ENGIN. LIB TJ DUPL A 758,374 SSENDEN 164 P89 V.5 PIPING FOR POWER AND HEATING PLANTS POWER PLANT ENGINEERING HANDBOOKS C. H FESSENDEN 333 W. ENGINEERING BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN POWER PLANT ENGINEERING HANDBOOKS JAN - 1 1030 Piping for Power and Heating Plants TECHNICAL PUBLISHING CO. Chicago, Ill. Ine mering Library то 164 * Copyright 1924. All rights reserved. TECHNICAL PUBLISHING CO. Chicago, Ill. HONDA Uzban traghe 1 1 اتح CONTENTS Cut- CHAPTER I. INSTALLATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS. Taking Measurements for Pipe Lines. ting, Threading and Making Up. Bending Pipe. Methods of Supporting Piping. Colors for Piping. CHAPTER II. CONSTRUCTION OF PIPE JOINTS. Screwed Joints Have Tapered Thread. Pur- pose and Types of Pipe Nipples. Use of Pipe Couplings. Use of Unions. Details of Flanged Joints. Joints for Cast-Iron Pipe. CHAPTER III. PIPE FITTINGS AND Bends. Various Types of Screwed Fittings. Flange Fittings Used With Large Pipe. Long Sweep Fittings. Pipe Bends and Welded Nozzles. CHAPTER IV. EXPANSION IN PIPING... Coefficients of Expansion of Pipe Materials. Methods of Taking Up Expansion. How Pipe Bends Relieve Strains. Pipe Length Needed for Bends. Cold Spring Relieves Strains on Hot Pipe. Expansion Joints. Purposes and Methods of Anchoring Pipe. CHAPTER V. MATERIALS USED FOR PIPING.. Factors in Pipe Durability. Wrought Iron Piping. Cast Iron for Piping. Uses for Brass Piping. Copper Piping. Types of Piping. Lap-Welded Pipe. Butt-Welded Pipe. Drawn Pipe. Riveted Piping. CHAPTER VI. CORROSION OF PIPING AND ITS PRE- VENTION Deactivating Water. Protection for Inside of Pipe. Coating Pipes to Prevent External Cor- rosion. CHAPTER VII. RADIATION LOSSES FROM PIPES.... Method of Calculating Radiation Loss. Ma- terials for Covering Pipes. Insulation for Cold Pipes. сл 14 28 35 47 56 59 4 CHAPTER VIII. PIPE CAPACITIES AND FRICTION LOSSES Loss of Head in Pipes. Added Loss of Head in Fittings and Valves. Flow of Steam in Pipes. Wet and Superheated Steam. Effect of Valves and Fittings. CHAPTER IX. WATER PIPING SYSTEMS. Suction Lines for Pumps. Suction Lift and Head for Hot Water. Boiler Feed Lines. Pump to Main. Feed and Service Piping. Water Piping for Special Service. Cold Water for General Service. Hot Water Supply Sys- tem. Cold Drinking Water. Fire Service. Hydrants and Hose Lines. Sprinkler Systems. Pipe Sizes for Sprinkler System. CHAPTER X. STEAM PIPING, MAINS AND HEADERS.. Arrangement of Steam Headers. Auxiliary Steam Lines. Auxiliary Mains and Cross Con- nections. Reduced Pressures. Draining Ap- paratus. Separators to Remove Water. Holly Gravity Return System. Draining Receivers. Exhaust Steam Lines. Back-Pressure Valves. CHAPTER XI. PIPING CONNECTIONS TO POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT Pipe Connections to Steam Pumps. Injector Piping and Valve Arrangement. Feed-Water Heater Piping. Boiler Feed Line Connections. Feed Line Discharge. Water Column Connec- tions. Blowoff Piping. Surface Blowoff. Blowoff Tanks. Safety Valves. Steam for Stoker Plungers. Soot Blowers. Pipe Con- nections for Steam Engines. Steam Jackets and Receivers. Turbine Piping. Turbine Piping. Condenser Piping. Condenser Systems. Jet Condensers. Barometric-Condenser Connections. Surface- Condenser Connections. Dry-Vacuum Piping. CHAPTER XII. PIPING FOR EXHAUST STEAM HEAT- ING SYSTEMS Typical Exhaust Steam Heating Installation. Size of Mains and Returns. 67 87 100 125 PI CHAPTER I INSTALLATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS IPE lines should be kept as short as possible, the number of joints reduced to a minimum, and in the case of steam piping ample provision made for drainage and expansion. Valves should be so arranged as to permit cutting out of faulty sections without service interruption and all covering employed should be applied in a neat and durable manner and so as not to interfere with repairs. W (A) (B) FIG. 1. DIMENSIONS TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN TAKING MEASUREMENTS FOR PIPE LINES While roller-bearing saddles allow considerable freedom of pipe movement, this type of support increases the tendency of the pipe to vibrate. Many times, therefore, a free-sliding support which allows the pipe to come and go and at the same time places a damper on any tendency to vibrate is preferable. In taking measurements for pipe lines, it is customary first to obtain the distance between the centers of the fittings to be connected and then make the necessary allowance for these fittings as at (A), Fig. 1, where X represents the distance between the center of the elbow and that of the tee, while Y is the actual required length. For flanged fittings, make allowance as indicated in Table 6 I. For screw fittings, subtract from X twice the distance from center to face; then add twice the distance pipe is to enter fittings as indicated in Table II. Where specifica- tions call for a simple U bend, the total length of stock required may be determined by adding the sum of the lengths of the two arms to the length of the curved portion obtained by multiplying the radius of curvature by 3.14, TABLE I. ALLOWANCE TO BE MADE IN PIPE LENGTHS FOR FLANGED FITTINGS Subtract for 1-1/4 1-1/2 | 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Flanged Std. 4 " Ex. Hy. 6 4-1/2 5 6 5-1/2 6 7 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 10 11 12 13 13 24 16 TABLE II. LENGTH OF PIPE THREAD SCREWED INTO FIT- TINGS TO PROVIDE A TIGHT JOINT -A- Pipe Size Dimension A Pipe Size Dimension A Inches Inches Inches Inches 1/8 1/4 3-1/2 1-1/16 1/4 3/8 4 1-1/16 3/8 3/8 4-1/2 1-1/8 1/2 1/2 5 1-3/16 3/4 1/2 6 1-1/4 9/16 7 1-1/4 1-1/4 5/8 8 1-5/16 1-1/2 5/8 9 1-3/8 2-1 2 11/16 10 1-1/2 1/2 15/16 12 1-5/8 1 Dimensions given do not allow for variation in tapping or threading. CRANE CO. all measurements being taken along the center line of the pipe. To estimate the length of an irregular curved line or offset, make an exact scale drawing of the proposed work, measuring along the center line by means of a tape line 7 or measuring wheel and multiply by the length of scale employed. When measuring offsets of 45 deg., as at "B" Fig. 1, distance "Y" may be obtained by direct measurement along the axis of try pieces t, t, or if this is inconvenient, by multiplying "W," the exact distance between centers of the two parallel pipe lines to be joined, by the secant of 45 deg., or 1.41 and subtracting from the result thus ob- tained two times the distance between the center and the inner end of the threaded portion of the fittings. For 60, 30 and 22½-deg. fittings, multiply distance W by 1.15, 2.00 and 2.61, respectively, to obtain X. In the majority of cases and especially on small jobs it is the duty of the man who is to install the new piping to determine the quantity and sizes of piping and fittings required. This may best be done by making a sketch (preferably to some convenient scale) of the proposed lay- out and from that determine the necessary number and size of fittings and lengths of piping. CUTTING, THREADING AND MAKING UP Piping up to 2 in. in diameter may be cut by means of a single wheel cutter, while larger sizes and that in trenches or otherwise where impossible to give the cutter arm a full turn, should be cut with a three-wheel cutter. All sizes above 6 in. are usually cut with a hack saw or cutting machine, the oxy-acetylene flame or the electric arc. In cutting and threading, care should be taken first that there is no reduction of the internal diameter of the pipe, and second that the thread is so cut as to give a proper amount of make-up. Any burr made by the cutter. on the inside of the pipe should be carefully removed and the end of the pipe examined for cracks or splits started in the cutting process. The length of the perfect thread should correspond with that shown in Table III of pipe rizes, but should not exceed such value in order to avoid Lae joint leaking or the pipe entering the fitting too far and throwing it out of alinement, or possibly in the case of a coupling or tee causing interference between pipe ends. In making up a pipe joint, it should be screwed securely into place but not forced more than necessary in 8 TABLE III. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD WROUGHT PIPE although, if absolutely necessary to use such a coupling, flange form is to be preferred to a right-and-left coupling, making up the final joint, a union, either of the screw or likelihood of cracking them when steam is turned on. In order to avoid producing a strain on the fittings and the Diameter Circumference Length of Pipe Per Sq. Ft. of Length of Pipe Nominal Weight Per Foot Nominal Internal Inches Approx- Nominal Containing Number of Length of imats External Internal External Internal Thickness External Internal Surface Surface Опе Cu. Ft. Threads Perfect Plain Threaded Ends Per Inghes Inches Inches Inches Inches Peet Feet Feet and Coupled Inch of Screw Screw 1/8 0.405 0.269 0.0€8 1.272 0.845 9.431 14.199 1/4 0.540 0.364 0.088 1.696 1.144 7.073 10.493 2533.770 1383.790 0.424 0.244 0.245 27 0.19 0.425 18 0.29 3/8 0.675 0.493 0.091 2.121 1.549 5.658 7.747 754.360 0.567 0.568 18 0.30 1/2 0.840 0.622 0.109 2.639 1.954 4.547 6.141 473.910 0.850 0.852 14 0.39 3/4 1.050 0.824 0.113 3.299 2.589 3.637 4.635 270.030 1.130 1.134 14 0.40 1.315 1.049 0.133 4.131 3.296 2.904 3.641 166.620 1.678 1.684 11-1/2 0.51 1-1/4 1.660 1.380 0.140 5.215 4.335 2.301 2.767 96.276 2.272 2.281 11-1/2 0.54 1-1/2 1.900 1.610 0.145 5.969 5.058 2.010 2.372 70.733 2,717 2.731 11-1/2 0.55 2 2.375 2.067 0.154 7.461 6.494 1.608 1.847 42.910 3.652 3.678 11-1/2 0.58 2-1/2 2.875 2.469 0.203 9.032 7.757 1.328 1.547 30.080 5.793 5.819 8 0.89 3 3.500 3.068 0.216 10.996 9.638 1.091 1.245 19.480 7.575 7.616 8 0.96 3-1/2 4.000 3.548 0.226 12.566 11.146 0.954 1.076 14.560 9.109 9.202 8 1.00 4.600 4.026 0.237 14.137 12.648 0.848 0.948 11.310 10.790 10.889 1.05 6.663 5.047 0.258 17.477 16.866 0.686 0.756 7.198 14.617 14.810 1.16 6.625 6.065 0.280 20.813 19.054 0.576 0.629 4/984 18.974 19.186 8 1.28 7.625 7.023 0.301 23.958 22,063 0.500 0.543 3.717 23.544 23.769 8 1.36 8 8.626 8.071 0.277 27.096 25.356 0.442 0.475 2.816 24.696 25.000 8 1.46 9 9.625 8.941 0.342 30.238 28.089 0.396 0.487 2.294 33.907 34.188 8 1.57 10 10.750 10.192 0.279 33.772 32.019 0.355 Q.374 11 11.750 11.000 0.375 36.914 34.558 0.325 0.347 12 12.750 12.090 0.330 40.055 37.982 0.299 0.316 13 14.000 13.250 0.376 43.982 41.626 0.272 0.288 14 16.000 14.250 0.375 47.124 44.768 0.254 0.268 0.903 16 16.000 15.250 0.376 50.625 47.909 .0.238 0.250 1.785 31.201 32.000 1.515 45.557 46.247 1.254 43.778 45.000 1.044 64.688 58.573 0.788 | 62.579 66.824 60.375 64.500 · CD CD CD CD ED M 8 1.68 1.77 1.87 2.00 8 2.10 2.20 9 care should be taken to have the fitting make up onto both ends of the pipes so as to give a tight joint. For steam-tight screw joints, many engineers use a mixture of cylinder oil and graphite, although the follow- ing mixture suitable for both steam and water pipes is recommended: Ten pounds fine yellow ocher; 4 lb. ground litharge; 4 lb. whiting and ½ lb. hemp cut up fine. Mix thoroughly with linseed oil to about the consistency of putty. FIG. 2. METHOD OF BENDING SMALL PIPE For ammonia pipe joints use a mixture of litharge and glycerine. This filler sets so quickly, however, that only enough for one joint should be mixed at a time, and when the joint is once made it should not be disturbed as the filler is useless if broken after having once set. BENDING PIPE Sizes of brass and copper pipes commonly employed. and iron pipes 1 in. and less in diameter may be bent cold in the following manner, care being taken when doing so to have the seam on the inner curve: With a brace and bit bore a hole about 1½ in. larger in diameter than the pipe to be bent, in a solid well-supported soft pine timber. Insert the pipe to the point at which the bend is desired and make the bend by pulling slowly to one side, moving the pipe in and out a little after each pull. If any considerable bend is required, a form should be made having the curvature to which it is desired to bend 10 the pipe, and while one end of it is held fast, the pipe should be bent around this form. If the curvature is sharp, fill the pipe with perfectly dry sand and heat it to a red heat before bending, as in Fig. 2. METHODS OF SUPPORTING PIPING Frequency of pipe supports is determined more by branch connection requirements and for the prevention of vibration than by the weight of the piping itself. The interval between hangers should, however, not exceed 12 ft., except for small pipe, which may be supported on 18-ft. centers. FIG. 3. METHOD OF SUPPORTING RISER IN HEATING SYSTEM In vertical runs the risers are anchored only sufficiently to prevent sidewise movement, the weight of the piping in short lines being sustained by the connecting horizontal runs or the branch connections as in Fig. 3. Long and heavy vertical runs may be supported by means of a base elbow, as at A, Fig. 4, resting upon a concrete pier and steadied by guides at frequent intervals. Medium size vertical runs may be supported as at B, C and D, Fig. 4, the adjustable bracket support shown at D being particularly well adapted where risers run parallel to walls or columns. Hangers suitable for both light and heavy piping are shown at A to M, Fig. 5. These are generally attached to overhead construction, clamps being employed for con- necting to I beams, heavy eyebolts or lag screws for wooden beams, or ceilings, while plates or bars are imbedded in 11 reinforced concrete, to which the hangers may be attached. Where hollow tile construction exists the hanger may be suspended as at K. Compensation for expansion and con- traction and proper alinement of the pipe line is secured by the use of swing joints, ball-and-socket joints and turn- buckles. A more satisfactory provision for the movement of pipe lines, however, consists of short lengths of piping (A) (8) (C) (0) I FIG. 4. METHODS OF SUPPORTING MEDIUM-WEIGHT AND HEAVY RISERS or cast saddles capable of rolling on some form of center pin, as may be seen by referring to E, I, L, S and T, Fig. 5. Large and heavy piping, such as steam and exhaust headers, air lines, water mains, etc., when not in trenches, is generally carried on substantial wrought-iron or cast- steel brackets securely bolted to side walls or columns, the pipe resting in a cradle or a rolling saddle, adjustable in both vertical and horizontal directions. 12 Floor stands, or pillars (N, O and P, Fig. 5), adjust- able as to height, are generally provided with Y-shaped brackets, although semi-circular brackets or cradles with holding-down straps conforming to the curvature of the pipe are preferable. Pipe lines crossing alleys, streets, yards or courts where the use of hangers or pillars is impracticable, require some. exceptional form of suspension or bracing, as in Fig. 6. (A) (B) (C) (N) από 10: (F) (J) (GI (K) ан (H) (1) (M) (5) 131 (0) 1 (A) (7) (0) FIG. 5. TYPES OF HANGERS, PILLARS AND BRACKETS 13 COLORS FOR PIPING For the purpose of ready identification of piping sys- tems, colors should be used on valves, flanges and fittings only, with the piping proper painted to conform to the (A) W (B) W FIG. 6. CABLE SUSPENSION AND BRACING FOR LONG PIPE LINES color scheme of the room. mended are as follows: Identification colors recom- Steam division.... Water division.. Oil division.. Pneumatic division. Gas division. Fuel oil division. a-High pressure-white. b-Exhaust system-buff. c-Fresh water, low pressure- blue. d-Fresh water, high pressure boiler feed lines-blue and white. e-Salt water piping-green. f-Delivery and discharge- brass or bronze yellow. g-All pipes-gray. .h-City lighting service-alu- minum. • i-Gas engine service-black, red flanges. j-All piping-black. Refrigerating system....k-White and green stripes al- ternately on flanges and fittings, body of pipe being black. P CHAPTER II CONSTRUCTION OF PIPE JOINTS IPE fitting is largely a matter of securing tight joints, and great care and good judgment are required if best results are to be had, particularly where high pres- sures are used. In ordinary power plant piping, two types of pipe joints are commonly employed; these are screwed " -0.028 M0.100" Mus0.075" 4 THREADS-2THR. COMPLETE THREAD INCOMPLETE FULL AT ROOT 0.50" -0.25 0.89" FIG. 7. TAPERED THREAD FOR 212-IN. PIPE and flanged joints. Where cast-iron pipes, such as water mains, are used, the common joints are flanges cast on or the bell and spigot type. SCREWED JOINTS HAVE TAPERED THREAD Screwed joints are the most common in small piping and are frequently used in sizes as large as 8 and 10 in., although in the larger sizes screwed joints are difficult to work with and many engineers recommend flanged joints in all piping above 21½ in. Pipe threads have two duties to perform, one to hold the pipe ends together, the other to prevent leaks. The standard machine thread would perform the first duty, but in drawing the pipe ends together a slight opening is left on one side of the thread through which steam can leak. To overcome this difficulty the tapered thread was devised, a section of which is shown in Fig. 7. With a tapered thread on the fitting to match that on the pipe end, a tight joint throughout the entire length of the thread is ensured when the fitting is screwed up tight on the pipe end. In Table III on pipe dimensions the length of perfect screw 15 is given, being represented by the space marked "complete thread" in Fig. 7. The standard taper is 1 in 32 to the axis of the tube. PURPOSE AND TYPES OF PIPE NIPPLES In pipe lines of considerable length, made up of screwed joints, it is desirable to make some provision for opening the line at one or more joints, otherwise the entire line may have to be taken down to make some slight repair near the beginning of the run. Pipe nipples are short pieces of pipe threaded at both ends, and are convenient in making up connections with CLOSE SHOULDERED FIG. S. R AND L WITH HEX, CENTER LOCKNUT SEVERAL TYPES OF NIPPLES screwed joints. They are made for all sizes of pipe and any convenient length, and threaded right-handed, left- handed or right-and-left handed, tapered or straight. The right-handed nipple is used in cases where it is possible to extend the pipe by turning a fitting and the right-and-left where the fitting cannot be turned to extend the pipe. To secure a tight joint against high pressure, the tapered thread is almost a necessity and should be used wherever possible; where a long thread is necessary, however, the straight thread must be used. Close nipples may be made by threading the end of a pipe and cutting the threaded part off the desired length. This gives a straight thread the entire length. The close- shouldered nipple is threaded from both ends with a tapered thread, the threads coming close together at the center. Short and long nipples are alike, except for length, the thread at each end being just the length to enter the fittings. Nipples should be of extra heavy pipe, as they are turned with a wrench and are easily distorted in shape. Some stock nipples used for radiator connections are made with a hexagonal nut at the center, have right and left threads, and are turned with a thin wrench called a spanner. 16 Locknut nipples or long screws are convenient in mak- ing up final connections when a union is not at hand. This consists of a short nipple with a tapered thread at one end and a long thread at the other. A locknut made by cutting off the end of a coupling and reaming it to give a small recess for packing and a straight-thread coupling, reamed in a similar manner, are screwed onto the long thread of the nipple. With the pipe in place, the coupling is screwed off the nipple onto the end of the pipe to half OW PLAIN RIBBED "R, AND L OFFSET ミ ​1/1: 16 OFFSET REDUCING MALE AND FEMALE FIG. 9. REDUCING OFFSET REDUCING. TYPES OF COUPLINGS IN COMMON USE the length of the coupling, or until tight, and the locknut is then screwed tight against the coupling with packing made of lamp wick or hemp soaked in white lead in the reamed space between coupling and locknut. USE OF PIPE COUPLINGS For connecting continuous length of pipe, the coupling is used. This is really a sleeve with tapered thread inside. Right-and-left couplings are sometimes used for final con- nection when the pipes cannot be turned. When connecting pipes of different sizes, the reducing coupling is employed. This is a casting similar to the coupling, except that one opening is reduced in size. Offset or eccentric reducing couplings, with openings not concentric, are employed where it is desired to keep one side of the pipe run in a straight line as along a floor, 17 wall or ceiling. The offset male and female reducing coupling is used to connect a fitting to a pipe of larger size and is convenient in connecting up steam radiators. The plain offset resembles a bent coupling and is used to continue a run at an offset but parallel line. HEXAGONAL FACED OR FLUSH ECCENTRIC FIG. 10 SQUARE HEAD COUNTERSUNK FIG. 11 PLAIN F16.12 RIBBED FIG. 10. BUSHINGS OF STANDARD FORMS FIG. 11. CONVENIENT FORMS OF PLUGS FIG. 12. CAPS OF FORMS COMMONLY USED For connecting a pipe to an outlet of larger size, the "bushing" is used similar to a coupling but threaded inside and out with taper threads, usually right-hand. The faced or flush bushing is threaded the entire length of its surface and enters the fitting opening completely; another type has an hexagonal portion for convenience in turning it 18 with a wrench. Bushings are also sometimes made eccen- tric for convenience in connecting up piping. Plugs are used to close tapped openings in fittings. where pipe connections are not required. These are usually made with a square head and right-hand tapered thread, but the faced type is sometimes used to enter the fitting flush to the opening and with a square depression in the face by means of which it can be turned. FIG. 13. PART SECTIONAL VIEW OF STANDARD PIPE UNION For dead-ending a pipe, a cap is used which is a hol- low casting threaded inside. It may have a square pro- jection, hexagonal or ribbed body or be entirely plain, but is always threaded tapered, either right or left hand. USE OF UNIONS For making final connections the pipe union is the most convenient fitting. It consists essentially of three parts, two sleeves threaded to screw onto the ends of the pipes to be joined, and a threaded ring to draw the sleeves together and make a leak-proof joint. In the standard type as recommended by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a gasket is used to secure a good seating sur- face, but in high pressure steam and water piping the ground joint is preferable; the seat being made of non- corrosive metal and with seating surfaces of the ball and socket shape, absolute alinement of the pipes is not neces- sary. Unions are made up with any combination of threads desired. For the larger sizes of piping and higher pressures, flanged joints are almost universally employed. The ad- vantages are that the pipes do not have to be turned; any individual length may be removed without disconnecting the rest of the line, individual joints are more easily re- 19 paired, and a tighter connection can be made. Flanged joints are, however, expensive and accurate alinement is necessary, except where special provision is made. DETAILS OF FLANGED JOINTS Standard pipe flanges are cast rings which fit over the ends of the pipe. When of the screwed type, the flange is tapped and screwed on to the end of the pipe a sufficient distance to secure proper strength. TABLE IV. AMERICAN BRIGGS STANDARD FOR THICKNESS OF SCREWED FLANGE RING GAGE A 1 FLAT ON PLUG Pipe Size Adopted Thickness of Ring Gage A Pipe Size Adopted Thickness of Ring Gage A 1/8 1/4 3/8 3/4 4824 0.1801 0.200 5 0.937 6 0.958 0.240 7 1.000 0.320 8 1.063 0.339 9 1.130 1 0.400 10 1.210 1-1/4 0.420 12 1.360 1-1/2 0.420 14 1.562 2 0.436 15 1.687 2-1/2 0.682 16 1.812 3 0.766 18 3-1/2 2.000 0.821 20 2.125 4 0.844 22 2.250 4-1/2 0.875 24 2.375 In Table IV is noted the American Briggs standard recommended by the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers. In some cases a boss is cast on the flange, making possible the use of a longer thread. One side of the flange is faced to fit accurately the flange of the joining pipe. Holes are drilled for bolts to hold the companion flanges together, standard practice using four or multiples of 20 four bolt holes in the flanges. Some flanges have recesses into which the heads of the bolts fit to prevent them from turning. Another provision sometimes made is a calking recess to be filled with lead as an extra precaution against. leaks. Flanges are sometimes shrunk, peened and riveted to the pipe. The method employed is to turn the end of the pipe smooth for the length of the flange, bore the hole in SCREWED 고 ​LA MOD ዝጋ CALKING RECESSES FOR BOLT HEROS теб CALKING RECESS PEENED ANDRIVETED FIG. 14. FLARED WELDED RING SECTIONS THROUGH FLANGE JOINTS the flange slightly smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe, heat the flange, insert the pipe and allow it to cool. The inside end of the flange bore is chamfered, the end of the pipe is peened out into this chamfer and rivets are put through the pipe and flange, making the joint doubly secure. Flanges are sometimes held on the pipe by flaring the end of the pipe after the ring has been slipped on. In this case the ring fits loosely around the pipe, forming what is called the Van Stone joint. The end of the pipe is flared out and faced up true to give a surface against which the next pipe end fits. The flanges in this case merely hold the ends of the pipe together. As the pipe end is flared 21 it becomes thin and the flange is sloped slightly to give even contact or the pipe is upset before being flared in order to prevent the thinning out. With modern methods of manufacture, the Van Stone joint is made with additional metal at the turn and the water pocket right at the joint has been eliminated. This type of joint greatly facilitates erection because the flanges can be easily turned to match bolt holes. It is a first-class о PLAIN FINISHED RING CORRUGATED GROUND ÷ + TONGUE AND GROOVED MALE AND FEMALE FIG. 15. TYPES OF FLANGE FACES commercial joint which is dependable, and suitable for high pressures. Pipe manufacturers have recently de- veloped a method for Van Stoning genuine wrought iron pipe. A modified form of the flared joint is the welded ring type in which a ring is welded to the end of the pipe. The loose flange fits a 45-deg. seat on the back of the ring and with its companion holds the pipe ends together. This type of joint allows the pipe to be turned and is particu- larly convenient in connecting up bent pipes. Various forms of flange faces are used, the most com- mon being the plain face which has the entire side of the 22 flange smoothed free of irregularities. Another common form of flange is faced around the opening a short distance, but the rest of the surface is turned down, giving a recess between the outer edges of the flanges when the joint is made up. A modification of this is a flange with a cor- rugated face, as illustrated herewith, the ground face con- sisting of several concentric rings of metal projecting from the body of the flange. Tongue and groove, and the male and female types of flanges are extensively used for high-pressure piping as O FULL FACE RING INSIDE BOLT CIRCLE A B C FIG. 16. GASKETS FOR FLANGE JOINTS. A, FORMS OF FIBROUS GASKETS; B, SIMPLE COPPER RUBBER FILLED; C, FRENCH TYPE VICTOR; D, ALL COPPER CORRUGATED these forms prevent the blowing out of gaskets. Ground joints are no different from those described above except that greater care is taken to give an exact fit between flange faces, the surfaces being accurately ground to fit so as to need no gaskets. The ball-shaped flange with inserted noncorrosive rings is coming more into use; no gasket is necessary and the ball joint allows a reasonable misalinement of the pipe; it is similar to many screwed unions. Flange faces that are not ground are fitted together with gaskets made of material suitable to the pressure, temperature and fluid handled. Soft gaskets are made of 23 fibrous and composition materials and can be purchased already cut for common pipe work, but are often cut from sheet packing carried in stock, except when doing a big piping job. It is common with plain-faced flanges to cut the gasket full size of the flange with holes for the bolts. as well as for the pipe openings. This is not necessary, however, as the gasket may be cut with a smaller diameter, allowing it to be inserted within the bolt circle, which form is also easier to install. Gaskets must have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure under which they work, and this limits the use 7"″EX. HY PIPE 16-3° BOLTS FIG. 17. SECTION THROUGH EDWARD WELDED JOINT of soft gaskets to moderate and low pressures, although soft gaskets reinforced with wire cloth may be used where pressures are comparatively high. Where the face of the flange is of the tongue and grooved type soft gaskets may be used to advantage on high pressures, as they cannot. be blown out of the joint. Several forms of copper gaskets filled with asbestos or other fibrous material to give them the elasticity necessary for filling up the small irregu- larities of the flange face are on the market and give good satisfaction in all kinds of high pressure piping. All copper corrugated gaskets, also those having corrugations filled with asbestos, are patented articles, and procurable i standard sizes on the market. Even a plain soft copper wire in the shape of a ring also makes a serviceable metallic 24 gasket. One of the principal advantages of metallic gaskets is the fact that they can be used over and over again. Recently solid aluminum gaskets have come into quite. extensive use and for extreme high pressures and tem- peratures around 700 deg. F., they are reported to be well suited. In some cases no flanges are used, the ends of the pipe being welded solidly together; this makes a solid. 45 45' -30° PIPE FITTING -30-0 45"