SIUS ABSTRACT A GENERAL NUMERICAL MODEL FOR EVALUATING SIZE LIMIT REGULATIONS WITH APPLICATION TO MICHIGAN BLUEGILL (LEPOMIS MACROCHIRUS RAFINESQUE) BY Kelley David Smith OI S A general numerical model was developed which can be used to study the biological response of a fishery to a variety of size limit restrictions. Effects of minimum, maximum (inverted), or slot size limits, or a catch-and- release regulation can be studied using this model. Fishing and hooking mortality are adjustable for simulating effects of different gear types and restrictions. Density-dependent growth can be used and seasonal fluctuations of growth may be assessed. It is also possible to model fluctuation in fishing mortality, including shifts in season length or time periods. Effects of a 7.0 inch maximum size limit (i.e., all fish 7.0 inches and longer have to be returned to the water) were analyzed for slow, average, and fast growing bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) populations in Michigan. Density-dependent mortality was used to estimate the number of fry surviving to age I. Density-dependent growth was simulated using a relationship between number of fry produced and total initial mean length. Equations were developed to simulate the processes of mortality (natural, fishing, and hooking), growth, and recruitment. Number of fish in a population, number harvested, number caught and released, number lost to hooking mortality, and number of natural deaths were calculated using these equations and length-frequency information. Yield was calculated for harvested and caught a S and released fish using a length-weight regression. Model simulations demonstrated that a 7.0 inch maximum size limit restriction was not effective in controlling bluegill populations. Variable and constant recruitment were modeled separately, and in neither case did the size limit regulation increase the number of bluegills 7.0 inches and larger, nor did mean length at each age change appreciably as compared to the same populations simulated under a 5.0 inch minimum size limit. The greatest impact was observed in the fast growing population (using constant recruitment). Equilibrium numbers of 7.0 inch plus bluegills increased from 589 fish under a 5.0 inch minimum to 724 fish under the 7.0 inch maximum restriction, at a fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for both. Total catch remained about equal - 2,038 and 2,089 fish per year for a 5.0 inch minimum and a 7.0 inch maximum size limit respectively, but legal harvest dropped from 1,530 under the existing conditions to 1,332 fish per year for the special regulation. As the conditional fishing mortality rate decreased, the population characteristics became virtually equal for the 5.0 inch minimum and the 7.0 0 e U10 a MO a e S inch maximum restrictions. A GENERAL NUMERICAL MODEL FOR EVALUATING SIZE LIMIT REGULATIONS WITH APPLICATION TO MI CHIGAN BLUEGILL (LEPOMIS MACROCHIRUS RAFINESQUE) van '- -- by Kelley David Smith A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Natural Resources) in the University of Michigan 1981 Master's Committee: Dr. Richard L. Patterson, Chairman Dr. Alvin L. Jensen Dr. William C. Latta For Mom and Dad With Love :: - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to thank Dr. Richard L. Patterson" not only for chairing my thesis committee, but also for advising me throughout my entire Master's program. His .- eagerness and willingness to help in any matter went far and above any necessary duties. With his generous help, my years at the University of Michigan have been a wonderful experience. I would also like to thank Dr. Alvin L. Jensen for his critical review of this manuscript. His expertise in the field of fisheries modeling was extremely helpful during the development of this research. I also want to express my thanks to the employees of the Institute for Fisheries Research who gave of their time willingly. Dr. William C. Latta reviewed the thesis and was very helpful in the data collection and analysis. Mercer H. Patriarche, Percy W. Laarman, James C. Schneider, and Roger N. Lockwood also gave much of their time and knowledge in the analysis of the biological data published for bluegills. James R. Ryckman helped in some of the statistical analysis as did Dr. Gary W. Fowler from the School of Natural Resources at the University of Michigan. Dr Latta obtained funding for the project from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which was greatly appreciated. I am also indebted to Richard D. Clark, Jr. who allowed me to work on and modify his trout model. His willingness U ii to help and the long hours he devoted to discussing and interpreting some of the theoretical aspects of the model were greatly appreciated and very useful in the development of this study. Without his generosity and inspiration, this study may never have been undertaken. Finally, I would like to thank my mother and father, Hadley and Maureen Smith for their love and understanding during my time here at the University. Without their help, this reality may have forever remained a dream. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .. LIST OF FIGURES. ... LIST OF TABLES .... ABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi INTRODUCTION ...... .. .. . . . MODEL ASSUMPTIONS. i . i Mortality . . . . . . Growth. . . . . . . . Recruitment, . . . . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. MODEL DEVELOPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Variables ............ Mortality . . . . . . . . . Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RecrUI Cuent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combining Mortality, Growth, and Recruitment.. .. ... . NNN 28 .., mm m d • MODEL APPLICATION. Population Characteristics. . . . . . . . . Recruitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fishing Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hooking Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seasonal Distribution of Natural Mortality, Growth, and Fishing Mortality . . . . . . . . a ono A A 51 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results Using Variable Recruitment. . . . . . . Results Using Constant Recruitment. . . . . . . 66 SUMMARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........... ........ 104 iv LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Flow diagram depicting input strategy and output objectives to be analyzed using the population model for warmwater inland lake fisheries . . . . . . . . . . . ---- -----...da A graphical representation depicting the interactions between competing processes of loss acting in a fish population. . . . . . . . Hypothetical length-frequency distribution of a fish cohort depicting a slot size limit. regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. A graphical representation depicting the interactions between competing processes of removal acting in a fish population which has been divided into two independent groups. .... . 5. Fit of a stock-recruitment curve to observed fry densities. · · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · 6. Fit of a length-density regression equation to observed mean lengths of fry. . . . . . . . . 7. Possible hypothetical functions relating fry survival to the density of 7.0 inch and larger bluegills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Page Strata (mean total length in inches) used to classify slow, medium, and fast growing. bluegill populations in Michigan. ....... 34 2. ---- . --- - -- Estimated mean total length in inches (1), standard deviation of length (s), and mean weight in pounds (w) of slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan. ... 36 Initial population (assuming a 100 acre lake and 100 fish per acre) and associated annual conditional natural mortality rates (n) for slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Parameter values (and coefficients of determination) estimated for Ford's growth equation and the length-weight relationship for slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan i... . . . . . . . The number of weeks allotted to each month, and monthly percentage distribution of natural mortality (%n), growth (%), and fishing mortality (%m). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a slow growing bluegili population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming. variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 vi . . 9. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . ------.. je... -.- 58 Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit · regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 12. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a medium growing bluegill. population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 13. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a medium growing bluegill 61 14. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (ī) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 15. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 vii 16. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64... 17. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . - -•-. - -- -- 65 18. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 19. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 21. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . 71 22. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a medium growing bluegili population in Michigan. ............ 72 viii 23. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 24. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . --. ----. ... . . 74 25. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 26. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . 76 27. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 28. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, • and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 29. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. .......... 79 INTRODUCTION Management techniques developed for the purpose of controlling and improving stunted or slow growing bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) populations are many and often controversial. Techniques such as partial or complete poisoning and restocking of lakes, poisoning of spawning beds, encouragement of predatory fishes, or lowering of water levels to expose fingerlings to predation have either failed or only worked for short periods of time (Snow et al. 1960; Hooper et al. 1964; Beyerle and williams 1967 and 1972; Schneider 1973b; Becker 1976; Beyerle 1977; Novinger and Legler 1978). These methods were usually discontinued because funds needed for reapplication or use on a widescale basis were not available. New types of management techniques, which are not limited by money or manpower, have become the focus of recent studies. Regulations aimed at controlling a particular species have been imposed on lakes and streams. Minimum, maximum (inverted), or slot size limits, catch-and- release, and gear restrictions are being used to optimize survival, growth rate, and ultimately the yield of a fishery (Patriarche 1968; Schneider 1973a and 1978; Clark et al. 1979 and 1980). Optimum yield can be defined as total harvest, "trophy" harvest, or total number of fish caught and released, depending on anglers' preference. Because fishermen define "quality fishing" in a number of ways, many sociological problems arise when implementing such complex regulations (Gulland 1968; Anderson 1975; Weithman and Anderson 1978). Although angler reaction and behavior can cause any fishery restriction to fall short of expected goals, biological'... response of the population is also of importance. Management techniques should not be employed until a careful theoretical analysis of the biological response by the population has been made using a variety of possible environmental conditions. With the widespread use of computers, numerical modeling is growing as a feasible and useful tool. in fishery management (Clark and Lackey 1976; Clark et al. 1977). Biological response of fish populations to size limit regulations may be simulated and studied in detail. This allows selection and use of the best size restriction for achieving management objectives, hopefully eliminating most of the field oriented trial and error process. The purpose of this study was twofold. The major objective was to develop a general numerical model which would aid in assessing the biological response of fish populations to a variety of size limit regulations. This model was patterned after one developed for trout fisheries by Clark et al. (1980). Five basic improvements were made on Clark's model to make it more applicable for warmwater inland lake fisheries (, bass, bluegill, and similar species). These modifications included the use of density- dependent growth, a normal distribution of lengths at each - - 3 n age, a more explicit definition of the annual conditional hooking mortality rate, a breakdown of the annual conditional fishing and hooking mortality rates into a probability of capture and a probability of death given capture, and finally, distributing the different types of losses that are interacting in a fish population as a percentage of the competing mortality rates. The advantages of these improvements will be discussed as each is developed. The second step of this research was to apply the model to a study of Michigan bluegill. Computer simulation was used to evaluate the effects of a 7.0 inch maximum limit on slow, average, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan. A FORTRAN computer program, Size Limit Regulation Analysis (S.L.R.A.), was written to perform the model simulations. A' listing of the program appears in the appendix. MODEL ASSUMPTIONS it Perfect simulation of real world processes is neither feasible nor possible. All numerical models must be built using basic assumptions as the starting foundation. If the assumptions are good approximations of the situation being simulated, then model performance is usually adequate. If too many assumptions are made or many are unrealistic, model results can be disastrous. The assumptions used to build this model are discussed in the following sections. Mortality Mortality includes many subdivisions which may be treated separately. Natural mortality at each age was assumed to remain constant from one year to the next. It was distributed by percentage throughout each year. Survival of fry was assumed to be density-dependent. A regression equation relating number of eggs to survival rate was used to estimate the number of fry reaching age 1. Fishing and hooking mortality were developed as two independent sources of death. Fishing mortality was applied only to legal fish in the population ("legal" refers to fish that can be harvested, and "illegal" to fish that must be released). The annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) was constant for all age and size groups from one year to the next. This rate was divided into two components, a probability of capture (p') and a probability of death given capture (d'). The latter was assumed to be constant for all legal fish regardless of age or size. Only illegal fish were susceptible to hooking mortality. The annual conditional hooking mortality rate (h) was constant for all ages and size groups from one year to the next, and all illegal fish caught were released. -- -- This assumption excluded the effects of poaching which were considered to be negligible. Although this could lead to erroneous results, especially for certain species or size limits, such an assumption was necessary because the amount of poaching is basically unknown. Hooking mortality was divided into two components, a probability of capture ('') and a probability of death after being caught and released (d''). The latter was assumed to be constant for all illegal fish regardless of age or size. Growth A basic assumption used in many fishery models is that growth remains constant in the population (Patriarche 1968; Clark et al. 1980). However, constant growth is not always observed in fish populations. Changes in growth are caused by density-dependent factors (Goodyear 1980). Observed changes in mean length of a population over time may be simulated if the actual growth rate in a population remains constant but the initial mean length of a cohort varies with changes in density of fry (Gerking 1967; on. --.- . - - -: Goodyear 1980). Therefore, although each new cohort experiences the same rate of size increase, their initial mean length may be different than that of other previous cohorts. This gives different lengths at each age than previously observed for the population. The assumption of density-dependent growth was used in developing this model. The actual growth rate was constant for all cohorts, while their initial mean length depended on the number of fry hatching. Use of an expression developed empirically by Ford (1933) and a density-dependent regression relating number of fry to length allowed changes in growth over time to be a function of initial length rather than changes in the actual growth rate. Recruitment Many assumptions must be made in any fishery model when dealing with a process as complex as recruitment. Recruitment is a function of number of spawning adults, number of eggs produced, survivorship of fry, and growth (Goodyear 1980). Both variable and constant recruitment were studied in separate simulation runs. A major problem observed in many fisheries is year class dominance caused by many density related factors (e.g., food or available spawning areas). With variable recruitment, it is possible to model and study this phenomenon. By using density-dependent relationships for fry survival, number of eggs produced, and growth, variable - --- - recruitment was incorporated as a density-dependent function. Two basic assumptions were necessary to perform this task. First, the sex ratio was assumed to be 1:1 when calculating the number of females in each age-length group. Second, spawning was allowed during only one time period each year. Although many warmwater lake species may spawn two or more times during a summer season, a spawning "peak" is usually observed. It was assumed that the majority of spawning activity was accomplished during this period. Constant recruitment was also simulated using these same basic assumptions. Although the number of fry surviving to age I remained constant, the number of eggs produced and the actual fry survival were still predicted each year to allow use of the density-dependent growth function. MODEL DEVELOPMENT . A general numerical model based on a modification of Ricker's (1975) method was developed to simulate the processes of natural mortality, fishing mortality, hooking mortality, growth, and recruitment. This model may be used to study minimum, maximum (inverted), or slot size limits,.. or catch-and-release regulations by subdividing a population into length groups of illegal and legal size fish. Model predictions include estimates by age and length groups of number and weight of legal fish harvested and illegal fish caught and released, hooking deaths, and natural deaths. Such a breakdown of population dynamics is more useful in evaluating size limit restrictions on sport fisheries than is one of the older models (e.q., surplus production model) which estimate total weight of harvested fish. Model. Variables The variables used in a simulation model may be categorized into three major groups. The important input, state, and output variables used in this model are summarized in the following section. A flow diagram showing input strategy and output objectives is found in Figure 1. Input: A) Size limit regulation. B) Fishing pressure (seasonal distribution). c) Density-dependent growth relationship. 9 D) Variable (constant) recruitment. State Variables: A) Nondynamic state variables. 1) Natural, fishing, and hooking mortality rates. 2) Seasonal distribution of mortality (natural, : fishing, and hooking) and growth. Dynamic state variables. 1) Population numbers (weight). 2) Total catch and total catch-and-release (numbers and weight). 3) Harvest and hooking deaths (numbers and weight). Natural deaths (numbers). 5) Mean length and standard deviation by age group. Output: A) Population structure. 1) By age group. 2) By length-frequency distribution. Yield. 1) Total catch and harvest. 2) Catch-and-release and hooking deaths. C) Mean length. 10 ' ' . . . -- MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STRATEGY EFFECT - SLOT LIMITS (MAXIMUM LIMIT) NUMBERS 7 INCHES AND LARGER POPULATION THREE FISHING MORTALITY RATES (m = 0.40, 0.20, AND 0.10) SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION MODEL YIELD (CATCH PLUS CATCH-AND-RELEASE) Figure 1. Flow diagram depicting input strategy and output objectives to be analyzed using the population model for warmwater inland lake fisheries. . ... . . 11 Mortality Ricker (1975) showed a method for separating mortality (2) operating in a fish population into two major instantaneous fishing mortality (F). Relationships between these parameters is described by the following equations: -* - . - ... Instantaneous total mortality rate: Z = F + M Annual expectation of death: A = 1 - e-Zt Annual survival rate: S = e-Zt Conditional mortality rates may be defined as: Annual conditional natural mortality rate: n = 1- e-Mt Annual conditional fishing mortality rate: m = 1 - e-Ft - pidi (5). · where: p - probability of capture for legal fish. d' - probability of harvest after being caught (constant over time and age). The use of the variable d' is an improvement of the model developed by Clark et al. (1980). Clark's method assumed that all legal size fish caught were harvested. The model in this paper relaxes that assumption and allows appropriate adjustment of the total harvest if necessary. This may be useful in fisheries where fishermen voluntarily release many of the fish they catch, regardless of size of the regulations currently in effect. By combining equation's (4) and (5), a new expression for the annual expectation of death (A) may be written as a sum of the conditional rates: A = 1 -e-Zt = m + n - mn conditional rate is the fraction of the population which would have been killed by a certain type of mortality if no other source of death was operating in the population. Because both natural and fishing mortality compete for the same fish, the interaction term in equation (6) must be subtracted to prevent a fish from being counted as lost to more than one type of mortality. Using this same logic, hooking mortality may be added as a third component of total mortality by redefining equations (1) and (6) and including a conditional hooking mortality rate: 13 Instantaneous total mortality rate: Z = F + M + H (7) where: H - instantaneous hooking mortality. Annual conditional hooking mortality rate: h = 1 - e-Ht - p'id" (8) where: D'' - probability of capture for illegal fish. d'' - probability of a fish dying after being caught and released (constant over time and age). N This explicit definition of the annual conditional hooking mortality rate was not used by Clark et al. (1980). They used the same variable to describe the conditional fishing mortality rate for legal fish and the catch rate of illegal fish. The probability of capture (p'') used in this model allows hooking mortality to be defined in a way that is consistent with the definitions of the natural (n) and fishing (m) mortality rates. This explicit definiton is also advantageous in that separate probabilities of capture (and separate probabilities of death given capture) may be assigned to both legal and illegal size fish. Using equations (4), (5), and (8), equation (6) can be redefined as: A = 1 - e 46 = m + n + h - m - mh - nh + mnh (9) 14 Including the interaction terms in equation (9), although they may be insignificant, is necessary from both an analytical and a biological standpoint. First, the terms are theoretically necessary to satisfy the numerical relationships between parameters. Second, these terms adjust for the combined effect of the three conditional mortality rates. Since these rates are acting concurrently, some fish already lost to one source of mortality may also be counted as lost to another. The Venn diagram in Figure 2 depicts this problem. Thus, from a biological viewpoint, the interactions are necessary to prevent losing the same fish to more than one type of mortality. A change in the number of fish in the population from one time period to the next is described by the equation (Ricker 1975): Nt+1 = Nt - NA1 (10) Because of the assumptions made concerning the different types of mortality, it is reasonable to subdivide a cohort into five length groups as (Clark et al. 1980): Nt = Pt + Rt + Tt + vt + Vt (11) where: Interval Pc represents fish affected only by natural mortality. 15 POPULATION m - Fishing mortality n - Natural mortality h - Hooking mortality Figure 2. A graphical representation depicting the interactions between competing processes of loss acting in a fish population. : 16 : Intervals R and U, represent fish of illegal size. Intervals T. and Vr represent fish of legal (harvestable) size. This subdivision (Figure 3) allows simulation of slot limits... directly, and other limits with slight modification. By combining equations (9), (10), and (11), a change in the number of fish from one time period to the next becomes: Nt+1 = Nt - N4", - Těmi - Vm2 - Ruhy - uchy + . Těm,+ Věm,nı + Run,hı + Utnythy - Omyhı + Omynı hı . (12) Note that the interaction terms m, h, and m, n, h, do not apply to any part of the cohort. This is necessary to conform to the assumptions concerning mortality. There can be no interaction between fishing and hooking mortality because they apply to two independent groups of the cohort as depicted by the Venn diagram in Figure 4. The interactions shown in Figure 4 are not between the conditional fishing and hooking mortality rates explicitly, but between the respective probabilities of capture as necessitated by the variables defined above. This implies that a fish must be caught before it can die from harvest or hooking. - - - NUMBER - - - - - - - H X PP Re Tu U V - X, X₂ X₃ X4 Xs LENGTH Pe - Uncatchable range Re - First illegal range Te - First legal range Uç - Second illegal range Ve - Second legal range Figure 3. Hypothetical length-frequency distribution of ai? fish cohort depicting a slot size limit regulation. :: .- 18 LEGAL FISH ILLEGAL FISH al : . . . p' D p" - Probability of capture for legal fish - Natural mortality - Probability of capture for illegal fish re 4. u A graphical representation depicting the interactions between competing processes of removal acting in a fish population which has been divided into two independent groups. 19 A further breakdown of N++, may be written as (Clark et al. 1980): N7+1 = Nt - Ct - Dt - Ht (13) where: - number of legal fish harvested. Di - number of fish dying natural deaths. H- number of fish lost due to hooking mortality. Each of the three losses in equation (13) may be expressed as a combination of terms from equation (12) as: Legal Catch: C+ = Tem, + Vem, - {nz/1p'1 + ny)}T4","1 - {ny/10/2+ ny)}v_mını (14) Natural Deaths: Dt = Nény - {p''1/(ny + p''])}Runghi - {p''i' (ny + p''])}u4Nyhy - {p']/(p'+ n,)}T4 min, - . {p'/(p'1 + n,)}V4m, (15) Hooking Deaths: H+ = Ruhy + uthy - {ny/(ny + p''])}R¢n, h1 - {ny/(ny + p''])}U+n7", (16) 20 The interaction terms which apply to two sources of mortality have been distributed using a ratio of the mortality rate to the total combined effect as a weighting factor. This seems reasonable as the number of fish involved in an interaction term should be divided between the two sources of death according to the respective sizes of the mortality rates in question. This is a more accurate division than used by Clark et al. (1980), who divided the effects of the interaction terms equally. Two final quantities, numbers of legal and illegal fish caught and released that lived, may be calculated as: JLt = TEP'i + vtP'1 - {ny/p'i + n,)}T+"yP'i - {n/p'. + n ) }verP'1 = c/d' . - . (17) JIE - RUP''1 + U1P''1 - {ny/1n, + p''])}R_'' i {ny/In, + p''])}U",0''; = H[/d" (18) Growth . The numerical model of mortality developed in the previous section requires the approximation of a length- frequency distribution for a cohort to determine the number of fish in each of the areas defined in Figure 3. Any unimodal distribution which adequately describes the length distribution may be used for this purpose. Clark and Lackey (1976) demonstrated a method for approximating a length 21 frequency distribution using a three parameter Weibull probability density function. Clark et al. (1980) used this method in estimating length-frequency distributions for trout. Another distribution that may be used for this purpose is the normal (Jones 1958; Ricker 1969), with the probability density function: -00 < x < +00 (19) f(x) = (1/V200 )e-(x - x)2/202 where: x - random variable (length). H - mean of the distribution. o - standard deviation of the distribution. The cumulative distribution function is: g(x) = (1/V270) -( -.)2/202 dx (20) (20) This distribution is very versatile as any normal distribution may be standardized using the transformation: 2 = (x - 1)/0 (21) giving: P(X x) = P({X - } /0 S (x - H} /0 ) = P(Z < {x - x}/0) (22) 22 thus: g(x) = f(x) dx = P(Z < {x - u}/0) (23) If the mean and standard deviation of the distribution are known, g(x) may be evaluated directly from a standard normal... table. i Using equation (23), the number of fish in each area defined in Figure 3 may be expressed as: (24) (25) Pt = NƯ9.(X2) R¢ = N{g(xy) - g(x2) Tt = N{g(x3) - g(x2)} Ut - N{g(x4] - g(x3)} V= = N_{1 - g(x4)} (26) (27) (28) length Using equation (23), g(x) may be defined for each interval in Figure 3: Vi g(xq) = 0; = P(X s xq) = P(Z'S {xq - Mi,t}/01,t? (29) g(x) = @z = P(X S xg) = P(Z = {xq - Wint}/01,+) (30) g(x3) = @z = P(x = xg) = P(Z = {xz - Mi,t}/01,t) (31) g(x4) = 24 = P(X 5 XA) = P(Z = {x4 - Hint}/01,t> (32) 23 where: subscript "i" denotes the age of a cohort. Mint = lint - mean length at time "t". Substituting respective values of g(x) from equations (29) through (32) into equations (24) through (28) gives: (33) (34) Pi,t = Ni,tes Ri,t = Ni,t(ez - ; Ti,t = Ni,t(@z - @z? up,t = Nint(04-03) Vi,t • vị, (1 - x) (35) (36) (37) To simulate a fishery, the length distributions for each cohort must be moved through time as the fish grow larger. The fraction (G) of annual growth experienced in some small time interval (1.0/t') was used to move distributions through time, with: Š G+ - 1.0 (38) where: t' - number of time intervals in one year. 24 The use of G allows modeling of seasonal patterns in growth (and thus in recruitment of fish into and out of legal ranges) to be simulated more accurately within a year. Changes in mean length for a given cohort within a year were expressed as: -..- .- . 11,t+1 = 11,t + (GL) (11+1,1 - 11,1 (39) Clark et al. (1980) used constant growth in their trout model. However, this assumption is not realistic for inland lake fisheries where growth may be affected by density, food availability, and other environmental factors. The assumption of density-dependent growth used in this model necessitated the use of a function to relate the mean length at age "i+1" to the mean length at age "i", while keeping the mean annual growth rate constant. Such an equation was developed by Ford (1933) of the form: 11+1,1 = Log (1.0 - k) + kli,1 (40) where: k - Ford's growth coefficient. Logo - mean asymptotic length. Ti, - mean length at age "i". The parameters "K" and "L" may be estimated from actual (VONB) developed by Allen data using a computer program (1966 and 1967). 25 By keeping. "k" and "L" constant for all cohorts, it can be seen from equation (40) that the mean length at any age "i" depends on the initial length at age 1. Thus, it is possible to observe different lengths at some age "i" for each new cohort (depending on 1,,) even though the actual growth rate remains unchanged. A regression relating mean length of fry to number of fry was used to estimate 1, for each new cohort. The form of the equation used was: - - - - 11,1 = a + blog (FRY) (41) where: a - intercept. b - slope. ī, , - mean length in time period i (age 1). FRY - number of fry produced. The mean length estimated for fry from equation (41) was used as the mean length of age-1 fish at the start of each year. Ford's equation (40) was used to calculate mean lengths for all other ages using the initial mean length estimated by equation (41). A ratio of mean length to standard deviation for a previous cohort at each age“ was used to calulate the standard deviations of new cohorts at each age. The relationship used was: 26 Oq',i,1 = (Ig',i,1)(0g,i,1)/([q,i,1' q'>q (42) where: q - denotes each cohort. Thus, the ratio of mean length to standard deviation for all cohorts is the same at each age "i". The reasoning used to develop equation (42) was based on the regression used in equation (41). As the number of fry increases, the initial mean length of the cohort decreases. A decrease in length should cause a corresponding drop in the standard deviation. With increasing density, competition for food and space would be spread out more evenly, thus decreasing the chances for any fish to gain or lose a competitive edge (Goodyear 1980). Therefore, length and associated variation should both decrease. This is often observed in lakes containing stunted populations which have very large numbers of fish of roughly the same length. The opposite holds true if the number of fry decreases. Mean length and associated deviation increase as fish have a greater chance to gain or lose a competitive edge depending on their ability to survive. Standard deviations of length were moved through time analogous to the method used for mean lengths. Using. equations (38) and (39), this was expressed as: . = ºi,t+1 = 'i,t + (GL) (0i+1,1 - 01,1) (43) 27 Equation (43) allows changes in standard deviation through time to be proportional to corresponding changes in mean length. Recruitment Recruitment of fish depends upon the number of young.--. produced during the spawning season and their ability to survive to harvestable length. The total number of eggs produced in one season was calculated as (Clark et al. 1980): EGGS - Š Š (FEM; ;) (FMAT;;) (EC;) (44) 1 .. where: . - number of age groups. y - number of length groups. FEM;; - number of females in each age-length group. FMAT;; - percent females mature in each age- EC length group. - mean egg content of females in each length group. Mean egg content was determined using a regression relating length to number of eggs of the form: EC; = a + bly (45) 28 where: a - intercept. b - slope. ly - length group. When the total number of eggs was calculated from equation (44), a stock-recruitment curve (Ricker 1975) relating number of eggs produced and number of fry was used to estimate the number of fry surviving to age 1. The form of the equation used was: Sp = a(EGGS) e-b(EGGS) (46) where: a - intercept. b - slope. Se - number of fry surviving to age I. The number of fry calculated from equation (46) was used as the initial number of age-I fish at the start of the next year. Combining Mortality, Growth, and Recruitment The numerical model thus far developed allows the population processes of interest to be described as single. equations. 29 Population Numbers: Changes in number of fish for each age group was expressed by combining equations (12) and (33) through (37): Ni,t+1 = Ni,t(1.0 - ,1)(1.0 - mi,11.0.- @z + @z - 04] + hi,1{@z - @z + 03 - 04}} (47) (47) Catch: Total catch of legal fish was calculated using equations (17), (35), and (37): Ji,t = Ni,tP'1,1(1.0 - {ni,1/(p'1,1 + ni,1)}ni,1) 11.0 - ©2 + 03 - 04) (48) --- using equations (18), (33), (34), and (36): .JIi,t = Ni, to''1,1({ni,1/(ni,1 + p'' 1,1}}ni,1 - 1.0/10 - 02 + 03 -). (49) Harvestable catch (legal size fish) was expressed as a combination of equations (14), (35), and (37): Ci,t = Ni,t",1(1.0 - {ni,1/(p'i,1 + ni,1)}ni,1) (1.0 - ©2 + 03 - 04) (50) Hooking Deaths: The number of fish lost to hooking mortality was expressed using equations (16), (33), (34), and (36): Hi,t = Ni,thi,1({ni,1/(ni,1 + p''i,1)}ni,1 - 1.0) --. . lei - 02 + 03 - 04) (51) Natural Deaths: Number of fish lost to natural deaths was defined as a combination of equations (15) and (33) through (37): Di,t = Ni,t":,161.0 + {p''1,1/(n1,1 + p''1,1)}h1,110, - @z + 03 -04) - {p'i,1/(P'1,1 + 11,1 )}m,1 (1.0 - ©2 + 03 -0)) (52) Yield: Yield in weight may also be calculated using the model equations developed for estimating catch. Length and weight for fish of a given age were related using the regression (Ricker 1975): loge (ū;) = a + blogelī;) (53) where: a b - intercept. - slope. 31 Wi - mean weight of fish at age "i". īj - mean length of fish at age "i". The catch equation (14), which represents a sum of the total harvest in two length classes (i.e., intervals Tit and Vit in Figure 3), may be used to calculate yield in weight as: Fint - WT1 ,t":,1 + ūvi, t"i ,1 - {n},1! (p'1,1 + ":,1)}ā?i, t":,1"1,1 - {n} ,1/(p'1,1 + 11,1)Būvi,t":,191,1 (54) where: Wr - mean weight of a fish in interval Ti. Wy - mean weight of a fish in interval Vit. f Mean weight in each interval was calculated using equation (53) and the corresponding mean lengths in each interval (In The mean lengths were calculated as: : Iqxf(x) dx/(@z - Oz! (55) 1.82 1.0 | xf(x) dx/11.0 - 04) . (56) .: 32 where: f(x) is the normal probability density function. Using equations (35), (37), and (53) through (56), harvested yield was expressed as: 71,t - Ni,t":,161.0 - {n},1/(p':,1 + 11, 2)}n: , 1' let. 9220,1 +692103) - 24:00)) (57) .:: where: 02 = a + blogelig 04 = a + blogelīy) Similarly, using equation (18), yield in weight of illegal fish caught and released was expressed as: . YJ ,t = WpRE, EP"'1,1 + Wyli, tP''1,1 - {n},1' (ni,1 + p''1,1) }WR Ri, t'i,10''1,1 - {n}.,1/(ni, 1 + p''1,1)Wyi ,t":,10''1,1 (58) . ..where: We - mean weight of a fish in interval Ri.. Wag - mean weight of a fish in interval Ui.: Mean lengths were calculated as: p^2 IR = 1, xf(x) dx/(ez - @) IR (59) J 81 Iy = xf(x) dx/(- ) (60) 183 . .. .. . Combining equations (33), (34), (36), (53), and (58) through (60) gave a final form for the yield in caught and released fish: YJi,t = Ni,tP''1,1({ni,1/(ni,1 + p''1,1)}ni,1 - 1.0) To 92100) - 09710,1 +29710,1 - **(0,1). (61) where: Q1 = a + bloge (IR) 03 = a + bloge(īy) . MODEL APPLICATION The model presented above was coded into a FORTRAN program (S.L.R.A.) and used to simulate population responses by Michigan bluegill to a 7.0 inch maximum limit. Necessary input data were collected from a variety of sources and are summarized in this section. Population Characteristics Bluegill populations were classified into three specific groups to cover a wide range of the existing conditions found in Michigan, Slow, medium, and fast growing populations were defined according to the mean length of a cohort at a given age. The stratification used is summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Strata (mean total length in inches) used to classify slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan. . Age Slow Medium Fast 2.9 - 3.9 - • II III IV 52.8 53.8 54.9 55.8 56.4 56.9 57.3 58.0 00v van WN ano ano 24.0 25.0 26.1 27.0 27.6 28.1 28.5 29.2 VI VII . VIII 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.4 - 9.1 Data published by Laarman (1963) were grouped using the above classes, and mean length with associated standard 35 deviation and mean weight were calculated for each population at each age (Table 2). Annual conditional natural mortality rates for each population were obtained from data published by Schneider (1973b) for Mill Lake in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Natural mortality was assumed to be size- rather than age- specific (Table 3). Plots of mortality against mean length from Schneider's data served as a guideline for determining the rates used in this study. These rates were allowed to increase as growth increased and resulted in a natural mortality rate of 55% per year for bluegills larger than 6.0 inches (Schneider 1973b). The initial population size was chosen to be 10,000 fish and a lake size of 100 acres was used for all three populations. The initial age structures were calculated using the esimated natural mortality rates to determine the number of fish at each age (Table 3). Ford's growth equation (40) was fit to the length data in Table 2 for each population using a computer program (VONB) developed by Allen (1966 and 1967). The calculated coefficients are presented in Table 4. The regression equation (53) relating mean weight to mean length was fit for each population using least squares. A single regression was desired for all three populations, but tests for equal slopes and equal intercepts were both found to be highly significant (p<0.001). Therefore, separate regression equations were used for the slow, 36 . Table 2. Estimated mean total length_in inches (1), standard deviation of length (s), and mean weight in pounds (w) of slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan. Slow Medium Fast Age 1 S S : I II III 2.5 3.5 4.4 5.1 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.3 3.5 4.4 5.4 6.4 0.237 0.275 0.403 0.464 0.496 0.519 0.581 0.689 IV 0.009 0.024 0.050 0.080 0.113 0.148 0.190 0.244 0.027 0.054 0.106 0.175 0.222 0.274 0.330 0.336 0.306 0.314 0.243 0.326 0.391 4.5 5.7 6.7 7.5 8.1 18.9 9.3 19.7 0.576 0.615 0.697 0.573 0.582 0.593 0.447 0.463 0.065 0.132 0.218 0.306 0.401 0.542 0.668 0.776 6.9 : is . VI VII VIII 7.4 7.8 0.323 0.438 .... ' L 37 Table 3. Initial population (assuming a 100 acre lake and 100 fish per acre) and associated annual conditional natural mortality rates (n) for slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan, Slow Medium Fast Fish per . acre Fish per acre Fish per acre Age n : 0.44 II III IV 59.04 12.99 8.83 6.80 5.17 3.72 2.38 1.07 0.78 0.32 0.23 0.24 0.28 0.36 0.55 0.81 40.01 22.41 17.03 12.26 6.01 1.92 0.33 0.03 0.24 0.28 0.51 0.68 0.83 0.91 0.98 49.15 23.10 14.78 8.72 3.31 0.83 0.10 0.01 0.53 0.36 0.41 0.62 0.75 0.88 0.95 0.98 VI VII VIII Total 100.0 100,0 100.0 38 . The regression medium, and fast growing populations. coefficients are summarized in Table 4. Table 4. Parameter values (and coefficients of determination) estimated for Ford's growth equation and the length-weight relationship for slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations in Michigan. - -- - Growth L. Slow Medium Fast 0.8861 0.8793 0.8428 10.6659 11.9500 11.9720 0.99383 0.98866 0.99830 Length-weight Slope (b) Intercept (a) Slow Medium Fast 3.1275 3.0815 3.2118 -7.6057 -7.4670 -7.6063 0.99922 0.99972 0.99783 Recruitment Three additional assumptions were necessary to incorporate variable recruitment into the model. First, spawning activity was assumed to peak in the third week of June. Choice of this week was based on studies by Carbine (1939) who reported that spawning peaked in late June, Karvelis (1952) who reported mid-June, and Snow et al. (1960), Breder and Rosen (1966), and Becker (1976) who reported early to mid-June ranges. This week also 39 corresponded to "to" in the model and it was at this time that fish were moved to the next age group. This was done not only because spawning was assumed to occur at this time, but also because the mean lengths reported by Laarman (1963) were considered early to mid-summer estimates. Second, a sex ratio of 1:1 was assumed for all ages capable of ™ spawning (Beckman 1946; Fabian 1954; Parker 1958). Third, it was necessary to assume some minimum length for mature females. Ulrey et al. (1938) reported a minimum of 5.2 inches in Indiana lakes, Mayhew (1956) showed 4.3 inches in an Iowa lake, Snow et al. (1960) found the minimum to be 4.5 inches in Wisconsin lakes, and Scott and Crossman (1973) reported 5.4 inches for Canadian lakes. An average of these estimates was used in this study. A value of 4.8 inches was chosen as the minimum length of mature females. : A regression relating the mean egg content of females (EC) to mean length in inches (ī) was reported by Latta and Merna (1976). This equation was: EC = -50,154.78 + 10,697.64(ī) This equation shows that the average 4.8 inch female bluegill would contain 1,194 eggs and an average 6.0 inch female would have 14,031 eggs. These figures correspond well with estimates reported by Ulrey et al. (1938), Mayhew (1956), and Snow. et al. (1960). This equation also agrees well with the choice of a 4.8 inch minimum length for mature 8 40: to females. Equation (44) was then used to calculate the total number of eggs produced (EGGS) for the year. In this model, fish were considered fry from the time of hatching until the following second week in June when they recruited into the age-I group. To use the assumption of density-dependent survival of fry, it was necessary to relate the number of eggs produced to number of fry surviving. Such a relationship for bluegills was developed by Latta and Merna (1976). A stock-recruitment curve (equation (46)) was fit to their observed data of the form: S. = 0.74647 (EGGS) e-(1.776 x 10 °) (EGGS) This curve (Figure 5) results in a maximum number of fry surviving (154,000. per acre) when the egg production is about 563,000 per acre. Because data were lacking beyond this peak area of the curve, an assumption was made that the curve to the right of the peak should decrease. This implies that as egg production increases beyond 563,000 per acre, the number of fry decreases. This seems reasonable because, as density increases, available spawning sites may be used up causing many fish to spawn in areas unsuitable for successful hatching, or suppression of spawning altogether (Snow et al. 1960). Swingle and Smith (1943) reported that at high densities bluegills will eat many or all of their own eggs which further supports this assumption. 216.00 : 180.00 007 THOUSAND FRY PER ACRE 108.00 72.00 36.00 R = 0.72500 908.00 THOUSAND EGES COPRODUCIDO PER 668.00 Figure 5.. Fit of a stock-recruitment curve to observed fry densities. 42 Another regression developed by Latta and Merna (1976) related fry density to mean length of fry... Use of this regression allowed density-dependent growth to be incorporated into the model. Equation (41) was fit to these data giving: 14,i = 4.4396 - 0.28716(10g. (FRY)) The resulting curve (Figure 6) shows decreasing length with increasing density. This phenomenon was also reported by Karvelis (1952), Anderson (1959), and Novinger and Legler (1978). Goodyear (1980) also supported such a relationship in his comprehensive report on compensation in fish populations The regressions developed by Latta and Merna (1976) were obtained from experiments done in ponds at the Saline Fisheries Research Station in Michigan. These regressions needed to be adjusted for use with the slow, medium, and fast growing populations previously described for two reasons. First, the predicted number of fry surviving and their estimated mean length were probably higher in the ponds than would be found in natural lakes. This would be caused by the fact that no predation existed in the ponds, except from the few older bluegills stocked to produced the fry. However, the effect of their predation was assumed negligible. Second, the populations studied at Saline showed some characteristics. seen in slow growing 14.00 R = 0.95273 . * 3.00 MEAN LENGTH (INCHES) 2.00 * * 1.00 * . . . In 36.00 THOUSAZOO FRY PIES COACRE 14.00 180.00 Figure 6. Fit of a length-density regression equation to observed mean lengths of fry. .. .- ,.. 44 - - populations. The regressions predicted survival and initial length better for the slow growing model populations than for the other two. However, these regressions were adjusted for use with each of the three populations. Another problem existed in that the regressions predicted number of fry per acre and mean length occurring in the fall. Since the model "to" was the third week in June, mortality rates were assigned for fry from the fall to the second week in June of 0.99915033, 0.99968773, and 0.99968186 in slow, medium, and fast growing populations respectively. Although these may seem high, it must be remembered that the predicted estimates of fry per acre in the fall were also high due to lack of predation. These rates were chosen so that the populations to be simulated were in an equilibrium state when no fishing was allowed. Because fry dynamics were not modeled in any detail, the only important value was number of fry recruiting into the age-1 group. The initial lengths predicted in the fall were also increased by one season of growth to keep them in phase with the model "year". The constant mortality rate of fry from the fall to the following spring did not allow the population to compensate for any change in the number of large bluegills (7.0 inches plus), the conditional fishing mortality rate, or the size of previous year classes. Thus, population characteristics were also simulated using constant recruitment each year). The number of fry entering the age-I group each year was set :: 1. . . - 45 equal to the number of age-I fish found in the unexploited populations, 5,904, 4,001, and 4,915 fish for slow, medium, and fast growing populations respectively (Table 3). However, the actual number of fry produced each season was calculated using the fecundity relationships so that the density-dependent growth relationship could still be used in the model. Fishing Mortality Three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) were chosen for use in this model. The values picked were 0.40, 0.20, and 0.10, each rate being applied to all three populations of bluegills during separate simulation runs. A consideration in determining what fishing rates to choose was that special regulations have often caused fishing pressure to drop on those lakes included in the regulations (Schneider and Lockwood 1979). Therefore, an upper level of 0.40 was chosen and then reduced substantially to cover a fairly wide range of possible fishing mortality rates. The probability of death (harvest) given capture for legal fish (d') was set equal to 1.0, meaning that all legal fish caught were harvested. Although this may not be true especially for a 7.0 inch maximum limit on bluegill, Bennett (1962) showed that most fishermen would keep bluegills that were 5.0 inches or larger. Thus, a lower bound on the legal (harvestable) range was set at 5.0 inches, supporting the assumption that all legal fish caught would be harvested. 46 Because the probability of harvest given capture was set to 1.0, the capture probability for legal fish (p') was equal in magnitude to the conditional fishing rates chosen, depending on which was being used in the simulation process. Hooking Mortality An annual conditonal hooking mortality rate (h) was chosen corresponding to each fishing rate. The probability of death given capture for illegal fish (a'!) was set equal to 0.20, and the probability of capture of illegal fish (p'') was set equal to the probability of capture for legal fish (p'). This resulted in hooking mortality rates of 0.08, 0.04, and 0.02 for fishing rates of 0.40, 0.20, and 0.10 respectively (h = pild''). The assumption of equal catchability for legal and illegal fish seems reasonable because, as Snow et al. (1960) and Becker (1976) stated in their studies, "bluegills are always ready and willing to take a hook". The assumption of a probability of death given capture for illegal fish equal to 0.20. also seems reasonable since it applies to bluegills over 7.0 inches with no restrictions on the types of fishing gear or bait. used. Many bluegills often swallow hooks when fishermen are still-fishing with live bait (the most popular way to fish for bluegill) and will probably die when released. Although no experiments have been done on hooking mortality for bluegill, this . . ".. . 47 figure is probably representative according to P. W. Laarman (personal communication). Seasonal Distribution of Natural Mortality, Growth, and Fishing Mortality - - , The numerical model developed here allows a simulated year to be broken down into as many discrete time periods as seems reasonable. Since the dynamics of fish populations are all continuous processes, it follows that as the number of discrete time periods within a year increases (i.e., as t'-), better estimates of the population characteristics will be calculated. Ricker (1975) pointed out that intervals as small as a day were probably unnecessary and that any period less than a day was unreasonable because diurnal fluctuations in predation, etc., would. invalidate many results unless a calculus of finite differences was employed in the model. 3. A discrete time period of one week was assumed to give accurate results, and any smaller interval would not be justified by the increase in precision of the population estimates. Based upon this reasoning, time intervals of one week (t'=52) were used. Each month was assigned a specific number of weeks (Table 5), allowing natural and fishing mortality rates and growth to be spread throughout a year. Pátriarche (1968) published seasonal natural mortality rates for two lakes in Michigan. He assigned 7% to the spring (May 1 to June 7), 81% to the summer (June 7 to September 1), 12% to the fall period (September 2 to 48 Table 5. The number of weeks allotted to each month, and monthly percentage distribution of natural mortality (%), growth (%), and fishing mortality (%). Month Number of weeks n. . g %m 0.0 OOO 4.0 4.0 1.0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 0.0 5,6 21.6 0.0 .0.0 0.0 16.0 29.0 25.0 12.0 14.0 0 33.8 .0 26.0 21.0 11.0 هه سا 3.7 0.0 December 1), and no natural mortality during the winter. (December 2 to April 30). Schneider (1973a) used this same type of distribution in his model for Mill Lake in Washtenaw each month was computed as a ratio of the number of weeks in each month to the total number of weeks attributed to each. season (Table 5). Anderson (1959) showed a monthly percentage breakdown of total annual growth in his study of Third Sister Lake in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Both field data and laboratory experiments performed by Anderson gave similar results. Karvelis (1952) and Fabian (1954) reported approximately the same distribution for Ford Lake in Otsego County, Michigan as did Snow et al. (1960) for Wisconsin lakes. Schneider 49 (1973a) also used a similar pattern of growth in his Mill Lake. model. Anderson's figures were used in this model (Table 5). :: The distribution of fishing mortality was calculated from angler census data collected on Bear Lake (1952-1953) in Hillsdale County, Michigan (Schneider and Lockwood, 1979). Fishing pressure on this lake of 117 acres in size was assumed to be representative of pressure received on small lakes in the 100 acre range as used in this study. On the basis of these data, 62% of the total fishing mortality was assigned to the summer months (June 24 to September 15), 6% to the fall (September 16 to December 1), 10% to the winter (December 2 to March 30), and 22% to the spring (April 1 to June 23). This pattern was slightly modified (as recommended by M. H. Patriarche and P. W. Laarman, personal communication) and a final distribution of percent fishing mortality was estimated to be (same seasonal dates): 57.5% in the summer, 7.5% in the fall, 10% in the winter, and 25% in the spring. Christensen (1953) showed a distribution of percent fishing mortality for six lakes in Michigan (averaged over a five year period) that was very similar to this latter distribution. These seasonal values were then spread over the corresponding months (Table 5) using the same method as described earlier for natural: mortality. The monthly percentages of natural mortality, growth; and fishing mortality were spread uniformly over the weeks . 50 in each month. Each week was given an equal amount of the total value for the month by dividing the number of weeks in a month into the monthly percent estimate. .. . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The characteristics of slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations were simulated using the S.L.R.A. computer program. Simulation was continued until the populations reached equilibrium for the fishing mortality rate being used. The initial populations were also subjected to a 5.0 inch minimum size limit regulation, used as a control to determine the impact of the 7.0 inch maximum restriction. Although no regulation was in effect for bluegills, a 5.0 inch minimum was assumed to be representative of conditions found in Michigan at this time. Two separate sets of output were generated, one using variable recruitment and the other constant recruitment. Results Using Variable Recruitment Annual fishery statistics of the three bluegill populations at equilibrium (assuming variable recruitment) are summarized in Tables 6-17. Number of fish (per 100 acres) and attained mean length in inches at each age are found in Tables 6, 10, and 14 for slow, medium, and fast growing bluegill populations respectively. These results show no change in length (at a given fishing mortality rate) between a 5.0 inch minimum and a 7.0 inch' maximum regulation, and a large decrease in the total number of fish as the fishing mortality rate increases, especially in the slow growing population. This suggests that the density- dependent recruitment relationships used in the simulation .. 51 52 were not adequate in describing the processes of fry survival and recruitment into the age-I group. This could be attributed to many factors including the assumptions of only one spawning period per year and/or a 4.8 inch minimum length of mature females. Both of these assumptions could cause the number of eggs produced to be far less than seen in the field under the same conditions. Multiple spawning periods were not modeled because of the lack of data concerning this phenomenon and the complexity involved in simulating such a process. The effect of a 4.8 inch minimum length of mature females was not as important in the medium or fast growing populations where this length was attained by age I or II. However, in the slow growing population, this length was not reached until age III or IV and the spawning stock had been greatly depleted by then because of fishing. This caused the large reduction in total number of fish as the fishing mortality rate increased. It was hoped that the use of a density-dependent growth relationship would offset these problems. However, the regression used to predict the mean length of fry was not sensitive enough to changes in the density of fry. Although the mean length at each age increased as density decreased, the change in length was not enough to offset the loss of fish over 4.8 inches. Another important factor was the assumption of a constant mortality of fry from the fall to the followingii spring. This assumption did not allow any compensation by 53 the population for changes in the number of large bluegills (7.0 inches plus), the density of the previous year class, or the fishing rate. Better feedback mechanisms are necessary to model this compensation in any greater detail. The fishery statistics are recorded by length group in Tables 7-9 for slow growing, Tables 11-13 for medium growing, and Tables 15-17 for fast growing populations. The largest impact of the special regulation was seen in the fast growing population at a fishing mortality rate of 0.40 (Table 15). Numbers of 7.0 inch plus fish increased from 398 under existing conditions to 590 using the special regulation. Total catch was greater under the 7.0 inch maximum restriction (1,617 fish versus 1,363 fish), while harvest was essentially equal (1,024 and 1,020 fish per year for a 5.0 inch minimum and a 7.0 inch maximum respectively). The special regulation had little effect on controlling the slow and medium growing populations and the fishery statistics were virtually the same for the 5.0 inch minimum and 7.0 inch maximum restrictions.' Changing from a 5.0 inch minimum to a 7.0 inch inverted regulation had little effect because less than 5% of the fish in these populations were over 7.0 inches (i.e., the same fish were still harvested). Any change between the existing conditions and the 7.0 inch maximum in all three populations diminished as the fishing mortality rate decreased. mn 54 Table 6. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (l) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. m = 0.40 m = 0.20 m = 0.10 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum Age Number 1 Number 1 Number 1 Number i Number 1 Number 1 II 11 IV 721 3.0 163 4.0 104 4.9 62 5.6 33 6.1 18 6.4 8 7.0 2 7.5 751 3.0 175 4.0 115 4.9 68 5.6 38 6.0 19 6.4 9.7.0 .4 7.5 2,546 2.7 571 3.7 388 4.6 275 5.3 180 5.8 109 6.3 59 6.9 22 7.4 2,670 2.7 599 3.7 401 4.6 285 5.3 186 5.8 114 6.3 64 6.9 27 7.4 4,156 2.6 922 3.6 622 4.5 465 5.2 330 5.7 219 6.2 129 6.8 54 7.3 4,252 2.6 946 3.6 637 4.5 475 5.2 337 5.7 224 6.2 134 6.8 57 7.3 VI VII VIII Total 1,lll 1,179 4,150 4,346 6,897 7,062 55 Table 7. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan.' } Simulated fishery statistics* Fishing regulation YJ C+ u Y + YJ - 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 98 104 4.2 4.6 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 62 7.7 8.3 69 over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 09 All fish 8 .4 . 164 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 361 376 98 104. 4.6 4.2 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 592 627 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 148 165 7.7 8.3 0.0 0.0 66 69 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,111 1, 179 69 98 107 8:. 4.2 5.5 109 9:3 196 2.8 :8.3 13.8 22 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested: Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual. number of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; Y = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 56 Table 8. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. _ _ Fishing regulation N Simulated fishery statistics V J Yu C# J Y + YJ 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 2,352 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 110 I 13.7 13.7 13.8 115 13.8 Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch max i mum 2.0 2.6 All fish 2.244 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,280 1,337 146 153 146 153 6.5 6.9 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 573 596 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 4, 150 4,346 120 115 15.7. 13.8 146 163 266 278 22.2 23.3 9.5 *N = number of fish in the population; C: annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y annual yield in pounds of harvest; v = annual number of illegal-size blueg111s caught and released; YJ = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 57 Table 9. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. Simulated fishery statistics* Fishing regulation N Yu. Ct u V + YU 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 23 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,860 1.907 114 117 5.2 5.4 24 114 5.2 117 5.4 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 981 1.005 11.3 11.2 0.0 0.0 89 11.3 11.2 92 Over 7.0-inch fish 99 1.8 103 OO 1.8 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.2 All fish : 13.1 • 212 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3,957 4,047 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch max i mum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 6,897 7,062 114 126 5.2 7.6 92 18.3 18.8 23 2 11.2 218 26 *N = number of fish in the population; C annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; v = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released: Yu : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H & annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. Table 10. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. m = 0.40 m = 0.20 m = 0.10 5" minimum 7" maximum 15" minimum 7". maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum Number 1 Number 1 | Number Ī Number 1 | Number 1 Number 1 Age I II | III IV 1,076 3.9 569 4.8 315 5.8 145 6.7 46 7.1 10 7.6 1 8.0 0... 1,229 3.9 639 4.8 349 5.8 165 6.7 60 7.1 17 7.6 3 8.0 0... 2,506 3.6 1,363 4.5 933 5.5 552 6.5 222 7.0 59 7.5 8 7.9 1 8.8 2,606 3.6 1,416 4.5 966 5.5 571 6.5 237 7.0 71 7.5 12 7.9 1 8.8 3,195 3.5 1,766 4.4 1,286 5.4 845 6.4 377 6.9 110 7.4 17 7.8 18.7 3,244 3.5 1,795 4.4 1,305 5.4 857 6.4 387 6.9 119 7.4 20 7.8 2 8.7 VI VII. VIII Total 2,162 2,462 5,644 5,880 7,597 7,729 Table 11. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length, group for two size limit: regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. : Simulated fishery statistics Fishing regulation Fishing regulation N C + J Y + YJ H 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 17.4 1.483 330 376 330 376 17.4 19.8 66 75 19.8 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish . 36,9 41.1 Over 7.0-inch fish 65 24 0.0 7.1 5.5 7.1 86 27 27 All fish 629 66 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,686 5 inch minimum 7 inch max i mum 613 688 275 311 36.9 41.1 275 311 5 inch minimum 7 inch max i mum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,162 2,462 299 311 42.4 41.1 330 403 17.4 26.9 59.8 68.0 714 80 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested: Y = annual yield in pounds of harvesti u = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 60 . . Table 12. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit. regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan i Simulated fishery statistics* Yu C+j Fishing regulation N V+YJ 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish Over 7.0-inch fish 35 0.0 35 8.4 0.0 8.4 9.6 36 9.6 36 All fish 85 96 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3,801 3,951 426 442 20.8 21.7 426 442 20.8 21.7 85 89 0.0 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,595 1,655 309 322 43.1 44.0 309 322 43.1 44.0 0.0 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 207 232 · 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5,644 5,880 344 322 51.5 44.0 426 478 20.8 31.3 770 800 72.3 75.3 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvesti J + annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; Y J = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. Table 13. Predicted equilibrium levels of density. catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) ..:of 0.10 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. : . . Simulated fishery statistics* Y u Yu . C+jS Fishing regulation N . C c. + Yu 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 109 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish. 0:0 203 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,261 2,298 28.6 28.6 28.6 0.0 0.0 203 7 206 206 28.6 28.6 206 0 Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1 10 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 4,942 5,020 274 278 13.2 13.4 274 278 13.2 13.4 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 285 301 5.4 0.0 5.4 6.0 . All fish . 54 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,597 7,729 226 206 34.0 28.6 274 301 13.2 19,4 500 507 47.2 48.0 60 ' . I *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal -size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; Yu - annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. . - . Table 14. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with variable recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. m = 0.40 m = 0.20 m = 0.10 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum Age Number 1 Number Number Number Number 1 Number 1 I II III IV. 3,281 4.7 1,123 5.8 457 6.8 169 7.6 40 8.2 6 9.0 3,837 4.7 1,314 5.81 564 6.8 263 7.6 90 8.2 21 9.0 2 9.4 O ... 4,443 4.5 1,841 5.7 966 6.7 463 7.5 143 8.1 29 8.9 3 9.3 4,597 4.5 1,906 5.7 1,019 6.7 536 7.5 193 8.1 46 8.9 5 9.3 0 ... 4,791 4.5 2,121 5,7 1,236 6.7 661 7.5 228 8.1 52 8.9 6 9.3 4,830 4.5 2,138 5.7 1,257 6.7 702 7.5 260 8.1 64 8.9 8 9.3 VI VII VIII 0 ... Ó ... 0 ... O ... O ... Total 5,076 6,091 7,888 8,302 9,095 9,259 63 Table 15. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan... Simulated fishery statistics :: -Fi Fishing regulation YJ .. C+ u . Y + VJ 1.0- to 2.8-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish . 21.7 27.6 68 79 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish . OO Over 7.0-inch fish 164 48.6 164 200 46.7 68.9 0.0 68.9 39 200. 68:9 All fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch max i mum 2,374 2,777 339 397 21.7 27.6 339 397 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,296 2.715 860 1,020 131.4 147.2 860 1,020 131.4 147.2 0.0 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 398 590 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5,076 6,091 1,024 1,020 178.1 147.2 339 597 21.7 96.5 1,363 1,617 199.8 243.7 '68 118 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. - : .. Table 16. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group. for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. m Simulated fishery statistics YU Fishing regulation C + J Y + YJ H 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 289 20.2 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 289 299 18.1 20.2 Over 7.0-inch fish 900 1.044 160 0.0 59. 1 160 170 47.7 59. 1 0.0 170 All fish : 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3,808 3,941 18.1 299 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3, 160 3,296 577 602 91.7 88.8 0.0 0.0 .: 577 602 91.7 88.8 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 7.888 8,302 737 : 602 139.4 88.8 . 289 469 18.1 79.3 1:02 1.026 1,071 157.5. 168.1 57 94 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegilis harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis dying from hook ing mortality. Table 17. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming variable recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan... .. . Simulated fishery statistics* V . YJ . C Fishing regulation . Y + YJ. : 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish . . 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 4, 125 4, 159 156 157 9.8 10.8 156 157 9.8 10.8 31 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 3.685 3,730 320 325 52.0 48.4 320 325 52.0 48.4 on Over 7.0-inch fish . 106 32.4 0.0 0.0 37.9 106 109 32.4 37.9 109 A11 fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch maximum 7 inch maximum 1.263 1,349 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 9,095 9,259 426 325 84.4 48.4 156 266 9.8 48.7 582 591 94.2 97.1 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested: Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 66 Results Using Constant Recruitment Annual fishery statistics of the three bluegill populations at equilibrium (assuming constant recruitment) are summarized in Tables 18-29. Number of fish (per 100 acres) and attained mean length in inches at each age are found in Tables 18, 22, and 26 for slow, medium, and fast growing populations respectively. As in the results using variable recruitment, no change in length (at a given fishing rate) was observed between a 5.0 inch minimum and a 7.0 inch maximum. However, because constant recruitment allows some compensation in the recruitment of age-I fish, the total number of fish in the population is much higher than seen in the earlier results for variable recruitment. The population structures seem much more realistic and are no longer greatly altered by the choice of a fishing mortality rate. The largest impact from using constant recruitment was observed in the slow growing population at a fishing mortality rate of 0.40. Total number increased from 1,111 fish (assuming variable recruitment) to 8,880 fish (assuming constant recruitment). This was expected because of the slow growth and the 4.8 inch minimum length of mature females. This impact decreases from medium to fast growth, but a significant change in total numbers was still observed between the variable and constant recruitment estimates. Although the assumption of constant recruitment did increase total numbers, the use of a 7.0 inch maximum regulation was still not effective in controlling the i. bluegill populations. Yield was much greater over that seen in the previous results, but this was expected because of the increase in total number of fish in the populations. Simulated fishery statistics by length group are found in Tables 19-21 for slow growing, Tables 23-25 for medium growing, and Tables 27-29 for fast growing bluegill populations. The greatest change between existing conditions and the special regulation was again seen in the fast growing population using a conditional fishing mortality rate of 0.40 (Table 27). Number of fish over 7.0 inches increased from 589 (5.0 inch minimum) to 724 fish for a 7.0 inch maximum regulation. Harvest decreased slightly from 1,530 to 1,332 fish per year when the special regulation was applied. Total catch was virtually the same, 2,038 under existing conditions and 2,089 fish per year using a 7.0 inch maximum restriction. The statistics for the slow and medium growing populations showed much smaller changes at a fishing mortality rate of 0.40 when the special regulation was applied, than observed for the fast growing population. The number of fish over 7.0 inches, harvest, and total catch became essentially equal for a 5.0 inch minimum and a 7.0 inch maximum with a decrease in the fishing mortality rate, as observed in the simulation results using variable recruitment. 68 Table 18. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual . conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. m = 0.40 m = 0.20 m = 0,10 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum Number 1 7" maximum 15" minimum Number 1 | Number 1 Age Number 1 | Number 1. Number 1 II III IV 5,904 2.7 '1,281 3.7 803 4.6 483 5.3 243 5.8 110 6.3 44 6.9 12 7.4 5,904 2,7 1,281 3.7 803 4.6 483 5.3 243 5.8 112 6.3 49 6.9 17 7.4 5,904 2.6 1,293 3.6 848 4.5 593 5.2 379 5.7 223 6.2 116 6.8 42 7.3 5,904 2.6 1,293 3.6 848 4.5 593 5.2 379 5.7 224 6.2 120 6.8 48 7.3 5,904 2.6 1,296 3.6 866 4.5 637 5.2 446 5.7 292 6.2 170 6.8 69 7.3 5,904 2.6 1,296 3.6 866 4.5 637 5.2 446 5.7 293 6.2 173 6.8 74 7.3 VI VII VIII Total 8,880 8,892 9,398 9,409 9,680 9,689 __ 69 . Table 19. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.40 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. Simulated fishery statistics Fishing regulation Yu C+ J Y + YJ rYUH 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 0.0 . 0 0.0. 0 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish . 127 28.1 28.3 127 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 844 372 43.5 43.0 372 374 43.5 43.0 850 374 Over 7.0-inch fish 3.4 All fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5,202 5, 202 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,793 2,793 639 639 28.1 28.3 639 639 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch max imum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 8.880 8,892 389 374 46.9 43.0 639 656 28.1 32.4 1,028 1,030 75.0 75.4 127 130 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; u : annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis dying from hook ing mortality. . 70 . - : Table ). Predicted equilibrium levels of density. catch, and yield by length group for two size i imit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. 1 Simulated fishery statistics NCY. Yoctu. V + YUH Fishing regulation 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 3.0- to 4.8-inch fish 317 : 317 14.2 14.4. 64 64 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 1, 128 1,133 220 221 26.9 26.2 220 221 26.9 26.2. . 0.0 Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5.619 5,619 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,564 2.564 317 317 14.2 14:4 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximuin 87 93 16 : 0 0 3.2 .0 3.2 4.0 16 4.0 All fish : 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum ..9.398 9,409 236 221 30.1 26.2 317 333 14.2 18.4 553 554 44.3 44.6 - 64 67 :: - *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; .: annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ = annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. Table 21. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit. regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a slow growing bluegill population in Michigan. : _ _ Simulated fishery statistics* : J .You C + Fishing regulation N C Y Y + YJ H 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 5,619 5.619 oo 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 0 .0 7.2 160 160 7.2 7.3 160 160 ooo 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish . . 15.4 14.9 oo . Over 7.0-inch fish 0 0.0 11. 2.9 2.3 2.3 2.9 no All fish 293 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,604 2.604 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,328 1.331 122 123 15.4 14.9 122 123 0.0 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 129 135 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 9,680 9,689 133 123 . 17.7 14.9 160 171 7.2 10.2 24.9. 25.1 32 34 294 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality... Table 22, Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (1) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a medium growing bluegill. population in Michigan.. m = 0.40 5" minimum 7" maximum Number 1 Number 1 m = 0.20 5" minimum 7" maximum Number 1 Number 1 m = 0.10 5" minimum 7" maximum Age Number Number I II III IV ON 4,001 3.6 2,083 4.5 1,224 5.5 551 6.5 168 7.0 33 7.5 4 7.9 4,001 3.6 2,083 4.5 1,224 5.5 552 6.5 183 7.0 49 7.5 8 7.9 1 8.8 4,001 3.5 2,168 4.4 1,492 5.4 876 6.4 349 6.9 91 7.4 13 7.8 1 8.7 4,001 3.5 2,168 4.4 1,492 5.4 876 6.4 357 6.9 104 7.4 17 7.8 2 8.7 4,001 3.5 2,204 4.4 1,597 5.4 1,044 6.4 464 6.9 135 7.4 21 7.8 28.7 4,001 3.5 2,204 4.4 1,597 5.4 1,044 6.4 469 6.9 143 7.4 . 24 7.8 2 8.7 VI VII. VIII 0 ... Total 8,064 . 8,101 8,991 9,017: 9,468 9,484 73 . . Table 23. Predicted equilibrium levels of density. catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m). of 0.40 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan.; : Simulated fishery statistics* _ _ latice cou voru Fishing regulation YU CH J V + YJ 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 67 00 67 3.0- to 4.8-inch fish 270 : 00 1,348 1,348 65.5 65.5 1,348 1,348 65.5 65.5 270 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5,962 5,962 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,886 1,895 846 850 111.9 111.1 850 Over 7.0-inch fish 149 58 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 58 13.6 0.0 0.0 . 15.0 177 13.6 15.0 57 :57 11 All fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 8,064 8, 101 904 850 : 125.5 111.1 1,348 1,405 65.5 80.5 2, 252 2.255 191.0 191.6 270 281 . : *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YU : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 74 . i Table 24. Predicted equilibrium 'levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate. (m) :: of 0.20 for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. ini . Simulated fishery statistics* 1 - - u Yu Fishing regulation C + J óru V + YJ vo vd I 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum . 0.0 136 136 ...oo 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 32.7 6, 132 6,132 0.0 0.0 683 683 137 137 683 32.7 683 32.8 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 2,470 2,475 47 64.9 64.1 0.0 0.0 470 471 64.9 64.1 . · Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 253 274 10. 1 0.0 0.0 11.1 . : 10.1 11.1 8 . : A11 fish 8.991 513 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 75.0 64.1 683 725 32.7 43.9 1, 196 1,196 107.7 108.0 9.017 137 145 471 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released: YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis dying from hook ing mortality. : 75 Table 25. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0. 10. for a medium growing bluegill population in Michigan. Simulated fishery statistics* Fishing regulation v + YJ uyucu 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish . 130 K16: 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish . 342 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum .6.179 6, 179 342 342 16.5 16.5 342 16.5 16.5 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 252 35.5 0,0 0.0 252 252 35.5 34.9 252 Over 7.0-inch fish 0.0 28 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 2,801 2,805 5 inch minimum 7 inch max imum 6.7 0 . 0 352 364 28 7.3 28 7.3 5 inch minimum All fish 342 16.5 9.468 9.484 220 42 280 252 42.2 34.9 342 370 16.5 23.8 622 622 58.7 58.7 69 74 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegilis harvested; Y = annual yield in' pounds of harvest; u = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 76 Table 26. Predicted equilibrium number and attained mean length (i) by age group with constant recruitment for two size limit regulations and three annual conditional fishing mortality rates (m) for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. m = 0.40 _ m = 0.20 5" minimum 7" maximum 5" minimum 7" maximum m = 0.10 5" minimum 7" maximum | Number 1 Number 1 Age Number 1 Number 1 Number 1 : Number 1 II III IV V VI VII VIII : 4,915 4.7 1,678 5.8 678 6.8 249 7.6 59 8.2 9. 9.0 1 9.4 0... 4,915 4,7 1,741 5.7 720 6.8 337 7.5 115 8.2 26 8.9 3 9.4 0. ... 4,915 4.5 2,037 5.7 1,068 6.7 512 7.5 158 8,1 32 8.9 3 9.3 0 ... 4,915 4.5 2,037 5.7 1,089 6.7 573 7.5 206 8.1 50 8.9 6 9.3 4,915 4.5 2,176 5.7 1,268 6.7 678 7.5. 234 8.1 53 8.9 69.3 4,915 4.5 2,176 5.7 1,279 6.7 :-714 7.5 264 8.1 65 8.9 8 9.3 0 ... : 0 ... . 0 ... Total 7,589 7,857 8,725 8,876 9,330 9,421 77 Table 27. Predicted equilibrium levels of density. catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m). of 0.40 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan... Simulated fishery statistics* . Fishing regulation YJ c + J Y + YJ . 1.0- to 2.8-inch fish 00 0.0 3.0- to 4.8-inch fish 101 . 508 514 00 32.5 35.9 : 508 514 32.5 35.9 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 3,511 1,286 1.332 196.3 190.8 1,286 1.332 196.3 190.8 . Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3,557 3.610 3,431 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 589 724 1 244 69.2 0.0 244 243 69.2 82.8 243 49 0.0 243 82.8 All fish 508 32.5 : 5 inch, minimum 7 inch max imum 7.589 7.857 1,530 1,332 265.5 190.8 757 2,038 2,089 298.0 309.5 101 152 118.7 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested: Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; J = annual number of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; YJ & annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. .. Table 28Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.20 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. Simulated fishery statistics* Fishing regulation с C+JO Y + YU 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish OO 0.0 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 20.0 .: oo 320 320 20.0 21.6 64 64 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish 0.0 3,496 3,523 638 644 101.4 94.9 638 644 101.4 94.9 Over 7.0-inch fish . 177 O 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 4,213 4,213 320 320 21.6 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 993 1, 117 52.7 0.0 0.0 63.2 177 183 52.7 63.2 4.3 A11 fish . 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 8,725 8,876 815 644 154. 15. 320 94.9 : 503 20,0 84.8 1,135 1, 147 174.1 179.7 64 64 101 *N = number of fish in the population; c = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvesti u = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegills caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. 79 Table 29. Predicted equilibrium levels of density, catch, and yield by length group for two size limit regulations, assuming constant recruitment and an annual conditional fishing mortality rate (m) of 0.10 for a fast growing bluegill population in Michigan. Simulated fishery statistics* Fishing regulation No c Y J YJ c + c Y + Y H. 1.0- to 2.9-inch fish. NN 3.0- to 4.9-inch fish 161 33 O 10.1 11.0 161 33 161 10.1 161 11.0 5.0- to 7.0-inch fish O 53.3 49.2 0.0 0.0 329 330 53.3 49.2 . Over 7.0-inch fish 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 4,232 4,233 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 3,781 3,796 329 330 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 1,294 1,369 108 33:2 0.0 38.5 108 111 33.2 38.5 0.0 111 All fish 86.5 5 inch minimum 7 inch maximum 161 9.330 9,421 437 330 86.5 .92 10.1 49.5 OS . 598 602 96.6 98.7 33 . 55 *N = number of fish in the population; C = annual number of legal-size bluegills harvested; Y = annual yield in pounds of harvest; v = annual number of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; YJ : annual yield in pounds of illegal-size bluegilis caught and released; H = annual number of illegal-size bluegills dying from hook ing mortality. SUMMARY The simulations using the model developed in this report demonstrated two important points. First, a 7.0 inch maximum size limit regulation can not improve and control bluegill populations. The best results were obtained for a population showing characteristics of fast growth, and which was subjected to heavy fishing mortality even after application of the special regulation. However, these results depicted only a nominal improvement of the population. Any gains realized by restricting the size of harvestable bluegills could be easily offset or even reversed by poaching or any natural disaster. Further analysis reveals that a closed season on harvest in May, June, and some or all of July might be beneficial (along with the special size restriction) for two reasons. One, 55% of the annual fishing mortality occurs during these months. Large bluegills are very susceptible to angling at this time because they come into shallow water to spawn. Closing the fishing season during these months would protect the larger fish and possibly cut down on poaching. Second, 70% of the annual growth occurs during this three month period. A closed season would allow many more of the fish to recruit into the illegal size range (i.e., over 7.0 inches) and thus not be harvested. This would increase the number of large fish and possibly make the 7.0 inch special regulation much more effective as a management strategy for improving poor bluegill populations. . 80 ...Hooking mortality was essentially insignificant using 0.20 as the probability of a hooking death for a fish caught and released. This implies that special restrictions on gear (e.g., artificial lures only) would not help improve the populations and are thus unnecessary if the probability of a hooking death is 0.20 or less. However, if the probability of a hooking death is much higher than 0.20, gear restrictions may be necessary to prevent large numbers of fish from dying after being caught and released. The second point demonstrated by this model is the need for further research regarding bluegill spawning, survival. of fry, and recruitment into the age-I group. It is necessary to determine the factors, dependent and/or independent, which influence these processes and allow the population to compensate for environmental and man-made stresses. The assumptions in the model of variable recruitment, one spawning period per year, a 4.8 inch minimum length of mature females, and a constant mortality of fry from the fall to the following spring were not sufficient to produce a bluegill population with realistic characteristics. Constant recruitment was then assumed, and although this did improve the population characteristics, it was still somewhat inadequate in producing the population dynamics associated with spawning and recruitment. A further density-dependent feedback mechanism may improve model performance. One hypothesis is cannibalism by large ... bluegills, illustrated in Figure 7. A variety of curves 82 SURVIVAL OF FRY DENSITY OF BLUEGILLS 7 INCHES AND LARGER Possible hypothetical functions relating fry survival to the density of 7.0 inch and larger bluegills. 83 relating fry survival to the number of bluegills 7.0 inches . n . line is the assumption used in this model along with the assumption of variable recruitment (i.e., high constant mortality regardless of the density of large fish). However, one of the other curves may be more realistic, the use of which might possibly enhance model performance depending on the sensitivity of the relationship. The model presented in this paper is very useful as a management tool. Its general applicability makes possible the simulation of a wide variety of size limit regulations, gear and season restrictions, and studies of seasonal growth and natural mortality. It may be applied to any inland warmwater fishery if the necessary data are available for accurate simulation. Application of this model to Michigan bluegill populations showed that more research is still needed before a successful solution for managing bluegill populations can be determined. It is much easier to find a cure if the symptoms are known rather than to use over and over a trial and error process. APPENDIX Necessary data input for running program S.L.R.A. FORTRAN SYMBOL TYPE FORMAT 1) Titte for output: TITLE(20) INTEGER 2014 2) REG INTEGER A4 Type of reguition: MIN - Minimum Size Limit MAX - Maximum Size Limit KST - Kill Slot with Trophy Size Limit KS - K111 Siot Size Limit RS - Release Slot Size limit CR - Catch and Release Only UN - Unexploited Population 3) Units for output: Population Weight Length Length-frequency distribution Year starting date PUNIT(20) WUNIT(20) LUNIT (20) FMTUNI YRSTRT (20) INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER 2014 2014 2014 A4 2018 4) Population Characteristics: Number of age groups to be entered oldest expected age of any fish Number of time periods per year Number of years to be simulated Time per iod when spawning occurs Minimum length for mature females Capture rate of legal sized fish Probability of death given capture for legal sized fish Capture rate of Pllegal sized fish Probability of death given capture for illegal sized fish 0 NUMAGE MAXAGE NUMTIM NYRSIM SPWNTM MLMAT PPRIM INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER REAL REAL FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE O DO DO mmmmmmm mmmmmmm DPRIM PDPRIM REAL REAL FREE FREE DOPRIM REAL FREE REAL FREE 5) Fry characteristics and regression cofficients: Natural mortality of fry NFRY Length-fry regression calibration factor LENDIV Intercept for egg-length regression EALPHA Siope for egg-length regression EBETA Intercept for fry-egg regression FALPHA Siope for fry-egg regression FBETA Intercept for length-fry regression LALPHA Slope for length-fry regression LBETA Intercept for weight-length regression WALPHA Slope for weight-length regression WBETA REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE | 6) Annual conditional natural mortality by age group: LNRD ( 15 ) REAL FREE 7) Spread of annual conditional natural mor- tality within a year: Number of time periods Percent to be spread uniformly over : the time periods NUMPRD INTEGER FREE • PERC REAL FREE 8) Spread of annual conditional fishing (and nook ing if present) mortality within a year: Number of time per tods NUMPRD Percent to be spread uniformiy over the time periods PERC INTEGER FREE PERC REAL FREE 84 85 Necessary data input for running program S.L.R.A.* FORTRAN SYMBOL TYPE FORMAT 9) Growth equation coefficients: Brody's growth coefficient Mean asymptotic growth coefficient Maximum length possibly attained LK LINF MAXLEN REAL REAL INTEGER FREE FREE FREE 10) Mean length and associated standard devi- ation by age group: . Mean length at each age Standard deviation for each length LEN( 16 ) LENDEV( 16 ) REAL REAL FREE FREE 11) NUMPRD INTEGER Spread of growth within a year: Number of time periods Percent to be spread uniformly over the time periods FREE PERC REAL FREE 12) Correction for lengths predicted by the growth equation (each age): CORLN( 16 ) REAL FREE 13) size regulation limits (zero if not used): Lower bound on first illegal range Lower bound on first legal range Lower bound on second illegal range Lower boundt on second legal range REAL REAL REAL REAL FREE FREE FREE FREE X3 х4 14) Initial starting population: POPNUM( 15 ) REAL FREE . *Fortran symbols also show dimensions if present. All real type variables are .. double precision. Free format may be changed to specific formatting if desired. 86 军事中事事第串串星来华事事本案当事事多多来来来来事半来来来来来​,事事事事事事事事家事事年年事事为多系本多多多多多多 ​事事都事事事事事非事事事事有事​,事事事第米老本事事中事事本事事事事事本来事事事事军军事军事基军事基本事出事基本事事事 ​单车事本等等等等等等第 ​本集客串第第第革本事事法律事事都非常多多多多多多多多多多多多多多年来本事事军事军事基 ​} i2345676 Size Limit Regulation Analysis (S.L.R.A.) 事集第 ​} } } 本基本 ​This program simulates the effects of imposing any 基本事 ​of six size limit regulations on sport fisheries. Changes in seasonal distribution of natural, fishing, and hooking mortality may also be studied. Fry survival and ** growth are modeled as density-dependent relationships. . The program will handle up to 15 age groups. A year *** *** may be broken up into as many as 52 discrete time periods. *** All calculations are done in double precision aritn- *** metic. Execution is terminated when the number of years to be simulated has been reached. Unit 5 is assigned to input. Unit 6 is assigned to output. 16 17 INPUT: Data input is performed using free format. However, specific formatting may be used if necessary. For a list *** of the FORTRAN variables used and data file setup, see attached documentation. 非軍事 ​22222222。 ot 2345678 *本中 ​本东南 ​出事事 ​PROCEDURE: cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc. T 2 4456 本事事 ​## # 事本事 ​The model (Smith, 1981 - Master's thesis, University * of Michigan) is a modification of Clark's method (Clark * et. al., 1980 - Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.). Computed in a ** time period are - population numbers, mean length, stand- *** ard deviation about the mean length, total catch of legal fish, legal harvest, total catch and release of illegal pish, nooking deaths, natural deaths, and a length- frequency distribution of the catch data. The catch data 事事事 ​also includes the weight for each component. mo 43 OUTPUT: 事事 ​事事事​, 事事事 ​本事事 ​Output is in two parts. First, ali pertinent data input is printed along with a table defining symbols used 事事事 ​in the output. Second, beginning and ending population 事事事 ​characteristics for the year simulated are printed, along ** with a length-frequency distribution of the starting pop- *** ulation. If fishing and/or hook ing mortality are present, *** 本事事 ​a length-frequency distribution of the catch data is also printed 本事第 ​Catch and natural death data may be printed for each time period if desired. 来来来 ​Ctes at dds. 5s 5555 7896i 2345678 事事非事事事事​事事事律事第4集第3年半军事军军部落事​》第第第第第第第第表 ​本集第第第第拿第易第2集第 ​事事律事事军军事军事事事事基本事事事第第第第第第第第骨事事事事事 ​59 星期事来来来来單集第第第第革军事革是靠本事来表其事本事事本本来来来来第第第 ​事事事事本军军事 ​60 61 Declare variable types and dimensions ... 6666 66 2345678 IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-2) INTEGER TITLE(20), PUNIT(20), WUNIT(20), LUNIT(20), FMTUNI. REG.. + REGCHK(7),TYPE(7,10),r.J,K, FLAGX, YEAR, NY RSIM, NUMAGE, + MAXAGE, MX AGE, NUMTIM, SPWNTM,AGEPRN(15), MAXLEN, INCH, INCHM1, + INITK, INITK2, LL, UL. NUMPRD, LINES ( 18), YRSTRT ( 20 ) LOGICAL SKPRES, NOLAST LOGICAL*1 FREE( 1)/'*'/ DIMENSION LARD(15), LN( 15.52), LM(52),LH(52),LPP(52), LPDP(52), 12 . + PERLN(52), PERLM( 52), LEN( 16), LENDEV( 16), PERLEN( 52); * LENDIF( 15), DEVDIF(15), RATLOV(16), CORLN( 16), POPNUM( 15), # WP(15), D(15,52), LHVHD( 15, 52,2), TCLTCR( 15, 52,2), + WLHWHD ( 15,52,2), WCLWCR ( 15.52,2). LHV(15), TCL ( 15), WLH( 15). + WCL (15), HD( 15), TCR(15), WCR (15), WHO ( 15). DSMAG( 15 ) + LFREQ(30,2), LFRSUM(2), CFREQ.( 30,2), CFRSUM(2); WFREQ(30,2), + WFRSUM(2), CFRQ(30,2), CFRSM(2). WFRQ(30,2), WFRSM(2), * CT4 (15,52), CT5( 15, 52), CT6( 15,52), CT7( 15,52), CT9(15), + CT 10( 15 ) COMMON X1, X2, X3, X4 : ... Initialize variables . : DATA POPNUM, LFREQ, LFRSUM, CFREQ, CFRSUM, WFREQ. WFRSUM, CFRQ, * CFRSM, WERQ, WFR$M, THETD1, THETD2, THETD3, THETD4, CT4, + CT5, CT6 CT7. CT9, CT 10/325*0.ODO, 4*1.ODO, 3150*0.ODO/ DATA REGCHK, YEAR, LINES/'MIN '. 'MAX'. 'KST ','KS :.'RS ', 'CR ','UN !,1, 18-'n-o-'/ DATA TYPE/MINI', 'MAXI, 2* KILL', 'RELE','CATC', 'UNEX, 2* MUM , * 2*, SLO', 'ASE: .,'HAN','PLOI', 'SIZE', (INV', 'T WI','T SI', 'SLOT!,'D RE', 'TED'' LIM', 'ERTE', 'TH T', 'ZEL, SIZ', 'LEA POPU: 'IT ... 'D) s', 'ROPH', 'IMIT', 'E LI','E ON','LATI', * 'IZE "i'Y CA'.'. ''MIT ":'LY ''ON , ' ' LIMI TCH 1 SIZE , 6* ',! LIM!,6*' '. 'IT .4* DATA AGEPRN/' ','II ','III : , ' IV ', 'V ','VI '. 'VII '. VIII, IX , X .; XI . XII. XIII', 'XIV , 'XVI 93 94 95 97 98 X io. Begin data input 99 100 101 102 READ (5, 1) (TITLE(1),1-1,20). 1 FORMAT (20A4) READ. (5,2) REG 2 FORMAT (A4) 103 104 105 106 ... Determine type of regulation being simulated and value of FLAGX 107 108 109 110 111 DO 31*1.7 FLAGX=1 IF (REG. EQ. REGCHK( I )) GO TO 4 CONTINUE 112 113 114 115 116 117 ... Continue data input ... 4 READ (5.1) (PUNIT(I),I=1,20), (WUNIT(I),I=1,20), (LUNIT(I).1-1.20) READ (5,2) FMTUNI READ (5, 1) (YRSTRT(I),I=1,20) READ (5, FREE) NUMAGE, MAXAGE, NUMTIM, NYRSIM, SPWNTM, MLMAT, + PPRIM, OPRIM, POPRIM, DOPRIM READ (5. FREE) NFRY, LEND IV, EALPHA, EBETA, FALPHA, FBETA. LALPHA, + LBETA, WALPHA, WBETA MXAGE=MAXAGE # 1 READ (5, FREE) (LNRD(I).1*1. MAXAGE) Calculate percent of annual conditional natural mortality occuring in each time period within the year .... :. UL=0 5 READ (5, FREE) NUMPRD, PERC LLSUL # 1 UL-UL * NUMPRD DO 6 J*LL, UL PERLN(j) PERC/DBLE(FLOAT(NUMPRD)).. 6 CONTINUE IF (UL.NE. NUMTIM) GO TO 5 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 :: ; . Calculate percent of annual conditional fishing (and hook ing if present) mortality occuring in each time period within the year ... 143 UL:0 7 READ (5. FREE) NUMPRD, PERC 144 LLEUL 4.1 ULEUL # NUMPRD DO 8 JELL, UL PERLM(J)=PERC/DBLE (FLOAT(NUMPRD ) ) CONTINUE IF (UL.NE .NUMTIM) GO TO 7 ono ...: Input growth data ... 145 146: 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 READ (5, FREE) LK, LINF, MAXLEN READ (5, FREE) (LEN(I),1*1, MXAGE), (LENDEV(I),1=1, MXAGE) uovo . Calculate percent of annual growth occuring in each time period within the year ... :. 160 ULo 9 READ (5. FREE) NUMPRD, PERC LL=UL + 1 ULEUL + NUMPRD DO 10 JELL,UL PERLEN(J)=PERC/DBLE (FLOAT( NUMPRD)) 10 CONTINUE IF (UL.NE. NUMTIM) GO TO 9 ... Continue data input one READ (5, FREE) (CORLN(I), 131.MXAGE) (5, FREE) X1, X2, X3, X4 READ (5. FREE) (POPNUM(I).I=1, MAXAGE) Calculate annual conditional fishing and nooking mortalities ... 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 nnnn LMRDOPPRIMOPRIM. LHRD-PDPRIM*DOPRIM - nonn ... Calculate constant term in Ford's growth equation and initialize summation variables to zero ... 182 CTLNEQ=LINF*(1.ODO - LK) POPSUM=0.ODO WPSUM=0.000 : 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 .. noon Calculate annual conditional natural, fishing, and hooking mortalities for each time period within the year. Calculate length to deviation ratios and starting population weight by age ... 192 - - . 193 194 195 196 197 198 .. 199 MSAVEDLOG( 1.ODO - LMRD) HSAVODLOG(1.0DO - LHRD ) DO 14 1:1, MAXAGE RATLDV () LEN(I)/LENDEV(I) NSAVEDLOG(1.ODO - LNRD(I)) IF (.GT. NUMAGE) GO TO 17 WP ( 1.) =DBLE(FLOAT( IFIX (SNGL (DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(LEN(I)))* C POPNUM( I )* 10000.00 + 0.5DO))))/ 10000. ODO POPSUM=POPSUM + POPNUM(I) WP SUM=WPSUM + WP (I) 11. DO 13 ja 1. NUMTIM LN(1,)=1.000 - DEXP (NSAV*PERLNU)) IF (PERLM(U).LE.O. ODO) GO TO 13 IF (I.NE. 1). GO TO 12 LM(J): 1. ODO - DEXP ( MSAV*PERLM(J)) LPP (J)=PPRIM*PERLM(J) IF (DPRIM: GT.O.ODO) LPP (U)=LM(U)/DPRIM LH()1. ODO • DEXP (HSAV*PERLM(J)) LPDP (U)*POPRIM*PERLM(U) : IF (DOPRIM.GT.O.ODO) LPDP (J) LHIJ)/DDPRIM 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 : . 1 89 213 .. Calculate common terms used in more than one population equation ... 214 215 2:16 217 218 219 220 12 CT 1-LPP (U) om LN(I,J) CT2-LPDP(u) LN(I, U) CT3-LN(I, U)**2 IF (CT1.GT.O.ODO) CT4(I, U)=LPP (U)*(1.ODO - CT3/CT 1) IF (CT2.GT.O.ODO) CT5(1,0)=LPDP (J)*(CT3/CT2 - 1.000) IF (CT2.GT.0. ODO) CT6(1,0) LN(I,J)*LH(U)*LPDP (U)/CT2 IF (CT 1.GT.O.ODO) CT7(1.0)=LN(I.J)*LM(J)*LPP(J)/CT 1 13 CONTINUE 14 CONTINUE RATLDV (MXAGE )=LEN(MXAGE)/LENDEV(MXAGE) 29 225 226 227 Determine initial values to be used in calculating the frequency distributions ..... 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 IF (FLAGX. EQ.7) GO TO 15 INITX-X2 INITK1 INITK2*2 IF (FLAGX. EQ.6) INITXEDBLE(FLOAT (MAXLEN)) IF (DABS(X2 - X1).GT, 1.00-05) GO TO 15 INITX=X3 INITKO2 INITK2=1 IF (FLAGX.EQ.1) INITX=OBLE(FLOAT(MAXLEN)) 236 237 238 239 240 241 ... Output of pertinent data ... 242 ... . 246 247 248 : 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 15 WRITE (6, 16) (TITLE(I),1=1,20), (TYPE(FLAGX. I),1=1,10) 16 FORMAT ('tillli'-SIZE LIMIT REGULATION ANALYSIS ... 2014.1. *'-TYPE OF REGULATION - ', 10A4) IF (FLAGX. EQ.7) GO TO 30 WRITE (6, 17) X1, FMTUNI 17 FORMAT (OMÍNIMUM LENGTH AT WHICH FISH ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO , * CAPTURE: ..F5.1, 1X, A4) GO TO ( 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30), FLAGX 18 WRITE (6, 19), X2, FMTUNI 19 FORMAT ('OLENGTH FOR LEGAL HARVEST: ".F5.1, 1X, A4, 'OR LARGER') GO TO 30 20 WRITE (6:21) X2, X3. FMTUNI 21 FORMAT ( OLENGTH FOR LEGAL HARVEST: ', F5.1,' TO',F5. 1, 1X, A4) GO TO 30 22 WRITE (6,23 ) X2, X3, X4, FMTUNI 23 FORMAT (OLENGTH SLOTS FOR LEGAL HARVEST: ',F5.1,' TO.55.1, +.AND ',F5.1, 1X, A4, 'OR LARGER') GO TO 30 24 WRITE (6,25 ) X2, X3, FMTUNI 25 FORMAT ( OLENGTH SLOT FOR LEGAL HARVEST: ',F5.1.'. TO ',F5.1, *.1X, A4) GO TO 30 26 WRITE (6,27) X2, X3, X4, FMTUNI 27 FORMAT (OLENGTH SLOTS FOR LEGAL HARVEST: : ',F5.1,' TO ,F5.1, * ' AND ', F5.1, 1X, A4, 'OR LARGER'). GO TO 30 28 WRITE (6.29) X1, FMTUNI 29 FORMAT ('OLENGTH FOR CATCH AND RELEASE: ..F5.1, 1X,A4, OR LARGER') .30 WRITE (6,31) (YRSTRT(I),1-1,20), NYRSIM. NUMTIM, MAXAGE, SPWNTM, ...+ MLMAT : 31 FORMAT 111,'-YEAR STARTING: '.2014./, 'ONUMBER OF YEARS TO BE '. * SIMULATED : ',12,1,' NUMBER OF TIME PERIODS PER YEAR.; '.12. " OLDEST EXPECTED AGE OF ANY FISH : '.12./,' 'TIME PERIOD WHEN', .+! SPAWNING OCCURS : '.12,/,' MINIMUM LENGTH OF MATURE FEMALES:', * , F5.1) WRITE (6,32) NFRY, LENDIV. EBETA, EALPHA, FBETA, FALPHA, LBETA. + LALPHA, WBETA. WALPHA 32 FORMAT 1 OFRY MORTALITY: '.F10.8,/,' LENGTH - FRY REGRESSION ', CALIBRATION FACTOR: '.F4.2,///,'-REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS:'.1. .+ 0,23%, 'SLOPE', 8X, 'INTERCEPT',/ , 'OEGG • LENGTH'.8X, F11.2.5x, . + F9.2,/,' FRY - EGG', 10X, E 12.5, 5X, F9.5,/,' LENGTH - FRY'.8X,F11.5, 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 274 272 273 274 275 276 : 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 . 90 -... - 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 + 5X,F9.5./.WEIGHT - LENGTH' , 5X,F11.4,5x, F9.4) WRITE (6,33) LK, LINF, (PERLEN(U).va 1, NUMTIM), 33 FORMAT (11,'- FORD'S GROWTH COEFFICIENT : '.F6.4,/,' MEAN ASYMP! . + TOTIC GROWTH (L • INFINITY): ', F8.4,/,'-PERCENT CHANGE IN ';. + LENGTH FOR EACH TIME PERIOD: './/.(1X, 10(F7.5, 3x))) WRITE (6,34) LMRD, PPRIM, OPRIM, LHRD, PDPRIM, DOPRIM 34 FORMAT ('t',117,'-ANNUAL CONDITIONAL FISHING MORTALITY (SMALL M)', + '; ,F7.5,/,' PROBABILITY OF CAPTURE , 8H(Pi): ,F7.5,1.' PRO', + 'BABILITY OF HARVEST GIVEN CAPTURE ', 8H(D ): F7.5.1, 'OANNUAL', + " CONDITIONAL HOOKING MORTALITY (SMALL H): '.F7.5.1. PROBABIL.', + 'ITY OF CAPTURE !,8H(D''): ,F7.5,/,' PROBABILITY OF DEATH', *.GIVEN CAPTURE 1,8H(D"): 77.5) IF (FLAGX.NE, 7. AND.FLAGX.NE.6) WRITE (6,35) (PERLM(J), =1, NUMTIM) 35 FORMAT ('-PERCENT CHANGE IN ANNUAL CONDITIONAL FISHING (AND '; + 'HOOKING IF PRESENT) MORTALITY. FOR EACH TIME PERIOD:', /1, + (1x, 10(77.5,3X))) IF (FLAGX. EQ.6) WRITE(6, 36) (PERLM(u),*1, NUMTIM)- 36 FORMAT ('-PERCENT CHANGE IN PROBABLILITY OF CAPTURE FOR EACH ', 'TIME PERIOD:'.11. (1X, 10(F7.5,3x))) :WRITE (6,37) (AGEPRN(I),1-1, MAXAGE) 37 FORMAT (1, -ANNUAL CONDITIONAL NATURAL MORTALITY (SMALL N) BY', + ' AGE:',,'0'; 1X, A4,6(3X, A4), 2X, A4,4X, A4,3(3x, A4).2x, A4,4X, A4, + 3X, A4) WRITE (6, 38) (LINES(1),1=1.MAXAGE) 38 FORMAT (1X, 15( A4,3x)) WRITE (6,39) (LNRD(I),1-4, MAXAGE) 39 FORMAT (1X, 15(F4.2, 3x)): WRITE (6.40) (PERLN(U).= , NUMTIM) 40 FORMAT ("-PERCENT CHANGE IN CONDITIONAL NATURAL MORTALITY FOR '. the EACH TIME PERIOD :',//. (1x, 10(F7.5, 3x))). WRITE (6,41) (PUNIT(I),1-1,20), (WUNIT(I),131,20), * (LUNIT(I),1=1,20), (PUNIT(I).1-1,20), (WUNIT(I),1-1,20) (PUNIT(I),1-1,20), (WUNIT(I),1*1,20), (PUNIT(I),1-1,20) + (WUNIT(I),1-1,20), (PUNIT(I),1=1,20), (WUNIT(I),1-1,20), * (PUNIT(I), 1=1,20) 41 FORMAT ('..//.'-DEFINITIONS OF SYMBOLS USED IN THIS OUTPUT (UN' + ITS IN PARENTHESES):',7,' op • POPULATION NUMBERS ', 2014,/,'O'. + 'WP - POPULATION WEIGHT , 2014./, 'OL - MEAN LENGTH.', 2014, 1. ODV - STANDARD DEVIATION ABOUT THE MEAN LENGTH";/, 'OTCL • '. * CATCH OF LEGAL FISH , 2014,/ 'OWCL - WEIGHT OF LEGAL CATCH '. + 2014./..OLH - HARVEST OF LEGAL FISH '', 2014,/ , 'OWLH - WEIGHT '. + OF HARVESTED CATCH ., 2014./ , 'OTCR - CATCH AND RELEASE OF ILL'. + EGAL SIZED FISH., 2014./. 'OWCR - WEIGHT OF CAUGHT AND RELEAS', + ED FISH '.2014./ . 'OHD - HOOKING DEATHS OF ILLEGAL SIZED FIS'. +'H!, 2014., 'OWHD - WEIGHT OF HOOKING DEATHS '. 2014.. 'OD.-', + ' NATURAL DEATHS ', 2014) 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 : 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 UUUU Calculate inverse of square root of 2 times Pi used in calculating conditional means for length .... ISQ2PI=1.000/DSORT (2.000*3.1415900) 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ii. Initialize summation by age variables ... 42 DO 44 1*2.NUMAGE OSMAG( I - 1)-0.ODO TCL(I - 1) =(.ODO TCR(I - 1)-0.ODO LHVCI - 1)=0.ODO HD(I • 1) =0.ODO WCL(I • 1 )=0.000 WCR(I - 1)=O. ODO WLHI - 1) =O. ODO WHD ( I - 1)-O. ODO KNUMAGE + 2 • I 349 onnn Bump population numbers and lengths to next age group unless YEAR equals 1 ... 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 IF (YEAR.EQ.1) GO TO 43 POPNUM(K) =POPNUM(K - 1) WP (K)=WP (K - 1) LEN(K) = LEN(K - 1) LENDEV(K) LENDEV(K - 1) 43 IF (POPNUM(K).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 44 onon : 357 358 359 360 361 362 Calculate lengths and deviations to be reached by end of year LNGTH=OBLE (FLOAT( IFIX( SNGL((CTLNEQ = LEN(K)*LK)*10.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/10.ODO + CORLN(K + 1) LNDV=DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (LNGTH/RATLOV(K + 1))*1000.ODO + 0.500 C))))/ 1000. ODO. . LEND IF(K)=LNGTH - LEN(K) DEVDIF(K)=LNDV - LENDEV(K) 44 CONTINUE IF. (NUMAGE. EQ.1) GO TO 45 DSMAG( NUMAGE ) -0.ODO TCL (NUMAGE ) =0.ODO TCR (NUMAGE) -0.0DO LHV ( NUMAGE)-0.ODO HD (NUMAGE) =0.ODO WCL (NUMAGE)*0.000 WCR (NUMAGE ) =0.ODO WLH( NUMAGE ) -0.ODO : WHD (NUMAGE)-0.ODO IF (YEAR. EQ.1) GO TO 45 POPNUM( 1 )-FRY WP(1) -WFRY LEN(1) INLEN LENDEV( 1 )INDEV 45 IF (POPNUM( 1).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 46 : LNGTHODBLE (FLOAT (IFIX (SNGL( (CTLNEQ + LEN( 1 )*LK)*10.0DO + 0.500 C))))/10.ODO + CORLN(2) LNDV=OBLE (FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL ((ENGTH/RATLDV ( 2 ) )*1000.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/1000.ODO LENDIF(1)=LNGTH. - LEN(1) DEVDIF(1) LNDV - LENDEV( 1) 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 .... Output of starting population characteristics .... 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 46 WRITE (6,47) YEAR, (LINES(I),1=1,7). (AGEPRN(I), POPNUM(I), : WP (I), LEN(I), LENDEV(I),1=1, NUMAGE). 47 FORMAT ('9'./ .'-STARTING POPULATION – YEAR',12,' SIMULATION:'./, '-AGE', 13X, 'p', 12x, .WP', 10X, 'L'.8X, 'DV' ,/. 1x, A4,6X, 2 (2A4.'-'.5x).A4;'o'.5X, A4, '--',l. (1X.A4,6X, F9.2,5X, + F9.4,5X, F5:1,5X, F6,3)) WRITE (6.48) POPSUM, WPSUM 48 FORMAT ('OTOTALS', 3X, F10.2,4X,F 10.4) 401 nnnnn Call subroutine LNFREQ for length (weight) - frequency distribution of the starting population and then print these distributions 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4.13 414 415 416 417 418 CALL LNFREQ (POPNUM, WP, NUMAGE, MAXLEN, LEN, LENDEV.LFREQ, INITX, FLAGX) WRITE (6,49) FMTUNI, (LINES(I),I=1.6) 49 FORMAT 111,'-LENGTH (WEIGHT.) - FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE '. + 'STARTING POPULATION: ' ,/,'O' ,A4,' GROUP', 11X, 'p', 12X, 'WP', + 1, 1X, 2A4,'--'.2(5X, 244,'-')) DO 51 INCHE 1, MAXLEN INCHM 1 = INCH - 1 LFREQ( INCH, 1 ) =OBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (LFREQ( INCH, 1)*100.ODO + 0.500) C )))/100. ODO LFREQ( INCH, 2 ) =DBLE(FLOAT( IFIX(SNGL (LFREQ( INCH, 2)* 10000.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/ 10000. ODO WRITE (6,50) INCHM1, INCH, LFREQ(INCH, 1), LFREQ(INCH, 2) 50 FORMAT (1X, 13.' TO', 13, 5X, F9.2,5X, F9.4). LFRSUM( 1 )=LFRSUM( 1 ) + LFREQ( INCH, 1) LFRSUM( 2 )*LFRSUMI 2) + LFREQ( INCH, 2) LFREQ( INCH, 1 ):0.ODO LFREQ(INCH, 2)-0.ODO 51 CONTINUE WRITE. (6,52) (LFRSUM(I), 1=1,2) 52 FORMAT ('OTOTALS, 8X,F10.2,4X,F10.4) 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 OU AWNO 428 92 LFRSUM( 1 )=0.ODO LFRSUM( 2 ):0.ODO 000 429 430 431 432 433 ... Initialize yearly summation variables 434 POP SUMO. ODO WPSUM*O.ODO LHVSUM=0.ODO TCLSUM=O. ODO HD SUM=O. ODO TCRSUM O.ODO DSUM-O. ODO WLHSUM=O.ODO WCRSUM-O. ODO WCLSUM=O. ODO WHO SUM=O.ODO ... იიიი იიი .... Begin simulation for a year DO 66 v= 1. NUMTIM 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 ... call subroutine SPWNSB if spawning occurs during this time period ... IF (D.EQ. SPWNTM) CALL SPWNSB (POPNUM, NUMAGE, LEN, LENDEV, CTLNEQ, LK, * MLMAT, ISQ2PI, EALPHA, EBETA, FALPHA , FBETA, LALPHA , LBETA, LENDIV, + RATLDV( 1), WALPHA, WBETA, NFRY, EGGS, FRY, INLEN, INDEV, WFRY) ... UN იიიი Begin age loop. Initialize variables for keeping catch and natural death data within a year ... 00 459 460 DO 63 11, NUMAGE LHVHD(I.J,1)=0.ODO LHVHD(I,J,2)=0.000 TCLTCR(I.V,1)=0.ODO TCLTCR(I,J,2)=0.000 WLHWHD(I,1,1)=0.ODO WLHWHD(1,1,2)=0.ODO WCLWCR(I.,1)=0.ODO WCLWCR(I, 0,2)=0.ODO D(I, U)=0.ODO 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 .... ... If the age group has no fish, go to end of age loop IF (POPNUM( I ).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 63 474 იიი იიიი იიი ... If no fishing or hook ing mortality, go to calculation of natural deaths and new population estimate ... IF (PERLM(U).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 62 ... Initialize mean weight of each length interval too... EPHI 1-0. ODO EPHI 2-0. ODO EPHI3=0.ODO EPHI4O. ODO 475 476 477 478 479 480 48.1 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 ... Calculate 2 times the length standard deviation squared used in calculating conditional means for length ... იიი იიიი DSQT2=2.ODO*LENDEV( I ) **2 ... Calculate areas between each length limit ... THETD 1 3 I NORM((x1 - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (FLAGX. EQ.6) GO TO 54 THETD2= I NORM( (X2 - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (FLAGX. EQ.1) GO TO 53 THETD3= I NORM( (X3 - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (FLAGX. EQ.2. OR. FLAGX. EQ.4) GO TO 53 THETD4+ I NORM( (X4 - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) 499 500 93 : 501 Calculate conditional mean length and mean weight for areas between each length limit ... 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 16 517 518 OLENCIA THE MOST?! LENGD.ODO 519 520 521 522 523 53 IF (THETD2 - THETD 1.LE. 1.0D-40) GO TO 55 MEAN=(ISQQPI*LENDEV( I )*(DEXP(- (x1 - LEN( I ))**2/DSQT2) - C DEXP(- (x2 - LEN(I))**2/DSQT2)))/(THETD2 - THETD 1) + LEN(I) EPHI 1=DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (MEAN* 10.000 C + 0.500))))/ 10.ODO)) GO TO 55 54 IF (1.ODO - THETD 1.LE.1.OD-40) GO TO 60 MEAN=1 SQ2PI*LENDEV( I )*DEXP(- (x1 - LEN(I) )**2/DSQT2)/(1.000 - C THETD 1). + LEN(I) EPHI **DEXP(WALPHA + WBETADLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (MEAN*10.ODO C + 0.500))))/10.ODO)) GO TO 60 55 IF (FLAGX. EQ.1) GO TO 56 IF (THETD3 - THETD2.LE. 1.0D-40) GO TO 57 MEAN=(ISO2PI *LENDEV(I)*(DEXP(- (x2 - LEN(I))**2/0SQT2) - C DEXP(- (x3 = LEN(I))**2/DSOT2)))/(THETD3 - THETD2) + LEN(I) EPHI 2=DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (MEAN*10. ODO C + 0.500))))/10. ODO)) GO TO 57 56 IF (1.ODO - THETD2.LE.1.0D-40) GO TO 60 MEAN=ISO2P1 *LENDEV( I ) *DEXP(- (x2 - LEN(I) )**2/DSQT2)/(1.000 - C THETD2) + LEN(I) EPHI 2 DEXP(WALPHA + WBETA-DLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (MEAN= 10.ODO C + 0.5DO))))/10. ODO)). GO TO 60 57 IF (FLAGX. EQ.2. OR. FLAGX. EQ.4) GO TO 58 IF (THETD4 - THETO3. LE.1.00-40) GO TO 59 MEAN (ISO2PIELENDEV(I)*(DEXP(- (x3 - LEN(I))**2/DSOT2) - C DEXP(- (X4 - LEN(I))**2/DSQT2)))/(THETD4 – THETD3) + LEN(I) EPHI3=DEXP(WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (MEAN*10.000 C+ 0.5DO))))/10.ODO)) GO TO 59 58 IF (1.ODO - THETD3.LE. 1.0D-40) GO TO 60 MEAN ISQ2PI*LENDEV(I)*DEXP(- (x3 - LEN(I) )**2/DSQT2)/(1.000 - C THETD3) + LEN(I) EPHI3DEXP(WALPHA + WBETA DLOG(DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (MEAN*10.ODO C + 0.500))))/10.ODO)). GO TO. 60 59 IF (1.ODO - THETD4.LE. 1.00-40) GO TO 60 LE:1.0074)GOTIESO S OVA MEAN=ISO2PI*LENDEV( I ) *DEXP(- (X4 - LEN(I))**2/DSQT2)/(1.ODO • . C THETD4) + LEN(I) EPHI 4*DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (MEAN*10.ODO C + 0.500))))/10.ODO)) 524 525 526 527 528 529 OUW 530 531 532 533 534 535 1 AWN 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 იიიი ... Calculate common terms used in more than one population equation ... 60 CT8=THETD2 - THETD3 + THETD4 CT9(1):THETD1 - CT8 CT 10( 1 )=1.000 - CT8 CT 11 = POPNUM( I ) *CT4(I,J) CT 12POPNUM(I)*CT5(1,1) CT 13*EPHI4 - EPHI2*THETD2 + EPHI2*THETD3 - EPHI4*THETD4 CT 14-EPHI 1*THETD 1 - EPHI 1 *THETD2 + EPHI3* THETD3 - EPHI3*THETD4 ... If catch and release only regulation, skip calculation of legal harvest ... იიიი იიიი 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 IF (FLAGX.EQ.6) GO TO 64 ... Calculate total legal fish caught and legal harvest (number and weight) ... TCLTCR(I,J,2)=CT 11 *CT 10(1) TCL(I)-TCL (I) + TCLTCR(I,J. 2) WCLWCR(I.J. 2) =CT 11 *CT 13 WCL(I) =WCL(I) + WCLWCR(I,J. 2) LHVHD(I,J, 2) =TCLTCR(I,J, 2) *DPRIM 570 571 572 94 LHV(I) LHV(I) + LHVHD(1,1,2) WLHWHD(I..2)=WCLWCR(I,1,2) *DPRIM WLH(I) =WLH(I) + WLHWHD(I,J,2) იიიი ... Calculate total illegal fish caught and released and nook ing deaths (number and weight) ... 61 TCLTCR(I,1,1)=CT 12*CT9(I) TCR(I) TCR (I) + TCLTCR(I, 1, 1) WCLWCR(I,1,1) -CT 12*CT 14 WCR(I) =WCR(I) + WCLWCR(I,, 1) IF (DOPRIM.LE.O.ODO) GO TO 62 LHVHD( 1, 0, 1) TCLTCR(I,J,1) *DOPRIM HD(I)«HD(I) + LHVHD(I,J,1) WLHWHD(I,U, 1)-WCLWCR(I, 0, 1) *DOPRIM WHD ( 1 )=WHD(I) + WLHWHD(I,J, 1) 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 იიიი ... Calculate natural deaths and new estimate of the remaining population ... D(1,0)=POPNUM( I )*(LN(I,J) + CT6(1.)*CT9(I) - CT7(1,1) *CT10(I)) DSMAG(1) EDSMAG(I) + D(I,J) POPNUM( I )=POPNUM(I) • D(I,J) · LHVHD(I,J,2) · LHVHD(I,1,1) ... If at end of year, truncate all variables for later output ... 595 იიიი 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 IF (D.NE. NUMTIM) GO TO 63 POPNUM( I )-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (POPNUM( 1 )*100.ODO + 0.5500))))/ C 100.ODO LHV( I )-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (LHV( I )*100.ODO + 0.500 C))))/100.ODO. TCL(I)-OBLE(FLOAT( IFIX(SNGL (TCL(I)*100.000 + 0.500 C))))/100.ODO WLH(1)-DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (WLH( I )* 10000.ODO + 0.500 C))))/ 10000. ODO, WCL(I) =DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (WCL( 1 ) * 10000.ODO + 0.500 C))))/10000.ODO HD(I ) DBLE(FLOAT( IFIX (SNGL (HD( 1 )*100.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/100. ODO TCR ( 1 )-DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL(TCR(I)*100.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/100.ODO . WHD ( 1 )-DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (WHD ( 1 )* 10000.ODO + 0.500 C))))/10000. ODO WCR (I) =DBLE (FLOAT( IFIX(SNGL (WCR( I )* 10000.ODO + 0.5DO c))))/ 10000.000 DSMAG( I )DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (DSMAG(I)*100.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/100.ODO 605 606 607 608 609 610. 611 612 613 614 6.18 იიი ... Sum components by age group ... 622 623 624 AWN LHVSUM LHVSUM + LHV(I) TCL SUM=TCLSUM + TCL(I) WLHSUM=WLHSUM + WLH(I) WCLSUMEWCLSUM + WCL(I) HDSUM«HD SUM + HD(I) TCRSUM=TCRSUM + TCR(I) WHD SUM WHOSUM + WHD(I) WCR SUM=WCRSUM + WCR(I) DSUMEDSUM + DSMAG(I) 628 629 630 631 62 633 ... End of age loop ... 63 CONTINUE იიიიი იიი ... Call subroutine CRFREQ for length (weight) • frequency distribution of the catch data (unless an unexploited population is being studied) 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 NOLAST = TRUE. IF (U.EQ.NUMTIM) NOLAST=.FALSE. SKPRES= . TRUE. . 95 . C IF (PERLMOJ).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 64 CALL CRFREQ (NUMAGE, TCLTCR , LEN, LENDEV.MAXLEN, FLAGX , ......+ INITK, INITK2, INITX, CFREQ, U, CT 10, CT9, POPNUM, WP, SKPRES, NOLAST) IF (FLAGX. EQ.6. AND . DDPRIM.LE.O.ODO) SKPRES=. FALSE. CALL CRFREQ (NUMAGE , WCLWCR , LEN, LENDEV, MAXLEN, FLAGX, + INITK, INITK2, INITX, WFREQ, U, CT 10, CT9, POPNUM,WP, SKPRES, NOLAST) IF (FLAGX.EQ.6. AND.DDPRIM.LE.O.ODO) GO TO 64 CALL CRFREQ (NUMAGE , LHVHD, LEN, LENDEV, MAXLEN, FLAGX, + INITK, INITK2, INITX, CFRQ.0, CT 10, CT9, POPNUM, WP, SKPRES, NOLAST). CALL CRFREQ (NUMAGE, WLHWHD, LEN, LENDEV, MAXLEN, FLAGX, + INITK, INI TK2. INITX, WFRQ,J,CT 10, CT9, POPNUM, WP, FALSE. NOLAST) ... Bump lengths and deviations for the next time period - truncate for output if at end of year io. DO 65 1=1, NUMAGE IF (POPNUM(I).LE.O. ODO) GO TO 65 LEN(I) = LEN( I ) PERLEN(J)*LENDIF(I) LENDEV(1) LENDEV(I) + PERLEN(J) *DEVDIF(I) IF (J.NE. NUMTIM) GO TO 65 LEN(I)-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL(LEN(I)* 10.ODO * 0.5DO))))/ 10.ODO LENDEV(I) •OBLE (FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (LENDEV( I )* 1000.ODO + 0.500)))) C / 1000.ODO 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 ... ... ... Sum population and weight at end of year ... 669 670 671 672 IF(I. EQ. MAXAGE) GO TO 65 POPSUM POPSUM * POPNUM(I) WP(1) -OBLE(FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*DLOG(LEN(I)))* C POPNUM( I )* 10000.00 + 0.5DO))))/10000.ODO WPSUMEWPSUM + WP(I) 65 CONTINUE Add any fish rema ining in POPNUM ( MAXAGE) to natural deaths and reset too ... IF (J.NENUMTIM) GO TO 66 LEN(MAXAGE ) +0.ODO LENDEV( MAXAGE ) =0.000 : D(MAXAGE, J) D(MAXAGE.J) + POPNUM( MAXAGE) DSMAG ( MAXAGE) -DSMAG(MAXAGE) + POPNUM( MAXAGE) DSUM DSUM + POPNUM ( MAXAGE) POPNUM( MAXAGE) =0.ODO WP (MAXAGE ) -0.0DO 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 i. End of year simulation loop 66 CONTINUE 691 692 693 694 ion Add in number of fry and their weight to the current population ... . - oond. 000 000 POPSUM=POPSUM # FRY WP SUM=WPSUM + WFRY TOTCAT TCL SUM + TCRSUM TOTWT.C*WCL SUM * WCRSUM 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 iii Write out end of year summary ... 704 WRITE (6,67') YEAR, (LINES(I),1=1, 15) 67 FORMAT ('q..1.-END OF YEAR ',12,' SUMMARY:'./,'-AGE'. 13X, P., 12x, to :'WP., 10X, 'L'.8%'DU' , 11%, 'TCL , 11, 'WCL', 12X, LH', 11X. 'WLH'.J + 1X, A4,5X.2A4,'--',5X. 244.'.', 5X, A4,'.', 5X, A4,'.n'.4(5X, 244,'-')) WRITE (6.68 ) EGGS, FRY, WFRY, INLEN, INDEV, (AGEPRN(I.), + POPNUM( I ). WP(I), LEN(I), LENDEV(I), TCL(I), WCL(I), LHV(I). + WLH(I), 1*1 , NUMAGE ) 68 FORMAT. ( EGGS', 5x, F10.0,/,' FRY'. ?X.F9.2.5X, F9.4, 5X, F5.1, + 5X.F6.3.7. (1X, A4,6X, F9.2, 5X, F9.4.5X, F5.1,5X, F6.3.2(5X, F9.2.5X, + F9.4))) WRITE (6,69 ) POPSUM, WPSUM, TCLSUM, WCLSUM, LHVSUM, WLHSUM 69. FORMAT ( OTOTALS',3X,F10.2, 4X, F10.4,25x, 2(F10.2,4x, F10.4,4x)) 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 · 96 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 WRITE (6.70) (LINES(I),1*1,11). (AGEPRN(I), TCR(I).. WCR(I), HD(I). + WHD(I), DSMAG(I),1=1, NUMAGE) 70 FORMAT (11,'-AGE', 11%, 'TCR , 11%, 'WCR', 12x, HD, 11X, 'WHD. , 13X, + 'D' .1, 1X, A4,6X, 5( 244,'-',5x),/, (1XA4,6X, 2(F9.2,5X, F9.4.5x), + F9.2)) WRITE (6,71) TCRSUM, WCRSUM, HDSUM, WHOSUM, DSUM 71 FORMAT ('OTOTALS'.3x, F10.2,2(4X, F10.4,4X, F10.2)) WRITE (6,72) TOTCAT, TOTWTC 72 FORMAT (1.'-TOTAL CATCH 2',F10.2,1, OTOTAL WEIGHT OF CATCH ::. * F 10.4) IF (FLAGX. EQ.7) GO TO 78 WRITE (6,73) FMTUNI, (LINES(I),1*1, 18) 73 FORMAT ('1',L,'-LENGTH (WEIGHT) • FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF THE '. + CATCH DATA:'.1.'0',A4,' GROUP: .9x,'TCL., 11'WCL', 12X, 'LH' , : + 11X, 'WLH'. 11%, 'TCR', 11%, 'WCR', 12X, 'HO', 11x. 'WHD'./. 1X, 244, * '--'.8(5X, 244,'-')) onnn ... Truncate and output length (weight) - frequency distributions for the catch data ... DO 75 INCH« 1, MAXLEN INCHM 1 = INCH - 1 CFREQ( INCH. 2)-DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (CFREQ(INCH, 2)*100.ODO + 0.500 C))))/ 100.000 CFREQ(INCH, 1 )-DBLE (FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (CFREQ( INCH, 1)* 100.ODO + 0.500 C))))/100.ODO WFREQ( INCH,2)=OBLE (FLOAT( IFIX( SNGL (WFREQ( INCH, 2)*10000.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/ 10000.ODO 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 C 0.500))))/ 10000.ODO CFRQ(INCH, 2) DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (CFRQ( INCH, 2)*100.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/100.ODO CFRQ(INCH, 1) =OBLE (FLOAT( IFIX(SNGL (CFRQ(INCH, 1)*100.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/100.ODO WFRO(INCH, 2 ) =DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (WFRQ(INCH, 2)* 10000.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/ 10000.ODO WFRO(INCH, 1)-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL ( WFRO( INCH, 1)* 10000.ODO + 0.5DO C))))/10000.ODO .WRITE (6,74) INCHM1, INCH, CFREQ(INCH, 2), WFREQ(INCH, 2), + CFRQ( INCH.2), WFRO(INCH, 2), CFREQ( INCH, 1), WFREQ(INCH, 1), * CFRQ( INCH, 1), WFRQ(INCH, 1) 74 FORMAT (1X,13,' TO :,134(5X, F9.2, 5X,F9.4)). CFRSUM( 2)=CFRSUM (2) CFREQ(INCH, 2) CFRSUM( 1 ) *CFRSUM( 1) + CFREQ( INCH, 1) WFRSUM(2)=WFRSUM(2) + WFREQ( INCH, 2) WFRSUM( 1) =WFRSUM(+) + WFREQ(INCH, 1). CFRSM(2)=CFRSM(2) + CFRQ(INCH, 2) CFRSM( 1 )-CFRSM(1) + CFRQ( INCH, 1) WFRSM(2) *WFRSM(2) + WFRO( INCH, 2) WFRSM( 1 ) =WFRSM(1) + WFRQ(INCH, 1) CFREQ(INCH.2)*0. ODO WFREQ(INCH, 2)=0.ODO CFRQ(INCH, 2)-0.ODO WFRO( INCH, 2)-0.ODO CFREQ(INCH, 1) =0.ODO WFREQ(INCH, 1)=0.ODO CFRQ(INCH, 1)*0.ODO WFRO(INCH, 1)*0.ODO 75 CONTINUE WRITE (6,76) CFRSUM(2), WFRSUM(2), CFRSM(2), WFRSM(2). + CFRSUM( 1), WFRSUM( 1), CFRSM( 1), WFRSM( 1) 76 FORMAT OTOTALS', 8X,F10.2.3(4x,F10.4.4x,F10.2), 4X.F10.4) DO 77 1=1,2 CFRSUM(I):0. ODO WFRSUM( I ) =0.ODO CFRSM(I):0. ODO WFRSM( I )=0.ODO 77 CONTINUE 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 97 Bump year 1. check if reached number of years to be simulated ... 784 785 786 787 788 789 78 onno. 0000 YEAR:YEAR 1 IF (YEAR. GT.NYRSIM) GO TO 79 790 ... Add 1 to the number of age groups unless the maximum has already been attained IF (NUMAGE.LT. MAXAGE) NUMAGE=NUMAGE + 1 GO TO 42 79 WRITE (6.80) 80 FORMAT ('1!) STOP END 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 - . . 99 單军事某事事事本事集第基本来自某事某事某事某事非常重要事某事某事来事事​,事事原来第車事本事事多事事事有本事者三事 ​本事来表事事事事事来事事為事本事​,事事事事事事本本来由本军事律事業集第基军军事事業者基本事事事事事集第5军事军事军事军事 ​事事争等来事半年事事不是基本非事事非事事事非事事非事事基本法事事非事事事中事事事军事军来来来华事事非事事基法第第第第第华 ​იიიიიიიიიიიი Subroutine LNFREQ - calculates length (weight) - frequency distributions of the population. ** 本事来 ​本事本事事都事事本無事​,事事​,事事都事為本来事事事事某事某事事非事事事本事中事事第律事和基本事​,事事事客串串串串串事 ​800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 80 811 812 813 814 事事事事事事事非事事事事事军事军事军事事事事事本事军事军事基本常事​,事事系军事革事事都事事多第串串串串串串串串串串串 ​多年来事事等事律事者年事事法律事事事​,事事事事非事事弟弟弟弟弟弟弟常喜事事事求事事半军事罪名来非常非常多多多多多 ​SUBROUTINE LNFREQ (P, WP, NUMAGE , MAXLEN, LEN, LENDEV, LFREQ, INITX, + FLAGX) ccc ... Declare var table types and dimensions ... 815 816 817 IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-2) INTEGER NUMAGE, MAXLEN, K, I. INCH, LL, UL, FLAGX LOGICAL FLAG DIMENSION P(15), WP(15), LEN(16),LENDEV(16). LFREQ(30,2), + THETA1(5) COMMON X1,X2,X3, X4 FLAGE. TRUE. LLv1 UL MAXLEN 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 ... Loop over age groups ... 829 1 DO 3 1=1, NUMAGE IF (P(I). LE.O.ODO) GO TO 3 IF(FLAG) THETA1(1)0.000 ... Loop over length groups - calculate number (weight) in each .: group grow ... oooo DO 2 INCHELL, UL : THETA2+INORMI (DBLE(FLOAT( INCH)) - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) CT1=( THETA2 - THETAI(I)) LFREQ( INCH,1)=LFREQ(INCH, 1) + P(I)*CT 1 LFREQ(INCH,2)=LFREQ( INCH, 2) + WP() *CT 1 THETA 1(I) - THETA2 2 CONTINUE 3 CONTINUE 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 SAS 850 oooo If all population numbers accounted for, RETURN. Otherwise, bump MAXLEN and calculate next group ..: IF (LFREQ(MAXLEN, 1).LE.4.00-03) RETURN MAXLEN-MAXLEN +1 IF (FLAGX, EQ.6.OR. FLAGX. EQ.1.AND. DABS(X2 • X1).LE. 1.OD-05) + INITX=0BLE(FLOAT(MAXLEN)) LL-MAXLEN UL MAXLEN FLAG:. FALSE. GO TO 1 END 8888888 15 5s o123 dse 99 出来事事事本军事基本事事事事法律事事​,事事基本事事未来基本参军军事基本事事為事出事業基法第基本法多多多多多多多多集第1集 ​事事事事事事事事事事非事事事法律事本本事事多事本其事本军事基本事事事為事事事事事事事事事来家里事事非事事法律事等事本 ​事事本事​,事事事事事未来 ​基本指名率第基本本基本事喜事事事非事事者弟弟来是来害本事事第基本 ​多事​, oooooo 得得得得得得得​, | Subroutino CRFREQ - calculates length(weight). frequency distribution of the catch data. 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 365 *** 多太多事事都事事事非事事基本事来本军军事学事实本事多年来基本事事​多事来来来事本案基本需事事事来来来来来来来来来事本 ​来来来军事事非事事非事事事事事基本常事事非事事事事非事事事事者本事事事事事事本事事事非事事事事非事事事基本事当事事事事事事基本 ​军事事事事兼第 ​拿出事本本军事基本事事事本事事事事事​,事事事未来事事事事本事事主事来事事事事等事事事亲事事事事都事本事本本本事 ​866 : SUBROUTINE CRFREQ (NUMAGE, CW, LEN, LENDEV, MAXLEN, FLAGX, INITK, * INITK2, INITX, CWFREQ, U, LEGPRC, ILLPRC, POPNUM, WP, SKPRES, NOLAST) ... Daciaro variable types and dimensions ... IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-Z) INTEGER NUMAGE, MAXLEN, FLAGX, INITK, INITK2, I, J, KR. . + KR 1 SAV, KR2SAV, INCH, INCHSV, KOUN LOGICAL FLAG, SKPRES, NOLAST DIMENSION Cu(15,52,2),LEN(16), LENDEV(16), CHEREO(30,2).. + PERC(2),LEGPRC(15), ILL PRC(15), POPNUM(15),WP(15) COMMON X1,X2,XS,X4 FLAG, FALSE, FMAXLNEOBLE(FLOAT( MAXLEN)) INCHSVIFIX (SNGL (X1)) FINSVEDBLE(FLOAT(INCHSV)) 867 868 869 870 971 872 873 374 875 876 877 378 879 880 881 882 883 884 cccccccccc ... Loop over age groups DO 11 1:1, NUMAGE IF (LENDEV(I).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 11 ... 'Set KOUN for first length interval of the regulation. X1 equals X2 then reset KOUN to 2 ... If 885 886 887 888 889 390 891 892 893 894 895 896 KOUN=1 TF (DABS(X2 · X1). LE.1.00-05) KOUNKOUN + 1 ... Initialize percent in legal and 111egal ranges 897 898 899 PERC(2)=LEGPRC(I). PERC(1): – ILLPRC(I) 900 ... Set lower bound on area in the fishable range THETA 1= I NORM((x1 - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) KREINITK KR2SAVOINITK2 X INITX INCHEINCHSV FINCH=FINSV 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 . 08. 909 910 Check if at full increment value. If not - calculate number (weight) in partial increment group and sum ... IF (DABS(FINCH - X1).LE. 1.00-05 ) GO TO 1 INCH INCH +1 FINCHEOBLE(FLOAT(INCH)) THETA2- I NORMI (FINCH • LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (PERC(KR).LE.O. ODO) GO TO 1 CWFREQ(INCH, KR ) =CWFREQ(INCH, KR) + CW(I,J,KR) *(THETA2 - THETA 1)/ C PERC(KR) 12345 99ssssssssss9999 t222222 9012345 ... Update THETA 1 - begin loop over all jength groups .. 1 THETA 1=THETA2 2 INCH2 INCH + 1 100 ... Check if reached maximum length interval i. IF (INCH. GE.MAXLEN) GO TO 10. FINCHEDBLE(FLOAT(INCH)) on 000 000 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 ... Check of reached next length bound of the regulation ... IF (DABS(FINCH - X).LE. 1.00-05.OR.FINCH - X.GE.5.OD-02) GO TO 4 Caiculate number (weight) in next length group and sum ... ... 937 THETA2+INORM((FINCH - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (PERC(KR).LE.0.0DO) GO TO 3 CWFREQ(INCH , KR) -CWFREQ(INCH,KR) + CW(I,J,KR)*( THETA2 - THETA 1)/ C PERC(KR) 3 THETA 1=THETA2 GO TO 2 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 იიიი ... Calculate number (weight) at upper bound of current Tength interval of the regulation and sum ... 4 THETA2+I NORM((x • LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (PERC(KR).LE.O. ODO) GO TO 5 CWFREQ(INCH, KR) -CWFREQ(INCH,KR) + CW(I,J.KR) *(THETA2 - THETA 1)/ C PERC(KR) 5 THETA 1-THETA2 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 ono 955 ... Check if at full increment value. If not, update limit and switch to next range (legal or illegal) ... 956 957 IF (DABS(FINCH - X).LE.1.00-05.OR.FLAG) GO TO 6 X=FINCH KR 1 SAVOKR KROKRASAV KR2SAVEKR 1SAV FLAG. TRUE. GO TO 4 nnnn ... Switch to next range unless FLAG: . TRUE. - meaning, switch done already ... 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 6 IF (FLAG) GO TO 7 KR 1SAVOKR KROKR2SAV KR2SAVEKR 1SAV ono ... Reset FLAG, update KOUN ... 7 FLAG: FALSE. KOUN KOUN + 1 X+FMAXLN 979 ... onnn "Go to" for specific regulation • reset upper limit to calculate length (weight) frequencies in ... 980 981 982 983 984 985 GO TO (, FLAGX 8 IF (KOUN. EQ:2) X=X3 GO TO 2 9 IF (KOUN. EQ.2) X3X3 IF (KOUN. EQ.3) X*X4 GO TO 2 i Calculate number (weight) in last length interval and non sum 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 10 THETA2= I NORM( (FMAXLN - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) IF (PERC(KR).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 11 CWFREQI INCH , KR ) CWFREQ( INCHKR) + CW(I,J,KR) *(THETA2. THETA 1)/ C PERC(KR) 101 nonn ... If age group is 0. reset length, deviation, and weight to O ... IF (POPNUM(I).GT.O.ODO.OR. SKPRES.OR.NOLAST) GO TO 11 LEN(I)-0.ODO LENDEV(I)=0.ODO WP(I)*0.ODO 11 CONTINUE RETURN END 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 102 事基本常事名单靠本事拿者為未来事奉事事事事基本是第1事事第第第第第第第表第革本事事事有本事事第三事業集第4集 ​事事非常多事事第基本事事事事事事事事軍事事事集第串串串串串事本来是军事家事法第第第第第第草本生集​_军事表 ​事事基本常事事事事事事事本事来军事军事军事军事军事等事事本無事事事事事亲弟弟弟弟弟出事原来来来来来来事事未来集第 ​Subroutine SPWNSB - Calculates number of eggs pro- duced, number of fry produced, number of fry remaining at *** the end of the year, mean length (and deviation) of the fry, mean. 1ength (and deviation) of fry at the end of the year, and weight of the fry at the end of the year. იიი? იიიიიიიიიიიიიიი "事事事非事事非事事事​,事事都事事事都需事事事事单单单单单靠本举来来来来来来事事本来来来来来事事事事事​#本军事革考生基本第 ​事事事事事事有本事事事事事非事事事非事事事事事本来事事事本事事事非事事事事都事事非事实本来事事事非事事家事事事事事事 ​事事事非事事非事事事事事事事無事​,事事事事事事事非事事非华军事革等多事事求事事非事事本事案等事来华军事基本島本军事革第害事本军事 ​SUBROUTINE SPWNSB (POPNUM, NUMAGE, LEN, LENDEV, CTLNEQ, LK.MLMAT, + ISQ2PI, EALPHA , EBETA, FALPHA, FBETA, LALPHA , LBETA, LENDIV, RATLOV, + WALPHA , WBETA, NFRY, EGGS, FRY, INLEN, INDEV, WFRY) ... Declare variable types and dimensions ... IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-Z) INTEGER NUMAGE, I, THETA 1 DIMENSION POPNUM( 15), LEN( 16), LENDEV( 16) oooo Set EGGS to 0, loop over ages to calculate number of females mature (1:1 sex ratio) and number of eggs produced .. EGGS=0.000 DO 2 I 1, NUMAGE IF (POPNUM( I ).LE.O.ODO) GO TO 2 DSQT2-2.ODO*LENDEV( 1 )**2 THETD 1=1 .ODO - INORM( (MLMAT - LEN(I))/LENDEV(I)) THETA 1-IFIX (SNGL (THETD 1* 10000.ODO + 0.5DO)) IF (THETA1.LE.O) GO TO 2 PRCNT1,000 XBROLEN(I) IF (THETA1.GE.10000) G0 T01 XBR ISO2PI*LENDEV(I)*(DEXP(- (MLMAT - LEN(I) ) **2/DSOT2)/THETD1) C + LEN(I) XBR-OBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (XBR*10.ODO + 0.5DO))))/ 10.ODO PRCNT •DBLE (FLOAT(THETAT))/ 10000.ODO 1 EGCALC08LE(FLOAT(TFIX(SNGL((EALPHA + EBETA * XBR)+0.500)))) | POP-DBLE(FLOAT(TFTX(SNGL(POPNUM(I)*100.000/2.000 +0.5500))))/ c 100,000 EGCALC-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL(EGCALC-PRENT +0.500)))) EGGSEGGS + OBLE(FLOAT(ITFIX(SNGL(EGCALC*POP)))) 2 CONTINUE 1008 1009 1010 101 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 083 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1053 1059 1060 1061 1062 1069 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 000 ... Calculate number of fry - if less than o, set too ... FRYR-DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL(FALPHA * EGGS DEXP(FBETA EGGS))))) FRY=OBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL((FRYR - FRYR*NFRY) * 100.ODO + 0.5DO)))) c./100,000 IF (FRY.LT.O.ODO) FRYEO. ODO INLEN-O. ODO INDEV-O. ODO WFRY=0.ODO იიი იიი ... If no fry - RETURN ... IF (FRY.LE.O.ODO) RETURN ... Calculate mean length of fry ... INLEN-08LE(FLOAT(TFIX(SNGL((LALPHA + LBETA * DLOG(FRYR))* 10.000 C + 0.5DO))))/ 10.000 INLEN=OBLE(FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL( (CTLNEQ + INLEN*LK)*10.ODO + 0.500)))) c / 10.000 INLEN=DBLE(FLOAT(IFIX(SNGL (INLEN/LENDIV* 10.ODO + 0.500))))/10.ODO 103 ... Calculate standard deviation of the mean length for fry ... იიი იიი INDEVEDBLE (FLOAT(IFIX( SNGL (INLEN/RATLDV*1000.ODO + 0.500)))) C/1000. ODO 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 .. Calculate weight of fry ... WFRY ODBLE (FLOAT(IFIX (SNGL (DEXP (WALPHA + WBETA*OLOG( INLEN) ) * RETURN END BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, K. R. 1966. 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