ENGIN. LIB. ΤΑ 360 P12 C 415,804 TANK VOLUME DETERMINATION ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE BY H. C. PACKARD SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1 M13 ES j. S } TANK VOLUME DETERMINATION ...ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE WITH TANK MEASUREMENT REQUIREMENTS AND RESULTANT CALCULATIONS BY H. C. PACKARD - SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED / PUBLISHED BY SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCOFPOFATED 1946 1 COPYRIGHT SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1946 ADR C Engin. Library TA 360 FOREWORD The purpose of this handbook is to fully explain adequate methods for determining the capacities of various types of tanks. Tank capacities ordinarily are expressed by preparing volume gauge tables. These tables show the volumetric content in total and by indi- vidual increments of depth as meets the requirements of the particular case. Capacity figures may be expressed in barrels, gallons, or other standard units of volume measurement as desired. The data in this hand- book are designed particularly for application to tanks or other containers in which the contents are liquids of various kinds. However, the same principles readily may be used for similar determinations in the case of containers for other than liquid products, such as grain bins and cribs, and so on. It has been attempted to provide a truly comprehensive coverage of the subject matter. Therefore, while the ultimate purpose is to explain methods of tank volume gauge table preparation, full explanations and discussions of the required tank measurements are necessary and are included. In order to assist further in arriving at a full understanding of this work, certain chapters explain the closely allied subject of tank gauging methods, and also give the general description of various types of tanks and their use. This therefore serves the general and understandably desirable purpose of giving an over-all idea of the back- ground of the tank measurement and volume gauge table preparation work itself. There exists considerable divergence of opinion as to tank measurement and volume gauge table preparation methods. Some of the subject matter of this handbook is directly concerned with certain of the controversial basic theories and procedures. For the most part, these varying opinions fall into certain groupings and the further purpose here is to take them into consideration. This has been done ii by setting forth the salient features of important known divergent methods and then pointing out or evaluating the differences. Using these comparative data as a guide, anyone utilizing the material in this handbook may therefore make his own choice among the methods, to serve his particular purpose as he deems most appropriate. The importance of accuracy in this work cannot be too greatly emphasized. However, it may be mentioned that a frequent argument against being painstaking in this regard is that any small inaccuracies that may result are more than offset by errors inherent in the gauging procedure. Others say that these small inaccuracies are within the limits of errors resulting naturally from the human element. Still others, admitting the chance of error, deprecate it based on the value of the portion of the particular material involved and the method of quality determination. It is pointed out here that while in many instances this form of argument may be true, yet it is always necessary to consider that all of these factors may be cumulative rather than off-setting, as applicable to a particular case. Another important consideration is that a set of tank measurements and the volume gauge table calculated there from are likely to continue in use for quite some time. This is in direct contrast to the work of carrying out the gauging and quality determination methods, which may be applied daily. For these reasons, the purpose in this handbook is to present the material in a manner designed to produce volume gauge tables with the minimum amount of effort still consistent with the objective of obtaining a reasonable degree of accuracy. iii Back UN 1 L SHELL IS 1975 THE TYPES OF CONTAINERS FOR WHICH VOLUME GAUGE TABLES ARE USED ARE MANY AND VARIED -iv- H SHELL CY FOREWORD - Explaining the purpose INTRODUCTION PART I - GENERAL CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III PART II - TANK CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI CHAPTER VII CHAPTER VIII Explaining the method of presentation TABLE OF CONTENTS VARIOUS TYPES OF TANKS GENERAL USAGE OF TANKS TANK GAUGING METHODS IN GENERAL USE MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS AND METHODS LIST OF TANK MEASURING EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE Checking measuring tapes Special procedures in use of measuring equipment 1. Circumference measuring tapes 2. Calipers, step-overs, and clamps 3. Circumference measurements over obstructions too large for use of calipers or step-overs 4. Circumference measurements over lap joints TANK MEASUREMENTS GENERALLY REQUIRED 1. Discussion 2. Measurements record form INSIDE HEIGHT General 1. 2. Disregarded tank capacity 3. 4. Upright tanks Upright tanks with non-level bottoms Horizontal tanks 5. 6. ry 8. 9. 10. Tanks off-level 11. Over-flow lines 12. Gauging wells 13. Gauge plates, float gauges, and gauge glasses 14. Pan-type and pontoon-type floating roof tanks 15. Breather and balloon-type roof tanks 16. Heights of pipe connections to tanks 17. Protective tank floor coverings DEADWOOD Wooden tanks Wooden tanks with boxed roofs Spherical tanks Spheroidal tanks 1. General 2. Specific details 3. Examples TYPE OF ROOF 1. Flat roof tanks 2. Cone roof tanks 3. Spherical segment roof tanks 4. Floating roof tanks a. General (1) Summary 2) Discussion 23 Theoretical magnitude of the errors 4) Practical magnitude of the errors (5) Degree of accuracy required (6) Practical limitations in gauging Page ii 1 5 10 15 468 24 26 28 28 29 30 31 32 32 33 35 35 35 35 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 45 45 47 49 49 49 49 49 49 51 52 56 57 59 60 ▼ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PART II - TANK MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS AND METHODS (Cont'd) TYPE OF ROOF (Cont'd) CHAPTER VIII 7 Subdivision of problem (8 Gauging by a single measurement (9) Gauging using two measurements b. Minimum recommended measurements (1) For pan-type floating roof only (2 CHAPTER IX CHAPTER X For pontoon-type floating roof only 3) For both pan-type and pontoon-type floating roofs 5. Breather and balloon roofs PLATE ASSEMBLY, STAVES, THICKNESS, SEAMS 1. General 2. Plate assembly and seams 3. Plate and stave thickness 4. Condensed conversion table U.S. Standard Gauge Numbers to fractional inches CIRCUMFERENCES MEASURED General Measuring tanks empty versus full Expansion of tanks through continued usage Equivalent circumferences • Other factors to consider Tolerance between circumference measurements Various circumference measurement methods in actual use 1. Upright cylindrical tanks a. Bolted steel flat lapped vertical joints b. All-welded steel - up to 24'-0" in height c. Plain galvanized iron d. Corrugated galvanized iron e. Bolted steel - projecting flange vertical joints f. Wooden - regular taper type 60 63 g. Wooden - barrel type h. Riveted steel shingled or pyramid ring arrangement i. Riveted steel - continuous in-and-out ring arrangement j. Riveted steel - combination shingled and in-and-out ring arrangement 67 71 71 71 1. Upright bolted steel tanks with flat lapped vertical joints - 8'x46′ 2. Upright bolted steel tanks with flat lapped vertical joints 16'x66.7′ 3. Upright riveted steel tanks with seven rings shingled type ring assembly - 42'x368* 4. Upright butt-and Lap-all welded steel tanks with five rings - 40'x452' Change to be expected from a difference on one more circumference measurements, so far as effect on volume is concerned 101 105 Tanks out-of-round Effect of temperature on circumference measurements 109 Effect of paint thickness on circumference measurements 72 76 7777 77 77 79 79 80 80 81 84 87 90 92 96 99 111 112 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 115 115 115 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PART II - TANK MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS AND METHODS (Cont'd) CHAPTER X - CIRCUMFERENCES MEASURED (Cont'd) CHAPTER XII k. Large butt-and lap-all welded steel 1. Summary 2. Pressure storage a. Horizontal steel b. Spherical steel c. Spheroidal steel 3. General Differences resulting from application of various methods to the same tankage General PART III TANK GAUGE TABLE PREPARATION PROBLEMS AND METHODS CHAPTER XI CIRCUMFERENCES INTERPOLATED 1. General 2. Three simple examples 3. Complete detailed examples 118 118 1. Upright cylindrical bolted steel tanks 8'x46.4' 120 2. Upright cylindrical bolted steel tanks 8'x66.7' 122 3. Upright cylindrical bolted steel tanks 16' x 46.4' 4. Upright cylindrical bolted steel tanks 16'x66' 5. Wooden tanks - barrel type 6. Upright steel tanks with seven rings, shingle type a. Upright bolted steel tank b. Regular taper type wooden tank c. Barrel type wooden tank d. Upright large steel tank with seven rings 1) Shingle type (2) Combination shingled and in-and-out type e. Upright large steel tank with five rings, completely in-and-out type f. Horizontal welded pressure tank 4. Supporting data a. Simpson's Rule b. Extrapolation c. Volumes of Frustrums of Cones d. Interpolation of capacities versus cir- cumference e. Inherent error of simple average versus weighted average circumferences for parti- cular sections of tank height INSIDE HEIGHT 1. General 2. References 3. Precaution 4. Specific explanations CHAPTER XIII DEADWOOD 1. General 2. Specific examples 3. Standard deadwood details Table of approximate deadwood deductions 116 117 118 118 118 118 118 124 126 128 130 134 134 134 139 139 143 147 152 158 163 166 168 168 169 172 173 177 180 180 180 180 180 184 184 184 191 192 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PART III- TANK GAUGE TABLE PREPARATION PROBLEMS AND METHODS (Cont'd) CHAPTER XIV PLATE ASSEMBLY, STAVES, THICKNESS AND SEAMS 1. General CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XVI CHAPTER XVII 2. Plate assembly and seams 3. Plate and stave thickness 4. Table of correction values in feet for conver- ting outside measured circumferences to inside circumference values, both in feet FLOATING ROOF DISPLACEMENT 1. General 2. Floating the roof 3. Zone of partial roof displacement 4. Liquid calibration method 5. Theoretical calculation method 6. Pan-type floating roof 7. Pontoon-type floating roof 8. Changes in gravity of tank content 9. Inset table for zone of partial roof dis- placement CORRELATION OF CALCULATIONS WITH VOLUMES OF HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF TANK HEIGHT 1. General 2. Broad principles of calculations and determina- tions of total volumes for checking purposes 3. Assumptions as to shape of horizontal sections 4. Calculation methods for horizontal sections by types of vertical tank contours a. Tanks with nearly perpendicular sides (1) With circular horizontal cross-sections 2) With non-circular horizontal cross- sections (a) Rectangle (b) Triangle (c) Ellipse b. Tanks with non-perpendicular sides (1) Horizontal cylindrical tanks (2) Spherical tanks (3) Spheroidal tanks (4) Rectilinear base tanks 5. Reduction of formulae to short-cut methods 6. Correlation of deadwood and other special volume adjustments 7. Tabulation of calculations' actual preparation of gauge tables FORM OF GAUGE TABLE 1. Discussion and explanation of different types of forms results for 2. Examples of different types of forms 3. Special inset tables for increments smaller than normally gauged viii 193 193 193 195 197 198 198 199 200 200 201 202 203 206 207 209 209 209 210 212 212 212 213 213 213 222 225 226 227 229 231 233 233 235 238 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PART IV COMPLETE DETAILED CALCULATIONS AND TABLES BY TYPES OF TANKS CHAPTER XVIII GALVANIZED IRON TANKS 1. Upright cylindrical, plain Table in gallons for innage gauges 2. Upright cylindrical, corrugated Table in barrels for innage gauges BOLTED STEEL TANKS CHAPTER XIX CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII CHAPTER XXIV CHAPTER XXV CHAPTER XXVI 1. Upright cylindrical, with flat lapped vertical joints Table in barrels for innage gauges 2. Upright cylindrical, with projecting flange vertical joints 1 Table in bbls.,innage gauges, reading upward downward 123 4 5 6 r #1 18 #1 # ,outage ,innage ,outage gals.,innage "1 "1 11 $$ "1 pounds, " liters," It 11 11 #1 11 #1 #1 11 2. Barrel shape type #1 11 11 UPRIGHT WELDED STEEL TANKS 1. With one vertical course of plates Table in barrels for innage gauges 2. With more than one vertical course of plates Table in barrels for innage gauges 3. With bumped or arced top and bottom Table in gallons for innage gauges UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL RIVETED STEEL TANKS 1. Pyramid or shingle type construction Table in barrels for innage gauges 2. In-and-out construction, 5 rings high Table in barrels for innage gauges 3. In-and-out construction, 7 rings high Table in barrels for innage gauges HORIZONTAL CYLINDRICAL STEM TANKS 1. With plain ends Table in barrels for innage gauges 2. With bumped or arced ends (includes tank cars) Table in barrels for innage gauges LARGE UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL STEEL TANKS WITH FLOATING ROOFS Table in barrels for innage gauges #1 1. With pan-type floating roof Table in barrels for innage gauges 2. With pontoon-type floating roof Table in barrels for innage gauges SPHERICAL STEEL TANK Table in barrels for innage gauges SPHEROIDAL STEEL TANK (1 Table in barrels, innage gauges, read upward 2 #t ROUND UPRIGHT WOODEN TANKS 11 #1 11 downward 1. Plain tapered type upward Table in barrels for innage gauges #1 it 243 247 248 252 253 257 258 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 273 274 278 279 284 285 295 297 304 306 313 315 322 323 330 331 339 341 349 351 355 356 366 368 370 370 375 377 383 ix TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PART IV-COMPLETE DETAILED CALCULATIONS AND TABLES BY TYPES OF TANKS(Cont'd) CHAPTER XXVII BARGE AND SHIP TANKS Table in gallons for innage gauges CHAPTER XXVIII WOODEN BARRELS CHAPTER XXIX CHAPTER XXX PART V APPENDIX CHAPTER XXXI - CHAPTER XXXII 1. Upright. Table in gallons for innage gauges 2. Horizontal. Graphic approximation of capacities RECTANGULAR BOX TYPE CONTAINERS Table in pounds for innage gauges CRIBS Table in bushels for innage depth measurements INDEX FORMULAE, CONVERSION FACTORS, AND OTHER DATA 1. Definitions, abbreviations and symbols 2. Formulae a. General b. Areas of plane figures other than the circle c. The circle d. Areas of solid figures e. Volumes of solid figures f. Various examples of specific formulae used in this handbook, with descriptive sketches g. Location of centers of gravity, by areas 3. Relevant standard measurement units,U.S.&Metric a. Length b. Surface c. Angles d. Volume or capacity (1 General measure (2) Liquid measure (3) Dry measure e. Weight (1) Avoirdupois (2) Metric {2})} f. Supplemental convenient conversion factors 4. Table of iron and steel standard gauge numbers, showing corresponding inches, thickness & weight 5. Table of fractional and decimal inches and feet and equivalent inch fractions specific gravity, A.P.I. 6. Conversion table gravity, unit weight 7. Table of standard pipe sizes and dimensions, inches, and capacities in gallons and barrels 8. Table of nominal and milled lumber sizes, with displacement, for deadwood calculations GENERAL AVERAGE GAUGE TABLES - "1 in 385 389 390 394 395 398 401 402 406 408 408 409 409 409 410 411 412 413 416 417 417 417 417 418 For standard sizes upright bolted steel tanks Quick graphic method for capacity determinations on upright cylindrical tanks of known diameters or circumferences: 11 " 429 a.For tanks up to 16.5' height and 1500 bbls. cap. 428 b." 50 ht. and 150,000 bbls. cap. CHAPTER XXXIII THE" MULTIPLE OF 12" METHOD OF DISTRIBUTING CALCULATED VOLUMES ON THE GAUGE TABLE CHAPTER XXXIV THE "WATER CALIBRATION" METHOD 418 418 418 419 419 419 420 422 423 424 425 426 427 427 430 436 440 X The method of presentation of the material in this handbook is relatively simple. The subject matter has been divided into five consecutive parts, as follows: General (Various types of tanks, their use, and gauging methods) Tank Measurement Problems And Methods Part I Part II Hap Part III Part IV INTRODUCTION Tank Gauge Table Preparation Problems And Methods Complete Detailed Calculations And Tables By Types of Tanks Part V - Appendix Appendix (Pertinent Formulae and conversion tables, general average volume gauge tables, other quantity determination and calculation methods, and further supplemental data) It therefore may be seen that the discussions and explanations of methods include descriptions of the various types of tanks generally encountered, the measurements as necessary of such tanks, and the essential calculations to convert these measurements to volume gauge tables. Od The basic data and their applications necessarily follow accepted engineering principles. However, they are presented as simply as possible in each case so as to make their use readily understandable. It is felt that anyone with little or no previous experience with the subject can, through this handbook, obtain a sufficiently broad under- standing of the general nature of the problems encountered to lead to an adequate knowledge with which to handle most individual applications. To those readily familiar with the mathematical and engineering principles involved, many of the detailed steps explained must seem elementary and therefore obvious. However, to make this handbook complete in itself for those not familiar with most of the subject matter, it has been attempted to dwell sufficiently on each phase so 1 as to not only state the methods themselves, but also to describe why they are used and how they have been arrived at. Thus, it may readily be seen how these methods can be applied in principle to cases in the same categories but with particular details other than those specifically used as examples in the text. Sketches, diagrams, charts, and illustrations usually are extremely helpful in reaching a complete understanding of the written portion of a subject. A liberal use of these has therefore been included. In many of the exemplary procedures, the calculations have been detailed to a degree considerably greater than will often prove desirable in their practical applications. This means, for instance, the number of digits used herein to the right of the decimal points. It was considered necessary to do this in order to demonstrate exactly the shades of difference between two or more procedures as applied to the same problem. Having these exact calculations as the known accurate base, in practical problems encountered, shorter calculations then readily may be used with a full and confident knowledge of the extent of any slight resultant inherent discrepancies. It will be found that short-cuts are recommended in certain instances, but the detailed background in such cases is also included, in order to demonstrate the validity of any such short-cuts. Certain representative tables of volumes as applicable to tanks of a specific type and size for handling specific products are included. Naturally, similar tables for every conceivable use can not be given space in a work of this size. For those cases not covered by actual examples, it is felt that the explanations of the principles involved should provide nevertheless an understandable and convenient basis to construct whatever volume tables are desired to cover most specific cases. In some cases the tables to be constructed should reflect the content of the tanks or other containers in terms of barrels, gallons 1 2 or other standard units of liquid measurement; in other cases, it may be desired to express the content in terms of pounds or tons. In still other cases it may sometimes be found necessary to have tables readily available for the same tank to express the content at any given point simultaneously in either units of volume or units of weight. The necessary data looking toward conversions of these types are also provided for in the following pages. It will be found that in some of the subject matter, particularly those points concerned primarily with outside tank contours, the accompanying sketches or charts exaggerate the specific points under discussion. This has been done deliberately in order to better focus attention on the differences resulting from the use of divergent procedures. Sketches of other tank construction details particularly pertinent to the matters of tank measurement and volume gauge table calculations have been handled according to the same principle. The actual descriptions, discussions, methods, and calculations themselves are treated to conform to the actual tank construction details. 3 TANK VOLUME DETERMINATION • IT S THEORY AND PRACTICE PART I GENERAL (Various Types Of Tanks, Their Use And Gauging Methods) 4 a. Plain CHAPTER I The various general types of tanks most commonly encountered may be summarized and sketched as follows: 1. Upright cylindrical galvanized iron tanks. b. Corrugated VARIOUS TYPES OF TANKS. 2. Upright cylindrical bolted steel tanks. a. 8. Lapped joints, vertically. Flanged joints, horizontally. b. langed joints, both vertically and horizontally. 3. Upright welded steel tanks. 8. With one vertical course of clates U JH F 5 b. With more than one vertical course of plates. c. With bumped or arced tops and bottoms. 4. Upright cylindrical riveted steel tanks. a. Pyramid or shingle type construction. b. In-and-out construction, c. Combination shingle and In-and-out construction. 5. Horizontal cylindrical steel tanks. a. With plain ends. I 6 b. With "bumped" or arced ends. (1) Stationary (2) Railroad Tank Cars 6. Large upright steel tanks with floating roofs Pan type floating roof. b. Pontoon type floating roof. 7. Spherical steel tanks. H H ++ O NIЙ + 77 8. Spheroidal steel tanks. 9. Wooden tanks a. Plain tapered type. b. Barrel shape type. 10. Barge and ship tanks. 11. Miscellaneous types of containers. a. Wooden barrels I b. Rectangular box type containers. (1) Wooden (2) Steel or iron. |==|||| ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒\\ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ ||H‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒| ———— I {{//‒‒‒‒‒ I ///‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒||||| |‒‒‒‒‒|| ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ I ŒE I 8 c. Steel drums, barrels etc. 12. Cribs. MLE LU [ BC. PIA O 9 Chapter II GENERAL USAGE OF TANKS This handbook does not pretend to be a guide to actual operational use of tanks, but for better understanding of measurement and calculation problems a brief general discussion follows of how tanks are ordinarily used. It may be noted from the preceding chapter that tanks may be constructed in many sizes and shapes.The materials generally used are iron, steel, wood or concrete. The size may vary widely dependent upon the volumes desired to be handled, quite aside from the type of construction. The shape is optional within certain limits. The type of material used is dictated largely by the operating problems encountered as between the various types of products to be handled in the tanks, aside from applicable economic considerations. The simplest form of tank is that represented by the open pit or drum. The size may vary within practical limits to suit the par- ticular conditions involved and ordinarily the shape in horizontal cross-section will be rectangular, circular, elliptical or a combin- ation of these. The depth will vary with particular conditions. Such tanks may be either covered or open. If covered, they may in turn vary between those of air-and vapor-tight construction to various plans of partially open roof. In the case of providing adequate tanks for the storage of products where no preventive measures are necessary against evaporation, the usual custom is to merely build a simple enclosure of wood, concrete or metal. These tanks are usually roofed over and tight merely to the degree essential to prevent contamination by the elements or the accidental entrance of any foreign materials. Examples would be tanks for the storage of water and any other liquids which can be 10 safely handled at normal atmospheric pressures. Such tanks are ordin- arily equipped with one or more covered gauge hatches at the top and in addition a so-called man-hole for ingress and egress. If the tank is very deep, a ladder to the inside bottom surface may be permanently fixed downward from this manhole. In many cases the ladder and manhole are in the center of the tank, so that the ladder may at the same time serve as the central support for the roof. If the product being handled is liquid, pipe connections will be made as necessary for filling and emptying. Sometimes this may be simply one pipe leading to the bottom, with both filling and emptying operations taking place through the same line. In other cases the pipe for filling may be introduced overhead and the pipe for emptying at or near the bottom. Valves usually will be installed in such pipe connections in close proximity to the tank. Specialized types of tank include those designed amongst other things to prevent evaporation and boiling of the stored product. This may be achieved in several different ways. Examples are steel tanks with all welded seams. The simplest form probably is the circular tank constructed of inch metal or heavier with plain ends. Next would be the same type of tank but with bulged ends which are usually made of a metal with a thickness slightly greater than the shell or sides of the tank itself. Railroad tank cars fall into this category. Then there are the spherical and spheroidal types of tankage for the storage of volatile liquids. For volatile fluids, which boil near normal atmos- pheric pressures, there is another type of tank in rather common usage. This type of tank has a roof which floats on the surface of the stored liquid and by means of this contact prevents evaporation to a large degree. The floating roof may be of either of two designs. The first design is that in which the roof surface forms an inverted cone, wi th 11 the depth being but a small fraction of the diameter, and which contacts the liquid surface throughout the cross sectional area of the tank except for an annulus of narrow width at the edge. The second design has a downward pitch to the central portion of the roof, to the exact center, only sufficient to insure drainage. It floats on pontoons around its outer circumference, continuously secured to its under surface at a point starting from the outer edge and going partially to the center. There is also a free annular space of narrow width between the outer edge of the tank and the tank shell. Two other specialized types are the "Breather Roof" and the "Balloon Roof". Both roofs are flexible, being free of direct attachment to their interior supports. They are both secured to the tank's vertical shell. The breather roof's outer circumference coincides with and is attached to the top of the tank shell. The balloon roof has a greater diameter than does the shell of the tank and is attached to the top of the tank shell by a continuous series of horizontal plates running between the tank shell's upper edge and the extreme outer circumference of the roof. Several special types of tankɛge have been mentioned. The greater majority of tanks, however, consist of those of a circular shape with fixed roofs. designed, principally for the storage of relatively non-volatile products. Operations with this class of tankage provide generally for handling stored products under more or less standard conditions. The tank volume for these general purposes may be divided into five portions: 1. Many products are subject to a precipitation of sediment when stan- ding in storage. For given conditions the amount of this can usually be rre-determined. The level representing the expected top of precipi- tation will then usually govern the height to which the pipe connection is placed for emptying the contents of the tank. 12 (In addition, there may be outlet pipes direct from the bottom to assist in draining off or removing a sediment) The bottom section of the tank' s capacity is therefore ordinarily referred to as the space assigned to "bottoms". 2. In placing the pipes to provide for normal emptying of the tank's contents, an allowance is usually made for possible under-estimating of the maximum amount of precipitated sediment. This means that under normal operating conditions a portion of the product stored in the tank will be contained below the level from which it could be emptied through the pipe provided for the purpose. This portion of the tank's capacity is there- fore referred to as "non- available". It may be mentioned here that in some tanks the pipe connection for emptying or draining off the contents is not one fixed in a definite position as to its point of intake. This is known as a swing line. It enters the tank at a fixed point but has a flexible joint just inside the tank and from this joint a length of pipe is introduced in the tank with the end being supported by a cable passing over a sheave above a windlass, so that the intake-end of the pipe may be raised or lowered as desired above or below the height of its fixed connection to the outside wall of the tank. 3. From the top level of the "no-available" section of the tank' s capacity to whatever level the stored liquid's surface may be is known as the "available" section of the tank's capacity, always in terms of actual stored liquid content. 4. From the liquid surface to a point slightly below the level represent- ing the tank storage capacity is the space referred to as "tank room". 5. As most liquids expand or contract with rises and falls in temperature it is necessary to provide against this contingency by taking the maximum upward temperature change which may be expected during the period in which a product is to be held in storage. This increase in temperature 13 is then converted to the corresponding volumetric expansion of the stored liquid and slightly more than the amount of space required for this expansion is left empty at the top of the tank. This portion of the tank's content is referred to as "breathing space." BREATHING SPACE IZI TANK ROOM AVAILABLE LIQUID NON-AVAILABLE LIQUID SEDIMENT 14 TANK Chapter III GAUGING METHODS IN GENERAL USE The exact volumes of most tanks' actual contents at any given time are determined in terms of gauges. A full understanding of the procedures is extremely helpful from the standpoint of calculating tank volume gauge tables. The direct relationship is between the gauged liquid levels and the tank height or depth designations on the volume tables. The contents of this chapter therefore have a direct bearing on the later chapters concerned with "Inside Feights" of tanks. This relationship is demonstrated by sketches included in Chapter VI. Gauges are ordinarily made with a scale divided in feet and inches, but may also be designed to similarly express depth dimensions directly in other units of measure, such as those denoting volume or weight. Other gauging methods less commonly used express the results in units of pressure etc. "OUTAGE" The term "gauging" is used to express the work done in making a determination of a tank's content, usually its depth; the simplest method is to drop a graduated gauge pole or weighted tape through the liquid content to the bottom of the tank and then upon its withdrawal read off the point representing its total depth of immersion. Volumetric gauging is usually done by some modification of the principle just des- "INNAGE" cribed and this is known as the "Innage" method. Another method, less commonly used, is known as the "Outage" method. The Outage method as its name implies, is the opposite in prin- ciple of the innage method first described. Instead of measuring the depth of the liquid as in the innage method, the outage method "OUT determines the volume of the tank not GAUGE TAPES GANGE 不 ​5'DEPTH LIQUID LEYEL DEPTHY' DIFFERENCE IN PRINCIPLE BETWEEN "INNAGE" AND "OUTAGE" METHODS 12° 15 occupied by the liquid content. The normal form of an outage gauge arrangement is a float gauge. A flexible tape is affixed to a float which is allowed to rest on the surface of the liquid. The tape passes through a sheave at the top of the tank and thence through another sheave, if necessary, at the outer edge of the tank' s roof, so as to allow the remainder of the tape to move up or down on the outside of the the tank. Reference points are established on the outside of the tank in close proximity to the path of the tape to mark the roint at which the float on the inside is resting on the inside bottom surface of tank and also when it is floating at a position corresponding to the maximum desired liquid level in the tank. As many additional reference points between the two just described may be established as desired. It may be seen that if many such reference points are established, a tape might well be substituted either by a light rope or cable. In the case of tanks containing inflammable or explosive liquids, such an arrangement should always specify the use of a non-sparking material for this purpose. Accurate determinations to small increments of tank height will obviously require the use of a graduated tape rather than depending simply on the reference levels on the outer wall of the tank. The reason for this is principally one of convenience, as the tape may be PRINCIPLE OF OUTAGE FLOAT GAUGE read against any such previously determined reference point at or slightly below the top of the tank, whereas an uncalibrated rope, cable or tape would have to be read at various points on the tank' s outer height, as reached by the lower end of the dependent gauging device, corresponding to whatever level the tank's contents may be at that particular time. 16 12' Top LIQUID LEVEL TAPE→ FLOAT SHEAVES to' TANK EMPTY '+3' +9 12' TANK FULL The outage gauging me thod is recommended by some for use with tanks equipped wi th either pan type or pontoon type floating roofs. The device in this case sometimes is set up so as to use the roof itself as the float. In principle, it appears it should be a simple and reliable gauging method for this type of installation. However, it may prove unreliable, due to the oftimes un- predictable behavior of floating roofs under various ORDINARY INNAGE GAUGE TAPE GANGING WELL FLOATING ROOF? TAPE FIXED To ROOF- FREE LIQUID LEVEL (ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE DECK ITSELF) 10 SHEAVES USE OF FLOATING ROOF ITSELF AS AN OUTAGE FLOAT GANGE (PAN-TYPE ILLUSTRATED) ← GAUGING REFERENCE POINT FLOATING DECK GRADUATED TAPE FLOAT GAUGE OR SURFACE- TENSION" GAUGE CAN USED IN GAUGING WELL conditions of GANGING TANKS WITH PONTOON TYPE FLOATING ROOFS friction, wind pressure and accumulated loads of snow and ice. It is considered here that the most reliable method is to determine the height of the liquid level in the gauge hatch above the inside surface of the tank floor. This can be done by the innage method or by an appropriate float gauge, along the principle discussed a little later in this chapter. In this instance the float should operate in the gauge hatch. A so-called "surface tension" type gauge described later might also be found in use in some cases. The discussion of gauging methods so far has dealt with the storage of products which do not have to be held under pressure. In any pressure installation, the gauging methods are necessarily more intricate. This follows naturally considering that access to the interior of the tank for gauging purposes can not be had through opening a hatch or even allowing a tape to pass inside through an arerture only large enough to permit free passage of such tape. BE 17 A gauzing device commonly used for such tanks is the installation of gauge glasses. These gauge glasses consist of glass tubing mounted perpendicularly against the side of an upright tank or against the end of a horizontal tank. The gauge glasses are connected by small pipes at intervals in the tank' s height with the inside of the tank. As the liquid level rises inside the tank, it should reach a corresponding level inside these outside gauge glasses. The perpendi- cular mounting of the gauge glasses is done at a point close in to the tank wal1 against which GAUGE GLASSES -GRADHATED GANGE POLE FIXED UPRIGHT AGAINST OHTER SURFACE OF TANK GAUGE GLASSES DETAIL OF GAUGE GLASS CONNECTION LIQUID L IN-TANK PRINCIPLE OF GAUGE GLASS METHOD is installed a fixed gauge pole. The level of the liquid in the gauge glasses can then be read off against the corresponding depth marking on the fixed gauge pole. This gauging method is relatively accurate except for those instances where conditions permit appreciable change in temper- ature of the gauge glass content as compared to the temperature of the tank content. Boxing in this entire installation may tend to correct this inherent error. Otherwise, it may be desirable, know- ing the exact conditions affecting a particular case, to construct a correction table for use against the gauge levels as actually read, to provide for the above mentioned temperature differentials. 18 The gauge glass device just discussed is primari ly for use with tanks not more than 10 or 15 feet in height. For tanks larger than this, and also for the smaller tanks not equipped with gauge glasses, there are various types of automatic gauging devices in use. The details of these may differ in some respects depending on the par- ticular manufacturer, but the principle is usually somewhat as dis- cussed in the following. The outage principle is employed. An installation is made on the roof of the tank. The housing of this installation will in most instances be of metal, but with a heavy glass window provided on one side. The internal working of the device is to have a float operating from top to bottom of the tank as the liquid varies and with the perpendicular path of this float kept SEALED FLOAT GANGE constant by means of guy wires through which the two ends of the float pass. The float itself is fixed to the end of the tape. This tape is calibrated in increments as desired. It goes upward to the installation on the roof and passes over a sheave. As it moves to or from the sheave its calibrations may be read against a fixed reference point through the glass window. GHY WIRES TO TANK BOTTOM Surface tension type gauges are mounted in a perforated perpendi- cular gauging well extending throughout the effective inside height of the tank. Such a gauging device consists of an aluminum or other GLASS WINDOW FIXED REFERENCE POINT S FLOAT ото SHEAVES FREE END OF TAPE GAS-TIGHT GANGING HOUSING TANK ROOF LIQUID LEVEL 1 OUTER Tank WALL 19 light metal cir cular plate with a diameter just slightly less than the inside ! 20 FIXED GANGING REFERENCE POINT SURFACE TENSION DISC 는 ​diameter of the gauging well. The extreme outer edges of the plate are turned slightly downward. The plate is dependent from a steel tape running upward over two sheaves and passes a fixed reference point at a convenient place to be read at the top of the tank. The tape on its other end has a counterweight slightly heavier than the plate just described, so that when not in use the plate will rise to the top of the gauging well. SURFACE TENSION TYPE GAUGE In gauging, the tape is lowered into the well so that the plate is immersed, then released. It will rise to the liquid level surface, at which point it will be held by surface tension, until released by a pull on the tape, after making the gauge reading. This type installation is occasionally used directly in the gauge pipe or hatch of floating roofs. Tanks containing liquids held under considerable pressure require use of the slip-tube type of gauging device. This consists of LIQUID LEVEL PERFORATED GAUGING WELL ; 1 SHEAVES 1 TAPE- TANK ROOF COUNTERWEIGHT CLOSED PIPE OHTER TANK WALL & graduated tube extending downward for some little distance into the available storage space FIXED GAUGING REFERENCE. POINT- of the tank. It is extended upward through & sealed aperture in the top of the tank proper into a special housing, usually kept tightly covered when not in use. This tube can be raised and lowered by means of a ratchet and GRADUATED SLIDING GAUGE TUBE SLIP-TUBE GANGING DEVICE crank or wheel, and the graduations on the tube are read against a fixed reference point near the top. The actual gauging operation consists of opening a needle valve at the top of the tube. If vapor is vented, the bottom of the tube is above the liquid level and if liquid appears the bottom of the tube is immersed. The exact reading is obtained by slowly lowering the tube until liquid instead of vapor first appears at the needle valve. This type of device is commorly used in tank cars and tank trucks used to transport highly volatile liquids. In some of these gauging operations, there are a number of other important points which must be carefully observed. These descriptions are intended to cover sufficient of the operations to permit an adequate idea of their relationship to gauge table preparation. Most gauging methods or devices encountered will be found to be based on one or the other of the principles just discussed. Conveniently for our purpose here, regardless of the variations, they will ordinarily express gauge depth in terms of feet and inches. The only major differ- ence is that described between the innage and outage principles. The Innage method expresses actual depth of the stored liquid, whereas the Outage method expresses the perpendi cular distance representing the K BEVALVE RATCHET w GAUGING HOUSING OR DOME OPEN AT END TANK ROOF EXEMPLARY LIQUID LEVEL TANK WALL OHTER 21 unfilled portion of the tank's capacity. Naturally, this difference between the two methods is of prime importance in the preparation of tank gauge tables, as it determines what inside height value is to be used to designate the reading of a particular calculated tank volume. For instance, for an 80,000 barrel tank forty feet high, if the gauge table is prepared by the innage principle, it will indicate a tank capacity of 20,000 barrels for an innage gauge of ten feet. However, if an outage gauge of ten feet was used directly to read this innage gauge table, an error of 40,000 barrels would result, as in this case the outage gauge of ten feet corresponds to thirty feet by the innage method, and the innage table shows a tank capacity of 60,000 barrels for thirty feet of tank height. 22 TANK VOLUME DETERMINATION ...ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE PART II TANK MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS AND METHODS f 23 CHAPTER IV List of Tank Measuring Equipment end Its Use Necessery Equi oment The minimum equipment usually necessary for proper and accurate measurement of the various types and sizes of tanks is listed as follows: 1. Measuring Tapes a. 50' steel ribbon tape, preferably 111 wide, graduated in feet, inches and sixteenth of inches. This tape is for determination of various height measurements, such as tank height, ring or plate course height, heights at which circumferences are taken etc. (Note: A gauge pole is often a useful supplement in determination of inside height) b. Circumferer ce measurement tapes. C скими (1) 100 steel ribbon tape, maximum 3/8" wide, gra- duated in feet, tenths and hundredths of feet, with appropriate reel, or (2) 400 steel ribbon tape, 1/8" wide, graduated in feet throughout its length, with an extra foot at the 0'-0" end, graduated in tenths of a foot, and with appro- priate reel. 77FT BLO TA 18 E 1131 POR S ....... ************ BRAND PATIK? OGD Kagy O 19 13 12 • SETS, IDI “AKERS 78 CFT. 24 2. Two tension handles for placing proper uniform tension on 400' tapes. 3. Two tape grips to permit proper taut handling of 400' tapes. ་་ 4. Depth gauge of case-hardened steel, preferably 6″ in length, graduated throughout in thirty-seconds or sixty-fourths of inches. This is for determina ti on of thickness of steel plates, wooden tank staves, etc. 5. Calipers for spanning obstructions in making circumference measurements. a. 6" mɛximum expension calipers. for spanning the smaller obstructions such as vertical SLOT FOR RING IN TAPE .S. TEMPERED EDGE SHARPENED FOR SCRATCHING flanges, bolt-heads, etc. b. 18" or 24" maximum expansion calipers, for spanning the larger obstructions such as butt straps, etc. FIXED SPAN STEEL STEP-OVER Good 1 1010|0|| an dddddco TODO Do SPECIAL SCREW-TYPE GLAMP c. Fixed span steel step-overs may be used instead of calipers and special clamps can be secured to substitute for calipers in measuring projecting vertical flanges. 25 6. Cleaning instruments such es a putty knife and a hard bristle brush for eliminating dirt, grease, paint scale, rust particles etc. from path of circumference measurements. 7. In certain special instances a transit and level is required such as for measurements over floating roofs, tanks out-of-round, etc. The exact use is fully described in the respective instances where this instrument is necessary. 8. Hydrometer to test for gravity of liquid in floating roof tanks; combined hydrometer and thermometer. E E THERMOMETER SCALE VEESIREEN *IN SLUTT JUS FRANSULIN SA E3 PELTERLAJ FILARFLAPI. TERI NYELUM S 主 ​HYDROMETER SCALE Checking Measuring Tapes. All measuring tapes should be checked periodically for accuracy. Proper checking can be done by sending the tape to the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D. C. The tape should be accurate to 0.05" (1/20") plus or minus, for each 100' of tape length, with tem pounds tension at 60° to 68° Fahrenheit. The standard mean temperature base in use for the particular industry should be specified. A certi- ficate from the National Bureau of Standards, when they return the tape, stating it complies with these specifications, will be adequate. 26 If a particular tape is in constant use or if many such tapes are being used, the procedure of sending them individually to the National Bureau of Standards will not be practical. Instead, a special 100' master tape should be secured, to be used only for checking the other tapes actually used for measurement purposes. This master tape when originally secured and at least each three to four years thereafter should be checked and certified to by the National Bureau of Standards. Checking of the other tapes in actual use can then be accomplished by frequent comparison with the master tape. It is recommended that this be done at least once every three months, so as to have one such check during each season. Comparison of the tapes in actual use with the master tape should be done with the tapes lying alongside each other, on a flat surface throughout their length and fully protected from the elements. They should be allowed to remain in this position for a sufficient time for both tapes to assume the same temperature. Then, in making the actual comparison, both tapes should be subjected uniformly to ten pounds tension. The tapes in actual use shall be considered satisfactory if they check to 0.01' (about 1/8") for each 100' of tape length, compared to the master tape. It may be noted, in the foregoing National Bureau of Standards tape certification procedure, that standardization of tapes is ordinarily checked at 60° to 68° Fahrenheit, usually nearer the latter. In certain industries, it is a common procedure to correct all liquid volume contents of tanks as determined at the temperature at which they were gauged or measured, to the volume which they would have at a certain standard me an tempe rature, often 60° Fahrenheit. Assuming a case where 27 6.0° Fahrenheit is the standard mean volumetric temperature basis in use, it is seen that this is 8° Fahrenheit less than the higher temperature within the range at which the tapes are usually checked. This difference between the mean correction bases is very small, as the linear expansion factor of steel averages only about .0000067561 for each one degree Fahrenheit. In any event the discrepancy involved can be eliminated entirely by requesting the National Bureau of Standards to certify to the accuracy of the tape at the same standard temperature as is commonly being used for handling the particular product involved. " Special Procedures in Use of Measuring Equipment 1. Circumference Measurement Tapes. a. Never use a spliced or repaired tape. Use only tapes which have been properly checked for accuracy. b. Special care should be taken to make certain that the tape is lying wholly flat against the tank shell at all points for the measurement being made, and that it is at a height uniformly above the tank bottom, without sagging at any point, and at ten pounds tension. c. Take the circumference reading at the point where the zero end of the tape crosses the opposite end of the tape; release the tape tension, slide the tape around the tank, and take another reading, repeating until two measurements agree. d. The measurements made should be read and recorded to the nearest hundredth of a foot. (Volume calculations are most readily based on measurements expressed in these terms and it is for this reason that circumference tapes graduated in other than feet, tenths and hundredths are not recommended, as their use involves conversions of the measurements to feet and hundredths equi- of a 28 valents. Each additional conversion or calculation permits increased chance of error.) 2. Calipers for Spanning Circumference Obstructions. a. Where non-removable obstructions are encountered in the path of the circumference measurement, such as projecting vertical flanges, butt straps, etc., with a sharp instrument mark a point on the regular tank shell immediately adjacent to each side of such obstruction. These two points should both be on the path of the circumference. Set the calipers to measure the circumference segment span between the two points. Determine the exact magnitude of this span by setting the calipers, without changing their adjustment, against the dircumference tape and read off the result. In order to avoid the error due to the curvature of the tank wall, this measurement should be made with the tape flat against the actual tank surface and on the regular path of the circumference. For each circumference mea- surement, after thus measuring all such obstructions, measure with the tape the intervals between the obstructions measuring to the points already marked on both sides of the obstructions. The entire circumference will then be the total of all such circumferential segments determined both directly with the tape and with the calipers. b. Fixed span steel step-overs of adequate length may be used instead of calipers if desired. However, when used, the distance of the span should be measured by reference against the tape on the tank shell as just described in section a, rather than by the actual straight line distance between the tips of the two prongs of the step-over. 29 c. Special clamps may also be used on projecting vertical flanges instead of calipers, but subject to the same qualification as to width of the span on the tank shell as applies in section b. The advantage of such clamps lies in their permitting the tape to be hooked to one side and also in their being pinched tight to each flange, thus reducing the number of markings to be made and consequent increased likelihood of accuracy due to greater stability. 3. Circumference Measurements over obstructions too large for Use of Calipers or Step-overs. a. Such cases usually consist of manholes or clean-out boxes. If it is necessary to make circumference measurements the normal such objects, reliable necessary circum- path of which cross ference segments can be secured as follows: (1) At the tank height corresponding to the desired circum- ference path, mark a point on both sides of the obstruction. Then, suspend two plumb lines as close as possible to the tank shell, and so that each coincides with one of the points marked. Keeping the plumb lines in these positions, first mark off on the tank shell along each of them the tank heights representing the path of each desired circumference which is interrupted by the obstruction. Second, with the tape flat against the tank shell, measure the distance be- tween the plumb lines both immediately above and below the obstruction. The simple average of these two measurements will closely approximate the value of the interrupted circum- ferences in each case, unless the tank has a particularly 30 sharo curved vertical contour. In the latter case, the respective interrupted circumference segments can be determined for practical purposes by interpolations between the upper and lower measure- ments between the plumb lines, giving due weight to the exact tank height of each interrupted circumference. (2)Measure with the tape the circumference segment from the marked point on one side of the obstruction around the tank to the corresponding point on the opposite side of the obstruction. (3) or each circumference, the sum of the cor responding measured segments described in (1) and (2) will give the desired total circumference value. 4. Circumference "easurements. over Lan Joints. a. For tanks with lap joints at right angles to the path of the tape, measure as accurately as possible and record the length of the free tape "ride-over" between the points of tape contact with the tank shell. 31 CHAPTER V TANK MEASUREMENTS GENERALLY REQUIRED Di scussi on Sufficient measurements are required to accurately calculate the tank volume. The type of measurements therefore will be dependert upon the shape of the tank. The number of measurements will be largely dependent upon the size of the tank. The calculation of volumes involves basically three dimensions, i.e., length, width and height (or depth). The first two measurements are necessary to calculate the cross-sectional area. The last measurement is then necessary to convert the units of area to units of volume. For tanks having a circular cross-section, length and width are expressed simultaneously in the one value representing the diameter, but the area nevertheless is still a function of length multiplied by width, as the diameter is squared (and multiplied by 0.7854) in obtaining the area. Actual measurement of tank diameters is seldom practical. Instead, the circumference is determined, at various points. This can be done, as for any one tank the diameter and the circumference at any one point always are in fixed relationship, i.e., circumference- diameter multiplied by 3.1416. For tanks having a cross-section of other than circular shape it will be necessary to determine both length and width, or their equivalents. Height or depth of tanks will be necessary in all cases, including a description of the gauging method to be used, and in certain cases some additional measurement data involved in the method. 32 The dimensions of any construction details which are contained within the tank structure must be obtained, such as ladders and roof supports. This is also true of any construction details which permit a volume content outside of the tank' s regular over-all shape, such as clean-out boxes. The type of roof must be specified. If it is in fixed position, usually no measurements will be necessary. If the roof floats on the tank's liquid content, full dimensions of the roof are required, because of the liquid volume displacement involved. Circumferences and other measurements, when made on the outside of the tank, must be converted to their equivalents inside of the tank, to calculate volumetric content. This requires that the thickness of the tank walls, floor or roof, also be determined. If the tank wall consists of several sections, either vertical or horizontal, full details are necessary as to the length, width and thickness of each section. It is also necessary in such cases to know the type of joint or seam between the sections, together with measure- ment of the widths of laps or butt straps, and whether the sections are inset or outset vertically and horizontally. Each of these items is discussed in complete detail in the chapters immediately following. Measurements Record Form Each measurement should be recorded immediately as it is obtained. This may be done in any manner as best suits the convenience of the case. However, where many tanks are involved, it is desirable that such reports le as nearly uniform as possible. On Page 34 is a suggested form for this purpose, as applicable primarily to cylindrical tanks. 33 DT VARIOUS TANK CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Floating roof decks, truss rods, roof legs, wind girder, roof shoes. Bottom circumference conditions, plate assembly, butt straps, gauge hatch, manhole, etc. 33.1 Tank Mfr's Name: Tank Erector's Name RING OLD TANK NO. ………………………………… NEW TANK NO. …………………………………. …………………………………. …………………………. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc..) Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: ACUNAVUODONATAS ……………… 7 6 ………………………………………………….. on+ma 4 3 2 1 KATILDI HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………………… FORUM TO…… INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: CALUAISI ………………………………… …………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Type Of Gauging Method LATESTORAN ……… DEADWOOD: …………………………………unduak1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………GODI deant.* ……………………………………………………… Ráðunaut ----------………………… 2000 ………………ITAL …………………… ……………………………. ……………………………………………………………BORDÉSE ----- *** ………………………………. ……………… ....... **** *** ………… PRAUTAL……………………………………AKO ……………………………… …………………. mak…………………………………………………………………………………… *-**-•……………………………………………………………. …………………………… …………………………………… CIRCUM. ……………………. DESTESARSTA ---------…………………………………………………………………………………… THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET AT WIDTH samstundis 201sageCons ………oticons/ap………………………………… .... La TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… INSURAN ……………………... ..... ……………… ………… andavasz……………………………………………………………………NTO-CON………………………………………………………………………….. ***** *** 100000 ………………ITECOURA sensethe….……acasa. Height Of Pipe Line Connection. Height Of Drain Line Connection Height Of Over-Flow Connection.. Type And Size Of Tape Used Tank Measured By ………………………………………………………………………………………………………ODE FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) mutanghema ……………PERIODICATADI …………………tube ----- ******* 19411110000241299246…………………………USTIAN .. FO……..……………………………………………………… …………………………………………… LUTION .... OWNER PLANT/PROPERTY NAME LOCATION …………… Address ****** 1 …………………………. BOOK Address......... RING *****NOTE TOGO TRI SRINAGA……………………………………………aga RADI ………………………………………. ………………………………… …………………RIDGES 1444*+*………………. ………………………… ... ……………….. ……………………… T………………………………………………………………………………… ... …………………… RDMORA…………… ………………… COLOR.. ... ... Remarks: HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………………………… …………………. lesbian………………………………« **** NO. SECTIONS Gunaka………………………………………………….. ……………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor KULLA .... Date Tape Checked 11 11 Place For See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( aaaaa.. ……………… FORSI *** ………………………………… ………… *………………………………………………………………………………………COUSI ******FANT **……………edan……………………………………………………… NO. DATE ………………… ………………. ………………….. ……………….. ...... …………… ………………………. RANG ……………………………………………… ……………… **** ***** …………………………… SIZE SECTIONS .... ……………………………FUKAU CIRCUM. ............... ******** ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………. FA-DE-Nadeeasy a MATUOTE-DEILANDOUT…………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………. ………………………. **** ……………… ...... ……………… ……… casa ………………….. ••• …………der PI ***** .... ***USE………… …………………………………. ……………………….. ……………….CO …………………………… ………………………………………………. ………….. 34 CHAPTER VI INSIDE HEIGHT General The over-all inside height of any tank, regardless of the shape of its cross-sectional area, is the perpendicular distance from the lowest point on the top of the tank floor inside to a point level with the highest point on the under surface of the roof inside. The inside height should be measured and reported in the same units of measurement as will be used in the gauging operations, usually in feet, inches, and fractional inches. Inside heights always must be made and recorded in proper relation to the point where gauging a tank's contents is done. The contents of this chapter are closely related to Chapter III, Tank Gauging Methods in General Use. Disregarded Tank Capacity It is customary, for the preparation of gauge tables for tanks having other than flat roofs, to disregard any tank capacity below the roof down to the point where tank roof and wall are joined. An example of such disregarded capacity is that under a cone roof, above the level of the seam or flange where the roof is joined to the top of the tank's vertical wall. the top surface of the tank floor (equal to the bottom inside of the tank wall) and a point on a level with the top of the tank wall. € DISREGARDED TANK CAPACITY Upright Tanks In most upright tanks the bottom is level, or nearly so. In such cases measure the vertical distance between If access cannot be had to the inside of the INSIDE HEIGHT, OF USABLE CAPACITY INSIDE HEIGHT 35 tank, this measurement can be made on the outside, correcting for thickness of tank bottom and roof respectively as necessary, in order to obtain the equivalent inside height. Make and record two or more such measurements on opposite sides of the tank, to check uniformity of construction. Upright Tanks with Non-Level Bottoms In those cases of upright tanks where the bottom is not level, first obtain the measurement specified in the preceding paragraph, and designated here as A. Then, if the tank floor is bulged upward, measure the vertical distance between the highest point on the tank floor inside to a point on a level with the top of the tank wall, designated here as B. This condition is frequently encountered for the large tanks where the tank grade has been purposely prepared, so as to rise regularly from the outer perimeter to the center point or apex. This contributes to tank stability and in such cases the actual tank bottom construction lay-out takes this factor into full consideration. If access can not be had to the inside of the tank, it will be necessary to consult the construction specifications and drawings for the details. These may give only the inches rise in the tank floor; this measurement can then be subtracted from A to obtain B dimension. The reverse of this procedure is necessary for those tanks where the bottom is shaped as an inverted cone or bulges down- ward in the shape of a spherical segment or portion thereof. Ordinarily, such construction will be found only for stationary tanks elevated above the ground level, or for barge and ship compartments. मै * K ->- B B 36 * The two measurements A and B in these cases are as shown in the accompanying sketches. Actual measurements should be made on the tanks. In certain instances, such as the last two accom- panying sketches, it is necessary also to measure the horizontal distance between dimensions A and B. Specific sketches of irregular shapes are always helpful later in the calculation of volumes. Rely on construction infor- mation only if impossible to obtain the exact measurements. Horizontal Tanks K K(— tea *----* K (-) A B - c --2--| 不 ​KA+ B -P-X Measure the deepest inside depth (which should correspond to the inside diameter of the measured outside circum- ference of that section of the tank) Record also whether O'-0" by the gauging method is on a level with the inside bottom surface of the rings with the largest or the smallest circumferences or diameters. B MAXIMUM INSIDE HEIGHT 37 Wooden Tanks The floors of wooden tanks are usually built in at a level higher than the bottoms of the wall staves. For these tanks the inside height is the perpendicular distance from the inside top surface of the tank floor upward, first, to the top of the shortest stave, and, second to the top of the longest stave. These measurements are easier to obtain with a rigid gauge pole than with a flexible tape. |||||▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬___|||| -‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒||||| 不 ​Wooden Tanks With Boxed Roofs The roof decks of wooden tanks frequently are boxed in, so that the inside under surface of the roof is at a level considerably below the top of the wall staves. In many such cases the roof consists of double sets of deck planking with a space between to contain a water seal. This acts as insulation to help prevent evaporation of the tank's stored contents. For these tanks, the inside height is the perpendicular distance from the inside top surface of the tank floor upward to the inside under surface of the lower roof deck. If possible, measure and record this dimension at two different points in the tank, rather than at just one point. ← Spherical Tanks For spherical tanks, measure the maximum inside height. This will be the perpendicular dis- tance from the lowest point inside to the highest point inside. This dimension should be equal to K ----------|| |‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒||||| 1 II 38 the inside diameter which can be calculated from the average of the two outside circumference measurements bisecting one another at 90° at both the ton and bottom of the tank. It therefore may be seen that this calculated inside height may be used if access can not be had to the interior of the tank to obtain the actual measurement. Spheroidal Tanks For spheroidal tanks, measure the maximum inside height, designated here as A. Then measure B, which is the maximum allowed height for the normal liquid level, above the ground level or zero A datum plane. The tank, above the normal G.L. liquid level C, and below the ground level -K G.., may be either noded or a plain continu- ation of the spheroidal contour of the main portion of the tank. Tanks off Level If it appears that a tank is off-level, dete mine by how much. This can be done with a level, or with a level and a straight-edge, using the tape or gauge pole to measure the actual height discrepancy. A is the regular inside height. B is the height of the highest point on the tank wall inside above the ground level. C is the height of the lowest point on the top tank wall inside above the ground level. The difference between dimensions B and C is the maximum possible discrepancy for adjustment of dimension A. In such cases, it is necessary to describe the exact location of dimensions B and C relative to dimensi on A which in these cases should exactly coincide with the point at which gauging operations T B CLOR TOP LIQUID LEVEL A - с T B G.L. are regularly done. 39 Over-Flow Lines Occasionally two or more tanks of the same height in a single group or battery are connected by overflow pipes. This is done to prevent accidental overflow of any one tank in the battery. It is accomplished by means of horizontal piping connected to each tank through its wall at a point just below the roof. While such piping may include a gate or valve just outside each tank, it is obvious that for the system to work in the manner intended, these gates or valves must remain open. In such cases the actually effective inside height is therefore the perpendicular distance B from the inside top surface of the tank floor upward to the level reached by the tank's contents just before overflowing, rather than the normal inside height A. If the tank also is off-level, then dimension C is necessary. OVER FLOW B Gauging Wells Certain types of tanks, with roofs in a fixed position, some- times are equipped with a so-called gauging well. This pipe, sometimes perforated, is built in under the gauging hatch and extends down to the tank floor. The gauge point at the bottom of such a gauging well may not be at exactly the same level as the inside top surface of the tank floor. In such cases it is therefore also necessary to determine the difference from the normal inside height, in order that the calcul ated tank volume at any actual inside tank height may be properly expressed in terms of gauging height. A-NORMAL INSIDE HT. AUGINI B-ACTUAL GANGING HEIGHT 10 ==== GAUGE GAUGE HATCH Α GAUGING WELL PIPE RT SUPPORT A-B 40 Gauge Plates, .Float Gauges, and Gauge Glasses By the same reasoning, it is similarly to obtain the proper correlation between actual in- side height and gauging height for tanks equipped with gauge plates, or with auto- matic gauging devices, such as float gauges or gauge glasses, as shown by the accompanying sketches. It is pointed out that automatic float gauges can be ad- justed so that the tape reading is in terms of actual inside tank height rather than in terms of height above the bottom of the gauging installation. Gauge glass fixed reference gauge boards should be adjusted in position so that 0'-0" on the gauge board is at the same level as the lowest point on the top surface of the tank floor inside. necessary The total inside heights A for both these types of tanks are first de- termined in the same manner as for any other large upright tanks. That is, "A" represents the perpen- dicular distance from the inside surface of the tank floor upward to the top of the tank shell. However, as B-INSIDE HEIGHT TO GANGE PLATE+ Unk с GAUGING REFERENCE POINT GANGE TAPE NORMAL INSIDE HEIGHT GUY WIRES C=A-B Pan-Type and Pontoon-Type Floating Roof Tanks PAN-TYPE B UGE HATCH B FLOATING ROOF DIFFERENCE IN HEIGHT C = B-A (ADJUST TAPE TO READ IN TERMS OF "A"; IF POSSIBLE) SHEAVE PONTOON TYPE FLOATING ROOF A-NORMAL INSIDE K HEIGHT GAUGE GLASSES ↓ GAUGING HOUSING A-NORMAL > -->| GAUGE PLATE -< →→→→ BOARD, COINCIDING WITH BOTTOM OF DIMENSIONA WHENEVER POSSIBLE. INSIDE HEIGHT zz 00 B-GANGING INSTALLATION HEIGHT □ 400; ON GAUGE BOARD 41 the roofs might be partially floated off the tanks if the liquid level ever rose to this maximum height, it is customary to designate a so-called "safe maximum liquid level" "B" at some point somewhat below the top of the tank shell. This point should be determined and recorded on the record of tank measurements. Later, when the gauge table is calculated, it also should show this information. Breather and Balloon Type Roof Tanks The total inside heights "A" for both these types of tanks also represent the perpendicular distance from the inside surface of the tank floor upward to the top of the tank shell. Both types of tanks are designed for retention of vapors given off by the storea product. Gauging is done by the ordinary innage method. Therefore, to reduce evaporation while the gauge hatch is open, the hatch is extended down ward in the form of a pipe, nearly to the floor of the tank. The pipe is open at its lower end, although cross braced to the tank- shell. It may be seen that the liquid level in the gauging well while the hatch is open will not be subject to the same pressure conditions as the liquid level in the rest of the tank. Accordingly, such tanks ordinarily are equipped with a manometer. This shows, in terms of inches, etc., the amount of pressure or vacuum in the vapor space of the tank, versus normal atmospheric pressure. The difference from normal must be used as a correction on the gauged height of the liquid, i.e. a subtraction if the roof is under pressure and an addition if there is any degree of vacuum. Notations of the presence of such an installation should be shown on the tank measure- ment record and afterwards on the completed gauge table. When the 42 latter is used, the note will be a precaution that gauge reading corrections may be necessary. MANOMETER INSIDE HEIGHT UK TELAH TOD GAUGE TAPE & BOB DOWN THROUGH WELL OPEN AT BOTTOM END F RAPTERS B BALLOON TYPE ROOF ID A COLUMNS SURFACE! B - MANOMETER A INSIDE HEIGHT YUK BREATHER TYPE ROOF ACTUAL GAUGED DEPTH OF LIQUID MINUS CORRECTION C = ACTUAL DEPTH OF LIQUID WITHIN THE TANK, IN TERMS OF NORMAL INSIDE HEIGHT Heights of Pipe Connections to Tanks It is desirable for various reasons to show on the gauge table the bottom inside heights above the tank floor of the various pipe line connections to the tank, principally to guard against using inaccurate gauge readings. If the tank has an outlet through an inside swing pipe, the open end of which can be raised or lowered by a windlass, record this fact to- gether with the appropriate height of the pipe connection to the tank wall. YKU A HEIGHT OF OVER-FLOW LINE B-HEIGHT OF DRAIN LINE C-HEIGHT OF OUTLET CONNECTION + 43 Protective Tank Floor Coverings It may be that certain tanks are found to have a protective coating on the tank floor, made of other material than that of which the tank floor itself is made. Such materials ordinarily are not soluble in the liquid to be stored. For instance, steel tank floors may be covered with a layer of concrete or hardened asphalt. In all such cases, if the surface of the additional floor covering is hard, make all inside height measurements so that this surface is regarded as the actual tank floor surface. However, it is well to retain a record of the nature and depth of the additional floor covering. Such installations are usually levelled off, but if this is not the case, it will be necessary to measure and record the deviation in height and the corresponding horizontal distances between them. NORMAL INSIDE HEIGHT + INSIDE HEIGHT ACTUALLY EFFECTIVE -= DEPTH OF FLOOR COVERING 44 CHAPTER VII DEADWOOD General Deadwood is the term used to generally describe any construction detail inside of the tank, the presence of which decreases the liquid capacity. In order to prepare accurate volume gauge tables, it is necessary to know the location, number, and dimensions of all such items. They may then be given their proper consideration as deductions from the open tank capacity. All such items should be actually measured, if access to the tank's interior may be had safely, unless it is known positively that all deadwood details are standard for the particuler make, size and type of tank. In the latter case, they can be taken from the manufacturing and construction specifications and drawings. This also must be the source of information if the exact deadwood details are not known and access is not to be had to the interior of the tank. Specific Details It is necessary to have all the following information, whether actually measured or secured from construction drawings: Exact width, thickness and height, or exact diameter and height etc. of each piece. The number of pieces. The location of each piece in terms of the inside tank height. The position of each piece, that is, whether upright or horizontal, or if neither, then the exact number of degrees from the vertical. For piping, whether it is entirely closed, open or perforated. If not entirely closed, the inside diameter is necessary in addition to the outside diameter. 45 Complete detailed dimensions of each roof support, except that where that portion of the tank capacity under the roof down to the level where tank roof and wall are joined is disregarded, details are not necessary for that portion of the roof supports contained in the disregarded space. Feight, width and deepest depth of appreciable dents in the tank wall, and location in terms of inside height. It is advisable to make a sketch of each dent for the record. Thickness, including details of variations, of any protective layer of concrete etc., on tank floor, or on tank walls and on interior construction details. Certain protective interior coverings are sprayed on while others are held in place by wire mesh spot welded to the surface to be covered. The latter procedure permits a covering of considerable thickness. If the nature of the liquid being stored contributes to a sediment or precipitation being deposited more or less permanently on the tank inside walls or floor, the thickness at the time of the original tank measurement and its later increase from time to time should be given adequate consideration. Complete details of off-level bottom construction, including a sketch. Details of manholes or clean-out boxes, including whether they protrude outside or inside the tank. The distance they protrude from the tank shell at their centers, and if the tank is round, the average distance they protrude from the tank shell at their two sides. For rectangular shaped designs, the height and width; if round, the di ame ter or circumference. The type and thickness of the material of which built. The location on the tank in terms of its inside height. 46 Number and size of bolts or nuts and channel irons for bolted steel tanks. (These details usually can be safely obtained solely from tank specifications without actual count and measurement at the tank itself). Corresponding small details for other types of tanks. Complete details of inside tank shell seam laps, butt straps, joints projecting inside etc. (See also Chapter IX) Examples Pipe Coils 123'-4" of 2" closed pipe between O'-4" and O'-6 3/8". (Note) Pipe Roof Support In exact center of tank - Upright for entire height of tank - 6" perforated pipe. (Note) Roof Rafters Wood 10'-8" and 10'-10". Wood 10'-6" and 10'-10". Umbrella type Steel Roof Supports 12 Pieces, each 6'-0" in length, at an angle, between 2'-6" and 8'-1", from circular ring around ladder at center of tank to points within a radius of 2'-4" from center of tank at 8'-1". Each piece made of angle iron 1"x13"x1/8". Roof Rafter Supports 8 Pieces Upright, all between 0'-4" Wood ་་ Roof Rafters 62' of 4"x2" across top, flat, between 65' of 2"x4" across top, edgewise, between and 7'-8", 4"x4" post lumber. Clean-out Box Rectangular, Protruding outward (Made up from 1" steel) on tank wall between 0'-3" and 2′-9″ - Height 2'-6",Width 4'-0", Protrudes 0'-6" at vertical center and average of O'-7" at vertical CONTRACTED SECTION TANK WALL ARC K-LENGTH- ㅔ ​sides (see sketch). (The length of the arc on the tank circumference made by the joint of clean-out box with tank may be desirable). T 2'-9' 0-3 2'-6" -4'-0"↓ ་་ 1/4" STEEL PLATES NOTE: The pipe sizes given above are "nominal" sizes only. See table of actual dimensions in the APPENDIX. 47 PAY ཎྷན་སཱ ·A·~? Renishan EXAMPLES OF DEADWOOD 18 PUPA CAN The sketch above is based on the type of interior tank construction illustrated in the catalog of the "Parkersburg Rig And Reel Company", manufacturers of bolted steel tanks in wide use. Various items of "Deadwood" are shown, as follows: Ladder uprights, ladder steps, and ladder footing, all of steel angle irons. "U" shaped channel irons, upright on the inside of each vertical bolted seam. Roof rafters, of steel angle iron. Roof rafter supports, of the "umbrella" type, also of steel angle iron. Roof rafter and rafter support brace rings, of circular steel angle iron. These items may vary somewhat between different manufacturers. 48 Location 0'0" to 0¹=2" EXAMPLE 07 DEADWOOD DETAILS IN A WOODEN TANK C-2" to 10'-8" 10'-81" to Top 10'-84" to Top 1-1 • 1-1 No.Pieces TH2 7 1 lol GR *** ། }} DEADWOOD LIST Dimensions 2" x 6" x 2'-0" >>>> 34"x3"x10'-64" 51"x1-5/8"x18'-0" 51"x1-5/8"x17'-0" -- 10 ❤ Top view of tank, showing the planks, to support the roof, laid on top of their -- supporting posts and post footings Foreshortened projection of arrangement of posts on tank floor Remarks Blocks,Flat on Bottom Posts,Upright Flat,Under Roof "1 Cubic Inches 2,016.00 10,825.94 1,930.50 3,646.50 48.1 CHARTER VTTT TYPE OF ROOF 1. Plat Roof Tanks Ordinarily, there are no details of the roof construction itself which require direct measurement for the purpose of computing tank volumes. Any inside supports, under the roof, require measurement as described in the preceding Chapter VII on "Deadwood". 2. Cone Roof Tanks. The remarks above concerning "Flat Roof Tanks" apply here also. 3. Spherical Segment Roof Tanks. The remarks above under 1 apply here also. 4. Floating Roof Tanks.- Pan Type and Pontoon. a. General These two types of roofs, by elimination of vapor space at the surface of the stored liquid, help very materially in prevention of filling and breathing losses. They assist in the reduction of boiling losses of volatile products through trapping the vapors resulting from ebullition until reabsorption is possible by a drop in atmospheric temperature. Other advan- tages are decreases in fire hazard and in corrosion of inner tank surfaces. The principal features of each type are shown in the two sketches following. 49 TANK SHELL تها WIND GIRDER ROOF DECKS PONTOON TRUSS RODS AND SUPPORTS ROOF DECK Symp ·· SWING PIPE DRAIN LINE ↓ THIS TYPE ROOF HAS A D IF PAN-TYPE FLOATING ROOF ROLLING LADDER LADDER ROOF LEGS OR SUPPORTS TRASK NT DECK CONSTRUCTION, ON, AS TRUSS RODS, BUT OTHERWISE ALL ESSENTIAL DETAILS ARE MUCH THE SAME AS THE PAN-TYPE, SHOWN ABOVE, IN LATER TYPES, THE ROOF DECK MAY BE HIGHER, SO AS TO BE AT THE LEVEL INDICATED BY THE BROKEN LINES AS SKETCHED. THERE ARE NO GAUGIN LATFORM PONTOON 1 RAILED STAIRWAY DOWN GAUGE HATCH STEEL Anu FABRIC SHOE PONTOON TYPE FLOATING ROOF It may be seen from the foregoing that these roofs have undoubted definite conservation advantages. Unfortunately, however, they both present a considerable problem in gauging, measurement, and the necessary preparation of volume gauge tables. G.L. 50 The pontoon type probably is the lesser problem of the two, although subject in general to the same operating difficulties but to a somewhat lesser degree. as the pan-type, A considerable amount of work has been done by various interested parties in an attempt to correctly analyze the admitted inherent problems and to arrive at adequate solutions. The author participated in much of this and, in addition to original work, had access to varied opinions and results of others. Complete details of these data are far too lengthy to be included here. However, they were given consideration in extended consultations with Peter Kerr, then a member of the staff of one of the larger petroleum companies. Mr. Kerr's experience included encountering these types of installations on a world wide basis and his views were highly valued by the author. A joint report on the subject was prepared, as a result of the consultations mentioned, and forms the basis for the following discussion. In order to properly maintain the desirable continuity and direct relationship of the material, it has been considered advisable in this instance to treat all in one general subject the individual problems of tank gauging, roof measurement, and the main principles of the method of volume gauge table preparation. (1) Summary The measurement of liquid under pan-type floating roofs offers special difficulties beyond those met with under cone roofs. Such roofs, even when fully floating, can not be considered as constant either in shape, in horizontality, or in effective weight. The practical effects of these variations are too great to be neglected if accuracies comparable to those obtainable under cone roofs are to be secured. Simple methods of calibration and 51 gauging do not guarantee this comparable accuracy. If comparable accuracy were to be secured, elaborate and troublesome methods of calibration and gauging would be necessary, but the compli- cations are such that these are impracticable. ✔ This discussion outlines the difficulties. It includes the ideas suggested on collation of a very considerable number of reports and observations by others, too numerous for more than this general acknowledgment. (2)Discussion When a floating roof is resting on its legs at the bottom of its tank, its shape may be and generally is widely different from that in the floating position. Tank bottoms may be normally irregular in shape and unless the legs are carefully adjusted to the exact lengths, the roof will distort in line with irregularities of the tank bottom. Even if the legs are adjusted when the tank is new, slow changes in the shape of the tank bottom will produce this distortion later. As liquid rises in the tank so as to pass the apex of the cone, the roof is distorted by the upward thrust on the part of the roof near the apex, and this process of dis- tortion continues not only until the conical part of the roof is immersed, but also as the liquid rises along the cylindrical part of the roof. For a given height of liquid relative to the roof, the amount of distortion will vary with the gravity of the liquid concerned. Friction between the shoes and the tank shell will normally hold the roof down longer than would be the case if the weight of the roof were the only factor to be considered. As friction is overcome, the roof tends to move upward in small jerks rather than smoothly. If one part of the tank is narrower than another, the frictional effects may be expected to vary from 52 ring to ring of the tank. Friction will, of course, act against the movement of the roof whether the roof is rising or falling. Thermal expansion or contraction of the liquid in the tank will tend to move the roof as well as actual pumping, so that even in standing storage the amount and di recti on of the effective friction will vary from day to day. Since friction affects the head of the liquid over the conical floor of the roof, it induces a change in the shape of the floor. Petroleum and other oils exert a lubricating effect, and the frictional effects with gasoline and allied products have been found to be higher than those with oils. It seems unlikely that any regularities will be shown from tank to tank, since the effective friction will depend not only on the causes given above, but also on such factors as the smoothness or state of corrosion of the shoes and tank sides, on the tension chosen for the springs holding the shoes against the tank wall, and on the number of shoes, that is, on the size of the tank. It is clear that if a roof is floating freely and without friction in a liquid of constant gravity, the level of the liquid relative to the roof, measured say by the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch, will not vary as liquid is pumped into the tank. The fact that variations are found in this figure' is a proof that friction has its effect on the position of the roof. Direct measurement shows that if the roof is held by friction while liquid is being pumped in, the height of the liquid in the gauge hatch rises above the free floating level and that simultaneously the conical part of the roof is further distorted upwards. A cor- rective method that suggests itself is the use of the height of the liquid in the gauge hatch as a measure both of the frictional obstruction and of the distortion of the roof, the volume of 53 liquid in the annular space round the cylindrical part of the roof being readily included. Unfortunately this process is in- sufficient, as is shown in the next paragraph. If the effective friction of the shoes is even in all directions then the roof will remain level, but if the friction is not even on all sides of the tank, the roof will tend to tilt, and tilting of such roofs is in fact frequently noticed. This effect seems specially likely to occur if the tank itself is not exactly vertical. In a riveted tank which is slightly tilted, the rivets at the high side of the tank will engage with the shoes at a different level from those on the low side, and tilting of the roof is very probable in such parts of the tank. The use of a spirit level or other simple device for measuring the tilt of the roof suggests itself as a means of correcting for this, out again this is insufficient. It has been found that when one edge of such a roof is held down, the roof not only tilts but distorts. Hogging takes place as with a ship, but owing to the relatively light construction of the roof, buckling is also to be expected. Under these circum- stances, measurement at any one point of the angle of the roof to the horizontal does not allow us to correct with any certainty for the tilt of the roof, and we cannot rely on our correction of gauges back to the level. Measurement of the tilt at several points of the roof might allow correction to level, but we should be forced into impracticable elaborations if indeed these had not already been reached. 54 EVIDENCE OF FRICTION ON TANK SHELL BUCKLING OF DECK PLATES PAN-TYPE ROOF GAUGE HATCH 55 紙​線 ​SE DECK SURFACE IRREGULARITIES TILT OF ROOF EVIDENCED BY WATER FLOW UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF ICE LOAD LADDER OFF TRACK It is clear from what has been said above that no method of gauging that relies on constancy of shape of a floating roof can give uniform good accuracy, since the shape of the roof is in fact variable. So too, no method that relies on constancy of weight of the roof can be highly accurate, since the friction of the shoes varies the effective weight of the roof. We cannot reliably correct out of these difficulties by simple measurement to the roof itself, since the roof is in fact found to tilt. Simple methods of measuring the tilt are unreliable, since tilt is likely to be accompanied by distortion. (3) Theoretical Magnitude of the Errors The effect of all. this will vary considerably from tank to tank. Thorough theoretical investigation would allow general con- clusions as to the magnitude of the errors, and would almost cer- tainly throw much light on the subject. In particular: a. The amount and character of the distortion of such roofs under varying liquid heads can, no doubt, be calculated fairly closely from theory. Tf in a few well-chosen cases, theory were found to agree with the distortions actually measured, roof calibration tables might be calculated from a much smaller number of measurements than could be relied on without this theoretical justification. b. The stability of level of such roofs might advantageously be looked into along the lines used for the stability of ships. Calculation of the height of the center of buoyancy above the center of gravity of the roof, and the moment necessary to trim the roof one inch would indicate how sensitive the roofs might be expected to be to differences in friction at different sides of the tank. The shallow draught of the roof, and the 56 height of the sides, shoes, and tie-rods above the oil level makes it possible that the roof derives most of its stability of trim from the support given by the shoes, though this is merely a guess in the absence of definite figures. c. Coefficients of friction rather lose their meaning with corroded and therefore rough surfaces, but it would be useful to know what proportion of the pressure of the shoes springs is convertible into vertical friction, both when the shoes are new and smooth, and also when they are old and rough. (4) Practical Magnitude of the Errors The trouble of closer calibration and more elaborate gauging can only be undertaken on the grounds that without it, the errors in measurement are intolerable in practice. The following specific examples indicate very roughly what the actual amount of the errors may be in particular cases, but the number of cases of exact measurement known to us is insufficient to allow us to say whether the examples given are above or below what is to be expected in average cases. a. On a tank of, 60' diameter, the apex of the cone of the roof rose about 3" as petroleum touched and rose round the roof to float it. For a given increase of height of oil round the roof, the rise of the apex was most rapid just before the ro of overcame the friction and moved upward. Complete survey of the shape of the roof was not made, but even the gauge hatch, which is close to the side of the roof, rose appreciably before the roof moved as a whole. The change of shape seems too great to be neglected, if cone-roof standards of measurement are to be maintained. 57 b. Reliable figures for frictional effects are difficult to obtain. Effects averaging fifteen tons per roof have been reported on four 80,000-barrel tanks handling petroleum. This is almost certainly an overestimate, since the calcu- lation neglected the compensating effect of the distortion mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Against this, the tanks contained petroleum, not gasoline, with which latter or allied products the friction would probably have been considerably greater. Granting the unreliability of the figures, it still seems clear that frictional effects are of practical im- portance, and are not merely theoretical. c. Differences of level between opposite sides of a roof must normally be considerable before they are noticeable to the unaided eye. Careful measurements of the difference in level between opposite sides of the roof are not frequently reported, but differences of one or two inches have been detected. d. Very little information is available on the distortion which accompanies tilt. It seems likely to be less than the tilts reported, and this is the case in the few figures available. 'Hogging' of the roof on a 55,000-barrel tank to the extent of one-half inch has been reported, this being accompanied by considerable buckling also. Over a complete year, five 80,000-barrel tanks handling very large amounts of crude petroleum showed a gain of 0.45% over the amounts calculated as having been pumped into them. This is more important than anything that has yet been said, for it shows that the errors in measurement under floating roofs may be systematic, at least in part, and that we 58 can not rely on their cancelling out over a long series of measurements, as we can in the case of measurements under cone roofs. It also implies that loss measurements on floating roof tanks made by ordinary gauging must be scrutinized very closely before they are accepted, in case they retain systematic errors affecting the figures in one direction or the other. (5) Degree of Accuracy Required In this discussion the maintenance of cone-roof standards of accuracy is tacitly assumed as desirable. Where a tank is not used for purchases or sales, there is less need for good accuracy, and simple methods of calibration and gauging can be adopted in this case, if the user is prepared to tolerate the greater ir- regularity in the records. If it were not for the presence of systematic errors in the simpler processes, this principle might be widely and safely applied. It is in any case less satisfactory where plant yields depend on measurements made from the tank. When the use of pan-type floating roofs is found very profitable in conservation, then difficulties of measurement must just be accepted or overcome. Any elaboration of method that is found necessary to secure the desired standard of accuracy would then be part of the price that must be paid for better conser- vation. This discussion is not concerned primarily with the value of floating roofs in reduction of losses, but rather with diffi- culties of measurement. A considerable part of what has been said applies to pontoon-type roofs. While it seems possible that the pontoon type may be more favored in the future, measurements will still have to be made under existing pan-type roofs. 59 (6) Practical Limitetions in Cauging One gauging platform only is supplied with the tank, and it can not be cheaply duplicated. The gauger can not safely walk along the wind girder, nor descend to the tank roof unless under special precauti on. Practical methods of gauging are therefore limited to the use of instruments which can be handled or read from the one gauging platform available. It is possible to take innages or outages, but these can be taken as equivalent in this discussion. So far as the gauge tape is concerned, here it is limited to measuring the level of a point on the liquid surface or a point on the roof itself vertically below the gauge platform. It is possible, however, to measure both of these, or one of them and their difference, or to take any equivalent pair of measure- ments. If it is required to determine the angle of the roof to the horizontal, it is necessary to devise some instrument which can be read from the gauging platform. (7) Subdivision of Problem It is convenient to subdivide the problem into three parts as follows: a. As liquid is pumped into an empty tank fitted with a floating roof, a certain depth of liquid will have to be pumped in before it touches the lowest part of the roof cone. Volume gauge tables for this part of the tank can be constructed as if the roof were not present, except for the additional deɛd- wood of the roof legs. This need not be further discussed here. b. The next range is that between the level at which the liquid first touches the cone and that at which the roof begins to float, a range which may be called the "partly immersed range". 60 The most satisfactory method of constructing tables for this range, at least at present, is to introduce liquid into the tank in measured quantities, and construct an empirical table by taking frequent innage gauges until the roof begins to float. Knowing the 'onen tank' volumes, it is then possible to cal- culate the volume displaced by the roof. The liquid used for this should be of closely the same gravity as that which the roof is to cover later, since the distortion produced depends on the gravity of the liquid. The liquid is best measured in from a small measuring tank, if this is available, and check should of course be made that the temperature of the liquid does not change between the measuring tank and the tank under calibration, correction of volumes being made if this is necessary. The process is not likely to be rapid, since the liquid surface obviously must be allowed to steady down before each gauge is taken. After a sufficient number of roofs of any one size have been calibrated in this way, then by comparing the results it might be possible to reduce the number of intermediate gauges and therefore the time taken in further calibrati ons of roofs of similar size. If the results showed this to be justified, subsequent roofs might be calibrated over their partial immersion range by measuring liquid gauges and volumes at two points only, say when the liquid just touched the apex, and when it reached exactly two inches above the lower edge of the cylindrical part of the roof. Volume gauge tables would then be constructed by subdividing the observed total increase in liquid volume between its extreme gauges in the same proportions as the total increases in volume in previous complete calibrations were found to be subdivided between their 61 extreme gauges. High accuracy can not be hoped for in the volume gauge tables for partial immersion renges, and it seems desirable to reduce the time taken in their construction as much as possible, since in practice gauges in this range are comparatively unusual. On the other hand, very gross errors have been detected in several actual cases, and calibration should be careful enough to exclude these. Satisfactory volume gauge tables can not be constructed on the assumption that the roof is a rigid cone. c. The next range is that in which the roof floats. This is discussed in detail below, since it is the most important part. The discussion proceeds from easy methods of low accuracy, step by step, to difficult methods of possibly greater accuracy. The latter are outlined only, since it is felt that they may be impracticable. === ==== 1 ROOF FLOATING: FULLY PARTIALLY AT REST ON TANK BOTTOM ELEV ATIONS OF BOT 80T TOMS OF ROOF LEGS, AS ATTAINED AT VARIOUS STAGES OF ROOF DECK POSITIONS, AS DESIGNATED. 62 (8) Gauging by a Single Measurement If gauges are made to the level of the liquid surface, it is possible to take out the corresponding volume of liquid from open tank' volume gauge tables, and then subtract the volume calculated as displaced by the roof, assuming fo 1 this last the maker's or some other constant weight for the roof. The volume of liquid displaced depends on the gravity of the liquid in which the roof floats, and good practice would be to QUID LEVEL ROOF DECK GAUGE TAPE HATCH take a sample from the liquid just below the roof, determine its gravity, and obtain the correction to the 'open tank' volume from a separate volume gauge table prepared beforehand, this table giving the volume displaced by the roof in liquid of any gravity likely to be found under the roof. It is possible to assume an average gravity for the liquid stored and sub- tract a constant volume from the 'open tank' volume, but this is less satisfactory. The most accuratè figure for the weight of the roof would be obtained by weighing each component part separately before erection. The weights obtained by calculation from the data given on the tank drawings are affected by the tolerances 63 which are allowed on the various thicknesses and dimensions, and it is suspected in certain cases that substantial dif- ferences exist between the calculated and true weights of the roof. It is thought that the calculated weight of the roof is likely to be less than the true weight in the majority of cases, since tolerances are normally in excess only. Advice to the makers prior to the erection of the tank that it was intended to rely closely on their weight figure for the roof would, no doubt, allow them to give a thoroughly reliable figure for this purpose. The above procedure negle cts the variation in effective weight of the roof pro- duced by the friction of the shoes, and this leads not only to error in par- ticular cases, but may also lead to material systematic error which is not elimi- nated over long series of gauges. The percentage effect of this last depends on the manner in which the tenk is used. In spite of this, the above seems to be the best procedure applicable ROOF ELEVATION WHEN FLOATING FREE OF FRICTION LIQUID LEV VEL ROOF ELEVATION WHEN S4 8 JEO TED TO FRICTION WHILE RISING, BUT WITH SAME AMOUNT OF LIQUID IN TANK to general practice. b. If gauges are made to a point on the roof itself, it is possible to then enter volume gauge tables constructed on the assumptions that: 64 1. The roof is level. 2. The gravity of the liquid immediately under the roof is constant. 3. The liquid surface is at some constant depth above or below the point gauged on the roof. 4. The roof is sufficient- ly rigid to allow the subtraction of I LIQUID LEVEL GAUGING PLATFORM GAUGE TAPE ROOF DECK | a constant volume of liquid in allowing for the displacement of the roof at the liquid level in 3. As regards 1, further information on the differences of level occurring in practice would be useful. As regards 2, the liquid immediately under the roof is exposed to the heat of the day and the cold of the night, so that the temperatur e and therefore the gravity variations at this level are higher than the average for the tank. As regards 3, shoe friction will cause some variation of the level of the liquid relative to the level of the roof point gauged, but the volume per inch depth of the annular space surrounding the roof is comp: ratively small. As regards 4, the shape of the roof is very sensitive to changes of pressure, as indeed would be expected when the ease with which cone roofs collapse under slight pressures is considered. Alterations in the 65 liquid head have an effect over the roof which can hardly be neglected, as has been shown in previous paragraphs. It might be possible to minimize this error by gauging to a suitably chosen point on the roof, but the best point is likely to be much nearer the center of the tank than can easily be reached from the platform usually available. The distortion of the roof floor under a given head of liquid will not be the same if appreciable quantities of water or snow are lying on the roof, as it would be if these were not present. The degree to which gauging to a single point at the edge of the roof eliminates the effect of water or snow on the gauges can only be considered as very doubtful. These methods of interpreting a single gauge figure fall short of 'cone-roof' accuracy, since the roof is constant neither in shape, effective weight, nor horizontality, and it floats where the daily variations in gravity of the liquid beneath it are at a maximum. Any good method of calibration and gauging must eliminate at least the major part of the effect of all these four factors, and very unfortunately, it seems impossible that, simplicity and accuracy can be attained together. 66 NOTE As an aside from the main body of this discussion, it is interesting to interpolate at this point a set of notes on the relative merits of the "outage" versus the "innage" gauging method on this type of tankage. These notes represent the conclusions of the author after practical first-hand study of the behavior of a particular group of floating roof installations in tanks for which gauging discrepancies were suspected as the cause of unreasonable and protracted losses and gains in liquid volumes transferred to and from the tanks. It is stressed that these notes are included as applicable to the particular tankege involved at the time of the study, and under their specific operating conditions. It therefore does not necessarily follow that the conclusiors reached are of general application in all casc3. "OUTAGE GAUGES TO FIXED POINT ON HOOF DECK ADJACENT TO HATCH" All conditions affecting gauge in full view all the time. weighted plumb bob rests solidly on gauging plate in full sight with tepe taut. Weight on bottom of bob sufficient to prevent buoying by wind. Tape free of liquid at all times. Gaure readings mede on clean tape against knife edre permitting accurate reading to nearest 1/16". Requires no change in gauge table when revity of liquid under floating deck varies materially AC gaure reading is to "true liquid level". Finally, and most important, gauge reading is for "true liquid level" and possibilities of errors narrow down to the small volume of liquiâ in the annulus. "INNAGE GAUGES TO LIQUID LEVEL IN REGULAR GAUGING HATCH" Conditions below floating deck out of sight and therefore unknown. Plumb bob might rest on objects present on tank floor and as it cannot be seen, no certitude exists that bob is properly in contact with actual tank floor. Also bob contacting floor might lean from vertical position or contacting floor too abruptly cause the liquid line to rise on the tape. Weight of bob insufficient to prevent excessive buoying by wind and con- sequent error on gauge reading. Necessary to pass tape through column of liquid to contact tank floor, necessitating cleaning tape and accumulations of liquid drippings on gauging platform. Uneven liquid line often read on tape, at best permitting reading to only nearest 1/8". Changes in gravity of liquid being handled changes displacement of liquid by roof, requiring a com- pensating correction in gauge table. Errors made take in entire cross- sectional area of column of liquid in the tank because changes in the variable level in hatch are treated as covering entire tank. 66.1 (9) Gauging Using Two Measurements It has been explained already that it is possible to gauge both to the level of the liquid surface and to a point on the roof, or take any two equivalent measurements. The two usually cho sen are a gauge to the liquid level and a determination of the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch. It is easy to calculate the volume of liquid contained per inch of depth in the annular space between the floating roof and the side of the tank, and correction tables are frequently constructed which show the amount of liquid GANGING which is present in the annular space at any given depth. PLATFORM of liquid in the gauge hatch The important point omitted from this procedure is the fact that the floor of the roof distorts with change in head of the liquid over it, and the error introduced by neglecting this distor- tion is usually many times the error introduced by neglecting the change of volume in the annular space. To be of any real use, the correction table which is entered with the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch must include the effect of the distortion of the roof floor, an effect not very easily determined. The most direct method of constructing such a table would be to adopt or rather continue the empirical process of celibration which has been suggested above, for preparation of the table for the partial immersion range. As the liquid level approached the LIQUID LEVEL ROOF DECK GANGE TAPE HEIGHT OF LIQUID IN GANGE HATCH REGULAR "INNAGE" GAUGE DEPTH→ 67 lower edge of the cylindrical part of the roof, gauges would be taken after each measured addition of liquid, and the process repeated frequently, as the liquid rose round the cylindrical part of the roof. If by good fortune the friction was such that the roof was held down considerably, then the measurement so made would reach not only to the level at which the roof would float if it were free, but would extend one or two inches above this level, and so the measurements would cover a range of depth in the gauge hatch sufficient to meet most of the variations found in subsequent practice. If for any reason, the roof when near the bottom of the tank was not affected as much by friction as it would be at other levels in the tank, then the data would be incomplete, and extra- polation would have to be resorted to in order to complete the table over the necessary range. Since the distortion of the roof floor seems to be at least roughly proportional to the head of liquid over it, this extrapolation would probably be fairly reliable. Alternatively, it would be possible to compute the actual displacement of the roof at any given depth of liquid in the gauge hatch from surveys of the roof floor, with sub- sequent application of the usual formulee for determin- ing the volumes of irregular solids. The practical advan- tage of this process over that of empirical calibration is that the tank need not be emptied nor long held out of use. (ANY) _LIQUID_ T ROOF TANK _LEVEL DECK FLOOR 1 RADE 68 It is believed that the many practical difficulties of this process can be overcome, and the calculations made reasonably simple. Fow for the labor of preparing such tables would be repaid in greater accuracy of measurement is a little hard to say. Tf it is only occasionally that a floating roof tilts away from its normal floating trim, their preparation would be worth while. It tilt is 니 ​LIQUID LEVEL ROOF DECK WHEN FLO ATING FREELY LT OF ROOF DECK RESULTING FRO 1 THE EFFECT OF FRICTION frequent, then the gain would be slight, for tilt and distortion both may affect the observed depth of liquid in the gauge ha tch, and so lead to an erroneous correction being taken from the table, which would necessarily be constructed for some definite state of trim of the roof. Tilt, negligible enough from the engineering point of view but serious from the point of view of liquid measurement, seems to be frequent with these roofs. Beyond the accident al differences produced by variations in shoe friction, half of the weight of the ladder giving access to the roof is supported by the roof itself. This load is usually applied on the radius which is most effective in changing the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch, since the gauging platform is normally just beside the top of the roof ladder. When the roof is high in the tank, this effect will be small, 69 since the point of application of the load is relatively near the center of the roof. When the roof is lower down, the point of application moves nearer the side of the roof, and the tilting moment increases. From the data available, floating roofs seem sensitive to tilting moments, and it seems improbable that the roof will remain level near the bottom of the tank under the load of the ladder. This introduces a systematic error in the use of any correction tables based on the height of the liquid in the hatch. It is true that tilting or distortion of the roof does not affect its weight or the volume of liquid it displaces, so that the usual innage or outage gauges are unaffected by tilt of the roof, but the point at issue here is the interpretation of the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch. Owing to the flexibility of the floor of the roof, the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch and the effective friction at the roof shoes have not the simple relationship which they would have if the roof were rigid. Tilting of the roof complicates the rela- tionship further. Taken together, these factors may at times largely defeat the attempt to use the depth of the liquid in the gauge hatch as a measure of the friction, since they at once cause very con- siderable complexities in making the necessary correction tables. The simplest course is to desert present standards of accuracy and neglect the effects of friction, systematic though these may be in many cases. If a floating roof tank must be used frequently for purchases or sales, then some improvement in the measurements probably would be obtained by constructing correction tables which can be used when the depth of liquid in the gauge hatch is taken as well as the usual innage gauge. Even with this amount of labor, there seems little hope of wholly eliminating systematic error. • A 70 From the point of view of liquid measurement, a floating roof can only be considered as a flexible diaphragm which does not float freely. but which is held by varying amounts of friction at its edges, and which may tilt and distort from one cause or ano ther. The difficulties of me a su rement which this implies are obvious. b. Minimum Recommended Measurements Taking the foregoing discussion into considera ti on, the minimum number of roof measurements should be as described just hereinafter. In addition to these actual measurement data, the manufacturer's constructi on drawings for the particular tank should be secured. 1. For Pan-Type Floating Roof Only. a. Depth of Roof Cone - Determine this dimension by taking the proper levels on the roof deck. It is convenient for the purpose to consider the center of the top of the sump or drain box as the apex of the inverted cone. (1) Obtain this dimension when the roof is fully at rest on the tank floor, and (2) Obtain this dimensi on for one or more fully floating positions of the roof, recording in which tank ring or course of plates the roof was at the time of measurement. (3) For both (1) and (2), record also the vertical dis- tance from the tank floor upward to the under su r- face of the roof deck at the gauge hatch. 2. For Pontoon-Type Floating Roofs Only. a. Depth of Center of Roof Deck From Inner and Outer Top Rims of Pontoons Determine these dimensions by taking - 71 the proper levels on the roof deck. It is convenient for the purpose to consider the center of the top of the drain connection at the deck center as the apex of the cone. (1) Obtain these dimensions when the roof is fully at rest on the tank floor, and (2) Obtain these dimensions for one or more fully floating positions of the roof, recording in which tank ring or course of plates the roof was at the time of measurement. (3) For both (1) and (2) record also the vertical dis- tance from the tank floor upward to the under surface of the roof pontoon at the gauge hatch. b. Pontoon Dimensi ons - l'easure the horizontal width of the pontoon and its height at both its inner and outer sides. 3. For Both Pan-Type and Pontoon-Type Floating Roofs. & a. Diameter - Determine by means of a tape four diameters. The eight terminal points of the diameters should be equidistant from each other on the outer circumference of the roof where it joins the seal. Support the tape as necessary to prevent sagging. The same tension should be applied to the tape as used for the determination of other tank measurements. b. Roof Legs Count and record the number of circles or courses of legs. Record how many are in each course. Measure the diameter of each course or otherwise record its relative position to the roof as a whole. For re- presentative legs in each course, measure and record their total length and diane ter, and state whether they are closed or open, under the roof deck. Record their 72 length from their tops down to the top surface of the roof. Include also the measurement details of any roof leg footings, such as horizontal pieces. c. Steel-Thickness Meesure and record the thickness of steel in the roof plates, including differences, if any, between the deck proper and the pontoon construction. Determine and record the vertical dis- d. Gauge Fatch tance from the from the top of the hatch to the under surface of the roof at that point. Record the depth of liquid contained in the hatch above this point, and also the total liquid depth from its surface in the gauge hatch down to the tank floor. Determine and record the exact position of the gauge hatch relative to the roof as a whole. Mention in what tank ring or course of plates the roof was at time of measurement. If the roof has more than one hatch, determine and record these same data for each. ¿ e. Roof Weight Examine the tank to ascertain if the manufacturer has stenciled the reon the total weight of the roof itself plus one-half the weight of the rolling ladder which rests on a track on the roof. If this weight figure is not available from this source, it will be necessary to secure it direct from the manufacturer or from the construction speci fi cations. f. Annulus Determine and record the width of the armular space under the seal, between the upright outer edge of the cylindrical portion of the roof and the inner surface of the tank shell. Determine the represen- 73 tative width by calculating the average of individual measurements made at each of the eight terminal points of the four roof di ameters recorded. Mention in what tank ring or course of plates the roof was at time of me asure me nt. g. Gravity of Liquid Handled Note 1: Determine and record the representative gravity in degrees A.P.I. or Specific (but recording which) of the liquid in which the roof is floating at the time of me a surement. If at any time liouid of an appreciably different gravity is handled in the same tank, an entirely new set of roof measurement data should be obtained. For all roof positions of measurements la (1) & (2) and 2a (1) & (2), obtain separately and so record the measurements required in 5a,d,f and g. It is recognized that safety considerations in some cases will prevent ob- taining these date for any roof position except full floating at the top. If this is the case, the other data will have to be arrived at by theoretical calculations. Note 2: These measurement recommendations are all illustrated in principle by the two sketches immediately following. 4 74 RING 7 6 5 4 3 2 RING and GRA 5 4 3 2 Sp K MINIMUM MEASUREMENTS FOR"PAN-TYPE" ROOF k → I f MINIMUM MEASUREMENTS FOR PONTOON TYPE" ROOF LIQUID LEVEL G.L. LIQUID LEVEL G.L. 75 5. Breather and Balloon Roof Tanks The remarks under 1 conceming "Flat Roof Tanks" apply here also. Precaution: In addition, it is quite likely that the roof rafters will be mostly on a level slightly below the level of the top of the tank shell. See sketch on page 43 under subject of inside heights for these types of tanks. Therefore, if this is the case, full measurement details of the rafters are necessary for "deadwood" purposes. 76 CHAPTER IX necessary. PLATE ASSEMBLY, STAVES, THICKNESS, SEAS General Each of these items has its definite bearing, for volume gauge table calculation purposes, on the circumference or equivalent outside measurements which are made. For instance, the outside dimensions must be converted to their inside equivalents by correcting for wall thickness when calculating the actual usable net tank volumes. For the same purpose, although in a different manner, the complete details of the type of plate assembly and seam construction are necessary. All of the dimensions and other data called for in this chapter should be made by actual measurement and inspection of each tank, together with reference to the applicable construction specifications es Plate Assembly and Seams Steel tanks usually are made up in so-called courses of plates. Each ring consists of several plates and their number should be counted and recorded, together with the exposed outside height and width of each plate. If it is found that these dimensions for all the plates are uniform, this statement can be recorded together with only the one set of dimensions applicable to each of the plates. If the tank consists of more than one such ring, determine and record the same data for each ring. It is convenient for this purpose to number each ring, starting on upright tanks with 1 for the bottom ring and numbering the others consecutively upward, and on horizontal tanks numbering them on the sketch of the A 2 C I C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 5 LIM N 3 1 777 tanks consecutively from left to right. It is also necessary to designate the manner in which the rings are joined, recording whether they are inset or outset at their top and bottom or at each end, in terms of the adjoining rings. The type of plate assembly within each ring should be examined, recording whether the seams joining the plates are lap or butt joints, or projecting flange type. Butt joints are often reinforced by an addi- tional outside plate running along and centered over the seam. Such reinforcing plates frequently are called butt straps. As an example, they are used on large tanks in the manner shown by rings 1 and 2 in sketch C. The widths of all laps and of butt straps should be recorded, together with appropriate sketches of the arrangement, if necessary. If a steel tank is completely all butt- welded as to both plate joints and ring joints, none of these data just mentioned except the details of any butt straps need be recorded. This applies in principle to tanks constructed in the same manner of other materials such as wood, concrete etc. THICKNESS WOODEN STAVES BUTTED FLUSH WITH EACH OTHER ■ 78 G TOP VIEWS OF VARIOUS VERTICAL JOINT SEAMS THICKNESS + THICKNESS LAP JOINT (GASKET BETWEEN IN BOLTED TYPES) ICKNESS THICKNESS THICKNESS WIDTH /OF LAP TAPE LIDE-OVER BUTT JOINT CONCRETE WALL BUTT JOINT PLAIN WIDTH OF BUTT STRAP BUTT STRAP JOINT GASKET PROJECTING FLANGE JOINT BOLTED STEEL TANKS Plate and Steve Thickness Determine and record the thickness of the wall construction, making several measurements and give their average. The necessity for several measurements is general but is much more important in the case of wood and concrete and for other construction not of standard steel plates. These determinations are necessary separately for each ring. For bolted steel tanks, include seam gasket thickness. Use the 6" steel depth gauge, specified in the equipment list, to obtain these measurements and record the data in terms of sixty-fourths of an inch. For those cases where it is not possible to obtain reliable measurements on steel tanks, particularly the butt-welded types, but where the manufacturer's sheet or plate thickness is specified in terms of standard gauge number, a convenient conversion table follows. U. S. STANDARD GAUGE NUMBER 0123 4567∞ 8 APPROXIMATE FRACTIONAL INCHES 5/16 9/32 17/64 1/4 15/64 7/32 13/64 3/16 11/64 U. S. STANDARD GAUGE NUMBER 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 APPROXIMATE FRACTIONAL INCHES NOTE: A far more complete table is included in the APPENDIX. 5/32 9/64 1/8 7/64 3/32 5/64 9/128 1/16 79 CHAPTER X CIRCUMFERENCES MEASURED General Circumference measurements collectively constitute the most important phase of tank measurement. Careful selection of the points at which the measurements are to be made and painstaking care in the actual measurements themselves can not be too greatly emphasized. Trequently, the proposal has been made to have standard volume gauge tables prepared by tank manufacturers. One such table would be prepared for each size and type of tank. The tables would be based on a correlation of the manufacturer's factory and erection specifications. Such tables would be used regardless of specific conditions where the tank was located, and used again if the tank would be torn down and reerected in another location. Such tables are suitable only for approximations. Changes would be made in the tables only to express the volume in the particular units most suited to the product being handled. Fowever, it has been stated by compe tent authority, and is repeated here with emphasis, that the only way to ensure accuracy is to carefully measure each tank in its particular location, and to prepare a volume gauge table specifically based on such measurements. The reasons for this are clearly developed in the following sections. These include discussions of the more important phases of the matter which have been given considerable attention by various people and organizations concerned over a long period in an effort to develop the most nearly accurate procedures consistent with practical application. Different procedures are necessary for different types of tankage. The exemplary procedures shown include various possibilities 80 by types of tankage, together with resultant differences in calculated capacities. Examination of these data will permit selection of the specific methods deemed most suitable under certain circumstances, together with an indication of the relative accuracy which normally may be expected. Measuring Tanks Empty Versus Full Circumference measurements should be made when a tank is full. The importance of this, particularly for other than the smaller of the all welded tanks, increases with the size of the tanks. See Page 82. When this timing of measurement proves impossible or impractical, the measurements should be made on an empty or partially empty tank only after it has been filled at least once with the liquid for which it has been erected to handle. The longer the tank remains under full load prior to measuring circumferences, the better for this purpose. The reason for this is that a tank expands its vertical contours when subjected to a head of liquid. See Page 83. The factors tending toward such expansion occur in varying degrees throughout the tank's height but the actual expansion takes place when the tank's walls are not held firmly in their original position by being joined with cross-sectional areas such as at the tank's floor and roof, or by being braced in position by other factors such as the horizontal joints formed where two rings or courses of plates come together. A flat lap joint affords less support in this latter respect than does a projecting flange joint. The causes of the expansion are contained in the formula P-WH, where P is the to tal pressure on a vertical surface of unit width, effected by the action of F the head of liquid weighing W per unit of volume. (The value of 81 HEIG ∙265 23-6 WIK 22-0 19-0 182 42 b 13-0 43- Let 5 T 7 ፡ 8-8 3-6 20 20 2 INSIDE OF TANKS VERTICAL CONTOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF BOLTED STR TYPICAL NORMAL CYBLE CYCLE - Full Versus EMPTY CONTOURS T # ACTUAL CONTOUR NOT A STRAIGHT LINE AK BASE VALLEETANK E LO CIRCUMFERENCÉ # 2 Ope 82 PRIGHT BOLT FLA BOLTED STE EL TANKs With LATED VERTCALONE 24 HITTA X 121.5 CHROLIA 13 HIGH X 247 CIRCI 8 HIGH X 66.7 Circum. #2 JEMPTY 址 ​BASE VALJE TANKS FULL TAN 0.00 100 #3 2 VALUES IN Terms Of Difference From Base Value TERMS K ► 000 FULL OT HOO 200 H TANK HEIGHT 16-0 15-3" +8=0" 14 14-0 40: to 9-6 منو 8- T 440- -2-6 2-0 1-0- 0.6 Vertical Contour CharacteRISTICS OF Bolted SteEL TANKS D EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION-FIRST FILLING AND EMPTYING CYCLE INSIDE OF TANK CIRCUMFErense ValL ES *2- #1+ ! 171 M (NOT NECE し ​314 ש Bas E 円 ​W O ΤΣΙ 2 # ! ! VALLES IN TERMS OF Difference From BASE VALUE #3 ľ PRIGHT BOLTE H- Nee 1 !! 0:05 ¦ ete O 2# | #2 TANk When first Filled ! i THE 600 FLAT LAPRED VERTICAL JOINTS TANK NEW - PRIOR First Fibbins 11 i T STEEL TANK - 16 HIGH X 66.7′ CIRCUM. TANK Tank Empty- FOLLOWING FIRST FILLING 83 + ! i I ; | P is the same in all directions. The degree of such actual expansion for the tank as a whole is greatest near the bottom. To a lesser degree, this is also ordinarily found to be true within each individual upper ring or course of plates. A good example of this is afforded by various sizes of upright bolted steel tanks. See Page 86. This also demonstrates that as between similar tanks the degree of expansion normally increases with increases in tank capacity and/or tank height. The degree of expansion is also directly affected by changes in the height of the head or column of liquid contained in the tank, as well as the relative strength of the metal in the tank's walls. Welded tanks up to 16 feet high usually show no marked differences of this type. They are constructed with metal " in thickness, twice the thickness of steel for bolted tanks of the same height. Bell's" Petroleum Refining" on page 320 gives the formula for expansion of the shell of a tank under a head of liquid as HC2 where E 3,000,000 T Circumference expansi on, in feet, H- Head of liquid, in feet, C- Tank circumference, in feet, Te Shell thickness, in sixteenth of an inch. E= In the application of this formula, each ring of the tank should be calculated for a liquid head, H, from the center of the ring to the liquid level at which the tank is full. The expansion factor, E, may then be applied to the measured circumference, C. The magnitude of the correction may be as much as 0.05%. This formula can be used es en approximation, but, as stated before, it is preferable to make all circumference measurements when the tank is full. Expansion of Tanks Through Continued Usage It is generally recognized that most of the new expansion in a tank's wall normally occurs as the tank is being filled for the first time in its new location. Later changes of this type ordinarily can be considered as being of progressively minor magnitude until stabilization is reached. This is also indicated by the successive 84 TANK HEIGHT 42-0 1392 36-0 33-07 30-0"! 27-0 24-0 Ho 12.0' تھنو NK 3-07 21-07 2 F AIGHT LINE 104 N/ [S] 14 CONTOUR N FO 10! 14 . H C £ h Y Z YALH 2 · VERTICAL CONTOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF BUTT Welded STEEL TANKS EXAMPLE OF FullVersus EmptY CONTOHRS CYOLE C42 HIGH X 370 CIRCUMFERENCE) N CIRCUMBERenge Yalues IN TERMs Or Difference from BASE VALU YAL ES 0.03 85 LOT TANK !! HEIGHT 16-0 : VERTICAL Contour CHARACTERISTI ERISTICS OF BalteD STEEL TANKS DEMONSTRATING That Degree Of EXPANSION ExpansION NORMALLY INCREASES WITH INCREASES IN TANK CAPACITY AND/OR Tank Height CIRCUMFERENCE VAL ES In Terms OF DIFFERENCE FROM Base ValuE 7 : 14 -- +3 12-6 12. 11-0 10-6- 10.0° 9-6° کھٹو 8-6 8-0 7-6 6-8" 5-6 4-0 3-6- F-8" 2-6 2-6" 4-0 "منه TANKS INSIDE O #1 2010 # A 04 4 # ** #2 #3 N 1379# #4 008 I 0.09 #23 HORIZONTAL 010 JOINTS 10 HIGH X 44.4 CIRCHM T → UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANKS - FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL JOINTS 8' HIGH X 46.4 CIRCUM 8' HIGH X 66.7 Cia CUM. | 0.12 0+3 1 410 ie # 86 1 HIGH X ¿¿.7' CIRCUM. contours in on Page 83. In addition to the change in contour, just discussed, there is likely to be some change, for a considerable number of fillings and emptyings, in the direction of individual expansion and contraction respectively,with, however, the net change still being an expansion. This further net expansion may be seen in a general way by the difference between contours 2 and 3 on Page 83 and contour 4 on Page 86. Although these are not the same tanks, they both are of the same size and type, with the latter being representative of a tank in active service for some time. The later and continued degree of difference is very small, as judged from data available. However, to ensure continued accuracy in this as well as in other respects, it is good procedure to che ck circumference measurements from time to time, as may be permitted by practical considerations, even though a particular tank has not been moved or its structure knowingly altered in any manner, Equivalent Circumferences The term "equivalent circumference" in the sense used here means the single actual circumference measurement which would be exactly equal to the weighted average of multiple circumferences that might be made on a single ring or course of plates of a particular tank. The problem in obtaining an equivalent circumference thus is principally that of selecting the height on the ring at which this single circumference measurement can be made so as to produce the desired result, and also uniformly for corresponding rings of different tanks of the same type and size. "uch work has been done on this matter by various people over a reriod of years. So far as is known, the results have not been 87 altogether satisfactory. This is entirely understandable, considering the lack of real uniformity in the contours of the same tank under varying conditions, as well as between different tanks. In general, and repeating the substance of a previous statement, it may be said that any one tank's change in vertical contour is greatest following its first filling. Thereafter, changes are likely to be relatively small, with what changes do occur probably being in the direction of further slight expansion. Changes in contours as between different tanks of the same type are likely to be in the same direction, but not necessarily at the same rate, depending on conditions of use involving the stress to which they are subjected indi vidually. In order to demonstrate the reasons for the circumferential measurement points, as to tank height, recommended in a later section of this chapter, the following paragraphs discuss the principles of the more important factors of the problem. It may be that some will consider it desirable in particular cases to do further work in this direction. This could well be carried out with a relatively minimum effort in those cases where only a number of tanks of the same type and size, or ɛt least tanks in the same general category, are encountered in the parti- cular operation concerned. In such cases, it will be found that the following generalized procedure still offers an adequate method of approach to the individual problem. Circumference measurements of any type should not be made until tank is full, If this can not be done, the measurements should be made only after the tank has been filled, and then preferably while it is standing with at least a partial head of liquid. Never attempt to measure a tank while deliveries to or from the tank are in progress. Measure as many circumferences on each ring or course of plates the 88 as possible, with the tank height interval between such measurements being as uniform as possible. In any event, make a record of the exact height at which each circumference value was determined. State the base point from which such tank height measurements were made, if other than a point representing the lowest inside bottom surface of the tank. Compute the equivalent circumference for each ring or course of plates and on graph paper plot this as a perpendicular straight line, cutting the actual vertical tank contour as plotted from the actual cir- cumference measurements made. The equivalent cir cumference line and the tank contour line should be plotted to the same scale as to tank height and circumference values. The point or points at which the perpendicular equivalent circumference line cuts the tank contour line represents a tank height in each case at which making a single circum- ference measurement will produce a value equal to the weighted average of all the actual circumference measurements plotted. In doing this for several tanks of the same type and size, it is quite likely that no such single point of tank height can be found which applies uniformly. Further examination may disclose however that there are perhaps two points of tank height on each of the corresponding rings of different tanks which, if reasonably unifɔrm and when properly averaged, both individually and together produce the desi red equivalent circumference value. Several examples of the procedure follow, in terms of typical tank contours. 89 Equivalent Circumferences Determinati ons For 8' High x 46.4' Circum.Upright Bolted Steel Tanks With Flat Lapped Vertical Joints.- Five Typical Examples and Their Average. Tank Average of Nos.1 to 5 Inclusive Hetht No.1 No.2 46.38 46.32 No.4 46.38 46.42 46.43 46.44 46.44 46.44 46.44 46.33 46.44 46.33 46.44 46.34 46.388 46.44 46.34 46.392 46.43 46.38 46.37 46.44 46.34 46.392 46.43 46.38 46.37 46.44 46.34 46.392 46.43 46.38 46.35 46.43 46.34 46.386 1'-6" 46.43 46.38 46.35 46.42 46.34 46.385 46.33 46.41 46.31 46.360 1'-0" 46.41 46.34 0'-6" 46.39 46.31 O'-0" 46.36 46.26 46.31 46.35 46.27 46.310 46.33 46.40 46.28 46.342 Equivalent Circumference: 8'-0" "'-6" 46.40 7'-0" 46.41 6'-6" 46.41 6'-0" 46.41 5'-6" 46.41 46.41 46.42 4'-0" 46.42 3'-6" 46.43 3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 5'-0" 4'-6" 46.33 46.33 46.35 46.33 46.35 46.34 46.36 46.34 46.35 46.413125 No.3 46.37 46.37 46.36 46.37 46.36 46.36 46.37 46.37 46.38 46.37 46.35125 Error, all positive: 46.355625 Upper 4'-9" 5'-6" 6′-9″ 7' -11" Lower 1'-1" 1'-14" 2'-1" 1'-10" 46.427187 46.3734 Approximate Points Intersection Actual Tank Wall Contours and Computed Equivalent Circumferences, From Graph on Following Page: Applicati on 6'-0" 46.41 46.34 46.37 1'-6" 46.43 46.38 46.35 0.00875 No.5 46.27 46.335 46.295 46.359 46.31 46.366 46.315 46.373 46.315 46.375 46.32 46.378 46.382 46.382 46.319687 46.44 46.315 46.42 46.34 2)92.84 2)92.72 2)92.72 2)92.86 2)92.6552)92.760 46.42 46.36 46.36 46.43 46.3275 46.380 0.0066 7'-0" . 61-0" + 1'-0" 1'-6" - 0.002813 46.375 46.385 0.006875 0.004375 It may be noted that these results from the graph following check the measurement height recommendation later on herein for 6'-0" but show 1'-6" as against the 2'-0" point. The latter was found to be the average lower point for a much larger number of cases. 0.007813 90 TANK HEIGHT 8-0 • : 5-0" TANK HEIGHT 14 13-6" 12-4" 2° 0" 16" 11-0° 6'-6" DETERMINATIONS FOR 8 HIGH X 464' CIRCUM UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANKS WITH FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL JOINTS TYPICAL EXAMPLES AND THEIR AVERAGE Five OF TANKS INSIDE INSIDE OF • O 23 T E No. 1 Ca EQUIV. CIRC. 46413125 No. 4 2 EQUI CIRC 46.42 718 7 491 ENI En CIRCUMFERENCES 1-10° CIRCUMFERENCE ! 223 ON E NO.RS No. 2 EQUIV. CIRC EQHY CIRC. 46.319687″ 2012 20 ka $312034 5-6/2 1-1½" VALUES ∞ ~1 7=0/½½ ! 4628 0294 No.3 EQUIV. CIRC. 46.335625 6-9 46.32 4634 4636 4638 к EQUIV CIRC. 46.373406. 1979 +7 +7 AVERAGE OF NOS | TO 5 INCH. 6-23/4 OR, SAY T-5/2 OR.SAY. 1-6 Equivalent Circumference Determinations For 16' High x 66.7' Circum.Upright Bolted Steel Tanks with Flat Lapped Vertical Joints. Five Typical Examples and Their Average. No.5 Tank Height Nal 16'-0" 66.65 15'-6" 66.66 15'-0" 66.65 14'-6" 66.65 14'-0" 66.65 18'-6" 66.65 13'-0" 66.66 12'-6" 66.68 12'-0" 66.69 11'-6" 66.70 11'-0" 66.71 10'-6" 66.71 10'-0" 66.72 9'-6" 66.72 9'-0" 66.73 8'-5" 66.73 8'-0" 66.74 7'-6" 66.72 7'-0" 66.72 6'-6" 66.72 6'-0" 66.72 5'-6" 66.72 5'-0" 66.72 4'-6" 66.72 4'-0" 66.72 3'-6" 66.73 3'-0" 66.73 2'-6" 66.74 2'-0" 66.74 1'-6" 66.74 1'-0" 66.73 0'-6" 66.66 0'-0" 66.60 Equivalent Circumferences: No.2 Top Fing Upper 12"-11" Lower 66.68 66.67 66.66 66.66 66.66 66.66 66.67 66.67 66.69 66.70 66.71 66.72 66.74 66.75 Bottom Ring Upper Lower O'-11" 66.77 66.78 66.78 66.80 66.80 66.81 66.81 66.82 66.82 66.83 66.83 66.83 66.83 66.83 66.83 66.82 66.80 66.74 66.67 No.3 11" - 43" 66.62 66.64 66.65 66.66 66.66 66.67 66.69 66.70 66.70 66.71 66.71 66.71 66.72 66.73 66.73 66.74 66.74 66.73 66.73 66.73 66.73 66.73 66.73 66.74 66.75 66.75 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.75 66.71 66.62 Top Ping 66.63791+ 66.7025 66.69375 66.75922- Bottom Ring 66.71875 66.80781+ 66.7375 66.8075 6'-8" 1'-11" No.4 12'-911 66.715 36.72 66.725 66.735 66.74 66.74 66.75 66.755 66.76 66.77 66.77 66.77 66.775 66.78 66.79 66.805 66.81 66.81 66.81 66.81 7'-10" 4'-73" O'-10" 66.81 66.81 66.81 66.815 66.82 66.82 66.82 66.82 66.83 66.825 66.81 66.755 66.68 12'-3" Approximate Points Intersections Actual Tank Wall Contours and Computed Equiva- lent Circumferences, From Graphs on Following Page: O'-11" 66.60 66.62 66.62 66.64 66.66 66.67 66.67 66.68 66.68 66.69 66.69 66.70 66.70 66.70 66.71 66.71 66.69 66.71 66.71 66.71 66.71 66.71 66.72 66.72 66.72 66.72 66.72 66.73 66.74 66.74 66.74 66.66 66.58 121-10" • 51-437 0'-10" Average of Nos. 1 to 5 incl. · 66.653 66.662 66.661 66.669 66.674 66.678 66.688 66.697 66.704 66.714 66.718 66.722 66.731 66.736 66.67406+ 66.70347- 66.71219- 66.75675 66.746 66.753 66.752 66.754 66.754 66.756 66.756 66.758 66.760 66.765 66.768 66.770 66.772 66.776 66.780 66.777 66.766 66.705 66.630 12'-0"+ 6'-0"+ 1'-0"- 92 Applications 12'-0" Error 66.69 0.00219+ 6'-0" 66.72 1'-0" 66.73 2133.45 2)133.61 66.725 66.805 Error No.1 12'-0" 66.69 14'-0" 66.65 10'-0" 66.72 66.69 0.0125- Difference: 66.81 66.80 0.005- 66.69 66.66 66.74 2)133.37 2)133.40 66.685 66.70 0.00625+ 0.00281- 0.0025+ 0.0025+ 0.01281+ 0.00425+ 2' l' It may be noted that these results from the graphs following check fairly closely with the measurement height recommendations of 14′, 10', 6' End 2′ given låter in this chapter. The bottom ring heights es determined are 6' and 1' versus 6' and 2' recommended. In the top rings, while here 12' has been determined as the single measurement point necessary, whereas both 14' and 10' points are recommended later, it may readily be seen that the recommendations when carried out will give about the same results, as follows: No.3 No.2 66.70 0.00625+ 0.01+ 66.73 66.75 2)133.48 66.74 66.70 66.66 66.72 2)133.38 66.69 0.01- HAND 66.76 66.68 66.704 0.00078+ 0.00594+ 0.00053+ 66.81 66.81 2)133.62 2)133.62 66.81 66.71 66.74 66.756 66.766 2)133.45 2)153.522 66.725 66.761 No.4 66.76 No.5 66.68 66.74 66.66 66.775 66.70 2)133.515 2)133.36 66.7575 66.68 0.0025- 0.00 Average of Nos. 1 to 5 incl. 66.704 66.674 66.731 2)133.405 66.7025 0.0015+ 93 TANK HEIGHT 16-0° 15-6 DETERMINATIONS CIRCUM FOR 16 HIGHX66.7 Circum. UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANKS WITH FLAT LAPTED VERTICAL JOINTS FIVE TYPICAL EXAMPLes And THEIR AVERAGE – 45° 14-0 13-6" 13-0 12° -6° 12-0- +1-6" 11-0- H0~6~ 110-0- -9-6" تھنو -8-6- 8-0- las 7:0" 15-6- 4-0" 3-6 تمن3 2-6 200 id CONNE 0-6" منم INSIDE No. I EQUIN CIRC. (6 68781 EQUIVALENT EQUIN CIRC 12-1/2" HORIZONTAL JOINTS SLB1622 16.08. 66,70 6672 ALENT CIRCUMFERENCES CIRCL 6674 9499 8499 0899 28/22 No.2 FQHIV. CIRC 66.7025 11-42" FERENCE VALUES 6668 66.70; 6672 6674 SLW CIRG 6680781 OLP? BLO 46.80 1114 SHEET G-8" 1-1/2" 2899 No. • 6662 66. G EQUIY CIRC. 49D9 oppo .262122 teles H2-T EQUIN. CIRC. OL 17 SLEL .72 FZ** 4-72 2433 ?? -3′ 94 TANK HEIGHT Henge +37 138 13+2+ 31 20-11 FOR 16 HIGH X 66.7 CIRCUM. UPRIGHT Bolted Steel TANKS WITH FLAT BOLTER FIVE TYPICAL EXAMPLES AND THEIR AVERAGE 106 10 9-6- 2016 B-6 86 7:0 10 2-6 ~~ · FI9 INSIDE ut ! FO No 4 UIDAIT UN PR HORIZONTA ए 1.[730 EF You ENT DETERMIN 143" 524 001 जं i B 1 NO5 EQMIY. CI BERENCES 卑 ​DOLL? ¦ AverAGE SHEET 2 z-No 171219 EQUIN. CIRA · 0 CIRCUMFERENCE V, VAL 3-4/2" "0"-10" JES apped VERTICAL JOINTS į I AVERAGE OF Nos. 1 To 5 INCL. ! EQUIV. CTRO 66.703 MI ! LIV. CIRC 75475/ 7504 ! ORSAY tto" 82199 95 Ring No. LO 5 42'-0" 366.89 40'-6" 367.01 7 39'-0" 366.86 37'-6" 366.97 36'-0" 367.05 34'-6" 367.18 33'-0" 367.15 6 31'-6" 367.17 30'-0" 367.20 28'-6" 367.27 27'-0" 367.23 25'-6" 367.24 24'-0" 367.33 22'-6" 367.51 21'-0" 367.50 19'-6" 367.54 18'-0" 367.53 16'-6" 367.97 15'-0" 367.93 3 13'-6" 367.92 12'-0" 367.98 10'-6" 368.19 9'-0" 368.20 7'-6" 368,12 6'-0" 368.19 4'-6" 368.51 3'-0" 368.44 1'-6" 368.27 0'-0" 368.12 4 2 1 Typical Outside Equivalent Circumferences For 42' High x 368' Circumference Upright Steel Tank With Seven Rings - Shingle Type Ring Assembly Determinations Tank Height Circumferences In Feet * Correction For Plate Thickness, In Feet 0.1309 0.163675 0.229075 0.2618 0.2781625 0.32725 W 96 Corresponding Circumferences In Feet 367.1809 at top of Ring 6 367.363625 at top of Ring 5 367.559075 at top of Ring 4 367.7918 at top of Ring 3 368.2581625 at top of Ring 2 368.51725 at top of Ring 1 In calculating the "equivalent circumference" for each ring, as no circumference value has been measured in this case for the extreme top of any ring, except the seventh, the respective such top ring values desired can be obtained by adding to the bottom circum- ference of a particular ring the plate thickness ci rcumference correction factor for the ring immediately below. This results in the corresponding outside circumference value at the top of the ring below. We can do this throughout in this case, because the entire tank has a shingle type ring assembly. For example, the" equivalent circumference" for the fifth ring is calculated thus: 367.363625 1367.27 367.27 27'-0" $367.23 367.23 26'-6" 1367.24 367.24 24'-0" 367.33 outside circumference at 30'-0" 28'-6" 8)2938.173628 367.271703+ Note: The "equivalent circumference" as calculated is really the weighted average of the known circumference values. The reason for this and the method are both fully explained in Chapter XI, Circumferences Interpolated. 97 RING NO. 7 H 3 2 t ME ADD ONS. Assembly For 42 HIGH X 348'Circum UPRIGHT STEEL TANK With Seven Rings – SHINGLE TYPE RING ASSEMBL TANK HEIGH 142° 39- 37 36- 34-6 33 Br 30-0 28 D ? Y 25-6 24 22 21-0 19:-6' 18:0 16.6" 13'6" 12-0° 10:-6" تونو 7-6" 6.0° 3-0" 1-6" 58972 NK SIDE 367.05 3.67.15 EQUIVAL 3.67.25 S2472 WE 367.45 CIRC OUTSIDE CIBC 367.55 47 RING NO 5 4 3 367.65 FERENCES 98 1 FOLIY. CURS. 3.1953" 3/7073) * 337272″ 367524" 337926° 368184 368285 72573317 3476174 3.67.75 E INTERSECTIONİ TANK WA CONTOUR & EQUIV. CIRG 36785 INCHES RING HEIGHT 13 113 97 100 П18 367.95 loa na OF EACH RING TOP RING THIS COMPARES WITH REQ MEASUREMENT POINTS ERENCE VALUES 7130 √2573280 01. MLA03 327end' + SAYILO 50892 CIRC AT LUP ON FASH RING 36098 327.185 36727 367535 33794 1 32804 338231 ND 368:15′ d27 0121 JOLL 368.35 RRAR Baz 044 1055 368.35 7037 1005+ ENDED T THE BOTTOM T THE TOP OF TH 54892 99% Ring No. 5 4 3 2 1 # 11 n 1 Tank Ring Height Height 40-0 For 40' High x 452' Circumference Upright Steel Tank With Five Rings Butt Welded Ring Assembly Percentage of Ring Height 32'-0" 24'-0". ·16'-0". 8'-0" 0'-0" " n 19 8'-0" #1 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" Equivalent Circumferences In calculating the "equivalent circumferences" for each ring, proceed as shown in terms of the fourth ring, for example: Outside Circ.at 32' -0" 1 452.30 Note 1: No plate thickness cor- 80% of Ht.Ring 4452.36 rection is necessary as the rings are butt welded flush with each other. 60%" 40% 20% 1452.36 "J452.37 1452.37 " 1452.39 1452.39 " $452.43 1452.43 452.33 1074523.73 452.373 Note 2: The "equivalent circum- ference" as calculated is really the weighted average of the known circumference values. The reason for this and the method are both fully explained in Chapter XI - Circumferences Interpolated. at 24'-0" 11 19 19 11 1 = Determinations 11 " 100 80 60 40 20 100 80 60 40 20 100 80 60 40 20 100 80 60 40 20 100- 80 60 40 20 O Typical Outside Circumference in Feet 452.01 452.23 452.22 452.27 452.33 452.30 452.36 452.37 452.39 452.43 452.33 452.51 452.53 452.55 452.55 452.40 452.59 452.65 452.67 452.65 452.51- 452.69 452.74 452.74 452.66 452.26 99 LENT CIRC H DETERMINATIONS FOR YO HIGH X 452' Circun. UPRIGHT STEEL TANK WITH FIVE RINGS- BUTT WELDED RING ASSEMBLY 40 Gir¢ RING NO... 5 4. 3 2 TANK! HEIGHT 140!! 32-6 24-0" 80 6-0 TANK INSIDE 4.52 FOL EQLIY 1h 2 294 QUY CIRC V$2.373 VINDH CIR 752 RING NO... 15 3 2. EQUIV. C(RC_ Wo 100 I 4.32.८. AIRA ERENCES. 752.6431 <5/22623611 452.4722 200 금액 ​tu EQUIY CIRC 452.60 452.2411 452.373 452501 452.603 452.643 INTERSECTION TANK WALL CONTOUR & EQUIV. CIRC. 452.70 OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE VALUES %%HT. RING to Jo 28 452.80 $13.50 CIRC AT 70% OF RING HEIGHT 432,222 452365 452.520 452620 452.713 5/2262440 .70 € 452488 ERROR 土 ​* IT MAY BE NOTED THAT THIS 01.9. .817 97 CHECKS CLOSELY WITH THE 5079* 6158 RECOMMENDED MEASUREMENT HEIGHT AT A POINT ON EACH RING 207ɑ ok THE RING HEIGHT DOWN FROM THE TOP OF THE RING. 019 dos Change to be expected from a Difference on one or more Circumference Measurements, so far as Effect on Volume is concerned In many cases, it is desirable to know when mall changes in circumference measurements on the smaller sizes of tenks become suffi- ciently appreciable to cause actual volume differences to be reflected on the gauge tables prepared from the two sets of circumference measurements. Certain such assumed differences and their calculated effects on volumes are described in the following paragraphs. The several assumptions include the various types of circumstances most like to be encountered, in order that the differences in principles which apply may be clearly demonstrated. The proportional or the percent age change in cross-sectional area (on which volume is based) is twice the proportional or percen tage change on the circumference. Change in area - A2-A1 . E. D. or A2-A1 A2-A1 A1 A₂ A = a A - ❀ dA A Area TI 2.1 ब् C2 20 •2/12/18 2dc C = π å = - (02 2ce 4 TF c2 2πT 1 2 T 2πT ~ La r (c+e) 2 4TT T 2 c²+2ce - 4 πr .2c .do 200 4πT r C ZTE =π4π² ㅠ ​.2c dc -) c²+2ce +e2 4 πT very nearly c2 4TT 02 *FT Proportional change in area 2 ce 4 π 4πT C2 DH d ā 2r - 2 = 2x Proportional increase in circumference ན སྐ ܝ 101 The change in calculated volume between two approximately identical tanks when three circumferences taken at the same levels L,M and N from the bottom of the tank are nearly but not quite equal, is given by AV, where AV represents cubic feet and AV = CTT [(M-E) (DCI + DCM) + (N~M) (DL + DCN)] с M When C is the mean circumference of the tank and DC, DC and DCN are the differences in circumference (taken with the proper sign) between the two tanks at each of the levels L,M and N respectively. If the change in volume between the two tables is not to exceeu a quantity Q, then (M-L)(DCL+DCM) + (N-M) (DCM+DCN) 4π.0 ✈ ✈ 4π•0 TT (Note: Must not be greater than) Foto C" e"= - 8' Tank Change circumference at 4'-0" Allowable proportional error on the circumference allowable proportional error on capacity 0.03 capacity in barrels 0.03 x 4 π x 9702 Te").h" 3658 c.h" 3658 Elo salo A thrice this E" 12 11 1 12x12 c' xh' 25.4 c' xh' For the middle circumference of three circumferences we can allow Capacity in barrels. (C") 2 4 πT xh 75 76/127/12 • 21 • 1 9702 102 Where E" is the allowable variation, either +, on the middle circum- ference, before the resulting table will be affected to the same extent as in the case where 0.06 barrel has been added to the total volume of the tank. If the amount delivered is to be greater than the amount calculated as delivered, differences in excess only should be allowed to occur in this case (and vice versa if delivered amount to be less than calculated). (Top- ) Thrice ) This (Bottom+) Allowance 16' Tank Change Top Circumference (8' Tank (or Area of.dr 144 dr 72 In Square inches Path of CO - C" .*. Vol.effect in cu.ins.-72xdr"x c" -72 2π .'. Vol.effect in barrels = de" dc' x c" x dc" 72 20x9702 0.06 x 2 x 9702 72 x 12 x c' 0.06 x 2x 9702 72 x 144 x c + 0.353 ... The allowable deduction is as above. } xc" xdc" 0.06 103 16' Tank-Change Circumference at 4'-0". dr 144 •dr .'.Volume change 6 ૭ 'N N In Barrels 2 10' N I B # dr 2 dr 96 = 277 | + • 48 dr • | dr • 96 sq.ins. 96 • c C" + 96 x 144 96. 144.c' 2ㅠ ​E' / ± 0.265 C' • dc" π x 9702 •'.de' // +2π. 9702 /L 144 96 + 0.265 C' ㅠ ​9702 · 0.06 •dc' 12 50 C The allowable addition to the 4' circumference of a 16' tank which will not produce an error in the table of more than 0.06 of a barrel, Hj 2 0.265 is the addition in is given by the formula: 0.265 where E' feet and C' is the tank circumference in feet. 16' -ľ dc' / 0.06 ejn ..Change of volume in cubic inches dv= Change of volume in barrels 0 - 2 m r dc 2 m 12c' 12dc' - do" dc- change dv - dc change dc Zπ dr * C = 2 π I TT ₺ · dr • 144) Ho dr • 48) Total area of the two triangles in inches - dr x 96 ..Total when added to the tank is dr • 96 C" C" ) dr x 96 dcx 96 x c¹ dr 2π 96 2πX 9702 12xdc x 12 xc' 96 x 12 x 12 x c' x de' 2 x 9702 * ax c' x dc' ("Barrel", where used here, means 42 gallons of 231 cubic inches each.) 13 104 o' k. 21 16' Tank drg - Change Three Circumferences (at 0'0", at 4′-0″,at 16′-0″) drz 6' x c' 12 9702 • 8 • c' 12 808.5 67.4 5.6 ના calculated. • dr 3 ar 2 dr 2 113 dr1 · 2 · C' 12 ½ • dri Total effect in cubic feet) on the VC of 12' K 1 5.6 • 12' + dr2 • 41 4' the tank is c' C' (6 (6 • drz drz + 8dr2 + 2dr1) ...Total effect in barrels on the VC of the tank is • c' c¹ (6·dr¸ + 8dr2 + 2dr₁) 526c¹ (3•drz + 4dr₂ ✦ C' + dr 1 2 5.6 x 0.03 / 0.168 (Convert to Circ.)... 3 dr3 + 4dr 2 + C Prefer dr3 to be negative, dry to be positive, and if dr2 is negative it must be small, and vice versa if delivered amount to be less than 2 dr₁) 0.06 Tanks out-of-Round The question frequently arises as to whether tanks of circular cross-section are out-of-round, and, if so, what might be the resultant effect on calculated tank capacities. From a strictly technical viewpoint, it is likely that structural deviations of this nature do occur. It is probable that the magnitude of such deviations increase in some proportion with increases in the sizes of tanks. It is obvious that any such change in shape tends to decrease the tank capacity, as, if the distortion were carried out to its maximum degree, by flattening the tank wall inwards from opposite sides until they touched, the capacity would be reduced to nothing. 105 This aspect of tank measurement is usually disregarded in present day practice, due to a general belief that the inherent error is of only a negligible nature in terms of actual tank capacity. Furthermore, exact determination of the amount by which a particular tank may be out-of-round, while not particularly difficult as to the theory involved, nevertheless does present the problem of considerable detailed and painstaking work in the practical measurements involved. If, however, in a particular case, it is desi red to attempt to take this point into consideration to assist in achieving the utmost accuracy possible, a number of methods for doing so may be possible, depending somewhat on actual condi ti ons encountered. One such method is tentatively suggested in outline, as follows: In terms of Page 107, establish sixteen (or more or less as considered desirable) stations for setting up the instrument. First, establish the square with corners A-1, 2, 3 and 4, with the distance between successive corners being x feet, and with all four corners being respectively roughly equi-distant from the outer wall of the tank. Next, on the four sides of the square, establish stations B-1,2,3 and 4, being respectively the measured half-way points between the four corner stations. The distance between successive A and B stations will thus be y feet in each instance. Then establish stations C-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, being respectively the measured half-way points between successive A and B stations, with the intervals thus each being z feet in each instance. From each station so established, line up the instrument to the degree indicated, with the base lines for such settings being the respective four sides of the square ae originally established. Then, in each case, determine the point on the tank's outer wall as 106 STA. C-8 STA 3-4 STA C-7 STA. A-1 メ ​で ​で ​Z' Z' STA. A-4 MEASUREMENT METHOD TO DETERMINE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF A TANK WHICH IS "OUT-OF-ROUND 45° 115° 75° 90° 90- 75 45. 115° 90° z'- 45. z'- STA. C-1 Y' 115° 115 Y' 75° STA. C-6 Z'- Z' STA. B-1 90° ४. X'. 90° 90° STA. B-3 X' z'- Z' 75° ACTUAL HORIZONTAL CONTOUR (TRUE CIRCLE DRAWN ALSO FOR REFERENCE) 75 # STA. C-2 Y' 115. 115° Y'. STA. C-5 150 90 ZŁ 45 115° 75 30° 90° 75° 115° 45% 90 STA. A-2 N N_ N N_ STA. Y' C-3 STA A-3 STA. B-2 X' Y' STA γ C-4 107 indicated by the arrows on Page 107 If the length of the lines represented by such arrows is rather short, it may be possible to accurately determine their exact length by a taut measuring tape, but in most instances this will not be found to be sufficiently accurate, and the length of each line will have to be calculated from instrument readings as next described. Mark the point on the tank sighted from station B-3 along a line at a 90° angle from the base line between stations A-4 and A-3. Then determine the angle in degrees, still from the base line A-4 to A-3, of this same point successively from stations C-6 and C-5. In the same manner, make and record determinations for each of the sixteen points on the outer wall of the tank, as indicated by the arrows in the drawing. Using these data as a base, it is then possible to either calculate or plot the indicated cross-sectional contour of the tank, for the tank height plane at which the determinations were made, on a level with the instrument. The cross-sectional contour can then be converted into an area value by means of appropriate formulae for determinations of areas of irregular shape. It is readily seen that to make the same determinations for the particular tank at higher levels will entail a very considerable further amount of work, and yet this would be the only sure way of ascertaining whether the cross-sectional area as just determined applied uniformly throughout the tank's height. Tt is unlikely that it would do so exactly. As mentioned previously, this aspect of tank measurement is at present usually disregarded entirely and seemingly without undue loss of relative accuracy, judged from comparative volumes of deliveries as between tanks of different sizes and types. 108 Effect of Temperature on Circumference Measurements As stated elsewhere herein, in certain industries it is a common procedure to correct all liquid volume contents of tanks as determined at the temperature at which they were gauged or measured, to the volume which they would have at a certain standard mean tem- perature, often 60° Fahrenheit. This is done by means of recognized tables of temperature correction factors, giving consideration to the specific gravity of the liquid. Because of this, the question is frequently raised, at first glance, as to whether it is also necessary to make some corresponding adjustment on measured circumference values to the same standard mean temperature basis. In gauging the depth of the liquid content of a tank, represent- ative determinations of the temperature of the liquid content are made at the same time. Such measured temperature of the liquid content usually discloses that it is above or below the standard mean temper- ature. Unless heating or cooling coils or other means are present for internally changing the temperature of the stored product, such changes ordinarily are caused by the atmospheric and ground temper- atures acting on the stored product through the tank roof and shell and the tank bottom respectively. In any event, it is seen that the temperature of the tank's vertical shell, to the height attained by the contained liquid level, will be somewhere between the temperature of the stored product and that of the surrounding atmosphere. The type of paint on the exterior of the tank will also affect its temper- ature change. The exact average temperature of the tank shell from inside to outside at any given time would be exceedingly difficult to determine and it is not attempted here to give an acceptable practical means of doing so, nor is it essential to our purpose. 109 However, it may be said that changes in respective temperatures of the tank shell end of the stored product ordinarily will be in the same direction from the standard mean temperature at any given time, even if not to the same degree of temperature. Furthermore, it is not necessary that the tank circumference values be determined each time the tank's contents are gauged. The relation of the temperature of the tank shell to that of the tank's content at the time when the circum- ference values are determined is governed by the various factors mentioned, as then apply. At the time of circumference measurement, tape is laid flat against the tank shell and can therefore be assumed to attain approximately the same temperature. Thus, if the tank shell is expanded or contracted due to thermal causes, so also is the measuring tape. Therefore, as the measuring tape is also above or below its standard mean temperature, the measured circumference values are automatically expressed in terms of the value at the standard mean temperature at which the tape is standardized. Thus, regardless of what the tank shell temperature actually is at the time of any par- ticular gauging operation, its temperature for volume calculation purposes has been determined approximately in terms of its standard mean temperature the same as is done with the measured liquid volume value at each gauging. Stated differently, if tank capacity values are expressed in terms of the standard mean temperature, then converting gauged volumes to the same standard mean temperature base produces an accurate final net volume figure. This is so regardless of any differ- ences between the temperatures of the steel tank shell and of the tank' s liquid content at the time of gauging the latter. It is relatively so where the tank is constructed of material other than steel, and there- fore has a different thermal expansion rate factor than the tape steel. the 110 For these reasons, the effect of temperature on circumference measurements ordinarily is given no direct consideration at all in specific individual tank measurement and calibration problems. Effect of Paint Thickness on Circumference Measurements In most cases, the effect of paint thickness probably can be safely disregarded for practical purposes. In those cases where it is desired to consider it to help to attain the maximum approach to perfect accuracy, or where it is thought likely that several superimposed layers of paint are present, its thickness can be determined and given its desired consideration as follows: |---| W It will be necessary to secure or make up a depth gauge of the type as shown in the sketch at the right. Use the gauge as a punch to completely penetrate the thickness of the paint at least four or more places spaced equi-distant from each other around the circum- ference of the tank. As may be seen from the sketch, each actual measurement is then made by holding the tip of the gauge against the actual outer surface of the tank shell itself while the sleeve of the gauge is slipped down the gauge until in contact with the outer paint surface. The set screw of the sleeve is then tightened to hold it in proper position until the measurement is read off. This is done, either by reading reference etchings on the gauge just above the sliding sleeve or by removing the gauge from the tank and placing a straight edge over the lower side of the sliding sleeve, and up against the protruding tip of the gauge, so as to observe the proper reading etched on the latter. The average of the four or more INSIDE OF TANK PAINT THICKNESS ASLIDING REFERENCE SLEEVE 3/8" x 2" 3/8" GRADUATE D IN 32 NOS OF AN INCH SET SCREW 111 readings thus made can then be converted to a circumference correction factor in the same manner as is used for the thickness of the tank shell me tal or stave itself. For instance, Paint Thickness 1/64" 1/32" 3/64" Circumference Correction Factor 1. Moving Tanks. .00818125' .01636250' .02454375' Other Factors to Consider Tank circumference measurements should be made for each new location of a tank. If small tanks are moved bodily from one location and reset in another, rechecking other measurements may not be absolutely necessary, although still recommended. All circumference measurements, however, should be made again. 2. Hoop Drives. a. Wooden tank walls are held in place by hoops which are driven periodically to keep the tanks tight. This tends to make the tanks smaller. Each time it is done, all circumference measurements should be made again, the same as for a newly built tank. b. To safeguard against neglecting to remeasure circumferences following a hoop drive, it is good practice to paint short horizontal lines on the upper edge of each hoop, in a manner so as to cover also a small portion of the tank surface itself at the same point; also to paint the nut and threads on the screwed hoops. This should be done immediately following each set of circumference measurements. When hoops are driven, evidence of it will be given by all such paint lines being broken. 3. Dents and Bulges. If there are any dents or hulges of consequence in the tank 112 walls, measure their height, width, depth and position on the tank in terms as used to express the circumference heights. A sketch made on the spot is usually very helpful in such cases. Tolerances Between Circumference Measurements Different circumference measurements at the same height on the same tank, taken at different times, but otherwise under the same conditions, are ordinarily considered acceptable, if within the follow- ing tolerance ranges: Circumferences Up to 25' inclusive 11 26' to 50' 51' to 75' 76' to 100' 101' to 200' 201' to 300' 301' to 400 11 ་་ 11 "I 11 Tolerances 0.01' 0.015' 0.02' 0.03' 0.04' 0.05' 0.06' Various Circumference Measurement l'ethods in Actual Use Several methods, in more or less general use, for circumference measurement determination for the types of tankage most commonly encountered are set forth in the following: NOTES: If more than one method is shown for one type of tank, that considered most nearly accurate is described first, and so on. All heights for taking circumferences on upright tanks are measured upwards from the inside surface of the tank bottom. 1. "pright Cylindrical Tanks a. Bolted Steel-Flat Lapped Vertical Joints b. All-Welded Steel -p to 24'-0" in Feight c. Plain Galvanized Iron d. Corrugated Galvanized Iron 113 (1) For each of these four types, measure a circumference at 2'-0" upward from the bottom and then successively upward at intervals of four feet. (2) Alternatively, measure three circumferences, at the bottom, at a height of 4'-0", and at the top, respectively. (3) Alternatively, measure one circumference only, at a height of 4'-0". (4) On corrugated galvanized iron tanks, measure circum- ferences in the valleys. Measure depth of corrugations with a scale and straight-edge for each valley in which circumference measurements are made. e. Bolted Steel Projecting Flange Vertical Joints. (1) Measure a circumference on each ring or course of plates, in each case at a point one quarter of the total ring height down from the top of the ring. (2) Alternatively, measure three circumferences, at the bottom, at a height of 4'-0", and at the top, respectively. (3) Alternatively, measure one circumference only, at a height of 4'-0". f. Wooden - Regular Taper Type. (1) Measure a circumference at O'-6" upward from the bottom and then successively upward at intervals of two feet. (2) Alternatively, measure three circumferences, at the bottom, middle, and top of the tank height, respectively. g. Wooden Barrel Type (1) Measure a circumference at O'-6" upward from the bottom and then successively upward et intervals of one foot. 114 h. Riveted Steel - Shingled or Pyramid Ring Arrangement. (1) Measure a circumference on each ring, in each case at the bottom of the exposed portion of the ring, and in addition, another circumference at the top of the tor ring. (2) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the bottom of the exposed portion of each of the three lower rings, and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. (3) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the bottom of the exposed portion of each of the two lower rings and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. i. Riveted Steel Continuous In-and-Out Ring Arrangement. (1) Measure a circumference on each ring, in each case at the point representing the bottom of the inside effective portion of the ring, and in addition, another circum- ference at the top of the top ring. (2) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the point representing the bottom of the inside effective portion of each of the two lower rings and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. j. Riveted Steel- Combination Shingled and In-and-Out Ring Arrangement. (1) Measure a circumference on each ring, in each case at the point representing the bottom of the inside effective portion of the ring, and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. (2) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the point representing the bottom of the inside effective portion 115 of each ring, starting with the bottom ring and continuing upward to and including the first two rings where shingled ring arrangement is constant, and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. (3) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the point representing the bottom of the inside effective portion of each of the two lower rings and in addition another circumference at the top of the top ring. k. Large Butt-and Lap All Welded Steel. (1) Measure a circumference on each ring, in each case at a point one-fifth of the total ring height down from the top of the ring. (2) Alternatively, measure four circumferences, one on each of the three lower rings, and one on the top ring, in each case at a point one-fifth of the total ring height down from the top of the ring. (3) Alternatively, measure a circumference at the bottom of each of the two lower rings and in addition ano ther circumference at the top of the top ring. NOTE: The table next following summarizes all the foregoing methods, as to heights at which circumferences may be taken, for various types of upright cylindrical tanks. In this table, for the purpose of brevity, certain definite heights have been assumed for the rings in bolted steel tanks with projecting flange type of vertical joints, and also for riveted steel and large all welded steel tanks. In actual practice, the tanks encountered will have considerable variances as to ring heights, but the same principles can be applied. 116 TANK HEIGHT AT WHICH OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE HEA SURED Top 23' 221 201 181 181 O" 17: 011 16. 161 бор On 151 6" 15° 5-7/16" 151 O" 141 611 O"1 6" 0" 14' 131 13. 12 121 121 11. 111 10 10: 10 9: 91 8" 8 71 7' י7 6* S: 5° 51 41 41 41 31 3་ 21 21 22 21 INSIDE 1 2º 181 161 121 101 · 640 6-3/1611 Оп - 9-15/16" 1-11/16" - - - - G - 9-3/16" 61 On 6" 0" 6" - 0-15/16" 0" 611 0"1 6" O" 6"1 4-11/16" On 6" . - - D 09 0" 611 Q" 611 c་ En 0° - On 8-7/16" 6" Q"1 611 Сн En 0-3/16" 421 - 341 On 40° - 9-5/8" 36° O"! 9-5/8" 30' OFF 281 - 9-5/8" 241 On 9-5/8" O" 221 9-5/8" On 9-5/8m O" 9-5/80 01 - 0" HEIGHTS AT WHICH CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS MAY BE MADE FOR UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL TANKS OF VARIOUS TYPES BOLTED STEEL - FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL JOINTS, ALSO SMALLER ALL-WELDED ALSO PLAIN AND CORRUGATED IRON APPROX. 8' HIGH APPROX. 16' HIGH APPROX. 24 APPROX. 24 HIGH X X X X X 4: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SHINGLED RING ARRANGEMENT APPROX. 30º HIGH | APPROX. 42. HIGH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X H >4 X X X BOLTED STEEL-PROJECTING FLANGE VERTICAL JOINTS (ASSUMING EACH RING OR COURSE IS 2-8-174" IN HEIGHT) APPROX. 8' HIGH APPROX. 16 HIGH APPROX. 24' HIGH X X RIVETED STEEL IN-AND-OUT RING ARRANGEMENT APPROX. 30' HIGH | APPROX. 42. HIGH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X your o X Y X X X X א X X X X X * X X X COMBINATION SHINGLED AND IN-AND-OUT RING ARRANGEMENT APPROX. 30' HIGH | APPROX. 42 HIGH X X X XX X X X X X X X 54 X X X X X X به X X X X X X X X X WOODEN REGULAR TAPER TYPE APPROX, 8' HIGH|APPROX. "IT" HIGH| APPROX. 17 HIGH 8▼ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X א X X X X X X X X X X X BUTT-AND LAP-ALL WELDED (OVER 24′ HIGH) APPROX. 301 HIGH APPROX. 42' HIGH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X BARREL TYPE •1 | 17. X X X X X X X X X X X X X❘ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X א NOTE: In this table it is assumed that for these large tanks each ring or course is exactly 61-0 in height. NOTE: In both tables on this page, under each type and size of tank, each ver- tical column of "" designations represents a separate and distinct indi- vidual method or series of tank height points at which circumfer- ence measurements may be made, as explained on the preceding pages. 117 TANK HT. So 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 P 42 ·41 40 39 37 ·36 -35 -34 33 32 -31 30 -29 28 -27 — 26 25 -24 -23 -22 21 - 20 19 18 17 16 …………………||| 14 13 12 " १ 8 7 4732-0 117.1 Heights At Which Circumference Measurements May Be Made For Upright Cylindrical Tanks of Various Types Legend: Relative Preference of Methods: 1. 2. 3. BOLTED STEEL-FLAT VERT. ITS т 1. WELDEO STEEL- BUTT JTS. GALVANIZED IRON т 17 M RI NIZED IRON-Cò ED STEEL-PRO J. VERT. JTS. OLTED a COMBINATION STEEL-SHINELED RINGS RIVETED STEEL — IN-AND-OHTRINGS RIVETED STEEL – MINATI OLTRINGS WELDED STEEL - All Butt JOINTS ATED MITM WOOD-REGULAR TAPER ARREL TYPE WOOD And-Out | TANK HT 2585 46 45· 44. 43. 42 41 40 39 38- 37- 34 35 34 29- 28- 27- 26- 25 24- 23- 22- 21- 20 19 1111 1.1 COPOYIMN=0 111 14. 74735 13- | 12- 72 ││11 2. Pressure Storage a. Horizontal Steel (1) Measure one circumference in the center of each ring. b. Spherical Steel (1) Measure the maximum horizontal circumference (that at the equator) and two vertical circumferences bisecting one another at 90° at both the top and bottom of the tank. c. Spheroidal Steel (1) Measure the maximum horizontal circumference (that at the equator) and as many additional circumferences above and below the equator as practical. (To support the measuring tape on this type tankage, it is suggested that welding rods be spot welded, one to each plate, around the tank's outer surface; this to be done for each circumference.) 3. General For those types of tankage which may be encountered and of which specific examples or descriptions are not included here, it usually will be found that they are applicable to measurement methods according to one or another of the principles herein described. Differences Resulting From Application of Various Methods To The Same Tankage Differences in the results obtained naturally are to be expected when applying different measurement methods to the same tankage. In order to determine what may be expected under normal conditions in this respect, and why, the following pages set forth pertinent data, by types of tenkage. 118 In each case, multiple typical circumference measurements at regular intervals of tank height are shown as a base for compari son, together with the tank capacities calculated the refrom. Then, each of the circumference measurement methods described previously for the particular type of tankage is applied and compared in detail with the base method by stated values, and also graphically. Thus, conclusions may be drawn as to the relative accuracy of the various me thods, within the limits of the data shown. For other cases, the same principles of comparison readily may be used, constructing the necessary data from actual measurements as may be found desirable. Such details as deadwo od content, manhole outlets, and so on, have been disregarded, so as to deal only with open tank capacities. In this manner, the differences resulting from the several circumference measurement points will be most clearly demonstrated. It is pointed out that the difference in to tal tank capacity as produced by the various methods applied to the same tank is reflected practically only in full tank inventories. The difference usually will be somewhat less on volumes delivered into or out of the tank, because in most such cases the total tank capacity is not entirely involved. This point is demonstrated by the examples of delivery volumes shown. On the other hand in making such comparisons based on total tank capacity, precaution should be taken against incorrect inferences being drawn in those cases where the tank contour is very irregular. In such instances, quite possi bly the intermediate differences are both negative and positive, with the total therefore representing only the net difference. 119 1 TYPICAL OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK - 8' HIGH X 46.4* CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 0.04091 OUTSIDE FOR 5/64" STEEL) HEIGHT FEET 81-ON 46.335 72-6M 46.359 46.35475 7'-0" 46.366 6t6H 46.373 46.37175 60" 46.375 5D-6M 46.378 46.37825 52.0"1 46.382 4T6M 46.382 46.38350 48~0" 46.388 31~6N 38 Di 2T6M 46.392 46.39100 46.392 46.392 46.39050 46.386 21.0M 16M 46.385 46.37900 10N 46.360 016M 46.342 46.38850 08-OH 46.310 46.31384 46.33084 46.33734 46.34259 46.35009 46.34959 46.33809 46.29759 DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR BY INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 243.41 213.01 182.58 152.15 121.71 91.26 60.81 30.38 0.00 30.40 30.43 30.43 30.44 30.45 30.45 30.43 30.38 243.41 30.38 213.03 213.01 30.38 182.63 182.58 30.38 152.20 TANK CAPACITIES IN BARRELS AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES AT 2'10" AND 6'0" AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 243.48 213.05 182.61 30.43 30.44 30.43 30.44 30.43 30.44 30.43 30.44 152.18 121.74 91.31 60.87 30.44 0.00 OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF CIRCS. AT O'O", 41_0" AND 8'-0", AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF TANK HEIGHT 30.41 30.40 30.40 30.40 30.40 30.41 30.40 30.40 ACCUMULATED AT EACH FOOT 243.22 212.81 182.41 152.01 121.61 91.21 60.80 30.40 0.00 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES DELIVERY BETWEEN 8'-0" AND 1'-0" 243.48 243.22 30.44 30.40 213.04 212.82 DELIVERY BETWEEN 7'-0" AND 1'-0" 213.05 212.81 30.44 30.40 182.61 182.41 DELIVERY BETWEEN 6'-0" AND 1³.0" 182.61 182.41 30.44 30.40 152.17 152.01 ONE CIRCUMFERENCE AT 4_0" AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 30.44 30.45 30.44 30.45 30.44 30.45 30.44 30.45 243.56 213.12 182.67 152.23 121.78 91.34 60.89 30.45 0.00 243.56 30.45 213.11 213.12 30.45 182.67 182.67 30.45 152.22 120 : TANK HEIGHT 8'6" 7-6 7-0- 10 1 દ 1 26- 2-67 DIFFERENCES ResuLTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE I 12.9h LOFOISHNI | F CIRCUMFERENCE VALUES 22.2h -EE- म 46.34 a • E a LLA iH 4 199 O 11. ON N 2 ALL CONTOUR UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL JANK 8' HIGH X 46.4 CIRCUM. FLAY LAPped VERTICAL JOINTS म ! t ! # : f i 1 ! 121 TYPICAL OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE HEIGHT 88_01 66.685 73-6M 71-04 6R6 M 61.0" 5-6M MEET DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE 8* HIGH X 66.7' CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT OUTSIDE 66.702 66.69925 66.708 66.714 66.71300 66.716 66.723 66.72250 66.728 66.731 66.73075 5%-0 4% 2061 4%DM 3t~6M 66.737 66.741 66.73875 66.736 38~0" 26" 2 ON 11.6H 66.729 66.73100 1'-0" 66.730 0161 66.701 66.69300 01~0H 66.640 66.733 66.735 66.73500 INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 0.05727* FOR 7/64" STEEL) 66.64198 66.65573 66.66523 66.67348 66.67773 66.68148 66.67373 66.63573 UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR BY INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 62.95 62.97 62.99 63.01 63.01 63.02 63.01 62.93 503.89 440.94 377.97 314.98 251.97 188.96 125.94 62.93 0.00 503.89 62.93 440.96 440.94 62.93 378.01 Cont 377.97 62.93 315.04 TANK CAPACITIES IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF CIRCS. AT 2ºLO" AND 6'0" AND AT 0~0"¸ 4~0" AND 8~0", DISTRIBUTED AS A AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER TRUE CYLINDER FER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 62.99 63.00 63.00 62.99 63.00 63.00 62.99 63.00 503.97 440.98 377.98 314.98 251.99 188.99 125.99 63.00 0.00 62.94 62.94 62.94 62.95 62.94 62.94 62.95 62.94 503.54 440.60 377.98 63.00 314.98 377.66 314.72 251.77 188.83 125.89 62.94 0.00 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES DELIVERY BETWEEN 8'0" AND 1'0" 503.97 503.54 63.00 62.94 40.97 440.60 DELIVERY BETWEEN 7'-0" AND 1'-0" 440.98 440.60 63.00 62.94 377.98 377.66 DELIVERY BETWEEN 6'-0" AND "1_0" 377.66 62.94 314.72 ONE CIRCUMFERENCE AT 410" AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 63.01 63.01 63.01 63.01 63.01 63.01 63.01 63.01 504.08 441.07 378.06 315.05 252.04 189.03 126.02 63.01 0.00 504.08 63.01 441.07 441.07 63.01 378.06 378.06 63.01 315.05 122 1 TANK HEIGHT 8-6 7-6 7-0" ' تھی 5 5-0 4-6 4-0" 3-6- 3-0" 2'6" 26 1-6″ 1-0° 0-6" b=0" DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATIon de VarIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE i ANK INSIDE OF CIRCUMFERENGE VALUE ts YPICAL TANK WA 1 R 8 ! LL Σ 12 123 " 00 O A TY ท M PRIGHT Bolted STEEL TANK 8 HIGH X 66.7 CIRCUM. FLAT LApped VERTICAL JOINTS Le 10 AV i 56 MSMT. ! I i TYPICAL OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT HEIGHT FEET 16_0" 46.404 15-6 46.426 46.42150 15-0* 46.430 14-6 46.436 46.43500 140~0" 46.438 136" 46.444 46.44450 1310 46.452 12-6" 46.452 46.45300 12'-0" 46.456 OUTSIDE 11€ 46.457 46.45700 1180# 46.458 10%~61 46.460 46.46000 100" 46.462 961 46.465 46.46500 4_0M t 9⁰0M 46.468 86M 46.466 46.46550 80M 46.462 7%-6M 46.476 46.47200 7° 0" 46.474 6*E* 46.478 46.47750 Gem on 46.480 , выби ~6" 5º-0" 5800 46.482 46.48150 46.482 4800 EN 46.484 46.48350 46.484 36" 46.484 46.48475 31-0" 46.487 2º_6* 46.488 46.48875 2-0 46.492 1*_EM 46.488 46.48400 1-0 46.468 0%~ 6* 46.450 46.44100 0*0" 46.396 DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK - 16' HIGH X 46.4 CIRCUMFERENCE INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 0.04091' AND 0.05727 FOR 5/64M & 7/64" STEEL RESP.) 46.38059 46.39409 46.40359 46.41209 46.41609 46.41909 46.42409 46.42459 46.41473 46.42023 46.42423 46.42623 46.42748 46.43148 46.42673 46.38373 DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR BY INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 488.53 458.05 427.54 397.02 366.49 30.48 30.51 30.52 30.53 30.54 30.54 30.54 30.55 30.53 30.54 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.56 30.55 30.49 355.95 305.42 274.87 244.32 213.79 183.25 152.70 122.15 91.60 61.04 30.49 0.00 488.53 30.49 458.04 458.05 30.49 427.56 366.49 30.49 336.00 TANK CAPACITIES IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES AT 2GH 6~0", 10°~ON AND 110", AND DISTRIBUTED AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER FOR EACH RING PER FOOT OF ACCUMULAT ED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 488.63 458.10 427.58 397.05 366.53 336.00 305.47 274.95 244.42 30.53 30.52 30.53 30.52 30.53 30.53 30.52 30.53 30.55 30.56 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.56 30.55 30.55 213.87 183.31 152.76 122.21 91.66 61.10 30.55 0.00 488.63 30.55 458.08 458.10 30.55 427.55 WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES AT 0~0"。 4~0" AND 16'-0". AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER FOR EACH RING PER FOOT OF ACCUMULAT ED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 488.06 457.57 427.07 396.58 366.09 335.59 305.10 274.60 244.11 213.60 183.08 152.57 122.06 91.54 61.03 30.51 0.00 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES DELIVERY BETWEEN 16'-G" AND 1-()" 30.49 30.50 30.49 30.49 366.53 30.55 335.98 30.50 30.49 DELIVERY BETWEEN 15'-0" AND 1'ṇM 30.50 30.49 30.51 30.52 30.51 30.51 30.52 30.51 30.52 30.51 DELIVERY BETWEEN 12'-0" AND 1'-0" DELIVERY BETWEEN 10-C" AND 1'-0" 488.06 30.51 457.55 457.57 30.51 427.06 366.09 30.51 335.58 ONE CIRCUMFERENCE AT 41-OW AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 488.80 458.25 427.70 397.15 366.60 336.05 305.50 274.95 244.40 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 213.85 183.30 152.75 122.20 91.65 61.10 30.55 0.00 488.80 30.55 458.25 458.25 30.55 427.70 366.60 30.55 336.05 124 30.55 274.95 305.41 305.50 274.92 30.49 274.59 30.51 274.92 305.47 305.10 30.55 } TANK HEIGHT * 14-8- 10-6 10-0. 9.0- 86" 8 2015 A * 1-0" DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT Methods To THE SAME TANKAGE 1 11 METHODS T 46.39 !! INCIDE 46.40 !! CIRCUMFERENCE 46.4+ HORIZONTAL JOINT TIL PICA 46.42 -2180-6 D. AV6.OF MSMTS 46.43 TE 5. PPLIED TO Ide 129 10-1 TANK 46.44 46.45 R OF MSMTS, AT ம். NG YS AT O-O, 1-0 (16 WTD. AV6. OF M VALUES 46.46 ONTOL 46.471 UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK IG' HIGH X 46.4 CIRCUM. FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL JOINTS 46,48 MSMT. ATENEO Σ 4649° O 28 MSMTS AT 2:0 OF AYG. ! 125 TYPICAL OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 0.05727' OUTSIDE FOR 7/64" STEEL) HEIGHT FEET 16~0M 66.653 15-6" 66.662 66.65950 150 66.661 14-6M 66.669 14-0 66.674 136" 66.678 66.67950 13_0" 66.688 66.66825 12.6M 66.697 66.69650 12.0" 66.704 11.6" 66.71250 66.714 66. 718 66.722 66.731 660736 11_0" 101~61 10º-0 9% me 600 91_0" 66.72325 66.73700 66.745 86 66.753 66.75075 81.0" 66.752 7-6" 66.754 66.75350 7°-0" 66.754 50-6M 66.756 66.75550 66.75800 66.76450 60m 66.756 516" 66.758 5_0" 66.760 416" 66.765 40# 66.768 3°~6" 66.770 3° 0" 66.772 26" 66.776 66.77600 28-0M 66.780 66.77000 1_6" 66.777 66.77500 18~0" 66.766 0_6" 66.705 66.70150 01_0m 66.630 DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK 16' HIGH X 65.7' CIRCUMFERENCE 66.60223 66.61098 66.62223 66.63923 66.65523 66.66598 66.67973 66.69348 66.69623 66.69823 66.70073 66.70723 66.71273 66.71873 66.71773 66.64423 126 DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR BY INTERPOLATED MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT SEGMENT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 62.87 62.89 62.91 62.94 62.97 62.99 63.02 63.04 63.05 63.05 63.06 63.07 63.08 63.09 63.09 62.95 1008.07 945.20 882.31 819.40 756.46 693.49 630.50 567.48 504.44 441.39 378.34 315.28 252.21 189.13 126.04 62.95 0.00 1008.07 62.95 945.12 945.20 62.95 882.25 756.46 62.95 693.51 630.50 62.95 567.55 TANK CAPACITIES IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES AT 21-0" 6'-0", 101~0" AND 14'-0", AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER FOR EACH RING PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 62.95 62.95 62.95 62.96 62.95 62.95 62.95 62.95 63.08 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 1008,22 945.27 882.32 819.37 756.41 693.46 630.51 567.56 504.61 441053 378.45 315.38 252.30 189.23 126.15 63.08 0.00 1008.22 63.08 945.14 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES DELIVERY BETWEEN 16'-0" AND 1'-0" 945.27 63.08 882.19 WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF CIRCUMFERENCES AT 0'-0"。 40" AND 16'-0", AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER FOR EACH RING PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT DELIVERY BETWEEN 15'-0" AND 1'-0" 62.93 62.93 62.93 62.93 62.93 62.93 62.93 62.94 62.99 62.99 62.99 62.99 63.00 62.99 63.00 62.99 756.41 63.08 693.33 DELIVERY BETWEEN 12'-0" AND 1º_0M 630.51 63.08 567.43 DELIVERY BETWEEN 10'-0" AND 1'-0" 1007.39 944.46 881.53 818.60 755.67 692.74 629.81 566.88 503.94 440.95 377.96 314.97 251.98 188.98 125.99 62.99 0.00 1007.39 62.99 944.40 944.46 62.99 881.47 755.67 62.99 692.68 629.81 62.99 566.82 ONE CIRCUMFERENCE AT 41-ON AND DISTRIBUTED AS A TRUE CYLINDER PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 63.07 63.08 1009.21 946.14 883.06 819.99 756.91 693.83 630.76 567.68 504.61 441.53 378.45 315.38 252.30 189.23 126.15 63.08 0.00 1009.21 63.08 946.13 946.14 63.08 883.06 756.91 63.08 693.83 630.76 63.08 567.68 TANK HEIGHT 116'-0" 15'-6" 15-8- 14-6" 14-0 +3=6 13-0" 12-6" +2=0" 11-6- 1150" 10-6" 110'-0" 9-6″ تمنو 8 8-0" 7-67 7-0" 6-6" 4-0 5'-6" 5-0 4-6" 4-0 36" +3 66.634 تھنتی 2-6" 2-07 +'-6" 1'-0"″ O:"6" DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANK AGE CIRS HORIZONTAL JOINT INSIDE OF TANK PROTH10 A WT FERENCE „OF MSN AS AFPLIER TÓ. F RING TYPICAL TANK } 0 WAL i 2199 CONTOUR 127 TTOM RING UES UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK 16 HIGH X 66.7 CIRCUM.. FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL JOINTS 12 ; S od ů N د الملا tr . + 4 0 ¡ SW 66.78 ! 1 F i A B D $ SZYRZE ---- TANK HEIGHT 10~10" 10%~-6" 10° 0" 9861 9T0H 8146M 8'-0" 7-6M 7100 67-64 600" 51~61 5⁰ OM 461 41-0M 3361 31 On 26" 2.0" 16M 1tOn 06M 01-04 TYPICAL OUTSIDE DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCE 69.75 70.20 70.60 70.90 71.10 71.20 71.25 71.15 71.00 70.75 70.25 INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 1.309* FOR 2-1/2″ STAVE THICKNESS) 68.441 68.891 69.291 69.591 69.791 69.891 69.941 69.841 69.691 69.441 68.941 WOODEN TANK OF BARREL TYPE TANK CAPACITY, IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR, BY A MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT OF HEIGHT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULATED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 55.33 67.27 68.05 68.64 69.04 69.23 69.33 69.13 68.84 68.34 67.36 740.56 685.23 617.96 549.91 481.27 412.23 343.00 273.67 204.54 135.70 67.36 0.00 740.56 67.36 673.20 685.23 67.36 617.87 549.91 67.36 482.55 < 10-10" HIGH X 71' CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATED TYPICAL MEAN OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE MEASURED FOR EACH CIRCUMFERENCE FOOT OF HEIGHT 69.75 70.60 71.10 71.25 71.00 70.25 69.750 70.175 70.600 70.85 71.100 71.175 71.250 71.125 71.000 70.625 70.250 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES INSIDE EQUIVALENT (DEDUCT 1.309* FOR 2-1/2" STAVE THICKNESS) DELIVERY BETWEEN 1010" AND 1'-0" DELIVERY BETWEEN 1010" AND 1'-0" DELIVERY BETWEEN 8'-0" AND 11~OM 68.441 68.866 69.291 69.541 69.791 69.866 69.941 69.816 69.691 69.316 68.941 TANK CAPACITY, IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH, DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO TANK CONTOUR, BY A MEAN CIRCUMFERENCE FOR EACH FOOT OF HEIGHT PER FOOT OF ACCUMULAT ED TANK HEIGHT AT EACH FOOT 55.33 67.22 68.05 68.54 69.04 69.18 69.33 69.08 68.84 68.10 67.36 740.07 684.74 617.52 549.47 480.93 411.89 342.71 273.38 204.30 135.46 67.36 0.00 740.07 67.36 672.71 684.74 67.36 617.35 549.47 67.36 482.11 128 TAKK HEIGHT 10-10- 106" 9'-6" 9=0" 8'-6" نو 7-6" 740" تمنی 48" 3-6 3-6- 20" 0-6 "0"0" 1: DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANK/ 100 ANK INSIDE OF 69,70 69.90 70,00 CIRCU OFOL GEOL ……………T FERENCE VALUES 70.301 OHOL 70.50 ODOL 70.70 TYPICAL TTANK NK WALL Contour BASED ON A CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT AT O+¿ AND THENCE UPWARE AT EACH 2 INTERY 79.00 TYPICAL TANK WALL CONTOUR BASED ON A CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT AT O'- AND THENCE UPWARD AT EACH I INTER WOODEN TANK OF BARREL TYPE 10-16" HIGH X 71 CIRCUMFERENCE 11 I } 70.90 B01L LOTIL DKZ MV A 71.20 GEHL 129 RING NO 5 4 TYPICAL OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE HEIGHT FEET 2 42_0" 366.89 401_6" 367.01 7 39-0" 366.86 11,442.80886 37-6" 366.97 360 367.05 34-6 367.18 6 33~0" 367.15 11,456.54544 316# 367.17 300H 367.20 + DIFFERENCES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE UPRIGHT STEEL TANK WITH SEVEN RINGS- SHINGLE TYPE RING ASSEMBLY 42' HIGH X 3681 CIRCUMFERENCE PER RING EACH 1.5¹ OF TANK HT. (5 VALUES PER RING) (1) 7 151-0" 367.93 136" 367.92 12-0 367.98 10-6 90 7' 6" 368.12 6'-0" 368.19 4-6 368.51 1 310N 368.44 11,520.03906 16" 368.27 010 368.12 28-6" 367.27 27'-0" 367.23 11,460.68844 25-6M 367.24 240 367.33 221-6H 367.51 210" 367.50 11,472.33474 196" 367.54 18_0" 367.53 16-6 367.97 150" 367.93 11.495.46762 368.19 368.20 11,510.52342 ACCUMULATED TANK CAPACITIES IN BARRELS OF 42 U. S. GALLONS EACH BASED ON WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCES PER RING, USING CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS AS INDICATED TOP OF TOP RING AND TOP OF TOP RING AND TOP OF TOP RING AND BOTTOM OF EACH RING BOTTOM OF EACH OF 3 LOWEST RINGS BOTTOM OF EACH OF 2 LOWEST RINGS (2) (3) (4) ACCUMULATED 80.342.84 80,358.41 68,915.60 57.459.05 45,998.36 34,526.03 23.030.56 11,520.04 80,358.41 11,520.04 68,838.37 68,915.60 11,520.04 57.395.56 57,459.05 11,520.54 45,938.51 45.998.36 11,520.54 PER RING 11,443.9007 11,457.6592 11,465.3792 0.00 11,515.9066 11,473.6410 11,492,9308 11,513.0615 ACCUMULAT ED 80,362.48 68,918.58 57,460.92 45.995.54 34,521.90 23,028.97 11,515.91 0.00 80.362.48 11,515.91 68,846.57 68,918.58 11,515.91 57,402.67 57,460.92 11,515.91 45.945.01 45.995.54 11,515.91 PER RING 11,440.8100 11,452.7795 11.464.7554 11,478.7819 11,496.9103 11,513.0615 11,515.9066 ACCUMULATED 80,363.01 68,922.20 57,469.42 46,004.66 34.525.88 23,028.97 11,515.91 0.00 80.363.01 11,515.91 68,847.10 PER RING 11,440.1394 57,469.42 11,515.91 45.953.51 11,450.7655 11,461,3964 46,004,66 11.515.91 11,474.0777 11,490.8569 RESULTANT DELIVERY VOLUMES DELIVERY BETWEEN 42' AND 6º 11,509.6963 11,515.9066 DELIVERY BETWEEN 36' AND 6' 68,922.20 11,515.91 57,406.29 DELIVERY BETWEEN 30 AND 6t DELIVERY BETWEEN 24' AND 6' 68,902.70 57.451.93 45.990.54 34,516.46 23,025.60 11.515.91 0.00 80.342.84 11,515.91 68.826.93 68,902.70 11,515.91 57.386.79 57,451.93 11,515.91 45,936.02 45.990.54 11.515.91 ONE MEASUREMENT ONLY, AT BOTTOM OF SECOND RING (5) PER RING 11,510.9288 11.510.9288 11,510.9288 11,510.9288 11,510.9288 11,510.9288 11,510.9288 ACCUMULATED 80,576.50 69,065.57 57.554.64 46,043.72 34,532.79 23,021.86 11,510.93 0.00 80.576.50 11,510.93 69,065.57 69,065.57 11,510.93 57.554.64 57,554.64 11,510.93 46,043.71 46,043.72 11,510.93 ; 34,477.82 34.532.79 130 34.474.63 34,479.63 34,488.75 RING TANK NO. NEK 7 5 Y 3 2 in! 0" 3 INSDUDF TANK DIFFERENges ResultTING NGES RESULTING FROM APPLICATION OF VARIOUS CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT METHODS TO THE SAME TANKAGE The IN : 111 HAI DIN 3 CAME AVERAGE INSIDE TANK CONTOURs by Ring HEIGHTS BASED ON WEIGHTED AVERAGES OF CIRCUNFZRENCE VALLES AT TIL 2 Each 1.5 OF TANK HEIGHT - 5 VALUES PER RING G TOP OF TopRING AND OTTOM OF EACH RING ===== HIT-203 Ice Rin AmD BOTTOM OF EACH OF THREE LOWEST RINGS - TG 6FT-p Rine And BOTTOM OH EACH OF TYYO LOW FATINIS TUTU⠀} CIRCUMFERENCE. VA ONE CIRCUMFERENSE UREMENT CHIZ AGE -TOM OF SECOND KING 283 283 UPRIGHT STEEL TANK WITH SEVEN Rings - SHINGLE TYPE Ring Assembly 42 HIGH X 368' CIRCUMFERENCE M 131 TANK VOLUME DETERMINATI O N IT S THEORY AND PRACTICE PART III TANK GAUGE TABLE PREPARATION PROBLEMS AND METHODS 132 NOTE Part III of this handbook, concerning "Tank Gauge Table Preparation Problems and Methods", attempts to provide mainly complete coverage of the purely mathematical problems and their solutions. Necessary discussions and explanations are included, but for the most part are confined to this particular facet of the matter. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that those who are initially approaching tank gauge table preparation methods, first familiarize them- selves, at least in a general way, with the respectively corresponding contents of the previous Part II, "Tank Measurement Problems and Methods". It is certain that this will lead beneficially to a much more lucid and comprehensive understanding of the subject. • 133 Chapter XI CIRCUMFERENCES INTERPOLATED GENERAL The preceding chapter demonstrated that ordinarily there will be available relatively few of the total number of possible actual circumference measurements. However, if these few have been made at properly selected points, it is possible to interpolate between them for intervening circumferences, so as to achieve a considerable degree of accuracy. Interpolation may be defined for our purpose here as the process of calculation whereby one or more intermediate circumfer- ences as required are determined for a range or section of tank height having an actual measured circumference at its top and ano ther at its bottom. THREE SIMPLE EXAMPLES A simple example would be a tank with actual measured cir- cumferences of 66.60' at the bottom or O'-0" and of 66.66' at a point two feet higher or 2'-0". It is necessary to calculate an intermediate circumference for a tank height of l'-0". This is done by adding 66.60' to 66.66', obtaining the sum of 133.26' and dividing by 2, thus arriving at 66.63' for the interpolated circumference at 1'-0". From this it is clear that all that has been done is to obtain a simple average. The same result could obviously have been reached by subtracting 66.60¹ from 66.66', resulting in 0.06', dividing this by 2, getting 0.03' or one-half the total difference, and adding this to 66.60', to obtain 66.63' as the circumference for 1'-0". A second example is a tank with actual measured circumferences of 66.60' at the bottom or O'-0" and of 66.66' at a point three 134 feet higher or 3'-0". In this case it is necessary to calculate two intermediate circumferences, one for a tank height of 1'-0" and the other for 2'-0". This is done by subtracting 66.60' from 66.66', obtaining 0.06' as the total difference between the two actual measurements at the bottom and the top of the section of tank height under consideration. This difference of 0.06' is then di- vided by 3, representing the total number of feet of tank height involved, arriving at 0.02' as one-third of the total difference or the average difference per foot of tank height. 0.02' is then added twice successively to the smaller of the base measurements that of 66.60' at O'-0", to obtain respectively the two necessary interpolated circumferences, 66.62' for 1'-0" and 66.64 for 2'-0". Adding 0.02' for the third time in succession results in 66.66' for 3'-0", which illustrates the method of proof which will be used later. In the second example the intermediate circumferences were arrived at by adding the average difference per foot of tank height to the base measurement of 66.60' at O'-0". The seme results could just as readily, and as correctly, have been obtained by completely reversing the process and starting by subtracting 0.02' from the other base measurement of 66.66' at 3'-0". In this case, the final proof would then have been the third successive subtraction of 0.02' arriving at 66.60' for the circumference stated as actual ly measured at O'-0" In the two examples just given, it should be noted that both arrived at interpolated circumferences each of which were at points in the tank height exactly one foot above or below the actu- ally measured circumferences, and in the second example, exactly one foot from each other. It frequently will be necessary to 135 interpolate for intermediate circumferences in cases where the tank height differential is not uniform in this manner. A simple example of this is described in the next paragraph. Two circumference measurements have been made. One is at the bottom of the tank or O'-0" and is 66.60'. The other is 66.66' at a height of 2'-6". It is necessary to calculate two intermediate circumferences, one for a tank height of 1'-0" and the other for 2'-0". This is done by subtracting 66.60' from 66.66', obtaining 0.06' as the total difference in magnitude between the measurements at the two extremities of this section of tank height. This dif- ference is considered as built up evenly over the 2'-6" of tank height. One of the intermediate circumferences to be obtained is one foot from the actual measurement at the bottom of the tank, but the other is only six inches or one-half foot from the actual measurement at 2'-6". Therefore, the total di fferential of tank height involved, or two and one-half feet, will be divided in seg- ments each of a height exactly equal to the smaller of the two intermediate differentials mentioned, or one-half foot. 2'-6" di- vided by O'-6" results in five such segments of one-half foot each. Next, 0.06' divided by 5 results in 0.012' as one-fifth of the to- tal difference or the average difference per half-foot of tank height. 0.012' is then added successively to the smaller of the base mea- surements, that of 66.60' at O'-0", to obtain the necessary inter- polated circumference at 1'-0" and 2'-0", thus: 136 66.60 .012' 66.612 .012' 66.624 .012' 66.636 .012' 66.648 Measured circumference at O'-0" Interpolation for O'-6" Interpolation for 1'-0" Interpolation for 1'-6" Interpolation for 2'-0" Measured Circumference at 2'-6". which is also the proof of the calculation. Summarizing these three simple examples, the following £. £ £ t .012' 66.660 may be tabulated: 1st Example Meas. Interp. Tank Heights Circ. Circ. 3° =0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" 0'-6" O' ~ Û" 66.60* C Tank Height 3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" 0'-6" O'-0" 66.60 66.66' 17.99 66.63' 66.60* These same results may be shown graphically as follows: 66.62° 2nd Example Meas. Interp. Circ. Circ. 66.66' 66.63 66.64 66.64' 66.62' TANK CIRCUMFERENCES 3rd Example Meas. Interp. Circ. Circ. 66.66' 66.65 66.60' .១១១១ 66.648' 66.624* 99 Second Example Third Example First Example 137 The graphic illustration of the methods readily demon- strates that all three of the se particular examples have two principal features in common. The first is that the calculations may be correctly designated as "straight-line". The second is that wherever this purely "straight-line" method applies, the desired interpolated circumferences can be more readily obtained graphically than by actual calculation. It is also apparent that the graphic "straight-line" method permits reading off at a glance an intermediate value for any point desired. From this point forward, use will be made of some times one and sometimes the other of these principles, and in certain instances a combination of the two will be desirable. For the purpose of clarity and desirable continuity of explanations, the calculation method may be retained herein for cases which in practice could indi- vidually more readily make use of the graphic solution. The examples so far di scussed involved simply obtaining intermediate circumferences between measured circumferences at the two extremes of only a particular portion of the over-all height of a tank. In following through for an entire tank, it usually will be necessary to deal with two or more such portions as determined by the number and location of circumferences actually measured. Furthermore, the ultimate results must be in terms of inside circumferences. Naturally, the circumference measurements actually made will be on the outside of the tank. It is therefore necessary to give consideration to the conversion of such outside circumferences, whether measured or interpolated, to inside circumferences. The method for the conversion has been separately explained in Chapter XIV. In addition, the actual 138 calculation of the gauge table ordinarily will be such as to consider the total height of the tank as divided into segments. These segments each may be variously one inch, one foot, or six feet etc. in height, depending on the circumstances of the par- ticular case. Fowever, in most cases, for any one tank the height of such segments will be uniform. The interpolation procedure should provide a circumference value for the mid- point as to tank height for each of these segments. The examples following, each now for an entire tank, will all give due consi- deration to all these factors. UPRIGHT BOLTED STEEL TANK The first complete example is that of an upright bolted steel tank of flat seam construction, with the plates all being of #12 U.S. standard gauge metal, or 7/64". The inside height is 8'-0" and circumference measurements have been made as follows: 66.60' (Consider as at O' -Ɔ") * at O'-1" at 2′-0″ 66.70' at 7'-11" 66.58' (Consider as at 8'-0")* * This is as close to the actual bottom and top as it was possible to get with the measuring tape and still obtain an accur a te measurement, free from such obstructions as bolt-heads. Such slight deviations, of the minimum distance necessary from exact designated points, are generally acceptable for steel tanks. However, if it is desired to eliminate this inaccuracy, the more nearly exact method explained hereinafter for wooden tanks may be used. The total inside tank height of 8'-0" will be divided into eight segments of one foot each. The circumferences reported will be considered as having been made at O'-0", 2′-0", and 8′-0″. It is necessary, therefore, to interpolate for circumferences at 139 O'-6", 1'-6″ and each successive foot thereafter to and including the final one at 7'-6", or eight in all. The interpolation points, each six inches above the next lower even foot of tank height, have been selected so as to provide a circumference value for the mid-point as to tank height of each of the eight equal segments of the total tank height. There are four segments of six inches each between the actual circumference measurements of 66.60' at 0'-0" and of 66.70' at z'-0". The total two foot circumference differential of 0.10' should be divided by 4, resulting in 0.025' as the average difference for each six inches of tank height in the lower two feet. There are twelve segments of six inches each between the actual circumference measurements of 66.70' at 2'-0" and of 66.58' at 8'-0". The total six foot circumference differential of 0.12' should be divided by 12, resulting in 0.01' as the average difference for each six inches of tan: height in the upper six feet. It should be noted that the largest circumference reported is that at 2'-0". Starting from the bottom, the six inch differential should be added, to and including 2'-0", but subtracted thereafter, thus. 140 Measured circumference at O'-0" Interpolation for O'-6" Interpolation for 1'-0" Interpolation for 1'-6" Measured circumference at 2'-0" Interpolation for 2'-6" Interpolation for 3'-0" Interpolation for 3'-6" Interpolation for 4'-0" Interpolation for 4'-6" Interpolation for 5'-0" Interpolation for 5'-6" Interpolation for 6'-0" Interpolation for 6'-6" Interpolation for 7'-0" Interpolation for 7'-6" .010' 66.580'- Measured circumference at 8'-0", 66.60' .025' 66.625' .025' 66.650' .025' 66.675' .026' 66.700' .010' 66.690' .010' 66.680' .010' 66.670' .010' 66.660' .010' 66.650' .010' 66.640' .010' 66.630' .010' 66.620 .010' 66.610' .010' 66.600' .010' 66.590 which is also the proof of this calculation. It is apparent that the same results could be obtained by dividing the total tank height into only eight segments of one foot each, providing a circumference at the top and bottom of each one-foot segment, and then obtaining the average for each segment. The two methods can be interchanged, depending on individual pre- ference. As explained previously, in cases of this kind, the same results also can be obtained quickly graphically. The interpolated circumferences shown here are for the outside of the tank. Each should be converted to an inside equivalent for volume calculations, using the correction factor 0.05726875', corresponding to the steel thickness of 7/64". If preferred, the outside circumferences 141 actually measured and reported can be immediately converted to in- side circumferences and interpolations made originally in the final terms necessary in this respect. This method is the quicker in many cases. If it is desired in the foregoing example only to check the total tank volume at 8'-0" as reflected by a gauge table already prepared or to quickly determine the total tank volume from the mea- surements as reported, the same over-all result may be arrived at as explained in the next paragraph. ss The total tank height is 8'-0" and circumference measurements have been reported for the extreme top and bottom. The remaining actual circumference, measured at 2'-0", ordinarily is used in interpolating circumference values from this height for two feet down to the bottom and for six feet up to the top of the tank. It may therefore be stated that the weight of the circumference at 2'-0" is applied over all eight one-foot segments of the tank's total height. The weight of the circumference at O'-0" is applied to the two foot section from 0 '-0" up to 2'-0", as it is used together with the circumference at 2'-0" to provide all the intermediate circumference values. Similarly, the weight of the circumference at 8'-0" is applied to the upper six foot section from 2'-0" to 8'-0". Therefore, the weighted average circumference for the entire tank is: Measured circumference at O'-0" of 66.60' x 2 or 133.20 at 2'-0" of 66.70' x 8 or 533.60 11 W 11 - Ħ at 8'-0" of 66.58' x 6 or 399.48 16 1066.28 and 1066.28 + 16 66.6425'.. This circumference value may be used to obtain the total tank capacity, in one volume calculation, after the usual conversion to an inside basis. The accuracy of this result rea- V 142 dily may be demonstrated, in terms of the detailed interpolations for the circumference value at the mid-point of each one-foot segment of tank height, as follows: As these interpolated circumference values each are uniformly 66.59' 66.61' 66.63' 66.65' 66.67' 66.69' 66.675' 66.625' 8)533.140 66.6425 as follows: at10'-6" at 8'-6" at 6'-6" at 4'-6" at 2'-6" at 0'-6" Interpolation for 7'-6" " 6'-6" 51-6" 4'-6" 31-6" 1: M 11 14 H applied to a one-foot segment of tank Q.E.D. height, reducing them to their simple average will give the proper over-all result. 69.84' 69.96' 70.10' 70.23' 70.35' 70.48' 17 # 11 11 REGULAR TAPER TYPE WOODEN TANK The second complete example is that of a wooden tank of the regular taper type. The staves are all 2" in thickness. The inside height is 10'-10" and circumference measurements have been made 11 " 11 2'-6" 1'-6" 0'-6" The total inside tank height of 10′-10" will be divided into ten segments of one foot each, and an odd segment at the top of only ten inches, to which the measured circumference of 69.84' is considered as applying. It is customary to interpolate for circum- ferences at the mid-point of each one-foot segment between those for which a circumference was actually measured. It is immediately apparent that in each instance the value desired will be simply the average of the measured values of the one-foot segments immediately above and below, respectively. These may be calculated and tabu- lated as follows: 143 (69.84 + 69.96) + 2 or (69.96 + 70.10) 2 ΟΙ (70.10 + 70.23) 2 * or (70.28 + 70.35); 2 or (70.35 + 70.48) ÷ 2 or 69.84' 69.90* 69.96' 70.03' 70.101 70.165'- 70.23 70.29' 70.35' 70.415' 70.48' S measured circumference at 10'-6" interpolation for 9'-6" measured circumference at 8'-6" interpolation for 7'-5" measured circumference at 6' 6" interpolation for 5'-6" measured circumference at 4-6" interpolation for 3'-6" measured circumference at 2' -E" interpolation for 1'-6" measured circumference at O'-6". The measured and interpolated circumferences shown are for the out- side of the tank. Each should be converted to an inside equivalent for volume calculations, using the correction factor 1.0472', corresponding to the stave thickness of 2". If preferred, the same results can be obtained graphically, as illustrated on page 145. In this second example, if it is desired to quickly obtain only the total tank volume at 10'-10", the weighted average circum- ference for the entire tank may be calculated as follows: The total tank height is 10'-10" or 130". Circumferences have been measured at 0'-6" and from there upward at each successive two foot interval. The weight of the circumference at O'-6" is applied over the bottom 30" height of tank. It ordinarily is used together with the circumference at 2'-6" to interpolate for circumference values from O'-6" to 2'-6", giving it a wight factor of 24. Therefore, it may be seen that its weight is only one half as effective from 0'-6" to 2'-6" as it is from O'-0" to 0'-6". It is the only circum- ference for the bottom 6", whereas it is one of two affecting the next 24". Its weight factor for the bottom 6" is therefore 12, rather than 6, so that its total weight factor is 24+ 12 or 36. The circumferences at 2'-6", 4'-6", 6'-6", and 8'-6" each have their weight applied over 48" of tank height. For example, the circumference at 2'-6" is used together with that at 0'-6" and then that at 4'-6" respectively, in 144 HEIGHTS ENCE CIRCUMF ד qu 1 in 4 53-6 2 69.80 L D 9. 6. 3-0 40 56" @ NK EQ INSIDE 19 CIRCUMFERENCE VAUMES 70.00 OHOL 7015 70.20 145 grot LO 70.30 70.40 O MEASURED X INTERPOLATED t 70.45 70.50 11 1 calculating intermediate circumference values for the sections of tank height from O'-6" to 2'-6" and thence upward to 4'-6". By the same principle, applicable to the O'-6" circumference, the weight of the circumference at 10'-6" is applied from 8'-6" to 10"-10"; from 8'-6" to 10'-6", the factor is 24, but from 10'-6" to 10"-10" it is 8, rather than 4, so that the total weight factor is 24 + 8, circumference for the entire or 32. Therefore, the weighted average tank is: Measured circumference at 17 11 at W at M at ་་ at M at 2,234.88 3,358.08 3,364.80 3.371.04 3,376.80 2,537.28 18,242,88 and 18,242.88 260 70.164923+. This circumference value may be used to obtain the total tank capacity, in one volume calculation, after the usual conversion to an inside basis. The accuracy of the result readily may be demonstrated, in terms of the detailed mea- gured or interpolated circumference values which can be considered applicable respectively to the eleven individual segments of tank height, as follows: In this case the simple average obtained in dividing by 11 is not correct. This is due to the circumference at 10'-6" being used over only 10", while each of the other 10 is used over . " ་་ ་་ x 32 or x 48 or 6'-6" 6'-ε" of 70.10' x 48 or 4'-6" of 70.23' x 48 or 2'-6" of 70.35' x 48 or 0'-6" of 70.48' x 36 or 260 = 10'-6" of 69.84' 8'-6" 8'-6″ of 69.96′ 69.84' 69.90' 69.96' 70.03' measurement for 10'-6" interpolation for 9' −6" measurement for 8'-6" interpolation for 7'-6" measurement for 6'-6" interpolation for 5'-6" measurement for 4'-6" interpolation for 3'-6" measurement for 2'-6" 70.415' interpolation for l'-6" 70.48' measurement for O'-6". 771.760 70.10 70.165 70.23' 70.29' 70.35' 12" of tank height. Therefore, to give proper weight to this, it is necessary to subtract 69.84' from the total of 771.76', leaving 701.92'. This is multiplied by 12 to obtain the total 8,423.04. 146 To this is added the 69.84' multiplied by only 10, or 698.40′, eulting in 9,121.44' grand total. This is in turn divided by 130, the sum of the weight multipliers (12 used 10 times and 10 used once), to give the final result 70.164923+ Q.E. D. (There is a negligible fallacy in this case of an offsetting nature inherent in the procedure. It usually can be ignored safely. A detailed explanation is given at the end of the third example.) BARREL TYPE WOODEN TANK The third complete example is that of a wooden tank of the barrel type. The staves are all 24" in thickness. The inside height is 10'-10" and circumference measurements have been made as follows: 69.80' 70.07' 70.32' 70.56' 70.85' 71.05' 71.11' 70.93' 70.81' 70.63' 70.42' 4'-6" 3-4+" at 10'-6" at 9¹-6" at 81-6″ at ༡་ 7་-9" at 6'-6" at 5'-6" at at at 2'-6" at 1'-6" at 0'-6" The total inside tank height of 10'-10" will be divided into ten segments of one foot each, and an odd segment at the top of only ten and one-half inches, to which the measured circumference of 69.80' is considered as applying. The other circumferences given are all meɛ- sured at the regular points, that is, at the mid-point of each one- foot segment, except those at 7′-9″ and 3'-4". It is customary to convert these by interpolation to circumference values for 7'6" and 3'-6" respectively. This may be done as follows: The 7'-9" measurement is at a level 1'-3" above the 6'-6" measurement and the difference between the circumferences themselves is 70.85' minus 70.56' or 0.29'. The regular circumference level of 7'-6" is 3" below that actually measured and 12" above the next lower (70.618' interpolated for 7'-6") (70.95' interpolated for 3'-6") re- 147 regular point at 6'-6". The total difference of 15" therefore will be considered as comprising five segments of 3" each. 0.29' 5 - 0.058', and adding this to 70.56' gives 70.618' as the desired circumference value for 7'-6". The ci rcumference value for 3'-6" is obtained in the same manner: 71.11' 70.93' 0.18 0.18' 9 = 0.02'; 70.93′ + 0.02¹ 70.95', the desired circumference value for 3'-6". The measured and interpolated circumferences shown are for the outside of the tank. Each should be converted to an inside equivalent for volume calculations, using the correction factor 1.309' corres- ponding to the stave thickness of 2". If preferred, approximately the same results can be obtained graphically, as illustrated on page 149. In this third example, if it is desired to quickly obtain only the total tank volume at 10'-10", the weighted average circumference for the entire tank may be calculated by the same principle and method as explained in the second example. Applied to this case, this would be: .. 17 Measured circumference at 10'-6" 11 " at 9-6" 11 at 8'-6" 71-9" or 1,465.80 or 1.681.68 or 1,476.72 or 1,693.44 or 1,912.95 or 1,705.20 at of 69.80' x 21 of 70.07' x 24 of 70.32' x 21 of 70.56' x 24 6'-6" of 70.85' x 27 5'-6" of 71.05' x 24 4'-6" of 71.11' x 25.5 or 1.813.305 3'-4" of 70.93' x 24 or 1,702.32 21-6" of 70.81' x 22.5 or 1.593.225 of 70.63′ x 24 at at at at at at 1'-6" or 1,695.12 at 0'-6" of 70.42' x 24 or 1,690.08 18,429.840, 261 and 18,429.84+261 70.6124147'. This circumference value may be used to obtain the total tank capacity, in one volume calculation after the usual conversion to an inside basis. "1 11 ۲۲ 11 11 19 4'-6" 3'-4 .* T-1½" 1'-11″ ÷ 1½-½ - 9. " TT 17 M === n 11 = - * 148 CIRCUMFERENCE HEIGHT *********ELLE INSIDE OF TANK 1 ! 1 O MEASUREO X INTERPOLATED 69.80 69.90 70.00 70.10 70.20 70.30 70.40 70,50 70.60 70.70 70.80 70.90 71.00 71.20 Circumference VALMES 149 In the foregoing calculation, it should be noted that no interpolations are necessary for circumference values at the regular circumference levels of 7'-6" and 3'-6". These two steps are eliminated by proper use of the weight factors, thus allowing us to proceed directly to the final result desired. The relative accuracy of this calculation, in terms of the detailed measured or interpolated circumference values, which can be considered applicable respectively to the eleven individual segments of tank height, is as Measurement for 10'-6" 19 91-6" 8'-6" 7'-6" 6'-6" 5'-6" 4'-6" 3'-6" 2'-6" 1'-6" 0'-6" follows: Each circumference value is applicable to 12" of tank height, except that for 10'-6", which applies to a segment of only 10" in height. To give the proper weight to this, subtract 69.80' from 776.628',leaving 706.828'. Multiply this by 12, obtaining 8,481.936'. To this is added the 69.80′ multi plied by only 10%, or732.90', resulting in 9,214.836' grand total. Divide this by 130.5, the sum of the weight multipliers (12 used 10 times and 10 used once), to give the final result 70.611770+'. This is slightly less than the value previously obtained, but in most cases for practical purposes could be accepted. It is emphasized that the value 70.612414+' is the correct one, even though arrived at by the short-cut method. Though the difference is small, and probably usually can be ignored, nevertheless it has been produced by a fallacy. Because of this, and also the possibility that some might regard the difference as of consequence, particularly when this procedure is applied to tanks with sharply more irregular vertical contours, or to tanks much larger than that used in this example, the exact and much more detailed procedure is as follows: 69.80' 70.07' 11 70.32' 1 70.618' Interpolation " Measurement 70.85' ". 71.05' 11 11 " 71.11' 11 70.95 Interpolation " Measurement 70.81' 17 70.63' 70.42' 776.628 ་་ 150 First, the fallacy mentioned consists of considering that the circumference value at the mid-point of each one foot segment of tank height is actually the weighted average of such segment. Actually, it probably is not even the simple average. The vertical slope of the tank's outer surface is not necessarily a smooth curve, although it is usually very close to being so. This last is the reason for the fallacy usually producing none but negligible differences. Having a circum- ference value actually measured at some point in each one foot segment of tank height, it is therefore possible to determine circumference values at both the bottom and top of each such segment. These, together with the measured value, can then be used to determine the weighted average circumference of each segment. These weighted average values will vary from those measured or interpolated at the mid-point of each segment in proportion as the vertical slope of the tank's outer surface at that point is irregular. The mid-point and the weighted average circumference values for each segment in this case as follows: are 151 Inside Tank Height 10'-6" 9'-6" 8'-6" 7'-6" 6'-6" 5'-6" 4'-6" 3'-6" 2'-6' 1'-6" 0'-6" As previously calculated : 1'-0" 0'-6" 0'-6" 0'-0" 70.525' 70.42' 70.42' 70.42' 4) 281.785' Mid-Point Circumferences 69.80 70.071 70.32' 70.618' 70.85' 71.05' 71.11' 70.95' 70.81' 70.63 70.42' 776.628' 70.44625' Deduct X 12 8481.61500 733.30499' (69.83857x10.5) 70.612413+' Q.E.D. The foregoing weighted average circumference values for each 70.611770+'. Weighted Average Circumferences 69.83857+ 70.0675' 70.32875' 70.61525' foot are obtained in the following manner: *For the first foot 1'-6" 70.63¹ O'-6" 70.42' 2)141.05 1'-0" 70.525' Note: The 70.42' value measured at 0'-6" 18 applied down to 0'-0", to avoid 70.846' 71.0325' 71.0825' ** 130.5)9214.919991 extrapolation which is 70.95161-' 70.80464+' 70.62625' 70.44625' * 776.63982 69.83857' 706.80125 explained later in this chapter. **For the fifth foot 5-6 71.05 4'-6" 71.11' 2)142.16' 71.08 51-0" 4! -6" 71.11' 3'-6" 70.95' 2)142.06 4'-0" 71.03' 5'-0" 71.08' 4'-6" 71.11' 4'-6" 71.11 4'-0" 71.03' 4)284.33 71.0825' UPRIGHT LARGE STEEL TANK WITH SEVEN RINGS The fourth complete example is that of an upright steel tank with seven rings or courses of plates of the shingled (telescoped or pyramid) type of ring assembly. The top five rings are lap welded. The bottom two rings have butt strap joints. As this example is concerned primarily with the circumference interpolation procedure only, the affect of the laps and butts on the measured circumference values, as explained in detail in Chapter IX, will be ignored here. The inside height is 42'-0" and in this example each ring is considered as being exactly 6'-0" in height. This assumption also SHINGLE TYPE 152 neglects several factors, as explained elsewhere, but will allow us to concentrate solely on the interpolation procedure itself. The metal thickness of each ring and the circumferences as actually measured are as follows: METAL THICKNESS PING NO. INCHES CIRCUMT.ACTOR IN TEET 7 6 5 0 4321 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 17/32 5/8 0.13091 0.163625' 0.19635' 0.2290751 0.2618' 0.2781625' 0.32725' MEASURED CIRC. FEIGHT 42'-0" TEET 366.90 367.70' 367.85' 368.15' 12'-0" 6'-0" + O'-0"? The "+" designations against the three lowest circumference heights are to indicate that they were measured on the extreme bottom of the exposed portion of each. ring. The measurement at 12'-0" + is at the bottom of the third ring, just where it forms the inset into the second ring, and so on. In this shingle type of construction it therefore follows that the ci rcumference measurement made on the outside at the bottom of a ring also represents the inside circumference at the top of the next lower ring. It is desired to determine an average inside circumference for each ring. This will be relatively simple for the two lowest rings as measurements have been made at their respective top and bottom extremities. However, for the top five rings, we have only the circumferences measured at 42'-0", and at12-0". These five rings therefore comprise the upper thirty feet of tank height. We do know the metal thickness of each of these rings, either as measured or as specified by the tank manufacturer. We also know that each of these rings is inset at its bottom into the next lower ring. If each ring were exactly perpendicular, the circumference measurement of 367.70' at 12'-0" on the bottom outside of the third ring would be simply the circumference measurement of 366.90' at 42'-0" on the top outside of the 153 seventh ring plus the successive increments of metal thickness, in terms of their circumference correction factors in feet, for the sixth, fifth, fourth, and third rings. Calculating this, it is found that: Circ.smt.at top outside 7th ring Circ.Corr.factor in feet 6th ring ་་ 11 5th ring 11 4th ring But actu- ally it is Difference 366.90' .163625' .19635' .229075' .2618' " 11 11 " 11 19 11 3rd ring 367 367.7508 50 indicated circ. at bottom outside 3rd ring 367.70' Te " 19 11 05085 which indicates that instead of each of these five rings being exactly perpendicular, their average tendency is to be pulled inwards towards the bottom as the result obtained was greater than the actual 12'-0" measurement. Dividing .05085 by 5, the adjustment for each ring is obtained as .01017. This is the amount by which the circumference at the top of each of these five rings is calculated as being greater than the circumference at the bottom of each of these rings. (Had the indicated circumference at 12'-0" been less than the measured circumference at that height, this would have indicated that the average tendency of each ring wes outward from top to bottom. Resultant calculations necessarily would be the reverse of those used in this example.) Average inside circumference values now may be calculɛ ted for each ring as follows: 154 RING NO. 7 h 3 2 ! AL THICK! RAMMA.. TOR EQU A 1309 Site $2 1232251 1111 3/8" 19635' 76 1229075 1/2 364391 2018 5/8 625843 2781623 366.75 32725 i INSIDE OI 366.90 17/32 367-57183 MEASURE 23288983 K365.87966″. 366.85 32205 1 34703315' ป 566.901 1309' 366-7691 TOLOWY 366 75893 +1309 367.15 566188983) 01017 366 187966 +163625 367 1043285 ! ! ! ! 101010 367.033115 19636 567.2294631 1101012!! 567219295 229075 367-448370 ΤΟΠΟΥΛ 6671468200 2618 387 17000 DES 13367219295 ||73674382| ring 367.85 outside bottom 2nd ring 2781625′ dira. Carr. 2nd 367-571831 5 inside bottom 2nd ring +16677 170N linside top 2nd ringi 14 CALCUL outside top 7th ring Circ.Corr. 7th ring inside top 7th ring adjustment inside bottom 7th ring | Circ. Corr. 7th ring inside top 6th ring ad fue tment 2)755.271837‍ 5′ 367.68591875' inside avge. End + inside bottom 6th ring Circ. Corr. 6th ring inside too 5th ring ad lub tmen t inside bottom 5th ring cire.corr. 5th ring inside top 4th ring adjustment 2367.74 837: SELDE inside bottom 4th ring 01re.Corr. 4th ring inside top 3rd ring ad just ment inside bottom 3rd ring circ.corr. 3rd ring Which checks with measurement made at outside bottom 3rd ring. 368.151 132725' 367.82275 +367.851| 2)735.672754 367.836375' inside average first ring outside bottom let ring Circ.Corr.118) riing inside botton let ring inside top 180 11 ng V-3675708375 TIONS $47.75 MEASURED i 모 ​367.85° MEASURED 367.85″ 367.836375' 367.82275″ 36795 348 } 366.7691 +366.75893 2)733.52803 566.764015 366.88983 +366.87966 2)732.76949 366 88474R 367.043285 367.03311 2)734.076400 1367470382 367.229465 +367.219295 21754-448760 367.22448 367.44837 +367.4382 2173488657 367.443285 It is seen- that further interpolation within each ring may readily be made if this is desired in a particular 368,15 case 368.15 MEASURED 155 CIRCUMFERENCE. VALLES RING NO. 5 3 A C HR TER A T -N INSIDE GirgumpERENCES 36 366 367.12 367.29° 347.4 347.84" PLDTE 36680 The American Petroleum Institute's Code No.25.Sixth Edition April 1940. entitled "Measuring. Sampling und Testing Crude ^il" 11" sets forth methods of interpolation, which, applied to the fourth example, would be as follows: 4364.90 MEASUREP METAL 1/4" 36690 DOLTE 63 ΤΟ COMPUTATIO Top Ring || 2nd Ring 366.90 361.85 131 Metal- .278 Metal 366 769 1567.5721 +367.70 2 755.47 2 367.636 Avge end f 367.64 Pop ring -366.77 511 0.87 BLY4 ¿ ול CIRCUMFERENCE VA 156 NTERPOLATI ON (ARITHMETI CAL 1st Ring 368.15 ** 367 71823 367.85 E 155.675 TO ES 1 METAL 1/2" 367.8365 Avge. 366.77 Top Ring +.174 66.944 6th Ring 11-174 36711118. Sith Ring 274 367.292 4th Ring 1.174 367.466 3rd Ring 1174 367.640 2nd Ring 1,367.70! MEASURED 527 Metal MET 90892 L. 1/32" 367 85' MEASURED 1 01892 METALS/S 368.15 MEASURED 2 * For the fourth example, a comparison of the results obtained by use of the two interpolation methods follows (upright steel tank with seven rings or courses of plates of the shingled (telescoped or pyramid) type of ring assembly): Ring No. 6 5 4321d Average Ins.Circ. A.P.T.ethod 366.77 366.94 367.0382 567.12 367.22438 367.29 367.443285 367.47 367.64 367.63591875 367.836375 367.84 7)2,570.82691875 7)2,571.0700 Exact Method 366.764015 366 .884745 367.26098839 367.2957 A.P.I.Method Results Larger By .01 As each ring's effectte height has been stated as exactly 6'-0", the average insi de circum- ference for the entire tank will .0347✦ be the simple average of those for the individual rings. -90° .08+ .07- .03 .00 .00* This difference of .0347' in ci rcumference, applied throughout the entire 42' of tank height, would produce a difference of 637.56 gallons, of 231 cubic inches each, in capacity. Expressed in terms of percentage, it amounts to 0.02-%. Its relative importance can be determined only by its applicati on in specific cases. 157 ***. UPRIGHT LARGE STEEL TANK WITH SEVEN RINGS COMBINATION SHINGLED AND IN-AND-OUT TYPE The fifth complete example is that of an upright steel tank with seven rings or courses of plates, with a combination of shingled and in-and-out type of ring assembly. As in the immediately preceding example, each ring will be regarded as exactly 6'-0" in height; also, the effect of lap and butt joints on measured circumference values will be disregarded here. The metal thickness of each ring and the circum- ferences as actually measured are as follows: RING RING NO. ASSEMBLY INCHES 7 174 5/16 3/8 6 5 4 3 2 1 METAL THICKNESS 7/16 1/2 17/32 5/8 CIRC.ACTOR IN FEET .1309 .163625 .19635' .22907 5 .2618' .2781625' .32725' MEASURED CIRC. FEET HEIGHT 366.80 42 -0 367.64' 18'-0"+ 367.93 12'-0" 367.69' 6'-0"+ 368.00' 0'-0"+ The "+" designations against certain of the circumference heights are to indicate that they were measured at the extreme bottom of the exposed portions of those rings. It is desired to determine an average inside circumference for each ring. The procedure is in principle much the same as in the immediately preceding example. There are two main variations. The first is that the second ring is set inside at both the top and bottom, rather than at the bottom only. The second variation is that, because of the first, it has been considered necessary to make an additional circumference measurement, that at 18'-0", at the bottom of the fourth ring. Having a measured circumference value for the bottom outside of the fourth ring, it is necessary to interpolate for circumference values from that point upward to the measured circumference value at the top outside of the seventh ring. The distance involved is twenty-four feet, comprising the upper four rings of the tank. 158 Calculations may be made as follows: 366.80' Circumference Measurement at top outside 7th ring .165625 Circumf.Correction Factor in feet " 79 .19635' 6th ring 5th ring 4th ring 19 19 + .229075' 367.389050′ Indicated Circumference at bottom outside 4th ring. But actually it is: Difference: .250950, which indicates that the average tendency of the top four rings is to be pulled outwards toward the bottom. Dividing 0.25095' by 4, the adjustment for each ring is obtained as 0.0627375' This is the amount by which the circumference at the top of each of these four rings is calculated as being lesser than the circumference at the bottom of each of these rings. Average inside circumference values now may be calculated for each ring as follows: 367.64 " 17 " 159 RING NO. METAL THICK. A CIRC. CORR. FACTORS Kash 7 14.0 5 4 3 2 + 1309° 5/16" 163623 3/8" 19635 7/16" „229075" 17/32 €366;6691 2781625 SIDE OF I | 5/8" 366.80' MEASHRED 68751 0754 £3667319375 366,70 -366.862 7376′ 36kn Alcate 1366.928475 366.90 367,00 O AICULATIONS 366:80 outs top 7th ring 1309 dire. corr" I 366.6691 ins.top 7th r 0627375 adjustment adjustme 366.7318375 ins. bottom 7th r. .1309' circ.corr. 7th ring! 366.8627375 ins. top 6th r. 1 .0627575' &djustmen + 01292 366.9254750ins.bottom 6th r. 366.70046875 163625 Cira corr. 367.0891000 ins. top 5th ring .0627375 adjustment Z 1½" 367.93' outside bottom 3rd ring 2618 Circ.Corr.3rd ring 367.6682 inside bottom 3rd ring 2618 +367.64' inside top Brd ring 2)735.3082 + -367,0891 367.1518375ins.bottom 5th r H 19635 eirc.corr. 367.3481875 ins.top 4th r. .0627375' &djustment 567.4109250 ins.bot.4th r. 229075 Circ. corr." 567.6400000 which checks with measurement made at outside bottom of 4th ring K347.1518873' 367.6682 outside top 2nd ring (from ouloul.above) +367.69' outside bottom 2nd r. 2 735.35820 367.6791 outside avge.circ.2nd .2781625' Circ. Corr.and ring 367.4309651 inside average ciro. 2nd ring 568.00' outside bottom 1st ring 32725 Circ.corr. 1st ring 367.672750 inside bottom 1st ring. +367.69' inside ton 1st ri ng 2)735.36275 32735 367.681375 inside average eire. 1st ring 5367.3481875" 367.6341 inside average circ.3rd ring 367.390037s' p 367.30° 367,3 625 ≤367.410935 P12921 367.4009375 367.64 ✔ MEASURED 367,64* ×367,4/18375' -367.50- CIRCUMFERENGE VALUES 6541' 367.6682′ = OL292 367.69 EASURED R367,69* 367.6813751 367.67275' 367.80 366.6691 +666.7318375 21753.4009375 367.93' MEASURED 06292 366.8627375 566.92547, 50 2753-7882125 566-89410625 5670891 567 367.1518376 2)7342409375 56712046875 567.3481875 67-348 +567.4109350 2)734.7591 125 567-57955625 360.00 368.00 MEASHRED 160 1 RING NO Ko 3 N 4 !! CIRCUMFERENCES INSIDE INTERPOLA FROM 36667 366.92 36716 36741° 3476 367.4 36768- I 1 346.70 Fere again, the American Petroleum Institute's Code No.25. Sixth Edition, April 1949, en titled "Heasuring, Sampling and Testing Crude Oil" sets forth methods of interpolation which, applied to this fifth example, would be as follows +346.80° COMPUTATION 36680 ACASURED METAL/4" 1 236690 CIRC 90292 3rd Ring Top Ring 4 367.10 Fon Ring 356.30 151 Metal 366.669 M FERENCE INTERPOLATION 367.65 366.67 1098] 245 10 1st Ring 368.100 VALLES 262 Vetal 367.668 +367.64 2)735.508 367.654 Avge. • 3rd Riha 367.93 367 1673 367.69 21756.363 367.93 567.6815 Avge. - .540 Metal 367.390 +367.412 2)734.002 327 Metal-78 Metal 367.66 2nd Ring 367.69 367.70* 367.412 367.401 Avge. -3-744 IL MEASURED METAL T 67.69! MEASURED ARITHMET 367.80 366.67 6t Top Ring 245 386,915 6th Ring 1245 367.160 5th Ring 245 367.405 4th Ring 245 3676503rd Ring METAL /20 i 367.90 367.93 MEASURED CAL 368.00 METAL 5/8" 0368.001 MEASURED 1 161 A comparison of the results obtained by use of the two methods follows: A.P.I. Method Results Larger Smaller .03+ Ring Number 7 6 5432 A 1 Exact Method 366.70046875 366.89410625 367.12046875 367.37955625 367.6541 367.4009375 367.681375 72570.83101250 367.26157321+ A.P.I. Method 366.67 366.92 367.16 367.41 367.65 367.40 367.68 72570.89 367.27 .02- .04- .03- 162 .01- +00° .00+ .00+ As each ring's effective height has been stated as exactly 6'-0", the average in- side circumfer- ence for the entire tank wi 11 be the simple average of those for the individual rings. It may be seen that while the over-all net difference is negligible, there are nevertheless relatively larger intermediate differences in the individual rings. Evaluation of the importance of these differences can be determined only by application to specific cases. UPRIGHT LARGE STEEL TANK WITH FIVE RINGS COMPLETELY IN-AND-OUT TYPE The sixth complete example is that of an upright steel tank with five rings or courses of plates. The plate assembly is of the alter- nate in-and-out type throughout the tank' s height. As in the last two preceding examples, each ring will be regarded as exactly 6'-0" in height; also, the effect of lap and butt joints on measured circumference values will be disregarded. Ordinarily, for this type tank, circumference measurements should be made on the outside bottom of each ring and also at the outside top of the top ring. This may not always be done, however, for various reasons. This example explains a method of interpolation which may be applied in cases of this kind. The metal thickness of each ring and the circum- ferences as actually measured are as follows: RING RING MO. ASSEMBLY INCHES 1/4 3/8 5 4321 METAL THICKNESS 7/16 1/2 9/16 CIRC.FACTOR IN FEET .1309 .19635' 229075' .2618' .294525' MEASURED CIRC FEET HEIGHT 367.50 30'-0" 367.70' 6'-0"- 367.95' O'-0"+ It is desired to determine an average inside circumference for each ring. Measured circumference values are available at both the top and bottom of the first ring, and at the top of the top or fifth ring. It is necessary therefore to interpolate circumference values for the twenty-four feet of tank height comprising the upper four rings of the tank. Calculations may be made as follows: 367.50* Circ.Msmt. at top outside 5th ring 1309 Circ. Corr. Factor in feet 5th ring 367.3691 Indicated Circ. at bottom outside 2nd ring But actu- ally it is367.70' Difference 0.3309, which indicates that the average tendency of the top our rings is to be pulled outwards toward the bottom. } 163 Dividing 0.3309' by 4, the adjustment for each ring is obtained as 0.082725'. This is the amount by which the circumference at the top of each of these four rings is calculated as being lesser than the circumference at the bottom of each of these rings. Average inside circumference values now may be calculated for each ring as follows: 164 CNENTY 5 + I 25 LEKI KAM Y 4° 1309 3/8 19635" 716 229075 1/2" ECIEL 9/13° 294975 INSIDE OF TANK ENCES TE ! 6740 73960375 377 CLAS 08176 234770 MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCE VA 1 + 367.50 outs. top 5th ring •-15091 ctro.corr.5th r. .1599' 367.56917 inside top 5th r. .982725' adjustment 367.451825' ins, bottom 5th 1 .19635 Cire.corr.4th r. 367255475" ins.top 4th ring 0827251 adjustment 361.538 400 ins. bottom 4th 19635 cire.corr.4th ring 367.534550' inside top 3rd adjustment 082725 561-617475 ins, bottom 3rd r. 126181 Circ corr. 2nd ring 367-655475 ine. top end ring .082725' adijus tme nt 1367 1382004 ins. bottom 2nd 2618 Circ. Corr. 2nd ring 367.700000U which the ck a with measurement made at outside bottom of ghd ring. T CALCULA 367.90 -34795' IMMEASURED 36 N 367.5691 567.451825 27534.820925 667.4104625 367.53455 367.617275 2735.151825 567.5759125 567.255475 . 367.3382 2)764.593675 367.2968375 567.655475 567.4382 21734.793675 567.5968315 367.95' outside bottom 1st ring .294525' circ.corr. 1st ring 567.555475 ins.bottom 1st ring 86 [367.70° inside top let ring 2)735.5554751 1367 T6Y 77375 1 ¡ ¡ 1 165 HORIZONTAL WELDED PRESSURE STORAGE TANK $ The seventh complete example is that of a welded horizontal cylindrical pressure storage tank, with "bumped" or rounded heads at each end. For calculation purposes, the tank is divided into the shell proper and the two heads. The shell proper is in general a horizontal cylinder made up of several rings or sections, assembled by the in-and-out arrangement. As the gauging principle of this type of tankage corresponds to the vertical diameter of the largest section of the shell, it is not usually considered necessary to calculate the capacities by individual rings or sections. Instead, all the rings are considered as making up one cylinder, after giving due weight to the dimensions of each ring. Admittedly, this is not strictly accurate, but it is the generally accepted procedure. The margin of error is discussed later on, together with the method necessary to eliminate it if desired. The two heads are each spherical segments with their bases respectively set into or butt- welded onto short extensions of the shell proper. Usually they are inset as in this example. It is customary to average their dimensions to obtain one calculation unit. Measurements, as usually made, and the necessary interpolations, for the entire tank are illustrated in the following: (The sketch is diagrammatic rather than to scale the better to permit accentuation of the necessary details and showing the calculations where they actually apply.) 166 EXPOSED RING LENGTHS WIDTH OF LAPS HEADS & EXTENSIONS 167 RING NO. 1.04875* K-1.10- *** ***** • * tagg 3 AVERAGE LENGTH HEAR EXTENSION 1.10 +1.06° 22.16 1.08' IS' 03125 (3/8") 2).30' .15° HEAD A.5. T. Mil 4-406- EFFECTIVE RING LENGTHS 14 INSIDE CIRC. SAME AS RING NC.] ENSION 3 persing RING. NO NM75 8.15 OUTSIDE CIRC, 31.52' 2 8,15 34' 7.81 “augh at Kantakan | 200| SILE CIRCUMFERENCE 31,521 31.52' 31.35' 31,55' ૩૫.૩૧ 31.54 31.54 7.75 OUTSIDE CIRC. 31,35′ لیا 7.75' 1.40 8.15 с Karsaist 39.95. 8.15 OUTSIDE CIRC.31.55° ས си 8,15' - 40 7.75 (20-2 = ↓ I 5/16" STEEL CIRC. INSIDE CORR. FACTOR CIRC. 31.160025 31.356375' 31.186375' 31.386375′ -359975. .163645' ,163625′ 163675' 31.226375' .163625' .163625' 31.376375' 31,180025′ .359975' WEIGHTED AVE. 31, 303634 7.74'- BaiSyno ° CIRC. 31,39′ X + 5 ONS 7.74 + 40° 8.14 k ¡ 1 EFFECTIVE 7.85' 8.14' 7.82' 0.14″ 39.95' RING LENGTH ',141 7.81' 8.15' * 8.16 HORIZONTAL WELDED OUTSIDE GIRC, 31. 54' 8.16 34' 782 krisis kain 1 RESSURE STORAGE TANK 7 14 EXTENSION K-1.12- ไป I 4.3624035 ..244.89328875 254.168956 45 ૨૫૩.૨૪૧૫૦,25 254,1826925 245.36325 25 4.3652035 1.250.58020305 press HEAD I K-1.06- WEIGHTED AVG. CIRC. FACTOR CIRC. METAL CORR. THICK. FACTOR SHELL 5/16" „163625' HEADS 3/8" .19635' EXTENSION AVERAGE LENGTH HEAD 1.12 +1.06 2) 2.18' 1.09. - 03125' 1.05875 .12. '.13' 21.27 135 MB INSIDE CIRC, SAME AS RING NO, 7 SUPPORTING DATA The foregoing seven completely detailed examples provide a reasonably broad coverage of the procedures applicable to most interpolation problems of a practical nature likely to be encountered. Naturally, all types of tankage have not been included. For instance, bolted steel tanks of the projecting flange type and both large and small butt- and lap-welded type steel tanks have not been discussed separately; neither have any types in general not of a cylindrical shape, either vertical or horizontal, such as spheroidal and rect- angular shapes. However, for the several types just mentioned, either it is readily seen that the same principles apply, as have been explained in detail, or the further special procedures which may be necessary are included in the completely detailed volume gauge +ohle calculations given in later chapters by specific types of tankage. In addition to the explanations made in the various examples, an examination of certain related general principles may prove helpful. This further study of the matter will serve also to answer certain generalized questions which quite justifiably may arise. STMPSON'S RULE In certain instances, it may be desirable to arrive at an approximate result for the total tank capacity in one volume calcu- lation by means other than those already detailed. Simpson's rule for the determination of volumes of solids with irregular contours nay be suggested for this purpose. The rule is: 168 1. The areas A, A1,A2...A7, etc., are calculated and substituted in the following VOLUME= h [(Ao+Aŋ) +4 ( A1+A¸ +A5 • • • • • ) +2 ( A2 + A4 +A6 + • • ..)] 3 kod |*| h An A6 | A5 A4 A3 | A2 A1 Ao It is seen that the height of the tank must be divided into an even number of horizontal segments, spaced equally. A is the bottom area and An is the top area (Ay in this case). A1 A3 A5 are the areas with odd subscripts and A2 A4 A6 are the areas with even subscripts. EXTRAPOLATI ON Extrapolation is the procedure used in an attempt to determine values outside the limits of known or actually measured values. In the case of tank circumference values, it arises where, for one reason or another, circumference values have not been determined by actual measurement at the extreme top or bottom of the tank' s height. In general, if a circumference has been actually measured close to either of the extremities, it may be possible to obtain a fair approximation in the following manner: Using the known circumference value closest to the extremity, take the next two or more successively closest circumference values and plot a curve representing that section of the tank's known 169 vertical contour. Continue this curve in the direction indicated, but give due consideration also to any structural details which would be likely to alter such a contour. This may be illustrated as follows, using the measurements given for the lower portion of the barrel type wooden tank in the third example: It is desired to calculate a circumference value for O'-0". -6" 31-9/1/2 4%ズ ​3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" O'-6" 0'-0" 70.42' 70.63' * 70.525' INTERPOLATED 70.303' EXTRAPOLATED 70.81' * 70.93' *ACTUALLY MEASURED The same result by calculation is: The intervals from O'-6" to 1'-6" and from 1'-6" to 2'-6" are both an even foot, whereas the interval from 2'-6" to 3"-43" is only 10" or 7/8 of a foot. The circumference differential between 2'-6" and 3'-4" is 0.12' (70.93'-70.81'). For a full foot this would be 0.12' x 8 or .137' or 70.95',very nearly, for 3'-6". We now have 137'. Therefore, 70.81' for 2'-6" + 137' - 70.9471 170 Circ.ft. 3-6 2'-6" 1'-6" Circ. 70.95' 1'-0" O'-6" 0'-6" O'-0" 70.81' 70.63' 70.42' One Foot Differential 70.19'* 0.14' 70.525' 70.42' 70.42' 70.305' 4)281.670 0.18' 0.21' 0.23'* O'-6" Minus 0'-6" * assumed, which is relatively safe, as it is known that in principle the tank wall is pulled in at the bottom to effect the joint with the floor. Having 70.19' assumed for minus 0'-6" and 70.42 known for '-6", the mean or 70.305' becomes the extrapolated value for O'-0". In the third example, disregarding extrapolation, the weighted average outside circumference was taken as 70.44625'. On the basis of the extranolated value of 70.305' for '-0", the weighted average would be Increase in Differential 0.04' 0.03' 0.02'* 70.4175. or 0.02875' smaller. This method was not used in the third or any other example, because in general extrapolation is a dangerous procedure and should be avoided wherever possible. It may be noted that normally using the measured or mid-point circumference of 70.42' at O'-6" as represen- tative for the first foot of tank height, in any event closely approximates results which could have been obtained by extrapolation.) 171 L VOLUMES OF FRUSTRUMS OF CONES (AND PYRAMIDS) The interpolation procedures discussed previously were explained Dasically in terms of areas of certain planes. The tank capacities ultimately are to be calculated in terms of the volumes of certain types of solids. The contours of a solid of revolution are considered to be generated by a plane revolved on its axis, or on one of its edges. Tank capacities ordinarily are built up by a succession of solids, each representing a certain portion of the over-all height of the tank. In the case of tanks of a generally cylindrical shape, each such portion or section of the tank is then really considered as the frustrum of a cone. Therefore, it is of interest to examine the basic formula for determination of the volume of such a solid, which follows: (A1 + A2 + VA] XA2) 35 where A1 and A2 are the areas of the parallel planes formed by the top and bottom of the particular horizontal section of the tank. To illustrate a particular application, a one foot section of tank height is assumed to have inside circumference values of 70.85' and 71.05' at its top and bottom respectively. Determining the capacity in barrels of 42U.S.gallons of 231 cubic inches each, by Volume = • the formula, A1- 70.85 - 22.5522026, D= 508.601842,x .7854 - 399.455887 = 3.1416 A2- 71.05 22.6158645, D 511.477327, x .7854 - 401.714293 3.1416 1737399.455887 + 401.714293 + 399.455887x401.714293) or * then or 1/3(801.170180 + V160,467.139 5.61458333 orl/3(801.170180 400.5835) 5.61458333 1/3 x 1201.753680 5.61458333 400.58456 5.61458333 71.347157 Bbls. 5.61458333 (NOTE: It may perhaps be argued theoretically, certainly with some justice, that the individual sections of tank height should instead be considered spherical segments. The application in this instance yields 71.44 barrels capacity. The formula and explanatory discussion are included in Chap. XXV. 172 Use of the short-cut method of volume determination set forth in the handbook, as applicable to these circumstances, results in 70.85 + 71.05 2)181.90 90.95, D 5,033.9025 x0.01417332 71.347 Bbls. INTERPOLATION OF CAPACITIES VERSUS CIRCUMFERENCES rom the practical standpoint, it may appear that much of the intermediate work involved by interpolations for circumference values might be eliminated by obtaining immediately a capacity value equi- valent to each measured circumference value, and then interpolating directly between such circumference values. Internolations between capacities or volumes will consistently result in overstating the capacities as against those calculated from interpolated circumferences. Nevertheless, an examination of the resultant differences leads to the conclusion that ordinarily they are rather negligible from the practical standpoint. However, use of the short-cut methods is not recommended, The reasons for the foregoing are demonstrated by the following: Proposition: Interpolations between calculated volumes result in positive_errors as compared with interpolations between circumferences. Two circumferences Cm and Cn are measured on a conical part of a tank, these at heights M and N feet from the bottom respectively, M being less than N. The circumference Cx of the tank at level x intermediate between M and N is then calcul sted by proportion to be Cx = Cm X-M⚫(Cn-Cm), or if x-M - Q say NOU = Cm + Q(Cx-Cm) - W ↑ C. Cr X 173 Q is always positive and less than unity if x lies between M and N. (Cn-Cm) may be positive or negative. The cross sectional area Ax of the tank at this level is then Cx2 Ax = 4 Tr Ax = K[Cm+Q (Cn-Cm)] 2 1 and calling - K, we have AT If, however, we first calculate Am and An, the cross sectional areas of the tank at levels M and N, and interpolate proportionately between these for Alx, the cross sectional area of the tank at level x, 1 we have 1 A¯x= Am+Q(An-Am), and we have also Am = KCm; An = Kcn KC²n. A²x= x[c² m+Q (c²n-c²m)] Subtracting the former of these interpolated values from the · latter and simplifying, we have A¹x-Ax =Ax K.Q(1-Q)(Cn-Cm)2, which is always positive. The cross sectional area intermediate to the levels at which the circumferences were measured is therefore always greater if interpolation is made proportionately between the calculated cross sectional areas at the levels measured, as compared with the result of interpolation between the circumferences. It follows that inter- polation between the cross sectional areas at the levels measured leads to greater tabular values than interpolation between the circumferences. If both interpolations were carried out for each small layer between N and M, the total difference in the calculated volume between N and M would be▲▼ when 2 2 v = K(Cn-om) Dx(Q-Q²); but Q-- whence Dx-(N-1). DQ A: N-M M substituting this value for Dx and changing the limits, we have 174 2 AV-K.( Cn-Cm)². (N-M) DC (C-0²)=K • ( Cn−Cm) ² Soparn-o - 1∙K⋅ (N-M). (Cn-Cm)2 A (Am+An)/2 * N-1 N-M. (Cn-Cm) 2 - 150 75.4 On proportional interpolation between circumferences, the circum- Cm + Cn and if ference at the point midway between N and M is C 2 we take Cn - Cm(1+E) or E-(Cn-Cm)/cm this gives us C - Cm(1+). Interpolating on cross or (0)2 ...ct • CP Dynam c ct Cm² (1+E 1+E+ [22-23] sections, we have (Cm²+Cn²) /2 +E+E2 Cm √(1+E+E2/2) E²) } cm(1+B · E E2/8. 8 Cm interpolating between volumes. 1 O 12. (cn-cm) 2. On the page following is a detailed example of the effect on volumes by interpolating between circumferences as compared with two methods of 175 INTERPOLATIONS BETWEEN CIRCUMFERENCES AS COMPARED TO INTERPOLATIONS BETWEEN KNOWN VOLUMES & SELECTED VOLUMES 15' TO 16' 14'TO 15' 13' TO 14' 12' TO 13' 11' TO 12' 10' TO 11' 9'TO 10' 8' TO 9' 7' TO 8' 6' TO 7 5' TO 6' 4' TO 5' 3' TO 4' 2' TO 3' ΄΄ το 2' O`TO I το יי : # 1 SCALE 1/4″=,001 BBL. #2 SCALE 1/4″=.00001 BBL, $ į VOLUMES BASED ON #37 CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLATIONS ! #3 SCALE 1/4″=,001 BBL, INTERPOLATIONS #3 #12 2 VOLUMES BASED ON KNOWN VOLUMES INTERPOLATIONS VOLUMES BASED ON SELECTED VOLUMES ÷ C #2 1# #2 : ? امری Conclusion: The resultant differences in actual volumes as calculated on interpolations between circumferences and interpolations between known volumes (as shown by the line line #2) are small and should not cause any really appreciable di fference on gauge tables for most sizes of tanks. However, the method is not recommended. The selected volume method is slightly greater in error, inasmuch as it involves selecting a volume for the foot on which an actual circumference measurement was made based on the measurement as being the mean for that foot, instead of interpolating the mean (resultant difference shown by #3 line). This method is also not recommended. 176 INHERENT ERROR OF SIMPLE AVERAGE VERSUS WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCES FOR PARTICULAR SECTIONS OF TANK HEIGHT It will have been noted, in the examples of interpolation procedures, that a considerable stress was laid on the use of weighted average rather than simple average circumference values. This is particularly important as the vertical curvature in a tank's contour becomes more pronounced. The following discussion demonstrates the mathematical reason for the discrepancy. It is shown by a method which also may be applied in principle to determine the inherent errors in practical examples other than those specifically set forth. Let us assume an eight foot section of tank height, on which circumference measurements have been made at the top, middle, and bottom. The three values added together and divided by three will produce the simple or apparent average circumference. However, this does not give proper weight to the middle circumference, which, baving to be taken with each of the circumferences at the top and bottom respectively, should be added twice, instead of once, and the resultant total divided by four. For instance: Circumferences Example Example # 2 Measured at # 1 Top Middle Bottom 66.70° 66.78' 66.64' 3)200.12 simple or appa- 66.707 rent average To p Middle Middle Bottom Weighted Average Error,negative in each case 66.70' 66.78' 66.78' 66.64' 4)266.904)266.90 66.66' 66.68' 66.79' 66.76 66.72' 66.71' 3200.14 3)200.18™ 66.713+' 66.727˜* 66.66* 66.76' 66.76' 66.72' ..018' 66.725' 66.725' Example # 3 .012' 66.68" 66.79' 66.79' 66.71' 4)266.97 66.742! .015' 177 8' 4° I O' The direction of the error just demonstrated is due to the fact that a tank's wall normally bulges outward between top and bottom. It has been stated why the weighted average method in the foregoing example is the correct one to use. Using the underlying reasoning for this, and applying it to the values stated for the simple average method, the extent of error by use of the latter method will be demonstrated. Taking the values stated for example #1 just before, and proceeding: WEIGHTE AVERAGE MEASURED TANK CONTOUR 66.78° 66.74° +-521'99 6.707 SIMPLE OR APP PPARENT ERAGE INCORRECT CONTOUR EQUIVALENT TO SIMPLE AVERAGE THOD 66.64 x is taken to represent the cir- cumference measurement at 4'. 66.70 + x +66.70 + X 133.34 + 2x × × אן 133.34 + 2x = 66.7067 4 133.34 + 2x 266.8268 133.4134 153.4134 66.7434 66.67 + X = X * - 66.67 From the above, it is seen that the "simple average" method of obtaining the mean circumference is equivalent, for an example, to an error in measurement on the middle circumference of 0.04' or approximately one half inch, or a difference in volume of about 11 gallons. Alternatively, the extent of the error may be determined in terms of either of the measured values at the top or bottom of the tank section. For instance, again taking the values stated for Example #1, and proceeding: 178 8' ས་ WEIGHTED AVERAGE MEASURED TANK CONTOUR O' 66.78° 66.74" 66.765' 66.707' 66.70 INCORRECT CONTOUR EQUIVALENT TO AVERAGE SIMP METHO SIM Apt 0 OR RENT BRACE 66.64° x in this case is taken to represent the circumferences me a su rem ent at 8'. X + 66.78 +66.78 + 66.64 x + 66.78+155.42 or x+200.20 X x + 200.20 4 x + 200.20- X X 66.7067 266.8268 66.6268 · 266.8268-200.20 .'. From the above, it is seen that the "simple average" method of obtaining the mean circumference is equivalent to an error in measurement on the top circumference of 0.0732' or approximately seven-eighths of an inch. 179 CHAPTER XII INSIDE HEIGHT Gene ral The calculation of volume in principle is simply the multipli- cation of units of horizontal cross-sectional area by units of height. The correlation of these and other calculations is the subject of Chapter XVI. The explanations here are concerned only with height itself. Inside heights of tanks do not present a difficult nor complicated problem in the preparation of tank volume gauge table s. Their appli- cations to the calculations are simple in principle. It is merely necessary to keep in mind that any accumulated volume figure for any particular actual inside height of the tank always must be expressed against the exactly corresponding gauging height. In many cases the two heights will be identical, and they should be in all instances where it is possible to adjust the gauging pro cedure to coincide with actual inside tank heights. This is not always practical or possible. References Chapter III gives a broad description of "Tank Gauging Methods In General Use". Chapter VI explains the various methods of measuring inside height's of different types of tanks. Precautions Utmost care must be exercised in pro pe rly differentiating between the "innage and "outɛge" gauging me thods in expressing accumulated volume figures against gauging heights. Specific Explanɛ ti ons There are certain types of tanks for which volumes per increment of actual inside tank height vary considerably from what seems to be apparent from a casual observation of the tank exteriors. Examples of this are any tanks with vertical contours not exactly perpendicular 180 and having inside floor surfaces or bottom gauge plates not coincidental with conditions as they appear on the outside of the tank. If this is not taken properly into account, the result will be to express a tank volume increment against a particular section of inside tank height, whereas it should be for a section higher or lower in the tank. } A specific example of the foregoing is a wooden tank of the plain taper type 10' high on the outside. The inside tank floor surface is 8" above the bottom of the staves. A gauge plate with a surface 4" above the tank floor has been in- stalled. These add to O'-0" by the innage gauging me thod being at a level corresponding to 1'-0" up from the bottom of the staves on the outside. For this particular tank the taper is sufficient to make the capacity of each successive one foot of tank height about 25 gallons less than for the one foot section immediately below. Therefore, assuming that the capa ci ty between 1'-0" and 2'-0", in terms of stave height, is 2500 gallons, this capacity will be overstating actual conditi ons by 1% if it is applied inadvertently to the tank section expressed in terms of gauging height. The corresponding gauging heights in this case would be '-0" and 1'-0" respectively. This is a simple case, but it may readily be seen that the same principle applies under many conditions. 10'-0" |_ O¨GAUGE 2-0″ G.L.. 181 For instance, it is immediately annarent that the possible magni- tude or the error increases as the contour of the tank is more irregular. This is true in the cases of barrel shaped, wooden tanks, horizontal cylindrical tanks, spherical and spheroidal tanks and other types. In all these latter types, there is a sharp variance in capacity per increment of tank height as between the different levels in the tank. For a 10,000 gallon horizontal cylindrical tank the capacity of the bottom inch of tank height may be only 20 gallons, whereas the capacity of one inch of tank height near the middle will be about 155 gallons. If a horizontal cylindrical tank has more than one ring or course of plates and the rings are not butt welded to each other, there is a difference of inside tank height between the various rings. This follows naturally from the differences in the measured circumferences of the various rings. For this type tank, the basic inside height for calculation purposes ordinarily corresponds to the inside diameter. The inside diameter is obtained by dividing the out- side circumference by 3.1416 and then subtracting twice the thickness of the ring metal. The inside height to be used depends on whether O'-0" by the gauging height corresponds to the bottom of the inside verti cal diameter of the outset rings (nos.1,3 and 5 in the sketch) or of the inset rings (nos. 2 and 4 in the sketch). Determine which applies and then use as the basic inside height the greatest inside diameter as between the various rings of that type. It is pointed out that this dimension will not necessarily exactly correspond to the inside diameter to be obtained from the weighted average circumference computed for the entire tank for volume calculation purposes. C 1 RING ↑ I. D. 2 ↑ I.D. 3 4 5 182 If the horizontal seams of a tank are of the lap type, this should be given consideration. The reason is that the capacities for different rings will vary with changes in the respective circumferences, diame ters or other measurements governing the horizontal cross-sectional area. RING The internal conditions 5 in this respect are not in alignment with out- ward appearances. An example of the princi ple is a five ring riveted steel tank, with the telescoped or shingled type of ring arrangement. That is, each ring is inset at its bottom within the ring below, as shown in the accompanying sketch. From this, using the third ring to illustrate the point, it is readily seen that the effective inside height of Ring 3 is the vertical distance from the extreme bottom inside of Ring 4 down to the same point on Ring 3, shown on the sketch by the solid cross lines. This contrasts with the outside appearance whi ch indicates that the effective height of Ring 3 may be the vertical distance from the top of Ring 3 to the top of Ring 2, as shown by the dotted cross lines on the sketch. It may be appreciated that this simple principle applies to various conditions which may be encountered in 4 3 2 1 Actual Internal Volume | of Ring 3 lies between the solid rather than the dotted lines and so on. actual practice. If these few points are kept in mind, no difficulty should be experienced in hendling inside height dimensions. 183 CHAPTER XIII DEADWOOD General Deadwood is. a term used to describe any construction detail inside of the tank, the presence of which decreases the liquid capacity. The measurement problems presented are discussed in Chapter VII. The prepar- ation of accurate gauge tables requires that the volume displaced by any such internal constructi on detail be calculated carefully and deduc- ted from the open tank capacity. Tt is also necessary that all such deductions be made in the gauge table at inside heights corresponding to their actual location within the tank. If the actual inside height and the gauging height do not correspond exactly, this also must be taken into proper consideration as explained in the preceding Chapter XII. Other than the general explanation just given, the problem of handling deadwood in tank volume gauge table calculations is narrowed down to simply determining the volume displacement of the particular construction details for which the measurements have been recorded. This requires use of various formulae for calculating volumes of regular and irregular solids, Specific designations of such formulae follow, together with the detailed working out of their applications. This has been done in terms of the examples of deadwood details as given in Chapter VIT. Specific Examples The solutions for the total volumetric displacement of the following examples are expressed in cubic inches or cubic feet, dependent upon which is convenient in interpreting the measurements for applications to the formulae. It must be borne in mind that in the actual preparation of volume gauge tables, these units of volume must be converted as necessary to the other units of volume used in the table itself. Convenient tables 184 for making such conversions are contained in the Appendix. Pipe coils 123'-4″ of 2" closed pipe between O'-4" and O'-6" of inside tank height. The 2" pipe diameter is the nominal size only. For this size, the actual outside diameter is 2-3/8". See table of stan- dard pipe sizes in the Appendix. These pipe coils for the purpose here represent a regular cylinder 2-3/8" in diameter and 123'-4" long. The formula for calculating the volume of a regular cylinder is 2 Diameter x 0.7854 X Length Substituting, for this particular problem, we have 2-3/8112 x x 0.7854 x 1480" Volume Volume x 0.7854 X 1480 4.430139 X 1480 = 6556.60572 Cubic Inches, to be proportionately deducted from the tank capacity between O'-4" and 0'-63/8". 5.640615 A usually acceptable short-cut method for doing this, convenient because of its relative simplicity, is to deter- mine the mean width of the GANGE portion of the pipe lying HEIGHT within each increment of 0-63/16" 0-6%- tank height as expressed on the gauge table. In this case we will assume the table is being com- puted in increments each one-half inch high. The mean widths of each pipe portion can be determined by appropriate calculation, or, much simpler, by scaling them off, as has been done in the sketch. Each such mean 0'-6" 0'-53/4" * 0'-51/4" 0'-5" 0'-43/4" * 0'- 41/4" * 0'- 4" P Volume. +1/10 2 1/2 21/32" 24/32" કર 10/ PIPE PORTIONS IONS 5 N 185 width is then used as the width of a regular rectangular solid with a height of (except top portion only 3/8"), and a length equal to that of the pine, or 1480". We then have five portions of pipe, as follows: Pipe Cubic Inches Volume Portion From 763.125 1,503.125 1,743.375 1,595.625 1.017.500 6,622.750, or an over statement of actual conditions of 66.14 cubic inches, or about gallon, about 1%. The error can be decreased by spreading the difference proportionately over the five sectional volumes before using them or by dividing the pipe into a greater number of portions, each of a lesser height. The error can be eliminated entirely by using the de- tailed calculation procedure given in Chapter XVI, in that part covering horizontal cylindrical tanks. It will be noted that the pipe presents the same problem in principle. It will be noted in the first line of substitution that in order to express 11 dimensions in similer terms, the length of 123'-4" was con- verted to its equivalent in inches (123' x 12 - 1476",+4" - 1,480"). It is always necessary to be careful that dimensions are all expressed in the same terms when using them in the same formula. Pipe Roof Support Tn exact center of tank - Upright for entire height of tank - 6" perforated pipe. Assuming the inside height of the tank to be 24'-0", this nipe represents a regular cylinder 6" in diameter and 24' long. Fowever, it is perforated. This means that its actual dis- clacement of the tank' s liquid content consists only of the displacement of the metal forming the pipe itself. The inside of the pipe will have a liquid content to a height equal to that in the tank proper. Knowing the outside and inside dia- meters, the formula for calculating the volume of the 5 4 3 2 1 0'~63/8" ?'-6" O'-5" 0'-5" 0' - 4 - - " To Width" x Feight"x Length" .375 x 1480 .5 X 1480 x 1480 x 1480 x 1480 ་་ 0'-6" 1.1875 X O'-5" 2.03125 X 0'-5" 2.24375 Xx .5 0'-4" 2.15625 X .5 0' -4" 1.375 X .5 Q.AZ- 6.065* 186 metal in a pipe is (Outside Diameter2 Inside Diameter²)x .7854 x Length - Volume The nominal pipe size has been given as 6". Referring to the table of standard pipe sizes in the Appendix, it is found that the actual out- side diameter is 6.625" and that the standard inside diameter is 6.065". Substituting, we have (6.625"2 6.065"2) x .7854 x 288" (43.890625 36.784225)x.7854 x 288 x .7854 x 288 x 288 = 1,607.43(356928). This total displacement of 1607.43 cubic inches must be deducted evenly from open tank capacities throughout the entire 24' of inside tank height, according to the height increments used in making up the gauge table. Roof Rafters me 7.1064 10'-8" and 10"-10" 5.58136656 continuous regular rectangular solid, and the formula to determine the volume is: Width x Height x Length. Substituting, we have Wood 62′ of 4"x2" across top, flat, between These rafters, if placed end to end, form one 4" x 2" x 744" # = Volume Volume Volume K-4"- 8 x.744 = 5952 cubic inches displacement in total, which must be deducted evenly over the 2" of tank height between 10'-8" and 10'-10", according to the height increments on the gauge table. Volume ·744" 187 Roof Rafters 8 Wood between 10'-6" and 10'-10". as in the preceding example. The only difference, aside from the actual dimensions, is that these rafters are resting on their edge, instead of their side, and will therefore cause displacement through 4" in- *2** stead of only 2" of tank height. Substituting, we have 2" x 4" x 780 - Volume X 780 6,240 cubic inches displacement in Umbrella Type Steel Roof Supports total, which must be deducted evenly over the 4" of tank height between 10'-6" and 10'-10", according to the height increments on the gauge table. 12 pieces, each 6'-0" in length, at an angle, between 2'-6" and 8'-1", from circular ring around ladder at center of tank to points within a radius of 2'-4" from center of tank at 8'-1". Each piece made of angle iron 1" x 1" x 1/8". These roof supports, if placed end to end, form one continuous piece 870" long. The piece is 1/8" thick and 2-7/8" wide if the angle is considered as flattened out. This is readily seen from the sketch. The formula to determine the volume then is simply 65′ of 2"x4" across top, edgewise, The principle and the formula are the same Substituting, we have Width x Thickness x Length. 丬 ​2-7/8" x 1/8" x 870" Volume 23/64 x 870 - 18 ·1/2"- 780" 1/2% - 312.656+ cubic inches displacement 188 in total for the 12 supports. Although these supports are at an angle, they nevertheless all have their bases and top points in the same two respective horizontal planes. Therefore, they must be deducted evenly over the portion of tank height between 2'-6" and 8'-1", according to the height increments on the gauge table. Roof Rafter Supports Wood 8 Pieces upright, all between 0'-4" and 7'-8", 4" x 4" post lumber. Each post is 7'-4" in height (7'-8" minus 0'-4"). These 8 posts, if placed end to end, therefore form one continuous rectangular solid 704" long. Although these pieces are upright, the formula to determine the volume still is WIDTH Width x Thickness x Length (Feight). Substituting, we have 4" x 4" x 704" C Volume 16 x 704 - 11,264 cubic inches total displacement, which must be deducted evenly over the porti on of tank height vetween 0'-4" and 7'-8", according to the height increments on the gauge table. Note: Deadwood of milled lumber or otherwise should be recorded in exact sizes which frequently vary appreciably from the nominal sizes. Nominal versus milled sizes are included in a table in the Appendix. Clean-Out Box Rectangular Protruding outward (Made up from 1" steel) on tank wall between 0'-3" and 2′-9″ 4 Height 2'-6", Width 4'-0", Protrudes '-6" at vertical center and an average of O'-7" at vertical sides. The first consideration is that such a clean-out box is continued right on through the tank wall. To the distance it protrudes from the tank should therefore be added the thickness of the tank wall. This thickness LENGTH OR HEIGHT 2'6" K L ARC LENGTH 0'-6" =+= -4=0" THICKNESS ==/ T 0-7" 189 in this example is assumed as ", the same as for the box itself. The over-all dimensions given ere all outside measurements. It is necessary to convert these to inside dimensions, in the following manner: Inside Length = 4'-0" minus 2x1" Steel Thickness - 3'-11½" Inside Height - 2'-6" minus 2x1" Steel Thickness 2'-5" Average Inside Width - 7" 6" +6"+7"-" outer + 4 1" Tank Wall. 61″ Thickness very nearly plate thickness (Note: The average inside width here is only an approximati on, although a very close one. The exact determination of volumes requires some lengthy calculations, which are not necessarily justified here by the difference in result obtained. The geometric process is to first divide the horizontal cross-section in two.sec- tions. The first is a rectangle 4'-0" x 0'-6". The remaining section then consists of two equal areas, roughly right triangles, but wi th the hypotenuse being a curve rather than a straight line. Each area has a base 2'-0" long and a side O'-1" long. The curved sides of both areas taken as one line then consist of an arc of the tank circumference. Knowing this, calculate the area of the circular tank segment measured by this arc, in accordance with the formula given in Chapter XXXI, and subtract this from the area of a rect- angle having a width equal to the maximum width of the circular segment and a length equal to the chord of the circular segment. Both of these sections of the horizontal cross-section should also be converted to terms of inside dimensions. After determining the total inside horizontal cross-sectional area, multiply this by the inside height in the same manner as the short-cut method, to de- termine the volume.) 190 ་་ The formula for volume is then the usual Length x Width x Height Substituting, we have ་་ 3′-11½" x 6" x 2'-5" 47.5" x 6.5 x 29.5 Appendix. Volume addition to the tank's capacity, which must be added evenly over the portion of tank height between 0'-31" and 2′-8°/4″ • 3 The detailed examples given demonstrate the principles of handling deadwood. The examples do not cover all possibilities of internal tank construction details which may be encountered. For instance channel and I-type beams have not been detailed here. However, these and most other standard types of construction may readily be handled by reference to the comprehensive detailed formulae included in Chapter XXXI in the E 9,108.125 cubic inches total Standard Deadwood Details It will be found very helpful for reference in calculations to tabulate "standard" deadwood details for the types of tanks most commonly encountered in the actual experience of any user of this handbook. This may be done along the following lines: 191 NOMINAL TANK SIZE Height Capacity in Barrels in Feet WELDED STEEL TANKS 8 12 16 TABLE OF APPROXIMATE DEADWOOD DEDUCTIONS TOR STANDARD SIZES OF BOLTED STEEL TANKS 8 8 8 8 BOLTED STEEL TANKS 16 16 100 150 200 65 100 250 500 500 1000 AND SO ON. TOTAL DEDUCTION IN DECIMAL BARRELS ("Barrels" of 42 U.S. Gallons of 231 Cu.Ins.) -0.01 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.15 0.21 (See Note 2) 0.31 0.44 (See Note 2) Note 1: The deductions above are intended to cover the average displacement of such items as Ladder-Uprights, steps, and footings. Immersed portions of rafters. Vertical laps of side sheets. Vertical Channels. Side seam bolts. Note 2: If "umbrella" type roof supports are included in the list of recorded deadwood items, deduct an additional 0.13 barrel. 192 CHAPTER XIV PLATE ASSEMBLY, STAVES, THICKNESS AND SEAMS General The related measurement problems are described in Chapter IX. Flate assembly methods, types of seem construction, and thickness of tank walls, all involve some kind of correction on external measurements. The principles of these corrections are explained in the following discussion. Plate Assembly and Seams Horizontal seams between rings of an upright tank and vertical seams between rings of a horizontal tank should be handled in the manner designated in the last example under "Specific Explanations" in Chenter XIT on "Inside Feight". These seams involve a correction on the outside circumference, or other equivalent measurements, but in terms of inside height or length and are there fore discussed under that heading. Vertical seams between plates of an upright tank and horizontal seams between plates of a horizontal tank should be given consideration as a possible direct correction on the outside circumference, or other equivalent measurement. Tf these seams consist of flush butt joints between the plates or other wall sections, no corrections are necessary. Examples in this category are plain steel plate butt joints, tanks with walls of wooden staves, concrete wall section butt joints, and so on; the projecting flange type joint between plates of a bolted steel tɛnk and the outside butt strap type joint likewise do not require any corrections, if the outside circumference measurements have been properly made by using calipers, step-overs, or clamps over each such joint. (See sketches under this same heading in Chapter IX, and el so circumfer- ence measurement procedure in paragraphs 2a and 2b under "Special Pro- cedures in Use of Measuring Equipment" in Chapter IV.) If these seams 193 consist of lap joints, corrections are necessary in the manner explained in the following paragraph. Seams of the lap joint type ordinarily are "ridden over" by the measuring tape when the latter is used along a path at a right angle with such seams. This results in the circumference or other equivalent measurement not truly reflecting actual conditions, as may easily be seen LENGTH OF "RIDE-OYER" from the accompanying sketch. Consequently, a correction is necessary. This may be done exactly for a flat wall, and closely approximated for a gently curving wall, as follows: The shaded portion of the sketch represents the area constituting the correction throughout the length of the seam. With all these dimen- sions, an adequate correction can be effected by making a volume deduc- tion in the same manner as for "deadwood". Section A is a rectangular area as long as the width of the lap and having a width equal to the sum of the thicknesses of the gasket and the inner plate. Section B is taken as a triangular area with a height equal to the sum of the thicknesses of the gasket and the inner plate, and a base equal to the length of the tame "ride-over", or, more nearly, the square root of the balance re- maining from the height squared, deducted from the length of the "ride- over" squared. Calculate these two area values in the usual manner, and multiply their sum by the inside length of the seam to detemine the volume to be deducted for each seam. This should be done for each seam as recorded by the record of tank measurements. It may be convenient to tabulate standard values for these data, if reliable standards can be established from numerous actual tank measurements for the particular types of tanks encountered. TAPE 3 THICKNESS WIDTH GASKET THICKNESS Å TAPEZ FOO THICKNESS 194 Plate and Stave Thickness Circumference or other equivalent measurements made on the outside surface of a tank must be corrected for the wall thickness to properly calculate the internal volume. For flat or straight walls, deduct the total of the wall thicknesses over which the ex- ternal measurement was made. For circular tanks, divide the outside circumference by 3.1416 to determine the out- side diameter; deduct from the result twice the thickness of the tank wall, to obtain the EXTERNAL WIDTH 1¬WM THICK WALL THICK. WALL THICK. INT WIDTH WALL THICKNESS EXTERNAL LENGTH INTERNAL LENGTH TH į O INTERNAL DIAMETER WALL THICK. EXTERNAL DIAMETER internal diameter. Multiplying this by 3.1416 yields the inside circum- ference value. The short-cut calculetion method given in this handbook for deter- mining volumes of cylindrical tanks is based directly on the inside cir cumference value. It is therefore convenient to prepare a table of correction values in feet for converting outside circumference measure- ments in feet to their inside values in feet, knowing the thickness of the tank wall. This may be done as follows, in terms of tank wall thick- ness in inches (as usually recorded) as the reference for use of the table. The table is based on the fact that the inside circumference value IC in feet is determined by deducting from the measured outside circum- ference OC in feet the product of twice the wall thickness T in feet multiplied by 3.1416, or OC′-(2T′ x3.1416)=TC'. This may also be expressed as G 195 formula, (T" x .5236) For instance, an outside circumference is found by measurement to be 360.35', and it was measured around a steel tank wall " thick. The corresponding inside circumference value is, by substituting in the 360.35' here. OC' 360.35' 2T" x 3.1416)" 12″ 16} OC' 2x0.5" x 3.1416)! 416) 12W (3.1416") 12 = IC' or 360.35¹ 0.2618' = 360.0382'. By referring to the table on the next page, it is seen that the circumference correction value for " steel thickness is given as 0.2618', the same as in the foregoing calculation. Similar tables may be constructed according to the same principle as desired for conditions where the outside circumferences and wall thicknesses are determined by measurement units other than those used = IC'. 196 Table of Correction values in Feet for Converting Cutside Measured Circumferences to Inside Circumference Values, Both in Feet. Circ.Corr. Wall Thickness In Feet Fract."Decimal" (x.5236) Circ.Corr. Circ.Corr. Wall Thickness In Feet Wall Thickness Tn Feet Fract." Decimal" (x.5236)Fract."Decimal" (x.5236) 11/8 1.125 .26998125 .27816250 11- 1.250 .28634375 1/8 1.375 .29452500 12 1.500 .30270625 1-5/8 1.625 .31088750 1-3/4 1.750 .31906875 1-7/8 1.875 .32725000 2 2.000 .33543125 2-1/8 2.125 .34561250 2-1/4 2.250 .35179375 2-3/8 2.375 .35997500 2-1/2 2.500 .36815625 2-5/8 2.625 .37633750 2-3/4 2.750 .38451875 2-7/8 2.875 .39270000 3 3.000 .40088125 3-1/8 2.125 .40906250 3-1/4 3.250 .41724375 3-3/8 3.375 .42542500 3-1/2 3.500 43360625 3-5/8 3.625 .44178750 3-3/4 3.750 44996875 3-7/8 3.875 .45815000 4 4.000 .46633125 4-1/8 4.125 .47451250 4-1/4 4.250 .48269375 4-3/8 4.375 .49087500 4-1/2 4.500 .49905625 4-5/8 4.625 .507 23750 4-3/4 4.750 .51541875 4-7/8 4.875 .52360000l 5 5.000 .00818125 1/64 .015625 33/64 .515625 1/32 .031250 .01636250 17/32 .531250 3/64 .046875 .02454375 35/64 .546875 1/16 .062500 .03272500 9/16 .562500 5/64 .078125 .04090625 37/64 .578125 3/32 .093750 .04908750 19/32 .593750 7/64.109375 .05726875 39/64 .609375 1/8 .125000 .06545000 5/8 .625000 .0736312541/64 .640625 9/64 .140625 5/32 .156250 .08181250 21/32 .656250 11/64 .171875 .08999375 43/64 .671875 3/16 .187500 09817500 11/16 .687500 13/64 .203125 10635625 45/64 .703125 7/32 .218750 .11453750 23/32 .718750 15/64 .234375 .12271875 47/64 .734375 1/4 .250000 .13090000 3/4 .750000 17/64 .265625 .13908125 49/64 .765625 9/32 .281250 .14726250 25/32 .781250 19/64 .296875 .15544375 51/64 .796875 5/16 .312500 .16362500 13/16 .812500 21/64 .328125 .17180625 53/64 .328125 11/32 .343750 .17998750 27/32 .843750 23/64 .359375 18816875 55/64 .859375 3/8 .375000 .19635000 7/8 .875000 57/64 .890625 21271250 29/32 .906250 .22089375 59/64 .921875 22907500 15/16 .937500 2372562561/64 .953125 .24543750 31/32 .968750 31/64 .484375 .25361875 63/64 .984375 .20453125 25/64 .390625 13/32 .406250 27/64 .421875 7/16 .437 500 29/64 .453125 15/32 .468750 1/2 .500000 .26180000 | 64/64 1.000000 .58905 .65450 .71995 .78540 .85085 .91630 .98175 1.04720 1.11265 1.17810 1.24355 1.30900 1.37445 1.43990 1.50535 1.57080 1.63625 1.70170 1.76715 1.83260 1.89805 1.96350 2.02895 2.09440 2.15985 2.22530 2.29075 2.35620 2.42165 2.48710 2.55255 2.61800 197 CHAPTER XV FLOATING ROOF DISPLACEMENT General The gauging and measurement problems for this type of roof construc- tion are discussed in Section 4 of Chapter VIII. As therein stated, in order to properly maintain the desirable continuity and direct relation- ship of the material, it has been considered advisable, in this instance, to also include there the main principles of the allied volume gauge table preparation. Therefore, having stated the principles, the dis- cussion here is limited mostly to basic calculation details required in carrying through the suggested methods. The correlation of these special details with other normal procedure in the preparation of the comple te gauge table is the subject of Chapter. XXIIT. The preparation of a gauge table for a tank equipped with a floating roof of either the pan-type or the pontoon-type is essentially the same as for any upright tank, except for the method of handling the internal volume displacement. The normal capacity of the tank shell is calculated in the usual manner, making proper deductions for the few items of fixed deadwood that may be present, such as a fixed roof guide pipe or bar. The flexing roof drain pipe volume displacement should be deducted evenly over the portion of bottom tank height representing the minimum height of this piping arrangement when the roof is completely at rest on the tank floor. It is thus completely deducted from any accumulated volume figure at higher gauge heights at which the roof is floating. The principal item of volume displacement is the floating roof itself. Unlike other volume displacements which ordinarily are properly deducted for a fixed location in the tank, the displacement of the floating roof may occur at any point over the major portion of the tank's inside height range. It is pointed out that for any two gauges taken respectively 198 before and after a delivery to or from the tank, in theory it should make no difference whether the roof displacement is taken into consider- ation wholly, partially, or not at all; provided that the roof was fully floating at both gauge levels. This is due to the difference between the volumes corresponding to the two gauge levels being the same, even though the respective pairs of volume figures themselves will be different under the varying conditions mentioned of handling the displacement. The immediately apperent disadvantage is that if a single gauge is taken solely for inventory purposes, the volume result obtained from the gauge table will be incorrect for any condition except that in which the roof displacement has been completely and accurately deducted for that parti- culer gauge level. Another disadvantage is that if a low tank gauge is taken at a level below the minimum one at which the roof is fully flosting, and this gauge is at the beginning or completion of a delivery, an erro- neus delivery volume will result if the roof was fully floating at the othe gauge level, unless pro per volume displacement deductions are included in the gauge tables. Floating The Roof The entire roof volume displacement does not occur all at one gauge level or inside tank height. Instead, the rising column of liquid first touches the under surface of the roof deck in the center at the sump or drainage point, for the pen-type. For the pontoon- type, under normal conditions, the rising liquid column will first touch the outer under rim of the pontoon. The liquid column, in its continued 22 == PAN-TYPE FLOATING; -FULLY PARTIALLY AT REST ON TANK BOTTOM FLOATING: FULLY PARTIALLY T REST ON TANK BOTTOM 199 PONTOON-TYPE ri se gradually moves upward those points of the floating roof with which • it comes in contact, in the general order of the contact. At some point shortly after the liquid column has come in complete contact with all the portions of the roof's under surface, and has started to rise around the roof's vertical outer edge, the accumulated upward pressure will bring the roof to a fully floating position. This is illustrated by the two accompanying sketches. Zone of Partial Roof Displacement The range of tank height between which the roof is fully floating and fully at rest on the tank floor is designated the "zone of partial roof displacement". In all tank usage operations, care should be taken to avoid the necessity of gauge determinations in this zone. This has the effect of maintaining a tank, a portion of which is then inactive for practical purposes for day to day use. If the maximum possible degree of accuracy in delivery and inventory volumes is considered necessary or desirable, this is apparently the price. The varying degree of roof displacement throughout this zone may be determined either by the direct liquid calibration method or by theoretical calculation. Liquid Calibration Method The liquid calibration method may be carried out in accordance with the principles stated in Chapter XXXIV. If this is done, the gauges should be uniformly taken and tabulated for the smallest unit of tank height increment practical. This should be carried out for a range of tank height starting at a point several inches below the level at which the roof is known to be fully at rest on the tank floor, and continuing to a height evidently several inches above the level at which the roof is fully floating. The volume data tabulated, if plotted on graph paper, 200 will yield a curve demonstrating the increasing volume displacement per unit of increased tank height. This would GALLONS OF GASOLINE IN TANK 2'-3″ 2'- 4" be somewhat as shown here, for application of this method to a tank 40' high, having an approximate capacity of 3,300,000 U.S.gallons, and containing motor gasoline of 60° A.P.I.gravity (corresponding to .7389 Specific Gravity). The gravity of the liquid in which the roof is floating has a direct bearing on the accumulated volume displacement per unit of tank height, per the separate section later in this chapter. Theoretical Calculation Method ~ ~ ܘ ܐ A 1 OF TAN | " N o ~ ~ in in is in in i HEIGHT OF GASOLINE IN TANK .. 'N SHELL £-.2 ? } | | | |l. Î|| | || || | | lll 3'-6" LIMITH 3'-7" „8-2 D+ The theoretical calculations of the varying degree of roof displace- ment throughout this zone may be handled as discussed in the following paragraphs. Follow the procedure for each position of the roof for which measurements are recorded. The varying di splacement throughout the partially floating zone is calculated proportionally as the liquid level rises. Certain definite shapes necessarily are assumed to apply to the roof for this purpose. For instance, the pan-type floating roof is assumed to be a combination of an upright cylinder and an inverted right circular cone, as shown in the sketch. It is recognized generally that the roof has this approximate shape, if the truss rods are tightened properly in relation to the leg length adjust- 3'-9' in in in in 201 ments below the roof deck when the roof is at rest on the tank floor. Also, it is obvious that this shape is the desirable objective for roof surface drainage purposes, aside from roof stability factors. It is known that in actual practice these roofs very in certain details from this general shape, and no attempt is made here to pretend otherwise. This is discussed at length in Section 4 of Chapter VIII. Pan-Type Floating Roof The depth of liquid in the gauge hatch, down to the under surface of the roof deck at that point (provided that it is very close to the outer edge of the roof as is normally the case) is taken as the height of the up- right cylinder. This may be done as the free liquid Level LL will be the same in the gauge hatch and in the annulus. The formula for determining the volume of an upright cylinder is RD2 36' 2 DEPTH OF LIQUID IN GAUGE HATCH DLSH (0'-3") DEPTH OF LIQUID IN TANK DLT (16-0") 1296 INSIDE TANK DIAMETER TD (37-6″) OUTSIDE ROOF DIAMETER RD (36'0")" 202 WIDTH A B ہر OF ANNULUS HLUS WA (0'-6") Outside Diameter2 x .7854 x Depth, or, in this case x .7854 x DLGH Assuming certain arbitrary values for these dimensions, and substituting, we have x .7854 x 0.25' - Volume A GANGE HATCH LIQUID ←LEVEL LL DEPTH OF ROOF CONE DRC (o'-9") x .7854 x 0.25 = 254.4696 cubic feet displacement. Note: The outside roof diameters as measured may not be wholly accurate if the tape was allowed to sag. This may be checked and appropriate corrections made by calculating the inside tank shell diameter for the inside tank height at which the roof is floating at time of measurement, and deducting there- from twice the annulus width. The formula for determining the volume of a right circular cone is 1/3 (Outside Base Diameter x .7854) x Depth, or, in this 1/3 (RD² x .7854) x DRC. Substituting, we have 1/3 (3612 x .7854) x 0.75¹ = Volume B 1/3 (1017.8784) x 0.75 339.2928 x 0.75 - 254.4096 cubic feet displacement. The entire calculated roof displacement, for gauges to the liquid level in the hatch, is then the total of the foregoing, or 254.4696 Cubic Feet 254.4696 508.9392 .. "T case Volume A + Volume B HO checked against the manufacturer's weight of the roof plus one-half the weight of the rolling ladder resting on the roof. In doing this, take, into consideration the specific gravity of the liquid in calculating its weight. A convenient conversion table for this purpose is contained in Chapter XXXI of the Appendix. Due to friction and other factors it is normally to be expected that the calculated displacement will be greater than the free floating weight. If gauges are made to the hottom of the hatch, deduct the conical lower portion of the roof displacement (Volume B) and add the liquid volume in the annulus. Note: This volume is subject to change by rings. The formula for determining the volume of an annulus is 2 (Outside Diameter Inside Diameter) x .7854 x Depth, or in this case (TD² - RD2) x .7854 x DLCH. Substituting, we have (37*2 - 3612) x .7854 x 0.25 Volume C (C1 and C2 in sketch) (1369 - 1296) x .7854 x 0.25 73 x .7854 x 0.25 14.33355 Cubic feet displacement. Pontoon-Type Floating Roof The procedure is much the same in principle as for the pan-type roof except that the different shape requires greater detail in the calculation. It is advisable to make a sketch and put in all applicable dimensions, at - 11 = and this should be 203 least for the enlargement of the vertical cross- section of the pontoon. This is of great assistance in the necessary location of the various dimensions in terms of the control reference level, in this case the Liquid Level LL, at Distance DLT vertically above the tank floor. After putting in all measurements recorded, certain others necessary, as indicated in the accompanying sketch, may be inferred therefrom in e self-evident manner. In this exemplary calculation the roof deck is taken as a flat surface. Tf the actual measurements of its center depth in terms of the pontoon inner and outer top rim levels indicate it is depressed at the center, it may be treated as being essentially an inverted right circular cone for the further volume displacement calculations necessary. Also, if the hatch is not very close to the outer edge of the roof, its bottom level must be scaled off in terms of OPH and IPH. It is assumed here to be on a level with the bottom of OPH. DEPTH OF LIQUID IN GAUGE HATCH DECH (0°-41/2") RADII OUTER PONTOON HEIGHT OPH (1-6") INSIDE TANK DIAMETER TD (SILO) DEPTH OF LIQUID IN TANK OLT ·(15'-1/2") OUTSIDE AMETER BRD (36'-0") INSIDE ROOF DIAMETER 12D(26) 2 INNER PenToon HEIGHT IPH (1'-0") ·WIDTH W (5'-0") WIDTH OF ANNULUS WA (0'-6") ENLARGEMENT OF PONTOON'S YERTICAL CROSS-SECTION TOTAL GAUGE HATCH DEPTH GHD (2'-0") 1650- WIRTH W. (9'-6") (KIC") WIDTH W (42-69) DEPTH OF ROOF CENTER FROM OUTER PONTOON RIM DRCO (1'-2") DEPTH OF ROOF CENTER FROM INNER PONTOON RIM DRCI (1'-0") B I GAUGE HATCH LIQUID LEVEL LL HATCH LOCATION LIQUID LEVEL LL CENTERS OF GRAVITY Proceeding with the calculations, a formula for determining the volume of the upper section A of the submerged portion of the pontoon is to multiply the vertical cross-sectional area by 2 π and multiply this 204 4 by the radius from the axis of revolution to the center of gravity of the section; thus, in this case Width W x (DLGH - OPH Below LL) x 2 x 3.1416 x R1 Volume A. Substitu- ting, we have 5' x 0.0417' x 2 x 3.1416 x 15.5' 0.2085 x 6.2832 2.1667 By the same formula, the volume of the lower por ti on B of the pontoon is (OPH Below LL) x W x 2 1/4″ or 0.3333') x 5' x 2 we have 0.8335 x 5 x 6.2832 - 86.41128 Cubic Feet dis- placement. To this we must add the displacement occurring in the horizontal circular area represented by the deck itself. We will call this Volume D. It is an upright cylinder and the formula is, Diameter2 x .7854 x Depth, or in this case TRD2 73 · 26' 676 2 X - x 3.1416 x Rg Volume B. Substituting, we have x 3.1416 x 16.5′ x 16.5 x 103.6728 x 15.5 - 20.30573+ Cubic Feet Displacement. The formule for determining the volume of an annulus is (Outside Diameter2 Inside Diameter) x .7854 x Depth, or, in this case ( TD2 ORD² x .7854 x DLCH. Substituting, we have 3612) x .7854 x 0.375' - Volume C (C1 and C2 in sketch) ( 3712_ x.7854 x (DLGF OPH Below LL). Substituting, x .7854 x 0.0417' - Volume D. x .7854 x 0.0417 = 22.13980' 22.13980 Cubic Feet Displace- ment. x .7854 x 0.375 = 21.50033 Cubic Feet Dis- placement. (Note: In this calculation example the pontoon section of the roof is assumed as circular on both its outer and inner vertical edges. If the inner side consists of a series of straight edges, such that, for instance, the over-all actual center roof deck itself is octagonal in shape, then the pontoon displacement must be calculated by individual sections respectively corresponding to the sides of the center roof deck.) 205 The entire calculated roof displacement, for gauges to the liquid level in the hatch, is then as follows: Volume A 20.30573 Cubic Feet ?! 86.41128 22.13980 ་་ 128.85681 Cubic Feet, and this should be checked against the manufacturer's weight of the roof plus one-half the weight of the rolling ladder resting on the roof. In doing this, take into consider- ation the specific gravity of the liquid in calculating its weight. A con- venient conversion table for this purpose is contained in Chapter XXXI of the Appendix. Due to friction, etc., it is likely that the calculeted dis- placement will be greater than the free floating weight. (In this calcu- lation example, this might not be true, as the depth here assumed for the liquid in the gauge hatch probably is less than normal). If gauges are made to the deck at a point equivalent to the bottom inner edge of the pontoon, from the open tank volume at this point, deduct Volume B and add Volume C, the liquid in the annulus, but only to the extent of DLGH above the center deck level. Note: This volume is subject to change by rings. + Volume B + Volume D ་ Changes In Gravity Of Tank Content Floating roof volumetric displacement naturally will very with changes of gravity in the liquid in which it is floating. The accumulated volumetric displacement per unit of tank height will increase as the liquid's specific gravity decreases. This follows from the fact that the lesser the weight of the liquid, the greater is the volume required to float the roof, the free floating weight of which remains constant. It is advisable for each case of floating roof gauge table preparation to calculate what change in gravity will produce a change in totɛl roof displacement equal in volume to the smallest tank height increment to which the gauging method is considered accurate. Then, if the gravity of the liquid handled varies beyond this limit from what it was when the roof measurements were made, a new set of roof measurements should be obtained. If this should prove to be impractical, suitable correction 206 factors should be calculated for application to volume figures read from the gauge table. This could be done for each gravity range corresponding to the calculated limit mentioned before. The correction factors could then be tabulated preferably on an inset on the gauge table itself. These factors would constitute deductions in units of volume displacement for each selected specific gravity point above the base specific gravity value for which the gauge table was originally calculated, and vice versa for selected specific gravity points below the base value. Inset Table for Zone of Partial Roof Displacement Each tank volume gauge table prepared for a tank equipped with a floating roof should have the zone of partial roof displacement clearly indicated. It may be advisable to go even further and allow this portion of the table to remain blank, except for a reference to the special inset table discussed here. In any event, the zone of partial roof dis- placement should be marked also to show that any volume figures drawn therefrom are likely to be inaccurate. If the main body of the gauge table is supplemented by an inset table showing average tank volume figures for height increments smaller than used in the main body of the table itself, then it is advisable to prepare the following special inset table in terms of the same smaller height increments. The purpose of this special inset table is therefore twofold. First, it immediately focuses the attention of the user of the table to the fact that this is an unusual condition which must be handled with reservations. Second, it permits splitting the changes in displace- ment per unit of tank height over a greater number of such units, which may contrit te to a reduction in the possible inherent inaccuracies, A suggestion for including such a special inset table follows: (See also Chapter XVII "Form of Gauge Table") 207 HNDI DES 12 11 10 ୨ 962654 8 7 321 12 11 10 و 8 7 6 5 4 3 27 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BBLS/AV 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 2ND FOOT SEE 3RD FOOT 7TH FOOT SE PARATE TABLE TO FRACTIONAL INCH 1 INCH THE RIGHT 15/16 7/8 1ST FOOT 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 TANK EQUIPPED WITH FLOATING ROOF.(INNAGE) BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH I" OF TANK HEIGHT- -READ UPWARD (GAUGES) 4TH FOOT 8TH FOOT 12TH FOOT 16TH FOOT 20TH FOOT 24TH FOOT 28TH FOOT |32ND FCOT 6TH FOOT HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 5TH FOOT IF SWING LINE CHECK ( 11TH FOOT 15TH FOOT 10TH FOOT 14TH FOOT PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD MEASURED BY DATE 19TH FOOT 23RD FOOT 27TH FOOT 31ST FOOT NEW TABLE FOR 7 ONE OF PARTIAL ROOF DISPLACEMENT 3'0" 3/4 1/2 1/4 2 '11" 3/4 1/2 1/4 2'10" 3/4 1/2 18TH FOOT 22ND FOOT 26TH FOOT 30TH FOOT 1/4 2 191 3/4 1/2 1/4 28' 3/4 1/2 1/4 2.7 3/4 1/2 1/4 9TH FOOT 13TH FOOT 17TH FOOT 21ST FOOT 25TH FOOT 29TH FOOT 216" 3/4 1/2 1/4 25" 3/4 1/2 1/4 2.4" 3/4 1/2 2/4 23 1311 UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE: CAUTION: VOLUME FIGURES DRAWN FROM THIS ZONE ARE SUBJECT TO BEING INACCURATE 208 CHAPTER XVI CORRELATION OF CALCULATIONS WITH VOLUMES OF HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF TANK HEIGHT General This chapter is concerned with methods of calculating the volumes of the horizontal sections of tank height corresponding to the tank gauging increments desired to be shown on the gauge tables. It will also be explained in principle how to correlate the special phase calculations with these basic computations. Detailed explanations of the calculations required for the various special phases of tank volume gauge table preparation are given in Chapter XI through XV. These explanations are further supported and sup- plemented by the various formulae and tables included in Chapter XXXI of the Appendix. Application of the entire procedure to specific examples of various types of tanks is the subject matter of Chapters XVIII through XXX, which constitute Part IV of this handbook. Broad Principles of Calculations and Determination of Total Volumes for Checking Purposes It is advisable to first calculate the total volume of the tank so that this can later be used as a check against the accumulation of all the individual horizontal tank section volumes. Tf the walls of the tank or other container are all exactly perpen- diculer, then the area of any horizontal cross-section is equal to the area of the average horizontal cross-section. Tn this case, the volume of any horizontal section of tank height can be obtained either by divi- ding the total volume by the number of such horizontal sections of equal height or by direct multiplication of width by length by height, or their equivalents, for each section. The latter procedure must be used if the 209 walls of the tank or other container are not exactly perpendicular; a true mean or weighted average horizontal cross-sectional area must be determined for each increment of tank height, based on a combination as necessary of actually measured and interpolated dimensions. As the walls of most tanks are not exactly perpendicular, it is wiser to adopt the method of directly calculating volumes by horizontal sections for all tanks. This, constitutes a guard for being on the look- out for changes in dimensions. The total volume should still be calcula- ted directly and independently for checking purposes. 嗑 ​Assumptions as to Shapes of Horizontal Sections The top and bottom limits of a horizontal section of tank height for any tank for our purposes here are each flat surfaces in parallel horizon- tal planes. Therefore, the overall shape of any such horizontal section will be determined, first, by its vertical contour, and second, by the type and dimensions of the limits of its horizontal cross-sectional area. If the wells of the tank are exactly perpendicular, as has been stated, the volume per increment of tank height remains constant through- out the tank, except for possible adjustments for deadwood displacement. It is readily seen that this will be true regardless of the shape of the horizontal cross-sectional area of the tank, as determined by the second consideration in the preceding paragraph. The first consideration men- tioned, that of vertical contour, while it may not change the shape, does involve changes in the magnitude of the horizontal cross-sectional area, if the walls of the tank are not exactly perpendicular. For instance, it is immediately apparent that for a spherical tank, the volume of a one inch increment of tank height near the center of the tank's height will be much greater than the volume of a one inch increment near the top or bottom of the tank. Following the same reasoning to a finer point, and Giga 210 GENERAL TANKS Barge and ship Horizontal cylindrical Bunded or arced ends Railroad tank cars Stationary Plain ends Miscellaneous Cribs Rectangular box-type containers Steel or iron Wooden Steel drums, barrels, etc. Wooden barrels Spherical Spheroidal Upright cylindrical Bolted steel Flanged joints, vertically and horizontally Lapped joints vertically. Flanged joints horizontally Galvanized iron Corrugated Plain Riveted steel Combination shingled and in-and-out construction In-and-Out construction Pyramid or shingle type construction Welded steel Bumped or arced tops and bottoms More than one vertical course of plates One vertical course of plates With floating roofs Fan-type Pontoon type With breather or balloon roofs Wooden Barrel type Plain tapered type • GENERAL DESCRIPTION GAUGING 5 THROUGH 14 15 THROUGH 22 8 7 7 6 9 ∞ ∞ σ00/700 8 8 9 8 8 55 55 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 7 12 8 ∞ ∞ 8 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 17, 18, 21 15, 17, 18, 21 15, 17, 18, 21 15 15 It pl 15 15 15 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15 15 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15 through 20 15 through 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 OUTLINE REFERENCES TO PRINCIPAL TANK MEASUREMENT AND GAUGE TABLE CALCULATION METHODS (SEE "INDEX" AND "TABLE OF CONTENTS" FOR MORE COMPLETE DETAILS) INSIDE HEIGHT 35 THROUGH 44 36, 37 37 37 37 36 36 36 35, 36 35, 36 38, 39 39 35, 36 35, 36 35, 36 35, 36 35, 36 35, 36 35, 36 37 37 37 41. 42 41, 42 42, 43 38 38 CIRCUMFERENCE 80 THROUGH 131 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 113,114,118 114,115 118 118 114 113, 114 113, 114 113, 114 115,116 115 115 113,116 116 113, 114 115, 116 115, 116 115, 116 114, 115 114 MEASUREMENT WALL PLATE THI CKNESS AND ASSEMBLY 77 THROUGH 79 DEADWOOD ROOF INSIDE HEI GHT 45 THROUGH 48.1 49 THROUGH 76 180 THROUGH 183 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47, 48 45, 46, 47, 48 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 45, 46, 47 48 48 49 III 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 I 49 49 49 49 49 149 180,183 182 182 182 180,183 180,183 180, 183 180, 183 180, 183 182 182 180,183 180,183 180.183 180,183 180,183 180,183 180,183 180, 183 180, 183 180, 183 180, 183 180,183 180.183 182 181 CIRCUMFERENCE 134 THROUGH 179 168 166, 167 166, 167 166, 167 168 168 168 168 147 to 152 168 168 168 139 to 143 168 168 158 to 162 163 to 165 152 to 157 168 168 168 152 to 165 152 to 165 152 to 165 GAUGE TABLE CALCULATION WALL PLATE THICKNESS AND ASSEMBLY DEADWOOD 193 THROUGH 197 184 THROUGH 208 193 THROUGH 197 147 to 152 143 to 147 42, 50 and 198 to 208 throughout 42 GENERAL 209, 210, 211 226,227 213 to 222 213 to 222 217 to 222 226, 227 226, 227 226, 227 212, 213 212. 213 222 to 225 225, 226 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212. 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212. 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 212, 213 COMPLETE EXAMPLES 209 THROUGH 232, ALSO 242 385 to 389 323 to 330 323 to 330 315 to 322 402 to 406 397 to 401 390 to 396 751 to 355 356 to 369 258 to 269 253 to 257 248 to 252 243 to 247 297 to 305 306 to 314 285 to 296 279 to 284 274 to 278 270 to 273 331 to 340 341 to 350 377 to 384 370 to 376 211.1 assuming the tank is gauged to the nearest one-half inch of tank height, it is seen that the vertical contour of any one-half inch horizontal section of tank height is represented by the arc of a circle. Therefore, the volume per unit of tank height varies within this one-half inch section of tank height in the same manner as it does between different such one-half inca sections. Fowever, in reading a volume figure from the gauge table, reference is always to a particular tank height, and the intervals between the successive tank heights on the table should correspond to the smallest gauging increment normally expected to be determined for that tank. Furthermore, the various tank volumes shown on the table are built up by individual volumes for each of the same smallest normal gauging increments, and these are each considered and represented by a single accumulated volume figure. This is the case irrespective of the magnitude of the particular smallest normal gauging increment or of the particular vertical tank contour. For all practical purposes in actual calculations, therefore, the vertical contours of the horizontal sections of tank height may be considered as being exactly perpendicul er within the limits of the respective smallest normal gauging increments. Consequently, it is seen that a gauge table normally represents the volume of the tank for which it was prepared by means of an accumulated series of varying individual horizontal sections of tank height, each considered as having perpendicular contours, and each of a height cor- responding to the smallest normal rauging increment for that tank. If the vertical tank contour varies but slightly from a straight line, it may be practical to change the calculated volumes per unit of tenk height less frequently than for each smallest normal gauging increment. 211 Calculation Methods for Horizontal Sections By Types of Vertical Tank Contours Tanks with Nearly Perpendicular Sides. (1) With Circuler orizontal Cross-Sections Knowing the height of the section, determine the weighted average circumference of the section. Do this in accordance with the principles explained in Chapter I on "Circumferences Interpolated". Convert this out- side circumference value to an inside circumference value as explained in Chapter XIV. Knowing now the weighted average inside circumference, divide this by 3.1416 to obtain the in- side diameter. This permits calculating the area of the inside mean horizontal cross-section (D2 x .7854). Multiply this by the height of the horizontal section to obtain the volume. The complete formula then is 3.1416 不 ​HEIGHT * DIAMETER WALL THICKNESS 2 Weighted average Inside Outside Circumference (2x Wall Thickness x 3.1416 3.14159 x.7854 xFeight= WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCE Volume. This will result in the volume in terms of the cube of the linear measurement unit used uniformly throughout the calculation. For instance, if all dimensions were in terms of feet, the result will be in terms of cubic feet. Tf different units of volume are desired, con- versions of the cubic feet to such other units are necessary. For example if the volume in barrels of 42 U.S.gallons is desired, the result in cubic feet, cubic inches etc. must be divided by the number of cubic feet or cubic inches in a barrel, and so on. Tables of appropriate 212 conversion factors for this purpose are given in Chapter XXX of the Annendix. (Note: See later section in this chapter entitled "Reduction of Formulae to Short-Cut Methods".) (2) With Non-Circular Horizontal Cross-Sections. Knowing the height of the section, end determining the inside tank dimensions of the mean cross-sectional area, according to the equivalents of the same general principles applicable to circuler tanks, the calculation of volume is then simply the area of the mean cross-section multiplied by the height, accor- ding to whichever of the following area formulae apply: a. Rectangle Inside Inside Length x Width = Area, b. Triangle d. Inside Inside Base tank. Inside xHeight = Volume *** K-LENGTH- A Inside t IDOR A c. Ellipse 3.1416 x long radius x short radius = area,x Height Volume x Altitude of triangle = Area, xHeight Volume (2005) - LONG RADIUS OR and so on. Other formulae for calculating areas of figures of various shapes are included in Chapter XXXI. (3) It is evident that the procedure in (1) and (2) for determining the volume of the individual horizontal sections of tank height equally applicable for determining the volume of the entire Tanks with Non-Ferpendicular Sides (1) Horizontal Cylindrical Tanks The total volume and the volumes of individual horizontal ㅁ ​sections are obtained by different methods for this type tankage. SHORT RADIUS 213 Each of these methods in turn is subdivided into separate end distinct sets of calculations. The entire procedure may be handled as described in the following paragraphs. It is assumed that the tank has bulged or arced ends, in the shape of a spherical segment, as this is usually the case. or any tank with plain ends, that is, ends constituting simply a ver- tical flat surface, the following special calculations for bulged ends obviously need not be applied. The total volume will be determined first. This will consist of two steps, the first for the horizontal cylindrical portion of the tank, and the second for the bulged ends. The volume of the horizontal cylindrical portion will be obtained by calculating its weighted average inside cir- cumference, using this to calculate the area of its mean vertical cross- section, and multiplying the result by the effective inside length of the cylindrical portion of the tank. The weighted average circumference may be determined by the method given under "Forizontal Welded Pressure Storage Tank" in Chanter XI. The formula will then be: 12 K Weighted Average Outside Circumference (Sell Thickness x3.1416) 16)] LENGTH DIAMETER -LENGTH OF LENGTH OF BULGE Effective x .7854 xTide Length 3.1416 The volume of each bulged end will be obtained by calculating the inside effective length of the bulge and the inside circumference of the tank at the base of the bulge. Divide this circumference value by 6.2932 to obtain the radius. Knowing these, the volume will be obtained by sub- stitution in the following formula; for a spherical segment of one base .5236 Inside Length (3xRadius of Base²+ Length2) - Volume. The total volume will then be the sum of the results obtained by the two stens just described. Volume. 214 The volumes of the individual horizontal sections are each obtained by calculating the area of what we will call the circular zone, corres- ponding to each horizontal section, and multiplying this by the effective inside length of the cylindrical portion of the tank. The area of the so-called circular zone may be obtained in the following manner: The procedure requires somewhat more detailed calculation than most others in this handbook and therefore each step will be explained, separately and in sequence. The first sketch shows the SECTOR (SEGMENT TRIANGLE) circle. CIRCULAR ZONE SEGMENT B THE CIRCLE common designations of various nossible sub-divisions of a circle, and also the area designated here as a circular zone. By reference to the second sketch it is seen that the area of a circular zone may be thought of as the difference between two circular segments whose bases are parallel and at the same time respectively form the top and bottom limits of the circular zone Thus, in the second sketch, the area of the circular zone is equal to the difference between the respective areas of circular segments A and B. The area of a circuler segment is equal to the area of its corresponding circular sector minus the area of the triangle with one base equal to the base of the circular segment and with its apex at the center of the ARC SEGMENT TRIANGLE ADIUS, ADINS DIAMETER CIRCULAR MONC BİRCI RCULAR ZONE CENTRAL ANGLE SEOMENT 215 Footnote to Preceding Page: (1) To check exactly how nearly accurate the graph reading is for the upper or lower widths of any norizontal segment of tank height, suc- cessively square the actual radius of the tank's over-all average verti- cal cross-section, and then the vertical distance of the segment's par- ticular width dimension above or below the center of the tank's average cross-section. Subtract the latter result from the former. The square root of the answer, multiplied by 2, gives the exact value of the hori- zontal dimension. S 215.1 The area of a circuler sector is equal to the product of the radius of the circle multiplied by the length of the arc of the circular sector. This arc length is the portion of the circumference of the circle obtained by multiplying the circumference value by Degrees of Sector's Central Angle 360 Degrees. The degrees in the sector's central angle are obtained simply by measuring with a protractor the angle on & scaled sketch of the tank's circular inside cross-section. The area of the triangle is obtained by the conventional formula. (length of the base x vertical height). The circular zone in the second sketch could be any zone of the circle, and reducing the foregoing explanation to a formula for volume we have: A1CA1 Radius x 6600 4 By CB1 Radius x 360° Inside Inside ence) A1A1 X x Circumference x Circumference)- B1 B1 x ZC zc] Effective Inside x Length Cylinder Volume. It is apparent that the extreme top and bottom horizontal sections will have vertical end areas corresponding to circular segments rather then circular zones. Consequently, for these, it is necessary to apply only that portion of the formula relating to circular segments. The explanation so far has been concerned only with obtaining the volumes of the horizontal sections of the cylindrical portion of the tank. It is necessary next to consider the corresponding volumes of the bulged ends. These may be obtained in the following manner: Calculate the average of the respective corresponding inside dimen- sions of the two spherical segments, constituting the respective bulged ends of the tank. Then, prepare a scaled sketch of these two spherical segments, based on the average dimensions just calculated. Do this so that their relative position, each to the other, is such that by regularly ھے۔ 216 extending the curves of the arcs of the two segments, the entire circular contour of the sphere of which they are a part will be formed. (The accuracy of the sketch can readily be checked, if the outside arc lengths of the bulged ends have been measured and reported, by adding them to the scaled sketch, giving a proper consideration to the thickness of the material of the tank's ends. Knowing this average dimension, and measuring with a protractor the degrees in the vertical central angle of the average spherical segment, the relationship providing the check is: Arc of segment Circumference of sphere Degrees in Segment' 8 Central Angle 360 Degrees. In doing this, instead of attempting to scale off the value of the cir- cumference, scale off the diameter and multiply it by 3.1416 to obtain the circumference value.) Scale off the value for the diameter of the sphere. post _di ANY HORIZONTAL SECTION - 217 dz "L 1/ DEGREES "i || || THICKNESS OF HEAD RADIUS or 6PHERE DIAMETER OF SPHERE RADIUS SEGMENT 1 OF ARC INSIDE DEPTH OF BULSE The total volumes of the two vertical spherical segments have been previously calculated. Add them, to be used here to check with the total of the calculated volumes of the several individual horizontal sections. Lay off on the sketch uniform horizontal sections corresponding in heights to the heights of their related horizontal sections of the cylindri cal portions of the tank. LENGTH The combined volume of those portions of any of the tank' s horizontal sections which are included within the two vertical spherical segments comprising the bulged ends of the tank, may then be calculated as follows, by substitution in the formula: EGMENT ACTER OF Radius From Volume (W1+W2)xH] x6.2832xAxis of Revo- B 2x Horizontal Central lution to Cen- of Arc Through ter of Gravity Center of of Vertical Cross-Section of Horizontal Section Gravity 3608- [1/6(3.1416x 14120x11³) x^2} %} AS DETERMINE HERE In which W₁ and We are the average respective widths of the upper and lower bases of the vertical cross-sections of those portions of the horizontal H is the height of the section contained within the bulged ends of the tank. horizontal section of the tank. The radius from the axis of revolution to the center of gravity of the vertical cross-section and the degrees in the horizontal central angle of the arc of the section through the center of gravity are demonstrated in the representative drawing on the next page. The determination of centers of gravity is also further explained under "Fomulae" in Chapter XXXI in the Appendix. The total of all the individual horizontal section volumes should be equal to the total tank volume as first calculated. The foregoing procedure is a rather lengthy one. It can be somewhat reduced without sacrifice of accuracy, by use of other mathematical princip- les simpler perhaps as to the number of steps, but involving further com- plications in reasoning as to why they can be used. These are therefore omitted here. However, it is common practice with some to reduce the pro- cedure by use of one or the other of the method s next to be described. By applying each of the methods to a representative tank of the type and size most commonly encountered and noting what difference there may be in the results, it may be decided which method or combination of methods is suit- able from the practical viewpoint. The short-cut methods apply in principle individually to both the cylindrical and spherical segment portions of the tank. The me thods are: 1. Adhere exactly to the principle of the foregoing detailed procedure, but apply it to comparatively large horizontal sections of the tank, that is, sections with heights greater than the normal smallest gauging 218 KOOLITUSE sarakan majanda de mi tam PS JUNI 1964 1 le 1060 14 sõdan på 000 000 m 3 montre 90s Mat dovi ceann) veebeastkast punt rà de sa ambag baby zone) || vad 9 10 11 + I HORIZONT man Şan-şrə apara )*** I see broadenomas 18 (119¤buto«t«! JA Lahan pada FRAN ་་་་ J...J. BU Non CROSS-SECTION MV SR SE 47.7. 烤​辉 ​44 A INSTAL → $1+ · H 1011 VERT mad) upoš ni Dapur klube CO FT stan þõenda CROSS-SECTIO 140000) No by 30 000 100 % ose levada go Grên 20 n { 200 vý novejr aut odors i a › bet su os paí þaguročení (je 1060 1 0000: V p ↓ W 218.1 increment, end then divide the total volume of the section into equal parts, each of a height corresponding to such normal smallest gauging increment. 2. Scale the tank contour on a graph and then read off avorɛge diameters etc. for each horizontal section, and use these for simple volume cal- culations, based only on apparent mean horizontal areas multiplied by height of the particular increment, thus disregarding wall curvature of each horizontal section. Calculate accurately the total tank volume. Check this against the accumulated apparent volumes of all the horizon- tal sections of the tank and distribute the difference proportionately over the individual sections. St 3. For horizontal cylindrical tanks having flat instead of bulged ends, but entirely irrespective of length, select any diameter and length consi- dered most convenient. Then construct a standard table for a horizontal tank of these average dimensions. Convert each accumulated increment volume figure to a percentage of the total tank volume, and record all these percentages on a separate table in terms of corresponding gauging height percentages. These values may also be plotted graphically. Thereafter, as tanks of this type are encountered, calculate the total volume to give full proper consideration to differences in dimensions, then apply the standard percentages to derive the accumulated volume for each increment. 4. Standard short-cut tables and graphs for deriving volumes of individuel horizontal sections of the bulged ends of horizontal cylindrical tanks can be constructed in accordance with the same principles used in method 3 just described, provided that the bulged ends are in the slape of true spherical segments. Ordinarily, due to changes in tank length ɛnd diameter it will be necessary to derive from separate standard tables or curves the respective volumes for the cylindrical and vertical 219 100 95 १० 85 80 75 70 60 45 40 35 ŏ ã õ & @ 30 20 15 10 [oneDocs |E+TRONDOLENÝRÐI હ 220 pro matapang diet como é to an ungemönemi ma fract 2001 (+15++šta: Llesh SODIJOS CACHARE 06175 / (1017260 WE METHOD 3 HORIZONTA ALTANK CAPACITY CURVE Pd CYLINDRICAL PORTION OF TANK (11191) said Man muss sem samoga i bres at one ting Terjeratnomag DI UN MONTARES dat voce () to tea bagi AND ADOBON 1 | Vanagawang mana malo SASARAN DAN TE DA DENA DA. поправа! etor had 1 164 de ay at rack laubsan keto 166***||-1994+MWANAESemmerjoin #Dal 194 19 *HIMI 100 490016 0 SA FORDI LAGOS | 1991; 14009040)| CENT OF To zida je mrtete tako gledate 00000 140 }+1\* Spiralenolatarmik bong bộ nào PERCENTOE Tox ATE PERCENT OF TOT. 1044) 40071 (09100€) 84000+(? Take gumenom sua vorum Fasanvaní s nagy16001 hod 30s ( EACH -་་-་ Į kot vodno s voćna 420 | LANTE NON De [000]9 korte si in gate 200, 26641 a METHODI ME HORIZONTAL TANK CAPACITY CURVE FOR TWO BULGED ENDS COMBINED ANK HEIGHT bretono gama de su bo dodjes var 11 PERCENT OF T म puude na poď no se hudbě un o ng vond hem on hot, 19+ kan engran ne venduto my veto 200 1, 0 #. 8 2. 2 3 2 2 ļ THE 85-90-93–100 85 m 80 75 659 。 d 36 45 2 0 3 8 2 0 2 0 0 ## 40 25 PER CENT OF TOTAL TANK HEIGHT 20 15 10 2 1 1 2 .001 .0001,051,0193.101 0528.151 0950.201 1434.251.1966.301,2535 |,351.3131 .002 .00021.052 .0198 .102 .0536.152 1.0959 |.202 1444.252.1977 302 25473523143 003 0003,053 .0204.103 .0544,153,0968 |.203 1,1454 2531988 ||.303 |,2558 || 353.3156 .004 .0004.054 0210.104 0551 .1540977.204.1465 254 1999 304.2570 354 1.3168 .005 .00061,055 0215.105,0559.155,09861.205 .1475 255 2010 3052582 .00G .00081.056 .0221106 10567 .156 .0996 1.206 .1485 .256.2021 306.2593 .007 .0010.057 57.0227 .0227.107.0575.157.1005,207 1496257.2033 .307.2605 .008 .0012 .0012.058 : 0233 | 108 0583.158,1014 .1506 .258.2044 || .308 |,2617 .009 .0014.059 .0239.109 0591 .159.1023 .209 .1516 .259.2055 .309 2629 .010 .00171,060 .0245.110 .0599.160.1033210 1527 .2602066 310 2640 .208 2 190˚ | 0200° 0048 070 talle ja 2 .0251 1 but a Natal 1 The Can .011 0606.16I ,1042 1.211 .1537.26: .2077,311 2652 .012 .0022 1.062 6257.112.0614.162 .1051|,212 .1547 .262.2088 |,312 .2664 .013 .0025 1.063,0263.113.0623.163.1061 .213 ,1558 || .2632100 3132676 .614 .0028.064,0270 1.114 .0631.164 .1070214 .1568.264 .2111 314 .2688 .4031065 0276 .115.0639.165,1080 215 1579 265 .2122 315 2699 .0034.066 0282 0282116 .0647.166 1089.216 .1589.266.2133 316 i 2711 .017 .0037.067 067 0288 .0288 117 .0655.167 .1099 .217 .1600 .267 2145 317 2723 2018 .0041.068 .0295 1.118 .0663.168.1108 |.218 .IGIO .268.2155 | 318 2735 .019 .0044.069 .0301 .119 .0671.169.1118 .2.19 .1621 269.2167.319 2747 0308 .120 .0680 170 1127 220.631 $631 .270 .2178 .320 2759 0k5 .403! 2016 .020 2 } דרו. 1 ,021.0051 071 0314.121 .0688.171 1137221 ,022,00.55.072 .0321.122 .0696 172 .1146 222 .023 .0059.073 0327.123 .0705.173 1136223 .024 .0063.074 74 0334.124.0713.174 025,0067.075.0341 125 0721 .175 .026 .0071.076 076.0347 1260730 |,176 .027 .0075.077,0354 127 .0738 028 .0079.073 0361128.0747 0747.178 .029 .0083.079 0368.129 .0755179. .030_0087.080 0375 1300764 180 | 166 || .224 1175 225 .1185 |226 .1195.227 .1204.228 .1214 229 .1224.230 2 .031 .0092.081 .0382.131.0773.181 .1234 ||23| 1748 .032 .0096.082 0389.132.0781.182.1244 232.1759 033 .0101083.0396.133 0790183 1253 1253 ||,233 .034 .0105 .084 0403.134.0798.184.1263.234 .035 .0110 085 0410.135.0807.185.1273 .235 .036 0115.086.0417 136 ,0816.186.1283.236 037 0119 087 .0424 137 0825 187.1293 .237 038 0124.088 .0431||.138 |,0833 1881303 ||238 .039 .0129.089.0439.139.0842.189 1313 239 0400134 090 0446 140 .0851 .190 .1323 |.240. .1403248 .1414 .249 1424.250 1 I 2 סדרו. CAPACITIES, FOR CYLINDRICAL PORTION ONLY OF HORIZONTAL TANKS EXACT DATA SUPPORTING CORRESPONDING CURVE ON PRECEDING PAGE KEY TO 1 1. PERCENT OF TOTAL TANK HEIGHT, IN Tenths Of A PerCent. NUMBERED COLUMN 2. CORRESPONDING PER CENT OF TOTAL TANK CAPACITY. HEADINGS 2 2 2 1 2 8586.851.9068.901 .9487.951 9819 ,5013,551 5648.601.6277.651 .6893,701 7489.751 .8056 |.801 3760.452 4390.5025025.552.5661.602.6290.652.6905 702 1500 752 8067.802 3773 433 4402.503 3785.454 4415 504 .3798.455 4428505 3810456 | 4440 4440 5O6 .3823.457.4453.507 8597.852 9078.902 9495.952 9824 9087903 9502953 5038553.5614.603 50385535674.603,6302|,653 .6917.703.7512.753 8078.803 8607.853 5051354.5686.604.6315.654 .6929.704,7523 754 8089.804.8617.854 9096.904.9510.954.9835 5064 555 5699.605.6327.655.6941 705 7535755 8100 .805 .8627.855.9105905.9517.955 9840 .5076556 5712 .6066339 .656.6954906,7547,756 8111806.8637.856 .9114906 .4525 956.9845 .5089.557.5724.607.6332.657.6966.707.7558,757 8122.807.8647.837 9122 3835.458 .4466,508 5102 558 5737.608 6364 658 4978 708 7570758 8133 808 8657 858 .409.3848.4594479 509 5115.559.5749.609 6377.659 .6990709 7581.759.8144.809 .8667.859 360.3241. 410 3860.460 4441.5101.5127 5127 560,5762 610 .6389||,660 7002.7107593 760 8155 810 8677 860 3553180 .3563192 357.3204 .407 .358 .3217 408 359.3229 .405 .૧૦૮ .907 9131,908 9140909 9149910 9532 957,9851 9540.958 9856 9347.959: 9861 9534.9609866 2 .૩૮૧ 1 ,401 .༥༠༢ .403 404 .1642.271 2190.321 .2771 371 3376.421 .1652.272 1.2201 322.2782 372.3388 || .422 .1663 273.2212 323 .2794.373 3401 423 .1674 274.2224.324 2806,374,3413 424 .1684.275 .275 .2235.325,2818.375 3425 425 .1695 276,2246 326 2830 376 3438 .426 1705.277 .2258 .327 2842 || 377 3450 .427 .1716 .278 |.2269 328.2854 378 3462 .428 .1727 279 .228/ 329 .2866 379 3475 .429 1738 280 2292330 2878 380 3487 430 2 1 2 3748.451.4377.501 1 3998 4011 4023473 4036 474 4049.475 4137 4149 4162 1781 1791 .1802 4174 .281 2304.331 .2.890 .381 3499,431 .4124 .282 .2315,332 2902 382 3512 || .432 .283,2326 3332914.3833524 433 .284.2338 334.29263843536 || .434 285.2349 ||.335 |,2938 3853549.435 .286.2361 3362950 386 3561 .436 .1813 287 2372.337.2962 387,3574 .437 1824 .288 .2384.338.2974.388 3586 .438 .1835 289.2395 339 .29863893598 439 .1845 290 2407 340 2998 || 390|36|| NNO 1 2 2 1 1 סוור. N 361.3253.411 ,3873,461 4504511 .5140 561,5775.611 ૩૮૪,515 .બા .6402.661 7014711 7605761 .8IS.8!! .362.3266.412 3885.462 4517.512 5153.562.5787||,612 6414.662 7026.712 7616,762 2 7616762,8176,812.8697,862 .3633278.413 3898.463 4529.613 .5166.5635800 613,6426.663 6426.6637038 7038 1137628763 8187.813.8707.863 .3643290 .414 .3910.464 4542514 5178.564,5813|,614 .6439.664 .70507147639.764 8198.814.8717.864 3653302 415 .3923.465.4555 515.5191,565 5825.615.645! 7157651 765 .8209.8158727.865 366 3315 416 .3936466 |,4567|,516 5204.566.3838 .616 6464,666 7074 716 7662.766 8219,816.8737.866 .367 3327 ས་་ .3948.467 4580317 5851.617 CH76.667.7086.717.7674.767 717 7674.767 8230,817 8747867 .368.3339 .418 3961.468 468.4593 518 5229.5485863 5229.548 5863,618.6488,668 7098 718 7685768 .8241 818.8756.868 369335| .419 .3973 469 4606,519 5242,569 5876.619 .6501.669 719 7696.769 .8252.819.8766869 370 3364.420 ૧૦ 3986 470 4618 520 5255 870 5888 620 6513670 7122 720 77081776 .8262 820 8776 870 2. } 2 Ang .82841.822 .8284.822.8796,872 .8295.823 880.873 4631521 .471 .5267,571.5901.621 6525.671 7134721 .7719771 .8273,821 .8786.871 472.4644522 4644522.5280.572.5914.622.4538.672 7146722 7731772 4656.523 5293,573.5926.623 .6550.673 |,7158 | 723 7158 7237742773 4669,524 5305 574 5939 .624 6562.674 7170.724 7754.774 .4682.525 |,5318|3755951 .625 .6575.675 7182.725 7765775 .4061476.4695.526,5331||,376.5964 626 6587 676.7194726 7776,776 .4074477 4707527 .5344||,5775977.627 6599.677 7206727 7788777 4086 478 4720 528 5356.578.5989 628 .6612.678 7218.728 4099 479 4733529 5369 379 6002 .629 .6624.679.7229.729 4112 4804745 530 5382 580 6014.630 5382 580 .6014 .630.6636.680 7241 730 7799.778 7810.779 7810.779 7822 780 8687.861 8305.824.885874 8316.825.8825,875 8326.826 .8834.876 8337.827.8844.877 8348.828.8854,878 8369.830.8873.880 .8358.829 .8358.829 .8863,879 2 1 .9158 |,911 9167912 .91175913 9184 914 .9193915 9202,916 9210.917 9219.918 9227919 9236 920 .9245921 .9253922 ૧૨૯૨ |૧૩ .9270924 9279 925 9287926 9295927 9304928 9312929 9320930 ,481 475853| 53945816027 .631 ,6644.681.7253.731 .7833.781 .8379,331 .8379,331 |,8882|,881 9329931 482 4771 ||5325407,582.6039 1.632 5407,582 .6039.632,6661.682 72657327844 782 .8390,832.8892 |,882 9337 .932 .483.4784533 5420.383 6032633 .6673.6837277 733 7835 783 8400833 .8901.883.9345,933 484 1.4796.534.5433,584.6064634 5433584.6064634 .6686,684.7289734,7867 784 8411 834.8911|,884 9353934 48095355445.585 .6077 .635 .6698 .685 7301 725 7878,785,8421.835.8920.88593611.935 .4187.486 4822.536 8458.586.6090.636.6710 .686.7312 7367889 786 84328368930,886 8930,8869369 936 .4200.487 4834 537 8471 587 6102 637 6722.687 7324 737 7900 787 8442.837.8939.887 9377.937 4213.488.48475383483 588 6115.638 6735.688 7336 738 7912 788 8453,838 .8949.888 9386 938 4225 489 4860 539 .6496589 .6127 .639 6747.689 .689 7348 739 7923 789 .8463.839 .8958.889 .9394 939 4238490 4873540 .5569 590 6140640 6759.690 7360 740 7934 790 18473840 8967 890 1,9402940 2 } .9561.961.9871 ૧૦.૧૫ .9569.94629876 9576.963 9881 9583 964 9885 .95909659890 .9597 966 9895 .9604 .967 9899 9611 9689904 .9618969.9908 96259709913 9632971 9917 .9639 1.972 19921 9646973 1.9925 .9653 974 .9929 9659 .975 9933 .9666976.9937 9673 977 9941 9679 978 9945 .9686 979 9949 9692.980 9952 .9699.981 9956 .9705 982 9959 9712 983 9963 9718 984 9966 .9724 985 9969 9730.9869972 9737 987 .9975 9743,988 .9978 9749 989 9980 A755 9909983 .041 0139.091 .0453.141 .0860191 1333.241 .1856 291 2419341.3010391.3623.441 4251 4914885,541,5321 || .591 6132 641 6771.691 7371 ||741 7945 .791 8484.841.8977.891 9409.941 9751 991 .9986 1042 .0144,092 .0460.142.0869.192.1343||.242 |,1867|| .292.2430.342 .292.2430,342.3022392.3636.442 .4263.492.48985425534392.6165.642 .6783.69273837427956.792 .8494.842,8986 .892 8986.8929417942 9767 992 1.9988 .043 0149 093 .0468.1430878193 1353.243.1878 .293 2442 343 30343933648.4434276 4276 .493 4911 5433547.593.6177.643.6796 693 .7395 743 7967 793 8504843 8995.893 9425943 8995.893 9425 943 9773 993 9990 ,044..0155.094.0475144.0887.194 44.0887.194.1363 ||.244 .1363.244.1889 294 .2453,344 3046394 3661 .444 4288.494 4924 544 5560.594 .6190.644.6808 .6947407 744 7979 .794 8515 844 .9004.894 9433 944 9779 994 .9992 .045.0160,695,0483.145.0895 1.195 .1373.245.1900 .295.2465.345 3059395,3673.4454301 .495 (4936345 5572595 .495 49363455572595.6202.645.6830.695 .7418.745 7990.795 .8525 845 .9014.8959441.945 9785 995 9994 .046.0165.0960490,146,0904 .196 .1383.246 .1911 .296 24773463071 3963685 446 3685446 4314 .496.4949 346.5585.596.6215 .646 .6832.696 7430 746 8001 796 8535 8469023,896 .9449 946 9790 996.9996 .047 0171.097 0498,147.0913.197.1393247.1922 1922 297 .2488 347 .3083 397,3698 .2488,347 .3083 || 397,3698.447.4326.497 |,4962 | 347.5598397.6227.647 6844.697 7442 747 8012 797 8546.847 9032 .897 9456 947 9796 997 9997 .048.0176.098 .0505.148.0922.198 .1933 || 298.2500 348 .3095 | 398,3710 .448 4339.498,4975548 5610398.6240.648.6857698 6240.648 .6857 .698 7453 748 8023 7988556 848.9041 898 9464 948 9802 998 .9998 .1944.299,2511||,349,3107 ||,399.3723449 4352.4994987349.5623,599.6252.649 .6869.699 .7465 749 8034 799.8566.849 .9050.8999472.949.9808 .999 .9808 999,9999 1955| 300 |,7523| 350 .3119 2523 350 .3119 || 400 |,3735,450 1.4364,500.5000 4364 500 5000 550 5636 600 .6765 650 688i 1.700 7477 7:50 8045 800 |,8576|| 850 90599009480.950 .98131,000 $1,0006 0490181.099 .0513.149,0932.199 05001871.100 1.0520.150 1.094|||.200 1955 300 220.1 spherical segment portions of the tank, and combine them afterwards. 5. For groups of horizontal tanks of approximately the same dimensions throughout, the separate steps previously described may be combined as follows if preferred, with only small sacrifice of accuracy. (1) Assume the necessary dimensions for a representative horizontal cylindrical tank. (2) Calculate carefully and exactly the total tank volume. (3) Calculate carefully and exactly a complete detailed volume gauge table, tabulating thereon the individually calculated accumulated capacity for each gauging increment throughout the vertical dia- meter or complete inside gauging height of the tank. The accumu- lated total tank volume by this method should check exactly with the corresponding total tank volume obtained in step number (2). (4) Prepare a supplemental table, based on the data shown on the table obtained in step number (3) as follows: Gangt a. Beginning with the bottom gauging increment, and continuing to and including the top and final gauging increment, calculate and tabu- late the percentage relationship of the accumulated tank height to the total gauging height of the tank, at each gauging increment. b. Opposite each percentage on the supplemental table, as obtained in step number (4)a, calculate the percentage relationship of the accumulated tank volume, to the to tal tank volume at each gauginɛ increment. c. Plot these last standard values on a graph for permanent use. (5) The percentages obtained in step number (4) c can then be applied to any horizontal cylindrical tank which satisfies the qualified last conditions mentioned, once the total tank volume and the gauging 221 } you HEIGHT CENT OF THIGH BE IN COMBINATION FOR CYLINDRICAL AND BULLGED ENDS PORTIONS OF TANK J OF s Is A RepresENTATIVE CURVE, APPLICA BEK ONLY ANKS WITH P ROPORTIONAL Dimensions As Shown- ONE SUC. CINE CAMBA repared ReSPECTIVELY For, Ány Group Of HeriZONTAL TANKS Having TEXENGHOUS OWS AROUSHOI NS METHODK HORIZONTAL TANK CAPACITY CURVI 25 " • PERCENT OF TOTAL CAP IDIO AT EACH Kumch PER CENT OF TOTAL TANK HTG C PER CENT OF TOTA WE HISPANÍ CE 221.1 VKEA HI 65-95 i J J (T heights percentages (Step number (4)a) are obtained for the particular tank in question. (2) Spherical Tanks Calculate first the total volume. Do this by determining the simple average of the various circumference measurements available, end convert the result to its equivalent inside tank value. Divide this by 3.1416 to yield the diameter value, for use in the volume formula 1/6 (3.1416 x d³). The volume is therefore obtained by substitution in the following complete formula: Simple average 1/6 5 [3.1426 Cou 3.1416 Outside Circumference - (2xWall Thickness x 3.1416 3.1416 9°1 Calculation of volumes for individual horizontal sections of the tank can be done as follows: Prepare an accurate sketch of the tank's contour, based on a diameter value scaled to the inside diameter obtained as just described. Then scale off horizontal sections of uniform height, in terms of the normal gauging increment to be used. Each of these horizontal sections constitutes a spherical segment. The values for the top and bottom diameters of each section are obtained from the scaled drewing The volume of any horizontal spherical segment then may be obtained by substitution in the formula: + [(a₂ 2 +dg²) x .7854] xh + [1/6(3.1416 x h³] d22) in which d is the diameter of the upper base of the horizontal spherical segment do is the diameter of the lower base of the horizontal spherical segment h is the height of the horizontal spherical segment, and as the heights of the several sections are constructed so as to be uniform, the only variables in the formula, for any one tank, are d1 and d2; на ¿ ANY HORIZONTAL SECTION DIAMETER→ dz Volume, -Volume. TOP AND BOTTOM DIAMETERS OF SECTION 222 Footnote to Preceding Page: (1) To check exactly how nearly accurate the grann reading is for the upper or lower widths of any horizontal segment of tank height, suc- cessively square the actual radius of the tank's over-all average verti- cal cross-section, and then the vertical distance of the segment's par- ticular width dimension above or below the center of the tank's average cross-section. Subtract the latter result from the former. The square root of the answer, multiplied by 2, gives the exact value of the hori- zontal dimension. A 222.1 the other values, after their initial determination, can be used in the application of the formula to other sections, thus consider- ably reducing the calculations. The total of all the individual horizontal section volumes should be equal to the total tank volume as first calculated. A standard short-cut table for deriving volumes of individual horizontal sections of spherical tanks, irrespective of inside tank diameters, can be constructed as follows: 1. Assume the necessary dimensions for e representative spherical tank. 2. Calculate carefully and exactly the total tank volume. 3. Calculate carefully and exactly a complete detailed volume gɛuge table, tabulating there on the individually calculated accumulated capacity for each gauging increment throughout the vertical diameter or complete inside gauging height of the tank. The accumulated to tal tank volume by this method should check exactly with the corresponding total tank volume obtained in step number 2. 4. Prepare a supplemental table, based on the data shown on the table obtained in step number 3 as follows: a. Beginning with the bottom gauging increment, and continuing to and including the top and final gauging increment, calculate and tabulate the percentage relationship of the accumulated tank height to the total gauging height of the tank, at each gauging therefore increment. b. Opposite each percentage on the supplemental table, as obtained in sten number 4a, calculate the percentage relationship of the accumulated tɛnk volume, to the total tank volume at each gauging irement. c. Plot these last stenderà values on a graph for permanent use. 223 TT La TU UL D !! … CENT OF Tota 1 85 时 ​75 MS 40 35 25 GE to PACHRI 15 te "! 11 IT THE SPHERICAL TANK CAPACITY CURVE #PERGENT OF TOTAL CA? AT EACH ANT OF HOTAUT ILI T H PERCH!! H D i 1 224 HI 1 ## HEATH HALE . Ti "P. 119 J C J. 1 1 T ta H FEL E 5. The percentages obtained in step number 4c can then be applied to any spherical tank, once the total tank volume and the gauging heights percentages (step number 4a) are obtained for the particular tank in question. (3) Spheroidal Tanks It is a somewhat complicated and extremely tedious procedure to calculate a completely detailed volume gauge table exactly accurate at each increment of gauring height for this type of tank. This is due to the acknowledged fact that this type of tank sustains & slight deformation a in its vertical contour as it is filled and emptied. This is the reason for specifying circumference measurements herein for these tanks not only at their equator, but also at as many additional points above and below the equator as practical. Based on these, the following method will then usually be found acceptable. LIQUID LEVEL Prepare an accurate sketch of the tank's spheroidal curvature, in- MAXIMUM cluding the bottom detail, and UPPER continuing upward to the height representing the tank's maximum ZERO DATUM upper liquid level. Do this by securing the manufacturer's detailed construction drawings for the par- ticular tank, and lay off, to scale, the spheroidal curvature, adjusted to conform to the actual measured circumference values available. It is essential that all care nossible be used in showing the true position and location of the datum or gauging plate in terms of the tank's bottom and walls. ANY HORIZONTAL SECTION DATUM PLATE The following procedure is all based on sceled inside tank dimensions obtained from the sketch prepared. i Calculate the volume contained below the zero datum plane by means of the applicable principles given in Chapter Iin the Appendix, for 225 determining the volumes of irregular solids of revolution. The resul- tant volume figure should then be shown on the gauge table as the tank capacity for a gauge level of O'-0". This volume should then be inclu- ded in all accumulated tank volumes above this point, as the various volumes are added for the successive horizontal sections of the tank. The volumes of these individuel horizontal sections each may be calcu- lated as follows: ** Assume that the horizontal section is cylindrical in shape. Tts height should conform to the normal gauging increment. Scale off from tre sketch a mean diameter at half the height of the section. It is advisable to check these scaled diameter values at intervals. This may be done by substituting in the formula r2-r-he r²-h2, where he capacity level above the equator, r1 the diagonal distance from the center of the spheroid at its equator to the height h on the tank contour, and r2 = average radius of the horizontal section, on a level with h. The formula for the horizontal section is then simply: Average Diameter2 x .7854 x Height of Section - Volume. The foregoing method is recognized and recommended by certain qualified members of industry. To those who may consider that it is desirable to strive for any greater relative accuracy obtainable, it is suggested that each horizontal section be regarded as a spherical segment. The formula then applicable is explained in the previous section 4b(2) for spherical tanks. (4) Rectilinear Base Tanks Tanks with non-permendicular sides and rectilinear bases are the exception rather than the rule for land installations. However, barge and ship tanks do fall in this classification. Many combinations of shapes and dimensions are possible. Consequently, it is not practical 226 to attempt here to provide a specific explanation for every contingency. Nevertheless, most such tanks likely to be encountered may be handled for volume gauge table calculation purposes according to the general principles to which reference is next made. If the tank contour indicates that its shape is generated by an irregular solid of revolution, its volume may be calculated according to the applicable principles given in Chapter XXI in the Appendix. This same section of the handbook includes formulae for calculating the volumes of cones and pyramids. Also shown are the means for calculating areas of irregular surfaces. One of these formulee, or one of them in combination with others given, will usually provide the means for ade- quate volume determinations. S Chapter XXVII consists of exemplary calculations and resultant gauge tables for certain representative barge and ship tanks. Reduction of Formulae to Short-Cut Methods Many formulae in their complete detail are somewhat more lengthy than they need be for actual practical use. This is because certain of the items have a permanent fixed value, whereas others may be variables whose value is determined only by application to the particular problem at hand. The latter must then be coped with individually, but the former may often be simplified. One of the most frequently used values in this handbook is T which is always regarded as having a value of 3.1416. Similarly, a U.S.Gallon always consists of 231 cubic inches, while a "barrel" es used in the U.S. petroleum industry, for instance, always consists of 42 ".S.gallons. Let us assume, as is the case in many examples of gauge tables in this handbook, that the tank is cylindrical in shape, that its circumference and height dimensions are recorded in feet and hundredths, and that it is desired to obtain the capacity in 9 • 1 227 terms of barrels of 42 U.S.gallons each. The formula is then Inside Diameter x .7854 x Height - Volume in Barrels. Cubic Feet/Barrel The inside diameter has not been measured, but we do know the out- side circumference value. This must then be corrected for the thickness of the tank wall, resulting in the inside circumference value. Now, as the diameter of any circle equals its circumference ./. 3.1416,we have: outs Outside Circumference (2xWall Thickness x 3.1416 x.7854xHeight volume in 3.1416 Barrels. Cubic Feet / Barrel Abbreviating, substituting fixed values, and simplifying, we then proceed as follows: To.c. (2 W.T. x 3.1416 x 3.1416] 3.1416 ce 42 x 231 12 x 12 x12 [o.c. -(2 W.T. x 3.1416) p.c. -1416] 3.1416 9702 1728 2 5.61458333 6.c. -(2 W.T. x 3.1416) 9.86965056 5.61458333 b.c. -(2 W.T. x 3.1416) 2 X 3.1416 2 x .7854 x H b.c. -(2 w.T. x 3.1416) 2 5.61458335 X X 7854 H Τ T 7854H 1 .7854H T V 2 [(d¹² + d₂²) .3927] x H + [.5236 H³] - V V x H x .079577285 ɓ.c. - (2 W.T. x 3.1416)] x H x .0141733197 - V 2. .. Volume = Simply Inside Circumference squared multiplied by 0.01417332, multiplied by the height. Another example would be the formula for calculating the volume of a spherical segment: [(a₂² + ³] 2 d₂²) .7854] x H +[1/6(3.1416 x g3 2 - V V = V. - V 228 The foregoing is true in all cases, but the formula can be still further reduced for applications to groups of segments having one of the dimensions in common. For instance, let us assume that the heights or all the segments are the value 0.5. We then have [(d12+ do²) .3927] 2) x .5 + (.5236 x [.5236 x .125 ... V- simply(d12+ d22) .19635 +.06545. - V Correlation of Deadwood And Other Special Volume Adjustments The special phase volume adjustment calculations are first handled individually and then must be properly correlated with the calculated "open" tank volumes data. These supplemental calculations consist prin- cipally of consideration of inside tank height, deadwoed displacement, and floating roof displacement where applicable, the tank measurements for which are discussed in Chapters VI, VII and VIII respectively. The principles of the necessary volume calculations in turn are discussed in Chapters XTT, XTTI, and XV, respectively. The actual correlation of all the calculations is extremely simple mathematically. The main consideration is to make absolutely certain that the proper relationship is maintained between the several items. The purpose here is then to give a general explanation of how this may be done. Tixed deadwood displacement is finally expressed in units of volume per unit of gauging height to be shown on the gauge table. This is also the case with the "open" tank volume dɛta. The procedure is simply to deduct the deadwood displacement from the open tank volume per correspon- ding unit of tank height, after making certain that the units of height do actually correspond. The opposite of the procedure is used to add in capacity values for so-called "plus" deadwood, such as protruding man-hole boxes etc. 229 The relationship between O'-0" of inside tank height and O'-0" of gauging height must be established. In most cases they probably will coincide. For those instances where they do not, every effort should be made to make them coincide in terms of actual tank conditions, if possible, as has been discussed previously. In those instances where such coincidence can not be achieved, determine what inside tank height coincides exactly with O'-0" of gauging height. Knowing this, and con- sidering that the height increments used on the gauge table are ex- pressed in terms of gauging height rather than inside tank height, show opposite the '-0" height figure on the gauge table the accumulated volume to that point, as calculated based on actual inside tank height. The same differential between the heights according to the two methods. must be maintained up to and including the top gauging increment to be shown on the gauge table. For example, a particular tank is equipped with a gauge plate whose top surface is exactly O'-2" above the inside surface of the tank floor proper. In this case, the O'-0" gauge level corresponds to O'-2" of inside tank height. Therefore, the bottom two inches of tank capacity is shown on the gauge table for the. O'-0" gauge reading; the bottom three inches of capacity is shown for the 0'-1" gauge reading, and so on. loating roof displacement may occur throughout nearly the entire inside height of a tank. However, the displacement first occurs near the bottom of the tank in the "zone of partial displacement", lying in the vertical range of tank height between the point where the rising liquid first comes in contact with the roof and the point at which the roof is brought to a full floating position. For all tank height levels above the latter point, the roof for calculation purposes is regarded generally 230 and theoretically to maintain a constant displacement. (For a full discussion of the probabilities in this respect, reference is made to Chapters VIII and XV.) Therefore, in preparing the gauge table, the displacement for the floating roof is deducted from the "open" tank volumes gradually through the "zone of partial displacement" until the total displacement is fully achieved and this total deducted as a constant value for all higher gauge levels in the tank. Tabulation of Calculations' Results for Actual Preparation of Gauge Tables It is convenient to correlate and tabulate the results of all indi- vidual calculations before proceeding with the actual final insertion of the accumulated volume figures on the gauge table. If the calculations for any reason are made for horizontal sections of tank height with the heights of such sections greater than the smallest normal gauging incre- ment to be shown uniformly on the gauge table, it is necessary to convert the volumes data so that it will be expressed per unit of gauging height. This may be done readily in the final correlation. An example of such a tabulation is shown for a tank with a capacity of 502.55 barrels at a top gauging height of 8'-0". The actual inside tank height is 8'-1", but a gauge plate has been installed, the surface of which is O'-1" above the inside tank floor. The tank volumes have been calculated by horizontal sections each 1'-0" high, but the gauging increment to be used is 1". 231 Foot of Calculated Gauging Open Tank Feight Capacity Bbls./t. 8th Ft. 62.10 7th 11 62.15 ་་ 6th 62.20 62.25 5th 4th 19 62.30 3rd " 62.40 2nd 19 62.30 " 1st 62.00 497.70 Bottom 1" 5.18 502.88 Deduction for Deadwood 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.32 0.01 0.33 Accumulated Adjusted Net Bbls. Increments. Check Capacities Capacity/Ft. Barrels at Each Even Foot 62.06 62.11 62.16 62.21 62.26 62.36 62.26 61.96 497.58 5.17 502.55 2=PP 1.29292 1.29396 1.29500 1.29604 1.29708 1.29917 1.29708 1.29083 1.29250 81-0" 71-01 6'-0" ད 、 502.55 Bbls. ۲۲ 440.49 378.38 5'-0" 316.22 4'-0" 254.01 3'-0" 191.75 2'-0" 129.39 1'-0" 67.13 O'-0"1 5.17 # 1 ?? " This tabulation may be expanded to include also the measured and interpolated outside circumferences, the location on the tank to which each corresponds, the conversion to inside circumference values by means of the deduction for the thickness of the tank walls, and the application of the volume formula used. The expanded form of the tabulation is used in various ways in the exemplary gauge table calculations in Part IV of this handbook. 11 232 CHAPTER XVII FORM OF GAUGE TABLE The form of the volume table itself is optional. Many refer the arrangement to follow the conventional idea of reading progressively downward in each column, and from left to right by columns. However, as the first capacity figure shown at the top of the first column under this plan represents the first volume increment at the bottom of the tank, it may be seen that successive accumulative volume figures representing consecutively higher gauge levels in the tank are read progressively downward on the gauge table, or, in other words, in in- verse order to actual condi- tions. This arrangement is illustrated by the first sketch. On the other hand, to comply progressively with actual conditions, the arrangement of the form of most of the exemplary tables used in this handbook is such that successively higher volumes are represented by figures read progressively upward in each column, although still from left to right by columns. Thus, if the columns were separated and placed consecutively end to end, beginning with the first to the left at the bottom and ending with the last to the right at the top, and assuming the height increment designations ŝ TABLE HEADING AS REQUIRED FT. BBLS. i 62 212.5 3187 4250 5313 6375 +4 TYPICAL TANK OUTLINE D P F 7438 8500 TABLE FOOTING AS REQUIRED 1 B GAUGE TABLE FORM ARRANGED TO READ EACH COLUMN PROGRESSIVELY DOWNWARD B FT. 5BS. 8 500 7 438 6375 5313 42.50 ཡང་ 3187 2125 TABLE HEADING AS REQUIRED P 8 E *xx 62 TABLE FOOTING AS REQUIRED 233 ARRANGED TO READ PROGRESSIVELY UPWARD and spacing on the table were scaled full size with the tank, then such a single column of volume figures, if applied vertically to the tank itself, would at once accurately reflect the volume at any point selected, as well as indicating the inside tank height at that point. This arrangement is therefore truly representative of actual conditions. It is illustrated in principle by the second sketch. There may be cases however where the first arrangement is preferred and a detailed example of each form is therefore included immediately following: 234 RBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" . 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/+ 3/16 1/8 1/16 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 10 1/2 10.1/4. 1..1.0...... - - 93./4... 91/2 9 1/4 ............... 8 3/4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 7 1/2 7 1/4 7- 6.3./4... 61/2 6 1/4 1.6-. 5 3/4 51/2. 5 1/4 5- 4.3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- - 1 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 2- - 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 * ……… 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 3/4 1/2..... 1/4 INCHES ... ... vonavosku o daug ***** HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. FT. HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. **** ……………… 5/8 9/16 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD FT. FT FT FT FT FT PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER TANK NÓ. -OLD PORT♦ FOO MEASURED BY...... DATE 7 ..........NEW.. ******* *** …………………… FT. FI. FT. FT. FT. FT.i FT. FT UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY:........ DATE FT. FT. FT 235 ………………………………………… ……………………………… ……………… BBLS./AV.FRACTIONAL INCH HT. OF PI PE LINE CONN. 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 INCHES 1/4i 1/2 374 1- I 174 1 1/2 1 3/4 2- 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 4 1/4 4 1/2 4 3/4 5- 5 1/4 5 1/2 5 3/4 6 6 1/4 6 1/2 6 3/4 7. 7 1/4 7.1/2 7 3/4 8 8 1/4 8 1/2 8 3/4 9 9 1/4 9 1/2 9 3/4 10- 10 1/4 10 1/2 10 3/4 11- 11 1/4 11 1/2 11 3/4 12 9/16 5/8 11/16 374 13/16 7/8 15/16 19 OMA HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. T PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ DOWNWARD FT. FT. FT. INT. FT MEASURED BY DATE FT. NEW FT. T FT FT. FT FT. FT. FT. INCHES FT. FT. UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH 236 TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1/2 7/16 3/8 15/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INS. 12 "1 10 १ 8 6 5 4+3 1 12 " 10 9 8 TU47M~ ד ८ 5 པ 3 2 12 "1 10 9 8 7 6 N 47~~ - ~=OGONU 4 ૩ 2 1 FT. FT. FT. FT 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 FT FT. FT. FT. HT. OF PIPE LINE CONNn. IF SWING LINE CHECK ( MEASURED BY DATE BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ – UPWARDS. 11.17 FT. FT INS 12 "1 FT. FT FT. 10 १ 8 7 6 ་ 4 3 2 1 12 " 10 १ 8 7 তাছানাত ૩ 2 1 216067 9 ד ८ 57MN 4 3 1 GRE 12 || 10 9 8 7 6 513 PLANT UK PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD 2 1 FT FT. FT. FT FT. FT. FT. NEW FT FT. FT. FT. INS 12 " 10 9 8 7 5732 4 1 12 153 10 GOT GY+3~ 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 12 " 10 १ 8 উপন- 12 " 10 GOT GLAMN ང་ " UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 237 The tables illustrated both provide for plant name and location, and designation of the specific tank, at the upper right of the form. This is a convenient arrangement, as it provides a ready means of identifying a particular table where several are bound together in book form. It is usually desirable for the table to show who measured the tank, and the date; also, who prepared the table, and when. The specific units of volume used in the table should be shown. These are all included in the examples shown. The forms discussed here so far have all pertained to those tables for use with gauges taken by the innage method. The outage tables would be merely complementary in principle. The smallest increment of tank height to be used in preparing a volume table is determined by normal conditions encountered in the specific operations involved. Naturally, the smaller the increment the more nearly accurate the table will be, that is, within the limits of gauging accuracy. For instance, if gauges can be ordinarily accurately read only to the nearest one quarter inch, the main body of the table should be calculated in one quarter inch increments, and so on. For those tanks having in principle a generally uniform cross- section from bottom to top, an inset may be included to give volumes for increments smaller than those used throughout the table itself. where such smaller increments can sometimes be gauged with fair accuracy. These inset increments are calculated to represent average conditions for the tank as a whole. Obviously, such insets can not be used for horizontal cylinders, spheres, spheroids etc. Where applicable, such insets are included on the tables herein. An example of their use follows: 238 Using Page 257, assume liquid is run from the tank beginning at the gauge level 7'-10 3/16" and ending at the gauge level 1'-1 7/8". Always selecting the closest figure possible from the body of the main table, calculations are thus 7'-10 1/4" or..444,46.1'- 1 3/4"...75:05. (1)..494:13 1/16″ or. ..0.33.+ 1/8"....?:66.-(2) .?:66.-(2)...74:71. (2) ...78.77. (1)..494.73. which is a very close approximation of the liquid run. In some cases industry associations or committees may recommend certain standards for the table form, particularly where such tables are used to calculate the volumes of material transferred from one company to another within the industry. These standards refer princi- pally to: (1) the over-all dimensions of the paper on which the table is printed; (2) the portion of the table to be used for the volume figures; (3) the portion of the tank height to be shown by each column on the table; (4) the vertical spacing, usually six lines to the inch, corresponding to standard U.S.typewriter spacing; * 421.4 (5) binding edge and margins; and (6) the standard increment to be used. The exemplary tables used herein may be readily adapted to such specific industry standards. If it is necessary to prepare many tables, special adding machines are available for the purpose. These machines may be set to progressively add a fixed differential and print the accumulation for each increment. The machines are adjusted so as to permit a change in the differential at previously determined points. This differential may be to five or more decimal places, but printing the accumulations only to the 239 nearest two decimal places and so on. The vertical spacing of the printing corresponds to the six lines per inch previously mentioned for standard typewriters. The units of volume used in the table may include or exclude fractional or decimal parts of such units. For instance, if the standard unit is a barrel, tables with barrels as basic units may include decimal barrels for each increment, whereas if the equivalent of that same table is calculated in gallons, it may be considered that showing each increment to the nearest whole gallon is sufficiently accurate. This is a matter of choice as determined by varying conditions. 240 TANK VOLUME DETERMINATION THEORY AND PRACTICE ITS THEORY PART IV COMPLETE DETAILED CALCULATIONS AND TABLES RV TYPES OF TANKS 241 NOTE Part IV of this handbook, concerning "Complete Detailed Calculations and Tables by Types of Tanks, as its title implies, contains actual examples of complete detailed tank volume gauge tables. To increase the scope of examples, these tables have been prepared on various types of forms, by different methods to demonstrate fit- ting them to the "innage" and "outage" gauging principles, and have been expressed in a variety of standard units of volume measurement. The mathematical principles used all conform to the explanations contained in Part III of this handbook, concerning "Tank Gauge Table Preparation Prob- lems and Methods," as supplemented by the related formulae in Chapter XXXI, in the Appendix. Several of the tank volume gauge tables are pre- pared in units or increments of tank height of a size somewhat larger than will prove desirable in actual prac- tice. This course has been adopted here for two reasons. First, it serves to simplify the method of presentation, and, second, it permits better focusing of attention on the changes in volume per increment of tank height. This has not been done to the extent of sacrificing any single item of principle. Each table contains at least a suffi- cient number of individual increments of tank height to thoroughly demonstrate the various necessary changes in volume per increment. 11 · 242 CHAPTER XVIII Section 1 Upright Cylindrical Plain Galvanized Iron Tank Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation } 243 RING 2 ******……………………. *****………………... OLD TANK NO. 1 ……………………………… NEW TANK NO. ………………………………… …ackab………………. Tank Mfr's Name: Galv. Tank Co. Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address Tankton, Arkaloma Tank Erector's Name Galv. Tank Co Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Plain Galvanized Iron Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Upright Cylind. Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity): x 12.5 7.50 Gallons Type of Roof Gone, Self-Supporting. CIRCUMFERENCES: ………………………………………. 6n+ma 9 5 4 3 *** 2 1 ***** ……………………………… POUSTON CAND EA A ..... …………………….. ………………………………………………………………istakes--a-uÛ…………………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END jedtesada NOVOGODISUAISIT……………………GIONA INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method ********…………………………….. …………………MATERI ………• …………………………………I …………… no esté ĐỘI ĐT, son rosecco 29 …………band ……………………………………20120610…………………………………………… PRODUTOS ……………………………………. ………… ***¶nd+………………………………………………………………………………………………………O WENGI TO…………………4400- DEADWOOD: None 61-01 1 --------S ON ITU DO DO……………ça…maiga………………………………… ………………kauna ******** 21-0 ****A • READED-2------………………………………………………. ●Desi F…………Ü-Ümodaturas …………… CODONESIA……………………sastethodIGHEDSIN…………… None …………………OONI LUIGENDEIDRAUL ------------- RA DO JO ... ……………………………………ˆUNICADUTTAALIDOCARDITI …………………………. DATEDICON DO I SU INSTA ………………… 10 0 0 1 - *****…………………………………………………………………………OUN De ………… ………………………………………………Ã……………………………………………………. ……………… 1918204200. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………BURUK----………………………FLIDOLZK500 204-894--------------------------………………… …………. …………………………. ----------------------- FORLAIN@PATIKAN THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING 7 THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH ……………………….. ………………………………… CIRCUM. 12.45! ……………………AUDITUSUUNTANY • DS- 10000 ……………… TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 12.51 …………………………………………… comuksen DT DRAntenatapogada--------- CURSISTANCE **** KANKER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….QUATO、AUSE .....1/16" 1/16 FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) * * 0 0 4 4 4……………………iyayi-………………………………AGONG A 2500000 LAADIOPUSTHAKORISTI ……………………………………………+SOUT………………. 81-0" Innage ………………………………………………………SCO. ******LO……… མ་ ………….. 04 1064) …………………SET FOOD I DAARTOON………………… ………………………………………………………... ……………6 DO S ..... ……………………………………… A ………….. DATION…………………oncakes…………………………. …………………………………………… ***……………… ………………………………… 8 10 1 1 06cessed…………………………… Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100'. Tank Measured By J. T. Urban…...... 1827-401-AUGOS SONHOOSE HEI ………………. MALA …………………..** KURTI CANDLES DATTAVU …………………senta ………………………………………………………………………………arsapucu-9----…………………………EFLONOVLÄGSTITUT………………………………………………«DELT Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection 0-1" Height Of Over-Flow Connection None. ******* #76-10 OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ……………………………………… - FANTASIA………………………… ……………………… ………………………………… / FILE………… …………………………………… on …………………. * Com---…………………….. ma van………………………………………………. RING …………….TERMO V V ……………… g …………………………… ………………Ga …………………………………………………………………… ………………………. ………………… …………………………………………. ……………………………… STUDI ……………………………………………… ……………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… ……………………………………. …………………………… …………………………… (anassas…ALOUDONGO DITO…………………NA …………………….. 1001 wa…………… ********* …………………………………………… Remarks: HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………………… 11 A …………………DSTENE SODALES - - - *80 4 4 4 …………………………………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor NO. SECTIONS ** - *stas. …………………… ….. ....... …………………………………………………… Domo ** ONTARI …………... TOONORUM...……A …………… 10.2-0u …………………………………………………………………………………………… ***…………………… XYZ Prod....C..... ………………………………… ………………. ……………………. NO. 1 DATE 12/11/43. ···· ………….. 100 ………………DG-US-US-POOD VARIETA ... *.*. ...... *****…………………… ………………… KÜDAR DONI………………… …………………………… ***** Date Tape Checked 11/14/43 !! Place Tankton For ………………. ……………………………… …………. ……………………………………………… 1 FOODOO SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ………………………………… ……………… ...... INSTAN …………………. .... …………Aga et ind i .... ………………………………… …………………MATEUR ……………………………………………. ……………………………… **** •• *** **** ………………. ……………… ……………. …………………ADO ..... ****** …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………………………………………»*• ...... See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side Side ( The over-all net capacity, to be used for checking results of detailed calculations, may be obtained as follows: INCH FRACTIONS 7.69 7.21 6.73 6.24 3/4" 5.76 5.28 4.80 1" 4.32 1/2" 3.84 3.36 2.88 Multiplication factor for capacity in gallons per foot (0.01417332X42) Open tank capacity in gallons/ft. Total inside tank height in feet Total open tank capacity in gallons Deduction for deadwood displacement Net over-all tank capacity in gallons 2.40 1/4" 1.92 1.44 0.96 1/16" 0.48 Average outside circumference Less circumference correction factor for 1/16" metal INSIDE TANK HEIGHT 11 11 11 6'-0" 2'-0" "1 11 " #1 11 n Average in gallons per 1/16" " 11 11 OUTSIDE MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCE n 12.45') 12.51') 11 11 #1 "1 11 11 #1 #1 11 11 OUTSIDE AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCE 0.48 tt 1/4" 1.92 11 11 1" 1" 7.69 92.23 12.48' Ꭰ 12.48' 032725 12.447275 154.934655 Accumulated capacity at 8'-0" 737.84 ti 11 11 7'-0" 645.61 6'-0" 553.38 5'-0" 461.15 4'-0" 368.92 3'-0" 276.69 2'-0" 184.46 " # #1 " 1'-0" 92.23 (92.2294147) 0.59527944 92.2294147 8.0 737.835318 None 737.835318 (0.48036153) (1.92144613) (7.68578455) (92.2294147) (737.8353176) (645.6059029) (553.3764882) (461.1470735) (368.9176588) (276.6882441) (184.4588294) 245 INSIDE TANK 4-07 dt N of 101 25 INSIDE UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL GALVANIZED IRON TANK PLAIN TYPE B'HIGH X 12.5' CIRCUMFERENCE Chech 18 NTS Z ΙΣΠ INTERPOLAT DINS DE ZONJEEVI TH ZIN AVERAS LG 60 NO BJA THICKNESS FACTOR FOR VICH (063275) BJWBUR) ERENCE VA N 40 246 N CALCULATED OPEN TANK SAPACITY GALLONS i PER SECTION 9223 92.23 92.23 92.23 92.23 92.23 9223 92.23 TOTAL 73784 h GALS. AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 - 10 3/4 10 1/2 10 1/4 ...1..0... ....... 3./4..... 91/2 9 1/4 .............. 83./4. 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 7.3./4... 71/2 7 1/4 - 7.- 6.3./4. 61/2 6 1/4 16- 5 3/4 151/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 31/4 3- 2 2 3/4 INCHES 1ST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT 4TH FT 12- 92.23 368.92 184.46 276.69 …………………… 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 2- 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 - 3.84 3.36 2.88 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 2.40 1.92 1.44 0.96 5/8 0.48 9/16 ..... 84.54 76.86 69.17 61.49 53.80 46.11 38.43 23.06 21.14 2 1/2 19.21 2 1/4 17.29 B 30.74 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 1.1..5.3...... 9.61 7.69 176.77 169.09 SUMONI 138.44 7...69 7.21 6.73 GALLONS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 6TH FT 7TH FT 553.38 645...61 130.66 INSTAL 6.24 5.76 5.28 4.80 4.32 122.97 1.15...29... 1.5...37.……………... 107..60. 13.45 146.03 238.26 1.61.40 253...63. 99.52 269.00 153.72 245.95.. 261.32 ……… 230.57 HT. OF PIPE TTNE CONN*-9-1/2″PROPERTY NAME HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. 222.89 …………………………………………………. 215.20 .207.52...... 199.83.... 192.15....... Can PLANT OR None 0'-1" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW CANADIAN …… LOCATION OWNER......... MEASURED BY ......... DATE PLANT NO. 7 XYZ PROD. CO. TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. co. 1 5TH FT 461.15 5.76 3.84 FT. 1.92 1st FT. 2ND 3RD FT. 4TH FT. 5TH FT 6TH FT. UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 J. T. Urban 12/11/43 8TH FT 737.84 All tables for inch, gal s Increments not filled in can be determined simply by carrying on the addition 1/4 inch or actual use should be completely tabulated 1.92145 gal at rate of: NAT 7TH FT. 8TH FT. CUBIC INCHES EACH ........ ………. FT. *** FT. TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 12/11/43....... CHAPTER XVIII Section 2 Upright Cylindrical Corrugated Galvanized Iron Tank Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 248 RING 2...... OLD TANK NO. None 1 …………………………………… NEW TANK NO. 2 ……………. …………………………………. Acute Tank Mfr's Name: Galv. Tank Co. Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address Tankton, Arkaloma Tank Erector's Name Galv. Tank Co. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Calvanized Corrugated Iron Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Upright Cylind. Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 8' x 15.7' Type of Roof Cone, Self-Supporting 28 Bbls. CIRCUMFERENCES: LASKAN 5 4 NW FI 3 ..... 2 1 HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END *********** …………………………… ………………………….. INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: ………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………. Type Of Gauging Method ……………………………………ADALA DEADWOOD: ……………………….. 61-01 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… 21-07 MENGANGKA PO - MI……………. 1/16″ 1/16 « ****** 00 00 OSTO 4 ……………………………………………………………………. None ***………………………… ……………………………………------ ……………………. ……………… ……………u …….. MENDITOUMANA…………… MATION………………… í …………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. ……………………2008). **** …………………………………………….……………………… tkanser ****AUDI ……………. ………………. **** ……………………………………. CIRCUM. ***………………………………………ALUMIN 15.69) 15.73'). ******* 8'-0" 1-800 TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD Innags. ******* THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 ……………………… **……….da ……………………………… ……………………………………………… **** 1 1 1 had a 2UNGA 1021 BOULFULDAS………Ò ………………SIPAS **46* ---------Memanta………………………………………………əməkanı 80129642ÇAND. J. T. Urban ---- vineet100 ***** *** FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) --……………………………………11 MADE………………………………………………………… R-2-------------LI STORIES……………. LOCESSERACHSENSESSED ………………….. CONNAISSA Taken in Valley ----- lakoek 24 AUTORDA OWNER …………………………………. XYZ Prod Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7. LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma Height Of Pipe Line Connection 0'-10" Height Of Drain Line Connection ...0...1″ Height Of Over-Flow Connection Type And Size Of Tape Used None Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By CASION………… IDEBARS *** ………. LADINDI ……………… E PRODA ****………………a MELAPORE……………… KALA++Dasomes RINGXXXIINGIAEXTROM XENXXXXXXXXXXXKREIM. ………sedami. ……………………………………… DICTIONZORI FOLLICU-…………… DUGUNITARNEA ………………………………………… .... ankara STENOGROD ………………………………………………………ADENONGEVIOUSKAITOTEUTO………... ***INT……………………………… .... 1 Remarks: …………………… TAMAXXESTIONXXOR MKECILLEZRXCIX Depth of Corrugations Averages 3/8″ *** FOUND ……………………. posed ca e ……………. NO. SECTIONS …………..♥PASUA 4 ……………………$ /****** Pe……………………………………………….CO COTURDUSTR …………………………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If 0'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor NO. DATE …………………………………………… 100 !! 11. Date Tape Checked Place For XYZ Prod. Ca.. See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( ..... …………. – ……………………………… ...... ………………. ****** ………………….. …………………….... ... …………….. …………… .7......... …………… ……………. 2 12/12/43 712 …………………………………. ……… SIZE SECTIONS 11/14/43 Tankton ………… LAMAN………………………………… ……………………… -*-*-* ………………….. ………………………………evange -----------ODSTOTK………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ESOURAS…………………… …………………ORDANOS ……………. ……………………NGRUPA: -----…………………………………………ORDOVOL …………………………… ***** ... ***………….CO …..…………. ………………... …………………………… leasan………… **** ·AN…………… · ………………... …………CONDUC POVZORU.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………EDDADURA……………………sang paa00111144…………………SONDEREDDENTIST LODU TARDIVALIUTADELL agatarea…………………**** …………………………………. Dostu KONSULTAUFB-----………………………………………………… TO DEA 16………………………. 249 The over-all net capacity, to be used for checking results of detailed calculations, may be obtained as follows: INSIDE TANK HEIGHT 61-0" 2'-0" OUTSIDE MSD. CIRCUM. (IN VALLEY) / 15.69' 15.73' CORRECTION FACTOR FOR 1/2 DEPTH OF CORRUGATION (.098175' FOR 3/16") Average outside circumference Less circumference correction factor for 1/16" metal Average inside circumference D Multiplication factor for capacity in barrels/foot 1/4" 1/16" 15.788175') 15.828175') Open tank capacity in barrels/foot Total inside tank height Total open tank capacity in barrels Deduction for Deadwood displacement Net over-all tank capacity in barrels Average capacity, in barrels of 42 U. S. gallons each, for entire tank per 11 11 1" 11 11 3.52696951 0.29391413 0.07347853 0.01836963 In this case, the volume gauge table will be prepared to reflect the tank as a single upright cylinder with the above average circumference. As there are no deductions for deadwood displacement, average capacity values may be calculated and tabulated as follows, for use in preparing the table itself: Accumulated at 8'-0" !! 7'-0" #1 61_0" 11 11 "1 3'-0" !! 2'-0" || 1¹-0" AVERAGE OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 15.808175' 15.808175 .032725 15.775450 248.864823 5'-0" 4'-0" 0.01417332 3.52696951 O 28.2157561 None 28.22 capacity Values: 28.21575608 or 28.22 24.68878657 " 24.69 21.16181706 " 21.16 17.63484755 " 17.63 14.10787804 " 14.11 10.58090853 " 7.05393902 " 3.52696951 " 10.58 7.05 3.53 250 ! INSIDE TANK HEIGHT LE 8-6- 7-0 60" 5-0 4-0 3-0 تمنع 1:00 o-o 2 F OF INSIDE UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL GALVANIZED RON TANK CORRUGATED TYPE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 8 HIGH X 15.7 CIRCUMFERENCE 182H CH IN Z 15.701 12 74 FR tobart BLSH INCE M Fl I& KI CIRCUM INTERPOLATED_INSIDE AVERAG 1 METAL THICKNESS FASTOR FOR VC" (2.0327251) +5.78 15.00 8 CIRCUMFERINGS. OUTS DE AVERA INTERPOLA CIRCUMFerence VALLES 283+ : 15.84 +5,86 0 15,00 ONLINE 16.90 CALCULATED OPEN TANK CAPACITY BARRELS PERSKČTON OH ON NT OH TO 763 15.92 3.43 353 353 352 353 353 352 353 IEGTA 2822 251 RBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 0.15 1" 0.13 1/2 7/16 1 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INCHES 12 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 101/2 10 1/4 ...10... - - 9 3/4 91/2 91/4 ............. ............... 8 1/2 8 1/4 8 - 7.3/4 71/2 7 1/4 7- 163./4. ...6.1/2 61/4 ...6-. 5 3/4 151/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4. 3 3/4 3 1/2 31/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 Alpha 2- 1 3/4 11/2 1 1/4 1 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.04 ………………………. 0.29...... 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 5/8 9/16 0.17 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 6TH FT 7TH FT. 21.16 24.69 0.02 3.38. 3.31 3.23 3.16 1ST FT. 3.53 3.45 3.09. 3.01 2.94 2.87 2.79 2.72 2.65 1.76 15/16 7/8 0.88 13/16 3/4 11/16 6.17 2ND FT. 3RD FT. 4TH FT, 7.05 10.58 14.11 • ………… 5...29........... 8.82 4.41 9.70 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 7.94 HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 13.23 PLANT OR 0'-10"PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. 12.3.4 11.46 {'_]" ………………….. None ……………………………………………………. 16.75 5TH FT. 17.63 15.87 14.99 TANK NO. -OLD None NEW MEASURED BY DATE 20.28 1 18.52 A. 23.81 PLANT NO. 7 XYZ PROD. CO. TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. 2 A 22.04 ……………… …………… J. T. Urban 12/12/43 8TH 28.22 28.14 27.70 NÓNG 27.63 27.55 27.48 ………………… 27.41 27.33 28.07..... 28.00 27.92 27.85 27.77 19.40 22.93...... 26.45 27.04. 26.75 FT. ………………………………………… 25.57 1s↑ FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT. 4TH FT. 5TH FT 6TH FT.¡ 7TH FT 8TH FT. UNITS IN TABLE: BARFELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH ……………….. ... FT ... FT. TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 1.2/1.2/43....... 252 1 CHAPTER XIX Section 1 Upright Cylindrical Bolted Steel Tank With Flat Lapped Vertical Joints Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 253 t RING OLD TANK NO. ……………………………… NEW TANK NO. 1 ………………………………… Tank Mfr's Name: Bolted Steel Tank Co. Tank Erector's Name Bolted Steel Tank Co Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel.Bolted Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 8 x 66.60!... Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: 500 Bbla.. Steel Cone ……………………… .... ……………ILO -6n+ma 5 ……………………………… bat 3 KONDILOGR 2 1 ………………vans ......………… ***** 2 HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …… ROUNDS A……………… …………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………………… NO-18) INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: (41-01 Type Of Gauging Method ******* (01_on DOA LAD&Determ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………OTRDI 200 TOPADIM…………………………………COLO 7/64" DEADWOOD: …………………………………………. BUR…………………kedéssesDeLOKSIDALS|-·||---¶ATI …………………………………….. None ………………………………………………datamÕUDISSOLU KUROR 3 ………………………………………………………. b……………………………………………… …………….. ……………… .... …………………… …………… FORLIGI ....... -------- aaa………………**** napataj…………………bene COOL COSTOSOSED 20.00 …………………………… Minuman A **** ……………………………………………………………………………---COM 1944) ………………………gs ***** ………………………………. PAULORADO-9----|--………………………………………………------- - ……………………………… ... ………………………………….. THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 …………………. …………………………… CIRCUM. ******• ****** ----…………………. IOTADOS 644 66.661 ………………………………………. 66.77.... ……………………………………………………………………sachter…………………………--------100 - - - 200………………………… .....8..!... 1M TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD Vertical Plat Lap FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) ……………………………………………………………………………………… COURSE ……... Innage. ..... ***** ……………………………… ›………………………………………… ………………… 10000000 AUGUSTÄHousesata……………………………………………s ……………………………………. -------……………G HOSTI…………. -2------Brucetodes a JAGODIO 2000 ***246……………………………… J. T Urban ……………………. KOLOKOULUASI 190164 060 1 060 1………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Standard Steel Angle Iron Ladder *****4000ADES COSS-||---44 ……... ………………….. (notes-DOU……………… Height Of Pipe Line Connection 11-0" o Height Of Drain Line Connection Height Of Over-Flow Connection Type And Size Of Tape Used None. Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By OWNER XYZ Pred. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ………………DOSSI ....... ***** +866-221………… soetadata Address Tankton, Arkaloma ……….. } ……………………… KORDEONA Address Tankton, Arkaloma RING ……………… DIE & CH …………………….. …dasams……… ……………. ………………………………….. ………………………………………. …………………………………………. ………………………………… *****……………………………………………………………………………GOIN ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………. ****…………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………A ……………………………… …………………entieudana……………………………… …………………………………..…………………………………………………………… ……………………RDASARKA ****………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ………………………………………………………………………SE-DODODDEL……………………. …………………… Remarks: …………………gbab………………………………………………… *………………………------------………………………SSION .....9 Pananakaka-san ……………...….. Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If 0'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ***** ■ jotk¶ke ****tanes …………………………… Upright Cylind. *****Dussau ……………. …………. NO. DATE **CANADA …………………………………………. Fa………………………………………………………………………………………………OOTS---SCOTT. SU…..……enjaka ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12. See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( ...... ------ NO. SECTIONS SIZE SECTIONS ……………………………. …………………………………………………. ……………… XYZ Prod. Co.. …………….. ……………… …………………………… …………………………….. A…………………… ……………………………UN Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 11 [! Place Tankton For ……………………………a 3. 10/6/43 ………………………… ..... *****…………………5------Croa …………………………. CIRCUM. *………………………………. DIPUTARTI ………………ARA 10………..ROTO: Adare. Dogana…………………ULCOTE ... ENGOPURI umed…zıb…………………………………… Tadaaa LOCATI ……………. 0000ại …………………………. .... .... …………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………… ……………. ------…………………… CALA…………… …………………………………. …………………………………………. …………………. 254 follows: OUTSIDE CIRCUM. 81-0" 41-0" 4'-0" O'-O!! Wtd.Avg. 8 7 6 MEASURED OUTSIDE TANK HT.' CIRCUMFERENCE 66.67 5 4 MNHO 3 2 The over-all net capacity, to be used for checking results of detailed calculations, may be obtained as 1 66.67 66.77' 66.77' 66.66. 4)266.87 66.7175' 1" 66.77 66.66 AVG. INCH FRACTIONS 97) 508.8753560 16) 5.2461377 3278836+ 5.25 4.92 4.59 4.26 3/4" 3.93 3.61 3.28 2.95 1/2" 2.62 2.30 1.97 1.64 +1 1/4" 1.31 0.98 0.66 1/16" 0.33 Less D X 66.71751 .0573' Circ. corr. for 7/64" steel 66.6602' wtd. Avg.,. Inside 4443.58226 LESS .0573' CIRC. CORR. FACTOR 66.6127 66.7127 0.01417332 62.9803133 Bbls./Ft. 66.6027 INTERPOLATED INSIDE CIRCUM. PER FOOT 66.6127 66.6377 66.6627 66.6877 66.7127 66.6852 66.6577 66.6302 66.6027 11. #1 11 11 11 11 11 AVERAGE PER FOOT TANK HT. 11 #1 11 #1 11 "1 "I D 66.62520 4438.91728 66.65020 4442.24916 66.67520 4445.58230 66.70020 4448.91668 66.69895 4448.74993 66.67145 4445.08225 66.64395 4441.41607 66.61645 4437.75141 62.9803133 X 8 503.8425064 _5.2428496 509.0853560 0.21 Bbls. for Std. Deadwood 508.8753560 Net Barrels Capacity @ 8"-1" LESS X 3 + 12 .00216495 NET BBLS. CAPACITY DEADWOOD CAPACITY BBLS./INCH BBLS./INCH PER 1/4' == X 0.01417332 = CAPACITY BBLS./FT. 5'-0" 4'-0" 62.9141951 62.9614189 63.0086605 63.0559198 63.0535564 63.0015732 62.9496112 62.8976708 503.8426059 Gross bbls. cap. @ 81-0" ?? Accumulated capacity at 8'-0" 503.63 (503.6347704) 11 7'-0" 440.75 (440.7465540) !! 11 " 11 "1 11 " 61-0" 377.81 (377.8111152) 314.83 (314.8284336) 251.80 (251.7984936) 188.77 (188.7709164) (125.7953232) (62.8716912) 3'-0"! 2'-0" 125.80 11-0" 62.87 11 5.2428496 5.2406847 5.2467849 5.2446199 5.2507217 5.2485568 5.2546600 5.2524950 5.2544630 5.2522981 5.2501311 5.2479661 5.2458009 5.2436360 5.2414726 5.2393076 8'-0" to 8"-1" First 8 Feet Top Inch 15.7220541 15.7338597 15.7456704 15.7574850 15.7568943 15.7438983 15.7309080 15.7179228 503.6347707 5.2406847 508.8754554 255 INSIDE TANK HEIGHT 8-0" 1 7-0" 5-0 3-0 W 170 2 INSIDE OF TA UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL BOLTED STEEL TANK WITH FLAT LAPPED VERTICAL TOINTS 8 HIGH X 66.6"CIRCUMFERENCE INTERPOLAT AVERAGE CIRCUME PER FOCT CONTO PBIDT RENCES STO ON 111 UTO D CIRCUMFEREN MT. 1000}} اعيد ELA 1 CALCULATED OPEN TANK CAFASI BARK ! IN & MEM 6291 32196 [23.61] 23.00 63.05 63.00 6295 62.90 30. לבקZi 1 256 RBLS. /AV.FRACTIONAL INCH [1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8. 1/16 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 10 1/2 10 1/4 ...1.0.-.. ... - 9.3/4 91.1.2. 9 1/4 .............. ............ 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 7.3/4 71/2 7 1/4 7- 63./4. 161/2 61/4 6- 5 3/4 15 1/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 31/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 G 2- 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 - 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 2.62 2.30 1.97 1.64 1.31 0.98 0.66* 0.33 47.15 31.44 15.72 14.41 13.10 11" 11.79 10.48 9.17 7.86 6.55 15/16 7/8 13/16 5.24 3.93 2...62 1.31 3/4 11/16 CONTA 1ST FT 2ND FT. 3RD FT 4TH FT. 62.87 125.80 148.77 251.80 110.06 3.93 3.61 15/8 3.28 9/16 2.95 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 7TH FT 5TH FT 314.83 6TH FT. 377.81 440.75 5.25 4.92 D…………………… 4.59 4.26 70.74 69.42 78.60 77.29 75...98 74.67 73.36... 72.05 68.11 66.80 65.49 64.18 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. i HT. OF OVER-FLOW MEASURED BY LINE CONN. Nene DATE 173.03 236.04 HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 0-0-1/2TANK NO. -OLD…….. Non. NEW *** PLANT OR 1'-0" PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER *** LOADING 157.28 ***** 220.28 PONTANA …………………… 299.07 S **** …………… · 362.07 141.54 204.53 267.56 PLANT NO. 7 XYZ PROD. CO. TANKTON A. 330.57 · 1ST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT. 47: FT. 5TH FT. 6TH FT. UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 ARF ALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. 3 J. T. Urban 10/6/43 283.31 346.32 409.28 472.19 393.54 8TH ET. 503.63 502.32 501.01 499.70 498.39 497.08 49.5.77 494.46 49.3...15... 491.84 490.53... 489.22 425.01 487.91 456.47 ORGA 9TH FT. 508.88 7TH FT. 8TH FT 9TH EN CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 257 10/6/.43. In this example, seven consecutive gauge tables are included, demonstrating various methods of tabulating the tank capacities, as follows: 123 1. Table in barrels, for innage gauges, reading upward "1 " outage 11 tt innage downward " "1 outage innage 11 gallons, " "1 #1 pounds, liters, 11 11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 7 "1 11 CHAPTER XIX Section 2 Upright Cylindrical Bolted Steel Tank With Projecting Flange Vertical Joints #1 " " 11 " "I #1 NOTE: 1 (2 (3) #1 11 11 11 11 " " 10 "1 11 # #1 #1 upward 1 267 2 268 (3) 269 "1 Conversion factors used - Barrels x 42, for gallons. Gallons x 7.034, for pounds (for liquids of 36° A.P.I. gravity). Gallons x 3.7854, for liters. PAGE 263 264 265 266 258 OLD TANK NO. NEW TANK NO. RING …………………… *****………………………… 3..... Tank Mfr's Name: Belted Steel Tank Co... Tank Erector's Name Bolted Steel Tank Co..... Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Off199 Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Bolted Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 8' x 67.5' 500 Bbls. Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: Cada d Steel Cone ----------- 2....... -TUKIO……… *SONA ..... 5+3 N 4 **PRICE 2 1 IAAA…* HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ****** ………………………………………. …………… ***** J.. 2.-0 3/16" INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: ………………UTOCO KOON……………. lisades………………4 4*-8 7/16" 7'-4 11/16”…..….………..….. Type Of Gauging Method ……………………………… DEADWOOD: ………………………………………………………………………………400----FITS DO……………………………………………. 7/64" ..71.6.4!! 7/64" FOLUTIONE *** ► LOLCATRUSSUL…………DOGOD None • •••• ………………. sismusse …………… •şanmaken ………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………STORA OSTGATORPORATI ……………………………………AN ………………. …………………………………RAD ……………………… .. Commanƒ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ONIEČULATim ..... USDOUDOUCAL .... ***………4 ...Projecting.... ..Flanga. ………………………… *** Vertical…......... Joints CIRCUM. ………………………………………………qurtqat……………nacate …………………… ………………………. *** 1 ………………. .67....5.3............ …………………………………………LUNONG-OU………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(2009-201Õ…………2……………………………………………………… THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD ……………………… 67.5.5........ .... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………TICOL .67 .51...….….….….….….….….... Innage 81-0 3/4" 1995 ………… ………………………… 414-404-4 UNICATIO I DO SEU É………………… a tea tâ KOMUNIDAD455011DAGRES-BR-……………okyo ... .... ………………… Type And Size Of Tape Used Clamp and Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By J. T, Urban.. FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) $12276412140044 180006 …………………… e Jaş…………………… ……………………………………………………29 0 1 200 « DOORSTEP………………. A ..... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1404 DOS……andes Standard Steel Angle Iran Ladder.. 01-10 Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection 01-0¹" Height Of Over-Flow Connection 7-10 CONTA ……………. OWNER …………… . XYZ Prod Co.. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma …………… ALLOUT………………… …………….... LOTOBÜ……………… ………………… KARAOK Address YOUNG ****** RING …….. ……………DETIDORE ………………………………… ………………MUSTATIUS …………………………………• 50 Address Tankton, Arkaloma Office ………………………………I DATI •AIS……………………ON ………………………………………. ------- CONDOLE ……………… …………………………………… ……………………… ******…………… SOLAR--……… …………………….. …………………………………… *** FUSDOTA2-2----BISSA ... ... *** Remarks: Tankton, Arkaloma 100 HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END -------……………………………………………………………ROJAAT **TA……………….. Autose ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------……………SHOES……………… NO. SECTIONS ………………… ……………………… …………………………… ***E ••• avan ………….. ………………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ……………………………… …………………………………………………………. • Upright Cylind. ..... ………………………… See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( ……………………………………………………………………………………………… XYZ Prod....Co. ……GATI ……………………………DA ……………… NO. DATE 10/7/44 ……………. ………………….. ………………………………………………….. ……………. ………………………… baaghou ………………………….. KAKO ……………… Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 Place Tankton "1 11. For …………………… .... AUTODATA ………………………………… - ….(Rash..…….….….….….….…. (2.8" (High....... CIRCUM. ……………… UULUUUUsed……stinovo** SIZE SECTIONS ******……………. …… |-----Saya test ***OTO………………………………… …………………………...…….. ………………………… 1024………………. ………………………………………………… ARCATIUNI -…………@OPOSE OUTL ... HER……….. **** •*• ………………DDOUTLIE SETTI ………………………………………………….. ..... ……………………………… ……………………………….. …….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..... …………………IS………..e ----------cabea……………………………………………. …………………I PIROTU…………………………………………………………………… -464…………………………. sasacanassuetz……………………………. 259 follows: OUTSIDE CIRCUM. 7'-4-11/16" 67.53' 4¹-8-7/16" 67.551 2'-0-3/16" 67.51 3)202.59' Average of 67.53,' considering each ring as a true cylinder. RING NO. 327 1 1" The over-all net capacity, to be used for checking results of detailed calculations, may be obtained as 3/4" AVG. INCH FRACTIONS 16)5.3749097 •335931856 MEASURED OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 67.53 67.55 67.51 1/4 5.37 5.04 4.70 4.37 4.03 3.70 3.36 3.02 1/2" 2.69 2.35 2.02 1.68 1.34 1.01 0.67 1/16" 0.34 Less D= X 67.53' 0573 Circ. Corr. For 7/64" Steel 67.4727 Average Inside 4552.56525 LESS .0573' CIRC. CORR. FACTOR 67.4727 67.4927 67.4527 0.01417332 64.5249641 Bbls./Ft. 2'-8-1/4" /2'-8-1/4" 5'-4-1/2" /2'-8-1/4" 81-0-3/4" INSIDE CIRC., TAKEN AS AVERAGE " "I 11 n 11 "1 11 tt #1 !! D X 0.01417332 = CAPACITY BBLS./FT. 4552.56525 64.5249641 4555.26455 64.5632222 4549.86674 64.4867173 Accumulated capacity at 8'-0-3/4" 11 8'-0" 11 11 11 11 "1 11 # "1 " "1 11 "1 11 "! 11 "1 11 11 11 7-0" 61-0" 51-4-1/2" 51-01 4'-0"l 64.5249641 X8.0625 520.232523 0.21 520.022523 2'-0" 1'-0" X 2.6875 = CAPACITY PER RING 173.410841 173.513660 173.308053 520.02 (520.022549) 515.99 (515.991367) 451.49 (451.492450) 386.99 (386.993534) 346.68 (346.681711) 322.48 (322.480270) 257.94 (257.943093) 3'-0" 193.41 (193.405918) 2¹-8-1/4" 173.24 (173.238051) (128.921340) (69.460670) 128.92 64.46 (8'-0-3/4") Gross capacity Bbls. for Std. Deadwood Net Barrels Capacity @ 8*-0-3/4" Note: See details of cumulative capacity calculations on page following. -0.07 DEADWOOD = NET CAPACITY/RING 173.340841 173.443660 173.238053 520.022554 + 32.25 = BARRELS PER INCH 5.3749097 5.3780979 5.3717225 260 EXAMPLE OF USE OF INDIVIDUALLY CALCULATED INCREMENTS IN OBTAINING CUMULATIVE CAPACITY RING NO. 32H 1 O'-3" 1'-0" 21-0" 21-6" 1" 1" 1/4" 21-8-1/4" TOP GAUGE HT. 81-0-3/4" 5'-4-1/2" 21-8-1/4" 16.1151675 16.1151675 32.2303350 16.1151675 48.3455025 16.1151675 64.4606700 16.1151675 80.5758375 16.1151675 96.6910050 16.1151675 112.8061725 16.1151675 128.9213400 16.1151675 145.0365075 16.1151675 161.1516750 5.3717225 5.3717225 1.342930625 173.238050625 crizi PER 1/4" 1.343727425 1.344524475 1.342930625 2'-8-1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 2¹-911 31~0"l 41-0!! 5'-0" 5'-3" 1" 1/2" 5'-4-1/2" CAPACIT NET BARRELS CAPACITY PER 1/2" PER INCH 2.68745485 2.68904895 2.68586125 PER 3" 16.1247291 16.1342937 5.3717225 16.1151675 5.3749097 5.3780979 173.238050625 1.344524475 2.68904895 177.2716241 16.1342937 193.4059178 16.1342937 209.5402115 16.1342937 225.6745052 16.1342937 241.8087989 16.1342937 257.9430926 16.1342937 274.0773863 16.1342937 290.2116830 16.1342937 306.3459767 16.1342937 322.4802704 16.1342937 338.6145641 5.3780979 2.68904895 346.68171095 lado 51-4-1/2" 346.68171095 2.68745485 5.3749097 6'-0"1 7'-0" 1/2" 1" 3" 3" 8'-0" 1/2" 1/4" 8'-0-3/4" 354.7440755 16.1247291 370.8688046 16.1247291 386.9935337 16.1247291 403.1182628 16.1247291 419.2429919 16.1247291 435.3677210 16.1247291 451.4924501 16.1247291 467.6171792 16.1247291 483.7419083 16.1247291 499.8666374 16.1247291 515.9913665 2.68745485 1,343727425 520.022548775 261 INSIDE TANK HEIGHT 8'-0" مند ↓ 6'-0" 5.0" Z 4'-0" .. 2 30 INSIDE OF TANK 2'-0" 10" I UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL BOLTED STEEL TANK pasipingo por porque pragm WITH PROJECTING FLANGE VERTICAL JOINTS 8' HIGH X 67.5' CIRCUMFERENCE INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCES Per Ring, TAKEN AS Averages RespectiveLY 67.48 SHED I_ T Cas 67.48 CHTS TANK WA 71 CONTOUR BASED ON ONE MEASUREMENT POINT PÄR Ring, EACH TAKEN AS THE Average For The KinG 67.50 FERENCE V. KI 6917 HOLD : i HANK HAS PROJECTING FLANCI 2 HORIZONTAL JOINTS AT TANK HEIGHTS OF BHOLZT KENDSHI 2-8/π*** O'-0" 'WHICH, 47.65 2734 OPEN T SAPNGI BARR ELS PER RING WITH SAME TYPE OF VERTIC !! [UT PROVIDES REJATNELY RIGID CONSTRUCTION L 17341 17381 17331- JOINTS | 52023 262 RBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 2.69 1" 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1.68 1/4 1.34 3/16 1.01 1/8 0.67 1/16 0.34 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 101/2 10 1/4 •.3.0.-. ........3./4.... .914.2. 9 1/4 9- 83/44 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 7.3/4 71/2 7 1/4 7.- - 63./4. 61/2 6 1/4 1..6.... 5 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5-... 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 G 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2. 2 1/4 2- 13/4 11/2 1 1/4 1 A 2.35 2.02 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 1ST. FT 64.46 48.35 32.23 342980625 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 3:02 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAF.D 6TH. 8TH. 7TH. FT FT 386.99 451.49 515.99 FT 5TH. 322.48 BBLS/ 16.12 5.37 1ST. ** 112.81 5.37 5.04 96.69 1.342980625 BELS./" 4.70 *** 4.37 .4...0.3......... 3...70 3.36 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. 128.92 193.41 HT. OF PIPE PLANT OR LINE CONN. 0'-10″ PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER.......... 1,344524475 BBLS./ 13 110 HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 0.01TANK NO. -OLD None NEW HT. OF OVER-FLOW MEASURED BY 7'-10" DATE LINE CONN. 177.27 13429 0625 BELS, 173.24 4TH. FT 257.94 80.58 145.04 ...... …………………………. **• 241.81 1.344524475 BBLS./" ………………. 306.35 475 + FOKO BBUS./ BBLS 161.15 225.67 290.21 354.74 419.24 483.74 ... PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. …………………. 346.68 209.54 274.08 3.38.61 370.87 435.37 499.87 ...11 1344524475 J.T. Urban 10-7-44 "INNAGE" GAUGES .343727425 BBES./ 11 ·orld. 403.12. FT 1.343727425 BBLS./ 467.62 9TH. ………………………. ……………………….. FT. ………………………………………………………………. 520.02 ...... ………… / FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. 4TH.FT. 5TH. FT. 6TH.FT. 7TH.FT. 8TH. FT. 9TH. FT UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH 7'-10" inside top of overflow line DATE TABLE COMPUTED PI: 10-7-44 263 01-23" inside top of overflow line PBLS. AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 1/2 2.69 2.35 7/16 2.02 3/8 5/16 1.68 1/4 1.34 3/16 1.01 1/8 0.67 1/16 0.34 INCHES 12 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 10.1/2 10 1/4 10. 93/4 467.62 .......1..2... 91/2 91/4 ............ ..........3../../.. 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 .7- 6. 3./4. 61/2 61/4 16.- 15 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 13 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1- 3/4 1/2 1/4 …………………. O *** 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 483.74 5/8 9/16 AAAAA…………………. 403.12 5..37 5.04 4.70 4.37 4.03 3.70 3.36 3.02 499.87 ...435.37 DEPTH BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT 4TH. FT. 5TH. FT E. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 7-22 *** DEPTH E. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 8'-0" DEPTH E. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. 01-23″ 419.24 354.74 290.21 225.67 338.61 274.08 209.54 ....370.87 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER TANK NO. -OLD None NEW 306.35 241.81 MEASURED RY DATE 515.99 451.49 386.99 322.48 257....9.4... 145.04 PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. Co. 4 6TH. FT. 7TH. FT. 8TH. FT. 9TH. FT 177.27 161.15.... 96.69 193..41. 80.58 J.T. Urban 10-7-44 112.81 "' OUTAGE" GAUGES 12.8.92.... 16.12 32.23 48.35. .64.46...... 0.00 INCHES 1ST, FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. 霉 ​4TH.FT. 5TH. FT. 6TH.FT. 7TH.FT. 8TH. FT 9TH FA UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH * L 264 01-0" 10-7-44 DATE 520.02TABLE COMPUTED BY: 1 2 OVER 1/4 1/2 3/4 3 5 6 7 8 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH HT. OF PIPE 1" 19 1/2 7/16 3/8 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 5/16 1/4 1.34 3/16 1.01 1/8 0.67 1/16 0.34 "INNAGE" BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ DOWNWARD 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 11/2 3/4. 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 74 1/2 3/4 2.69 2.25 2.02 1.68 0.00 1 2 16.12 3 4 5 1 FT. 64.46 2 FT 128.923 FT. 32.23 6 7 8 48.35 9 10 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 15/16 7/8 13/16 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/4 |1/2 3/4 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 1/4 1/2 | 112.81 80.58 96.69 1 2 3 4 6 5 8 5.37 5.04 4.70 4.37 1/4 1/2 3/4 10 4.03 3.70 3.36 3.02 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 8/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 7 11 1/4 h/2 3/4 9 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/ 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/ 1/2 3/4 PLANT OR LINE CONN. 0-10" FROPERTY NAME PLANT NO. 7 LOCATION OWNER TANKTON, ARKALOMA HT. OF DRAIN XYZ PROD. CO. LINE CONN. o'-0" TANK NO.-OLD NO NE NEW 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1 13/4 HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. 7'-10" 1 2 145.04 3 4 5 161.15 6 7 8 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 /2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 12 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 h/2l 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 MEASURED BY DATE TYPE OF GAUGING METHOD: 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 177.27 9 241.81 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 B/4 193.4) 4 FT. 257.94 5 FT. 322.48 6 FT. 386.997 FT. 451.49 1/4 1/4 1/4 11/4 1/2 3/4 1 2 209.54 3 274.08 1/4 1/2 3/4 4 5 1/1 1/2 3/4 225.67 6 290.21 1/4 1/2 3/4 7 8 1/4 1/2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/ 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 8/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 1/2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 6 1/4 [1/2] 3/4 1/4 2/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 13/4 1 1/4 1/2 3/4 2 338.61 3 4 5 354.74 6 7 8 10 1/2 3/4 11 12 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 J. T. URBAN 10-7-44 1/4 1/2 3/4 2/4 1/2 3/4 1/ 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 13/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/ UNITS IN TABLE: BBLS. OF 42 U.S. GALS. OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE: 10-7-44 2 403.12 3 4 5 419.24 6 7 8 1/4 1/2 3/4 306.35 9 370.87 9 435-379 499.87 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 1/4 h/z 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 467.62 1/4 1/2 3/4 483.74 8FT. 515.99 1/4 1/2 3/4 520.02 265 1 2 3 5 6 O FT 520.02 1 FT. 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 515.99 3/4 451.49 7 8 9 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH DEPTH OF PIPE 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 11 KI 10 14 h/1 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 499.87 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 11/4 1/2 3/4 174 1/2 3/4 483.74 1/4 1/2 3/4 2/4 1/2 3/4 467.62 1/4 11/2 3/4 2.69 2.35 2.02 1.68 1/4 1/2 13/4 1.34 1.01 0.67 0.34 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ DOWNWARD 1 12 3 4 ST 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1/4 h/2] 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 h/A 1/2 3/4 435.37 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 419.24 1/4 1/2 3/4 1" 15/16 7/8 4.70 13/16 4.37 3/4 4.03 3.70 3.36 11/16 5/8 9/16 3.02 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 403.52 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 11/2 3/4 2 FT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.37 5.04 ୨ 10 11 1/4 1/2 3/386.99 2/4 b/2 3/4 1/4 11/2 13/4 1/1 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 370.87 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4354-79 1/4 1/2 3/4 PLANT OR LINE CONN. 7'-2-3/4" PROPERTY NAME LOCATION DEPTH OF DRAIN OWNER LINE CONN. 8'-0-1/2" TANK NO.-OLD h/ 1/2 3/4 338.61 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 31 DEPTH OF OVER-FLOW MEASURED BY DATE LINE CONN. 0-2-3/4" TYPE OF GAUGING METHOD: 3 FT. 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3/4 322.48 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 306.35 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 /2 3/4 290.21 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4274.08 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 4 FT. 1/4 1/2 3/4257.94 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4241.81 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4225.67 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 11/2 3/4 209.54 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 13/4 5 FT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1/4 1/2 3/4 193.41 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 /2 3/4 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 177.27 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 174 1/2 3/4151.15 1/4 1/2 3/4 |1/4 1/2 3/4 10 1/4 1/2 3/4145.04 ? PLANT NO. TANKTON, ARKALOLA XYZ PROD. CO. NONE NEW 4 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 3/4 6 PTJ 14 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ୨ 4 1/2 3/4 3/4 128.92 1/4 2/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 112.81 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 2 1/2 3/4 J. T. URBAN 10-7-44 1/4 1/2 3/4 95.69 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 80.58 10 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 UNITS IN TABLE: BBLS. OF 42 U.S. GALS. CF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE: 10-7-44 7 FT 1 3 2 5 "OUTAGE" 1/4 1/2 3/4 64.46 6 1/4 1/2 3/4 4 1/4 1/2 3/4 8 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 11 1/4 1/2 3/4 32.23 7 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 9 1/4 1/2 3/4 16.12 10 1/4 1/2 8/4 48.35 174 1/2 3/4 8 PT. 1/4 1/2 B/4 0.000 266 GALS. 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 ..... 10 3/4 101/2 10 1/4 ..1.0...... .... ..8.5........... 71 56 3/16 42 28 1/8 1/16 14 - 93/4 ............. 91/4 .......... 8....../..... 81/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 7 1/2 7 1/4 GALLONS 7....... 6.3/4 61/2 6 1/4 16- 15. 3./4. 51/2 5 1/4 5.- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 31/4 Ng AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 1.3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 113 99 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 1ST FT. • 2,707 ………………………………………… FOTOA 2,031 1,354 677 226 15/16 212 7/8 197 13/16 3/4 ་་་་ 11/16 5/8 19/16 2ND. FT. 5,415 # 4.738 POLARE………………. 4,061 *** 10916 184 169 155 141 127 3,384 HT. OF PIPE PLANT OR LINE CONN. 01-10"PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER HT. OF DRAIN oi LINE CONN. 0'-01'TANK NO. -OLD None NEW MANA……… CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWARD 3RD. FT 8,123 4TH. FT FT FT 6TH. 5TH. 7TH. FT 10,833 13,544 16,254 18,963 6,768 HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. ………………♥ 6.092 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. UNITS IN TABLE: 9,478 MEASURED BY 7'-10" DATE …………………….. ………………. 8,801 ………… a 7.445 10,156 12,867 15.577 18.286 4TH.FT. 12,189 ……………… 11.511 44 ..... CARO ………… ……………… PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. YOUNG 14,899 ……………………………………………………………… SARASINDANAO …………………………………………………………… 17,608 J.T. Urban 10-7-44 ………………G DI FROAN 8TH. 21,672 "INNA GE" GAUGES FT ……………………………………………… 20,995. 20,317 • 14,222.... 16,931 | 19,640 $ 5TH. FT. 6TH.FT. 7TH. FT. 8TH FT. U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH …………… 9TH. ……………….. *****DA FT 21,841 DO GOLO 9TH, ET 7'-10m inside top of overflow line TABLE COMPUTED BY: 267 DATF 10-7-44 POUNDS 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 ⇒./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" - - 10 3/4 10 1/2 10 1/4 .1.0- Con 9 3/4 91/2 9 1/4 9- 83/+ 3.............. 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 7- 6 3/4 61/2 6 1/4 6- ....5- 53/4 51/2 51/4 POUNDS FOR LIQUIDS OF 36 A P.I. GRAVITY INCHES 1st, FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT 4TH. 19,043 38,087 57,139 4 3/4 41/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1- 7.95....... 694 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 597 496 396 298 198 100 15/16 7/8 13/16 13/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 1,586 1,489 1,389 14.284 33,327 1,291 1,191 1,093 993 892 4,762 23,806 CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" FT. 76,203 52,371 28,565 9,522 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 47,608 42,849 HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. PLANT OF 01-10" PROPERTY NAME LOCATION ......... HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. PLANT NO. 7 Tankton, Arkaloma XYZ Prod. Co CWNER ••-0 TANK NO. -OLD None NEW 66,669 MEASURED BY 7'-10" DATE 71,437 90,504 › 85,736 J.T. Urban 10-7-44 OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 5TH. FT 6TH. FT 7TH. FT 8TH. FT. 9TH. 95,270 111,328133,383 152,438. 109,565 128,620 147,676 104,800 123,855 1ST. FT. 2 ND FT. 3RD. FT. 4TH. FT. 5TH. FT. 6TH, FT. 7TH FT UNITS IN TABLE: E ..... 61,904 80,971.. 100,035 119,093 138,148 ….. 4 "INNAGE" GAUGES ………………………… 153,628 10. ****** FT 8TH_FT_9TF ET U.S. 7 -10" Inside top of overflow line POUNDS 268 TABLE COMPUTED EY: 10-7-44 DATE LITERS 3. AV. 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 - ...93./4... 91/2 9 1/4 .9........ 8.3/44 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 7- 63/4 161/2 61/4 16.- 5 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5.- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 - 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2. 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 LITERS - CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" INCHES 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT 4TH. FT. 12- 10,248 20,497 30,750 41,009 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 101/2 10 1/4 ...10.-. [ FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 42.8....... 374 321 267 2.1.3. 161 107 54. 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 8.5.4. 801 747 695 641 588 534 480 • HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. HT. OF DRAİN LINE CONN. 7,687 17,935 28,184 HT. OF OVER-FLOW MEASURED RY LINE CONN. 7'-10" DATE UNITS IN TABLE: 38,445 2,563 12,811 23,059 33,314 1ST FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. 4TH.FT. PLANT OR 0'-10″PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER 0'-0 "TANK NO. -OLD None NEW …………….. 5,124 15,372 25,621 35,879 46,140 56,399 66,654 48,706 58,963 69,218 J.T. Urban 10-7-44 BANANA OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 5TH. FT. 6TH. FT. 7TH. FT. 8TH. FT. 9TH. FT 51,270 61,526 71,781 82,036 43,575 53,835 64,091 PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO.. 5TH. FT. 6TH.FT. 7TH FT. 4 "INNAGE" GAUGES 79,473 76,908 74,345 82,676 8TH. FT 9TH. FT 7'-10" inside top of overflow line METRIC LITERS TABLE COMPUTED BY: 269 DATE 10-7-44 CHAPTER XX Section 1 Upright Welded Steel Tanks With One Vertical Course of Plates Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation # 270 RING ....... OLD TANK NO. …………………………… NEW TANK NO. 5. …………………………………… ………………………………. National Tank Mfr's Name: National Tank Erector's Name Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.)' Steel, Welded Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Upright Cylind. Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 8 x 31.5!, 110 Bbls Type of Roof Cone. CIRCUMFERENCES: KOSILOPADU n+m ~U ……………………… 5 4 3 …………………… 2 1 ………. ***** ………………………. HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END FULL-----* …………………………. …………………………………………………………… INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method 40-19 *……………………… ACTIONS 21-0" ………………………………………………… …………… 144 00………………… ……………………………………………………………. 11 DEADWOOD: Đooooo *…………………………………………………………………………………………….SEDOU……………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. FOOD - DOO - Eng ……………………………………………………………………………18-12-2 ***** None.... ... .5.......... .... ....... **** ..... …………………………………. ……………………………………………… …………………… ...... ROUND I ……………………………… KRAJONASUSU…………………ALPENSA ----……………… ……………………………………UAL ………………suma-ba-…………………………… ………………………… ›………………………………………0000 *** ********** ………………………………………………… SOUTULUI……………………………………… Butt Walda.d. Std. Ladder. THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 ……………………… ……………………………………… CIRCUM. ………………………………… …………………. …………… KACIJA... …………………… .31...40... ……………………………………………………… 3.h...40... COLOURED…………………aus$aonderanged…………………… LOCATION. TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 81-on ………………… …………………………………………………………………………2………………….……………………………………R-EATE………………………………………………………………………………………………………******** ……………………… Innage. CREAT ……………… ………………………………….. …………… ............... *****………………………….ITE SOOOOOOOO MANDATANGKALAGU-----………………k sout FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) CARROUD TO AN ........... ……………………………---- ……………. J. T. Urban ******-----ONSTRUINT …ban……………………………………GINEER LUCIDADES …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… ………..❤er ……….mapata ……………………UNDITETS-------BEG aaaat ………………………………………… · Height Of Pipe Line Connection 1!-0" Height Of Drain Line Connection Q!…o! Height Of Over-Flow Connection......None. Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By ……………. 7. OWNER XYZ Prod....Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ……………… ……………………………………. …………………. **RT…………………………………………………… Address Tulsa, Okla... Address Tulsa, Okla. .... ....... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SIDURIDICONDUZOLAR------no-turk…………………ABUJAHUJAA ……………………………………………… ………………………… RING ……………………….. ………..…………………… ... *………………. …desan... …………………………… Ba ……………………………………… ……………………… KANDUN ..... BURGER………………. 10……………ELICODO……… **RARE **** ***CUS…………… ……………. ******** ………………………………………… ******* FOUD-ONG ta De Las A…………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END Remarks: PAINTC…………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TIONAL *****………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor *****INEDAU NO. SECTIONS ………………….. Itune *******SODIO JANA 14-TO-TAP………………………………………………….. ………………ças …………………………………………………………… NO. DATE See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( ********* "} 11 Date Tape Checked Place For XYZ Prad...C..... Oma ..... FOCUSED ………………NICO …………………………………4 a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TIONS *** ... KAU MANGALORE Ł …………ANDO ....... …………………………… 11/14/43 Tankton 5 11/14/43 . · SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ……………………. JOHANAPINA DRA **** …………………… **PassepaAUDO C……………… ...... cuana✔pe 2014 saega……. LOGO ***** ***** *………… FOTO ... ………………………………….. ………………. ---…………………ena 1000 ……………………AR AUTO………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………Appiadas……………………………………………………………IONAL …………………………….. ………………….. 271 Average outside circumference Metal thickness of tank wall 1/4", or 回文 ​31.40' 1309' 31.2691 977.756615 (For entire tank, a single value in this case) Circumference correction factor Equivalent inside circumference 0.01417332 Factor for cap. in bbls./ft. 13.8580574 Bbls./ft. of tank height X8- 110.8644592 Bbls. capacity at 8'-0" = 13.8580574 bbls./ft. + 12 1.15483811 bbls./inch 1.15483811 " /inch + 16 = 0.07217738 bbls./1/16 inch Total capacity at 8'-0" as shown on gauge table 110.85445856 Deadwood of 0.01 bbls. for entire tank, from "standard" list, was deducted at 6'0" (Could have been deducted evenly per inch or in entirety at any point above 4'-0") 10.01 110.86445856, which checks with originally calculated total of 110.8644592 272 FÉLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 0.58 1/2 7/16 0.51 3/8 0.43 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INCHES 12- « 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- ... 10 3/4 10 1/2. 10 1/4 ...1.0...... << 9. 3./4... 9/2 91/4 ............ 8.3./4... 8 1/2 8 1/4 8 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 7- 6.3/4 61/2 6 1/4 16- 5 3/4 151/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- - 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 1.3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1- 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES .......36....... 0.29 0.22 0.14 JODUK 0.07 …………………. 12.70 1ST. FT 2ND. FT. 3RD- 13.86 27.72 10.39 **** .9...2.4. 8.08 ...0.94 0.87 0.79 0.72 0.65 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD FT 4TH. FT 41.57 55.43 5TH. FT 69.29 11...55 2.5...4..... 6.93 5.77 4.62 15/16 7/8 13/16 3.46 2...31. 3/4 11/16 1.15 5/8 9/16 26.56 S TODA 24.25 NOTA 2.3.10 21.94 20.79 1.15 1.08 1.01 18.48 17.32 16.17 15.01 • 40.42 38.11 : 35.80 ………………… 34.65 19.063 33...49....... 39...2.6..……….. 53.12 66.98 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 32.34 31.18 HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. OLO" 30...03. 28.87 PLANT OR 10"PROPERTY NAME HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None …………………………………… • 54.28 68.14 51.97 . 50.81 64.67 78.53…...... 65.83 49.66 63.52 48.50 62.36 47.35 61.21 ... 46.19 60.05 45.04 58.90 43.88... 57...7.4 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma OWNER.............XYZ Prod. Co TANK NO. -OLD None NEW MONOTON KATAA 42.73. 56.59 6TH. 83.14 -0.01) MEASURED BY 11-14-43 DATE 81.99 PANOODUS 80.84 ****** 79.68 7TH. FT FT 97.00 ……………………………● - 77.37 76.22 75.06 73.91 72.75 PLANT NO. 7. XYZ, PROD. CO. Loan 71a60. 70.45 1ST .FT. 2ND 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT.|4TH. FT. 5TH. FT. 6TH. UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS J.T. Urban ………………………… 95.84 94.69 CONSONAN ** …………… 5 8TH. 110.85 FT. 93.53 107.39 109.70 92..38 106..2.4. 108.54 86.60 91.22 105.08 85.45 90.07 103.93... 88.91 102.77 87.76 101.62 100.46 99.31 84.29 98.15 { FT. 7TH. FT. 8TH. FT OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH ... FT .... FA TABLE COMPUTED BY: 273 DATE 11-14-43 CHAPTER XX Section 2 Upright Welded Steel Tank With More Than One Vertical Course of Plates Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 274 OLD TANK NO. None. NEW TANK NO. RING ..5......... …………………• • | ..3........ ..2......... 1 Tank Mfr's Name: Welded Steel Tank Co. Tank Erector's Name Welded Steel Tank Co. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Conarete, Etc.) All Butt Welded Steel Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 30 x 45.0... 30! x 45.0' Type of Roof Conical Steel 85,000 Bbla... CIRCUMFERENCES: ………………………. ... 5 4 …………………… 3 2 1 ………… ...... ……………. TRATA ...... 28...-9. 5/8" 221-9 5/8" 16-9 5/8" 101-9 5/8" 41-95/8" …………………. INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END FEATURING **YOU……………………………MICRO……………ka ······ ………………… ……………………………………………………. ***** 3/8″ 7/16″ 1/20 ******* DEADWOOD: LOKADANGI 9/16" 6 ...5/8" …………………………………… MARI………………………………ASO ………………………………………………………………………….. JÕ………………………………………………………. *****………………a CONTA H H ………………………… #1 H …………… ******* ……………. ……………game …………………………… NOTE: Butt Welded ………………………………………………………………… 1840 1890-10+hare Ħ 14 ……….. ..... FLOOD……………………… …………………………………………………………………………………ITO 12-6" pipe. INFO ………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… LADE1111…………………………………. Seiko …………. CIRCUM. ..4.5.2...2.41............ 452.3731 452.501! THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 ŞƏR……. ………………. ***** ..... 452.656 FARKUTO-SOUR TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 301-0 ...... PROCESSING A………………. Innage....... ……………………… …………………………… ASTA…………………………………… …………………………… ………………♪ LOODUDE M………ATTILAUSOSADA …………………………… SASTOJA…………………just ...... …………………………………… FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) 10000111064 OSTOLII J. T. Urban.. JUNIORDITAMESTUDI ·U…………………d aga sea be……………………------- 1411324000000 10000 11--0------04: STUDIO-SPOR………………… Fa……………………………enosunday…. …………………ematoda In…………………………. UGOS ………………………………………………………………….. 10/10 - 90………………………………………g OVAT …………………USTOME OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME... LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma Height Of Pipe Line Connection. 4'-6" Height Of Drain Line Connection. .........on Height Of Over-Flow Connection None. Type And Size Of Tape Used 400 Steel Ribbon Tank Measured By ..... 401 100 DINOUSAKI 10………………IRADI ……………………… ……………… ....... Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address Tankton, Arkaloma ……………. 100-150 VIDE ……………….. RING …………………… …………………………USIC. ……istidin………………………………………………………………………………………………upant ……………… a 4 i 4 puta USA ………………………………………… ……………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. §* & MOR …………………………………….. ……… …………………saab. ………………………………………………………………………………………ATORI ………………………………………………………….TA …………ADOR ... DUOLIO ………………………………. ………………. MATUTIO ……………………. …………………mp a à à 4 a …………………………………… Ha………an Remarks: HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………son ……………………………………………………………………. ……………… NOTE …………… 4 **** NO. SECTIONS FUNCTII Deo na pos………………………………… ……………………… Plant No. 7 Upright Cylind. Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ---POR…… NO. DATE ………………………………………..Gen …………………………………………..… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ….. 19 columns of perforated steel pipe roof supports, each extending …………49-……….TO 444 …………dgass ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1001 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( ..... ………… ……………………………… …………….. XYZ Prod. Co... ……………….. throughout inside tank height, consisting of 1-10" pipe, 6-8" pipe and ………………… ……………… …………………… ………………4821- " **** H SIZE SECTIONS •••• Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 Place 11 11. Tankton For 6 10/16/44 ........... ……………………………………. ……………………………OLIDA DUTIE CIRCUM. 6'-0" High …………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. IDAZKIA……………PRI .... ፡፡ Tank floor reinforced under each pipe column with plate 24" x 24" x 1m SUSIYO KU MINUTES……………………………………………IJN ... ***♥*………… .**. ………………. ………………PROTECTà ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………STENTE.daaaa FOR………………… Tank equipped with 30' of 10″ swing line. FIDGATOR……… 1800 675 …………………-------………………………… ……………….. …………………….. BOOSTERANGUTE U………………sandt …….. · · · 1 ……………. ………………………………… ··· KATAL ……………………. …………………………… HALDUST...adul ………………………ba a ¿ denDOTS LA………………… *******.*….………. DOSTI KOJI ………………………CLA …………………B……SIAL FOR UNI ……………………………… 275 The over-all net capacity, to be used for checking results of detailed calculations, may be obtained as follows: RING NO. n&32H 5 611 811 4 1 Deadwood Deductions Volume of Pipe Metal Barrels per foot OUTSIDE INSIDE .042637 035734 .072265 061876 10" .112261 .097532 Swing Pipe deduction nemaH RING INSIDE NO. CIRC. D 5 MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCE 4 452.241' 452.373¹ 452.501' 3 452.603' 452.656' 1 2 .006903 X 12 = .082836 .010389 x 6 .014729 X 1 .103890 014729 .201455 30 X .014729 or 441870 Pipe Footings deductions (24 X 24 X 1/2 x 19) + 9702 564007 1.005877 STEEL THICKNESS AVERAGE INCH CAPACITY 1/4 60.38 1/2 3/16 45.28 7/16 1/8 30.19 3/8 1/16 15.09 5/16 INCHES 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 NET X 0.01417332 204,344.411 2,896.23873 17,377.4324 204,434.106 2,897.51000 17,385.0600 204,520.294 2,898.73157 17,392.3894 204,582.979 2,899.62003 17,397.7202 1 204,601.343 2,899.88031 17,399.2819 CIRC. CORR. FACTOR |||||| .1963 .2291 .2618 Xx 6 .2945 .3272 X 30 6.043650 INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 90.57 5/8 150.95 75.47 9/16 135.85 452.0447) 452.1439) 452.2392) 452.3085) 452.3288) 5)2.261.0651 452.21302, Each to be regarded as the mean for the ring on which taken Gross Bbls. Capacity Less Pipe Columns Deduction 1.20873 1.20873 1.20873 1.20873 (1.20873 (1.00588 241.51 120.76 3/4 181.14 1 105.66 105.66 11/16 166.04 15/16 226.42 7/8 211.32 13/16 196.23 D Less Deduction For Pipe footings & Swing Pipe Net Bbls. Capacity @ 30'-0" 5)6.04365 1.20873 LOREN DEADWOOD NET BARRELS CAPACITY DEDUCTIONS PER RING PER INCH 86,944.8344 204,496.615 X0.01417332 2,898.39596 X 30 86,951.8788 6.043Z 86,945.8351 1.0059 86.944.8292 17,376.2237 241.33644 17,383.8513 241.44237 17,391.1806 241.54417 17.396.5115 241.61821 17,397.0673 241.62601 Top 71 240.62013 Bot. 1 $ 276 : cher: MEACHT 28-IVAL 22490 IBELZAZIO nokIVE INKIDE OF TANK K IIN UPRIGHT WELDED STEEL TANK WITH MORE THAN ONE VERTICAL COURSE OF PLATES SO HIGHI X LIGO CIRCUMFERENCE 21 ANAZNAKA FIN E1 V GALENIZAThous DE ANK CONTZ-MR BOBDOOD CRONYMFERE IT INDATEU 187 CRANMEERENCES JULY MEHARTURES + UREERÉSENTS GIROMA FIRENCE HOBERECTION FRM ITAL THICKNEES SIIVAITES CALC OPEN TANK CAPACIT BARRELS PERRING 1737743 1738566 1739239 1732772 1739329 277 BBLS/AV FRACTIONAL INCH 1/2 241.51 120.76 1 Inch 105.66 15/16 7/16 226.42 3/8 7/8 5/16 13/16 1/4 3/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 9 8 211.32 196.23 181.14 45.28 11/16 166.04 30.19 5/8 150.95 135.85 15.09 9/16 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH I" OF TANK HEIGHT- -READ UPWARD- INS. 4TH FOOT 8TH FOOT 12TH FOOT | 16TH FOOT 20TH FOOT 24TH FOOT 28TH FOOT 12 11,398.05 23,195.91 34,793.58 46,387.71 57.979.38 69,568.62 81,152.77 11 | 10 705 6 4 3 2 1 INS [12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 54&N│A 5 4 3 2 1 INS 12 11 10 86 ୨ 7 6 5 4 3 2 INS. 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 90.57 75.47 60.38 3RD FOOT 7TH FOOT 11TH FOOT 8,698.54 20,296.49 31,894.17 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 4'-5" UNITS IN TABLE: IF SWING LINE, CHECK ( } X 2ND FOOT 6TH FOOT 10TH FOOT 14TH FOOT 18TH FOOT 5.799.02 17,397.07 28,994.75 40,590.64 52,184.77 15TH FOOT 19TH FOOT 43,489.17 55,082.07 TABLE COMPUTED BY: PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME PLANT NO. 7 LOCATION TANKTON, ARKALOMA OWNER XYZ PROD. CO. TANK NO.-OLD None NEW 6 MEASURED BY J. T. URBAN DATE 10/16/44 23RD FOOT 27TH FOOT 67,671.31 78,256.73 1ST FOOT 5TH FOOT 9TH FOOT 13TH FOOT 17TH FOOT 21ST FOOT 25TH FOOT 2,899.51 14,497.56 26,095.33 37,692.11 49,286.24 60,876.69 72,464.65 | INNAGE GAUGES 32ND FOOT INS 12 11 10 DATE: ୨ 8 29TH FOOT 84,048.80 7 6 5 10/16/44 4 3 27 2 31ST FOOT INS 12 11 10 ୨ 8 4 3 2 1 22ND FOOT 26TH FOOT| 30TH FOOT|| INS 63,774.00 75,360.69 86,944.84 12 11 1 7 6 5 10 9 8 7 61 5 4 32 grand 1 INS 12 11 10 9 87 7 61 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH 5 4 321 278 CHAPTER XX Section 3 Upright Welded Steel Tank With Bumped Or Arced Top And Bottom Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 279 RING .......... OLD TANK NO. None …………………….. NEW TANK NO. 20…………………. Tank Mfr's Name: Welded Steel Tank Co. Tank Erector's Name Welded Steel Tank Co. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Butt Welded Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) to a Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: ………………………………… HOCABDU……DIN •FILADA--Ada INUTOSINTA con+ 3 N 6 5 4 2 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………. ********** ………………………… **** HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ****«««ORE .... ****SE FOUN 61-on ►………………………………a INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method 2......................... ………………………………………………………………………HOULDE ……………………………hus-un……………………………………………..……… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………UULUNGUNY …………………GENTUUTU-cubeaup. DEADWOOD: …………………………..…………………….. ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… 7....... .................................... ………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. ………………………ç㶶ää………………………………………… .... ...... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… GOGASUSI …………………ÛISCRETION Nong.………………. ***** *******AD WATUMISOM- …………………sease ………………………… …………………………………………… Welded Steel Dome, Botton The Same Tank Measured By ………………………………………………………………………………………………ca -………………***** |-----------……… sdospeva #Ää¶÷*……………………………………1000 ITING…… ……………………………. ****** ………………… Best.. …………………………………………………. CIRCUM. ……………………… **** DESSERT …………………………………………………… .2.0....0.3....... …………………………………………nd-sp-0---------------USE THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD .2.0...Q.3............ SPITTING……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .9.!.m.Q!! TURISTE …………………………………… ... 112-115NU SASOKIT Innaga …………….. NO. ……………ÞÜRÜCÜLÜR ...... Butt Welded. FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) 2016656|---------- QUIN…………………………………ANDSNCC…………/…………………………UNTIN ………………………………. | ------………………… CORDANCE **** ---------……………………………… ………………………happ…………………………………………………………. ia……am……masas da………………………………………………………………… PRIORATI A LOGIN|---------------------|……………………….. …………………………………… .... -------undea …………… ► ****7*1000004196519-8--8---189 T......Urban......... ... FOOOOO 40010 KORA STATISTI ***DIS OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME, LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ………………*** • ****** ------…………………… Address Tankton, Arkalona ›…………………………………………………. Ser Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection .Bottom...of...Dome Height Of Over-Flow Connection None Type And Size Of Tape Used 100 Steel Ribbon …………………………………………. ……………45. …………………………………………………. …………………. RING **LOOM…………..INTE ******* …………………GO-URI... Address Tankton, Arkaloma IOTATO PALOTAC …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-----*………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………UIDE …………………………………………… SUMER POLUSIA…………………ONE ›6000 BUILDI MOUERI X 40-19 ………………………………………TI ……………… ... SR.... Fi………………………… …………… ………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2000- PDRAGTF………………OUSA ………………an ………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Secreta NO. SECTIONS --------……………………………AS - ………….. Upright, Bulged Ends 100 000 | IT-CASE 1040 Plant No. 7 Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If 0'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor Bottom Dome is 1'-0" deep and gauge plate is set at level of joint with shell 23.0487" x 24" x 2", supported to sides by 2 L irons x ½" x 1/8" ..... ------- See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………….snunggaheueste…………………….. NO. DATE 10/18/44 10/18/44 MORTENSE …………………. ……………………………………………………………………as ******** ... ********------Use-susuorana XYZ Prod....Co. 100 KANSIETA ………………raba Kundenta - ………………. ……a = ……………………------SALA 11 11 Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 Place For Tankton ………………… ………………………. …………………. ....... ********** SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ..... ………………… 100. …………····LADODGETS. a……….di …………………………………………………………… SALOMON ……………………………………………… FORCISTGasgasarı…………………………………að ..... 2006-20 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………ctro BARADI .... ………. …………………OTTO È A Cas RADIO a ………….. **……………. ………. ja……saduwaandi FO…………………………………………… …………..: ………………………… ………………bamuga -------…………………………………………………………………………………….ADI *** ……………………………………………………. Remarks: Top and bottom domes are each spherical segments 1'-01 deep, outside, 1" metal, diameter same as tank shell. • d……………………..| …………………………….……4 • 280 The over-all net capacity may be calculated as follows, and then used to check the calculated capacities by individual increments: Outside circumference, average Less circ. corr. for 1/4" metal thickness SUMMARY Gross Capacity of Tank Shell 11 Top Dome 11 11 Tank 11 11 "1 16.278875 5.61458333 11 11 11 Bulged top and bottom (Each a spherical segment) Formula:- 5236 X Inside Length (3 X Radius of Base Inside Length 2) 5.61458333 2 Displacement of gauge plate and supports O Plate, 23.0487" X 24" X 5" Irons, 144" X [(1/2 x 1/8) + (3/8 x 1/8)] D X Bottom Dome Less Deadwood Net capacity of tank or Inside Length ± 1' (1'-0-1/4" Less 1/4" metal thickness) Radius of Base = 3.1670327 (Inside tank shell circumference of 19.8991 + 6.2832) .5236 X 1 (3 x 10.0300961 / 12)_.5236 (30.09028831) 5.61458333 5.61458333 20.03' .1309' 19.8991 395.974181 0.01417332 of upright tank shell 5.61226878 Bbls.) X 42 ) Gross capacity per foot of tank shell height 235.715289 Gals.) X 8, in each case, results in Gross Shell Capacity, 44.8981502 Bbls, or 1,885.72231 Gals. * 2.8993914 bbls. or 121.774439 gals. for each of top & bottom. #1 276.5844 cu. inches 15.75 292.3344 " 1,885.72231 Gals. 121.774439 " 121.774439 "1 2,129.271188 " 1.265515 " 2.128.005673 " Barrels Capacity 11 11 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 + 231 1.26551515 Gals. Average Fractional Inch, For Upright Tank Shell only: 1.885.7223' 19.643 Gals./Inch 16 96 INCHES GALS. INCHES GALS. INCHES GALS. INCHES 4.91 1/2 9.82 14.74 1 3.68 7/16 8.60 3/8 7.37 6.14 2.46 13.51 15/16 12.28 7/8 11.05 13/16 1.23 5/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 - 1.228 GALS. 19.65 18.42 17.19 15.96 281 CALCULATION OF INDIVIDUAL INCREMENTS IN GALLONS Upright Tank Shell, Total Capacity of 1,885.72231 + 8 235.71528 Gals./Ft. Bottom dome is taken as a single volume, lying wholly below top surface of gauge plate, but must have deduction made for displacement of gauge plate and its supports. For purpose of illustrating principle of calculations, the top dome will be divided into 4 increments each 3" high. The formula for obtaining the volume of a spherical segment of 2 bases is: SEGMENT A C B( ; 1/24TH (3D123D2² + 4H²) Capacity In Gallons .133680555 GRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF SPHERICAL SEGMENT DIAMETERS SEGMENT ( 203725 (3 x 0² + 3 x 3.22 £ .25) .133680555 A( D( : Equals inside alameter of shell of tank .03725 (3 x 3.22 £ 3 X 4.652 £.25) 553535 .133680555 X H 121.774439 1.265515 120.508924 Gals. ( X .03725 (3 x 4.652 £3 X 5.552 £ .25) .133680555 C( (.03725 (3 X 5.552 £ 3 X 6.3342 / .25) .133680555 39.81349325 7.5814560 3.20 4.65 ACCUMULATED CAPACITIES 6.97095410 52.1463581 GALLONS 9'-0" 95.8375 3.13628219 7'-0" 23.4610201 2,127.982190 8-9" 2,120.400734 8'-6" 2,096.939714 81-3" 2,058.377594 8'-0" 2,006.231236 1,770.515947 6'-0" 1,534.800658 5'-0" 1,299.085369 4'-0" 1,063.370080 5.15500563 3'-0" 827.654791 38.5621201 2'-0" 591.939502 1'-0" 157.525 356.224213 120.508924 213.016168 0'-0" 213 282 GAUSE PLATE IN SIDE TANK HEIGHT 6 [8 8'-0 2+0 2 3 Bo OF DOME UPRIGHT WELDED STEEL TANK WITH DOME TOP AND DOME BOTTOM JO'HIGH X 20' CIRCUMFERENCE GAL · TIGRING-W-7AEW AS SHOWNER HERO SHELL AND FOR TOP DOME, DOTTED LINES SHOW GANGE TABLE CALCULATION METHOD ANGE ZAML- SUP PORTS 283 · TAN OM CALCULATED OPEN TANK CAPACKY CALLONS PER INCREMEN 758 23.4 BALSC 52.13 L 235.72 235,72 235172 23572 235 235,72 23572 12137 t GALS CAUTION: Use inset table only for upright cylind. part of tank 1/2 7/16 3/8 7.37 5/16 6.14 1/4 4.91 3/16 3.68 1/8 2.46 1/16 1.23 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 10 1/2. 10 1/4 ...1.0.-. INCHES 1ST FT. 356.22 GALLONS ....93./4... 91/2 91/4 .............. ............... 83./4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8. 7.3/4 7.1/2 7 1/4 7- 63./4. 61/2 6 1/4 ...6-. 15 3./4. 151/2 5 1/4 5.- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 31/4 AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1 K 9.82 8.60 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 15/8 9/16 1. 19.65 18.42 17.19 15.96 14.74 13.51 12.28 11.05 PLANT NO. 7 NOAAAA PLANT OR 01-Off PROPERTY NAME LOCATION HT. OF DRAIN CWNER XYZ PROD. C.Q.... Bottom LINE CONN. of dome TANK NO. -OLD None NEW TANKT ON, ARKALOMA • HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. HT. OF OVER-FLOW None LINE CONN. CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 3RD 2ND FT. FT 4TH FT 591.94 827.65 1,063.37 120.51 IST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT. UNITS IN TABLE: P MEASURED BY DATÉ ***** J. T. Urban 10-18-44 5TH FT FT 6TH FT. 7TH FT 8TH FT 1,299.09 1,534.80 1,770.52 2,006.23 4TH FT. 5TH FT. 6TH FT. U.S. GALLONS OF 231 7 FT. 9TH 2,127.98 2,120.40 CASIO C > 2,096.94 2,058.38 7™H FT. 8TH FT 9TH CUBIC INCHES EACH FA TABLE COMPUTED BY: 28. DATE 10-18-44 CHAPTER XXI Section 1 Upright Cylindrical Riveted Steel Tank Of Pyramid Or Shingle Type Construction Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 285 RING ..... ........ .......... ..5....... OLD TANK NO. NEW TANK NO. Address Tankton, Arkaloma. Address Tankton, Arkaloma. Tank Mfr's Name: Steel Tank...Mfg.....Co... Tank Erector's Name Steel Tank Mfg. Co.. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Lap. Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Upright Cylind. Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: 42! x 368! 80,000. Bhla Steel Cone. ....१. 3....... AUDI ………………….. .2........... ******* ...... 5 4 ……………………. 3 2 1 · ……………………………………… ANAOKUN FIDELIUS………………a para be………………………….. HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. *** ... ……………… Frase‹ **** 41.9.1/8!!! "7" INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method 5/16 ... PROG I E ARS D PONED DEADWOOD: 6.-4.9/16" ΤΟ ΤΟ ……………. ………………………………… ***** 17/32" 5/8....... ……Athens ………………………………………………… | TO SCH………………………………… ……………AMONOSCE…………………DIARIO SEMMID tarih……………………………a None KIOUSHIROO91---------------- 8 ******d | ADIO DOM DATA-DEST ……………………… 1 …………………………… *****bacis Da ………………. " LE……STUDERAT + LINKEDIourbonne " ………………………………………………………………………pes |………………………………………………… Database on a c La p....... ·D……ARCÛT DO - DON COLL Tank Measured By …………………………………. (*** …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. I... DUAL----------ä-2018) ……………………………………n atasa4 CURSUS CHOI Butt…............ pipe fleets, 2, each Spouts • Langzei …………………. THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: (Vertical) RING THICK. TYPE SEAM WIDTH IN/OUT SET Insat...at.……..Bottes 7 6 Batton ← iron inaida 4!! < » av va❤ NO 1 2 3 4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ** ** * «. CIRCUM. 3.67...235.…………………….( S•• …………………………………………………………………………………… DUSSEINAL * DI DECIDE - - - - .... CRUGENDOð¶----------ESTIMONI I DOTTORING TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD ······ - - - - - à e Type And Size Of Tape Used 400 Steel Ribbon 368..580... 3.68...6.6.............. Innaga. ……………… 41-9 1/2" Pu AMADOLES ……………… 120-001040s asses . -------MGM SETI …………. FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) ………………………. M PRITZAILEAN *•*. ......Urban. …………………OTO Capi…………………UND IS DAN……………… STANDOUT DEFINEDeus + 14 30DAJANAN " | LIETOT DOG FORCES …………………... 0122-2242272204415000011111* ………………………UOTTON Remarks) Q.D. x 10'. …………………………………………………………………………INTER 2' x 2' x 1" under each of 19 s.olumns. Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection Height Of Over-Flow Connection……………………..None. *** -----§ 4 10 0 0 0 ********ISTON …………………………………………………………… SUN - Nam……USTUSA………………………a kad sto¶…………s-----ÕÕ……………. FUTUROO · 3'-6" 01-07 OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7. LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma •****FAGOT ……………anag …………………. ***NOT hasyament .... ……………… RING ………………é à à a ado e Ge OUR SITE. 166 44 1945AUTOTEI MOLLITI………………… · ………………2020000 de *****…… …………………… 31........... 51 61π 8......... 18 24... …………………………….. --- …………… ………… A A A 2…………… ... ……………………….ke ****endabernera………………… 10000 ……………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………………2012-9648462 +++*+…………………………………………DORION……………… …………………………………………………………………………. Remarks: ………………………………………ochetan………………………………………………………+84901…………………AKALADDIN ………………………. …………… ………………. ***** ………………+9 Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ………………… 2.0 20 FACADE…………… LODGER berasteg NO. DATE 10/23/44 20. 5.9" x 1......... 20 BadMap● MACKERELTEZE height, consisting of 1-12" pipe, perforated and 18 1 girders 6" x 8" x 6" KITOS KO………………………………………………… JJ **……………………… ***** ……………………………… …..3/8.........Swing….pipa..10..75" Q. Do & 10..192!?!?!....I..D…….. Date Tape Checked 11 Place For See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( 51-9" x 1" XYZ Prad, C Exposed Haight...... TAPE NO. SECTIONS SIZE SECTIONS RIDE-OVER Thickness. 20.4″ 18.7" 18" 25" …………….. • ... 20……………..5.1m9!! x 5/16!………....!! •*• 5.1.9.!! x 7/16″. 5.9.!! x... 2.0……….....6..!..m.4...3/8!!...x 1" 20. 6...-4.3/8" x 2" " ) ……………… ……………….. ……………… …………… .. 10/1/44 Tankton …………………………… …………………………. CIRCUM. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47 H …………………………………………………USA,U…SADI 1. *………………………………………………………………………………. -------odavama 19 roof support columna, sash thru-out inside….…..tank. FABIUTDOOR……………………………….- LAUREATA ………….. sted……………………………………………………… ………... ... Plats …………………… ………………………………an ******** UNINSU Swing….... 40+ FOOT SUD……………. *…………as-asas e ..... …………………………………………… 346………………………… Top cire. taken over plate 5/16" x 2.43' and top iron 7/16" thick. For data not given, see construction blueprintse 25 3/4" 18" 24" DULEDones des TE CONTENIDOKIN…………….. FOTOSESSI ******………………. 286 CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING Ring No. Exposed Height Bottom Extension -Lap at top Effective Height (2 x 18112 5/16"2) + 12" 1-15/16" 61-5-11/16" 1-9/32" 6¹-4-13/32" 6.3672' CALCULATION OF ACCUMULATIVE GAUGE HEIGHTS AT TOP OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING Feet & Inches Foot Decimals or 1 6⁰-4-3/8" 1-1/2" 61-5-7/80 20 (2 x √576 7 1-15/16" 6'-4-9/16" 6.3802 6'-4-9/16" 6.38021 20 20 |≤2 X √24¹² + 1/2″²) - 48"]- 1/2112 - 12" [0.010414] - 12 x √576 7 1/4) - 48 SPORTS 12 20 [(2 x 30525, 35) - 48- U575.25) - 12 2 61-4-3/8" 36" (2 x √324 + 256 f 12 * CALCULATION OF REDUCTION IN TOP CIRCUMFERENCE ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER PLATE 2.43' X 5/16" -2.43– 12-8-31/32" 12.7474 20 [ 12 x 24.985292) - 48] 20 [48.010416-48]. 12 12 20 X 0.000868 3 51-9" 1-9/32" 5'-10-9/32" 1" 5'-9-9/32" 5.7734' 18'-6-1/4" 18.5208' - 36 0.01736' correction CALCULATION OF REDUCTION IN MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS (SAME METHOD AS ABOVE FOR PLATE CORRECTION) RING NO. 1 51-911 1" 51~10" 1" 51-911 5.7500* (2 X U324.0977) 36 12 4 RING NO. 2 24'-3-1/4" 24.27081 20 બં [(2 2 2 20 [12 x 180² 41/20² = 36″]- - 12" 5 6 51-911 1" 51-911 0-7/8" 5-10" 5'-9-7/8" 0-7/8" 0-7/8" 5'-9-1/8" 5-9 5.7604' 5.7500' 20 (2 x 324 + 1/4 - 36 (2. X £ - 12 30'-0-3/8" 35'-9-3/8" 41'-9-1/8" 30.0312' 35.7812' 41.7604' 18 5/100 (2 X 18.0027) 12 18.006943): 20 0.013 013886 12 x V324.25) - 36 25) - 36- 12 - |18- 7 51-911 - 36 20 X 0.001157 0-7/8" 5-9-7/8" 1-7/8" 5-11-3/4" 5.9792t 20 20 [(2 x 18.2969411-16]-[16,11886 - 16] - X 36 0.0054 0.00045 12 0.02314' correction 287 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT PER RING ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER VERTICAL LAPS IN RING PLATES RING NO. 3 Effective height of ring 5'-9-9/32" or 69-9/32" or 69.28125" (25.9 8.5) 20 x .5 x 69.28125 9702 14,860.8281 1.5317283 barrels 9702 RING NO. 4 Effective height of ring (25 + 6.5) 20 X .4375 x 69 9702 11.471.25 1.1823593 barrels 9702 RING NO. 5 Effective height of ring 5'-9-1/8" or 69-1/8" or 69.125" (185.5) 20 x .3125 x 69.125 X 9702 = 6.264.45312 0.64568677 barrels 9702 RING NO. 6 4.347 9702 RING NO. 7 5'-9" or 6911 Effective height of ring = 5′-9″ or 6911 (18.7 / 3.25) 20 X .25 X 69 2 9702 0.44805194 barrels Effective height of ring 5'-11-3/4" or 71-3/4" or 71.75" 4.825.1875 9702 (20.4 x 3.25) 20 x .25 x 71.75 2 9702 = 0.49733946 barrels |7d| Ks * S = Segment in inches T Plate thickness in inches L = Width of lap in inches Number of laps SIN N H = Effective height of ring in inches + L I} 9702 NTE Barrels Displacement Per Ring 288 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT PER RING ACCOUNT INSIDE BUTT STRAPS ļ 3 RING NO. 1 20 (71-3/4" X 23-1/2" x 1/2") 9702 20 (71.75 X 23.5 X .5) 9702 20 X 843.0625 9702 H 4" -3/8") + 4" x 3/8" L" X W" X T" N( N 9702 16.861.25 9702 1.7379148 Barrels displacement 1.1498313 Barrels displacement CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF BOTTOM ANGLE IRON (INSIDE) 7.625 X .375 X 4419.79668 9702 Where N = number of Butt Straps per ring RING NO. 2 20 (75-5/16" X 19-3/4" X 3/8") 9702 20 (75.3125 X 19.75 X .375) 9702 20 X 557.783203 9702 11.155.6641 9702 289 Barrels displacement per ring (H"-T") / W"] X T" X L" 9702 X X x 3/8" x [(368.64364'-.3272') X 12" 9702 [3-5/8" ± 4"] X 3/8" X 4419.79668" 9702 1.302603 Barrels Barrels Displacement CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF SWING PIPE (METAL ONLY) OIK OL (10.75″2 - 10,192″2) X .7854 X (44¹ X 12") 9702 D (115.5625 - 103.876864) X .7854 X 528 9702 11,685636 x 414.6912 9702 4845.93042 9702 (D"12 2 (23.52 x .7854 X 120) 9702 2 (23-1/2″² x .7854 X 120") _ 9702 2 (552.25 X .7854 X 120) 9702 * 1 2 X 52.048.458 104096.916 9702 9702 Dq 2 D₁"²) X .7854 X L" 9702 0.499478 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 2 SWING PIPE FLOATS (CLOSED) = C K = D2 X .7854 X_L" 9702 Barrels Displacement Barrels Displacement Barrels Displacement 10.729428 Barrels Displacement 290 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF CENTER PIPE ROOF SUPPORT (METAL ONLY) (Outside Diameter"2 Inside Diameter"2) X .7854 X Length" 9702 (12.75"2 - 11,9382) X .7854 X (41.7187' X 12") 0.812430 Barrels 9702 Displacement W TAK 0.812430 41.7187 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 18 I GIRDER COLUMN ROOF SUPPORTS W₂ H J Se T T 0.019474 Barrels Displacement Per Foot Barrels Displacement (W1"АH"/W2") X T" X L" Barrels 9702 18 (6" £ 7"£ 6") x 1/2" X (41,7187' x 12") 9702 8.823621 Barrels Displacement Width" X Length " X Thickness" 9702 8.823621 0.211503 Barrels Displacement Per Ft. 41.7187 Displacement CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 19 FOOTING PLATES UNDER ROOF SUPPORTS Barrels Displacement 19 X 24" X 24" X 1/2" 0.56400742 Barrels Displacement 9702 291 RING NO. Ton+MNH 7 6 3 2 1 EFFECTIVE HT. FEET 3rd " 2nd " 1st # 5.9792 5.7500 5.7604 5.7500 5.7734 6.3672 6.3385 41.7187 Total CENTER PIFE Total .116439 .111975 .112178 .111976 .112431 ALLOCATION OF DEADWOOD WITHIN RING NO. 1 Above 6th Foot 6th Foot 5th H 4th " 123995 .123436 .812430 CORRELATION OF ALL DEDUCTIONS FOR DEADWOOD DISPLACEMENT 18 OTHER ECOF SUPPORTS 1.264617 1.216141 1.218341 1.216141 .087808 .230977 .230977 .230977 .230977 .230977 .221353 1.464046 1.221090 1.346681 1.340610 8.823621 19 FOOTING PLATES DETTE SWING PIPE 11111 '::י I .56400742 0.499478 .56400742 .499478 11111 .56400742 499478 .56400742 .499478 SWING PIPE FLOATS (2) 1111 BOTTOM ZIRON [!!! 1414 10.729428 1.302603 10.729428 1.302603 MIT 5.478857 5.250571 1.302603 10.729428 1.302603 INSIDE BUTT STRAPS וווו 1.1498313 1.7379148 INSIDE LAPS .1035634 .2723919 .2723919 .2723919 .2723919 .2723919 .2723919 1.7379148 0.49733946 0.44805194 0.64568677 1.1823593 1.5317283 1111111 TOTAL 1. 1.87839546 1.77616794 *For full ring height of 6.3821 2.8877461 4.30516577 1.97620577 2.51047630 2.86524930 2.62050730 16.29747722 29.92447929 .1913714 5033689 .5033689 .5033689 5033689 5.9822259 8.11040432 16.29747722 L 292 PLATE THICKNESS 11/16" 1/4" 5/16" 7/16" 1/2 17/32¹ 5/8" CORRESPONDING CIRCUMFERENCE CORRECTION IN FEET .359975' .1309' .163625' .229075' .2618! .32725' 5.97921 41.7604! .2781625. -5.7500 5.7604 41'-9-1/8' or 5.7500' 1 5.7734 6.36721 6.3802 MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -367.235 Less special plate correction 0.00045 367.23455 368.580' 368.661' CORRECTIONS ON MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES FOR OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS (Top 70 (Bot. 6 (Top (Top 5( (Bot. 368.58 -0.02314 368.55686 368.661 - 0.01736 368.64364 (Bot. 46 (Top (Top 31 (Bot. (Bot. (Top 2( (Bot. INTERPOLATIONS 367.23455 229075 367.0054750 .1309 .163625 229075 2613 2781625 -368.0690375 368 55686 6)0.4878225 0.08130375 359975 367.23455 366.874575 08130375 366.95587875 7 1309 367.08677875 + 08130375 367.16808250 1309 367.29898250 08130375 367.38028625 £ 163625 367.54391125 08130375 367.62521500 229075 367.85429000 7 08130375 367.93559375 £2618 368.19739375 08130375 368.27369750 2781625 368.55686 which checks CORRELATION OF ALL CALCULATIONS INTERPOLATED INSIDE AVERAGE RING CIRCUMFERENCES 366.874575 +366.95587875 2)733.83045375_ 366.915226875 367.29898250 367.38028625 2)734, 67926875 367.339634375 367.08677875 +367.16308250 2)734.25486125 367.127430625 134,782.551 367.54391125 +367.62521500 2)735.16912625 367.584563125 INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCES SQUARED 367.85429000 +367.93559375 2)735.78988375 367.894941875 134.626.784 134,938.407 135.118.411 135,346.688 368.19739375 + 368.27869750 2)736.47609125 368.238045625 135,599.259 368.64364 32725 368.31639 +368.55686 2)736.87325 368.436625 135.745.547 MULTIPLIED BY 0.01417332 (CAPACITY BBLS./FT.) CAPACITY OF OPEN RING IN BARRELS (1) 1,908.10849 11,408.9623 (2) 1,915.07648 11,011.6898 VOLUME CORRECTIONS 1. LAPS & BUTTS (1) 1,910.31623 10,984.3183 (2) 1,918.31192 11,075.1820 Trini (1) 1,912.52522 11,016.9103 (2) 1,921.89169 12,237.0688 2. DEADWOOD 1,923.96508 12.275.2820 80,009.4135 ཀྱི (1) 1,1823593 (2) 1.32811700 (1) (2) (1) 1.5317283 (2) 1.33352100 नु 41.7604 or .49733946 41° - 9-1/8" 1.38105600 11,407.0839 1,907.7943 79.979.4890 35.7812' or .44805194 35% as Jam 3/8" 1.32811600 10,982.5421 1,910.0073 68,572.4051 NET CAPACITY EACH RING PER FOOT 30.0312' or .64568677 30° - 0-3/8" 1.33051900 11,014.9341 1,912,1821 57,589.8630 ACCUMULATIVE NET CAPACITY GAUGE HEIGHT BARRELS 1.1498313 1.47067600 (1) 1.7379148 (2) 14.55956242 24.2708' or 248 - 31/41 11,009.1793 1,914.6398 46,574.9289 18.5208' or 181 - 6-1/4" 11,072.3168 1,917.8156 35,565.7496 12.7474 or 12 - 8-31/32" 12,234.4483 1,921.4801 24,493.4328 6.3802' or 61 - 4-9/15" 12,258.9845 12.258.9845 1,921.4106 29.92447929 79.979.4890 Avg. 1914.9298 293 + RING 7 Co 5 45 3 2 2002 *78 BITANK HEIGHT +421 39: 33: 30 27° 2.4° $21° На • 42. برو 3' -- + UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL RIVETED STEEL TANK 42'HIGH X 368'CIRCUM - SHINGLE TYPE RING ASSEMBLY STEEL CONE ROOFİ X+ 367.30 T * = 3 POINTS OF ACTUAL OFFEN MEASURE NENT 3 -OTHERS NTER T 1 ADO O - SIDE TANK CONTOUR KEMETA MIRTA TH HICK NESS OF SHEN PERNG » $2892 то NSIDE ANY CONTOUR TUT CALCH TED CADAGIT Y CONTOUR 366 C OPENTA ICABLE Ne PRIVIE BABRILS PARING 11768.40 1678472 Mahan 1101162 11.07518 12 23707 * 1227382 REPKE 12944 CIRCUMFERENC ITT HVALMES BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 inch 159.58 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INS 12 11 10 و 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 432 1 12 11 10 9 826 7 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 32 1 79.79 69.82 59.84 49.87 39.89 29.92 19.95. 9.97 4th FT. 7,680.75 3RD ET. 5.757.28 2ND FT. 3,833.82 1ST FT. 1,915,84 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 149.60 139.63 129.66 119.68 109.71 99.74 89.76 8TH FT. 15,371.38 7TH FT. 13,449.90 6TH FT. 11,527.67 5TH FT. 9.504.21 UNITS IN TABLE: TABLE COMPUTED BY: C HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 3-6" IF SWING LINE, CHECK (X NEW MEASURED BY J.T. URBAN -(READ UPWARDS) – DATE 10-23-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT INS 12TH FT. 23,057.30 16TH FT. 30,731.30 20TH FT. 38,397.87 12 11 11TH FT. 21,135.82 10TH FT. 19,214.34 9TH FT. 17.292.86 10 ୨ 8 7 61 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 61 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 7 5 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME PLANT NO. 7 LOCATION TANKTON, ARK ALOMA OWNER XYZ PROD. CO. TANK NO.-OLD None 3 2 15TH FT. 28,813.49 14TH FT. 26,895.67 13TH FT. 24.977.86 19TH FT. 36,483.23 18TH FT. 34,566.93 17TH FT. 32,649.12 24TH. FT. INE. PAGE 46,056.43 ||12 ONE 11 OF TWO 23RD FT. 44,141.79 22ND FT. 42,227.15 21ST FT. 40.312.51 10 ୨ 8 7 6 51 4 3 2 1 12 IT 10 91 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 51 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 51 8 3 2 1 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH DATE 10-23-44 295 EBLS/AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 Inch 159.58 15/16 149.60 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 10 ୨ 8 7 6 INS 28TH FT. 12 11 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 27TH PT. 12| 51,793.64 11 10 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 110 79.79 69.82 9 8 59.84 49.87 39.89 26TH FT. 12|| 49,881.46 11 10 7 6 5 29.92 19.95 9.97 3 2 1 53,705.82 25TH FT. 47,969.28 139.63 129.66 119.68 109.71 99.74 89.76 32ND FT. 61,350.27 31ST ET. 59,440.26 30TH FT. 57,530.19 29TH FT. 55,618.00 HT. OF PIPE PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LINE CONN. 3'-6" LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD_None NEW 8 PLANT NO.7 TANKTON ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. IF SWING LINE CHECK ( L MEASURED BY DATE -(READ UPWARDS)- BELS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 36TH FT. INS 40TH FT. 68,989.81 76,628.99 12 11 35TH FT. 67,080.29 34TH FT. 65,170.28 33RD FT. 63,260.28 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 12 11 10 && 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 39TH FT. 74,713.20 38TH FT. 72,805.40 37TH FT. 70,897.61 Star FT. PT. 42ND FT. 9=1/8" 79.979.50 41ST FT. 78,528.79 J. T. URBAN 10-23-44 FT. INS 12 11 FT. FT. FT. 10 9 8 7. 6 5. 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE: 10-23-44 PAGE TWO OF TWO 296 CHAPTER XXI Section 2 Upright Cylindrical Riveted Steel Tank Of In-And-Out Construction, 5 Rings High Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 297 RING ....5....... A........ 3 Tank Mfr's Name: Steel Tank Mfg. Co. Tank Erector's Name Steel Tank Mfg. Co. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Lap Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 30 x 367. 55,000 Bbl.. Type of Roof Steel Cone ✔ CIRCUMFERENCES: 2 ………………………………** NEW TANK NO. 9. 1 *****……………10 OLD TANK NO. Nons EDITORIA …………………CRASUDA ……………….. Fontmar ………………………………* 6 5 4 3 2 1 ………………… ………………………… **** ……………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END *$* *04 20 INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: *** Type Of Gauging Method **** 291-9-1/16" 10.00 CONTA ******* 01-0" MARKED………………………………………….ASCO……………………OUR………………………………………………….... 6°-5-29/32" DEADWOOD: O O O [*** 1/4" .....5/16" …………………………………………… NAUUSSAI ………+pa 7/16" 1/2" 10006) |……………SIDE STO Fun+ 4 10-SUR-ADDUCHOIRULUI *****……………………….hatenab………………………………… bucusutava ……………. od………TION DESIG ***…………………………… …………………. …………………………………| ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………. ..... " 1506000……………….... ………………………………… # ………………………………… Lap.………......... **RTICU…………………………………………………………………… .....satta ………………ARUSTE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………….. **ra 406054……………a …………à dva de a a …………… 60-428-10…………………………………………01. CIRCUM. ………………… 3.6.7................... ******ânstra 367.68* 367.92 TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD …………… Laget …………………tseääntä A-DATA DERNEK MATATU.. A ……………………………. …………………I TTTTTT IÛksetkatkesta……………………………………… THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: (VERTICAL) RING THICK. TYPE SEAM (VERTICALATION IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 ……………………… ………ARAN X ………………………. 291-9-1/16" innage ……………UREAU X -SLIPOKRATI ***INA …………………-------…………………ØRRES…………………lavondsa ***T4848442031 X ..... 1205 I 17/32" ...Butt.......... FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) STICHTINA59044152004I DATUIT INSULAT X............ .... …………………………… ……………» (***.***odina……………… …………………………………DAGURAU- - - - - -…………………………………… ………………………. SaaS | .... ..... OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma SOS. Plate 2' X 2ª X 1/2" under each of 19 columns ………………………………… Height Of Pipe Line Connection 4º-0!! Height Of Drain Line Connection ………..Q! ❤0 " Height Of Over-Flow Connection Type And Size Of Tape Used None 400 Steel ribbon Tank Measured By J.T. Urban. …………………s ------ ……………….. 4804-24-sei EGORIE Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address … Tankton, Arkaloma ………………………… DOM………………….. 2041024. RING …………… NO MORE SIDE... ……………. - -- -- …………. …………………….……………. ……………………………… ---------9064 ****……………………… ……………………………………… 3-1/4" 5-1/2" 6-1/2″ 8-1/2" 18" USION…………coiiUPORNI ………………………………………………414 Fampakanjos……………… …………………… ... ……………………………………………………………… .. …………………………………………………………………………. HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………… DOSER BASTETICA ……………… [CODE] ………………………… ..... sandada………………… 100 Remarks: ………………. ………………….. Jac ****** 20 ........... 20... 20 20 Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If 0'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor *****DO* D ……………………………………………………… ****** | ………………SORRIDORSO Upright cylind, ………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. COIDADO DE AT D…………………………….DOCUM NO. DATE ………………………………………………………do-ashecan ..... ……………………. See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( Date Tape Checked Place " 11. For …………………… 100 CATEG **** 14141 XYZ Prod...Co. ……………………. ..... .... ·Exposed Height * Swing pipe floats, 2, each 23-1/2" O.D. X 10. 19 roof support columns, each throughout ………………………………… ……………..TAI** ****** 10-25-44 …………………………………………………DUCTS…………………………………. 6 SIZE SECTIONS ****** CIRCUM. ………………………………………………….. 5:-9-7/8" x 1/4" Thickness 18.7" .... ..... 5. 5*-8-1/8" X 5/16" 5°~10" X 7/16" 51-8″ X 1/2" 18" 25.2" 25.9" 18* ……………. ► 0 20.60-5-11/16 x 3/2 v ***** ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………. 14…am…………… 10-1-44 Tankton For data not given, See construction blueprints ………………. BIRDCAGE……… Bottom ← Iron inside 4″ X 4" X 3/8". Swing pipe 10.75″ C.D. X 10.02" I.D. X 30′. …………………………. ……………………………………… 2 - - «da……………………………………………. *** ………………… ……………… # inside tank height, consisting of 1-12" pipe perforated, and 18 I Girders 6" X 8" X 6" x 1/2". " I 11 INDAUG ………… 5 - ON T ………………abat …………… e indevices………IAALIT………… A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PULSIONS………. ………………… **** ****** ………………………………….. ………………OSTEOTO TAPE RIDE- OVER …………………AKOTO BIOTI I DOSTOS *…………… ………tud…………………………… COAST ••• 298 CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING Ring No. 2 5t-8" Exposed Height Bottom Extension £ 1-9/32" 5¹-9-9/32" £ 1" 5-10-9/32" 5.8568* Lap at top Effective Height Feet & Inches Foot Decimals 1 6-5-11/16" 1-1/2" 6-7-3/16" -1-9/32" 61-5-29/32" or 6.4922* 20 6-5-29/32" 6.4922 [(2 x 18" 2 + 1/22) 12'-4-3/16" 12.3490* CALCULATION OF ACCUMULATIVE GAUGE HEIGHTS AT TOP OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING "2 + 1/2″ 2) - 36"] = 0.02314! 3 5¹-10" 1" 5. 51-911 1" * Ring No. 3 (25.2 × 6.5) 20 X .4375 X 68.0004 9702 299 STR CALCULATION OF REDUCTION IN MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCE ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS OF RING NO. 1 51-8" 5.6667 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT PER RING ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER VERTICAL LAPS IN RING PLATES Ring No. 2 (25.2 8.5) 20 x .5 x 70.2816 1.553845 Barrels 9702 * 18'-0-3/16" 18.0157 4 5'-8-1/8" 1" 51-9-1/8" £ 0-7/8" 5"-10" 5.8333° YİLOVUJLO LO 231-10-3/16" 23.84901 Ring No. 4 (18 / 5.5) 20 x .3125 X 69.9996 0.653856 Barrels 2 9702 1.171363 Barrels * CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF BOTTOM ANGLE IRON (INSIDE) (4"-3/8") + 4" X X [(367.896861 - .27816251) X 12' x 3/8″ x [(367.89686⋅ ] 5 51-9-7/8" 0-7/8" 51-911 £ 1-7/8"1 5-10-7/8" 5.9062 Ring No. 5 (18,7 + 3.25) 20 x .25 x 70.8744 0.460223 Barrels 2 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT ACCOUNT INSIDE BUTT STRAPS IN RING NO. 1 20 (76-13/32" X 19-3/4" X 3/8") 1.166530 Barrels, or 0.183210 Bbls./Ft. 9702 291-9-1/16″ 29.7552¹ 1.300136 Barrels, all in 1st foot 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF SWING PIPE (METAL ONLY) (10.75″2 - 10.022) X .7854 X (30' X 12") = 0.441867 Barrels 9702 all in 1st foot CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 2 SWING PIPE FLOATS (CLOSED) 2 (23-1/2"2 x .7854 X 120") 10.729428 Barrels, or 5.478857 Bbls./ 9702 Ft. of Ht. CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF CENTER PIPE ROOF SUPPORT (METAL ONLY) (12.75"² - 11.9382) X.7854 X (29.7135′ x 12″) 9702 0.578638 Barrels, or .019474 Bbls./Ft. X .9583 018662 1st Ft. only. = • CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 18 I GIRDER COLUMN ROOF SUPPORTS 18 (6" to 7" ƒ 6") x 1/2" X (29.7135′ X 12") 9702 6.284488 Barrels. 211503 Bbls./Ft. X .9583 .202683 1st Ft. only. CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 19 FOOTING PLATES UNDER 19 X 24" X 24" X 1/2" 9702 ROOF SUPPORTS M = = 0.564007 Barrels, all in 1st Foot or 300 RING NO. 5432H 1 EFFECTIVE INSIDE HEIGHT LAPS 5.9062 5.8333 5.6667 5.8568 6.4505 TOTAL Above 6th Ft. 6th Foot 5th Foot 4th Foot 3rd Foot 2nd Foot 1st Foot 460223 .653856 1.171363 1.553845 I I I INSIDE BUTTS 1 1 1 ! ! ! CORRELATION OF ALL DEADWOOD DEDUCTIONS BOTTOM LIRON SWING PIPE TOTAL 29.7135 3.839287 1,166530 ALLOCATION OF DEADWOOD WITHIN RING NO. 1 .090176 .183210 .183210 .183210 .183210 .183210 5.478857 •160304 1.300136 .441867 5.250571 1.166530 1.300136 .441867 10.729428 (.019474 (Bbls./Ft.) .115017 .113598 .110353 .114054 .125616 1.300136 441867 10.729428 -.578638 III # !!! SWING PIPE FLOATS 1.166530 1,300136 .441867 10.729428 I II I 1111 CENTER PIPE SUPPORT 1 1 1 1 .009584 .019474 .019474 .019474 .019474 .019474 018662 .125616 18 OTHER SUPPORTS (.211503) (Bbls./Ft.) 1.249178 1.233759 1.198523 1.238730 1.364298 6.284488 .104100 .211503 .211503 211503 .211503 211503 202683 1.364298 19 ROOF COLUMN FOOTING PLATES 1.824418 2.001213 2.480239 2.906629 564007 15.691882 564007 24.904381 TTI TOTAL A1 1 .203860 .414187 .414187 .414187 .414187 5.893044 7.938230 564007 564007 15.691882 vào đó, 301 PLATE THICKNESS 1/4" 5/16M 7/16m 1/2" 17/32" CORRESPONDING CIRCUMFERENCE CORRECTION IN FEET .1309 .163625 .229075 .2618 .2781625 29.7552° 5.9062 or 5.8333° 29' -9-1/16" 5.6667° 5.8568 6.4922 MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES 367.47° ག 4 3 2 1 367.68' 367.92 302 CORRECTIONS ON MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES FOR OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS 367.92 - 0.02314 367.89686 (Top ཏ( (Bot. (Top 4( (Bot. (Top 31 CREATE OR RETREAT TREAT (Bot. (Top 2( (Bot. INTERPOLATIONS 367.47 - 1309 -367.3391 367.68 4)0.3409 0.085225 367.47 -1309 367.3391 085225 367.424325 163625 367.260700 +085225 367.345925 £ .163625 367.509550 085225 367.594775 2618 367.332975 085225 367.418200 7 2618 367.680000 which checks CORRELATION OF ALL CALCULATIONS INTERPOLATED INSIDE AVERAGE RING CIRCUMFERENCES 367.3391 +367.424325 2)734.763425 367.3817125 367.260700 +367.345925 2)734.606625 367.3033125 367.509550 +367.594775 2)735.104325 367.5521625 367.332975 +367.418200 2)734.751175 367.3755875 367.89686 -2781625 367.6186975 +367.68 2)735.2986975 367.64934875 INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCES SQUARED 134,969.322 134,911.724 135,094.592 134,964.823 135,166.044 MULTIPLIED BY 0.01417332 (CAPACITY BBLS. /FT.) CAPACITY OF OPEN RING IN BARRELS VOLUME CORRECTIONS 1. LAPS & BUTTS 2. DEADWOOD (1) 0.460223 1,912.96339 11,298.3444 (2) 1.364195 1.824418 (1) 0.653856 1,912.14704 11,154.1273 (2) 1.347357 2.001213 (1) 1.171363 1,914.73888 10,850.2508 (2) 1.308876 2.480239 (1) 1.553845 1,912.89963 11,203.4706 (2) 1.352784 2.906629 56,943.6356 @@ (1) 1.166530 1,915.75159 12,437.4425 (2) 14.525352 15.691882 24,904381 NET CAPACITY EACH RING PER FOOT 29 - 9-1/16" or 29.7552' 11,296.5200 1,912.6544 56,918.7312 do 23' 10-3/16" or 23.8490' 11,152,1261 1,911.8039 45,622,2112 ACCUMULATE NET CAPACITY GAUGE HEIGHT BARRELS 18º - 0-3/16″ or 18.0157' 10,847.7705 1,914.3011 34,470.0851 12,421.7506 1,913.3345 * 12' 400 3/15" or 12.3490' 11,200.5640 1,912.4033 23,622,3146 56,918.7312 Ft. Inch 1/16" 6º - 5-29/32" or 6.4922* 12,421.7506 AVERAGES ABOVE BOTTOM 2 FEET 1,913.2182 159.43485 9.964678 KING TANK NO. HEIGHT 30° Lo 4 Cu 27' -24' 21 18 42 9: 367.25 INSIDE OF TANK UPRIGHT CYLINDRICAL RIVETED STEEL TANK 30' HIGH X 367' CIRCUM. — IN AND OUT TYPE RING ASSEMBLY STEEL CONE ROOH 36730 + t 367.40 * 7. சச XES POINTS OF ACTUAL CIRCUMFERENO MEASUREISEMIS OTHERS INTEI NTEREO) CIRCH ONTSIDE TANK CONTOHE METAL THICK HICKNESS OF SHEAT UNSIDE TANK CONTOUR CALCULATE OPEN TANK CAPACITY CONTOUR 367 3G 36 VALTES ERJ CTE VAN 367.80 367.8. 367.90 CALEN QERTN ANK BARRENS BARRELS PER FOOT Inanzazı CAPACITY: NANY7Y V 191290 בלה 11 367.95 362.00 FER RING MNEY 443 Nans751 1243747 Hondarr 125347 303 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 ind 15/16 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 [1/16 ཥྭ ཡ: ག སྐྱུ 876 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH I" 8th FOOT |12th F00T 4th FOOT 5 ❤~ ~[1 4 3 2 12 11 10 9 876] 5] • 4 ~ 2. ME| 3 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 544 3 2❘ 1 12 11 10 9 8 67 6 5 4 3 2 1 3rd FOOT 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 1st FOOT 5/8 9/16 7th FOOT 2nd FOOT 6th FOOT 10th FOOT 11th FOOT UNITS IN TABLE: HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. IF SWING LINE CHECK ( TABLE COMPUTED BY: PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD MEASURED BY DATE OF TANK HEIGHT- -READ UPWARD- 16th FOOT |20th F00 T 24th FOOT 28th FOOT 15th FOOT 19th FOOT |23rd FOOT 14th FOOT 18th FOOT 22nd FOOT D NEW! INNAGE GAUGES 32nd FOOT 5th FOOT 9th FOOT 13th FOOT 17th FOOT 21st FOOT 25th FOOT 29th FOOT 27th FOOT 31st FOOT 26th FOOT 30th FOOT 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 65 5 4 3 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8765] 2 1 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH DATE: 4 3 304 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 in 159.43 15/16 149.47 7/8 139.51 13/16 129.54 3/4 119.58 11/16 109.61 1/8 19093 5/8 99.65 1/16 9/16 89.68 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH I" 9.96 1/2 79.72 7/14 69.75 3/8 59.79 5/16 49.82 1/4 39.86 3/16 29.89 12 11 10 9 8 67650 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 7476 8 7 5 432 - 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 65 5 4 3 2 gan]] 1 12 11 10 9 2876 in 5 4 3 2 1 4th FOOT 7.648.35 3rd FOOT 5,733.01 2nd FOOT 3,817.67 1st FOOT 1,907.81 8th FOOT 12th FOOT 15.305.27 22,954.89 7th FOOT 11th FOOT 13,392.87 21,042.48 • HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 4'-0" IF SWING LINE CHECK (X UNITS IN TABLE: TABLE COMPUTED BY: OF TANK HEIGHT- 16th FOOT 30,611.43 20th FOOT 38,263.68 • - 15th FOOT 19th FOOT 28,697.13 36,351,87 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME PLANT NO. 7. LOCATION TANKTON, ARKALOMA OWNER XYZ PROD. CO. TANK NO.-OLD NONE NEW MEASURED BY J.T. URBAN DATE 10-25-44 READ UPWARD- 24th FOOT 28 th FOOT 45,911.02 53.561.64 - 6th FOOT 10th FOOT 14th FOOT 18th FOOT 22nd FOOT 11,479.02 19,130.08 26,782.83| 34,440.03 | 42,087.28 23rd FOOT 27th FOOT 43,999.09 51,648.98 5th FOOT 9th FOOT 13th FOOT 17th_FOOT 21st FOCT 9,563.68 17,217.68 24,868.52 32,525.73 40,175.48 26th FOOT 49.736.33 (INNAGE) (GAUGES) 32nd FOOT 25th FOOT 47,823.68 31st FOOT 30th FOOT 오 ​29th FOOT 55.474.29 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES ELCH DATE: 10-25-44~... 12 11 10 9 8265 ◄ON 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9976 in 8 5 4 3 2 12 11 9_1/16"56,918.73 10 ୨ 8 7 6 1 June 5 4 3 2 1 لسطر 12 11 10 9 826 7 6 543❘ 2 1 305 CHAPTER XXI Section 3 Upright Cylindrical Riveted Steel Tank Of In-And-Out Construction, 7 Rings High Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 306 RING DIAN ..7..... 6. .5...... ... Address Tank Mfr's Name: Steel Tank Mfg. Co. Tank Erector's Name Steel Tank Mfg....G.e. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Lap Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 411 x 367! Steel Cone Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: FINANCIN • 3...... ........ OLD TANK NO. None NEW TANK NO. 7 6 Branya……………… int ma 5 4 3 ....... 2 1 stanet 12: CORD…………… ..... ******** JORDANOPLAS ………………… ………………………… ****** E INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method vanduom ****………………NION TANK BOTTOM, OR . LENGTH FROM END ***** ………………… HEIGHT FROM ……………. ..... in *****. (411-0_5/8″ 357 291102!! 2.4.1.-3. 3/8.!! 18!-6 3/8" 12-11 3/4" 6-5 3/4" 01-10 5/1.6" ....7/16...... Ju........ 10 DEADWOOD: [***] ………………. } = 600 832 +……………………1401-1284 ……………. bassoons -----…………… " ………………………………… " ----.-… LOCATOR IDIOTIN ……………langa ********……………………………CONFECAUTIO ………………………………ANDE amat 14-09-------- 4000 4 +86-1559FIGS. 144amatérséäävadkusse **-------------Gana Butt ………………………. THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET .MAP.…….…...….……..... ………………….. ………………………… SOCORREREQUESOU …………. CIRCUM. 367.05 ...367.1.3......... ....3.67.206... 367.28: ****** ****** ··· ·DE **** LONDO 109 11004 36.7.19.......... 3.67.52...... 367...27....……………………... ..367.60. Innage ... 413 5/8" TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD O *******……… .... R ……………………001. *** ........ 17/32" 5/8″.…….... FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) *****…….. FISTERED 20. x 141100210094DE Vaseses------……… ………………………. FRIGORI ………… DO TUR I LONG- ........... Τ vanta T. Urban………………... 1 …………………………………………… | 10---2--……………………UNDUTAKO paka... F…………………………………… 4444OORDEE10002CS2004-044206/ ………….. …se ……………………………………………………………… KOONATOASAULI ..... .......... ... Height Of Pipe Line Connection 0-12 Height Of Drain Line Connection ……..0'-0" Height Of Over-Flow Connection Mono Type And Size Of Tape Used 400' Steel Ribbon Tank Measured By OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma. …………………. ………………P 20100. ***** .... Address...... Tankton, Arkaloma. RING +49 • A DOG |……….ask. ………………… MARMOR DOORS POSI 180 2.4!! ***** 04000984 ……………………---a **** 2 +96 2000¢ -addisab WIDTH 370 32m ……………………………Bus …………………………………………………………… Sz........ **RINJU …………………………………………… ………… ……………… ………………………………… *****CARTANOS 0-0-0 00 00 VOEDEREN ••• **** 80,000 Bbls. *…………………… MG HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………… ………………………………………… Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………… ***URI ……………………………… Betton ← iron 4" x 4" x 3/8" flente, 2, each 233" QaDe x 1.9..... height, consisting of 1-12" pipo, perforated, and 18 I girders.….….. 2' x 2' x 1" under each of 19 columns. PROD. ……………… 1124-0------ …………….. ………… *******Mooresto……………………………… ►……………………………… ***** …………………*** Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0". Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor NO. 10 DATE Tankton, Arkaloma …………………………………………DU (2………….TALEDONI I B……… ******** Upright Cylind. 3/8". Swing pipe 10.7.5" O.D. & 10.192". I.D. X. 44 UM ་་་་ - 200 e 100 Bande sataa………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………sabakau. ****** See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side *……………DU LATTI. ………………………. NO. SECTIONS SIZE SECTIONS Thickness 2.0.…….….….………..…………..5....-9". I 2.0........5....-9" x 2" *** ... .2.0……………………………..5..!..-9" x 5/16!..!! 2.Q..…………………………………..5....-9” x 7/16!.. 2.Q............ 5.!..-9″...x. 7" ..20........6...,6# 6!~6" x 7" .2.0……………………..6.....6″ × ju ... .. DAN 11/6/44 lateausETODE CIRCUM. ……………………………………………………GULA 11 11 Date Tape Checked 10/1/44 Place For XYZ Pred. Co. Tankton PESGRACITEd…………………+100068214--10------……………………OLITISO …………… FLORISTILLO-001409«……+15++?4 84 LA SOUSA 08560-+-+91 ……………………………………………………………ASTAIS………………………………………………………………… 19.raaf.….…..support columns.,...maah...thrumout inside.…..tank. • DE O O O DU Titsmos (LSDDODAS PO I DET SIS………IS BOTASVÕ***« ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………STO SU I Do - bass a ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………2-2002-vegaani …………………………………………STITUSTA………………………………………………RBOARDUCIN H *……………FÄÄTIAL******* 00 CONTà à que é abodaetekphot………………………………………… TOOND…………………… …………………. ………………………………………..…. 104 se-sta…………………….. 6m...xjn….….…………..Plat Swing…..pips…..………..…….. ………………LITATSITION ►………………tosaur UUDEN I OU………………… 824191416AATIDESSAOUDIO I SALEHA la con pannQUO U DIAS………………………d to aanko DO O ES E- ********OUTUISSU000SCIOUSI ***LI-CUTIGACIOTTIES OLDEST 1 29 944 DU ME DO I Che……………………………………………E CONVICE AND MUSIKKOLESOUTO24 MATTHIAS ---……………STIUOTTAA patate 307 CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING Ring No. 2 £ Exposed Height 6'-611 61-3-3/8" Bottom Extension 1-1/8" £ 1-3/8" 6'-7-1/8" 6'-4-3/4" 1-3/8" 1-1/4" 6'-5-3/4" 60-61 or 6.4792' 6.5000' Lap at top Effective Height 1 20 4 5'-6-7/8" 51_9" £ 1-1/8" 5-8" 31/1 1" 5+ £ 1" 51-911 5.7500* 5-8" 0-7/8" 5'-7-1/8" 5.5937 CALCULATION OF ACCUMULATIVE GAUGE HEIGHTS AT TOP OF EFFECTIVE HEIGHT OF EACH RING Feet & Inches Foot Decimals 18'-6-3/8" 24¹-3-3/8" 29'-10-1/2" 18.5313* 24.2813' 29.87501 2 x + × V 24112 £ 1/2″²) - 48! 12" 6'-5-3/4" 6.4792' 12'-11-3/4" 12.9792' CALCULATION OF REDUCTION IN MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS RING NO. 1 RING NO. 2 RING NO. 4 RING NO. 3 (25.9 8.5) 20 x .5 x 66.6252 × 9702 (2돌 ​256.5) 20 X .4375 x 69 9702 2 3 -9་" 1-1/4" 51-7-3/4" 1-1/8" -6-5/8" 5.5521' 0 [128 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT PER RING ACCOUNT TAPE RIDING OVER VERTICAL LAPS, IN RING PLATES 0.01736 Correction RING NO. 6 (18.73.25) 20 x .25 X 69 9702 RING NO. 5 (185.5) 20 X .3125 X 67.1244 9702 * RING NO. 7 (20.4 3.25) 20 x .25 x 68.1252 9702 1.182359 Barrels 20 (76.6248 X 23.5 x .5) 1.855991 Barrels 9702 1.473006 Barrels 5 20(218112 / 1/2″2) - 36" + 1/2" 2) = 36"] 12" 0.448052 Barrels 0.626999 Barrels ► 201 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT PER RING ACCOUNT INSIDE BUTT STRAPS RING NO. 1 RING NO. 2 = 0.472214 Barrels 6 5¹-7-1/4" £ 0-7/8" 51-8-1/8" £ 0-7/8" 5-91 5.7500* 20. (78 X 19.75_x_.375) 9702 35-7-1/2" 35.6250 * 7 5-6" 0-7/8" 51-5-1/8" 51-8-1780 5.6771 41'-3-5/8" 41.30211 0.02314' Correction 1.222619 Barrels 308 [(4" CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF BOTTOM ANGLE IRON (INSIDE) ∙32725') X 12". = 1.298851 Barrels 3/8") + 4"]x 3/8" x 367.582641 2"] 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF SWING PIPE (METAL ONLY) (10.75" 2 10.192″2) X .7854 X (44' X 12") = 0.499478 Barrels 9702 S CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 2 SWING PIPE FLOATS (CLOSED) 2 (23-1/2"2 x .7854 X 120") = 10.729428 Barrels 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF CENTER PIPE ROOF SUPPORT (METAL ONLY) (12.75″2 - 11.938"2) X .7854 X (41.2604' X 12") = 0.803501 Barrels 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 18 I GIRDER COI UMN ROOF SUPPORTS 18 (6" £ 7" + 6") x 1/2" X (41.2604 X 12") = 8.726689 Barrels 9702 CALCULATION OF BARRELS DISPLACEMENT OF 19 FOOTING PLATES UNDER ROOF SUPPORTS 19 X 24" X 24" X 1/2" = 0.564007 Barrels 9702 1 309 RING NO. 76543 ललना 2 EFFECTIVE HT. FEET 5.6771 5.7500 5.5937 5.7500 5.5521 6.5000 6.4375 41.2604 TOTAL CENTER PIPE TOTAL CORRELATION OF ALL DEDUCTIONS FOR DEADWOOD DISPLACEMENT 18 OTHER ROOF SUPPORTS 19 FOOTING PLATES ALLOCATION OF DEADWOOD WITHIN RING NO. 1 Above 6th Foot 6th Foot 5th " 4th " 3rd "1 2nd " 1st " TIT SWING PIPE !!! .110555 1.200722 .111975 1.216141 1.919013 2.510475 108931 1.183083 .111975 1.216141 .108121 1.174285 .126581 1.374768 2.755412 2.723968 1.222619 .125363 1.361549 0.564007 0.499478 10.729428 1.298851 1.855991 16.434667 0.803501 8.726689 0.564007 0.499478 10.729428 1.298851 3.078610 4.202630 29.903194 11111 SWING PIPE FLOATS I I I BOTTOM IRON !!!! ! ! ! ! INSIDE BUTT STRAPS 009332 .101344 .019474 .211503 .019474 .211503 .019474 .211503 .019474 .211503 .019474 .211503 5.250571 .018661 .202690 0.564007 0,499478 5.478857 1.298851 125363 1.361549 0.564007 0.499478 10.729428 1.298851 1.855991_______ 111 I 11111 INSIDE LAPS .137267 286454 286454 286454 .286454 .286454 .286454 TOTAL 0.472214 1.783491 0.448052 1.776168 0.626999 1.182359 1.473006 1 1 …………!!! .247943 .517431 .517431 .517431 .517431 5.768002 8.348998 16.434667 310 · PLATE THICKNESS 1/4M 1/40 5/16" 7/16" 1/2H 17/32" 5/80 CORRESPONDI NG CIRCUMFERENCE CORRECTION IN FEET .1309! .1309' .163625' .229075' .26181 .2781625 .32725 41.3021' 5.6771 5.7500' or 41'-3-5/8" 5.5937¹ + 5.7500 6.4792 6.5000 * 5.5521 MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES →367.05' 7 +367.13 6 5 4 3 2 1 367.06 367.28 367.19 -367.51 367.27 367.60 CORRECTIONS ON MEASURED CIRCUMFERENCES FOR OUTSIDE BUTT STRAPS 367.27 -0.02314 367.24686 367.60 = 0.01736 367.58264 INTERPOLATED INSIDE AVERAGE RING CIRCUMFERENCES 367.05 +367.13 2)734.18 367.09 1309 366.9591 367.13 1309 366.9991 +367.06 2)734.0591 367.02955 1309 366.89865 367.28 163625 367.116375 +367.19 2)734.306375 367.1531875 229075 366.9241125 367.51 2618 367.2482 367.19.... ?)734.4382 367.2191 367.51 1 2618 367.2482 +367.24686 2)734 49506 367.24753 2781625 366.9693675 367.58264 CORRELATION OF ALL CALCULATIONS 163625 367.116375 +367.06 2)734.176375 134,753.738 367.0881875 367.28 32725 367.25539 + 367.24686 2)734.50225 367.251125 MULTIFLIED BY INSIDE 0.01.417332 CIRCUMFERENCES CAPACITY SQUARED BELS./FT.) 134,658.981 134,614.619 134,633.304 134,849.867 134,666.517 134,873.389 CAPACITY OF OPEN RING IN BARRELS VOLUME CORRECTIONS 1. LAPS & BUTTS 2. DEADWOOD (1) .472214 1,908.56483 10,835,1134 (2) 1.311277 1.783491 @ (1) .448052 1,907.93607 10,970.6324 (2) 1.328116 1.776168 (1) .626999 1,909.90785 10,683.4515 (2) 1.292014 1.919013 (1) 1.182359 1,908.20090 10,972.1552 (2) 1.328116 2.510475 (1) 1.473006 1,911,27032 10,611.5639 (2) 1.282406 2.755412 (1) 1,222619 1,908.67164 12,406.3657 (2) 1.501349 2.723968 78,864.9443 (1) 1.855991 1,911.6C370 12,385.6627 (2) 14.578676 16.434667 29.903194 NET CAPACITY EACH RING NET CAPACITY PER FOOT ACCUMULATIVE NET CAPACITY GAUGE HEIGHT BARRELS 41° = 305/8″ or 41.3021' 10,833.3299 1,908.2506 78,835.0416 35° 7-1/2" or 35.6250 10,968.8562 1,907.6271 68,001.7117 29: 10-1/2" or 73,835.0415 - 29.8750' 10,681.5325 1,909.5647 57.032.8555 248 am 3m 3/8" or 24.2813' 10,969.6447 1,907.7642 46,351.3230 18 - ·6-3/8" or 18.5313' 10,608.8085 1,910.7740 35,381.6783 12' - 11-3/4" or 12.9792' 12,403.6417 1,908.2525 24,772,8698 68 as 5x 3/411 03 6.4792* 12,369.2281 1,909.0671 12,369.2281 311 KING 10 + ฝ. TODIZIA QSIN QODI SING TANK 1421 139 33 1303 27 211 + Z 18 15° 12- 3" HRING! UPRIGHT GYLINDRI(dy RIVETED SIZENETANK WI HIGH X 367 CIRCUME HANDAMITYPE RINGI ASSEMILY ISTER TIL CONE ROCE CALCULATED SEEN TAN GARANTIZEN BARSEL DER EROTİ PER Nadasa odas 19.794 OUTSIDE CONTOUR ← METAL TEK METAL THICKNESS OF SHELL INSIDE TANK CONTOAR CALCULATED CAPACITY CONTOUR 766061 191127 ૧૦:૩૦ 19972.16 190BCZ Ingined LULUUUUUU IN1978/L3 1166831S 2.JUDJEU LALOLZI PJSZEZT 312 י •IR? VEFRENGE VALIJJEISI BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 INCH 159.09 15/16 142.14 7/8 139.20 13/16 129.26 IF SWING LINE, CHECK( ✓ 3/4 119.32 11/16 109.37 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INS 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 jord 12 11 10 و 976 8 54 5 3 2 1 79.54 69.60 59.66 49.71 39.77 29.83 19.89 9.94 4TH FT. 7,631.26 3RD FT. 5.720.18 2ND ET. 3,808.09 1ST FT. 1,903.25 5/8 9/16 8TH FT. 15,271.30 7TH FT. 13,363.05 6TH FT. 11,453.44 99.43 89.49 5TH FT. 9,542.35 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. o'-1" 12TH FT. 22,904.31 J. T. URBAN MEASURED BY -(READ UPWARDS)- DATE 11-6-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 11TH FT. 20,996.06 10TH FT. 19,087.80 9TH FT. 17,179.55 INS! 12 11 10 9 8 7 66 5 4 3 2 1 15TH FT. 12|| 28,634.16 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 112 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 16TH FT. 30,544.94 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD NONE NEW 14TH FT. 26,723.39 13TH FT. 24,812.61 20TH FT. 38,183.61 19TH FT. 36,275.85 18TH FT. 34,366.48 PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. 17TH FT. 32,455.71 INS 24TH FT. 45,814.67 12 11 10 9 23RD FT. 43,906.90 22ND FT. 41,999.14 - 21ST FT. 40,091.38 287 65 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 265 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 3 2 1 ULITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE: 11-6-44 PAGE ONE OF TWO 313 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 79.54 1 INCH 159.09 69.60 149.14 59.66 139.20 129.26 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INS 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 49.71 39.77 29.83 19.89 9.94 28TH FT. 53,452.42 27TH FT. 51,542.86 26TH FT. 49.633.29 25TH FT. 47,723.73 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 119.32 11/16 109.37 5/8 99.43 89.49 9/16 32ND 61,086.56 FT. 31ST FT. 59,178.93 30TH FT. 57.271.31 29TH FT. 55,361.98 UNITS IN TABLE: TABLE COMPUTED BY: HT. OF PIPE PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LINE CONN. 0'-1 1/4" LOCATION CWNER IF SWING LINE,· CHECK ( MEASURED BY J.T. URBAN - (READ UFWARDS) – DATE 11-6-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT FT. 36TH FT. 68,717.30 35TH FT. 66,809.44 34TH FT. 64,901.82 33RD FT. 62,994.19 INS! 40TH FT. 12 76,350.31 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 110 ୨ 8 7 655 4 3 2 1 39TH FT. 74,442.06 38TH FᎢ . 72,533.80 PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. TANK NO. OLD NONE NEW 10 37TH FT 70,625.55 42 ND FT. FT. 41'-3-5/8" 78.835.04 41ST FT. 78,258.56 FT.INS 12 11 OF 10 TWO Я FT. FT ᎨᎢ . 2 12 11 10 9 7 6 3 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 FAGE TWO 3 2 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS, OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH DATE: 11-6-44 314 CHAPTER XXII Section 1 Horizontal Cylindrical Steel Tank With Plain Ends Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 315 RING .... OLD TANK NO. None .....2....... NEW TANK NO. 11. Address Tank Mfr's Name: Pressure Steel Tank Co. Tank Erector's Name Pressure Steel Tank Ca Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Offise Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Lap Welded Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Horizontal Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 101 x 401... 550 Bbls. Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: *****suta .3....... ་་་་་ ……………………………… ka KINDAK B X £ ……………R ……………………………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END 103820ASTAN *******OT 17.315.... INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: ANOTULESTOWN CONCEL ..... POTARAFLARISTIANSE ………… ………………sebacaan 34 .2.5.3.......... M******44 12.3851 DEADWOOD: 7....445......... ……………………………………ONDJAD SPORADI ………………………………………………4 FRALDASI……………………20994988…………………………………………………AY ………………a maiyang ... 19000 SEALsavuaana……………………əlçatand ***** FAMOSAN…………………………………….. 2005-12---2-- …………… 1 bib@24**--*** FIŞANLIU…….| None...... ……………………………………………………star ........... Type Of Gauging Method Innaga....by....gauge....glass...with...Q.!~Q!.... ganga...adjustad………... …………….. ***** **** …….. *****♥……… ****…………… ………….. *****I DO CIRCUM. LAATTIMEtitaskg1000 PORT to correspond to average inside height of 9!-11.2/32″ THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH ******* • ……………AT TIDES OR 31...41 ! 31..3.4.. TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD · ·| ***INASEUOTIC…………………--------D000114ubastas *** 3h..48* 31...35............. Max. 9'-11 21/32" Min. 9'-11 1/16" (AJERSKAFEJAKIKI CANDL FOR ***+60 16----------22-……………GUIDE …..Shell...thickness, all 8 rings, nach 5/16.......... 2" vertical lap joints between rings head thicknasa, 1" wach FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) VOJU JEUNG DUO Danter DUAL----------10000 | 000 RADIO-821004 ………………KONSORED K89121287U PUTTEPOTUUDETUA TALOUT sustamat FORGET SUDGAVASUD……………………ITOR PET-SO-…… *** PASTAAD……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………. ******** **STUDIO ******61417-14 200 10450 + 000reen Cassaretetas. Gan …………….. . Urban…………………….. ………………ONDOS ( OG--------5 FOR……….. • CITIES DOGODKOOSO -2″ Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection …..0!….!! Height Of Over-Flow Connection......None. Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By OWNER XYZ Prod. Co PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkalema ………………… ……………2…●¶·……………….tabase)…………Fakışarı++++606 26+ D&A¶Ã¶……………ƒ4010m0 11 OMA NA 4210----4-ORACKERI9910644 184 AUDIO LAGOS I DETESTANTISTOFA 7911ay--INTRUSLÖDESCLUELES L Address Tankton, Arkaloma Tankton, Arkaloma …………………… stendomNTING KONSTERS. ……………………ANDOORIN RING ………………SON • •TTADELL-CORT@Can…………………adhuraUISHOU 5........ ******a da ga AGREE …………ão-kokurs$49040906244|--STAFORASULADEPENDERITA 6. VOTA.Foseurast SEALANT ....7........ …………………………………………. 8 ………………………………. CATALUNISTUSTT…………………sai STRITURA sau de sa DIGITI ……………………… ………………………………. aztandanssa PADONUSHTITOR ANDouga 184 --- TAS TO PURA ( ******ates Remarks: HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END .. ...... 11 FOR SOMEO . [******« •• suainete { 27............... ……astaak……………… …………………… 32..1.35.......... **❤... NO. SECTIONS CASAGUStarkastam...…… dostat cause…………000050 cutuskanavu *****…………… LOS DE AUT…………….said-120OODIES T--------0 € DOLORU……………… ---------------Sarada 37...145........ 31...33........ Details of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ………………… .... 100 201 MUBORA **……………. IsocessdanceUsutussõnaiSPOSAREES 00 ……………aabha FUTASCADERI Date Tape Checked !!. Place For COMANDAca ………………………………………****; XYZ Pred. C. ... ..... SOCIALIST SOUS LE TONI NO. DATE …………………………… See Sketch Of Tank, On MXUMAXXXXX@XXXXXXX PODARI PLAINT 20 T CasaAASTA SÜG SOLUTI A ………………. ***** 2014-2020 DESSERTERS………………………2---------………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… **** ………………… *** PUUTA SUOMALAILA ODINSULAREN | |•| 7/1/44 Tankton ……………………………AS 11 10/9/44 ……………….t bob û à à ba CIRCUM. 1000 100 SIZE SECTIONS DE SA DUI at paas aa .31...49...….….….….. 31.34....... 11+0+0+144 31...481 ……………I ATTE BesselsOn ……………………………… ………….. (INCLUDENZANG ICELA **** ..... ………… …………… …………………………………………………………a …………………. --------- ………. POLSKI…………………. ALLATIONS ………………….. ……………………… ........... moduagesSTALAQUEROSOSOSOITE ++inder®UT I FOI ---- TOLLISTOGASTGALA EDOZOTTIKSLIA-44-40TÄÄTIDO-21464-769-4-es ALT TO DO NOGE U DO Dagaa……IKUT LE Paderne i sangu……….. LIITUNUDU SOS-SO………………………………………THIS a la pet w …………….. DU KÝ DLA ………$+ SU KATTEITA………………TISAATORI ISTRI FOTO Cat · DILDO . 316 NEXT PAGE METAL THICKNESS: HEADS " SHELL S/6" WIDTH OF LAPS EXPOSED RING LENGTHS 317 0.012 EXTENSION དུང་མན། XYZ PROD. co. OUTSIDE CIRC. 31,41 5.04 1 |+2| OUTSIDE C\RC. 31.34' 4.79' =2=2 2 PLANT NO. 7 OUTSIDE CIRC.31.48′ 5.09! CIRC, 31.35' OUTSIDE 3 4.77- TANK No. II 34.63 OUTSIDE CIRC. 31.49' 3.09' 1 ONTSIDE CIRC, 31,34' HORIZONTAL-PLAIN ENDS *4.80' * 6 OUTS IDE CIRC. 31,48' 1 | -5.09'- 7 | | • RING NO. 4 ALL CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN AT MID-POINT OF EXPOSED LENGTH OF EACH RING OUTSIDE CIRC. 31.33 ·4.93 EXTENSION 8 0.02' RING NO Ext. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ext. CALCULATION OF WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCE AND TOTAL CAPACITY MEASURED OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 31.41' 31.41* 31.34: 31.48: 31.351 31.491 31.34* 31.48* 31.331 31.33° 31.23424 D DEDUCTION FOR METAL THICKNESS .4254 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .4254 - 975.577748 X 0.01417332 13.8271756 X 39.63 547.970969 OUTSIDE RING LENGTH 0.01 5.04 4.79 5.09 4.77 5.09 4.80 5.09 4.93 0.02 LAP ADJUSTMENTS (/2") 4.167 (-4") -.333 t (14") 4.333 (~4") ..333 (14") 4.333 (-4") -.333 (44") 4.333 (-4) -.333 (011) (12") 4.166 39.63← CHECK Bbls. Total Capacity EFFECTIVE INSIDE LENGTH RING 0.177 4.707 5.123 4.757 5.103 4.757 5.133 4.757 4.930 0.186 +39.630 INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 30.9846 31.2464 31.1764 31.3164 31.1864 31.3264 31.1764 31.3164 31.1664 30.9046 31.23424 WEIGHTED AVG. INSIDE CIRC. (1.237.812959) 39.630 WEIGHT FACTOR 5.4842742 147.0768048 159.7166972 148.9721148 159.1441992 149.0196848 160.0284612 148.9721148 153.6503520 5.7482556 1,237.812959 Tank No. 11 A 318 ZONE J ( I ) H G) F ( E) D ( ( > C B A > CAL A1 CA1 (RADIUS X 3600 180 2.48553603 360 .5 2.48553603 2.48553603 360 1.24276802 168.5 360 .46805555 1.16336893 156.75 •43541666 1.08224380 145 2.48553603 360 2.48553603 2.48553603 360 .40277777 1.00111866 133 INSIDE X CIRCUMFERENCE) .36944444 .91826747 120.125 360 .33368055 .82937503 106 2.48553603 360 29444444 .73185226 90.5 2.48553603 360 23 2.48553603 360 .20277777 50401145 50 2.48553603 360 31.23424 38.8169146 31.23424 36.3369444 31.23424 33.8030626 31.23424 31.2691805 31.23424 .25138888 62483612 19.5162813 28.6813865 31.23424 25.9048987 31.23424 22.8588491 31.23424 སྤྲུལ -HOU 9.9421441 2 CALCULATION OF HORIZONTAL INCRE ENTS OF CYLINDRICAL SHELL (SEE SUPPORTING GRAPH ON NEXT PAGE) 9.89 2 4.945 2,69 4.845 BASE OF HEIGHT Δ X OF A 9.44 2 4.720 9.09 2 4.545 8.59 2 4.295 $54 7.92 2 3.960 2.02 2 3.510 بادم 5.87 31.23424 15.7424146 4.17 31.23424 2 .13888888 .34521332 10.7824757 2.085 2.935 H-G 0.00 0.5 2.4725 33.8644444 1.0 4.8450 28.9580626 1.5 7.0800 24.1891805 2.0 9.0900 19.5913865 2.5 10.7375 15.1673987 3.0 11.8800 10.9788491 3.5 12.2850 7.2312813 4.0 11.7400 4.0024146 4.5 9.3825 1.3999757 ZA1 CA1 (RADIOS X 360° R 168.5 2.48553603 360 2.48553603 2.48553603 145 2.48553603 360 .46805555 1.16336893 36.3369444 156.75 360 31.23424 .43541666 1.08224380 33.8030626 31.23424 133 2.48553603 360 .40277777 1.0111866 31.2691805 31.23424 120.125 360 106 2.48553603 360 INSIDE X CIRCUMFERENCE) – Ł 23 2.48553603 360 31.23424 50 2.48553603 360 .36944444 91826747 28.6813865 31.23424 90.5 2.48553603 360 33368055 .82937503 25.9048987 31.23424 .29444444 22.8588491 31.23424 .25138888 .62483612 19.5162813 31.23424 .20277777 .50401145 15.7424146 31.23424 .13888888 .34521332 10.7824757 BASE OF Δ 9.89 2 4.945 9,69 4.845 9.44 2 4.720 오을​으오 ​4.545 8.59 2 4.295 7.92 2 3.960 7.02 2 3.510 5,87 2.935 4217 2.085 Tank No. 11 Note: See Pages 215-216 for explanation of formula used. INSIDE 5.61458333 HEIGHT LENGTH X OF AX OF 39.63' = VOL. IN BBIS. 0.5 2.4725 33.8644444 4.9524702 196.266394 34.956537 1.0 4.8450 28.9580626 4.9063818 194.439911 34.631227 1.5 7.0800 24.1891805 4.7688821 188.990798 33.660698 2.0 9.0900 19.5913865 4.5977940 182.210576 32.453089 2.5 10.7375 15.1673987 4.4239878 175.322637 31.226295 3.0 11.8800 10.9788491 4.1885496 165.992221 29.564477 3.5 12.2850 7.2312813 3.7475678 148.516112 26.451849 4.0 11.7400 4.0024146 3.2288667 127.959987 22.790647 1.3999757 4.5 9.3825 1.3999757 2.6024389 103.134654 18.369066 55.481037 9.881595 319 # ZONE DESIGNA IN CA CAPAA CALCUL વ G H G F lad E D U ❤ > 320 DS NO. 340-20 Tit. DIETZGEN 20 X 20 PER INCH GRAPH PAPER JOH DECA EL GENER 989 ?co 994* 17091 11859 7/12 702 $97 ELGENE DIETZGEN CO. MADE IN U. S. A. 17.1 YY ZHEARETHRE BADARI“ M 2 AKUNNA DIC IN ENTR A 180. 156.74 140 (33. 120.17 106.0 90.5 73.0 50.0 Footnote to Preceding Page: (1) To check exactly how nearly accurate the graph reading is for the upper or lower widths of any horizontal segment of tank height, suc- cessively square the actual radius of the tank's over-all average verti- cal cross-section, and then the vertical distance of the segment's par- ticular width dimension above or below the center of the tank's average cross-section. Subtract the latter result from the former. The square root of the answer, multiplied by 2, gives the exact value of the hori- zontal dimension. 320.1 GAMANAIAS KATON IN CA ZONE DEGI G FI HORIZONTAL CYLINDRICAL STEEL TANK WITH PLAIN FLAT ENDS O' DIAMETER XLO LENGTH EM: VrW OF HISEIZION-JAM TANK SHILL FOR CAPACE CALCULATION PIRFOSEA IME TOTAL NSIDE LANK || HAR BEEN DMDED INTO IWENTY LONTS AS SHI GALEJLATED GALZARET BATRELS PEC ZONE anal INBEZI 2279 2045 2087 31.22 3249 3306 (3403 134961 13496 3163 B3CC 32451 3127 22.47 2255 2272 1237 1299 321 RBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 ………. 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 ………. INCHES 12 11 41/64 28.25 77.49 11 1/2 ...... 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 10 1/2 10 1/4 ...1.0...... - ....9.3./4... 9.12. 91/4 ........ 9- - ..8...3...4.. 81/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 7.1/2 7 1/4 7- - 6.3./4 61/2 6 1/4 16.-. 15.41/64 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 41/2 4 1/4 4- 3- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 Mar 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1- - 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES A. • **** 15/16 7/8 13/16 13/4 9.88 11 11/16 ………NTAI DOCTORA 51.04 FOUNDATIO 5/8 19/16 ** BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 1ST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT 4TH FT. 5TH FT 7TH ET 6TH FL 204.40 273.99 343.57 409.69 ……………….. *** 138.28 107.06 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. ………………………………… PLANT OR 01-2″ PROPERTY NAME. …………………. TOO HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 0'-0" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW 11 ******* A HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None DATE LOCATION TANKTON, ARKĀLOMA CWNER............. XYZ PROD. co. …………… GU……………OUN ……… ………………………………………… MEASURED BY J. T. Urban 10-9-44 PLANT NO. 7 › ka o vama • Sudov ale A 1 3 4 4 *** 1ST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT. 4TH FT. 5TH FT. 6TH FT. UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 170.74 239.03 308.94 377.23 JANGAN …………………………… 8TH FT. 470.48 ………………… AN **…………… 440.91 **** TOATTI……………… ………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 9TH FT. 10TH FT. 519.72 91-11 9/37 547.97 132 ****** …………….. ………………………………… 496.93 COD *****……………AN KONUNNUDA 7TH FT 8TH FT. 9TH FT CUBIC INCHES EACH 10-9-44 538.09 10TH FT. 322 CHAPTER XXII Section 2 Horizontal Cylindrical Steel Tank With Bumped Or Arced Ends (Includes Rail Tank Cars) Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 323 OLD TANK NO. 11 RING NEW TANK NO. 12 ..... ……………………………. Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address Tankton, Arkaloma ***** Tank Mfr's Name: Pressure Steel Tank Co. Tank Erector's Name Pressure Steel Tank Co,. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Lap Welded Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Horizontal. Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 10 x 40! Type of Roof 570 Bbla. CIRCUMFERENCES: ........ ORQUES……… ………………. .3...... ……………………****** 4 NNUNA ****** Lactat HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………………………… · · · · · · *……………………………… ...... ………………………………… …………………………… *****DOS …………………PA ..2...5.3......... 7...445......... INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: .1.2....38.5......... **** ** 17... 315......... -------………………………. DEADWOOD: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… **------ hagatait………………………………………………… …………………. ……………………. .... *****.. …………………………………… ………………an .... angahastu ……………UNDA sumban…base… ………………………… ******* None ……………………………………………………AVASSA…………………PETIT Type Of Gauging Method Innago, by gauge glass,with 0'-0" gauge adjusted.………... ………………………………ONA 1****** DO SO I *-*-*-*-ORELE CIRCUM. …………………………… 255/AKETA……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1000Chen……………….. ***** ………………. ………… ……………….. *******OUT *******……. 31...41.!. TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 31..3.4........ 31...48.!.. 31..35......... Max. 9'-11 21/32" 27/ …………..Min....2...mll 1/16". to correspond to average inside height of 9'-11 9/32" ………… 100 TOMUUDESTAAN. THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET I WIDTH 2" vertical lap.... joints batwaan…..rings ……..haad thickness, ?" each.. ……………………………… Shell thicknean, all 8 rings, aaah 5/16". .. A……..US COCONUNDAPUACADE ……………….. …………………………. STANLE ……………………………….. )…………………………………………. MODULAT、、…………………………………………………………………………………………----------………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………UNG ………………… J. T. Urban. FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) ………………………DI ………………………………………………………………………………………………………*** AUTO ... …………………………………………………………………………….data ………………………ANDE 14411440040 SANTOS II………… ……………… '_2!! Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection o...….Q!! Height Of Over-Flow Connection.....None. Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By ……………… OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ………………. ……………………… ...... ………………14 S …………………a a …………………………………………. *** RING ..5..... ……………. ……………… …………………………………RU ........ 6 ………….. …………………… ********** ....... .7....... 05. ………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………... ... …………………………… ……………à u POGOTOGENITO ………………. ………. VOJVODOTTI **** ARTIS Amatas HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END Accu ... ****** ………………….. ……………………………………POZORU LORIOSO. 14 - 4 4 - - - ******** .2.2..2.45.......... NO. SECTIONS ……………………………………………………… ****** 37.al.45......... 31.3.3........... Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor 27.19... ROUGE …………ARATU 32...135........... …………. R** .......... ……………………………………………… …………………………………… 11 .... ……………………………… ……………………………………………….. ……………………………… XYZ Prad. C.......... NO. DATE 10/14/44 A See Sketch Of Tank, On REXXJAZZXXXXIIIXXXXXXX xxxxxx Indone .... ... ………… ..... **** …….. SATUR………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-------………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 ……………………. ……………………. …………………………… Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 !! Tankton Place For DOMAIN - ……………………….. SIZE SECTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CIRCUM. 31..49............ 31.3.4... ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. 31..48.!. ………………………………………………….. AJOKOA…………………………………………………………………… ………… ……………ARA …………… …………………………………………… ……………………ADMINIS…………………… ..... ***** i ………………… ******….. …………………………… Remarks: Plain ends removed from tank No. 11, and std. bumped ends substituted. Tank given new No. 12. …………… ……………… FUNCTIONARE ……………………………………………………………. ……………………… …………………aa …………………………… saman………………………………………………………………………………………………. 324 NEXT PAGE ΜΕΤΑ METAL THICKNESS: HEADS 1/2" SHELL Sho" WIDTH OF LAPS EXPOSED RING LENGTHS aoiz 4-1.43- 325 RING NO. EXTENSION 1 XYZ PROD, CO. OUTSIDE CIRC. 31,41' -5.04*. 1 12:21 OUTSIDE CIRG. 31.34' ∙4.79! 2 PLANT NO. 7 TANK NO.12 42% OUTSIDE CIRC,31.48' - ७.०१०- 3 2 |< == OHTSIDE CIRC, 31.38' 4.77' 4 12:24/ 39.63' OUTSIDE. C1RC. 31.49' 5.09'. J 1 1 HORIZONTAL -BUMPED ENOS OUTSIDE CIRC, 31,34' 4.80'- G OUTSIDE CİRC, 31,48' 5.09' 7 Jozin OUTSIDE CIRC, 31.33' -4.93 ALL CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN AT MID-POINT OF EXPOSED LENGTH OF EACH RING EXTENSION -0.02' T SHELL RING NO. Ext. 1 2 3 4 5 67∞0 8 Ext. MEASURED OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 31.41' 31.41' 31.34* 31.48' 31.35° 31.491 31.34' 31,48: 31.33' 31.33' 31.23424 D 11 X X CALCULATION OF WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCE, ETC. AND TOTAL CAPACITY EFFECTIVE INSIDE LAP RING ADJUSTMENTS LENGTH DEDUCTION FOR METAL THICKNESS .4254 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .1636 .4254 975.577748 0.01417332 13.8271756 39.63 547.920969 BULGED END CAPACITIES Each end is a spherical segment Outside Length (Depth of Sphere) Less Metal Thickness Inside Length 5236 X Inside Length Inside Length 2 Outside Circumference OUTSIDE RING LENGTH Less Metal Thickness 1/2" or .2618 5/16" or .1636' 5.61458333 0.01 5.04 4.79 5.09 4.77 5.09 4.80 5.09 4.93 (12") 0.02 39.83 4.166 -CHECK- (12") 4.167 Inside Circumference + 6.2832 Inside Radius Radius2 .72591388 (3 X 24.3181211/1.92737689) (-4) -.333 (44) 4.333 (-4) -.333 4254 30.9846 (14") 4.333 (-4") -.333 Bbls. Total Shell Capacity Volume of Spherical Segment of one Base in barrels (441) 4.333 (~4") -.333 (± On) LEFT END BULGE 1.43 .0417 1.3883 .72691388 1.92737689 89 31.41 4.9313407 24.3181211 0.177 4.707 5.123 4.757 5.103 4.757 5.133 4.757 4.930 0.186 ⇒39.630 54.4325763 9.6948558 Bbls. Capacity 5.61458333 INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE 30.9846 31.2464 31.1764 31.3164 31.1864 31.3264 31.1764 31.3164 31.1664 30.9046 31.23424 WEIGHTED AVG. INSIDE CIRC. (1,237.812959) 39.630 Note: Calculations of horizontal increments of cylindrical shell are the same as for Tank No. 11. RIGHT END BULGE 1.42 .0417 1.3783 .72167788 1.89971089 31.33 2 .5236 Inside Length (3X Radius of Base Inside Length2) 5.61458333 SUMMARY WEIGHT FACTOR 5.4842742 147.0768048 159.7166972 148.9721148 159.1441992 149.0196848 160.0284612 148.9721148 153.6503520 5.7482556 1,237.812959 11 #1 Shell Capacity 547.970969 Left Bulge 9.6948558 Right " 9.3731066 TOTAL 567.2389314 AVERAGE INSIDE HEIGHT .4254 30.9046 4.9186083 24.1927076 .72167788 (3 X 24.1927076/1.89971089) 5.61458333 Avg. Inside Circ. of 31.23424 9.9421441 3.1416 or 91-11-9/32" f SE 53.7490051 5.61458333 = Tank No. 12 9.5731066 Bbls. Capacity 326 ZONE J ( 1.38 1.35 .5 ( Em ôm của So ông Lo Âu LIÊN HỆ (3) (4)) (8) RADIUS FROM AXIS [+ (W₂AN (W1AW₂) X H) X 6.2832 X TO C.G. 2.73 1.365 0.6825 4.288284 38.0799619 1.35 1.32 .5 8.86 0.6675 .5 (2)) 2.67 1.335 H ( 1.32 1.25 2.57 1.285 O 1.25 1.16 2.41 1.205 ( 1.16 1.05 2.21 (10) CALCULATION OF HORIZONTAL INCREMENTS OF TWO BULGED ENDS COMBINED (SEE SUPPORTING GRAPH ON NEXT PAGE) 1.105 ) 1.05 0.88 1.93 0.965 ( 0.88 0.70 1.58 0.790 0.70 0.48 1.18 0.59 0.48 0.25 0.73 0.365 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.125 0.053125 0.333795 CENTRAL (2 x 4 (2 X 8.88 4.194036 37.1591590 8.83 0.6425 4.036956 35.6463215 .5 8.79 0.6025 .5 0.1825 1.146684 0.425 3.785628 33.2756701 8.74 0.5525 3.471468 30.3406303 .5 8.68 0.4825 3.031644 26.3146699 .5 8.61 0.3950 2.481864 21.3688490 .5 8.52 0.2950 1.853544 15.7921949 .5 8.42 9.6550793 8.30 2.7704985 + 360) + ←{[1/6(3.1416 x H³)] X 45,0 90.0 .250000000 9.51999048 44.5 89.0 .247222222 9.18656986 43.5 87.0 241666666 8.61452767 42.5 85.0 .236111111. 7.85675544 40.5 81.0 .225000000 6.82664182 38.5 77.0 .213888888 5.62841548 34.5 69.0 .191666666 4.09569604 30.5 61.0 .169444444 2.67589968 22.5 45.0 .125000000 1.20688491 14.5 29.0 .080555555 0.22317904 .125 .3927 .06545 .125 .3927 .06545 .125 .3927 .06545 .125 3927 .06545 .125 .3927 .06545 .125 .3927 .06545 .125 3927 .06545 .125 .3927 .06545 + 5.61458333 VOL. IN BBLS. X ARC % }} = .250000000 .0163625 9.53635298 1.69849700 .247222222 .01680694 9.20275055 .241666666 .015817083 8.63034475 .236111111 .015453472 7.87220891 .225000000 .014726250 6.84136807 .213888888 .013999028 5.64241451 .191666666 .012544583 4.10824062 .169444444 .011090139 2.68698982 .125000000 .008181250 1.63907987 1.53713004 1.40210028 1.21849969 1.00495694 0.73170890 0.47857333 .125 .3927 .06545 1.21506616 0.21641252 .076765625 .080555555 .241166888 .003237889 .040194481 0.22641693 0.04032658 Tank No. 12 Note: See Pages 216-7-8 for explanation of formula used. X 96.656 ADJMT. TO CORRECT FOR GRAPHICAL READINGS 1.641699 1.584269 1.485728 1.355214 1.177753 0.971351 0.707241 0.462570 0.209176 0.038978 327 SECTION IA ER SED TO ÖLUTUN JO SIKU ENTI OF SKAV 888' SCALE KOKO NOTE +1+ The A 135' dr QTYOU. '8[86' p 137 2 201 883' 1.32′ 8.79' 125° HIGH 4 874 55 BIG' Jos' -868- 105' 088 N. BIGT of 88 70 3 8/62 8 \6.76' # 8/42' Naya't A +4 10 40.5* 8.30' to -0.35 go JA 383 15 6 O 016 is! 05 ON 0+6 >> Perfe 06 0.426 HE # AVERAGES OF Base MEA བསཿs H FLE INSIDE RADIUS (VERTICALLY) 4.9313407 49186083 29.8499490 49249746 NSIDE DEPTH (HORIZONTALLY) 1.38 83 13783 227666 T 8 U ** ..... J 1 H CO 9 J C ་་་་ 1 THI C --- }.. 19 ts I f ..! 1 ...i. .... 1 1 328 IN SIDE BULKED CyundrICN ENDS SECTION INSIDE TANK HEIGHT TANI HEIGI -9.9 ON JONS **s 792 425 کر 2 په سه 32 a $ 4°25′ 25" 2.926 2.42 151 ៩. 8.97 7.497 6.94 ५१. ・4.9.9' 3.99 244 2.91' 2.47 ત 0.97 fam Bule ULEE END GRAND I. 12 IZONTAL CYLINDRICAL STE STEEL WITH "BUMPED OR RCEL ENC JO' DIAMETER X NOʻLENGTH COF SAME TYPE AS RAIL TANK CAR) *** • $20+ ↑ <% } cong t "1" !! RS TH NĮ DIVIDED DE PRAY ION OF R DROLY DRICAL SECTION AIN HORIZONTA↓ CYLIND ~ די 11 I + ON L INSIDE TANK ANK HEI TWENTY ZONES', AS SH & ABOVE. THE MAIN ~ ZONE REPRE THAT HEIGHT 45 CYLINDRICAL PART To $0 akc CENTE STM OF THE E TANK For liquids of A.P.I. Gravities 32.6° to 37.5° MEASURED BY DATE 12-1-44 TANK EQUIPPED WITH FLOATING ROOF. (INNAGE) To liquid (GAUGES) level in gauge hatch 11-5" 1/2 1'-4" TABLE FOR ZONE OF PARTIAL ROOF DISPLACEMENT FOR LIQUIDS OTHER THAN 350 API GRAVITY 1-7-1/4" 1-7" 1' - 6-3/4" 1'-6-1/2" 1'-6" 1/2 1/2 1-3 1/2 1-2" 1/2 1-1" 1/2 1'-0" 1/2 0'-11" 1/2 0º-10" 1/2 0-9" 1/2 0'-8" 1/2 01-7" 1/2 10'-6" 1/2 01-5# 1/2 01-4" - 1/2 01-3" 1/2 01-2" 1/2 01-1" PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. TANK NO.-OLD 9 NEW 14 22.5° to 27.5° 27.6° to 32.5° 37.6° to 42.5° In addition, in drawing capacity figures from body of main table, for all Gauge Heights above: 1'-6-3/4″,add 1'-7", add 64.47 bbls. 32.23 bbls. 1,958.46 t,944,35 DATE 1,989.07 1,945.59 1,944.35 1.941.86 1,909.04 1,875.11 1,840.09 1,803.96 1,766.74 1,728.41 1,688.98 1,648.46 1,606.83 1,564.11 1,520.14 1.474.94 1,428.96 1,381,61 1,332.97 1,283.10 1,231.99 1,179.64 1,126.04 1,071.08 1,014.82 957.19 898.19 837.82 776.08 712.97 648.49 J. T. Urban 582.64 515.37 446.51 376.07 304.04 230.42 155.21 78.40 1/211 Units in Table: Barrels of 42 U.S. Gallons of 231 Cubic Inches Each Table Computed by: 1'-7-1/4",dediet 32.02 bbls. 1,954,73 1,946.84 1,945.59 1,944.35 PAGE TWO OF TWO Volume Figures drawn from this Zone are subject to being inaccurate. CAUTION! 350 $ CHAPTER XXIV Spherical Steel Tank Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 351 RING ··· ...Equatorial. North/South ……………………….CO ………………………………… OLD TANK NO. NEW TANK NO. ******…….bu East/West CO………«s…anta Tank Mfr's Name: ………………..Steel Tank Mfg....G.. Tank Erector's Name Steel Tank Mig. Ca... Address Tank Owner's Head Office Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Stool Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Spherical Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity)20: Diameter, 750 Barrels Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: 7 6n+ma 9 5 3 nit 2 1 HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END |………………………………………………………………. INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: ………………………. Type Of Gauging Method ... ASSAGAMA KO DRUG E54484 +0 Les southaconesses--------------- 164 000005221DED000441 *******E LODGE O ………………………………………ITIKOAST…………………40----------------…………………saabuma *****………………………………………OGENI s……ase……szu--60544 1200-806-18……………………abagi……. ………………………………………… 444000………………………………… …………………… • • SÃO O PARTE DOSTÍ DEADWOOD: None --------------0--……………………$400 1000UULIIDUDIOSTANISTAN 15 …………………………………………………………….. …………….. 10*** **On mi bu a te des ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………han Dee + + 4 ………………………………… ..... ----------……………ISTUMDI4-----4-*** TOATE. ……………40 ………….. ………………………………………….: • …………………………………dat 1404 ………………………………………100ES SUSIE………………………. …………………………………………DESPOIS -------------……… ALLITUS-1-5-THOUSE -------------ITA …………………650 26204 - SLE-COM------- LOTUS …………………………………………………… inpaar 2eIDOTIS …………………………ût-¶¶…………………………………………………………. …………… by sealed fleat. gauging…..dariaa...... THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH *****DE CIRCUM. ………………… -----------6-------------|-|-|---0-1-463. 126-414-44----2---005 (D0001) …………………. » ……………………besua • À DO I 4…… TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 6.3.0938....... .!.....….….……...…. 1042-………………………………………… SULATUKO+42000 421--------GOS CLIPARTON………………………DUS 1000DKAN DURUMU PUT IT IS III. $2.0.1m0!! ..../.2.!! FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) 20805444-8-mesatar Innage, .... TRI………… 14000 11-------1--10042150-68444. ……………………………………………………. ****………………………………………………………………………………………………………. İ………+-+1-44114403920000 80 1 1 000 TOU PÕLTSI………………………………-------DOPI 262111201220299by ivas (90-219-0239251260 126 4 1 1999 049910-9994 POET ·DOTESSUTOUTSESSO …………………………14060415………………………………………………………… FILMOITUSSUOSITUT PROMESIC on a date ………………………………………………………………… ……………………4544100504 SUTTON OLDTODOS 0 41-----|- …………………………………2001---…………………ROUT SA KORVAsu sausas e + bass es naaa………………………………………¶¶¶ª…………………echaza………………………TESTIDOS SCOREKODO Dastaan .....Urban......... SOUTOUTILI ***** …………………………… - - - - - - - PULL-U-41 904 -04 88.5 (14 6CTROSIEP00 1 2 0 0 6 Due a à sana e ……………………COTTSDAað að sé, à…………………-------- 100 + domu ODISEASE 2000 OWNER Height Of Pipe Line Connection ………..0'-6" Height Of Drain Line Connection alon Height Of Over-Flow Connection..………..Jone Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By.... XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME. LOCATION ……………… ………………………s-taasta KUISELOSTERSI --+---++as+das s000 € Address Tankkan,…..Arkalama. ………………………………………………… RING ------- SATINIAI JADU O. FUTANARIAINT …………………………….. ******. …………………… DE SPACE A ……………………………………………………………ISTS ANTIBUTIONT 204366+……………… FOTOS SUS - - - - - -------------- -------………………………………………GRIDORES -…………♪ ……………………NGTON.USAU………………………… ………….. ›………………………………….. *******………………………………61 +1-0+DO - STA POLARTE …………………OMOS OR ………………………………………… ******* 00 Tankten, Arkaloma SERDID KA …………………adata. *****--- 19LUARDS HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END Remarks: Uostamie 144400 ………………………….. FORTUNATO PODIELLI PODOTTI - Dondès……+++++++6016806 862044 …………notené - ------ **** --------……………te ****** ………………………………………………………………………TAKÄSIISCOSIDURTAS DE LAND-----------------------------dope 14-asised DOT USING…………………. NO. SECTIONS ……………………………………… …………………-------…………………………………………IS-DOTTATULUI 12-4-12…………………………………………………………den. FITUARIE …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2019-…………………….. ……………………………+8-1909-1………………………………………………… 4 1 900 900 90644-000-10000 21 käskettätas 662 1961 19690166205100 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2………………………………………………ääää÷………-489-04-2665-66841 866 0664 176……………-------------944806614444-----------3--1-400 +0+1+&9019-00----…………. ……………………64-0001………………………………………00486 Tankton,…..Arkaloma ***** ……………………DEDORAADISE-DOU………………………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If 0'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ………………………………………………………………………………… SITUASI DUURESTI Plant No. 7.….….….….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… --------------………………………--------………………… 1000000 4 101 1 1 1066-1--|||OFILOMOTO…………………… NO. DATE …………………………………………………. ……………2001-20 …………………*-* - - 4 - - - - - -………………UNTI 14 HOUS E Data FOTO0 See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( 10100 000------------…………………………11200004 .... 200dada ***** STUDE XYZ Pred....0 ITG012 …………………… ……………………466009--9--00---2--………………………………………………………………………………………………900740000 0-4 904 7 400ERED 400 Thomas askea ………………………. ……………an • 1018440172508200::::: PARODART: 15 11/20/44 …………………………..…… **** Date Tape Checked 11/20/44 11 11 Place Tankton For SIZE SECTIONS ………………… I DU 0 0 0 PU I I I DADO | ………………………… CIRCUM. PRE-------…………………………………………………………………………………………………4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….IDUA ………………………………………------860-200-……. LIIGUA...) ADITION Fundada.…………………………………………………------------ ·USTUS ON **……………………………….. ******DOTSA-20 0 D00 DEUTUNG ………………………………………… ******……………………… …………. voada dan……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *******……………………---On-Tik……………………………………………………… DUTTON TOIVODI ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………… ……………………………………ARTURI- 244883 .... **T**** 500 ……….. 64-4-TA ……….……. *****Ka …………………. ·224 290 **** BESTSE 100 MUCOSIDEPUISI 1000------------------ DO MEU DU DU 066 +94 +684) ZITUEUSAU………..……………………………………………………TAKANGETUAR LITT AVUSTRAL 1070410190……………………………………………………………………………---------DUS IS ON A DOGODE I VOUSOUTDOORS FIGO IKAASANDROLOGO Deaƒ…………………O LO SADDEõõsa asess--2----21 ……………………GING SOON………………….. *********UOTI SA DOT OTA *********…………¶à…………………………………………………UNTI 352 1/2 [(D12 + D₂²) X .7854]′ x 1/6 (3.1416 X H³)' Jak ■* † Formula to determine volume in barrels of a spherical segment is: In this calculation, the value of H is always 0.5'; therefore, the formula may be simplified as follows: 5.61458333 1/2 [(D₁² + D₂²) X .7854 x H 2 5.61458333 = HT. LOWER DIAMETER ZONE AS SCALED SQUARED EUROAC height zones and 1/6(3.1416 X н3) _ 1/6(3.1416 X.5 x .5 x .5)_ 1/6 (.3927) .06545 5.61458333 5.61458333 P O N K 20.00 L K 17.34 19.98 399.2004 19.94 397.6036 19.98 19.84 393.6256 19.94 19.66 386.5156 19.84 19.41 376.7481 19.66 19.12 365.5744 19.41 18.77 352.3129 19.12 18.36 337.0896 18.77 17.89 320.0521 18.36 300.6756 17.89 279.2241 17.34 255.6801 16.71 230,1289 15.99 14.25 203.0625 15.17 13.18 173.7124 14.25 11.92 142.0864 13.18 107.9521 11.92 73.4449 10.39 35.4025 8.57 0.0000 5.95 J 16.71 I 15.99 H 15.17 G 10.39 8.57 5.95 o.co HEADP CORRELATION OF VOLUME CALCULATIONS FOR 20 I.D. SPHERICAL TANK (FOR SCALED DIAMETER VALUES BY HT. ZONES SEE GRAPH NEXT PAGE) C B A 2 .5 x .7854 x .5 (D₁² + D₂²) •19635 (D₁² + D₂²) 5.61458333 5.61458333 UPPER DIAMETER AS SCALED SQUARED = 24.109095 MULTIPLIED BY .034971 400.0000 799.2004 27.948837 399.2004 796.8040 27.865033 397.6036 791.2292 27.670076 393.6256 780.1412 27.282318 386.5156 763.2637 26.692095 376.7481 742.3225 25.959760 365.5744 717.8873 25.105237 352.3129 689.4025 337.0896 657.1417 320.0521 620.7277 300.6756 579.8997 279.2241 534.9042 255.6801 485.8090 230.1289 433.1914 203.0625 376.7749 173.7124 315.7988 142.0864 250.0385 107.9521 181.3970 73.4449 108.8474 35.4025 35.4025 SUM OF DIAMETERS SQUARED 22.980902 21.707468 20.279672 18.706135 16.989227 15.149136 13.176195 11.043800 8.74409€ 6.343634 3.806502 1.238061 - ADDING .011657= ZONE VOLUME IN BARRELS 27.96 27.88 27.68 27.29 26.70 25.97 25.12 24.12 22.99 21.72 20.29 18.72 17.00 15.16 (D₁2 + D₂²) X .034971, with D₁ and D2 varying by 13.19 11.06 8.76 6.36 3.82 1.25 ACCUMULATED GAUGE VOLUME HEIGHT IN BARRELS 100" демон 9ta .011657 Barrels, which is constant for each height zone 6&~0" 5⁰ in 6M 317.20 8t6" 8T0M 289.52 262.23 71~6H 235.53 72~0" 209.56 6% ~6H 184.44 50" 480611 4801 373.04 345.08 210M 1.6" 11-0" Ot6" 160.32 137.33 115.61 95.32 76.60 3t~6" 59.60 30!! 44.44 21.6M 31.25 20.19 11.43 5.07 1.25 CONTINUED ACCUMULATION, IN REVERSE ORDER, FOR TOP HALF OF TANK GAUGE VOLUME HEIGHT IN BARRELS 1026" 11-0" 116 N 12H 12t611 13*~0H 136" 14%40" 14611 150M 15º-6" 160" 16-6" 17tm0" 17-6" 18_0" 181~6M 19-0H 19-6" 20-0" 401.00 428.88 456.56 483085 510.55 536.52 561.64 585.76 608.75 630.47 650.76 669.48 686.48 701.64 714.83 725.89 734.65 741.01 744.83 746.08 353 IT· NOZE S 4 x P 3 2 0 0 1 I U L W D V Ø A NO. 340-20 DIETZGEN 20 X 20 PER INCH GRAPH PAPER SPHERICAL STEEL TANK YMTOP BIANSTERİ INIBALIGN: 3796 2188 27.08 27.29 2670 22317 25/12 2412 22.99 21.12 20.29 18.12 #=== 17.00 201 H 1516 100 1319 THOG 8.16 636 3.82 -20 MGAZINI Sc 10-6 30 FIG EUGENE DIETZGEN Co. MADE IN U. S. A. _-5-0 570″ KERASIA 0-6 ETK 345/08 9-0 31120 8-21 289,52 8HOT 262.23 1-6 23543 7-0 209.52 184.44 16032 ול 1:4 37.33 H15,61 BFGH 95.32 140 HHOT 76.60 13-C 59.40 36 33-0 2,16 2+0 373/04 3125 2019 1143 5107 (1) SCALE! IAM OR H100.3L = 716.0578 ST LUE 20.00 19.98 19.94 19.84 19.66 با ما 19.41 19.12 18.77 18,30 17.89 17.34 16.71 15.99 15.17 14.24 13.18 11.92 10.39 8.5 CLUBE OF SPAAAV 5.95 *CING K20) WERDEN 0.01 354 Footnote to Preceding Page: (1) To check exactly how nearly accurate the graph reading is for the upper or lower widths of any horizontal segment of tank height, suc- cessively square the actual radius of the tank's over-all average verti- cal cross-section, and then the vertical distance of the segment's par- ticular width dimension above or below the center of the tank's average cross-section. Subtract the latter result from the former The square root of the answer, multiplied by 2, gives the exact value of the hori- zontal dimension. 354.1 BELS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1 INCH 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INS 12 11 10 9 8 7 4 3 61 5 1 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 π 10 9 8 7 61 5 4 31 2 1 12 11 10 938 5 4 7 6 3 2 1 4TH FT. 76.60 59.60 3RD PT. 44.44 31.25 2ND FT. 20.19 11.43 1ST FT. 5.07 1.25 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 15/8 √9/16 8TH FT. 262.23 235.53 7TH FT. 209.56 184.44 6TH FT. 160.32 137.33 5TH FT. 115.61 95.32 UNITS IN TABLE: TABLE COMPUTED BY: HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. •*-6" IF SWING LINE CHECK ( 12TH FT. 483.85 J. T. URBAN MEASURED BY -(READ UPWARDS)- DATE 11-20-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 456.56 11TH FT. 428.88 401.00 10TH FT. 373.04 345.08 9TH FT. 317.20 289.52 INS 16TH PT. 669.48 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 543] N]A 3 2 12 11 10 ୨ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 10 9 8 565 7 3 21 12 11 10 9 8 7 61 5 4 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAMI LOCATION OWNER PLANT NO. 7 TANKTON ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. TANK NO.-OLD NONE NEW 3 2 1 650.76 15TH FT. 630.47 608.75 14TH FT. 585.76 561.64 13TH FT. 536.52 510.55 20TH FT. 746.08 744.83 19TH FT. 741.01 734.65 18TH FT. 725.89 714.83 17TH FT. 701.64 686.48 24TH FT. 23RD FT. 22ND FT. 21ST FT. 15 11-20-44 INS. 12 11 10 9B765 | M 8 3 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5432 A 1 ≈≈2007/6/5 12 BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH DATE 11 10 ୨ 8 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ୨ B76 8 7 5 4 3 355 2 CHAPTER XXV Spheroidal Steel Tank Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation In this example, two gauge tables are included, demon- strating varying methods of tabulating the tank capacities, as follows: " Table in barrels, for innage gauges, reading upward n " #1 downward 11 356 " " PAGES 366-7 368-9 OLD TANK NO. None NEW TANK NO. RING ………………………… ……………………….. ………………………………. …………………………. Tank Mfr's Name: Steel Tank Mfg. Co... Tank Erector's Name Steel Tank….Mfg.....Co.. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Owner's Head Office Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Staal..... Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Spheroidal Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity).391-3" x 126! Diameter. 78,500. Bbls. Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: ··· Spheroidal ------ …………………… (044) 7 .contma 6 5 4 3 ………… 2 1 ……………………… INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: …………. HEIGHT FROM ZERO DATUM TANKROTTENxxDR LINKTALIBOVILELX *****VOCATI Type Of Gauging Method. ********** 31.!.mQ!!... 24-07 181-9H 141-00 ………………………………………………………. ----- Sebaga ……♥ ...... DEADWOOD: ug™ 18 ******-------OURASU4540 ****** …………………………------DE-MITATU…………………………….FOMUS-EIS…………………………………. RM45 (004 DUO STOOM copiese **** ……………………………………………………STOR ****** 1 0 1 0 0 2 4 Cuentare D……………. * * * 16 …………………………………… danvardan………………….. ..... …………. ..... ***** …………….. *****……………… …………………….. ……………… ……………………………… …………………………………. CARDINA ………………… CONTI ------------------- Innage.……..(saaled flqat typa.). THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH **……………………………… ned… DUUDE ***... **** FOOTAGE-SA………···STES…bduIPO D…………………………………WA ***** …………… ekana…….. …………………SCIORTA CIRCUM. 001090 KO .3.72...7.8............ 392.5.3.......... 39.6.04 392...5.3.......... 37.6.91! ………………… ******* *** *………………………a *I DO SOUDATTICODORD……………………………………………………………………………………………UNDO SATELITIA .... 3/8!!... FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD ..... 39.!3!! n -CAMP………………… ……………ITE DO ..... ..... COU ***** …………….Ingenus + FESTOON……………… ON NOU 2 …….. …………. ………………………………………………………………. ……………RICAN ******t » se në a di ....Urban. BELLARDS--|-0---------……………………………………… ………………………patata -120……………………… 1940-1948-------- DOUDOU NIE……. …………………+1+220) ***** COL· • FODER……………………… …………………….. ………. Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection (m.). 3! ~0!! Height Of Over-Flow Connection.......Man.. Type And Size Of Tape Used 400 Steel Ribbon Tank Measured By MOUNTAI 49*10* ………….. DOTE ---------ÖMD……………………ATT OWNER .. ♪………………. XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma. Address Tankton, Arkaloma Address...………..ankton, Arkalona.….….. .... LANS OUT………………OS ●b………….t +------ RING .... LOUNGE………. *******………………… t ……………………I DOGA ………………………………… RUIDANC…… ………………………………… ..... ………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ****……………. **** CITANE……. ……………………… --------…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… thướ0-4 à ... ……………edunda LIITU …………………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ..... pesitions in tank being shown by sketch on page following. To Remarks: **** DATA MOTURA…………. ………………………… Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor NO. SECTIONS ..... ……………………………… on a boat - 1 2 ……………………………………LOP ……………….. 0'-0" Gauge level represents top surface of gauging plate, set at zere datum (See Sketch Fellering) AUTOCADE IDGCRAD……………………………………… à ad de NO. 16 DATE 12/12/44 ……………………………………………ch…………. ………..………………………………………………………. Date Tape Checked 11 11. Place For 100 XYZ Pred. Co. ……………………. ………………………………………………..SAL. Cavarza… aide for complete list, as drawn from construction blueprints,...with..…….. SENESTE Ra POSLATI O See Sketch Of Tank On REXXXII*XXXX*XXXXXX) ……………… CITROEN C………………………………DOMI .... Ə ……………ONA …………………………… | KARI……. ……………. **** ……… 12/1/44 Tankten SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ………………………………………………………………………………………CAUS ………………………….. 4 ** | ……………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ENSO - COONASANTA ……………………………………………… TUNNEL DU - I - -……………… DO selenas 100 adidas Saddam ……………. ..... DOMAI …………….902- ………………asaa .... ………………UNTI …………… ►……………………………. *****OI DOGT ……………………………………………………………….. • •--•-D………………………………. ****……………………… ………………BANIA. ……………………ASU MU N …….. 357 PAGE FOLLOWING DEADWOOD LIST: CENTER COLUMN (-3' to 39'-3") Z 4 corner irons 3" X 3" X 3/8" Each 6' of height: 4 slant Top 2" of each 6' TIE RODS (0'-0" to 39 -3") 44 pieces 3/4" x 391-9" 44 " 3/4" x 40"-3" UPRIGHTS (2'-0" to 35'-6") 88 pieces 2" X 2" X 1/4" INTERMEDIATE CROSS BRACING AND UPRIGHTS HEIGHT FROM O'-0" GAUGE NO. OF PIECES 38'-0" to 39'-3" 88 || 39'-3" 11 39'-3" 37'-3" 39'-3" 37'-3" " 36'-6 36'-6" " 39'-3" 36'-6" " 38'-0" 37'-3" " 39'-0" 35'-5" #1 39'-0" 35'-5" "1 37'-6" 35'-6" "1 37'-5" 35'-4" " 35'-6" #1 29'-6" 39'-3" 29'-6" "1 33'-0" * 29'-6" " 29'-4" "1 27¹-0" "1 24' - 5"1 " 241-5"1 " 24'-4" " 22'-0" " 19'-5" # 19'-6" "1 19'-411 #1 17'-0" "1 14'-5" 11 12'-0" " 9'-5" "I 9'-6"1 11 9'-4" 11 6"-10" " 4'-5" #1 4'-6" || 4"-4" || #1 #1 #1 2'-O 0'-0" 33'-0" 29'-5" 29'-6"1 14'-6" "1 17'-0" 14' 4" " 14'-5" 14'-6" 12'-0" 12'-0" 9'-6" 27'-0 27'-0" 24'-5" 24'-6" 22'-0" 22'-0" 19¹-6" 19'-6" 17'-0" irons 2" X 2" of height-4 horizontal 7'-0" 7'-0" 9'-6" 41-611 4'-6" 4'-6" E E E E E E E E E E E E E Ⓡ 44 44 88 44 44 44 + Ꮈ 00 + 88 44 44 44 + ∞ E E E E E E E E E E E 44 44 SIZE OF PIECES 2" X 2" X 1/4" #1 ft 11 #1 11 it t !! 11 x 1/4" x 6.946* irons 2"X2"x1/4"x3.5′ #1 11 #1 " 11 11 #1 It 11 11 #1 #1 11 11 11 肆 ​11 11 11 || "I 11 #1 11 #1 11 LENGTH 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 3'-9" 10'-6 #1 2'-0 3'-5" 4'-0" 2'-0" ס-י7 15'-5" 4-9" 3'-5" 5'-6" 4'-9 41-9" 2'-6" 7'-9" 5'-0" 5'-0 2'-5" 81511 5'-0" 5 O" 2'-6" 8'-1-1/2" 4 -0" 4'-0" 21-611 6'-6" #1 11 2'-0" 2'-6" 8'-0" 3'-0" 2'-6" 6_0" 357.1 15770 38 36-0- 28-0-- 24-0 11: 2THO T 584 20% 18-0 14-0 KO HI KO 8-0 1885 THEHET WV MES F 20 X 20 PER INCH EUGENE SPHEROIDAL NØDED STEEL TANK 120 NAA CEI DICIZDEN LU. MADE IN U. 5 A. O GAUGE Hi 358 "B" VOLUME = "F, "VOLUME "D" VOLUME = "E" VOLUME = 42,25 359 ENTI ·39.25'- 1 RADIUS 44.51 3.0% C SPHEROID fak ≥[(20.5 × 2)² ×.7854] x[(42.5 +8,70045) ×2 × 3.141 ] 5.61458333 A x 115 × 8.288) ×[( 9.288 +42.6)×2×3.1416] {[(20.5 × 2)² ×.7854 × 23685]-[6:47 × (20.5-.442)]}x[(42.5+4.1) × 2 × 3.1416) 3 5.61458333 5.61458333 ARC CENTRAL L <클 ​× 16.159) × [( 16.159 + 2.7.5) × 2 × 31416]+ {[(44.5×2)³×.7854 × 32,6]-[ 16.435x (44.5-,75)]}x[(8.03+2.76)×2×3.1416] 5.61458333 5.61458333 x {[(23.75×2)²x.7854 x 24.6]-[15,303 ×(2375-1.25)]} × ( 15.303 +16.159 +2.75) +16.159+2.75) × 2 × 3,1416 2 TANK- TION F OVE GROSS CAP BY PA ARTS OF TAN DRAWING IS TO SAME SCALE AS GRAPH ON PRECEDING PAGE TO AXIS OF REVOLUTION 8.1363' -To AXIS OF REVOLUTION 10.78, VERY NEARLY 16.159' 2.1 42.5 ←TO AXIS OF REVOLUTION 26.5603' -EN RADIUS 23.75' DEPTH 1.25' 15.303 ARC TRALLO 36.5 8.288' To AXIS OF REVOLUTION 51.20045' ·S RADIUS וד 5.61458333 + "F & F₁" _ {[(20.5 x 2)²×.7854× {[(20.5×2)² ×.7854× 327)]-[16.576 x (20.5-1.75))} x 12.7 ] - [16., 576 x (20.5 - 1.75))} x 42.5 × 2 × 3. 1416 VOLUME 5.61458333 1 | 1 CENTRA = 37,823.85 — F, VOLUME OF 498, 82 = 37,325,03 BBLS. 8.70045 B ∙16.576" RC TRAL L° 47.7 To AXIS OF REVOLUTION ૧૬,૨૯૩૩' :.G. -To AXIS OF REVOLUTION 46.6; VERY NEARLY CENTRALEBS 8.288'- •1 1.75' "c" VOLUME "A" VOLUME= A B [(42,5x2)²x.7854] × 39.25 – 39,668.97 8BLS. 5.61458333 - [(2.75 x2)²x, 7854] × 3 x = 5,61458333 "B" "C" "D" "E" "F&F," = 223,17 BBLS. TOTAL .. =498,82 BBLS. =261,53 BBLS. SUM RY VOLUME = 39,668,97 BBLS. = 37,325.03 # || || "1 12.69 24].53 223.17 929.06 929.06 BBL S. = 12.69 BBLS. ** 78,420.45, BEFORE DEDUCTION FOR DEADWOOD LOCATION OF DEADWOOD RELATIVE TO GAUGE HEIGHT 38° 0" To 398-3" 37⁰ - 3* H 39-3H 37° - 3" H 361-6 ti 1 11 36⁰ 6" "1 369 mm 6" # 37⁰ ~ 3N N 35 6MM am 351 - 6M H 35³ - 6" # 35⁰ 41 11 29T 6" " м C 29⁰ 6" # 29t- 6M M 29" 4" # 27. OM H 241 611 M 241 611 11 24t- 4H # 22¹- OH M 191m 611 11 19⁰- 6" " 19⁰ 41 1 17. 0* # 141 61 # 141 61 11 6" " 141 41 1 12'- 0" N 9T 61H 9t- 6H H 9t 4# # 6-10# # St ** 4m 611 # 480 611 M 4P 4# # 21- ON # Of on n 2¹‰ 0" H Of an On H 011 On H ON # -3T- 011 N -31 ∞ OH 2-10 M 8¹-10# # 14-10 M 20-10" # 26-10" # 32-10" M 38¹-10H H 398-3" 39"-3" 398~3" 38m0" 398~0~ 39-0" 376H 37°~6# 35%-6H 39"~3" 331-0" 33² ~0" 29-6" 291.6H 27T0M 270" 248-6H 24-6" 22'-0" 22t.0" 19t ~6" 19t_611 17.0" 17™™0" 14611 141-6" 12.0" 121-0" дебн 75~0" 72-0H 9r-6H 480614 4800611 48~600 35° ~6H 39*=3* 3913" 391 3H 391 3H 31-04 9t-01 15-ON 211.0" 2710M 332~0" 3910H NUMBER OF PIECES 88 * *****±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± 4 4 444444 CORRELATION OF DEADWOOD CALCULATIONS FOR 126 DIAMETER SPHEROIDAL TANK (NOTE: THIS DEADWOOD LIST USED ONLY AS AN EXAMPLE. NOT FOR USE AS STANDARD.) LENGTH EACH SIZE OF PIECES PIECE 2" x 2" x 1/4" 1T-6" I # "I N 11 H 11 Ħ H W H H H 1 # Ħ H H H #t #1 #1 t Ħ H # " 3/4" O.D. 3/4" O.D. 3" x 3" x 3/8" # 2* X2" X 1/4" M * : # 11 * * # 2t0!! 2T-6" 32~0" 3t9n 10? ~6~ 210H 31-64 450H 2º.0" 7&m0" 15~6~ 4-9" 3T-6" 5t ~6H 48 ~91 48-01 21~6" 72-911 5t~011 5t0H 26" 8861 5.0" 5T01 28-61 8-1-1/2" 48-0" 40H TOTAL RUNNING FEET 132 2T-6" 68611 2t-On 2x-6# 88 110 132 165 462 88 154 176 88 308 682 209 154 242 209 418 357.5 176 352 110 286 88 110 352 80" 31011 216H 61-0" 33-6H 39t 9H 40°-3" 42-3 48.9116' 31~6" 3T-6H 132 110 264 2948 1749 1771 169 H 14 38~6" 30-6H 38~6" 3" ~6"1 3T-61 14 14 14 14 110 341 220 440 110 374 220 440 110 BARRELS PER RUNNING FOOT .0011595547 # 22222 * = # H M # * H Ħ πt # = N # Ħ H 1 11 11 11 N n H 11 n # 14 H # # # # .000546428568 .0026089981 14 .0011595547 H 195.6464 M * # 11 #1 # 11 EFFECTIVE CONVERSION TO RESPECTIVE VERTICAL 6" TANK GAUGING HEIGHT TOTAL GAUGING INCREMENTS BARRELS HEIGHT .153 1.25 .102 .128 2.00' .153 2.75' .191 2.75' .536 1.50 .102 1.75' .179 .204 .102 .357 .791 .242 .179 .281 .242 .395 .255 .510 .128 .434 .255 .510 .128 .415 .204 .408 .128 .332 .102 0.171 2.501 .485 2.501 .128 2.501 0.171 2.501 2.501 2.50 .128 .408 2.00€ 153 .128 3.50' 2.00' .016 .016 .016 .016 .016 16.287 2.001 0.171 9.75' 3.501 3.501 0.171 2.50€ 2.50' 2.50' 0.17' 2.50' 2.50' 2.50 0.17' 0.17' 2.501 5.00 0.17′ 2.50 4.50 .306 3.418 33.50' .956 39.25' .968 39.25' .441 42.25 42.25' 0.17' .510 .016 .016 0.17' 0.17! 0.17' 0.17 0.17' 0.17' BARRELS .0612 .0255 .0320 .0278 .0347 .1787 .0291 .0256 .0510 .0255 .3570 .0406 .0346 .0256 .2810 .0484 .0970 .0256 .3950 .0510 .1020 .0256 .4340 .0510 .1020 .0256 .4150 .C408 .0816 .0256 .3320 .1020 .0256 .0408 .1530 .0256 .0340 .0510 .0122 0123 .0052 0060 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 INCREMENT 388 389 393" .0306 (39'-6" .0612 (381-6" .0612 )39-3" .0127 )39~0" .0255 1386" .0255 38'-0" .0255 37-6# .0128 and so on. See next page for complete details of distribution. 360 BELOW 01~0" .0312 .0360 21OM 68000M 6100611 71~0" 21-6M 31~0" 38~6" 48-0M 48~61 5% ~0H 5t~64 .0340 0256 .0256 .0256 .0256 .1530 0256 .0256 .0256 0256.1020 .0340 .0340 .0340 .0340 .0256 .0408 .0408 0408 .0408 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 0340 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0408 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0122 .0123 .0510 0408 .0510 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0122 .0122 0060 .0123 0160 .0060 .0122 .0122 .0510 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0510 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 0123 0122 0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0060 .0123 .0123 0123 0672 0697 0697 0697 1531 81-01 89-51 9% 011 98-61 0408 0408 .0408 .0122 0123 0697 1463 1623 1463 1463 2993 1531 1531 1531 2551 1275 10-0 10~6" 11*~0" 11*-6" 12-0" 126″ 130" 136" 14% moll 14Pm6″ 15-0″ 14*~6" 15%-6" .3320 .0816 .0816 .0816 .0816 .0816 0408 .0408 .0408 .0408 .4150 .1020 .1020 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0408 .0256 0256 0256 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0408 0256 .0256 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 0122 .0122 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0160 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 0160 08~6" 18-OH 1J-6H .0340 .0340 .0340 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0123 .0123 0123 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0060 .0060 .0060 DISTRIBUTION OF DEADWOOD DEDUCTIONS FOR 126' DIAMETER SPHEROIDAL TANK .0052 .0122 .0060 .0123 · 0900* .0123 .0123 .0052 0052 0060 0060 0052 .0052 .0060 1275 1275 1275 1275 1435 4595.1939. 1939 1939 1939 1939 1275 1275 5425 2303 2143 16-ON 16*~6" 17-0" 17-6" 18'-0" 186# 190" 19~64 20-0" 20%-6" 21~0" 21~6" 22-0" 22-6" 23°-0" 23-6" .1020 .1020 .1020 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 4340 .1020 .1020 .1020 .1020 .1020 0510 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0123 .0510 .0510 .0510 ´.0510 .0122 .0122 .0123 .0123 .0122 .0122 0122 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0060 0060 0060 0060 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0510 .0123 .0123 .0122 .0052 .0052 .0123 .0052 0060 0060 0060 0060 __1377 ______1377 ____5717 2143 2143 2143_1377 1377 2143 2143 0900* 7*=6" 0122 .0150 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 0060 0060 0060 0060 0060 0060 2143 2303 2143 2143_1377 1377 1377 2.2415 3.3246 3.2660 361 .0510 .3950 .0970 .0970 .0970 .0510 .0510 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0122 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0123 .0122 .0122 .0122 0122 2400M 24%-61 25~0H 25~6" 26°~OM 26-6" 27°~0" 27°~6″ 28% moll 281-61 29~011 293=6″ 30%-OH 30% 61 31~0" 31~6" .2810 .0406 .0406 .0406 0406 0484 0346 .0346 .0346 .0346 .0970 0484 .0484 .0484 0484 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 0122 .0122 0122 .0123 .0123 0123 .0160 .0123 .0123 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 0060 .0060 ообо 0060 0060 0060 0510 0122 0123 .0510 0256 0256 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 .0060 0060 0060 .0052 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0060 .0052 .0052 .0052 0052 0060 .0060 0060 0060 1875 DISTRIBUTION OF DEADWOOD DEDUCTIONS FOR 126' DIAMETER SPHEROIDAL TANK (CONTINUED) 1377 32~0" 0346 .0346 .0346 .0406 .0406 .0406 0406 .0406 0406 .0256 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0510 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0122 0122 0122 0122 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0052 .0060 .0060 .0060 0060 .0060 .0060 .0160 .0052 .0060 .0060 .1875 2035 1273 1273 .0970 .0256 .0510 .0122 2093 2093 5327 2093 2093 2253 1351 32% ~6" 33%0" 33% 61 348m011 34%=6" 35~0" 35%-6" 36~0" 36mOH 1351 1351 .3570 .0406 0406 .0406 .0122 .0123 .0052 .0060 1273 .1273 4843 1784 0052 .0060 .0256 .0256 .0510 .0510 .0255 .0255 1351 1875 1875 1875 1875 398~0H 39%=3″ 4161 1875 36%m61 36% m611 37% ~OM 376" 38% ~01 38%+6H 0406 .0612 .0612 .0306 .0255 .0255 .0255 .0127 .0320 .0320 .0320 .0278 .0278 .0347 .0347 .0160 .0160 .0406 .0406 .0406 .0128 .0122 .0122 .0160 .0123 .0278 .0278 .0278 .0347 .0347 60347 .1787 .1787 .1787 .0123 .0145 0291 0256 .0256 .0256 0256 .0510 .0122 .0406 .0203 .0255 .0123 .0122 .0122 .0061 .0122 .0052 .0123 .0123 .0062 .0123 .0060 .0052 .0052 .0060 .0291 .0510 .0255 .0052 .0060 .0052 .0026 .0060 .0030 0060 4196 4629 4297 3122 3282 • .1784 0900* .0122 .0123 .0122 .0122 .0122 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0123 .0052 0052 0052 0052 .0052 0060 .0291 .0256 0406 0139 .0174 3.4394 1288 4.0102 16.2817 361.1 HT ZONE # 3 = A 8 = 1 LL KK II HH GG FF THE DD BB AA Z Y X V Dμ n U SPHEROIDAL NODED STEEL TANK MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER 126* CALCULATIONS TO DETERMINE DIAMETERS EACH 6" HEIGHT SECTION IN THIS EXAMPLE. DIAMETERS ARE CALCULATED FOR EACH 6" HT SECTION AT MID POINT AND ALSO AT TOP AND BOTTOM GAUGE HEIGHTS OF DIAMETERS EACH 6" HT, SECTION AT EXTREME UPPER & LOWER LEVELS 19T-OM 18¹-6" 18-01 17⁰-6" 17-0" 16T-6" 16-04 15~60 15%-ON 14%-6M 1480M 138-6" 132-0w 1216" 123..0* 11%-6" 11.0" 10%-6" 10.0" 9t6" AT MID.. POINT 183-9" 18% 3H 17-9" 17⁰-3" 16-9" 16~3H 152-9" 15º ~3" 14809" 14~3" 138-9H 13-3" 12¹-9# 12™-3" 118-9M 11³-3" 1039# 10° ~3" 9809" 98-3" PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM SPHEROID CENTER UPPER & MIDao LOWER POINT 0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.25 7.75 8.25 8.75 9.25 0.00 0.50 1,00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 SQUARED UPPER & LOWER 0.0625 0.0625 0.5625 1.5625 3.0625 5.0625 7.5625 10.5625 14.0625 18.0625 22.5625 27.5625 33.0625 39.0625 45.5625 52.5625 60.0625 68.0625 76.5625 85.5625 MID. POINT 0.000 0.250 1.000 2.250 4.000 6.250 9.000 12.250 16.000 20.250 25.000 30.250 36.000 42.250 49.000 56.250 64.000 72.250 81.000 90.250 - SUBTRACTED FROM RADIUS OF 20.512 OR 420.25 UPPER & LOWER 420.1775 420.1775 419.6875 418.6875 417.1875 415.1875 412.6875 409.6875 406.1875 402.1875 397.6875 392.6875 387.1875 381.1875 374.6875 367.6875 360.1875 352.1875 343.6875 334.6875 MID POINT SQUARE ROOTS UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 20.498 20.498 20.486 20.462 20.425 20.376 20.315 20.241 20.154 20.055 19.942 19.816 19.677 19.524 19.357 19.175 18.979 18.767 18.539 18.294 420.250 420.000 419.250 418.000 416.250 414.000 411.250 408,000 404.250 400.000 395.250 390.000 384.250 378.000 371.250 364.000 356.250 348.000 339.250 330.000 20,500 20.494 20.476 20.445 20.402 20.347 20.279 20.199 20.106 20.000 19.881 19.748 19.602 19.442 19.268 19.079 18.875 18.655 18.419 18.166 42.5', THE RADIUS OF THE CYLINDRICAL SECTION UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 62.998 62.998 62.986 62.962 62.925 62.876 62.815 62.741 62.654 62.555 62.442 62.316 62.177 62.024 61.857 61.675 61.479 61.267 61.039 60.794 63.000 62.994 62.976 62.945 62.902 62.847 62.779 62.699 62.606 62.500 62.381 62.248 62.102 61.942 61.768 61.579 61.375 61.155 60.919 60.666 X 2 = DIAMETER, OVERALL INSIDE. OF THE SPHEROID UPPER & MID POINT LOWER 125.996 125.996 125.972 125.924 125.850 125.752 125.630 125.482 125.308 125.110 124.884 124.632 124.354 124.048 123.714 123.350 122.958 122.534 122.078 121.588 126.000 125.988 125.952 125.890 125.804 125.694 125.558 125.398 125.212 125.000 124.762 124.496 124.204 123.884 123.536 123.158 122.750 122.310 121.838 121.332 362 HT. ZONE R Q P N O M E L K Conf I H G F E A O bol TB TC B TD GAUGE HEIGHTS OF DIAMETERS EACH 6" HT SECTION AT EXTREME UPPER & LOWER LEVELS 280" 1 To 6M 18011 036H 08-0") or 37-6") 38% 04 3885M 398-0" TE 393" 9~0* 861 81-04 7ε-6" 7T-Ow 6-61 6~0" 5~6" 51-on 48-64 48.00 DN 3% 610 3.ON 21.6H IN THIS EXAMPLE, DIAMETERS ARE CALCULATED FOR EACH 5" HT (CONTINUED) AT MID.. POINT 8-9" 87 ~ 3M 7?~9H 78 um 3" 6"-9" 6% ms 3M 5% 9M 583H 48 ms 3H 48003" 38-911 3T-3" 21-9M 23.00 3" 18-9" 18-3" от ди 02-3" PERPENDICULAR DISTANCE FROM SPHEROID CENTER UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 9.75 10.25 10.75 11.25 11.75 12.25 12.75 13.25 13.75 14.25 14.75 15.25 15.75 16.25 16.75 17.25 17.75 18.25 18.75 378-9" 383" 38*3″ 39-1-1/2" SPHEROIDAL NODED STEEL TANK - MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER 1261 CALCULATIONS TO DETERMINE DIAMETERS EACH 6" HEIGHT SECTION 19.25 19.75 20.25 20.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.375 SQUARED UPPER & LOWER 95.0625 105.0625 115.5625 126.5625 138.0625 150.0625 162.5625 175.5625 189.0625 203.0625 217.5625 232.5625 248.0625 264.0625 280.5625 297.5625 315.0625 333.0625 351.5625 370.5625 390.0625 410.0625 420.2500 MID POINT 100.000 110.250 121,000 132.250 144.000 156.250 169.000 182.250 196.000 210.250 225.000 240.250 256.000 272,250 289.000 306,250 324,000 342.250 SUBTRACTED FROM RADIUS OF 20.512 OR 420.25 UPPER & LOWER 325.1875 315.1875 304.6875 293.6875 282.1875 270.1875 257.6875 244.6875 231.1875 217.1875 202.6875 187.6875 172.1875 156.1875 139.6875 122.6875 105.1875 87.1875 361.000 380.250 400.000 415.140625 SECTION AT MID-POINT AND ALSO AT TOP AND BOTTOM 68.6875 49.6875 30.1875 10.1875 0.0000 MIDan POINT 320,250 310.000 299.250 288.000 276.250 264,000 251.250 238.000 224.250 210.000 195.250 180,000 164.250 148.000 131.250 114.000 96.250 78.000 59.250 40.000 20.250 5.109 SQUARE ROOTS UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 18.033 17.754 17.455 17.137 16.798 16.437 16.053 15.642 15.205 14.737 14.237 13.700 13.122 12.497 11.819 11.076 10.256 9.337 8.288 7.049 5.494 3.192 0.000 17.896 17.607 17.299 16.971 16.621 16.248 15.851 15.427 14.975 14.491 13.973 13.416 12.816 12.166 11.456 10.677 9.811 8.832 7.697 6.325 4.500 2.431 / 42.5', THE RADIUS OF THE CYLINDRICAL SECTION UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 60.533 60.254 59.955 59.637 59.298 58.937 58.553 58.142 57.705 57.237 56.737 56.200 55.622 54.997 54.319 53.576 52.756 51.837 50.788 49.549 47.994 45.692 42.500 60.396 60.107 59.799 59.471 59.121 58.748 58.351 57.927 57.475 56.991 56.473 55.916 55.316 54.666 53.956 53.177 52.311 51.332 50.197 48.825 47.000 44.931 X 2 = DIAMETER, OVERALL INSIDE, OF THE SPHEROID UPPER & MID LOWER POINT 121.066 120.508 119.910 119.274 118.596 117.874 117.106 116.284 115.410 114.474 113.474 112.400 111.244 109.994 108.638 107.152 105.512 103.674 101.576 99.098 95.988 91.384 85.000 120.792 120.214 119.598 118.942 118.242 117.496 116.702 115.854 114.950 113.982 112.946 111.834 110.632 109.332 107.912 106.354 104.622 102.664 100.394 97.650 94.000 89.862 362.1 Formula to determine volume in barrels, as used here, is based on that for an upright cylinder, as follows: D2 X 7854 X H In this calculation, the value of H is always 0.5' (except for 5.61458333 extreme top ingrement, which D2 X 7854 X 5 5.61458333 HT. ZONE LL KK JJ # A 8 ☹ ◄ II HH GG Fr EE BB AA ¿ Y X W V U T เค R ☛ પ P 0 N M L K J I H G A O C B TB TC TD USING MID-POINT DIAMETER FOR EACH 6″ HEIGHT INCREMENT CORRELATION OF VOLUME CALCULATIONS FOR 126 DIAMETER SPHEROIDAL TANK (FOR CALCULATED DIAMETER VALUES BY HEIGHT ZONES SEE THE PRECEDING PAGE) TE MIDPOINT DIAMETER AS SCALED SQUARED is only 0.25'); therefore, the formula may be simplified as follows: D² X 3927 - D² X .069942857 5.61458333 125,212 MULTIPLIED BY .0699428 126,000 15,876,0000 125,988 1,110.41 15,872.9761 1,110,20 15,863.9063 1,109.57 125.952 125,890 15,848.2921 1,108.47 125.804 15,826.6464 1,106.96 125,694 15,798.9816 1,105.03 125.558 15.764.8114 1,102.64 125,000 125.398 15,724.6584 1.099.83 15,678.0449 1,096.57 15,625,0000 1,092.86 124,762 15,565.5566 1,088.70 124,496 15,499.2540 1,084.06 15,426.6336 1,078.98 124,204 123,884 15.347.2455 1,073.43 123.536 15.261.1433 1,067.41 123,158 15,167.8930 1,060.88 122,750 15,067.5625 1,053.87 122,310 14,959.7361 1,046.33 121,838 14,844.4982 1,038.27 121,332 14,721.4542 1,029.66 120,792 14,590.7073 1,020.51 120,214 14,451.4058 1,010.77 119.598 14,303.6816 1,000.44 118,942 14,147.1994 989.49 118,242 13,981.1706 977.88 117,496 13,805.3100 965.58 116,702 13,619.3568 952.58 115,854 13,422,1493 938.78 114,950 13,213.5025 924.19 113,982 12,991.8963 908.69 112,946 12,756.7989 892.25 111,834 12,506.8436 874.76 856.06 836.06 110,632 12,239.4394 109,332 11,953,4862 107.912 11,644.9997 106,354 11,311,1733 814.48 104,622 10,945.7629 102,664 10.539,8969 100,394 10,073.9552 97,650 9.535.5225 94,000 8,836,0000 89,862 8,075.179 ACCUMULATED GAUGE HEIGHT 19¹-0N 18'-6" 18'-0" 17'-6" 17'-0" 16-6" 16201 156M 15'0" 14% ~6" 14-ON 13¹~6" 13¹~0″ 12*~6″ 12'-0" 11.6" 11'-0" 10°~6" 10⁹-0" 9161 91.0" 81-6# 880011 7°~6" 7'-0" 6% 65H 6801 5~6" 51~On 24%20559 40 OM 38mm 6m 3°~OM 2-6" 2+MON 1*~6" 1-ON 03-6M 01-0μ 791.14 765.58 137.19 704.95 666.94 618.01 X .0699428 + 2 = 282.40 VOLUME IN BBLS. .14 CONTINUED ACCUMULATION, IN REVERSE ORDER, FOR TOP PORTION OF TANK GAUGE VOLUME HEIGHT IN BBLS. 39,340.26 .14 38,229.99 19¹.6" .14 37,119.93 20%-0# .14 36,010.50 2016" .21 34,902.17 21'-0" .21 33.795.42 21¹-6" .21 32,690.60 22.0" .21 31,588,17 22.6H .23 30,488.55 2310" .54 29,392.21 23'6" .13 28,299.89 240" .13 27,211.32 241006" .13 26,127.39 250" .13 25,048.54 25'-6" .19 23.975.24 26-OH .19 22,908.02 261~6H .19 21.847.33 27-0" .19 20,793.65 27611 .19 19.747.51 28011 .46 18,709.43 28~6" .14 17,680.23 291-0" .13 16,659.86 29⁰6" .13 15,649.22 300" .13 14,648.91 30° ~6" .26 13,659.55 31°~OM .15 12,681.93 31³~6# 11,716.50 320" .15 .15 10,764.07 32'-6" .15 9,825.44 33!-0" .30 8,901.40 33° 5" .15 7.993.01 34% 8" .15 7,100.91 34~06" .16 6,226.30 35°.0" .15 5.370.40 3526M .07 4.534.49 360" .07 3,720.08 36³-6" .07 2,929.01 37.0" .07 2,163.50 37,006" .07 1.426.38 388m2! 38³-6" 39'-0" 398~3" .57 40,449.89 .21 41,559.25 .21 42,667.51 .23 43.774.24 .21 44,879.06 .21 45.981.49 .14 47,081.18 .14 48,177.61 .14 49,270.33 .14 50,358.89 .53 51,442.42 .21 52,521.19 .21 53.594.41 .21 54,661.61 .21 55,722,28 .23 56,775.92 .14 57,822.11 .14 58,860,24 .14 59,889.76 .14 60,910.13 42 61,920.48 .19 62,920.73 .19 63.910.03 .19 64.887.72 .19 65,853.11 .19 66,805.50 .19 67,744.09 .20 68,668.08 13 69.576.64 .13 70,468.76 .13 71,343.39 .13 72,199.32 .48 73.034.90 .18 73,849.20 .18 74,640.16 42 75,405.32 .46 76,142,05 .43 76,846.57 .31 77,513.20 .33 78,130,88 .13 78,413.15 363 The calculation method used on the preceding page is that specified by certain qualified members of industry. It is based on the calculated diameter value at the mid-point of the height of each horizontal increment. On the next page is a calculation method based on regarding each such horizontal increment as being approximately a spherical segment. This requires some adjustment, as shown, of the standard formula for determining the volume of a spherical segment of two bases. The application of the revised formula utilizes calculated diameter values for each of the upper and lower bases of each such horizontal segment. NOTE The differences between results obtained from the two calculation methods, by tank sections, may be summarized as follows: TANK SECTION 37'-6" To 391-3" 19'-0" To 37% -6" 18'-6" To 19'-0" 00 To 18¹-6" Below 0¹-OM Total Gross Capacity Less Deadwood Total Net Capacity Original over-all calc. net capacity Difference MID-POINT DIAMETER METHOD 2,272.30 36,810.15 1,110.41 36,810.15 1.426.45 78,429.46 16.31 78,413.15 78,404.16 £8.99 UPPER & LOWER DIAMETER METHOD 2,256.64 36,797.91 1,110.36 36,797.91 1.426.45 78,389.27 16.31 78,372.96 78.404.16 31.20 MID-POINT METHOD CUMULATIVE LARGER BY DIFFERENCE 15.66 12.24 0.05 12.24 40.19 40.19 40.19 40. 40.19 24.53 12.29 12.24 40.19 40.19 40.19 It will be seen that neither method above checks exactly with the original calculation of over-all capacity. However, this is due largely to both methods being applied to horizontal increments each 6" high, whereas in actual practice the calculations should be based on the normal gauging increment, say 1/4". As the height of the increments is decreased, the two methods will more nearly approach the accurate. The mid-point method capacity will be smaller and the upper and lower diameter method capacity will be larger, which is to be expected, considering the nature of the curvature of the wall of a spherical tank. 364 Formula to determine volume in barrels, as used here, is derived from that for a spherical segment, as follows: 1/2 [(D₁² + D₂²) X .7854]' x H 1/6 (3.1416 x н³) x 3.07317)' In this calculation, the value of H is always 5.61458333 0.5' (except for extreme top increment, which is only 0.25'); therefore, the formula may be simplified, as follows: 1/2 [(D₁2 + D₂²) X .7854] X H 2 = 5.61458333 5.61458333 5.61458333 and D₂ varying by height zones and 1/6 (3.1416 x H³) x 3.07317] _ 1/6 (.3927) 3.07317 5.61458333 5.61458333 which is taken here as constant for each 6" height zone. 126 T NOTE: 3.07317 = 41 π HT ZONE JJ = GG FF EE SUM OF DIAMETERS AS SCALED SQUARED .034971 LL 125.996 15,874.9920 125.996 15,874.9920 31,749.9840 1.110.33 1.110.36 KK 125.972 15,868.9448 125.996 15,874.9920 31,743.9368 1.110.12 1,110.17 1,109.51 1,108.45 1,106.92 125.924 15,856.8538 125.972 15,868.9448 31,725.7986 1,109.48 II 125.850 15,838.2225 125.924 15,856.8538 31,695.0763 1,108.41 HH 125.752 15.813.5655 125.850 15,838.2225 31,651.7880 1,106.89 125.630 15.782.8969 125.752 15.813.5655 31,596.4624 1,104.96 125.482 15.745.7323 125.630 15,782.8969 31,528.6292 1,102.59 125.308 15.702.0949 125.482 15.745.7323 31,447.8272 1,099.76 1,105.00 1,102.62 1,099.80 125.110 15,652.5121 125.308 15,702.0949 31,354.6070 1,096.50 1,096.53 CC 124.884 15,596.0135 125.110 15,652.5121 31.248.5256 1,092.79 1,092.83 1.088.65 1.084.04 1,078.97 1,073.41 1,067.36 1,060.85 V 122.534 15,014.5812 122.958 15,118.6698 30,133.2510 1,053.79 1,053.82 Ü 122,078 14,903.0381 122.534 15,014.5812 29,917.6193 1,046.25 1.046.29 10'-6" T 121,588 14,783.6417 122.078 14,903.0381 29,686,6798 1,038.17 1,038.20 $ 121.066 14,656.9764 121.588 14.783.6417 29,440.6181 1,029.57 R 120.508 14,522,1781 121.066 14,656.9764 29.179.1545 1,020,42 Q 119.910 14,378.4081 120.508 14.522.1781 28,900.5862 1,010,68 P 119,274 14,226.2871 119.910 14,378,4081 28,604.6952 1,000.33 0 118.596 14,065.0112 119.274 14,226.2871 28,291,2983 989.37 1,029.61 1,020.45 1,010.72 1,000.36 989.41 977.79 19¹-0" 39,327.97 .14 .57 18~6" 38,217.75 196" 40,437.57 .14 .21 18'-0" 37,107.72 201-0" 41,546.87 .14 .21 17'-6" 35,998.35 20-6" 42,655.11 .21 .23 17'-0" 34,890.04 21'-0" 43.761.80 .21 .21 16'-6" 33,783.33 21'-6" 44,866.59 .21 .21 161-0 32,678.54 221-0" 45,969.00 .21 .14 15'-6" 31,576,13 226″ 47,068.66 23 .14 15'-0" 30,476.54 230 48,165.05 .54 .14 14'-6" 29,380,24 23-6" 49.257.74 .13 .14 14'-0" 28,287.95 24'-0" 50,346.25 .13 .53 13'-6" 27,199.43 24-6" 51,429.76 .13 .21 13-ON 13~0″ 26,115.52 25CM 52,508.52 .13 .21 121-6" 25,036.68 25-6" 53,581.72 .19 .21 12'-0" 23,963.40 260" 54,648.87 .19 .21 11'~6" 22,896.23 266" 55.709.51 .19 .23 11*0" 21,835.57 27-0" 56,763.10 .19 .14 20,781.94 27-6" 57,809.25 .19 .14 10'-0" 19,735.84 28'-0" 58,847.31 .46 .14 9-6" 18,697.83 286" 59,876.78 .14 .14 9⁰mom 17,668.68 29-0" 60,897.09 .13 .42 8~6" 16,648.37 29-6" 61,907.39 .13 .19 8'-0" 15,637.78 30-0" 62,907.56 .13 .19 7~6" 14,637.55 30% 6M 63,896.78 .26 .19 70" 13,648,27 31*on 64,874.38 .15 .19 6'-6" 12,670.74 31-6" 65,830.72 .15 .19 6~0" 11,714.36 32'-0" 66,783.02 .15 .19 5'-6" 10,762.02 32°~6" 67.721.54 .15 .20 5-OH 9,823.46 33~0" 68,645.44 .30 .13 8,899.51 336" 69.553.92 .15 .13 7.991.20 34.0m 70,445.93 .15 .13 7,099.21 346" 71.320.43 .16 .13 6,224.73 350" 72,176.21 .15 .48 5.368.98 35-6″ 73,011.61 .07 .18 4.533.25 361-0" 73,825.72 .07 18 3.719.03 36'-6" 74,616.43 .07 .42 2,928.21 37'-0" 75.381.24 .07 .46 2,163.05 37'6" 76,117.52 .07 .43 1.426.38 38'-0" 76,821.37 8%m N 117.874 13,894,2799 118.596 14.065.0112 27,959.2911 977.76 M 117.106 13.713.8152 117.874 13,894.2799 27,608.0951 965.48 956.53 L 116.284 13.521.9687 117.106 13.713.8152 27.235.7839 952.46 952.49 K 115.410 13,319.4681 116.284 13,521.9687 26,841.4368 938.67 938.71 114,474 13,104.2967 115.410 13.319.4681 26,423.7648 924.07 924.10 I 113.474 12,876.3487 114.474 13,104.2967 25.980.6454 908.57 908.61 44% and 610 H 112.400 12,633.7600 113.474 12,876.3487 25,510.1087 892.11 892.14 48-0H 874.59 874.63 3'6" G 111.244 12.375.2275 112.400 12,633.7600 25,008.9875 F 109.994 12,098.6800 111.244 12,375.2275 24,473.9075 855.88 855.91 3~0" E 108.638 11,802.2150 109.994 12,098,6800 23,900.8950 835.84 835.88 814.29 D 107.152 11,481.5511 108.638 11.802.2150 23,283.7661 814.26 2-6" 2-On 790.89 16" 765.23 11-0 736.74 0-6μ 704.28 01-0" 665.68 614.29 .31 386" 77,486.74 33 ,100: 39-0" 78,100.70 .13 39% 3″ 78,372.96 272.39 DD BB AA USING UPPER & LOWER DIAMETERS FOR EACH 6" HEIGHT INCREMENT CORRELATION OF VOLUME CALCULATIONS FOR 126' DIAMETER SPHEROIDAL TANK (FOR SCALED DIAMETER VALUES BY HEIGHT ZONES SEE GRAPH 2ND PRECEDING PAGE) ~ LOWER DIAMETER J SQUARED 밀리 ​2 5 X .7854 X .5 (D₁² + D₂²) = .19635 (D2 + D₂²) = (D_² + D₂2) X .034971, with D₁ UPPER DIAMETER 124.632 15.533.1354 124.884 15.596.0135 31,129.1489 1,088.62 124.354 15.463.9173 124,632 15,533.1354 30,997.0527 1.084.00 124.048 15,387.9063 124.354 15,463.9173 30,851.8236 1,078.92 Y 123.714 15.305.1538 124.048 15.387.9063 30,693.0601 1,073.37 X 123.350 15,215.2225 123.714 15.305.1538 30.520.3763 1,067.33 W 122.958 15,118.6698 123.350 15,215.2225 30,333.8923 1,060.81 AS SCALED SQUARED MULTIPLIED BY ADDING .035824 = ZONE VOLUME IN BARRELS 201138977 -.035824 barrels, 5.61458333 C 105.512 11,132.7821 107.152 11,481,5511 22,614.3332 790.85 B 103.674 10,748,2983 105.512 11,132.7821 21,881.0804 101.576 10.317.6838 103.674 10.748 2983 21.065, 9821 TB 101.576 10,317.6838 99.098 765.20 736.70 9,820.4136 20,138.0974 704.25 TC 99.098 9,820.4136 95.988 9,213.6961 19,034.1097 665.64 TD 95.988 9,213.6961 91.384 8,351.0355 17,564.7316 614.26 ex .034971 • 2 = TE 91.384 8.351.0355 85.000 7.225.0000 15.576.0355 2355 272.35 (DEADWOOD DEDUCTIONS SHOWN TOP EACH LINE CONTINUED ACCUMULATION, ACCUMULATED VOLUME GAUGE IN HEIGHT BARRELS IN REVERSE ORDER FOR TOP PORTION OF TANK .14 GAUGE VOLUME HEIGHT IN BARRELS I 365 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH IN 12 11 10 9876 6 L| a B (A 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 982 OSAM 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 ១ 9876 LHM N H 3 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 Q∞ 7 CintM│N 9 8 ? 6 5 4 3 2 1 NOT APPLICABLE 4th FT. 7,993.01 7,100.91 3rd FT. 6,226,30 5.370.40 2nd FT. 4.534.49 3.720.08 1st FT. 2.929.01 2,163.50 0.0" 1,426.38 Units in table: Table computed by: 8th FT. 15,649.22 14,648.91 7th FT. 13,659.55 12.681.93 6th FT. 11.716.50 10,764.07 5th FT. 9,825.44 8,901.40 1 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 08" IF SWING LINE CHECK ( IN. 12th FT. 23,975.24 12 11 22,908.02 MEASURED BY J. T. URBAN -(READ UPWARDS)- DATE 12-12-14 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 11th FT. 21.847.33 20,793.65 10th FT. 19.747.51 18,709.43 9th FT. 17,680,23 16,659.86 10 9 |0p|co 8 7 6 543 ~ ~ 5 2 1 HNWAGONOCER 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 12 11 10 987654 3 2 1 5 12 իւ 10 9 8 7 654MNA! 3 2 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD 1 11 16th FT. 32,690.60 31,588.17 15th FT. 30,438,55 29.392.21 14th FT. 28.299.89 27,211.32 13th FT. 26.127.39 25,048.54 20th FT. 41,559.25 40,449.89 19th FT. 39.340.26 38.229.99 18th FT. 37.110.93 36,010.50 17th FT. 34,902.17 33,795.42 PLANT NO. 7 Tập t Barrels of 42 U.S. Gallons of 231 Cubic Inches each Date: 12-15-44 TANKTON ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. NEW 16 24th FT. 50.358.89 49,270.33 23rd FT. 48.177.61 47.081.18 22nd FT. 45.981.49 44,879.06 21st FT 43.774.24 42.667.51 IN PAGE ONE ≈ FOR∞7O4+3 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 2 1 21000764 +32 11 9 8 5 4 1 12 11 10 987 6 5 4 3 2 1 CHOO∞765432~ 12 11 10 9 8 1 OF TWO 366 BBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH EN FODBOLINH IN. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 [11 10 9 8 76 F4321 5 12 11 10 9 8 ¬∞ 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 27 8 654M NI 3 2 pol 1 NOT APPLICA 28th FT. 58.860.24 57.822.11 27th FT. 56.775.92 55.722.28 26th FT. 54.661.61 53,594,41 25th FT. 52.521.19 51 442.42 32nd FT. 66.805.50 Units in table: Table computed by: 65.853.11 31st FT. 64.887.72 63.910.03 30th FT. 62,920.73 61,920.48 29th FT. 60,910.13 59.889.76 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 0-6" IF SWING LINE CHECK ( 36th FT. 73,849.20 73,034.90 MEASURED BY J. T. URBAN DATE 12-12-44 -(READ UPWARDS) – BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 35th FT. 72,199.32 71,343.39 34th FT. 70,468.76 69,576.64 33rd F. 68,668.08 67,744.09 IN 12 11 10 9 8 7 654| M 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 765 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 65 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD 40th FT. 78,413.15 39th FT. 78,130.88 77,513.20 38th FT. 76,846.57 76,142.05 37th FT. 75,405.32 Barrels of 42 U.S. gallons of 231 Cubic Inches each Date: 12-15-44 74,640.16 PLANT NO. 7 TANKSON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. Co. NEW! 16 IN 12 11 10 9 876 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5432H 1 12 11 10 9 487 65432Ad 1 12 11 10 9 87 6[5] HM 4 3 2 1 PA GE TWO OF TWO 367 BBLS/AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 0_0" IN 1234567 ∞ a 8 9 10 11 12 1234567DON 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞ 8 9 10 1/11 ||12 22 1234565 ∞ ∞ o 7 8 9 10 11 12 HOT APPLICA 1,426.38 1st FT. 2,163.50 2,929.01 2nd FT. 3,720.08 4,534.49 3rd FT. 5,370.40 6.226.30 4th FT. 7,100.91 A 5th M. 8.901.40 9,825.44 6th FT. 10,764.07 11,716.50 7th M. 12.681.93 13.659.55 8th F. 14,648.91 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 0-6" 15,649.22 IF SWING LINE CHECK ( 3 MEASURED BY j. T. URBAN -(READ DOWNWARDS)- DATE 12-12-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" OF TANK HEIGHT 9th FT. 16,659.86 17,680.23 10th F. 18,709.43 19,747.51 11th FT. 20.793.65 21,847.33 12th FT. 22,908.02 IN 13th FT. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 FOTODON 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12345678 9 10 11 12 123 &│L 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME PLANT NO. 7 LOCATION TANKTON, ARKALOMA OWNER XYZ PROD. CO NEW TANK NO.-OLD 16 25,048.54 26,127.39 14th FT. 27,211.32 28,299.89 15th FT. 29.392 21 30,488.55 16th F. 31,588.17 17th FT. 32.690.60 33,795.42 34,902.17 18th FT. 36,010.50 37,119.93 19th FT. 38.229.99 7,993.01 23,975.24 Units in table: Barrels of 42 U.S. Gallons of 231 Cubic Inches each Table computed by: Date: 12-15-44 39,340.26 20th FT. 40.449.89 41,559.25 21st F. 42,667.51 43.774.24 22nd FT. 44.879.06 45.981.49 23rd FT. 47,081.18 48,177.61 24th FT. 49.270.33 50.358.89 IN 1 2345678 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 567∞ 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞| σ 8 9 10 11 12 123 H LOCO 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 PA GE ONE OF TWO 368 BBLS.VAV. FRACTIONAL INCH IN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ∞ ∞ 8 이유식 ​9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 a 8 9 10 11 12 1 234 5 6 7 œ σ 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 E4 5 6 7 ∞ σ 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 NOT APPLICABLE 25th FT. 51.442.42 52,521.19 26th FT. 53.594.41 54,661.61 27th FT. 55.723.28 56,775.92 28th FT. 57.822.11 29th FT. 59.889.76 60,910.13 30th FT. 61,920.48 62.920.73 31st FT. 63,910.03 64,887.72 32nd FT 65,853.11 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. O'-6" IF SWING LINE CHECK ( 67,744.09 MEASURED BY J. T. URBAN -(READ DOWNWARDS)- DATE 12-12-44 BBLS. CAPACITY AT EACH 1" CF TANK HEIGHT 33rd FT. 68.668.08 34th FT. 69,576.64 70,468.76 35th FT. 71,343.39 72,199.32 36th FT. 73.034.90 IN. 123 4 5 6 7 ∞ σ 1 8 9 10 11 12 123 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 12345678 9 10 11 12 123 HI LO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION OWNER TANK NO.-OLD 37th F 74.640.16 75,405.32 38th FT. 76,142.05 76.846.57 39th FI 77,513.20 78,130.88 40th FT. 78,413.15 PLANT NO. 7 TAMATON. ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. Co. NEW 16 58,860.24 66,805,50 73,849.20 12 Units in table: Barrels of 42 U.S. Gallons of 231 Cubic Inches cach Table computed by:, Date: 12-15-44 IN 1 TWO HNMH5O7 ∞ α 2 OF 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 H23H5ON ON 1 21 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 03 5 6 7 ୫ 9 10 11 12 เค [[0] 7001 PAGE 9 10 11 12 TWO 369 CHAPTER XXVI Section 1 Wooden Tank of The Plain Tapered Type Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 370 Tank Mfr's Name: Sagamon Tank Erector's Name Saganon. RING ………………………………..S OLD TANK NO. ...........Non... NEW TANK NO. …………………………………… …………………………………. ………………………………… …………………………….. ..... ****---- Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Wood Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 15:-8" x 7.0! Type of Roof Wood.......... Water…..Sealed........... CIRCUMFERENCES: n+m ~ TAK 5 4 3 2 A 1 ..... ► ... imam AERO CUP ( 0 0 0 0 HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END. ………………6 INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: Type Of Gauging Method 141-6M ……………………………… FOOD 12'-6" b 10'-6" DEADWOOD: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 81-6" …………………………………………stimoni ……………… ROUTESUD……………………ieveansSOPUTKET20194 …………………………………. 17...... TITORULIO--------HONE LAUDANTIULEERITAK ……………………………… ..... BANGIS………………………………………. ………………akmask ………………………… …………………………+1+1000 ………………………… SOLATED ……………………ne ………………………………………ATTATIANATMTDb……… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… བ་ …………………………………ISE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………TON …………………………………………………………………………………… CON ………………… Butt Staves 1000 CIRCUM. 1400-10 MO ***OTOR . 7.9...25......... THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 A ………………. TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD 70.46. 70.66 …….….….….….............. 4……………………………………………………………………………4120416…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 151-8 ………………………………… •CUR GOOD………… …………………………………… 1848----------- Innaga. ……………… *…………………------2------…………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………us ……………18501 +606-----------------1000 INGLE-STU 23" FLOATING ROOF (Measurements, And Weight) ……………………………sa usos i 0º-2" to 15'-61″ 7 pon... SUR-INDIA-TALLITI ... Address Tank Owner's Head office 1000 DO ………………………………aster………………. ›us……………………………. DI-INDU …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ******** DOGODENII-40 ……………………beast……………………. ……………………cess Ma……………………………………………………………ın FUGU.. ……………. ... ---PATHIASTOLI SUUROGRAMI.. ********………………… butqanı OWNER XYZ Pred. Go.. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma …….. – … à a det Height Of Pipe Line Connection 1'-0" Height Of Drain Line Connection 0-Q" Height Of Over-Flow Connection...Mone Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100' Tank Measured By J. T. .....Urban... Address fankton, Arka) …………………………………………………………………… PapunktiDAREDE………… …………………sama.. ……………………………………………… RING ……………… ICI MÒN …. ***** MATRIINUST ………………and diap ………………… ……………………………………………--------………………………. ……...………………. ………………………………… ta ………………………………………. 100 80 90 AT LEYTI TAST ....... ………………… I 194 PASOJ ………………… PROTEIN.. ……………………♥SES *……………………………………………………………UDOIRODA JAVARURGICI ……………….. ……………………………………ASI ..... 1,050 Bbls. HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END ……………. 6'-6" HGO CREATE ****** ... *****• 41-6* 15 -61" to 15" 8" 1 pc. 54" x 1 3/4"x.18.!...0..!!...fla 3/4!!...x..18.!..0..!!...flat,...under. IMA 1001 …………200 +1+0+1000+++his+------------------------|2-------|-series-video ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………14742A246HIDE MAS……………………… Tankten, Arkalama. A1200……………ano ……………. NO. SECTIONS ----AUTO Upright Cykind. LADOSTI…………………………………… DRO DI DA…………………………………… …………………… 7. p. an . 37" x 37" x 15'-42" posts, upright.. 100 20000 DE KIDO………………………………………………………………bi ……………………2-8----……………………odegeba…………… ………..under..……..oof…….………….………. 15-62" to 15"-8" 2 po.a., 5½" x 1 3/4" x 17! m0" flat, under...roof. 01.6! Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ……………… Con 1_0" te Q!-2...…….…………... 01-2!! 7.pe.s... 2.!! x 6!! x 2!.mQ!! blocks, flat...on.bottom 100 ……… Remarks: NO. DATE …………………STA INDURAS…………… F…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( …………………………………………… .... ……………AUGU XYZ Prad, Ca ……………………GIRDOSÛRRAND-ST+………………….hacarıs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-------- COSTA servo-------- **** ………A CORONA las…ansac …………………………………… 17 12/5/43 ………………ıdı……………………… 1564-16159…………………… -……………00000 F…a…med.…………………………… DATÜRITUSE ……………… GST EDI Date Tape Checked 11/14/43 11 II. Tankton Place For CIRCUM. .7.0.87...….….….….….….…. bà à à à ma è sa a sedu SIZE SECTIONS 71..9.8... › TEKINITI………. .71..2.9.….….….….….……..….…. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………OU DO LA I E sekasamaasskupi D………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………GREINERTILO: ●●●●• • ¨*••…………………….. -----------………………………. ……………………RTAS ……… …………….. LELOOKOU………………………………………o a sa …………………………………………………………………ANDRO ……………………………... 10------AUDOTI DELS SOON... 7.1...48...……………………....... FOOD……… .. anasta……..……PUTAT I DE ……………………--------------STRUST ALUUTIOUS BOLEROLDíaersonal sensatiUSEUDOR…………………………………PAD---………………………………………………………………… 741284088022104048-49D-1-------1---90441*** | RODOON……………………………-----9-1661 60 54169 S |……………………ivandrum------------ All mamts. made just after heep drive. Papoua………………………42100 - 200…………………………………………--------………………………41801219090044-a0TUTES ……………………………ÜSIMUSIIKIÚJ-22-28. ……………ASTADA. : 371 The first step is to calculate the over-all net capacity, which will later be used to check the detailed calculations. Over-all inside tank height is 15'-8", and weighted average circumference calculations may be made as follows: INSIDE TANK HT. 1416!! 12'-6" 10'-6" 81-6" 69-618 41~6" 21-6" 01-6" X 0.01417332 Multiplier X 15'-8" Tank Height Factor OUTSIDE MSD. WEIGHT CIRCUMFERENCE X FACTOR 70.04 70.25' 70.46 70.66 70.87 71.08. Less Circumference Correction Factor For 24" Weighted Average Inside Circumference 71.29' 71.48 52 48 48 2000 oo 09 48 48 48 48 36 376 D Open Tank Capacity at 15′-8" Less Deadwood Displacement (See calculations at foot of page) Net Tank Capacity at 15'-8" 3,642.08 3,372.00 3,382.08 3,391.68 3,401.76 3,411.84 3,421.92 2.573.28 376)26.596.64 DEADWOOD DISPLACEMENT X 15'-64" to 15"-8" (1 Pc. 5" x 1-3/4" X 18'-0" (5.5 x1.75 X 216) + 9702 (2 Pcs. 5" X 1-3/4" X 17'-0" (5.5 x 1.75 X 204 X 2) + 9702 01-2" to 15'-6" 7 Pcs. 3" X 3" X 15-44" (3.5 X 3.5 x 184.25 X 7) + 9702 01-0" to 01-2" 7 Pcs. 2" X 6" X 21-0" (12 X 24 X 7) + 9702 4,820.07278 68.3164339 15.6666667 1,070.29080 2.45531 1.067.83549 * 70.735744' t 1.309 69.426744 = 0.214286 Bbls. 0.404762 " 1.628472 " 0.207792 #| 2.455312 372 CIRCUM. HEIGHT FROM INSIDE BOTTOM MEASURED OUTSIDE CIRCUM. 151-64 14t~6" 13T-6H 70.04 12t-6H 70.25 11'-6" 10t~6H 70.46 91-6" 88~6H 70.66 7x=6" 6x-6" 70.87 5T-6H 48-61 71.08 3tm611 21~6H 71.29 11~6H 0126H 71.48 68.731 X 8 = 1,041.865 x12 = INTERPOLATED WEIGHTED AVERAGE OUTSIDE CIRCUM 70.04 70.145 70.355 70.56 70.765 70.975 71.185 71.385 549.848 12,502.380 188)13,052.228 EQUIVALENT INSIDE CIRCUM 68.731 68.731 68.836 68.941 69.046 69.151 69.251 69.351 69.456 69.561 69.666 69.771 69.876 69.981 70.076 70.171 Check 69.426744 + 1.309 CHECK 70.735744 A CORRELATION OF ALL CALCULATIONS HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF GAUGING HEIGHT ព 15'-6-1/4" To 15-g" 4,723.95036 15'-OM 15'-6-1/4" 4,723.95036 15th Foot 4,738.39490 14th " 4,752.86148 13th " 4.767.35012 12th " 4,781.86080 11th " 4.795.70100 10th " 4,809.56120 9th " 4,824.13594 8th # 4.838.73316 7th " 6th " 4.853.35156 4,867.99244 5th "0 4,882.65538 4th " 4,897.34036 3rd # 4.910.64578 2nd # 4.923.96924 Ot-2" To 1~0# OFLO# # Of_2" CALCULATED OPEN TANK CAPACITY BARRELS DEDUCTION FOR DEADWOOD 9.7641338 .619048 34.8719063 .055240 66.9540601 .106061 67.1587872 .106061 67.36382.67 .106060 67.5691788 .106061 67.7748433 .106060 67.9710049 .106061 68.1674499 .106060 68.3740224 .106061 68.5809135 .106060 68.7881047 .106061 68.9956146 .106060 69.2034372 .106061 69.4115721 .106060 69.6001540 .106061 58.1574931 .088384 11.6314986 .207792 1,070.3380012 2.455312 ADJUSTED NET BARRELS CAPACITY 9.1450858 1.3064408 34.8166663 1.3926667 66.8479991 67.0527262 67.2577667 67.4631178 67.6687833 67.8649439 68.0613899 68.2679614 68.4748535 68.6820437 68.8895546 69.0973762 69.3055121 69.4940930 58.0691091 11.4237066 RESULTANT 1/4" INCREMENTS BARRELS 1,067,8826892 RESULTANT 1.H INCREMENTS BARRELS 5.5706666 5.5706666 5.5877272 5.6048139 5.6219265 5.6390653 5.6554120 5.6717825 5.6889968 5.7062378 5.7235036 5.7407962 5.7581147 5.7754593 5.7911744 5.8069109 5.7118533 ..373 INSIDE TANK HEIGHT 17-0° 13 12-6 42 10:07 8- 8:0 $1 -0.8 2-6 20- 1-0 00 INSIDE TANK HEIGHT COOL WOODEN TANK-REGULAR TAPER TYPE 15-8" HIGH X 70°CIRCUMFERENCE ХАЛАА LEASURED OUTSIDE TANK CONTOUR MEASUREMENT POINTS DESIGNATED o INTERDON ARED WENCHARTE OUTSIDE OIRCUMFERENCE FOR FOR T SECTION O NKH THE 7010 CIRGH RAS 1HD! rence YaLLES HA 71.10 QZIL 71.30 CALCULATE OPEN TANK CAPACITY BARRELS PER SECTION 71.40 44.44 -66.95 71.500 67,36 67,57 67.97 68.17 6858 68.77 69.00 69.20 69.79 TOTAL 1070,38 374 ¿ PBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH | 1/2 | 2.84 1" 7/16 2.49 3/8 2.13 5/16 1.78 174 1.42 3/16 1.07 1/8 0.71 1/16 0.36 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 K - 10.1/2 10 1/4 .1.0- C 93/4 91/2 91/4 Kris 9- 83/4 ............ 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- - INCHES 1ST FT. 2 ND FT. 3RD FT 4TH FT. 5TH FT. 69.49 138.99 208.29 277.39 346.28 7 3/4 7 1/2 7 1/4 4 7- 6 3/4 161/2 61/4 - |...6-. 5 3/4 5 1/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2. 13/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 1- 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 63.69 57.88 52.07 46.27 40.46 34.65 28.84 23.04 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 17.23 15/16 7/8 13/16 11.42 13/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 5.71 133.20 121.61 110.03 104.24 5.68 5.33 4.97 98.45 4.62 4.26 3.91 3.55 3.20 92.66 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 127.40 196.74 265.87 86.87 81.08 PLANT OR 1'-0" PROFERTY NAME LOCATION HT. OF DRAIN CWNER XYZ PROD.C..O... LINE CONN. 0'-0" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None 115.82 185.19 254.36 202.52 271.63 190.97 260.12 179.42 248.60 173.64 242.84 162.09 231.32 156.31 225.57 150.54 219.81 340.54 75.28 144.76 214.05 334.80 167.86 237.08 306.09 329.06 323.32 317.58 311.83 MEASURED BY DATE 294.61 283.13 409.24 6TH FT, 7TH FT. 8TH FT 414.96 483.44 551.70 403.51 PLANT NO. 7 XYZ PROD. CO. TANKTON, ARKALOMA 397.79 J. T'. Urban 12-6-43 477.73 472.02 392 .07 460.61 363.45 288.87 357.73 466.32 300.35 369.17 437.79 374.90 443.49 386.34 454.91 523.26 546.02 380.62 449.20 517.57 540.33 432 .08 534.64 528.95 511.88 D 506.19. 500.50 426.37 494.81 352.00 420.67 489.13 17 9TH FT. 619.77. 614.09 608.42 602.75 597.08 591.41 585.73 580.06 574.39. 568.72 563.05 ……… 557.37 1ST FT. 2ND FT. 3RD FT. 4TH FT. 5TH FT. 6TH FT. 7TH FT. 8TH FT 9TH UNITS IN TABLE: BARFELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH TABLE COMPUTED PY: DATE 12-5-43 FIL Page 1 of 2 375 PELS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 5.68 15/16 5.33 7/8 4.97 4.62 4.26 11/16 3.91 15/8 3.55 9/16 3.20 11/2 7/16 3/8 2.13 5/16 1.78 1/4 1.42 3/16 1.07 1/8 1/16 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 10.1/2... 101/4 ...10. < .9 3./4. 91/2 9 1/4 ............. 83./4. 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 ...7.- 1.63./4. 61/2 6 1/4 6- 53/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 13/4 11/2 1 1/4 1. - 2.84 2.49 3/4 1/2... 1/4 INCHES 0.71 0.36 681.98 676.32 670.66 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" 10TH FT. 11TH FT. 12TH FT 13TH FT. 687.63 822.76 890.02 755.30 665.01 13/16 13/4 642.39 749.66 636.73 744.02 659.35 727.10 738.38 625.42 732.74 817.14 811.52 805.90 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None 884.42 653.70 721.46 789.03 856.39 878.81 800.27 867.60 648.04 715.83 783.41 850.79 873.21 794.65 862.00 710.19 777-79 704.55 772.17 845.18 839.58 PLANT OR 1'-0"' PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER 0'-0" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW 1 693-27 760.92 828.37 951.49 945.90 OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 14TH FT. 15TH FT. 16TH FT. 957.07 1,023.92 940.31 934.72 929.13 923.55 917.96 912.37 631.08 698.91 766.54 833.97 901.20 906.78 MEASURED BY DATE! 895.61 1,018.35 PLANT NO. 7 XYZ PROD. CO. TÄNKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ PROD. CO. 17 1,012.78 1,007.21 J. T. Urban 12-5-43. 1,001.64 1,067.88 1,066.58 1,065.27 1,063.96 996.07 1,062 .66 1,061.35 1,060.04 1,058.74 990.50|1,057.34 984.93 1,051.77 979.36 1,046.20 973.78 1,040.63 968.21 1,035.06 962.64 1,029.49 FT. FT. 10TH FT. 11TH FT. 12TH FT. 13THFT. 14TH FT. 15TH FT. 16TH FT. UNITS IN TABLE: PARFELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 221 CUBIC INCHES EACH FT. F Page 2 of 2 TABLE COMPUTED FI: DATE 376 12-5-43 CHAPTER XXVI Section 2 Wooden Tank of The Barrel Shape Type Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 377 RING ………………………………….. ……………redde ke OLD TANK NO. Tank Mfr's Name: Tank Owner's Head Office Sagamon Tank Erector's Name Sagam.on.. Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Wood Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 10 x 70!. 10! x 70! Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: 7.00 Bbla Wood, Water Sealed …………………………… ………………………………… NEW TANK NO. 18 ……………………………… AN………………. 5 4 N W F V .. 3 ……………. 2 1 …………………… **A ******* ………………………. HEIGHT FROM INSIDE TANK BOTTOM, OR AYRNETH JEROLEUR …………………. Decent ………………………………………………… …………………………… DEADWOOD: ………………………………YOUR 101-6m INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: PASTOSTERONO µ9-16 49-18 Type Of Gauging Method CANə ə 49-14 …………………………………………………………………………………….. *** 4 61-6M 5-6m **** ………………esong. 41-6″ ** None ****** foueantumtetonastraacsDILAKU *****…………………………………………………………+4/48#Tess ………………. Q.!....!!..... *4504. pa ****** De CURRIDO…………resbactus ....... …………………ta-gayak…………………………………dat ***** ------ ……….. …………………NINGUST --……….*………… ***** Tank Measured By ………………… *****………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… -………………thasson. ………………………….Sa CARD .... SILOLIONDO CIRCUM. ***** je …………….. - "106*69" …………………. 7.0...15........ 70.401 7.0...71........ .7.0...93........... 7.1.14...... 7.1.201 THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 6 TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD …………………OTTINGEN 101-10 ………………………. ………….COM. Innaga. *******CLASELE …………………………………………*** 22" "..... Butt Staxes. FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) ARTISON DE ……… SENSI PUIDUSTUUDIOSOI ………………………………………………………………………………………….. **** .. Maantee………………. Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection Height Of Over-Flow Connection. Type And Size Of Tape Used Steel Ribbon, 100: ANTITATI J... Ta Urban....... ………………………--------94 1 100000 ………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. *****………………APITAL……………. …………………………………………………………………………… RU TOT DE ………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …….. …………….. OWNER ………………… ……………………. 11-01 01-ON Non... ……………………… CATEGO XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME.... Plant No. 7 LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ***** …………. Address Tankton Tankton, Arkaloma Address.... Tankten, Arkaloma ****** RING ……………4 4 4 4 000 EU FREEPDOGCONTAIN -------GASTEIDEN ………………. ORLOGES + DE DOO HA CAPTAIN…………………*----*-*………………………………… .· +841425NLER **…………………… …………………………………anso *****…………………******** sagasaa 16448 44 ………………………………… …………………….. katarasati-DOLLUSI …………………………… HEIGHT FROM INSIDE TANK BOTTOM, O XXTTEX FEIXENX ****IN **** !.... ………………………… ………………… ..... 31–6" 21-6# 1'-6" 01_6n CURRENTLI ………………………………………………………400 411 4……………… 0',2" to 10'-81" 7 poz. 33" x 33" x 10!„61" posts, upright. •*•. ……………………………………………………………… …………………………… a…..0..!.m2!!….….….….….…..7.26s. 2" x 6" x 2!mQ! blocks, flat on batte •• Upright Cylind. NO. SECTIONS ………………………………………IN DEDICA………….. ………………….. KUSHURIEUCARISTOTEKA DOTSTARVEPELODIACetalyees Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor 10º-81″ to top 1 pa 51" x 1 3/4″ x 18!m0K flat, under...oof.….….….….…. FOTO ***** 11 ……. …………. 10º-81" to tap 2 pon. 5ft x 1 3/4" x 17.!.0! flat, under roof... Via *** ……… Remarks: ……………………………………………… Date Tape Checked 11 Place For TOLLIDO mangana See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( NO. DATE ***** ………………………………………………………………… USSÜSTEE ………….. s XYZ Prod. Co.. SERDE .... 19.00 .... ……………………………………. …………….UU. *****……………………… 18 11/19/43 *****………… ……………… } ………………………… KANNAN.. SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ……………………………………………………………… 71.04? 7.0..90.... 70.70 .7.0....49........... (…………………2-0----1-…………………----------………………………………………… ********** PORTATU………ATURALUSTO……………………UNA LOUIS………………… ………………………………. CARTOON……………….. CON POLLO-------………… ……………………. .... ………………………………2-220* …………………………………………………DATES.. **** All msmts. made just after hoop drive. 11/14/43 Tankton ……………… TUOTT …………………PEAKOUT……………………………………………………………………… ***** *****boldda *****.... ………………NDAALI …………………………… …………….. · 378 The first step is to calculate the over-all net capacity, which will later be used to check the detailed calculations. Over-all inside tank height is 10'-10", and weighted average circumference calculations may be made as follows: INSIDE TANK HT. 10T-611 98_611 8T-611 7x=6" 61-611 51-6" 4106" 31-611 21_6" 11.6"! 01_6" X 0.01417332 Multiplier X 10'-10" Tank Ht. Factor OUTSIDE MSD. WEIGHT CIRCUMFERENCE X FACTOR Less Circumference Correction Factor For 2-1/2" Weighted Average Inside Circum. 69.90 70.15 70.40 70.71 70.93 71.14 71.20 71.04 70.90 70.70 70.49 D DEADWOOD DISPLACEMENT 01~0" to 0¹-2" 7 Pcs. 2" X 6" X 2'-0" 01-2" to 10¹-8-1/4" 7 Pcs. 3-1/2" X 3-1/2" X 10'-6-1/4" 10¹-8-1/4" to 10"-10" (1 Pc. 5-1/2" x 1-3/4" X 18'-0" (2 Pcs. 5-1/2" X 1-3/4" X 17'-0" 20 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 227 24 Open Tank Capacity at 10'-10" Less Deadwood Displacement (See calculations at foot of page) Net Tank Capacity at 10'-10" 260 1,398.00 1,683.60 1,689.60 1,697.04 1,702.32 1,707.36 1,708.80 1,704.96 1,701.60 1,696.80 1,691.76 18,381.84 + 260 (12 X 24 X 7) + 9702 (3.5 X 3.5 X 126.249996 X 7) + 9702 (5.5 x 1.75 X 216) 9702 (5.5 x 1.75 X 204 X 2) * 9702 = 70.699384! 1.309 69.390384 4,815.02539 68.2448957 10.8333333 739.319701 1.942686 737.377015 offer 0.207792 Bbls. 1.115846 " 0.214286 " 0.404762 " 1,942686 " 379 INTERPOLATIONS FOR WEIGHTED AVERAGE CIRCUMFERENCE PER FOOT INSIDE TANK HT. 10'-10" 10'-6" 10'-0" 9'-6"1 9'-0" 81_5" 8'-0" 7'-5" 7'-0" 6'-6 6'-0" 5'-6" 5'-0" 4'-6" 4'-0" 3'-6" 3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6" 1'-0" O'-6" 0'-0" OUTSIDE MSD. CIRCUMFERENCE 69.90 70.15 70.40 70.71 70.93 71.14 71.20 71.04 70.90 70.70 70.49 (1) 4 x 69.90 10 X 69.90 6 x 70.025 = 20 II 279.50 699.00 420.15 20)1,398.75 INTERPOLATED OUTSIDE CIRCUM. AT SECTION EXTREMITIES 69.90 70.025 70.275 70.555 70.82 71.035 71.17 71.12 70.97 70.80 70.595 70.49 69.9375 (2) 71.035 71.14 71.14 71.17 4)284.485 71.12125 WTD.AVG./FT. 69.9375 (1) 70.15000 70.40750 70.69875 70.92875 71.12125 (2) 71.17250 71.04250 70.89250 70.69875 70.51625 (3) 423.57 845.88 422.94 24)1,692.39 (3) 6 x 70.595 = 12 x 70.49 = 6 x 70.49 = 24 70.51625 380 ซ CIRCUM HEI GHI FROM MEASURED INSIDE OUTSIDE BOTTOM CIRCUM. 10r-611 69.90 9+-6" 70.15 8-611 70.40 78~6" 61~6" 70.93 5~6" 71,14 45~6H 71.20 36"1 71.04 21-6H 70.90 1-6" Ot~6M 69.93750 70.15000 70.40750 70.71 70.69875 INTERPOLATED WEIGHTED AVERAGE OUTSIDE CIRCUM 70.70 70.49 70.92875 71.12125 71.17250 71.04250 70.89250 70.69875 70.51625 EQUI VALENT INSIDE CIRCUM. 68.62850 68.84100 69.09850 69.38975 69.61975 69.73350 69.58350 69.38975 69.20725 D CORRELATION OF ALL CALCULATIONS HORIZONTAL SECTIONS 4,709.87101 (66.7545090) 4,739.08328 4.774.60270 4,814.93741 4,846.90959 4,873.75025 69.81225 69.86350 4,880.90863 4,862.76102 4,841.86347 4,814.93741 4.789.64345 01-2" to 1'-0" (67.8851493) 01-ON N 01-21 OF GAUGING HTIGHT 10t-8-1/4" to 101-10" 10" to 10-8-1/4″ 10th Foot 9th " 8th " 7th " 6th " 5th " 4th M 3rd " 2nd H CALCULATED OPEN TANK CAPACITY BARRELS DEDUCTION FOR DEADWOOD ADJUSTED NET BARRELS CAPACITY RESULTANT RESULTANT IN INCREMENTS INCREMENTS BARRELS BARRELS 1/4" 9.7350325 .619048 9.1159845 1.3022835 45.8937248 .072917 45.8208078 1.3885093 67.1685438 .106061 67.0624828 67.6719719 .106060 67.5659119 68.2436487 .106061 68.1375877 68.6968006 .106060 68.5907406 68.9711609 69.0726199 68.8154070 69.0772219 106061 69.1786799 .106060 68.9214680 106061 68.6252804 106060 68.2436487 .106061 56.5709578 .088384 11.3141915 0.207792 68.5192204 68.1375877 56.4825738 1.4120643 11.1063995 1.3882999 739.3411705 1.942686 737.398485 5.2091340 5.5540373 5.5885402 5.6304927 5.6781323 5.7158951 5.7475967 5.7560517 5.7346173 5.7099350 5.6781323 5.6482574 5.5531997 381 INSIDE TANK HEIGHT '9'-6" منو 8- 구의 ​8 شمنی 10 0 9. Ta - WOODEN TANk - Barrel Shape Type 10-10° HIGH X 70' CIRCUMFERENCE MEASURED OUTSIDE TANK CONTON MEASUREMENT POINTS DESIGNATED O +1 INTER DA CHETO CLA JUICIDE CRO FOOT SEC CIRG VEICHSED FERI N OF TA FRAG NCE FOR SACK tia MAT PPI HSE VALMES 71.00 未 ​71.10 | 0212 I 1 CALCULATED OPEN TAN K CAPACITY +11 BARKELS PER SECTION 15503 3717 2747 6824 G870 Galda cang 6892 2863 3824 2789 TOTAL 73934 382 FELS.AV. 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INCHES 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 10.1/2 101/4 ..1..0...-.. 93/4 91/2 91/4 ........... 8.3/4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- 7.3/4 7.1/2 7 1/4 7- 6 3/4 161/2 61/4 ....6... 5 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- Ja 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 1 3/4 11/2 1 1/4 1 - 3/4 1/2 1/4 IN FES FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 2.84 2.48 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 0.35 9/16 2.13 1.77 1.42 1.06 0.71 61.94 45.00 50..64. 118.69 39.35 28.05 22.40 16.75 15.34 13.93 130.05 33.70 101.66 12.52 11.11 9.72 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAF.D 5TH 5TH. FT FT 6TH. FT. 6TH. FT. 7TH.FT. 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD, FT. 4TH. FT. 67.53 204.25 273.06 135.73 342.13 411.10 479.70 124.37 F..33...... 6.94 5.55 4.16 2.78 1.39 113.01 107.34. 90.30 5.67 5.32 84.62 4.96 4.61 78.95 4.25 3.90 3.55 3.19 198.54 187.12 181.41 95.98 164.28 175.70 192.83 261.59 158.57 PLANT NO. 7 XYZ. PROD. CO. PLANT OR 1'-0"PROPERTY NAME LOCATION TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ Prod. Co. CWNER HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 0'0" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW 152.86 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 147.15 HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None 73.27 141.44 267.33 169.99 238.65 255.86 250.12 2.44..39 232.92 227.18 221.45 215.72 209.98 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RU. FT. 4TH.FT. UNITS IN TABLE: PARFELS OF 42 U.S. 336.38 330.52 MEASURED BY....... DATE • 313.35 319.11 388.11 405.36 473.98 399.61 468.26 382.37 A 324.87 393.86 462.55 301.84 370.87 ANA 296.09 365.12. J.T. Urban 290.33 359.38 11-19-43..... 18 Ma 8TH FT. 547.83 307.60 376.62 445.40 513.76 433.97 542.16 456.83 525.12 536.48 451.12 519.44 530.80 284.57 353.63 422.54 439.68 508.09 502.41 428.25 496.73 9TH FT. 615.40 609.77 604.14 598.51 592.88 537.25 581.62 575.99 570.36 564.72 491.05 559.09 278.82 347.83 416.82 485.37 553.46 5TH FT 6TH. FT. 7TH FT. 8TH. FT. 9TH. FT. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH Page 1 of 2 TABLE COMPUTED FI: 383 DATE 11-19-43 RBLS./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- …… 10 3/4 - .10.1/2.... 10 1/4 ...10. ...9 3./4. .9.11.2 91/4 INCHES 10TH. FT 11TH.FT. 682.46 .............. 83./4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8. 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 7-...... 63./4. 61/2 6 1/4 ...6... 15 3/4 151/2 5 1/4 M 5- 4 3/4 41/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3- - 2 3/4 2 1/2 2:1/4 2- 13/4 11/2 1 1/4 1- - 2.84 .... 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 2.48 15/16 7/8 2.13 1.77 1.42 1.06 0.71 0.35 **** 676.87………..... 13/16 3/4 11/16 3.90 15/8 3.55 19/16 3.19 BARRELS CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD FT FT FT FT FT. 665.70 660.11 654.52 648.93 643.34 632.16 626.58...... 620.99 737.40 736.10 734.79 733.49 732.19 730.89 729.58 ******TR 728.28 726.89 72.1..34... ………… 710.23 704.68 699.12 5.67 5.32... 4.96 4.61 4.25 6.93..57 688.02 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN.. HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. PLANT OR PLANT NO. 7 11-0" PROPERTY NAME XYZ PROD. CO. LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma CWNER XYZ PROD CO. 0'-0" TANK NO. -OLD None NEW HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. None tomme MEASURED BY DATE J.T. Urban 11-19-43 18 FT. FT. FT. FT.i FT. FT. FT. FT. 10TH. FT. 11TH UNITS IN TABLE: BARRELS OF 42 U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH FT. FA Page 2 of & 384 TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE 11-19-43 CHAPTER XXVII Barge And Ship Tanks Example of Tank Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 385 FTER PEAK AFTER PEAK ENGINE ROOM 1 FEED WATER ENGINE ROOM HOUST Во z { COFFER! COFFER DAM 8 TANK #8 P # 4 WING #8 S #7 #4 P WING #7P #TS MARINE TANKER CUT-AWAY HOLDS SIDE VIEW #45 WING OF TOP VIEW OF STOW #3 WING # $6 # 5 #3 P WING #GS #GP #5P #35 #GS WING # 2 WING #4 STOWAGE PLAN #3 #2 P WING #4P #45 #JP #35 廿​25 WING #1 WING #2 # / #IP WING #2P #IP #25 #IS #15 WING PUMP ROOM Fo DRY CARGO PEAK Σ FORWARD PUMP ROOM DEEP TANKS P FORWA & DEEP TANKS S PEA 386 Barge and ship tanks, compartments, or holds may be of many individual sizes and shapes. This will be the case in many instances even as between the various parts of a single vessel. Frequently, in an individual vessel, pairs of compartments or holds may be of the same size and shape, although varying from each of the others, either singly or in pairs. An example of how this may occur is the arrangement shown on the preceding page. The calculation example given here is for only one particular size and shape of such a tank. However, it has been selected so as to provide an illustration of many of the general principles likely to be encountered. The dimensions of the tank, and an analysis of the capacity calculation approach used, are both shown by the drawing on the next page. The maximum inside depth is 6'-0". It will be divided into 12-6" increments. TOP 10-6" INCREMENTS 7' x 16' X .5' X 10 = NEXT LOWER 6" INCREMENT 7.5' X 8' X .5 30. 12. 6' x 8' X .25' = 1' X 5' x 8' 1' 3:51 BOTTOM 6" INCREMENT (**** 7' X 8' X .251 1' X 5' X 8' 3 3'-0" 2'-6" 2'-0" 1'-6"1 1'-0" 0'-6"1 ) 1.3336) TOTAL 11 1.3336) = CUBIC FEET 56. 560. 5.61458333 BARRELS 9.9740259 99.740259 X 42 = GALLONS 418,909086 4,189.09086 43.3336 7.7180437 324.157835 ACCUMULATION OF CAPACITIES GALS. 15.3336 2.7310307 114.703292 618.6672 110.189334 4.627.95199 BBLS. BBLS. GALS. 50.3451780 2,114.497471 6'-0" 110.1893334 4,627.951987 40.3711521 1,695.588385 5'-6" 100.2153075 4,209.042901 30.3971262 20.4231003 1,276.679299 5'-0" 857.770213 4'-6" 438.861127 4'-0" 114.703292 3'-6" 90.2412816 3,790.133815 80.2672557 3,371.224729 70.2932298 2,952.315643 60.3192039 2,533.406557 1.0.4490744 2.7310307 387 6'-0" END VIEW INSIDE DIMENSIONS OF EXAMPLE OF IRREGULAR TANK т 6=0" 6'-0" 4 6'-0" +2:00 ANALYSIS OF CAPACITY CALCULATION APPROACH EACH OF TOP TEN 6" INCREMENTS LOWER 6" INCREMENT · 8*6″ – -8=0" T 8'-0" BOTTOM TOP SIDE -16′-0″- T 750" 0-3÷÷ 140" + 5=0" Lo TOP INCREMENT SIDE TOP SIDE 7-0" ·8'-0"- 8-0" 1-0" * 2. NEXT T 6'-0" 0:3 + + TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW +11 0·6++ 16'-0" TOP SIDE TOP SIDE 17-0 7 TOP SIDE + 80 8-0* 6-0" 388 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 INCHES 1ST. 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11 10 3/4 10.1/2.... 10 1/4 ·.1.0..-.. C ....9 3/4 91/2 91/4 ............ 83/h 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- ....7. 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 ....6- 63./4. 61/2 61/4 53/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- dang 4 3/4 GALLONS 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 3. 2 3/4 Poda 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- 1 3/4 11/2 1 1/4 1. 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 438.86 114.70 " 1 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. PLANT OK ***……..... 6'-0" PROFERTY NAME TANKER S.S LOCATION HT. OF DRAIN CWNER LINE CONN. 020" TANK NO. -OLD .19.……...... NEW HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. 5'-3" MEASURED BY ..... DATE 3RD. FT. 2ND. FT. FT 5TH. FT. FT 1,276.68 2,114.50 | 2,952.32 | 3,790.13 ………… CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD 4TH. FT 6TH. FT 4,627.95. …………… -- 857.771,695.59 2,533.41 3,371.22 4,209.04 20 FORWARD DEEP TANKS P-S XYZ PROD.CO. 20 ***** J.T. Urban 10-22-44 FT O G 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. F 4TH. FT. 5TH. FT. 6TH. ET FT. UNITS IN TABLE: U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH 10-22-44 DATE TABLE COMPUTED EY: FE. ……………A .... ………………. FT. FT 389 CHAPTER XXVIII Wooden Barrels Example of Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 390 BARREL OLD TANK NO. BARREL NEW TANK NO. Tank Mfr's Name: Tank Erector's Name RING *****………………. ANATOPUndian AJUAD-CO ****………………… ………… ………………………………………… ……………………& Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Wooden Staves Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 32! 3' x 2' 63 Gallons Type of Roof CIRCUMFERENCES: ………………… · 5 6n+ma 9 3 4 2 1 *** ..... CAR COUS HEIGHT FROM XXXXX BOTTOM, XX ……………… UNIK XPTOELEK XXIFONKK U Jansmaat………………………………………………… ……anada [………………ant ... ……………………………………sassano¶………. 3.1.0!! 2.-9...……….….. 2+-6″ 21.31 2'-0" 11-9" 11-6m ***** DEADWOOD: Type Of Gauging Method ……………………« BAUMUNO ………………………………… ………………**** 12247. ………………SECUSCI FORD………………………………………… Approx.... 61/128" 904b0000 INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: BARREL *** ………………… ……………………………….. ... ** ……………………… None ………………………… 21 ******COURIE XYZ Stave Co..... .......... Ledus a…. ……………………………………………………………MATE •KED…………………………………………………………onse ………………. PRODUKTORGRIMzaskoc ……………………… ****** CACIA…. …………………………… …………………BRAT ……………… ………………………III ……………… ………………… …………des ***** Dea ROGRA AUSULISTAS ……………………………………………-----^…………………………keessa. …………………FO-------- ►….. seca BADAN ** THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 danbanan CIRCUM. [000020. ...ONE 40. 6.5.82!! 69.90M 72.73" 74.93" 76.81" INDEP D ………………………6-280-……………………… ………………. 75.08" 78.38" …………………… Mi-adhe BARREL DANI MEASUREMENTS RECORD 3!-0" D Innago Todomate *………………………. *****.. ……………… Butt...Staves... FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) PISKELUOPU vadaitos……………………ate TOODUD RAPED CRONYMOUS DRUIVING SALOO ……………………………….. vesnakan …………….. **……………………………. ……………ORDINOUVEA ............... 10………………….. ………………………………………. J. 7. Urban ………………….NET INGLOGSTORE--------- UTEN Labana ……………………………………………………………vokuotaðar……………. TUISG LOUIS…………… DE DADO ------………………………an POSAMENA…………………………………………………………………AUTODE …….. ………………………………. * = 6 0 2 0 8 amma qeses……………………REMOTE ………………………. INTERES……………… ----………………….thecasseau………………….-rom……………………TO ………………………………………………………………………………¶ukangasabası----………………………900-100-------- ustaa40 OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Hickory Valley Farm LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma …………………………………………… Height Of Pipe Line Connection Height Of Drain Line Connection …….0'-0” Height Of Over-Flow Connection. Type And Size Of Tape Used Stool Ribbon, 501 Tank Measured By DURATION Address.......ankton, Arkaloma... Address *** NAKLONOS CATEGO …………………… es………ats ……………. RING ………………………………. 46168-14y………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………ASEIDO *****……… COR…………………………. ……………………………………kes……………………cotadi. MUTUANTESSUTI ------……………. *******……….. ……………sat. ………………………………………………………………………………………**** .... ……… …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………. ………………………………….. Ja……………… ………………………… ………………… Fe…ha………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR KENKRAXIROM XENIX Kaupat... …………….DO Remarks: …………………………………… - - · • Ga .1.!.m.3!!! 3!!........ 11-0 ……………………………. 46-10 ... …………… µ9-10 01-3" *** …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………aukamsão…..TO DRUOM 01_0" NO. SECTIONS Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor ……………………………………………………GENTUUR……………………………… APTURA…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Upright başadan……………………………………………………………………………………INSERT FRAUDUL CARDIOPHAGUESSI snapba XYZ Prod...... ----…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………66+spot……………………………………………………140 Date Tape Checked !! 11. Place For See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ………… ****** NO. 21 DATE... 8/9/44 NATO ……………. SOUNDSON………………. ………………….. ……………………………AAA [ST *******ORUS DATAREIDIN JORDA ………………….. …………………………………..…………… ………………………………………………… 7/1/44 Tankton CONTA ……………………. .75.08.!! 76.81" 74.893" 72.73″...... 69.90" 6.5...82........ - SIZE SECTIONS CIRCUM. ………………………… …….…………………… ……………… a ……………se. 盒 ​TONINIAIS ………………………………………………………………. [04. ………….. Fassaa ... HORARIO TERRUà a ……………………………… 10001 ... ……………NDE ………………………………. ………………………………… Kenda ……………………………… *******…………… …………………………………………………………. **……………… ---------……………………………….. Loaded……sanat 1004atagagana **80* 391 Capacities in increments of 3" each and for total barrel may be calculated as follows, taking short cuts where possible: INSIDE BARREL MEASURED OUTSIDE HEIGHT CIRCUMFERENCE 3611 33" 30" 27" 24" 21" 18" 15" 12" 911 611 3" Oft 65.82" 69.90" 72.73" 74.93" 76.81" 75.08" 78.38" 75.08" 76.81" 74.93" 72.73" 69.90" 65.82 - CIRC.CORR. FOR 61/128" AND → 3.1416 = INSIDE DIAMETER 20.00" 21.30" 22.20" 22.90" 23.50" 23.90" 24.00" 23.90" 23.50" 22.90" 22.20" 21.30" 20.00" AVERAGE INSIDE DIAMETER EACH 3" 20.65" 21.75" 22.55" 23.20" 23.70" 23.95" D X .7854 62.8630080 4.3495095 426.4225 334.912232 1,004.7367 473.0625 371.543288 1,114.62986 4.8252375 58.5134985 53.6882610 48.5015355 5.1867255 5.4900480 5.7292380 43.0114875 37.2822495 5.8507455 508.5025 538.2400 561.6900 573.6025 Same as above except in reverse order. .7854 X 3 231 X3 or GALLONS CAPACITY EACH 3" + 231 2.3562 or multiply 223562 by .0102 ACCUMULATED GALLONS CAPACITY AT EACH 3" OF HEIGHT 31.4315040 25.5807585 19.8515205 14.3614725 9.1747470 4.3495095 392 KUGENE DIETZGEN CO. NO. 340-20 EDCO EFFICIENCY 20 X 20 PER INCH 33 Ber 2 HIST HO .M. STANDARD TYPE WOODEN BARREI 3'HIGH X 2 DIAMETER PACIT 4.33 183 5:73 3+* 565 15787 5.13 4.83 393 GALS. 1/2 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 12 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 ./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1" - - 101/2 10 1/4 .1.0...... 93/4 .......... 9 1/4 .......... 8.3/4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8. G INCHES 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT 43.01 62.86 19.85 73/4 71/2 7 1/4 ...7- 63./4. 61/2 6 1/4 ....6.- 5 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 GALLONS 3- G 2 3/4 1- 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- - 13/4 11/2 1 1/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES 14.36 9.17 4.35 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 9/16 2.90 · 37.28 .3.2.a.4.3.... ………….. CONTA ••• 58.51 53.69 HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. ……………= HT. OF DRAIN LINE CONN. 25.58 48.50 HT. OF OVER-FLOW LINE CONN. CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD FT FT FT FT 1.45 1.08 .72 .36 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD/ FT. UNITS IN TABLE: 0'-0" ……… …………….. PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME LOCATION CWNER BARREL NO. -OLD MEASURED BY DATE ……………………. HICKORY VALLEY FARM TANKTON, ARKALOMA XYZ Prod. Co. NEW …………… J.T. Urban 8-9-44 FT. FT. FT. FT. FT. FT U.S. GALLONS OF 231 CUBIC INCHES EACH 8.9-44 21 FT FA 394 TABLE COMPUTED BY: DATE Example: Procedure: The barrel shaped container, No. 20, for which the immediately preceding pages describe the calculation procedure, can be used for convenience. From this, we know the dimensions and also that the total capacity has been calculated as 62.86 U.S. Gallons of 231 cubic inches each. CALCULATIONS: GRAPHIC METHOD FOR CLOSE APPROXIMATION OF CAPACITY BY INCREMENTS OF BARREL SHAPED CONTAINERS IN HORIZONTAL POSITION The graphic method of determining the approximate dimensions of each increment is detailed on the next page. The scaled diameter values are all in terms of inside dimensions, which are available from the third preceding page. The principal thing to bear in mind is that in this case all increments decrease in dimensions toward both their outer extremes due to the decreasing circumference (and .. diameter) and that the two one inch increments at the top and bottom respectively in addition decrease in length. Maximum Height Minimum Height $3 BOTTOM 1" 2ND 1" 3RD 1" 10.4 13.6 4.4 10.4 2) 14.8 2 24.0 2 32.8 2) 41.2 2) 44.63 7.4 16.4 20.6 22.32 2ND 3" 19.2 13.6 3RD 3" 22.0 19.2 4TH 3" 22.63 22.00 12.0 X 36 X 36 590.4 즉​4138 603.록​을 ​741.6 X 30 222.0 X 1 222.0 X 36 432.0 X 432.0 803.52 1,771.2 2.410.58 .9610 1.8701 7.6675 9.6312 10.4353 30.6794 1 ½ 4.4 0.0 2) 4.4 2.2 X 12 26.4 X 1 26.4 .1143 Average Height X Average Length X Increment Height ✦ 231 Cu. Inches/Gal. Checking this approximation of the half-full capacity against 31.4315 as calculated in the preceding example, we find that the difference amounts to an understatement of about 2%, more exactly 31.4315 30.6794 by 1.02451482, 1.02451482 X 3 TOTAL X 2,324.3 Therefore, the approximation can be brought closer to accuracy by multiplying .1171 .9846 1.9159 7.8555 9.8673 10.6911 31.4315 X 2 62.8630 395 2º F LO STANDARD TYPE WOODEN BARREL SHONG X 2 DIAMETEIN •° 2° 4° 6° 0° 10° 12° N° 16′′ 16″° 20′ 22 - 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 3 35 INSTIDE DIAMETER 5: ***GABINKKYY JUM 396 CHAPTER XXIX Rectangular Box-Type Containers Example of Measurement and Gauge Table Calculation 397 Tank Mfr's Name: XYZ Prod. Co. Tank Erector's Name * " " OUTSIDE HEIGHT …………………………………… OLD TANK NO. ………………………. NEW TANK NO. 4' -01" RINK LENGTI JEROMX FIND 21-01" #40-10 -6n+ma Complete Blueprints on File at Tank Built of (Steel, Wood, Concrete, Etc.) Steel, Glass Lined Type Tank (Upright Cylindrical, Horiz. Cylindrical, Etc.) Rectangular, Prostrate Nominal Size (Dimensions and Capacity) 6! x 2! x 4! - 48 Cu. Ft. Type of Roof Steel, Flat 20 Tons SIPUUNTEPETYATEX ୨ 5 4 3 2 1 ………………….. \…………….. HEXCXXXTROM DANGINOOOOXXXXX AUTOA……………………………………………………………… ………………………………. …………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….. petcause ·LELOG. ……………………………………………ANUSIA INSIDE HEIGHT OF TANK: ……………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………UBATAN Basica Type Of Gauging Method ……………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… …………………………… 14 nada……. DEADWOOD: LENGTH 6.01 .5...99........ CANDAU……………………… …………… 04 22 D 6.01. DUTC CHOOSING A ·Steel1", Butt (Glann 2”,..Butt. Hone ………….. lasaqma………….. (Mercury Vat *** ILLUD 997TSIEVERTT29**IONS **USUUNA marí ………………… PIANTI IN…………….... ……………………… **……………-----------EVOSTAS ------……………………………………GI ………………………………………………………………ITPROOLITI OUTSIDE ……………. LOCAL ………………sena **** ALPIN Consona *………………….santai ………………… …………………………assassi 2016 UUTISIA……………TET ……………. …………arkaði. r}} THICKNESS OF TANK WALLS, PLATE ASSEMBLY, AND SEAMS: RING THICK. TYPE SEAM IN/OUT SET WIDTH 7 ……………………………………………………. **** ………………………………… MADON………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………. Duboka.. ***** CERCIN SUSANNE ……………………………………………………………… WIDTH OSLOVA TANK MEASUREMENTS RECORD ………………… 2.001 …………………… ---------------…………………………………………………………. 2.00 CAD 4'-0" Innage ********* …………………………………… FLOATING ROOF (Measurements And Weight) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ***…………***** SOLIDS• …………………………………………………………………………… …………………ETOURA ****** **** s……………pea 100 DOO I …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. T. Urban….... ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………… PHILLIPINES1120-11TUIT... ***……………………………………SIDUOES………………okay- SECUR ›ì………………………… (480 PAPA ninang…… FODALANIERAAPIATTIN Height Of Pipe Line Connection 01-10 Height Of Drain Line Connection o!.0" Height Of Over-Flow Connection 31-10" Type And Size Of Tape Used 50' Steel Ribbon Tank Measured By J. OWNER XYZ Prod. Co. PLANT/PROPERTY NAME Plant No. 7 .... LOCATION Tankton, Arkaloma ******…………………… ………… ……………………….. CONNA Address Tankton, Arkaloma …………… Chu ······ 1000 Address RING ******** FLOTANDELEO VIRTUA……………. ………………………………………… TOUCARINCESSYOU………………………………………………………. ………………………………….. *** ………………………………ONO …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. 1000 …………………. …………………… Remarks: ……………IONA ………………………… HEIGHT FROM TANK BOTTOM, OR LENGTH FROM END …………… # ……………………………eat ………………………. .... JONAS " ***…………………………………………ADUTO………………………………………… ****** FO ……………………. See Sketch Of Tank On Reverse Side ( Details Of Gauging Method, Including Measurements, If O'-0" Gauge Does Not Coincide With Inside Surface Tank Floor SASKUUSSA XYZ Prods. C NO. 22 DATE 9/3/44 …………………………. [200 ****CAUS……………… SOURCE NO. SECTIONS SIZE SECTIONS .... ……….... F…..... ………………….. …………………………………………… ..... …………………… …………… …………………………. PORNO ……………………………………………………. (2040 Date Tape Checked 7/1/44 11 11 Tankten Place For ………………………………………… ……………………………………………… …………….... P******* ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CIRCUM. ***** *****REDUSA at t .... ……………………………. CRASSOULSDC……………… ..... Samaan KOKELAUAN ……………………… ……………. ……………………………. ………………USTOMS DIGUN …………………… ……………………………… ……………………… •*• •*…………………………………………………………… 398 HEIGHT LENGTH 4'-0" 21-0" 2'-0" 0'-0/" OUTSIDE 6.01' 5.991 5.99' 6.01' )24.00* 6.001 Average, outside Less 2 x wall thick..0833 Average, inside 5.9167' 5.9167' x 1.9167' x 4' = WIDTH 2.00' 2.001 2.00' 2.00* 4)8.00' 2.00' .0833' X 1.9167' 45.3621556 Cu. Ft. (NOTE: 1 Cu. Ft. Mercury weighs 846.8 Lbs. @ 60°F.) • 38,412.6734 (" steel & " glass, Total " or .0417') x 2 = .0833/' 846.8 Lbs./Cu. Ft. Lbs., Total 4)38.412.6734 12) 9.603.16835 Lbs./Ft. of Tank Height 16) 800.2640294 Lbs./Inch of Tank Height 50.0165018/Lbs./1/16" of Tank Height 399 INSIDE HEIGHT ** 2-0 t RECTANGULAR BOX TYPE TANK STEEL Ste LINED GLASS G GLong, 2'Wide. And 4'DEEP S AND FLcor. /4"$TE VIWILI.LV"GLASS ON INSIDE 5.9167° OO 2000 400 POUNDS S./AV. FRACTIONAL INCH 1/2 400.13 1" 7/16 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 12- 11 3/4 11 1/2 11 1/4 11- 10 3/4 10.1/2.... 10_1/4 1.1.0....... 19. 3./4. 9.17.2. 91/4 ........... 8.....3./4 8 1/2 8 1/4 8- ..... 7.3/4 7.1/2 7 1/4 A ....7- 7.-... 63/4 61/2 6 1/4 6- 5 3/4 51/2 5 1/4 5- 4 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 4- ** INCHES 1ST FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT 4TH . FT. 9,603.17 19,206.34 28,809.50 38,412.67 3 3/4 3 1/2 3 1/4 - 3- 2 3/4 2 1/2 2 1/4 2- I 1.3/4 11/2 1 1/4 1- - POUNDS 800.26 350.12 15/16 750.25 7/8 300..10. 700.23 250.08 13/16 650.21 600.20 3/4 2.00...0.7 11/16 550.18 1.00.03 5/8 50.02 9/16 3/4 1/2 1/4 INCHES ASTRONO ***** *** *****N …………………………*** ....500.17 450.15 8,802.90 18,406.07 28,009.24 37,612 .41 .... (OD DATAROT KAY 37,012.21 8,002.64 17,605.81 27,208.98 36,812.14 SOLOMON FOR…………… : 7,202.38 16,805.54 26,408.71 36,011.88 …..……. ………………………………. HT. OF PIPE LINE CONN. 01-1" CAPACITY AT EACH 1/4" OF TANK HEIGHT-READ UPWAFD FT FT FT. 6,402.11 16,005 28 25,608.45 35,211.62 HT. OF DRAIN, LINE CONN. 0-0" HT. OF OVER-FLOW MEASURED RY LINE CONN.....3'-101″ DATE ... **ION LOOKE 37,412.34 37, 212.28 …………….. CANON 5,601.85 15,205.02 24,808.18 34,411,35 4,801.58 14.404.25 24,007.9.2 3.3,611.09. UNITS IN TABLE: TABLE COMPUTED BY: 4,001.32 13,604.49 23,207.66 32,810.82 ……………… 3,201,06 12,804,22 22,407.39 32,010.56 2,400.79 12,003.96 21,607,13 31,210.30 1,600,53 11,203,70 20,806.86 30,410.03. 1,400.46 1,200.40 1,000.39 800.2.6.10,403.43 20,006.60 29.609.77 600.20 400.13 200.07 1ST. FT. 2ND. FT. 3RD. FT. 4TH. FT. NOTE: ………………… PLANT OR PROPERTY NAME MERCURY VAT PLANT NO. 7 LOCATION TANKTON, ARKALOMA CWNER............ XY? PROD....G...….………………….. TANK NO. -OLD NEW 2.2........ ………. • FT. ***