office 12 pass the time, to 9 paste 12 pastime 27 past, in the 8 pastry 8 pastry, Arabic #50 8 pastry, Arabic #51 32 past (tense) 6 pasture, a 6 pasture, to 9 patch, to (garment) 14 patient 13 patient,: a 26 patient, to be 11,19 Patriarch 19 patriarchate 31 patriotic 31 patriotism 28 pavement 6 paw 20 pawn, to 20 pay, to 31 peace 31 peacemaker 2 peach (color) 24 peaches 6 peacock 9 pearls 24 pears 24 peas 24 peas, chick 32 pedagogy 28 pedestrians 11 pediatrician (f) 11 pediatrician (in) aqsaam ilkalaam """"""" "" f Ir fiafla -aat..............-~W Fhafli t 'asa................LA LLi Fafla saahira......................."" raakib - rukkaab........................ - .I musaafir -uin...........................-~ baaxirit rukkaab .. ... . . . .. . . . .......J ?atr rukkaab... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ... LL usbuu it i?alaam........................"'"'~ maghuul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J." - gawaaz safar.... .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .... idaarit ilgawazaat...................C" JIJI lI ,JI W itsalla/tasliya .............. f1L maciguun - ma'cagiin """" . w v, tasliya - tasaali................JL.. filmaadi -zamaan """""""" UI f itiira - fataayir ba?laawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . a9 s- kunaafa..................... ................ .g t U. ilinaadi . . . . .. . . . . . . . . mar ca -maraa'i ratia/rac~y (a) - (a) . . .J ra??ac/tar?iiT . "..." L.UJ I / r -. Faliim - iulama.........................UWJ - mariid - marda..................... - sibir/sabr (u) - (i)..........." " "/ batriyark - batarka SLL - batriyarkiyya """"""""" wataniyyiin.........................- rasiif -arsif a """"""""- 1..c maxlab -maxaalib ....""""" JI.. ., o rahan/rahn (a) - (a)...............CA." dafa'?/daf t (a) - (a) """" sulm .salaamin""""""" .~. F aiaami t i s salaam.................... J" " U"." xooxa-aat ..................... Ls c tawuus - tawawiis """ """ - I K4'-L lu?lu? - la?aali? - .. ..J ..J kumitra ,aya -aat bus a -aa.......................... ci d ?u.suul ittarbiya ... :, I JAoI ilmusaah....................................." " " . IJ duktoorit atfaal.....................J IjjJ ItL a duktoor atfaal. ... .. ... .........JLAI I ma?sara - ma?aasir................ "Li.- a ?assar/ta?siir '".../ ?alam fibr gaaf...................... 1 . --,- _* pins -aat..........................cI,. ?alain rusaas - """"."" L y I - v, ( , i?laam rusaa§ 71 32 pen, fountain 13 penicillin 4 peninsula 7 penis 17 pension 5 people 51,17 people (of a nation) 24 pepper 24 pepper, black 24 pepper, green 24 peppermint 24 pepper, red 22 per cent 22 percentage 21 perception 12 performance, continuous 12 performance, evening (movie>} 12 performance, movie 9 perfume 14,30 perhaps 30 perhaps 31 periodic 32 period (punctuation) 27 permanent 14 permanently 9 permanent wave (hair) 31 permission 17 permit, a 17 permit, to 16 Persian Gulf, the 32 Persian language ?alam Fibr............... .......".. .' p ins iliin.................... L ?dib aiia.............................. " nassaa -a... ..........................I - U....L'l saicb - suuub --"" " filfil ,a -aat " """'""'J~L f il f il i swi d.. . .. . . . . ...................JS"J' J f ilf il axdar """"""""""0""" ni cnaaT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,... f ilf il aFimar... ... .. ... . . .. . . . .......J-9 f ilmiyyasI nisba mi?awiyya.....................d-- idraak ............................... card mustamirr................ Fiafla masaa?iyya " " " " a_,'.1. ,,...o 'd.,.l card .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° £itr - Vuuur rubb ama lacal la.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ....J dawni ............... nu?ta - nu?at.......................................4 " " " J daa?im ..daayim """""""""""""""""""""""" daa?iman dayman............................L-°-K permanant...............................c.U izn """".."".""."".""...."..""..""".. tasriih -aat sarraA/tasriih ................... ilxaliig ilSarabi """"""" I illuya lfaarisiyya................."" . L$J ilfarsi saxs - axaas......................... .... saxsi it?igtima~iyyaat............... . I W I LS., 5 5 31 7 14,31 26 6 17 11 28 25 4,31 32 13 32 12 person personal personals, the (column) perspire, to pessimnis tic pessimistic, to be pet, a petition pharmacist pharmacy phase phenomenon philosophy (subject) phlegm phonetics photograph mutasaa?im -uin tasaa?am/tasaa?um ) - (a) ..... ./" 9 J- ..... Cxi - Fayawaan aliif """"" " '?ariiida - £araayid """' c say.4ali - sayadla """" d saydaliyya -~ agzaxaana """"""" -aat ma r hala - maraa fii l zaahira - zawaahir 9ilm ilfalsafa """""""" L CJ! 1IL. - balyam.. . . . . . . . . . . . . dilmit?aswaat " " " " " " " " " " I l . l suura -suwar.........................,.,4o° _ J4 72 12 photographer 12 photograph, to 32 phrase 32 physical education 32 physical exercise 32 physics 32 physiology 29 piaster (Egyp- tian coin; = 1/100 pound) 8 pickles 8 pickle, to 10,12 picture 19 piety 6 pig 6 pigeon 8 pigeon, fried 19 pilgrimage to Mecca 19 pilgrimage to Mecca #52 19 pilgrim's guide in Mecca 13 pill 10 pillar 10 pillow 11,18 pilot 9 pin 24 pine nuts 12 ping-pong 2 pink 31 pioneer 19 pious 19 pious person 24 pistachio 2 pistachio (color) 31 pistol 8 pitcher 8 pitcher (jug) 26 pity 4 plain, a 4 planet 24 plant 24 plantation 24 plant, to 8 plate (dish) 8 plate (dish) 18 platform 18 platform ticket 12 play, a 12 player misawwaraati -yya "- ''" c 9 sawwar/taswiir """""r /j. 'ibaara -aat........................- ittarbiya rriyadiyya " ' " "&" "Jd riyaaj a . . . . . . . . . . . . ?irs ?irs saay - ?uruus """' - mixallil.. . . . . . . . . . . . J .o xallil/taxliil """"""" / J--1 s uura -suwar...... .. .. .. .. .........- tadayyun.....................C-'~- xanziir - xanaziir " " _ - - - hiamaama - Aamaam................." " "- " L". Fiamaam mi fiammar..........................j" r c Ai g9 d gga £umra r::Gr: G. .. . . . . . . . . mu tawwi f Fabba -aat - ubuub "" 0 aud-acid -. -- mixadda -aat "-...... tayyaar -iin "" """ "" v l, dabbuus - dababiis..................- .3- sinoobar ................... ... . kurat ittawla.............. ......... .I J! S wardi raa?id -ruwwaad............... a I taqi -atqiyaa? "" """ - . saalifi-iin.................. fuzdu?,a -aat.............- d c L fuzdu?i L~. musaddas -aat ""..". . . . . . . ... abrii? - abarii?...............c9-JLI- doora? - dawaari? """""" sahl - suhuul.......................Jy./ - kawkab - kawaakib................. S - nabaat - aat............................- L.,.... mazraca - mazaarii """. -~ zarac/zarc (a) - (a) / safin- suFiuun........................ - v taba? -atbaa?............... IA~ rasiif ......00 0...0 ............ tazkarit rasiif...........................("."." masraad yya -aat................- laa ib - lacli iba.............................- mali~a - maaa'il iL L.Ld iL L masruur -. mabsuut -uin """"""""" Fasalit ilbaraka """"" "" Ui - 73 26 26 25 17 17 24 32 22 13 9 32 32 32 32 31 25,31 13 13 17 28 11 28 11 11,28 17 28 17 17 17 28 25 ,31 10 14 25 32 31 31 25,31 24 4 14 19 31 7 12,18 28 11,18 please s.o., to please s .o. , to plebiscite plenary session plumber plums plural (gr) plus (arithmatic) pneumonia pocket poem poems, collection of (by one poet) poet poetry point at, to point of view poison poisoning police commis- sioner policeman policeman policeman policeman policeman, traffic police officer police station police, the police, the police, the police, tourist policy polish, to polite political political science political situa- tion politician politics pomegranates pond poor Pope, His Holiness the popular pores port basat/inbisaat (i) - (u) " " - sari/suruur (u) - (u) " .. ,/ , istiftaa? -aat....................-' l galsa Lamma.....................L. U sabbaak -uin """""" - bar?uu? ,a -aat"'""" - d c gamy . . .. . . . .. . . . . " zaa?id .. . . . . . . . . . .1 iltihaab ri?awi 0,' geeb -guyuub """-"L qasiida - qasaa?id "" "... (,ms - ,.ya9 diwaan - dawawiin """ , . - u ,- saa'?ir - su'cara sicir """ " asaar ila/isaara wighit nazar - wighaat nazar s umm - simm -" tasammum """"" ma?muur ilbuliis .... ... ... ... A- W W " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ( L surti Laskari """""" ciaskari - £asaakir " "" " ,SLt.. - caskari buliis.......... ciaskari surta """""""""""" ".' Laskari muruur............... J j fir zaabit buliis"""""" :g-.bL ?ism ilbuliis............" " " Jy "JI" " ibli ""'""""""" Hd idaari t i l?amn vr IJI isurta.......................... , buliis s iyaa F d """" i "" .L siyaasa -at -"""""'""" J1 "L.' l aima / talmi i """"" / 1& mu?addab -uin................ .9,,- siyaasi .. . . . . . . . . . , t . ilciuluum issiyasiyya * " LI, lI .J I mawqif siyaasi................. " U.'LLS #~ siyaasi - saasa " """ ..L - U.. issiyaasa """ """" ~,..J rummaan ,a -aat -v birka -birak............. J fa?iir - fu?ara...........9 - q ad aas it i lbaab a """"""" L.!.e L !JJ masaam mi ina - mawaani.....................- -° sayyaal -iin """""" - Jt qism - aqsaaxn """" rLW - suura - suwar """""""" _. mansib - manaasib " " " - i gaab i........................... s-fL.I Fiyaad igaabi """""" L;*_I L porter portion portrait position (post) positive 31 positive neutrality 74 20 possession 20 possess, to 14 possible 14 possible, it is 30 possibly 17 postal administration 17 postmark 17,28 post office 27,31 postpone, to 8 potato, baked; stuffed with meat 24 potatoes 8 pot, clay 8 pot, cooking 8 pot, earthen 18 pothole 8 pot, tea (non-china) 8 poultry 29 pound (currency) 29 pound (monetary unit, Lebanon) 29 pound (weight) 8 pour out, to 8 pour, to 13 powder 17 power, executive 14 powerful 17 power, judicial 17 power, legislative 32 practical 30 praise be to God 30 praise the Lord for your safety #55 26 praise, to 19 prayer 19 pray for, to 19 pray, to 19 preach, to 31 precaution 14 precisely 32 predicate (gr) 31 predominate, to 26 prefer, to 5 pregnant 5 pregnant, to become 5,7 pregnant, to become 31 preliminary 17 premier imtilaak .............*............. y - imtalak/imtilaak ******** **"" l mumkin **................... min ilmumkin """ ***" " " "" 0 rubbama •** * * * * * * * * . . . •*• L maslahit ilbariid ...".............. I -L xitm ilbariid ~ ********t xitm ilbusta m a k t a b i l b a r i i d ~ " . . . . . . ilbusta aggil/ta?giil ************* .." kubeebit bataatis *.......* bataatis ........................... ?idra - ?idar ** *** ,Ja- - d halla - hilal **************...... taagin - tawaagin ........... ' , matabb -aat ................. yallaayit saay ** ****** ~ ~ ~ U / J~.I j~L~-O ($U ~ firaax ** * * * * * * * * * . gineeh -aat *********......... liira -aat ..... ..... .... ratl - artaal ** **** * kabb/kabb (u) - (u) **"" sabb/sabb (u) - (u) *****.... budra ............. ......... issulta ttanfiziyya .... L sidiid - sudaad ............. issulta lqada?iyya ...... issulta ttasriciyya ..- " " " " " v v -'--9 d L~ L~ ai I L i II famali *- ilhamdu lillaah............................. ' JI ilhamdu lillaah "******""** """'""**** £2 J hamdilla Gala salamtak * . . - J d i JoJ mada6/mad6i (a) - (a) ..... /* * sala -waat .. *........ ........, data/dua (i) - (u) ...L.......... / UJ salla/saaah ... . ..... ......... / wa'az/wacz (i) - (i) ........... / - ihtiyaat -aat .........................** o - tamaaman * * *** ilxabar ............................*_*J saad/siyaada (u) - (u) d1* / ' faddal/tafdiil /............. - / --9 Fiaamil .. .. . .. . ...* * Fiblit/Fabal (a) - (a) ........ "y / i Famalit/ haml (i) - (i) ......... J~-./ 4"-L-IN. tamhiidi ............................. -- ra?iis ilwizaara ......"..............dl J 75 32 preparatory edu- cation (junior high) 13 prescribe, to 13 prescription 19 present given on a feast day 32 present (tense) 27 present time, at the 32 present, to be 17 presidency 17,25 President 25 President-elect 17 presidential palace 17 presidential palace 17 president, university 31 press 31 press (adj) 31 press campaign 31 press conference 23,31 pressure 31 pretend, to 14 pretty 31 prevent, to 14 previously 20 price 26 pride 17 prime ministry 17,25 prince 17 prince, crown 17,25 princess 25,31 principle 17 printed matter 32 printing house 12,32 print, to (pic- ture, book) 31 prisoners of war 31 prisoner, to take 31 private 18 private car 32 private school 32 prize 31 probable 31 procession 11,12 producer 11,32 professor (f) 11,32 professor (in) 20 profit ittacliim iti Sdaadi ... .. . rs I -z LI wa?af/wa,5fa (i) - (i) """ rusitta -aat "" " "" " " " " " " cidiyya .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . / x9, b-, x0. cL,3 ilmudaari . . .. . . . . .. . ,,. filwa?t ilhaadir.................. JI JI dilwa?t Faa/ Ruduur (a) - (u) / " , ,o ri?aasa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a~1 ra?iis - ru?asa........................L., irra?iis i lmuntaxab " I ' ,,..,. ,. daa irriyaasa......................... I ilqasr ilguinhuuri (-s j -9- :1. 11 -01-4L j I mudiir ilgamca """" """""a .J , o sa~aafa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a , suhlufi hiamla saFiaafiyya.................. . muytamar"u"uf......................... . ., idaaidca """"-"" L 5s)gamiil - gumaal..........................- manai/mans' (a) - (a)............___ °/ ° s aab iq an .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .(,,. taman -atmaan ........................ kibriyaa? ""00 0 0 0 0 ......-""""".." ri?ast ilwizaara .. .... .......... " J I J L amiir - umara............................JjI waliyy iJlca hd............ ... "-. . . . . . . . .. . amiira -aat.. . .................. " d) mabda? - mabaadi? """"""" L -1 matbuiaat ..................."."0 ma tb a Sa - mat aab i' LL.""" -""" tabaS/ tab S (a) - (a) " .L .. tibaa'?a asra lharb """..............".- asar/asr (u) - (u)/ xusuus i "".".""..".. ........ ..... £arabiyya mallaaki....................... " mad ras a xas sa """"""""""""".... "" L "dr gayza - gawaayiz... . ... .. . ......."- muxragan................................- .' u sa a z ab - aa i . . . . . . . .. . . . 1 O-mx i i n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u jL . .I ustaaz - asatza..............J.L ribhi- arbaah.......................""" kisib/kasb........ "-"""-. .. .. .. . . . .... maks ab b irnaami g - baraami g "I " " "- manhag - manaahig * ."""" """ -_, masruu? - maarii' .................,, aalit '?ard.....................1aJ 12 32 32 12 program program project proj ector 76 31 prominent 28, 31 promise, to 17 promotion 12 prompter 32 pronoun 32 pronounce , to 25,31 propaganda 20 property 19 prophet 19 prophetic tradi- tion (Islam) 19 Prophet's jour- ney, the 1156 19 Prophet's jour- ney, the #57 19 Prophet, the 22 proportion 5 propose to a girl, to 32 prose 19 prostration 19 protect, to (act of God) 19 Protestant 25,31 protest, to 25 protocol 25 protocol, chief of 32 protractor 26 proud 26 proud, to be 32 proverb 31 p rove, to 17 province 17 provincial council 31 provisions 14 prudent 19 Psalm 31 pseudonym 11 psychiatrist 32 psychiatry 32 psychology 5 puberty 31 public 13 public health 13 public health, ministry of 32 publisher 31 publish, to 31,32 publish, to 19 pulpit baariz -uin................................ wacad/wa'id (i) - (i) 0000#0/ tar?iya -aat..............................- s.: mulaqqin -iin............................. damiir - dainaayir.................... r iaf az/af z (u) - (u).................." J~.J ~1/ LJ dicaaya -aat..........................ci - milk -amlaak.................. .."...... nai-aniya........ ........................- , it?israa? ilmi Sraag ,I ., innabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nisba -nisab """"""""" xatab/xutba (u) - (u)................. b xutuub a nasr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s uguud .. . . . . . . ." .., satar/satr (u) - (u) """""""""" -. LSS s .. / . protistanti """"""""""- ,., i Ftagg/i Ftigaag.................. .., I ! ,/ tasriifaat -protokool "".. ; ,, mudiir ittasriifaat """"" Li.,,.z;-Jf . man?ala - manaa?il................J- L1. - _ faxuur . a itkabbar/takabbur........................ / ' masal -amsaal............... .... ...f - J barhan/burhaan (a) - (i) / miuhafza-aat.............. .............- a . maglis ilmuFhaf za......................."&"L'd .a.Jf mna?uuna - mu?un........................... mazmuur - mazamiir............ Ij. ism must'i1aar............................... " " ,L ,, .. I duktoor nafsaani """"""" L ittbb innafsi....................."" I JJI 'iilm innaf s............................ .:. murahqa.................................. s 1. £umuumi .......... ~0.o si~fJa Lamma...............................L.L ." . ilcumuumiyya naair -iin............................. asdar/isdaar................."" " "" ,I .s I/ ,jJoIl nasar/nasr (u) - (u) ""'"" / - ..nbr-maa .bi ...................... nab d nafax/nafx (u) - (u)...........$./ - muwaazib -iin......................... . - .~l, . wisil filmi caad.................. U I £alamaat ittarqiim """" """ J'(y 77 19,31 32 32 32 20 9 18 9 31 31 punish, to pupil (f) pupil (in) purchased goods purse push, to put on, to (garment) put, to put,3'to £aaq ibl/'iq aab 0 00. . . . . . 00 00 UJC cz, tilmiiza -aat "" """'"" tilmiiz - talamiiz . " 0 tal amza mus tarayaat kiis - akyaas dafaiidaf c libis/libs FHat/Fiatt wadac/wads' (a) _-(a) .... / (u) -(u) . . . . . (a) - (a) .. . . . . L.Z / I t c / to 16 17 31 22 17 29 17,25 32 32 28 14 30 10 32 Qatar qualifications quality quantity quarter of town quarter-pound (Egyptian note; = 25 piasters) queen question question mark queue quickly quiet, be! quilt quote, to qatar ............................ : mu?ahhilaat """" """" "'" " "" sifa -aat ............. f* - , kimmiyya -aat 0..*..* .. Fiayy - aFiyaa? ........... L 1. f . s xamnsa wiiriin ?irs ".............UA . -° malika -aat.....................(. f- J SUJ, su?aal -as?ila """"""""" .f- I. aaamit il?istifhaam *. . .L7l&j tabuur - tawabiir """"" .; -e. - bisur'ia ................ d uskut........00.. . . liFiaaf -lifiifa aat """" - iqtabas/iqtibaas ""-"""""" .,_jf/ Lr-13f R 16 19 6 5 12 12 10 32 31 24 31 31 Rabat rabbi rabbit race (e .g. human) racing racket radio radio engineering radio program radish raid raid, air irrabaat . . . . .. ..... ...... Lb ...JI Faxaam ............... la.t arnab - araanib """""****** I- gins - agnaas " " . . . .." " ,,.:.1 ib aa2 .......... .* ........... 'la madrab - madaarib """"" radyu -haat """""""""...m..... 1 - J birnaainig i?izaaca """""""" II -c-7 f aal a -aat .. ........ 00c.:, I . d- d t y aara gawwiyya .. .. . .. .. . .... "Va aei 78 18 rail 18 railroad 18 railroad travel 18,28 railway station 43,23 rain 4,23 rainbow 23 raining, it is 4,23 rain, to 18 raise, to 24 raisins 6 rain 19 Ramadan (Muslim month of fast- ing) 31 range (extent) 8 range, gas 6 rarely 6 rat 17 ration card 9 razor 31 reactionism 31 reader 32 read, to 27 ready 27 ready, to be 25 reaffirm, to 20 real estate 31 reason (cause) 31 rebuild, to (e.& a city after war) 31 receive, to (s. th . 28 reception 25 reception, official 25 reception party 12 reception (radio, T.V.) 19 recite the Koran, to 14 reckless 25 ,31 recognize, to (acknowledge) 31 reconciled, to be 31 reconcile (with) , to 12 record (disc) 31 record, to 13 recover, to (health) 32 rector (university) ?adiib -?udbaan """"U c - - '= issikka lFiadiid.....................r. . 1j~I ...JI issafar bissikka lFiadiid "" .j JI 1 L JS.J UA.j maFiatit issikka lhadiid """ n.JIIS-LJ1 a.... matar -- amtaar...................... ,tL I - ° qoos quzuFi . . . . . . .. . . . . . ismbimattar ................................ .Jf rafa9/raf c (a) - (a).................. / c; zibiib ,a -aat......"""'.........-= kabs - kibaas......................."" USL ramadaan...................................cv ~., ni taaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b butagaaz -aat..............I - 3 U. qallama - ?aliil lamma..........................-U faar - f iraan.........................." v l l- bitaa?it ittamwiin """"" ., _I .. LU-. muus - amwaas............................J yJ- L ragciyy a . ... . . . . . . . .. qaari? - qurraa? *000*00 ?ara/?iraaya (a) - (a) """"""" mustacidd -uin """"""-"" is ta'addf is ti cdaad"""""""""" I akkid/ta?kiid"""""""""" Vq aar -aat . . . . . . . . . . sabab - asbaab..................... Tammar/tacmiir """""""" ~tA - I / S I / s l I - .) itsallim/tasallum....................... isti?baal .............. J ,,I Ehaflit isti?baal................. ,J J =1 rasmiyya hiaflit isti?baal....................... . s- is ti?baal................................J l._.j,, tala/tilaawa (u)-(u) .. ... / ahwag -hu................... A iStaraf bi/ictiraaf................IL I / .s itsaali h/sul h...................... ..../ C,.: wa f fa? been/ taw fii ? """"" _ , / . .9. istiwaana -aat..........................c" " I- I 9°w saggil/tasgiil............. ..........3. sifi/hifa (a) - (a)..................." " mudiir ilgamca U:4 i j~~ a f mar , iamra -Fhumr ". ,. - ='I a. c ., fiuura i Fimiraar .. .. ............I ilbaFir it?aFimar..........................p. -1 :JI i fimarf . . . . . .. . . . . . . ...7_,. Fiammar/ta~rnir............... ........../ .~ Fiakam- Fiukkaani.......... ...........cL41. - .. 79 32 31 25 31 12 8 10 31 31 13 25 31 26,31 26 6 25 26 5 reference (book) referendum reform refrain from, to refreshment room ref reshments refrigerator refugee refugee camps refuse (dirt) refuse, to regiment regret, to regret, to reins reject, to rejoice, to margic' - maraagiT ....... istiftaa? -aat.........................- z.~ islaaF -aat.......................... .. - imtanac can/imtinaai ../c9T&-- bufeeh -aat................................ murattibaat.............................." UJro tallaaga -aat................. laagi? -uin........................... v. - L-- muxayyamaat illagi?iin ............C" v- -L" f wasaaxa............................ t..... I- 9 rafad/rafd (u) - (u) """""""" J/ a9 katiiba - kataayib..............."" 2 U- - asif/asaf (a) - (a) ............ '/ j' nidim/nadam (a) - (a) """""" / - ligaam -igl ................. rafad/rafd (u) - (u)..............L$" " " firi F /faraF (a) - (a) """"" ./ saahir/musahra """"/"" related riage, related by mar- to become to 25 25 relations 25 relations, betterment of 25 relations, diplomatic 25 relations, firm 25 relations, friendly 5 relationship 25 relations of amity 25 relations of amity and friendship 25 relations, official 5 relative (kinsman) 32 relative adjective (gr) 32 relative clause 32 relative pronoun 5 relatives 5 relatives of 31 relaxed, to be- come (crisis) 19 religion 19 religious 19 religious leader (Islam) 31 remainder (rest; e._&. of an article) 31 remain, to 31 remember, to 31 renaissance 20 rent 20 rent, for 10 rent, to ilmuta'?alliq bi """""'"" £ilaqaat ........... tahsiin il'ilaqaat """"""""'" £ilaqaat diplomaasiyya"""""" v s WWI J "- J 19 J I L £ilaqaat matiina """"""" £ilaqaat ilwidd *0 000000 ?araaba ........... £ilaqaat ilwidd """""""" £ilaqaat ilwidd '4 ''' ZI wissadaaqa 'ilaqaat rasiniyya 0"""" ?ariib - ?araayib 0 0 '' L !r~ Z..JI innisba issila wi lmawsuul """"" yiI ism ilmawsuul..............jyy ?araayib . . . . . . . . . , ahl . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . infarag/infiraag..................rI ".I! 9 00- JkI L duin - adyaan "00 00"000 diini . . . . . . . . . . imaam - a?itIma 000"0"0 c.1 Li ba?iyya .............. . s bi?i/baqaa? (a) - (a) "U.... s L/ itzakkar/tazakkur.................... .... nahda -aat............................ - w. igaar.....................................,- , lil?igaar.................................-, W LJ aggar/ugra igaarL..I/.~ ~ ~ 80 18 19,26 17 17,25 16 17 16 16 16 repair, to repent, to report representative republic republican Republic of Algeria, the Republic of Egypt Republic of Iraq, sallaFi/tasliiFt............................/ taab/tooba (u) - (u) """"""" , / l ta?riir - ta?ariir...................." , U." - mumassil -iin.......""""....".. gumhuriyya -aat........."" .""......... gumhuuri .............. c ilgumhuriyya ."""""" lagazaa?iriyya gumhuriyyit masr.................... ..oda ilgumhuriyya................ ~IJ.,I I, *--J I 1 'iiraa?iyya ilgumhuriyya lliibiyya "L"JJ " " ilgumhuriyya ssudaniyya "*. " " ,,J 1 the 16 Republic of Libya, the 16 Republic of Sudan, the 16 Republic of Tunisia, the 16 Republic of Yemen, the 31 request, to 31 request , to (beg) ilgumhuriyya ttuunisiyya""00 I 'a Y*_. .' 25 32 32 18 18,28 17 31 31 12 31 12 20 20 26 31 8,18 28 18 rescue, to research research, to do reserved reserve, to resign, to resist, to resolution resort, summer resort to, to resort, winter resource resources, natural respect, to responsibilities restaurant restroom (lavatory) result result of, as a resume, to resurrection ilgumhuriyya lyamaniyya "I ilt tama s/ilt ima as. . . . . .. . .. ......W,.JI/ raga/ragaa? (u) - (u) """""/" anqaz/inqaaz......................." LC__I / j.I bais - abfaas........................ .-t..,1 ._ bafias/ba~s (a) - (a)..............."/" ma Figuuz aq Fagaz/ Fiagz (i) - (i).............. . ,/ , ista?aal/isti?aala................. -.. / JL... I qawi/mqwm...................LL... / qaraa -aat .......................... (A masyaf - masaayif..................."" t . iltaga? li/iltigaa?...............LJI / LS.JI 76..l masta - masaati............................. mawrid - mawaarid..................... ... mawaarid tabiiciyya................. .. .. ' y9. ifitaram/ihitiraam """/"" mas?uliyya -aat.........................c"i" mad am - mataai'im......................I doorit ilmayya.........................L ,WI natiiga - nataayig ""'""""""""- ; kanatiiga ii ... . . . . . . ". . . J y",.. is ta?ni f/ is ti?naaf................" ... /0. il?iyaama.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. ....L&J I tigaarit it?attaaci................ " . LI taagir it?ataaci.......................I ,. taqaa'?ad/ taqaacud.................." " .J s Ca/,.: ictazal/i'?tizaal..................Jlj fI/JA ri gic/ ruguu c (a)-()/ wa fy ".... ....... . .. . LS19 intacas /inti caas ..................." . 1 . 1 / .:. I sawra -aat........................... cI - sawaab £ilm ilbalaaya...................... ....JI LJ 32 30 31 19 20 retail 20 retailer 17 retire, to 31 retire, to (withdraw) 18 return, to 19 revelation 31 revive, to 31 revolution 19 reward, heavenly 32 rhetoric (subj ect) 13 rheumatism rumiat izm . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. r t-° 9 81 7 9 24 14 18,28 12 12, 31 26 27 3 19 9 9 9 4,12 28 16 29 18 18 8 4 31 31 10 10 10 28 rib ribbon rice rich ride, to riding, horseback rifle right (adj ) right (clock) right (direction) righteousness ring (finger) ring, wedding ring (wedding band) river Riyadh riyal (coin, Egypt & Iraq) road road travel roast, to rock rocket role roof room (chamber) room (chamber) room, double chic' - duluuT """"""""""- siit- saraayit.................."" ruzz............................... yani - ayniya..................... .. sI- rikib/rukuub (a) - (a) / rukuub ilxeel...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . ....J bundu?iyya - banaadi?................. j - J J/ sahiiiR .......... mazbuuta - yimiin .......................... ... " salaaR . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . xaatim - xawaatim..... .. .. .. .. . . . . ... - xaatim gawaaz.... .. .. .. . . . .. . . ...... dibla - dib al................................... J--,d- 4J nahr - anhaar _. Lf, -. I 28 room, single 6 rooster 13,24 root (plant or dental) 19 rosary 24 rose, a 21 rough 32 rough draft 14 rough (person) 18 round trip 12 rowing 12,18 row, to 17 royal 25 Royal Highness, His 17 royal palace 30 rubbish ! (nonsense) 12,18 rudder 10 rug 32 rule, a 17 ,25 ruler 2 9 ,32 ruler, measuring 31 rumor 18 run, to 8 rusk (zwieback) 32 Russian language iriyaa aat..............................-u;JLr1 tarii?/tur?................. " .............- issafar bilbap...............r~.J Sawa / sawy (i) - (i) """""""""/ 9; saxr - suxuur """"""""" J9 0- saruux - sawariix....................1 - C- door - adwaar............................."" " ......- sat F sutuuJ - us tuhi ooda - uwad ............................-91- d ooda -uwad yurfa lisaxseen. """ """""' ooda lisaxseen yurf a liS ax§ waaF id ......."" ... ...... v a 4- ooda lisaxs waaFiid diik -duyuuk .. ... .. . ... .. ........j gidr - guduui.......................... s ib Fia - s ib a . ".. ..."- ward , a -eat.. ..............." -" " . miswadda -aat................. .......... l£aniif -uin ." unaf a........................" ".......- " zihaaban wa?iyaaban............................L.IUL1 tagdiif .."".".".". """"......"...n"=,-s+ gaddif/tagdiif ""/ '"" malaki ..."."........"00 .".......... saaFiib issumuw ilmalaki ".."." " "JI I :. 1,. ilqasr ilmalaki.............................. S "J1 iJ zibaala.................."."..........°....... ..J daffa ........"...... ""........"....................... 1s siggaada - sagagiid............... . . WJ. - dU.. q a +d a - q awaa li d.............................I i- d ,"r Faakim - Rukkaam ..."........" r - L mas tara -masaatii AL.". " 00 - d isaaca -aat.......................""....~ gini/gary (i) - (i).........". . .... t .usma 000 illuy a rruusiyya............... WJ irruusi 82 S 19 19 14,26 6 6 20 9 24 12,18 18 18 18 18 19 19 8 17 20 11,20 113,20 11 7,13 6 8 8 21 30 30 30 30 16 4 9 8 13 6 19 31 14 31 15,27 8 8 16 16 16 sacred sacrifice (Christianity) sad saddle saddle girth safe, a safety razor saffron sail, a sailing boat sailing vessel sailor sail, to saint saint, patron salad salary sale (in price) saleslady salesman sales representative saliva salmon salt salt shaker salty same here #58 same to you #59 same to you #60 same to you #61 San' a. sand sandals sandwich sanitary sardine Satan satellite satiated satisfy, to Saturday saucepan saucer Saudi, a Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia muqaddas .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a - ? urb aan...................................0v Faziin - Fiazaana "" " " " "" . - C-' xazna Fiadiid.... .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ...... makanit Filaa?a................... °-L zacfaraan .. .. . ... ........ .....u ?il - ?uluui'...........................- L ?aarib siraa ?i........................ "" " ".... s-L.4 LB- markib siraa'?i................ bahFaar - baF aara """0"""-~ ab~ear/ ib aar.......................,L II ?iddiis -uin """"'""" u. vafiic - sufaa " " ""-"" " s aata . . . . . . . . . . . . . murat t ab - a a t ..""....."""..".. taxfiid -aat..............c b ayy as a -at.............. - _ bayyaa -iin.............. .., _. C - wakiil tugaari.. .. .. . ... . . . ........ lu'iSaab ""."g mallaaa ""at................."".......- ~ m ia as............" ..............~L. iintaas'ier "...... "...................."..I~- wintabxee............................ .Y-- wint a tayi....................... LISL bissi FFia wissalaama s an'iSaa? . . . . . . . . . . . . .". .. 0 aml -rimaal...............J1.i- J-0,k sandal -sanaadil......................" " J L -... J-) sandiwits . . . . . . . .. . . . ., . s i 66i "."." .""""""...""....""".....""" sardiin ,a -aat...................I a- C j- ' ' ibliis......... "" . . ". . ". . . . . . "..."00 aa nai. .""". .. . . . ".. .... sab 1aan -iin """".""""""""c arda/irdaa? ..................... ,LsJ1 / issabt .."..............*0........". 01 tangara - tanaagir "."... - - taba? fingaal... . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . suciLuudi -yyiin """"""".""""""""" ,Jj - issuciidiyya .. " . . " . " . " . " ilmaml aka lSarabiyya ..." I - I .L4.::J6 ssucuudiyya 83 16 Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the 8 sausage 8 sauteed 31 savage 30 save for a rainy day 19 save, to 19 save, to 20 save, to (money) 20 20 20 20 32 8,29 14 12 12 12 31 28,32 13 32 32 32 32 32 9,10 12 6 13 13 12 12 4 18 23,27 saving savings savings bank savings book say, to scales scared scene scene (acting) scenery schedule school school of medicine science Science Day sciences, natural scientific scientist scissors score (game) scorpion scratch, a scratch, to screen, cinema script, movie sea seasickness season ilmamlak lcarabiyya "..". . - I I ssu~uudiyya s ugu ? ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S?, soteeh .. . . . . . . . . . . . wa h i filyoom il?iswid ""."" . xallas/taxliis................... -- / W nagga/nagaah (i) - (i) """"""" --,_ / iddaxar/iddixaar " s1/ .I tawfiir - . " muddaxaraat sanduu? ittawfiir............. daftar tawfiir " """"""_: 9 :, 9 ?aal/?ool (ui)-(u)..............' .ys / JU mizaan -mawaziin.................... -C.-$- xaayif -uin ........... v - manzar - manaazir...................>"" L.O- mashad - mas aahid.............. ° manaazir................................,.. gadwal - gadaawil """""............JJ I ,a. - J madrasa - madaaris....................." " , I ,).o d- . cilm - culuum..........................J -- £iid i1~im.......................... Ir ... s itculuum ............. JI Simis-a..................................- natiigit ilmubataah...................... d .: _ " ta~raba - ca?aarib................S... xads - xuduus.................... .N9 > -vJ xadas/xads (i) - (i) """"" , / , riwaaya -aat........................... -I baFir - biFiaar buFuur........ ,. . 1b j.>.- duwwaar ilbaFvr........................... JI j f asil - f usuul....................... .s - 9 muusim - mawaasim.................... ! y abuneeh................. d-4- kursi - karaasi........................-1 - issafar bilba~ir.......................... . .J1 itacliim issanawi.................. ..-.L i 4 JJ 23 season 18 season ticket 12,18 seat 18 sea travel 32 secondary education 2,18 second class 22 second (number) (f) 22 second (number) (in) 27 second (time) 31 secret 17 secretary (f) 25 Secretary, first 25 secretary general 25 Secretary- General, the 17,25 secretary (in) daraga tanya tanya "" .. .. , J " mod.... ". t . taani........................................ U sanya -sawaani.....................C~y-- sirr - asraar.......... ..".. ..9"" sikriteera " " " " " " " " " " " " " d - sikriteer awwal........................JAI sikriteer £aam............ . ......... it?amiin icaam...........................I I sikriteer........... ............,. 84 19 sect 19 sect 31 sector 25,31 security 25 Security Council 13 sedative 8,24 seed 21 see, to 31 seize, to (the opportunity) 31 self-deter- mination 14 selfish 31 self-sufficiency 29 sell or buy on credit, to 20 sell, to 17 senate 31 send an envoy, to 18 send, to 17 seniority (job) 21 sensation 26 sensation 21 sense 21 senses, the five 26 sense, to 14,21 sensitive 21 sensitivity 26 sensory perception 32 sentence 32 sentence, nominal (gr) 32 sentence, verbal (gr) 26 sentiment 26 sentimental 1,27 September 12 serial (n) 32 series 31 serious (grave) 31 seriousness (danger) 19 sermon 6 serpent 13 serum 11 servant (f ) 11 servant (in) 25 serve, to 18 service station 8 sesame seed, mazhab - mazaahib "'""" " " " -I . ° tayfa - tawaa?if -.; qitaac -aat.......................... .- I_ L : ann - amaan v - - maglis il?amn...........................&-::J I a musakkin -aat"""""""""" bizra -buzuur """""" ,. d saaf /oof (u) - (a) "''"' ,/ c5I intahaz/intihaaz ""'"""""/ - r taqriir ilmasiir..................... Ip j:Z anaani -yyiin ......."..v _. L I il?iktifaa? izzaati................." ..:, I.3 J I ~~ s akkik .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s baac/beet? (i) - (i) """ " "" ,/ maglis issuyuux.......................... . awfad/ifaad............ """"" jUCl/ baicat/bast (a) - (a) ~/~ ?a?damiyya -aat..................0 Fiassa - Fawaas.......................... a- iFisaas - aFiasiis "" " " " " .-w I- bas sa - Fiawaas............. ilhawaas ilxamsa...................... ..Jf I J Fass/Fiiss N (i) -()....".........." i Fis aas Fiassaas -un................................ Fias as iya ae guml a - gamal .. . .. .. . .. - gumla ismiyya..........................d J. gumla fi'iliyya """"".""" '?aatifa - cawaatif "' "" ',- Saatifi -yyiin........................, sibtimbir . . . . . . . . . . . . . musalsala -aat "" " " " silsila - salaasil...................J.. xatiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xutuura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giza waiza -aat """'"'"'"" "' miay-aaal........................ .J mat-asa """"""" ayyaala -aat........................." sayyaal -uin """"""""" xadam/xidma (i) - (i)} """""."" a mafiattit xidmit """"""j.., sayyaraat ti fiiina . . . . . . . . . . . . . v - " oJ. / ( simsima -aat "" " " 17 31 27 session settle, to seven a. m. gals a -aat s awwa/ taswiya sabca sabaaFan / 85 22 seven (f) 2 7 seven forty- five (time) 22 seven hundred 22 seven (in) 27 seven o'rclock 22 seventeen (f) 22 seventeen (in) 22 seventh (f ) 22 seventh (in) 22 seventh, one- 22 seventh, the (in) 27 seven thirty-five 22 seventieth, the 22 seventy 31 severance of relations 10 sewing machine 9 sew, to 7 sexual inter- course 7 sexual inter- course, to have 7 sexually mature, to become 19 Shafiitic (Islam) #62 28 shake hands, to 26 shame 20 share, a (stock) 20 share-holders 20 share (portion) 16 sharj ah 21 sharp 9 shave, to 9 shaving 9 shaving cream 14 she 6 sheep 10 sheet, bed 19 sheik (Islam) 10 shelf 31 shell (bomb) 9 shell (e..g. sea shell) 6 shepherd 21 shiny 18 ship 18 ship 18 ship 9 shirt 8 shish kebab sabca (saba?) s ab Sa lla rub T .~-~z 0 0 0 subcumiyya...................'~-~-- sab'?a (saba?) .. . . . . . . . . . . . _;, sabactaasar " " " " " " "" " " " sabactaasar " " " " " " "" " " "- sabi?..................................... . U. issaabi?.................................. l s ab ca wnuss wxamsa " " L_ i- L:j - 9L U.JIi bci ........ . .. , sab Tiin .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t s . q at cil Silaqaat.................... c ,L(Uy f ! LI makanit xiyaata """"""" xayyat/xiyaata ""0"""-"""""""" gimaa? . . . . .. . . . . . " " " " " " " / £."j gaaii/gimaa? balay /buluuy ( a) _ (u) ......... sallim Lala "" " "" " "" " "" xagal sahmn - ashum """"""""" Famalit il?ashum nasiib - ansiba issaarga Fiaad . Faami " " " " " " " " " " " " " Fala?/Tilaa?a (a) - (i) """""""."' J f ilaa?a .................. sabuun iilaa?a ......... 'a, hiyya ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yanam .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . milaaya -aat............................. seex - masaayix """"""""' raff -rufuuf """""""""" L qaziifa - qazaa?if......................" I.i sadaf - asdaaf " "" " """ " Ia J LJ. 4L raaci - rucaah "" " " " "" "" 1 - barraa? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . baaxira - bawaaxir.....................>'-Iy - ma rkib - mar aak ib ..*. ....° .S safiina - sufun ................."~ - ?aiiis - ?umsaan """"""""""""" v - kab aab .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. kufta .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . K, itracas/rasa /""""" - v-= gazmagi -yya...................." r - . gazma - gizam........................ . _ - 86 12 20 ,2 8 4 14 13 9 32 7 7 12 10 30 30 14 14 13 13 13 7 10,28 25 8 8 8 8 21 21 18 17 31 17 9 14 9 2 20 19,26 19,26 19 16 14 14 12 12 19 32 18 13 5 30 shoot, to (sport) shop shore shortly short-sightedness shorts, pair of short story shoulder shout, to show, a shower, a shut up ! shut up ! shy sick and tired sick (f) sick (ni) sick, to be side (anat) sidewalk side with,-t sieve sieve sieve, to sift,2 to sight sight, sense of signal signature sign of the Zodiac sign, to silk silly silver silver (color) simple interest sin sin sin Sinai since (prep) since (prep) singer (f ) singer (in) sing hymns, to singular (gr) sink, to sinuses, nasal sister sit down, please! istaad/istiyaad................. / J ., dukkaan -dakakiin..................S saati? - sawaati?...................D .A qaiiana a.................................. t- o pm , sort -aat siaa ..................................2 S . kitf-aktaa...........................~ xaguul -u n............................. v- ?arf aan -iin "........... mariida -aat......................... - inariid - marda........................- iirid/inarad (a)- (a)......... .... / gan iif ..irsif............................. I - . inFaaz ila/nFiyaaz ....U; i/J. i { yurbaal - yarabiil................J~r1> s- J L inanxul - imanaaxil.....................;-' J l yarbil/yarbala """""/"" L naxal/naxl (u) - (u) """" J-- / J-" basar - absaar..............................- fassit ilbasar.......... ...... . . ..... . .. J I L.. isaar a-aat : _dJ1 imnda iindaa? -aat "" bur g -ab aag........................ yI .- inadiinda.............................. .3 saxiif - suxafa....................L"" . - f ads .............................,, ribs basiit """"""""""" xatiyya - xataaya .... ........L . - ziianb-zn ......................... ....-. t= inL .y-...a.......................... iuyanniya -aat """""""" a . muyanni -yiin...................... muratltrti.........................y / yiri?/yara? (a) - (a) """."/ guyuub anfiyya """ uxt-ixwaat................... . y-J itfaddal u?'dud........................"""I" 87 27 six o'clock 22 sixteen (f) 22 sixteen (mn) 22 sixth (f) 22 sixth (mn) 22 sixth, one- 27 six twenty-five 22 sixty 29 size 7 skeleton 7 skin 6 skin, to 9 skirt 7 skull 4,23 sky 14 slanderer 18 sleeping car 7,27 sleep, to 14 sleepy 9 sleeve 18 slide, to 9 slipper 31 slogan 27 slow 27 slow (clock) 18 slow down (traffic sign) 14 slowly 14 small 13 smallpox 21 smell 21 smell, sense of 21 smell, to 26 smile, to 18 smoke 8 smoke, to (cigarettes) 8 snack 6 snake 12 snapshot 7,13 sneeze, to 7 snore, to 4,23 snow 30 so-and-so 30 so-and-so 30 so-and-so 83,9 soap 8 soap, laundry 8 soap, toilet 28 sociable 28 social 17 Socialist Party, sit tasar............... ...** ........Q,; cs .... sittaasar " " " " " " - " . " " ..s :~ sadsa" " " " " " . " " " . ,,, ( saadis..................................... .,,&L. suds .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v, ~ si tta wnus s illa xams a " -i j .s9 1 d .".,-fLIi ii?aas -aat............."""""""............ haykal - hayaakil """"""" t. - salax/salx (u) - (u) 5.. / 5. gunilla juup -aat.........................y. gumnguia- gainaagiin "" *"" "".. "".... . a.. nanmaam -iin v , . 'arabiyyit noom...................."" ..JWI .ig. naamn/noom (a) - (al "" ""y". . / l naScsaan -iin """"""""""" l,. kummi - akinaam........................ ..SI - itzafa?/tizahilii? """""" .r / .. sibsib - abaasib """""" ... .,- - s i'iaar -aa t........................ .. f - ,W. batii? "" " . " " " " " " " " " " " " , _ mi?axxarad,>1.0 hai issur...............................%..~J suyayyar -uin................ ..........,°- .- gudari................................ LS riiF~a - rawaayiFi......................5II, Fassit lisamm............... ................L.LdM.. saiin/sainm (i) - (u) ................../ w ibtasam/ibtisaam.................. ..,LI 7 d xxan/t d ii ................. ........... 7, wagb axa f i if a..... ""..... "" "" _9a.' tiThaan - ta'abiin """""" U- . la?ta -aat................................- a J £itis/fiats (a) - (i) ..../c r- saxxr/ag i................ ................' 7' fulaan il.lan............................ vI keet wikeet............................." ..5 (:.-A. sabuun ,a -aat -"""""" - "a C sabuun yasiil """"""""".- ,- igiabni ..............................4 . ,.0)J iltiizb il i .t ..ak................... ... K p- i..0 iltiFiaad it~isti tairaak""""".".. .J5S "A"i L 'fl 88 11 social worker (in) 28 society 16,28 society, Arab 32 sociology 9 sock 10 sofa 21 soft 20 sold 6 sole (fish) 32 solid, a 31 solution 31 solution, peaceful 31 solution, temporary 31 solve, to 30 so many ... #63 14 some 14,27 sometimes 5 son mu ari .ima....................... .. _-".. ilmugtamaL ilcarabi................... " I1 i 1 Lilm il?igtimaaL...................°"'-? '1- saraab -aat............................I_ ...- ,,: kanaba -aat ...*............... - GIJ'a.S naacim .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . mubaaL.N.mitbaaL """"""""""" s aiak muus a..... .................. gism sulb...............................-- . Fall - Fuluul.......................... - 9JV Fall s ilmi...................~.. hall muwa??at............................'"" S J kazlall.(i).-.(u..... ..................... 1 / ,.-5 kazad ................................ ahyaanan ibn -abnaa? """""""""""" t -t awiaad uyniya - ay aani """""'"" sl- uyniyit ilmuusim............... .yI 2 ayaani sa~biyya....................... UL sihr - ashaar.............................. ?urayyib ?ariibban """""""'"' sahihaar -iin.............................- sihir - asfiaar............................. iltihaab f i1Fhangara """ "" J-.", L-W asaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . muta?assif "' "" " " "" ° " " " it?assif/ta?assuf """"""""" .,..U / ,. 12 31 12 5 14 19 19 13 26 30 26 20 19,26 21 8 8 8 8 8 21 25,31 31 25,31 31 25,31 3 3 31 12 31 13 32 12 25 ,31 25 song song, hit songs, folk son-in-law soon sorcerer sorcery sore throat sorrow sorry! sorry, to be sort (kind) soul sound soup soup, chicken soup, lentil soup spoon soup, vegetable sour source source, informed source, official source, reliable source, responsible south southern sovereignty spare time spare, to be able to spasm speak, to spectator speech speech, opening sanf - asnaaf ....... . roo Fi - arwaafi soot - aswaat '" ""' surba ........ surbit firaax surbit Lads " "" mna~la?it surba ""."" surbit xudaar " """ Faaid ....... masdar - masaadir ~iLz~1 C~Iy~I . G " " " " " " " " " " " e)- 9 G) tvJ id~~xL4.r dam, 9.: )~~ J) J~)4 -4 masdar masdar masdar masdar muttaliLS rasmi muttaliL urns ?uul " " " e " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ganuub ?ibli "" " " "" " " "" " " " 9: ganuubi ?ibli.........................."" .:. siyaada6, . wa?t ilfaraay............ """ IJI....s istayna Tan/istiynaa? "" "" *7 / - tasannug " " " " " " ". " " " . itkallim/kalaam "" ""S 7 - mutafarrig -iin............................- h xutba -xutab """"""""""" _ . kalimat it?iftitaaFi......................" .=. _ l 1 ~~S 89 32 18 18 32 20 8, 24 6 24 7 5 9 7 7 14 8 12 13 10 23 31 31 32 28 24 8 6 32 32 12 10 17 17 speech (talking) speed limit speed limit spelling spend, to (money) spices spider spinach spine spinster spin, to spit, to spit, to spontaneously spoon sports sprain, to spray, to spring spy, a spy, to square square, main (of town) squash squeeze, to stable (n) stadium stage stage (theatre) stairs stamp, a stamp, postage issalqu..... ........................~ hiadisu ............................ l~~ 4.J anfaq/infaaq """""""" tawaabil 'iankabuut 0 0 0..."-"......t sabaanix .....*0..I.........to...".CQM Scamuud faqs i ""'""'""" "'"" " "'" S' 'iaanis - £awaanis.................""" ~ yazal/yazl (i) - (i) . """" J jc / Jj basaq/basq - (i) - (u) ... " 0 u-i busaaq/w taf f/ taf f (i) - (u) Ji/J. / $z mmn tilqaa? naf su ........ .. macla?a - maciaali?.....................(" L4" r iy a a a.........*.. . . lawa/lawy (i) - (i) / baxx/baxx (u) - (u)/ - irrabii 0000.*00..... . ..... . . . .. . . ., gasuus - gawasiis -""""" itgassis/tagassus..................."-*- LY--- murabbaS -aat midaan ra?iisi """""""" koosa , ya -aat to.... ...00. ........... Sasar/casr (u) - (i) """"""""/ istabl -aat .......0# istaad . . . . . . . .....0 0.... .. mar Fala - maraafiil...................... ' J-4' I mara~ asarh....................U... - sillim - salaalim -L xitm - axtaam ........... taabic bariid..............."""" taabi £ busta - tawaabii damya . ..............00..........."Q o damya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xatam/xitm (i) - (i).............."" itf us Fia...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . ... mu stawa lma ciisa.............. " ....... .. I ?aam/?iyaam~ (u) - (u) """."""' r / rcL : ?awamaan nigm - nuguum........................"""" nigma -aat..................~ nisa nigma -aat...........................A - nigm - nuguum. ... ..... .. .. .. .. ......- d aw la - duwal......................... ....3-.JI.. 17 stamp (put on application to the government) 17 stamp, revenue 17 stamp, to 32 standard language (Arabic) 20 standard of living 7 stand up, to 4 star 4 star 8 starch 12 star, movie (f) 12 star, movie (in) 17 state (country) 25 statement 31 statement, to make 31 state of emergency 31 state, to (declare) sarraF/!tasriifi w 90 18 18 22 7 25 28 18 18 18 25,31 31 31 13 13 29 18 11 18 11 21 31 12 19 20 20 9 9 7 4,10 28 20 4,23 32 10 31 8 8 8,24 4 183,28 11,28 28 28 25 31 31 14 5 station s tationmas ter statistics stature status, official stay up late, to steamship steamship steersman step step-by-step step-by-step solution, the sterility (women) sterilize, to sterling, pound steward steward, air stewardess stewardess, air stinky stipulate, to stipulate, to stirrup St. Mark stock, a (share) stock exchange stocking stockings, nylon stomach stone stop, bus store, a (shop) storm story stove strained, to be strainer strainer, tea strawberries stream street street cleaner street corner street, side strengthening strengthen, to strike, to (stop work) strong strong sex, the ma F a t ta-aa t.................L naazir ma~atta............................iL-". yL iFsaa? -aat.............................- ¢ qaama '~ ~ s ifa arasmiyya................................ a . sihir/sahar (a) - (a)................J- . yr baaxira - bawaaxir """'"" ,--- markib buxaari-. qaa?id - qaada.................. xatwa -aatd . xatwa xatwa..............................-4> 9 ilFgall.x.wa.xatw...................... .. J."sJ 'iaqam/taci'iim ...................C.a ..;/ ; gineeh istirliini...................."5.t mudsiif gai.............................. ,, .. mudi ff a-aat.........._...............-.o mudiifa gawwiyya .....................~. mii'af fin .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . istarat/istiraat.........."-""" ,1 / nass L ala/nass (u) - (u) "*" "" " *"*" / rikaab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. il?iddiis mur?us """ "" " "" " s- ,. aJ sahm -ashum.........................."" I..l- bursa........ saraab -aat.................c saraab naylun............................. miicda maciida " " " " " " " " " " " Fagar - aFigaar . Fdgaara " "" * l . . - maw?af utubiis............................ " matga] - mataagir .........." "" "" " dukkaan - dakaki in £aasifa - cawaasif............................. wabuur - aat..................... ~-° w .9r itwattar/tawattur """""""" ,9 / - masfa - masaafi............ .....~aa dL ma sf it saay......................($ d farawla................ tirca - tira9......................... - s kannaas -uin ............... v..... Lr 1 nasya - nawaasi.....................~ saariS gaanibi . ........ _ m . ta~ziiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ciazziz/ta~iziiz ............/ , ;ma adrab/idraab """""""""""/ , 1 ?awi -?a~wiya...............................- 9_ kayan ii~n,",; ; M- 91 32 students, top 32 study 31 study group 32 studying 10 study room 32 study, to 32 study, to 8 stuffed cabbage 8 stuffed eggplant 8 stuffed food 8 stuffed tomatoes 8 stuffed vine leaves 8 stuffed zuccini 8 stuff, to 31 stumbling block 14 stupid 14 s tupif ied 32 style 31,32 subject 32 subject (gr) 31 subject to, to be 31 submarine 17 subordinate, a (f) 17 subordinate, a (in) 31 subscribe, to 31 subscription 12 subtitles (movie) 22 subtract, to 28 suburb 32 succeed, to (attain) 30 such-and-such 5 suckle, to 5 suckling baby 16 Sudan 16 Sudanese, a 14,27 suddenly 16 Suez Canal 19 Sufism 8 sugar 8 sugar bowl 24 sugar cane 31 suggest, to 9 suit 18 suitcase 20 sum 32 summarize, to 32 summary awaa?il ittalaba........................tU Jf JI diraasa -aat............................- '.. nadwa -aat . .. . . . . . . .. . i d . muzakra....................................3SI. oodit maktab..........................."4 daras/dars (i) - (u) /"""" zaakir/muzakra........................ - ma hi kurunb .. . . . . . . . . . . ,;-' maFvi bidingaan """""""" l.J.1 maFs~ """".."".i,,y ma Fi itamaa tim .. ""..". . . . .'Cb - m iiwaa inb " " " " " " "2.0 maFviwka .na... ........ ....... ....' ° Fa~a/fiasy (i) - (u) .y .. ../ Hagar Lasra .......................... Jd - '' y ab i- aybiya.... . . .. . . . .. . . . ....: - mazhuul -uin............................ usluub - asaliib.....................- JL-f mawduuc -aat mawad1iiT " 1.. - J9 ilf aacil.................. ............... J LuJ xadaSc i (a) - (a) 7 ..../J xuduu c yawwaasa -aat..".................... ~I s mar?uusa -aat mar?uus -inn """ " "" """"" u - v 9 9 r° istarak/istiraak """""""/J=1 istiraak -aat " .. . . . . . . . .."-I .II "" - targama .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . taraFj/tarFi (a) - (a)................ dafiya - dawaafci..........................- '... nagaAinagaaF, (a) - (a)...........t..... ; / _" keet wikeet " " " " " "" " " " " " " ..5 ... ridiWridaaca (a) - (a) " """ J/ radiic - rudda'T...........................- issudaan................................ v .J sudaani -yyiin.....................( 9 j.,, fag?a fag?atan """"""""""" ap qanaat issiwees........................ ...._11 issuufiyya .. . . . . . . . . . ..I sukkariy a- t.............. .................- ?asab issukkar .......... w 1 , iqtarahi/iqtiraahi """"""" : " , badla -bidal.................. Jj-, s an t- sunat............... ..: 4j 'b mablay - mabaaliy.................."" L -& laxxas/talxiis """ """ """7-- mulaxxas muxtas ar -at """"I- . is see f...................................L,,, JI i gtimaa c ilq iinma.........................&e" " sI21 _o stid'?aa................................... .,.: it add a/stid.aa......................... / 92 24 sunflower 19 Sunna (Islam) #64 19 Sunna of the Prophet #65 19 Sunni (Islam) 23 sunny 23 sunrise 23 sunset 19 sunset prayer (Islam) 23 sun, the 30 superb ! 31 superficial 32 superintendent of schools 19 superstition 11,17 supervisor 8 supper 31 supplement 31 supplementary 20 supply and demand 31 support, to 31 suppose, to 13 suppository (medical) 31 supremacy of law 17 supreme adminis- strative court 30 sure! (I'll do it) 29 surface 11 surgeon (f) 11 surgeon (mn) 13 surgery 34 surprised 31 surprised at, to be 31 surrender, to 6 swallow (bird) 7 swallow, to 19 swear by God, to 19 swear, to 9 sweater 71,23 sweat, to 10 sweep, to (house) 21 sweet 8 sweet pastry #66 8 sweets 13 swelling 13 swell, to £abbaad isams.........................,,zJI s sunna ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w sunnit innabi.............................. JI d:. sunni musmis suruu? yuruub salaat issams .. . . . . . . . ilmayrib .. . . . . . . .JI mudhis . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . mudiir ittarbiya............ " ",- witta £liim xuraaf a-aat.................. muaa i -............... .................- , mul Fla? - malaaFii?...." "....... " . .. .-v mut aimim . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..: il'?ardwittalab """""""". . .. ~, I ayyid/ ta?yiid............... ,l /,. iftarad/if tiraad...."" "..... , J lubuus siyaadit ilqanuun """""" u - maglis iddawla ""..........""" J~JJ ur, Faadir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . misaaia -aat.............""" ,I.i- garraaFa-aat " "" " " "-"". I gapaafi-iin."..............-"" giraaFia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mundahis -uin "............-x"1 . - istayrab fist iyraab istaslim/istislaam £asfuur - 'iasafiir bala'iibalc (a) Filif billaah . zirs. pulovar -at 9iri? / Cara? (a) kana s/kans (i ) . .. . . L, a.: / L.j - (a) - (i) - (a) - (u) ...... / . . " rrqL - 4 " J- , " """ CJ gz F6ilw . . . . . . . . hariisa "" " " " " " " Fialawiyyaat .. . . . . . . .. . . waram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wirim/waram (a) - (a)/ sabbaafi -un.......................... - sibaaFa u maoh-a... ........................e l..... caam/ oom (u) - (u) * nassaab -uin " .......O" " . """"""Y". ..- 93 32 32 32 26 26 32 16 16 16 17 25 syllable syllabus symbol sympathize, to sympathy synonym Syria Syrian, a Syrian Arab Republic, the system (method) system (organization) maqtaSc - maqaatis.......................- manhag - manaahig """""........ r._.. - :o ramz - rumuuz......................... ..- .° Lataf Sala/ (i) - Ci) "*" L"U " s/ biU £atf muadf-................................. - b surya ........... ........... ....... - s" suuri -yyi in.............." " ....................- , s suuriyya nizaam - anzima . nuzum '''' - --. - LI gihaaz -aghiza """""".........1- - 10 table 10 table 10 tablecloth 32 table (e._&. time- tab le) 32 table of contents 8 tablespoon 19 taboo 8 tahini 8 tahini salad 63,18 tail 9 tailor 19 take an oath, to 19 take an oath, to 30 take it, please! #67 18 take off, to 20 take, to 14 talkative 7 talk, to 19 Talmud 8 tamarind 24 tangerines 21 tangible 31 tank (weapon) 12 tape 12 ,32 tape recorder 8 tart (n) 31 task 31 task force 25 tasks of his position 31 Tass (news agency) tarabeeza -aat """ """""" tarabeeza -aat "" """""" maf ra - maf aaris gadwal - gadaawil **~.* . ,fro l._..o - J - J9 f ihris .f ihris t- - '.* fahaaris macla?it surba...............jy tS'-L Faraam............ . . . t i fiiina..... . ......... ....... ".... .". d saait tifhiina """ """ """LL ""_ deel - duyuul 000 "" "" "" "" ...J - xayyaa -iin......................... Filif ilyamiin """" " "" " "" "I " aqsmaam".................. . ?aam/?iyaam (u) - (u) " """" i/ r axad ., xad/axd (u) - Cu) " " .".""."1 / "J-&I sirsaar -sarasra """.""""frr- J itkallim/kalaam' """"/.".. tamr hindi *.o............... ".. . .J : j..ro.J mahsuus .malmuus ".."" " "" . . . . / y tuta -aat . . . .. . . . .-. . ,I d . muhimma -aat .,- F a m la -aat......... . ... . .. .. .... . . . . .~, ! mahaam mansibu.............."""""""L~. tass 0 0 0 0 # ......"......."...... yM 94 21 21 20 20 18 18 20 8 11, 32 11,32 32 32 32 26 8 8 taste, sense of taste, to taxes tax (finance) taxi taxi tax, income tea teacher (f) teacher (in) teaching teach, to teach, to tear (eye) teaspoon tea with milk Fiassit iddoo?.......................... .;,JJI ' L,,. daa?/doo? (u) - (u) """"""""" / 1J, daaayib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - dariiba - daraayib """"""-.:.,, taxi " . . " " . " " " " " " " " " " 9arabiyya ugra.".""""""""""""""""".......... dL,. dariibit iddaxl *.*. ..... s aay ..............................1: mudarrisa N~ muciallima -aat '*" I- a , ' mudarris -mucallim -uin " "5".. M tadriis ,J darris/tadriis """ """""" dimca - duinuu "..".""."..".""."..".".".. ......- , mala?i t saay.......................... .:.as. saay bi1abanb mustalaF istilaaF -aat ""I- ~JI .&. bariyya-.......... . .. . tilliyraaf -aat maktab ittilliyraaf -= :::".. L J 1i ,_: tilifoon -aat......."".................. 32 technical term 25, 31 telegram 28 telegraph office 10 telephone 17 telephone administration 28 telephone call 17 telephone central off ice 10,12 television 31 television program 12 television set 26 temperament 13, 23 temperature 19 temple 14,27 temporarily 27 temporary 19 temptation 19 tempt, to 10 tenant 20 tenant 22 ten (f) 22 ten (in) 12 tennis 27 ten o'clock 29 ten-piaster (note or coin) 29 ten-pound note 31 tenseness of relations 31 tension 10 tent 22 tenth (f) 22 tenth (in) 22 tenth, one- 32 term (word) 13 test, blood 31 testify, to 31 testimony mukalma tilifooniyya maktab ittilifonaat .-J LI tilivizyoon -aat....................... , I .- .,, 1 birnaamig ittilivizyoon " .... I gihaaz tilivizyoon................... v " ' ;L(, mazaag - amziga............................. daragit ilFaraara............." D IJ~,J( , ma~bad -ma'iaabid """"..- mu?aqqatan ,.muwa??at """""".." mu?aqqat ,muwa??at""""""""."" _.o iyraa? ..................... I I ayra/iyraa?.......................... I/ t~ saakin - sukkaan...................... . - (>SL mus ta?gir -iin............ """""................- £asra (casar) ............... :, casra (casar) ............ tinis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . casra .. . . . . . . . . . . . . G :. Sa~asaay........................ d~ casra gneeh """""............ tawattut ilcilaqaat """"""+""" L L;.J I tawattug .................... . xeema - xiyam *l**a... .. caausr ....................... Jacut afa................................- w sihid/sahaada (a) - (a) ........ 6, sahaada -aat...........................,. 95 13 test, medical 32 test (school) 13 tetanus 32 text books 31, 32 text (e.g. of speech) 31 thank for, to 19 thank God, to 26 thanks 19 thanksgiving 30 thanks ! (thank you) (general) 30 thanks ! (thank you) (general) 30 thanks to 30 thanks to God 28 thank, to 30 thank you #68 30 thank you #69 30 thank you #70 30 thank you #71 30 thank you #72 30 thank you #73 taF liil - taF~aliil ...... ixtibaar -.imtiF aan -aat " "*' - v titanus................................. L~-. kutub madrasiyya............."................ ... -5 ~ nass -nusuus........................... - sakar Gala/ (u) - (u) ." °''/ yA s ukr Fiamad / iaid (i) - (a)... ............. / " sukr .................; sukr ................. sukran mu t a akk ir .....,......... , , bif adl..................................... J.Q. 9 ilFiamdu lillaah...........................JJ jJ) vakar/sukr (u) - (u)...............°" ahian wasahian biik.....................dj 'IL allaah yi?ansak......................... l &.LI allaah yibaarik fiik................" s- .. L j,)L. .ULI allaah yiFtfazak "*.."........" s . &JiI allaah yisallimak................. ....... .. LI allaah yisarraf.................&i J, IJi. ii?daarak ancam allaah Laleek................" L n - .LJI Fiayaatak ilba?ya.....................cLa. l .-Jr L daymnan ............... (. daamit Fiayaatak """"""" "" ,r I daymnan Saanir.............................. *aFi badanak.......................... d- -, , minawwar bi*FRaabu.....................d-i U,0 '- allaah yihanniik........................ .~JI l . ?ahwa dayman................ y~ allaah yibaarik fiik...............s J4 etL x.1J1 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 thank thank thank thank thank thank thank thank thank you you you you you you you you you #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 #79 #80 #81 for the coffee #82 30 thank you (r. to "congratulatn" 14 that (conj) 14 that (dem) (f) 14 that (dem) (m) 14 that is (i.e.) 30 that's it (fin- ished, o.k.) 14 that (subordin- ate particle) 14 the 12 theatre 12,28 theatre 12 theatre-goers 12 theatre, national 30 the late.. (deceased ... ) 14 then (thereupon) 32 theoretical 32 theory 14 th er e 14 therefore inn . , . " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " d ikha .. . . . . . . .". . . . . . . ., dikha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xalaas.......................... ... A ma .""""""""""""""""."".""""".""."""" m3 v~ ilt. a1l tiyatru "......"""."""""""""".."""... i,; masraFi - masaarif...................""""" ruwwaad ilnasraFi. . .. . . . . .. . . . .......J nasra Fi qawii.......................... cyJ .....-O i lmar Fiuum............................**r°. summna - fa........................... ..9 na zar i .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. nazariyya -aat........................ . h inaak .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lizaalik d Lu 96 30 there is no place like Cairo 13 thermometer 13 thermometer 14 these 14 these (f d) 14 these (nm d) 14 they (f ) 14 they (in) 6 thigh 14 thin 31 thing 31 thing 31 think, to 18 third class 22 third (f) 22 third (in) 22 third, one- 8 thirsty, to be 22 thirteen (f ) 22 thirteen (in) 22 thirteenth, the (f) 22 thirteenth, the (mn) 22 thirty 14 this (f) 14 this (mn) 14 those 22 thousand, one 9 thread 25 threaten, to 27 three days ago 22 three (f ) 22 threefold 22 three hundred 22 three hundred and sixty-five (f ) 22 three hundred and sixty-five (in) 22 three (mn) 22 three million 27 three o'clock 22 three-quarters 27 three ten (time) 22 three thousand 7 throat 7 throat (also larynx) 17 throne 18,31 throw, to 4,23 thunder inasr unii iddunya 0""""6""" LJi ;l)4I 4 tirmnumitr -aat..........................- - nizaan ilFiaraara........................" dJ9l.J- I 1 o- dool ..... ..0 0 4 0.......... f , .....................6 .... ..L dool dool L hummia ............................... . ,", fmad- .ixaa ............................ 9 rufayya --un........................... - 9 fiaaga -aat.....................dL see? - asyaa?.........................'1...I . zann/zann (u) - (u).. ..... . . . . . . .... daraga talta.... .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. ...... talta.. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .... ...! L~ taalit............................... ...... . . tult ... .. .0 0 6 £itis/catas (a) - (a)................Is talattaasar.................."" a, ;s LZ talattaasar..................... ittalattaasar........................ .r ittalattaasar LWJI talatiin......... . . . . di.................................... d dukun....................................... I 1, alf ... .. .. ................................. L s - If xee - xuyuut " " " " " " " " " - ,,- , - haddid/tahdiid / """""" . mmn talat tiyyaam................... U! ' U .iA talaata (talat) """"""'"""""" ult ini y . ................................4~ tul tuniyya xisa..........Z y4 . ±O LL wsittiin tul tuniyya xainsa "" "" &. '.,, , 9 a wsittiin talaata (talat) """""""""'""tl mayi taatalyin........................~ talaata ""..""."..".....".... .J talat tirba?.......................... LI9 Z' talaata w?asra............... . " &Jt9.JI taattaaa.........................."...... 49L Fianga a - fanaagir """""""""" - - ascr u . . . . . . . . . . t 9b. - - c ramna/ramny (i) - (i) /"""""" c4-)s° rai'd .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s §aa'?iqa - sawaaSciq""""""" cs, -.SL ilxaiiis . . . . . . . . . . . .""". . kida....................................... tazkara - tazaakir """""""""""" I -a kus aar i -yya....................." ., L...5 S- t .". 97 18 ticket inspector 18 ticket, return 4 tide, the 31 tie 9 tie, neck- 16 Tigris River, the 10 tile, floor 27 time 27 time, daylight savings 27 time (duration) 27 time, Greenwich mean 27 time, local 26 timid 11 tinsmith 12 tip 18 tire 13 tired 19 tithes 32 title 20 title deed 19 Title of Descen- dent of the Prophet 19 Title of Islamic theologians 19 Title of Mtif ti 19 Title of the Coptic Patriarch 27 today 14 to (direction) 14 together 10 toilet 10 toilet 19 tolerate, to (religion) 24 tomatoes 27 tomorrow 29 ton 7 tongue 27 tonight 13 tonsillitis 7,13 tonsils 7 tooth 13 toothache 9,13 toothbrush 9,13 toothpaste mufattis tazaakir .. tazkarit wa "" ilmadd wilgazr raab ito - rawaab it " karavatta -aat """ digla ....""."..". balaat ,a -aat""""""" wa?t - aw?aat """" taw?iit §eefi """ ~JSJ~ j3~JI) J4J1 - * ~ (~J~ -, ~LU~ - ~ c LS~9~~'0 ~ zaman - azmina...........................9 - v L. taw?iit grinits ..........................."y "".: s taw?iit mafialli.......................... .J-..4 ~ xaguul -u n ..................... - 9 jy... samkari -yya ........... ... f , b a?siis kawib aat...................................- . 'iuuur £inwaan - £anawiin """"-"" r .. s I,. £ad iliya..........................5J sariif - surafa................. - : saafiib ilfadiila """"""".. IL o seex il?islaam saahib ilyibta ai_,A.J 1 innaharda inniharda """"""""" I ila li......................... . .. J J ma~a bar~d .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . doorit mayya ......................... d mirFiaad..maraFiiid "" " """" °. itsaamiFi/tasaamufi................... ..-+z . tamaatim . ?uuta """ """""".. . .9- bukra ............................... tinn- atnaan """"""" """ u b lisaan -alsina....................4 Jj- illeela illilaadi ""............. iltihaab fillozteen """"" v- L CLJ ~J~JJ I illozteen illuwaz """""" sinna - asnaan - sinaan """" alam asnaan . """""""" wagaic asnaan fursit asnaan "" """""" fursit sinaan ma~guun asnaan N """"""" Thn e'gtpitivn 1...~. I :) L%. I CJ 26 22 21 12 28 torture, to total touch, to tourism tourist U1121 6 LLL.7 JLJ~t~l1w. 'iazzib/ta'iziib........................ / mnagmuuc - magamiiT................ L '° lamas /lams (i - (i).................."r4J / C ° s iyaa Fia .................... ..... . saayi - suwaaFi """.......... J,,,, ,.. suyyaa i utubiis s iyaa hi.........................'- 9 18 tourist bus 98 18 18 9 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 31 28 17 18 12 18 12 18 13 20 32 32 18 18 10 18 28 18 8 13 13 31 25 4 32 17 18 32 31 19 19 18 18 16 31 4 4 9 31 18 tourist class tow away , to towel, bath town town town hal trade trade-mark trade, to trade union tradition traffic traffic laws traffic signal tragedy train, a train, to tramway tranquilizer transaction translate, to translator transportation transport, to trap, a (e_& mousetrap ) travel travel agency traveler (in) tray treatment treat, to treaty treaty tree triangle tribunal tricycle trigonometry trilateral trinity Trinity, Holy trip trip Tripoli triumphal arch Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capri- corn trousers truce truck daraga s iyal iyya ""0""""""""""" gas/gars (u) - (u)"""""""""" fuutit Fainmaam ""'""""" balad -bilaad """"" """" madiina - mudun """"""" " baladiyya -aat """""""" t igaara .. . .. . . . . . . . .. calaaina tugaariyya"""'""""""""' taagir/ tugaara """" """""""" niqaab it itumaal ta?liid - ta~aliid..............._ muruur """"."""". nizaam ilniuruur """""""" isaarit muruur """"""""" ma?saah . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ?atr - ?utura "" " " " "" """ marran - tamriin """""" tiraam ,r tiramwaaay " " ' L muhaddi? -aat """"""""" mubayca -aat..................... targim/ tar gama ., c_ c4. ca. _s. (LJ"o... damI,.J J z.I 1-- f &..' L " IIJ " V mutargim -uin """" muwasla -aat """ na?al/na?1 (i) - masy ada - mas aayi d (u) .. . . . J saafir/safar........................ .. m . " / maktab issafariyyaat "*"*.....c" "" Lv ..J-1I : ~ inusaaf ir -uin """"""""""""""""'' (; - 1"4 §iniyya - awaani.....................vimO. Siilaag......................................... l £aalig/ 'iilaag..........."............. Fiilf - afilaaf """"""""" mu'iahda -aat.........................I - l. salas -aat ........... ................ msla at """"" """" " ma Fkama - ma Fiaakim ......................" SL - "-- t iriski ,_ Fiisaab ilmusallasaat.................... ' J LJ lam sslauu ................................. issaluus ilmuqaddas............... .. .i.I JJ riFla -aat..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... safar - as faar....... ". . . . . . " ,""Lj" 1 .I tar ab lus................................" .r J I .l, Boos innasr............................. .Ji madaar issarataan...................""" madaar ilgady......................... LsI I9J,4 bantaloon -aat """"""""" hudna . . . . . . . . . . . . . £arbiyyit na?1 """"""""" iddiin ilfianiif """""""" saadi? -uin """"""""""" sada?/sid? (u) - (u)"""""""""" ittalaat......".. """"."" 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 99 24 8 13 13 6 16 16 16 18 6 32 tulip tumbler tumor tumor, malignant tuna Tunis Tunisia Tunisian, a tunnel turkey (fowl) Turkish language kiubay-at.............................- 9 waram - awraain """"""""" -. waram xab iis ..... ............ C-s-9 tuuna "............................... e,. mnadiinit tuunis """"""" ' c d - tuunis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tuunisi -yyiin........................ u9- L--" nafa? .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . diik ruumi . . . . . . . . . . . s. illuya tturkiyya.................... y -1-11~ i tturki Fiawad/Riawd (i) - (u) " " " " " . . / l . lift ,a -aat.....................-"""LJ ?afal/?afl (i) - (i)................./ 18 turn aside, to 24 turnips 12 turn off (radio, T.V.) 12 turn on (radio, T.V.) 6 turtle 9 tweezer 22 twelve (f ) 22 twelve (in) 12 twelve o' clock 27 twelve to ten (time) 22 twenty 22 twenty-one (f) 22 twenty-one (mn) 22 twenty-seven (f) 22 twenty-seven (in) 22 twenty-three (f ) 22 twenty-three (in) 22 twenty-two (f) 22 twenty-two (in) 22 twice 5 twin 22 two (f) 27 two fifteen (time) 22 twofold 22 two hundred 22 two (in) 22 two million 27 two o'clock 22 two-thirds 22 two thousand 19 ,32 typewriter 13 typhoid f ata5i/fat suhlifa - mul?aat - i tnaas ar itnaasar itnaasar itnaasar :6 (a)- (a) / -1 4- - saFaalif " " " " " " -.,., d -- iala?iit " " " "" "- ..5I - iliaBasa "" - l s ,z* W. A waid iiriin .......................... c~ waahid wicisriin........................jA--9 j '' sabcawisriin............................. 9 sabS~a w'isriin.................. talaata w'i'iriin................ talaata w'isriinv9 .- ' itneen wi c isriin................... c 9 9UL ' itneen wicisriin """""""""L~.Ic marr iteen ............................. i"1 taw?ain - tawaa?iin......................... I.9 - itneenwiu ........................ LLAJ sunaa?i..... 1 : iiyeen................................. v l itneen....................................vl . tu lyoee teen ................................ .CJlL alf een ................................ LS;JI taalaata................................ 13di 100 Ui 6 14, 26 13 31 9 31 udder ugly ulcer ultimatum umbrella unanimous about, to be 14 unanimously 5 uncle, maternal 5 uncle, paternal 31 uncover, to (disclose) 14 under 17 undersecretary of state 9 undershirt 11 undertaker 9 underwear 9 underwear, men' s 31 unemployment 25 U.N.E.S.C.0. 22 uneven (number) 31 unforseen event 14 unfortunately 20 union, trade 14 unique 16 United Arab Emirates 25 United Nations Secretary General 25 United Nations, the 4 universe, the 17,28 university 32 11 university professor (f) 11 university professor (in) 14 unless bizz -bizaaz """"""""" l.r 3. qabiiF wiF'is-iin -*0000 u fia -qura F............ .. . ""...... inzaar -aat............................. _. ,i ..I samsiyya - samaasi '"'"""" agmra'? 'ala/ igmaa ".................., / s bit?igmaa S..............................~ L.. Y tU xaal - xilaan . axwaal...................J1 .i J t. Samm - cimaam a cmaam ."""""".LI ka.saf can/kas (i) - (i) """"""/ waiilwiaar.............................. J-4 f anil la -asat . . .. . ..J -J Fianuuti -yya............................. ..,i malaabis daaxiliyya """""" J.i . libaas -aat........... I , t bataa................................... . .L~ hay?it ilyunisku """"""" 1''... fardi .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LSJ,- taari? - tawaari?..................... 4,10 j, lisuu? ilFiaz...".........................Jf I niqaaba -aat................................. fariid................................ J lmutta~iida il?amiin itcaam " '"J " s-" JJI r %. I I lil?umam ilmuttaf~ida il?umam ilmuttaFiida "" ......"" 'diFY ilkoon....................................u +Sj I gam'ia -aat.................:~ ustaazit gamca.......................... L... I ustaaz gam~a."..........."""".........t :,.. iza ma ................................... I " I mat cuus - mata Siis """"""" .- ,+. zift ............................... lam yasbiq lahu masiil """"""" J. &J. i ...... r liyaayit . J Fiass/ fass i) - Cu)...................." " -/ baal/bool (u) - (u) .... . / J L- itbawwil/tabawwul """................j,..< / , 14 14 25 14 14 31 7 7 unlucky unpleasant ! (damned) unprecedented until until urge, to urinate, to urinate, to 101 31 31 31 12 12 8 used to, to get useful use, to usher, movie (f) usher, movie (in) utensil, cooking i t awwi d / ta awwu d........................ " 13y :i/ 3 mufilid ............................... istacmi1/isticmaa1.................- . - / -: I ciaamil sinima..................isL. Taamilit sinima. ..........................Utom-."" J-0 L ma'cuun - mawa'ciin........ .......... I . cU 9.L V 27, 32 vacation 13 vaccinate, to 13 vaccination 10 vacuum cleaner 26 vain 31 validity 4 valley 31 varieties 10 vase, flower 13 vaseline 8,24 vegetables 9 veil 19 Veiler, the (Protector; God) 7 vein 11 vendor (f) 11 vendor (in) 23 ventilator 10 veranda 32 verb 32 verb, quadri- iteral (gr) 32 verb, strong (gr) 32 verb, triliteral (gr) 32 verb, weak (gr) 14 verily 8 vermicelli 32 verse (poetry) 13 vertigo 14 very 30 very gladly #83 30 very pleased to see you #84 30 very words, in the 11 veterinarian 32 veterinary science 14 vexed 18 via 17 vice-president 30 vice versa agaaza £utla -aat """"'" I- dcL1L. d3Il. taccam/taticiim """""" / - - tatSciim -aat............................ maknasa kahraba..................""" mucigab binafsu """""" """ - siFifia .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'t waadi.................................... mnunawwa ca at ". . . . . . . . . . . .i .,. zuhariyya -aat...........................L" vazliin................................ LY~~ xudrawaat -,xudaar............. """""..... ta Fia - tur a F issattaar....................- Lir? - £uruu? """ """""" bayyaaca -aat '""'""""' bayyaa'?-iin """""""" inarwaha -maaawi "" "" varanda -aat" fiUl- afS aal """"" " " ilficl irrubaasi """"""" iilfi~l issafiii *"".. """"" ilfinl issulaasi """"""" inn "" " " " " " " " " " . " . s iSriyya .. . . . . .. . . .. beet - abyaat "" """""" -el LM . ..J I ........ ...... t:.r l,._. , I J LSj d19 J dooxa.............. ..... .""""...." giddan "" ...."" "...........""" "" "" Gala rraas wil teen "'""""""" fursa sa~iida 0000"000"00000000 a.. binna.s r """ . LL duktoor bet an " " " " " " " " " " " " " zaclaan -iin ... ..... ... ... v s can tari i? . . . . . .. . . . . . :r naa?ib ipra?iis.........................rjJI L2.U wilcaks bilcaks................"""'"" )SJI 102 14 vicious 31 victim 31 victorious, to be 31 victory 31 victory, overwhelming 30 view of, in 10 villa 28 village 8 vinegar 24 violet 2 violet (color) 5 virgin 19 Virgin Mary, the 19 Virgin, the 17 visa, entry 17 visa, exit 28 visit 28 visiting card 32 visiting professor 28 visit, to 13 vitamin 32 vocabulary 32 vocational education 14 (vocative particle) 4 volcano 12 volleyball 32 volume 31 volunteer 31 volunteer, to 4 vomit, to 19 vow 19 vow, to make a saris -uin """" 4aFiiyya - daF~aaya intasar/intisaar nasr """" nasr saa~iq 600 UL~ ~ / L~~LJ4~~ nazaran li ... "" " " " " " " " " " " villa -aat ... . ...... . qarya -qura .... ..... xall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . banaf sig . . . . . . . . . . . . . banafsigi bikr ...................... ilcadra maryam "" """"" "" ., " ilticadra ........ ... ....... ... ... ta?S iir it duxuul """""""""""0 0" ta?siirit xuruug " """""" ziyaara -aat """.""""""". kart ustaaz zaa?ir "" " " "" "" l J I )L_ ae., l c, LU L U. I / zaar/ziyaara (u) vitamiin -aat " mufradaat """" ... .. ...) ( I_ ya burkaan - barakiin """"" ilkura ttaa?ira """"""" guz? - agzaa? """"""" mutatawwi -iin " """ ittawwai/tatawwuT """"" it?aaya/mi?ayiyya "....."" nadr - nuduur """"""" nadar/nadr (i) - (u) """" C US v /r LJ 1 b S. ~J - W 20 11 28 18 11 7, 27 7, 27 7,18 28 12,28 10 10 wages waiter wait for, to waiting room waitress wake up someone, to wake up, to walk, to walk, to take a wall wall agr - uguur....................... , I .? suftagi -yya........*.. intazar/intizaar....................::- istiaaFia -aat...........................- -- sufragiyya -aat.....................I a -. s a Fi ia . . . . .. . . . . . . . s bs_ misi/many4 i tmas sa/ tams iya gidaar - gudraan free ta - Fitaan ~a) - (u " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 0J1. m 103 24 walnut 31 war 25 ,31 war, cold 10 wardrobe 11 warehouseman 19 war, holy 4,21 warm 23 4,23 warmth 31 warn, to 25 ,31 warn, to 8 washbasin 10 washing machine 10 wash, to 6 wasp 27 watch 11,27 watchmaker 12 watch, to 27 watch, wrist 4, 8 water 6 water buffalo 8 water, cold 4 waterfall 8,24 watermelon 4 wave 12 wave, long (radio) 12 wave, medium (radio) 12 wave, short (radio) 14 we 13,14 weak 13 weak, to become 20 wealth 9 wear, to 4,23 weather 23 weather, changing 23 weather, fine 12 weather forecast 9 weave, to 15,27 Wednesday 15 ,2 7 week 15 weekly 7,26 weep, to 29 weight 8,29 weigh, to 29 weights and measures 285,30 welcome ! (hello!) 30 welcome ! (hello!) gooz ,a -aat """"""" C Teen gamal Fab - 1 uruub ......... 9- Farb barda.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .... dulaab.- dawaliib -,,1' maxzangi -yya ..................:.. gihaad.................................... daafi dif ? .daf a ......... ..... _ fiazzar/taFiziir """""" .. ., / ' - anzar/inzaar..........................9 J / f 7 tilt- tusuut......................... yassaala -aat...........................- l, yasal/yasl (i) - (i) 7 Babb uur - daba bir............"'', ''" a s- saaa... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ........ .. s a/yia a ti-y ya.................................." " " .. isL. itfarrag ciala "" ""'"" " , J i U.W saacit yadd............................. .. 'D tm mayya....... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ..... gamuusa - gamuus . . . .. .. . ....... "O U - G mayya barda..............................J J. . (.. sallaal -aat........................ ........ battiixa -aat......................... I- moo ga -aat mooga tawiila ... ...... mo o ga mu tawa si ta.................." " " " mooga qasiila dai~iif -duoaf a AL dicif /dacf (a) - (u) " "" 7" sarwa -aat................................ lib is /libs (i) - (a) 7 gaww to?s ta?s mutaqallib """"" """" s~ ta?s gami il nasra gawwiyya........................~ n a sag /na sg (i) - (i) / 000itaba usbuu'i i~.usbuuciyyan 00... .. b aka /b uka (i) - (i) ...0L00w zS-a z a1"" " " "" " " :/v . wazan/wazn (i) - (i) """ /jc:- ilmawaziin wilmakayiil...........JL&JI,19 ;l IJ ahlan 00..........0 0 .000 ........"... mar FAab a ,r ahlan wasahlan i 104 25 welcoming address 4 well, a 14 well-known 30 we missed you #86 3 west 3 western 21 wet 14 what? 14 what? 30 what a loss! #87 30 what is your name? 30 what time is it? 24 wheat 2 wheat-colored (complexion) 24 wheat, crushed 24 wheat, dry green 18 wheel 14 when 14 when? 14 whenever 30 where? 30 where are you from? 14 which? 14 while 8 whiskey 2 white 25 White House, the 2 whiteness 2 white, to become 2 white, to make 14 who? 22 whole 14 whole, as a 20 wholesale 20 wholesale dealer 20 wholesale price 13 whooping cough 14 who (relative) (f) 14 who (relative) (f d) 14 who (relative) (f p) 14 who (relative) (in) 14 who (relative) (mn d) xitaab tarFiib "- biir - abaar inacruuf -inn """"" waFhastina """" garb .. . . " o yarbi ...... mabluul """"" eeh .. . . . . eeh......".. la hawla wala """"" quwwata illa billaah ismak eeh """* "--j V 1 . . . 00 0 9 issaaca kaamn dilwa?t....................J Y l as1,,..J I ?amh a -aat. ...."............... o.. .s ?amh i r buryul """"""""""""" firiik """""""""""" ?agala -aat """" lamma "".."." imta . . . . . . . kull ma """""" feen . . . . . . . Fiadri tak iineen """""" " 0~~ ~~ " """ L """ ay b aynama lanma .......... ... (".. wiski ............... . ~ abyad ,beecda - biid """" .. c AL _,_;c ibeet il ...a.............................j f .,Jf ibyadd bayyac/tabyii4........................... kkull.......................................'J tigaarit ilgumla. .. ... . . ... .. .... I djLf si 1r ilgumla.................................LL4"." I .I wr issu~aal iddiiki. .. .. .. ... .. ......... illi 00000.00000 rz illi C:j I.. JJi ili.i ............... "..... "....... illi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . illi illi ci I ijj I leeh................................ waas iC ........... 0 armnala - aaaii """""""" arma l- araamil.. ...... 0.........."....J I4)_ I aL. 139 Ii4 105 5 6 20 4, 23 10 8 2 8 8 6,18 wif e wild will, a (legal) wind window wine wine-colored (reddish corn- plexi on) wine, red wine, white wing zooga - sitt -aat mutawaFif is wasiyya """" rii 6 - riyaa6 subbaak - sababiik nibiit """ """" xamri """ "" nibiit a~mar nib iit abyad ginaa Fi - agni Fia ginihia issita """" faaz/fooz (u) masaFi/mashi (a) muhandis lasilki Fakiim - Fiukama" 'caa?il -uin """" ciu?baal aif sana . . ." " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " U"r - (u) ./.... - (a) """"""..""/ '" :::::: :::::: . .. ." ". s .S _. - 0.JL...* 23 winter 12 win, to (game) 10 wipe, to 18 wireless operator 14 wise 14 wise 30 wishing you many happy returns #/87 26,31 wish, to 14 with (accompani- ment) 14 with (by) (in- s trumental) 31 withdraw, to 30 with effect from 30 with great pleasure 14 without 30 without qualification 31 witness 25 witness, to 6 wolf 7,10 womb 9 women, for or pertaining to 31 women's libera- tion 31 Women's Libera- tion Movement 31 Women's Movement 26 wonder, to 4,10 wood 9 wool 17 work 31 working plan 11,17 workman 4 world 25 World Health Organization 31 world peace 4 world, the 25 world-wide 6 worm caaz .. . . ... . . . . . / maSca . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . bi .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . insahiab /insi Fiaab ictibaaran min bikull suruur (.L Z% top biduun ............................. . bila qeed wala sairt saahid - suhuud sihid/sahaada (a) duib - diyaab """ raFiim """"" Fiariimi """" " "" "" "" " J r w - -(a) " "" " " "" " "/ -s tafiriir ilmar?a Farakit taFiriir ilmar?a " " " " d I .J I i1i araka nnisaa?iyya '"""" I SyJI itcaggib/tacaggub.........."............ .-' xuy-a ya..........................:.J.W - : s uaa1i- -s maal...................... J L, - 'i~~aalam ......... ...... .. . .JL muna ami t i ss iFiFia .. "" L.Jf I 1lcaalamiyya issalaam il'caalami..............."""" LJ ilkura 1?ardiyya...................... I dSJI aaa ...... 0 00............* 0 duuda - duud . . . . . . .. ..J .) _ 106 13 19 19 31 13 13 18 12 7 7 11,31 32 11,31 32 worse, to get worship worship, to worthy of wound, a wound, to wrap, to wrestle, to wrinkled, to be wrinkles (anat) writer (f) writer (in) saa?/suu? (u) - (u)......................./ cib aada ................................. £abad/ Tibaada (i) - (u) " "'' L /7 gadiir bi . . . . . . . . . . . . . , gar5i - guruuh """""""" - garafi/garFi (a) - (a) ...... '" / laff/laff (i)- (u).......... .9...j !. s aar i 1/us ar 1 a """"""""""""" a o- ta dtgcu " " " " " " "/ tgaciad/ta ..u....................... 7 s l.: kaatiba -aat................................. kaatib - kuttaab i s _sL- 32 write, to 31 writing, in exam) 31 written by tahr-iiri .. . . . . . . . . . . . . bi?alam . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . / S X 12 x-rated (adults only) 13 x-ray film 13 x-rays 13 x-rays lilkubaar faqat "" """"""" suura bi1?asiica """"""" asicsa .. . . . . . . . . . . . asiScit iks " " " " " " " " " " 0 d~1 Y 29 yard (measure- ment) 7 yawn, to 1,27 year 27 year, last yarda -aat ........... i ttaawib /mi tawb a """""""""" V9t. sana - siniin issana liadya """""""" issana lli faatit sana kabiisa ..."""..." sanawi .~ sanawiyyan """"""""""" t issana lmuqbila .. """"""" issana lli gayya Faaniin .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . higriyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 27 26 27 year, leap yearly year, next yearning year of the Hegira, in (622 A.D.) year,5 present ZI _ I ad....Ji -J issana 1lFaaliyya issana di 107 2 yellow 13 yellow fever 2 yellow, lemon (color) 2 yellowness 2 yellow, to become 2 yellow, to make 16 Yemen 16 Yemeni, a 14 yes 27 yesterday 27 yesterday, the day before 31 yield, to 8 yoghurt 14 you (f p) 14 you (f s) 30 you have cheered us #88 30 you have honored us #89 30 you have honored us #90 30 you have honored us #91 14 you (mn p) 14 you (mn s) 30 you mustn't say (or do) that! 27 young 30 you (polite form) (f) 30 you (polite form) (mn) 5 youth (f) 5 youth (in) 5 youth, the (age group) asfar , §afra - sufr """" : - ilFimina ssafra """" """ ¢ .f l aiuun i 0................. ,y.! 1 s-'.9-°-- 1 sufra...................................... w isfarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , saffar/tasfiir """"""". / r , ilyainan .. . . . . . . . . . . . . I yamani -yyiin yainan..................._Cx;..o - nacam -Naywa . . . . . . . . . . . ., iinbaari Fi .............................. awwil imbaarifi.....................I)" Jj istaslimn/is tislaam """ ""I/ zabaadi .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. L intu ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:- inti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : anistina .. . . . .. . . . . . . . "":., beetina nawwax " """ """"" 9. .. , sarraftina """..........."" t , nawwart ilbeet........................... intu """"" inta """"" Faraam caleek 0 " "" "" "" " s. "" LJ"" (, suyayyar Fiadritik wO F aritak . . . . . . . . . . . . . sabba -aat ... ..... ... sabb - ubbaan......................... sabaab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W "" , _ d C..:. v v -::. Z 22 31 31 32 32 24 zero Zionism zone zone, educational zoology zucchini sifr .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . suhyuniyya.............................. 4-.:,, manti?a - ianaati?.......................- man ti ?a t a li imiyya """""""""""isb_. dimini ayawaan.......................cI.,lJI s koosa ,ya -aat .. . . . . . . . . . .."  INDEX  111 TABLE OF CATEGORIES TOTAL NUMBER 1 NON- CATEGORY OF WTOTAL NUMBER RDS COMPATIBLE COMPATIBLE2 OF WORDS CMAIL 1. Months of the Year 17 17- 2. Colors 58 58- 3. Directions 17 15 2 4. The Physical World 103 103- 5. Mankind, Sex and 113 113- Kinship 6. Animals and Insects 116 113 3 7. Human Body and Bodily 147 139 8 Functions 8. Meals, Foods, Drinks, and 235 230 5 Cooking Utensils 9. Clothing and Personal Adornment 133 129 4 10. Home and Furniture 140 134 6 11. Professions and Trades 153 153- 12. Entertainments, Pastimes, 217 216 1 and Sports 13. Health and Diseases 216 213 3 14. Pronouns, Particles, 345 309 36 Adjectives, and Adverbs 15. Days of the Week 12 12- 16. The Arab World: Countries 95 95- and Capitals 17. Government 229 229- 18. Motion, Travelling, and 191 186 5 Transportation 19. Religion 324 324- 112 CATEGORY TOTAL NUMBER COMPATIBLE NON- OF WORDS COMPATIBLE 20. Possessions, Property, 155 155 - and Commerce 21. Sense and Perception 55 52 3 22. Quantity and Number 166 165 1 23. Seasons and Weather 70 70 - 24. Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, 125 125 - and Grains 25. Diplomacy 233 233 - 26. Emotions, Temperamental 142 140 2 and Mental Notions 27. Time, and Telling the Time 158 147 11 28. Social Life and the Town 152 149 3 29. Currency, Weights and 86 86 - Measures 30. Useful Expressions 206 199 7 31. The Press 582 578 4 32. Education 414 413 1 TOTALS 5,405 5,300 105 1 Compatible indicates, aside from semantic similarity, that the Educated Egyptian form is similar to the Modern Literary Form, but not necessarily phonemically identical. 2Non-Compatible means that there is no similarity between the two forms. 113 CATEGORIAL LISTS OF ENGLISH ENTRIES #1 Months of the Year April August December February January July June March May month monthly November October September year year, leap yearly #2 Colors apricot (color) beige black blacken, to blackness black, to become blond (complexion) blue blue, light blueness blue, to become bright (color) brown brunet carmine (color) color colored color, to dark (color) decorate, to decoration gold (color) green green, dark greenness green, olive green, pastel green, to become green, to make grey grey, dark light (color) maroon (color) mustard green (color) orange (color) ornament ornamented ornament, to peach (color) pink pistachio (color) red redness red, to become red, to make silver (color) violet (color) wheat-colored (complexion) white whiteness white, to become white, to make wine-colored (reddish complexion) yellow yellow, lemon (color) yellowness yellow, to become yellow, to make * ** * ** ** * #3 Directions basic basis direction direct, to east eastern establish, to left (direction) left (direction) north northern origin right (direction) south southern west western S*** * ** ** * #4 The Physical World Africa air America appear, to Asia Atlantic Ocean 114 Australia blow, to (wind) climate cloud cloud cold (adj) cold (n) coldness continent crescent current (air, water, electricity) dam darkness degree (temperature) desert dust dwell, to earth earthquake environment Equator Europe field field (agriculture) fire flood forest freeze, to gulf (bay) heat heat hill horizon hot (weather) humidity Indian Ocean inundation island lake land land (world) latitude light lightning longitude mine, a mist moistness moon mountain mud natural nature oasis ocean Pacific Ocean peninsula phenomenon plain, a planet pond rain rainbow rain, to river rock sand sea shore sky snow star star stone storm stream sun thunder tide, the tree Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn universe, the valley volcano warm warmth water waterfall wave weather well, a wind wood world world, the * ** * ** * * * #5 Mankind, Sex and Kinship Adam adolescent adopt, to alimony ancestor aunt, maternal aunt, paternal baby bachelor birth birth, date of birthplace birth, to give boy breast-feed, to bride bride and groom bridegroom brother brother, full brother-in-law child cousin (fa br da) cousin (fa br so) cousin (fa si da) cousin (fa si so) cousin (mo br da) cousin (mo br so) cousin (mo si da) cousin (mo si so) co-wife daughter descendant die, to divorce divorce, to engagement Eve fair sex, the family family family of father father-in-law father, step- female first-born forefathers generation girl granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson husband 115 individual infant, suckling in-law (f) in-law (m) kill, to lad lass link, to male man (as vs. woman) man (human being) mankind marriage married, to get marry off, to mother mother-in-law mother, step- nephew (br so) nephew (si so) niece (br da) niece (si da) old man old woman orphan parents people people (of a nation) person personal pregnant pregnant, to become pregnant, to become propose to a girl, to puberty race (e.g. human) related by marriage, to become relationship relative (kinsman) relatives relatives of sister son son-in-law spinster strong sex, the suckle, to suckling baby twin uncle, maternal uncle, paternal virgin widow widower wife youth (f) youth (m) youth, the (age group) *** *** *** #6 Animals and Insects animal animal, savage ant beak bear beast of burden bee bird bird bite, to bray, to (donkey) bug, bed- begs bull butterfly cage calf camel camel, she- cat cock codfish cow cricket crocodile crow, to deer dog donkey duck egg eggs, to lay elephant ewe feather fish fisherman fish, mullet fish of the Nile fish, to fly (insect) fly, to fox frog giraffe goat goose gundog hare hen hen hoof hoopoe horn (animal) horse horses horseshoe hunter insect lamb lice lick, to lion livestock mare meat monkey mosquito mouse mule neigh, to next net, a nightingale ostrich owl ox parrot pasture, a pasture, to paw peacock pet, a pig pigeon rabbit ram rat reins rooster saddle saddle girth salmon sardine scorpion serpent sheep shepherd skin, to snake sole (fish) spider stable (n) swallow (bird) tail thigh tuna turkey (fowl) turtle udder wasp water buffalo wild wing 116 wolf worm * ** * ** * * * #7 Human Body and Bodily Functions abortion arm armpit artery back (anat) bald, to become bare beard belly belly birth, to give blood bodily body bone bowels brain break wind noiseless- ly, to break wind noisily, to breast breathe, to burp, to buttock canine tooth cartilage cell (anat) cheek (anat) chest (anat) chew, to chin complexion cough, to craving for food, to have a #8 dead die, to the digest, to dream, to ear eat, to elbow evacuate to eye eyebrow eyelash face the bowels, fat, to become feces figure (body of a person) finger flesh foot (human) forehead function gland grey, to become (hair) grow big, to grow, to gums (anat) hair hand head heart heel (anat) hiccup increase, to intestines jaw joint (anat) kidney knee laugh, to leg legal age, to reach life lip liver (anat) live, to lung membrane menstruate, to menstruation miscarriage molar mouth move s.th., to move, to muscle mustache nail (finger) naked nape navel neck nerve nervous system, the nose old, to become (age) organ (anat) palm (hand) penis perspire, to pores pregnant, to become rib saliva sexual intercourse sexual intercourse, to have sexually mature, to become shoulder shout, to side (anat) sit down, to skeleton skin skull sleep, to sneeze, to snore, to spine spit, to spit, to stand up, to stature stomach swallow, to sweat, to talk, to throat throat (also larynx) tongue tonsils tooth urinate, to urinate, to vein vomit, to wake up someone, to wake up, to walk, to weep, to womb wrinkled, to be wrinkles (anat) yawn, to 117 #8 Meals, Foods, Drinks, and Cooking Utensils alcoholic beverage alcoholic beverages anchovy appetizers apricot paste, dried Arabic food, variety of #2 baked oven- baklava #3 basin (sink) beef beer blender (appliance) boil, to bottle box bran bread bread, French bread, loaf of bread, rich crisp breakfast broth bulgur butter butter, cooking buttermilk cabobs cake carbonated beverages champagne cheese chicken chicken, fried chicken, roasted chocolate cigarette coca cola cocoa coffee beans coffee pot coffee (powdered) coffee (prepared beverage) coffee with ample sugar coffee with cream (milk) coffee without sugar coffee with sugar (moderate amount) cookies cooking vessel cook, to cork course (food) couscous cream (dairy) crisp crust, a cup cup dairy products dates, pressed (food) dish (plate) dish (plate) dough drain, a drinks drink, to drunk, to be or get eat, to egg eggs, boiled eggs, fried faucet fish fish, broiled fish, fried flour food foods foodstuff fork (utensil) fried ground bean patties fries, French fruit frying pan fry, to full, to become (food) glass, a grain of, a grains (cereals) grater (utensil) grate, to grill, to grinder, meat hen hen honey hors d'oeuvres hungry, to become ice ice cream jam (food) jar juice juice, orange kettle kettle, electric kitchen knead, to knife ladle, a ladle, to lamb (meat) lemonade lick, to liquor loaf of bread lunch macaroni market mash, to matches meal, a meal, a meat meat balls, a variety of meat, canned meat, canned milk mince, to mixer, electric (food) mix, to molasses mutton napkin nutrition oil oil, olive oil, vegetable 118 omelet opener opener, can 6ven pastry pastry, Arabic #50 pastry, Arabic #51 peeler peel, to pickles pickle, to pigeon, fried pitcher pitcher (jug) plate (dish) plate (dish) potato, baked; stuffed with meat pot, clay pot, cooking pot, earthen pot, tea (non-china) poultry pour out, to pour, to range, gas refreshments restaurant roast, to rusk (zwieback) salad salt salt shaker sandwich saucepan saucer sausage sauteed scales seed sesame seed, ground hulled shish kebab shish kebab (ground meat) sieve sieve sieve, to sift, to smoke, to (cigarettes) snack soap soap, laundry soap, toilet soup soup, chicken soup, lentil soup spoon soup, vegetable spices spoon squeeze, to starch strainer strainer, tea strawberries stuffed cabbage stuffed eggplant stuffed food stuffed tomatoes stuffed vine leaves stuffed zuccini stuff, to sugar sugar bowl supper sweet pastry #66 sweets tablespoon tahini tahini salad tamarind tart (n) tea teaspoon tea with milk thirsty, to become tray tumbler utensil, cooking vegetables vermicelli vinegar washbasin water water, cold watermelon weigh, to whiskey wine wine, red wine, white yoghurt #9 Clothing and Personal Adornment adornment adorn, to agility (slender build) antimony apparel apron bathing suit bathrobe bath, to take a belt blouse bracelet braid, to brassiere brush burnoose button cap cap (hat) cloak-like woolen wrap clothes clothing coat collar cologne, eau-de- comb comb, to cotton cream (paste) cut, to (hair) cut with scissors, to diamond drawers, pair of men's dress, a dress, evening dressmaker dye, to earrings elegance fashion fashionable felt frock coat fur garment girdle gloves 119 gold goldsmith hair coloring (dye) haircut handkerchief handmade hat (European) henna iron, curling iron, to (e.g. gar- ment) jewel jeweler jewelery lace leather linen lining lipstick make to measure, to make-up (ladies') material (cloth) men, for or per- taining to mirror necklace necklace necktie needle nightgown overcoat pajama paste patch, to (garment) pearls perfume permanent wave (hair) pin pocket purse put on, to (garment) razor ribbon ring (finger) ring, wedding ring (wedding band) safety razor sandals scissors sew, to shave, to shaving shaving cream shell (e.g. sea shell) shirt shoemaker shoes shoes shorts, pair of silk silver skirt sleeve slipper soap sock spin, to stocking stockings, nylon suit sweater swim suit tailor thread tie, neck- toothbrush toothpaste towel, bath trousers tweezer umbrella undershirt underwear underwear, men's veil wear, to weave, to women, for or pertaining to wool * ** * ** * #10 Home and Furniture apartment armchair ascend, to ash tray balcony bathroom bathroom bathroom tissue bed bedroom bell blanket brick broom buffet build, to bulb, electric candle cardboard carpet ceiling chair chest of drawers clean, to closet close, to corridor courtyard cupboard cupboard curtain cushion descend, to desk dining room dining table dining table dishwasher door doorman doorstep drawer dresser duster, feather dust off, to dwell, to electric electricity enter, to faucet fireplace floor (ground) floor rag fountain frame (picture) funnel furnish, to (an apartment) furniture furniture furniture garbage 120 garden gas, butane gate go out, to hall hang, to house household utensils hut iron key kitchen lamp live, to living room lock, a lock, to marble mat mattress meter (e.g. electric, water) mirror napkin neighbor of, to be the nightstand opener opener, can open, to oven paint paint, to palace picture pillar pillow polish, to quilt radio refrigerator roof room (chamber) room (chamber) rug scissors sewing machine sheet, bed shelf shower, a sidewalk sofa spray, to stairs stone stove study room sweep, to (house) table table tablecloth telephone television tenant tent tile, floor toilet toilet trap, a (e.g. mouse- trap) vaccuum cleaner vase, flower veranda villa wall wall wardrobe washing machine wash, to window wipe, to wood * ** * ** * * * #11 Professions and Trades accountant accountant, certified public actor actress administrator anesthetist architect army officer, non-commissioned banker (f) banker (m) barber blacksmith businessman butcher candy dealer carpenter cashier (f) cashier (f) cashier (m) cashier (m) chemist (f) chemist (m) chicken seller clergyman coachman commissioner commissioner of police confectioner cook (f) cook (m) dean (college) (f) dean (college) (m) dentist (f) dentist (m) dermatologist (f) dermatologist (m) director doctor (ear, nose and throat) doctor (general practicioner) doctor (M.D.) (f) #10 doctor (M.D.) (f) doctor (M.D.) (m) #11 doctor (M.D.) (m) doctor (Ph.D) (f) doctor (Ph.D) (m) 'driver economist editor (f) editor (inm) engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, electronic engineer (f) engineer (m) engineer, mechanical fireman firemen fisherman fruitseller garbage collector gardener geologist goldsmith governor greengrocer grocer 121 groom (horses) gynecologist (f) gynecologist (m) houseboy houseboy Imam (Moslem prayer leader) inspector ironer jeweler journalist (f) journalist (m) judge laundryman lawyer (f) lawyer (m) librarian (f) librarian (m) maid (f) maid (m) mailman mailman mason mechanic, a merchant merchant, commissioned messenger milkman Mufti (Islam) night-watchman nurse (f) nurse (f) nurse (m) nurse (inm) officer officer, army officer, police ophthalmologist (f) ophthalmologist (m) optician osteopath (f) osteopath (m) painter Patriarch pediatrician (f) pediatrician (m) pharmacist pilot plumber policeman policeman policeman, traffic porter producer professor (f professor (m) psychiatrist saleslady salesman sales representative servant (f) servant (m) shoemaker social worker (f) social worker (m) steward, air stewardess, air street cleaner supervisor surgeon (f) surgeon (m) teacher (f) teacher (m) ticket collector, bus tinsmith undertaker university professor (f) university professor (m) vendor (f) vendor (m) veterinarian (m) waiter waitress warehouseman watchmaker workman writer (f) writer (m) *** *** *** #12 Entertainments, Pastimes, and Sports actor act (play) actress act, to announcer (f) announcer (m) anthem, national applause audience auditorium author bait ball ballet basketball bathing suit battery bet, to birds black-and-white boat boat, fishing boat, sailing booking office boy scout box (theatre) box, to broadcasting broadcasting station broadcast, to cabaret camera camp cards, playing casino channel (T.V.) chess cinema cinema-goers circus clown club, night comedy concert concert concert hall conjurer contest cup (sports) current, electric curtain dancer (f) dancer (m) dance, to developer, film develop, to (film) director, movie enlarge, to (photograph) entertainment, place of evening entertainment film film, color film, detective 122 film, romantic film, silent film, talking fish fisherman fishhook fishing fishing tackle fish, to focus, to football footlights game, final game, international game (match) hero heroine hobby houseboat humor hunter hunting hunt, to hunt, to instrument, musical interval, theatre joke jokes, to crack jump, to knob, radio lake launch lens lifebelt listener listen, to lose, to (game) lottery loudspeaker mast match (game) matinee matinee mount, to (horse) movie camera music music, Arabic music, Eastern net, a newscast newsreel news, the oar opera opera house, the park, a part (role) party, a pass the time, to pastime performance, contin- uous performance, evening (movie) performance, movie photograph photographer photograph, to picture ping-pong play, a player playground play, to port, a portrait print, to (picture, book) producer program projector prompter racing racket reception (radio, T.V.) record (disc) referee refreshment room resort, summer resort, winter riding, horseback rifle river rowing row, to rudder sail, a sardine scene scene (acting) scenery score (game) screen, cinema script, movie seat serial (n) shoot, to (sport) show, a singer (f) singer (m) snapshot song songs, folk spare time spectator sports stage (theatre) star, movie (f) star, movie (m) stirrup subtitles (movie) swimmer swimming swim, to tape tape recorder television television set tennis theatre theatre theatre-goers theatre, national ticket tip (gratuity) tourism tragedy train, to turn off (radio, T.V.) turn on (radio, T.V.) usher, movie (f) usher, movie (m) volleyball walk, to take a watch, to wave, long (radio) wave, medium (radio) wave, short (radio) weather forecast win, to (game) wrestle, to x-rated (adults only) * ** * ** ** * #13 Health and Diseases abcess 123 acidity, stomach allergy anesthesia, local anesthetic, an anesthetize, to anesthetize, to antibiotics antiseptic arteriosclerosis better, to become bleeding bleed, to blind blood blood circulation blood, loss of blood pressure bottle bronchial catarrh bronchitis bruise, a bruise, to cancer catarrh cerebrospinal meningitis cholera circumcision clean cleanliness clean, to clinic cold (illness) cold, to catch colic colic, renal college of medicine constipation contact lenses contagious contraception convalescent corn (toe) cough cough syrup cough, to crown, gold (dental) cure, a cure, to cut, a cut, to deaf decay, tooth dentures diabetes diarrhea digestion diphteria directions for use dirt disease diseases, contagious diseases, venereal dispensary (clinic) dizziness dizzy, to become doctor, medical (f) #12 doctor, medical (m) #13 dose drops, eye drops (medication) dysentery epilepsy examination, complete medical examination, medical examination, medical examined medically, to be examine medically, to extract a tooth, to extraction (dental) eye inflammation far-sightedness fever fever heat fill a tooth, to filling (dental) fly (insect) fracture, a fracture, to gargle (mouthwash) gargle, to gastric trouble glasses, eye- glasses, sun- gums (anat) headache health health, excellent healthy hiccup hospital hospital, mental hygiene ill (f) ill (m) illness ill, to become indigestion infection inflammation influenza injection inject, to iodine, tincture of laboratory laxative liquid lumbago malnutrition medical medication medicine, forensic medicine (medication) medicine (science) meningitis, cerebrospinal microbe morphine mumps mute nerve (anat) nose drops nurse (f) nurse (m) nutrition office, doctor's ointment operation (surgical) pain pain painful patient, a penicillin phlegm pill pneumonia poison poisoning powder prescribe, to prescription public health public health, ministry of pulse 124 recover, to (health) refuse (dirt) rheumatism root (dental) saliva sanitary school of medicine scratch, a scratch, to sedative serum short-sightedness sick (f) sick (m) sick, to be sinuses, nasal smallpox sneeze, to sore throat spasm sprain, to sterility (women) sterilize, to suppository (medical) surgery swelling swell, to temperature test, blood test, medical tetanus thermometer thermometer tired tonsillitis tonsils toothache toothbrush toothpaste tranquilizer treatment treat, to tuberculosis tumor tumor, malignant typhoid ulcer vaccinate, to vaccination vaseline vertigo vitamin weak weak, to become whooping cough worse, to get wound, a wound, to x-ray film x-rays x-rays yellow fever * ** * * * ** * #14 Pronouns, Particles, Adjectives, and Adverbs about (concerning) above absolutely absolutely accidentally according to according to according to after after (conj) again against all also although although although always amazing among and and so on angry approximately approximately around (place) as far as ... as for as if as (like) as long as as long as as soon as as soon as as soon as at (chez) awful because because of before before (conj) before (place) behind below benevolent beside best between big bigger blameless (above reproach) brave brutal busy but but for calm careless certainly cheerful clean clever cold (adj) (body temperature) cold (adj) (things) (for persons: unemotional) compassionate crazy crazy (visionary) crook cruel currently delicious delightful depressed difficult difficulty, with directly dirty disgusted do ...? does ...? did ...? drowsy due to dull (distasteful person) each easily 125 easy either ... or envious especially especially especially etc. even if even if every everyone exactly exactly excellent except except except except extremely faithful faithless famous far fat few finally fool (dim-witted) for fear that formerly fortunately frankly frequently from from now on full (things) generally generally generous genius glutton good (adj) (f) good (adj) (m) good-for-nothing (person) good person greedy happy hateful have (possess; non- verb) he here honest hot how? how many? how much? how much? (price) how often? hungry I idiot idiotic idiotic if if if (contrary to fact) immediately immediately impatiently impolite impossible impossible, it is in inadvertently inexperienced in front of in short in spite of in spite of in spite of instead of instead of intelligent intelligent intentionally in view of it's possible that jealous jovial (likeable) lately lazy less liar like (as) literally little loving luckily lucky malicious many mean person mean person miser miserable miserable more mostly mostly narrow naturally! naughty naughty and crafty nearby necessary necessary, it is ne'er-do-well, a neither ... nor nervous never new nice (good) nice (pleasant) nice (pleasant) no noble noble origin, of no matter what not (followed by imperfect) not (followed by non-verbs) not (followed by perfect or imperfect) nothing occupied (busy) of (particle of belonging) (f) #47 of (particle of belonging) (m) #47 often old (things) on once in a while on condition that optimistic or outside over (prep) over (prep) particularly particularly patient perhaps permanently pessimistic polite poor possible possible, it is powerful precisely pretty 126 previously prudent quickly rarely reckless rich rough (person) sad satiated scared selfish sensitive she shortly shy sick and tired silly since (prep) since (prep) slanderer sleepy slowly small some sometimes soon spontaneously strong stubborn stupid stupified suddenly surprised swindler talkative temporarily that (conj) that (dem) (f) that (dem) (m) that is (i.e.) that (subordinating particle) the then (thereupon) there therefore these these (f d) these (m d) they (f) they (m) thin this (f) this (m) those thus to (direction) together truthful ugly unanimously under unfortunately unique unless unlucky unpleasant! (damned) until until verily very vexed vicious (vocative particle) we weak well-known what? what? when when? #15 Days of the Week daily day days, working Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday week weekly * ** ** * * ** whenever where? which? while who? whole, as a who (relative) who (relative) who (relative) who (relative) who (relative) who (relative) why? wide wise wise (f) (f d) (f p) (m) (m d) (m p) #16 The Arab World: Countries and Capitals Abu Dhabi Aden Aden (city) Algeria Algerian, an Algiers Amman Arab, an Arab countries, the Arab League, the Arab Nation, the Arab Republic of Egypt Arab World, the Arab World, the Baghdad Bahrain Beirut Cairo Damascus Dead Sea, the Dhahran Doha Dubai Egypt Egyptian, an emirate Euphrates, the with (accompaniment) with (by) (instrumental) without yes you (f p) you (f s) you (m p) you (m s) 127 Gulf of Aden Gulf of Aqaba Gulf of Suez Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Iraq Iraqi, and Jerusalem Jordan Jordan River, the Khartoum kingdom Kuwait Kuwait (city) Kuwaiti, a Lebanese, a Lebanon Libya Libyan, a Mediterranean, the Middle East, the Moroccan, a Morocco Muscat nationalism nationalism, Arab Near East, the Nile, the North Africa Oman Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization Palestinian, a Persian Gulf, the Qatar Rabat Red Sea republic Republic of Algeria, the Republic of Egypt Republic of Iraq, the Republic of Libya, the Republic of Sudan, the Republic of Tunisia, the Republic of Yemen, the Riyadh San' a Saudi, a Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the Sharjah Sinai society, Arab Sudan Sudanese, a Suez Canal Syria Syrian, a Syrian Arab Republic, the Tigris River, the Tripoli Tunis Tunisia Tunisian, a United Arab Emirates Yemen Yemeni, a *** *** * * #17 Government academy administration administrative air mail air ministry ambulance service appoint, to association attorney general authority authority, legislative authority, military authorization board of directors broadcasting corporation bureau (office) cabinet, the canonical court centralization chairmanship charter, a chief of police chieftain (f) chieftain (m) clerk (f) clerk (m) college commissioner commissioner of police company (commerce) competence constitution co-operative copy, a copy, a council court, criminal court of appeal court of cassation court of law customs dean (college) decentralization decree democracy department (agency) department (govern- ment) department of antiquities deputy dictatorship director directress district elections electoral district elect, to employee (f) employee (m) faculty, academic federation file First Lady form, blank general assembly government governmental gQvernment circles governor governorate headquarters identity card information office inspector job judge king law local council main post office mayor memorandum minister 128 minister ture minister minister minister of agricul- of of of air commerce communi- ministry of higher education ministry of industry ministry of information cations minister of economics minister of education minister of finance minister of food rationing minister of foreign affairs minister of higher education ministry ministry ministry pal and ministry of justice of labor of munici- rural affairs of national minister minister tion of industry of informa- minister of justice minister of labor minister of munici- pal and rural affairs minister of national guidance minister of planning minister of public health minister of public works minister of religious endowments minister of social affairs minister of the interior- minister of the navy minister of the youth minister of war minister plenipotentiary ministry ministry of agriculture ministry of air ministry of commerce ministry of communications ministry of economics ministry of education ministry of finance ministry of food rationing ministry of foreign affairs guidance ministry of planning ministry of public health ministry of public works ministry of religious endowments ministry of social affairs ministry of the interior ministry of the navy ministry of youth ministry of war nation nation occupation officer official (adj) official circles official jargon official letter organization organization palace parliament parliament passport passport office pension people (of a nation) permit, a permit, to petition plenary session police commissioner police officer police, the police, the police, the position (post) postal administration postmark post office power, executive power, judicial power, legislative premier presidency President presidential palace presidential palace president, university prime minister prime ministry prince prince, crown princess printed matter promotion province provincial council qualifications quarter of town queen ration card report representative republican resign, to retire, to royal royal palace ruler salary secretary (f) secretary (m) senate seniority (job) session signature sign, to Socialist Party, the Socialist Union, the social security stamp, a stamp, postage stamp (put on appli- cation to the government) stamp, revenue stamp, to state (country) subordinate, a (f) subordinate, a (m) supervisor supreme administra- tive court 129 system (method) telephone adminis- tration telephone central office throne traffic laws tribunal typewriter undersecretary of state university vice-president visa, entry visa, exit work workman * * * *** * ** #18 Motion, Travelling, and Transportation accident aeroplane air conditioned air conditioning air-line air pocket airport air-route air transport air travel anchorage anchor, to approach, to arrival arrive, to automobile baggage bicycle boardinghouse boat boat boatman booking office bridge bring, to bus cabin captain car carriage carry, to cart cart, passenger chauffeur coachman collide, to come, to compartment, train creep, to depart, to departure diesel train dining car do not enter (traffic sign) driver drive, to driving permit engineer, railroad enter, to entrance escape, to exit express train fall, to fare field path first class float, to flying fly, to freighter freight train garage gasoline gas station go, to grease, to guide, a horn (automobile) hotel inquiry office jet aircraft jump, to keep right (traffic sign) ladies' (lavatory) land, to lifebelt lifeboat lighthouse locomotive lorry luggage mast mechanic, a men's (lavatory) Metro (transporation) motorcycle mount, to move, to no parking (traffic sign) no smoking no standing (traffic sign) oar one way (traffic sign) overtake, to passenger passenger passenger boat passenger train pilot platform platform ticket port porter pothole private car pump up a tire, to push, to rail railroad railroad travel railway station raise, to repair, to reserved reserve, to restaurant restroom (lavatory) return, to ride, to road road travel round trip row, to rudder run, to sail, a sailing boat sailing vessel sailor sail, to 130 seasickness season ticket seat sea travel second class send, to service stations (automotive) ship ship ship signal sink, to sleeping car slide, to slow down (traffic sign) smoke speed limit speed limit station stationmaster steamship steamship steersman steward stewardess street suitcase tail take off, to taxi taxi third class throw, to ticket ticket collector (bus) ticket inspector ticket, return tire tourist bus tourist class tow away, to traffic signal train, a tramway transportation transport, to travel traveler tricycle trip trip truck tunnel turn aside, to via waiting room walk, to wheel wing wireless operator wrap, to * * * *** * ** #19 Religion ablution, ritual (Islam) ablutions, to perform (Islam) afternoon prayer (Islam) alms alms at the end of Ramadan alms giving (Islam) alms (Islam) altar amen angel announcer of prayer (Islam) apostle apostolic apostolic benediction Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem asceticism Ashura (Islamic feast) baptism baptismal font baptize, to believer, true believe, to Bible, the Biblical verse Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed blessing blessing blessing of God bless, to bow in worship, to Buddha Buddhism Buddhist call to prayer (Islam) call to prayer, to (Islam) canonical law of Islam cathedral Catholic chant the Koran, to chapter of the Bible chapter of the Koran charitable chaste (f) chaste (m) chastity Christ Christian Christianity Christmas church Church of the Resurrection Church of the Nativity circumcise, to circumcision clergy clergyman Companions of the Prophet (Islam) conscience consecration Consecration (part of Mass) convent Copt Coptic Copts, the court, religious (Islam) create, to Creator, the (God) creed, Christian creed, Muslim cross (n) cross, curse, Day of Day of Paul deacon sign of the to St. Mary St. Peter and decorated letter #9 demon demon, female 131 denomination denominational devil devout devoutness die as martyr, to divine divine foreordainment dome Easter ecclesiastic epistle evening prayer (Islam) Eve of the Major Feast Eve of the Minor Feast evil faith fanatic faster (one who fasts) fasting fasting during Ramadan fast, to fate and divine decree feast after month of Ramadan feast day first chapter of the Koran forbid, to forgive sins, to freedom of worship Friday prayer (Islam) Friday sermon (Muslim) God God God bless him #17 God's 99 attributes (Islam) good deed good deeds, the Good Friday good (n) good omen Gospel, the grace of God, the Greater Bairam (Muslim feast) Hanbalitic (Islamic sect) happiness heaven Heavenly religions hell hold sacred, to holiness holy Holy Books Holy Ghost, the Holy mosque, the (in Mecca) Holy scriptures, the Holy Sepulcher Host humanity (human beings) hymn hymn hypocrisy hypocrite hypocrite, to be a icon idol idol I (form of modesty) I (form of modesty) immortal (adj) incense incense, to burn infidel infidelity invoke a blessing, to invoke evil, to Islam Islamic Islamic law Islamic world Jerusalem Jerusalem (third holy place) Jesus Jew Jinn Judaism jurisprudent (Islam) Kaaba, the Kaaba, the covering of Kaaba, the (holy shrine, Mecca) Kibla (Islam) #42 kneel in prayer, to Koran, copy of the Koran, the Koran, the Koran, the holy Koranic verse last meal of the day in Ramadan legal opinion (Islamic law) legitimate Lent Lord, our Lord's prayer, the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Supper, the Lord, the magic Maintainer, the (God) make the pilgrimage to Mecca, to Maliki (Islamic school of theology) Mass Mecca Mecca pilgrim Medina (in Saudi Arabia) Merciful and Compas- sionate, the (God) Merciful, the (God) mercy, to have messenger (religious) minaret miracle miracle Mohammed the Prophet Mohammed the Prophet Mohammed the Prophet monastery monk monk's cell morning prayer (Islam) Moslem judge Moslem, to become mosque mosque Mufti, His Eminence the Mufti (Islam) Muslim New Testament, the New Year night on which the Koran was revealed noon prayer (Islam) nun oath, an oath of allegiance Old Testament, the Omniscient, the (God) orthodox orthodox (Islam) #48 Orthodox Moslems 132 other world, the pagan paganism Palm Sunday paradise Paradise pardon, to Passion Week Patriarch patriarchate piety pilgrimage to Mecca pilgrimage to Mecca pilgrim's guide in Mecca pious pious person Pope, His Holiness the prayer pray for, to pray, to preach, to present given on a feast day prophet prophetic tradition (Islam) Prophet's journey, the #56 Prophet's journey, the #57 Prophet, the prostration protect, to (act of God) Protestant Psalm pulpit punish, to rabbi Ramadan (Muslim month of fasting) recite the Koran, to religion religious religious leader (Islam) repent, to resurrection revelation reward, heavenly righteousness rosary sacred sacrifice (Christianity) saint saint, patron Satan save, to save, to sect sect sermon Shafiitic (Islam) #62 sheik (Islam) sin sin sin sing hymns, to sorcerer sorcery soul St. Mark Sufism Sunna (Islam) #64 Sunna of the Prophet #65 Sunni (Islam) sunset prayer (Islam) superstition swear by God, to swear, to taboo take an oath, to take an oath, to Talmud temple temptation tempt, to thank God, to thanksgiving tithes Title of Descendent of the Prophet Title of Islamic theologians Title of Mufti Title of the Coptic Patriarch tolerate, to (religion) trinity Trinity, Holy True Religion (Islam) Veiler, the (Protec- tor; God) Virgin Mary, the vow vow, to make a war, holy worship worship, to *** *** *** #20 Possessions, Property, and Commerce account account, current account, savings bank bank, credit bank, land mortgage bill bill bond (commercial) borrow, to broker buyer buying buy, to capital (finance) certificate (savings) chamber of commerce cheap check client commerce commercial (adj) commercial register commodity company (commerce) company, trading compound interest consumer contract co-operative, consumer's corporation cost costly cost of living credit credit, on credit, to sell or buy on 133 debt estates exhibited articles expense export goods export, to fee finance finance, to goods guild, chairman of have (possess; non- verb) heir imported imports imports and exports import, to income inheritance inherit, to installment installments, by installments, to pay in insurance insurance, fire insurance, life insured interest (finance) investment invest, to invoice invoice landlord landlord landlord lease, a lease, to lend, to let for rent, to loan, a loan, to take up a lose, to loss luxury market market, black merchant merchant, commissioned ministry of commerce money money (capital) money order, postal mortgage, to owe, to owner ownership ownership, transfer of own, to partner pawn, to pay, to possession possess, to price profit profit, to property purchased goods real estate rent rent, for rent, to resource resources, natural retail retailer safe, a sale (in price) saleslady salesman save, to (money) saving savings savings bank savings book sell, to share, a (stock) share-holders share (portion) shop simple interest sold sort (kind) spend, to (money) standard of living stock, a (share) stock exchange store, a (shop) sum supply and demand take, to taxes tax (finance) tax, income tenant title deed trade trade-mark trade, to trade union transaction union, trade wages wealth wholesale wholesale dealer wholesale price will, a (legal) * ** * ** ** * #21 Sense and Perception acid (adj) audible bitter clean cold (adj) color colored cry, to (weep) damp dirty dry feeling feeling, sense of feel, to feel, to fragrance guess, to hearing, sense of hear, to heavy hot intuition light (weight) listener listen, to look, to loud noise perception rough salty see, to sensation 134 sense senses, the five sensitive sensitivity sharp shiny sight sight, sense of smell smell, sense of smell, to soft sound sour stinky sweet tangible taste, sense of taste, to touch, to warm wet * ** * ** * * * #22 Quantity and Number add, to alone (m) average beginning billion calculate, to counting count, to divide, to double each eighteen (f) eighteen (m) eight (f) eighth (f) eighth (m) eighth, one- eight hundred eight (m) eighty eleven (f) eleven (m) eleventh, the (f) eleventh, the (m) empty empty, to end even (number) every few fifteen (f) fifteen (m) fifth (f) fifth (m) fifth, one- fifty first (f) first (m) first, the (f) first, the (m) five (f) fivefold five hundred five (m) five-sixths forty four (f) fourfold four hundred four (m) fourteen (f) fourteen (m) fourth (f) fourth (m) fourth, one- fraction full half, one- hundred, one hundred thousand, one hundredth, the infinity last many maximum middle million minimum minus (arithmetic) more multiply, to nine .(f) nine hundred nine (m) nineteen (f) nineteen (m) nineteenth, the (f) nineteenth, the (m) ninety ninth (f) ninth (m) ninth, one- ninth, the (f) number numerous one (f) one (m) one of a pair pair, a part (portion) per cent percentage plus (arithmatic) portion proportion quantity second (number) (f) second (number) (m) seven (f) seven hundred seven (m) seventeen (f) seventeen (m) seventh (f) seventh (m) seventh, one- seventh, the (m) seventieth, the seventy six (f) six hundred six (m) sixteen (f) sixteen (m) sixth (f) sixth (m) sixth, one- sixty statistics subtract, to ten (f) ten (m) tenth (f) tenth (m) tenth, one- third (f) third (m) third, one- thirteen (f) 135 thirteen (m) thirteenth, the (f) thirteenth, the (m) thirty thousand, one three (f) threefold three hundred three hundred and sixty-five (f) three hundred and sixty-five (m) three (m) three million three-quarters three thousand total twelve (f) twelve (m) twenty twenty-one (f) twenty-one (m) twenty-seven (f) twenty-seven (m) twenty-three (f) twenty-three (m) twenty-two (f) twenty-two (m) twice two (f) twofold two hundred two (m) two million two-thirds two thousand uneven (number) whole zero #23 Seasons and Weather clear clear, it is (weather) climate cloud cold (adj) cold, it is (weather) cold (n) compass coolness damp dampness degree (temperature) dew directions flood fog hail heat heater heater, electric horizon hot hot, it is (weather) hot wind hurricane inundation lightning melt, to meteorological station mist moonlight moon, the pressure rain rainbow raining, it is rain, to season season shiver, to sky snow spring storm summer sunny sunrise sunset sun, the sweat, to temperature thunder thunderbolt ventilator warm warmth weather weather, changing weather, fine wind winter * ** * ** * ** #24 Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, and Grains agriculture allspice almonds aniseed apples apricots artichoke bananas barley basil, sweet beans, black-eyed beans, fava beans, green bouquet bulgur bunch (e.g. grapes) cabbage cantaloupe caraway caraway, black cardamom carnation carrots cauliflower celery cherries cinnamon citrus fruits cloves coffee beans coriander corn crushed wheat cucumber cumin air air air conditioned conditioning atmosphere autumn breeze centigrade chilly 136 dahlia dates (food) eggplant farmer (f) farmer (m) farmer (m) fenugreek (grain) figs figs, Indian filberts flower flowers fresh (e.&g. vege- tables) fruit fruits fruit seller garlic ginger grain grains grapes greengrocer guava (fruit) henna plant herb jasmine jasmine, Arabian leek lemons lentils lettuce limes lupine mallow, Jew's (vegetable) mango mastic melons, musk mint mulberry mustard narcissus nutmeg okra olives onions oranges parsley peaches pears peas peas, chick pepper pepper, black pepper, green peppermint pepper, red pine nuts pistachio plant plantation plant, to plums pomegranates potatoes radish raisins rice root rose, a saffron seed sesame seeds spices spinach squash strawberries sugar cane sunflower tangerines tomatoes tulip turnips vegetables violet walnut watermelons wheat wheat, crushed wheat, dry green zucchini *** *** * ** #25 Diplomacy abolish, to activity affairs (matters) agree, to aim at, to ally ally, to ambassador ambassador extraordinaire amendment amend, to announce, to assembly assembly, general attache attache, air attache, commercial attache, educational attache, military attache, naval attache, press attache, titular attack, to authority authority, unlimited banquet blueprint blueprint boycott, to brief businessmen candidate, nominated caution, to ceremonies, master of challenge, to charge d'affaires charge d'affaires ... charter, a comment, to committee competition concerned with, to be concerning condolences, to express conduct, to (e.g. plebiscite) conference congratulate, to congratulation consul consular consulate consulate general consul general consult with, to consul, vice- convention conversation cooperate with, to cooperation 137 cornerstone, to lay the council counselor counselor of legation covenant crisis critical time criticize, to danger (seriousness) decree delegate, to deliberations demand deputized deputy deputy ... (vice ...) diplomacy diplomat diplomatic diplomatic c diplomatic cc diplomatic in diplomatic pc diplomatic pr disarmament dominate, to embarrassing orps orps munity ouch rivileges interest interfere in, to international International Bank for Reconstruction and Development invitation invitation, official invite, to issue issue, to king leader lead to, to legation level (n) matters of the hour meeting meeting, summit minister of foreign affairs minister plenipoten- tiary ministry of foreign affairs mission mission, chief of mission, diplomatic mission, educational monopolize, to monopoly mutual negotiate, to negotiation negotiations, to open neutral neutrality neutrality, positive nominate, to non-alignment, policy of non-intervention occasion, on the office office (position) official official representa- tive official speech open, to organization party party, dinner party, evening phase plebiscite point of view policy political politics president president-elect prince princess principle propaganda protest, to protocol protocol, chief of queen reaffirm, to reception, official reception party recognize, to (acknowledge) reform refuse, to reject, to related to relations relations, betterment of relations, diplomatic relations, firm relations, friendly relations of amity and friendship relations, official representative rescue, to Royal Highness, His ruler secretary, first secretary, general Secretary-General, the secretary (m) security Security Council serve, to side with, to situation situation source source, official source responsible speech embassy emphasize, to entrust, to envoy, special exchange of views expert express, to field (sphere, range) First Lady flag foreign foreigner form, to grant guard, honor guest, invited held, to be (meeting) High Commissioner, the hold, to (meeting) honor, to (revere) ignore, to inaugurate, to increase information intend, to 138 speech, opening statement status, official step strengthening summit meeting summons summon, to system (organization) tasks of his position telegram threaten, to treaty U.N.E.S.C.O. United Nations Secretary General United Nations, the unprecedented war, cold warn, to welcome, to welcoming address White House, the witness, to World Health Organization world-wide beloved (m) blame brave care, to take compassionate compassionate conceited confused, to be cordial cowardly cry, to danger daring dear (person) deceive, to desire, to despair, to disgusted, to feel effect effective egoism emotion envy, to err, to faithful, to be fault fear, to feeling feelings feelings, human feel, to forgive, to fury glad glory good (person) groan, to happiness happy happy, to be happy, to make hate, to hatred hit, to honor honor, to confer hope indisposed influence intellect jealously joke, to joking joy kind (person) kiss kiss, to kiss, to laugh, to lies, to tell like, to liking long, to love love passionately, to love, to luck luck, bad luck, good mind mistake morale mature, delicate nature, of delicate nature (person) notion optimistic, to be overburden, to pain passion patient, to be pessimistic, to be pity play, to pleased please, to please, to praise, to prefer, to pride proud proud, to be regret, to regret, to rejoice, to repent, to respect, to right (adj) sad sensation sense, to sensory perception sentiment sentimental shame sin sin smile, to *** *** ** * #26 Emotions, Temperamental, and Mental Notions ability, to have admiration admire, to affect, to afraid, to be amazed amazed, to be anger angry, to be anxiety anxious, to become ashamed, to be astonished, to be astonishment attraction bad beautiful 139 sorrow sorry, to be soul sympathize, to sympathy tear (eye) temperament thanks timid torture, to truthful, to be ugly vain weep, to wish, to wonder, to yearning * * * *** * ** #27 Time and Telling the Time A.D. after again age always April August B.C. before beginning of the month, the begin, to calendar cease, to century clock clock, alarm complete, to dawn dawn, at day days of yore, in daytime December delayed, to be delay, to diary during dusk dusk, at early eight o'clock eight p.m. eleven o'clock end end, to evening evening, every fast (adj) fast (clock) February finish, to five o'clock five o'clock five o'clock sharp four o'clock four twenty (time) Friday future, in the generation go to bed, to (sleep) hand (clock) hand, hour (clock) hand, minute (clock) hand, second (clock) holiday, public holidays, legal honeymoon hour hurry, to hurry, to (rush) immediately January July June last, to late lately late, to be March May Middle Ages, the midnight minute (time) moment Monday month month, next month, last month, present morning morning, every never new night, every night, last nighttime nine o'clock nine to five (time) noon November now October often olden times, in old (people) old (things) one o'clock one thirty (time) past, in the permanent postpone, to present time, at the punctual ready ready, to be right (clock) Saturday season second (time) September seven a.m. seven forty-five (time) seven o'clock seven thirty-five (time) six o'clock six twenty-five (time) sleep, to slow slow (clock) sometimes suddenly Sunday temporarily temporary ten o'clock three days ago three o'clock three ten (time) Thursday time time, daylight savings time (duration) time, Greenwich mean time, local 140 today tomorrow tonight Tuesday twelve o'clock twelve to ten (time) two fifteen (time) two o'clock vacation wake someone up, to wake up, to watch watchmaker watch, wrist Wednesday week year year, last year, next year of the Hegira, in (622 A.D.) year, present yesterday yesterday, the day before young * ** * ** * * * #28 Social Life and the Town acquaintances advertisement airport apartment building appointment arrive, to bank (finance) bar bell, to ring the boarding house booking office bookshop bridge bus station cabaret canteen capital casino cathedral chat church city city hall club course (food) courteous, to be cross, to coffee shop college conversation countryside, the downtown, the elevator etiquette exhibition farewell, to bid filled up (bus) fire station fire station first class floor (building level; story) friend friend generosity get off, to gift girl friend greet, to greet, to honor, to confer hospital hospitality hotel hotel information office introduce, to invitation invite someone, to (hospitality) invite, to knock at, to lane (street) late, to be leave, to take library library, public life light, green light, red light, yellow lounge main entrance make an appointment with, to manager market meal meeting meet, to mosque movie theatre museum museum of antiquities narrate, to neighbor nightclub night watchman no admittance occasion palace palace park, a park, a party pavement pedestrians pharmacy playground policeman policeman, traffic police station police, tourist port post office promise, to punctual, to be queue railway station reception reserve, to restaurant ride, to river room, double room, single school second class shake hands, to shop sidewalk sociable social social life society society, Arab square, main (of town) stay up late, to stop, bus 141 street street cleaner street corner street, side suburb swimming pool telegraph office telephone call thank, to theatre ticket tourist town town town hall traffic travel agency university village visit visiting card visit, to wait for, to walk, to walk, to take a welcome! welcome, to * ** *** *** #29 Currency, Weights and Measures armspan (measure; = .68 meters) balance, to bale, a banknotes bankrupt bankruptcy bankrupt, to become cash, in centimeter change money, to change, small (money) charge (selling & buying) coin, small (Iraq & Jordan) creditor currency currency, hard curency, local currency, smuggling currency, soft debt debt, in debt, to incur dimension dinar (monetary unit, Iraq & Jordan) dirhem (North African coin) dollar Egyptian pound falsify, to feddan (square measure) five-piaster (Egyptian note or coin) five pound note foot (measurement) franc gallon gramme half-piaster (Egyptian coin) half-pound (Egyptian note; = 50 piasters) handspan heavy inch Kantar kerat (weight) kilocycle (radio) kilogram kilometer kilowatt light (adj) litre measure, dry (Egypt) measure, dry (Egypt) measure, dry (grains) measurement measure, square (1/24 feddan) measure, to measure, to (dry; for grains) meter, cubic meter (measurement) meter, square mile milleme (1/10 piaster) millimeter money money, counterfeit money, ready oka (weight) ounce pence piaster (Egyptian coin; = 1/100 pound) pound (currency) pound (monetary unit, Lebanon) pound (weight) quarter-pound (Egyp- tian note; = 25 piasters) riyal (coin, Egypt & Iraq) ruler, measuring scales sell or buy on credit, to size sterling, pound surface ten-piaster (note or coin) ten pound note ton weight weight, to weights and measures yard (measurement) * ** * ** ** * #30 Useful Expressions all bounty is from God alms, please! #1 and so on (etc.) at least at the most at your service bad, very! beating a dead horse #4 better, it is bird in the hand, a break a record, to by God by the way 142 case, in any coffee, please! come in, please! come on! condolences #5 condolences #6 congratulations! #7 congratulations, a thousand ! congratulations! (lit: blessed) congratulations, our! continue, to (lit: not to cease to) contrary, on the cup of coffee, please, a! damn! depend on the Lord! depend on the Lord! don't mention it! (lit: forgiveness) don't mention it! (lit: forgiveness) don't! (no need to!) don't worry #14 don't worry (general usage) ever and ever example, for excellent excuse me! #15 excuse me! #16 fancy that! fate and divine decree, by fool s.o., to for the sake of from time to time get lost! give an example, to give her my best regards! give him my best regards! give my greetings to ...! gladly God is generous God is great God knows best God protect, may God provide for you #19 God provide for you #20 God willing gone with the wind (vanished) good boy good bye (by person departing) good bye (by person remaining) good evening! good girl good lord! good luck! good man, my #21 good morning! #22 goodness, my! good night! #23 good night! #24 good night! #25 gradually great! greeting, a greetings, our greetings (said to one returning from trip) happy birthday! happy blessed day! #26 happy day! (hello!) #27 happy holiday! #28 happy holiday! #29 happy holiday! #30 happy to meet you! #31 hard working person, a have a safe trip! #32 have a safe trip! #33 have a speedy recov- ery! #34 hearty congratula- tions! Heaven forbid! #35 Heaven forbid! #36 Heaven forbid! Heaven forbid! hello #37 hello #38 hello (peace be with you) hello (telephone) hope you slept well! hope you will enjoy it! (food or drink) hoping the same for you! #39 I am very glad if only (would God) in addition to indeed! it doesn't matter! #40 it's a great pleasure to me it's o.k. #41 jump in the lake, let him let's! let us ... like father, like son #43 literally love is blind may God have mercy on him! #44 may it bring you the best of health! (food) may it do you much good! (food) may no harm befall you! #45 mere ink on paper (insignificant) my goodness! naturally! never! (i.e., a likely story) #46 no call for that, there is no effect, of (agreement) nonsense no smoking of course! of course! on the subject of our greetings to ... pardon me! #49 perhaps perhaps please! #53 pleased to see you! #54 possibly praise be to God praise the Lord for your safety #55 quiet, be! result of, as a rubbish! (nonsense) 143 same here #58 same to you #59 same to you #60 same to you #61 save for a rainy day shut up! shut up! sit down, please! so-and-so so-and-so so-and-so so many ... #63 sorry! such-and-such superb sure! (I'll do it) take it, please! #67 thanks! (thank you) (general) thanks! (thank you) (general) thanks to thanks to God thank you #68 thank you #69 thank you #70 thank you #71 thank you #72 thank you #73 thank you #74 thank you #75 thank you #76 thank you #77 thank you #78 thank you #79 thank you #80 thank you #81 thank you for the coffee #82 thank you (r. to congratulations) that's it (finished, o.k.) the late ... (deceased ...) there is no place like Cairo very gladly #83 very pleased to see you #84 - very words, in the vice versa view of, in welcome! welcome! welcomes, a thousand welcome to you! #85 welcome! welcome! we missed ycu #86 what a loss! #87 what is your name? what time is it? where are you from? wishing you many happy returns #87 with effect from with great pleasure without qualification you have cheered us #88 you have #89 you have #90 you have #91 honored us honored us honored us you mustn't say (or do) that! you (polite form) (f) you (polite form) (m) * ** * ** * ** #31 The Press abbreviate, to accuse of lying, to accuse, to accustomed to, to be activity actual advertisement advertise, to affirm, to agency agency, news agenda aggression agreement agree on, to agree unanimously, to aid aim aircraft carrier allies, to become allocate, to ambush analysis announcement announcement anonymous apologize, to Arab cause, the argue, to argue with, to armament armoured arms race arm, to arrest, to arrest, to artillery assault Associated Press association attack, to attitude attitude, hostile authorities, local authorities, the author balance (e.g.& of power) balloting barrel base, a battalion battalion battlefront become known, to (news) become, to begin, to believe, to belligerency besiege, to be, to bilateral blame, to block, to unite in a blow up s.th., to board of editors boast of, to bomb bottleneck bribe bribe, to broadcast, to buffered zone 144 bulletin bullets cable, to call, to cannon capture, to caricature celebrate, to censor censorship census challenge, to charge, those in circumstance citizen civilization clarify, to classified ads cling to, to coalition (adj) co-existence, peaceful collective (adj) colony column (newspaper) come, to commandos commentary commentator commentator, economic commentator, political comment on, to commitment committee commit, to (crime) common market communications media communique community compare with, to compel, to compensate, to complete, to be or become conscience, world conservative (adj) conspiracy contain, to contribute, to convoy co-operate with, to co-ordinate, to corner corpse correspondent correspond, with, to corruption coup d'etat criminal critic criticize, to cross, to crossword puzzle cross words daily (e.g. newspaper) deceive, to decisive declaration declare, to decline, to (e.g. invitation) decoration (medal) defeat defeated, to be deliberation demand demand, to demonstrate, to demonstration deny, to depict, to deputize for, to describe, to destroyer (ship) detail detente develop, to deviate, to deviation devote, to dignitaries dignitary direct, to disarmament disaster discover, to document dominate, to do, to duty (obligation) editorial editorial editorial section (office) editorial staff editor-in-chief editor (m) edit, to (to write) effective effectiveness election campaign emigrant emigrate, to endure, to enemy enquire, to enthusiasm escape, to espionage essay essence event event evidence exaggerate, to examine, to (study) execute, to exempt from, to expert explode, to exploit, to explosion exposed to, to be express, to (idea) external extinguish, to extract (writing) extremes, to go to extremist eyewitness face, to facilitate, to fact fail, to fate favor (merit) feudalism field (sphere, range) fight, to (military) find s. th. or s.o., to find, to fleet (n) flourish, to forbidden force, by forced to, to be founder freedom freedom of the press freedom of thought friendly fundamental gang 145 get rid of, to give, to good as, to be so go, to go, to group (crowd) guarantee guarantee, to guide, to gunpowder handbill hand over, to happen, to happen, to headquarters help, to hide, to homeland hope for, to horoscope, today' s hostilities hostility idea illustrated imagine, to imitate, to imperialism impossible, to be in accordance with incident infantry infiltrate, to influence inform about, to information (publicity & communications) inform ... of, to infringe upon, to interest interest in, to take an interim internal international international day international news invade, to invade, to investigate, to investigation issue issued, to be (published) issue (of paper or magazine) issue, to jet aircraft journalism journalism science of journalism, the journalist (f) journalistic journalist (m) journalists journalists' union journalists' union, head of kindle, to leader leadership lead, to lead to, to letter (mail) letters to the editor liberal liberation liberty, deprivation of liberty of the press local local news love passionately, to machine gun magazine magazine, monthly magazine, weekly make, to make, to (render) mandate maneuver Marines, the martial law martyr massacre measure (action) medal mediate, to meet with, to member membership mention, to method Middle East News Agency mine (explosive) minutes of a meeting mission (task) moderate monopoly motive narrate, to nationalize, to navy need, to negative (adj) neglect negotiate with, to negotiation neutral neutrality news news newscast news commentary newspaper newspaper newspaper news, today's news, tomorrow's nominal non-agrression pact notice (announcement) obituaries, the object to, to obscurity obstacle occasion occupy, to offer, to official duties official, semi- oil field oil (petroleum) Olympic games, the omit, to on the point of, to be operation opinion oppress, to optimistic oral (e.g. exam) order, to organization pact (treaty) page parachute paragraph participate in, to patriotic 146 patriotism peace peacemaker periodic permission personals, the (column) pessimistic phenomenon pioneer pistol point at, to point of view policy political situation politician politics popular positive positive neutrality postpone, to precaution predominate, to preliminary press press (adj) press campaign press conference pressure pretend, to prevent, to principle prisoners of war prisoner, to take private probable procession prominent promise, to propaganda protest, to prove, to provisions pseudonyn public publish, to publish, to punish, to put, to put, to quality radio program raid raid, air range (extent) reactionism reader reason (cause) rebuild, to (e.g. a city after war) receive, to (s.th.) recognize, to (acknowledge) reconciled, to be reconcile (with), to record, to referendum refrain from, to refugee refugee camps regiment regret, to relaxed, to become (crisis) remainder (rest; e.g. of an article) remain, to remember, to request, to request, to (beg) resist, to resolution resort to, to responsibilities resume, to retire, to (withdraw) revive, to revolution rifle rocket role rumor satellite satisfy, to savage schedule secret sector security seize, to (the opportunity) self-determination self-sufficiency send an envoy, to serious (grave) seriousness (danger) settle, to severance of relations shell (bomb) sign of the Zodiac slogan solution solution, peaceful solution, temporary solve, to song, hit source source, informed source, official source, reliable source, responsible sovereignty spare, to be able to speech spy, a spy, to statement, to make state of emergency state, to (declare) step step-by-step step-by-step solution, the stipulate, to stipulate, to strained, to be strengthen, to strike, to (stop work) structure struggle, to study group stumbling block subject subject to, to be submarine subscribe, to subscription suggest, to superficial supplement supplementary support, to suppose, to supremacy of law surprised at, to be surrender, to tank (weapon) task task force Tass News Agency telegram television program 147 tenseness of relations tension testify, to testimony text (e.&. of speech) thank for, to thing thing think, to throw, to tie tradition treaty trilateral triumphal arch truce ultimatum unanimous about, to be uncover, to (disclose) unemployment unforseen event urge, to used to, to get useful use, to validity varieties victim victorious, to be victory victory, overwhelming volunteer volunteer, to war war, cold warn, to warn, to wish, to withdraw, to witness women's liberation Women's Liberation Movement Women's Movement working plan world peace worthy of writer (f) writer (m) writing, in (written; e.g. exam) written by yield, to Zionism zone * ** * ** * * * #32 Education absent absent, to be account for, to accounting (subject) accusative case (gr) acid (chemistry) active (gr) adjectival clause adjective adverb agricultural engineering agriculture (subject) algebra alphabet, letters of the ambition analytic analyze, to answer answer answer, to anthropology Arabicization Arabic language Arabic speakers archaeology architecture arithmetic art ask, to assistant professor associate professor atlas auditorium author authoress bacteriology B.A. (degree) bind, to (book) biology blackboard book bookshop botany branch B.S. (degree) business administra- tion (subject) calligraphy certificate (school) chair chairman (department) chalk chapter chemistry Chinese language circle (geometry) civil engineering civil law classroom class (school) class (school) co-education colleague (f) colleague (m) collection college College of Agriculture College of Arts College of Business Administration (commerce) College of Economics and Political Science College of Education College of Engineering College of Fine Arts College of Law College of Medicine College of Pharmacy College of Dentistry College of Science College of Veterinary Science colloquial language (dialect) comma compass, pair of competition compose, to composition comprehensive compulsory computer concept contest Coptic language criminal law culture 148 curriculum dean (college) (m) dedicate, to deduce, to define, to definite article definition demonstratives (gr) dentistry derived derive, to dermatology desk dialect dictate, to dictionary diligent diploma director dismiss, to dissertation doctorate dual (gr) economics (subject) educate, to educational psychology education (pedagogy) education (subject) electrical engineering elementary education elementary school eloquence encourage, to encyclopedia engineering English language enroll, to (school) equation (math) eraser essay ethics (subject) examination, final examination (school) excel, to exclamation point exercise experiment explain, to expression (language) express, to Faculty (College) fellowship feminine (gr) flunk, to folk (as in folktale) foreign school forensic medicine free (gratis) French language gas (vapor) generalize, to genitive case (gr) genius geography geometry German language grade (level - school) grade (level - school) grade (mark - school) graduate, a gruadate, to grammar grammar (subject) grammatical Greek language gynecology headmaster (principal headmistress Hebrew language higher education Higher Institute for Home Economics Higher Institute for Music Higher Institute for Physical Education high school historian history (subject) home economics (subject) homework hygiene (subject) ignorance illiteracy illiterate imagine, to imperative (gr) index Indian language, East ingenuity ink Institute for African Studies Institute of Public Health institute (scientific) intellect internal medicine (subject) interrogatives (gr) introduction irregular (gr) irrigation engineering Japanese language junior high school kindergarten knowledge know, to laboratory language Latin lazy learned person, very learn, to lecture lecture, to lesson letter of the alphabet library library science line linguistic linguistics liquid literary literary criticism literature logic (subject) M.A. (degree) man of letters manuscript map margin masculine (gr) mathematics mechanical engineering medical science meditate, to memorize, to metaphor metonymy (indirect speech) military sciences minerology minister of education ministry of education mistake, to make Mother's Day multiplication tables music (subject) negation (gr) 149 nominative case (gr) notebook notebook noun novel nuclear physics number nursery school object (gr) oblong office optional orator page paper parentheses participle, active participle, passive particle (gr) particle (gr) parts of speech passive (gr) past (tense) pedagogy pen, ball-point pencil pen, fountain period (punctuation) Persian language philosophy (subject) phonetics phrase physical education physical exercise physics physiology playground plural (gr) poem poems, collection of (by one poet) poet poetry political science practical predicate (gr) preparatory education (junior high) present (tense) present, to be printing house print, to private school prize professor (f) professor (m) professor, visiting program project pronoun pronounce, to prose protractor proverb psychiatry psychology publisher publish, to punctuation punish, to pupil (f) pupil (m) question question mark quote, to radio engineering read, to rector (university) reference (book) relative adjective (gr) relative clause relative pronoun renaissance research research, to do result rhetoric (subject) rough draft rule, a ruler, measuring Russian language say, to school science Science Day sciences, natural scientific scientist secondary education sentence sentence, nominal (gr) sentence, verbal (gr) series short story singular (gr) sociology solid, a speak, to speech (talking) spelling square stadium stage standard language (Arabic) story student (f) student (m) student, outstanding students, top study studying study, to study, to style subject subject (gr) succeed, to (attain) summarize, to summary superintendent of schools syllable syllabus symbol synonym table (e.g. time- table) table of contents tape recorder teacher (f) teacher (m) teaching teach, to teach, to technical term term (word) test (school) text books text (e.g. of speech) theoretical theory title translate, to translator triangle trigonometry Turkish language typewriter university vacation 150 verb verb, quadriliteral (gr) verb, strong (gr) verb, triliteral (gr) verb, weak (gr) verse (poetry) veterinary science vocabulary vocational education volume writer (f) writer (m) write, to zone, educational zoology NOTES  153 NOTES #1 A beggar's request for alms. Lit.: Give me alms for God's sake. #2 A dough made of crushed wheat and sour milk, cut into small pieces, dried, and used for the preparation of other dishes. #3 Arabic pastry made of puff strudel dough stuffed with nuts (pis- tachios or walnuts) and baked in melted butter, topped with syrup. #4 Intent: Stop beating a dead person; it is a sin. #5 An expression of condolence. Lit.: May the remainder of the life of the deceased be added to your life; i.e., may you live long. #6 An expression of condolence. Lit.: (Only) God is everlasting. #7 Said to one who has just had a hair cut, shaved, or taken a bath. Lit.: Blessings - enjoy it. #8 To have a craving for certain foods during pregnancy. #9 A richly decorated litter sent by Islamic rulers to Mecca at the time of the pilgrimage. #10 o is used invariably with 1 : : .4 "doctor (M.D.) (f)" in all constructions pertaining to the medical profession. # 11 is used invariably with . : - "doctor (M.D.) (m)1" in all constructions pertaining to the medical profession. #12 See #10. #13 See #11. #14 Restricted usage; said when saomeone breaks something or loses something. Lit.: May it be your ransom, or, Let it be a sacrifice for you. #15 Said upon rising to leave. Lit.: After your permission (I have to be excused). #16 Said upon rising to leave. Lit.: By your permission (I have to be excused). #17 "God bless him and grant him salvation." This is a eulogy said after the name of the Prophet Moharmed. #18 Said when one does not know the answer, or for matters that are 154 difficult for one to judge, or when one wants to abstain from answering for sane reason or reasons. #19 Said to a beggar. Intent: Go away, man - may God open (doors) to you. Response to d 1__J a "alms please!" #20 Said to a beggar. Intent: Go away, man - may God open (doors) to you. Response to a._..iJ " "alms please!" #21 Response same as greeting. #22 Response same as greeting. #23 Response same as greeting. #24 Response same as greeting. #25 Response to , _ . "good night." #26 Response same as greeting. This phrase is also used as response to h..- -- J L-_ "happy day! (hello!)." #27 Response same as greeting. #28 Said on the occasion of a festival, feast, or holiday. Lit.: May every year see you well. #29 Said on the occasion of a festival, feast, or holiday. Lit.: May every year see you in prosperity. #30 Said on the occasion of a festival, feast, or holiday; said to singular or plural. #31 Said upon first acquaintance with someone. Lit.: Happy chance (to have met you). #32 Said to one starting a trip. Lit.: May our Lord conduct you safely. #33 Said to one starting a trip. Lit.: With safety. #34 Said to an invalid. Lit.: Your preservation; i.e., may God restore you to health. #35 Lit.: May the evil stay away from you. #36 Lit.: May it (the mishap) stay away from you. #37 Response to I r .'_I "hello." #38 Response to . L.c.J I "hello." #39 J - is a oollcquial, wishful form. Thus, the entire phrase means: "Wishing you the same." #40 Response to a " f- "- "pardon me," or said whenever "it doesn't matter" is applicable. #41 Said because of an averted mishap, or when sanomething happily turns out well. Lit. : Good has resulted. Meaning: It has ended well. 155 #42 Direction to which Moslems turn in praying, toward the Kaaba. #43 Lit.: The young goose is a good swinEner, like her parents. #44 A phrase that usually follows the name of a deceased person. #45 Said to a person who is ill. #46 Refers to an inpossible action; an action whose realization is not possible. Lit.: In the apricot season. Note that the apri- cot season in the Arab World is short, too short for the realization of any action. Thus, the phrase denotes impossibilty. #47 This particle does not exist in Modern Standard Arabic. It is only used in the dialects, and each dialect has a different form. The Egyptian form, however, is widely "recognized" by speakers of other dialects. #48 See #47. #49 Said to beg someone's pardon in general. Lit.: Hope there is no blame. #50 See #3. #51 A pastry made of special vermicelli dough stuffed with nuts and sugar, baked in melted butter and syrup. #52 This need not be performed at a particular time of the year. #53 Said when inviting someone to come in, or go ahead of one. Lit.: Be preferred. (See also #67). #54 Said to a guest at the end of a visit. Lit.: Blessing has come. #55 Said to someone who has returned from a trip. #56 Nocturnal journey of the Prophet Mohamrned to Heaven. #57 Midnight journey of the Prophet Mohamrred to Heaven on the twenty-seventh of the month of Rajab. #58 Response to a~ .- 9"happy to meet you." Lit.: We are happier than you. #59 Response to -.--~ U .9 "happy holiday." Lit.: May you too have good health and be in peace (next holiday season or festival). #60 Response to 19 a. , LY "happy holiday." Lit.: Hope you too are fine. #61 Response to d ,- . JS "happy feast." Lit.: May you too have good health and be in peace (next holiday season, feast, or festival). 156 #62 Adherent of the Shafiitic school, one of the four orthodox schools of theology in Islam. #63 ' __- here is colloquial, used in expressions such as "so many days," "so many tines," etc. #64 The sayings and doings of the Prophet, later established as legally binding precedents in addition to the Law established by the Koran. #65 See #64. #66 Sweet pastry made of semolina, melted butter, almonds, and syrup. #67 An invitation to someone to join one in eating, drinking, or said when offering a drink or food to someone. (See also #53). #68 Response to 9-- -I '"welcome! welcome!" #69 Response to - . I "you have cheered us." Lit.: May God cheer you. #70 Response to ___l "pleased to see you." Lit.: May God bless you. #71 General expression for "thank you." Lit.: May God preserve you. #72 Response to -- "--~ "have a speedy recovery." Lit.: May God pre- serve you (response of one who is ill). Also response to .._.I-J1I "have a safe trip." #73 Response to '" "you have honored us." Lit.: May God bless you. #74 Response to I- ' "congratulations." Lit.: May God bless you. #75 An expression for "thank you" said in response to J_ L_ ..-9 I "condolences." Lit.: May your life be saved. #76 Said after a meal or drink. Lit.: May your home be always prosperous (full of food). #77 Response to l-' I "thank you," ors- U L-*I "always full," or -LAI " e "thank you for the coffee." Lit.: May your life be everlasting. #78 Said after a neal or a drink. Lit.: May your house always be prosperous and full of food. #79 Response to -I o "hope you slept well." In most cases, said after a nap. Lit.: Health be to your body. #80 Response to . ~L-- "you have honored us, " or ~ .., C - "you have honored us." Lit.: The light is yours. #81 Response to "may it do you much good" (food). Intent: May God make you happy. 157 #82 Said by guest to host after drinking coffee. Lit.: May you always have coffee (at your place). #83 Lit.: Your request is on the top of my head and in front of my eye. #84 Lit.: It's a happy occasion. #85 Response to ) f "welcome." #86 Said to one who has returned from a trip, or who has been away for a long timne. Lit.: You made us desolate. #87 Said when one hears bad news (death or great loss). Lit.: Might and power are to God. #88 J ° is a colloquial, wishful form. Thus, the whole phrase means "wishing you many (lit.: a thousand) happy returns . " #89 Said to scmeone upon leaving after a visit. #90 Said to a guest by host. Lit.: You have given our home light - made it bright. #91 Said to a visitor during a visit, or upon leaving after a visit. #92 Said to a guest by host. Lit.: You have given our home light - made it bright.  159 SPublications of the SCenter for Near Eastern and North African Studies @ *CENTUniversity of Michigan 1811 EGYPTIAN ARABIC AN INTRODUCTION TO EGYPTIAN ARABIC By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1975. (Fifth Edition 1980) 358 pp. A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF EGYPTIAN ARABIC, Volume 1: Conversations, Cultural Texts, Sociolinguistic Notes. By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH, A. FATHY BAHIG, EL-SAID BADAWI, and CAROLYN KILLEAN. 1976. (Second Revised Edition 1978). 454 pp. A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF EGYPTIAN ARABIC, Volume 2: Proverbs and Metaphoric Expressions. By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH, EL-SAID BADAWI, ZAKI N. ABDEL-MALEK and ERNEST N. McCARUS. 1978 (Preliminary Edition). 396 pp. A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF EGYPTIAN ARABIC, Volume 3: A Reference Grammar of Egyptian Arabic. By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH, ZAKI ABDEL-MALEK, EL-SAID BADAWI and ERNEST N. McCARUS. 1978 (Preliminary Edition). 337 pp. A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF EGYPTIAN ARABIC, Volume 4: Lexicon. Part I: Egyptian Arabic - English; Part II: English - Egyptian Arabic. By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH, EL-SAID BADAWI, ZAKI N. ABDEL-MALEK and ERNEST N. McCARUS. 1979 (Preliminary Edition). 494 pp. MOROCCAN ARABIC AN INTRODUCTION TO MOROCCAN ARABIC By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1973. 438 pp. ADVANCED MOROCCAN ARABIC By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1974. 244 pp. 160 PAN-ARABIC A SAMPLE LEXICON OF PAN-ARABIC By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1975. (Second Edition 1981). 157 pp. BERBER (TAMAZIGHT) A COURSE IN SPOKEN TAMAZIGHT: MIDDLE ATLAS BERBER By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1971. 456 pp. A REFERENCE GRAMMAR OF TAMAZIGHT: MIDDLE ATLAS BERBER By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1971. 322 pp plus introduction. A COMPUTERIZED LEXICON OF TAMAZIGHT (BERBER DIALECT OF AYT SEGHROUCHEN) By ERNEST T. ABDEL-MASSIH. 1971. 397 pp. plus introduction. GENERAL NEAR EAST REFORMED ADMINISTRATION IN LEBANON By GEORGE GRASSMUCK and KAMAL SALIBI. 1964. 95 pp. AFGHANISTAN: SOME NEW APPROACHES Edited by GEORGE GRASSMUCK and LUDWIG W. ADAMEC with FRANCES IRWIN. 1969. 405 pp. PRELIMINARY INDEX OF SHAH-NAMEH ILLUSTRATIONS Compiled by JILL NORGREN and EDWARD DAVIS, with an Introduction by OLEG GRABAR. 1969. 477 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHIES EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE FOR MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES By JOSEPH GREENMAN and ANN JOACHIM. 1980. 161 pp. AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE MODERN HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST By RICHARD P. MITCHELL with DAVID SCHOENBACH. 1980. 37 pp. POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY By CLEMENT M. HENRY with JEFFREY WOLFF and STEVEN HEYDEMANN. 1980. 107 pp. 3'qo bI O5 3 'OR*44 >1Aj 91I% -/ a, 9r 6 ;0,00 -o~ 000, f L Vv 4I00 y0 'J lo 4 4 - 404 L I 4a 1)4) JOOF U 9A . X '\Yo