. ,vfifimgnfl V vinlfffll . . . Y . a ‘ k .. V , “ . Rahal. Irflwwwahm THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY ‘FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY TT. E. PAGE, 0.11., LI'I'LD. TE. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. TW. H. D. ROUSE, LITT.D. L. A. POST, L.H.D. E. H. WARMINGTON. M.A., mmmsnsoc. OVID METAMORPHOSES I 42 O V I D METAMORPHOSES WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY FRANK JUSTUS MILLER, PH.D., LL.D. PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IN TWO VOLUMES I BOOKS I—VIII CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MOMLXVI First Published 1916 Second Edition 1921 Reprinted 1925, 1928, 1929, 1936, 1939, 1944, 1946, 1951, 1956, 1960, 1966 Printed in Great Britain wwws‘wlg’ TO ARTHUR TAPPAN WALKER CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BIBLIOGRAPHY METAMORPHOSES 2 BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK I II III IV VI VII VIII PAGE ‘vii :{iii INTRODUCTION PROBABLY no Roman writer has revealed himself more frankly in his works than has Publius Ovidius Naso. Indeed, the greater part of our knowledge of him is gained from his own writings. References to his parentage, his early education, his friends, his work, his manner of life, his reverses—all lie scattered freely through his pages. Especially is this true of the Amores, and of the two groups of poems written from his exile. The Metamorphoses are naturally free from biographical material. Not content with occasional references, the poet has taken care to leave to posterity a somewhat extended and formal account of his life. From this (T ristz'a, IV. 10) we learn that he was born at Sulmo in the Pelignian country, 43 B.C., of well-to—do parents of equestrian rank, and that he had one brother, exactly one year older than himself. His own bent, from early childhood, was towards poetry; but in this he was opposed by his practical father, who desired that both his sons should prepare for the profession of the law, a desire with which both the brothers complied, but the younger with only half—hearted and temporary devotion. Having reached the age of manhood, young Ovid found public life utterly distasteful to him, and now that he was his own master, he gave loose rein to his poetic fancy and abandoned himself to the enj oy- vii INTRODUCTION ment of the gay social life of Rome. He soon gained admission to the choice circle of the poets of his day, paying unlimited devotion to the masters of his art, and quickly becoming himself the object of no small admiration on the part of younger poets. His youthful poems soon gained fame among the people also, and his love poems became the popular lyrics of the town. Though extremely susceptible to the influences of love, he proudly boasts that his private life was above reproach. He contracted two unhappy mar— riages in his youth, but his third marriage was a lasting joy to him. And now his father and his mother died. The poet, while deeply mourning their loss with true filial devotion, still cannot but rejoice that they died before that disgrace came upon him which was to darken his own life and the lives of all whom he loved. For now, as the early frosts of age were beginning to whiten his locks, in the year 8 of our era, a sudden calamity fell upon him, no less than an imperial decree against him of perpetual banishment to the far-off shores of the Euxine Sea. The cause of this decree he only hints at; but he gives us to understand that it was an error of his judgment and not of his heart.1 Exiled to savage Tomi, far from home and friends and the delights of his beloved Rome, he was forced to live in a rigorous climate, an unlovely land, midst a society of uncultured semi-savages. His chief solace was the cultivation of his art, and in this he spent the tiresome days. He ends his autobiography 1 Au ustus, indeed, gave as his reason the immorality of Ovid’s ove poems, but this is generally supposed to be only a cloak for a more personal and private reason. viii INTRODUCTION with a strain of thanksgiving to his muse, and a prophecy of his World-wide fame‘ and literary im- mortality. Though Ovid says that he strove to bear his misfortunes with a manly fortitude, the poems of his exile abound in plaintive lamentations at his hard lot, petitions to his friends in Rome, and unmanly subserviency to Augustus, and later to Tiberius, in the hope of gaining his recall. These, however, were all in vain, and he died at Tomi in A.D. 18, after a banishment of nearly ten years. Ovid’s greatest work, the fruit of the best years of the prime of his life, when his imagination had ripened and his poetic vigour was at its height, was the Metamorphoses, finished in A.D. 7, just before his banishment. In the poet’s own judgment, however, the poem was not finished, and, in his despair on learning of his impending exile, his burned his manuscript. He himself tells us of his motive for this rash act (Tristz'a, I. 7) : “ On departing from Rome, I burned this poem as well as many others of my works, either because I was disgusted with poetry which had proved my bane, or because this poem was still rough and unfinished.” But fortunately copies of this great work still survived in the hands of friends ; and in this letter he begs his friends now to publish it, and at the same time he begs his readers to remember that the poem has never received its author's finishing touches and so to be lenient in their judgment of it. In the Metamorphoses Ovid attempts no less a task than the linking together into one artistically har- monious whole all the stories of classical mythology. And this he does, until the whole range of wonders ix INTRODUCTION (miraculous changes, hence the name, Metamorphoses) is passed in review, from the dawn of creation, when chaos was changed by divine fiat into the orderly universe, down to the very age of the poet himself, when the soul of Julius Caesar was changed to a star and set in the heavens among the immortals. Every important myth is at least touched upon, and though the stories differ widely in place and time, there is no break in the sequence of narration. The poet has seized upon every possible thread of con— nexion as he passes on from cycle to cycle of story; and where this connexion is lacking, by various ingenious and artistic devices a connecting-link is found. The poem thus forms a manual of classical myth— ology, and is the most important source of mythical lore for all writers since Ovid’s time. This is the real, tangible service which he has done the literary world. Many of these stories could now be obtained from the sources whence Ovid himself drew them— from Homer, Hesiod, the Greek tragedians, the Alexandrine poets, and many others. And yet many stories, but for him, would have been lost to us; and all of them he has so vivified by his strong poetic imagination that they have come down to us with added freshness and life. The classic myths have always had a strong fasci— nation for later writers, and so numerous are both passing and extended references to these in English literature, and especially in the poets, that he who reads without a classical background reads with many lapses of his understanding and appreciation. While the English poets have, of course, drawn from all classic sources, they are indebted for their myth- ology largely to Ovid. The poet would have been X INTRODUCTION accessible after 1567 even to writers not versed in Latin, for in that year Golding’s translation of Ovid appeared. An admirable study of the influence of classic myth on the writings of Shakespeare has been made,1 in which the author finds that Shakespeare was thoroughly familiar with the myths, and makes very free use of them. We read: “ Though the number of definite allusions in Shakespeare is smaller than that of the vague ones, they are yet sufficiently numerous to admit of satisfactory conclusions. Of these allusions, for which a definite source can be assigned, it will be found that an overwhelming majority are directly due to Ovid, while the re— mainder, with few exceptions, are from Vergil. . . . Throughout, the influence of Ovid is at least four times as great as that of Vergil ; the whole character of Shakespeare’s mythology is essentially Ovidian.” What is true of Shakespeare is still more true of numerous other English poets in respect to their use of classical mythology. They do not always, indeed, use the myths in Ovid’s manner, which is that of one whose sole attention is on the story, which he tells with eager interest, simply for the sake of telling; and yet such earlier classicists as Spenser and Milton 2 have so thoroughly imbibed the spirit of the classics that they deal with the classic stories quite as sub- jectively as Ovid himself. But among later English poets we find a tendency to objectify the myths, to rationalize them, to philosophize upon them, draw 1 Classical Mythology in Shakespeare. By Robert Kilburn Root. New York: Henry Holt and (30., 1903. 2 See The Classical Mythology 0f Millon’s English Poems. (13y Charles Grosvenor Osgood. New York: Henry Holt and o., 1900. xi INTRODUCTION lessons from them, and even to burlesque them. Perhaps the most interesting development of all is found in our own time, a decided tendency to revamp the classical stories, though not always in the classical spirit-—a kind of Pre—Raphaelite movement in poetry. Prominently in this class of poets should be named Walter Savage Landor, Edmund Gosse, Lewis and William Morris, and Frederick Tennyson; while many others have caught the same spirit and written in the same form. The Latin text of this edition is based on that of Ehwald, published by Messrs. Weidmann, of Berlin, who have generously given permission to use it. All deviations of any importance from Ehwald’s text have been noted, and Ehwald’s readings given with their sources. CHICAGO, March 1915. xii BIBLIOGRAPHY I. EDITIO PRINCEPS Bologna. Edited by Franciscus Puteolanus. Printed by Azzoguidi, 1471. There was also an edition printed at Rome in the same year. II. EARLY FAMOUS EDITIONS The Aldus edition. Venice, 1502. The commentary edition of Burmann, containing, besides Burmann’s exhaustive notes, those of Micylius, Ciofanus, and Heinsius. Amsterdam, 1727. III. LATEST CRITICAL EDITIONS OF THE TEXT OF THE METAMORPHOSES Hugo Magnus. Gotha, 18922. A. Zingerle. Prag, 1884.. M. Haupt, O. Korn, H. J. Miiller, and R. Ehwald. Berlin, IS 1903, H3 1898. The present edition follows this text, except as noted. R. Merkel. Leipzig, 1888. Rudolfus Ehwald. Metamorphoses ex iterata R. Merkelii recognitione. Editio maior. Commen- tarius criticus ex Hugonis Magni apparatu maxi— mam partem transumptus est. Leipzig, 1915. xiii BIBLIOGRAPHY IV. CRITICAL TREATISES ON DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE METAMORPHOSES Schonfeld, Ovids Metamorphosen in z'hrem V erhc'tltnz's 2w‘ antihen Kunst. Leipzig, 1877. Sobieski, V ergz'l and 01nd nach z'hren Glez'chnissen in der Aeneid und den Metamorphosen. Lemberg, 1861. Ebert, Der Anachronismus in Ovids Metamorphosen. Ansbach, 1888. Liidke, Ueber Laut-malerei in Ovids Metamorphosen. Stralsund, 1871. William Bréton, Metamorphosen lz'bros Ooz'dz'us quo consilio susceperz't, qua arte pevfecerit. Paris, 1882. George Lafaye, Les Métamorphoses d’Ovz'de et leurs 'modéles grecs. Paris, 1904. E. K. Rand, Ovid and the Spirit of llletamorphosz's. Harvard Essays on Classical Subjects (pp. 209— 238), 1912. Rudolph Schevill, Ovid and the Renascence in Spain. University of California Press, 1913. V. APPRECIATIONS Frédéric Plessis, La Poe'sie latz'ne (pp. ‘HO—470). Paris, 1909. Otto Ribbeck, Geschichte der Rb'mz'sche Dichtung (Vol. II, pp. 225—340). Stuttgart, 1900. ‘W. Y. Sellar, The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: Horace and the Elegz'ac Poets (pp. 324-362). Oxford, 1892. xiv BIBLIOGRAPHY VI. INDICES Burmann, in the second half of the fourth volume of his commentary. Siebelis-Polle. Leipzig, 1893. VII. TRANSLATIONS Golding (“ Shakespeare’s Ovid”). London, 1567. Reprinted by the De La 'More Press, London, 1904. Sandys, Ovid's Metamorphosis, Englished, Mythologized, and Represented in Figures. Oxford, 1632. Dryden, Pope, Congreve, Addison, and others. London, 1717. Riley. London, 1851. King, Metamorphoses Translated. Edinburgh, 1871. XV METAMORPHOSES METAMORPHOSEON LIBER I Q- x..-- ‘*1 " 1 IN nova fert animus mutatas dicerearformas corpora; di, coeptis (nam vos mutaistis et illas) adspirate meis primaque ab origine'mundi ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora carmen! Ante mare et terras et quod tegit omnia caelum 5 unus erat toto naturae vultus in orbe, quem dixere chaos: rudis indigestaque moles nec quicquam nisi pondus iners congestaque eodem non_bene iunctarum discordia semina Vreruml'. n-IIlluS\'_-dh1-10;In‘UI1dO-, riaebgzbatlh‘iminal'ITtaln, 10 rise 56g; cfie'slcend‘o repsarabatli 631-11113 Ehaabe’lz nec circ‘umfuso pendebat in aere tellus ponderibus librata suis, nee bracchia longo margine terrarum porrexerat Amphitrite; utque erat et tellus illic et pontus et aer, , 15 sic erat instabilis tellus, innabilis unda, lucis egens aer; nulli sua forma manebat, obstabatque aliis aliud, quia corpore in uno frigida pugnabant calidis, umentia siccis, mollia cum duris, sine pondere, habentia pondus. 20 Hanc deus et melior litem natura diremit. nam caelo terras et terris abscidit undas 2 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I MY mind is bent to tell of bodies changed into new forms. Ye gods, for you yourselves have wrought the changes, breathe on these my undertakings, and bring down my song in unbroken strains from the world’s very beginning even unto the present time. Before the sea was, and the lands, and the sky. that hangs over all, the face of Nature showed alike in her whole round, which state have men called chaos : a rough, unordered mass of things, nothing at all save lifeless bulk and warring seeds of ill-matched elements heaped in one. No sun as yet shone forth upon the world, nor did the waxing moon renew her slender horns ; not yet did the earth hang poised by her own weight in the circumambient air, nor had the ocean stretched her arms along the far reaches of the lands. And, though there was both land and sea and air, no one could tread that land, or swim , that sea; and the air was dark. No form of things remained the same; all objects were at odds, for within one body cold things strove with hot, and moist with dry, soft things with hard, things having weight with weightless things. God—or kindlier Nature—composed this strife; for he rent asunder land from sky, and sea from land, 3 OVID et liquidum spisso secrevit ab aere caelum. quae postquam evolvit caecoque exemit acervo, dissociata locis concordi pace ligavit: ignea convexi vis et sine pondere caeli emicuit summaque locum sibi fecit in arce; proximus est aer illi levitate locoque; densior his tellus elementaque grandia traxit et pressa est gravitate sua; circumfluus umor ultima possedit solidumque coercuit orbem. Sic ubi dispositam quisquis fuit ille deorum congeriem secuit sectamque in membra coegit, principio terram, ne non aequalis ab omni parte foret, magni speciem glomeravit in orbis. tum freta diffundi rapidisque tumescere ventis iussit et ambitae circumdare litora terrae; addidit et fontes et stagna inmensa lacusque fluminaque obliquis cinxit declivia ripis, quae, diversa locis, partim sorbentur ab ipsa, in mare perveniunt partim campoque recepta liberioris aquae pro ripis litora pulsant. iussit et extendi campos, subsidere valles, fronde tegi silvas, lapidosos surgere montes, utque duae dextra caelum totidemque sinistra parte secant zonae, quinta est ardentior illis, sic onus inclusum numero distinxit eodem cura dei, totidemque plagae tellure premuntur. 25 3O 4O 45 quarum quae media est, non est habitabilis aestu; ‘ 4 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I and separated the ethereal heavens from the dense atmosphere. When thus he had released these ele- ments and freed them from the blind heap of things, he set them each in its own place and bound them fast in harmony. The fiery weightless element that forms heaven's vault leaped up and made place for itself upon the topmost height. Next came the air in lightness and in place. The earth was heavier than these, and, drawing with it the grosser ele— ments, sank to the bottom by its own weight. The streaming water took the last place of all, and held the solid land confined in its embrace. When he, whoever of the gods it was, had thus arranged in order and resolved that chaotic mass, and reduced it, thus resolved, to cosmic parts, he first moulded the earth into the form of a mighty ball so that it might be of like form on every side. Then he bade the waters to spread abroad, to rise in waves beneath the rushing winds, and fling them- selves around the shores of the encircled earth. Springs, too, and huge, stagnant pools and lakes he made, and hemmed down-flowing rivers within their shelving banks, whose waters, each far remote from each, are partly swallowed by the earth itself, and partly flow down to the sea ; and being thus received into the expanse of a freer flood, beat now on shores instead of banks. Then did he bid plains to stretch out, valleys to sink down, woods to be clothed in leafage, and the rock-ribbed mountains to arise. And as the celestial vault is cut by two zones on the right and two on the left, and there is a fifth zone between, hotter than these, so did the providence of God mark off the enclosed mass with the same number of zones, and the same tracts were stamped upon the earth. The central zone of these may not be dwelt in by 5 OVID (‘t nix tegit alta duas; totidem inter utramque locavit 50 temperiemque dedit mixta cum frigore flamma. Inminet his aer, qui quanto est pondere terrae, pondere aquae levior, tanto est onerosior igni. illic et nebulas, illic consistere nubes iussit et humanas motura tonitrua mentes 55 et cum fulminibus facientes frigora ventos. His quoque non passim mundi fabricator habendum aera permisit; vix nunc obsistitur illis, cum sua quisque regat diverso flamina tractu, quin lanient mundum; tanta est discordia fratrum. Eurus ad Auroram Nabataeaque regna recessit 61 Persidaque et radiis iuga subdita matutinis ; vesper et occiduo quae litora sole tepescunt, proxima sunt Zephyro; Scythiam septemque triones horrifer invasit Boreas; contraria tellus 65 nubibus adsiduis pluviaque madescit ab Austro. haec super inposuit liquidum et gravitate carentem aethera nec quicquam terrenae faecis habentem. Vix ita limitibus dissaepserat omnia certis, cum, quae pressa diu fuerant caligine caeca, 70 sidera coeperunt toto effervescere caelo; neu regio foret ulla suis animalibus orba, astra tenent caeleste solum formaeque deorum, cesserunt nitidis habitandae piscibus undae, terra feras cepit, volucres agitabilis aer. 75 Sanctius his animal mentisque capacius altae deerat adhuc et quod dominari in cetera posset: 6 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I reason of the heat; deep snow covers two, two he placed between and gave them temperate climate, mingling heat with cold. The air hung over all, which is as much heavier than fire as the weight of water is lighter than the weight of earth. There did the creator bid the mists and clouds to take their place, and thunder, that should shake the hearts of men, and winds which with the thunderbolts make chilling cold. To these also the world’s creator did not allot the air that they might hold it everywhere. Even as it is, they can scarce be prevented, though they control their blasts, each in his separate tract, from tearing the world to pieces. So fiercely do these brothers strive together. But Eurus drew off to the land of the dawn and the realms of Araby, and where the Persian hills flush beneath the morning light. The western shores which glow with the setting sun are the place of Zephyrus : while bristling Boreas betook himself to Scythia and the farthest north. The land far opposite is wet with constant fog and rain, the home of Auster, the South-wind. Above these all he placed the liquid, weightless ether, which has naught of earthy dregs. Scarce had he thus parted off all things within their determined bounds, when the stars, which had long been lying hid crushed down beneath the dark- ness, began to gleam throughout the sky. And, that no region might be without its own forms of animate life, the stars and divine forms occupied the floor of heaven,the sea fell to the shining fishes for their home, earth received the beasts, and the mobile air the birds. A living creature of finer stuff than these, more capable of lofty thought, one who could have dominion over all the rest,was lacking yet. Then man was born: 7 OVID natus homo est, sive hunc divino semine fecit ille opifex rerum, mundi melioris origo, sive recens tellus seductaque nuper ab alto 80 aether cognati retinebat semina caeli. quam satus Iapeto, mixtam pluvialibus undis, finxit in efligiem moderantum cuncta deorum, pronaque cum spectent animalia cetera terram, os homini sublime dedit caelumque videre 85 iussit et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus: sic, modo quae fuerat rudis et sine imagine, tellus induit ignotas hominum conversa figuras. Aurea prima sata est aetas, quae vindice nullo, sponte sua, sine lege fidem rectumque colebat. 90 poena metusque aberant, nec verba minantia fixo aere legebantur, nec supplex turba timebat iudicis ora sui, sed erant sine iudice tuti. nondum caesa suis, peregrinum ut viseret orbem, montibus in liquidas pinus descenderat undas, 95 nullaque mortales praeter sua litora norant; nondum praecipites cingebant oppida fossae; non tuba directi, non aeris cornua flexi, non galeae, non ensis erant: sine militis usu mollia securae peragebant otia gentes. 100 ipsa quoque inmunis rastroque intacta nec ullis saucia vomeribus per se dabat omnia tellus, contentique cibis nullo cogente creatis arbuteos fetus montanaque fraga legebant cornaque et in duris haerentia mora rubetis 105 et quae deciderant patula Iovis arbore glandes. 8 META MORPHOSES BOOK I whether the god who made all else, designing a more perfect world, made man of his own divine substance, or whether the new earth, but lately drawn away from heavenly ether, retained still some elements of its kindred sky—that earth which the son of Iapetus mixed with fresh, running water, and moulded into the form of the all-controlling gods. And, though all other animals are prone, and fix their gaze upon the earth, he gave to man an up- lifted face and bade him stand erect and turn his eyes to heaven. So, then, the earth, which had but lately been a rough and formless thing, was changed and clothed itself with forms of men before unknown. \ Golden was that first age, which, with no one to compel, without a law, of its own will, kept faith and did the right. There was no fear of punishment, no threatening words were to be read on brazen tablets; no suppliant throng gazed fearfully upon its judge’s face; but without judges lived secure. Not yet had the pine-tree, felled on its native moun- tains, descended thence into the watery plain to visit other lands ; men knew no shores except their own. Not yet were cities begirt with steep moats ; there were no trumpets of straight, no horns of curving brass, no swords or helmets. There was no need at all of armed men, for nations, secure from war’s alarms, passed the years in gentle ease. The earth herself, without com- pulsion, untouched by hoe or plowshare, of herself gave all things needful. And men, content with food which came with no one’s seeking, gathered the arbute fruit, strawberries from the mountain-sides, cornel-cherries, berries hano‘ing thick upon the prickly bramble, and acorns fallen from the spread— ing tree of Jove. Then spring was everlasting, and 9 OVID ver erat aeternum, placidique tepentibus auris mulcebant zephyri natos sine semine flores; mox etiam fruges tellus inarata ferebat, nec renovatus ager gravidis canebat aristis; 110 flumina iam lactis, iam flumina nectaris ibant, flavaque de viridi stillabant ilice mella. Postquam Saturno tenebrosa in Tartara misso sub Iove mundus erat, subiit argentea proles, auro deterior, fulvo pretiosior aere. 115 Iuppiter antiqui contraxit tempora veris perque hiemes aestusque et inaequalis autumnos et breve ver spatiis exegit quattuor annum. tum primum siccis aer fervoribus ustus canduit, et ventis glacies adstricta pependit; 120 tum primum subiere domos; domus antra fuerunt et densi frutices et vinctae cortice virgac. semina tum primum longis Cerealia sulcis obruta sunt, pressique iugo gemuere iuvenci. Tertia post illam successit aenea proles, 125 saevior ingeniis et ad horrida promptior arma, non scelerata tamen; de duro est ultima ferro. protinus inrupit venae peioris in aevum omne nefas fugitque pudor verumque fidesque; in quorum subiere locum fraudesque dolusque 130 insidiaeque et vis et amor sceleratus habendi. vela dabant ventis nec adhuc bene noverat illos navita, quaeque prius steterant in montibus altis, fluctibus ignotis exsultavere carinae, communemque prius ceu lumina solis et auras 135 IO METAMORPHOSES BOOK I gentle zephyrs with warm breath played with the flowers that sprang unplanted. Anon the earth, untilled, brought forth her stores of grain, and the fields, though unfallowed, grew white with the heavy, bearded wheat. Streams of milk and streams of sweet nectar flowed, and yellow honey was distilled from the verdant oak. After Saturn had been banished to the dark land of death, and the world was under the sway of Jove, the silver race came in, lower in the scale than gold. but of greater worth than yellow brass. Jove now shortened the bounds of the old—time spring, and through winter, summer, variable autumn, and brief spring completed the year in four seasons. Then first the parched air glared white with burning heat, and icicles hung down congealed by freezing winds. In that age men first sought the shelter of houses. Their homes had heretofore been caves, dense thickets, and branches bound together with bark. Then first the seeds of grain were planted in long furrows, and bullocks groaned beneath the heavy yoke. Next after this and third in order came the brazen race, of sterner disposition, and more ready to fly to arms savage, but not yet impious. The age of hard iron came last. Straightway all evil burst forth into this age of baser vein: modesty and truth and faith fled the earth, and in their place came tricks and plots and snares, violence and cursed love of gain. Men now spread sails to the winds, though the sailor as yet scarce knew them; and keels of pine which long had stood upon high mountain-sides, now leaped insolently over unknown waves. And the ground, which had hitherto been a common possession like the sunlight and the air, the careful surveyor now II OVID cautus humum longo signavit limite mensor. nec tantum segetes alimentaque debita dives poscebatur humus, sed itum est in viscera terrae, quasque recondiderat Stygiisque admoverat umbris, effodiuntur opes, inritamenta malorum. 140 iamque nocens ferrum ferroque nocentius aurum prodierat, prodit bellum, quod pugnat utroque, sanguineaque manu crepitantia concuiit arma. vivitur ex rapto: non hospes ab hospite tutus, non socer a genero, fratrum quoque gratia rara est; inminet exitio vir coniugis, illa mariti, I46 lurida terribiles miscent aconita novercae, filius ante diem patrios inquirit in a'nnos : victa iacet pietas, et virgo caede madentis ultima caelestum terras Astraea reliquit. 150 Neve foret terris securior arduus ae ther, adfectasse ferunt regnum caeleste gigantas altaque congestos struxisse ad sidera montis. tum pater omnipotens misso perfregit Olympum fulmine et excussit subiectae Pelion Ossae. 155 obruta mole sua cum corpora dira iacerent, perfusam multo natorum sanguine Terram immaduisse ferunt calidumque animasse cruorem et, ne nulla suae stirpis monimenta manerent, in faciem vertisse hominum; sed et illa propago 160 contemptrix superum saevaeque avidissima caedis et violenta fuit: scires e sanguine natos. Quae pater ut summa vidit Saturnius arce, ingemit et facto nondum vulgata recenti 12 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I marked out with long-drawn boundary-line. Not only did men demand of the bounteous fields the crops and sustenance they owed, but they delved as well into the very bowels of the earth; and the wealth which the creator had hidden away and buried deep amidst the very Stygian shades, was brought to light, wealth that pricks men on to crime. And now baneful iron had come, and gold more baneful than iron; war came, which fights with both, and bran- dished in its bloody hands the clashing arms. Men lived on plunder. Guest was not safe from host, nor father-in-law from son-in—law; even among brothers ’twas rare to find affection. The husband longed for the death of his wife, she of her husband; murderous stepmothers brewed deadly poisons, and sons inquired into their fathers’ years before the time. Piety lay vanquished, and the maiden Astraea, last of the immortals, abandoned the blood-soaked earth. And, that high heaven might be no safer than the earth, they say that the Giants essayed the very throne of heaven, piling huge mountains, one on another, clear up to the stars. Then the Almighty Father hurled his thunderbolts, shattered Olympus, and dashed Pelion down from underlying Ossa. When those dread bodies lay o’erwhelmed by their own bulk, they say that Mother Earth, drenched with their streaming blood, informed that warm gore anew with life, and, that some trace of her former offspring might remain, she gave it human form. But this new stock, too, proved contemptuous of the gods, very greedy for slaughter, and passionate. You might know that they were sons of blood. When Saturn’s son from his high throne saw this he groaned, and, recalling the infamous revels of I3 OVI D foeda Lycaoniae referens convivia mensae ingentes animo et dignas Iove concipit iras conciliumque vocat: tenuit mora nulla vocatos. Est via sublimis, caelo manifesta sereno ; lactea nomen habet, candore notabilis ipso. hac iter est superis ad magni tecta Tonantis regalemque domum: dextra laevaque deorum atria nobilium valvis celebrantur apertis. plebs habitat diversa locis : hac parte potentes caelicolae clarique suos posuere penates; hic locus est, quem, si verbis audacia detur, haud timeam magni dixisse Palatia caeli. Ergo ubi marmoreo superi sedere recessu, celsior ipse loco sceptroque innixus eburno terrificam capitis concussit terque quaterque caesariem, cum qua terram, mare, sidera movit. talibus inde modis ora indignantia solvit: “ non ego pro mundi regno magis anxius illa tempestate fui, qua centum quisque parabat inicere anguipedum captivo bracchia caelo. 170 175 180 nam quamquam ferus hostis erat, tamen illud ab uno corpore et ex una pendebat origine bellum; nunc mihi qua totum Nereus circumsonat orbem, perdendum est mortale genus : per {lumina iuro infera sub-terras Stygio labentia luco! cuncta prius temptata, sed inmedicabile corpus ,ense recidendum, ne pars sincera trahatur. 186 190 sunt mihi semidei, sunt, rustica numina, nymphae faunique satyrique et monticolae silvani; quos quoniam caeli nondum dignamur honore, 14 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I Lycaon’s table—a story still unknown because the deed was new—he conceived a mighty wrath worthy of the soul of Jove, and summoned a council of the gods. Naught delayed their answer to the summons. There is a high way, easily seen when the sky is clear. ’Tis called the Milky Way, famed for its shining whiteness. By this way the gods fare to the halls and royal dwelling of the mighty Thunderer. On either side the palaces of the gods of higher rank are thronged with guests through folding—doors flung wide. The lesser gods dwell apart from these. Fronting on this way, the illustrious and strong heavenly gods have placed their homes. This is the place which, if I may make bold to say it, I would not fear to call the Palatia of high heaven. So, when the gods had taken their seats within the marble council chamber, the king himself, seated high above the rest and leaning on his ivory sceptre, shook thrice and again his awful locks, wherewith he moved the land and sea and sky. Then he opened his indignant lips, and thus spoke he: “ I was not more troubled than now for the sovereignty of the world when each one of the serpent-footed giants was in act to lay his hundred hands upon the captive sky. For, although that was a savage enemy, their whole attack sprung from one body and one source. But now, wherever old Ocean roars around the earth, I must destroy the race of men. By the infernal streams that glide beneath the earth through Stygian groves, I swear that I have already tried all other means. But that which is incurable must be cut away with the knife, lest the untainted part also draw in- fection. I have demigods, rustic divinities, nymphs, fauns and satyrs, and sylvan deities upon the moun— tain—slopes. Since we do not yet esteem them I5 OV ID quas dedimus, certe terras habitare sinamus. 195 an satis, o superi, tutos fore creditis illos, cum mihi, qui fulmen, qui vos habeoque regoque, struxerit insidias notus feritate Lycaon? ” Contremuere omnes studiisque ardentibus ausum talia deposcunt: sic, cum manus inpia szieyg 200 sanguine Caesareo Romanum exstinguerefi‘iomen, attonitum tanto subitae terrore ruinae humanum genus est totusque perhorruit orbis; nec tibi grata minus pietas, Auguste, tuorum quam fuit illa Iovi. qui postquam voce manuque 205 murmura conpressit, tenuere silentia cuncti. substitit ut clamor pressus gravitate regentis, Iuppiter hoc iterum sermone silentia rupit: “ ille quidem poenas (curam hanc dimittite!) solvit; quod tamen admissum, quae sit vindicta, docebo. 210 contigerat nostras infamia temporis aures ; quam cupiens falsam summo delabor Olympo et deus humana lustro sub imagine terras. longa mora est, quantum noxae sit ubique repertum, enumerare: minor fuit ipsa infamia vero. 215 Maenala transieram latebris horrenda ferarum et cum Cyllene gelidi pineta Lycaei: Arcadis hinc sedes et inhospita tecta tyranni ingredior, traherent cum sera crepuscula noctem. signa dedi venisse deum, vulgusque precari 220 coeperat: inridet primo pia vota Lycaon, mox ait ‘ experiar deus hic discrimine aperto an sit mortalis: nec erit dubitabile verum.’ 16 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I worthy the honour of a place in heaven, let us at least allow them to dwell in safety in the lands allotted them. Or do you think that they will be safe, when against me, who wield the thunderbolt, who have and rule you as my subjects, Lycaon, well known for savagery, has laid his snares P ” All trembled, and with eager zeal demanded him who had been guilty of such bold infamy. So, when an impious band was mad to blot out the name of Rome with Caesar’s blood, the human race was dazed with a mighty fear of sudden ruin, and the whole world shuddered in horror. Nor is the loyalty of thy subjects, Augustus, less pleasing to thee than that was to Jove. After he, by word and gesture, had checked their outcry, all held their peace. When now the clamour had subsided, checked by his royal authority, Jove once more broke the silence with these words: “ He has indeed been punished; have no care for that. But what he did and what his punishment I will relate. An infamous report of the age had reached my ears. Eager to prove this false, I descended from high Olympus, and as a god dis- guised in human form travelled up and down the land. It would take too long to recount how great impiety was found on every hand. The infamous report was far less than the truth. I had crossed Maenala, bristling with the lairs of beasts, Cyllene, and the pine-groves of chill Lycaeus. Thence I approached the seat and inhospitable abode of the Arcadian king, just as the late evening shades were ushering in the night. I gave a sign that a god had come, and the common folk began to worship me. Lycaon at first mocked at their pious prayers; and then he said: ‘ I will soon find out, and that by a plain test, whether this fellow be god or mortal. Nor voL. 1. B I7 OVID nocte gravem somno necopina perdere morte me parat: haec illi placet experientia veri; 225 nec contentus eo, missi de gente Molossa obsidis unius iugulum mucrone resolvit atque ita semineces partim ferventibus artus mollit aquis, partim subiecto torruit igni. quod simul inposuit mensis, ego vindice fiamma 230 in dominum dignosque everti tecta penates; territus ipse fugit nactusque silentia ruris exulutat frustraque loqui conatur: ab ipso colligit os rabiem solitaeque cupidine caedis utitur in pecudes et nunc quoque sanguine gaudet. in villos abeunt vestes, in crura lacerti: 236 fit lupus et veteris servat vestigia formae; canities eadem est, eadem violentia vultus, idem oculi lucent, eadem feritatis imago est. occidit una domus, sed non domus una perire 240 digna fuit: qua terra patet, fera regnat Erinys. in facinus iurasse putes! dent ocius omnes, quas meruere pati, (sic stat sententia) poenas.” Dicta Iovis pars voce probant stimulosque frementi adiciunt, alii partes adsensibus inplent. 245 est tamen humani generis iactura dolori omnibus, et quae sit terrae mortalibus orbae forma futura rogant, quis sit laturus in aras tura, ferisne paret populandas tradere terras. talia quaerentes (sibi enim fore cetera curae) 250 18 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I shall the truth be at all in doubt.’ He planned that night While I was heavy with sleep to kill me by an unexpected murderous attack. Such was the experi- ment he adopted to test the truth. And not content with that, he took a hostage who had been sent by the Molossian race, cut his throat, and some parts of him still warm with life, he boiled, and others he roasted over the fire. But no sooner had he placed these be— fore me on the table than I, with my avenging bolt, o’erthrew the house upon its master and on his guilty household. The king himself flies in terror and, gain— ing the silent fields, howls aloud, attempting in vain to speak. His mouth of itself gathers foam, and with his accustomed greed for blood he turns against the sheep, delighting still in slaughter. His garments change to shaggy hair, his arms to legs. He turns into a wolf, and yet retains some traces of his former shape. There is the same grey hair, the same fierce face, the same gleaming eyes, the same picture of beastly savagery. One house has fallen; but not one house alone has deserved to perish. Wherever the plains of earth extend, wild fury reigns supreme. You would deem it a conspiracy of crime. Let them all pay, and quickly too, the penalties which they have deserved. So stands my purpose.” When he had done, some proclaimed their approval of his words, and added fuel to his wrath, while others played their parts by giving silent consent. And yet they all grieved over the threatened loss of the human race, and asked what would be the state of the world bereft of mortals. Who would bring incense to their altars? Was he planning to give over the world to the wild beasts to despoil? As they thus questioned, their king bade them be of good cheer (for the rest should be his care), for I9 OVID rex superum trepidare vetat subolemque priori dissimilem populo promittit origine mira. Iamqule erat in totas sparsurus fulmina terras; sed timuit, ne forte sacer tot ab ignibus aether conciperet flammas longusque ardesceret axis: 255 esse quoque in fatis reminiscitur, adfore tempus, quo mare, quo tellus correptaque regia caeli ardeat et mundi moles obsessa laboret. tela reponuntur manibus fabricata cyclopum; poena placet diversa, genus mortale sub undis 260 perdere et ex omni nimbos demittere caelo. Protinus Aeoliis Aquilonem claudit in antris et quaecumque fugant inductas flamina nubes emittitque Notum. madidis Notus evolat alis, terribilem picea tectus caligine vultum; 265 barba gravis nimbis, canis fluit unda capillis; fronte sedent nebulae, rorant pennaeque sinusque. utque manu lata pendentia nubila pressit, fit fragor: hinc den-si funduntur ab aethere nimbi; nuntia Iunonis varios induta colores 270 concipit Iris aquas alimentaque nubibus adfert. sternuntur segetes et deplorata coloni vota iacent, longique perit labor inritus anni. N ec caelo contenta suo est Iovis ira, sed illum oaeruleus frater iuvat auxiliaribus undis. 275 convocat hie amnes: qui postquam tecta tyranni 0 ' i‘ ' Intravere sui, non est hortamlne longo 20 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I he would give them another race of wondrous origin far different from the first. And now he was in act to hurl his thunderbolts ’gainst the whole world; but he stayed his hand in fear lest perchance the sacred heavens should take fire from so huge a conflagration, and burn from pole to pole. He remembered also that ’twas in the fates that a time would come when sea and land, the unkindled palace of the sky and the beleaguered structure of the universe should be destroyed by fire. And so he laid aside the bolts which Cyclopean hands had forged. He preferred a different punishment, to destroy the human race beneath the waves and to send down rain from every quarter of the sky. Straightway he shuts the North-wind up in the cave of Aeolus, and all blasts soever that put the clouds to flight; but he lets the South-wind loose. Forth flies the South-wind with dripping wings, his awful face shrouded in pitchy darkness. His beard is heavy with rain; water flows in streams down his hoary locks; dark clouds rest upon his brow; while his wings and garments drip with dew. And, when he presses the low-hanging clouds with his broad hands, a crashing sound goes forth; and next the dense clouds pour forth their rain. Iris, the mes- senger of Juno, clad in robes of many hues, draws up water and feeds it to the clouds. The standing grain is overthrown; the crops which have been the object of the farmers’ prayers lie ruined; and the hard labour of the tedious year has come to naught. The wrath of Jove is not content with the waters from his own sky; his sea—god brother aids him with auxiliary waves. He summons his rivers to council. When these have assembled at the palace of their king, he says: “ Now is no time to employ a long 21 OVID (C utendum; vires efi'undite vestras: sic opus est! aperite domos ac mole remota fluminibus vestris totas inmittite habenas! ” 280 iusserat; hi redeunt ac fontibus ora relaxant et defrenato volvuntur in aequora cursu. Ipse tridente suo terram percussit, at illa intremuit motuque vias patefecit aquarum. exspatiata ruunt per apertos flumina campos 285 cumque satis arbusta simul pecudesque virosque tectaque cumque suis rapiunt penetralia sacris. si qua domus mansit potuitque resistere tanto indeiecta malo, culmen tamen altior huius undategit, pressaeque latent sub gurgite turres. 290 iamque mare et tellus nullum discrimen habebant: omnia pontus erant, deerant quoque litora ponto. Occupat hic collem, cumba sedet alter adunca et ducit remos illic, ubi nuper arabat: ille supra segetes aut mersae culmina villae 295 navigat, hic summa piscem deprendit in ulmo. figitur in viridi, si fors tulit, ancora prato, aut subiecta terunt curvae vineta carinae ; 2 7 I nunc alt et, modo qua graciles gramen carpsere capellae, nunc ibi deformes ponunt sua corpora phocae. 300 mirantur sub aqua lucos urbesque domosque Nereides, silvasque tenent delphines et altis incursant ramis agitataque robora pulsant. nat lupus inter oves, fulvos vehit unda leones, unda vehit tigres; nec vires fulminis apro, 305 crura nec ablato prosunt velocia cervo, 22 MET AMORPHOSES BOOK I harangue. Put forth- all your strength, for there is need. Open wide your doors, away with all restrain- ing dykes, and give full rein to all your river steeds.” So he commands, and the rivers return, uncurb their fountains’ mouths, and in unbridled course go racing to the sea. Neptune himself smites the earth with his trident. She trembles, and at the stroke flings open wide a way for the waters. The rivers overleap all bounds and flood the open plains. And not alone orchards, crops and herds, men and dwellings, but shrines as well and their sacred contents do they sweep away. If any house has stood firm, and has been able to resist that huge misfortune undestroyed, still do the overtop— ping waves cover its roof, and its towers lie hid beneath the flood. And now the sea and land have no distinction. All is sea, but a sea without a shore. Here one man seeks a hill-top in his flight; an- a other sits in his curved skiff, plying the oars where lately he has plowed; one sails over his fields of grain or the roof of his buried farmhouse, and one takes fish caught in the elm—tree’s top. And some- times it chanced that an anchor was embedded in a grassy meadow, or the curving keels brushed over the vineyard tops. And where but now the slender goats had browsed, the ugly sea—calves rested. The Nereids are amazed to see beneath the waters groves and cities and the haunts of men. The dolphins in- vade the woods, brushing against the high branches, and shake the oak-trees as they knock against them in their course. The wolf swims among the sheep, while tawny lions and tigers are borne along by the waves. Neither does the power of his lightning stroke avail the boar, nor his swift limbs the stag, since both are alike swept away by the flood; and 23 OVID quaesitisque diu terris, ubi sistere possit, in mare lassatis volucris vaga decidit alis. obruerat tumulos inmensa licentia ponti, pulsabantque novi montana cacumina fluctus. 310 maxima pars unda rapitur; quibus unda pepercit, illos longa domant inopi ieiunia victu. Separat Aonios Oetaeis Phocis ab arvis, terra ferax, dum terra fuit, sed tempore in illo pars maris et latus subitarum campus aquarum. 315 mons ibi verticibus petit arduus astra duobus, nomine Parnasus, superantque cacumina nubes. hic ubi Deucalion (nam cetera texerat aequor) cum consorte tori parva rate vectus adhaesit, Corycidas nymphas et numina montis adorant 320 fatidicamque Themin, quae tune oracla tenebat: non illo melior quisquam nec amantior aequi vir fuit aut illa metuentior ulla deorum. Iuppiter ut liquidis stagnare paludibus orbem et superesse virum de tot modo milibus unum, 325 et superesse vidit de tot modo milibus unam, innocuos ambo, cultores numinis ambo, nubila disiecit nimbisque aquilone remotis et caelo terras ostendit et aethera terris. nec maris ira manet, positoque tricuspide telo 330 mulcet aquas rector pelagi supraque profundum 24 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I the wandering bird, after long searching for a place to alight, falls with weary wings into the sea. The sea in unchecked liberty has now buried all the hills, and strange waves now beat upon the mountain- peaks. Most living things are drowned outright. Those who have escaped the water slow starvation at last o’ercomes through lack of food. The land of Phocis separates the Boeotian from the Oetean fields, a fertile land, while still it was a land. But at that time it was but a part of the sea, a broad expanse of sudden waters. There Mount Parnasus lifts its two peaks skyward, high and steep, piercing the clouds. When here Deucalion and his wife, borne in a little skiff, had come to land—for the sea had covered all things else—they first worshipped the Corycian nymphs and the mountain deities, and the goddess, fate-revealing Themis, who in those days kept the oracles. There was no better man than he, none more scrupulous of right, nor than she was any woman more reverent of the gods. When now Jove saw that the world was all one stagnant pool, and that only one man was left from those who were but now so many thousands, and that but one woman too was left, both innocent and both wor- shippers of God, he rent the clouds asunder, and when these had been swept away by the N orth-wind he showed the land once more to the sky, and the heavens to the land. Then too the anger of the sea subsides, when the sea’s great ruler lays‘by his three—pronged spear and calms the waves; and, call- ing sea-hued Triton, showing forth above the deep, his shoulders thick o’ergrown with shell-fish, he bids him blow into his loud-resounding conch, and by that signal to recall the floods and streams. He lifts his hollow, twisted shell, which grows from the least 25 OVID exstantem atque umeros innato murice tectum caeruleum Tritona vocat conchaeque sonanti inspirare iubet fluctusque et fiumina signo iam revocare dato : cava bucina sumitur illi, 335 tortilis, in latum quae turbine crescit ab imo, bucina, quae medio concepit ubi aera ponto, litora voce replet sub utroque iacentia Phoebo; tum quoque, ut ora dei madida rorantia barba contigit et cecinit iussos inflata receptus, 340 omnibus audita est telluris et aequoris undis, et quibus est undis audita, coercuit omnes. iam mare litus habet, plenos capit alveus amnes, flumina subsidunt collesque exire videntur; surgit humus, crescunt loca decrescentibus undis, 345 postque diem longam nudata cacumina silvae ostendunt limumque tenent in fronde relictum Redditus orbis erat; quem postquam vidit inanem et desolatas agere alta silentia terras, Deucalion lacrimis ita Pyrrham adfatur obortis: 350 “ o soror, o coniunx, o femina sola superstes, quam commune mihi genus et patruelis origo, deinde torus iunxit, nunc ipsa pericula iungunt, terrarum, quascumque vident occasus et ortus, nos duo turba sumus; possedit cetera pontus. 355 haec quoque adhuc vitae non est fiducia nostrae certa satis; terrent etiamnum nubila mentem. quis tibi, si sine me fatis erepta fuisses, nunc animus, miseranda, foret? quo sola timorem ferre modo posses? quo consolante doleres! 360 namque ego (crede mihi), site quoque pontus haberet, te sequerer, coniunx, et me quoque pontus haberet. 26 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I and lowest to a broad-swelling whorl—the shell which, when in mid—sea it has received the Triton’s _ breath, fills with its notes the shores that lie beneath the rising and the setting sun. So then, when it had touched the sea-god’s lips wet with his dripping beard, and sounded forth the retreat which had been ordered, ’twas heard by all the waters both of land and sea; and all the waters by which ’twas heard it held in check. Now the sea has shores, the rivers, bank full, keep within their channels ; the floods sub- side, and hill-tops spring into view; land rises up, the ground increasing as the waves decrease; and now at length, afterlong burial, the trees show their un- covered tops, whose leaves still hold the slime which the flood has left. , The world was indeed restored. But when Deu- calion saw that it was an empty world, and that deep silence filled the desolated lands, he burst into tears and thus addressed his wife: “ O sister, O my wife, O only woman left on earth, you whom the ties of common race and family,1 whom the marriage couch has joined to me, and whom now our very perils join : of all the lands which the rising and the setting sun behold, we two are the throng. The sea holds all the rest. And even this hold which we have upon our life is not as yet sufliciently secure. Even yet the clouds strike terror to my heart. What would be your feelings, now, poor soul, if the fates had willed that you be rescued all alone? How would you bear your fear, alone? who would console your grief? For be assured that if the sea held you also, I would follow you, my wife, and the sea should hold me also. 1 patruelz's om'go. See line 390. Deucalion and Pyrrha were cousins, a relationship which on the part of the woman is sometimes expressed by soror. 27 OVID o utinam possim populos reparare paternis artibus atque animas formatae infundere terrae! nunc genus in nobis restat mortale duobus. 365 sic visum superis : hominumque exempla manemus.” dixerat, et flebant: placuit caeleste precari numen et auxilium per sacras quaerere sortes. nulla mora est: adeunt pariter Cephesidas undas, ut nondum liquidas, sic iam vada nota secantes. 370 inde ubi libatos inroravere liquores vestibus et capiti, flectunt vestigia sanctae ad delubra deae, quorum fastigia turpi pallebant musco stabantque sine ignibus arae. ut templi tetigere gradus, procumbit uterque 375 pronus humi gelidoque pavens dedit oscula saxo atque ita “ si precibus ” dixerunt “ numina iustis victa remollescunt, si flectitur ira deorum, die, Themi, qua generis damnum reparabile nostri arte sit, et mersis fer opem, mitissima, rebus! ” 380 Mota dea est sortemque dedit: “ discedite templo et velate caput cinctasque resolvite vestes ossaque post tergum magnae iactate parentis! ” obstupuere diu: rumpitque silentia voce Pyrrha prior iussisque deae parere recusat, 385 detque sibi veniam pavido rogat ore pavetque laedere iactatis maternas ossibus umbras. interea repetunt caecis obscura latebris verba datae sortis secum inter seque volutant. inde Promethides placidis Epimethida dictis 390 mulcet et “ aut fallax ” ait “ est sollertia nobis, 28 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I Oh, would that by my father’s arts I might restore the nations, and breathe, as did he, the breath of life into the moulded clay. But as it is, on us two only depends the human race. Such is the will of Heaven: and we remain sole samples of mankind.” He spoke ; and when they had wept awhile they resolved to appeal to the heavenly power and seek his aid through sacred oracles. Without delay side by side they went to the waters of Cephisus’ stream, which, while not yet clear, still flowed within their familiar banks. From this they took some drops and sprinkled them on head and clothing. So having done, they bent their steps to the goddess’s sacred shrine, whose gables were still discoloured with foul moss, and upon whose altars the fires were dead. When they had reached the temple steps they both fell prone upon the ground, and with trembling lips kissed the chill stone and said: “ If deities are appeased by the prayers of the righteous, if the wrath of the gods is thus turned aside, 0 Themis, tell us by what means our race may be restored, and bring aid, O most merciful, to a world o’erwhelmed.” The goddess was moved and gave this oracle: “ Depart hence, and with veiled heads and loosened robes throw behind you as you go the bones-of your great mother.” Long they stand in dumb amaze; and first Pyrrha breaks the silence and refuses to obey ‘the bidding of the goddess. WVith trembling lips she prays for pardon, but dares not outrage her mother’s ghost by treating her bones as she is bid. Meanwhile they go over again the words of the oracle, which had been given so full of dark per— plexities, and turn them over and over in their minds. At last Prometheus’ son comforts the daughter of Epimetheus with’ reassuring words : “ Either my wit 29 ovi D aut (pia sunt nullumque nefas oracula suadent l) magna parens terra est: lapides in corpore terrae ossa reor dici; iacere hos post terga iubemur.” Coniugis augurio quamquam Titania mota est, 395 spes tamen in dubio est: adeo caelestibus ambo diflidunt monitisg sed quid temptare nocebitP descenduntz velantque caput tunicasque recingunt et iussos lapides sua post vestigia mittunt. saxa (quis hoc credata nisi sit pro teste vetustas P) 400 ponere duritiem coepere suumque rigorem mollirique mora mollitaque ducere formam. mox ubi creverunt naturaque mitior illis contigits ut quaedam, sic non manifesta videri forma potest hominisa sed uti de marmore coeptis 1 non exacta satis rudibusque simillima signis, liilo quae tamen ex illis aliquo pars umida suco et terrena fuita versa est in corporis usum; quod solidum est flectique nequita mutatur in ossaa quae modo vena fuita sub eodem nomine mansita 410 inque brevi spatio superorum numine saxa missa viri manibus faciem traxere virorum et de femineo reparata est femina iactu. inde genus durum sumus experiensque laborum et documenta damus qua simus origine nati. 415 cetera diversis tellus animalia formis sponte sua peperita postquam vetus umor ab igne percaluit solis, caenumque udaeque paludes intumuere aestus fecundaque semina rerum 1 coeptis M erkel .' ccepta M88. go METAMORPHOSES BOOK I is at fault, or else (oracles are holy and never counsel guilt!) our great mother is the earth, and I think that the bones which the goddess speaks of are the stones in the earth’s body. ’Tis these that we are bidden to throw behind us.” Although Pyrrha is moved by her husband’s sur- mise, yet hope still wavers; so distrustful are they both as to the heavenly command. But what harm will it do to try? They go down, veil their heads, ungird their robes, and throw stones behind them just as the goddess had bidden. And the stones— who would believe it unless ancient tradition vouched for it ?—began at once to lose their hardness and stiffness, to grow soft slowly, and softened to take on form. Then, when they had grown in size and be- come milder in their nature, a certain likeness to the human form, indeed, could be seen, still not very clear, but such as statues just begun out of marble have, not sharply defined, and very like roughly blocked—out images. That part of them, however, which was earthy and damp with slight moisture, was changed to flesh; but what was solid and incapable of bending became bone; that which was but now veins remained under the same name. And in a short time, through the operation of the divine will, the stones thrown by the man’s hand took on the form of men, and women were made from the stones the woman threw. Hence come the hardness of our race and our endurance of toil; and we give proof from what origin we are sprung. As to the other forms of animal life, the earth spontaneously produced these of divers kinds; after that old moisture remaining from the flood had grown warm from the rays of the sun, the slime of the wet marshes swelled with heat, and the fertile 3I OVID vivaci nutrita solo ceu matris in alvo 420 ereverunt faeiemque aliquam cepere morando. sic ubi deseruit madidos septemfluus agros Nilus et antiquo sua flumina reddidit alveo aetherioque recens exarsit sidere limus, plurima cultores versis animalia glaebis 425 inveniunt et in his quaedam modo coepta per ipsum nascendi spatium, quaedam inperfecta suisque trunca vident numeris, et eodem in corpore saepe altera pars vivit, rudis est pars altera tellus. quippe ubi temperiem sumpsere umorque calorque, coneipiunt, et ab his oriuntur cuncta duobus, 431 cumque sit ignis aquae pugnax, vapor umidus omnes res creat, et diseors eoneordia fetibus apta est. ergo ubi diluvio tellus lutulenta recenti solibus aetheriis almoque 1 recanduit aestu, 435 edidit innumeras species; partimque figuras rettulit antiquas, partim nova monstra ereavit. Illa quidem nollet, sed te quoque, maxime Python, tum genuit, populisque novis, incognita serpens, terror eras : tantum spatii de monte tenebas. 440 hunc deus arquitenens et numquam talibus armis ante nisi in dammis capreisque fugacibus usus mille gravem telis exhausta paene pharetra perdidit effuso per vulnera nigra veneno. neve operis famam posset delere vetustas, 445 instituit sacros celebri certamine ludos, Pythia perdomitae serpentis nomine dictos. hie iuvenum quieumque manu pedibusve rotave 1 almo Merkel: alto M88. 32 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I seeds of life, nourished in that life—giving soil, as in a mother’s womb, grew and in time took on some special form. So when the seven-mouthed Nile has receded from the drenched fields and has returned again to its former bed, and the fresh slime has been heated by the sun’s rays, farmers as they turn over the lumps of earth find many animate things; and among these some, but now begun, are upon the very verge of life, some are unfinished and lacking in their proper parts, and oft-times in the same body one part is alive and the other still nothing but raw earth. For when moisture and heat unite, life is conceived, and from these two sources all living things spring. And, though fire and water are naturally at enmity, still heat and moisture produce all things, and this inharmonious harmony is fitted to the growth of life. When, therefore, the earth, covered with mud from the recent flood, became heated up by the hot and genial rays of the sun, she brought forth innumerable forms of life; in part she restored the ancient shapes, and in part she created creatures new and strange. She, indeed, would have wished not so to do, but thee also she then bore, thou huge Python, thou snake unknown before, who ‘wast a terror to new— created men; so huge a space of mountain—side didst thou fill. This monster the god of the glittering bow destroyed with arms never before used except against does and wild she-goats, crushing him with countless darts,well-nigh emptying his quiver, till the creature’s poisonous blood flowed from the black wounds. And, that the fame of his deed might not perish through lapse of time, he instituted sacred games whose con- tests throngs beheld, called Pythian from the name of the serpent he had overthrown. At these games, 33 OVID vicerat, aesculeae capiebat frondis honorem. nondum 1aurus erat, longoque decentia crine 450 tempora cingebat de qualibet arbore Phoebus. Primus amor Phoebi Daphne Peneia, quem non fors ignara dedit, sed saeva Cupidinis ira, Delius hunc nuper, victa serpente superbus, viderat adducto flectentem cornua nervo 455 “ quid ” que “ tibi, lascive puer, cum fortibus armis P ” dixerat: “ ista decent umeros gestamina. nostros, qui dare certa ferae, dare vulnera possumus hosti, qui modo pestifero tot iugera ventre prementem stravimus innumeris tumidum Pythona sagittis. 460 tu face nescio quos esto contentus amores inritare tua, nee laudes adsere nostras! ” filius huic Veneris “ figat tuus omnia, Phoebe, te meus arcus ” ait; “ quantoque animalia cedunt cuncta deo, tanto minor est tua gloria nostra.” 465 dixit et eliso percussis aere pennis inpiger umbrosa Parnasi constitit arce eque sagittifera promp'sit duo tela pharetra diversorum operum: fugat hoe, facit illud amorem; quod facit, auratum est et cuspide fulget acuta, 470 quod fugat, obtusum est et habet sub harundine plumbum. hoc deus in nympha Peneide fixit, at i110 laesit Apollineas traiecta per ossa medullas; protinus alter amat, fugit altera nomen amantis silvarum latebris capitivarumque ferarum 475 34 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I every youth who had been victorious in boxing, run- ning, or the chariot race received the honour of an oaken garland. For as yet the laurel-tree was not, and Phoebus was wont to wreathe his temples, comely with flowing looks, with a garland from any tree. Now the first love of Phoebus was Daphne, daughter of Peneus, the river-god. It was no blind chance that gave this love, but the malicious wrath of Cupid. Delian Apollo, while still exulting over his conquest of the serpent, had seen him bending ' his bow with tight-drawn string, and had said: “ What hast thou to do with the arms of men, thou wanton boy? That weapon befits my shoulders ; for I have strength to give unerring wounds to the wild beasts, my foes, and have but now laid low the Python swollen with countless darts, covering whole acres with plague-engendering form. Do thou be content with thy_torch to light the hidden fires of love, and lay not claim to my honours.” And to him Venus’ son replied: “ Thy dart may pierce all things else, Apollo, but mine shall pierce thee; and by as much as all living things are less than deity, by so much less is thy glory than mine.” So saying he shook his wings and, dashing upward through the air, quickly alighted on the shady peak of Parnasus. There he took from his quiver two darts of opposite effect: one puts to flight, the other kindles the flame of love. The one which kindles love is of gold and has a sharp, gleaming point; the other is blunt and tipped with lead. This last the god fixed in the heart of Peneus’ daughter, but with the other he smote Apollo, piercing even unto the bones and marrow. Straightway he burned with love ; but she fled the very name of love, rejoicing in the deep fastnesses of the woods, and in the spoils of beasts 35 OVI D exuviis gaudens innuptaeque aemula Phoebes: vitta coereebat positos sine lege capillos. multi illam petiere, illa aversata petentes inpatiens expersque viri nemora avia lustrat nee, quid Hymen, quid Amor, quid sint eonubia eurat. saepe pater dixit: “ generum mihi, filia, debes,” 481 saepe pater dixit: “ debes mihi, nata, nepotes ”; illa velut erimen taedas exosa iugales pulchra vereeundo suffunditur ora rubore inque patris blandis haerens cervice lacertis 485 “ da mihi perpetua, genitor earissime,” dixit “ virginitate frui! dedit hoe pater ante Dianae.” ille quidem obsequitur, sed te decor iste quod optas esse vetat, votoque tuo tua forma repugnat: Phoebus amat visaeque cupit eonubia Daphnes, 490 quodque cupit, sperat, suaque illum oracula fallunt, utque leves stipulae demptis adolentur aristis, ut faeibus saepes ardent, quas forte viator vel nimis admovit vel iam sub luee reliquit, sic deus in flammas abiit, sic pectore toto 495 uritur et sterilem sperando nutrit amorem. spectat inornatos collo pendere capillos et “ quid, si eomantur? ” ait. videt igne micantes sideribus similes oculos idet oseula, quae non est vidisse satis; laudat digitosque manusque 500 braechiaque et nudos media plus parte lacertos; si qua latent, meliora putat. fugit oeior aura illa levi neque ad haee revocantis verba resistit: “ nympha, preeor, Penei, mane ! non insequor hostis ; nympha, mane ! sic agna lupum, sie eerva leonem, 505 36 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I which she had snared, vying with the virgin Phoebe. A single fillet bound her looks all unarranged. Many sought her; but she, averse to all suitors, impatient of control and without thought for man, roamed the pathless woods, nor cared at all that Hymen, love, or wedlock might be. Often her father said: “ Daughter, you owe me a son-in—law ”; and often: “ Daughter, you owe me grandsons.” But she, hating the wed— ding torch as if it were a thing of evil, would blush rosy red over her fair face, and, clinging around her father's neck with coaxing arms, would say: “ O father, dearest, grant me to enjoy perpetual virginity. Her father has already granted this to Diana.” He, indeed, yielded to her request. But that beauty of thine, Daphne, forbade the fulfilment of thy desire, and thy form fitted not with thy prayer. Phoebus loves Daphne at sight, and longs to wed her; and what he longs for, that he hopes; and his own gifts of prophecy deceive him. And as the stubble of the harvested grain is kindled, as hedges burn with the torches which some traveller has chanced to put too near, or has gone off and left at break of day, so was the god consumed with flames, so did he burn in all his heart, and feed his fruitless love on hope. He looks at her hair hanging down her neck in disarray, and says: “ What if it were arrayed? ” He gazes at her eyes gleaming like stars, he gazes upon her lips, which but to gaze on does not satisfy. He marvels at her fingers, hands, and wrists, and her arms, bare to the shoulder; and what is hid he deems still lovelier. But she flees him swifter than the fleet— ing breeze, nor does she stop when he calls after her: “ O nymph, O Peneus’ daughter, stay ! I who pursue thee am no enemy. Oh stay! So does the lamb flee from the wolf; the deer from the lion; so do doves on fluttering wing flee from the eagle; so every 37 OVID sic aquilam penna fugiunt trepidante columbae, hostes quaeque suos : amor est mihi causa sequendi! me miserum! ne prona cadas indignave laedi crura notent sentes et sim tibi causa doloris! aspera, qua properas, loca sunt : moderatius, oro, 510 curre fugamque inhibe, moderatius insequar ipse. cui placeas, inquire tamen : non incola montis, non ego sum pastor, non hic armenta gregresque horridus observo. nescis, temeraria, nescis, quem fugias, ideoque fugis: mihi Delphica tellus 515 et Claros et Tenedos Patareaque regia servit; Iuppiter est genitor; per me, quod eritque fuitque estque, patet; per me concordant carmina nervis. certa quidem nostra est, nostra tamen una sagitta certior, in vacuo quae vulnera pectore fecit! 520 inventum medicina meum est, opiferque per orbem dicor, et herbarum subiecta potentia nobis. , /ei mihi, quod nullis amor est sanabilis herbis nec prosunt domino, quae prosunt omnibus, artes !/ Plura locuturum timido Peneia cursu 525 fugit cumque ipso verba inperfecta reliquit, tum quoque visa decens; nudabant corpora venti, obviaque adversas vibrabant flamina vestes, et levis inpulsos retro dabat aura capillos, auctaque forma fuga est. sed enim non sustinet ultra perdere blanditias iuvenis deus, utque movebat 531 ipse amor, admisso sequitur vestigia passu. ut canis in vacuo leporem cum Gallicus arvo vidit, et hic praedam pedibus petit, ille salutem; alter inhaesuro similis iam iamque tenere 535 38 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I creature flees its foes. But love is the cause of my pursuit. Ah me! I fear that thou wilt fall, or brambles mar thy innocent limbs, and I be cause of pain to thee. The region here is rough through which thou hastenest. Run with less speed, I pray, and hold thy flight. I, too, will follow with less speed. Nay, stop and ask who thy lover is. I am no mountain-dweller, no shepherd I, no unkempt guardian here of flocks and herds. Thou knowest not, rash one, thou knowest not whom thou fleest, and for that reason dost thou flee. Mine is the Delphian land, and Claros, Tenedos, and the realm of Patara acknowledge me as lord. Jove is my father. By me what shall be, has been, and what is are all revealed ; by me the lyre responds in harmony to song. My arrow is sure of aim, but oh, one arrow, surer than my own, has wounded my heart but now so fancy free. The art of medicine is my discovery. I am called Help-Bringer throughout the world, and all the potency of herbs is given unto me. Alas, that love is curable by no herbs, and the arts which heal all others cannot heal their lord! ” He would have said more, but the maiden pur— sued her frightened way and left him with his words unfinished, even in her desertion seeming fair. The winds bared her limbs, the opposing breezes set her garments a-flutter as she ran, and a light air flung her locks streaming behind her. Her beauty was enhanced by flight. But the chase drew to an end, for the youthful god would not longer waste his time in coaxing words, and urged on by love, he pursued at utmost speed. Just as when a Gallic hound has seen a hare in an open plain, and seeks his prey on flying feet, but the hare, safety; he, just about to fasten on her, now, even now thinks he has her, and 39 OVID sperat et extento stringit vestigia rostro, alter in ambiguo est, an sit conprensus, et ipsis morsibus eripitur tangentiaque ora relinquit: sic deus et virgo est hie spe celer, illa timore. qui tamen insequitur pennis adiutus Amoris, 540 oeior est requiemque negat tergoque fugaeis inminet et crinem sparsum cervieibus adflat. 1 viribus absumptis expalluit illa eitaeque victa labore fugae spectans Peneidas undas 1 544 “fer, pater,” inquit “ opem! si flumina numen habetis, qua nimium plaeui, mutando perde figuram! ” 547 vix prece finita torpor gravis occupat artus, mollia cinguntur tenui praecordia libro, in frondem crimes, in ramos bracehia creseunt, 550 pes modo tam velox pigris radicibus haeret, ora cacumen habet: remanet nitor unus in illa. Hane quoque Phoebus amat positaque in stipite dextra sentit adhue trepidare novo sub cortice peetus conplexusque suis ramos ut membra lacertis 555 oscula dat ligno ; refugit tamen oscula lignum. cui deus “ at, quoniam coniunx mea non potes esse, arbor eris certe ” dixit “ mea! semper habebunt te coma, te eitharae, te nostrae, laure, pharetrae; tu dueibus Latiis aderis, cum laeta Triumphum 560 vox canet et visent longas Capitolia pompas; postibus Augustis eadem fidissima custos ante fores stabis mediamque tuebere quereum, 1 Most MSS. have two verses for 547 : qua nimium plaeui, tellus, ait, hisce, vel istam quae facit ut laedar mutando perde figuram. Probably quae facit ut laedar was first written as a gloss to qua nimium plaeui, and the line completed by an emendation. 4o METAMORPHOSES BOOK I grazes her very heels with his outstretched muzzle; but she knows not whether she be not already caught, and barely escapes from those sharp fangs and leaves behind the jaws just closing on her: so ran the god and maid, he sped by hope and she by fear. But he ran the more swiftly, borne on the wings of love, gave her no time to rest, hung over her fleeing shoulders and breathed on the hair that streamed over her neck. Now was her strength all gone, and, pale with fear and utterly overcome by the toil of her swift flight, seeing her father’s waters near, she cried: “ O father, help! if your waters hold divinity; change and destroy this beauty by which I pleased o’er well.” Scarce had she thus prayed when a down— dragging numbness seized her limbs, and her soft sides were begirt with thin bark. Her hair was changed to leaves, her arms to branches. Her feet, but now so swift, grew fast in sluggish roots, and her head was now but a tree’s top. Her gleaming beauty alone remained. But even now in this new form Apollo loved her; and placing his hand upon the trunk, he felt the heart still fluttering beneath the bark. .He embraced the branches as if human limbs, and pressed his lips upon the wood. But even the wood shrank from his kisses. And the god cried out to this: “ Since thou canst not be my bride, thou shalt at least be my tree. My hair, my lyre, my quiver shall always be entwined with thee, O laurel. \IVith thee shall Roman generals wreathe their heads, when shouts of joy shall acclaim their triumph, and long processions climb the Capitol. Thou at Augustus’ portals shalt stand a trusty guardian, and keep watch over the civic crown of 41 OVID utque meum intonsis caput est iuvenale capillis, tu quoque perpetuos semper gere frondis honores! ” finierat Paean: factis modo laurea ramis 566 adnuit utque caput visa est agitasse cacumen. Est nemus Haemoniae, praerupta quod undique claudit silva: vocant Tempe; per quae Peneus ab imo efi'usus Pindo spumosis volvitur undis 570 deiectuque gravi tenues agitantia fumos nubila conducit summisque adspergine silvis inpluit et sonitu plus quam vicina fatigat: haec domus, haec sedes, haec sunt penetralia magni amnis, in his residens facto de cautibus antro, 575 undis iura dabat nymphisque colentibus undas. conveniunt illuc popularia flumina primum, nescia, gratentur consolenturne parentem, populifer Sperchios et inrequietus Enipeus Apidanusque senex lenisque Amphrysos et Aeas, 580 moxque amnes alii, qui, qua tulit inpetus illos, in mare deducunt fessas erroribus undas. Inachus unus abest imoque reconditus antro fletibus auget aquas natamque miserrimus Io luget ut amissam: nescit, vitane fruatur ' 585 an sit apud manes; sed quam non invenit usquam, esse putat nusquam atque animo peiora veretur. Viderat a patrio redeuntem Iuppiter illam flumine et “ o Virgo Iove digna tuoque beatum nescio quem factura toro, pete ” dixerat “ umbras 590 altorum nemorum ” (et nemorum monstraverat umbras) 42 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I oak which hangs between. And as my head is ever young and my locks unshorn, so do thou keep the beauty of thy leaves perpetual.” Paean was done. The laurel waved her new-made branches, and seemed to move her head-like top in full consent. There is a vale in Thessaly which steep—wooded slopes surround on every side. Men call it Tempe. Through this the River Peneus flows from the foot of Pindus with foam-flecked waters, and by its heavy fall forms clouds which drive along fine, smoke—like mist, sprinkles the tops of the trees with spray, and deafens even remoter regions by its roar. Here is the home, the seat, the inmost haunt of the mighty stream. Here, seated in a cave of overhanging rock, he was giving laws to his waters, and to his water- nymphs. Hither came, first, the rivers of his own country, not knowing whether to congratulate or console the father of Daphne: the poplar—fringed Sperchios, the restless Enipeus, hoary Apidanus, gentle Amphrysos and Aeas; and later all the rivers which, by whatsoever way their current carries them, lead down their waters, weary with wandering, into the sea. Inachus only does not come; but, hidden away in his deepest cave, he augments his waters with his tears, and in utmost wretchedness laments his daughter, Io, as lost. He knows not whether she still lives or is among the shades. But, since he cannot find her anywhere, he thinks she must be nowhere, and his anxious soul forbodes things worse than death. Now Jove had seen her returning from her father's stream, and said: “ O maiden, worthy of the love of Jove, and destined to make some husband happy, seek now the shade of these deep woods ”—and he pointed to the shady woods——“ while the sun at his 43 OVID dum ealet, et medio sol est altissimus orbe! quodsi sola times latebras intrare ferarum, praeside tuta deo nemorum seereta subibis, nee de plebe deo, sed qui eaelestia magna 595 sceptra manu teneo, sed qui vaga fulmina mitto. ne fuge me! ” fugiebat enim. iam pascua Lernae eonsitaque arboribus Lyrcea reliquerat arva, cum deus indueta latas caligine terras oceuluit tenuitque fugam rapuitque pudorem. 600 Interea medios Iuno dispexit in Argos 1 et noctis faciem nebulas fecisse volueres sub nitido mirata die, non fiuminis illas esse, nee umenti sensit tellure remitti; atque suus coniunx ubi sit circumspicit, ut quae 605 deprensi totiens iam nosset furta mariti. v' quem postquam caelo non repperit, “ aut ego fallor 7 aut ego laedor ’ ait delapsaque ab aethere summo constitit in terris nebulasque recedere iussit. coniugis adventum prae'senserat inque nitentem 610 Inachidos vultus mutaverat ille iuvencam (bos quoque formosa est) : speciem Saturnia vaccae, quamquam invita, probat nee non, et cuius et unde quove sit armento, veri quasi nescia quaerit. Iuppiter e terra genitam mentitur, ut auctor 615 desinat inquiri : petit hanc Saturnia munus. quid faciat? erudele suos addicere amores, non dare suspectum est : Pudor est, qui suadeat illinc, 1 Argos M erkel and Muller: agros M88. 44 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I zenith’s height is overwarm. But if thou fearest to go alone amongst the haunts of wild beasts, under a god’s protection shalt thou tread in safety even the inmost woods. Nor am I of the common gods, but I am he who holds high heaven’s sceptre in his mighty hand, and hurls the roaming thunderbolts. Oh, do not flee from me! ”—for she was already in flight. Now had she left behind the pasture-fields of Lerna, and the Lyrcean plains thick-set with trees, when the god hid the wide land in a thick, dark cloud, caught the fleeing maid and ravished her. Meanwhile Juno chanced to look down upon the midst of Argos, and marvelled that quick—rising clouds had wrought the aspect of night in the clear light of day. She knew that they were not river mists nor fogs exhaled from the damp earth; and forthwith she glanced around to see where her lord might be, as one who knew well his oft-discovered wiles. When she could not find him in the sky she said: “Either I am mistaken or I am being wronged ” ; and gliding down from the top of heaven, she stood upon the earth and bade the clouds dis— perse. But Jove had felt beforehand his spouse’s coming and had changed the daughter of Inachus into a white heifer. Even in this form she still was beautiful. Saturnia looked awhile upon the heifer in grudging admiration; then asked whose she was and_whence she came or from what herd, as if she did not know full well. Jove lyingly declared that she had sprung from the earth, that so he might forestall’ all further question as to her origin. Thereupon Saturnia asked for the heifer as a gift. What should he do? ’Twere a cruel task to sur— render his love, but not to do so would arouse suspicion. Shame on one side prompts to give her 45 OVID hinc dissuadet Amor. victus Pudor esset Amore, sed leve si munus socia'e generisque torique 620 vacca negaretur, poterat non vacca videri ! Paelice donata non protinus exuit omnem diva metum timuitque Iovem et fuit anxia furti, donec Arestoridae servandam tradidit Argo. centum luminibus cinctum caput Argus habebat 625 inde suis vicibus capiebant bina quietem, cetera servabant atque in statione manebant. constiterat quocumque modo, spectabat ad Io, ante oculos Io, quamvis aversus, habebat. luce sinit pasci; cum sol tellure sub alta est, 630 claudit et indigno circumdat vincula collo. frondibus arboreis et amara pascitur herba. proque toro terrae non semper gramen habenti incubat infelix limosaque flumina potat. illa etiam supplex Argo cum bracchia vellet 635 tend-ere, non habuit, quae bracchia tenderet Argo, et conata queri mugitus edidit ore pertimuitque sonos propriaque exterrita voce est. venit et ad‘ ripas, ubi ludere saepe solebat, Inachidas: rictus1 novaque ut conspexit in unda 640 cornua, pertimuit seque exsternata refugit. naides ignorant, ignorat et Inachus ipse, quae sit; at illa patrem sequitur sequiturque sorores et patitur tangi seque admirantibus ofi'ert. decerptas senior porrexerat Inachus herbas : 645 illa manus lambit patriisque dat oscula palmis nec retinet lacrimas et, si modo verba sequantur, 1 Inachidas: riotus M erkel : Inachidas ripas M88. 46 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I up, but love on the other urges not. Shame by love would have been o’ercome; but if so poor a gift as a heifer were refused to her who was both his sister and his wife, perchance she had seemed to be no heifer. Though her rival was at last given up, the goddess did not at once put off all suspicion, for she feared Jove and further treachery, until she had given her over to Argus, the son of Arestor, to keep for her. Now Argus’ head was set about with a hundred eyes, which took their rest in sleep two at a time in turn, while the others watched and remained on guard. In whatsoever way he stood he looked at 10; even when his back was turned he had 10 before his eyes. In the daytime he allowed her to graze; but when the sun had set beneath the earth he shut her up and tied an ignominious halter round her neck. She fed on leaves of trees and bitter herbs, and instead of a couch the poor thing lay upon the ground, which was not always grassy, and drank water from the muddy streams. ‘When she strove to stretch out suppliant arms to Argus, she had no arms to stretch; and when she attempted to voice her complaints, she only mooed. She would start with fear at the sound, and was filled with terror at her own voice. She came also to the bank of her father's stream, where she used to play ; but when she saw, reflected in the water, her gaping jaws and sprouting horns, she fled in very terror of herself. Her Naiad sisters knew not who she was, nor yet her father, Inachus himself. But she followed him and her sisters, and offered herself to be petted and admired. Old Inachus had plucked some grass and held it out to her; she licked her father’s hand and tried to kiss it. She could not restrain her tears, and, if only she could 47 OVID oret opem nomenque suum casusque loquatur; littera pro verbis, quam pes in pulvere duxit, corporis indicium mutati triste peregit. 650 “ me miserum! ” exelamat pater Inachus inque gementis cornibus et niveae pendens cervice iuveneae “ me miserum! ” ingeminat; “ tune es quaesita per omnes nata mihi terras? tu non inventa reperta luctus eras levior! retiees nee mutua nostris 655 dicta refers, alto tantum suspiria dueis pectore, quodque unum potes, ad mea verba remugis! at tibi ego ignarus thalamos taedasque parabam, spesque fuit generi mihi prima, secunda nepotum. de grege nunc tibi vir, nune de grege natus habendus. 660 nee finire licet tantos mihi morte dolores; sed nocet esse deum, praeclusaque ianua leti aeternum nostros luctus extendit in aevum." talia maerentes stellatus submovet Argus ereptamque patri diversa in pascua natam 665 abstrahit. ipse proeul montis sublime cacumen occupat, unde sedens partes speculatur in omnes. Nee superum rector mala tanta Phoronidos ultra ferre potest natumque vocat, quem lueida partu Pleias enixa est letoque det imperat Argum. 670 parva mora est alas pedibus virgamque potenti somniferam sumpsisse manu tegumenque capillis. haee ubi disposuit, patria Iove natus ab arce desilit in terras ; illic tegumenque removit et posuit pennas, tantummodo virga retenta est: 675 hae agit ut pastor per devia rura eapellas, 48 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I speak, she would tell her name and sad misfortune, and beg for aid. But instead of words, she did tell the sad story of her changed form with letters which she traced in the dust with her hoof. “ Ah, woe is me! ” exclaimed her father, Inachus; and, clinging to the weeping heifer’s horns and snow-white neck: “ Ah, woe is me! art thou indeed my daughter whom I have sought o’er all the earth? Unfound, a lighter grief wast thou than found. Thou art silent, and givest me back no answer to my words; thou only heavest deep sighs, and, what alone thou canst, thou dost moo in reply. I, in blissful ignor- ance, was preparing marriage rites for thee, and had hopes, first of a son—in—law, and then of grand- children. But now from the herd must I find thee a husband, and from the herd must I look for grand— children. And even by death I may not end my crushing woes. It is a dreadful thing to be a god, for the door of death is shut to me, and my grief must go on without end.” As they thus wept together star—eyed Argus separated them and drove the daughter, torn from her father’s arms, to more distant pastures. There he perched himself apart upon a high mountain-top, where at his ease he could keep watch on every side. But now the ruler of the heavenly ones can no longer bear these great sufferings of Io, and he calls his son whom the shining Pleiad bore, and bids him do Argus to death. Without delay Mercury puts on his winged sandals, takes in his potent hand his sleep-producing wand, and dons his magic cap. Thus arrayed, the son of Jove leaps down from sky to earth, where he removes his cap and lays aside his wings. Only his wand he keeps. With this, in the character of a shepherd, through the sequestered VOL. I. C 49 OVID dum venit, adductas et structis cantat avenis. voce nova et captus custos Iunonius arte “ quisquis es, hoc poteras mecum considere saxo ” Argus ait; “ neque enim pecori fecundior ullo 680 herba loco est, aptamque vides pastoribus umbram.” Sedit Atlantiades et euntem multa loquendo detinuit sermone diem iunctisque canendo vincere harundinibus servantia lumina temptat. ille tamen pugnat molles evincere somnos 685 et, quamvis sopor est oculorum parte receptus, parte tamen vigilat. quaerit quoque (namque reperta fistula nuper erat), qua sit ratione reperta. Tum deus “ Arcadiae gelidis sub montibus ” inquit “ inter hamadryadas celeberrima Nonacrinas 690 naias una fuit: nymphae Syringa vocabant. non semel et satyros eluserat illa sequentes et quoscumque deos umbrosaque silva feraxque rus habet. Ortygiam studiis ipsaque colebat virginitate deam; ritu quoque cincta Dianae 695 falleret, ut posset credi Latonia, si non corneus huic arcus, si non foret aureus illi; sic quoque fallebat. Redeuntem colle Lycaeo Pan videt hanc pinuque caput praecinctus acuta talia verba refert ”——restabat verba referre 700 et precibus spretis fugisse per avia nympham, 50 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I country paths he drives a flock of goats which he has collected as he came along, and plays upon his reed pipe as he goes. J uno’s guardsman is greatly taken with the strange sound. “You, there,” he calls, “ whoever you are, you might as well sit beside me on this rock; for nowhere is there richer grass for the flock, and you see that there is shade convenient for shepherds.” So Atlas’ grandson takes his seat, and fills the passing hours with talk of many things; and by making music on his pipe of reeds he tries to over— come those watchful eyes. But Argus strives valiantly against his slumberous languor, and though he allows some of his eyes to sleep, still he continues to watch with the others. He asks also how the reed pipe came to‘ be invented; for at that time it had but recently been invented. Then said the god: “ On Arcadia’s cool mountain- slopes, among the wood nymphs who dwelt on N onacris, there was one much sought by suitors. Her sister nymphs called her Syrinx. More than once she had eluded the pursuit of satyrs and all the gods who dwell either in the bosky woods or fertile fields. But she patterned after the Delian goddess in her pursuits and above all in her life of maidenhood.~ When girt after the manner of Diana, she would deceive the beholder, and could be mistaken for Latona’s daughter, were not her bow of horn, were not Diana’s of gold. But even so she was mistaken for the goddess. “ One day Pan saw her as she was coming back from Mount Lycaeus, his head wreathed with a crown of sharp pine-needles, and thus addressed her. . . .” It remained still to tell what he said and to relate how the nymph, spurning his prayers, fled SI OVID donee harenosi plaeidum Ladonis ad amnem venerit; hie illam eursum inpedientibus undis ut se mutarent liquidas orasse sorores, Panaque cum prensam sibi iam Syringa putaret, 705 corpore pro nymphae ealamos tenuisse palustres, dumque ibi suspirat, motos in harundine ventos eifecisse sonum tenuem similemque querenti. arte nova vocisque deum duleedine captum “ hoe mihi concilium teeum ” dixisse “ manebit," 710 atque ita disparibus calamis conpagine cerae inter se iunetis nomen tenuisse puellae. talia dicturus vidit Cyllenius omnes subcubuisse oculos adopertaque lumina somno; supprimit extemplo voeem firmatque soporem 715 languida permulcens medieata lumina virga. nee mora, faleato nutantem vulnerat ense, qua collo est confine caput, saxoque eruentum deieit et maculat praeruptam sanguine rupem. 719 Arge, iaces, quodque in tot lumina lumen habebas, exstinctum est, eentumque oculos nox occupat una. Exeipit hos voluerisque suae Saturnia pennis eolloeat 'et gemmis eaudam stellantibus inplet. protinus exarsit nee tempora distulit irae horriferamque oculis animoque obieeit Erinyn 725 paelieis Argolicae stimulosque in pectore caecos eondidit et profugam per totum terruit orbem. ultimus inmenso restabas, Nile, labori; quem simulac tetigit, positisque in margine ripae procubuit genibus resupinoque ardua collo, 730 52 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I through the pathless wastes until she came to Ladon’s stream flowing peacefully along his sandy banks; how here, when the water checked her further flight, she besought her sisters of the stream to change her form; and how Pan, when now he thought he had caught Syrinx, instead of her held naught but marsh reeds in his arms; and while he sighed in disappointment, the soft air stirring in the reeds gave forth a low and complaining sound. Touched by this wonder and charmed by the sweet tones, the god exclaimed: “ This union, at least, shall I have with thee.” And so the pipes, made of unequal reeds fitted together by a joining of wax, took and kept the name of the maiden. When Mercury was going on to tell this story, he saw that all those eyes had yielded and were closed in sleep. Straightway he checks his words, and deepens Argus’ slumber by passing his magic wand over those sleep-faint eyes. And forthwith he smites with his hooked sword the nodding head just where it joins the neck, and sends it bleeding down the rocks, defiling the rugged cliff with blood. Argus, thou liest low; the light which thou hadst within thy many fires is all put out; and one darkness fills thy hundred eyes. Saturnia took these eyes and set them on the feathers of her bird, filling his tail with star—like jewels. Straightway she flamed with anger, nor did she delay the fulfilment of her wrath. She set a terror-bearing fury to work before the eyes and heart of her Grecian rival, planted deep within her breast a goading fear, and sent her fleeing in terror through all the world. Thou, O Nile, alone didst close her boundless toil. When she reached the stream, she flung herself down on her knees upon the river bank; with head thrown back she raised her face, 53 OVID quos potuit solos, tollens ad sidera vultus et gemitu et lacrimis et luctisono mugitu cum Iove visa queri finemque orare malorum. coniugis ille suae conplexus colla lacertis, 734 finiat ut poenas tandem, rogat “ in ” que “ futurum pone metus ” inquit: “ numquam tibi causa doloris haec erit,” et Stygias iubet hoc audire paludes. Ut lenita dea est, vultus capit illa priores fitque, quod ante fuit: fugiunt e corpore saetae, cornua decrescunt, fit luminis artior orbis, 740 contrahitur rictus, redeunt umerique manusque, ungulaque in quinos dilapsa absumitur ungues : de bove nil superest formae nisi candor in illa. officioque pedum nymphe contenta duorum erigitur metuitque loqui, ne more iuvencae V745 mugiat, et timide verba intermissa retemptat. Nunc dea linigera colitur celeberrima turba. huic 1 Epaphus magni genitus de semine tandem creditur esse Iovis perque urbes iuncta parenti templa tenet. fuit huic animis aequalis et annis 750 Sole satus Phaethon, quem quondam magna loquentem nec sibi cedentem Phoeboque parente superbum non tulit Inachides “ matri ” que ait “ omnia demens credis et es tumidus genitoris imagine falsi.” erubuit Phaethon iramque pudore repressit 755 et tulit ad Clymenen Epaphi convicia matrem “quo” que “magis doleas, genetrix” ait,“ille ego liber, 1 huic Heinsius: nunc MSS. 54 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I which alone she could raise, to the high stars, and with groans and tears and agonized mooings she seemed to voice her griefs to Jove and to beg him to end her woes. Thereupon Jove threw his arms about his spouse’s neck, and begged her at last to end her vengeance, saying: “ Lay aside all fear for the future; she shall never be source of grief to you again ” ; and he called upon the Stygian pools to witness his oath. The goddess’s wrath is soothed; Io gains back her former looks, and becomes what she was before. The rough hair falls away from her body, her horns dis— appear, her great round eyes grow smaller, her gaping mouth is narrowed, her shoulders and her hands come back, and the hoofs are gone, being changed each into five nails. No trace of the heifer is left in her save only the fair whiteness of her body. And now the nymph, able at last to stand upon two feet, stands erect; yet fears to speak, lest she moo in the heifer’s way, and with fear and trembling she resumes her long—abandoned speech. Now, with fullest service, she is worshipped as a goddess by the linen—robed throng. A son, Epaphus, was born to her, thought to have sprung at length from the seed of mighty Jove, and throughout the cities dwelt in temples with his mother. He had a companion of like mind and age named Phaéthon, child of the Sun. When this Phaéthon was once speaking proudly, and refused to give way to him, boasting that Phoebus was his father, the grand- son of Inachus rebelled and said : “ You are a fool to believe all your mother tells you, and are swelled up with false notions about your father.” Phaethon grew red with rage, but repressed his anger through very shame and carried Epaphus’ insulting taunt straight to his mother, Clymene. “ And that you 55 OVID ille ferox taeui! pudet haec opprobria nobis et dici potuisse et non potuisse refelli. at tu, si modo sum eaelesti stirpe ereatus, 760 ede notam tanti generis meque adsere caelo! ” dixit et inplicuit materno bracehia collo perque suum Meropisque caput taedasque sororum traderet oravit veri sibi signa parentis. ambiguum Clymene precibus Phaethontis an ira 765 mota magis dieti sibi criminis utraque caelo braeehia porrexit speetansque ad lumina solis “ per iubar hoe ” inquit “ radiis insigne eoruseis, nate, tibi iuro, quod nos auditque videtque, 769 hoe te, quem spectas, hoe te, qui temperat orbem, Sole satum; si ficta loquor, neget ipse videndum se mihi, sitque oculis lux ista novissima nostris! nee longus labor est patrios tibi nosse penates. unde oritur, domus est terrae eontermina nostrae: si modo fert animus, gradere et seitabere ab ipso! ” emieat extemplo laetus post talia matris 776 dicta suae Phaethon et concipit aethera mente Aethiopasque suos positosque sub ignibus Indos sidereis transit patriosque adit inpiger ortus. 56 METAMORPHOSES BOOK I may grieve the more, mother,” he said, “ I, the high—spirited, the bold of tongue, had no word to say. Ashamed am I that such an insult could have been uttered and yet could not be answered. But do you, if I am indeed sprung from heavenly seed, give me a proof of my high birth, and justify my claims to divine origin.” So spoke the lad, and threw his arms around his mother’s neck, begging her, by his own and Merops’ life, by his sisters’ nuptial torches, to give him some sure token of his birth. Clymene, moved (it is uncertain whether by the prayers of Phaéthon, ormore by anger at the insult to herself), stretched out both arms to heaven, and, turning her eyes on the bright sun, exclaimed: “ By the splendour of that radiant orb which both hears and sees me now, I swear to you, my boy, that you are sprung from the Sun, that being whom you behold, that being who sways the world. If I speak not the truth, may I never see him more, and may this be the last time my eyes shall look upon the light of day. But it is not difficult for you yourself to find your father’s house. The place where he rises is not far fi~om our own land. If you are so minded, go there and ask your question of the sun himself.” Phaéthon leaps up in joy at his mother’s words, already grasping the heavens in imagination; and after crossing his own Ethiopia and the land of Ind lying close beneath the sun, he quickly comes to his father’s rising-place. 57 BOOK II LIBER II REGIA Solis erat sublimibus alta eolumnis, elara mieante auro flammasque imitante pyropo, cuius ebur nitidum fastigia summa tegebat, argenti bifores radiabant lumine valvae. materiam superabat opus: nam Mulciber illie 5 aequora caelarat medias eingentia terras terrarumque orbem eaelumque, quod imminet orbi. eaeruleos habet unda deos, Tritona canorum Proteaque ambiguum ballenarumque prementem Aegaeona suis inmania terga lacertis 10 Doridaque et natas, quarum pars nare videtur, pars in mole sedens viridis siccare capillos, pisce vehi quaedam: faeies non omnibus una, non diversa tamen, qualem deeet esse sororum. terra viros urbesque gerit silvasque ferasque 15 fluminaque et nymphas et cetera numina ruris. haee super inposita est caeli fulgentis imago, signaque sex foribus dextris totidemque sinistris. Quo simul adelivi Clymeneia limite proles venit et intravit dubitati tecta parentis, 20 protinus ad patrios sua fert vestigia vultus consistitque procul; neque enim propiora ferebat lumina: purpurea velatus veste sedebat 6o BOOK II THE palace of the Sun stood high on lofty columns, bright with glittering gold and bronze that shone like fire. Gleaming ivory crowned the gables above ; the double folding-doors were radiant with burnished silver. And the workmanship was more beautiful than the material. For upon the doors Mulciber had carved in relief the waters that enfold the central earth, the circle of the lands and the sky that over- hangs the lands. The sea holds the dark-hued gods : tuneful Triton, changeful Proteus, and Aegaeon, his strong arms thrown over a pair of huge whales; Doris and her daughters, some of whom are shown swimming through the water, some sitting on a rock drying their green hair, and some riding on fishes. They have not all the same appearance, and yet not altogether different; as it should be with sisters. The land has men and cities, woods and beasts, rivers, nymphs and other rural deities. Above these scenes was placed a representation of the shining sky, six signs of the zodiac on the right-hand doors, and six signs on the left. Now when Clymene’s son had climbed the steep path which leads thither, and had come beneath the roof of his sire whose fatherhood had been ques- tioned, Straightway he turned him to his father’s face, but halted some little space away; for he could not bear the radiance at a nearer view. Clad in a 61 OVID in solio Phoebus claris lucente smaragdis. a dextra laevaque Dies et Mensis et Annus 25 Saeculaque et positae spatiis aequalibus Horae Verque novum stabat cinctum fiorente corona, stabat nuda Aestas et spicea serta gerebat, stabat et Autumnus calcatis sordidus uvis et glacialis Hiems canos hirsuta capillos. 3O Ipse loco medius rerum novitate paventem Sol oculis iuvenem, quibus adspicit omnia, vidit “ quae ” que “ viae tibi causa? quid hac ” ait “ arce petisti progenies, Phaethon, haud infitianda parenti? ” ille refert: “ o lux inmensi publica mundi, 35 Phoebe pater, si das usum mihi nominis huius, nec falsa Clymene culpam sub imagine celat, pignora da, genitor, per quae tua vera propago credar, et hunc animis errorem detrahe nostris! ” dixerat, at genitor circum caput omne micantes 4O deposuit radios propiusque accedere iussit amplexuque dato “ nec tu meus esse negari dignus es, et Clymene veros ” ait “ edidit ortus, quoque minus dubites, quodvis pete munus, ut illud me tribuente feras! promissi testis adesto 45 dis iuranda palus, oculis incognita nostris! ” vix bene desierat, currus rogat ille paternos inque diem alipedum ius et moderamen equorum. Paenituit iurasse patrem: qui terque quaterque concutiens inlustre caput “ temeraria ” dixit 5O “ vox mea facta tua est; utinam promissa liceret 62 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II purple robe, Phoebus sat on his throne gleaming with brilliant emeralds. To right and left stood Day and Month and Year and Century, and the Hours set at equal distances. Young Spring was there, wreathed with a floral crown; Summer, all unclad with garland of ripe grain; Autumn was there, stained with the trodden grape, and icy Winter with white and bristly locks. Seated in the midst of these, the Sun, with the eyes which behold all things, looked on the youth filled with terror at the strange new sights, and said: “ Why hast thou come? What seekest thou in this high dwelling, Phaéthon—a son no father need deny? ” The lad replied: “ O common light of this vast universe, Phoebus, my father, if thou grantest me the right to use that name, if Clymene is not giding her shame beneath an unreal pretence, grant me a proof, my father, by which all may know me for thy true son, and take away this uncertainty from my mind.” He spoke‘; and his father put off his glittering crown of light, and bade the boy draw nearer. Embracing him, he said: “ Thou art both worthy to be called my son, and Clymene has told thee thy true origin. And, that thou mayst not doubt my word, ask what boon thou wilt, that thou mayst receive it from my hand. And may that Stygian pool whereby gods swear, but which mine eyes have never seen, be witness of my promise.” Scarce had he ceased when the boy asked for his father’s chariot, and the right to drive his winged horses for a day. The father repented him of his oath. Thrice and again he shook his bright head and said : “ Thy words have proved mine to have been rashly said. Would that I might retract my promise! For I confess, my 63 OVID non dare! confiteor, solum hoe tibi, nate, negarem. dissuadere licet: non est tua tuta voluntas! magna petis, Phaethon, et quae nee viribus istis munera eonveniant nec tam puerilibus annis : 55 sors tua mortalis, non est mortale, quod optas. plus etiam, quam quod superis contingere possit, neseius adfectas; plaeeat sibi quisque lieebit, non tamen igm'fero quisquam consistere in axe me valet excepto; vasti quoque rector Olympi, 60 qui fera terribili iaeulatur fulmina dextra, non aget hos currus : et quid Iove maius habemus? ardua prima via est et qua vix mane reeentes enituntur equi; medio est altissima caelo, unde mare et terras ipsi mihi saepe videre 65 fit timor et pavida trepidat formidine peetus; ultima prona via est et eget moderamine certo: tune etiam quae me subiectis exeipit undis, ne ferar in praeeeps, Tethys solet ipsa vereri. adde, quod adsidua rapitur vertigine caelum 70 sideraque alta trahit eelerique volumine torquet. nitor in adversum, nee me, qui cetera, vincit inpetus, et rapido eontrarius evehor orbi. finge datos currus: quid ages? poterisne rotatis obvius ire polis, ne te citus auferat axis? 75 forsitan et lueos illie urbesque deorum eoneipias animo delubraque ditia donis esse: per insidias iter est formasque ferarum! utque viam teneas nulloque errore traharis, per tamen adversi gradieris cornua tauri 80 64 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II son, that this alone would I refuse thee. But I may at least strive to dissuade thee. What thou desirest is not safe. Thou askest too great a boon, Phaéthon, and one which does not befit thy strength and those so boyish years. Thy lot is mortal: not for mortals is that thou askest. In thy simple ignorance thou dost claim more than can be granted to the gods themselves. Though each of them may do as he will, yet none, save myself, has power to take his place in my chariot of fire. Nay, even the lord of great Olympus, who hurls dread thunderbolts with his awful hand, could not drive this chariot ; and what have we greater than Jove? The first part of the road is steep, up which my steeds in all their morning freshness can scarce make their way. In mid-heaven it is exceeding high, whence to look down on sea and land oft—times causes even me to tremble, and my heart to quake with throbbing fear. The last part of the journey is precipitous, and needs an assured control. Then even Tethys, who receives me in her underlying waters, is wont to fear lest I fall head- long. Furthermore, the vault of heaven spins round in constant motion, drawing along the lofty stars which it whirls at dizzy speed. I make my way against this, nor does the swift motion which over— comes all else overcome me; but I drive clear con- trary to the swift circuit of the universe. Suppose thou hast my chariot. What wilt thou do? Wilt thou be able to make thy way against the whirling poles that their swift axis sweep thee not away? Perhaps, too, thou deemest there are groves there, and cities of the gods, and temples full of rich gifts? Nay, the course lies amid lurking dangers and fierce beasts of prey. And though thou shouldst hold the way, and not go straying from the course, still shalt 6s OVID Haemoniosque arcus violentique ora Leonis saevaque circuitu curvantem bracchia longo Scorpion atque aliter curvantem bracchia Cancrum. nec tibi quadripedes animosos ignibus illis, quos in pectore habent, quos ore et naribus efHant, 85 in promptu regere est: fix me patiuntur, ubi acres incaluere animi cervixque repugnat habenis.—- at tu, funesti ne sim tibi muneris auctor, nate, cave, dum resque sinit tua corrige vota! scilicet ut nostro genitum te sanguine credas, 9O pignora certa petis : do pignora certa timendo et patrio pater esse metu probor. adspice vultus ecce meos utinamque oculos in pectora posses inserere et patrias intus deprendere curas! denique quidquid habet dives circumspices mundus 95 eque tot ac tantis caeli terraeque marisque posce bonis aliquid; nullam patiere repulsam. deprecor hoc unum, quod vero nomine poena, non honor est: poenam, Phaethon, pro munere poscis! quid mea colla tenes blandis, ignare, lacertis? 100 ne dubita! dabitur (Stygias iuravimus undas), quodcumque optaris; sed tu sapientius opta! ” Finierat monitus ; dictis tamen ille repugnat propositumque premit flagratque cupidine currus. ergo, qua licuit, genitor cunctatus ad altos 105 deducit iuvenem, Vulcania munera, currus. aureus axis erat, temo aureus, aurea summae curvatura rotae, radiorum argenteus ordo ; 66 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II thou pass the horned Bull full in thy path, the Haemo- nian Archer, the maw of the raging Lion, the Scor- pion, curving his savage arms in long sweeps, and the Crab, reaching out in the opposite direction. Nor is it an easy thing for thee to control the steeds, hot with those strong fires which they have within their breasts, which they breathe out from mouth and nostrils. Scarce do they suffer my control, when their fierce spirits have become heated, and their necks rebel against the reins. But do thou, O son, beware lest I be the giver of a fatal gift to thee, and while still there is time amend thy prayer. Dost thou in sooth seek sure pledges that thou art son of mine? Behold, I give sure pledges by my very fear; I show myself thy father by my fatherly anxiety. See! look upon my face. And oh, that thou couldst look into my heart as well, and understand a father's cares therein! Then look around, see all that the rich world holds, and from those great and bound— less goods of land and sea and sky ask anything. Nothing will I deny thee. But this one thing I beg thee not to ask, which, if rightly understood, is a bane instead of blessing. A bane, my Phaéthon, dost thou seek as boon. Why dost thou throw thy coaxing arms about my neck, thou foolish boy? Nay, doubt it not, it shall be given—we have sworn it by the Styx—whatever thou dost choose. But, oh, make wiser choice! ” The father’s warning ended; yet he fought against the words, and urged his first request, burning with desire to drive the chariot. So then the father, delaying as far as might be, led forth the youth to that high chariot, the work of Vulcan. Its axle was of gold, the pole of gold; its wheels had golden tyres and a ring of silver spokes. Along the yoke 67 OVID per iuga ehrysolithi positaeque ex ordine gemmae elara repereusso reddebant lumina Phoebo. 110 Dumque ea magnanimus Phaethon miratur opusque perspicit, ecee vigil rutilo patefeeit ab ortu purpureas Aurora fores et plena rosarum atria: diffugiunt stellae, quarum agmina eogit Lucifer et caeli statione novissimus exit. 115 Quem petere ut terras mundumque rubeseere vidit eornuaque extremae velut evanescere lunae, iungere equos Titan veloeibus imperat Horis. iussa deae celeres peragunt ignemque vomentes, ambrosiae sueo saturos, praesepibus altis 120 quadripedes dueunt adduntque sonantia frena. tum pater ora sui saero medieamine nati contigit et rapidae fecit patientia fiammae inposuitque eomae radios praesagaque luctus pectore sollieito repetens suspiria dixit: 125 “ si potes his saltem monitis parere parentis paree, puer, stimulis et fortius utere loris! sponte sua properant, labor est inhibere volentes. nee tibi directos plaeeat via quinque per arcus! seetus in obliquum est lato curvamine limes, 130 zonarumque trium contentus fine polumque effugit australem iunctamque aquilonibus arcton: hae sit iter! manifesta rotae vestigia cernes. utque ferant aequos et caelum et terra ealores, nee preme nee summum molire per aethera eursum! altius egressus eaelestia tecta eremabis, 136 inferius terras; medio tutissimus ibis. neu te dexterior tortum deelinet ad Anguem, 68 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II chrysolites and jewels set in fair array gave back their bright glow to the reflected rays of Phoebus. Now while the ambitious Phaéthon is gazing in wonder at the workmanship, behold, Aurora, who keeps watch in the reddening dawn, has opened wide her purple gates, and her courts glowing with rosy light. The stars all flee away, and the morning star closes their ranks as, last of all, he departs from his watch-tower in the sky. When Titan saw him setting and the world grow red, and the slender horns of the waning moon fading from sight, he bade the swift Hours to yoke his steeds. The goddesses quickly did his bidding, and led the horses from the lofty stalls, breathing’ forth fire and filled with ambrosial food, and they put upon them the clanking bridles. Then the father anointed his son's face with a sacred ointment, and made it proof against the devouring flames; and he placed upon his head the radiant crown, heaving deep sighs the while, presaging woe, and said: “ If thou canst at least obey these thy father’s warnings, spare the lash, my boy, and more strongly use the reins. The horses hasten of their own accord; the hard task is to check their eager feet. And take not thy way straight through the five zones of heaven: the true path runs slantwise, with a wide curve, and, confined within the limits of three zones, avoids the southern heavens and the far north as well. This be thy route. The tracks of my wheels thou wilt clearly see. And, that the sky and earth may have equal heat, go not too low, nor yet direct thy course along the top of heaven; for if thou goest too high thou wilt burn up the skies, if too low the earth. In the middle is the safest path. And turn not off too far to the right towards the writhing Serpent; 69 OVID neve sinisterior pressam rota ducat ad Aram, inter utrumque tene! Fortunae cetera mando, 140 quae iuvet et melius quam tu tibi consulat opto. dum loquor, Hesperio positas in litore metas umida nox tetigit; non est mora libera nobis! poscimur: efi‘ulget tenebris Aurora fugatis. corripe lora manu, vel, si motabile pectus 145 est tibi, consiliis, non curribus utere nostris! dum potes et solidis etiamnum sedibus adstas, dumque male optatos nondum premis inscius axes, quae tutus spectes, sine me dare lumina terris! ” Occupat ille levem iuvenali corpore currum 150 statque super manibusque datas contingere habenas gaudet et invito grates agit inde parenti. Interea volucres Pyrois et Eous et Aethon, Solis equi, quartusque Phlegon hinnitibus auras flammiferis inplent pedibusque repagula pulsant. 155 quae postquam Tethys, fatorum ignara nepotis, reppulit et facta est inmensi copia caeli, corripuere viam pedibusque per aera motis obstantes scindunt nebulas pennisque levati praetereunt ortos isdem de partibus Euros. 160 sed leve pondus erat nec quod cognoscere possent Solis equi, solitaque iugum gravitate carebat; utque labant curvae iusto sine pondere naves perque mare instabiles nimia levitate feruntur, sic onere adsueto vacuus dat in aera saltus 165 succutiturque alte similisque est currus inani. 7o METAMORPHOSES BOOK II nor on the left, where the Altar lies low in the heavens, guide thy wheel. Hold on between the two. I commit all else to Fortune, and may she aid thee, and guide thee better than thou dost thyself. While I am speaking dewy night has reached her goal on the far western shore. We may no longer delay. We are summoned. Behold, the dawn is glowing, and the shadows all have fled. Here, grasp the reins, or, if thy purpose still may be amended, take my counsel, not my chariot, while still thou canst, while still thou dost stand on solid ground, before thou hast mounted to the car which thou hast in ignorance foolishly desired. Let me give light to the world, which thou mayst see in safety.” But the lad has already mounted the swift chariot, and, standing proudly, he takes the reins with joy into his hands, and thanks his unwilling father for the gift. Meanwhile the sun’s swift horses, Pyrois, Eoiis, Aethon, and the fourth, Phlegon, fill all the air with their fiery whinnying, and paw impatiently against their bars. When Tethys, ignorant of her grandson’s fate, dropped these and gave free course through the boundless skies, the horses dashed forth, and with swift-flying feet rent the clouds in their path, and, borne aloft upon their wings, they passed the east winds that have their rising in the same quarter. But the weight was light, not such as the horses of the sun could feel, and the yoke lacked its accustomed bur- den. And, as curved ships, without their proper ballast, roll in the waves, and, unstable because too light, are borne out of their course, so the chariot, without its accustomed burden, gives leaps into the air, is tossed aloft and is like a riderless car. 71 OVID Quod simulae sensere, ruunt tritumque relinquunt quadriiugi spatium nee quo prius ordine eurrunt. ipse pavet nee qua commissas fleetat habenas nee seit qua sit iter, nee, si sciat, imperet illis. 170 tum primum radiis gelidi caluere Triones et vetito frustra temptarunt aequore tingui, quaeque polo posita est glaeiali proxima Serpens, frigore pigra prius nee formidabilis ulli, incaluit sumpsitque novas fervoribus iras; 175 te quoque turbatum memorant fugisse, Boote, quamvis tardus eras et te tua plaustra tenebant. Ut vero summo dispexit ab aethere terras infelix Phaethon penitus penitusque patentis, palluit et subito genua intremuere timore 180 suntque oculis tenebrae per tantum lumen orbortae, et iam mallet equos numquam tetigisse paternos, iam eognosse genus piget et valuisse rogando, iam Meropis dici cupiens ita fertur, ut aeta praeeipiti pinus borea, eui victa remisit 185 frena suus rector, quam dis votisque reliquit. quid faciat? multum caeli post terga relictum, ante oculos plus est: animo metitur utrumque et modo, quos illi fatum contingere non est, prospicit oeeasus, interdum respieit ortus, 190 quidque agat ignarus stupet et nee frena remittit nee retinere valet nee nomina novit equorum. sparsa quoque in vario passim miracula caelo vastarumque videt trepidus simulacra ferarum. est locus, in geminos ubi bracchia coneavat arcus 195 72 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II When they feel this, the team run wild and leave the well-beaten track, and fare no longer in the same course as before. The driver is panic-stricken. He knows not how to handle the reins entrusted to him, nor where the road is ; nor, if he did know, would he be able to control the steeds. Then for the first time the cold Bears grew hot with the rays of the sun, and tried, though all in vain, to plunge into the forbidden sea. And the Serpent, which lies nearest the icy pole, ever before harmless because sluggish with the cold, now grew hot, and conceived great frenzy from that fire. They say that you also, Bootes, fled in terror, slow though you were, and held back by your clumsy ox-cart. But when the unhappy Phaéthon looked down from the top of heaven, and saw the lands lying far, far below, he grew pale, his knees trembled with sudden fear, and over his eyes came darkness through excess of light. And now he would prefer never to have touched his father’s horses, and repents that he has discovered his true origin and prevailed in his prayer. Now, eager to be called the son of Merops, he is borne along just as a ship driven before the head- long blast, whose pilot has let the useless rudder go and abandoned the ship to the gods and prayers. What shall he do? Much of the sky is now behind him, but more is still in front ! His thought measures both. And now he looks forward to the west, which he is destined never to reach, and at times back to the east. Dazed, he knows not what to do; he neither lets go the reins nor can he hold them, and he does not even know the horses’ names. To add to his panic fear, he sees scattered everywhere in the sky strange figures of huge and savage beasts. There is one place where the Scorpion bends out his arms into 73 OVID Scorpius et cauda flexisque utrimque lacertis porrigit in spatium signorum membra duorum: hunc puer ut nigri madidum sudore veneni vulnera curvata minitantem cuspide vidit, mentis inops gelida formidine lora remisit. 200 Quae postquam summum tetigere iacentia tergum, exspatiantur equi nulloque inhibente per auras ignotae regionis eunt, quaque inpetus egit, hac sine lege ruunt altoque sub aethere fixis incursant stellis rapiuntque per avia currum 205 et modo summa petunt, modo per declive viasque praecipites spatio terrae propiore feruntur, inferiusque suis fraternos currere Luna admiratur equos, ambustaque nubila fumant. corripitur flammis, ut quaeque altissima, tellus 210 fissaque agit rimas et sucis aret ademptis; pabula canescunt, cum frondibus uritur arbor, materiamque suo praebet seges arida damno. parva queror: magnae pereunt cum moenibus urbes, cumque suis totas populis incendia gentis 215 in cinerem vertunt; silvae cum montibus ardent; ardet Athos Taurusque Cilix et Tmolus et Oete et tum sicca, prius celeberrima fontibus Ide virgineusque Helicon et nondum Oeagrius Haemus: ardet in inmensum geminatis ignibus Aetne 220 Parnasusque biceps et Eryx et Cynthus et Othrys et tandem nivibus Rhodope caritura Mimasque Dindymaque et Mycale natusque ad sacra Cithaeron. 74 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II two bows; and with tail and arms stretching out on both sides, he spreads over the space of two signs. When the boy sees this creature reeking with black poisonous sweat, and threatening to sting him with his curving tail, bereft of wits from chilling fear, down he dropped the reins. When the horses feel these lying on their backs, they break loose from their course, and, with none to check them, they roam through unknown regions of the air. Wherever their impulse leads them, there they rush aimlessly, knocking against the stars set deep in the sky and snatching the chariot along through uncharted ways. Now they climb up to the top of heaven, and now, plunging headlong down, they course along nearer the earth. The Moon in amazement sees her brother’s horses running below her own, and the scorched clouds smoke. The earth bursts into flame, the highest parts first, and splits into deep cracks, and its moisture is all dried up. The meadows are burned to white ashes; the trees are consumed, green leaves and all, and the ripe grain furnishes fuel for its own destruction. But these are small losses which I am lamenting. Great cities perish with their walls, and the vast conflagra- tion reduces whole nations to ashes. The woods are ablaze with the mountains; Athos is ablaze, Cilician Taurus, and Tmolus, and Oete, and Ida, dry at last, but hitherto covered with springs, and Helicon, haunt of the Muses, and Haemus, not yet linked with the name of Oeagrus. Aetna is blazing bound- lessly with flames now doubled, and twin—peaked Parnasus and Eryx, Cynthus and Othrys, and Rhodope, at last destined to lose its snows, Mimas and Dindyma, Mycale and Cithaeron, famed for sacred rites. Nor does its chilling clime save 75 OVID nee prosunt Scythiae sua frigora: Caucasus ardet Ossaque cum Pindo maiorque ambobus Olympus 225 aeriaeque Alpes et nubifer Appenninus. Tum vero Phaethon cunctis e partibus orbem adspicit aecensum nee tantos sustinet aestus ferventisque auras velut e fornace profunda ore trahit eurrusque suos eandeseere sentit; 230 et neque iam cineres eiectatamque favillam ferre potest calidoque involvitur undique fumo, quoque eat aut ubi sit, picea caligine teetus nescit et arbitrio volucrum raptatur equorum. Sanguine tum eredunt in corpora summa voeato Aethiopum populos nigrum traxisse eolorem; 236 tum facta est Libye raptis umoribus aestu arida, tum nymphae passis fontesque lacusque deflevere comis; quaerit Boeotia Dircen, Argos Amymonen, Ephyre Pirenidas undas; 240 nee sortita loco distantes flumina ripas tuta manent: mediis Tanais fumavit in undis Peneusque senex Teuthranteusque Caicus et celer Ismenos cum Phegiaco Erymantho arsurusque iterum Xanthos flavusque Lycormas, 245 quique recurvatis ludit Maeandros in undis, Mygdoniusque Melas et Taenarius Eurotas. arsit et Euphrates Babylonius, arsit Orontes Thermodonque citus Gangesque et Phasis et Hister; aestuat Alpheos, ripae Spercheides ardent, 250 quodque suo Tagus amne vehit, fluit ignibus aurum, et, quae Maeonias eelebrarant carmine ripas, flumineae volucres medio caluere Caystro; Nilus in extremum fugit perterritus orbem occuluitque caput, quod adhue latet: ostia septem pulverulenta vacant, septem sine flumine valles. 256 76 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II Scythia; Caucasus burns, and Ossa with Pindus, and Olympus, greater than both; and the heaven- piercing Alps and cloud-capped Apennines. Then indeed does Phaéthon see the earth aflame on every hand; he cannot endure the mighty heat, and the air he breathes is like the hot breath of a deep furnace. The chariot he feels growing white-hot beneath his feet. He can no longer bear the ashes and whirling sparks, and is completely shrouded in the dense, hot smoke. In this pitchy darkness he cannot tell where he is or whither he is going, and is swept along at the will of his flying steeds. It was then, as men think, that the peoples of Aethiopia became black-skinned, since the blood was drawn to the surface of their bodies by the heat. Then also Libya became a desert, for the heat dried up her moisture. Then the nymphs with dishevelled hair bewailed their fountains and their pools. Boeotia mourns the loss of Dirce; Argos, Amymone; Corinth, her Pirenian spring. Nor do rivers, whose lot had given them more spacious channels, remain unscathed. The Don’s waters steam; old Peneus, too, Mysian Cai'cus, and swift Ismenus ; and Arcadian Erymanthus, Xanthus, destined once again to burn; tawny Lycormas, and Maeander, playing along upon its winding way ; Thracian Melas and Laconian Euro— tas. Babylonian Euphrates burns; Orontes burns, and swift Thermodon; the Ganges, Phasis, Danube; Alpheus boils; Spercheos’ banks are aflame. The golden sands of Tagus melt in the intense heat, and the swans, which had been wont to throng the Maeonian streams in tuneful company, are scorched in mid Cayster. The Nile fled in terror to the ends of the earth, and hid its head, and it is hidden yet. The seven mouths lie empty, filled with dust; .seven 77 OVID fors eadem Ismarios Hebrum cum Strymone siccat Hesperiosque amnes, Rhenum Rhodanumque Padumque ' cuique fuit rerum promissa potentia, Thybrin. dissilit omne solumn, penetratque in Tartara rimis 260 lumen et~infernum terret cum coniuge regem; et mare contrahitur siccaeque est campus harenae, quod modo pontus erat, quosque altum texerat aequor, exsistunt montes et sparsas Cycladas augent. ima petunt pisces, nec se super aequora curvi 265 tollere consuetas audent delphines in auras; corpora phocarum summo resupina profundo exanimata natant: ipsum quoque Nerea fama est Doridaque et natas tepidis latuisse sub antris. ter Neptunus aquis cum torvo bracchia vultu 270 exserere‘ ausus erat, ter non tulit aeris ignes. Alma tamen Tellus, ut erat circumdata ponto, inter aquas pelagi contractosque undique fontes, qui se condiderant in opacae viscera matris, sustulit oppressos collo tenus arida vultus 275 opposuitque manum fronti magnoque tremore omnia concutiens paullum subsedit et infra, quam solet esse, fuit sacraque ita voce locuta est: “ si placet hoc meruique, quid o tua fulmina cessant, summe deu'm? liceat periturae viribus ignis 280 igne perire tuo clademque auctore 'levare! vix equidem fauces haec ipsa in verba resolvo ”; (presserat ora vapor) “ tostos en adspice crines 78 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II broad channels, all without a stream. The same mischance dries up the Thracian rivers, Hebrus and Strymon; also the rivers of the west, the Rhine, Rhone, Po, and the Tiber, to whom had been pro- mised the mastery of the world. Great cracks yawn everywhere, and the light, penetrating to the lower world, strikes terror into the infernal king and his consort. Even the sea shrinks up, and what was but now a great, watery expanse is a dry plain of sand. The mountains, which the deep sea had covered before, spring forth, and increase the num- bers of the scattered Cyclades. The fish dive to the lowest depths, and the dolphins no longerdare to leap curving above the surface of the sea into their wonted air. The dead bodies of sea—calves float, with upturned belly, on the water’s top. They say that Nereus himself and Doris and her daughters were hot as they lay hid in their caves. Thrice Neptune essayed to lift his arms and august face from out the water; thrice did he desist, unable to bear the fiery atmosphere. Not so all-fostering Earth, who, encircled as she was by sea,amid the waters of the deep, amid her fast— contracting streams which had crowded into her dark bowels and hidden there, though parched by heat, heaved up her smothered face. Raising her shielding hand to her brow and causing all things to shake with her mighty trembling, she sank back a little lower than her wonted place, and then in awful tones she spoke: “ If this is thy will, and I have deserved all this, why, O king of all the gods, are thy lightnings idle? If I must die by fire, oh, let me perish by thy fire and lighten my suffering by thought of him who sent it. I scarce can open my lips to speak these words "-the hot smoke was choking her——“ See my 79 OVID inque oculis tantum, tantum super ora favillae! hosne mihi fruetus, hunc fertilitatis honorem 285 officiique refers, quod adunci vulnera aratri rastrorumque fero totoque exereeor anno, quod pecori frondes alimentaque mitia, fruges, humano generi, vobis quoque tura ministro? sed tamen exitium fae me meruisse: quid undae, quid meruit frater? cur illi tradita sorte 291 aequora decrescunt et ab aethere longius absunt? quodsi nee fratris nee te mea gratia tangit, at caeli miserere tui! circumspice utrumque: fumat uterque polus! quos si vitiaverit ignis, 295 atria vestra ruent! Atlans en ipse laborat vixque suis umeris candentem sustinet axem! si freta, si terrae pereunt, si regia caeli, in chaos antiquum confundimur! eripe flammis, 299 si quid adhuc superest, et rerum consule summae! ” Dixerat haec Tellus: neque enim tolerare vaporem ulterius potuit nee dieere plura suumque rettulit os in se propioraque manibus antra; at pater omnipotens, superos testatus et ipsum, qui dederat currus, nisi opem ferat, omnia fato 305 interitura gravi, summam petit arduus arcem, unde solet nubes latis inducere terris, unde movet tonitrus vibrataque fulmina iaetat; sed neque quas posset terris inducere nubes tunc habuit, nec quos caelo dimitteret imbres : 310 intonat et dextra libratum fulmen ab aure misit in aurigam pariterque animaque rotisque 8o METAMORPHOSES BOOK II singed hair and all ashes in my eyes, all ashes 'over my face. Is this the return, this the reward thou payest of my fertility and dutifulness ? that I bear the wounds of the crooked plow and mattock, tormented year in, year out? that I provide kindly pasturage for the flocks, grain for mankind, incense for the altars of the gods? But, grant that I have deserved destruc— tion, what has the sea, what has thy brother done? Why are the waters which fell to him by the third lot so shrunken, and so much further from thy sky? But if no consideration for thy brother nor yet for me has weight with thee, at least have pity on thy own heavens. Look around: the heavens are smoking from pole to pole. If the fire shall weaken these, the homes of the gods will fall in ruins. See, Atlas him- self is troubled and can scarce bear up the white—hot’ vault upon his shoulders. If the sea perish and the land and the realms of the sky, then are we hurled back to primeval chaos. Save from the flames what- ever yet remains and take thought for the‘ safety of the universe.” So spoke the Earth and ceased, for she could no longer endure the heat; and she retreated into her— self and into the depths nearer the land of shades. But the Almighty Father, calling on the gods to witness and him above all who had given the chariot, that unless he bring aid all things will perish by a grievous doom, mounts on high to the top of heaven,. whence it is his wont to spread the clouds over the broad lands, whence he stirs his thunders and flings his hurtling bolts. But now he has no clouds where— with to overspread the earth, nor any rains to send down from the sky. He thundered, and, balancing in his right hand a bolt, flung it from beside the ear at the charioteer and hurled him from the car and from VOL. I. D 81 OVI D expulit et saevis conpescuit ignibus ignes. consternantur equi et saltu in contraria facto colla iugo eripiunt abruptaque lora relinquunt: 315 illic frena iacent, illic temone revulsus axis, in hac radii fractarum parte rotarum sparsaque sunt late laceri vestigia currus. At Phaethon rutilos flamma populante capillos volvitur in praeceps longoque per aera tractu 320 fertur, ut interdum de caelo stella sereno etsi non cecidit, potuit cecidisse videri. quem procul a patria diverso maximus orbe excipit Eridanus fumantiaque abluit ora. Naides Hesperiae trifida fumantia flamma 325 corpora dant tumulo, signant quoque carmine saxum: HIC ' SITVS ' EST ' PHAETHON ' CVRRVS ' AVHIGA ' PATERNI QVEM ' SI ' NON ' TENVIT ' MAGNIS ' TAMEN ' EXCIDIT ‘ AVSIS Nam pater obductos luctu miserabilis aegro condiderat vultus, et, si modo credimus, unum 330 isse diem sine sole ferunt: incendia lumen praebebant aliquisque malo fuit usus in illo. at Clymene postquam dixit, quaecumque fuerunt in tantis dicenda malis, lugubris et amens et laniata sinus totum percensuit orbem 335 exanimesque artus primo, mox ossa requirens repperit ossa tamen peregrina condita ripa incubuitque loco nomenque in marmore lectum perfudit lacrimis et aperto pectore fovit. nec minus Heliades fletus et inania morti 340 82 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II life as well, and thus quenched fire with blasting fire. The maddened horses leap apart, wrench their necks from the yoke, and break away from the parted reins. Here lie the reins, there the axle torn from the pole; in another place the spokes of the broken wheels, and fragments of the wrecked chariot are scattered far and wide. But Phaéthon, fire ravaging his ruddy hair, is hurled headlong and falls with a long trail through the air; as sometimes a star from the clear heavens, although it does not fall, still seems to fall. Him far from his native land, in another quarter of the globe, Eridanus receives and bathes his steaming face. The N aiads in that western land consign his body, still smoking with the flames of that forked bolt, to the tomb and carve this epitaph upon his stone: HERE PHAETHoN LIEs: 1N PHoEBUs’ CAR HE FARED, AND THOUGH HE GREATLY FAILED, MORE GREATLY DARED. The wretched father, sick with grief, hid his face; and, if we are to believe report, one whole day went without the sun. But the burning world gave light, and so even in that disaster was there some service. But Clymene, after she had spoken whatever could be spoken in such woe, melancholy and distraught and tearing her breast, wandered over the whole earth, seeking first his lifeless limbs, then his bones; his bones at last she found, but buried on a river-bank in a foreign land. Here she prostrates herself upon the tomb, drenches the dear name carved in the marble with her tears, and fondles it against her breast. The Heliades, her daughters, join in her lamentation, and pour out their tears in useless tribute to the dead. With bruising hands beating 83 OVID munera dant, lacrimas, et caesae pectora palmis non auditurum miseras Phaethonta querellas noete dieque vocant adsternunturque sepulero. luna quater iunetis inplerat cornibus orbem; illae more suo (nam morem fecerat usus) 345 plangorem dederant: e quis Phaethusa, sororum maxima, cum vellet terra procumbere, questa est deriguisse pedes; ad quam eonata venire candida Lampetie subita radice retenta est; tertia, cum crinem manibus laniare pararet, 350 avellit frondes; haec stipite crura teneri, illa dolet fieri longos sua braechia ramos, dumque ea mirantur, conpleetitur inguina cortex perque gradus uterum pectusque umerosque manusque ambit, et exstabant tantum ora vocantia matrem. 355 quid faciat mater, nisi, quo trahat inpetus illam, hue eat atque illuc et, dum licet, oscula iungat? non satis est: truneis avellere corpora temptat et teneros manibus ramos abrumpit, at inde sanguineae manant tamquam de vulnere guttae. 360 “ parce, preeor, mater, ’ ’ quaecumque est saucia, elamat, “ parce, precor: nostrum laeeratur in arbore corpus iamque vale ”—cortex in verba novissima venit. inde fluunt lacrimae, stillataque sole rigescunt de ramis electra novis, quae lucidus amnis 365 exeipit et nuribus mittit gestanda Latinis. Adfuit huie monstro proles Stheneleia Cygnus, qui tibi materno quamvis a sanguine iunctus, mente tamen, Phaethon, propior fuit. ille relieto 84 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II their naked breasts, they call night and day upon their brother, who nevermore will hear their sad laments, and prostrate themselves upon his sepulchre. Four times had the moon with waxing crescents reached her full orb ; but they, as was their habit (for use had established habit), were mourning still. Then one day the eldest, Phaéthusa, when she would throw herself upon the grave, complained that her feet had grown cold and stark; and when the fair Lampetia tried to come to her, she was held fast as by sudden roots. A third, making to tear her hair, found her hands plucking at foliage. One com- plained that her ankles were encased in wood, another that her arms were changing to long branches. And while they look on those things in amazement bark closes round their loins, and, by degrees, their waists, breasts, shoulders, hands; and all that was free were their lips calling upon their mother. What can the frantic mother do but run, as impulse carries her, now here, now there, and print kisses on their lips? That is not enough: she tries to tear away the bark from their bodies and breaks off slender twigs with her hands. But as she does this bloody drops trickle forth as from a wound. And each one, as she is wounded, cries out: “ Oh, spare me, mother; spare, I beg you. ’Tis my body that you are tearing in the tree. And now fare- well ”—the bark closed over her latest words. Still their tears flow on, and these tears, hardened into amber by the sun, drop down from the new—made trees. The clear river receives them and bears them onward, one day to be worn by the brides of Rome. Cycnus, the son of Sthenelus, was a witness of this miracle. Though he was kin to you, O Phaéthon, by his mother’s blood, he was more closely joined in 85 OVID (nam Ligurum populos et magnas rexerat urbes) 370 imperio ripas virides amnemque querellis Eridanum inplerat silvamque sororibus auctam, cum vox est tenuata viro canaeque capillos dissimulant plumae collumque a pectore longe porrigitur digitosque ligat iunctura rubentis, 375 penna latus velat, tenet os sine acumine rostrum. fit nova Cygnus avis nec se caeloque Iovique tradit, ut iniuste missi memor ignis ab illo; stagna petit patulosque lacus ignemque perosus quae colat elegit contraria fiumina flammis. 380 Squalidus interea genitor Phaethontis et expers ipse sui decoris, qualis, cum deficit orbem, esse solet, lucemque odit seque ipse diemque datque animum in luctus et luctibus adicit iram ofliciumque negat mundo. “ satis ”inquit“ ab aevi 385 sors mea principiis fuit inrequieta, pigetque actorum sine fine mihi, sine honore laborum! quilibet alter agat portantes lumina currus ! si nemo est omnesque dei non posse fatentur, ipse agat ut saltem, dum nostras temptat habenas, 390 orbatura patres aliquando fulmina ponat! tum sciet ignipedum vires expertus equorum non meruisse necem, qui non bene rexerit illos.” Talia dicentem circumstant omnia Solem numina, neve velit tenebras inducere rebus, 395 supplice voce rogant; missos quoque Iuppiter ignes excusat precibusque minas regaliter addit. 86 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II affection. He, abandoning his kingdom—for he ruled over the peoples and great cities of Liguria—went weeping and lamenting along the green banks of the Eridanus, and through the woods which the sisters had increased. And as he went his voice became thin and shrill; white plumage hid his hair and his neck stretched far out from his breast. A web-like membrane joined his reddened fingers, wings clothed his sides, and a blunt beak his mouth. So Cycnus became a strange new bird—the swan. But he did not trust himself to the upper air and Jove, since he remembered the fiery bolt which the god had un- justly hurled. His favourite haunts were the still pools and spreading lakes; and, hating fire, he chose the water for his home, as the opposite of flame. Meanwhile Phoebus sits in gloomy mourning garb, shorn of his brightness, just as when he is darkened by eclipse. He hates himself and the light of day, gives over his soul to grief, to grief adds rage, and refuses to do service to the world. “ Enough,” he says; “ from time’s beginning has my lot been unrest- ful; I am weary of my endless and unrequited toils. Let any else who chooses drive the chariot of light. If no one will, and all the gods confess that it is beyond their power, let Jove himself do it, that, sometime at least, while he essays to grasp my reins, he may la aside the bolts that are destined to rob fathers of their boys. Then will he know, when he has himself tried the strength of those fiery-footed steeds, that he who failed to guide them well did not deserve death.” As he thus speaks all the gods stand around him, and beg him humbly not to plunge the world in dark— ness. Jove himself seeks to excuse the bolt he hurled, and to his prayers adds threats in royal style. 87 OVI D eolligit amentes et adhue terrore paventes Phoebus equos stimuloque dolens et verbere saevit; saevit, erum1 natumque obieetat et inputat illis. 400 At pater omnipotens ingentia moenia caeli circuit et, ne quid labefactum viribus ignis eorruat, explorat. quae postquam firma suique roboris esse videt, terras hominumque labores perspieit. Areadiae tamen est inpensior illi 405 eura suae: fontesque et nondum audentia labi flumina restituit, dat terrae gramina, frondes arboribus, laesasque iubet revireseere silvas. dum redit itque frequens, in virgine Nonacrina haesit, et aecepti caluere sub ossibus ignes. 410 non erat huius opus lanam mollire trahendo nee positu variare comas; ubi fibula vestem, vitta coercuerat negleetos alba capillos; et modo leve manu iaculum, modo sumpserat arcum, miles erat Phoebes: nee Maenalon attigit ulla 415 gratior hac Triviae; sed nulla potentia longa est. Ulterius medio spatium sol altus habebat, cum subit illa nemus, quod nulla eeeiderat aetas; ‘exuit hie umero pharetram lentosque retendit arcus inque solo, quod texerat herba, iaeebat 420 et pictam posita pharetram cervice premebat. Iuppiter ut vidit fessam et eustode vacantem, “ hoe certe furtum eoniunx mea neseiet ” inquit, “ aut si rescierit, sunt, o sunt iurgia tanti! ” 1 erum M erlcel : enim MSS. 8.8 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II Then Phoebus yokes his team again, wild and trembling still with fear; and, in his grief, fiercely plies them with lash and goad, fiercely he plies them, reproaching and taxing them with the death of their master, his son. But now the Almighty Father makes a round of the great battlements of heaven and examines to see if anything has been loosened by the might of fire. When he sees that these are firm with their immortal strength, he inspects the earth and the affairs of men. Yet Arcadia, above all, is his more earnest care. He restores her springs and rivers, which hardly dare as yet to flow; he gives grass again to the ground, leaves to the trees, and bids the damaged forests grow green again. And as he came and went upon his tasks he chanced to see a certain Arcadian nymph, and Straightway the fire he caught grew hot to his very marrow. She had no need to spin soft wools nor to arrange her hair in studied elegance. A simple brooch fastened her gown and a white fillet held her loose-flowing hair. And in this garb, now with a spear, and now a bow in her hand, was she arrayed as one of Phoebe’s warriors. Nor was any nymph who roamed over the slopes of Maenalus in higher favour with her goddess than was she. But no favour is of long duration. The sun was high o’erhead, just beyond his zenith, when the nymph entered the forest that all years had left unfelled. Here she took her quiver from her shoulder, unstrung her tough bow, and lay down upon the grassy ground, with her head pillowed on her painted quiver. When Jove saw her there, tired out and unprotected: “Here, surely,” he said, “ my consort will know nothing of my guile; or if she learn it, well bought are taunts at such a price.” 89 OVID protinus induitur faciem cultumque Dianae 425 atque ait: “ o comitum, virgo, pars una mearum, in quibus es venata iugis? ” de caespite virgo se levat et “ salve numen, me iudice ” dixit, “ audiat ipse licet, maius Iove.” ridet et audit et sibi praeferri se gaudet et oscula iungit, 430 nec moderata satis nec sic a virgine danda. qua venata foret silva, narrare parantem inpedit amplexu nec se sine crimine prodit. illa quidem contra, quantum modo femina posset (adspiceres utinam, Saturnia, mitior esses), 435 illa quidem pugnat, sed quem superare puella, quisve Iovem poterat? superum petit aethera victor Iuppiter: huic odio nemus est et conscia silva; unde pedem referens paene est oblita pharetram tollere cum telis et quem suspenderat arcum. 440 Ecce, suo comitata choro Dictynna per altum Maenalon ingrediens et caede superba ferarum adspicit hanc visamque vocat: clamata refugit et timuit primo, ne Iuppiter esset in illa; sed postquam pariter nymphas incedere vidit, 445 sensit abesse dolos numerumque accessit ad harum. heu! quam difficile est crimen non prodere vultu! vix oculos attollit humo nec, ut ante solebat, iuncta deae lateri nec toto est agmine prima, sed silet et laesi dat signa rubore pudoris; 450 et, nisi quod virgo est, poterat sentire Diana mille notis culpam: nymphae sensisse feruntur. orbe resurgebant lunaria cornua nono, 90 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II Straightway he put on the features and dress of Diana and said: “ Dear maid, best loved of all my followers, where hast thou been hunting to-day? ” The maiden arose from her grassy couch and said: “ Hail thou, my goddess, greater far than Jove, I say, though he himself should hear.” Jove laughed to hear her, rejoicing to be prized more highly than himself; and he kissed her lips, not modestly, nor as a maiden kisses. When she began to tell him in what woods her hunt had been, he broke in upon her story with an embrace, and by this outrage betrayed himself. She, in truth, struggled against him with all her girlish might—hadst thou been there to see, Saturnia, thy judgment were more kind !-——but whom could a girl o’ercome, or who could prevail against Jove? Jupiter won the day, and went back to the sky; she loathed the forest and the woods that knew her secret. As she retraced her path she almost for— got to take up the quiver with its arrows, and the bow she had hung up. But see, Diana, with her train of nymphs, ap— proaches along the slopes of Maenalus, proud of her trophies of the chase. She sees our maiden and calls to her. At first she flees in fear, lest this should be Jove in disguise again. But when she sees the other nymphs coming too, she is reassured and joins the band. Alas, how hard it is not to betray a guilty conscience in the face! She walks with downcast eyes, not, as was her wont, close to her goddess, and leading all the rest. Her silence and her blushes give clear tokens of her plight; and, were not Diana herself a maid, she could know her guilt by a thou? sand signs ; it is said that the nymphs knew it. Nine times since then the crescent moon had grown full orbed, when the goddess, worn with the chase and 91 OVID cum dea venatu fraternis languida flammis, nacta nemus gelidum, de quo cum murmure labens ibat et attritas versabat rivus harenas. 456 ut loca laudavit, summas pede contigit undas; his quoque laudatis “ procul est” ait “arbiter omnis: nuda superfusis tinguamus corporalymphis I ” Parrhasis erubuit; cunetae velamina ponunt; 460 una moras quaerit: dubitanti vestis adempta est, qua posita nudo patuit cum corpore erimen. attonitae manibusque uterum eelare volenti “ i procul hine " dixit “ nee sacros pollue fontis! ” Cynthia deque suo iussit secedere eoetu. 465 Senserat hoe olim magni matrona Tonantis distuleratque graves in idonea tempora poenas. eausa morae nulla est, et iam puer Areas (id ipsum indoluit Iuno) fuerat de paeliee natus. quo simul obvertit saevam cum lumine mentem, 470 “ seilicet hoe etiam restabat, adultera ” dixit, ‘ ut feeunda fores, fieretque iniuria partu nota, Iovisque mei testatum dedecus esset. haud inpune feres: adimam tibi namque figuram, qua tibi, quaque places nostro, inportuna, marito.” dixit et adversam prensis a fronte eapillis 476 stravit humi pronam. tendebat braeehia supplex : braeehia eoeperunt nigris horreseere villis curvarique manus et aduneos erescere in unguis offieioque pedum fungi laudataque quondam 480 ora Iovi lato fieri deformia rietu. neve preces animos et verba precantia fleetant, posse loqui eripitur: vox iraeunda minaxque plenaque terroris raueo de gutture fertur; 92 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II overcome by the hot sun ’s rays, came to a cool grove through which a gently murmuring stream flowed over its smooth sands. The place delighted her and she dipped her feet into the water. Delighted too with this, she said to her companions: “ Come, no one is near to see; let us disrobe and bathe us in the brook.” The Arcadian blushed, and, while all the rest obeyed, she only sought excuses for delay. But her companions forced her to comply, and there her shame was openly confessed. As she stood terror- stricken,vainly striving to hide her state, Diana cried: “ Begone ! and pollute not our sacredpool ” ; and so expelled her from her company. The great Thunderer’s wife had known all this long since; but she had put off her vengeance until a fitting time. And now that time was come; for, to add a sting to J uno’s hate, a boy, Arcas, had been born of her rival. Whereto when she turned her angry mind and her angry eyes, “ See there! ” she cried, “ nothing was left, adulteress, than to breed a son, and publish my wrong by his birth, a living witness to my lord’s shame. But thou shalt suffer for it. Yea, for I will take away thy beauty wherewith thou dost delight thyself, forward girl, and him who is my husband.” So saying, she caught her by the hair full in front and flung her face-foremost to the ground. And when the girl stretched out her arms in prayer for mercy, her arms began to grow rough with black shaggy hair; her hands changed into feet tipped. with sharp claws ; and her lips, which but now Jove had praised, were changed to broad, ugly jaws; and, that she might not move him with entreating prayers, her power of speech was taken from her, and only a harsh, terrifying growl came hoarsely from her throat. Still her human feelings remained, though 93 OVID mens antiqua manet, (facta quoque mansit in ursa) adsiduoque suos gemitu testata dolores 486 qualescumque manus ad caelum et sidera tollit ingratumque Iovem, nequeat cum dicere, sentit. a! quotiens, sola non ausa quiescere silva, ante domum quondamque suis erravit in agris! 490 a! quotiens per saxa canum latratibus acta est venatrixque metu venantum territa fugit! saepe feris latuit visis, oblita quid esset, ursaque conspectos in montibus horruit ursos pertimuitque lupos, quamvis pater esset in illis. 495 Ecce Lycaoniae proles ignara parentis, Arcas adest ter quinque fere natalibus actis; dumque feras sequitur, dum saltus eligit aptos nexilibusque plagis silvas Erymanthidas ambit, incidit in matrem, quae restitit Arcade viso 500 et cognoscenti similis fuit: ille refugit inmotosque oculos in se sine fine tenentem nescius extimuit propiusque accedere aventi vulnifico fuerat fixurus pectora telo: arcuit omnipotens pariterque ipsosque nefasque 505 sustulit et pariter raptos per inania vento inposuit caelo vicinaque sidera fecit. Intumuit Iuno, postquam inter sidera paelex fulsit, et ad canam descendit in aequora Tethyn ()ceanumque senem, quorum reverentia movit 510 saepe deos, causamque viae scitantibus infit: “ quaeritis, aetheriis quare regina deorum 94 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II she was now a bear; with constant moanings she shows her grief, stretches up such hands as are left her to the heavens, and, though she cannot speak, still feels the ingratitude of Jove. Ah, how often, not daring to lie down in the lonely woods, she wandered before her home and in the fields that had once been hers ! How often was she driven over the rocky ways by the baying of hounds and, huntress though she was, fled in afl‘right before the hunters! Often she hid at sight of the wild beasts, forgetting what she was ; and, though herself a bear, shuddered at sight of other bears which she saw on the mountain— slopes. She even feared the wolves, although her own father, Lycaon, ran with the pack. And now Areas, Lycaon’s grandson, had reached his fifteenth year, ignorant of his mother’s plight. While he was hunting the wild beasts, seeking out their favourite haunts, hemming the Arcadian woods with his close—wrought nets, he chanced upon his mother, who stopped still at sight of Areas, and seemed like one that recognized him. He shrank back at those unmoving eyes that were fixed for ever upon him, and feared he knew not what; and when she tried to come nearer,he was just in the act of pierc- ing her breast with his wound-dealing spear. But the Omnipotent stayed his hand, and together he removed both themselves and the crime, and together caught up through the void in a whirlwind, he set them in the heavens and made them neighbouring stars. Then indeed did Juno’s wrath wax hotter still when she saw her rival shining in the sky, and straight went down to Tethys, venerable goddess of the sea, and to old Ocean, whom oft the gods hold in reverence. When they asked her the cause of her coming, she began: “ Do you ask me why I, the 95 OVID s'ed‘ib'us hue adsim? pro me tenet altera caelum! " mentior, obscurum nisi nox'cum fecerit orbem, nuper honoratas summo, mea vulnera, caelo 515 videritis stellas illie, ubi eirculus axem ultimus extremum spatioque brevissimus ambit. et vero quisquam Iunonem laedere nolit offensamque tremat, quae prosum sola noeendo? 519 o ego quantum egi! quam vasta potentia nostra est! esse hominem vetui: facta est dea! sic ego poenas sontibus inpono, sic est mea magna potestas! vindicet antiquam faciem vultusque ferinos detrahat, Argoliea quod in ante Phoronide fecit cur non et pulsa dueit Iunone meoque 525 eolloeat in thalamo soeerumque Lycaona sumit? at vos si laesae tangit eontemptus alumnae, gurgite caeruleo septem prohibete triones sideraque in caelo stupri mercede reeepta pellite, ne puro tinguatur in aequore paelex! ” 530 Di maris adnuerant: habili Saturnia curru ingreditur liquidum pavonibus aethera pietis, tam nuper pictis eaeso pavonibus Argo, quam tu nuper eras, cum eandidus ante fuisses, eorv_eploquax,.subito nigrantis versus in alas. 535 nam fuit haee quondam niveis argentea pennis ales, ut'aequaret totas sine 1abe eolumbas, nec'servaturis vigil Capitolia voce eederet anseribus nee amanti flumina eygno. lingua fuit damno: lingua faciente loquaei 540 qui color albus erat, nune est eontrarius albo. 96 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II queen of heaven, am here? Anotherf queen has usurped my heaven. Count my word false if to— night, when darkness has obscured the sky, you see not new constellations fresh set, to outrage me, in the place of honour in highest heaven, where the last and shortest circle encompasses the utmost pole. And is there any reason now why anyone should hesitate to insult Juno and should fear my wrath, who do but help where I would harm? Oh, what great things have I accomplished! What unbounded power is mine! She whom I drove out of human form has now become a goddess. So do I punish those who wrong me! Such is my vaunted might! It only remains for him to release her from her bestial form and restore her former features, as he did once before in Argive Io’s case. Why, now that I am deposed, should he not wed and set her in my chamber, and become Lycaon’s son-in—law? But do you, if the- insult to your foster-child moves you, debar these bears from your green pools, disown stars which have gained heaven at the price of shame, and let not that harlot bathe in your pure stream.” The gods of the sea granted her prayer, and Saturnia, mounting her swift chariot, was borne back through the yielding air by her gaily decked pea- cocks, peacocks but lately decked with the slain Argus’ eyes, at the same time ‘that thy plumage, talking raven, though white before,had been suddenly changed to black. For he had once been a bird of silvery-white plumage, so that he rivalled the spotless doves, nor yielded to the geese which one day were to save the Capitol with their watchful cries, nor to the river-loving swan. But his tongue was his undoing. Through his tongue’s fault the talking bird, which once was white, was now the opposite of white. 97 OVID Pulchrior in tota quam Larisaea Coronis non fuit Haemonia: placuit tibi, Delphice, certe, dum vel casta fuit vel inobservata, sed ales sensit adulterium Phoebeius, utque latentem 545 detegeret culpam, non exorabilis index, ad dominum tendebat iter. quem garrula motis consequitur pennis, scitetur ut omnia, cornix auditaque viae causa “ non utile carpis ” inquit “iter: ne sperne meae praesagia linguae! 550 quid fuerim quid simque vide meritumque require: invenies nocuisse fidem. nam tempore quodam Pallas Erichthonium, prolem sine matre creatam, clauserat Actaeo texta de vimine cista virginibusique tribus gemin-o de Cecrope natis 555 et legem dederat, sua ne secreta viderent. abdita fronde levi densa speculabar ab ulmo, quid facerent: commissa duae sine fraude tuentur, Pandrosos atque Herse; timidas vocat una sorores Aglauros nodosque manu diducit, et intus 560 infantemque vident adporrectumque draconem. acta deae refero. pro quo mihi gratia talis redditur, ut dicar tutela pulsa Minervae et ponar post noctis avem! mea poena volucres admonuisse potest, ne voce pericula quaerant. 565 at, puto, non ultro nequiquam tale rogantem me petiit !——ipsa licet hoc a Pallade quaeras : quamvis irata est, non hoc irata negabit. 98 MET AMORPHOSES BOOK II In all Thessaly there was no fairer maid than Coronis of Larissa. She surely found favour in thy eyes, O Delphic god, so long as she was chaste—or undetected. But the bird of Phoebus discovered her unchastity, and was posting with all speed, hard- hearted tell—tale, to his master to disclose the sin he had spied out. The gossiping crow followed him on flapping wings and asked the news. But when he heard the real object of the trip he said: “ ’Tis no profitable journey you are taking, my friend. Scorn not the forewarning of my tongue. See what I used to be and what I am now, and then ask the reason for it. You will find that good faith was my undoing. Once upon a time a child was born, named Erichthonius, a child without a mother. Him Pallas hid in a box woven of Actaean osiers, and gave this to the three daughters of double-shaped Cecrops, with the strict command not to look upon her secret. Hidden in the light leaves that grew thick over an elm, I set myself to watch what they would do. Two of the girls, Pandrosos and Herse, watched the box in good faith, but the third, Aglauros, called her sisters cowards, and with her hand undid the fastenings. And within they saw a baby—boy and a snake stretched out beside him. I went and be- trayed them to the goddess, and for my pains I was turned out of my place as Minerva’s attendant and put after the bird of night! My punishment ought to be a warning to all birds not to invite trouble by talking too much. But perhaps (do you say?) she did not seek me out of her own accord, when I asked no such thing? Well, you may ask Pallas herself. Though she be angry with me now, she will not deny that, for all her anger. It is a well—known story. I once was a king’s daughter, child of the famous 99 OVID nam me Phoeaiea clarus tellure Coroneus (nota loquor) genuit, fueramque ego regia virgo 570 divitibusque proeis (me me contemne) petebar: forma mihi nocuit. nam cum per litora lentis passibus, ut soleo. summa spatiarer harena, vidit et incaluit pelagi deus, utque preeando tempora cum blandis absumpsit inania verbis, 575 vim parat et sequitur. fugio densumque relinquo litus et in molli nequiquam lassor harena. inde deos hominesque voeo; nee contigit ullum vox mea mortalem: mota est pro virgine virgo auxiliumque tulit. tendebam braechia caelo: 580 braechia eoeperunt levibus nigreseere pennis; reieere ex umeris vestem molibar, at illa pluma erat inque eutem radiees egerat imas; plangere nuda meis eonabar pectora palmis, sed neque iam palmas nee pectora nuda gerebam; currebam, nee, ut ante, pedes retinebat harena, 586 sed summa tollebar humo; mox alta per auras evehor et data sum comes ineulpata Minervae. quid tamen hoe prodest, si diro facta volucris erimine Nyetimene nostro suecessit honori? 590 an quae per totam res est notissima Lesbon, non audita tibi est, patrium temerasse eubile Nyetimenen? avis illa quidem, sed eonscia eulpae eonspeetum lucemque fugit tenebrisque pudorem eelat et a cunctis expellitur aethere toto.” 595 Talia dieenti “ tibi ” ait “ revocamina ” eorvus “ sint, preeor, ista malo : nos vanum spernimus omen.” IOO METAMORPHOSES BOOK II Coroneus in the land of Phocis, and—nay, scorn me not—rich suitors sought me in marriage. But my beauty proved my bane. For once, while I paced, as is my wont, along the shore with slow steps over the sa-nd’s top, the god of the ocean saw me and grew hot. And when his prayers and coaxing words proved but waste of time, he offered force and pursued. I ran from him, leaving the hard-packed beach, and was quickly worn out, but all to no purpose, in the soft sand beyond. Then I cried out for help to gods and men, but my cries reached no mortal car. But the virgin goddess heard a virgin’s prayer and came to my aid. I was stretching my arms to heaven, when my arms began to darken with light feathers. I strove to cast my mantle from my shoulders, but it was feathers, too, which had already struck their roots deep into my skin. I tried to beat my bare breasts with my hands, but I found I had now neither breasts nor hands. I would run; and now the sand did not retard my feet as before, but I skimmed lightly along the top of the ground, and soon I floated on the air, soaring high; and so I was given to Minerva to be her blameless comrade. But of what use was that to me, if, after all, Nyctimene, who was changed into a bird because of her vile sins, has been put in my place? Or have you not heard the tale all Lesbos knows too well, how Nyctimene outraged the sanctity of her father’s bed? And, bird though she now is, still, conscious of her guilt, 'she flees the sight of men and light of day, and tries to hide her shame in darkness, outcast by all from the whole radiant sky.” 7 ‘ In reply to all this the raven said: “ On your own head, I pray, be the evil that warning portends; I scorn the idle presage,” continued on his way to his 101 OVID ‘ nec coeptum dimittit iter dominoque iacentem cum iuvene Haemonio vidisse Coronida narrat. laurea delapsa est audito crimine amantis, 600 et pariter vultusque deo plectrumque colorque excidit, utque animus tumida fervebat ab ira, arma adsueta capit flexumque a cornibus arcum tendit et illa suo totiens cum pectore iuncta indevitato traiecit pectora telo. 605 icta dedit gemitum tractoque a corpore ferro candida puniceo perfudit membra cruore et dixit: “ potui poenas tibi, Phoebe, dedisse, sed peperisse prius; duo nunc moriemur in una.” hactenus, et pariter vitam cum sanguine fudit; 610 corpus inane animae frigus letale secutum est. Paenitet heu! sero pocnae crudelis amantem, seque, quod audierit, quod sic exarserit, odit; odit avem, per quam crimen causamque dolendi scire coactus erat, nec non arcumque manumque 615 odit cumque manu temeraria tela sagittas conlapsamque fovet seraque ope vincere fata nititur et medicas exercet inaniter artes. quae postquam frustra temptata rogumque parari vidit et arsuros supremis ignibus artus, 620 tum vero gemitus (neque enim caelestia tingui ora licet lacrimis) alto de corde petitos edidit, haud aliter quam cum spectante iuvenca lactentis vituli dextra libratus ab aure tempora discussit claro cava malleus ictu. 625 102 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II master, and then told him that he had seen Coronis lying beside the youth of Thessaly. When that charge was heard the laurel glided from the lover’s head; together countenance and colour changed, and the quill dropped from the hand of the god. And as his heart became hot with swelling anger he seized his accustomed arms, strung his bent bow from the horns, and transfixed with unerring shaft the bosom which had been so often pressed to his own. The smitten maid groaned in agony, and, as the arrow was drawn out, her white limbs were drenched with her red blood. “ ’Twas right, O Phoebus,” she said, “ that I should suffer thus from you, but first I should have borne my child. But now two of us shall die in one.” And while she spoke her life ebbed out with her streaming blood, and soon her body, its life all spent, lay cold in death. The lover, alas! too late repents his cruel act; he hates himself because he listened to the tale and was so quick to break out in wrath. He hates the bird by which he has been compelled to know the offence that brought his grief; bow and hand he hates, and with that hand the hasty arrows too. He fondles the fallen girl, and too late tries to bring help and to conquer fate ; but his healing arts are exercised in vain. When his efforts were of no avail, and he saw the pyre made ready with the funeral fires which were to consume her limbs, then indeed—for the cheeks of the heavenly gods may not be wet'with tears—from his deep heart he uttered piteous groans; such groans as the young cow utters when before her eyes the hammer high poised from beside the right car crashes with its resounding blow through the hollow temples of her suckling calf. The god pours fragrant incense on her unconscious breast, gives her 103 OVID ut tamen ingratos in pectora fudit odores et dedit amplexus iniustaque iusta peregit, non tulit in cineres labi sua Phoebus eosdem semina, sed natum flammis uteroque parentis eripuit geminique tulit Chironis in antrum, 630 sperantemque sibi non falsae praemia linguae inter aves albas vetuit consistere corvum. Semifer interea divinae stirpis alumno laetus erat mixtoque oneri gaudebat honore; ecee venit rutilis umeros proteeta capillis 635 filia eentauri, quam quandam nympha Charielo fluminis in rapidi ripis enisa voeavit Oeyroen: non haee artes contenta paternas edidicisse fuit, fatorum areana canebat. ergo ubi vaticinos eoneepit mente furores 640 incaluitque deo, quem elausum pectore habebat, adspicit infantem “ toto ” que “ salutifer orbi cresee, puer! ” dixit; “ tibi se mortalia saepe corpora debebunt, animas tibi reddere ademptas fas erit, idque semel dis indignantibus ausus 645 vposse dare hoe iterum flamma prohibebere avita, 'eque deo corpus fies exsangue deusque, 'qu'i modo corpus eras, et bis tua fata novabis. tu quoque, care pater, nune inmortalis et aevis. omnibus ut maneas nascendi lege ereatus, - 650 posse mori eupies, tum cum eruciabere dirae sanguine serpentis per saucia membra reeepto; teque ex aeterno patientem numina mortis 104 .. METAMORPHOSES BOOK II the last embrace, and performs all the fit offices unfitly for-the dead. But that his own son should perish in the same funeral fires he cannot brook. He snatched the unborn child from his mother’s womb and from the devouring flames, and bore him for safe keeping to the cave of two—formed Chiron. But the raven, which had hoped only for reward from his truth- telling, he forbad to take their place among white birds. Meantime the Centaur was rejoicing in his foster— child of heavenly stock, glad at the honour which the task brought with it, when 10! there comes his daughter, her shoulders overmantled with red-gold locks, whom once the nymph, Chariclo, bearing her to him upon the banks of the swift stream, had called thereafter Ocyrhoe. She was not satisfied to have learnt her father’s art, but she sang ‘prophecy. So when she felt in her soul the prophetic madness, and was warmed by the divine fire prisoned in her breast, she looked upon the child and cried: “O child, health—bringer to the whole world, speed thy growth. Often shall mortal bodies owe their lives to thee, and to thee shall it be counted right to restore the spirits of the departed. But having dared this once in scorn of the gods, from power to give life a second time thou shalt be stayed by thy grandsire’s lightning. So, from a god shalt thou become but a lifeless corpse; but from this corpse shalt thou again become a god and twice‘renew thy fates. Thou also, dear father, who art now im.- mortal and destined by the law of thy birth to last through all the ages, shalt some day long for power to die, when thou shalt be in agony with all thy limbs burning with the fatal Hydra’s blood. But at last, from immortal the gods shall make thee capable {075 OVI D efficient, triplicesque deae tua fila resolvent.” restabat fatis aliquid: suspirat ab imis 655 pectoribus, lacrimaeque genis labuntur obortae, atque ita “ praevertunt ” inquit “ me fata, vetorque plura loqui, vocisque meae praecluditur usus. non fuerant artes tanti, quae numinis iram contraxere mihi : mallem nescisse futura! 660 iam mihi subduci facies humana videtur, iam cibus herba placet, iam latis currere campis impetus est: in equam cognataque corpora vertor. tota tamen quare? pater est mihi nempe biformis.” talia dicenti pars est extrema querellae 665 intellecta parum confusaque verba fuerunt; mox nec verba quidem nec equae sonus ille videtur sed simulantis equam, parvoque in tempore certos edidit hinnitus et bracchia movit in herbas. tum digiti coeunt et quinos alligat ungues 670 perpetuo cornu levis ungula, crescit et oris et colli spatium, longae pars maxima pallae cauda fit, utque vagi crines per colla iacebant, in dextras abiere iubas, pariterque novata est et vox et facies; nomen quoque monstra dedere. 675 Flebat opemque tuam frustra Philyreius heros, Delphice, poscebat. nam nec rescindere magni iussa Iovis poteras, nec, si rescindere posses, tunc aderas: Elim Messeniaque arva colebas. illud erat tempus, quo te pastoria pellis 680 texit, onusque fuit baculum silvestre sinistrae, alterius dispar septenis fistula cannis. 106 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II of death, and the three goddesses shall loose thy thread.” Still other fates remained to tell; but suddenly she sighed deeply, and with flowing tears said: “ The fates forestall me and forbid me to speak more. My power of speech fails me. Not worth the cost were those arts which have brought down the wrath of heaven upon me. I would that I had never known the future. Now my human shape seems to be passing. Now grass pleases as food; now I am eager to race around the broad pastures. I am turning into a mare, my kindred shape. But why completely ? Surely my father is half human.” Even while she spoke, the last part of her complaint became scarce understood and her words were all confused. Soon they seemed neither words nor yet the sound of a horse, but as of one trying to imitate a horse. At last she clearly whinnied and her arms became legs and moved along the ground. Her fingers drew together and one continuous light hoof of horn bound together the five nails of her hand. Her mouth enlarged, her neck was extended, the train of her gown became a tail; and her looks as they lay roam- ing over her neck were become a mane on the right side. Now was she changed alike in voice and feature; and this new wonder gave her a new name as well. The half-divine son of Philyra wept and vainly called on thee for aid, O lord of Delphi. For thou couldst not revoke the edict of mighty Jove, nor, if thou couldst, wast thou then at hand. In those days thou wast dwelling in Elis and the Messenian fields. Thy garment was a shepherd’s cloak, thy staff a stout stick from the wood, and a pipe made of seven unequal reeds was in thy hand. And while thy thoughts were all of love, and while thou didst 107 OVID dumque amor est curae, dum te tua fistula mulcet, incustoditae Pylios memorantur in agros processisse boves: videt has Atlantide Maia 685 natus et arte sua silvis oeeultat abaetas. Senserat hoe furtum nemo nisi notus in illo rure senex; Battum vicinia tota voeabat. divitis hie saltus herbosaque pascua N elei nobiliumque greges custos servabat equarum. 690 hune timuit blandaque manu seduxit et illi “ quisquis es, hospes ” ait, “ si forte armenta requiret haee aliquis, vidisse nega neu gratia facto nulla rependatur, nitidam cape praemia vaeeam! ” et dedit. aeeepta voees hae reddidit hospes : 695 “ tutus eas! lapis iste prius tua furta loquetur,” et lapidem ostendit. simulat Iove natus abire; mox redit et versa pariter cum voce figura I ‘ rustice, vidisti si quas hoe limite ” dixit “ ire boves, fer opem furtoque silentia deme! 700 iuneta suo pariter dabitur tibi femina tauro.” at senior, postquam est merees geminata, “ sub illis montibus ” inquit “ erunt,” et erant sub montibus illis. risit Atlantiades et “ me mihi, perfide, prodis? me mihi prodis? ” ait periuraque pectora vertit 705 in durum silieem, qui nune quoque dieitur index, inque nihil merito vetus est infamia saxo. 108 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II discourse sweetly on the pipe, the cattle thou wast keeping strayed, ’tis said, all unguarded into the Pylian fields. There Maia’s son spied them, and by his native craft drove them into the woods and hid them there. Nobody saw the theft except one old man well known in that neighbourhood, called Battus by all the countryside. He, as a hired servant of the wealthy Neleus, was watching a herd of blooded mares in the glades and rich pasture- fields thereabouts. Mercury feared his tattling and, drawing him aside with cajoling hand, said: “ Who— ever you are, my man, if anyone should chance to ask you if you have seen any cattle going by here, say that you have not; and, that your kindness may not go unrewarded, you may choose out a sleek heifer for your pay ” ; and he gave him the heifer forth- with. The old man took it and replied: “ Go on, stranger, and feel safe. That stone will tell of your thefts sooner than I ”; and he pointed out a stone. The son of Jove pretended to go away, but soon came back with changed voice and form, and said: “ My good fellow, if you have seen any cattle going along this way, help me out, and don’t refuse to tell about it, for they were stolen. I’ll give you a cow and a bull into the bargain if you’ll tell.” The old man, tempted by the double reward, said: “ You’ll find them over there at the foot of that mountain.” And there, true enough, they were. Mercury laughed him to scorn and said: “Would you betray me to myself, you rogue? me to my very face?” So saying, he turned the faithless fellow into a flinty stone, which even to this day is called touch—stone; and the old reproach still rests upon the undeserving flint. 109 OVID Hinc se sustulerat paribus caducifer alis, Munychiosque volans agros gratamque Minervae despectabat humum cultique arbusta Lycei. 710 illa forte die castae de more puellae vertice supposito festas in Palladis arces pura coronatis portabant sacra canistris. inde revertentes deus adspicit ales iterque non agit in rectum, sed in orbem curvat eundem : 715 .ut volucris visis rapidissima miluus extis, dum timet et densi circumstant sacra ministri, flectitur in gyrum nec longius audet abire spemque suam motis avidus circumvolat alis, sic super Actaeas agilis Cyllenius arces 720 inclinat cursus et easdem circinat auras. quanto splendidior quam cetera sidera fulget Lucifer, et quanto quam Lucifer aurea Phoebe, tanto virginibus praestantior omnibus Herse ibat eratque decus pompae comitumque suarum. 725 obstipuit forma Iove natus et aethere pendens non secus exarsit, quam cum Balearica .plumbum funda iacit: volat illud et incandescit eundo et, quos non habuit, sub nubibus invenit ignes. ' vertit iter caeloque petit terrena relicto 730 nec se dissimulat: tanta est fiducia formae. _ quae quamquam iusta est, cura tamen adiuvat illam permulcetque comaschlamydemque, ut pendeat apte, collocat, ut limbus totumque adpareat aurum, ut teres in dextra, qua somnos ducit et arcet, 735 virga sit, ut tersis niteant talaria plantis. 110 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II The god of the caduceus had taken himself hence on level wings and now as he flew he was looking down upon the Munychian fields, the land that Minerva loves, and the groves of the learned Lyceum. That day chanced to be a festival of Pallas when young maidens bore to their goddess’ temple mystic gifts in flower-wreathed baskets on their heads. The winged god saw them as they were returning home and directed his way towards them, not straight down but sweeping in such a curve as when the swift kite has spied the fresh-slain sacrifice, afraid to come down while the priests are crowded around the victim, and yet not venturing to go quite away, he circles around in air and on flapping wings greedily hovers over his hoped—for prey; so did the nimble Mercury fly round the Athenian hill, sweep- ing in circles through the same spaces of air. As Lucifer shines more brightly than allv the other stars and as the golden moon outshines Lucifer, so much was Herse more lovely than all the maidens round her, the choice ornament in the solemn procession of her comrades. The son of Jove was astounded at her beauty, and hanging in mid-air he caught the flames of vlove; as when a leaden bullet is thrown by a Balearic sling, it flies along, is heated by its motion, and finds heat in the clouds which it had not before. Mercury now turns his ‘course, leaves the air and flies to earth, nor seeks to disguise himself; such is the confidence of beauty. Yet- though that trust be lawful, he assists it none the less with pains; he smooths his hair, arranges his robe so that it may hang neatly and so that all the golden border will show. He takes care to have in his right hand his smooth wand with which he brings on sleep or drives it away, and to have his winged sandals glittering on his trim feet. III OVID Pars-seereta domus ebore et testudine eultos' tres habuit thalamos, quorum tu, Pandrose, dextrum, Aglauros laevum, medium possederat Herse. quae tenuit laevum, venientem prima notavit 740 Mereurium nomenque dei seitarier ausa est et eausam adventus; eui sic respondit Atlantis Plei'onesque nepos “ ego sum, qui iussa per auras verba patris porto; pater est mihi Iuppiter ipse. nee fingam eausas, tu tantum fida sorori 745 esse velis prolisque meae matertera dici: Herse eausa viae; faveas oramus amanti.” adspicit hunc oculis isdem, quibus abdita nuper viderat Aglauros flavae seereta Minervae, proque ministerio magni sibi ponderis aurum 750 postulat: interea teetis excedere eogit. Vertit ad hane torvi dea belliea luminis orbem et tanto penitus traxit suspiria motu, ut pariter pectus positamque in pectore forti aegida eoneuteret: subit, hane areana profana 755 detexisse manu, tum cum sine matre creatam Lemnicolae stirpem contra data foedera vidit, et gratamque deo fore iam gratamque sorori et‘ditem sumpto, quod avara poposcerat, auro. protinus Invidiae nigro squalentia tabo 760 tecta petit: domus est imis in vallibus huius abdita, sole earens, non ulli pervia vento, tristis et ignavi plenissima frigoris et quae igne vaeet semper, caligine semper abundet. hue ubi pervenit belli metuenda Virago, 765 1-12 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II In a retired part of the house were three chambers, richly adorned with ivory and tortoise-shell. The right-hand room of these Pandrosos occupied, Aglauros the left, and Herse the room between. Aglauros first saw the approaching god and made so bold as to ask his name and the cause of his visit. He, grandson of Atlas and Pleione, replied: “ I am he who carry my father’s messages through the air. My father is Jove himself. Nor will I conceal why I am here. Only do you consent to be true to your sister, and to be called the aunt of my off— spring. I have come here for Herse’s sake. I pray you favour a lover’s suit.” Aglauros looked at him with the same covetous eyes with which she had lately peeped at the secret of the golden-haired Minerva, and demanded a mighty weight of gold as the price of her service; meantime, she compelled him to leave the palace. The warrior goddess now turned her angry eyes upon her, and‘breathed sighs so deep and perturbed that her breast and the aegis that lay upon her breast shook with her emotion. She remembered that this was the girl who had with profa'ning hands uncovered the secret at the time when, contrary to her com— mand, she looked upon the son of the Lemnian, without mother born. And now she would be in favour with the god and with her sister, and rich, besides, with the gold which in her greed she had demanded. Straightway Minerva sought out the cave of Envy, filthy with black gore. Her home was hidden away in a deep valley, where no sun shines and no breeze blows; a gruesome place and full of a numbing chill. No cheerful fire burns there, and the place is wrapped in thick, black fog. When the warlike‘ maiden goddess came to the cave, she VOL. I. E 113 OVID constitit ante domum (neque enim succedere tectis fas habet) et postes extrema cuspide pulsat. concussae patuere fores. videt intus edentem vipereas carnes, vitiorum alimenta suorum, Invidiam visaque oculos avertit; at illa 770 surgit humo pigre semesarumque relinquit corpora serpentum passuque incedit inerti. utque deam vidit formaque armisque decoram, ingemuit vultumque deae ad suspiria duxit. pallor in ore sedet, macies in corpore toto. 775 nusquam recta acies, livent robigine dentes, pectora felle virent, lingua est sufi'usa veneno; risus abest, nisi quem visi movere dolores; nec fruitur somno, vigilantibus excita curis, sed videt ingratos intabescitque videndo 780 successus hominum carpitque et carpitur una suppliciumque suum est. quamvis tamen oderat illam, talibus adfata est breviter Tritonia dictis: “ infice tabe tua natarum Cecropis unam: sic opus est. Aglauros ea est.” haud plura locuta 785 fugit et inpressa tellurem reppulit hasta. Illa deam obliquo fugientem lumine cernens murmura parva dedit successurumque Minervae indoluit baculumque capit, quod spinea totum vincula cingebant, adopertaque nubibus atris, 790 quacumque ingreditur, florentia proterit arva exuritque herbas et summa cacumina carpit adflatuque suo populos urbesque domosque polluit et tandem’ Tritonida conspicit arcem 114 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II stood without, for she might not enter that foul abode, and beat upon the door with end of spear. The battered doors flew open; and there, sitting within, was Envy, eating snakes’ flesh, the proper food of her venom. At the horrid sight the goddess turned away her eyes. But that other rose heavily from the ground, leaving the snakes’ carcasses half consumed, and came forward with sluggish step. When she saw the goddess, glorious in form and armour, she groaned aloud and shaped her counte- nance to match the goddess’ sigh. Pallor o’erspreads her face and her whole body seems to shrivel up. Her eyes are all awry, her teeth are foul with mould; green, poisonous gall o’erflows her breast, and venom drips down from her tongue. She never smiles, save at the sight of another’s troubles; she never sleeps, disturbed with wakeful cares; unwelcome to her is the sight of men’s success, and with the sight she pines away; she gnaws and is gnawed, herself her own punishment. Although she de— tested the loathsome thing, yet in curt speech Tritonia spoke to her : “ Infect with your venom one of Cecrops’ daughters. Such the task I set. I mean Aglauros.” Without more words she fled the crea— ture’s presence and, pushing her spear against the ground, sprang lightly back to heaven. The hag, eyeing her askanee as she flees, mutters awhile, grieving to think on the goddess’ joy of triumph. Then she takes her staff, thick-set with thorns, and, wrapped in a mantle of dark cloud, sets forth. Wherever she goes, she tramples down the flowers, causes the grass to wither, blasts the high waving trees, and taints with the foul pollution of her breath whole peoples, cities, homes. At last she spies Tritonia’s city, splendid with art and wealth 115 OVID ingeniis opibusque et festa pace virentem 795 vixque tenet lacrimas, quia nil lacrimabile cernit. sed postquam thalamos intravit Ceerope natae, iussa faeit pectusque manu ferrugine tincta tangit et hamatis praecordia sentibus inplet inspiratque nocens virus piceumque per ossa 800 dissipat et medio spargit pulmone venenum, neve mali causae spatium per latius errent, germanam ante oculos fortunatumque sororis eoniugium pulehraque deum sub imagine ponit cunetaque magna faeit; quibus inritata dolore 805 Cecropis oeeulto mordetur et anxia nocte anxia luee gemit lentaque miserrima tabe liquitur, et glacies ineerto saucia sole, felieisque bonis non lenius uritur Herses, quam cum spinosis ignis supponitur herbis, 810 quae neque dant flammas lenique tepore cremantur. saepe mori voluit, ne quiequam tale videret, saepe velut erimen rigido narrare parenti; denique in adverso venientem limine sedit exelusura deum. cui blandimenta preeesque 815 verbaque iactanti mitissima “ desine! ” dixit, “ hine ego me non sum nisi te motura repulso.” “ stemus ” ait “ paeto ” velox Cyllenius “ isto! ” eaelestique fores virga patefeeit: at illi surgere eonanti partes, quaseumque sedendo 820 fiectitur, ignava nequeunt gravitate moveri 2 illa quidem pugnat recto se attollere truneo, sed genuum iunetura riget, frigusque per ungues labitur, et pallent amisso sanguine venae; 116 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II and peaceful joy; and she can scarce restrain her tears at the sight, because she sees no cause for others’ tears. But, having entered the chamber of Cecrops’ daughter, she performed the goddess’ bid- ding, touched the girl’s breast with her festering hand and filled her heart with pricking thorns. Then she breathed pestilential, poisonous breath into her nostrils and spread black venom through her very heart and bones. And, to fix a cause for her grief, Envy pictured to her imagination her sister, her sister’s blest marriage and the god in all his beauty, magnifying the excellence of everything. Maddened by this, Aglauros eats her heart out in secret misery; careworn by day, careworn by night, she groans and wastes away most wretchedly with slow decay, like ice touched by the fitful sunshine. She is consumed by envy of Herse’s happiness; just as when a fire is set under a pile of weeds, which give out no flames and waste away with slow con- sumption. She often longed to die that she might not behold such happiness; often to tell it, as ’twere a crime, to her stern father. At last she sat down at her sister’s threshold, to prevent the god’s entrance when he should come. And when he coaxed and prayed with his most honeyed words, “ Have done,” she said, “ for I shall never stir from here till I have foiled your purpose.” “ We’ll stand by that bargain,” Mercury quickly replied, and with a touch of his heavenly wand he opened the door. At this the girl struggled to get up, but found the limbs she bends in sitting made motionless with dull heaviness; she strove to stand erect, but her knees had stiffened; a numbing chill stole through her limbs, and her flesh was pale and bloodless. And, as an incurable cancer spreads its evil roots ever more widely and involves sound 117 OVID utque malum late solet inmedicabile cancer 825 serpere et inlaesas vitiatis addere partes, sic letalis hiems paullatim in pectora venit vitalesque vias et respiramina clausit, nec conata loqui est nec, si conata fuisset, vocis habebat iter: saxum iam colla tenebat, 830 oraque duruerant, signumque exsangue sedebat; nec lapis albus erat: sua mens infecerat illam. Has ubi verborum poenas mentisque profanae cepit Atlantiades, dictas a Pallade terras linquit et ingreditur iactatis aethera pennis. 835 sevocat hunc genitor nec causam fassus amoris ‘_‘ fide minister ” ait “ iussorum, nate, meorum, pelle moram solitoque celer delabere cursu, quaeque tuam matrem tellus a parte sinistra suspicit (indigenae Sidonida nomine dicunt), 840 hanc pete, quodque procul montano gramine pasci armentum regale vides, ad litora verte ! ” dixit, et expulsi iamdudum monte iuvenci litora iussa petunt, ubi magni filia regis ludere virginibus Tyriis comitata solebat. 84.5 non bene conveniunt nec in una sede morantur maiestas et amor; sceptri gravitate relicta ille pater rectorque deum, cui dextra trisulcis ignibus armata est, qui nutu concutit orbem, induitur fa'ciem tauri mixtusque iuvencis 850 mugit et in teneris formosus obambulat herbis. quippe color nivis est, quam nec vestigia duri calcavere pedis nec solvit aquaticus auster. 118 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II with infected parts, so did a deadly chill little by little creep to her breast, stopping all vital functions and choking off her breath. She no longer tried to speak, and, if she had tried, her voice would have found no way of utterance. Her neck was changed to stone, her features had hardened—— there she sat, a lifeless statue. Nor was the stone white in colour; her soul had stained it black. When Mercury had inflicted this punishment on the girl for her impious words and spirit, he left the land of Pallas behind him, and flew to heaven on outflung pinions. Here his father calls him aside; and not revealing his love affair as the real reason, he says: “ My son, always faithful to perform my bidding, delay not, but swiftly in accustomed flight glide down to earth and seek out the land that looks up at your mother’s star from the left. The natives call it the land of Sidon. There you are to drive down to the sea—shore the herd of the king’s cattle which you will see grazing at some distance on the mountain-side.” He spoke, and quickly the cattle were driven from the mountain and headed for the shore, as Jove had directed, to a spot where the great king’s daughter was accustomed to play in company with her Tyrian maidens. Majesty and love do not go well together, nor tarry long in the same dwelling-place. And so the father and ruler of the gods, who wields in his right hand the three-forked lightning, whose nod shakes the world, laid aside his royal majesty along with his sceptre, and took upon him the form of a bull. In this form he mingled with the cattle, lowed like the rest, and wandered around, beautiful to be- hold, on the young grass. His colour was white as the untrodden snow, which has not yet been melted by the rainy south—wind. The muscles stood rounded r19 OVID colla toris exstant, armis palearia pendent, cornua parva quidem, sed quae eontendere possis 855 facta manu, puraque magis perlucida gemma. nullae in fronte minae, nee formidabile lumen: paeem vultus habet. miratur Agenore nata, quod tam formosus, quod proelia nulla minetur; sed quamvis mitem metuit contingere primo, 860 mox adit et flores ad candida porrigit ora. gaudet amans et, dum veniat sperata voluptas, oscula dat manibus; vix iam, vix cetera differt; et nune adludit viridique exsultat in herba, nune lates in fulvis niveum deponit harenis; 865 paullatimque metu dempto modo pectora praebet virginea plaudenda 1 manu, modo cornua sertis inpedienda novis; ausa est quoque regia virgo nescia, quem premeret, tergo eonsidere tauri, cum deus a terra siccoque a litore sensim 870 fa'lsa pedum primo vestigia ponit in undis; inde abit ulterius mediique per aequora ponti _ fert praedam :v pavet haec litusque ablata relictum respieit et dextra cornum tenet, altera dorso V inposita est; tremulae sinuantur flamine vestes. 875 1 Some M SS. read palpanda. 120 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II upon his neck, a long dewlap hung down in front; his horns were small, but perfect in shape as if carved by an artist’s hand, cleaner and more clear than pearls. His brow and eyes would inspire no fear, and his whole expression was peaceful. Agenor’s daughter looked at him in wondering admiration, because he was so beautiful and friendly. But, although he seemed so gentle, she was afraid at first to touch him. Presently she drew near, and held out flowers to his snow-white lips. The disguised lover rejoiced‘ and, as a foretaste of future joy, kissed her hands. Even so he could scarce restrain his passion. And now he jumps sportively about on the grass, now lays his snowy body down on the yellow sands; and, when her fear has little by little been allayed, he yields his breast for her maiden hands to pat and his horns to entwine with garlands of fresh flowers. The princess even dares to sit upon his back, little knowing upon whom she rests. The god little by little edges away from the dry land, and sets his‘ borrowed hoofs in the shallow water; then he goes further out and soon is in full flight with his prize on the open ocean. She trembles with fear and looks back at the receding shore, holding fast a horn with one hand and resting the other on the creature’s back. And her fluttering garments stream behind her in the wind. 121 BOOK’ III LIBER III IAMQVE deus posita fallacis imagine tauri se confessus erat Dictaeaque rura tenebat, cum pater ignarus Cadmo perquirere raptam imperat et poenam, si non invenerit, addit exilium, factor pius et sceleratus eodem. 5 orbe pererrato (quis enim deprendere possit furta Iovis P) profugus patriamque iramque parentis vitat Agenorides Phoebique oracula supplex eonsulit et, quae sit tellus habitanda, requirit. “ bos tibi ” Phoebus ait “ solis oeeurret in arvis, 10 nullum passa iugum curvique inmunis aratri. hac duce earpe vias et, qua requieverit herba, moenia fae condas Boeotiaque illa vocato.” vix bene Castalio Cadmus descenderat antro, ineustoditam lente videt ire iuvencam 15 nullum servitii signum cervice gerentem. subsequitur pressoque legit vestigia passu auctoremque viae Phoebum taciturnus adorat. iam vada Cephisi Panopesque evaserat arva: bos stetit et tollens speeiosam cornibus altis 20 124 BOOK III AND now the god, having put off disguise of the bull, owned himself for what he was, and reached the fields of Crete. But the maiden’s father, ignorant of what had happened, bids his son, Cadmus, go and search for the lost girl, and threatens exile as a punishment if he does not find her—pious and guilty by the same act. After roaming over all the world in vain (for who could search out the secret loves of Jove?) Agenor’s son becomes an exile, shunning his father’s country and his father’s wrath. Then in suppliant wise he consults the oracle of Phoebus, seeking thus _to learn in what land he is to settle. Phoebus replies: “ A heifer will meet you in the wilderness, one who has never worn the yoke or drawn the crooked plough. Follow where she leads, and where she lies down to rest upon the grass there see that you build your city’s walls and call the land Boeotia.” 1 Hardly had Cadmus left the Castalian grotto when he saw a heifer moving slowly along, all unguarded and wearing on her neck no mark of service. He follows in her track with deliberate steps, silently giving thanks the while to Phoebus for showing him the way. And now the heifer had passed the fords of Cephisus and the fields of Panope, when she halted and, lifting towards the heavens her beautiful head 1 Le. “ the land of the heifer.” 12 5 OVID ad caelum frontem mugitibus inpulit auras atque ita respiciens comites sua terga sequentis procubuit teneraque latus submisit in herba. Cadmus agit grates peregrinaeque oscula terrae figit et ignotos montes agrosque salutat. Sacra Iovi facturus erat: iubet ire ministros et petere e vivis libandas fontibus undas. silva vetus stabat nulla violata securi, et specus in media virgis ac vimine densus efficiens humilem lapidum conpagibus arcum uberibus fecundas aquis; ubi conditus antro Martius anguis erat, cristis praesignis et auro; igne micant oculi, corpus tumet omne venenis, tres vibrant linguae, triplici stant ordine dentes. quem postquam Tyria lucum de gente profecti infausto tetigere gradu, demissaque in undas urna dedit sonitum, longo caput extulit antro caeruleus serpens horrendaque sibila misit. eflluxere urnae manibus sanguisque reliquit corpus et attonitos subitus tremor occupat artus. ille volubilibus squamosos nexibus orbes torquet et inmensos saltu sinuatur in arcus ac media plus parte leves erectus in auras 25 30 35 40 despicit omne nemus tantoque est corpore, quanto, si totum spectes, geminas qui separat arctos. nec mora, Phoenicas, sive illi tela parabant sive fugam, sive ipse timor prohibebat utrumque, 45 126 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III with its spreading horns, she filled the air with her lowings; and then, looking back upon those who were following close behind, she kneeled and let her flank sink down upon the fresh young grass. Cadmus gave thanks, reverently pressed his lips upon this stranger land, and greeted the unknown mountains and the plains. With intent to make sacrifice to Jove, he bade his attendants hunt out a spring of living water for libation. There was a primeval forest there, scarred by no axe; and in its midst a cave thick set about with shrubs and pliant twigs. With well-fitted stones it fashioned a low arch, whence poured a full-Welling spring, and deep within dwelt a serpent sacred to Mars. The creature had a wondrous golden crest; fire flashed from his eyes; his body was all swollen with venom; his triple tongue flickered out and in and his teeth were ranged in triple row. When with luckless steps the wayfarers of the Tyrian race had reached this grove, they let down their vessels into the spring, breaking the silence of the place. At this the dark serpent thrust forth his head out of the deep cave, hissing horribly. The urns fell from the men’s hands, their blood ran cold, and, horror—struck, they were seized with a sudden trembling. The serpent twines his scaly coils in rolling knots and with a spring curves himself into a huge bow; and, lifted high by more than half his length into the unsubstantial air, he looks down upon the whole wood, as huge, could you see him all, as is that serpent in the sky that lies outstretched between the twin bears. He makes no tarrying, but seizes on the Phoenicians, whether they are preparing for fighting or for flight or whether very fear holds both in check. Some he slays with his fangs, some 127 OVID occupat: hos morsu, longis eonplexibus illos, hos necat adflatu funesti tabe veneni Fecerat exiguas iam sol altissimus umbras: quae mora sit sociis, miratur Agenore natus vestigatque viros. tegumen derepta leoni pellis erat, telum splendenti laneea ferro et iaculum teloque animus praestantior omni. ut nemus intravit letataque corpora vidit victoremque supra spatiosi corporis hostem tristia sanguinea lambentem vulnera lingua, “ aut ultor vestrae, fidissima corpora, mortis, aut comes ” inquit “ ero.” sustulit et magnum magno conamine misit. illius inpulsu cum turribus ardua celsis moenia'mota forent, serpens sine vulnere mansit lorieaeque modo squamis defensus et atrae duritia pellis validos cute reppulit ietus; at non duritia iaculum quoque vicit eadem, quod medio lentae spinae curvamine fixum constitit et totum descendit in ilia ferrum. ille dolore ferox caput in sua terga retorsit vulneraque adspexit fixumque hastile momordit, idque ubi vi multa partem labefeeit in omnem, vix tergo eripuit; ferrum tamen ossibus haesit. tum vero postquam solitas aeeessit ad iras eausa recens, plenis tumuerunt guttura venis, spumaque pestiferos circumfluit albida rictus, terraque rasa sonat squamis, quique halitus exit ore niger Stygio, vitiatas inficit auras. ipse modo inmensum spiris faeientibus orbem 50 55 dixit dextraque molarem 60 65 70 75 128 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III he crushes in his constricting folds, and some he stifles with the deadly corruption of his poisoned breath. The sun had reached the middle heavens and drawn close the shadows. And now Cadmus, wondering what has delayed his companions, starts out to trace them. For shield, he has a lion's skin; for weapon, a spear with glittering iron point and a javelin; and, better than all weapons, a courageous soul. When he enters the wood and sees the corpses of his friends all slain, and victorious above them their huge-bodied foe licking their piteous wounds with bloody tongue, he cries: “ O ye poor forms, most faithful friends, either I shall avenge your death or be your comrade in it.” So saying, he heaved up a massive stone with his right hand and with mighty effort hurled its mighty bulk. Under such a blow, high ramparts would have fallen, towers and all; but the serpent went unscathed, protected against that strong stroke by his scales as by an iron doublet and by his hard, dark skin. But that hard skin cannot withstand the javelin too, which now is fixed in the middle fold of his tough back and penetrates with its iron head deep into his flank. The creature, mad with pain, twists back his head, views well his wound, and bites at the spear-shaft fixed therein. Then, when by violent efforts he had loosened this all round, with difficulty he tore it out; but the iron head remained fixed in the backbone. Then indeed fresh fuel was added to his native wrath; his throat swells with full veins, and white foam flecks his horrid jaws. The earth resounds with his scraping scales, and such rank breath as exhales from the Stygian cave befouls the tainted air. ’ Now he coils in huge spiral folds; now shoots up, straight ‘r29 OVID cingitur, interdum longa trabe rectior exstat, inpete nunc vasto ceu concitus imbribus amnis fertur et obstantis proturbat pectore silvas. cedit Agenorides paullum spolioque leonis sustinet incursus instantiaque ora retardat cuspide praetenta: furit ille et inania duro vulnera dat ferro figitque in acumine dentes. iamque venenifero sanguis manare palato coeperat et virides adspergine tinxerat herbas; sed leve vulnus erat, quia se retrahebat ab ictu laesaque colla dabat retro plagamque sedere cedendo arcebat nec longius ire sinebat, donec Agenorides coniectum in gutture ferrum usque sequens pressit, dum retro quercus eunti obstitit et fixa est pariter cum robore cervix. pondere serpentis curvata est arbor et ima parte flagellari gemuit sua robora cauda. Dum spatium victor victi considerat hostis, vox subito audita est; neque erat cognoscere promptum, unde, sed audita est: “ quid, Agenore nate, peremptum serpentem spectas? et tu spectabere serpens.” ille diu pavidus pariter cum mente colorem perdiderat, gelidoque comae terrore rigebant: ecce viri fautrix superas delapsa per auras Pallas adest motaeque iubet supponere terrae vipereos dentes, populi incrementa futuri. paret et, ut presso sulcum patefecit aratro, spargit humi iussos, mortalia semina, dentes. inde (fide maius) glaebae coepere moveri, 80 85 90 95 100 105 I30 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III and tall as a tree; now he moves on with huge rush, like a stream in flood, sweeping down with his breast the trees in his path. Cadmus gives way a little, re- ceiving his foe’s rushes on the lion’s skin, and holds in check the ravening jaws with his spear~point thrust well forward. The serpent is furious, bites vainly at the hard iron and catches the sharp spear-head be- tween his teeth. And now from his venomous throat the blood begins to trickle and stains the green grass with spattered gore. But the wound is slight, because the serpent keeps backing from the thrust, drawing away his wounded neck, and by yielding keeps the stroke from being driven home nor allows it to go deeper. But Cadmus follows him up and presses the planted point into his throat; until at last an oak- tree stays his backward course and neck and tree are pierced together. The oak bends beneath the ser- pent’s weight and the stout trunk groans beneath the lashings of his tail. While the conqueror stands gazing on the huge bulk of his conquered foe, suddenly a voice sounds in his ears. He cannot tell whence it comes, but he hears it saying: “ Why, O son of Agenor, dost thou gaze on the serpent thou hast slain? Thou too shalt be a serpent for men to gaze on.” Long he stands there, with quaking heart and pallid cheeks, and his hair rises up on end with chilling fear. But behold, the hero’s helper, Pallas, gliding down through the high air, stands beside him, and she bids him plow the earth and plant therein the dragon’s teeth, destined to grow into a nation. He obeys and, having opened up the furrows with his deep-sunk plow, he sows in the ground the teeth as he is bid, a man—producing seed. Then, a thing beyond belief, the plowed ground begins to stir; and first there I31 OVID primaque de suleis acies adparuit hastae, tegmina mox eapitum pieto nutantia eono, mox umeri pectusque onerataque braeehia telis exsistunt, crescitque seges elipeata virorum: 110 sic, ubi tolluntur festis aulaea theatris, surgere signa solent primumque ostendere vultus, cetera paullatim, placidoque edueta tenore tota patent imoque pedes in margine ponunt. Territus hoste novo Cadmus capere arma parabat: 115 “ ne cape! ” de populo, quem terra creaverat, unus exclamat “ ne te civilibus insere bellis! ” atque ita terrigenis rigido de fratribus unum eomminus ense ferit, iaculo cadit eminus ipse; hune quoque qui leto dederat, non longius illo 120 vivit et exspirat modo quas acceperat auras, exemploque pari furit omnis turba, suoque Marte eadunt subiti per mutua vulnera fratres, iamque brevis vitae spatium sortita iuventus sanguineam tepido plangebat pectore matrem, 125 quinque superstitibus, quorum fuit unus Eehion. is sua iecit humo monitu Tritonidis arma fraternaeque fidem pacis petiitque deditque: hos operis eomites habuit Sidonius hospes, cum posuit iussus Phoebeis sortibus urbem. 130 Iam stabant Thebae, poteras iam, Cadme, videri exilio felix: soeeri tibi Marsque Venusque eontigerant; hue adde genus de eoniuge tanta, tot natas natosque et, pignora cara, nepotes, 132 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III spring up from the furrows the points of spears, then helmets with coloured plumes waving ; next shoulders of men and breasts and arms laden with weapons come up, and the crop grows with the shields of warriors. So when on festal days the curtain in the theatre is raised, figures of men rise up, showing first their faces, then little by little all the rest; until at last, drawn up with steady motion, the entire forms stand revealed, and plant their feet upon the curtain’s edge. Frightened by this new foe, Cadmus was preparing to take his arms. “ Take not your arms,” one of the earth-sprung brood cried out, “ and take no part in our fratricidal strife.” So saying, with his hard sword he clave one of his earth—born brothers, fighting hand to hand; and instantly he himself was felled by a javelin thrown from far. But he also who had slain this last had no longer to live than his victim, and breathed forth the spirit which he had but now received. The same dire madness raged in them all, and in mutual strife by mutual wounds these brothers of‘ an hour perished. And now the youth, who had enjoyed so brief a span of life, lay writhing on their mother earth warm with their blood—all save five. One of these five was Echion, who, at Pallas’ bidding, dropped his weapons to the ground and sought and made peace with his surviving brothers. These the Sidonian wanderer had as comrades in his task when he founded'the city granted him by Phoebus’ oracle. And now Thebes stood complete ; now thou couldst seem, O Cadmus, even in exile, a happy man. Thou hast obtained Mars and Venus, too, as parents of thy bride; add to this blessing children worthy of so noble a wife, so many sons and daughters, the pledges of thy love, and grandsons, too,now grown to budding 133 OVID hos quoque iam iuvenes; sed scilicet ultima semper exspectanda dies hominis, dicique beatus 136 ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet. Prima nepos inter tot res tibi, Cadme, secundas causa fuit luctus, alienaque cornua fronti addita, vosque canes satiatae sanguine erili. 140 at bene si quaeras, Fortunae crimen in illo, non scelus invenies; quod enim scelus error habebat? 'Mons erat infectus variarum caede ferarum, iamque dies medius rerum contraxerat umbras et sol ex aequo meta distabat utraque, 145 cum iuvenis placido per devia lustra vagantes participes operum conpellat Hyantius ore: “ lina madent, comites, ferrumque cruore ferarum, fortunamque dies habuit satis; altera lucem cum croceis invecta rotis Aurora reducet, 150 propositum repetemus opus: nunc Phoebus utraque distat idem terra finditque vaporibus arva. sistite opus praesens nodosaque tollitc lina! ” iussa viri faciunt intermittuntque laborem. Vallis erat piceis et acuta densa cupressu, 155 nomine Gargaphie succinctae sacra Diana-e, cuius in extremo est antrum nemorale recessu arte laboratum nulla: simulaverat artem ingenio natura suo; nam pumice vivo et levibus tofis nativum duxerat arcum; 160 fons sonat a dextra tenui perlucidus unda, margine grarnineo patulos incinctus hiatus. 134 META MORPHO’SES BOOK III manhood. But of a surety man’s last day must ever be awaited, and none be counted happy till his death, till his last funeral rites are paid. One grandson of thine, Actaeon, midst all thy happiness first brought thee cause of grief, upon whose brow strange horns appeared, and whose dogs greedily lapped their master’s blood. But if you seek the truth, you will find the cause of this in fortune’s fault and not in any crime of his. For what crime had mere mischance? ’Twas on a mountain stained with the blood of many slaughtered beasts; midday had shortened every object’s shade, and the sun was at equal distance from either goal. Then young Actaeon with friendly speech thus addressed his comrades of the chase as they fared through the trackless wastes: “Both nets and spears, my friends, are dripping with our quarry’s blood, and the day has given us good luck enough. When once more Aurora, borne on her saffron car, shall bring back the day, we will resume our proposed task. Now Phoebus is midway in his course and cleaves the very fields with his burning rays. Cease then your present task and bear home the well—wrought nets.” The men performed his bidding and ceased their toil. There was a vale in that region, thick grown with pine and cypress with their sharp needles. ’Twas called Gargaphie, the sacred haunt of high—girt Diana. In its most secret nook there was a well-shaded grotto, wrought by no artist’s hand. But Nature by her own cunning had imitated art; for she had shaped a native arch of the living rock and soft tufa. A sparkling spring with its slender stream babbled on one side and widened into a pool girt with grassy banks. Here the goddess of the wild woods, when weary with 135 OVI D hie dea silvarum venatu fessa solebat virgineos artus liquido perfundere rore. quo postquam subiit, nympharum tradidit uni 165 armigerae iaeulum pharetramque arcusque retentos, altera depositae subieeit braeehia pallae, vincla duae pedibus demunt; nam doetior illis Ismenis Croeale sparsos per colla capillos eolligit in nodum, quamvis erat ipsa‘solutis. 170 excipiunt laticem Nepheleque Hyaleque Rhanisque et Psecas et Phiale funduntque capacibus urnis. dumque ibi perluitur solita Titania lympha, ecee nepos Cadmi dilata parte laborum per nemus ignotum non eertis passibus errans 175 pervenit in lueum : sie illum fata ferebant. qui simul intravit rorantia fontibus antra, sicut erant nudae, viso sua pectora nymphae percussere viro subitisque ululatibus omne inplevere nemus circumfusaeque Dianam 180 eorporibus texere suis; tamen altior illis ipsa dea est colloque tenus supereminet omnis. qui color infeetis adversi solis ab ictu nubibus esse solet aut purpureae Aurorae, is fuit in vultu visae sine veste Dianae. 185 quae, quamquam comitum turba stipata suarum, ' in latus obliquum tamen adstitit oraque retro flexit et, ut vellet promptas habuisse sagittas, quas habuit sic hausit aquas vultumque virilem perfudit spargensque comas ultricibus undis 190 addidit haec eladis praenuntia verba futurae : “ nune tibi me posito visam velamine narres, sit poteris narrare, licet! ” nee plura minata I316. METAMORPHOSES BOOK III the chase, was wont to bathe her maiden limbs in the crystal water. On this day, having come to the grotto, she gives to the keeping of her armour-bearer among her nymphs her hunting spear, her quiver, and her unstrung bow; another takes on her arm the robe she has laid by; two unbind her sandals from her feet. But Theban Crocale, defter than the rest, binds into a knot the locks which have fallen down her mistress’ neck, her own locks streaming free the while. Others bring water, Nephele, Hyale and Rhanis, Psecas and Phiale, and pour it out from their capacious urns. And while Titania is bathing there in her accustomed pool, 10! Cadmus’ grandson, his day’s toil deferred, comes wandering through the unfamiliar woods with unsure footsteps, and enters Diana’s grove; for so fate would have it. As soon as he entered the grotto bedewed with fountain spray, the naked nymphs smote upon their breasts at sight of the man, and filled all the grove with their shrill, sudden cries. Then they thronged around Diana, seeking to hide her body with their own; but the goddess stood head and shoulders over all the rest. And red as the clouds which flush beneath the sun’s slant rays, red as the rosy dawn, were the cheeks of Diana as she stood there in view without her robes. Then, though the band of nymphs pressed close about her, she stood turning aside a little and cast back her gaze; and though she would fain have had her arrows ready, what she had she took up, the water, and flung it into the young man’s face. And as she poured the avenging drops upon his hair, she spoke these words foreboding his coming doom: “ Now you are free to tell that you have seen me all unrobed—if you can tell.” No more than this she spoke ; but on the head which she had sprinkled she caused to grow the I37 OVID dat sparso capiti vivacis cornua cervi, dat spatium collo summasque cacuminat aures 195 cum pedibusque manus, cum longis bracchia mutat cruribus et velat maculoso vellere corpus; additus et pavor est: fugit Autonoeius heros et se tam celerem cursu miratur in ipso. ut vero vultus et cornua vidit in unda, 200 “ me miserum ! ” dicturus erat: vox nulla secuta est! ingemuit: vox illa fuit, lacrimaeque per ora non sua fluxerunt; mens tantum pristina mansit. quid faciat? repetatne domum et regalia tecta an lateat silvis? pudor hoc, timor inpedit illud. 205 Dum dubitat, videre canes, primique Melampus Ichnobatesque sagax latratu signa dedere, Gnosius Ichnobates, Spartana gente Melampus. inde ruunt alli rapida velocius aura, 209 Pamphagos et Dorceus et Oribasus, Arcades omnes, Nebrophonusque valens et trux cum Laelape Theron et pedibus Pterelas et naribus utilis Agre Hylaeusque fero nuper percussus ab apro deque lupo concepta N ape pecudesque secuta Poemenis et natis comitata Harpyia duobus 215 et substricta gerens Sicyonius ilia Ladon et Dromas et Canace Sticteque et Tigris et Alce et niveis Leucon et villis Asbolus atris praevalidusque Lacon ‘et cursu fortis Aello et-Thous et Cyprio velox cum fratre Lycisce - 220 et medio nigram frontem distinctus ab albo Harpalos et Melaneus hirsutaque corpore Lachne et patre Dictaeo, sed matre Laconide nati Labros et Agriodus et acutae vocis Hylactor 1 The English names of these hounds in their order would be: Black~foot, Trail-follower, Voracious, Gazelle, M ountain- ranger, Faun-killer, Hurricane, Hunter, Winged, Hunter, Sylvan, Glen, ‘Shepherd, Seizer, Catcher, Runner, Gnasher, Spot, 138 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III horns of the long-lived stag, stretched out his neck, sharpened his ear-tips, gave feet in place of hands, changed his arms into long legs, and clothed his body with a spotted hide. And last of all she planted fear within his heart. Away in flight goes Autonoé’s heroic son, marvelling to find himself so swift of foot. But when he sees his features and his horns in a clear pool, “ Oh, woe is me! ” he tries to say; but no words come. He groans—the only speech he has—— and tears course down his changeling cheeks. Only his mind remains unchanged. \Vhat is he to do? Shall he go home to the royal palace, or shall he stay skulking in the woods? Shame blocks one course and fear the other. But while he stands perplexed he sees his hounds.1 And first come Melampus and keen-scented Ichno— bates, baying loud on the trail—Ichnobates a Cretan dog, Melampus a Spartan; then others come rushing on swifter than the wind: Pamphagus, Dorceus, and Oribasus, Arcadians all ; staunch N ebrophonus, fierce Theron and Laelaps; Pterelas, the swift of foot, and keen-scented Agre; savage Hylaeus,but lately ripped up by a wild boar; the wolf-dog Nape and the trusty shepherd Poemenis; Harpyia with her two pups; Sicyonian Ladon, thin in the flanks ; Dromas, Canace, Sticte, Tigris, Alce; white-haired Leucon, black As- bolus ; Lacon, renowned for strength, and fleet Aéllo ; Thoiis and swift Lycisce with her brother Cyprius; Harpalos, with a white spot in the middle of his black forehead; Melaneus and shaggy Lachne; two dogs from a Cretan father and a Spartan mother, Labros and Agriodus; shrill-tongued Hylactor, and others Tigress, Might, White, Soot, Spartan, Whirlwind, Swift, Cyprian, Wolf, Grasper, Black, Shag, Fury, White-tooth, Barker, Black-hair, Beast-killer, Mountaineer. I39 OVID quosque referre mora est: ea turba cupidine praedae per rupes scopulosque adituque earenti'a saxa, 226 quaque est diffleilis quaque est via nulla, feruntur. ille fugit per quae fuerat loca saepe secutus, heu! famulos fugit ipse suos. clamare libebat: “ Actaeon ego sum: dominum eognoscite vestrum! ” verba animo desunt; resonat latratibus aether. 231 prima Melanehaetes in tergo vulnera fecit, proxima Theridamas, Oresitrophus haesit in armo: tardius exierant, sed per conpendia montis anticipata via est; dominum retinentibus illis, 235 cetera turba eoit confertque in corpore dentes. iam loca vulneribus desunt; gemit ille sonumque, etsi non hominis, quem non tamen edere possit cervus, habet maestisque replet iuga nota querellis et genibus pronis supplex similisque roganti 240 circumfert taeitos tamquam sua bracchia vultus. at eomites rapidum solitis hortatibus agmen ignari instigant oeulisque Actaeona quaerunt et velut absentem eertatim Actaeona elamant _ (ad nomen caput ille refert) et abesse queruntur 245 nee capere oblatae segnem speetacula praedae. vellet abesse quidem, sed adest; velletque videre, non etiam sentire canum fera facta suorum. undique circumstant, mersisque in corpore rostris dilaeerant falsi dominum sub imagine eervi, 250 I40 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III whom it were too long to name. The whole pack, keen with the lust of blood, over crags, over cliffs, over trackless rocks, where the way is hard, where there is no way at all, follow on. He flees over the very ground where he has oft-times pursued; he flees (the pity of it!) his own faithful hounds. He longs to cry out: “ I am Actaeon! Recognize your own master!” But words fail his desire. All the air resounds with their baying. And first Melanchaetes fixes his fangs in his back, Theridamas next; Oresitrophus has fastened on his shoulder. They had set out later than the rest, but by a short-cut across the mountain had outstripped their course. While they hold back their master’s flight, the whole pack collects, and all together bury their fangs in his body till there is no place left for further wounds. He groans and makes a sound which, though not human, is still one no deer could utter, and fills the heights he knows so well with mournful cries. And now, down on his knees in suppliant attitude, just like one in prayer, he turns his face in silence towards them, as if stretching out beseeching arms. But his companions, ignorant of his plight, urge on the fierce pack with their accustomed shouts, looking all around for Actaeon, and call, each louder than the rest, for Actaeon, as if he were far away—he turns his head at the sound of his name—and complain that he is absent and is missing through sloth the sight of the quarry brought to bay. Well, indeed, might he wish to be absent, but he is here; and well might he wish to see, not to feel, the fierce doings of his own hounds. They throng him on every side and, plung- ing their muzzles in his flesh, mangle their master under the deceiving form of the deer. Nor, as they say, till he had been done to death by many 141 OVID nec nisi finita per plurima vulnera vita ira pharetratae fertur satiata Dianae. Rumor in ambiguo est; aliis violentior aequo visa dea est, alii laudant dignamque severa virginitate vocantz pars invenit utraque causas. 255 sola Iovis coniunx non tam, culpetne probetne, eloquitur, quam clade domus ab Agenore ductae gaudet et a Tyria collectum paelice transfert in generis socios odiumg subit ecce priori 259 causa recens, gravidamque dolet de semine magni esse lovis Semelen; dum linguam ad iurgia solvit, u profeci quid enim totiens per iurgiaP ” dixit, u ipsa petenda mihi est; ipsam, si maxima luno rite vocor, perdama si me gemmantia dextra sceptra tenere decet, si sum regina Iovisque eos et soror et coniunx, certe soror. at, puto, furto est contenta, et thalami brevis est iniuria nostri. concipitz id deeratg manifestaque crimina pleno fert utero et mater, quod vix mihi contigit. uno de Iove vult fieri: tanta est fiducia formae. 27 o fallat eam faxog nec sum Saturnia, si non ab Iove mersa suo Stygias penetrabit in undas.” Surgit ab his solio fulvaque recondita nube limen adit Semeles nec nubes ante removit quam simulavit anum posuitque ad tempora canos sulcavitque cutem rugis et curva trementi 276 142 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III wounds, was the wrath of the quiver-bearing goddess appeased. Common talk wavered this way and that: to some the goddess seemed more cruel than was just; others called her act worthy of her austere virginity; both sides found good reasons for their judgment. J ove’s wife alone spake no word either in blame or praise, but rejoiced in the disaster which had come to Agenor’s house; for she had now transferred her anger from her Tyrian rival1 to those who shared her blood. And lo! a fresh pang was added to her former grievance and she was smarting with the knowledge that Semele was pregnant with the seed of mighty Jove. Words of reproach were rising to her lips, but “ What,” she cried, “ have I ever gained by re— proaches? ’Tis she must feel my wrath. Herself, if I am duly called most mighty Juno, must I attack if I am fit to wield in my hand the jewelled sceptre, if I am queen of heaven, the sister and the wife of J ove—at least his sister. And yet, methinks, she is content with this stolen love, and the insult to my bed is but for a moment. But she has conceived—— that still was lacking—and bears plain proof of her guilt in her full womb, and seeks—a fortune that has scarce been mine—to be made a mother from Jove. So great is her trust in beauty! But I will cause that trust to mock her: I am no daughter of Saturn if she go not down to the Stygian pool plunged thither by her Jupiter himself.” On this she rose from her seat, and, wrapped in a saffron cloud, she came to the home of Semele. But before she put aside her concealing cloud she feigned herself an old woman, whitening her hair at the temples, furrowing her skin with wrinkles, and 1 i.e. Europa, whose story has already been told. I43 OVID -_cui deus “ elige! ” ait membra tulit passu; vocem quoque fecit anilem, ipsaque erat Beroe, Semeles Epidauria nutrix. ergo ubi captato sermone diuque loquendo ad nomen venere Iovis, suspirat et “ opto, 280 Iuppiter ut sit ” ait; “ metuo tamen omnia: multi nomine divorum thalamos iniere pudicos. nee tamen esse Iovem satis est: det pignus amoris, si modo verus is est; quantusque et qualis ab alta Iunone excipitur, tantus talisque, rogato, 285 det tibi eonplexus suaque ante insignia sumat! ” Talibus ignaram Iuno Cadmeida dictis formarat: rogat illa Iovem sine nomine munus. “ nullam patiere repulsam, quoque magis credas, Stygii quoque eonscia sunto numina torrentis : timor et deus ille deorum est.” 291 laeta ma-lo nimiumque potens perituraque amantis obsequio Semele “ qualem Saturnia ” dixit “ te solet ampleeti, Veneris cum foedus initis, da mihi te talem! ” voluit deus ora loquentis 295 opprimere : exierat iam vox properata sub auras. ingemuit; neque enim non haec optasse, neque ille non iurasse potest. ergo maestissimus altum aethera conscendit vultuque sequentia traxit nubila, quis nimbos inmixtaque fulgura ventis 300 addidit et tonitrus et inevitabile fulmen; qua tamen usque potest, vires sibi demere temptat nee, quo centimanum deiecerat igne Typhoea, .144 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III walking with bowed form and tottering steps. She spoke also in the voice of age and became even as Beroe, the Epidaurian nurse of Semele. When, after gossiping about many things, they came to mention of Jove’s name, the old woman sighed and said: “ I pray that it be Jupiter; but I am afraid of all such doings. Many, pretending to be gods, have found entrance into modest chambers. But to be Jove is not enough; make him prove his love if he is true Jove; as great and glorious as he is when welcomed by heavenly Juno, so great and glorious, pray him grant thee his embrace, and first don all his splendours.” In such wise did Juno instruct the guileless daughter of Cadmus. She in her turn asked Jove for a boon, unnamed. The god replied: “ Choose what thou wilt, and thou shalt suffer no refusal. And that thou mayst be more assured, I swear it by the divinity of the seething Styx, whose godhead is the fear of all the gods.” Rejoicing in her evil fortune, too much prevailing and doomed to perish through her lover’s compliance, Semele said: “ In such guise as Saturnia beholds thee when thou seekest her arms in love, so show thyself to me.” The god would have checked her even as she spoke; but already her words had sped forth into uttered speech. He groans; for neither can she recall her wish, nor he his oath. And so in deepest distress he ascends the steeps of heaven, and with his beck drew on the mists that followed, then mingling clouds and lightnings and blasts of wind, he took last the thunder and that fire that none can escape. And yet whatever way he can he essays to lessen his own might, nor arms himself now with that bolt with which he had hurled down from heaven Typhoeus VOL. I. F I45 OVI D nunc armatur eo: nimium feritatis in illo est. est aliud levius fulmen, cui dextra cyclopum 305 saevitiae flammaeque minus, minus addidit irae: tela secunda vocant superi ; capit illa domumque intrat Agenoream. corpus moi-tale tumultus non tulit aetherios donisque iugalibus arsit. inperfectus adhuc infans genetricis ab alvo 310 eripitur patrioque tener (si credere dignum est) insuitur femori maternaque tempora conplet. furtim illum primis Ino matertera cunis educat, inde datum nymphae Nyseides antris occuluere suis lactisque alimenta dedere. 315 Dumque ea per terras fatali lege geruntur tutaque bis geniti sunt incunabula Bacchi, forte Iovem memorant difl‘usum nectare curas seposuisse graves vacuaque agitasse remissos cum Iunone iocos et “ maior vestra profector est, 320 quam quae contingit maribus ” dixisse “ voluptas.” illa negat. placuit quae sit sententia docti quaerere Tiresiae: Venus huic erat utraque nota. nam duo magnorum viridi coeuntia silva corpora serpentum baculi violaverat ictu 325 deque viro factus (mirabile) femina septem ‘ egerat autumnos; octavo rursus eosdem vidit, et “ est vestrae si tanta potentia plagae ’ di'xit, “ ut auctoris sortem in contraria mutet, nunc quoque vos feriam.” percussis anguibus isdem forma prior rediit, genetivaque venit imago. 331 arbiter hic igitur sumptus de lite iocosa 7 I46 \ METAMORPHOSES BOOK III of the hundred hands, for that weapon were too deadly; but there is a lighter bolt, to which the Cyclops’ hands had given a less devouring flame, a wrath less threatening. The gods call them his “ Second Armoury.” With these in hand he enters the palace of Agenor’s son, the home of Semele. Her mortal body bore not the onrush of heavenly power, and by that gift of wedlock she was consumed. The babe still not wholly fashioned is snatched from the mother’s womb and (if report may be believed) sewed up in his father’s thigh, there to await its full time of birth. In secret his mother’s sister, Ino, watched over his infancy; thence he was confided to the nymphs of Nysa, who hid him in their cave and nurtured him with milk. Now while these things were happening on the earth by the decrees of fate, when the cradle of Bacchus, twice born, was safe, it chanced that Jove (as the story goes), while warmed with wine, put care aside and bandied good-humoured jests with Juno in an idle hour. “ I maintain,” said he, “ that your pleasure in love is greater than that which we enjoy.” She held the opposite view. And so they decided to ask the judgment of wise Tiresias. He knew both sides of love. For once, with a blow of his staff he had outraged two huge serpents mating in the green forest; and, wonderful to relate, from man he was changed into a woman, and in that form spent seven years. In the eighth year he saw the same serpents again and said: “ Since in striking you there is such magic power as to change the nature of the giver of the blow,now will I strike you once again.” So saying, he struck the serpents and his former state was restored and he became as he had been born. He there— fore, being asked to arbitrate the playful dispute of I47 OVID dicta Iovis firmat: gravius saturnia iusto nec pro materia fertur doluisse suique iudicis aeterna damnavit lumina noctes 335 at pater omnipotens cneque enim licet inrita cuiquam facta dei fecisse deo) pro lumine adempto scire futura dedit poenamque levavit honore. llle per Aonias fama celeberrimus urbes inreprehensa dabat populo responsa petentig 340 prima fide vocisque ratae temptamina sumpsit caerula Liriopea quam quondam flumine curvo inplicuit clausaeque suis Cephisos in undis vim tulit: enixa est utero pulcherrima pleno infantem nymphep iam tunc qui posset amaria 345 Narcissumque vocat de quo consultus, an esset tempora maturae visurus longa senectae. fatidicus vates “ si se non noverit ” inquit. vana diu visa est vox augurisz exitus illam resque probat letique genus novitasque furoris. sse namque ter ad quinos unum Cephisius annum addiderat poteratque puer iuvenisque videriz multi illum iuvenes, multae cupiere puellaeg sed fuit in tenera tam dura superbia forma, nulli illum iuvenes, nullae tetigere puellae 355 adspicit hunc trepidos agitantem in retia cervos vocalis nymphea quae nec reticere loquenti nec prior ipsa loqui didicita resonabilis Echo. Corpus adhuc Echo, non vox erat et tamen usum garrula non alium, quam nunc habeta oris habebats reddere de multis ut verba novissima posset. 361 fecerat hoc Iuno, quia, cum deprendere posset I48 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III the gods, took sides with Jove. Saturnia, they say, grieved more deeply than she should and than the issue warranted, and condemned the arbitrator to perpetual blindness. But the Almighty Father (for no god may undo what another god has done) in return for his loss of sight gave Tiresias the power to know the future, lightening the penalty by the honour. He, famed far and near through all the Boeotian towns, gave answers that none could censure to those who sought his aid. The first to make trial of his truth and assured utterances was the nymph, Liriope, whom once the river-god, Cephisus, embraced in his winding stream and ravished, while imprisoned in his waters. When her time came the beauteous nymph brought forth a child, whom a nymph might love even as a child, and named him Narcissus. When asked whether this child would live to reach well-ripened age, the seer replied: “ If he ne’er know himself.” Long did the saying of the prophet seem but empty words. But what befell proved its truth—- the event, the manner of his death, the strangeness of his infatuation. For Narcissus had reached his sixteenth year and might seem either boy or man. Many youths and many maidens sought his love ; but in that slender form was pride so cold that no youth, no maiden touched his heart. Once as he was driving the frightened deer into his nets, a certain nymph of strange speech beheld him, resounding Echo, who could neither hold her peace when others spoke, nor yet begin to speak till others had addressed her. Up to this time Echo had form and was not a voice alone; and yet, though talkative, she had no other use of speech than now—only the power out of many words to repeat the last she heard. Juno had made her thus; for often when she might have 149 OVID sub Iove saepe suo nymphas in monte iacentis, illa deam longo prudens sermone tenebat, dum fugerent nymphae. postquam hoc Saturnia sensit, 365 " huius ” ait “ linguae, qua sum delusa, potestas parva tibi dabitur vocisque brevissimu's usus,” reque minas firmat. tamen haec in fine loquendi ingeminat voces auditaque verba reportat. ergo ubi Narcissum per devia rura vagantem 370 vidit et incaluit, sequitur vestigia furtim, quoque magis sequitur, flamma propiore calescit, non aliter quam cum summis circumlita taedis admotas rapiunt vivacia sulphura flammas. a quotiens voluit blandis accedere dictis 375 et mollis adhibere preces! natura repugnat nec sinit, incipiat, sed, quod sinit, illa parata est exspectare sonos, ad quos sua verba remittat. forte puer comitum seductus ab agmine fido dixerat: “ ecquis adest? ” et “ adest ” responderat Echo. 380 hic stupet, utque aciem partes dimittit in omnis, voce “ veni! ” magna clamat: vocat illa vocantem. respicit et rursus nullo veniente “ quid ” inquit “ me fugis? ” et totidem', quot dixit, verba recepit. perstat et alternae deceptus imagine vocis 385 “ huc coeamus ” ait, nullique libentius umquam responsura sono “ coeamus ” rettulit Echo et verbis favet ipsa suis egressaque silva ibat, ut iniceret sperato bracchia c0110; ille fugit fugiensque “ manus conplexibus aufer! .390 ,, ante ait “ emoriar, quam sit tibi copia nostri ”; 150 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III surprised the nymphs in company with her lord upon the mountain-sides, Echo would cunningly hold the goddess in long talk until the nymphs were fled. When Saturnia realized this, she said to her: “ That tongue of thine, by which I have been tricked, shall have its power curtailed and enjoy the briefest use of speech.” The event confirmed her threat. Nevertheless she does repeat the last phrases of a speech and returns the words she hears. Now when she saw Narcissus wandering through the fields, she was inflamed with love and followed him by stealth; and the more she followed, the more she burned by a nearer flame; as when quick-burning sulphur, smeared round the tops of torches, catches fire from another fire brought near. Oh, how often does she long to approach him with alluring words and make soft prayers to him! But her nature forbids this, nor does it permit her to begin; but as it allows, she is ready to await the sounds to which she may give back her own words. By chance the boy, separated from his faithful companions, had cried: “ Is anyone here? ” and “ Here! ” cried Echo back. Amazed, he looks around in all directions and with loud voice cries “ Come! ”; and “ Come! ” she calls him calling. He looks behind him and, seeing no one coming, calls again: “Why do you run from me?” and hears in answer his own words again. He stands still, deceived by the answering voice, and ‘5 Here let us meet,” he cries. Echo, never to answer other sound more gladly, cries: “Let us meet ”; and to help her own words she comes forth from the woods that she may throw her arms around the neck she longs to clasp. But he flees at her approach and, fleeing, says: “ Hands off! embrace me not! May I die before I give you power o’er 151 OVID rettulit illa nihil nisi “ sit tibi copia nostril ” spreta latet silvis pudibundaque frondibus ora protegit et solis ex i110 vivit in antris; sed tamen haeret amor crescitque dolore repulsae; et tenuant vigiles corpus miserabile curae 396 adducitque cutem macies et in aera sucus corporis omnis abit; vox tantum atque ossa super- sunt: vox manet, ossa ferunt lapidis traxisse figuram. inde latet silvis nulloque in monte videtur, 400 omnibus auditur: sonus est, qui vivit in illa. Sic hanc, sic alias undis aut montibus ortas luserat hic nymphas, sic coetus ante viriles; inde manus aliquis despectus ad aethera tollens “ sic amet ipse licet, sic non potiatur amato! ” 405 dixerat: adsensit precibus Rhamnusia iustis. fons erat inlimis, nitidis argenteus undis, quem neque pastores neque pastae monte capellae contigerant aliudve pecus, quem nulla volucris nec fera turbarat nec lapsus ab arbore ramus; 410 gramen erat circa, quod proximus umor alebat, silvaque sole locum passura tepescere nullo. hic puer et studio venandi lassus et aestu procubuit faciemque loci fontemque secutus, dumque sitim sedare cupit, sitis altera crevit, 415 dumque bibit, visae correptus imagine formae spem sine corpore amat, corpus putat esse, quod umbra est. adstupet ipse sibi vultuque inmotus eodem I52 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III me! ” “ I give you power o’er me! ” she says, and nothing more. Thus spurned, she lurks in the woods, hides her shamed face among the foliage, and lives from that time on in lonely caves. But still, though spurned, her love remains and grows on grief; her sleepless cares waste away her wretched form; she becomes gaunt and wrinkled and all moisture fades from her body into the air. Only her voice and her bones remain: then, only voice; for they say that her bones were turned to stone. She hides in woods and is seen no more upon the mountain-sides; but all may hear her, for voice, and voice alone, still lives in her. Thus had Narcissus mocked her, thus 'had he mocked other nymphs of the waves or mountains; thus had he mocked the companies of men. At last one of these scorned youth, lifting up his hands to heaven, prayed: “ So may he himself love, and not gain the thing he loves! ” The goddess, Nemesis, heard his righteous prayer. There was a clear pool with silvery bright water, to which no shepherds ever came, or she-goats feeding on the mountain- side, or __any other cattle; whose smooth surface neither bird nor beast nor falling bough ever ruflled. Grass grew all around its edge, fed by the water near, and a coppice that would never suffer the sun to warm the spot. Here the youth, worn by the chase and the heat, lies down, attracted thither by the appearance of the place and by the spring. While he seeks to slake his thirst another thirst springs up, and while he drinks he is smitten by the sight of the beautiful form he sees. He loves an unsub— stantial hope and thinks that substance which is only shadow. He looks in speechless wonder at himself and hangs there motionless in the same expression, 153 OVID haeret, ut e Pario formatum marmore signum; spectat humi positus geminum, sua lumina, sidus 420 et dignos Baccho, dignos et Apolline crines inpubesque genas et eburnea colla decusque oris et in niveo mixtum candore ruborem, cunctaque miratur, quibus est mirabilis ipse: se cupit inprudens et, qui. probat, ipse probatur, 425 dumque petit, petitur, pariterque accendit et ardet. inrita fallaci quotiens dedit oscula fonti, in medias quotiens visum captantia collum bracchia mersit aquas nec se deprendit in illis! quid videat, nescit; sed quod videt, uritur i110, 430 atque oculos idem, qui decipit, incitat error. credule, quid frustra simulacra fugacia captas? quod petis,est nusquam; quod amas,avertere,perdes! ista repercussae, quam cernis, imaginis umbra est: nil habet ista sui; tecum venitque manetque; 435 tecum discedet, si tu discedere possis! Non illum Cereris, non illum cura quietis abstrahere inde potest, sed opaca fusus in herba spectat inexpleto mendacem lumine formam perque oculos perit ipse suos; paullumque levatus ad circumstantes tendens sua bracchia silvas 441 “ ecquis, io silvae, crudelius ” inquit “ amavit? scitis enim et multis latebra opportuna fuistis. ecquem, cum vestrae tot agantur saecula vitae, qui sic tabuerit, longo meministis in aevo? 445 et placet et video; sed quod videoque placetque, non tamen invenio: tantus tenet error amantem. quoque magis doleam, nec nos mare separat ingens 154 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III like a statue carved from Parian marble. Prone on the ground, he gazes at his eyes, twin stars, and his locks, worthy 'of Bacchus, worthy of Apollo; on his smooth cheeks, his ivory neck, the glorious beauty of his face, the blush mingled with snowy white: all things, in short, he admires for which he is himself admired. Unwittingly he desires himself; he praises, and is himself what he praises ; and while he seeks, is sought; equally he kindles love and burns with love. How often did he offer vain kisses on the elusive pool? How often did he plunge his arms into the water seeking to clasp the neck he sees there, but did not clasp himself in them! What he sees he knows not; but that which he sees he burns for, and the same delusion mocks and allures his eyes. O fondly foolish boy, why vainly seek to clasp a fleeting image? What you seek is nowhere; but turn yourself away, and the object of your love will be no more. That which you behold is but the shadow of a reflected form and has no substance of its own. With you it comes, with you it stays, and it will go with you—if you can go. No thought of food or rest can draw him from the spot; but, stretched on the shaded grass, he gazes on that false image with eyes that cannot look their fill and through his own eyes perishes. Raising himself a‘little, and stretching his arms to the trees, he cries: “ Did anyone, 0 ye woods, ever love more cruelly than I ? You know, for you have been the convenient haunts of many lovers. Do you in the ages past, for your life is one of centuries, remember anyone who has pined away like this? I am charmed, and I see; but what I see and what charms me I cannot find— so great a delusion holds my love. And, to make me grieve the more, no mighty ocean separates us, no I55 OVID nec via nec montes nec clausis moenia portis; exigua prohibemur aqua! cupit ipse teneri: 450 nam quotiens liquidis porreximus oscula lymphis, hic totiens ad me resupino nititur ore. posse putes tangi: minimum est, quod amantibus obstat. quisquis est, huc exi! quid me, puer unice, fallis quove petitus abis? certe nec forma nec aetas 455 est mea, quam fugias, et amarunt me quoque nymphae! spem mihi nescio quam vultu promittis amico, cumque ego porrexi tibi bracchia, porrigis ultro, cum risi, adrides; lacrimas quoque saepe notavi me lacrimante tuas; nutu quoque signa remittis 460 et, quantum motu formosi suspicor oris, verba refers aures non pervenientia nostras! iste ego sum: sensi, nec me mea fallit imago; uror amore mei: fiammas moveoque feroque. quid faciam? roger anne rogem? quid deinde rogabo? quod cupio mecum est: inopem me copia fecit. 466 o utinam a nostro secedere corpore possem! votum in amante novum,vellem, quod amamus, abesset. iamque dolor vires adimit, nec tempora vitae longa meae superant, primoque exstinguor in aevo. nec mihi mors gravis est posituro morte dolores, 471 hic, qui diligitur, vellem diuturnior esset; nunc duo concordes anima moriemur in una." _ Dixit et ad faciem rediit male sanus eandem et lacrimis turbavit aquas, obscuraque moto 475 156 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III long road, no mountain ranges, no city walls with close-shut gates; by a thin barrier of water we are kept apart. He himself is eager to be embraced. For, often as I stretch my lips towards the lucent wave, so often with upturned face he strives to lift his lips to mine. You would think he could be touched—so small a thing it is that separates our loving hearts. Whoever you are, come forth hither! Why, O peerless youth, do you elude me? or whither do you go when I strive to reach you? Surely my form and age are not such that you should shun them, and me too the nymphs have loved. Some ground for hope you offer with your friendly looks, and when I have stretched out my arms to you, you stretch yours too. When I have smiled, you smile back; and I have often seen tears, when I weep, on your cheeks. My becks you answer with your nod; and, as I sus— pect from the movement of your sweet lips, you answer my words as well, but words which do not reach my ears—Oh, I am he! I have felt it, I know now my own image. I burn with love of my own self; I both kindle the flames and suffer them. What shall I do? Shall I be wooed or woo? Why woo at all? What I desire, I have; the very abundance of my riches beggars me. Oh, that I might be parted from my own body! and, strange prayer for a lover, I would that what I love were absent from me ! And now grief is sapping my strength; but a brief space of life remains to me and I am out off in my life’s prime. Death is nothing to me, for in death I shall leave my troubles ; I would he that is loved might live longer; but as it is, we two shall die together in one breath.” He spoke and, half distraught, turned again to the same image. His tears ruffled the water, and dimly IS7 OVID reddita forma 1acu est; quam cum vidisset abire, “ quo refugis? remane nec me, crudelis, amantem desere! ” clamavit; “ liceat, quod tangere non est, adspicere et misero praebere alimenta furori! ” dumque dolet, summa vestem deduxit ab ora 480 nudaque marmoreis percussit pectora palmis. pectora traxerunt roseum percussa ruborem, non aliter quam poma solent, quae candida parte, parte rubent, aut ut variis solet uva racemis ducere purpureum nondum matura colorem. 485 quae simul adspexit liquefacta rursus in unda, non tulit ulterius, sed ut intabescere flavae igne levi cerae matutinaeque pruinae sole tepente solent, sic attenuatus amore liquitur et tecto paullatim carpitur igni; 490 ct neque iam color est mixto candore rubori, nec vigor et vires et quae modo visa placebant, nec corpus remanet, quondam quod amaverat Echo. quae tamen ut vidit quamvis irata memorque indoluit, quotiensque puer miserabilis “ eheu ” 495 dixerat, haec resonis iterabat vocibus “ eheu ”; cumque suos manibus percusserat ille lacertos, haec quoque reddebat sonitum plangoris eundem. _ ultima vox solitam fuit haec spectantis in undam: “ heu frustra dilecte puer! ” totidemque remisit 500 verba locus, dictoque vale “ vale ” inquit et Echo. ille caput viridi fessum submisit in herba, luminamors clausit domini mirantia formam: _ tum quoque se, postquam est inferna sede receptus, in Stygia spectabat aqua. planxere sorores 505‘ naides et sectos fratri posuere capillos, 1:58 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III the image came back from the troubled pool. As he saw it thus depart, he cried: “ Oh, whither do you flee? Stay here, and desert not him who loves thee, cruel one! Still may it be mine to gaze on what I may not touch, and by that gaze feed my unhappy passion.” While he thus grieves, he plucks away his tunic at its upper fold and beats his bare breast with pallid hands. His breast when it is struck takes on a delicate glow; just as apples sometimes, though white in part, flush red in other part, or as grapes hanging in clusters take on a purple hue when not yet ripe. As soon as he sees this, when the water has become clear again, he can bear no more; but, as the yellow wax melts before a gentle heat, as hoar frost melts before the warm morning sun, so does he, wasted with love, pine away, and is slowly con- sumed by its hidden fire. No longer has he that ruddy colour mingling with the white, no longer that strength and vigour, and all that lately was‘so pleasing to behold; scarce does his form remain which once Echo had loved so well. But when she saw it, though still angry and unforgetful, she felt pity; and as often as the poor boy says “ Alas! ” again with answering utterance she cries “ Alas! ” and as his hands beat his shoulders she gives back the same sounds of woe. His last words as he gazed into the familiar spring were these: “ Alas, dear boy, vainly beloved! ” and the place gave back his words. And when he said “Farewell!” “Farewell!”said Echo too. He drooped his weary head on the green grass and death sealed the eyes that marvelled at their master’s beauty. And even when he had been received into the infernal abodes, he kept on gazing on his image in the Stygian pool. His naiad-sisters beat their breasts and shore their locks in sign of grief for their dear I59 OVID planxerunt dryades; plangentibus adsonat Echo. iamque rogum quassasque faces feretrumque parabant: nusquam corpus erat; croceum pro corpore florem inveniunt foliis medium cingentibus albis. 510 Cognita res meritam vati per Achaidas urbes attulerat famam, nomenque erat auguris ingens; spernit Echio‘nides tamen hunc ex omnibus unus contemptor superum Pentheus praesagaque'ridet verba senis tenebrasque et cladem lucis ademptae 515 obicit. ille movens albentia tempora canis “ quam felix esses, si tu quoque luminis huius orbus ” ait “ fieres, ne Bacchica sacra videres! namque dies aderit, quam non procul auguror esse, qua novus huc veniat, proles Semeleia, Liber, 520 quem nisi templorum fueris dignatus honore, mille lacer spargere locis et sanguine silvas foedabis matremque tuam matrisque sorores. eveniet! neque enim dignabere numen honore, meque sub his tenebris nimium vidisse quereris.” 525 talia dicentem proturbat Echione natus; dicta fides sequitur, responsaque vatis aguntur. Liber adest, festisque fremunt ululatibus agri: turba ruit, mixtaeque viris matresque nurusque vulgusque proceresque ignota ad sacra feruntur. 530 “ Quis furor, anguigenae, proles Mavortia, vestras attonuit mentes? ” Pentheus ait; “ aerane tantum aere repulsa valent et adunco tibia cornu 16o METAMORPHOSES BOOK III brother; the dryads, too, lamented, and Echo gave back their sounds of woe. And now they were pre- paring the funeral pile, the brandished torches and the bier; but his body was nowhere to be found. In place of his body they find a flower, its yellow centre girt with white petals. When this story was noised abroad it spread the well-deserved fame of the seer throughout the cities of Greece, and great was the name of Tiresias. Yet Echion’s son, Pentheus, the scoffer at gods, alone of all men flouted the seer, laughed at the old man’s words of prophecy, and taunted him with his darkness and loss of sight. But he, shaking his hoary head in warning, said: “ How fortunate wouldst thou be if this light were dark to thee also, so that thou mightst not behold the rites of Bacchus! For the day will come—nay, I foresee ’tis near—when the new god shall come hither, Liber, son of Semele. Unless thou worship him as is his due, thou shalt be torn into a thousand pieces and scattered everywhere, and shalt with thy blood defile the woods and thy mother and thy mother’s sisters. So shall it come to pass; for thou shalt refuse to honour the god, and shalt com- plain that in my blindness I have seen all too well.” Even while he speaks the son of Echion flings him forth; but his words did indeed come true and his prophecies were accomplished. The god is now come and the fields resound with the wild cries of revellers. The people rush out of the city in throngs, men and women, old and young, nobles and commons, all mixed together, and hasten to celebrate the new rites. “ What madness, ye sons of the serpent’s teeth, ye seed of Mars, has dulled your reason? ” Pentheus cries. “ Can clash- ing cymbals, can the pipe of crooked horn, can 161 OVI D et magicac fraudes, ut, quos non bellicus ensis, non tuba terruerit, non strictis agmina telis, 535 femineae voces et mota insania vino obscenique greges et inania tympana vincant? vosne, senes, mirer, qui longa per aequora vecti hac Tyron, hac profugos posuistis sede penates, nunc sinitis sine Marte capi P vosne, acrior aetas, 540 o iuvenes, propiorque meae, quos arma tenere, non thyrsos, galeaque tegi, non fronde decebat? este, precor, memores, qua sitis stirpe creati, illiusque animos, qui moltos perdidit unus, sumite serpentis! pro fontibus ille lacuque 545 interiit: at vos pro fama vincite vestra! ille dedit leto fortes: vos pellite molles et patrium retinete decus! si fata vetabant stare diu Thebas, utinam tormenta virique moenia diruerent, ferrumque ignisque sonarent! 550 essemus miseri sine crimine, sorsque querenda, non celanda foret, lacrimaeque pudore carerent; at nunc a puero Thebae capientur inermi, quem neque bella iuvant nec tela nec usus equorum, sed madidus murra crinis mollesque coronae 555 purpuraque et pictis intextum vestibus aurum, quem quidem ego actutum (modo vos absistite) cogam adsumptumque patrem commentaque sacra fateri. an satis Acrisio est animi, contemnere vanum numen et Argolicas venienti claudere portas: 560 Penthea terrebit cum totis advena Thebis P ite citi ” (famulis hoc imperat), “ ite ducemque I62 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III shallow tricks of magic, women’s shrill cries, wine- heated madness, vulgar throngs and empty drums —can all these vanquish men, for whom real war, with its drawn swords, the blare of trumpets, and lines of glittering spears, had no terrors? You, ye elders, should I give you praise, who sailed the long reaches of the sea and planted here your Tyre, here your wandering Penates, and who now permit them to be taken without a struggle? Or you, ye young men of fresher age and nearer to my own, for whom once ’twas seemly to bear arms and not the thyrsus, to be sheltered by helmets and not garlands? Be mindful, I pray, from what seed you are sprung, and show the spirit of the serpent, who in his single strength killed many foes. For his fountain and his pool he perished; but do you conquer for your glory’s sake! He did to death brave men: do you but put to flight unmanly men and save your ancestral honour. If it be the fate of Thebes not to endure for long, I would the enginery of war and heroes might batter down her walls and that sword and fire might roar around her: then should we be unfortunate, but our honour without stain; we should bewail, not seek to conceal, our wretched state ; then our tears would be without shame. But now our Thebes shall fall before an untried boy, whom neither arts of war assist nor spears nor horsemen, but whose weapons are scented locks, soft garlands, purple and gold inwoven in em— broidered robes. But forthwith—only do you stand aside—I will force him to confess that his father’s name is borrowed’ and his sacred rites a lie. Did Acrisius have spirit enough to despise his empty god- head, and to shut the gates of Argos in his face, and shall Pentheus and all Thebes tremble at this wanderer’s approach? Go quickly ”—-this to his 163 ()VI D attrahite huc vinctum! iussis mora segnis abesto! ” hunc avus, hunc Athamas, hunc cetera turba suorum corripiunt dictis frustraque inhibere laborant. 565 acrior admonitu est inritaturque retenta et crescit rabies moderaminaque ipsa nocebant: sic ego torrentem, qua nil obstabat eunti, lenius et modico strepitu decurrere vidi; at quacumque trabes obstructaque saxa tenebant, 570 spumeus et fervens et ab obice saevior ibat. Ecce cruentati redeunt et, Bacchus ubi esset, quaerenti domino Bacchum vidisse negarunt; “ hunc ” dixere “ tamen comitem famulumque sacrorum cepimus ” et tradunt manibus post terga ligatis 575 sacra dei quendam Tyrrhena gente secutum. Adspicit hunc Pentheus oculis, quos ira tremendos fecerat, et quamquam poenae vix tempora difi‘ert, “ o periture tuaque aliis documenta dature morte,” ait, “ ede tuum nomen nomenque parentum et patriam, morisque novi cur sacra frequentes! ” 581 ille metu vacuus “ nomen mihi ” dixit “ Acoetes, patria Maeonia est, humili de plebe parentes. non mihi quae duri colerent pater arva iuvenci, lanigerosve greges, non ulla armenta reliquit; 585 pauper et ipse fuit linoque solebat et hamis decipere et calamo salientis ducere pisces. ars illi sua census erat; cum traderet artem, ‘ accipe, quas habeo, studii successor et heres,’ dixit ‘ opes ’ moriensque mihi nihil ille reliquit 590 I64 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III_ slaves--“ go, bring this plotter hither, and in chains! Let there be no dull delay to my bidding.” His grandsire addresses him in words of reprimand, and Athamas,and all his counsellors, and they vainly strive to curb his will. He is all the more eager for their warning; his mad rage is fretted by restraint and grows apace, and their very efforts at control but make him worse. So have I seen a river, where nothing obstructed its course, flow smoothly on with but a gentle murmur; but, where it was held in check by dams of timber and stone set in its way, foaming and boiling it went, fiercer for the obstruction. But now the slaves come back, all covered with blood, and, when their master asks where Bacchus is, they say that they have not seen him; “but this companion of his,” they say, “ this priest of his sacred rites, we have taken,” and they deliver up, his hands bound behind his back, one of Etruscan stock, a votary of Bacchus. Him Pentheus eyes awhile with gaze made terrible by his wrath; and, with difliculty withholding his hand from punish— ment, he says: “ Thou fellow, doomed to perish and by thy death to serve as a warning to others, tell me thy name, thy parents, and thy country; and why thou dost devote thyself to this new cult.” He fearlessly replies: “ My name is Acoetes, and my country is Maeonia; my parents were but humble folk. My father left me no fields or sturdy bullocks to till them; no woolly sheep, no cattle. He himself was poor and used to catch fish with hook and line and rod and draw them leaping from the stream. His craft was all his wealth; and when he passed it on to me he said: ‘ Take this craft; ’tis all my fortune. Be you my heir and successor in it.’ And in dying he left me nothing but the waters. This alone can 165 OVID praeter aquas: unum hoc possum adpellare paternum. mox ego, ne scopulis, haererem semper in isdem, addidici regimen dextra moderante carinae flectere et Oleniae sidus pluviale capellae Taygetenque Hyadasque oculis Arctonque notavi 595 ventorumque domos et portus puppibus aptos. forte petens Delum Chiae telluris ad oras adplicor et dextris adducor litora remis doque levis saltus udaeque inmittor harenae: nox ibi consumpta est; aurora rubescere prima 600 coeperat: exsurgo laticesque inferre recentis admoneo monstroque viam, quae ducat ad undas; ipse quid aura mihi tumulo promittat ab alto prospicio comitesque voco repetoque carinam. ‘ adsumus en ’ inquit sociorum primus Opheltes, 605 utque putat, praedam deserto nactus in agro, virginea puerum ducit per litora forma. ille mero somnoque gravis titubare videtur vixque sequi ; specto cultum faciemque gradumque : nil ibi, quod credi posset mortale, videbam. 610 et sensi et dixi sociis: ‘ quod numen in isto corpore sit, dubito; sed corpore numen in isto est! quisquis es, 0 faveas nostrisque laboribus adsis; his quoque des veniam! ’ ‘ pro nobis mitte precari! ’ Dictys ait, quo non alius conscendere summas ' 615 ocior antemnas prensoque rudente relabi. hoc Libys, hoc flavus, prorae tutela, Melanthus, hoc probat Alcimedon et, qui requiemque modumque voce dabat remis, animorum hortator, Epopeus, hoc omnes alii: praedae tam caeca cupido est. 620 I66 METAMORPHOSES BOOK II I I call my heritage. Soon, that I might not always stay planted on the selfsame rocks, I learned to steer ships with guiding hand; I studied the stars; the rainy constellation of the Olenian Goat, Taygete, the Hyades, the Bears; I learned the winds and whence they blow; I learned what harbours are best for ships. It chanced that while making for Delos I was driven out of my course to the shore of Chios and made the land with well-skilled oars. Light leaping, we landed on the wet shore and spent the night. As soon as the eastern sky began to redden I rose and bade my men go for fresh water, showing them the way that led to the spring. For my own task, from a high hill I observed the direction of the wind; then called my comrades and started back on board. ‘ Lo, here we are ! ’ cried Opheltes, first of all the men, bringing with him a prize (so he considered it) which he had found in a deserted field, a little boy with form beautiful as a girl’s. He seemed to stagger, as if o’ercome with wine and sleep, and could scarce follow him who led. I gazed on his garb, his face, his walk; and all I saw seemed more to me than mortal. This I perceived, and said to my companions: ‘What divinity is in that mortal body I know not; but assuredly a divinity is therein. Whoever thou art, be gracious unto us and prosper our under- takings. Grant pardon also to these men.’ ‘ Pray not for us,’ said Dictys, than whom none was more quick to climb the topmost yard and slide down on firm—grasped rope. Libys seconded this speech; so did yellow-haired Melanthus, the look—out, and Alcimedon and Epopeus, who by his voice marked the time for the rowers and urged on their flagging spirits. And all the rest approved, so blind and heedless was their greed for booty. ‘And yet I 167 "()VID ‘ non tamen hanc sacro violari pondere pinum perpetiar ’ dixi: ‘ pars hic mihi maxima iuris ’ inque aditu obsisto: furit audacissimus omni de numero Lycabas, qui Tusca pulsus ab urbe exilium dira poenam pro caede luebat; 625 is mihi, dum resto, iuvenali guttura pugno rupit et excussum misisset in aequora, si non haesissem, quamvis amens, in fune retentus. inpia turba probat factum; tum denique Bacchus (Bacchus enim fuerat), veluti clamore solutus 630 sit sopor aque mero redeant in pectora sensus, ‘ quid facitis? quis clamor? ’ ait ‘ qua, dicite, nautae, huc ope perveni? quo me deferre paratis? ’ ‘ pone metum ’ Proreus, ‘ et quos contingere portus ede velis! ’ dixit; ‘ terra sistere petita.’ 635 ‘ N axon ’ ait Liber ‘ cursus advertite vestros! illa mihi domus est, vobis erit hospita tellus.’ per mare fallaces perque omnia numina iurant sic fore meque iubent pictae dare vela carinae. dextera Naxos erat: dextra mihi lintea danti 640 ‘ quid facis, o demens? quis te furor—P ’ inquit Opheltes; pro se quisque, ‘ tenet? 1 laevam pete! ’ maxima nutu pars mihi significat, pars quid velit aure susurrat. obstipui ‘ capiat ’ que ‘ aliquis moderamina! ’ dixi meque ministerio scelerisque artisque removi. 645 1 pro se quisque, ‘ tenet? H einsius : ‘ persequiturve timor ’ Burman: pro se quisque timet M88’. 168 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III shall not permit this ship to be defiled by such sacrilege,’ I said; ‘here must my authority have greater weight.’ And I resisted their attempt to come on board. Then did Lycabas break out into wrath, the most reckless man of the crew, who, driven from Tuscany, was suffering exile as a punish— ment for the foul crime of murder. He, while I withstood him, tore at my throat with his strong hands and would have hurled me overboard, if, scarce knowing what I did, I had not clung to a rope that held me back. The godless crew applauded Lycabas. Then at last Bacchus—for it was he—as if aroused from slumber by the outcry, and as if his wine- dimmed senses were coming back, said: ‘ What are you doing? Why this uproar? And tell me, ye sailor-men, how did I get here and whither are you planning to take me?’ ‘ Be not afraid,’ said Proreus, ‘ tell me what port you wish to make, and you shall be set off at any place you choose.’ ‘ Then turn your course to Naxos,’ said Liber; ‘ that is my home, and there shall you find, yourselves, a friendly land.’ By the sea and all its gods the treacherous fellows swore that they would do this, and bade me get the painted vessel under sail. N axos lay off upon the right; and as I was setting my sails towards the right Opheltes ‘said: ‘What are you doing, you fool? what madness-——’ and each one for himself supplied the words—‘ holds you? Take the left tack.’ The most of them by nods and winks let me know what they wanted, and some whispered in my ear. I could not believe my senses and I said to them: ‘Then let someone else take the helm ’; and declared that I would have nor part nor lot in their wicked scheme. They all cried I69 OVI D increpor a cunctis, totumque inmurmurat agmen; e quibus Aethalion ‘ te scilicet omnis in uno nostra salus posita est! ’ ait et subit ipse meumque explet opus Naxoque petit diversa relicta. tum deus inludens, tamquam modo denique fraudem 650 senserit, e puppi pontum prospectat adunca et flenti similis ‘ non haec mihi litora, nautae, promisistis ’ ait, ‘ non haec mihi terra rogata est! quo merui poenam facto!> quae gloria vestra est, si puerum iuvenes, si multi fallitis unum? ’ 655 iamdudum flebam: lacrimas manus inpia nostras ridet et inpellit properantibus aequora remis. per tibi nunc ipsum (nec enim praesentior illo est deus) adiuro, tam me tibid vera referre quam veri maiora fide: stetit aequore puppis 660 haud aliter, quam si siccum navale teneret. illi admirantes remorum in verbere perstant velaque deducunt geminaque ope currere temptant: inpediunt hederae remos nexuque recurvo serpunt et gravidis distinguunt vela corymbis. 665 ipse racemiferis frontem circumdatus uvis pampineis agitat velatam frondibus hastam; quem circa tigres simulacraque inania lyncum pictarumque iacent fera corpora pantherarum. exsiluere viri, sive hoc insania fecit 670 sive timor, primusque Medon nigrescere coepit corpore et expresso spinae curvamine flecti. incipit huic Lycabas: ‘ in quae miracula ’ dixit ‘ verteris? ’ et lati rictus et panda loquenti r70 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III out upon me and kept up their Wrathful mutterings. And one of them, Aethalion, broke out: ‘ I’d have you know, the safety of us all does not depend on you alone! ’ So saying, he came and took my place at the helm and, leaving the course for Naxos, steered off in another direction. Then the god, in mockery of them, as if he had just discovered their faithlessness, looked out upon the sea from the curved stern, and in seeming tears cried out: ‘ These are not the shores you promised me, you sailor-men; and this is not the land I sought. What have I done to be so treated? And what glory will you gain if you, grown men, deceive a little boy? if you, so many, overcome just one?’ I was long since in tears; but the godless crew mocked my tears and swept the seas with speeding oars. Now by the god himself I swear (for there is no god more surely near than he) that what I speak is truth, though far beyond belief. The ship stands still upon the waves, as if a dry-dock held her. The sailors in amaze redouble their striving at the oars and make all sail, hoping thus to speed their way by twofold power. But ivy twines and clings about the oars, creeps upward with many a back-flung, catching fold, and decks the sails with heavy, hanging clusters. The god himself, with his brow garlanded with clustering berries, waves a wand wreathed with ivy-leaves. Around him lie tigers, the forms (though empty all) of lynxes and of fierce spotted panthers. The men leap overboard, driven on by- madness or by fear. And first Medon’s body begins to grow dark and his back to be bent in a well—marked curve. Lycabas starts to say to him: ‘ Into what strange creature are you turning?’ But as he speaks his own jaws spread wide, his nose becomes hooked, and his skin I71 OVID naris erat, squamamque cutis durata trahebat. 675 at Libys obstantis dum vult obvertere remos, in spatium resilire manus breve vidit et illas iam non esse manus, iam pinnas posse vocari. alter ad intortos cupiens dare bracchia funes bracchia non habuit truncoque repandus in undas 680 corpore desiluit: falcata novissima cauda est, qualia dimidiae sinuantur cornua lunae. undique dant saltus multaque adspergine rorant emerguntque iterum redeuntque sub aequora rursus inque chori ludunt speciem lascivaque iactant 685 corpora et acceptum patulis mare naribus efllant. de modo viginti (tot enim ratis illa ferebat) restabam solus: pavidum gelidumque trementi corpore vixque meum firmat deus ‘ excute ’ dicens ‘ corde metum Diamque tene! ’ delatus in illam 690 accessi sacris Baccheaque sacra frequento.” “ Praebuimus longis ” Pentheus “ ambagibus aures,” inquit “ ut ira mora vires absumere posset. praecipitem, famuli, rapite hunc cruciataque diris corpora tormentis Stygiae demittite nocti! ” 695 protinus abstractus solidis Tyrrhenus Acoetes clauditur in tectis; et dum crudelia iussae instrumenta necis ferrumque ignesque parantur, sponte sua patuisse fores lapsasque lacertis sponte sua fama est nullo solvente catenas. 700 Perstat Echionides, nec iam iubet ire, sed ipse vadit, ubi electus facienda ad sacra Cithaeron cantibus et clara bacchantum voce sonabat. I72 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III becomes hard and covered with scales. But Libys, while he seeks to ply the sluggish oars,sees his hands suddenly shrunk in size to things that can no longer be called hands at all, but fins. Another, catching at a twisted rope with his arms, finds he has no arms and goes plunging backwards with limbless body into the sea: the end of his tail is curved like the horns of a half—moon. They leap about on every side, sending up showers of spray; they emerge from the water, only to return to the depths again; they sport like a troupe of dancers, tossing their bodies in wanton sport and drawing in and blowing out the water from their broad nostrils. Of but now twenty men—for the ship bore so many—I alone remained. And, as I stood quaking and trembling with cold fear, and hardly knowing what I did, the god spoke words of cheer to me and said: ‘ Be of good courage, and hold on your course to Naxos.’ Arrived there, I have joined the rites and am one of the Bacchanalian throng.” Then Pentheus said: “ We have lent ear to this long, rambling tale, that by such delay our anger might lose its might. ‘ Ye slaves, now hurry him away, rack his body with fearsome tortures, and so send him down to Stygian night.” Straightway Acoetes, the Tyrrhenian, was dragged out and shut up in a strong dungeon. And while the slaves were getting the cruel instruments of torture ready, the iron, the fire—of their own accord the doors flew open wide; of their own accord, with no one loosing them, the chains fell from the prisoner’s arms. But Pentheus stood fixed in his purpose. He no longer sent messengers, but went himself to where Cithaeron, the chosen seat for the god’s sacred rites, was resounding with songs and the shrill cries of wor- I73 OVID ut' fremit acer equus, cum bellicus aere canoro signa dedit tubicen pugnaeque adsumit amorem, 7 05' Penthea sic ictus longis ululatibus aether movit, et audito clamore recanduit ira. Monte fere medio est, cingentibus ultima silvis, purus ab arboribus, spectabilis undique, campus: his oculis illum cernentem sacra profanis 710 prima videt, prima est insano concita cursu, prima suum misso violavit Penthea thyrso mater et “ o geminae ” clamavit “ adeste sorores! ille aper, in nostris errat qui maximus agris, ille mihi feriendus aper.” ruit omnis in unum 715 turba furens ; cunctae coeunt trepidumque sequuntur, iam trepidum, iam verba minus violenta loquentem, iam se damnantem, iam se peccasse fatentem. saucius ille tamen “ fer opem, matertera ” dixit “ Autonoe! moveant animos Actaeonis umbrae! ” 720 illa, quis Actaeon, nescit dextramque precantis abstulit, Inoo lacerata est altera raptu. I non habet infelix quae matri bracchia tendat, trunca sed ostendens deiectis vulnera membris “ adspice, mater! ” ait. visis ululavit Agaue 725 collaque iactavit movitque per aera crinem ‘ avulsumque caput digitis conplexa cruentis clamat: “ nonfcitius frondes autumni frigore tactas io comites, opus haec Victoria nostrum est! "f iamque male haerentes alta rapit arbore ventus, 730' quam sunt membra viri manibus direpta nefandis. talibus exemplis monitae nova sacra frequentant turaque dant sanctasque colunt Ismenides aras. 1174 METAMORPHOSES BOOK III shippers. As a spirited horse snorts when the brazen trumpet with tuneful voice sounds out the battle and his eagerness for the fray waxes hot, so did the air, pulsing with the long-drawn cries, stir Pentheus, and the wild uproar in his ears heated his wrath white-hot. About midway of the mountain, bordered with thick woods, was an open plain, free from trees, in full view from every side. Here, as Pentheus was spying with profane eyes upon the sacred rites, his mother was the first to see him, first to rush madly on him, first with hurled thyrsus to smite her son. “ Ho, there, my sisters, come! ” she cried, “ see that huge boar prowling in our fields. Now must I rend him.” The whole mad throng rush on him; from all sides they come and pursue the frightened wretch-- yes, frightened now, and speaking milder words, cursing his folly and confessing that he has sinned. Sore wounded, he cries out: “ Oh help, my aunt, Autonoé! Let the ghost of Actaeon move your heart.” She knows not who Actaeon is, and tears the suppliant’s right arm away ; Ino in frenzy rends away his left. And now the wretched man has no arms to stretch out in prayer to his mother; but, showing his mangled stumps where his arms have been torn away, he cries: “ Oh, mother, see! ” Agave howls madly at the sight and tosses'her head with wildly streaming hair. Off she tears his head, and holding it in bloody hands, she yells: “ See, comrades, see my toil and its reward of victory! ” Not more quickly are leaves, when touched by the first cold of autumn and now lightly clinging, whirled from the lofty tree by the wind than is Pentheus torn limb from limb by those impious hands. Taught by such a warning, the Thebans throng the new god’s sacred rites, burn incense, and bow down before his shrines. I75 BOOK \ IV VOL. I. LIBER IV AT non Alcithoe Minyeias orgia censet accipienda dei, sed adhuc temeraria Bacchum progeniem negat esse Iovis sociasque sorores inpietatis habet. festum celebrare sacerdos inmunesque operum famulas dominasque suorum 5 pectora pelle tegi, crinales solvere vittas, serta coma, manibus frondentis sumere thyrsos iusserat et saevam laesi fore numinis iram vaticinatus erat: parent matresque nurusque telasque calathosque infectaque pensa reponunt 10 turaque dant Bacchumque vocant Bromiumque Lyaeumque ignigenamque satumque iterum solumque bimatrem; additur his N yseus indetonsusque Thyoneus et cum Lenaeo genialis consitor uvae Nycteliusque Eleleusque parens et Iacchus et Euhan, et quae praeterea per Graias plurima gentes 16 nomina, Liber, habes. tibi enim inconsumpta iuventa est, 1 “ The noisy one.” 2 “ The dcliverer from care.” 3 “ Of Nysa,” a city in India, connected traditionally with the infancy of Bacchus. 4 “ Son of Thyone,” the name given to his mother, Semele, after her translation to the skies. 5 “ God of the wine-press.” 6 S0 named from the fact that his orgies were celebrated in the night. 178 BOOK IV BUT not Minyas’ daughter Alcithoé; she will not have the god’s holy revels admitted; nay, so bold is she that she denies Bacchus to be Jove’s son! And her sisters are with her in the impious deed. The priest had bidden the people to celebrate a Bacchic festival: all serving-women must be excused from toil; with their mistresses they must cover their breasts with the skins of beasts, they must loosen the ribands of their hair, and with garlands upon their heads they must hold in their hands the vine—wreathed thyrsus. And he had prophesied that the wrath of the god would be merciless if he were disregarded. The matrons and young wives all obey, put by weaving and work—baskets, leave their tasks unfinished; they burn incense, calling on Bacchus, naming him also Bromius,1 Lyaeus,2 son of the thunderbolt, twice born, child of two mothers; they hail him as Nyseus3 also, Thyoneus4 of the unshorn locks, Lenaeus,5 planter of the joy-giving vine, Nyctelius,6 father Eleleus,7, Iacchus,8 and Euhan, and all the many names besides by which thou art known, O Liber,9 throughout the towns of Greece. 7 From the wild cries uttered by his worshippers in the orgies. ‘3 A name identified with Bacchus. 9 Either from liber, “ the free,” or from libo, “ he to whom libations of wine are poured.” I79 OVID tu puer aeternus, tu formosissimus alto conspiceris caelo; tibi, cum sine cornibus adstas, virgineum caput est; Oriens tibi victus, adusque 2O decolor extremo qua tinguitur India Grange. Penthea tu, venerande, bipenniferumque Lycurgum sacrilegos mactas, Tyrrhenaque mittis in aequor corpora, tu biiugum pictis insignia frenis colla premis lyncum. bacchae satyrique sequuntur, 25 quique senex ferula titubantis ebrius artus sustinet et pando non fortiter haeret asello. quacumque ingrederis, clamor iuvenalis et una femineae voces inpulsaque tympana palmis concavaque aera sonant longoque foramine buxus. 3O “ Placatus mitisque ” rogant Ismenides “ adsis,” iussaque sacra colunt; solae Minyeides intus intempestiva turbantes festa Minerva aut ducunt lanas aut stamina pollice versant aut haerent telae famulasque laboribus urguent. 35 e quibus una levi deducens pollice filum “ dum cessant aliae commentaque sacra frequentant, nos quoque, quas Pallas, melior dea, detinet ” inquit, “ utile opus manuum vario sermone levemus perque vices aliquid, quod tempora longa videri 40 non sinat, in medium vacuas referamus ad aures! ” dicta probant primamque iubent narrare sorores. illa, quid e multis referat (nam plurima norat), cogitat et dubia est, de te, Babylonia, narret, Derceti, quam versa squamis velantibus artus 45 stagna Palaestini credunt motasse figura, 18o METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV For thine is unending youth, eternal boyhood; thou art the most lovely in the lofty sky; thy face is virgin—seeming, if without horns thou stand before us. The Orient owns thy sway, even to the bounds where remotest Ganges laves swart India. Pentheus thou didst destroy, thou awful god, and Lycurgus, armed with the two-edged battle-axe (impious were they both), and didst hurl the Tuscan sailors into the sea. Lynxes, with bright reins harnessed, draw thy car; bacchant women and satyrs follow thee, and that old man who, drunk with wine, supports his staggering limbs on his staff, and clings weakly to his misshapen ass. Where’er thou goest, glad shouts of youths and cries of women echo round, with drum of tambourine, the cymbals’ clash, and the shrill piping of the flute. “ Oh, be thou with us, merciful and mild! ” the Theban women cry; and perform the sacred rites as the priest bids them. The daughters of Minyas alone stay within, marring the festival, and out of due time ply their household tasks, spinning wool, thumbing the turning threads, or keep close to the loom, and press their maidens with work. Then one of them, drawing the thread the while with deft thumb, says: “ While other women are deserting their tasks and thronging this so—called festival, let us also, who keep toPallas, a truer goddess, lighten with various talk the serviceable work of our hands, and to beguile the tedious hours, let us take turns in telling stories, while all the others listen.” The sisters agree and bid her be first to speak. She mused'awhile which she should tell of many tales, for very many she knew. She was in doubt whether to tell of thee, Dercetis of Babylon, who, as the Syrians believe, changed to a fish, all covered with 181 OVID an magis, ut sumptis illius filia pennis extremos albis in turribus egerit annos, nais an ut cantu nimiumque potentibus herbis verterit in tacitos iuvenalia corpora pisces, 5O donec idem passa est, an, quae poma alba ferebat ut nunc nigra ferat contactu sanguinis arbor: hoc placet, haec quoniam vulgaris fabula non est; talibus orsa modis lana sua fila sequentei “ Pyramus et Thisbe, iuvenum pulcherrimus alter, altera, quas Oriens habuit, praelata puellis, 56 contiguas tenuere domos, ubi dicitur altam coctilibus muris cinxisse Semiramis urbem. notitiam primosque gradus vicinia fecit, tempore crevit amor; taedae quoque iure coissent, 6O sed vetuere patres: quod non potuere vetare, ex aequo captis ardebant mentibus ambo. conscius omnis abest; nutu signisque loquuntur, quoque magis tegitur, tectus magis ae'stuat ignis. fissus erat tenui rima, quam duxerat olim, 65 cum fieret, paries domui communis utrique. id vitium nulli per saecula longa notatum— quid non sentit amor P—primi vidistis amantes et vocis fecistis iter, tutaeque per illud' murmure blanditiae minimo transire solebant. 7O saepe, ubi constiterant hinc Thisbe, Pyramus illinc, inque vices fuerat captatus anhelitus oris, ‘ invide ’ dicebant ‘ paries, quid amantibus obstas? quantum erat, ut sineres toto nos corpore iungi aut, hoc _s_i nimium est, vel ad oscula danda pateres? 1.82. METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV scales, and swims in a pool; or how her daughter, changed to a pure white dove, spent her last years perched on high battlements; or how a certain nymph, by incantation and herbs too potent, changed the bodies of some boys into mute fishes, and at last herself became a fish; or how the mulberry-tree, which once had borne white fruit, now has fruit dark red, from the bloody stain. The last seems best. This tale, not commonly known as .yet, she tells, spinning her wool the while. “ Pyramus and Thisbe—he, the most beautiful youth, and she, loveliest maid of all the East—dwelt in houses side by side, in the city which Semiramis is said to have surrounded with walls of brick. Their nearness made the first steps of their acquaintance. In time love grew, and they would have been joined in marriage, too, but their parents forbade. Still, what no parents could forbid, sore smitten in heart they burned with mutual love. They had no go- between, but communicated by nods and signs; and the more they covered up the fire, the more it burned. There was a slender chink in ‘the party-wall of the two houses, which it had at some former time'received when it was building. This chink, which no one had’ ever discovered through all these years-—'but .what does love not see ?—you lovers first discovered and made it the channel of speech. Safe through this your loving words used 'to pass’ in‘ tiny whispers. Often, when they had taken their positions, on this side Thisbe, and Pyramus on that, and when each in turn had listened eagerly for the other’s breath, ’ O envious wall,’ they would say, ‘ why do you stand between lovers? How small a thing ’twould be for you to permit us to embrace each other, or, if this be too much, to open for our kisses! ‘But we are 183 OV ID nec sumus ingrati: tibi nos debere fatemur, quod datus est verbis ad amicas transitus auris.’ talia diversa nequiquam sede locuti sub noctem dixere ‘ vale ’ partique dedere oscula quisque suae non pervenientia contra. postera nocturnos Aurora removerat ignes, solque pruinosas radiis siccaverat herbas: ad solitum coiere locum. tum murmure parvo multa prius questi statuunt, ut nocte silenti fallere custodes foribusque excedere temptent, 76 80 85 cumque domo exierint, urbis quoque tecta relinquant, neve sit errandum lato spatiantibus arvo, conveniant ad busta Nini lateantque sub umbra arboris: arbor ibi niveis uberrima pomis (ardua morus erat) gelido contermina fonti. pacta placent; et lux, tarde discedere visa, praecipitatur aquis, et aquis nox exit ab isdem. ‘ 90 “ Callida per‘ tenebras versatojcarldine Thisbe ' ' egreditur, fallitque suos adopertaque vultum pervenit ad tumulum dictaque sub arbore sedit. audacem faciebat amor. venit ecce recenti caede leaena-boum spumantis oblita rictus depositura Sitim'vicini 'fontis in unda, quam procul ad lunae radios Babylonia Thisbe vidit et obscurum timido pede fugit in antrum, dumque fugit, tergo velamina lapsa reliquit. ut lea saeva sitim multa conpescuit unda, dum redit in silvas, inventos forte sine ipsa ore cruentato tenues laniavit amictus. 95 100 $84 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV not ungrateful. We owe it to you, we admit, that a passage is allowed by which our words may go through to loving ears.’ So, separated all to no purpose, they would talk, and as night came on they said good-bye and printed, each on his own side of the wall, kisses that did not go through. The next morning had put out the starry beacons of the night, and the sun’s rays had dried the frosty grass; they came together at the accustomed place. Then first in low whispers they lamented bitterly, then decided when all had become still that night to try to elude their guar— dians’ watchful eyes and steal out of doors; and, when they had gotten out, they would leave the city as well; and that they might not run the risk of missing one another, as they wandered in the open country, they were to meet at Ninus’ tomb and hide in the shade of a tree. Now there was a tree there hanging full of snow—white berries, a tall mulberry, and not far away was a cool spring. They liked the plan, and slow the day seemed to go. But at last the sun went plunging down beneath the waves, and from the same waves the night came up. “ Now Thisbe, carefully opening the door, steals out through the darkness, seen of none, and arrives duly at the tomb with her face well veiled and sits down under the trysting-tree. Love made her bold. But see‘! here comes a lioness, her jaws all dripping with the blood of fresh-slain cattle, to slake her thirst-at the neighbouring spring. Far off under the rays of the moon Babylonian Thisbe sees her, and flees with trembling feet into the deep cavern, and as she flees she leaves her cloak on the ground behind her. \Vhen the savage lioness has quenched her thirst by copious draughts of water, returning to the woods she comes by chance upon the light garment (but without the 185 OV ID serius egressus vestigia vidit in alto 105 pulvere certa ferae totoque expalluit ore Pyramus; ut vero vestem quoque sanguine tinctam repperit, ‘ una duos ’ inquit ‘ nox perdet amantes, e quibus illa fuit longa dignissima vita; nostra nocens anima est. ego te, miseranda, peremi, in loca plena metus qui iussi nocte venires 111 nec prior huc veni. nostrum divellite corpus et scelerata fero consumite viscera morsu, o quicumque sub hac habitatis rupe leones! sed timidi est optare necem.’ velamina Thisbes 115 tollit et ad pactae secum fert arboris umbram, utque dedit notae lacrimas, dedit oscula vesti, ‘ accipe nunc ’ inquit ‘ nostri quoque sanguinis haustus! ’ quoque verat accinctus, demisit in ilia ferrum, nec mora, ferventi moriens e vulnere traxit. 120 ut iacuit resupinus humo, cruor emicat alte, non aliter quam cum ,vitiato fistula plumbo sci-nditur et tenui stridente forami-ne longas eia'culatur aquas atque ictibus aera rumpit. arborei fetus adspergine caedis in atram 125 vertuntur faciem, madefactaque sanguine radix. ‘ purpu-reo tinguit pendentia mora colore. “ Ecce metu nondum posito, ne fallat amantem, illa redit iuvenemque oculis animoque requirit, quantaque vitarit narrare pericula gestit; 130 utque locum et visa cognoscit in arbore formam, sic .facit incertam pomi color: haeret,.an haec sit. 186 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV girl herself!) and tears it with bloody jaws. Pyramus, coming out a little later, sees the tracks of the beast plain in the deep dust and grows deadly pale at the sight. But when he saw the cloak too, smeared with blood, he cried: ‘ One night shall bring two lovers to death. But she of the two was more worthy of long life; on my head lies all the guilt. Oh, I have been the cause of your death, poor girl, in that I bade you come forth by night into this dangerous place, and did not myself come hither first. Come, rend my body and devour my guilty flesh with your fierce fangs, O all ye lions who have your lairs beneath this cliff! But ’tis a coward’s part merely to pray for death.’ He picks up Thisbe’s cloak and carries it to the shade of the trysting-tree. And while he kisses the familiar garment and bedews it with his tears he cries: ‘ Drink now my blood too.’ So saying, he drew the sword which he wore girt about him, plunged the blade into his side, and Straightway, with his dying effort, drew the sword from his warm wound. As he lay stretched upon the earth the spouting blood leaped high; just as when a pipe has broken at a weak spot in the lead and through the small hissing aperture sends spurting forth long streams of water, cleaving the air with its jets. The fruit of the tree, sprinkled with the blood, was changed to a dark red colour; and the roots, soaked with his gore, also tinged the hanging berries with the same purple hue. ' " And now comes Thisbe from her hiding—place, still trembling, but fearful also that her lover will miss her; she seeks for him both with eyes and soul, eager to tell him how great perils she has escaped. And while she recognizes the place and the shape of the well—known tree, still the colour I87 OVID ' dum dubitat, tremebunda videt pulsare cruentum membra solum, retroque pedem tulit, oraque buxo pallidiora gerens exhorruit aequoris instar, 135 quod tremit, exigua cum summum stringitur aura. sed postquam remorata suos cognovit amores, percutit indignos claro plangore lacertos et laniata comas amplexaque corpus amatum vulnera supplevit lacrimis fletumque cruori 140 miscuit et gelidis in vultibus oscula figens ‘ Pyrame,’ clamavit, ‘ quis te mihi casus ademit? Pyrame, responde! tua te carissima Thisbe nominat; exaudi vultusque attolle iacentes! ’ ad nomen Thisbes oculos a morte gravatos 145 Pyramus erexit visaque recondidit illa. “ Quae postquam vestemque suam cognovit et ense vidit ebur vacuum, ‘ tua te manus ’ inquit ‘ amorque perdidit, infelix! est et mihi fortis in unum hoc manus, est et amor: dabit hic in vulnera vires. persequar extinctum letique miserrima dicar 151 causa comesque tui: quique a me morte revelli heu sola poteras, poteris nec morte revelli. hoc tamen amborum verbis estote rogati, o multum miseri meus illiusque parentes, 155 ut, quos certus amor, quos hora novissima iunxit, conponi tumulo non invideatis eodem; at tu quae ramis arbor miserabile corpus nunc tegis unius, mox es tectura duorum, signa tene caedis pullosque et luctibus aptos 160 semper habe fetus, gemini monimenta cruoris.’ I88 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV of its fruit mystifies her. She doubts if it be this. While she hesitates, she sees somebody’s limbs writhing on the bloody ground, and starts back, paler than boxwood, and shivering like the sea when a slight breeze ruffles its surface. But when after a little while she recognizes her lover, she smites her innocent arms with loud blows of grief, and tears her hair; and embracing the well—beloved form, she fills his wounds with tears, mingling these with his blood. And as she kissed his lips, now cold in death, she wailed: ‘ O my Pyramus, what mis— chance has reft you from me? Pyramus! answer me. ’Tis your dearest Thisbe calling you. Oh, listen, and lift your drooping head! ’ At the name of Thisbe, Pyramus lifted his eyes, now heavy with death, and having looked upon her face, closed them a am. g“ Now when she saw her own cloak and the ivory scabbard empty of the sword, she said: ‘ ’Twas your own hand and your love, poor boy, that took your life. I, too, have a hand brave for this one deed; I, too, have love. This shall give me strength for the fatal blow. I will follow you in death, and men shall say that I was the most wretched cause and comrade of your fate. Whom death alone had power to part from me, not even death shall have power to part from me. O wretched parents, mine and his, be ye en- treated of this by the prayers of us both, that you begrudge us not that we, whom faithful love, whom the hour of death has joined, should be laid together in the same tomb. And do you, O tree, who now shade with your branches the poor body of one, and soon will shade two, keep the marks of our death and always bear your fruit of a dark colour, meet for mourning, as a memorial of our double death.’ 189 OVID dixit et aptato pectus mucrone sub imum incubuit ferro, quod adhuc a caede tepebat. vota tamen tetigere deos, tetigere parentes; nam color in pomo est, ubi permaturuit, ater, 165 quodque rogis superest, una requiescit in urna.” Desierat: mediumque fuit breve tempus, et orsa est dicere Leuconoe: vocem tenuere sorores. “ hunc quoque, siderea qui temperat omnia luce, cepit amor Solem : Solis referemus amores. 170 primus adulterium Veneris cum Marte putatur hic vidisse deus; videt hic deus omnia primus. indoluit facto Iunonigenaeque marito furta tori furtique locum monstravit, at illi et mens et quod opus fabrilis dextra tenebat 175 excidit: extemplo graciles et aere catenas retiaque et laqueos, quae lumina fallere possent, elimat. non illud opus tenuissima vincant stamina, non summo quae pendet aranea tigno; utque levis tactus momentaque parva sequantur, 180 efficit et lecto circumdata collocat arte. ut venere torum coniunx et adulter in unum, arte viri vinclisque nova ratione paratis in mediis ambo deprensi amplexibus haerent. Lemnius extemplo valvas patefecit eburnas 185 inmisitque deos ; illi iacuere ligati turpiter, atque aliquis de dis non tristibus optat sic fieri turpis; superi risere, diuque haec fuit in toto notissima fabula caelo. “ Exigit indicii memorem Cythereia poenam 190 190 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV She spoke, and fitting the point beneath her breast, she fell forward on the sword which was still warm with her lover’s blood. Her prayers touched the gods and touched the parents; for the colour of the mulberry fruit is dark red when it is ripe, and all that remained from both funeral pyres rests in a common urn. The tale was done. Then, after a brief interval, Leuconoé began, while her sisters held their peace. “ Even the Sun, who with his central light guides all the stars, has felt the power of love. The Sun’s loves we will relate. This god was first, ’tis said, to see the shame of Mars and Venus; this god sees all things first. Shocked at the sight, he revealed her sin to the goddess’ husband, Vulcan, J uno’s son, and where it was committed. Then Vulcan’s mind reeled and the work upon which he was engaged fell from his hands. Straightway he fashioned a net of fine links of bronze, so thin that they would escape detec- tion of the eye. Not the finest threads of wool would surpass that work; no, not the web which the spider lets down from the ceiling beam. He made the web in such a way that it would yield to the slightest touch, the least movement, and then he spread it deftly over the couch. Now when the goddess and her paramour had come thither, by the husband’s art and by the net so cunningly prepared they were both caught and held fast in each other’s arms. Straight- way Vulcan, the Lemnian, opened wide the ivory doors and invited in the other gods. There lay the two in chains, disgracefully, and some one of the merry gods prayed that he might be so disgraced. The gods laughed, and for a long time this story was the talk of heaven. “ But the goddess of Cythera did not forget the one 191 OVID inque vices illum, tectos qui laesit amores, laedit amore pari. quid nunc, Hyperione nate, forma colorque tibi radiataque lumina prosunt? nempe, tuis omnes qui terras ignibus uris, ureris igne novo; quique omnia cernere debes, 195 Leucothoen spectas et virgine figis in una, quos mundo debes, oculos. modo surgis E00 temperius caelo, modo serius incidis undis, spectandique mora brumalis porrigis horas; deficis interdum, vitiumque in lumina mentis 200 transit et obscurus mortalia pectora terres. nec tibi quod lunae terris propioris imago obstiterit, palles: facit hunc amor iste colorem. diligis hanc unam, nec te Clymeneque Rhodosque nec tenet Aeaeae genetrix pulcherrima Circes 205 quaeque tuos Clytie quamvis despecta petebat concubitus ipsoque illo grave vulnus habebat tempore: Leucothoe multarum oblivia fecit, gentis odoriferae quam formosissima partu _ edidit Eurynome ; sed postquam filia crevit, 210 quam mater cunctas, tam matrem filia‘ vicit. rexit Achaemenias urbes pater Orchamus isque septimus a prisco numeratur origine Belo. “ Axe sub Hesperio sunt pascua Solis equorum: ambrosiam pro gramine habent; ea fessa diurnis 215 membra ministeriis nutrit reparatque labori. dumque ibi quadrupedes caelestia pabula carpunt noxque vicem peragit, thalamos deus intrat amatos, 192 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV who had spied on her, and took fitting vengeance on him; and he that betrayed her stolen love was equally betrayed in love. What now avail, O son of Hyperion, thy beauty and brightness and radiant beams? For thou, who dost inflame all lands with thy fires, art thyself inflamed by a strange fire. Thou who shouldst behold all things, dost gaze on Leucothoé alone, and on one maiden dost thou fix those eyes which belong to the whole world. Anon too early dost thou rise in the eastern sky, and anon too late dost thou sink beneath the waves, and through thy long lingering over her dost prolong the short wintry hours. Sometimes thy beams fail utterly, thy heart’s darkness passing to thy rays, and darkened thou dost terrify the hearts of men. Nor is it that the moon has come ’twixt thee and earth that thou art dark; ’tis that love of thine alone that makes thy face so wan. Thou delightest in her alone. Now neither Clymene seems fair to thee, nor the maid of Rhodes, nor Aeaean Circes’ mother, though most beautiful, nor Clytie, who, although scorned by thee, still seeks thy love and even now bears its deep wounds in her heart. Leucothoé makes thee forgetful of them all, she whom most fair Eurynome bore in the land of spices. But, after the daughter came to womanhood, as the mother surpassed all in loveliness, so did the daughter surpass her. Her father, Orchamus, ruled over the cities of Persia, himself the seventh in line from ancient Belus. “ Beneath the western skies lie the pastures of the Sun’s horses. Here not common grass, but ambrosia is their food. On this their bodies, weary with their service of the day, are refreshed and gain new strength for toil. While here his horses crop their celestial pasturage and Night takes her turn of toil, the I93 OVID versus in Eurynomes faciem genetricis, et inter his sex Leucothoen famulas ad lumina cernit 220 levia versato ducentem stamina fuso. ergo ubi ceu mater carae dedit oscula natae, ‘ res ’ ait ‘ arcana est: famulae, discedite neve eripite arbitrium matri secreta loquendi.’ paruerant, thalamoque deus sine teste relicto 225 ‘ ille ego sum ’ dixit, ‘ qui longum metior annum, omnia qui video, per quem videt omnia tellus, mundi oculus: mihi, crede, places.’ pavet illa metuque et'colus et fusus digitis cecidere remissis. ipse timor decuit. nec longius ille moratus 230 in veram rediit speciem solitumque nitorem; at virgo quamvis inopino territa visu victa nitore dei posita vim passa querella est. “ Invidit Clytie (neque enim moderatus in illa Solis amor fuerat) stimulataque paelicis ira ~ 235 vulgat adulterium difi‘amatumque parenti indicat. ille ferox inmansuetusque precantem tendentemque manus ad lumina Solis et ‘ ille vim tulit invitae ’ dicentem defodit alta crudus humo tumulumque super gravis addit harenae. 240 dissipat hunc radiis Hyperione natus iterque dat tibi, qua possis defossos promere vultus; nec tu iam poteras enectum pondere terrae tollere, nympha, caput corpusque exsangue iacebas: nil illo fertur volucrum moderator equorum 245 I94 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV god enters the apartments of his love, assuming the form of Eurynome, her mother. There he discovers Leucothoé, surrounded by her twelve maidens, spin- ning fine wool with whirling spindle. Then having kissed her, just as her mother would have kissed her dear daughter, he says: ‘ Mine is a private matter. Retire, ye slaves, and let not a mother want the right to a private speech.’ The slaves obey; and now the god, when the last witness has left the room, declares: ‘ Lo, I am he who measure out the year, who behold all things, by whom the earth beholds all things— the world's eye. I tell thee thou hast found favour in my sight.’ The nymph is filled with fear; distaff and spindle fall unheeded from her limp fingers. Her very fear becomes her. Then he, no longer tarrying, resumes his own form and his wonted splendour. But the maiden, though in terror at this sudden apparition, yet, overwhelmed by his radiance, at last without protest suffers the ardent wooing of the god. “ Clytie was jealous, for love of the Sun still burned uncontrolled in her. Burning now with wrath at the sight of her rival, she spread abroad the story, and especially to the father did she tell his daughter’s shame. He, fierce and merciless, unheeding her prayers, unheeding her arms stretched out to the Sun, and unheeding her cry, ‘ He overbore my will,’ with brutal cruelty buried her deep in the earth, and heaped on the spot a heavy mound of sand. The son of Hyperion rent this with his rays, and made a Way by which you might put forth your buried head; but too late, for now, poor nymph, you could not lift your head, crushed beneath the heavy earth, and you lay there, a lifeless corpse. Naught more pitiful than that sight, they say, did the driver of the swift steeds I95 OVID post Phaethonteos vidisse dolentius ignes. ille quidem gelidos radiorum viribus artus si queat in vivum temptat revocare calorem; sed quoniam tantis fatum conatibus obstat, nectare odorato sparsit corpusque locumque 250 multaque praequestus ‘ tanges tamen aethera ’ dixit. protinus inbutum caelesti nectare corpus dilicuit terramque suo madefecit odore, virgaque per glaebas sensim radicibus actis turea surrexit tumulumque cacumine rupit. 255 “ At Clytien, quamvis amor excusare dolorem ' indiciumque dolor poterat, non amplius auctor lucis adit Venerisque modum sibi fecit in illa. tabuit ex illo dementer amoribus usa; nympharum inpatiens et sub Iove nocte dieque 260 sedit humo nuda nudis incompta capillis, perque novem luces expers undaeque cibique rore mero lacrimisque suis ieiunia pavit nec se movit humo; tantum spectabat euntis ora dei vultusque suos fiectebat ad illum. 265 membra ferunt haesisse solo, partemque coloris luridus exsangues pallor convertit in herbas; est in parte rubor violaeque simillimus ora flos tegit. illa suum, quamvis radice tenetur, vertitur ad Solem mutataque servat amorem.” 270 Dixerat, et factum mirabile ceperat auris; pars fieri potuisse negant, pars omnia veros posse deos memorant: sed non est Bacchus in illis. poscitur Alcithoe, postquam siluere sorores. 196 A METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV see since Phaéthon’s burning death. He tried, indeed, by his warm rays to recall those death-cold limbs to the warmth of life. But since grim fate opposed all his efforts, he sprinkled the body and the ground with fragrant nectar, and preluding with many words of grief, he said: ‘ In spite of fate shalt thou reach the upper air.’ Straightway the body, soaked with the celestial nectar, melted away and filled the earth around with its sweet fragrance. Then did a shrub of frankincense, with deep-driven roots, rise slowly through the soil and its top cleaved the mound. “But Clytie, though love could excuse her grief, and grief her tattling, was sought no more by the great light-giver, nor did he find aught to love in her. For this cause she pined away, her love turned to mad— ness. Unable to endure her sister nymphs, beneath the open sky, by night and day, she sat upon the bare ground, naked, bareheaded, unkempt. For nine whole days she sat, tasting neither drink nor food, her hunger fed by naught save pure dew and tears, and moved not from the ground. Only she gazed on the face of her god as he went his way, and turned her face towards him. They say that her limbs grew fast to the soil and her. deathly pallor changed in part to a bloodless plant; but in part ’twas red, and a flower, much like a violet, came where her face had been. Still, though roots hold her fast, she turns ever to- wards the sun and, though changed herself, preserves her love unchanged.” The story-teller ceased; the wonderful tale had held their ears. Some of the sisters say that such things could not happen; others declare that true gods can do anything. But Bacchus is not one of these. Alcithoe is next called for when the sisters 19'] OVID quae radio stantis percurrens stamina telae 275 “ vulgatos taceo ” dixit “ pastoris amores Daphnidis Idaei, quem nymphe paelicis ira contulit in saxum: tantus dolor urit amantes; nec loquor, ut quondam naturae iure novato ambiguus fuerit modo vir, modo femina Sithon. 280 te quoque, nunc adamas, quondam fidissime parvo, Celmi, Iovi largoque satos Curetas ab imbri et Crocon in parvos versum cum Smilace flores praetereo dulcique animos novitate tenebo. “ Unde sit infamis, quare male fortibus undis 285 Salmacis enervet tactosque remolliat artus, discite. causa latet, vis est notissima fontis. Mercurio puerum diva Cythereide natum naides Idaeis enutrivere sub antris, . _ c'uius erat facies, in qua materque paterque '290 cognosci possent; nomen quoque traxit ab illis. is tria cum primum fecit quinquennia, montes deseruit patrios Idaque altrice relicta ignotis errare locis, ignota videre ‘ flumina gaudebat, studio minuente laborem. 295 ille etiam Lycias urbes Lyciaeque propinquos Caras adit: videt hic stagnum lucentis ad imum usque solum lymphae; non illic can'na palustris nec steriles ulvae nec acuta cuspide iunci; perspicuus liquor est; stagni tamen ultima vivo 300 caespite cinguntur semperque virentibus herbis. nympha colit, sed nec venatibus apta nec arcus flectere quae solea-t nec quae contendere cursu, r98 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV have become silent again. Running her shuttle swiftly through the threads of her loom, she said: “ I will pass by the well-known love of Daplmis, the shepherd-boy of Ida, whom a nymph, in anger at her rival, changed to stone : so great is the burning smart which jealous lovers feel. Nor will I tell how once Sithon, the natural laws reversed, lived of changing sex, now woman and now man. How you also, Celmis, now adamant, were once most faithful friend of little Jove; how the Curetes sprang from copious showers; how Crocus and his beloved Smilax were changed into tiny flowers. All these stories I will pass by and will charm your minds with a tale that is pleasing because new. “ How the fountain of Salmacis is of ill—repute, how it enervates with its enfeebling waters and renders soft and weak all men who bathe therein, you shall now hear. The cause is hidden; but the enfeebling power of the fountain is well known. A little son of Hermes and of the goddess of Cythera the naiads nursed within Ida’s caves. In his fair face mother and father could be clearly seen; his name also he took from them. When fifteen years had passed, he left his native mountains and abandoned his foster— mother, Ida, delighting to wander in unknown lands and to see strange rivers, his eagerness making light of toil. He came even to the Lycian cities and to the Carians, who dwell hard by the land of Lycia. Here he saw a pool of water crystal clear to the very bottom. No marshy reeds grew there, no unfruitful swamp-grass, nor spiky rushes; it is clear water. But the edges of the pool are bordered with fresh grass, and herbage ever green. A nymph dwells in the pool, one that loves not hunting, nor is wont to bend the bow or strive with speed of foot. She I99 OVID solaque naiadum celeri non nota Dianae. saepe suas illi fama est dixisse sorores 305 ‘ Salmaci, vel iaculum vel pictas sume pharetras et tua cum duris venatibus otia misce! ’ nec iaculum sumit nec pictas illa pharetras, nec sua cum duris venatibus otia miscet, sed modo fonte suo formosos perluit artus, 310 saepe Cytoriaco deducit pectine crines et, quid se deceat, spectatas consulit undas; nunc perlucenti circumdata corpus amictu mollibus aut foliis aut mollibus incubat herbis, saepe legit flores. et tum quoque forte legebat, 315 cum puerum vidit visumque optavit habere. “ Nee tamen ante adiit, etsi properabat adire, quam se conposuit, quam circumspexit amictus et finxit vultum et meruit formosa videri. tunc sic orsa loqui: ‘ puer o dignissime credi 320 esse deus, seu tu deus es, potes esse Cupido, sive es mortalis, qui te genuere, beati, et frater felix, et fortunata profecto, si qua tibi soror est, et quae dedit ubera nutrix; sed longe cunctis longeque beatior illa, 325 si qua tibi sponsa est, si quam dignabere taeda. haec tibi sive aliqua est, mea sit furtiva voluptas, seu nulla est, ego sim, thalamumque ineamus eundem.’ nais ab his tacuit. pueri rubor ora notavit; nescit, enim, quid amor; sed et erubuisse decebat: hic color aprica pendentibus arbore pomis 331 aut ebori tincto est aut sub candore rubenti, cum frustra resonant aera auxiliaria, lunae. poscenti nymphae sine fine sororia saltem zoo METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV only of the naiads follows not in swift Diana’s train. Often, ’tis said, her sisters would chide her: ‘ Sal- macis, take now either hunting-spear or painted quiver, and vary your ease with the hardships of the hunt.’ But she takes no hunting-spear, no painted quiver, nor does she vary her ease with the hardships of the hunt; but at times she bathes her shapely limbs in her own pool; often combs her hair with a boxwood comb, often looks in the mirror—like waters to see what best becomes her. N ow,wrapped in a trans- parent robe, she lies down to rest on the soft grass or the soft herbage. Often she gathers flowers; and on this occasion, too, she chanced to be gathering flowers when she saw the boy and longed to possess what she saw. “ Not yet, however, did she approach him, though she was eager to do so, until she had calmed herself, until she had arranged her robes and composed her countenance, and taken all pains to appear beautiful. Then did she speak: ‘ O youth, most worthy to be believed a god, if thou art indeed a god, thou must be Cupid; or if thou art mortal, happy are they who gave thee birth, blest is thy brother, fortunate indeed any sister of thine and thy nurse who gave thee suck. But far, oh, far happier than they all is she, if any be thy promised bride, if thou shalt deem any worthy to be thy wife. If there be any such, let mine be stolen joy; if not, may I be thine, thy bride, and may we be joined in wedlock.’ The maiden said no more. But the boy blushed rosy red; for he knew not what love is. But still the blush became him well. Such colour have apples hanging in sunny orchards, or painted ivory; such has the moon, eclipsed, red under white, when brazen vessels clash vainly for her relief. When the nymph begged and prayed for at least a sister’s kiss, 201 OVID oscula iamque manus ad eburnea colla ferenti 335 ‘ desinis? aut fugio tecumque ’ ait ‘ ista relinquo.’ Salmacis extimuit ‘ loca ’ que ‘ haec tibi libera trado, hospes ’ ait simulatque gradu discedere verso. tum quoque respiciens, fruticumque recondita silva delituit flexuque genu submisit; at ille, 340 scilicet ut vacuis et inobservatus in herbis, huc it et hinc illuc et in adludentibus undis summa pedum taloque tenus vestigia tinguit; nec mora, temperie blandarum captus aquarum mollia de tenero velamina corpore ponit. 345 tum vero stupuit nudaeque cupidine formae Salmacis exarsit, flagrant quoque lumina nymphae, non aliter quam cum puro nitidissimus orbe opposita speculi referitur imagine Phoebus ; vixque moram patitur, vix iam sua gaudia differt, 350 iam cupit amplecti, iam se male continet amens. ille cavis velox adplauso corpore palmis desilit in latices alternaque bracchia ducens in liquidis translucet aquis, ut eburnea si quis signa tegat claro vel candida lilia vitro. 355 ‘ vicimus et meus est ’ exclamat nais, et omni veste procul iacta mediis inmittitur undis, pugnantemque tenet, luctantiaque oscula carpit, subiectatque manus, invitaque pectora tangit, et nunc hac iuveni, nunc circumfunditur illac; 360 denique nitentem contra elabique volentem inplicat ut serpens, quam regia sustinet ales sublimemque rapit: pendens caput illa pedesque adligat et cauda spatiantes inplicat alas; utve solent hederae longos intexere truncos, 365 utque sub aequoribus deprensum polypus hostem 202 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV and was in act to throw her arms round his snowy neck, he cried: ‘ Have done, or I must flee and leave this spot—and you.’ Salmacis trembled at this threat and said: ‘ I yield the place to you, fair stranger,’ and turning away, pretended to depart. But even so she often looked back, and deep in a neighbouring thicket she hid herself, crouching on bended knees. But the boy, freely as if unwatched and alone, walks up and down on the grass, dips his toes in the lapping waters, and his feet. Then quickly, charmed with the coolness of the soothing stream, he threw aside the thin garments from his slender form. Then was the nymph as one spellbound, and her love kindled as she gazed at the naked form. Her eyes shone bright as when the sun’s dazzling face is reflected from the surface of a glass held opposite his rays. Scarce can she endure delay, scarce bear her joy postponed, so eager to hold him in her arms, so madly incontinent. He, clapping his body with hollow palms, dives into the pool,and swimming with alternate strokes flashes with gleaming body through the transparent flood, as if one should encase ivory figures or white lilies in translucent glass. ‘ I win, and he is mine! ’ cries the naiad, and casting off all her garments dives also into the waters: she holds him fast though he strives against her, steals reluctant kisses, fondles him, touches his unwilling breast, clings to him on this side and on that. At length, as he tries his best to break away from her, she wraps him round with her embrace, as a serpent, when the king of birds has caught her and is bearing her on high : which, hang— ing from his claws, wraps her folds around his head and feet and entangles his flapping wings with her tail; or as the ivy oft—times embraces great trunks of trees, or as the sea-polyp holds its enemy caught 203 OVID continet ex omni dimissis parte flagellis. perstat Atlantiades sperataque gaudia nymphae denegat, illa premit commissaque corpore toto sicut inhaerebat, ‘ pugnes licet, inprobe,’ dixit, 370 ‘ non tamen effugies. ita di iubeatis, et istum nulla dies a me nec me deducat ab isto.’ vota suos habuere does; nam mixta duorum corpora iunguntur, faciesque inducitur illis una. velut, si quis conducat cortice ramos, 375 crescendo iungi pariterque adolescere cernit, sic ubi conplexu coierunt membra tenaci, nec duo sunt et forma duplex, nec femina dici nec puer ut possit, neutrumque et utrumque videntur. “ Ergo ubi se liquidas, quo vir descenderat, undas semimarem fecisse videt mollitaque in illis 381 membra, manus tendens, sed iam non voce virili Hermaphroditus ait: ‘ nato date munera vestro, et pater et genetrix, amborum nomen habenti: quisquis in hos fontes vir venerit, exeat inde 385 semivir et tactis subito mollescat in undis! ’ motus uterque parens nati rata verba biformis fecit et incesto fontem medicamine tinxit.” Finis erat dictis, sed adhuc Minyeia proles urguet opus spernitque deum festumque profanat, tympana cum subito non adparentia raucis 391 obstrepuere sonis, et adunco tibia cornu tinnulaque aera sonant; redolent murraeque crocique, resque fide maior, coepere virescere telae inque hederae faciem pendens frondescere vestis; 395 pars abit in vites, et quae modo fila fuerunt, 204 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV beneath the sea, its tentacles embracing him on every side. The son of Atlas resists as best he may and denies the nymph the joy she craves; but she holds on, and clings as if grown fast to him. ‘ Strive as you may, wicked boy,’ she cries, ‘ still shall you not escape me. Grant me this, ye gods, and may no day ever come that shall separate him from me or me from him.’ The gods heard her prayer. For their two bodies, joined together as they were, were merged in one, with one face and form for both. As when one grafts a twig on some tree, he sees the branches grow one, and with common life come to maturity, so were these two bodies knit in close embrace: they were no longer two, nor such as to be called, one, woman, and one, man. They seemed neither, and yet both. “ When now he saw that the waters into which he had plunged had made him but half-man, and that his limbs had become enfeebled there, stretching out his hands and speaking, though not with manly tones, Hermaphroditus cried: ‘ Oh, grant this boon, my father and my mother, to your son who bears the names of both : whoever comes into this pool as man may he go forth half—man, and may he weaken at touch of the water.’ His parents heard the prayer of their two-formed son and charged the waters with that uncanny power.” Alcithoé was done; but still did the daughters of Minyas ply their tasks, despising the god and pro- faning his holy day : when suddenly unseen timbrels sounded harshly in their ears, and flutes, with curving horns, and tinkling cymbals; the air was full of the sweet scent of saffron and of myrrh; and, past all belief, their weft turned green, the hanging cloth changed into vines of ivy ; part became grape-vines, and what were but now threads became clinging 205 OVID palmite mutantur; de stamine pampinus exit; purpura fulgorem pictis adcommodat uvis. iamque dies exactus erat, tempusque subibat, quod tu nec tenebras nec possis dicere lucem, 400 sed cum luce tamen dubiae confinia noctis : tecta repente quati pinguesque ardere videntur lampades et rutilis conlucere ignibus aedes falsaque saevarum simulacra ululare ferarum, fumida iamdudum latitant per tecta sorores 405 diversaeque locis ignes ac lumina vitant, dumque petunt tenebras, parvos membrana per artus porrigitur tenuique includit bracchia pinna ; nec qua perdiderint veterem ratione figuram, scire sinunt tenebrae: non illas pluma levavit, 410 sustinuere tamen se perlucentibus alis conataeque loquid minimam et pro corpore vocem emittunt peraguntque levi stridore querellas. tectaque, non silvas celebrant lucemque perosae nocte volant seroque tenent a vespere nomen. 415 Tum vero totis Bacchi memorabile Thebis numen erat, magnasque novi matertera vires narrat ubique dei de totque sororibus expers una doloris erat, nisi quem fecere sorores: adspicit hanc natis thalamoque Athamantis habentem sublimes animos et alumno numine Iuno 421 nec tulit et secum: “ potuit de paelice natus 206 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV tendrils; vine-leaves sprang out along the warp, and bright-hued clusters matched the purple tapestry. And now the day was ended, and the time was come when you could not say ’twas dark or light; it was the borderland of night, yet with a gleam of day. Suddenly the whole house seemed to tremble, the oil-fed lamps to flare up, and all the rooms to be ablaze with ruddy fires, while ghostly beasts howled round. Meanwhile the sisters are seeking hiding- places through the smoke-filled rooms, in various corners trying to avoid the flames and glare of light. And while they seek to hide, a skinny covering overspreads their slender limbs, and thin wings enclose their arms. And in what fashion they have lost their former shape they know not for the darkness. No feathered pinions uplift them, yet they sustain themselves on transparent wings. They try to speak, but utter only the tiniest sound as befits their shrivelled forms, and give voice to their grief in thin squeaks. Houses, not forests, are their favourite haunts; and, hating the light of day, they flit by night and from late eventide derive their name.1 Then, truly, was the divinity of Bacchus acknow- ledged throughout all Thebes, and his mother’s sister, Ino, would be telling of the wonderful powers of the new god everywhere. She alone of all her sisters knew naught of grief, except what she felt for them. She, proud of her children, of her hus— band, Athamas, and proud above all of her divine foster-son, is seen by Juno, who could not bear the sight. “That child of my rival,” she said, com— muning with herself, “ had power to change the 1 i.e. uespertiliones, “ creatures that flit about in the twi- light,” i.e. bats. 207 OVI D vertere Maeonios pelagoque inmergere nautas et laceranda suae nati dare viscera matri et triplices operire novis Minyeidas alis: 425 nil poterit Iuno nisi inultos flere dolores? idque mihi satis est? haec una potentia nostra est? ipse docet, quid agam (fas est et ab hoste doceri), quidque furor valeat, Penthea caede satisque ac super ostendit: cur non stimuletur eatque 430 per cognata suis exempla furoribus Ino? ” Est via declivis funesta nubila taxo: ducit ad infernas per muta silentia sedes; Styx nebulas exhalat iners, umbraeque recentes descendunt illac simulacraque functa sepulcris: 435 pallor hiemsque tenent late loca senta, novique, qua sit iter, manes, Stygiam quod ducat ad urbem, ignorant, ubi sit nigri fera regia Ditis. mille capax aditus et apertas undique portas urbs habet, utque fretum de tota flumina terra, 440 sic omnes animas locus accipit ille nec ulli exiguus populo est turbamve accedere sentit. errant exsangues sine corpore at ossibus umbrae, parsque forum celebrant, pars imi tecta tyranni, pars aliquas artes, antiquae imitamina vitae.1 445 Sustinet ire illuc caelesti sede relicta 447 (tantum odiis iraeque dabat) Saturnia Iuno; quo simul intravit sacroque a corpore pressum ingemuit limen, tria Cerberus extulit ora 450 1 446 exercent, aliam partem sua poena coercet. This line, included in some manuscripts, is rejected by most editors. 208 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV Maeonian sailors and plunge them in the sea, to cause the flesh of a son to be torn in pieces by his own mother, and to enwrap the three daughters of Minyas with strange wings; and shall naught be given to Juno, save to bemoan her wrongs still unavenged? Does that suffice me? Is this my only power? But he himself teaches me what to do. ’Tis proper to learn even from an enemy. To what length madness can go he has proved enough and to spare by the slaughter of Pentheus. Why should not Ino be stung to madness too, and, urged by her fury, go where her kinswomen have led the way? ” There is a down—sloping path, by deadly yew—trees shaded, which leads through dumb silence to the infernal realms. The sluggish Styx there exhales its vaporous breath; and by that way come down the spirits of the new-dead, shades of those who have received due funeral rites. This is a wide-extending waste, wan and cold; and the shades newly arrived know not where the road is which leads to the Stygian city where lies the dread palace of black Dis. This city has a thousand wide approaches and gates open on all sides ; and as the ocean receives the rivers that flow down from all the earth, so does this place receive all souls; it is not too small for any people, nor does it feel the accession of a throng. There wander the shades bloodless, without body and bone. Some throng the forum, some the palace of the under- world king ; others ply some craft in imitation of their former life. Thither, leaving her abode in heaven, Saturnian Juno endured to go; so much did she grant to her hate and wrath. When she made entrance there, and the threshold groaned beneath the weight of her sacred form, Cerberus reared up his threefold head VOL. 1. H 209 OVID et tres latratus simul edidit; illa sorores N octe vocat genitas, grave et inplacabile numen: carceris ante fores clausas adamante sedebant deque suis atros pectebant crinibus angues. quam simul agnorunt inter caliginis umbras, 455 surrexere deae; sedes scelerata vocatur: viscera praebebat Tityos lanianda novemque iugeribus distentus erat; tibi, Tantale, nullae deprenduntur aquae, quaeque inminet, efl‘ugit arbos; aut petis aut urgues rediturum, Sisyphe saxum; 460 volvitur Ixion et se sequiturque fugitque, molirique suis letum patruelibus ausae adsiduae repetunt, quas perdant, Belides undas. Quos omnes acie postquam Saturnia torva vidit et ante omnes Ixiona, rursus ab illo 465 Sisyphon adspiciens “ cur hic e fratribus ” inquit “ perpetuas patitur poenas, Athamanta superbum regia dives habet, qui me cum coniuge semper sprevit? ” et exponit causas odiique viaeque, quidque velit: quod vellet, erat, ne regia Cadmi 470 staret, et in facinus traherent Athamanta sorores. imperium, promissa, preces confundit in unum sollicitatque deas: sic haec Iunone locuta, Tisiphone canos, ut erat, turbata capillos movit et obstantes reiecit ab ore colubras 475 atque ita “ non longis opus est ambagibus,” inquit; “ facta puta, quaecumque iubes; inamabile regnum desere teque refer caeli melioris ad auras.” 210 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV and uttered his threefold baying. The goddess sum- moned the Furies, sisters born of Night, divinities deadly and implacable. Before hell's closed gates of adamant they sat, combing the while black snakes from their hair. When they recognized Juno ap- proaching through the thick gloom, the goddesses arose. This place is called the Accursed Place. Here Tityos offered his Vitals to be torn, lying stretched out over nine broad acres. Thy lips can catch no water, Tantalus, and the tree that overhangs ever eludes thee. Thou, Sisyphus, dost either push or chase the rock that must always be rolling down the hill again. There whirls Ixion on his wheel, both following himself and fleeing, all in one; and the Belides, for daring to work destruction on their cousin—husbands, with unremitting toil seek again and again the waters, only to lose them. On all these Saturnia looks with frowning eyes, but especially on Ixion; then, turning her gaze from him to Sisyphus, she says: “ Why does this of all the brothers suffer unending pains, while Athamas dwells proudly in a rich palace—Athamas, who with his wife has always scorned my godhead? ” And she explains the causes of her hatred and of her journey hither, and what she wants. What she wanted was that the house of Cadmus should fall, and that the Fury-sisters should drive Athamas to madness. Commands, promises, prayers she poured out all in one, and begged the goddesses to aid her. When Juno had done, Tisiphone, just as she was, shook her tangled grey locks, tossed back the straggling snakes from her face, and said: “There is no need of long ex— planations; consider done all that you ask. Leave this unlovely realm and go back to the sweeter airs of your native skies.” Juno went back rejoicing; ZII OVID laeta redit Iuno, quam caelum intrare parantem roratis lustravit aquis Thaumantias Iris. 480 Nec mora, Tisiphone madefactam sanguine sumit inportuna facem, fluidoque cruore rubentem induitur pallam, tortoque incingitur angue egrediturque domo. Luctus comitatur euntem et Pavor et Terror trepidoque Insania vultu. 485 limine constiterat: postes tremuisse feruntur Aeolii pallorque fores infecit acernas 1 solque locum fugit. monstris exterrita coniunx, territus est Athamas, tectoque exire parabant: obstitit infelix aditumque obsedit Erinys, 490 nexaque vipereis distendens bracchia nodis caesariem excussit: motae sonuere colubrae parsque iacent umeris, pars circum pectora lapsae sibila dant saniemque vomunt linguisque coruscant. inde duos mediis abrumpit crinibus angues 495 pestiferaque manu raptos inmisit, at illi Inoosque sinus Athamanteosque pererrant inspirantque graves animos; nec vulnera membris ulla ferunt: mens est, quae diros sentiat ictus. attulerat secum liquidi quoque monstra veneni, 500 oris Cerberei spumas et virus Echidnae erroresque vagos caecaeque oblivia mentis et scelus et lacrimas rabiemque et caedis amorem, omnia trita simul, quae sanguine mixta recenti coxerat aere cavo viridi versata cicuta; 505 dumque pavent illi, vergit furiale venenum pectus in amborum praecordiaque intima movit. 1 acernas M 88.: Avernus M erlcel. 2 1 2 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV and as she was entering heaven, Iris, the daughter of Thaumus, sprinkled her o’er with purifying water. Straightway the fell Tisiphone seized a torch which had been steeped in gore, put on a robe red with dripping blood, girt round her waist a writhing snake, and started forth. Grief went along with her, Terror and Dread and Madness, too, with quivering face. She stood upon the doomed threshold. They say the very door—posts of the house of Aeolus1 shrank away from her; the polished oaken doors grew dim and the sun hid his face. Ino'was mad with terror at the monstrous sight, and her husband, Athamas, was filled-with fear. They made to leave their palace, but the baleful Fury stood in their way and blocked their exit. And stretching her arms, wreathed with vipers, she shook out her looks: disturbed, the serpents hissed horribly. A part lay on her shoulders, part twined round her breast, hissing, vomiting venomous gore, and darting out their tongues. Then she tears away two serpents from the midst of her tresses, and with deadly aim hurls them at her victims. The snakes go gliding over the breasts of Ino and of Athamas and breathe upon them their pestilential breath. No wounds their bodies suffer; ’tis their minds-that feelthe deadly stroke. .The Fury, not content with this, had brought horrid poisons too—froth of Cerberus’ jaws, the venom of the Hydra, strange hallucinations and utter forgetfulness, crime and tears, mad loveof slaughter, all mixed together with fresh blood and green hemlock juice, and brewed in a brazen cauldron. And while they stood quaking there, over the breasts of both she poured this maddening poison brew, and made it sink to their being’s core. 1 The father of Athamas. 2 I 3 OVID tum face iactata per eundem saepius orbem consequitur motis velociter ignibus ignes. sic victrix iussique potens ad- inania magni 510 regna redit Ditis sumptumque recingitur anguem. Protinus Aeolides media furibundus in aula clamat “ io, comites, his retia tendite silvis! hic modo cum gemina visa est mihi prole leaena " utque ferae sequitur vestigia coniugis amens 515 deque sinu matris ridentem et parva Learchum bracchia tendentem rapit et bis terque per auras more rotat fundae rigidoque infantia saxo discutit ora ferox; tum denique concita mater, seu dolor hoc fecit seu sparsi causa veneni, 520 exululat passisque fugit male sana capillis teque ferens parvum nudis, Melicerta, lacertis “ euhoe Bacche ” sonat: Bacchi sub nomine Iuno risit et “ hos usus praestet tibi ” dixit “ alumnus! ” inminet aequoribus scopulus: pars ima cavatur 525 fiuctibus et tectas defendit ab imbribus undas, summa riget frontemque in apertum porrigit aequor; occupat hunc (vires insania fecerat) Ino seque super pontum nullo tardata timore mittit onusque suum; percussa recanduit unda. 530 At Venus, inmeritae neptis miserata labores, sic, patruo blandita suo est “ o numen aquarum, proxima cui caelo cessit, Neptune, potestas, 214 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV Then, catching up her torch, she whirled it rapidly round and round and kindled fire by the swiftly moving fire. So, her task accomplished and her victory won, she retraced her way to the unsub- stantial realm of mighty Dis, and there laid off the serpents she had worn. Straightway cried Athamas, the son of Aeolus, madly raving in his palace halls: “ Ho! my comrades, spread the nets here in these woods! I saw here but now a lioness with her two cubs "; and madly pursued his wife’s tracks as if she were a beast of prey. His son, Learchus, laughing and stretching out his little hands in glee, he snatched from the mother’s arms, and whirling him round and round through the air like a sling, he madly dashed the baby's head against a rough rock. Then the mother, stung to madness too, either by grief or by the sprinkled poison’s force, howled wildly, and, quite bereft of sense, with hair streaming, she fled away, bearing thee, little Melicerta, in her naked arms, and shouting “ Ho! Bacchus! ” as she fled. At the name of Bacchus, Juno laughed in scorn and said: “ So may your foster-son ever bless you! ” A cliff o’erhung the sea, the lower part of which had been hollowed out by the beating waves, and sheltered the waters underneath from the rain. Its top stood high and sharp and stretched far out in front over the deep. To this spot—j—for madness had made her strong—Ino climbed, and held by no natural fears, she leaped with her child far out above the sea. The water where she fell was churned white with foam. But Venus, pitying the undeserved sufferings of her granddaughter, thus addressed her uncle with coaxing words: “ O Neptune, god of waters, whose 215 OVID magna quidem posco, sed tu miserere meorum, iactari quos cernis in Ionio inmenso, 535 et dis adde tuis. aliqua et mihi gratia ponto est, si tamen in dio quondam concreta profundo spuma fui Graiumque manet mihi nomen ab illa.” adnuit oran-ti N eptunus et abstulit illis, quod mortale fuit, maiestatemque verendam ' 540 inposuit nomenque simul faciemque novavit Leucothoeque deum cum matre Palaemona dixit. Sidoniae comites, quantum valuere secutae signa pedum, primo videre novissima saxo; nec dubium de morte ratae Cadmeida palmis 545 deplanxere domum scissae cum veste capillos, utque parum iustae nimiumque in paelice saevae invidiam fecere deae. convicia Iuno non tulit et “ faciam vos ipsas maxima ” dixit “ saevitiae monimenta meae ”; res dicta secuta ' est. 550 nam quae praecipue fuerat pia, “ persequar ” inquit “ in freta reginam ” saltumque datura moveri haud usquam potuit scopuloque adfixa cohaesit; altera, dum solito temptat plangore ferire _ pectora, temptatos sensit riguisse lacertos‘; _ 555 illa, manus ut forte tetenderat in maris undas; saxea facta manus in easdem porrigit undas; huius, ut arreptum laniabat vertice crinem, duratos subito digitos in crine videres: 216 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV power is second to heaven alone, I ask great things, I know; but do thou pity these my friends, whom thou seest plunged in the broad Ionian sea, and receive them among thy sea-deities. Some favour is due to me from the sea, if in its sacred depths my being sprang once from foam, and in the Greek tongue I have a name from this.” Neptune con- sented to her prayer and, taking from Ino and her son all that was mortal, gave them a being to be revered, changing both name and form; for he called the new god Palaemon, and his goddess- mother, Leucothoé. The Theban women who had been Ino’s com- panions followed on her track as best they could, and saw her last act from the edge of the rock. Nothing doubting that she had been killed, in mourning for the house of Cadmus they beat their breasts with their hands, tore their hair, and rent their garments; and they upbraided Juno, saying that she was unjust and too cruel to the woman who had wronged her. Juno could not brook their reproaches and said: “ I will make yourselves the greatest monument of my cruelty.” No sooner said than done. For she who had been most devoted to the queen cried: “ I shall follow my queen into the sea ”; and was just about to take the leap when she was unable to move at all, and stood fixed fast to the rock.’ A second, while she was preparing again to smite her breasts as she had been doing, felt her lifted arms grow stiff. Another had by chance stretched out her hands towards the waters of the sea, but now ’twas a figure of stone that stretched out hands to those same waters. Still another, plucking at her hair to tear it out, you might see with sudden stiffened fingers still in act to 217 ’ OVID quo quaeque in gestu deprensa est, haesit in illo. 560 pars volucres factae, quae nunc quoque gurgite in illo . aequora destringunt summis Ismenides alis. Nescit Agenorides natam parvumque nepotem aequoris esse deos; luctu serieque malorum victus et ostentis, quae plurima viderat, exit 565 conditor urbe sua, tamquam fortuna locorum, non sua se premeret, longisque erratibus actus contigit Illyricos profuga cum coniuge fines. iamque malis annisque graves dum prima retractant fata domus releguntque suos sermone labores, 570 “num sacer ille mea traiectus cuspide serpens ” Cadmus ait “ fuerat, tum cum Sidone profectus vipereos sparsi per humum, nova semina, dentes? quem si cura deum tam certa vindicat ira, I ipse precor serpens in longam porrigar alvum.” 575 dixit, et ut serpens in longam tenditur a-lvum durataeque cuti squamas increscere sentit nigraque caeruleis variari corpora guttis inpectusque cadit pronus, commissaque in unum paull'atim tereti tenuantur acumine crura. 580 bracchia iam restant: quae restant bracchia tendit _ et lacrimis per adhuc humana fiuentibus ora “accede, o coniunx, accede, miserrima ” dixit, “ dumque aliquid superest de me, me tange _ manumque accipe, dum manus est, dum non totum occupat ' anguis.” 585 218 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV tear. Each turned to stone and kept the pose in which she was overtaken. Still others were changed to birds, and they also, once Theban women, now on light wings skim the water over that pool. Cadmus was all unaware that his daughter and little grandson had been changed to deities of the sea.- Overcome with grief at the misfortunes which had-been heaped upon him, and awed by the many portents he had seen, he fled from the city which he had founded, as if the fortune of the place and not his own evil fate were overwhelming him. Driven on through long wanderings, at last his flight brought him with his wife to the borders of Illyria. Here, overborne by the weight of woe and age, they reviewed the early misfortunes of their house and their own troubles. Cadmus said: “ Was that a sacred serpent which my spear transfixed long ago when, fresh come from Sidon, I scat- tered his teeth on the earth, seed of a strange crop of men? If it be this the gods have been avenging with such unerring wrath, I pray that I, too, may be a serpent, and stretch myself in long snaky form ” Even as he spoke he was stretched out in long snaky form; he felt his skin hardening and scales growing on it, while iridescent spots besprinkled his darkening body. He fell prone‘upon his belly, and his legs were gradually moulded together into one and drawn out into a slender, pointed tail. His arms yet remained; while they remained, he stretched them out, and with tears flowing down his still human cheeks he cried: " Come near, oh, come, my most wretched wife, and while still there is something left of me, touch me, take my hand, while I have a hand, while still the serpent does not usurp me quite.” He wanted to 219 OVI D ille quidem vult plura loqui, sed lingua repente in partes est fissa duas, nec verba volenti sufficiunt, quotiensque aliquos parat edere questus, sibilat: hanc illi vocem natura reliquit. nuda manu feriens exclamat pectora coniunx : 590 “ Cad-me, mane teque, infelix, his exue monstris! Cadme, quid hoc? ubi pes, ubi sunt umerique manusque et color et facies et, dum loquor, omnia? cur non me quoque, caelestes, in eandem vertitis anguem? ” dixerat, ille suae lambebat coniugis ora 595 inque sinus caros, veluti cognosceret, ibat ‘ - et dabat amplexus adsuetaque colla petebat. quisquis adest (aderant comites), terrentur; at illa lubrica permulcet cristati colla draconis, et subito duo sunt iunctoque volumine serpunt, 600 donec in adpositi nemoris subiere latebras, nunc quoque nec fugiunt hominem nec vulnere _ laedunt _ quidque prius fuerint, placidi meminere dracones. Sed tamen ambobus versae solacia formae magna nepos dederat, quem debellata colebat ‘605 India, quem positis celebrabat Acha'i'a templ'is; solus Abantiades ab origine cretus eadem Acrisius superest, qui moenibus arceat urbis Argolicae contraque deum ferat arma genusque non putct esse deum: neque enim Iovis esse putabat Persea, quem pluvio Danae conceperat auro. - 611 mox tamen Acrisium (tanta est praesentia veri) I tam violasse deum quam non agnosse nepotem 220 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV say much more, but his'tongue was of a sudden cleft in two; words failed him, and whenever he tried to utter some sad complaint, it was a hiss; this was the only voice which Nature left him. Then his wife, smiting her naked breasts with her hands, cried out: “ O Cadmus, stay, unhappy man, and put off this monstrous form! Cadmus, what does this mean? Where are your feet? Where are your shoulders and your hands, your colour, face, and, while I speak, your—everything? Why, O ye gods of heaven, do you not change me also into the same serpent form? ” She spoke; he licked his wife’s face and glided into her dear breasts as if familiar there, embraced her, and sought his wonted place about her neck. All who were there—for they’ had comrades with them—were filled with horror. But she only stroked the sleek neck of the crest'ed dragon, and suddenly there were two serpents there with intertwining folds, which after a little while crawled off and hid in the neigh- bouring woods. Now also, as of yore, they neither fear mankind nor wound them, mild creatures, remembering what once they were. But both in their altered form found great comfort in their grandson, whom conquered India now wor— shipped, whose temples Greece had filled with adoring throngs. There was one only, Acrisius, the son of Abas, sprung from the same stock, who forbade the entrance'of ‘Bacchus within the walls of his city, Argos, who violently opposed the god, and 'did not admit that he was the son. of Jove. Nor did he admit that Perseus was son of Jove, whom Danae had conceived of agolden shower. And yet, such is the power of truth, Acrisius in the end was sorry that he hadlrepulsed the god and had not acknowledged his grandson. The one had now been received to a 221 OVID '“ hospes ” ait Perseus illi, paenitet: inpositus iam caelo est alter, at alter viperei referens spolium memorabile monstri 615 aera carpebat tenerum stridentibus alis, cumque super 'Libycas victor penderet harenas, Gorgonei capitis guttae cecidere cruentae; ' quas humus exceptas varios animavit in angues, unde frequens illa est infestaque terra colubris. 620 Inde per inmensum ventis discordibus actus nunc huc, nunc illuc exemplo nubis aquosae fertur et ex alto seductas aethere longe despectat terras totumque supervolat orbem. ter gelidas arctos, ter cancri bracchia vidit, 625 saepe sub occasus, saepe est ablatus in ortus, iamque cadente die, veritus se credere nocti, constitit Hesperio, regnis Atlantis, in orbe ‘exiguamque petit requiem, dum Lucifer ignes evocet Aurorae, currus Aurora diurnos. 630 hic hominum cunctos ingenti corpore praestans Iapetionides Atlas fuit: ultima tellus rege sub hoc et pontus erat, qui Solis anhelis aequora subdit equis et fessos excipit axes. mille greges illi totidemque armenta per herbas 635 .errabant, et humum vicinia nulla premebat; arboreae frondes auro radiante nitentes ex auro ramos, ex auro poma tegebant. “ seu gloria tangit -te generis magni, generis mihi Iuppiter aucto’r; 640 sive es mirator rerum, mirabere nostras; hospitium requiemque peto.” memor ille vetustae sortis erat; Themis hanc dederat Parnasia sortem: 222 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV place in heaven; but the other, bearing the wonder; ful spoil of the snake-haired monster, was taking his way through the thin air on whirring wings. As he was flying over the sandy wastes of Libya, bloody drops from the Gorgon’s head fell down; and the earth received them as they fell and changed them into snakes of various kinds. And for this cause the land of Libya is full of deadly serpents. From there he was driven - through the vast stretches of air by warring winds and borne, now hither, now thither, like a cloud of mist. He looked down from his great height upon the lands lying below and flew over the whole world. Thrice did he see the cold Bears, and thrice the Crab’s spreading claws; time and again to the west, and as often back to the cast was he carried. And now, as daylight was fading, fearing to trust himself to flight by night, he alighted on the borders of the West, in the realm of Atlas. Here he sought a little rest until the’ morning star should wake the fires of dawn and the dawn lead out the fiery car of day. Here, far surpassing all men in huge bulk of body, was Atlas, of the stock of Iapetus. He ruled this edge of the world and the sea which spread its waters to receive the Sun’s panting horses and his weary car. A thousand flocks he had, and as many herds, wandering at will over the grassy plains ; and no other realm was near to hem in his land. A tree he had whose leaves were of gleaming gold, concealing golden branches and golden fruits. “ Good sir,” said Perseus, addressing him, “ if glory of high birth means anything to you, Jove is my father; or if you admire great deeds, you surely will admire mine. I crave your hospitality and a chance to rest.” But Atlas bethought him of an old oracle, which Themis of Parnasus had, given: 223 OVID “ tempus, Atla, veniet, tua quo spoliabitur auro arbor, et hunc praedae titulum Iove natus habebit.” id metuens solidis pomaria clauserat Atlas 646 moenibus et vasto dederat servanda draconi arcebatque suis externos finibus omnes. huic quoque “ vade procul, ne longe gloria rerum, quam mentiris ” ait, “ longe tibi Iuppiter absit! ” 650 vimque minis addit manibusque expellere temptat cunctantem et placidis miscentem fortia dictis. viribus inferior (quis enim par esset Atlantis viribus P) “ at, quoniam parvi tibi gratia nostra est, accipe munus! ” ait laevaque a parte Medusae 655 ipse retro versus squalentia protulit ora. .quantus erat,mons factus Atlas: nam barba comaeque in silvas abeunt, iuga sunt umerique manusque, quod caput ante fuit, summo est in monte cacumen, ossa lapis fiunt; tum partes altus in omnes 660 crevit in inmensum (sic di statuistis), et omne cum tot sideribus caelum requievit in illo. Clauserat Hippotades aeterno carcere ventos, admonitorque operum caelo clarissimus alto Lucifer ortus erat: pennis ligat ille resumptis 665 parteab utraque pedes teloque accingitur unco ‘.et liquidum' motis talaribus- aera findit. gentibus innumeris circumque infraque relictis Aethiopum populos Cepheaque conspicit arva. illic inmeritam maternae pendere linguae 670 Andromedan poenas iniustus iusserat Ammon; 224 METAMORPHOSES BOO K IV “ Atlas, the time will come when your tree will be spoiled of its gold, and he who gets the glory of this spoil will be J ove’s son.” Fearing this, Atlas had enclosed his orchard with massive walls and had put a huge dragon there to watch it; and he kept off all strangers from his boundaries. And now to Perseus, too, he said: “ Hence afar, lest the glory of your deeds, which you falsely brag of, and lest this Jupiter of yours be far from aiding you.” He added force to threats, and was trying to thrust out the other, who held back and manfully resisted while he urged his case with soothing speech. At length, finding him- self unequal in strength—for who would be a match in strength for Atlas ?—-he said: “ Well, since so small a favour you will not grant to me, let me give you a boon ” ; and, himself turning his back, he held out from his left hand the ghastly Medusa-head. Straightway Atlas became a mountain huge as the giant had been; his beard and hair were changed to trees, his shoulders and arms to spreading ridges; what had been his head was now the mountain’s top, and his ‘bones were changed to stones. Then he grew to monstrous size in all his parts—for so, O gods, ye had willed it—and the whole heaven with all its stars rested upon his head. Now Aeolus, the son of' Hippotas, had shut the winds in their everlasting prison, and the bright morning star that wakes men to their toil had risen in the heavens. Then Perseus bound on both his feet the wings he had laid by, girt on his hooked sword, and soon in swift flight was cleaving the thin air. Having left behind countless peoples all around him and below, he spied at last the Ethiopians and Cepheus’ realm. There unrighteous Ammon had bidden Andromeda, though innocent, to 225 OVID quam simul ad duras religatam bracchia cautes vidit Abantiades, nisi quod levis aura capillos moverat et tepido manabant lumina fletu, marmoreum ratus esset opus; trahit inscius ignes 675 et stupet eximiae correptus imagine formae paene suas quatere est oblitus in aere pennas. ut stetit, “ o ” dixit “ non istis digna catenis, sed quibus inter se cupidi iunguntur amantes, pande requirenti nomen terraeque tuumque, 680 et cur vincla geras.” primo silet illa nec audet adpellare virum virgo, manibusque modestos celasset vultus, si non religata fuisset; lumina, quod potuit, lacrimis inplevit obortis. saepius instanti, sua ne delicta fateri 685 nolle videretur, nomen terraeque suumque, quantaque maternae fuerit fiducia formae, indicat, et nondum memoratis omnibus unda insonuit, veniensque inmenso belua ponto inminet et latum sub pectore possidet aequor. 690 conclamat virgo: genitor lugubris et una mater adest, ambo miseri, sed iustius illa, nec secum auxilium, sed dignos tempore fletus plangoremque ferunt vinctoque in corpore adhaerent, cum sic hospes ait “ lacrimarum longa manere 695 tempora vos poterunt, ad opem brevis hora ferendam est. hanc ego si peterem Perseus Iove natus et illa, quam clausam inplevit fecundo Iuppiter auro, Gorgonis anguicomae Perseus superator et alis aerias ausus iactatis ire per auras, 700 226 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV pay the penalty of her mother’s words. As soon as Perseus saw her there bound by the arms to a rough cliff—save that her hair gently stirred in the breeze, and the warm tears were trickling down her cheeks, he would have thought her a marble statue—he took fire unwitting, and stood dumb. Smitten by the sight of her exquisite beauty, he almost forgot. to move his wings in the air. Then, when he alighted near the maiden, he said: “ Oh! those are not the chains you deserve to wear, but rather those that link fond lovers together! Tell me, for I would know, your country’s name and yours, and why you are chained here.” She was silent at first, for, being'a maid, she did not dare address a man; she would have hidden her face modestly with her hands but that her hands were bound. Her eyes were free, and these filled with rising tears. As he continued to urge her, she, lest she should seem to be trying to conceal some fault of her own, told him her name and her country, and what sinful boasting her mother had made of her own beauty. While she was yet speaking, there came a loud sound from the sea, and there, advancing over the broad expanse, a monstrous creature loomed up, breasting the wide waves. The maiden shrieked. The grieving father and the mother are at hand, both wretched, but she more justly so. They have no help to give, but only wailings and loud beatings of the breast, befitting the occasion, and they hang to the girl’s chained form. Then speaks the stranger: “ There will be long time for weeping by and by; but time for helping is very short. If I sought this maid as Perseus, son of Jove and that imprisoned one whom Jove filled with his life-giving shower; if as Perseus, victor over Gorgon of the snaky locks,‘ and as he who has dared to ride the 227 'OVID' praeferrer cunctis certe gener; addere tantis dotibus et meritum, faveant modo numina, tempto: ut mea sit servata mea virtute, paciscor.” accipiunt legem (quis enim dubitaret P) et orant promittuntque super regnum dotale parentes. 705 Ecce, velut navis praefixo concita rostro sulcat aquas iuvenum sudantibus acta lacertis, sic fera dimotis inpulsu pectoris undis; ' tantum aberat scopulis, quantum Balearica torto funda potest plumbo medii transmittere caeli, 710 cum subito iuvenis pedibus tellure repulsa arduus in nubes abiit: ut in aequore summo umbra viri visa est, visa fera saevit in umbra, utque Iovis praepes, vacuo cum vidit in arvo praebentem Phoebo liventia terga draoonem, 715 occupat aversum, neu saeva retorqueat ora, squamigeris avidos figit cervicibus ungues, 'sic celeri missus praeceps per inane volatu terga ferae pressit dextroque frementis in armo Inachides ferrum curvo tenus abdidit hamo. 720 vulnere laesa gravi modo sea sublimis in auras attollit, modo subdit aquis, modo more ferocis versat apri, quem turba canum circumsona terret. ille avidos morsus velocibus effugit alis quaque patet, nunc terga cavis super obsita conchis, nunc laterum costas, nunc qua tenuissima cauda 726 desinit in piscem, falcato verberat ense; 228 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV winds of heaven on fluttering wings, surely I should be preferred to all suitors as your son-inI-law. But now I shall try to add to these great gifts the gift of service, too, if only the gods will favour me. That she be ‘mine if saved by my valour is my bargain.” The parents accept the condition—for who would refuse? —-and beg him to save her, promising him a kingdom as dowry in addition. ’ But see! as a swift ship with its sharp beak plows the waves, driven by stout rowers’ sweating arms, so does the monster come, rolling back the water from either side as his breast surges through. And now he was as far from the clifl' as is the space through which a Balearic sling can send its whizzing bullet; when suddenly the youth, springing up from the earth, mounted high into the clouds. When the monster saw the hero’s shadow on the surface of the sea, he savagely attacked the shadow. And as the bird of Jove, when it has seen in an open field a serpent sunning its mottled body, swoops down upon him from behind; and, lest the serpent twist back his deadly fangs, the bird buries deep his sharp claws in the creature’s scaly neck; so did Perseus, plunging headlong in a swift swoop through the empty air, attack the roaring monster from above, and in his right shoulder buried his sword clear down to the curved hook. Smarting under the deep wound, the creature now reared himself high in air, now plunged beneath the waves, now turned like a fierce wild-boar when around him a noisy pack of hounds give tongue. Perseus eludes the greedy fangs by help of his swift wings; and where the vulnerable points lie open to attack, he smites with his hooked sword, now at the back, thick-set with barnacles, now on the sides, now where the tail is most slender and changes into 229 OVID belua puniceo mixtos cum sanguine fluctus ore vomit: maduere graves adspergine pennae. nec bibulis ultra Perseus talaribus ausus 730 credere conspexit scopulum, qui vertice summo stantibus exstat aquis, operitur ab aequore moto. nixus eo rupisque tenens iuga prima sinistra ter quater exegit repetita per ilia ferrum. litora cum plausu clamor superasque deorum 735 inplevere domos: gaudent generumque salutant auxiliumque domus servatoremque fatentur Cassiope Cepheusque pater; resoluta catenis incedit virgo, pretiumque et causa laboris. ipse manus hausta victrices abluit unda., 740 anguiferumque caput dura ne laedat harena, mollit humum foliis natasque sub aequore virgas sternit et inponit Phorcynidos ora Medusae. virga recens bibulaque etiamnum viva medulla vim rapuit monstri tactuque induruit huius 745 percepitque novum ramis et fronde rigorem. at pelagi nymphae factum mirabile temptant pluribus in virgis et idem contingere gaudent seminaque ex illis iterant iactata per undas : nunc quoque curaliis eadem natura remansit, _ 750 duritiam tacto capiant ut ab aere quodque vimen in aequore erat, fiat super aequora saxum. Dis tribus ille focos totidem de caespite ponit, laevum Mercurio, dextrum tibi, bellica virgo, _ ara Iovis media est; mactatur vacca Minervae, 755 alipedi vitulus, taurus tibi, summe deorum. 2 3o METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV the form of fish. The beast belches forth waters mixed with purple blood. Meanwhile Perseus’ wings are growing heavy, soaked with spray, and he dares not depend further on his drenched pinions. He spies a rock whose top projects above the surface when the waves are still, but which is hidden by the roughened sea. Resting on this and holding an edge of the rock with his left hand, thrice and again he plunges his sword into the vitals of the monster. At this the shores and the high seats of the gods re-echo with wild shouts of applause. Cassiope and Cepheus rejoice and salute the hero as son-in-law, calling him prop and saviour of their house. The maiden also now comes forward, freed from chains, she, the prize as well as cause of his feat. He washes his victorious hands in water drawn for him; and, that the Gorgon’s snaky head may not be bruised on the hard sand, he softens the ground with leaves, strews seaweed over these, and lays on this the head of Medusa, daughter of Phorcys. The fresh weed twigs, but now alive and porous to the core, absorb the power of the monster and hardens at its touch and take a strange stiffness in their stems and leaves. And the sea-nymphs test the wonder on more twigs and are delighted to find the same thing happening to them all; and, by scattering these twigs as seeds, propagate the wondrous thing throughout their waters. And even till this day the same nature has remained in coral so that they harden when exposed to air, and what was a pliant twig beneath the sea is turned to stone above. Now Perseus builds to three gods three altars of turf, the left to Mercury, the right to thee, O warlike maid, and the central one to Jove. To Minerva he slays a cow, a young bullock to the winged god, and 231 OVI D protinus Andromedan et tanti praemia facti indotata rapit; taedas. Hymenaeus Amorque praecutiunt; largis satiantur odoribus ignes, sertaque dependent tectis et ubique lyraeque 760 tibiaque et cantus, animi felicia laeti ' ' argumenta, sonant; reseratis aurea valvis atria tota patent, pulchroque instructa paratu Cephenum proceres ineunt convivia regis. Postquam epulis functi generosi munere Bacchi 765 difi‘udere animos, cultusque genusque locorum quaerit Lyncides moresque animumque virorum; 767 qui simul edocuit, “ nunc, o fortissime,” dixit 769 “ fare, precor, Perseu, quanta virtute quibusque 770 artibus abstuleris crinita draconibus ora! ” narrat Agenorides gelido sub Atlante iacentem esse locum solidae tutum munimine molis; cuius in introitu geminas habitasse sorores Phorcidas unius partitas luminis usum; 775 id se sollerti furtim, dum traditur, astu ' supposita cepisse manu perque abdita longe deviaque et silvis horrentia saxa fragosis Gorgoneas tetigisse domos passimque per agros perque vias vidisse hominum simulacra ferarumque in silic'em ex ipsis visa conversa Medusa. ' 781 se tamen horrendae' clipei, quem laeva gerebat, aere repercusso formam adspexisse Medusae, dumque gravis somnus colubrasque ipsamque tenebat, eripuisse caput collo; pennisque fugacem 785 Pegason et fratrem matris de sanguine natos. 2 32 METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV a bull to thee, thou greatest of the gods. Forthwith the hero claims Andromeda as the prize of his great deed, seeking no further dowry. Hymen and Love shake the marriage torch; the fires are fed full with incense rich and fragrant, garlands deck the dwelle ings, and everywhere lyre and flute and songs resound, blessed proofs of inward joy. The huge folding-doors swing back and reveal the great golden palace—hall with a rich banquet spread, where Cepheus’ princely courtiers grace the feast. _ ~When they have had their fill of food, and their hearts have expanded with Bacchus’ generous gift, then Perseus seeks to know the manner of the region thereabouts,_its peoples, customs, and the spirit of its men. The prince who answered him then said: “ Now tell us, pray, O Perseus, by what wondrous valour, by what arts you won the Gorgon’s snaky head.” The hero, answering, told how beneath cold Atlas there was a place safe under the protection of the rocky mass. ' At the entrance to this place two sisters dwelt, both daughters of old Phorcys, who shared one eye between them. This eye by craft and stealth, while it was being passed from one sister to the other, Perseus stole away, and travelling far through trackless and secret ways, rough woods, and bristling rocks, he came at last to where the Gorgons lived. On all sides through the fields and along the ways he saw the forms of men and beasts changed into stone by one look at Medusa’s face. But he himself had looked upon the image of that dread face reflected from the bright bronze shield his left hand bore; and while deep sleep held fast both the snakes and her who wore them, he smote her head clean from her neck, and from the blood of his mother swift-winged Pegasus and his brother sprang. 233 OVI D Addidit et longi non falsa pericula cursus, quae freta, quas terras sub se vidisset ab alto et quae iactatis tetigisset sidera pennis; ante exspectatum tacuit tamen. excipit unus 790 ex numero procerum quaerens, cur sola sororum gesserit alternis inmixtos crinibus angues. hospes ait: “ quoniam scitaris digna relatu, accipe quaesiti causam. clarissima forma multorumque fuit spes invidiosa procorum 795 illa, nec in tota conspectior ulla capillis‘ pars fuit: inveni, qui se vidisse referret. hanc pelagi rector templo vitiasse Minervae dicitur: aversa est et castos aegide vultus nata Iovis texit, neve hoc inpune fuisset, 800 Gorgoneum crinem turpes mutavit in hydros. nunc quoque, ut attonitos formidine terreat hostes, pectore in adverso, quos fecit, sustinet angues.” METAMORPHOSES BOOK IV The hero further told of his long journeys and perils passed, all true, what seas, what lands he had beheld from his high flight, what stars he had touched on beating wings. He ceased, while they waited still to hear more. But one of the princes asked him why Medusa only of the sisters wore serpents mingled with her hair. The guest replied: “ Since what you ask is a tale well worth the telling, hear then the cause. She was once most beautiful in form, and the jealous hope of many suitors. Of all her beauties, her hair was the most beautiful—- for so I learned from one who said he had seen her. ’Tis said that in Minerva’s temple Neptune, lord of the Ocean, ravished her. Jove’s daughter turned away and hid her chaste eyes behind her aegis. And, that the deed might be punished as was due, she changed the Gorgon’s locks to ugly snakes. And now to frighten her fear—numbed foes, she still wears upon her breast the snakes which she has made.” 235 BOOK V LIBER V DVMQVE ea Cephenum medio Danaeius heros agmine commemorat, fremida regalia turba atria conplentur, nec coniugialia festa qui canat est clamor, sed qui fera nuntiet arma; inque repentinos convivia versa tumultus adsimilare freto possis, quod saeva quietum ventorum rabies motis exasperat undis. primus in his Phineus, belli temerarius auctor; fraxineam quatiens aeratae cuspidis hastam “ en” ait, en adsum praereptae coniugis ultor; nec mihi te pennae nec falsum versus in aurum Iuppiter eripiet! ” conanti mittere Cepheus “ quid facis? ” exclamat, “ quae te, germane, (‘ furentem mens agit in facinus? meritisne haec gratia tantis redditur? hac vitam servatae dote rependis? quam tibi non Perseus, verum si quaeris, ademit, sed grave N ereidum numen, sed corniger Ammon, sed quae visceribus veniebat belua ponti exsaturanda meis; illo tibi tempore rapta est, quo peritura fuit, nisi si, crudelis, id ipsum exigis, ut pereat, luctuque levabere nostro. 10 15 20 238 BOOK V WHILE the heroic son of Danae is relating these adventures amongst the Ethiopian chiefs, the royal halls are filled with confused uproar: not the loud sound that sings a song of marriage, but one that presages the fierce strife of arms. And the feast, turned suddenly to tumult, you could liken to the sea, whose peaceful waters the raging winds lash to boisterous waves. First among them is Phineus, brother of the king, rash instigator of strife, who brandishes an ashen spear with bronze point. “ Behold,” says he, “ here am I, come to avenge the theft of my bride. Your wings shall not save you this time, nor Jove, changed to seeming gold.” As he was in the act of hurling his spear, Cepheus cried out: "What are you doing, brother? What mad folly is driving you to crime? Is this the way you thank our. guest for his brave deeds? Is this the dower you give for the maiden saved? If ’tis the truth you want, it was not Perseus who took her from you, but the dread deity of the Nereids, but horned Ammon, but that sea-monster who came to glut his maw upon my own flesh and blood. ’Twas then you lost her when she was exposed to die; unless, perchance, your cruel heart demands this very thing—her death, and seeks by my grief to case its own. It seems it is not enough that you saw her chained, and that you brought no aid, uncle though 2.39 OVID scilicet haud satis est, quod te spectante revincta est et nullam quod opem patruus sponsusve tulisti; insuper, a quoquam quod sit servata, dolebis praemiaque eripies? quae si tibi magna videntur, 25 ex illis scopulis, ubi erant adfixa, petisses. nunc sine, qui petiit, per quem haec non orba senectus, ferre, quod et meritis et voce est pactus, eumque non tibi, sed certae praelatum intellege morti.” Ille nihil contra, sed et hunc et Persea vultu 30 alterno spectans petat hunc ignorat an illum : cunctatusque brevi contortam viribus hastam, quantas ira dabat, nequiquam in Persea misit. ut stetit illa toro, stratis tum denique Perseus exsiluit teloque ferox inimica remisso 35 pectora rupisset, nisi post altaria Phineus isset: et (indignum) scelerato profuit ara. fronte tamen Rhoeti non inrita cuspis adhaesit, qui postquam cecidit ferrumque ex osse revulsum est calcitrat et positas adspergit sanguine mensas. 40 tum vero indomitas ardescit vulgus in iras, telaque coniciunt, et sunt, qui Cephea dicunt cum genero debere mori; sed limine tecti exierat Cepheus testatus iusque fidemque liospitiique deos, ea se prohibente moveri. 45 bellica Pallas adest et protegit aegide fratrem A datque animos. Erat Indus Athis, quem flumine Gauge edita Limnaee vitreis peperisse sub undis 24o METAMORPHOSES BOOK V you were, and promised husband: will you grieve, besides, that someone did save her, and will you rob him of his prize? If this prize seems so precious in your sight, you should have taken it from those rocks where it was chained. Now let the man who did take it, by whom I have been saved fi'om childless~ ness in my old age, keep what he has gained by his deserving deeds and by my promise. And be assured of this: that he has not been preferred to you, but to certain death.” Phineus made no reply; but, looking now on him and now on Perseus, he was in doubt at which to aim his spear. Delaying a little space, he hurled it with all the strength that wrath gave at Perseus; but in vain. When the weapon struck and stood fast in the bench, then at last Perseus leapt gallantly up and hurled back the spear, which would have pierced his foeman’s heart; but Phineus had already taken refuge behind the altar, and, shame! the wretch found safety there. Still was the weapon not without effect, for it struck full in Rhoetus’ face. Down he fell, and when the spear had been wrenched forth from the bone he writhed about and sprinkled the well-spread table with his blood. And now the mob was fired to wrath un- quenchable. They hurled their spears, and there were some who said that Cepheus ought to perish with his son—in-law. But Cepheus had already with- drawn from the palace, calling to witness Justice, Faith, and the gods of hospitality that this was done against his protest. Then came warlike Pallas, pro- tecting her brother with her shield, and making him stout of heart. There was an Indian youth, Athis by name, whom Limnaee, a nymph of Ganges’ stream, is said to have voL. I. I 241 OVID creditur, egregius forma, quam divite cultu augebat, bis adhuc octonis integer annis, 50 indutus chlamydem Tyriam, quam limbus obibat aureus; ornabant aurata monilia collum et madidos murra curvum crinale capillos; ille quidem iaculo quamvis distantia misso figere doctus erat, sed tendere doctior arcus. 55 tum quoque lenta manu fiectentem cornua Perseus stipite, qui media positus fumabat in ara, perculit et fractis confudit in ossibus ora. Hunc ubi laudatos iactantem in sanguine vultus Assyrius vidit Lycabus, iunctissimus illi 60 et comes et veri non dissimulator amoris, postquam exhalantem sub acerbo vulnere vitam deploravit Athin, quos ille tetenderat arcus arripit et “ mecum tibi sint certamina! ” dixit; “ nec longum pueri fato laetabere, quo plus 65 invidiae quam laudis habes.” haec omnia nondum dixerat: emicuit nervo penetrabile telum vitatumque tamen sinuosa veste pependit. vertit in hunc harpen spectatam caede Medusa'e Acrisioniades adigitque in pectus; at ille 70 iam moriens oculis sub nocte natantibus atra circumspexit Athin seque adclinavit ad illum et tulit ad manes iunctae solacia mortis. Ecce Syenites, genitus Metione, Phorbas et Libys Amphimedon, avidi committerc pugman, 7 5 sanguine, quo late tellus madefacta tepebat, conciderant lapsi; surgentibus obstitit ensis, alterius costis, iugulo Phorbantis adactus. 242 METAMORPHOSES BOO K V brought forth beneath her crystal waters. He was of surpassing beauty, which his rich robes enhanced, a sturdy boy of sixteen years, clad in a purple mantle fringed with gold; a golden chain adorned his neck, and a golden circlet held his locks in place, perfumed with myrrh. He was well skilled to hurl the javelin at the most distant mark, but with more skill could bend the bow. When now he was in the very act of bending his stout bow, Perseus snatched up a brand which lay smouldering on the altar and smote the youth, crushing his face to splintered bones. When Assyrian Lycabas beheld him, his lovely features defiled with blood—Lycabas, his closest comrade and his declared true lover—he wept aloud for Athis, who lay gasping out his life beneath that bitter wound; then he caught up the bow which Athis had bent, and cried: “ Now you have me to fight, and not long shall you plume yourself on a boy’s death, which brings you more contempt than glory.” Before he had finished speaking the keen arrow fleshed from the bowstring; but it missed its mark and stuck harmless in a fold of Perseus’ robe. Acrisius’ grandson quickly turned on him that hook which had been fleshed in Medusa’s death, and drove it into his breast. But he, even in death, with his eyes swimming in the black darkness, looked round for Athis, fell down by his side, and bore to the shadows this comfort, that in death they were not divided. Then Phorbas of Syene, Metion’s son, and Libyan Amphimedon, eager to join in the fray, slipped and fell in the blood with which all the floor was wet. As they strove to rise the sword met them, driven through the ribs of one and through the other’s throat. 243 OVID At non Actoriden Erytum, cui lata bipennis telum erat, hamato Perseus petit ense, sed altis 8O exstantem signis multaeque in pondere massae ingentem manibus tollit cratera duabus infligitque viro; rutilum vomit ille cruorem et resupinus humum moribundo vertice pulsat. inde Semiramio Polydaemona sanguine cretum 85 Caucasiumque Abarin Sperchionidenque Lycetum intonsumque comas Helicem Phlegyanque Clytumque sternit et exstructos morientum calcat acervos. N ec Phineus ausus concurrere comminus hosti intorquet iaculum, quod detulit error in Idan, 90 expertem frustra belli et neutra arma secutum. ille tuens oculis inmitem Phinea torvis “ quandoquidem in partes ’ Phineu, quem fecisti, hostem pensaque hoc vulnere vulnus! ” iamque remissurus tractum de corpore telum 95 sanguine defectos cecidit conlapsus in artus. Tum quoque Cephenum post regem primus Hodites, ense iacet Clymeni, Prothoenora percutit Hypseus, Hypsea Lyncides. fuit et grandaevus in illis Emathion, aequi cultor timidusque deorum, 100 quem quoniam prohibent anni bellare, loquendo pugnat et incessit scelerataque devovet arma; huic Chromis amplexo tremulis altaria palmis decutit ense caput, quod protinus incidit arae J ait “ abstrahor, accipe, atque ibi semianimi verba exsecrantia lingua 105 edidit et medios animam exspiravit in ignes. 244 META MORPHOSES BOOK V But Eurytus, the son of Actor, who wielded a broad, two-edged battle-axe, Perseus did not attack with his hooked sword, but lifting high in both hands a huge mixing-bowl heavily embossed and ponderous, he hurled it crashing at the man. The red blood spouted forth as he lay dying on his back, beating the floor with his head. Then in rapid succession Perseus laid low Polydaemon, descended from Queen Semiramis, Caucasian Abaris, Lycetus who dwelt by Spercheos, Helices of unshorn locks, Phlegyas and Clytus, treading the while on heaps of dying men. Phineus did not dare to come to close combat with his enemy, but hurled his javelin. This was ill- aimed and struck Idas, who all to no purpose had kept out of the fight, taking sides with neither party. He, gazing with angry eyes upon cruel Phineus, said: “ Since I am forced into the strife, O Phineus, accept the foeman you have made, and score me wound for wound.” And he was just about to hurl back the javelin which he had drawn out of his own body, when he fell fainting, his limbs all drained of blood. Then also Hodites, first of the Ethiopians after the king, fell by the sword of Clymenus ; Hypseus smote Prothoenor; Lyncides, Hypseus. Amid the throng was one old man, Emathion, who loved justice and revered the gods. He, since his years forbade war- fare, fought with the tongue, and strode forward and cursed their impious arms. As he clung to the altar-horns with age-enfeebled hands Chromis struck off his head with his sword: the head fell straight on the altar, and there the still half-conscious tongue kept up its execrations and the life was breathed out in the midst of the altar-fires. 24s OVID Hinc gemini fratres Broteasque et caestibus Ammon invicta, vinci si possent caestibus enses, Phinea cecidere manu Cererisque sacerdos Ampycus albenti velatus tempora vitta, 110 tu quoque, Lampetide, non hos adhibendus ad usus, sed qui, pacis opus, citharam cum voce moveres; iussus eras celebrare dapes festumque canendo. cui procul adstanti plectrumque inbelle tenenti Pettalus inridens “ Stygiis cane cetera ” dixit 115 “ manibus! ” et laevo mucronem tempore fixit; concidit et digitis morientibus ille retemptat fila lyrae, casuque fuit miserabile carmen. nec sinit hunc inpune ferox cecidisse Lycormas raptaque de dextro robusta repagula posti 120 ossibus inlisit mediae cervicis, at ille procubuit terrae mactati more iuvenci. demere temptabat laevi quoque robora postis Cinyphius Pelates; temptanti dextera fixa est cuspide Marmaridae Corythi lignoque cohaesit; 125 haerenti latus hausit Abas, nec corruit ille, sed retinente manum moriens e poste pependit. sternitur et Melaneus, Perseia castra secutus, et Nasamoniaci Dorylas ditissimus agri, dives agri Dorylas, quo non possederat alter 130 latius aut totidem tollebat turis acervos. huius in obliquo missum stetit inguine ferrum : letifer ille locus. quem postquam vulneris auctor singultantem animam et versantem lumina vidit Bactrius Halcyoneus, “ hoc, quod premis,” inquit “ habeto 135 de tot agris terrae! ” corpusque exsangue relinquit. torquet in hunc hastam calido de vulnere raptam 246 META MORPHOSES BOOK V Next fell two brothers by Phineus’ hand, Broteas and Ammon, invincible with gauntlets, if gauntlets could but contend with swords; and Ampycus, Ceres’ priest, his temples wreathed with white fillets. You, too, Lampetides, not intended for such a scene as this, but for a peaceful task, to ply lute and voice: you had been bidden to grace the feast and sing the festal song. To him standing apart and holding his peaceful quill, Pettalus mocking cried: “ Go sing the rest of your song to the Stygian shades,” and pierced the left temple with his steel. He fell, and with dying fingers again essays the strings, and as he fell there was a lamentable sound. Nor did Lycormas, maddened at the sight, suffer him to perish unavenged; but, tearing out a stout bar from the door-post on the right, he broke the murderer’s neck with a crashing blow. And Pettalus fell to the earth like a slaughtered bull. Cinyphian Pelates essayed to tear away another bar from the left post, but in the act his right hand was pierced by the spear of Corythus of Marmarida, and pinned to the wood. There fastened, Abas thrust him through the side; nor did he'fall, but, dying, hung down from the post to which his hand was nailed. Melaneus, too, was slain, one of Perseus’ side; and Dorylas, the richest man in the land of Nasamonia—Dorylas, rich in land, than whom none held a wider domain, none heaped so many piles of spices. Into his groin a spear hurled from the side struck; that place is fatal. When Bactrian Halcyoneus, who hurled the spear, beheld him gasping out his life and rolling his eyes in death, he said: “ This land alone on which you lie of all your lands shall you possess,” and left the lifeless body. Against him Perseus, swift to avenge, hurled the spear snatched from the warm wound, which, 247 OVID ultor Abantiades; media quae nare recepta cervice exacta est in partesque eminet ambas; dumque manum Fortuna iuvat, Clytiumque Claninque, 140 matre satos una, diverso vulnere fudit: nam Clytii per utrumque gravi librata lacerto fraxinus acta femur, iaculum Clanis ore momor- dit. occidit et Celadon Mendesius, occidit Astreus matre Palaestina dubio genitore creatus, 145 Aethionque sagax quondam ventura videre, tunc ave deceptus falsa, regisque Thoactes armiger et caeso genitore infamis Agyrtes. Plus tamen exhausto superest; namque omnibus unum opprimere est animus, coniurata undique pugnant 150 agmina pro causa meritum inpugnante fidemque; hac pro parte socer frustra pius et nova coniunx cum genetrice favent ululatuque atria conplent, sed sonus armorum superat gemitusque cadentum, pollutosque simul multo Bellona penates 155 sanguine perfundit renovataque proelia miscet. Circueunt unum Phineus et mille secuti Phinea: tela volant hiberna grandine plura praeter utrumque latus praeterque et lumen et aures. adplicat his umeros ad magnae saxa columnae 160 tutaque terga gerens adversaque in agmina versus sustinet instantes: instabat parte sinistra Chaonius Molpeus, dextra Nabataeus Ethemon. tigris ut audit-is diversa valle duorum exstimulata fame mugitibus armentorum 165 nescit, utro potius ruat, et ruere ardet utroque, sic dubius Perseus, dextra laevane feratur, Molpea traiecti submovit vulnere cruris 248 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V striking the nose, was driven through the neck, and stuck out on both sides. And, while fortune favoured him, he slew also Clytius and Clanis, both born of one mother, but each with a different wound. For through both thighs of Clytius went the ashen spear, hurled by his mighty arm; the other dart Clanis crunched with his jaw. There fell also Mendesian Celadon; Astreus, too, whose mother was a Syrian, and his father unknown; Aethion, once wise to see what is to come, but now tricked by a false omen; Thoactes, armour-bearer of the king; Agyrtes, infamous for that he had slain his sire. Yet more remains, faint with toil though he is; for all are bent on crushing him alone. On all sides the banded lines assail him, in a cause that repudiated merit and plig'hted word. On his side his father—in- law with useless loyalty and his bride and her mother range themselves, and fill all the hall with their shrieks. But their cries are drowned in the clash of arms and the groans of dying men; while Bellona drenches and pollutes with blood the sacred home, and ever renews the strife. Now he stands alone where Phineus and a thousand followers close round him. Thicker than winter hail fly the spears, past right side and left, past eyes and ears. He stands with his back against a great stone column and, so protected in the rear, faces the opposing crowds and their impetuous attack. The attack is made on the left by Chaonian Molpeus, and by Arabian Ethemon on the right. Just as a tigress, pricked by hunger, that hears the bellowing of two herds in two several valleys, knows not which to rush upon, but burns to rush on both; so Perseus hesi- tates whether to smite on right or left; he stops Molpeus with a wound through the leg and was 249 OVID contentusque fuga esta; neque enim dat tempus Ethemon, sed furit et cupiens alto dare vulnera collo 170 non circumspectis exactum viribus ensem fregit, in extrema percussae parte columnae: lamina dissiluit dominique in gutture fixa est. non tamen ad letum causas satis illa valentes plaga dedit; trepidum Perseus et inermia frustra 175 bracchia tendentem Cyllenide confodit harpe. Verum ubi virtutem turbae succumbere vidit, “ auxilium ” Perseus, “ quoniam sic cogitis ipsi,” dixit “ ab hoste petam: vultus avertite vestros, si quis amicus adest! ” et Gorgonis extulit ora. 180 “ quaere alium, tua quem moveant miracula ” dixit Thescelus; utque manu iaculum fatale parabat mittere, in hoc haesit signum de marmore gestu. proximus huic Ampyx animi plenissima magni pectora Lyncidae gladio petit: inque petendo 185 dextera diriguit nec citra mota nec ultra est. at Nileus, qui se genitum septemplice Nilo ementitus erat, clipeo quoque flumina septem argento partim, partim caelaverat auro, “ adspice ” ait “ Perseu, nostrae primordia gentis: 190 magna feres tacitas solacia mortis ad umbras, a tanto cecidisse viro ”; pars ultima vocis in medio suppressa sono est, adapertaque velle ora loqui credas, nec sunt ea pervia verbis. increpat hos “ vitio ” que “ animi, non viribus ’ inquit 195 “ Gorgoneis torpetis ” Eryx. “ incurrite mecum 7 250 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V content to let him go; but Ethemon gives him no time, and comes rushing on, eager to wound him in the neck, and drives his sword with mighty power but careless aim, and breaks it on the edge of the great stone column: the blade flies off and sticks in its owner's throat. The stroke indeed is not deep enough for death; but as he stands there trembling and stretching out his empty hands (but all in vain), Perseus thrusts him through with Mercury’s hooked sword. But when Perseus saw his own strength was no match for the superior numbers of his foes, he ex- claimed: “ Since you yourselves force me to it, I shall seek aid from my own enemy. Turn away your faces, if any friend be here.” So saying, he raised on high the Gorgon’s head. “ Seek someone else to frighten with your magic arts,” cried Thescelus, and raised his deadly javelin in act to throw; but in that very act he stood immovable, a marble statue. Next after him Ampyx thrust his sword full at the heart of the great-souled Perseus; but in that thrust his right hand stiffened and moved neither this way nor that.‘ But Nileus, who falsely claimed that he was sprung from the sevenfold Nile, and who had on his shield engraved the image of the stream’s seven mouths, part silver and part gold, cried: “ See, O Perseus, the source whence I have sprung. Surely a great consolation for your death will you carry to the silent shades, that you have fallen by so great a man ”—his last words were cut off in mid—speech; you would suppose that his open lips still strove to speak, but they no longer gave passage to his words. These two Eryx rebuked, saying: “ ’Tis from defect of courage, not from any power of the Gorgon’s head, that you stand rigid. Rush in with me and hurl to 251 OVID .6 et prosternite humi invenem magica arma moven- tem! ” incursurus erat: tenuit vestigia tellus, inmotusque silex armataque mansit imago. Hi tamen ex merito poenas subiere, sed unus 200 miles erat Persei: pro quo dum pugnat, Aconteus Gorgone conspecta saxo concrevit oborto; quem ratus Astyages etiamnum vivere, longo ense ferit: sonuit tinnitibus ensis acutis. dum stupet Astyages, naturam traxit eandem, 205 marmoreoque manet vultus mirantis in ore. nomina longa mora est media de plebe virorum dicere: bis centum restabant corpora pugnae, Gorgone bis centum riguerunt corpora visa. Paenitet iniusti tum denique Phinea belli; 210 sed quid agat? simulacra videt diversa figuris adgnoscitque suos et nomine quemque vocatum poscit opem credensque parum sibi proxima tangit corpora: marmor erant; avertitur atque ita supplex confessasque manus obliquaque bracchia tendens 215 ‘ vincis ait, “ Perseu! remove tua monstra tuaeque saxificos vultus, quaecumque ea, tolle Medusae, tolle, precor! non nos odium regnique cupido conpulit ad bellum, pro coniuge movimus arma! causa fuit meritis melior tua, tempore nostra: 220 non cessisse piget; nihil, o fortissime, praeter hanc animam concede mihi, tua cetera sunto! ” talia dicenti neque eum, quem voce rogabat, respicere audenti “ quod ” ait, “ timidissime Phineu, ,’ 252 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V the earth this fellow and his magic arms! ” He had begun the rush, but the floor held his feet fast and there he stayed, a motionless rock, an image in full armour. These, indeed, deserved the punishment they received. But there was one, Aconteus, a soldier on Perseus’ side, who, while fighting for his friend, chanced to look upon the Gorgon’s face and hardened into stone. Astyages, thinking him still a living man, smote upon him with his long sword. The sword gave out a sharp clanging sound; and while Astyages stood amazed, the same strange power got hold on him, and he stood there still with a look of wonder on his marble face. It would take too long to tell the names of the rank and file who perished. Two hundred men survived the fight; two hundred saw the Gorgon and turned to stone. But now at last Phineus repents him of this un— righteous strife. But what is he to do? He sees images in various attitudes and knows the men for his own; he calls each one by name, prays for his aid, and hardly believing his eyes, he touches those who are nearest him: marble, all! He turns his face away, and so stretching out sideways suppliant hands that confess defeat, he says: “ Perseus, you are my conqueror. Remove that dreadful thing; that petrifying Medusa—head of yours—whosoever she may be, oh, take it away, I beg. It was not hate of you and lust for the kingly power that drove me to this war. It was my wife I fought for. Your claim was better in merit, mine in time. I am content to yield. Grant me now nothing, O bravest of men, save this my life. All the rest be yours.” As he thus spoke, not daring to look at him to whom he prayed, Perseus replied: “ Most craven Phineus, dismiss your 253 OVID et possum tribuisse et magnum est munus inerti,—- pone metum !——tribuam: nullo violabere ferro. 226 quin etiam mansura dabo monimenta per aevum, inque domo soceri semper spectabere nostri, ut mea se sponsi solctur imagine coniunx.” dixit et in partem Phorcynida transtulit illam, 230 ad quam se trepido Phineus obverterat ore. tum quoque conanti sua vertere lumina cervix diriguit, saxoque oculorum induruit umor, sed tamen os timidum vultusque in marmore supplex submissaeque manus faciesque obnoxia mansit. 235 Victor Abantiades patrios cum coniuge muros intrat et inmeriti vindex ultorque parentis adgreditur Proetum; nam fratre per arma fugato Acrisioneas Proetus possederat arces. sed nec ope armorum nec, quam male ceperat, arce torva colubriferi superavit lumina monstri. 241 Te tamen, o parvae rector, Polydecta, Seriphi, nec iuvenis virtus per tot spectata labores nec mala mollierant, sed inexorabile durus exerces odium, nec iniqua finis in ira est; 245 detrectas etiam laudem fictamque Medusae arguis esse necem. “ dabimus tibi pignora veri. parcite luminibus! ” Perseus ait oraque regis ore Medusaeo silicem sine sanguine fecit. Hactenus aurigenae comitem Tritonia fratri 250 254 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V fears; what I can give (and ’tis a great boon for your coward soul), I will grant: you shall not suffer by the sword. Nay, but I will make of you a monument that shall endure for ages; and in the house of my father—in—law you shall always stand on view, that so my wife may find solace in the statue of her promised lord.” So saying, he bore the Gorgon—head where Phineus had turned his fear-struck face. Then, even as he strove to avert his eyes, his neck grew hard and the very tears upon his cheeks were changed to stone. And now in marble was fixed the cowardly face, the suppliant look, the pleading hands, the whole cringing attitude. Victorious Perseus, together with his bride, now returns to his ancestral city; and there, to avenge his grandsire, who little deserved this championship, he wars on Proetus. For Proetus had driven his brother out by force of arms, and seized the strong- hold of Acrisius. But neither by the force of arms, nor by the stronghold he had basely seized, could he resist the baleful gaze of that dread snake—wreathed monster. But you, O Polydectes, ruler of Little Seriphus, were not softened by the young man’s valour, tried in so many feats, nor by his troubles; but you were hard and unrelenting in hate, and your unjust anger knew no end. You even refused him his honour, and declared that the death of Medusa was all a lie. “ We will give you proof of that,” then Perseus said; “ protect your eyes! ” (this to his friends). And with the Medusa—face he changed the features of the king to bloodless stone. During all this time Tritonia 1 had been the comrade of her brother born of the golden shower. 1 Athena. 2 5 5 OVID se dedit; inde cava circumdata nube Seriphon deserit, a dextra Cythno Gyaroque relictis, quaque super pontum via visa brevissima, Thebas virgineumque Helicona petit. quo monte potita constitit et doctas sic est adfata sorores: 255 “ fama novi fontis nostras pervenit ad aures, dura Medusaei quem praepetis ungula rupit. is mihi causa viae; volui mirabile factum cernere; vidi ipsum materno sanguine nasci.” excipit Uranie: “ quaecumque est causa videndi 260 has tibi, diva, domos, animo gratissima nostro es. vera tamen fama est: est Pegasus huius origo fontis ” et ad latices deduxit Pallada sacros. quae mirata diu factas pedis ictibus undas silvarum lucos circumspicit antiquarum 265 antraque et innumeris distinctas floribus herbas felicesque vocat pariter studioque locoque Mnemonidas; quam sic adfata est una sororum: “ o, nisi te virtus opera ad maiora tulisset, in partem ventura chori Tritonia nostri, 270 vera refers meritoque probas artesque locumque, et gratam sortem, tutae modo simus, habemus. sed (vetitum est adeo sceleri nihil) omnia terrent virgineas mentes, dirusque ante ora Pyreneus vertitur, et nondum tota me mente recepi. 275 Daulida Threicio Phoceaque milite rura ceperat ille ferox iniustaque regna tenebat; templa petebamus Parnasia: vidit euntes nostraque fallaci veneratus numina vultu 279 ‘ Mnemonides ’ (cognorat enim), ‘ consistite ’ dixit 256 META MORPHOSES BOOK V But now, wrapped in a hollow cloud, she left Seriphus, and, passing Cythnus and Gyarus on the right, by the shortest course over the sea she made for Thebes and Helicon, home of the Muses. On this mountain she alighted, and thus addressed the sisters versed in song : “ The fame of a new spring has reached my ears, which broke out under the hard hoof of the winged horse of Medusa. This is the cause of my journey: I wished to see the marvellous thing. The horse himself I saw born from his mother’s blood.” Urania replied: “ Whatever cause has brought thee to see our home, O goddess, thou art most welcome to our hearts. But the tale is true, and Pegasus did indeed produce our spring.” And she led Pallas aside to the sacred waters. She long admired the spring made by the stroke of the horse’s hoof; then looked round on the ancient woods, the grottoes, and the grass, spangled with countless flowers. She declared the daughters of Mnemosyne to be happy alike in their favourite pursuits and in their home. And thus one of the sisters answered her: “ O thou, Tritonia, who wouldst so fitly join our band, had not thy merits raised thee to far greater tasks, thou sayest truth and dost justly praise our arts and our home. We have indeed a happy lot—were we but safe in it. But (such is the licence of the time) all things affright our virgin souls, and the vision of fierce Pyreneus is ever before our eyes, and I have not yet recovered from my fear. This bold king with his Thracian soldiery had captured Daulis and the Phocian fields, and ruled that realm which he had unjustly gained. It chanced that we were journeying to the temple on Parnasus. He saw us going, and feigning a reverence for our divinity, he said: ‘ O daughters of Mnemosyne ’ ——for he knew us—‘ stay your steps and do not hesitate 257 OVID ‘ nec dubitate, precor, tecto grave sidus et imbrem ’ (imber erat) ‘ vitare meo; subiere minores saepe casas superi.’ dictis et tempore motae adnuimusque viro primasque intravimus aedes. desierant imbres, victoque aquilonibus austro 285 fusca repurgato fugiebant nubila caelo: inpetus ire fuit; claudit sua tecta Pyreneus vimque parat, quam nos sumptis eifugimus alis. ipse secuturo similis stetit arduus arce ‘ qua ’ que ‘ via est vobis, erit et mihi ’ dixit ‘ eadem ’ seque iacit vecors c summae culmine turris 291 et cadit in vultus discussisque ossibus oris tundit humum moriens scelerato sanguine tinctam.” Musa loquebatur: pennae sonuere per auras, voxque salutantum ramis veniebat ab altis. 295 suspicit et linguae quaerit tam certa loquentes unde sonent hominemque putat Iove nata locutum; ales erat. numeroque novem sua fata querentes institerant ramis imitantes omnia picae. miranti sic orsa deae dea “ nuper et istae 300 auxerunt volucrum victae certamine turbam. Pieros has genuit Pellaeis dives in arvis, Paeonis Euippe mater fuit; illa potentem Lucinam noviens, noviens paritura, vocavit. intumuit numero stolidarum turba sororum 305 perque tot Haemonias et per tot Achaidas urbes huc venit et tali committit proelia voce: ‘ desinite indoctum vana dulcedine vulgus fallere; nobiscum, si qua est fiducia vobis, 258 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V to take shelter beneath my roof against the lowering sky and the rain ’——for rain was falling——-‘ gods have often entered a humbler home.’ Moved by his words and by the storm, we yielded to the man and entered his portal. And now the rain had ceased, the south wind had been routed by the north, and the dusky clouds were in full flight from the brightening sky. We were fain to go on our way; but Pyreneus shut his doors, and offered us violence. This we escaped by donning our wings. He, as if he would follow us, took his stand on a lofty battlement and cried to us: ‘ What way you take, the same will I take also ’; and, quite bereft of sense, he leaped from the pinnacle of the tower. Headlong he fell, crushing his bones and dyeing the ground in death with his accursed blood.” While the muse was still speaking, the sound of whirring wings was heard and words of greeting came from the high branches of the trees. J ove’s daughter looked up and tried to see whence came the sound which was so clearly speech. She thought some human being spoke; but it was a bird. Nine birds, lamenting their fate, had alighted in the branches, magpies, which can imitate any sound they please. When Minerva wondered at the sight, the other addressed her, goddess to goddess: “ ’Tis but lately those creatures also, conquered in a strife, have been added to the throng of birds. Pierus, lord of the rich domain of Pella, was their father, and Euippe of Paeonia was their mother. Nine times brought to the birth, nine times she called for help on mighty Lucina. Swollen with pride of numbers, this throng of senseless sisters journeyed through all the towns of Haemonia and all the towns of Achaia to us, and thus defied us to a contest in song: ‘ Cease to de— ceive the unsophisticated rabble with your pretence 259 OVID T hespiades, certate, deae. nec voce, nec arte 310 vincemur totidemque sumus: vel cedite victae fonte Medusaeo et Hyantea Aganippe, vel nos Emathiis ad Paeonas usque nivosos cedemus campis! dirimant certamina nymphae.’ “ Turpe quidem contendere erat, sed cedere visum turpius; electae iurant per flumina nymphae 316 factaque de vivo pressere sedilia saxo. tunc sine sorte prior quae se certare professa est, bella canit superum falsoque in honore gigantas ponit et extenuat magnorum facta deorum; 320 emissumque ima de sede Typhoea terrae caelitibus fecisse metum cunctosque dedisse terga fugae, donec fessos Aegyptia tellus ceperit et septem discretus in ostia Nilus. hue quoque terrigenam venisse Typhoea narrat 325 et se mentitis superos celasse figuris; ‘ duxque gregis ’ dixit ‘ fit Iuppiter: unde recurvis nunc quoque formatus Libys est cum cornibus Ammon ; Delius in corvo, proles Semeleia capro, fele soror Phoebi, nivea Saturnia vacca, 330 pisce Venus latuit, Cyllenius ibidis alis.’ “ Hactenus ad citharam vocalia moverat ora: poscimur Aonides,—sed forsitan otia non sint, nec nostris praebere vacet tibi cantibus aures.” “ ne dubita vestrumque mihi refer ordine carmen! ” Pallas ait nemorisque levi consedit in umbra; 336 Musa refert: “ dedimus summam certaminis uni; surgit et inmissos hedera collecta capillos Calliope querulas praetemptat pollice chordas 26o METAMORPHOSES BOOK V of song. Come, strive with us, ye Thespian god- desses, if you dare. Neither in voice nor in skill can we be conquered, and our numbers are the same. If you are conquered, yield us Medusa’s spring and Boeotian Aganippe; or we will yield to you the Emathian plains even to snow-clad Paeonia; and let the nymphs be judges of our strife.’ “ It was a shame to strive with them, but it seemed greater shame to yield. So the nymphs were chosen judges and took oath by their streams, and they set them down upon benches of living rock. Then with— out drawing lots she who had proposed the contest first began. She sang of the battle of the gods and giants, ascribing undeserved honour to the giants, and belittling the deeds of the mighty gods: how Typhoeus, sprung from the lowest depths of earth, inspired the heavenly gods with fear, and how they all turned their backs and fled, until, weary, they found refuge in the land of Egypt and the seven— mouthed Nile. How even there Typhoeus, son of earth, pursued them, and the gods hid themselves in lying shapes: ‘ Jove thus became a ram,’ said she, ’ the lord of flocks, whence Libyan Ammon even to this day is represented with curving horns; Apollo hid in a crow’s shape, Bacchus in a goat; the sister of Phoebus, in a cat, Juno in a snow-white cow, Venus in a fish, Mercury in an ibis bird.’ “ So far had she sung, tuning voice to harp; we, the Aonian sisters, were challenged to reply—but perhaps you have not leisure, and care not to listen to our song?” “ Nay, have no doubt,” Pallas exclaimed, “ but sing now your song in due order.” And she took her seat in the pleasant shade of the forest. The muse replied : “ We gave the conduct of our strife to one, Calliope; who rose and, with her flowing tresses ) 261 OVID atque haec percussis subiungit carmina nervis: 340 ‘ Prima Ceres unco glaebam dimovit aratro, prima dedit fruges alimentaque mitia terris, prima dedit leges; Cereris sunt omnia munus; illa canenda mihi est. utinam modo dicere possim carmina digna dea! certe dea carmine digna est. 345 “ ‘ V asta giganteis ingesta est insula membris Trinacris et magnis subiectum molibus urguet aetherias ausum sperare Typhoea sedes. nititur ille quidem pugnatque resurgere saepe, dextra sed Ausonio manus est subiecta Peloro, 350 laeva, Pach'yne, tibi, Lilybaeo crura premuntur, degravat Aetna caput, sub qua resupinus harenas eiectat flammamque fero vomit ore Typhoeus. saepe remoliri luctatur pondera terrae oppidaque et magnos devolvere corpore montes : 355 inde tremit tellus, et rex pavet ipse silentum, ne pateat latoque solum retegatur hiatu inmissusque dies trepidantes terreat umbras. hanc metuens cladem tenebrosa sede tyrannus exierat curruque atrorum vectus equorum 360 ambibat Siculae cautus fundaminaterrae. postquam exploratum satis est loca nulla labare depositique metus, videt hunc Erycina vagantem monte suo residens natumque amplexa volucrem “ arma manusque meae, mea, nate, potentia ” dixit, “ illa, quibus superas omnes, cape tela, Cupido, 366 262 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V bound in an ivy wreath, tried the plaintive chords with her thumb, and then, with sweeping chords, she sang this song: ‘ Ceres was the first to turn the glebe with the hooked plowshare; she first gave corn and kindly sustenance to the world; she first gave laws. All things are the gift of Ceres; she must be the subject of my song. Would that I could worthily sing of her; surely the goddess is worthy of my song, “ ‘ The huge island of Sicily had been heaped upon the body of the giant, and with its vast weight was resting on Typhoeus, who had dared to aspire to the _ heights of heaven. He struggles indeed, and strives often to rise again; but his right hand is held down by Ausonian Pelorus and his left by you, Pachynus. Lilybaeum rests on his legs, and Aetna’s weight is on his head. Flung on his back beneath this mountain, the fierce Typhoeus spouts forth ashes and vomits flames from his mouth. Often he puts forth all his strength to push off the weight of earth and to roll the cities and great mountains from his body: then the earth quakes, and even the king of the silent land is afraid lest the crust of the earth split open in wide seams and lest the light of day be let in and affright the trembling shades. Fearing this disaster, the king of the lower world had left his gloomy realm and, drawn in his chariot with its sable steeds, was tra- versing the land of Sicily, carefully examining its foundations. After he had examined all to his satisfaction, and found that no points were giving way, he put aside his fears. Then Venus Erycina saw him wandering to and fro, as she was seated on her sacred mountain, and embracing her winged son, she exclaimed: “ O son, both arms and hands to me, and source of all my power, take now those shafts, Cupid, with which you conquer all, and shoot 26;; ()V ID inque dei pectus celeres molire sagittas, cui triplicis cessis fortuna novissima regni. tu superos ipsumque Iovem, tu numina ponti victa domas ipsumque, regit qui numina ponti: 370 Tartara quid cessant? cur non matrisque tuumque imperium profers? agitur pars tertia mundi, et tamen in caelo, quae iam patientia nostra est, spernimur, ac mecum vires minuuntur Amoris. Pallada nonne vides iaculatricemque Dianam 375 abscessisse mihi? Cereris quoque filia Virgo, si patiemur, erit; nam spes adfectat easdem. at tu pro socio, si qua est ea gratia, regno iunge deam patruo.” dixit Venus; ille pharetram solvit et arbitrio matris de mille sagittis 380 unam seposuit, sed qua nec acutior ulla nec minus incerta est nec quae magis audiat arcus, oppositoque genu curvavit flexile cornum inque cor hamata percussit harundine Ditem. “ ‘ Haud procul Hennaeis lacus est a moenibus latae, nomine Pergus, aquae: non illo plura Caystros 386 carmina cycnorum labentibus audit in undis. silva coronat aquas cingens latus omne suisque frondibus ut velo Phoebeos submovet ictus; frigora dant rami, tyrios humus umida flores: 390 perpetuum ver est. quo dum Proserpina luco ludit et aut Violas aut candida lilia carpit, dumque puellari studio calathosque sinumque inplet et aequales certat superare legendo, paene simul visa est dilectaque raptaque Diti: 395 usque adeo est properatus amor. dea territa maesto 264 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V your swift arrows into the heart of that god to whom the final lot of the triple kingdom fell. You rule the gods, and Jove himself; you conquer and control the deities of the sea, and the very king that rules the deities of the sea. Why does Tartarus hold back? Why do you not extend your mother’s empire and your own? The third part of the world is at stake. And yet in heaven, such is our long—suffering, we are despised, and with my own, the power of love is weakening. Do you not see that Pallas and huntress Diana have revolted against me? And Ceres’ daughter, too, will remain a virgin if we suffer it; for she aspires to be like them. But do you, in behalf of our joint sovereignty, if you take any pride in that, join the goddess to her uncle in the bonds of love.” So Venus spoke. The god of love loosed his quiver at his mother’s bidding and selected from his thousand arrows one, the sharpest and the surest and the most obedient to the bow. Then he bent the pliant bow across his knee and with his barbed arrow smote Dis through the heart. “ ‘ Not far from Henna’s walls there is a deep pool of water, Pergus by name. Not Cayster on its gliding waters hears more songs of swans than does this pool. A wood crowns the heights around its waters on every side, and with its foliage as with an awning keeps ofl the sun’s hot rays. The branches afford a pleasing coolness, and the well—watered ground bears bright— coloured flowers. There spring is everlasting. Within this grove Proserpina was playing, and gathering violets or white lilies. And while with girlish eager- ness she was filling her basket and her bosom, and striving to surpass her mates in gathering, almost in one act did Pluto see and love and carry her away: so precipitate was his love. The terrified girl called 265 OVID et matrem et comites, sed matrem saepius, ore clamat, et ut summa vestem laniarat ab ora, collecti fiores tunicis cecidere remissis, tantaque simplicitas puerilibus adfuit annis, 400 haec quoque virgineum movit iactura dolorem. raptor agit currus et nomine quemque vocando exhortatur equos, quorum per colla iubasque excutit obscura tinctas ferrugine habenas, perque lacus altos et olentia sulphure fertur 405 stagna Palicorum rupta ferventia terra et qua Bacchiadae, bimari gens orta Corintho, inter inaequales posuerunt moenia portus. “ ‘ Est medium Cyanes et Pisaeac Arethusae, quod coit angustis inclusum cornibus aequor: 410 hic fuit, a cuius stagnum quoque nomine dictum est, inter Sicelidas Cyane celeberrima nymphas. gurgite quae medio summa tenus exstitit alvo adgnovitque deam “ nec longius ibitis! ” inquit; “ non potes invitae Cereris gener esse: roganda, 415 non rapienda fuit. quodsi conponere magnis parva mihi fas est, et me dilexit Anapis; exorata tamen, nec, ut haec, exterrita nupsi.” dixit et in partes diversas bracchia tendens obstitit. haud ultra tenuit Saturnius iram 420 terribilesque hortatus equos in gurgitis ima contortum valido sceptrum regale lacerto condidit; icta viam tellus in Tartara fecit et pronos currus medio cratere recepit. 266 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V plaintively on her mother and her companions, but more often upon her mother. And since she had torn her garment at its upper edge, the flowers which she had gathered fell out of her loosened tunic; and such was the innocence of her girlish years, the loss of her flowers even at such a time aroused new grief. Her captor sped his chariot and urged on his horses, calling each by name, and shaking the dark—dyed reins on their necks and manes. Through deep lakes he galloped, through the pools of the Palici, reeking with sulphur and boiling up from a crevice of the earth, and where the Bacchiadae, a race sprung from Corinth between two seas, had built a city between two harbours of unequal size. “ ‘ There is between Cyane and Pisaean Arethusa a bay of the sea, its waters confined by narrowing points of land. Here was Cyane, the most famous of the Sicilian nymphs, from whose name the pool itself was called. She stood forth from the midst of her pool as far as her waist, and recognizing the goddess cried to Dis: “ No further shall you go! Thou canst not be the son-in—law of Ceres against her will. The maiden should have been wooed, not ravished. But, if it is proper for me to compare small things with great, I also have been wooed, by Anapis, and I wedded him, too, yielding to prayer, however, not to fear, like this maiden.” She spoke and, stretching her arms on either side, blocked his way. No longer could the son of Saturn hold his wrath, and urging on his terrible steeds, he whirled his royal Sceptre with strong right arm and smote the pool to its bottom. The smitten earth opened up a road to Tartarus and received the down-plunging chariot in her cavernous depths. 267 OVID “ ‘ At Cyane, raptamque deam contemptaque fontis iura sui maerens, inconsolabile vulnus 426 mente gerit tacita lacrimisque absumitur omnis et, quarum fuerat magnum modo numen, in illas extenuatur aquas: molliri membra videres, ossa pati flexus, ungues posuisse rigorem; 430 primaque de tota tenuissima quaeque liquescunt, caerulei crines digitique et crura pedesque; nam brevis in gelidas membris exilibus undas transitus est; post haec umeri tergusque latusque pectoraque in tenues abeunt evanida rivos ; 435 denique pro vivo vitiatas sanguine venas lympha subit, restatque nihil, quod prendere posses. “ ‘Interea pavidae nequiquam filia matri omnibus est terris, omni quaesita profundo. illam non udis veniens Aurora capillis 440 cessantem vidit, non Hesperus; illa duabus flammiferas pinus manibus succendit ab Aetna perque pruinosas tulit inrequieta tenebras; rursus ubi alma dies hebetarat sidera, natam solis ab occasu solis quaerebat ad ortus. 445 fessa labore sitim conlegerat, oraque nulli conluerant fontes, cum tectam stramine vidit forte casam parvasque fores pulsavit; at inde prodit anus divamque videt lymphamque roganti dulce dedit, tosta quod texerat ante polenta. 450 dum bibit illa datum, duri puer oris et audax constitit ante deam risitque avidamque vocavit. offensa est neque adhuc epota parte loquentem cum liquido mixta perfudit diva polenta: conbibit os maculas et, quae modo bracchia gessit, crura gerit; cauda est mutatis addita membris, 456 inque brevem formam, ne sit vis magna nocendi, 268 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V “ ‘ But Cyane, grieving for the rape of the goddess and for her fountain’s rights thus set at naught, nursed an incurable wound in her silent heart, and dissolved all away in tears; and into those very waters was she melted whose great divinity she had been but now. You might see her limbs softening, her bones becom— ing flexible, her nails losing their hardness. And first of all melt the slenderest parts: her dark hair, her fingers, legs and feet; for it is no great change from slender limbs to cool water. Next after these, her shoulders, back and sides and breasts vanish into thin watery streams. And finally, in place of living blood, clear water flows through her weakened veins and nothing is left that you can touch. “ ‘ Meanwhile all in vain the affrighted mother seeks her daughter in every land, on every deep. Not Aurora, rising with dewy tresses, not Hesperus sees her pausing in the search. She kindles two pine torches in the fires of Aetna, and wanders without rest through the frosty shades of night; again, when the genial day had dimmed the stars, she was still seeking her daughter from the setting to the rising of the sun. Faint with toil and athirst, she had moistened her lips in no fountain, when she chanced to see a hut thatched with straw, and knocked at its lowly door. Then out came an old woman and beheld the goddess, and when she asked for water gave her a sweet drink with parched barley floating upon it. While she drank, a coarse, saucy boy stood watching her, and mocked her and called her greedy. She was offended, and threw what she had not yet drunk, with the barley grains, full in his face Straight- way his face was spotted, his arms were changed to legs, and a tail was added to his transformed limbs; he shrank to tiny size, that he might have no great 269 OVID contrahitur, parvaque minor mensura lacerta est. mirantem flentemque et tangere monstra parantem fugit anum latebramque petit aptumque pudori 460 nomen habet variis stellatus corpora guttis. “ ‘ Quas dea per terras et quas erraverit undas, dicere longa mora est; quaerenti defuit orbis; Sicaniam repetit, dumque omnia lustrat eundo, venit et ad Cyanen. ea ni mutata fuisset, 465 omnia narrasset; sed et os et lingua volenti dicere non aderant, nec, quo loqueretur, habebat; signa tamen manifesta dedit notamque parenti, illo forte loco delapsam in gurgite sacro Persephones zonam summis ostendit in undis. 470 quam simul agnovit, tamquam tum denique raptam scisset, inornatos laniavit diva capillos et repetita suis percussit pectora palmis. nescit adhuc, ubi sit; terras tamen increpat omnes ingratasque vocat nec frugum munere dignas, 47 5 Trinacriam ante alias, in qua vestigia damni repperit. ergo illic saeva vertentia glaebas fregit aratra manu parilique irata colonos ruricolasque boves leto dedit arvaque iussit fallere depositum vitiataque semina fecit. 480 fertilitas terrae latum vulgata per orbem falsa iacet: primis segetes moriuntur in herbis, et modo sol nimius, nimius modo corripit imber; sideraque ventique nocent, avidaeque volucres 27o METAMORPHOSES BOOK V power to harm, and became in form a lizard, though yet smaller in size. The old woman wondered and wept, and reached out to touch the marvellous thing, but he fled from her and sought a hiding-place. He has a name 1 suited to his offence, since his body is starred with bright-coloured spots. “ ‘ Over what lands and what seas the goddess wandered it would take long to tell. When there was no more a place to search in, she came back to Sicily, and in the course of her wanderings here she came to Cyane. If the nymph had not been changed to water, she would have told her all. But, though she wished to tell, she had neither lips nor tongue, nor aught wherewith to speak. But still she gave clear evidence, and showed on. the surface of her pool what the mother knew well, Persephone’s girdle, which had chanced to fall upon the sacred waters. As soon as she knew this, just as if she had then for the first time learned that her daughter had been stolen, the goddess tore her unkempt locks and smote her breast again and again with her hands. She did not know as yet where her child was; still she reproached all lands, calling them ungrateful and unworthy of the gift of corn; but Sicily above all other lands, where she had found traces of her loss. So there with angry hand she broke in pieces the plows that turn the glebe, and in her rage she gave to destruction farmers and cattle alike, and bade the plowed fields to betray their trust, and blighted the seed. The fertility of this land, famous throughout the world, lay false to its good name : the crops died in early blade, now too much heat, now too much rain destroying them. Stars and winds were baleful, and greedy birds ate up the seed as soon as it was 1 i.e. slellio, a lizard or newt. 271 OVID semina iacta legunt; lolium tribulique fatigant triticeas messes et inexpugnabile gramen. “ ‘ Tum caput Eleis Alpheias extulit undis rorantesque comas a fronte removit ad aures atque ait “ o toto quaesitae virginis orbe et frugum genetrix, inmensos siste labores neve tibi fidae violenta irascere terrae. terra nihil meruit patuitque invita rapinae, nec sum pro patria supplex : huc hospita veni. Pisa mihi patria est et ab Elide ducimus ortus, Sicaniam peregrina colo, sed gratior omni 485 490 495 haec mihi terra solo est: hos nunc Arethusa penates, hanc habeo sedem. quam tu, mitissima, serva. mota loco cur sim tantique per aequoris undas advehar Ortygiam, veniet narratibus hora tempestiva meis, cum tu curaque levata et vultus melioris eris. mihi pervia tellus praebet iter, subterque imas ablata cavernas hic caput attollo desuetaque sidera cerno. ergo dum Stygio sub terris gurgite labor, visa tua est oculis illic Proserpina nostris: illa quidem tristis neque adhuc interrita vultu, sed regina tamen, sed opaci maxima mundi, sed tamen inferni pollens matrona tyranni! ” Mater ad auditas stupuit ceu saxea voces attonitaeque diu similis fuit, utque dolore pulsa gravi gravis est amentia, curribus oras exit in aetherias : ibi toto nubila vultu ante Iovem passis stetit invidiosa capillis 500 505 510 272 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V sown; tares and thorns and stubborn grasses choked the wheat. “ ‘ Then did Arethusa, Alpheus’ daughter, lift her head from her Elean pool and, brushing her dripping looks back from her brows, thus addressed the goddess : “ O thou mother of the maiden sought through all the earth, thou mother of fruits, cease now thy boundless toils and do not be so grievously Wroth with the land which has been true to thee. The land is innocent; against its will it opened to the robbery. It is not for my own country that I pray, for I came a stranger hither. Pisa is my native land, and from Elis have I sprung; I dwell in Sicily a foreigner. But I love this country more than all; this is now my home, here is my dwelling-place. And now, I pray thee, save it, O most merciful. Why I moved from my place and why I came to Sicily, through such wastes of sea, a fitting time will come to tell thee, when thou shalt be free from care and of a more cheerful countenance. The solid earth opened a way before me, and passing through the lowest depths, I here lifted my head again and beheld the stars that had grown unfamiliar. Therefore, while I was gliding beneath the earth in my Stygian stream, I saw Proserpina there with'these very eyes. She seemed sad indeed, and her face was still perturbed with fear; but yet she was a queen, the great queen of that world of darkness, the mighty consort of the tyrant of the underworld.” The mother upon hearing these words stood as if turned to stone, and was for a long time like one bereft of reason. But when her overwhelming frenzy had given way to over- whelming pain, she set forth in her chariot to the realms of heaven. There, with clouded countenance, with dishevelled hair, and full of indignation, she appeared before Jove and said: “ I have come, O Jupiter, as VOL. I. K 273 ‘OVID id pro ” que u meo veni supplex tibia Iuppiter,” inquit u sanguine proque tuoz si nulla est gratia matrisa 515 nata patrem moveata neu sit tibi curaa precamura vilior illius, quod nostro est edita partu. en quaesita diu tandem mihi nata reperta est, si reperire vocas amittere certius, aut si scire, ubi sit,reperire vocas. quod rapta,feremus, 520 dummodo reddat earn! neque enim praedone marito filia. digna tua est, si iam mea filia non est.” Iuppiter excepit “ commune est pignus onusque nata mihi tecum; sed si modo nomina rebus addere vera placeta non hoc iniuria factuma 525 verum amor est; neque erit nobis gener ille pudori, tu modo, diva, velis. ut desint ceteraa quantum est esse Iovis fratrem! quid, quod nec cetera desunt nec cedit nisi sorte mihi P-sed tanta cupido si tibi discidii est, repetet Proserpina caeluma 530 lege tamen certaa si nullos contigit illic ore cibos; nam sic Parcarum foedere cautum est.” u ‘ Dixerat, at Cereri certum est educere natamg non ita fata sinunt, quoniam ieiunia virgo solverat et, cultis dum simplex errat in hortiss 535 poeniceum curva decerpserat arbore pomum sumptaque pallenti septem de cortice grana presserat ore suo, solusque ex omnibus illud Ascalaphus vidita quem quondam dicitur Orphne, inter Avernales haud ignotissima nymphas, sero ex Acheronte suo silvis peperisse sub atrisg vidit et indicio reditum crudelis ademit. m METAMORPHOSES BOOK V suppliant in behalf of my child and your own. If you have no regard for the mother, at least let the daughter touch her father’s heart. And let not your care for her be less because I am her mother. See, my daughter, sought so long, has at last been found, if you call it finding more certainly to lose her, or if you call it finding merely to know where she is. That she has been stolen, I will bear, if only he will bring her back; for your daughter does not deserve to have a robber for a husband—if now she is not mine.” And Jove replied: “ She is, indeed, our daughter, yours and mine, our common pledge and care. But if only we are willing to give right names to things, this is no harm that has been done, but only love. Nor will he shame us for a son—in-law—do you but consent, goddess. Though all else be lacking, how great a thing it is to be J ove’s brother! But what that other things are not lacking, and that he does not yield place to me—save only by the lot? But if you so greatly desire to separate them, Proserpina shall return to heaven, but on one condition only: if in the lower-world no food has as yet touched her lips. For so have the fates decreed.” “ ‘ He spoke; but Ceres was resolved to have her daughter back. Not so the fates; for the girl had already broken her fast, and while, simple child that she was, she wandered in the trim gardens, she had plucked a purple pomegranate hanging from a bend? ing bough, and peeling off the yellowish rind, she had eaten seven of the seeds. The only one who saw the act was Ascalaphus, whom Orphne, not the least famous of the Avernal nymphs, is said to have borne to her own Acheron within the dark groves of the lower-world. The boy saw, and by his cruel tattling thwarted the girl’s return to earth. Then 275 OVID ingemuit regina Erebi testemque profanam fecit avem sparsumque caput Phlegethontide lympha in rostrum et plumas et grandia lumina vertit. 545 ille sibi ablatus fulvis amicitur in alis inque caput crescit longosque reflectitur ungues vixque movet natas per inertia bracchia pennas foedaque fit volucris, venturi nuntia luctus, ignavus bubo, dirum mortalibus omen. 550 “ ‘ Hic tamen indicio poenam linguaque videri commeruisse potest; vobis, Acheloides, unde pluma pedesque avium, cum virginis ora geratis? an quia, cum legeret vernos Proserpina flores, in comitum numero, doctae Sirenes, eratis? 555 quam postquam toto frustra quaesistis in orbe, protinus, et vestram sentirent aequora curam, posse super fluctus alarum insistere remis optastis facilesque deos habuistis et artus vidistis vestros subitis flavescere pennis. 560 ne tamen ille canor mulcendas natus ad aures tantaque dos oris linguae deperderet usum, virginei vultus et vox humana remansit. “ ‘ At medius fratrisque sui maestaeque sororis Iuppiter ex aequo volventem dividit annum: 565 nunc dea, regnorum numen commune duorum, cum matre est totidem, totidem cum coniuge menses. vertitur extemplo facies et mentis et oris; nam modo quae poterat Diti quoque maesta videri, laeta deae frons est, ut sol, qui tectus aquosis 570 nubibus ante fuit, victis e nubibus exit. 276 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V was the queen of Erebus enraged, and changed the informer into an ill-omened bird; throwing in his face a handful of water from the Phlegethon, she ‘ave him a beak and feathers and big eyes. Robbed of himself, he is now clothed in yellow wings; he grows into a head and long, hooked claws; but he scarce moves the feathers that sprout all over his sluggish arms. He has become a loathsome bird, prophet of woe, the slothful screech-owl, a bird of evil omen to men. “ ‘ He indeed can seem to have merited his punish- ment because of his tattling tongue. But, daughters of Acheloiis, why have you the feathers and feet of birds, though you still have maidens’ features? Is it because, when Proserpina was gathering the spring flowers, you were among the number of her com— panions, ye Sirens, skilled in song? After you had sought in vain for her through all the lands, that the sea also might know your search, you prayed that you might float on beating wings above the waves: you found the gods ready, and suddenly you saw your limbs covered with golden plumage. But, that you might not lose your tuneful voices, so soothing to the ear, and that rich dower of song, maiden features and human voice remained. “ ‘ But now Jove, holding the balance between his brother and his grieving sister, divides the revolving year into two equal parts. Now the goddess, the common divinity of two realms, spends half the months with her mother and with her husband, half. Straightway the bearing of her heart and face is changed. For she who but lately even to Dis seemed sad, now wears a joyful countenance; like the sun which, long concealed behind dark and misty clouds, disperses the clouds and reveals his face. 277 OVID “ ‘ Exigit alma Ceres nata secura recepta, quae tibi causa fugae, cur sis, Arethusa, sacer fons. conticuere undae quarum dea sustulit alto fonte caput viridesque manu siccata capillos 575 fluminis Elei veteres narravit amores. “ pars ego nympharum, quae sunt in Achaide,” dixit “ una fui, nec me studiosius altera saltus legit nee posuit studiosius altera casses. sed quamvis formae numquam mihi fama petite. est, quamvis fortis eram, formosae nomen habebam, 581 nec mea me facies nimium laudata iuvabat, quaque aliae gaudere solent, ego rustica dote corporis erubui crimenque placere putavi. lassa revertebar (memini) Stymphalide silva; 585 aestus erat, magnumque labor geminaverat aestum: invenio sine vertice aquas, sine murmure euntes, perspicuas ad humum, per quas numerabilis alte calculus omnis erat, quas tu vix ire putares. cana salicta dabant nutritaque populus unda 590 sponte sua natas ripis declivibus umbras. accessi primumque pedis vestigia tinxi, poplite deinde tenus; neque e0 contenta, recingor molliaque inpono salici velamina curvae nudaque mergor aquis. quas dum ferioque trahoque mille modis labens excussaque bracchia iacto, 596 nescio quod medio sensi sub gurgite murmur territaque insisto propioris margine ripae. ‘ quo properas, Arethusa? ’ suis Alpheus ab undis, ‘ quo properas? ’ iterum rauco mihi dixerat ore. 600 278 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V “ ‘ Now kindly Ceres, happy in the recovery of her daughter, asks of you, Arethusa, why you fled, why you are now a sacred spring. The waters fall silent while their goddess lifts her head from her deep spring, and dries her green locks with her hands, and tells the old story of the Elean river's love. “ I used to be one of the nymphs,” she says, “ who have their dwelling in Achaia, and no other was more eager in scouring the glades, or in setting the hunting-nets. But although I never sought the fame of beauty, although I was brave, I had the name of beautiful. Nor did my beauty, all too often praised, give me any joy; and my dower of charming form, in which other maids rejoice», made me blush like a country girl, and I deemed it wrong to please. Wearied with the chase, I was returning, I remem— ber, from the Stymphalian wood ; the heat was great and my toil had made it double. I came upon a stream flowing without eddy, and without sound, crystal-clear to the bottom, in whose depths you might count every pebble, waters which you would scarcely think to be moving. Silvery willows and poplars fed by the water gave natural shade to the soft-sloping banks. I came to the water’s edge and first dipped my feet, then in I went up to the knees : not satisfied with this, I removed my robes, and hanging the soft garments on a drooping willow, naked I plunged into the waters. And while I beat them, drawing them and gliding in a thousand turns and tossing my arms, I though I heard a kind of murmur deep in the pool. In terror I leaped on the nearer bank. Then Alpheus called from his waters: ‘ Whither in haste, Arethusa? Whither in such haste? ’ Twice in his hoarse voice he called to me. As I was, without my robes, I fled; for my robes were 279 OVI D sicut eram fugio sine vestibus (altera vestes ripa meas habuit): tanto magis instat et ardet, et quia nuda fui, sum visa paratior illi. sic ego currebam, sic me ferus ille premebat, ut fugere accipitrem penna trepidante columbae, 605 ut solet accipiter trepidas urguere columbas. usque sub Orchomenon Psophidaque Cyllenenque Maenaliosque sinus gelidumque Erymanthon et Elim currere sustinui, nec me velocior ille; sed tolerare diu cursus ego viribus inpar 610 non poteram, longi patiens erat ille laboris. per tamen et campos, per opertos arbore montes, saxa quoque et rupes et, qua via nulla, cucurri. sol erat a tergo: vidi praecedere longam ante pedes umbram, nisi si timor illa videbat; 615 sed certe sonitusque pedum terrebat et ingens crinales vittas adfiabat anhelitus oris. fessa labore fugae ‘ fer opem, deprendimur,’ inquam ‘ armigerae, Dictynna,1 tuae, cui saepe dedisti ferre tuos arcus inclusaque tela pharetra! ’ 620 mota dea est spissisque ferens e nubibus unam me super iniecit: lustrat caligine tectam amnis et ignarus circum cava nubila quaerit bisque locum, quo me dea texerat, inscius ambit et bis ‘ io Arethusa ’ vocavit, ‘ io Arethusa! ’ 625 quid mihi tunc animi miserae fuit.P anne quod agnae est, si qua lupos audit circum stabula alta frementes, aut lepori, qui vepre latens hostilia cernit ora canum nullosque audet dare corpore motus? non tamen abscedit; neque enim vestigia cernit 630 longius ulla pedum: servat nubernque locumque. occupat obsessos sudor mihi frigidus artus, caeruleaeque cadunt toto de corpore guttae, 1 Dictynna Heinsius: Diana M85‘. 280 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V on the other bank. So much the more he pressed on and burned with love; naked I seemed readier for his taking. So did I flee and so did he hotly press after me, as doves on fluttering pinions flee the hawk, as the hawk pursues the frightened doves. Even past Orchomenus,past Psophis and Cyllene, past the combs of Maenalus, chill Erymanthus and Elis, I kept my flight; nor was he swifter of foot than I. But I, being ill—matched in strength, could not long keep up my speed, while he could sustain a long pursuit. Yet through level plains, over mountains covered with trees, over rocks also and cliffs, and where there was no way at all, I ran. The sun was at my back. I saw my pursuer’s long shadow stretching out ahead of me—unless it was fear that saw it—but surely I heard the terrifying sound of feet, and his deep—pant- ing breath fanned my hair. Then, forspent with the toil of flight, I cried aloud: ‘O help me or I am caught, help thy armour-bearer, goddess of the nets, to whom so often thou hast given thy bow to bear and thy quiver, with all its'arrows! ’ The goddess heard, and threw an impenetrable cloud of mist about me. The river-god circled around me,wrapped in the darkness, and at fault quested about the hollow mist. And twice he went round the place where the god- dess had hidden me, unknowing, and twice he called, ‘ Arethusa! O Arethusa! ’ How did I feel then, poor wretch! Was I not as the lamb, when it hears the wolves howling around the fold? or the hare which, hiding in the brambles, sees the dogs’ deadly muzzles and dares not make the slightest motion? But he went not far away, for he saw no traces of my feet further on; he watched the cloud and the place. Cold sweat poured down my beleaguered limbs and the dark drops rained down from my whole body. 281 OVID quaque pedem movi, manat lacus, e‘que capillis ros cadit, et citius, quam nunc tibi facta renarro, 635 in latices mutor. sed enim cognoscit amatas amnis aquas positoque viri, quod sumpserat, ore vertitur in proprias, et se mihi misceat, undas. Delia rupit humum, caecisque ego mersa cavernis advehor Ortygiam, quae me cognomine divae 640 grata meae superas eduxit prima sub auras.” “ ‘ Hac Arethusa tenus; geminos dea fertilis angues curribus admovit frenisque coercuit ora ' et medium caeli terraeque per aera vecta est atque levem currum Tritonida misit in urbem 645 Triptolemo partimque rudi data semina iussit spargere humo, partim post tempora longa recultae. iam super Europen sublimis et Asicla terram vectus erat iuvenis: Scythicas advertitur oras. rex ibi Lyncus erat; regis subit ille penates. 650 qua veniat, causamque viae nomcnque rogatus et patriam, “ patria est clarae mihi ” dixit “ Athenae; Triptolemus nomen; veni nec puppe per undas, nec pede per terras: patuit mihi pervius aether. dona fero Cereris, latos quae sparsa per agros 655 frugiferas messes alimentaque mitia reddant.” barbarus invidit tantique ut muneris auctor ipse sit, hospitio recipit somnoque gravatum adgreditur ferro: conantem figere pectus 282 . METAMORPHOSES BOOK V Wherever I ‘put my foot a pool trickled out, and'from my hair fell the drops; and sooner than I can now tell the tale I was changed to a stream of water. But sure enough he recognized in the waters the maid he loved; and laying aside the form of a man which he had assumed, he changed back to his own watery shape to mingle with me. My Delian goddess cleft the earth, and I, plunging down into the dark depths, was borne hither to Ortygia, which I love because it bears my goddess’ name, and this first received me to the upper air.” ' “ ‘ With this, Arethusa’s tale was done. Then the goddess of fertility yoked her two dragons to her car, curbing their mouths with the bit, and rode away through the air midway between heaven and earth, until she came at last to Pallas’ city. Here she gave her fleet car to Triptolemus, and bade him scatter the seeds of grain she gave, part in the untilled earth and part in fields that had long lain fallow. And now high over Europe and the land of Asia the youth held his course and came to Scythia, where Lyncus ruled as king. He entered the royal palace. The king asked him how he came and why, what was his name and country: he said: “ My country is far—famed Athens; Triptolemus, my name. I came neither by ship over the sea, nor on foot by land; the air opened a path for me. I bring the gifts of Ceres, which, if you sprinkle them over your wide fields, will give a fruitful harvest and food not wild.” The barbaric king heard with envy. And, that he’ himself might be the giver of so great a boon, he received his guest with hospitality, and when he was heavy with sleep, he attacked him with the sword. Him, in the very act of piercing the stranger’s breast, Ceres transformed into a lynx; and back 283 OVID lynca Ceres fecit rursusque per aera iussit 660 Mopsopium iuvenem sacros agitare iugales.’ “ Finierat dictos e nobis maxima cantus; at nymphae vicisse deas Helicona colentes concordi dixere sono: convicia victae cum iacerent, ‘ quoniam ’ dixi ‘ certamine vobis 665 supplicium meruisse parum est maledictaque culpae additis et non est patientia libera nobis, ibimus in poenas et, qua vocat ira, sequemur.’ rident Emathides spernuntque minacia verba, conantesque loqui et magno clamore protervas 670 intentare manus pennas exire per ungues adspexere suos, operiri bracchia plumis, alteraque alterius rigido concrescere rostro ora videt volucresque novas accedere silvis; dumque volunt plangi, per bracchia mota levatae 675 aere pendebant, nemorum convicia, picae. Nunc quoque in alitibus facundia prisca remansit raucaque garrulitas studiumque inmane loquendi.” 284 METAMORPHOSES BOOK V through the air she bade the Athenian drive her sacred team.’ “ Our eldest sister here ended the song I have just rehearsed; then the nymphs with one voice agreed that the goddesses of Helicon had won. When the conquered sisters retorted with reviling, I made answer: ‘ Since it was not enough that you have earned punishment by your challenge and you add insults to your offence, and since our patience is not without end, we shall proceed to punishment and indulge our resentment.’ The Pierides mocked, and scorned her threatening words. But as they tried to speak, and with loud outcries brandished their hands in saucy gestures, they saw feathers sprouting on their fingers, and plumage covering their arms; each saw another’s face stifl’ening into a hard beak, and new forms of birds added to the woods. And while they strove to beat their breasts, uplifted by their flapping arms, they hung in the air, magpies, the noisy scandal of the woods. Even now in their feathered form their old-time gift of speech remains, their hoarse garrulity, their boundless passion for talk.” 285 BOOK VI LIBER VI PRAEBVERAT dictis Tritonia talibus aures carminaque Aonidum iustamque probaverat iram; tum secum: “ laudare parum est, laudemur et ipsae numina nec sperni sine poena nostra sinamus.” Maeoniaeque animum fatis intendit Arachnes, 5 quam sibi lanificae non cedere laudibus artis audierat. non illa loco nec origine gentis clara, sed arte fuit: pater huic Colophonius Idmon Phocaico bibulas tinguebat murice lanas ; occiderat mater, sed et haec de plebe suoque 10 aequa viro fuerat; Lydas tamen illa per urbes quaesierat studio nomen memorabile, quamvis orta domo parva parvis habitabat Hypaepis. huius ut adspicerent opus admirabile, saepe deseruere sui nymphae vineta Timoli, 15 deseruere suas nymphae Pactolides undas. nec factas solum vestes, spectare iuvabat tum quoque, cum fierent: tantus decor adfuit arti, sive rudem primos lanam glomerabat in orbes, seu digitis subigebat opus repetitaque longo 20 vellera mollibat nebulas aequantia tractu, sive levi teretem versabat pollice fusum, 288 BOOK VI TRITONIA had listened to this tale, and had approved of the muses’ song and their just resentment. And then to herself she said: “ To praise is not enough; let me be praised myself and not allow my divinity to be scouted without punishment.” So saying, she turned her mind to the fate of Maeonian Arachne, who she had heard would not yield to her the palm in the art of spinning and weaving wool. Neither for place of birth nor birth itself had the girl fame, but only for her skill. Her father, Idmon of Colophon, used to dye the absorbent wool for her with Phocaean purple. Her mother was now dead; but she was low-born herself, and had a husband of the same degree. Nevertheless, the girl, Arachne, had gained fame for her skill throughout the Lydian towns, although she herself had sprung from a humble home and dwelt in the hamlet of Hypaepa. Often,to watch her wondrous skill, the nymphs would leave their own vineyards on Timolus’ slopes, and the water- nymphs of Pactolus would leave their waters. And ’twas a pleasure not alone to see her finished work, but to watch her as she worked; so graceful and deft was she. Whether she was winding the rough yarn into a new ball, or shaping the stuff with her fingers, reaching back to the distaff for more wool, fleecy as a cloud, to draw into long soft threads, or giving a twist with practised thumb to the graceful spindle, or 289 OVID seu pingebat acu; scires a Pallade doctam. quod tamen ipsa negat tantaque oil‘ensa magistra I’, cusem certet ” ait “ mecum: nihil est, quod victa re- 25 Pallas anum simulat: falsosque in tempora canos addit et infirmos baculo quoque sustinet artus. tum sic orsa loqui “ non omnia grandior aetas, quae fugiamus, habet: seris venit usus ab annis. consilium ne sperne meum: tibi fama petatur inter mortales faciendae maxima lanae; cede deae veniamque tuis, temeraria, dictis supplice voce roga: veniam dabit illa roganti.” adspicit hanc torbis inceptaque fila relinquit Yixque manus retinens confessaque vultibus iram talibus obscuram resecuta est Pallada dictis: “ mentis inops longaque venis confecta senecta, et nimium vixisse diu nocet. audiat istas, si qua tibi nurus est, si qua est tibi filia, voces; consilii satis est in me mihi, neve monendo profecisse putes, eadem est sententia nobis. cur non ipsa venit? cur haec certamina vitat? ” tum dea “ venit! ” ait formamque removit anilem 3O 35 4O Palladaque exhibuit: venerantur numina nymphae Myg'donidesque nurus; sola est non territa Virgo, sed tamen exsiluit,1 subitusque invita notavit ora rubor rursusque evanuit, ut solet aer purpureus fieri, cum primum Aurora movetur, et breve post tempus candescere solis ab ortu. 1 Exsiluit Merkel: erubuit M88. 45 290 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI embroidering with her needle: you could know that Pallas had taught her. Yet she denied it, and, ofl’ended at the suggestion of a teacher ever so great, she said: “ Let her but strive with me; and if I lose there is nothing which I would not forfeit.” Then Pallas assumed the form of an old woman, put false locks of grey upon her head, took a staff in her hand to sustain her tottering limbs, and thus she began: “ Old age has some things at least that are not to be despised; experience comes with riper years. Do not scorn my advice: seek all the fame you will among mortal men for handling wool; but yield place to the goddess, and with humble prayer beg her pardon for your words, reckless girl. She will grant you pardon if you ask it.” But she re- garded the old woman with sullen eyes, dropped the threads she was working, and, scarce holding her hand from violence, with open anger in her face she answered the disguised Pallas: “ Doting in mind, you come to me, and spent with old age; and it is too long life that is your'bane. Go, talk to your daughter-in-law, or to your daughter, if such you have. I am quite able to advise myself. To show you that you have done no good by your advice, we are both of: the same opinion. Why does not your goddess come herself? Why does she avoid a contest with me? ” Then the goddess exclaimed: " She has come ! ” and throwing aside her old woman’s disguise, she revealed Pallas. The nymphs worshipped her godhead, and the Mygdonian women; Arachne alone remained unafraid, though she did start up and a sudden flush marked her unwilling cheeks and again faded: as when the sky grows crimson when the dawn first appears, and after a little while when the sun is up it pales again. Still she persists in her 29I OVID perstat in incepto stolidaeque cupidine palmae 50 in sua fata ruit; neque enim Iove nata recusat nec monet ulterius nec iam certamina difl'ert. haud mora, constituunt diversis partibus ambae et gracili geminas intendunt stamine telas: tela iugo vineta est, stamen secernit harundo, 55 inseritur medium radiis subtemen acutis, quod digiti expediunt, atque inter stamina ductum percusso feriunt insecti pectine dentes. utraque festinant cinctaeque ad pectora vestes bracchia docta movent, studio fallente laborem. 60 illic et Tyrium quae purpura sensit aenum texitur et tenues parvi discriminis umbrae; qualis ab imbre solent percussis solibus arcus inficere ingenti longum curvamine caelum; in quo diversi niteant cum mille colores, 65 transitus ipse tamen spectantia lumina fallit: usque adeo, quod tangit, idem est; tamen ultima distant. illic et lentum filis inmittitur aurum et vetus in tela deducitur argumentum. Cecropia Pallas scopulum Mavortis in arce 70 pingit et antiquam de terrae nomine litem. bis sex caelestes medio Iove sedibus altis augusta gravitate sedent; sua quemque deorum inscribit facies: Iovis est regalis imago; stare deum pelagi longoque ferire tridente 75 aspera saxa facit, medioque e vulnere saxi exsiluisse fretum, quo pignore vindicet urbem; at sibi dat clipeum, dat acutae cuspidis hastam, 292 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI challenge, and stupidly confident and eager for vic- tory, she rushes on her fate. For Jove’s daughter refuses not, nor again warns her or puts off the contest any longer. They both set up the looms in different places without delay and they stretch the fine warp upon them. The web is bound upon the beam, the reed separates the threads of the warp, the woof is threaded through them by the sharp shuttles which their busy fingers ply, and when shot through the threads of the warp, the notched teeth of the hammering slay beat it into place. They speed on the work with their mantles close girt about their breasts and move back and forth their well-trained hands, their eager zeal beguiling their toil. There are inwoven the purple threads dyed in Tyrian kettles, and lighter colours insensibly shading off from these. As when after a storm of rain the sun’s rays strike through, and a rainbow, with its huge curve, stains the wide sky, though a thousand different colours shine in it, the eye cannot detect the change from each one to the next; so like appear the adjacent colours, but the extremes are plainly different. There, too, they weave in pliant threads of gold, and trace in the weft some ancient tale. Pallas pictures the hills of Mars on the citadel of Cecrops 1 and that old dispute over the naming of the land. There sit twelve heavenly gods on lofty thrones in awful majesty, Jove in their midst; each god she pictures with his own familiar features; Jove’s is a royal figure. There stands the god of ocean, and with his long trident smites the rugged cliff, and from the cleft rock sea—water leaps forth; a token to claim the city for his own. To herself 1 Ovid here confuses the Acropolis with the Areopagus. See Herod., VIII. 55; Apollodorus, III. 14, 1. 293 OVI D dat galeam capiti, defenditur aegide pectus, percussamque sua simulat de cuspide terram 8O edere cum bacis fetum canentis olivae; mirarique deos: operis Victoria finis. ut tamen exemplis intellegat aemula laudis, quod pretium speret pro tam furialibus ausis quattuor in partes certamina quattuor addit, 85 clara colore suo, brevibus distincta sigillis: Threiciam Rhodopen habet angulus unus ct Haemom, nunc gelidos montes, mortalia corpora quondam, nomina summorum sibi qui tribuere deorum; altera Pygmaeae fatum miserabile matris 90 pars habet: hanc Iuno victam certamine iussit esse gruem populisque suis indicere bellum; pinxit et Antigonen, ausam contendere quondam cum magni consorte Iovis, quam regia Iuno in volucrem vertit, nec profuit Ilion illi 95 Laomedonve pater, sumptis quin candida pennis ipsa sibi plaudat crepitante ciconia rostro; qui superest solus, Cinyran habet angulus orbum; isque gradus templi, natarum membra suarum, amplectens saxoque iacens lacrimare videtur. 100 circuit extremas oleis pac'alibus oras, ' is modus est operisque sua facit arbore finem. Maeonis elusam designat imagine tauri Europam: verum taurum, freta vera putares; , ipsa videbatur terras spectare relictas 105 et comites clamare suas tactumque vereri adsilientis aquae timidasque reducere plantas. fecit et Asterien aquila luctante teneri, 294 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI the goddess gives a shield and a sharp—pointed spear, and a helmet for her head; the aegis guards her breast; and from the earth smitten by her spear’s point upsprings a pale-green olive-tree hanging thick with fruit; and the gods look on in wonder. Victory crowns her work. Then, that her rival may know by pictured warnings what reward she may expect for her mad daring, she weaves in the four corners of the web four scenes of contest, each clear with its own colours, and in miniature design. One corner shows Thracian Rhodope and Haemus, now huge, bleak mountains, but once audacious mortals who dared assume the names of the most high gods. A second corner shows the wretched fate of the Pygmaean queen, whom Juno conquered in a strife, then changed into a crane, and bade her war upon those whom once she ruled. Again she pictures how Antigone once dared to set herself against the consort of mighty Jove, and how Queen Juno changed her into a bird; Ilium availed her nothing, nor Laomedon, her father; nay, she is clothed in white feathers, and claps her rattling bill, a stork. The remaining corner shows Cinyras bereft of his daughters; there, embracing the marble temple- steps, once their limbs, he lies on the stone, and seems to weep. The goddess then wove around her work a border of peaceful olive—wreath. This was the end; and so, with her own tree, her task was done. Arachne pictures Europa cheated by the disguise of the bull: a real bull and real waves you would think them. The maid seems to be looking back upon the land she has left, calling on her companions, and, fearful of the touch of the leaping waves, to be drawing back her timid feet. She wrought Asterie, held by the struggling eagle; she wrought Leda, 295 OVID fecit olorinis Ledam recubare sub alis; addidit, ut satyri celatus imagine pulchram 110 Iuppiter inplerit gemino Nycteida fetu, Amphitryon fuerit, cum te, Tirynthia, cepit, aureus ut Danaen, Asopida luserit ignis, Mnemosynen pastor, varius Deoida serpens. te quoque mutatum torvo, Neptune, iuvenco 115 virgine in Aeolia posuit; tu visus Enipeus gignis Aloidas, aries Bisaltida fallis, et te fiava comas frugum mitissima mater sensit equum, sensit volucrem crinita colubris mater equi volucris, sensit delphina Melantho: 120 omnibus his faciemque suam faciemque locorum reddidit. est illic agrestis imagine Phoebus, utque modo accipitris pennas, modo terga leonis gesserit, ut pastor Macareida luserit Issen, Liber ut Erigonen falsa deceperit uva, 125 ut Saturnus equo geminum Chirona crearit. ultima pars telae, tenui circumdata limbo, nex‘ilibus fiores hederis habet intertextos. Non illud Pallas, non illud carpere Livor possit opus : doluit successu flava Virago 130 et rupit pictas, caelestia crimina, vestes, utque Cytoriaco radium de monte tenebat, ter quater Idmoniae frontem percussit Arachnes. non tul-it infelix laqueoque animosa ligavit guttura: pendentem Pallas miserata levavit 135 atque ita “ vive quidem, pende tamen, inproba ” dixit, “ lexque eadem poenae, ne sis secura futuri, dicta tuo generi serisque nepotibus esto! ” post ea discedens sucis Hecateidos herbae 296 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI beneath the swan’s wings. She added how,in a satyr’s image hidden, Jove filled lovely Antiope with twin offspring; how he was Amphitryon when he cheated thee, Alcmena; how in a golden shower he tricked Danae; Aegina, as a flame; Mnemosyne, as a shepherd; Deo’s daughter, as a spotted snake; Thee also, Neptune, she pictured, changed to a grim bull with the Aeolian maiden; now as Enipeus thou dost beget the Aloidae, as a ram deceivedst Bisaltis. The golden-haired mother of corn, most gentle, knew thee as a horse; the snake-haired mother of the winged horse knew thee as a winged bird; Melantho knew thee as a dolphin. To all these Arachne gave their own shapes and appropriate surroundings. Here is Phoebus like a countryman; and she shows how he wore now a hawk’s feathers, now a lion’s skin; how as a shepherd he tricked Macareus’ daughter, Isse; how Bacchus deceived Erigone with the false bunch of grapes; how Saturn in a horse’s shape begot the centaur, Chiron. The edge of the web with its narrow border is filled with flowers and clinging ivy intertwined. Not Pallas, nor Envy himself, could find a flaw in that work. The golden-haired goddess was ‘ in- dignant at her success, and rent the embroidered web with its heavenly crimes; and, as she held a shuttle of Cytorian boxwood, thrice and again she struck Idmonian Arachne’s head. The wretched girl could not endure it, and put a noose about her bold neck. As she hung, Pallas lifted her in pity, and said: “ Live on, indeed, wicked girl, but hang thou still; and let this same doom of punishment (that thou mayst fear for future times as well) be declared upon thy race, even to remote posterity.” So saying, as she turned to go she sprinkled her with 297 OVID sparsit: et extemplo tristi medicamine tactae 14:0 defluxere comae, cum quis et naris et aures, fitque caput minimum; toto quoque corpore parva est: in latere exiles digiti pro cruribus haerent, cetera venter habet, de quo tamen illa remittit stamen et antiquas exercet aranea telas. 145 Lydia tota fremit, Phrygiaeque per oppida facti rumor it et magnum sermonibus occupat orbem. ante suos Niobe thalamos cognoverat illam, tum cum Maeoniam Virgo Sipylumque colebat; nec tamen admonita est poena popularis Arachnes, 150 cedere caelitibus lverbisaue miII/il‘oribns uti. multa dabantwannirnzos; "se ileuiiimbnelgconiugis artes nec genus amborumwmagnique potentia regni sic placuere illi, quamvis ea cuncta placerent, ut sua progenies; et felicissima matrum ‘ 155 dicta; foretfgliobe, si non sibi visa fuisset. namlsfata Tiresia venturi praescia Manto per medias fuerat divino concita motu vaticinata vias: “ Ismenides, ite frequentes et date Latonae Latonigenisque duobus 160 cum prece tura pia lauroque innectite crinem : ' ore meo Latona iubet.” paretur, et omnes Thebaides iussis sua tempora frondibus ornant turaque dant sanctis et verba precantia flammis. Ecc'e venit comitum Niobe celeberrima turba 165 vestibus intexto Phrygiis spectabilis auro et, quantum ira sinit, formosa movensque decoro cum capite inmissos umerum per utrumque capillos: 298 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI the juices of Hecate’s herb; and forthwith her hair, touched by the poison, fell off, and with it both nose and ears; and the head shrank up; her whole body also was small; the slender fingers clung to her side as legs; the rest was belly. Still from this she ever spins a thread; and now, as a spider, she exercises her old-time weaver-art. All Lydia is in a tumult; the story spreads throughout the towns of Phrygia and fills the whole world with talk. Now Niobe, before her marriage, had known Arachne, when, as a girl, she dwelt in Maeonia, near Mount Sipylus. And yet she did not take warning by her countrywoman’s fate to give place to the gods and speak them reverently. Many , things gave her but in truth neither her hus- band's art nor. the high birth of both and their royal ' power and state so pleased her, although all those did please, as her childrenwpdid,‘ And Niobe would ‘ ~ " ‘Na’... have been callgd‘iiiost blessed of mothers, had she not seemed so to herself. For Manto, daughter of Tiresias, whose eywescould; see what was to come, had fared thr’odh’gh the streets’vofThebes inspired by divine impulse, and proclaiming to all she met: “ Women of Thebes, go throng Latona’s temple, and 1 give to her and to her children twain incense and pious prayer, wreathing your hair with laurel. By m mouth Latona speaks.” They obey; all the Theban women deck their temples with laurel wreaths and - burn incense in the altar flames, with words of prayer. But 10! comes Niobe, thronged about with a _ numerous following, a notable figure in Phrygian robes wrought with threads of gold, and beautiful as far as anger suffered her to be; and she tosses her shapely head with the hair falling on either shoulder. She halts and, drawn up to her full 299 OVIDv inmensae spectantur opesgiiacceditneodeum a 1 f1 g7‘ 5. If} t in‘ I '2”; constitita utque oculos circumtulit alta superbos. “ quis furor auditos ” inquit “ praeponere visis 170 eaelestes? aut cur colitur Latona per arasp numen adhuc sine ture meum est? mihi Tantalus auctora cui licuit soli superorum tangere mensasg Pleiadum soror est genetrix meas maximus Atlas est avusp aetherium qui fert cervicibus axemg 175 Iuppiter alter avusg socero quoque glorior illo. me gentes metuunt Phrygiae, me regia cadmi sub domina est, fidibusque mei commissa mariti moenia cum populis a meque viroque reguntur. in quamcumque domus adverti lumina partema 180 l e .-. _ ‘ ig/wL/lx "i"! ' "1="~“"“" u-II‘ lll/1 "LC! liuflltz . digna dea faeles; hue natas akellee septem et totidem iuvenes et mox generosque nurusquel v ' l ’ by: t’ - i v . in ‘,7:- T cr w aut xii-fub W’; ‘I a; Mai...’ quaerite nunca habeat quam nostra superbia eausam, rit-tg ‘ i p nescio quoque audete satam I‘ 1tan1da cgeo ,. 180 -\ rx L J "A I twk-rit . . . fsihlxfdld a'." v ~ . Patonam praeferre mihia cui maxima quondam ~ m v/ v ‘we’ exiguamsedem pariturae terra negavitl nec caelo nec humo nec aquis dea vestra recepta est : exsul erat mundip donec miserata vagantem ‘ hospita tu terris errasa ego ’ dixit ‘ in undis i 190 instabilemque locum Delos dedit. illa duorum facta parens z uteri pars haec est septima nostri. sum felix (quis enim neget hoe?) felixque manebo (hoe quoque quis dubitet P) z tutam me copia feeit. maior sum quam cui possit Portuna noeere, 195 multaque ut eripiat, multo mihi plura relinquet 300 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI hlsiiggyfllwrt,v casts her haughty eyes around and cries: . “ ’What madness this, to prefer gods whom you have only heard of to those whom you have seen? Or why is Latona worshipped at these altars, while my divinity still waits for incense? I have Tantalus . to my father, the only mortal ever allowed to touch ’1 the table of the gods; my mother is a sister of the ‘1 Pleiades; most mighty Atlas is one grandfather, . who supports the vault of heaven on his shoulders; my other grandsire is Jove himself, and I boast him as my father-in-law as well. The Phrygian nations hold me in reverent fear. I am queen of Cadmus’ royal house, and the walls of Thebes, erected by the ’ magic of my husband’s lyre, together with its people, acknowledge me and him as their rulers. Wherever I turn my eyes in the palace I see great stores of wealth. (Besides, I have beauty worthy of a goddess add to all this that I have seven- daughters and as” many sons, and soon shall have sons— and daughters- in—law. Ask now what cause I have for and then presume to prefer to me the Titaness, Latona, daughter of Coeus, whoever he may be—Latona, to whom the broad earth once refused a tiny spotwfor. - . Neither heaven nor ' bringing forth her children. earth nor sea was open for this goddess of yours; she was outlawed from the universe, until Delos, pitying the wanderer, said to her: ‘ You are a vagrant on the land; I, on the sea,’ and gave her a place that Stood never Still. Andstlierashehqre twqchildnen, the seventh part only of my offspring. Surely I am happy. Who can deny it? And happy I shall remain. This also who can doubt? My very abundance has made me safe. I am too great for Fortune to harm; though she should take many from me, still many more will she leave to me. My blessings have ~__/ 301 OVID excessere metum mea iam bona. fingite demi huic aliquid populo natorum posse meorum: non tamen ad numerum redigar spoliata duorum, Latonae turbam, qua quantum distat ab orba? 200 ite—sat est—propere sacris laurumque capillis ponite! ”——deponunt et sacra infecta relinquunt, quodque licet, tacito venerantur murmure numen. Indignata dea est summoque in vertice Cynthi talibus est dictis gemina cum prole locuta: 205 “ en ego vestra parens, vobis animosa creatis, et nisi Iunoni nulli cessura dearum, an dea sim, dubitor perque omnia saecula cultis arceor, o nati, nisi vos succurritis, aris. _ nec dolor hic solus; diro convicia facto 210 Tantalis adiecit vosque est postponere natis ausa suis et me, quod in ipsam reccidat, orbam dixit et exhibuit linguam scelerata paternam.” adiectura preces erat his Latona relatis : “ desine! ” Phoebus ait, “ poenae mora longa querella est! " ' 215 dixit idem Phoebe, celerique per aera lapsu contigerant tecti Cadmeida nubibus arcem. Planus erat lateque patens 'prope moenia campus, adsiduis pulsatus equis, ubi turba rotarum duraque mollierat subiectas ungula glaebas. 220 pars ibi de septem genitis Amphione fortes conscendunt in equos Tyrioque rubentia suco terga premunt auroque graves moderantur habenas. e quibus Ismenus, qui matri sarcina quondam 3°? METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI banished fear. Even suppose that some part of this tribe of children could be taken from me, not even so despoiled would I be reduced to thewnurnber of two, Latona’s throng, with which how far is she from childlessness? Away with you, hasten, you have sacrificed enough, and take off those laurels from your hair.” They take off the wreaths and leave the sacrifice unfinished ; but, as they may,:they still worship the goddess with unspoken words. ~ The goddess was angry, and on the top of Cynthu’g; '» , . ,1 she thus addressed Apollo and Diana; “ LO’ I’ your‘ mother, proud of your birth and willing to yield place to no goddess save Juno only, I have had my divinity called in question; and through all coming ages I shall be denied worship at the altar, unless you, my children, come to my aid. Nor is this my only cause for resentment. This daughter of Tan- talus has added insult to her injuries : she has dared to prefer her own children to you, and has called me childless—may that fall on her head !—and by her impious speech has displayed her father’s unbridled tongue.” To this story of her wrongs Latona would have added prayers; but here Phoebus cried: “ Have done! a long complaint is but delay of punishment! ” . Rhoehe said the same. Then, swiftly gliding through the air, they alighted on Cadmus’ citadel, covered in clouds. , There was a broad and level plain near the walls, beaten by the constant tread of horses, where a host of wheels and the hard hoof had levelled the clods beneath them. There some of Amphion’s seven sons mounted their strong horses, sitting firm on their backs bright with Tyrian purple, and guided them with rich gold—mounted bridles. While one of these, f'nenusQ who was his mother’s first-born son, 303 OVID .._11iibe fugit visa pendentiaque undique Feat-,6 p'rima suae fuerat, dum certum flectit in orbem ‘ 225 quadripedis cursus spumantiaque ora coercet, “ ei mihi! ” conclamat medioque in pectore fixa tela gerit frenisque manu moriente remissis in latus a dextro paullatim defluit armo. proximus audito sonitu per image pharetrae a '1 230 frena dabat Sipylus, veélllfti ' ~~ i't'uk, carbasa deducit, ne qua 1evis efHuat aura: frena tamen dantem non evitabile telum con'sequitur, summaque tremens cervice sagitta 235 haesit, et exstabat nudum de gutture ferrum; Aille, ut erat, pronus, per crura admissa iubasque volvitur et calido tellurem sanguine foedat. Phaedimus infelix et aviti nominis heres Tantalus, ut solito finem inposuere labori, 240 transierant ad opus nitidae iuvenale palaestrae; et iam contulerant arto luctantia nexu pectora pectoribus; cum tento concita nervo, sicut erant iuncti, traiecit utrumque sagitta. ingemuere simul, simul incurvata dolore 245 rhembra solo posuere, simul suprema iacentes lumina versarunt, animam simul exhalarunt. adspicit Alphenor laniataque pectoraplangens advolat, ut-gelidos conplexibus adlevetartus, '- inque pio cadit officio; nam Delius illi 250 intima fatifero rupit praecordia ferro. quod simul eductum est, pars et 'pulmonis in hamis eruta cumque anirna cruor est efFusus in auras. at non intonsum simplex Damasichthona vulnus 304 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI was guiding his charger’s course round the curving track and pulling hard on the foaming bit, “ Ah me!” he cried, and, with an arrow fixed in his .' breast, he dropped the reins froFiIhisédyjingghands and slowly‘sanksidewise downtothe earth over his , horse’s rightmshoulder. Next, hearing through the " void air the sound of the rattling quiver, gave full rein;[.Ts when a shipmaster, consciousjof :1" an approaching storm, flees at the sight of a cloud and crowds on all sail that he may catch each pass— ing breeze.‘ He gave full rein, and as he gave it the arrow that none may escape overtook him, and the shaft stuck guivering in his neck; while the iron point showed from his throat in front. e, leaning , forward, as he was, pitched over the galloping horse’s mane and legs, and stained, the___ground___wi_th his warm blood.) Unhappy and Tantalus}; who bore his grandsire’s name, when they ffad .I finished their wonted task had passed to the youth- ' ful exercise of the shining wrestling—match. 'And now they were straining together, breast to breast, in close embrace, when an arrow, sped from the drawn bow, pierced them both just as they stood clasped together. They groaned together; together theygfellwmithing in painiothe ground ; . toget Her as they lay they’moved their dying eyes ; together they‘ ' breathed their last. _@saw them die, and beating his breast in agony,"he ran to lift up their cold bodies in his arms; and in this pious duty he fell; for Apollo pierced him through the 'midriff with death—dealing steel. When this was removed, a piece of his lungs was drawn out sticking to the ’ barbs, and his life—blood came rushing forth into . ~_-\...~-.»_._ the air. But gonewwound was not all that pierced youthful (Damasichth'on; He was struck where the VOL. I. L 305’ OVID I. .f' ' adficit: ictus erat, qua crus esse incipit et qua 255 mollia nervosus facit internodia poples. dumque manu temptat trahere exitiabile telum, altera per iugulum pennis tenus acta sagitta est. expulit hanc sanguis seque eiaculatus in altum emicat et longe terebrata prosilit aura. 260 ultimus Ilioneus non profectura precando bracchia sustulerat “ di ” que “ o communiter omnes,” dixerat ignarus, non omnes esse rogandos “ parcite! ” motus erat, cum iam revocabile telum non fuit, arcitenens; minimo tamen occidit ille 265 ,; syulnere, non alte percusso corde sagitta. ‘ '‘ Fama populique dolor lacrimaeque suorum tam subitae matrem certam fecere ruinae, mirantem potuisse irascentemque, quod ausi hoc essent superi, quod tantum iuris haberent; 270 nam pater Amphion ferro per pectus adacto finierat moriens pariter- cum luce dolorem. heu! quantum haec Niobe Niobe distabat- ab illa, quae modo Latois populum submoverat aris et mediam tulerat gressus resupina per urbem 275 invidiosa suis; at nunc miseranda vel hosti! corporibus gelidis incumbit et ordine nullo oscula dispensat natos suprema per omnes; a quibus ad caelum liventia bracchia tollens _ “ pascere, crudelis, nostro, Latona, dolore, 280 pascere " ait “ satiaque meo tua pectora luctu! corque ferum satia! ” dixit. “ per funera septem 1‘ He ~eror :J/ex‘sultmvictrixque inimica triumpha! "du’i'wli'i‘tem Vic‘t 5miserae mihi plura supersunt, \ quatn tibi felici; post 'i'atfitt‘qile funera vinfico’l" 285 1 Line 282 bracketed by Ehwald. i I, H3," :1. ‘ 306 METAMORPHOSES BOOK VI lower leg just begins, and where the sinews of the hough give a soft spot; and while he was trying to draw out the fatal shaft with his hand, a second arrow was driven clear to the feathers through his throat. \T he blood drove it forth and gushing out spurted high in air in a long, slender stream.