LIR TP 828 L897s ĭ mkd-Voltas de a se je na Dk. MUNERATED B 796,565 : Elle SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE 2 The Richardson Lovejoy Engineering Company Columbus, Ohio ** I i ŷ Scumming and Efflorescence BY ELLIS LOVEJOY, E. M. 14 THE RICHARDSON-LOVEJOY ENGINEERING CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO ! TRADES POP, COUMIET, COLUMBUS, OHIO: PRESS OF F. J. HEER 1907 { W Letty C J 1 ! Copyrighted 1907, by The Richardson-Lovejoy Engineering Co. PRICE 50 CENTS 3 t 2 1 SCUMMING. There is no question before the brickmakers and clay workers of this country more important than that of Scumming and Efflorescence. It is brought up in every convention: it is discussed on every brick yard and in every clay working establishment. It manifests itself in every stage of the manufacture, often appearing on the clay itself, on the ware in the drier, in the kiln, and finally on the finished product on the yard or after it is laid in the wall. Scumming is the common brick yard term for the trouble, and it is defined as a white or grayish white coating on the sur- face of the bricks. It is sometimes called "drier white," and "kiln white." Efflorescence is another name for the coating, but this. usually refers to the white, yellow, or green coating which appears on the finished product after removal from the kiln while stored on the yard, or often not until the ware is laid in the wall. Months and even years may elapse before the efflo- rescence may appear, but on products particularly subject to the trouble, the efflorescence will begin to show after the first wet- ting and subsequent drying out. The Germans have begun a systematic study of the ques- tion and have already done a great deal of work, but the greater part of it has been confined to the wall efflorescence, Auswitter- ung, literally weathering out. The great trouble in systematically studying this question in America is due to the confusion which arises from the several sources of the trouble and its appearance in different stages of the manufacturing processes, and on the finished ware. We would distinguish the coating which appears on the ware in the process of manufacture, and which is a permanent insoluble coating, by calling it scum, and we would use the term efflorescence for the soluble coating which appears on the (3) 44 4 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. finished product in the wall, or on the stock yard, as the case may be. If the clayworkers of America would recognize this dis- tinction some of the confusion which arises in discussing the question, would be eliminated. If the manufacturer would go farther, and learn by careful observation, whether the scumming appears on the ware in the drying or in the burning, we would begin to get some order out of chaos. Many manufacturers keep accurate records of the manufacturing processes, and all should do so, but we have never seen a record in which there was a space for scum. In our experience, we have seen great variations in the amount of scum on ware from the same clay, and there must be many yards with similar experiences. Why, then, not keep a record of it? The kind of clay and condition of the same, the kind of water, state of weather, rapidity of drying, condition of ware going into kilns, time and temperature of water-smoking, kind of fuel, clean or dirty, wet or dry, etc., and from these records it will be found in many cases that certain conditions give the least scum, or none at all, and such conditions are worth working for. It will pay to study the question and get rid of the coating, or at least reduce it to a minimum. It may not be injurious to many wares, such as sewer pipe, paving bricks, etc., but we believe that the appearance of such wares may affect the sale. Even inspectors wil hesitate to turn down bright clean ware, but if it is dirty and discolored, their suspicions are aroused and the ware gets a rigid inspection. A few cities are exceptional common brick markets, in that the bricks must be scummed to be readily salable. The idea seems to prevail that the scummed bricks are harder burned and in consequence more durable than the cleaner bricks. The builders have learned to grade the hardness of the bricks by the appearance of the scum. We believe that the manufacturer who succeeds in over- coming the difficulty, and puts into these cities a clean hard burned brick, will have a decided advantage in the market, and that the prejudice in favor of the scummed bricks will quickly disappear. · SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. ел " THE WORK OF THE GERMAN SOCIETY. The German Society of Clay, Lime and Cement Manu- facturers issued a brochure in which a series of questions were asked, covering every phase of the efflorescence trouble. These questions were sent out to the clay ware manufacturers, to architects, to builders, and to any one interested in the subject, and from whom information might be obtained, and from all was requested information on the question. The replies were tabulated and elaborate tests were carried out to determine the facts brought out in the answers. The Society is thus collecting valuable information, but what is more. important, the method it is taking results in a large corps of practical men in all parts of the country making observations. and studying the question under the direction of such eminent. scientists as Dr. Mäckler and E. Cramer. In this country we, unfortunately, have no Society laboratory in which such exten- sive work can be done, and unless we can induce the govern- ment to take up the work in connection with the testing work which has been so magnificently begun on the coals and which will be extended to building materials, clay products, stone and cement, we must rely upon our own individual efforts and upon the work of our Ceramic Schools. It seems to us that the German idea of a series of questions is a good one, and may very properly be extended to cover scumming as well as efflorescence. As a preliminary to a more carefully prepared list, we would propose the following questions: I. Have you ever noticed any white, yellow, or green coating (efflorescence) upon the clay after exposure to the atmosphere? 2. Is the ware made from weathered clays more subject to scum than that made from unweathered clay? 3. Are some portions of the clay bank more liable to cause scum than other parts? 4. Is the scumming more troublesome when the water supply is low and probably highly impregnated with salts? 5. Does the amount of water used in the manufacture affect the degree of scumming? 6 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 6. Do you attribute the scumming to the clay or to the water? 7. Does it appear in the drying or the burning? 8. 9. If the scum appears during the drying: a. Is it worse under slow or quick drying? b. Is it affected by the state of the weather? C. Is it affected by the source of heat in the drier, steam heated coils, waste heat from cooling kilns, heat from burning kilns, heat from aux- iliary furnaces, wood, coal or gas fired? Is it worse under open air drying? If the scum appears in the burning: α. Is it affected by the degree of dryness of the ware set in the kiln? 12. b. Is it affected by the state of the weather? C. Has wet or dry fuel any influence? d. What effect have different fuels? e. What effect has the draft? f. Does the scum come in the water-smoking, in the oxidation, or in the vitrification period? IO. Does the coating appear to be an exudation from the clay body, or is it a deposit left on the bricks by the passage of the kiln gases? II. Is it worse in some kilns than others of the same type? If so in what respect do these kilns differ in time of firing; in strength of draft; in type of furnace; in dampness under or around the kiln? Is it affected by the type of kiln, draft, muffle or continuous? -up draft, down It seems to us that these questions with others which every manufacturer can propose to bring out the detail of the trouble on his yard, will enable us to examine the problem more criti- cally, and arrive at more definite conclusions with beneficial results in many cases. They will lead to more careful investigation because some of the questions cannot be answered by many manufacturers without examination of the product, and in a number of in- stances actual experiments must be made before the answer can be given. ¦ SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 7 A. B. It certainly will be valuable information to every manu- facturer to know the source of the trouble on his yard, even though he cannot overcome it at the time. At any rate, the study of the question by each of us in reference to our own product will enable us to compare notes with others, without the endless confusion which always now results in any discussion. In order to properly discuss the question involved in scum- ming and efflorescence, we propose the following classification based on the stage of manufacture in which the trouble appears and also upon the origin of the scum. } Effloresence on the clay. Scum. I. Appears on clay ware in the drier. 4. CLASSIFICATION. 5. I. Soluble sulphates originally in the clay. 2. Soluble sulphates in the water used in manu- facture. 3. Soluble sulphates formed from the decomposition of minerals in the clay by sulphurous gases (eventually sulphuric acid) introduced in the drier. Soluble sulphates formed by the oxidation of the pyrite in the clay, forming in moist air sul- phuric acid, and the decomposition of the minerals by such acid. Sulphates formed by sulphur in the oil acting on the bases in the clav. II. Appears on the clay ware in the burning. Same as 3 under I. Same as 4 under I. I. 2. 3. Coating formed from sulphuric acid evolved from wet fuel and deposited on the ware in the cooler parts of the kiln, and collecting the basic constituents from the ash carried into the kiln by the draft. C. Efflorescence. I. Alkali and magnesia sulphates, vanadates, or molybdates, originally in the clay and not fully decomposed in the burning. 8 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. со 2. Alkali and magnesia sulphates in the water used in manufacture and not fully decomposed in the burning. 3. Alkali and magnesia sulphates formed in the drying, and remaining unchanged in the ware after burning. +. Alkali and magnesia sulphates formed in the burning. 5. Alkali and magnesia sulphates, vanadates, or molybdates formed by the disintegration through atmospheric agencies, of the more basic silicates produced in the burning. 6. Soluble sulphates from the mortar, or sand used in building, or formed by reaction between carbonates from the mortar, and sulphates or sulphides in the clay ware. Soluble sulphates or nitrates absorbed from the ground. Soluble salts absorbed from the stone copings, caps, quoins, etc., used in building. 9. Soluble salts from the air. a. 7. 8. In the vicinity of the sea, sodium chloride and carbonic acid in the air, or carbonates in the clay react to form hydrous sodium carbonates. Ammonia in the air through chemical reaction upon sodium chloride or upon carbonates in the ware, forming soluble nitrates. Sodium salts acted upon by sulphuric acid from sulphurous gases, forming soluble sulphates. This classification might be extended to cover rare cases involving several chemical reactions, but for all practical pur- poses and to avoid too much complication in our discussions, the above classification is sufficient. Even the last item under efflo- rescence might be omitted so far as the question of scumming and efflorescence from the clay workers standpoint are concerned. b. C. EFFLORESCENCE ON CLAY. The efflorescence on the clay may be any soluble salt con- tained in the clay or formed by weathering. In dry weather these salts are brought to the surface and deposited there by the evaporation of the water. When wet weather comes, they are taken up by the water and in part washed away with the surface water, and in part carried back into the clay. They play quite an important role in the weathering of clay and disintegration of rocks. Not only do they assist in the chemical destruction of SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 9 the mineral bodies, but the crystalization of the salts from saturated solutions during changes in the temperature assist in breaking apart the rock mass, and give opportunity for the pas- sage of the ground waters. DRIER SCUM. It will be noted in our classification that the first two di- visions under the heading "Scum that appears on the ware in the burning" are identical with the third and fourth divisions under the heading of "Scum that appears on the ware in the drier." We may even go further and include all the drier scum, except, perhaps, that caused by the oil, under the heading of the burning. All these classes belong to the drying stages of the manu- facture whether in the drier or in the kiln. It is well established that the drier and related kiln scum is chiefly sulphate of lime. In the drying process, any soluble salts of the alkalies and magnesia will also come out with the lime, but we believe that the percentage of these will be small, and in any case they will be decomposed or volatilized in the burning, leaving behind the sulphate of lime. Clays, as a rule, do not contain appreciable percentages of the salts of the alkalies and magnesia. Because of their extreme solubility, they are leached out and removed by the ground water as fast as set free through the decomposition of the minerals containing them. That they appear in the form of efflorescence on the burned ware is due to the fact that the minerals containing alkalies are decomposed in the burning, or even later, by atmospheric agen- cies, and the salts set free to appear as efflorescence. In the drier scum, the sulphate of lime may have been originally in the clay as such, or it may have been formed from lime pebbles and pyrite in the clay, or from lime in the clay and sulphuric acid formed from the fuel gases. The related kiln scum comes from the same source, formed in the same way, and is in reality a drier scum. It is impossible to draw the line sharply between the two because they are both due to the drying process. IO SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 1 > If the clay contains sulphate of lime, we would expect it to come out in the drier, and it becomes "drier scum." If the ware is set in the kiln quite wet, the sulphate comes out in the kiln instead of in the drier and becomes "kiln scum." If the clay contains lime in any form and pyrite, we would expect the formation of sulphate of lime, if the pyrite is given opportunity to oxidize, and this opportunity may come in the drier or in the kiln, and the resultant scum is "drier scum” or "kiln scum" as it may happen to appear in either of these stages of manufacture. The clay may be free from pyrite and contain very little sulphate, the lime content being in the form of a carbonate. In the kiln, the sulphur gases will supply the necessary sul- phuric acid to form the sulphate, and the scum is "kiln scum," but many driers use combustion gases, and in such cases the "kiln scum" becomes "drier scum.” Whether the scum appears in the drier or in the kiln, it is connected with the drying stage, and is properly a drier scum, and we would define it as a scum which comes during the drying stage, and at least one of the constituent elements comes from within the body of the ware. This is the most common scum, and we are safe in saying that over ninety per cent of the scum troubles may be included in this class. KILN SCUM. True kiln scum is not recognized by many manufacturers. In our classification it is the third division under the head- ing of "Scum that appears on the ware in the burning." It is not a salt leached out from the interior of the ware and left on the surface by evaporation, but on the contrary, it is a coating de- posited on the surface of the ware, and does not necessarily derive any of its elements from the ware. We may find it not only on the surface of the ware, but also upon the kiln walls, the kiln castings exposed to the kiln gases, and the sand facing of sand moulded bricks. It is a trouble belonging entirely to the burning, and may occur even after the ware in the kiln is fairly dry, and the danger of the ordinary scum is passed. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. II " FORMATION OF CLAY. To get at the source of our trouble we must go back to the origin of the clay. Clay as we generally apply the term is a mixture of kaolinite, and other hydrous silicates, sand, lime, and magnesia compounds, feldspars, mica, iron in several forms, hornblende, and many other silicates, resulting from rock de- composition. It is derived from the older rock formations, -- granite, gneiss, etc., as well as from the volcanic rocks, diorite, dolerite, diabase, etc., through their disintegration and decomposition by atmospheric agencies. Kaolinite comes from the decomposition of the silicate of alumina minerals of which feldspar is a noted example, and usually taken to describe the process of formation of kaolinite. Feldspar is a double silicate of alumina and the bases, lime, soda, potash, lithia, etc. Under atmospheric agencies, this is broken up, and hydrous silicate of alumina, or kaolinite is one of the resultant minerals. The bases are set free and are taken up by the ground waters, combining with silica to form other sili- cates, with carbonic acid to form carbonates, with sulphuric acid to form sulphates, etc. Residual clays, Residual clays, those which have not been removed from the places where they were formed, will contain besides the clay base, all the products of rock decomposi- tion, including mica, sand, undecomposed feldspar and other silicates, and hydrous silicates formed during the process of dis- integration. The sorting and sifting of these residual clays begins with their removal from the place where they were formed to lower levels by river or glacial action. The materials are deposited, taken up again and re-deposited, sorted by swift, slow, and quiescent water. They are covered to great depths by other sedimentary deposits, lime, coal, etc., subjected to great pressure and heat. Perhaps brought to the surface again by some movement of the earth's crust, and again cut through by water action, and again sorted and deposited. In the deposited beds other forces, both chemical and mechanical, are at work. The animal and vegetable matter which has come in during some stage, is under- going decomposition, and the gases given off are acting on the 12 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. minerals in the bed, converting the iron into pyrite for in- stance. Concretionary force is collecting certain elements into boulder forms, carbonate of iron and lime, boulder flint clay, pyrite concretions, etc. A The ground waters carrying sulphur, lime, magnesia, alkalies, various gases, in fact any thing soluble, are circulating through the beds of clay, giving up their soluble salts in one. place, and taking them away in another. The works of nature are wonderful, and all the wonders of it are represented in our clay beds. We can readily see how the great laboratory of nature with its vast and varied forces and unlimited time, can arrange for us the great variety of materials which we call clay, and we can also understand how our troubles are stored up in it, and scum- ming is not the least of these. SULPHUR. Sulphur in some mineral forms is a very common element in the earth's crust. Geologists estimate that .11% of the earth's crust is sulphur. Carbon which includes the great beds of peat and the vast coal basins is credited with .14%, but a slight in- crease over the sulphur. Lime, which is very properly a rock forming mineral, is estimated at 3.43%. Vanadium, that very rare element which colors the efflorescence on walls green, has, .02% to its credit. Except some beds of gypsum and barite, sulphur cannot be considered a rock forming element. In vein formations, it is a prominent element in the metalli- ferous deposits, from which we get copper, lead, silver, tin, nickel, antimony and other metals, but the total volume of the valuable minerals make up but a small part of the vein formation, and the vein itself is but a crack, fissure or fault in the earth's crust filled with the metalliferous deposit and gangue. The average percentage of copper in several large mining industries in the north-west is about one and one half per cent. This is a vein formation in which the copper sulphide is concentrated. In small percentages we find sulphur in every rock forma- tion, archaic, metamorphic, volcanic, and sedimentary deposits. of every age. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 13 In the older rocks we may find it as pyrite, or other sulphide minerals, in crystal form distributed through the formations; in clays and shales, and sandstones, it may be as pyrite in crystal form, or in concretionary grains or masses, or in sulphate com- position; in coals as lenticular masses or concretions of pyrite. We venture the statement that if one hundred samples of the earth's crust be taken at random, that at least ninety-nine of them will show upon analysis the presence of sulphur. That we have been so slow in arriving at conclusions in regard to the cause of the scum on our ware, is largely due to our chemical work. Not one clay analysis in one hundred shows any sulphur, yet ninety-nine of them should do so. The chemist in making a clay analysis first dries the clay, then heats it before a blast lamp and drives off all volatile matter, which he reports as "Combined water," or "Loss in ignition," and in this is in- cluded much of the sulphur, and the carbon which is also one of the clay-worker's troubles. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ { The non-volatile sulphates are broken up in the course of the analysis, and only the bases, calcium, magnesium, and alkalies, are determined, and these are reported as oxides. In iron ore 'analyses, in coal analyses, and in limestone analyses for furnace use, it would be criminal not to report the sulphur and phosphorus, for upon these may depend the fitness. of the material for manufacture. We have no fault to find with the chemist's analyses except that they are not complete, and when he comes to realize that sulphur, and carbon too, are sources of trouble to the clay-worker, he will include them in his report. The universal distribution of sulphur in some form in the older rock masses, from which our clays are derived, accounts for its presence in all sedimentary deposits. With the breaking up of the clay forming rocks, the sulphide minerals are included and find their way into the clay mass. Sulphur springs and under- ground sulphur waters are very common, and these are adding their quota of sulphur to the clay beds and other formations. Animal and vegetable life take up minute portions of sul- phur, and their remains serve to distribute the element broad- cast. We shall not attempt to discuss the many changes which the sulphur may pass through before it appears as the acid element in 14 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. our clay ware scum-first coming from depths as sulphurous gas, being converted into sulphates, reduced to sulphides, back and forth, ever changing with the conditions, and in every change playing a part in rock decomposition and formation. It is not strange that our clay beds should contain it in some form, the strangeness is that any beds can be free from it. In the New Jersey Geological report for 1904, twenty-eight out of thirty one clays from different districts, contained soluble salts, ranging from .06% to 1.44%, the average being .37%. A German chemist gives analyses of twenty one clays, only two of which did not contain soluble salts. The chances are that these soluble salts were sulphates, and the percentages do not by any means show the total amount of sulphur which the clays contained. An Ohio shale used largely in the manufacture of bricks, contains two per cent of sulphur, one hundred and twenty or more pounds in every thousand bricks. SOLUBLE SALTS IN CLAY BEDS. One of the most interesting sulphur minerals in lithological problems is pyrite, sulphide of iron, consisting of one part iron and two parts sulphur. Upon exposure to atmospheric agencies the pyrite in the older rocks is oxidized to iron oxide and sulphuric acid. The acid assists in breaking down and de- composing the rock masses, and at the same time takes up the bases to form sulphates. The iron would ordinarily assume the most stable form, the red oxide, or hematite ore. Under cover in connection with the reducing action of de- caying animal and vegetable matter, the iron is reduced to the, lower oxide, and the chemical composition of other minerals is likewise changed. Sulphur which was taken up by the animal and vegetable matter during its growth is set free in the decaying process, takes up the iron to form pyrite, thus coming back to the original form found in the other rocks. When again exposed to the atmosphere by any movement of the earth's crust, or by erosion, or both, the pyrite is oxidized and again we have iron oxide and sulphuric acid. With the shifting and sorting through mechanical action, we SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 15 have also going on the above briefly outlined chemical changes and many others as well, and the process has been repeated many times, perhaps, and is still going on. In this way we have formed calcium sulphate (gypsum), sodium sulphate (Glauber salts), magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts), iron sulphate (copperas), and many other salts and min- erals which appear in our clay beds. The sulphates above mentioned are soluble in water, and the water we use in the manufacture of our clay ware may con- tain them as well as the clay. Investigators of scumming agree that the coating is chiefly sulphate of lime, and that the efflorescence that appears on the. material after it is laid in the wall, is, in the majority of cases, sulphate of magnesia and the alkalies. The yellow and green efflorescence which appears on on buff burning wares contains vanadium and molybdenum salts. It is very important that we learn to distinguish the sources of the scumming. If the clays show efflorescence before being made up into ware, we may be certain that they contain sulphates, and our treatment to overcome the trouble must begin with the clay. If the scum appears on the ware in the drying process, regardless of the method of drying, we may look for the source either in the clay or the water, or both, and be reasonably certain that the sulphates were already formed. If waste heat drying with sulphur gases alone produces the scum in drying, we may conclude that the clay contains only the basic element of the scum, and not the acid element in active form. If the dried product is clean, and the scum appears only in the burning, we may say that the clay contains little or no sulphate, and that the water is free from sulphur, but the clays contain lime and perhaps pyrite. If the water smoking is done with wood and no scum ap- pears, we are certain that the sulphur end of the trouble is not from the clay nor from the water, but comes from the products of combustion. Finally, if the scum is confined largely to the draft spaces in the kiln, and occurs intermittently with wet fuel, or in damp 16 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. kilns, or during wet weather, we may consider that the trouble is purely connected with the burning, and that the clay is safe. The observations are not so simple as would appear because some clays will scum at every stage of the process of manufac- ture, due to all the causes, but in spite of the many contradictions which such clays will bring out, we hope to get some value and order from combined observations on the part of the manufac- turers. EFFLORESCENCE AND SCUM ON THE CLAY. We have frequently noticed in bedded clays which contain pyrite, particularly the No. 2 fire clays which come under coal veins, a green or yellow efflorescence on the surface of the clay after exposure to the atmosphere for some time. This is ex- actly similar to the wall efflorescence, and consists of an alkali or magnesia sulphate, molybdate, or vanadate, or all three of these. Gard When the clays are freshly mined, the sulphur is in the form: of pyrite. Oxidation converts it into iron oxide and sulphuric acid, and the acid acts upon the bases in the clay, perhaps even de- composing some of the minerals containing the bases, and taking up the bases to form the sulphates. Sulphuric acid is a very powerful reagent, and plays an important role in the decompo- sition of rocks. In the laboratory, we use it to decompose clays, in order to determine the free and combined silica. Free silica, or sand is not acted upon by sulphuric acid, while all the other minerals are more or less dissolved by it. The pyrite concretions in the clay frequently carry rare- metals, and it is from this source that we get the molybdenum and vanadium which gives the green and yellow colors to the efflorescence. That the efflorescence on the clay bears some relation to the efflorescence on the wall is evidenced by the fact that such clays would effloresce when burned and laid in the wall, while the same clay when freshly mined and made into ware, would be free from wall efflorescence. In one factory the solution of the wall efflorescence was accomplished by abandoning the use of weathered and crop clay and using only freshly mined clay from deep under the hill. On the same clay in the outcrop, we have found crystals of 1 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 17 gypsum in large quantities mixed with the clay. As the oxida- tion of the pyrite proceeded in depth, the circulating waters brought the soluble sulphates to the outcrop, and with the evapo- ration of the water, the crystals of gypsum were deposited in the pore spaces of the clay. A simple and easy test can be made of the clays and water used in manufacture, and every manufacturer should familiarize himself with it. Get from the druggist, or from some laboratory a small quantity of barium chloride and dissolve one part in ten parts- of distilled water, and keep for the tests. To test the clay, boil some of it, in distilled water for several hours with frequent stirring. Allow it to settle and decant or filter some of the clear solution. Heat the latter and add a few drops of the barium chloride solution. If there, are any sulphates present, a white precipitate will form, making the water cloudy. The addition of a little muriatic acid to make the solution acid will dissolve any white precipitate except the barium sulphate, and if the solution remains cloudy, sulphates are undoubtedly present in the clay. The water can be tested in the same way, by heating a little and adding the barium chloride solution, and acidulating with muriatic acid. If the clay or water contains sulphates in any considerable amount, we may expect scumming in the drying process, espe- cially if the clay contains lime. The sulphates of the alkalies, if they come to the surface, may be volatilized and driven off in the burning, and the sul- phate of magnesia may be decomposed. These salts give trouble as efflorescence but not as scum. The sulphate of lime does not volatilize, in any appreciable- degree, and it cannot be decomposed except at a high heat under reducing conditions, and any of it which comes to the surface. of the ware in the drying process will remain as a coating after the ware is burned. It must not be assumed because the clay contains soluble sulphates, that these sulphates will come to the surface in the drying. Such is not the case. Even the very soluble sulphates of the alkalies, and magnesia, may go through. 4 18 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. the buring unchanged and without coming to the surface. We have evidence of this in the tests of burned ware which show the presence of such soluble sulphates, some of which, perhaps the greater part, was formed in the burning, but if soluble sul- phates that are formed in the burning, may go through without passing into silicate compounds, so also may the salts originally in the clay. The conditions for scumming must be favorable. If the clays contain sulphates, and enough water is added to take them up in any appreciable quantity, and the drying is slow and at low heat so that the evaporation will be from the surface, and not below it, and the ware is not too porous, there is great danger of scumming in the drier. THE USE OF BARIUM. The use of barium is the cheapest and most feasible method of avoiding the scumming due to the soluble sulphates in the clay, or water. Barium carbonate is the salt ordinarily used for this purpose because of its cheapness and safety in use. It may often fail to do the work, and the reason is simply due to the fact that not enough of it can get into solution to precipitate the sulphates. In order to have the chemical reaction of the barium on the sulphates, solution of both is necessary. Barium carbonate requires 14,000 parts of water to dissolve one part, while lime sulphate only requires about 400 parts. Without going into the question of atomic weights in order to speak accurately, we may say that only enough barium car- bonate can go into solution to precipitate one-thirty-fifth of the lime sulphate that may be in solution, and from one-five-thous- andth to one-ten-thousandth of the amount of magnesia or alka- line sulphate that may be present. As soon as that one-thirty- fifth has acted, the solution may take up another one-thirty-fifth, and so on until all the lime sulphate has been acted upon and rendered harmless. J The conditions are not often favorable for this repeated action of solution and precipitation, and when not, the barium carbonate fails. In such cases a more soluble salt of barium must be used, - barium chloride, or barium hydrate. Barium chloride is soluble in three or less parts of water, one hundred and fifty times as soluble as lime sulphate, and its use will pre- SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 19. cipitate all the sulphates which may be in solution in the water in the ware. The danger in its use is that it in itself will cause scum- ming, if any of it remains in the clay, and it must only be used in such quantities that all of it will be used up in the chemical reactions. -d This question was discussed in a paper read before the American Ceramic Society, which appears in Vol. VIII of the Transactions. SCUM ON THE WARE IN THE DRIER. In that paper it is suggested that where barium carbonate is not sufficient, that some barium chloride be used to precipitate the greater part of the sulphates, leaving a small quantity to be precipitated by the barium carbonate. The latter can be safely. added in excess, and in consequence there can always be some of it present to complete the work of the barium chloride. We have already touched upon this subject in the preceding pages of this paper, and in taking it up individually, we will repeat, in many instances, what has already been said. The soluble sulphates in the clay which are taken up by the water used in making up the ware, or which may be in the water itself, are brought to the surface during the drying pro- cess and because of it, and with the evaporation of the water, are left upon the surface as a white, or yellowish white coating, which we call scum. Sometimes the surface is only flecked with the coating, and at other times the entire surface is covered with it and the color of the ware hidden. No brick is uniformly coated, and no two bricks are equally coated, and no two kilns produce it in the same degree, nor the same kiln in different burns, and the effect of it in the pile or wall is that of a lot of old bricks which have been taken out of a wall and the mortar cleaned off, They are unfit for face bricks on account of the appearance, and a de- cided advance will be made in the manufacture and use of com- mon bricks when we can overcome the trouble. The quantity of water used in the manufacture has a marked effect on the degree of scumming, and also upon the effectiveness. of the methods of overcoming the trouble. In order to get a satur-- 20 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. ► ated solution of sulphate of lime, four hundred parts of water are necessary, for each part of the sulphate. If the clay is pressed dry or nearly dry, there can be no solution of the sulphate, and without solution, none of it can come to the surface. The greater the amount of water we use in the manufacture of the ware, the greater the amount of sulphate which can pass into solution, and subsequently be brought to the surface. Dry or semi-dry pressed bricks are less troubled with scum- ming: First, because very little water enters into the make-up of the brick. Second, because the bricks are dried in the kiln where they are faced, and the ends set close together, and the drying is largely through the sides of the bricks, where any scum that might appear would not be harmful. Third, dry pressed bricks are more porous near the surface than mud bricks, and the evaporation may proceed at sufficient depth below the surface to hide any scum. While the quantity of water used may tend to increase the scumming, yet it at the same time gives better opportunity for the solution of the barium. The barium may and should be added to the water before mixing the latter with the clay. The water thus may become fully saturated with barium, ready to act upon any sulphates which the water may take up when it is mixed with the clay. The chances are against getting a full saturated solution of sulphates in the short time which the water has to act. The advantages are in favor of the use of larger quantities of water, when the corrective barium is used, and against it when no barium is used. In practice we have found that tile and bricks made from the same clay and at the same time, the one being quite soft and the other quite stiff, would have scum on the latter and the other would be clean. It was simply a result of greater quantity of water in the former, giving the barium better opportunity to conteract the sulphates which the water could take up from the clay. If the clay contains only a limited amount of sulphate, far below the amount required to saturate the water even in stiff mud, then there can be no ques- tion in regard to the advantages of running the ware softer, in connection with the barium treatment, as a preventative of scum. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 21 Whether little or much water is used, it will take up all the sulphate, the total quantity being the same in either case, — but the larger quantity of water will take up more barium if the latter is added in excess, and at the same time give better opportunity for the latter to act. The rapidity of drying plays an important part in scumming. We were in one case enabled to overcome the trouble by chang-. ing the drying from a slow steam floor to a quick hot air system. In many plants, especially those using shale or upland clay, the clay goes into the mill comparatively dry, and any sulphates, or the greater part of them, are in the solid form. We have noted the solubility of lime sulphate, and also the fact that it may be present in the clay in the crystalline form. It not only takes time to dissolve these crystals, but any water surrounding the crystals, or particle of sulphate, must be removed when saturated in order to give unsaturated water a chance at the crystal. In a clay mass there is very little movement of the water, - the stiffer the brick the less the circulation of the water. Without circulation the diffusion of the saturated portion of the water will be very slow, but in time it will permeate the entire clay mass, and during this time the water in touch with the crystals of sulphate will be taking up more of the sulphate, which in turn will be diffused. Quick drying will put a stop to the diffusion and also the continued taking up of more of the sulphate. Time has also another effect. We have only considered the question from the standpoint of sulphates in the clay. If the clay contains pyrite, the pyrite will begin to oxidize as soon as it is exposed to the air, forming in the presence of moisture, sulphuric acid, which attacks any lime, or other bases to form sulphates. Naturally the longer the exposure of the pyrite to such con- ditions the greater the amount of sulphate formed and taken up by the water. We have mentioned the fact that soft mud bricks will have a greater tendency to scum than stiff mud, and also that they can be more easily treated with barium to offset the scumming. We have instances called to our attention in which soft mud products would not scum while stiff mud products made of the same clay at the same time would scum. This would seem to 22 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. contradict our statements, but we must consider the character of the ware. If both are run out through an auger machine or through a repress, giving each equal density, except so far as the quantity of water made a difference, the soft mud product would show the greater amount of scum. If, however, the soft mud product was a so-called slop product, and the stiff mud an auger or repressed product, the soft mud may not scum. It is simply a question of density. The soft mud brick will have large voids and open pores and the scum will be deposited in these pores and voids and not show on the surface. The evaporation actually takes place be- low the surface, and wherever it occurs the sulphates will be deposited. FINGER MARKS ON CLAY WARE. In view of the above, the explanation of finger marks on clay ware may be made. It seems to us that it is a question of density. Stiff mud bricks as they come from the machine have a dense face. Wherever this face is touched by the fingers, the surface is more or less broken and the flow of the solutions will naturally be to these open places. If we examine a finger mark under a powerful magnifying glass, the rough broken surface. becomes apparent. The serrated edges stand out and the surface has the appearance of having been scratched over by a file. The reverse is the case on a wire cut surface. Here the entire surface is torn by the cutting wires, with the cracks reach- ing into the bricks. The evaporation takes place from the bottom of these cracks. Press these rough surfaces down with the fingers, and we get a surface smooth enough to show the scum, but not dense enough to prevent it from coming to the surface. In dry pressed products the effect would be somewhat similar to that on the rough wire cut surface. The density, perhaps, would not be increased, but there would be more or less crum- bling of the clay and the fine dust would be forced into the pores of the brick, filling them to such a degree that the salts would come to the surface instead of being deposited below the surface. This statement has been questioned, and very properly, per- haps. Our experience has been with hard clays, and the pressed SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 23 body was not very dense. We can readily see how a fine, highly plastic clay when hard pressed in a dry press machine, may be so dense that the effect of the finger is to scratch the surface, and allow a better passage for the solutions, just as in the stiff mud product. In either case the effect of the finger is to increase the capil- larity at the point where the brick is touched, and the solutions flow to this point. SOURCE OF HEAT IN THE DRIER. We cannot see that the source of heat in the drier, whether from steam pipes, or waste heat, can effect the tendency to scum- ming, provided the rate of drying is the same in each case. However, with waste heat there is always more or less dan- ger of sulphur gases coming from the cooling kilns through leakage of dampers in the waste heat system. Beds of coals in the ash pits will continue to give off sulphurous fumes until practically cold. It must also be remembered that the clay contains pyrite, and in many cases this is not completely roasted out in the burn- ing, and from this source we will get sulphurous acid gas, and introduce it into the drier. The clays may not have contained sufficient sulphate to cause scumming, but they may contain car- bonate of lime and magnesia. The carbonate of lime is practic- ally insoluble, one part in 28,000 parts of water, and cannot be the cause of scumming. But introduce sulphurous acid gas, which becomes sulphuric acid in the presence of moisture, and the carbonate of lime will be quickly decomposed and sulphate of lime formed. For this reason we cannot use the products of combustion in our drying. The length of our drying tunnels may have some effect on the scumming. In a long tunnel, the air may become. saturated before the end of the tunnel is reached, and beyond the saturating point there will be a deposit of moisture, dew, or sweat, on the ware. The bricks may actually gain in weight for a while instead of losing, and we have simply increased the water content, with- out any material change in the density or porosity of the brick. In continuous kilns, in which there were no advanced heating 24 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 1 flues we have tested the advanced drying, and in some instances found the bricks had gained as much as a pound in weight due to the moisture taken up by the bricks from the saturated kilm gases. CAN THE OIL USED ON THE CUTTER AND REPRESS ROLLS HAVE ANY EFFECT? Several times our attention has been called to scum due to the oil. Some of our crude oils, particularly those which are of limestone origin, such as the Lima, Ohio, oils, contain sulphur. Kerosene will take up some water which has great affinity for sulphuric acid, or rather vice versa, and the effect would be to coat the bricks with a solution containing sulphuric acid, which will act on the lime in the clay to form the sulphate. We have before us two bricks, a red and a buff. The red scums badly under any circumstances, while the buff is clean. Wherever the oil has touched the red brick the scum is markedly worse. The buff brick using identically the same oil is free from scum. We must conclude that the oil in itself can- not cause the scum, but in connection with lime in the clay, it can have some effect. The oil used was common black oil mixed with brick oil, a grade of kerosene unfit for illuminating pur- poses. Another illustration was brought to our attention, and the difficulty in this case was overcome by using pure lard oil mixed with pure kerosene, showing that pure oil will not cause scum- ming, but crude oils may. Crude oils may contain dirt, lime salts, etc., simply as im- purities in suspension and with the drying and burning, the residue will be left on the surface of the bricks. In our own experience we have found that fairly pure kero- sene mixed with so-called "castor" oil, gave no trouble. answer no. We have been asked if the addition of barium carbonate to the oil will prevent the scumming due to it, and to this we must The addition of barium carbonate to the oil will simply increase the amount of sediment which the oil contains, and this sediment will be left on the surface of the bricks after the oil is driven off. In the manufacture of dry pressed bricks, we have used oil to prevent scum coming to the surface of ornamental bricks. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 25 1 In this case the oil simply filled up the pores of the bricks forcing the drying to the sides, and with it the scum. Many manufacturers have used oil to remove the scum from burned dry pressed bricks, and it seems to be effective if the scum is not too heavy. We do not think there could be any ap- preciable solvent action, but the oil may have mechanically loos- ened the bond between the sulphate and the brick and allowed some of the former to be washed away. Whatever the explana- tion may be, the fact remains that oil will cause the disappearance of light scum on dry pressed bricks. PYRITE IN CLAY. We can readily understand how sulphates existing as such in the clay or in the water used in manufacture may cause scum- ming. Where, however, the clay and the water are free from sul-- phates, there will be no scumming unless the minerals in the clay can be converted into sulphates. We have noted the com- mon occurrence of pyrite in bedded clays. Under oxidizing. conditions, pyrite is decomposed and the iron and sulphur con- verted into oxides. The sulphur tri-oxide in the presence of water becomes sul- phuric acid. Sulphuric acid is a powerful agent and decomposes many minerals. Besides pyrite, clays contain lime. It may be safely said that no clays are free from it, while many of them run high in lime carbonate, such as clay marls, and all common clays contain appreciable percentages. The feldspars are also common in clays and they contain lime and alkali bases. The sulphuric acid will deompose the lime carbonates, feld- spars, etc., taking up the lime or other bases to form sulphates, and in this way we may get sulphates formed from the ingre- dients in the clay, where the clay originally contained none. However, there can be no great degree of oxidation if the drying is done rapidly, and at the same time the heat in the drier is not sufficient to roast out the sulphur in the pyrite and set it free to form sulphuric acid and subsequent sulphates. We think there is little danger on this score in any clay ware drier. The pyrite, therefore, if not allowed to oxidize cannot be the cause of scumming in the drier, but we may look for trouble from it in the kiln where the temperatures are higher. 26 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. f A temperature of 750 degrees F. is required to start the sulphur from pyrite by volatilization. Sulphuric acid is volatil- ized at 680 degrees F., and no moisture could remain in the ware above this temperature, and without moisture there can be no scumming. Such temperatures are not obtained in the drier, but in the kiln the top courses are often heated above 750 degrees, while the bottom courses may contain sufficient moisture to cause scum- ming. In rotary driers, or any driers, in which clay is dried before being made into ware, we may look for trouble, because here we . may have combustion gases in connection with moisture, or at the hot end we may have heat enough to start the sulphur from the pyrite in the clay. WASTE HEAT GASES. All fossil fuels, many oils and gases, contain sulphur com- pounds, and in the burning these are set free and oxidized in the presence of moisture to sulphuric acid. All clays con- tain sulphur compounds, and during the burning these are par- tially roasted out, but in many cases not fully so. The introduc- tion of waste heat, even though taken from a cooling kiln, means the possible introduction of sulphurous acid gas and the forma- tion of sulphuric acid, in the drier. If we take the products of combustion into the drier, the presence of sulphur gases is very apparent. If we take the heat from a cooling kiln, while the ashes in the furnace are still hot, we are certain to get sulphur gases. The sulphuric acid thus introduced into the drier will be deposited on the bricks and remain there long after the mois- ture is driven off except such moisture as may be taken up by the acid. Capillarity will take the acid into the pores of the bricks, and sulphates will be formed by the acid acting on the lime in the clay, which will be brought to the surface and de- posited as scum. Sulphuric acid does not volatilize until a tem- perature of over 600 degrees F. is attained. and it may cause scumming even after the bricks are dry and free from moisture, except the hygroscopic water which remains in the clay until quite high temperatures are reached. The acid has great affinity for water, and will take it up and hold it at temperatures above. the boiling point, and in fact the last remnant of water in the 1 I SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 27 acid is not driven off until the volatilization point of the acid itself is reached. Here we have the drier scum coming from identically the same source. The cure in the drier is not difficult. If the ware can be dried without scum, and only scums when waste heat is used, it will be necessary to either do away with waste heat, or get rid of the sulphur gases. Naturally the first step would be to remove any hot ashes from the furnaces, and to allow the kiln to stand a few hours until the sulphur gases have passed off, or become diluted below the stage where they would be harmful. Heating stoves are being designed to make use of products of combustion, somewhat on the principle of the old-time furnace hot blast stoves, and their use will be extended as the advantages of an abundance of heat in gases free from sulphur become ap- preciated. SCUMMING CAUSED BY THE ADDITION OF GROG. We have had our attention called to a case of scumming due to the addition of grog made from ground bricks. The use of such material to counteract shrinkage and prevent checking dur- ing the drying process is quite common but the appearance of scum from its use is quite rare. Dr. Mäckler, in an exhaustive series of analyses of burned bricks, shows the presence of appre- ciable amounts of soluble salts. As a matter of fact the soluble salts in the burned bricks may exceed in amount that in the un- burned clay. } If the clay contained lime or other carbonates, these are con- verted into the more soluble oxides, and if the heat is not carried high enough to pass these into silicate formations they will re- main in the clay. They are much more likely, however, to be- come sulphates, which will remain unchanged at much higher temperatures than the oxides. Thus an insoluble carbonate in the clay becomes a soluble sulphate in the burned brick. Feldspar, a common mineral in clay, is insoluble in water, but it may be decomposed by heat, or even after the burning, it may be decomposed in a measure by solutions of sulphates, and thus add its quota of soluble salts to the burned bricks, which the raw clay did not contain. I 28 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. The filling around most factories is largely the ashes from the furnaces, which contain notable percentages of sulphates. Brick bats dumped on these and allowed to stand exposed to the weather, until wanted for grog, will take up these sul- phates from the ground. Thus the grog may contain appreciable amounts of soluble salts, and its use in the clay will cause scum- ming, while the clay itself, and the clay from which the grog was made would not scum. WHY IS SCUM INSOLUBLE? The question may have occurred to the reader as it often has to the writer, why, if scum is a soluble salt, deposited from solution, which goes through the burning unchanged, it becomes insoluble. It is established that scum is made up of sulphates, chiefly lime. The alkali sulphates are volatilized in the burning and driven off, but the sulphate of lime remains unchanged. It may be broken up at high temperature under reducing condi- tions, and the lime content pass into silicate formation, but under ordinary common brick kiln conditions and temperatures, it re- mains largely as sulphate, and if so it should be soluble and removable by washing, which is not the case. • H. Günther in discussing this question stated that the sul- phate becomes insoluble through the destructive influence of the burning, which is undoubtedly true in vitrified paving bricks, and clinkers, where we have more or less reducing action in the burning and higher temperatures than in burning common ware. Even in burning common ware, some of the sulphate prob-- ably becomes reduced and broken up during the burning, and the lime combines with the silica in the clay to form an insoluble silicate. Such a silicate on the face of the brick will remain, and we believe the scum will prove to be, in part, a silicate. In the analyses by Dr. Mäckler, our attention is called to the presence of soluble silica and alumina in every analysis. These analyses were of burned bricks and the soluble silica is attributed to the effect of the fine grinding for the analyses. and instances of the effect of such fine grinding on rocks is cited. Silica is more or less soluble in hot alkaline solutions, and we would have such solutions in the clay during the drying process. 1 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 20 The presence of sulphuric acid would materially increase the amount of soluble silica, since many silicates are decomposed by sulphuric acid, and the silica set free is soluble until dried and burned. Thus we may have going out with the water in the drying not only soluble sulphates but also soluble silica and alumina, which would collect upon the surface of the bricks. During the burning the soluble silica will become insoluble, and some of it will enter into silicate combination with the clay materials on the one side, and with lime from any reduced sul- phate on the other, perhaps aiding in the reduction of the sul- phate, and will serve as a matrix holding fast the particles of unaffected lime sulphate, perhaps coating them, and firmly attach- ing them to the face of the brick. The coating then becomes a mixture of sulphate, silica, and silicates, in which the latter are insoluble, and in smaller percentages, but sufficient to hold the larger amount of the soluble sulphates, and prevent their being washed away. - HOW TO PREVENT THE SCUM IN THE DRYER. In the preceding pages the method of prevention of scum in the drier is expressed or intimated. If the cause is wholly or in part due to slow drying, to sulphur in the gases, to impure oil, to excess of water, to impure water, the cure is obvious. If the trouble is with the water regardless of quantity, it can be overcome with barium carbonate. It is safe to say that water properly treated with barium carbonate will be freed from all soluble sulphates and cannot give any scumming trouble. While one part of barium carbonate requires fourteen thous- and parts of water for solution, and lime sulphate only requires. four hundred parts of water, and can in consequence be far in excess of the barium carbonate in solution, yet as soon as the one-fourteen-thousandth part of barium is used up, the water can take up another one-fourteen-thousandth part, and continue to do so, as long as any sulphate remains in solution. It is only necessary to have a tank with a stirrer. Into this introduce the powdered or precipitated barium carbonate and keep it stirred up. To overcome the sulphates in the clay itself is quite a differ- ent problem. If the clay contains very little sulphate compounds, the introduction of barium carbonate with the water, may be 30 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. and often is sufficient to overcome the difficulty. If, however, the clay contains larger quantities of sulphate than can be over- come in this simple way, it becomes necessary to resort to the use of more soluble salts of barium. The quantity of water and time are important factors in overcoming scum with barium car- bonate, and as we decrease the quantity of water, and shorten the time of its operation, and the opportunity to get at the salts, we must resort ever more and more to the use of the more soluble salts of barium, the chloride, hydrate, bi-carbonate and oxide. We cannot hope to overcome scumming in clay prepared direct from the clay pit for dry or semi-dry pressed ware with barium carbonate, because we cannot get enough of the latter into solu- tion to precipitate the sulphates which may be in solution. Stiff mud products will be limited in the successful use of barium car- bonate, and it is useless to add heavier and heavier doses of the carbonate, when the proper amount fails to bring results. Soft mud products will lend themselves more readily to the use of barium carbonate in overcoming scum, because of the greater amount of water, and the better opportunity of the barium to act. There are many clays which can only be corrected by the slumming process. If it is practical to first treat the clays in a blunger with a large excess of water, to which barium carbonate has been added, the trouble with the sulphates will be entirely overcome. KILN SCUMMING. We must recognize two distinct kiln scums. One which is quite common and closely related to the drier scum, and the other, a coating of rarer occurrence, which is in no way related to the drier scum, and could hardly be produced in it. In the drier and related kiln scum, one or both of the elements making up the scum is inherent in the clay or water used, while in the true kiln scum, neither element comes from the clay. THE COMMON KILN SCUM. If the bricks go into the kiln only half dry, we may expect to find upon such ware the scum which would ordinarily come out in the drier. This we have already discussed under the drier scum and need not repeat it. There are, however, many clays 1 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 31 which come from the drier clean, clays which contain car- bonate of lime instead of sulphate. The carbonates are prac- tically insoluble and cannot cause scumming, since they cannot be in solution in any appreciable quantity. Such a clay can be dried without showing any scum. We consider a clay dry when it looks and feels dry, but it is impossible to expel all the moisture from a clay in any ordinary drying process. The water smoking stage in the kiln is the expulsion of the hygroscopic water, and this is followed by the expulsion of the chemically combined water in the clay. The former will require a temperature of several hundred degrees while the latter does not start until a temperature of eight or nine hundred degrees F. is reached. In the burning with fossil fuel, we are producing sulphurous gas, which is converted into sulphuric acid, and this acts on the lime in the clay producing sulphates, which are de- posited on the surface as scum. The clay itself may contain the sulphur, in pyrites, which has not previously had a chance to oxidize, and in the burning, before all the water is expelled, the sulphur may begin to pass off and act like the sulphur from the fuel. We had the same thing taking place in the drier when com- bustion gases were introduced, but probably the sulphur in the clay as pyrite would not be started off at drier temperatures, and this at least may be called kiln scum. We would call atten- tion to the fact that the bottom of a kiln is often more badly scummed than the top, due to the fact that the bricks are colder, and the sulphuric acid formed in the upper part of the kiln will be deposited on the bricks in the lower part of the kiln, and remain there until the temperature is sufficient to volatilize the acid. We cannot reach this scum with a barium treatment, simply because there is so little water, that practically none of the barium will go into solution. If it were practical to convert all the car- bonates in the clay into sulphates, then precipitate the sulphates with barium, there would be nothing upon which the sulphurous. gases could act, and no scumming could result. This would be putting the clays in condition to scum, then correcting them with barium. Such a process is not to be rec- ommended. The most practical solution is the heating up of the bricks above the volatilizing point of sulphuric acid (680 deg. F.) 32 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. . with wood, or other non-sulphurous fuel. The dry sulphurous gas formed above that temperature cannot give trouble because no solution can be had, and without solution, no scum can come to the surface. The sulphur from the pyrite will not come off as rapidly nor as completely under oxidizing kiln conditions as under re- ducing conditions, and the water smoking should be done under oxidizing conditions, with large excess of air, and strong draft. The strong draft carries the moisture out of the kiln, and reduces the danger which comes from soaking the bricks in an atmosphere laden with moisture and acid. We believe that if the bricks are thoroughly dry before going into the kiln, and the early stages of the water smoking be done with wood, that there will be no danger of scumming in the water smoking of pyritiferous clays. Continuous kilns are particularly subject to scumming in the water smoking because the waste heat gases are used for the water smoking, and these are taken from hot compartments to cooler ones, and as the heat decreases, the amount of moisture is increasing, until, if the gases are not drawn off soon enough, the dew point is reached, and moisture laden with sulphuric acid will be deposited on the bricks. The presence of sulphuric acid very materially raises the dew point, and moisture may be deposited while the gases are quite hot. Continuous kilns should be constructed with advanced heating flues to take the hot air from cooling compartments and introduce it into drying cham- bers ahead of the fires, until such compartments have been heated up several hundred degrees, when the products of combustion may be safely admitted. Scum which has been formed from kiln conditions as above explained is not readily reached by any chemical treatment of the clay. The presence of barium carbonate in the clay will tend to prevent in some measure the kiln scumming during the water smoking, in that the sulphuric acid has greater affinity for the barium than for the lime, and will act upon it first so long as any remains and leave the lime carbonate untouched, but there is such an excess of sulphurous acid gas to form sulphuric acid, that we cannot hope to add enough barium carbonate to counter- act all of it. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 33 KILN COATING. We now come to the phenomenon which is much rarer, and which is a true kiln scum in no way influenced by the character of the clay. We cannot tell how many cases of reported kiln scum may be the ordinary kind which comes in the water smoking stage of the burning, and how many may be of this rarer kind, which comes in the later stages of the burning. We have in several instances seen a kiln scum which was unquestionably a coating deposited on the bricks, and not from the bricks, and our observations have been confirmed by others. It differs from the water smoking scum, in that it has less of the nebular appearance of the latter, and is more like a coating, such as antimony will make when volatilized. It appears most strongly in the draft spaces, and that it is not an efflorescence from the bricks is evidenced by the fact that we have found it as a fringe around the perforations in the fire brick kiln floor. It is always more marked in the lower part of the kiln (down draft). We have seen it deposited on the sand used in making sand mould bricks, and in such cases it can be brushed off with the sand. We have experienced it more with wet dirty fuel high in sulphur, and believe it comes entirely from that source. The sulphates in greater or less degree are volatile, and to this extent any sulphates in the fuel, or formed during the burn- ing, will be carried over and deposited upon the bricks. The more volatile salts will be revolatilized as the heat advances in the kiln and will be driven off entirely before the burning is finished. It is possible that we may get a little kiln scum in this way, but the greater part of the scum of this character probably comes from the sulphuric acid deposited on the bricks, and the lime. from the ash mechanically carried over and acted upon by the sulphuric acid to form lime sulphate. We have shown how sul- phuric acid is formed from the gases, and also that it may be deposited on the bricks at any temperature below 680 degress F. If the bottom of a kiln is wet and cold and heats up slowly, the difference in temperature between the top and bottom of 34 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. the kiln may be quite marked. The sulphurous gas, and moisture from wet fuel, will form sulphuric acid which will collect upon the surface of the ware in the colder parts of the kiln. At the same time, and especially during the stirring of the fires more or less ash will be carried over, and will be collected by the sul- phuric acid to be converted into sulphates, etc., and be burned into the bricks and remain as a permanent coating. J Our first experience with it was in a continuous kiln which was not underdrained and was in consequence very wet. The draft carried at that time was very strong and a great deal of ash was carried over. The conditions were favorable for the formation of this kiln scum, and we had abundance of it. The same clays burned in down draft kilns were not coated. In another instance, we got it in down draft kilns, but only during bad weather when the fuel was wet and dirty. Such kiln scumming is not common, and can be readily over- come by having properly constructed kilns, and using only clean dry coal. EFFECT OF SCUMMING ON CLAY MARLS. While not properly scumming, yet the discolorations which come on limey clays, are sufficiently closely related to warrant a brief description. Clays containing high percentages of lime, notwithstanding they may contain sufficient iron to burn a red color, usually burn to a greenish yellow color, of which the Milwaukee brick is a notable example. Under fire the lime carbonate is decomposed, the carbonic acid driven off, leaving the caustic lime. This combines with the iron and with silica to form a lime iron silicate, which is light. colored. Now in the presence of sulphuric acid formed from the fuel gases and the moisture, the lime is converted into lime sul- phate. The sulphate of lime is not readily decomposed by heat, especially under oxidizing kiln conditions, and this mineral does not readily combine with the iron, and in consequence the latter is left free to color the bricks red. Kiln conditions are constantly varying, and the bricks and parts of bricks are differently affected, and the result is a lot of bricks irregular in color, ! SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 35 streaked with red, dirty red, yellow, etc. In appearance they are worse than a kiln scummed red brick, and are unsalable. The sulphate of lime is decomposed in a reducing atmos- phere, and the sulphur driven off. The procedure to get clean buff colors would therefore be to alternate the fires from oxidiz- ing to reducing conditions in order to keep down the amount of sulphate of lime, and give the caustic lime opportunity to com- bine with the iron and pass into silicate formation. RECAPITULATION. Soluble sulphates in the clay may be decomposed and rend- ered harmless by the use of barium carbonate, or other salts of barium, and the water used in manufacture may be purified in the same way. Where the sulphates in the clay are not excessive, the car- bonate of barium will remove them, or rather decompose them, but where they are excessive, and probably not all in solution, the barium carbonate will only remove those in solution, and only to the extent of its opportunity to go into solution itself, and act on the sulphates. Increasing the quantity of water gives the barium better op- portunity to go into solution, and if the sulphates are not cor- respondingly increased, the barium carbonate may suffice to cor- rect the evil. Where the salts are excessive and more than suffi- cient to saturate the water, we cannot expect barium carbonate to succeed, and it is of no use to increase the amount of the barium carbonate. Such clays can only be corrected by a slum- ming process with barium carbonate, which will bring all the sulphates into solution and give the barium oportunity to pre- cipitate them. Where such slumming is not practicable, the so- lution of the difficulty must depend upon the use of more soluble salts of barium, as the hydrate, chloride, oxide, or bi-carbonate. Where the scumming is due to sulphur gases introduced into the drier, the simplest method of overcoming the difficulty would be to eliminate these gases. The waste heat from burning kilns may be used to heat up properly constructed stoves, through which pure air may be drawn and heated before being taken into the drier. In the drying process long, slow drying has greater tendency. 36 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. to produce scumming, and all ware should be dried as quickly as possible. When the scumming is due to the pyrite in the clay, the sul- phur can be roasted out by careful burning and the sulphates be either prevented or destroyed by reducing action. The danger from pyrite is largely past when the water smoking is finished and if the kiln be properly constructed, practically all the water smoke should be off before the sulphur in the pyrite is started. The kiln scum due to wet, dirty fuel can be prevented by the use of better fuel and keeping it dry, and by having the kiln properly drained and dry. We, in America, do not appreciate the value of underdrainage and insulation of the kiln walls and bottom from ground moisture, and when we come to realize the loss on this account, we will build better, and get better results with less fuel. A German has a patented method of getting rid of scum- ming, which consists of coating the bricks as they come from the machine with a prepared mixture, something similar to dextrine, with perhaps some barium in it, carbolic acid or some other anti- septic perhaps sometimes some coloring matter. The evaporation during the drying takes place through this coating, and any salts. brought to the surface, come into this coating, and any deposits. due to the kiln or drier gases likewise adhere to this coating. During the burning this coating burns off, or to such extent that it can readily be removed, and with it the soluble salts are re- moved. The method, so far as we know has not been used in America, but it has been used in Germany successfully on badly. scumming clays. EFFLORESCENCE ON THE WARE AFTER IT IS BURNED. The efflorescence which appears as a white, yellow or green coating on bricks or other burned clay products after they are burned and removed from the kiln and exposed to atmospheric agencies, has been the subject of much discussion. In this coun- try no systematic work has been done toward investigating this trouble, but the Germans have taken up the question, as previously mentioned, and have done a great deal of work. The work is far from complete and the conclusions reached are not satisfac- tory. They began the work with the publication of a series of SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 37 it w questions, which were sent out to interested parties to get their opinions. The questions all relate to efflorescence, and it will not be out of place to give a translation of them here. I. What does one understand by efflorescence? 2. Of what does the efflorescence consist? How does it originate? 4. When does the efflorescence ordinarily show itself? 5. What is made accountable for the efflorescence? 6. What material as a rule appears as the basis of the efflor- escence? 7. How is it to be ascertained what building material is re- sponsible for the efflorescence? 8. Does clay ware which contains no soluble salts show it? 9. What remedy will render harmless the injurious influ- ence of the soluble salts in the clay? IO. How can the water used in the manufacture be of in- Aluence? II. What influence has the degree of burning? I2. What influence can the place of storing have? 13. What influence can the mortar or lime have upon the origin of the efflorescing solutions? 14. In what manner is the origin of the salt in lime brought about in the burning of the lime? 15. When is the sand used in the mortar responsible for the efflorescence? 16. Can treatment of the mortar affect the occurrence of the efflorescence? 17. Is the efflorescence harmful and in what way does it exert its influence? 18. How is it to be explained that in the spring many build- ings are coated with white efflorescence which soon disappears? 19. How can the efflorescence appearing on the walls be removed? 20. How can the efflorescence be prevented in the construc- tion of a building? The method of determining whether a block of clay ware will effloresce is simple, and with some modification upon the German method will give satisfactory results. A glass bottle or flask is filled with distilled water, a piece of filter paper placed over the open end and the bottle inverted and placed on the 38 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. piece of clay ware to be tested. As the water is absorbed by the brick, air is allowed to enter the bottle. The water enters the clay body and takes up any soluble salts which are brought to the surface as the water evaporates. In the wall, however, the evaporation is only from one face, and in making tests, if we coat the test piece with parafine, except one face, so that all the evaporation will be from that face, we will get wall conditions. Mortars, sand and such materials can be tested by putting them in the bottle, filling the bottle with distilled water, and testing. upon a piece of clay ware which has been previously tested for soluble salts, and found to show no efflorescence. We shall not attempt to review the German work in detail. Full discussions of it are to be found in the Ton-Industrie Zeitung, and in the papers by Dr. Seger, E. Cramer, Dr. Mäckler, Dr. Günther and others. The conclusions reached are far from satisfactory, and much work remains to be done. The general opinion of the members of the Society for the Clay, Lime, and Cement In- dustries, was that hard burning would prevent the efflorescence. This question was made the subject of exhaustive research by Dr. Mäckler, but unfortunately the work was confined to clays from near Berlin, most of which do not effloresce. It is to be regretted that clays from other districts were not included in the tests, especially the coal measure clays, in order to make com- parison and arrive at more confirmed conclusions. Of seventeen clays tested, only three showed any efflo- rescence. Of these one efflorescenced in soft, medium and hard burned samples. Of the other two, only the soft burned samples effloresced. One foreign clay was tested and it effloresced badly. Only three of the hard burned samples tested showed less than 10% of water absorption. All of the others ranged from 10% in the hard burned samples to 29% absorption in the soft burned. The conclusions drawn from these tests are as follows: I. The percentage of porosity, (absorption) is no measure of efflorescence. 2. The percentage of soluble salts is no proof of the ten- dency to effloresce. Both porosity and soluble salts are essential. conditions for efflorescence, but the samples showing the efflores- cence were not the most porous, nor did they contain the highest percentage of soluble salts, nor vice versa. SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 39 } 3. Sulphate of lime, gypsum, — is not the most trouble- some salt in efflorescence, though it is found in all the samples tested, and in one case cited by E. Cramer, the efflorescence consisted of sulphate of lime entirely. 4. The more soluble salts, magnesium sulphate, and the sulphates of the alkalies, are the salts which are largely the cause of the efflorescence. 5. That in hard burning, the sulphates are decomposed and taken up into silicate formations, and become thereby harm- less. It must be noted that in every analysis of the burned samples, soluble salts were found, silica, alumina, iron, sul- phate of lime, sulphate of magnesium, and sulphate of the alkalies. The writer had the opportunity to study this question a number of years ago, and arrived at the conclusion that hard burning was the best method of overcoming the trouble, and where the salts in the clay were present as sulphates, the burn- ing must be carried to an extreme limit, to be effective. An analysis showed the efflorescence to be largely sulphate of the alkalies and these sulphates came from the clay. The mortar, sand, and backing up brick had very little influence. We must admit that there may be cases of efflorescence directly traceable to the mortar, sand or backing up bricks, but we think they are comparatively rare. A notable exception, however, must be made of many of the sandstones used in connection with bricks or other clay ware in building. Many of our sandstones are impregnated with salts. They were laid down from seas from which were also deposited beds of limestone, of gypsum, of common salt, etc., and the sandstones are reservoirs of the water supply, which contains many mineral salts. Our oils and natural gas come largely from sandstone beds. The gas will be in the higher levels, the oils at a lower level, and the so called salt water, below the oil. The Berea grit in Ohio is an excellent building stone. Below cover, it is in many places the gas rock, at others, the oil rock as at Macksburg, O. At other places it is the salt (sodium chloride) rock and has been pumped for many years for this mineral, notably at Pomeroy, Ohio. When exposed on the out crop, the water runs 40 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. away and evaporates, leaving behind considerable soluble salts. In the early days it was customary to quarry the rock some time. before it was required for the building, giving the salts time to weather out to the surface, and when the stone was dressed for use, the salts were removed with the surface rock dressed off, but now we use the rock direct from the quarry, and the salts go into the building with the stone. The writer has examined a great many buildings, and in the majority of cases, a dirty scum is found under the sandstone trimmings. Part of this is due to the dirt which has collected on top of the stone and washed down, but much of it comes from the salts in the stone which have leached out into the bricks below, and come to the surface of them as efflorescence. We have seen so many buildings ruined in this way, that it is a matter of surprise to us that architects have taken no steps to overcome it. The use of stone looks well in the architect's plans, but if the owners could look beyond the plans and see the stone in the building after a year or two, much of the stone work would be cut out. We have recommended for a number of years the use of a thin sheet of copper under all stone courses, with the edge carried out slightly beyond the mortar joint and turned down to form a drip. This will effec- tually put a stop to the salts finding their way into the bricks below, and with a suitable drip cut in the stone where it projects, to carry away any washings from the top of the stone, our build- ings would be much improved in appearance. Efflorescence comes from several sources, and a full dis- cussion of it, would lead us away from the causes in which clay workers are interested, and much of it would be of no value except as a technical study. We will therefore confine ourselves to the more common causes. 1 WHAT IS EFFLORESCENCE? Efflorescence is a white, green, or yellow coating which ap- pears on the ware after it is removed from the kiln and stored on the yard, or laid in the wall. It consists usually of soluble sulphates of magnesium and the alkalies. It also contains sul- phate of lime in varying percentages, and there are exceptional cases in which it is made up entirely of sulphate of lime. We are little concerned with the hydrous sodium carbonates 1 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 41 3 which may be formed by the action of the sea air, nor with the nitrates which may be formed from ammonia in the air, ab- sorbed from the ground, or caused by bacterial action. The question may be asked why is it that sulphate of lime is the prominent salt in scumming and of little consequence in efflorescence. Sulphate of lime is not as readily soluble as the other sul- phates, and efflorescence and scumming is a question of solu- bilities and volatilization. If the clay contains these sulphates, or the conditions are present for their formation, the water in the clay will contain them; the water used in manufacture may also contain them; the quantity of water used in making a mud brick is greater than a well burned brick can contain; slow dry- ing in a hot atmosphere gives excellent opportunity to fully satu- rate all the water in the clay. In consequence there will be much more of the soluble salts brought to the surface of a green mud brick than can come to the surface of a well burned brick, simply А · because there is a greater amount of the solution and it bids fair to be fully saturated. This means that proportionately more sul- phate of lime comes out. During the burning the more volatile salts are driven off leaving the lime sulphate as scum. In the burned bricks, the salts are in a dry state, partly combined into weak silicates, perhaps, or included within a fused matrix. The amount of water which the brick can take up is limited, and in view of their combination and enclosing insoluble films, the salts are not readily available for solution. These conditions are not favorable for a large amount of salts to pass into solution at any one opportunity, and naturally the more soluble salts will pre- dominate, and as there is no volatilization, the salt remains on the surface as efflorescence until washed away. EFFECT OF SULPHATES IN THE CLAY. We have called attention to the fact that sulphate may go through the burning unchanged. Under reducing conditions and hard burning, the quantity may be reduced, and in many cases. rendered harmless. Under oxidizing conditions, in the presence of sulphur gases, the amount of sulphates in the clay may be materially increased and a clay containing none at all may come out from the burning with appreciable percentages. The sul- 42 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. phate of lime is subject to decomposition more than the sulphates of the alkalies, and this together with its lesser solubility may account for the fact that it is not an important feature in efflor- escence. The sulphates of the alkalies are not readily decomposed by heat but may be volatilized. That some decomposition takes. place, in connection with the chemical reaction going on within the clay body during the burning, or bonding period, must be admitted, yet we believe that microscopical examination of the burned clays will show in the fused or semi-fused matrix, in- cluded particles of the alkali sulphates, and these need only the proper conditions in the wall, to come to the surface. Moreover, it seems to us reasonable that when sulphates are decomposed in the burning, and their bases passed into silicate combinations, that such silicates are frequently not of weather resisting character, and sooner or later under the action of atmospheric agencies, will be broken down and their bases set free. We have ample illustration of the destructive effect of the atmosphere in the soft burned bricks which disintegrate in the wall. Such bricks may come from the kiln in perfect form, and only the sorter, who has learned by experience, can tell when the brick is too soft for the market. No sooner is the brick exposed to the weather, than the destructive influences of the atmosphere. are at work breaking up the silicates that form the bond, just as the same agency broke up the silicates in the original rock to form the clay. A soft brick may resist a week, a month, a year, or many years, but eventually it will go to pieces and in doing so will set free the bases which blossom out as efflorescence. EFFECT OF SULPHATES ON THE BOND IN THE CLAY. The bond in burned clay ware, which makes the ware inde- structible is brought about by the decomposition of some of the minerals in the clay and the combination of their bases with silica to form silicates. Some of these minerals decompose at low heats and the fusible silicates formed surround the undecomposed minerals, binding them together. As the heat advances, other minerals are decomposed, additional silicates are formed, thus SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 43 increasing the percentage of fusible material to serve as bonding material. These silicates are constantly readjusting themselves as the heat advances and as more bases are brought into use. The minerals in the clay decompose at different heats. Magnesium carbonate begins to decompose at 509 degrees F. and its decomposition is complete at 950 degrees. Calcium carbonate does not form basic carbonates and its decomposi- tion takes place at 1537 degrees F. This sudden decomposition of calcium carbonates explains why limey clays are not safe. . If there is sufficient fluxing material in the clay to bond the body at a temperature safely below the decomposition of the limestone, the clay can be burned successfully, but if the tem- perature is advanced to the temperature at which the limestone decomposes, it means the sudden introduction of the oxide of calcium, which is a strong flux, and the mass becomes viscous in consequence of the amount of silicate thus formed which is fusible at this temperature. We have shown the presence of sulphates in the clay, and also that they may be formed during the burning. Calcium sulphate can only be decomposed at high tem- peratures. This will occur during the latter part of the burning under increased chemical reaction, perhaps because of some changes in the firing, and the calcium, or other bases from the sulphates decomposed, enter into the silicate bodies already formed. This means a further readjustment with the absorption of additional silica and alumina, otherwise unstable silicates are formed, which given time and exposure, will decompose. It must be remembered that the sulphates may not be uni-. formly distributed through the clay mass, but are often found as crystals and particles here and there, and when these decompose, the silicates in the immediate vicinity are affected by the excess of flux. Efflorescence comes not only from a gradual leaching out of the soluble sulphates in the clay which have gone through the burning, but also from the breaking down of the more imperfect. silicates, and the combination of the bases with sulphuric acid. from the atmosphere or from any remaining pyrite in the burned ware. In this way we may explain why bricks may be exposed for 44 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 1 a long time without any sign of efflorescence, and then suddenly blosom out with it. PYRITE IN THE CLAY. We have shown how pyrite oxidizes to form sulphates, and when so oxidized ceases to exist. When not oxidized it is broken up in the burning, the sulphur being roasted out. It is doubtful if any ordinary burning will remove all the sulphur, particularly under oxidizing conditions, and we may have many wares coming from the kilns containing pyrite, or rather a lower sulphide of sulphur. Under atmospheric action, this is decomposed and oxidized into ferric oxides and sulphuric acid, and the latter will have great effect in breaking down the silicate bodies, and will take up the bases to form sulphates. The sulphurous gas in the atmosphere of our smoky cities may play the same role as the sulphur from the pyrite, and we may have efflorescence, even though the ware contains no sul- phates, nor pyrite, but in which the bond was made up of weak silicates. POROSITY. The porosity plays an important part in efflorescence. If a brick is vitrified so that it cannot take up any water, no sulphates can come to the surface. On the other hand, the brick may be so porous that the sulphates will be deposited below the surface. The German investigations show that neither the ware that contained the most soluble sulphate, nor that which took up the most water, was necessarily the one which showed efflorescence. The almost universal presence of sulphates or sulphate forming conditions in the ware may lead one to the belief that all wares must effloresce sooner or later, but when we con- sider the fact that there must be sufficient sulphate present, or formed, to make a visible coating, that sufficient water must enter to take up the sulphate and bring it to the surface, that there must be suitable porosity to get the full effect of the salts in solution, and that the absorption requirement of the ware must be satisfied before any salts can come to the surface, we understand why efflorescence is not as universal as analyses of clay wares would lead us to expect. Let one of these condi- SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 45 tions fail and the wares will not effloresce, or perhaps only here. and there a piece, as we often see single bricks in a wall. ABSORPTION. A study of absorption gives us some very interesting facts in regard to efflorescence. If we take a piece of burned clay ware, and place it in a vessel in the bottom of which is a salt solution, let us say a colored solution, the first result will be a dissociation of the water and the salt solution, and com- paratively pure water will be taken up by the ware. After a time the colored solution will begin to be taken up. A certain per cent of the solution must be absorbed by the ware, be- fore the salt solution can advance. Some experiments along this line gave us the following data: Under like conditions a strong solution will advance faster than a weak solution; with bodies of different porosities, the salt solution will advance faster in the more porous body; hot solutions will advance faster than cold. 1 An interesting experiment is to take the piece of ware from the salt solution after the latter has risen, say one half inch, and place it in clear water. The salt solution will continue to ad- vance, and we have a band of clean water at the top which was dissociated from the salt solution, then a band of the colored salt solution, and below a band of clean water. We have not the same conditions in our walls that we had in the above experiments. In the latter, we were dealing with a dry clay ware body, and a central solution. In walls, we have the solution distributed through the clay ware. They collect in the cavities in the ware, and are strongest in proximity to any soluble, or decomposing, minerals which supply the soluble salts. Thus far, at least, the conditions are similar. The first result in the drying out process will be some dissocia- tion of the water, which will be drawn to the surface and evapo- rated. This will be followed by the salt solutions drawn from the cavities in the ware, into the capillary tubes or channels. and these salt solutions can only appear on the surface after the absorption requirement of the capillary tubes have been satisfied. So long as the cavities in the ware contain any solutions, just so long will the salt solution continue to advance to the 46 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. surface. When the cavities are drained, the advance ceases and the salts lining the capillary tubes remain in the ware. We are of the opinion that further drying is due to a pro- gresive vaporization of the water from the solution beginning at the surface and gradually extending to the center of the clay body. It is impossible to get clay or clay ware absolutely dry at normal temperatures. There always remains some moisture in the ware. As we increase the temperature, we get off more and more of the moisture, but only at the boiling point, or slightly above, can we drive off all the moisture, and at this temperature, it is certainly true that the moisture is driven off by vaporization within the clay body, progressing to the center with the temperature. Our last experiment with the piece of clay ware and the colored salt solution, in which the ware was removed from the salt solution and placed in clean water, after some of the salt solution had been absorbed, illustrate nicely the conditions we sometimes get in walls, and explains many ugly blotches on the wall due to excessive efflorescence. If, in any manner, water can get into the back of a brick, and continue to come, as the evaporation proceeds from the sur- face of the brick, it will carry all the salt solution in the brick to the surface, and leave it there as efflorescence. Not only this, but any salts which may come in with the water, will be carried to the surface. Porous sandstones are often used for copings, sills, etc., and these are good reservoirs of water. The water soaks down through the brick wall, and passes off by exaporation from the surface of the wall, carrying to the surface any soluble salts in the wall. Even with pure water there might be efflorescence by carrying forward the salts in the clay, which otherwise would be insufficient to satisfy the absorp- tion requirement of the clay body, but as we have shown, sand- stones often contain soluble salts, which serve to intensify the evil. The same applies to moisture absorbed from the ground and leached out through a wall surface. Pipes in the wall, which may leak, or upon which the moisture in the air may condense and be taken up by the brick and carried to the wall face and with it any salts the wall may contain, are oftentimes the cause of the trouble. 16 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 47 Chimneys, which are often the most beautiful feature of a structure, are particularly subject to efflorescence. They are frequently capped with stone, which adds its quota to the trouble. When cold, the rain gets on both sides of the wall, and there is very little evaporation from the inside. In drying out, the moisture within assists in carrying the salts to the outside, thereby increasing the natural tendency of the brick to effloresce. When in use, the sulphuric acid from the combustion gases is constantly eating its way into the wall, break- ing down the mineral structure, and setting free the soluble salts to be taken up by the water, when opportunity presents itself. These problems are not for the clay worker, but for the architect and builder, and many of them are so simple that there is no excuse for the disfiguration of the walls built of clay ware. Capstones should be made impervious, or be laid in au im- pervious bed. Walls should be insulated from the ground moisture. All copings, sills, and projections of whatever material. should be provided with proper drips. Chimneys should be lined with fireproofing, and not be built with a single piece stuck out of the top for appearance sake, as we have often seen. The lining should be kept away from the wall and stayed by pro- jecting bricks, but even when carelessly built, it is our exper- ience that flue lined chimneys are not subject to much efflores- cence. Wall pipes should not come in contact with the wall, and the drip or leak from them should not fall upon the wall. We do not see any difficulty in such construction, and builders. should insist upon such specifications by the architect and such construction by the contractor. EFFECT OF HARD BURNING. The value of hard burning to prevent efflorescence is too evident to need description. The harder burned the bricks are, the better the bond and the more permannt the silicates forming the bond. The sulphates are decomposed or sealed up. The sul- phur in the pyrite is roasted out more completely, and the density of the body is increased. The density prevents the access of the atmospheric water, and delays in proportion the decay of the silicates, and the taking up of the sulphates. 48 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 1 BACKING UP BRICKS, MORTAR, SAND, ETC., USED IN BUILDING. We hear a great deal about the effect of the mortar, lime, sand, and backing up bricks in producing efflorescence, but we think the effect has been greatly over-estimated. Years ago it was customary to lay all the efflorescence to these materials. When some manufacturers succeeded in making a brick which they would guarantee not to effloresce, while their competi- tor's bricks laid in the same mortar would effloresce, there was a change in opinion in regard to the effect of the mortar, etc. Theoretically these may be the cause of efflorescence, and occasionally are, in practice, but the occasions are very rare. In our own experience, with a brick made from a clay from which we might get efflorescence, and could get it if desired, we do not recall a dozen instances in as many years in which efflorescence came out, yet these bricks were shipped all over the country and laid up in all kinds of mortar, sand, and with all kinds of backing up materials. Caustic lime is soluble, and with a freshly made mortar, and with wet bricks, there may be more or less diffusion of lime into the bricks. The chances are that this lime will be converted into carbonate and remain in the body of the brick, but it is possible. that some of it may find its way to the surface, and there become a carbonate and remain as a coating on the face of the bricks. When the building is cleaned down with acid, this coating wil be removed, and there will be little danger of its return. Greater danger comes from the sulphates in the limestone, or formed during the burning of the lime, and especially cements, many of which contain as high as 3% of calcium sulphate. Such sulphates might find their way into the bricks by diffusion, and later come out as efflorescence. Sand likewise may contain soluble salts, and these may find their way into the bricks. Back- ing up bricks, which are often soft bricks, and if exposed would effloresce badly, might under favorable conditions pass their sul- phates into the face bricks, but we are inclined to think that in the majority of cases the backing up brick will dry out faster from the inside, than from the outside, and the tendency would be to take the solutions away from the face bricks rather than toward them. Whatever the case may be in regard to the drying out of the wall, the fact remains that we have found that the + SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 49 backing up bricks do not affect face bricks which do not them- selves effloresce. HAS EFFLORESCENCE ANY INJURIOUS EFFECT ON THE WALL? The salts which appear as efflorescence undoubtedly have influence in breaking down the structure of the ware. Chemically, they increase the solvent action of the water, and mechanicaly they tend to disrupt the bond, through crystalli- zation of the salts from saturated solutions. Calcium sulphate is more soluble in cold than in hot water, and any increase in the temperature will cause crystallization of some of the salt. The sulphates of magnesium and of the alkalies are more soluble in hot water and any lowering of the temperature causes crystallization. Silica and silicates are more soluble in alkaline solutions than in pure water, and also more soluble in hot solu- tions than in cold ones. Geologists use these facts in discussing the disintegration. of rocks, and the discusion applies equally well to clay ware, but geologists have ages for the accomplishment of the work, while we need consider the question only from the standpoint of years of time. If our ware is well burned, efflorescence will not destroy it, but if it is soft burned, it will go to pieces and efflor- escence is only one of the factors in its disintegration. EFFECT OF STORING BRICKS ON THE YARD. On acount of the ashes which are frequently used in filling around a brick yard, and the storing of piles of coal, the ground is often saturated with sulphates. If bricks are piled direct upon such ground they will absorb these sulphates, which will come out as efflorescence. This is very common, and may be seen on almost any brick yard. As a preventive, the bricks were piled upon strips of wood leaving an air space under each bench of brick, and in such piling, we had no further trouble. HOW CAN EFFLORESCENCE BE OVERCOME? If the clay contains pyrite and no sulphates, much of the sulphur may be roasted out by hard burning, and the danger of 50 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE.. efflorescence greatly reduced. In our practice, we rejected all crop clays, and discontinued weathering. The hard clays from under cover were crushed, ground, screened, steamed, reground, and screened, and put into the kiln as quickly as possible, and hard burned, but not in this case vitrified in any sense of the word. The result was a brick which would not effloresce. Many plants are using No. 2 fire clay, and such plants can drop out the crop clay, and use only the unoxidized mine clays, putting them through a rapid disintegrating process to take the place of weathering. SULPHATES IN THE CLAY. Plants using surface clays, perhaps shales, and such bedded clays as lie near the surface like many of the Tertiary clays, have not the advantage of dropping out the clays containing sulphate, and in consequence will have greater difficulty in overcoming the trouble. If the clays are not heavily loaded with sulphates, hard burning will remove the trouble in a large measure. If the pro- ducts will allow a reducing kiln condition, the decomposition of the sulphates will be hastened, and opportunity given for the bases to pass into silicates. The hard burning at the same time decreases the porosity and after a certain stage is reached, any decrease in the porosity decreases the tendency to effloresce. When bricks are vitrified and practically non-absorbent, the danger of efflorescence is eliminated. We do not know that any attempt at chemical or mechanical treatment has been made to get rid of efflorescence. Many products will not stand much expense in the way of such treatment, but we believe much of the trouble could be re- moved by preliminary treatment and the cost need not be ex- cessive. A Washing the clays by slumming or blunger process need not be too expensive for many products,- terra cotta, roofing tile, etc., and in addition to the removal of much of the sulphates, such treatment would put the clay in fine condition for working. The difficulty in this treatment would be to get water free from sulphates with which to do the washing. In this work the use of barium carbonate would be of benefit. If we convert all the sulphates into carbonates, with the resultant insoluble SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 51 barium sulphate, there can in the first place be no scumming, and if the watersmoking is done with wood, there can be no sul- phates formed. The carbonates would be broken up by the burning and go into silicate formations, and could not give serious trouble in efflorescence. If we can get the fluxes into shape to pass readily into silicate form during the burning, and properly adjust them- selves, we will have a relatively permanent bond, and the de- structive influence of the atmosphere will be so slow as not to set free enough of the bases to form at any one time sufficient sulphate to make a visible coating. Barium is not decomposed at ordinary kiln temperatures to any great extent and will go through the burning unchanged. Recent experiments with barium carbonate show that the temperature at which the carbonic acid is driven off is about 2,600 degrees F. Any burning at or above this temperature will convert the carbonate into oxide, in which form it is an active flux, and combines with silica. Any barium carbonate which might go through the burning, would be taken up to the limit of its solubility by the water entering the ware in the wall, and to this extent, the soluble salts which cause efflorescence would be rendered harmless, but the effect would be small on acount of the limited amount of barium required to saturate the solution. We do not believe that an extreme case of efflorescence can be overcome in this way. Hard burning, permanent silicates, and low porosity, and preliminary treatment of the clays, must be the corrective in such cases. PRELIMINARY TREATMENT OF THE CLAYS. We have discussed this in several places in the fore-going pages, and will not repeat it, except to say that we believe much can be done by the slumming process at comparatively little. cost. Pyrite can be removed by strong electro magnets, but this involves fine grinding, and the cost of getting rid of the pyrite in this way would be excessive. Pyrite may also be removed by fine grinding followed by air separation, but this method is also expensive, and not ap- plicable to the wares in which efflorescence is a troublesome factor. 5 * THE USE OF BARIUM COMPOUNDS IN PREVENTING SCUM. BY ELLIS LOVEJOY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. (Transactions American Ceramic Society, Vol. VIII.) Barium as a preventative of "scum" has been used many years, but there is so little literature on the subject that many do not understand its use, how it acts on the salts in the clay, why it frequently fails, especially beyond a certain limit, and some doubts exist as to its efficacy. Theoretically barium is a perfect preventative of "scum," but in practice it often fails. The purpose of this paper is to call attention to lines of in- vestigation which the writer believes would give valuable results. in the use of barium to overcome efflorescence, nor are the lines suggested by any means a complete list. Seger in his paper, "Concerning the Addition of Barium Compounds to Clay," says: "With a content of 0.1% of calcium sulphate in clay there will be required 0.127%. of barium car- bonate," or "0.170% of crystallized barium chloride." In the following paragraph, the solubilities of some of the salts in- volved in the question of scumming are given : Calcium sulphate, CaSO,, 2H,O, is soluble in 386 to 451 parts of water according to the temperature. Ferrous sulphate, FeSO4, 7HO, is soluble in 1.64 to .27 parts of water. Magnesium sulphate, MgSO4, 7H2O, in 3.17 to 1.25 parts. Potassium sulphate, K,SO,, in 10.31 to 3.82 parts. Sodium sulphate, Na,SO,, 10H₂O, in 4.34 to 0.32 parts. 2 In practice, we do not have to contend with any such quan- tities as these solubilities represent, except, perhaps, in the case of calcium sulphate. That the water which we use in our clay work may be fully saturated with calcium sulphate when it enters the clay, or become so before leaving it in the dry-house, cannot be denied. Calcium sulphate is the chief source of our trouble, and we shall confine our discussion to it. (52) ( SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 53- 24 1 In passing, however, we wish to say that it would be valuable to determine what effect, if any, solutions of these other salts would have upon the solubility of calcium sulphate in con- centrated solution, and upon its corrective, barium carbonate. It is possible that the soluble salts resulting from the reaction of these with barium carbonate may affect the solubility of the latter, and explain its sometimes erratic behavior in the preven- tion of "scum." EFFLORESCENCES CLASSIFIED. There are three distinct lines of efflorescence, and we must confine this paper to one of them. The efflorescence which appears on the material after it is laid in the wall is a problem in itself, and whether any additions. of chemical compounds to the clay can prevent it, students of chemistry must determine for us. Kiln white, a much rarer phenomenon, concerning which we have little data, seems to be outside of any possible effect of chemicals in the clay. Dry-house white, the common "scum," which appears on the material in the drying stage and continues unchanged through the burning, is usually calcium sulphate, and to it we will con- fine our attention. DRY-HOUSE WHITE. If we assume that a dry pressed brick contains eight ounces of water, and that sixteen bricks can be made from one hundred pounds of clay, then we have in one hundred pounds of clay prepared for this process, 128 ounces of water. This, since calcium sulphate is soluble, in round numbers, in 400 parts of water, will dissolve 128/400 ounces of calcium sulphate, or 0.32 ounces. The equation for the precipitation of calcium sulphate by barium carbonate is as follows: BaCO3 + CaSO,, 2H,O= BaSO, + CaCO3 + 2H₂O. By weight, 172 parts of calcium sulphate require 197 parts of barium carbonate, or one part of calcium sulphate requires. 1.15 parts of barium carbonate. The amount of 0.32 ounces of calcium sulphate, which may completely saturate the water in one hundred pounds of dry press clay, will require 0.32 X 1.15 1 54 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 0.368 ounce of barium carbonate to satisfy the requirements for complete decomposition of the calcium sulphate. Barium carbonate requires 14,137 parts of water for solution. One hun- dred and twenty-eight ounces of water will therefore take up 128/14137 ounces of barium carbonate, or 0.009 ounce. If 0.368 ounce of barium carbonate are required to precipitate 0.32 ounces of calcium sulphate, then 0.009 ounce of barium carbonate will precipitate 0.008 ounce of calcium sulphate. Thus, 0.008 ounce is 21% of the amount of calcium sulphate which may be in solution in one hundred pounds of clay prepared for dry pressed bricks, and this is the initial value of a solution of barium car- bonate. The result of the initial decomposition is the formation of barium sulphate and calcium carbonate. Barium sulphate is soluble in 400,000 parts of water, and calcium carbonate in 28,000 parts, so that all the barium sulphate and practically ali of the calcium carbonate formed, is precipitated. With this pre- cipitation, more barium carbonate may pass into solution, fol- lowed by the reaction and precipitation until one or the other of the compounds is exhausted. Theoretically, therefore, we need only add enough barium carbonate to precipitate the salts which cause the "scum," and this seems to be the prevailing opinion. in practice. If we were dealing with these compounds suspended in water, we might expect the solution and reaction to continue to the end, but in a block of dry pressed clay, we have very little circulation of the water, and cannot get the results which might be obtained from a free circulation. There is room for con- siderable divergence of opinion in regard to the possible value of an excess of barium carbonate in the water used in dry pressed bricks, but the writer holds that there is little value in any excess beyond the initial saturated solution, after, of course, the pre- cipitation of any calcium sulphate in the water prior to its ad- dition to the clay. The water, with barium carbonate in solution and suspension, upon being added to the clay is taken up hygro- scopically by the particles of clay and becomes a part of the hygroscopic water already in the clay, and the barium precipi- tates there, having reacted with calcium sulphate up to the limit of the barium in solution. The barium carbonate in suspension cannot follow the water • SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 55 into the particles of clay, and is left as a coating on their surface. The water is not a circulating medium. It is temporarily fixed in the clay particles, softening them and developing plasticity, and when the drying stage begins, it passes off to the surface, not, however, in all directions, as it entered, and in its passage. taking up the barium carbonate deposited, but along certain lines ever towards the point drying fastest. That there will be some solution and precipitation during this stage must be ad- mitted, but it will be quite limited. Whatever barium carbonate may line the channels through which the water is escaping, may pass into solution and accomplish its purpose, but the great bulk of the barium remains as a coating on the particles of clay. The water during its stay in the particles of clay will take up the calcium sulphate in them to the point of saturation, so that we haye a strong solution of calcium sulphate escaping from the clay to the surface of the mass with very little opportunity of bringing it in touch with sufficient barium carbonate to pre- cipitate the sulphate. The conditions existing in a clay body are not favorable to the solution of such a difficultly soluble compound as barium carbonate nor to the reactions which bring about the precipitation, but they are favorable to the solution of the calcium sulphate which finds its way to the surface without much loss in passage. A common practice is to add the barium in the powdered form, in the dry pan or other grinding machinery, and the little we may get in solution is quickly used up by the impurities in the water, or by the sulphates in the clay, more readily soluble than the calcium sulphate. If the assumption that only the initial precipitation is effec- tive can be maintained, then the addition of barium carbonate to the dry pressed ware is of no practical value. Our efforts should be directed towards increasing the initial precipitation by getting stronger solutions of the barium. A stiff mud brick contains two pounds of water, more or less four times as much as a dry pressed brick. This will dis- solve 1.28 ounces of calcium sulphate in one hundred pounds of clay, which will require 1.47 ounces of barium carbonate to pre- cipitate. It will take up 0.036 ounce of barium carbonate which in turn will precipitate 0.032 ounce of calcium sulphate. The extremely low percentage, 0.02 per cent. of calcium 56 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. sulphate which may be in solution in dry pressed ware explains why manufacturers of such products are less troubled with "scum" than the manufacturer of stiff mud ware. Moreover, the porous face of the dry pressed ware will tend to hide the deposits of calcium sulphate which may come to the surface in the drying stage. Increase the quantity of calcium sulphate four or five times, and deposit it on a dense face of ware, and we readily see why a compound which gives little trouble in the one process, becomes a serious problem in the other. In one factory using both processes it was necessary to treat all the stiff mud products, but no barium was used in the dry. press work. While "scumming" is of much rarer occurrence in the latter, yet when it does occur it is much more difficult to overcome. The writer's explanation of the ineffectiveness of barium carbonate in dry pressed work is based upon some observations in stiff mud work. In the manufacture of stiff mud bricks, we first ran the product quite soft, treating it, of course, with barium carbonate in the wet pan, and had very little trouble with "scum." With the introduction of a repress, we made the bricks stiff enough to be repressed as they came from the separating belt, and they quickly assumed a leather hard condition, showing the absorption of the water by the particles of clay. These bricks came from the dry house and kilns badly coated with "scum." We doubled and quadrupled the quantity of barium without effect. We cut out portions of the clay which we thought made the trouble. We put in tanks in which the barium was stirred up with the water before being mized with the clay, all to no purpose. During this time roofing tile and hollow blocks made from the same clay were generally free from "scum," particularly the roofing tile, but of course they were run much softer than the bricks, so much so, in fact, that the water could actually be squeezed out of the tile clots under the press. As a possible explanation, it might be said, that in case the content of calcium sulphate in the clay was insufficient to satu- rate the water, the increase in the quantity of water would not increase the quantity of calcium sulphate, but would simply di- lute the solution, while at the same time the barium carbonate would be increasing in quantity, maintaining its saturated con- • SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 57 dition from the barium carbonate in suspension. In the stiff mud we may not have had enough barium in solution to precipitate all of the calcium sulphate, while in the soft mud. process the precipitation was complete. This argument reads better than it looks in figures. Two pounds of water to each brick means 0.036 ounce of barium carbonate in solution in one hundred pounds of clay, which will precipitate 0.032 ounce of calcium sulphate. This would be only 0.02%, a mere trace in commercial analysis. Such a minute quantity will not give any trouble by "scumming." In the series from dry pressed products, through leather- hard stiff-mud, stiff-mud, soft-mud to slumming clay, we pass from hygroscopic water, through a mass saturated with water in which there would be more or less circulation of the water, to water with clay in suspension. In the latter extreme we would have perfect opportunity for the continued solution and preci- pitation until the barium carbonate or calcium sulphate was ex- hausted, but in just the degree that we decrease the circulation of the water, we reduce the efficiency of the barium carbonate, until in the dry pressed ware, and perhaps in the leather-hard stiff mud, the efficiency of the barium carbonate is limited to the initial solution, or 2.5 per cent. of the possible contents of calcium sulphate in solution. We repeat, therefore, that our aim should be to increase the initial value of the barium solution. USE OF BARIUM CHLORIDE. The use of barium chloride, BaCl, 2H,O, which is soluble in 3 to 1.66 parts of water, is hardly to be recommended. While it will precipitate all the sulphur and thus remove all the solu- ble sulphates, yet any excess remains in solution and is drawn to the surface in the drying and there deposited to appear after the bricks are burned. Seger's advice not to use it in excess is to be heeded. Moreover, the resulting calcium chloride is also readily soluble and it, too, would find its way to the surface to affect the color. Its use would be safer in connection with barium carbonate. We could thus use less chloride than would be required for complete decomposition of the calcium sulphate, but yet enough of it to remove the bulk of the trouble, all of which would be used up in the initial reaction, together with any 58 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. carbonate in solution, and for the decomposition of the remaining calcium sulphate, we would have to rely upon the secondary re- action of the carbonate, which in dry press and leather hard, stiff clay would be of little value for reasons already pointed out, but even the little value thus obtained might remove the final trace of trouble. In any case we would have the soluble calcium chloride to contend with. It is very desirable that the problem be solved without the use of barium chloride. USE OF ACID CARBONATE OF BARIUM. Fresenius says that barium carbonate is soluble in water containing free carbonic acid, forming the acid carbonate. Other authorities confirm Fresenius' statement, and in one instance give the solubility as one part in eight hundred and thirty parts of water. To pass carbon dioxide through tanks containing barium carbonate in suspension would be a paratively simple matter. com- It is not within the province of this paper to go into the cost of producing the carbon dioxide gas, but we do not think the problem would be a difficult one nor the cost prohibitive. If the acid carbonate method with its more or less valuable by- products proved too expensive, we could fall back on the pro- ducts of combustion of wood or oil, first using the heat value in some of our work, and then the chimney products in the above duty. The gas must be practically free from sulphur. The re- action of the acid carbonate with the calcium sulphate would be as follows: BaH₂ (CO3)2 + CaSO, BaSO4 + CaH, (CO3)2. If the acid barium carbonate has a solubility of 1 in 830, we have raised the initial value of the solution from 2.5% to 50%, which would eliminate the trouble from a great many clays. We may have an excess of the acid barium carbonate in solution to give trouble, but its instability is a safeguard in this re- spect, and further, what has been said in regard to using barium carbonate with barium chloride applies equally well to solutions of the carbonate and acid carbonate. The compound in solution is the acid carbonate and that in suspension the carbonate. By keeping the former near to but below the quantity = Į SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. 59 actually required, and relying upon the carbonate to decompose the remaining traces of calcium sulphate, we can have no trouble with any excess of barium solution. The acid carbonate of calcium formed is a soluble salt, and like calcium chloride, remains in solution, but we are dealing with a compound a great deal more insoluble than calcium chloride, or even than calcium sulphate, and decrease the danger of efflorescence in proportion to the decrease in solubility. The solubility of the acid carbonate of calcium is given as I in 1200. Furthermore, the acid carbonate of both barium and calcium can exist only in solution, and the chances are strongly in favor of their being unstable and passing back into the carbo- nate form and precipitating long before the drying process is complete. An investigation of these acid carbonates is greatly to be desired. USE OF BARIUM HYDRATE. Burning barium carbonate with charcoal will reduce it to the oxide, which is quite soluble, according to one authority in 1.5 to 70 parts of water. The hydrate thus formed is soluble in 20 to 0 parts of water, being soluble in its own water crystal- lization, at 75 degrees, nominally its melting point. Barium carbonate does not readily give up its carbon dioxide, and it must not be inferred from the above bald state- ment that we can convert barium carbonate into barium oxide as readily and simply as we convert calcium and magnesium carbonate into "lime," but the simple process of mixing barium. carbonate with charcoal and burning, especially under forced draft, will give a partial decomposition sufficient, at least, for our purpose. The process would be crude and the stuff would have to be freshly made, but if by its use we could introduce at once suf- ficient barium in solution to precipitate all of the sulphur and at the same time not leave dangerous by-products, we have solved the difficulty of any clay, and our trouble with "scum" would be over. The use of barium hydrate would result in the for- mation of calcium hydrate, and this in the burning would pass into the oxide. Calcium hydrate is soluble in 550 to 1,000 parts. of water, and the oxide in 750 to 1,500 parts, in either case a 1 60 SCUMMING AND EFFLORESCENCE. decided gain over the solubility of calcium sulphate. Our greatest danger would be from any excess of the very soluble barium hydrate. If it can be kept below the point of excess, we would have little trouble with "scumming." The tendency of both the barium and calcium hydrates to absorb carbonic acid from the atmosphere and pass into insoluble carbonates is in their favor. Add to this the tendency of calcium. hydrate, and perhaps of barium hydrate, to combine with the silica of the clay, insures, in the opinion of the writer, freedom from any "scumming" because of their presence in the clay. In conclusion the writer wishes to repeat the remark made in the beginning of the paper, that there is a valuable field for investigation in the use of barium. Many factories now making common bricks could put their product on the market for face work if the "scum" could be overcome, and factories making face bricks would reduce the loss from this cause. Nor is the trouble confined to brick manufacturers; it is only more ap- parent in their case. What effect the presence of "scum" may have on salt glazing and upon slip and enamel work is purely problematical. In all this work the following caution must be observed: Barium in any soluble form is an active poison, and must be handled with care. The sulphate being insoluble has no effect except in so far as it may be made soluble by the digestive juices; the carbonate being difficultly soluble is safe to use; the chloride and hydrate being readily soluble should be re- spected and men who are handling them should be careful to wash their hands before eating their lunches or handling their tobacco, or anything taken into the mouth. Naturally, the anti- dote would be some soluble sulphate. PA 191 35 } Tek REA # A UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00206 8123 Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 : ** Y f 2 +XES AND ONE THE PYERATORS, kadem :