APR 27 1923 Şerial No. 224 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY ال E. LESTER JONES, Director ENGINEERING LIBRARY QB 296 ,062 07 058 DIGEST OF GEODETIC PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY RESULTING FROM SURVEYS IN THE STATE OF OREGON TRIANGULATION, LEVELING, AND VARIATION OF COMPASS DEPARTMENT * UNITED OF COMMERCE STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 CURRY 124 LINCOLN TILLAMOOK LANE COOS 124 1230 1220 CLATSOP YAMHILL POLK BENTON DOUGLAS COLUMBIA WASH 1219 OREGON SCALE-STATUTE MILES 0 10 20 30 40 80 HOOD RIVER MULTNOMAN CLACKAMAS WASCO MARION JEFFERSON LINN JOSE PHINE JACKSON GILLIAM SHERMAN CROOK DESCHUTES KLAMATH LAKE 123 122 1219 Magnetic Stations 120° 1130 118 UMATILLA MORROW WHEELER GRANT HARNEY 1200 119 Precise Leveling UNION MALHEUR 1100 WALLOWA BAKER 117° 117° C&6SPrint A224 www.Triangulation DIGEST OF GEODETIC PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY RESULTING FROM SURVEYS IN THE STATE OF OREGON. The branch of the Government now known as the Coast and Geodetic Survey was authorized by act of Congress in 1807, under the administration of President Thomas Jefferson. From then until the seventies the work of the bureau was confined almost wholly to surveys of the coasts of the United States necessary to produce nautical charts. To fix the geographic positions for these charts, it was necessary to establish points of control, and, incident to this, geodetic surveys were made of the east and west coasts of continental United States. These included base measurements, tri- angulation, astronomic observations, leveling, magnetic observations, etc. In 1871 the duties of the bureau were broadened to include the making of geodetic surveys of the interior of the country which should serve to connect the triangu- lation on which the coast charts of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts were based, as well as to establish a geodetic control for mapping and surveying projects in the interior of the country, and in 1878 the name of the then Coast Survey was changed to Coast and Geodetic Survey. In the interval between 1871 and the present time this work has extended in some of its branches to every State in the Union. While these surveys serve as the frame- work for large mapping and surveying projects throughout the country, as well as to determine State and national boundaries, there is no reason why the data resulting from them when the points are within available distance should not be used for local projects. Indeed, economy of effort in making local surveys will follow if advantage is taken of previously established standard points of control because they are basic, and where local surveys intervene between these standard controls there is a check on the accuracy of the local work. In mapping a small area of the earth's surface a high degree of accuracy is not gener- ally attempted in establishing the geographic position of the initial points. The result is that where it attempted to join several such small maps together into a homo- geneous whole it would be found that there was a certain degree of inaccuracy which would result in overlaps, gaps, and offsets. This is a problem that is often met where independent small projects are undertaken to be joined later into a continuous map. The reasons are that the areas covered are small and not coordinated to a scheme of triangulation embracing the whole country. Similar difficulties follow where small leveling projects are based on independent and arbitrary datums. In addition to the gaps and overlaps that develop when areas independently mapped, each based on local and generally arbitrarily selected controls, are joined together there is a more serious outcome, in that positions must be recomputed from time to time as adjustments are made and different arbitrary standards are adopted until finally a proper standard is developed. The purpose of this leaflet is to make available to those engaged in local surveying projects and others the results of the standard data established by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, so there will be an economy of effort in carrying on local surveys and saving of expense in their recomputation at later dates. For the reason that the systems of triangulation and leveling by the Coast and Geodetic Survey extend over wide areas, the publications containing these data are not confined to any one State in the Union, but generally contain results for many States. To get this information in compact form, this leaflet has been prepared. It contains a digest of the work of the bureau in the State of Oregon. In it are shown the places where observations have been made and, by tabulation, the publication of the bureau containing the (1) 2 results. It is not the purpose to present in this paper an exhaustive citation of all the uses to which these data can be put. Their uses are obvious to the engineering profession, and therefore the main purpose of this summary is to make known their existence and how and where they are available. TRIANGULATION. The advantages of determining the positions of even farm and ranch boundary monuments by triangulation are not, it is believed, fully appreciated. However, they are obvious when it is considered that the exact positions of such monuments can be redetermined by triangulation though the monuments be absolutely destroyed. This is not necessarily true of boundary monuments that depend for their redetermi- nation on the continued existence of the stones, trees, stumps, etc., that mark them. While the initial cost in most instances, where standard data are within available distance, of basing even farm and ranch surveys on points established by triangulation connected with standard controls would possibly be greater than to base them on natural objects determined only by compass bearings, the assertion is ventured with confidence that the ultimate cost would be much less if we take into consideration the necessity for surveys from time to time and the uncertainty resulting from ina- bility to relocate lost corners, with consequent litigation costs, etc. Triangulation stations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey on the coast and in the interior of the country are used more and more in controlling maps and surveys, and also as monuments in private-property surveys. The latter is especially true in the State of Massachusetts. The increased use of triangulation stations for this purpose is urged upon engineers and surveyors in work involving the location and perpetuation of private-property lines or boundaries. the ELEVATIONS ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (PRECISE LEVELS). With the increased demands for accurate topographic maps of the country, wonderful extension of our good-roads movement, the extension of the railroads, and the development of river, irrigation, canal, and drainage projects, the net of precise. leveling that has been partly extended over the country by this bureau affords bases for local projects that it is feared are not fully known and taken advantage of by those interested. There are in most States of the Union lines of precise levels that are determined with the highest degree of precision. These are all based on the same datum plane (mean sea level), and where they are within available distance to use as the standard for local leveling projects enable the local surveyor to base his elevations on a standard datum and afford an invaluable check on the local work if it intervenes between two or more of these standard leveling bench marks. VARIATION OF COMPASS. All civil engineers are familiar with the use of the surveyor's compass, but many are not aware of the fact that this bureau has made a magnetic survey of the United States, which includes the determination of the magnetic declination (variation of the compass) at nearly every county seat in the country. The true meridian has been marked at many of these stations, and at all of them the true bearings of several prominent objects from the station have been determined and recorded. All users of the surveyor's compass should determine the compass correction at least once a year at one of these stations. To reestablish old boundary lines run originally by compass, of which the boundary marks have been lost, it is necessary to know the change in the magnetic declination between the date of the original survey and the resurvey. As a result of its investigation this bureau is prepared to supply information on this subject from the date of the earliest available observations to the present time for any locality in the United States. 3 PUBLICATIONS. The data resulting from the geodetic surveys by this bureau in the State of Oregon are contained in numerous publications that have been issued by this bureau. To enable an intelligent selection of a publication containing data of local interest, the counties of the State of Oregon are listed in alphabetical order, and by a tabular ar- rangement are shown the publications containing the triangulations and leveling data for the State of Oregon and the pages in the publications where the data will be found. TITLES OF PUBLICATIONS. umns. "" In the tabulation that follows the titles of the publications are at the tops of the col- There is one publication entitled "Special Publication No. 18" that contains all the elevations above sea level (in feet and meters) of stations in the State of Oregon (at the head of the first column) and the same publication contains descriptions of the precise level stations in Oregon; there are four publications that contain all the triangulation data for the State of Oregon, entitled "Special Publication No. 13, "Special Publication No. 31," "Special Publication No. 74," and "Special Publica- tion No. 84." For example, if an engineer is interested in the elevation and descrip- tion of the precise leveling station at Baker City, Oreg., in Baker County, he will turn to Baker County in the alphabetical arrangement of the counties, and the tabula- tion shows that the elevation of this station is shown on page 132 of Special Publica- tion No. 18 and that its description is found on page 179 of the same publication. Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Descrip- Eleva- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Baker: *Baker. Baker City. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 132 179 • Beaver... 26 • Durkee. 132 178, 179 Encina.. 132 179 Haines. 132 179 *Homestead. *Huntington 132 178 Hutchinson 132 179 Ireland Mountain, lookout cupola. Maxwell. 31 27 Medical 27 Norton.. 132 179 Pleasant Valley 132 179 Powder 27 *Sumpter. - Unity. Benton: Weatherby. Wingville 132 179 132 178 132 179 *Corvallis. Mary Umatilla, 43 R. (U.S. E.). 27 105 31 Clackamas: *Estacada. *Oregon City. Clatsop: Alderbrook (U.S. E.)……. Aldrich.. Astor Point. 88888888 Astoria... Astoria (U.S.E.). Bear (U.S. E.). 98 83 83 98 98 1 Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 4 Levels (elevations above mean Triangulation; description of stations. sea level). County and place. Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Publi- Publi- Special cation Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Boom. Bugby Hole Eccentric... Callendar. Cathlamet Point. Condit. Dexter. Dunce. Flagstaff.. Fort Stevens longitude.. Gearhart.. Goodwin. Grimes.. Gum (U.S. E.). Hunts Mill Point. Indian Point... Islet 1.. Islet 2.. Jetty A. Jetty B. Jetty C... Jetty D. Jetty E Jetty F.. John Day Point... Lake. Ledge. Loomis. Marsh (U.S. E.). Meadow. Morrison Mouth... Mud.. Old Tongue (U.S. E.)………… Pinnacle Rock. Point Adams.. Quinn... Raspberry (U.S. E.)………. Rivulet.. Sands.. Seal (U. S. E.)….. Seaside House, cupola.... Settlers Point. Sherman... Smith (U.S. E.)……. Shortis chimney. Smith Point. Snag (U.S. E.). Tansy Point, 2.. Taylor. Ten.. Tenasillihee. Tillamook Head.. Tongue (U. S. E.).. Tongue Point Neck. Water... Welch.. West end of jetty…….. Westport.. Columbia: Adams. Bluff (U.S. E.)………. Bradbury. Bourne (U.S. E.).. Carr.. Clatskine.. Coffin Rock (U. S. E.) Connell, 2 (U.S. E.). Curve (U.S. E.)…. Cut D (U.S. E.). D1 (U.S. E.) D3 (U.S. E.). D 5 (U.S. E.).. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 111 98 112 83 112 112 112 112 • 82 112 111 112 97 83 83 • 112 112 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 112 112 112 97 112 111 • 98 • 88 98 112 83 83 88 • 112 • • 87 97 112 98 111 98 97 • 82 98 82 87 88 98 107 87 98 87 98 97 83 99 89 88 84 85 84 89 · 91 88 90 92 89 89 89 5 Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- tions; Descrip- tions; Special Special Special Publi- Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Columbia-Continued. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. D 7 (U.S. E.). 89 D9 (U.S. E.). 89 Dead Willow (U.S. E.). 93 Dock.. 90 Dock (U. S. E.)……. 89,91 E (U.S. E.). 93 Eleven (U.S. E.). 92 Rinearson. Table Cliff. Five, 2 (U. S. E.). Flat.. Galloway Gobles Point.. Grassy (U. S. E.).. Greens Point……. Gruber.. H4 (U.S. E.)..... H 62 (U. S. E.).. H 82 (U. S. E.). H 142 (U. S. E.) H 162 (U. S. E.). H 20 (U. S. E.). H 22 (U. S. E. H 24 (U. S. E.).... H 262 (U. S. E…..)………… H 28 (U. S. E.)………. H 302 (U. S. E.)…….. Holland.. Howell.. Hunter. Knight.. Lemont. Maple Hill.. Meadows. Merrill. Mill (U. S. E.). Nelson.. Nine (U. S. E.)…. Old. Old Orchard……. One, 2 (U. S. E.)…………. *Rainier. Rainier, 2 (U. S. E.)……… Ridge (U. S. E.).. *St. Helens. Scappoose. Seven, 2 (U. S. E.)........ Skunk Cabbage Ridge.. Slue. Stoughton. Tangent (U. S. E.). W 6 (U. S. E)... W 82 (U. S. E).. W 102 (U. S. E.)……. W 122 (U. S. E.).. W 14 (U. S. E.) W 16 (U. S. E.) Wallaces Island. Warren. Warrior (U. S. E.). Warriors Point... 92 90 85 85 93 .... 84 ► 98 92 92 91 91 91 91 91 99 90 90 89 99 95 85 90 • 99 85 100 85 88 100 92 90 99 92 84 • 89 . 93 84 86 92 99 ... 90 84 86 88 94 94 93 93 • 93 93 99 30, 85, 86 92 100 84 Woods. Crook: *Paulina. *Prineville. Coos: Barker (U. S. E.) Bennett. Bill. Bluff (U. S. E.)………… Boliver Branch. Camas. 123 108 111 • 122 108 122 108 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 6 Levels (elevations above mean Triangulation; description of stations. sea level). County and place.¹ Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Coos Continued. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Camas (U. S. G. S.). 111 Cathcart. 108 Cemetery. 121 Charleston, 2……. Coos. Coos Bay, north base..... Coos Bay, south base. Coos Head, 3.. Coos River Hill. *Coquille... Cotton. Crawford Point (U. S. E.)……. Curve (U. S. E.) Dewey. Empire, 3. 122 122 121 121 121 122 111 122 122 120 121 Empire Dock (U. S. E.). Fossil, 2... 122 121 Grass Grass Mound (U. S. E.)……. Grove.. Hay Barn (U. S. E.). Haynes Henderson. Henderson (U. S. E.). Hutchinson, 2.. Island (U. S. E.).. Isthmus, 2.. Jarvis (Ú. S. E.)………… Jetty.. 122 122 121 122 122 121 122 · 121 122 122 122 121 Johnson... 108 Loggie.. 122 Lookout Point (U. S. E.). 122 · Mabry. 120 Mabry (U. S. E.). 122 Marsh.. Marsh (U. S. E. · 122 122 Marshfield Hill. Midway... Midway Point (U. S. E.). Mill.. 108 121 122 120 Nelson (U. S. E.) Noah. North Bend.. 122 108 120 North Bend (U. S. E.)……. 122 Ocean.. Pest. Pierce. North Slough, 89.. North Spit.... Pigeon, 2.... Pony. 120 121 121 121 120 121 120 Pony Point (U. S. E.)……. 122 Porter. 120 Ridge. 120 Ridge, 2... 121 Ross. 122 Russell.. 120 Sand Beach (U. S. E.). Simpson 122 • 120 Stave Mill (U. S. E.)…… 122 Sugar.. 108 Telegraph... 121 Timmerman 121 Tophet. 121 Violet. 122 Westport.. 108 White Point, 3.. 120 Curry: Acorn. 125 Arch Rock……. 123 Arch Rock Summit. 123 Bald. 109 Bare Ridge.. 126 - ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the place indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 7 Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- tions; Descrip- tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Curry-Continued. Barnacle Rock. Bellevue. Bench.. Best Rock.. Black Mound. Black Point.. Bluff.. Bosley Bush Mound.. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 125 124 125 123 124 125 123, 124 109 Burnt Point 124 124 Butler. Cape. Cooley. Cove. Cove Island 109 108 126 124 124 Cresswell... Craggy. Crook. Crooks Hill. Crooks Point. Deep Gulch.. Dolan.. Dune.. 125 109 124 124 123 125 123 124 Edison. Elk. 111 110, 125 Fairview. Fence.. Flat Knoll. *Gold Beach. Green Hill Grizzly. Heads. Head Island……… Henderson . Hidden.. High Mound. *Langlois.. Lookout. Loma. Lone Knob 124 ... 126 125 125 109 109 125 126 • 125 124 124 - 124, 125 125 Low Point Macks Point. Madden. Miller. New. 125 124 109 125 125 North Chetko…. North Windchuck. Oregon-California Boundary Monument Otto.. Pack Saddle. 126 126 126 126 110 Pine Hill.. Pistol River.. 123, 126 124 Pollywog.. Port Orford Astronomical, 2…………. Port Orford, south base.. Red Bush.. 110 109 123 125 Red Mount. 124 Red Point. Red Rock.. Ridge Knob.……… Rocky Butte... Rocky Prairie.. Sand Flower Sand Hill. Sandy Point. San Sebastian. Schumaker... Seal Point. Sixes.. Smith Hill 126 123 124 126 124 124 125 125 123 124 125 109 124 Snodgrass. Sister Knob... 124 124 Squirrel. 109 Stack. 109 1 Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 23419-23————— -2 ဇာ 8. Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.. Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation I cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Curry-Continued. Sundown. • Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page: 123 Sundown, 2. 109 Taylor. 125 Thomas Hill. 125 Thomas Point. 125 125 Trail. Deschutes: *Bend. *Lapine. *Sisters. Douglas: Beach. Bench. Black. Brushy Hill, 2. Burg. • • Burn.. Cab.. *Canyonville. Dean.. *Elkton *Glendale. *Oakland. Onion.. *Reedsport.. Roman. Rose. *Roseburg. Roseburg latitude station. Sand hill, 2.. Schooner • Scott. Trail. White.. · Wind. White.. Yellow Gilliam: *Blalock · *Condon. *Toby - Grant: *Canyon City Harney: *Burns. Burns bench mark C, 19.. Crow. *Denio.. *Diamond Iron.. Jack. Juniper Riddle. • Wagontire. Hood River: Cascade. End. 120 119 26 119 35 106 120 106 26 :: 108 26 105 • 34 35 120 106 26 106 107 119 26 26 Chinidere. *Hood River.. Locks.. Lookout. Jackson: Central Point astronomic station. 34 Central Point latitude station.. *Jacksonville. Rust... 34 26 Soda. 25 25 Sterling. Jefferson: *Culver Josephine: *Grants Pass. Preston Peak. Second peak north of Preston Peak. · 29 104 29 104 105 29 111 111 18 21 18 ∞ 2008 21 19 19 18 19 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 9 Klamath: Aspen. *Bly. Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 21 *Fort Klamath.. Gearhart. *Klamath Falls. , Klamath Falls, bench mark A, 15…. Yonna. Lake: Cougar. Crane. Diablo. Dog.. Drake.. Grays. Hart. *Lake View... Lakeview bench mark M, 16……… *Paisley... Paisley, north base.. Paisley, south base.. *Plush. • Round. *Silver Lake. White.. Lane: Baptist Church spire, Eugene. Cannery Hill. Cape.. *Cottage Grove.. Courthouse flagpole, Eugene. Deady Hall, west tower.. *Eugene. Eugene astronomic station…. Fairview. Geary School spire, Eugene. Green. Head. Heceta. *Junction City. Loaf. Maple. · Methodist Church spire, Eugene.. *Oakridge.. Patterson Church spire, Eugene.. Pisgah.. Plateau. Rauch Ridge. Seavies, 2.. Seavies (U. S. G. S.).. Snag. Spencer. Springfield Methodist Church Springfield Christian Church. Spur.. Tree. Sugar Loaf, 2………… Turn…. United Brethern Church spire, Eugene. W. O.W.Hall spire, Eugene. Willamette, north base.. Willamette, south base……… Lincoln: Alder. Apple. 35 119 106 35 • 35 29 • 26 106 35 119 119 119 • 119 106 35 26 35 35 119:190 NE2:848 35 28 119 27 27 35 119 119 119 119 119 35 35 28 27,28 21 19 19 :22 2222222 :& 21 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 Bald. Bend.. Boone. Caf.. Can. Case... City. Clay.. Cummins. • 118 118 106 116 117 116 117 116 118 117 106 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 10 Levels (elevations above mean Triangulation; description of stations. sea level). County and place.¹ Eleva- tions; Descrip- tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- cation Publi- Publi- cation Publi- cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Lincoln-Continued. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Cut.. Dark.. Dead. Dike. Dune.. Et.. Field.. Flat. Grass.. Gravel.. High. Hill.. Hint. Hump · · Iron.. 117 118 118 118 118 116 • 118 118 Foulweather. 106 118 117 118 117 • 116 118 106 Jet.. 115 King. 117 Last.. Launch Life.. 118 118 110 Log. Low.. Mack... Made... Mill. Mud. Near. Nye.. 116 117 115 116 117 116 117 118 Out.. Pile... 116 117 Pine. Port.. Quill. Rail.. Red.. Road. Salmon. Saw.. Sea... Shade. Shelf. Shell. 117 115 116 117 117 116 107 118 118 118 117 117 Slip. 117 • Slope... Slue... Soap. Soft. Spit... Stream.. Stump Table. Water.. Wharf.. Wire. Wise. 117 117 118 116 117 118 - • 116 106 116 117 115 116 Yaq.. *Yaquina. Yaquina, east base.. Yaquina, west base.. Linn: 116 116 116 *Albany. Peterson. Twin.. Malheur: B. M. G... Beulah. *Brogan. Dry. Freezeout. Idaho-Oregon Boundary Monument... *Juntura. *McDermitte.. 27 27 30 18 26 18 30 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 11 Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- tions; Special Special Descrip- tions; Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Malheur-Continued. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Mitchell. 30 *Ontario. Precise level B. M. G... 30 Sharp.. 19 Star.. 18 *Vale.. 18 Marion: *Detroit... Hult. 29 *Salem. Morrow: Ella.... Arbuckle.... 31 28 *Heppner. Stanfield, west base. 28 Multnomah: Angel. 103 Balch. 36 87 Barnes. 29 86 Bartlett's barn, north gable. 105 Bonneville. 104 Bouser. 86 Bradford. 105 Brush 103 Caples.. 95 Cliff.. 103 Cloniger.. 100 Crest. 101 Corbett... 105 Dike (U.S. E.). 96 Dodson. 104 Eagles Bluff. 103 Fifty-six, 2 (U. S. E.).. Forty-five (U. S. E.).. Eight (U.S. E.).. Eighteen (U. S. E.) Eleven (U. S. E.)……… End. Federal, east wireless. Federal, west wireless. Fifteen (U. S. E.)……. Fifty, 2 (U. S. E.)... Fifty-eight, 2 (U.´S. E.). Fifty-five, 2 (U. S. E.). Fifty-four, 2 (U. S. E.) Fifty-one, 2 (U. S. E.) Fifty-nine, 2 (U. S. E.)... Fifty-seven, 2 (U. S. E.). Fifty-three, 2 (U. S. É.). Fifty-two, 2 (U. S. E.). Fishers Wharf, southeast pile. Five (U. S. E.). Forty (U. S. E.). Forty-eight, 2 (Ú. S. E.)……. Forty-five, 2 (U. S. E.)... Forty-four (U. S. E.). 97 97 97 95 101 101 97 96 96 96 96 96 • 96 96 96 96 96 105 97 96 96 96 96 96 Forty-nine, 2 (U. S. E.)……. Forty-one (U. S. E.). 96 96 Forty-seven (U. S. E.) Forty-six, 2 (U. S. E.). Forty-three (U. S. E.). Forty-two (U. S. E.). Four (U.S. E.).... Four, 2 (U. S. E.).. Fourteen (U. S. É.). Gatton. Harlow Hayden. Hazel. Hillside. 96 96 96 96 97 94 97 95 102 102 95 101 Hoffmans Hill Hood. Howell House, east chimney. 96 102 101 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 12 Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation No. 13, No. 31. cation No. 74. cation No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Multnomah-Continued. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Jewetts (U. S. E.)………… 94 Kaiser. 95 King.. 96 Larch. 29 Linton.. 95 Mann. 101 Mud. Oregonian. Pen... Mills.. Monument, General Land Survey Morgan. Morgans, 2 (U. S. E.)……. Nine (U. S. E.) Nineteen, 2 (U. S. E.). Oak Ridge. Oneonta. P (Ū. S. E.).. *Portland.. Portland latitude station. Portland longitude station. Potter. Quigley. R (U.S. E.). Railroad.. Rauer... River. Rocky Butte... St. John. Sand. 101 35 87 ... 100 94 94 97 90 100 104 36 87 • 96 • 95 36 36 95 101 96 103 102 35 87 36 86 95 95 School. Scott. 94 • 95 Seven (U. S. E.). Seventeen, 2 (U. S. E.). Shaw. Shepard.. Sherringhousen. Sixteen (U. S. E.)……. Springville. 97 90 101 103 100 97 95 • Stansbury. T (U. S. E.) 101 • 96 Taggarts Bluff. Ten (U. S. E.) Thirteen, 2 (U. S. E.)………… Thirty (U. S. E.). Thirty-eight (U.S. E.). Thirty-eight, 2 (U. S. E.). Thirty-five (U. S. E.). Thirty-four (U. S. E.). Thirty-nine, 2 (U. S. E.)…….. Thirty-one (U. S. E.). Thirty-seven (U. S. E.) Thirty-six (U. S. E.). Thirty-three (U. S. E.)... Thirty-two (U. S. E.). Thistle.. Tibbetts. Twelve (U. S. E.).. Twenty-eight (U. S. E.). Twenty-five (U. S. E.). Twenty-four (U. S. E.). Twenty-four, 2 (U. S. E.). . Twenty-nine (U. S. E.). Twenty-one (U. S. E.).. Twenty-seven (U.S. E.). 102 97 90 97 96 96 · 96 96 96 97 96 96 97 97 .101 96 97 97 97 97 90 97 97 97 90 97 97 94 94 94 104 95 Twenty-six, 2 (U. S. E.) Twenty-three (U.S. E.). Twenty-two (U. S. E.). Two, 2 (U. S. E.). W 4,2 (U. S. E.) W 2, 2 (U. S. E.). Warren. Waud. E.)... ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the place indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 13 Levels (elevations above mean Triangulation; description of stations. sea level). County and place.¹ Eleva- tions; Descrip- tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. No. 74. No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Multnomah—Continued. Watts.. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 95 86 Willamet. Williams. 105 101 101 Y. M. C. A., east wireless.. Y. M. C. A., west wireless. Polk: *Dallas. *Yam. Sherman: John. *Moro. - Tillamook: Alder Point.. Bailey Point. Barnhart Beach. Bend. Boulder Point. Bozley. Brush. Buckhorn. Buzzard Butte. Carlton. Cascade. Crag. Craven. Doty. Drift. Falcoln. Faulconer. Fern Hill Foley. Fishery. Flat. 29 29 115 113 115 114 113 107 114 113 115 · 107 111 107 107 114 113 115 112 115 114 107 · 111 • 113, 114 Fletcher Gage.. Gage B. Ginger. Goose. Grass. Green Bluff. Green Hill, 2……. Hardy Rock. Hebo.. Horseshoe Dune. Keaton. Landing. Log. Miami. Middle. *Mohler. Mud.. Mullaney Neahkahnie. Nestugga. Nestugga Bay, northwest base. Nestugga Bay, southeast base.. *Pacific City. Pitcher Point. Point. Pyramid Rock. Red Rock. Redwood. Round Top.. Sand. Sand, 1908. Sand Dune. Sand Hill. Sheep Hill Shell Point. Shersinger. Shortridge. Slough... 114 114 114 107 114 114 114 113 115 107 115 111 111 113 107 113 113 115 107 114 115 115 113 • 111, 114 113 115 111 114 113 113 115 113 114 107 114 115 113 ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor- mation see note, p. 14. 14 3 Levels (elevations above mean sea level). Triangulation; description of stations. County and place.¹ Eleva- Descrip- tions; tions; Special Special Special Special Special Special Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- Publi- cation cation cation cation No. 13. No. 31. cation No. 74. cation No. 84. No. 18. No. 18. Tillamook—Continued. Spit... Spruce. Stump Talbert. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 113 115 113 • 115 *Tillamook. Tillamook Bay, east base..... Tillamook Bay, west base. Vine Maple... Umatilla: *Albee. Alkali (U. S. G. S.). • 113 113 114 Big Hill. • • Bingham Springs (Gibbon) 133 181 Birch. Cayuse. 133 181 Echo.. Fulton. 133 181 Gravel. Helix. 133 182 Job. Laurila... 28828 27 27 28 31 28 28 McCormack. Meacham. 133 182 133 180, 181 Mission. 133 181 North Fork. 133 181 *Pendleton... 133 181 Ring (formerly Canon). 133 182 Smeltz (formerly Kellean Junction). 133 182 Stanfield, east base 28 Stanfield, west base. 28 Stanton. 133 182 Tower. 31 *Umatilla. Umatilla, 44 L (U. S. E.)………. 31 Warren. 133 182 Union: *Elgin. Emily. 27 Fanny 27 Hilgard. 133 180 Kamela. 133 180 *La Grande.. North Powder 133 180 27 132, 133 179 Perry 133 180 - Precise level B. M. 2782A….. 31. Telocaset... 133 179 *Union... 133 180 Union Station……… 133 180 Wallowa: Bennett.. 31 *Enterprise. Granite. Wasco: Bald Peter.. Celilo, 148 L (U.S. E.) Celilo, 149 L (U. S. E.) *Shaniko... *The Dalles *Three-mile Creek.. Tygh. *Tygh Valley Washington: *Hillsboro.. Wheeler: *Mitchell.. - 31 31 32 32 31 Yamhill: *McMinnville. ¹ Magnetic observations have been made at the places indicated above by the asterisk. For fuller infor - mation see note following. NOTE.-The descriptions of the magnetic stations that have been occupied by the Coast and Geodetic Survey in the State of Oregon are contained in so many different publications of the bureau that it is im- practicable to tabulate them as has been done in respect to the triangulation publication. However, the tabulation does show in what counties magnetic observations have been made and the stations occupied 15 permanently marked and the name of the place in the county. Due to the fact that the magnetic decli- nation is subject to change, and it is therefore impossible to keep the information in printed publications current in this respect, it is probably just as well for those interested to ask for the description of the partic- ular magnetic station in their locality as well as the magnetic declination (variation of the compass). The latter can be given with a high degree of exactness. Besides the permanently marked magnetic stations in the counties as listed in the foregoing tabulation there are in some of the counties auxiliary stations where observations have been made in the investigation of areas of local disturbance, but which have not been permanently marked. While the stations are not shown in the above tabulation because they are not permanently marked, the results are on record in the archives of the bureau and readily serve as data for deriving the magnetic declination at that point for a given date. For this reason, when making request for magnetic data from the bureau, it would be well to state precisely the point and the date for which they are wanted. Furthermore, by interpolation, the magnetic declination can be given for points other than permanently marked or auxiliary stations occupied by this bureau in the State of Oregon. We are espe- cially anxious to serve civil engineers and surveyors of the country in respect to this branch of engineering. We have made extensive magnetic observations and have comprehensive information regarding the subject, so that there are but few points in the country for which information can not be given from this office regarding the local magnetic declination and secular change. The foregoing applies to geodetic publications issued by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Necessarily, in making geodetic surveys and extending this specialized branch of engineering the field engineers of the bureau encounter and solve many problems that are common to surveyors throughout the country. The solution of such problems has no place in this paper. Many of them are contained in publica- tions issued by the bureau. The matter is mentioned herein to indicate the desire of the bureau to be of any possible assistance to the engineering profession along its specialized lines of activity, and where such problems are brought to the attention of the bureau all possible assistance will be afforded. Such inquiries are welcomed, as it is the desire of the bureau to be of the greatest possible use to the engineering profession, especially those engaged in surveying and allied branches. It is the purpose eventually to prepare one digest of the geodetic publications of 'this bureau for each State in the Union. Including this one, digests to date have been made and are available for distribution for the following States: Alabama, Arkan- sas, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Inquiries regarding any of the matters presented above should be addressed to the Director of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, C. D. NOTICE. The The Coast and Geodetic Survey maintains a field station at Seattle, Wash. station is at present in room 202 of the Burke Building, Marion Street and Second Avenue. It is in charge of an experienced field officer of the bureau. Among other things, the purpose of this station is to permit more direct contact with the public and to enable closer cooperation with other branches of the Government service. The officer in charge will cooperate to the fullest extent possible in supplying informa- tion or rendering assistance to those to whom this bureau can be of service. о UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00200 3146