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FLETCHER, A. M. WITH THE COöPERATION OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCMA 77OAy Quiscit ubi sit scientia habentiest proximus BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY ALbe 13tbergipe 49tegg, Cambridge 1893 Copyright, 1893, BY WILLIAM I. FLETCHER. All rights reserved. The Rizerside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co. P R E F A C E. & © Th; play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out” Poole's Index with Poole left out, — such is the case with the present volume. Dr. Poole has found himself, during the past year, so pressed with other duties that he with- drew, for the time being, from this collaboration, and devolved upon his associ- ate all the honors and emoluments, as well as all the labors of the present sup- plement. Fortunately the burden was much lighter this time than five years ago, owing to the increased amount of indexing which had been done for the intervening quarterly and annual issues of the Co-operative Inder, which material was incorporated in the “copy" for the present volume by the process of cut- ting up, re-alphabetizing, and mounting on sheets all this printed matter, with the insertion of the written slips referring to the additional periodicals indexed. It will be observed that the extent of this supplement is almost exactly the same as that of the previous one. The total number of volumes indexed in this volume is 1087, of which Io26 were published during the five years, and 61 belong to the six older sets which have been now introduced for the first time. Most prominent among such sets is the journal of the Society of Arts [London], the entire thirty- nine volumes of which are now first indexed. The articles in this Journal are of prime importance, especially in the department of applied science, and the set will doubtless come much more largely into use now that it has found a place in this Index. A similar statement may be made with regard to Meliora, the twelve vol- umes of which, published from 1858 to 1869, are replete with valuable papers on a multitude of sociological topics. Of the one hundred and forty-eight periodicals covered by the present supple- ment, sixty-seven are continued from the Index of 1882, forty were first included in the first supplement, and forty-one are now first introduced, of which all but six have come into existence during the past five years. The birth rate and death rate of standard periodicals would seem to be in the nature of constant quantities, if we may judge from the fact that in the first five years after the edition of 1882, four of the periodicals included in that edition ceased to exist, and thirty-three worthy of inclusion came into existence, while in the second five years the corresponding numbers are six and thirty-seven. Something must in justice be said once more about the apparent recklessness of some periodical publishers as to the sequence of volume numbers. “New series” are begun so frequently, and the series designations are so confusing, that it is only by the heroic method inaugurated by Dr. Poole that we can provide our- selves with the means of making direct and intelligible references to the volumes. iv. PREFACE. Dr. Poole's method, which has been adhered to in most cases, is to provide continu- ous running numbers for sets afflicted with the “series” difficulty, and to expect librarians to attach these numbers, as “Poole numbers,” to the volumes, for con- venience of reference. In the recent publication of the A. L. A. Indez to General Literature, there is fulfilled the hope expressed in the preface of Poole's Index, 1882, and of the first supplement, that such a work would soon be forthcoming. It is believed that this Index will prove only second in value and usefulness to “Poole” and its supple- ments, and that the same principle will yet be carried into other departments of literature. Especially for Scientific and technical serials is the demand for index- ing urgent and pressing. * The number of collaborators in the present supplement is sixty-three, two more than in the previous one. Of this number six have been added to the corps dur- ing the five years, and five have left the ranks for various reasons. Five years ago it appeared that only about one half of the indexing was done by the collabo- rators, the two editors doing the other half. This time the share of the editor is reduced to less than one third, owing to the systematic collaboration on the inter- vening temporary indexes. - The editor extends to all the collaborators his congratulations on the comple- tion of another five-year volume, and on the continued success of this coöperative method. ^\x. * &c. AMHERST COLLEGE º Washington's Birthday, 1893. 69% 7o 7I 75 i 76 77 79 82 | 83 | 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 95 96 97 98 99 IOO IOI IO2 IO3 IO4 IOS Ioé Io'7 Io8 Io9 IIO III II 2 II3 II.4. II #3 117 II8 II9 I2O I2 I I22 LIST OF CO-OPERATING LIBRARIES. —-º- -º- CONTRIBUTORS TO EDITION OF 1882, AND TO BOTH SUPPLEMENTS. Place. Berkeley, Cal. Boston, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Amherst, Mass.. New York, N. Y. . Philadelphia, Pa. Worcester, Mass. . Library. Contributor. J. C. Rowell . . . tº gº } J. D. Layman. . . . . C. A. Cutter . * † . . Miss Caroline M. Hewins John H. Barbour . . . William I. Fle',2her Reuben B. Poole John Edmands . Samuel S. Green UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . . ATHENAEUM LIBRARY . & Cº. ºº e LIBRARY ASSOCIATION . . . . . . TRINITY COLLEGE AMHERST COLLEGE . e s e s e e YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MERCANTILE LIBRARY . . . . PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . OTHER CONTRIBUTORS TO FIRST AND SECOND SUPPLEMENTS. Ann Arbor, Mich. . Baltimore, Md. . . Boston, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y. . . Cambridge, Mass. . Cambridge, Mass. . Chicago, Ill. . . Fremont, O. . . Hartford, Conn. Iowa City, Ia. Ithaca, N. Y. . Lafayette, Ind. . Brooklyn, N. Y. Lowell, Mass. Madison, Wis. . Middletown, Conn. New Haven, Conn. Milwaukee, Wis. . . New Brunswick, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. tº New Haven, Conn. New York, N. Y. . Chicago, Ill. . . . New York, N. Y. . Albany, N. Y. Paterson, N. J. . . Peoria, Ill. . . . . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . Providence, R. I. . Sacramento, Cal. . St. Louis, Mo. . . . South Hadley, Mass... Watertown, Mass.. ' Weymouth, Mass. . Williamstown, Mass. . NEW Amherst, Mass.. Annapolis, Md. . Boston, Mass. . Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brunswick, Me. . . Cambridge, Mass. . Chicago, Ill. . Chicago, Ill. . Chicago, Ill. . * e Detroit, Mich. . . . Grand Rapids, Mich.. Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn. . . Hartford, Conn. . Kansas City, Mo. . Lowell, Mace. . . Madiº on, N. J. . New H ºven, Conn. New Yo 'º, N. Y. . New Yor.j, N. Y. . Salem, M’ s. . Washington, T C. . Williamstow ..., Mass . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . . . . Raymond C. Davis. Johns HoPKINS UNIVERSITY . . . Herbert B. Adams . PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . Appleton P. C. Griffin. BUFFALO LIBRARY tº e º ºs HARVARD UNIVERSITY . . . . . HARVARD UNIVERSITY , PUBLIC LIBRARY . s ſº ſº e e BIRCHARD LIBRARY . . . . . . THEOLOGICAL SEM.INARY tº º e STATE UNIVERSITY . tº e º g CORNELL UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . . PRATT INSTITUTE º º ºs e ge } MIDDLESEX MECHANICS INSTITUTE . STATE LIBRARY tº tº º is © WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LIBRARY . tº º º º PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . . RUTGERS COLLEGE . . . . . . . . : Josephus N. Larned . Thomas J. Kiernan William C. Lane Frod. H. Hild . . . Rºtherford P. Hayes . Ernest C. Kichardson . Mrs. Ad: North. George Wm. Harris . Miss Eulora Miller. Miss Mary E. Sargent. . Isaac S. Bradley. . . . Willis K. Stetson Klas A. Linderfelt . Isaac E. Hasbrouck . . George L. Fox ºº{ .eºº{e } HOPKINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL ASTOR LIBRARY . NEWBERRY LIBRARY COLUMBIA COLLEGE. STATE LIBRARY PUBLIC LIBRARY . PUBLIC LIBRARY . PUBLIC LIBRARY . PUBLIC LIBRARY . e tº ſº tº º PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . MERCANTILE LIBRARY . G tº º º MT. HOLYOKE COLLEGE . . . . . PUBLIC LIBRARY . TUFTS LIBRARY WILLIAMS COLLEGE. * | C. Alexander Nelson . . | W. S. Biscoe . John F. Sargent . . . . Fred. J. Soldan . . . . John C. Sickley . . . . William E. Foster . . . Lauren C. Ripley John F. Davies . . . . Miss Mary O. Nutting . Solon F. Whitney tº Miss Caroline A. Blanchard Truman H. Safford CONTRIBUTORS TO SECOND SUPPLEMENT. AMHERST COLLEGE . tº Prof. John F. Genung. U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY . Arthur N. Brown . . . LIBRARY SOCIETY Miss Esther H. Whiton . PRATT INSTITUTE tº e º 'º º is Miss Mary W. Plummer. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Silas H. Berry . . . . YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Daniel S. Bursch . . . BOWDOIN COLLEGE . gº tº º e - George T. Little . . . . HARVARD UNIVERSITY . Charles K. Bolton . NEWBERRY LIBRARY Miss Edith E. Clarke . NEWBERRY LIBRARY . Miss Mary I. Crandall. NEWBERRY LIBRARY . . . . . . . Dr. George E. Wire . . PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . Henry M. Utley. . . . REFERENCE LIBRARY . . . . . . . . Mrs. Clara J. Denton . LIBRARY ASSOCIATION . THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY . TRINITY COLLEGE . . . . . . JPUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . . . . ls. IDDLESEX MECHANICS INSTITUTE DREW SEM.INARY . . . . . . Charles T. Martin . . . William C. Hawks . . . Frederick B. Cole . . . Mrs. Carrie W. Whitney. iss Abby L. Sargent. . . G. Ayres . . . . . YAL. COLLEGE . . . . . . orace Kephart. . . . ASTOR LIBRARY . . . . . . . . rank Weitenkampf COLUMEIA COLLEGE. . . . . George H. Baker . PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . . . Gardner M. Jones . W. C. Winlock . U. S. NAVAL OBSERVATOR * Charles H. Burr . . . WILLIAMS CoLLEGE g No. Vols. : 1. 46 2O 29 282 7 5 IO i I : wº Abbreviation. Acad. . . . Acad. (Syr.) . All the Year . Am. º tural. o © Am. §. Assoc. . And. R Ann. Äm. Acad. Poi. S # "...M. (N.Y.) Belgra. . Bib. Sac. Blackw. Br. Alma. Comp. © tº Brit. & For. Evang. R. . Cath. World . . . . Cent. ... " nk. M. (Lond.) -- ºpt. R. . e Bay State Mo. Number in Chronological Conspectus. 255 306 ; 26o 217 218 3O4 286 246 3I4 I7 I88 171 3I2 . I72 • 313 & #3 ci, 323 , 202 208 324 165 II 2 292 261 I31 325 IO4 85 245 298 I74 86 I3 235 254 I6o 263 ABBREVIATIONS, TITLES, AND IMPRINTS. The numbers in the last column are those given to the Librarian in the preceding list. TITLE, ACADEMY . ACADEMY . . . . . . ALL THE YEAR ROUND . AMERICAN . . . . . . . AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN . AMERICAN ARCHITECT • 6 e º s AMERICAN CATHOLIC QUARTERLY . . . . . . . . AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. PUBLICATIONS . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY tº tº a AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY / . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE e G [AMERICAN] Journal OF SOCIAL SCIENCE . AMERICAN LAWAREVIEW AMERICAN MAGAZINE. & O AMERICAN NATURALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. PUBLICATIONS ANDOVER REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —-- ANNALS of THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE Journal of THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE © e º e º e º º ANTIQUARY [NEW SERIES] . g e º º º ARENA . . . . . . . . ARGOSY . e ART JOURNAL ASIATIC REVIEW ATHENAEUM e e - ATLANTIC MONTHLY . . • e º e s AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BANKERS’ MAGAZINE . * - BANKERS’ MAGAZINE . BAPTIST REVIEW BAY STATE MONTHLY BELGRAVIA. • e & BIBLIOTHECA SACRA BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE • e e & BRITISH ALMANAC COMPANION . . . . . . BRITISH AND FOREIGN EVANGELICAL REVIEW CATHOLIC WORLD . tº g c tº * * * * CENTURY e Published. London . Syracuse, N. Y. . London . . Philadelphia . Chicago . - Boston . . . Philadelphia . Philadelphia . Baltimore . Baltimore . Worcester, Mass. New Haven New York . Boston . Brooklyn, N. Y. . Philadelphia . Boston . Boston ...— . Philadelphia . London . London . Boston . London . London . London . London . Boston . Boston . New York . London . . New York . Boston . London . . Oberlin, O.. Edinburgh . London . London . . New York . New York . Dates. 1887–91 ; : 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 ::::::: I887–91 #3; 1887–91 1888–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 º: Iöö7–91 #3; 7–91 Iö90–91 1887–91 ... Iö90–91 §3. 1887–91 1887–90 1887–91 1887–91 1889–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1884–85 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–88 1887–91 1887–91 Number of Volumes. Indexed by. IO . IO4 6 IO 21, 61 9 . 89 I i 5 9 I (in part) . 67, 75 2 I 66, I 12 2 I 2 I 2I 2I 61 6, 21, 86 106 21, II8 76 8 2 I, 9 38, 63 . Io9 • 2 I I ić13 , 2I . Io9 54 7o . 2 I . IoS 71 83 I I : 5. k : ; Chamb. J. . Chaut. . . Chris. Q. . Church Q. . . Church R. . . Cong. R. Contemp. . . Cornh. . . . Cosmopol. . § ch) tº 12. & J & Dub. º 42 Ecl. M. g º º Econ. J. . Ed. R. . . . . Educa. . . . . Educa. R. . . . Engin, M. . . . Eng. Hist. R. . . Eng. Illust. . . Fortn. . . . . Forum . tº º Gent. M. m. s. . Good Words . . Granite Mo. . Green Bag. Harper . g Harv. Mo... . Int, J. Ethics. Irish Mo. . . .# Univ. Studies. . Bib. Lit. . . . Frankl. Inst. . ū Hel, Stude. . Soc. Arts . . . Spec. Philos. . . Statis. Soc. nowl. . . . Leis. Hour Lend a H. . • Lib. J. . . Lippinc. . . . Lit. W. (Bost.) . Liv. Age . . . Lond. Q. . . Lond. Soc. , Longm. . . . Luth. Q. . . Macmil, . . . 89 264 256 III 205 I66 138 265 22O 4 90 329 232 334 290 279 I61 # 257 I40 CHAMBERS’ Journal . . . . . . . . . . . CHAUTAUQUAN . . . . . . . CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEw. CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEw CHURCH REVIEW g is ſº CoNGREGATIONAL REVIEW . gº o e º ºs º º tº tº G & E tº € $ CONTEMPORARY REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORN HILL MAGAZINE . COSMOPOLITAN CRITIC DIAL . tº tº DUBLIN REVIEw. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE . EconoMIC Journ AL EDINBURGH REVIEW . . EDUCATION . . . . . EDUCATIONAL REVIEW . ENGINEERING MAGAZINE ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW g ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE . FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW e tº FoRUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENTLEMAN's MAGAZINE [NEW SERIES] . GOOD WORDs . . . . . . . . . . . GRANITE MonTHLY GREEN BAG e - © tº º HARPER’s MonTHLY MAGAZINE . HARVARD Month LY . . . . . . . INTERNATIONAL Journal OF ETHICS IRISH MONTHLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johns Hopkins UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE }; OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE . . * * * e º ºs e º e OURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE . Journal of HELLENIC STUDIES Journal of THE SocIETY OF ARTS * Journal of SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY . Journal of THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY . KNOWLEDGE . . . . . .-- . . . . LEISURE HOUR . º LEND A HAND * -- * – º ––3–4–1-º-º--º-º-º-º-º-º-º- LIBRARY JOURNAL . e y—" " . . . . . . LIPPINCOTT's MAGAZINE. tº º º LITERARY WORLD . . LITTELL’s LIVING AGE . LoNDoN QUARTERLY REview LONDON SOCIETY tº ſº ſº LONGMAN's MAGAZINE . . . . LUTHERAN QUARTERLY REVIE MACMILLAN's MAGAZINE Edinburgh . New York . . Columbia, Mo. London . New York, etc. * London . London . London . New York . New York . Chicago . . Dublin . New York . London . . Edinburgh . Boston . . . . New York . New York . London . London . London . New York . London . London . . . . Concord, N. H. . Boston . * * New York . . . Cambridge, Mass. Philadelphia . Dublin . . Baltimore . Boston . . . Philadelphia . London . . . . London . New York . London . London . London . Boston . New York . . Philadelphia . Boston . Boston . London . London . London . tº dº Gettysburg, Pa. . London . . . . 1887–91 §3. 1887–89 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 #3. I I ; : 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 #. I887–91 1887–91 1891 1891 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–90 1889–91 1887–91 1887–91 1890–91 1887–91 1887–91 1881–91 1887–91 1880–89 1852–91 1887–90 1887–91 1885–91 §3. I8 I º; 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 ;3. I887–90 ; : 1887–91 1887–91 Io& 169 ... I 16 , IOO, I I4 95 2I, IIS 2 I , IOI 21, 60 2 I 55 2I 54 2I 2I 2I 2I 2I 2I 71 I9 90 87 2I I9 66, 112 . - 58 W Abbreviation, M. Am. Hist. . . M. Chr. Lit. . M. West. Hist . Meliora . . . . Meth. R. . . Mind . . . Monist . Month . Murray. e Narrag. Reg. . Nation . g Nat, Geog. M. National Nature . N. Eng. . . . New Eng. M.. N. E. Reg. N. Princ. . New R. . 19th Cent. . No. Am. . Our Day . Outing . Overland, n. s. Pedagog. Sem. Pennsyl. M. Poet-Lore . Pol. Sci. Q. Pop. Sci, Mo. Portfo. . . . Presb. R. . . . Presb. & Ref. R. Pub. Opin. Q. J. Econ. Quar. . Ref. Q. . . Reliquary . R. of Rs. . . . Roy. Hist. Soc. . Sat. R. . . . . Science . . Scot. R. . Scrib. M. Sid. Mess, . So. Hist. Pap. Spec. . . . Number in Chronological Conspectus, 22I 317 . 285 . 295 78 2I9 331 . I 57 . 3O8 . 275 . I63 318 276 194 .82 299 Ioë 293 3I9 222 I 2 ; 186 332 22 32ö . 289 . 2O6 . I97 23I 327 3O2 3O3 6 228 I46 322 238 252 277 274 309 27o 22O 253 TITLE. MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY . . MAGAZINE OF CHRISTIAN LITERATURE MAGAZINE OF WESTERN HISTORY . MELIORA & º º ſº METHODIST REVIEW . MIND . tº e º e º a MONIST . . . . . . . . MONTH . MURRAY'S MAGAZINE . tº ºs e a s NARRAGANSETT HISTORICAL REGISTER . NATION . * 6 tº s º e º a tº a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. NATIONAL REVIEW tº e tº NATURE . . . . . . . . . NEW ENGLANDER . & ſº NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE . tº ſº tº e º 'º e e º 'º e NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER NEW PRINCETON REVIEW . * e º 'º e º 'º e tº a NEW REVIEW . . . . . . NINETEENTH CENTURY . NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW OUR DAY . tº e º OUTING . tº º tº º e º ſº tº º OVERLAND MONTHLY [NEW SERIES] PEDAGOGICAL SEMINARY tº e º e º 'º e º e º º PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY POET-LORE . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e º ſe tº POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY . PORTFOLIO. tº e > PRESBYTERIAN REVIEw . tº e º s & PRESBYTERIAN AND REFORMED REVIEW . PUBLIC OPINION e º ºs e e º 'º º QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS . QUARTERLY REVIEW . . . . . . . REFORMED QUARTERLY REVIEW RELIQUARY . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF REVIEW tº tº e º # tº º ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS SATURDAY REVIEw . tº a ſº g tº a SCIENCE. . . . . . SCOTTISH REVIEW . e SCRIBNER's MAGAZINE . SIDEREAL MESSENGER tº & tº ſº ſº tº SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY PAPERS SPECTATOR . . . . . . jº e º 'º º --- ſ Published. New York . New York . New York . London . . New York . London . Chicago. London . London . Hamilton, R. i. New York . Washington London . London . New Haven Boston . Boston gº New York . London . London New York . Boston . New York . San Francisco Worcester . Philadelphia . Boston . New York . New York . London . New York New York . New York . Boston . London . . . Philadelphia . London . New York . London . London . New York . Paisley . New York . Northfield, Minn : Richmond . London . . . Dates. 1887–91 1889–91 1887–91 1858–69 1887–91 1887–91 1891 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 IS87–91 1889–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1886–91 1887–91 I887–88 I8 I 1887–91 1887–91 1888–91 1887–91 1887–91 1891 1887–91 1890–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–89 1890–91 1887–91 1886–91 1887–91 1887-5 1887–91 1889–91 1889 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 1887–91 ) çºu^ §|‘uoļeņoºdŞ|(8 3 3 3 № CN }|‘AA04A3YI KepințeS|QË N8 & 9. §, OY §|‘ueoĻ19uuy§ § € 3 § UO §|‘Á3oſo[qÆ yo ſeu Inof uſeoț19ulyco on 2 E S uº) §|“Aaa! AºYI Įsņdeg|on 9 5. §§ CN §|‘ÁIų guo JN 24ſuerſ)|9 E S§2| O } |*9.Iļē9ųJ,|@ § § § § %,*suoņu<+ (N.-OesueIJL ÁļºſooS ſeoſ ſoļsſH ſeſſoſ# { UO §|‘uno H Qumsſºº I'$2, $ $2, $& u^)•IN OO ON► §|uoqueđuoo oeueuĮy qsņſg | ģo čă șó8..ON !N, OO ON O -, CO CO CO ON ON CXO CXO CXO CXO CO ! 4ſ),! 4•;► CHRONOLOGICAL CONSFECTUS. CHRONOLOGICAL CoNSPECTUS. — Continued. &|'AA94A9N uoļ90uſuáI AA9N| <+ un vo ~ ©N 5.|’uun IO ȘI|co un ~ o) - CN Oș §|‘AA94A3}{ \epſ Ioſsy H qsſºuȚIºg trò <+ UO*23pæIAAouXI- - - - - «NCN r<, oo ON O → OO38CO ON ON OOOO OO OO |×��•!►{); CHRONOLOGICAL CONSPECT US. SETS NOW FIRST INDEXED. ·(ºsnoe).A.S) Kuºpeov |ºuĮzeãeſ, ue01 13uyOO *Kuouooſ ſeoņųoàĮ uț suoņeºſºgºſ ºro v roco O -qna ‘equealÃsuu3&I JO ÁļļS-10Aļu (n.z -f|× |* 1944 IAAſ- en tr> <+ un |•9uyze3eJN S, 19uqĻIOS}<\ C\ -- !=* ►ſ (N)co + voº, 299 |300|3OI |302|303 ||3O4|305|306|307|308.309|3|IO 31I |312 ºpueH e pu3'I\O ºueų ſodousoo- to un son - *Áſqquoſ\!«N C- Tropical, Development under British Auspices. (H. H. Johnston) Fortn. 54: 687. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 722. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 19. — — Drummond's. Spec. 61 : 379. — Cong. R. 2: 777. — The Unknown Horn of. Dub. R. Ioa: 427. – West, British Administration in. (F. Buxton) Fortn. 56: 896. — — British Settlements in. Arts, 2I: 436. — — Crouch on. Spec. 63: 695. — — Customs of. All the Year, 62: 256. + – English Possessions in. (H. R. F. Bourne) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 379. — — Mission Work in. 536. +– Portuguese Colonies of. Arts, 32: 231. *— — U. S. Expedition to, 1890. (D. P. Todd) Nature, 4I: 8. — (C. Abbe) Nature, 43: 563. – West Coast. Bosman's Account of Fida in 1690. Cornh. 61: 252. – Wissmann's Expedition across. Science, Io: 270. African Civilization and the Cotton Trade. Meliora, 5: 33. (E. L. Godkin) (J. Molyneux) Month, 67: (P. Hennessy) J. Soc. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I2: (H. H. Johnston) J. Soc. 5 AGNOSTICISM African Companies. (W. L. Cameron) National, 15: 464. " African Explorers, Recollections of. (D. Ker) Leis. Hour, 39: 259. African Languages, Onomatopoeia in S. Western. T. Peck) Am. J. Philol. 7: 489. African Myths and Legends. (H. Chatelaine) Chaut. I3 : 614. (H. African River and Lake Systems. (T. Stevens) Scrib. 8: 335. Afshahs; Amongst the Cage-Dwellers. Murray, Io; 348. After the Calm. Chamb. J. 64: 8on. After-Dinner Story, An. (H. G. Brengle) Harv. Mo. 3: I 57. After the Ironsides on a Tricycle. Nation, 44; 31 I, 336. After Many Days. Macmil. 58: 151. After the Play. (H. James) New R. I : 30. After Twenty Years; a story. (A. M. Trotter) Argosy, 5 I: I56. After the War. (J. G. Perkins) Cent. I3: 184. After Winter; a poem. Cornh. 57: 271. After the Winter Rain in California. (C. Whitney) Overland, n. s. I5: 225. Afterthoughts. Cornh. 61: 161. I84: 627. Against his Judgment. Agassiz, Louis, and Evolution. Mo. 32: 17. (J. T. Bent) (J. K. Hosmer) Same art. Liv. Age, (R. Grant) Lippinc. 44: 831. (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. — Student Life of. (F. Trendly) Educa. 9: 595. Agassiz Association. (H. H. Ballard) Science, I3: 5. – History of. (H. H. Ballard) Science, 9: 93. Agates, Oberstein. (S. Weisse) Blackw. I48: 75. Agatha's Coat of Arms. (F. E. Weld) Harper, 79: 231. Agawame Plantation, The. (W. P. Bliss) N. E. Reg. 4I : I94. ‘Age, Conduct of. Spec. 60: 285. Same art. Ecl. M. Io8: 407. — Does it harden 2 Spec. 60: 42. – Inexpressiveness of. Spec. 63: 171. — Old, and the Poets. (H. S. Pancoast) Poet-Lore, 3: 57. — — Humphry on. Nature, 41: 484. — — Intellectual Effects of. Spec. 63: 920. — — Modern. Sat. R. 71 : 4. - Age of Words. (E. J. Phelps) Scrib. M. 6: 760. Aged, The, and their Claims. (G. H. Pike) Sunday M. 20: 847. “Aged Pilgrims' Asylum,” London. (Mrs. C. Garnett) Sunday M. 18: 306. Agency, Determination of am. Law R. 23: 732. Agent, Liability of an Undisclosed Principal for Goo s purchased by. (J. W. Beaumont) Am, Law R. 23: 565. º Agesilaus. (T. D. Seymoğ) Chaut. 9: 385. - Agitators and Demagogues. (M. Roberts) Murray, 7: 673. Agnostic and Gnostic. I6: I. O — The Term. Unita. R. 33: 46. — Why am I an? (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I49: 741. I5o: 330. Agnostics, Plain Words with. World, 53: 368. Agnostic Expositions – Huxley and Wace. Tymms) Contemp. 55; 693. Agnosticism. (T. H. Huxley; H. Wace; H. W. Lucy) 19th Cent. 25: 169, 351, 481, 7oo, 937. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 75o. 35: 64, 163, 327, 447. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 433, 685, 721, 815. II3: 63. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I: 98-389. — Westm. I32: 148. — (J. Douglas) Meth. R. 5o: 399. (A. F. Hewitt) Am. Cath. Q. (C. W. Currier) Cath. (T. v. (J. D. Lawson). Am..., ~~ $ e; *-* AGNOSTICISM Agnosticism, Abbot's Way out of. (A. B. McMahan) Dial (Ch.) II: 36. — (J. Royce) Int. J. Ethics, I: 98. — Affirmative Side of. (J. A. Skilton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 217. – and the Higher Life. (J. L. Davies) Fortn. 49: 124. – Ardent. Spec. 61: 299. — Cowardly. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 51: 529. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 225. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 737. — Darwin and. (F. W. H. Myers) Fortn. 49: 99. — Forms of. (J. F. Dutton) Unita. R. 34: 138. * – Future of. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 51: 144. — Gnostic. Spec. 9o: 858. — Huxley and. (A. K. Cherrill) Theol. Mo. 6: 289. – Irrational. (C. Caverno) And. R. I3: 477. — Morison's Service of Man. (V. Paget) Acad. 31: 86. — Ath. '87, I: 153. – Spec. 6o: 105. — of Herbert Spencer. (W. Barry) Dub. R. Io2: 381. — Philosophical Basis of. (L. Hall) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 17. — Religious Possibilities of. 28: 2O4. — Roman Catholics on. Spec. 6I: 1501. — Service of Man and Christianity. Church Q. 25: 257. — a Step forward. (A. A. Pfanstiehl) Ref. Q. 35: 241. Agon of the Old Comedy. (M. W. Humphreys) Am. J. Philol. 8: 179. Agony Column, The. All the Year, 63: 274. Agricultural Department proposed in Great Britain. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 25: 572. Agricultural Depression and Waste of Time. Jordan) Forum, I2: 238. Agricultural Education. (C. M. Aikman) Blackw. 148: 195. — (J. K. Reeve) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 216. — (R. Wallace) National, II: 192. — (J. C. Morton) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 630. — and Dairy Instruction. (J. Wrightson) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 464. — in Italy and in Prussia. Nature, 38: 138. — What is Technical Instructionin. (T. Innis) Blackw. I43: 777. Agricultural Experiment Stations, Our. sons) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 348. — The What and Why of. Science, I5: 96. - Agricultural Laborers, English; Hodge. (J. J. Davies) Westm. I36: 298. — — Revolt of. (G. Morley) National, I7: 390. — Kebbel on. Spec. 60: 1393. Agricultural Life, Growing Disaffection towards. H. Peters) Q. J. Econ. 4: 18. Agricultural Machinery, Recent Improvements in. (D. Pidgeon) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 3.17. Agricultural Population of England, Condition of. Meliora, I: 201. Agricultural Problem, The, as a Whole. National, I7: 379. Agricultural Produce, Proposed Transportation by Post. (H. P. Dunster) 19th Cent. 25: 894. Agricultural Progress, Helps and Hindrances of. (J. C. Morton) J. Soc. Arts, 12: 54. Agricultural Science, Progress in. (M. Miles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 491. — Technical. (P. H. Rew) National, 16: 545. Agricultural Terms, Antiquity of Familiar. Fraser, Ioff: 458. Agriculture and Banking, Condition of, 1886. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 205. — and the Domestic Industries. 19th Cent. 24: 513. — and Prices in England, Rogers' History of. (J. S. Nicholson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 167. – Spec. 62: 240. — Ath. '88, I: 596. — Nation, 46: 370. (H. D. Maxon) Unita. R. (D. S. (C. L. Par- (A. (C. Reade) (Prince Krapotkin) 6 AINU Agriculture and Single Tax. (H. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 481. - — and the State in India. Arts, 38: 4II. – as an Occupation for Women in California. Over- land, n. S. 9: 652. — as a Profession. (J. K. Reeve) Harper, 78: 944. – British. (J. J. Mechi) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 65. 3: 49. (W. R. Robertson) J. Soc. — — I loo-1300. Sat. R. 71 : 299. – Coöperation in. (J. K. Reeve) New Eng. M. m. s. 3 : I.22. – Field Experiments. (J. Wrightson).J. Soc. Arts, 23: 484. — Forces used in. (J. C. Morton) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 53. — Forty Years' Experience in. (J. C. Morton) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 526. — Future of. (C. S. Plumb) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 311. – Improvements in, for Increasing Population. (Prince Krapotkin) 19th Cent. 23: 817. — — and Cheap American Railroad Rates. (J. S. Jeans) 19th Cent. 28: 392. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: 577. – in Australia. Sat. R. 72: I 19. – in England, and Increased Production. Mott) National, I2: 545. — — Decay of. (W. J. Harris) National, Io: 297. — (H. Jones) National, I5: 203, 583. — — English Farms and the Price of Food. (A. J. Mott) National, Io: 529. — in France. (F. R. de La Trehonnais) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 276. — — History of, Prothero's. — — Progress of, 1840–55. Arts, 4: 271. — — Revival of. (H. de B. Gibbins) Westm. I3o: 718. — — Twenty Years' Movements in. Blackw. I44: 864. — — and in Italy. Meliora, 6: 127. — in India. (R. Wallace) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 366. — (W. R. Robertson) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 562. – in Lower Bengal. (W. S. Seton-Karr) J. Soc. Arts, (A. J. Ath. '88, I: 822. (C. W. Hoskyns) J. Soc. 3I : 419. – in Southern India. (W. R. Robertson) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 586. — in the U.S., Condition of. (M. Miles) Chaut. II: 558. — — Hopeful Future of. (E. Wiman) No. Am. I53: 13. — — Importance of. (J. M. Rusk) No. Am. I52: 423. — New England. (J. B. Walker) N. Eng. 47: 233. – Possibilities of. (Prince Kropotkin) Forum, 9: 615. — Probabilities of. (C. W. Davis) Forum, Io: 291. — Progress in, Lines of. (M. Miles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 352. — Progress of, and Decline of small Farming. Westm. I32 : 492. — Revival of. (C. Gordon) Nation, 49: 498. Ahasuerus, The Palace of. (M. Dieulafoy) Bib. Sac. 46: 626. Ahlborn, Leah; with portrait. (E. J. D. Wright) Leis. Hour, 40: 457. Ahmed Vefik Pasha. Ath. '91, I: 796. Aiguesmortes. (C. Dunning) Cath. W. 46: 12. - Aiguille du Dru, A Day and a Night on. (T. A. Nash Temp. Bar, 88: 497. Ainsworth, L. Granite Mo. I3: III. Ainu of Zezo, Study of the. (J. K. Goodrich) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 2Oo. Ainu Burial Customs. Ainu Family-Life and Religion. Sci. Mo. 34: 81. Ainu Houses and their Furnishing. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 497. Ainu Hymns. (J. O’Neill) Acad. 34: 305. Ainu Language. (F. W. Dickins) Acad. 32: 91. Nature, 38: 331. (J. K. Goodrich) Pop. (J. K. Goodrich) AINU Ainu Ornaments. Art. J. 40: 285. Air, Compressed, Transmission of Power by. Nature, 35: 275. — — — Proell's System. Am. Arch. 30: 73. — Currents of, Movement of Upper. (H. A. Hazen) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 45. - — Impurity of. (F. Vacher) Am. Arch. 22: 294. — in Large Towns, Injurious Effects of. (W. Thom- son) J. Soc. Arts, 27; 363. – Pure; Breathe it. (J. W. Quinby) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4O: I92. — we Breathe. (N. Wager and A. Herbert) Con- temp. 59: 852. Aird, John, Art Collection of. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: I35. Airy Nothing. Blackw. I45: 514. Aissé, Mad'lle. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 48: 818. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 229. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 181. Aix, Archbishop of, Persecution of. Spec. 67: 753. Akkas, The; Pygmy Race of Central Africa. Nature, 37: 395. “Alabama’’ and the “Kearsarge,” Fight between. (C. C. Walker) Spec. 65: 83. — Sinking of. (C. W. Ruschenberger) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 462. Alabama Courtship, An. 9: 571–713. Alabama State Troops. I38. Alarcon, Don Pedro Antonio de, List of Works of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 263. Alaric and Attila. (F. W. Farrar) Sund. M. I8: 490. Alas! a Story. (R. Broughton) Temp. Bar, v. 88–90. Alaska. (W. G. Williams) Chaut. 7: 602. – (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. 5: 364. – Church R. 49: 547. — Aborigines of ; New Race Problem. (J. H. Keat- ley) Atlan. 66: 207. — Arctic. (W. L. Howard) Pop. Sei. Mo. 33: 376. — as a Field for Sport. (H. W. Seton-Karr) Fortn. 47: (F. J. Stimson) Scrib. M. (L. G. Leefe) Outing, I6: 61, 394. — Bancroft's History of. New Princ. 3: 133. — Education in. (S. Jackson) Lend a H. I : 4oo. — Elliot's. Sat. R. 63; 27. — Fly-Fishing in. (W. T. Emmet) Outing, I6: 68. — Fur Trade of. (C. Hallock). New Eng. M. 4; 344. — Glaciers of. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. 7: 74. — Gold Fields of. (J. H. Keatley) Arena, I: 730. — Making of History in. (C. Hallock) M. Am. Hist. I7; 336. — Our Ignorance of. (Kate Field) No. Am. I49: 78. — Our Outlying Province. (T. B. Heed) No. Am. I46: 86. — Peoples of. Chamb. J. 65: 70. — School Teachers for, A Cargo of. Chaut. 8: 490. — Shores and Alps of, Karr on. (Ch.) 8: 91. – Week in. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 45: 230. Alaskan Society of Sitka. Science, Io: 28o. Alban Hills, Among the. Tinsley, 42: 128. Albania, Blood-Vengeance and Pardon in. (J. Okie) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 529. — Chamb. J. 66; 310. — Brown's. Ath. '88, 2: 512. Albanian Mountains, In the. Chamb. J. 66: 518. Albany and Buffalo, Early Transportation between. (A. G. Hopkins) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 302. — Capitol at, Report on Assembly Chamber. Am. Arch. 23: 270. — Cathedral of All Saints. Church R. 50: 687. — Law School. (I. Browne) Green Bag, 2: 153. Albatross, The, and the Frigate-Bird, Spec. 60: 764, (R. Abbay) 797, 829, (Duke of Argyll) 862. (S. Jackson) (G. C. Noyes) Dial 7 ALDEN Albatross, Flight of the. Spec. 6o: 895, 958, 990. Albee, John, Seaside Home of. (C. B. Todd) Lit. W. (Bost.) I8; 8. Albemarle, Confederate Ram. Cent. I4; 420. — Destruction of. Albemarle, G. Monk, Duke of. (G. Elliott and others) (D. D. Porter) No. Am. I53: 296. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 37: 347. Alberoni and the Princess des Ursins. (E. Armstrong) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 760. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. (W. T. Stead.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 25. — Gambling of. And. R. 16: 68. — Personality of. (F. A. Burr) Lippinc. 47: 644. — Public Life of. Quar. I68: 281. — Sat. R. 67: 570. – Speeches and Addresses of. Blackw. I45: 421. Albert Miller's Legacy; a story. Meliora, Io; 163. Albert University, Proposed. (W. T. T. Dyer and others) Nature, 44; 196, 248. Albert Victor in Travancore. 62: 71. Albertinelli, Mariotto. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 347. Albery, James. Acad. 36: 125. Albigenses, In the Country of the. Temp. Bar, 93: 533. Albuhera, Colors of the Buffs at. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 159. Albumen, Vegetable and Animal. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 54I. Alcalde of the Sierra Negra, The. Macmil. 58: 126. Alchemist's, Gold. (A. de Rochas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 814. Alchemy. (R. C. Kedzie) Science, I8: II.3. — Modern. Spec. 66; 751. Alcobaça and Batalha. (A. S. Crowninshield) Cosmop. I2: I 9. Alcock, Henry, of Upper Canada. West. Hist. 5: 747. Alcock, John. (W. Irwin) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 697. Alcohol, Action and Uses of. (B. W. Richardson) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 121-231. — Action of, New Discoveries on. Meliora, 4: 34. - and Alcoholism. (E. Fournier de Flaix) Scot. R. Io: 322. – as Food. (E. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 9: I 19. — Consumption of, in Various Countries. (E. Yvernès) J. Statis. Soc. 53: I 13. — Effects of Moderate Drinking. (G. Harley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 184. — Idiosyncrasies of. (W. S. Searle) No. Am. I48: 494. — in High Latitudes. (A. W. Greely) Forum, 3: 613. — in Medicine. (A. G. Bartley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 86. – Is it Food or Physic? Meliora, 4: 345. 5: 21, 367. Alcohol Habit, Increase of. (E. C. Spitzka) Forum, 6: IOI. Alcott, A. Bronson. (E. C. Towne) No. Am. I47: 345. — Nation, 46; 193. – (W. Lewin) Acad. 33: 205. — and Louisa May. (M. D. Conway) Ath. '88, 1: 372. — Critic, 12: I 18, 129. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 88. – Effect on his Friends. (A. N. Meyer) Critic, 12: I49. Alcott, Louisa May. (W. Lewin) Acad. 33: 206. 37: 55. — Atlan. 65: 420. – (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 82. — (H. P. Spofford) Chaut. 9: 160. — (L. C. Lillie) Cosmopol. 5: 156. — (J. Lazarus) Cent. 20: 59. — Birthplace of. Critic, 18: 22. — Life of. Ath. '89, 2 : 632. *º- Nation, 49; 416. *Eº Spec. 63: 692. — Blackw. I46: 868. — (J. Habber- ton) Cosmopol. 8: 254. Alden, H. M. God in his World. Atlan. 65: 847. (J. D. Rees) Macmil. (E. H. Barker) (R. Holden) Un. (W. Bernhardt) (W. F. Hubbard) (D. B. Read) M. ALDINE Aldine Club, The. Critic, 15: 33. — Opening, 1890. Critic, I6: 96. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Poems. (F. D. Sherman) Cent. 20: 659. — (G. Cotterell) Acad. 39: 410. – Poetry of. (C. H. Luders) Amer. Ig: 127. — Sisters' Tragedy. Atlan. 67: 402. Ale, Marchant's In Praise of. Sat. R. 65: 478, Aleppo to Skanderoon. Eel. M. II5: 519. Aleutian Islands; Fur-Seal and the Seal Islands, Jackson) Chaut. I4; 317. Alexander the Great, Deification of. Eng. Hist. R. 2: 317. – Portraiture of. (A. Emerson) Am. J. Archaeol. 2: 408. — The Secret of. Spec. 61: 330. Alexander II., Czar, Assassination of. (J. E. Mud- dock) Gent. M. m. s. 40; 19. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 301. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 354. Alexander III., Czar, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: (S. (D, G, Hogarth) I72. — The Attempt to Kill, Spec. 60: 376. —Sat. R. 63: 389. — Moods of. Spec. 60: 9, Alexander of Battenberg, Prince of Bulgaria. Sat. R. 64: 93. — Deposition, Return, and Abdication of. Pub. Opin. I: 384, 405, 421. – Spec. 60: 961. — Marriage of. Spec. 62: 295. Alexander, Andrew Jonathan, Wilson's Life of. Spec. 61: 1360. Alexander, Frances. (W. J. Stillman) Critic, 12: .301. Alexander, Wm., Bp. of Derry. Irish Mo. 17: 323. — Poems. Spec. 60: 45. — (H. B. Garrod) Acad. 31: 36. Alexander, W. Lindsay. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 266. Alexandria, Christian Platonism of. (C. K. Nelson) Church R. 49: 635. — Library of. (I. Taylor) Lib. J. I5: 16. — — Burning of. (M. MacColl) Spec. 61: 749, 851. Alexandrian Age. Ecl. M. roë; 344. Alexandrian School. Church Q. 25; 318. Alexandrian Sources of Theology. Unita. R. 31: 444. Alexis, Grand Duke, of Russia, with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 535. Alfalfa Farming at the Foot of the Rocky Mountains. (J. B. Walker) Cosmopol. 12: 85. Alfonso XIII., King of Spain, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 235. Alfred the Great Blackw. I42: 535. Alfred Casby. (A. Herbert) Argosy, 45: 209. Algae, Our Fresh-Water. (E. S. Burgess) Am. Natural, 22: 669. — Recent Works on. 25O. See also Seaweed. Algebra, Evolution of. (E. W. Hyde) Science, 18; 183. — Should it precede Geometry P. (C. T. R. Smith) Acad. (Syr.) I: 253. • A — Teaching of. (G. W. Evans) Educa. 9: 334, 384. — Science, 9: 569. — — to Beginners. (J. F. Casey) Educa. 9: 172, 247. Algebraic Problems, Solution of. (J. H. Cone) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 499. Algeria, as it is. (P. L. Sclater) Leis. Hour, 38: 666. — Conquest of. Ed. R. I'70: 328. I7I: 39. — Hills of, Geology and Natural History of. (J. E. Taylor) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 228. — — Life in. (J. E. Taylor) Liv. Age, Igr: I65. — — Rambles in. (J. E. Taylor) Gent. M. n. S. 46: IoI. 47: 164,472. — Mission of, Catholic. 6o: 213, 363. —Notes on. (E. G. Parry) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 585. (M. P. Merrifield) Nature, 39: (H. Gibson) Month, 59: 579. 8 ALLOTROPIC Algeria, Progress in. Dub. R. Io9: 429. — Roman Ruins in. Am. Arch. 26: II. Algiers. (C. R. Black) Good Words, 32: 744. – City of Dreams. Spec. 67: 560. — Guide to. Sat. R. 71 : 54. – People of. (F. C. W. Barbour) Chaut. Io: 434. — Winter ir. Cornh. 57; 362. — (F. A. Bridgman) Harper, 76: 653, 845. Algol's Dark Companion. 32: 555 Algonquin Beach, Deformation of. Am. J. Sci. I4I: 12. Algonkin Indians, Eastern, Language of. Prince) Am. J. Philol. 9: 310. Alhambra Palace. Art J. 43: 71. Alice, Princess, as a Philanthropist. day M. 16: 730. Alice in Wonderland on the Stage. Theatre, I8: 179. Aliens, Government by. (A. C. Coxe) Forum, 7: 597) Aligunr, Mohammedan College at. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: 531. Alkali Lakes, American, Analyses of Waters of. M. Chatard) Am. J. Sci. I36: 146. Alkaloids, The Animal. Chamb. J. 65: 395. All Hallow E'en; a story. All the Year, 60: 347, 371. All he knew. (J. Habberton) Lippine. 44; 745. “All hot l” Sunday M. 20: 259. All is fair in Love; a story. (R. Shindler) Belgra. 67: 4I 7. All one Family. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. I6: 133. All Souls’ Day. Sat. R. 65: II. All through an Eye-Glass. Un. Serv. M. I. ('87): 152. Allan Quatermain. (H. R. Haggard) Longm. 9: 225– (Wm. Canton) Good Words, (J. W. Spencer) (J. D. (G. H. Pike) Sun- (C. L. Dodgson) (T. 56I. Io: I-337. Alleghany City. Carnegie Free Library. Critic, I6: Io8. Am. Arch. 21: 80. (D. — — W. S. Fraser's Design for. Alleghany County Bar Association, Address to. Agnew) Pennsyl. M. I3: 1. Alleghany Mountains, Life in. Liv. Age, I72: Io4. Allegorical Books, About some. All the Year, 6.5: 395. Allen, Andrew. (C. P. Keith) Pennsyl. M. Io: 361. Allen, Ethan, Language of, at Ticonderoga. (W. C. Todd) N. E. Reg. 44; 17 I. — Negotiations with the British after the Revolution. (B. Fernow) Pennsyl. M. II: 160. Allen, Grant, an Evolutionary Theorist. Month, 64: 346. Allen, James Lane. (J. W. Fox, jr.) Writer, 5: 135. Allen, James Lane, of Chicago. Critic, I3: 155. Aſlen, John, Archdeacon, Grier's Life of. Ath. '89, I : I IO. Allertons of New England and Virginia. wood) N. E. Reg. 44; 290. Allibone, Samuel Austin. Ath. '89, 2: 385. – With portrait. (S. D. McConnell) Pennsyl. M. 15: 129. Alligator Shooting in Florida. (J. M. Murphy) Outing, I5: 213, 299. Alligators and Crocodiles. 206. Allin, Rev. John. (W. F. Allen) N. E. Reg. 41: 68. 42: 267. Allingham, Mrs. Helen. (L. Dyer) Art. J. 49; 198. Allingham, William. Ath. '89, 2: 708. – Acad. 36: 355. — Flower Pieces. Ath. '89, I: 623. Allison, William B. No. Am. I46; 686. Allotments for the Poor. (Earl Fortescue) 19th Cent. (J. Gerard) (I. J. Green- (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I4: 23: 394. — The Truth about. (H. Evershed) National, Io; 25. Allotropic Forms of Silver. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I37: 476. ALLOTROPIC Allotropic Forms of Silver, Properties of. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I38: 237. — Ring Systems and other Curve Systems produced on, by Iodine. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I38: 24.I. Alloys. (W. C. Robertson) J. Soc. Arts, 36: III I-II37. – New, and their Engineering Applications. (F. L. Garrison) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 434. I32: 54–223. — Use of, in Art Metal-Work. (W. C. Roberts-Aus- ten) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 690. Same art. Am. Arch. 29: I5, 27. Allston, Washington, and his Unfinished Picture. (C. F. Adams) Atlan. 64; 637. Allusions. Cornh. 57: 60. Alma-Tadema, L. Dedication to Bacchus. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 49: 6. Alma-Tadema, Miss Laurence. Love's Martyr. Atlan. 6o: 705. Almanacs. Meliora, II: 316. — and Weather-Prophets. Spec. 66: 540. — Newspaper. (H. F. Gunnison) Writer, 3: 73. Almiry Geer's Story. (M. F. Butts) N. Eng. M. 3: 656. Almsgiving by Friendly Visitors. Lend a H. 4: 131. Almshouses. Lend a H. 2: 320. — Village. Sketches of their History in England. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 27: 957. Alncaster, To. (O. Balair) Liv. Age, I77: 349. Alnwick Castle. Cornh. 63; 171. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 817. Along the North Shore in March in a Runabout. (E. B. Walling) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 253. Aloysius, St., Tercentenary of. Month, 72: 245. — Irish Mo. Ig: 417. Alpaca, The, Introduction of, into Australia. (G. Ledger) J. Soc. Arts, 9: 212. Alpha Delta Phi, America and. E. Hale) Critic, I2: 239. Alphabet, History of the. Chamb. J.65: 519. – Roman, Application of, to Languages of India. Drew) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 279. Alphabetical Arrangement, Rules for. Lib. J. I2: 326. Alphabets, History of. Ath. '89, 2: 288. – Origin of. Ed. R. I72: 112. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 451. Alphonsus Rodriguez, St., On the Footsteps of. Goldie) Month, 64: 364, 539. Alpine Accidents of 1888. Chamb. J. 66: 97. Alpine Guides, Cunningham and Abney’s Lives of. Ath. '88, I: 139. Alpine Haze. (J. Tyndall) Nature, 39: 7, 31, 79. — (W. C. Ley) Nature, 39: 183. - Alpine Rhaetic, New Ammonite throwing Light on. (W. B. Clark) Am. J. Sci. 135: 118. Alpine Scenery. (C. Dent) Art J. 42: 179, 199. Alps, Austrian, Life in, 1860. Sat. R. 64: 484. — In 1887. Sat. R. 64: 553. — — Winter in. Sat. R. 65: 257. — Growth of. Knowl. II: 76. — Italian Workmen in the. Sat. R. 65: 316. — Janssen's Climb in. All the Year, 64: 436. — Play and Work in the. (E. R. and J. Pennell) Cent. 2O: I94. — Progress in the Eastern. Sat. R. 64: 448. —Sport in the. Sat. R. 66: 235. – Vulgarization of the. Nation, 49: 408. – Winter Pastimes in. Sat. R. 65: 405. Alsace-Lorraine and Europe. National, 9: 591. Same art. Liv. Age, I74:387. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 38. – Cermany’s Right to. (F. Curtius) No. Am. I46: 559. - Germanization of. Nation, 46: 424. — in 1890. (H. W. Wolff) Westm. 134: 587. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 195. (J. H. Choate and E. (F. (J. Edmands) (F. 9 AMBROSE Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite Inscriptions, Conder on. Ath. '87, I : 698. Altar, Early Fathers and. (H. Lucas) Month, 72: 39. Altar Work for Foreign Missions. Irish Mo. Ig: 609. Altdorf, Uri. (W. D. McCrackan) Atlan. 66: 447. . Altenburg, A Day in. (J. K. Paulding) Nation, 48: 263. Alterations, Explaining. (A. Abbott) Am. Law IV. 23: 859. Altered Purpose, An. (H. Tinson) Chamb. J. 66: 215– 263. Alternate Consciousness. All the Year, 65: 153. Alternating Currents, Voltametric Measurement of. (A. E. Kennelly) Am. J. Sci. I36: 453. Alternating Electric Arc between a Ball and Point. (E. L. Nichols) Am. J. Sci. I4I: I. Althorp, J. C. Spencer, Wiscount, Life of, by Meyers. Sat. R. 69: 616. Altruism considered economically. (C. W. Smiley) Science, I2: 93. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 53. Alum; Halotrichite or Feather Alum. (E. H. S. Bailey) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 296. Alum Shale as a Purifier of Sewage. (S. W. Rich) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 570. Alumina, Phosphorescent, Crimson (W. Crookes) Nature, 35: 3ro. Aluminium, Am. Arch. 23: 299. – (P. L. N. Foster) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 162. — (H. Roscoe) Nature, 4o: 182. Same art. J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 174. — The Age of. Spec. 63: 332. — and its Alloys. (E. D. Self) J. Frankl. Inst. 123: 209, 313, 388. — — Relative Value of. Inst. I26: 265. . — Constitution of Chlorides of. Young) Nature, 39: 318. — Influence of, upon Cast Iron. 22O. — Manufacture of. Nature, 38: 592. — the Metal of the Future, Richards on. Nature, 42: 537. — Problem of. (J. W. Richards) J. Frankl. Inst. 131: 189. Alunite and Diaspore from the Rosita Hills, Colorado. (W. Cross) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 466. Amana Colony, Life in. (A. Shaw) Chaut. 8: 3oo. Amari, Michele. Ath. '89, 2: 129. — (J. W. Mario) Nation, 49: I64. Amateur Stage, American. IO . I2. — as a Stepping-Stone to the Stage. Amazon, River, “Pororoca’’ or Bore of. ner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 208. Amazons, Black, Queen of the. 512. Amazon Sarcophagi of Corneto. Stud. 4: 354. Ambassadors, A Chat about. Chamb. J. 64: 577. — Shall America have 2 (M. D. Conway) Cosmop. 4: Line of. (H. Pemberton) J. Frankl. (B. Brauner and S. J. Frankl. Inst. I26: (H. Baker) (C. C. Waddle) Cosmop. Theatre, 25: 63. (J. C. Bran- Overland, m. s. i4: (S. Colvin) J. Hel. 77. Amber, So-called, of Cedar Lake, North Saskatch- ewan, Canada. (B. J. Harrington) Am. J. Sci. I42: 322. Amber Fisheries. I73. Amber Scarf-Pin; a story. (R. H. Sherard) Belgra. 68: 79. Ambition. Spec. 67: 251. Ambitious Mrs. Willatts. (W. E. Norris) Longm. 18: (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 18: 375. Amblystomas, Habits of some. (O. P. Hay) Am. Nat- ural. 23: 603. Ambrose, St. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 418. AMBROSE Ambrose, St. Turn of the Tide. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 65: 731. Ambulance Classes. (A. J. H. Crospi) Tinsley, 43: 4IO. Aſpcnemhat III., Sepulchre of. Am. Arch. 25: 185. Amenity, Value of. Spec. 60: 1275. Amenophis IV., Tomb of. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 37: I94. America. (M. Arnold) Critic, I2: 184. – Among the Americans. (A. Montefiore) Temp. Bar, 87: 493. – and England; Anglo-Saxon Unity. (Earl of Meath) Fortn. 55; 615. – and Europe, Coming Cataclysm of. aman) Arena, 2: 292. - Bibliography of, Reference List on. Lib. J. 13: 37–289. — Capital and Culture in. 26o. - Civilization in. Critic, 12: 189. - Debt of Old World to the New. Forum, 4: 451. – Disappointments of. Spec. 63: 233. – Discovery of, by the Northmen. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 211. – (E. F. Slafter) Granite Mo. 13: 187. – Scot. R. 18: 341. — — by the Welsh, Pre-Columbian. N. E. Reg. 45: 15. — — Celebrations in Boston and New York, 1792. H. Moore) M. Am. Hist. 22: 317. — — Centenary of, 1892. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 14: 691. — (F. A. Walker) Forum, 8: 612. — — — Prizes for Historic Work, Offered by the Span- ish Government. M. Am. Hist. 22: 344. See Chicago, World's Fair, 1893. — — How a New World was Found and Lost. Chamb. (J. R. Buch- (P. L. Ford) (R. A. Proctor) Fortn. 50: (E. A. Freeman) (B. F. DeCosta) (G. J. 64: 465. — — Icelandic. (W. Fiske) Nation, 52: 54. — — Oriental Account of. (A. J. Hill) M. Am. Hist. 2I: I39. – Early Explorations, Real and Imaginary. (A. R. Ropes) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 78. – English; Early Settlers in. – English Foundation in, First. Am. Hist. 26: 211. – Englishman in. (H. Aidé) 19th Cent. 29: 888. Same art. Critic, I8: 34o. – Fac-similes of Documents Relating to, Stevens's. Critic, I6: 7. – (E. J. Lowell) Nation, 50: 158, 284. 0. — Forces Educating. (J. H. Crooker) Unita. R. 34: 20. – Flora of. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 56: 525. – Future of. (W. Moffatt) Blackw. 149: 848. — — Washington's Conception of. (H. C. Lodge) M. Am. Hist. 23: 160. – History of, Manuscript Sources of. Am. Hist. I8: 20. — — Winsor's. Atlan. 59: 273. — (J. A. Doyle) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 804. — (W. E. Foster) Nation, 45: 355. —(W. P. Garrison) Nation, 50: 98. —Sat. R. 65: 634, 67: 168, 676. 69: 647. —Spec. 60: 1028. 61: 895. — — — Wol. 6. (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) 8: 237. — — — Vol. 7. (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) g: 127.- (W. E. Foster) Nation, 47: 316. - Impressions of. (Mrs. Campbell-Praed) Temp. Bar, 8o: 482, 815. 81: 61. — Intellectual Life of. (H. S. Pancoast) And. R. II: 161. — (C. E. Norton) N. Princ. 6: 312. – Is it Europeanizing 2 (J. C. Adams) Forum, 4: 190. – Latin and Saxon. (A. G. Browne) Atlan. 64: 834. - Methods of Travel in. (J. Goldsmid) Eng. Illust. 7: 375, 561. Blackw. I50: 424. (D. A. Hinsdale) M. (J. Winsor) M. 10 AMERICAN (E. E. Hale) Critic, 12: 227. (Mrs. M. J. America. The Name. - Outgrowths of Continental Europe in. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 24; 337. - Peopling of. (A. de Quatrefages) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 305. — Prehistoric. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) 11: 377. — Prehistoric Archaeology of. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 48: 665. — Prehistoric Chronology of. Io: 76. - — Prehistoric Man in. (J. W. Powell) Forum, 8: 489. - Professorship of. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 34I. — Recent Criticism of. (T. Roosevelt) Murray, 4: 289. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 577. — Revisited. (Grant Allen) Eel. M. 108: 159. — Social Problems in. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Fortn. 49: 843. - – Western, Early Map of. 217. — The World's Puzzle in Geography. M. Am. Hist. 21: 208. American, The Future. (W. H. Ballou) No. Am. I45: 286. — Typical. American Ambition. American Animals, Extermination of. day) Chaut. Io: 304. American Antiquities, Brinton's. — Prehistoric Remains in Ohio Valley. nam) Cent. I7: 698. American Art since the Centennial. min) N. Princ. 4: 14. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Am. J. Sci. I34: 234. – (M. Benjamin) Chaut. I3: 727. – Attendance and Papers at the Meetings of. Gratacap) Science, Io: 166. – Meeting, 1887: Reports of Sections. Science, Io: 85, 98. – Meeting, 1888. Science, I2: 87, 98. — Am. J. Sci. I36: 297. — Critic, I3: 98. — Meeting, 1889. Am. J. Sci. I38: 331. — Meeting, 1891. Nature, 44; 469. American Authors and British Pirates. (B. Matthews) N. Princ. 4: 2OI. Same art. Critic, II: 168. — Dinner to. Critic, I3: 67. — Stepniak on. Critic, I8: 48. American Belles and Brides in England. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 23: 468. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. (N. Smyth) No. Am. I49: 437. —(A. H. Ross) Bib. Sac. 44; 397. — and Andover. Pub. Opin. 4: 41. — and the Churches. And. R. 7: And. R. 8: 290, 480. — and Ecclesiastical Councils. (S. Harris) N. Eng. 46: QQ. — and Future Probation. And. R. 8: 175. — and its Patrons. (C. Hamlin) Our Day, 4: 9. — and W. H. Noyes. And. R. Io: 625. — (N. Porter) N. Eng. 49: 398. — and Recent Discussions. Bib. Sac. 47: 3o4. — and Speculative Theology. Bib. Sac. 45: 207. – Appointment by. And. R. I4: 65. — as a Borrower of Men. And. R. 7: 415. — Changes in Method of Administration of. And. R. I2: 429. — Conciliation versus Division. And. R. 8: 411. — Doctrinal Appeal to the Churches. And. R. 8: 533. — in 1890. (C. Hamlin) Our Day, 6: 169. — Meeting eat Springfield, 1887. (W. W. Patton) N. Eng. 47: 381. — And. R. 8: 519. — Pub. Opin. 4: 17. (D. G. Brinton) Science, (A. Hague) Science, Io: (W. Barrows) (A. Lang; P. Blouët) No. Am. I5o: 586. (F. B. Scannell) Month, 72: 15. (W. T. Horna- Sat. R. 69: 515. (F. W. Put- (S. G. W. Benja- (L. P. (Mrs. M. J. 193. — (H. A. Hill) AMERICAN American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. Meeting at Springfield, 1887. Case of the Majority. And. R. 8: 527. — — Discussion in. Amd. R. 8: 396, 513. — Meeting at New York, 1889. (J. G. Vose) N. Eng. 5I : 41 I. * — — Outcome at. And. R. I2: 517. — Meeting at Minneapolis, 1890, Changes Adopted at. And. R. I.4: 519. – (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 429. — — Report of the Committee of Nine. And. R. I.4: 535. — Missionary Crisis at Home. (D. N. Beach) And. R. I5: 526. — Prosperity of. And. R. Io: 400. — Rejection of Candidates. And. R. 7: 653. — Theological Powers of. And. R. 8: 4oo. – Will it Continue its Proscriptive Policy? And. R. I2 : 214. American Borderers, The. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 6I: 259. Same art. Ecl. M. I 14: 479. American Boy, The. (J. T. Trowbridge) No. Am. I48: 2I 7. American Characters in German Novels. kow) Atlan. 68: 824. American Cities, Characteristics of. Westm. I30: 32. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 367. American Citizen, Training of the. (E. E. Hale) Unita. R. 27: 151. American Citizens Abroad. World, 45: 152. American Colonies, 1669–1674. Ath. '89, 2: I56. — as Penal Settlements. (G. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. Mo. I2: 457. — Boundary Lines “Westward to the South Seas.” (M. T. Adkins) M. Am. Hist. 23: 331. — England's Struggle with. (W. W. Taylor) M. Am. Hist. 22: 121. American Commerce, Decline of. (J. Totyl) Overland, n. S. I3 : 312. American Countries, Commercial Relations of. (A. D. Morse) Chaut. 9; 336. American Court, Ladies of the. (F. G. Carpenter) Cos- mopol. 5: 321. American Exhibition, London, 1887. Sat. R. 63; 839. American Fiction. Ed. R. I73: 31. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 515. — National Element in. (C. Lanza) Cosmop. 9:51 I. American Folk-Lore. (C. G. Leland) Critic, I2: 194. American Geographical Names. (A. C. Coxe) Forum, 4; 67. American Girls in Europe. 407. American Graduates in Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. (H. E. Hayden) N. E. Reg. 4I: 391. American Historical Association. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 23: 89. American Historical Manuscripts in Foreign Archives. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 48: 219. American History in the French Archives. (J. Durand) N. Princ. 4: 328. — in Preparatory Schools. (G. W. Rollins) Acad. (Syr.) (L. v. Kroc- (J. W. Johnston) Cath. (J. Adam) No. Am. I5I: I : I.33. — London Archives of. (J. Winsor) Nation, 52: 258. American Idea, The. (G. C. Eggleston) N. Princ. 4: 317. American Implements and Economic Contrivances. (C. W. Eddy) J. Soc. Arts, 9: 358. American Industries since Columbus, Development of. (W. F. Durfee; S. N. D. North) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 145–586. 39: 176–729. 40: 145. American Institutions, Defects in. Am. I45; 345. - Future of. (R. A. Greene) Univ. Q. 46: 194. (J. Gibbons) No. 11 AMERICAN American International Congress, 1889. Pub. Opin. 7: 529. 8: I, 27, 77. American Journal of Psychology. N. Princ. 5: 272. American Languages. See Indians, American. American Law, A Century of. (J. F. Dillon) Am. Law R. 22: 30. American Legislation, Bryce on. (S. E. Baldwin) N. Fng. 50: 229. American Library Association, Meeting of, 1887. J. I2: 311–462. — Meeting of, 1888. Lib. J. I3: 307. — — Preliminary Report on. Lib. J. I2: 515. — Meeting of, 1889. Lib. J. I.4: 266. — Meeting of, 1890. Lib. J. 15: supp. – Critic, I7: 146. — Meeting of, at San Francisco, 1891. Lib. J. I5: Supp. — (C. A. Cutter) Nation, 53: 329. – Lib. J. I6: 245. — (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I.6: 31 o. Same art. Critic, 19: 271. American Life, Our. (J. Hall) N. Princ. 5: 35. – Social Aspects of. (H. Aidé) 19th Cent. 29: 888. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 148. – Varieties of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: Io9. American Literature. (G. P. Lathrop) New R. 5: 244. — (W. Sharp) National, 17: 56. — Spec. 64; 482. — and Journalism. Critic, 18: 292. – Bird’s-Eye View of. (E. Cavazza) Unita. R. 35: 295. — Collections of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 185. — The Colleges and. (R. W. Gilder) Critic, II: 1. – Doellinger on. Nation, 48: 68. * — Early. Overland, n. s. I4: 549. g – Future of. (T. Watts) Fortm. 55: 910. Same art. Eel. M. 117: 88. – T. Hughes on. Critic, I2: 11. — in School. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 6o: 85. – Protection of. See Copyright, International. – Richardson on. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) 7: 243. — (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 48: 143.—(E. P. Ander- son) Dial (Ch.) 9: 235. —Sat. R. 67: 81. – Atlan. 59: 847. – (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 44; 172. — Sat. R. 63: 780. – Servility of. (T. Davidson) Forum, II: 342. — Should American Libraries Favor? (E. M. Coe) Lib. J. I5: IoI. – Stedman’s Library of. N. Princ. 6: 275. — Atlan. 62: 419. — (H. N. Powers) Dial (Ch.) 9: 55. II: 181. — Atlan. 66: 707. — — Wols. 3, 4. (H. N. Powers) Dial (Ch.) 9: 121. — — Wols. 7, 8. (H. N. Powers) Dial (Ch.) Io: 76. – Ten Years of. (G. Pellew) Critic, 18: 29, 129. . — Woman in. (H. G. Come) Cent, 18; 921. American Miner in Mexico. (D. De Quille) Overland, n. S. I5 : 34, I45. American Nationality, Beginnings of. J. H. Univ. Studies, 8: nos. 1, 2. — — Small on. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) II: 152. American Notes, A Lady's. (Mrs. E. A. Acland) 19th Cent. 23: 403. American Opera Company. Atlan. 59: 568. American Oriental Society. (R. J. H. Gottheil) Nation, Lib. (A. W. Small) 45; 368. 47: 370. 51: 339. 52: 418. —Science, Io: 219. American Party Convention. (A. Johnston) N. Princ. 6: 6o. American People and Their Homes. (M. E. W. Sher- wood) Westm. I28: 319. — A Study of the Common Mode of Life. (C. W. Eliot) Cent. 18: 556. American Philosophical Society. (A. H. Wharton) Atlan. 61 : 61 I. American Physique. (E. Atkinson) Science, Io: 239, 256. American Poetry. Critic, I4; 82. – (E. Gosse) Forum, 6: 176. - Gosse on. Sat. R. 66: 421.-Critic, I3; 173–3o4. AMERICAN American Poetry, Harris Collection of. Lib. J. I2: 69. American Poets and Poetry. Critic, Io; 32, 44, 56. — Early. (C. F. Richardson) Critic, I3: 34. American Politics. (T. B. Preston) Monist, 2: 41. American Public Health Assoc. Science, Io: 258–289. American Race, Affinity with Mongolian. (D. G. Brin- ton) Science, I2: 121. See Indians. American Republic, Carlier's. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 52: 96. - American Republics; their Differences. (G.M. Pavey) M. Am. Hist. 23: 74. American Revolution. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 63: 601. — Beginnings of. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 61: 398. -5 Clinton's Original Secret Record, 1782. M. Am. Hist. 20: 329. — Disasters of 1780. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 66: 337. – First Crisis in. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 61 : 498. — Fiske's. (J. C. Welling) Nation, 53: 72. — (A. C. McLaughlin) Dial (Ch.) I2: 135. — From King's Mountain to Yorktown. Atlan. 66: 789. — Indian Auxiliaries in, Employment of. (A. M. Da- vis) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 709. — Invasion of Northern New York, 1777. Atlan. 63: 398. — MSS. Relating to. Ath. '90, I: 78. — Riots in Boston before the. (A. P. Peabody) Atlan. 62: 321. – Washington's Campaign of 1776. 63: 20. American Rosalind. (W. Gilman) Outing, I8: 65. American Salon. Critic, I2: 60. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (T. D. Seymour) N. Eng. 47: 81. – (A. C. Merriam) Cosmopol. 7: 59. American Shipping Interest. (O. Howes, jr.) Harper, 76: 434. – (E. P. North) No. Am. I46: 566. —(J. Totyl) Overland, n. s. I4: 305. — Decline of. (J. C. Hall) Overland, n. s. I2: 640. American Small Boy, The. Critic, I3: 128. American Social Eife, English Criticism of. Our Day, 8: 94. American Social Spirit, The. (N. P. Gilman) Unita. R. (C. A. Nelson) (J. Fiske) (J. Fiske) (J. Fiske) Atlan. (H. Aídé) 35: 217. American Society. (Mrs. R. A. Pryor) Cosmop. 9: 306. — Jottings on. (P. Blouët) Forum, 6; 558. American State and the American Man. (A. Shaw) Contemp. 51: 695. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 9. American Statesmen. (Goldwin Smith) 19th Cent. 23: 93, 881. 24; 262. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 290. American Types. All the Year, 65: I.26. American University, The. (C. S. Smith) Education, 8: 103. - American Zoëlogists; what they have done for Evolu- tion. (E. S. Morse) Pop. Sci Mo. 32: 492. American Zoëlogy, Record of. (J. S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. 25: 252. *. Americanisms. Cornh. 58: 363. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 298. Same art. Critic, 13: 263. – (A. P. Car- ter) Critic, I3: 97. — (M. D. I.eonard) Critic, I3: Io4. — Critic, I3: 115. — (Dr. Aubrey) Leis. Hour, 36: 827. — (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. v. 9–II. — Briticisms and. (B. Matthews) Harper, 83: 215. — Farmer's Dictionary of. (F. Hall) Nation, 49: I5. — Spec. 62: 493. Americanists, International Congress of, 1888. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 686. — — 1890. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 685. Americans Abroad. Chamb. J. 64: 649. — and English. (W. M. Fullerton) Fortn. 53: 242, 731. — Among the. (A. Montefiore) Liv. Age, 184; 37. - Are they Frivolous? (R. J. Burdette) Forum, 9: 719. 12 ANARCHISTS Americans at Home, by Madame San Carlos. Atlan. 66: 422. – in England. Spec. 65: 336. – The Queen’s “Rebel Subjects.” (M. E. W. Sher- wood) Westm. I28: 875. - — Slovenly. (Mrs. V. R. Cruger) Cosmop. Io: 579. Ames, Oliver. (J. W. Clarke) Bay State Mo. 2: 185. Amesbury, Mass. (F. C. Sparhawk) Bay State Mo. 3. 418. Amherst College, Athletics at. ing, I8: 142. –Preparation for Citizenship at. (A. D. Morse) Educa. 9: 236. — Social Life at. (R. S. Rounds) Lippine. 40: 737. Amiatine Codex. See Bible, Latin. Amiaud, Arthur. Acad. 36: 26. Amiel, Henri-Frédéric. (M. Arnold) Macmil. 56: 321. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 57. — and Pessimism. (Brother Azarias) Cath. W. 50: 110. Ammonia, Constants of. (H. von Strombeck) J. Frankl. Inst. I30: 467. I31 : 71. — Liquid, Determination of Heat of Evaporation. (H. von Strombeck) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 470. Amnesia. (J. Hall) Science, Io: 250. — (J. E. Oliver; F. L. Harvey) Science, Io: 274. Amok. Sat. R. 64: 870. Among the Flowers. Lippine. 42: 503. Among the Lavender; a story. All the Year, 63: 420– (H. A. Cushing) Out- 445. Among Untrodden Ways; a story. (J. G. Bettany) Argosy, 43: 220. Amorgos, Greece, Discoveries at. Ath. '88, I: 607. Amorites and Hebrews in Early Cuneiform Inscriptions. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 40: 291, (H. G. Tomkins) 341. Amorphophallus Titanum. Sat. R. 67: 784. Amour Dure; a story. (V. Paget) Murray, I : 49, 188. Amphibole and Pyroxene Groups, Secondary Minerals of. (W. Cross) Am. J. Sci. I39: 359. Amphiuma and its Young, Observations on. Hay) Am. Natural. 22: 315. Amsden, Charles H. Granite Mo. I3: 248. Amsterdam, Sanitary Service of. (Consul Eckstein) Am. Arch. 28: 84. Amulets against the Evil Eye, Survival of. (E. B. Tylor) Anthrop. J. Ig: 54. Amusement, The Gospel of. Spec. 63: 547. — Philosophy of. Meliora, 6: 193. Amusements for the People. Spec. 67: 220. — Of the People. (N. Jones) Good Words, 32: 163. Anabaptists and their English Descendants. (R. Heath) Contemp. 59: 389. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 222. — in Switzerland. (O. P. (P. Schaff) Bapt. Q. II: 293. Anachronism, Artistic. (V. Paget) Fraser, Ioff: Anachronisms, Histrionic. Sat. R. 69: 702. Analogic. (C. Beecher) And. R. I4: 151. Analogies between the Works of God and Contrivances of Man. (J. G. Wood) Sunday M. 16: 686. — applied to Religious Truth. (H. Wallace) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 422. — in the Semitic Languages. Philol. I2: 30, 133. . — Natural History of. (J. Jastrow) Science, 18; 118. — Study of. (J. Burroughs) Atlan. 68; 340. Ananias. (J. C. Harris) Harper, 76: 699. Anarchism in America. Pub. Opin. I : 81. — Scientific. (H. L. Osgood) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: I. — Significance of. Amer. I5: 71. ‘Anarchist, The ; a story. (W. R. Clarke) Overland, n. S. I2 : 321. 'Anarchists, The. (Z. L. White) Am. M. 7: 605. — Chicago. Sat. R. 69: 450. – (E. and E. M. Aveling) 52. (A. H. Huizinga) Am. J. To-Day, 8: 142. ANARCHISTS Anarchists, the Chicago, Execution of. (E. L. God- kin) Nation, 45; 366. — — Supreme Court and. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 326. — Pub. Opin. 4: 97. - — in the U. S. (E. J. James) Our Day, I : 81. — Physiognomy of. (C. Lombroso) Monist, I : 336. — — Convicted Anarchist's Reply. (M. Schwab) Mo- nist, I : 520. Anarchy. (L. S. Bryce) No. Am. I45: 545. – and Dynamite, My Dream of. Am. M. 8:81, 211. – The Coming. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 22: 149. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 433. — in America, Schaack's. Spec. 64: 546. — Scientific Bases of. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 21: 238. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 433. Anathema of the Roman Church. (E. J. W. Huiginn) Forum, 4: 177. Anatomist of the Heart. IO: I 53. Anceps. (W. S. Scarborough) Educa. 9: 263. Ancestors, The Manufacture of. (J. D. Champlin, jr.) Forum, IO: 565. Anchorites and Anchor-Holds. (W. Sydney) Antiq. M. n. S. I9 : 249. Anchors and Cables. I3: 459. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. (T. M. Gladstone) J. Soc. Arts, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. (C. E. S. Rasay) M. Am. Hist. 21: 456. Andersen, Hans Christian. Correspondence. Sat. R. 72: 643. Anderson, Sir Charles. Acad. 40: 336. . Anderson, John F. (G. M. Bodge) N. E. Reg. 44: I 21. Anderson, Gen. Joseph R., Gallantry at Gaines' Mill. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 416. Anderson, Martin Brewer. I2: 206. Anderson, Mary, as Hermione. Sat. R. 64; 388. — in A Winter's Tale. (C. H. Luders) Amer. I7: 216. —(W. Archer) Theatre, Ig: 214.— Poet-Lore, I : 92. Anderson Pedigree. (G. M. Bodge) N. E. Reg. 44; 198. Andersonville Circuit, On the. (J. T. King) Cent. Ig: I OO. (H. C. Vedder) Bapt. R. Andersonville Prison. (I. H. White) So. Hist. Pap. I7: 383. –- Yankee in. (T. H. Mann) Cent. I 8: 447, 606. Andes, Across the. (T. Child) Harper, 81: 489. v. — Across the Cordillera from Chili to Buenos Ayres. (M. Wolffsohn) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 580. — Railway across. Science, I7: 331. - — Trip across. Leis. Hour, 36: 237. Andirons, Manufacture of ; a Forgotten Industry. Spec. 67: 189. Andover, Mass.; an Illustrious Town. peace) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 301. Andover Case. Decision of the Board of Visitors. And. R. 8: 62. — And. R. I6: 607. — English Press on. And. R. 8: 318. — Judgments of the Visitors and of the Trustees. And. R. 8: 71. — Some Bearings of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 44; 525. Andover Movement, Criticisms on. (F. Palmer) And. R. I3: 181. — Reply to Palmer's Criticism. And. R. I3: 434. Andover Orthodoxy. (A. Young) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 141. Andover Review and its Critics. And. R. 7: 648. (F. B. Make- Pub. Opin. 4; 41. — Controversy in. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I44; 477. – Heresy-Troubles in. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I45: 539. – Inauguration of Prof. Ryder. And. R. Io: 89. – Is it Romanizing 2 (F. L. Patton) Forum, 3: 327. – Report on. And. R. I3: 211. — Trial of Prof. Smyth. And. R. Io: 404. 13 ANGLO-SAXON Andrassy, Count Julius. Spec. 64; 259. André, Major, Capture and Trial of. (H. A. Giddings) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 164. — Execution of. (H. Haines) Eng. Hist. R. 5; 31. – Last Twelve Days of. (J. O. Dykman) M. Am. Hist. 21: 494. 22:49, 148. - Andre Manor, Limerick. (E. W. Quin) Eng. Illust. 7: 727. . Andrew, St., Last Resting Place of. Scot. R. I3: 122. Andrew, John A., with portrait. Bay State Mo. 3: I4 I. - Andrews, I. W., Tribute to. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 517. Andrews, Thomas, Scientific Papers. Ath. '89, 2: 2O2. Andromeda, New Star in. 43. Andromeda and Perseus, Myth of. Cox) Acad. 32: 121, 136. Anemometer, Huet's. (W. J. Lewis) Nature, 43: 323. Anemometer Constants. (C. F. Marvin) Science, I2: 25 I. Anemometers. (G. A. Hagemann) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 185. Angas, George Fife. (W. Wickham) Acad. 40: 450. Angel in Blue; a story. (R. Trevena) Belgra. 62: 116. Angelic Woman, That; a Novelette. (J. M. Ludlow) Chaut. I3: 697. - Angelico, Fra. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. IG: 616. Angell, James B. How I was Educated. Forum, 2: (R. A. Proctor) Knowl, 9: (A. Lang; G. W. 450. Angels. (D. F. Brendle) Ref. Q. 37: 531. — and Ministers of Grace. Am. Cath. Q. IS: 663. Angevin Kings of England, Norgate's. (E. A. Free- man) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 774. — Ed. R. I.66: 464. — Sat. R. 63: 809. See also England. Angler in France, The. All the Year, 63: 472. Angler's Outing. (E. E. Millard) Outing, I8: 69. Anglers, Affectations of. Spec. 62: 676. Anglesey, Sketches in. All the Year, 41; 437. Anglet and Our Lady of Refuge. Month, 66; 171. Anglican Ceremonial. Church Q. 27: 409. Anglican Church Registers in Pennsylvania before 18oo. (P. S. P. Conner) Pennsyl. M. I2: 341. Anglicanism, Alleged Antiquity of. (S. F. Smith) Month, 62: 457. 63: 17, 194. Angling, A Lady Hand at. Outing, I6: II.7. — Pitilessness of. Spec. 62: 889. 63: 183. — Poetry of. Spec. 63: 108. — Riverside Naturalist. (J. Gerard) Month, 72: 34. Angling Notes. (B. Field) Eng. Illust. 4: 559. Angling Sketches, Lang's. Sat. R. 72: 617. Angling Songs, Stoddart's. Ath. '89, 2: 249. Angling Tournament. (F. Endicott) Outing, I2: 311. Anglo-Catholicism and the Church. (A. M. Fairbairn) Contemp. 59: 2 Io. Anglo-Indians, The. tional, I7: 808. Anglo-Indian Glossary, Yule's. Quar. I64: 144. Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition. (R. R. Sharpe) Ath. '87, I: 478. Anglo-Mania, Better Side of. (Mrs. James C. Robertson) Na- (H. P. Collier) Forum, /... 7: 577. 3 Anglomaniacs, The. (Mrs. B. Harrison) Cent. I8: 269– Andover Theological Seminary and the Amer. Board.h 677. Anglo-Roman Papers. Anglo-Saxon, solute Participle in. jr.) Am. J. Philol. Io: 316. — in the High School. (F. A. Barbour) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 158. — in the Southern Hemisphere. 41: 607. (J. Morris) Month, 73: 52. (M. Callaway, (G. R. Parkin) Cent. ANGLO-SAXON Anglo-Saxon Charter, An, (W. de G. Birch) Ath. '88, 2: 664. Anglo-Saxon Freedom, Hosmer's Short History of. (G. E. Howard) Nation, 52: 203. — (C. H. Cooper) Dial (Ch.), 12: 20. Anglo-Saxon Race, Mission of. (O. B. Super) Meth. R. 50: 853. Anglo-Saxon “Unco Guid,” The. 3: 692. Anglo-Saxon Unity. (Earl of Meath) Fortn. 55: 615. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 4oo. Animal Agency in Soil-Making. (N. S. Shaler) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 484. Animal and Plant Lore. 33: 656. 37: 240. Animal and Sun Worship in the East and West. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. Io: 69. - Animal Arithmetic. (C. Royer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 252. Animal Character, Depreciation of. Spec. 61: 1218. — Interpretation of. Spec. 60: 221. Animal Instinct. (G. Maw) Nature, 35: 297. Animal Kingdom, Kinship of Species in. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 51 : 237. Animal Life and Intelligence, C. L. Morgan's. (G. J. Romanes) Mind, I5: 262. — (G. J. Romanes) 19th Cent. 29: 766. — (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 43: 337. — Some Phases of. (J. G. Wood) Good Words, 28: 454, 589, 677. Animal Locomotion in the Muybridge Photographs. (T. Williams) Cent. I2: 356. — (K. Cox) Nation, 46: 55. – (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 4o: 79. — Attitudes in. (E. Muybridge) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 838. Animal Lore. (J. A. Farrer) Ecl. M. Io&: 209. — (F. D. Bergen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 373. Animal Magnetism, Binet and Féré on. Dial (Ch.) 9: 36.-Spec. 61: 1414. — Hypnotic Sleep. (T. M. Coan) Chaut. 8: 368. — Wonders of. (G. de la Tourette) No. Am. I46: 131. See Hypnotism. Animal-Plants and Plant-Animals. Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 678. Animals, AEsthetics of. Spec. 66: 621, 753. — American, Extermination of. (W. T. Hornaday) Chaut. Io: 304. — and Birds, Marauding. National, 16: 84. — and Plants, Extinction of. Sat. R. 7I: 471. — Are they Mentally Happy? (B. Carlile) 19th Cent. 2I: 804. — as Modified by Environment. Sci. Mo. 33: 243. — at Play. Spec. 66: 377. — Can they Count P (G. A. Freeman) Nature, 39: 390. — Colors of, Poulton on. (S. Garman) Nation, 53: 75. — (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 42: 289. — Comparative Sensibility of. (I. Matthews) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 38. — Dislike of Solitude in. Spec. 67: 317. — Evolution and Distribution of. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 313, 505. — Extinct. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 49: 153. — Food of. (J. Coleman) J. Soc. Arts, 13: 341. — Game, of North America. (F. Satterthwaite) Har- per, 78: 873. * — Geographical Distribution of. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 50: 20. – (C. Morris) Amer. I4: 311. – Idea of Number in. Science, Io: 316. – Immortality of. (N. Pearson) 19th Cent. 29: 154. – in Motion. See Animal Locomotion. – Intelligence of, C. L. Morgan on. (E. Chamier) Westm. I35: 396. See above, Animal Life. - Laws and Government of. (J. W. Slater) National, I5: 529. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 677. (P. Blouët) Arena, (F. D. Bergen) Pop. Sci, Mo. (T. M. Coan) (J. B. Steere) Pop. 14 ANNORA Animals, Lower, Progress and Perfectibility in. (E. P. Evans) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: 170. — Manners of. (W. S. Lewis) Leis. Hour, 39: 134. — Mail-Clad. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 24. — Mental Evolution of ; are they Approaching Man? (W. H. Ballou) No. Am. I45: 516. — Military Tactics of. Spec. 66: 306. — Mind in Man and Brute. (E. P. Evans) Unita. R. 36: 342. — Morality of. (C. L. Morgan) National, 18; 336. — Music and. Spec. 67: 445, 491. - — Mutual Aid among. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 28: 337, 699. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 67, 557. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 523, 836. — Origin of. (Grant Allen) New R. 2: 254. — Painted and Sculptured. (F. E. Beddard) Blackw. I47: 517. — Reasoning Power of. (J. R. Gilmore) No. Am. I46: 28o. - -- represented in Brasses. (Randall Davies) Reli- quary, 29 : I 73. – Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of, Lubbock on. (D. S. Jordan) Dial (Ch.) 9: 283. — Sensibility to Pain. (W. Collier) 19th Cent. 26: 622. — Social Life of. (F. Knauer) Cosmopol. I: 283. – Strange Associates. Sat. R. 64; 622. — Temper of. Spec. 67: 840. — Toilettes of. Spec. 65: 404. — Topographical Instinct in. (G. Stables) Leis, Hour, 37: 249. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 422. — Voices of. (D. von Geyern) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 396. – Wild, and their Ways, Baker on. Lond. Q. 75: 275. — (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I7: 402. – Liv. Age, 188: 760. — — in India, Destruction of Life by. J. Soc. Arts, 26; 187. — — Warehouse for. Leis. Hour, 36: 817. – Winter Life of. Leis. Hour, 39: 2O4. – Wounded, Actions of. (J. N. Hall) Scrib. M. Io: 457. Animated Chimney, The. (F. H. Loughead) Overland, (Sir J. Fayrer) n. s. I6: 487. Animated Conversation, An. (H. James) Scrib. M. 5: 37 I. - “Anita.” (W. C. Bartlett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 22. Anjou, A Chateau in. (Mrs. H. Chetwynd) Lond. Soc. 56: 481. — Life in. (E. C. Price) Longm. I9: — May in, Price's. Spec. 63; 179. — Walk in. Spec. 67: 94. Anna; a story. (K. S. Macquoid) Leis. Hour, 37: 539. Annam and Tonquin, Ethnological Sketches in. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 626. Anne, Queen, and her Court... Sat. R. 64: 556. — Glimpses of her Days. (J. Stoughton) Leis, Hour, 36: 680, 777. Anne of Denmark, Queen of Great Britain. Conver- sion to Catholicism. (A. M. Ward) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 795. — Religious Belief of. (W. Bliss) Eng. Hist. R. 4: I no. Anne Boleyn in France. (A. Filon) Ath. '87, I : 704. Anne; a story. (R. H. Davis) Harper, 78: 744. Anne Dennery; a story. Argosy, 48: 557. Annecy, Saints and Sight-Seeing at. (L. M. Kenney) Irish Mo. 18: 427. Annelid, A Commensal. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natu- ral. 25: 25. Annelids, Descent of. (E. Meyer) Am. Natural. 24: II43. *Annie Kilburn. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 77: 128–869. Annie Laurie. (E. S. Phelps) Harper, 76: 122- Anniversaries. Spec. 60: Io. Anniversary, An. (J. Ingelow) Longm. I5: 142. Annora; a story. All the Year, 64; 469. ANNUNCIATION Annunciation, The. (H. Van Dyke) Harper, 84; 3. — in Art. (E. A. Starr) Cath. World, 45: 8. Anonyma, The , a story. (F. N. Paton) Temp. Bar, 88: 360. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 173. Anonymity. (T. Hopkins) New R. I : 513. 2; 265. Anonymous Journalism. (C. M. S. McLellan) Writer, 2: 271. Anonymous Literature, Cataloguing of. (A. R. Frey) Lib. J. I2; 192. - — Halkett & Laing's Dictionary of. Ath. '88, 2; 477. Ansairi, Religion of the. Ecl. M. I 16: 332. Ansart, Louis. (C. Clayton) Bay State Mo. I : 386. Anselm, St. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 19: 187. Anson, George, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 40: 28o. Ant, The. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 51: 641. Ants at Home and Abroad. (J. G. Wood) Sunday M. 18: 58–262. — How they Live. (E. Voges) Cosmopol. 2: 86. — Mound-Making, of the Alleghanies. (H. C. McCook) Chaut. 9: 29, 92. — Slave-Holding. (H. C. McCook) Chaut. 7: 419, 485. — transplanting the Scale-Bug. (W. Hough) Science, I2 : 2O4. Ant-Eaters. Sat. R. 60: 408. Antagonism. (W. R. Grove) Nature, 37: 617. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 643. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 608. — Grove on. Sat. R. 65: 527. Antarctic Expedition. (G. S. Griffiths) Nature, 42: 601. — Proposed, by Barons Nordenskjöld and Dickson. Dub. R. Io9: 173. Antarctic Exploration. Ed. R. I73: 376. — Science, 9: 452. — (G. S. Griffiths) Science, I6: 253. – Nature, 36: 277. — New Expedition for. Spec. 60: 1339. Antarctic Ocean, Distribution of Temperature in. T. Buchanan) Nature, 35: 516. Antelope, Hunting, East of the Rockies. (J. W. Hays) Outing, 16: 468. —Signaling for, on the Staked Plains. ston) Outing, I6: I. Anthedon, Discoveries at. (C. D. Buck and F. B. Tar- bell) Am. J. Archaeol. 5: 443. – (J. C. Rolfe) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 96. Anthony and Octavius. (O. F. Emerson) Poet-Lore, 2 : 516. © Anthony, Daniel Read, with portrait. mire) M. West. Hist. Io : 689. Anthophyllite from Franklin, N. C. Am. J. Sci. I40: 394. Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania, Southern. Wasmuth) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 1 Io. Anthracite Measures of Pennsylvania, Stratification of. (H. A. Wasmuth) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: Io9. Anthropological Investigations in Schools. (F. Boas) Pedagog. Sem. I : 225. Anthropological Sciences in the Paris Exposition, 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 229. Anthropology at Washington. (J. (W. H. John- (W. W. Ad- (S. L. Penfield) (H. A. (J. H. Gove) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 786. — Course of Human Progress. (J. W. Powell) Science, II : 22O. — Field of; the Humanities. (J. W. Powell) Forum, IO: 4Io. — for the Masses. (F. Pitt-Rivers) Nature, 38: 516. — The New. (J. R. Buchanan) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): I27. – Past and Present. (Max Müller) Science, 18; 169, 189. - Société d’Anthropologie at Paris. Am. Natural. 25: 73: Anthropometamorphosis. Sat. R. 68: 426. 15 APACHES Anthropometric Measurements at Cambridge, Eng. Nature, 40: 593, 643.− (F. Galton) Nature, 41: 450. — (J. Venn and F. Galton) Anthrop. J. I8: 14o. Anthropometric Statistics from Amherst College. An- throp. J. I8: 192. Anthropometry, Criminal. Chamb. J. 68: 41 I. — — Bertillon System. (F. J. Mount) Anthrop. J. 20: 182. — English. Sat. R. 64; 258. — Police. (E. R. Spearman) Fortn. 53: 361. — Uses of. (F. Galton) Lippinc. 45: 236. See also Identification. Anthropomorphism or Fetichism. Sci. Mo. 3o: 514. Anticosti, the Isle of Shipwrecks. mopol. 2: I4. Anticyclones, Is Cold the Cause of 2 (H. H. Clayton) Nature, 36: 268. Antigua, Cruise around. 296, 423. Anti-Jacobin, The. (M. J. Griffin) Ath. 'go, I: 769. – Poetry of. Ath. 'go, I : 56H, 703. – Spec. 64: 698. Anti-Jacobins and Reformers. (H. R. F. Bourne) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 559. Antilles, A Winter Cruise in the. Serv. M. '87, 2: 144, 219. Antimony, Method for the Determination of. (F. A. Gooch and H. W. Gruener) Am. J. Sci. I42: 213. – Separation of, from Arsenic. (F. A. Gooch and E. W. Danner) Am. J. Sci. I42: 308. Antinomianism, The Old and the New. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 1 I. Antiparallel, Use of the Word. (E. M. Langley) Na- ture, 40: 460. — (W. J. James) Nature, 41 : Io. Antiquarius, Defeat of, at Thrasymene. Leis. Hour, 37: 34. Antiquities, Christian. See Christian Antiquities. — Classical, Smith's Dictionary of. (M. H. Morgan) Nation, 52: 74. — Oriental, Babelon's. Spec. 63: 248. Antiquity, Some Lessons of. (F. M. Müller) Fortn. 5I: 339. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 523. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 117. Anti-Rent Agitation in the State of New York, 1839–46. (E. P. Cheyney) Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. Econ. no. 2. Anti-Slavery Boston. (A. H. Grimké) New Eng. M. 11. S. 3: 44 I. Anti-Slavery Reminiscences. 64; 164. Anti-Slavery Societies. (O. Johnson) Cosmopol. 7: 174. Anti-Slavery Struggle, Recollections of the. (J. W. Howe) Cosmopol. 7: 278. Antlers and Horns. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 205. Antocolsky, Mark Matveitch. (R. Venning) Art. J. 4I : IO3. Antonio de Verona. (J. E. T. Rogers) Ath. '87, 2: 311, (L. Wolf) 341. Antony, Saint. (F. W. Farrar) Contemp. 52: 617. Antwerp. (K. S. Macquoid) Eng. Illust. 5: 271. — Saturday till Monday in. (C. Turner) Outing, I4: 81. Anuradhapura; the City of the Sacred Bo-Tree. (J. Ricalton) Scrib. M. Io: 319. — (C. F. G. Cumming) Gent. M. n. s.47 : 560. - (S. M. Burrows) Macmil. 56: 354. Aorist and Perfect, Rendering into Eng. of. (R. F. Weymouth) Theo, Mo. 4; 33, 162. — of Recurrence in the N. T. (D. Brown) Theo. Mo. (G. Pellew) Pop. (J. M. Oxley) Cos- (P. Bigelow) Cosmopol. 8: (P. D. Trotter) Un. (J. W. Dale) (L. C. Wyman) Atlan. 2: 395. Apaches, Among the. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. I4; 322, 374. — (F. Schwatka) Cent. 34: 41. — at Mt. Vernon. Lend a H. 5: 37, 333. — Chiricahua, History of. (I. B. Eustis) Lend a H. 6: 226. APACHE Apache Captives. Lend a H. 5: 163. Apache Country, In the. (W. C. Barnes) Overland, In. S. 9: I 72. Apache Mission. Lend a H. 4: 709. Apache Prisoners in Fort Marion. Lend a H. 2: 324. Apartment, The: a Comedy. (F. A. Mathews) Am. M. 9: 176. Apartment Houses. (J. P. Putnam) Am. Arch. 27: 3. Am. Arch. 29; 194. 30: 197. 31: 20, 37. Apes and Men. Spec. 66: 787. — — Kinship of. (E. S. Morse) Knowl. II: 121. — Anthropoid. Sat. R. 67: 182. – Language of. Sat. R. 7I: 671. – Natural History of. Lond. Q. 68: 48. Aphasia. Science, II: 42. Aphorisms. (J. Morley) Spec. 60: 1565. Ecl. M. IIo: 269. Aphrodite, Cnidian, of Praxiteles. Hel. Stud. 8: 324. —Temple of Paphian. (L. Dyer) Nation, 47: 189, 209. Api Grammar, Sketch of. Anthrop. J. I8: 295. Apitzsch, Sophie Sabine. (S. Baring Gould) Gent. M. In. S. 40: 554. Apocalypse of Jesus in the Gospels. Presb. R. 9: 263. Apocalypse. See Bible; Revelation. Apocrypha, The. Church Q. 27: 138. Same art. Liv. Age, I79; 387. – Ed. R. 169: 58. — Quar. 166: Same art. (A. Michaelis) J. (C. A. Briggs) 273. — Judith and Holofernes. (E. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 261. — Wace on. Lond. Q. 71 : I. Apollo. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 21: 748. — the Fiddler; or Artistic Anachronism. (V. Paget) Fraser, Ioff: 52. Apollo-Lairbenos, Artemis-Leto and. (W. M. Ram- say) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 216. Apollo Lermenus. (D. G. Hogarth) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 376. Apollonius of Rhodes and the Argonautica. (C. J. Goodwin) And. R. I6: 248. Apologetic, The New. (H. M. Williamson) Theo. Mo. 5: Ioy. - Apologetics, Conservative. 16: 502. Apologies in Literature. (J. I. Romer) Writer, 3: 99. Apologist, Christian. (J. Matthew) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 314. Apostles, The, Commission of. Chris. Q. 6: 618. — Three Ordinations of. (A. H. Bailey) Church R. 5I : 94. — Training of. 3Io. — Were they Prelates? (T. Witherow) Presb. R. 8: 238. Apostles' Creed. (S. H. Giesy) Ref. Q. 36: 188. — and the Rule of Faith. (J. R. Gasquet) Dub. R. Io9: 275. IoA: 307. Apostolic Age, A Reconstruction of the. Unita. R. 36: 224. Apostolic Canons, Translated. Bib. Lit. 5: 61. Apostolic Office and Tenure. Chris. Q. 7: 532. Apostolic Succession, Loss of, in Denmark. Church Q. 32: I49. — What is of Faith in regard to ? (J. Q. Lias) Theo. Mo. 3: 86. Appalachians, Materials of the. Am. Natural. 21: 955, Io;4. Appalachian Area in Pennsylvania and the Virginias: Notes on the Lower Carboniferous Groups. (J. J. Stevenson) Am. J. Sci. I34; 37. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. Church Q. 31: 106. – Lond. Q. 75: (G. H. Schodde) J. (J. L. Richardson) (E. W. Claypole) 16 ARABIC Apparatus for Experiments at High Temperature in Gas under High Pressure. (L. Cailletet) Nature, 37: 470. – Home-Made. (J. F. Woodhull) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 519. Apparatus-Making in Education. (M. C. Wilson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 345. Apparition of Eisenberg. n. s. 38: 58. Apparitions. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. 38 : 453. — (L. A. Dutto) Cath. World, 5o: 80. — Are there Objective 2 (A.R. Wallace) Arena, 3 : 129. — Recent, of our Lady at Lyons. (W. J. Kelly) Month, 68 : 370. - Appeasement of Demeter, The. (Geo. Meredith) Mac- mil. 56 : 374. (S. Baring Gould) Gent. M. Appellate Courts; should they review Facts? (S. Maxwell) Am. Law R. 22: 262. - Appendicula Vermiformis, The , a Sketch. (A. S. Hardy) Cosmopol. 8: 669. Apperception and Movement of Attention. (G. F. Stout) Mind, I6: 23. – Münsterberg on. Mind, I5: 234. – Sensory; Eye-Mindedness and Ear-Mindedness. (J. Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 597. Apples and Apple Culture. All the Year, 69: 157, 181. — Lore of. Chamb. J. 65: 593. Apple Blossoms. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. 18: 55. Apple Raising in Nova Scotia. (A. F. Browne) Amer. I4 - 345. : Apple Seed and Brier Thorn. (L. Stockton) Lippinc. 4O: 47 I. Appomattox Courthouse, Surrender at. (G. J. Pea- cock) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 268. Appomattox Formation, Southern Extension of. (W. J. McGee) Am. J. Sci. I40: 15. Apprentices and Trades-Unions. (E. W. Bemis) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 28: IoS. — in East London. All the Year, 62: 82. Apprentice System, American. (R. T. Auchmuty) Cent. I5: 401. Apprenticeship. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 34. — and Technical Education. (H. Cunyngham) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 627. April. All the Year, 62: 320. April Days. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I6; 23. April Folly, An; a Story. (G. H. Page) Argosy, 51: 334. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 506. April Fool Redivivus. Belgra. 70: 27. April Hopes. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 74; 381–934. 75: 99–925. April's Lady. (The Duchess) Belgra. 7I: I-337. 72: I–337. 73: I-337. A Priori. (J. F. Dutton) Unita. R. 35: 335. Aquaria. (W. S. Kent) J. Soc. Arts, 24; 292. — (W. A. Lloyd) J. Soc. Arts, 24; 427. Arabia, Ancient. (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 56: 901. Same art. Science, I4: 406. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 58. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 145. — Archaeology in. (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 58: 907. — the Cradle of Islam. Church Q. 28: 142. Arabia Deserta, Doughty's. Ath. '88, I: 334. Same art. Spec. 61 : 48o. * Arabian Brothers of Purity. (E. Hungerford) And. R. I2: 490. Arabian Nights, The. (C. H. Toy) Atlan. 63: 756. — Burton's Edition. Sat. R. 63: 632. — Lady Burton's Edition. Ath. '88, I: 594. Arabic, Origin of the Lord Almoner's Professorships of. (H. Hall) Ath. '89, 2: 673. Arabic Bible-Crestomathy. (G. F. Moore) And. R. II: 652. ,” * ARABIC Arabic Grammar, Howell's. Sat. R. 63: 449. Arabic Manual, Tien's. Sat. R. 71: 26. Arabic-English Dictionary, Salmoné's. 336. — Sat. R. 69: 5 Io. Arabs, Fighting the, at Lake Nyassa. (A. Sharpe) Chamb. J. 65; 439. Ath. '90, I: – Impressions of, in Burnoose and Saddle. (E. P. Sanguinetti) Harper, 77: 75. Arachnology in America, Progress of. (L. M. Under- wood) A.m. Natural. 21 : 963. Aragon in 1273. Marriage Alliance of the Infanta Pedro with Edward I. of England. (F. D. Swift) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 326. — In the Forests of Navarre and. Fortn. 52: 516. Aran, Isles of. (G. H. Orpen) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 88. — and Achill, Life in. (M. MacDonagh) Westm. I34: I 59. Arana, Vicente de. Acad. 37: 187. Araujia Albens as a Moth-Trap. Am. Natural. 21 : 50.I. Arbitration. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 599. — Sat. R. 64: 539. — as a Remedy for War: Memorial to Congress. Our Day, I: 184. — Compulsory. (C. W. Clark) Atlan. 67: 34. — Conciliation Committees proposed by the London Chamber of Commerce. (S. B. Boulton) 19th Cent. (J. Verschoyle) (R. E. C. Stearns) 27: 987. — Early New England. (C. Jillson) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 435. – in War. Sat. R. 64; 870. — International. Leis. Hour, 40: 489. – (E. Berwick) Overland, m. s. I4: 7o. — (S. L. Holland) Westm. 133: 240. — (Sir L. Playfair) No. Am. I5 I: 676. — — A Standing Court of. (N. D. Davis) Nation, 53: 213. Arbitration, Industrial, and Coöperation. J. Soc. Arts, I6: 307. — — and Profits. (A. Edwards) Chaut. 7: 614. — — Compulsory. (S. Dexter) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 28: 86. - k — — in case of Strikes. II 2. — — Voluntary. (Mrs. C. R. Lowell) Am. J. Soe. Sci. 28: 66. Arbitration Acts, Labor, Action under. mings) Q. J. Econ. I : 487. ~ * Arblay, Madam F. d’. (E. S. Shuckburg) Macmil. 61: 291. — Ath. '90, I: 109. — (F. Molloy) Temp. Bar, 85: 189. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 684. — and her Friends. Sat. R. 68: 619. — Spec. 63: 780. — and Lord Macaulay. (C. Adams) National, Io: 461. — Early Diary of. Church Q. 31 : 407. Arbutus, Accent and Meaning of. (W. S. Scarborough) Educa. 9: 396. Arcades. (J. C. Olmsted) Am. Arch. 24: 97. Arcadian Summer, An; the Impressions of an Impres- sionist. Blackw. I45: 741. I46: 132. Arcady in New England. Critic, 12:58. - Archaean Axes of Eastern North America. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I39: 378. Archaeological Expedition to Italy, The American. (R. Lanciani) Nation, 44; 361. Archaeological Finds in Italy. 26: 97. — Recent, 1889. (J. Ely) Antiq. m. s. 19: I-151. Archaeological Institute, Royal, Meeting of 1889. Ath. ’89, 2: 231. — — — at Edinburgh, 1891. Acad. 4o: 159. — (J. C. Cox) Antiq. m. s. 24: 155. Archaeological Work in Oregon, Mrs. Kunsie's. Woodbury) Am. Arch. 21: 295. (T. Beggs) - t (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44: (E. Cum- (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. (C. J. 17 ARCHITECTURAL Archaeology, American, Problems of. (J. W. Powell) Forum, 8: 638. — at Athens. Nation, 44; 317. — in Euboia. (G. Lampakes) Scot. R. 9; 347. — in Germany; Imperial German Archaeological Insti- tute. (A. Michaelis) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 190. — in Greece, 1887–88. (J. E. Harrison) J. Hel. Stud. 9 : I IQ. — — 1888–89. (E. A. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 254. — in India, History of. (J. Gibbs) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 555. — in the Mediterranean. (J. T. Clarke and A. Emer- son) Nation, 44; 341. – (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 44; 426. — Woman's Work in. (F. X. Kraus) Chaut. II: 190. Archbishop's Statue. (A. K. H. Boyd) Longm. I2; 74. Archeocyathus, Note on. (C. D. Walcott) Am. J. Sci. I34; I45. Archer, Fred. (A. Allison) Liv. Age, I72: 141. Archer, James. (E. Hogan) Month, 73: 389. Archery. (H. Chadwick) Outing, I2: 207. — Ford's. Spec. 6o: 1423. — Sat. R. 64; 20I. — in Mediaeval Warfare. (C. Oman) Acad. 39: 229. — Tennis, and Croquet. (M. Thompson) Chaut. 8: 52I. Arches, Elliptic, Tracing Joints in. Am. Arch. 22: 223. – Fireproof, Tests of. Am. Arch. 31 : 195. Archibald, Mrs. Geo. (R. R. Wilson) Writer, 3: 265. Archiepiscopal Jurisdiction. (J. Morris) Month, 66: (M. D'Ocagne) I 53. Archipelago, The Great. (J. S. Hittell) Overland, n. s. I6: 344. Architect, Client and. (M. G. van Rensselaer) No. Am. I5I: 329. — Owner, and Builder before the Law. Am. Arch. v. 23-34. . Architect's Office, Management of. Am. Arch. 33: 97, I78. 34: 27, 181. Architect's Plans, Inaccurate. Am. Arch. 29: 170. – Ownership of. Am. Arch. 29: 44. — Patenting. Am. Arch. 30: 137. Architects, American Institute of, Convention in New York, 1886. Am. Arch. 21: 76, 87. — — Convention, 1888. Am. Arch. 24: 203. — — Convention at Cincinnati, 1889. Am. Arch. 26: 253. - — — Convention, 1890. Am. Arch. 30: 67. — and Amateurs. (W. Watkiss Lloyd) Am. Arch. 22: 3oo. — as Agents. Am. Arch. 26: 175. — Duties of. (T. R. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 440. – Eastern, Fate of. (W. A. Clouston) Am. Arch. 22: I36. — Law in Relation to. (E. Atkins) Am. Arch. 23: 114. — Licensing of. Am. Arch. 28: 65. — of the English Renaissance. (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. Ig: 185. — Point of View of. 9: II 9. — Responsibility of. — Training of. (R. Smith) Am. Arch. 22: 245, 255. — Chamb. J. 68: 324. Architects' League Exhibition, New York, 1890. Am. Arch. 27:40, 57. Architectural Art in India. (T. R. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 278. Architectural Books, Best 100. Am. Arch. 22: 50. Architectural Competition. (W. H. Winslow) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 293. — in Austria. Am. Arch. 26: 90. Architectural Design, Elements of. (H. H. Statham) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 116–161. (W. P. P. Longfellow) Scrib. M. Am. Arch. 26: 205. ARCHITECTURAL Architectural Design, Sky Lines in. Am. Arch. 21: 208. Architectural Drawings, Philadelphia Exhibition, 1887. Am. Arch. 21: 172. Architectural Education in Italy. Arch. 28: 86. — in the U. S. Am. Arch. 24: 47, 95, 155, 251. Architectural Exhibition, Italian, 1890. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 30: 135. Architectural Knockabout. (F. L. V. Hoppin) Am. Arch. 26: 3, 15, 48, 61, 74, 89, 96. Architectural League of New York. Exhibition, 1888. Am. Arch. 23: I 7, 29, 35. — Exhibition, 1889. Am. Arch. 25: – Exhibition, 1890. Am. Arch. 31: – Exhibition, 1891. Am. Arch. 34: Architectural Practice, Ethics of. Am. Arch. 2I: 5. Architectural Societies, Consolidation of. 24; 240. Architecture, American. Arch. 21: 129. — in America. (E. Gandolfo) N. Eng. 49: 266. — — Ancient. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. II: 205. — (W. Nemos) Cath. World, 49: 732. — — Colonial, of Virginia and Maryland. (A. B. Bibb) Am. Arch. 25: 279, 303. 26: 71, 123. — — Course of. (W. P. P. Longfellow) New Princ. 3: 2OO. — — Foreigner’s View of. Arch. 25: 243. — — What it Lacks. 305. — American Conception of. 385. — American Style of. — Ancient, for Students. Am. Arch. v. 30–34. — and Democracy. (R. S. Peabody) Harper, 81: 219. — and the Environment. (B. Ferree) Pop. Sci. Mo. (H. Henderson) (A. Melani) Am. I7, 29. 29, 36. I 55. (G. A. Frederick) Am. Arch. (W. P. P. Longfellow) Am. (C. Hinckledeyn) Am. (R. Brown, jr.) Am. Arch. 23: (B. Ferree) N. Eng. 54: (J. Moser) Am. Arch. 21: 16. (R. W. Gambier-Bonsfield) 38: 194. — and the Handicrafts. (J. D. Sedding) Am. Arch. 2I : 307. — Art and Utility in Building. (B. Ferree) Engin. M. I : 605. — as affected by Civilization. (B. Ferree) N. Eng. 54: I 16. — as a Profession. (Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer) Chaut. 7: 45 I. — — for College Graduates. (R. S. Peabody) Harv. Mo. 9: 185. — at the Royal Academy, 1887. — — 1891. Sat. R. 71: 678. — Athenian, Penrose on. Ath. '89, I: 477. — Austrian. (H. Semper) Am. Arch. 30: 19-159. 31: 3–99. – Brooklyn Institute Department of. Am. Arch. 27: 5. — Civil and Domestic. (G. Guicestre) Am. Arch. 27: 19–83. — Colonial, of Virginia and Maryland. Am. Arch. 26: I61. — Domestic, of Surrey, Nevill on. Ath. '90, I; 21. — English. (L. Harvey) Am. Arch. 31: 115-163. —- English Renaissance. Sat. R. 72: 338. — Evolution of. (R. W. Gambier-Bonsfield) Am. Arch. 24: 282. 25: 141. — French. (P. Planat) Am. Arch. 32: 3–1 18. — from a Fireman's Point of View. Am. Arch. 26: 233. — Funerary. (P. Benonville) Am. Arch. 27: 163. — German. (Lambert & Stahl) Am. Arch. 33: 81-191. — Gothic. (B. Ferree) Westm. I36: 404. — — and Saracen. (E. Johnson) Westm. I36: 643. Am. Arch. 2I: 3o4. (A. B. Bibb) 18 ARCHITECTURE Architecture, Gothic, Introduction of, into Italy. (A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 10, 299. 7 : 433. — — Moore on. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 34: 130. — Atlan. 66 : 126. — — William Morris’s Lecture on. — Greek. (C. Cook) Chaut. 9: 261. – History of. See Habitation, History of. – Imagination in. (W. D. Bancroft) Harv. Mo. 5: I4 I. – in Chicago. (M. Schuyler) Harper, 83: 395, 559. —in 1886. (T. H. Lewis) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: 128. —in 1886–87. Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 124. — in 1887–88. Br. Alma. Comp. 89: 289. —in 1888–89. (R. L. Cole) Br. Alma. Comp. 'go: 289. —in 1889–90. (R. L. Cole) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: 289. – in England during the Last Fifty Years. Am. Arch. Am. Arch. 28: 84. 22: 169. º – in India, Domestic. (C. P. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 31 : 73 I. — — Street. (C. P. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 779. — — Study of. (J. Fergusson) J. Soc. Arts, I5: 71. – in Italy. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 34: 95-191. – in its Relations to Landscape. Soc. Arts, 37; 515. — in Japan, Domestic. (J. Conder) Am. Arch. 21: 160. – in St. Paul and Minneapolis. (M. Schuyler) Harper. 83 : 736. – in Sweden. (M. Borgstedt) Am. Arch. 24: 49. – in the United States. (Brincourt) Am. Arch. 33 : (H. H. Statham) J. 35, 47, 63. — in the West. (H. Van Brunt) Atlan. 64: 772. – Military. (A. de Rochas and G. Espitallier) Am. Arch. 27: 179, 195. – Mistakes in. (T. R. Smith) Am. Arch. 24: 233. 243. — Modern, Fergusson on. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 22: 192. — Morals and Manners of. (J. A. Fox) Am. Arch. 24: 85. — of Dwellings. (P. Sédille) Am. Arch. 28; 3. — of English Renaissance. (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. I9: 86, 145. — of London Streets. 648. — of Queen Victoria's Reign. J. 39; 203. — on the Eastern Shores of the Adriatic. kiss Lloyd) Am. Arch. 22: 83. — Present and Fifty Years ago. Am. Arch. 22: 205. — Primitive, Sociological Influences in. Am. Natural. 23: 24. — Prison, History of. (J. R. Thomas) Am. Arch. 34: 87. — Private, Importance of. (P. Sédille) Am. Arch. 22: (E. J. Tarver) J. Soc. Arts, 35: (B. Champneys) Art. (W. Wat- (W. W. Boyington) (B. Ferree) 49. — Proportion in. (W. Watkiss Lloyd) Am. Arch. 23: I 54. — Religious. (P. Planat) Am. Arch. v. 28, 29. — Revival of. (W. Morris) Fortn. 49: 665. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 271. —Spanish. (H. Saladin) Am. Arch. 32: 127-191. — — Junghāndel's. Am. Arch. 26: 291. –Tall Office Buildings of New York. (J. B. Robin- son) Engin. M. I: 185. – Tendencies in Recent. (B. Ferree) Engin. M. I; 784. — Theatrical. (E. A. E. Woodrow) Am. Arch. 34: 29- I79. —Thoughts on. (F. Baumann) Am. Arch. 30: 85. —under Nationalism. (J. P. Putnam) Am. Arch. 29: 21–199. 30: 2O. — Utility in. (B. Ferree) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 202. ARCHITECTURE 19 ARKANSAS Architecture, What Style should we Follow 2 (W. Aristocracy and Humanity. (T. Davidson) Forum, 4: Simpson) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 525. Archives, Our. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 70. Arctic America, Exploration of. Science, Io; 3. Arctic Cruise of U. S. Steamer Thetis, 1889. (C. H. Stockton) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 171. – (R. G. Butler) Scrib. M. g.: 476. Arctic Expedition, Greely's, Magnetic and Tidal Work of. Science, 9: 215, 246. Arctic Exploration. Science, Io: 233.— Ath. '90, I: 269, — Dangers of the Ice Pack. (W. H. Gilder) Cosmo- pol. 4: 276. — Wintering in the White Zone. (F. Schwatka) Cos- mopol. 4: 478. Arctic Ice ; its Navigation. (A. A. Ackerman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 677. Arctic Ocean; Twelve Days without a Sunset. (J. Ricalton) Outing, Io: 315. Arctic Regions, Animals of the. (A. W. Greely) Chaut. 7: 468. — Hyperboreans of To-Day. (F. Prevost) New R. 5: 45. Arcturus. (E. W. Maunder) Sunday M. 19: 562. — Actual Magnitude of. (E. W. Maunder) Knowl. I4: 2I. Ardent, Story of the. Macmil. 56: 296. Arezzo, Monuments of. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 47: 5I 5. Argaum (or Argaon), Battle of, in 1803. (E. O'Calla- ghan) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 435. Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 549. Argeles and the Pyrenees. (R. S. Mylne) Tinsley, 45: I61. Argentine Banking and Finance. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 379. Argentine Capital, The. (T. Child) Harper, 82: 492. Argentine Farming. (R. Ogden) Nation, 53: 328. Argentine Filibusterers, The. (W. R. Lawson) Con- temp. 58: 455. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I5: 606. Argentine People, The. (J. M. Walden) Harper, 82: 863. Argentine Provincial Sketches. (T. Child) Harper, 82: 781. Argentine Republic. (W. E. Curtis) Harper, 75: 891. — (F. K. Smythies) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 505. — Crisis in, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 616. — Sat. R. 69: 630. 7o: 106, 124.— Macmil. 62: 393. – Bank. M. (Lond.) 5o: I 126. — — Tts Development. (H. B. Callander) Fortn. 54: 439. —— Its Financial Significance. (W. R. Lawson) Fortn. 54; 448. — Education in. (E. Daiseaux) Educa. 8: 435. —Finances of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 47: 46. — Future of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1366. — Italianisation of. Spec. 62: 569. —Loan, 1889. Sat. R. 67: 217,604. — Past and Present of. (J. Procter) Bank. M. (Lond.) 5I : 45 I. Argonauts and Squids. (D. Dale) Sunday M. 16: 830. Argot and Slang, Barrère's. Spec. 61: 1197. Argument, Inefficacy of. (C. D. English) Overland, m. s. I7: 59. Argyll, Duke of, and the Neo-Darwinians. (W. T. Thiselton Dyer) Nature, 41 : 247. Arid Lands, Institutions for. (J. W. Powell) Cent. 40: III. – Irrigable. (J. W. Powell) Cent. 17: 766. — Non-Irrigable. (J. W. Powell) Cent. 17: 915. Ariosto, Satires of. (E. M. Clerke) National, 12: 669. Aristides. Apology. (G. T. Stokes) Contemp. 6o: 104. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 676. — (J. Owen) Acad. 40: 229. — (H. Lucas) Month, 72: 509. I56. — European. (C. Palmer) Westm. I28: 62o. — of the Future. (C. Kingsley) Good Words, 28: 123. — Spec. 60: 139. — or Democracy. (S. Laing) Contemp. 57: 525. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I.4: 693. Aristophanes, Conception of Low Comedy in. (A. Em- erson) Am. J. Philol. Io: 265. * Aristotle as a Naturalist." (G. J. Romanes) Contemp. 59: 275. Same art. Egl. M. II6: 456. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 599. *. — Constitution of Athens. (J. E. Sandys and others) Acad. 39: 137–371. – Church Q. 32: 410. – (H. Hayman) Dub. R. Io9: 351. —Sat. R. 7I: 358. -- Ed. R. I73: 470. — (A. Rankine) Leis. Hour, 4o: 589. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 486. — — Discovery of. (H. L. Havell) Macmil. 63: 392. – (L. Dyer) Nation, 52: I 15. — — Kenyon's. (J. H. Wright) Nation, 52: 382. — Course of Study in. J. Spec. Philos. 20: 426. – His Definition of Tragedy. (A. Fryers) Theatre, 26: 227. — Poetics, Abu Bishr’s Arabic Version of. Ath. '88, I: 528. — Politics. (C. C. Shackford) Unita. R. 35: 433. — — Newman's Edition. (R. D. Hicks) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 146. — Spec. 62: 91. — Ath. '88, 2: 150. — Shute's History of the Writings of. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 34; 322. — XvXAoyvauoi é; Vitofféaetos in. (P. Shorey) Am. J. Phi- lol. IO: 460. — Tomb of. Acad. 39: 568. — — Probably Discovered at Eretria. (C. Waldstein) 19th Cent. 29: 845. — — Waldstein on. Nation, 52: 282. Arithmetic, An Old, 1655. (E. Barnes) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 502. e — Economy of Memory in Study of. (S. N. Patten) Educa. 9: 679. — Hindu. Science, I5: 234. — (F. Pincott) Knowl. I3: 105. — in the Boston Schools. (F. A. Walker) Acad. (Syr.) 2 : 433. — Modern Teaching of. (T. H. Safford) Atlan. 67: 668. — Notes on Early History of. (J. H. Kleinheksel) Educa. II: 534. — Acad. (Syr.) 5: 200. — Proposed Addition to the Vocabulary of. (J. J. Sylvester) Nature, 37: 152. Arithmetical Prodigies. (E. W. Scripture) Am. J. Psy- chol. 4: I. See Calculating Boys. Arizona, Another View of. (T. E. Farish) Nation, 48: 4O4. — Archaeological Camping in. (S. Baxter) Am. Arch. 25: 9, 15, 32, 43. 26: Ior, I2O. — as a State. (W. G. Bates) Nation, 48: 281. — Cushing's Late Discoveries in. (C. N. Kirkbride) Overland, n. s. I3: 584. — Hemenway Archaeological Expedition in. (T. Wil- son) Nature, 38: 620. — Science, I2: 39. — Trip to the Cavalry Camps in Southern. (C. H. Ward) Cosmopol. 2: Io9. Arizona Ranch, Day at an. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. 9: 354. Ark, Babylonian, Dimensions of. (P. Haupt) Am. J. Philol. 9: 419. Arkansas, Camp in the Mountains of. (Minna C. Smith) Outing, Io: 436. — Plantation Life in. (A. French) Atlan. 68: 32. — Pronunciation of. (R. T. Hill) Science, Io: 107. — (J. Murdoch) Science, Io: 120. – Town Life in. (A. French) Atlan. 68: 332. - — National, Efficiency and Economy of. ARM Arm for Volunteer Cavalry. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 305, 466. Armada, French, of 1386. Chamb. J. 65: 678. — Spanish. (W. H. K. Wright) Eng. Illust. 5: 460. — — Burden of the. (T. Watts) Ath. '88, 2: 224. — — a Poem. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 50: 157. — — Tercentenary of the. Spec. 61: 1028. — — Searches for a Ship sunk off Tobermory, Scotland. (Marquis of Lorne) 19th Cent. 24; 334. Armadillo. After “Tatou.” (S. Gray) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 397. Armenfrid. See Ermenfrid. Armenia, An Armenian's Cry for. (J. A. Malcolm) 19th Cent. 28: 640. — and the Armenian People. (E. B. Lanin) Fortn. 54: 258. — (J. B. Telfer) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 567. — (F. C. Conybeare) National, I4; 295. — Atrocities in, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 230. Armenians, The, and the Porte. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Atlan. 67: 524. Armenian Question, The. (I. L. Bishop) Contemp. 59: 642, 819. — (M. Sevasly) New R. I : 305. Armenian Villages. (H. G. Powers) Chaut. Io: 197. Armies, An Apology for. Contemp. 51: 624. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 73. — European, Physique of. (W. M. Gattie) Fortn. 53: 566. — the Presidential. (S. Rivett-Carnac) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88): 196. — Standing, and Conscription. (A. T. Sibbald) Scot? R. I2: 330. * Armin, Robert. (F. G. Fleay) Poet-Lore, I: 507. Arminell; a Social Romance. (S. B. Gould) Temp. Bar, 85: 1-457. 86: 67–527. 87: 69–543. Armitage, J. R. Lend a H. 6: 386. Armitage Anniversaries. (C. W. Coleman) New Eng. M. 4: 6O7. Armless Wonders, Some. Chamb. J. 65: I off. Armor and Arms, Votive. (W. Greenwell) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 65. — Homeric. (W. Leaf) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 73, 281. Armor, Chilled, for Land Defences. (R. H. Thurston) Science, Io: I.24. - — for Ships, Modern. (Phila.) 5: 76. — British and Foreign, Present Position of. Browne) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 468. -- — Steel, Measure of Strength of. (E. M. Weaver) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 441. Armories, Instruction in. (Phila.) I: 453. Arms of the Pecci, The ; a story. Month, 67: 74. Arms, Small, of European Armies. (W. W. Kimball) Scrib. M. 6: 363. Armstrong, David A., with portrait. M. West. Hist. IO: 554. Armstrong, Samuel T. (J. W. Dean) N. E. Reg. 44: 139. Armstrong, Thomas. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 274. Army, The, as a Home. (W. H. Powell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 57. (F. R. Brainard) Un. Serv. (C. O. (A. C. Sharpe) Un. Serv. (H. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 206–247. — of Gray Eagle Bar. (A. S. Hallidie) Overland, n. s. I2: 34. — of Northern Virginia, Hist. Pap. 16: Io?. — — Paroles of. So. Hist. Pap. 15: I. —(W. P. Rob- erts) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 386. — of the Potomac. (J. L. Chamberlain) New Eng. M. n. S. 3: 79. — Work in Rear of an. All the Year, 68: 179. Army Chaplain, Experiences of am. (E. J. Hardy) Sun- day M. 18: 228–770. Articles of Surrender of. So. 20 ARNOLD Army Corps, Organization and Mobilization of an. (R. H. Stotherd) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 296. Amy Hospitals in 1861–65. (Walt Whitman) Cent. I4: 25. Army Portia. (C. King) Lippinc. 46: 723. Armason, Jon. Acad. 34: 205. Arniston Memoirs. Ath. '87, 2: 4oo. Amºl Benedict, Spies of. (S. Soule) M. West. Hist. : 487. – Treason of. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 66: 505. Arnold, Caleb, the Patriot. (J. O. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 9: 144. Arnold, Edwin, with Portrait. New Eng. M. m. s. 1: 3I 5. — Light of World. (T. R. Bacon) N. Eng. 55: 351. — (R. L. Gallienne) Acad. 39: 295. — (F. W. Farrar) Longm. I7: 494. — Lotus and Jewel. Sat. R. 65: 511. – With Sa'di in the Garden. (W. W. Hunter) Acad. 35; 67. Arnold, Matthew. (A. Austin) National, II: 415. — (H. D. Traill) Contemp. 53: 868. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 88. —Sat. R. 65: 459. — Acad. 33: 273. — Ath. '88, I: 5oo. – Spec. 61 : 538. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 433. —Eel. M. IIo: 816. —Nation, 46; 315. — (F. W. H. Myers) Fortn. 49: 719. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 545. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 55. – (Lord Coleridge) New R. I : I I I, 217. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 771. – Quar. If 7: 398.- With portrait. (A. Birrell; Scrib. M. 4: 537. – and Arnoldism. (O. Browning) Acad. (Syr.) 6: I4. — and R. W. Emerson. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 47: 684. — and his Work. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 9: 5. . — and Horace. Spec. 67: 638. — and Tolstoi. (F. H. Stoddard) And. R. Io: 359. Same art. Cong. R. 3: 20. — as a Critic. Spec. 61: 1670. — as an English Writer. (T. W. Hunt) N. Princ. 6: > S > — as a Poet. (R. H. Stoddard) No. Am. I46: 657. — Criticism of. (J. Burroughs) Cent. I4: IS5. – Death of. Liv. Age, I77: 436. — Critic, I2: 193. — Discomfort of. Nation, 46: 2O4. — Earliest Publication of. (E. Gosse) Ath. '88, I: — Essays in Criticism, 2d Series. Ath. '89, I: 273. — (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 9: 284. —Sat. R. 66: 588. — (G. A. Simcox) Acad. 34; 345. — Health in America. Critic, I2: 259. — His Criticism of Life. (W. A. Appleyard) National, 16: 659. — His Influence on Literature. (S. H. Thayer) And. R. I2: 262. — How He Impressed Me. (B. Berenson) Harv. Mo. 5 : 53 - Landscapes of. (F. Lockwood) No. Am. I47: 473. — Lord Coleridge on. Macmil. 65: 152. —Sat. R. 72: 517. — Memorial Verses on. (H. N. Powers) Lit. W. (Bost.) I9: I52. – on the Loves of the Poets. (A. Austin) National, Io: 768. – on the United States. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 168,-(J. B. Fry) No. Am. I46: 515. — And. R. 9: 512. – Our Day, I : 478. — Place of, in Literature. Critic, I2; 20I. - – Poetry of. Spec. 61: 962.- (W. D. Scudder) And. R. Io: 232. —Temp. Bar, 84. Io9. – (L. Johnson) Acad. 39: 31. —Ed. R. 168: 337. — Religious Views of. (S.C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: 473. ARNOLD Arnold, Matthew. Rest of Mortals; a Poem on. (M. Field) Contemp. 53: 882. — Source of his Power. (G. E. Meredith) Church R. 52: 65. — Theology of. (G. T. Knight) Univ. Q. 47: 339. — Writings. (M. E. Grant-Duff) Murray, 7: 289. Arnold Graham's Temptation. (W. Mills) Tinsley, 42: 223, 3I2. Arques-Sur-Mer. Sat. R. 66: 325. Arran. (A. W. W. Dale) Sunday M. 19: 470. Arrians, Hill, of India. . (A. F. Painter) Nature, 43: 2 I 2. Arrow-Heads as Charms. (E. Lovett) Leis. Hour, 37; 332. Arrow-Release, Methods of. Science, 9: I 19. Arsenic Acid, Method for Reduction of. (F. A. Gooch and P. E. Browning) Am. J. Sci. I40: 66. Arsenic Poisoning. Science, 9: 219. Arsenides, Metallic, Oxidation of, by Electric Current. (L. K. Frankel) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 451. Art, American School of. (J. Durand) N. Princ. 6; 236. — Ancient, Countries and Cities in. Hel. Stud. 9: 47. Art and Beauty. (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. 38: 389. — and Commercialism. (G. C. Graham) To-Day, II: 42. — and Congressional Legislation. (J. C. Van Dyke) Am. Arch. 23: I.28. — and Culture. (W. B. Carpenter) Art J. 42: 22. — and Decoration. (L. F. Day) Art J. 39: 366. — and Morality. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I46; 318. — and the People. (J. Britten) Dub. R. IO4; 377. — and Religion. (P. L. Foy) Am. Cath. Q. IS: 405. – Applied, Hindrances to Progress of. (C. Dresser) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 435. — as a Profession and as a Branch of Education. Lane) Irish Mo. Ig: 73. — Beauty, Composition, etc., in. Fortn. 49: 211. — behind the Curtain; a Portrait Painter's Experi- ences. (W. Goodman) Theatre, I8: 235, 305. Ig: 64. - — British, Gallery of. (M. Reid) Macmil. 63: 73. — — in 1890. Tinsley, 45: 86, 184. — — Ten Years of. (M. B. Huish) 19th Cent. 27: 102. – Business Side of. Art J. 40: 249. — Byzantine, Kondakoff's. (F. Crowninshield) Am. Arch. 21: 176. — Christian, Early, in Ireland. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. (P. Gardner) J. (D. (J. A. Symonds) .20: 106. — — — Symbolism of. (W. A. Beardslee) Ref. Q. 37: 369., —— Law of. (A. W. Smith) Cath. World, 45: 398. — — Relation of, to Theology. (A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 177. – Conversations on. (W. W. Story) Blackw. I45: 591. I46; 69, 381. — The Decay of Lying. (O. Wilde) 19th Cent. 25: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 408. — Decline of. (F. T. Palgrave) 19th Cent. 23: 71. — Destruction of, in America. (C. C. Hawkins) No. Am. I44; 381. — Duty on Works of. (H. Marquand) N. Princ. 6: 73. — Eastern. (C. Dresser) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 211. — English Faith in. (E. R. Pennell) Atlan. 61: 449. — English, the Celt in. (G. Allen) Fortn. 55: 267. Same art. Eel. M. 116: 369. — Fifty Years of. Church Q. 25: 161. — in 1891. (C. Goldie) Month, 72: 169. — Enthusiasm in. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 21: 75. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 7: 134. wº *. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 31: 166. 32: 20, 5. - 9 *l 1 ART Art, Flemish, Conway's Early. (W. J. Stillman) Na- tion, 44; 214. – French. (H. Quilter) Contemp. 51: 863. — — in the 18th Century, Lady Dilke on. 453. — German, Recent Illustrations of. (A. Meynell) Art J. 39: 325. -- — Hindu. Sat. R. 64: 655. — Historical Origin of. (B. Ferree) Am. Antiq. 13: Spec. 62: 225. — History of, Teaching the. (H. M. Stanley) Educa. 9 : 4O7. — Ideals of. (W. Holman Hunt) New R. 4: 420. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 82. — in 1887. (Walter Rowlands) Art J. 39: 293. — in 1887–88. (C. Monkhouse) Br. Alma. Comp. '89: . 307. — in 1888–89. (C. Monkhouse) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 3O4. — in 1889–90. (C. Monkhouse) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: 3O4. — in America. (W. Rowlands) Art J. 40: 318. — — Two Phases of. (L. C. Lillie) Harper, 80: 206. T — in Book Illustration. (C. E. Hurd) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 37. 5 ('86–87): 95. — in California, Revival of. land, m. s. I7: 649. — in Country Inns and Lodging-Houses. B. Lang) Art J. 43: 205. — in Education. (J. M. Hoppin) Forum, 7: 331. — in England. (F. Leighton) Contemp. 55: 24. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 202. — (W. Armstrong) Eng. Illust. 5: 4II. — — the Chantrey Bequest. All the Year, 68: 414. — — Goschen on. Spec. 66: 656. — in India. (Dr. Zerffi) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 233. — — Modern. (C. P. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 511. – in Ireland, Early. Sat. R. 65: 385. — in Italy: Florence Exhibition, 1861. J. Soc. Arts, Io: 138. — in London in 1887. (F. Goldie) Month, 60: 171, 383. — in Mexico. – in the Modern State, Lady Dilke's. 763. — Sat. R. 68: 106. — in Nature. Atlan. 61: 282. — in Russia, Modern. (T. Child) Harper, 80: 76. — in Sardinia, Judaea, and Syria, Perrot's. (J. R. S. Sterrett) Nation, 53: I45. — in Scotland, Brydall's. Spec. 64; 240. (C. D. Robinson) Over- (Leonora (M. D. Wyatt) (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 28: 177. Ath. '89, I: — Indictable. (A. Comstock) Our Day, I: 44. — The Individualist Ideal of. (W. H. Mallock) New R. 4: Too. — Japanese. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 614. - (C. Pfoundes) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 418. — Letters to a Young Gentleman on. (R. L. Steven- son and W. H. Low) Scrib. M. 4: 377. — Mediaeval, Reber's History of. (W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 7: 288. — (W. P. P. Longfellow) Nation, 45: I 18. — Migration of. Nation, 36: 516. 37; 6. — Ministry of, Parry on. Spec. 60: 389. — Modern, and Old Craftsmen. (B. Lindsay) New R. 2: SI4. — — Tendencies of. — Nineteenth Century School of. (W. Armstrong) 19th Cent. 21 : 585. — Parisian, New Departure in. Atlan. 66: 753. — Patriotism in. Art J. 40: 29. — Patronage of, in France. Sat. R. 65: 135. – Phrygian, Study of. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 350. Io; I47. (Birge Harrison) (J. M. Hoppin) N. Eng. 46: 451. t s ART Art, Primitive, Element of Terror in. (B. Ferree) Am. Antiq. II: 331. - Principle in, Patmore on. Spec. 63: 473. – Sat. R. 68: 79. — Principles of. (J. M. Hoppin) Church R. 50: 257. — — Van Dyke's. Spec. 60: 899. — a Profession. (F. W. Fellowes) N. Eng. 49: 425. - Progress in, Recent. (H. Blackburn) Lippinc. 45: 589. — — Our Education and. 82. – Protection on Works of. (K. Cox) Nation, 49: 24, 46. , - Relation of, to Truth. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 9: 36. – IRomanticism in. — Sight and Memory in relation to. Art J. 43: 275. – Sinico-Japanese. Spec. 60: 392. — The Socialist Ideal of. (W. Morris) New R. 4: 1. – Spurious Works of. (J. C. Robinson) 19th Cent. 30: 677. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 680. — R. L. Stevenson on. Spec. 61: 1255. - Strugglers in. (J. P. Laurens) Good Words, 31: 256. - Suggestiveness in. (J. C. Van Dyke) N. Eng. 50: 29. – Tariff on Works of. (T. Solberg) Nation, 48: 109. – Two Schools of. Macmil. 58: 108. -- vs. the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. (W. Bay- (F. D. Millet) (H. M. Stanley) Educa. II: (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 25: 257. (W. W. Fenn) liss) National, II: 532. — What are Americans doing in 2 Cent. II: 46. – What it teaches us. 32 : 4O4. – Whistler's Lecture on. 49: 745. — Workmanship in. Art Catalogue, An Exemplary. tion, 46: 70. Art Competition, Annual, in England. Art J. 43: 327. Art Congress, The English, – a Warning to Americans. Nation, 49: 268. Art Criticism, Russell on. Spec. 61: 166. Art Education. Irish Mo. 18; 33. – during the past Fifty Years. (G. R. Redgrave) Art (F. W. Farrar) Good Words, (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. (A. Repplier) Amer. I5: 231. (W. M. Conway) Na- (A. Vallance) J. 39: 221. – in the Public Schools. (J. MacAllister) Educa. R. I : 313. — in Würtemberg. (A. Harris) Art J. 4o: 85. — Popular. Meliora, I: 165. Art Exhibitions of 1886. Comp. '87: 160. — of 1887. (C. Monkhouse) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 151. — of 1890, at Home and Abroad. (Claude Phillips) Art J. 42: 146, 161. — Art J. 43: 216, 240. Art Instruction in Public Schools. National, 9: 602. Art Manufactures of Japan. (C. Dresser) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 169. Art Notes from Australia. 9 : I41. — in North Italy. (W. Pater) New R. 3: 393. art. Liv. Age, 187: 625. Art Patronage. (G. F. Underhill) Tinsley, 41 : 245. Art Sales of 1887. (A. Beaver) Art J. 39: 337. — 1888. (A. Beaver) Art J. 40: 34o. — 1889. Art J. 41 : 301. — 1890. (A. C. R. Carter) Art J. 42: 305. — 1891. (A. C. R. Carter) Art J. 43: 308. — and Christie's. (G. Redford) 19th Cent. 22: 60. — History of, Redford's. Ath. '89, 2: 167. Art Schools, Plea for. (G. A. Thrupp.) Art J. 4o: 271. Art Student in New York. (E. Knauff) Am. M. 8: 70. Art Students' League of New York. (J. C. Van Dyke) Harper, 83: 688. (C. Monkhouse) Br. Alma. (G. Parker) Eng. Illust. Same * 22 ARTIST Art Teaching and Technical Schools. Fortn. 53: 231. Art Year, The, 1887. (C. Cook) Chaut. 8: 416. Artemis-Leto and Apollo-Lairbenos. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 216. - Artemis or Artamis. (C. D. Buck) Am. J. Philol. Io: 463. Artemus Ward. See Browne, C. F. Artesian Belt of the Upper San Joaquin. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, n. s. I2: 113. Artesian Wells and Deep Borings. Soc. Arts, Io: 156. – as a Means of Drainage. (A. E. Bruckmann) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 609-764. – in Basin of the Thames River. Arts, 25: 597. Arthrolycosa Antiqua of Harger, Note on. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. I38: 219. Arthur, King; an Arthurian Journey. Atlan. 65: 81 1. — Arthurian Legend, Rhys's Studies in the. (J. M. Hart) Nation, 53: 279. — (L. Johnson) Acad. 4o: 67. — Knights of the Round Table. (J. Baldwin) Chaut. I2: 167. — Malory's Morte Darthur. (L. Johnson) Acad. 38: 237. — (F. A. March) Nation, 50: 15. — Gent. M. n. S. 47 : 319. — — Sommer’s Edition. (F. A. March) Nation, 51: 196. Arthur, Chester A. (J. M. Bundy) M. Am. Hist. 17: 35. – With portrait. (B. P. Poore) Bay State Mo. I: 265. — Pub. Opin. 2: 121. Arthur, T. S., Methods of. (D. L. Milliken) Writer, I : I4 I. Article, The, with Proper Namcs. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. II: 483. Articular Infinitive. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. 8: 329. Artificiality. Chamb. J. 65: 289. Artificial Limbs. J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 329. Artillery, Corps and Divisional. Sat. R. 71 : 161. — Field. (R. F. Johnson) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 6oo. — — Arming of. (R. F. Johnson) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88– 89): 513. — — for Home Defence. Mag. '87, 2: 193. — in Modern Warfare. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 35: 197. — Prince Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen on. Spec. 62: 796. — Ath. '89, I : 434. – (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 345. — Machine Guns. (W. Werner) National, 12: 583. — Modern, Development of. (R. Mostyn) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 363. — Mountain, Technical Employment of. Simpson) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 712. – of the Amer. Revolution. (J. D. Butler) M. Am. Hist. I8: 203. — Royal Regiment of. Ed. R. I.69: 242. — Royal, Reorganization of. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 310. - Artillery Company, The Honourable, London. ’89, I : 213. — — “Vellum book” of. Ath, 'go, I : 307. (Lady Dilke) (G. R. Burnell) J. (J. Lucas) J. Soc. (C. E. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. (H. C. C. D. Ath. Artillery Practice. Sat. R. 7o: 231. 314. Artiodactyla, The. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 22: Io'79. 23: III. Artiodactyle, Horned, from the Miocene. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 81. Artist, Breton's Life of an. 223. — Christian, Mission of the. (A. Traver) Brit. & For, Evang. R. 37: 556. Same art. Luth. Q. 17: 540. Artist Life in New York, Social Side of. (C. M. Fair- banks) Chaut. I3: 746, (K. Cox) Nation, 52: ARTISTIC Artistic Mystery; a story. (A. Barczinsky) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 54I. Artists’ Materials, Present and Former Modes of ob- taining. (W. H. Hunt) J. Soc. Arts, 28; 485. Artists' Scraps and Sketches, Exhibition of. (W. L. Fraser) Cent. 42: 96. Artist’s Testament, The. II : 395. s Artists, American, at the Paris Exhibition. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 489. — — in Europe. (H. James) Harper, 79: 50. – Boston, and their Studios. (W. H. Rideing) Am. M. 7: 331–466. – Lady, in Paris. (M. A. Belloc) Murray, 8: 371. — of Spain, Stirling-Maxwell's. Sat. R. 7I: 235. — Picturesque Effects for, on the Continent. . (R. Gra- ham) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 165. — Roman, of the Middle Ages. jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 307. — Why we have no Great. (J. D. Champlin, jr.) Forum, 3: 622. Arts and Crafts Exhibition, London. Spec. 61: 1387. — (W. Crane) Murray, 6: 650. — Applied, Recent Movements in Relation to. J. D. Linton) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 139. — — Relation of Fine Arts to. (E. C. Robins) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 207. Arundel Castle. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 5: 494. Arundell, Sir Thomas. (Lord Arundell of Wardour) Dub. R. Io9: I. Aryans, The. (S. B. Platner) N. Eng. 54: 205. — and the Beech. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 33: 344. — Cradle of the ; Was it in Europe? (O. B. Super) Meth. R. 47: 211. – Cradle-Land of. (J. S. S. Glennie) Nature, 42: 545. — Finnic Origin of. (F. H. Woods) Acad. 32: 239. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 697. – (A. L. Mayhew and others) Acad. 33: 276, 310. – (F. H. Woods) Acad. 33: 363. — in Science and History. (H. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 672. — Origin of. (A. H. Sayce and others) Acad. 38: ºx/ 204, 226. —Sat. R. 69: 22. – (H. W. Haynes) Na- tion, 51: 36. – (E. Clodd) Knowl. I3: 91. (C. Stairly) Overland, m. s. (A. L. Frothingham, (Sir — — Arctic. Knowl. II: 77. — Origin and Primitive Seat of. (I. Taylor) Anthrop. J. I.7: 238. — Original Home of. (A. H. Sayee) Acad. 31 : 452. — (F. Max Müller) Good Words, 28: 538. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 505. — Acad. 32: 187. — (I. Taylor) Acad. 32: 377. -- (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 56: I off. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 328. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 338. — — Müller on. Spec. 61: 1293. — Speech of, traced to the Stone Age. Knowl. I2: 77. Aryan Question and Pre-Historic Man. ley) 19th Cent. 28: 750. Same art. 38: 341, 502. – Ecl. M. II6: 1. As England Expected. (E. H. Clubbe) Murray, 3: 238. “As Haggards of the Rock.” (M. T. Wright) Scrib. M. 7: 556. As in a Glass Darkly; a story. (I. Weddle) Belgra. 69: 283. As it Happened; a story. (B. Gardiner) Belgra. 68: 481. As Night follows Day. (Mrs. Fetherstonhaugh) Lond. Soc. 53: 523, 624. As the Sparks Fly Upward. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. 8: 721. As through a Glass. (E. A. P. Searing) Tinsley, 47: 77. Asbestos and its Applications. (J. Boyd) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 582. - Canadian. (F. Pincott) (T. H. Hux- Pop. Sci. Mo. 23 ASKLEPIOS Ascension Island. Chamb. J. 65: 742. Asceticism ; the Ascetic Ideal. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 68: 468. — Salutary. Unita. R. 36: 337. Ascot Racecourse. All the Year, 60: 305. Ascot Races, 1887. Sat. R. 63: 869. — 1890. Sat. R. 69: 796. — Outing, 16: 200. A'Sek, Persia. (W. F. Ainsworth) Antiq. m. s. 20; 137. Asherah. (T. K. Cheyne) Acad. 36: 390. Asheville, N. C. (B. Willis) Nat. Geog. M. I : 291. Ashland, Wisconsin. (E. Ellis) M. West. Hist. 9; 12. Ashmolean Museum. Knowl. I2; 33. Ashton Manor-House, Lancashire. (E. W. Cox) Antiq. n. s. 20: 46. b Ashtoreth and her Influence in the Old Testament. (G. A. Barton) J. Bib. Lit. Io: 73. Asia, Arctic. Spec. 63: 511. — Bicycle Trip across, Stevens's. Sat. R. 67: 130. — Bonvalot's Travels in. (W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) Io: 32. — Ath. '89, I: 173. — Central. (J. Adye) Contemp. 52: 712. – (R. D. Os- born) Nation, 44; 474. — (N. Prjevalsky) Asia. R. • JS/J s — — British and Russian Commerce in. (G. N. Cur- zon) Asia, R. 8: 438. — — Politics in. (A. Vámbéry) Asia. R. 4: 42. — — Prjevalsky’s Journeys in. Science, Io: 62. — — Russia’s Frontier in. (G. N. Curzon) 19th Cent. 25: 267. — (Sir R. Temple) Murray, 6: 721. — All the Year, 64; 461. — — — Curzon on. Ed. R. I7I: 179. — Ath. '89, 2: 518. – Spec. 63: 693. — — — Is Russia Vulnerable 2 Asia. R. 8: 64. — — Shortest Routes from United States to. Science, IO: I 5. — — Travelling in. (C. J. Wills) Good Words, 30: 538, 615. — Eastern, France and England in. Asia. R. 5: 336. — Greeks in. (C. W. Wilson) Asia. R. 3: 32. *— Heart of. Dub. R. IO4: 428. — Military Balance of Power in. Blackw. I43: 877. — Overland from India. (D. M. Wallace) Eng. Illust. 7: 739, 782. — Western, Early Races of. J. Ig: 30. — — in the Middle Ages, Bretschneider's. Spec. 62: 687. Asia Minor. Cornh. 64: 628. — Archaeological Tourin. (A. H. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 216. — Discovery of Kasarea, Lydae, and Kapdiapa. (J. T. Bent) Ath. '88, I: 671. — Explorations in. (D. G. Hogarth; J. A. R. Munro) Ath. '91, 2: 265, 361, 423. — (W. M. Ramsay) Ath. ’91, 2: 233, 327. — German Exploration in. 5I : 231. — Greeks and Jews in. Spec. 64: 195. — Ibex Hunting in. (E. N. Buxton) 19th Cent. 29: 25 I. — Importance of, for Russia. (A. W. Eliséef) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 539. — Railway Celebration in. 52: 476. — Ramsay’s Historical Geography of. rett) Nation, 53: 198. — Wolfe Expedition to. (E. G. Coy) And. R. Io: 430. Asiatic Ideas, Reflex Influence of. Spec. 67: 490. Asiatic Notion of Justice. Spec. 66: 271. Ask Mamma. (R. Nevill) Tinsley, 41 : 66. Asklepios, Statue of. (W. Wroth) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 46. (H. S. Hallett) (C. R. Conder) Anthrop. (J. R. S. Sterrett) Nation, (Horace White) Nation, (J. R. S. Ster- (J. T. Donald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 526. — (H. N. Fowler) Am. J. Archaeol. 3: 32. ASOKA Asoka, Rock Edicts of. (G. Bühler) Acad. 35: 170, 208. 36: 291. Asoka Inscriptions, Words in the. (R. Morris) Acad. 38: 480. Asolo, Italy. (P. Pinkerton) Art J. 42: 189. Asolo and its Neighborhood. (L. Villari) Liv. Age, I9 I: 367. — Browning's. (F. Moscheles) Scrib. M. Io: 359. Asperm Papers. (H. James) Atlan. 61 : 296, 461, 577. Asphalt Pavement. Am. Arch. 27: 82. Asphalts. (L. Meyn) J. Soc. Arts, 2I: I I, 35. Asphaltum of Utah and Colorado, Note on. Stone) Am. J. Sci. I42: 148. Aspiration and Inspiration. (J. C. Adams) Univ. Q. (G. H. 44; 40. Asquam Lake and its Environs. (F. M. Colby) Granite Mo. Io: 68. Assam and the Indian Tea Trade. Asia. R. 5: 362. Assassin, The, and the Child; a story. (H. W. Brown) Belgra. 69: 345. Assassination. (H. Haines) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 285. — in India. Sat. R. 71: 497. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 802. — Political. Ed. R. I66: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 643. — Sat. R. 64: 186. Same art. Ecl. M. IO9: 502. Assay Master of the Queen of England. erts-Austen) Murray, I : 592. Assessments, Political, Evils of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 45; 267. Assets, Liquidity of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 193. Assignor's Fraud, Effect of, on Assignment for Credit- ors. (M. M. Cohn) Am. Law R. 21: 9oI. Assimilation; is it a Spent Force 2 (G. Mooar) Over- land, n. s. 16: 157. Assiniboia, Plains of. Outing, I8: 433. Association. Chamb. J. 65; 6. — and Thought. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, I2: 354. — Controversies on. (A. Bain) Mind, I2: I61. — (in Language) in Substitution and Rotation. (M. W. Easton) Am. J. Philol. Io: 198. — Sentiment of. (G. J. Holyoake) Lend a H. 3: 633. Assouan, English Life at. (F. Carr) Leis. Hour, 38: I92. — Grottoes of. Sat. R. 69: 731. Assum Igitur; a story. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 64; I. Assumption and Pretension. (A. L. Dudevant) No. Am. I44; 208. Assyria, Ctesias’ History of, Sources of. Eng. Hist. R. 2: 97. — Researches in, Progress of. R. 50: 53. Assyrian and Babylonian Antiquities, Forgeries of. (J. Medant) Am. J. Archaeol. 3: 14. Assyriology and the Old Testament. Unita. R. 28: 543. - Astbury's Bargain. (C. Gibbon) Chamb. J. 66: 135– I99. Asteroids, Question of. All the Year, 69: 55. — Zone of, Gaps in. (D. Kirkwood) Sid. Mess. Io: (E. M. Clerke) (W. C. Rob- (J. Gilmore) (R. W. Rogers) Meth. (D. G. Lyon) I94. Aston Hall, Birmingham. (W. Wallis) Eng. Illust. 6; 776. Astor, John Jacob, 1st. Spec. 64; 3oo. - Astor, W. W. Sforza. Atlan. 65: I.23. Astor Library. (F. K. Saunders) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: I48. — Catalogue of. (H. L. Koopman) Lib. J. I2: 123. Astrologers and Diviners, Persian. Chamb. J. 64: (J. Ralph) Chaut. I3: 18o. — I22. Astrological Fancies. Knowl. II: 242. 24 ASTYPALAEA Astrology, Divination, and Coincidences. (J. M. Buck- ley) Cent. I5: 629. — Redemption of. Scot. R. Io: 124. Astronomer, How I became am. (C. Flammarion) No. Am. I5O: Ioo. Astronomer's Summer Trip. 4: 82. Astronomer's Work in a Modern Observatory. Gill) Nature, 44: 603. Astronomers, Women as. 340. Astronomical Congress, Paris. Nature, 35: 584. 7, 54. Astronomical Literature of 1890, Bibliography of. (W. .C. Winlock) Sid. Mess. Io: 83, 356. Astronomical Photography. (C. A. Young) New Princ. 3: 354. — (C. Flammarion) New R. 5: 72. Astronomical Societies and Amateur Astronomers. (L. Niesten) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 813. Astronomies, New. Nation, 46: 452. Astronomy, American, Fifty Years of. (D. P. Todd) Nation, 47; 25. — and Geology, Drayson’s Untrodden Ground in. J. C. Cowell) 19th Cent. 29: 760. — and Theology. Spec. 61: 1634. — Babylonian. (G. Bertin) Acad. 31: 223. – (G. Ber- tin) Nature, 40: 237, 261, 285, 360. . — Celestial Phenomena. All the Year, 69: 520. — Celestial Physics. (W. Huggins) Science, I8: 21 1, 230, 239. — Chambers's Pictorial. Sid. Mess. Io: 453. — Discovery of Invisible Worlds. (Dr. Klein) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 501. (C. A. Young) Scrib. M. (D. (E. Singleton) Chaut. I4: 36: (Sir I — Early History of. (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 43: 559. 44: 8-199. — Fabulous. (J. C. Houzeau) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 194. — Homeric. (A. M. Clerke) Nature, 35: 585, 607. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 501, 569. — in 1889. Sid. Mess. 9: IOI. — in 1890. Sid. Mess. Io: 133. — in the U. S., Development of. Mess. 7: 430. 8: 70, 198. — Latest News in. (C. A. Young) Forum, Io; 83. — Lockyer's Theory. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 357. — Modern. (R. S. Ball) Contemp. 6o: 437. Liv. Age, 191: 279. — New, Langley on. Knowl. II: 181. — New Discoveries in. (C. Flammarion) Arena, 5: I. — Origin of Celestial Species. (J. N. Lockyer) Harper, 78: 578. - — Place of, among the Sciences. (S. Newcomb) Sid. Mess. 7: I4, 65. — Popular Horror of. Spec. 67: 285. — Present Status of. Sat. R. 72: 215. & — Sidereal, New and Old. (E. S. Holden) Cent. I4: (T. H. Safford) Sid. Same art. 602, 78o. — Studies in. (G. P. Serviss) Chaut. I2: 38, 124, 334, 463, 596. I3: 170. – Study of. (W. W. Payne) Sid. Mess. 8: 31 o, 407. — — Hints on Popular. (M. E. Byrd) Sid. Mess. G: I5 I. – Ten Years Progress in, 1876–1886. (C. A. Young) Sid. Mess. 6: 4. — with an Opera-Glass; the Moon and Sun. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 478. — — Stars of Spring. (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 743. — — — Summer. (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31. 187. - — — — Autumn. (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 53. — — — Winter. (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 51 1. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 253. (G. P. Astypalaea. ÁSURI-KALPA Asuri-Kalpa; a Witchcraft Practice in the Atharva- Veda. (H. W. Magoun) Am. J. Philol. Io: 165. At Anchor. (J. Magruder) Lippine. 40: 3, 442. At Byram's. (L. C. Lillie) Harper, 77: 529. At the Casa Napoléon. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, 82: 229. At the Château of Corinne. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 75: 778. At the Dam of San Marko. (A. M. Kerr) Cosmopol. II: 312. At the Dead Man's Door; a story. (C. Kernahan) Belgra. 63: I 17. At Dom Ignacio's. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, n. S. 12; 593. At the End of the Passage. (R. Kipling) Lippine. 46: 246. At the Harbor's Mouth. (W. Learned) Cent. 20: 427. At La Glorieuse. (M. E. M. Davie) Harper, 84; 77. At Last ; a story. (J. Habbarton) Lippine. 42: 544, 684, 875. 43: 126, 259, 416. At the Moment of Victory. (C. L. Pirkis) All the Year, 63: I-506. At a Moorish Window; a story. Temp. Bar, 81: 53. At Pinney's Ranch. (E. Bellamy) Atlan. 60: 777. At the “Pothick; ” a story. (M. Hunt) Belgra. 61: 315. At the Ranch of the Holy Cross. (A. A. Hayes) Scrib. M. io: 214. At the Sign of the Golden Bird. Macmil. 63: 136. At the Sign of the Golden Viol. atre, 2I : 74. At the Sign of the Ship. (A. Lang) Longm. v. 9 I7. At the Sign of the Violet ; a story. Leis. Hour, 36: 273-496. At the Stores. All the Year, 62: 230. At the Town Farm. (E. B. Carpenter) Cent. 19: 462. At Whose Door? (M. Deland) Longm. I3: 493. Atacama, Desert of, Meteorites in. Science, I4: 433. — Nature, 41 : IoS. Athanasius, St. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 338. — Chrysostom, Augustine, Lessons from the Lives of. Church Q. 31 : 480. — Contra Mundum. Lond. Q. 69: 297. Atharva-Veda, Seven Hymns of, Notes on. (M. Bloom- field) Am. J. Philol. 7: 466. Atheism. (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 30: 120. — among the Working Classes. (W. Rossiter) 19th Cent. 2 I : 262. 22: III. – Natural History of. (B. P. Bowne) And. R, Io: 169. Athenè. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 22: 79. – and Enceladus, Bronze of. (A. H. Smith) J. Hel. ' Stud. 4: 90. — in West Pediment of the Parthenon. ner) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 244. – Temples of. (T. Ely) Antiq. m. s. 18: 233. Athenè Parthenos, Statuette of. (C. T. Newton) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 1. Athenian Coins. (C. Oman) Aead. 33: 259. Athens, Acropolis of, Archaic Sculpture. Ath. '87, 2: 680. — — Boetticher's. Nation, 46: 285. — — Recent Discoveries in. Quar. 171: 122. — American School at. (Thomas W. Ludlow) Am. Arch. 26: 263.- (W. C. Lawton) Nation, 49: 212.- (T. D. Seymour) N. Eng. 47: 81. — (J. S. White) Science, 9: 354. º — — Discoveries at Ikaria. Archaeol. 4: 421. – Ancient, Day in, B. c. 470. (R. F. Weymouth) Leis. Hour, 39: 615–846. — — for Modern Readers. Atlan. 66: 839. – Ancient Sepulchral Reliefs at. Spec. 60: 1083, (G. St. Clair) 1123. (G. R. Tomson) (B. Harraden) The- (E. A. Gard- (H. Wallis) (C. D. Buck) Am. J. 25 ATHOS Athens, Archaeology at. Nation, 44; 317. — Architectural Discoveries at. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 21 : 280. — British School at. Acad. 34:59. – Acad. 4o: 59. — (G. A. Macmillan) Fortn. 48: 455. — Ath. '87, 2: 90. — Excavations in, 1888. — — in and near. Ath. '89, 2: Ath. 'go, I : 218. —in the Middle Ages. — Quar. I'73: 180. — Mars Hill and the Oldest. 226. – Mythology and Monuments of, Werrall's. Merriam) Nation, 5 I: 55. —The New Yachting. (Sir M. Mackenzie) Fortn. 56: 2O3. — Recent Discoveries at. (T. Ely) Antiq. m. s. 20: 89. — Revisited. (G. S. Lefevre) Contem. 59: 290. –Sketches in. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 84: 497. Same art. Liv. Age, I80; 95. — Theatre of Dionysos at. (J. P. Mahaffy) Acad. 35: Ath. '89, I: 22, 57. 528. — (S. P. Lambros) (H. F. Tozer) Acad. 39: 434. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: (A. C. 313. Athlete, Mental Qualities of an. (A. T. Dudley) Harv. Mo. 6: 43. —Physical Characteristics of the. Scrib. M. 2: 54I. Athletes of the Present and the Past. 19th Cent. 21 : 517. Athletic Christianity in American Colleges. Frost) And. R. Io: 597. Athletic Club for Ladies. (E. Waddle) Outing, 15: 57. — of Jersey City. (C. L. Meyers) Outing, I3: 445. — of Orange. (N. B. Woodworth) Outing, I5: I.24. Athletic Sports. Lond. Q. 75: 197. —Amateur Track and Field. (C. F. Sawyer) Scrib. M. 7: 775. —at Cornell. (G. H. Lohmes) Outing, I5: 451. — at Williams College. (S. G. Jenney) Outing, I7: 142. – French. Sat. R. 69: 694. . . . —in American Colleges, Stºr- (A. B. Hart) Atlan. 66: 63. —in Ohio Colleges. (E. W. Forgy) Outing, 17: 235. – in Washington. (H. J. Browne) Outing, 17: 65. —Track, in America. (W. Camp) Cent. 18: 203. Athletics, Amateur, Problems of ; Special and Profes- sional. (W. Camp) Outing, 19: 197. —at Amherst. (H. A. Cushing) Outing, 18: 142. – at Harvard. (J. M. Hallowell) Outing, 13: 233. #–College, and Heart Disease. (D.A. Sargent) Educa. \ R. 2; 453. ––and Physical Development. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 721. -- Are they Pernicious? And...B, Io; 33. ——An Ideal in. (E. J. Wende'ſ Harvº Mo. 5: 85. —in Education, (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 63: 79. — in France. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 245. —in Secondary Schools, Competitive. (D. B. Cochran; W. G. Anderson; W. Gallagher; H. L. Boltwood) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 314. —in Switzerland. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 56: 408. – Modern Development of. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 4o: 817. — of Ancient Greece. (H. Williams) Outing, I8: 49– — Physician's View of Exercise and. (J. W. White) ipping. 39: Ioo&. - F-Pindar Đìd. (C. Wordsworth) National, II: 235. \-Reaction against. Spec. 62: 823. Athletism, Progress of. (C. Turner) Outing, 13: 109. Athos; Mountain of the Monks. Church Q. 26: 222. — in 1889. (J. P. Mahaffy) Murray, 5: 782. — Manuscripts of. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '89, I: 793. —Riley's. Ath. '87, 2: 170. – Spec. 60: 1090. (D. A. Sargent) (H. Ellington) (T. G. (E. L. Richards) ATHOS Athos, Mt., Visit to. Antiq. m. s. 16: 109. Atkinson, Edward, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: II.3. — Economic Theories of. (F. B. Hawley) Forum, 7: 292. Atlanta, Georgia. (G. L. Chaney) New Eng. M. m. s. 5 : 377. — Campaign of. (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: I94. — Opposing Sherman’s Advance to. Cent. I2: 585. — The Struggle for. (O. O. Howard) Cent. I2: 442. Atlantic Coast, Post-Glacial Subsidence of Middle. (A. Lindenkohl) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 489. Atlantic Ocean, Crossing the. All the Year, 68: 583. — (W. H. Rideing) Cosmopol. Io: 351. —Safety on the. (W. H. Rideing) Scrib. M. 9: 696. (J. E. Johnston) Atlantic Slope, Middle, Three Formations of. (W. J. McGee) Am. J. Sci. I35: I.20, 328, 367. Atlas Mountains, Exploration of, Thomson's. Spec. 62 : 797. Atmosphere in a Picture ; what is it 2 (F. W. Fel- lowes) N. Eng. 56: 170. Atmosphere, Instability of the. M. 2: 197. — Upper. (A. C. Ramyard) Knowl. I4; 212. — Upper Strata of. Science, I8: 57. Atmospheric Phenomena, Primitive Workshop of. (G. d’Alviella) Pop. Sci. Mio. 33: 99. Atoll and Coral Formation. (G. C. Bourne) Nature, 37: 546. Atom, The. (H. E. Roscoe) Nature, 36: 417. Atomic Souls. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. 13:407. Atomic Theory and the Old Philosophy. (H. Browne) Month, 64: 195. – Historic Development of. 36: 1 II. —Stas's Work on. Nature, 44; 134. Atomic Weight of Cadmium, Re-determination of. (E. A. Partridge) Am. J. Sci. I40: 377. Atomic Worlds and their Motions. (H. Hensoldt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 183. Atonement. (D. Lipscombe) Chris. Q. 7: 67. Atonement, The. (W. D. Shipman) Univ. Q. 45: 195. — (R. B. Welch) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 69. – (R. B. Welch) Presb. R. Io : 605. — (W. S. Woodbridge) Univ. Q. 48: 307. — Arminian Theories of. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. (R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Q. (G. M. Steele) Meth. R. 48: 169. — Benevolence Theory of. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 47: 567. 48: Ioa. — Bible View of. (E. H. Johnson) Bapt. Q. I3: 707. — Cochran on the Moral System and. Bib. Sac. 46: 475. — Cochran and others on. 47: 21. — Doctrine of. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 36: 1. —the First and Second Adam. (C. R. Lane) Ref. Q. 35: 188. – Jesus Christ as Substitute and. Univ. Q. 45: 67. — Recent Discussions on. Lond. Q. 74: 218. —the Seed of the Woman. (A. R. Cremer) Ref. Q. 37: 176. —Soteriology. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 36: 413. —Study of. (E. C. Sweetser) Univ. Q. 44; 279. — Theories of. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 36: º37. — Thoughts on. (T. Stalker) Meth. R. 47: 718. —Viewed from the Person of Christ. (H. King) Ref. Q. 38: 517. Atonement, Day of. (D. Brown) Theo. Mo. 2: I. Attabai Bevoi. Cornh. 59: 486. Attakapas, Church of the. Am. Cath. Q. I4; 462. (G. F. Magoun) (G. F. Magoun) Bib. Sac. (R. O. Williams) 26 AUNT Attalie Brouillard ; a story. (G. W. Cable) Cent. 16: Attention, Mechanism of. Science, Io: 269, 293. Attic, In an Old. (J. S. Barrows) New Eng. M. 4: Ioo. Attic Decree, An. (J. R. Wheeler) Am. J. Archaeol. 3: 38. Attic Phratry, The. (W. R. Paton and F. B. Tarbell) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 318. Attic Theatre, Haigh's. Spec. 64: 57. Attica, Excavations in. Nation, 46: 233. Attleboro, Mass. (C. M. Barrows) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 27. Attorney’s Special Lien upon Judgment. (L. A. Jones) Am. Law. R. 21: 70. Attorneys, Responsibility of, to Clients for Negligence and Error. (H. C. Black) Am. Law R. 21: 238. Attractive Young Person, An. Liv. Age, 186: 466. Attucks, Crispus. (J. S. H. Fogg) N. E. Reg. 44: 382. Atwater, Isaac, with portrait. West. Hist. 8: 254. (C. E. Flandrau) M. Au Large. (G. W. Cable) Cent. I3: 89-732. Aubanel, Théodore. (E. Barker) Fortn. 47: 156. — Sat. R. 63: 86. Aubé, Jean P. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 26: 76–203. Aubigné, Agrippa d’. Memoirs. (A. Tilley) Mac- mil. 59: 282. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 665. Aubrey, John. (S. P. Duffield) Harv. Mo. 13: 23. – (B. G. Johns) Gent, M. n. s. 47: 279. Auburn, Cal.; a story of Transition. (F. I. Vassault) Overland, n. s. I7: I. Aucassin and Nicolette; tr. by Bourdillon. Ath. '87, 2: 499. – Spec. 60: 1625. — (H. Bradley) Acad. 33: 38. — (W. A. Clouston) Acad. 33: 98. Auditoriums, Phonics of. (E. Cutter) Am. J. Sci. I42: 468, Audubon, John James, with portrait. 3I: 687. — Monument to. Science, Io: 277. Auerbach, Berthold. (Helen Zimmern) National, II: 354. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 561. Auerlite, New Thorium Mineral. (W. E. Hidden and J. B. Mackintosh) Am. J. Sci. I36: 46 I. Augereau, Marshal. (E. Shippen) Um. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 562. Augier, Emile. Acad. 36: 294. – Nation, 49: 388. – Critic, 15: 221. —Sat. R. 68: 504. – Ath. '89, 2: 606. — (Ad. Cohn) Harv. Mo, Io; 127. Augites, Note on the Secondary Enlargement of. P. Merrill) Am. J. Sci. I35: 488. August. All the Year, 6o: II.3. Augusta Victoria, Empress of Germany, Girlhood of. (Sarah M. S. Pereira) Good Words, 32: 399. Augustine, St. (P. A. Sheehan) Dub. R. Io9: 88. — and his Anglican Critics. Dub. R. Io'7: 89. – and his Pupils. (F. W. Farrar) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 423. — and Rationalism. (J. Robertson) Month, 59; 33. — Athanasius, Chrysostom, Lessons from the Lives of. Church Q. 31 : 48o. — City of God. Church Q. 31: 22. – Was he a Catholic 2 (J. A. Corcoran) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 329. Augustinian System of Original Sin, Free-Will, Grace, and Predestination. Dub. R. Io9: 48. Auk, the Great, Home of. (F. A. Lucas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 456. Aumale, Duc d’, and Chantilly. World, 45; 258. Aunt and Niece; a story. Argosy, 48: 386. Aunt's Tale; a story. Meliora, I2; 261. Aunt Dorothy's Funeral. (M. J. Preston) Harper, 79: 745. Pop. Sci. Mo. (G. (A. M. Cotte) Cath. AUNT (J. C. Harris) Scrib. M. I : Aunt Fountain's Prisoner. 28o. Aunt Jane's Relics. (M. G. Deane) Lond. Soc. 55; 151. Aunt Lucretia's Experience in Limited Liability; a story. Meliora, II: 57. Aunt Phoebe's Heirlooms; a story. Argosy, 51: 162. Aunt 'Randy. (A. T. Slosson) Harper, 75: 303. Aunt Zipporah’s Guest Chamber. (M. R. Upton) Over- land, n. s. 16: 639. Aurangzeb, Emperor of the Mughals, Ruin of ; History of a Reaction. (W. W. Hunter) 19th Cent. 21: 702. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 537. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: I 15. Aurichalcite, Chemical Composition of. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 106. Auricula Cultivation. Chamb. J. 65: 455. Aurora Borealis, The. Ed. R. 164: 416. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 195. – (W. Stosz) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 8or. — and Icebergs of the Polar Region. Chaut. 8: 361. — Height of. (A. Paulsen) Nature, 4o: 654. — in Spitzbergen. (H. Hildebrandsson) Nature, 38: 84. — Lemström's and Koch's. (A. M. Clerke) Nature, 35 : 433. —- Problem of, Solution of. (F. H. Bigelow) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 83. — Solar Origin of. (M. A. Veeder) Sid. Mess. 8: 403. Aurora-Inclinometer, New. (F. H. Bigelow) Sid. Mess. - Io: 496. Ausonins, Decius Magnus. Dodge) Atlan. 65: 145. Austen, Jame. (A. Repplier) Iippine. 47: 390. —(W. B. S. Clymer) Scrib. M. 9: 377. — (J. A. Noble) Acad. 37: 330. (F. Schwatka) (H. W. Preston and L. — Charm of. Spec. 64; 403. — Malden's Life of. Spec. 63: 8o. — (J. A. Noble) Acad. 36: 95. -— Note of Provinciality in. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 8: 152. Austin, Alfred. (G. Cotterell) Acad. 38: 264. -- Human Tragedy. Sat. R. 68: 628. —Spec. 63: 846. – Poems. Spec. 62: 544. — Ath. '89, I: 532. – Poetry of. (O. F. Adams) And. R. 15: 385. — Prince Lucifer. Ath. '87, 2: 741. —Spec. 60: 1490. —Sat. R. 64: 705. Austin, John, and his Wife. (W. G. Hammond) Green Bag, I : 47. Australasia. Ath. '88, I: 397. — British Colonies in. (Sir C. Nicholson) J. Soc. Arts, I2 - 2C). – Credit of. (G. Baden Powell) Fortn. 56: 3. – Naval Defence of. Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 338. – The New World. (J. W. Cross) 19th Cent. 29: 468. Same art. Ecl. M. II 6: 619. - Some Natives of. (E. Reclus) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 607. | – Union of. (H. Parkes) Contemp. 6o: 1. Same art. Eel. M. II7; 334. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 392. – (R. J. Beadon) Westm. 131 : 537. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence. Sat. R. 66: 519. Australasian Banks, Deposits in, 1890. (Lond.) 50: 1488. Australia. (C. G. Duffy) Contemp. 53: 1. – (J. Royce) Scrib. M. 9: 75. —(G. H. Reid) 19th Cent. 30: 145. Same art. mopol. Io; 359. — (C. de Varigny) Chaut. 8: 98. – Aborigines of. Nature, 43: 185. — — Curr's. Ath. '88, 2: 163. —Sat. R. 65: 146. – Spec. 61: 610. — — Class Systems of. I8: 31. Bank. M. (A. W. Howitt) Anthrop. J. - Customs of. (C. N. Barham) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 329. 27 Liv. Age, 190: 387. —(H. George) Cos- AUSTRALIA Australia, Aborigines of, Marriage System of. (F. Galton) Anthrop. J. I8: 70. — Antipodeans. (D.C. Murray; E. Braddon) Contemp. 6o: 293, 450, 608, 8oi. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 444, 599, 736. — as a Field for Emigration. And. R. 9: 303. — Aspects of Life in. (E. Moon) Blackw. I43: 351. — Bonds and Debt of. Sat. R. 63: 263. – Bush Town Life in. (C. Dumaresq) Eng. Illust. 8: 678. — Can it Dispense with the Imperial Connection. (N. Young) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 315. — (G. S. Clarke) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 547. – Centenary of. (J. Henniker-Heaton) National, Io: 857. — Spec. 61 : 1 12. – Central, Tribes of. (A. W. Howitt) Anthrop. J. 20: 39. * — Chinese in. Spec. 61: 646. – Cities of; the Anglo-Saxon in the Southern Hemi- sphere. (G. R. Parkin) Cent. Ig: 690. — Commonwealth of. (R. W. Cameron) Forum, II: 250. — (C. W. Dilke) Forum, II: 379. — Daily Press of. Chamb. J. 65: 805. — Democracy in. (A. Nash) Fortn. 47: 312. — Exploration, 1788–1888. Sat. R. 66; 562. — Fauna of. Cornh. 56: 258. — Federation of. Spec. 63: 580. — (C. G. Duffy) Con- temp. 57: 153. —Sat. R. 69: 190. – (L. Locksley) National, 18: 280. – (A. Deakin) Scrib. M. Io: 549. — — from another Point of View. — — a Retrospect and a Prospect. Murray, 9: 433. — Financial Condition of. (J. W. Fortescue) 19th Cent. 29: 523. — (H. Willoughby) 19th Cent. 30: 292. — (J. W. Fortescue) 19th Cent. 30: 430. — a Forgotten Rebellion in. (A. Forbes) Gent. M. n.s. 42 : 439. — a Fossil Continent. Ecl. M. Io9: 666. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 682. — Future of. Spec. 61: 336. – Housekeeping Troubles in. I34: 509. — Hunger and Thirst in. (M. Roberts) Murray, 4: 237. Same art. Eel. M. III: 458. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 626. – Impressions of. Macmil. 61: 355. (W. B. Worsfold) (C. J. Rowe) Westm. (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 54: 623, 836. 55: 239. — (J. Royce) Scrib. M. 9: 75. – (C. Trotter) Blackw. I44: 93. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 387. — in 1836. (Sir H. Elliot) 19th Cent. 26: 754. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 551. — in 1888. (Earl of Carnarvon) Fortn. 51: 420. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 195. — in a Sunny Land. All the Year, 67: 223. — Independence of. Spec. 63: 393. – Irrigation in. (T. A. Brassey) 19th Cent. 28: 425. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 43. — Journal in, Leaves from. Leis. Hour, 37: 704– 842. - — Labor and Capital in. Blackw. I4I: 677. — Labor Difficulties in. (J. E. Bullard) Nation, 5 I: 376. — Labor Movement in. – Labor Question in. 617. — Lumholtz's among Cannibals. Ed. R. I72: 521. — Ath. 'go, I : 9. — Spee. 63: 884. – Politics of. (B. R. Wise) Macmil. 5o: 183. — — 1889. (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 55; 403. — (E. W. Beckett) 19th Cent. 25: I Io. — Progress in Twenty Years. (S. Pulsford) 19th Cent. 24; 393. (F. Adams) Fortm. 56: 181. (Jeannie Lockett) Westm. I32: A USTRALIA (G. H. D. Australia, Protection and Free Trade in. Gossip) Fortn. 53: 841. — Reflections after a Wandering Life in. Atlan. 63: 675, 813. — Religion and Morals in. (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 55: (J. Royce) 562. — Savage Life in. Amer. I9: 333. – Scenery in. (S. Thompson) Art J. 4I: 85. – Settlement of. (E. C. K. Gommer) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 625. — Seven Weeks in. (J. C. McCoan) Westm. I29: 52. — a Sheep Station in. (F. P. Lefroy) Overland, m. s. I8: 61. — Social Life in ; Pacific Slope. (F. Adams) Fortn. 56; 392. — — Eastern Interior. (F. Adams) Fortn. 56: 539. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 607. — Social State of the Early Victorian Diggings. Meli- ora, 5: 63. — South, Experiences of a Meteorologist in. Wragge) Good Words, 28: 621, 685, 754. — Tariff Experiment of New South Wales and Victo- ria. (F. P. Powers) Q. J. Econ. 3: 87. — Through Bush and Ferm in. (W. Sharp) Harper, 8o: 9I9. — United, and Imperial Federation. Westm. I30: 335. — The United States of the Pacific. Chaut. I2: 717. — Wallaby Drive. (A. Irwin) Outing, g: 407. — Western. All the Year, 66: 472. — Chamb. J. 68: 289. – Spec. 60: 1485. – Westm. I29: 163. — Westgarth's Retrospect. Sat. R. 67: 742. — Wild White Men of No. Queensland. Chamb. J. 68: 590. - — The Workingman in. (G. R. Parkin) Cent. Ig: 607. — Young. Westm. I28: 548. Australian Adventure, An. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 6oo. Australian Ballot. See Ballot. Australian Bank Statistics, 1889. 49: 685. Australian Finance, Boom in, 1888. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 959. Australian Ghost, An. Irish Mo. I5: 177, 237. Australian Literature. (S. Thompson) Contemp. 52: 401. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 613. Australian Plants, Useful. Sat. R. 68: 276. Australian Poetry. Atlan. 65: 281. Australian Poets, Early. (J. D. Campbell and others) Acad. 33: 152, 171. Australian Race, Curr's. See Australia, Aborigines of. Austria and England as Friendly Powers. Sat. R. 71: 762. — and Hungary, Relations of. Day, no. 3: 98. – Eastern Policy of. Sat. R. 63: 641. — Home-Rule in. Spec. 63: 579. — in 1848. (M. E. G. Duff) Acad. 39: 337. — in 1848–49. Ed. R. 174: 440. – its Society, Politics, and Religion. (S. I. de Zuylen de Nyevelt) National, I8: 177. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 784. — Recent Dogmatic Thought in. (E. Böhl) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 1. — Sentinel of the Balkans. 52: 806. — Statesmen of, in 1891. Liv. Age, Igo: 558. Austria-Hungary; Heritage of the Hapsburgs. Bourchier) Fortn. 51: 377. – House of Hapsburg in South-Eastern Europe. A. Freeman) Fortn. 51: 839. - Leger's History of. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 50: 96. (C. L. (R. Christison) (F. P. Powers) (R. M. Monckton-Dene) Bank. M. (Lond.) (A. Vámbéry) Subj. of (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn. (J. D. (E. 28 AUTHORITIES Austria-Hungary, Military Strength of, 1891. Murray) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 4: 12. - Monetary Reform in. (R. Lieben) Bank. M. (N.Y.) 45; 33. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 55o. – Political Position of, in 1887. Fortn. 47: 473. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 323. — Russian Frontiers of. (C. H. Atteridge) National, 9 : 33O. – Weakness of. Spec. 60: 454. Aut Diabolus aut Nihil; a story. Blackw. I44: 475. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 270. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 721. Authenticity and Genuinencss. Bib. Lit. 7: 84. Author, Profession of. Critic, I7: 74. — Subjection of, to his Work. Atlan. 68: 860. Author-Managers. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 535. Author's Confession. Am. (E. L. Didier) Writer, 4: 23. Author's Way to Wealth, The. (E. F. Wheeler) Au- thor, I: 97. Authors and Authors’ Lives. I : I. – and their Characters, Relation between. Atlan. 59: 855. — and the Law in the Olden Time. Green Bag. 3: 432. — and Publishers. (S. Smiles) Murray, 7: 48, 207. — (M. A. Denison) Author, 2: 95. — Sat. R. 63: 327. 64: 772. 65: 187. — Boyhood of Living. N. Princ. 6: 286. — British, Society of. (W. Besant) Contemp. 56: Io. — Celibate. (G. N. Lovejoy) Author, 2: 54. — Chance Hits of. Critic, II: 192. — Characteristic Curves of. (T. C. Mendenhall) Sci- ence, 9: 237. — (H. T. Eddy) Science, 9: 297. — Compensation of. (A. H. Peters) Writer, I : 53. — Culture of. (W. Wilson) Atlan. 68: 406. — Eminent, of 19th Century, Brandes'. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 3. — English Critics and Essayists. Chaut. Io: 559. — Forty Immortal American. Gosse) Critic, I7: 123. – French Society of. (E. Gosse) 19th Cent. 22: 844. — in Court. (A. Birrell) Macmil. 57: 99. – London. (T. R. Bowker) Harper, 76: 815. 77: 3. — (L. Vanderpoole) Writer, I: 67. — Lying-in Hospital for. (J. L. Allen) Critic, I3: 25. — Methods of. (H. Ericksen) Author, 3: 157, 173. — New England. (G. P. Lathrop) Chaut. 7: 360. — New York, Home Life of. (G. P. Lathrop) Chaut. 8: 132, 217. (A. M. (E. C. Richardson) J. (J. F. Genung) Author, (W. M. Baskervill) Critic, I7: IOZ. — (E. — Popular. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 4: 122. — Popularity of, Comparative. (C. H. Sergel) Critic, II: 99. — Profits of, W. Besant on. Spec. 60: 320, 355. — — Farrar on. Sat. R. 70: 413. — Roman Catholic, List of. Cath. World, 52: 622. — Royal. (F. Weitenkampf) Cosmopol. 8: 631. — — Sceptre and Pen. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. S. 43 : I.47. — Society of. — Southern, Homes of Some. Chaut. 8: 284, 343. — Twenty Immortelles. Critic, I7: 170–206. — What Property shall they have in their Works? N. Princ. 5: I.34. – Wives of. (E. L. Didier) Writer, 2: 276. — (E. B. , Cheesborough) Writer, 2: 295. Authors’ Club, New York. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 112. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 48: 223. (C. W. Coleman, jr.) Author-Table, How to use Cutter's Decimal. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. I2: 251. Authorities, Use and Value of. (S. F. Miller) Am. Law R. 23: I65. AUTHORITY Authority in Religion. Ath. '90, 2: 633. — — Dale on. Spec. 65: 303. — — The Seat of. Church Q. 31: 281. – Spiritual, Martineau on. Spec. 64: 538. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 770. — Spec. 65: 239. Authorship. (L. T. Meade) Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 172. — Art of. (J. C. Moffet) Author, 2: 127. – Spec. 64: 689. — Sat. R. 69: 555. - (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) II : 85. — as a Vocation. (C. M. Hammond) Writer, 2: 32. — Getting into Print. (J. Payn) Forum, 6: 549. — in England. (G. W. Smalley) Critic, I7: 99. – Late Beginnings in. (E. E. Valentime) Writer, 2: 162. — Learning to Write. (E. L. Masters) Writer, 3: II. – Morality in. (S. C. Lasselle) Author, I: 81. – Past and Present. All the Year, 64; 273. — Preparing Copy. (M. L. Allen) Writer, 5: 19. — Requisites for. (H. R. Shattuck) Writer, 2: 59. — A Start in. (L. Vanderpoole) Writer, I: 46. — Successful. (H. H. Ballard) Writer, 2: I I I. — The Trade of Author. Fortn. 51: 261. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 395. – Critic, I4: 250. Autobiography of a Justice of the Peace. (E. W. Nye) Cent. 2 I : 6o. Autographic Printing. (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 135. Autographs. (I. A. Taylor) Longm. I 8: 23, 248. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 615. Igo: IoS, 4 Io. — at the Grolier Club. Critic, I2: 269. — A Box of. (R. H. Stoddard) Scrib. M. g.: 2.13. — Collection of F. J. Dreer. (G. B. Keen) Pennsyl. M. I4; 182. — Precious. Critic, 17: 225. — Remarkable. Critic, I3: 127. — Royal Signatures. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 3: 330. — Traffic in. Ath. '89, 2: 223, 290. . Autograph Album, How I made my. Lippinc. 43: 745. Autograph Manuscripts; Leaves from a Note-Book. Macmil. 64: 475. Automatic Action, Extension of. And. R. I6: 406. Automatic Writing, Recent Experiments in. (T. Bark- worth) Science, I7: 323. Automatism in Animals. (F. C. Conybeare) National, 16: 667. — Janet on Physical. 4I. Autumn. (R. L. Gallienne) Macmil. 63: 36. — Chamb. J. 65: 657. — as a Tonic. N. Eng. 55: 399. Autumn Colorations. (E. E. Bogue) Science, 18: 346. Autumn Lights and Shades. Blackw. I5o: 648. Autumn Itambles. (J. G. Wood) Good Words, 29: 530. Auvergne en Fête. Spec. 65 : 309. Avalanches in the Alps. Cornh. 59: 246. Avalon, Isle of, A Summer Day in. Chamb. J. 68: 4OI. Avarice, Is it Triumphant? (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I52: 671. Avenches, Switzerland. (E. W. Bok) (F. W. Meyers) 19th Cent. 26: (W. T. Arnold) Art J. 4o: 315. Average, Plea for. (G. K. Holmes) Am. Statis. Assoc. Pub. 2: 421. Avesta, The, and its Discoverer. Am. Cath. Q. 15:44. — Antiquity of. (E. W. West; C. de Harlez) Acad. 32: I.21, 139, 153, 170. Avianus. Fables; Ellis's Edition. Sat. R. 64: 164. Avicenna, Persian Poetry of. (C. J. Pickering) Na- tional, 14: 673. Avignon. (D. Ker) Am. Arch. 22: 4o. – New Troubadours at. (W. H. Bishop) Lippinc. 44: 821. (A. H. Atteridge) 29 BACCARAT Avitabile, General. (W. Mercer) Acad. 39: 589. Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius, Bishop of Vienne. Atlan. 65: 33. Avon in Warwickshire, The. (A. T. Q. Couch) Har- per, 82: 815. 83: 128, 259. — in Wiltshire. (F. Watt) Art J. 40: 292, Awa. (F. L. Clarke) Overland, n. s. I3: 283. Awkward Coincidence, An. (F. H. Trench) Tinsley, 42: 78. Axles, Railroad, Fracture of, Causes and Remedy of. (W. B. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 18; 725. Axtells of America. (W. S. Appleton) N. E. Reg. 44: 50. Ayerst, William. Letters from Berlin, in 1707–8. (C. E. Doble) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 131. — — in 1708–1711. (C. E. Doble) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 338. — — in 1706–1721, with Autobiography. (C. E. Doble) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 751. 4: 539. Ayoub Khan. Spec. 60: 1206. Ayres, Alice, The Story of. (Sir F. Doyle) Macmil. 57; 33. Azalia. (J. C. Harris) Cent. I2: 541, 712, 881. . Azoimide, Researches upon. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 45: I.27. Azores, The. (G. Allen) Longm. IG: 334. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 222. - (T. E. Thorpe) GoodWords, 30: 160, 263, 315. — Off the. Macmil. 65: 42. Aztecs, The, Biart on. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 7: 224. — and Toltecs. All the Year, 62: 111. — Metals of. (W. W. Blake) Am. Antiq. 9: 164. Aztec Antiquities, Abadiano’ Collection at National Museum. Am. Arch. 23: 152. Aztec Calendar and the Sacrificial Stone. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 23: 127. Azurite, Crystallized, from Arizona. ton) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 3oo. (O. C. Farring- (L. B. Platt) Cosmopol. 2: (T. G. Baalbec, From Beirut to. 285. Babel, Tower of, and Confusion of Tongues. Pinches) Nature, 45: 210. Baber, Edward Colborne. Ath. 'go, I : 831. Babette. (G. Burchett) Tinsley, 41: Ioor. Babington, Rev. Churchill. (R. S. Poole) Spec. 62: I 18. — Ath. '89, I: 84. Baby — Beer — Bullets | Chamb. J. 65: 460. Baby Jack; a story. (L. Maclean) Belgra. 71 : 269. Baby’s Footmarks; a story. (I. J. Postgate) Belgra. 69: 128. Baby-Farming. (B. Waugh) Contemp. 57: 7oo. Babylon, Astronomy and Chronology of. Nature, 43: 369. Babylonia, Discoveries of American Expedition to. (T. G. Pinches) Acad. 40: 199. — Life in Ancient. (H. Arlington) Cosmopol, I: 165. — Religious Poetry of. (F. Brown) Presb. R. 9: 69. — Tiele's History of. (W. T. Smith) Acad. 31: 12. Babylonian Empire, Races of. (G. Bertin) Anthrop. J. 18: 104. Babylonian Gate-God. (W. H. Ward) Acad. 34: 60. Babylonian List of Kings and Chronicles. (F. Brown) Presb. R. 9: 293. Babylonian Religion, Sayce on. Sat. R. 64; 229. Babylonian Seals. (W. H. Ward) Scrib. M. I: 80. Babylonian Weights, A Collection of. (A. L. Long) Am. J. Archaeol. 5: 44. Baca, Valley of, Location of the. (D. VanHorne) Ref. Q. 34: 150. Baccarat, Humors of. Macmil. 64; 364. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 310. Baccarat Case. Sat. R. 71: 701. – Spec. 66: 789, 823. 67: 90. BACCIO Baccio della Porta. See Bartolommeo della P. Bach, John Sebastian. (W. F. Apthorp) Contemp. 6o: 418. Bache, Walter. Acad. 33: 229. — Ath. '88, I: 413. Bachelor; a Study in Strained Sentiment. (F. Anstey) Longm. I3; 377. Bachelor of Arts; Significance of the Degree. Gilman) Science, 15: 104. Bachelors of Art, The. Nation, 44: 505. Bachelor's Ball, The. All the Year, 66: 321. JBachelor's Bedroom; a story. (C. Bird) Belgra. 62: 39. Bachelor's Love; a story. Temp. Bar, 90: 243. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 457. Back from the Frozen Pole; a story, Harper, 74: 810. Backbone, The Supple. 68: 593. Back-Country Type, A. n. S. 9: 346. Backing Cupid. (C. T. C. James) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 209. 43 : 313. Bacon, Delia. Sat. R. 67: 348. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 7. — Ath. '89, 2: 235. — Unhappy Story of. (I. Donnelly) No. Am. I48: 307. Bacon, Francis. (W. Brailsford) Antiq. m. s. 16: 66. — and Montaigne. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. Io: 110. — and Science. Knowl. Io: 217. — and Shakspere. Knowl. II: 16. — — Donnelly-Cipher. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 223. – Atlantis. Westm. I3o: 647. — Essays, Anderson's Edition. (A. S. Cook) Dial (Ch.) II: 290. — His Literary Style. (L. Johnson) Acad. 38: 333. — Life and Philosophy, Nicholson's. Sat. R. 66: 361. — Mother-in-Law of. (A. Brown) Green Bag, 3: 212. — Nichol on. Ath. 'go, I : 429. — Recent Bacon-Shakspeare Literature. I: 69. 2: 613. Bacon, Nathaniel. Dialogue with John Goode in 1676. (G. B. Goode) M. Am. Hist. I8: 418. — the First American Rebel. (J. W. Johnston) M. Am. Hist. I7: 38. — the Patriot of 1676. (E. Eggleston) Cent. I 8: 418. Bacon, Roger. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 52; 254. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I5: 453. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 789. — (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 19: 268. — Cure of Old Age. (C. E. Plumptre) Antiq. m. s. 16: 12. — a Martyr to Science. (R. M. Johnson) Cath. World, (D. C. (E. L. Dorsey) (E. Lynn Linton) Chamb. J. (E. M. Ludlum) Overland, Poet-Lore, 46: 743. — Soliloquium ; a poem. (R. H. Horne) Fraser, Iof: II 3. Bacon “Farce ’’ a tragedy. (E. G. Clark) Cosmopol. 5 : 225. Bacteria. (J. A. Mooney) Cath. World, 48: 227. — Science, I2: 310. – (A. W. Williams) Knowl. I2: 183, 204. — Discoveries of Pasteur, Koch, and others. Jacobi) Cent. Ig: 954. — Glimpses of. (T. M. Prudden) Harper, 82: 706. – in Agriculture. (A. W. Buckland) Knowl. I4: 75. – Parasitic, and Saprophytes. (T. Smith) Am. Nat- ural. 21 : 1. – Possible Revolution in Medicine. 6: 361. — Presence of, in Vertebrates. 36: 251. Bacteriology, and Preventive Medicine. 19th Cent. 30: 975. - in our Medical Schools. Science, II: 123. Baddesley-Clinton House. (A. Fea) Antiq. m. s. 15: 188. Badger, George Perey. Acad. 33: 155. Badger, The, and the Fox. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 807. (M. P. (A. Flint) Forum, (J. C. Ewart) Nature, (A. Ruffer) 30 BALKAN Badger, the, Naturalists' Notes on. Cornh. 57: 618. Badgers and Otters. Chamb. J. 65: 401. Badges, French Revolutionary. Chamb. J. 64; 391. Baeyer, John Jacob, with portrait. (J. H. Gore) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 261. Bagehot, W. E., Works; Morgan's Ed. Nation, 49: 414. Bahamas, The. All the Year, 63: 54. – a Midwinter Resort. (W. C. Church) Cent. Io: 499. — Fibre Industry of. Chamb. J. 66: 801. -- In the. (E. Blake) Liv. Age, 177: 538. — Life on a Coral Reef. (F. H. Herrick) Pop. Sci. Mo, 32 : 3 I 5. — Origin of Birds in. 25 : 528. – Powles's Life in. Spec. 62: 169. — Ath. '88, 1: 824. — Round about. Chamb. J. 67: 689. — Sketches of Life in. (Mrs. Edith Blake) 19th Cent. 23: 682. – Stark's History and Guide. Nation, 53: 452. Bahama Islands, Study of a Small and Isolated Com- munity in. (T. W. Mills) Am. Natural. 21: 875. Bahrein Islands, Mounds of. (J. T. Bent) Ath. '89, 2: 38. – Visit to. Cornh. 61 : 406. Bailey, Gamaliel, and his Friends. Cosmopol. 8: 437. Bailey, John E. (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 34: 152. Bailey, P. J. Festus; Fiftieth-Anniversary Edition. Nation, 49: 216. Bailey, William Hellier. 2: 229. Baines, Sir Edward. Cong. R. 4: 185. Baird, Matt., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 448. Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Am. J. Sci. I34; 319. — Nation, 45: 433. — Science, Io: 96. – (R. B. Sharpe) Nature, 36 a 397. – With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33 : 547. wº — Address on. — Memories of. Baireuth, Wilhelmine, Margravine of. Nation, 47: 292. — Correspondence with Voltaire. Ath. '88, 2: 281. — Memoirs. Ath. '87, 2: 45. — Spec. 60: 896. Baireuth and Wagner. Irish Mo. 16: 581. — Festival at. Sat. R. 72: 136. Baker, Chas. J., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io; 9. Baker, Geoffrey C., Chronicle, edited by Thompson. Blackw. I49: 652. – (J. F. Tout) Eng. Hist. R. (F. M. Chapman) Am. Natural. (S. J. Lippincott) Acad. 34: 1 oz. — Ath. '88, (J. W. Powell) Science, II: suppl. (G. B. Goode) Chaut. 9: 21. (A. Lauge!) 5 : 775. Baker, Richard, Genealogy of. (E. J. Baker) N. E. Reg. 43: 279. Bakers, Journeymen, Grievances of, 1862. Meliora, 5: 239. Baksheesh. (A. Gave) Macmil. 64: 206. Balaam, Prophecies of. (L. B. Paton) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 624. Balaam and his Master. (J. C. Harris) Cent. Ig: 557. Balaclava, Battle of. (A. Forbes) Contemp. 59: 429. Baldness. Science, 9: 605. — Hats as a Cause of. (W. C. Gouinlock) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 97. Baldwin's Mistake. Age, I78: 649. Balestier, Wolcott. Acad. 40: 537. Balfour, Alexander, Lundie's Life of. Spec. 62: 237. Balfour, Arthur J. National, 18: 289. – Tinsley, 43: 354. — With portrait. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 549. – First Lord of the Treasury. Sat. R. 72: 460. — A Prime Minister of the Future. Nation, 53: 272. — Study of. New R. I : 572. Balkan Mountains, Ride across. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 8: 225, 291. Cornh. 58: 137. Same art. Liv. BALKAN Balkan States, Confederation of. Fortn. 56: 365. — In the, with Prince Ferdinand. Fortn. 52: 38. — Minchin on. Spec. 60: 420. — Problems of. (G. Pollak) Nation, 52: 152. — Rulers of. Ecl. M. Io9: 32. Ball, Thomas. Autobiography. (J. D. Bourchier) (J. D. Bourchier) (K. Cox) Nation, 53: 339. Ball, A Little Boy's Game with. (H. J. Philpott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 650. Ball of Fire, The. (S. Campbell) Outing, I2: 421. Ball-and-Socket Joint, White's. J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 89. Ballad of the Armada, A. (R. Rodd) Macmil. 58: 254. — of Bath. (A. C. Swinburne) Eng. Illust. 4: 371. — of Dead Men's Bay. (A. C. Swinburne) Ath. '89, 2: 352. — of the Dowie Dens. (J. Veitch) Blackw. I.47: 739. — of Ferencz Renyi. (E. Nesbit) Longm, g: 603. — of the King's Jest. (Yussuf) Macmil. 61: 288. — of the Last Suttee. (Yussuf) Macmil. 61: 193. — of Swarin the Sea King. (K. L. Bates) Chaut. I3: 509. * Ballade, The. (H. McCulloch, jr.) Harv. Mo. 13: 92. Ballads and Songs of Fife. (AE, Mackay) Blackw. I5o: 334. — Century of, Ashton’s. Ath. '88, I : 303. — Child’s Edition. Sat. R. 63: 233. — Ath. '89: 2: 377. — The Fight at Malaga. Chamb. J. 65: 573. — Mediaeval England as seem in. (L. S. Hines) Educa. I2: 98. — Oudenarde. Chamb. J. 65 : 502. Ballad Poetry, Popular, of Ireland. Leis. Hour, 39: 32. Ballet, The, Celebrities of. All the Year, 67: 318. — in Paris. (T. Child) Cosmopol. 4: 423. Ballistics, Bashforth's Theoretical. (A. G. Greenhill) Nature, 42: 409. Balloon, Lady's Ascent in a. All the Year, 68: 538. — of the Future. (D. Vane) Belgra. 71 : 3oo. — Practical Uses for the. (S. A. King) Forum, 3: 187. — Two Voyages in a. (H. A. Hazen) Science, 9: 591. Balloons in War. (E. S. Bruce) Dub. R. Ioo: 278. – (E. S. Bruce) Nature, 35: 259. Ballooning, How I Learnt. (B. F. S. Baden-Powell) Temp. Bar, 79: 424. Ballot, The, and the Law. (J. B. Bishop) Scrib. M. 3: I94. — Australian. (C. T. Saxton; O. Ames; M. G. Bulke- ley; W. Mahone) No. Am. 149: 750. — (E. Wake- field) Forum, 8: 148. — (C. C. Binney) Lippine. 44: 381. — — Connecticut Secret Ballot Law. (L. Harrison) N. Eng. 52: 401. — — Workings of, in Nov. Elections, 1889. Pub. Opin. 8: 133. — a Fair and Full. (J. Cook) Our Day, 3: 248. — How shall we Vote 2 (Hill; Miller; Fisk) Cosmop. 5: 536. — in England. (E. Goodby and H. H. Asquith) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 654. — in New York. (A. C. Bernheim) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 130. - oil. in Elections. (H. T. Blake) N. Eng. 55: 3ö1, 513. ** Fºl. Proposal for. (J. Leighton) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 2O0. - Triple, Essential to Representative Government. (W. - Scott) Bapt. R. II: 434. Balº Law, The Model. (R. H. Dana) Nation, 52: 300. - 31 BANCROFT Ballot Law, Reform of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 46: 46. — (G. Hoadly) Forum, 7: 623. — (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 49: 165. — (F. I. Vassault) Overland, n. s. I3: 134. — Pub. Opin. 8: 327. — — Constitutionality of. (J. H. Wigmore) Am. Law R. 23: 719. See also Electoral Reform. Ballot System, New. (R. H. Dana) Lend a H. 4: 204. Ballou, Adin. (L. G. Wilson) New Eng. M. 4: 197. Ballow, Meaning of. (W. H. Stevenson) Acad. 35: 76. Ballymote, Book of ; ed. by Atkinson. Ath. '87, 2: 3O4. Balmaceda. Spec. 67: 309. — Defence of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 454. Balmoral. (Hugh Macmillan) Art J. 39: 213. — (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: 753. Balquhidder. (G. Eyre-Todd) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 366. Balston, Edward. Acad. 40: 536. Baltic, Old Letter from. Liv. Age, I87: 243. Baltic Provinces, Protestantism in, Stamping out of. (C. H. Wright) 19th Cent. 26: 912. Baltimore, Lord, Colony of. (S. D. McConnell) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 196. Baltimore, Md., and the 19th of April, 1881, Brown’s. (J. B. Fry) Nation, 44; 412. — Phases of. (A. Mathews) M. West. Hist g: 344, 490. — Pratt Free Library. Am. Arch. 24; 187. — Public Libraries in, History of. (P. R. Uhler) Lib. J. I5: 334. — Rule of the Criminal Classes in. (H. White) Nation, 44: I 59. Baltimore Convention, 1860. Hist. 17: 71. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. Technical School at Mount Clare. (W. T. Barnard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 233. Balzac, H. de. (J. A. Bellows) Unita. R. 32: 267. — (O. Crawfurd) Acad. 37: 144. — (J. S. Fiske) N. Princ. 5: 289. — and his Secretary. All the Year, 63: 41. — as a Playwright. Theatre, 23: 57. — Barrière's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 294. — Death of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 246. — Female Friends of. (J. W. Sherer) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 117. Same art. Ecl. M. 112: 412. — Ferry’s, Nation, 46; 317. — Heroines of. (J. H. Browne) Lippinc. 46: 675. — His View of the Artistic Temperament. (P. Kent) National, I3: 377. — Minor Pieces. (G. Moore) Fortm. 52: 491. — New Light on. (E. S. Holden) Serib. M. 3: 76. — Portraits and Letters of. Critic, 16: 58. — Realism of. (C. H. Shinn) Author, 2: 8. — the Realist. (W. L. Falconer) Critic, 12: 277. — a Realist at Work. (T. St. E. Hake) Belgra. 71: 20. — Wedmore's Life of. (P. F. Lafleur) Nation, 50: 263. Bam-I-Duniah Region, Asia. (T. Saunders) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 163. Bamboo, The. (P. Hordern) Blackw. I48: 228. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 566. – (R. C. Day) Knowl. I3: I 11. Bamborough Sands. (M. Hunt) Longm. I2: 263. Bampton, Oxfordshire, Romano-British Village at. Antiq. m. s. 23: 155. Bamchi, Luciano. (W. Mercer) Acad. 32: 423. Bancroft, George. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 52: 64. — Acad. 39: 89. — Critic, I8: 45, 58. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 4o. — (R. C. Houghton) Meth. R. 51: (A. W. Clason) M. Am. 543. — an Hour with. (C. K. Tuckerman, M. Am. Hist. 25: 227. — in Society, in Polities, in Letters. (W. M. Sloane) Cent. II: 473. BANCROFT Bancroft, George, Library of. Critic, 19: 338. Bancroft, Squire and Mrs., Reminiscences. Ath. '88, I: 493. – Westm. I29: 629. — Sat. R. 65: 473. — (C. Howard) Theatre, 20: 250. Cameron) Lond. Soc. 53: 601. Bancroft, Mrs. M. E. W. A Riverside Story. Thea- tre, 25: 30. Band of Crape, The. (J. London) Gent. M. n.s. 41 : 417. Bangkok, a Morning Walk in. Chamb. J. 67: 145. Bank of Amsterdam, Note on. Q. J. Econ. 3: Ioz. Bank of Egypt. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 219. Bank of England, Addition to the Authorized Circula- tion of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 913. — Advance of Rate, 1888, Sat. R. 66: 207. – and the Money Market. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 684. — Declining Power of. Sat. R. 69: Io9. — Division of Issue Department and Banking Depart- ment of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1345. – First Nine Years. Sat. R. 65: 451. – (H. White) Nation, 44; 558. — Magna Carta of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 26. – One-Pound Notes. Westm. I31: 34. — Reduction of Rate. Sat. R. 67: 126. – Rise of Rate. Sat. R. 69: 12, 45. — J. E. T. Rogers on. Ath. '87, 2: 50. Bank of France. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 527, 696. 45: 796. – Chamb. J. 64: 4. – Analysis of its Transactions, 1878–87. (Lond.) 48: 827–1065. — and French Finance. Y.) 45: 533. — Renewal of the Privilege of. (A. Courtois) Bank M. (N. Y.) 45: 769, 859, 956. 56: 27, 274, 369. — Transactions of, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 223. Bank of Holland. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 683. Bank of Naples, History and Organization of. Lestrade) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 349, 424. Bank of New Zealand Report, Effect of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1178. Bank of Scotland, Bi-Centenary of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 383. Bank of Spain. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 554. Banks, Agricultural, in India. (A. N. Wollaston) Asia R. 5: 175. – Amalgamations among. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 521. — and Bankers, Right of State to Examine. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 7oo. — and the Currency Question. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 169. — and their Depositors. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 4I: 588. — and Public Deposits. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: I. – Branch, and their Place in a System of Banking. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1469. — — Management of. (R. Murray) Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 32. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 638. — Coöperative, for Workingmen. (D. C. Collins) And. R. II: 525. Bank. M. (H. C. Baird) Bank. M. (N. (C. de — English, and the Bank of England Reserve. (A. J. Wilson) Fortn. 54: 946. — in India, in 1886. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 418. – Inspection of, and Audit of Accounts. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: II65. — Liability of, for Special Deposits. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 46; 33. — — to Depositors on Forged Indorsements. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 199. — The National. (J. H. Hyslop) Nation, 45: 273. — — Embezzlements from. (J. S. Tait) Forum, II: 590. — — Future of. (J. J. Knox) No. Am. I44; 29. — — Government Deposits in. (H. White) Nation, 46: 64. — — Liability of Directors. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 289. 32 2I: 57. – (H. L. BANK Banks, the National, Liability of Shareholders in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 349. — — on the Continent, and their Workings. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1253. — — Prospects of Western and Southern Banking. Pank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 89. – Necessity of, in the Modern Scheme of Society. (A. Ellis) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 235. — A Nest of Wild Cats. (A. G. Warner) Overland, n. s. IO: II.3. — of New York City. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 80: 457. — Peoples’. Chamb. J. 65: 631. — Sat. R. 68: 1 oz. — Private, Public Examination of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 139. — Relief for, and Depositors in Times of Monetary Stringency. (E. J. Shriver) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 687. — Savings. See Savings Banks. — State, versus National Banks. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 269. — Unclaimed Money on Deposit in. Fortn. 51: 220. Bank Accounts, Audit of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 372. Bank Act and the Recent Crisis, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 419. Bank Clearing Houses. (A. F. Baker) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 606, 66o. Bank Clerks, Education of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: I 3O4. – German. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I I43. Bank Collections — Draft of an Insolvent Bank. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 129. Bank Commissioners' Reports. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 561. — for several States. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 625. Bank Committee, Authority of a. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 207. º Bank Deposits as Currency. (C. F. Dunbar) Q. J. Econ. I : 401. Bank Directors, Duties of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 427. — Liability of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 34. 45: 522. 46: 122. Bank Examiner in Minnesota. 45 I. Bank Failures. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 409. — in London, 1890; An Averted Crash. (W. R. Law- son) Fortn. 54: 932. — Recent. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 929. Bank Law, National. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: IoS, 270. Bank Legislation, Proposed State. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 630, 705. Bank-Notes, National. (H. C. Adams) Chaut. 9: 473. — A Night with the Circulating Medium. (G. Rae) Murray, 7: 501. — Tale of a Ten-Pound Note. (G. Rae) Murray, 4: 348. Bank-Note Jumble, British, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 29. Bank Officers, Authority and Liability of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 24, IoG. — Liability of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 503, 583, 905. 44: 2I–927. Bank Officers’ Superannuation and Pension Funds. Bank M. (Lond.) 47: IIoé. 48: 1269. 49: 1465. 50: 1960. 52: 830. Bank Reserves. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 1. Bank Shareholders, National, Duration of Liability of, for Assessments. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 966. Bank System, A Plan for a Permanent. (M. D. Har- ter) Forum, 12: 186. – (H. White) Forum, 12: 477. Bank Tax Litigation. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 271. Bank Tellers of London. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 55. Bank Wrecking. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 658. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: BANKERS Bankers, Convention of, 1887. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 368. — — 1888. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 241. — — 1889. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 334. — — 1890. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: — — 1891. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 136. Bankers, Institute of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: IIo. —- Lending to Stockholders. Sat. R. 69: 348. Bankers' Association, American, Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 454. — California, Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 386, 879. — Iowa. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 59. — Kansas, Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 479. — Kentucky, Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 381. — Missouri, Convention of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 31 I. – Texas, Convention of. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 45: 979. Bankers' Audit. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 22. Bankers' Expenses and Earnings. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 215. Bankers' Securities. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 391. Banking and Agriculture, Condition of, 1886. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 205. — and Currency in the United States. (Lond.) 47: Ioo7. — and Financing in New Zealand. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: I IO3. — and Politics. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 401. — Artificial, Limits of. (A. Ellis) Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: I68. — Authorities on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 688. – Branch, in London. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 24. — Credit Exchanges. (H. C. Adams) Chaut. 9: 94. — Duties of Cashier. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 414. — Free Trade in. Westm. I29: I. — French versus English. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 395. — (G. R. Gibson) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 536. — Gaucho. (W. R. Lawson) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 33. — Gilbart Lectures on, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 216, 379. — — 1891. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 43. — in Austria. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 268. — in Great Britain. Sat. R. 71 : 599. — — in 1886. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 1, 85. — — in 1887. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: I, 121. — — in 1888. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I, 109. — — in 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1, 165. — — in 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 1, 213. — — and in the United States. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 261. — in India. (A. J. Macdonald) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 129, 215, 301. – Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 333. — in Ireland. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 952. — — History of. Sat. R. 7o: 405. — in Minneapolis, History of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 7I5. — in New York City. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 721. — in Scotland, as a Profession; Bank Clerks. Chamb. J. 65: 150, 423. — in South Africa. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 494. — in Switzerland. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 263. — Mathematical Theory of. (F. Y. Edgeworth) J. Bank. M. Statis. Soc. 5: 113. — National and State. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 629. — Notes on Early Banking Schemes, 1581–1678. (C. F. Dunbar) Q. J. Econ. 2: 482. — Political. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 52: 452. — Present Position of, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 525. – Stray leaves from. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 519. — Survey of, 1887. Bank M. (Lond.) 47: 1135. – Ten Years Ago (in 1878). Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1061. 33 BAPTIZED Banking Business, and the Rise in Prices, 1888. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1253. — Publicity in the. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: I. Banking Capital, Increased Value of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 532. Banking Companies, French, M. Leroy-Beaulieu on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 545. Banking Guilds of China. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 50. Banking Law of Canada, New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 138. — of Georgia, New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 487. — of Kansas, New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 873. — of Michigan, New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 45. Banking Laws, English. Recommendations of the Vic- torian Royal Commission on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: Io2I. — New. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 833. Banking Legislation. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 577. — Recent. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 977. — Reforms in. (E. F. de Flaix) Bank. M. (N.Y.) 45: I91, 262. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1769. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: Banking Monopolies. Banking Principles, Study of. II.46. Bankruptcy. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I 135. — and Bills of Sale. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 553. — and Insolvency. Meliora, 4: 252. — The Companies Winding-up Bill. Bank. M. (Lcmd.) 50: 538. — in 1890–91. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 590. — London Board of Trade on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1781. Bankruptcy Act, British, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1776. — Weakness of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1174. Bankruptcy Law. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 253. Bank(e)s Family of Maine. (C. E. Banks) N. E. Reg. 44; 258. Bannockburn to Poitiers, From. Blackw. I49: 652. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo; 3. Banville, Théodore de. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 30: 275. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 392. — (A. Sy- mons) Macmil. 64: 56. – Critic, I8: 215. —Sat. R. 7I: 349. — Ath. '91, I: 375. Bantaisan, Eruption of. Science, I2: 126. Banzou, Jean. (M. Thompson) Lippinc. 44; 584. Baptism. (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 8: 626, 686. — and Orders. Lond. Q. 75: 294. — for the Dead. (R. J. Cooke) Meth. R. 49: Ioo. — Infant. (J. F. Loughlin) Cath. World, 51: 456. — (G. B. Resser) Ref. Q. 38: 255. — Lay. Church Q. 25: I. — not Immersion; a Review. (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 8: 311. — Proper Subjects for. Luth. Q. 18: 601. Baptismal Controversy, Present Aspect of. (C. E. W. Dobbs) Bapt. Q. 13: 678. Baptist, Why am I a 2 (T. Armitage) No. Am. I44: 232. Baptists, History of the, Armitage's. (H. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 47: 764. — What they believe. (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 8: I27. Baptist Church, First, in Massachusetts. (T. W. Bick- nell) Bay State Mo. I : 90. Baptist Councils. (A. O. Rowland) Bapt. Q. I3: 669. Baptist Denomination. (W. C. Wilkinson) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 240, 341. Baptist Theology. (J. Clifford) Contemp. 53: 503. Baptist Union, English. Cong. R. 2: 485. Baptistries, Ancient. (S. S. Cutting) Bapt. R. 9: 203. Baptized Children; Relation to the Church. (M. S. Cressman) Luth. Q. 20: 45. BAR Bar, American, English View of. Green Bag, 1: 414. – Decline of. Amer. 20: 189. — Discipline of. Meliora, 5: 158. – Integrity and Independence of. (D. Dougherty) Am. Law R. 22: 177. Bar Associations. (W. B. Hill) Am. Law R. 23: 213. Barante. Memoirs. (A. Laugel) Nation, 51: 49. Barbadoes. (W. F. Hutchinson) Am. M. 8: 131. — Early History of, Davis's. Ath. '88, 1 : 561. – Quaint Folks in Old Colonies. (J. H. Lawrence- Archer) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 742. Barbara. (M. Kendall) Longm. I3: 81. Liv. Age, I79: 531. Barbara Allen's Cruelty; a ballad. Harper, 77: 35. Barbarism, Some Lessons from. (E. Goodale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 82. Barbary Corsairs. (S. Lane-Poole) Antiq. m. s. 21: 158. – Lane-Poole's. Spec. 64: 732. Barbauld, Mrs. A. L., and her Pupil. (E. C. Rickards) Murray, Io: 706. Barber, J. H., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 39. Barber-Surgeons of London. (S. Young) Antiq. m. s. 22: 96.- (J. A. J. Housden) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 140. Barbey d’Aurevilly, J. Atlan. 68: 699. Barbizon and Jean François Millet. (T. H. Bartlett) Scrib. M. 7: 531. Barbizon School of Painters, D. C. Thomson’s. Meynell) Art J. 43: 283. Barcelona. (W. N. Lockington) Amer. I 8: 72. 88. Bard of Benderloch. 548. Bardon, Thos., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 32. Barefoot Days. (C. H. Luders) Amer. I5: 216. Barefut Sally. (F. M. Maitland) Irish Mo. 17: Io. Bargee's Sweetheart; a story. (E. H. Clubbe) Mur- ray, 2: 77. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 293. Barger, Samuel F. M. West. Hist. Io: 540. Barings, The. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 619. — Crisis of, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1933. Baring-Gould. See Gould, S. Baring. Barite, Notes on a Missouri. (C. Luedeking and H. A. Wheeler) Am. J. Sci. I42: 495. Barium ; Certain Points in Estimation of, as the Sul- phate. (F. W. Mar) Am. J. Sci. I41: 288. Barium Sulphate from Perkins' Mill, Quebec. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I39: 61. Barlaam and Joasaph Parable in the Mahabharata. (W. A. Clouston) Ath. '91, I: 186. Barlow, Samuel L. M., with portrait. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 22: 315. — Library of. Critic, I5: 302. If: 58. — — Sale of. Critic, 16: 85. Barlow, Thomas Oldham. Ath. '89, 2: 901. Barnabas. Cong. R. 5: 22. Barnabas, Pseudo-, Locality of. Lit. 9: 60. Barnacles. Science, I4; 374. — (S. H. Seville) Knowl. I3: II. Barnard, Frederick A. P. Critic, 14: 227. – (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 35: 341. Barnard, Henry, with portrait. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 445. Barnard Castle. (M. Hunt) Art J. 39: 333. Barnardo, Dr. (W. G. Blaikie) Sunday M. 19: 694. — Trial of. Month, 66: 478. Barnes, A.S. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 361. Barnes, William, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 37: 176. Same art. Liv. Age, 177: 113. – Unita. R. 3o: 184. — (F. T. Palgrave) National, 8: 818. Same art. Liv. Age, 172: 790. —Sat. R. 65: 21. — Baxter's Life of. Nation, 46: 432. — Ath. '87, 2: 883. – Liv. Age, 174: 744. — Spec. 6o: 1786. Same art. (Alice 2O . (W. Jolly) Good Words, 30: 454, (E. S. (Mrs. M. J. (J. R. Harris) J. Bib. (J. D. Philbrick) N. 34 BARTHOLDI’S Barnes, William, Early Manhood of. Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 23. — Life and Poems of. Ed. R. 168: 119. Barnes Church, Surrey. (H. Atwell) Antiq. m. s. 20: 12. Barnet Battle, 1471. Sat. R. 69: 407. Barney, Thomas, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 467. Barnum, Phineas Taylor. Sat. R. 71: 434. — Present and Past. (P. T. Barnum) Murray, 7: 101. Barometer, Aneroid. (E. A. Gieseler) J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 321. — Mercurial ; Proposed Form of. Am. J. Sci. I42: 387. Barometric Depression, Erratic Track of a. Ley) Nature, 44; 150. Barometric Readings, Low. ture, 35: 344. Baron, Michael. Cornh. 55; 292. Baron von Goldstetten ; a story. Cosmop. 3: 69–173. Baron's Quarry, The ; a story. (E. Castle) Temp. Bar, 93: 343. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 650. Baronet and the Balloon, The ; a story. Temp. Bar, 84: 513. Baronet's Craze. Tinsley, 43; 828. Barr, Amelia E. (G. H. Sandison) Author, 2: 85. — (F. E. H. Raymond) Author, I: 33. — Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 318. — Novels of. (S. F. Adams) And. R. II: 248. (C. J. Wallis) (W. J. Waggener) (W. C. (H. F. Blanford) Na- (C. Van Nievelt) Barracks of the Saxon Chasseurs at Dresden. (F. G. Lippert) Am. Arch. 30: 171. Barre, Mass., Woods Memorial Library. Lib. J. I2: 259. I3 : 44. Barrès, Maurice. (E. Delille) Fortn. 56: 378. Barrett, Lawrence. Critic, 18: 169. Barrett, Thomas and William, Descendants of. (J. H. Barrett) N. E. Reg. 42: 257. Barrett, William Alexander. Acad. 40 : 366. Barrett, Wilson, as Claude Melnotte. Theatre, 20: 201. — in The Acrobat. Theatre, 26: 259. — in The Golden Ladder. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 2O: 85. – in The Lights o' London. Theatre, 26: 150. — in The Stranger. Theatre, 26: 142. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal Sketches. (A. A. Martin) Green Bag, 2: 75. Barrios, José Rufino, President of Guatemala. (W. E. Curtis) N. Princ. 5: 348. Barrow, Isaac. (J. Humphreys) Ath. '89, 2: 322.- (C. A. Ward) Antiq. m. s. 20: 193, 249. — and Charing Cross. (C. A. Ward) Ath. '89, 2: 290. Barrows, W., List of Books of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 33I. Barrows at Haddon Fields. (J. Ward) Reliquary, 28: 16. Barrundia Case, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation. 52; 44.— (A. Q. Keasbey) N. Eng. 54: 497. — (W. G. Brooks) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 568. — (S. D. Shattuck) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 124. — Debate on. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 150. — Law of. (S. Webster) Nation, 52: 213. — The Reiter Fog. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 84. — Secretary Tracy's Note on. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 354. – What it Calls for. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 172. Barry, James. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 43: 258. — and English Art. (J. C. Carr) J. Soc. Arts, 29; 20. Bart, Jean, French Privateer. Fraser, IoS: 343. Barthélemy de Macarty's Revenge. (C. Gayarré) Harper, 8o: 278. Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty. (W. H. Downes) Bay State Mo. 2: 153. - BARTHOLDI’S Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty, Unveiling of. Pub. Opin. 2: 69. Bartholomew, Geo. M., Defalcation of. Pub. Opin. I : 481. Bartlett, David L., with portrait. I75. - Bartlett, John, and his Descendants. Narrag. Reg. 6: 30. Bartlett, Sidney, with portrait. Green Bag, I : 133. Bartol, Barnabas H. J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 499. M. West. Hist. Io: (J. O. Austin) Bartolommeo della Porta, Fra (1475–1517). (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 347. — and Mariotto Albertinelli, Gustave Gruyer's. Am. Arch. 21: 83. Bartolozzi, F. Engravings. Sat. R. 64; 26. Barton, Bernard. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. 25: 5 Barttelot, Major; Mr. Stanley's Rear-Guard. (J. Troup) Fortn. 54: 817. Barty, the Little Vagabond. 5.I. R. (A. W. Abbot) Lend a H. I : 723. 2: 24–379. Barum West's Extravaganza. (A. Bates) Scrib. M. 4: 631. Barye, Anton de. (G. Murray) Acad. 33: 83. — Ath. '88, I: I 18. — (H. M. Ward) Nature, 37: 297. — Art J. 40: 20. — Bonnet's Criticisms of. (D. C. Eaton) N. Eng. 51: 424. - — De Kay's Life and Works of. (W. A. Coffin) Nation, 50: 227. - – Exhibition in New York, 1890. Am. Arch. 27: 10. Barzeitson Experiment, The. (R. Rogers) Overland, n. s. II: 73, I29, 283. Basalt Dikes in the Upper Palaeozoic Series in Central Appalachian Virginia. (N. H. Darton) Am. J. Sci. I39: 269. Base-Ball. (J. Bentón) Am. M. 8: 359. — (H. Palmer) Outing, I2: 35o. — (H. Chadwick) Outing, I2: 117. – (A. G. Spalding) Cosmop. 7: 603. — and Cricket. (R. A. Proctor) Longm. Io: 181. — (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 207. — Art of Pitching. (H. Chadwick) Outing, I4: 119. — Crane on. Sat. R. 7I: 786. — Curve Ball, Theory of. (W. F. Hopkinson) Outing, Io: 98. — (O. P. Caylor) Outing, 18: 402. — for the Spectator. (W. Camp) I6: 831. — in Australia. (H. Palmer) Outing, 13: 157. – New Rules of, 1887. (H. Chadwick) Lippinc. 39: 830. — (H. Chadwick) Outing, Io: 77. — Our National Game. (J. M. Ward) Cosmop. 5: 443. — Scoring a Game of. (W. I. Harris) Writer, 2: 79. Base-Ball Player; is he a Chattel ? (J. M. Ward) Lippine. 40: 310. Basements, Unhealthfulness of. (W. O. Stillman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 114. Bashkirtseff, Marie. (S. Kirk) Atlan. 64: 682. — (J. Lazarus) Scrib. M. 6: 633. — (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 26: 602. Same art. Critic, 15: 207. – (H. Zimmern) Blackw. I46: 300. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 456. – R. of Rs. I : 539. – a Human Document. (H. Zimmern) Blackw. 146: 3oo. \ – Journal of. Ed. R. I72: 33. – Temp. Bar, 88: 263. — (G. Grant) Dial (Ch.) Io: 259. — (W. B. Le Duc) Cosmop. 9; 15. - Personal Reminiscence of. (M. H. Dixon) Fortn. 53: 276. Same art. Ecl. M. 114: 387. – Two Views of. Cent. 18: 28. Basil and Annette. (B. L. Farjeon) Good Words, 31: I-793. Bâsim the Smith, Landberg's Edition of. (H. A. Sal- moné) Acad. 34: 227. Basin, Thomas, Bishop of Lisieux. Atlan. 63: 478. (F. C. Lowell) 35 BATHS Basin. The Great. (I. C. Russell) Overland, n. s. 11: 42O. Basin Region of the U. S., Origin of the Structure of. (J. LeConte) Am. J. Sci. I38: 257. Basingstoke, England. Ath. '89, 2: 738. – History of. Sat. R. 69: 82. Basket of Anita, The. (G. E. Channing) Scrib. M. 8: I99. Basket of Eggs; a story. (M. F. Ray) Overland, n. s. I4: 238. Basket of Summer Fruit, A. (H. Macmillan) Sunday M. 20: 732. Basque Provinces, Home Rule in. (W. Webster) Fortn. 49 : 399. Basques and Navarrese. I5: 64, Io9. Bass, Rock, Fly-Trolling at Night for. bridge) Outing, 16: 288. – Striped, Fishing for. (A. F. Higgins) Scrib. M. 5: 671. Bass Fishing on Rideau Lake. (J. W. Longley) Outing, I6: 121. Bassein ; a Dead Portuguese City in India. Hurst) Harper, 75: 730. Bassett, Charles : A Soldier-Evangelist. (F. Woodrow) Lend a H. 3: 506. Bastille, The. (D. Bingham) Art J. 4I: 77. — and the Tower Eiffel. (B. Parkes-Belloc) Good Words, 29: 742. — Bingham's History of. Sat. R. 65: 664. – Capture of. (R. Heath) Leis. Hour, 38: 484. — — Translated from the “Moniteur’’ of 1789. R. I4: I. — — Centenary of. (F. Harrison) Contemp. 56: 194. — — — Americans at. (J. G. Alger) Atlan. 64: 361. — Keys of the Old. (H. S. Howell) Antiq. m. s. 15: 185. — Reproduction of. Sat. R. 67: 597. Basuto, South Africa. (A. Aylward) Fraser, IoS: 329. Batalha and Alcobaga. (A. S. Crowninshield) Cosmop. I2 : 19. Batavia, N.Y., Richmond Memorial Library. Lib. J. I4; 3 II. Batavia, On Board the. (J. Heard) Outing, I4: 357. (H. L. Stro- (J. F. Scot. (C. H. Hood) Argosy, 47: 47. Batch of Bread, A, and a Pudding. (A. W. Bailey) Harper, 82: 873. Batchelor, George. Essays. 29: 222. Bateman, Ballad of Lord. (C. P. Johnson) Ath. '88, 1: . 86. — (J. C. Stables) Ath. '88, I: 117. – Ath. '88, I : I.47, 2I3, 243. Bates, Arlo. (H. L. Richards, jr.) Writer, 4: 2. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 216. Bates, Harry. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. Ig: 170. Bates, Joshua, and his Times. (G. B. Putnam) Educa. 9 : 22. Bath, Eng.; Social Bath in the Last Century. (Mrs. A. Phillips) Murray, 9: 209, 518. Io: 74–787. Same (N. P. Gilman) Unita. R. art. Liv. Age, 188: 688. I89: 353. Igo: 602. I9I : 347. — Stage of, Annals of. (W. Calvert) Theatre, 24; 292. 25: I3–175. Bathing; Dangers of Washing. Spec. 67: 124. Bathley Affair. (L. C. Lillie) Harper, 81: 366. Baths and the Skin. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 265. — Cold, Use and Abuse of. (T. M. Coan) Chaut. 8: IOO. — for the People. (C. C. Walker) Am. Arch. 26: 207. — (T. R. Smith) Am. Arch. 30: 36. – Hot, of Rome. (Prof. Aitchison) Am. Arch. 25: I 18. – of the Cursed. (C. Edwards) Chamb. J. 68: 561. BATHS Baths, Public, for the Poor. (J. B. Walker) Cosmop. 9: 414. – Roman, at Bath. Antiq. m. s. I5: 159. Bathurst, Benjamin, Disappearance of. Cornh. 55: 279. — Search for. (W. M. W. Call) Westm. 134: 396. Batiscan River, Along the Upper. (G. R. Mosle) Out- ing, I6: 393. Batoum, Closing of Port of. Pub. Opin. I : 271. Bats. (A. J. Field) Knowl. I2: 122. — Swimming. Spec. 60: 1279. Batteries, Electric, Measurement of Internal Resistance of. (B.O. Peirce; R. W. Willson) Am. J. Sci. 138: 465. — — Secondary. (O. Lodge) J. Soc. Arts, 31 : 1025– 1038. — (H. Seebohm) Murray, 2: 105. — — Water, Simple and Convenient Form of. (H. A. Rowland) Am. J. Sci. I33: 147. Battle, Chances of being Hit in. (W. F. Fox) Cent. I4: 93. — described from the Ranks. (A. V. Palmer) Liv. Age, I85: 183. — The Genius of. (W. F. Smith) No. Am. I46: 144. Battle Abbey Roll. All the Year, 65: 16. — Ath. '89, I: 530. — Spec. 62: 609. – Ed. R. I70: 107. — Lond. Q. 73: 289. — Quar. I69: 385. Battle-Flags, The Captured. (W. J. Armstrong) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 252. — (E. L. Godkin ; E. P. Clark) Nation, 44; 524. Battle Tactics. (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 162. — of To-Day. (J. P. Wisser) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 565. 4; 37. Battuti. See Penitence, Confraternities of. Baudelaire, Chas. (G. Smith) Gent. M. m. s. 4o: — (G. Smith) Portfo. 22: 238. — The Man. (E. Delille) Fortn. 55: 977. – Poetry of. (H. McCulloch, jr.) Harv. Mo. 9: 203. Baudin, J. B. A. V., Commemoration of the Death of, Dec. 2, 1851. Westm. I31: 485. Bauernfeld, Eduard von. Acad. 38: 129. Baumbach, Rudolf, and his Poetry. (E. Marget) Scot. R. 17: 82. — Summer Legends. Spec. 63: 15. Baur, Gustav Adolf Ludwig. Acad. 25: 379. Bavaria, Charles Theodore, Duke of ; the Royal Duke Doctor. (Margaret Howitt) Liv. Age, I 74: 368. Bavaria, Ludwig and Karl Theodor, Princes of. Cornh. 58: 305. Bavaria, “Culturkampf’’ in. — Palaces of the King of. 2I3. — Run into. — Universities of. – Winter in the Country of the Passion Play. Ward) Ecl. M. 116: 353. Bavarian Peasant Play. (J. K. Paulding) Nation, 47: 178. Nation, 49: 447. (R. P. Spiels) Art J. 4o: (J. Morris) Month, 67: 493. 68: 57. (E. J. James) Amer. I7: 231. (H. C. 474. Baxendell, Joseph. (B. Stewart) Nature, 36: 585. Baxter, Richard, Davies's Life of. Spec. 6o: 1030. Bay Psalm Book, A. D. 1640. (C. Ferguson) M. Am. Hist. 23: 384. Bayard, Chevalier. Liv. Age, I76: 537. Temp. Bar, 82: 195. Same art. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 5 II. Bayard, T. F., Letter to. (A. Richmond) No. Am. I48: 21. Bayeux Tapestry, The. (E. J. Lowell) Scrib. M. I : 333. Baylor, Frances Courtney. (F. Waller) Critic, 12: 163. Bayly, Ada Ellen [Edna Lyall]. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 32I. — at Home. (F. Dolman) Author, 2: 3. — Novels. Lond. Q. 70; 17. 36 BEAUMONT Baynes, Thomas Spencer. Acad. 31: 394. — Ath. '87, I: 738. Bayou l'Ombre. (G. King) Harper, 7.5: 266. Bayreuth. See Baireuth. Bazaars, Are they a Form of Charity ? (L. Twining) Murray, 3: 230. Bazaine's Ghost. (C. J. Mason) Overland, n. s. 18: I 5L. . Beach, William A., with portrait. (H. Russell) Green Bag, 2: 509. Beaches, Barrier, of the Atlantic Coast. (F. J. H. Mer- rill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 736. Beacon Lights and Fog Signals. ture, 40: 87, I Io. Beaconsfield, Earl. Temp. Bar, 85: 515. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 323. – (H. W. Lucy) Temp. Bar, 86: 49. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 613. — After Ten Years. (E. Salmon) National, 17: 262. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 432. — and the Irish. (E. Pierrepont) No. Am. I47: 669. — and the Sun-Myth. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. s. 47; 254. — Birthplace of. Ath. '91, I: 343. — Early Life of. Quar. I68: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 515. — Froude's Life of. Blackw. I49: 87. — (T. E. Keb- bel) 19th Cent. 28: 988.-Spec. 65: 589. — Ath. 'go, 2: 657. — (J. A. Hamilton) Acad. 38: 605. — Last Illness of. (J. Kidd) 19th Cent. 26: 65. — Lothair and Endymion. (F. Hitchman) National, 9: 382. — Novels of, Lapsed Copyright of. (M. Gerard) Temp. Bar, 83: 422. — of David's House. (J. Beale, jr.) Arena, I: 577. — Womankind of. (M. Gerard) Temp. Bar, 84: 97. Beaconsfield Village. (J. D. Bourchier) National, II: 628. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 419. Beal, Samuel. Acad. 36: 138. Beale, Willert. Musical Recollections. 622. Beall, Ninian. (J. W. McIlvain) Presb. R. 9: 38o. Beams, Anchoring of, Goetz-Mitchell System. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 328. Bear, Grizzly. (M. W. Glascock) Overland, n. s. I3: 370. — — A Fracas with. (W. T. Hornaday) Cosmop. 3; 182. — — Hunting. (G. O. Shields) Harper, 75: 368. — — Trapping. (A. Kelly) Cosmop. 9; 342. Bears. (O. F. Martin) Overland, n. s. Io; 33. – Academy for. (H. Tyrrell) Cosmop. 6: 293. — and Dogs. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I2: 249. — My First Bear. (W. Wilmer) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 458. Bear Hunt in Mexico. (C. H. Buffet) Outing, 9: 555. Bearded Tit, Last English Home of. (T. D. Pigott) Contemp. 6o: I 15. Same art. Science, I8: 37. Beards, About. All the Year, 68: 328. Beaser, Martin, with portrait. M. Westm. Hist. 9: 24. Beata Beatrix. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 22; 45. Beatitudes of the Gospel. (W. Sutton) Irish Mo. IG: (J. N. Douglass) Na- Sat. R. 7o: 499, 537. I7: IO3. — Proposed Service from. (C. C. Tiffany) Church R. 49; 24.I. Beatrice di Pian degl’ Ontani. Atlan. 66: 133. Beatrice Exhibition, Florence, 1890. Ath. '90, I: 606. — (M. Pantim) Acad. 37: 372. Beaumarchais, P. A. Caron de. Cornh. 50: 132. – and the Lost Million. (C. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. M. II: 1. — Amer. I3: 216. Beaumont. Sir George. See Coleorton. Beaumont, Sir John. Ath. '89, 2: 635, 707. —Missing Poems of. (F. G. Kenyon) Ath. '89, 2: 524, 560. BEAUMONT Beaumont and Fletcher. A King and No King. M. Griffiths) Poet-Lore, 3: 169. Beaumont, Texas. New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 68. Beauties, American. (E. Waddle) Cosmopol. 9; 193. — — Transplanted. (F. L. Baker) Cosmopol. 9: 517. — Famous. (E. Bisland) Cosmopol. 8: 304. Beautiful and the Useful. (D. Swing) Chaut. Io: 75. Beautiful Mrs. Thorndyke. (E. E. Bigelow) Lippinc. 4I : 719. Beauty. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 17: 1. — and Art. (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. 38: 389. — Finck's Romantic Love and Personal. (W. James) Nation, 45; 237. — Gossip on. All the Year, 64: 224. — in Color and Form. (J. A. Heaton) Art J. 4I: 26o. — — How to Seek and where to Find. (J. A. Heaton) Art J. 4I: 284. — in Fiction. (A. W. Rollins) Am. M. 8: 717. – in Women. Atlan. 63: 571. – Natural, Development of. Mo. 3: 387. — on the French Stage. — Types of, in Painting. (D. G. Whitley) Theo. (E. Mahé) Cosmopol. Io: 515. (F. Sitwell) Art J. 4I: 5– 343. Beaver, The. (H. P. Wells) Harper, 78: 228. Bechuanaland. (J. Mackenzie) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 356. Becket, Thomas à. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 48: 8o3. — Relics of. (J. Morris) Month, 62: 305. — Chamb. J. 65 : 208. — Sat. R. 65: 287. — Thompson's Life of. Sat. R. 67: 388. —Spec. 63: 525. Beckett, Gilbert Abbott A, as a Dramatist. (A. a Beckett) Theatre, I8: 146. Beckett, William, with portrait. 47: 621. Beckx, Father. Sat. R. 63: 370. Bed. (L. E. Guiney) Lippine. 40: 271. Beds of our Ancestors. (F. M. Colby) Cosmop. 2: 75. Bed-Bug, The. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I3: 209-275. Beddoes, Thomas Lovell. (A Symons) Acad. 40: 128. —Sat. R. 7o: 62o. — Poems. Ath. '90, 2: 879. Bede, Venerable. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 19: 44. Bedford, F. C. H. Russell, Duke of. (B. Jowett) Spec. 66: 341. Bedford, Peter. Bank. M. (Lond.) Meliora, 8: 234. Bedouins, Among the. All the Year, 68: 493. – Hill’s Adventures among. Sat. R. 7I: 81. Bee, Head of the. (R. C. Day) Knowl. I2: 142. Beech, Ethnological Significance of. (I. Taylor) Knowl. 13: 5. Same art-Science, i4: 330. Beech Wood. (H. M. Ward) Nature, 39: 513. Beecher, Henry Ward. (C. A. Bartol) Unita. R. 27: 343. — And. R. 7: 419. – (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. I7: 307. — (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 44; 225. - (J. Parker) Sunday M. 16: 312. — Sat. R. 63: 356. – (W. Lewin) Acad. 35: 215. — Lond. Q. 73: 347. — (J. Parker) Cong. R. (Lond.) 1: 383. — Ath. '89, I: 47. — Pub. Opin. 2: 481. - American Verdicts on. Cong. R. (Lond.) 1: 538. — as Military Chaplain. (D. E. Austen) No. Am. 144: 4 II. - at Liverpool in 1863. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. 15: 240. — at School, College, and Seminary. (G. C. Fisher) Education, 7: 608. — Collections of. Critic, II: 221. — Discovery of. (A. G. Riddle) M. West. Hist. 5: 54. – A Family Life of. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 46: 5 Io. — Histrionic Power of. 246. (A. de Brémont) Theatre, 18: 37 (L. BEHRING Beecher, Henry Ward. Last MS. of. Cent. 15: 308. — Personality of. (W. S. Searle) No. Am. 144: 487. Beecher, Lyman. Meliora, 9: 61. — Sermons on Intemperance. Meliora, I2: 238. Beefsteak Club of London. (F. Hawkins) Eng. Illust. 7: 871. Beejapore. Tomb of Sultan Mahmood. Am. Arch. 30: Ioš. Beekman, Lieut. Tjerck, Journal of, 1779. (J. R. Gib- son, jr.) M. Am. Hist. 20: 128. Beer. Sat. R. 63: I2O. — About. All the Year, 66: 537. M. m. s. 46: 273. — British, Purity of. 35: 246. — Condensed. – English Legislation in regard to. 19th Cent. 21: 124. Beer-Drinker's “Trust.” (J. A. Mooney) Cath. World, 47: 482. Beer-Drinking in Germany. Cornh. 56: 625. – Is it Injurious P Science, 9: 25. Bees. Murray, 2: 248. — Sat. R. 67: 216. — and Bee-Keeping. (H. Gibson) Month, 61 : 52. — and Darwinism. (H. Goodwin) 19th Cent. 29: 588. — Insect Communists. (Mrs. F. Miller) National, I5: 392. Same art. Ecl. M. II: 543. Same art. Liv. (J. Wilcocks) 67: 511. – Gent. (A. G. Salamon) J. Soc. Arts, (Dr. Bartlett) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 178. (W. C. Quilter) Age, I85: 643. ſº Bee Culture in California. (N. Eames) Overland, m. s. I7: 113. Beekeeping, Cheshire on. Sat. R. 65; 295. — Ath. '88, 2 : 42 I. – Jenyns on. Sat. R. 65: 476. – Modern. (R. C. Day) Good Words, 29: 351. Bee-Masters, Old. (R. C. Day) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 148. Beethoven, Ludwig van. (W. T. Herridge) And. R. 6: 366. – Temp. Bar, 81: 520. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 92. Beet-Sugar, Production of. Mo. 35: 199. Beet—Sugar Industry, Growth of. Sci. Mo. 35: 85. Befogged in the Channel. Belgra. 74: 255. Begg, James, Smith's Memoirs of. Spec. 61: 856. Beggar on Horseback. Outing, 18: 393. Beggars. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: 38o. — abroad. All the Year, 41: 543. – Alpine. Sat. R. 66: 518. – Arts among French. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 6. – Paris Syndicate of Professional. Chamb. J. 67: 606. – Sad and Jolly. All the Year, 41 : 342. - Scottish Laws for Lawless. (H. Hunter) Antiq. m. s. 24; 48. aft Beggary, How Count Rumford Abolished. 46; 193. Begging as a Fine Art. Chamb. J. 64: 86. Begging Letters. All the Year, 65: 619. Begum's Daughter, The. (E. L. Bynner) Atlan. 63: 577, 828. 64: 93–784. 65: 90–525. Begun in Jest; a novel. (Mrs. Newman) Murray, 9: 93–805. Io: Io9–995. Behring, Vitus. First Expedition of. Nat. Geog. M. 2: I I I. – Lauridsen's Life of. Nation, 49: 454. Behring Sea, American Rights in. rum, 8: 225. — Controversy on. (W. F. Dana) New Eng. M. m. s. I: 554. — (C. B. Elliott) Atlan. 65: 178. – (Baden- Powell) New R. 4: 138. – (E. J. Phelps) Harper, 82: 766. — (J. Bell) National, I7: 25. — Sat. R. 68: 128. 71: 152. —Spec. 66: 616. — Pub. Opin. 9: 381. — — Arbitration on. Sat. R. 71 : 583. (A. H. Almy) Pop. Sci. (A. H. Almy) Pop. Tinsley, (W. H. Dall) * (J. B. Angell) Fo- .. BEHRING Behring Sea, Controversy on, Agreement about. Sat. R. 71 : 736. - -- Serious Outlook in. (S. Webster) Nation, 52: 332. Behring's Strait, Discoverer of. (R. B. Anderson) Nation, 45: 257. Beirut to Baalbec. Belated Revenge. 44: 601. Belchertown, Mass. Clapp Memorial Library. Lib. J. I2: 257. Belfast, Ireland, Growth of. Sat. R. 7o: 319. – Marquis of Londonderry in. (G. Bemis) Nation, 37: 37 I. Belfast, Me., Free Library. Lib. J. I3: 250. Belgian Literature, 1887–88. Ath. '88, 2: 7. — 1888–89. Ath. '89, 2: 7. (L. B. Platt) Cosmopol. 2: 285. (R. M. and F. M. Bird) Lippine. – 1889–90. (E. de Laveleye ; P. Fredericq.) Ath. 'go, 2 : 7. — 1890–91. (E. de Laveleye ; P. Fredericq.) Ath. '91, 2 : Q. Belgium, 1884–88. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 73. – and the Belgians. (A. Shaw) Atlan. 65: 481. – Dead Cities of. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 167. Same art. Liv. Age, 172: 694. -- A Holiday in. Gent. M. m. s. 39: 398. — In. (A. Laugel) Nation, 45: 150. – Little Tour in. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. S. 44: 4O9. – Neutrality of. Fortn. 52: 299. — Old Buildings of. Am. Arch. 28: 151. Belgrade. Sat. R. 67: 724. Belief. (G. F. Stout) Mind, 16: 449. – Amathematising of. Spec. 67: 219. – and Conduct. (L. Stephen) 19th Cent. 24; 372. — and Doubt. (H. Goodwin) 19th Cent. 22: 871. — and Unbelief, Sins of. (St. G. Mivart) 19th Cent. 24: 548. (J. C. Long) Bapt. R. I2: 137. (A. Lang) – Conditions of. — Primitive, and Savage Metaphysics. Fraser, IoS: 734. – Psychology of. (W. James) Mind, I4: 32 I. — Scientific Basis of. (R. H. Thurston) No. Am. I53: 181. Beliefs that Dishonor God. 48: 103. Belknap, Jeremy. (G. E. Ellis) Atlan. 67: 643. Belknap County, N. H., Bench and Bar of. Granite Mo. I3: 124. Belknap Papers in Mass. Historical Society. Chamberlain) Nation, 52: 304. Bell, Doyne Courtenay. Ath. '88, I: 436. Bell, Frederick, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 757. Bell, George. Acad. 38: 530. — Ath. '90, 2: 778. Bell of Lande-Fleurie, The. (J. Lemaitre) Overland, n. s. IS: 524. Bell of St. Paul's. (W. Besant) Longm. I3: 225–561. I4: I-56I. I5: I, II.3. Bells. (E. H. Goss) New Eng. M. 3: 547. — and Belfries. (H. R. Haweis) Eng. Illust. 7: 38o. — and Chimes, Modern Improvements in. (G. Lund) J. Soc. Arts, 22; 323. — and their Origin. (J. J. Doherty) Month, 64; 20. – Church, in England. (J. J. Doherty) Month, 7o: (I. N. Tarbox) N. Eng. (M. 334. — — North's. Ath. '87, 2: 154. — Concerning. Chamb. J. 64: 641. — of Essex, Church. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 18: 236. –– of Kent, Church. Sat. R. 65: 138. — Antiq. m. s. I7: 29. — of London. Chamb. J. 67: 33. 38 BENEFIT Bells of San Gabriel. 478. — of Stafford, Lynam's. Ath. '89, 2: 711. – Old. Am. Arch. 23: 164. Bells, The. (E. A. Poe) New Eng. M. 3: 578. Bella-Demonia. (S. Dolaro) Lippine. 43: 307. Bellamy, Edward. (S. Baxter) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: 92. – and Christianity. (A. L. Dawes) And. R. 15: 413. – Critics of. Lend a H. 6: I. — Interview with. (F. E. Willard) Our Day, 4: 539. — Looking Backward. (E. de Laveleye) Contemp. 57: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 399. – (E. Bel- lamy) No. Am. I5o: 351. – (M. Maher) Month, 71: I, 173. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 85. — (A. Shortt) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 272. — (W. T. Harris) Forum, 8: 199. — — and Nationalism in the United States. Gilman) Q. J. Econ. 4: 50. — — and the New Nationalist Party. Atlan. 65: 248. — — Objections to his Utopia. 52: 231. – Nationalism of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 5: 332. Bellarmino, R., Cardinal. Sat. R. 63: 61 I. Belle Bremer. (M. E. Cardwill) Author, 2: 160. Belleboo. (I. H. Ballard) Overland, n. s. I3: 79-260. Bellegambe, Jean. (W. H. J. Weale) Acad. 37: 174. — Sat. R. 60: 577. Bellini, Giovanni. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I7: 852. Bellite, New Explosive. Science, I3: 156. Belmont, Mo., Battle of. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 69. Belon, Pierre, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 692. Beloochistan and the “New Indian Province.” (T. H. Thornton) Asia. R. 5: 54. Belot, Adolphe. Ath. '90, 2: 891. Below the Weir; a story. (O. Lanyon) Belgra. 63: 225. Belts and Stays, Physiological Effects of. (C. O. Roy) Ecl. M. I. I2: 41. (G. F. Atherton) Lippine. 48: (N. P. (F. A. Walker) (W. Higgs) N. Eng. Bemerton. (J. H. Overton) Longm. II: 67. Bemini, North, An Unintentional Trip to. Chamb. J. 64: 158. Ben and Judas. (M. Thompson) Cent. I6: 893. Ben Nevis, Meteorology of. (J. G. McPherson) Knowl. I4: 2 I 4. Benaboo, Basha of Tangier. (J. H. D. Hay) Murray, I: 609. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 735. Benacus. (E. Martinengo-Cesaresco) Macmil. 56: 218. Benbow, John, Admiral. Ath. '89, 2: 598. Bendall, Edward, and the Mary Rose. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 518. Benedict, St. (F. W. Farrar) Longm. IG: 282. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 298. — Saint Columban, and Saint Gregory. (F. W. Far- rar) Sunday M. I8: 690. Benedict of Oxford. (J. Jacobs) Ath. '90, I: 502. – (A. Neubauer) Ath. '90, I: 531. Benedictines and Jesuits in England, 1602-8. ments. (T. G. Law) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 730. — Government of, from the 6th to the 11th Century. (D. A. Hamilton) Dub. R. Io9: 291. Docu- — in Ireland. (J. H. Howlett) Irish Mo. Ig: 448. Benedictine Customs, Ancient. (A. Hamilton) Dub. R. Ioo: 8o. (F. Coppée) Theatre, 2I: 65. Benediction, The. (R. C. Matlack) Beneficiary Education Societies. Church R. 53: 144. Benefit and Burial Clubs. I3: loş. Benefit of Clergy; a story. All the Year, 65. 441–468. Benefit Societies, Names, Habits, and Failures of. Meliora, 6: 342. (C. T. Cruttwell) National, BENEVOLENT Benevolent Societies, Relation of, to the Churches. (A. S. Chesebrough) N. Eng. 50: 17. Bengal, 1681–87. Spec. 62: 548. — Judicial System of. Sat. R. 65: 766. — Real Life in. (W. Stobie) Fortn. 48: 329. Bengel, John Albrecht. (W. Claus) Luth. Q. Ig: Ioš. Benjamin, Judah Philip. (F. Lawley) Ath. '88, I: 599. – With portrait. Green Bag, I: 365. Bennett, Charles Henry. (J. Swain) Good Words, 29: 589. Bennett, Edmund H., with portrait. ('86): 225. Bennett Educational Law in Wisconsin. (I. Thomas) N. Eng. 54: 132. — (W. F. Vilas) Forum, I2: 198. — (J. Bascom) Educa. R. I : 48. — Pub. Opin. 9: I, 476. Dennington and its Battle. M. 4: 761. Bennoch, Francis. (J. Hawthorne) Critic, I7: 36. Benoit, Frédéric, Crimes of. Green Bag, I: 443. — Lucifer. Sat. R. 67: 439. “ Benson, Archbishop, Pastoral of. 7I : 323. Benson, F. R., as Hamlet. tre, 24; 212. Benson's Lamps. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 2 I : 19. Bentham, Jeremy. Sat. R. 7I: 237. — and his School of Jurisprudence. Law R. 24: 727. Benton, T. H. Amer. I3: 247. — Roosevelt's Life of. (M. W. Fuller) Dial (Ch.) 8: II. — Nation, 46: 264. Bentonville, Battle of. (W. Hampton) Cent. I2: 939. Bentzon, Th., A Chat with. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Critic, II : 197. Benué and Kibbé Rivers, West Africa. Nature, 44; 46. Benyowsky, Count de. Temp. Bar, 83: 329. Same art. Liv. Age, I'78: 485. Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland. 19th Cent. 24: 899. Bequest, Freedom of. (I. S. Leadam) Contemp. 53: 116. — Spec. 61: 7. – (A. A. Redfield) Am. Law R. 23: II. Béranger. (J. Forster) Lond. Soc. 56: 591. Bere, Richard, Journal of. (M. A. S. Hume) Gent. M. n. S. 47: 440. Beresford, Lord Charles. (C. J. Ward) Tinsley, 45: * * I55. Beresford, Lord William, and his Victoria Cross. Forbes) Eng. Illust. 6: 785. Beresford-Hope, A. J. B. Church Q. 25: 492. Bergaigne, Abel. Acad. 34: 123. Bering. See Behring. Berkeley, George, as a Moral Philosopher. Orange) Mind, I5: 514. — Revived Study of. (J. C. Murray) Macmil. 56: 161. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 345. Berkeley, Miles Joseph. Ath. '89, 2: 195. — Nature, 40: 371. — Acad. 36: Ioz. Berkeley Castle. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 6: 285. — (F. Armitage) Art J. 4I: 33. Berkeley Manor, Customs of. Antiq. m. s. 18: 211. Berkeley Peerage. Spec. 67: 183. Berkshire Hills, Among the. (M. C. Reid) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 398. Berlin. (M. S. Smith) Cosmopol. 8: 515. – American Church in. (J. H. W. Stuckenberg) Our Day, 2: 205. — Bourse of. Sat. R. 69: 285. — Common Schools of. (J. J. Skordalsvold) Educa. II: 39, 70. — Domestic and Social Life in. Education, 7: 696. New Eng. M. 4 (E. A. Start) New Eng. (J. Morris) Month, Sat. R. 69: 315. — Thea- (J. F. Dillon) Am. (Lady Blake) (A. (H. W. (Mrs. M. B. Norton) 39 BERYLLONITE Berlin, An Englishman in. Macmil. 59: 439. – Impressions of. (T. Child) Harper, 81: 340. — Industrial Museum, Winter Exhibition, (Countess v. Krockow) Am. Arch. 27: 174. — International Exhibition at. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 53: 98. — Life in. (R. B. Richardson) And. R. I5: 94. — Renaissance Museum. (W. Bode) Fortn. 56: 506. – Technische Hochschule. (S. Baxter) Am. Arch. 25: 21 I. Berlin, N. H. Granite Mo. 12: 132. Berlioz, Hector, Jullien's Life of. (J. S. Shedlock) Acad. 34: 409. — Ath. '89, 2: 73. — Atlan. 63: 846. — Sat. R. 67: 19. Bermuda Islands. (H. C. Walsh) Cath. World, 48: 444. — (H. C. Walsh) Lippinc. 46: 854. — Chamb. J. 67: 577. — Among the Summer Isles. Words, 32: 32. — Early History of. 1890. (J. Skelton) Good (J. H. Stark) Bay State Mo. 2: 277. — Heilprin's. Nation, 49: 439. — Soldiering in. (J. A. Lockwood) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 78. — Trinity Church. (W. Drysdale) Am. Arch. 29: IO3. Bernard, St., of Clairvaux. (J. R. Gregory) Theo. Mo. 4: Loo. 5: 95. – Cath. World, 54; 225. — Am. Cath. Q. IG: 42. — and his Centenary. (B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 529. Bernard, John, Retrospections of. Lit. W. (Bost.) IS: 69. Bernardin de St. Pierre, J. H. (E. C. Price) Temp. Bar, 93: 495. Bernardine Nuns. (H. W. Lucy) Eng. Illust. 7: 33. Bernardinite. (J. S. Brown) Am. J. Sci. I42: 46. Bernardston Series of Metamorphic Upper Devonian Rocks. (B. K. Emerson) Am. J. Sci. I40: 263, 362. Bernel, Eracles. (F. L. Oswald) Lippinc. 40: 717. Bernhardt, Sarah. (A. Meynell) Art J. 40: 134. — Sat. R. 64; I2O. — as Cleopatra. Critic, I8: 113. — as Joan of Arc. Critic, 19: 269. — in La Tosca. Critic, I8: 85. —(K. Venning) Thea- tre, 20: 46. 21 : 97. Béroalde de Verville, François. n. S. 44; 382. Berries, Birds and. (A. S. Wilson) Knowl. I4: 52–215. — of Summer. (W. N. Lockington) Amer. I5: 312. Berry, Mary and Agnes: Horace Walpole's Twin Wives. Temp. Bar, 91: 343. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: I31. Berry; the Country of George Sand. Eng. Illust. 4: 426. Bert, Paul, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 401. — Science in Politics. (J. Adam) Contemp. 51: 52. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 496. *** * Berthier. See Foulon. - Bertillon System of Identification. (A. Bertillon) Fo- rum, II: 330. See also Identification. Bertin, George. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 39: 213. Bertrandite, Crystallized. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I37: 213. — from Mt. Antero, Colorado. J. Sci. I36: 52. Berwick-on-Tweed, Scott's History of. (C. Elton) Acad. 34: 381. Beryllium Minerals from Mt. Antero, Col. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I40: 488. Beryllonite, Preliminary Notice of. (E. S. Dana) Am. J, Sci, 136: 290, - (A. Machen) Gent. M. (B. Thomas) (S. L. Penfield) Am. BESANT Besant, Annie, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 54O. Besant, Walter, East End of London as represented by. (Mrs. J. Stuart Wortley) 19th Cent. 22: 361. - Philanthropic Novelist. (E. Sichel) Murray, 3: 506. — The World Went very Well then. Sat. R. 63: 658. – and Rice, Jas., Literary Partnership and Works of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 232. — — This Son of Vulcan. No. Am. I47: 477. Beside All Waters; a story. (C. Burke) Argosy, 49: 25 I. Bess of Hardwick. Temp. Bar, 91: 92. — (W. Brails- ford) Antiq. m. s. I5; 203. Bessbrook, Ireland: Model Manufacturing Town. Meliora, Io: 45. Bessels, Emil. Science, II: 219. Bessemer, Sir Henry. (C. de Varigny) Chaut. 9: 89. Bessemer Steel Process, Modifications of. (C. H. Hen- derson) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 454. Bessemer Steel Rails. (J. C. Bayles) Chaut. 9: 145. Bessie Beaumont; a story. Granite Mo. I3: 31–66. Best of Friends, The ; a story. (V. Hall) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 394. Best Relationship in the World. day M. 20: 197. Bethabara Wood, Lapachic Acid in. (W. H. Greene and S. C. Hooker) J. Frankl...Inst. I27: 387. (A. Thorold) Sun- Bethell, Richard, Lord Westbury, Nash's. Blackw. I45: 71. Bethlehem. (H. A. Harper) Sunday M. 17: 519. Bethlehem, Pa., during the Revolution. (J. W. Jor- dan) Pennsyl. M. I2: 385. I3: 71. Bethlehem Hospital, Something about. Chamb. J. 64: 639. Bethsaida. (S. B. Goodenow) Bib. Sac. 45: 729. — (E. P. Gray) Bib. Sac. 46: 374. Betoun, James, and Thomas Wolsey. Scot. R. Io: 337. Better Away; a sketch. Iod: 345. Better Man, The. 835. Better Part, The. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 4: 104. Betterment Tax, The. (G. D. Campbell) Contemp. 57: 911. 58: I33. — in America. (J. Rae) Contemp. 57; 644. Betterton, Thomas. Sat. R. 71 : 138. — Life of, by Quin. Sat. R. 65: 544. Betting. Spec. 62: 886. 63: I 12, 142. — and Gambling. (H. P. Hughes) Sunday M. 20: 533. — and the Law. Spec. 62: 361. — Evil of, and its Cure. (W. Day) Fortn. 53: 343. — Gambling, and my Critics. (W. C. Magee) Fortn. (G. G. Smith) (A. K. H. Boyd) Fraser, (A. Paterson) Eng. Illust. 6: 499– 52: 754. — Tattersall's Rules. Sat. R. 65: 450. Betty; a last century love story. (A. V. Dorsey) Cosmopol. 8: 211. Between Four Walls. (C. Yorke) Lond. Soc. 54: 608. Between the Two; a story. All the Year, 60: 180, 203. Between Two Worlds; a story. Argosy, 43: 99. Betwixt Yesterday and To-Day; a story. All the Year, 69: 498, 524. Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand, Count von. Quar. I55: 327. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 643. – (A. H. At- teridge) Dub. R. IoI: 126. — (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 45: 219. — Sat. R. 64: 51. – Lond. Q. 68: 284. – Spec. 6o: 657. — a Lover of England. Temp. Bar, 81: 94. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 677. — Leis. Hour, 36: 853. Beverages. (E. Richards) Science, I6: 127. — for Fat People, Summer. (N. E. Yorke-Davies) Gent, M, n, s.47: 153. 40 BIBLE Beverages, Popular. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soe. Arts, 35: 837, 883. Beverly Incident, The. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 41: 422, 447. Bewick, Thomas. All the Year, 60: 28. - - Robinson's Life and Times of. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 45; 317. Beyle, Henri, Diary of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48:8. — (G. Smith) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 473. Beyond the Bridge; a story. (D. R. Goodale) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 185. Beyond the Day; a poem. 675. Bhagvänlăl, Indraji, Pandit. (C. Bendall) Ath. '88, 1: 474. — (P. Peterson) Acad. 33: 259. Bhils and their Country. (S. Griffin) Asia. R. 7: 438. Bianconi, Charles; an Italian Irishman. All the Year, 68: 470. Bible, The. (R. M. Edgar) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 65. – (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 17: 62. – and Egyptology. (E. Naville) Theo. Mo. 2: 145. — and Man, as Lock and Key. (J. Cook) Our Day, 2: 63. — and Man's Destiny. (G. B. Cheever) Arena, I: 453. — and Science. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 28: 5. — (J. McCann) Theo. Mo. 4: 415. 6: 343, 375. — and the University. (T. T. Munger) Cent. I4: 709. – as Basis of Church Unity. (W. D. Wilson) Church R. 59: 57. — Authority of. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 21: 387. — Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 261. — Bassandyne, Dobson's History of. Ath. '87, 2: 431. — Bishops’, of 1568, 1572, and 1602. (N. Pocock) Ath. '88, I: 245. — Can it Err P (J. C. Hedley) Dub. R. Io9: 144. — Chronology of, Geology and. (G. W. Gallagher) Meth. R. 5o: 835. — Commentators, Agreement of. And. R. 9: 305. — Concordances to. (G. Morrish) Theo. Mo. 2: 38o. — Criticism of. See Biblical Criticism. — Defence of, True and False. (F. Delitzsch) Bib. Sac. 48: 310. — Dominion of. (J. V. Cheney) Atlan. 68: (W. Wright) Sunday M. 20: 46–269. – English, and the College Curriculum. (S. H. Lee) N. Eng. 47: 360. — — and the English Language. (T. W. Hunt) N. Eng. 47: 246. — — Revised, Reasons for Retouching. (E. Riggs) Presb. R. 9: 28. — — Story of. Chamb. J. 68: 267. — — Why it has failed. (J. Fulton) Forum, 3: 353. – English Versions of, Edgar on. Ath. '89, 2: 246. — Exposition of. Cong. R. (Lond.) 3: 74. — A few Expositions of. (D. M. Hodge) Univ. Q. 48: I73. — First Edition of, Printed in America. (C. Ferguson) M. Am. Hist. 22: 501. — French Versions of. (R. F. Weymouth) Theo. Mo. 2: 361. — God’s Work and Word. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 24I. - — Hilali Codex. (I. Harris) Acad. 34: 321. — How it Came to Us. Knowl. 9; 212, 281. – Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture. (W. E. Glad- stone) Good Words, 31: 233–746. Same art. Ecl. M. v. 114, 115. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. v. 2, 3. — in the Public Schools. (H. E. Manning) Forum, 7: 52. — (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 46: 543. — — Wisconsin Decision on. (G. F. Magoun) Our Day, 6: I 15. — Infallible Scripture. (E. F. Burr) Bib. Sac. 44; 12o. — Inspiration of. (E. F. Burr) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 740. – (J. Cook) Our Day, I : 151, 241, 513. BIBLE Bible, Inspiration and Authority of. (G. H. Schodde) Luth. Q. 21: 465. — — and Infallibility of. (S. L. Bowman) Meth. R. 49; 169. - — — Plenary. — — Sanday on. — — Symposium on. – Interpretation of. 188. — — Progressive. (J. C. Bowman) Ref. Q. 38: 287. — Latin; Amiatine Codex. (J. Wordsworth; M. Rule, and others) Acad. 31: I 11–414. 33: 239-361. 35: 41, 59. – Church Q. 25: 435. – Latin Vulgate in Western Europe. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 90. – Negative Criticism of. Spec. 64: 436, 474, 509, 540. – Outline Inductive Studies on. (E. Blakeslee) And. R. 16: 321. - — Parker's People’s. Cong. R. 2: 58o. – Poetry of. (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 44. — Questions of. (G. B. Austin) Theo. Mo. 4: 181. — Reading of. Month, 65: I. — — Popular, and the Catholic Church. Month, 64: 48o. — — Public. And. R. I2: 656. — Recent Corroborations of. Chr. Lit. 3: 93. — Recent Objections to, Answered. Chaut. Io: 312, 442. — Shall We Take it as We Find it, or as We Like it 2 (F. Alvord) N. Eng. 46: 51o. – Study of. (C. H. Toy) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 245. — — in our Colleges. (N. Blanchard) Univ. Q. 45: 184. — (B. W. Bacon) Forum, 9: 3oo. — (T. T. Munger) Cent. I4: 709. — a Teacher of Mankind. I6: 235. — Versions of. (C. W. Darling) M. West. Hist. v. Io-13. – What is it 2 N. Eng. 48: 34o. — The Wofºld-Book. (S. S. Rahn) Luth. Q. 21: 496. – Old Tesſhment, Ancient Monuments and Modern Critics. (C. R. Conder; W. R. Smith) Contemp. 5I: 376, 561. — — and the Critics. — — Authenticity of. 48: 585. — — Canonical Formula Introducing Certain Histori- cal Books of. (J. A. Paine) Bib. Sac. 48: 652. — — Codex Vaticanus, Photograph of. Church Q. 32: 247. — – Contradictions of Old and New Testaments. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I44: 637. — — Critical Study of. (S. R. Driver) Contemp. 57: 2I 5. — — Driver on the Literature of. (A. Cave) Contemp. 6o: 892. — — Exegetical Hints on. 5: 26. 6: I45, 396. - -ºpiºmim. in. (E. M. Epstein) Chris. Q. 8: 30I. — — Immoralities of Heroes. R. II: 278. — — Kuenen on the Hexateuch. Unita. R. 27: 261. — — Lost Writings Quoted and Referred to in. (I. M. Price) Bib. Sac. 46: 351. — — Minister's Study of. (G. F. Moore) And. R. 12: 34 I. — – Music of. (J. B. Rust) Ref. Q. 38: 169. — — New Testament Witness to Authorship of. (F. Brown) J. Bib. Lit. 2: 95. — — Office and Work of, in Outline. (W. E. Glad- stone) Good Words, 31: 383. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 207. (C. Jerdan) Brit. & For. R. 36: 75. Church Q. 32: 506. Our Day, I: 449. (J. M. Clarke) Church R. 49: (W. E. Gladstone) M. (R. F. Weidner) (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. (A. Cave) Contemp. 57: 537. (A. F. Marshall) Cath. World, (A. R. Fausset) Theo. Mo. (G. D. Boardman) And. 41 BIBLE Bible. Old Testament, Popular Study of. (L. B. Fisher) Univ. Q. 47: 41. — — Recent Literature relating to. Contemp. 55: 393. - — — Reform in the Teaching of. (T. K. Cheyne) Coll- temp. 56: 216. — — — True. (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. I 5: I. — — Revision of. (H. M. Harman) Meth. R. 47: 421. — — — Is it an Improvement 2 (H. Osgood) Bib. Sac. 44: 71. — — Study of, Present State of. Lond. Q. 76: 291. — — Symbolical Characters in. (S. P. Wait) Arena, 2: 568. — — Vulgate, in Textual Criticism. Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 216. — — What shall we do with it P And. R. I5: 206. — Pentateuch, Age of. (J. J. S. Perowne) Contemp. 53: I29, 242. — — and Archaeology. 490. — — Controversy on. Lond. Q. 73: 262. — — Criticism on. Lond. Q. 74: 289. — — Date of. (R. S. Poole) Contemp. 52: 35o. — (R. S. Poole ; W. R. Smith) Acad. 32: 224, 241. — — Delitzsch on. N. Eng. 48: 352. — — Klostermann on. (L. B. Paton) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 318. — — Wellhausen on. 4: 145, 267, 308. — Genesis. (J. W. Dawson) Contemp. 55: 9oo. – (W. G. Elmslie) Contemp. 52: 815. — — Analysis of. Knowl. 9: 216. — — Cosmogony of. (S. R. Driver) And. R. 8: 639. — Bib. Sac. 45: 356. — — Delitzsch's Commentary on. R. I2: 547. — — The Great Truths stated in. 52: I47. — — Is it a Compilation after all ? (C. H. Waller) Theo. Mo. 5: 289. - — — Spurrell’s Hebrew Text of. Ath. '87, 2: 819. — — ch. ii., iii, Analysis of. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. IO: I. — — ch. x., Genealogies in. Ref. R. 1: 252. — — ch. xxxix.-xli. (T. Whitelaw) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 706. — Exodus, ch. iv. 24 ft. (W. J. Deane) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 433. — — ch. i.-vii., Analysis of. (B. W. Bacon) J. Bib. Lit. Io: Io'7. — — ch. vii.-xii., Analysis of. Lit. 9; 161. — — ch. xxxii. 7–11. (C. M. Mead) J. Bib. Lit. 1: 155. — Deuteronomy, Independent Legislation of. (E. C. Bissell) J. Bib. Lit. 3: 67. — Joshua.” Character of the Book. Meth. R. 50: 9. — — Deuteronomist in, Is there a 2 Theo. Mo. 6: 385. — — Studies in Text of. (G. R. Driver) (H. P. Smith) (W. R. Smith) Contemp. 52: (J. J. Lias) Theo. Mo. 3: 361. (G. F. Moore) And. (S. Harris) N. Eng. (R. D. Wilson) Presb. & (B. W. Bacon) J. Bib. (H. M. Harman) (S. Henning) (J. R. Sampey) Bapt. R. I2: 45 I. — Judges, Chronology of. (W. J. Deane) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: Ioo. — — Literary form of. (W. J. Beecher) J. Bib. Lit. 4 : 3. — Ezra. (A, B. Hyde) Meth. R. 50: 809. — Samuel, Hebrew Text of. Lond. Q. 75; 177. — Job. (W. G. Ballantine) Bib. Sac. 47: 54. — — Bradley on. Spec. 60: 1823. — (S. G. Greene) Cong. R. 2: 884, 983. — — Genung's Translation. Eng. 55; 319. (D. H. Chamberlain) N. BIBLE Bible. Job, Gilbert's Poetry of. (E. L. Curtis) Dial (Ch.) Io: 21 I. — — Inspiration of. Spec. 60: 1778. — — Integrity of the Book. (W. W. Davies) Meth. R. 50: 329. — — Interpretation of. (J. F. Genung) And. R. Io: 437. — — New Reading of. Westm. I32: 56. — — Passage from. (H. Crosby) Critic, 12: 25. — — ch. xix. 25–27. (J. I. Mombert) J. Bib. Lit. 2: 37. – Psalms. (W. E. Gladstone) Good Words, 31: 457. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 270. — (G. F. Moore) And. R. I2; 439. — — Age of. (Ch. de Harlez) Dub. R. Io9: 69. — (J. MacSwiney) Month, 73: 522. - — — and Modern Criticism. Lond. Q. 72: 1. — — Asaph-Psalms. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 73. — — Date of the Korah-Psalms. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. 4: 80. — — Davidic, in the Psalter. (P. H. Steenstra) And. R. I5: 662. — — Origin of. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 40: 189. — — Rise of Hebrew Psalm-Writing. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. 7: 47. — — Titles of. (W. H. Green) Meth. R. 50: 489. – Psalm xlii., Study and Metrical Version of. (W. S. McKenzie) Bapt. Q. I 3: 658. — — xxiv. (J. Forbes) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 67. — — lxxxiv. (R. Balgarnie) Theo. Mo. 6: 328. — Ecclesiastes. (T. Tyler) Acad. 39: 297. — Song of Solomon, Analysis of. (H. P. Laird) Ref. Q. 35: I. — — Griffis on. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 50: 183. – Isaiah. (J. Strong) Meth. R. 50: 169. — — Critical Problem of. Lond. Q. 76: I37. — — Development of Thought in. (A. Duff) And. R. 9: 426, 528. — — Higher Criticism and. (N. West) Theo. Mo. 6: I. — — Orelli on. Spec. 63: 472. — — Recent Commentaries on. 36: 231. — — G. A. Smith on. Spec. 61: 1770. — (G. C. M. Douglas) Presb. and Ref. R. 2: 424. — — ch. vii. 14; Immanuel. (H. G. Mitchell) And. R. I5: 439. — (W. W. Martin) Meth. R. 51: 699. — — ch. vii. 17, Exegesis of. (C. R. Brown) J. Bib. Lit. 9: I 18. — — ch. xii., Examination of. Lit. Io: 131. — — ch. xl.-lxvi., Historical Movement in. (L. W. Bat- ten) And. R. I6: 178. — — ch. lii. I5. (G. F. Moore) J. Bib. Lit. 9: 216. – Jeremiah. Ath. '89, I: 658. — — Cheyne on. Spec. 63: 930. — — Hebrew and Greek, Workman on Variations be- ‘tween. (H. P. Smith) J. Bib. Lit. 9: Io?. — — Book of ; a paraphrase. (D. R. Dungan) Chris. Q. 8: 262. – Ezekiel and the Levitical Law. Bib. Lit. I : 172. — — Babylonian Element in. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. I (T. K. Cheyne) Acad. (W. H. Cobb) J. Bib. (F. Gardine) J. : 59. ext of. (G. F. Moore) And. R, 7: 93. — Daniel, Age of. (J. A. Paine) Bib. Sac. 46: 371. — — Daniel’s Prophetic Stone. (I. E. Graeff) Ref. Q. 34; 185. — — First Six Chapters of. Lit. 4; 325. — — Is it a Prophecy 2 (J. Poucher) Meth. R. 50: 649. — Hosea, Paraphrastic Analysis of. (M. E. W. John- son) Theo. Mo. 6: 95. — Joel and Obadiah, Historical Situation in. (W. J. Beecher) J. Bib. Lit. 8: 14. — Amos. (M. S. Terry) Meth. R. 50: 868. (F. Lenormant) M. Chr. 42 BIBLE Bible. Amos, Idea of God in. (H. G. Mitchell) J. Bib. Lit. 7, pt. 2: 33. — Jonah ; Is it Fact or Fiction ? (T. W. Chambers) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 257. — (W. W. Davies) Meth. R. 48: 827. — Nahum, A Study of. (Prof. Kennedy) Good Words, 32 : 74 I. – Zephaniah, Historical Testimony of. (H. Ferguson) J. Bib. Lit. 3: 60. — New Testament, Attributive Aorist Participles in Protasis in. (W. G. Ballantine) Bib. Sac. 46: 342. — — Canonicity of the Non-Apostolic Books of. (W. F. Adeney) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 320. — — Eschatology of. (M. Goodrich) Univ. Q. 46: 173. — — Genesis of. (L. T. Townsend) Meth. R. 51: 849. — — Greek; Elzevir Text of 1624, Mill on. (I. H. Hall) J. Bib. Lit. 7: 41. — — — — Title-Page of. (I. H. Hall) J. Bib. Lit. Io: 147. — — — Remarkable Editions. (I. H. Hall) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 40. — — Historic Origin of. (T. G. Apple Ref. Q. 37: 429. — — in the 2d Century. Church Q. 30: 134. — — Inspiration of. (E. L. Houghton) Univ. Q. 46: 389. — — Leading Problems of, Discussion of. Schodde) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 90. — — Recent Criticism on. (J. H. Thayer) Unita. R. (G. H. 28: 532. — — Supposed Uncial Codex of. Ath. 'go, I : 372, 405. — — Symbolisms of. (S. P. Wait) Arena, 4: 712. — — Syriac, Printed Editions of. Church Q. 26: 257. — — Thayer's Greek-Eng. Lexicon of. Nation, 44: 83. — — Theology of. Meth. R. 51: 440. — — Tyndale’s Edition of, 1535. (N. Pocock) Ath.’87, I : 63. — (R. Roberts) Ath. '89, 2: 355. — — Use of Kºptos in. (C. C. Starbuck) Ref. Q. 35: 5 I 3. . — — Verse-Divisions in the French. Bib. Lit. Io: 65. — — Vocabulary of. 2: 647. — Gospels, Authenticity and Veracity of. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 48: 376. — — Codex Algerinae Peckover. (J. R. Harris) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 79. — — Composition of. Church Q. 32: 29. (I. H. Hall) J. (J. R. Smith) Presb. & Ref. R. — — Evangelistarium of St. Margaret. (F. Madan) Acad. 32: 88. — — First Three, J. E. Carpenter on. (Mrs. M. A. Ward) 19th Cent. 27: 651. — — Harmony of, Robinson's. 46; 455. — — — Notes on Riddle's Edition of Robinson's. Leaman) Bib. Sac. 47: 216. — — — Waddy on. Lond. Q. 69: 172. — — Important MS. of. (J. R. Harris) J. Bib. Lit. 9: 3I. — — Lasserre's Version of. 53: 748. — — Latin Versions of. Church Q. 3I: 85. — — Specific Character of the Four. (C. C. Starbuck) Ref. Q. 36: 167. — — Unity of. (W. R. Hartpence) Chris. Q. 7: 378. 8: 103. — Matthew, A Study in. (F. Gardiner) J. Bib. Lit. 9 : I. — — ch. 24 and 25. And R. 9: 527. (C. Leaman) Bib. Sac. (C. (W. Wright) Contemp. — Mark. (F. M. Bristol) Meth. R. 51: 681. — — Martineau's Criticism of. (E. Y. Hincks) And, R. I5: I. BIBLE Bible. Luke ii. 14, A Point of Grammar in. (L. S. Potwin) And. R. I3: 660. — — ch. xv. 3–7. (J. W. Ballantine) And. R. 9; 152. — — ch. xv. 12–32. (R. W. Dale) Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: I26. — — ch. xvi. I-9. — — ch. xx. 34, 35. (J. Wedgwood) Contemp. 57: 52. (W. E. Manley) Univ. Q. 45: 3IO. — John. (E. Schürer) Contemp. 6o: 388. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: 3. — (G. R. Crooks) Meth. R. 51: 9. — (W. W. Peyton) Contemp. 6o: 738. — — English Theology and. (J. A. Cross) Westm. 134: I 72. — — Modern Criticism and. Spec. 65: 561. – Church Q. 31 : II6. — — Modern Criticism on the Authorship of. Drummond) Acad. 38: 444. — — Reynolds on. Cong. R. 2: 316. — Spec. 61: 418. — — Dr. Schürer on. (W. Sanday) Contemp. 6o: 529. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: I.25. — — Teaching of. Meth. R. 47: 72. — — ch. iii. 5, Exegesis of. Ref. Q. 37: 403. — — ch. iii. 5, 6, Exegesis of. (C. Van der Ween) Ref. Q. 37: 335. — — ch. iv. 35, Examination of. R. Ioff: 351. — — ch. xviii. 24. — — ch. xix. Io, I I, An Exegesis. Theo. Mo. 6: 22. — — ch. xxi. I5–17. 524. — Epistles. (G. E. Hare) Church R. 60: 292. — — Can we Popularize? (H. Hayman) Theo. Mo. I : (R. B. (M. A. Power) Dub. (F. Gardiner) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 45. (A. H. Wratislaw) (W. G. Ballantine) Bib. Sac. 46: 44. * — — Pastoral. (M. J. Cramer) J. Bib. Lit. 7, pt. 2: 3. — (A. Plummer) Lond. Q. 72; 165. – Luth. Q. Ig: 47O. — — — Doctrine and Church in the. I 3O. — — — St. Paul and. Lond. Q. 73: I. Lond. Q. 75: — Romans. (W. G. Williams) Meth. R. 51: 177. — — Lyman Abbott on. (G. H. Gilbert) Bib. Sac. 46: 229. — — in the History of the Church. Bapt. Q. II: 135. — — ch. vii., Controverted Points in. Meth. R. 48: 29. — — ch. viii. 18–25, Exegesis of. Bapt. R. I2: 430. — — ch. ix. (J. F. Weir) N. Eng. 52: 371. — — ch. ix. 5. (T. Dwight) J. Bib. Lit. I; 22. — (E. Abbot) J. Bib. Lit. I : 87. – (E. Abbot) J. Bib. Lit. 3: 90. — — ch. ix.-xi. (E. P. Gould) J. Bib. Lit. 3: 22. — (G. C. Findlay) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 632. — I. and II. Corinthians, Godet and Ellicott on. Ath. '88, I: 399. — I. Corinthians. Church Q. 26: 154. —Lond. Q. 69: 2I. — — ch. xv. 28; Homage of Christ the King. Coupé) Dub. R. Io9: 327. — II. Corinthians, ch. i., Difficult Passages in. (B. B. Warfield) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 27. – Galatians. (W. H. Ryder) And. R. 12: 225. — (B. B. Warfield) J. Bib. Lit. 4: 50. — Ephesians, and the Higher Criticism. ley) Meth. R. 51: 513. — — Translation. (H. Hayman) Theo. Mo. 1 : 185. — — Hayman's Trans., Critique on. (R. F. Wey- mouth) Theo. Mo. I : 264. — — Self-Interpreted. Theo. Mo. 2: 229. – Philippians. (J. B. Young) Meth. R. 51: 345. – - ch. ii. 6-II. (D, Van Pelt) Ref. Q. 35: 378. (H. S. Burrage) (H. A. Buttz) (S. W. Whitney) (C. (C. F. Brad- 43 BIBLIOTHEQUE Bible. Colossians. Translation. (H. Hayman) Theo. Mo, 3: 156. — II. Thess. ii. 6-8. (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 6: 361. – Philemon. (J. K. Demarest) Luth. Q. 20: 514. — Hebrews, Language and Authorship of. (F. Gardi- ner) J. Bib. Lit. 7: I. — — Secret of the Epistle to. Theo. Mo. 6: 184. . — — Bishop Westcott on. Church Q. 32: I. — (W. Sanday) Acad. 37: 154, 190. – Spec. 64; 309. (A. H. Wratislaw) — I. John v. 6-8. (R. Johnstone) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 45. — — ch. v. 7, Authenticity of. (A. Hamilton) Dub. R. Iof: 182. — Revelation, New Theory of. (C. A. Briggs) Presb. R. 9: Io9. — — Date of. (J. R. Smith) Bib. Sac. 45: 291. — — Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae. (S. Garrat) Theo. Mo. 3: 412. — — Introduction to a Commentary on. (W. A. Helff- rich) Ref. Q. 38: 315. — — Influence on Christian Art. Sac. 48: 670. — — John's Account of the Last Judgment Founded on Volcanic Eruptions in the Island of Santorin. (J. T. Bent) 19th Cent. 24: 813. — — Origin of, Recent Theories of. Bib. Lit. Io: 20. — — Pulpit Commentary on. Theo. Mo. 4: 65. — — C. E. Smith on. (W. M. Reilly) Ref. Q. 38: 194. — — Spiritual Significance of. Church Q. 23: 412. — — Unity of. (W. Milligan) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: I I4. Bibles, Curious. — Gossip about. Bible Characters. 549. Bible Instruction in Colleges. (B. W. Bacon) Forum, 9: 300. See above, Bible, Study of. Bible Lands, Modern Science in, Dawson's. I31 : 474. Biblical Archaeology. — Proposed School of, in the East. Presb. R. 8: 71. Biblical Chronology, New Key to. Sac. 45: 52,437. Biblical Criticism and the Catholic Church. Mivart) 19th Cent. 22: 31. (G. L. Bates) Bib. (E. C. Moore) J. Critic, 16: 86. All the Year, 65 : 373. (C. Reade) Good Words, 28: 234– Westm. (C. F. Keil) Lond. Q. 72: 374. (H. W. Hulbert) (J. Schwartz) Bib. (St. G. — — Mivart on. (J. C. Hadley) Dub. R. IoI: 401. — — Rejoinder to Mivart. (J. F. Stephen) 19th Cent. 23: II 5. — and Ethical Christianity. (G. Harris) And. R. I5: 461. * — and Inspiration. — Higher. — Influence of Spiritual States on. R. (Lond.) I: 982. — limited by the Nature of the Subject. And. R. I5: I.46. — Modern. (C. H. Toy) Unita. R. 28: 273. — — of Germany. (Mrs. Humphry Ward) 19th Cent. (Davison) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 143. (S. I. Curtiss) Our Day, 4: 184. (E. White) Cong. (A. Smith) 25: 454. — Positive Side of. And. R. 16: 172. — Progress of. Meth. R. 51 : 545. — Recent French. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 4o: 89. — Religious Reason for. And. R. I6: 403. — vs. Ecclesiasticism. (S. Means) And. R. 16: 209, 351. Biblical Drama in South Staffordshire. Cornh. 63: 282. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 187. Biblical Science and the Higher Criticism. (W. A. Stevens) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 209. Bibliography, Bureaus of. (H. Putnam) Lib, J. 12: 409. Bibliothèque Bleue. Sat. R. 66: 430, . BICE Licé; a story of Florence. (E. Staniforth) Month, 59: Ioo, 26o. Bichromate of Soda Cell. (S. L. Harding) Am. J. Sci. Bºº. Dr., Bishop of Ripon. Cong. R. (Lond.) Bºi: * the World on a. (T. Stevens) Outing, – sº. An ºr º – My Initiation to. (Chris. Wheeler) Outing, Io: 370. Bicycles and Tricycles. (C. W. Boys) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 622. — on Highways, Legislation on. Io: 157. Bicycle Drill. Sat. R. 69: 17. Bicycle Tour in Europe. (F. M. Farwell) Outing, 16: 252, 465. Bicycler, The ; What Keeps him Upright 2 Warring) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 766. Bicycling. (G. MacDonough) Outing, 15: 378. — American, and its Founder. (C. E. Pratt) Outing, I8: 342. — and Tricycling. (M. Thompson) Chaut. 8: 458. – Cycling in Mid-Atlantic. (O. Howarth) Outing, 17: 323, 4 IQ. – Detroit Wheelmen. (C. E. Pratt) Outing, (C. B. (P. N. Jacobson) Outing, 18: — Fair Riders on Modern Wheels. (C. F. Clay) Out- ing, I7: 305. – First Tour of the Yellowstone Park. (W.O. Owen) Outing, I8: 191. – How we Ride our Wheels. I9: 52. — It is not a Dream. (A. C. Stokes) Outing, 19: 237. — Meet of Keystone Wheelmen, 1890. (C. Wheeler) Outing, I8: 137. See also Cycling. Bicyclist War Manoeuvres. Bidding by Proxy; a story. (G. E. Denison) Outing, Sat. R. 65: 410. (C. Hervey) Argosy, 43: - 3O9. Bidding Wedding, The ; a Welsh Custom. Chamb. J. 66: 8II. Biddy. (J. Tulloch) Irish Mo. 16: 180. Bidpai, Fables of. Nation, 49: 373. — — Illustrations to. (J. Jacobs) Ath. '88, I: 6oo. Big-Horn, Photographing the. (F. H. Chapin) Scrib, M. 5: 215. — Shooting, in the Caucasus. Longm. I7: 66. Bigler, H. W., Diary of, in 1847–49. Overland, n. s. Io: 233. I2: 381. Bikelas on Scotland. Biley, Henry, Will of. 308. Billericay, Essex. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 2O: 3. Billeting of Soldiers, 1747. Reg. 43: 186. Billiards. All the Year, 64; 349. M Tinsley, 46: 523. — History of. (H. S. Clarke) Eng. Illust. 6: 666. Billiard Tables (British Industries). Tinsley, 44; 66. Billinghurst, Henry Farncombe, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 61. Billings, Fred'k. (H. A. Hazen) N. E. Reg. 45: 259. Billion, A. Science, I2: 240. Billionaire, The Coming. (T. G. Shearman) Forum, Io: 546. Bills of Exchange, Alterations in. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 527. — Effect of Paying a Foreign Bill. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 374. — in English Banking, Past and Present. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 860, 949. 45: 56. (C. Phillipps-Wolley) (J. S. Blackie) Scot. R. I.6: 47. (S. P. May) N. E. Reg. 42: (W. K. Wright) N. E. 44 BIRCH Bills of Sale. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 945. Billy Boy; a story. (E. H. Hickey) Leis. Hour, 38: 545–688. Billy Key West. (W. P. Brown) Overland, n. s. 11: 599. Bilobites, Development of. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. I42: 51. Bimetallic Standard. Sat. R. 63: 46. Bimetallism. (H. C. Gibbs) Blackw. I48: 268. — (J. Lubbock) New R. 2: 502. — Spec. 64: 583, 621. — (E. B. Hoare) National, I3: 61. – (J. B. Robert- son) Westm. I31: 215. — (D. A. Wells) Contemp. 52: 795. — (Sir G. Molesworth) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 456. — (C. Lindsay) Month, 64; 398. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 478. – Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 764. — Sat. R. 67: 661. - — Criticisms of. (H. de B. Gibbins) Westm. I31: 667. — Giffen's Attack on. (J. S. Nicholson) 19th Cent. 26: I O I4. — Goschen on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 1141. — Gresham Law. (R. Giffen) Econ. J. I : 304. — in France. (H. White) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 311. – Latest Plea for. (H. White) Nation, 45: L56. —- The Vampire Gold. (Duke of Marlborough) Fortm. ” 48: 77 // - Bimetallists, Conference of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 485. — — Lessons from the. (C. B. R. Kent) Macmil. 59: I 3 I. Bingham, George A. (J. R. Jackson) Granite Mo. 13: Io9. Bingham, Margaret, Lady. Atlan. 65: 139. Binocular Combinations upon Disparate Retinal Points. (J. H. Hyslop) Science, II: 59. Binocular Vision. (J. H. Hyslop) Mind, I4; 393. — Phenomena of. (J. LeConte) Am. J. Sci. I34: 97. — vs. Monocular Vision. (J. H. Hyslop) Science, II: 71. – (J. LeConte) Science, II : 119. Binx. (B. M. Peirse) Tinsley, 46: 499. Biogenesis and Christology. (I. E. Graeff) Ref. Q. 35: 94. Biographies, Craze for. Spec. 61 : 507. Biography, Appleton’s Cyclopædia of American. tion, 48: 349. — Bowdlerized. (W. Lewin) Forum, Io: 658. — Christian. Church Q. 27: 296. — — Smith's Dictionary of. Ath. '88, I: 44. — Spec. 6I: I45. – Cyclopedic Literature of, Bibliography of. Hull) Lib. J. I.4: 7. — English, Stephen's Dictionary of. Eng. Hist. R. 5: 783. – (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 28: 1008. – (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) II : 5. – Ed. R. I69: 328. — Quar. 164: 35o. — (T. F. Henderson and others) Na- (C. H. Ath. '87, I: 575, 607, 641, 672. — Ath. '88, I: I72. Biology and Sociology. (H. Sewall) Science, 9: 193. — Dynamical. N. Princ. 6: 141. — in Education. (H. W. Conn) Science, 9; 168. — Mills on. (H. L. Osborn) Dial (Ch.) Io: 283. — Nomenclature in, Uniformity of. (T. J. Parker) Nature, 45: 68. — Teaching, in Universities. Natural, 21 : 507. Biological Spience. (A. P. Coleman) Chaut. 9: 138. Biological Work of American Agricultural Experiment Stations. (C. M. Weed) Am. Natural. 25: 230. Bion. (W. M. Fullerton) 19th Cent. 28: 412. Birch, Harvey. (G. Hatfield) M. Am. Hist. 18: 341. — and the Myth of Enoch Crosby. (G. Hatfield) M. Am. Hist. I7: 431. Birch, John William, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48; I47. (C. O. Whitman) Am. BIRDS Birds. (H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 28: 914. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 28o. — (L. de La Rame) Cosmopol. 6: 472-573. 7: 78. – Adaptation of, to Climate. M. I'7: 15, 117, 165. — American, Destruction of. H. I : 206. — Among the. Art J. 43: 345. – (C. Dixon) Good Words, 29: 33–672. — and Berries. (A. S. Wilson) Knowl. I4: 52–215. — and their Daily Bread. (W. Marshall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 6oo. — and their Nests. — Baby-Days of. — Babyhood of. 4OI. — Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, and a Woman's Thoughts about them. (E. D'Esterre-Keeling) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 359. — Big. Cornh, 62: 629. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 812. — British. Ed. R. 172: 194. — — and their Nests. (A. Günther) Good Words, 32: (J. G. Wood) Sunday (G. E. Gordon) Lend a All the Year, 63: Ioš. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 9: 584. (J. G. Wood) Sunday M. 18; 310, 251, 383. • — — their Nests and Eggs. Cornh. 62: 70. — Captive. (W. H. Hudson) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 171. – Ceylon, Folk-Lore of. Nature, 36: 381. — Classification of. Sat. R. 69: 329. — Courts of Justice among. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 832. — English, in Snow. Spec. 66: 80. — Exotic, for Britain. (W. H. Hudson) Murray, 5: 373. — Eyes of. (J. G. Wood) Sunday M. 16: 263. — Farmers' Friends. (C. Parkinson) Macmil. 63: 437. — Cornh. 61 : 586. – Flight of. (J. S. Newberry) Science, Io: 299. – (E. Coues) Science, Io: 321. — (W. S. Strode) Science, Io: 322. — (J. S. Newberry; W. P. Trowbridge) Science, II: Io. — (F. A. Lucas) Science, II: 58. — — Mechanism of. (E. J. H. Marey) Nature, 37:369. – Friendship of Two. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 8: 223. – from my Window. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 67: 458. – Game, Some British. (J. Watson) Gent. M. n. s. 4I : 274. 43 : 447. — Giant. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4: 43. — — of New Zealand. (H. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 66o. — Gossip about the Poetry of. (M. L. Griffin) Irish Mo. I5: 520. — Greek Poets and the. (A. C. Lyford) Educa. 11: 474. - iºns: getting Ready. (W. W. Fowler) Macmil. 2: 27. - – in Wales, Among the. (W. W. Fowler) Macmil. 58: 338. — in Winter. Sat. R. 71: 99. — Indian. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. 17: 532. I69. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: Ioo. – June, in an Old Orchard. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 8: 537. — Keeping. (W. T. Greene) Harper, 75: 79. – Migration of. (B. W. Evermann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 8o3. – Nature, 36: 516. 37: 6. — Sat. R. 64: 550. - Morphology of. (W. K. Parker) Nature, 35: 331. – – Fuerbringer's. (H. Gadow) Nature, 39: 150, 177. – Music of. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. 14: 416, 718. — (S. P. Cheney) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 250. • – Natural History of. Quar. 171: 503. – Night. Gent. M. n. s. 46: 513. - Night-Singing. Spec. 63: 73. — Notes of some. (S. P. Cheney) New Eng. M. n. s. 4; 316. – (J. V. Cheney) Amer. Natural. 24: 745. - of England. (Sir H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 28: 914. IQ: 45 BIRD Birds of the Farne Islands. (T. D. Pigott) Contemp. 54: 182. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 679. — of London. (B. Kidd) Eng. Illust. 9: 38. — of Paradise. (O. T. Miller) Outing, II: 145. – of Prey. Cornh. 59: 361. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 6o I. — — English. Macmil. 60: 450. — of the Trees. (T. Wood) Sunday M. 19: 599. — of a Welsh County. Temp. Bar, 81: 225. — on their Travels. (T. Wood) Sunday M. 20: 823. — Our Vagabonds – Human and Feathered. (A. La- mont) Gent. M. ºn. s. 45: 297. — Oxfordshire. Sat. R. 68: 622. – A Plea for the. (H. D. Rawnsley) Gent. M. n. s. 42 : 545. — Poaching. (G. E. Lodge) Eng. Illust. 7: 201. - Polygamy among, Probable Causes of. (S. Rhoads) Am. Natural. 24: Ioz4. — Protection of. Sat. R. 7I: 321, 438. — — in Winter. (A. Jessopp.) 19th Cent. 29: 279. — Ridgway's Manual of North American. Nation, 46: 287. – Soaring of. (A. C. Baines) Nature, 44; 520. — (M. Blix and others) Nature, 42: 397, 457, 463. —(W. Froude) Nature, 39: 230. – (F. Guthrie and others) Nature, 43: 8. – (S. E. Peal) Nature, 44; 56. — Science, I3: 15–245. — Spec. 65: 641. — — the Albatross. (A. C. Baines) Nature, 40: 9. — — Problem of. (I. Lancaster) Am. Natural. 25: 787. — Some Notes about. Chamb. J. 64: 486. — Spring and Summer, in England. Cornh. 57: 375. — Summer Migrants. (J. Watson) Gent. M. m. s. 43: I2 I. — Superstitions about. N. (C. McIlvaine) Lippinc. 46: 403. – Take Care of them. (K. Russ) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 687. – Talking. Spec. 65: 435. – Variation of Color in. (A. Newton) Nature, 39: 318. —Water-. Sat. R. 66: 322. — (J. R. Coryell) Harper, 78: 794. —What a Bird Knows. (C. C. Abbott) Cosmop. 1: 242. – Wild, Homes for. Spec. 67: 253. — — Life of, in London. (E. Hamilton). Murray, 5: 661. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 671. — Wiltshire. Sat. R. 65: 109. – Winter. Blackw. 146: 819. — — in New England. (G. B. Putnam) New Eng. M. 4: I 93. – With the, on Cliff and Rocks. (C. Dixon) Leis. Hour, 39: 680. — with Teeth. (O. Meyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 382. — Young, and their Ways. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 8:20. Bird Catching at Glengarriffe. (R. F. Welsh) Outing, I6: 49. Bird Cradles. (W. H. Gibson) Scrib. M. 8: 41. Bird Folk-Lore. Sat. R. 63: 737. Bird Language, Mimetic Origin and Development of. (S. N. Rhoads) Am. Natural. 23: 91. Bird Legends. All the Year, 63: 37. — (W. G. Smyth- ies) Tinsley, 41: 426. Bird-Life in Art. Spec. 63: 552. — in Romney Marsh. (W. Werner) National, 14: 658. — in a Southern County. Temp. Bar, 86: 429. — Wonders of. (J. Gerard) Month, 62: 205. Bird Mimicry and Ventriloquy. Chamb. J. 66: 395. Bird Music. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. I5: 234. — the Bluebird and the Robin. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. I3: 845. — the Loon. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. I5: 97. — the Oriole and the Thrush. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. 13: 254. — Partridges and Owls. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. 14: 147. BIRD Bird Music; Songs of the Western Meadow-Lark. (C. N. Allen) Cent. I4: 908. Bird Notes. (W. H. Gibson) Harper, 7.9:885. Bird-Song, the Motif of. (M. Thompson) Scrib. M. 2: 379. Bird Superstitions. Chamb. J. 66: 469. Birds' Eggs, Protection of. (T. D. Pigott) Contemp. 59: 597. Birds' Nests and Eggs. (H. Seebohm) Nature, 35: 236. - Building of. (C. Dixon) Leis. Hour, 37: 633. —(J. G. Wood) Leis. Hour, 37: 487. — in London. Spec. 67: 125. Birds' Nest Soup. Cornh. 55: 72. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 371. Birmingham. (W. B. Wright) Atlan. 63: 8o3. — Best Governed City in the World. per, 81: 99. – Clubs of. (J. Hatton) Art J. 40: 263. — Conference at. (J. Britten) Month, 69: 534. — Hardware Industries of. Meliora, 9: 334. — Lectures at. (E. H. Woodruff) Lib. J. 12: 253. - Progress of Modern. (A. J. H. Crespi) National, 13: 386. – Water Supply of. Sat. R. 72: 349. Birmingham, Ala. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 9: 300. Birney, J. G., and his Times. Nation, 50: 206. Birrell, Augustine. Obiter dicta, 2d series. Spec. 60: I 128. Birrel's Diary. Chamb. J. 64: 81. Birth, Mystery of. (Grant Allen) New R. 4: 531. — New Claim of. Spec. 62: 707. Birth-Rate, The. (W. Potts) Nation, 52: 440. Birth Rates, Peculiarities in. N. E. Reg. 44: I 14. Bishop, The American, of To-Day. (J. H. Ward) No. Am. I50: 235. - — Can an Unmarried Man be a 2 (J. B. Brady) Chris. Q. 7: 259. – (D. Lipscombe) Chris. Q. 7: 120. – The Ideal. Spec. 64: 43. Bishops Deposed by Q. Elizabeth. 67: 346. — Dub. R. IOS: 451. – Diocesan and Suffragan. (G. A. Spottiswoode) Mur- ray, 5: I.26. — Methodist, Foreign Residences of. yer) Meth. R. 48: Io9. — of Church of England, 1700-1800, Abbey's. ’87, I: 250. Bishops-Designate. (E. A. Freeman) Acad. 38: 565. Bishops Elect, Oath of. (M. Fuller) National, 15:483. Bishop’s Mistake, The ; a story. All the Year, 63: 8. Bisley, Round about. (C. King) Un. Serv. M. n. s. I : 176. Bismarck, Prince Otto von. (G. M. Wahl) Harper, 8I: 75. — (Sir R. Blennerhassett) 19th Cent. 27: 688. Same art. I.iv. Age, 185: 387. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 680. —National, Iob: 483. — (M. Hal- stead) Cosmopol. II: 498. – Cent. I3: 766. – R. of Rs. I : 275. —Sat. R. 64: 139. — and the Catholic Church in Germany. der) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 390. - and the German Reichstag. Temp. Bar, 83: 86. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 515. — (E. Castelar) Arena, 4: 670. – and his Time. (S. Schindler) Arena, 2: 139. — and State Socialism, Dawson's. (J. C. Welling) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 484. — Army Speech, 1888. Sat. R. 65: 151. — — French View of. Nation, 46: 172. – Beginnings of. National, Ios: 347. — Fall of. New R. 2: 289. — in Caricature, Carteret's. 361. – Personality of. (A. I. Shand) Murray, 5: 618. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 784. (J. Ralph) Har- (J. Morris) Month, (J. E. C. Saw- Ath. (J. Schroe- (C. Phillips) Art J. 42: 46 BLACKSTONE Bismarck, Position of, 1890. (W. Miller) Westm. 133: 333. — Resignation of. Sat. R. 69; 336. — Spec. 64: 396. — Pub. Opin. 8: 555. — — French Interest in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 311. — — New Emperor and his New Chancellor. (C. Lowe) National, 18; 19. Same art. Eel. M. 117: 577. — — Real Cause of. National, 15: 289. – Liv. Age, I85: 595. - Transformation of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 375. Bismarck, Princess. (Mrs. Pereira) Good Words, 31: 322. Bismarck Dynasty. (W. T. Stead) Contemp. 55: 157. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 545. Same art. Ecl. M. I 12: 38o. Bismutosphaerite from Willimantic and Portland, Conn. (H. L. Wells) Am. J. Sci. I24: 271. Bison, Extermination of. Nature, 41: 11. — Means of Preserving. (R. C. Auld) Am. Natural. 24: 787. — Trail of. (Ralph and Gorton) Outing, 15: 3. Bison-Stalking. Blackw. I4I: 795. Same art. Age, I74: 159. Bit of Melody; a story. I2 . I2. Bit of Old China ; a story. M. 5 ('86–87): 417. Bit of the Unclassified Residuum. Overland, n. s. 17: 244–369. . . Biter Bit, The ; a true story. (J. S. Lloyd) Lond, Soc, 54 : 305. Bizet, Georges, Pigot on. Björnson, Björnstjerne. IO: 43. – Later Plays of. Macmil. 61: 130. Black, Jeremiah S., with portrait. Green Bag, 2: 189. Black Box, The. (M. Deane) Lond. Soc. 56: 643. Black Christmas, A. (Mrs. L. C. Lillie) Cath. World, 44; 529. Black Death in Lancashire; Documents. tle) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 524. 6: I Liv. (R. N. Stephens) Cosmopol. (I. B. Choate) New Eng. Spec. 6o: 709. (H. de B. Gibbins) To-Day, (W. U. Hensol) (A. G. Lit- 53. Blake) Am. J. Sci. Black Hills, Columbite of. (W. P. I4I : 403. – Phosphates from. (W. P. Headden) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 415. Black Madonna of Loreto. (K. Hillard) Atlan. 64: 4 IO. Black Valley, The ; a story. gosy, 46: 379. Black Watch, Origin of the. M. 4 ('89–90): 46. Blackbird of London. Sat. R. 67: 274. Blackfriars, Priory of, Burials at. (C. F. R. Palmer) Antiq. m. s. 23: 122. 24; 28–265. Blackfriars Playhouse, Antecedents of. street) Ath. '88, I; 25. — In the Time of Shakespeare. (J. Greenstreet) Ath. '88, 1: 445, 509. – Ath. '89, 2: 203. Blackhall Ghosts. (S. Tytler) Belgra. v. 64–67. Blackie, John Stuart. Song of Heroes. Spcc. 64: 565. Black-Listing, Factory, at Fall River. (L. B. C. Wy- man) Atlan. 62: 605. Blackmore, R. D., Imitation of. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 407. — Lorna Doone, Rhythmical Forms in. 284. Black-River Boom, The. (H. Plain) Am. M. 7: 548. Blacksnake, Gov. (C. Aldrich) M. Am. Hist. 26: 55. Blackstone, Sir William, and his Work. (R. Single- ton) M. Am. Hist. 24: 31. – Hammond's. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 25: 376. (W. F. Ainsworth) Ar- (R. Holden) Un. Serv. (J. Green- Cornh. 62: 371. Atlan. 65: BLACKSTONE Blackstone, William, the First Owner of Boston. L. White) Am. M. 7: 707. Blackwall, Emigrant's Home at. (W. C. Preston) Sun- day M. Ig: 592. Blackwall Tunnel. Spec. 64; 434. Bladensburg Duelling Ground. (M. T. Adkins) M. Am. Hist. 26: 18. Blades, William. Lib. J. I5: 208. – Acad. 37: 303. – Ath. 'go, I : 567. — (T. B. Reed) Antiq. m. s. 2I : 253. Blaine, Hon. James G. (W. T. Sherman) No. Am. I47: 616. —With portrait. Bay State Mo. 2: I. — and his Party. Pub. Opin. 5: 82, IoS, 151. — and the Presidency, 1886. Pub. Opin. I : 407, 427, 466. — and a Surplus. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 498. — and Webster: Historic Justice. (G. W. Julian) M. West. Hist. 8: 466. — Campaign, 1888. Sat. R. 66: 198. — Nation, 46: 358. — — Could he Carry New York? (J. Foord) Forum, 5 : 237. — — Interview with in Paris, 1887. Pub. Opin. 4: 217. — — Letter from Paris, May, 1888. Pub. Opin. 5: I 71. — — Withdrawal of, 1888. Pub. Opin. 4: 449, 493. — on Trusts. Pub. Opin. 5: 425, 469. — Visit to Europe, 1887. Pub. Opin. 3: 213. Blair Education Bill. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 345. – (E. P. Clark) Nation, 45: 5. — Rejected by Georgia. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 49: (Z. 4. Blake Family in England. (F. E. Blake) N. E. Reg. 45; 35. Blake, Amos J. Granite Mo. Io: 287. Blake, Isaac Elder, with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 9: 773. Blake, Michael. Irish Mo. 18: 248, 320, 369. Blake, Robert, Admiral, Hannay's Life of. Allen ; J. K. Hosmer) Nation, 44: 511. Blake, W. Poems and Essays. Unita. R. 27: I 32. “Blake,” U. S. Steamer, Agassiz's Three Cruises of. Am. J. Sci. I35: 495.-Sat. R. 66: 186.- (A. Heil- prim) Amer. If: I 18. — Spec. 62: 233. – Overland, n. s. I3: 656. Blanc, Louis, on England. Meliora, 9: 251. — Personal Recollections of. (K. Blind) Cent. I2: 75. Blanc, Mont, Centenary of the First Ascent of. Chamb. J. 64: 716. — Janssen's Ascent of. Dub. R. Io9: 158. Blanchard, Edward Laman. Ath. '89, 2: 331. – Sat. R. 72: 481. -- (C. Scott) Theatre, 23: 195. Blast Furnaces, Crucibles of. (John M. Hartman) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 401. Blasting without Tamping. (P. F. Challon) Am. Arch. (W. F. 22 : 222. Blasting Agents, Modern. (A. Nobel) J. Soc. Arts, 23: - 61 I. : Blavatsky, Madame, at Adyar. (M. D. Conway) Arena, 4: 579. — Two Views of. (W. T. Stead ; A. P. Sinnett) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 613. Blenheim. (C. S. Pelham-Clinton) Cosmopol. 8: 317. Blessed Opal, The. (H. Hutchinson) Macmil. 64; 214. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 351. Blind, Mathilde. Ascent of Man. Blind, The. Meliora, 3: 1. — and the Deaf. Quar. 170: 59. — Care and Education of. Ed. R. 173: 123. — Color Perception of. (F. Battles) Educa. II: 412. + Condition of, Best Methods of Improving. (T. R. Armitage) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 226. ... — Dreams of. (J. Jastrow)-N. Princ. 5: 18. — Education of. (C. E. D. Black) National. 14: 256. — Sat. R. 68: 413. — (S. Fraser) Lend a H. 3: 318. — Lend a H. 7: 231. Ath. '89, 2: 87. 47 BLUE Blind, The, How they See. (J. A. Mooney) Cath. World, 48: 671. — Lord Derby on. Spec. 60: 586. — Needs of. Lend a H. 2: 389. — Occupation for. (H. S. Moore) Nation, 46: 115. — Printing for. (T. R. Armitage) J. Soc. Arts, 18: I95. — — Types for. (L. W. Carter) Macmil. 64: 51. — Self-Support of, German Methods for. (T. R. Armi- tage) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 543. — Writing of, Tangible. (E. E. Allen) New Eng. M. n. S. 3: 32O. — Writing-Machines for. 643. Blind Anna ; a story. (J. P. May) Sunday M. I7:41 o. Blind Artist's Pictures; a story. (N. Wynne) Belgra. 67: 438. Blind Boy’s Bridge. (F. Langbridge) Spec. 60: 1249. Blind Deaf-Mute. (C. P. Jones) Murray, 5: 365. Blind Jack of Knaresborough. Chamb. J. 64; 421. Blind Justice : a Chapter of Accidents; a story. E. Drinkwater) Murray, 8: 396, 504. Blindness and the Blind. (L. W. Fox) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 421. I28; 9. — Maine Law to Prevent. (A. Good) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: (A. (E. E. Holt) Science, I8: 77. — Report of Comm. of N. Y. Medical Society on. Sci- ence, I4; 268. Blizzard of March, 1888. (A. W. Greely; E. Hayden) Natſ. Geog. M. I : 37. – Home of the. (C. F. Gordon Cumming) Leis. Hour, 37: 229. – in Dakota. Atlan. 62: 854. — of the North-West, The. Chamb. J. 65: 198. Blizzards. Nation, 44; 271. Block Island. Amer. 20: 368. — (A. W. Brown) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 107. — Fishing at. Sat. R. 67: 696. Blockade-Runners; Cruise of the Sonoma. (T. H. Ste- vens) Cosmopol. Io: 144. Blockade-Running. Chamb. J. 64: 271. Blood, Aretas, with portrait. Granite Mo, Io: 81. Blood, Coagulation of the. (W. D. Halliburton) Na- ture, 38: 331. — Corpuscles of, Morphology of. Natural. 24: Iozo. — Gases of the. (J. G. McKendrick) Nature, 38: 376, (C. S. Minot) Am. 99. — Transfusion and Infusion in Military Surgery. (C. E. Jennings) Un. Serv. M. '88, I : 216. — Waste and Repair of. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 1. Blood of Jesus Christ : New Testament Doctrine. (L. Abbot) And. R. I2: 506. Bloodhound, The. (E. Brough) Cent. I 6: 189. — as a Detective. (G. Stables) Chamb. J. 65; 737. — British. (G. Stables) Leis. Hour, 38: 17. Blood-Money. (C. Gibbon) Chamb. J. 64; 361-407. Bloody Doctor, The. (A. Lang) Macmil. 59: 219. Bloody Shirt Symbol. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 46: 64. Bloss Genealogy. (J. O. Bloss) N. E. Reg. 4I: 298. Blossoms, Early. Chamb. J. 65; 65. Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy. See Mountjoy. Blower, A Centrifugal, Some Experiments with. Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 283. Blowitz, Stephan de. Another Chapter of my Memoirs: How I became a Journalist. Harper, 82: 278. Bloxam, Matthew H. Acad. 33: 296. Blue-and-Gold Man-Child. (M. H. Catherwood) Lip- pine. 45: 258. Blue-Beard, The Original. See Retz. Bluebeard's Closet ; a story. Meliora, 7: 267. Bluebird, The. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 60: 455. Blue Blood; a story. (J. A. Farrer) Belgra. 64: 117. (E. BLUE-BOOK Blue-Book, Curious Gleanings from a. Chamb. J. 65: 381. ... " Blue-Coat School, The. Chamb. J. 68: 358. Bluefish and Lotus. (F. Endicott, Outing, 16: 471. Blue-Grass Puritan, A. (W. H. Woods) Scrib. M. 9: 34 I. Blue-Jay, The. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 61: 266. – A Bird of Affairs. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 59: 178. Blue Mountains, Within the Crescent of the. Overland, n. s. I5: 648. Blue Rose. (E. Nesbit) Longm. 18: 265. Liv. Age, 190: 523. - Blue Vase ; a story. (S. Baring Gould) Belgra. 62:421. Blue Water. (A. T. Sibbald) Dub. R, Ioa: 299. Same art. Blunders. Cornh. 55: 553. — and Forgeries. Church Q. 31 : 59. — Schoolboys'. Cornh. 59: 653. - Students’. Spec. 63: 45. Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. (K. Tynan) Cath. World, 47: 370. – Imprisonment of, 1888. Sat. R. 65; 7, 32, 66. – Poems. Spec. 63: 758.- (W. Watson) National, 1.4: 520. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 85. — Ath. 'go, I: Bo º of Ceylon, The Sacred. (A. Gray) Ath. '87, Bº ń. and its Kindred. (M. Bell) Month, 64: Bºintine in Morocco. (J. H. D. Hay) Murray, 8: 33O. — Reminiscences of. Boar’s Head Tavern. Boarding-Houses; an American Institution. Hawley) Chaut. I3: 229. Boarding-School, Swiss. Atlan. 68: 282. Boards of Health. (G. W. Field) Am. Law R. 24: (J. H. D. Hay) Murray, 3: 531. (A. Brown) Atlan. 68: 361. (H. A. 559. Boats, Collapsible. (E. L. Berthon) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 20. – on the Tagus. (T. Ellis) Harper, 77: 863. — Ships’, Management of. (Lacon) J. Soc. Arts, I : I69. – Sails of. (R. C. Leslie) Harper, 75: 455. Boat-Building by Machinery. (D. Puseley) J. Soc. Arts, II : 54. Boat-Clubs of Chicago. (E. S. Tupper) Outing, 13: 1. Boat-Race, University, 1887; Cambridge Victory. (F. I. Pitman) Fortn. 48: 214. — — 1888. Sat. R. 65 : 379. — — 1889. Sat. R. 67: 407. — — 1890. Sat. R. 69: 375. Boat-Races among the Greeks. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 90, 315. Boat-Race Sketch, A. All the Year, 66: 367. Boat-Racing by Amateurs. (H. Eckford) Cent. 34: 189. — College. (J. Hawthorne) Cent. 34: 176. — Yale Club, 1889. (R. M. Hurd) Outing, 15: 230. Boating : Training a University Crew. (F. A. Steven- son) Outing, I3: 57. – Woodgate on. Sat. R. 66: 115. — Yale's Victories at. (F. A. Stevenson) Outing, 16: . I27. See Rowing. Boating Life on the Upper Thames. Outing, I8: 279. Bob Harrison's Nerve. 18: 97. Bodichon, Mad. Ath. '91, I: 799. Bodleian Library. Spec. 60: 138. — Quar. I73: 320. — Growth of, in 1890. Acad. 39: 400. - Lending MSS. from. (H. W. Chandler; R. Rost) Acad. 31: 167.-Sat. R. 63: 725.- (R. Ellis) Acad. 3I: 146. – Sat. R. 63: 89. (F. C. Moller) (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. 48 BOLOGNA Bodleian Library, Macray’s Annals of. (G. W. Harris) Nation, 5 I: 172. Bodily Efficiency, Grading. 649. Bodwell, Joseph R., with portrait. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 29. . Body, Place of the, in Christianity. Church Q. 26: 1. – Sanctity of the. (W. Boyd Carpenter) Sunday M. 20: 91. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 411. Bodyke, Evictions at. (A. Webb) Nation, 44; 527. — Spec. 60: 820, (F. Seebohm) 862. —Sat. R. 63: 856. Boecklin, Arnold. (H. Zimmern) Art J. 40: 305. — and his New Picture. (Countess von Krockow) Am. Arch. 23: 287. Boehme, Jacob. (G. E. Troup) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 679. – (W. Webster) Acad. 40: 355. Boehm, Joseph Edgar. Ath. '90, 2: 861. – Sat. R. 7o: 704. — Art J. 43: 62. – (C. Eaglestone) Blackw. I49; 345. . Boethius. (C. M. O’Keefe) Cath. World, 49: 33. (F. Galton) Nature, 4o: (C. E. Nash) N. — Consolation. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 66: 4oo. Bogatzky, Charles Henry von. (R. Shindler) Theo. Mo. 4; 257. Bogomils, The. Ath. '89, 2: 896. Bogs and Bog Trotting. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, 15: 184. Bohemia, Mud-Larking in. Temp. Bar, 84: 371. — New Diet of. Spec. 64: Io9. – Pompeii in. Liv. Age, 188: 617. Bohemian Baths, Life at. (W. F. Rae) Blackw. 148: 5I 5. Bohemian Entr'act, A. (D. Dingle) Overland, m. s. 13: 345. Bohemian Literature, 1888–89. Ath. '89, 2: 8. — 1889–90. (B. Cermák) Ath. 'go, 2: 8. — 1890–91. (B. Cermák) Ath. '91, 2: Io. Bohtlingk, Otto. (K. Geldner) Acad. 33: 173. Boigne, Benoit de, Indian Adventurer. (S. J. Owen) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 63. Boilers, Danger Signals about. M. 1: 158. — for War-Ships, New. Spec. 67: 216. — Marine, Incrustations in, Formation of. Lewes) Nature, 40; 19. — Riveted Joints in. (W. B. Le Van) J. Frankl. Inst. I3 I : 252, 335. — Wear and Tear of. 388. Boillevie, Francis de La. Irish Mo. Ig: 181. Poker, George Henry. (R. H. Stoddard) Lippine. 45: 856. – Critic, 16; 22. — (C. G. Leland) Amer. 19: 392. — at Home. (G. P. Lathrop) Critic, I2: 175. — Recollections of. Atlan. 65; 427. Bokhara, Poets of. (C. J. Pickering) National, 15: 815. – Visit to. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 51: 122. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 433. Bokhara Railroad. Sat. R. 69: 296. Boleyn Family, The. (M. W. Bullen) Ath. '87, 2: 675. — (W. Rye) Ath. '87, 2: 747, 826, 863. Bolivia and Peru, Mineral Treasures of. Spec. 63: 364. Bolland and the First Bollandists. (J. J. Dougherty) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 312. Bollandists, The Work of. (R. Grimshaw) Engin. (V. B. (F. A. Paget) J. Soc. Arts, 13: (H. Thurston) Month, 7I : 2O. Bologna. (Helen Zimmern) Art J. 43: 243. — in the Last Century. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 47: 45o. — Learned Women of. (M. A. Livermore) Chaut. 8: 366. - — Spanish College in. (E. Armstrong) Macmil. 57: 354. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 141. . BOLOGNA Bologna, University of, Octocentenary of. (J. Kirkpat- rick) Ath. '88, I: 795. — (T. E. Holland) Macmil. 58: 356. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 684. — Sat. R. 66: 302. – (E. Schuyler) Nation, 47: 47. Bolometer, Theory of. (H. F. Reid) Am. J. Sci. 135: 16o. - Bolsover Brothers; a story. (T. W. Speight) Chamb. J. 65: 553, 567, 585, 6oo. Bolton and Bowling, Eng., Histories of. Antiq. m. s. 24: II.4. Bolts. Am. Arch. 24: Ioy. Bomba, King, Philosophical Catechism of. Evans) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 618. (E. P. Bombay. (W. F. Lord) Eng. Illust. 7: 1 16. — Our Oldest Colony. (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) Mac- mil. 55: 218. — Presidency of, Police of. (E. C. Cox) Asia. R. 5: I44. Bombyces, Silk-Producing. (A. Wailly) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 229, 337. Bon Garçon; a story. (A. Mennert) Belgra. 66: 2 Io. Bonaparte, Louis Lucien. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 40: 407, 455. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 392, 431. Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles ; Prince Napo- leon. Spec. 66: 372, 433. Bonapartes, The American. 7: 256. Bonar, Horatius. (H. T. M. Bell) Acad. 36: 87. Bond Purchasing by the U. S. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 818. Bonds; Discharge of Sureties. (E. L. Didier) Cosmopol. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 967. Bond, The ; a story. (G. Bonner) Harper, 82: 433. “Bond’s.” Lippine. 46: 702. Bones and Muscles. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 393. — Human, Percentage of Ash in, at Different Ages. (W. P. Mason) Science, Io: 179. Bone Caves. (H. P. Malet) Antiq. m. s. I6: 89, 148. Boniface VIII., Pope. (E. F. X. McSweeny) Cath. World, 50: 584. Boniface, Roman Governor of Africa, and Aetius. A. Freeman) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 417. Bonneval Pasha, Alex. de. Sat. R. 63: 405. Bonnie Creature, A ; a story. (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. Ig: 624. Bonny Hugh of Ironbrook. 63: 727. Bonny Mary; a story. (I. Weddle) Belgra. 62: 84. Bonvalot, Gabriel. (C. Trotter) Blackw. I45: 536. Bonxie, The, or Skua. Spec. 66: 509. Book, On an Old. (S. J. Weyman) Macmil. 6o: 363. — of the Dead, Egyptian. Ath. '88, 2: 158. — of Fate, The. All the Year, 67: 124. – of Sindibad. (W. A. Clouston) Ath. '91, 2: 355, 451. Books about Books. N. Princ. 5: 275. — Adventures among. (A. Lang) Scrib. M. Io: 337– 651. — and Binding, Restoration and Preservation of. Leighton) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 209. — and Book-Buying. (Lord Brabourne) Murray, 6: 300. — and the Housing of them. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 27: 384. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 50. Same art. Lib. J. I5: 139. – and how to Use them. (Brother Azarias) Cath. World, 49: 447, 637. – and Plays. (J. H. McCarthy) New R. 4: 379. – as Educators. Sat. R. 63: 680. – The Battle of the ; an Allegory. penter) Good Words, 32: 770. – Chained. Antiq. m. s. 22: 209. — Children's, History of. (C. M. Hewins) Atlan. 61: II 2. - Educating Power of. Spec. 65: 555. (E. (Edith Brower) Atlán. (J. (Mrs. Boyd Car- 49 BOOKBINDING Books, Enemies of. (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) 9: 64. Same art. Lib. J. I3: 295. — English Niggardliness in Purchase of. Spec. 66: 440. — Extra-Illustrated. Cornh. 61 : 135. – First Editions. Gent. M. n. s. 46: 643. — Guardians of the Public Taste. (W. L. Jaquith) Educa. II: 145. – How Libraries Choose and Buy. Lib. J. I4; 336, 372. — Guide-Book to. Gent. M. n. s. 47: 212. – I have Rambled with. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I6: 279. — Influence of Good. (R. Collyer) Lib. J. I.4: 38o. — Manufacture of. (R. R. Bowker) Harper, 75: 165. — A Market for. (E. E. Hale) Forum, 7: 481. — Measuring, Quicker Method of. (G. W. Cole) Lib. J. I2: 345. — Most Popular. (F. M. Crunden) Lib. J. I.6: 277. — Multiplication of. (A. I. Shand) Murray, 4: 721. — of the Rich and Books of the Poor. (Andrew Lang) Critic, Io: 161, 173. — of Use and Books of Power. I6: IoS. — Old, Shelf of. (Mrs. A. Fields) Scrib. M. 3: 285. — — Second Shelf of. (Mrs. A. Fields) Scrib. M. 5: 453. — — Value of. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I2; 292. – Out-Door. (J. B. Matthews) Cosmopol. II: 252. — Rare, How Public Libraries protect. Lib. J. IO4, I.33. — Reading and Buying. Sat. R. 68: 259. — Sizes of. Ath. '88, 2: 6oo. — (T. Kerslake) Ath. '89, I: 539. — Some Rare Old. 463. — Sufferings and Death of. Chamb. J. 67: 545. — Tariff on. (E. R. A. Seligman) Nation, 46: 258. — (T. Solberg) Nation, 47: 328. — (M. Jastrow, jr.) Nation, 45; 272. — That have helped me. (E. E. Hale) Forum, 3: 29. — (W. T. Harris) Forum, 3: 142. – (J. Bascom) Forum, 3: 263. – (A. Lang) Forum, 3: 339. – (A. P. Peabody) Forum, 3: 458. – (E. Eggleston) Fo- rum, 3: 578. – (A. Jessopp.) Forum, 4: 29. — (J. L. Gilder) Forum, 4: 207.— (B. Matthews) Forum, 4: 3I4.— (T. Hill) Forum, 4: 388.- (R. L. Stevenson) Critic, II: I56. — (M. D. Conway) Forum, 4: 536." — (R. C. Pitman) Forum, 4: 604.—Nation, 46: 85. — That have hindered me. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 64: 89. 3. — Titles of. (W. S. Walsh) Cosmopol. 8: 758. — Two Youthful Old. (W. Larremore) Overland, n. s. I5: 488. — Uncut. Critic, I3: IoS. — Unwritten. (J. H. Hopkins) Church R. 60: II. — Uses of, in Self-Culture. Meliora, 9: I 93. —- What a Single Book may do for a Youth. Thayer) Educa. II: 89. Book Auction. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 4: 390. — in 17th Century. (J. Lawler) Antiq. m. s. I9: 242. Bookbinding. (T. J. Cobden–Sanderson) Eng. Illust. 8: 323. — (R. B. Poole) Lib. J. I.4: 261. — and Binderies for Libraries. (D. V. R. Johnston) Lib. J. I5: Supp. 9. — Duro-flexile. Lib. J. I2: 70. — English, in Reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. (W. H. J. Weale) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 309. – Exhibition of. Sat. R. 7I: 740. — Facsimiles of Historic. Ath. '89, 2: 774. — History and Art of. (H. B. Wheatley) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 449. — Preservation of. (F. Chance) Lib. J. I2: 71. — Principles of Design as Applied to. (H. B. Wheat- ley) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 350. — Wheatley's Remarkable Bindings. Ath. '89, 2: 152. — Zaehndorf’s Art of. Nation, 5I: 487. (T. Williams) Lib. J. I5: (A. R. Fulton) M. Am. Hist. 25: (W. M. BOOKBUYING f Bookbuying, Art of. (D. Gannet) Lib. J. 12: 293. – Decay of Habit of. (H. Holt) Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 217. — (H. Holt) Writer, I: 75. - Book-Collector, Notes of a. Temp. Bar, 92: 124. - Our Last. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 631. Book-Covers, Old. (W. H. J. Weale) Ath. '88, I: 631. Book Fires, Charles I.'s. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 476. — 16th Century. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 43. – of the Revolution and Restoration. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. s. 44; 361. Book Illustration. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 19: 16, I 33, I 74. — Bye-Ways of. (G. R. Redgrave) Art J. 41: 90. — Japanese. Sat. R. 65: 345. Bookishness and Literature. Same art. Critic, Io: 247. Bookkeeping, Value of. (F. W. Child) Engin. M. 1: 599. Book-Lore, Fragments of. (W. F. Nelson) Murray, 4: 237. Book-Lovers in the Monastic Age. Chamb. J. 65: 161. Book Markets, English and American. (O. B. Bunce) No. Am. I50: 470. Book Piracy, Recoil of. (H. Holt) Forum, 5: 26. Book-Plates, Early Southern Heraldic. (R. C. Lich- tenstein) N. E. Reg. 4I : 296. Book Reviewing. (W. P. Brown) Writer, 4: 8o. Book Reviews. (E. L. Carson) Writer, 4: 217. Book Sales of 1888. (J. H. Slater) Ath. '89, I: Bookseller, A, 15th Cent. Bookselling, English, History of, Roberts's. I : 370. Book Trade in Germany, Mutations of. wold) Nation, 46: 8. Book Writing, Profits of. Booked through ; a runaway tale. “Bookey.” Sunday M. I.7: 476. Boom of the Coeur d’Alenes. (Cecile I. Duton) Over- land, n. s. I6: 394. Boomerang, The Black Fellow and his. Scrib. M. 7: 374. Boone, Daniel. (J. M. Brown) Harper, 75: 48. Boone, John Rowan, with portrait. (T. Johnson) M. West. Hist. 9: 718. Boone, Rebecca, in the Wilderness. (A. E. Wilson) M. West. Hist. 7: 149. Boone, William P., with portrait. West. Hist. 9: 715. Booth, Catherine. (J. Butler) Contemp. 58: 639. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 175.— (W. Booth) New R. 3: Spec. 60: 382. I 47. Gent. M. m. s. 46: 108. Ath. '89, (W. M. Gris- (J. Parton) Author, I: 180. Lond. Soc. 56: 618. (H. Baker) (T. Johnson) M. 385. Booth, James Curtis, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: I 16. Booth, John Wilkes, Capture of. Lippine. 49: 449. — Pursuit and Death of. Doherty) Cent. I7: 443. Booth, Wm., General. (W. T. Stead) Sunday M. 20: 39, I22, 200. — and his Critics. Sat. R. 71: 9. — Farm Colony of. Spec. 67: 345. — In Darkest England. (G. Walbert) Chaut. I3: 197. — Church Q. 32: 223. – Cong. R. (Lond.) 5: 75. — National, I6: 781.- (D. M. Stevenson) Westm. I35: 429. — Sat. R. 71: 38, 122, 156. — And. R. I5: 88. — (H. C. Bourne) Murray, 9: 172. — (Mary Jeune) National, 16: 697. — (H. W. Mills) Unita. R. 63: 455. — (W. J. Ashley) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 537. – Ecl. M. 116: 260. — (F. Prag) Overland, n. s. I7: 438. — (J. Cook) Our Dav, 8: 186.- (F. Peek) Contemp. 58: 796. — (F. W. Farrar) New R. 3: 489. — Sat. R. 70: 496.- Our Day, 5:44o.— Lend a H. 6: 117. — Month, 7o: 457. – R. of Rs. 2: 382, 492. (F. G. Carpenter) (M. B. Ruggles and E. P. 50 BOSSUET Booth, Gen. Wm., not Wanted. Sat. R. 72: 99. - Social Plans of. (R. A. Woods) And. H. 14: 485. ––– Huxley and. Spec. 65: 940. Borates. Analyses of Some Natural Borates and Boro- silicates. (J. E. Whitfield) Am. J. Sci. I54: 281. Borax, Sources and Applications of. (E. L. Fleming) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 524. Bordeaux. Westm. I28: 358. — Men of Letters at, in the 16th Century. N. Princ. 5 : IOS. Borden, Richard, with portrait. M.West. Hist. 8: 451. Borden, Thos. J., with portrait. M.West. Hist. 8: 456. Border Fights, Some Famous. Temp. Bar, 93: 385. Border Hillside, A. Cornh. 60: 302. Border Raid, A. (G. Eyre-Todd) Gent. M. m. s. 42:59. Border Tragedy; a story. (J. O. Thomas) Belgra. 67: 79. Bordon, the Bronze-Caster. (M. Roberts) Macmil. 63: 233. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I6: 273. Bore, Evolution of the. Spec. 67: 444. Bores. Atlan. 63: I37. – and Bored. Temp. Bar, 92; 65. Same art. Age, I89: 812. – Innocent. Spec. 61: 262. – Newspaper. (S. O. Sherman) Writer, 2: 61. Borgia, Caesar. (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 494. — (C. Yriarte) Blackw. I42: 848. I43: 72, 215. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 67, 307, 463. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo; I 59, 308, 469. — Life of, Yriarte's. Sat. R. 67: 452. Borgias, Yriarte's Monuments of the. (M. S. Stillman) Nation, 52: 460. Borlase of Borlase Family. Sat. R. 67: 389. Born Inventor, A. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. I5: 912. Born on Hallow E’en ; a story. (M. O’Neill) Blackw. I48: 798. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 74. Borneo. (H. F. Cobb) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 4oo. – (R. T. Pritchett) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 425. – and Labuan. Overland, m. s. I5: 593. — British, Native Life in. (D. D. Daly) Pop. Sci. Mo. Liv. 34; 246. — Natives of. (H. L. Roth) Anthrop. J. 21: I Io. — North. (Lord Brassey) 19th Cent. 22: 248. — Perelaer's. Spec. 60: 1709. Borough-English. (E. Peacock) Dub. R. Io9: 43. — in Genesis. (J. Jacobs and others) Ath. '88, I: 827. 2: 35–160. Borrow, George. Sat. R. 66: 144. — (W. I. Knapp) Chaut. 8: 87. Bosboom, Johannes. Acad. 40: 341. Boscobel. Chamb. J. 67: 699. — and Whiteladies. 4I: 178. Boscovich's Theory. (W. Thompson) Nature, 40: 545. Bosenden, Battle of. Chamb. J. 65: 669. Bösig Castle, Bohemia. (Jas. Baker) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 372. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Asbóth's Tour through. Spec. 64: 628. — Ramble in. (T. W. Legh) New R. 5: 470. — and its Land Tenure. (P. Irby) Contemp. 56: 28. — Fortnight in. (A. Hulme-Beaman) Fortn. 52: 395. — Plum Trade of. Dub. R. Io9: 200. Bosphorus, On the. Lond. Soc. 57; 29. — Pen Pictures of. (A. D. F. Hamlin) New Eng. M. n. s. 5; 485. Boss of Barangaroo. Age, I72: 146. — of the Yellow Dog. Chamb. J. 67: 360–392. – Political; why a Power. (F. I. Vassault) Overland, m. s. I7: 362. Bossuet, Jacques Benigne. 27. (J. Penderel-Brodhurst) Art J. (A. Werner) Temp. Bar], Liv. (H. H. Hall) Luth. Q. 17: BOSTON Boston, England. (Charles Whymper) Art J. 40: 277. — (J. E. Locking) Blackw. I47: 242. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 671. — the Capital of the Fens. (J. E. Locking) Eng. Illust. 9: 46. Boston, Architecture in, Recent Church. (A. R. Wil- lard) New Eng. I : 641. — Art Galleries of. (W. H. Downes) Atlan. 62: 382, 5oo, 646, 777. — Athletic Association Building. Am. Arch. 25: 161. — Bar Association. Poem before. (R. Grant) Green Bag, 3: 152. — Beacon Hill before the Houses. Bay State Mo. I : 389. – Boston Herald. Bay State Mo. 2: 22. — By-Gone Days in. (C. K. Tuckerman) No. Am. 15o: 88. * — City Government of. Studies, 5: 75. — Common, Free-Speech on. Our Day, I : 424. — Court House, Heating and Ventilation of. Arch. 25: 18. — Destitution in, 1890. (E. E. Hale and others) Arena, (D. M. Balfour) (J. M. Bugbee) J. H. Univ. Am. 2 : 733. — Early Charitable Organizations of. (E. Winslow) N. E. Reg. 44: Ioo. – First Owner of. (Z. L. White) Am. M. 7: 707. – A Good-Natured Study of. (F. N. Zabriskie) Lip- pinc. 42: 518. – in 1741, and Governor Shirley. Hist. 20: 368. – Innholders in, in 1714. (J. Winsor) M. Am. (J. S. H. Fogg) N. E. Reg. 43: 59. – Literary. (L. Whiting) Cosmopol. Io: 205. – Lodge's. (W. H. Whitmore) Nation, 53: 56. — Museum of Fine Arts. Am. Arch. 27: 100. — — Egyptian Collection. (W. C. Winslow) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 198. - – Enlargement of. 266, 285. — Greek Gallery of. Am. Arch. 21: 79. — — Running Expenses of. Am. Arch. 27: 176. – Names of Some of the Residents in, 1751. (W. Lee) N. E. Reg. 42: 256. – Natural History Garden for. Science, I5: 213. — of Winthrop, The. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 12: (Russell Sturgis) Nation, 5o: I93. - — Old Masters of. (S. L. Gerry) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 683. — Old West Church. (E. Talbot) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: I 74. – Poor of. Lend a H. 5: 696. – Port Bill, 1774, Letter of William Cooper on. N. E. Reg. 45: 198. – Possible Boston. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 4: 263. — Public Library Building. Lib. J. I.4: 84. — — Controversy on. Lib. J. I5: 297. — — History of. (S. A. B. Abbott) Lib. J. 16: 173. — — Laying Corner-Stone of. Lib. J. 13: 368. — Salem St. Baptist Meeting-House. (I. T. Smith) M. Am. Hist. I7: 474. — Schools of, Some Notes on. II: 306. — Siege of, Developed. Mo. I : 37. — Symphony Orchestra. n. S. I : 235. – Taverns of, in Ye Olden Time. (D. M. Balfour) Bay State Mo. 2: 106. - — Tremont Temple. (E. J. Haynes) Chaut. I2: 48. - University Law School. (B. R. Curtis) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 218. — (G. R. Swasey) Green Bag, 1 : 54. (W. A. Mowry) Educa. (H. B. Carrington) Bay State (L. C. Elson) New Eng. M. 51 Botanical Gardens. BOULANGER Boston Young Men's Christian Association. (R. Stur- gis, jr.) Bay State Mo. I : 249. Boswell, James, and his Editors. Church Q. 27: 121. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 544. — Centenary of. (G. B. Hill) Macmil. 64; 37. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 27. — Fitzgerald's Life of. Sat. R. 72: 507. Botanical Garden in the Island of Java. (M. M. Trueb) Chaut. II: 69. (F. Hoffmann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: IOS. Botanical Science and Ornamental Art. (F. E. Hulme) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 235. Botanists, American, Task of. Sci. Mo. 3I: 305. Botany as it may be Taught. (B. D. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 369. – Brain-Power of Plants. I69. — Economic, in the West Indies. 35: 248. — — Possibilities of. (G. L. Goodale) Am. J. Sci. I42: 271. Same art. Nature, 44: 530. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 40: 57, 207. — — Study of. (J. Collins) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 237. – Elementary, in General Education. (M. Ward) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 363. — in the High School. (V. M. Spaulding) Acad. (Syr.) 5 : 313. — Japanese. Sat. R. 63: 624. — Nomenclature of. (W. B. Hemsley) Nature, 45: 169. (W. G. Farlow) Pop. (A. Smith) National, I3: (D. Morris) Nature, — Systematic. (W. T. Thistleton-Dyer) Nature, 38: 473. — — Future of. (J. M. Coulter) Science, I8: 127. — Teaching of. (M. Ward et al.) Nature, 42: 62o. — — Claims of. (W. W. Bailey) Education, 7: 704. — Three Months’ Course in. (C. Macmillan) Educa. II: 406, 488. See Plant Life. Both their Houses; a story. (E. E. Hale) Harper, 82: 4 I 3. Botta, Anne Charlotte Lynch. Critic, I8: 170. — (M. Conway) Ath. '91, I: 441. Bottesini, Giovanni. Ath. '89, 2: Ioy. Botticelli, Alessandro Filipepi. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 18: 501. — (T. Child) Harper, 77: 457. — (G. Hitchcock) Scrib. M. 4: 7II. Boucaux, Jean. Leis. Hour, 39: 281. Boucher, François. (S. Brinton) Portfo. I8: 141, 159. — André Michel's. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 22: 89. Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, and George Washington. (M. D. Conway) Lippinc. 43: 722. - º Boucicault, Dion. Acad. 38: 278. – Critic, I7: 158. — (A. C. Wheeler) Arena, 3: 47. – Sat. R. 70: 373. — Début as a Dramatist. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I48: 454, 584. — Formosa. Theatre, 27: 27. — Leaves from Diary of. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I49; 228. - Theatre, 26: 41. All the Year, 68: — London Assurance. Bouffé, Marie; French Comedian. 372. Bouguereau, Artist and Man. (C. Beckwith) Cos- mopol. 8: 259. Boulak Museum. (H. M. Browne and L. V. Hodgkin) Sunday M. 20: 482, 557. — (H. Wallis) Art J. 4o: IO3. Boulanger, Gen. Georges. (W. H. Gleadell) Fortn. 48: 360. — Sat. R. 64: 70, 176. – Sat. R. 65: 342, 435, 463, 492. — Sat. R. 66: 229. – Sat. R. 72: 374. — Spec. 67: 437. — Murray, 2: 374. — Pub. Opin. 7: 7. — R. of Rs. 2: 323. – R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 421. — and France. (W. T. Stead) Contemp. 55: 910. BOULANGER Boulanger, Gen. G., Campaign of. Nation, 45; 359. — Case of. (A. Naquet) New R. I : I. — Downfall of. Sat. R. 65: 681, 747. – Election of. Sat. R. 67: II.4. – Flight to Brussels. Sat. R. 67: 402, 433. – Impeachment of. (C. Pelletan) New R. I; 16. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 49: 144. – in Absentia. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 402. — in London. Sat. R. 67: 490. — The Modern Mark Antony. 56: 734. — Movement in Favor of. (H. Rochefort) Fortn. 50: Io. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 3.16. — Mrs. Crawford on. Spec. 61: 683. 66: 103. (G. B. Malleson) Fortn. — Rise of. (G. C. Téner) Forum, 7: 209. – Rise and Fall of. (T. F. de Gournay) Chaut. I2: 606. — Speech at Tours. Sat. R. 67: 336. — Sentence of. Sat. R. 68: 176. – “ Tout cela pour Bibi.” Murray, Io: 827. Boulangism. Sat. R. 65 : 31 o. — Sat. R. 68: 96. — and the Republic. (A. Cohn) Atlan. 67: 92. — France and. (Y. Guyot) Westm. I29: 748. – in England. Macmil. 59: 31. — — Our Defences. Macmil. 59: 350. - Unmasked. (A. Laugel) Nation, 5 I: 264. Boulangist Episode, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 51: 281. Boulders, Incised, in the Upper Minnesota Valley. (T. H. Lewis) Am. Natural. 21: 639. — Rounded, at high Altitudes along some Appalachian Rivers. (I. C. White) Am. J. Sci. I34; 374. Boulogne, Notre Dame de. Month, 67: I. Boulton, Matthew. Meliora, 9: I49. Boum-Boum. Overland, m. s. 9: 427. Bound for Green Fields; a story. (M. Kendall) Mur- ray, 7: 683. Bounties, Government. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 45: 164. Bourbons, Indian. (W. Kincaid) Liv. Age, I72: 493. – Marriages of the, Bingham on. Spec. 64; 272. — Sat. R. 69: 325. Bourgeoisie, Qualities of the. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 48: 514. Bourget, Paul, in Italy. (A. Laugel) Nation, 53: 312. — Le Disciple. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 27: 977. Bourke, Richard Southwell. See Mayo, Earl of. Bourke of Brittas. (J. G. Barry) Irish Mo. I5: 278. Bournemouth and Wimborne. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 396. Boussingault, Jean Baptiste. Nature, 36: 134. – With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 836. Bow-Street Chronicles. (P. Fitzgerald) Tinsley, 4o: 385. Bowditch Island, Natives of. (J. J. Lister) Anthrop. J. 21: 43. Bowdlerizing. Sat. R. 71 : 560. Bowdoin College. (C. L. Slattery) New Eng. M. n. s. 5 : 449. Bowen, Francis. Critic, 16: 56. Bowen, Sir George; Despatches and Letters. Ath. 'go, I: 1 II. Bowery, The. (J. Ralph) Cent. 21: 227. Bowes. (M. Hunt) Art J. 39: 249. — Round about Dotheboys Hall. Temp. Bar, 85: 507. Bowling for “Spares.” (J. P. Paret) Outing, I7: 233. — for Women. (M. Bisland) Outing, I6: 33. Bowne, Borden P. Metaphysics. N. Princ. 6: 278. — Psychology. (J. P. Gordy) Meth. R. 47: 680. Bowne, Eliza Southgate. American Girl's Life in 1800. Sat. R. 66: 183. - Bowring, Sir John, and American Slavery. (C. K. Tuckerman) M. Am. Hist. 23: 232. 52 BRACTON Boxing. (C. E. Clay) Outing, 9: 359, 469. — (A. Aus- tin) Outing, I7: 447. – Patrician Pugilism. (A. Pember) National, I4: 479. – “Style '' in. (A. Austin) Outing, Ig: 14o. – Theory and Practice of. (A. Austin) Outing, I5: 413. Boxley Abbey. (J. Cave-Browne) Antiq. m. s. 24; 203. Boxwell, John. Acad. 39: 585. Boy and Goose, Statuettes of. Stud. 6: I. — for the Holidays, A. '88, I: 339. — from Garryowen, A. 46: 390. Boy’s Life in the 16th Century; Pages from the Diary of James Melville. (F. Macann) Good Words, 32: 482. Boy’s Love and Old Man; a story. Argosy, 46: 50. Boys, and their Evenings. I9: 674. — Education of. Meliora, II: I 13. — Employments of. Meliora, 8: 307. — How a Boy may win his Way. (F. Hittel) Chaut. I2: 356. -- — Religion of our. (A. Pember) National, I3: 738. – Street, Work for. (J. C. Collins) M. Chr. Lit. 4: (E. A. Gardner) J. Hel. (R. Clynton) Un. Serv. M. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, (G. B. Stuart) (Canon Talbot) Sunday M. 234. — Wayward, How to Reform. (B. K. Pierce) Chaut. 8: 553. — Work for. Lend a H. 4: 364. Boys' Brigade. (H. Drummond) Good Words, 32: 93. Boys’ Clubs. (J. C. Collins) Lend a H. 2: 705. Boys’ School, American ; what it should be. Coit) Forum, I2: I. Boyhood; a sketch. Chamb. J. 67: 715. — Savagery of. (J. Johnson, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 796. Boyish Freaks. Boy-Life on the Prairie. 684. 8: 712. Boycott and Kindred Practices, as Ground for Dam- ages. (J. H. Wigmore) Am. Law R. 21 : 509. — as an Element in Trade Disputes. (J. Burnett) Econ. J. I : 163. Boycott Cases, Decisions in Recent. Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 261. Boycotting. (R. O. Williams) Univ. Q. 44; 69. – (S. Laing) Lond. Soc. 53: 360. — Pub. Opin. I; 47. — French, and its Cure. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 28: 778. — Interference with Social Relations. (J. H. Wig- more) Am. Law R. 21: 764. Boyle, Mary Louisa. Acad. 37: 253. – Ath. '90, I: 468, 531. Boyne, The, Battle of, and Sieges of Limerick. Am. Cath. Q. I5: 845. Bozon, Nicholas. (J. S. Attwood) Ath. '90, 2; 163. — Sat. R. 69: 167. – Contes Moralisés. (M. Hewlett) 19th Cent. 28: 471. Same art. Liv. Age, I87; 167. Brabantian Happening, A.; a story. Cosmopol. 9: 657. Brabazon Pauper Employment Scheme. (M. J. Meath) Leis. Hour, 38: 571. Brachiopoda, Development of. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 343. Bracken Hollow. Irish Mo. IS: 57. Brackett, John Ely, California Pioneer. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 518. Bracton, Henry de. Note-Book of ; ed. Maitland. Ath. '88, 1: 10. – Nation, 46: 241. *** * guriosities of. (W. W. Edwards) Green Bag, 3: 50. (H. A. Chamb. J. 65: 252. (H. Garland) Am. M. 7: 299– (E. P. Cheyney) (G. W. Edwards) (A. G. BRADDOCK’S Braddock's Campaign. (W. Johnston) Pennsyl. M. II: 93. Braddock's Field, Relic of. (Z. McDonald) M. Am. Hist. 22: 4II. Braddon, M. A., and her Husband, Literary Work of. (H. L. Williams) Writer, 5: 28. Bradford, William, Gov., Celebrating Birth of. (T. B. Drew) M. Am. Hist. 23: 227. Bradford, William, Marine Artist. Educa. 9: 643. Bradford, Eng. (Roach Le Schonix) Antiq. m. s. 21 : I O2. Bradlaugh, Charles, with portrait. (Mrs. A. Besant) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 235. — (A. Webb) Nation, 52: 156. — Sat. R. 71 : 572. — an Appeal. (C. E. Plumptre) Westm. I36: 376. — Early Religious History of. (W. R. Bradlaugh) M. Chr. Lit. 4; 33. Bradley, F. H. Analysis of Mind. I2: 564. Bradshaw, Francis, Inventory of Goods. Reliquary, 30: 98. Bradshaw, Henry. (E. G. Duff) Acad. 36: 365. — Ath. '89, 2: 852. — Memoir of. Church Q. 28: 94. — Spec. 64; 339. — Sat. R. 69: 47. — Acad. 35: 68. — Ath. '89, I : 43. — Spec. 63: I4. Bradshaw's Railway Guide. Ath. '88, I: 147. – (F. Madan) Ath. '89, I: 84. — (H. Spencer) Ath. '89, I: II6. * — Bibliography of. — History of. Cornh. 57: 403. I77: 34o. Bradstreet, Anne. Brady, Henry Bowman. Brady, James J., with portrait. Bag, 3: 305. Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Faulkner) Ref. Q. 36: 52. Brahmin Girls, High-Caste Hindu School for, in My- sore. (Mrs. G. Kingscote) 19th Cent. 25: 133. Brahms, Johannes, Deiters's Life of. Spec. 61: 175. Brain and Mind, Relations of. (W. Tucker) Univ. Q. 47 : 292. — — Obscure Diseases of. Meliora, 5: 297. – Centres of Ideation in. (B. Hollander) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 514. — Dipnoan. (B. G. Wilder) Am. Natural. 21: 544. — The Double. (H. Maudsley) Mind, I4: 161. — (C. E. Brown-Séquard) Forum, 9: 627. — — Maudsley on. (J. M. Baldwin) Mind, I4: 545. — Functional Topograhy of. (D. Ferrier) Anthrop. J. 17: 26. — Influence on Mind. 2 I 3. — Inside a. — Models of. I 3O. – Topography of. (J. M. Charcot) Forum, 5: 613. Brain-Forcing in Childhood. (W. A. Hammond) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 721. Brain-Growth and Body-Growth. Science, Io: 172. Brain-Weights, Human. (J. Simms) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: (F. H. Kasson) (J. Ward) Mind, (F. Madan) Ath. '87, 2: 862. Same art. Liv. Age, (P. M. Cole) N. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 63. (M. Foster) Nature, 43: 299. (J. F. Baker) Green (J. A. (I. C. Knowlton) Univ. Q. 48: (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 37: 263. (H. H. Donaldson) Am. J. Psychol. 4: 355. Brain-Work, Physical Basis of. (W. Hutchinson) No. Am. I46; 522. Brakes, Vacuum, Accidents with. Sat. R. 69: 321– 640. Branchiapus Genus. ural. 23: 91. Branchtown Ball, The. Chamb. J. 64: 215. Branchville, Ct., Mineral Locality at. (G. J. Brush and E. S. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I39: 201. (O. P. and W. P. Hay) Am. Nat- 53 BREACH Brand, John Henry, Visit to. (J. E. C. Bodley) Fortn. 50: 197. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 743. Brandes, G., and his Detractors. Nation, 46: 402. Brandy. Sat. R. 63; 549. – Production of, in U. S. Overland, n. s. I4: 175. Brandy Station, Battle of. (J. N. Opie) So. Hist. Pap. I9: 25I. Brandywine, Germantown, and Saratoga. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 63: 6o I. Brandywine, Banks of the. 79: 208. — Battle of, Excitement in Phila. after. Pennsyl. M. I4: 64. Branksome Tower. Chamb. J. 67: 641.— (J. B. S. Stor- rey) Antiq. m. s. I8: 148. Brannan, Samuel. (J. S. Hittell) Overland, m. s. 13: 648. Brant, Joseph. (J. Fiske) Granite Mo. 13: 28. Brant, Sebastian. Virgil, Illustrations of. (G. R. Red- grave) Art J. 40: 150. Brant, Black, at Home. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, 19: 222. — Goose and, on the Canadian Coast. (J. A. MacPhail) Outing, I7: 472. — Shooting, at Smith's Island. I5: 304, 360. Brass-Founding. Tinsley, 43: 677. Brass Work, Flemish. (R. G. Kingsley) Art J. 39: 33O. Brasses, Monumental. (R. H. Edleston) Antiq. m. s. 2I: I9 I, 250. 22 : I.2, 53. — of Canons of Windsor. (J. E. Field) Antiq. m. s. I5: 212. Brassey, Lady. Critic, II: 262. Brattleboro, Vt., Brooks Library. Lib. J. I2: 130. Brazen Android, The. (W. D. O'Connor) Atlan. 67: 433, 577. Brazen Serpent, The. (H. M. Jenkins) Harper, (A. Hunter) Outing, (S. Leathes) Good Words, 29: 534. Brazil. (J.W. Wells) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 445. — Constitution of. (I. N. Ford) Chaut. I2: 325. – Emancipation in. (W. J. Hammond) 19th Cent. 24: 94. — Exploration of the Xingu. (O. A. Derby) Science, I2: I 17. — Finances, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 407. — — 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 551. — Letter to the Bishops of. (Leo XIII.) Dub. R. Io9: • 40O. — Lower and Middle Amazon. (C. De Kolby) Nation, 5O: 333. — Manáos and the Route into Amazonas. Nation, 5o: 254. — New Revolution in, 1891. Spec. 67: 750. — Past and Future. (M. G. Mulhall) Contemp. 57: Iog. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 301. — Political, 1891. Sat. R. 72: 557. — Poverty in. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. 8: 761. — Recent Works on. (J. C. Rodrigues) Nation, 44: 389. — Republic of. Pub. Opin. 8: 279. — Revolution in, 1889. And. R. I3: 85. — Pub. Opin. 8: 159, 189. — Nation, 49: 494. — Sat. R. 68: 582. —Spec. 63: 708, 835. . — — Financial Consequences. Sat. R. 68: 585. — Treaty with, 1891, True Inwardness of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 53: 384. Brazilian Banking and Finance. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: I I2O. Brazilian Freedmen. Lend a H. 5; 223. Brazilian Literature. (R. Ogden) Critic, 16: 235. Breach of Promise to Marry. Spec. 64; 83. – Cases of, Early. Green Bag, 3: I. BREAD Bread and the Bakers. Meliora, 5: 239. - Holy, Notes on. (E. Peacock) Antiq. m. s. 17: 191. Bread-Making, Chemistry of. (W. Odling) J. Soe. Arts, 6:318. – (Prof. Graham) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 89– I43. - Modern Developments of. (W. Jago) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 83–129. – New Method of. (J. Dauglish) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 414. Bread and Cake; or, The Sergeant's Daughter. (S. H. Palfrey) Lend a H. 3: 685. 4: 21. Bread-Fruit Tree. (R. C. Day) Knowl. 13: I90. Breakfasts and Authors. All the Year, 63: 378. – at Bordeaux. Temp. Bar, 8o: 510. Breakfast Party in Paris. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 26: 173. Same art. Eel. M. 113: 385. Brearley, Samuel. Aead. 3I : 9. Breathing Movements in Relation to Voice Production. (G. H. Makuen) Educa. 11: 207. Breck, Robert. (E. H. Byington) And R. 13: $17. Brehons, Irish Kings and. (C. De Kay) Cent. 18: 294. Brent River. All the Year, 63: 256. Brereton in Sakarran. (A. Werner) Acad. 35: 257. Breton, Jules; an Artist's Idyl. Atlan. 66: 557. Bretons at Home. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 51: 48–484. 52: 48–507. Brett, John, Paintings of. Spec. 60: 13. Brett, Robert. Church Q. 29: 425. Brevet Martyrs. (E. T. Johnson) Atlan. 63: 793. Breviary, Quignon's. (J. Edenburgen) Acad. 33: 409. – Church Q. 27: 353. Brevity. All the Year, 66: 496. Brevoort, James Carson. (F. Saunders) Lib. J. I3: 41. – Library of, Sale of. Critie, 16: 121. Brewer, David J., with portrait. (A. H. Horton) Green Bag, 2: I. Brewing, Chemistry of. (C. Graham) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 188–366. Breydel, John. (J. Hutton) Gent. M. n. s. 40: 363. Brianda de Bardaxi. (H. C. Lea) Atlan. 63: 261. Briar-Rose, Legend of the. Burne-Jones's Painting. Spec. 64: 625. - Bribery. (De L. Nicoll) No. Am. I46: 21. – and its Near Relatives. (C. A. Bartol) Forum, 4: 644. — at Elections, Illustrated by Barnstaple in 1747. (Lord Errington) 19th Cent. 25: 921. — — in the United States. (M. A. Green) N. Eng. 5o: 309. — in Railway Elections. (I. L. Rice) Forum, 7: 106. — Suppression of. Meth. R. 47: 908. Brice, Calvin S., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 7I7. Bricks, American. – Brick-Making, and Brick-Laying. Am. Arch. 2I: 268. - Bricklaying in Frosty Weather. (P. Due) Am. Arch. 23: 56. Brickmaking in America. 28: 147. Brick Piers, Crushing Strength of. Am. Arch. 22:47, 76. Brick Tea. Chamb. J. 68: 677. Brickwood, Latham C. N. Percy. Acad. 36: 185. Brickwork. (T. Roger Smith) Am. Arch. 2I: 199. — Curious Prehistoric. (J. Baker) Leis. Hour, 39: 125. Bride from the Bush, A. Cornh. 62: 89–543. — of Newburyport. (F. E. Weld) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): I36. Bridges, Railway, Evolution of Modern. son) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 461. Bridge House, The ; a story. Year, 6.5: 426–596. (G. M. Fiske) Am. Arch. 27: 77. (W. N. Brown) (W. Johnson) Am. Arch. (J. E. Howard) (C. D. Jame- (B. Dempster) All the 54 BRIGID Bridge of the Hundred Spans; a poem. (G. Parker) Good Words, 32: 329. - Bridges, Robert, Shorter Poems of. (H. C. Beeching) Murray, Io: 280. — Ath. '91, 1: 239. —(W. Wat- son) Acad. 38: 496. —Sat. R. 70: 484. Bridges, Capt. Robert. (N. M. Hawkes) M. Am. Hist. 25: I 50. Bridgeport, Conn.; Seaside Institute. (J. Benton) Am. M. 7: 595. * Bridget. (S. Clarke) Longm. Io: 276. Bridgman, Laura. Critic, 14: 275. – Brain and Sense Organs. (H. H. Donaldson) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 293. 4: 248. — A Second. Science, II: 89. Bridgewater, John, from Oxford to Douay, 1576. Grant) Month, 61: 203. Bridgewater, England, Jarman's History of. Ath. 'go, I : 44. Bridgewater, Mass., New Normal School Building. (A. G. Boyden) Educa. I2; 16I. Briefless Barrister's Story. (F. Dolman) Belgra. 61: 439. Brienne, Louis Henri de Loménie, Comte de, Memoirs of. (F. Rothschild) 19th Cent. 24: 686. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 666. Brierly, Sir Oswald. (I. L. Roget) Art J. 39: 129. Brigandage in Italy. Meliora, 9: 45. Brigands, Week among. (O. Whittall) Murray, 2: 769. Briggs, C. A., and his Critics. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 430. — and the Presbyterian Church. (L. W. Bacon) N. Eng. 55; Io. — Inaugural Address of, 1891. And. B. I5: 304. — (T. W. Chambers) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 481. — (W. T. G. Shedd) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 156. — on Authority in Religion. (H. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 53: 737. — Self-Contradictions of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 8: 363. — Trial of, for Heresy. And. R. I5: 653. IG: 70. — (R. Ogden) Nation, 53: 366. (I. — — Acquittal. And. R. I6: 597. — — and the New York Presbytery. And. R. I.G: 5 II. — — Report of Committee of Prosecution. And. R. I6: 529. — — Response to Charges. And. R. I6; 623. — Whither? (G. Harris) And R. I2: 552. - (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 47: 136. Briggs, Clinton. (J. W. Savage) M. West. Hist, 9: 4oo. Brigham, Mary A., Educational Ideals of. (K. S. Woodward) Our Day, 4; 312. Bright, John. (Karl Blind) Fortn. 51: 651. - (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 55; 637. —Same art. – Liv. Age, 181: 538. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 829. – Spec. 62: 420, 478. – (F. C. Cobbe) Spec. 62: 510. –Sat. R. 67: 363. – (J. F. Willing) Meth. R. 50: 247. — and Quakerism. Macmil. 6o: III. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 813. — Character and Eloquence of. (R. W. Dale) Our Day, 4 : I9. — Lord Derby on. Sat. R. 72: 435. – Death of. (W. E. Gladstone) Our Day, 3: 433. — Influence of. Spec. 67: 523. — Poem on. (H. D. Rawnsley) Murray, 5: 660. — Robertson's Life. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) Io; 34. – School of. (A. A. Reade) Liv. Age, 199: 279. Brighton, Eng., as a Residence. (W. W. Tickle) Tins- ley, 45: 74. – Half a Century Ago. All the Year, 69: 316. — Thackeray's. All the Year, 4.1 : 513. Brigid, St. of Erin. (E. McSweeney) Cath. World, 53: 317. – Irish Mo. 16: 11–211. – Birthplace of. Irish Mo, 17: 372. BRIGIT Brigit, St., of Sweden. Revelations of the After- World. (H. I. D. Ryder) 19th Cent. 21: 286. Brinton, Daniel Garrison, with portrait. (C. C. Ab- bott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 836. Brinvilliers, Marchioness de, Crimes of. Green Bag, 2: 36. Brion, Friederike. (B. Perry) Atlan. 63: 656. Brisbane, Wm., Journal of. (C. Deming) Atlan. 66: 381. - Bristol, England. Sat. R. 67: 153. – First English Free Library and its Founders. Taylor) Murray, Io: 678. — Hunt's History of. Spec. 60:8o3. — Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 180. — in the 19th Century, Latimer's. Ath. '87, 2: 401. – in relation to American Methodism. (W. H. Mere- dith) Meth. R. 51: 398. — Two Scenes in. (S. Wilson) Sunday M. 20: 829. Bristow, Henry Wilson. Nature, 40: 206. — Acad. 35: 435. — Ath. '89, I: 796. Britain, Aborigines of, National Names of. Scot. R. I 8: 12o. — Ancient, Wild Animals of. Westm. I27: 36. — Early Ethnology of. (J. Rhys) Scot. R. 15: 233. — Early Inhabitants of. (R. S. Long) Westm. I35: 532. — The Making of. (A. Geikie) Macmillan, 55: 470. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 848. * — Roman, Notes on. (F. Haverfield) Antiq. m. s. 23: 9, 146. 24: 19, 212. Briticisms and Americanisms. (B. Matthews) Harper, 83: 215. British America. (A. P. Coleman) Chaut. I3: 16. — (A. F. Browne) Amer. I3: 184. — Missions in. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: 106. British Americans, The. Nation, 46: 336. British-American Movement, The. (T. F. Byron) Amer. If: 394. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Inutility of. Sat. R. 64; 344. — — 1887 Meeting. Am. J. Sci. I34: 315. — Dub. R. IOI : 423. — — — President’s Address; the Atom. coe) Nature, 36: 417. — 1888 Meeting, President’s Address. Nature, 38: 440. — 1889 Meeting, Addresses. — 1890 Meeting. — 1891 Meeting. 371-508. British Capital and American Industries. No. Am. I50: 220. British Columbia. Spec. 60: 1053. — Amer. I3: 392. — (S. Jackson) Chaut. 9: 408. — (H. C. Beeton) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 318. s — Bancroft's. (H. Hale) Nation, 44: 367. — Coast Tribes of. (F. Boas) Science, 9: 288. – Impressions of. Sat. R. 71: 172. — Indians of. (F. Boas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 628. – Lees and Clutterbuck's, 1887. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 447. — Present, Past, and Future. British Dollar, Plea for. 544. British Eccentricity. All the Year, 68: 562. British Empire, The ; a Menace to National Unity. (B. R. Wise) Macmil. 58: 103. See Great Britain, Empire of. British Guiana. (C. Bruce) Eng. Illust. 8: 376. British Intellect, Geographical Distribution of. (A. C. Doyle) 19th Cent. 24: 184. British Merchants in 1775. (W. R. Benjamin) M. Am. Hist. 25: 459. (J. (J. Rhys) (H. E. Ros- (F. Bramwell) Nature, 40: 463, 486. Nature, 42: 433, 463, 491. Dub. R. Io9: 423. —Nature, 44: (E. Wiman) Westm. I33: 46. (S. Montagu) Ecl. M. IIo: 55 BROKEN British Museum and the British Public. New R. 5: 414. – and the People who go there. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 579. - Catalogue of Library, Great Authors as they appear in. Chamb. J. 66: 773. – Exhibition of Drawings in. Sat. R. 71: 325. — Habitués of. Amer. I5: 39. – Library. (C. Gross) Nation, 51: 207. — MSS. in. (L. Sears) And. R. I.4: 260. - Movable Book-Cases at. Lib. J. 12: 261. – New Art Rooms of. Ath. '88, 1: 280. — Newspaper Room of. Chamb. J. 64: 727. — Phigalian Room. Ath. '89, 2: 460. — Press-Numbers in. (G. W. Harris) Lib. J. 12: 331. British Possessions Recently Acquired. (T. Muir) Acad. 33: 292. British Seas, The. (W. C. Russell) Portfo. 21: 31–243. British Side-Glances at America. (A. H. Wharton) Lippinc. 46: 709. British Song, Twelve Years of. (E. C. Stedman) Cent. 34; 899. British Statistics, Some Curiosities of. (A. Webb) Na- tion, 50: 275. British Sturdiness. Spec. 61 : 87. British Victories, Anniversaries of. (E. O'Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 218–508. 2: 524. Britons, Early, Manners and Customs of. (J. F. Jame- son) Chaut. I2: 24. — — Religion of, Rhys on. Knowl. II: 160, 193. Brittany. Spec. 63: 469. – Among the Prehistoric Monuments of. (A. S. Pack- ard) Am. Natural. 25: 870. — Cambrians in. Sat. R. 68: 268. – A Corner of. Chamb. J. 67: 439. — (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 23: 95. – De la Borderie's Feudal Geography of. (A. Jessopp) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 589. — Lessons from. (R. Heath) Leis. Hour, 36: 423. — Megalithic Monuments of. (T. Wilson) Am. Natu- ral. 22: 573. (R. Garnett) Blackw. I44; 196. — A Trip to. Chamb. J. 64: 6oo. Broad Church, The. (H. R. Haweis) Contemp. 57: 90o. Broad Church. Theology. (R. C. Hitchcock) Bib. Sac. 48: 630. Broadfoot, Maj. George, at Jalālabad. (F. J. Goldsmid) Asia. R. 7: 321. — Life of. Ath. '89, I: Blackw. I45: 427. Broadstairs, Shore–Hunting at. IO: 490. Broadsword, Use of. Sat. R. 7I: 219. Broadsword Practice. (E. Van Schaick) Outing, g: 387. Broadwater, Monuments at. Antiq. m. s. 18: 96. Broadway. (Richard H. Davis) Scrib. M. g.: 585. Broatch, W. J., with portrait. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9: 678. Brocas, House of; the History of an Old English Fam- ily. (T. E. Kebbel) National, 9: 249.-Ed. R. 166: 225. Brockden, Charles. (J. Clement) Pennsyl. M. 12: 185. Brocken, Spectre of the. (J. M. Schaeberle) Sid. Mess. Io: 136. Brockwell Hill Park. All the Year, 69: IIo. Broglie, Achille C. L. V., Duc de, Souvenirs of. Spec 6o: 1488. — (Mme. Blaze de Bury) N. Princ. 4: 142. – Sat. R. 67: 109. — (J. G. Wood) Longm. 44. Broglie, Prince de, and the American Revolution. (C. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. M. II: 369. Broken Cadences; a poem. (J. E. Rankin) Our Day, 3: 52I. 5: I. 6: I. BROKEN Broken Wow, The. (R. S. Hichens) Theatre, 22: 261 Bromfield, Henry, with portrait. Eng. M. m. s. 2: 3. Bromine, Determination of, in Mixtures of Alkaline Bromides and Iodides. (F. A. Gooch; J. R. En- sign) Am. J. Sci. I40: 145. (D. D. Slade) New Bronescombe, Walter, Registers of. Dub. R. Ios: 223. Broncho, An American. (A. Paterson) Macmil. 63: 299 Brontë, Charlotte. (Andrew Lang) Good Words, 3o: 236. — (Mrs. Ritchie) Macmil. 63: 251. — Defamation of. (M. V. Terhune) Critic, 16: 313. — Extracts from some Unpublished Letters of. (E. B. Williams) Macmil. 64: 119, 226, 279. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 241, 819. - – Home of. (L. B. Walford) Longm. I5: 306. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 424. Same art. Critic, I5: 27 I. - Reminiscences of. (F. H. Candy) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 4I4. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 297. Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Atlan. 6o: 705. – Temp. Bar, 81: 562. Brontometer, The. (G. J. Symons) Nature, 42: 324. Bronze, Monumental Uses of. (J. S. Gardner) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 264. — — in Japan. Am. Arch. 23: 178. Bronzes, Early, from Mt. Ida in Krete. ingham) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 431. — Russian. (C. Cook) Harper, 78: 279. Bronze Age. Cornh. 60: 518. Same art. Ecl. M. 113: 796. Bronze Bull, Engraved, at Metaponto. (A. Emerson) Am. J. Archaeol. 4; 28. Bronze Casting, Artistic. 34; 245. Bronze Shields. (E. Peacock) Ath. 'go, I : 346. Brooke, Stopford A., with portrait. (W. Clarke) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 232. – Poems. Ath. '88, I: 757. — (R. Brindley) Cong. R. 2: 917. Brooklyn, 1st Reformed Dutch Church. (C. D. Baker) M. Am. Hist. 18: 336. — Institute Library. Lib. J. I6: 78. — Science, I2: (A. L. Froth- (G. Simonds) J. Soc. Arts, I 59. — Plymouth Church. (M. S. Haynes) Chaut. I2: 613. — Pratt Institute. Lib. J. I3: 13. — 23d Regiment. (M. B. Farr) Am. M. 9: 75. Brooks, David, Memorial of. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 75. Brooks, E. S. A Son of Issachar. Atlan. 66: 695. Brooks, Horatio G., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 58o. Brooks, Phillips. (T. A. Hyde) Arena, I: 716. — and D. L. Moody, as Preachers. And. R. I5: 430. – Election as Bishop, Significance of. And, R. 15: 650. — Sermons. Spec. 60: 932. Brooks, Sir William Cunliffe, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 691. Broomstick Train; a poem. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 66: 246. Brother Filippo ; a story. (G. P. Baker, jr.) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 630. 2: 73. Brother Jonathan's Ditty. 507. Brother Peter; a story. (W. Hubbard) Murray, I : 651. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 714. Brother of the Common Life, A. Macmil. 58: 142. Brothers, Concerning. All the Year, 67: II. Brotherhood of Mercy in Florence. (J. Byles) Sunday M. 20: 134. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 6: 56 BROWNING Brotherhoods. Macmil. 63: 358. — of Clergy for City Work. (A. C. A. Hall) Church R. 57: 2O4. — of the Poor. (F. W. Farrar) Murray, 6: 433. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 129. — Religious. (W. B. Carpenter) Contemp. 57: 29. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 272. Brougham, Lord, and Temperance Legislation. Meli- Ora, 3 : 33 I. — Early Career of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 22 : 44 I. Brought Back from Elysium ; a Dramatic Sketch. (J. M. Barrie) Contemp. 57: 846. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 38. Broughton, Rhoda. Nancy; Comedy founded on. The- atre, 25: 88. — Novels of. Temp. Bar, 8o: 196. Brown, Charles Brockden. Atlan. 61 : 710. Brown, Dyer D. S. M. West. Hist. 8: 555. Brown, Henry Billings. Green Bag, 3: 91. Brown, Hugh Stowell, Autobiography. Spec. 6o: 597. Brown, Dr. James. (J. G. Nichol) Good Words, 32: 47. - Brown, John, the Abolitionist. Macmil. 58: 443. — Practical Shepherd. (W. P. Garrison) And. R. I.4: 578. — Preludes of Harper's Ferry. (W. P. Garrison) Amd. R. I5: 55, 309. — Trial and Execution of. 43 : I.23. — Vindication of Trial of. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 357. Brown, Moses, with portrait. (A. Jones) N. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 34. r Brown, Nathan, Missionary in Assam. New R. 5: I.27. Brown, Owen, Escape from Harper's Ferry. Willson) M. West. Hist. 9: 363. Brown, Rawdon, and the Gravestone of Mowbray. (C. E. Norton) Atlan. 63: 740. Brown, Lieut. R. M. G., with portrait. (Phila.) 5: 651. Brown Bread and Baked Beans. (F. N. Zabriskie) Lip- pinc. 42: 518. Brown Eyes. (E. Righton) Theatre, 20: 20. Brown Portmanteau ; a story. (C. Yorke) Belgra. 62: I64. Brown University. (R. A. Guild) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): I. — Alumni who have held Official Positions. (R. H. Greene) N. E. Reg. 43: 375. Browne, Charles Farrer. (Geo. J. H. Northcroft) Liv. Age, I'77: 301. – (E. Knight) Overland, m. s. I8: 54. Browne, Irving, with portrait. Green Bag, I : 509. Browne, Junius H., Literary Autobiography of. Lip- pinc. 4o: 58o. Browne, Nicholas, of Reading, and Descendants. (Mrs. H. H. Robinson) N. E. Reg. 44; 281. Browne, Sir Thomas, In a Volume of ; a poem. Lowell) Atlan. 66: 63. Brownie's Plot; a story. All the Year, 64; 529. 65: I93, 237. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. (J. H. Ingram) Ath.'88, 1: 146. — (W. T. Herridge) And. R. 7: 607. — (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 38: 86. Same art. Liv. Age, 18o: 629. — Lond. Q. 72: 22. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 643. — Macmil. 59: 138. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 802. — (E. Schuyler) Nation, 48: 7. — Battle of Marathon. Ath. '91, 2: 618. — (W. G. Kingsland) Poet-Lore, 3: 281. — Casa Guidi Windows, Paraphrased. (D. H.Wheeler) Chaut. II: 282. . — Ingram's. Sat. R. 56: 466. (P. Poindexter) Lippinc. (F. M. Müller) (S. A. Un. Serv. (J. R. BROWNING Browning, Robert. (W. M. Reily) Ref. Q. 37: 231. – (R. C. Houghton) Meth. R. 50: 534. — (E. D. War- field) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 282. — Quar. I70: 476. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 666. – (B. J. Pitt) Cong. R. 4: 57. --Atlan. 65: 243. — (S. A. Brooke) Con- temp. 57: 141. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 29O. — Critic, I6: IO-134. — (J. M. Gray) Acad. 37: 245.- Church Q. 30: 313. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 771. — (E. F. Bridell-Fox) Argosy, 49: IoS. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 762. — (H. D. Traill) National, I4: 592. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 297. – (E. Gosse) New R. 2: 91. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 372. — (C. A. Murdock) Overland, n. s. 15: 235. – Ecl. M. II4: 186. – Lippinc. 45: 683. — Ath. 'go, I: I 17. – Liv. Age, I87: 673. – Nation, 49: 492. — Ath. '89, 2: 858. — (A. Symons) Ath. '89, 2: 860. — Sat. R. 68: 665. — (J. T. Nettleship) Acad. 36: 405. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 480. — Spec. 63: 838. – (M. Field) Spec. 63: 923. – (R. H. Stoddard) Critic, I5: 316, 330. – (A. Lang) Contemp. 6o: 70. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 563. — (Brother Azarias) Cath. World, 52: 587. — Theatre, 24: 104. — (H. W. Mabie) And. R. 8: 130. Same art. Cong. R. 2: 14. Same art. Critic, I2: 286, 322. I3: Io, 22. — (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 4o: 735. – Lond. Q. 73: 205. – “Alkestis,” and that of Euripides. burg) Poet-Lore, 2: 345. — Ancestry of. (F. J. Furnivall) Acad. 37: 268. — and Elizabeth Barrett, in Italy. (A. H. Wharton) Lippine. 45: 441. — — Portraits of. (L. Hind) Art J. 42: 62. (C. A. Wurtz- s — and Tennyson. Ed. R. I72: 301. — (W. R. Thayer) Amer. I9: 273. – Spec. 63: 879. – Leis. Hour, 39: 23.I. { — as a Dramatist. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. Io: 93. — as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher, Jones's. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 53: 92. — as a Poet. (J. V. Cheney) Chaut. Io: 685. II: 56. — as a Religious Teacher. (R. H. Hutton) Good Words, 3I: 87. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 660.— (J. Rickaby) Month, 68: 174. — as a Teacher. (A. E. Ireland) Gent. M. n. s. 44; 177. — Asolando. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 52: 240. — Ath. 'go, I : 75. — Spec. 64; I2O. — Lond. Q. 74: 86. — Books about. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 7: 221. — Sat. R. 63: 595. — Childe Roland, Journey of. (R. J. Gratz) Poet-Lore, 2: 578. — Christian Thought in his Poetry. (A. Lamont) Sun- day M. 20: 399. — Corson's Introduction to. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 3. – “Detachment " of. Ath. 'go, I : 18. - – Dramas. (I. M. Street) N. Eng. 55: 21 1. — — Tragic Motif in. (C. C. Everett) Amd. R. II: 113. — Estimates of his Work. (F. E. Bennett and others) Amer. Ig: 194. — Ferishtah's Fancies, “The Sun” in. (D. G. Brinton) Poet-Lore, 3: 254. — Form in. (F. H. Williams) Poet-Lore, 2: 3oo. — Greatness of. (A. Groff) Poet-Lore, I : 470. — Hand of. Critic, 16: 157. — Hebraic Sympathies. (M. M. Cohen) Poet-Lore, 3: 250. – Humor of, and of Carlyle. Lore, 2:421. — In a Balcony, Tragic Motive of. (A. K. Robertson) Poet-Lore, 2: 31o. —in America. (H. E. Hersey) New Eng. M. m. s. 1: 542. — in a Passion. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Fortn. 52: 271. — Life and Letters, Mrs. Orr's. Sat. R. 71: 666. — (A. B. McMahan) Dial (Ch.) 12: 14o. — (R. Noel) Acad. 4o: 47. — Atlan. 68: 263. — (G. E. Wood- berry) Nation, 52: 5oo. (J. M. Anderson) Poet- 57 BROWNING Browning, Robert. Love in. (D. G. Brinton) Poet- Lore, I : I. — Luria. (H. S. Pancoast) Poet-Lore, I: 553. 2: 19. – Message of, to the 19th Century. (J. T. Bixby) Arena, I: 283. — Mr. Sludge the Medium. (H. S. Morris) Poet-Lore, I: 408. — — and Modern Spiritualism. (M. Jastrow, jr.) Poet- Lore, 3: 75. – Musical Symbolism in. (H. A. Clarke) Poet-Lore, 3: 260. – Nettleship's Essays on. (T. W. Rolleston) Acad. 37: 363. – New Poetic Forms in. (D. G. Brinton) Poet-Lore, 2: 234. — Obscurity of. (R. Niven) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 577. – on Immortality. (J. W. White) Bapt. R. II: 417. – Paracelsus. (C. Porter) Amer. I7: 168. — (P. F. Hall) Harv. Mo. 6: 72. — — and the Data of Ethics. Lore, I: II.7. — Parleyings. (H. B. Garrod) Acad. 31 : 103. — Ath. ’87, I: 247. – Atlan. 59: 797. – Sat. R. 63: 302. — Spec. 60: 181. — Pauline. Poet-Lore, I: 39, 89. — — Shelley in. Amer. I'7: 248. — Pietro of Abano, Variants of. Lore, 3: 577, 653. — Pippa’s Power, Secret of. Lore, 3: 35o. — Place in Literature. 560. — the Poet of the 19th Century. Acad. 33: 328. – Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. (J. King) Acad. 35: (H. A. Clarke) Poet- (C. Porter) Poet- (C. J. Woodbury) Poet- (E. S. Forman) Cosmopol. 8: (Miss Whitehead) 259. — Rabbi Ben Ezra. (H. L. Wayland) Poet-Lore, I: 57. — Recollections of. (M. D. Conway; H. Corson) Na- tion, 50: 27. — (F. J. Furnivall) Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 25. — (W. G. Kingsland) Poet-Lore, 2: 130. — Religious Opinions of. (A. Orr) Contemp. 60: 876. — Religious Thought in. (F. H. Hornbrooke) Unita. R. 28: 219. – Rhymes in. (E. M. Clark) Poet-Lore, 2: 480. — Riccardi Palace. (W. J. Rolfe) Poet-Lore, 3: 284. – Ring and the Book. Poet-Lore, I: 263, 309. — Saul. (A. S. Cook) Critic, I3: 93. — Science-Knowledge of. (E. Berdoe) Poet-Lore, I: 353. — — Shown in Numpholeptos. 2: 617. — Shakspere and Browning Societies. Science, I5: 282. — Some Sane Words about. 8: 536. — Sonnets on the Death of. (E. Berdoe) Poet-Lore, (A. Morgan) (E. S. Forman) Am. M. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 53 : I. — Sordello. (R. W. Church) Macmil. 55: 241. — The Statue and the Bust. (W. J. Rolfe) Acad. 39: 347. — Strafford, at Oxford. Theatre, 24; 222. — — Reference Index to. Poet-Lore, I : 137-562. — Study of. (F. H. Williams) Amer. I7: 104. — Theology of. Spec. 67: 807. — To. (A. De Vere) Macmil. 61: 258. — Types of Womanhood. . Critic, 17: 9. — Will of. Critic, I7: 23. — Works. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 42. Browning Clubs. (C. Porter) Amer. I7: 167. Browning Courtship, A ; a story. (E. O. White) At- lan. 62: 99. Browning Craze. (E. Fawcett) Lippinc. 4I: 81. Browningism, Esoteric. (A. Lang) Forum, 6: 300. BROWNSON Brownson, Orestes Augustus, and Bp. Fitzpatrick. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 45: I. – and the Workingman's Party Fifty Years ago. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 45: 2Co. – his Road to the Church. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 46: 1, 222. Brownsville, Pa., in the Last Century. (A. A. Lamb- ing) M. West. Hist. 6: 234. Bruce, Alex. Balmain, Accusation of Heresy against. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 114. Bruce, Henry. (F. A. Doughty) Author, 3: 30. Bruges, Famous Fireplace at. (H. Pierson) Cosmopol. Io: 217. Brummell, Beau. (E. Singleton) Cosmopol. II: 226. – (E. J. Hardy) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 494. Brünnow, Francis. Nature, 44; 449. Bruno, Giordano. (K. Blind) 19th Cent. 26: 106. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 419. — (W. Pater) Fortn. 52: 234. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 634. — (A. C. Swinburne) Ath. '89, I: 758. – (A. L. Cortie) Month, 66: 357. – Ed. R. I.66: 114. — (J. A. Moo- ney) Am. Cath. Q. 14: 716. — (W. Laidlaw) Presb. R. 8: 626. — Ath. '88, I: 82. — (M. J. De Long) Univ. Q. 47: 183. — and the Scottish Reviewer. Antiq. m. s. 19: 110, 146. – Before the Venetian Inquisition. Scot. R. 12: 67. – Frith's Life of. Ath. '87, I : 508. —Spec. 60: 530. — Sat. R. 63: 457. — Life and Philosophy of. (C. E. Plumptre) Westm. I32: 117. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 60. — Trial and Death of. (W. R. Thayer) Atlan. 65: 289. – Ultimate Fate of. Scot. R. I2: 244. Brunswick, Maine. (C. L. Slattery) New Eng. M. n. s. 5 : 449. Brunswick Springs, Vermont. Amer. 20: 390. Brunswick Contingent in America, 1776–83. Pennsyl. M. I.5: 218. Brush, C. C. Inside our Gate. (E. Bisland) Cosmopol. 7: 526. Brussels in June, 1815. I29. Brussels Congress of 1856 and International Commerce. (T. Winkworth) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 391. Brutality and Avarice Triumphant. (R. C. Hawkins) No. Am. I52: 656. Bruyn, Bartholomäus, Painter of Cologne. 7I. Bryan, Mrs. Mary E. (S. E. Glover) Author, I: 145. Bryant, William Cullen. (R. H. Stoddard) Lippinc. 44: 698. - (J. Benton) Unita. R. 33: 346. — Bigelow's Life of. (O. F. Emerson) Dial (Ch.) II: 3I. — in History. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 23: 1. – New England Manners and Customs in Time of (I. (Mrs. Armitage) Argosy, 47: Art J. 42: Early Life of. (Mrs. H. G. Roe) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 364. Bryce, James. Cent. I7: 470. – (E. S. Nadal) Critic, I4; 31. w — American Commonwealth. See United States. — as a Mountaineer. (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. II: 450. Bryn Mawr College. (Miss A. W. P. Smith) 19th Cent. 23: 918. — Acad. (Syr.) 2: 54. Bubastis; an historical study. (A. B. Edwards) Cent. 39 : 323. — and the City of Onias. I+O. — Excavations at. (E. Naville and others) Acad. 33: I93, 263, 297, 315. — Naville's. Sat. R. 71: 692. – Temple of. Am. Arch. 22:52. — (E. Naville) Acad. 32 : I.3. Buccaneers and Marooners of the Spanish Main. Pyle) Harper, 75: 357, 502. (E. Naville) Acad. 33: 49, (H. 58 BUDDHISM Buchanan, George. (D. G. Ritchie) Westm. I34: 515. – Ath. '90, 2: 117. – (A. Galton) Acad. 38: 43. — Sat. R. 7o: 399. – Brown's Life of. (G. G. Smith) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 579. Buchanan, R., Autobiographical Reminiscences of. Author, 3: I 12. – The City of Dreams. (R. Buchanan) Acad. 33: 273. — (G. B. Smith) Gent. M. m. s. 4I : 292. – A Look around Literature. (H. Caine) Acad. 31: 140. — The Outcast. (G. Cotterell) Acad. 40: 375. Buchanan, Robert Williams, and F. Horner. The Struggle for Life. Theatre, 25: 232. — The Blue Bells of Scotland. (C. Howard) Theatre, I9: 219. – The Bride of Love. Theatre, 25: 26. – Joseph's Sweetheart. (C. Howard) Theatre, 20: 212. — Man and the Woman. Theatre, 24: Io9. – A Man's Shadow. Theatre, 23: 2O3. — Miss Tomboy; founded on “The Relapse.” tre, 24: 256. – The Sixth Commandment. Theatre, 25: 235. – Sweet Nancy. Theatre, 25: 88. — That Doctor Cupid. Theatre, 22: Io9. – Theodora; adapted from Sardou. Theatre, 24; 313. Bucharest in Winter. Sat. R. 67: 277. Same art. Ecl. M. II 2: 603. Buchheim, Arthur. Nature, 38: 515. Buckhounds, Her Majesty's. Outing, I7: 219. Buckingham Palace. All the Year, 62: 373. — (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 42: 366. – (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: 317. Buckland, Frank, Supper with. Hour, 38: 255. Bucksport, Me. Buck Memorial Library. Thea- Acad. 34: I 74. — (J. J. Sylvester) (J. Macaulay) Leis. Lib. J. I.3: 45. Buda-Pesth. Sat. R. 68: 270. Buddha, Bronze, at Washington. 9 : 31. – Statue at Banim. Am. Arch. 21: 22. Buddhism. (Bishop of Colombo) 19th Cent. 24: I 19. — Quar. I70: 318. — Church. Q. 31: 70. — and Christianity. (Max Müller) New R. 4: 67. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 417. – (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 462. — and Parseeism. (M. M. Snell) Cath. World, 46: 451. — at Home, Notes on. (G. R. Mathews) Unita. Ił. 36: (C. DeKay) Chaut. 185. – Brahmanism, and Christianity. (J. A. Faulkner) Ref. Q. 36: 42. — Burman and his Creed. (Sir L. Griffin) Fortn. 54: 657. — Chinese. (W. G. Benton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 530. — Esoteric. (E. H. Dering) Month, 59: 217. – Ecl. M. I. I2: 606. — — Sinnett's. I : I 32. – First Introduction into China. (H. J. Allen) Acad. 40: 221. – (T. de Lacouperie) Acad. 40: 289. —(H. J. Allen) Acad. 4o: 434. — Gospel of. (W. S. Lilly) New R. 5: 308. — in Christendom, Lillie's. Ath. '87, 2: 79. — in the New Testament. (J. T. Bixby) Arena, 3: 555. (L. H. Buckingham) Bay State Mo. — in Tibet. (G. Sandberg) Contemp. 57: 256. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 726. — Kellogg's Light of Asia. (D. Z. Sheffield) N. Eng. 49: 24. — Literary Admirers of. (M. Williams) Our Day, 3: 2I 5. — Modern. Lond. Q. 72: 325. — Primitive. (P. Colinet) Dub. R. Io2: 121. Ioff: 256. — Siddartha. (J. A. Smith) Chaut. 8: 468. — A Study of Primitive. (N. G. Clark) And. R. 12: 185. BUDDHISM Buddhism. Was Christ a Buddhist? (F. L. Oswald) Arena, 3: 193. Buddhist Cloister-Life. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 49: 752. Buddhist Propaganda in Christian Countries. (C. de Harlez) Dub. R. Io'7: 54. Buddhist Schools. (C. de Harlez) Dub. R. IoS: 47. Buddhist Shrine, A. (P. Hordern) Macmil. 63: 37. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 62o. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 87. Buddhistic Kingdoms. Fä-hien's Travels, A. D. 4oo. Sat. R. 63: 270. Buds and Books. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I'7: 375. Buena Vista, Cavalry at. (W. B. Lane) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 429. Buenos Ayres; the Argentine Capital. (T. Child) Har- per, 82: 492. — in 1880–81, Rumbold's. Ath. '87, 2: 108. — Revolution in, 1880. Macmil. 62: 393. Liv. Age, 187: 108. — Twenty-Four Years in. Am. Cath. Q. I3: 478. Buffalo, N. Y. Am. Arch. 22: 27. — Banks of. M. West. Hist. 5: 794. — Law School. (C. P. Norton) Green Bag, I : 421. — Public Library of. Lib. J. I2: 125. - Buffalo, The Domestication of. (J. W. Defoe) Pop. Sci. Same art. Mo. 34: 777. – In the Prime of. (J. M. Baltimore) Overland, m. s. I4: 5I 5. — The Passing of. (W. T. Hornaday) Cosmopol. 4: 85–231. — vs. Bulldog. (R. G. Carter) Outing, II: 91. Buffalo Hunting. (D. Mariager) Overland, n. s. I4: I90. – on the Texas Plains. (G. O. Shields) Outing, g: 468. Buhot, Felix, and his Etchings. (P. Burty) Harper, 76: 329. Builders' Hardware. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. v. 24–26. Buildings, Ancient, Sacredness of. (F. Harrison) Con- temp. 52; 55. Same art. (F. Harrison) Ecl. M. Io9: 303. – High. Spec. 62: 754. – Old Colonial, in Virginia and Maryland. (G. Brown) Am. Arch. 22: 198. — Public, Cubing of. Am. Arch. 22: 198. Building, Coöperative, in this Country. born) Am. Arch. 24: 146. – Hints for Beginners in. (W. N. Brown) Am. Arch. 21: 167, 268. 22: 61–268. — Safe. (L. D. Berg) Am. Arch. v. 21–31. Building Accidents. (R. M. and F. J. Bancroft) Am. Arch. 2 I : 291. 22: 35, 71. – (R. H. Thurston) Am. Arch. 22: 131. – (C. J. H. Woodbury) Am. Arch. 23: 63. Building and Loan Associations. (W. A. Linn) Scrib. M. 5: 7oo. Building Arts of India. 29: 516. Building Associations. (T. Gaffney) Lippine. 44: 846. — Coöperative. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 112. — (W. A. Linn) Scrib. M. 7: 569. — in New York. (S. Dexter) Am. J. Soe. Sci. 25: 139. — Report on. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 118. Building Construction, Improvement of. Goetz) Am. Arch. 30: 55. Building Contract, Form adopted by Committee of Amer. Inst. Arch. Am. Arch. 24: 100. – Standard Form. Am. Arch. 25: 92. – Uniform. Am. Arch. 25: 107, 131. Building Laws. Am. Arch. 24: 71. -- Municipal, Comparative. Am. Arch. 33: 66, 150. 34: II. (F. P. San- (Gen. Maclagan) J. Soc. Arts, (H. A. 59 “BULLS ’’ Building Laws, Use of. (J. B. Robinson; E. Henry) Engin. M. I : 656. 2: 238. - Building Materials. (W. Y. Dent) Am. Arch. 22: 86– '-º', 196. Same art. J. Soc. Arts, 35: 825–870. – and Inventions. (J. Slater) Am. Arch. 21: 260. — Decay and Preservation of. (D. T. Ansted) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 6oo. — Exhibition of, at Brussels, 1887. — Government Testing Station. Arch. 24; 256. — Resistance of, Q. A. Gillmore's. I O2. — Strength of, P. Planat on. Building Methods, Improved. Am. Arch. 28: 154. Building Practice, U. S. Government. well) Am. Arch. v. 21–24. Building Specifications. (T. M. Rickman and others) Am. Arch. 25: I51. Building Stones, Decay of, Prevention of. nell) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 240. – Italian. Sat. R. 69: 646. - — Preservation of. (Thos. Egleston) Am. Arch. 21: I42. — Testing of. (G. P. Merrill) Am. Arch. 25: 75. Building Woods, Decay of, Prevention of. (G. R. Bur- nell) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 554. Bukhara. See Bokhara. Bulfinch, Charles, the Architect. New Eng. M. n. s. 3: 273. Bulgaria. Meth. R. 47: 896. – Nation, 46: 172, 194. N — (E. Schuyler) N. Princ. 5: 306. 6: 37. — Sat. , Am. Arch. 22: 28. (G. Brown) Am. Am. Arch. 24: Am. Arch. 22: 21. (Edward Atkinson) (J. E. Black- (G. R. Bur- (A. R. Willard) R. 63: 355. — and Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 39, 68, 342. – and Servia, War between, 1885. (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 44; 127. – Westm. 128: 83. — Spec. 60: 295. – (A. Hulme-Beaman) Fortn. 55: 963. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 353. - Etymology of. (H. H. Howorth) Acad. 36: 340. – From Sofia to Constantinople. Lond. Soe. 54: 389. — German Policy towards. Sat. R. 65: 275. — In Rhodope with Prince Ferdinand. (J. D. Bour- chier) Fortn. 55: 598. — On the Black Sea with Prince Ferdinand. Bourchier) Fortn. 55: 82. – Personal Experience in. (T. W. Legh) National, Io: 626. Same art. Liv. Age, I'76: 490. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 331. – Politics of, An Opera Bouffe in. (F. H. Smith) Cent. (J. D. 2O: 68. — Rising, (A. Shaw) Chaut. II: 37. — Russia and. Sat. R. 6m 369. — Samuelson's. Spec. 6fºë31. — Social Life in. (J. D. Bourchier) Eng. Illust. 7: 52I. — Strength of. Spec. 63: 360. – Through, with Prince Ferdinand. (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn. 50: 39. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 309. – under Prince Alexander. (E. P. Gould) Educa. II: 93. – (M. Heilprin) Nation, 45: 337. º Bulgarians, Among the. Temp. Bar, 83: 559. _^ Bulgarian Blue-Book. . Spec. 60: 216. Bulb Gardens In-Doors. (J. Habberton) Harper, 78: 364. Bull, Ole, Memoir of. Spee. 60: 443. Bull, English Wild. Sat. R. 7o: 78. Bulls, Grand Arrival of ; Play in Provence. (J. Pen- nell) Cent. 20: 548. “Bulls,” Irish. Spec. 62: 195. (C. J. Hamilton) Spec. 62: 366. – and not Irish. (C. A. Ward) Temp. Bar, 92: 479. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 8o. BULLDOGS Bulldogs. Sat. R. 63: 760. Bull-Fight at Barcelona. Spec. 61: 604. – in France, Progress of. Gent. M. m. s.47: 535. – Mexican. (C. H. Buffet) Outing, 11: 233. Bull-Fights at Madrid. All the Year, 64: 581. — at Paris. Sat. R. 68: 456. - Portuguese. (O. Crauford) Fortn. 52: 263. — Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 60. – Provençal. (J. Pennell) Cent. 20: 330. Bullinger, Heinrich. (P. Schaff) Ref. Q. 38: 145. Bullitt, John C. M. West. Hist. Io: 73. Bullitt, Wm. Christian. M. West. Hist. Io: 419. Bülow, Hans von, Return of. Critic, 14: 173. Bulow Plantation; a story. Granite Mo. II: 6–361. I2; 23, 83. Bunce, Oliver Bell. Critic, 16: 262. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 2I: IQ2. Bunch of Grapes Tavern, The Old. Atlan. 64: 721. Bunch of Violets; a story. (E. Raleigh) Belgra. 74: 61. Bundle that —, The ; a story. (K. B. Foot) Cosmopol. 2 : 37I. Bunker Hill, Battle of. (H. B. Carrington) Bay State Mo. I : 290. — (J. C. Ridpath) Chaut. I4: 1. — American Prisoners taken at. (S. A. Green) N. E. Reg. 42: 168. Bunsen Celebration, The. Unita. R. 36: 383. Bunting, Jabez. (J. Telford) Sunday M. 16: 831. – Ath. '87, 2: 705. – Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 1139. – (E. Barrass) Meth. R. 48: 66. —Lond. Q. 69: 115, 20 Bunyan, John. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 941. — Pilgrim’s Progress, Brown's ed. Spec. 6o: 439. — Verse of. Spec. 63: 840. Bunyan Warrant, How I found the. Gent. M. m. s. 44; 192. - Bur Fruits and Hooked Seeds. Chamb. J. 68: 566. Burdett, H. C. (C. J. Ward) Tinsley, 46: 177. Burford. Macmil. 57: 285. Burgess, Edward, and his Work. Eng. M. m. s. 5: 49. Burgess, J. W. Political Science. Burghers' Battle, The. (W. Morris) Ath. '88, I: 761. Burglars and Firearms. Spec. 62: 80. — May they be Shot? (W. C. Maude) Month, 65: 549. Burglar's Blunder, The. (R. Marsh) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 433. Burglar's Ghost, The. Chamb. J. 68: 427. Burglary, Art of. Sat. R. 67: 493. – Historical Aspect of. (T. T. Greg) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 452. Burgling. All the Year, 65: 546. Burgon, J. W. (F. Arnold) Murray, 4: 472. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 3 — Lives of Twelve Good Mººn. Church Q. 28: 133. — Lond. Q. 72: 143. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: Ioo. Burgos, Old. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. II: 488. — Cathedral. (F. A. Ober) Am. Arch. 26: I49. Burgoyne, General John, Campaign of, 1777. (N. H. Chamberlain) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 798. – Defeat and Surrender. (P. C. Standish) M. Am. Hist. 24; 40. – Saratoga Monument to. 8: 415. Burgundy, Duke of, Grandson of Louis XIV. Johnson) Atlan. 60: 394. - Burial of the Dead. (J. Happel) M. Chr. Lit. I : 124. — Early Christian. (R. Seton) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 501. — in Woollen. (England Howlett) Reliquary, 31: 205. - Modes of. (F. M. Colby) Granite Mo. 12: 163. – Sanitary Mausoleum Company’s System. J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 306. - Upright. All the Year, 68: 587. Burial Ceremonies in China. Chaut. 8: 232. (E. L. Bynner) 5. (W. G. Thorpe) (A. G. McVey) N. Westm. I35: 541. (C. H. Crandall) Am. Mag. (E. T. 60 BURNAND Burial Customs of the Navajo Indians. Shufeldt) Am. Natural. 25: 303. Buried Treasure. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 21: 40. Burke, Edmund. Spec. 60: 425. — and the French Revolution. 9: 638. - Political Pamphlets by. IO: 743. Burke, Tom ; Recreations of a Dominican Preacher. Temp. Bar, 87: 570. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 113. Burke, Ulicke J. Ath. '87, 2: 711. Burleigh, Alvin. Granite Mo. Io: 255. Burlesque, American. (L. Hutton) Harper, 81: 59. – English, Adams'. Sat. R. 72: 89. Burlington, Iowa, Surface Geology of. (C. R. Keyes) Am. Natural. 22: 1049. Burlington House; the Diploma Gallery. Year, 67: 487. - Exhibition of Miniatures. Spee. 62: 543. – Old Masters at. Spec. 66: 171. Burmah. (D. MacNeill) Br. Alma. Comp. 87: 49. - Acquisition of. Sat. R. 65: 505. – and Buddhism. (A. Amandoline) Cath. World, 54: I76, 331. – and the Burmese. I52. – Boat Journey in. (P. Hordern) Blackw. 145: 557. – British. (Sir A. Phayre) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 580. – British Occupation of, Browne's. Ath. '88, I: 335. – Browne's. Spec. 61: 207. - Conquest of. Ed. R. I.65: 489. – (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 44; 339. - Eastern Country and the Race of the Brahmas. (J. G. Scott) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 177. - England's Gate to China. (A. R. Colquhoun) Asia. R. 4: 256. – Lieutenant-Governorship of. Spec. 60: 6. – Pacification of. (D. C. Boulger) National, 13: 503. — (E. F. Chapman) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 1: 13. — Present and Future. (H. S. Hallett) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 96. — Prison Discipline in. Liv. Age, I80: 288. — Queen of, Visit to. (E. Rowett) Fraser, IoS: 632. — Reformed. (A. C. Yate) Blackw. I41: 711. — Religion of. Lond. Q. 67: 283. — Siam-China Railway. (H. S. Hallett) Blackw. 146: 647. – Task of England in. Fortn. 47: 376. — A Tour in. Murray, 9: 73. — Why keep 2 (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 117. — With the Royal Welsh Fusiliers in, 1885–87. Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 682. 2 ('88–89): 7, 211. — Woman in, Rights of. (A. R. MacMahon) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 475. f Burman at Home. Cornh. 57: 132. — The Civilized. Chamb. J. 66: 446. Burmese, Effects of Civilization on. hon) Asia. R. 6: 270. Burmese Coins and Currency. 38: 322, 345, 426. Burmese OEnone, A. 279-327. Burnand, F. C. Airey Annie. atre, 20: 267. — The Doctor. Theatre, Ig: 98. — La Cigale, English Version of. tre, 25: 240. — Pickwick; Dramatic Cantata. Theatre, 22: 163. — Private Inquiry. Theatre, 26: 93. — Proof; or a Celebrated Case. (C. Howard) Theatre, 23: 158. — Tra de la Tosca. (C. Howard) Theatre, 24: 111. (R. W. (J. Rowley) National, (F. C. Montague) Murray, All the (Florence Layard) Fortn. 48: Cornh. 59: 20. Same art. (A. R. MacMa- (R. C. Temple) Acad. (E. D. Cuming) Chamb. J. 68: (P. H. Fitzgerald) The- (C. Howard) Thea- BURNE-JONES Burne-Jones, E. Briar-Rose. Sat. R. 69: 530. — Mosaics at Rome. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 21: IOI. Burmes, Jas. Nelson. M. West. Hist. Io: 625. Burnett, Mrs. F. H., and S. Townsend. Nixie. Thea- tre, 24; 261. — Little Lord Fauntleroy. Theatre, 20: 205. — — and Mrs. Winthrop's Wilfred. (J. Runciman) Fortn. 53: 435. — — on the Stage. Critic, I2; 169. — — Charm of. (J. R. Perry) Author, I: — — The Real. Theatre, 20: 321. — Newspaper Gossip on. Sat. R. 67: 334. — Phyllis. Theatre, 23: 90. — Reply to Critics. Critic, I4: 106. Burnett, George. Ath. 'go, I : 148. Burnett, T. Stuart. Acad. 33: 176. Burney, Frances. See Arblay, F. d’. Burnham, Sherburne W. (J. Fraser) Cent. I6: 300. Burnham Beeches on Bank Holiday. All the Year, 69: 198. Burning of Allingsford House; a story. Chamb. J. 65: 615. Burns, Anthony, Fugitive Slave. (N. M. Tiffany) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 569. Burns, Robert. (J. Sime) Eng. Illust. 4: 323. — and the Theology of his Day. (M. D. Shutter) Univ. Q. 46: 322. — Concordance to. Spec. 63: 245. Burnside, A. E., and Lincoln. No. Am. I44: 96. Burnt Million, The ; a story. (J. Payn) Cornh. 6o: 1– 83. 561. 61: 86-561. Burr, Aaron ; a Study. (C. H. Peck) M. Am. Hist. 18: 403, 482. — Western Exped. (H. Rice) M. West. Hist. 5: 727. Burroughs, John, Books of. Amer. I 8: 231. — Essays. (H. S. Salt) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 349. — Indoor Studies. (E. P. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 78. — Literary Autobiography of. Lippinc. 39: 298. Burton, F. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 83. Burton, Nathaniel J. Yale Lectures on Preaching. (B. Hart) N. Eng. 48: 321. Burton, Sir Richard F. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 38: 365, 391. — Am. Arch. 30: Io;.— Ath. '90, 2: 547.- (E. W. Brabrook) Anthrop. J. 20: 295. — Nature, 42: 645. — as I Knew Him. (V. L. Cameron) Fortn. 54: 878. — Life of, Hitchman's. Ath. '88, 2: 216. — Sat. R. 65: I Io. — Spec. 61: 95. – Nation, 46: 222. — Reminiscences of. (G. M. Stisted) Temp. Bar, 92: 335. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 406. – Verses on the Death of. (A. C. Swinburne) New R. 4: 97. Burton-upon-Trent. Murray, 4: 637. Burton's Coffee-House. Chamb. J. 67: 705. Burty, Philippe. Acad. 37: 414. Bury, Richard de. Philobiblion. Spec. 63: 44 I. 'Buses and 'Bus-Men. Bushford Case, The. Chamb. J. 64: 88–199. Bushranging Yarns. Chamb. J. 67: 593. Business, Brief Counsels concerning. Leis. Hour, 39: 42I–852. — Condition of, 1888. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 649. – How to Succeed in. (S. S. Packard) Chaut. I2: 480. — Morals of. Meliora, I: 46. — of Life, The. (E. J. Hardy) Sunday M. 19: 164. — Openings for Young Men. (S. S. Packard) Chaut. 7: 266. Business Men as Authors. (M. Hamm) Author, 3:52. Business Prospects, 1891. (H. Clewes) No. Am. 595.- (C. S. Smith) No. Am. I53: 550. Business Success and Failure. Nation, 46: 293, 341. Ath. '89, I: 752. — (M. Roberts) Murray, 7: 220. 61 BYRON Business Training, Goschen on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 263. Bustards. Sat. R. 69: 564. But One Talent ; a poem. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 66: 833. Butler, Benjamin F., with portrait. Bay State Mo. I : 333. — Autobiography of. New Eng. M. n. s. 5: 225. — College Life. (B. F. Butler) Educa. I2: 147. Butler, Eleanor Charlotte. (Mrs. Armytage) Belgra. 72: 136, 248. Butte, Montana. (E. Roberts) Harper, 77: 585. Butter and Oleomargarine. (E. Richards) Science, I6: 71, 88. — Influence of Breed, Food, etc., on. Science, I4: 388. — Milk, and Cheese Supply of England. (R. Bannister) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 965–Iool. Butter-Making in Jutland. (M. C. F. Morris) Macmil. (H. W. Wiley) 63: 370. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 251. Butterfields of Middlesex. (G. A. Gordon) N. E. Reg. 44 : 33 Butterflies as Botanists. (W. H. Gibson) Cent. I5: 643. — of the Eastern U. S., Scudder's. Atlan. 64: 562. – (H. J. Elwes) Nature, 39: 193. — Sea. (C. Vogt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 313. — Where are the ? (D. Dale) Sunday M. I7: 191. Butterfly, Life of a. (B. G. Johns) Sunday M. 20: 389. Butterneggs: a Story of Heredity. (A. T. Slosson) Har- per, 79: 693. Butterworth Family, The. (J. O. Austin) N. E. Reg. 4I : IQI. Buttress and Pilaster. (W.W.Lloyd) Am.Arch. 24; 21. Butzbach, Johannes; A Wandering Scholar of the 16th Century. (J. K. Paulding) Atlan. 66: 48o. Buys Ballot, Christoforus H. D. Nature, 41: 371. Buzzard's Bay, Bliss's Colonial Times in. (H. W. Hol- land) Nation, 48: 182. By the Ill. (Bliss Perry) Scrib. M. 9: 759. By the Morning Boat; a story. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 66: 518. By One, by Two, and by Three. Temp. Bar, 81: 490. By Right of Succession. (E. Stuart) All the Year, 69: 289. By the River Side; a Tale. Argosy, 48: 250. By Telephone. (B. Matthews) Cent. I4: 305. By the Waters of Babylon. (E. Lazarus) Cent. II: 801. By —? (A. Gaye) Macmil. 60: 50. Byatt, Henry, and Sir W. Magnay. True Heart. The- atre, 23: 27. Byers, Wm. N., with portrait. West. Hist. Io: 50. Byles Family of Boston. Atlan. 67: 571, 858. Byles, Mather; an old Boston Preacher and Wit. F. Hayward) Unita. R. 27: 50. — a Tory Parson. (L. I. Guiney) Atlan. 59: 524. Byng, G., Admiral. Memoirs. Sat. R. 68: 164. Byrd, William, the Composer. (C. Coleman) Cath. World, 49: 235. — A Lost Mass by. (W. B. Squire) Ath. '87, I: 841. Byrd, Col. William, of Westover, Va. (C. C. Harrison) Cent. 20: 163. Byron, Lord. (R. H. Stoddard) N. Princ. 4: 145.—(C. T. Winchester) Meth. R. 48: 666. — at Pisa. (Mrs. Janet Ross) 19th Cent. 30: 753. — The Byron Ladies. (H. Hayman) National, 9: 484. — Celebration at Moscow, 1888. (E. A. B. Hodgetts) Ath. '81, I: 307. — Centenary of. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 46: 66. — Early School Days. (W. G. Blaikie) Harper, 83: 4O9. – Glimpses of, with some Reflections on them. (H. Hayman) Murray, Io: 61 I. (H. D. Teetor) M. (E. BYRONIANA Byroniana. Ecl. M. 108: 400, 403. Byzantine Art. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I5: 59. Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music. Scot. R. I.4: 239. Byzantine Empire, Subjects of the. (D. Bikelas) Scot. R. 9: 272. Byzantine Frescoes and Rock-Hewn Churches in the Terra d'Otranto. (H. F. Tozer) Antiq. m. s. 18: I37, 191. Byzantine Literature, Krumbacher's History of. F. Tozer) Acad. 4o: 409. Byzantine Palaces. (T. Bent) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 466. Byzantine Study, Schlumberger's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 5I : I.30. Byzantinism and Hellenism. 52. Byzantium, The Great Palace of. Scot. R. I.4: 68. (H. (D. Bikelas) Scot. R. 9: Cabs and Cabmen. – and their Drivers. 308. Cabmen, London; an Improvement Scheme. Crowest) Westm. I36: 537. Cabanel, Alexandre. Ath. '89, I: 155. Cabecilla, The. (A. Daudet) Temp. Bar, 83: 570. Cabin by the Live Oak ; a story. (T. E. Jones) Over- land, n. s. I4: 197–381. Cabinet, High School, and how to Use it. Brownell) Acad. (Syr.) I : 81. Cabinets, Antique. Chamb. J. 68: 692. Cabinet, The American. (E. L. Didier) Chaut. I3: 192. Cabinet Ministers, U. S., A Century of. (G. M. Pavey) M. Am. Hist. 23: 386. Cabinet Officers in Congress. n. S. 9 : 209. Cabiri, The, Shrines of. (T. Ely) Antiq. m. s. 20: 233. Cable, George W. (C. M. Melden) Author, I: 4o. — Sunday-School Work of. (E. P. Gould) Critic, II: I9 I. Cables and Anchors. (M. Roberts) Murray, 7: 377. (W. O. Tristram) Eng. Illust. 8: (F. J. (W. A. (S. G. Fisher) Overland, (T. M. Gladstone) J. Soc. Arts, I3: 459. Cable Expedition, With a. (H. L. Webb) Scrib. M. 8: 399. Cable-Laying. Cornh. 62: 270. - Cable Railway, Philadelphia, Conduit for. (J. C. Wag- mer) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 135. Cable Railways. (R. Gillham) M. West. Hist. Io: 329. — (C. L. Norton) Chaut. 7: 6oo. Cable Telegraphy. (P. B. Delany) J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 33. Cabot, J., Landfall of. (M. F. Howley) M. Am. Hist. 26: 267. Cadiz, Sherryland and. (H. T. Finck) Nation 47: 147. Cadmium, Atomic Weight of. (E. A. Partridge) Am. J. Sci. I40: 377. — for Assaying Gold Bullion. (C.Whitehead) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 365. - Caen, Ramble through. (J. Bloundelle-Barton) Art J. 43: 32 I. Caer, A British, on Cefn Namor. (H. H. Lines) Antiq. n. s. 24: 64. Caesar, Julius. Gallic War, as a First Latin Classic. (R. S. Keyser) A&d. (Syr.) 2: 353. — Likenesses of. (J. C. Ropes) Scrib. M. I : 131. – Paganism of. (D. A. O'Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. If: 834. t — Stoffel on. Ath. '88, 2: 550. – Study of. (A. A. Knight) Education, 8: 188. Cafés, Parisian. (T. Child) Harper, 78: 687. Cafferel, General. Decorations Scandal, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 511-688. Cagots; an Outcast Race in the Pyrenees. Mo. 32: 546. Caine, Hall. (R. Blathwayt) Author, 3: 164. Pop. Sci. 62 CALIFORNIA Caine, Hall, and W. Barrett. Good Old Times. Thea- tre, 22: 167. – Literary Method of. Critic, 15: 93. — a New Novelist. Westm. 128: 840. – The Scapegoat. Macmil. 65: 157. — (J. E. B. Mea- kin) Acad. 40: 277. Cairngorm Mountains, A Day among the. Good Words, 30: 605. Cairo, Egypt, Ancient Houses in. (H. Wallis) Art J. 4O: I44. — Bazaar in, Night in. n. S. 2: I 53. — Changes in. Sat. R. 67: 4o. – Impressions in. (W. M. Fullerton) Eng. Illust. 8: 434. — in 1890. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 83: 651. – Mosque of Amr. Sat. R. 7I: 350. – under the Khedive. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 7: (J. Brown) (C. H. Ozanne) Un. Serv. M. 579. Cajoling a Critic. (M. K. Latimer) Theatre, 22: 249. Cakes, Festal. All the Year, 4o: 79. Calabogie. Cornh. 55; 37. Calabria. (C. Edwardes) National, I5: 232. Calabriam Penelope, A.; a story. (E. Cavazza) N. Princ. 6: 122. Calais, How We Lost. (H. Dillon) Un. Serv. M. 4 (89– 90): 26. t Calamitous Camping-Out, A. Overland, n. s. 16: 596. Calceolaria Quaedam. Antiq. m. s. 18: 89. Calcite Crystals. (L. V. Pirsson) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 61. Calcium Compounds, Industrial Uses of. (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 150–247. Calculating Boys, Strange Feats of. Knowl. I2: 8–130. Calculating Machines. (C. V. Boys) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 376. — (W. C. Miller) Tinsley, 47: 267. — Babbage's. Ath. '89, 2: 784. — Continuous. (H. S. H. Shaw) Nature, 35: 581. Calculus, Differential. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 199. — Hardy's. (W. M. Ferriss) Nation, 53: 124, 146. — Infinitesimal, Elements of. Dub. R. IoS: 481. — Newcomb's Elements of. (W. M. Ferriss) Nation, 47: 318. Calcutta, In and around. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: 584. — Old College Days in. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I4: 412. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 566. Caldecott, Randolph, Blackburn's. Blackw. I4I: 56c. Calderon de la Barca, P. (J. Forster) Lond. Soc. 55: 467. – El Mágico Prodigioso, and Faust. Gent. M. n. s. 45: 28o. — Flowers and Fruits of the Earth. Art J. 40: 79. — Günther's. (H. R. Lang) Nation, 48: 290. — Plays. Sat. R. 66: 17. - — St. Elizabeth. Sat. R. 71: 609, 711. Calderstones, near Liverpool. (B.M. Broadwood) Ath. ’87, 2: 318, (J. S. Anderson) 347. Caldwell Papers; the Records of a Scotch Family. (Mrs. A. Lang) National, I5: 625. - Caledonia Canal, Trip through. (J. C. R. Dorr) Atlan. 62: I88. Calendar, Change in. M. Am. Hist. I 8: 262. — English. (W. S. Bogart) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 70. — French Revolutionary. (F. Hitchman) National, I3: 804. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 752. — Perpetual. (L. Carroll) Nature, 35: 517. – Knowl. I4: 47, 76. Calfe, John, Powder-Horn of. Granite Mo. 13: 6. Calhoun, John C. (Goldwin Smith) 19th Cent. 24; 266. — Life and Character of. No. Am. I45: 246. California. (C. H. Shinn) Lippine. 47: 261. — Alta, Ranch and Mission Days in. (G. Vallejo) Cent. I9: 183. (R. A. Proctor) (H. S. Wilson) CALIFORNIA California, as an Outpost of Civilization. croft) M. Am. Hist. 26: 2OI. – “Bears” and the Historians. land, n. s. I5: 300, 531. — before the Forty-Nimers. (Phila.) I: 426. – Beginnings of. (F. I. Vassault) Overland, m. s. 16: 287. — Camping Out in. (J. R. G. Hassard) Cent. II: 736. – Cape Horn and Coöperative Mining in ’49. (W. B. Farwell) Cent. 20: 579. - — Coast Islands of, Flora of, in Relation to Recent Changes of Physical Geography. (J. LeConte) Am. J. Sci. I34: 457. — College of, Willey's History of. Overland, m. s, 13: 660. — Conquest of. (H. H. Ban- (J. J. Almy) Un. Serv. (J. C. Fremont) Cent. Ig: 917. — — Bancroft's. (J. Royce) Nation, 44; 39. — — Fremont in. (J. Bidwell) Cent. Ig: 518. — — Reminiscences of. (J. Bidwell) Overland, n. s. 16: 561. — Discovery of. 624. — Discovery of Gold in. (J. S. Hittell) Cent. Ig: 525. — Documents on. (C. H. Shinn) M. Am. Hist. 25: (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 5: 394. — Dry-Winter Flowers of. (B. D. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 770. — Early Books and Magazines of. land, n. S. I2: 337. — Editors of, Early. (J. O’Meara) Overland, n. s. I4: 489. – First Emigrant Train to. Iob. – First Public School in. s. I&: 399. -— for the Sick and the Well. 9: 237. – Fruits of. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. 7: 480. – Fruit Culture in, Profits of. (L. A. Sheldon) Forum, II: 662. — Heart of the Desert. 392. — History of, Bancroft's. — — Critical Period of, 1846. n. s. I4: 625. — How it Came into the Union. 18: 775. – How it was Secured. Hist. I 8: 194. — in 1846–47; Winter’s Work of a Captain of Dragoons. (P. St. G. Cooke) M. Am. Hist. 18: 510. – Irrigation in. (W. H. Hall) Nat. Geog. M. 1: 277. — Lakes of. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, m. s. 18: 1. — Life in, Before the Gold Discovery. (J. Bidwell) Cent. Ig: I63. — Literary Development of. Cosmop. Io: 269. — Lower, Should we Possess 2 (J. M. Ellicott) Over- land, n. s. IG: 473. — Missions and Mission Indians of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 465. — Missions of Alta. (J. T. Doyle) Cent. Ig: 389. (C. H. Shinn) Over- (J. Bidwell) Cent. Ig: (J. C. Pelton) Overland, n. (T. M. Coan) Dial (Ch.) (C. D. Warner) Harper, 82: Nation, 48: 140, 164. (J. O’Meara) Overland, (G. H. Fitch) Cent. (H. H. Bancroft) M. Am. (Gertrude F. Atherton) (H. W. Henshaw) — Mission Fruits. (E. J. Wickson) Overland, n.s. II: -ºin him of M. cºver suis M. o. -Nººnaguard of w. R. Hamilowoutine is -Nºiation in or c. D. Adie Blue to -- Rºad and. (A. W. Jackson) New Eng. M. n. S. I : 691. 63 (M. W. Shinn) Over- CALMOUR California, New England in. (C. H. Shinn) New Eng. M. m. s. I: 614. - — Old Times in. (W. T. Sherman) No. Am. I48: 269. – on Horseback. (C. H. Shinn) Outing, I7: IoS. - Outing in. (M. L. Saxton) Overland, n. s. I4; 277. – The Palestine of. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, n. s. 13: 13. — Passage to, A Famous. (R. F. Coffin) Outing, g: 70. - — Pioneer Illustration in. (F. E. Sheldon) Overland, n. S. II : 337. — Pioneer Mining in. (E. G. Waite) Cent. 20: 127. – Pioneer Spanish Families in. (C. H. Shinn) Cent. Ig: 377. - — Popular Tribunals in, Bancroft's. Dial (Ch.) 8: I ol. — Ranch in. (E. S. Cummins) Cosmopol. 4: 215. — Reminiscences of the Mines in 1849–50. (J. S. Hit- tel) Overland, n. S. 9; 193. — Romance of the Map of the United States. Cutler) M. Am. Hist. 23: 288. — Schools of. (M. L. Cheney) Overland, m. s. I2: 82. — Seaside Study in. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 22: 33. — Shooting in. (C. H. Shinn) Outing, I5: 464. — Social Changes in. (C. H. Shinn) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 794. - — Southern. Nation, 46: 225. — (S. Powers) Outing, Io: 460. — (C. D. Warner) Atlan. 61 : 48. — — Colony Life in. (G. H. Fitch) Cosmopol. 2: 151. — — Early Days in. (H. Hutchinson) Longm. I5: 63. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 773. - — — Future of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 49: 188, 206. — — Hunting in. (H. E. Bandini) Overland, n. s. II: 305. — — Mining Resources of. n. S. 9: 455. — — A New Eldorado. (G. Cadell) Macmil. 61. 125. — — Our Italy. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 81: 814. 82. 39. — — Outlook in. — Spanish Colonization in. Univ. Studies, 8: no. 4. — Spanish Pioneer Houses of. Hist. 23: 353. — Spring Flowers of. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, n. s. II: 416. — To, in 1849, by Panama. (H. G. (H. De Groot) Overland, (C. D. Warner) Harper, 82: 167. (F. W. Blackmar) J. H. (C. H. Shinn) M. Am. (J. H. Pratt) Cent. Ig: 90I. — — Tarrying in Nicaragua. (R. S. Baldwin) Cent. 2O: 91 I. — — Through Mexico. (A. C. Ferris) Cent. 20: 666. — Trip to, in 1849. Overland, n. s. I3: 407. — — in 1869. (H. Rice) M. West. Hist. 7: 675. 8: 1. — University of. (C. H. Shinn) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 89. — Wheat Culture in. (A. Bannister) Overland, n. s. I2: 65. — Wintering in. (C. H. Shinn) Outing, I5: 243, 352. Californiana. Cent. Ig: 467, 780, 928. Californian Story. (E. S. Drewry) Belgra. 75; 38. Caliphate, Muir's. Sat. R. 72: 394. Call, W. M. W. Ath. 'go, 2: 288. — Theological Evolution in the Case of. (W. Lloyd) Westm. I36: 36. Callan, Nicholas. Irish Mo. Ig: 205. Callaway, Henry. Ath. '90, I: 471. Callender, Hannah, Diary of. (G. Vaux) Pennsyl. Mo. I2 : 432. Calling, Has every one a Natural? Science, I5: 232. Calls, Afternoon. Spec. 61: 231. Calmour, Alfred C. Amber Heart. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 19: 95. — (C. Howard) Theatre, 21: 33. – Cyrene. Theatre, 25: 81. - CALORIC Caloric ; History of a Doctrine. Sci. Mo. 34; 212. Calorimeter, New. (C. H. Peabody) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 134. Calpe Hunt, The. Murray, 8: 773. Calpurnius Siculus in English Verse, by Scott. (S. P. Langley) Pop. Sat. R. 7I : 535. Calvary and the Tomb of Christ. (H. Smith) Murray, Io: 305. — Site of. (J. A. Paine) Bib. Sac. 46: 171. – (A. M. Clark) Cath. World, 48: 763. – (C. S. Robinson) Cent. I5: 98. Calverley, C. S., Anecdotes of. Critic, II: 67. - Some Recollections of. Temp. Bar, 79: 62. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 421. Calvert, Cecilius, and Maryland Toleration. Brooks) Cath. World, 52: 67. Calvert, Edward. Art J. 43: 191. Calverts, Last of the. Cornh. 61: 494. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 537. Calvin, John, and Servetus. (A. M. Cummings) Unita. R. 33: 249. — as Ruler. (F. B. Perkins) Overland, n. s. 18: 528. - Influence of, on the Music of the Reformed Church. (J. C. Hadden) Theo. Mo. 4: 381. — — on the New Eng. Town-Meeting. (A. M. Mowry) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: IoI. – The Youth of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 112. Calvinism an Epoch of Progress. (E. V. Gerhart) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 321. – and Confessional Revision. (A. Kuyper) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 369. — A Catholic's View of. I6: 240. — Influence of Wesleyanism upon. Chr. Lit. 4: 42. — Ultra-, Seven Failures of. 491. Cam, Pleasures on the. Cambodia, Scientific Mission to. (W. G. (A. F. Hewit) Am. Cath. Q. (L. F. Stearms) M. (J. Miller) Bib. Sac. 47: (C. Turner) Outing, 14: 172. (M. Maurel) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 310. Cambrian and Silurian. (J. D. Dana) Nature, 41: 42I. - Cambrian Faunas in No. Amer., Stratigraphical Suc- cession of. (C. B. Walcott) Nature, 38: 551. * Cambrian Fossils from Mount Stephens. cott) Am. J. Sci. I36: 161. Cambridge, Eng. (N. Mant) Antiq. m. s. 21: 61. & – Apostles of, 1830. (J. Wedgwood) Contemp. 55: 133. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 387. – as a Sketching Ground. Art J. 42: 57. – Beginnings of. All the Year, 64: 84. – Town and University of. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 49: 310. - – University of. (K. Tyman) Cath. World, 54: 185. — — Architectural History of. Ath. '87, I: 67. — Quar. I65: 4oo. — — Earlier Tripos of. (G. B. Airy) Nature, 35: 397. — — Extension Scheme of. (O. Browning) Science, 9: 63. — — Income of, 1887. — — Reminiscences of. 49: 72O. — — Scarlet Day at. Sat. R. 65: 713. Cambridge Historical Essays. Spec. 62: 615. - Cambridge Wit, Three Centuries of. Ath. '89, 2: 702. — Whibley's. Spec. 64: 14o. Cambridge, Mass., Rindge Public Library. Lib. J. I2: 550. — (A. R. Willard) New Eng. M. 3: 761. Camden, Johnson M., with portrait. M. West. Hist. IO: 255. Camden District, S. C., Heroes of. So. Hist. Pap. 15: 3. Sat. R. 63: 474. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, (E. McCrady, jr.) 64 (C. D. Wal- CANADA Camel, Evolution of. (G. Allen) Longm. I2: 296. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 392. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 192. Camel Corps, British, on the Nile, Gleichen's. '88, 2: 124. —Spec. 61: 1033. Camelia Ricardo ; a story. (R. McE. Stuart) N. Prine. 6: 248. Cameo-Cutting as an Occupation. Soc. Arts, 35: I48. Cameroons, Life at the. Ath. (J. B. Marsh) J. (R. Müller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 748. Camoens, Luis de. (F. G. Walters) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 5I2. — Lusiad. (W. A. P. Martin) N. Eng. 53: 542. Camorra, The, and the Two Sicilies. Am. Cath. Q. I6: 723. — in Naples and New Orleans. I9th Cent. 29: 701. Camp Lore. (A. Balch) Outing, 14: 369. Camp Morton, Cold Cheer at. (J. A. Wyeth) Cent. I9: 844. — Treatment of Prisoners at. A. Wyeth) Cent. 20: 757. Camp Wright, Chronicles of. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. S. Io: 24, 169, 259. Campaign Methods. N. Princ. 6: 283. Campaign of Potiphar McCray and others; a story. (R. M. Johnston) Cosmopol. 4: 472. (J. A. Mooney) (Mrs. J. W. Mario) (W. R. Holloway; J. Campaldino. (E. M. O’H. Lee) Antiq. m. s. 17: 56. Campanula ; a story. (S. Sterne) New Eng. M. n. s. 2 : 293. Campbell, James V., with portrait. (H. B. Brown) Green Bag, 2: 233. Campbell, John, Col. Route of, 1779. M. Am. Hist. I 8: 342. Campbell, Thomas, with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 771. – Temp. Bar, 85: 87. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 474. — (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, go: (C. C. Jones, jr.) 34. Campbell, Gen. Wm., Hero of King's Mountain. (E. D. Warfield) M. West. Hist. 5: 362. Campbellites, Origin of. (H. C. Wedder) Chris. Q. 7: 574. — — Whitsitt on. Campelona, Gross Anatomy of. (R. E. Call) Am. Nat- ural. 22: 491. Camphor Forests. 3OI. Camping. (C. L. Norton) Outing, Io: 238. — in the Woods. (H. S. Clark) Outing, I8: 415. Camping-out. Chamb. J. 64; 257. Camping Outfits and Equipment. I4: I22, 203. Campion, Edmund, and his Companions, Martyrs. (J. Morris) Month, 6I: 457. w — and his Ten Reasons. (J. Morris) Month, 66: 372. — at Douay. (J. Morris) Month, 61: 30. Campion, Thomas. (A. H. Bullen) Acad. 34; 340. — Works. Ath. '89, I: 403. Campkin, Henry. Acad. 37: 252. Campobello, Brass Cannon of. (W. G. Wells) New Eng. M. n. s. 5: 3. Camptonite of Hawes and Rosenbusch, New Locality of. (F. L. Nason) Am. J. Sci. I38: 229. i. Canaan, N. H., Annals of. (W. A. Wallace) Granite Mo. II: Ioff, 218. Canada. (E. H. Hall) J. Soe. Arts, 29: 475. – (E. Wi- man) No. Am. I48; 54. — Active Militia of. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, 17: 284. — Americanization of. (R. E. Thompson) Amer. 19: 3I3. (H. C. Vedder) Bapt. R. Io: (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. s. 43: (A. Balch) outing, CANADA Canada, and the Canadian Question, Smith's. (R. J. Cross) Nation, 52: 386. — Atlan. 68: 272. —Westm. I35: 607. –(L. R. Holland) National, II: 471. — and Imperial Federation. (J. W. Longley) Fortn. 55: 466. – Ecl. M. II6: 664. — (J. A. Currie ; D. A. Coe) Our Day, 4: 81. — and Ireland: a Political Parallel. Chaut. Io: 48. – and the Jesuits. — and its Products. (J. P. Mahaffy) (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 6o: 470. (Marquis of Lorne) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 84. — and the United States. (E. Wiman) Contemp. 59: 62o. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 793. — (J. G. Camp- bell) No. Am. I52: 557. — (C. Tupper) No. Am, I52; 549. – Quar. I72: 517. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 707. – Spec. 66: 501. — Westm. I29: 133. — (Goldwin Smith) Forum, 6: 241. —Sat. R. 66: 282, 3Io. — Our Day, 2: 379. — Spec. 61: 1280. — (J. G. Bourinot) Scot. R. 16: I. — (J. G. Bourinot) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 1. — (C. H. Lugrin) Cent. I6: 236. — Eel. M. IIo: 630. — — Anti-American Canadian Catholic Conventions. (C. E. Amaron) Our Day, 7: 401. — — Relations of. Amer. I3: 295. – Annexation of. Spec. 64: 193. — (W. B. Harte) Forum, 7: 361. – (W. B. Harte) New Eng. M. n. s. 4: 615. — Pub. Opin. 6: 214, 323. - - — A Canadian People. (G. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 55: II.3. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 254. — — Is it Desirable 2 (W. Griffin) M. Am. Hist. 21: 122. — (J. S. Morrill) Forum, 6: 451. — — Manifest Destiny. (J. G. Schurman) Forum, 7: 1. — — Obstacles to. (Marquis of Lorne) Forum, 6: 634. — — Perplexities that it would bring. (A. R. Carman) Forum, 9: 562. 2- . Symposium on. Cosmopol. 6: 303. – Art and Artists of. (W. Harte) New Eng. M. 4: I 53. – An Artist's Sketches in. All the Year, 64: 244–270. – as a Field for Romance. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 296. – by Car and by Cowcatcher. (Lady Macdonald) Murray, I: 215, 296. – Census of. (J. G. Colmer) Fortn. 56: 833. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 192. — Cities of, and their Characteristics. row) Chaut. 8: 167. — Comments on. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 78: 520. — Commercial Union with. (L. E. Munson) N. Eng. 53: I. — (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 19: 21. — (B. Russell) Nation, 46: 50. — (J. H. Gray) Overland, n. S. II: 136. – (Goldwin Smith) Our Day, 2: 111. – Amer. I3: 393, 407. I4: 56, 74. - Constitution of. Spec. 60: 251, 315, 321, 353. — (Goldwin Smith) Contemp. 52: 1. — — Munro on. Spec. 64; 307. — Sat. R. 69: 477. — (J. B. Moore) Nation, 51: 348. – Constitutional Amendments. Sat. R. 64: 683. — Defence of. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 263. — Defenseless. (B. F. Butler) No. Am. 147: 441. — Destiny of. (E. Wiman) No. Am. 148: 665. — during the Victorian Era. (J. G. Bourinot) M. Am. Hist. I7: 414, 494. — Education in ; Separate School System. (D. A. O'Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. 14: 129. — (G. Iles) Educa. Io: 601. — Farm Life in, in Winter. (W. B. Harte) Outing, I3: 452. - Federal Government in. (J. G. Bourinot).J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: nos. Io-12. – Financial and Business Condition of. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 20: 219. - French. (J. G. Bourinot) Scot. R. 9: 245. — (E. G. Scott) Atlan. 64; 343. (W. H. With- 65 CANADA Canada, French, and the Dominion. (W. B. Harte) Forum, Io; 323. — — Speech Mixture in. (A. M. Elliott) Am. J. Philol. 8: 133, 338. lo: 133. — — Two Months in. (J. Sadlier) Cath. World, 46: 694. — French in. (E. G. Scott) Atlan. 64: 602, — — Attitude of. (H. Beaugrand) Forum, 7: 521. — — Truth about. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, 49: 433. – French Canadian Peasantry. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 24: 125, 291. — (P. Bender) New Eng. M. n. S. 5: Io9. — Future of. (J. W. Bell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 240. — — Recent Speculation on. And. R. 16: 283. – Garrison Life in, 40 Years ago. Un. Serv. M. '88, I : 327. — Government of. (J. M. Love) Forum, 7: 645. — — and Tariff. (A. B. Hart) Nation, 50: 348. – The Great Mackenzie Basin. Science, I2: 314. – History of. Westm. I35: 480. — — Bourinot's. (W. B. Aiken) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 480. — — Greswell's. — — Kingsford's. Sat. R. 7o: 271. Sat. R. 65: 355. — Sat. R. 71 : 567. – Home Rule in Lower, Struggle for. Westm. I28: 295. – Immigration and Emigration in. J. Statis. Soc. 53: 476. — Intellectual Life in. (W. B. Harte) New Eng. M. n. S. I : 377. — Is it Misgoverned ? (T. White) Forum, 4: 14. — Jesuits in. (W. Caven) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 289. – Jesuit Estates Act in. (J. B. Fraser) Our Day, 4: 443. w — Journalists and Journalism of. (W. B. Harte) New Eng. M. n.s. 5; 411. — Legislature of. (W. B. Harte) Cosmopol. 6: 519. — Literature in French. (G. Stewart) New Eng. M. n. s. 3; 16. – Local Government in. (J. G. Bourinot) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: 177. — Lost in the Backwoods. Murray, I : 354. — Love to. (J. S. Hittell) Overland, n. s. 16: 465. — Sir John Macdonald and his Political Influence on Canada. Westm. I36: 476. — Making a Start in. Spec. 62: 796. — Men and Measures in, in 1887. Murray, 2: 385. — Military Life in. (G. Parker) National, Ioff: 562. — Militia of. (Sir F. Middleton) Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 1. – (Marq. of Lorne) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 197. — National Sports of. Cornh. 55: 257. — Newer Parts of. (C. C. Adams) Chaut. II: 429. — Nickel Mines of. Dub. R. Io9: 203. — Northwest, in 1884. (S. Bourne) J. Soc. Arts, 33: (E. Y. W. Henderson) 257. - — — Life in the Wild North Land. (E. R. Young) Chaut. Io: 324. — Old, Historic Games of. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 26: 367. - — Our Northern Neighbors. Hist. 23: 460. — Outdoor Life in. (W. B. Harte) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 546. — Pilgrims and Shrines in. (J. M. Oxley) Cosmopol. 3 : 372. — Political Corruption in. Sat. R. 72: 238, 293. – Spec. 67: 311. — Political Situation in, 1891. Sat. R. 7I: 189, 313. — (C. Tupper) Contemp. 59: 764. — — after Macdonald's Death. Sat. R. 7I: 733. — Political Union with. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: 145. (P. Bender) M. Am. CANADA Canada, Politics in, 1888. (Mrs. E. A. Acland) 19th Cent. 23: 403. — — Romanism as a Factor in. Presb. R. Io: 229. – Position of. (D. A. Poe) Forum, 3: 443. - Productions and Resources of. (J. Wilson) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 402. – Public Debt of. (F. G. Mather) Amer. 15: 103. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 41 : 597. – Public Libraries in, List of. I2: 217. — Question of; Military Glance. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: (T. F. Fotheringham) (J. Bain, jr.) Lib. J. 333. — Railroad and Commercial Statistics of. (J. G. Col- mer) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 74. — Rebellion in, 1837. (D. W. Cross) M. West. Hist. 7 : 359, 529. — Reciprocity and. (W. H. Hurlbert) No. Am. 153: 468. — (J. Sheldon) N. Eng. 54: 543. – (R. Brown) Acad. 39: 339. — Roman Catholic Question in. Arena, 2; 455. — Royal Society of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 26: I. – Settling in. (A. J. Church) Macmil. 61: 4o. – Some Social Aspects of. Westm. I28: 868. — Supreme Court of. (R. Cassels) Green Bag, 2: 241. – through English Eyes. (G. Smith) Forum, 9: 255. — vs. the U. S. (J. O’Meara) Overland, n. s. I4: 414. – Western ; Prairie Philosophy. (W. Trant) Westm. I34: I 9. — What do the Colonies want? (P. H. Colomb) Mur- ray, 8: 805. — Writers of, To-Day. In. S. 3: 21. Canadian Americans. 372. Canadian Country Parson. Church R. 51: 65. Canadian Literature. (W. H. Withrow) Chaut. 8: 211. — Recent. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 233. Canadian Pacific Railway. Chamb. J. 67: 790. — (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. Io2: 274. — (T. K. Thomson) Engin. M. 2: 318. – (A. Begg) J. Soc. Arts, 34: ~ 512. — (H. Hale) Nation, 45: 138. — Quar. IG4: 119. – (E. Ingersoll) Outing, I3: 141, 217. – (G. Baden-Powell) Eng. Illust. 8: 351. — (T. B. Strange) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 200. Canadian People, Bryce's History of. erts) Dial (Ch.) 8: 290. Canal, The, and the Railroad. Econ. Assoc. 5: 281. — Snubbin’ through New Jersey by. J. B. Millet) Cent. I2: 483, 697. Canals, Economic Relation of, to Transportation. M. Haupt) Am. Econ. Assoc. 5: 334. — On the Tow-Path. All the Year, 66: 585. - – Proposed, in England. Chamb. J. 65: 577. — Spec. 61: 1284. — Ship. Liv. Age, 184: 506. — Spec. 63: 837. Canal and River Navigation in England, History of. (M. B. Cotsworth) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 762. Canal Engineering. (L. F. Vernon-Harcourt) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 753. Canaries. (J. T. Littleton) Am. M. 8: 231. Canary Birds. Sat. R. 65: 689. Canary Islands. Sat. R. 65: I37. — About the. Chamb. J. 67: 166. — Conquest of, New MS. of. (G. F. Warner) Ath. '90, (T. P. Gorman) (W. B. Harte) New Eng. M. (W. F. Stockley) Amer. 19: (C. G. D. Rob- (E. J. James) Am. (F. H. Smith; (L. 2 : 449. — Edwardes' Rides in. Sat. R. 67: 515. — Spec. 62: 18. — A Forgotten Race. Eel. M. II.7: 315. – Stone's. Ath. '88, 1: 367. 66 CANT Cancer, Increase of; its Probable Cause. (H. Snow) 19th Cent. 28: 8o. - - Mattei's System with. (Lady Paget) National, 15: 741. – (S. Kennedy) National, 16: 1. — (T. R. ſº National, 16: Io. — (H. Snow) National, Io: 252. — Recent Views respecting. Mo. 32: 534. Candahar Campaign, 1880. Ed. R. 152: 578. Candida Casa. (H. Maxwell) Good Words, 32: 109. Candidate, The ; a story. Cornh. 64: 609. Candidate for Divorce, A ; a story. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 8: 582. Candidates for Public Office, Expenses of. Preston) Chaut. I2: 625. Candide at the Jubilee. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 39: I. Candle, Flame of a. (C. Fievez) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 256. Candlelight in Colonial Times. Eng. M. n. s. I : 516. (R. T. Morris) Pop. Sci. (T. B. (F. C. Clark) New Candles. (N. M. Williams) Knowl. I2: 161. Candy, A Paper of. (W. S. Kennedy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 782. Cane Ridge (Ky.) Campmeeting. West. Hist. II: 134. Canisteo Mystery, The ; a story. Granite Mo. 12: 53. Cannibal Chiefs, Last of the. (B. Thomson) Blackw. I47: 648. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: 57. Cannibals, Lumholtz's Among. (J. M. Hubbard) Na- tion, 50: II.4. — Ward on Congo. Spec. 65: 909. — Ethics of. (H. H. Johnston) Fortn. 51: 18, Same alt. Liv. Age, I8o: 181. Same art. Ecl. M. 112: 32 I. Canning Family. All the Year, 59: 60. – Liv. Age, I72: 760. Canning, Earl, Cunningham's. Canning, George, Hill's Life of. R. 63: 381. — Official Correspondence. 61: 23. Canning, Stratford. See Stratford de Redcliffe. Cannon, H. M., with portrait. (W. R. McGarry) M. West. Hist. I3: 587. Cannon, American Machine, and Dynamite Guns. (W. R. Hamilton) Cent. I4: 885. Canoeing at the Thousand Islands. ing, I4; 343. — Canoe and Rod on the Thames. Outing, I8: 24I. – from Nipissing to Ottawa. (F. H. Gisborne) Outing, I5: II. — History of. — in Kennebec County, Maine. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 347. (I. Smucker) M. Sat. R. 72: 725. Spec. 60: 518. — Sat. Ath. '87, 2: 888. — Spec. (C. B. Vaux) Out- (E. W. Sandys) (C. B. Waux) Outing, Io: 259, 395. (C. S. Hichborn) N. — of To-Day. (C. B. Waux) Outing, 16: 133, 214. — on the Flathead. (J. Ollason) Outing, 19: 161, 187. — on the Miramichi. (W. C. Gaynor) Outing, 18; 362, 467. Canoe Association of America. (C. B. Vaux) Outing, I2: 4IO. Canoe Building for Amateurs. (H. J. Van Alstine) Outing, I8: I52. Canoe Cruise. (M. E. Brown) Outing, 12: 165. Canon Law as a Factor in Christian Civilization. Unita. R. 28: 285. Canonbury Tower. 44; 372. Canonizations, Recent. Sat. R. 63: 125. Canonry, A. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 7: 1. Canova. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 48: 321. Cant, The Cult of. Temp. Bar, 93 : 189. (C. C. Robinson) Gent. M. m. s. CANT Cant, Philosophy of. (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 22I. Canterbury. (J. Morris) Month, 67: 227. — Archbishop of, Jurisdiction of. (M. Fuller) National, I4: 504. — Cathedral of. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. II: 819. — — Tombs of Archbishops in. (J. Morris) Month, 69: 2IO. — — Christ Church Monastery Letters. 578. — Parochial Registers. Sat. R. 69: 544. — St. Augustine's. Sat. R. 66: 219. — A Walk through. . (W. H. Fremantle) Good Words, 32 : 52O. Cantillon, Richard. (H. Higgs) Econ. J. I : 262. Canton, Two Days in. All the Year, 65: 324–345. — A Yankee in. (W. T. Hornaday) Cosmopol. I: 349. Canvas Coat of Sir H. Willoughby. Antiq. m. s. 22; 9. Canvey Island. Sat. R. 65: 348. Cap d’Antibes. (G. Allen) Longm. I5: 505. Cape Ann, Trip around. (E. P. Gould) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 268. Cape Breton Island. Cape Colony, Early Summer at. ray, 7: 818. — in 1888. (A. M. Clerke) Dub. R. 104: 106. – (Earl of Carnarvon) Fortn. 49: 862. — Premiership of Mr. Cecil Rhodes. Cent, 28: 176. — Spec. 66: 582. – Products and Resources of. (M. Hawes) J.Soc. Arts, Sat. R. 69: (F. M. Endlich) Am. M. 7: 259. (W. Greswell) Mur- (E. Dicey) 19th 7: 244. — South African Public Library. (D. P. Todd) Lib. J. I5: 48. Cape Horn, Cal., and Coöperative Mining in 1849. (W. B. Farwell) Cent. 20: 579. - Cape of Good Hope, Royal Observatory at. Clerke) Contemp. 55; 38o. Cape Town, Lepers at. Blackw. I46: 293. Caper-Berry, The. (J. E. Todd) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: (A. M. I3. Caper-Plant [Eccl. xii. 5]. (G. F. Moore) J. Bib. Lit. IO: 55. Capillarity. (S. A. Hill) Nation, 36: 125. Capital. (K. Marx) To-Day, v. 7–Io. —Ecl. M. IIo: 2O2. — Accumulations of, in Great Britain, in 1875–85. (R. Giffen) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 1. — and its Earnings. (J. B. Clark) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: 87. — and Interest, Boehm-Bawerk's. Nation, 51: 269. — — Reply to Boehm-Bawerk and Bonar. (F. H. Giddings) Q. J. Econ. 5: 242. — and Labor. (F. B. Sanborn) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 98. — — Conflict between. Quar. I73: 253. See also La- bor. — — Evolution of their Relation. II : I44. — and Wages, Minton on. Spec. 63: 476. — Boehm-Bawerk on the Cost of Production of. (F. H. Giddings) Q. J. Econ. 3: 503. — (J. Bonar) Q. J. Econ. 3: 336. — Collectivisation of. (R. Flint) Good Words, 31: 822. — Concentration of. Spec. 61: 1463. # — Cost of Production of; Reply to Giddings. (J. Bo- nar) Q. J. Econ. 4: 81. – English, in Foreign Lands. Spec. 64: 751. — Fundamental Idea of. (S. N. Patten) Q. J. Econ, 3: I88. - Growth of, Giffen on. Ath. '90, 1: 461. —Sat. R. 69: 48o.—Nature, 41 : 553. — in Great Britain, Accumulation of, 1875–85. Giffen) Nature, 41: 211. (A. Shortt) And. R. (R. 67 CAPTAIN Capital, Industrial, Current Concentration of. (H. Clews) Lippinc. 46: 379. — Karl Marx on. Westm. I28: Io/9. — Sat. R. 63: 924. — Ath. '87, I : 313. — (A. B. Woodford) Dial (Ch.) 9: 281. — the Mother of Labor. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: 513. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 654, — Theory of. (F. H. Giddings) Q. J. Econ. 4: 172. – – Giddings on. (J. Bonar; E. Boehm-Bawerk) Q. J. Econ. 4: 346. – Unpaid. Is it a Trust Fund in the Proper Sense ? (R. C. McMurkie) Am. Law R. 25: 749. Capital of the U. S., Locating the. (B. A. Hinsdale) M. West. Hist. 7: 392, 530. Capitalism and Communism. R. 28: 425. Capitalization, Industrial, The Growth of. (J. S. Tait) Forum, I2: I off. Capitals of Italy. (J. W. Benn) Am. Arch, 25: 16. Capital Punishment. (P. Benjamin) Forum, 3: 503. – (J. M. Buckléy) Forum, 3: 381. — (C. T. Jerome) Potter Am. Mo. 18: 145. – (W. C. Maude) Month, 65: 168. — (R. E. Thompson) Amer. 20:388. — (G. F. Shrady) Arena, 2: 513. * — by Electricity’ (E. T. Gerry) No. Am. 146: 219. — British Commission on, 1866. Meliora, 9: 125. — Case against. (B. P. Neuman) Fortn. 52: 322. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 518. O – The Crime-of. – Kemmler's Case and. Io'7. — of Women. (H. M. Wilks) No. Am. I44: 211. – Protest against. Meliora, 5: 3 Capitols, Southerm. (Arthur H. 84. 30; I45. Cappello, Bianca, Story of. (H. S. Wilson) 19th Cent. 29: 564. Same art. Ecl. M. I.I.6: 763. Capponi, Gino. Ed. R. 165: 388. Caprera, First Pilgrimage to. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 44: 548. Caprese, the Birthplace of Michel Angelo. (E. Barclay) Portfo. 18: 58. Capri. "All the Year, 66: 231.-- (L. Villari) Eng. Illust. 5: 79. — (W. C. Preston) Sunday M. 17: 689. — Experience in. (W. C. Langdon) Atlan. 59: 241. — In. (W. Wordsworth) Macmil. 58: 101. — of To-Day. Cornh. 62: 26. — Political Agitations in. (A. Munthe) Blackw. I46: (J. C. Learned) Unita. (H. O. Pentecost) Arena, I: 175. (J. Spahn) Green Bag, 2:54, 56. Ron) Am. Arch. 29: 592. — Sketches of. (M. E. Vandyne) Harper, 77: 27. Capriccio; a Love Story. Argosy, 46: 112. Caprivi, George Leo von, with portrait. Un. Serv. M. n. S. I : IOS. - — Chancellor’s Address, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 459. — the New Emperor and his New Chancellor. (C. Lowe) National, I8: 19. Captain Arthur Ashwell's Confession; a story. Conway) Belgra. 65: 214. Captain Ben. (P. Stapleton) Overland, m. s. 12: 385. Captain Black. (C. E. Carryl) Scrib. M. Io: 513. Captain Brooke's Prejudice. (I. C. Lillie) Harper, 79: 76o. * Captain Coram's Family. (A. R. Buckland) Sunday M. 2O: 302. Captain Dawson's Last Love Affair ; a story. Holmes) Belgra. 62: 63. Captain Fitzroy – Plunger; a story. (Mrs. A. Fraser) Belgra. 74: 173. (C. (G. Captain Joe. (F. H. Smith) Cent. I7: 225. Captain Joe and Jamie. (C. G. D. Roberts) Scrib. M. Io: 389. Captain Kitty: Salvationist Sketch. (L. Wassermann) Ecl. M. II.7: 410. CAPTAIN Captain Ludwey's Jump. (D. Gerard) Blackw. 150: 537. Captain Morgan’s Choice. (Phila.) 4: 47. Captain Santa Claus. (C. King) Harper, 76: 107. Carº Spencer's Card-Case; a story. All the Year, 3: 343. Captain's Charge, The. 45; I42. Captain's Ghost, The. (P. Stapleton) Outing, 12: 320. Captain's Work on an Atlantic Liner. (C.W. Kennedy) No. Am. I48: 73. Capstan, Etymology of the Word. (H. Wedgwood) Acad. 35: 396. Caraboo, The Princess. Chamb. J. 66: 753. Carancro. (G. W. Cable) Cent. II: 355, 545. Caravan Life for Pleasure and Health. (G. Stables) Good Words, 29: 483. Carbolic Acid. (F. C. Calvert) J. Soc. Arts, 15: 729. Carbon, Applications of, in Heating and Lighting. (F. S. Barff) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 891-973. Carbonic Acid, Liquid, Heat of Vaporization. (E. Ma- thias) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 297. * Carboniferous Echinodermata of the*isiºn Basin. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. I38: e Cards, Games with. All the Year, 4o: 65. – Spanish and Italian. Sat. R. 71 : 84. Card-Playing and Free Whist. National, 16: 347. — Cheating at. (E. Delille) Fortn. 56: 37. – Legal Notes on. (N. T. Horr) Green Bag, 3: 399. Cardan, Jerome. (W. G. Waters) Gent. M. n. s. 47: 384. Cardiff. Blackw. I46: 485. Cardinal Bird; an Autocrat in Feathers. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 9: 211. — Virginia. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 61: 362. Carducci, Giosue. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 44: 95. — and the Hellenic Reaction in Italy. (F. Sewall) Har- per, 8.I: 262. Carème, Antonin, and Cookery. Sat. R. 63: 122. Carettochelys Ramsay, Relations of. (G. Bauer) Am. Natural. 25: 631. Carey, Henry C., and his Social System. ermore) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 553. Cargill, John Milton. (N. J. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 8: 231. Caria, Excavations in. 64. Caribbees, Paton's. Cariboo, Adventure in. Liv. Age, 174: 488. Caribou, Woodland. (H. P. Wells) Harper, 77: 505. Caricature. (F. Beard) Chaut. 7: 206. — Contemporary American. (J. A. Mitchell) Scrib. M. 6: 728. — the Fantastic, the Grotesque. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 49: 518. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 344. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 796. — French. Sat. R. 65: 666. — — in the 19th Century. (C. Phillips) Art J. 41 : 113. — in 1890. R. of Rs. 2: 657. — Political, Decay of. Spec. 62: III. — Popular. Sat. R. 66: 265. — Some Western. (F. E. Sheldon) Overland, n. s. II: (C. F. Little) Un. Serv. (Lieut.-Col. Mahony) Argosy, (C. H. Lev- (W. R. Paton) J. Hel. Stud. 8: Spec. 61: 1559. 449. Caricaturists, English-Speaking. Chaut. I3: 482. — French. Sat. R. 66: 475. Carisbrooke Library. Sat. R. 68: 434. Carl's Christmas: an American story. Argosy, 48: 518. Carleton, George; Memoirs of an English, Officer, Claimed for Dean Swift. (A. Parnell) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 97. — (A. Parnell) Ath. '89, I: 279. Carleton, Will. (W. D. Ball) Writer, 4: 56. (C. M. Fairbanks) 68 CARNIVAL Carleton, Will, Lecturing Experiences of. Lippinc. 39: 67o. Carleton College, Observatory of. Sid. Mess. 7: 321. Carlisle, England. All the Year, 65: 462. 66: 248. – and the Borderland. Lond. Q. 73: 53. – Creighton's History of. Sat. R. 67: 580. Carlisle, Pa.; Indian School. (F. E. Willard) Chaut. 9: 289. Carlisle Castle, Fire at. m. S. 2 I : II 7. Carlos, Don, and Elizabeth of Valois. ton) Blackw. I45: 704, 778. – and Isabelle de Valois. (C. Gayarré) Am. Cath. Q. I2 : 70. Carlotta's Intended. (Chancellor Ferguson) Antiq. (Lord Laming- (R. McE. Stuart) Lippinc. 48: 259. Carlyle, Jane Welsh, Early Letters. Ath. '89, 1:815. — Sat. R. 68: 136. — Spec. 63: 442. — Ireland's. Sat. R. 72: 140. Carlyle, Thomas; with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour. 36: 692. — (W. E. Gibbs) Univ. Q. 46: 141. — and Goethe. All the Year, 59: 508, 533. — — a Comparison. Temp. Bar, 86: 399. — and John Stuart Mill, Jenks's. Spec. 61: 1131. — and Old Women. (P. W. Roose) National, 16: 77. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 185. – and Ruskin: Two Letters. Eng. Illust. 9: 105. – and his Works. (W. E. H. Lecky) Contemp. 6o: 520. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 758. — Meliora, I: 338. – as a Historian. (Oscar Browning) Ath. '88, 2: 625. – as Schoolmaster. Critic, I5: 155. – Character of. (A. L. Dawes) And. R. 8: 161. – Correspondence with Goethe. Blackw. I42: 121. — Atlan. 59: 849. — (S. A. Hubbard) Dial (Ch.) 8: 19. — Sat. R. 63: 697. - Early Letters. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 44; 37. — Early Life. Westm. I28: 211. – Evening with. (T. S. Baynes) Ath. '87, I: 449, 5II. – Garnett's Life of. Spec. 70: 1217. – His Estimate of the 18th Century. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 8: 53. - — Indebtedness to Goethe. 39 I. — Letters, 1826–36. Atlan. 64; 279. — (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 25: 625. — Ath. '89, I: 367. – Personal Recollections of. (J. Tyndall) Fortn. 53: 5. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 323. – Philosophy of History. (L. G. James) Westm. 132: 4I4. —Politics of. (E. C. Martin) Scrib. M. Io: 506. — rehabilitated. Amer. I4: 24. — Sartor, Brahma, and the Forest Hymn. (W. S. Ken- nedy) Critic, I2: 57. - Carmelite Saints. (J. G. Wynne) Month, 70: 377. 71 : 76. - Carmen. (J. T. Hunter) Overland, n.s. 15:449. Carmen Saeculare. (Lord Tennyson) Macm. 55: 401. Carmen Sylva. See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Carmencita, Dancing of. (J. Hawthorne) Lippine. 47: (C. Thomas) Nation, 44: 99. Carnac, Giant Stones of. (G. H. Orpen) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 622. Carnarvon, Earl of. Ath. 'go, 2: 35. — Sat. R.7o: 4. — R. of Rs. 2: 121. Carnelley, Thomas. Nature, 42: 522. Carnival at Cologne. Outing, Io: 62. — at Nice. (F. C. W. Barbour) Chaut. 13: 176. — at New Orleans. (M. Bisland) Cosmopol. 8: 469. —Ending of. (C. F. Gordon Cumming) Leis. Hour, 36: 29I. — King. All the Year, 64: 201. CARNIVAL Carnival, Sports at the Home of. (E. R. Pennell) Out- ing, 9: 58o. Carnots, the, In Praise of. Murray, 6: 145. Liv. Age, I82: 665. Caroline; a story. (Miss Daintrey) Murray, 7: 812. Caroline ; a story. (Lady Lindsay) Temp. Bar, 83: 56, 2 I 3, 391. Caroline, Queen of Naples. R. 2: 482. Carolines, Royal, Three. All the Year, 41 : 495. Caroline Island; an Astronomer’s Voyage to Fairy- Same art. (O. Browning) Eng. Hist. land. (E. S. Holden) Overland, n. s. I7: 490. Carolo Mortuo; a poem. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 61: 295. Carols, Curious and Secular. (A. M. Wakefield) Mur- ray, 4: 666, 820. Carpathia, Peasant Life in. (A. Gielgud) Eng. Illust. 5: 784. Carpathians, Among the. 606. Carpeaux, J. B., the Sculptor. 198, 213. Carpenter, Philo, with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 640. Carpenter, Philip Herbert. Acad. 40: 363. Carpenter, Samuel, the Elder. (W. Dickinson) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 28. Carpenter, Wm. Benj. (J. H. Morrison) Unita. R. 31: I 39. - — Nature and Man. Ath. '89, I: 183. Carpenter, Wm. Boyd. (C. J. Ward) Tinsley, 45: 247. Carpenters, School for. Lend a H. 3: 89. Carpentry and Joinery, History of. (T. R. Smith) Am. Arch. 25: 128. Carpets, Eastern Art. 34: 447. - Carpet Manufacture. (A. Whytock) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 24O. Carr, Jos. Comyns. Carradassan Family. (J. Gerard) Irish Mo. I5: (S. Udney) Portfo. 18: (H. L. Conard) M. (W. J. Robinson) J. Soc. Arts, The Friar. Theatre, I8: 43. (F. M. O’Brien) Irish Mo. 16: 45–718. - Carrara. Cornh. 83: 376. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 439. Carriages, Antiquity of. (E. Spencer) M. Am. Hist. 25: I2O. — Construction of, in England, 1855. (G. N. Hooper) J. Soc. Arts, 4; 29. Carriage-Building in England and France. Hooper) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 460. Carribean Confederation, Salmon’s. Ath. '88, I: 494. Carrick; the Land of Bruce. All the Year, 69: 85. Carriconna; a story. (T. Hopkins) Leis. Hour, 38: 43–65 I. Carriers and Manufacturers of Great Britain. (F. R. Conder) Fraser, Ioff: 184. — Common, Burden of Proof in Action against. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 22: 198. — Female, in St. Pierre. (L. Hearn) Harper, 79: 299. Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, Home of, with portrait. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 22: 353. (G. N. — Letter to George Washington, 1793. M. Am. Hist. 22: 506. Carroll, John, Bishop. (T. L. Kelly) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 6o. Carroll, Thos., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 13: 39. Carson, Alexander. (W. T. C. Hanna) Bapt. R. 9: I90. - Carstens, Asmus Jakob. (F. W. Williams) N. Eng. 5o: 348. * - Carter, Elizabeth. (L. B. Walford) Blackw. I49: 512. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 500. Carter, John. (A. M. Philps) Leis. Hour, 36: 300. Carteret, Lord. See Granville, John Carteret, Earl. 69 Case of Matthew Munn. CASTRAMETATION Carthage. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 58: 356. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 588. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 148. — Mother and Daughter Tunis. 7 : 73. – Visit to. (J. H. Cowperthwait) Outing, 16: 243. Carthagena, The Oldest American City. (W. E. Curtis) Am. M. 8: I. Carton, R. C. The Points Man. I9: 206. — Sunlight and Shadow. Theatre, 25: 277. Cartwright, Peter, and the Religious Movement of 1800. (T. J. Chapman) M. Am. Hist. I8: 426. Carucage. (K. Norgate) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 702. — of 1198. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 501. — (J. H. Round; W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: ToS. Carving and Furniture. (J. H. Pollen) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 949–983. Casalis, Eugene. (J. Brierly) Sunday M. 18: 659. Casanova, Captivity of. Temp. Bar, 88: 27. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 348. Casas Grandes, Ruins of. (A. F. Bandelier) Nation, 51 : 166, 185. Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Natural. 22: 996. Cascade Tunnel, Washington. (C. W. Hobart) M. West. Hist. I3: 534. Case of John Van Arsdale. II6. (L. Kip) Overland, n. s. I'7: (D. Ker) Cosmopol. (C. Howard) Theatre, (E. D. Cope) Am. (E. H. Crosby) Cent. I'7: 465. Case of Parson Hewlett. n. s. 3: 582. Case of Perverted Affection ; a story from the German. Cosmopol. I: 174. Case of the Rev. Benjamin Beardmore; a story. (E. E. Dickinson) Belgra. 67: 475. Cases without Treatises. (J. Schouler) Amer. Law R. 23: I. Case School of Applied Science. Cash, Daniel G., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 646. Caspian Sea, Islands of. (E. Noble) Atlan. 60: 805. — From the, to the Capital of Persia. (C. J. Wills) Good Words, 29: 620, 683. Cass ; a story. Cornh. 57: 48. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 2O4. Cassandra, Story of. (J. Byles) Sunday M. 20: 349. Cast for Fortune, A. (F. C. Fisher) Lippine. I5: 459. Casts, Robinson's Catalogue of. (S. Reinach) Nation, 53: 318. : Cast Iron, Artistic Use of. (W. R. Lethaby) J. Soc. (K. U. Clark) New Eng. M. Science, II: 31. (C. W. Butterfield) Arts, 38: 272. Same art. Am. Arch. 27: 201. Castaway, A, of the South. (G. Parker) Eng. Illust. 9: 2 IO. Caste. All the Year, 65: 247. — Chamb. J. 66 : 529. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 535. — Persistence of. (A. H. Peters) Unita. R. 29: 115. Castellar, France. Spec. 62: 365. Casting Metals upon Combustible Materials. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) Am. Arch. 21 : 296. Castle of the Peak. (W. H. S. Hope) Reliquary, 28: 33. — of Vincigliata. (Iord Lamington) Blackw. I42: 652. Castles, German. Am. Arch. 34: 4o, I46. — Scottish. Sat. R. 69: 355, 681. Castle Life in the Middle Ages. (E. H. and E. W. Bash field) Scrib. M. 5: I. - Castner Sodium Process. (J. Mactear) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 463. Castrametation, Roman. Antiq. m. s. 21: 6, 63, 105. CASTREN Castrén, Mathias Alexander. Scot. R. 17: 149. Castrocaro, Italy, Baths of. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 147: 89. Castrogiovanni. (A. F. Jacassy) Scrib. M. 5: 714. Casual, Amateur Female. Meliora, Io: 52. Casuistry. (J. Rickaby) Month, 63: 185. Cat, The, as an Unconscious Humorist. Spec. 65: 145. – Pussy's Notable Friends. Chamb. J. 68: 734. Cats. Amer. 19: 373. – and Kittens; or, “In Defence of the Cats.” Panton) Eng. Illust. 7: 450. – and the Law. (R. W. Rogers) Green Bag, 3: 35o. – Friendships of. (W. H. Larrabee) Pop. Sci. Mo. (J. E. 37: 91. - A Household Pet. (J. Durand) Cosmopol. 2: 312. — Intelligence of. (W. H. Larrabee) Pop. Sci. Mo.38: 368. – of Ancient Egypt. (W. M. Conway) Eng. Illust. 7: 25 I. — Plea for. (G. Stables) Leis. Hour, 37: 813. – Spinal Ganglia of, Experiments on. (C. F. Hodge) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 530. Catacombs of Rome, The. (P. Schaff) Cent. I3: 385. — (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. I7: 124, 195. — (R. Seton) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 749. — — New Discoveries’in. (R. Lanciani) Atlan.68: 14. — — Paintings of. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 17: 239. — — Prof. Schaff and. 47: 18. — — Withrow on. Ath. '89, 2: (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 326. — Dub. R. Io2: 465. Catalogue, British Museum Style of, in the Y. M. C. A. Library of N. Y. (R. B. Poole) Lib. J. I2: 338. — Secrets of a. Liv. Age, 184: 38o. – Economical, Educational, Select, for Public Libra- ries. (W. K. Stetson) Lib. J. I6: supp. 26. – Labor-Saving Methods of Printing. (A. Growoll) Lib. J. 13: 28o. — — Report on, 1887. — Subject, in College Libraries. I5: 167. — — Uses of. (W. E. Foster) Lib. J. I.4: 236. Catalogue Page, Suggestions for a. (H. L. Koopman) Lib. J. I3: 335. Cataloguing, Abbreviations used in. (E. H. Woodruff) Lib. J. I2: 187. — Classified. (W. M. F. Petrie) Nature, 40: 392. -- Cutter’s Rules for. (C. H. Hull) Nation, 50: 261. – Duplicates in Libraries. (M. Dewey) Lib. J. I.3: 284. — Fumagalli’s Rules for. (Horace Kophart) Lib. J. I2: (W. C. Lane) Lib. J. 12: 414. (C. H. Hull) Lib. J. 547. — Future of. (G. W. Cole) Lib. J. 15: 172. — Helps in finding Full Names. (C. H. Hull) Lib. J. I4; 7. — Married Women's Names. (G. W. Cole) Lib. J. 13: 8o. - – of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature. (A. R. Frey) Lib. J. I2: 192. - — Simple Lesson in. (A. I. Appleton) Lib. J. I2: 123. – Wheatley on. (W. C. Lane) Lib. J. I5: 72. – Na- tion, 50: 58. – A Word to Beginners. (Miss L. A. Williams) Lib. J. I2: 123. Catch 'Em Alive, Oh! (J. B. Hopkins) Tinsley, 40; 63. Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of. (E. Armstrong) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 159. Catechism, Lutheran, — — Conrad's Exposition. Catechization, Evangelical Element in. Luth. Q, 21 : 582. Catenaries, Two-Nosed. Nature, 39: 570. (H. Ziegler) Luth. Q. 17: 226. Luth. Q. I7: 259. (A. Stump) 70 CATTLEMAN Caterina: a Story of Mesmerism. (L. McClintock) Ar- gosy, 49: 2O2. Caterpillar, The Magpie. n. S. 45: 8o. Caterpillars in New York. ville) Science, 9: 318. Cathay and the Golden Chersonese. (A. R. MacMahon) Blackw. I41: 229. — Europe and. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 68: 369. Cathedral, The Term. (E. A. Freeman) Acad. 38: 504, 565. – New York Episcopal. Am. Arch. 23: 77. – (J. B. Robinson) Am. Arch. 23: 119. — — Competitive Plans for. Am. Arch. v. 31–33. Cathedrals and Historic Churches of the Old World. (D. J. Mackey) Church R. 51: 51. — Closed. Spec. 61: 1633. — of England. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. II: 724. — (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. II: 321. — — and their Endowments. (H. W. Massingham) Contemp. 60: 362. — — and French. (B. Ferree) Am. Arch. 34: 25. — of Ireland. Reliquary, 31 : 89, 163, 218. Catherine, St., of Genoa. (E. G. Martin) Cath. World, 48: 289. Catherine, St., of Siena. (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 49; 293. – (E. V. Gerhart) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 327. Catherine the Great, Bridal Journey of. (H. Tuttle) Cosmopol. 3: 147. – Crimean Journey of. (G. Norton) Nation, 44: 60. Catherine of Aragon. See Katherine. Catherines, Royal, English. All the Year, 41: 559. Catherine Maidment's Burden. (M. Moule) All the Year, 69: 260. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. (N. Marks) Author, 1: 4I. – Romance of Dollard. Atlan. 65: 124. Catholic. See Roman Catholic. Catholic Truth Society, The. (J. Britten) Dub. R. Ioo: 4OO. Catholicism, Anglo-, and the Church. (A. M. Fair- bairn) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 414. See Roman Catholi- CISIOl. Catiline, Namesake of, in the Apennines. Atlan. 67: 7 I2. Catlett, Geo. C., with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 96. Catlin, George, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 402. Cato, Valerius. Dirae. (R. Ellis) Am. J. Philol. II: 1. Caton, John D. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 12: (F. E. Beddard) Gent. M. (Le Metayer de Guichain- (W. L. Visscher) M. 294. Catrail, or Picts’ Work Ditch, The. (J. Russell) Blackw. I44; 716. Catskills, Heart of the Southern. Cent. I4: 610. Cattle, Foreign, London Trade in. Arts, I5: 37. – Holstein-Friesian. (S. Hoxie) Harper, 77: 363. — Instincts of. Spec. 67: 187. — — Strange. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. 18: 389. Same art. Liv. Age, 199: 742. – on Colorado Ranges. (J. A. Clough) M. West. Hist. II: 368. –7 on a Thousand Hills. (J. Ambulo) Overland, n. s. 9 : 225. — Polled, Derivation of Domestic. (R. C. Auld) Am. Natural. 22: 784. — Wild. Chamb. J. 68: 506. — — of Gt. Britain. (R. C. Auld) Am. Natural. 22: 498. Cattle-Driving in New South Wales. Cornh. 61: 202. Cattle-Herder of Chili. Sat. R. 72: 297. Cattleman of the Atlantic, The. Chamb. J. 54: 358. (J. Burroughs) (J. Inwin) J. Soc. CATTLE Cattle Plague in 18th Century. (R. Dossie) J. Soc. Arts, I4: IoS-186. — Southern, Germ of. 22: II.3. Cattle-Raising in the West. (F. P. Billings) Am. Naturalist, (J. Baumann) Fortn. 47: 516. . Cattle-Trade, American. (J. H. Richardson) Murray, 8: 547. — Transatlantic. (M. Frewen) Fortn. 55: 713. Cattle Transportation. Five Thousand Miles with Range-Cattle, Southern Alberta to England. (N. Loring) 19th Cent. 29: 648. Catullus, Studies in. (H. G. Bruce) Harv. Mo. 5: 73. Caucasus, “Bighorn” Shooting in. (C. Phillipps-Wol- ley) Longm. I7: 66. – Eastern, Abercromby on. Spec. 64: 207. — Through the. (E. M. de Vogüé) Harper, 81: 26. — (R. Meeker) Harper, 74: 715, 910. Caucus, Substitutes for the. (R. H. Dana) Forum, 2: 49I. Caucus Legislation. (L. Satterthwait) N. Eng. 54:297. Caucus Reform. (R. H. Dana) Harv. Mo. Io: I. Caughran, Josephus D., with portrait. (C. W. Ho- bart) M. West. Hist. I3: 297. Caught by a Wheel; a Cycling Story. wood) Outing, I8: 504. Caussé, G., French Mariner, Private Journal of. (W. F. Dickes) Eng. Illust. 4: 673. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 419. - Cavaliers, The. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 61 : 595. Cavalla, Thrace. Cornh. 58: 190. Cavalry in Battle. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 276. — Modern. Sat. R. 68: 158. * – on the Battlefield. (F. N. Maude) Un. Serv. M. m. s. (W. G. Calder- 3 : 3 Io. — Revival of. (E. A. Altham) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: - I7. – Service in, in the Army of the Potomac. Thomas) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : I. — U. S., Past and Present. (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: II.3, 521. 5: 76. Cavalry Leaders I have Known. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 67. Cavalry Organization. Sat. R. 72: 246. Cavalry Raids. Sat. R. 7o: 477, 623. Cavalry Tilts in the Sunny South. (C. King) Outing, 16: 385. Cavalry Warfare. Sat. R. 69: 435. — Prince Kraft on. Spec. 64: 236. Cave Deposits. (A. J. J. Browne) Nature, 37: 224. Cave-Dwellings, Prehistoric. (F. T. Bickford) Cent. 18: 896. Cave Life of Animals, and Evolution. (A. S. Packard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 389. Caveat Emptor. (C. Black) Longm. Io: 409. Cavendish Experiment, The. (C. V. Boys) Nature, 41: I55. Cavendish Family. All the Year, 41 : 424. —Sat. R. 72: 7I4. Caverns and Cavern Life. (H. S. (T. J. Jordan) Un. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. 2: Cavour, Count. Westm. I29: 4o. Age, I76: 369. — Letters. Sat. R. 64: 893. — Letters and Diary. Quar. 168: Iog. — Youth of. (G. S. Godkin) Macmil. 61: 444. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 405. Cawdor Castle and Culloden Moor. Atlan. 61: 746. Cawein, Madison J. (E. S. Miller) Author, 2:49. Cayuga Indian Relics. (W. M. Beauchamp) Am. Nat- ural. 23: 4ol. *. Same art. Liv. (J. C. R. Dorr) 71 CENSUS Cazalis, Henry. L'Illusion. Ath. '89, 2: 347. Cecchetti, Bartolomeo. Acad. 35: 221. Cedar Creek, Battle of. (G. B. Gerald) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 391, 443. Cefalù, Sicily. (E. A. Freeman) Macmil. 60: 347. Celebes, Hickson on. Spec. 64; 170. — Ath. '90, I: 2I5. - Céleste, Celine. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 391. Celeste, Sister; an Italian Nun. (A. J. Sanders) Na- tional, I3: 456. Celestine; a story. Celestite from Mineral County, W. Va. liams) Am. J. Sci. I39: 183. Celibacy, Clerical. (R. F. R. Conder) Month, 64; 379. Celibate Authors. (G. N. Lovejoy) Author, 2: 54. Celibate's Wife, A.; a story. Cornh. 58: 53. Cell, Vegetable. (G. L. Goodale) Am. J. Sci. I35: 341, 4I9. Cells, Wandering, in Animal Bodies. Am. Natural. 25: 511. Cell Theory, The, Past and Present. (W. Turner) Na- ture, 43: Io, 3I. Cellini, Benvenuto. Church Q. 28: 205. — (E. W. Lati- mer) Harper, 80: 363. — (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 7: 148. — (E. J. Lowell) Scrib. M. 6: 493. — Autobiography; transl. by Symonds. Spec. 60: 1425. — Ath. '87, 2: 887. — Sat. R. 64: 703. —Character of. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 47: 73. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 345. Cellular Vitality, Continuity of. Gent. M. m. s. 39: 343. Celoron’s Voyage down the Allegheny. man) M. West. Hist. 5: 462. Celt-Iberians, The. (W. Webster) Acad. 40: 268. (J. Rameau) Cosmopol. I : 345. (G. H. Wil- (J. L. Kellogg) (H. M. Goodman) (T. J. Chap-. Celtic Ethnology. Mythographical Treatment of. (J. Rhys) Scot. R. 16: 240. - Celtic Heathendom, Rhys' Lectures on. (H. Bradley) Acad. 33: 369. Celtic Languages, Traces of Non-Aryan Element in. (J. Rhys) Scot, R. I6: 30. Celtic Literature, List of Books on. Lit. W. (Bost.) I9: 367. Celtic Studies and the Scotch. Sat. R. 72: 277. Celticism, a Myth. Sat. R. 68: 625. Cement, Lead and Sulphur. Am. Arch. 29: Ios. — Portland, Improvements of. (R. J. Friswell) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 470. I24: 61. Cements, Hydraulic. (W. Cummings) Am. Arch. 22: 269. — Natural and Artificial. (LaRoy F. Griffin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 253. — Permeability of. (G. W. Hyde and W. J. Smith) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 199. — Relative Value of. (C. D. Jameson and H. Remley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 663. Cement-Mortar, Effect of Freezing on. Am. Arch. 21: 282. Cemeteries, U. S. National. Mo. 2: 58. Cenci, Beatrice, and Clement VIII. Cath. Q. I2; 29. Census and Some of its Lessons. (H. Jones) Leis. Hour, (A. Noble) (C. Cowley) Bay State (R. Parsons) Am. 4O: 373. - — Method of Taking. (C. D. Wright) No. Am. I48: 727. — — How to secure a Useful One. land, n.s. I7: 305. — — Shall we have a Correct 2 (D. A. Wells) Nation, 48: 4oo. — of Great Britain. All the Year, 68: 303. — — Annual, Suggestions for. (Sir E. Chadwick) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 468. (J. M. Eddy) Over- CENSUS Census of Great Britain, 1891, Suggestions for. (G. B. Longstaff) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 436. — — during the Century. (F. B. Harrison) National, I7: I 53. – of the United States; How the People are Counted. (H. C. Adams) Chaut. I2: 473. — — Methods in. (R. M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 259. — — 1790–1887, Key to Publications of. (E. C. Lunt) Am. Statis. Assoc. I: 63. — — 1890. (R. P. Porter) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 321. — (R. M. Smith) Econ. J. I : 43. — (F. A. Walker) Forum, II: 258. — — — A Decade of Retrogression. Wischnewetzky) Arena, 4: 365. — — — Defective. (R. Q. Mills) Forum, II: 137. — — — The Great Count. (F. A. Walker) Forum, II: 406. — — — Lessons from. 39: 72.I. 40: 75. — — — Misfortune of. 63. — — — Muddle of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 51: 223. — — — New England in. (J. C. Rose) Nation, 51: 279. — — — The North in. (J. C. Rose) Nation, 51: 336. — — — Partisanship and. (R. P. Porter) No. Am. I51: 662. — — — The Population. — of Massachusetts, First. Assoc. 2: 182. Census Department, A Permanent. gin. M 2. 297. Census-Taking. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 887. — Growth of. (E.P. Allen) Amer. Ig: 48. Centaurs in Greek Vase-Painting. (S. Colvin) J. Hel. Stud. I : Ioz. Centenarians, Habits and Family History of. Humphry) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 618. — Medical Report on. Leis. Hour, 36: 161. Centenarianism. Temp. Bar, 87: 338. Centenary Celebrations in 1788. Westm. I3o: 637. Central America, Civilization and Religions of. (C. A. Sawyer) Univ. Q. 45: 479. — and Proposed Inter-Oceanic Railway. (E. G. Squier) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 134. Central American Federation, The Proposed. den) Nation, 45: 47. “Centre Figger.” (M. E. M. Davis) Harper, 8o: 282. Centrifugal Force and d'Alembert's Principle. (F. Guthrie) Nature, 40: 319. “Century, The,” Printing of. 19: 87. Century Club, The. (A. R. Macdonough) Cent. Ig: 673. Century Dictionary, The. See English Language. Century Guild of Art. (H. P. Horne) Art J. 39: 295. Ceramics, Greek, Rayet and Collignon on. Ath. '89, 2: (Florence K. (C. D. Wright) Pop. Sci. Mo. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: (J. C. Rose) Nation, 51: 301. (S. A. Green) Am. Statis. (E. Atkinson) En- (Prof. (R. Og- (T. L. DeVinne) Cent. I97. Ceramic Art, Greek, at the Burlington Fine Arts Club. Art J. 40: 253. Ceramic Art Exhibition at Rome, 1889. lis) Art J. 43: 273. Ceramic Manufactures, Minton's Influence on. Wyatt) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 441. Ceratopsidae, Additional Characters of. Am. J. Sci. I39: 418. Cerebellum, Evolution of the. (C. L. Herrick) Science, I8: 188. Cerebral Cortex, The. (H. Maudsley) Mind, 15: 161. Cerebral Localization. (C. E. Brown-Séquard) Forum, 5: 166. — (H. H. Donaldson) Am. J. Psychol. 4: 113. — (E. A. Schäfer) Nature, 35: 438,464. Cerebration, Unconscious. (J. P. Moore) Overland, n. s. IS: 195. (Henry Wal- (M. D. (O. C. Marsh) *-- 72 CHAMBERLAIN Cerebrology and Phrenology. (S. V. Clevenger) Am. Natural. 22: 612. See also Brain. - Certainty, Experimental. (L. T. Hobhouse) Mind, 15: 25 I. Certiorari, Writ of. (F. J. Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 493. Certosa of Pavia. (S. Brinton) Portfo. 20: 34, 71. Cervantes and Lope de Vega, Lond. Soc. 54: 40. — and Shakspere. (W. Webster) Acad. 35: 352. — Don Quixote, Bradford's Index to Clemencin's Commentary on. (W. I. Knapp) Nation, 44; 267, 292. — — Watts's Translation. Ath. '89, 2: 154, 182. —Sat. R. 72: 562. — — Wisdom of. (F. Maccunn) Good Words, 32: 699. Cetacea, The. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 24: 599. Cettinje. Sat. R. 68: 189. Ceylon. (Sir F. Dickson) Eng. Illust. 7: 15. — (A. E. Bonser) Liv. Age, I87: 216. — Folk-Lore of. All the Year, 4I: 279. — Food Taxes in. (J. H. Starey) Spec. 63: 333. — A Modern Pilgrimage. (S. M. Burrows) Macmil. 58: 467. – Naturalists' Rambles in. ural. 23: 690. — Pleasant Memories of. Sunday M. 20: 738. – Police Work in. (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) National, I7: 62o. — redivivus. All the Year, 63: IoI. — Rivers in. Cornh. 63: 396. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 483. – Scenery in. (John Capper) Art J. 39: 321. – Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Industries of. (J. L. Shand) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 180. – Temple of the Sacred Tooth. Mo. 18: 276. Chabot, Cyprien. J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 68. Chace, Jonathan, Testimonial to. Critic, Ig: 369. Chachans, Among the. Sat. R. 68: 209. Chain of Errors. (E. W. Latimer) Lippinc. 43: 623. Chairmen, A Chapter on. Chamb. J. 68: 273. Chalco, Swamps of, Adrift in the. (D. S. Richardson) Overland, m. s. II: 525. Chalcopyrite Crystals from the French Creek Iron Mines, Pa. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I4o: (H. Hensoldt) Am. Nat- (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) (M. Stenson) Irish 2O7. Chaldea, Ancient, Metals of. (P. E. Berthelot) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 220. — Woman's Language of. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 34: 324. Chaldean Thought, Eastern Spread of. (J. Edkins) Acad. 31; I4. Chaldaeo-Assyrian Religion. For. Evang. R. 36: 57. Chalfont St. Giles. Macmil. 64; 199. Chalice Brasses in Yorkshire. (Mill Stephenson) Reli- quary, 3I: 65. Chalk Formation, Origin of. (J. T. Kemp) Knowl. I4: (E. de Pressensé) Brit. & Io3. Chalki, A Scholastic Island. (J. S. Bent) Macmil. 6o: 444. Challant, Family of. (J. S. Fiske) Nation, 53: 257. “Challenger,” Voyage of. Ed. R. I7I: 75. — — Meteorological Report. Nature, 41; 443. — — Reports on. Ath. '89, I : 313. Chalmers, James, Work of, in New Guinea. Cong. R. 2: 46I. Chaloner's Best Man. Cornh. 58: 499. Chamber of Horror; a story. (A. Sherwood) Belgra. 63: 457. Chamberlain, Humphrey B., with portrait. (H. D. Tee- tor) M. West. Hist, Io: 148. CHAMBERLAIN Chamberlain, Joseph. Sat. R. 65: 651. – Westm. I28: 265. — and Ulster. Westm. I28: 1065. — A French View of. Sat. R. 68: 584. cºś. Denver. M. West. Hist. Io: I47. - Chambers, C. Hadden, with portrait. Theatre, 27: 74. — The Idler. Sat. R. 71 : 291. – Theatre, 26: 197. Chambers, James (1748–1827), the Beggar-Poet. (T. Woolner) 19th Cent. 21 : 875. Chambers, Robert. Ath. '88, I: 404. Chambers, Sir William. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Ea- ton) Art J. 4I: 320. “Chambre Ardente ’’ and French Protestantism, under Henry II. (H. M. Baird) Presb. and Ref. R. 2: 4OO. Chameleons. Sat. R. 70: 263. Chamisso, A. von, with portrait. mond) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 252. Chamois, Big Buck. (H. E. M. Stutfield) Longm. I5: 186. Chamois-Hunt, A. (A. S. Marshall-Hall) Gent. M. n.s. 39: 27O. Chamonix in May. Cornh. 63: 474. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 765. Champ de Mars, Salon of, 1891. I: 706, 771. Champs Elysées, Salon of, 1891. I : 612–673. — and Champ de Mars, Salons of, Summer Exhibitions, 1891. (C. Phillips) Art J. 43: 242. Champagne. Cornh. 64; 384. — All the Year, 68: 260. Champdoré, Pierre Angibaut, in New England, 1608. (B. F. DeCosta) N. E. Reg. 45: 137. Champlain, Lake ; How I Sail. (W. H. H. Murray) Outing, I8: 96. Champney, Lizzie W. (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 472. Chance and Luck, Proctor's. Spec. 60: 1155.-Sat. R. 63: 844. — Certainties of. (R. A. Proctor) National, II: 259. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 323. — Games of, Ethics of. Spec. 63: 75. — Intemperance of. Atlan. 67: 576. — or Design, in Nature. (N. S. Shaler) And. R. 12: II 7. Chance Checkmate, A. Chamb. J. 65: 140. Chance Meeting, A. Chamb. J. 64: 123. Chancellor's Garden, The. (W. J. Courthope) National, II: 783. - * Chancellorsville, Despatch on the Eve of the Battle. (T. J. Jackson) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 323. Chandler, Henry William. Acad. 35: 377. – Ath. '89, I: 663. Chandler, William E. Granite Mo. 12: 144. Chandler, William F. Granite Mo. Io: 206. Change, Gospel of. Spec. 63: 665. Changed Times. Sunday M. Ig: 829. Changeling, A.; a story. (H. Chartres) Lond. Soc. 53: (E. DuBois-Rey- (F. Duval) Ath. '91, (F. Duval) Ath. '91, I53. Chanler, Amélie Rives. See Rives, Amélie. Channel Islands. (H. G. Keene) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 21. — Chronicles of. All the Year, 41 : 486, — Packet from. (H. Johnson) Good Words, 31: 248, 327, 396. — People of. 736. Channing, W. E., as a Social Reformer. (W. M. Salter) Unita. R. 29: 207. — Note Book. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 44; 214. Channing, Wm. Henry. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 44: IoI.— Spec. 6o: 231. — Unita. R. 27: 212. Chansons de Geste, The. (M. Hayden) Dub. R. Ioz: 36. * (G. F. B. de Gruchy) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 73 CHARITIES Chant of Arcady. (A. Jessop) Longm. I4: 187. Chanticleer. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. II: 201. Chantilly, Chateau and Collections of. (J. Child) Har- per, 75: 836. Chantreuil, Artist. (R. Heath) Good Words, 31: 835. Chantrey, Sir Francis, and his Bequest. All the Year, 64; 412. — All the Year, 68: 414. — Tinsley, 47: 449. Chantry Priests. (J. Moyes) Acad. 37: 223. Chaos of the Ancient Cosmogonies. (O. D. Miller) Univ. Q. 47: 92. Chapbook Heroes. (H. Pyle) Harper, 81: 123. Chapbook Villain, A Famous. (H. Pyle) Harper, 81: 186. Chapel in the Sands, Cornwall. (M. P. Hawker) Month, 60: 378. Chaperons and Debutantes. Chaperone, The ; a story. 72I. Chapman, George. (H. Ellis) Acad. 35: 171. Chappell, William. Acad. 34: 143. — Ath. '88, 2: 291. Chapters from some Unwritten Memoirs. 3. My Pro- fessor of History. Macmil. 63: 112. Chapultepec. (E. M. Quillin) Chaut. 9: 227. Character. (D. A. Goodsell; A. J. F. Behrends; S. F. Scovel; J. W. Mendenhall) Meth. R. 49:44.— Ecl. M. II5: 801. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 737. — and Scenery. Spec. 60: 1274. – Cause of. Cornh. 56: 414. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 803. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 821. All the Year, 41 : 392. (H. James) Atlan. 68: 659, — in Children. (C. M. Mason) Murray, 4: 765. — Physical Basis of. (C. L. Herrick) Bapt. R. I2: 183. — Science of, Can there be a 2 (W. L. Courtney) Na- tional, I5; 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 167. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 592. } — Training for, (H. Marion) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 755. Characters, Suppressed. All the Year, 4I: 89. Character-Reader, The Complete. Atlan. 67: 713. Characteristics. (S. W. Mitchell) Cent. 21: 285. Charcoal, Sanitary Applications of. (J. F. Watson) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 652, 665. — Wood. Chamb. J. 66: 742. Charge, A, for France. (J. Heard, jr.) Scrib. M. Io: 697. Charing Cross. All the Year, 65: 535. — to St. Paul's. (J. McCarthy) Portfo. 21: 119, 133, 254. Chariot, Homeric. (W. Leaf) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 185. Chariots in Denmark, Prehistoric. (G. Stephens) Acad. 4; I4. Charitable Endowments. (B. H. Holland) National, I5: 641. Charitable Societies, Management of. Lend a H. 4: 699. Charities and Corrections, National Conference of. Lend a H. I : 389. — — — 1888. (L. S. Houghton) No. Am. I47: 474. — Are the Secret Orders Charities? (D. H. Plumb) Lend a H. I : 468. — Associated, Special Work of. (Mrs. Annie Fields) Lend a H. 4: 285. — City, Future of. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 27: 72. — Cold-Weather. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. 19: 58. — Continental. Meliora, 9: I. — Eccentric. Chamb. J. 66: 817. — Literature of, Notes on. (H. B. Adams) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: 283. — Management of. Lend a H. 5: 447. — Municipal. (S. Low) Lend a H. 3: 498. — of Buffalo. (J. W. Bashford) Chant. 9: 147. — of San Francisco. (S. W. Weitzel) Lend a H. 3: 617. CHARITIES – Public, of New York City. Lend a H. 2: 574, 633. Charity and Knowledge. (D. C. Gilman) Science, I4: II. Charity; Adequate Relief versus Dole-Giving. Ames) Lend a H. I : 226. — Brightening the Homes. Lend a H. 2: 339. — Chalmers Plan. Lend a H. I : 573. — Collection of Funds. Lend a H. 1 : 509. -- The Fetish of. (Emily G. Ellis) Westm. I35: 301, 3. — (W. G. Thorpe) Acad. 40: 504, (C. H. Firth) 53ö. — Gospel of Giving. (M. Libby) Lend a H. 5: 624. – in Talmudic Times. (K. Magnus) National, Io: 701. — Indiscriminate. Chamb. J. 66: 49. — Justice and. (T. S. King) Lend a H. 5: 761. – Mothers and Infants, Destitute. (L. F. Clarke) Lend a H. 4: 630. – Organization of. (Mrs. J. S. Lowell) Chaut. 9: 80. — (Mrs. J. S. Lowell) Lend a H. 3: 81. — — and Pauperism. (R. G. Moses) Church R. 50: 546. — — Function of. (D. O. Kellogg) Lend a H. I : 450. – Out-Door Relief. Lend a H. 3: 372. — Lend a H. 4: IO3. — — in Brooklyn, N. Y. Lend a H. 3: 445. — — Management of. Lend a H. I : 127. — — Practically Tested. (A. T. White) Lend a H. I : (F. B. 335. — — Public. (A. T. White) Lend a H. 4: 279. — — Thrift as the Test of. (G. C. T. Bartley) J. Soc. Arts, 22: #: — Practical Hand-Dending. Lend a H. 2: 35. — Public, International Study of. Lend a H. 4: 35o. — Public Institutions and Private Care. Lend a H. 1: 637. — Public Meetings in Behalf of. Lend a H. 2: 121. -- Rights of Givers. Lend a H. I : 447. — Scientific. (A. G. Warner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 488. — — in Hamburg. (J. H. Crooker) Lend a H. 4: 7, II 3. — Unofficial Visits. Lend a H. 2: 311. – Union for Home Work, Pittsfield, Mass. Dawes) Lend a H. 3: 75, 207. — Work of Prevention. Lend a H. 2: 65. Charity Experiences of a Prison Chaplain. (J. W. Hors- ley) Sunday M. 16: 194. Charity Funds in England, Appropriation of. sopp) 19th Cent. 27: 957. Charity Organization Society of New York City. Lend a H. I : 196. Charity Relief, Limit of. Lend a H. I: 383. Charity Studies. (H. D. Stevens) Unita. R. 29: 12. Charity; a story. (H. H. Boyesen) Scrib. M. 4: 490. Charlecote House. (S. L. Lee) Portfo. 19: 99, 138. Charlemagne, Mombert's History of. Sat. R. 67: 224. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 357. Charles I. as a Picture Collector. (H. G. Hewlett) 19th Cent. 28: 201. — Coronation of. Scot. R. Io: 266. - — New Light on the Execution of. (C. H. Firth) Acad. 4o: 241. – Antiq. m. s. 23: 197. Charles II. and the Battle of Worcester. Two Proc- lamations. (C. E. Green) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 114. — Coronation of. Scot. R. Io: 38. — A King of Shreds and Patches. (L. I. Guiney) Cath. World, 44: 668. — Petitions to. (W. D. Macray) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 343. Charles IV. of Lorraine. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 90. Charles VII. of France, History of, Beaucourt's. Ath. '88, 2; 443. – (A. Mary F. Robinson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 161. (A. L. (A. Jes- 74 Charities, Organization of. (H. C. White) N. Eng. 46: 206. CHATEAU Charles XII., King of Sweden. (King Oscar Fredrik) 19th Cent. 27: 867. 28: 59. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 579. 186: 286. Charles I., King of Roumania, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 815. - Charles Edward, Pretender. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 52. —- How he left Rome in 1745. Month, 60: 476. Charles Emmanuel, King of Italy, King Victor and. (H. A. Beers) Chaut. II: 148. Charles Theodore, Duke of Bavaria; the Royal Duke- Doctor. (Margaret Howitt) Good Words, 28: 461. — Spec. 60: 1180. Charleston, S. C., Journal of Maj. F. Skelly, 1779. M. Am. Hist. 26: I52, 392. — Naval Attack upon, 1863. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 433. — Provincialisms of. (S. Primer) Am. J. Philol. 9: 198. — Siege of. Charleston Harbor in the Civil War. Eng. 53: 406. Charlestown, Mass., Story of Old. New Eng. M. 3: 796. — True Site of Great House in, 1629–30. newell) N. E. Reg. 42: 307. Charlie Ransom; a story. Chamb. J. 66: 776–823. Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria, Life and Letters of. Ath. '89, 2: 184. — Spec. 63: 607. “Charlotte,” Slaver, Looking for the. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 131. Charms. (J. Raine and others) Acad. 31: 291. — against Toothache. (G. H. Brierley and others) Acad. 31: 258. Chart, Pilot, of the North Atlantic. I25; 265, 447. - Charters, Anglo-Saxon. Earle's Handbook of. Sat. R. 67: 351. Charterhouse, London. dle) Ath. '87, I: 3.17. — Martyrs of. (J. Gairdner) Acad. 35: 405. — — Monks and Martyrs of. Dub. R. IoS: 459. Chartering a Nation. (J. Ralph) Harper, 84; 27. Chartism, Early History of, 1836–39. (E. C. K. Gon- ner) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 625. Chartres. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 49: 224. — Cathedral of. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 7: 97. — — Building of. (C. E. Norton) Harper, 79: 944. Chartres, Old Fort. (E. G. Mason) Atlan. 49: 618. Chartreuse, Grande. Chamb. J. 66: 486. – (A. E. Rodd) Outing, 9: 550. — (E. B. Spiers) Good Words, 28: 816. – (E. Schuré) Chaut. II: 330. — (H. D. M. Spence) Eng. Illust. 8: 289. — Visit to. (Eliz. Lecky) 19th Cent. 29: 405. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 159. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 653. Chartreuse of St. Hugh in Sussex. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 24. Chase, Frederic. (E. R. Ruggles) Granite Mo. I3: 240. Chase, Salmon P. (E. L. Didier) Chaut. II: 182. — and the Constitutional Amendments. No. Am. I44: (R. Wainwright) Un. (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 217. (W. Allen) N. (J. Codman, 2d) (J. F. Hun- (E. Shippen) J. Frankl. Inst. Sat. R. 67: 579. — (G. War- Month, 60: 457. 74. Chase, Wm. M. (K. Cox) Harper, 78; 549. Chase, The, Cruelties of. Atlan. 63: 436. Chased by a Pony. (Mrs. E. E. Cuthell) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 97. Chasse, La. Chamb. J. 67: 189. Chastity, Patriotism and ; Parnell's Case. Stanton) Westm. I35: I. (Eliz. C. Chastleton House. (A. Fea) Antiq. m. s. 15: 41. Chata and Chinita. (L. P. Heaven) Overland, n. s. 9: 51. Io: 518. Château, A, in France. (M. Mather) Eng. Illust. 8: 662. § | ( U.-- CHATEAU Château de Kerouel; a story. Argosy, 44; 398. Château Malbrouk. (H. W. Wolff) National, 16: 533. Châteaux in Touraine. (Elsie A. De Wolfe) Cosmopol. IO: 395. — Royal, of the Loire. (L. Frechette) Harper, 83: 8 4. Chateaubriand, Loves of. (Y. Blaze de Bury) New R. 2 : 335. Chatham and Dover Railway. (W. M. Acworth) Mur- ray, 4: 209. Chatrian, Alexandre, with portrait. (R. Heath) Leis. Hour, 40: 86. Chatsworth and the Derwent. 22 : 74. Chattanooga. — Army of the Cumberland at. 12: 136. — Campaign for. (W. S. Rosecrans) Cent. I2: 129. Chatterton, Thomas, Manuscripts of. (C. G. Grump) Ath. '89, I: 729. — (W. George) Ath. '89, 2: 34. Chaucer, Geoffrey. (W. D. Selby) Ath. '88, I: 116. — and William de Beauchamp. (W. D. Selby) Ath. '88, 1: 662. — and Boccaccio. – and Thomas Chaucer. 405. — and the Italian Renaissance. (F. T. Palgrave) 19th Cent. 24; 340. Same art. Liv. Age, I79; 3. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 607. — The Ballad addressed to Chaucer by Eustache Des- champs. (P. Toynbee) Acad. 4o: 432. — Canterbury Tales; Saunders's edition. (M. B. An- derson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 254. - — England of. (E. Parsons) Bapt. Q. I3: 645. — Forester of North Petherton, Somerset. Selby) Ath. '87, 2: 19, (E. Green) 150. — House of Fame. (F. T. Palgrave; C. H. Herford) Acad. 35: 305, 342. – (F. T. Palgrave) Acad. 35: 379. — (C. H. Herford) Acad. 35: 413. — in the “Dictionary of National Biography.” (F. J. Furnivall) Acad. 34: 371. — Lymote. (J. W. Hales) Ath. '87, I: 478, 545. — Miller's Tale. (E. Peacock) Ath. '87, 2: 54, (B. Nicholson) 84. — Minor Poems. Ath. '82, I: 466. — — ed. by Skeat. (T. R. Lounsbury) Nation, 48: 527. — Sat. R. 67: 712. — not a Bastard. (F. J. Furnivall) Acad. 31 : 113. — Prologue. (C. Ransome) Macmil. 63: 23. — Six Weeks' Study in. (A. M. Lathe) Poet-Lore, 3: 630. -- — Skeat's. — Sources of. – Two more Poems by. 292, 307. Chautauqua. Lend a H. 7: 223. — and other Iroquois Names. Science, I8: 261. – as a New Factor in American Life. New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 90. — as a Summer Resort. Chaut, 7: 61o. (J. Leyland) Portfo. (E. Kirke) Harper, 74: 659. (J. S. Fullerton) Cent. (E. M. Clerke) Eel. M. IoS: 123. (J. W. Hales) Ath. '88, I: (W. D. Nation, 50: 78. (T. R. Lounsbury) Nation, 49: Io. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 33: (W. M. Beauchamp) (F. P. Noble) — Going to. (J. H. Vincent) Chaut. II: 588. — Recreation and Religion at. (F. Hastings) Sunday M. 17: 622. – Visit to. Amer. I4: 281. Chautauqua Circle, The. (J. H. Crooker) Unita. R. 32: 225. – Nation, 49: 290, 332, 35o. — (J. H. Vin- cent) Contemp. 51: 725. Chautauqua Days, Old. (T. L. Flood) Chaut. I3: 561. Chautauqua Life in 1800. (F. N. Thorpe) Chaut. 9: 528. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Association, Cen- tral Office of. (K. F. Kimball) Chaut. II: 611. 75 CHEMISTRY Chautauqua Reading Circle. (J. L. Fitch) 19th Cent. 24: 487. — (E. E. Hale) Unita. R. 28: 233. Chautauquan, The, How made. Chaut. 7: 222. Cheapness, Evils of. Sat. R. 65: I.2. Cheatham, Gen. Benjamin Franklin. (C. T. Quintard) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 349. Chechina. (M. Brotherton) Macmil. 60: 271. Check and Counter-Check. (B. Matthews and G. H. Jessopp.) I.ippinc. 4I: 3. Checks, Delay in Collecting. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 38. — Deposit of Forged. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 632. — Duty of Indorsee – Payment of Debt. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 297. – Is a Check a Bill of Exchange P Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 294. — Payment by. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 864. — Protected. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 704. – Rights of a Payee of a Check. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 962. – Verbal Acceptance of Check. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46; 373. Checkmated. Chamb. J. 64: 424–488. Chêdi Era, Initial Point of. (F. Kielhorn) Acad. 32: 394. Cheese, Cheddar. Sat. R. 63: 47. — Milk, and Butter Supply of England. ter) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 965–Iool. Cheever, Ezekiel. (E. P. Gould) Bay State Mo. I : 98. — (J. T. Hassam) N. E. Reg. 4I: 65. Chelsea, Old. All the Year, 62: 519. — and its Hospital. Chamb. J. 68: 43. Chelsea Hospital; the Military Exhibition. All the Year, 66: 533. Chelsea, Mass. (W. E. McClintock) Bay State Mo. I : Io?. Chemical Action and the Conservation of Energy. (S. U. Pickering) Nature, 43: 165, 246. — between Solids. (W. Hallock) Am. J. Sci. I37: 4O2. Chemical Affinity. (M. M. P. Muir) Nature, 40: 273. — and Solution. (W. Durham) Nature, 36: 318. Chemical Change a Change of Motion. (D. Mendeleeff) Nature, 40: 354. Chemical Congress, International. Nature, 40; 369. Chemical Discoveries, 1863–65. (F. C. Calvert) J. Soc. Arts, I3: 689–765. Chemical Elements, Composition of the. ley) Nature, 41; 56. — Genesis of. Sat. R. 63: 298. Chemical Integration. (T. S. Hunt) Am. J. Sci. I34: 116. Chemical Prologue, A. Mo. 36: 668. Chemical Theory, Progress of. . Inst. I31: 241, 321, 409. Chemist, The, as a Constructor. Sci. Mo. 35: 801. — in the Suburbs, A.; a story. (F. Wedmore) Fortn. 55: 771. Same art. Ecl. M. II7: 50. — Life Work of a. (H. E. Roscoe) Nature, 40: 578. Chemistry Applied to the Arts. (F. C. Calvert) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 559–651. | — Dictionary of, Watts's. Ath. '89, 2: 99. — Evolution of. (L. Olivier) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 814. — Gautier's Cours de Chimie. Westm. I31: 148. — of the Rare Earths. (A. E. Fulton) Nature, 36: 357. — of To-Day. (I. Remsen) Pop.Sci. Mo. 34: 591. — or Physics; Which First? (J. H. Shepard; H. L. Griffis) Acad. (Syr.) 2: II 7, 121. — Organic, Formulae and the Progress of. Nature, 36: 6 (R. Bannis- (A. M. Stap- (C. H. Henderson) Pop. Sci. (P. Frazer) J. Frankl. (W. Bernhardt) Pop. 306. — Past and Present. (E. Schunck) Nature, 36: 442. CHEMISTRY Chemistry, Progress of. (C. E. Munroe) Science, 12: 90. – Relations of, to the Metallurgy of Iron. (L. Bell) Nature, 40: 473. — Role of, in Civilization. 443. — Synthetic, Debt of Medical and Sanitary Science to. (S. P. Sadtler) J. Frankl. Inst. 127: 203. – To-Day, and its Problems. (W. Crookes) Forum, II: 32O. – Teaching of. (M. M. P. Muir) Nature, 36: 536. — — Muir on. Nature, 37: 265, 318. — (M. M. P. Muir) Nature, 37: 466,486. — — Present Methods of. (W. A. Tilden) Nature, 38: 47O. — — — Report on. Nature, 43: 593. Chenonceaux. Sat. R. 66: 579. Cherbuliez, Victor. Westm. 131: 127. Cherokee Bob, the Original Jack Hamlin. Shinn) Overland, n. s. If: 1. Cherokee Experiment, The. (W. Barrows) And. R. 7: 169. Cherokee Indians. (W. Crookes) Forum, 6: (M. W. (A. L. Dawes) Harper, 76: 598. - in Georgia, Spoliation of. (G. A. Jackson) Atlan. 65: 394. — in Pre-Columbian Times. (C. Thomas) Science, 15: 295-397. – Journalism among the. (G. E. Foster) M. Am. Hist. 18: 65. — Sunday with. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I46: 194. Cherokee Outlet, The. (D. W. C. Duncan) And. R. I6: 342. Same art. Lend a H. 7: 257. Cherolon Cañon, A Day in. (C. R. Moffett) Overland, n. S. I3: I45. Cherwell River. (W. Wing) Eng. Illust. 8: 586. — (W. Wood) Leis. Hour, 31 : 554. “Chesapeake,” Frigate, and Lieutenant Ludlow. L. Fowler) M. Am. Hist. 25: 267. — Career of. M. Am. Hist. 25: 413. Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore of; a Southern Arcadia. (A. B. Hart) Nation, 52: 336. Cheshire, Roman. Sat. R. 63: 131. Cheshire Cheese Tavern, London. Eng. Illusº?: 219. Cheshunt Collège in 1888. 2 : 5 I5. Cheshunt Great House. (J. A. Porter) Antiq. m. s. 15: (R. (W. O. Tristram) (J. H. Hollowell) Cong. R. 97. Chess, Curiosities of. (A. C. Pearson) Chamb. J. 64: 721. — in America. (H. Sedley) Harper, 76: 621. — In Praise of. (R. Shindler) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 339. — International Contest, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 346. Chess Instructor, Steinitz'. Sat. R. 68: 335. Chess Literature. Sat. R. 72: 25. Chess Masters. Sat. R. 71 : 52. Chesson, F. W. Ath. '88, I: 568. — (L. Sergeant) Leis. Hour, 37: 677. Chest Development, Exercise for. Sci. Mo. 36: 522. Chester, Lucy, Countess of. 391. Chester, England, “Ecclesiastical” Stone found at. Ath. '88, I: 186. — in Roman Times. Ath. '88, I: 91. — Pigs of Lead found at. (J. Rhys) Acad. 40: 390, (F. Haverfield) 412. - Roman Inscriptions at. (J. P. Earwaker) Ath. '90, 2: 820. — Roman Remains at. (W. T. Watkin ; E. P. L. Brock and others) Acad. 32: 126, 155, 190, 258, 274, 326, 379. — (F. Haverfield) Ath. '91, I: 643. 2: 590, - Roman Sculptures at. Antiq. m. s. 17: 94. (F. Lagrange) Pop. (J. H. Round) Acad. 32: 76 CHICKAMAUGA Chester, Roman Sepulchral Stones of. Antiq. m. s. 17: I37. — Roman Walls of. Antiq. m. s. 17: 41. — (C. R. Smith) Antiq. m. s. I7: 242. – Walls of. (C. R. Smith) Antiq. m. s. 19: 41. – (E. W. Cox) Antiq. m. s. 19: 161. Chesterfield, Lord. Temp. Bar, 87: 527. —Spec. 63: 839. - (G. B. Smith) Lippinc. 46: 691. — Blackw. I47: 206. — Quar. 171: 287. — Letters. Ed. R. I7I: 376. — (A. Birrell) Macmil. 6I: 270. — Ath. '90, I: Io. — (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) II: 61. – Spec. 64; 268. Chests, Carved, Mediaeval. (C. C. Hodges) Reliquary, 3I : 193. Chevalier Alain de Triton; a novelette. Chaut. Io: 409. Chevalier de Feuquerolles; a story. Scot. R. I2: 138. Chevalier Legrand and Mr. Blopper; a story. Ready) Belgra. 65: 347. Chevallier, Guillaume-Sulpice. 23: 274. Chevet, a Celebrity of the Palais Royal. All the Year, 63: 426. Chevreul, M. E., with portrait. (H. H. Clayton) Sci- ence, I3: 246. — (S. Newcomb) Nation, 48: 320. — Ath. '89, I: 475. — Leis. Hour, 38: 428. Chevreuse, Marie de Rohan, Mme. de. (E. M. Davy) Belgra. 73: 280. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 753. — A Great Politician. (J. B. Perkins) Cosmopol. 3: IO4. Chevy Chase. (J. W. Hales) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 396. Chew’s Battery. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 214. — (C. W. Mc- Vicar) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 281. Cheyenne Indians, Artist Wanderings among. (F. Rem- ington) Cent. 38; 5.36. Chicago. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 76: 869. 77: 116. — (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 22: 299, 313. 23: 140, 147. — (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9: 427, 57.I. – Architecture in. (M. Schuyler) Harper, 83: 395, 559. – Auditorium at. Am. Arch. 26: 299. — The City of the World’s Fair. (C. King) Cosmopol. I2: 37. — Clubs of. (G. King) (M. M. Scott) (A. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. (C. P. Bryan) Cosmopol. 7: 211. — Finances of. (P. Barry) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 625. — Geology of. (E. B. Bastin) Harper, 81: 427. — in 1848. (L. Van Dorn) M. West. Hist. Io: 41. — Parks of. Am. Arch. 26: 185. — Philanthropists. (F. E. Willard) Chaut. 7: 348. — Plymouth Church. (C. T. Brown) Chaut. I2: 748. — Populations of, Mixed. (J. C. Ridpath) Chaut. I2: 483. — prior to 1840. (H. G. Cutler) M. West. Hist. I2: 506, 632. I3: 87-700. — Public Library Building. Lib. J. 16: I40. , Chicago Art Institute. Am. Arch. 23: 30, 30: 183. Chicago Exposition of 1893. Am. Arch. 30: 182. — Mr. Berger on. (H. T. Wood) Am. Arch. 28: 148. — Library Exhibit. Lib. J. I5: 238, 251. — Sites proposed, Grand Tower, etc. Am. Arch. 28. I79. – Sunday opening. Chicago Historical Society Library. J. I2: 72. Chicago Union College of Law. (J. E. Babb) Green Bag, I: 330. Chick, Joseph S., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 224. Chickamauga, Battle of. So. Hist. Pap. 16: 377. — (D. H. Hill) Cent. II: 937. Chickamauga Memorial Association. So. Hist, Pap. I6: 339. (H. Johnson) Our Day, 6: 468. (H. R. Ross) Lib. CHICKEN-HEARTED Chicken-Hearted Jockey, A ; a story. (S. A. Phipps) Lond. Soc. 57: 371. Chief Justices of the Bench, Our. No. Am. I47: 205. Chief Justiceship, The. Nation, 46: 252. - Chief Officer's Wager, The ; a story. All the Year, 68: 331, 354, 378. Chignecto Ship Railway. (F. G. Carpenter) (C. G. D. Roberts) Cosmop. 9 : 435. - s Child, Lydia M. (O. E. Dana) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 533. – Home of. (A. S. Hudson) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 402. — Reminiscences of. (G. T. Curtis) Harper, 81: 717. Child, The, and the Community. (H. Campbell) Chaut. 9: 458. — Rights of. (E. E. Backup) Lend a H. 4: 516. Child of Light, A. (M. Crosby) Scrib. M. 3: 551. Child of Science, A. (J. Sturgis) Macmil. 56: 65. Child-Knowledge, Formulated and Unformulated; How to Use it. (B. F. Tweed) Educa. 7: 628. Child Life and the Poets. (A. Lamont) Sunday M. 16: 522, 597. Child Marriage in India. (Raj Coomar Roy) No. Am. I47: 415. Child-Painters, Recent. (W. M. Stetham) Sunday M. 2O: 774 Child Speech and the Law of Mispronunciation. (E. Noble) Educa. 9: 44, 117, 188. Childhood. Spec. 60: 1177, (A. Austin) 1215. — (V. Roseboro') Cent. 21: 238. — Love of. (A. L. Salmon) Sunday M. Ig: 18. — Study of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 39. Childish Things. Chamb. J. 64: 4or. Children. (A. W. Thorold) Good Words, 29: 20, 113, 162, 244. — and the Child Christ. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 16: 114. — and Modern Literature. (H. Sutton) National, Ioff: 507. — and the Poets. (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 39: 182. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 235. — and Prisons. (J. W. Horsley) Sunday M. 18: 778. — as Teachers. (E. A. Kirkpatrick) Lend a H. 6: 23. – Catholic Poor. (A. Oates) Dub. R. Ioo: 157. — Character in. (C. M. Mason) Murray, 4: 765. — Charities for, in San Francisco. (M. W. Shinn) Overland, n. s. I5: 78. — The Church's Training of. I3 : 617. — Classification of, in School Reports. Educa. II: 163, 226. — Criminal, Homes for. V 527, 607. – Cruelly Used, London Missions to. Sunday M. I7: 162. – Cruelty to. (A. Beale) Leis. Hour, 38: 627. — Spec. 66: 653. — — Society for Prevention of. (W. C. Maude) Month, 67: 357. — Custody of: Nullius Filius. (W. C. Maude) Month, 71: 63. – Dependent. (W. P. Letchworth) Lend a H. 1: 517, 576. — — Supported by New York City. Lowell) Lend a H. 1: 161. — Destitute. (W. T. Smith) Lend a H. 1: 584. – Dramatic Impulse in. Atlan. 63: 136. — Education and Employment of. (E. F. Andrews) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 230. * * of, by the State. (R. W. Parker) Longm. 9: 378. — Employments of. Meliora, 6: 224. 8: 102. – Factory; White Child Slavery. (Helen Campbell and others) Arena, I: 589. (A. Pember) National, (F. Warner) (Miss Fowke) Lend a H. 5: (M. Harrison) (Mrs. C. R. 77 Sº, CHILDREN'S – Free Dinners to. Sunday M. 18: 546. — Funny Sayings and Answers by. Chamb. J. 64: 699. — God's Blessings to. (A. Raleigh) Sunday M. 19: 449. - Growth of. Science, II: 28. — Holy, Town of the. (T. A. Janvier) Scrib. M. 3: 434. – Home-Rule in the Nursery. (C. M. Mason) Murray, 5 : 529. – Hospital for, Shadwell. (Mrs. J. S. Wortley)Sunday M. 20: 386. — in Theatres. (M. Jeune) Eng. Illust. 7: 6. — (M. G. Fawcett) Contemp. 51: 639. 56: 822. — Sunday M. 19: 151. – Labor of Lond. Q. Z5: 256.5–W. F. Willoughby and C. de Graffenried) Am. Ecoſſ. Assoc. 5: 5. — — and Some of its Results. (H. Campbell) Chaut. IO: 21. — — the Half-Timers. (H. Dunckley) Contemp. 59: 798. — — in U. S. (F. K. Wischnewetzky) Our Day, 6: . I 92. — — Minimum Age of. (H. E. Manning) Contemp. 59: 794. — Labor Office for, Gateshead, Eng. (Canon Talbot) Sunday M. 20: 107. - – Language of, Barker's. Spec. 62: 302. — Lies of. (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I : 2II. — Mental and Physical Training of. (Mrs. J. O. Wal- ler) 19th Cent. 26: 659. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 213. – Minds of, Condition of, on Entering School. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I : 139. – Moral and Religious Training of. agog. Sem. I : 196. – Neglected, Refuges and Schools for. Meliora, 4: I45. — Observation of, at Worcester, Mass., Normal School. (W. H. Burnham) Pedagog. Sem. I : 219. — on the Elizabethan Stage. (G. P. Baker) Harv. Mo. I2: 85. – on the Stage. Sat. R. 64: IoS. — (CºL. Dodgson) Theatre, 23: 113. — Parliament's Battles for the. (W. C. Preston) Sun- day M. 18: 300–706. — Phantasy of. Spec. 62: 395. Same art. Ecl. M. I 12: 695. — (T. C. Allbutt) Spec. 62: 510. – Poor, Holidays for. (M. Jeune) New R. 2:455. — Protection of. (E. Nusse) Bay State Mo. 2: 89. – Psychological Study of. (J. Jastrow) Educa. R. 1: (G. S. (G. S. Hall) Ped- 253. — Reading of. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 59: 23. — (K. D. Wiggin) Cosmopol. 7: 355. — Refuges for, Manchester and Salford. (J. W. Bards- ley) Sunday M. Ig: 334. — Rights of. (M. C. Tabor) Contemp. 54: 408. — Saving the. (C. A. Murdock) Overland, n. s. 13: 395. - - — Stray, in Fiction. (E. C. Sellar) Murray, Io: 408. — Street. (B. Waugh) Contemp. 53: 825. — Study of. (H. K. Wolfe) Educa. II: 201. — Waifs and Strays. (R. F. Clerke) Month, 65: 153. — What shall we do with our 2 (H. P. Spofford) Chaut. I2: 33–458. — Young, Physical Training of. (F. Legrange) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 449. Children's Books. (E. Solomon) 19th Cent. 22: 563. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 323. – Nation, 45: 421, 442, 483. * Children's Bread, The. All the Year, 64: 58. Children's Hanny Evenings Association of London. (M. Jeune) Eng. Illust. 8: 93. CHILDREN'S 7 Children's Home, The. (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 41: 736. Children's Homes. Amer. I3: 312. e – Stephenson’s. Lond. Q. 7o: 133. Children's Industrial Exhibition, New York. (W. Rose- boro') Cosmopol. I: 167. Children's Library in New York. way) Lib. J. I2: 158, 185. – Constitution of. Lib. J. I2: 224. Children's Minds, Contents of. Science, Io: 304. Children's Parties. Spec. 66: 79. Children's Procession, The. (W. S. Hutchinson) Over- land, m. s. 17: 21. Children's Stories. (M. W. Dorsey) Author, I: 65. Childs, George Borlase. Acad. 34; 320. Childs, Geo. W. (L. A. North) Lippinc. 48: 508. — Spec. 65: 339. - — Recollections of. Lippinc. 43: 861. 44: 6–370. chiº, (W. E. Curtis) Harper, 75: 556. — All the Year, : 342. — Affairs in, 1891. (E. Manby) Fortn. 56: Ior. — Agricultural. (T. Child) Harper, 81: 764. – Aversion to Foreigners in. Sat. R. 72: 388. - Commerce and Finances of. Nation, 46: 442. - Complication with. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 460. – Constitution of. Sat. R. 72: 473. — Constitutional Changes in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 51: 356. — in a Country Town of. All the Year, 64: 538. — Massacre of U. S. Sailors in. Sat. R. 72: 491. — Our Treatment of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 326. — Revolution in 1891. Contemp. 60: 122. — (R. L. Trumbull) Forum, II: 645. — (E. M. Clarke) Dub. R. IOS: 308. — Chaut. I3: 762. — Sat. R. 71 : 521, 676. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 190, 492. – (J. M. Santa Cruz) No. Am. I53: 405.-(C. Eaglestone) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 463. — — Balmaceda's Defeat. Sat. R. 72: 262. — — Bombardment of Iquique. (A. P. Crouch) 19th Cent. 29: 998. — — Causes of. Sat. R. 7I: 97. — — Complications. Sat. R. 72: 128. — — Great Chilian Naval Fight. Spec. 66: 745. — — Hervey on. Sat. R. 72: 732. — — Itata Question. Sat. R. 7I: 582. — — Our Neutrality in. (John Trumbull) Nation, 53: 274. — Urban and Commercial. (T. Child) Harper, 81: 901. Chimborazo, Ascent of. (E. Whymper) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 353. Chimes and Carillons, Modern Improvements in. (G. Lund) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 323. — of Walletikon. (G. L. Catlin) Scrib. M. Io: 62. Chimney, Tall. Am. Arch. 27: 16. — — Laddering a, Am. Arch. 21: 282. Chimneys. Am. Arch. 25: 214. Chimney-Shaft Accidents. (R. M. and F. J. Bancroft) Am. Arch. 21 : 291. 22: 35. Chimpanzee, Bald-Headed. Nature, 39: 254. — Mental Faculties of the. (G. J. Romanes) Nature, 40: 160. - — Mr. Crowley the. (O. T. Miller) Cosmopol. 4: 297. Chin-Chin-Wa. (Chas. Hannan) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 209. China. Liv. Age, 187: 515. — Advance of. (W. B. Dunlop) Asia. R. 7: 19. — Advertising in. Cornh. 64: 257. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 371. — Affairs of, 1891. Ed. R. 174: 493. – An Empire in Ruin. (J. Bonner) Overland, n. s. I5: I72. — and the Chinese. (A. Terrien de Lacouperie) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 725. — and its Relations to British Commerce. (Sir J. Bow- (Miss E. S. Hanaºr * 8 CHINA China, and its Foreign Relations. Asia. R. 3: 443. — and Japan, Wingfield on. Amer. Ig: 353. — and Russia, Overland Trade between. Dub. R. IoS: I7 I. *— and the United States. 586. — Army of. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 178. — — Origin and Progress of the. (A.T. Sibbald) Over- land, n. s. 18; 428. — as a Factor in Central Asian Politics. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 157. — Atrocities in, The. (R. S. Gundry) National, IoS: 319. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 796. , — Audience at Peking, 1891. (R. S. Gundry) Westm. I36: I57. — Balfour's Chinese Scrap-Book. Ath. '87, 2: 47. — Blind in. (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 498. — — Christian Instruction of. Cong. R. I : 56. — Borderland of. (W. W. Rockhill) Cent. Ig: 250. — Central, Through. (W. W. Rockhill) Cent. Ig: 720. — Christian Converts in, Position of. Spec. 67: 834. — Crime in, Detection of. Chamb. J. 65; 735. — Cruise of the Cassini. Month, 68: 324. — Defensive Policy of. Ed. R. I.69: 177. — Disturbances in, 1891. Spec. 67: 248, 802. — Sat. R. 72: 662. — Doctoring in. (H. N. Shore) National, I3: 354. – Drama in Peking. Sat. R. 72: IoA. — Education in. Lond. Q. 68; 308. — Emperor of, Marriage of the. (W. H. Wilkinson) Asia. R. 8: 82. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 438. — Empress of. Spec. 62: 850. — England and Russia in. Spec. 67: 436. — Farm-Life in. (A. M. Fielde) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 323. – First Impressions of. (E. E. Aiken) N. Eng. 54: 560. — Forward Movement in. (Wm. Lockhart) (A. A. Hayes) Atlan. 59: (W. Wright) Contemp. 58: 542. — Grand Canal of, Voyage on, in 1860. (R. H. Dama) Atlan. 67: 6oo. — History of, Reflections on. Arts, 32: 295. — — Vicissitudes in. (D. C. Boulger) J. Soc. (Sir T. Wade) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 475. t — in 1891 : Plea for Fair Play towards China. (A. P. Happer) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 203. — A Jubilee in. (R. K. Douglas) Asia. R. 4: 61. — Life and Thought in. Contemp. 52; 137. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 494. — Literature in, Recent. II 2. — Luncheon with a Nobleman in. (E. Bedloe) Lippinc. 48: 470. — Mathematics Introduced into Schools of. (R. S. Gun- dry) Westm. I30: 294. — A Menace to the World. I97. — — Does she Menace the World? (W. A. P. Martin) Forum, Io: 433. — Medical Missions in. Cong. R. I : 644. — Missionaries and the Troubles in. (C. K. Tucker- man) New R. 5: 404. — Missionary Invasion of. (H. D. Porter) N. Eng. 52: (H. N. Shore) National, Io: (T. Magee) Forum, Io: 47. - — Missions in, J. Lees on. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 548. ' — Missions to Upper Classes in. (M. A. Green) N. Eng. 5I : 215. - Mission Work im. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 7: 518. 8: 44. – Monasteries in. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 49: 752. Same { ring) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 19. art. Liv. Age, I78: 67. CHINA China, New Life in. (J. R. Young) No. Am. I53: 420. — New Treaty Port in. Dub. R. Io9: 203. — Non-Chinese Races of. Nature, 38: 345. — North, Trip to. (J. D. Rees) Asia. R. 3: 356. — Origin of Culture and Civilization in. (R. K. Doug- las) Lippinc. 45: 850. — Perilous Incident in. M. 4 ('89–90): 333. — Philosophy of, History of. IoI: 36. " — Population of, Movements of. J. Statis. Soc. 50: 688. — Post-Office in. Cornh. 64; 32. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 617. — Prehistoric, Lacouperie's. Ath. '87, 2: 669. — Progress in. (R. S. Gundry) Fortn. 52; 472. — Progress of. (Tseng) Liv. Age, 172: 417. — Railways in. (C. S. Addis) Contemp. 55: 742,-Sci- ence, I3 : 375. — — Chinese View of. (Fung Yee) 19th Cent. 27: (Lawrence-Archer) Un. Serv. (C. de Harlez) Dub. R. 225. — — Future of. (W. B. Dunlop) Blackw. I45: 394. — Religions of, Evolution of. (L. G. James) Westm. 128: 467. — Riots in, 1891. Blackw. I5o: 736, 787.-Sat. R. 72: 188. — School-Life in. (E. P. Gould) Educa. 8: 557. — Secret Societies in. Sat. R. 72: 68, 331. — The Sleep and Awakening. (Tseng) Asia. R. 3: 1. — South-Western; Bourne’s Travels. Sat. R. 66: 206. — Taxation in. (D. J. Macgowan) Nature, 38: 364. – Telegraphy in. All the Year, 64; 317. - — Troubles in, 1891. (A. P. Happer) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 70. — Wedding in. Chamb. J. 68: 172. Age, 189: 379. Same art. Liv. — Western. Sat. R. 70: 538. º — — Frontiers of. (D. C. Boulger) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 615. — — Hart's Travels in. Sat. R. 67: 324. — — Key of. (W. B. Dunlop) Asia. R. 7: 290. — — Little’s. Ath. '88, I: 365. — Spec. 61: 308. — — Products and Trade of. Quar. I71: 205. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 515. — — Wanderings in. Dub. R. IOS: 169. — Wilson's Study of the Civilization of. (S. H. Pea- body) Dial (Ch.) 8: 93. — (W. E. Griffis) Nation, 45; 196. — Amer. I4: 294. — Spec. 61: 19. China, Porcelain, and Glass. (British Industries) Tins- ley, 44; 131. -* — Clay and China-Stone in Devon and Cornwall. (J. H. Collins) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 565. China Fairy. (G. R. Sims) Theatre, 22: 40. China Hunter, A, in New England. (A. M. Earle) Scrib. M. Io; 345. China-Stone and China-Clays of Cornwall. (H. M. Sto- ker) J. Soc. Arts, I: 498, 509. Chinamania. Temp. Bar, 85: 117. Chinaman's Spider; a story. (C. C. Rothwell) Belgra. 64: 179. Chinch Bug, The. Chamb. J. 68: 638. Chinese, Character and Social Industries of. (H. N. Shore) J. Soc. Arts, 3o: 629. - – in Australia. (Sir J. P. Hennessy) 19th Cent. 23: 617. – Quar. IG7: 162. — Our Day, 2: 98. —Sat. R. 65; 745. — in Autralia. Legislation against. Q. J. Econ. 3: 2Iö. – in British America, Legislation against. (J. Lee) Q. J. Econ. 3: 359. — in California. (S. W. Weitzel) Lend a H. 2: 195, 392. – in the Colonies. Chamb. J. 65: 449. 79 CHIROMANCY'S Chinese in New York. (Wong Chin Foo) Cosmopol. 5: 297. — in the United States. (Wong Chin Foo) Chaut. 9: 215. ill for Excluding. (H. L. Dawes) Forum, 5: 526. — — Exclusion of. (A. Parker) Bapt. R. I2; 460. — — Immigration of. (Yan Phou Lee) No. Am. I48: 476. — — — Scott Bill on. Pub. Opin. 5: 465, 511, 553. — — Injustice to. Our Day, 2: 395. — — Must be Excluded, Why. (W. B. Farwell) Fo- rum, 6: 196. — Leak of, into the U. S. (J. Ralph) Harper, 82: 515. – Nervelessness of the, Spec. 61 : 1124. Chinese Alliance, Value of. (D. C. Boulger) National, I2: 638. Chinese-American Enterprises. Amer. I4: 328. Chinese Characters, The Oldest. (T. de Lacouperie) Acad. 35; 415. Chinese Cookery. Temp. Bar, 93: 112. Chinese Education and Western Science. Ben) Overland, n. s. I5: 525. Chinese Idea of Inspiration. (W. A. P. Martin) And. R. I5: 472. Chinese Language, Edkins's Evolution of the. Nation, 49; 298. – Sat. R. 69: 55. — Philosophy of. (J. Heard, jr.) Harper, 80: 263. — Romance of. Sat. R. 7o: 703. Chinese Letter-Writing. Sat. R. 71: 410. – Ecl. M. II6: 797. Chinese Marriage Customs. Mo. 34; 241. Chinese Medicine. Chamb. J. 65: 631. Chinese Mortuary Customs. (A. M. Fielde) Pop, Sci. Mo. 33: 589. Chinese Music. (H. E. Krehbiel) Cent, 19: 449. Chinese Problem, New Phases in. (W. B. Farwell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 181. Chinese Religion, Illustrated by the Records of the Pe- kin Gazette. (Sir A. C. Lyall) 19th Cent. 28: 89. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 323. Chinese Superstitions. (A. M. Fielde) All the Year, 5g: 437. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 796. Chinese Theatre, In a. (G. W. Lamplugh) Macmil. 57: 36. Chinese View of English Life. (Kaw Hong (A. M. Fielde) Pop. Sci. (W. H. Wilkinson) Temp. Bar, 92; 98. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 688. Chinese Views of the U. S. (W. A. P. Martin) Forum, Io: 678. Chinese Writers, Schools of. (J. Edkins) Theo. Mo. I : 99. Ching-Ki-Fu and the Crisis. Macmil. 55: 292. Chinook Language or Jargon. (E. H. Nicoll) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 257.-Sat. R. 70: 377.— (R. Brown) Acad. 38: 225. Chintzes and Cretonnes. (L. H. Armstrong) Art J. 43: Io8. Chios, Lords of, 1261–1566. (I. T. Bent) Eng. Hist. R. 4; 467. Chippendale, W. H., Recollections of... (W. Jordan) Theatre, 20: 77. º Chippewa River, Canoe Trip down. Outing, I7: 52, II3. Chips; a story. (H. Bellingham) To-Day, Io: 81. Chips' Perilous Adventure; a story. (M. L. Pool) Cos- mopol. I: 321. Chiricahua Indians. Caged Tigers of Santa Rosa. (R. Wheatley) Cosmopol. 7: 326. Chiromancy and Chirognomy. Month, 59: 393. — of To-Day. (E. Heron-Allen) Lippine. 46: 102. Chiromancy's Chart. (E. M. Forbes) New R. 4: 128. (G. P. Mathes) CHISWICK Chiswick. All the Year, 63: 414. – Past and Present. (C. J. Hamilton) Eng. Illust. 8: 874. — Ramble in. (M. D. Conway) Harper, 77: 395. Chiswick House, (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 6: 93. Chita : a Memory of Lost Island. (L. Hearn) Harper, 76: 733. Chlamydophorus, On the Genus. (D. D. Slade) Am. Natural. 25: 540. Chlorates, Method for the Estimation of. (F. A. Gooch and C. G. Smith) Am. J. Sci. I42: 220. Chlorides. Combinations of Silver Chloride. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I34; 384. — Darkened Silver Chloride not an Oxychloride. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I38: 356. — of Aluminum, etc. (S. Young) Nature, 39: 198. Chlorine. Action on Haematoxylin. (W. W. Macfar- lane and P. S. Clarkson) J. Frankl. Inst. 129: 247. – in Mixtures of Alkaline Chlorides, Determination of. (F. A. Gooch and F. W. Mar) Am. J. Sci. 139: 293. — Liquid, Properties of. (M. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 42: 593. Chlorophyl and Gelatine-Bromide Plates. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 479. – Animal. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 44; 465. Choate, Rufus, with portrait. Green Bag, I : 273. — The Inspired Advocate. (J. Realf, jr.) Arena, 2: 333. Chocolate, Cocoa and. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n.s. 45 : 37 I. Chocolate-Makers' Strike. (C. Black) Fortn. 54: 305. Choice of Reuben and Gad; a story. Cent. I5: 686. Choirs, Early New England. (F. G. Mather) Am. M. 8: 31 o. — Surpliced, in New York. (H. E. Krehbiel) Harper, 77: 65. Cholera and Cold Weather. Science, Io: 246. — at Calcutta. Sat. R. 66: Io9. — at Quarantine. Science, Io: 230. — Epidemics of, 1830–1890. Science, I7: 296. — How it Came to Marshton. Macmil. 63: 45. — in Naples, 1884, Munthe's. Ath. '87, I: 602. — Precautions against. Science, Io: 188. Cholera Fungus, The Cambridge. (C. Roy and others) Nature, 35: 223, 271, 295, 319, 344. Chopin, Frédéric, as Man and as Musician. leby) Belgra, 70: 186. — Unwritten Memoirs. Macmil. 62: 252. Same art. Ecl. M. 115: 331. Chota Nagpore; its People and Resources. Hewitt) Asia. R. 3: 396. Choyce, James, Life of. Sat. R. 71 : 366. Chris; a story. (W. E. Norris) Macmil. 57: 144-391. : I. Christ of the Democracy, The. Spec. 60: 1567. Christadelphians; an Obscure Seet and its Founder. Macmil. 62: 286. Christchurch, Hampshire. (E. L. Seeley) Portfo. 21: 93. Christendom, Reunion of. See Church Union. Christian IX. of Denmark, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 31O. Christian, The ; En Christianus. Mo. 5: 85, 145. 6: 236. Christian, The Name. Unita. R. 27: 393. Christian Antiquities, Educational Value of. ton) Cath. World, 54: I. Christian Archaeology, Bennett's. Meth. R. 49: 563. Christian Art. Unita. R. 28: 168. — and Catholic Worship. (C. M. Carroll) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 228. (C. Wil- (J. F. (J. P. Sulley) Theo. (R. Se- (W. H. Withrow) 80 — and Science. CHRISTIANITY Christian Art, Didron's. Sat. R. 63: 95. Christian Assemblies. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 17: 581. Christian Biography and Antiquities. Quar. 167: 366. – Smith's Dictionary of. (A. Church) National, 15: 247. Christian Brotherhood. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 785. ciºn Citizenship. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. 19: X • Christian Colonies and Brotherhoods. tional, I6: 522. Christian Connection, The. Unita. R. 29: 229. — Origin of. Lond. Q. 68: 322. Christian Consciousness. (G. E. Horr, jr.) Bapt. Q. II: 41. - (G. T. Knight) Univ. Q. 44: 84. — (W. B. Clarke) And. R. 7: 376. – and Endless Punishment. (G. T. Knight) Univ. Q. 44; 459. — as a Source of Knowledge. Q. 35: 405. Christian Doctrine, Bunsen on Sources of. Unita. R. 34; 254. – Early. (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 30: 481. – Imagination in Dealing with. (J. S. Kedney) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 86. – Two Histories of. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 45: 163. Christian Dogma, Origin of. (H. P. Forbes) Univ. Q. 44; 49. Christian Endeavor, Society of. Io: 584. Christian Experience as a Source of Systematic Theol- ogy. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sae. 48: 586. Christian Ideal, The. (C. P. Woolley) Unita. R. 33:312. — in Relation to Science and Morals, MacColl's. Spec. 63: 588. Christian Life, Liberty of. 2: 34. Christian Living. (N. Macleod.) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 168. Christian Science and Faith Healing. (C. W. Votaw) N. Eng. 54: 249. — Sat. R. 66: 437. (F. A. Fernald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 798. — Common Sense as to. (H. M. Dexter) Chaut. Io: (H. Jones) Na- (E. W. Gerhardt) Ref. (F. E. Clark) Chaut. (P. Brooks) M. Chr. Lit. 7I 5. — Mind Healing. (W. I. Gill) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 59. — (W. B. Greene, jr.) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 88. Christian Sects, Causes of Division into. (T. R. Bur- nett) Chris. Q. 7: 109. Christian Union. (Earl Nelson) Contemp. 55: 277. – The Barriers to. (C. A. Briggs) Presb. R. 8: 441. — Two Histories of. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 45: 506. — Symposium on, in the Church Review. (W. F. Fa- ber) Ref. Q. 38: 155. Christian Unity. (C. A. Briggs) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 221. See Church Union. Christian Year, Congregational Use of the. man) And. R. I4; 348. Christianity, Adaptedness of, to the Wants of Human Nature. (J. B. Fox) Luth..Q. 2I: 98. — and Positivism. Lond. Q. 68: 249. — Affinity of Science for. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 46: 701. — and Agnosticism. See Agnosticism. – and Culture. (W. T. Herridge) Presb. R. 9: 388. — and Evolution. (G. A. Thayer) Unita. R. 34: I. — and the Geocentric System. (E. A. Freeman) Con- temp. 55; 539. Same art. Ecl. M. II2; 754. — and Islam. Asia. R. 6: 299. * — and its Counterfeits. (W. Alexander) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 87. — and the Institutions of the U. S. (F. C. Haddock) Meth. R. 47: 89. — and its Modern Competitors; Pseudo-Christianity. And, R. 7: 537, (D. Merri- ^ _- - of the Future. CHRISTIANITY 81 Christianity and Natural Science. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 55: 539. — and Science : Prof. Huxley on the War-Path. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 29: I. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 775. 39: 56. — and the Secular Spirit. (R. S. MacArthur) N. Princ. 5: I 75. — and the Service of Man. R. (Lond.) I : 297, 421. — and Tolerance. (W. M. Sloane) Presb. & Ref. R. 2 : 235. — and Tragedy. (B. Perry) And. R. Io: 576. — as the Absolute Religion. (Canon Westcott) Ecl. M. Io8: 251. — at the End of the 19th Century. Mo. I : I. – Beginning of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 49. – Certainties of (J. A. Beet) Contemp. 50: 128. — Churchianity vs. (C. Martyn) Arena, 2: 149. — Conservator of American Civilization. (C. S. Pat- terson) Cent. I4: 855. — Contributions of, to Science. (A. Mair) Presb. R. 9: 46. Q — Creed and Culture. (E. H. Crosby) And. R. Io: 467. — Early. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 17: 11. - — Enthusiasm of. (C. A. Allen) Unita. R. 29: 289. — Essence of. And. R. I5: 646. — Ethical, and Biblical Criticism. (G. Harris) And. R. I5: 461. — Evidences of, Historical. 325. — Evolution of. Spec. 61: 1059. — Forces Antagonistic to. (A. J. Harrison) Theo. Mo. (A. M. Fairbairn) Cong. (J. Cairns) Theo. (S. H. Geisy) Ref. Q. 37: I : 59. sº — A Fourth Form of. (H. C. Badger) Unita. R. 34: I93. — The Future of. — Gibbons's Our Christian Heritage. Arena, I: 326. — Greek Influence on. (W. Sanday) Contemp. 59: 678. — Church Q. 32: 38o. — Greek Transformation of. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 35: 233. — Historical. — Hellenized. — Historical Results of the Gospel. Bapt. R. 9: 181. — in Japan. (H. Davis) Unita. R. 28: 381. — in the Land of its Origin. (G. F. Herrick) Bib. Sac. (St. G. Mivart) Forum, 3: I. (T. B. Preston) (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 16:56. (J. M. Sterrett) Church R. 60: 282. (W. A. Stanton) 47: 549. — Indefectible. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 49: 761. — Influence of ; Brace's Gesta Christi. Lond. Q. 270: 32 tºº tº- Influence of Greek Ideas upon. (J. Owen) Acad. 38: 555. i. — Influence of Paganism on. (G. T. Purves) Presb. R. 9: 529. — Ingersoll on. (W. E. Gladstone) No. Am. I46: 481. Same art. Cong. R. (fond.) 2: 689. — — Reply to Mr. Gladstone. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I46; 601. g – Is it a Craze? (J. F. Bailey) Pop. Sei. Mo. 35: 216. – Modern History and. (G. F. Moore) And. R. Io: 333. — Modern Humanism in. 665. — Morison's Attack on. Quar. 165: 218, — Not a Development, but a Revelation. Univ. Q. 48: 27. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 50: (J. S. Lee) -Z - of Christ. (E. L. Houghton) Univ. Q. 47: 416. 43: I33, 274, 405. – (E. S. Phelps) Forum, 7: 274. — (W. H. H. Murray) Arena, 1: 15. (J. S. Blackie) Forum, Io: 54. CHRISTMAS Christianity, Personal. (L. I. Evans) M. Chr. Lit. 5: IO2. — Peter's Teaching on the Scope of. (E. Y. Hincks) And. R. 9; 337. • – Positivism in. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 22: 403. — Practical Value of, Nichols and Dymond on. (C. L. Marson) To-Day, II: 90. — Primitive, Pfleiderer's. Spee. 62: 20, 54. — Realities of. (E. A. Abbott) Contemp. 59: 267. – a Religion of Hope. (P. S. Moxom) And. R. I5: 573. — Results of. (W. A. Stanton) Bapt. R. 9: 181. – Sceptical. Church Q. 25: 28. – a Science, not a Dream. (W. F. Crafts) N. Eng. 48: I I4. – Spiritual, Preservation of. And. R. II: 180. — Substitute for, Proposed in Mrs. Ward's Robert Els- mere. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 23: 766. – Tolerance and Intolerance of. (C. C. Starbuck) Ref. Q. 35; 43. — True, (C. A. Allen) Unita. R. 35: 191. — the Ultimate Religion. (J. Eastwood) Univ. Q. 48: 261. — Universal. — Universality of, Paul’s Conception. And. R. 9: 225. – What made Pagans Accept. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 17: 7oo. º – What is Left of it 2 (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 24: 282. – What is it? (L. Abbott) Arena, 3: 36. — Why Better than Judaism. (C. A. Allen) Unita. R. 32 : I.23. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 48: 467. (E. Y. Hincks) – Will Reason Exterminate? (D. Swing) No. Am. I49: I96. Christians, Early, in Syria. (C. R. Conder) Seot. R. I6: 215. Christie Family, The. (E. Salter) Granite Mo. Io: 52. Christie, Albany J. Month, 72: 153. Christie's. (H. Ward) Scrib. M. 8: 758. Christina, Queen of Sweden. (L. Maclean) Belgra. 74: 84. – (A. Barine) Liv. Age, 179: 675, 735. — Bain’s Life of. Sat. R. 68: 498. Christlieb, Theodore. Meth. R. 50: 507. Christmas at Tin Cup; a story. Am. Mo. 9; 131. – Belgian Christmas Eve. All the Year, 40: 17. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 567. — Colonial Meeting-House. Hist. 26: 434. – Decoration of a Church for. Church R. 50: 695. — in the Ægean; a poem. (R. Rodd) Murray, 7: 99. — in the Alps. Sat. R. 66: 674. t — in Boston. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 355. — in the Churches. Nation, 45: 519. – in England, 1649. Sat. R. 64: 843. – in Greece. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 38o. Same art. Liv. Age, I75 : 374. — in the Northland. (W. W. Thomas, jr.) Cosmopol. 6: 192. — in a Snowdrift. 5 Io. wr — in the Temple, London. Chamb. J. 67: 8or. — Old-Time Observance of. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I7: I52. – on the Arkansaw. (M. Graham) Overland, n. s. 13: 26. — on Hangman's Bar. 17: 63. — St. Nicholas and. Sat. R. 64: 814. – under the English Commonwealth, 1649. Sat. R. 64: 843. 68: 740. — What to Eat at. (A. J. H. Crespi) Tinsley, 46: 50. Christmas Carols. (E. Bray) Theo. Mo. 2: 411. – (A. Repplier) Cath. World, 44; 433. (R. Singleton) M. Am. (M. G. Wightwick) Argosy, 46: (H. E. Smith) Overland, n. s. CHRISTMAS Christmas Cracker, A. Murray, 3: 97. Christmas Eve at Warwingie. (M. Gaunt) Eng. Illust. 8: 299. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 272. – on a Haunted Hulk. Blackw. I45: 23. Christmas Fantasy, with a Moral. (T. B. Aldrich) Cent. 21: 221. Christmas Ghosts. (M. E. Francis) Irish Mo. 16: 1. Christmas Gifts. (R. McE. Stuart) Lippinc. 47: 104. Christmas Greens, Legends and Significance of. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. I2: 335. Christmas Island. Nature, 37: 203. Christmas Legends. (V. Lee and A. M. F. Robinson) Contemp. 56: 844. Same art. Eel. M. 114: 73. Christmas Morning, Child - Faces. (C. Christopher) Cosmopol. 8: 131. Christmas Mystery in the 15th Century. Harper, 78: 59. Christmas Pantomime, The. n. s. I7: 6. Christmas Pleasures. Christmas Present, A. Christmas Sermon, A. (T. Child) (G. L. Gomme) Antiq. Chamb. J. 65: 801. (P. Heyse) Harper, 82: 16. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 4: 764. Christmas Shadrach, The. (F. R. Stockton) Cent. 21: 177. Christmas Story of a Little Church. (G. King) Har- per, 78: 94. Christmastide. Irish Mo. 18: 34. Christmas Waits. Spec. 67: 920. — at Tangier. (C. M. Speedy) Liv. Age, 186: 485. Christological Principle, Influence of, on the Doctrines cf God, of Man, and of Grace. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 38: 46. Christology, The Idea of Law in. (E. H. Johnson) Bib. Sac. 46: 599. Christopher Gault; a story. Mo. 3: 278. Christ's Hospital and its Sons. M. 20: 664, 743. Chromatophons in Fishes, Genesis of. mann) Am. Natural. 25: I 12. Chrome as a Poison. (W. Glenn) Science, Io: 59. — (C. Harrington) Science, Io: 104. Chronicle, From an Old. All the Year, 62: 149. Chronicle of Two Months; a story. Temp. Bar, 84: 433. 85: Io9–56,o. 86: I I I. Same art. Liv. Age, 18o: 421–788. 181: 10–530. Chronicles of Camp Wright. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. S. Io: 365, 479. Chronicles of Westerly; a Provincial Sketch. Blackw. I49: 445–788. I5o: 60–808. Chronicles of Carter Barracks; a story. son) Un. Serv. (Phila.) v. I-6. (E. P. Guild) Bay State (E. H. Pearce) Sunday (C. H. Eigen- (H. W. Clos- Chronograms. (J. Hilton) Antiq. m. s. 16: 58, 183. I7: 146. I8: 98. Ig: 144, 21 o. 20: 19. 22: 151. 24; 249. - Chronology, Assyrian and Hebrew. (J. Orr) Presb. R. IO: 4 I. — Comparative, A Study in. (J. Schwartz) Theo. Mo. I : I45. — Mas Latrie's Trésor de Chronologie. (J. B. Mul- linger) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 770. — of Israel and Assyria in Reign of Shalmaneser II. (J. Horner) Meth. R. 49: 711. — Prehistoric. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 48: 482. — Primeval. (W. H. Green) Bib. Sac. 47: 285. – Zodiacal. (O. D. Miller) Am. Antiq. I2: 313. Chronoscope, Pendulum, Counting Attachment for. (W. Noyes) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 367. — A Simple. (E. C. Sanford) Am. J. Psychol. 3: I 74. Chronometers, Recent Improvements in, 1853. (S. T. Loseby) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 38-95. Chrysalides, Gilded. (E. B. Poulton) Nature, 35: 471. 82 CHURCH “Chrysalis” Yawl, Cruise of, through Holland, etc. (G. C. Davies) Blackw. I46: 171. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 555. Chrysanthemums. 53I. Chrysostom, St. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 418. — (J. A. Faulkner) Bib. Sac. 47: 237. – Athanasius, Augustine, Lessons from the Lives of. Church Q. 31 : 480. — Chase on. Ath. '87, I: 729. – on Faith and Reason. (J. Rickaby) Month, 62: 250. Chuang Tzü, Giles's Translation of. Ath. '89, 1: 145. — Sat. R. 67: Io;. Church, A. J., Dean. 565. Church, F. S. (G. W. Sheldon) Harper, 78: 52. Church, Richard William, Dean of St. Paul's. (M. MacColl) Contemp. 59: 140. — (M. MacColl; J. H. Ward) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 340. — (C. J. Ward) Tins- ley, 46: 21. – and the Tractarian Movement. Month, 72: 24. – Miscellaneous Essays. Ath. '88, I: 559. — Spec. 61: 658. – Writings of. Lond. Q. 76: 36. Church. Sir Richard. (H. F. Tozer) Acad. 4o: 108. — (S. Lane-Poole) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 7, 293, 497. Church, Thomas. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 12: 649. Church, Col. Wm. C., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 325 5 : * Church and the Age, The. (J. McCann) Theo. Mo. 3: (J. Dybowski) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: Spec. 65: 859. — Acad. 38: 375. — and Creed. (C. A. Briggs) Forum, II: 367. — and Dissent. (Roundell) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 307. – and Meeting - House before the Revolution. (E. Eggleston) Cent. II: 901. — and the Ministry, Gore on. Lond. Q. 72: 64. — and Modern Thought. (D. S. Jordan) Overland, n. s. I 8: 391. — and Science, Lights of. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 631. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 1. — and State. (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 54: 389. — (Brother Azarias) Am. Cath. Q. I 6: 2O. — (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 63: 786. – (L. Tolstoi) Fortn. 55: 533. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 72. — — in England. (W. J. Knox-Little) Presb. R. Io: 388. — — in Germany. — — in Massachusetts Bay. 52 : 49. — — in the United States, Relationship of. (P. Schaff) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 289, 390. — — Relations of, on Questions of Governmental Policy. (D. M. Gilbert) Luth. Q. Ig: 589. — — under the Tudors. Church Q. 31 : 141. — and the World. (W. C. Magee) Good Words, 28: (H. Geffcken) 19th Cent. 25: 672. (S. Wetmore) Church R. 42. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 289. – (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 46: 128. © — Apparent Failure and Victory of. Church Q. 23: 398. — City, Problem of the Modern. (C. A. Dickinson) And. R. I2: 355. — Country. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 47: 267. — Early History of. Church Q. 23: 362. — First Great Crisis in the. (G. B. Ryley) Cong. R. I : 837. — Idea of the. (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 46: 22. — — Development of. (P. Schaff) Ref. Q. 35: 287. — in Modern Society, Ward's. Spec. 63: 847. — in the U. S. and Methodism. (C. R. Hale) Church R. 60: 129. — — Woman's Work in. R. 6o: 182. (M. A. E. Twing) Church CHURCH 83 CHURCH Church, Influence of, upon the Organization of Modern Church of England, Ordination in, and Church Union. Europe. (B. F. Prince) Luth. Q. 21: 269. – Lay Agency in. (G. Huntington) National, I2: 504. — Mission of. (J. M. King) Meth. R. 49: 371. - (J. E. Scobey) Chris. Q. 7: 21 o. — of Christ. (G. S. Weaver) Univ. Q. 48: 326. — — What is the 2 (T. R. Burnett) Chris. Q. 8: 2O1. — of England after the Conquest. Dub. R. Ioo: 306. — — Alleged Antiquity of Anglicanism. (S. F. Smith) Month, 62: 457. 63: 17, 194. 64; 352,499. — — Ancient Church Endowments. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 59: I'88. — — and Early British Christianity. Dub. R. I of: 48. — — and its Bishops (1700–1800), C. J. Abbey on. O. Wakeman) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 383. — — and its Property. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 466. — — and Queen Elizabeth. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 24; 764. — — Anglican Reactionaries. Spec. 67: 914. — as the Church of the British Empire. (H. Good- win) Murray, 2: 145. – Brotherhood of. Sat. R. 68: 348. — Church Progress and Church Defence. I73: 506. — Clergy and the Land. Cent. 23: 716. — Colonial, Gladstone on. Spec. 66: 882. — Condition and Recent History of. (B. O. True) Bapt. Q. II: 178. — Congress of, 1887. (B. F. Smith) Month, 61 : 352. — — 1889. Sat. R. 68: 371. — Cong. R. 4: 66. — Continuity of. (A. Galton) Acad. 39: Ios. – (L. Rivington) Dub. R. Io&: 371. — Convocation, Hisjory and Reform of. Quar. I67: I36. — Disendowment of. Church Q. 30: 437. — (G. O. Morgan) New R. 2: 324. (H. Quar. (R. E. Prothero) 19th * Church Q. 26: 68. — (Goldwin Smith) 19th Cent. 30: 52 I. $ — — Goldwin Smith on. Spec. 67: 439. — — in Wales. (M. Arnold) National, II: I. (Earl of Selborne) National, II: 3oo. — — — Progress of. (G. Osborne Morgan) 19th Cent. 29: 601. — Spec. 67: 485. º — — Religious Plea for. Sat. R. 64: 697. — — — Selborne's Defence against. Sat. R. 63: 267. — Quar. I65: 468. — Cong. R. I : Io93. — during 1700–1800. Sat. R. 64: 125. — Elizabethan Settlement of Religion. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 24: I. — Episcopal Fees. Spec. 67: 409. – Gladstone on. (F. Morris) Dub. R. Io9: 243. — Grievances of High Churchmen. (G. C. Perry) 19th Cent. 26: 500. — — Reply to Perry. 825. -- — High Church Party of, as it is, Month, 65: 70. — — History of, Dixon's. Sat. R. 71: 268. — — — Perry's. Ath. '88, I: 141. — — — under Mary I. Church Q. 32: 188. — — in 1660 to 1664. Three Letters written to Lady * (W. E. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 26: (H. M. Bennett) Pakington. (N. Pocock) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 551. — — in the Colonies. (E. Eggleston) Cent. 14: 107. — — in Wales. Quar. I'70: 112. — — Is it likely to become Democratic 2 (A.T. Innes) Contemp. 59: 750. — — Measures of the House of Commons relating to. (Lord Stanley of Alderley) 19th Cent. 30: 777. — — National Church as a Federal Union. (J. Mar- tineau) Contemp. 51: 408. — Disestablishment of. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 29. — (T. B. Neely) Meth. R. 48: 45. — — Public Landed Endowments of. Contemp. 59: 98. — — Relations with Rome in the Reign of Charles I. (J. M. Stone) Scot. R. 13: 227. (N. W. Clarke) — — Removal of Bishops by Mary and Elizabeth. (L. Coleman) Church R. 50: 16. — — Restoration of, under Charles II. (W. S. Perry) Church R. 60: 206. — — Ritual in. (R. E. Bartlett) Contemp. 58: 212. — — Ritualism in ; Lambeth Judgment. Quar. I72: 45I. — — Second-Class Clergy; a Reply. tional, 16: 40, — — under Henry VIII. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 25: 882. — Sat. R. 68: 519. — — Worn-out Parsons, Provision for. 19th Cent. 30: 444. — of Ireland, Educational Work of. 437. — of Scotland; Has the Church of England recognized the Kirk? (A. Lowndes) Church R. 49: 433. — — Barrier Act of, and Presbyterian Church in the U. S. (W. H. Roberts) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 472. — Organization of Early. (C. K. Nelson) Church R. 50: 219. – Outside the. (W. Humphrey) Month, 73: 236, 344. — Relation of, to Modern Scientific Thought, (J. Le- Conte) And. R. I6: I. — Relations of Clergy to. 5: I48. — Scriptural Idea of. (R. Watts) Theo. Mo. 5: 170. — State Support of, in Massachusetts Bay. (S. Wet- more) Church R. 53: I of . — Unity of, and the Historic Episcopate. (R. B.Welch) Presb. R. 9: 353. — (C. R. Lane) Ref. Q. 34: 83. — Why does it Exist? (W. F. Faber) And. R. g.: II.3. Churches and the Masses. Lond, Q. 7I: 240. – Apostolic and Postapostolic, Organization of. M. Scott) Bib. Sac. 44; 223, 473. - City, Readjustment of. And. R. 9: 76. — Coöperation of Evangelical. (J. Strong) Our Day, 2: 81. - — Country, Problem of. (S. W. Dike ; M. J. Allen; C. M. Sheldon ; C. L. Merriam) And. R. Io: 370. — Incorporation of. (E. H. Byington) And. R. I.2: 324. — Increase in Usefulness of Our. (M. J. Savage; E. E. Hale ; W. Gladden) No. Am. I48: 372. – National, Independent. (L. Rivington) Dub. R. Io9: I24. — United, of the United States. (C. W. Shields) Cent. I3 - .254. — Vacations in. (J. E. Learned) Nation, 44; 547. — vs. Christianity. (C. Martyn) Arena, 2: 149. – Voluntary System in Support of. (C. F. Dole) Unita. R. 28: 20. Churches, Ancient, Curiosities in. Chamb. J. 67: Io. — Dedications of, Early, in Buckinghamshire. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 20: 2O2. — — — in Kent and Essex. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) An- tiq. m. s. IS: Io9. — Mediaeval, Lights Burned in. (E. Peacock) Antiq. n. S. 23: 247. — Non-Attendance on, in U. S. Arena, 2: 604. — Odd Items in Old. (H. Sutton) Na- (A. Jessopp) Church Q, 29: (H. C. Potter) M. Chr, Lit. (H. (T. B. Wakeman) (S. Wilson) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 94. — Opening of, on Week Days. Spec. 61: 1122. — Restoration of. (Lord Grimthorpe) Murray, 6: 577. CHURCH Churches, Restoration of, and Church Ownership. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 24: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 718: 657. * – Should they be Free ? (A. T. Pierson) Forum, 4: 545. — Some Old. (S. Wilson) Liv. Age, 186: 669. Church Authority. (A. B. Koplin) Ref. Q. 37: 82. Church-Building Fund of Episcopal Church. (L. B. Prince) Church R. 50: 413. Church Curiosities. Antiq. m. s. 22: 15. Church Dictionaries. Church Q. 26: 326. – Cong. R. I : 731. Church Discipline. I95. Church Extension and Anglican Expansion. (T. Arnold) Dub. R. Ioo: 243. – What it means to Unitarians. Church Farmers; the Story of a Good Work. Marsh) Good Words, 29: 320. Church Finance. (F. D. Huntington and others) Church R. 56: 11. *. — and Christian Giving, The Counterfeit in. dan) Theo. Mo. 3: 98. Church Furnishing and Decoration. (A. Wallance) Art J. 42: 51-267. Church Goods, Inventories of, Temp. Edward VI. Page) Antiq. m. s. 21: 165. 2 Io. 22: 28–256. 37, II 7, 26o. 24; 31, 74, 12o. Church-Going, How it may be Increased. (G. D. Stah- ley) Luth. Q. I8: 341. — in New York City, 1787. (J. R. Berry) Presb. & Ref. R. I : Unita. R. 29: 65. (J. B. (C. Jer- (W. 23: (M. Cutler) M. Am. Hist. I9: 32 I. Church Government. (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 8: 604. — Primitive. Chris. Q. 6: 510. Church Growth in America. (J. E. Bushnell) Luth. Q. 18: 213. Church Historians. (F. Brown) Critic, 16: 29. Church History. Church Q. 29: 233. — American Chapter in. (P. Schaff) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 289, 390. — (B. B. Tyler) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 193. — American Society of, Papers of. Ref. Q. 36: 533. — Documentary Discoveries, 1837–1887. Church Q. 25: 182. — Kurtz's. Spec. 63: 82. – Study of, for its own sake. 28: 552. Church Hospitality. And. R. II: 413. Church Houses, English. (H. Goodwin) Murray, I : I73. Church Institutions, Hatch on. Cong. R. I : 973. Church Law of the P. E. Church in the U. S. (H. M. Baum) Church R. 49: 442, 552, 682. Church Life, New Basis of. (W. Larremore) Arena, 2: 708. — Philosophy of, Tudor's. Church-Lore of New England, Ancient. elder) Granite Mo. I2: 295. Church Member, Non-Communing. (C. E. Hay) Luth. Q. 2I: 552. Church-Membership, Doctrinal Test as a Condition of. (C. H. Cutler) And. R. I2: 4oo. Church Music. (A. H. Messiter) Church R. 53: 13. — (D. E. Hervey) Church R. 55: 317. – (E. Hunger- ford) N. Eng. 53: 56. — (J. H. Hopkins and others) Church R. 53: 66. — (H. S. Butterfield ; Dr. F. Witt) Month, 66: 231. — and the Parish Priest. R. 53: 176. — Hints on. (V. Lincoln) Univ. Q. 46: 59. — Instrumental. (J. L. Richardson) Chris. Q. 8: 210. Church Organization, Ancient and Modern. Church Q. 26: 295. (T. R. Slicer) Unita. R. Church Q. 26: 407. (A. I. Batch- (W. C. Richardson) Church 84 CHURCHILL Church Organization Scheme, Dr. Martineau's. Herford) Unita. R. 30: 145. Church Parade; a story. (C. E. Morland) Belgra. 75: (B. 279. Church Patronage. Quar. 164; 167. – (E. P. Thesiger) Eng. Illust. 8: 598. Church Plate in Rutland, Eng. (R. C. Hope) Reliquary, 27: 32–129. – of Dorset. (T. M. Fallow) Reliquary, 30: 16. — of Leicestershire. Portfo. 22: 139. Church Polity a Part of Christianity. (T. Witherow) Theo. Mo. I : 52. Church Property: is it Private Property 2 Cong. R. 1: 7IO. — Should it be Taxed 2 (H. C. Vedder) M. Chr. Lit. I: 265. Church Question Practically Considered. Ref. Q. 34: 98. Church-Rate Struggle, A. (S. Aldis) Contemp. 57: 421. Church Registers. Ath. '87, 2: 748. Church Season, The. And. R. Io: 396. Church Services Fifty Years Ago. (E. Dudley, Longm. I5 : 434. — Order of, for 1888. Church Q. 26: 482. Church Statistics, Amateur. Cong. R. (Lond.) 1:254. Church Support. (C. R. Bonnell) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 69.-- (G. R. Van De Water) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 150. – (N. Wray) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 224. — (G. W. Hodge) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 306. Church Unity. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 37: 518. Church Union. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N.Y.) 3: 362. — (W. A. Mathews) Theo. Mo. 5: — (A. C. Coxe and others) Church R. 59: 11. – Briggs on. (J. H. Hopkins) Church R. 55: 195. — Conditions of. (I. E. Graeff) Ref. Q. 36: 36. – Dr. Lee and Corporate Reunion. (J. Morris) Month, 62: 14. – Is it Possible? (J. Ireland) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 349. — (J. B. Wasson) And. R. 9: 243. – on the Basis of the Historie Episcopate. Briggs and 19 others) Church R. 57: 41. – on the Basis Proposed by the Lambeth Conference. Church R. 57: II. — Organic. Presb. R. 9: 3oo. – Organic Union vs. Inter-Denominational Fraternity. (G. P. Hays) M. Chr. Lit. 5: i. – Outlook for. (R. Ogden) Nation, 53: 231. – Past Attempts at, Especially on the Continent. (W. W. Everts, jr.) Bapt. Q. 11: 277. – Peace of the Church, The , a Review. (W. Everett) Unita. R. 36: 165. — Question of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 44; 485. — (W. A. Newton) Nation, 44: 552. S. — Reunion of Christendom. (S. N. Callender) Ref. Q. 37: 449. — (F. W. Farrar and others) M. Chr. Lit. 5: I4I. - —Scheme for. (G. W. Hodge) N. Princ. 4: 306. — Social Problem of. (C. W. Shields) Cent. 18; 687. — The True. (E. P. Gould) And. R. 9: 58. — Unity of Christendom. (J. J. Keane) Am. Cath. Q. I3 : 3O4. - Church University Board of Regents. Church R. 56; 31. Church Work and Progress. ray, 4: 502. — Coöperation in. (J. Strong and F. Russell) Our Day, I: 273. — Organization in. (S. J. Niccolls) Presb. R. g.: 222. Church Windows, Modern. Sat. R. 68: 213. Church Year, Organism of the. (T. Appel) Ref. Q. 36: (T. Appel) * * * J / J , (C. A. (E. N. Potter) (A. R. Buckland) Mur- 9T. Churchill, Lord Randolph. Ath. '89, I: 472. —Tins- ley, 44; 460. CHURCHILL Churchill, Lord Randolph, and the Government. Spec. 6o: 28o. – Appeals unto Caesar. II. – Crozier on. Spec. 60: 390. — A Foreign Estimate of. (A. Filon) National, I2: 326. — The Future of. Spec. 60: 4. — Recantation, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 292. — Resignation of, 1886. (F. Harris) Fortn. 47: 150. — Sat. R. 63: 2. — Pub. Opin. 2: 229. — Speeches, 1880–88. Spec. 63: 849. — Statesmanship of. Spec. 60: 171. Churchscot in Domesday. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: IOI. Churchwarden, The ; a Farce in Three Acts; Criticism of. (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 18: 98. Churchyard, In a Country. Chamb. J. 66: 705. Chusan, Early English Voyages to. Asia. R. 4: 142. – First English Settlement in. Asia. R. 3: 292. Cibber, Colley. Apology. Spec. 63: 277. Cicero and St. Paul, External Evidence as to the Writ- ings of. (Mrs. C. M. Mead) Bib. Sac. 48: 470. — Correspondence. Quar. IG7: 427.—Ed. R. I.68: 397. — (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 62: 51. 63: 205, 508. — in the Senate. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 61: 641. — Son of ; a Student in Ancient Rome. (F. Abbott) N. Eng. 54: 236. — The Year with. (A. A. Knight) Education, 7: 324. Cicely Chrystal; a story. (S. Clarke) Belgra. 61; 32. Cicilia Verner's Fortune; a story. (A. Fellowes) Leis. Hour, 37: 482. Cid, The, of Corneille before the French Academy. (H. M. Trollope) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 78. Cid Ballads. Sat. R. 64; 234. Cider. Sat. R. 65: 687. — All the Year, 67: 198. — Making in England. Cornh. 60: 479. Cigarettes. Sat. R. 67: 528. Cilicia ; Amongst the Cage Dwellers. (J. T. Bent) Mur- ray, Io; 348. — Archaeological Nomads in. (J. T. Bent) Blackw. I49: 377. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 298. — Identification of Sitesin. (J. T. Bent) Ath. 'go, I: (E. W. Beckett) National, 9: 443. Cimabue. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I5: 63. Cinching Up. Cent. I6: 3. Cincinnati. Am. Arch. 23: 303. – (M. Halstead) Cos- mopol. II: 682. - (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 429. — (M. F. Force and others) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 421. — Banks and Bankers of. Hist. 7: 190. — Plain Municipal Lessons from. Chaut. I2: 383. — Sunday Saloon–Closing in. (J. Pearson) Our Day, 4: 224. Cincinnati, Society of the. Hist. I3: 275. Cinerary Urn and Incense Cup, Stanton Moor, Derby- shire. (J. Ward) Antiq. m. s. 22: 112. Cinnabar, Natural Solutions of. (G. F. Becker) Am. J. Sci. I33: 199. Cinque-Foils, American. (G. Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 189. Cinque Ports, Burrows' History of. (Edith Thomp- son) Eng. Hist. R. 4; 373. — All the Year, 64; 228. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 249. — Sat. R. 66: 414. — (C. Gross) Nation, 48: 37. Ciociari, The, and their Mountains. ing, I4; 24.I. Cipher, Undecipherable. 205. — — Another. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. I2: 17. Cipher Correspondence. (J.S. Rothwell) Murray, 8: 433. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. (D. Benton) Out- (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 85 CITIZEN Circassian Mountaineers, Among the. (D. Ker) Cos- mopol. 5: I31. Circle as a Sun Symbol. I35. — Squaring the. All the Year, 69: 448. — — History of the Problem. (H. Schubert) Monist, I : I.97. Circuit, Going on. Chamb. J. 67: 273. Circuit Court Customs, Curious. Green Bag, 3: III. Circuit Notes. Cornh. 61: 34, 377. Circulars, Worries of. National, 9: 680. Circulatory Organs, Evolution of. (W. C. Cahill) Am. Natural. 25: 237. Circumstantial Evidence. 45: 77I. — Enigmas of Justice. (G. M. Towle) Green Bag, I: 254–463. 2: Ioo. Circus, Astley's and the “Cirque.” (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. Io: (M. E. Stickney) Lippinc. All the Year, 66: 354. — Book of the. All the Year, 63: 222. Circus Life, Le Roux and Garnier on. Ath. 'go, I: 238. Ciris and other Poems of the Virgilian Appendix. (R. Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 8: 399. — Disputed Passages of the. (R. Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 8: I, (M. Warren) 218. Cistercians, Irish, of Mount Melleray. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. 18: 21 o. Cities, American, Characteristics of. Westm. I30: 32. — — Government of. (A. D. White) Forum, Io: 357. — — Rise of. (A. B. Hart) Q. J. Econ. 4: 129. — — Social Composition of. (S. L. Loomis) And. R. 7: 475. — Building for Health. (M. I. Swift) Unita. R. 34: 27O. — Congestion of. (E. E. Hale) Forum, 4: 526. — European Town Life. (A. Shaw) Chaut. 9: 519. — Government of. Pub. Opin. 9: 55o. — — How to Improve. C. F. Bishop ; E. A. Noonan) No. Am. I53: 580– 591. – (C. W. Eliot) Forum, I2: 153. — — in the United States. (S. Low) Cent. 20: 730. — — Municipal Reform. (O. S. Teall) Cosmopol. Io: 564. — — — A Key to. (E. L. Godkin) No. Am. 15I : 422. — — Why Bad 2 (J S. Fassett) No. Am. I51: 630. See below, City Government. — Great. (G. S. Hibbard) Lend a H. 7: 155. — — Misgovernment of. (F. P. Crandon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 296, 520. — Growth of, and Party Politics. (W. M. Springer) Forum, Io: 472. — Lessons from Cincinnati. Chaut. I2: 383. — Modern, Factors of Growth in. (J. B. Walker) Cosmopol. 9: 62. * — — Growth of. (S. L. Loomis) And. R. 7: 341. — Municipal Utopias. Spec. 64; 364. — of the Plain and the Pits of the Vale of Siddim. (J. Neil) Theo. Mo. 3: 289. — Overcrowding in. (E. T. Potter) Am. Arch. 26: 156, 266. — Sunken, Celtic Myths of. (C. S. Boswell) Iippine. 45: 731. — Work of. (S. Low) Lend a H. 4: 255. Citizen, The Average. Lend a H. 4; 327. — Rights of ; as a Householder. Scrib. M. 7: 417. — — in the Streets. 625. — — in Public Conveyances. 77I. — — to his own Reputation. 8: 58. (F. L. Stetson) Scrib. M. 7: (S. Low) Scrib. M. 7: (E. L. Godkin) Scrib. M. (T. N. Hart; R. C. Davidson ; (F. W. Whitridge) ... " CITIZEN Citizen, Rights of, to his own Property. (J. S. Norton) Scrib. M. 8: 307. – The State and. Lend a H. 4: 3. — Young. Lend a H. 6: 75. Citizenship. Lend a H. 4: 175. - Acquisition of. (P. Webster) Am. Law R. 23: 759. – American, Liberty of, Imperilled. (H. O. Pente- cost et al.) Arena, 2: 229. — and Suffrage. (F. Minor) Arena, 5: 68. – Are we a Nation without Citizens? (W. L. Scruggs) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 429. – Christian. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. 19: 85. , - Good, Methods of Promoting. Lend a H. 4: 668. — — Society for Promoting. (C. F. Crehore) Lend a H. 4: 489. — of the United States. 5 : IO4. — Preparation for, at Amherst. 9: 236. — — at Harvard. (A. B. Hart) Educa. 8: 630. — — at University of Michigan. (S. MacKibbin) Educa. (I. B. Richman) Pol. Sci. Q. (A. D. Morse) Educa. IO: 405. — — at Wellesley College. (K. Colman) Educa. Io: 341. — — at Williams College. (A. L. Perry) Educa. 9: 5 I 3. – State School of. (C. F. Crehore) Lend a H. 4: 646. Citron, Sacred. Dub. R. Io9: 2O4. — Culture of, in Corsica. Dub. R. Io9: 434. City and Borough. (E. A. Freeman) Macmil. 6o: 29. – The Country Boy who goes to a Great. (T. Tem- ple) Chaut. I3: 322. City Evangelization. And. R. 7: 77. — (J. Strong) Chaut. 9: 98. – Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 329. – (E. D. McCreary) Meth. R. 48: 739. City Government in San Francisco, Establishment of. (B. Moses) J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: nos. 2-3. — of Boston. (J. M. Bugbee) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: 75. — of Philadelphia. (E. P. Allinson ; B. Penrose) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: I. — of New Orleans. (W. W. Howe) J. H. Univ. Stud- ies, 7; no. 4. — Obstacles to Good. (G. Low) Forum, 5: 260. – Outgrown. (J. Parton) Forum, 2: 539. See above, Cities, Government of. City Life, Injurious Influences of. (W. B. Platt) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 24; 24. — (W. B. Platt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 484. Civics, Courses of Study in. Education, 8: 95. — Methods of Instruction in. (J. E. Vose) Education, 7: 529, 617. - — Teaching. (J. W. Macdonald) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 373. — (A. T. Smith) Educa. X2: 6. Civil Government, Christian's Relation to. (D. Lips- combe) Chris. Q. 7: 545. 8: 3,413. — (E. W. Hern- don) Chris. Q. 8: 176, 659. — in the Schools. (F. N. Thorpe) Educa. Io: 187. — in the United States, Fiske's. (J. C. Welling) Na- tion, 5.1: 294. Civil Rights Guaranteed by the State Constitutions. (F. N. Thorpe) Educa. 9: 601, 687. Civil Service and Civil Servants. Temp. Bar, go: 581. — and Governmental Science. (E. M. Aaron) Science, I8: 225. — as a Profession. Nation, 46; 169. Civil Service, English. Un. Serv. M. '88, 1: 111. — — Dangers of. (Sir P. G. C. Hamilton) 19th Cent. 28: 460. — — of Great Britain, Difficulties attending Reorgani- zations. (S. A. Blackwood) 19th Cent. 24: 276. — — Organization and Competitive Examinations. Quar. IG8: 449. 86 CLAREMONT Civil Service in India, History of. Sat. R. 67: 530. – in Philadelphia. Nation, 46: 378. – in the United States. New Commissioners, 1889. Pub. Opin. 7: 115, 159. — — Common Sense and. (J. Pope) No. Am. 149: 265. — — Do the People Wish 2 (A. B. Hart) Forum, 9: 47. — — Object Lesson in. (T. Roosevelt) Atlan. 67: 252. - - - from Crete. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 49: 87. — — Obstacles to. (W. M. Ferriss) Forum, 9: 508. — — Reform of. (F. P. Powers) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 247. – (W. G. Sumner) Chaut. 8: 78. —(W. D. Foulke) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 28: 155. — — Some Popular Objections to. Atlan. 65: 433, 671. * -- True Significance of the National Civil Service Act. (D. B. Eaton) Unita. R. 27: 297. –– Use and Abuse of. (R. R. McMahon) No. Am. I48: 607. — — Why Patronage in Offices is un-American. (H. C. Lodge) Cent. I 8: 837. – Italian Literature Examination. Sat. R. 7: 160. – Merit System vs. the Patronage System. (T. Roose- velt) Cent. I 7: 628. – Moral Question in. 393. – A New Variety of Mugwump. (D. B. Eaton) No. Am. I53: 44. — Public Opinion and the. (E. L. Godkin) Forum, 8: 237. – Blackw. I44: 579. —Sat. R. 66: 605. — Reform in. Westm. I33: 1. - Women in. (Louisa Twining) 19th Cent. 28: 950. Civil Service Examinations and the English Universi- ties. (J. C. Collins) Contemp. 59: 836. — Army. (W. Wilmer) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 175. Civil Service Pensions. (E. Bates) National, II: 674. (O. T. Morton) (C. J. Bonaparte) Amer. 18: Civil Service Rules, Two New Fields for the. Nation, 46; 441. Civilization. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. I49: 546. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 323. — and Christianity. (R. S. Storrs) Our Day, 6: 360. – and Health. Meliora, I2: 193. — and Nature. All the Year, 65: 88. – The Coming. (F. L. Oswald) No. Am. I45: 657. – Dark Side of. (H. Hayman) Cath. World, 49: 569. – Modern, Wastes of. (F. L. Oswald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 514, 621. Civilizations, Through Three. M. 7: 2O4. Civilized World, Opinion of. tional, 9: 735. Clacque, The. (A. O'D. Bartholeyns) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 3O2. Claflin, Horace B., with portrait. West. Hist. I2: 206. Claims, Government, Assignment of. (E. I. Renick) Am. Law R. 24: 442. - — on Congress. (S. N. Clark) Chaut. 7: 208. Clairon, Mlle., Goncourt's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 51: 187. Clairvoyant, With a. Murray, 9: 488. Clan-na-Gael and the Cronin Murder. 223, 283. Clandestine Correspondence. (W. H. Mallock) scrib. (Earl of Selborne) Na- (I. Smucker) M. Pub. Opin.”7: (F. Boyle) Longm. I3: 383. Clang of the Wooden Shoon. Chamb. J. 67: 508—525. Clap, Thomas, President of Yale College. N. Eng. 55; 427. Clapp Family. (J. H. Lea) N. E. Reg. 43: 429. Clapping of Hands. (J. Neil) Theo. Mo. I : 131. Clare, John, Peasant and Poet. All the Year, 67: 564. Claremont. (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: 237. * CLARIN Clarin, The. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 63: Io;. Clark, Alvan. Am. J. Sci. I34; 322. — (S. Newcomb) Nation, 45; I49. — Science, Io: 97. – N. E. Reg. 43: 52. Same art. Sid. Mess. 8: Io9. Clark, Daniel. (I. W. Smith) Granite Mo. Io: 223. Clark, Rev. Jonas, of Lexington, Mass. (C. A. Sta- ples) Unita. R. 34: 97. Clark Cells, Improved Standard, with Low Tempera- ture Coefficient. (H. S. Carhart) Am. J. Sci. I38: 4O2. Clark University. (H. A. Bridgman) Educa. Io: 239. — Lend a H. 5: 452. —Science, I4; 462. — Opening Address. (G. S. Hall) Science, I5: 18. — Plans and Work at. Science, I6: 211. Clarke, Sir Edward, Solicitor-General of England, with portrait. Green Bag, 3: 445. Clarke, George, New York's Great Landholder. M. Am. Hist. 22: 246. Clarke, Henry Saville. Alice in Wonderland, Drama- tized. Theatre, I8: 47. — Rose and the Ring, adapted from Thackeray, as a Pantomime. Theatre, 26: 91. Clarke, James. Ath. '88, I: 275. – Acad. 33: 150. * Clarke, James Freeman. (E. E. Hale) Unita. R. 3o: 34. — Critic, I2: 295. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 200. – (W. Lewin) Acad. 33: 431. — Hale's Life of. (J. R. Chadwick) Nation, 52: 364. — Schooling of ; Autobiographic Fragment. Atlan. 67: 325 f _Clarke, Wm. Bingham, with portrait. (E. L. Eames) M. West. Hist. Io: 226. Classes against the Masses. IO: I4I. Class Distinctions, Growth and Decay of. Westm. I31: 47. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 310. Classics and Secondary Schools. (G. A. Bacon) Acad. (Syr.) I: E29. S. — German or Greek? (A. Gaye) National, I7: 528. — Old School of, and the New. (R. Y. Tyrrell) Fortn. 49: 42. — Speech of Won Asbeth on. Educa. I2: 168. — Why do we Study ? (J. Hirst) Month, 72: 177. Classic and Romantic. (F. P. Stearns) Unita. R. 34: 32. — — in English Literature. (W. D. McClintock) Châut. I4, 187. ~~ Classical Education: is it Practical Education ? (W. G. Hale) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 203. Classical Instruction in High Schools. (W. G. Web- ster) Educa. Io: 429. Classical Literature in Translation. Atlan. 67: 773. Classical Review. Sat. R. 63: 345. 67: 708. Classical School-Books, Improvement of. Acad. 31: 22O. Classical Studies. (E. A. Freeman) Macmil. 63: 321. — and Scientific Studies. Sat. R. 72: 299. — Literary Value of. (K. A. Gage) Education, 8: 166. — Present Aspect of. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Acad. (Syr.) I : 2OI. — Present Status of the Greek Question. (E. J. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I: I4. — Prof. Wilkins on. Spec. 61: 1550. — Successors of. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) I : 62. Classical Texts, Annotation of. (B. L. D'Ooge) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 97. Classical Text Books, Thoughts on. Acad. (Syr.) 4: 552. (J. L. McCurry) Bapt. R. (R. G. Moulton) (R. S. Keyser) Classical Types. (A. Rexford) No. Am. I46: 342. Classification, Logic of. (W. L. Davidson) Mind, 12: 232. — Values of the Stages of Growth and Decline in, with Propositions for a New Nomenclature. Am. Nat- ural. 22: 872. \ 87 CLEPSYDRAS Claude Tyack’s Ordeal. (G. Allen) Longm. 9: 386. Claudius, Matthius. (R. Shindler) Theo. Mo. 6: 316. Clausen, George. (R. A. M. Stevenson) Art J. 43: 289. Clausius, Rudolf J. E. (G. W. de Tunzelmann) Na- ture, 38: 438. – With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: II.7. Claverhouse, Morris's Life of. Sat. R. 64; 263. – Unpublished Letters of. Macmil. 57: 64. Clay, Henry. (C. Bishop) Chaut. 9; 344. — Life of, Schurz's. Atlan. 60: 556. —Spec. 60: 1426. — (W. F. Allen) Nation, 44: 536. — (W. H. Smith) Dial (Ch.) 8: 55. – (D. H. Chamberlain) N. Eng. 48: 77. — Tariff of 1827. Q. J. Econ. 2: 490. — Thackeray, W. M., and Others; Interviews with. (J. W. Watson) No. Am. I47: 588. Clay, Rev. John. Meliora, 2: 56. Clay, Use of, in Schools. (W. A. Maxwell) Educa. R. 2: 264. Clay-Eaters in Carolina. Am. Arch. 23: 214. Claybourn, Archibald, with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 527. Claypoole, James, Letter-Book of. Pennsyl. M. Io: 401. Clayton, John. Sat. R. 65: 253. – (C. Scott) Theatre, 2O: I 73. Clayton, John M., Assassination of. (L. S. Roots and J. K. Jones) No. Am. I48: 280. — Pub. Opin. 6: 361. - Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, The. Am. I45; 313. - — vs. Monroe Doctrine. (G. W. Hobbs) Bay State Mo. 3: I 7. Cleanliness; Survival of the Filthiest. (C. H. Owen) N. Eng. 47: 2OI. Clear Case ; a story. (H. C. Davidson) Belgra. 71: 183. Clearings, Country. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 587. 5o: 74I. (W. L. Scruggs) No. Clearing House, New York. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 507. — (A. L. Kinkead) Cosmopol. 6: 335. | — — Action of, during the Monetary Stringency. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 589. Clearing Houses, Functions of. M. (N. Y.) 45: 167. t Clearing House System. (D. P. Bailey) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 752, 845, 917. 45: 25, IoS. Clearing House Transactions of 1890, in the U. S. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 683. Cleaveland, Rev. John ; a Patriotic Parson. Lamson) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 239. Cleburne, Gen. Patrick Ronayne. (G. W. Gordon) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 260. Clemens, Samuel L., Art of. (A. Lang) Critic, Ig: 45. Clement VII., Pope. Letter to Henry VIII., 1524. (C. W. Boase) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 32 I. Clement VIII. and Beatrice Cenci. (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 29. Clement XI., Pope. 542. — and the Chinese Rites. (J. Rickaby) Month, 73: 70. — and the Jansenists. (J. Rickaby) Month, 71: 246. Clement of Alexandria not an After-Death Probationist or Universalist. (W. DeL. Love) Bib. Sac. 45: 608. Clement of Rome, Bishop Lightfoot's. Church Q. 32: 29. Clemmer, Mary. (R. Droch) Cosmopol. I: 245. Clemson, Wm., with portrait. (G. W. Travers) M. West. Hist. I3: 258. Cleopatra, Death of. (Horace) Macmil. 57: 379. Cleopatras of the Stage. (C. E. L. Wingate) Cosmopol. II: 3. Cleopatra's Needles. (M. J. de Goeje) Ath. '87, 2: 123. Cleopatra's Tomb. Am. Arch, 27; 141. Clepsydras in Egypt. (F. L. Griffith) Acad. 32: 342. (A. S. Bolles) Bank. (D. F. (J. Rickaby) Month, 71 : 69. 73: — as President. CLERGY Clergy and Freethinkers, The. (A. J. Harrison) Theo. Mo. I : 309. — and the Times. per, 78: 206. – Benefit of. (M. H. Richards) Luth. Q. 18: 94.— Green Bag, 2: 51. — Country. (E. W. Bowling) National, 9: 746. – of England, Sufferings of. Spec. 60: 288. — Relations of, to the Church. (H. C. Potter) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 148. — Second-Class. (A. M. Wilcox) National, I4: 765. Clergyman, Reminiscences of a. Cornh. 61: 161. Clergymen, English, Anecdotes of. (C. K. Tuckerman) No. Am. I53: 304. — Incomes of, 1643. (S. Robertson) Antiq. m. s. 22: 75. — a Talk about Parsons. Atlan. 65: 716. – Town and Country Parsons. (H. Jones) 19th Cent. 29: 727. Clerical Reminiscences. Cornh.57: 246. – Temp. Bar, 81 : 103. Clerit, George. (J. F. Molloy) Eng. Illust. 8: 166. Clerk of the Weather. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 8: 343. Clerkenwell and its Associations. Chamb. J. 68: 732. Clermont, Comte de. (Baron F. Rothschild) 19th Cent. 27: 8o3. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 723. , Cleveland, Rev. Aaron. (B. Rand) N. E. Reg. 42: 73. Cleveland, Grover. (W. Larremore) Arena, 3: 147. — (H. H. Metcalf) Bay State Mo. 2: 61. – Administration of, First Two Years. Pub. Opin. 2: 487. — and Civil Service. Pub. Opin. 3: 369. — and the Republicans. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44: 264. — and the Soldiers. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 45: 26. (Don Piatt) No. Am. I44: III. – Day with. (W. E. Curtis) Lippine. 39: 285. – Journey of, 1887. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 45: 326. – Letter of Acceptance, 1888. (T. B. Reed) No. Am. I47: 385. — Pub. Opin. 5: 485. - — Message, 1886. Pub. Opin. 2: 161. – Message, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 785. — No. Am. I46: 1. — — Effect of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: 44. — (B. Smith) No. Am. I46: 2II. — on Protective Tariff. (J. G. Blaine) Am. M. 8: 533. — Renomination of, 1888. Pub. Opin. 5: 214. – Speech in Boston, Dec., 1889. Pub. Opin. 8: 255. — Supporting. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: 483. — Visit to Richmond, 1886. Pub. Opin. 2: 43. – Wedding of. Pub. Opin. I : 141. — — Newspaper Improprieties. Pub. Opin. 1: 173. – What he has Done. Nation, 44: 202. Cleveland, O., and the Cleveland Bar. (D. W. Cross) M. West. Hist. 6: 614. — Public Library. (W. H. Brett) M. West. Hist. 7: 55. — — Arrangement of. (W. H. Brett) Lib. J. 15: 136. — Recollections of. (G. F. Marshall) M. West. Hist. 7: 253, 609. Clever Capture; a story. (Archdeacon Mackay-Smith) Har- (W. J. Lacey) Belgra. 67: 481. Cliff of the Dead. (F. Y. Powell and others) Acad. 34: 257, 274, 291, 306, 322, 355, 372. – (A. S. Cook) Acad. 35: 168. — Among Teutons. Acad. 35: 43, 59. Cliff-Dwellers. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 19: 278. — and their Works:-- (S. D. Peet). Am. Antiq.1%: 85. Cliff-Dwellings in Arizona. Science, II: 257. – of the Mancos Cañons. (F. H. Chapin) Am. Antiq. I2: IQ3. — of Mexico. Spec. 64: 588. Clifford's Sermons. Cong. R. 2: 929. (A. S. Cook; W. H. Stevenson) Clifford Abbey; a story. (M. C. Crowley) Cath. World, - 44; 694. 88 CLOUDBERRY Clifton Springs Sanitarium. (R. E. Thompson) Amer. I8: 392. Climate, Adaptation to. Sci. Mo. 38: 670. — Brückner on. (F. Waldo) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 141. — in its Relation to Health. (G. W. Poore) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 871–913. — Influence of Snow-Masses on. (A. J. Woeikoff) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3 I: 60. – Is it Changing 2 (R. H. Scott) Longm. II: 535. — Moral Influence of. (F. L. Oswald) Pop. Sci. Mo. (Saint-Yves Ménard) Pop. 33 : 37. — of the U. S., Is it Changing 2 (C. Abbe) Forum, 6: 678. — Periodic Changes in. (E. Richter) Chaut. I3: 326. Climates of Past Ages. (M. Neumayr) Nature, 42: 148, 175. Clinton, Sir H. Original Secret Record, 1782. M. Am. Hist. 20: 329. Clirehugh, William Palin, with portrait. (Lond.) 50: 2055. Clive, Mrs. Archer, Poetry of. Bank. M. (A. Galton) Acad. 39: 430. - Clive, Catherine, Life of. Sat. R. 66: 241. Clive, Robert, Lord. Sat. R. 70: 234. — (J. Bryce) Nation, 5 I: 306. Clock on the Stairs; a story. Argosy, 43: Supp. 30. Clocks. (J. K. Jerome) Tinsley, 43: 56. — and Watches, Fifty Years’ Progress in. Gardner) Nature, 36: 392, 484. — Celebrated. (F. G. Mather) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 640. — Compensation of. (E. Rigg) J. Soc. Arts, 27; 342. — Japanese. (W. Ball) Nature, 40: 151. — Pneumatic, System of. (J. A. Berly) J. Soc. Arts, (H. D. 30: 54. — Regulation of, by Electricity. (F. J. Ritchie) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 608. Clockmaking, British, Recent Progress in. plin) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 365. Cloisonné, Use of, for Decoration. Arts, 39: 375. Close Call, A. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. IG: 644. Closer than a Brother; a story. (G. B. Stuart) All the Year, 6o: 276-429. Closing Sentence, The. Closson, Col. Henry W., with portrait. (Phila.) 5: 439. Clothes and Conduct on Board an Old Indiaman. Birdwood) Ath. '89, I: 439. — Bodily Heat and. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 331. — A Chat about. All the Year, 62: 364. — Cheap. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 24. — Old. Chamb. J. 64; 49. — A Suit of, Manufacture of. per, 8o: 685. Cl6ture. Fraser, IoS: 253. Clouds. Spec. 63: 331. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 62o. (J. Trip- (C. Heaton) J. Soc. (L. Roberts) Author, 3: 13. Un. Serv. (G. (R. R. Bowker) Har- — Forms of. (R. Abercromby) Nature, 37: 129. — Height of. (R. F. Hutchinson) Knowl. Io: 268. — Height of Summer. Nature, 36: 206. — Iridescent. (J. C. McDonnel) Nature, 35: 535. — Luminous. (O. Jesse) Nature, 43: 59. — — Scheme of Coöperative Observation of. Nature, 44: II.7. — Measurements of. (R. Abercromby) Nature, 36: 3I9. — Noctilucous. (J. LeConte) Nature, 40: 544, 594. – (E. McLennan) Nature, 41 : 131. — Solid and Liquid Particles in. (J. Aitken) Nature, 44; 279. Cloud Electric Potential. (E. D. Archibald) Nature, 38: 269. Cloudberry. Knowl, Io; 25. CLOUGH Clough, A. H. (C. N. Bynner) Harv. Mo. 4: 177. – (W. Higgs) N. Eng. 51: 241. — and the Poetry of Reaction. (E. F. Hayward) Unita. R. 28: 131. Clough, J. A. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: 629. Clovelly. Chamb. J. 65: 369. Clovio, Giorgio Giulio, Bradley's. Sat. R. 71 : 452. Clown, The, and the Missionary. (V. Roseboro') Cent. 2O: 623. Clubs. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. 9: 379. — and Club Life in Paris. (E. King) Cosmopol. 4; 368. — and Club Men. (T. W. Tempany) Antiq. m. s. I8: 250. — and Fraternities. 44; 309. — Boys’. (E. J. Wendell) Scrib. M. 9: 738. — for Working Girls. (Hon. Maude Stanley) 19th Cent. 3: 73. — — Stanley's. (C. L. Franklin) Nation, 50: 301. — in Edinburgh and Glasgow. (R. Walker) Art J. 4I: 288. — in Politics. (D. J. Ryan) No. Am. I46: 172. – Ed. R. 167: Io9. — London and American. 289. — Provincial, in England. 289, 336. — Social ; Neighbors’ Club. Westm. I31: 153. Club Life, Country. (R. Hitchcock) Chaut. 9: 601. Club Story, A. Chamb. J. 66: 188. Clyde River and the Western Highlands. (R. Walker) Art J. 43: 161, 207, 250, 28o. — Miller's. Spec. 61: 890. Clyde Sea-Area, Temperature of the. Nature, 36: 37, 56. Clytie. (E. Schottky) Scrib. M. Io: 486. Coach-Building, History of. (G. A. Thrupp.) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 99–176. Coaching. Sat. R. 71 : 52. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. Eng. Illust. 5: 7–681. Coaching Era, The. (H. C. Taylor) Cosmopol. 9; 158. Coal. (W. M. Williams) Knowl. v. 9–II. — and Iron Production of the World and the Coal Supply of Great Britain. (G. G. Chisholm) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 561. — and its Components. 95, IO7. — Anthracite, Monopoly in. I44; 43. — as a Civilizer. (C. Barnard) Chaut. 7: 269. — Discovery of, in the Wyoming Valley. M. West. Hist. I3: 267, 424. —sº- near Dover, England. (W. B. Dawkins) Con- temp. 57: 470. — (W. B. Dawkins) Nature, 41: 418. - — — in Kent. All the Year, 66: 245. — Sat. R. 69: 255. — Endurance of H. M. Ships. (Phila.) 5: 450. — in South of England, Search for. Nature, 42: 319. — in South East of England. Arts, 38: 543. — A Lump of. (N. B. Heath) Cosmopol. I: 90. — Spontaneous Ignition of. Nature, 42: 271. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. m. s. (E. S. Nadal) Scrib. M. 9: (J. Hatton) Art J. 40: 263, (H. R. Mill) (W. O. Tristram) (F. S. Barff) J. Soc. Arts, 26: (J. F. Hudson) No. Am. (H. Williams) Un. Serv. (W. B. Dawkins) (W. Whitaker) J. Soc. Coal Companies vs. State of Pennsylvania. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 44; 222. Coal-Dust and Explosions in Mines. (A. Watts) Na- ture, 36: 221. Coal-Fields of Central France. (G. W. Bulman) Knowl. I3: 254. — of Great Britain. Meliora, 4: 53. 89 COCHRAN Coal Mines. Tinsley, 43: 804. – Death in. Meliora, 2: I54. — Explosions in. (T. Wills) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 455–538. — Science, 9: 429. Coal-Mining, Anthracite. (H. A. Wasmuth) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 141. — in England. (G. B. Walker) Eng. Illust. 6: 566. — Perils of. (C. J. Norwood) Engin. M. 2: 176. See also Collieries. Coal-Question. Dublin R. Ioa; 419. Coal Regions in England and Canada. Cornh. 59: 270. Coal Supply in England. Science, I3: 183. – (G. F. Wright) Nation, 53: I 94. — — Duration of. (W. M. Williams) Knowl. II: 198. — of Great Britain. (T. F. Brown) Econ. J. I : 663. — — in 1889. (R. Price-Williams) J. Statis. Soc. 52: 1. — of the U. S. (I. J. Wistar) Nation, 53: 236. Coaling Stations, Fallacies respecting. (P. H. Colomb) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: I28. Coast Defence, Dual Nature of. Un. Serv. M. n. s.4: IOI. — Machine Guns and. (W. Verner) National, I2: 583. — U. S. (F. W. Greene) Scrib. M. 1: 56. — (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: I, 164. — — from an Army Standpoint. M. 8: 165. — — from a Naval Standpoint. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 46. Coast Fortifications; Protected Barbette, or Moncrieff System. Blackw. I42: 230. * Coast Line, Shifting of, in South Italy. Dub. R. IOS: 185. Coast Range, Exploring the, in 1850. Overland, n. s. II: 320. Coast Survey, U. S. (H. G. Ogden) Nat. Geog. M. I : (O. O. Howard) Am. (R. Wainwright) Um. (H. Altschule) 59. Coast Towns, Open, and International Law. (H. Haines) National, I3: I 73. Coat, Development of the. (W. H. Bell) Cosmopol. 8: 288. — Story of the. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 577. Coat-of-Arms of the United States and the Flag. (T. Gibbons) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 636. Coatepec. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 7.5: 23. Coates, Robert. (F. Hawkins) Acad. 40: 378. – Sat. R. 72: 422. Cobalt, Nickel and, Decomposition of. Nature, 39: 325. — Relation to Iron. Nature, 39: 453. Cobbe, Frances Power. (F. E. Willard) Chaut. 7: 597. — and her Work. (Mrs. H. E. Monroe) Educa. Io: (W. J. Russell; W. J. Orsman) 350. Cobbett, William. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 65: 95. — Temp. Bar, 93: 175. — Watkins on. Sat. R. 72; 462. Age, I91 : 552. Cobden, Richard. Meliora, 8: 146. Cobet, Carel Gabriel. Ath. '89, 2: 599. – (J. P. Ma- haffy) Ath. '89, 2: 635. Coblentz and the Emigration, E. Daudet on. (Baron Colchester) National, 18; 71. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 387. Co’ Bossie; a poem. (A. Barnes) Cosmopol. Io: 420. Cobra, Supposed Suicide of the. (R. D. Oldham) Na- ture, 35: 560. Cobra Stone. (H. Hensoldt) Harper, 80: 536. Coburg, Duke of, Memoirs of. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 50: 378. Coburg Family, Reminiscences of. Quar. IG7: 108. Cocaine Habit. Science, 9: 329. Cochran, Thos. M. West. Hist, Io; 8o. Same art. Liv. COCHRANE Cochrane, Baillie, Lord Lamington. Liv. Age, 184: 809. Cochrane, Thomas, Earl of Dundonald. ris) Acad. 38: 263. Cockburn, Sir Alexander J. E., with portrait. Green Bag, I : 45. Cockburn, Henry Thomas, Lord. Spec. 61: 1164. – Circuit Journeys. Ed. R. 169: 379. — Sat. R. 66: 3OO. Cock-Fighting in Schools formerly. Chamb. J. 65: 812. Cockney, Derivation of. (J. A. H. Murray, F. Chance, and others) Acad. 37: 320–445. 38: 52, 367. Cockney Language. Sat. R. 69: 658. Cockroach, The Common. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I2: I99, 217, 239. I3: I. – Instinct in. (G. Hay) Science, 9: 622. (P. Maxwell) (W. O. Mor- Cocoa. (J. A. Mann) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 775–805. — and Chocolate. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 37I. – and Cocoanut. (W. T. Brigham) Writer, 2: 225. – and its Manufacture. (J. Holm) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 356. — Coffee, Tea, and Sugar. (R. Bannister) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 973–1038. Cod, Cape. Chart showing Eastham Passage. Townshend) N. E. Reg. 42: 167. Codification. (D. D. Field) Am. Law R. 21: 305. — (D. D. Field) Am. Law R. 24; 255. — of Common Law. (G. Hoadley) Am. Law R. 23: (C. H. 495. — Our Legal Chaos. (J. F. Dillon) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 91. – State Statutes and Common Law. (F. J. Stimson ; M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: Ioš. — State, Statute and Common Law. Sci. Q. 3: I36. (M. Smith) Pol. / Co-education. (J. B. Angell and others) Bapt. Q. 9:. 63. – Critic, II: 85. — (C. L. Franklin) Nation, 46: 91. — Again. (L. M. Salmon) Nation, 46: I 16. — at Oberlin. (J. H. Fairchild) Bib. Sac. 46: 443. — Back Track at Adelbert College. Nation, 46: 135. — in Swiss Universities. (F. Bridges) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 524. — Progress of. (C. F. Deems) Forum, 3: 631. — (W. A. Merrill) Nation, 46: 52. - Coffee. (W. P. Branson) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 456. — Indian. (F. Clifford) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 519. — Tea, Cocoa, and Sugar. (R. Bannister) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 973–Io38. Coffee-Drinking and Blindness. Am. I47: 302. Coffee-Houses, Some Old London. Coffin, Charles C., with portrait. Coffin Nails. Coffman, Victor H. Hist. 9: 451. Cogers. (J. Lillie) Harper, 79: 62o. Coggeshall, Eng., History of. (G. F. Beaumont) Antiq. n. S. 2I : I97. - Cognac. (H. B. Baker) Eng. Illust. 6: 374. Cogswell, Joseph Green. (F. Saunders) Lib. J. I3: 7. (J. M. Holaday) No. Cornh. 56: 527. Bay State Mo. 3: I. (S. Baring-Gould) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 570. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Cohen of Trinity. (Amy Levy) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 417. Cohesive Construction. (R. Gustavino) Am. Arch. 26: 218. 27: 123. Cohutta Valley Shooting Match. (W. N. Harben) Outing, Ig: 107. Coillard, François, and the French Geographical Soci- ety. Leis. Honr. 37: 636. Coinage, Alloys Used for. (W. C. Roberts) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 804–911. — American, Myth in. ('86): 537. — and the Mint, Bank. M. (N. Y.) 41: 494, 588. (I. B. Choate) N. Eng. M. 4 90 COLE Coinage, Decimal. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 611, 820. 48: 385. * , – Decimalizing of. (W. W. Hardwicke) Longm. Io: 517. — Greek. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. II: 788. — — Fauna and Flora of the. Chamb. J. 68: 277. — Mexican. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1124. — of China, Ancient. (W. S. Ament) Am. J. Archaeol. 4; 284. – of England, New, in 1887. (C. W. Fremantle) Mur- ray, I : 739. – Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 616, 669. — — Silver and Gold. (J. H. Norman) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 674. – of the United States Mints from their Organization. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 227. Coining, Improvements in. (E. Boyd) J. Soc. Arts,.2b: I7 I. º Coins and Medals in the Allan Library. Lond. Q. 69: 287. – and Tokens of the British Possessions and Colonies, Atkins's. Ath. '89, I: 542. - – Anglo-Saxon, in British Museum, Keary's Catalogue of. (F. Y. Powell) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 132. — Sat. R. 64; 329. — as Conveniences. Spec. 62: 82. – Bronze. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 425. — Greek, Head's. Sat. R. 63: 342. — of Ancient Britons. Sat. R. 72: 199. – of the Peloponnesus. (C. Oman) Acad. 32: 273. — Roman. Ath. '89, 2: 69. — Sales of, English, of 1886 and 1887. Science, Io: I96. — Short-Weight. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 544. - Coincidences. (F. Max Müller) Ath. '87, I: 64o. — (F. Gautier) Ath. '87, I: 705. — Ath. '87, I: 766, (F. . Max Müller) 831. 2: 149. — All the Year, 68: 211. — Astrology, Divination and. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. I3: 629. – Literary. (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 40: 534. Coke, Sir John, Collection of State Papers. Ath. '89, I : 116. Coke, Lady Mary, Letters and Journals of. Ed. R. I73: I74. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 468. Coke, Thos., and Cooper, Ezekiel, Correspondence of. (G. A. Phoebus) Meth. R. 47: 59. - - Coke Industry, Bye-Products of, Utilization of. (B. Terne) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 375. Colborne, Langdon. Ath. '89, 2: 393. Colby, Charles L. M. West. Hist. Io: 542. Colby, Gardner. M. West. Hist. Io: 307. Colby University. (A. W. Small) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 309. Colchester, Conn. Inscriptions in Old Burying Ground. (F. E. Randall) N. E. Reg. v. 42—44. Colchester, England. All the Year, 63: 490. — Cutts' History of. Spec. 62: 834. — St. Botolph's Priory. Ath. '87, 2: 165. - Cold, Production of Artificial. (E. L. Nichols) Chaut. II: 42. – (J. Gamgee) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 497. – (W. Cornish) Knowl. I4: 56. — Death from ; is it Painless? Chamb. J. 65: 56. – Storage of. (C. Morris) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 517. Colds, Common, and Influenza. Chamb. J. 67: 49. – Nervous Origin of. Chamb. J. 64: 749. Cold Harbor, From the Wilderness to. (E. M. Law) Cent. I2: 277. Cold Wave, Conditions Causing. M. 2: 381. Cold Waves and Warm Ones. (H. A. Hazen) Science, I7: 121. — (F. A. Welschow) Science, I7: 135. — Prediction of. (T. Russell) Am. J. Sci. I40: 463. Cole, Thomas. (I. C. Lillie) Harper, 8o: 206. – and his Work. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I5: 57. (T. Russell) Engin. COLE Cole, Rev. Wm., Some Particulars Concerning. Temp. Bar, 93: 221. -*. Coleman, W. T., Career of. (H. H. Bancroft) M. Am. Hist. 26: 201. Colenso, John W. (N. P. Gilman) Unita. R. 29: 599. — Cox's Life of. Ath. '88, I : 269. Coleorton, George Beaumont, 7th Bart., Memorials of. Ath. '87, 2: 667. — (J. H. Caine) Acad. 32: 399. – Sat. R. 64: 710. — Spec. 60: 1656. — Atlan. 61: 27o. Coleridge, John D., with portrait. Coleridge, Samuel, with portrait. Hour, 36: 694. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. (G. Grove) Ath. '88, I: 470. — (J. D. Campbell) Ath. '88, I: 566. — Ancient Mariner, Source of. Ath. 'go, I: 335, 371. — and the Anti-Jacobins. Ath. 'go, I: 703. – and the English Romantic School. Quar. IG5: 60. – and the Journalists. (H. R. Fox Bourne) Gent. M. D. S. 39: 472. — and the Quantock Hills. 56: 413. — and Stowey. Lond. Q. 72: 229. – as a Poet. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 52: 342. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 131. – as a Spiritual Philosopher. (H. M. Goodwin) N. Eng. 54: 61. — Brandl's Life of. Ath. '87, I: 791. — (A. Brandl) Ath. '87, 2: 20. — Spec. 60: 1660. — Caine's Life of. Spec. 60: 293. — Lectures in 1818. (J. D. Campbell) Ath. '89, I: 345, 568. — Ath. '91, 2: 865. — Lyrical Ballads. Spec. 64: 479. — Ode to Wordsworth. (A. Ainger) Macmil. 56: 81. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 42. — Osorio and Remiorse. (J. D. Campbell) Ath. 'go, I : Green Bag, 3: 129. (J. Mason) Leis. (Wm. Greswell) Macmil. 445. — Poems, 1828 Edition. (J. D. Campbell) Ath. '88, I: 3.07. f — Religious Opinions of. Church Q. 27: 316. — Unpublished Marginalia. Ath:788, 1: 435. – (J. D. Campbell) Ath. '88, I: 795. — Unpublished Verses by. Ath. 'go, I: 341. V/ Colet, John. Leis. Hour, 36: 807. — Lupton's Life of. Ath.’87, I: 760.-Spec. 60: 1185. — Sat. R. 65 : 51. Coligny, Gaspard de. Church Q, 31 : 361. Liv. Age, 188: 579. — Quar. I57: 1. Liv. Age, I78: 771. Collaboration, Art and Mystery of. (B. Matthews) Longm. I6: 157. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 166. Collecting from Nature. (P. A. Graham) Longm. 18: 285. Collectivism. Spec. 64: 46. A Collector, The. Blackw. I4?: 677. Collector's Dream, A ; a story. Temp. Bar, 86: 506. College, Admission to, by Certificate. (R. P. Keep) Acad. (Syr.) I: 281. – Nation, 46: 279. — American, Disposal of. Educa. II: 565. — and University, Relation of, to the Community. (C. F. Thwing) Educa. II: 417. — The Christian. (F. D. Altman) Luth. Q. 21: 572. — — a Safeguard of the Republic. (L. T. Townsend) Our Day, 4: 201. — — Making of a. (G. F. Magoun) Educa. 11: 335. — Entrance Examinations for. (W. C. Collar) Acad. (Syr.) I : 207. – New England, Growth of. (A.M. Comey) Educa. R. I: 209. — Place of, in Christian Education. (S. C. Wells) Luth. Q. 18: 556. — Practicability of Abridging the Course Preparatory Same art. Same art. * 91 -> COLLEGE College, Preparation for, and the Public Schools. Acad. (Syr.) 2: I 13. — Preparatory Latin for. Acad. (Syr.) 2: 459. — Small, Policy of. (W. D. Hyde) &duca. R. 2: 313. – Where should it be located; a º, (J. H. Seelye ; H. W. Rogers; J. B. Angell; Hº H. Bºye- sen; W. R. Harper; H. B. Adams) Chaut. I3:"ºbss: College of Preceptors, The. Chamb. J. 64: 417. Colleges; Admission Requirements. (O. B. Rhodes) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 322. — Action of, upon the Schools. R. 2: 422. — American, and Amessan, Literature. (R.W. Gilder) Critic, II: 1. –– Athletic Christianity in. (T. G. Frost) And. R. IO: 497. — — Orig. Research in. (H. W. Conn) Science, Io: Io9. — and Academies, Mutual Relations. (W. T. Hewett) Acad. (Syr.) I: 361. — and Common Schools, Gap between. (C. W. Eliot) Arena, 2: 24. — and Universities, Proper Division of Work between. (C. K. Adams) Forum, Io: 618. — Bible Instruction in. (B. W. Bacon) Forum, 9: 3oo. — Country, Future of. (W. D. Hyde) Atlan. 62: 72 r. – Day Training. Lond. Q. 74: 253. — in New Eſgland, Report of Commission of. Acad. (Syr.) 2: A 9. — Western. (W. C. Roberts) Presb. R. 9: 208. – Without Temptation. Nation, 49: 226, 251, 312, (W. C. Collar) Educa. 349. College Alumni, Positions held by. (R. H. Greene) N. E. Reg. 44; 286. College and Clerical Reminiscences. Words, 29: 123–629. College Attendance. Nation, 49: 518. College-Bred Men in Politics. (W. D. Sheldon) N. Eng. (H. Jones) Good 54: 309. * College Comity. (S. F. Scovel) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 245. College Confederation in Ontario. R. 8: II6. College Course, Shortening the. And. R. 13: 75.-(D. MacG. Means) Nation, 51: 12, ro8. – S. C. Bart- lett) Edºa. II: 585. — (D. C. Gilman) Educa. R. I : I. tº (W. Caven) Presb. : J or — Time and Age in Relation to. (E. B. Andrews) Ed- uca. R. I : 133. - College Discipline. (S. C. Bartlett; J. B. Angell; N. S. Shaler; C. K. Adams; W. D. W. Hyde; J. W. Dawson; H. Davis) No. Am. 149; 1.--(N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 64; 24. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48; I 54. College Disturbances. (S. C. Bartlett) Forr'm, 4: 424. College Education and Business Life. (P. T. Barnum) Cosmopol. Io: 69. - — The Idea of. (E. B. Andrews) Bapt. R. I2: 431. — Ideal. (J. G. Schurman) And. R. I5: 151. — Pecuniary Value of. (G. H. Lee) N. Eng. 48: 188. — Results of. (C. King) No. Am. I47; 369. College Entrance Examinations, Unity of Standard for. (L. M. Sälmön) Acadº (Syf.) 3: 222. College Expenses. (W. C. Todd) Educa. 9; 14. College Fraternities. (J. McCosh; J. H. Seelye; C. K. Adams; T. C. Burgess; O. Root) Acad. (Svr.) 2: 372.- (J. A. Porter) Cent. I4: 749.- (A. D.White) Forum, 3: 243. * — Advantages of. (A. L. Sanborn) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 386,” College Growth in Ohio. (J. Eaton) Educa. 9: 433. College Leadership. Harv. Mo. 7: 77. *College Life, Aspects of. (C. D. Fay) Univ: Q. 48:-68. — Moral Aspects of. (C. K. Adams) Forum, 8: 665. to. (F. A. Hill) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 405. College Standards of Culture. Harv. Mo. 7: 122. COLLEGE College Students, American, Proportion of, to Popula- tion. (T. H. Safford) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 482. - How to Use a Large Income. (W. Lawrence) Harv. Mo. II: I. College Studies, Educational Value of. Educa. R. I : 105. College Training; Does it Pay? (D. R. McAnally) Lip- plno. 44; 722. – Value of. (W. H. Johnson) Lippinc. 45: 758. colº Work, Economy in. (J. Trowbridge) Atlan. 2: 669. – The Future in. (J. D. Cox) Bib. Sac. 46: 577. College Charlemagne. (M. W. Lawrence) Overland, n. (S. N. Patten) s. Io: 278. Collier, Thomas. Acad. 39: 495. Colliery Explosions. (Prof. Thorpe) Good Words, 28: 96. º – and Atmospheric Pressure. (H. Harris) Nature, 36: 437. — and their Prevention. (C. Parkinson) National, I5: 167. — and the Davy Lamp. Chamb. J. 64: 69. — Coal-Dust Theory of. (W. Galloway) Nature, 35: 223, 296, 343. Colliery-Pit Women and Girls. Leis. Hour, 36: 641. See also Coal-Mines. Collingwood, Cuthbert. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 39: 577. — Sat. R. 7I: 537. Collins, Charles MacCarthy, with portrait. (Lond.) 51: 995. Collins, Dominic. (E. Hogan) Month, 69: 372, 524. Collins, Jennie. (L. Whiting) Chaut. 8: 159. Collins, Wilkie. Acad. 36: 203. — Ath. '89, 2: 418. — Critic, I5: 152.- Spec. 63: 393.− Ecl. M. II3: 721. — (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 52: 589. — (H. Quilter) Contemp. 53: 572. — (H. Chartres) Lond. Soc. 56: I Bank. M. 515. – and the Novelists of the Day. (W. J. Johnston) Irish Mo. Ig: 199. — Letters of Charles Dickens to. (L. Hutton) Harper, 83: 527, 675. — Man and Wife; a Dramatic Story. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 18: 278. - Novels of. (A. Lang) Contemp. 57: 20. — Temp. Bar, 89: 528. & Collins, Rev. William L. Acad. 31: 236. Collisions at Sea. (G. R. Faith) Knowl. II: 3. – Causes of. (P. H. Colomb) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 36, 53. Colloquialisms, Seventeenth Century. (G. L. Apperson) Gent. M. n. S. 42: 59aº Collotype Process. (A. º, º Clandestine Marriage. 8: 340. (T. Frost) M. Am. Hist. 25: 493. - Cologne, Carnival at. Outing, Io: 62. — Council of, 1536. Church Q. 31 : 419. Cologne-Water, and its History. (E. Brewer) Leis. Hour, 38: 102. Coloma, Miner's Sunday in. (C. B. Gillespie) Cent. 20: 259. Colombia, United States of. (R. Becerra) Harper, 79: 920. — (W.E. Curtis) Cosmopol. 7: 443. — Education in. (B. Whitman) Lend a H. 2: 630. — Presidents of. Overland, n. s. I4: 117. Colonel, The, and the Tiger. (C. H. Ozanne) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 167. Colonel, The, at Home in Sonoma County. (L. L. White) Overland, n. s. 17: 200. Colonel’s Boy, The. Cornh. 61 : 541. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 713. Colonel's Wooing, The ; a Tale. (H. C. Wood) Am. M. 8: 604. 92 COLOR.—BLINDNESS Colonel Carter of Cartersville. (F. H. Smith) Cent: I9: 62-885. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Br. Alma. Comp. ’87: IoS. – (E. Cunliffe-Owen) J. Soc. Arts, 35. 72. Colonies and Colonization. Westm. 131: 13. – British. See Great Britain: Colonies. – Dutch Agricultural and Beggar. (W. Tallack) Leis. Hour, 36: I I I. – How Founded. Chamb. J. 64: 235. – Laborers’, in Germany. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 29: 73. – (A. G. Warner) Q. J. Econ. 5: I. Colonization. (W. Stone's) J. Soc. Arts, 13: 405-685. — (W. Forster) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 269. — and Friendly Societies. (W. Greswell) National, 11: 685. – and its Limitations. (E. J. Ravenstein) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 269. º - – German Traditions of. (H. A. Perry) Macmil. 62: II.3. – Home. Spec. 61: 231. – (J. Mavor) Tinsley, 46: 353. – of Negroes, A. Lincoln on. Nation, 50: 91. — Recent Experiments in. (A. White) Contemp. 58: 655. — Report on, to House of Commons, 1891. (A. White) Contemp. 59: 609. – State. (Lord Monkswell) Fortn. 49: 387. — State-aided. Sat. R. 63: 21 o. — Westm. I28: 71. – (Lord Brabazon) National, 9° 525. Colonna, Vittoria. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 26: 52. — (E. A. Gowing) Belgra. 75: 355. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 246. Colony, Founding of a. Spec. 62: 113. Color and Coloring. (A. H. Church) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 746—769. Same art. Am. Arch. 29: 151. Color and Light. (W. D. W. Abney) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 80–113. – Knowl. 9: 16–331. – Decorative Use of. (J. D. Crace) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 696. Same art. Am. Arch. 23: 243. — in the Animal World. (J. G. Wood) Chaut. 9: 329, Color in Animals, Directive. (J. E. Todd) Am. Natu- ral. 22: 201. — — Protecting. (F. E. Beddard) Blackw. I5o: 850. — in Domesticity and Dress. (H. Aídé) Fortn. 51: 685. — of Words. (N. E. Newell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 257. Colors, Animal, Uses of. (E. B. Poulton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 533. — and Pigments, Artists’. I9: Io9–I79. — Combination of, Illustrated. ture, 35 : 513. — Dispersion of. — Fundamental, Ascertaining the. Knowl. I2: 153. — Light the Universal Color-Maker. Chaut. 7: 195. (F. S. Barff) J. Soc. Arts, (H. G. Madam) Na- (J. W. Gibbs) Am. J. Sci. I35: 467. (F. W. Reynolds) (C. Barnard) — Liturgical. (A. Lowndes) Church R. 58: II. — of Animals and Flowers. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 22I. — of Letters. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 367. — of Thin Plates. Color-Beauty, Secret of. 52: I 34. Color-Blindness. (E. L. Nichols) Chaut. II: 166. — (J. Ingelow) Good Words, 29: 247. – (R. B. Carter) J. Soe. Arts, 29: 817–837. — (J. H. Bickerton) Na- ture, 44: 595. — (W. B. Harlow) Science, II: 57. — (R. Beynon) Knowl. I3; 8. — among Railroad Employés. (W. Thompson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 794. - among Seamen. Nature, 40: 438. Nature, 36: 391. (F. W. Fellowes) N. Eng. COLOR-BLINDNESS Color-Blindness and Color-Perception, Edgridge-Green on. Sat. R. 72: 589. — and Color-Vision. (R. B. Carter) Nature, 41 : 55. — and Defective Far-Sight among Seamen. Nature, 40: 438. — a Product of Civilization. Science, 13: 17o. – Testing of. (J. F. Heyer) Nature, 4o: 572. Color-Law, Effect of, on our Homes. (F. W. Fellowes) N. Eng. 5o: I 18. 51: 2 Io. Color Line, The. Unita. R. 30: 180. — North and South. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 45: 246. Color Perception. (C. E. Stromeyer; T. W. Back- house) 36: 246, 531. 37: 79. — of the Blind. (F. Battles) Educa. II: 412. Color-Vision, Abney on. Nature, 44; 313. Colored Troops, Histories of the. Nation, 46: 180. Coloring, Harmonious, Applied to Woven Fabrics. (L. Higgin) Art J. 40: 313. Colorado. M. West. Hist. 9: 300, 380. — Banks and Bankers of. M. West. Hist. Io: 54, 44I. – Bankers and Capitalists of. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: 58. — Bar and Bench of. (P. Wikoff) M. West. Hist. 9: 605, 764. Io: 54, 163, 312. — Beyond the Metropolis of the Mountains. gersoll) Outing, I8: 257. - Camp and Travel in. (D. Mariager) Overland, n. s. I5: 536. - Heart of. (E. Ingersoll) Cosmopol. 5: 417–471. — Journalism in, Early. (W. N. Byers) M. West. Hist. 9: 692. — Mining Camp in. (D. Aubrey) Leis. Hour, 37: 802. – New Desert Lake in. (J. Bonner) Cosmopol. II: 674. — (J. W. Powell) Scrib. M. Io: 463. Colorado Desert, A Mystery of the. (G. F. Weeks) Cosmopol. 2: 35. Colorado National Park. Hist. Io: 429. Colorado River, Cañon of the. Dub. R. Io9: 435. — (J. G. Lemmon) Overland, m. s. I2: 244. — (R. B. Stanton) Scrib. M. 8: 591. — — in the Whirlpools of. (E. A. Reynolds) Cosmo- pol. 8: 25. — Col. R. Stanton's Descent of. Am. Natural. 24: 463. Colosseum, Christians in the. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. I7: 514. Colportage and Book-Hawking. Meliora, 3: 311. Colporteurs in Conference. (W. G. Blaikie) Sunday M. I.G: 43. Columba, St., and his Home and Work in Scotland. (A. Mair) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 471. — Pilgrimage to Iona in 1888. Cornh. 58: 122. Columbanus, St. Macmil. 57: 50. Columbia, S. C., Burning of. (A. E. Wood) No. Am. I46; 4oo. Columbia College. (J. H. Van Amringe) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 363. – (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 8: 265. — Architectural Education at. Am. Arch. 24: 251. — as a University. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 50: 369. — Distinguished Sons of. (S. Low) M. Am. Hist. 25: (E. In- (L. R. Ehrich) M. West. 249. Columbia College Alumni who have held Official Posi- tions. (R. H. Greene) N. E. Reg. 43: 311. Columbia College Law School. (T. W. Dwight) Green Bag, I: 141. Columbia River, Boating on, in Midwinter. M. West. Hist. 9: 252. — Canoeing on. (A. P. Coleman) Chaut. 9: 587. — Submerged Trees of. (C. E. Dutton) Science, 9:82. — (S. F. Emmons) Science, 9: 156. Columbite and Tamtalite from the Black Hills. (W. P. Headden) Am. J. Sei. I4I: 89. 93 COMETS Columbite of the Black Hills, (W. P. Blake) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 403. > Columbus, C.; a Pilgrimage to Palos. Am. Arch. 26: 230. – and his Convent. (F. A. Ober) Am. Arch. 28: 131. - Ballad of. (S. H. M. Byers) M. Am. Hist. 25: 293. — Columbiana. (J. Winsor) Nation, 52: 297. - Estimates of his Life and Work. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 12: 385. - Explaining his Theory of a New World. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 23: 406. - First Land Discovered by. (W. A. Paton) Lippine. 48: 502. - Letter to Louis de Sant Angel. Ath. '89, 2: 288. - Mackie's With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. (C. H. Stockton) Nation, 53: 91. –(R. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) I2: 76. — Portraits of, Group of. Hist. 26: 241. — — in Havana. (J. D. Butler) Am. Antiq. 9: 354. — Quater-Centenary of. (J. Winsor) Nation, 46; 158. - Two Letters of. Nation, 49: 397. – Ath. '89, 2: 42O. – Voyages of, Charted. 2O2. - Winsor's Life of. (C. A. L. Richards) Dial (Ch.) I2: 265. — Sat. R. 72: 671. Columbus, Ohio. (D. Welch) Harper, 76: 699. – (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 259. Column, The, and its Theory. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 21 : 184. — Color and the. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 22: 230. Columns, Long. (Wm. Cain) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 52, I29. Colvin, S. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 167. Combat, Representations of, in Ancient Art. Acad. 39: 592. Comb-Bearers. (L. J. Gould) Sunday M. I.3: 551. Combe, T. ; a Novelist of the Jura, Atlan. 67: 108. Combination; Is it a Crime 2 (A. Morgan) Pop. Sci. (F. A. Ober) (Mrs. M. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: (T. Ely) Mo. 33: 42. — Social, Value of. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 35: 2 S I. Combinations and Trusts. (E. G. Buckland) N. Eng. 52: 343. Combustion, Spontaneous, in Ships' Cargoes. (W. Dor- ing) Am. Arch. 23; 248. Combustion of Jim Rakestraw; a story. ston) Cosmopol. 3: 34. Comédie Française. (T. Child) Harper, 74: 691. – (A. Strobel) Murray, 6: 335. Same art. Ecl. M. I.I.3: 552. — Women of. (E. A. DeWolfe) Cosmopol. II: 643. Comedietta; a story. (W. Noble) Belgra. 64: 51. Comedy, Aristophanes' Conception of Low. (A. Em- erson) Am. J. Philol. Io: 265. — Decline of. Sat. R. 68: 457. — Modern, Tendencies of. (C. Wyndham) No. Am. I49: 607. — Two Thousand Years of. Eng. 53: 441. Comedy of a Country House. 11–819. 6: I 17. Comedy of Courtship, A.; a story. (E. Fawcett) Cos- mopol. 9: 615. Comerford, Nicholas. (E. Hogan) Month, 69: 93. Comet de Vico, 1844, I., and Finlay, 1886, V. (H. C. Wilson) Sid. Mess. 6: 121. — 1889, v. (H. Wilson) Sid. Mess. 9; 125. * — Ignatius Donnelly's. (A. Winchell) Forum, 4: Ios. — Five-Fold. Knowl. II: 12. Comets and Meteors; the New Astronomy. Langley) Cent. II: 339. (R. M. John- (I. S. A. Herford) N. (J. Sturges) Murray, 5: (S. P. COMETS Comets and Meteors, Origin of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 123. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 50. - Capture of, by Planets. (H. A. Newton) Am. J. Sci. I42: 183, 482. - Meteoric Theory of. (W. H. S. Monck) Sid. Mess. g.: 216. – New, in 1886. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 135. — of Short Period. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, 41 : 31. — of 1886. Sid. Mess. 6; 20I. — of 1887. (H. C. Wilson) Sid. Mess. 7: 153. — Optical Appearance of. (S. V. Clevenger) Sid. Mess. 6: 89. — Origin of. (D. Kirkwood) Am. J. Sci. I53: 60. — — and Motions of. (W. H. S. Monck). Knowl. I2: 219. – How they Come to us. (R. Copeland and others) Knowl. I2: 42, 66. — Periodical. (W. T. Lynn) Br, Alma. Comp. '88: 5. Comet Lore. (F. H. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 464. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 818. Comic Newspaper, Modern. (E. R. Pennell) Critic, I4: 136, 186. Cominges, Gaston, Comte de, French Ambassador at the Court of Charles I. (J. J. Jusserand) 19th Cent. 30: 456. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 323. Commencement Day, Origin of the Term. Atlan. 61: 853. Commensal Annelid, A. ral. 25: 25. Commentating, Some Curiosities of, Chamb. J. 67: I54. Commerce and the Brussels Congress of 1856. Winkworth) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 391. — and Christianity. (R. S. Storrs) Our Day, 5; 32. — and the Constitution. (R. A. Perkins) M. Am. Hist. 2I: 305. — and Industry, Progress of, 1837–87. Statis. Soc. 50: 659. — Domestic, Impediments to our. (D, Lyman) Forum, 4: 663. — Government and. I71. – Impediments to our. (D. Lyman) Forum, 7: 226. — in London, Tail of. Meliora, II: 338. — Internal. Lend a H. 3: 309. — Interstate; Police Power of the States, and Com- merce Power of the U. S. (C. C. Bonney) Am. Law R. 25: I59. - — Mediaeval, in the Levant. Sat. R. 64; 397. — of Great Britain, 1850–60. (T. Ellison) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 239. - — — Causes of Decline in. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natu- (T. (L. Levi) J. (R. J. Griffiths) Westm. I27: (E. Seyd) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 4OI. — Schools of. (P. Magnus) Contemp. 52: 847. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 237. - Commercial Credits and Document Bills. Bank. M. - (Lond.) 49: I39. Commercial Crisis of 1857. Meliora, I: 46. Commercial Crises, 1866–1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 534. — of this Century. (J. M. Forbes) Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 201. — Periodicity of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1469. See Panics. Commercial Decline: England's Real Peril. (H. M. Hozier) Macmil. 58: 179. Same art. Eel. M. III: 347. Commercial Depression, Philosophy of. (H. G. S. No- ble) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 159. Commercial Education. (J. Hodges) No. Am. I44; 462. — (Sir P. Magnus) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 98. — Higher. (J. Yeats) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 207. Commercial History of 1889. J. Statis. Soc. 53: 127. 94 COMPASS Commercial Law, International. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1258. Commercial Morality. 49: 1482. Commercial Museums. 494, Commercial Romance, A. (P. Barry) Bank. M. (Lond.) (K. B. Murray) Contemp. 51: (G. Crowther) Tinsley, 41 : 97. Commercial Supremacy, American Shipbuilding and. (C. H. Cramp) Forum, 12: 387. — Our Chance for. (U. D. Eddy) Forum, II: 419. Commercial Union, A.; a story. (T. D. English) Har- per, 78: 771. Committee of Safety, Bucks Co., Pa., Minutes of, 1774–76. Pennsyl. M. 15: 257. Commodus: a play. (L. Wallace) Harper, 78: 169. Commons and Common Fields, Scrutton on. (F. W. Maitland) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 568. Commons and Enclosures, Scrutton on. Sat. R. 64: 858. – and Open Spaces, Preservation of. Meliora, 11: 214. Commons and Commoners. Leis. Hour, 40: 661, Common Law as a System of Reasoning. (P. P. Bishop) Am. Law R. 22: 1. Common Law, Early, Short Studies in. mond) Green Bag, 2: 257. See Law. commºn People ; How they Live. (C. W. Eliot) Cent. 18: 556. Common Prayer, Book of, American Changes in, 1886. (F. Gibson) Church R. 49: 202. - — — History of. (W. R. Huntington) M. Chr. Lit, I : 329. — — Original Manuscript of. Church Q. 32: 465. — — Edward VI. and, Gasquet's. (R. W. Dixon) Eng. . Hist, R. 6: 568. - Common Sense. (J. S. Dwight) Unita. R. 33: 385. — (F. W. Haine) Westm. I34; 299. – (Rhys ap Rhys) Unita. R. 3o: 233. (W. G. Ham- — A Nemesis. (E. R. Clay) Westm. I30: 210, - Poetry of. (J. A. Noble) Macmil. 64: 431. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 546. Common Story, A. (W. Balestier) Cent. 20: 497. Commonplace Carrie. (E. O. White) New Eng. M. 4: 785. Communal Life, Aboriginal, in America. (W. M. Beau- champ) Am. Antiq. 9; 343. Commune and the Parish. (F. S. Stevenson) Contemp. 55: 216. — Paris, Downfall of the. M. I : 447. Communion, Inter-Lutheran and Non-Lutheran. Hawkins) Luth. Q. Ig: 203. – Terms of, in a Christian Church. (E. T. Horn) Luth. Q. Ig: 458. Communism. (E. de Laveleye) Contemp. 57: 301. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 577. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 131. — and Christianity. — and Protection. (E. B. Washburne) Scrib. (J. (H. Van Dyke) Forum, 4: 299. (W. M. Fishback) No. Am. I46: 226. — Capitalism and. (J. C. Learned) Unita. R. 28: 425. — Christian. (T. D. Howard) Unita. R. 33: 149. Communities, Agricultural, Traces of Old, in Hamp- shire. Antiq. m. s. I7: 51. Commutation: a Deplorable Choice. Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 536. Company Promoter, An American. Chamb. J. 66: 454. Compass, Mariner's, and Magnetism of Ships. (W. Bottomley) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 229. — Errors of, and their Causes. (R. Beynon) Knowl. I3: 216. — The Guiding-Needle on an Iron Ship. (T. A. Lyons) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 289. COMPASS Compass; Note on the Causes of the Variations of the Needle. (F. H. Bigelow) Am. J. Sci. I42: 253. – Was it Invented by the Chinese ? Nature, 44; 308. Same art. Science, I8: 93. Compensations. Lend a H. 4: 773. Compensating Balance, Non-Magnetic. ton) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 238. Competition. (A. Marshall) Nature, 42: 491. — among Manufacturers. (C. Morris) Amer. IG: 406. — and the Trusts. (G. Iles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 619. — Limits of. (J. B. Clark) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 45. — Persistence of. (F. H. Giddings) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 62. – Selfishness in. (C. A. Cripps) National, I3: 246. - Some Aspects of. (A. Marshall) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 612. - Unregulated, Self-Destructive. Forum, I2: 505. Competitive Examinations. See Examinations. Complete Misunderstanding, A. (Margaret Crosby) Scrib. M. 2: 628. Complexity of Things. (Grant Allen) Knowl. Io; 121. Compliments, Bad. All the Year, 67: 521. Composers, Great, Early Development of. penter) Am. M. 7: 487. — — Studies of, Parry's. Spec. 60: 929. – Musical Silhouettes. Theatre, 24; 263, 317. 14O. 2. See Musical Composers. .." Composing-Room Slang. (G. B. Perry) Writer, 2: 9. Composite Photographs, College. (J. T. Stoddard) Cent. I3: I.21. Composite Portraiture applied to Literary Estimates of H. W. Beecher. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 232. Composition. (K. H. Shute) Educa. I2: 138. — Curiosities of. All the Year, 65: 513. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 765. Composition Topics. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 354, (E. J. Hous- (A. F. Walker) (J. C, Car- 25: 36, 459. Composition Work, Schedule of. (L. P. Taylor) Acad. (Syr.) I: 58. Compositions, School, Correction of. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 254. See also English. Compositor as Critic. 244. Comprehension, Limits of. Cong. R. 2: Ioſ. Compressed Air Power, Popp System, in Paris. Arch. 25: I I4. Compton-Wynyates, Old House of. Il. S. I5: I55. Comptrollers, Decision of. R. 25: 727. * Computation for the Purpose of Science. (S. Lupton and others) Nature, 37: 237, 262, 294, 319. Concentration. Irish Mo. Ig: 70. Conception, Psychology of. (J. Sully) Monist, I : 481. Concierge, Physiology of the. Temp. Bar, 93: 259. Conciergerie, La., A Visit to. Chamb. J. 65: 390. Concerning Papadaeky; a story. (E. Phillpotts) Bel- gra. 62: 369. Concord, Mass., Emerson and his Friends in. Sanborn) New Eng. M. n. s. 3: 411. — Men and Memories of. (G. B. Bartlett) Bay State Mo. 3: 224. – School of Philosophy. (C. B. Pallen) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 555. - — Sunday at. (Grant Allen) Fortn. 49: 675. Concord, N. H., Old North Church ; a poem. Granite Mo. Io: 27. - – St. Paul's School. Granite Mo. Io: 233. — White Park. (C. Eliot) Granite Mo. 13: 228. Concrescence Theory of the Vertebrate Embryo S. Minot) Am. Natural. 24: 501, 617, 702. (S. Thurber) (W. G. J. Perry) Writer, 4: Am. (A. Fea) Antiq. (E. I. Renick) Am. Law (F. B. (C. 95 CONFIRMATION Concrete and Iron Building. (G. W. Percy) Am. Arch. 24: I 59. Condé, The Great, (J. B. Perkins) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 478. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 343. Condé, Charlotte de la Tremouille, Princess of. F. M. Foster) National, I6: 55. - Duc d'Aumale's History of. Ed. R. 170: 445. Conder, Francis Roubiliac. Ath. '89, 2: 899, Conditional Sales. (A. H. Fenn) Am, Law R. 24: 64. Condottieri, Italian. Quar. I'70: 1. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 515. Conduct and Belief. 372. — of Life : Life and Manners. 4I2. Conemaugh Disaster. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 48: 459. – The Lesson of. (J. W. Powell) No. Am. I49: 150. See also Johnstown. (Mrs. (L. Stephen) 19th Cent. 24: (L. Abbott) Chaut. 8: º, Sweets. All the Year, 60: 589. "Confederate Army, Discipline in. So. Hist. Pap. 16: 69. – Glimpses of Life in. (J. H. Lane) So. Hist, Pap, 18: 4O6. — Number of. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 253. – Surviving Generals of, 1890. So. Hist. Pap. 17:419. Confederate Diplomatists and their Shirt of Nessus. (J. Bigelow) Cent. 20: 113. Confederate Flag, Return of. So. Hist, Pap. 19: 263. Confederate Humanity. (H. M. White) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 232. Confederate Make-Shifts. I3: 71. Confederate Navy, Scharf's History of, Nation, 45: 115. Confederate Prisoners on Morris Island, Lºst of, Hist. Pap. I7: 34. — Treatment of. (J. A. Wyeth ; W. R. Holloway) (N. Wilson) Overland, n. s. (J. R. Soley) So. Cent. Ig: 844. 20: 757. Confederate Signal Corps. (E. H. Cummins) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 93. — Officers of. So. Hist. Pap, 16: 91. Confederate States; History, Prussian View of. (J. Scheibert) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 422. – Last Days of. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 329. – The Lost Cause, a Vindication. (J. A. P. Camp- bell) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 232. — Seal of. So. Hist. Pap. 16: 416. – Vindicated. (P. Turney) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 319. Confederate Surgeons. (F. P. Porcher) So, Hist. Pap. I7: 12. Confederate Veterans, Pensions for. I9; 336. Confederates, Post-Bellum Mortality among. (C. C. Jones, jr.) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 270. Conference du Livre at Antwerp, 1890. Ath. '90, 2: 226. Conference of the Powers, A ; a story. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 230. Confessio Viatoris. (C. K. Paul) Month, 72: 457. Confessions of a Caretaker; a story. (O. Booth) All the Year, 64: I-336. — of an Extension Lecturer. All the Year, 63: 435. So. Hist. Pap. (W. Roberts) (R. Kipling) — of a Ghoul. (C. Dunham) Am. M. 8; 381–509. — of a Reformed Cannibal. (E. Bisland) Outing, 12: 546. Confessors, King's. (C. F. R. Palmer) Antiq. m. s. 22: I I4, 159, 262. 23: 24. Confirmation and Catechization in the Lutheran Church. (P. Bergstresser) Luth. Q. 21 : 515. — Kingdon on. Church R. 55: I58. – the Sacrament of Soldiers. (A. Humphrey) Month, 61: 185. Confirmation Day. Irish Mo. Ig: 374. . t CONFISCATION Confiscation for Heresy in the Middle Ages. (H. C. Lea) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 235. Conflicts of Experience. (H. G. Keene) Liv. Age, 185: 483. Confucius, Ethics of. (W. G. Benton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 40: 87. - Tomb of, Pilgrimage to. (W. A. P. Martin) M. Chr. Lit. 4; 370. Congo River and Niger River. Arts, 32: 5oo. - Basin of. Science, 15: 36. — Ethnology of the, Notes on. ural. I2: 689. - Experiences of an English Engineer on the. Blackw. I42: 519. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 230. art. Eel. M. Io9: 838. - Exploration of. Science, Io: 42. -- Exploration of the Obangi-Welle. Science, II: 234. – Lower, Sociological Study of. throp. J. I7: 214. — Missions on. (A. H. Keane) Acad. 38: 167. — Notes from. Blackw. I45: 84. – Realm of. (E. J. Glave) Cent. I7: 609. — River-Life on the, Werner's. Spec. 63: 52. — Savages of, Life among. (H. Ward) Scrib. M. 7: I35. — Stanley Expedition to. Science, I2: 134. Congo Land, Fetichism in. (E. J. Glave) Cent. Ig: 825. Congo Railway. (Capt. Thys) Science, I4: 279. Congo State, Bateman's Travels in. Ath. '89, I: 368. – Spec. 62: 402. — Werner on. Ath. '89, 2: 181. Congregation, Efficiency of the. (R. Capper) J. Soc. (W. Hough) Am. Nat- (R. C. Phillips) An- (J. Hall) Presb. R. 9: 37. — of Christ. (J. Beaty) Chris. Q. 8: 90. — of the Index, Rome. (L. B. Binsse) Cath. World, 45 : 55. Congregational Benevolent Societies and the Churches. (E. W. Gilman) N. Eng. 52: 253. Congregational Churches. (H. M. Dexter) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 230. — and Voluntary Societies. 47 : 529. — and Missionary Work. Cong. R. 4: 16. – Reorganization of. (A. E. Dunning) And. R. I.4: (A. H. Ross) Bib. Sac. 453. Congregational Church Work, Present Conditions of. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 493. Congregational Colleges in England. Cong. R. I : 753. Congregational Council at London, International, 1891. And. R. I6: 288. — (J. G. Rogers) 19th Cent. 30: I 18. Congregational Council, Color Question in ; Concilia- tion not Compromise. And. R. I2: 522. Congregational Polity. (E. P. Gould) And. R. I2: 245. Same art. Cong. R. 4; 223. Congregational Union, The, in 1890. Cong. R. 4: 209. Congregationalism, American, Present Tendencies of. (L. F. Stearns) Our Day, 8: 173. — Centralization in. (M. McG. Dana.) And, R. I2: 255. Same art. Cong. R. 4: I51. — Delegation to Australia in 1887. Cong. R. I : 740. — Dogmatic System of, Modifications needed. (F. H. Foster) Bib. Sac. 48: 249. — Duties and Dangers of. Cong. R. 2: 593. — English, Policy of. Cong. R. 3: 31. — High Church. (C. C. Starbuck) N. Eng. 50: 244. — in 1887. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 1. — in America and England. (A. Mackennal) Cong. R. 4; 25. - Plea for. Cong. R. 5: I. 96 Same CONINK H. Congregationalism, Presbyterian's View of. Ross) Bib. Sac. 48: 193. – Rigg on. (J. G. Rogers) Cong. R. 1: 1129. - Weaknesses of. (B. P. Neumann and T. H. Dar- low) I'9th Cent. 28: 627. — Why I am a Congregationalist. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I44; 339. - (R. F. Horton) Cong. R. (Lond.) 1: 148. - (C. A. Berry) Cong. R. (Lond.) 1: 223. — (E. A. Lawrence; M. A. Dodge) Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 613. - (W. F. Clarkson) Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 117. - (I. H. Hollowell) Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 123. Congregationalist, Confessions of a. Forum, 2: 523. Congress and the Cabinet. (G. Bradford) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 289. - Chaplain of, Autobiography of a. (W. H. Milburn) Lippinc. 39: 492. — Extra Session, Time for. I48: 397. – First Impressions of. (L. S. Bryce) No. Am. 146: 532. – its Procedure compared with that of Parliament. (J. Chamberlain) 19th Cent. 28: 861. – Misrepresentation in. (L. S. Bryce) No. Am. 148: 184. — Moral and Social Reforms in. Chaut. I4; 314. — Obstruction as affected by the New Rules. Lodge) 19th Cent. 29: 423. – or Parliament 2 (T. P. Gill) Contemp. 53: 758. — Republican Tactics in the House. (R. Q. Mills) No. Am. I49: 665. – Speaker Reed's Change of Rules in. (D. H. Cham- berlain) N. Eng. 53: 51O. — (H. W. White) Na- tion, 5I: 44. — 36th and 37th, Reminiscences of. West. Hist. v. Io-13. – 49th. Nation, 44; 202. — — 1st Session. Pub. Opin. I : 348. — — Work of. Pub. Opin. 2: 463. – The Coming [50th]. (H. C. Lodge) No. Am. 149: 293. — 51st, and the Election, 1890. Am. I51: 641. — — Crisis in. (R. F. D. Palgrave) No. Am. 151: 367. — — Review of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 262. — — What it has done. (W. McKinley and others) No. Am. I51 : 513. Congresses, The Mania for. Spec. 63: 432. Congressional Library. Lib. J. I2: 162. — (F. G. Car- penter) Cosmopol. 3: I 14. – Building for. Am. Arch. 26: 245. — — and our Senators. Am. Arch. 40: 148. — — Debate in House of Repr., 1888. Am. Arch. 24: 27. - — — Plans of. Lib. J. I.4: 30. — — — Smithmeyer's. Am. Arch. 24: 206. — — Statement of Architect. Am. Arch. 24: 32. – Catalogues of. (P. L. Ford) Lib. J. 15: 326. Congressmen, Salaries of. Pub. Opin. 6: 545. — (B. A. Hinsdale) M. West. Hist. 5: 583. (A. (W. B. Allison) No. Am. (G. H. Walker) (H. C. (J. Hutchins) M. (J. G. Carlisle) No. — — Inadequate. (J. Chace) No. Am. I48: 503. — Then and Now. (B. P. Poore) M. West. Hist. 6; 2I9. Congreve, William, Gosse's Life of. Ath. '88, 2: 672. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 47: 255. — Sat. R. 66: 216. — Spec. 62: 611. — Plays. Spec. 61: 630. Conie, Geometrical Interpretation of Monge's Differ- ential Equation of a. (A. Mukhopadhyay and oth- ers) Nature, 38: 173–619. Conies. Sat. R. 72: 58o. Conink, Peter. (J. Hutton) Gent. M. n. s. 40: 363. CONJURER'S 97 Conjurer's Revenge, The. (C. W. Chesnutt.) Overland, n. s. I3; 623. Conkling, Roscoe. Pub. Opin. 5; 29. — His Home in Utica. (I. S. Hartley) M. Am. Hist. 2O: 89. Connaught, Two Visits to the West Coast of. (Miss Balfour) Murray, Io; I45. Connecticut, British Invasion of, 1777. (C. A. H. Bart- lett) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 185. – Election Controversy, 1891. (L. Harrison and oth- ers) New Eng. 54: 354. — Farm and Factory in. (C. Deming) Nation, 5I: I 25. — in the Revolution. N. Eng. 53: 401. — Johnston's History of. (J. A. Porter) N. Eng. 47: 172. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 45; 15. — River Towns of. (C. M. Andrews) J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: nos. 7–9. — Supreme Court of. (L. M. Daggett) Green Bag, 2: 425. — Theological Issue in, in 1833. (E. W. Gilman) N. Eng. 46: 538. – Town Rule in. (C. Deming) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 408. Connecticut River, Valley of. (J. R. Chapin) Am. M. 8: 689. 9: 33. — — Pilgrim and Knickerbocker in. (C. H. Lever- more) New Eng. M. n. s. I; 173. Connecticut Towns, Origin of. (C. M. Andrews) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 165. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. (S. L. Clemens) Cent. I7: +74. T : Connell, Wm. J. M. West. Hist. 9: 293. Connellite from Cornwall, England. (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I40: 82. Connolly, John, Loyalist in American Revolution. Pennsyl. M. I2: 310, 407. I3: 61–28 I. Conradt; a story. (A. E. Knapp) Overland, n. s. I4: I69. Conscience, Christian. Lond. Q. 7I: 287. — Discipline of. (D. Macleod) Good Words, 31: 212. — Evolutionary Theory as applied to. (J. S. Waughan) Cath. World, 51: 64. — Hypertrophy of. Spec. 67: 918. — in Religious Questions. (H. Christopher) Chris. Q. 8: 242. — Physical. (A. Kenealy) National, I7: 477. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 145. — Parentage of. Spec. 60: 1814. Consciousness, Alternate. All the Year, 6.5: 153. — Antechamber of. (F. Speir, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 657. — Christian. See Christian Consciousness. — Double. (A. Binet) Mind, I5: 46. — Migrations of. Meliora, 5: 130. — Nature of. (A. H. Shand) Mind, 16: 206. — Physical Conditions of. (H. Maudsley) Mind, I2: 489. — Religious, The. (E. D. Morris) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 8 598. — A Study of. ' (H. C. Wood) Cent. 18: 72. — Unity of. (A. F. Shand) Mind, I3: 231. Conscript's Christmas. (J. C. Harris) Cent. Ig: 284. Conscription. (F. G. Wallace-Goodbody) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 409. - Conservative, How I became a. (Bertha Thomas) National, I7: 349. Conservative Reaction, The Great. (F. Warren) Cos- mopol. 2: I35. Conservatism. Sat. R. 63: 766. — and its Organization. Sat. R. 63: 795, 835. — and Property. (W. H. Mallock) National, 11: 383. – Wandering in the Dark. Arena, 2: 83. — Young. (G. N. Curzon) National, 8: 577. CONSUMPTION Conservatism, Zenith of. (M. Arnold) 19th Cent. 21: 148. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 323. Consolations of Art, The. (E. Rhys) Macmil. 64: 133. Conspiracy and Boycott Cases, Decisions in. (E. P. Cheyney) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 261. - Constable Family. Spec. 61: 1256. Constable's Sketches. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 21: I62. Constance, The City of. All the Year, 65: 593. Constancy. (J. V. Blake) Unita. R. 33: 427. Constant, Benjamin, More Revelations of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 168. Constantine, Algeria; City in the Air. (D. Ker) Cos- mopol. 6: 466. Constantinople. (T. Child) Atlan. 61: 72. — (E. L. Di- dier) Chaut. 9: 279. — and its Environs, Fortifications of. (R. von Bieber- stein) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 4: 199. — and the Waning Turks. (A. Shaw) Chaut. I3: 157. — Baron Hirsch's Railway to. (Theo. Bent) Fortn. 50: 229. — Dogs of. Murray, 2: 3oo. — Icelandie Legend of the Rescue of. (F. Y. Powell) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 87. — in 1890. (G. S. Lefevre) 19th Cent. 28: 927. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 87. — Is it Worth Fighting for 2 Contemp. 51: 45. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 336. — Museum and Fine Art School of. (E. A. W. Budge) Ath. '89, 2: 72. — The New Yachting. (Sir M. Mackenzie) Fortn. 56: 2O3. - — Russia and India. Quar. I54: 218. – Underground. Am. Arch. 28: 155. — A Western Ambassador at. (J. M. Vincent) Over- land, n. s. II: 426. – Who shall Inherit? National, 16: 558. Constellations, Tracing the. (W. A. Rogers) Sid. Mess. 8: 145. Constitution for Protestant Episcopal Dioceses. (A. A. Benton) Church R. 51: 82. - – National, Unpublished Draft of a, by E. Randolph. (M. D. Conway) Scrib. M. 2: 313. — Written, Genesis of a. (W. C. Morey) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 529. Constitutions, Comparative Methods of Written and Prescriptive. (T. M. Cooley) Am. Law R. 23: 31 I. – Modern State. (G. M. Pavey) M. Am. Hist. 23: I52. Constitution-Making in the United States, Recent. (F. N. Thorpe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 145. “Constitution,” U. S. S., History of. (H. D. Smith) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 41–577. Constitutional Amendments, The Sufficiency of the. (R. A. Pryor) Forum, 9: 266. Constitutional Conventions, Jameson on. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) 8: 180. Constitutional History, Recent Studiesin. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) Io: 308. Constitutional Idea, The. (J. K. Hosmer) Nation, 45: I66. Constitutional Law, American, Hare's. (J. B. Thayer) Nation, 48: 412. — Burgess's System of. Atlan. 67: 694. Constitutionalism, Swiss and American. Nation, 53: 29I. Consuls. Sat. R. 7I: 527. Consular Service, U. S., Defects in. (P. Belmont) Fo- rum, 4: 519. — (W. M. Griswold) Nation, 46: 148. Consumption and Chest-Expansion. Science, Io; 173. — and Sex. Science, II: 52. — (G. W. Hambleton) Science, II: IoS. — Antiseptic Cure of. Tinsley, 41: 809. sº CONSUMPTION Consumption, Cause of. (T. M. Prudden) Science, 9: 515. - (J. P. Marsh) Science, 9: 535. — (G. W. Hambleton) Science, 9: 599. – (F. Donaldson) Sci- ence, Io; 24. — (H. I. Bowditch) Science, Io: 71. — Cure of. Science, Io; 30, 99. — (G. W. Hambleton) Science, I8: 14.I. — Grinder on. Science, Io: 197. - Is it Curable? Science, Io; 38. — Koch's Cure of. (E. Berdoe) Fortn. 54: 914. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 119. — Spec. 65: 726. — (P. Gi- bier) No. Am. I5I: 726. — (Sir M. Mackenzie) Ecl. M. II6: 309. — Spec. 66: 274. — (J. Weiss) Cosmo- pol. II: 90. — Dr. Koch and Dr. Stilling. Arena, 3; 314. See also Tuberculosis. — Mortality from, in the British Army. J. Statis. Soc. 50: 458. — Suppression of. (G. W. Hambleton) Science, I5: 239, 253. — Theory of. Science, 9: 419. – Williams on. Spec. 60: 1344. Consumptives, Winter Habitation for. Atlan. 61 : 567. Contact-Metamorphism Produced in Adjoining Mica Schists and Limestones. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I36: 254. Contagious Diseases and Public Libraries. (G. M. Jones) Lib. J. I6; supp. 35. — of Animals. (G. Fleming) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 262. Contagious Diseases Acts, 1868. Meliora, I2; 336. — Operation of, in British Army and Navy, 1864–84. (R. Lawson) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 31. Content, Contents, Pronunciation of. (J. A. H. Murray) Acad. 40: 456. Contented Mind, A. All the Year, 62: 41. Contents of a Preadamite Skull. (G. Tyrrell) Month, 67: 56. Continental Congress. (W. J. Bacon) M. Am. Hist. 20: I7. - *, Continental Tourist in the Days of our Grandfathers. Leis. Hour, 39: 674, 754. Continuity of Natural Phenomena, Critical Points in. (N. S. Shaler) Unita. R. 33: 1. — of Solid and Liquid. (C. Barr's) Am. J. Sci. I42: 125. — Religion and the Law of. (J. P. D. John) Meth. R. 49: 870. — A Vision of. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 32: 213. Continuousness. Spec. 61: 848. Contortionist, Anatomy of the. 5 : 493. Contracts, Impairment of, by Change of Judicial Opin- ion. (C. Reno) Am. Law R. 23: 190. — Quasi-, Summary of. (J. H. Wigmore) Am. Law R. 25: 695. Contract System of Labor. (Jos. R. Buchanan) (R. Lawson) (T. Dwight) Scrib. M. (D. F. Schloss) Fortn. 48: 835. Contractions, Longhand. (J. C. Moffatt) Writer, 3: I29. Contractors, Great. Spec. 63: 748. Contradiction, Hegel's Doctrine of. Spec. Philos. 22: 118. Contrast. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. I49: 765. Contrast, The. (W. M. Hardinge) Temp. Bar, 81: 570." Controversy, Ethics of. (G. P. Fisher) Scrib. M. 5: 113. — Evil Spirit of. Cong. R. 2: 36. Convent at Rome. (F. Parkman) Harper, 81: 448. — Visit to a Famous. (E. Schuré) Chaut. II: 330. Convent Life; Miss Golding's Story. Spec. 67: 314, 346. — in England. (Sister Aloysia) Eng. Illust. 8: 259. — in the U. S. (M. F. Cusack) Our Day, 5: 387. Convent School, 18th Century. (S. C. Woolsey) Atlan. 62: 797. (A. Bullinger) J. w 98 COOKERY Conventicle Act of 1664. (W. J. Hardy) Acad. 34: 231. Conventions, American Party. (A. Johnstom) N. Princ. 6: 60. Conversation. Atlan. 60: 715. —Spec. 60: 1737. – (H. Chartres) Lond. Soc. 54: 83. — Accidental. Spec. 67: 411. Cent. 26: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 761. – (G. Whale) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 7. – Immoralities in. (A. E. Barr) No. Am. 150: 458. F- in a Balcony. (F. Greenwood) Fortn. 51: 792. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 194. – A Neglected Art. All the Year, 63: 352. Conversations in a Studio. (W.W. Story) Blackw. 146: 381. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 12, 289. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 156. Conversion, Psychical Influences in. Bapt. R. II: 457. Converting of Obed Saltus. M. m. s. 3: 395. Conveyances, Modern Town. Meliora, 12: 305. Convict, A. (E. Nesbit) Longm. I6: Ioo. Convicts, Female, Petting and Fretting of. Meliora, 6: (R. Montague) (R. T. Cooke) New Eng. sº 45. Convict Colonies. (A. K. Isbister) J. Soc. Arts, II: I59. Convict Colonization. Spec. 60: 1208. Convict Colony, French, in the South Pacific. Chamb. J. 68: 501. - — Life in a, 1854. (H. Wray) Lond. Soc. 55: 355. Convict Labor, Iniquity of Leasing. (A. Roberts) En- gin. M. I : 749. — Commissioner Wright on. 88. Convict System, British, Macomochie and. Meliora, 4: 1. — of Georgia, The. (R. A. Felton) Forum, 2: 484. Convictions. Atlan. 60: 137. – Polemical. Spec. 60: 1734. Conway, Countess of. (T. J. Sawyer) Univ. Q. 46: 288. Conway, Ancient Remains around. (H. H. Lines) Antiq. m. s. 24: 151. Conway Cabal, The. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 64: 220. Conway River and Castle. (Grant Allen) Eng. Illust. 6: 848. – Valley of, A Walk up. 45: 84. Conyer's Sword. Sat. R. 71 : 648. Cook, Burton C., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 119. Cook, Charles W., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 350. Cook, Eliza. Acad. 36: 203. Cook, George H. Obituary. Am. J. Sci. I38: 498. — (J. W. Powell) Science, I6: 8. Cook, Capt. James, Besant's Life of. Spec. 64: 592. — Sat. R. 69: 331. . Cooke, G. Willis. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 291. Cooke, Henry Angelo Michael, called “Grattan.” Ath. ’89, 2: 393. Cooke, Gen. John Rogers. (R. A. Brock) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 322. ,000ke, Robert. Acad. 40: 336. Cooke, Thomas. Ath. '90, I: 213, 243. Cookery. Blackw. I50: 166. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: (H. White) Nation, 45: (E. Walford) Gent. M. n. s. (H. L. Conard) M. (H. L. Conard) M. 383. — A College of, Wanted. (H. B. Davies) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 96. — Historical. (Mrs. H. Reeve) Fraser, Iof: 357. — in 1656. (A. M. Earle) Atlan. 68: 215. — in 17th Century. Sat. R. 72: 522. — Renaissance. (A. H. Layard) Murray, 9: 326. (W. M. Williams) J. Soc. Arts, — Scientific, Basis of. 32: IOI-124. — Art of. Spec. 66; 789. — (Lord Ribblesdale) 19th i. ** COOKERY Cookery Book, Mrs. Glasse’s. All the Year, 66: 281. — Humors of the. (A. Repplier) No. Am. I52: 461. Cookery Books in 1800. Sat. R. 66: 463. Cookham and round about it. (R. Mackenzie) Eng. Illust. 8: 727. Cooking, Art of. Cooking Apparatus, Economical. Arch. 2 I : 238. Cooking Depots for Working Classes. Soc. Arts, II: 199. Cool, Keeping, Art of. (L. F. Griffin) Chaut. 9: 576. Cooley, W. F. Emmanuel; the Story of the Messiah. Atlan. 66: 698. Coon Hunt. (A. Hunter) Outing, 18; 455. — in Virginia. (H. Hutchinson) Longm. I4: 369. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 503. Cooper, Sir Anthony Ashley, and the Relief of Taun- ton. (S. R. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 521. Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789–1889. (H. A. Beers) Critic, I5: I.25. — Harvey Birch and the Myth of Enoch Crosby. Hatfield) M. Am. Hist. I7: 431. – Reminiscences of. (S. F. Cooper) Atlan. 59: 199. 60: 474. Cooper, Peter. (L. Bryce) No. Am. I52: 410. Cooper, Rev. Samuel, of Boston, Diary of, 1753–54. (W. Hall) N. E. Rep. 4I: 388. Cooper, Thomas, of Boston, and his Descendants. Tuckerman) N. E. Reg. 44: 53. Coöperation. (R. T. Ely) Chaut. 8: 149. — Lend a H. 2: 439, 503. – Meliora, 6: 329. —Sat. R. 65: 614. 69: 659. – (L. Ramsey) To-Day, II: 136. — among French Farmers. Spec. 64: 687. — among Needlewomen. Sat. R. 67: 71. — and Arbitration. (T. Beggs) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 307. — and its Practical Difficulties. (A. T. Hadley) Na- tion, 46: 462. — and Socialism. 2: 89. — at Guise. Sat. R. 66: 441. – The Crisis in. Spec. 6o: 760, (J. Butcher) 797, 863, (T. Hughes) 829. (E. Atkinson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: I. (E. Atkinson) Am. (A. Burrell) J. (G. (F. (G. J. Holyoake) Subj. of Day, no. – Early, in England, Holyoake's. Spec. 61: 971.-Ath. '88, 2: 215. - – History of, Turning-Point in. (E. Simcox) Fraser, Iod: 222. – in Agriculture. (J. K. Reeve) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: I 22. º — in Bulgaria. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 36: 71. – in England. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 526. — — Growth of. (G. J. Holyoake) Fortn. 48: 157. Same art. Lend a H. 2: 569. — — in 1889. (M. De Morgan) Westm. 133: 532. – in Europe. Science, 9: 395. Io: 121, 161. — in France, Progress of. (G. J. Holyoake and M. Millerand) New R. I : 332. Same art. Ecl. M. 113: 577. — in Minneapolis. (A. Shaw) Am. Econ. Assoc. 1: 129. — in New England. (E. W. Bemis) Am. Econ. Assoc. I : 335. — in the West, Three Phases of. (A. G. Warner) Am. Econ. Assoc. 2: I. — Industrial. (D. F. Schloes) Contemp. 57: 552. — — and Financial. (F. B. Thurber) No. Am. 153: 79. — — in England. (F. G. Peabody) Forum, 8: 274. — The Kaweah Colony. (W. C. Jones) Q. J. Econ. 6: 47. – A Lesson in. (C. N. Ousley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 821. – True and False. (J. Fretwell) Lend a H. 3: 28 5. — Working Class. (B. Jones) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 33. Coöperative Congress, 1887. art. Ecl. M. III: 351. —Sat. R. 63: 793. — 1888. Lend a H. 3: 394. 99 Coöperative Stores for Ireland. Westm. I3o:*48. Same COPYRIGHT Coöperative Home-Winning. (W. A. Linn) Scrib. M. 7: 569. Coöperative Production in France and England. (E. Cummings) Q. J. Econ. 4: 357. Coöperative Savings and Loan Associations. (S. Dex- ter) Q. J. Econ. 3: 315. Coöperative Societies. Meliora, 3: 295. — Coöperators, or Capitalists Writ Large 2 Spee. 66: 885. — in England, 20th Annual Meeting. ° 446. Q. J. Econ. 2: (H. C. Plunkett) 19th Cent. 24; 410. Coos Country. (N. A. Fergusson) Granite Mo. II: 268. Cope, Charles West. Acad. 38: 18o. — Ath. 'go, 2: 328. Coped Stones in Cornwall. (A. G. Langdon) Antiq. m. s. 24: IOS. Copeland Collection, The. (M. Crosby) Scrib. M. 6: 82. Copenhagen, Battle of, Danish Account of. Cornh. 64: 277. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 303. Copernicus, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 256. — Death of. And. R. I2: 426. Coppée, François, and his Poetry. Prothero) Eng. Illust. 8: 655. Copper, Fall in. Sat. R. 67: 282, 302, 313. — Notes on certain Rare Copper Minerals from Utah. (W. F. Hillebrand and H. S. Washington) Am. J. Sci. I35: 298. — Pseudomorphs of Native, after Azurite. Yeates) Am. J. Sci. I38: 405. Copper Coinage of England, Old. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 325. Copper Implements, American Indian. champ) Science, I7: 25. Copper Mine, In a Welsh. Chamb. J. 66: 348. Copper Syndicate. Sat. R. 65: 758. — The Late. (E. B. Andrews) Q. J. Econ. 3: 508. Coptic Church of Egypt. Sat. R. 63: 261. — Rituals of. Sat. R. 66: 355. Coptic Ecclesiastical Music. (S. G. Hatherly) Scot. R. I5 : 315. Copy, Printer's, Hints for Making. I : 44. Copyright and Balloting, Remarks on. No. Am. I46: 221. — Common Sense and. (G. S. Boutwell) No. Am. I48: 327. — English, for American Authors. Nation, 46: IIo. — — of Famous Books. Critic, I2: I31. — Ethics of. (D. Chamier) Westm. I35: I.24. — Evolution of. (B. Matthews) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 583. — in America. (M. D. Conway) Ath. '88, I: 51. — in Canada. (S. J. Duncan) Ath. '90, I: 244. — (F. R. Daldy) Ath. '90, I: 276. — in England, New Bill for. Ath. '90, 2: 855. . — International. Ath. '87, 2: 64o. — (O. I. Darling) Univ. Q. 45: 93. – (G. P. Lathrop and others) Critic, v. I2–19. — Sat. R. 65: 589. — (E. Eggles- ton ; G. H. Putnam) Ath. '88, I: 276, 4oo. – Ecl. M. IIo: 788. — All the Year, 66: 442. — (M. D. Conway) Ath. 'go, I: 768, (G. H. Putnam) 799, (M. D. Conway) 833. — (G. W. Curtis) Critic, I7: 135. — (J. R. Lowell) Critic, 16: 262. — (J. R. Lowell) Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 188. — (H. C. Lodge) Atlan. 66: 264. — (E. A. Freeman) Nation, 52: 259. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 92. — (C. Wilson) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): ". 7.— (E. E. Hale) Forum, 7: 481. — Tinsley, 46: 129. — — American Authors and British Pirates. (S. L. Clemens and B. Matthews) N. Princ. 4; 20I. 5: 47. — — American Opinions on. (J. R. Lowell and others) Our Day, I : 217. (E. and R. E. (W. S. (W. M. Beau- (R. Luce) Writer, (T. Roosevelt) : ‘. : : COPYRIGHT Copyright, International; American Views. Sat. R. 69: 722. — — and the Cheap Libraries. 46: 71. — — Anglo-American. (F. Pollock) Contemp. 59: 602. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 691. – Quar. I72: 38o. — Sat. R. 71: 287. – (R. P. Smith and others) No. Am. I46: 67. — Westm. I29: 307. — — Do we Want? (A. Morgan) Science, Io: 25. — — Authors’ Readings in Aid of. Critic, II: 281,301, 317, 339. I2: IOS-I55. I5: 315. — — Benefit of. (J. Parton) Author, 3: 82. — — Bill for, 1891. (F. R. Daldy) Forum, II: 578. — (M. D. Conway) Ath. '91, I: 377. — (H. Holt) Fo- rum, II: 438. — (T. Solberg) Nation, 53: 368. — (F. C. Sparhawk) Educa. 7: 714. — — — Celebration of Passage of. Critic, I8: 213-227. — — — English Celebration of. Critic, Ig: 59. — — — English Publishers on. Critic, Ig: 358. — — — English Views of, (J. Winsor) Nation, 52: 87. — — — Working of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 233. — — A Blow at the Pirates. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 5I: 6. — — Chace Bill for. — — Defense of the Eighth Commandment. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 4: 485. (R. P. Smith) Nation, (T. Solberg) Nation, 46: 7, 44. (H. H. — — Equitable. Westm. I29: 405. — — Fight for. (R. U. Johnson) Critic, I8: 187. — — in Force. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 240. — — in France. Critic, Ig: 69. — — in the U. S. (H. Holt) N. Eng. 48: 155. — — Mr. H. C. Lea and. (T. Solberg) Nation, 46: 485. *-* * Å Plea for. (E. de Kératry) No. Am. 150: 106. — — Pleas for. (G. H. Putnam) No. Am. I48: 464. — — Protection of American Literature. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 54: 56. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 349. — — Publishers, American, and English Books. H. Putnam) Ath. '89, I: 180. — — Recoil of Piracy. (H. Holt) Forum, 5: 26. — — Royalty System of. (R. P. Smith and others) 19th Cent. 22: 601. – Nation, 45: 519. — (T. Solberg) Nation, 46: 84. — — Sir Arthur Sullivan and. Am. I48: 750. – Is Qopyrighting Necessary? (R. Grimshaw) Author, 2: 82. (G. (A. P. Browne) No. — Questions of. (W. H. Hills) Writer, 4: 47. Copyright Legislation, Need of. Sat. R. 71 : 587. Copyright Titles. (C. J. Rivington) Ath. '88, I: 275. Coquelin, Benoît Constant. (H. James) Cent. II: 407. — (B. Matthews) Scrib. M. I : 244. — Critic, I3: 168. —Sat. R. 63: 613. — Acting of. (F. H. Williams) Amer. I6: 38. — and Hading. Critic, I3: 193, 207. — and H. Irving. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I45: 158. — as Mathis, Sat. R. 64: 657. — at the Lotus Club. Critic, I3: 207. — Farewell Performances. Critic, I4: I 74. — in London. (E. R. P.) Critic, I2: 260. Coquelins, The. (E. A. Morton) Theatre, 20: 295. Coquettes, Why are we? Chamb. J. 64: 97. Coquilles. A. Manston) Longm. II: 293. Coracle Fishing. Sat. R. 67: 634. Coraës, Antonius. (W. H. Parks) N. Eng. 53: 221. Corals and Coral Islands, Dana on. Dial (Ch.) II: 148. Coral Fisheries. I73. Coral Formations. (W. J. L. Wharton and others) Nature, 37: 393, 414. — (R. Irvine and others) Na- ture, 37: 461–604. 38; 5, 54. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 100 CORN-FIELD Coral Islands; Darwin's Theory of their Origin, Dis- proved by the “Challenger” Discoveries. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 22: 293. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 67. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 241. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 145. — — Rečxamination of Darwin's Theory of. Bib. Sac. 46; 377. — — Reply to the Duke of Argyll. (T. H. Huxley) I9th Cent, 22: 625. — — Reply to Huxley. 29: 685. -- Duke of Argyll on Darwin. (T. G. Bonney and others) Nature, 37: 25, 53, 77. — (Duke of Argyll and others) Science, Io: 265. – (R. H. Buel) Sci- ence, Io; 298. - (J. P. Lesley) Science, Io; 308. – Origin of. (J. S. Gardner) Nature, 39: 435. Coral Reefs. (J. Murray) Nature, 42: 162.- (W. H. Wesley) Knowl. I2: 4. – and Islands, Structure, Origin, and Distribution of. (J. Murray) Nature, 39: 424. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. – Animal Life on. Nature, 44: 90. – Darwin's Structure and Distribution of. Nation, 49: 375. - Foundations of. (W. J. L. Wharton) Nature, 38: 569. – of England. (S. R. Pattison) Leis. Hour, 36: 420–633. – Structure and Distribution of. (H. B. Guppy and others) Nature, 40: 53-294. Coral Girl of Capri; a story. All the Year, 41: 324. Coray, Diamant. (H. F. Tozer) Acad. 30: 58o. Corcoran, James A., Monsignor. (J. J. Keane) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 738. Corcoran Art Gallery, Some Pictures in. (F. M. Colby) Granite Mo. 13: 14. Corder, F. Opera of Nordisa. (J. S. Shedlock) Acad. 3I: Ioo. – (H. Klein) Theatre, 18: 160. Cordierite Gneiss from Connecticut. (E. O. Hovey) Am. J. Sci. I36: 57. Cordillera Mountains, Journey across. Sohn) Liv. Age, 185: 809. Cordoba. (W. N. Lockington) Amer. 18: 25. — (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. 12: 199. “Cordon l’’ (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 1: 378. Corea and the Coreans. (J. B. Bernadou) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 231. — Art and the Monastery in. mopol. Io: 73. — Gentleman's Home is. 9: 76. — The Hermit Land. Chamb. J. 65: 209. - Life in, Carles's. (W. E. Griffis) Nation, 46: 491. — Spec. 61: 1265. – Port Hamilton. Westm. 128: 594. – Trip to. (J. D. Rees) Asia. R. 3: 356. Coreans at Home. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 6: 381. Corean Language, Underwood's Dictionary of the. Nation, 51: 116. • Corfiotes, Among the. Chamb. J. 68: 538. Corfu. St. Spiridion's Day. (J. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 43 : 294. “Corinne.” (E. Schuyler) Scrib. M. 7: 644. Corinth Canal. Am. Arch. 23:298. 30: 105. —(Horace White) Nation, 53: 8. Cork, At. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. 19: 561. Cork, Manufacture and Properties of. (A. Good and W. Anderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 635. Cork-Industry in Spain. Science, 17: 21. Cormorant Fishing in Japan. (P. L. Jouy) Am. Nat- ural. 22: 1. Corn, Indian, as our National Plant. New Eſg. M. 4: 66. Corn-Field, A, in the Green Mountains. Atlan. 62: 47. (Max Wolff- (C. Chaillé-Long) Cos- (C. Chaillé-Long) Cosmopol. (S. F. Clarke) (B. Torrey) CORN-HUSKIN.” Corn-Huskin’. Sat. R. 66: 237. Cornaro-Piscopia, Helena Lucretia. (L. D. Pychowska) Cath. World, 52: 660, Cormeille, Style and Chronology in. Am. J. Philol. II: 193. Cornell, John Black, with portrait. Meth. Q. 48: 329. Cornell University. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 8: 59. — Architectural Education in. Am. Arch. 24: 155. – Athletics at. (G. H. Lohme) Outing, I5: 451. — Course in Rhetoric and English Philology. (J. M. Hart) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 181. — Library Building, New. (G. W. Harris) Lib. J. I.4: I 2I. – Library, Classification of. 16: 138. — — Special Collections of Books in. Lib. J. I2: 369. — Mathematical Scholarships in. Acad. (Syr.) 2: 160. - School of Law. (H. B. Hutchins) Green Bag, I : 473. — Sibley College Extension. Science, Io: 158. — Social Life at. (R. Spencer) Lippine. 39: 999. Corning, Erastus. M. West. Hist. 9: 144. Cornish, Henry, Execution of, 1685. (C. H. Forth) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 759. Cornplanter, Indian Chief. 694. Cornuel, Madame Anne. (E. T. Johnson) Atlan. 66: 170. Cornwall. (M. G. Pearse) Chaut. 8: 27, 85, 157. — and the Cormish. Meliora, 8: 246. — Characteristics of. (W. H. Tregallas) 19th Cent. 22: 68o. — Coast of. (S. M. S. Pereira) Sunday M. 19: 383. – Fisherfolk of, Week with the. Chamb. J. 64: 476. — the Land of Tin. (H. B. Wheatley) Antiq. m. s. I7: 23, 67, II4, 162. — Old Forts, Bells, etc., of. I5: I.9, 69. – Parliamentary History of. Sat. R. 67: 802. — Parliamentary Representation of, to 1832, Courtney on. (C. W. Boase) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 368. Cornwallis, Carf's. (A. C. Lyall) Nation, 53: 73. — Surrender of, Original Letters relating to. Devereux) Pennsyl. M. II: 333. Cornwallis, Thomas, and the Early Maryland Colonists. (E. D. Neill) N. E. Reg. 43: 133. Corona round a Light. (J. C. McConnel) Nature, 4o: 342. Coronation Ceremonies, Scottish. Scot. R. II: 60. Coroner System, Defects of. (S. W. Abbott) Forum, 7: 694. “Coronet,” Yacht, Victory of. (W. N. King, jr.) Out- ing, Io: 270. Corot, J. B. C. (R. A. M. Stevenson) Art J. 41: 208. — (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. I5: 255. (F. M. Warren) (C. S. Harrower) (G. W. Harris) Lib. J. (G. L. Burr) (F. N. Thorpe) Chaut. II: (J. Gatley) Antiq. m. s. (E. Corporal Billee. (A. W. Tourgee) Cosmopol. II: 96. Corporal Giacomo; a story. (Maj. DeCosson) Murray, 6: 631. Corporal Punishment ; is it Degrading 2 (R. Gregory) No. Am. I53: 693. Corporations, Abuse of. (I. H. Bromley) No. Am. 147: 76. — and Industry in Massachusetts, State Control of. (G. K. Holmes) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 411. — as Distributers of Wealth. (D. C. Wells) And, R. IO: 43. – Future of. (R. T. Ely) Harper, 75: 259. — Growth of. (R. T. Ely) Harper, 75: 71. — National. (R. H. Curtis) Am. Law R. 21: 258. — Nature and Significance of. (R. T. Ely) Harper, 74: 970. – Organized in other States doing Business at Home. (G. A. O. Ernest) Am. Law R. 25: 352. 101 COSTUME Corporations, Private, and the State. (H. A. James) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: 145. — Public, Changes in, affecting Property and Rights of Creditors. (F. C. Haddock) Am. Law R. 21: I4. – State and Private. (R. S. Foster) Am. Law R. 25: 581. - – Taxation of. (E. R. A. Seligman) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 269, 438. – Trusts, Capital and Labor. Overland, n. s. 15: 662. IG: 99. Corporation Law. (A. G. Warner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 323. Corpulence, Schweninger’s New Cure for. (J. B. Yeo) 19th Cent. 24; 196. Correggio. (J. Cartwright) Portfo. 19: 30, 56. Correlation. (F. Galton) No. Am. I 50: 419. Correlations and Measurements. Dub. R. I.O.A.: 426. Correspondence of Mr. Miles Grogan. (G. H. Jessop) Cent. I5: 766. Correspondence University. M. Chr. Lit. I : 243. 'Corrie, Rev. G. E. Sat. R. 69: 680. Corruption in England, Spread of. Spee. 61 : 81 I. — Political, Reform of Present. (A. T. Rice) No. Am. I48: 82. Corsairs, Barbary. 158. — French. All the Year, 62: 61. Corse, John M., with portrait. (C. E. Hurd) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 172. Corsets. (R. L. Dickinson) Science, Io: 281. Corset-Wearing, Evils of. Sat. R. 64: 816. Corsica. (G. F. Bowen) National, Ioff: 556. — Citron Culture in. Dub. R. Io9: 434. - English Conquest and Evacuation of, 1793–96. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 30: 56. — Extraordinary Condition of. 3: 385. — in Summer-Time. (W. H. Bishop) Nation, 53: 43. — Random Recollections of. (C. F. Parr) National, I4: 81 I. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 788. Same art. Eel. M. II4: 378. — A Run through. All the Year, 69: 390, 421. Corsicans of To-Day. Nation, 46: 277. Cortinas War, The. (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 593. Cortlandt Series, Gabbros and Diorites of. (G. H. Williams) 135: 438. — Rosetown Extension of. I36: 247. Coryat, T. Crudities, 161 I. National, II: 31. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 92. Cosens, F. W. Ath. '89, 2: 823. Cosmic History; a poem. (F. W. H. Myers) Fortn. 49: 187. Cosmogony, Brown's New. (A. M. Clerke) Nature, 36: 321, 341. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 762. – of Genesis. (J. D. Dana.) And. R. 9: 197. — (St. G. Mivart) Dub. R. Io2: 180. Cosmopolitanism; a Man without a Country. (D. H. R. Goodale)-Unita. R. 35: 444. Cossacks, Campaigning with. (F. D. Millet) Harper, 74: 235, 397. Cossack Steppes, Over the. (D. Ker) Cosmopol. 6: 343. Costa, Art of. (J. Cartwright) Portfo. I 8: 147. Costa Rica. (W. E. Curtis) Harper, 75: 688. – Over- land, m. s. I2: 622. — and its Resources. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n.s. 44: 87. Costliness, Immorality of. Spec. 66: 657. Coston, Mrs. M. J. Autobiography. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 3. Costume and Art. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 18: 23. (S. Lane-Poole) Antiq. m. s. 21: (W. (C. S. Maine) Murray, (J. F. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. • COSTUME Costume in Heraldry. (B. F. Scarlett) Antiq. m. s. 22: 24I. – Story of the Coat. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. m. S. 43: 487. Costumes, Designing of, for the Stage. (P. Anderson) New R. 4: 229. Cosway, Richard, R. A. Eaton) Art J. 43: 209. Cotman, J. Sell. Drawings. Sat. R. 66: 80. — (F. Wedmore) Acad. 34: 45, 325. Cotopaxi, Ascent of. (E. Whymper) Good Words, 31: 737, 807. – (E. Whymper) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 353. Cottages and Castles, Differences between. Murray, (J. E. Hodgson and Fred. 2: 647. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 59. – and Hedgerows in England. (D. Bates) Eng. Illust. 8: 808. — Farm, Economy of. (J. B. Denton) J. Soc. Arts, I2 : 42O. — Laborers’, Construction of. (J. Taylor, jr.) J. Soc. Arts, II: 68. Cottage Improvement, Sanitary Principles of. Chadwick) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 720. Cottage Industries of Ireland. (Mrs. E. Hart) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 662. Cottage People: a Rural Retrospect. 842. Cottager, English, at Home. (C. M. Yonge) Murray, 6: 238. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 815. Cotton, John, with portrait. (W. G. Brooks) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 299. Cotton. (H. Ashworth) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 256. — Culture and Preparation of, in the U. S. (L. Wray) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 77. — in India. (J. F. Watson) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 278. – (A. N. Shaw) J. Soc. Arts, II: 235. — in New England History. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. n. s. 3: I27. — in the South, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 292. Cotton Fibre, The. (T. Pray, jr.) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 24 I Cotton Gin The. (E. C. Bates) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 286. (E. Blackw. I5o: Coiton Manufacture in New England. (G. Rich) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 167. — of the U. S., Future Situs of. (E. Atkinson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 289. – (E. Atkinson) Amer. Ig: 241. Cotton-Seed Oil, Industrial Applications of. (R. Grim- shaw) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 191. Cotton Ships, Fires on. Chamb. J. 68: 758. Cotton-Spinning, South and North. (H. W. Meigs) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 798. Cotton Supply of England, 1858. Meliora, I: 351. Cotton Trade and African Civilization. Meliora, 5: 33. — of Great Britain, Ellison's. Spec. 60: 1252. Cotton-Wool, Danger of, as an Article of Dress. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 375. Coucey-le-Château. Sat. R. 63: 907. — (F. R. McClin- tock) Antiq. m. s. I5: 199. Couch, Ira, with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 356. Coughs, Winter. Tinsley, 41 : 996. Coulanges, Madame de. (E. T. Johnson) Atlan. 66: 178. Coultas, Col. James. (R. P. Robins) Pennsyl. M. II: 50. Counsel of Perfection. (L. Malet) Murray, 3: 118-549. Count Baptiste; a story. (K. B. Foot) Cosmopol. 6: 286. Counterfeit Gold Pieces. Countess Clara; a story. Counting, Unconscious. (W. Preyer) Knowl. 9: 311. Counting-Out Rhymes. Chamb. J. 66: 35o. Country and Town. All the Year, 64: 586. – in Midsummer. (S. F. Goodrich) Am. M. 8: 460. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 543. Argosy, 52: 29. 102 COURT Country, In Praise of the. (H. D. Traill) Contemp. 52; 477. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 790. — Living in the, in Summer. (C. C. Harrison) Critic, IO: 303. Country Churches, Problem of. IO: 221. II: 190. Country Editor's Trials. (E. F. Burns) Writer, 1: 138. Country Homes, Unsanitary Conditions in. (L. M. Hall) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 59. Country Houses, Old, of England. 19th Cent. 26: 651. Country-House Life. Sat. R. 63: 190. Country Life and City Life, Comparison between. E. Hale) Lend a H. I : 253. – Is it still Possible 2 Spec. 67: 158, 188. – Return Wave. Lend a H. 4: 551. Country Living for City People. (E. L. Godkin) Na- tion, 44; 204. Country Ministers. Country Missions. I : 577. Country Parish, English, in 1799, a Retrospect. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 30: Ioo. Country Parson, as he was, and as he is. Blackw. I42: 317. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 131. Country Parsons. (M. G. Watkins) Longm. I7: 179. — Trials of. (A. Jessopp.) 19th Cent. 21: 362. 22: 257. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 95. I74: 594. Country Parsonage, From a. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 50. Country Town, A. (A. S. Swan) Blackw. I5o: 436. Country Towns in Vérmont. Lend a H. 4: Sol. — New England, Revival of. (J. H. Ward) New Eng. M. I : 242. County, The ; a story. Cornh. 59: 1-561. 60: 90-431. County Councillor, The ; a Study. National, I8: 85. County Councils, French, Ioo Years Ago. (M. Dom- vile) New R. 5: 319. — Work of. (Viscount Lymington) Murray, 5: 31 o. — A Year under. (L. H. West) National, I5: 341. County Court Day in Kentucky. (J. L. Allen) Harper, (J. Tunis) And, R. (Sir E. Strachey) (E. (W. H. Beckett) Cong. R. 2: 734. (M. W. Jacobus) Presb. & Ref. R. (A. 79: 383. County Government in England. (W. J. Cripps) Mur- ray, I: 3.17. 3: 738. Coup de Jarmac, Le. (H. C. McDowell) Macmil. 63: I 3O. Coupe de Grâce. (A. Forbes) Cosmopol. II: 25. Couple of Fools, A.; a story. (Mrs. L. Cameron) Lond. Soc. 58: Christmas no., I. Coupon Legislation of Virginia. R. 23: 924. Courage. (Lord Wolseley) Fortn. 50: 279. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 612. – Creeds and. Sat. R. 70: 342. — Midnight. All the Year, 65: 13. — Phases of. All the Year, 67: 81. — Philosophy of. (H. Porter) Cent. I4: 246. — — Gen. Porter on. Spec. 61: 847. Courageous Action of Lucia Richmond. (F. P. Hum- phrey) Cent. I9: 37. - Courland, Sketches of Life in. Good Words, 30: 592, 696. (M. Gray) Am. Law (S. M. S. Pereira) Courmayeur. (L. Villari) Leis. Hour, 36: 773. Course of True Love; a story. (M. Jaques) Belgra. 67: 364 Coursing in Ireland. (R. F. Walsh) Outing, I3: 64. I4: 24. Court, Criminal, A Day in. Arena, 2: 321. — for Criminal Appeals, Proposed. Spec. 64: 721. – High, of America. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 4: 845. – Ideal of a. Spec. 6o: 1815. — of Conciliation. (N. Grevstad) Atlan. 68: 401. – of Love. Green Bag, 3: 93. — — Authorship of. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 40: 56. COURTS Courts, Avoidable Causes of Delay and Uncertainty in our. (A. Russell) Am. Law R. 25; 776. — English, New System of Pleading and Practice. (E. Anthony) Am. Law R. 25: I. — Federal, Business of, and Salaries of Judges. Dickerman) Am. Law R. 24: 78. — — Comptrollers and. (E. I. Renick) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 2I4. gº — — Relief of Suitors in. (W. B. Hill) Atlan. 66: 671. — Legislatures and. (C. B. Elliott) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 224. — Seignorial, Maitland on. Ath. '89, 2: 183. Courts-Martial. Chamb. J.65: 487. Court Customs, Curious, in Austria. Chamb. J. 66; 17. Court Functions in England. Murray, 7: 772. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 56. - Court Precedents, English. Sat. R. 72: 592. Court Theatre, London, Comedy at. (E. A. Morton) Theatre, Ig: 140. Courtenay Family, The. All the Year, 62: 327. Courtesy. (L. Abbott) Chaut. 8: 475. – Spec. 67: 442. — Customs of. (G. Mallery) Science, I 6: 4. — versus Sincerity. Spec. 63: 466. Courthope, Wm. J. Paradise of Birds. Spec. 63: 782. Courting of Dinah Shadd, The. (R. Kipling) Macmil. 61: 381. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 296. — of Sister Wisby. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 59: 577. Courtrai, Battle of. (J. Hutton) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 363. Cousin, Victor. Ed. R. I72: 454. Cousin Sarah; a story. All the Year, 69: 221. Covel, John, Diary of. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 470. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 681. Covell, A. J., and American Board. And. R. I3: 88. — Withdrawal of. And. R. I3: 2O4. Covenant Sacrifice, Typical Character of. Richards) Dub. R. Iof: 342. Covent Garden Market. (William Senior) Good Words, 32 : 2O. Cowboy, The Texan. Chamb. J. 65: 220. Cowboys of the Northwest. (W. T. Hornaday) Cosmo- pol. 2: 219. —Sportive. Atlan. 66; 7Io. Cowboy Life; a Round-up. Outing, Ig: 181. Cow-Keeping by Farm Labourers. (H. Evershed) Na- tional, I4: 92. Cowes Castle. (F. Cunningham) Eng. Illust. 7: 809. Cowper, Mary, Countess. Temp. Bar, 79: 229. Same art. Liv. Age, I72; 751. Cowper, William. (A. King) Argosy, 46: 270. — (J. C. Bailey) Macmil. 6o: 261. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 659. — (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 503. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 546. — and his Localities. 32: 686, 758. — Letters of. (J. C. Bailey) Macmil. 65; 65. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 815. — Portraits of. (J. Macaulay) Leis. Hour, 38: 639. Cox, David, Exhibition of Pictures by, at Birmingham. Sat. R. 70: 556. Cox, J. Bell, Imprisonment of. (J. B. Cox) Murray, 2: 42. — Spec. 60: 682. Cox, Kenyon. (W. A. Coffin) Cent. Ig: 333. Coxcomb and Coquette in Tudor Times. (J. A. Harri- son) Chaut. I2; 722. - Coxe, Henry Octavius. Quar. I58: 185. Coxe's Manuscript. (H. Francis) Tinsley, 41: 349. Coxswain's Yarm, The. Chamb. J. 64: 669. Coyote, the Hound of the Plains. (E. Ingersoll) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 360. Coyote-That-Bites. (F. B. Millard) Overland, n. s. 18: ,-47I. - Cozens, John R. (C. Monkhouse) Portfo. Ig: 25. Cozzens, Frederick S., Leaves from the Journal of. (A. D. F. Randolph) Lippine. 45: 739. (A. (W. J. B. (Canon Benham) Good Words, 103 CREATION Crab, Autotomy in. (E. A. Andrews) Am. Natural. 24: I38. – Lady, Dance of. (T. H. Morgan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 482. Crabs, Fiddler. (J. McNair Wright) Am. Natural. 21: 415. – Soft. (A. Forman) Cosmopol. 9; 145. – Something about. (J. S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. 22: 888. Crabbe, George. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 60: 99.- (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 8o: 327. Samp art. Liv. Age, I74: 67. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 369. – Temp. Bar, 90: 270. — Kebbel's Life of. Ath. '88, 2: 478. — Poems. Sat. R. 66: 438. Crack County, A.; a story. Soc. v. 52–54. . & “Cracker Jim.” (Z. Cocke) Overland, n. S. Io: 51. (Mrs. E. Kennard) Lond. Cracow. (A. Gielgud) Eng. Illust. 7: Io2. Craddock's Heldest. (F. C. Baylor) Harper, 76: 138. Cradle Spirit's Tale. (C. H. C. Howard) Granite Mo. I3: 47. Craft, William and Ellen, Fugitive Slaves. (N. M. Tif- fany) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 524. Craggs, James, the Younger. Ath. '89, 2: 674. Craig, James, with portrait. (W. L. Visscher) M.West. Hist. 8: 165. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M. O. W. Oliphant) Macmil. 57: 81. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 796 – (A. W. Rol- lins) Critic, II: 214. — Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 366. — Acad. 32: 269. — (F. Martin) Ath. '87, 2: 539. — John Halifax, Country of. Leis. Hour, 40: 315. — Poems. Spec. 61 : 1198. Cramming, Mental. Month, 67: 410. Crane, Walter, Designs of. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 2I : I.2, 45. Cranes, Monster. Cranial Nerves in Man, Size of. Am. J. Psychol. 4: 224. Cranks as Social Motors. (J. P. Quincy) Atlan. 66: 3.18. * Cranmer, Thomas, Ilife of, Collette's. 465. – Sat. R. 64: 427. — Liturgical Projects of. Church Q. 31: 446. Cranmer; a poem. (R. Steggall) Month, 63: 222. Cranston, John and Samuel, Governors of Rhode Island. (H. E. Turner) Narrag. Reg. 7: 305. Crapo, William W., with portrait. (E. P. Guild) Bay State Mo. 3: 309. Crashaw, Richard. Poems. Spec. 61: 144. — New Poems. Sat. R. 65 : 323. Crater before Petersburg, The Dash into the. Kilmer) Cent. I2: 774. — Tragedy of the. (W. H. Powell) Cent. I2: 760. Craufurd, Alexander H. Enigmas of the Spiritual Life. Spec. 61: 385. - — Sermons. Unita. R. 29: 430. Craufurd, Gen. Robert, Sat. R. 72: 565. Craven, Pauline (de la Ferronays). Ath. '91, I: 473. – Spec. 66: 474. Crawford, F. M. Greifenstein. Blackw. I45: 822. — Latest Novels, 1888. (G. E. Meredith) Church R. 52: 343. — Novels. Church Q. 30: 29. — Sant’ Ilario. Atlan. 65: I.22. *— The Witch of Prague. (W. Sharp) Acad. 4o: 193. Crazes, Political. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 403. & Crazy Mountains, Views of Life in the. (Mrs. E. D.W. Hatch) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 539. Creation and Salvation. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. 7: 275. — Babylonian Legend of. 49: 809. Am. Arch. 21: IoS. (H. H. Donaldson) Ath. '87, 2: (G. L. (C. B. Warring) Meth. R. CREATION Creation, Clodd's Account of. I9. — is Revelation. (T. Hill) Unita. R. 30: 1. — Method of. Lond. Q. 69: 357. – or Evolution? (W. D. Le Sueur) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: (J. Gerard) Month, 65: 29. - Skeptical Difficulty against. (R. F. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 278. * - Story of. (E. Clodd) Knowl. 9; 13–347. Io: 27–245. — (L. Wright) Contemp. 54: 192. -- (W. E. Glad- stone) Good Words, 31 : 3oo. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 152. — — New Babylonian Version of. (T. G. Pinches) Acad. 38: 508. Same art. Ecl. M. I 14: 816. cº Intelligence. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. I5: 2öO. cº Laws and Scripture. (S. H. Kellogg) Bib. Sac. 40: 393. Creative Power, Footprints of. (W. D. Le Sueur) No. Am. I46: 219. Creator, in Religions of the East. (W. Tucker) Am. Antiq. 9: 276. Creche, The. (J. A. Ames) Lend a H. I : 736. Crécy, Battlefield of. 7O6. Credit, Giving. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: Ioz4. — Macleod on. Sat. R. 68: 283. Credit Exchanges. (H. C. Adams) Chaut. 9: 94. Credit Systems in Spanish America. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1966. Crédit Foncier, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1269. – Sat. R. 69: 602, 628. Credulity, Modern. Chamb. J. 68: 737. Creed and Conduct. Cong. R. 2: 520. — Assent to, Did Early Churches of New England Re- quire? (H. M. Dexter) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 129. — Christianity and Culture. (E. H. Crosby) And. R. Io: 467. — Foundations of the. Church Q. 30: I. Creeds and the Church. (C. A. Briggs) Forum, II: 367. — and Church-Membership. And. R. II: 63. — as Tests of Church-Membership. (W. Calkins) And. R. I3: 237. — Assent to. (H. C. Robinson) N. Eng. 47: 281. (F. C. Gould) Leis. Hour, 39: — Doctrinal Confessions. (J. C. Bowman) Ref. Q. 37: 63. – Old and New. (H. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 44: 690. — Revision of. (T. Witherow) Theo. Mo. 6: 79. – Sphere and Necessity of. (J. K. Folwell) Bapt. R. I2: 312. — Subscription to, Present State of. tion, 46; 65. — — Proposed Changes in. – Use and Abuse of. Creed Question in Scotland. I2 : I. Creeping Plant, The ; a story. Chamb. J. 68: 395. Cremation. (O. T. Miller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 763. — and Christianity. (I. Mancini) Dub. R. Ioff: 384. — and the Clergy. (T. S. Wells) Theo. Mo. I : 125. — at Milan. (H. S. Edwards) Westm. I34: 182. — at Père-Lachaise, A. (LeCocq de Lautreppe) Na- tion, 49: I90. – How shall we Dispose of our Dead? Meliora, I: I25. – Progress of. (Sir H. Thompson) 19th Cent. 23: I. – Systems of, in Europe. (W. Eassie) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 23O. . Cremation Movement, Modern. (C. Cameron) Scot. R. IO: I. Crematory at Père-Lachaise, Paris. Am. Arch. 23: 41. (R. Ogden) Na- And. R. II: 408. (J. Parker) Our Day, I : 361. (A. T. Innes) And. R. 104 CRICKET Creole and Puritan. (T. C. DeLeon) Lippine. 44; 441. Crerar Library Bequest. Lib. J. 14: 473. 15: 45. Cressy. (Bret Harte) Macmil. 58: 292–401. 59: 1, 81. cººl Joseph. (H. D. Teotor) M. West. Hist. Io: 2. Cretaceous, Lower, of the Southwest. (C. A. White) Am. J. Sci. I38: 440. – Middle, Grouping of. I38; 313. - of the British Columbian Region. (G. M. Dawson) Am. J. Sci. I39: 180. — of the Eastern and Southern United States. (R. T. Hill; R. A. F. Penrose, jr.) Am. J. Sci. 138: 468. - of Manitoba. (J. B. Tyrrell) Am. J. Sei. 140: 227. Cretaceous Floras of Northwest Territories of Canada. (W. Dawson) Am. Natural. 22: 953. Cretaceous History, North American, Events in. (R.T. Hill) Am. J. Sci. 137: 282. Cretaceous Mammalia, Discovery of. Am. J. Sci. I38: 81, 177. – Marsh on. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. 25: 595. Cretaceous Plants from Martha's Vineyard. (D.White) Am. J. Sci. I39: 93. Cretaceous Rocks of Northern California, Notes on. (J. S. Diller) Am. J. Sci. I40: 476. — of the North-Western Portion of the Dominion of (G. H. Eldridge) Ana. J. Sci. (O. C. Marsh) Canada. (G. M. Dawson) Am. J. Sci. 138: 120. Crete. Spec. 64: 753. – and the Sphakiotes. (C. Edwardes) 19th Cent. 27: 3O3. — Archaeological Discoveries in. (J. Hirst) Ath. '88, I: 378. — Excavations in. (J. Hirst) Ath. '87, 2: 157. - Housekeeping in. All the Year, 65: 609. Same art. Liv. Age.84; 245. – in 1886, Edwardes's. Spec. 60: 1824. — Ath. '87, 2: 53I. — in 1889. Sat. R. 68: 91, 147, 179, 208. - Insurrection of 1889. Fortn. 53: 117. — Question of. (W. J. Stillman) Contemp. 57: 588. – Researches in. (F. Halbherr) Antiq. m. s. 24: 201, 24I. – Stronghold of the Sphakiotes. Fortn. 54: 184. – Visit to. Cornh. 56: 53. Cretonnes, Chintzes and. (L. H. Armstrong) Art J. 43: Io8. Crèvecoeur, St. John de. (W. Seton) M. Am. Hist. 22: 234. Crewe; a Great Railway Centre. (J. Sansone) Gent. M. n. S. 47: 180. Crewe Murder Case. Spec. 64: 435. Crichton, James, “The Admirable.” (S. L. Lee) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 244. - Crichton, Lord Sanquhar. (E. Walford) Gent. M. m. s. 42 : I97. Cricket [Insect], House. 8 (J. D. Bourchier) (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 3. Cricket and Base-Ball. (R. A. Proctor) Longm. Io: 181. – Knowl. Io: 207. – and Society. (C. Turner) Outing, 16: 362. — at Harvard. (H. Chadwick) Outing, 16: 415. – Chat about. (W. G. Grace and W. M. Brownlee) Outing, II: 16. — Eton-Harrow Match, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 80. – Gale on. Sat. R. 64: 99. – in Australia. (G. H. D. Gossip) Outing, 14:47, 191. – in England, 1891. Leis. Hour, 4o: 699. – Sat. R. 72: 49, 81, 263. — — Champion Counties. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 39: 833. – in New England and the Longwood Club. (W. Roffe) Outing, I8: 251. ~s ** CRICKET Cricket, in New York City. (H. Chadwick) Outing, - Fº ta Present. (W. G. Grace) Eng. Illust. 7: * º Innings” at. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 252. — Reform in. Sat. R. 65: 218. — vs. Golf. (H. Hutchinson) Blackw. I.47: 51o. Cricket Club, Hambledon. Chamb. J. 67: 550. Cricket Club, Marylebone. Tinsley, 45: 60. Cricket Recollections. (F. Gale) Eng. Illust. 8: 631. Cricketers of the North and South (of England). Tins- ley, 45; 317. Crilly, Daniel. Irish Mo. 16: 666. Crime, Abatement of, in England and Wales, in 1868– 88. (G. Grosvenor) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 377. — and the Criminal Classes, Treatment of. (W. J Tucker) And. R. I3: 229, 447. I4: 192. — and Criminals in Great Britain, in 1837–87. (E. F. Du Cane) Murray, 2: 289. — and Education. (A. W. Gould) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 2II. — Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 55. — and its Causes, Morrison's. (D. MacG. Means) Na- tion, 53: 127. – (R. Brinkerhoff) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 125. — and Suicide in England. Spec. 64: 585. — as Disease. Sat. R. 72: 466. — Definition of. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. I.3 : 674. ... — Disease and, Types of. Meliora, 2: 142. (J. A. Jameson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 332. — How to Prevent. (A. A. Brush) Lend a H. 6: I off. — in Paris, Phases of. (H. Le Roux) Fortn. 55: 881. — Increase of. Lend a H. 5: I. – Is it Increasing in Massachusetts? (D. C. Torrey) Lend a H. 5: 31. — Levity of. Spec. 62: 162. — Modern Increase of. (G. R. Stetson) N. Princ. 6: — Green on. 336. – New Tenderness for. Spec. 62: 191. — Originality in. Spec. 6o: 731. — Punishment of. Sat. R. 68: 613. — Rewards for the Detection of. Spec. 61: 1285. — Rising Tide of. (G. R. Stetson) Unita. R. 27: 425. – Rum and. (A. B. Richmond) Chaut. 9: 525. — Scientific Detection of. Green Bag, 3: 288. -- Sources of. (H. E. Manning) 19th Cent. 23: 32. — Treatment of, as affected by the Doctrine of Evolu- tion. (J. H. Hyslop) Unita. R. 29: 139. – under King John. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 614. — War with. Crime of Micah Rood; a story. mopol. 4: 383. Crimes, Undiscovered. All the Year, 67: 321. Crimea, The. The New Yachting. (Sir M. Mackenzie) Fortn. 56: 203. Crimean War. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 39: 249. — Hamley’s. Blackw. I48: 853. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 51: 466. — Kinglake's, vols. 7, 8. Blackw. I43: 237. — (F. Maurice) Macmil. 57: 250. — Ed. R. 167: 161. — (W. H. Russell) Contemp. 53: 198. — (W. O'C, Morris) Acad. 32: 433. — Ath. '87, 2: 817. – Spec. 6o: 1707, 1744. — Sat. R. 64: 854. — Atlan. 62: I31. – (F. M. Holmes) Leis. Hour, 37: 279. Criminal, Study of the. And. R. Io: 187. Criminals, Coddling. Spec. 67: 280. — Counsel for the Defence. Lend a H. 2: 375. — Creating. (C. D. Warner) Forum, 6: 235. — Crimes against. (R. G. Ingersoll) Am. Law R. 24: 191. — Defence of. – Extirpation of. (F. W. Holland) Unita. R. 33: 57. (E. W. Peattie) Cos- (E. Carpenter) To-Day, II : 31, 61. (C. D. Warner) New Princ. 3: 87. 105 CRITICISM Criminals, Habitual, How to deal with. (S. E. Bald- win) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 163. — Hereditary. Sat. R. 72: 241. – Identification of. (E. R. Spearman) Fortn. — — by Measurement. Chamb. J. 68: 411. — — in France. (E. R. Spearman) Eng. Illust. 7: 878. — in Court, Sketches of. Cornh. 61: 34, 377. — Reformation of. (H. H. Hart) Bib. Sac. 47: 589. — — State. (A. Winter) Murray, 9: 494. — Rights and Wrongs of. (E. A. Perry) Univ. Q. 44: 440. — Young. (C. F. Thwing) Harper, 75: 944. Criminal Anthropology. (T. W. Rolleston) Acad. 38: 250. — Physiognomy of Anarchists. (C. Lombroso) Monist, I : 177, 336. . — — Reply. (M. Schwab) Monist, I : 520. Criminal Classes, Wagrant and. (H. Solly) Leis. Hour, 36: 763, 83o. — What is to be Done with the Morally Deficient? (Lady F. Cavendish) New R. 2: 212. Criminal Law. Commercial Enterprise and. (E. G. Seymour) And. R. 9: 264. — Some Nice Points of. Chamb. J. 66: 171. Criminal Law Association, International. (R. P. Falk- ner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 159. Criminal Statistics. (R. P. Falkner) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 38o. Criminal Traits, Transmission of. Green Bag, 3: 215. Criminal Type, The. (W. Noyes) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 24: 31. — of the Future. Spec. 64: 232. Criminological Literature. Sat. R. 70: 265. Crimps in American Ports. Chamb. J. 65: 588. Crisford, George Stephen, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1439. Crisis, A, in the City [London]. Chamb. J. 68: 49. — London, of November, 1890. (A. Raffalovich) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 593. Crispi, F. (H. J. Allen) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 286. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 577. — Berlin Visit, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 505. #4. — Resignation of. Sat. R. 7I: I54. — Writings and Orations. (S. Münz) Chaut. I3: 66. Critic, Modern Young Man as. (R. Buchanan) Ecl. M. II2: 663. * — Office of. Critic, 17: 110. Critics. (G. P. Lathrop) Critic, 13: 185. — Sat. R. 71: 433. Critics and Class-Lists. (E. Gurney) Dub. R. Ioo: 287. — and their Craft. (W. Watson) National, 16: 789. — Caterpillar. (J. L. Allen) Forum, 4: 332. — in Court. Macmil. 6o: 134. — Manners of. (A. Lang) Forum, 4: 58. — on the Hearth. (E. F. Wheeler) Lippine. 43: 755. — Plea for. (J. C. Bailey) Murray, Io: 923. – Whole Duty of. (P. Matthews) New R. 3: 455. Critical Situation, A.; a story. (S. Smith) Outing, 13: 226. Criticism as a Trade. — — Reply to Knight. (W. Knight) 19th Cent. 26: 423. (A. J. Church) 19th Cent. 26: 833. — Biblical, Theological Bearings of. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 35: 344. See Biblical Criticism. — A Critic on. Atlan. 66: 712. — Curiosities of. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 59: 314. — Temp. Bar, 8o: 241. — Ethics of. (C. Thomas) Nation, 45; 269. — French, Some Recent Volumes of. Atlan. 65: 708. — Higher. (C. W. Gallagher) Meth. R. 47: 506. — — and the Ministry. (F. H. Foster) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 257. CRITICISM Criticism, Higher, vs. Theories of the End of the World. And. R. 16: 279. – Literary. (J. A. Noble) Acad. 36: 5o. — (H. James). Author, 3: 67. — (F. W. Farrar) Forum, 9: 277. — (A. S. Hardy) And. R. I4: 522. — (G. R. Car- penter) Harv. Mo. 7: 185. — (T. W. Hunt) N. Princ. 4: 75. — — McMahan on. Dial (Ch.) Io: 93. — — Robertson on. Sat. R. 67: 673. — Literary Log-Rolling. (J. C. Adams) Forum, 2: 5 I5. — Modern, Significance of. (H. W. Mabie) And. R. I5: 583. — of Books. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 1 Io. — Principles and Practice of. Macmil. 61: 73. — Recent Essays in. (B. Matthews) Cosmopol. I2: I 24. — Rules of. (S. S. Kingdom) Writer, 2: 222. — Science of. (H. James; A. Lang ; E. Gosse) New R. 4: 398. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: Io. — Should Critics be Gentlemen? (E. Fawcett) Lip- pinc. 39: 163. – Sat. R. 63: 41. — True Function and Value of ; a Dialogue. (O. Wilde) 19th Cent. 28: 123, 435. Criticisms, Unprofessional. All the Year, 62: 245. Crocidolite from Cumberland, R. I. (A. H. Chester and F. I. Cairns) Am. J. Sci. I34: IOS. Crocodiles and Alligators. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4: 2O6. Croft, Charles Ilderton, with portrait. (Lond.) 52: 345. Crofters, The, and the Government. 43 I. — Commission on. (R. McLeod) Blackw. I46: 517. – Holiday among. Murray, 2: 315. – Land Legislation: a Plain Tale and a Warning. T. Burroughs) National, IOS: 381. — of the Highlands. Westm. I29: 229. — — Revolt of. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 46: 133. — — A Winter Night with. Good Words, 30: II 2. Crofter Migration. Crofters Act in Scotland. I6: 324. Croll, James. Ath. '90, 2: 859. – Nature, 43: 180. Cromer, England. (U. A. Forbes) Art J. 39: 265. — Rye's History of. ...Ath. ’89, 2: 553. — Sat. R. 68: 594. Cromp, Pierrepont. (C. F. S. Warren) Ath. '88, I : 243. Cromwell, Lady Frances, Marriage of. Temp. Bar, 92: 267. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 253. Cromwell, Oliver. Cong. R. 4: 389. — and the Insurrection of 1655. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 323. 4; 313, 525. — — Reply to Firth. (R. F. D. Palgrave) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 521, 722. 4: I Io. — and the Puritan Revolution, Brosch's. nish) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 8oo. — and his Ironsides, Ross's. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 597. – First Christmas under. Sat. R. 72: 718. — Harrison's Life of. Spec. 61: 822. — Ath. '88, 2: 89. — (A. W. Dicey) Nation, 47: I I,6, 136. – Cong. R. 2: 772. — Kinsfolk of. — Letters of. — Letters of, Carlyle's. 8: 588 — Manchester's Quarrel with. Hist. R. 3: 519. — Palgrave's Life of. Ath. 'go, I : 299. — Unpublished Letter of. Ath. '88, 2: 133. -- (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 148. Bank. M. Blackw. I48: (F. 3O, Blackw. I49: 421. (W. K. Morton) Scot. R. (F. W. Cor- (S. J. Weyman) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 48. (C. E. Green) Ath. '87, 2: 826. (R. F. D. Palgrave) National, (W. G. Ross) Eng. 106 – Earl of Cornwall's. CROYDON Cromwell, Oliver, the Younger. (W. G. Ross) Ath. '88, I: 146. Cromwell, Thomas. (J. Phillips) Acad. 33: 379. – Galton's Character and Times of. (J. Gairdner) Acad. 33: 335, 361. Cromwells, The. All the Year, 62: 447. — of America. (J. Waylen) Antiq. m. s. I5: I37. Crook, Gen. George. (O. O. Howard) Chaut. II: 325. — Capture of. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 186. — in the Indian Country. (J. G. Bourke) Cent. Ig: 643. Crooked John. (H. H. Boyesen) Cent. I2: 405. Crops in Europe, 1891. Sat. R. 72: 3ol. - Croquet, Archery, and Tennis. (M. Thompson) Chaut. 8: 521. - Crosby, Enoch, Myth of. I 7 : 43 I. — not a Myth. (J. E. Deane) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 73. Crosby, Howard. Critic, I8: 185. — M. Chr. Lit. 4: I I4. , - — List of his Books. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 132. Crosby Records: a Chapter of Lancashire Recusancy. Month, 61 : 539. Croskery, Thomas. Cross, Jeremy L. 27O. Cross, The, as a Sun Symbol. Nature, 35: 345, 366. — Cornish, in Sussex. (A. G. Langdon) Antiq. m. s. 23: 26. (G. Hatfield) M. Am. Hist. (T. Witherow) Presb. R. 8: 334. (A. S. Bachellor) Granite Mo. II: (C. R. Dyer and others) (C. R. F. Palmer) Antiq. m. s. 2I : 168. - — in America. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. Io; 292. — Legendary History of the. Sat. R. 63: 173. — Sign of the. (E. Schrieber) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 726. See Crucifixion. Crosses of Dartmoor. — of Nottingham, Public. I5: 89. I6: 51–250. — of Nottinghamshire. 25. I 9: 2O6. Cross-Bows. (C. H. Davenport) Antiq. m. s. 23: 149. Cross Currents; a story. (Mary A. Dickens) All the Year, 68: 289–601. 69: 1–265. Cross Infertility, Preservation and Accumulation of. (J. T. Gulick) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 437. Cross-Legged Effigy, Yorkshire. (D. Alleyne Walter) Reliquary, 30: 42. Crossing the Bar; a poem. Illust. 7: 651. Crotch, William, the Musical Phenomenon. All the Year, 65 : 582. Croton Aqueduct, New. (C. Barnard) Cent. I7: 205. — (A. C. Chenoweth) J. Frankl. Inst. I29; 135. — Grouting the. (P. F. Brendlinger) Am. Arch. 30: I7O. Croton Aqueducts, 1842, 1890. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 24; 161. Crotona, The Excavations at. (C. E. Norton) Nation, 44; 386, 469. - Crows, Winter Roosting Colonies of. Am. J. Psychol. I: 436. Crow Indian. Chamb. J. 68: 702.- : * Crowds, The Charm of. Spec. 64: 756. 2. — Control of. Spec. 62: 756. — Cowardice. Spec. 66: 376. Crowley, Mr., the Chimpanzee. (O. T. Miller) Cos- mopol. 4; 297. Crown of Thorns. (T. V. Tyms) Good Words, 3I: 354. Crowns and Coronets. (G. P. A. Healy) No. Am. I5I: 432. — Greek Sculptured. 6: 69. Croydon Racecourse. All the Year, 60: 305. Sat. R. 64: 765. (A. Stapleton) Antiq. m. s. (A. Stapleton) Antiq. m. s. I7: (Lord Tennyson) Eng. (C. L. Edwards) (G. B. Hussey) Am. J. Archaeol. } CRUCIAL Crucial Test, The. (M. Crim) Cent. I7: 362. Crucibles of Blast Furnaces. (J. M. Hartman) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 401. Crucifixion. (E. Schreiber) Month, 59: 494. — Day of. Chris. Q. 6: 65. Cruden, Alexander, Memoir of. Bar, 84; 242. Cruel Priest. Longm. I2: 489. Cruelty to Children. (B. Waugh) Good Words, 29: 818. Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. (R. Timsol) Lippine. 47: 271. – (M. E. W. Sherwood) Lippinc. 47: 612. — Letters to, on her Works. Lippinc. 47: 652. Cruikshank, George, as Virtuoso. (G. S. Layard) Temp. Iłar, 87: 200. — Antiq. m. s. 23: 219. Cruise of the Rebie. (T. Dean) Outing, 9: 4oo. — of the Sybaris and Shaw Shaw. (E. L. Chichester) Outing, I4: III, 217. — on a Pilot Boat. (C. E. Woods) Outing, 14: 255. Cruisers, With Yankee, in French Harbors. (R. F. Zogbaum) Scrib. M. 8: 625. Cruising and Dredging. Liv. Age, I79: 427. Crump, Arthur, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 2O2. Crusaders. Am. Arch. 26: I Io, 131. Crusades, The. Meliora, 5: I. Crusoe, The Finding of. Chamb. J. 66: 87. Crypts. Chamb. J. 65: 315. Crystals, Absorption Spectra of. ture, 38: 343. — Diaspore. (W. H. Melville) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 475. – Iridescent. (Rayleigh) Nature, 40: 227. — Liquid in. Chamb. J. 66: 523. — Optical Properties of. (W. G. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 594. – Possibility of Hemihedrism in the Monoclinic Sys- tem. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I38: II.5. — Rejuvenescence of. Dub. R. Io9: 194. — (J. W. Judd) Nature, 44: 83. – Structure of. (H. A. Miers) Nature, 39: 277. — — Development of Theory of. (H. A. Miers) Am. Natural. 23: 221. Crystal Palace, London. Spec. 60: 253. — Story of. (D. M. Craik) Murray, 2: 506. Crystalline Rocks West of Lake Superior, Classification of. (A. C. Lawson) Am. J. Sci. I33: 473. Crystalline Schists of the Western Alps. (F. H. Hatch) Nature, 38: 506. (C. A. Ward) Temp. (A. E. Tutton) Na- Crystallization. (G. D. Liveing) Nature, 44: 156. — of Lake Ice. (J. C. McConnel) Nature, 39: 367. — of Troma. (E. F. Ayres) Am. J. Sci. I38: 65. Ctesias and the Semiramis Legend. (W. R. Smith) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 303. – Sources of his Assyrian History. Hist. R. 2: 97. Cuautla. (C. D. Warner) Harper, I4: 951. Cuba, Future of. (F. A. Burr) Lippine. 48: 83. — Why we Need. (T. Jordan) Forum, II: 559. Cubical Expansion, Determination of Coefficient. M. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. I40: 323. Cuckoo, The. Sat. R. 67: 12o. Cuenca, Spain. (F. R. McClintock) Antiq. m. s. 20: 7. Cui, César. (J. S. Shedlock) Acad. 35: 156. Cuillins, Camped Out under the. (P. White) Blackw. I46: 2 II. Culdees, The. (C. C. Grant) Scot. R. II: 217. Culex, The. (R. Ellis) Acad. 40: 362. Cullercoats, England. (L. Wassermann) Art J. 39: 25. Cullis, Charles, and the Faith-Cure. (W. I. Gill) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 438. Culross. (S. Reid) Good Words, 3o: 520. Cultivation, Margin of. (S. N. Patten) Q. J. Econ. 3: 356. Culture. All the Year, 55: 3o. (J. Gilmore) Eng. (A. 107 CURRENCY Culture and Science. (T. Gill) Am. Natural. 22: 481. — and Trade. Meliora, 7: 1. — Christianity and. (W. T. Herridge) Presb. R. 9: 388. — Creed, and Christianity. (E. H. Crosby) And. R. Io: 467. — Literary Societies and. (R. Lee) Westm. I34; 31 I. — Possibilities of. (J. Donaldson) Forum, 6: 31 I.- (H. W. Warren) Chaut. 9: 33. - — Practical Side of. (C. H. Lerch) Ref. Q. 38: 241. — Transmission of. (L. F. Ward) Forum, II: 3.12. — True. (J. T. Duryea.) Chaut. 8: 34. Cumberland, Richard, Bp.; Ethics of. (G. F. Magoun) Bib. Sac. 44; 91. Cumberland River ; the Homespun Age. liams) M. Am. Hist. 25: 239. — Mountain Passes of the. (J. L. Allen) Harper, 81: 561. Cumberland University Law School. (N. Green) Green Bag, 2: 63. Cumbrian Altar, On a. All the Year, 67: 102. Cumnor; Leaves from a Note-Book. Macmil. 64: 477. Cunard Line, Something about the. Good Words, 28: 257. Cuneiform Tablets from Tell el-Amarna, Egypt. Ath. '88, 2: 518. — (M. Jastrow, jr.) Nation, 48: 38o. Cup and the Critic, The. (H. A. Kennedy) Macmil. 59: (M. C. Wil- (John Burns) 445. Cup of Cold Water, A. (A. R. Buckland) Sunday M. 20: 815. Cupid and Psyche, Adlington's. Sat. R. 63: 845. — — Myth of. (I. Taylor and others) Acad. 3 I : 434, 449. 32: Io, 25. – (A. Lang and A. S. Atkinson) Acad. 33: 81. Cupolas for Melting Pig-Iron. (M. A. Gouvy) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 425. I27: I. Cupstones near Old Ft. Ransom, N. D. Am. Natural. 25: 455. Curé of Cucugnan, The. Temp. Bar, 80: 248. Cure of Souls, A.; Christmas StoryM (G. M. Fenn) Good Words, 30: extra no. Curios, Oriental. Sat. R. 68: 265, 296, 323. Curious Discovery, A. (H. Hutchinson) Macmil. 65: 57. Curious Poisoning Case; a story. Murray, 8: 680, 814. Curling. (J. Hedley) Outing, I5: 205. — (G. E. Gor- don) Outing, I7: 355. Curly's Last Ride. All the Year, 62: 253. Currency; an Inflated Currency Act. (D. Dodge) Cent. I9: 837. — and Banking, in the United States. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: Ioo7. — Bank Deposits as. 4OI. — Chinese. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 516. — Circulating Medium in Every-Day Use. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 361. — A Colloquy on. (H. H. Gibbs) Contemp. 56: 67. — Contraction of, and the Remedy. (W. M. Stewart) No. Am. I46: 327. — Plan for National Notes. (W. Gattie) Eng. Illust. 7: 460. - — Silver or Legal Tender Notes. (W. C. Ford) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 615. — U. S. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 542. — — Bill for, New, Introduced by Senator Plumb. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 540. — — Comptroller of, Report of ; a Review. Bank, M. (N. Y.) 45: 454, 508. — — New Treasury Regulations for Issuing and Re- deeming. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 785. — — Question of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 481. (T. H. Lewis) (C. F. Dunbar) Q. J. Econ. I: CURRENCY Currency, U. S., Question of, The Banks and. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 169. — — —- A Coming Solution of. (C. S. Ashley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 358. Currency Schemes. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 347, 446. Currency Theory, History of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 937, III?. Current-Meter Observations. (G. E. Martin) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 340. Current Topics as a Feature of Education. Pub. Opin. 9 : 294. – Study of, in School and College. Educa. II: 170. Curry, Daniel, with portrait. (D. A. Goodsell) Meth. R. 47: 809. — Meth. R. 48: 765. Curry. Sat. R. 66: 173. Curse or Blessing. (E. S. Bates) Overland, n. s. I7: (F. N. Thorpe) * 5ö9. Curtain Raised, The. (M. B. Deane) Lond. Soc. 56: 267. Curtis, George William. Critic, I6: 85. — at Home. Author, 2: 16. Curtis, Moses Ashley, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 4O5. Cushing, William B. 294. Cushions, Dispute Concerning, in Guatemala, 1590. Overland, n. s. I4: 48. Cust, Robert Needham. Essays. Ath. '88, I : 369. Custer, Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon. Spec. 61: 888. Custer, George A. (J. G. Wilson) Cosmopol. II: 294. – Last Battle of. (C. King) Harper, 81: 378. — Mrs. Custer's Life of. (R. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) g : I3. Custom. (E. Carpenter) Fortn. 50: 136. — Confidence in, Decay of. Spec. 67: II. Custom-House, Administration and the N. Y. Nation, 46: 440. — Comedy of the. Atlan. 67: 141, 280. Customs. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. I48: 702. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 793. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 63. "Customs Duties. (E. J. Shriver) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 265. Customs Officers and their Duties. Chamb. J. 65: 694. Cuthbert, St., and his Times. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 50: 307. — Pilgrimage to his Island, in 1887. Cornh. 58: 122. Cutler, Ephraim, Cutler's Life and Times of. Nation, 5I : 59. - Cutler, Manasseh. (A. P. Peabody) N. Eng. 46: 319. — (L. R. McCabe) M. West. Hist. 9: 232. — Journals and Correspondence of. (W. H. Ray) Dial (Ch.) 9: 61. – (W. H. Whitmore) Nation, 47: 172. — Life of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 1 oz. Cutting, A. K., Case of. Pub. Opin. I : 361. — — Continental Review of. (A. Rolin) Am. Law R. 23: 329. Cybele, Sipylos and. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 3: (J. G. Wilson) Cosmopol. II: 33. Cyclades, Researches among the. (J. T. Bent) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 42. Cycle, Use of, for Military Purposes. Longm. Io: 268. Cycling. (R. J. Mecredy) Fortn. 56: 75. —(W. A. Wil- lis) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 6oo. – in Nova Scotia. (A. J. Halliday) Outing, 15: 197. — in Winter. (R. J. Mecredy) Fortn. 56: 822. — Literature of. (J. K. Hosmer) Nation, 45: 14. — Military. (C. Turner) Outing, 17: 189. —Sat. R.65: 722. 7o: 135. — Morning in the Country. (A. C. Stokes) Outing, 16: 224. – Past, Present, and Future. New R. 4: 171. (G. L. Hillier) (J. and E. R. Pennell) 108 CYPRUS Cycling, Practical Value of. (A. J. H. Crespi) Mur- ray, 8: 385. — The Progress of. Chamb. J. 65: 201. — Round about my Home. (A. C. Stokes) Outing, I7: 48. Cycling Records in England. Outing, 14: 3oo. Cycling Trip. (P. C. Darrow) Outing, I5: 426. Cyclist-Infantry. (E. Balfour) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 316. Cyclones and Anticyclones, Causes of. ford) Nature, 43: 15. — and Areas of High Pressure. (W. Ferrel) Science, 17:38. — (H. H. Clayton) Science, I7: 66. – (H. A. Hazen) Science, I7: 150. — and Currents. (S. R. Elson) Nature, 39: 69. — and Monsoons. Sat. R. 63: 3oo. — Eddies in the Atmosphere. (H. A. Hazen) Science, (H. F. Blan- I7: 346. — Eliot's Handbook of. (W. 242. — Faye's Theory of. M. Davis) Nation, 53: (H. F. Blanford) Nature, 44: — Genesis of Tropical. (II. F. Elanford) Nature, 43: 81. — Hann’s Studies on. (W. Ferrel) Science, I6: 344.— (W. M. Davis) Science, I7: 4. — (H. H. Clayton) Science, I7: Io. — Incurvature of the Winds in Tropical. (H. F. Blan- ford) Nature, 38: 181. — Precipitation and, (H. H. Clayton) Nature, 38: 301. — Tropical. (E. Hayden) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 565. Cyclone, The , a poem. (M. Goldsmith) Cosmopol. Io: 294. - Cyclopædias, Chambers's and Alden's. Lit. W. (Bost.). 19: II9. See Encyclopaedias. Cyclostyle, The. J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 325. Cygnus, Milky Way in. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I4: 188. — Wolf and Rayet’s Bright-Line Stars in. gins and Wife) Sid. Mess. Io: 49. Cymric Courtship, A. All the Year, 62: 132–175. Cynic, My Friend the. To-Day, II: 158. Cynical Miss Catherwaight, The. (R. H. Davis) Cent. I9: 221. Cypress, Bald, Knees of. (R. C. H. Lamborn) Science, I5: 65. Cypriote Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum. Cath. World, 46: 165. —(W. H. Goodyear) Cath. World, 46: 489. Cyprus, Island of. (H. R. Haggard) Contemp. 51:878. — After Twelve Years of British Rule. (R. H. Lang) Macmil. 63: 17. — Archaeological Discoveries in. (J. A. R. Munro) Ath. ’90, I: 250. – British Occupation of. Ed. R. I73: 438. — Discontent in. (W. D. Hogarth) Fortn. 52: 245. — England in the Mediterranean. (H. A. Perry) Na- tional, 9: 554. — Excavations in. Ath. '88, I: 769. — (E. A. Gardner) Ath. '89, I: 320. — (J. A. R. Munro) Ath. '89, I: 416, 446. — Ath. 'go, I : 613. — — in 1887–88. (E. A. Gardner and others) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 147. — — in 1888. Am. Arch. 24: 209. — Exploration in. Ath. '88, I: 282, 314. — (D. G. Ho- garth) Ath. '88, I: 575. — Exploration Fund. Acad. 34: 59.- (S. Colvin) Acad. 36: 76. — Hogarth’s Archaeology of. (J. R. S. Sterrett) Na- tion, 5 I: 114. — Ath. '90, I : 53. — in the Cuneiform Inscriptions. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 34: IQ2. — Mallock on. Ath. '89, 2: 701. – Spec. 63: 762. (W. Hug- CYPRUS Cyprus, Monoliths in. (F. H. H. Guillemard) Ath. '88, I: 474. (S. P. Oliver) Ath. '88, 2: 359. — Revolt, 1765–6. Sat. R. 64: 478. — Scenes in. (W. H. Mallock) Scrib. M. 4: 259. — since the British Occupation. (C. G. Hake) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 788. — Smith's. Spec. 60: Io93. — under British Rule. Blackw. I43: 194. — (U. R. Burke) National, II: Io9. Czacki, Cardinal Wladimir. Month, 64: 164. Czartoryski, Prince Adam. Ed. R. 166: 520. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 451. – Sat. R. 64; 399. – Lond. Q. 73: 306. – (A. Tanzer) Nation, 47: 297. – Quar. I70: So. Same art. Liv. Age, I85; 195. — West. M. 128: 577. —Spec. 61: 576. — (C. A. Fyffe) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 392. Czar's Diamond, The. (Bliss Perry) Scrib. M. 9: 753. <-- (Lady Herbert of Lea) Dabney, Dr. Robert Lewis, at Malvern Hill. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 376. a 9 Dabney, T. S. G., a Southern Planter. Atlan. 61: 835. Dacia, Roman Province. (T. Hodgkin) Eng. Hist. R. 2: Ioo. — (F. Haverfield) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 734. Dacoity in Upper Burma. (H. D. Keary) National, I5: 592. “Daddy.” (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 42: 452. addy's Boy. (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. I6: 339–818. Dad's Grave. (J. E. Smith) Harper, 83: 285. Daffodils. Chamb. J. 67: 65. “Dago,” The, What Shall we do with Him? Morgan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 172. Dahomey, French Quarrel with. (A. P. Crouch) 19th Cent. 28: 601. — King of. (J. W. Watson) No. Am. I45: Dairies, Associated, American System of. kins) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 46. Dairy, Chemistry of. (V. Cornish) Knowl. I4: 147. — of C. Bolle in Berlin. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 29: 624. - Dairy Produce. (A. • * * j} ) • (H. M. Jen- Quar. 165: 298. Dairy Schools. (W. S. B. M'Laren) Fortn. 49: 418. Dairying in California. (R. G. Sneath) Overland, m. s. II: 387. – (F. E. Sheldon) Overland, m. s. 17: 337– 449. Dakota. (P. F. McClure) Harper, 78: 347. — Black Hills of. (C. E. Bishop) Chaut. 7: 538. – Home of the Blizzard. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 3: I2. Dalbono, Edoardo. Dale, John Andrews. Dalecarlia, A Trip to. pol. 7: 369. Dalhousie, J. A. B. Ramsay, Marquis of, Life of, by Hunter. Sat. R. 69: 579. — Ath. 'go, I: 560. — Life of, by Sandars. Sat. R. 68: 204. — Trotter's Life of. Ath. '89, 2: 284. Dallam, Thomas. Mission to Turkey, 1598. Antiq. m. s. I8: 5, 55. Dallas, George M., Letters of. M. II: 454. Dallas, Mrs. Isabel Glyn. (C. W. Franklyn) Theatre, 23: I 3. - Dallas, W. S. Acad. 37: 393. – Nature, 41: 132. Dalmatia. Dub. R. Io2: 234. — and the Quarnero, Jackson's. Ed. R. 167: 81. – (W. P. P. Longfellow) Nation, 46: 34. — (H. F. Tozer) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 367. — Spec. 6o: 1390. — Picturesque. Chaut. II: 442. Dalou, Jules. (W. C. Brownell) Cent. 19: 17. Dalton, Herman, and his Writings. (H. J. Ruetenik) Ref. Q. 37: 366. (H. Zimmern) Art J. 40: 45. Acad. 33: 26. (W. W. Thomas, jr.) Cosmo- (F. J. Dreer) Pennsyl. 109 DANE Daltonism in Ethics. Daly, Augustin. 25 : 35. – The Great Unknown. Theatre, 25: 136. - His Company in As You Like It. (C. Howard) Theatre, 25: 90. — — in Taming of the Shrew. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 21 : Io. — Nancy and Company. Theatre, 25: 79. – Plays in London. Sat. R. 69: 731. 7o: 73, Ioš. — Railroad of Love. (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 20: 3I 5. Damala, Jacques. Acad. 36: 125. Damascus, Arabic Library at. Ath. 'go, I: 149. — A Day in. (H. Victor) Murray, 6: 700. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 678. — Life in. Cornh. 61: 639. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 798. Damask, Napery, and Needlework. J. 43: 177. Dame Wiggins of Lee, Authorship of. ’87, 2: 711. Damien, Father. (B. Feeling) Am. Cath. Q. 15: 711. — (R. L. Stevenson) Critic, I6: 263. — (T. R. E. Holmes) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89) : 339. – Cosmopol. 7: 527. – (E. H. Hickey) Leis. Hour, 36: 40. — (B. Whitman) Lend a H. 4: 483. — Month, 66: 457. — (E. Clifford) Spec. 63: 302. — and the Lepers. (E. Clifford) 19th Cent. 25: 689, 868. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 548. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 807. — (A. Ballantyne) Longm. I4: 66. Same art. Liv. Age, I81 : 501. — and Leprosy in India. (E. Clifford) Fortn. 52: 140. – Clifford on. Spec. 63: II6. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 267. — Detachment of. Spec. 62: 821. — Letters of. Month, 66: 395. Damon, Robert. Acad. 35: 327. Damp Journey on a Down Grade, A. Outing, I3: 117. Dampier, William, Russell's Life of. Spec. 68: 84. Dan Dunn's Outfit. (J. Ralph) Harper, 83: 880. Dan Hooper the Unlucky; a story. (J. E. Cooke) Cosmopol. 3: 252. Dan Miller's Death. I69. Dana, Richard Henry, sr. (J. H. Morse) Critic, II: 239. Dana, Richard Henry, jr. Atlan. 67: 266. - – Adams's Life of. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 52: 53. — (E. P. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) II: 379. — (H. A. Hill) And. R. I5: 482. Dances, Country. Cornh. 58: 612. - Dancing as a Fine Art. (J. S. Rowbotham) National, I5: 356. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 16. — Eldest of the Arts. (E. Bisland) Cosmop. Io: 643. — The Magic of, is Sorcery Sweet. (P. Hayman) The- atre, 26: 237. — Minuets and Gavottes. Sat. R. 63: 661. — Music and, in Nature. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. I5: (E. R. Clay) Westm. I29: 500. Casting the Boomerang. Theatre, - (F. A. Marshall ; P. (R. C. Gill) Art (A. Hall) Ath. (R. K. Wing) (F. Donaldson, jr.) Harv. Mo. 4: 597. — Philosophy of. Ecl. M. Io9: 117. — Plain Words about. (J. Oliphant) Westm. I36: 59. Dancing Bear; a story. (K. S. Macquoid) Leis. Hour, 38: 18.1–420. Dandelion, Parachute of. (A. S. Wilson) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 22. – Ecl. M. I 16: 322. Dandies, In the Days of the. Blackw. I47: I, 169, 313. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 305, 561. Dandridge, Danske. (E. Cavazza) Writer, 5: 255. Dandyism. Temp. Bar, 88: 527. Dane, Nathan, with portrait. (H. A. Chaney) Green Bag, 3: 548. DANES Danes at Barking, Guthram, Daneking and the. (E. T. Norris) Gent. M. n. s. 41 : 370. Danegeld, Alleged Debate on, in 1163. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist, R. 5: 750. Dangerous Catspaw. (D. C. Murray and H. Murray) Longm. I2: 449, 561. I3: 1-418. Dangerous Friend; a story. (C. Bird) Belgra. 63: 360. D'Anglade, Trial of. Green Bag, I : 260. Daniel, Gen. Junius. (R. T. Bennett) So. Hist. Pap. I8: 340. Daniel, Mr. Justice, Dissenting Opinions of. Brown) Am. Law R. 21: 869. Daniell, E. T. Acad. 37: 379. Danish Artist Family, A. (C. M. Waage) Overland, m. s. I5: 370. Danish Drama of To-Day. (W. Archer) Fortn. 53: 682. Danish Literature, 1886–7. (V. Petersen) Ath. '87, 2: 9. — 1887–8. (V. Petersen) Ath. '88, 2: 8. — 1888–9. (V. Petersen) Ath. '89, 2: 9. — 1889–90. (V. Petersen) Ath. '90, 2: 9. — 1890–1. (V. Petersen) Ath. '91, 2: 11. Danovitch; a Russian Romance. Blackw. I50: 500. Dante Alighieri. Ath. '88, I: 46, 753. — Lond. Q. 68: 63. — (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 19: 762. – and Arnaut, Daniel. (P. Toynbee) Acad. 35: 256. — and Beatrice. (J. A. Symonds) Contemp. 58: 412. — (C. Tomlinson) Acad. 37: 253. – (R. H. Busk) Acad. 37: 287. — and his Times. (C. B. Pallen) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 681. — and the New Reformation. (J. W. Cross) 19th Cent. 27: 327. — Beatrice of. Ed. R. I74: 57. — Carducci and. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 46: 133. — Cary's Translation, Coleridge on. Ath. '88, I: 17. (H. B. — Chapman's. Atlan. 66: 853. — Charge of Heresy against. (R. Parsons) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 714. tº — De Vulgari Eloquentia. (E. Moore) Acad. 38; I44. — Il Convito, Hillard's Translation of. (E. Moore) Acad. 35: 264. — (G. R. Carpenter) Nation, 49: 16. — — Sayer's Translation. Ath. '87, 2: 174. — Divina Commedia. Contributions to Textual Crit- icism. Church Q. 31: 230. — — Fay's Concordance to. (G. R. Carpenter) Nation, 47: 338. — — Moore's Contributions. Nation, 49: 294. —Spec. 63: 719. — — Moore's Time References in. Nation, 44; 322. — — Norton’s Translation. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 53: 356, 377. —(W. M. Payne) Dial (Ch.) I2: 218. —Sat. R. 72: 707. — — Plumptre's. (E. Moore) Acad. 33: 19, 62. — (W. B. Carpenter) Contemp. 50: 851. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 171. — Ath. '87, I : 90. – Lond. Q. 7o: 73. – (C. E. Norton) Nation, 44: IO2. — Spec. 60: 692. — Spec. 61: 387. — (M. R. Vincent) N. Princ. 4; 349. — — Scartazzini's Handbook to. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: I31. -* — Hazelfoot's Translation. Ath. '87, 2: 48. — Imperialism of. (A. R. Wall) Poet-Lore, 2: 501. — Inferno, Congruence of Sins and Punishments in. (J. A. Scartazzini) J. Spec. Philos. 22: 21. — — Fourth Canto of. (J. J. Chapman) Atlan. 66: 647. — In the Footsteps of. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 47: 266. — in Politics. Sat. R. 63: 594. — Introduction to the Study of, Symonds's. Church Q. 32: 519. — Letters of, Latham's Translation of. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 53: 339. — (W. M. Payne) Dial (Ch.) I2: 2 IQ. — Life of, The Known in. 52 : 504. (G. R. Carpenter) Nation, 110 DARTMOUTH Dante Alighieri, Moore's Early Biographers of. (P. Toynbee) Acad. 38; 583. — (C. E. Norton) Nation, 51: 307. – Sat. R. 7o: 232. — Ath. 'go, I : 636. – Plumptre on. (R. Brindley) Cong. R. 2: 413. — A poem. Macmil. 61: 30. – Political Ideal of. Church Q. 30: 50. – Purgatorio. Vernon's Readings. Sat. R. 69: 80. — Ath. '90, I: 431. – Spec. 63: 847. — References to Alexander the Great in. and others) Acad. 35: 58, 75, 96. — Revelations of the After-World. 19th Cent. 2 I : 286. — Scartazzini's Prolegomeni on. — Student Life of. (E. Moore (H. I. D. Ryder) Church Q. 32: 358. (L. D. Pychowska) Cath. World, 5I: 767. 52: 61. — Symonds's Introduction to. (C. E. Norton) Nation, 5: 271. – Theology and Ethics of. (E. Caird) Contemp. 57: 808. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 131. — Tomb of. (E. Moore) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 635. — Translations of. Church Q. 25: 412. – Wilstach’s Translation. (G. R. Carpenter) Nation, 48: 163. Dante Literature, Recent. Atlan. 68: 838. Danube River and Its Trade. (Sir J. Stokes) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 559, 657. — Down the, to Constantinople. M. m. s. 39: 245. Danvers, Margaret Newport, Lady. Atlan. 63: 549. Danvers, Mass., Inscriptions at. Reg. 44; 147, 279. Danvers Jewels, The ; a story. Temp. Bar, 79: I- 383. Da Ponte, Lorenzo. (J. Ross) Macmil. 65 : 53. Dara, Visit to. (W. F. Ainsworth) Antiq. m. s. I7: 233. Darenth. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. I 8: 28. Darien, Isthmus of, Trip to. (R.U. Goode) Nat. Geog. M. I : 301. Dark Ages, Myths of the. Cath. Q. I3: 589. Dark Deed, A. (E. B. Leighton) Argosy, 45: 238. Dark Dress–Wig ; a story. (A. M. Heathcote) Belgra. (Theo. Child) Gent. (L. I. Guiney) (S. P. Fowler) N. E. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. 65: 192. Dark Horse; a story. (G. A. Hibbard) Cosmopol. 8: 86. Dark Mary and the Good People. Irish Mo. I7: 14 I. Darley, Felix O. C. Am. Arch. 23: 177. Darley, G. Poems. Sat. R. 72: 255. Darling, Grace. (E. A. Gowing) Belgra. 74; 248. Darlington, W. M. Pennsyl. M. I3: 375. Darmesteter, Arsène. Ath. '88, 2: 699. – Acad. 34: 340, 374. Darmesteter, Madame. Frances. Darnley, J. H. The Solicitor. Theatre, 25: 85. Darrell, Wild. (H. Hall) Ath. '87, 2: 311. Darrell Girls, The. (L. Tinsley) Tinsley, 40: 1-401. Dartford Brent. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. I7: 213. Dartmoor, Eng. Cornh. 56; 508. — (G. Allen) Eng. Illust. 7: 143. — (J. L. W. Page) Portfo. 20; 7–65. — Sat. R. 68: 22. — Crosses of. Sat. R. 64: 765. — Geology of. Cornh. 61 : 267. Dartmouth, Beautiful. Chamb. J. 66: 545. Dartmouth College, Chase's History of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 53: 198. — Church in, History of. (F. Chase) Granite Mo. I3: 6 See Robinson, Agnes Mary cº-º- E. Wheelock and. (S. C. Bartlett) Granite Mo. II: 277. DARWIN Darwin, Charles. (J. L. Morrow) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 605. – Chamb. J. 65: 49. — Dub. R. IO2: 336. — Church Q. 26: 31. —Lond. Q. 7o: 93. — and Agnosticism. (F. W. H. Myers) Fortn. 49: 99. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 628. — and Asa Gray. (J. Cook) Our Day, I : 315. — Boyhood of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 208. — Brilliant Fallacy of. (St. G. Mivart) Forum, 7: 99. — Glimpses at his Working Life. (W. H. Larrabee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 619. — How he became an Agnostic. (E. Walmsley) Month, 62: 496. — Journal of Researches. (A. B. McMahan) Dial (Ch.) II : 59. * — Life and Letters. Quar. IG6: 1. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 451. – Murray, 3: I45. — Blackw. I43: IoA. – (E. Walmsley) Month, 62: 168, 376. — (D. S. Jordan) Dial (Ch.) 8: 215. – N. Princ. 5: 280. — Cath. World, 46: 756. — Atlan. 61 : 560. — Scot. R. II: 346. – Ed. R. I.67: 407. – Bib. Sac. 45: 366. – N. Eng. 48: 155. — (T. Hill) Unita. R. 29: 385. —Westm. I28: II36. — (A. Geikie) Contemp. 52: 757. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 3. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 219. — Ath. '87, 2: 713. —Spec. 6o: 1619. — (A. Gray) Nation, 45: 399, 42O. — Sat. R. 64: 701. – Knowl. II: 65, 84. — Method of Composition. (H. H. Brown) Author, I: 66. — on Classical Studies. Nation, 46: 72. — on Coral Reefs. See Coral Islands. — on Herbert Spencer. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 46: 181. — Personal Limitations of. IO: 437. — Religious Life of. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. R. 9:569. — Some Memories of. (L. A. Nash) Overland, n. s. I6: 404. — Theories of. (N. Porter) N. Eng. 48: 205. — vs. Lamarck. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 39: 428. Darwinism. (G. J. Romanes; E. R. Lankester) Na- ture, 40: 645. 4I: 9, 59. — and the Christian Faith. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 108–322. — and the Origin of Reason. (T. B. Saunders) Scot. R. I4; 337. — Anti-Darwinism Fallacies. rum, 7: 513. — as a Philosophy. 29: I66, 265, 330. — Early Days of. (A. Newton) Macmil. 57: 241. —- Ethical Import of. (J. H. Hyslop) And. R. 9: 203. —(W. James) Nation, 45 : 376. – The Fittest and the Luckiest — Which Survives? (G. W. Bulman) National, 18: 58. – in the Nursery. (L. Robinson) 19th Cent. 30: 831. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 846. — The New. (J. T. Cunningham) Westm. I36: 14. - Pascoe against. (R. Meldola) Nature, 43: 409. — Recent Critics of. (G. J. Romanes) Contemp. 53: 836. – (E. B. Poulton and others) Nature, 38: 295, 364, 388, 413. — Reply to Recent Criticisms. Cent. 27: 823. — Sting of. Lond. Q. 70: 337. – Wallace on. (J. C. F. Grumbine) Unita. R. 32: 445. — (S. H. Peabody) Dial (Ch.) Io: 127. – Nation, 49: 354. – (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 40: 567. — Month; 67: 321. – (A. J. Mott) National, 15: 65. — (H. Goodwin) 19th Cent. 27: 408. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 3. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 75. – (G. J. Romanes) Contemp. 56: 244. Same art. Science, I5: 150. Same art. Ecl. M. 113: 393. —Sat. R. 67: 68o. — Ath. '89, I: 828. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 268. (W. N. Clarke) Bapt. R. (G. J. Romanes) Fo- (Duke of Argyll.) Good Words, (G. J. Romanes) 19th 111 DAVIS Darwinism : Where it Fails. (St. G. Mivart) Forum, 7 : 264. Date Palm ; a Valuable Tree for California. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n.s. I5: 73. Date Palms and Dates. Cornh. 57: 520. Same art. Ecl. M. I I I : 27. Dateless Bargain. (C. L. Pirkis) All the Year, 59:21, 43. Daudet, Alphonse. (G. Saintsbury) Critic, I3: 236. – Spec. 63: 304. – L'Immortel. Blackw. I44; 427. – (Helen Campbell) Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 264. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 68. — Reminiscences. Spec. 61: 417. – Struggle for Existence. Westm. I33: 163. — Sat. R. 70: 372. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 9. — Sunday Morning with. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Critic, I2: 49. — Trente Ans de Paris. Blackw. I44; 419. — (Mrs. M. Lord) 19th Cent. 28: 248. Daughter of Lilith, A, and a Daughter of Eve. (K. B. Davis) Arena, 3: 212. Daughter of the South ; a story. son) Cosmopol. I2: I61. Daughter's Heart. (Mrs. H. L. Cameron) Lippinc. 48: I31. Daughters, Fathers and. 54: 64. Daumier, the Caricaturist. (H. James) Cent. I'7: 402. Dauphiné, Wayfaring in. Macm. 56: 46. Dave's Neckliss. (C. W. Chesnutt.) Atlan. 64: 500. Daveiss, Jo. Amer. 20: 189. Davenport, Fanny, Some Childish Memories of. Lip- pinc. 42: 565. Davenport, Robert. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 54: 774. David, Barnabas B. (J. G. Davis) Bay State Mo. 3: 69. David; a story. 363. David Deen ; a story. ('89–90): 278. David Garrick. See Robertson, Thomas William. David Todd. Overland, n. s. Io: 539. (Mrs. Burton Harri- (Mrs. Humphry) Lond. Soc. (M. D. Adams) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): (J. C. Martyn) Un. Serv. M. 4 Davidson, Lt. Col. David. Autobiography. Ath. '90, I : 493. Davies, Evan. Acad. 33: 150. Davies, Sir John. (H. McCulloch, jr.) Harv. Mo. II: 9. Davis, David. Pub. Opin. I : 223. Davis, Isaac, M. D., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 159. Davis, Jefferson. Nation, 49: 470. — Sat. R. 68: 681. — (J. W. Daniel) So. Hist. Pap. I7: I I 3. — (J. Scheibert) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 406. — and the Lost Cause. Pub. Opin. I : 61. — Bailing of. (G. P. Lathrop) Cent. II: 636. — House of, in Richmond. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 326. — Pursuit and Capture of. (J. H. Wilson and W. P. Stedman) Cent. I7: 586. Davis, John, The Navigator. Month, 68: 536. — Markham's Life of. Spec. 63: 589. — Ath. '89, 2: 667. — (I. James) Ath. '89, 2: 744. Davis, John Francis. Ath. '90, 2: 701. — Acad. 38: (H. D. Teetor) M. 475. Davis, Nathan S., M. D., with portrait. M. West. Hist. II : 216. Davis, Reuben, Recollections of. Atlan. 65: 225. Davis, Richard H. (D. A. Curtis) Author, 3: 17. Davis, Thomas, the Irish Patriot. (J. O'Hagan) Con- temp. 58: 592. — (T. W. Rolleston) Acad. 38: 103. — Irish Mo. I6: 261–335. — (J. O'Hagan) Irish Mo. I9 : I. — Duffy's Life of. Cath. World, 53: 746. (J. T. Morse, jr.) DAVIS Davis, Thomas Osborne. 48o. Davitt, Michael. Irish Statistics. Contemp. 53: 661. Davos. (G. S. Macquoid) Leis. Hour, 37: 258. —(W. L. Liston) Leis. Hour, 40: 844. — Blackw. I5o: 525. Davy, Sir Humphrey. All the Year, 63: 175. Davy Jones's Locker. All the Year, 6.5: 499. Dawdling. Irish Mo. I5: 139. Dawes, H. L., on the Crisis. 289. Dawn Song. (D. Robertson) Theatre, 18: 201. Dawson, Capt. Francis W. Month, 66: 273. Dawson, Henry. Sat. R. 7I: 270. Dawson, Henry B., with portrait. Reg. 44; 233. Day, Francis. Ath. '89, 2: 101. — Acad. 36: 42. Day, What is a ? Chamb. J. 64: 568. Day after To-Morrow. (R. L. Stevenson) [Contemp.] Critic, Io; 258. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 307. Same art. Ecl. M. Io&: 753. Day and a Night, A.; a story. (S. de Havilland) Belgra. 65: I54. Day at Laguerre's, A. (F. H. Smith) Cent. 20: 323. Day at Two Lights, The a story. (C. P. Woolley) New Eng. M. m. s. I ; 20I. Day of the Cyclone, The. (A. French) Scrib. M. 3: 35O. Day of My Life in Chambers. Cornh. 58: 1. Day that was Coming, The ; a story. All the Year, 64; 253. Day with a Country Doctor. 557. - Days, Physiognomy of. (E. R. Sill) Atlan. 57: 52. Day-Book, From an Old. (J. Poundstone) Overland, n. S. II : 209. Day-Dream, A. 209. Day Dream in the Daneries, A. Tinsley, 41 : 525. Daylight, Penetration of, into the Waters of Lake Geneva and of the Mediterranean. Nature, 39: Prose Writings. Spec. 64: (G. Wyndham) (H. White) Nation, 44: (J. A. Todd) N. E. (F. French) Scrib. M. 8: (B. M. Butt) Gent. M. m. s. 39: (W. G. Smythies) 343. Dayton, O., Soldiers' Home, Housekeeping in. (C. R. Conover) Am. M. 8: 339. “De Aleatoribus,” Harnack on. Dub. R. IO4: 427. De New Boss; a story. (M. R. Floyd) Cosmopol. 3: I35. Deacons and Secular Employments. Church Q. 25: 286. — Nonconformist, Welsh. Sat. R. 72: 418. — Secular and Honorary. (A. J. H. Crespi) National, I4; 36. Deacon Pheby's Selfish Natur. (A. T. Slosson) Harper, 8o: 709. Deacon's Wooing. (H. F. King) M. Am. Hist. 24: 192. Deaconess, Ministry of the. (L. H. Jordan) Presb. R. Io: 624. Deaconesses and their Training. (M. A. E. Twing) Church R. 63: 42. - — European. (C. M. Mead) And. R. g.: 561. — in America. (E. E. Holding) M. Chr. Lit. I : 32. — Work of. (G. U. Wenner) Luth. Q. 19: 280. Dead, Concerning the. Sat. R. 67: 68. — Disposal of the. (B. Taylor) Scot. R. I.5: 256. — — Ideal; Sanitary Entombment. (C. R. Treat) Am. Arch. 27: 24. — — Sanitary. (C. A. Harvey) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 362. Same art. Am. Arch. 26: 264. — Estimate of ; Moral Perspective. Atlan. 66: 424. – Festival of the, in Japan. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 68: 382. 11 2 DEATHS “Dead, Going with the.” Spec. 63: 549. Dead Fairy, A. (F. Madoc) Lond. Soc. 55: 277. Dead Hand, A.; a story. All the Year, 67: 302. Dead Heart ; a story. (P. Fitzgerald) Belgra. 70: I39. “Dead Heart, The,” and “A Tale of Two Cities,” Truth about. (J. Coleman) New R. I : 542. Dead Letter, A.; a story. All the Year, 63: 469. Dead Letter, A.; a story. (E. G. Roberts) Tinsley, 47: 5 I 7. Dead Man's Island and the Ghost Ship. M. Am. Hist. 24; 212. Dead Man's Vengeance; a story. Blackw. 143: 374. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 6oo. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 14. Dead Reckoning, A.; a story. J. 66: 579–818. Deadwood Coach, The. Chamb. J. 65: 667. Deaf, The, and the Blind. Quar. 170: 59. - Enumeration of, in the Census. Science, I5: 44. - Education of the. (A. E. Street) Macmil. 63: 364, — (C. E. D. Black) National, I4: 256. — — A. M. Bell on. (W. G. Jenkins) Science, 16: 86, (A. M. Bell) 135, (W. G. Jenkins) 163, (B. Engels- mam) 219, (P. G. Gillett) 248. — — Articulating System for, Introduction of, into America. (G. G. Hubbard) Science, I6: 337. – Horace Mann School for the. (E. L. Hobart) Ed- llca. 9; 322. — Industrial Training of. (E. M. Gallaudet and oth- ers) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 91. – Instruction of. Sat. R. 69: 146. — (A. L. E. Crou- ter) Science, I7: 141. — — New Departure in. I7: I43. — — Oral. (B. St. J. Ackers) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 541. — (G. W. Dasent) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 153, — — Teaching them to Talk. (J. G. Shaw) Gent. M. 11. S. 43 : 504. * — Intermarriage of. (P. G. Gillett) Science, I6: 355. — (A. G. Bell) Science, I6: 358. — — and Offspring of. (P. G. Gillett) Science, 17: 57. – Teaching of. Leis. Hour, 36: I 77. Deaf-Mute Pupil, Virgil Williams’ Art Notes to a. D’Estrella) Overland, n. s. 9: 285. Deafness. (J. Payn) Forum, 7: 339. — Hereditary. (J. Williams) Science, I7: 76. Dean, George Alfred Henry. Acad. 39: 513. Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass. (H. I. Cushman) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 150. Dean Malton's Resolve ; a story. Chamb. J. 66: 428. Dean's Sister, The. Cornh. 58: 13. Deane, Silas, Letters of. Pennsyl. M. II: 199. Deane, William J. Pseudepigrapha. (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 6: 301. Dear Cousin Henry ; a story. (E. Read) Belgra. 64: 89, 234. Dear Lady Dorothy. Soc. 53: 369. Dearborn Observatory, Evanston, Ill. (H. A. John- son; G. W. Hough) Sid. Mess. 8: 341. Dease, Gerald R., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 579. Death. (W. E. Wilson) Church R. 49: 269. — and Life, Paradox of. (W. B. Carpenter) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 40. — as viewed in Scripture. Evang. R. 36: 12. – Dread of. (J. H. Browne) Forum, 6: 212. , – “Moriendum est omnibus.” (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 531. — Origin of. (E. Clodd) Longm. I5: 322. Deaths by Misadventure. All the Year, 65; 64. (D. Turner) (T. W. Speight) Chamb. (E. M. Gallaudet) Science, (T. (Mrs. H. W. Chetwynd) Lond. (J. Barneby) Brit. & For. IDEATH (A. C. Stevens) Am. Statis. Death Rate, Commercial. Assoc. 2: 186. Death-Card ; a story. Argosy, 43: supp. 1. Death Valley. (R. S. Dix) Chaut. I3: 629. Deborah, Song of ; Metrical Paraphrase. (T. H. Rich) J. Bib. Lit. I : 56. Debt, Imprisonment for. (M. D. Chalmers) Fortn. 50: 337. — of Great Britain, Conversion of. Sat. R. 65: 231, 3I4, 340. — of the U. S., Payment of. (A. S. Piatt) No. Am. I45: 180. — — Refunding. (H. C. Adams) Forum, 4: 367. Debts, Public, Adams's. (H. White) Nation, 45; 195, 2I 7. — — of Europe. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 97-674. — — and Private. (R. P. Porter) No. Am. I53: 61 o. — — Debt-Paying Practices among the Chinese. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 542. Debt of Honor; a story. 46: 30. Decalogue, Preface to. Ref. R. 2: 122. De Camp, John R., with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 190. Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel, Charles Clement's. Arch. 2 I : 286. Decapitation, Modes of. ('89–90): 419. December. All the Year, 60: 508. — Dark Days of. Chamb. J. 65: 817. — Out-of-Doors. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 64: 752. acentralization, Military. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 129. Deception, Psychology of. (J. Jastrow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34; I45. Dechen, Heinrich von. Decimal and Metric Systems. (M. C. Birchenough) Argosy, (T. W. Chambers) Presb. & (H. D. Teetor) M. Am. (H. Dillon) Un. Serv. M. 4 Acad. 35: 170. Westm. I31: 280. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 6oo. Decimal Coinage. (F. J. Mimasi) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 603– 628. — Weights and Measures. (J. E. Dowson) J. Soc. Arts, 39; 20I. Decimal System. — of Measures of 17th Century. Sci. I4I : 22. Decimalizing of the Coinage. Longm. Io: 517. Decisions, Legal Retrospective. Law R. 22: 523. Declamation Exercise, Possibilities in a. Acad. (Syr.) 3: 186. Declaration of Independence, The. M. Am. Hist. 20: 479. — Ethics of. (R. M. Black) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 138. - — Eve of. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 62: 612. — in Savannah, Ga. (C. C. Jones, jr.) M. Am. Hist. 2O: 2O2. — Pennsylvania and. (C. Atherton) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 591. (J. H. Goré) Am. J. (W. W. Hardwicke) (J. B. Heiskell) Am. (M. M. Baldwin) (C. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. M. 13: 385. Decline and Fall; a story. M. 8: 225. Declined with Thanks; a story. ley, 47; 33. Décolleté in Modern Life, The. 9: 670. — Miss Cleveland's Line. mopol. I: I78. Decoration. (G. Aitchison) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 907–931. — and Furniture of Town Houses. (R. W. Edis) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 821–885. — for Electric Lighting. 278. (A. E. Trumbull) Scrib. (E. Haim Tins- (E. S. Phelps) Forum, (Mrs. E. C. Stanton) Cos- (A. M. Gordon) Fortn. 55: 113 DEFOE Decoration, Italian. (A. Melani) Am. Arch. 32: 135, 197. 34; 7, 184. – Principles of. (G. Aitchison) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 390. — Surface. (W. Pitman) J. Soc. Arts, 18: 378. Decorations, European Craze for. tegg) Cent. I3: 643. Decoration Day Revery, A. I O2. Decorative Art. (H. A. Kennedy) Contemp. 55; 427. — The Alcanthus, the Lotus, and the Honeysuckle. (L. Dyer) Art J. 4I: 269. See also Lotus. — Ecclesiastical, in America. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Am. Arch. 21: 279. – New York Society of. Lend a H. 1: 607. — Pictorial Art and. (W. W. Fenn) Art J. 43: 286. Decorative Arts, Imitation in, Principle of. (T. Pur- die) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 329. Decoys, Duck-. Spec. 60: 150. Dedications. All the Year, 69: 306. — of Books, Wheatley on. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 153. — Poetical. (L. Hutton) N. Princ. 6: 113. Dee, Dr. John, Mathematician and Astrologer. All the Year, 63: 8o. — Lond. Q. 72: 42. Deedless Drama, A.; a story. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. 7: 378. Deep-Sea Soundings; Agassiz's Three Cruises of the (E. von Hesse-War- (B. Matthews) Cent. 18: U. S. S. Blake. Am. J. Sci. I35: 495. See Sea, The. Deep-Sea Springs; a poem. (E. M. Thomas) Atlan. 68: 485. Deer and Deer Hunting in California. (J. A. A. Robin- son) Overland, n. s. I6: 175. — Fawns in the “Fence-Months.” — Red, Home of, in England. 487. Deer Forêsts and Highland Agriculture. Soc. Arts, I4; 324. — Past, Present, and Future. Spec. 67: 91. (C. Turner) Outing, 18: (L. Levi) J. (G. Malcolm) 19th Cent. 21: 683. Deer-Hunting in Norway. (H. Pottinger) Fortn. 55: 229. — My First Stag. Murray, 6: 228. Deer-Park, An English. (R. Jefferies) Cent. I4: 8o3. Deer-Shooting, Recollections of. (J. Munro) National, I2: 308. Deer-Stalking, Day’s. (W. Black) Longm. I3: 173. – in the Indian Territory. (F. J. Hagan) Outing, 19: 2I. Deerfield, Mass. : Forty Years of Frontier Life. Sheldon) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 236. Defective Classes. (A. O. Wright) Lend a H. 7: 34. — Industrial Training of. (E. M. Gallaudet and oth- ers) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 91. Defendant, Testimony of. Sat. R. 7I: 640. Defending the Cutchery; a story. (Ida Scott) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 417. Defenses, Our National. (G. (L. H. Squires) Univ. Q. 44: 485. Defensive, The. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 513. '88, I: 16. Definitions wanted — Theological. (J. McCann) Theo. Mo. 2: 217. 3: 23. — — Ecclesiastical. (J. McCann) Theo. Mo. 4: 113. Defoe, Daniel. (A. Parnell) Ath. '89, I: 279. — Ath. ’89, I: 816. — Meliora, I2: 243. – (J. O. Murray) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 403. — and Mary Astell. (K. D. Bülbring) Acad. 39: 259. — Birth and Marriage of. (G. A. Aitken) Ath. 'go, 2: 257. — Brick-Kilns of. (G. A. Aitken) Ath. '89, I: 472. — Captain Singleton. Ath. '87, 2: 461. — English Gentleman. Spec. 64: 766. DEFOE 114 Defoe, Daniel, Political Career of ; its Influence on English History. (H. Harrison) Westm. 135: 512. - Wife of. (G. A. Aitken) Contemp. 57: 232. De Goncourt, Edmond and Jules: Two Brothers and their Friends. (M. A. De Belloc) Ecl. M. I. 17: 758. Deº at Cambridge (England), The New. Nature, 36: 196. Deism and Sir James Stephen. Lond. Q. 69: 362. Dekker, Eduard Douwes. Ath. '87, I : 416. Dekker, Thomas. (A. C. Swinburne) 19th Cent. 21: 81. — Plays of. (J. A. Symonds) Acad. 35: 137. Delacroix, F. W. Eugéne. Sat. R. 63: 815. - Vernon's. Art J. 39: 403. De La Field, Richard. (E. Hogan) Month, 71: 34, 227. Delagoa Bay. Sat. R. 64: 837. - Woman's Impressions of. Leis. Hour, 37: 403. Delagoa Bay Difficulty. Sat. R. 67: 780, 68: 2, 29. De La Haye, R. A. (O. Hunter-Blair) Month, 68: 73. Deland, Mrs. Margaret. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 384. — John Ward, Preacher. Church Q. 29: 339. — (G. E. Meredith) Church R. 53: 15, 135. – (F. W. Far- rar) Longm. I2: 473. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 37. — Spec. 61: 1471. — Sidney. (G. E. Meredith) Church R. 60: 298. Delany, Mrs. Mary. Temp. Bar, 86: 27. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 675. De La Pole, Richard. “White Rose.” (H. W. Wolff) Blackw. I49: 831. De La Rue, Warren. Acad. 35: 290. – Nature, 4o: 27. De La Tude, The Real. All the Year, 65: I oz. Delaunay as an Actor. Sat. R. 63: 724. Delaware, Old. Lippinc. 4I: 698. – Political Change in. Amer. I7: 215. — Some of the Beginnings of. (W. W. Taylor) M. Am. Hist. 22: 393. Delaware, Fort, Prison Pastimes at. (W. M. Owen) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 35. Delaware Indians, Legend of Origin of. (R. Errett) M. West. Hist. g.: I of . Delaware River, Swedes on the. (T. J. Chapman) M. West. Hist. I2: 121. Delayed at Las Palmas. Chamb, J. 68: 713-728. Delegation of Powers and Trusts. (A. H. Marsh) Am. Law R. 22: 74. Delibes, Léo. Sat. R. 71 : 100. De Lisle, Rudolph. Irish Mo. I5: 154. Delitzsch, Franz. (T. K. Cheyne) Acad. 37: 169. — Ath. 'go, I : 308. Delos, Island of. (R. C. Jebb) J. Hel. Stud. I : 7. Delphi, Greece. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 47. – American School at. (T. W. Ludlow) Am. Arch. 26: 263. — Excavations at. (W. J. Stillman) Nation. 48: 266. 49: 92, 169. – (C. Waldstein) Nation, 48: 383. — — American. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 307. — — Secret of Delphi. Spec. 66: 304. — the Locality and its Legends. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 64: 801. — Pilgrimage to. (P. Lefaivre) Chaut.-9: 538. — Temple of Apollo at. (J. H. Middleton) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 282. — A Trip to. (W. R. Thayer) Nation, 48: 66. Delphine. (H. Nisbet) Tinsley, 44; 313, 419. De Lucy, Richard. Ongar, and its Great Forgotten Statesman. (E. T. Norris) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 618. Deluge, The. Church Q. 27: 85. — and the Mammoth, Howorth's. Quar. I66: I 12. — Sat. R. 65: 52. – Babylonian Flood-Legend and the Hebrew Record of the. (J. D. Davis) Presb. R. Io: 415. DEMOCRATIC Deluge, Biblical and Geological. (J. W. Dawson) Contemp. 56: 884. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 213. Same art. Ecl. M. II.4: 190. — Chaldaean Account of, and Geological Objections to the Biblical Account. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 29: 904. Same art. Ecl. M. 115: 98. — Huxley on. (T. S. Potwin) N. Eng. 53: 418. — in the Izdubar Epic and in the Old Testament. (M. L. Kellner) Church R. 53: 40. – in the Light of Modern Scientific Criticism. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 28: 5. — — Answer to Huxley. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 29: I. – Noah's, and the Glacial Period. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 46: 466. – Was it Universal? (J. Gmeiner) Cath. World, 49: I 7. Delville. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. 16: 195, 274. Demagogy, Ineffective. (J. H. Morrison) Nation, 44: 289. Demean = Debase, The Verb. (Fitzedward Hall) Na- tion, 52; 377. Demeter and the Pig. (A. Lang) 19th Cent. 21 : 559. Democracy, Aberrations of. (W. Gladden) And. R. I2: 385. - – American, Eliot on. Our Day, 2: I off. — and Irish Local Government. National, I8: I. — and Justice. Spee. 64: 506. — and Law. (W. MacVeigh) N. Eng. 46: 1. – and Party in England. (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. 24; 227. — and Taste. Ecl. MI. Io9: 78. – and Wealth. (F. A. Walker) Forum, Io: 243. — British and American. Blackw. I46: 276. — Carnegie's Triumphant. (W. D. Strappini) Month, 59: 250. - (G. C. Bragdon) Cosmopol. 2: 39. — Character of, in the U. S. (W. Wilson) Atlan. 64: 577. — Ethics of. (F. J. Stimson) Scrib. M. I : 661. – Examination of some Criticisms of, (W. Clarke) To- Day, Io: 161. – in England. (H. Labouchère) Forum, 8: 531. — — Labouchère's Article on, Criticised. (W. H. Mal- lock) Fortn. 53: 185. – in Switzerland. Ed. R. I71 : 1 I 3. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 579. — Influence of, on Literature. (E. Gosse) Contemp. 59: 523. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 259. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 749. — — on Religion. Spec. 65: 517. – Perils of. (E. de Laveleye) Forum, 7: 235. – Prospects of. (E. B. Andrews) And. R. 9: 37. – The Rajah of Bhimga on. Spec. 61 : 1394. - Representative. Spec. 62: 6. – Tory Plea for the Rights of Man as against. (W. E. Hodgson) National, I4: 84. – Triumphant, in the 17th Century. (F. Legge) Na- tional, I5: 770. — The Tyranny of All the People. (F. Bellamy) Arena, 4: 180. Democratic Government, Laveleye on. (H. Dunckley) Contemp. 6o: 788. Democratic Party, The. (A. D. Morse) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 593. — Alien Relations of. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. I5: 343. — Continuance of the Rule of. (J. G. Carlisle) Forum, 4: I I 7. — Convention of, at Baltimore, 1860. (A. W. Clason) M. Am. Hist. 17: 71. — Convention of, at St. Louis, 1888. (T. B. Reed) No. Am. I47: 37. — Pub: Opin. 5: 214, 237. – Hopes of, 1889. (G. G. West) No. Am. I49: 539. DEMOCRATIC Democratic Party, Outlook of, 1887. (H. Watterson) No. Am. I45; 267. Democratic Thriftlessness. Spec. 64; 468. Damography. (Sir I). Galton) 19th Cent. 30: 210. Demon of the Double Bass. (B. Harraden) Theatre, I9: 183. Demon of the Pine Hills, The. Overland, m. s. Io: 409. Demoniae Possession. (M. H. Dziewicki) 19th Cent. 24: 579. — (H. J. Clarke) Theo. Mo. 2: 258. — and Insanity. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 433, 577. Demoniacs in Art. Sat. R. 63: 419. See Evil Spirits. Demonopathy in the 19th Century. Belgra. 74; 358. Demonstration Sketch, A. All the Year, 66: 493. De Morgan Medal, The. Nature, 43; 83. Demosthenes. (T. D. Seymour) Chaut. 9: 445. Denbigh,William Feilding, 1st Earl of. (H. Yule) Asia. R. 6: 382. endrobates. Oviposition and Nursing in the Patra- chian Genus. (H. H. Smith) Am. Natural. 21 : (S. N. Sheridan, jr.) 307. Dengie, Ramble in the Hundred of. (S. Newton) Tins- ley, 44; 151. Denmark, a Prosperous Agricultural Country. (F. M. De Borring) Fortn. 49: 707. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 724. — and Norway, New Literature of. New Princ. 3: 370. — History of. Sat. R. 7I: 663. — Peasant Emancipation in. (W. G. Sumner) Nation, 48: 123. Denny, William. Spec. 62: 455. Denominations, Blending of the. — Reflections of an Ecclesiastical Emigrant. Griffin) Unita. R. 34: 390. Density and Specific Gravity. (L. Cumming and oth- ers) Nature, 37: 584. 38; 6. – (H. M. Elder) Na- ture, 38: 55. Denver, Colorado. (E. Roberts) Harper, 76: 944. — M. West. Hist. 9: 300, 38o. — as a Railway Centre. (H. D. Teetor) M.West. Hist. Io: 386. – Bar and Bench of. (P. Wikoff) M. West. Hist. 9: 605, 764. Io: 54, 163, 312. — Schools of. Education, 8: Denver Tertiary Formation. I37: 261. Deor, Oldest English Iyric. Atlan. 67: 286. De Pauw, Washington C. (J. C. Ridpath) Meth. R. 50: 383. Depew, Chauncey M. No. Am. I46: 691. – With por- (H. H. Boyesen) Nation, 46: 17o. (R. A. 5.I. (W. Cross) Am. J. Sci. trait. M. West. Hist. 9: 3oo, 38o. Deposits of Flooded Rivers. (W. Upham) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 33. Deposits, Bank, Application of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 782. — Assignment of, by Check. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 483. — Interest on. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 219. — Public, Banks and. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 1. — Recovery of, pending Insolvency. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 45: 569. Depretis, Agostino. Sat. R. 64: 175. Deptford Dockyard. All the Year, 64: 247. De Quincey, Thomas. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 62: Ior. Same art. Ecl. M. II.5: 213. – Spec. 64: 730.-(J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 40: 241. — and the Wordsworths, Early Intercourse of. (A. H. Japp.) Cent. Ig: 853. — as an Essayist. Sat. R. 66: 329. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 45: 130. — 115 DESKS De Quincey, Thomas, Newly Discovered Papers by. New R. 3: 503. 4; 29. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 303. — Memorials of. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 52: 242. — Sat. R. 7 I : 509. — Nights and Days with. — Posthumous Works of. Io.7. — Suspiria de Profundis, Japp's. Sat. R. 71: 602. — Works, Edited by Masson. Sat. R. 69: 171. — (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) II: 35. I2; 99. De Quincey, Thomas, the Elder. Spec. 61: 999. Derby Day on Clapham Common. (T. P. Gill) Lippine. 48: 34o. Derby Race, 1887. Sat. R. 63: 763. — 1890. Sat. R. 69: 703. Derbyshire, George, with portrait. 50: 949. Derbyshire Peak, Leyland's. Dermal Sensitiveness to Pressure Changes. and Y. Motoro) Am. J. Psychol. I: 72. Derrick Vaugham, Novelist. (Edna Lyall) Murray, 5: . 433–738. Derry Castle, Wreck of the. Irish Mo. 16: II6. Dervishes, Howling. (J. P. Peters) M. Chr. Lit. I : 78. — The Nakshibendi. (H. O. Dwight) And. R. 8: 186. — Soudanese. Sat. R. 68: 163. Dervorgilla, The Lady. Irish Mo. I5: 93. Derzhävin, G. R. Ode to God. (N. H. Dole) Chaut. Io: 206. Descartes, René, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 833. — (J. P. Gordy) Meth. R. 48: 707. — and his School, Fischer's. Spec. 61: 339. – Nature, 4I : I 71. — Mask of. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 54: 906. Descent, Marriage and, Laws of, Development of. (E. B. Tylor) Anthrop. J. I8: 245. Descloizites, Three, from New Localities, Analyses of. (W. F. Hillebrand) Am. J. Sci. I37: 434. Description; How to Describe Effectively. (E. L. Mil- ler) Writer, 3: 32. — Philosophy of. (L. Masters) Writer, 3: 226. Descriptive Names in Politics. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: 462. Descriptive Writing. (F. R. Burton) Writer, I: 81. “Desdemony; ” a story. (H. Musgrave) Temp. Bar, 93: 555. Desert, Great American. 77: 232. — Great Salt, of Persia. (C. E. Biddulph) Science, I8: 323. — of Korosko, Egypt. 572. - Deserts. Cornh. 59: 303. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 54I. Deserted Meeting-House. 5 ('86–87): 363. Deserter; a story. (C. King) Lippinc. 39: 699. Deserters. All the Year, 64; 399. Desertion and the U. S. Military Prison. (J. W. Pope) Cosmopol: Io: 111. Desiccated Human Remains. Design or Chance, in Nature. I2: 13. Design as Applied to Manufactures, Recent Progress in, 1856. (G. Wallis) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 291. — Progress in, in Queen Victoria's Reign. (L. F. Day) Art J. 39: 185. Désirée, Bernadotte's Queen. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 48: 364. Desks and Writing; Leaves from a Note-Book. Mae- mil. 63: 317. (J. Hogg) Harper, 80: 446. (J. A. Noble) Acad. 4o: Bank. M. (Lond.) Sat. R. 72: 118. (G. Hall Chamb. J. 64: 822. — (F. H. Spearman) Harper, (C. Chaillé-Long) Cosmopol. 8: (W. O. Clough) N. Eng. M. Nature, 39: 36. (M. M. Curtis) And. R. DESPARD Despard, Col. Edward Marcus. All the Year, * Despatch,” Wreck of the. Nation, 53: 386. Desperate; a story. (I. Tourgueneft) Gosniopol. 5: 335. Despot of Broomsedge Cove. 6I: 95–813. 62: 68–808. Desrties, Antoine-F., Crimes of. Green Bag, 2: 307– 448. Destiny, Three Evils of. (J. T. Bent) Scot. R. Io: 369. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 123. Detaille, Edouard. (Lady E. F. S. Dilke) Cosmopol. II : 515. Detected Culprits; a story. Cornh. 64; 268. Same art. Liv. Age, I91: 2O4. Detective Measures in Suppressing Vice. stock) Our Day, 2: Io. Detective Police. Sat. R. 72: 326, 360, 383 — Ethics of. Spec. 65: 271. Determinants, Nomenclature of. (F. Muir) Nature, 38: 589. Determinism. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 691. — and Darwin's Theory. Spec. 61: 1093. Detroit, Surrender of, 1812. Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 229. Detroit Athletic Club. (J. A. Russell) Outing, 13: 2O5. Detroit Public Library, Reclassifying, etc., of. (H. M. Utley) Lib. J. I6: supp. 20. Development of Animals. (A. M. Marshall) Nature, 42: 468. De Vere, Aubrey. (D. J. O’Donahue) Irish Mo. 16: 503. — Irish Mo. I6: 607. — Essays. Ath. '88, I: 9. – (J. A. Noble) Acad. 33: 35. – Spec. 61: 171. — Atlan. 61 : 848. – (R. Brind- ley) Cong. R. 3: 52. — Legends and Records. Irish Mo. 16: 25. De Vere, Aubrey T. St. Peter's Chains. 1230. Devereux, The. All the Year, 63: 246. Devil, The. (M. Y. Duncan) Chris. Q. 7: 195. — in the Middle Ages. (A. C. Champney) National, II: 176. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 735. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 758. — Pedigree of the. (M. D. Conway) Cosmopol. 5: 171. — A Personal. (A. C. Nickerson) Unita. R. 34: 209. — A Trio of ; Lucifer, Satan, Mephistopheles. Cornh. 6o: 264. Devil-Worshipers. (M. N. Murfree) Atlan. (A. Com- Spec. 61: (L. E. Browski) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 474. Devil's Arrows, Boroughbridge. (A. D. H. Seadman) Reliquary, 3o: I. Devil's Due. (E. Nesbit) Longm. I4: 604. Devil's Passage, A.; a story. (L. Stockton) Atlan. 62: 752. Devil's Riding-Horse. See Mantis Religiosa. Devil's Round. (C. Deulin) Longm. I4: 271. Devil's Scraugh, The. Chamb. J. 64: 541. Devon and Cornwall, Holiday Trip in. (E. Salmon) Gent. M. n. s. 41: 160. — North, In the Wilds of. (L. J. Jennings) Murray, 4: 79. Devonian System in North America, Different Types of. (H. S. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I35: 51. — of North and South Devonshire. (H. S. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I39: 31. Devonport and Plymouth. All the Year, 65: 232. Devonshire. Meliora, Io: 97. — Antiquities of. Church Q. 23: 383. Devotion and Devotees. (C. E. Morland) Belgra. 75: 390. º — in Work and Worship. (D. S. Clark) And. R. I2: 604. — of Busy Souls. (A. K. H. Boyd) Sunday M. I7: 53. Devotional Reading. (F. Palmer) And. R. III: 37. DIANA Devrient, Lewis. (Janet Ross) National, 16: 200. Dew. (J. G. McPherson) Longm. I6: 667. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 375. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 115. — and Rain, Rivulet and River. (B. G. Johns) Sunday M. Ig: 737. Dewey, Melvil. Critic, I3: 319. – Appointment as N. Y. State Librarian. Lib. J. I.3: 38o. De Wolf, Calvin. 22 I. Dexter, Henry Martyn. Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 441. Dexter, Ransom, M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. II: 655. Dexter, Timothy, Knapp's Life of. E. Reg. 44; 256. – Self-Made Lord. (E. Spencer) M. Am. Hist. 24: 171. D'Eyncourt of the Lancers. (Mrs. A. Fraser) Lond. Soc. 54; 372. Dhegiha Language, The. 9 : 95. Diacetyl and some of its Derivatives. (H. F. Keller) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 302. Dialect, American. (R. L. Dawson) Writer, 4: 27. — of the Plaims, Bucolic. (L. Swinburne) Scrib. M. 2: 505. Dialects. (R. Hart) Chaut. 9: 467. – (E. A. Oldham) Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 208. $ Dialect Spelling. (Mrs. G. Archibald) Writer, 3: 49. — (L. B. Fletcher) Writer, 4: 26. Dialogue with a Mummy, A. (G. Leopardi) National, I4: 776. Dials, Idle. All the Year, 66: 609. Diamond from North Carolina. (G. F. Kunz) Science, (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 13: (W. C. Todd) N. (J. O. Dorsey) Am. Antiq. Io: 168. — Genesis of the. (O. A. Derby) Science, 9: 57. Diamonds. (D. A. Adee) Lippine. 47: 525. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 423. — and Democracy. (Grant Allen) Contemp. 59: 666. — Great, Attraction of. Spec. 67: 525. – in Meteoric Iron, Discovery of. (A. E. Foote) Am. J. Sci. I42: 413. — The Koh-i-nur. (N. S. Maskelyne; W. Ball) Na- ture, 44: 555, 592. 45: 5, 126. – South African, Four Large. (G. F. Kunz) Science, IO: 69. Diamond-Cutting in the U. S. (G. F. Kunz) Science, I7: 259. Diamond-Diggers, With the. (J. Molyneux) Month, 64: 92. Diamond-Digging in So. Africa. (H. Krollys) Blackw. I5o: 317. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 558. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 471. Diamond-Field in Kentucky. Kunz) Science, Io: 140. Diamond Fields of South Africa. (E. J. Lawler) Cos- mopol. II: 285. — (T. W. Tobin) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 351. – (J. B. Currey) J. Soc. Arts, 24; 372. — (E. W. Murray) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 370. Diamond Mines, Kimberley. (J. Molyneux) Month, 62: 540. — of South Africa. (V. Cornish) Knowl. I4: 186. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 459. Diamond Mining in South Africa. Engin. M. I : 579. Diamond Bracelets, The. (C. Hervey) Argosy, 45: 309. Diamond Cut Diamond. (J. Macleod) Tinsley, 43: 775. Diamond Cut Diamond. (C. Hervey) Theatre, 21: 169. Diamond Necklace, The Queen's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 129. Diamond Ring, The , a story. (W. Wilmer) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 303. Diamond Thief, The. Chamb. J. 66: 253. Diana; a story. (C. Yorke) Belgra. 63: 209. (J. S. Diller; G. F. (G. D. Stonestreet) DIANE Diane de Breteuille. Blackw. I4I: 173, 534. Diary, The, as a Factor in Literary Culture. Morris) Writer, 4: 2Oo. Diary of 1806, A. Ecl. M. Io9: 87. Diary of an Honest Man. (J. K. Wetherill) Cosmopol. (W. S. 3: I IO. Diary of an Idle Doctor. (A. Munthe) Blackw. I46: 592. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 537. – Blackw. I48: 398. Diary of a Successful Man, The. Diaspore and Alunite from the Rosita Hills, Col. Cross) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 466. Diaspore Crystals. (W. H. Mellville) Am. J. Sci. I4I : Macmil. 61: 274. (W. 475. Awaénkm in Heb. ix. 16, 17. (F. Gardiner) J. Bib. Lit. 5: 8. Diatoms in the Thames. (W. H. Shrubsole) Nature, 36: 125. Diaz, Abby Morton. (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 470. Dibdin, Charles. (J. C. Hadden) Gent. M. n. S. 43: 558. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 18o. — Tom-Bowling. (A. Brereton) Theatre, 20: I36. Dice, for Statistical Experiments. Nature, 41 : 13. Dick. Macmil. 61: 45. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 72 I. Dick's Little Wife's Secret. 57: 69. Dick Rawson's Reason ; a story. ing, II : I52. Dickens, C. (A. Lang) Good Words, 29: 233. — and Alphonse Daudet. Cornh. 64; 4oo. — and “Punch.” (F. G. Kitton) Eng. Illust. 8: 799. — and Thackeray. (H. Merivale) Temp. Bar, 83; 188. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 159. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 231. — as an Art Critic. 3.19. — as an Editor. (C. Dickens, jr.) Eng. Illust. 6: 822. - Same art. Critic, I5: 81. — Bleak House, Old. Churchyard of. 68. — Characteristic Curves of. ence, 9: 237. — Characters of, and their Prototypes. (J. S. Lloyd) Lond. Soc. (A. A. Foster) Out- (F. G. Kitton) Temp. Bar, 93: Critic, I5: (T. C. Mendenhall) Sci- (F. G. Kitton) Temp. Bar, 83: 28. Same art. Liv. Age, 177: 485. — Childhood and Youth of, Langton's. Sat. R. 7I: 478. * — Drooping Buds. (C. P. Johnson) Ath. '89, 2: 674. — in Genoa. Nation, 46: 257. — in Southwarkt (J. Ashby-Sterry) Eng. Illust. 6: IOS. — Letter of. Ath. '89, 2: 823. — — to Wilkie Collins. Harper, 83: 527–894. — Marzials's Life of. Spec. 60: 500. — Novels of, written by Gladstone [ä la Bacon-Shaks- pere theory]. Cornh. 58: II.3. Same art. Ecl. M. III : 540. — on the American Stage. M. 8: 190. — Pickwick Papers. Cornh. 59: 69. — — Defence of Dodson and Fogg. Cornh. 62: 141. Same art. Critic, I7: 50, 63. — — Fitzgerald's History of. Sat. R. 71: 453. — — Illustrators of. Ath. '87, I : 737, 767. — — True Story of. Temp. Bar, 79: 373. Same art. Ecl. M. IOS: 664. Same art. Critic, Io: 287. — Racollections of. (E. E. Christian) Temp. Bar, 82: 481. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 217. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 747. *-- — Sergeant Belle's Raree Show. Gent. M. n. s. 43: 596. Dickens-Land, Hughes's. Sat. R. 72: 591. (G. E. Montgomery) Am. (R. H. Shepherd) 117 DILLON Dickens-Land, In. (E. P. Whipple) Scrib. M. 2: 743. Dickinson, Emily, Letters of. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 68: 444. – Poems. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 82: 318. —Sat. R. 72: 279. - Dickinson, John, of Pennsylvania. (F. G. Cook) At- lan. 65: 70. – (A. H. Wharton) Lippinc. 47: 657. – Stillé's Life of. (J. C. Welling) Nation, 52: 405, 427. – (H. Flanders) Pennsyl. M. 15: I. — (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) I2: 71. Dickory Dock; a story. (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. 17: 45. Dickson, Alexander. Nature, 37: 229. — Ath. '88, I: 54. Dicky Dawkins; or, the Bookmaker of the Outer Ring. Blackw. I45: 835. Dictation, Effect of. (G. P. Morris) Writer, 2: 112. Dictionaries, Church. Church Q. 26: 326. Diderot, D. Westm. I32: 231. — and the Art of Acting. Westm. I27: 44. Didº, Spectrum of. (C. M. Thompson) Nature, 30: II.5. Dieppe. (Gertrude E. Campbell) Art J. 43: 253. — Notes at. Cornh. 62: 584. Dieri and Kindred Tribes of Australia. itt) Anthrop. J. 20: 30. Dies Irae, Thomas of Celano's Great Hymn. (R. Shind- ler) Theo. Mo. 3: I62. — British and American Versions of. ren) Ath. 'go, 2: 128. Dieskau, Baron, and the Harmony of History. Hubbard) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 341. Diesterweg, Adolf. (H. Cassel) Educa. R. I : 345. Diet, Curiosities of. (A. J. H. Crespi) National, I2: 787. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 489. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 672. — of Great Men. (A. J. H. Crespi) National, 17: 697. (A. W. How- (C. F. S. War- (O. P. Samie art. Liv. Age, Igo: 621. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 339. — Science of. (W. Wood) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 85. Dietaries. (R. M. Gover) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 579. — Private and Public. (E. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 2 I2. Difference, The Great ; a Sermon. (A. K. H. Boyd) Sunday M. I7: 444. Difficult Question, A. s. Io: 465. Digamma in Post-Homeric Ionic. (H. W. Smyth) Am. J. Philol. I2: 21 I. (G. F. Atherton) Overland, n. Digestion and Food. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 129. — and Related Functions. (W. Mills) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 795. — Curious Facts about. Tinsley, 42: 71. — The Ministry of the Interior. Macmil. 6o: 224. Dighton Rock. Am. Arch. 27: 93. Dijumphna, Cruise of the. Nature, 37: 172. Dikes, Compound. (L. d’Auria) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 482. — of Hudson River Highlands. Natural. 22: 691. Dilemma of the 19th Century. (R. E. Cleveland) Lip- pinc. 39; I40. — of Sir Guy the Neuter. (J. F. Kemp) Am. (A. French) Scrib. M. 5: 586 boo. — on Dartmoor; a story. (M. Ederson) Belgra. 68: . 3oo. - Dilettantism, Dialogue on. (F. J. Carpenter) Harv. Mo. 3: 2O2. Dilke, Sir Charles. — on Imperial Defence. 7: 782. Dillon, Joseph. Imprisonment of. Sat. R. 65; 751. — Trial of, 1887. Sat. R. 63: 79. Lend a H. 5: 397. (Admiral Colomb) Murray, 3. DILLON Dillon, Richard ; the New Irish Leader. Spec. 67: I83, 214. Diners-out, Some. All the Year, 69: 205. Dingo, Australian, at Home. Chamb. J. 65: 602. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 245. Dinklage, Emmy von. Acad. 40: 34. Dinners and Dinner Giving, History of. All the Year, 68: 78–390. 69: 79–349. — Public. Spec. 65: 436. — — Reform of. (H. Jones) National, 16: 190. – Some Notable, in the Reign of Louis XIV. All the Year, 67: 534. , Dinner-Giving, Art of. (J. June) Cosmopol. 3: 63. Dinner Hour, English. Spec. 65: 768. Dinner-Tables. Cornh. 61: 478. Dinner for Two; a story. (E. W. Peattie) Am. M. 7: I73. Dinosaur, English, Entire Skeleton of an. Nature, 4o: 324. Dinosaurs; Giant Reptiles of a Past Age. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 466. — Horned, from the Cretaceous. J. Sci. I36: 477. — — Gigantic, of North America. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I38; 173. I4I: 167. – Nature, 42: 349. — — Skull of. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. 138: 501. — of Europe and America, Comparison of the Princi- pal Forms of. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. 137: 323. — Remarks on the Reptiles generally called. Baur) Am. Natural. 25: 434. Dinosauria, New American. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I37 : 33 I. Dinosaurian Reptiles. 81. Dinsmore, W. B. M. West. Hist. Io: loo. Dinsmoor, Dr. Chas. M., with portrait. (C. W. But- terfield) M. West. Hist. Io: 383. Diocletian, Edict of, Plataian Fragment of. (T. Momm- sen) Am. J. Archaeol. 7: 54. Diorite Dike at Forest of Dean, Orange Co., N. Y. (J. F. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. I35: 331. Diplomacy, American. Spec. 62: 532. Diplomatists, British. Temp. Bar, 84: 179. Dipodomys, Description of a New Species. phens) Am. Natural. 21: 42. Diphtheria, A. Cure for. Nature, 43: I.21. – (E. H. Hankin) Science, I7: I. Direct Tax-Bffl, 1888. Pub. Opin. 5: 33. Disagreeable Experiences. All the Year, 64; 445. Disagreeable Young Woman, A. (H. R. Eliot) Over- land, n.s. Io: I.29. Disappearances, Mysterious. (W. A. Hammond) Fo- rum, 3: 69. —(W. C. Russell) Longm. 9: 365. Disappeared; a story. (S. Tytler) Belgra. 61: 257– 385. 62: I-385. Discipleship. Spec. 66: 374. Disciplinati. See Penitence, Confraternities of. Discipline the Price of Freedom. (C. E. Lowrey) Ed- uca. 9: IO3. - Discontent, The Present Age of. (J. Bryce) Contemp. 59: 14. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 233. Discontented, Organizations of the. (R. J. Hinton) Forum, 7: 540. } Discoveries in the East ; Things that May any day Turn Up. (L. W. Bacon) Lippinc. 45: 573. — Yet to be Made; The New Columbus. (J. Haw- thorne) Arena, 4: 1. Discussion, Freedom of. 3O4. Disease and Crime, Types of. Meliora, 2: 142. — and Race Influence. (G. B. Hoffmeister) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 817. (O. Meyer) (O. C. Marsh) Am. (G. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I39: (F. Ste- (E. H. Johnson) Bapt. R. 9: g 118 DIVINATION Disease, Distribution of, Popularly considered. Haviland) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 157. - Fortifying against. (S. Delépine) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 3O. – in Tropical Countries, Causes of. son) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 248. – Physical and Moral. (J. H. Browne) Arena, 2: 159. — Predisposition to, and Immunity from. (W. Bern- hardt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 380. Diseases caught from Butcher's Meat. 19th Cent. 26: 409. Disestablishment in Scotland. Disfigurement, The Age of. (A. (A. W. Mitchin- (H. Behrend) Sat. R. 64: 104. (R. Evans) National, 16: I66 Disinfectant, Phosphorus Pentoxide as a. Science, 12: IO9. Disinfectants. (R. A. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 5: .333. Disinfection. (R. Roose) Fortn. 47: 249. — and Infection. (R. Roose) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 765. – at Berlin. (H. D. Dudgeon) Am. Arch. 21 : 100. — Methods of. Science, I2: 14. — Science of. (A. J. H. Crespi) Tinsley, 43 : 653. Dismal, Etymology of. (W. W. Skeat and others) Acad. 40: 482, 505, 539, 589. Dismal Swamp, Adventure in the ; a Story of the Re- bellion. "Cosmopol. I: 99. Disorder of the Age, The. (H. G. Keene) National, II: 796. Disraeli, B. See Beaconsfield, Earl of. Disraeli, Isaac. (W. E. A. Axon) Gent. M. m. s. 43: I 77. Dissent and the Church. (J. G. Hubbard) National, 8: 725. — Decadence of. Sat. R. 64; 223, 351. – in England. (J. Parker) No. Am. I45: 645. Dissolving View of Carrick Meagher; a story. Jessop) Atlan. 63: 467. Distant Sail, The ; a story. Soc. 58: 28. Distillation and Fermentation. (W. N. Hartley) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 967–1009. Distinction. (C. Patmore) Fortn. 53: 826. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: I.27. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 119. – Patmore on. Spec. 64: 828. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 124. Distress, Law of, in France. Chamb. J. 66: 299. Distribution, Laws of, and the Rate of Interest. (S. Webb) Q. J. Econ. 2: 188. - — of Animals and Plants by Ocean Currents. Buckland and others) Nature, 38: 245, 270. — of Products. (E. Atkinson) Q. J. Econ. 2: 450. (G. H. (Lady D. Hardy) Lond. (A. W. — Residual Theory of. (A. Loria) Q. J. Econ. 6: Ioš. – Statics and Dynamics of. (J. B. Clark) Q. J. Econ. 6: III. District of Columbia, Episcopal Church in. (J. G. Hall, jr.) Church R. 51: 1. District Schools, Pioneer. (F. A. Davidson) Am. M. 8: 732. District Visiting. (M. G. Frenyear) Lend a H. 7: 322. Disturber of Traffic, The. (R. Kipling) Atlan. 68: 289. Diver, The. (F. Schiller ; T. Martin) Blackw. 142: 4OO. — Down with the. Chamb. J. 64: 573. (H. Fol) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 216. Spec. 60: 1447. (K. Carr) Argosy, 48: 70-537. (J. M. Buck- – Experiences of a. Dives as a Man and a Brother. Divided; a story. Divination, Astrology, and Coincidences. ley) Cent. I3: 629. — by the Winnowing Basket. Acad. 32: 57. – in the 17th Century. (F. Legge) National, I3: 92. – Modern. Chamb. J. 65: IoI. — Old and New. Leis. Hour, 36: 8 Io. Divine Life in Man. DIVINE jº (A. H. Divine Immanence, Modern Exaggerations of. Strong) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 276. (R. W. Dale) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 268. Diving, Survey in a Diving Suit. Engin. M. I : 440. Divining-Rod. Am. Arch. 27: 15. — Spec. 63: 366, (W. L. Saunders) 398, 435. – Finding Water by. Am. Arch. 24: 65. — Chamb. J. 65: 463. — A Modern Diviner. (J. Robinson) Month, 73: 190. (R. W. D. Christie) (J. J. Division by a Prime Number. Nature, 40: 247. Divisors of the Sum of a Geometrical Series. Sylvester) Nature, 37: 417. Divorce. Cath. World, 48: 23. — (C. D. Wright) Lend a H. 7: 377. — (M. Lee; P. S. Moxom) No. Am. I50: 263. – (R. M. Minton-Senhouse) Tinsley, 43: 47, 3OI. — Abuse of. Amer. I 8: 199. — The Decline of. (Eliz. R. Chapman) Westm. I33: 4I 7. º — Does Scripture forbid it 2 (Ap Richards) Westm. I34: 189. Spec. 64; 7. (J. Lockett) Westm. I34: — in Australia. — — Clerical Opposition. 368. — in the U. S. Church R. 56: I2O. — (O. Cornell) Chaut. Io: 588. — — Statistics of. — (E. J. Phelps) Forum, 8: Means) Nation, 52: 493. — — and Europe, Statistics of. Statis. Assoc. I : 206. – Is it a Remedy? (L. Meriwether) Westm. I31: 676. – Is it Wrong? (S. W. Dike; Cardinal Gibbons; H. C. Potter; R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I49: 513. — Law of. (A. Stephen) Contemp. 59: 803. — — The New Australian. Spec. 60: 1270. –– Proposed National. (H. H. Gardener) Arena, Ii 413. – Lax, Cause and Cure of. Io?. — Marriage and, in the United States. . (W. S. Collins) Am. R. Io: 602. — — Uniform Laws of. – National Reform League. I : 49. — Phelps on. Spec. 63: 919. — Problem of. (S. Schindler) Arena, I: 682. - — Question of. (G. M. Searle) Cath. World, 48: 822. — (W. E. Gladstone; J. P. Bradley; J. M. Dolph) No. Am. I49: 641. — — Other Side of the. (A. Burrows) Overland, m. s. I5: 468. * — Scriptural Doctrine of. Westm. I30: 399. – Sociologically Considered. (E. James) N. Eng. 54: (S. W. Dike) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 592. 349. — (D. MacG. (S. W. Dike) Am. (L. S. Bean) Our Day, 6: (S. W. Dike) Arena, 2: - 399, (S. W. Dike) Our Day, 395. — Statistics of. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 52: 493. — vs. Domestic Warfare. (E. C. Stanton) Arena, I: 560. — Women's Views of. (M. A. Livermore; A. E. Barr; R. T. Cooke; E. S. Phelps; J. C. Croly) No. Am. I5o: IIo. — (J. Lockett) Westm. I33: 479. Divorces, Foreign. (J. M. Kerr) Am. Law R. 22: 562. — on Condition. (D. W. Amram) Green Bag, 3: 381. Divorce Laws. Pub. Opin. 8: 103. - Divorce Legislation, National. (S. Maxwell) Am. Law R. 21: 675. – (E. H. Bennett) Forum, 2: 429. — of Massachusetts. (C. F. Sanger) Bay State Mo. 3: 27. Divorce Reform, Progress of. (S. W. Dike) And. R. II : 427. 119 DOGS Dix, Dorothea Lynde. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 15: 333. — (F. E. Willard) Chaut. Io: 61. – Lend a H. 5: 743. Dixon, Luther Swift, with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 312. Doane, Geo. W. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9 : 402. Doanesburg, N. Y., Chancellor Kent's Birthplace. (W. S. Pelletreau) M. Am. Hist. I'7: 245. Dobson, Austin. Poems. (M. A. DeW. Howe, jr.) Harv. Mo. 5: 31. Doctor of Philosophy, Degree of, in Germany. James) And. R. 9: 611. Doctor, The. Liv. Age, 172: 684. Doctors, English. (J. Leyland) Amer. I7: Io;. (E. J. Dr. Brendt's Wife; a story. (K. Grosjean) Cosmopol. 5: 212. Dr. Cabot's Two Brains. (J. B. Perry) New Eng. M. n. S. 5: 344. Dr. Gabriel’s Experiment. Temp. Bar, 87: 192. Dr. Gladman; a Sketch of Colonial Life. (E. H. Clubbe) Gent. M. m. s. 39: Ioš. Dr. Griffith Gramery ; a story. (J. Hawthorne) Cos- mopol. 5; 25. Dr. Li's Father; a Chinese story. (M. A. Glardon) Cosmopol. I: 233. . Marsh's Daughters; a story. Argosy, 48: 463. . Materialismus. (F. J. Stimson) Scrib. M. 8: 547. . Studholme's Dream. Cornh. 62: 153. . Unonius; a story. Belgra. 67: 22. . Wygram's Son; a story. (G. M. McCrie) Belgra. 62: 205. Doctor's Outing ; a story. Belgra. 69: 307. Doctor's Story, A. (E. M. Davy) Argosy, 46: 69. Doctors' Books, Two Old. Month, 73 : 371. Doctrine and the Pastor. (C. C. Starbuck) N. Eng. 47: 2I2. - — Christian, Ultimate Criteria of. (A. H. Wilcox) And. R. 8: 337. – The Church and. Presb. & Ref. R. I : 227. – History of, Harnack's. Church Q. 26: 447. Dodge, Ebenezer. (W. N. Clarke) Bapt. R. I2: 323. Dodge, Grenville M., Anecdotes of. (C. Aldrich) M. Am. Hist. 24; 31 o. Dods, Marcus, Accusation of Heresy against. R. 4: II.4. Doellinger, Ignatius von. (E. P. Evans) Atlan. 68: 553. — (M. MacColl) Contemp. 57: 325. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 42. — Ath. '90, I: 85. – Spec. 64: 78. — Sat. R. 69: 73. — M. Chr. Lit. I : 367. – and the Old Catholics. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 267. ºf – and the Papacy. Quar. I72: 33. — Historical Work of. (Lord Acton) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 7oo. — (A. Galton) Acad. 38: 467. — (W. Arthur) Theo. Mo. I : 73—252. — Möhler, and Oxford Anglicanism. Lond. Q. 75: 96. Dog, Anatomy of. Nature, 45; 16. — A Regimental. (P. Gillmore) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 98. 2 ('88–89): 741. — who knew when it was Sunday. (B. G. Johns) Sun- day M. 17: 338. Dogs. (A. Lang) Critic, II: 69. — Chamb. J. 64: 618. — (J. G. Wood) Leis. Hour, 36: 395. – Outing, I5: 90. — American Mastiff. Q28. — and Dog Breaking. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, I5: 53. J (L. de la Ramé) No. Am. I53: (Mrs. H. Wood) Cong. (C. C. Marshall) Harper, 74: — and their Affections. 312. — and Bears. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I2: 249. } DOGS Dogs, Care of. (D. B. Herrald) Outing, 14: 182, 279. – Decay of Fidelity in. (J. Sully) Longm. 17: 147. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 801. – Field Trial Winners, 1890. (E. H. Morris) Outing, I9: I2, 97. – Historic. (E. B. Simpson) Art J. 40: 33. — Household. (G. Stables) Leis. Hour, 40: 267. – in Germany. (L. S. Guggenberger) 19th Cent. 22: I95. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 632. – in London. (C. Warren) Contemp. 51: 104. — Kennels and Kennel Clubs. (H. M. Bangs) Cos- mopol. II: 48. - Love for, a Superstition. Macmil. 59: 458. — Muzzling of. Sat. R. 63: 37. — Spec. 63: 47. — — and Rabies. (A. Shadwell) National, I5: 219. —- Notes on. Sat. R. 66: 531. – of Ancient Egypt. (G. Maspero) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 809. - Professions for. (G. F. G. Cumming) Blackw. I44: 694. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 689. – The Queen's. (Eve B. Simpson) Art J. 39: 240. — Regulations of Society Affecting. (Earl of Onslow) National, Io; 335. – Sense of Smell in. Science, Io: 78. – (G. J. Ro- manes) 36: 273, 317,412. — Society among. Spec. 60: 1116. — Sporting. Quar. I71: 419. — Training of. (W. Mills) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: 236. — Wolf, Mastiff, and Spaniel. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. IO: 24I. Dog Collars. (E. S. Regin) Outing, I2: 261. Dog Story, A. (Mrs. Molesworth) Liv. Age, 181: 789. Dogberry, A Modern. Atlan. 67: 138. — — in Paris. Atlan. 67: 718. Doggett, Thomas (C. A. Ward) Antiq. m. s. 19: 22. Dogma and Symbolism. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 47: 4. — Do we need a New 2 (W. M. Reily) Ref. Q. 38: 5. – Hypothesis and, in the Sciences. (C. W. Shields) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 594. — in Religion. (E. C. Smyth) And. R. I.4: 491. — its Possibility, Utility, and Necessity. (J. H. Mur- phy) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 266. – Natural History of. (C. C. Everett) Forum, 8: 441. – “Old School,” Persistence of. (L. T. Townsend) Meth. R. 50: 667. — Protest against. (A. K. Fiske) Forum, 9: 66. – Protest against, Reviewed. (Brother Barbas) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 480. Doing the Business of Life. I9: I64. Dolceacqua, Italy. Spec. 62: 397. Dollar, An Honest. (E. B. Andrews) Am. Econ. Assoc. 4: 399. - — Plea for a British. (S. Montagu) Murray, 3: 191. Dollard. See Romance of Dollard. Dolls. Chamb. J. 65: 97, 822. Doll's House — and after ; a story. Illust. 7: 315. Dolly. (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 43: 646. Dolly and the Pensioner; a story. (Sir L. S. Gordon) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 668. Dolmens and Standing Stones of France. ard) Am. Antiq. I2: 273. Dolomites of the Pegnitz. Cornh. 56: 144. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 62o. Dolphin in Ornamentation. 5–147. “Dolphin,” Brig, Recollections of. (E. Shippen) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 370. Domes and Towers. ( 269. — Five Famous. I97. (E. J. Hardy) Sunday M. (W. Besant) Eng. (A. S. Pack- Am. Arch. 32: 163. 33: McNamara) Am. Arch. 26: (F. W. Marks) Am. Arch. 33: 168, 120 DOOMED Domesday, Dove's Studies in. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 138. — Hundreds of. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 45. Domesday Book. All the Year, 64: 534. — (J. H. Round) Ath. '87, 2: 605. – (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 239. – (Roach Le Schonix) Reliquary, 27: 43. - Early Custody of. (J. H. Round) Antiq. m. s. 15: 246. IG: 9, 162. Domesday Commemoration. (H. J. Reid) Ath. '89, 1: 568. Domesday Studies. Lond. Q. 7o: 190. Domesday Survivals. (I. Taylor) Liv. Age, 172: 131. Domestic Animals. Sat. R. 7o: 75. Domestic Economy for High Schools. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 192. Domestic Industries, an Important Factor in Produc- tion. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 24: 513. Domestic Money Question. (A. Dodge) Cosmopol. 3: 394. Domestic Servants. Meliora, 3: 319. – Female. Atlan. 59: 133. – in Australia. (Mary S. Evans) Westm. 136: 46. Domestic Service. (J. C. Croly) Forum, 7: 567. – (M. A. West) Our Day, 4: 401. – (A. Amy Bulley) Westm. I35; 177. – (M. Maynard; H. Campbell) Chaut. I3: 350. — and Democracy. — and Servants. 18. – from a Western Point of View. Nation, 44; 11. – Problem of. (F. McLaughlin) National, 17: 214. – Training for. Lend a H. 5: 395. Dominic, Saint. (A. Galton) Acad. 40: 305. — Month, 64: 543. Dominicans in England in 1314, A Record of. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 5: Ioy. 6: 752. Domremy, France. Spec. 63: 206. Don Carlos; a story. (M. Crosby) Harper, 82: 758. Don Finimondone. (E. Cavazza) New Princ. 3: 230. Don Gracias. (J. J. A. Becket) Cosmopol. Io: 297. Doña Quixote. (A. S. Richardson) Atlan. 60: 22. Donald McGregor ; a story. Belgra. 75: 149. Donatello, Work of, at Florence. (C. M. Phillimore) . National, Io: 59. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 104. Donationes Mortis Causa. (T. F. Reddy) Am. Law R. 2I: 732. Donaueschingen, Fürstenberg Gallery of Pictures at. (F. R. McClintock) Art J. 40: 281. Doncaster, England, History of, Tomlinson's. '88, I: 334. — Sat. R. 64: 607. — Extinct Church of St. Mary. Antiq. m. s. 19: 263. Doncaster Races, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 326. Donders, Franciscus Cornelis. Ath. '89, I: 443. Donegal, In. Westm. I32: 97. — A Reply. Westm. 132: 315. — Camping in. (F. N. Paton) Blackw. I44: 401. Donegal County, Legends of. All the Year, 62: 512. Donelson, Fort, 15th Virginia at. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 72. “Donna ’’ in 1886. Longm. 9: 299. — and the Unemployed in 1888. Longm. I3: 290. — in 1889. Longm. I5: 288. – in 1890. Longm. I7: 323. Donne, John, Poetry of. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 53: 809. Same art. Liv. Age, I86; 195. Same art. Ecl. M. II.5: 234. Donner Party, 1846, Across the Plains in the. Murphy) Cent. 20: 409. Dook; a story. (L. Haynes) Belgra. 69: 232. Doomed by the Dead. (C. G. H. Teniswood) Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 41. (H. C. Adams) (E. Salmon) Fortn. 49: 408. (E. Gambier-Parry) National, 15: (A. G. Ath. (V. R. DOOMED Doomed Ship, A : a Nautical Sketch. All the Year, 65: 9. º “Door must be Either Open or Shut, A.; ” a Comedy. (B. de Turique) Cosmopol. 3: 417. Door of Utterance, A. (J. Tunis) Unita. R. 32: 334. Door-Springs. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 24: 191. Door-Stops, Hangers, and Rollers. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 24; 215. Doran, John. Their Majesties’ Servants. Thomas) Theatre, 2O: 24. Dorat, Claude Jos. Sat. R. 66: 471. Dorcas. (Prof. Elmslie) Sunday M. 19: 261. Dorchester, Early. (Mrs. B. Whitman) New Eng. M. 4 : 327. — Old. (C. M. Barrows) Bay State Mo. 3: 39. — Old Houses in. (M. A. McBride) New Eng. M. m. s. 2 : 3 I4. Dorchester Church-Colony, Rendezvous of. (C. H. Pope) N. E. Reg. 42: 403. Dorchester Abbey, Eng. Spec. 67: 880. Dordogne, Upper, Wayfaring by the. (E. H. Barker) Temp. Bar, 92; 375. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: (F. M. 497. Dordt or Dordrecht. (R. T. Blomfield) Eng. Illust. 6: 398. Doré, Gustave. (C. Phillips) Portfo. 22: 249. — (M. D. Wellcome) Cosmopol. II: 171. – Jerrold's Life of. (K. Cox) Nation, 53: 492. —Sat. R. 72: 563. Doric Architecture, Egyptian Reminiscences in. (A. Marquand) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 47. Doric Temples. (R. Sturgis) Chaut. 9: 448. Dorinda's Brother. Cornh. 59: 281. Doris. (A. Jessopp.) 19th Cent. 22: 831. – Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 799. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 251. Doris. (A. Gray) Tinsley, 40; 443. Doris Cairnes, Story of. All the Year, 65: 20–211. 66: 20–332. Dormer Monuments at Wing. Antiq. m. s. 18: 247. Dorner, Isaac August. (D. W. Simon) Presb. R. 8: 569. Dorothea; a story. (B. M. Butt) Blackw. I48: 358, 53O. Dorr Rebellion in Rhode Island. (E. Dyer) Narrag. Reg. 6: 145. – (J. C. Swan) Narrag. Reg. 7: 25. — (C. H. Payne) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 389. —(W. L. R. Gifford) N. Princ. 4: 213. Dorris's Hero. N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 463. D'Orsay, Count. (Mrs. Ritchie) Macmil. 63: 249. Dorset, Church Plate of. (J. E. Nightingale) Antiq. n. S. 21 : I 5. – Holiday Tramp through. 29: 696. Dosh, Thomas William Luther. Luth. Q. I6: 357. Dostoyefski, Fedor. Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 243. — and his Work. (J. Lomas) Macmil. 55: 187. — and Tolstoi. Lond. Q. 70: 49. Dotheboys Hall. Temp. Bar, 85: 507. Double Alibi. (W. L. Peel) Longm. 17: 387. Double Winner, A ; a story. (E. L. Keyes) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: I.20. Doublet, Jean François. Ed. R. 167: 387. Doublets. Tinsley, 46: 481. Doubters and the Dogmatists. (J. T. Bixby) Arena, 4: 683. - Douglas, House of. Ed. R. 165: I 18. Douglas, Stephen A., and the Free Soilers. Clason) M. Am. Hist. I8: 478. Douglas Book, The. Liv. Age, I72: 579. Douglas Duane. (E. Fawcett) Lippinc. 39: 531. Douglass, Frederick, Holland's. (W. P. Garrison) Na- tion, 52: 388. (J. Ogle) Good Words, (P. Bergstresser) (A. W. 121 DRAKE Douglass, Frederick; Reminiscences. Cosmopol. 7: 76. Donº, Richard D. Lend a H. 2: 377. Douglass, Sir William Fettes. Acad. 4o: 81. Doulton Marquetry Ware. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 21: 85. Dove Dale. (J. Leyland) Portfo. 22: 105. Dover, England, Art J. 39: 33. Dover, N. H., Baptisms in. (J. R. Ham) N. E. Reg. 4I: 88–288. – Landmarks in. I69–369. – Localities in Ancient. (J. R. Ham) Granite Mo. Io: (M. P. Thompson) Granite Mo. II: 7, 54. Doves. (E. S. Starr) Cent. 36: 698. Dow, Joseph Emerson. (A. S. Batchellor) Granite Mo. IO: 229. - Dow, Lorenzo. (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist. 7: I62. Dow, Neal, at Home. (F. E. Willard) Chaut. 8: 488. Dowden, Edward. Transcripts and Studies. Spec. 62: 2O4. “Down East.” I34. Down Outside the Eiffel ; a story. Temp. Bar, 88: 116. Downing Street. (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: 374. Downs, The. (W. C. Russell) Portfo. 21: 4. Dowries, Shall our Daughters have 2 (C. S. Messinger and others) No. Am. I5I: 746. Dowse, Baron. Sat. R. 69: 344. Doyle, A. Conan. Micah Clarke. (J. Habberton) Cos- mopol. 8: 127. Doyle, Sir Francis, Poetry of. Macmil. 58: 286. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 570. — Critic, I2: 294. — Sat. R. 65: 712. ' — Reminiscences. 67: 319. Doyle, Thomas A., with portrait. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 528. Doynes's Wonderful Dogs; a story. All the Year, 68: 6. Drafts, Forged. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 520. Dragging her Anchor. (C. B. Morgan) Overland, n. s. I8: 43–261. Dragoness, The. Dragons, Fabled and Real. Mo. 36: 808. - — Flying. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: Io9. (Mrs. Poultney Bigelow) Outing, Io: (H. L. Williams) Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 5. —Lond. Q. (R. A. Guild) N. (G. A. Hibbard) Harper, 81: 667. (M. Maindron) Pop. Sci. — in America, Are there. Am. Antiq. 9: 179. Dragon Myths of the East. (E. M. Clerke) Asia. R. 4: 98 Dragon-Tree of Telde, The. Blackw. I42: 660. — of Tenerife. (R. C. Day) Knowl. I2: 237. Drainage, House. (R. Rawlinson) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 276. — (F. C. Cotton) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 36. — — from Various Points of View. (J. S. Billings) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 310. — — Safety in. (W. E. Hoyt.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 290. — in Central Texas, Superimposition of. (R. S. Tarr) Am. J. Sci. I40: 359. — Land. (G. E. Waring, jr.) Am. Arch. 24; 254, 281. — — in Great Britain. (J. B. Denton) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 45, 81. — of Towns. Am. Arch. 21: 57, 82. — — Liernur's System of. (A. Scott) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 455. Drains, Ventilation and Trapping of. (J. Lovegrove) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 485. Drake, Sir Francis. All the Year, 63: 464. — Church Q. 33: 216. — and the Spanish Armada. (O. T. S. Drake) Tinsley, 42: 138. — Corbet's. Sat. R. 7I: Ioy. DRAKE Drake Family. (J. Waylen) Antiq. m. s. 18: 150. Drama, American. (H. Garland) Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 307. — — Characteristics of. (A. Hennequin) Arena, I: 700. — — The Future. (D. Boucicault) Arena, 2: 641. — Australasian. (D. Robertson) Theatre, I8; 23. — Decline of the. (H. Quilter) Contemp. 51 : 547. — Ecl. M. Io9: 824. — Democracy and the. (E. Salmon) National, I2: 389. 2- The Dying. (W. Archer) New R. I : 367. — Elizabethan, and Victorian Novel. (T. D. Robb) Lip- pine. 47: 520. — English, during the Commonwealth. son) Theatre, Ig: 177. — — Ethical Antecedents of. & Ref. R. 2: 412. — — Modern Thalia. Meliora, 8: 120. — — Old, Notes on. (W. C. Hazlitt) Antiq. m. s. 20: I 4–257. () — — Provincial. Sat. R. 66: 433. — — Romantic, Lyrism of. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 53: (W. H. Hud- (T. W. Hunt) Presb. 331. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 36. – in 1887–88. (J. Knight) Br. Alma. Comp. '89: 321. — in 1888–89. (J. Knight) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 317. — in 1889–90. (J. Knight) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: 316. – Italian Realistic. Sat. R. 63: 84. — Literary. (H. D. Traill) New R. 5: 502. — London School of. Sat. R. 66; 522, 581, 615. — Modern, and its Critics. (R. Buchaman) Contemp. 56: 908. — — Zola's Attack on. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 9: I60. — Moulton's Ancient Classical. (J. H. McDaniels) Na- tion, 52; 37. — Naturalism vs. Romanticism in. Theatre, 27: Io9. – New, and the Free Stage. (W. Archer) Fortn. 56: 663. — of the Future. (A. Hennequin) Arena, 3: 385. — of the Moment and Ibsen's Plays. (H. A. Kennedy) 19th Cent. 30: 258. — Our Dramatists and their Literature. Fortn. 52: 62o. — Religious, English, and its Stage Arrangements. (W. H. Hudson) Antiq. m. s. I7: I 5, 62. — Renaissance of. Sat. R. 66: 676, 709, 741. – Sat. R. 72: 84. — Science of the. (H. A. Jones and S. Grundy) New R. 5: 83. – Spanish. (T. M. Watson) Theatre, 19: 127. — B. Tree on. Spec. 67: 841. — Vicissitudes of. (L. Barrett) No. Am. I46: 203. (G. Moore) — Why do we go to the Play? (C. Scott) Theatre, 20: II 7. – The Worship of Bad Plays. (C. Scott) Theatre, 25: 26 I. See Plays; Playwriting. - Drama of an Evening. (G. King) N. Princ. 4: 363. Dramatic Art, School of. Spec. 66; 169. Dramatic Authorship. Sat. R. 72: 690. Dramatic Censorship. (G. Moore) New R. 3: 354. Dramatic Criticism. Theatre, 27: 153. — A Critic on the Critics Criticised. atre, 22 : 297. — Critics, Gallicisms. (G. W. Daucy) Theatre, 25: 20. — Degeneracy of. Theatre, 24; 253. — From a Dramatic Critic's Point of View. Adams) Theatre, 25: 55. — Ideal. (G. E. Montgomery and others) Writer, I: I 2 I. - — in Paris. — Preparation for. — The Stalls, the Pit, and the Critic. Theatre, 25; 20. - (C. Scott) The- (W. D. (K. Venning) Theatre, Ig: 193. (L. M. Kingdon) Writer, 2: 79. (E. Ballantyne) 122 DRIFTING Dramatic Effect, A. Blackw. I42: 753. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 43. O Dramatic Opinions. (Mrs. Kendal) Murray, 6: 289– 733. Dramatic Outlook in America. (B. Matthews) Harper, 78: 924. Dramatic Recitation. (F. E. M. Steele) Westm. 132: 53O. Dramatisation of Novels. (B. Matthews) Longm. I4: 588. Drane, Augusta. Theodosia. Dub. R. IO4: 70. Draper, Henry, Memorial of. J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 33. Draper, Lyman C. (R. G. Thwaites) M. West. Hist. 5: 335. Draughts, Cause of. Chamb. J. 66: 399. Drawbaugh, Daniel. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 62: 345. Drawing ; Architectural Shades and Shadows. (A. D. F. Hamlin) Am. Arch. v. 25–28. - — in the Public Schools. (E. Combes) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 209. — a Means of Education. (T. R. Ablett) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 665. Drawn Blank; a story. (Mrs. R. Jocelyn) Belgra. 74: 97–423. 75: I-431. Drawn Game, A. (C. Yorke) Temp. Bar, 79: 73. Dreams. Argosy, 47: 74–245. — (J. M. Buckley) Cent. I4: 443. — (M. Clymer) Forum, 5: 532. — (H. King) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 324. — Spec. 63: 269. — and Dreaming. All the Year, 67: 109. — and Thoughts. (A. B. Curtis) Univ. Q. 48: 352. — and Will-Power. (W. T. Gairdner) Spec. 63: 303. – as Related to Literature. (J. Sully) Forum, 7: 67. — Chapter on. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: 122. — Children's. (P. W. Roose) Argosy, 52: 201. – An Investigation of. Science, Io: 229. — of One's Own Friends. Argosy, 47: 334. — Personality in. Atlan. 60: 716. — A Study of. (J. Nelson) Am. J. Psychol. I: 367. Dream-Excitation. (M. Baldwin) Science, I2: 216. Dreamland in History. (H. D. M. Spence) GoodWords, 29: 459, 52 I, 597. Dream-Poetry. (Bessie A. Ficklen) Scrib. M. 9: 636. Dream Bride. (M. Hunt) Longm. Io: 503. Dream House. (M. Hunt) Longm. Io: 164. Dream of Conquest, A. (L. Bryce) Lippinc. 43: 783. Dreams in a Desert. (Olive Schreiner) Fortn. 48: 198. Dredging, Cruising and. Lond. Q. 7I: 46. — on West of Scotland. (A. E. G. Hardy) National, I4: 8 - : Ö35. Dresden; a Model Municipality. (F. P. Hill) Cosmopol. II : 163. Dress and Adornment. (F. Starr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 488, 787. 4o: 44, 194. — and Economy. (C. G. J. Reeve) Longm. I2: 288- — and Extravagance. (C. G. J. Reeve) Longm. II: 423. — and Jewels. — and Undress. — Dissertation on. (M. E. Haweis) Contemp. 56: 94. (J. W. Howe) Forum, 3: 313. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 37: 668. — of Women. (F. E. Russell) Arena, 3: 352. — vs. Clothes. Spec. 66: 117. - Dressmaker’s Drama, The. (W. W. Fenn) Lond. Soc. 58: Christmas no., 33. Drevar, George Augustus, with portrait. (Lond.) 50: 389. Drexel Home for Boys. (E. S. Thackara) Cosmopol. 9: 285. Drift. Tinsley, 45: 335. Drift from Redwood Camp, A. (Bret Harte) Scrib. M. 2: 651. Drifting on the Bay. (H. E. Smith) Overland, n. s. I5: 337. Bank. M. DRINK Drink and Drink-Sellers the Nation’s Bane. Foley) Cath. World, 48: 311. — Old Dramatists on. Meliora, Io: I. Drinks. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 2O1. — Our, and Our Drunkards. (J. A. Mooney) Cath. World, 47: 346. Drink Bill, The, Formerly and Now. Nation, 44; 334. Drink Question, The. National, IoS: 426. — Ethical Considerations, and Physiological. Granville) National, I8: 160. — Ethics of. (J. Runciman) Contemp. 56: 539. Drinker, Mrs. Henry, Journal of, 1777–8. Pennsyl. M. I3: 298. Drinking, Moderate, Effects of. (M. F. (E. P. Clark) (J. M. (G. Harley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 184. — — Mischiefs of. (G. Bunge) Our Day, 2: 188. — Modern. Sat. R. 67: 499. — Oddities of. All the Year, 65: 420. Drinkwater, Jennie M. (F. Orr) Writer, 5: I 59. Driving for Women. (M. Bisland) Outing, 16: 405. Droitwich. Gent. M. m. s. 44; 41. – Spec. 60: 1415. — Progress and Future of. Gent. M. m. s. 45: 527. Droll Dénouement, A. (E. H. Huddleston) Tinsley, 41: 266. Drouot, Hôtel. Sat. R. 67: 248. Drowne, Shem, and his Handiwork. State Mo. 3: 33. Drowning, Superstitions about. Science, I8: 309. Drudgery, Value of. Spec. 65: 860. Drugs and Poisons, Sale of. Meliora, 8: 297. Druids and Fairies of Ireland. (C. de Kay) Cent. I5: (E. H. Goss) Bay 590. Druid Stone, The. (I. Weddle) Gent. M. n. s. 44: Ioš. Drum-Major. (F. C. Baylor) Lippinc. 40: 927. Drummond, Henry, and Athletic Christianity, (T. G. Frost) And. R. Io: 497. — in the American Colleges. (C. K. Ober) Our Day, I : 306. Drummond, Thomas. Westm. I32: 376. — O'Brien’s Life of. Spec. 62: 368. — Ath. '89, I: 34O. Drummond, Thomas. 12: 285. Drunkenness a Crime. (H. A. Hartt) Arena, 3: 465. — Causes and Cure of. Meliora, 3: 39. — Education vs. Meliora, 2: 168. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. — Etiology of, and its Relation to the State. Meliora, 5: I So. — Habitual. Westm. I29: 6oo. — in Norway, Diminution of. Cent. 30: 933. – Inebriate Problem, The. I94. – Is it Curable? (W. A. Hammond; J. D. Crothers; E. N. Carpenter; C. Edson) No. Am. 153: 346. — is Curable. (J. F. Mines) No. Am. I53: 442. — Medical Jurisprudence of. (C. Bell) Am. Law R. 2I : 955. t; — Praise of. Meliora, 4: 103. – Punishment of. (J. G. Thorp, jr.) Nation, 52: 517. — Lend a H. 7: 50. See also Inebriety. Drury Lane, Cock Pit Theatre in. tiq. m. s. I5: 93. — Round by. All the Year, 65: 151. Drury Lane Theatre, Behind the Scenes at. Year, 66: 302. — Managers in, from Killigrew to Harris. (P. H. Fitz- gerald) Theatre, I8: 28–295. Drury's Bluff, Battle of. So. Hist. Pap. 19: Too. Druses, Among, in 1845 and 1882. Liv. Age, 188: 245. (Earl of Meath) 19th (N. Kerr) Theo. Mo. 1: (T. F. Ordish) An- All the 123 DUDEVANT Druses of the Holy Land. (H. Smith) Blackw. 148: 75o. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 98. Dryden, John. (J. Dennis) Fraser, IoS: 179. — (J. A. Evans) Temp. Bar, 88: 38o. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 312. — and Scott. (J. A. Evans) Temp. Bar, 90: 84. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 817. — Prose Works of. (J. A. Evans) Temp. Bar, 89: 549. — Works, Saintsbury's Edition. Ath. '87, 2: 886. — — Scott's Edition. (O. Shipley) Dub. R. IO2: 461. Dry-Earth Clösets. (A. Carpenter) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 621. Dry Land, The, Future of. Sci. Mo. 39: 246. Dry-Rot, The. Chamb. J. 66: 431. — in Timber. (W. H. Bidlake) Am. Arch. 24: 8. Drying of Crops, Artificial. (W. A. Gibbs) J. Soc. Arts, 3I : 61. Dualism and Monism. 592. . . ~ # Duality of Mind. (R. M. Bache) Monist, I : 362. Du Barri, Marie Jean Gomard de Vaubernier, (E. M. Davy) Belgra. 71: 68. Du Barry, Joseph N. M. West. Hist. 9: 751. Dubertus, The. (F. C. Clark) Narrag. Reg. 6: 357. — What was it 2 (W. A. Greene) Narrag. Reg. 6: 269. Dublin, Calendar of Ancient Records of. Ath. '90, I: J 2. — National Library and Science and Art Museum. Na- ture, 42: 391. — Records of. Sat. R. 70: 459. — Theatres of, Humors of the Gallery. Theatre, 27: 122. — University of, and Louvain University. (T. Arnold) Dub. R. IO4: I 13. — — Stubbs’s History of. (P. Myles) Acad. 38; 5. — Ath. 'go, I : 427. — Sat. R. 69: 609. Dubois-Pillet, Louis Auguste Albert. (J. Gray) Acad. 38: 205. Dubourg, Augustus W. Wittoria Contarini. Meusiaux) Theatre, I8: 341. Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet, Geymüller's Life of. Am. Arch. 23: 45. Ducharmes of the Baskatonge, The. Scrib. M. I : 236. Duchess Frances; a story. (H. Keddie) Lond. Soc. 54: 536, 640. 55: 81–621. Duchess's Dilemma, The. Argosy, 47: 514. Ducker, Henry E., and Cycling. (H. P. Merrill) Out- ing, I3: 32. Ducks; Canvas Backs. (A. Forman) Cosmopol. 9: 145. — Wild, and Duck-Decoying. (J. Watson) National, I4: 243. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 367. — — Shooting. (W. G. Beers) Outing, 13: 39. Duck Hunting. (S. Trotter) Outing, 9; 336. Duck Shooting among the Floating Islands of the Az- tees. (E. Pierce) Outing, II : 174. — on Lake St. Francis. (E. A. Cowley) Outing, I6: 46. Duddon Vale, as it is and is to be. Cornh. 60: 151. Du Deffand, M. de V. C., and Horace Walpole. Temp. Bar, 82: 34o. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 741. Dudes, Suggestions to ; by an Old Dude. Am. M. 7: 312. See Swells. Dudevant, Mad., and Gustave Flaubert. (Mrs. A. Ken- nard) Ecl. M. Io9: 53. . — at an English School. (J. G. Alger) National, I3: 643. Same art. Liv. Age, I82; 376. — Caro's Life of. (A. French) Dial (Ch.) 9: Io2.—Spec. 61: 447. — Childhood of. (J. Sully) Longm. I5; 149. — Days with. (L. Wanderpoole) Writer, I: IoI. (A. de L’Apparent) Pop. (E. H. Johnson) And. R. I.6: (F. Hudson) (M. de (D. C. Scott) DUDEVANT Dudevant, Mad., Family of. Critic, 14: 81. — Girlhood of. (J. Sully) Longm. I5: 89. – in Italy. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 47: 372. Dudley, Paul, Correspondence with the Royal Society. (N. D. Davis) Nation, 53: 311. - Dudley, T. U.; his Reasons for being a Churchman. Cath. World, 45: 218. Duel, Evolution of the. Sat. R. 66: 551. Duels, Queer. Sat. R. 68: 574. — to the Death. (D. S. Richardson) Overland, m. s. I2 : I.28. Duel, The ; a story. (G. S. Godkin) Argosy, 46: 352. Duelling. Quar. I69: 189. – The Bladensburg. Duelling Ground, kims) M. Am. Hist. 25: 18. — The Code in North Carolina. Am. Hist. 26: 443. — Curiosities of. All the Year, 65: 376. (M. T. Ad- (S. B. Weeks) M. — in France. Cornh. 62: 618. — in Germany. (S. Baring-Gould) Chamb. J. 67: 193. — Sat. R. 71 : 614. — in Paris. (T. Child) Harper, 74: 519. — on the Stage and off. Theatre, 26: I.25, 180. Duenmehs of Salonica. (J. T. Bent) Longm. II: 24. Duenos Inscription, The. (R. S. Conway) Am. J. Phi- lol. Io: 445. Duerer, Albert. Church. Q. 31 : 314. – (A. Fleming) Eng. Illust. 7: 567. - — Literary Remains of, Conway's. Ath. '90, 2: 704, 743. — (K. Cox) Nation, 50: 136. — Sat. R. 69: I 19. Dufferin and Ava, F. T. Blackwood, Marquis of. (C. R. Eaglestone) Tinsley, 43: 463. — and the Indian Congress. (Uma Sankar Misra) Westm. I32: 92. — — a Reply. (P. B. N. Dar) Westm. I33: 80. — in India. Sat. R. 65: 180. — India under. Ed. R. I69: I. Dufferin, Lady; with portrait. Leis. Hour, 37: 798. Dufferins (Lord and Lady), in India. (J. Williams) Lend a H. 5: 81. Dugdale, Sir William, Diary. (F. Madan) Ath. '88, 2: 591. Du Guay-Trouin, Réné, of St. Malo. (A. L. Royce) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 476. Duk-duk Ceremonies. (W. Churchill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 236. Duke Carl of Rosenmold. (W. Pater) Macmil. 56: 19. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 20. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 743. Duke and the Commoner. 48: 515. Duke's Career, A. Dukeries, The. 438. Dulany, Ann, Letters of. 65 I. - Dulcie, a Philosopher's Fancy. Longm. II: 519. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 74. Duleep Singh. (H. G. Keene) Acad. 36: 263. Dulness, Pleasures of. All the Year, 63: 513. (Mrs. P. Bigelow) Lippine. (J. C. Scott) Gent. M. n.s. 42: 521. (C. S. Pelham-Clinton) Cosmopol. II: (K. M. Rowland) Atlan. 66: (K. Carmarthen) 7Duluth. (W. F. Phelps) M. West. Hist. g.: 149. — Bench and Bar of. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9: 634. Dulwich College. (S. Cheetham) Acad. 40: 255. —Sat. R. 7o: 267. Dumaresq's Daughter. (Grant Allen) Chamb. J. 68: I-649. Dumas, Alexandre. (C. E. Meetkerke) Argosy, 44: 409. — (A. Lang) Scrib. M. 6: 259. — at the Maison d'Or. Sat. R. 65: 546. — An Hour with. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Critic, I2: 265. – Francillon. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 139. 124 DUST Dumas, Alexander. Henri III. M. n. S. 43: 192. - Historical Novels, Chronological List of. Lib. J. I5: 270. – on Victor Hugo. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 340. Dumas, Alex., fils. (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. Mo. 13: 1. Dumbledowndeary Come to Life again. (G. A. Sala) Eng. Illust. 9: 231. Dumesnil, Marie Françoise. (F. Hawkins) Theatre, 19: 2 I. Dumollard, Crime and Trial of, 1862. 559. Dun, John, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 341. Dun, Thos., the Robber, Case of. Green Bag,3: 321. Dunbar, Scotland. Sat. R. 72: 356. Duncan, Peter Martin. Acad. 39: 542. – Nature, 44: 387. Dundas Family of Scotland. Scot. R. 13: 312. Dundas Memoirs, The. Spec. 60: 1024. Dundases of Arniston. Ed. R. 166: 491. Dundee, John Graham of Claverhouse, Wiscount, Mor- ris's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 265. Dundonald, T. Barnes, 11th Earl of. Autobiography. Sat. R. 69: 679. Dunfermline, Abbey and Palace of. Gent. M. m. s. 39: 86. Dungeon Rock, Lynn, Mass. State Mo. I : 235. Dunkers: a Peculiar People. 776. Dunlop, Alison Hay. 392. Dunmow Flitch, The. All the Year, 66: 344. Dunoyer, A. M. P., Madame. Letters. Sat. R. 69: 447. - Dunraven Ranch. (C. King) Lippinc. 42: 751. Dunstable, Prior and the Burgesses of. (J. Brown) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 19. Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, Bishop. Liv. Age, I75: 3. Dupleix, Malleson's. (J. Bryce) Nation, 52: 385. Duplicate Books in Libraries. Lib. J. I.4: 369. Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre S. Amer. 17: 134. — (J. G. Rosengarten) M. Am. Hist. 21: 234. Duponts and the Durands. Nation, 46: 192. Dupré, Giovanni, Memoir of. Nation, 44: 191. Dupré, Jules. (Maurice Hamel) Art J. 42: 186. Dupuis, Joseph, Actor. Sat. R. 72: 496. Duquesne, Fort, Fall of. (T. J. Chapman) M. Am. Hist. I'7: 330. — (S. Evans) M. West. Hist. 12: 480. Duran, Carolus, In the Studio of. (H. A. Kennedy) Contemp. 53: 703. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 62. Durant, Thomas. (O. Thomas) Cong. R. 4: 244. Duras, Duchess of, Journal of, During the Reign of Terror. Month, 68: 213, 378. Durbin, John Price, with portrait. Meth. R. 47: 329. — Roche's Life of. Meth. R. 50: 365. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. Green Bag, 3: (E. Walford) (F. P. Harriman) Bay (H. Pyle) Harper, 79: (J. Brown) Good Words, 31: (J. A. Roche) Durham. (E. R. Pennell) Portfo. 18: 240. — Cathedral of. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. 13: 226. — — Romance of. (Canon Talbot) Sunday M. 19: 240. Durie, John, Work of, in Behalf of Christian Union in 17th Century. Presb. R. 8: 297. Dusantes, The. (F. R. Stockton) Cent. 13: 244–617. Du Simitière, P. E. (W. J. Potts) Pennsyl. M. 13: 34I. Dusky Genius, A. (M. Thompson) Cent. I'7: 906. Dust. (J. G. McPherson) Longm. 18: 49. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I7: 56. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 40: 251. — Atmospheric. (W. Marcet) Nature, 41: 473. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 177. DUST Dust, Ethics of. Meliora, 9: 97. — Numbering the. (J. G. McPherson) Knowl. 238. — Spectroscopic Properties of. war) Sid. Mess. Io: 9. Dust Lore. (M. Brooke) Theatre, 24: 140. Dust Particles in the Atmosphere, Number of. (J. Aitken) Nature, 37: 428. 4I: 394. Dast Screens. (T. P. Teale) Am. Arch. 32: 152. “Dust to Dust; ” a story. (M. J. Preston) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 471. Dutch, The, and Protestant Liberty. son) Univ. Q. 45: 261. — in America. (C. Thomas) Chaut. I3: 205. Dutch Country House, Visit to a. (M. Crommelin) Eng. Illust. 4: 746, 769. Same art. Liv. Age, I75 : 4 I, 397. Dutch Girlhood. Dutch Literature, 1886–7. 2: 23. — 1887–8. (E. van Campen) Ath. '88, 8: 24. I3: (G. D. Living; J. De- (G. H. Emer- (Mrs. Lecky) Liv. Age, I84; 375. (E. van Campen) Ath. '87, — 1888–9. (E. van Campen) Ath. '89, 2: 2 I. — 1889–90. (E. van Campen) Ath. '90, 2: 21. — 1890–1. (E. van Campen) Ath. '91, 2: 25. Dutch Reformed Church, Mission of, as a Denomina- tion. (T. G. Apple) Ref. Q. 36: 283. Dutch West India Company, Origin of. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 273. Dutcher, Allan; a Modern Corycius. (J. W. Wilstach) Cath. World, 46: Iog. Dutchman at Home. See Holland. Duty, Decline of. (G. F. Parsons) Atlan. 59: 624. — Problem of. (C. F. Dole) And. R. I2: 624. Dwarfs. All the Year, 65; 77. Dwarfs and Giants. Chamb. J. 66: 378. — of Morocco. Spec. 67: 348. Dwellings, Cheap, in France. 32: 8. — for the People. (T. Beggs) J. Soc. Arts, 14: 177. – Improved, for the Poor, and National Pensions. Lend a H. 4: 783. (Mrs. M. J. Am. Arch, 31: 137. – Laborers’ Block, Vital Statistics of. (A. News- holme) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 70. — Liverpool Corporation’s Experiment. (F. L. King) Arena, 3: 737. — Model, for the Rich. (T. R. Smith and W. H. White) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 456. — of the Poor in Large Towns. Arts, 32: 485. — of Upper and Middle Classes, Sanitary Provisions in. (H. H. Collins) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 968. — Re-Housing the Poor in London. (H. Cox) Westm. I34: 611. – Sanitary Construction and Arrangements of. (W. H. Corfield) J. Soe. Arts, 27: 731–865. —Workmen's, Economical Construction of. Stallard) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 461. Dwelling-House, Art in the Modern. Arch. 22: 287. — Mill-Built. Am. Arch. 31: 74. Dwelling-Houses, Berlin. (Countess von Krockow) Am. Arch. 26: I55. Dwight, Timothy. Formative Influences. 497. Dyak Sorcerers. Dyeing, Revolution in. I3O: 377, 437. Dyer, Thomas H. Acad. 33: 97. - Ath. '88, 1: 180. Dyer's Hollow. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 68: 313. Dyes, Fast and Fugitive. (J. J. Hummel) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 535. Dying, The, A Home for. (A. T. Schofield) Contemp. 59: 423. (E. Hoole) J. Soc. (J. H. (A. Mereu) Am. Forum, Io: Cornh. 61 : 149. (R. L. Chase) J. Frankl. Inst. 125 EARTH Priº, for the Flag; a poem. (H. G. Hewlett) Spec: 4 : 5 I2. — Pleasures of. (E. P. Buffet) N. Eng. 55: 231. “Dying without Issue '’ construed in Devises of Real Estate. (S. G. Croswell) Am. Law R. 22: 107. Dynamical Units and Nomenclature. (R. E. Baynes) Nature, 37: 465. Dynamics, Grant Allen's Theory of. Acad. 34: 421. Dynamite Cruisers. (F. R. Brainard) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 45. - Dynamite Gun, Zalinski's Pneumatic. Dynamite Guns. Spec. 63: 546. – American Machine Cannon and. Cent. I4: 885. — and Cruisers. Sat. R. 67: 436. — Development of. (B. C. Batcheller) Engin. M. I : 758. Dynamite Shells, Pneumatic Guns and. Chamb. J. 64: 150. Dynamo, A Simple. (F. J. Smith) Nature, 39: 80. – Westinghouse, Electro-Motive Force of. (L. Sear- ing and S. W. Hoffmann) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 93. Dynamo-Electric Machinery. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: I 19-159. 32: 319. Dynasties, Royal. (A. Galton) Acad. 38: 467. (K. Pearson) Spec. 60: 1304. (W. R. Hamilton) E-Vowel, Assyrian. (P. Haupt) Am. J. Philol. 8: 265. Eagle, The, in England. Spec. 67: 724. Eagle's Nest, The. (Dan De Quille) Overland, n. s. I7: 535. Eagles, Gathering of the. (H. Lucas) Month, 7I: 256. Ear, Effects of Explosions on the. (S. Sexton) Science, 9 : 343. – How we Hear. 138. Ears, Forms of. Sat. R. 7I: 224. “Earl of Dalhousie,” Raising the Ship. Overland, n. s. II: 232. Earle, Erasmus, Serjt., 1590–1667, Love-Letters of. (C. A. Cook) National, 8: 738. Earles, John ; a Minute Philosopher. Macmil. 6o: 38. Earlswood (Eng.) Asylum. (M. M. G. Dana) Lend a H. 4: 703. Early, Gen. Jubal Anderson, Valley Campaign of. (A. L. Long) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 8o. Early Closing of Shops. (J. Lubbock) Good Words, 28: 20. — Movement for, in England, 1862. Meliora, 5: I 17. Early Rising. Atlan. 62: 283. — (J. H. Hager) Writer, 2: 269. Early Wrecked; a story. Meliora, 5: 169. Earned Decrease vs. the Unearned Increment. (J. Ben- ton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 177. Earth and Moon a Double Planet. (J. E. Gore) Knowl. I4: I 75. — Annual Motion of. – Crust of, Distribution of Strain in. Am. J. Sci. I35: 338. — — Foundation Stones of the. (T. G. Bonney) Nature, 39: 89. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 652. — Density of. (G. W. Hill) Science, II: I 16. — Figure of, Study of, by the Pendulum. (E. D. Pres- ton) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 445. — Final Destiny of the. (J. S. Vaughan) Dub. R. Io'7: (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 38: (I. M. Scott) (J. Haywood) Sid. Mess. 7: 286. (G. L. Goodale) 2I. – Globe of the, Varying Aspects of. Knowl. Io: 279. — Interior of, Inquiry into State of. (I. Sayles) Am. Natural. 22: 17. — Mathematical Theories of the. (R. S. Woodward) Am. J. Sci. I38: 337. — (R.S. Woodward) Science, I4: I67. EARTH Earth, Rigidity of, Elementary Proof of. Becker) Am. J. Sci. 139: 336. — Stability of the. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. 1: 259. – Weighing the. Knowl. II: 123, 151. – What is known of it? (R. Strachey) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 808. Earths, Rare, as interpreted by the Spectroscope. (W. Crookes) Nature, 39: 537. - Earthlings. (G. King) Lippinc. 42: 601. Earthquake at Ban-dai-san, Japan. Nature, 39: 279. – at Bordighera. Atlan. 59: 788. – at Charleston, 1886. Am. J. Sci. I33: 71. – Knowl. Io: I. — M. Am. Hist. 18: 251. – Pub. Opin. I : 431. - (F. C. Mendenhall]) Science, 9: 584. — (C. E. Dutton) Science, Io: Io. — (J. LeConte) Science, Io: 22. – (C. E. Dutton) Science, Io: 35. — (C. E. Dutton and E. Hayden) Nature, 36: 269, 297. * — — Results of Investigation of. E. Hayden) Science, 9: 489. — — Speed of Propagation of. Dutton) Am. J. Sci. I35: I. – at Edinburgh, Scotland, Jan. 18, 1889. 324. — at Tokio, April, 1889. Nature, 40: 294. — Humors of an. Chamb. J. 64: 129. – in Japan, Jan. I5, 1887. (J. A. Ewing) Nature, 36: I O7, 379. — — 1891. (J. Milne) Nature, 42: 127. — in London, 1887. (G. Robinson) Macmil. 56: 34. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 564. — in the Riviera, Feb. 23, 1887. Nature, 35: 419, (C. Reid) 534. — (J. E. H. Peyton) Nature, 36: I52. – Sat. R. 63: 284, 367. — Science, 9: 207. (G. F. (C. E. Dutton and (S. Newcomb and C. E. Nature, 39: (E. V. Rebeur-Paschwitz) — Model of an. Nature, 37: 297. — of Liguria, 1887. Science, I3: I43. — Sonora. (G. E. Goodfellow) Science, Io: 81. – Sci- ence, II: I62. Earthquakes. (J. S. Newberry) Am. Arch. 2 I : 150. – (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 25: 135. – (G. H. Darwin) Fortn. 47: 262. Same art. Liv. Age, I72; 735. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 359. – (A. Geikie) Good Words, 28: 35,83. — (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. g: I 17. – (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) Leis. Hour, 36: 381. — (T. W. Kingsmill) Nature, 35: 319. — and How to Measure them. (J. A. Ewing) Nature, 38: 299. — Determination of Depth of. IO .. 22. — Effect of, on the Nerves, Spec. 60: 355. – Galli on. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 25: 91. — in California. (E. S. Holden) Am. J. Sci. I37: 392. — in California and Elsewhere. (E. S. Holden) Over- land, n. S. II: 39. — in Great Britain. (W. White) Nature, 4I: 202. — — Study of. Nature, 42: 346. — in Japan, Points on. (J. Milne) Nature, 35: 559. — — Recent Great. Nature, 40: 461. — Intensity of, and Energy involved. hall) Nature, 39: 380. — Japanese Views on. Spec. 67: 839. – Seismoscopes and Seismological Investigations. C. Mendenhall) Am. J. Sci. I35: 97. — Theories of the Causes of. Nature, 35: 428. — Warnings of. (J. A. W. Oliver) Murray, I: 813. Earthquake Intensity in San Francisco. (E. S. Holden). Am. J. Sci. I35: 427. Earthquake Shocks, Connection between Distant. (W. White) Nature, 40: 393. Earthquake Warnings. (J. A. W. Oliver) Ecl. M. Io9: I90. Earth Tremors from Trains. Nature, 41: 344. (J. LeConte) Science, (T. C. Menden- (T. * 126 EASTON Earth-Works and Stockades. (W. M. Beauchamp) Am. Antiq. I3; 42. Earthworms. Nature, 43: 179. – (E. M. Sympson) Knowl. I2: 184, 202. — and Society. (M. Parmele) Lippine. 40: 909. – Effect of Rain on. Am. Natural. 23: 687. — Giant. Chamb. J. 64: 367. – Nephridia of. (W. B. Spencer and others) Nature, 38: 197, 22I. — Some Recent Papers on. (J. S. Kingsley) Am. Nat- ural. 25: I. — Tail Bristles of West Indian. ture, 39: I 5. Earwigs. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 181, 201. Easington Church, Grave-Slab in. Antiq. m. s. 24: 106. East, The, Ancient History of, Lenormant's. Ath. '88, 2: 349. — Discovery in, Recent. (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 54: 299. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 537. – “Enormous Antiquity '' of. (F. M. Müller) Ecl. M. (F. E. Beddard) Na- I 17: 17. — in 1890. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 432. — Literatures of the Far. (J. A. Smith) Chaut. 8: 205, 280, 338. — Rejuvenescence of. (E. P. Thwing) Lend a H. 7: 81. Asia. R. v. 3 8. (H. Yule) Asia. — Summary of Events in. – Travellers in, some little known. R. 6: 382. — Trip to. Cong. R. 2: 623–1020. – Ways of. Temp. Bar, 88: 412. Same art. Age, I85: 88. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 527. East Anglia. (C. L. Hind) Art J. 4I: 193, 232. — (G. Stables) Leis. Hour, 40: 561. East Fairleigh, Kent, Church at. East India, Social Problems in. East India Company, History of. Sóc. Arts, 38: 159. East India Trade, Dawn of, Stevens's. 497. — John Company's Service Fifty Years ago. Gibney) Um. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 594. East-Indian Archipelago, Permian, Triassic, and Juras- sic Formations in. (A. Rothpletz) Am. Natural. 25 East Im East Lothian, Twenty Years ago in. Macmil. 64; 269. Easter; The Easter Hare. Liv. N. E. Reg. 42: 282. N. Eng. 55: 519. (F. C. Danvers) J. Ath. '87, 2: (R. D. : 959. dies, Pyrard’s Voyage to. Sat. R. 7I: 205. (A. G. Bradley) (K. Hillard) Atlan. 65: 665. i – in Jerusalem. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 8: 560. — in Russia. (E. V. Bari) Cosmopol. I: 46. – Sat. R. 63: 513. — Modern Difficulty concerning. Spec. 66: 470. — Moravian. (E. A. Oldham) Am. M. 7: 654. — Should Protestants observe it? Chris. Q. 6: 274. Easter Eve at Kerak-Moab. (C. Scollard) Atlan. 67: 55. Eastern Archipelago, Trade and Commerce of. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 9: 451. Eastern Equestrienne; a story. (E. S. Williamson) Belgra. 72: 194. Eastern Church. (F. J. Parker) Church R. 56: 61. — Greek and Russian. (A. T. Sibbald) Overland, n.s. 18: 274. — in Greece. (A. R. Macewen) Good Words, 32: 409. Eastern Question, The. Asia. R. 3: 206. — Greece and. Sat. R. 7o: 522. — in 1887. (G. Boros) Unita. R. 27: 536. == Reopening of the. Asia. R. 8: 458. Eastlake, C. L. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 120. Easton, Jason C., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 562. EASTWARD Eastward Ho; a story. (E. Hess-Kaye) Belgra. 72: 68. Eastward Position at the Lord’s Table. (C. A. But- ler) Church R. 58: 155. Eastwick, Capt. Rob. W. Sat. R. 72: 504. Eating and Drinking, Curiosities of. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. S. 45: 482. 46: 191. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 93. — Oddities of. All the Year, 65: 420. — Over-. Tinsley, 42: 173. — to Live, Living to Eat and. Gent. M. n. s. 46: 518. Eaton, Amos, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 113. Eaton Hall. (C. S. Pelham-Clinton) Cosmopol. 8: 722. Eavesdropper, The ; a story. (J. Payn) Cornh. 57: 449, * 561. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 16, 76. Eberhardt, Blackw. I42: 199. Same art. I74: 8oo. I75: 14. Ebers, George. Bride of the Nile. Blackw. I42: 504. — The Emperor. (A. Young) Chaut. Io: 267. – Joshua. Blackw. I49: 45. Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von. kow) Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 156. Ebony Frame. (E. Nesbit) Longm. I 8: 605. Ecce Homo. Westm. I31: 31 O. Eccentricities of Tommy Atkins. (E. J. Hardy) Good Words, 32: 325. - Eccentricity, British. All the Year, 68: 562. Ecclesiastical and Denominational Tendencies. Reynolds) Unita. R. 31: 427. Ecclesiastical History, Recent Work in. (G. T. Stokes) Contemp. 54: Ios. Ecclesiastical Law, English, Stubbs on. 360. Eccleston's Chronicle, Missing Manuscript of. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 754. Echo of Antietam, An; a story. Cent. I6: 374. - Echo-Song. (T. B. Aldrich) Atlan. 65: 53. Eclipse of the Sun, Oct. 29, 1878. (C. S. Taylor) Na- ture, 37; 223. — Aug. 28–29, 1886. (W. H. Pickering) Science, Io: 9. — Aug. 19, 1887. Nature, 36: 60, 77, (D. P. Todd) 609. — (W. Harkness) Sid. Mess. 7: 1. – (B. von Engle- hardt) Sid. Mess. 7: 161. — — Expedition to Japan. I69, 229, 29I. — Jan. 1, 1889. Dub. R. I.O.A.: 417. – (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2: 105, 168. — (D. P. Todd) Nation, 48: 47. — (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 39: 487. – Nature, 45: 188. — (C. W. Irish) Sid. Mess. 8: 166. — (W. H. Pickering) Sid. Mess. 8: 337. — — Reporting by Telegraph. (D. P. Todd) Cent. I6: 602. — Dec. 22, 1889. — — Observed in W. Africa. 49: 473, 5 I4. 50: 253. — 1890. (D. P. Todd) Nature, 41: 379. Eclipses of the Sun, Chronology corrected by. Plummer) Nature, 41 : 529. — Problems of, Modern. (D. P. Todd) Forum, 9: 552. – Telegraph in Observations of. (D. P. Todd) Am. J. Sci. I33: 226. Eclipse Superstitions and Moon Lore. Knowl. II: 51. Ecliptic, Obliquity of, Cause of. (T. A. Bereman) Sci- , ence, I7: 93. Ecole Alsacienne, Paris. (W. L. Montague) Acad. , (Syr.) 5: 382. Ecole des Chartes, Every Day Work of. (W. E. Mead) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 474. Economics, American, Tendencies in. (G. H. Dryer) Meth. R. 51: 244. — and Ethics. (J. H. Hyslop) And. R. I5: 66. — (W. Gladden) N. Princ. 5: 339. 67: 247. (N. E. Yorke-Davies) Liv. Age, (Countess von Kroc- (G. Dub. R. IoI: (A. G. (E. W. Bellamy) (M. L. Todd) Nation, 45: (A. L. Cortie) Month, 67: 481. (D. P. Todd) Nation, (W. E. 127 EDGEWORTH Economics, Christian, Richmond's. Spec. 61: 853. — Early English. Lond. Q. 72: 129. — in Italy. (A. Loria) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 2O3. — Modern. Ed. R. I.73: 237. – Modern Christianity and. 50. — Modern Science of. 27: I 35. — Need of Proper Instruction in. National, Io: 478. – Poverty, Sympathy, and. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 5: 396. — Recent Books on (1887). (A. Shaw) Dial (Ch.) 8: 61. — Recent Discussions on. (Ch.) 9: I55. – Statistics and. (R. M. Smith) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: 24 I. e See also Political Economy. Economic Changes, Recent. (D. A. Wells) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 584. – Wells's Recent. Nation, 49: 453. – (S. N. Patten) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 84. — (H. White) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 309. — (J. W. Jenks) Dial (Ch.) Io: 252. Economic Disturbances since 1873. (D. A. Wells) Pop. Sci. Mo. v. 31-33. Economic Doctrine in England, Progress of, in 18th Century. (W. Cunningham) Econ. J. I: 73. Economic History, Recent Contributions to, in Ger- many. (W. Hasbach) Econ. J. I : 509. (J. B. Clark) N. Eng. 47: (H. D. Macleod) J. Soc. Arts, (W. H. Mallock) (A. B. Woodford) Dial — Rogers's. Sat. R. 68: 247. º Economic Internationalism. (R. T. Ely) Chaut. Io: 28 J Economic Literature, Recent. (J. Rae) Contemp. 53: 418. (L. F. Ward) Science, II: 172. (L. Levi) Leis. Economic Paradoxes. Economic Progress, Fifty Years of. Hour, 36: 46. Economic Side of History. (H. DeB. Gibbins) Westm. I35 : 3 II. Economic Thought, Tide of. Econ. Assoc. 6: 13. Economists, Austrian. (E. von Böhm-Bawerk) Amn. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 361. Economy, Esoteric. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 62: 529. Ecuador and her Cities. (W. E. Curtis) Am. M. 8: 2O3, 302. (F. A. Walker) Am. — Simson's Travels in. Ath. '87, I: 538. —Spec. 60: 363. Eddies in the Atmosphere. (H. A. Hazen) Science, I7: 346 Eddington School. (E. S. Thackara). Cosmopol. 9: 285. Edélinck, Gérard, Henri Delaborde’s. Am. Arch. 22: 43. Eden, Charles Page. Eden and the Coenaculum. Quar. I58: 192. (A. F. Hewit) Am. Cath. Q. I 5: 240. — and Paradise; a Meditation. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 33: 306. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 32: 519. — for a Poet, An. (E. D. Cope) Am. Nat- Edentata of North America. ural. 23: 657. Edersheim, Alfred. Edessa, Origins of Church of. R. IO4; 342. — to Aleppo. Sat. R. 63: 403. Edged Tools. (Ethel M. Arnold) Temp. Bar, 80: 494. 81: 77. Edgehill, Battle of. (T. Arnold) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 137. — (W. G. Ross) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 533. Edgerton, John Coker. Acad. 33: 223. Edgeworth, Maria. (A. Repplier) Lippinc. 47: 390, (A. Neubauer) Ath. '89, I : 378. (Z. C. Casastelli) Dub. EDINBURGH Edinburgh. (E. L. Didier) Chaut. 9: 476. –(M. O. W. Oliphant) Eng. Illust. 8: 48. – Fifty Years Ago. (W. G. Blaikie) Sunday M. I.6: 378, 475. — Literary Landmarks of. (L. Hutton) Harper, 82: 609. — — Hutton's. Sat. R. 72: 705. – Parliament House in. Am. Arch. 29: 122. — Royal, Oliphant's. Sat. R. 7I: 51. – Church. Q. 32: 335. — Royal High School of. (G. A. Bacon) Acad. (Syr.) I : 89. — St. Giles Cathedral. Am. Arch. 28: 89. Ath. '89, 2: 358. — University of, American Graduates in Medicine. (H. E. Hayden) N. E. Reg. 4I: 391. — — List of American Graduates. Reg. 42: 159. — — Memories of. (R. L. Stevenson) Critic, II: 82. — — Reform of. (J. Winsor) Nation, 5.I.: 417. Edison, Thomas Alva ; Analysis of the Name. World, 51: 8o3. — his Work and his Work-Shop. mopol. 6: 598. — Reminiscences of. (S. Lewis) N. E. Cath. (H. Townsend) Cos- (T. B. Connery) Cosmopol. II: I 50. — Talks with. (G. P. Lathrop) Harper, 8o: 425. Edisonite. (W. E. Hidden) Am. J. Sci. I36: 272. Editor, Experiences of an. Leis. Hour, 37; 39. Editor's Revenge, The. Tinsley, 42: 213. Editor's Side, as against Writers. (F. M. Johnson) Writer, 3: 60. Editors, American, Pre-Revolutionary. (S. G. W. Ben- jamin) M. Am. Hist. I7: I. — — 1776–1800. (S. G. W. Benjamin) M. Am. Hist. I7: 97. — Magazine, Trials of. (J. H. Browne) Lippinc. 44: 573. — Sins of. (T. Starr) Writer, 4: 123. Editorial Department of Newspapers. (W. H. Hills) Writer, 5: 161. Edmonds, Thomas Rowe. Acad. 35: 185. Education. Lend a H. 3: 187. – Nation, 46; 371. – Overland, n. s. I5: 326. Education and Co-Education. Critic, II: 85. -— and Crime. (A. W. Gould) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 211. — and Freedom. (T. J. Morgan) Education, 8: 571. — and Instruction. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 7: I49. — and Lawlessness. (F. D. Huntington) Forum, 4: I33. — and Religion. (A. R. Marsh) And. R. II : I. — and Social Progress. (T. T. Munger) Cent. I2: 268. — and the Working Man. (L. Noble) Eng. Illust. 7: 868. — Are we Educating our Children? Westm. I28: 863. — as a Science and an Art. (M. A. Garvey) J. Soc. Arts, 2: II4–162. — Aspects of. (O. Browning) Science, 9: I61-561. Io: 206. — Beneficiary. (S. J. Taylor) Luth. Q. 20: 92. — Brain Work and Manual Work. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 27: 456. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 625. — Christian. Chris. Q. 6: 44. — Classification of, in Libraries. J. I.6: 330. — Common-School, Problems in. And. R. Io: 307. — Compulsory, in Wisconsin. (B. G. Schley) Nation, 50: 240. — — — and in Illinois. (J. J. Mapel) Educa. R. I : 52. —(N. C. Dougherty) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 130. — Continuity in. (C. T. Williams) Educa. Io: 217. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. 128 ! EDUCATION Education, Damage from Different Sorts of. (A. H. Peters) Unita. R. 33: 317. – Demand for, in American History. (J. Jay) No. Am. Hist. 25: 99. • * – Democratic Ideal in. (F. Adler) Cent. 16: 927. – Does it diminish Industry? Spec. 60: 222. – The Educational Outlook. (J. R. Diggle) Fortn. 54: 247. — Educational Reforms, 1891. (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem. I : I. – Elementary. Church Q. 23: 316. — — a Municipal Charge. (Lord Sandford) Fortn. 55: 762. — — and the Free Question. (E. L. Stanley) New R. 4: 238. – (R. Gregory) New R. 4: 361. — — Continuation of. (W. L. Carpenter) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 299. — — Its Working and its Results. Westm. 130: 488, 664. – English, W. E. Forster on. Cong. R. 2: 720. – Evolution and. (W. Cook) Educa. 9: 368. – Excessive Helps in. (W. T. Harris) Educa. 9: 215. – Facts, not Theories, the Basis of. (W. M. Thayer) Educa. I2: 155. – Fractional and Integral. (G. L. Chaney) Harv. Mo. 5: I.27. — Free. Church Q. 30: 170. — Month, 72: 477. — Westm. I28: 733. — — The Case for. (E. N. Buxton) Fortn. 47: 421. – Functions of Primary, Secondary, and University Schools. (S. S. Laurie) Science, 9: 466. – Half-Time System of. (A. Redgrave) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 225. — (T. P. Sykes) Fortn. 52: 823. — Hamiltonian System of. (H. S. Salt) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 568. —- Heredity and. (A. H. Bradford) Educa. R. 1: 147. — the Higher. Lend a H. 3: 615. — — — and Practical Life. (W. D. Sheldon) N. Eng. 55: 24. — — and the State. Nature, 35: 457. — — Discipline in. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 64; 24. — — Encouragement of. (H. B. Adams) Science, 13: 219. — — in the West. (W. C. Roberts) Presb. R. 9: 208. — — Recent Literature of. Pedagog. Sem. I : 19, 327. — — Relation of, to Religion. (W. DeW. Hyde) Acad. (Syr.) I: 24.I. º — — State Aid to, in New England. New Eng. M. 2: 469. – How I was Educated. (E. E. Hale) Educa. 12: 129. — Humane, and Prevention of Crime. (N. P. Gilman) Lend a H. 5: 228. * — The Ideal in. (R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Qi. 37: 252. – in Alaska. (S. Jackson) Lend a H. I : 4oo. — in America. (T. Davidson) Westm. I28: 414. — — State. Westm. I27: I. — in Boyhood. (T. Dwight) Forum, 9: 133. — in Canada, Denominational and State. McKenna) Cath. World, 50: I. (K. G. Wells) (J. A. J. — in China. Lond. Q. 68: 308. — in Colombia. (B. Whitman) Lend a H. 2: 630. — in England. (Lord Reay) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 902. – in England, 1888. Cong. R. 2: 652–1048. — — Conference on, 1870. J. Soc. Arts, 18: 238. — — Education in our Rural Districts. Meliora, 4: II6. — — Elementary. And. R. Io: 398. — (S. Smith) Con- temp. 60: 148. — Chamb. J. 66: 389. – Westm. I31 : 587. — — — Code of 1876. Arts, 26: 28. — — — New Departure in. (J. Runciman) Contemp. 54; 33. (E. F. M. MacCarthy) J. Sco. EDUCATION Education in England, Elementary, Shortcomings in. (J. H. Yoxall) Longm. I2: 360. — — Free. Quar. 172: 163. – (E. L. Stanley) Con- temp. 6o: 139. — — — Act of 1891. Spec. 66: 816. —Sat. R. 72: 8, 37, 75. — Church Q. 32: 492. — — — and the Religious Difficulty. Spec. 67: 5. — — — Goschen and. Spec. 66: 783. — — — Is it a Bribe 2 (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. 29: IO22. — — — The Government and. Spec. 66; 849. — – National. (B. W. Richardson) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 678. — — — Present State of, 1861. Meliora, 4; 21. — — the New Code. Church Q. 29: 159. - (J. J. Davies) Westm. 134: 201. – Ath '90, I : 435. – Church Q. 30: 454. – Nature, 41: 385. — — — Text of. Educa. R. 2: 303. — — — Two Aspects of. (R. Gregory and E. L. Stan- ley) New R. 5: I. — — Popular. (J. H. Vincent) Chaut. 7: 239. — — — in 1882–89. (R. Hamilton) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 50. — — The Public and the Department of Education. (J. H. Yoxall) Murray, 7: I 17. — — Public Elementary. (J. R. Diggle) Contemp. 57: 605. — (J. E. C. Welldon) Contemp. 58: 374. — Acad. (Syr.) 6: I, 63. — — Public Schools and Private Coaches. 19th Cent. 29: 927. — — The Public Schools in 1890. Ath. '90, 2: 96. — — Religious Difficulty. (J. E. Graham) Scot. R. I3: IOS. — — Royal Commission on, 1888. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 258, 327, 862. — (Lord Norton) 19th Cent. 24: 863. — (R. Gregory) Contemp. 54: 641. – Church Q. 27: 189. — Critic, 13: 106. — (H. P. Hughes) Contemp. 55: 354. — Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 1150. — — School-Fees, Abolition of. (J. R. Diggle) Fortn. 49: 196. — — Secondary. (J. G. Fitch) Educa. R. I : 306. — — Village Education under Popular Control. (T. J. Macnamara) Westm. I36; I48. — in Europe, Arnold on. Lond. Q. 67: 256. — in France; Contemporary Educational Thought. (G. Compayré) Educa. R. 2: 171. — — Primary School System, 1891. 62. — — Recent Legislation. (J. Jackson) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 18. * — — Renaissance of. (T. Armagnac) Educa. II: 30. — in Germany. (S. Smith) Nature, 36: 567. — — Address by Emperor William II., 1891. R. I : 2Oo. — — Contemporary Educational Thought in Prussia. (F. Kirchner) Educa. R. I : 474. — — Educational Systems, Perry’s. Spec. 60: 1221. — — Prussian Commission on School Reform. (H. Wood) Educa. R. I : 273. — — Public. Lend a H. 3: 97. — in Great Britain ; Contemporary Educational Thought. (J. G. Fitch) Educa. R. I : 41o. 2: 487. — in Greece. (H. W. Hulbut) And. R. 13: 495. — in Holland, Middle-Class. (J. Yeats) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 299. — in º Indigenous. (G. W. Leitner) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 686. — in London, Secondary, Organization of. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 319. — in Massachusetts, Freedom of. (T. Dwight) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 545. — in New Fngland, Development of. (A. E. Johnson) And. R. I4: 383. (W. Wren) Pedagog. Sem. I; Educa. (S. P. 129 EDUCATION Education in New Zealand, Primary. (A. M. Kersley) Educa. I2: 15, 85. — in Ohio, How the Fathers Builded. (J. H. Fairchild) Educa. 9; 151. — in Scotland, Secondary. (G. G. Ramsay) Blackw. I42: 69. — in Smyrna. (S. Stab) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 921. 27: II 2. — in South America. Lend a H. 7: 92. — in Southern States, Federal Schemes to Aid. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 345. — in Sweden, Secondary and Higher. (C. Thomas) Na- tion, 44; 290. — in the United States, Free. Westm. I36: 367. — — Higher. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. IG: Mahaffy) Ath. '90, 2: 482. — — in the 11th Census Year. (J. H. Blodgett) Educa. R. 2: 238. — — in the State Constitutions. uca. Io: 91, 168. — in Sweden, Secondary and Higher. (C. Thomas) Na- tion, 44; 290. — in Wales, Popular, in 1882–89. Statis. Soc. 53: 50. ,” — in Wisconsin, Bennett Law. (I. Thomas) N. Eng. 54: 132. — Pub. Opin. 9: I, 476. — Individualism in. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 67: 82. — Industrial. (D. C. Wells) And. R. I2: 662. See In- dustrial Education. – Intermediate, Recent Literature in. Pedagog. Sem. (Harriot S. Blatch) 248.- (J. P. “k (B. A. Hinsdale) Ed- (R. Hamilton) J. I : 53. — is Life. (A. F. Palmer) Chaut. I2: 65. — A Lesson in. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. IO2: 294. F Liberal, A. (E. J. Lowell) Atlantºr: 89. * Practical Value of. (W. A. Merrill) Educa. Io: 440. , — Literature of. (W. H. Maxwell) Educa. R. 2: 322. — J. R. Lowell on. New Princ. 3: I 31. — Metamorphoses in. (A. E. Dolbear) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 750. — Middle-Class. (J. Massie) Westm. I33: 144. — Modern; Diversions of a Pedagogue. (J. H. Raven) Macmil. 5o: 198. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 247. — Modern Mis-. (C. Reddie) To-Day, Io; I 14, 140, 17 I. II: 9, 48. ** — National, National Necessities the Bases of. Fraser, IO5: 745. — New. (G. M. Forbes) Bapt. R. Io: 348. – (A. Win- chell, C. N. Sims, and N. M. Butler) Meth. R. 49: 2O I. — New Principles in. (C. G. Leland) N. Princ. 6: 325. — New Scheme of. Cong. R. 2: 251. — of Children. Macmil. 61: 186. Same art. Ecl. M. 114: 318. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 106. — of the Emotions. (F. P. Cobbe) Fortn. 49; 223. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 547. — of an Engineer. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 4: 636. — of the Future. (C. M. Mason) Murray, 5: 845. — of Genius. (J. Sully) Eng. Illust. 8; 316. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 559. of the Masses. (J. P. Munroe) N. Princ. 6: 346. of the People. (C. J. Ward) Tinsley, 45; 8o. — of the Roman Youth. (W. O. Sproull) And. R. I.3: | I5 I. — The Old and the New in. (J. M. Anderson) Educa. I2: I64. w — Over-. Westm. I34: 270. — Pop, Sci. Mo. 31: 4or. — Payne on Proceeding from the Known to the Un- known. (B. O. Hinsdale) Education, 7: 597. — Physical Basis of. (M. I. Swift) Unita. R. 31: 126. Plato's Theory of. (J. Watson) Presb. R. 8: 385. F- Popular. Quar. I55; 371. EDUCATION Education, Popular, Defects in. (E. Cary) Forum, 3: 4I 7. — — in Large Towns. Meliora, 8: 28. — — Study in. (J. H. Vincent) Chaut. 7: 323–515. — Practical. (C. G. Leland) Nature, 37; 562. — — Does it Educate 2 (H. C. Missimer) Education, 7: 317. 554. — Present Position of the Question. Westm. I32: 480. — Public or Private. Sat. R. 7I: 704. — Recent German and French Books on. Acad. (Syr.) I : I 73. — Religion in. (A. C. Hill) Bapt. R. I2: 284. — Science of, Is there a 2 (J. Royce) Educa. R. I : 15, I 2 I. — Secondary, How to Systematize. Westm. I32: 16. — Secular and Christian. (Mary A. Price) Church R. 58: 179. — State and Church in. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 63: 786. - – State, Evils of. (L. de La Ramé) No. Am. I53: 193. — — for the People. (W. W. Hunter et al.) Subj. of Day, no. I. — State Control in, Limits of. R. I : 27. – Struggle of Incompatible Methods of. (W. H. Payne) Acad. 2: II. — Thoughts about. (F. Harrison) Forum, I2: 488. — U. S. Constitution and the Ordinance of 1787 in Re- lation to. (R. S. Robertson) M. Am. Hist. 20: 224. – Vocation vs. Culture; or, the Two Aspects of Edu- cation. (W. T. Harris) Educa. I2: 193. – What is it? (F. Pincott) National, I5: 802. — (H. Drummond) Chaut. 8: 23. — What shall the State teach 2 Acad. (Syr.) 3: 181. — Which Ideal? (H. C. Missimer) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 65. — Why it should be Free. (M. Hennessy) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 806. Educational Iconoclast, Something for the. (H. C. Mis- simer) Acad. (Syr.) 4: I 13. (A. S. Draper) Educa. Educational Institutions in America, Bequests to. (R. A. Proctor) Fortn. 50: 260. Educational Methods, Influence of Race upon. (C. F. Crehore) Education, 7: 402. Educational Progress in the Rocky Mountains. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I2: 370. Educational Reform, Possible and Pressing. (I. E. Dwi- nell) Our Day, 4: 77. - Educational Reformers, Quick’s. Educational Systems, Grasby on. — in Public Schools. Sat. R. 71: 170. Sat. R. 72: 422. (J. E. C. Welldon) Contemp. 58: 374. Edward the Confessor. (G. G. Bradley) Good Words, 30: 180. - Edward I., King of England. Marriage Alliance with the Infanta Pedro of Aragon in 1273. (F. D. Swift) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 326. Edward III., Commercial Policy of. (W. Cunningham) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 197. - Edward IV., Accounts of. (J. H. Ramsay) Antiq. n.s. I6: 185. 237. Edward VI., Acts of Privy Council of. Sat. R. 72: 425. Edwardes, Sir Herbert. (T. R. E. Holmes) National, I2: 208. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 486. — at Peshawur. (F. Dixon) Macmil. 63: 291. art. Liv. Age, I89: 95. — Subjugation of Bunnoo by. (F. Dixon) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 79. Edwards, Amelia B. Same (S. J. White) New Eng. M. n. s. 2 : I Q4. — My Home Life. (A. B. Edwards) Arena, 4: 299. Same art. Critic, Ig: 239. 130 7 Fºr hat is it? (E. H. Woodruff) Overland, n. s. 18: EGYPT Edwards, Amelia B. Visit to America. (W. C. Wins- low) Critic, I4: Io?. Edwards, Jonathan. (E. C. Smyth) And. R. 13: 285. —Spec. 64: 58. – Allen's Life of. (J. W. Wellman) Our Day, 5: 195, 288. – (C. A. L. Richards) Dial (Ch.) Io: 166. — Nation, 49: 314. – as a Naturalist. I : 393. – Psychological Study of. M. m. s. 2: 150. Edwy of Tynedale: a Romance. land, n. S. II: 694. “Eelin' off Goose Pºint.” (H. C. McCook) Presb. & Ref. R. (J. H. Crooker) New Eng. (L. A. Long) Over- (S. Campbell) Outing, 13: 53. Eels and Elvers. (C. L. Morgan) Murray, 6: 669. Eeriness. Spec. 62: 604. Effie Forrester; a story. Meliora, 6: 262. Effie's Lodger; a story. (A. Armitt) Belgra. 74: 296. Effigy Mounds, on Kickapoo River. (P. Cook) Am. Antiq. 9: 175. – Who were the Builders of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 9: 67. Eggs, Biological History of. (B. Kidd) Longm. I6: 504. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 115. Eggs, Chemistry, Commerce, and Uses of. (P. L. Sim- monds) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 72. Same art. Am. Arch. 23: 233. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 92. — of Wild Birds, Destruction of. Spec. 66: 273. Egg and Poultry Supply of Great Britain, 1886–87. (J. G. Bertram) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 50. Egg-Laying Mammals. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 83. Eggers, Ferdinand H., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 382. Eggleston, Brignal, and Wycliffe. (M. Hunt) Art J., 39 : 390. Eggleston, Edward, at Home. (O. C. Auringer) Critie, II : I I I. — Formative Influences. Forum, Io: 279. Egil Skallagrimsson. Atlan. 66: 425. Egmont, Countess d’. (M. Mather) Eng. Illust. 7: 8oo. Egotism. Cornh. 55: 200. – in Savages, Study of. 337. — of Type. Atlan. 67: 431. Eguilles, Marquis, Envoy to Scotland in 1745. Alger) Scot. R. I7: 280. (E. R. Pennell) Atlan. 60: (J. G. Egypt. Westm. I28: 23. – Ancient, Civilization in. (W. M. F. Petrie) Nature, 4I : Io9. — — Education in. (F. C. H. Wendel) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35; 774. — — Greeks in. Quar. I64: 66. —— Life in. (J. P. Taylor) And. R. 12: 669. — — Pithom, Heroāpolis, and Succoth. And. R. 8: 82. — and Holy Writ. (J. W. Wilstach) Cath. World, 45: (C. R. Gillet) 73. — and Syria during 19th Dynasty. (H. H. Howorth) Acad. 39: 395, 514. — (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 39: 491. — Antiquities in. (F. B. Goddard) Nation, 50: 331.— (S. Y. Stevenson) Critic, I8: 72. — (W. C.Winslow) Critic, 18: 113. — (S. A. Einion) Critic, I8: 156. — Critic, 18: 129. — (W. W. Ellsworth) Critic, I8: I73. 2' — — Boulak Museum. (H. M. Browne and L.W. Hodg- kin) Sunday M. 20: 482, 557. — — Discoveries, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 555. — Archaeology in. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 37: 227, 273. — — Collection in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. (W. C. Winslow) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 198. — Bond Conversion, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 736. " — Campaign of 1882. Ed. R. 167: 285. EGYPT Egypt, Campaign of 1882. Critics and Campaigns. (F. Maurice) Fortn. 50: 112. — — Maurice on. Spec. 60: 1658. — Campaign of the Cataracts, 1884–85, Butler on. Ath. ’87, I: 761. — Spec. 60: 900. — Christianity in. Church Q. 23: 265. — Commercial Changes and Aspects of. J. Soc. Arts, 26: 354. — Court Life in, 1880–81, Butler's. Ath. '87, I: 634. — (J. M. Hubbard) Nation, 45; 119. , — Debt of ; Spoliation of the Egyptian Bondholders. Fortn. 51 : 871. — Demoralization of. Sat. R. 66: 337. — Discoveries in, Recent. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 4o: 461. – Chamb. J. 65; 639. — English in. (W. F. Lawrence) National, II: 344. — Ed. R. I'71 : 267. — Spec. 64: 615. — English Capitulations in, 1887. Westm. I28: 328. — Excavations in. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 40: 541. – (W. M. F. Petrie) Acad. 39: 95. — Expansion of. (C. Whitehouse) Contemp. 52: 415. — Explorations in. (E. A. Floyer) Ath. '91, I: 669, 833. 2: I97. — — 1890–91. Antiq. m. s. 23: 216. — — 1891. (A. E. Hudd) Antiq. m. s. 24; 16. — — Recent. (J. N. Fradenburgh) Meth. R. 50: 818. — French Occupation of. Ed. R. I73: 144. — in 1888. (F. Duncan) Ecl. M. I. Io: 414. Fortn. 49: Io9. — in the Pentateuch. R. I : 533. – Irrigation and Land Reclamation in. fried) Nation, 49: 49. – Israel in ; an Allegory and its Interpretation. Tunis) Unita. R. 33: 431. — Life in. (H. W. Hilprecht) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 166. — Monetary Reform in, Rabins on. Ath. '87, 2: 337. — Monuments of, Destruction of. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 37: 157. 39: 120, 168. — (H. Wallis) 19th Cent. 28: 72O. — — Mutilation of. (C. Murch) Acad. 39: 472, 495. — — Preservation of. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 40: 508. — on the Eve of the English Invasion. Scot. R. 9; 137. — Petrie's Finds in the Fayum. Am. Arch. 23: 309. — (S. S. Mitchell) Am. Arch. 24; 18. — Present and Future. (R. W. Felkin) J. Soc. Arts, 3I : 347. — Present Condition of. Contemp. 56: 313. — Public Education in. (P. A. Barnett) Acad. 38: 414. — (C. A. Siegfried) Nation, 50: 361. — Public Improvements in. Spec. 63: 265. — Pyramid and Temple, The Oldest. (W. M. F. Pe- trie) Acad. 39: 376. — Retrospect and Prospect. (B. F. Cobb) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 126. — Scientific Jottings in. 38: 823. — Shepherd Kings of. Dub. R. IoS: 442. — State of. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 26: 462. — Task of England in. Fortn. 50: 629. — Isaac Taylor on. Ath. '88, 2: 48o. — Temples of. (E. L. Wilson) Scrib. M. 4: 387. – 30oo Years ago. (W. M. F. Petrie) Harper, 77: 297. — Trip to. Cong. R. 2: 541. – under the English Invasion. Scot. R. 9: 378. – under Ismaiel, McCoan's. Spec. 63: 591. Egypt Exploration Fund. (E. Naville) Aead. 31: 295. 40: . – Acad. 36: 392. – (F. L. Griffith) Acad. 40: 6o. – Annual Meeting, 1889. Acad. 35: 291. — — 1891. Acad. 39: 213. Egyptians, Ancient, Religion of. Cath. Q. 16: 703. (B. F. Cobb) Same art. (A. H. Kellogg) Presb. & Ref. (C. A. Sieg- (J. (H. C. Bolton) Pop. Sci. Mo. (W. S. Kress) Am. 131 EIGHTEEN Blackw. I 50: 696. (Henry Wallis) Art Egyptians and the Occupation. Egyptian Art in Boulak Museum. J. 4o: Io:3. Egyptian Civilization, Dawn of. Frankl. Inst. I23: 341. Egyptian Discoveries. Ecl. M. Iro: 708. Egyptian Ethics. (E. Revillout). Bib. Sac. 47: 390. Egyptian Hierarchy. (A: B. Edwards) Acad. 33: 28o. Egyptian Legend of the Enchanted Prince. (G. Ebers) Cosmopol. I: 276. Egyptian Slave Girls. Ecl. M. IIo: 519. Egyptian Souls and their Worlds. (G. Maspero) N. Princ. 6: 23. (G. Silikovitsch) J. Egyptian Téxtiles at South Kensington. Sat. R. 64: 428. Egyptian Types. Good Words, 29: 39. Egyptology, and the Antiquity of Man. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 145. — Bible and. (E. Naville) Theo. Mo. 2: 145. “Eh, but it's queer altogether; ” a story. Tennyson) Temp. Bar, go: 95. Same art. Age, I87: 139. Eichler, August Wilhelm. Nature, 35: 493. - Eider-Duck. The Icelander's Wealth. (W. H. Allen) Cosmopol. 3: 214. Eiffel Tower. (G. Eiffel) New R. I : 172. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 355. — (W. A. Eddy) Atlan. 63: 721. — All the Year, 64; 417. – Spec. 62: 475. – from an Artistic Point of View. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 20: 175. — Of what Use is it? (C. Flammarion) Cosmopol. 7: 234. Eight Days; a story. Cornh. 62: 1–561. Same art. Liv. Age, v. 186-189. Eight Hours' Day, Agitation for. (F. A. Walker) Atlan. 65: 8oo. — (V. Powderly) No. Am. I 50: 464. — (F. Pincott) National, I6: 496. — (R. B. Haldane) Contemp. 57: 240. — (C. Bradlaugh) Fortn. 53: 440. — Sat. R. 69: 217, 248. — (C. Bradlaugh) New R. I : 128. — (H. Cox) 19th Cent. 26: 21. – Spec. 62: 392. – Pub. Opin. I : 69. 9: 55, 79. — and Silk Dresses. (M. H. Liv. 63: 80–632. (J. B. Mann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: 245. —- The Case for. (J. A. Murray Macdonald) 19th Cent. 27: 553. — Cost of a Shorter Day. (J. A. Hobson) National, I5: I 90. — Economic Aspects of. Westm. I32: 44. — in France. (G. d’Avenel) Chaut. I3: 486. – in Victoria. (J. Rae) Econ. J. I : 15. – Law for. (H. H. Champion) 19th Cent. 26: 509. — the Maximum-Working Day. (H. M. Hyndman) New R. 1: 266. – A Plea for. (L. Ramsay) Westm. I34: 642. – Probable Effect of, on Coal Mining. (J. E. C. Munro) Econ. J. I: 241. – Social Value of. And. R. 13: 661. Eighth Day; a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Belgra. 69: 4I 7. 1887, Naval and Military Events of. Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 274–561. 2: 78-564. – The Business of the Year. Sat. R. 64: 888. — Review of the Year. Sat. R. 64: 879. 1888. (A. De Gubernatis) Am. Cath. Q. I4: I 17. — Naval and Military Events, Record of. Un. Serv. M. '88, 1:80, 178, 272. — Review of the Year. Sat. R. 66: 767. 1889; Review of the Year. Sat. R. 68: 734. 1890; Review of the Year. Sat. R. 70: 730. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 208. — Commercial History of. J. Statis. Soc. 54: 112. EIGHTEENTH Eighteenth Century. (L. J. Swinburne) N. Eng. 47: I47. 2 – Carlyle’s Estimate of. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 8: 53. g Eighty-eights, The. (J. R. Seeley) Good Words, 29: 373. Eikov Baatavkº Šeſtepa, 1694. Ath. '89, 1: 663. Eileen's Trust. Irish Mo. I9: 189. Einaries, Three Interesting. (N. M. Mann) Sid. Mess. 9: 385. Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Month, 65: 474. Eisenach and the Wartburg. (F. E. Norris) Murray, Io: 216. Eisteddfod, The. Chamb. J. 68: 528. — 1890. Sat. R. 70: 316. — in Kansas. Overland, n. s. I3: 430. 'El, Hebrew Preposition. (H. G. Mitchell) J. Bib. Lit. 8: 43. El Arish, Visit to. El Dorado, Who was 2 Elam : Past and Present. 237. Elba, Visit to. Cornh. 59: 419. Elberfeld Poor-Law System. (H. P. Tregarthen) Na- tional, I2; 450. Elbert, Samuel H., with portrait. West. Hist. Io: 56. Elder Marston's Revival. 679. Elders, Presiding. (W. R. Goodwin) Meth. Q. 48: 434. Eldon, Lord, with portrait. W. H. Dunbar) Green Bag, 2: 97. Eleanor, Queen of Edward I. of England, Death of. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 315. Eleanor Cross at Geddington. Antiq. m. s. 18: 27. Elect Lady, The. (G. MacDonald) Sunday M. I7: 1– 353. - Election. Chris. Q. 6: 356, 481. 7: 28. — Biblical View of. (G. H. Elgin) Bapt. R. I2: 23. Election by lot at Athens. Sat. R. 72: 311. — Congressional.. Sat. R. 67: 662. Elections, Aïèrican, Cost of. Spec. 63: 464. — Corrupt, Measures against. And. R. II: 405. – Corrupt Practices in. (L. Harrison) N. Eng. 53: 505. — in the U. S. Federal Control of. (T. B. Reed) No. Am. I5o: 671. – (J. T. Morgan) Forum, Io: 23. — (W. E. Chandler) Forum, 9: 705. — (T. V. Pow- derly) No. Am. I5I: 266. — (H. C. Lodge) No. Am. I5I: 257. – (A. W. Shaffer) No. Am. I5I: 601. – Pub. Opin. 8: 163. 9: 237, 261, 285, 309, 357, 383, 427, 471. — — — in Ohio and Michigan. Nation, 51: 65. — — — Lodge Bill. Pub. Opin. 8: 551. — — — — Fate of. (G. F. Hoar) Forum, II: 127. — — — Political Necessity of. (W. S. Scarborough) Our Day, 6: 25. — A Few Facts about. (F. L. Griffith) Acad. 33: 332. (H. R. Lemly) Cent. 42: 881. (E. D. Price) Sunday M. 18: (H. D. Teetor) M. (L. Armstrong) Cent. 20: (J. Howard, jr.) Cosmopol. 6: 53. — Fraudulent, North and South. (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 124. — Reforms in, Needed. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. Ig:f 352. — Voting by Proxy at. (A. W. Paine) Lend a H. I : 640. Election Methods, an American Application of English. Nation, 44; 359. — in the South. (R. Smalls) No. Am. I5I: 593. Electoral Blackmailing. (J. J. Davies) National, I6: 50. Electoral College, The New. Nation, 49: 286. Electoral Count, Law of the. (J. W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 633. Electoral Reform, Genuine and Bogus. (J. B. Bishop) 13 Nation, 524 493. - in Pennsylvania. (J. B. Uhle) N. Eng. 55; 391. Q ELECTRIC * Electoral Reform, Legislation for. (C. C. Allen) Arena, 3 : 91. - — A Lesson in. (C. Deming) Nation, 52: 25. - Progress of. Nation, 48: 460. – (F. G. Mather) And. R. I6: 492. - Electives, College. (C. N. Sims) Meth. R. 49: 201. – at Harvard. Acad. (Syr.) I: 108. - — in Colleges, and the Ministry. And. R. 9: 302. – in University of Virginia and Harvard. (W. G. Brown) Nation, 44; 228. – Limitations of. (G. H. Palmer) And. R. 7: 1. Electric Balances, New. (W. Thomson) Nature, 36: 522. -- Electric Current, Experiment on Direction and Veloc- ity of. (E. L. Nichols and W. S. Franklin) Am. J. Sci. I37: I of. Electric Currents, Induction of. Frankl. Inst. I32: 81. Electric Exhibition. All the Year, 69: 85. Electric Furnaces, Early Forms of. (E. J. Houston) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 2–475. I26: 64, 215. Electric Installations, Rules for. (C. J. H. Woodbury and others) Am. Arch. 29: 135. Electric Lamp, Physics of, Problems in. ing) Nature, 42: 198. Electric Lamps, Arc, and their Mechanism. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 37; 333. — Incandescent. (C. E. Webber) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 56. — — Energy of Light from. (E. Merritt) Am. J. Sci. I37: 167. Electric Light. 398 — for Lighthouses. /(F. H. Holmes) J. Soc. Arts, 12: (E. Thomson) J. (J. A. Flem- (W. H. Walenn) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 381, 39. — The Subdivision of. Nature, 40: 152. - Electric Light Fittings, Exhibition at Edinburgh in 1890. Art J. 43: 231. Electric Lighting. (Duke of Marlborough) New R. I : 296. — (H. Morton) Scrib. M. 6: 176. — (D. Salo- mons) Lippinc. 46: 528. – (G. B. Prescott, jr.) Chaut. 8: 146. — (P. Higgs) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 392. — (J. N. Shoolbred) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 30. — (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 430. — (W. G. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 730–759. — and Transmission of Power, Fire and Life Risks of. (G. H. Benjamin) Am. Arch. 21: 45. — at the Paris Exhibition, 1880. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 98. — Cost of. Am. Arch. 26: 188. — Dangers of. (C. W. Vincent) 19th Cent. 27: I45. — (Sir W. Thomson) No. Am. I5o: 189. — (G. West- inghouse, jr.) No. Am. I50: 321. — (S. C. de Fer- ranti and Francis Ince) Am. Arch. 28: 27, 53. – (T. A/ºlison) No. Am. I49: 625. — — Repkº to Mr. Edison. (G. Westinghouse, jr.) No. Am. I49: 653. — Development of. (J. E. H. Gordon) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 778. — Domestic. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 494. – Fire Risks incidental to. (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 3o: 663. — from Central Stations. (R. E. B. Crompton) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 733. — in London. Spec. 62: 705. — (F. Bailey) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 51. — in America. Science, I2: 186. — in the U. S., 1884. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 66. — Present Position of. (A. A. Campbell Swinton) Murray, 7: 525. - . — Primary Batteries for. (I. Probert) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 703. — Progress of. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 347. wr ELECTRIC 133 Electric Lighting. Wiring System of Interior Conduit and Insulation Co. J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 161. – TE. H. Johnson) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 169. Electric Locomotion. (A. Reckenzaun) J. Soc. Arts, 35; 556. Electric Meters for Central Stations. (G. Forbes) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 148. — Forbes's. (E. J. Houston) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 435. Electric Motor and its Applications. (F. L. Pope) Scrib. M. 3: 306. Electric Motors. (M. S. Brennan) Cath. World, 47: 444. — (C. Barnard) Cent. I5: 736. – Introduction of, Effect upon Beasts of Burden. Spec. 62: 226. Electric Potential as Measured by Work. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. I39: 334. Electric Railway, Earth Čºrſ. andy (W. Ellis) Na- ture, 44: I27. — Future of the. (F. J. Sprague) Forum, I2: I2O. — of To-Day. (J. Wetzler) Scrib. M. 7: 425. — South London. Dub. R. Io9: 162. – Splendid Record of. (F.J. Sprague) Engin. M. I. 218. Electric Railways. (E. Griffin) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 265. — Advantages of. (H. B. Prindle) Engin. M. 1: 671. — Development of. (C. L. Holt) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 55I. — in London. All the Year, 68: 137. Electric Tabulating System of Hollerith. J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 3oo. Electric Timing. (S. M. Baylis) Outing, Io: 58. Electric Tramway; The Northfleet. Nature, 40: 39. Electric Transmission of Power. (G. Kapp) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 687–7II. — (F. J. Sprague) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 254. — (W. E. Ayrton) Nature, 38: 508, (A. M. 533. — Julien System of. (P. G. Salom) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 476. — Speed of. (J. S. Walker) Nature, 39: 564. - Electric Water-Detecting Device. (L. Weil) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 330. Electric Welding. (R. W. Pope) Engin. M. I : 475. — (E. Thomson) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 357. I26: 399. — (C. J. H. Woodbury) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 471. — J. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 19. Electric Wires, Safe Installation of. (W. Brophy) Am. Arch. 26: 215. — Subway Problem in Great Britain. (A. R. Ledoux) Am. Arch. 24: 51. – Underground versus Overhead. (H. L. Webb) En- gin. M. I. 677. - Electrical Action, Theories of. (H. S. Carhart) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 376. Electrical Appliances, Future Development of, 1880. (J. Perry) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 457. Electrical Capacity, Inductive. (W. A. Rudge; O. J. Lodge) Nature, 41: Io, 31. Electrical Condition of the Peak of Teneriffe. (R. Abercromby) Nature, 37: 31. Electrical Conductivity of Liquids, Effect of Pressure on. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I40: 219. Electrical Discharge, An Equatorial Zone of. (R. Aber- cromby) Nature, 35: 487. Electrical Distribution of Time. (A. D. Brown) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 13. Electrical Energy. (J. Trowbridge) Am. J. Sci. 138: 2I7. — Storage of. (A. J. Wurts) N. Eng. 54: 344. Electrical Engineering. (G. B. Prescott, jr.) Chaut. 7: 389. * Electrical Evaporation. Sat. R. 72: 194. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 491. – (W. Crooker) Science, 18; 62. ELECTRICITY Electrical Exhibition, Frankfort, 1891. 494-615. 45: 54, IoS. Electrical Exhibitions. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 8o. - Electrical Exhibits from U. S. at Paris Exposition. (C. Hering) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 12. Electrical Industries, Development of. (G. Molloy) Month, 72: 191. Electrical Measurements. (W. A. Anthony) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 56. Electrical Oscillations Detected by Geissler's Tubes. (E. J. Dragoumis) Nature, 39: 548. — Forces of, Treated According to Maxwell's Theory. (H. Hertz) Nature, 39: 402, 450. — (H. W. Wat- son) Nature, 39: 486, 547. – on Iron Wires, Dampening of. (J. Trowbridge) Am. J. Sci. I42: 223. Electrical Potential of the Atmosphere, Increase of, with Elevation. (A. McAdie) Science, 9: 235. Electrical Progress in Ioo Years. Amer. I4: 55. Electrical Resistance of Stressed Glass. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I37: 339. Electrical Standard. Nature, 36: 498. Electrical Standards. (Report to Brit. Assoc.) Nature, 40: 555. – Nature, 44; 417, 434. Electrical Storage of Energy. (O. Lodge) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: Io25–Io98. Electrical Storms on Pike's Peak. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, 42: 595. Electrical Stress. (A. W. Rücker) Nature, 39: 444. Electrical Terms. Am. Arch. 27: 44. Electrical Units. Nature, 39: 529. Electrical Waves. (S. Sheldon) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 509. Electricity. (R. C. Day) Knowl. I2: 81. - — Alternating Electric Arc between a Ball and Point. (E. L. Nichols) Am. J. Sci. I4I : I. — and the Human Body. (H. N. Lawrence and A. Harries) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 316. — (M. A. Star) Scrib. M. 6: 589. - — and Light, Identity of. (H. Hertz) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 179. – Application of, to Lighting and Working. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 174, 183. – Applications of. (Lieut. Col. S. E. Tillman) Cosmo- pol. 7: 163. . — — Practical. (W. H. Preece) Nature, 38: 494. — (J. J. Stewart) Knowl. I4; 33-225. — as an Anaesthetic. Dub. R. Io9: I97. — as a Motive Power. (G. Forbes) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 631. — as Rival of Steam. (L. Bell) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 2I 2. — at Home. (W. Slingo) Knowl. 9: 24, 155, Nature, 44: — at the Paris Exposition. (E. M. de Vogué) Chaut. IO: I93. — Atmospheric. (C. A. C. Bowlker) Nature, 4o: 55. — (D. Pidgeon) Nature, 40; 77. — (C. Tomlinson) Nature, 4o: 102. – (A. McAdie) Nature, 40; 223. — Capital Punishment by. (E. T. Gerry) No. Am. I49: 321. — Dangers of. (J. Trowbridge) Atlan. 65; 413. – (H. Morton) Am. Arch. 3I: 8. - - – Dawn of. (P. Benjamin) Forum, 5: 178. — Decorative, The New Art. (N. G. Wall) Engin. M. 2: 90. — — Development of. (A. M. Gordon) Fortn. 55: 278. — Definitions adopted by the International Congress of Electricians. Am. J. Sci. I38: 41o. — Discharge of a Leyden Jar. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 39: 471. — Discharge of, Through Gases. (A. Schuster) Nature, 36: 285. - — Distribution of. (G. Forbes) J. Soc. Arts, 33: Io27– Io57. 34: 292. - r ; W. <. ELECTRICITY Electricity, Elementary Lectures on. (G. Forbes) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 975–1121. — Generation of, Magneto-Optical. Dub. R. Io9; 164. – Hertz's Experiments. Nature, 43: 536. 44; 12, 31. – Improved Standard Clark Cell, with Low Tempera- ture Coefficient. (H. S. Carhart) Am. J. Sci. I38: 402. — in America, History of. Eng. M. 4: 28, 183. — in the Household. I O2. — in Mining Operations. (H. C. Spaulding) Engin. M. I : 362. — in Relation to Science. (W. Crookes) Nature, 45: 63. - — in the Service of Man. (C. F. Brackett) Scrib. M. 5: 643. . (G. H. Stockbridge) New (A. E. Kemmelly) Scrib. M. 7: — in Warfare. (B. A. Fiske) J. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 183. — — in Naval Warfare. (W. S. Hughes) Scrib. M. 6: 4I 5. — — in Land Warfare. (J. Millis) Scrib. M. 6: 424. — Intellectual Effects of. Spec. 63: 630. – Is the Human Body a Storage-Battery 2 Kirk) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 76. — its Past, Present, and Future. Frankl. Inst. I31: 21, 88. — Latest Phases of. (R. W. Prentiss) Chaut. I3: 342. — Magneto-Optical Generation of. (S. Sheldon) Am. J. Sci. I40: 196. — Maxwell's Electro-Magnetic Theories. Nature, 44; 296. — — Simple Explanation of. 150, 165. — Measurement of. (J. N. Shoolbred) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 497. – (E. L. Nichols) Chaut. II: 300. – Modern Conceptions of. (L. Duncan) J. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 87. →Modern Views of. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, v. 36–39. — — Lodge's. Nature, 41 : 5. — Ath. '89, 2: 324. – of the Contact of Gases with Liquids. (J. Enright) Nature, 36: 365, 412,460. – Possibilities of. (P. Benjamin) Forum, 8: 391. — a Power of the Air. Chamb. J. 64; 385. — Pyro-Magnetic Motors and Generators of. ing) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 278. — Ratio of the Electro-Magnetic to the Electrostatic Unit. (H. A. Rowland and others) Am. J. Sci. 138: 289, 298. — Recent Progress in. 405. — Recent Wonders of. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 3O: I 54, I 72. — Some Interesting Facts about. M. Am. Hist. 26: 183. - – Something it is Doing. (C. Barnard) Cent. 37: 736. – Storage of. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 30. — (S. Sheldom) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 355. — — Julien System. Science, I3: 53. — Transmission of Power by. (A. Siemens; E. Hop- kinson) J. Soc. Arts, 31 : 531. – (F. J. Sprague) J. Frankl. Inst. I27; 161. Also see above, Electric Transmission. – Victims of, in Europe. Electrification of the Air. (H. C. (R. W. Pope) J. (A. Gray) (R. C. Day) Knowl. I3: (C. Her- (T. C. Martin) No. Am. I46: (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) Am. Arch. 27: 27. (C. M. Smith) Nature, 37: 274. Electrolysis. (O. Lodge) Nature, 36: 520, 546. Electrolytic Separations. (E. F. Smith and L. K. Fran- kel) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 14o. 129: 236. Electro-Magnet, The. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 861–949. — (S. P. Thompson) Science, I6: 197. Electro-Magnetic Induction. (W. Thomson) Nature, 38: 569. 134 ELIOT Electro-Magnetic Phenomena. Due to an Intervening Medium. (G. F. Fitzgerald) Nature, 38: 446. Electro-Magnetic Radiation. (G. F. Fitzgerald) Nature, 42 : I 72. Electro-Magnetic Variation, Experiments on. (F. T. Trouton) Nature, 40: 398. Electro-Magnetism as a Motive Power. Soc. Arts, 6: 302. Electrometer, Calibration of. Sci. I35: 2O4. – Large Spring-Balance. I39: 513. – Lippmann's Capillary, Experiments with. Pratt, jr.) Am. J. Sci. I35: 143. – Pendulum, Experiments with. (A. M. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. I39: 327. Electromotive Force of Magnetization. (E. L. Nichols and W. S. Franklin) Am. J. Sci. I35: 290. Electromotive Variations produced by the Beat of the Human Heart. (A. D. Waller) Nature, 38: 619. (T. Allan) J. (D. W. Shea) Am. J. (A. M. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. (J. H. Electroplating. Tinsley, 43: 453. Electrostatic Measurement. (W. Thomson) Nature, 39: 465. “Elegie, The ; ” a story. Blackw. I5o: 613. Elements and Meta-Elements. Nature, 37: 540. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 465. — Am. J. Sci. I36: 63. — Chemical, History of the Conception of. (J. P. Cooke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 733. — Genesis of. (F. M. Lyte) Westm. I32: 190. Elephant, Man-Eating, of Mundla. Chamb. J. 64: 55. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 506. Elephants. (R. F. Hutchinson) Knowl. 9: 251. — Chamb. J. 66: 223. – Spec. 60: 1532. – Ceylon, and Kraaltown. (M. Challinor) Outing, 19: I7I. — Past and Present. Month, 66: 420. Elephant Hunting in India. Longm. II: 37. Elephant-Kraal in Ceylon. (S. M. Burrows) Macmil. 57: 183. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 159. Elephant Kraals. (W. A. Gregory) Murray, 6: 381. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 52. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 598. Elephant Myths, American. (W. B. Scott) Scrib. M. I: 469. - Elephant Shooting ; How I Shot my First Elephant. (M. Challinor) Cosmopol. Io: 626. Elephas Primigenius discovered at Southall, England. Nature, 38: 283. Eleusis, Greece, Visit to. Cornh. 56: 297. Elevation of the Land in Sweden. (A. E. Norden- skiöld) Nature, 39: 488. — (J. M. ‘Reed) Nature, 39: 582. Elevators, Relative Economy of. Am. Arch. 22: 20. Elfric, Colloquy of : Old Eng. School-Book. (B. W. Wells) Month, 69: 395. Elgin Marbles. Give them back to Greece. (F. Har- rison) 19th Cent. 28: 98o. — (F. Harrison) Fortn. 55: 642. — The Proposal to Return them a Political Satire. (J. Knowles) 19th Cent. 29: 495. * — Suggestion on. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 55: 833. Eligabide, Pierre V., Crimes of. Green Bag, I : 298. Elie Ruby, An; a story. Blackw. I44: II6. Same art. Liv. Age, I78; 468. . Elijah a Gentile. (J. Longking) Meth. R. 48: 908. Eliot, George, and her Neighborhood. (G. Morley) Gent. M. n, s. 45: 583. . — Art of. (O. Browning) Fortn. 49: 538. Same art. Eel. M. 11o: 762. — as a Representative of her M. Eng. 53: 143. – Browning's Life of. Spec. 64; 204. — Sat. R. 69: 2O4. Times. (I. M. Street) ELIOT 135 FMERSON Eliot, George, Ethics of. (R. M. Lovett) Harv. Mo. | Elliott, Grace Dalrymple. (G. Moriarty) Gent M. m. s. IO . I42. 42 : 34. – Negri on. Blackw. I5o: 867. Elliotts of Kittery, Me., and So. Carolina. N. E. Reg. — Religious Views of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 45; 68, 44: I I2. (E. C. Towne) 92. Eliot, William Greenleaf. 27: 227. — and Slavery, Unita. R. 28: 112. Elisha and his Times, (A. A. Pfanstiehl) Ref. Q. 38: 362. E-lim-in-ah-do; a poem. (C. Scollard) Atlan. 68: 640. IClixir of Life, The. (W. A. Hammond) No. Am. I49: 257. – in Science and Romance. 81. Elixir of Pain. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. II: 62-347. Eliza ; a story. All the Year, 59: 490, 516. Elizabeth, St., and Calderon. (S. F. Smith) Month, 72: 32 I. Elizabeth, Queen, Age of, Hall's Society in. Spec. 6o: (J. H. Heywood) Unita. R. (W. S. Walsh) Cosmopol. 494. — and the Catholic Hierarchy. Ath. 'go, I: 366. — and the Church of England. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 24; 764. — and the Valois Princes. Eng. Hist. R. 2: 4o. — in Caricature. (W. K. R. Bedford) Portfo. 20: 75. — Love Affair with Sir T. Seymour. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 12: 99. – Portraits of. (H. Dillon) Antiq. m. s. 21: Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. (H. G. McKerlie) National, II: 486. Same art. Liv. Age. I78: 220.- (J. P. Jackson) Cosmopol. 6: 167. — (J. E. Bowen) Cosmopol. 7: 524. — (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. 19: 838. —Tinsley, 45: 458. – Stackelberg's Life of. Ath. 'go, I : 526. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 51: 198. Elizabeth de Valois and the Tragedy of Don Carlos. (Lord Lamington) Blackw. I45: 704, 778. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 746. Elizabeth Gilbert. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I.7: 90. Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund, Awards from. Na- ture, 45: 91. Elizabeth; a Romance of Colonial Days. (F. C. Spar- hawk) Bay State Mo. 2: 82–375. 3: 48–447. 4: 77– 250. Elizabeth, N. J., Sexton's Book, First Church. Cleveland) N. E. Reg. 44; 264,357. Elizabethan Literature. See English Literature. Elk-Hunting. (Sir H. Pottinger) Fortn. 49: 81, 3oo. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 341. – in the Rocky Mountains. (G. O. Shields) Harper, 77: 856. – on the Plains. (F. Schwatka) Cent. 35:447. — Reminiscences of. (E. N. Buxton) New R. 5: 155. Ella, John. (H.R. Haweis) Gent. M. m. s. 42:46. "EAAmvas and ‘EMAmvwatás in Acts xi. 20. (B. B. War- field) J. Bib. Lit. 3: 113. Ellery Family. (Mary K. Talcott) N. E. Reg. 43: (Miss A. M. F. Robinson) (E. J. 3I 3. Ellery, William, Diary of, 1777. (H. C. Ellery) Penn- syl. M. II: 318, 476. — Journey to Philadelphia, from Dighton, Mass., 1778. Pennsyl. M. I2:... 190. Elliot, Andrew. (E. Devereux) Pennsyl. M. II: 129. Elliot, Hugh, and Arthur Lee. (O. Browning) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 85. — at Naples in 1803–06. (O. Browning) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 209. * Elliot, Capt. John, of Boston, 1722. N. E. Reg. 45: 278. Elliot, Walter. Nature, 35: 543. — Acad. 31 : 188. Elliott, E. B., Obituary Notice of. Science, II: 261. Ellipse, Method of Spacing the. Frankl. Inst. I27: 28o. – Newly Discovered Property of the. Frankl. Inst. I23: 27. Ellipses, Confocal, Properties of, and Application to Mechanism. (H. B. Gale) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: IOS. Ellis, Alexander John. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 38: 419. Ellis, Edwin, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 21. Ellis, William, as an Educationist. (F. F. Miller) Fra- 'ser, IO5: 233. - Elmsley, John. (D. B. Read) M. West. Hist. 5: 528. Elmslie, W. Gray. (T. K. Cheyne) Acad. 36: 339. — Cong. R. 4; 298. —(J. Nicol) Good Words, 31: 39. Elocution and Lecturing. Chamb. J. 64; 241. – How can I become a Distinct Speaker ? (R. M. Cumnock) Chaut. Io: 320. – Ministerial Tone. (R. M. Cumnock) Chaut. I3: 53. See Recitation. Elope, Etymology of. (G. B. Grant) J. (L. d’Auria) J. (H. Bradley) Acad. 34: 190. Eloquence. Spec. 62: 476. — Essentials of. (W. M. Taylor) N. Princ, 3: 177. Elsket. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. Io: 226. Elstow, Convent of. (J. Brown) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 2I3. Eltham Palace. (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 42: 75. Eltze, Frederick. (J. Swain) Good Words, 30: 671. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 436. Elvers in the Severn. (C. Parkinson) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 75. Elwell, James W., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 13: 653. Elwes, John, Miser, etc. All the Year, 65: 106. Ely Cathedral. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. 34: 8o3. Ely Chapel, Holborn. (P. Fitzgerald) Month, 6o: 539. Ely Episcopal Records. Sat. R. 72: 122. Elze, Friedrich Karl. Acad. 35: 74. Elzevir Press. Ath. '89, 2: 215. Emancipation. (T. B. Wakeman) Arena, 4: 591. Emancipation, Before and After. (T. D. Howard) Unita. R. 30: 136. Emancipation of Joseph Peloubet. Cent. I3: 525. Emanuel Hospital. (H. P. Maskell) Antiq. m. s. I7: 47. Embelif, Etymology of. (P. Toynbee and others) Acad. 32: 236, 287. Embezzlers and Defaulters. (G. W. Travers) (J. E. Curran) (J. Habberton) Chaut. 9: J ºf . Embroideries, Flemish. (R. G. Kingsley) Art J. 39: 376. Embroidery and Tapestry-Making. (A. S. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 931–963. — Art of. (A. G. Radcliffe) Cosmopol. II: 325. — by Machinery. (G. Wallis) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 318. Embroidered Handkerchief, The. (J. B. Hopkins) Tinsley, 40: 242, 336, 436. Emerenz ; a story. (P. Heyse) Cosmopol. 5: 506. 6: 71. Emergency Men, The. (G. H. Jessop) Scrib. M. 5: 2OI. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Westm. I28: 985. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 579. — (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 28: 416. — (H. James) Macmil. 57: 86. – (E. G. John- son) Dial (Ch.) 8: 113. — (J. B. Thayer) Nation, 45: 213. — Ath. '87, 2: 561. —Sat. R. 64: 708. —(F. H. Underwood) Good Words, 28:807. — (G. Brad- ford, jr.) N. Princ. 5: 145. — (G. Stewart) Scot. R. II: 288. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 771. – Cong. R. 2: 221. – Church Q. 27: 51. – (C. H. Lerch) Ref. Q. 37: 94. - EMERSON Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Agnosticism of. (H. C. Badger) Unita. R. 33: 331. — and his Friends in Concord. Eng. M. m. s. 3: 411. — and the Katha Upanishad. Critic, I2: 70. – and Matthew Arnold. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 47; 684. – as a Poet. (C. H. Lerch) Ref. Q. 37: 379. — (F. P. Stearns) Unita. R. 36: 259. — at Home. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 16. – “Brahma' again. (E. R. Champlin and C. A. Bar- tol) Critic, I2: Iog. — — and the Bhagavad Gita. Lore, I : 253. — Cabot's Life of. Quar. I66: 130. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 515. – (L. O. Brastow) N. Eng. 48: 1. – Spec. 61 : 793. — The Emersonian Creed. 46: 376. – An English Ancestor of. (J. Brown) Cong. R. I : 916. — Genius of. Atlan. 60: 566. – Glimpse of his Boyhood. 650. — Grave of, Desecrated. Critic, I5: 194. — in Concord. Sat. R. 68: 17o. — Atlan. 64: 270. — (O. F. Emerson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 49. — in New England Thought. (J. H. Ward) And. R. 8: 38o. – Optimism of. (J. F. Dutton) Unita. R. 35: 127. — Oriental Texts of. (T. W. Higginson) Critic, I2: 81. – Poems of. (C. C. Everett) And. R. 7: 229. — Poetry of. Lond. Q. 73: 25. (F. B. Sanborn) New (W. T. Harris) Poet- (M. Petre) Cath. World, (J. E. Cabot) Atlan. 59: – Prose of. (C. H. Lerch) Ref. Q. 37: 240. — Talks with a College Boy. (C. J. Woodbury) Cent. I7: 621. — Views of, on Reform. (W. M. Salter) New Eng. M. m. S. 4: 656. Emery, M., of St. Sulpice. (H. I. D. Ryder) Dub. R. IOI : 243. * Emery Wheels. (T. D. Paret) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: I69. – Solid, Comparison of Fifteen American Varieties. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 332. Emigrant, The Young Gentleman. Macmil. 62: 193. Emigrant's Home at Blackwall, The. (W. C. Preston) Sunday M. Ig: 592. Emigrants, Gentlemen. Ecl. M. III: 84. – in the United States. Age, I8I: I69. — Middle-Class. (H. Hodgkin) Eng. Illust. 7: 816. — to St. John, N. B., 1783. (S. Raymond) N. E. Reg. 44; 7I. See Immigrants. Emigrant-Ship, German, Voyage in. Cornh. 57: 627. Emigration. (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. 9: 281. — (T. Plummer) J. Soc. Arts, 18: 28o. — (A. B. MacDow- all) Knowl. I2: 207. –Lend a H. 6: 367. — Spee. Macmil. 58: 30. Same art. Blackw. I45: 4O4. – Liv. 61: 3oo. * — British, National Scheme of. (A. White) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 195. — Compulsory. (E. Tregear) Westm. I30: 378. — Duty of the State toward. (J. Rankin) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 722. — European Publicists on. 327. — European View of. Econ. 5: 507. — from Cities. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. II: 505. — from England, On Well-Meant Nonsense about. (G. O. Morgan) 19th Cent. 21 : 596. — — Smallness of, Reasons for. (H. E. Manning) Mu ray, 2 : I. - (C. H. Hull) Nation, 53: (E. von Philippovich) Q. J. 136 ENAMELS Emigration, Future of ; Colonial Lands. Westm. I31: I67. - – Imperial Migration and Settlement. (W. Fielding) National, 8: 777. — Irish Emigrants in Minnesota. Cent. 25: 431. – Lessons of. (S. Thompson) National, 13: 369. – Natural. (J. Martineau) Blackw. I46: 36. – New England and. (E. E. Hale) Chaut. 12: 630. — of Paupers. Lend a H. 4: 99. – Organization of. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. II: 122. — Restriction of. Spec. 62: 112. – State-Aided, Plan for. Blackw. 143: 273. — Suggestions on Local Mortgage-Companies to Assist. (Marquis of Lorne) 19th Cent. 25: 608. - Theory of. (R. M. Smith) Q. J. Econ. 5: 249. Emin Pasha. (F. A. Edwards) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 378, Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 621. —Chamb. J. 65: 205. — R. of Rs. 1: 385. * – and the Rebellion at the Equator, Jephson's. (J. M. Hubbard) Nation, 51: 384. – Casation. (S. H. Peabody) Dial (Ch.) 12: 41. — Gordon's Lieutenant. (J. T. Wills) Liv. Age, 172: 259. — his Work and Rescue. All the Year, 65: 199. — in Central Africa. All the Year, 62: 301. art. Liv. Age, I77: 249. – Letters and Journals. Ath. '88, I: 235. —Spec. 61: 4I9. – Position of, with map. Science, 9: 505. — Relief of. Lond. Q. 75: 25. — — Expedition for. (H. M. Stanley) Scrib. M. 7: 663. — — — Botany of. Nature, 45: 8. — — — Truth about Stanley and. Fortn. 55; I4. – Where he is. (H. G. Prout) Scrib. M. 6: 515. — Work of. Leis. Hour, 37: 300. Emmens, William, with portrait. 48: 389. - (J. H. Tuke) 19th Same (A. M. Jephson) Bank. M. (Lond.) Emmerich, Anne C., and Clement Brentano. (R. M. Johnston) Cath. World, 50: 61. Emmons, Ebenezer, Taconic System of. (C. D. Wal- cott) Am. J. Sci. I35: 307, 394. Emmons, Francis Asbury, M. D., with portrait (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 43. Emmy. (M. E. Wilkins) Cent. Ig: 409. Emotions, Dissected. (J. B. Roberts) Cosmopol. II: 429. — Education of. (F. P. Cobbe) Fortn. 49: 223. – Language of. (A. Fouillée) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 814. – versus Health in Women. (M. T. Bissell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 504. w Emotional Methods in Religion. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 20: I. Empirical Formulae and Differentiation in Chemistry. Nature, 4o; 343. Empiricism vs. Science. Liv. Age, I79: 507. Empiricist Position, The. Employer, Shylock as an, I : 229. Employers, Unseen Duty of. Lend a H. 4: 346. Employers' Liability. (S. S. Brown) Bank. M. (Lond.) 5o: 669, 863. – American Law concerning. (J. F. Dillon) Am. Law R. 24; 175. — Bill on, The Flaw in the. Westm. I31: 492. Empty Compartment, The ; a story. Murray, 8: 85. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 303. En Voyage. Argosy, 46: Io9. & Enamels and Enamelling. (J. S. Gardner) J. Soc. Arts, 39; 331. - Nature, 38: 609. Same art. (A. Bain) Mind, 14: 369. (R. H. Newton) Cosmopol. ENCELADUS Enceladus, Athene and, Bronze of. (A. H. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 90. Enchanted Base Ball, The. 659. Encore. (L. Turner) Theatre, 22: 247. Encyclopædia Britannica, Eighth Edition. Meliora, 4: 2O5. — Ninth Edition. Ed. R. I.69: 328. — and Robert South. (F. Palmer) Nation, 46: 13. Encyclopædias, Concerning. Chamb. J. 65: 193. End of the Beginning, The. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. 3: 82. End of her Journey, The. Temp. Bar, 8o: 145, 34I. End of the Story; a story. All the Year, 6.5: 227. End of the Voyage; a story. (J. M. Cobban) Leis. Hour, 38: 22, 118. Enda, St. (W. Ganly) Cath. World, 49: 464. Endicott, John. How he Cut the Red Cross from the Flag. (N. M. Hawkes) New Eng. M. n. s. 2; 465. Ending in Amazement. (E. C. Needham) Tinsley, 4o: 83–470. Endowed Schools, The Inquiry into. (Lord Colchester) National, 9: 214. Endowment of Daughters. (S. Cowell) Cosmopol. 8: (W. Besant) Longm. II: 604. – of Genius. (J. Benton) Lippine. 4I: 559. Endowments. (D. C. Gilman) Science, I4: II. — Educational. (C. S. Ashley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 535. – Lay, in England. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 59: 875. — Points for Californians contemplating. (M. W. Shinn and C. A. Whitney) Overland, n. s. 18: 543. — The “Dead Hand.” (H. L. Wayland) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 79. Endowment Schemes and Coöperative Insurance. M. Cole) Q. J. Econ. 5: 466. Endurance, Decay of. Spec. 66: 338. Endymion: a poem. (J. R. Lowell) Atlan. 61 : 261. Enemies, Whistler’s Gentle Art of Making. Nation, 5I : II.5. Energy and Force. — Conservation of. (W. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: I 71. , (J. J. Stewart) Knowl. I3: 232, 269. — Forms of. (J. Gerard) Irish Mo. I6: 325. — Maxwell–Boltzmann Theory of, Tests for. Nature, 44; 355. — Transmission of. (O. Reynolds) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 973–995. Enfield Chase. (W. Brailsford) Antiq. m. s. 19: 188. Engadine in Summer and Winter. (J. Kidd) 19th Cent. 24: 53. Enghien, Duc d’. Ed. R. I69: 351. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 515. Engine, Improved Triple-Expansion. son) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 342. — Multi-Cylinder. (R. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 463. — — Philosophy of. (R. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 59, 122. Engineering ; Cascade Tunnel. West. Hist. I3: 534. Engineering, Civil. (W. B. Parsons, jr.) Chaut. 7: 517. – Is it on the Decline 2 (W. B. Le Van) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 25. — Mechanical, Developmentsin, 1830–8o. (Sir F. Bram- well) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 858. — Progress of. (M. J. Becker) Science, I4: 4. Engineering Feats in the West. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 9: 26. Engineering Laboratories, Use and Equipment of. (A. B. W. Kennedy) Nature, 35: 235. Engineering Work, Cost of some Classes of. (A. F. Bruce) Am. Arch. 25: 69. (W. M. Hender- (C. W. Hobart) M. 137 ENGLAND Engineer's Camp, Notes from. 48: 370. Engineers, Railroad. Chamb. J. 68: 607. — — Strike of the. Nation, 46: 190. — Training of, Place of Colleges in. nedy) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 963. Engineers, Royal, Porter's History of. Spec. 62: 338. England after the Norman Conquest. (S. O. Jewett) Chaut. I2: 438, 574, 707. — and America; Anglo-Saxon Unity. Fortn. 55; 615. — — Do we hate England? (A. C. Coxe) Forum, II: I9. — and the Colonies. (H. L. Osgood) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 440. — and the English in the 18th Cent., Sydney on. (M. Mead) Dial (Ch.) I2: 270. — and Europe. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 2I: 542. Same art. , Liv. Age, I73: 387. — and France during the Middle Ages, Comparative History of. (C. V. Langlois) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 259. — and Germany. Westm. I36: 630. — and Russia, Rivalry of. (G. B. Malleson) National, 8: 753. Same art. Eel. M. IOS: 468. — and the Triple Alliance. Contemp. 56: 469. — and the U. S.; Anglophobia in the United States: a Reply. (O. J. Casey) Westm. I31: 323. — — Light on the Presidential Election, 1888. Brooks) Westm. I30: 736. — Angevin Kings of. Ed. R. I66: 464. – (E. A. Free- man) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 774. — Ath. '87, 2: 139. — Church Q. 26: 171. — before the Renaissance. Lond. Q. 73: 94. — British Politics and Society. (F. H. Hill) Nation, 44; 226. — A Century of Conflict in, 1588–1688. Cong. R. 2: 922, I O27. - — A Century Hence. All the Year, 63: 474. — Church History in. (G. G. Perry) Church Q. 28: 244. — Cities of, Population of. (N. A. Humphreys) J. Sta- tis. Soc. 54: 3II. — Climatic Phenomena of. (Viscount Lymington) Na- tional, I3: 517. — Coast of, Contest for. Chamb. J. 68: 241. — Coming Men in. (J. McCarthy) No. Am. I5o: 310. — Commerce of, Can England keep P (J. A. Hobson) National, I7: I. — Commonwealth, Political Ideal of. Eng. Hist. R. 6: 306. — Constitution of. (T. B. Scannell) Dub. R. IOO: 45. —(W. Wilson) Chaut. (2: 5–430. — — Gneist on. (G. W. Prothero) Eng. Hist. R. 3: I. — — History of, Taylor's. Atlan. 65: 263. — — Magna Charta as it is. (D. A. O'Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 92. — Constitutional History, Boutmy’s. Sat. R. 64; 21. — — May’s. Meliora, 5: 83. — Continental Aversion to. Spec. 61: 1315. — Country,Towns in, Reminiscences of. Cornh. 62: 57. — County Histories of. (H. Collins) Lippine. (A. B. W. Ken- (Earl of Meath) (G. (J. G. Dow) (Lord Brabourne) Murray, 6: 577. — Court of, Spanheim's Account of, circa 1704. (R. Doebner) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 757. — Daryl on. Spec. 6o: 993. — during Victoria's Reign. N. Prine. 3: 271. — Early. (G. H. Emerson) Univ. Q. 46: 5. — Early Institutions: Gesiths and Thegns. (A. G. Lit- tle) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 723. — Economic Conditions Compared with the United States. (J. Keith) 19th Cent. 2I: 792. — Expansion of, Georgian and Victorian. (J. R. See- | ley) Fortn. 48: 123. Same art. Ecl. M. III: I45. ENGLAND England, Fall of, Is it Near 2 (C. J. Cooke) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 406. — Farmers in. (T. E. Kebbel) Blackw. I45%. 120. — — Jessopp's Arcady. To-Day, 7: 153. – Cong. R. I : 682. – Fifty Years ago. All the Year, 63: 30. - – Besant on. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 9: 123. — Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 277. — Foreign Artist and Author in. (P. Villars) Art J. v. 39-4I. — Foreign Interests of. Sat. R. 72: 348. — Foreign Population in. (E. C. K. Gonner) Fortn. 51: JJ - — Foreigners in. Spec. 60: 679. — French Travelers in, 18th Cent. 613. — Genealogical Gleanings in. Reg. 44; 186, 296, 383. — Government of, Hearn on. Hist. R. 3: 556. — Hatred of. (G. Smith) No. Am. I5o: 547. — — Do Americans Hate England 2 (T. W. Higgin- son; A. Carnegie; M. Halstead; H. Porter; R. Collyer; J. H. Wilson; M. W. Hazeltime) No. Am. I50: 749. — (A. C. Coxe) Forum, II: 19. — History of, General: — Westm. I29: (H. F. Waters) N. E. (D. G. Ritchie) Eng. — — Bright's. Ath. '88, 2: 548. — (Lord Acton) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 798. — — Clarendon’s. Ed. by Macray. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 788. sº — — Cox's. Ath. '87, 2: 268. — — Green's. Spec. 61: 306. — — Rogers's Economic Interpretation of. Lloyd) Dial (Ch.) 9: 258. — History of ; Norman Conquest, Results of. Lond. Q. 68: 115. — History of, 17th Century: — — — Gardiner’s Great Civil War. Ed. R. I65: 447.- (J. R. Seeley) Acad. 3 I : 353. – Spec. 60: 772. — Spec. 64: 699. – (A. W. Dicey) Nation, 50: 246. — (W. G. Ross) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 377. – Ed. R. I70: 213. — Quar. I69: 492. — Ath. '89, I : 495. — — Gardiner's Constitutional Documents. Prothero) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 393. — — A City Volunteer in the 17th Century. (F. Legge) Gent. M. n. S. 4I: 264. — — in 1645. Toleration Propounded at Uxbridge. (S. R. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 340. — — in 1648–79, Airy on. Ath. '89, 2: 449. — — in 1655; Cromwell and the Insurrection. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 323. — — Commonwealth under Cromwell, The Case for. (R. S. Long) Westm. I34: 52. — History of, 18th and 19th Centuries: — — — in the 18th Cent., Lecky's. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 29: 756. – (E. A. Freeman) Chaut. I3: 639. — Quar. I'72: 1. —Ed. R. 173: 1. — (W. E. Fur- ness) Dial (Ch.) II: 346. —Ed. R. I.66: 346. — (A. W. Dicey) Nation, 45: 54, 75. — Sat. R. 63: 877. – Ath. '87, I: 665. – Spec. 6o: 691. — (W. E. Glad- stone) 19th Cent. 21: 919. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 264. — Sat. R. 70: 446, 513, 541. – (J. McCarthy) Contemp. 58: 673. — (W. O'C. Morris) Macmil. 63: 142. —Nation, 51: 484, 504. — Quar. I65: I. – Westm. 128: 711. — (W. E. Furness) Dial (Ch.) 8: 64. — Spec. 60: 801. – (R. Dunlop) Acad. 31 : 371, 405. — — — Filon on. (Baron F. Rothschild) 19th Cent. 23: 589. --- — — — Gladstone's Criticism. Sat. R. 63: 786. — — from 1815, Walpole's. (C. A. Fyffe) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 809. —Lond. Q. 68: 78. —Spec. 60: 116. — — 1835–55. Quar. I64: 507. - (H. D. (G. W. (C. H. 138 ENGLAND England, History of, 1837–87. Lond. Q. 69: I. — — Melbourne's Government. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 27: 38. – Holiday Haunts Sixty Years ago. Art J. 4o: 253. – IIIiteracy in, 1870 and 1884. Lond. Q. 68: 273. – Impressions of. Fortn. 56: 554. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 630. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 682. — (P. T. Barnum) No. Am. I52: 696. — in the Middle Ages, Wayfaring Life in, Jusserand's. Spec. 62: 454. — in the 15th Century, Denton's. Ath. '88, 2: 279. — Sat. R. 65; 629. — Spec. 62: 733. — in 16th Century; “Examination of Complaints” at- trib. to William Stafford. (Eliz. Lamond) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 284. — in 1147. Alleged Invasion by Henry Fitzempress. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 747. — in 1163. Alleged Debate on Danegeld. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 750. — in 1170. Charter of William, Earl of Essex. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 364. — in 1536. The Pilgrimage of Grace; Documents with a Ballad on the same. (M. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 5 : 330, 550. — in 1555. A Loan of Philip and Mary. (C. W. Boase) Eng. Hist. R. 5: I 12. - — in 1652. Last Christmas under the Rump Parlia- ment. Sat. R. 70: 735. — in 1703. Letter from the Archbishop of York to the Bishop of Worcester. (B. C. Browne) Eng. Hist. R. 5: I.20. — in 1746. Letter of Lord Chesterfield on the Change of Ministry. (J. Robinson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 749. — in 1769. Meliora, I2: 123. — in 1798. (H. W. Lucy) Liv. Age, 181: 496. – in 1799; Sketch of a Country Parish. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 30: Ioo. - — in 1837 and 1887. Quar. I67: 186. — in 1890, Possible Invasion or Blockade of. (S. Eard- ley-Wilmot) Murray, 8: 289. — Industry and Commerce of, Growth of. Lond. Q. 74: 270. – Is it Going to Ruin 2 (C. S. Devas) Month, 6o: 1. – Is its Power Declining 2 (A. Vámbéry) Forum, 6: 22 I. – Jesuit Scheme for Reformation of. Month, 67: 184. — Jubilees in, Georgian and Victorian. Temp, Bar, 8o: 546. — (J. R. Seeley) Ecl. M. Io9: 388. — Judicial System of. Ed. R. I73: 360. — Legal Affairs in. (G. H. Knoté) Am. Law R. 25: 4OO. — Literary, under the Guelfs. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. I3: I52. — Manners in, 1830. Sat. R. 65: 363. — Mediaeval, as seen in her Ballads. (L. S. Hines) Ed- uca. I2; 98. — Military Resources of. Sat. R. 63: 871. Same art. Liv. Ace, I74: 183. — Modern, Life in. (J. R. Towse) Chaut. I3: II, 147, 284. — Monarchy in. (J. McCarthy) No. Am. I49: 66. — — Future of. (F. H. Hill) Contemp. 57: 187. Same art. Ecl. M. I.14: 394. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 707. — Notes from. (Sophia Beale) (J. H. (J. King, jr.) And. R. II: 664. I2: 545. — An Ode. (A. C. Swinburne) Un. Serv. M. n.s. I : 97. — Old, Hoppin's. (M. B. Norton) Dial (Ch.) II: 89. — Once upon a Time. (J. Hutton) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 272. ~ – Peasantry of. (T. E. Kebbel) Blackw. I44: 500. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 451. - ENGLAND England: Pilgrims' Way. (Mrs. H. Ady) Art J. 43: 33-347. – Politics and Society in, Modern. (J. R. Towse Chaut. Io: 171–681. II: 52. — Public Expenditure in. (H. H. Fowler) Contemp. - Fººtiºn the Southwest Shore. All the Year, —ºur of. (P. T. Barnum) No. Am. I52: -- º History of. (G. P. Fisher) Chaut. I2: – Riº Thoma in C. c. statusk. And R. IO: 473. — Royal Family of, Grants to. . (H. Dunckley) Con- temp. 56: 288. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 685. — Rural Districts of, Depopulation of. (W. Ogle) J. Statis. Soc. 52: 205. — Society in, Deterioration in. (H. Aidé) New R. 2: II 2. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 475. — — Are we Deteriorating 2 (H. Chartres) Lond. Soc. 57: 363. — Southeastern, Hissey's. — Southern, Random roaming in. Cent. 29; 124. – Strength of, in Case of War. I42: 277. — Teutonic Conquests of, E. A. Freeman on. 61: 908. — Travelers' Accounts of. Cornh. 6 I: 62. – under Charles II., French Ambassador at the Court of. (J. J. Jusserand) 19th Cent. 30: 456. — under the Commonwealth. Firth's Papers of Wil- liam Clarke. (F. Harrison) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 781. — — Jenks's Constitutional Experiments of. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 586. — under Henry VIII., Gairdner and Gasquet on. Creighton) Eng. Hist. R. 3; 373. . — Unreadiness for War. National, 9: 153. — versus Europe. Ecl. M. IOS: 84. — Village in. (A. Chambers) Temp. Bar, 87: 209. — War Defences of. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 36: 211. Inglish Academy, An Election at. Fortn. 55: 887. English and Americans. (W. M. Fullerton) Fortn. 53: Spec. 61 : 545. (A. Jessopp) 19th (W. Baker) Blackw. Spec. (M. 242, 731. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 406. II5: 37. English and French. (P. G. Hamerton) Atlan. 59: 32, 668. 6o: 593, 766. English and American Federalism. (C. R. Lowell) Ecl. M. IIo: 564. English Channel, Bridging the. Am. Arch. 26: 197. – Nature, 4o: 560. — (C. H. Hamitt) Nation, 51: 4I4. — Ports of. (W. Sime) Eng. Illust. 6: 488. — Summer Cruisings in. (Lady Arnold) Outing, 16: 357. I& : 196. — Tunnel under. (Z. Colburn) J. Soc. Arts, 18: 44. — (T. Page) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 410. — (W. Hawes) J. Soc. Arts, 22: .397. — (Sir E. W. Watkin) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 560, 597. — (H. M. Hozier) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 124. — Sat. R. 65: 645, 778. 69: 5. — — Case against. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I; 264, 341. — — Gladstone on the. Spec. 60: I I I I. Inglish Commerce, The Trade League against. Jennings) 19th Cent. 28: 901. English Composition, Art of. (Syr.) 4; 369. — Elementary, in High Schools. (Syr.) 4: 421. — Wendell's. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 53: 281. — Work in a Chicago High School. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 385. — Work in a Massachusetts High School. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 151. (L.J. (J. S. Clark) Acad. (S. Thurber) Acad. 139 ENGLISH English Composition Work, Schedule of. Acad. (Syr.) 4; 21. English Cousins, Our. (M. P. Wilder) Lippinc. 45: 406. English Culture, Goschen and Huxley on. Nature, 37: 337. s English Diplomats. Liv. Age, I79: 259. English Doppelgänger, An ; a story. (D. Vane) Lond. Soc. 57: 522. English Drama, Elizabethan, Fifty Lyrics from. A. Leahy) Harv. Mo. 6: 144. — — Stage Conditions. (W. A. Leahy) Harv. Mo. 6: 2O7. — The New Dramatic School. tre, 22; 317. English Gentry. Blackw. I43: 705. M. III: 72. English Girlhood. 26. English Home Life, Collier's. Spec. 62: 736. English Lakes, Letters from the. (W. Hull) Portfo. 18: 113. English Land Charters, Earle's. Eng. Hist. H. 4: 353. English Language, The. (M. A. Ripley) Educa. 9:537. — Antiquated. (F. Hall) Nation, 52: 243. — as a Means of International Intercourse and Culture. (J. Korács) Unita. R. 36: 300. – as she is taught. (S. L. Clemens) Cent. II: 932. — Ascertainment of. (C. Mackay) 19th Cent. 27: 131. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 267. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 451. — Bain on. Spec. 60: 741. — Byeways of. Meliora, I2: 21. — Claims to Universality. Science, I2: 291. — Colloquial. (A.S. Hill) Harper, 78: 272. — — President's or Queen's 2 (G. Champlin) No. Am. I47: 585. - Correction of Bad, as a Requirement for Harvard College (L. B. R. Briggs) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 302. — Curios º All the Year, 68: 301. — Derivation of. (H. C. G. Brandt) Acad. 33: 257. — Dictionary of, Cassell's Encyclopædic. Ath. '89, 2 : 90. — — Century. Ath. '89, I: 793. – Ath. '90, I: 270. — Church Q. 30: 399. – Atlan. 64: 846. – (F. A. March) Nation, 48: 450. — — The Encyclopaedic. (H. W. Hayne) Nation, 48: 429. — Spec. 62: 436. — — Murray's. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 34:63. – Ed. R. 169: 328. — (T. R. Lounsbury) Nation, 48: 287, 309. — (F. Hall) Nation, 50: 200. — Sat. R. 69: 20. — (W. E. Wilson) Church R. 49: 465. — (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 31: 247. — Ath. '87, I: 666. — (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 4o: 167. — (W. P. Garrison) Na- tion, 53: 181. — (H. Logeman) Acad. 40: 590. — — Stratmann's Middle English. (O. F. Emerson) Nation, 52: 445. — — Webster's International. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) II: 189. — (H. W. Hayne) Nation, 51: 445. — N. Eng. 53: 421. — (F. A. March) Educa. R. I : 288. — Atlan. 67: 406. — Dictionaries of, Some Curiosities of. (G. L. Apper- son) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 184. — Elementary Study in. (M. E. Barker) Educa. 8: 384. — Etymology of, Skeat's. Ath. '87, 2: 206. – French Use of. Cornh. 61: 279. (W. (A. W. Pinero) Thea- Same art. Ecl. (Mrs. Molesworth) Eng. Illust. 7: (W. H. Stevenson) — in England. (A. H. Noll) Writer, 3: 217. — in the High School. (C. E. Skinner) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 261. — — What the College has a Right to Expect. (C. B. Wright) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 467. ENGLISH 140 * ENGLISH * English in Newspapers and Novels. (A. S. Hill) Scrib. English in Secondary Schools, Suggestion for. (S. Thur- M. 2: 371. — in our Colleges. (A. S. Hill) Scrib. M. I : 507. -- in the Preparatory School. (W. E. Jilson) Educa. 7: 691. – (E. W. Huffcut) Science, 9: 474. — (O. F. Emerson) Acad. (Syr.) 5: Ioa. — — and Colleges, Study of. (J. H. Brownlee) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 80. — in Secondary Schools. 369. – in Shakespere and the Prayer-Book. Church R. 50: 270. — Indebtedness of, to Latin. (J. S. Clark) Acad. (Syr.) 4: . (A. Morgan) (F. Garlanda) Chaut. II . I O. — Mastery of. (W. K. Wickes) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 133. – New Words in. (H. A. Schuler) Writer, 5: 6. – Old, in a General Education. (J. M. Garnett) Acad. (Syr.) 5: I 12. -- Oliphant's New. (H. Bradley) Acad. 31: 19. — Ath. '87, I: 794. — Spec. 60: 561. — Origin of. (E. Davenport) Educa. 9: 608. — Phonology of. (T. H. Kellogg) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 387. - Preparatory Work in, as seen by a Harvard Exam- iner. (B. S. Hurlburt) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 351. – Pronunciation of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 196, 2 IQ. — — and Dictionaries. Atlan. 67: 432. — Question of. (R. S. Keyser) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 361. – Slipshod. National, Io; 521. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 118. – Teaching of. (R. B. Fisher) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 311. — Tone-Color in the. (A. H. Tolman) And. R. 7: 326. — Wardour-Street. (A. Ballantyne) Longm. I2: 585. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 499. — Worth of the. (W. K. Wicker) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 85. — Writing of, Practical Talks on. (W. Minto) Chaut. I2: 702. English Law, Maitland’s edition of Bracton’s Note- book. (C. Elton) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 154. English Lexicography. (T. W. Hunt) N. Eng. 55: 193. English Literature and French Literature, Contrasts of. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 63: 330. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 590. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 150. — and German Literature in 18th Century. (O. Sei- densticker) Poet-Lore, 2: 57, 169. — Contemporary. Fortn. 47: 21 I. — Current. (E. Lawrence) Chaut. 8: 70, 143. — Elizabethan. (A. Morgan) Church R. 53: 27. — — Saintsbury's. Ath. '87, 2: 704. — (M. B. Ander- son) Dial (Ch.) 8: 259. – Nation, 46: 302, 326. — Spec. 61: 907. — N. Princ. 6: 285. — — Tendencies of. (M. W. Easton) Poet-Lore, I: I58. — Harvard Admission Examination in. Briggs) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 345. — History of, Levi's. Sat. R. 69: 177. — — in America. (F. E. Schelling) Poet-Lore, I: 21 o. — — Morley's. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 143. — — Ten Brink's. Nation, 49: 455. — (C. H. Her- ford) Acad. 35: 249. — in 1660–1780, Gosse’s. Ath. '89, I: 205. — (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 29. — Sat. R. 67: 254. — in 1780–1860, Saintsbury's. Sat. R. 7I: 20. — in American Colleges. (J. Buckham) Our Day, 4: I2O. g — in High Schools. (W. E. Mead) Acad. (Syr.) I: 161. — Acad. (Syr.) 4: 179. — in the Schools. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 485. — in Secondary Schools. (W. C. Bronson) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 384. — (O. F. Emerson) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 233. — (J. G. R. McElroy) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 244. — (Mrs. S. E. H. Lockwood) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 255, 268. (L. B. R. . ber) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 513. 6: 157. - Letters in Philistia. (Grant Allen) Fortn. 55: 947. Same art. Ecl. M. I.17: 114. – List of Best Books of 1890. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 9. — Methods of Study in. (H. E. Shepherd) Educa. 9: 178. – (L. S. Hines) Educa. 9: 229. – of 15th Cent. ; the Oxford Movement or Classical Revival. (F. T. Palgrave) 19th Cent. 28: 812. — of 18th Century, Study of. (E. Gosse) N. Princ. 6: 1. — — Gosse's. Spec. 63: 306. – of 1890, Résumé of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 25. — Requirements im, for Admission to New England Colleges. Acad. (Syr.) 3: 504. – The Romantic and Classical in. (W. D. McClintock) Chaut. I4: 187. —Scherer's Essays on. — Sat. R. 72: 62o. — School of, at Oxford. Quar. I64; 241. — Study of. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 49: 331. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 615. — (L. Stephen) Cornh. 55: 486. — (H. Taine) Critic, Io; 31 I. — (W. G. Williams) Meth. R. 48: 878. – (G. F. Mull) Ref. Q. 36: 316. — — in the College Course. (H. H. Turner) Educa. 9 : 44 I. — — Making it Interesting. Acad. (Syr.) 3: 389. — — Recent Books on. (O. F. Emerson) Dial (Ch.) Io: I68. – Teaching of. (J. C. Collins) 19th Cent. 22: 642. — (P. A. Barnett; A. Bain) Acad. 32: 129, 167, 184. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 45: 39. — (H. E. Shepherd) Educa. 9: 73. – (A. Ainger) Macmil. 61: IOI. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 131. — A Term's Work in. (H. A. Frink) Educa. Io: 413. – Victorian Age of. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 47: 835. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: IOI. — (J. W. Hales) Gent. M. n. S. 4o: 4oo, 460. – Liv. Age, I73: 8o3. — (R. Garnett) Critic, II: 80. — Spec. 60: 889. Same art. Critic, II : 94. English Mariners before the Armada. (H. H. Sparling) Eng. Illust. 8: 647. English Marshlands, Memories of. Cornh. 60: 593. English Monasteries in 16th Century. Church Q. 29: 386. English Newspapers; their Relation to the Govern- ment. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 28: 108. English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare, Jusserand's. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 28: 242. English Paganism, Two Relics of. (S. O. Addy) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 46. English People Abroad. Lond. Soc. 56: I45. — Ancestors and Progeny of. (J. Humphreys) Fraser, Ioff: 429. — and Language, Origins of, Roemer's. I443. — and the English Language, Roemer's Origins of. (H. C. G. von Jagemann) Dial (Ch.) 8: 240. — Intellectual Development of. (E. A. Freeman) Chaut. I2: 1–697. I3: I-237. — Origin of. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 57: 36. Same art. Ecl. M. II4; 329. — Church Q. 30: 406. — Rural, Foibles of the. Spec. 61 : 651. – Who are the 2 National, II: 62. English-Persian Dictionary, Wollaston's. Sat. R. 68: 356. English Philology, Bishop Coxe's. 44; 185. English Poetry; Elizabethan Lyrists. Harv. Mo. 8: 203. — Fifty Years of. N. Prine. 5: 284. — in the Last Twelve Years. (E. C. Stedman) Cent. 34; 899. a (J. A. Noble) Acad. 40: 496. Spec. 61: (F. Hall) Nation, (H. T. Parker) ENGLISH English Poetry, Oldest Lyric in. — Religious Element in, before Tennyson. lows) Unita. R. 31: 17. - English Poets of To-Day. (W. M. Baskerville) Chaut. Atlan. 67: 286. (J. A. Bel- Io: 167. English Prose. Gent. M. m. s. 46: 215. — Earle's. (T. W. Hunt) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 723. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 52: 56. — Acad. (Syr.) 6: 173, 238. English Public School of a Past Generation. Adams) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 130. English Sapphics. (H. Tennyson) Macmil. 59: 145. English Scenery. (F. G. Heath) Tinsley, 43: 197, 557. English Self-Depreciation. Spec. 64: 433. English Shipping, Condition of, and Suggestions for Im- provement. (Lord Brassey) 19th Cent. 27: 484. . English Shires, Story of. (M. Creighton) Leis. Hour, v. 36–40. English Sounds, History of, Sweet's. Ath. '88, 2: 122. — (C. H. Grandgent) Nation, 47: 236. English Studies, Order of, in Secondary Schools. (I. M. Street; L. McMahon) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 506, 513. English Texts, Annotation of, for School Use. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 165. English Theology, Future of. (W. Sanday) Contemp. 56: 41. English Thrift, Some Illustrations of. (Canon Black- ley) Good Words, 32: 486, 693. English Towns. (A. Jessopp.) Chaut. I2: 442, 578, 7II. - — Growth of Oligarchy in. R. 5: 633. English Traditions, Want of. Spec. 62: 854. English Verse, Heroic Couplet in. (H. T. Parker) Harv. Mo. 5: 57. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages, Jusse- rand's. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 25: 230. — Sat. R. 67: 53. English Workers as they are. (H. M. Hyndman) Con- temp. 52; I22. Englishmen Abroad. Temp. Bar, go: 54. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: I Io. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: 512. — Americanized. (E. Lambert) No. Am. I47: 320. — Heine on. Gent. M. n. s. 47: 319. - English Women and English Manners. Monroe) Educa. Io: 442. — Three Generations of, Ross's. Spec. 62: 766. English-Speaking Races, Future of. (W. E. Gladstone) Our Day, 2: 436. — Union of. (J. D. Champlin, jr.) Forum, 5: 156. Engraving and Etching as Fine Arts. (F. S. Haden) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 714. — Art of the Painter-Etcher. (F. S. Haden) 19th Cent. 27: 756. – English Manner of. (W. L. Blackley) National, 12: 467. — in Germany in Fifteenth Century. Eng. 52: 497. — Line. Tinsley, 42: 251. – New School of. (J. P. Davis) Cent. 16: 587. See Wood-Engraving. Engravings, Piracy of. (T. Solberg) Nation, 47: 350. Enlightenments of Pagett, M. P., The ; a story. (R. Kipling) Contemp. 58: 333. Enoch, Book of. (W. J. Deane) Theo. Mo. 4: 1, 229. Enoch of Ascoli's MS. of the Elegia in Maecenatem. (R. Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 9: 265. Bº Josiah D., with portrait. M. West. Hist, g: 5.I. Ensign, Nabby. (R. P. Hatch) Granita Mo. 12: 177. Bºº Chemistry of. (F. J. Lloyd) J. Soc. Arts, 33: > U. – in the U.S. (J. E. T. Rogers) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 229. (W. M. (C. W. Colby) Eng. Hist. (Mrs. H. E. (F. H. Betts) N. 141 EPISODE Entertaining, American and Foreign Modes of. (M. E. W. Sherwood) Cosmopol. 12: 206. Enthusiasm. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 21: 75. – and its Responsibilities. Spec. 60: 954. — Religious Value of. (W. Booth) No. Am. I48: 743. Enthusiasts, Incapable. Nation, 46: 360. Enthusiast, An. (G. P. Baker, jr.) Harv. Mo. 4: 117. Enthusiast, The ; a story. Cong. R. 2: 54–1096. Entomology, Applied, Outlook for. (C. V. Riley) Sci- ... ence, I7: 15, 29. — Economic, Relation to Scientific. worth) Science, I7: 77. Environment, Animals as Modified by. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 243. — Persistence of Plant and Animal Life under Chang- ing Conditions of. (P. Frazer) Am. Natural. 24: (C. W. Wood- (J. B. Steere) 5I 7. "Ews in Hellenistic Greek. (G. W. Gilmore) J. Bib. Lit. 9: 153. Eozoön Canadense, Remarks on. (G. P. Merrill) Am. J. Sci. I37: 189. Eozoönal Rock of Manhattan Island. cap) Am. J. Sci. I33; 374. Ephemeron; a poem. (G. R. Tomson) Atlan. 66: 38o. Ephesus, Council of, A. D. 431. Church Q. 33: 91. Ephratas Community, Registers of. (J. F. Sachse) Pennsyl. M. I4; 297. Epicurus Wynn. (A. D. Hall) Longm. I5: 391. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 532. Epidemics. Quar. I64: 193. — and Water Pollution. (G. W. Rafter) Engin. M. I : (L. P. Grata- I 5I. * Epidemics, Past and Present. Chamb. J. 66: 421. — Three Great. (A. D. Vinton) No. Am. I47: 466. Epidemic Diseases, Defenses against. (C. Edson) Fo- rum, 9: 475. Epigram, Anatomy of. Atlan. 67: 856. Epigrams, Kindly and Stinging. Spec. 67: 877. Episcopacy, Divine Origin of. (E. Gould) Church R. 49; 53, I 3O. — no Bond of Unity. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 46: 72I. — Origin of. (H. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 49: 61. — Reinstitution of. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I3 : 613. — Scriptural Evidence for. (W. Henderson) Theo. Mo. 5: I4, I27. Episcopal Ordination, Scottish Kirk and Voice of Church of England on. (A. Lowndes) Church R. 50: 296–563. 53: 200. 55: 31. Episcopalian, Why I am. (F. W. Farrar) No. Am. I49: 302. Episcopate, Extension of the. Io: 799. — The Historic. (S. G. Dodd) Luth. Q. 20: 405. — (A. C. Coxe, R. B. Warfield, and A. Edwards) Meth. R. 49: 839. — — as a Basis of Reunion. (C. A. Briggs and 19 oth- ers) Church R. 57: 41. — (W. C. Doane) Church R. 59: 24, (W. S. Perry) 59: 31, (J. F. Seymour) 59: 40. — — Bp. Lightfoot on. (T. F. Gailor) Church R. 59: 185. — — Bishop of Iowa on what the Lambeth Conference meant by it. And. R. I5: 541. — — in the Lutheran Church. (F. Manhart) Luth. Q. (R. Gregory) National, 2I : I.23. — — Proofs of. (W. S. Perry) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 160. Episode of 1812, An; a story. (F. Coloma) Month, 63: 266. - — of the Long Vacation, An. (R. Graham) Macmil. 57: I4I. — of the Marquis de Waldeflores. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, 83: 242. EPITAPHS Epitaphs. Cornh, 63: 250. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: *- i. Westminster Avºy. (F. W. Farrar) Good Words, —oº. (C. S. Brown) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86-87): *- Fºn. Cornh. 64: 145. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 737. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4; 348. Epping Forest, Future of. (W. Paul) J. Soc. Arts, 28: I77. . . Epsom Racecourse. All the Year, 59: 442. Epsom Races, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 732. – and Ascot. Outing, I6: 200. Epworth League, The. (J. E. Price) Chaut. I3: 187. Equality, Evolution and. (A. Cox) National, IoS: 371. — Natural Inequality of Men. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: I. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I4: 250. — Social, Thoughts on. (C. Patmore) Fortn. 48: 259. Equatoria, Casati's Ten Years in. (S. H. Peabody) Dial (Ch.) I2: 41. Equestrians, Holiday. Equestrian Monuments. Equilibrist, The ; a story. 188. Erasmus; a sketch. (S. F. Williams) Unita. R. 36: I. — and SS. Blaise, “The Holy Helpers.” (E. B. Edes, Dub. R. IoS: 340. Erbach, Count George Albert, Adventures of. Sat. R. 70: 713. Erckmann, Emile; with portrait. Hour, 40: 86. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. Breach between. (S. Baring-Gould) Critic, I5: I 16. — Works of. (M. C. Rowsell) Tinsley, 45: 425. Erdingtons of Erdington. (A. J. Rodway). Antiq. m. s. 16: 189. Eretria. Topograph, Study of. Archaeol. 7: 371. Erian Plant, New. (J. W. Dawson) Am. J. Sci. I38: 1. Ericsson, John. (J. Habberton) Lippine. 44: 94. — With portrait. (Science, I3: 189. – (W. C. Church) Scrib. M. 7: 169, 336. — and his “Monitor.” (C. W. MacCord) No. Am. I49: 460. — Church's Life of. (W. Gibbs) Nation, 52: I2O. — (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 25: I. Erikson, Leif. (S. C. Bull) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 217. — Monument to. (J. E. Olson) Nation, 45: 395. Eridge Castle. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 5: 579. Erie, Lake, First Steamboat on. (D. W. Manchester) M. West. Hist. Io: 389. Ermenfrid, Bishop of Sion. Hist. R. 2: 737. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 89. Am. Arch. 24: 15–268. (E. Phillpotts) Belgra. 63: (R. Heath) Leis. (J. Pickard) Am. J. (W. A. B. Coolidge) Eng. Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover. (A. H. Japp.) S. Gent. M. m. s. 38; 554. Same art. Liv. Age, 174: 177. Ernst II., Duke of Saxe-Coburg. Ed. R. I.70: 182. — Nation, 46: 411. —Westm. I3o: 685. —Sat. R. 66: 594. — Ath. '87, 2: 703. – Spec. 63: 338. --Sat. P. 69: 679. * Eros, Statuette of. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 4; 266. Eros or Erin; a tale. To-Day, 7: 4, 34. Erosive Agents in the Arid Regions. (R. S. Tarr) Am. Natural. 24: 439. Error, Law of. (J. Wenn and others) Nature, 36: 4II, 482, 531. Errors, Some General, Origin of. Mo. 35: 819. Errors, Typographical. Cornh. 58: 59. - Erskine, Charles, Memoirs. (J. Morris) Month, 73: I96. Erskine, Thomas, of Linlathen. (S. Exner) Pop. Sci. (A. M. Machar) And. 142 R. I4: 464, 588. ETERNAL Eruption at Vulcano Island. Nature, 39: Io9. Erving, G. W., Diplomatic Services of. Curry) M. Am. Hist. 23: 313. - Esau, House of. (T. Whitelaw) Brit. & For. Evang. (H. J. Johnstone-Lavis). (J. L. M. R. 37: 293. Escapade in Cordova, An. (F. H. Smith) Cent. 42: 863. Escapes, Some Remarkable. All the Year, 65: 280. Eschatology as taught by Christ. (D. C. Marquis) Luth. Q. 17: 88. — of the New England Divines. Sac. 45: 669. 46: 95. — Present Drift in. (H. O. Rowlands) Bapt. R. II: (F. H. Foster) Bib. 403. Eskimo, The. (F. Schwatka) Am. M. 8: 453. — (J. M. Oxley) Cosmopol. 2: 162. – (A. H. Keane) Na- ture, 35 : 309. Eskimos, Ancient and Modern. (A. E. Nordenskiöld) Eng. Illust. 9: 178. - — Heights and Temperatures of. (W. A. Ashe) Sci- ence, Io: 58. - — of Point Barrow, Dress and Physique of. doch) Pop. Sci. Mo.38: 222. — Poetry and Music among. (F. Boas) Science, 9: 383. — Popular Errors in regard to. (J. Murdoch) Am. Natural. 2 I : 9. - (J. Mur- — Rink on. Ath. '88, I: 270. — Social Life among. (F. Boas) M. Am. Hist. 26: 229. — Tribal Divisions of. (F. Boas) Am. Antiq. Io: 40. Eskimo Tribes. (F. Boas) Science, Io: 271. Eskimo and Indian Languages. (A. F. Chamberlain; F. Boas) Science, Io: 273. – (A. F. Chamberlain) Science, Io; 322. — (J. Murdoch) Science, Io: 287. —- (D. G. Brinton) Science, Io: 300. —(J. N. 13. Hewitt) Science, II: II. Eskimo Boats in the Northwest. Sci. Mo. 39: 682. Esparto Plant. (R. Johnston) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 96. Espero Gorgoni, Gondolier. (F. H. Smith) Scrib. M. Io: 687. Espy, James Pollard, with portrait. 834. Essay, The, as a Literary Form and Quality. Zabriskie) N. Princ. 4: 227. – The Ideal. Author, 2: 135. Essenes, Christ and the. (B. Pick) Luth. Q. 18: 217. Essex, Eastertide in. All the Year, 68: 438. — in Insurrection. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. I9: I I, 69. See Lawford Hall. Essex Archipelago. Spec. 63: 432. Essex Forest, Fisher on. Sat. R. 65: 326. — Ath. '88, I : 3O2. Estaing, Comte d', Declaration of, to his Countrymen in North America, 1778. M. Am. Hist. 22: 427. Esther Vanhomrigh; a novel. (M. L. Woods) Murray, 9: 1–721. Io: II–833. Estrada, Florez, and his Land Theory. (C. M. O'Keefe) Cath. World, 45: 63. - Estrid's Lied; a story. (C. Elgrave) Belgra. 62: 462. (J. Murdoch) Poo. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: (F. N. Etching. (E. Stuart) Argosy, 49: 197. — and Engraving as Fine Arts. (F. S. Haden) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 714. — Hamerton on. (P. G. Hamerton) Nation, 52: 360, — Modern. (F. Wedmore) Fortn. 47: 753. Etchings at Hampton Court. Sat. R. 66: 275. Eternal Life. (W. R. French) Univ. Q. 46: 269. Eternal Punishment. (W. E. Manley) Arena, I : 539. — (C. H. Kidder) Arena, 2: IoI. — (S. H. Kellogg) Presb. & Raf. R. 2: 561. – Atonian Punishment. (W. E. Manley) Arena, 4: 209. S ETERNITY 143 EUGANEAN Eternity. Unita. R. 30: 97. Ethics, The Voices of Babel about. (J. Gerard) Month, Ethelwulf, House of. (W. H. Simcox) Eng. Hist. R. 65: 180. 2: 520. Ethiopia, Church of. (G. H. Schodde) Presb. R. 8: 16. Ether, The. (F. E. Nipher) Science, 18: 119. — Function of the Immaterial, in Natural Phenomena. (H. M. Goodman) Gent. M. n. s. 40: 274. — Luminiferous, Relative Motion of the Earth and. (A. A. Michelson; E. W. Morley) Am. J. Sci. I34: 333. Ether Drinking. Etheredge, Sir George. Etheridge, J. H., M. D. Hist. II: 526. Ethical Codes, Religious Element in. J. Ethics, I: 289. Ethical Controversies. Ethical Fellowship, Freedom of. Ethics, I : 16. Ethical Religion, Salter's. (J. Royce) Nation, 50: 95. Ethical Society, Communication of Moral Ideas as a Function of an. (B. Bosanquet) Int. J. Ethics, I: (N. Kerr) New R. 3: 536. Works. Ath. '88, 2: 409. (H. L. Conard) M. West. (C. H. Toy) Int. (H. Sidgwick) Mind, I4: 473. (F. Adler) Int. J. 79. Ethical Theories, Our; What are they? (J. R. Ken- drick) Bapt. Q. II: 292. Ethical Theory, Functions of. Ethics, I: 404. Ethical Work, Modes of. (J. H. IIyslop) Int. J. (A. Gosman) Presb. R. Io: 590. Ethics. (E. Carpenter) To-Day, II: 31, 61. — and Economics. (J. M. Whiton) N. Eng. 49: 325. — (R. Mathews) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 771. – and Industry. (E. C. Robinson) Tinsley, 42: 441. — and Physical Science. (J. Dewey) And. R. 7: 573. – and Religion. (J. R. Seeley) Fortm. 51 : 501. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 798. — (C. H. Toy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 727. — — Potter's Relation of. (W. Higgs) And. R. II: 437. — Basis for. (S. W. Dyde) Mind, 13: 549. — Christian, Dormer's. (G. Harris) And. R. 8: 649. — Spec. 61 : 611. — Classic and Semitic. 561. — Criterion of, an Objective Reality. nist, I : 552. — Current Problems in. Lond. Q. 75: I 14. — Daltonism in. (E. R. Clay) Westm. I29: 500. – Experiment in. (C. F. Dole) Unita. R. 28: 571. — Foundation of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 6: 577. – Idiopsychological. (H. Sidgwick) Mind, 12: 31. – Introduction to the Study of. (T. G. Apple) Ref. Q. 37: 1. – Law of Relativity in. (A. P. Peabody) And. R. Io: (P. Carus) Mo- (H. Höffding) Int. J. Ethics, I : 30. . — Lilly's On Right and Wrong. (R. H. Hutton) 19th Cent. 28: Ioo.4. — Literary. (W. P. Brown) Author, 2: 96. – Modern Reconstructions of. (W. R. Benedict) And. R. I4; 213. — The Moral Criterion. 167. * — Non-Theistic. (W. L. Robbins) Church R. 49: 290. — of the Day. Quar. I72: 65. — Physiological. (N. Porter) N. Princ. 3: 306. — Service of, to Philosophy. (W. M. Salter) Int. J. Ethics, I: 114. – Study of, in Manual Training Schools. (F.T. Thorpe) Education, 8: 489. – Theistic. (J. M. Sterrett) Church R. 50: 445. – True Position of, in Popular Education. (F. W. Conrad) Luth. Q. 20: 573. – Ultimate Facts of. (C. C. Everett) Unita. R. 28: 467. – Via media in. (R. Nakashima) N. Eng. 47: 12. (A. H. Peters) Unita. R. 35: Ethnic Traits, Persistency of. (J. C. Ridpath) Meth. R. 49: 329. Ethnological Jurisprudence. (A. H. Post) Monist, 2: 31. Ethnology, Museums of, and their Classification. (W. H. Dall; F. Boas) Science, 9: 587. — (J. W. Powell; F. Boas) Science, 9: 612. – Study of, in India. (H. H. Risley) Anthrop. J. 20: 235. — U. S. Bureau of, 4th Annual Report. (S. Baxter) Am. Arch. 23: 21, 43, 66. Ethology, J. S. Mill's Science of. (J. Ward) Int. J. Ethics, I : 446. Etiquette and Precedence. (P. McA. Cole) New Eng. M. 4: 125. — Book of 13th Century. I5: 64. Etna, Mount, Ascent of. Chamb. J. 68: 209. — A Castle on. (H. Aidé) Eng. Illust. 7: 68o. – Eruptions of. Knowl. 9: 299, 324. “Etoile, L’,” Capture of, by the “Hebrus.” O'Byrne) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 302. (T. C. Martin) Antiq. m. s. (R. Eton College. Quar. I7I: I. — as a School. (A. Lyttelton) Eng. Illust. 7: 721. — Athletics at. (S. R. James) Eng. Illust. 7: 717. — Distant Prospects of. Macmil. 57: 204. — Fifty Years Ago. (C. T. Buckland) Macmil. 61: Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 508. — History of. (H. C. M. Lyte) Eng. Illust. 7: 705. — — Lyte's. Sat. R. 69: II.4. 59. — 1836 to 1841. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I2: 152. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 731. — Jubilee of. (A. C. Benson) National, I7: 593. Eton Montem: a Memory of the Past. (G. C. Green) Blackw. I5o: 414. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 496. Etruscans, The Ancient. (D. G. Brinton) Science, I4: 3Io. Etruscan Cemetery. Chamb. J. 67: 599. Same art. Ecl. M. I.I.5: 674. Etruscan Divinity-Names. (R. Brown, jr.) Acad. 32: 23. Etruscan Influence, Persistence of. Am. I48: 602. Etruscan Numerals. (Grant Allen) No. (R. Brown, jr.) Acad. 32: 123. Etruscan Sun-Name. (R. Brown, jr.) Acad. 33: 26o. Etruscan Temple, The. N. Princ. 5: 139. Etruscan Tombs. (W. Mercer) Ath. '87, I: 9oo. Ettrick Forest and the Yarrow. Ed. R. I.65: I. Etymological Doublets. (A. Erlebach) Leis. Hour, 39: 56. Etymology, Curiosities of. All the Year, 41 : Same art, Liv. Age, I74; 736. — English, Skeat's. Sat. R. 7I: 450. Language. — Shall we Teach it and How 2 (J. G. R. McElroy) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 232. Euboia, Lombards and Venetians in. Hel. Stud. 7: 309. 8: 194. 9: 91. Eucalyptus, Culture of, in Italy. (L. B. Binsse) Cath. World, 49: 187. — Economic Value of the. (G. McGillivray) Overland, n. S. I2 : 449. — Pine, and Camphor Forests. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 301. Same art. Liv. Age, I83; 113. Endaemonism. (W. F. Cooley) And. R. I6: 583. Eudialyte and Eucolyte, from Magnet Cove, Ark. (J. F. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I40: 457. Eudocia, Empress. Liv. Age, I73: 451. Euganean Hills. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 54: Ioz. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 431. I 25. See English (J. B. Bury) J. EUGENE Eugene, Prince, of Savoy, Malleson's Life of. Spec. 61: 1 ob?. Eugénie, Empress. (J. Winn) Tinsley, 43: 174. — and the Court of the Tuileries. (A. L. Bicknell) Harper, 75: 615. Eulogia, The, or Blessed Bread. Cath. Q. 16: 382. Eunice; a Rustic Idyl. Euphrates Expedition. Spec. 62: 833. Euphrates Valley Route to India. Soc. Arts, 28: 257. Euphuism in Literature and Style. Eng. 50: 189. Euripides. Alcestis. 245. — — Performance of, at Oxford, 1887. Ath. '87, I : 712. — Sat. R. 63: 762. - (J. Sidgwick) Nation, 44: (E. Schreiber) Am. Chamb. J. 68: 573. Ainsworth's Narrative of. (W. P. Andrew) J. (T. W. Hunt) N. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 60: 108, 506. — Bacchanals of. (W. Pater) Macmil. 6o: 63. — Hippolytos. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 59: 356. — Ion, Acted at Cambridge, Eng. Sat. R. 7o: 616. – (H. F. Wilson) Acad. 38: 535. – Ath. '90, 2: 747. — (J. Wedgwood) Contemp. 59: 89. — — Verrall's Edition. Sat. R. 70: 6oo. — Lawton's Versions of. (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 50: 437. — Medea. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 61: 212. Euroes, A Trip to the, and Back in 1861. (A. S. Halli- die) Overland, m. s. 9; 340. Europe, America and, Coming Cataclysm of. Buchanan) Arena, 2; 292. — Armaments of. (F. G. Mather) And. R. 9: 381. — Armed Truce of the Powers. (W. R. Thayer) Forum, I2: 312. — Balance of Military Power in. Blackw. I42: 124– 87o. — Ath. '88, I: 305. — Spec. 61: 338. —Sat. R. 65: 321. — — its Naval Aspect. Blackw. I43: 280. — Central, A Catholic Tourist in. (St. G. Mivart) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 342. — Dangers to the Peace of. I2 : 297. — Democratic Revolution and Evolution in. (E. Caste- lar) No. Am. I52: 484. — Equilibrium in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 46. — History of, Freeman's Chief Periods of the. Ath. ’87, I: 602. — (W. F. Allen) Nation, 45; 196. — Spec. 6o: 1058. — — in A. D. Iooo. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 68: 369. — — 13th Century, Survey of. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 56: 325. — — in 1848–1878. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 37: 215, 277. — — in 1887, Dilke's. Ath. '87, 2: 2O4. — Spec. 60: IO23. — in 1888; Is it Peace? (W. Caillard) Murray, 3: 294. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 586. — — Leroy-Beaulieu on the State of. Nation, 46: 233. — — Political Relations; the Recent Change. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 24: 799. — — Situation in. (C. K. Adams) Chaut. 8: 348. — Ed. R. 167: 553. —Nation, 44; 292. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 46: 113. —N. Princ. 6: 272. – Spec. 64: 681. — in the Twenty-Fourth Century. (J. F. Rowbotham) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 446. — Modern, Fyffe's History of. Ath. 'go, I: 1 I2. – (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 51: 327, 346. — (G. Strachey) Acad. 31 : 212. — Spec. 6o: I of 2. — — Historic Basis of, 1760–1815, Weir's. Ath. '87, I: 827. — Mutterings of War in. (E. de Laveleye) Forum, 8: II.7. (J. R. (E. A. Freeman) Forum, 144 EVERGREENS Europe, Nervousness of. Spec. 67: 372. – New Position of the Kings. Spec. 67: 36. — Our Hundred Days in. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 59: 343–832. 6o: 116–462. — — After. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 61: 127. – Outlook for 1889. National, 12: 577. Same art. Ecl. M. I 12: 317. – Politics of, from an East Indian Standpoint. (Salar Jung) 19th Cent. 22: 500. Same art. Eel. M. Io9: 756. — — in 1887. And, R. 7: 183. — Fortn. 47: 1–785. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 707. I74: 3. — Reconstruction of. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 12: 670. — — Murdock's. Atlan. 65: 268. — Revisited. (Salar Jung) 19th Cent. 22: 165. — Revolutionary Movement of, 1848–49, Maurice's. Ath. '87, 2: 596. – Nation, 46: 57, 77. — Southeastern, Ethnographical Map of. Science, II: 40. — Steerage Trip to. – Strategical Glance at. M. '87, 1: 385. — Thrones that will Totter Next. Cosmopol. 8: 275. — Tramp Trip to. (L. Meriwether) Outing, Io: 68. — — Meriwether's. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 67. – versus the United States. (G. T. Bettany) Contemp. 53: 395. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 082. European Literature in 1886. Ath. '87, I: 7. European Morals, Lecky's. Meliora, I2: 97. European Town Life. (A. Shaw) Chaut. 9: 519. Eurypteris Cardenis. (I. P. Battersby) Belgra. 68: 410. Euthanasia. (F. E. Akehurst) Month, 73: 532. — Pleasures of Dying. (E. P. Buffet) N. Eng. 55: 231. Euxine and Caspian. (A. T. Sibbald) Scot. R. 18: 288. Evangelical Conference at Washington, D. C. (W. Elliott) Cath. World, 47: 641. Evangelical Revival of the 18th Century, Overton on. (G. C. Brodrick) Macmil. 55; 297. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 673. Evangelicalism, Old and New. And. R. 13: 430. — Rear Guard of the Christian Army. (G. Mortimer) Westm. I35: 353. Evangelistarium of St. Margaret. (I. O. Westwood ; F. E. Warren) Acad. 32: 120, 151. –Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 282. Evangelization of the World. Chris. Q. 6: 405. (J. Ricalton) Outing, Io: 151. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. (M. W. Hazeltine) Evans, John, Gov. of Colorado, with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 9: 721. Eve. (S. Baring-Gould) Longm. v. Io-I2. Eve of St. John in a Deserted Chālet. (F. Cowper) Blackw. I5o: 21. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 396. Same art. Ecl. M. I.17: 266. Eve of St. Michael; a story. (F. C. Armstrong) Lond. Soc. 57: 165. Evelyn, John, Diary of, Blunder in. Hist. R. 3: 521. (G. Nutt) Eng. – Garden of. Blackw. I44; 218. Same art. Liv. . Age, I78: 3: 619. — Youth of. (M. D. Steele) Atlan. 64: 74. Evening at the Corner Grocery, An. (H. Garland) Arena, 4: 504. — in the Tower with Abana. land, n. s. I7: 257. Evening Classes — Recreative and Practical. Flower) Theo. Mo. 1; 303. Event of our Lives, The. (F. Madoc) Lond. Soc. 56: 419. Everett, C. C. Poetry, Comedy, and Duty. Atlan. 62: 835. Evergreens. (J. K. Jerome) Tinsley, 43: 420. (A. E. Dumble) Over- (J. E. EVERLASTING “Everlasting Father,” in Isa. ix. 6. (J. W. Chambers) J. Bib. Lit. I : 169. Evil, Problem of, Thomson's. Spec. 61: 1068. — — So-Called. (M. A. Walsh) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 138. Evils, Legislative Restriction of. Presb. R. 9: 249. Evil Eye, The. Spec. 61: 1808. “Evil Life” Society. Spec. 66: 539. Evil Spirits in the Bible. (C. H. Toy) J. Bib. Lit. 9: I7. Evolution. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. I4: 62o.–Cornh. 57: 34. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 364. – (E. de Lisle) Dub. R. IO4: 51. — a Failure. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 35: 494. — Agassiz and. (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 17. — and Christian Faith. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 35: 145. — and Christianity. (J. T. Bixby) Arena, 4: 55. — — Hark on. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 35: 389. – and Creation. (L. Wright) Contemp. 54: 192. — and Determinism. (F. R. Wegg-Prosser) Dub. R. IO9: 353. — and Education. — and Equality. — and Ethics. — and Life, Books on. — and Materialism, Relation of. Sci. Mo. 33: 79. — and Miracle. (J. Eastwood) Univ. Q. 44; 404. — and the Moral Idea. (C. P. Cranch) Unita. R. 36: IOI. — and Morality. — and Natural History. Evang. R. 36: 359. — and Politics. Spec. 63: 76. — and Realistic Philosophy. 54: 464. — and Religion. — and Religious Thought. 32 : 3 II. — — LeConte on. Spec. 61: 1643. — (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. 35: 531. — (W. H. Dall) Nation, 47: 34. — and Theology. (E. W. Claypole) Univ. Q. 45: 322. — Argyll on Darwin. See Coral Islands. — as Involving the Doctrine of Sin. (W. W. McLane) N. Eng. 54: 180. — as Taught in a Theological Seminary. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 754. — Causes of Variation in Organic Forms. (C. W. Riley) Science, I2: 123. — Certain Factors in. 22: 808. — Chinese Theory of. (A. M. Fielde) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 397. — Christianity and. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 175. — Sat. R. 65: 637. — A Conspiracy of Silence. (Argyll and others) Nature, 37: 246–363. — — A Great Confession. Mo. 33: 55. — Cope's. Spec. 61 : 580. — “Culminating Sauropsida.” 35: 391. — Curiosities of. (W. J. Beecher) (W. Cook) Educa. 9: 368, 456. (A. Cox) National, IoS: 371. (J. Eastwood) Univ. Q. 45: 352. (J. Bascom) Dial (Ch.) 9: 59. (J. LeConte) Pop. (C. F. Deems) Arena, 3: 394. (R. Watts) Brit. & For. (T. S. Potwin) N. Eng. (J. Eastwood) Univ. Q. 46: 458. (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. (R. Ogden) (A. S. Packard) Am. Natural. (Duke of Argyll) Pop. Sci. (J. Cleland) Nature, (A. Bodington) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 783. — G. T. Curtis and E. D. Cope on. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 53. — (D. S. Jordan) Dial (Ch.) 7: 268. — Difficulties of. (J. B. Courtenay) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 445. — Divergent. (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 38: 490. — (J. T. Gulick) Nature, 39: 55. — — and the Darwinian Theory. J. Sci. I39: 21. (J. T. Gulick) Am. 145 EVOLUTION Evolution, Doctrine of ; its Scope and Influence. (J. Fiske) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 577. — Doubts Concerning. (J. Keep) Overland, n. s. 18: I90. – Effect of Cave Life on Animals, and its Bearing on. (A. S. Packard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 389. - Effects of the Doctrines of, on Religious Ideas. (R. Crosbie) Westm. I36: 585. — Ethics of. (J. H. Hyslop) N. Eng. 53: 260. — — Logic of. (W. Mitchell) Mind, 15: 342. — Factors of. (J. LeConte) Monist, I : 221. – Game of Speculation. (J. Gerard) Month, 68: 25. – Heresy of, in Modern Theology. (C. Cort) Ref. Q. 36: 482. — in Civilized Man. (J. W. Powell) Science, II: 112. — in Ethics. (J. H. Hyslop) And. R. 9: 348. — — Limitation of. (J. H. Hyslop) N. Eng. 48: 260. — in History, and Influence of Great Men. Quar. 165: I27. — in the Plant Kingdom. ral. 22: 322. — Indications of, in Leaves. Science, I8: 227. — Influence of Circumstances in. (J. B. P. A. La- marck) Am. Natural. 22: 960, Ioj4. – Logic of. (R. M. Edgar) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 445. — Mental, in Man, Romanes”. (A.W. Benn) Acad. 35: I34. — Bib. Sac. 47: 159. – (C. L. Morgan) Nature, . 39: 313. – Mind and. Lond. Q. 72: 205. – Natural, of Man. (A. Dewar) Westm. I32: 519. — of Christianity. (H. N. Bernard) Theo. Mo. I : 325. — of Man, and Christianity. (J. B. Rust) Ref. Q. 37: 362. — — MacQueary on. 327. — — Observations on the Habits of Infants. inson) 19th Cent. 30: 831. — of Mind. (H. J. Hardwiche) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 124. Same art. Eel. M. I. Io: 522. — or Creation ? (W. D. LeSueur) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 29. — Organic. — — Eimer on. — — Factors of. — — Reply to Spencer. 22: 745. 23: I42. , — — Answer to the Duke of Argyll. (H. Spencer) 19th Cent. 23: 207. – Philosophical Basis of, Croll's. (J. W. Dawson) Ed- uca. R. 2: 284. — (O. J. Lodge) Acad. 40: 117. – (T. Whittaker) Mind, 16: 268. – Philosophy of, Is there a 2 (J. Royce) Unita. R. 32: (J. M. Coulter) Am. Natu- (Mrs. W. A. Kellerman) (A. Winchell) Dial (Ch.) Io: (L. Rob- (J. T. Gulick) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 1. Ed. R. 172: 316. (G. J. Romanes) Nature, 36: 401. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. I, 97. – Problem of the Worlds. (J. W. Reynolds) Theo. Mo. I : 242. — Recent Books on. (A. B. McMahan) Dial (Ch.) II: 7. – Overland, n. s. 9: 97. — Relation of, to Mind and Morals. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 43. — Religious Aspect of. N. Princ. 6: 138. – (J. M. Hark) And. R. 9: 661. — Right of. (M. D. Conway) Monist, I : 506. – Scholastic Philosophy and. (H. Browne) Month, 64: (J. R. Thomson) 529. — Sketches in. (J. Watson) Knowl. I2: 241. – Story of Creation. (E. Clodd) Knowl. 9; 13–347. Io: 27–245. — — Clodd on. (J. Gerard) Month, 65: 19. — The Theorist at Large. (J. Gerard) Month, 64; 346. — Theory of, as Applied to Conscience. (J. S.Vaughan) Cath. World, 51: 64. EVOLUTION Evolution, Theory of, Progress of. (A. Newton) Na- ture, 36: 462. – versus Specific Creations. (A. Smith) National, Iof: 529. – What American Zoëlogists have Done for. Morse) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3 I: 804. 32: 492. — What is it? (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 721. — What it does not Explain. Spec. 64; 724. — What it is not, and what it is. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 636. — Why I Deny. (W. G. A. Bonwill) Lippinc. 44; 267. Evolutionism, Christian. (D. S. Martin) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 323. Evolutionists, American School of. Nation, 44; 121. Ewelme and the Chaucer Tombs. M. m. s. 39: 488. Ewing, Juliana H. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 89. – Stories. Spec. 61: 414. Ewing, Thos., Reminiscences of. Hist. 7: 399. Exaggeration. Spec. 60: 1482. Examination, Successful. All the Year, 65: I56, Examinations. (W. B. Harlow) Educa. 8: 321. – (A. Herbert) Nature, 39: Ioz. – Sat. R. 66: 508, 509. — Abuse of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 399. — American Views on. Sat. R. 67: 465. — and Promotions. (E. E. White) Education, 8: 517. – Bodies and Brains in. Spec. 64; 472. — College. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 68: 95. — Competitive. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 408. — Spec. 61: 1497, 1553. — (G. S. Carr) Science, 9: 471. — (G. Birdwood) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 681. — — Additional Protests against. (A. Herbert; Sir F. Pollock; Sir J. Fayrer; F. Galton ; Dr. Priestley; the Bishop of Carlisle) 19th Cent. 25: 284. — — — Replies to the Protest against. (W. Knight ; H. A. Perry; H. T. Humphrey) 19th Cent. 24: 919. — — Comments on the “Sacrifice of Education.” (F. M. Müller; E. A. Freeman; F. Harrison) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 535. — — Effects of. — — Element of Chance in. Statis. Soc. 53: 460, 644. — — Evils of. (F. Max Müller; E. A. Freeman ; F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 24: 617. — — not a Failure. (W. B. Scoones) 19th Cent. 25: 236. — — Physical Tests in. (F. Galton) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 19. — Dub. R. IOS: I65. — Examined. Westm. I29: 352. — for Woolwich and Sandhyrst. . Nature, 4o: 43. — Function and Conduct of. (B. A. Hinsdale and oth- ers) Science, Io: II2. — How Conducted, and their Educational Value. M. Richardson) Education, 7: 416. – in Colleges and Schools. (B. Ferree) Educa. Io: I. — — Use and Abuse of. Nation, 48: 266. – in England. (P. T. Austen) Science, I3: 309. — Preliminary. (D. A. Kennedy) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 179. — School. (W. DeW. Hyde) Forum, 7: 305. (E. S. (A. R. Wallace) (E. Walford) Gent. (J. Welch) M. West. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2: 7. (F. Y. Edgeworth) J. (J. — Sellar on. Sat. R. 67: 591. — State, Advantages of. (W. P. Beckwith) Educa. 9: 693. — Statistics of. (F. Y. Edgeworth) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 599. — Written, and Good Literature. (M. E. Burt) Chaut. I3: 62. — — Their Use and Abuse. 452. Examination System, The. (J. K. Leys) Month, 63: (A. M. Lathe) Educa. 9: 52. Ex-Brigadier, An. (S. B. Elliott) Harper, 8o: 888. 146 EXPERIENCES Exchange, Commercial Pars of, and Coimage Charges. (J. H. Norman) Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 932. Exchange no Robbery; a story. (M. B. Edwards) Fra- ser, IOS: 129–586. Exchanges, Foreign. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 159, 369. — — and Colonial. (J. H. Norman) Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 186. — Upon a Scientific Basis. (Lond.) 49; I29. Exchanged Crusader. (W. Ashcourt) Lippine. 39: 989. Excise Question. (W. S. Andrews) No. Am. 152: 582. — (H. Crosby) No. Am. 152: 587. Excommunication. (J. A. Corcoran) Am. Cath. Q. 12: 663. Excursionist, Sunday Observations of an. (J. A. Owen) Overland, m. s. Io: 634. Execution by Electricity. (H. P. Brown) No. Am. 149: 586. — Pub. Opin. 9: 432. — Spec. 61 : 540. 62:41. – Siamese. (J. S. Black) Tinsley, 44; 369. Executioner, The ; a story. (H. de Balzac) Cosmopol. 5 : 4 II. Executive Power and Enforcement of Laws. Bonney) Lend a H. 6: 8, 80. Exegesis, Partial. (C. H. Waller) Theo. Mo. 1: 217. Exercise and Training. (Morell Mackenzie) New R. 4: 372–450. — for Elderly People. (F. Lagrange) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 77 I. — for Health. (Edwin Farnham) Harv. Mo. 5: 93. — Why a Writer needs. (W. T. Brigham) Writer, I: I93. Exeter, Eng., Freeman's Story of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 18o. —Spec. 60: 628. —Sat. R. 63: 413. Exeter Theatre Fire. Sat. R. 65 : 38o. (J. H. Norman) Bank. M. (C. C. Exhibition of 1851, London, Profits from the. Nature, 40: 265. — — Report of Commissioners, 1889. Am. Arch. 26: 126. — Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876. Soc. Arts, 25: 84. – International, of 1862. (W. Hawes) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 447. II: 488. Exhibitions, International, Value of. No. Am. I49: 312. – Winter and Spring, 1890. I5: I 53. Exile, Notes of a Professional. (E. S. Nadal) Cent. 12: 566. Exiled to Siberia; a story. I 18. Existence, Human, Duration of. R. Io: 36. Exmoor, Winter on. Cornh. 63: 30. Exodus of the Hebrews, Day of. (J. Schwartz) Theo. Mo. 2: 35. — History of, and Order of the Law. Theo. Mo. 5: I. — The Pharaoh and the Date of the. Theo. Mo. I : 145. 2: 129. — Route of ; Goshen to Sinai. M. I6: 48–692. Exogamy, Origin of. (J. F. McLennan) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 94. — (C. S. Wake) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 81. Exorcism. (M. H. Dziewicki) 19th Cent. 24: 579. Expectancy, Spirit of. And. R. I5: 426. Expense of Living ; 30 Shillings a Week. (M. Hill) I9th Cent. 23: 458. — A Guinea a Week. 464. — £700 a Year. (G. S. Layard) 19th Cent. 23: 239. Experience, Ways of. All the Year, 65: 522. Experiences of an Umbrella : a Sketch. (H. Lawson) Am. M. 8: 637. (Prof. Archer) J. (J. R. Hawley) (Mrs. H. Ady) National, (L. Tolstoi) Cosmopol. 3: (H. E. Hersey) And. (C. H. Waller) (J. Schwartz) (H. A. Harper) Sunday (W. Roberts) 19th Cent. 23: EXPERIENCES Experiences on a Life—Buoy; a story. (V. Lovett Cameron) Belgra. 61: 174. Experiment. Spec. 6o: I.244. Experiment in Housekeeping. land, n. s. I5: 423. Experiments of Miss Sally Cash. Jent. I4: 547. Experiment Stations: What is an Investigation ? (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. II: 722. Experimental Science in Schools and Universities. Na- ture, 35: 284. Experts, in Judicial Inquiries. (C. Herschel) Am. Law R. 21 : 571. — Talk about. Expert Testimony. 653. Expiated; a Story of Fashion and Folly. Lond. Soc. (F. G. Bartlett) Over- (R. M. Johnston) (Marquis of Lorne) Murray, 5: 303. (F. W. Clarke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 54: 50. Expiation. (A. French) Scrib. M. 7: 55, 283, 443. Expiation of David Scott, The ; a story. (E. D'Arcy) Temp. Bar, go: 516. Explanation: a Logical Study. R. 48: 649. Expletives, English. S. 47: I92. Exploration and the Best Outfit for it. J. Soc. Arts, 33: 429. — Limitations of. Sat. R. 72: 416. Explorations in Unknown Territories. (A. W. Greeley) Chaut, 8: 414, 477. Explorers and Expeditions, Lost. (F. Schwatka) Chaut. 9 : I 53. — Elizabethan. Liv. Age, Igr: 731. Explosion, Remarkable, of Powder Magazine near Chicago. (L. R. Griffin) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 810. Explosions and Explosives. (L. F. Griffin) Chaut. Io: 45. — Causes of Death from. 29: 399. Explosives. (B. P. Bowme) Meth. (T. H. B. Graham) Gent. M. n. (W. Fielding) (C. Walford) J. Soc. Arts, (W. H. Deering) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 52. — Effect of, on Civilization. (C. E. Munroe) Chaut. 9: 2O3. – High. Overland, n. s. I4; 32. — — in War. (H. E. Abbot) Forum, 6: 65. — (F. M. Barber) J. Frankl. Inst. I31 : 117. — Modern. (F. M. Barber) Forum, 9: 579. — (F. Abel) Science, I6: 157. — (C. E. Munroe) Scrib. M. 3: 563. — Smokeless. Nature, 41: 328, 352. Express Idyll, An ; a story. (A. Griffiths) Murray, 9: } > * Expression in Nature and Art. (W. W. Lloyd) Portfo. 18: 127. – of Countenance, Left-over. Atlan. 59: 277. Expulsion of Members of Corporations and Societies. (S. D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 24: 537. Extension, Psychological Theory of. (E. Montgomery) Mind, 13: 579. – (W. James and J. Ward) Mind, I4: Io'7. Extenuating Circumstances. (W. McK. Bangs) Scrib. M. 5: 359. Extermination. Nature, 43: 505. Extra-Christian Habit of Mind. And. R. 9: 298. — Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 358. Extracts from the Diary of a Young Lady. Liv. Age, I72: 89. Extradition. Quar. I70: 175. — International. (H. W. Rogers) Forum, 6: 612. Extradition Treaty with Great Britain, 1886. Opin. I : 308. Extreme Unction, History of. 47. 445. — Sacrament of. (W. Humphrey) Month, 60: 528. Pub. (H. Hayman) Bib. Sac. 147 FAILURE Eyay Shah, Sacrificial Stone. Antiq. 9; 35. Eye, The, and its Making. I 79. — and its Varieties. — and Light. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 519. — for an Eye. (R. Grant) Scrib. M. 5: 315. – How we See, Hear, and Speak. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 38: 60. — Invertebrate, in the Vertebrate Skull. Knowl. I2: 159. Eyes, Care of, in Literary Work. Writer, 4: 101. — Chit-Chat about. Chamb. J. 68: 588. — of Men of Genius. Chamb. J. 66: 591. — Some Terrible. (F. G. Walters) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 183. Eye-Mindedness and Ear-Mindedness. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 597. Eyesight and School-Work. Science, I2: 207. — Influence of Civilization on. (R. B. Carter) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 239. — its Care during Infancy and Youth. Frankl. Inst. I32: 172. Ezra the Scribe. (A. B. Hyde) Meth. R. 50: 809. (H. C. Hovey) Am. (J. Gerard) Month, 69: Chamb. J. 64: 182. (W. Mayer) (J. Jastrow) (L. W. Fox) J. Fables, Original. Leis. Hour, 38: 59, 207. Fabre, Ferdinand. Toussaint Galabru. 19th Cent. 25: 621. Fabre d'Eglantine, P. F. N. Amours de Voyage. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 55; 623. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 476. – Un Illuminé. Atlan. 67: 416. Fabriano, Gentile da. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. I6: 450. Fabyan, Robert, Deed of. Hist. R. 3: 318. Face, Growth of the. (G. M. West) Science, 18: 10. Face-Markings. (H. D. Daly) Tinsley, 42: 421. Face About; a story. Temp. Bar, 88: 392. Factors. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1362. Factors Act, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 219. Factors, Finding. (W. H. H. Hudson) Nature, 39: 5.I.O. — of any Number, The. (C. J. Rush) Nature, 39: 413. Factory, A Model. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 23: 536. Factory Act, The, in England. (C. Black) Contemp. 59: 7 Io. — — Amendments of. (W. Pater) 1485. (E. J. L. Scott) Eng. (A. A. Baumann) National. I5: I45. Factory Bells. (E. Waugh) Fortn. 52: 831. Factory Buildings, Healthful Air in. (W. B. Snow) Engin. M. I : 462. Factory-Girls’ Club, A Village. (Canon Hopkins) Sun- day M. 16: 130, 198. Factory Half-Timer. (T. P. Sykes) Fortn. 52: 823. Factory Life, Studies in: The American and the Mill. (L. B. C. Wyman) Atlan. 63: 69. — — Among the Women. (L. B. C. Wyman) Atlan. 62: 315. — — Black-Listing at Fall River. (L. B. C. Wyman) Atlan. 62: 605. — — The Village System. (L. B. C. Wyman) Atlan. 62: I6. Factory System in India. (E. Holm) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 547. — Taylor on. Sat. R. 72: 621. – Spec. 6o: 711. Factories Bill for India, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 431. Faded Scapular, A. (F. D. Millet) Harper, 84: 118. Fagan, Henry Stuart. Acad. 37: 81. Fagging, School. Spec. 67: 492. Faidherbe, Louis Léon César. Spec. 63: 429. Failure of David Berry; a story. (S. O. Jewett) Har- per, 83: 56. FAILURES Failures in 1891. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 53: 22. Faint Heart and Fair Lady; a story. (E. Edersheim) Leis. Hour, 4o: 467. Faint Heart never won Fair Lady. (C. E. White) Har- per, 82: 933. Fair of Nijni-Novgorod. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 670. – An Old English. Chamb. J. 64: 497. Fairs and Shows. All the Year, 68: 273. – Church. (Mrs. S. M. I. Henry; M. L. Dickinson ; E. H. Miller; L. Whiting) Chaut. I2: 227. — Kentucky. (J. L. Allen) Harper, 79: 553. – of Old Liverpool. (J. C. Morley) Reliquary, 31: – Wakes, and Mops. All the Year, 41: 245. Fair Blockade-Breaker. (T. C. De Leon) Lippine. 643. Fair Daffodils; a story. Argosy, 47: 421. 3 2 48: Fair Day. (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. 4: 199. Fair Dynamiter; a story. (H. Luttrell) Belgra. 61: I64. Fair Emigrant. (R. Mulholland) Cath. World, 44: 501–829. 45: 86–359. Fair Exchange. (D. Prescott) New Eng. M. 4: 79-435. Fair Georgian, A.; a story. (W. C. Bartlett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 592. Fair Ophelia of a Highland Glen. tional, I7: 72. Fair-Trade, Fog and Fallacy of. (G. W. Medley) 19th Cent. 21: 273. Fairfax Courthouse, Va., Monument. I8: 120. Fairfax House, Putney, Eng. 11. S. I5 : 49. Fairies and Druids of Ireland. (W. Hodgson) Na- So. Hist. Pap. (T. F. Ordish) Antiq. (C. De Kay) Cent. I5: 590. — British and Irish. (M. Proctor) Knowl. II: 202. — Elves, and Dwarfs. (M. Proctor) Knowl. II: I56. — Irish. (W. B. Yeats) Leis. Hour, 39: 81 I. — Manx and Welsh. (M. Proctor) Knowl. II: 255. — of France, Italy, and Spain. (M. Proctor) Knowl. I2 : 2O. — Slavonian. (F. S. Kraus) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 684. — Welsh. (John Rhys) 19th Cent. 30: 564. Fairyland, In Far-off. (W. G. Smythies) Tinsley, 41: 34O. Fairy Mythology, Hartland's. Sat. R. 7I: 49. — of Ireland. (C. S. Boswell) National, I4: 740. Fairy-Rings. Nature, 37: 61, 151. Fairy Tales and Science. (W. Schooling) Westm. I35: I65. * — Lang's. — of Science. 185. Faith and Character. 6 II. — and Credulity. (J. Burroughs) No. Am. I51: 469. — and Folly. (J. S. Vaughan) Dub. R. I.O.A.: 87. — and its Semblances. (C. Walker) Bib. Sac. 44; 335. Same art. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 143. — and Physical Science. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 2: Nation, 46: 347. — Ath. '88, I: 271. (J. G. McPherson) Good Words, 3o: (D. Macleod) Good Words, 30: 583. — and Reason. (J. S. Vaughan) Dub. R. Ios: 72. — as Self-Surrender to the Self-Evident. (J. Cook) Our Day, 7: 282. – Fruitful, as held by Christ. (J. Cook) Our Day, 7: 429. — — as held by Apostles and Martyrs. (J. Cook) Our Day, 8: IIo. — — as held by Reformers in the Church. Our Day, 8: 460. — in Christ, Necessity of. (I. E. Dwinell) Bib. Sac. 44: 2OT. - — in God as a Personal Equation. Arena, 5: 5o. (J. Cook) (C. A. Bartol) 148 FAMILY Faith in Nature, or Faith in God? Spec. 61: 814. – Is it Decaying 2 Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 201. – Modern Guides in Matters of, Hutton's. Ath. '87, 2: 670. - The Old and the New. (A. W. Jackson) Unita. R. 28: 40. — Old, and the New Learning. (D. G. Whitley) Theo. Mo. 5: 361. — The Ome. (A. Ellmore) Chris. Q. 8: 581. — once Delivered to the Saints. Church R. 59: 86. (J. F. Garrison) . – Optimism of. Cong. R. 2: 873. – Rule of, and the Apostles' Creed. (J. R. Gasquet) Dub. R. IOS: 275. - — Survival of. (N. D. Chapin) Arena, 3: 706. – Witnesses to the Unseen in the 3d and the 19th Centuries. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 29: 979. Faith Cure, The. (J. W. Hamilton) Chaut. II: 204. — (M. Clymer) Forum, 5: 192. — (L. W. Bacon) Fo- rum, 5: 690. — (C. W. Wotaw) N. Eng. 54: 249. — (W. I. Gill) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 438. Faith Doctor, The. (E. Eggleston) Cent. Ig: 540–932. 20: 45–939. Faith Healing and Fear Killing. temp. 51: 794. Same art. — and Kindred Phenomena. II: 781. — Divine Healing. (R. K. Carter) Cent. II: 777. – or Suggestion as a Medical Treatment. (C. L. Tuckey) 19th Cent. 24: 839. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: I67. See Mind-Cure. Faithful unto Death; a story. Argosy, 43: 18. Faithful unto Death; a story. (W. O. Clough) Granite Mo. I2: 12. Falaise. (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 31: 312. Falconer, Robert. Meliora, 12: 61. Falcons and Falconry. (T. S. Blackwell) Cosmopol. II: 368. Falcon Island. All the Year, 67: 115. Faliero, Marino. Temp. Bar, 82: 529. — (T. C. Mar- tin) Antiq. m. s. 18: 153. – Ecl. M. IIo: 81 I. Falkland Palace. (R. Little) Acad. 40: 245. Falkland Pedigree and Patrick Carey. (C. F. S. War- ren) Ath. '87, I : 608. Fall of Adam. (J. Welch) Arena, 3: 329. Fall of Man. (T. S. Potwin) N. Eng. 53: 411. — as Affecting the Will and Reason. (J. Errington) Month, 66: 533. Fall of an Island. Ecl. M. Io9: 169. Fallberg Orphans' Home, True Story of. inson) Lend a H. I : 547. Falloux, Alfred, Comte de, Memoirs of. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. Io9: 22. – (A. Tanzer) Nation, 47: 399. — Sat. R. 66: 474. —Ed. R. 168: 34. — Spec. 61: 858. — Quar. I68: 43. º Fallowfield. Cornh. 56: 325. False Parallels; a story. (J. Hawthorne) Cosmopol. I: 267. False Step, A. Cornh. 56: 189, 271. False Testamur. (P. Ross) Longm. I7: 298. (F. P. Cobbe) Con- Liv. Age, 174: 131. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. (M. L. Dick- Falsely True ; a story. Murray, 6: 551. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 469. - Falstaff, Original of Shakspere's. (W. J. Fitzpatrick) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 428. Falstaff's Deathbed. (C. Creighton) Blackw. I45: 324. Falstaffs, Famous. (R. W. Lowe) Theatre, 22: 185. r— Stage. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 425. |- Unknown to Fame. Theatre, 22: 257. * : Fame, Use and Abuse of. All the Year, 65: 59. Familistère de Guise, Children of. Lend a H. 1: 462. Family, Alleged Decay of the. Meth. R. 47: 858. FAMILY Family, The, and Social Science. (J. Habberton) Chaut. I2: 617. – Emancipation of the. (M. Caird) No. Am. I5o: 692. — in Roman Civil Law. (A. W. Ryan) Church R. 63: II.3. — Primitive, in its Origin and Development, Starcke on. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) II: 9. — Sat. R. 67: 581. – Ath. '89, 2: 195. — Problems of. (S. W. Dike) Cent. 17: 385. Family, A, in Spanishtown. (M. L. Pool) Overland, n. S. I5: I.99. Family Education. (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. II: 249. Family Feud. (G. E. Walsh) New Eng. M. 3: 807. Family Immigration to New England. (T. W. Bick- nell) Bay State Mo. I : 20. Family Portraits; a story. (S. J. Weyman) Eng. Il- lust. 5: 730. Family Prayers. (J. Parker) Cong. R. 3: 14. Family Secret, A. (C. Gibbon) Chamb. J. 65: 697, 710, 726, 744. * Family Stocks in a Democracy. (C. W. Eliot). Forum, IO: 395. Family Tree, A. (B. Matthews) Scrib. M. 5: 226. Family Worship. (E. D. Weigle) Luth. Q. 20: 262. Families, “Worn-out.” Spec. 63: 880. Famine in Russia and India, Precautions against. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: I37. Famines in India. (F. C. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 34: (D. 317. — — Prevention of. (Sir A. Cotton) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 5OI. O Fan, The. (L. Parr) Harper, 79: 399. Fans and their Makers. (E. M. Moore) Art J. 41 : 120. – English, Lady Schreiber's. Spec. 63: 43. —Sat. R. 68: 49. — Historical. Spec. 65: 685. — Histories and Fashions of. (M. C. Montgomery) Cosmopol. IQ: 26. - Fanoroma, Malagasy Game of. Hour, 36: 50. Fanaticism, Epidemics of. Meliora, 3: 185. — Modern, Eruptive Force of. (F. Banfield) National, Io: 268. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 81 I. Fancy or Fact P a poem. (J. R. Lowell) Atlan. 59: 289. Faneuil Hall, Evangelism in. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 457. Fanshawe, Lady Anne. All the Year, 65: 416. Fanshawe, Sir Richard. (J. W. Mackail) Macmil. 59: Ioy. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: I II. Far Countree, A.; a sto Outing, I7: 163. Faraday, Michael; with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 824. – Centenary of. Science, I8: 22. — Dub. R. Io9: 419. — — Address at. (Lord Rayleigh) Nature, 44; 178. Farfa Abbey. Sat. R. 64: 416. Farfa Register, Published by Balzani. Eng. Hist. R. 5: 581. Farina, Salvatore. Scot. R. Io: 235. Farjeon, B. L. (E. W. Bok) Author, 3: 7. Farms, Abandoned, of New Hampshire. (J. B. Harri- son) Granite Mo. I3: 153. – in Massachusetts given away. 49: 406. – Size and Distribution of, in England and Abroad. (P. G. Craigie) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 86. — Small. (Lord Wantage) Fortn. 47: 225. Farm Change in Politics, The. (C. Deming) Nation, 52: 453. Farm Labourers, A Plea for. National, II: 762. Farm Life; a prize essay. Io: 722. Farm-Life on the Prairie. 299–570. (W. Montgomery) Leis. (R. L. Poole) (C. C. Nott) Nation, (H. R. Farquharson) (J. E. Hooker) Cosmopol. (H. Garland) Am. M. 7: 149 FARRAR Farm Mortgages and the Small Farmer. pin) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 431. Farm Mortgages, Western. Io: 346. Farm Pupils in the Colonies. Farmer, Changed Condition of the. rum, Io: 689. — Isolation of, and the Remedy. Forum, I2: 50. — Needs of. (A. L. Frazer) Cosmopol. II: 184. — on Top. (E. Wiman) No. Am. I53: 13. — Protection and the. (S. M. Cullom) Forum, 8: 136. Farmer's Life in the West. (R. Welch) Forum, 8: 586. Farmers and a Silver Currency. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 821. — and the Tariff. (J. G. Carlisle) Forum, 8: 475. — Arcadian Extremes. (L. Leyburn) Gent. M. m. s. 43 : 279. — Defensive Movement of. 464. — Discontent of. — The Embattled. —Investors, and Railways. (W. F. Map- (D. R. Goodloe) Forum, Macmil. 62: 193. (R. Welch) Fo- (J. W. Bookwalter) (W. A. Peffer) Forum, 8: (L. L. Polk) No. Am. I53: 5. (W. Gladden) Forum, Io: 315. (C. W. Davis) Arena, 3: 29I. — Plan for Relief of. (F. I. Vassault) Overland, m. s. I5: 477. — Present Condition of. (E. B. Williams) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: Io. — Prosperity of. Amer. Ig: 272. — Reading of. Atlan. 68: 713. – When will they be Prosperous? (C. W. Davis) Fo- rum, 9: 348. — Why not Prosperous. 23.I. s Farmers’ Alliance, The. Overland, n. s. I7: 529. — (W. A. Peffer) Cosmopol. Io: 694. — (C. S. Walker) And. R. I.4: 127. — (F. M. Drew) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 282. — Pub. Opin. 9: 167, 408. 2 — and other Political Parties. (H. R. Chamberlain) Chaut. I3: 338. — Danger of. (J. T. Morgan) Forum, I2: 399. Farmer-Monk, The. (N. E. P. R. Dowling) National, I7: 665. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 477. Farmhouse Notes. Cornh. 62: 4II. Farming, American ; does it pay ? (G. B. Loring) No. Am. I48: 360. — British, Prothero on. Spec. 63: 339. – Decadence of. (J. Benton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 27. — The Dislike of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: 501. — for Profit : Eden Revisited. (J. C. Reeves) Lend a H. 3: 253. — for Women. (L. S. Houghton) Lend a H. 3: 289. — in England, 1888. Sat. R. 66: 553. — in South India, Native. (W. Roberston) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 616, 625. — in the Year 2000, A. D. (E. Berwick) Overland, n.s. I5: 569. — Pleasures of. (M. G. Watkins) Gent. M. m. s. 47; 25. – What Inventors have done for. (J. K. Reeve) Chaut. 9: 394. Farming Land, Depreciation of. (A. H. Peters) Q. J. Econ. 4: 18. , Farne Islands. Sat. R. 70: 175. — Birds of. (T. D. Pigott) Contemp. 54: 182. Faroe Isles, The. (C. Edwardes) Gent. M. n.s. 40: 149. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 682. Farquhar, Commodore N. H., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 107. Farragut, Services of, during the Rebellion. (F. S. Bassett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 128. Farran, Robert. Acad. 37: Io. — Ath. '90, I: 16. Farrar, F. W. Formative Influences. Forum, Io: 373. (C. W. Davis) Forum, 9: > FARRAR Farrar, F. W. History of Interpretation. Univ. Q. 44; 144. Farrer, Thomas. Acad. 39: 615. Farrier Lass o' Piping Pebworth. 40: 127. Fashion, Eccentricities of. (J. H. Bridges) Cosmopol. 9: 218. - Freaks of. Meliora, 3: 97. Fashion, Law of. (N. S. Shaler) Atlan. 61: 386. — Slaves of. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 4: 401. Fashions of the 19th Century. (Mrs. S. Batson) Eng. Illust. 9; 191. Fashion's Phases. (H. Gray) Tinsley, 41; 73–813. Fashionable Boarding-House; a story. (B. M. Ran- king) Belgra. 64; 447. Fasts, Abolition of, in Scotland. Sat. R. 63: 551. Fasting and Fasters. (H. Howard) Cosmopol. 3: 30. — and Feeding. Spec. 64: 618. – and its Physiology. (R. Roose) New R. 2: 409. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: I. — Curiosities of. Sat. R. 69: 228. (O. Cone) (A. Rives) Lippine. — Ecclesiastical. (F. W. Farrar) Eng. Illust. 7: 607. — Long, and Starvation. (C. Richet) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 538. Fasting Man of the 16th Century. Fat and Fat-Cures. (A. Wilson) Longm. I3: 140. Fat, Food for the. (A. J. H. Crespi) Tinsley, 46: 266. Fatal Three, The. (M. E. Braddon) Lond. Soc. 53: II3–561. 54: 1-498. * Fatal Lift. (M. Kendall) Longm. I3: 603. Fatalism, Influence of. (M. J. Synnott) Dub. R. IOo: I 25. Fate and Doom. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 52: 159. — of the Georgiana. (M. Blunt) Scrib. M. 4: 221. – of the Hara Diamond; a story. Argosy, 51: 23– 44I. 52: I-44 I. — of a Joke, The ; a story. s. I4: 646. — of Nana Sahib's Englishman. lust. 8: 639. — or Chance 2 a story. All the Year, 59: 21 I, 236. Fatehpur. (J. R. Butler) Nation, 52: 177. Father, On being a. All the Year, 69: 494. Father Acacia's Little Game. (Lizzie W. Champney) Scrib. M. 2: 252. Father Andrei; the Story of a Russian Priest. Butler) Scrib. M. I : 366. Father Cavell; a story. All the Year, 67: 421. Father Pat. (M. E. Francis) Irish Mo. 18: 265. Ath. '90, I: 534. (F. Borneo) Overland, n. (A. Forbes) Eng. Il- (R. G. Father-in-Law : Experience of J. L. Sneezelton. (M. W. Kramer) Am. M. 8: 477. Fathers of the Church, Late Editions of. (J. A. Cor- coran) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 144. — Lives of, Farrar's. Ath. '89, I: 465. — Quar. 17o: 201. – Church Q. 29: 4oo. —Ed. R. I70: 416. — Theo. Mo. 3: I.26. — Lives and Teachings of. Lond. Q. 72: 284. – Study of the. (A. Lowndes) Church R. 52: 350. — Use and Value of. Meth. R. 51: 609. Fatigue, Effect of, on Muscular Contractions. (W. P. Lombard) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 24. Faulkner's Inheritance ; a story. (A. E. Holdsworth) Belgra. 62: I94. Faults [Geological], Origin of Normal. (J. LeConte) Am. J. Sci. I38: 257. — (T. M. Reade) Am. J. Sci. I39: 5 I. Fault-Finding as a Means of Happiness. 852. Fauntleroy, Henry, Trial of, for Forgery, 1824. Green Bag, 3; 30. Faure, François. Cath. World, 47: 807. Faust: from the Room of the Unlearned. Coleridge) Lond. Soc. 54: 191. Atlan. 61 : (C. R. 150 FELL Faust in Music. (F. Sewall) Contemp. 52: 370. — Lessing's. (T. B. Saunders) Macmil. 62: 18o. — A New : Weimar and the Goethe-Gesellschaft. Na- tion, 44; 488. Faust Legend. (M. J. DeLong) Univ. Q. 46: 208. — (T. B. Saunders) Scot. R. 12: 154. - Development of the. (T. B. Saunders) Scot. R. 13: 28. – Faligan's History of the. Ath. '89, 2: 330. Faust of Egremont, The. Temp. Bar, 79: 208. Faustus, Dr., and his Contemporaries. (G. B. Bar) Macmil. 57: 428. – Decline and Fall of. (E. R. Pennell) Contemp. 51: 394. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 195. – Marlowe's, Sources of. (W. E. P. Pantin) Acad. 31: 449. Favre, Alphonse. Favretto, Giacomo. Nature, 42: 299. Sat. R. 64; 447. Fawcett, Edgar. Blooms and Brambles. Ath. '89, 2: 554. Fawcett, Milicent Garrett. R. of Rs. 2: 17. Fawcett, Phillippa G., Achievements of. Critic, 17: 8. Fawsley Park. (Lady Knightley) Eng. Illust. 8: 713. Fayalite in the Obsidian of Lipari. (J. P. Iddings and S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I40: 75. Fayerweather Case, Some Legal Aspects of the. MacG. Means) Nation, 52: 234. Fayum, Excavations in the. (W. F. Petrie) Acad. 33: 402. 36: 45. 37: 242. — Am. Arch. 26: 66. Fear and Hate. (M. Kendall) Longm. I5: 78. – Epidemics of. Meliora, 7: 343. – Spec. 64: II. – Pains of. (E. L. Linton) Forum, 5: 353. Featherstone Diamond, The ; a story. (T. Keyworth) Gent. M. m. s. 46: Io9. Featherstone's Story. (Mrs. H. Wood) Argosy, 47: 28– 467. February. All the Year, 62: Ioo. Federal and Anti-Federal. (G. W. Hazleton) M. Am. Hist. 23: 25. Federal Convention of 1787. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 59: 225, 817. — (J. R. Tucker) N. Eng. 47: 97. Federal Government. Westm. I29: 573. — and International Responsibility. (J. W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 338. — in Canada. (J. G. Bourinot) J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: IlC)S. I. O-I 2. Federal Questions, What are 2 (D. H. Pingey) Am. Law R. 22: 550. Federalism, English and American. Fortn. 49: 189. Federalist, The. Spec. 61: 1226. Federation and Free Trade. Westm. I36: 113. – Imperial. See Great Britain, Empire. — the Polity of the Future. (C. D. Farquharson) Westm. I36: 594. Feeling as Indifference. (A. Bain) Mind, I2: 576. 14: 97. — Relation of, to Pleasure and Pain. Mind, I4: 537. Feelings and Sensations. (D. (C. R. Lowell) (H. M. Stanley) (E. Mach; P. Carus) Monist, I : 393. Fees, Contingent and Exorbitant. (P. Bliss) Am. Law R. 22: 390. — to Waiters; Dining-Hall Mendicancy. (J. Q. How- ard) Forum, 3: 321. Feldspars, Triclinic. (S. L. Penfield; F. L. Sperry) Am. J. Sci. I34; 390. Felicia. (F. N. D. Murfree) Atlan. 66: 1–764. 67: 61– 289. Felicitas and Perpetua, Acts of the Martyrdom of. Church Q. 32: 68. Fell, John, Bp. of Oxford. (N. Pocock) Ath. '87, 2: 3II. FELLOWSHIP Fellowship, Christian, Lambeth Conference on. And. R. Io: 315. — with God. (F. W. Farrar) Good Words, 31 : 14o. Fellow-Traveler, A. Atlan. 68: 141. Felltham, Owen, and his “Resolves.” Meliora, 4: 89. Felo de se ! Theatre, I8: 317. Felton, John ; a Memoir. Antiq. m. s. 16: 118, 156, 231. Female Sex, the Primary Element in Nature. (L. F. Ward) Forum, 6: 266. Fen Country of England, On a Tramp through. All the Year, 67: 181. — Glimpse of Life in. Fencing. 64: 115. 68: 621. — an English Art. Sat. R. 72: 720. —- and the New York Fencers. (H. Eckford) Cent. II: 4I4. — Development of. Antiq. m. s. I5: 55. — for Ladies. (C. E. Clay) Outing, I3: 312. – (M. Bis- land) Outing, I5: 341. — in Paris. Sat. R. 64: 767. — Swordsmen's Clubs. Sat. R. 63: 191. Fenelon. (H. H. Hall) Luth. Q. I7: 502. Fenn, George Manville and J. H. Darnley. The Bar- rister. (C. Howard) Theatre, Ig: 213. Fenwickes, Last of the. (H. Shipton) Good Words, 3I: I45, 268, 289, 4 II. Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince, in Bulgaria. Spec. 6o: IoSI, I I Io. Ferdinando, Simon. (B. F. De Costa) N. E. Reg. 44: I49. Ferguson, Robt., the Plotter, Ferguson's Life of. Mac- mil. 57: 131. — Ath. '87, 2: 142. – Spec. 60: I I 59. Ferguson, Sir Samuel. (J. J. A. Becket) Cath. World, 47: 164. —Ecl. M. 108; 8. — Aubrey De Vere on. Irish Mo. I5: 224. Fergusson, James, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : I 18. —Tinsley, 47: 455. Meliora, 9: 241. Fermentation. (A. W. Williamson) J. Soc. Arts. I 8: 753–789. — and Distillation. (W. N. Hartley) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 967–1 oog. Fernando de Noronha, the Convict Island of Brazil. (J. C. Branner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 33. — Fauna of. (J. C. Branner) Am. Natural. 22: 861. — Geology of. (J. C. Branner) Am. J. Sci. I37: 145, 178. — Raised Reefs of. 406. Ferns, Freaks of. Chamb. J. 66: 645. — Home of the. (T. J. Evans) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 814. — Life-History of. (E. M. Sympson) Knowl. I3: 43. Ferrar Family, Home of. (Mary E. Palgrave) Liv. Age, 182: 488. Ferrar, Nicholas, and the Religious Society at Little Gidding. (H. P. Palmer) Good Words, 30: 256. Ferrari, Paolo. Sat. R. 67: 31o. Ferrel, William. (W. M. Davis) Nation, 53: 328. — Science, 18: 272. — and American Meteorologists. (A. McAdie) Science, I7: 37. Ferro-Goslarite, Notes on. (H. A. Wheeler) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 212. Ferryman of Biddick; a story. Hour, 37: 270. Fersen, Comte J. de. Letters from America, 1780–81. M. Am. Hist. 25: 55, 156. Fertilization of Plants, Cross, Contrivances for. Smith) Knowl. I4; 34. — of Two Common British Orchids. Knowl. I4: 149. Fetich-Faith in Western Africa. Sci. Mo. 31 : 801. (H. N. Ridley) Am. J. Sci. I41: (W. J. Gordon) Leis. (J. P. (J. P. Smith) (H. Nipperdey) Pop. 151 (E. Van Shaick) Outing, 11: 1. –Sat. R. FICTION Fetichism in Congo Land. (E. J. Glave) Cent. Ig: 825. – or Anthropomorphism. (G. Pellew) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3O: 514. Feudal Society. Feudal System, Origin of. 366, 505. Feudalism, Abdy's. Feudalism in France, Origins of. 295. Feuillet, Octave. Ath. '91, I: 20. — Critic, I8; 9–34. — Sat. R. 7I: 3. – Interview with. (LeC. de Lautreppe) Critic, II: 13. – Parisian Romance. (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 2I: (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 28: 1. (G. B. Adams) And. R. 7: (G. B. Adams) Nation, 52: 408. (C. Elton) Acad. 37: 254. Féval, Paul, Conversion of. Month, 66: 498. Fever, Late Theories of. (A. Flint) Forum, 7: 531. — Roman. Chamb. J. 67: 561. Fibrous Plants of India. (J. F. Watson) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 448. Fibulae, etc., Roman, found near Burton. Antiq. m. s. 23: IO3. Fick, A. Comparative Dictionary. (H. Collitz) Am. J. Philol. I2: 293. e Fiction. (H. R. Haggard) Contemp. 51: 172. Same art. Critic, Io: 221, 234. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 506. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 661. — The Abuse of. (W. Lewin) Forum, 7: 659. – An Alarming Feature of. (K. Milner) Author, 2: 64. — American. (D. W. Nead) Author, 2: 159. —Ed. R. I73: 31. — — Recent. Atlan. 61: 841. — — Some Tendencies of. (A. H. Wharton) Amer. Ig: 293. - — and Love. (P. Bourget) New R. 5: 118. — and Verse, Five Years of. Overland, n. s. Io: 659. — Are we coming Back to Scott 2 (F. H. Williams) Amer. Ig: IoS. — Art of. Sat. R. 7I: 491. — as a Literary Form. (H. W. Mabie) Scrib. M. 5: 62o. — Comedy in. Blackw. I48: 60. Age, I86: 472. — Coming Man in. — The Commonplace in. — Crime in. Blackw. I48: 172. II6: 217. — Criminal. Sat. R. 68: 12. — Didactic ; Bellamy's Looking Backward. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 176. — Domain of Romance. (M. Thompson) Forum, 8: 326. — Element of Life in. (E. P. Roe) Forum, 5: 226. — English, Candor in. (W. Besant ; Mrs. L. Linton; T. Hardy) New R. 2: 6. Same art. Ecl. M. II.4: 31 I. — Macmil. 61 : 314. — — Realism in. Quar. I73: 468. — Fashion in. All the Year, 64; 449. — for the People. (A. Goddard) Lippinc. 45: 875. *— Future of. (J. Sully) Forum, 9: 644. — (E. Saltus) No. Am. I49: 58o. — The Hero in (H. H. Boyesen) No. Am. I48: 594. — Historical. (W. F. Allen) Unita. R. 33: 447. — Howells on the Tendency of. Critic, II: 147. — Immorality in. (Jane M. Parker) Church R. 53: 130. — in Libraries. Lib. J. I.5: 261–325. — (R. B. Poole) Lib. J. I.6: 8. — in the Pulpit. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 64: J. Harding) Critic, 15: 176. — Intensity in. (A. W. Rollins) Critic, 13: — Low-Toned. Chamb. J. 64: 635. — Modern. (Mrs. V. R. Cruger) No. Am. I52: 591. — (A. S. Hardy) And. R. I3: 565. — — Romanticism and Idealism in. temp. 57: 479. Same art. Liv. (B. B. Witte) Harv. Mo, 13: 119. N. Eng. 50: 333. Same art. Ecl. M. 527. — (E. I47. (H. Caine) Con- FICTION Fiction, Morality in. (M. MacCall) Contemp. 6o: 234. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 398. – Names in. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 59: 115. art. Liv. Age, 180; 176. – New Realism in. (H. D. Traill) Contemp. 59: 200. — Newspaper. (W. Westall) Lippinc. 45: 77. – Penny. Cornh. 59: 187. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 562. — Quar. I7I: 150. – Personality in. (E.S. DeG. Tompkins) Author, 2: 79. — Plethoric and Anaemic. (W. Watson) National, I4: Same 167. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 490. — Politics in. Blackw. I49: 497. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 702. – Profitable Reading of. (T. Hardy) Forum, 5: 57. – Psychological; Bourget's Le Disciple. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 27: 977. – Real People in. (W. S. Walsh) Lippinc. 48: 309. — Realism in, Limits of. (E. Gosse) Forum, 9: 391. - Reality in. (A. Repplier) Lippinc. 45: 908. — Recent. (F. Park; E. N. Ireland) Nation, 46: 529. – Relation of Art to Truth. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 9: 36. — Religious. Church Q. 26: 423. – School of. (A. Lang) Author, 3: 78. — Schools of. (J. H. Morse) Critic, II: 185. — Science of. (P. Bourget, W. Besant, and T. Hardy) New R. 4: 304. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I6: 849. — (T. Hardy) Author, 3: 63. — Sensational, Dangers of. (A. L. Dawes) Critic, I3: 281. — — — Reply. (E. L. Harding) Critic, I3: 303. — Sold on English Railways. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 68: 78. — Success in. (M. O. W. Oliphant) Forum, 7: 314. — Two Forces in. (M. D. Cutting) Forum, Io: 216. – Unclean. (J. W. Caldwell) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 434. Fiction-Maker of Tokyo, A. (S. J. Duncan) Ath. '89, 2: 320. Fictitious Characters, Formation of. Atlan. 63: 134. Fida, Africa, Bosman's Account of, in 1690. Cornh. 61: 252. Fiddler Rakes's Fiddle. (R. Page) Lippinc. 44: 853. Fiddling his Way to Fame ; a story. (W. A. Drom- goole) Arena, 2: 719. Fidelity. Spec. 61 : II 54. Field, David Dudley, with portrait. (I. Browne) Green Bag, 3: 49. Field, John. (D. M. O’Connor) Irish Mo. 18: 191. Field, Kate, New Departure of. (E. I. Mather) Bay State Mo. 3: 428. a' Field, Michael. Canute the Great. Spec. 60: 1536. — Plays by. (L. Johnson) Acad. 38: 123. Field of Honer, New. (J. E. Pilcher) Scrib. M. 6: 6oo. Field Code at Albany. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 265. Field-Mouse from Dacota. (C. H. Merriam) Am. Nat- ural. 22: 702. Field-Names. (J. C. Atkinson) Reliquary, 30: 83. — Study of. (S. O. Addy) Macmil. 59: 474. Field Sports. Meliora, I2: 289. Fielding, Henry. Ath. 'go, I: 149. Fielding, Sarah. (C. Black) Gent. M. m. s. 41: 485. Fields, James T. (O. E. Dana) Granite Mo. Io: 290. Fiends, A Trio of. Ecl. M. I.13: 478. Fierabras, a Charlemagne Romance. Scot. R. I2: 352. Fiesole. (Grant Allen) Longm. I4; 32. — Reminiscences of. (C. T. J. Hiatt) Tinsley, 45: 53. Fife, Contributions to the History of. (R. L. Steven- son) Scrib. M. 4: 507. — Songs and Ballads of. (AE. Mackay) Blackw. I5o: . 334. Fifeshire in History. (W. Wallace) Acad. 38: 309. Fifty Years Ago, Besant's. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 9: 123. — Spec. 61 : 581. 152 FINE Fight at Trinkitat. Chamb. J. 64: 172. Same art. Liv. Age, I73; 187. Fight for Life, A ; a story. 87: 371. Fighting, in Works of Fiction. Cornh. 61: 422. Fighting Instinct, The. (J. A. Bartlett) Longm. 16: 533. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 171. Figs, Smyrna, Harvest of. Harper, 80: 287. Fiji. (C. Trotter) Blackw. I43: 477. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 405. — Court Day in. Cornh. 60: 381. Same art. Eel. M. II3: 768. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 281. Same art. Green Bag, 3: 324. Fiji Islands, Among the. (C. Trotter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 644. (C. Larking) Temp. Bar, Filaria Sanguinis Hominis, Life-History of. (J. W. Williams) Knowl. I4: 143. Filberts. Knowl. I2: 49. Filde, Thomas. (E. Hogan) Month, 7o: 345, 515. Filippi, Rosina, with photograph. Theatre, 25: 276. Films, Laws of. (S. B. Herrick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 62o. Filose, John Baptiste. (D. Boulger) Asia. R. 7: 381. Filtration, Mechanical, for City Water Supply. (P. T. Austen) Engin. M. I : 95. — of Water and Sewage at the Experimental Station in Lawrence, Mass. Am. Arch. 26: 227. Fin de Siècle. Atlan. 67: 859. Finance and Legislation, Goschen on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49; 274. — and Politics, Sydney Buxton on. Westm. I31 : 58. – (J. McCarthy) Contemp. 54: 861. — French, Bank of France and. (H. C. Baird) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 533. — Municipal. (C. C. Hall) Scrib. M. 3: 33. — of the British Colonies. Spec. 64; 298. — Public, New Books upon. (E. B. Andrews) Q. J. Econ. 4; 325. Finances, A Glance at our. (J. Cook) Forum, II: 465. — National Budgets. (J. Ackland) Westm. I33: 449. — of the Principal Cities of Europe, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1479. — of Europe, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 927. Finance Statistics of the American Commonwealths. (E. R. A. Seligman) Am. Statis. Assoc. I : 349. Financial and Commercial History of 1886. J. Statis. Soc. 50: 169. — of 1887. J. Statis. Soc. 51: 127. Financial Crisis of 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 72. — Econ. J. I : 192. — (A. Crump) Econ. J. I : 388. — in South America. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1253. Financial Crises of the Century. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 921, 1786. Financial Journals. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I374. Financial Legislation for Congress. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 409. - Financial Operation, A.; a story. Cornh. 57: 75. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 399. Financial Revival, Coming, 1887. 47: 828. * * Financial Strength and Weakness. (E. Atkinson) Amer. 21: 138. Finch Family. Cornh. 64: 523. Finck, H. T. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 283. Finding of the Albia; a story. (M. Spencer) Belgra. Bank. M. (Lond.) 64: 438. Finding of Miss Clementine. (E. W. Bellamy) Atlan. 68: 124. -- Finds, Curious. Chamb. J. 64: 667. Fines. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 92. Fine Art in Queen Victoria's Reign. (Walter Arm- strong) Art J. 39: 163. — Ministry of, to Happiness. Ed. R. I.66: 413. FINE Fine Arts and Fine People. (D. Swing) Cosmopol. I: 274. — Definition of. (C. E. Norton) Forum, 7: 30. — in France at Present. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 22: 3–24 I. — Influence of Social Institutions on. J. Soc. Arts, II: 276. — Poetry and the. National, Io: 202. — Relation of, to Applied Arts. (E. C. Robins) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 207. Fine Passages in Verse and Prose, Selected by Living Men of Letters. Fortn. 48: 296–717. Finest Story in the World. (R. Kipling) Contemp. 6o: 9. Finger-Rings. See Rings. Finger-Tips, Identification by. (F. Galton) 19th Cent. 30: 303. Finland. (E. B. Lanin) Fortn. 55; 38. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 387. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 289. – and the Finlanders. Westm. I3o: 659. — and the Finns. (W. F. Mallalieu) Chaut. 9: 218. – The Country of a Thousand Lakes. Chamb. J. 66: 245. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 443. — Excursion to. (V. Fornitch) Murray, 3: 689. — General View of the Country and People. (H. Lans- dell) Harper, 82: 330. — Sketches in. (A. Edelfelt) Harper, 82: 339. — Three Modern Scholars of. Scot. R. I7: 140. — University of. Scot. R. I5: 364. Finney, Chas. Grandison. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. 9: 249. tº — Wright's Life of. (G. R. Burnell) (J. R. Chadwick) Nation, 53: 319. Finnic Goat-Names. (R. Brown, jr.) Acad. 33: 381. Finnish Grammar, Eliot's. Sat. R. 71 : 22. Finnish Numerals. (J. Abercromby ; I. Taylor) Acad. 33: 294, 31 I, 328. Fins of Fishes, Homologies of. (E. D. Cope) Am. Nat- ural. 24; 401. Firbank, Mr. Joseph, the Contractor. nett) Sunday M. I'7: 538. Firdausi, Lyrical Poetry of. (C. J. Pickering) National, I4: 798. Fire, Causes of, and their Prevention. lan) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 38o. — — Curious. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 371. – Destruction by, Remedy for. (C. Walford) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 363. — in Exeter Theatre. Am. Arch. 22: 193. — Methods of Kindling. Cornh. 62: 489. – An Open. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I5: 138. — Protection of Dwelling-Houses from. (E. M. Shaw) Murray, 4: 50. – Safety from. Am. Arch. 24: 139. Fire-Ships, etc., during the Civil War. (Phila.) 2: 142. Fires, Causes of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1897. — Criminal, in the United States. (F. Webster) Am. Arch. 22: 173. - Extinction of, Automatic. (S. P. Thompson) J. Soc. Arts, 34; 39. — — by Steam. Am. Arch. 22: 271. — in Cities. (C. J. H. Woodbury) J. Frankl. Inst. 132: 129–207. – Peculiar Origin of. Am. Arch. 23: 21. — Prevention of. Spec. 61: 120. – Saving Life at. (A. W. C. Shean) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 590. . — Some Great. (E. M. Shaw) Murray, 6: 658. — Suppression and Extinction of. (C. B. King) J. Soc. Arts, II: 308. – Theatre, in 1889. Fire Apparatus, Modern. (Mrs. C. Gar- (W. G. McMil- Un. Serv. (E. M. Shaw) Murray, 7: 352. (J. R. Spears) Scrib. M. 9: 153 54. FISHES Fire-Arms for Military Purposes, Progress of. (E. C. Wilford) J. Soc. Arts, I4: 439. See also Arms. Fireball in Raphael's Madonna di Foligno. (H. A. New- ton) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 235. Fire-Damp Detectors, Automatic. Fire Defences of Paris vs. those of Philadelphia. L. Boswell) J. Frankl. Inst. 129: IoI. Fire-Engine Horses. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 66: Ioš. Fire-Extinguisher, Ambrose Godfrey's. Am. Arch. 30: I49. - Fire-Extinguishers, Domestic. Chamb. J. 64: I Io. Fire-Flies, British. Spec. 62: 640. Fire Island Inlet; is it Moving East or West? (L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 249. Fire Loss, Reduction of Liability to. (C. J. H. Wood- bury) Am. Arch. 27: 28. Fire-Making in North Borneo. Anthrop. J. Ig: 445. Fire-Proof Building. (E. Atkinson) Am. Arch. 26: 293. — Slow Burning Construction. (E. Atkinson) Cent. 37: 566. Fire-Proofing, Martin Process. (A. Beardsley) J.Frankl. Inst. I25: 42. - Fire-Resistance of Wooden Posts. I O4. Fire-Risks of Buildings, Lessons of the Boston Fire, 1889. (J. A. Fox) Am. Arch. 26: 28o. — E. M. Shaw on. Am. Arch. 26: 233. Fireworks. All the Year, 63: 460. Fire-Worship. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Knowl. Io: 269. Fire-Worshippers, Kusti, or Fillet of. Antiq. m. s. Ig: 89. First and Last Preacher of Urora. First Countess of Wessex; a story. Dub. R. I.O.5: 183. (W. (S. B. J. Skertehly) Am. Arch. 29: Cornh. 59: 49. (T. Hardy) Har- per, 80: 20. First Family of Tasajara, A. (Bret Harte) Macmil. 64: 241–401. 65: I, 81. First Folio; a story. (J. C. Scott) Belgra. 66: 281. First for Sandhurst; a story. (R. Shindler) Belgra. 68: 356. First Harvests. 4 : IO4–594. First Impressions. Cornh. 62: 607. First Loves. All the Year, 64: I oz. First Mass, The ; a story. (L. Coloma) Month, 64: 42O. First Mayor, The ; a story. 61 I. First-Night Judgment of Plays. Cent. 26: 43. First Nights of my Young Days. (G. Turner) Theatre, I9: I2, II5. First Soprano of St. Margaret's. (E. S. Drewry) Lond. Soc. 56: 289, 390. Fish, Simon, and his Supplication. (N.W.Wells) Presb. R. 8: 412. Fish as Food. Temp. Bar, 92: 203. – Breeding Habits of. Cornh. 62: 164. Same art. Eel. M. 115: 391. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 632. — Life-History of a Marine Food-. (W. C. McIntosh) Nature, 40: 130, 156. — Ova of, and Fishery Waste. Chamb. J. 64; 428. — Some Indian. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I3: 366. – Temperature in Relation to. Nature, 36: 213. Fishes, California Food-, Development of. (C. H. Ei- genmann) Am. Natural. 23: Io'7. — Color of. (G. B. Goode) Science, I5: 21 I. — Deep-Sea. Cornh. 62: 534. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 697. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 71. — Family Life of. (K. Hennings) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 777. (F. J. Stimson) Scrib. M. 3: 20–717. (A. French) Atlan. 64: (H. A. Jones) 19th FISHES Fishes, Feeding, with Nudibranchs. Nature, 42: 201, 229. - — Flat. (E. E. Prince) Longm. I6: 446. – Fresh-Water. — — and their Associations. M. m. s. 44; 20. — — Ways and Whims of. Blackw. I49: 778. art. Liv. Age, Igo: 366. – Game, of the Florida Reef. Cornh. 50: 251. (M. G. Watkins) Gent. Same (C. F. Holder) Cent. 2O: 3. – Immature, Capture of. (W. C. McIntosh) Nature, 42 : 429. — Odd. (J. G. Wood) Chaut. 9: 452, 515. Io: 71. – Parietal Eye in. (J. Beard) Nature, 36: 246, 340. – Sea, Artificial Propagation of. (W. K. Brooks) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 359. Fish Catching on the Dogger. (A. Gordon) Argosy, 47: I99. Fish Culture. (F. Buckland) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 267. — Leis. Hour, 40: 850. Fish-Farm in Surrey. Spec. 63: 301. Fish-Hooks. (E. Lovett) Leis. Hour, 37: 480. Fish Industry, Future of our. (J. D. Redding) Over- land, m. s. I7: 84. - Fish Lake; a story. Fish-Preserving at Aberdeen. Fish Spearing on the Otonabee. ing, I7: 478. Fish Supply of London. (S. Walpole) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 7 II. Fisher, Fort, Dec. 1864, and Jan. 1865. (Phila.) 2: II. Fisher, John, Cardinal, and Gladstone. 235. — Bridgett's Life of. Ath. '88, I : 657. — Sat. R. 65: (M. Spencer) Belgra. 66: 420. Chamb. J. 64: 156. (T. A. Haultain) Out- Un. Serv. Month, 68: > * , * * * b/4 • Fisher, William Richard. Acad. 34: 353. Fisher's Hill, Battle of. (J. H. Lane) So. Hist. Pap. I9: 289. Fisher Life in Scotland. (J. G. Bertram) National, I4: 358. Fisheries, Administration of, in Different Countries. (W. C. McIntosh) Nature, 41 : 497. – in England, Fresh-Water. (J. W. Willis-Bund) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 458. — — Fresh-Water, New Legislation on. lis-Bund) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 595. — of India. (G. T. Haly) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 52O. — (F. Day) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 609. — The Police of the North Sea. Blackw. I43: 571. - — Russian. Chamb. J. 64: 629. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 381. Fisheries Commission. Sat. R. 65: 216, 282, 490. Fisheries Question, North American. (F. H. Geffcken) Fortn. 53: 741. – (H. C. Lodge) No. Am. I46: 121. — (A. H. Marsh) Am. Law R. 21: 369. — (C. L. Woodbury) Am. Law R. 21: 431. – (W. P. Shef- field) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 329. — Pub. Opin. I : 121. 2: 321, 345. —Sat. R. 66: 456. – (Marq. of Lorne) Fortn. 47: 459. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 693. — American View of. (Z. L. White) Westm. I29: 82. * — Canadian View of. (J. M. Oxley) Our Day, I : 132. — (W. Leggo) Scot. R. 9: Io&. — Cleveland's Retaliatory Message. Pub. Opin. 5: 445. — Commission on. Sat. R. 64; 316–720. – Edmunds' Report on. (H. White) Nation. 44; 71. – Fallacies on. (J. B. Moore) Nation, 44; 443. – Newfoundland. See Newfoundland. — Review of. (F. Snow) Forum, 4: 343. Fisheries Treaty, Canadian View of. (G. Stewart, jr.) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 416. (J. W. Wil- (W. M. Colles) 154 FIVE Fisheries Treaty rejected. Pub. Opin. 5: 428. – Senate and. Nation, 46: 399, 420. – Senator Frye on. (H. White) Nation, 46: 482. Fisherman's Mate, A. (B. Phillips) Harper, 75: 373. Fishermen, English. (J. Runciman) Eng. Illust. 4: 387, 485. — A Social Revolution. 42 : 7 I. Fishin' Jimmy ; a story. (A. T. Slosson) N. Princ. 5: (A. Gordon) Gent. M. m. s. 37I. Fishing. All the Year, 68: 366. – along the Pecos, New Mexico. ing, I8: 299. – and Hunting in the Northwest. Outing, 15: 403. — Dry-Fly, Halford's. Ath. '89, I: 691. – for Haak off Ireland's Eye. Outing, 15: 268. – for Tarpou in Gulf of Mexico. (T. C. Felton) Out- ing, 9; 331. — for Whiting on the Irish Coast. (R. F. Walsh) Out- ing, I5: 2O. — for Winninishe. Outing, I2: 387. — in Ireland. (T. Murphy) Outing, 18: 294. – on the Coos, Day's. (L. L. White) Overland, n. s. I2: 607. — on the Ice in the Sea of Azoff. Outing, I7: 333. — Pleasures of. Chamb. J. 65: 508. — Salt Water, near New York. (C. B. Bradford) Out- ing, I6: 44 I. — with Flies. (W. Holberton) Outing, 14: 195. — with “Otters.” Sat. R. 71 : 770. See also Sniggling. Fishing Experiences in Norway. (E. Kennedy) Out- ing, I8: 89. (J. Carnifex) Out- (C. A. P. Talbot) Fishing-Rods. (G. Johnston) Cosmopol. 9: 321. Fisk, Gen. Clinton B. (A. B. Leonard) Meth. R. 51: 362. Fisk, Wilbur, Prentice's Life of. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 50: 282. — (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) II: 89. Fitchburg, Mass., Historical Sketch of. (E. Bailey) Bay State Mo. 2: 226. — in 1885. (A. P. Mason) Bay State Mo. 2: 341. Fitting-School, Place of. (G. T. Ladd) Scrib. M. 6: 298. Fitton, Mary. (C. Stopes) Acad. 37: 152. — (T. Tyler) Acad. 37: 171. – (F. J. Furnivall and T. Tyler) Acad. 39: 282–395. — Ath. '89, 2: 531. Fitzgerald, Edward. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 52: 57. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 323. – (E. Dowden) Acad. 36: 63. —Sat. R. 68: 44. — Ath, '89, 2: 55. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 49: II 2. — Spec. 63: 211. — Letters of. Ath. '89, 2: 633, 672. — (F. H. Groome) Blackw. I46: 615. – (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 161. — Atlan. 65: I.33. — (T. R. Bacon) N. Eng. 52: 24, 117. – Temp. Bar, 88: 331. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 815. — Spec. 60: 1316. Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare. See Gerald the Great. Fitzgerald, John, Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Washington. (W. F. Carne) Cath. World, 50: 437. Fitzmaurices of Ireland. (M. Hickson) Acad. 31: 256, 346. Fitzsimon, H. (E. Hogan) Month, 71 : 380, 512. 72: 232, 379. 73: 80, 221. Fitz Warine, Fulk ; a Knight's Tale. Gent. M. n. s. 42: 375. Fiume, New Port of. (G. L. Faber) J. Soc. Arts, 25: I O29, IO4o. - Five Forks, Va., 38th Virginia at. Hist. Pap. 16: 230. Five Horse-Shoes; a story. (H. Smart) Temp. Bar, 82: 211. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 531. - Five Letters and a Telegram ; a story. Temp. Bar, 90: 4I7. - (A. C. Ewald) (G. K. Griggs) So. FIVE Five Miles to Dodson's Mills. (Bates) Outing, 9: 499. Five Mr. Fyttons. (S. E. Waller) Argosy, 45; 32. Five Years as a Governess. Belgra. 73: 55. Five O'Clock Tea; a farce. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 76: 86. • Flabellum. (J. Hirst and J. C. Cox) Reliquary, 27; 68. Flag, Union, First, Raised in Rocky Mountains. (R. O. Old) M. West. Hist. I2: 375. — United States, and John Paul Jones. (T. W. Dwight) M. Am. Hist. 24; 269. — — Origin of. (T. Gibbons) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 636. — — Stars in. (H. Schuyler) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 150. Flags and Banners. Cornh. 56: go. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 337. — Confederate, Cleveland's Order to Return. Pub. Opin. 3: 229. — “The Thin Red Line.” (J. O'Neill) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 340. Flambard, Ranulf. See Ranulf. Flameng, François. (G. Cain) Art J. 43: 65. Flaming Fire cannot be Extinguished; a story. (Count L. Tolstoi) Cosmopol. 5: 4o. Flamingoes at Home. (H. A. Blake) 19th Cent. 22: 886. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 819. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 682. Flammantia moenia mundi; a poem. Atlan. 66: 235. Flamsteed, John. Age, I83: 478. Flandrau, Charles E., with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 655. Flandroe’s Mogul. (A. C. Gordon) Scrib. M. 2: 361. Flann MacFlathri, Bardic Chronicle of. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 30: 643. Flapper-Shooting, 1st of August and. Temp. Bar, 89: (Annie Fields) Lond. Q. 73: Io9. Same art. Liv. (I. Atwater) M. 559. Flash in the Pan ; a story. Cornh. 63: 511. Flaubert, Gustave. Atlan. 68: 695. — (G. Smith) Gent. M. n. s. 4I : I.20. — and his Work. Sat. R. 68: 378. — Correspondence. Ath. '89, 2: I55. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 385. — Madame Bovary. I4. Flax and its Products in Ireland. (W. Charley) J. Soc. Arts, I : 575–627. 2: 28–808. 3: 109–523. 4: 98. 8: 124–765. 9: 667, 708. — Culture of, in Russia. Science, I7: 309. — Preparati Machinery for. (C. F. T. Young) J. Soc. A : 293. Flaxen Wig, The. (J. C. Scott) Gent. M. m. s. 42: Ioš. Flaa, Common. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I3: 27, 41, 67. Fleets and Forts. (P. H. Colomb and Sir A. Clarke) (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. Mo. Io: Murray, 7: 34. Fleet, London, Ashton on. Sat. R. 65: 142. – Spec. 61: 57. Fleet Marriages. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. s. 41: 466. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 30. Fleischer, Heinrich Leberecht. Ath. '88, I: 214. Fleming, Sir Daniel, Papers of. Ath. '91, I: 218. Fleming, James Simpson, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: Io91. Flemish Artists, Early, Conway's. Spec. 60: 497. Flemish City, A Day in an Old. All the Year, 63: 88. Fleury, Joseph Nicolas Robert. Ath. 'go, I: 615. Fliedner, Theodore. Meliora, II: 231. Flies. (M. Treat) Chaut. 8: 91. — “The Hosts of Achor.” (Phil. Robinson) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 580. Flight, Magic, in Folk-Lore. : M. 1: 762. — Mechanical, Experimental Researches on. Langley) Nature, 44; 277. (H. E. Warner) Scrib. (S. P. 155 Flight of the Shadow. FLORIDA Flight, Sailing, of Large Birds. (S. E. Peal) Nature, 40: 518, 573. See Flying ; Birds, Soaring of. Flight in the Dark ; a story. (S. K. and V. D. Scud- der) Atlan. 62: 766. (G. Macdonald) Liv. Age, 188: 204, 783. I89: 16, 76. Flints, High Thermal Conductivity in. schel) Nature, 41 : 175. Flint Knife, History of the. II . I 22. Flittermice. (L. Morgan) Murray, 3: 791. Flitting Ghost, A. (E. Tregear) Westm. I28: 404. Flodden Field. (G. Eyre-Todd) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 171. — Leaves from a Note-Book. Macmil. 62: 475. Flogging of Criminals. Spec. 64; 366. Flood, Peter F., with portrait. (H. L. Comard) M. West. Hist. I3: 504. Flood, Star Story of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 145, (A. S. Her- (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I 73. Floods and their Causes. (F. L. Oswald) Lippine. 44: 237. — Mountain. Sat. R. 64: 884. Flood Plains of Rivers, The. II - 22 I. Floors, Factory. (F. G. Corser) Am. Arch. 28: 70. Florence, William Jermyn. Critic, Ig: 307. Florence, Italy. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 48: 130. — the Beautiful. (J. Heard) Cosmopol. 6: 268. — the Beautiful; a poem. (Herman Merivale) Spec (W. J. McGee) Forum, 61: 1638. — Domatello's Work at. (C. M. Phillimore) National, IO: 59. — Duomo of. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 44: 507. — — Façade of. Am. Arch. 21: 47. — Festivities in, 1887. (V. Paget) Ath. '87, I : 704. — Flowers and Fire. Temp. Bar, 86: 518. — History of, Perrins's. Ath. '89, I: 659. — Ath. '89, 2 : I.25. — In. (G. Lambert) Tinsley, 43 : 662. — In, with Romola. (E. H. and E. W. Blashfield) Scrib. M. 2: 693. — Mediaeval, Life in. (A. J. Church) Chaut. II: 651. — Obliteration of. (L. D. la Rame) National, I6: 303. Same art. Liv. Age, 187; 684. — Santa Maria Del Fiore. Am. Arch. 21: 223. — (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 22: 243. — Some Florentine Mosaics. Bar, 89: 397. — Some Impressions of. M. 20: 445. Florence, Alabama. (S. R. Dennen) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 682. Florentine Company of St. Luke. (D. Colnaghi) Portfo. 22: 228. Florida, Acquisition of. Ig: 286. — as a Field for Settlers. Spec. 63: 365. — Educational Outlook in. (G. G. Bush) Educa. 9: (C. Edwardes) Temp. (Mrs. C. Garnett) Sunday (J. L. M. Curry) M. Am. Hist. 3I2. — English in. (A. Montefiore) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 335. — Excursion Life in. (H. Butterworth) Chaut. Io: 7 I2. — for the Winter. (G. C. Hill) N. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 2O9. – Fruit-Growing in. (A. Montefiore) Macmil. 64: 349. — Geological Structure of. (L. C. Johnson) Am. J. Sci. I36: 230. — Geology of, Notes on the. I34; 161. — not Virginia, the First State to receive the Negro. (C. A. Stakely) M. Am. Hist. 26: 349. (W. H. Dall) Am. J. Sci. FLORIDA Florida, Our Boys in. (A. Montefiore) Macmil. 62: 33. -- South. (R. E. Cleveland) Lippinc. 46; 52 I. - Sugar-Lands in, Reclamation of. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 21: 121. – Winter Game-Bag in. 2O. – Winter Sport in. (O. A. Mygatt) Outing, 15: 83. – Wintering in. (A. Montefiore) Murray, 6: 789. Floridas, The Five. (J. D. Steele) Acad. (Syr.) I : 44. (W. E. Andrews) Outing, 17: Flotsam. (F. M. P. Deas) Overland, m. s. I5: 46. Flounder's Quest; a story. (F. J. Andrew) Belgra. 69: 491. r Flour, Manufacture of. Sat. R. 65: 170. — — in United States. (A. Shaw) Chaut. 8: 16. — Milling of, Modern. (J. H. Carter) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 299. Flow of Solids. (W. Hallock) Am. J. Sci. I34: 277. Flowers and Folks. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 64: 38o. — and Leaves. (F. W. Burbidge) Good Words, 30: 448, 529. — and Perfumes of Southern France. Chamb. J. 64: 379. — and the Poets. (S. Moore) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 171. — Liv. Age, Igr: II6. — Colonizing. Chamb. J. 66: 366. — Colors of, Effect of High Life on. 40: 108. — Commercial Use of. 648, 661. — Doubling of, Observations on, Sci. Mo. 37: 374. — Economic Uses of. 36: 962, 997. — English and American. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 56: 525, 796. Same art. Liv. Age, Igl: 742. – Evolution of the Forms of, Henslow's. Ath. '88, 2 : I.27. — Field. (B. G. Johns) Sunday M. 16: 303. — Floral Structures and their Use. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. 8: 470. — Garden, Old. (F. W. Burbidge) Harper, 76: 3. — Greek Poets and the. (A. C. Lyford) Educa. II: 2O7. — Mountain. Liv. Age, Igr: III. — Notes from the Wild Garden. Atlan. 68: 172. — Prairie, of Late Autumn. (B. D. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 229. — Preserving the Color of. Nature, 38: 245, 270. — The Purpose of; the Blossom and the Bee. Chamb. J. 67: 518. — Use of, by Birds. Nature, 36: IoI, 173, 244. – Wild, and Cultivated. All the Year, 63: 5. — — Naturalizing. Spec. 61: Io92. — — A Plea for. (H. P. Dunster) Argosy, 46: 25. Pop. Sci. Mo. (E. Rimmel) J. Soc. Arts, 13: (B. D. Halsted) Pop. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, (E. M. Thomas) Flower Market, New York. (E. Bisland) Cosmopol. 8: 2OI. Flower-Pupils of Jesus. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 17: I33. . Flower-Structure, Origin of. Sat. R. 66: 387. Flower of Forgiveness, The. Macmil. 65: 33. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 785. Flüe, Nicholas de, Patriot Saint of Switzerland. Zardetti) Cath. World. 45: 161. Fluid Motion, General Equations of. Nature, 39: 452. Fluid Volume. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I59: 478. Fluorides, Heat of Formation of. (J. W. Richards) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 477. Fluorine. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 44; 622. – Isolation of. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 37: 179. Same art. J. Frankl, Inst. I25: 314. – New Method of Preparing. Nature, 41: 117. (Q. (G. M. Minchin) 156 | — of Ireland, Wilde's. FOLK–SONGS Fluorine, Preparation and Properties of. J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 147. - Production of. (G. F. Barker) Am. J. Sci. 133: 236. Fluorite, Opal, Amber, and Diamond, Mineralogical Notes on. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. 138: 72. Fluº. and Violin; a story. (J. L. Allen) Harper, 82: 5 O. Fluviatile Swamps of New England. Am. J. Sci. I33: 210. Fly, House. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 13: 89–187. Flycatcher; a tale. (H. Smart) Outing, 15: 20–419. Flying by Means of Electricity. (J. Trowbridge) Chaut. I3: 594. – Mechanical. (S. P. Langley) Science, 18: 77. — — Possibility of. (S. P. Langley) Cent. 20: 783. — of Birds. See Birds. – Speed of, in Birds and Insects. – under Water. (J. R. Coryell) Harper, 78: 794. Flying Animals. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4: 112–165. Flying-Machine, Problem of a. (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. . . Mo. 34: 69. Flying-Machines. (A. F. Sibbald) Dub. R. Ioff: 95. Fog, Economics of the. (R. Beynon) Knowl. I2: 243. Fogs. All the Year, 64: 78. — London. (A. Carpenter) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 48. — (R. H. Scott) Longm. 9: 607. – (W. H. Raffles) Na- ture, 39: 441. – Spec. 62: 85. — — Cost of. Leis. Hour, 4o: 254. — — In Praise of. (M. H. Dziewicki) 19th Cent. 26: (N. S. Shaler) 4.-- Spec. 64: 792. I oA7. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 98. – Town, and their Effects. (W. J. Russell) Nature, 45 : I.O. Fog Signal; a story. (C. M. Lushington) Belgra. 66: 445. Fog Signals. (J. N. Douglass) Nature, 40: 87. — (F. I. Clarke) Overland, m. s. I2: 353. – at Sea. (C. W. Kennedy; S. Brooks; G. Burton; A. Boyer) No. Am. I48: 509. Föhm, The. (H. Harries) Longm. I4: 622. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 429. — Dr. Hann and. (F. A. Welschow) Science, I8: 304. Foiled by Himself. Chamb. J. 66: 569-588. Foine Man, A. Overland, n. s. 18: 247. Folgefond, Across the. (J. Beveridge) Sunday M. 20: . 85. Foliage, Natural, Decorative Treatment of. (H. Stan- nus) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 859–917. - - Folios and Footlights. (L. F. Ausolºew R. 2: 185. 3: 547. 4: 9o, 563. ſº Folk-Lore, American, Crane's Studies in. (R. L. Vance) Critic, I2: 13. — — Study of. (R. L. Vance) Critic, I2: 233. — and Superstitions, Norwegian. Chamb. J. 66: 427. — Clouston’s Popular Tales. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 148. — Finnish. Sat. R. 63: 781. — in Northern Portugal. (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 52: 683. — Nature and Value of. (L. J. Vance) Chaut. II: 686. Ath. '87, 2: 270. Chamb. J. 68: 331. Ath. '87, 2: 237. (W. Sydney) Gent. M. n. — of the Isle of Wight. — of Shropshire, Burne's. – The Romance of Nature. S. 43 : 54. Folk-Lore Congress, International, 1891. 24: 218. Folk-Lore Publications, Recent. (T. F. Crane) Nation, 48: 451. — (E. G. Bourne) N. Eng. 47: 165. Folk-Rhymes and Phrases, Midland. (G. F. Erie) Antiq. m. s. I8: II6. — English. Chamb. J. 66: 670. Folk-Songs of South Italy. (E. Marget) Scot. R. II: Antiq. m. s. 3O7. – Spanish and Italian. Nation, 46: 220. FOLK–TALE Folk-Tale, A Nigger. (F. H. Groome) Ath. '87, 2: 245. Folk-Tales, English. Sat. R. 7o: 537. — Notes on Incidents in. Antiq. m. s. I6: 46, Io2. — of Sardinia. (E. S. Hartland) Gent. M. n.s. 47; 33. — Philosophy of. (C. S. Wake) Lippine. 46: 415. Follansbee, C., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 247. Folly. (G. C. Bingham) Tinsley, 41; 329. – Cause of. Atlan. 61: 423. Folly Tower; a story. (E. Phillpotts) Belgra. 69: 2O4. Font at Tissington, Eng. (J. R. Allen) Reliquary, 27: 24. Fontainebleau, Laboratory of Vegetable Biology at. Nature, 43: 37. . - — Memories of. (Grant Allen) Eng. Illust. 9: 201. Fontenoy, Battle-Field of. (A. Webb) Irish Mo. I5: 8 57ö. — Legend of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 7. Food. (Dr. Letheby) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 616–767. — Adulteration of. Westm. I28: Io90. — Sat. R. 64: 419. See Adulterations. — and Fancy. (A. Fryers) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 301. — and Feeding, Thompson's. Sat. R. 7I: 327. — Animal, Supply of, in Great Britain. (W. S. Scott) J. Soc. Arts, I6: 255. – Cost of Retailing. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 50: 292. — Digestibility of. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. I2: 733. — Economy of. (Dr. Letheby) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 269. — Science, II: 232. — English Farms and the Price of. tional, Io: 529. ^ — Future of. (J. W. Cross) Contemp. 54: 870. — Hot, Distribution of, in Cities. (W. Riddle) J. Soc. Arts, I6: 14o. — How it Nourishes the Body. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. I2: 237. — of Animals. (J. Coleman) J. Soc. Arts, 13: 341. – Pecuniary Economy of. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. 13: (A. J. Mott) Na- - 437. — Potential Energy of. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. I2: 397. — Preservation of. (G. C. Steet) J. Soc. Arts, I3: 309. – Strange. Cornh. 60: 80. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 427. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 265. — Unholy. Sat. R. 66: 262. © Foods and Adulterants. (E. Richards) Science, I5: 226. IG: IoI. — and Beverages. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. I4: 135, 257. — and Nutrition, Chemistry of. (W. O. Atwater) Cent. . I2 : 59. — Animal and Vegetable; a Comparison. Richardson) Longm. I2: 26. — Economic Value of. (E. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 12: (B. W. 77. — Odd. (A. J. H. Crespi) Scot. R. 16: 130. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 732. — Substitutes and Adulterants. I5: 86. Food-Supply of the Future, The. Cent. 2 I: IoI. Food Supplies and International Law. National, I3: 470. — of England. (R. S. Moffatt) National. 13: 479. Fools, Court. Cornh. 6o: 366. — (H. Dillon) Antiq. n. s. 21 : 189. Fool's Task, A. Cornh. 59: 595. Foot, Clothing of the. (A. T. Story) Tinsley, 46: 425. Football. Outing, I5: 144. — (R. M. Hodge) Outing, I5: 385. — The American Game of. 888. (W. O. Atwater) (H. Haines) (A. Johnston) Cent. I2: 157 (E. Richards) Science, FORESTS Football, The Association Game of. (C. W. Alcock) Eng. Illust. 8: 282. — (F. Weir) Lippine. 48: 612. — (S. H. Roberts) Outing, I7: 436. — at Harvard, Recent. Outing, 19: 74. — College. (W. C. Camp) Outing, 17: 383. – Defensive Play. (W. C. Camp) Outing, I7: 209. – Future of. (F. W. Taussig) Nation, 51: 395. – Game and Laws of. (W. C. Camp) Outing, II: 68. — Hints on. (W. C. Camp) Outing, 13: 357. — in American Colleges. (R. M. Hodge) Outing, 9: 483. — Notes on. Tinsley, 46: 60. — of 1891. (W. C. Camp) Outing, 19: 153. – Rugby Union. (H. Vassall) Eng. Illust. 7: 431. — Sat. R. 71: 289. – Studies for Captain and Coach. (W. C. Camp) Outing, I7: Ioa. – Union or Association. (M. Shearman) Murray, 7: 190. — Wall Game. Sat. R. 63: 49. Football Match, A. All the Year, 66: 392. Foote, Samuel. All the Year, 67: 377. Footpaths. (A. Lamont) Sunday M. 19: 341. For All beneath the Arch of Heaven; a poem. (H. F. Valette) M. West. Hist. 13: 395. For the Cause; a story. (S. J. Weyman) Eng. Illust. e 588 * - • Soo. \ For Christ's Sake, a Sunday Meditation. Cong. R. 2: 754. a For Conscience' Sake. (Thos. Hardy) Fortn. 55: 370. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 610. For Green is Hope; a story. (A. Kielland) Poet-Lore, 3 : 315. For her Sake. Tinsley, 44; 39. For Life; a story. Meliora, 2: 363. For Love and Conscience; a story. Argosy, 48: 344. For Love of Him. (A. N. Homer) Lond. Soc. 53: 39. For Marjorie's Sake ; a story. (I. D. Hardy) Belgra. 74; 373. For Mary's Sake. (C. B. Morgan) Overland, m. s. 18: 375. - For One Night Only. (R. Kipling) Longm. I5: 611. For Pity’s Sake; a story. Murray, I : 773. For Sweet Charity; a story. (B. Dempstef) All the Year, 64: 187–212. - For Sweet Love's Sake. I-481. For What it is Worth ; a story. (E. L. Keyes) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 458. Foraminifera, Bibliography of, Woodward's. Sherbourn) Nature, 37: 583. Forbes, Archibald. Reminiscences. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 374. See also War Correspondent. Forbes, Robert, Bishop of Ross. Church Q. 23: 344. Force and Energy. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 171. — — Grant Allen on. (K. Pearson) Acad. 34: 421. — (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 39: 289. — and its Distribution in Man. (T. E. Young) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 190. — Latent. (J. W. Keely) Lippinc. 47: 639. — Spiritual Origin of. (W. Tucker) Univ. Q. 46: 478. Force of Example, The. (W. Roseboro') Cent. 20: 430. Forchhammer, Emmanuel. Ath. 'go, I: 641. Ford, E. Onslow. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 21: 67. Ford, John, Best Plays of. Spec. 62: 482. Forecastle Philosophy; a story. (R. F. Coffin) Outing, II: 225. Foreign Element in Population. (F. A. Walker) Fo- rum, II : 634. Foreigners. Liv. Age, I84: 221. . Foresight. Spee. 62: 427. — Pecuniary. Spec. 62: 331. Forests as Playgrounds. (J. E. Learned) Nation, 44: 505. (J. E. Muddock) Tinsley, 47: (C. S. FORESTS Forests, Care of. Science, 12: 233. — Conservancy of, in India. (Sir R. Temple) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 150. — (J. Michael) Asia. R. 4: 354. – of the California Coast Range. (F. M. Somers) Harper, 79: 652. — of England, Restoration of. (T. W. Webber) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 215. — of North America. – on the U. S. Public Lands. Econ. Assoc. 6: 239. Forest Fires on the St. Lawrence. Dub. R. Io9: 205. Forest Gate Schools. All the Year, 6.5: 204. Forest-Groupings, Origin of. (Marquis de Saporta) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 229. Forest Laws, Swiss. Nature, 37: 490. Forest Science; its Aim and Scope. tional, I2: 681. Forestry. Lend a H. 7: 7. — (G. Cadell) Macmil. 57: 176. —Sat. R. 67: 244. — Afforestation in China. – Alpine. Sat. R. 65: 38. – American Forest Administration, Practicability of. (B. E. Fernow) Am. Econ. Assoc. 6: 259. — Government, Abroad. (G. Pinchot) Am. Econ. As- soc. 6: 189. — in England. (Viscount Lymington) 19th Cent. 29: I Io. — (Sir H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 30: 26. — — Reply to Sir H. Maxwell. (A. Herbert) 19th Cent. 30: 346. — in North America. 44: 60. — The New Forest as a National School. Candy) Gent. M. n. s. 44; 276. — Problem of, Our. (B. E. Fernow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 225. — Schlich's. Sat. R. 72: 22. — School of, at Cooper's Hill, England. Nature, 37: 529. — — in Spain, The. Nature, 38: 461. – Study of. (W. Schlich) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 261. – Teaching of. (G. F. Pearson) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 422. — (D. Brandis) Nature, 44; 265. Foretold by the Cards; a story. (O. Grant) Belgra. 65: 447. 66: 59, 160. Forged Bills. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 24. - Forged Checks, Liability of a Bank for. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 161. Forged Indorsements to Bills and Cheques. (Lond.) 47: I II.5. Forged Literature. (H. G. Hewlett) 19th Cent. 29: 318. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 771. Forged Transfers. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 717, 948. Forgery, Prevention of, Chemical. (R. Barclay) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 311. Forget me not; a story. (L. Parr) Temp. Bar, 82: 514. 83: 97. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 276, 530. Forget-me-not; a story. Chamb. J. 67: 424–472. Forgetfulness, Sudden. Chamb. J. 65: 263. Forgiveness, Magee on. Spec. 6o: 225. Forgotten Millions, The. (C. W. Eliot) Cent. 18: 556. Fork, History of the. (J. von Falke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 831. Forlorn Hope, A.; a story. All the Year, 64: 61. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 403. Form and Color, Poetry of. ('86–87): 261. — and Content. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. I : 561. (E. A. Bowers) Am. (J. Nisbet) Na- Nature, 39: 593. (W. R. Fisher) Nature, 43: 247. (F. H. Bank. M. (F. Reede) N. Eng. M. 5 (H. M. Richards) Luth. Q. 21: 42. – Language of. (C. W. Larned) Cosmopol. Io: 285. Formative Influences. (J. Tyndall) Forum, 9: 483. — (A. P. Peabody) 9: 685. – (E. E. Hale) Io: 64. — (F. Harrison) Io: 152. — (F. W. Farrar) Io: 373. — (T. Dwight) Forum, Io: 497.- (B. L. Gildersleeve) Forum, Io: 607. — (M. J. Lamb) Forum, II: 50.- (S. Newcomb) Forum, II: 183. 158 FORTUNES Sat. R. 67: 174. (T. de Lacouperie) Acad. 31: Formosa, Missions in. — Native Writing in. 259. Forrest, Thomas. Acad. 36: 276. Forster, Wm. Edward. Ed. R. 168: 531. – Church Q. 27: 241. —Lond. Q. 7I: 141. – Administration in Ireland, 1880–82. stone) 19th Cent. 24: 451. — — Gladstone on. (J. W. Reid) 19th Cent. 24: 605. — Sat. R. 66: 260. — (W. O'Brien) Westm. 13o: 349. — and Nonconformists. Cong. R. 2: 1007. – Personal Recollections of. (Mary Jeune) National. I2: 14. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 812. — Reid’s Life of. (A. Webb) Nation, 47: 233. – Blackw. I44; 444. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 45. – Ath. '88, 2: 57. —Spec. 61: 967, Iooo. – Lit.W. (Bost.) 19: 266. —Sat. R. 66: 46, 81. — Dial (Ch.) 9: 97. – Westm. I30: 310.- (A. Arnold) Acad. 34: 31. – (J. McCarthy) Contemp. 54: 171. Same art. Liv. Age, I'78: 643. Forsyth, Sir Douglas. Autobiography. Ath. '88, 1: 3O4. —Spec. 61 : 305. Fort Ancient, Graves at. (W. K. Moorehead) Am. An- tiq. 9: 295. Fort Benton, Mont., Ancient Town of. tenden) M. Am. Hist. 24: 409. Fort George Island, Florida, Historic Points at. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Atlan. 6o: 699. Fort Perrot, Fort Snelling, etc. See Perrot, Snelling, etc. Fort Worth, Texas. 5: 538. Fortescue, Adrian, English Catholic Martyr. ris) Month, 60: 153, 340. Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, The. (W. E. Glad- (H. M. Chit- (F. M. Clarke) New Eng. M. n.s. (J. Mor- All the Year, 67: 425. Forth Bridge. (A. J. Knowles) Eng. Illust. 7: 436. — Chamb. J. 67: 113. – Sat. R. 69: 278. – Spec. 64: 334. — All the Year, 65: 437. — (B. Baker) J. Soc Arts, 37: 289. – (B. Baker) Nature, 36: 79. — (B. Baker) Chamb. J. 65: 545. —Sat. R. 66: 401. — (J. Fowler; B. Baker) 19th Cent. 26: 35. — Dub. R. IO4: 415. — Am. Arch. 23: 167. — (T. C. Clarke) Engin. M. I : 65. – Building of. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 39: 113. — Machinery Employed at. (W. Arrol) Nature, 36: 356. — Opening of. Nature, 41 : 429. – Structure and Progress of. (E. M. Wood) Nature, 36: 353. Fortification, Brialmont on. Spec. 64: 516. – Clarke on. Ed. R. I74: 404. —Quar. I72: 351. — Lloyd's Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 3 I: 249. —Sat. R. 63: 236. Fortifications. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 4o: 230. Forts and Fleets. (Sir E. F. Du Cane) Murray, 6: 759. — (P. H. Colomb and Sir A. Clarke) Murray, 7: 34. — Modern. Sat. R. 7o: 199. Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers. R. 2: 12o. Fortune, Mutability of. m. S. 20: 57. Fortune in a Fortnight, A.; a story. (J. Macleod) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 1. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 366. Fortune on Four Legs, A.; a story. Cornh. 60: 276. Fortunes in the U. S. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 265. - — Private, Some Aspects of. (E. W. Gilliam) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 647. — Should they be Limited ? (E. T. Peters) Forum, 4: 242. Fortunes of War; a story. All the Year, 67: 607. (H. W. Preston) New (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. FORTUNE-TELLING Fortune–Telling. Spec. 66: 688. Fortuny, Mariano. (E. B. Prescott) Harper, 76: 491. — Charles Yriarte's. Am. Arch. 21: 34. Forty-Second British Regiment, Story of. Leis. Hour, 39: 770. Forty-Five, Out in the. Antiq. m. s. 23: 30–257. 24; 22. Forum, The ; N. Y. Debating Society, 1815. (J. W. Gerard) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 430. Fossanova, Monastery of. (A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: Io. Fossils, Classificatory Value of. (W. B. Dawkins) Na- ture, 38: 449. — Location of Vertebrate Fossil Beds in Honduras. (F. L. Nason) Am. J. Sci. I34: 485. – A New Erian (Devonian) Plant allied to Cordaites. (J. W. Dawson) Am. J. Sci. 138: 1. — Notice of New Fossil Mammals. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I34; 323. – Post-Tertiary and Tertiary, in Massachusetts. W. Dodge) Am. J. Sci. I36: 56. – Supposed, from the Southern Highlands, Scotland. (Argyll) Nature, 39: 317. Fossil Birds in British Museum. Nature, 45; 33. Fossil Fishes of Mount Lebanon. Nature, 36: 132. Fossil Remains of an Arctic Flora in Central Sweden. Nature, 36: 21 I. Fossil Woods from the Western Territories of Canada. (W. Dawson) Nature, 36: 274. (W. Foster, Addison H., M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Co- nard) M. West. Hist. I3: 492. Fothergill, Charles George, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1443. Fothergill, Jessie. (Marg. B. Wright) Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 309. Foulon and Berthier, True History of. son) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 341. Found. (F. M. White) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 217. Foundation for City Hall, Kansas City. (S. E. Cham- berlain) Am. Arch. 30: 87. Foundations: Bearing Power of Soils. Am. Arch. 24: 207. — Building. (S. B. Gould) Murray, I : 363. — for Congressional Library, Cement for. (H. Flem- ing) Am. Arch. 23: 83. - (Sinclair & Babson) Am. Arch. 23: 83. — — Testing for. 59. – Stone Footing Courses. 24: 52. º Foundation-Stones of the Earth. (T. G. Bonney) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 652. Fouquet, Nicholas. (A. Iaugel) Nation, 52: 9. Four Days; a story. (V. Garshin) Poet-Lore, 3: 297. Four Days after the Battle. Un. Serv. M. '88, 2: 154. Four Days on the Deserted Battle-Field; a story. (V. Garshin) Cosmopol. 2: 279. Four Seasons. (C. Dawson) Belgra. 73: 224. Fourier's Law of Diffusion, Five Applications of. (W. Thomson) Nature, 38: 571. Fourierism in Wisconsin. (F. A. Flower) M. West. Hist. 5: 458. (E. P. Thomp- (Ira O. Baker) (J. L. Smithmeyer) Am. Arch. 23: (Ira O. Baker) Am. Arch. Fourteen to One. (E. S. Phelps) Cent. 4I: 3oo. Fowl in the Pot, The. (S. J. Weyman) Liv. Age, 180: 538 Fowler, Lorenzo Niles. Tinsley, 47: 193. Fowler, Sir Robert. Sat. R. 71 : 639. Fowls. (H. Weir) Eng. Illust. 5: 352. . Fox, Charles James, Wakeman's Life of. Ath. 'go, I : 605. Fox, The, and the Badger. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 807. — Naturalist’s Notes on the. Cornh. 57: 618. Foxcroft, Rev. Thomas, Marriages by, 1717–69. Titus) N. E. Reg. 42: 152, 250. (A. 159 FRANCE Foxhounds, Masters of. Fox Hunt in Vermont. Fox Hunts, Midwinter. 178. Fox Hunting, Hindrances to. Sat. R. 72: 556. – in Genesee Valley. (A. Willey) Outing, 17:44. — near the Metropolis. (C. S. Pelham-Clinton) Cos- mopol. 7: 81. — Reminiscences ºf Irish Sport. (T. Murphy) Outing, I9: I I 3. — Truth about. Chamb. J. 66: 157. Fra Angelico. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. Ig: 846. Fra Antonio ; a story. (D. Osborne) Cosmopol. 5: 151. Fragile : an Out-Door Sketch. (G. H. Boughton) Har- per, 78; 77. Fragment of a Life. 499. Fragment of a Play. Fragonard, Honoré. Sat. R. 67: 544. Fragrance, Fine Art of. 2O6. Francais, F. L. (R. Heath) Good Words, 3I: 606. France, Amatole. (W. L. Courtney) Macmil. 56: 422. — Thais. Atlan. 67: 414. France, Ancient, Last of. 49. — and American Independence, Doniol's. ell) Nation, 47: 360. — and the Armed Peace. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 487. — and Bavaria, the Palatinate, etc. Lebon's Instruc- tions to Ambassadors. (R. Lodge) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 792. — and the Confederate Navy, Bigelow's. (J. R. Soley) Nation, 47: 457. — and England during the Middle Ages, Comparative History of. (Q. V. Langlois) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 259. – and Germany, or 1806 vs. '70–71 — a Contrast. (G. B. Malleson) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 9, 147. — — — another Point of View. (W. H. James) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 537. — — Alliance of Amer. Ig: 415. – (A. Laugel) Na- tion, 50: 216. — — French Feeling. — and her Brave General. Outing, II: 42. (O. W. Hard) Outing, 17: 184. (W. W. Howard) Outing, II: (A. Endicott) Overland, n. s. 13: (M. T. Wright) Scrib. M. 9: 605. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 48. – (L. Bullock) National, 17: (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 7, (E. J. Low- (C. Pelletan) Forum, I2: 453. (W. T. Stead) Ecl. M. II3: IoS. — and her Neighbors. Blackw. I45: 372. — and Italy. (A. Gallenga) Contemp. 54: 587. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 227. – Contemp. 59: 777. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 323. — and Poland, Farges’ Instructions Given to Ambassa- dors. (R. Lodge) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 385. — and Religious Liberalism. (L. Gilard) Unita. R. 34: I 75. – and Russia. (A. Laugel) Nation, 45; 30. — — Alliance of. Ed. R. I.67: 140. — — since 1871. (M. Flourens) New R. I; 20I. — — in 1891. Sat. R. 72: 129. — Spec. 67: 213. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 53: 176. – and the United States, Land and Labor in. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I4: I. — — Relations of. (H. White) Nation, 51: 144. — Antichrist in. (B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 512. — Architectural Studies in. (R. Le Schonix) Antiq. n. s. 23: 61. — Armed Strength in 1889. Fortn. 52: 459. — Army of. (Gen. Lewal) Harper, 82; 653. — — Command of, and the General Staff. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 453. - — — Exhilaration of France. Spec. 67: 341. — — How Affected by Revolution of 1789. Ashbrook) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 39. — — in 1891. (Sir C. W. Dilke) Fortn. 56: 597. (B. (W. S. FRANCE France, Army of ; Interior Economy of Armies of Na- poleon. (E. S. May) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: III. — — Mobilization of, 1887. Spec. 60: 1174. —Sat. R. 64; 4. — — on a Peace Footing. 8: 3. – – Reorganization of. 7 : 533. — Arrested in, on Suspicion. (S. J. Weyman) Macmil. 55: I.99. — as it is and was. Liv. Age, I72; 46. Same art. Ecl. M. 108: 195. – Birth Rate in. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 52: 417. – Na- tion, 52: 457. — Chamber and President in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 46: 1 O. — Christian Schools in. I4: 577. — Church and State in. (R. R. Elliott) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 187. — (S. Byrne) Cath. World, 50: 8. — Churches of, Reformed, since their Reorganization in 1802. (N. Cyr) Unita. R. 31 : 518. — Colonial Policy of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 47: 409. — Colonial System of. (M. J. Pyke) Acad. 31: 22. — Constitution of. (A. Shaw) Chaut. Io: 185. — — Tinkering the. (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 351. – Contemporary Life and Thought in, 1887. (G. Monod) Contemp. 51: 434. 52: 428. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 220. — — — 1888. (G. Monod) Contemp. 53: 301, 902. 54: 897. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 655. I'78: 174. I79: 808. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 495. — Contemporary Philosophy in. N. Princ. 3: 137. — The Crisis in. (A. Gauvain) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 104. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 46: 483. — Debt of. Sat. R. 67: 42. — Decadence of Thought in. (Mme. J. Adam) Cosmopol. (Mme. J. Adam) Cosmopol. (B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. (Blaze de Bury) Fortn. 51: 395. Same art. Ecl. M. II2; 588. — Economic Centenary of. (A. Neymark) J. Statis. Soc. 52: 306. — Economic Movement in. (A. de Foville) Q. J. Econ. 4: 222. — Education in. (W. L. Montague) New Eng. M. n. s. 4: I 73. — Elections in, in 1889. (Lady Dilke) Fortn. 52: 334. — (Mme. Blaze de Bury) Blackw. I46: 724. — (G. Monod) Contemp. 56: 629. — (J. Reinach) New R. I: 377. —Sat. R. 68: 317, 341, 395, 548. — Electoral System of, in 1887. (Mne. Blaze de Bury) National, Io: 219. — Expulsion of Princes from. Pub. Opin. I : 230. — Finance of. Spec. 60: 39. — (S. Reinach) Nation, 44: 551. – Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 693, 771. — — in 1888. (Y. Guyot) Contemp. 54: 504. — Flanders, and Germany, My Jurny [sic] to, in 1739. Temp. Bar, 93: 547. — Foreign Policy of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 49: 127. — French Bishop on. Month, 69: 60. — Frontier of. All the Year, 69: 471. — Future of. (P. G. Hamerton) Contemp. 55; 495. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 269. — Genius of. (B. C. de Lisle) Westm. I34: 259. — Germany, and European Politics. (De Blowitz) Har- per, 83: 581. — Goblet Ministry. Sat. R. 63: 712. — Hare's Guides to. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 28: IOOI. g - — History of ; Hundred Years' War, Luce's. Ath. '90, I : 495. — — Revolution of 1789 and its Lessons. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 25: 838. — — — and the Roman Catholic Church. (B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 644. 160 FRANCE France; History; Revolution of 1789 and Science. (Miss B. Edwards) Argosy, 48: 200. — — — and War. (Sir G. Wolseley) Fortn. 51: 780. — — — Capture of Versailles. Scot. R. 15: 82. — — — Centenary of. Ed. R. 169: 519. —Spec. 62: 596. — (G. Smith) National, II: 729. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 466. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 602. — (H. Dunckley) Contemp. 55: 52. — (W. Clarke) N. Eng. M. m. s. I : 98. — — — — Exhibition of Relics. (E. Crawford) Con- temp. 57: 867. Same art. Ecl. M. I.15: 161. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 228. — — — Durler’s Account of the Defence of the Tui- leries, Aug. 10, 1792. (H. M. Stephens) Eng. Hist. Rev. 2: 350. — — — English Actors in. art. Liv. Age, I75; 387. — — — English Eyewitnesses of. Ed. R. I68: 139. Same art. Liv. Age, I'78: 707. — — — Englishmen in. Spec. 63: 308. — — — French Army in. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 176. — — — A French Protestant during. Etiemme) Liv. Age, I85: 102. — — — Freppel on. Spec. 62: 651. — — — Great Talkers of. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. s. 47: 478, 606. — — — In the Year of Terror. Macmil. 64: 439. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 619. Ed. R. 166: 445. same (R. Saint- — — — Lilly on. Spec. 63: 368. — (W. Pater) 19th Cent. 26: 992. — Ath '89, 2: 250. — — — MacCarthy’s History of. Ath. 'go, I : 700. — — — Madame de Stael, Gouverneur Morris and. Blackw. I45: 865. Same art. Ecl. M. I.13: I.21. — — — .Men and Women of. Lond. Q. 76: I. — — — Miles' Correspondence on. Ed. R. I73: 299. — — — Models from. (J. Morley) 19th Cent. 23: 468. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 700. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: Ios. — — — Moral Lessons of. I9 : 314. — — — New Lights on. Blackw. I45: 865. — — — News of, in America. (D. R. Dewey) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 84. — — — Personalia of. (R. Heath) Leis. Hour, 38: 615, 68I. — — — Principles of. Io8. — — — Prisons of Paris during. Sat. R. 68: 644. — — — Session of National Assembly, Aug. 4, 1789. Scot. R. I4; 31 I. — — — — in the Tennis Court, 1789. Scot. R. I3: 287. — — — Side-Lights on. Sat. R. v. 69. — — — Sorel’s Europe and French Revolution. Ed. R. 166: 185. — — — Stephens' History of. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 44: 166. 53: 430,450. – (C. L. Smith) Dial (Ch.) 7: 223. - — — — What it did. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. IOS: (F. Harrison) Fortn. 51: 757. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 145. — — in the 18th Century. (F. Rothschild) 19th Cent. 23: 589. — — Russo-French Alliance, 1807. Ed. R. I73: 563. — — Campaign of 1814. Temp. Bar. 79: 405. — — Monarchy of July, 1830, and its Lessons. Quar. I66: 439. — — 1869–77, Washburn's. Ath. '88, I: II.3. — — Franco-Prussian War, 1870–71 : After Sedan. (W. O'C. Morris) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 417. — — — Early Battles of, Franklyn's. 398. — — — Franco-German Frontier in its Military Aspects. Ath. ’87, 2: (O. Wachs) Contemp. 52: 88. FRANCE France; Hist. Franco-Prus. War; From Gravelotte to Sedan. (P. H. Sheridan) Scrib. M. 4: 515. — — — Some Lessons Taught by the. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 97. — — — Some Narrow Escapes in. Liv. Age, I72: 437. — — — Von Moltke's. (Sir A. Alison) Blackw. I50: 679. – (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 30: 1018. – (W. O'C. Morris) Acad. 40: 553. – Un. Serv. M. n. S. 4: 89, 185. — — — War Correspondent's Reminiscences of. (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 30: 185. — Home Life in. (P. Blouet) Cosmopol. 5: 122. – (P. G. Hamerton) Forum, II: 568. — in 14th Century, Private Life in. (A. M. F. Robin- son) Fortn. 55; 751. 56: 244. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 228. Igo; 37. Igi ; 25. — in June, 1789. Leis. Hour, 38: 402. — in 1789 and 1889. (F. Harrison) Forum, 9: I. – Quar. I69: 221. — in 1887. Fortn. 47: 161. — in 1890. (G. Monod) Contemp. 58; 19. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 387. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 62. — — Outlook in. How Republics are Made and Un- made. (W. H. Hurlbert) Fortn. 54: 885. 55; 347. — — — Hurlbert on. Sat. R. 69: 452. — Ath. '90, I: 459. — in 1891; Moderates and the Government. Spec. 67: 804. — Industrial Situation in. 53: I 16. — Institute of. See Paris. — Lebon and Pelet on. Spec. 61: 1411. — Literary Criticism in. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 52; 737. — Literary Life in. (J. Heard, jr.) Critic, I3: 309. — Local Government and County Councils in. (W. H. Waddington) 19th Cent. 23: 927. 24; 136. — Loose Legislation in. (R. Ogden) Nation, 52: IoS. — Military Condition of, in 1889. (Mme. J. Adam) Cosmopol. 7: 533. 8: 3. º — Military Frontier of. (A. H. Atteridge) National, 8: 840. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 33. — Modern, Taine's. (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 53: Ios. — Monarchical Spirit in. (P. G. Hamerton) Acad. 38: (D. MacG. Means) Nation, I. — Monarchists in, Ideas of. Spec. 67: 375. — Morals of. Meliora, I: 322. — Naval Policy of, Past and Future. fevre) 19th Cent. 30: 606. — Navy of. (Sir E. J. Reed) Harper, 74: 171. — — Manoeuvres of 1887. Chaut. I4: 192. — — Manoeuvres of 1891. Un. Serv. M. n.s. 4: 264. — on the Bright Side. Unita. R. 34: 515. — Peasant Properties in. (F. P. Verney) Liv. Age, 176: 195. - — Personal Property in, Value of. Statis. Soc. 52: 475. — Political Feeling in. I73. — Political Situation in, 1789–1889. (G. Monod) Con- temp. 55; 477. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 259. — Politics of, in 1887. (J. Reinach) 19th Cent. 21: 340. — — in 1888. Reign of the “Nouvelles Couches.” (F. Marshall) 19th Cent. 24; 465. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 469. — — — Vasilion. Spec. 62: 171. — — in 1891. (G. Monod) Contemp. 6o: 911. — Population of, Decline of. (G. de Molinari) J. Sta- tis. Soc. 50: 183. —Science, I7: 78. — Possible Decadence of. Spec. 61 : 597. — Prospects of Greater. (H. A. Perry) Macmil. 63: 46. – Provincial. Quar. I7I: 472. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 26. (G. Shaw Le- (A. Neymark) J. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 26: 161 FRANCISCANS France, Provincial, Traveling in. (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. I3: 633. — Public Opinion in. (L. Gilard) Unita. R. 36: 126. — A Republic un extrems. (W. H. Hurlbert) Fortn. 52: 633. — Religion in, Present State of. (T. Pryde) Theo. Mo. 4; 245. 5: 36. — Religious Movement in. (E. de Pressensé) Harper, 79: 534. — Republic of, The Pope and. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 52: I 57. — — Some Weak Spots in. (Theo. Stanton) Arena, 4: 561. - — — Stability of. (J. Simon) Forum, Io: 383. — — Success of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 272. — Rural. Ed. R. I.66: 277. — Rural Economy of. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 47: 55. — Rural Life, 14th Century. (A. M. F. Darmesteter) Fortn. 54: 738, 865. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 598. — Share of, in the Establishment of the United States, Doniol's History of. N. Princ. 5: 387. — Social Condition of, 1864. Meliora, 7: 293. — Social Life under the Directory. (A. H. Wharton) Lippinc. 43: 897. — Society and Democracy in. 25: 724. – Spiritual Decadence and Disenchantment of. W. H. Myers) 19th Cent. 23: 661. Liv. Age, I77: 602. – Spiritualisation of Thought in. Bury) Contemp. 6o: 637. — Technical Education in. 46: 502. — Tottering Government in. — Treaty-Making Power in. 330. — under M. Constans. Murray, 7: 739. – under Mazarin. (T. Bacon) N. Eng. 47: 420. — under the Old Regime. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 382. – versus Paris. 59.I. — Vine-Clad. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. II: 372. — Vital Statistics of. Q. J. Econ. 5: 96. — Working-Classes in. (W. Clarke) New Eng. M. n. S. I : 44 I. — Young's Travels in. Spec. 63: 520. —Sat. R. 68: 354. — (E. J. Lowell) Nation, 50: 77. Francesca's Revenge. (K. Lyttelton) Blackw. I5o: 179. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 470. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 721. Franchi, Ansonio. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. I5: (F. Marshall) 19th Cent. (F. Same art. (Mme. Blaze de (A. C. Brackett) Nation, Spec. 67: I 17. (A. Laugel) Nation, 53: (Mme. Blaze de Bury) Blackw. I44: 325. Francia. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 747. Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria; with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 96. - Francis, St., of Assisi, Life of. Lond. Q. 68: 25. —Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 515. – Lend a H. I; 277. — and the Renaissance. Church Q. 26: 34o. Francis de Sales, St. (E. Eu) Cath. World, 49: 252. — (H. B. Mackey) Dub. R. IOS: I. Francis Xavier, St. See Xavier. Francis, Francis. Acad. 31: 9. Francis, Frederick, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49 : 955. . Francis, Sir Philip. (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 87: 171. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 285. – (W. F. Rae) Ath. ’89, 2: 822. — Junius, and Chatham. 3: 233. - Franciscans, English, Chronology of the Provincial Min- isters of. (A. G. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 742. (T. Stephen) Eng. Hist. R. FRANCONIA Fanºia. N. H., June in. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 66: 24ö. Frank, Ernst. (C. V. Stanford) Murray, 7: 202. Frankfort Company, 1686, Articles of. Pennsyl. M. 15: 2O5. Franklin, Benj. Nature, 43: 39. – (W. Pepper) Ref. Q. 34: 413. — (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I6: 239. — American Statesman. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I2; 556. — Articles of Confederation by. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 48: 261. – as Junius Brutus. (E. E. Hale) Harv. Mo. 6: 91. – as a Man of Letters, McMaster's. (L. Swift) Na- tion, 46: 98. – Bibliography of, Ford's. Nation, 49: 459. — in France. (F. J. Turner) Dial (Ch.) 9: 204. — — Hale's. Ath. '87, 2: 77. — (J. B. McMaster) Atlan. 60: 318. — (F. J. Turner) Dial (Ch.) 8: 7. — (W. E. Foster) Nation, 44; 368. —Nation, 48: 102. — — Home of. (J. Bigelow) Cent. I3: 741. — in French Allegory. (C. H. Hart) Cent. Ig: 197. — McMaster's Life of. (W. H. Ray) Dial (Ch.) 8: 218. — Unpublished Letters to Strahan. min) Atlan. 61: 21. – Washington, and Lincoln. – Works of. Spec. 63: 149. — — Bigelow’s Edition, with a list of Editions. W. (Bost.) I8: 84. Franklin, Sir John. (W. O'C. Morris) Acad. 40: 149. — and the Northwest Passage. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. Iog: 266. Franklin, State of. (L. F. Bower) M. Am. Hist. 26: (S. G. W. Benja- Atlan. 64: 707. Lit. 4ö. Franklin and Marshall College. Ref. Q. 34: 41 I-547. — and the Old College Curriculum. (L. H. Steiner) Ref. Q. 34: 470. — Centennial of. (F. K. Levan) Ref. Q. 34; 248. — Founding of. (J. H. Dubbs) Ref. Q. 34: 489. — its Claims on the Church. (J. Keiffer) Ref. Q. 34: 450. Franks, A. W. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 167. Franzelin, John Baptist, Cardinal. Month, 60: 305. Franzos, K. E. For the Right. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 25: 615. – Spec. 61 : 514. Frascuelo, Bull-Fighter. Sat. R. 64: 81 o. Fraser, Arthur, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: I5 I. Fraser, A. Y. Acad. 38: 480. Fraser, James, Bishop of Manchester. Cong. R. I : 1120. — (G. Huntington) Temp. Bar, 82: 23. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 136. — (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I6: 447. —Lond. Q. 68: 234. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 428. — Blackw. I4I: 552. — (Wm. Sum- mers) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 463. — Ath. '87, I: 343. — (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 31: 21 1. – Sat. R. 63: 458. —Spec. 60: 462. Fraser, Major James. 22I. Fraser, Patrick Allan. Acad. 38: 278. Fraser Cañon. Overland, n. s. I4; 261. Fraud not Punishable. Sat. R. 71: 128. Frauds, Financial. (M. L. Meason) Ecl. M. Io9: 239. Fray Bento's Bell. (C. P. MacKie) Scrib. M. 8: 485. Frazer, William, Three Parishes of, in New Jersey, Ath. '89, I: 498. —Sat. R. 67: 1768–70. (H. Race) Pennsyl. M. 12: 212. Frazier's Farm, Charge of Kemper's Brigade at. So. Hist. Pap. 18: 391. Fréchette, L. H.; a Poet of French Canada. (P. T. Lafleur) Atlan. 64: 193. Frederick II. Roman Emperor, his Capture of the General Council of 1241. (G. C. Macaulay) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 1. 162 FREE Frederick I., King of Prussia. Waddington's History of his Acquisition of the Crown. (A. W. Ward) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 577. Frederick the Great. (W. O'C. Morris) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 599. 4: 59. – and German Literature. Nation, 46: 381, 406. – and Madame de Pompadour. (H. Tuttle) Atlan. 59: 99. - Tººle's History of. (A. R. Ropes) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 5ö2. Frederick William III. of Prussia, Anecdotes of. Leis. Hour, 37: 345. Frederick III., Emperor of Germany. (M. Müller) Contemp. 53: 469. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 2 3. – Liv. Age, 177: 234. — Sat. R. 65: 355, 457. — (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. 4: 497. – Spec. 60: 729. - Blackw, 45; 199.- (Karl Blind) Liv. Age, 177: 557. - (D. Macleod) Good Words, 29: 517. – and the New Germany. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 24: 669. - Diary of. (A. Forbes) Contemp. 54: 609. Same art. Eel. M. I.12: I. - (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 309. — Sat. R. 66: 365. - Fatal Illness of. (F. T. Lawrence) Tinsley, 41: 897. - Freytag's Reminiscences of. Quar. 171: 28. – My Recollections of. (E. H. Hudson) Lond. Soc. 54: 59 I. Frederick, King of Würtemburg, Recent Works on. (C. A. Fyffe) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 181. Fredericksburg, Battle of. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 262. -- and the Assault on Marye's Heights. (T. F. Galwey) Cath. World, 50: 367. - - First and Last. (M. D. Conway) M. Am. Hist. I7: 185, 449. - - hºut of. (W. C. Bartlett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 467. - Confederate Monument at. So. Hist. Pap. 18: 397. Free Church ; The Assembly of 1890. Cong. R. 4: 261. º Free Religion, Philosophy of. (R. H. Cotton) Unita. R. 33: 416. Free Religionist, Why am I a 2 (O. B. Frothingham) No. Am. I45: 8. - Why I am not a. (J. F. Clarke) No. Am. 145: 378. Free Religious Association, The. (O. B. Frothingham) Unita. R. 31: 385. Free Soil Idea in the U. S., Development of. (W. H. Eller) So. Hist. Pap. 17: 429. Freethinkers and the Clergy. (A. J. Harrison) Theo. Mo. I : 309. Freethinking, Latest Fashions in. Cath. World, 46: 21. Freethought, Ethic of, Pearson's. Ath. '88, 1:495. — Sat. R. 65: 542. —Spec. 61: 93. Free Trade. (W. G. Sumner) Chaut. 7: 541. – (A.T. Rice) No. Am. I47: 460. —Spec. 63: 608. – and Competition. (C. A. Cripps) National, Io: 341. – and Depressed Trade. (A. Williamson) Blackw. I4I : 491. – and the Economists. 72. – and Protection. (W. E. Gladstone and J. G. Blaine) No. Am. I50: 1. Same art. Our Day, 5: 104. — — Commercial Wars. Spec. 67: 876. — — Gladstone-Blaine Controversy. (R. Q. Mills) No. Am. I50: 145. - (J. S. Morrill) No. Am. 150: 281. — — in Australia. (G. H. D. Gossip) Fortn. 53: 841. — — Logic of. (A. Kitson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 48. -- Trade League against England. (L. J. Jennings) Ecl. M. 116: 173. - — — Trouble before America. (W. Moffatt) Ecl. M. II 7: 131. – and Tariff Reform. Our Day, 1: 95. (A. F. Marshall) (C. A. Cripps) National, 11: FREE Free Trade; Cobden's Dream. (H. R. Farquharson) National, Io; 7o. — Cripps vs. (Earl Pembroke) National, II: 268. — — Reply to Earl of Pembroke. (C. A. Cripps) Na- tional, II: 373. — Does it Increase Wealth 2 (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 16: 296. — Effect of, on Pacific Coast Industries. (M. M. Estee) Am. M. 8: 685. — Federation and. Westm. I36: 113. — How to Revive British Industries without Taxing Food. (G. Holloway) National, Io: 779. — in Capital, Hake and Wesslau on. Ath. '90, I : 303. — Irish Opinions on. (J. Devoy and others) No. Am. I47: 281. — The New York Reform Club. (E. N.Vallandigham) Westm. I36: 609. — Prospects of Fair Trade. tional, Io: 831. — Struggle for, in the United States. (T. G. Shearman) Westm. I28: 829. —- versus Fair Trade. Westm. I29: 214. Free-Will Offering, A.; a story. All the Year, 48: 2O4. Freedom. (F. W. Cornish) Macmil. 58: 421. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 757. (Viscount Ebrington) Na- — and Law. (L. White) Meth. Q. 48: 389. — Religious, American Idea of. (E. W. Gerhart) Ref. Q. 34: 57. — Scientific, in the Roman Catholic Church. Cath. World, 47: 225. Freight ; in a Goods Yard. All the Year, 69: 439. Freight-Car Service. (T. Voorhees) Scrib. M. 5: 568. Freeman, Abraham C., with portrait. Green Bag, 2: I45. Freeman, E. A. Historical Lectures. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 353. Freeman, Jason E. (Aspen Col.). West. Hist. II: 625. Freemasonry and the Roman Church. genn) Church R. 55: I.28, 149. — Library of, Cedar Rapids, Ia. M. Am. Hist. 22: 371. Freezing, Artificial. (B. H. Paul) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 67. — for Excavation. (Chas. Sooysmith) Am. Arch. 21 : (A. N. Towne) M. (E. J. W. Hui- (Lydia J. Lanphere) 93. — of Aérated Water. (G. Man) Nature, 35: 325. — Physiology of. (Dr. von Nussbaum) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I : 681. Freezing Process in Mining Operations. Science, I5: I42. Frémiet, Emmanuel. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 31– 32. – (R. A. M. Stephenson) Art J. 43: 129. Frémont, Jessie B. Souvenirs of my Time. Atlan. 6o: I33. – Nation, 44; 216. Frémont, Gen. J. C. (J. Royce) Atlan. 66: Edwards) Chaut. I2: 60. – Explorations of, Origin of the. (J. B. Frémont) Cent. Ig: 766. — — Résumé of. Cent. Ig: 759. — Fourth Expedition, Personal Narrative of the Terrible Experiences of. (M. McGehee) Cent. 19: 771. — on the Conquest of California. (J. Bidwell) Cent. Ig: 518. - — Place of, in California. History. (W. B. Farwell) Overland, m. s. I6: 519, 575. – Who was the Pathfinder? (H. L. Wells) Overland, n. s. I6: 242. Frémont Legend, The. French, Lieut. William, and his Descendants. French) N. E. Reg. 44; 367. French, The ; Are they Capable of Self-Government? (F. I. Vassault) Overland, m. s. I4: 521. 548. – (A. (J. Royce) Nation, 52: 423. (J. M. 163 FRENCH French and English. (M. Betham-Edwards) Fortn. 56: 701. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 791. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 693. – (P. G. Hamerton) Atlan. 59: 32, 668. 6o: 593, 766. — — Hamerton's. Atlan. 65: 135.- Blackw. I46: 269. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 765. —Spec. 63: 246. — in Germany. (F. H. Geffcken) 19th Cent. 26: 294. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 605. — in the United States. (F. P. de Gournay) Chaut. I3: 48. French Academy. See Académie Française. French Academy of Painting. (Lady Dilke) Ecl. M. Io8: 70. O French Agriculture: a Typical French Farm. Q. J. Econ. 3: 208. French Ana, Some. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 42: I61. French Army Officers. (O. Waldau) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 568. French Authoſºnd Actors. (C. Coquelin) Harper, 76: 679. French Canadians, Holidays of the. Am. Hist. 20: 461. French-Canadian Peasantry. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. (P. Bender) M. 24; 365. French County Councils a Century ago. (M. Domvile) New R. 5: 319. - French Drama; French Stage—as it is. (K. Venning) Theatre, Ig: I. French Economists. French Exiles of 1790. I4O. French Fiction, Idealism in Recent. Bury) Fortn. 53: 552. French Fleet at Aboukir Bay, The Sunken. (H. G. Fitzgerald) Blackw. I43: 805. French Horses and the Grand Prix. pol. 7: 405. French Hypocrisy. New R. 5: 266. French Institutions, Violet's History of. Fisher) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 165. See Political Economy in France. (T. E. Bridgett) Dub. R. Ioo: (Mme. Blaze de (E. King) Cosmo- (H. A. L. French Janet; a story. Cornh. 58: 225–561. 59: 89– 3I 5. - French Journalism, 1852–88. (Blaze de Bury) Eel. M. III: 836. French Rings and their Dinners. All the Year, 67: 462. French Language and German as Substitutes for Greek. (E. G. Coy) Acad, (Syr.) 5: 399. — — Study of. (C. Stickney) Educa. II: 364. — Cotgrave's Dictionary of, 1611. Cath. World, 49: 599. — Godefroy's Old-French Dictionary. (P. Toynbee) Acad. 39: 350, 469, 518. 40: 17. — in High Schools, Educational Value of Study of. (A. N. Van Daell) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 164. — Preparatory. (M. W. Easton) Acad. (Syr.) 4: Io. — Teaching. (A. C. Brackett) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 337. French Literary Ana. All the Year, 62: 465. º French Literature and English Literature, Contrasts of. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 63: 330. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 150. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 590. – Decadence of French Thought. (Mme. Blaze de Bury) Fortn. 51: 395. – During Elizabethan Period, Tendencies of. (M. W. Easton) Poet-Lore, I: 158. — Esprit Lacking in Current. (A. Tilley) National, 8: 796. — Huret's Interviews with French Authors on each other. (E. Delille) 19th Cent. 30: 783. — in 1886–7. (G. Sarrazin) Ath. '87, 2: 8. — in 1887–8. (J. Levallois) Ath. '88, 2: 9. — in 1888–9. (J. Reinach) Ath. '89, 2: Io. FRENCH French Literature in 1889–90. 2 : 9. – in 1890–1. (J. Reinach) Ath. '91, 2: 12. - Influence of Spanish Literature on. (W. R. Sims) Meth. R. 50: 730. — The “Interviewer’’ abroad. 56: 719. — Memoirs and Chronicles of. Meliora, 2: 117. — Recent. (W. Price) Chaut. 8: 397. French Littérateurs; “ Chez Pousset.” Fortn. 55; 69. French Lycée, Curriculum of a. (W. H. Fraser) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 13. Frenchman, Modern, Philosophy of a. (R.W. Herrick) Harv. Mo. Io: 152. French Marriage, A ; a story. 4: 53. French Newspapers, Fallacies of. (A. Otway) 19th Cent. 2I: 719. French Novel, The Modern. Quar. 17dº 287. French Novelists. Blackw. I4I : 683. French Novels; are they Faithful to Life? (J. Adam) No. Am. I53: 536. – Realism and Decadence in. (J. Reinach) Ath. '90, (E. Dowden) Fortn. (E. Delille) (L. Halévy) Cosmopol. Quar. I7I: 57. — Recent. Atlan. 66: 273. – Some Sound. (Mme. Blaze de Bury) National, 13: ISI. French Painters, Some Modern. (T. Child) Harper, 8o: 817. French Penal Colonies. (A. Griffiths) 19th Cent. 21: 825. Meliora, 2: 325. (E. L. Linton) Ecl. M. III: French Poetry, Lyrical. French Political Women. 243. French Princes, Exiled. (R. Droch) Cosmopol. I: 381. French Pºtanism under Henry II., Chambre Ar- dente "and. (H. M. Baird) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 4OO. French Protestants, Activities of. (J. C. Bracq) And. R. I.4: 83. French Provincial Spirit. (W. C. Brownell) N. Prine. 5 : 323. French Refugee Priests in England. Month, 59: 192, 403. —(F. G. Lee) National, I2: 350. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 630. French Salons. See Salons, French. French Schoolboy, The. (Mme. Blaze de Bury) Mur- ray, 8: 831. French School-Girls. (A. Ströbel) National, 18: 201. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 753 French Society Ninety Years ago. Temp. Bar. 8o: 464. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 723. Same art. Eel. M. Io9: 486. French Spoliation Claims. (Wm. Everett) Atlan. 67: 258. French Stage, Beauty on the. (E. Mahé) Cosmopol. Io: 515. — in the 18th Century. Theatre, 21 : 18. French Státesmen. Liv. Age, I89: 340, 680. French-Swiss Frontier. Cornh. 63: 587. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: I57. French Tràits. (W. C. Brownell) Scrib. M. v. 2–5. – Brownell's. Ath. '89, 2: 277. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 379. Frenchwoman in London, A. Lond. Soc. 53: 489. — of the Century. Westm. I28: 940. French Women. (J. Simon) Ecl. M. II2: 156. — Four. Gent. M. m. s. 46: 539. Frendraught, Burning of. (C. Rampini) Scot. R. Io: I43. Freneau, Philip, and Washington. (E. E. Hale) Critic, I3: 49. - - 164 FROM Frere, J. H. (G. B. Smith) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 30. Frescoes, Cleaning. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 22: 48. Fresco-Painting as Mural Decoration. (J. B. Atkinson) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 194. Fresh-Air Children: “Our Country Weekers.” (M. R. F. Gilman) Lend a H. 2: 578. Fresh Air Fund, The. (S. K. Hutton) Sunday M. 16: 763. – Story of the. (W. Parsons) Scrib. M. g.: 515. Fresh-Water Romance, A. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. IO: 774. Fresno, Among the Irrigators of. Overland, n. s. 9: 621. Freytag, Gustav. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 470. — Writings of. (C. Alberti) National, Io: 80. Friars, Coming of the, Jessop's. Ath. '89, I: 176. Friar-Preachers. (F. R. Palmer) Reliquary, v. 27–29. Friction. (H. S. Hele-Shaw) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 1191– 1284. – Internal, of Engines. Inst. I26: 370. Friend Olivia. (A. E. Barr) Cent. I7: 62-811. 18:34– 844. Friends, How to Make and Retain. Chaut. II: 334. - — of God. (M. Arnold) 19th Cent. 21: 499. Friends' Boarding School, Providence, R. I. Meader) N. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 43. Friendly Islands. e. (C. Trotter) Blackw. I48: 741. Friendly Rivalry. (J. Sully) Harper, 7.9: 99. Friendly Societies. Blackw. I47: 331. – Quar. I66: 377. — and their Funds. Nature, 39: 332. Friendship, Genius for. Atlan. 68: 432. Friendships, Broken. Meliora, 9: 29. – Holiday. Chamb. J. 64: 753. Friesic Language. Sat. R. 64: 529. Friesland, Legends of. Blackw. I44: 49. Frieze, Henry S. (F. W. Kelsey) Nation, 50: 8. Frieze, Pergamene. (L. R. Farnell) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 3OI. 4: 122. 6: I O2. Friskney and its Wildfowl. (C. Dixon) I leis. Hour, 38: 669. Frith, William Powell. Temp. Bar, 82: 65. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 292. — Spec. 61: 237. — Autobiography. Lond. Q. 69: 342. – Westm. I28: II oo. — Ath. '87, 2: 529. — Sat. R. 64: 631. Fritz. (F. Wynne) Irish Mo. Ig: 27. Frivolous People, Are we a 2 (R. J. Burdette) Forum, 9 : 719. Froebel, Julius. Nation, 52: I66. Frog and his Relations. (C. Brand) Longm. I3: 61. Frogs, Notes on the Breeding Habits and Embryology (G. E. Freeman) (R. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. (C. H. Thomas) (W. S. of. (T. H. Morgan) Am. Natural. 25: 753. Frogmore House; a story. (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: 167. (H. Kynaston) Eng. Illust. 8: 201. (S. P. McL. Frogmousiad, The. From a Battlement of Roses; a story. Greene) Harper, 81: 513. From Bars to Stars; a story. (Phila.) 2: 52–389. From a Country Parsonage. Liv. Age, Igo: 545. From Conviction ; a story. All the Year, 64: 493. From a Diary of 1806. Cornh. 55: 542. From Four to Six; a comedietta. (A. E. Trumbull) Scrib. M. 6: 121. From Generation to Generation. (L. C. Wyman) Atlan. 64; 164. From her High Estate ; a story. All the Year, 59: 564, 583. 60; I4. From Moor Isles. (Jessie Fothergill) Temp. Bar, v. 82–84. From my Letter-Box. (P. Blouet) Lippino. 4I: 391. (E. L. Keyes) Un. Serv. FROM From out the Pines; a story. (B. Herdan) Am. M. 8: . 227. From “The Point ’’ to the Plains; a story. King) Cosmopol. 7: 613. From the Ranks. (C. King) Lippinc. 4o: 763. From a Simian Point of View. (H. K. Horsfield) Na- tional, I8: 227. From a Window in Florence. Bar, 8.5: 261. (Capt. C. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Front Yard. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 78: 119. Frontiers and Protectorates. (A. Lyall) Ecl. M. II.7: 433. Unita. R. 32: 251. (A. Ebermeyer) Overland, Frontier Conditions. Frontier Life in the Army. m. S. I3: 277. Frontier Types. Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, Letters of. and L. D.) Atlan. 62: 450. Frost, Gen. Daniel M. M. West. Hist. II: 267. Frost, The First. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I4: 361. — Great, in England, 1891. Dub. R. Io9: 413. — — of 1890–1, Incidents of. Leis. Hour, 40: 338. Frost Fishing with a Shotgun. (E. Wakefield) Outing, I5: 308. Frothingham, O. B. Recollections and Impressions, 1822–90. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 53: I47. Froude, J. A., and Marx. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: I 29. — Historical Methods of, Some Illustrations of. H. Hall) Bib. Sac. 45: 425. — Two Chiefs of Dunboy. Blackw. I45: 809. – (A. Webb) Nation, 48: 403. — Sat. R. 67: 474. Frozen Pirate ; a story. (W. C. Russell) Belgra. 63: I-385. 64: I-292. Fruits, Common, Cultivation of. Soc. Arts, 25: I.46. — Hardy, Cultivation of. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. I4: 831. (H. W. Preston (A. (G. C. T. Bartley) J. (S. Hibberd) J. Soc. Arts, 24; 198. — of India. (G. Bonavia) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 941, 953. — Oriental. Sat. R. 7 I : 379. Fruit out of Season; a story. (E. F. Byrrne) Belgra. 72: 156. Fruit Auctions in Covent Garden. All the Year, 64: 281. Fruit Canning Industry, The. (C. S. Greene) Over- land, n. s. 18; 356. Fruit Culture for Profit in England. Arts, 37: 479. — in California, Profits of. II: 662. — in Florida. (A. Montefiore) Macmil. 64; 349. Fruit-Growing. All the Year, 64: 66. — Chamb. J. 67: 614. — in Worcestershire. (C. Parkinson) National, 16: 383. — Revival of, in England. 24: 879. Fruit-Growing Folly. (A. J. Mott) National, 12: 751. Fruit-Growing Myth, The. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. s. 42} 499. Fruit Region, A. (J. Burns) Overland, n. s. 12: 1. Fry, Gen. Burkett, Davenport. (R. A. Brock) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 286. Fuel, Domestic, Economy of. (D. Galton) J. Soc. Arts, 2I: 367. — Liquid. (W. Paul) J. Soc. (L. A. Sheldom) Forum, (F. A. Morgan) 19th Cent. (B. H. Paul) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 4oo. — World's Supply of. (W. J. McGee) Forum, 7: 553. Fuel, Oil. (C. B. Dudley) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 81. Fuels, Fluid. (F. Abel) Science, 16: 157. k Fuji-San [Fusiyama], Ascent of. (M. L. Todd) Na- tion, 45; 291. Fulfilment or Coincidence? Chamb. J. 65: 446. 165 Fulham, Ord. All the Year, 63: 367. FUTURE Fuller, George. (S. Dickinson) Bay State Mo. I : 367. Fuller, Melville W., with portrait. Green Bag, I : I. – Appointment as Chief Justice. Pub. Opin. 5: 79. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Church Q. 30: 182. – (E. Bowles) Dub. R. Io9: 311. – (B. P. Belloc) Irish Mo. 16: 68o. – Craven's Life of. Ath. '88, 2: 152. — Spec. 61: IOO2. Fullerton, William, with portrait. West. Hist. I2: 352. Fulton, Robert. “Fulton Night' with the Engineers. (J. F. Holloway) Engin. M. 2: 304. – in Love. Atlan. 68: 285. Functions, Theory of, Schwarz on. ture, 43: 321, 349. Functionless Organs. (Duke of Argyll and others) Nature, 38: 341, 364, 387, 4 II, 539, 588, 615. 39: 7. Fundamental Principles, Necessity of recurring to. (F. A. Beecher) M. Am. Hist. 26: 50. Fundy, Bay of, Surface Fauna of, and Floating Marine Life. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 22: 601. Funerals, Alpine. Sat. R. 65: 529. Funeral Customs, Our Barbarous. 5: 666. Funeral March of Chopin, Words for. Cornh. 59: 47. Funerary Architecture. (P. Benonville) Am. Arch. 27: 99–147. Fungi. (T. Unsworth) Month, 66: 223. – Attractive Characters in. Nature, 43: 57–393. — British. Sat. R. 63: 488. - — De Bray’s. Ath. '87, 2: 184. — Microscopic Forms of. (T. H. McBride) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 35o. – Toadstools and Mushrooms. Sci. Mo. 35: 187. Fungous Diseases of Plants. Science, I4: 361. Fungus, Potato. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. I4: 135. — Travels and Life-History of a. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. (G. W. Travers) M. (O. Henrici) Na- (J. Snyder) Forum, (T. H. McBride) Pop. I4: IOZ. Fur Bearers and Fur Wearers. (A. L. Belden) Cos- mopol. 8: 177. Furbish, Henry H., with portrait. Granite Mo. I2: I29, I45. Furlong, Thomas. Irish Mo. I6: 421. Furnaces, Downward-Draught. (C. A. Lozano and H. F. T. Erben) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 375, 423. Furness, W. H., Reminiscences of. Lippinc. 4I: I 19. Furniture and Carving. (J. H. Pollen) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 949-983. — and Decoration ; Havard’s “Dictionnaire.” Am. Arch. 30: 198. — — of Town Houses. (R. W. Edis) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 821–885. — Color of. Am. Arch. 23: 245. Furniture Exhibition, Antwerp, 1887. Am. Arch. 22: 136. Further Records of a Family in Spanishtown. (M. L. Pool) Overland, m. s. I5: 347. Fuseli, Henry. (J. E. Hodgson and Fred. A. Eaton) Art J. 43: 340. Fusion or Diffusion ? (J. D. Holms) Westm. I33: 605. Fussell, William Samuel, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1663. Fustel de Coulanges. Numa Denis. Ath. '89, 2: 388. — (H. A. L. Fisher) Eng. Hist. R. 5: I. Future Life, The. (F. Thorne) Theo. Mo. 4; 340. — Ancient Beliefs in. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 3o: 658. Same art. Eel. M. II.7: 701. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: I 15. — — Reply to Gladstone. 30: 95 I. — Egyptian Doctrine of. 33. (T. K. Cheyne) 19th Cent (L. G. James) Unita. R. 29 .s." FUTURE 166 GAME Future Life in the light of Recent Psychological In- vestigations. (F. W. H. Myers) 19th Cent. 29: 628. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 736. - Is there a 2 (A. B. Richmond) Arena, 1: 464. – Nature of. (M. Goodrich) Univ. Q. 48: 342. - Tennyson's Philosophy of. (J. W. White) Bapt. R. I2: 158. Future Punishment. (G. T. Knight) Univ. Q. 44; 469. — (S. Pearson) Cong. R. I : 890. — (I. C. Knowl- ton) Univ. Q. 45: 78. – (C. F. Lee) Univ. Q. 46: 412. – (A. W. Lonnegren) Univ. Q. 46: 255. 47: I6. – and Recent Exegesis. (W. A. Stevens) Bib. Sac. 46: 123. - Eternal, Reasonableness of. (G. Anderson) Bapt. R. 9: 468. Future Retribution. Church Q. 26: 363. – Row on. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 8: 652. — (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 605. — Spec. 60: 960, Io21. Future State; Revelations of the After-World. (H. I. D. Ryder) 19th Cent. 21: 286. Fylingdales, Yorkshire. (E. Sellers) Eng. Illust. 8: 446. “G. T. C. R. R.,” The. (N. H. Castle) Overland, n. S. I.4: 29O. Gables. (S. B. Gould) Murray, I : 513. Gaboon River, Commerce of. (R. B. N. Walker) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 585. Gabrielle's Mother; a story. All the Year, 67: 495. Gadarenes, The Keepers of the Herd of Swine in the Country of. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 28: 967. — and the Swine-Miracle; Answer to Huxley. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 29: 339. — — Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's Controversial Method. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 29: 455. Gaddi, Gaddo, and Taddeo. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 37: 669. Gade, Niels. Ath. 'go, 2: 897. Gaelic Historical Songs. Scot. R. I8: 301. Gaelic Language in Scotland. (J. Rhys) Scot. R. I7: 32. Gaelic Words, Traces of Paganism in. (R. Munroe) Antiq. m. s. I5: I. Gafol. See Land–Gavel. Gaimar, Geoffrey, Chronicle of. Ath. '89, 2: 517. Gain of Earth; a story. (B. Gardiner) Belgra. 69: 197. Gainsborough, Thomas. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 4I: 292. Gairdner, Charles, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47 : 435. Gairlock. Sat. R. 63: 88o. Gaiseric, Odovakar, Theodoric. (F. W. Farrar) Sun- day M. 18: 554. - Galápagos Archipelago. Leis. Hour, 36: Iog. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 7oo. – Origin of. (G. Baur) Am. Natural. 25: 217, 307. Galbraith, James A. Acad. 38: 364. Galeren, Roman de. (G. H. Maynadier) Harv. Mo. Io: 182. Galiani, Abbé. (E. L. Linton) Fortn. 50: 347. Galicia, Peasant Women of. (P. Sylvester) National, I2: 224. - Galilee, Round about. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. I5: 413. — Sea of. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. I3: 171. — (L. Oliphant) Eng. Illust. 5: 143. — (H. A. Harper) Sunday M. I7: 312. Galileo and his Judges. Dub. R. IOA: 460. — — Wegg-Prosser's. Ath. '89, I: 595. — and Papal Infallibility. Church Q. 25: 338. Gallaudet, T. H., Life of, by his Son. Lit. W. (Bost.) I9: 84. Gallegher. (R. H. Davis) Scrib. M. 8: 156. Gallinger, Jacob H. (J. N. McClintock) Granite Mo. I3: 2O5. Galloway, Topography of. Sat. R. 65: 358. Gallows Tree on Hampstead Heath. Chamb. J. 65: 2I3. - Galls. (G. J. Romanes and others) Nature, 41: 80, 130, I74. Galvanic Batteries. (H. Highton) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 62. Galvanometer used with the Thermopile. (E. Merritt) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 417. Galvanometers, Mirror, Reading. (R. W. Willson) Am. J. Sci. I36: 50. Galveston Harbor, Problem of. (L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 275. Galway, The Claddagh of. (M. Banim) Cath. World, 44; 798. Gamain, François, the Locksmith of Louis XVI. Cornh. 56: 659. — Sat. R. 69: 316. Gambetta, Léon. Philosophy of Life. Spee. 63: 41. Gambetta Monument, Aubé's. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 26: 167. - Gambia Region, Ethnology of. Nature, 42: 256. Gamblers, Female. All the Year, 64: 81. Gambling. Quar. I68: 136. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 771. – Sat. R. 69: II, 44, 107, 134. — (E. E. Hale) Cosmopol. II: 761. – Sat. R. 71: 414. 72: 11. — and Betting. (H. P. Hughes) Sunday M. 20: 533. — and Burgling. All the Year, 65: 546. — and Deception in England, in relation to the Prince of Wales. And. R. 16: 68. — and Gambling Laws, Modern. (G. H. Stutfield) 19th Cent. 4: 840. – and the Law. (Sir J. F. Stephen) 19th Cent. 30: 1. — Betting, Gambling, and my Critics. (W. C. Magee) Fortn. 52: 754. – Card-Sharping in Paris. (E. Delille) Fortm. 56: 37. — The De Aleatoribus, ed. by Harmack. (C. Merk) Acad. 36: 422. — Ethics of. (W. D. Mackenzie) Contemp. 6o: 220. — (J. Sharpe) Theo. Mo. 4: 388. — Growth of. Spec. 61: 1386. – History of. (E. B. Rowlands) Westm. I35: 648. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 195. – in High Life. (A. Badeau) Cosmopol. II: 493. — Increase of, and its Forms. (W. B. Curtis) Forum, I2: 281. - : – Is it on the Increase ? Spec. 66: 235. – Is it Wrong 2 (W. Moore-Ede) Sunday M. 18: 334. — Laws against. Sat. R. 7I: 348. – Strange Chances. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 276. – Systems of. Knowl. Io: 29. — (N. Young) National, I of: 449. – What is ? To-Day, 9: 39. Gambling-Clubs. Spec. 62: 675. Gambling Instinct. Spec. 60: 286. Gambling Sharps and their Tools. (C. Bissell) Cos- mopol. Io: 457. - Game and Game Laws of India. Quar. If 7: 88. — Big, American. (R. B. Marcy) Outing, v. 9–12. — (A. Rogers) Scrib. M. 80: 443. — of the Northwest. (S. C. Robertson) Outing, 9: 302. — Preserving, for Profit. Sat. R. 72: 243. — — in Germany. (F. H. Mason) Science, 17: 225. — — in Louisiana. Outing, 9: 532. — — in the United States. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 58: 364. — Sat. R. 69: 39. — Protection of. (A. C. Collins) Outing, I5: 203. Game Animals, of North America. (F. Satterthwaite) Harper, 78: 873. Gamekeepers. Sat. R. 65: 408. — Workers in Woodcraft. (J. Watson) National, 17: 91. Game of Quits; a story. (W. J. Lacey) Belgra. 65:65. GAME Chamb. J. 66: 778. (E. G. Parry) National, I4: Game of War, Chinese. Games at Public Schools. 383. — Card and Table. Sat. R. 71 : 54. — Historic, of Old Canada. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 26: 367. — Pavement. Sat. R. 65: 786. — School Plays and. (A. Hibbert) Antiq. m. s. I5: 52. Gaming, Curiosities of. Cornh. 63: 75. Gammidge's Ghost. Chamb. J. 67: 396–409. Ganglion Cells, Effects of Stimulating. (C. F. Hodge) Am. J. Psychol. I: 479. Ganoidei Chondrostei Fishes. (N. Zograff) Nature, 37; 7O. Gape Worms of Fowls. (J. DeG. Walsingham) Nature, 38: 324. Garbage, Cremation of. Science, I2: 265. — Destruction of. (H. H. White) Am. Arch. 21 : 197. Garcia Moreno, G. Sat. R. 63: 886. Garda Lake. (E. M. Cesaresco) Portfo. 22: 149, 169, 184. Garden of the Gods, The. 592. Garden, 16th Century. (F. Cohn) Chaut. II: 576. — A Suburban. (J. E. Hodgson) Eng. Illust. 6: 511. — Wild. (W. H. Gibson) Harper, 81: 622. Gardens. (Sir H. Maxwell) 19th Cent. 30: 903. – (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. 20: 231. — and Grounds. (R. T. Blomfield) Fºng. Illust. 9: 225. — Chat about. (L. de La Ramé) No. Am. I5o: 733. — Early English. (May Crommelin) Lond. Soc. 55: 59 I. — Economic, for Smoky Towns. (W. M. Williams) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 376. — Some Old. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 22: 106. Garden Farming. Quar. I66: 407. Garden Memories. (J. Ross) Temp. Bar, 83: 509. Gardener, Confessions of a. Macmil. 58: 277. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 563. Gardening, On. (R. F. Murray) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 132. — Window. (H. L. T. Wolcott) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 46. Gardner, Helen. Is this your Son, my Lord? (M. D. Conway and others) Arena, 3: 228. Garfield, J. A.; Experience as a Lawyer. field) No. Am. I44: 565. — Personal Expenses of. (J. A. Garfield) No. Am. I45: 40. — Public Life. (J. A. Garfield) No. Am. I44: 451. Garfield Memorial in Lake View Cemetery at Cleve- land. Am. Arch. 28: 2OI. Gargara, Lamponia, and Pionia. (J. T. Clarke) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 291. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. (K. Blind) Contemp. 53: 372. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 793. — Ath. '89, I: 625. — Sat. R. 67: 640. — (J. W. Mario) Nation, 46: 97. (C. F. Holder) Chaut. 7: (J. A. Gar- — (L. Monti) Nation, 49: 37. – Spec. 63: 17. — Atlan. 62: 482, 758. — and Gordon. Lond. Q. 7o: 291. — in Caprera. (M. L. Griffin) Irish Mo. 16: 169. Garland, Hamlin. (C. E. Hurd ; J. E. Chamberlin) Writer, 5: 207. Garner, Margaret. M. m. s. 5: 476. Garnet, Henry, Father, 1555–1606. Sat. R. 63: 477. — and the Gunpowder Plot. (J. H. Pollen) Month, 61: 305. 63: 58. w — Arrest and Examination of. (J. H. Pollen) Month, 63: 382. — Trial and Execution of. (J. H. Pollen) Month, 64; 41. Garnier, Thomas. Ath. '89, 2: 486. Garonne, The, From the Thames to. All the Year, 63: 76. - Garrett, Edward. See Mayo, Mrs. I. F. (L. B. Chace Wyman) New Eng. 167 GAS Garrick, David, and his Fellow-Actors. (J. F. Molloy) Eng. Illust. 5: 189. — and the Shakspere Revival. Temp. Bar, 86: 496. Garrison, Daniel R., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 2IO. Garrison, William Lloyd. Ath. '89, 2: 445. – Nation, 49; 293. – (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 32: 506. — Atlan. 64; 841. — Life. Vols. 3, 4. (S. Willard) Dial (Ch.) Io: 275. — A Moral Crusader. (G. Smith) Macmil. 62: 18. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 850. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 625. Garrisons in the West Regiment of Middlesex. (I.W. Hammond) N. E. Reg. 43: 370. Garrison Belle, A.; a story. (E. L. Keyes) Un. Serv. ' (Phila.) I : 139, 280. Garrison Life in Canada Forty Years ago. M. '88, 1: 327. Garrison Romance, A. (Leith Adams) All the Year, 68: 403–614. 69: 19. Garter, Order of the. Chamb. J. 68: 753. Garter-Kings-at-Arms. (J. A. Porter) Antiq. m. s. 16: 5, 54, IO7. - Gary, George. M. West. Hist. Io: 728. Gas, Coal, Use of. (H. Dixon) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 131– 165. – Heating, New Method of Producing. (S. W. Davies) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 444. - Illuminating. (Prof. Lewes) Nature, 43: 233, 257, 282. — — Manufacture of. (J. D. Weeks) Chaut, 8: 164. — (T. Wills) J. Soc. Arts, 21 : 519. – Natural. Chamb. J. 68: 38. —Science, 9: 39, 250. — — Chemical Composition of. (F. C. Phillips) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 241, 358. — — Curiosities of. (J. F. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 821. — — Origin of Rock Pressure of. Sci. I39: 225. — — Reminiscences of. (A. R. Baker) M. West. Hist. Un. Serv. (E. Orton) Am. J. 8: 454. — — Sources of. (W. Topley) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 421. — — Story of. (J. D. Weeks) Chaut. 7: 594. — — Supply of. (N. S. Shaler) Forum, 3: 305. Chamb. J. 65: 447. (J. E. — — Wells of Pittsburg, Pa. – Production and Use of, for Heat and Power. Dowson) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 388. — under Pressure, Combustion of. (R. W. Wood, jr.) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 477. Gases, Compressibility of. (E. H. Amagat) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 196. — Condensation of. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 36: Ioš. — Rock. (N. S. Shaler) Arena, I: 631. — Viscosity of. (C. Barns) Am. J. Sci. I35: 407. Gas-Burner, Welsbach's Incandescent. Am. Arch. 21: I29, 215. Gas Burners. (W. Sugg) J. Soc. Arts, 30: IoI5. — Siemens’. Nature, 37: 136. Gas-Engine, Otto, Test of. (E. Kidwell and E. R. Keller) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: II.5. Gas-Engines. J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 409. Gas Fields and Oil Fields of the U. S. Soc. Arts, 33: 771. Gas Fuel, Production and Distribution of. son) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 424. Gas Industry of Great Britain. (T. Newbigging) Scot. R. 9: 297. Gas-Lamp, Regenerative. Nature, 4o: 82. Gas Lighting. (W. Wallace) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 179. — Automatic. (St.G. L. Fox) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 321. — by Electricity. (W. L. Wise) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 288. – Improvements in. (A. V. Harcourt) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 438. (J. Dewar) J. (A. Kit- GAS Gas Lighting, Street. (S. Tucker) J. Soc. Arts, 16:472. Gas Meters, National Standards for. (G. Glover) J. Soc. Arts, I4; 424. - Gas-Pipes, Testing. (W. Eassie) Am. Arch. 21: 23. Gas-Spring, Deadly, in Yellowstone Park. (W. H. Weed) Science, 13: 130. Gas Supply of Paris. (G. R. Burnell) J. Soc. Arts, 14: 222. — Relation of Modern Municipality to. Am. Econ. Assoc. I : 53. Gas-Works, Great. All the Year, 67: 324. *m. Mºiral Control of. (B. C. Keeler) Forum, 8: 286. — Municipal Ownership of, in U. S. (E. W. Bemis) Am. Econ. Assoc. 6: 293. . - Gaseous Fuel. (L. Bell) Nature, 40: 501. Gaº Illuminants. (V. B. Lewes) J. Soc. Arts, 39: I-I4I. Gaseous Theory of Solution. (O. Masson; S. U. Pick- ering) Nature, 43: 345, 489. Gaston, William, with portrait. State Mo. 2: 245. Gaston de Latour. (W. Pater) Macmil. 58: 258–472. Gaston Méry's Queer Guest; a story. (E. H. Barker) Leis. Hour, 40: 321. Gates of Paradise, The. 782. Gauden, John, the Author of “A Discourse of Artifi- cial Beauty.” (C. E. Doble) Acad. 36: 56. Gauging, Inventions in. Chamb. J. 65: 655. Gauntlet, Last Victim of the. (H. Graham) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 510. Gauss, Carl Friedrich, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 694. – and the Electric Telegraph. Mo. 34: 396. Gautier, Emile. Nature, 43: 518. Gautier, Théophile. (J. B. Perkins) Atlan. 59: 290. —(W. H. Pollock) Longm. I6: 391. - — as an Art-Critic. (Garnet Smith) Portfo. Ig: 237. – Literary Landscapes of. (Garnet Smith) Portfo. I9: I59. Gautrelet, François X. Month, 65: 396. Gavarni. See Chevallier, Guillaume-Sulpice. Gaverocks, The ; a Tale of the Cornish Coast. Cornh. 55: I-56I. 56: I-561. Gawain-Poet, English. (H. Bradley) Acad. 33: 27. Gay, John, Pamphlets by. (G. A. Aitken) Ath. '89, 2: 321. Gay, Sydney Howard. Critic, 12: 319. Gayarré, Charles. (C. Aldrich) Critic, I6: 29. Gazaland, S. E. Africa. Nature, 44; 209. — Gungunhama's Envoys from. Dub. R. Io9: 207, 427. – With King Gungunhama in. II 2. Gazzam, Joseph M. (A. B. Mackenzie) M. West. Hist. IO: 77. (E. J. James) (A. P. Dodge) Bay (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 18: (R. Gauss) Pop. Sci. (D. Doyle) Fortn. 56: Gears, Comparative Efficiency of Teeth of. (G. B. Grant) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 370. Gear-Teeth, Limiting the Number of. (G. B. Grant) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: — Strength of. (S. Webber) J. Frankl. Inst. I30: 223. Gear-Tooth Curve, Cusps of. (G. B. Grant) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 208. Gedney, Bartholomew, and others, Petition of, 1689. N. E. Reg. 43: 58. Geer, Louis de, Merchant of Amsterdam. mundson) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 685. Gehenna and Hell. (W. A. Mathews) Theo. Mo. 6: 408. Geiger, Jacob, with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 547. (G. Ed- (W. L. Visscher) M. 168 GEOFFRIN Geissler's Tubes in Detecting Electrical Oscillations. (E. J. Dragoumis) Nature, 39: 548. Gems, Ancient Engraved, Middleton's. Sat. R. 71 : 230. - (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 52: 287. — and the Goldsmith's Art. (A. Phillips) J. Soc. Arts, 35; 438. – and Ornamental Stones of the U. S. Nature, 37; 68. – and Precious Stones, Search for. — (G. F. Kunz) Science, Io: 226. Genealogical Gleanings in England. N. E. Reg. v. 41–45. Genealogical Research, Col. Chester's Plan of. N. E. Reg. 42: 83. Genealogy in History. (H. E. Malden) Roy. Hist. Soc I4: IO3. “General, The.” (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 43: 4o. General's Nephew, The ; a story. (J. Errol) Lond. Soc. 57: 4I4. Generosity. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 19: 422. Generosity; a story. (N. Vynne) Belgra. 70: 164, Geneva, At Home in. (C. R. Conover) Outing, Io: (A. E. Foote) Science, Io: 184. (H. F. Waters) 479. w Genius and Application. Sat. R. 7I: 611. — and Domestic Life. Spec. 61: 38o. — and Idiocy. (A. Rexford) No. Am. I46: 221. — and Mental Disease. (W. G. Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3O: 663. — and Moral Responsibility. (D. F. Hannigan) Westm. I34: 72. — and Talent. (Grant Allen) Fortm. 50: 240. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 448. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 341. – Spec. 66: 854. — and Woman's Intuition. 4OI. – as a Species of Insanity. (W. C. Coupland) Acad. 4O : 505. — Development of, by Proper Education. Buchanan) Arena, I: 55. – Irresponsibilities of. (E. L. Linton) Fortn. 50: 521. — Men of, in England. Ecl. M. IO3: 459. — — Special Allowances for. Spec. 61: 995. — Peculiarities of. (D. R. Campbell) Author, I: — Some Pleasures of. All the Year, 68: 208. — Universal. (James Sully) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 34. Genlincx, Arnold, and his Works. (J. P. N. Land) (L. F. Ward) Forum, 9: (J. R. I61. Mind, 16: 223. Genoa, Italy. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. I3: 716. — Giustiniani's History of. (G. C. Macaulay) Macmil. 63: 464. — In. (J. G. Dow) Good Words, 32: 598. — Reminiscences of. I59. Genoese Love-Song. (F. H. Trench) Murray, 8: 670. Gentle Ghost. (M. E. Wilkins) Harper, 79: 366. Gentle Maniac, A.; a comedy. (G. E. Montgomery) Cosmopol. 8: 479. Gentleman, The “Compleat,” by H. Peacham, 1627. Westm. I33: 660. — in Fiction. All the Year, 65: 163. — What is a ? Cornh. 56: 552. Gentlemen. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: 635. — Some, in Fiction. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: 764. Gentleman's Magazine, and its Rivals. Ath. '89, 2: 560. Gentleman Commoner. (W. G. Gordon) Ecl. M. Io9: 55I. Gentleman Jim ; a story. 789. Genuine Teniers, A. Geoffrin, Madame. (C. T. J. Hiatt) Tinsley, 46: (W. Roberts) (M. Gaunt) Eng. Illust. 8: (J. Leys) Chamb. J. 68: 684. Liv. Age, I72; 165. GEOFFREY Geoffrey le Baker. Chronicon. Sat. R. 68: II.3. Geographic Conditions, Cause of. (N. S. Shaler) Chaut. IO: I45. Geographic Forms, Classification of, by Genesis. (W. J. McGee) Nat. Geog. M. I : 27. Geographic Nomenclature. (H. G. Ogden) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 261. Geographical Allusions in Common Use. 66: 598. Geographical Exhibit of the Brooklyn Institute. M. Davis) Nation, 52: 257. Geographical Explorations. 4O : 494. Geographical Information, Art of Acquiring. Holdich) Asia. R. 5: I54. Geographical Movement in England. (J. S. Keltie) Sci- ence, Io: 89. Geographical Names, American, Corruption of. Hill) Science, Io: 143. — Orthography of. Nature, 45: 186. — Pronunciation of. Science, 9: 421. Geographical Notes. Science, 9: 128, 152, 188. Geography, Applied. (J. S. Keltie) Contemp. 54: 418. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 67. — Bearings of, on Commerce. (J. S. Keltie) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 426. — Chisholm's Handbook of Commercial. Bourne) Nation, 50: 161. — Commercial, Teaching of. Io&: 35. — in Schools. (C. Warren) Nature, 36: 465. — Methods of Instruction in. (J. R. Potter) Pedagog. Sem. I : 425. — of the Air, 1889. Chamb. J. (W. (F. de Winton) Nature, (T. H. (R. T. (E. G. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. (A. W. Greely) Nat. Geog. M. I : I5 I. — — 1890. (A. W. Greely) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 49. — — 1891. (A. W. Greely) Nat. Geog. M. 3: 41. — of the Land, 1889. (H. G. Ogden) Nat. Geog. M. I : I 25. — — 1890. (H. G. Ogden) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 31. — — 1891. (H. G. Ogden) Nat. Geog. M. 3: 31. — of Life, 1889. (C. H. Merriam) Nat. Geog. M. I : 160. — of the Sea, 1889. (G. L. Dyer) Nat. Geog. M. 1: 136. — Peoples and Places; Some Hints on Study of Geog- raphy. (D. C. Gilman) Chaut. I4: 179. — Progress of. (R. Strecey) Nature, 36: 258. — Study of. (D. C. Gilman) Atlan. 67: 815. — (J. B. Daish) Educa. 8: 315. — (F. Boas) Science, 9: 137. —Science, Io: 91. – (W. M. Davis) Science, Io: I 3I. – Teaching. (W. M. Davis) Am. Natural. 23: 566. — (— Mackinder) Science, I4: 408. — — Geikie on. (F. A. Fernald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 87. Geologic Investigation, Geographic Methods in. (W. M. Davis) Nat. Geog. M. I : 11. Geological Congress, International, 1888. Nature, 38: 415. — — President's Address. (J. Prestwich) Nature, 38: 503. - – Washington, 1891. Sat. R. 72: 310. – Nature, 44: 504. — Work of. (G. K. Gilbert) Nature, 37: 19, 40. — (G. K. Gilbert) Am. J. Sci. I34: 430. Geological Degradation, Hydraulic. (J. W. Powell) Science, I2: 229. Geological Horizons as Determined by Vertebrate Fos- sils. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I42: 336. Geological Investigation, Instruction in. (W. M. Da- vis) Am. Natural. 21 : 8 Io. Geological Reminiscences. (O. J. Vignoles) Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 551. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 19. 169 GEORGE Geological Surveys, State and National, Relations of. (J. C. Branner) Science, I6: 120. Geological Time, Croll's Stellar Evolution and its Re- lations to. (K. Pearson) Acad. 35: 272. Geological Tourist in Europe. (A. C. Lane) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 216. Geological Union, Imperial. (J. W. Dawson) Nature, 36: 146. Geology and the Bible. (S. R. Driver) And. R. 8: 693 — and Biblical Chronology. (G. W. Gallagher) Meth. R. 50: 835. - – and the Biological Sciences, Relation between. (J. W. Judd) Nature, 37: 401, 424. — and the Mineralogical Sciences. ture, 35: 392, 4 I4. — and Revelation. 748. — Classification and Nomenclature in. (N.H.Winchell) Am. Natural. 2 I : 693. — Do we Teach it? (R. T. Hill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: (J. W. Judd) Na- (G. L. Taylor) Meth. R. 47: 4I. — Eozoönal Rock of Manhattan Island. (L. P. Grata- cap) Am. J. Sci. I33; 374. — Experimental Method in. I 25. — from a Business Point of View. (E. H.Williams, jr.) Engin. M. 2: 31 I. - — Future of. (G. Deane) Nature, 43: 303. — Interesting Items of. Chamb. J. 64; 22. – Laboratory Notes on. (W. E. Taylor) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 88, 557. — Methods of Instruction in. Natural. 2 I : 616. — of Chicago and Vicinity. (E. B. Bastin) Harper, 81: 427. — of Eastern Coast of China and Adjacent Islands. (P. W. B. Smith) Nature, 36: 163. — of Florida, Notes on. (W. H. Dall) Am. J. Sci. I34: I61. — of Long Island. I53. — of the Rainy Lake Region. Sci. I33: 473. — Prestwich's. Ath. '88, 2: 595. – Serpentine in the Onondaga Salt-Group. (G. H.Wil- liams) Am. J. Sci. I34: 137. – Some Modern Aspects of. (G. H. Williams) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 640. – Story of a Stone, told by itself. (E. R. Croom) Sun- day M. Ig: 418. (W. Cornish) Knowl. I4: (H. S. Williams) Am. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I34: - (A. C. Lawson) Am. J. – Texas Section of the American Cretaceous. (R. T. Hill) Am. J. Sci. I34: 287. Geometry and How it should be Studied. (J. W. Mac- Donald) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 275. – Applications of, to Practical Life. (K. Pearson) Na- ture, 43: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 495. — Greek. Nature, 37: 78. — How it should be Taught. (H. L. Coar) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 239. – Inventional. – Inventional Methods in Teaching. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 377. — My Class in. (G. Iles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 4o. — Position of, in Primary Education. (H. L. Coar) Ed- uca. IO: I 79. — Teaching, Future of. (G. W. Evans) Educa. Io: 36. George, St., and the Dragon, Origin of. Cornh. 61: 287. Same art. Ecl. M. II.4: 533. — Cultus of, in England. (E. G. Wood) Acad. 37: 2IO. George III. at Portsmouth in June, 1773. Un. Serv. M. '87, I : 433. (E. R. Shaw) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 357. (F. Baldwin) (G. Marsh) GEORGE George III., Court of, Mrs. Papendick's Journals. Spec. 60: 625. – Daughters of. (W. O. Tristram) Eng. Illust, 4: 28 5. Georges, Four, McCarthy’s History of. (C.W. French) Dial (Ch.) II: 64. — Ath. '90, I: 205. —Spec. 64: 625. – Cong. R. 4: 236. George I., King of the Hellenes, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 593. George William, Duke of Hanover and Mad'lle d’Ol- breuze. Ed. R. I7I: 234. George, Henry, and his Land Theories. (H. A. Brann) Cath. World, 44: 810. — and Property. (W. H. Babcock) Lippinc. 39: I33. — and the Rum Power. (C. B. Fisk) Arena, I: 310. — as Candidate for the Presidency. Pub. Opin. I : 483. 2 : 23. — A Demurrer to his Complaint. (K. J. Mahon) Cath. World, 46: 588. - — Dogma of, a Delusion. (D. N. Johnson) Univ. Q. 45: 343. – Economic Heresies of. (G. Gunton) Forum, 3: 15. – Georgeism making the Rich richer. (B. Adams) No. Am. I46: 226. — W. T. Harris's Reply to. 8: I I I. – His Mistake about Land. (W. T. Harris) Forum, 3: 433. - – His New Declaration of Rights. (H. Garland) Arena, 3: I 57. – History and Fact vs. (Mary E. Beedy) Educa. (J. L. Galvin) M. West. Hist. 7: I 95. – Is he a Safe Leader?. (E. W. Bemis) Our Day, 6: 262. — Land-Tax Proposition of. (E. G. Clark) No. Am. I44: IO7. * — Mistakes of. (T. G. Shearman) Forum, 8: 40. — The New Party of. (H. George) No. Am. I45: I. — Progress and Poverty. (G. M. Grant) Presb. R. 9: 177. — — Its Teaching on Capital. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: 513. — — Reply to. (Lord Bramwell) 19th Cent. 27: 449. — Scheme of Taxation. (E. W. Bemis) And. R. 8: 592. — Where he Stumbled. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, 45: I 16. George Eliot. See Eliot, George. George Gatonby's Return to Hild's Haven. (Mary Lin- skill) Liv. Age, I77: 155, 212. George McCarden's Back Channel. Overland, n. s. I7: 492. “George Washington’s ” Last Duel; a story. Page) Cosmopol. 8: 701. George, Lake, Two Trips to. Mo. 4: 65. Georgetown, Col., Mines and Miners of. M.West. Hist. I2: 490. Georgetown, D.C., University. (J. J. A. Becket) Cos- mopol. 8: 449. — Beginnings of. (J. F. McLaughlin) Cath. World, 46: 6Io. - — Centenary of. Amer. I7: 311. (S. C. Garrison) (T. N. (N. Oppenheim) Harv. Georgia, Kingdom of, Wardrop on. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 34: 413. —Spec. 62: 682. Georgian Language and Literature. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 34: 39. — (T. de Lacouperie; W. R. Morfill) Acad. 34: Ioa, I2O. Georgian Literature, Ancient. 35 : 354. Georgians, National Epic of. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 39: 205. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 170 GERMAN Georgia and the Constitution. (T. K. Oglesby) M. Am. Hist. 21: 487. - – Kings, Presidents, and Governors of, 1732–1889. (C. C. Jones, jr.) M. Am. Hist. 22: 307. - The Old and the New. (V. Smith) Chaut. 9:536. — The oº: Free Colony. (H. A. Scomp) M. Am. Hist. 22: 28o. – 12th Infantry of. So. Hist. Pap. 17: 160. - University of. (C. M. Strahan) New Eng. M. m. s. 3 : 52. Georgia Cracker in the Cotton Mills, The. (C. de Graf- fenried) Cent. Ig: 483. Gerald. (S. J. Weyman) Eng. Illust. 4: 418. Gerald the Great, Lord Deputy of Ireland; his Revolt and Pardon in 1487–8. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 28: 733. 29: 429. * Geraldines, Those. Irish Mo. 15: 24. Gere, Charles H., with portrait. (M. D. Steele) M. West. Hist. Io: 375. Gerhardt, Paul. (R. Brindley) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 248. - Germs, Disease. Knowl. II: 154. — (L. Pitkin) Cent. 36: 374. — (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 39: 59. Germ Diseases. N. Princ. 5: 141. – Realm of the Microbe. (Mrs. E. Priestly) 19th Cent. 29: 81 I. Germ-Layers, Metschnikoff on. Am. Natural. 21: 334, 4 IQ. Germ-Plasm, The, and the Immortal Soul. Lendenfeld) Mind, I6: 92. Germ Theory of Disease. (C. T. Kingzett) J.Soc. Arts, 26: 311. Germans. Cornh. 64; 295. – and French ; Notes by a Rambler. Macmil. 56: 437. – Distinguished in American Affairs. (O. Braun) M. Am. Hist. 25: 469. - Emigration of, to American Colonies. IO: 375. – in America. (C. Thomas) Chaut. 8: 93. – in London. (L. Katscher) 19th Cent. 21: 726. German Ballad Literature. (F. T. Lawrence) Acad. 40: 23O. German Bundesrath. (J. H. Robinson) Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. Econ. no. Io. German Christian Epics, Old. 34 : 524. German Commerce with Spanish America. Nation, 51: 46. German Empire. German Empress, Inner Life of a. mopol. 5: 405. German Grammars, Some New. Nation, 46: 286. German Gymnasium, Recollections of. (H. N. Fowler) Harv. Mo. I2: 127. German Language, Kluge's Dictionary of. (G. Hempl) Dial (Ch.) I2: 47. — or Greek 2 (A. Gaye) National, I7: 528. } – Pronunciation of. (E. Spanhorfd) Acad. (Syr.) 2: (R. von Pennsyl. M. (E. P. Evans) Unita. R. (R. Hudson) N. Eng. 48: 311. (L. C. Lillie) Cos- 302. .* — Study of French and. (C. Stickney) Educa. II: 364. . . - German Life and Culture in America. (J. H. Dubbs) Ref. Q. 35: 453. tº. German Iitérary Usage. (C. Thomas) Nation, 47: 300. German Literature, 1887–8. (R. Zimmerman) Ath.’88, 2 : I4. — 1888–9. (R. Zimmerman) Ath. '89, 2: 16. — 1889–90. (R. Zimmerman) Ath. '90, 2: 16. — 1890–1. (R. Zimmerman). Ath. '91, 2: 19. — Bleibtréu's Revolution of. (Countess v. Krockow) Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 57. — Current. (C. Thomas) Chaut. 7: 421. – Gladstone on. (Karl Blind) Fortn. 53: 292. & GERMAN German Military Life, Glimpses of. (Col. L. Hale) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 165, 270. German Newspapers. (L. Bamberger) 19th Cent. 27: 24. German Periodicals. Dub. R. I.O.4: 441. German Philology, Paul's Sketch of. Nation, 49: 236. German Philosophy in 19th Century. (F. Godl) Monist, I : 263. — Modern. (M. Maher) Month, 60: 66, 178. (A. Fairbanks) N. Eng. 54: — Present Tendencies in. — since Hegel. (B. C. Burt) Educa. Io: 556. German Piety. (E. C. Gale) Unita. R. 29: 345. German Poetry and Criticism, Recent. (O. Heller) Poet-Lore, 2: 266. German Schools, Notes on. (J. M. Garnett) Acad. (Syr.) - I: 289, 328, 373. German Soldier; How he is Made. Macmil. 59: 95. German Student Life. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmopol. Io: 368. — (F. M. Warren) Chaut. 9: 582. German Theological Literature. (M. M. Curtis) And. R. II: 657. I2: 113. – (A. C. McGiffert) And. R. 8: Io9. German Theology and the German University. (F. L. Stevens) N. Eng. 54: 259. — and Modern Thought. (J. H. W. Stuckenberg) Our Day, 4: 135. German Thought in 1887. (A. C. McGiffert) And. R. 7: 563. German University, A. (T. B. Bronson) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 125. – At a. (G. H. Howison) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 315. Germanium. (C. Winkle) Nature, 36: 525. Germantown, Battle of, Contemporary Account of. (H. B. Tompkins) Pennsyl. M. II: 330. Germany, Academic Freedom in. (H. W. Farnam) N. Eng. 46: 67. — and England. Westm. I36: 630. — and Great Britain, Growing Hostility of. (F. Green- wood) 19th Cent. 25: 256. — and France, Alliance between. Amer. Ig: 415. — — Economic Methods in. (G. Pollak) Nation, 52: I3 I. — and Von Moltke. Ed. R. I74: 528. — Armed Strength of, in 1889. (A. M. Murray) Fortn. 52: 650. - — Army of. (K. Blind) No. Am. I49: 182. —Spec. 61: I317. — — Eight Weeks’ Service in. Temp. Bar, 93: 331. — — Fighting Forces of Germany. (P. Bigelow) Cos- mopol. 8: 643. r — — Infantry Drill Regulations, Abstract of the New. (H. J. T. Hildyard) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 129. — — Staff of. Sat. R. 69: 358. — — Treatment of Soldiers in. 259. – Bismarck Dynasty in. Contemp. 55: 157. — Boys at Leisure in. (G. M. Wahl) Atlan. 64: 239. — Church and State in. (F. H. Geffcken) 19th Cent. 25: 672. — (Count Bernstorff) Our Day, 4: 1. — Church in, Reformed. (T. G. Apple) Ref. Q. 35: Un. Serv. M. n. s. 4: . I29. — Church Problems in. And. R. 8: 601. — Civil Code of. (E. Freund) Am. Law R. 24: 237. — Contemporary Life and Thought in. (F. H. Geff- cken) Contemp. 51: 586. 52: 880. — Court of ; Prussian Old and German New Court Ré- gime. Lond. Q. 7o: 228. - — Current Thought in. (A. C. McGiffert) And. R. 9: 2OO. — Dogmatic Thought in, during the Last Decade. (A. Zahn) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 443. 171 ‘l — Socialistic Outlook in. GERMANY Lend a H. 3: 97. Germany, Education in. (C. K. Adams) Acad. (Syr.) - Educational System of. I : 33. — Elections, 1890. — Emigration from. — Emperor of, Tenure and Powers of. gess) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 334. - Empire of, Sybel's Founding of. Quar. I7I: 329. — Nation, 50: 184. – (M. Smith) Nation, 52: 265. — (C. H. Cooper) Dial (Ch.) II: 288. — — Whitman on. (C. H. Cooper) Dial (Ch.) 12: 217. — Enemies of Democracy in. (H. C. Bierwirth) Na- tion, 51: 66. — European Relations of, in 1888. 19th Cent. 24: 799. — Family and Social Life in. (A. E. Lee) M. Am. Hist. 21: 240. - — Federal Constitution of, translated. Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. Econ. no. 7. — Formation of the North German Confederation. Hudson) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 424. — France, and European Politics. Sat. R. 69: 251. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 44; 245. (J. W. Bur- (F. Greenwood) (E. J. James) (R. (De Blowitz) Har- per, 83: 581. – French Armies in. (F. H. Geffcken) 19th Cent. 26: 2.94. – French Feeling towards. (C. Pelletan) Forum, I2: 453. — Government of, Change in. Fortn. 54: 282. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 707. — History of, by a Frenchman [E. Simon]. (M. Smith) Nation, 47: 275. — — Making of Germany. Miller) Westm. I33: 125. – Imperial Succession in. And. R. 9: 421. — in 1887. (G. von Bunsen) Murray, I: I is. – Industrial Art in, Advance of. (A. Harris) Murray, Quar. I73: 159. — (W. 4: 545. - — Laband's Public Law of. (J. W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 123. – Ministers and Sovereigns in. tion, 47: 28. – National Insurance Laws of. temp. 54: 279. — The New Emperor and his New Chancellor. (C. Lowe) National, I8: 19. - – Political Parties in, 1890. (T. B. Bronson) Chaut. II: 19 (W. T. Hewett) Na- (H. M. Felkins) Con- — Position of, in 1887. Fortn. 47: I. Same art. Liv. Age, I'72: 387. — Politics in, in 1887. Election. Lippinc. 60: 249, 28o. — — in 1890. The Daily Press. (L. Bamberger) 19th Cent. 27: 24. — Protestant Problems in. Bib. Sac. 45: 531. — Railroads and Waterways of, Relative Advantages of. (M. Todt) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 375. — Religion in. (F. Lichtenberger) Harper, 79: 432. — Religious Ilife in Churches of. (J. H. W. Stucken- berg) Our Day, 3: 423. — Religious Thought and Church Life in. (J. H. W. Stuckenberg) Our Day, 3: 17. — — Present Aspect of. (S. Schindler) Arena, I : 379. — School Reform in. (C. H. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 92. — (K. Francke) Nation, 52: 5. — Social Reform and Social-Democracy in. Philippovich) Q. J. Econ. 5: 220. Nation, 51: 242. (A. C. McGiffert) (E. von — Theological Thought in, in 1887. And. R. 8: 548. — Travel in ; Yesterday, To-Day, and To-Morrow. Ecl. M. 117: 525. — Unity of. (Mme. Blaze de Bury) Arena, 4: 257. — (F. H. Geffcken) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 209. r GERMANY (W. Walker) And. R. Germany, University Life in. 9 : 49 I. — without Bismarck. Murray, 7; 653. Gérôme. (F. F. Hering) Cent. I5: 483. Geronimo, After. (J. Bigelow, jr.) Outing, 9; 308, 428, 515. Io: I. Gerrymandering, Art of. 538. Gerson, John. Church Q. 27: 42. Gert. (L. D. Mitchell) Outing, I7: 461. Gerund, Latin, Origin of. (K. Brugmann) Am. J. Philol. 8: 441. Gerunds and Gerundives of Tacitus. Am. J. Philol. 9: 464. Gersan, Republic of. (W. A. B. Coolidge) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 481. Gervais, Paul, with portrait. (W. C. Hamm) Forum, 9: (S. B. Platner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 550. Geshov, I. E.; Sufferings of a Bulgarian Patriot. (W. R. Morfill) Westm. I35: 524. Gesiths and Thegns, in Early England. (A. G. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 723. Gessi Pasha ; a Hero of the Soudan. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 481. Gesso-Painting. (C. G. Leland) Art J. 39; 340. Gethsemane. (J. H. Wynne) Month, 64; 414. Getting on, Gospel of. (J. Law) To-Day, 9: 83. Getting over it. All the Year, 66: 465. Gettysburg, Battle of. (J. Gibbon) No. Am. I52: 704. — — Charge of Black's Cavalry at. (P. J. Malone) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 224. — — Casualties of Ist Virginia at. Hist. Pap. I7: 407. — — Pickett's Charge at. Hist. 18: 13. — — Pickett's Charge and Artillery Fighting at. (E. P. Alexander) Cent. II: 464. — — Third Day at. (H. J. Hunt) Cent. II: 451. — Celebration at, 1888. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 27. — Reunion of Northern and Southern Soldiers at, 1887. Pub. Opin. 3: 273. Gettysburg: a Battle-Ode. 4: IOI. Geysers, Soaping. Ghastly does n’t Describe it ; a story. Keeling) Belgra. 61: 301. Ghent, Treaty of. (T. Wilson) M. Am. Hist. 20: 372. Gherkin, Derivation of. (A. L. Mayhew) Acad. 32: I2O. Ghiberti, Lorenzo. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 44: 81. Ghirlandaio. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 751. Ghost, A. (L. Hearn) Harper, 8o: 116. Ghost at his Fireside; a story. (L. C. Moulton) Cos- mopol. 9: 229. Ghost at White Bear, The. 481. Ghost, Can a Blind Man See a 2 Chamb. J. 64: 817. (A. L. Royce) (E. P. Reeve) So. (A. F. Devereux) M. Am. (G. P. Lathrop) Scrib. M. (A. Hague) Science, I3: 382. (E. d’Esterre- (F. W. Lee) Outing, 16: — Cut Ghost. Chamb. J. 66: 285. — Poet, and Spinet. (A. M. Earle) New Eng. M. m. s. 778 3 : º Ghosts. (R. Hodgson) Arena, I: 253. — aboard. Chamb. J. 64; 524. — Chinese. Atlan. 59: 852. — Have they been Seen 2 (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: IoI. — (R. A. Proctor) Cosmopol. 4: 363. — Notes on. (A. Lang) Forum, Io: 452. – Stage. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. S. 39: 545. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 21o. Ghost Baby, The ; a story. Blackw. I47; 64. Ghost-Names. (I. Taylor) Knowl. I4; 223. Ghost Stories, Some Australian. Overland, n.s. I6: 386. Ghostly Adventure on Exmoor; a story. Belgra. 75: 288. Ghostly Manifestation, A. Murray, 6: 86. 172 GILDING Ghostly Table-Turning, A.; a story. (W. W. Fenn) Argosy, 45; 391. Giants. All the Year, 66: 415. – and Dwarfs. Chamb. J. 66: 378. — and Titans of Antiquity, Mayer on. Ath. '89, 2: 326. Giant Mountains, Silesia. (E. A. Rodd) Lond. Soc. 57: 4O3. Gibbon, Charles. Ath. 'go, 2: 255. — (H. G. Bruce) Harv. Mo. 6: 67. Gibbon, John, in 1659. (E. D. Neill) N. E. Reg. 43: 43O. Gibbons, James, Cardinal, and American Institutions. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 45: 330. Gibº, Henry Hucks, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 267. Gibbs, W. Warren, with portrait. West. Hist. I2: 475. Gibraltar. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 47: 52. – (H. A. Perry) Macmil. 58: 267. — (H. M. Field) Scrib. M. 3: 446. – (F. L. Shaw) Sunday M. 16: 453. – At ; a poem. (G. E. Woodberry) Atlan. 61: 145. - Defence of, in 1727. (Capt. E. O'Callaghan) Um. Serv. M. '88, 1: 123. – a Hundred Years Ago. Chamb. J. 66: 635. art. Liv. Age, I83: 308. – Hunting at. (Lord Ribblesdale) 19th Cent. 27: 633. – Pillars of Hercules. (J. T. Alling) Cosmopol. 1: (E. C. Glover) M. Same 299. Gibson, Charles. (E. L. Eames) M. West. Hist. Io: 446. Gibson, William H. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 73. Gideon's Fleece; a story. (E. M. Henry) Belgra. 71: 282. Gidley, Lewis. Acad. 35: 305. Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von. (Lord Acton) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 306. – (E. Emerton) Nation, 50: 89. Giffen, Robert. New Theory of Money. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1477. Gifford, William. (C. A. Waters) National, 13: 677. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 451. Gift of Fernseed; a story. (H. P. Robinson) Atlan. 63: 231. Gift of Life. Longm. I7: 551. Gilbart Lectures. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 220. Gilbert, Elizabeth, Martin's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 818. — Spec. 61: 129. Gilbert, John. (J. R. Towse) Cent. 13: 378. – Critic, I4; 309. Gilbert, Thomas, and his Descendants. ple) N. E. Reg. 42: 280. Gilbert, Uri, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 487. Gilbert, William, Electrician, 1540–1603. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. I6: 70. — Ath. '90, I: 48. Gilbert, W. S. (A. Winton) Theatre, 23: 71. — at Home. Critic, Ig: 310. – Brautingame Hall. Theatre, 22: 62. — and Sullivan, Sir A. Gondoliers. Theatre, 24: 59. — — Ruddygore. (F. Wedmore) Acad. 31 : 118. — Sat. R. 63: 157. — Theatre, I8: 95. Gilbert Islands: Sailing over Summer Seas. Clarke) Overland, n. s. I3: 364. Gilchrist, Anne. Blackw. I42: Ioy. — Ath. '87, I: 409. — Spec. 60: 622. — Atlan. 60: 275. – (E. R. Pennell) Critic, Io: 85. Gilds. See Guilds. Gilded Grief ; a story. (B. S. Knollys) Belgra. 75: 397. Gilder, R. W. Poems. N. Princ. 6: 388. Gildersleeve, B. L., Essays and Studies. (A. B. Mc- Mahan) Dial (Ch.) II: 150. — Atlan. 67: 7oo. — Formative Influences. Forum, Io: 607. Gilding, Thread or Fibre. (F. Bennoch) J. Soc. Arts, 4; 373. (J. H. Tem- (F. L. GILEAD Gilead. (Mrs. V. R. Cruger) New Eng. M. 4: 470. Giles, Henry. (A. J. Rich) Unita. R. 36: 276. Gill, Thomas Hornblower. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. I7: 653. Gillett, William, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 74 I. Gillette, William. Held by the Enemy. Theatre, I8: 281. Gillham, Robert. M. West. Hist. Io: 337. Gillian's Child; a story. Belgra. 73: 291. Gillies, Margaret. Acad. 32: 75. — Recollections of. (Lady Lindsay) Temp. Bar, 81: 265. Gillies-Smith, Adam, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1925. Gillmore, Gen. Quincy A. Am. Arch. 23: 212. Gills, Traces of, in Throat of Man. Knowl. I3: 149. Gilman, Caroline Howard. (J. C. R. Dorr) Critic, I3: 1 5 I. Gilman, Horace Way. I3: 61. Gilman, John E., M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 55o. Gilman, Virgil C., with portrait. Gilmer, Francis W., Letters of. Univ. Studies, 7: 197. Gilmore, James. (A. W. W. Dale) Sunday M. 20: 755. Ginseng in Commerce. (J. J. Bell) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 546. Giorgione. (J. M. Ady) Portfo. 20: 194, 208. Giotto. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. I5: 323. Gip; or the Power of Fidelity. (A. Beale) Argosy, 48: 338. Gipsies. Lend a H. I : 581. Gipsy Folk-Tales: a Missing Link. National, II: 659. Giraffe, The, at Home. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J. 68: (J. G. Armstrong) Granite Mo. Granite Mo. II: 81. (W. P. Trent) J. H. (F. H. Groome) Giraldus Cambrensis. Spec. 64: I 71. — De Principis Instructione. Sat. R. 72: 647. Girard College, Theology in, and Girard's Will. Na- tion, 46; 391. Girders, Continuous, Multipliers for. berger) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 465. — — Wariable Moment of Inertia. (C. H. Lindenber- ger) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 30, 176. — Jointed Bow. (E. A. Werner) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 387, 485. I26: 53–317. Girl, The, in England. Chamb. J. 67: 653. Girl in Grey, The. (A. Barczinsky) Tinsley, 43: 159. Girl who wanted to be Married, The. (E. S. Wynne) Tinsley, 42: 51. Girl without Sentiment, A. (C. H. Linden- (E. B. Ripley) Cent. 42: 2 I 2. Girl’s Life Eighty Years Ago. (E. S. Bowne) Scrib. M. 2: 67, 169. Girl's Mistake, A.; a story. Lond. Soc. 54: 68, 171. Girls, American and English. (J. A. Lomax) National, I2: 772. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 699. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 405. (Mrs. G. Bigg-Wither) — — in Europe. (J. Sherwood) No. Am. I5o: 681. — Country, Clubs for. (G. H. Dodge) Lippinc. 47: 631. — Education of ; Should it Differ from that of Boys 2 (Mary E. Cardwell) Educa. Io: 33. See Women, Education of. — Efiglish. Sat. R. 64: 182. — in Italy. Chamb. J. 67: 177. — Maintenance of. Spec. 61: 444. — Pretty, in the West. Cent. I5: 873. — Tall. Spec. 67: 591. – (C. D. Warner) Harper, 83: 968. 173 GLACIERS Girls, Working, Crimes against. (L. A. Banks) Our Day, 8: 252. Girls' Schools, Past and Present. (Dorothea Beale) 19th Cent. 23: 54i. Girls' Schools, Reign of Pedantry in. 19th Cent. 23: 216. Girlhood in France. (G. de Witt) Eng. Illust. 7: 176. — in Germany. (Lady Blennerhassett) Eng. Illust. 7: 631. – in Holland. (Mrs. Lecky) Eng. Illust. 7: 336. — in Italy. (F. Z. Salazaro) Eng. Illust. 8: 523. (E. M. Sewell) – in Turkey. (Fatima) Eng. Illust. 8: 866. Girtin, Thomas. (F. G. Kitton) Art J. 39: 361. Gissing, George, Philanthropic Novelist. (E. Sichel) Murray, 3: 506. - Giunti, Tommaso, Printer, Will of. (H. F. Brown) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 154. Giustiniani, Agostino, a Local Historian. (G. C. Ma- caulay) Macmil. 63: 464. Giving and Saving. (C. G. J. Reeve) Longm. I3: 186. — Cheerful. (H. Jones) Leis. Hour, 36: 836. — Christian, the Counterfeit in. (C. Jordan) Theo. Mo. 3: 98. Gizeh, Recent Excavations at. (W. M. F. Petrie) Acad. 3I : 32. Gizeh Museum. Sat. R. 70: 198. Glacial Action in Southeastern Connecticut, Evidences of. (D. A. Wells) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 196. Glacial Climate. (T. G. Bonney) Nature, 43: 373. — (N. S. Shaler) Nature, 43: 155. Glacial Drift in Iowa. (C. L. Webster) Am. Natural. 22: 972. — On the Manner of Deposit of. Sci. I34: 52. Glacial Epoch caused by Geographical Changes. G. Bonney) Contemp. 6o: 716. Glacial Erosion in Norway and in High Latitudes. (J. W. Spencer) Am. Natural. 22: 218. Glacial Geology, Holst's Studies in. (J. Lindahl) Am. Natural. 22: 589, 705. — Results obtained by Continental Workers in. Geikie) Nature, 40: 486. Glacial Grooves on Kelley's Island. Science, I7: 358. Glacial Period, The, and Noah's Deluge. Wright) Bib. Sac. 46: 466. {- — Prevailing Misconceptions of. 138: 66. Glacial Phenomena in the Beaver Valley, Newly Dis- covered. (P. M. Foshay and R. R. Rice) Am. Nat- ural. 24: 816. Glacial Sediments of Maine. Sci. I40: 122. Glacial Work, Recent, in Europe. (Mrs. K. B. Clay- pole) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: Iog. º Glacier, Muir, of Alaska. (G. F. Wright) Am. J. Sci. I33 : I. — on Hague's Peak, Colorado. IO: I 54. Glaciers. Chamb. J. 65: 231. — Action of. (N. S. Shaler) Chaut. Io: 405. — Ancient, of North Wales. (F. J. Evans) Am. Nat- ural. 23: 8. — North American, Wright on. (Ch.) Io: 98. (O. P. Hay) Am. J. (T. (J. (G. F. Wright) (G. F. (J. Croll) Am. J. Sci. (G. H. Stone) Am. J. (G. H. Stone Science, (A. Winchell) Dial — of Alaska. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. 7: 74. — of Alps, Advance and Retreat of. Sat. R. 72: 367. — — Ancient. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 53: 159. — on the Pacific Coast. (G. F. Wright) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: I 55. — Recent Views about. 306. (A. Winchell) Forum, Io: J ". *. *...* ~ — Character Sketch of. *— Claims to Greatness. “ — Greatest Living Englishman. — Welsh Tour, 1887. GLACIERS Glaciers; Terminal Moraines in Maine. (G. H. Stone) Am. J. Sci. I33: 378. Gladstone, William Ewart. (F. P. Smith) Cosmopol. I: 49. — (J. W. Mendenhall) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 1. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46; 47. – New R. 3: 55. — With portrait. (W. Clarke) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: I23. — American Tribute to. Sat. R. 64; 76. – and the Church of Scotland. National, I6: 433.” — and the Civilized World. (K. Blind) Fortn. 52: 153. – and Dissenters. Cong. R. 2: 550. – and the Greek Pantheon. (K. Blind) National, I5: 452. Same art. Ecl. M. I5: 132. — and his Critics. Cong. R. I : 789. — and Income Tax in 1874. (W. E. H. Lecky) 19th Cent. 22: 52. — and Italy. (A. Gallenga) National, I3: 484. — and Malta. (G. B. Powell) National, I6: 289. – and the Non-Conformists. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 367. — and Vaticanism. Sat. R. 7I: 35. — as a Financier. (F. Hitchman) National, II: 503. — as Pecksniff. Sat. R. 64: 479. — at Fourscore. Cong. R. 4: 49. — at Wrexham, 1888. Sat. R. 66: 279, 288. (J. L. M. Curry) M. Am. Hist. 26: 132. — Claims to Confidence. 9 : IQ2. (Earl Fortescue) National, (D. S. Miller) Forum, 4: 553. — Concessions of. (E. R. Wodehouse) National, Io: I. — German View of. (Th. von Bunsen) 19th Cent. 22: 418. — Golden Wedding of. Critic, I3: 82. (J. Realf, jr.) Arena, 2 : 475. $ — Greatness (?) of. Sat. R. 68: 290. — Illustrations of his Controversial Method. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 522. — L. J. Jennings on. Spec. 60: 229. — Longevity of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 186. — the Lost Leader. (T. Hughes) Forum, 8: 1. – on the Elizabethan Settlement. (J. Morris) Dub. R. IO3: 243. — One-Sidedness of. (John Matthews) Spec. 60: 828. — Optimism of. Sat. R. 63: 36. — Personal Sketch of. (J. Parker) New R. 4: 2O4. — Plain Speaking of. (ILord Brabourne) 19th Cent. 26: 257. — (T. P. O'Connor) Contemp. 56: 361. — the Two Mr. Gladstones. Spec. 60: 644. Sat. R. 63: 821. Gladstone Fortune, The. (C. de Varigny) Chaut. 9: (T. H. 349. Gladstone's Experiment; a story. (C. Wheeler) Out- ing, I4: 143. Glaisher, James, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 546. Glamorgan, Earl of, and Charles I. (S. R. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 687. 3: Glamorganshire, Roman Remains in. (W. E. Winks) Ath. '88, 2: 524. Glasgow, Art in. Art J. 42: 127. — Foundry Boys of. (Henry Johnston) Good Words, 32 : 377. — Historic. Sat. R. 65; 653. — International Exhibition, 1888. (J. M. Gray) Acad. 33: 348. — Art J. 4o: special no. - — — Foreign Loan Collection at. Art J. 40: 309. — — Memorial Catalogue of. (C. Monkhouse) Art J. 4I: 358. — a Municipal Study. (A. Shaw) Cent. I'7: 721. — Old. Sat. R. 66: 150. * Glass, Capt. George, The Story of. Chamb. J. 64; 189. Glass [British Industries]. Tinsley, 43: 343. I25. 174 | Gnostics. GNOSTIC Glass and Glass Painting. 2O: 765–855. – Antique, at the Naples Museum. (H. Wallis) Art J. 4I: 31 I. – Crown and Sheet, Manufacture of. Soc. Arts, 4: 222. – Decorative. (J. H. Pollen) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 581. Same art. Am. Arch. 21: 243. — in Ancient Egypt. Chamb. J. 68: 533. ge - Manufacture of, for Decorative Purposes. (H. J. Powell) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 546. - — — in America. Harper, 79: 245. – Painted, Ancient, and Modern. (E. G. Howard) National, 9: 793. Same art. Liv. Age, 174: 790. — Plate. (C. H. Henderson) Am. Arch. 22: 137. – Soda-Lime. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 21: 42. - Solvent Action of Hot Water on. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 1 Io. - – Stained ; History of a Picture Window, Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 16. – Stressed, Electrical Resistance of. J. Sci. I37: 339. — Substitute for, in Photography. Frankl. Inst. I26: 478. – Toughened. (P. F. Nursey) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 631. - Venetian. (G. Salviati) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 625. Same art. Am. Arch. 26: 29. Glass-Making. (J. D. Weeks) Chaut. 8: 345. — (C. H. Henderson) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 199. — (C. H. Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 598. 37: 157. 39: 6II. — Evolution of a Glass Bottle. (C. H. Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 154. Glass-Painting. (H. A. Kennedy) J. Soc. Arts, 39: (F. S. Barff) J. Soc. Arts, (H. Chance) J. (C. H. (C. Barus) Am. (J. Carbutt) J. 59.I. Glass Workers, American. (F. M. Gessner) Chaut. 13: 3I9. — Among. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 37: 552–626. Gleanings after Harvest. (J. R. Vernon) Theo. Mo. 2: II 2. Gleig, George Robert. Iłlackw. I44; 311. — Ath. '88, 2: 66. Glencoe, Massacre of. (W. Little) Granite Mo. Io: 354. * Glencoomage. (R. B. S. Knowles) Month, 68: 104-548. 69: 99-548. 70: 95–539. 71 : 92. Glendalough, Seven Churches of. Month, 70: 49. Glittering Plain, The. (W. Morris) Eng. Illust. 7: 687, 754, 824, 884. Gloriana Yacht. Sat. R. 72: 269. Glory of the Redeemed as Related to the Work of Christ. (H. Lincoln) Bapt. R. 9: I. Gloucester Cathedral. (M. G. van Rensselaer) Cent. 17: 680. Glove Trade, Employment of Women in. Heather-Bigg) 19th Cent. 30: 939. , * Glück, Christoph W. von. Temp. Bar, 83: 112. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 126. — Orfeo as Performed by the Sisters Ravoyli at Co- vent Garden. (J. A. F. Maitland) 19th Cent. 29: 89. Glucose, Synthesis of. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 37: 7. Gluttons, Famous. Sat. R. 65: I.Q.I. Gmelinite from Nova Scotia. (L. V. Pirsson) Am. J. Sci. I42: 57. Gnats, Midges, and Mosquitoes. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: I.21–161. Gneiss, Cordierite, from Connecticut. (E. O. Hovey) Am. J. Sci. I36: 57. (C. R. Conder) Asia. R. 5: 84. — King's. Sat. R. 64: 641. Gnostic Sects of the Second Century. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 226. (Ada (J. M. Lang) GOA Goa, Recent Visit to. (G. Sandberg) Murray, 8: 649. ame art. Liv. Age, 287: 688. Goats, The Father of all. (E. N. Buxton) 19th Cent. 29: 251. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 608. Gobi, Desert of, and the Himalayas. (F. E. Young- husband) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: III. God; an Absentee God. (J. Tunis) Unita. R. 30: 410. — All in All; Hymn. (S. F. Smith) Our Day, 6: 206. — and his Works. (E. B. Bax) To-Day, Io: IoI. — and Nature. (F. P. Cobbe) Contemp. 53: 70. — Being of ; Can it be Demonstrated ? (E. N. White) Presb. R. 9: 42%. — Belief in. (S. H. Giesy) Ref. Q. 37: 18. — — Schurman on. (G. Harris) And. R. I5: I II. — Brace's Unknown. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 5 I: 58. — Etymology of the Word. (A. L. Mayhew ; R. Mor- ris) Acad. 35: 397, 413. – (H. Bradley) Acad. 35: 432. — Existence of. Month, 59: 153-469. — — drawn from the Metaphysical or Ideal Order. (L. F. Kearney) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 462. — the Father, Personality and Office of. (J. W. Love) Ref. Q. 38; 350. — Fatherhood of. (T. H. Skinner) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 2 IO. — — as seen by Modern Faith. (H. S. Tolman) Unita. R. 35: 96. — Freedom of. — Freedom, and Immortality, Problem of. Prudhomme) Overland, n. s. I7: 279. — Free-Will of. Spec. 3o: 1306. — Goethe's Thought of, Value of. And. R. I6: 133. — Glorified in Common Life. Words, 28: 789. — Glory of. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 17: 841. – Human Conception of Deity. Unita. R. 30: 502. — Idea of. (A. B. Curtis) Univ. Q. 48: 152. — — in Browning’s “The Sun.” (D. G. Poet-Lore, 3: 254. – Immanence of. (S. N. Callender) Ref. Q. 34: 201. — (J. Tunis) And. R. I4: 389. – (J. Douglas) Bib. Sac. v. 45–48. — in the Constitution. (R. G. Ingersoll) Arena, I: 119. — (J. L. Spalding) Arena, I: 517. — in Human Consciousness. (H. Graham) Meth. R. 47: 573. — in National Governments. Arena, I: 656. — Justice and Mercy of. And. R. Io: 87. — Limitation of. (J. M. Williams) Bib. Sac. 47: 253. — Love of, in the Old Testament. (E. L. Curtis) Presb. R. 9; 199. — Moral Government of, Mediatorial. Marsh) Bib. Sac. 45: 642. — Mosaic Idea of. (E. M. Epstein) Chris. Q. 7: 367, 501. 8: 37, 164. - — The Name. Unita. R. 31 : 117. — — and the Cuneiform Inscriptions. (T. Laurie) Bib. Sac. 45: 517. – Names of. Church Q. 27: 280. — of Nations; Hymn. (J. Cook) Our Day, 5: 405. — the Presupposition of all Inquiry. (W. Boulting) J. Spec. Philos. 21: 259. — Relation of, to the World." (A. A. Hodge) Presb. R. 8: 1. — — to his Universe. (S. W. Howland) Bib. Sac. 45: (W. C. Stiles) N. Eng. 51: 456. (Sully- (J. H. Gulliver) (D. Macleod) Good Brinton) (W. H. Fremantle) (W. H. B. 693. — Revelation of. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 27: 489. — Self-Limitation of. (A. H. Strong) Bapt. Q. 13: S2I. 175 GOETHE God, Self-Revelation of. (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 205. — — Harris on. Lond. Q. 71 : 67. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 67. — (W. DeW. Hyde) And. R. 7: 624. — Spec. 60: 1249. — Silences of. (A. W. Thorold) Sunday M. 19: 379. – Spirituality of. (C. Z. Weiser) Ref. Q. 35: 472. – Sympathy with Man. (S. Cox) Sunday M. 18: 512. – Unchangeableness of, is our Protection. (A. A. Pfanstiehl) Ref. Q. 37: 394. — without Religion, Arthur's. Spec. 61: 125. Goddard, Arabella. Sat. R. 69: 288. Godin, Jean Baptiste, Founder of the Familistère of Guise. (J. Rae) Good Words, 29: 548. — A Practical Philanthropist and his Work. (W. T. Knight) Macmil. 59: 178. Same art. Ecl. M. 112: 3O4. Godiva. Durleigh. (S. Doudney) Sunday M. 20: I-793. Godolphin, Margaret, Evelyn's Life of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: II8. Godolphin, Sidney, Earl of. Ed. R. 169: 301. — Quar. I68: 198. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 707. —Sat. R. 67: 136. — Elliot's Life of. (W. P. Courtney) Acad. 35: 18. — Ath. '88, 2: 691. — (J. R. Tanner) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 166. – Spec. 63: 79. Godwin, George. Ath. '88, I: 154. Godwin, William. (H. S. Salt) To-Day, 8: 13. - Goergei, Gen. Arthur, and the Hungarian War of 1848–9. (G. B. Malleson) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 295. Goethe, J. W. von. (J. Gmeiner) Cath. World, 45: 145. – With portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 690. — (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. 36: 254. — and Carlyle. All the Year, 59: 508, 533. — — a Comparison. Temp. Bar, 86: 399. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 325. — and the French Revolution. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 52: 77. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 477. — and Napoleon. Critic, I8: 75. — and Philosophy. — and Russian Writers. 572. — and Schopenhauer. (L. J. Huff) Unita. R. 32: 437. — Anecdote of. (H. S. Wilson) Ath. '89, 2: 131. — as a Theatre Manager. (H. Irving) Theatre, 22: 11. — Carlyle’s Indebtedness to. (C. Thomas) Nation, 44: … • * 391. - — J. G. Cogswell's Relations with. (Kuno Francke) Harv. Mo. Io: 132. - — Correspondence with Carlyle. Atlan. 59: 849. — (S. A. Hubbard) Dial (Ch.) 8: 19. — Ath. '87, I: 441. — Blackw. I42: 121. — Decline of. (J. R. Mozley) Temp. Bar, 88: 51. – Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 493. — Faust, Part II. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n.s. 43: 362. — — and the “Bhagavad Gita.” (W. T. Harris) Folk- Lore, I : 401. — — and “El Mágico Prodigioso.” Gent. M. n. s. 45: 280. — — and Modern Thought. I8: 143. — — Goethe's Key to. 538, 676, 820. — — The Gospel of. (H. S. Wilson) (M. Kaufmann) Scot. R. (W. P. Andrews) Atlan. 67: (H. DeB. Gibbins) To-Day, II : 2. — — Illustrations of. (W. H. Pollock) Ecl. M. Io9: 230. - — — Letters on. (H. C. Brockmeyer) J. Spec. Philos. 2I: 36, 151. — — Literary Influence in England, 1832–52. Tait) Acad. 39: 398. — — Religious Aspects of. , (F. W. Grey) Month, 54: 8o. (J. t ; : f GOETHE Goethe ; Faust, Translation of. Atlan. 66: 733. – Friendship with Schiller. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 56: I63. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 771. Same art. Ecl. M. II7: 493. – House of, at Weimar. (W. P. Andrews) (O. Browning) Scrib. M. 6: 615. — — Art Collections in. (L. Von Scheffler) Acad. 33: 32, 245. — in Italy. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 50: 89. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 3, 267. – Iphigenie auf Tauris, Christian Character of. (L. J. Huff) And. R. 9: 134. – Last Days of. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 54: 338. art. Liv. Age, I87: 175. — Life of, Sime's. Sat. R. 66: 180. Same – Mother of. (J. Strauss) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 590. – New Weimar Edition of. (C. Thomas) Nation, 45: 509 — Old Age of. Quar. If 8: 332. — Over-Estimation of. (M. E. Nutting) Amd. R. 12: 36. — Scherer's Essay on. (C. Thomas) Nation, 44: 514. — Thought of God, Value of. (J. H. Gulliver) And. R. 16: 133. — Wilhelm Meister. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 49: 768. Goethe Society at Weimar. (W. T. Hewett) Acad. 33: 395. — (C. H. Genung) Nation, 46: 504. Gofio ; Food and Physique. (C. F. Taylor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3 I : 224. Goffstown, N. H., Lawyers of. (M. C. Cutler) Gramite Mo. I3: II.4. Gogol, Nikolai V. Dead Souls. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: IOI. Going Back. (H. R. Haggard) Longm. II: 61. Going Out of Town. Going to Shrewsbury; a story. 64: 18. Golconda, Hyderabad and. All the Year, 67: 205. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. (J. F. Hurst) Harper, 76: 44O. Gold. Ecl. M. Io9: 312. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 299. — Alchemist's. (A. de Rochas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 814. — and Prices since 1873. (J. L. Laughlin) Q. J. Econ. I : 3T9. — and Silver. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 849. — — Commercial Relations of. Gent. M. m. s. 45: 341. — — Consumption of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: IoI3. — — in Colorado, Refining. (R. Pearce) M. West. Hist. II: 67. — — in the United States. (L. Playfair) New R. 4: II9. — — Commission on, Currie's Evidence before. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 489. — — Miners of, Modern Types of. gin. M. 2: 48. — — Mining of, in the Rocky Mountains. Goad) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 173. — — Production, 1889. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44: 9oo. — — — of, in Russia. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 30. — Appreciation of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 601. — (F. Y. Edgeworth) Q. J. Econ. 3: 153. — Discoveries of, 1851-62. (J. A. Phillips) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 4I9. — Discovery of, in California. (J.S. Hittell) Cent. Ig: 525. — Drain of. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 4o, (F. W. Taussig) 62. — Earth-Currents and the Occurrence of. Nature, 41 : 464. — from South Africa. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 33. — How it is Extracted from Ore. (C. E. Bishop) Chaut. 8: 473. – How it may be Kept in Circulation. ford) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 798. (A. Williams) En- (T. W. (J. P. Mum- 176 GOLDEN Gold in the Arts. Chamb. J. 67: 758. — in India. (H. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 244. — in Nature. Chamb. J. 67: 246. — in Wales. Sat. R. 64: 752. – Movement of. (H. White) Nation, 53: 229. — Occurrence of. (D. A. Louis) Knowl. 12: 162. — on the Gold Coast. (R. F. Burton) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 783. – Past and Future of. (D. M. Balfour) Bay State Mo. 2: 359. — Production of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 591. – Pure. Cornh. 56: 36. — Silver, and Bimetallism. (J. B. Robertson) Westm. I31 : 2 I 5. — The Quest of. (C. G. W. Locke) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 464. Gold-Bearing Hot Spring Deposit. (W. H. Weed) Am. J. Sci. I42: 166. Gold Coast, Tshi-Speaking People of, Ellis's. Ath.”88, I : 47. Gold Coinage, British, Defective Condition of, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 377. Gold Currency, Economy of. 684. Gold Fields of Alaska. 73O. — of the British Isles. — of Great Britain. ~) an 33 [. — of Northwestern Spain. 33: 359. — of South Africa. (W. H. Penning) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 433. — (R. W. Murray) Murray, I : 823. — Sat. R. 67: 156. — of the Transvaal. (G. J. Nathan) Longm. II: 135. — (W. H. Penning) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 609. — of West Africa. (Capt. Cameron) J. Soc. Arts, 30: Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: (J. H. Keatley) Arena, I: All the Year, 64: 156. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 4o: (W. Sowerby) J. Soc. Arts, 777. Gold Heart, The ; a story. (H. P. Robinson) Atlan. 64: 3O3. Gold Mines of Australia, Early, Social State of. Meli- ora, 5: 63. – of Phrygia; a story. (J. C. Scott) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 525. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 166. Gold Mining, Causes of Success and Failure in. (A. G. Lock) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 131. — in Nova Scotia. (H. Y. Hind) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 612. — in Peru by the Incas. (E. E. Olcott) Engin. M. I : I 2. — in Wales. Sat. R. 64: 752. w — of To-Day. (C. G. Yale) Overland, m. s. 18: II.3. Gold-Mining Camp, In a Modern. (A. Burrows) Over- land, n. S. 9; 337. Gold Standard for India, Proposed. Q. J. Econ. 2: 449. Gold Supply, Contraction of, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I 36. — of England and India. (C. Daniell) Blackw. I49: 394. Golden Bough, Frazer's. (I. Taylor) Acad. 37. 399. – Ath. 'go, 2: 155. – Ed. R. I72; 538. —Nature, 42: 513. – Quar. I72: 191. Golden Calf, The ; a Novelette. (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. II: 385. Golden Dachshunds, The ; a story. (M. Vernon) Eng. Illust. 7: 214. Golden Incubus, The. (G. M. Fenn) Chamb. J. 65: Golden iamp, The. (T. St.E. Hake) Chamb. J. 68: I53–184. Golden Sands. (J. S. Lloyd) Lond. Soc. 56; 63. Golden Wedding, A.; a story. (R. M. Stuart) Harper, 8o: 6o. t GOLDIE Goldie, John. Am. J. Sci. I35: 260. Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind. See Lind, Jenny. Goldschmidt, Meir Aaron. (E. Gosse) Ath. '87, 2: 278. Goldsmith, Oliver. Spec. 61: 1395. — Dobson’s Life of. Ath. '88, I : 333. — Poems; ed. by Dobson, Ath. '89, 2: 124. — Vicar of Wakefield. (F. H. Balfour) National, I5: 688. — — and its Illustration. 18. Goldsmiths and Pewterers, Dispute between. Hope) Antiq. m. s. 22: 75. — English. (R. C. Hope) Reliquary, v. 28–30. Goldsmiths' Art in South Kensington Museum. Cripps) Art J. 40: 171. Goldsmiths' Halls in 1773, Provincial. Reliquary, 30: (A. Dobson) Eng. Illust. 8: (R. C. (W. 34. Golf. (H. G. Hutchinson) Murray, 2: 470. —Sat. R. 64; 22. 69: 596–665. 7 I : 372. – Spec. 61: 274. — at Bembridge. Sat. R. 7o: 293. — Hutchinson on. Spec. 64: 515. — Physics of. (P. G. Tait) Nature, 42: 420. — Psychology of. Blackw. I43: 683. — Rationale of. Spec. 63: 548. — The Unwritten Chapter on. 44: 497. Nature, 36: 502, 580. 37: 31. Golf Craze, The. Chamb. J. 65: 321. Golf Links. Sat. R. 69: 697. 7o: IO4. Gombo, Wisdom of. (E. Wakefield) 19th Cent. 30: 575. Goncourt, Edmond de, in Paris. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Critic, I3: 267. — in the Siege of Paris. (A. Laugel) Nation, 5 I: 359. — and Jules de, Journal of. (H. James) Fortn. 50: 501.-(A. Laugel) Nation, 46: 27.-Atlan. 6I: 421. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 52; 439. — — Two Brothers and their Friends. Murray, I3: 54I. Gondal, India. Sat. R. 7I: 570. Gondinet, Edmond. Acad. 34: 361. Gondola, Evolution of. (H. Pierson) Cosmopol. 8: 529. Gondy, W. C., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M.West. Hist. I2: 417. Goniolina in the Comanche Series of the Texas Creta- ceous. (R. T. Hill) Am. J. Sci. I40; 64. Gontaut, Mme. de, Memoirs of. (A. Laugel) Nation, (M. A. Belloc) 53: 273. Good, T. S. (C. Markham) Portfo. 20: I II. Good and Evil, Mystery of. Westm. I33: 625. Good Friday. All the Year, 64; 369. Good Hope, Cape of, Sea-Fishing at. Blackw. I48: 626. Good Little Girl. (F. Anstey) Longm. I5: 516. Good Man's Dilemma, A. Cornh. 59: I55. Good-Natured People, are they Uninteresting 2 Atlan. 6I: 425. Good Old Family, A. Murray, 4: 555, 700, 843. “Good Old Times,” Glance at. (M. J. Savage) Arena, 2: 674. - — and the Present Time. (M. J. Savage) Arena, 3: 13. Good Old Uncle; from the German of Seidel. Cosmo- pol. I: I 12. Good Sense, Mystical Side of. Spec. 60: Io;1. Good Shepherd, Order of. (B. A. Wilberforce) Month, 72: 205, 362. Goodale, George Lincoln, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 691. Good-Bye. Goodman, Maude. Goodness, Evolution of. 229. — Failure and Success of. 2O: I 71. (W. Greswell) (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 42: 327. Art J. 4I: 200. (F. Greenwood) New R. 2: (S. A. Tipple) Sunday M. 177 GOTHIC Goodwin, Nat. C., in “A Gold Mine.” Theatre, 25: I29. — in “The Cork Maker.” Goodwins of Connecticut. Goophered Grapevine, The. 60: 254. Goose and Brant on the Canadian Coast. Phail) Outing, 17: 472. — Folk-Lore of the. Chamb. J. 66: 815. — Shooting, in the Sacramento Valley. Outing, Ig: 4 I. — Wild, of Nebraska. Outing, 19: I.21. Gopherus Carolinus; Habits of the Great Southern Tor- toise. (N. S. Shaler) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 37. Gorbis, France. Spec. 62: 365. Gordon, Adam Lindsay; the Poet of the Australian Bush. (A. P. Martin) Murray, Io: 93. Gordon, Chas. George. Church Q. 28: 222. — (E. I. Hardy) Sunday M. I.7: 229. — and Garibaldi. Lond. Q. 70: 291. — and the Gordon Home. Sat. R. 71 : 62. — and the Viceroy Li Hung Chang. Leis. Hour, 40: 493. — at Khartoum, Macdonald's. Ath. '88, I: 9. — Butler's Life of. Ath. '89, I: 175. — Copy of Newman's Dream of Gerontius belonging to. (W. E. A. Axon) Longm. If: 632. — Death of. (C. R. Haines) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 130. — Last Words with. (Sir G. Graham) Fortn. 47: 32. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 476. — Letters. Asia. R. 6: 200. — Spec. 61 : 482. — Ath. '88, I : 365. — Church Q. 27: 257. — Voyage to Cape Town with, in 1882. (W. E. Spence) Contemp. 57: 272. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 469. Gordon, Lady Duff. Temp. Bar, 79: 31. Same art. Liv. Age, I'72: 224. Gordon, Lord George, and the Riots of 1780. (M. E. Wemyss) Temp. Bar, 79: 345. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: I53. Gordon, Sir H. Sat. R. 64: 595. Gordon Boys' Home. All the Year, 62: 225. Gore, Charles. See Lux Mundi. Gore, Joel Rogers, M. D., with portrait. M.West. Hist. II: 538. Gorgons, Archaie, in British Museum. (J. Six) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 275. Goschen, George Joachim, with portrait. (Lond.) 48: 805. Gospel, The. (J. L. Richardson) Chris. Q. 7: 405. — Need of a New. (W. Barry) 19th Cent. 26: 208. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 360. — Scriptural System of Spreading the. (J. Beaty) Chris. Q. 7: 231. — The Simple, and Christian Ethics. And. R. I6: 39. — What is the 2 Chris. Q. 6: 601. Gospelar, Queen Margaret's. (E. Edersheim) Leis. Hour, 37: 313. Gosse, Edmund. (R. Le Gallienne) Acad. 38: 287. – (L. C. Moulton) Author, 2: 86. Gosse, Philip Henry. Acad. 34: 140. — Ath. '88, 2: 294. — (Mrs. A. Crosse) Temp. Bar, 93: 477.-Sat. R. 64: 263. 71: 17. —Lond. Q. 76: 15. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 746. —Nature, 43: 603. -Spec. 65: 905. Gossip, Defence of. Spec. 61: 1254. Theatre, 25: 139. Sat. R. 7I: 750. (C. W. Chesnutt) Atlan. (J. A. Mac- Bank. M. (C. F. Carter) Göta Canal. (W. W. Thomas, jr.) Cosmopol. 6: 262. Gothic Architecture, A New Theory of. Portfo. 2 I: I S. I. — Moore's. (R. Sturgis) Nation, 50: 416. See Architecture. Gothic Language, Balg's Comparative Glossary of the. Nation, 51: 39. ->< Monopoly vs. Private Competition. J. Econ. 2: 353. GOTHIC Gothic Minsters, The Birthday of our. (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 30: 88. Goths, History of, Bradley's. Spec. 62: 93. Goucharov, Ivan A. Ath. '91, 2: 453. Gough, John B. (C. J. Little) Chaut. 9: 286. — Distinctive Traits of. (E. A. Park) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 3. Gould, S. B., Novels of. (J. M. Barrie) Contemp. 57: 206. Gould Island Mystery. (D. Buffum) New Eng. M. n. S. 5; 77. Gounod, C. F. Views on Art and Artists. (M’lle. de Bovet) Fortn. 52: 186. Same art. Ecl. M. 113: 433. Gourds and Bottles. (Grant Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 3IO. Gournay, Lady Marie de. (M. D. Steele) Atlan. 61: 328. Gove, Edward, Insurrection of, 1683. Granite Mo. Io: 185. Governess and her Grievances, The. (A. W. Pollard) Murray, 5: 505. Government; Anarchy or Regimentation? (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: 843. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 780. — Art of. Westm. I27: 75. — by Chief Clerks. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Westm. 133: IO5. — by the People. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 63: 433. — by Rum-Sellers. (H. Crosby) Forum, 9: 341. – Centenary of Modern. (S. E. Baldwin) Am. Law R. 23: 864. — Departments of, Independence of. Am. Law R. 23: 588. — False Notions of. (L. F. Ward) Forum, 3: 364. — Foundation Principle Of. (C. F. Crehore) Educa- tion, 7: 456. — Law, Logic, and. (A. Johnston) N. Prine. 5: 187. — Local, Franchise in. (F. E. M. Steele) To-Day, 9: 126. — — in the U. S., Decay of. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 26. — — in Wisconsin. (D. E. Spencer) J. H. Univ. Stud- ies, 8: no. 3. (W. M. Meigs) (S. N. Patten) Ann. Am. (O. Howes) Q. — of Dependencies, Lewis on. Sat. R. 72: 642. — on Business Principles. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 44: 288. – Powers of. Lend a H. 3: 551. Government Clerk, My Experience as. leigh) Lippinc. 43: 271. Žº Interference with Production and Dis- G (F. E. Wad- tribution. (D. A. Wells) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 289. overnor, The ; a story. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. 6: 64. Governor's Guard, The: a True Tale of Sepoy Super- stition. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 213. Governor's Prerogative, The ; a story. Cent. I3: 555. Govinda Bau Sattay. (C. H. Dall) Unita. R. 31: 397, Gower, John. (S. W. Brooks) Poet-Lore, I: 214. – Confessio Amantis. (H. Bradley) Ath. '89, I: 663. — Spec. 63: 929. Gowrie, Earl of, Conspiracy of, Barbe's. Goyden Pot, Down. Chamb. J. 65: 273. Gozlan, Léon. (E. Jerrold) Temp. Bar, 79: 435. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 630. zº. Gozo, Island of. (P. J. Hayden) Month, 59: 538. Gozzadini, Giovanni. (R. F. Burton) Acad. 32: 167. — Nation, 45: 250. Gozzi, Count Carlo. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 50: 481. — Sat. R. 68: 500. (A. French) Spec. 61: 20. 178 ſ GRANGER Gozzoli, Benozzo, I420–98. 58. Grace, W. G., Greatest of Cricketers. Leis. Hour, 36: J - Grace and Law. (G. Harris) And. R. 9: 449. — — Pauline Antithesis between. (R. E. Neighbor) Bapt. R. 9: 440. – Virtues of. (W. Sutton) Irish Mo. 16: 304. Grace, Days of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 198. - Graciosa ; a story. (J. Lawson) Murray, 8: 532. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 395. Graduation Day Honors in the Schools of New York State. Aead. (Syr.) I : 183. Grady, Henry W. (J. W. Lee) Arena, 2: 9. – Early Home of. (T. R. Crawford) New Eng. M. n. S. 2: 425. Graeco-Slavonic Literature and Folk-Lore, Gaster's. Ath. '87, 2: 336. Graff, Frederick, Memoir of. J. Frankl. Inst. 12g: (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 39: 5 I 7. Graham, James, of Claverhouse, The Portrait of. Mac- mil. 61: 224. Graham, John W. Neaera ; a Tale of Ancient Rome. Ed. R. 165: 248. Grain, Duties on, German. I38. Grains, Food, of India. 6: 14. Grain of Gold, A.; a story. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 4: 621. Grammar, Comparative. 4; 489. — English, viewed from All Sides. cation, 7: 460. — Modern. Spec. 64: 622, 692. – of the “Upper Ten.” (J. P. Simpson) Theatre, 21: 237. Grammar Schools, Is it Expedient to Teach Latin, Algebra, and Geometry in 2 (W. L. Eaton) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 193. Grammont's Memoirs. Sat. R. 66: 609. Gramophone, The. (E. Berliner) J. Frankl. Inst. 125: 425. – (E. J. Houston) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 44. Grampians, A Morning in the. Blackw. I48: 352. Granada (Spain). (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. I2: 431. Grand Army of the Republic, The. Macmil. 65: 130. — (G. S. Merrill) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 603. — Camp-Fires of. (W. T. Sherman) No. Am. I47: (C. H. Hull) Nation, 53: (J. F. Watson) J. Soc. Arts, (M. W. Easton) Acad. (Syr.) (E. A. Allen) Edu- 497. — Cleveland and. Pub. Opin. 3: 209-453. — Encampment of, 1887. Pub. Opin. 3: 545. — in Massachusetts. (G. S. Merrill) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 113. Grand Army Machine, The. Nation, 45; 26. Grand Duke's Rubies. (E. Saltus) Lippinc. 41 : 123. “Grand Gulf '' Formation of the Gulf States. (L. C. Johnson) Am. J. Sci. I38: 213. Grandma Bascom's Story of San José in ’49. (M. H. Field) Overland, n. S. 9: 543. Grand Manan, Zoëlogical Reconnoissance in. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 24: 423. Grand Palaver, A. (E. Shippen) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 2OI. - Grande Anse, At. (L. Hearn) Harper, 79: 844. Grande Pointe. (G. W. Cable) Cent. 33: 659. Grand’ther Hill's Pa'tridge; a story. (R.E. Robin- son) Atlan. 68: 457. Grangerism in Periodicals. 2 I9. Grangerising. Cornh. 61: 135. Granger Movement, Outcome of. Sci. Mo. 32: 368. (A. H. Noll) Writer, 4: (C. W. Pierson) Pop. GRANGER Granger Movement, Rise of the. (C. W. Pierson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 199. Granite, Art-Treatment of. (J. Bell) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 281. — Rifting in. Grant, Charles, Indian Philanthropist. Good Words, 32: 613. Grant, Fred. D., Nomination of, 1887. Pub. Opin. 3: 479. Grant, Henry. Westm. I30: 17. Grant, Hugh, as Mayor of N. Y. (E. I. Godkin) Na- tion, 50: 252. Grant, James. Acad. 31: 342. — Historical Novels of. (S. F. F. Veitch) Scot. R. II: (R. S. Tarr) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 267. (G. Smith) II.7. Grant, U. S. (M. Arnold) Murray, I : 130, 150. — and Badeau, Controversy between. Nation, 46: 230. — and the French. (T. Stanton) M. Am. IIist. 22: 502. — and Matthew Arnold ; an Estimate. (J. B. Fry) No. Am. I44; 349. - — and Meade, Escape of, May, 1864. (R. S. Robert- son) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 248. — and the Potomac Army. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 47: 276. — in Peace, Badeau's. Nation, 45; 286. — Last Campaign of. (H. Porter) Cent. I3: 127. — on the Close of the War. (W. F. Peck) Cosmopol. I : 360. — Personal Recollections of. Am. Hist. 20: Io9. — Thomas, Geo. H., and Lee, R. E. (W. T. Sherman) No. Am. I44; 437. Grant Monument, New York, Accepted Design for. Am. Arch. 30: 4I. – Competition on. Am. Arch. 23: 142. Granville, G. G. Leveson-Gower, Earl. Spec. 66: 464. — as a Politician. Sat. R. 7I: 403. Granville, John Carteret, Earl. Quar. I56: 179. – Ed. R. 167: 235. — Ballantyne's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 495. – Spec. 60: 1368. — Sat. R. 64: 565. – Temp. Bar, 81: 321. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 695. Graphics; the Language of Form. Cosmopol. Io: 285. Graphic Arts, Fifty Years' Development of. son) Art J. 39: 210. Graphic Method of Teaching. Soc. Arts, 23: I 71. Graphic Work in the Grammar School. Educa. Io: 355. Graphite Carbon, Cubic Crystals of. (L. Fletcher) Na- ture, 36: 304. (C. K. Tuckerman) M. (C. W. Larned) (J. Hod- (B. W. Hawkins) J. (L. J. Block) Graphophone. (H. Edmunds) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 39. — Science, II: 246. Graphotype, The. (H. Fitz-Cook) J. Soc. Arts, I4: 51. Graptolites, Lower Silurian, from Northern Maine. (W. W. Dodge) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 153. - Grasse, France, and the Grassois. (M. T. Amherst) Eng. Illust. 8: 571. — in Spring. Belgra. 75: 139. Same art. I90: 443. — Perfumes and Pictures of. Cornh. 63: 504. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 571. Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Locusts in Poetry. Robinson) Gent. M. m. s. 39: II. — Raid of, in 1874-5. (Mrs. M. V. Washington) M. West. Hist. I3: 531. Grateful Elephant; a Story of Burmah. Cosmopol. 5: 334. Gravelotte to Sedan. Liv. Age, (Phil. (D. Ker) (P. H. Sheridan) Scrib. M. 4: 5.I.S. – Witnessed and Revisited. (M. Halstead) Cent. I5: II.7. 179 GREAT Graves, Chas. Hinman, with portrait. (C. W. Butter- field) M. West. Hist. 9: 162. Graves, Charles L. Ballads. Spec. 62: 515. Graves, Storied. Chamb. J. 67: 513. Graveyard, An Old City. Atlan. 63: 132. Gray, Asa. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. 135: 181. — Ath. '88, I: 150. – Spec. 61: 203. – Nature, 37: 375. — (G. L. Goodale) Nation, 46: 88. — Critic, I2: 63. — Science, II: 51. – (A. W. Bennett) Acad. 33: Ioo. – Critic, I2: Ioy. — (V. M. Spaul- ding) Acad. (Syr.) 5: I48. — Debt of the Church to. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 45 : 523. — List of the Writings of. Am. J. Sci. I36; app. — — Index to Chronological List of Writings of. B. Seymour) Am. J. Sci. I36: app. — Scientific Papers. Ath. '90, I: 278. – Nation, 49: 37I. Gray, David, Scotch Poet. 73. – Irish Mo. I5: 421. Gray, David [of Buffalo], Larned's Letters and Poems of. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 48: 289. Gray, Thos. (A. Benson) Macmil. 59: 21. Liv. Age, I79: 601. — and his Friends, Tovey’s. tion, 5 I : 293. — Letters of. (J. C. Bailey) Murray, 9: 471. art. Liv. Age, I89: 367. Grayson, Col. William. (R. Singleton) M. Am. Hist. 23: 382. - Graysons, The. (E. Eggleston) Cent. I3: 40–834. I4: 78–528. Grazing Lands. (A. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I7: Same art. (G. E. Woodberry) Na- Samo (C. E. Lowrey) Overland, n. s. I2: 465. Great and Big ; a dialogue. (T. O. Brown) National, I5: 446. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 52. Great-Aunt Sarah; a story. Murray, 6: 396. Great Britain, Admiralty Office, Reforms needed in. (L. J. Jennings) 19th Cent. 28: 648. — and Germany, Growing Hostility of. wood) 19th Cent. 25: 256. — — War Scare of, 1875. Fortn. 52: 869. — and Italy, Secret Alliance between. Spec. 66: 781. — and the U. S.; Howland's New Empire. (G. M. Grant) Westm. I36: 417. — — Race for Primacy between. (A. T. Rice) No. Am. I45: 435. — Army of. (Sir C. W. Dilke) Fortn. 48: 605, 741. 49: 1-605. — (H. R. Fox-Bourne) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 150. — (G. J. Wolseley) Harper, 8o: 331. — (Sir J. Adye) 19th Cent. 30: 628. – (R. T. Higgins) Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 189. – (A. Dillon) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 606. - — — Actual Military Strength of, in 1888. Hozier) 19th Cent. 23: 799. — — and Navy, Condition of. — — — Hartington's Commission. I: 82. — — — Parliamentary Misrule of. Forster) 19th Cent. 26: 523. — — Arnold-Forster on. Spec. 67: 720. — — as a Public Department. (Sir G. Chesney) 19th Cent. 30: 7. — — as a School for Civil Life. (J. Sinclair) Contemp. 56: 610. — — Boy Sergeants and Other Abuses. (J. Byrne) 19th Cent. 28: 835. — — Clothing of. (R. W. Hanbury) Un. Serv. M. n. S. I : 513. — — Comparisons are Odious. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 3O2. * — — Confusion Worse Confounded at the War Office. (Sir G. Chesney) 19th Cent. 30: 237. (F. Green- (H. M. Sat. R. 71: 252. Un. Serv. M. m. s. (H. O. Arnold- GREAT Great Britain, Army; Critics Criticised. Fortm. 56: 773. — — — Rejoinder. (C. W. Dilke) Fortn. 5: 793. — — Dilke on. Ath. '88, 1: 689. — Spec. 61: 823. — — Dual Government of. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 203. — — Financ. Reform in. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 417. — — Government Manufacturing Departments. (C. H. Owen) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 710. — — Growing Unpopularity of Military Service. (F. C. Trench) Blackw. I49: 291. — — How to Make it Popular. (M. J. King-Harman) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 391. — – How to Reorganize the War Department. (Sir G. Chesney) 19th Cent. 30: 885. — — in 1888 : a Retrospect. (R.T. Higgins) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 385. — — in 1891. (C. W. Dilke) Fortn. 55: 857. Same art. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 131. — Sat. R. 72: 601. — — in London. (E. Coward) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 417. — — Is our Yeomanry Worth Preserving 2 (Earl of Airlie) 19th Cent. 30: 799. — — Languages in the Service. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 170. — — Life in a Cavalry Regiment. 19th Cent. 28: 840. — — Made and Making. Spec. 67: 917. — — Medical Dept., Report of, for 1886. M. I ('88): 641. — — Officers in, Glut of Junior. Cent. 27: 258. — — — Past and Present. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 385. — — Old Regiments of. (Phila.) 5: 368. — — Organization of, Future. (C. W. Dilke) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I: 1, — — Organization Scheme for. M. '88, I: 42. — — Past and Present. (Sir J. Adye) Fortn. 47: 499. — — A Private Soldier on the Private Soldier's Wrongs. (A. V. Palmer) 19th Cent. 28: 325. — — — Reply to Palmer. (J. S. Baldock) 19th Cent. 28: 831. — — Professional Ignorance in. 22: 325. — — Recruiting for. (H. Vincent) Un. (W. Gore-Browne) Un. Serv. (Sir John Adye) 19th (H. D. Smith) Un. Serv. (E. Baker) Un. Serv. (L. Hale) 19th Cent. Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 571. — — — Problem of. (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 29: 398. — Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 83–471. n. s. 4: 75, 170. — — Recruits, How Trained. (C. Turner) Outing, I7: I2. — — — of 1887. Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 1. — — Red Tape in. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 275. — — A Regiment of Infantry. (H. T. Hildegarde) 19th Cent. 22: 103. — — Regimental Depôts and Recruits. '88, 1: 228, 307. — — Regimental System, Decay of. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 72. — — Reserve; Future Rôle of. (F.C. Trench) Blackw. I5o: 639. — — Scare of 1888. ('88): 259. — — Short Service Discipline. 393. — — 66th Berkshire Regt., Early History of. Holden) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 264. — — The Soldier's Barrack Room. (A. B. McHardy) 19th Cent. 28: 260. — — Soldiers' Rations. (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 24: 822. — — “Tommy Atkins,” Original. (H. Dillon) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 465. — — under George I., Drill and Customs in. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 417. — — Uniforms of. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 447. |Un. Serv. M. (R. T. Higgins) Un. Serv. M. I Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): (R. 180 GREAT Great Britain, Army; Volunteers. (C. B. Brackenbury) Contemp. 55; 929. — (R. W. Routledge) 19th Cent. 2I: 742. – (Lord Wolmer) 19th Cent. 21: 566. — — — and Bisley Common. (Lord Wantage) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 50. — — — Are they Fit for War 2 Un. Serv. M. '87, 1: 289. — — — Citizen-Soldiers of the First Class Army-Re- serve. (Maj.-Gen. Chapman) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 566. — — — Easter Manoeuvres, 1890. I : I 53. — — — Education of Officers. Un. Serv. M. n.s. 2: 262. — — — Increasing Dearth of Officers. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 602. — — — Position of. Sat. R. 71: 407. — — — Suggestions for the Improvement of. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 45–341. — — Wimbledon Meeting. (S. F. Page) Murray, 6:32. — — Yeomanry Cavalry. All the Year, 64: 558. — (Viscount Melgund) 19th Cent. 23: 555. — — — Truth about. (W. A. B. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 433. – Capital in, Accumulations of, in 1875–85. (R. Giffen) J. Statis. Soc. 53: I. – Census of, Annual, Suggestions for. wick) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 468. — — of 1891. (S. J. Low) Contemp. 6o: 545. — — — Prelim. Report of. J. Statis. Soc. 54: 457. — — — Some Lessons of. (G. B. Longstaff) New R. 5 : 33 I. — — — Suggestions for. Soc. 52: 436. — The Civil Service. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: I 11. — Climate of. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 457. — Colonial Development of, during 50 Years. (G. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 47: 928. — Colonial Governments. (C. G. Duffy) Contemp. 57: 617. — Colonial Life, Old. (F. M. Colby) Cosmopol. I : 290. — Colonial Loans, Last Three, 1886. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 212. – Colonial Office. (S. Leighton) National, I6: 145. — Colonies. (C. G. Duffy) Contemp. 57: 617. 58: 153. — (C. Ransome) Contemp. 60: 82.- Meliora, I2: I, — — and the Crown. (E. Salmon) National, I4: 2O0. — — and Dependencies. Forcign. (A. J. R. Trendell) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: I oz. — — and the Navy. (G. S. Clarke) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: IO3. — — Commerce and Cost of. Arts, Io: 301. — — Confederation or Independence 2 Ed. R. I7I: 565. — — Crown Colonies. Spec. 60: 20. — — Dilke's Problems. Sat. R. 69: 200. – Westm. I34: 349. —(W. J. Courthope) National, I5: 433. — (Marquis of Lorne) No. Am. I5o: 724. – Quar, I70: 527. Same art. Liv. Age, I85; 771. — — Dry–Nursing the. (F. L. Shaw) Fortn. 52: 367. — — Economy at the. Chamb. J. 64; Io2. — — England in the Islands of the Sea. (C. Thomas) Chaut. I3: 299. — — Federation and Loyalty of. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 274. See below, Great Britain, Empire of. — — Finance of. Spec. 64; 298. — — Governors of. National, I5: 614. — — — Method of Selection of. (G. Baden-Powell) 19th Cent. 24: 891. — — Independence of. Ed. R. I74: 221. — — Loyalty of ; Dialogue. (R. H. Bakewell) 19th Cent. 28: 191. — (Bishop A. Barry) 19th Cent. 28: 801. Un. Serv. M. m. s. |Un. (Sir E. Chad- (G. B. Longstaff) J. Statis. (H. Ashworth) J. Soc, (G. Atkinson) Un. GREAT Great Britain, Colonies; May they Secede? (Sir J.Vo- gel) 19th Cent. 26: 897. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 805. — — Our First Amphictyonic Council. National, Io: 251. — — Preservation of, and the Price of Bread. Na- tional, I7: 424. — — Progress of, 1860–85. Arts, 34: 595. — — — 1869. (J. Robinson) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 495. — — State of, 1885. (R. J. Mann) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 279. — — Thirty Years of Colonial Government, S. Lane- Poole's. (W. D. Davis) Nation, 51 : 53, 75. – Westm. I33: 353. — — What do they Want? (P. H. Colomb) Murray, 8: 805. – Constitution of, Frangueville on. Spec. 61: 358. See England, Constitution. – Crown of, New Title Proposed for. Powell) 19th Cent. 2I: 775. — Currency, State of [1889]. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1491. – Defence of. Ed. R. I.69: 552. — Blackw. I45: 437. — Sat. R. 67: 337, 558, 623. — (J. Leyland) Amer. I6: 44. — (G. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 50: 546. — (H. Dunckley) Contemp. 53: 885. — Sat. R. 65: 488, 519, 550, 582. —Westm. I28: 151. — — London's Defencelessness. (Sir E. Hamley) 19th Cent. 23: 633. — — Minimum Force Requisite for Security. Hamley) 19th Cent. 23: 789. — Education Commission, First Report of. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 430.- (H. P. Hughes) Contemp. 55: 354. — Empire of. Church Q. 28: 506. — — Are we worthy of our Empire ? (P. Fitzgerald) . National, 9: 78.I. © — — Commercial Union. (Earl of Dunraven) 19th Cent. 29: 507. — — Frontiers and Protectorates. 19th Cent. 30: 312. — — Imperial Federation. Sat. R. 7I: 69. — Asia. R. 8: 280. – Ed. R. I70: 247. – (J. E. Gorst) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 689. – (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 58: 241. — (J. Merriman) 19th Cent. 21 : 507.- (G. M. Grant) Our Day, 3: 205. — Our Day, 5: I.25. — Westm. I28: 484. — (G. Baden-Powell) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I: 28. — — — An American View. (A. Carnegie) 19th Cent. 30: 490. Same art. Engin. M. 2: 150. — — — and Maritime Power. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 220, 343. — — — as Viewed in the New World. 19th Cent. 29: 468. — — — a Colonial Plan. (Sir Charles Tupper) 19th Cent. 30: 509. — (L. Locksley) National, 18: 280. — — — Colonial View of. (R. Stout) 19th Cent. 21: (W. Greswell) (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. (G. Baden- (Sir E. (Sir A. C. Lyall) (J. W. Cross) 35 I. — — — Edinburgh Review on. Spec. 67: 12o. — — — An English View. (Lord Brassey) 19th Cent. 30: 48o. — — — Home Rule and. Westm. 132: 225. —(J. A. Partridge) Westm. 133: 221. — — — Is it a Chimera? (W. Lobban) Westm. 136: 54. — — — Sir J. Macdonald on. Cent. 30: 154. — — — Lord Salisbury on. Our Day, 8: 105. — — — New View of. Blackw. 147: 708. — — — Obstacles to. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 1: 118. – (H. R. Nicholls) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 1: 526. — (T. B. Strange) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 80, 159. — — — Results of. (J. C. R. Colomb) Murray, 1: 66. — — — versus War. Westm. I31: 1. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 198. (S. B. Boulton) 19th 181 GREAT Great Britain, Empire of ; Imperial Federation, Whigs and. (B.M.) Macmil. 61: 214. — – Reorganization of. (G. R. Parkin) Cent. I5: 187. – Exchequer, Hall on. Sat. R. 72: 731. – Excise Department and its Officials. 66: 69. – Expenditures of. (L. Levi) Fortn. 48: 867. – “Fin de Siècle.” (F. Greenwood) Contemp. 58:297. – Finances, 1860–88. Quar. I66: 515. — — 1887–90. (T. H. Farrer) Contemp. 58: 481, 755. — — Budget of 1886. Bank M. (Lond.) 47: 421. — — — of 1887. Spec. 60: 580. — — — of 1888. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 469. — — — of 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 533. — — — of 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 709. – – Conversion of the English Debt. (A. C. Miller) Q. J. Econ. 4: 437. — — Goschen on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 1138. — — Goschen’s Proposals for the Central Reserve. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 427. — — Living Capital of the United Kingdom. (J. S. Nicholson) Econ. J. I : 94. — Financial Position, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1637. — Foreign Policy of, True. Fortn. 50: 1. – Foreign Relations of. (F. Greenwood) Contemp. 55: 815. — Geographical Evolution of. Sat. R. 67: 382. — Government ; Monarchy in Commission. Spec. 67: 752. — — Our Silent Rulers. Spec. 67: 373. – Histories of, Early. (J. P. MacLane) Univ. Q. 47: 282. — History of ; Prophecy and its Fulfilment. Murray, I : 72 I. – Imports and Exports of, Statistics of, and what they tell us. (A. E. Bateman) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 653. — in 1835–41. The Melbourne Government, its Acts and Persons. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 27: 38. — in 1837 and 1887. (W. E. A. Axon) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 19. — in 1886–91; Five Years of Resolute Government. National, I7: 585. — Material Growth of, from 1836 to 1886. Fortn. 47: 913. – Mercantile Marine in War-Time, Defence of the. (W. C. Crutchley) Blackw. I46: 674. — Military Affairs. Murray, 4: 393. — — A National Want, a Practical Proposal. Fortm. 53: 595. — Military Resources of. Fortn. 49: 737. — — in 1887. Sat. R. 63: 871. – National Debt, Conversion of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 477, 796. — Sat. R. 67: 534, 636. — — Goschen’s Proposal. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 369. — — Government Departments and. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 208. — — Reductions in, 1858–88. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 677. – Naval Policy of, 1888. Blackw. I43: 581. – Navy. (J. C. Dickenson) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 338. — Un. Serv. M. 2: ('88–89): 732. — — Admiralty Board and Sea Officers Two Cen- turies ago. (H. B. Goodwin) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 35 I. — — — Confusion in, and its Cure. ford) 19th Cent. 23: 760. — — — Reform of. (Lord C. Beresford) 19th Cent. 23: 809. — — and the Country. — — and the State of Europe. 19th Cent. 25: I. . — — Are we ready ? (E. Garel) Un. Serv. M. '87, I: II.4. — — Big Gun Question. M. n. s. 2: 321. Chamb. J. (L. Levi) (Lord C. Beres- Blackw. I44; 279. (Lord C. Beresford) (R. E. A. Scott) Un. Serv. GREAT Great Britain, Navy; Lord Brassey on. Sat. R. 7I: 347. — — Coal Endurance of Ships of. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 533. — — Coaling Stations in the Eastern Seas. Temple) New R. 2: 151. — — Early Regulations. Sat. R. 7I: 589. — — Engineers in. Sat. R. 71: 39. — — Fighting Power of. Un. Serv. M. 2: ('88–89): 453. — — Forwood on. ’87, 2: 341, 438. , — — General Staff for. — — Home Rule for. Cent. 29: 34. t — — How to Utilize the Naval Volunteers. Arnold-Forster) 19th Cent. 30: I 12. — — in 1884 and 1888. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 275. — — in 1888. Sat. R. 65: 643, 683. 66: 5. — — in Foreign Waters. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 147. — — in Time of the Georges. (H. B. Goodwin) Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 178. (H. Williams) Un. (Sir R. (D’A. G. Vincent) Un. Serv. M. Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 459. (Sir W. F. D. Jervois) 19th (H. O. — — Ironclads, Famous Namesakes of. (C. H. Hughes) || Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 146–317. 2 ('88–89): 4o. — — Loss of the “Wasp.” Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 93. — — Manning the. (O. Churchill) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 4 : I.2 I. — — Manoeuvres of, 1887. Spec. 60: Io?9. — — — 1888. Blackw. I44: 465. — (Sir J. C. R. Co- lomb) 19th Cent. 24: 595.-Sat. R. 66: 161, 195, 223, 259. — Fortn. 50: 381. – (J. N. East) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 388, 563. — — — 1889. Blackw. I46: 564. — (F. Maurice) Con- temp. 56: 516. – Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 385, 641. — Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 500. — — — — Practical Results of. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): I. — — — 1891. Sat. R. 72: 132. — — Mercantile Reserve. (H. L. Swinburne) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 518. — — Mutinies of 1797. Sat. R. 7 I : 677–768. 72: 13. — — Naval Defence Act, Has it made England Safe? Un. Serv. M. n. s. I : 37. — — Naval Education, Inefficiency of Present System of. (H. Chamberlain) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 550, 696. — — New Programme for. (Lord Armstrong) 19th Cent. 25: 629. — — Next Need of. (Sir G. P. Hornby) Un. Serv. M. m. s. I : 89. — — of 1889 and 1894. (Sir G. Elliot) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 385. — — Officers and Service Information. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 269, 494. — — Progress of. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 151. 3 ('89): 614. — — Promotion in. Sat. R. 7I: 319. — — Reminiscences of. Cath. World, 52: 186. — — Review of, under the Regency. Un. Serv. M. '88, (C. Johnstone) I : I2O. — — Senior Lieutenants of. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 295. — — Ships of, in 1858. (E. J. Reed) J. Soc. Arts, 7: 59. — — — New ; are they Seaworthy P (Lord Brassey and P. H. Colomb) New R. 3: 51o. — — — — Construction of. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 299. — — — — Is the New Fleet a Failure? Spec. 67: I53. — — Training for. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 36: 486. — — under Elizabeth, Royal and Merchant. penheim) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 465. (M. Op- 182 GREAT Great Britain, Navy; War-Training of. (Sir G. P. Hornby) Un. Serv. M. I : 472. — (Sir G. P. Hornby and P. Fitzgerald) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 123, 377. – (C. C. P. Fitzgerald) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 1. — (H. Williams) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 255. — (G. H. Noel) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 374. — — With the Fleet at Nore. All the Year, 67: 157. — Ordnance Survey of. Nation, 46: 324. — — 1774–1875. (T. P. White) Blackw. 144: 384, 548. – Politics in ; Difficulties of Good Government. Quar. I66: 496. — — The Middle Class and the New Liberalism. G. Rogers) 19th Cent. 26: 710. — – Nationalist Party of the Future. Quar. 169: 543. – (Duke of Marlborough) 19th Cent. 26: 733.− (M. Crackanthorpe) 19th Cent. 26: 746. — — Our New System. Macmil. 63: 419. — — Party Politics. (Earl of Selborne) Contemp. 51: 1. — — Political Position of Gr. Brit. Fortn. 47: 785. — — in 1705–1707. (G. B. Lancaster-Woodburne) Na- tional, I2: 651. — — in 1855; Notes of Conversations behind the Scenes. (N. W. Senior) 19th Cent. 28: 369. — — in 1886. Nation, 44: 50. — Blackw. I4I: 3.16. — — in 1887. Ed. R. I.65: 268. 166: 254. — Quar. I64: 270. I65: 249, 535. — (W. Summers) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 359. — — — Contest for the Union. Ed. R. I.65: 562. I67: 260. — — — Contest with Lawlessness. (J. Quar. I56: 240. — — — Elections. Cong. R. I : 854. — — — Electoral Facts. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 22 : 435. • T. From Easter to August. (M. Arnold) 19th Cent. 22: 3 Io. — — — Home Affairs. Westm. I29: 269, 298. — — — In Parliament. (A Gladstonian M. P.) Fortn. 47: 939. Same art. Iiv. Age, I74; 3. — — — Liberal Party and Home Rule. Contemp. 51: 773. — — — Liberal Reunion. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 68,554. — — — Iliberal Unionists and Coercion. (R. B. Brett and Earl Cowper) 19th Cent. 2I : 615. — — — — Position of. National, 9: 729. – (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 22: 534. — — — Nationality, not Separation. Westm. I29; 298. — — — National Party. Fortn. 48: 140. – (R. B. Hal- dane) Fortn. 48; 317. — — — New National Party. Cong. R. I : 763. — — — Non - Conformist Protest against Coercion. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 397. — — — Plea for Union. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 272. — — — Practical Tory Administration. (G. Baden- Powell) National, Io: 565. — — — Radical Programme. temp. 51 : 347. — — — Radical Unionism. Cong. R. I : 652. — — — Responsibilities of Power. (C. A. Whitmore) Murray, I: 7. — — — Review of, after Six Years' Absence. E. Grant Duff) 19th Cent. 22: I. Same art. Age. I74: 451. — — — Uses of Adversity. ray, I: 18. — — — Zenith of Conservatism. Cent. 21: 148. — — in 1888. Blackw. I43: 150. —Westm. I29: 666. — — — Future of the Unionists. (M. Crackanthorpe) 19th Cent. 24: 719. — — — New Labor Party. Cent. 24: 81. — — — The Session and the Unionists. 277. (R. W. Dale) (Earl of Selborne) Con- (Sir M. Liv. (G. W. E. Russell) Mur- (M. Arnold) 19th (H. H. Champion) 19th Ed. R. I69: GREAT Great Britain, Politics in, in 1889; Electoral Facts of To-Day. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 26: Io;6. — — — Future of Toryism. (Earl of Dunraven) 19th Cent. 25: 195. — — — Her Majesty's Opposition. Ed. R. I70: 277. — — — Judged by Australian Experience. (E. W. Beckett) 19th Cent. 25: IIo. — — — Lesson of Birmingham. 25: 641. — — — Parliamentary Prospects. — — in 1890. Blackw. I48: 866. — — — The African Bubble. (Sir J. P. Hennessy) 19th Cent. 28: I. — — — The Government and the Tithes. 19th Cent. 27: 150. — — — House of Commons Foiled. Ed. R. I72: 282. — — — Latest Midlothian Campaign. (M. Davitt) 19th Cent. 28: 854. — — — Party Prospects. 27: 312. — — — Political Position. Blackw. I47: 152. — — — A Radical Programme. (C. W. Dilke) New R. 3: I-404. — — — Unionist Party, Fusion of the Two Sections of. (F. Greenwood) Contemp. 57: 296. — — in 1891; Coming General Election. National, IoS: 4O9. — — — County Constituents. Spec. 67: 373. — — — Elections, May, 1891. Sat. R. 7I: 578. — — — Electoral Facts. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 30: 329. — — — Executive Government and the Unionists. Quar. I73: 536. — — — Labor Platform at the Next Election. Champion) 19th Cent. 30: Io96. — — — Liberal-Unionist Party. Sat. R. 7I: 760. — — — Liberals and Home Rule. Nation, 53: 254. — — — Liberalism, Lord Herschel on. Spec. 67: 308. — — — Momentum of the Party Machine. 88o. — — — Next Parliament. I7I. — — — — My Critics. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 30: 843. — — — Political Apathy, Dangers of. Spec. 67: 249. — — — Prospects of Conservatism. Quar. I'72: 253. — — — The Rival Coalitions. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 29: 167. — — — Lord Salisbury and the Primrose League. Spec. 66: 582. — — — Unionists and Tories. Spec. 67: 404. – Post-Office, The Crisis in. (J. L. Mahon) 19th Cent. 28: II9. — Revenue Returns, 1886. Sat. R. 63: 54. — Revenues, 1889. Sat. R. 67: 408, 459. — Royal Family, Expense of. (C. Bradlaugh) Con- temp. 53: 7I9. e — — Grants to. (H. Dunckley) Contemp. 56: 288. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. Blackw. I45: 577. (Earl Grey) (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. (H. H. Spec. 66: (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 30: — Unmaking of England. (K. Blind) Fortn. 52: 789. — War Office. Blackw. I42: 85.-(J. Adye) Contemp. 54; 34. — — Administration of. (J. Adye) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 289. — — Clerical Establishment of. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 363. — — Outside Departments of. Blackw. I43: 128.-Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 104. — — Reconstructed. Blackw. I42: 567. — – Reorganization Needed. (Lord E. G. Cecil) 19th Cent. 24: 106. - — Wealth of. Spec. 63: 876. Great Cryptogram of Mr. Orlando Tappleby; a story. (J. Leyland) Belgra. 64; 425. 183 GREECE Great Eastern Railway. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 4: 4O9. “Great Eastern ''Steamship. (W. Hawes) J.Soc. Arts, 8: 69. Great Falls Coal Field, Montana, Flora of. (J.S. New- berry) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 191. Great Gambling Table at Epsom ; a story. Meliora, II: 243. Great-Grandmamma Severn; a story. (L. Keith) Leis. Hour, 37: 1-787. Greathead Underground Electric Railway, London. Sterne) Forum, II: 683. Great Makushin Diamond, The. land, m. s. I2: 458. Great Men and Evolution. Quar. 165: 127. – How to Grow. (E. A. Freeman) Ecl. M. III: 261. — of the Centuries. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 18– 258. — Physical Peculiarities of. M. n. S. 40: 539. – Tastes and Habits of. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: I37. – Liv. Age, I77: 808. Great Patience, A. (E. I. Stevenson) Scrib, M. 2: 87. Great Salt Lake, Waters of. (J. E. Talmage) Science, I4; 444. Great Smoky Mountains, Fauna of. Am. J. Sci. I36: 458. Great Valdez Sapphire. Great Werloo Bubble, The. n. s. IG: 612. Great Work, The. M. II?: 592. Grébos (African Tribe), Speck of War with. pen) Um. Serv. (Phila.) I : 619. Greece, Alps and Plains of. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut, 9: 3I9. – Ancient, Religion of, and Conduct. Fortn. 55; 439. – and the Ionian Islands. — and Modern Civilization. Trent) Chaut. 9: 3. — Archaeological Discoveries in. ’89, 2: 567. — Archaeological Work in, A Year's. (J. Hirst) Antiq. m. S. 2 I : II.4. — Archaeologist in. — Archaeology of, in 1890. 23: II. — before 1821. — Constitution of, New. I 91. - — Contemporary, Glance at. (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn, 53: 864. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 43. — Excavations in, 1886–7. (F. C. Penrose) J. Hel. Stud. S. (H. Walrod) Over- (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. (C. H. Merriam) Cornh. 61: 647. (H. E. Smith) Overland, Macmil. 64; 392. Same art. Eel. (E. Ship- (N. Gribble) Meliora, 5: 105. (H. B. Adams and W. P. (S. Lambros) Ath. (R. Sturgis) Chaut. 9: 510. (F. Halbherr) Antiq. m. s. (D. Bikelas) Scot. R. I3: 339. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. 9: 8: 269. — — Latest. (C. D. Buck) Nation, 48: 343. — Explorations in, Recent. (C. D. Buck) Nation, 48: 92 – Features of the Country; the Morea. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. 9; 255. — Formation of the Modern Greek State. (D. Bikelas) Scot. R. I4: II2. — Gods in, Dyer’s. Atlan. 68: 701. — Gossip about. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. 9: 95, 127. — Greater, and its Education. (J. T. Bent) Fortn. 48: 267. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 81 I. – History of, E. Abbott's. Atlan. 64; 415. – (A. H. Cooke) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 144. & — — Busolt's. (G. E. Underhill) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 548. — Homeric Life in, To-Day. (J. T. Bent) National, II : 825. — In Classie Waters. (R. Rodd) Macmil. 61: 435. — Isles of. (J. P. Mahaffy) Good Words, 29: 305, 399. GREECE Greece, Modern, Life in. (T. D. Seymour) N. Eng. 46: 359. — — Life and Travel in. (T. D. Seymour) Scrib. M. 4; 46. – Modern Territory of. (D. Bikelas) Scot. R. 14: 361. - Monasteries and Religion in. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. 9 : I. – Oman’s History of. (P. Giles) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 770. - Politics in, 1890; the Truth about. (A. N. Januaris) Murray, 8: 721. - Present Condition and Prospects of. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. 9: 383. — Recent Commercial Advancement and Material Prog- ress of. (Countess of Galloway) 19th Cent. 23: 893. — Revolution in, and the United States. (C. K. Tuck- erman) M. Am. Hist. I8: 217. – Shores and Islands of. (C. A. Siegfried) Nation, 48: 27. – Stillman's On the Track of Ulysses. Dial (Ch.) 8: 220. – Study of. (M. Burnside) Educa. Io: 541. Io9, 158, 220. Greek Abbreviations. Sat. R. 69: 233. Greek Anthology, Thomson's Selections from. Ath. ’89, 2: 516. — Sat. R. 68: 273. Greek Antiquities, Scandal about. Am. Arch. 24: 126. Greek Art. (C. Cook) Chaut. 9: 26.1, 324. – and Roman Art and Teaching of the Classics. Colvin) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 975–1020. — A Side Light on. (C. De Kay) Cent. I 7: 554. — (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 50: 351. Greek Article, Does it Define 2 (G. L. Demarest) Univ. Q. 44; 293. Greek Ballads. Sat. R. 66: 473. Greek Church and Protestant Missions. sup) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 193. Greek Comic Poets. Sat. R. 66: 528. Greek Girl’s Outing, A. (J. C. R. Dorr) N. Princ. 4: 256. Greek Grammar, Rare Forms in. (H. M. Clarke) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 16. Greek Influence on Christianity. temp. 59: 678. Greek Islands and Highlands. (A. Gaye) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 448. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 792. — Superstitions of. (J. T. Bent) Liv. Age, I76: 410. Greek Language, as Required for Entrance to Univer- sities. Spec. 65: 934. — at English Universities. Quar. I72: 209. – (J. E. C. Welldon) Contemp. 60: 582. – (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 60: 663. —Spec. 66: 820. 67: 859. — — and Public Schools. (A. C. Deane) National, IoS: (P. Shorey) II . 23 º (S. (H. H. Jes- (W. Sanday) Con- 422. — Biblical. (R. F. Weymouth) Theo. Mo. 2: 118. — Hard Aspirates in. (J. H. Moulton) Am. J. Philol. 8: 207. — History of, Later. (E. A. Freeman) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 361. – Importance of Knowledge of. (D. Steele) Meth. R. 48: 863. Sat. R. 72: 495. Sat. R. 72: 461. (E. W. Clement) Educa. Io: — in Cambridge. — in College, Stephen on. — in Secondary Schools. 425. — The Language of Christ, Roberts'. (R. B. Drum- mond) Acad. 33: 336. —Sat. R. 65; 696. – Spec. 61 : 515; — Modern; Dialects of Northern Greece. (H. Weir Smyth) Am. J. Philol. 7: 421. — — Historical Grammar of, Psichari's. Ath. '89, 2: 888. — — Its Character Illustrated by Polylas's Translation of Hamlet. (J. S. Blackie) 19th Cent. 30: Ioof. 184 GREEN Greek of the N. Test., Hatch's. Spec. 62: 714. — Ath. ’89, I : 624. — — Thayer's Lexicon of. (C. F. Bradley) Meth. R. 47: 246. – (R. B. Warfield) Bib. Sac. 44: 146. — Preparatory Work in. (R. S. Keyser) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 87. — Pronunciation of. (G. C. Sawyer) Educa. R. I : 265. – Study of. All the Year, 68: 162. —Sat. R. 64: 350. 7I: 7. — — Compulsory. (J. B. Bury) Fortn. 56: 811. – (E. A. Freeman) Macmil. 63: 321. - — — in the Colleges. Sat. R. 71: 64. — — Schoolmasters in Council on. (P. A. W. Hender- son) Macmil. 64: 61. – Teaching of. (J. Rickaby) Month, 64: 51o. — — Time for. Acad. 32: 86. — Translating from, Difficulties of. Fortn. 55: 102. Greek Lexicography of New Testament. 29: 257. Greek Lexicons. (A. Hoge) Nation, 45: I31. Greek Life and Thought, Mahaffy's. Ath.’87, 2: 854. — Sat. R. 64: 675. — (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 46: 489. – Spec. 61 : 577. Greek Literature, 1887–8. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '88, 2: 18. — 1888–9. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '89, 2: 20. — 1889–90. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '90, 2: 20. — 1890–1. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '91, 2: 24. — History of, Perry’s. Atlan. 67: 557. — (M. L. D’Ooge) Dial (Ch.) I2: 15. — (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 53: 16. — Revival of, in College. Harv. Mo. Io: 122. Greek Moods and Tenses, Goodwin's. (C. Harrison) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 166, 218. – (A. Hague) Nation, 50: 298. Greek Mythology; The Greater Gods of Olympus. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 21: 460, 748. 22: 79. Greek Myths, Modern. (J. T. Bent) National, 9: 224. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 370. Greek Participle, Stylistic Effect of. sleeve) Am. J. Philol. 9: I37. Greek Play. CEdipus Coloneus at Cheltenham College. Theatre, 23: 76. — A Modern Spectator at. 49 : I, II 3. Greek Poetry, Byways of. Greek Poets and the Birds. II : 474. – and the Flowers. (A. C. Lyford) Educa. II: 207. Greek Portraits, Some. (T. S. Perry) Scrib. M. 5: 210. (J. B. Bury) Church Q. (B. L. Gilder- (W. E. Wilson) Church R. * (A. Lang) Fortn. 48: 491. (A. C. Lyford) Educa. Greek-Speaking Population of Southern Italy. (H. F. Tozer) J. Hel. Stud. Io: II. Greek Studies, Progress of, in 1890. (R. C. Jebb) Acad. 40: 18." Greek Tomb-Inscriptions. Greek Tragedy, Campbell's. Greek World and Modern Contrasted. Fortn. 55: fo2. Greeks in Asia. (C. W. Wilson) Liv. Age, I72: 451. – The Modern.' (T. D. Seymour) Scrib. M. 4: 366. — (A. Shaw) Chaut. II: 303. Greeley, Horace., (M. Halstead) Cosmopol. 8: 460. – Boyhood of. (T. Temple) Chaut. I3: 478. – Familiar Letters of. Lippinc. 47: 345, 5 II, 604. — Practical Advice to J. Tarbell. M. Am. Hist. 18: 423. * — Reminiscences of (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 3: 3II. – Statue of, Address at Unveiling of. (C. M. Depew) Our Day, 6: 342. Green, Anna K. (M. R. P. Hatch) Writer, 2: 159. Green, John Richard. (W. J. Loftie) N. Princ. 6: 370. Green, Samuel Swett, with portrait. Lib. J. 16: 233. (H. Hagar) Acad. 35: 223. Sat. R. 72: 539. (J. B. Bury) GREEN Green, Thomas Hill. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 3I : 49. — the “Doctor Grey” of Robert Elsmere. (N. Porter) N. Eng. 50: I. — Philosophical and Religious Teaching of. Chubb) J. Spec. Philos. 22: 1. – Philosophy of. (S. Alexander) Acad. 35: 297. – (J. Dewey) And. R. II: 337. —(Jº W. Chadwick) Na- tion, 48: 248. — Political Philosophy of. (D. G. Ritchie) Contemp. - 51 : 841. – (F. C. Conybeare) National, I3: 77I. — Works of. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. IoS: 99. — Ath. '88, 2: 583. Greenbacks in War. (F. P. Powers) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 79. Green Bay, Wis., The Old Town of. (J. Carter) M. Am. Hist. 23: 376. Green Door; a story. Temp. Bar, 88: 73. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 209. Green Lady. (W. H. Pollack) Longm. II: 46. Greene, Jabez, and his Descendants. (M. W. Greene) Narrag. Reg. 9: 41. Greengages. (J. Britten) Irish Mo. I7: 636. Greenhithe, Kent. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 16: 17. Greenland, Across, on Foot. — and the Greenlanders. 37: 302. — Carstensen's Adventures in. Spec. 62: 733. — Ath. ’90, I: 526. — East, People of. Science, I3: 384. — (John Mur- dock) Am. Natural. 21 : 133. – Explorations in. Science, II: 259. — in Summer. (A. Heilprin) Nation, 53: 369. — Nansen's First Crossing of. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 52: 98. — (G. T. Temple) Acad. 39: 409. – Chamb. J. 68: II.3. — (E. Clodd) Knowl. I4: I. — Norwegian Expedition to. Nature, 38: 492. — Observations in. (C. M. Skinner) Chaut. I2: 2O4. Greenough, Horatio, Two Letters of. (E. E. Salis- bury) M. Am. Hist. I8: 330. * Greenwich, Eng., Painted Hall. 4I : 2OI. – A Piscatorial Dinner. pol. 9: 722. Greenwich Palace. Greeting by Gesture. 477, 629. Greg, Percy. (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 37: 45. Greg, W. Rathbone. Sat. R. 72: 74. - Gregg, Fort, Artillery Defenders of. (W. M. Owen) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 65. Gregor, The Wicked Clan of. 16: 275. Gregorovius, Ferdinand. I44. Gregory I., Pope, Ewald's Studies on, with Text of the Earliest Life. (J. R. Seeley) Eng. Hist. R. 3: (P. Leis. Hour, 38: 592. (E. Réclus) Pop. Sci. Mo. (F. Huskison) Art J. (C. Pelham Clinton) Cosmö- (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 42: 75. (G. Mallery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: (J. Anderson) Scot. R. (E. P. Evans) Unita. R. 36: 295. Grenfell, Henry Riversdale, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 41 I. Grenville, Wm. Wyndham, Lord. Ed. R. 168: 271. Gresham College. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 39: 1, 29, 54. Gresham Law, The. Gressett, Jean Baptiste. Blackw. I44: 793. Greswell, Richard. Qilar. I58: 189. Gretchen; a story. (Mrs. O. Booth-Daphne) All the Year, 59: I-577. 60: I-265. Gretna Green. Cornh. 57: 100. Gretton, Frederic Edward, Reminiscences. Spec. 63: 438. —Church Q. 3o: 78. Grettoms of Highfly; a story. Meliora, I2: 155. (R. Giffen) Econ. J. I: 304. Vert-Vert. (R. E. Prothero) 185 GROSVENOR Greville Memoirs, The. Dub. R. Io9: 54. Ios: 241. – Third Part. Ed. R. I.65: 182.- Acad. 31 : 69. – Ath. ’87, I: 121. — (W. E. Gladstone) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 281.--Westm. I28: 96. — Temp. Bar, 79: 505. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 44; 168. – Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 84. — Sat. R. 63: 383. — Spec. 6o: 260. — Lond. Q. 68: Ioo. Grévy, F. P. Jules. Sat. R. 72: 292. — Spec. 67: 340. — Resignation of. Sat. R. 64: 718. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45; 432. Grey, Charles, 2d Earl. Ed. R. I70: 1. Grey, Lady Jane. (R. Davey) Art J. 4I: 168. Grey de Wilton, Richard, Lord, Effigy of. Antiq. m. s. I8: 197. Greyfriars. (St.G. Mivart) New R. I : 182. Grey Fur. (E. Gerard) Longm. II: 155. Liv. Age, I75: 785. I'76: 140. Greylock Mountain, Mass. (H. H. Ballard) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 597. Grieg, Edward, with portrait. (M. B. Foster) Leis. Hour, 38: 336. — Spec.6I: 662. Griffin, Gerald. (L. C. Lillie) Lippinc. 45: 395. Same art. Griggs, Chauncey Wright, with portrait. (P. A. O’Farrell) M. West. Hist. 13: 20. Grille, François, an Old-Time Booklover. Atlan. 68: 853. • Grille, Mediaeval. (Viollet-le-Duc) Am. Arch. 22: 278, 292. Grimaldi, Joseph, Memoirs of. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 142. Grimké, Sarah and Angelina, Birney's Life of. L. Austin) Bay State Mo. 3: 183. Grimm, F. M., Scherer's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 247. Grimm, Melchior; The First Special Correspondent. (P. Sylvester) National, I3: 226. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 387. Grimm's Fairy Tales; tr. by Paull. Ath. '88, 1: 237. Grip. See Influenza. Grisanowski, E. G. F., Melena's. Nation, 50: 115. Griselda; a story. (A. Levy) Temp. Bar, 84: 65. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: I43. Grisons in Winter. Cornh. 59: 246. Grizzly, Hunting the Arctic. (F. Schwatka) Outing, 9: 556. Grizzly Dan ; a story. All the Year, 68: 294. Groac'h, The. (C. S. Boswell) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 615. Grocer's War; a story. Cornh. 59: 77. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 348. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 241. Grolier Club of New York. Critic, I6: Io&. — Sat. R. 69: 320. – (J. B. Matthews) Cent. I7: 87. Gronow, Capt. Rees Howell, Reminiscences. Ath. '89, I : 303. Groome, Robert Hindes. (F. H. Groome) Blackw. I49: 309. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 210. Gros, Baron, Dargenty’s. Am. Arch. 22: 150. — Art J. 39: 403. Grosbeak, The Rosy Shield. pol. 5: 37. Gross, Samuel D., Autobiography of. hull) Nation, 46; 37. Grossmann, George P. A. West. Hist. 9: 455. Grossularite, Pink, from Mexico. Am. J. Sci. I4I: 321. Grosvenor, Samuel C., M. D., with portrait. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 16o. Grosvenor Gallery, Century of British Art at. Acad. 33: 31. — Ath. '88, I: 56, 121, 152, 185. – Spec. 6I: 92, 17o. — Exhibition, 1887. (R. A. M. Stevenson) Art J. 39: 315. — Ath. '87, I : 612. —Spec. 6o: 621, 830. — — 1888. Ath. '88, I: 606, 638. —Spec. 61: 686. — Art J. 40: 187. – (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 33: 347. (G. (O. T. Miller) Cosmo- (A. A. Wood- (C. W. Butterfield) M. (C. F. de Landero) (H. L. GROSVENOR Grosvenor Gallery; Exhibition, 1889. Spec. 62: 200, 681. – Sat. R. 67: 529, 603. — Am. Arch. 25: 140. — (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 35: 80–366. – Ath. '89, I : I.22–700. — — 1890. Spec. 64: 203–659. —Sat. R. 69: 565. – Ath. '90, I: 123–610. – (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 37: 377. — Exhibition of Pastels, 1888. Spec. 61: 1507. — — 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 528. —Spec. 63: 552. — — 1890. Art J. 42: 38o. — Falconry Collection. Spec. 64: 119. Groth, Klaus, The Father of Low German Poetry. (C. H. Herford) Macmil. 61: 196. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 228. Groton, Mass. ; Boundary Lines of Old Groton. (S. A. Green) Bay State Mo. I : 278, 337. 2: 12, 69. — Documents on. (S. A. Green) N. E. Reg. 4I: 262. — Old Stores and Post-Office of. (S. A. Green) Bay State Mo. I : 70. — Old Taverms and Stage-Coaches of. Bay State Mo. I : Io. Ground Rents in Philadelphia. (E. P. Allinson and B. Penrose) Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. Econ. no. 3. — Taxation of. (J. F. Moulton) Contemp. 57: 412. Ground-Values, Taxation of. (C. H. Sargamt) Con- temp. 57: 282. Grouse. (E. W. Sandys; D. Currie) Outing, I6: 339. — and Ptarmigan in England. Cornh. 60: 188. — Sand. (E. Howarth) Knowl. I2: 91. Grouse Disease. Sat. R. 64; 444. — Spec. 62: 793. Grouse-Hawking. Sat. R. 68: 240. Grouse-Moor, Incidental Aspects of the. Spec. 63: I 72. Grouse-Shooting. (G. Campion) National, I3: 721. – Sat. R. 66: 2O4. — (K. Hare) Tinsley, 41 : 906. — in Ireland. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, I8: 399. Growing up with Dakota; a story. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. S. I4: 632. Growth, Human, Laws of. (J. Ogden) Educa. I2; 190. — of a Vegetarian. (M. L. Adams) New Eng. M. 5: IoI. — Two Ways to Reckon. Unita. R. 30: 176. Grub Street, Elizabethan. (W. Roberts) Antiq. m. s. 24: 67. – New. Sat. R. 7I: 524. Grudzinska, Jeanetta, Princess of Lowicz. (E. W. Lati- mer) Cath. World, 48: 53. Grundy, Sydney. (Esther Sandraz) Theatre, 23: 31. — A Fool's Paradise. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 22: I 57. — A Pair of Spectacles. Sat. R. 69: 260. — The Snowball. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, I8: 274. — A Village Priest. Sat. R. 69: 436. | — A White Lie. Theatre, 23: 34. Grundy, Mrs., Kingdom of. (E. L. Linton) Forum, 8: 697. Guadalupe Virgin, The. (S. A. Green) (R. Ogden) Nation, 47: 472. Guanchos, The. Cornh. 64; 38. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 315. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 527. – (H. Wallach) Anthrop. J. I7: 158. Guano;"Pettitt's Fisheries. (H. Green) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 87. Guarantees. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: IoS, 512. Guatemala, Archaeological Remains in the Costa Cuca. Science, I2: I56. — Brigham on. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 8: 263. — Ath. '88, 1: 207. — Spec. 61: 692. - — Glimpse of. (F. J. A. Darr) Cosmopol. 9: 687. — An Uncommercial Republic. (W..T. Brigham) Scrib. M. I : 701. Gudrun, Miss Nichols's Translation. Lit. W. (Bost.) 2O: 417. - Guelph Exhibition, The. Ath. '91, I: 26–512. — Sat. R. 71: 12, 72. – (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: 68. — Am. Arch. 31: 170, 182. 32: 37. 186 GUNS Guelph, Exhibition, America at. 52 : 2I 5. - — Ancient Lights in. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. I49: 406. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 237. — and the 18th Century. (G. McN. Rushforth) Temp. Bar, 92; 545. Guelphs, The, of England. All the Year, 68: 103. Guercino. (C. Phillips) Portfo. 22: 153. Gueutch. (F. Scudamore) Blackw. I48: 190. art. Liv. Age, 186: 686. Guide from Dreamland; a story. (J. P. May) Argosy, 46: 316. Guild, Parochial, of Prittlewell, 1478. Bayly) Antiq. m. s. 18: 157. Guilds and their Functions. (J. Yeats) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 178. — English, as Irish Landlords. 48: 520. — Gross's Gild Merchant. (E. G. Bourne) Nation, 52: 302. — (W. Cunningham) Q. J. Econ. 5: 339. — (G. T. Warner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 757. — Mediaeval, and Modern Competition. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. IO/ ; I45. — — of England. (E. R. A. Seligman) Am. Econ. Assoc. 2: 389. – Neighborhood, Coit's. — — in New York. ies, 7; no. I. — of Edinburgh. Sat. R. 66: 215. — of the City of London. (N. Moore) Cent. I5: 3. — of Reading. (P. H. Ditchfield) Reliquary, 30: 141. — Old, of Flanders. (H. Pierson) Cosmopol. 9: 425. Guildhall, Law Courts at. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 834. — Price's History of. (C. Elton) Acad. 31 : 35. Guild-Halls, Old Customs at the. All the Year, 63: (J. Winsor) Nation Same (J. A. Sparvel- (M. O’Brien) Nation, Sat. R. 72: 395. (C. B. Stover) J. H. Univ. Stud- 449. Guilford, Conn., 1639–1889. (C. H. Levermore) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 405. Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the Marchesa to Kam- schatka and New Guinea. Ed. R. I66; 317. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 359. Guillim, John, Folk-Lore in his Heraldry. mant) Antiq. m. s. I5; I49. Guiney, Louise Imogen. (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 464. Guilt and Original Sin. (J. S. Kedney) Bib. Sac. 45: . 724. Guizot, Madame Pauline de Meulan. (A. Laugel) Na- tion, 44; 30. Gujarát, Early History and Legend of. der) Asia. R. 3: 129. — Language and Literature of. (A. L. Mayhew) Acad. 33: 9. Gulf of Mexico, Harbors on, and Southwestern Com- merce. (W. P. Frye) Forum, II: 291. Gulf States, Ethnological Maps of the, Gatschet's. Science, 9: 404, 4 II. Gulf Stream, Animal Life in the. Sci. Mo. 35: 649. — Climate and the. (J. W. Redway) Forum, Io: 237. Gull Rock, N. H. Granite Mo. Io: 171. Gums and Resins of Commerce. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soe. Arts, 4: 13. (Mrs. Da- (W. G. Ped- (R. S. Tarr) Pop. Guns and Gunning. Sat. R. 7I: 85. — Big, Scientific Principles in Making. (A. G. Green- hill) Nature, 42: 304–378. – Construction of. Un, Serv. M. 3 ('89): 61. — Disappearing, for Battleships. (W. L. Clowes) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 416. – Monster. All the Year, 65: 5 Io. — Our New Naval. (C. F. Goodrich) Cent. 4o: 667. — Pheumatic and Dynamite Shells for. Chamb. J. 64: 150. — Rapid-Firing. Sat. R. 67: 635. GUNS Guns, Twelve-Pounder Breech-Loading. Sat. R. 68: 488. Gunboats, Plea for. Gun-Cotton, Manufacture of. Arts, 2I: 470. — Wave-like Effects produced by Detonation of. E. Munroe) Am. J. Sci. I36: 48. Gun-Making, Recent Developments in. Cosmopol. 8: 395. Gundrada, Wife of William of Warren, Parentage of. (E. A. Freeman) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 680. Gunn, John. Acad. 37: 392. Gunnery, Predicted Revolution in; the Gas Gun. Chamb. J. 67: 719. — Science and. Nature, 36: 34, 58. Gunpowder and its Successors. (F. M. Barber) Forum, 9 : 579. — The New. Spec. 60: 1243. — Smokeless. Sat. R. 67: 569. — — and Future Wars. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 451. — — Influence of, on Tactics. Io9. Gunpowder Explosions. Gunpowder Plot, Father H. Garnet and. len) Month, 61 : 305. — Two Declarations of Garnet relating to. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 510. Gunpowder Plot; a comedietta. Am. M. 8: 612. Gurkhas, The ; a Fighting Race. (N. G. Nyttelton) New R. 4: 544. – Liv. Age, Igo: 283. Gurney, Alfred. Poems. Spec. 64: 169. Gurney, Rev. Archer T. Acad. 31: 236. Gurney, Edmund. Acad. 33: 446. — Ath. '88, I: 827. — Spec. 61: 891. — Tertium Quid. Spec. 61: 337. Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 93. (S. J. Mackie) J. Soc. (C. (J. H. Greer) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: Chamb. J. 64: 778. (J. H. Pol- (S. R. (F. M. Livingston) Gustavus III., King of Sweden, Assassination of. (R. N. Bain) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 543. Gutenberg Jubilee in Cologne, 1890. Ath. '90, 2: 62. Gutta Percha and Rubber. IO: 324. — — Industries in. 8o3. Gutters. (J. A. Fox) Am. Arch. 25: 102. Gutterslush, Maker of Parliaments; a poem. Blackw. I45: 573. Guy, Thomas, as a Publisher. ’90, I: 341, 469. Gwalior and its Rock-Sculptures. Illust. 6: 303. – Spec. 6o: 683. Gwen ; a story. (E. M. Alford) Argosy, 44: Io:3. Gwen's Prince Charming. All the Year, 65: 200. Gwin and Seward; a Secret Chapter in Ante-Bellum History. (W. M. Gwin and E. G. Coleman) Over- land, n. s. I8: 465. Gwinnett, Button, Hall, L., and Walton, G., Monu- ment to. (C. C. Jones, jr.) M. Am. Hist. 17: 133. Gwyther, J. Howard, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 833. & - Gymnasium for Street Boys at Gateshead. (E. S. Talbot) Sunday M. Ig: 674. Gymnasium, German. Tinsley, 46: 225. — — in its Working Order. (G. M. Wahl) Atlan. 63: (F. Walton) J. Soc. Arts, (T. Bolas J. Soc. Arts, 28. 753– (G. T. Bettany) Ath. (L. Wingfield) Eng. 745. - Gymnastics in New England. (G. B. Putnam) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: IIo. —Swedish. (H. Billberg) Murray, 9: 825. – (M. Posse) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 485. Gymnema Sylvestre, The Leaves of. Nature, 35: 565. Gypsy Children. (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. 19: 7or. Gypsy Fair in Surrey. (F. Anstey) Harper, 76: 625. Gypsy-Moth. Science, I4: 381. 187 HAIR Gypsy Settlement, A. (J. K. Reeve) Chaut. Io: 446. Gypsy Sorcery, Leland's. Sat. R. 71: 236. Gyrolite, New Occurrence of. (F. W. Clarke) Am. J. Sci. I38: 128. H, The Letter. All the Year, 64: 414. H— Street Affair; a story. (J. Freshe) Belgra. 62: 494. Haak-Fishing off Ireland's Eye. Outing, I5: 268. Haarlem. (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. 18: 167. Haast, Julius von. Nature, 37; 87. * > Habeas Corpus, Suspension of, during the Civil War. (S. G. Fisher) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 454. Habert-Dys, French Artist. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 2O : I.2. Habit, Laws of. (W. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 433. Habitations, History of. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 27: 149. – (B. Ferree) Science, I4: 3. Hackwood, Sir John. Lond. Q. 73: 242. Haddington, Earls of, Memorials of. Ed. R. 172: 1. Haddington, Eng., Nungate Bridge. (F. Watt) Art J. 43: 278. Haddington Abbey. (E. Balfour) Art J. 4I: 263. Haddon Hall. (J. Leyland) Portfo. 22: 28, 61. — Quar. I'70: 145. Hades and Gehenna. 63o. Hadhramout, Arabia. Ath. '88, 2: 188. - Hading, Jane ; Story of my Career. Cosmopol. 6: 220. Hadleigh Castle, Essex. (J. A. Sparvel-Bayly) An- tiq. m. s. Ig: 202. Haenchen's Wooing; a story. 52: 34 I. Hafiz, Clarkel’s Translation of. (A. Vámbéry) Acad. 4O: 433. Hafkenscheid, Bernard J., “Father Bernard.” Month, 67: 366. Hagenau and Trifels. (H. W. Wolff) National, 16: 81o. Haggai, The Parable of. (S. Cox) Sunday M. 18: 369. Haggard, H. Rider. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: II6. — (A. Lang) Contemp. 54: 495. Same art. Liv. Age, (W. DeL. Love) Bib. Sac. 45: (G. B. Stuart) Argosy, I79: 352. — — Reply to Mr. Lang. (H. R. Haggard) Fortn. 50: 684. – as a Novelist. Church Q. 25: 389. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 707. — as a Plagiarist. (J. Runciman) Fortn. 53: 421. — Devil Caresfoot, a play; adapted from Dawn. atre, IQ: IOO. The- — Novels of. Fortn. so: 324. — (S. M. Clark) Dial (Ch.) 8: 5. — She. Spec. 6o: 78. — Sat. R. 63: 44. — — Suggested Prologue to a Dramatised Version of. (H. R. Haggard) Longm. II: 492. Hagiologic MS. in the Philadelphia Library. Hall) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 3. Haifa, Oliphant's. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 44: 496. Hail, Theory of. (C. Tomlinson) Nature, 4o: 203. Haileybury College, The Old. Chamb. J. 66: 273. Hailstone, Edward. Acad. 37: 239. Hailstone Competition. (E. Phillpotts) Belgra. 61: (I. H. 4O5. Hailstones, Remarkable. (G. J. Symons) Nature, 41: I34. Hail-Storms in Northern India. 4I: 236. Hair and Hair Fashions. s. 46: 604. — Color of, Changes in. 183. — Red. All the Year, 64: 491. Hair-Bréadth Escape, A. Argosy, 47: 508. Hair Cutting among the Siamese. Sat. R. 7I: 257. (S. A. Hill) Nature, (M. R. Davies) Gent. M. n. (D. W. Prentiss) Science, 16: HAIRY Hairy Human Family, A. (O. T. Mason) Science, 9: I6.- (S. W. Williston) Science, 9; 33. Hake, T. G. The New Day; somets. Ath. '90, 2: 56. — (M. Bell) Acad. 37: 417. Hakluyt, Richard. Church Q. 33: 216. Halcyon Day in Summer, A. (F. T. Palgrave) Mac- mil. 58: 471. Hale, Rev. E. E. (A. I. Willis) Author, 2: 166. — (Mrs. B. Whitman) Cosmopol. 6: 434. — Formative Influences. (E. E. Hale) Forum, Io; 64. – Howtºwas Educated. (E. E. Hale) Educa. I2: 129. Hale, Edwin M., M. D., with portrait. (S. A. Will- son) M. West. Hist. I3: 191. Hale, Horace M., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 65. Hale, Nathan, Memorials to. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 23: 171, 183. Hale-a-ka-la. (F. L. Clarke) Overland, m. s. 13: 480. Halevy, Ludovic. Recollections. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 503. -- Hale-Weston; a novel. (M. E. Seawell) Lippinc. 43: 3. Hales, John, The Ever-Memorable. Macmil. 55: 351. — Walton’s Collections for Life of. (S. R. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 746. Half a Curse. (O. Thanet) Scrib. M. I : 15. Half more than the Whole; an essay. Murray, 4: 688. Half-Bred Races in the West Indies. (L. Hearn) Cos- mopol. 9; 167. Half-Sovereigns, Shall we Abolish 2 (W. T. Agar) Westm. I33: 42. — Light, Held by Banks and the Gold and Silver Com- mission. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 815. Half-Timber Houses in Kent. (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. 18: 1–45. Half-Time System in Education. Lend a H. 7: 297. Half-White, The. (F. W. de G. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 9: 282. Halimot, Derivation of. 449. - Hall Family, of Bristol, Pa. Pennsyl. M. II: 3.09. Hall, Frederick; a New Caricaturist. (N. Garstin) Art J. 43: 25. Hall, George A., M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 153. - Hall, Hiland, Memoir of. (H. D. Hall) N. E. Reg. (W. H. Stevenson) Acad. 35: 4I : 9. Hall, Hugh, Letters of, to B. Wentworth. (J. Went- worth) N. E. Reg. 42: 300. Hall, Lyman. (C. C. Jones, jr.) M. Am. Hist. 25: 35. Hall, Samuel Carter. Art J. 4I: 128. — Ath. '89, I: 375. — Acad. 35: 220. — and Mrs. S. C., with portraits. (I. F. Mayo) Leis. Hour, 38: 303. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 631. Hall, Mrs. Samuel Carter. (A. King) Argosy, 45: Io9. Hall, The, and the Wood; a poem. (W. Morris) Eng. Illust. 7: 351. Hall-Marks, Law of. Halle, Sir Charles. Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Chamb. J. 67: 486. Irish Mo. 18: 588. (R. H. Stoddard) Lippinc. 43: 886. Hallett, Moses. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 9: 613. Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Ath. '89, I: 59. — (J. D. Butler) Nation, 48: 66. — Acad. 35: 25. — Critic, I4: 19. — (J. P. Norris) Poet-Lore, I: 64. — Shakspere Collections of. Chamb. J. 66: 641. — Visit to. Critic, I4: 81. Hallopoda, Order, Distinctive Characters of. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. I39: 415. Halloween Wraith, A. (W. Black) Harper, 81: 830. Hallucination, True Story of a. Blackw. I44: 475. Hallucination of Memory and Telepathy. (J. Royce) Mind, I3: 244. (O. C. 188 HAMPSTEAD Hallucinations, A Census of. (H. Sidgwick) New R. 4: 52. - (F. W. H. Myers) Murray, 6: 746. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 441. Halotrichite or Feather Alum. J. Sci. I41: 296. Halsbury, Baron, with portrait. Green Bag, 2: 172. Ham House. (Lady Sudeley) Eng. Illust. 8: 563. Hambro, E. A., with portrait, Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 39. Hamburg, Scientific Charity in. (J. H. Crooker) Lend a H. 4: 7, 113. Hamdi Bey. (J. T. Bent) Contemp. 54: 724. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 613. Hamersley, John W., Tribute to. M. Am. Hist. 22: 224. Hamerton Type-Writer, The ; a story. New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 161. Hamilton, Alexander. Atlan. 59: 115. — (E. P. Pow- ell) Arena, 3: 578. – (C. E. Bishop) Chaut. g.: 225. — (A. D. Morse) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: I. — and de Tocqueville, Predictions of. H. Univ. Studies, 5: 329. – Duel with Burr. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I2: 232. – Financial Precedents followed by. Q. J. Econ. 3: 32. — Sumner's Life of. II : 342. – Washington's Gift to. M. Am. Hist. Ig: 253. Hamilton, Anthony. (G. Saintsbury) Fortn. 54: 603. Hamilton, Elizabeth, Duchess of, and Duchess of Ar- gyll. (Mrs. Armytage) Belgra. 71: 243. Hamilton, Lady, and Lord Nelson. (A. H. Japp.) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 497. — Jeaffreson's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 631, 675. —Spec. 6I: 691. – (J. Paget) Blackw. I43: 635. Hamilton, Henry, and Mark Quinton. Handfast. (C. Howard) Theatre, 26: 310. Hamilton, William Rowan. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Acad. 36: 262. – (R. P. Graves) Ath. '91, I: 38o. — Leis. Hour, 40: 832. – Quar. I'70: 34. — Graves's Life of. Ath. '89, 2: 227. —Spec. 62: 828. Hamiltons of Berwick, Maine, and Nova Scotia. W. H. Eaton) N. E. Reg. 44; 361. Hamilton Manuscripts. Ed. R. I70: 257. Hamilton's Numbers. (J. J. Sylvester) Nature, 36: (E. H. S. Bailey) Am. (J. W. de Peyster) (E. O. White) (J. Bryce) J. (C. F. Dunbar) (A. C. McLaughlin) Dial (Ch.) (A. 557. Hamilton Oneida Academy in 1794. (W. Root) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 396. Hamlet. (W. Barrett) Lippinc. 45: 580. – Actors of the Century in the Character of. Hutton) Harper, 79: 866. — Gilchrist's True Story of. (G. E. Woodberry) Na- tion, 48: 273. See also Shakspere. Hamlin, Hannibal; an Old-Fashioned Statesman. Knight) Overland, n. s. 18: 519. Hamlinite. (W. E. Hidden and S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I39: 511. Hammersmith, Old, and Chiswick. All the Year, 63: 414. , Hammond, Eli Shelby, as Candidate for U. S. Supreme Court Bench. Nation, 48: 486. Hampden, John ; Did he come to New England 2 (E. D. Mead) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 41, 165. – Last Days of. (C. H. Firth) Acad. 36: 288, 304. Hampshire. In the Royal County of Hants. Chamb. J. 67: 331. — Little Walk in. (J. Baker) Belgra. 73: 65. Hampshire Hamlet, A. Eng. Illust. 5: 673. Hampstead. (J. S. Blackie) Leis. Hour, 38: 6oo. Hampstead Heath Extension. All the Year, 62: 488. Hampstead Hill, On ; a poem. Cornh. 60: 429. (L. (E. HAMPTON Hampton Court. All the Year, 63: 229.- (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 41 : 249. — (B.C. Finch) Eng. Illust. 5: 805. – Antiq. m. s. 24; 261. — Church Q. 30: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 323. – Sat. R. 67: 262. — in Orange and Guelph Times. Sat. R. 72: 399. — in Stuart Times, Law's. Spec. 62: I40. — Wolsey’s “Confessionary" at. (J. C. Robinson) Am. Arch. 28: 200. Hampton, Eng., Racecourse. All the Year, 41: 82. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. (E. Good- ale) Chaut. 8: 152. — Unita. R. 30: 22. Hanchett, Silas, with portrait. M. West. Hist. I2: 667. Hancock, John, Incidents in the Life of. (J. W. Ge- rard) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 504. Hancock, John, Naturalist. Nature, 42: 616. Hancock, Rev. John, of Lexington, Mass. (C. A. Sta- ples) Unita. R. 34: 97. Hand and Eye, Concerted Action. Sat. R. 64: 486. Hand of St. Peter; a story. (A. E. Leigh) Outing, I6: 351. Hands, Care of the. Chamb. J. 68: 651. Hand-Car 412, C. P. R. (J. Heard, jr.) Cent. I2: 867. Handcock, E. R., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I 3 I5. Händel, Georg Friedrich. Spec. 61: 886. – Temp. Bar, 86: 378. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 360. — Works of. Ed. R. I65: 214. Händel Festival, The. All the Year, 68: 589. – (R. Edgcumbe) National, I7: 639. Same art. Age, Igo: 503. – Sat. R. 71 : 777. Händel and Haydn Society, Boston. New Eng. M. n. s. I : 382. Handful of Daphne, A.; a story. All the Year, 69: 7. Handicraft. (J. Crichton-Browne) National, II: 837. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 552. — Revival of. (W. Morris) Fortn. 50: 603. Same art. Ecl. M. 112: 24. — (J. F. Weir) Scrib. M. 2: 229. Handicrafts. Lend a H. 4: 477. Handsome Curate; a story. (T. W. Speight) Belgra. 70; I45. Handwriting. (W. Wilmer) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 210. — (J. F. Genung) Writer, 3: 219. — and Character. (W. A. Spooner) Murray, 4: 656. — and Writers. (W. S. Walsh) Lippinc. 44; 719. — of English Kings and Queens. (W. J. Hardy) Leis. Hour, 38: 9–63o. 40: 454–776. — The Study of. (H. Frith) Lond. Soc. 55; 412. Hanford, C. H. (P. A. O’Farrell) M. West. Hist. I2: I86. Hanging in Chains. Antiq. m. s. 24: 51. — Resuscitation after. (J. Ashton) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 48. Hammer Church, Salop. Antiq. m. s. Ig: 166. —Tins- ley, 42: 262, 361. Hannah Calline's Jim. (E. W. Bellamy) Atlan. 63: 354, 491. Hannay, Alexander. Cong. R. 5: 70. Hannibal, Dodge's History of. (C. W. French) Dial (Ch.) I2: 16. —Sat. R. 71 : 449. Hannington, James, Bishop. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 604. —Lond. Q. 68: 129. — An African Bishop. Ecl. M. Hubbard) Nation, 44; 408. Hanover, N. H., in the Convention of 1788. (F. Chase) Granite Mo. II: 31 o. Hansa, The. All the Year, 66: 580. Hanse Towns, Zimmern on the. Sat. R. 68: 329. Hanway, Jonas. All the Year, 64; 322. Hap and Mishap; a story. (C. J. Langston) Argosy, 46: 302. Happiness, Art of. (E. Lynn Linton) Chamb. J. 68: 4I 7. (J. S. Dwight) Io8: 489. — (J. M. 189 Liv. HARMS Happiness, Effect of Increase of Knowledge on. Spec, 63: 582. - — Recalling Past. (A. H. Japp.) Argosy, 52: 27. — Secret of. (J. Burroughs) Chaut. II: 3.17. Chamb. J. 65; 753. (S. R. de Meissner) Scrib. M. 3: Happy, How to be. Happy Accident, A. 461. Hapsburg, House of, in South-East Europe. Freeman) Fortn. 51: 839. — Heritage of. (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn. 51: 377. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 636. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: (E. A. I44. — Strength of. (E. A. Freeman) Spec. 61 : 1810. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 246. . Harbors, Natural and Artificial. (F. H. Cheesewright) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 345. — of India. (Sir A. Cotton) J. Soc. Arts, 21 : 509. Harbor Bar Improvements. (L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 23, 294. — (L. D’Auria) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 224. Harbor Defense by Batteries. Harborough Rocks, Diggings at. quary, 29: 216. Hard Money; a story. (K. B. Foot) Cosmopol. 3: 381. Hard Road to Travel out of Dixie. (W. H. Shelton) Cent. I3: 931. Hard Sentence, A. (J. Tulloch) Irish Mo. I5: 532. Harding, Chester, White's Sketch of. (K. Cox) Nation, 52 : 75. Hardinge, Viscount. (H. M. Stephens) Acad. 39: 505. —Sat. R. 71: 660. Hardman, Edward T. Nature, 36: 62. Hardship, Religious Uses of. (J. Parker) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 2O. Hardwick, Charles. (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 36: 39. Hardwick, “Bess” of. Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 92. Hardy, Alpheus. And. R. 8: 308. Hardy, Thomas. (J. M. Barrie) Contemp. 56: Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 258. Hardy, Sir William. (H. G. Hewlett) Acad. 31: 219. Hardy Norseman. (A. E. Bayly) Good Words, 30; I – Ecl. M. I.12: 790. (John Ward) Reli- 57. 793. Hare, Thomas. (L. Courtney) Ath.’91, I: 635.-Acad. 39: 465. Hare, Gustatory Organs of the. J. Sci. I38: 277. Hares, Hunting. Sat. R. 64; 217. — Preservation of. Sat. R. 7 I : 13. — Their Haunts and Habits. Chamb. J. 67: 727. Harebell; a poem. (E. C. Stedman) Atlan. 68: 2O4. Harem, Iftar in a. Temp. Bar, 92: 395. — Life in the. (Adalet) 19th Cent. 28: 959. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 569. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 2O4. —Sat. R. 63: 914. ... Hargan Murder Case in Parliament. Sat. R. 7I: I59. Harkness, Stephen V., with portrait. M. West. Hist. g: 188. Harlamoff, Alexis. (R. Walker) Good Words, 30: 807. Harlem River, up to Pawling and beyond. (E. Inger- soll) Outing, I8: 161. Harlow, Amos R., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 274. Harmar's Regiment, Career of an Officer of. M. West. Hist. Io: 247, 377. Harmon, Julian, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 30. Harmonite Community. (H. D. Mason) Am. Mag. 7: (F. Tuckerman) Am. 67: 124. 577. Harmony, Hauptmann's Nature of. (J. S. Shedlock) , Acad. 34; 213. — Prout on. Ath, '89, 2: 713. Harmony; a story. All the Year, 64: 151. Harms, Pastor, of Harmannsburg. (R. Shindler) Theo. Mo. 5: 402. HAROLD Harold, a Drama. (E. von Wildenbruch) Poet-Lore, 3: 393. Harold Farquharson's Secret. 58: Christmas no., 56. Haroun the Caliph, and others. Cent. 20: 220. Haroun-al-Raschid, The Wife of. Ath. '87, 2: 374. Harp of Ottilie. (L. F. Hinsdale) Tinsley, 45; 254. Same art. Am. Mag. 7: 316. “Harriet,” Loss of the. Overland, m. s. 18: 213. “Harriet Lane,” The. (H. D. Smith) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 55. Harrington, James, and American Political Institutions. (T. W. Dwight) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 1. Harris, T. L., and Mrs. Oliphant. (Mrs. A. Phillips) National, 17: 681. — as Prophet. Sat. R. 72: 718. Harris, William A., with portrait. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 71. Harris, William L., Bishop, with portrait. Buckley) Meth. R. 48: 9. Harris, William Torrey, Educational and Philosophical Work of. (F. A. Kasson) Educa. 8: 619. Harris Collection of Amer. Poetry, Stockbridge's Cat- alogue of. (J. Edmands) Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 24. Harrison, Pres. Benj. (J. H. Bayliss) Meth. R. 49: 489. — No. Am. I46: 698. – Annual Message, 1889. Pub. Opin. 8: 207. – Inaugural of. (L. T. Townsend) Our Day, 3: 321. —Spec. 62: 327. — Pub. Opin. 6: 479. — Letter of Acceptance, 1888. (J. T. Morgan) No. Am. I47: 424. — Pub. Opin. 5: 490. — Pedigree of. (W. M. Carey) Critic, I4: 31. — Record of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 47: 44. Harrison, Dorothy. Blackw. I47: 815. Harrison, Frederic. Formative Influences. Io: I52. Harrison, Plantagenet. (P. Yeatman) Acad. 38: 71. Harrison, William, Case of [1660]. Green Bag, 2: 265. Harriton Plantation and Family Cemetery. (G. Vaux) Pennsyl. M. I.5: 212. Harrow School. (P. M. Thornton) Art J. 4I: 333. — (H. M. Butler) Eng. Illust. 8: 506. Harry's Career at Yale. (J. S. Wood) Outing, 18: 128– 494. I9 : I.2–24.I. Hartford, Conn., Early History of. J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: nos. 7–9. — Memorial History, Trumbull’s. Atlan. 59: 271. Hartford Theological Seminary, Alumni Resolutions, 1887. And. R. 7: 663. Hartington, Lord. Westm. I28: 929. — as Leader of the Liberal Unionists. – Elevation of. Spec. 67: 912. Hartley, David, and the American Colonies. Hartley) M. Am. Hist. 24: 426. Hartranft, John Frederick. Amer. Ig: 27. Hartshorne, Charles, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: (S. Dawson) Lond. Soc. (Ferid el din Attar) (R. A. Guild) N. (J. M. Forum, (C. M. Andrews) Cong. R. 4: 383. (J. W. 44O. Hartz Mountains, Walk in the. (A. Webb) Irish Mo. 17: 78. Harvard, John, Autograph of. Ath. '87, 2: 784. — Acad. 32: 390. - — With Bradford and. (J. Winsor) Nation, 52: 67. Harvard College, Alumni of ; Certain Honorary De- grees. (W. A. Richardson) N. E. Reg. 44; 172. — — who have held Official Position. (W. A. Rich- ardson) N. E. Reg. 4I: 3oo. — and Continental Universities. Mo. 9: 43. — Athletics in. (J. M. Hallowell) Outing, I3: 301. — Athletic Controversy in. (L. M. Garrison) Harv. Mo. 6: 202. — (W. H. Goodwin, jr.) Harv. Mo. Io: 43. (F. C. Lowell) Harv. 190 HASSAM Harvard College, Better Element in. (W. R. Bigelow) New Eng. M. n. s. 3: 504. — Class º in 1838 and 1839. (E. E. Hale) Harv. Mo. I2 : 109. – Course at, Change in. (F. J. Stimson) Critic, 17: 86. — (E. Fuller) Harv. Mo. 9: 1. –– Proposed Reduction of. Harv. Mo. Io: 201. – (W. James) Harv. Mo. II: 127. — (S. M. Macoane) Harv. Mo. I2: 1. — Clubs at. (E. H. Abbot) Harv. Mo. 12: 43. - Divinity School. (C. C. Everett) Unita. R. 27: 193. — — Library of. Lib. J. 13: 42. — during the War of the Rebellion. New Eng. M. 4: 3. — Early. (J. L. Seward) Bay State Mo. 1: 149. ar – Electives at, Choice of. (A. L. Lowell) Harv. Mo. 5: I. – Expenses at. (G. B. Leighton) Harv. Mo. 6: 20. – Fast Set at. (A. Quest) No. Am. 147: 542. — — Reply by One of Them. No. Am. 147: 645. – First Building, Search for. (A. M. Davis) Atlan. 66: 2 II. – Football at. (A. Longdrop) Outing, 19: 74. – Gateway at, New. Nation, 49: 472. — Gore Hall, Enlargement of. (E. W. Eliot) Harv. Mo. II : 43. — Hemenway Gymnasium. (D. A. Sargent) Cosmopol. 9 : 4 I. — in 1888; the Religious Crisis. Harv. Mo. 7: 26. (N. Appleton) — in 1890. (C. E. Norton) Harper, 81: 581. – Is it a University ? (H. P. Bowditch) Harv. Mo. g.: I43. — Law School. (L. D. Brandeis) Green Bag, I: Io. — Memorial Poems. (S. F. Smith ; O. W. Holmes; J. R. Lowell) New Eng. M. 4: 475. — Museum of Comparative Zoëlogy. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 48: 347. — Notes from. (H. C. Badger) Am. M. 8: 489. — M. Am. Hist. I 8: 517. — Observatory. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. 13: 51. — of To-Day. (J. P. Cooke) Science, I4: 185. – Peabody's Reminiscences. Nation, 46: 434. — Philosophy at, Future of. (F. E. Abbot) Harv. Mo. 5 : 43. – Proposals for a President, 1671. (J. Mackay) N. E. Reg. 43: 354. — Religious Life in. — Social Life at. (D. N. Beach) And. R. 9: 597. (B. Wendell) Lippine. 39: 152. Same art. Amer. I3: 173. Harvard Senior. (H. R. Gledhill) New Eng. M. n. s. 4: 756. Harvard Undergraduate, The. (B. Wendell) Harv. Mo. 8: I. Harvest, Bad, Some Advantages of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: Io?6. Harvest-Homes. Spec. 60: 1179, (F. T. Elworthy) 1215, (A. L. Humphreys) 1248. Harvest Mouse ; a Miniature Monkey. Good Words, 30: 4o. Harvey, Matthew. (C. C. Lord) Granite Mo. Io: 60. Harvington Hall. Antiq. m. s. I5: 258. Harwood, Philip. Sat. R. 64: 808. Hase, Karl August. (S. M. Schiller-Szinessy) Acad. . 37: 81. Hasisdra’s Adventure; Chaldean Account of the Del- uge. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 29: 904. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 98. Haskell, Frederick, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 13: 736. Haskell, Otis L. M. West. Hist. I2: 268. - Haslar, Behind the Scenes at. (H. N. Shore) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 54. Hassam Family. (J. T. Hassam) N. E. Reg. 43: 320. (Grant Allen) HASSARD Hassard, John R. G. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 47: 397. Hassenplug, Galen K., M. D., with portrait. (A. N. Towne) M. West. Hist. I3: 581. Hastings, Col. S. H. M. West. Hist. I2: 439. Hastings, Warren. Leis. Hour, 4o: 209. — and his Libellers. Westm. I35: 289. — Father of. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 35: I.33, 288. — in Benares, 1781. Asia. R. 4: 278. — Lyall's Life of. Spec. 64; 308. — Sat. R. 69: 149. – Ath. '90, I: 43. Hastings, England. (A. T. Story) Tinsley, 47: 547. Hat, Tall, Rise of. (E. H. Bell) Cosmopol. 9: 82. Hat Creek Bad Lands. (J. S. Kingsley) Am. Natural. 25: 963. Hatch, Edwin. Acad. 36: 320. — Ath. '89, 2: 675. — (R. Bayne) Acad. 37: 288. —Spec. 64; 340. — (W. Sanday) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 19. Hatchment, Etymology of. (P. Toynbee and others) Acad. 40: 96, 139. Hate as a Motive Force. Spec. 64: 197. — a Hebraism in the New Testament. And. R. 8: 418. Hatfield House. All the Year, 63: 199. – (Mrs. M. Tucker) Eng. Illust. 9: 75. Hath not a Jew Eyes? (E. Duns) Longm. I3: 273. Hathaway, Anne, Descent of. (C. H. Dall) Nation, 49 : 92. Haughtiness. Spec. 60: 1650. Haunted. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. S. II: 374. Haunted Bell, The ; a story. (J. K. Hosmer) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 64–663. 2: 62, 218. Haunted House ; a story. Meliora, 5: 267. (H. D. Catlin) Haunted House in Royal St. ; a story. (G. W. Cable) Cent. I6: 590. Haunted Melon Garden. (T. G. Selby) Longm. I3: 632. Haunted Wheel, The ; a story. (Pres. Bates) Outing, I3: I32. (G. Valbert) Chaut. 7: 470. — Quar. Liv. Age, I77: 451. (G. Walbert) Pop. Sci. Mo. Hauser, Casper. I66: 469. Same art. — History of a Delusion. 3O: 733. – Linde's. Nation, 44; 254. – New Light on an Old Mystery. mopol. 4; 27. Hauser, Samuel T., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 589. Haussmann, Baron. Sat. R. 7I: 67. (W. Westall) Cos- (W. H. Maguire) — Work in Paris. Am. Arch. 29: 72. Haute Noblesse. (G. M. Fenn) Good Words, 30: 50– 837. Hautefort, M’lle. Marie de. (Mrs. E. M. Davy) Bel- gra. 74: I93. Havana. (A. Montefiore) Temp. Bar, 91: 106. Haven of Gold, A. (F. Selons) Lond. Soc. 55: 373. Havergal, Frances Ridley. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I7: 508. Haverhill, Mass., Annals of Old. New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 505. – Garrison House. (E. A. Kimball) New Eng. M. n. S. 2: 522. – 1640–1890; a Poem. (J. G. Whittier) Atlan. 66: 270. Havre: Home of the Norman Dukes. (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 31: 180. Havre de Grace, Gunboat Episode at, 1864. (W. C. Langdon) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 191. Hawaiian Islands. (S. E. Bishop) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: I47. – and the Hawaiian Premier. (W. D. Armes) Critic, II: 165. – Business Opportunities in. 283. (A. L. Bartlett) (A. Hau) Engin. M. 1: 191 HAYTI Hawaiian Islands, Deflection of Plumb-Line in. (E. D. Preston) Am. J. Sci. I36: 305. - Geological History of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I37: 81. — Halcyonian. 457. — Hunting in. Overland, m. s. II: 82. — Kanaka Royal Family. All the Year, 40: 273. - Missions to. (E. Clifford) 19th Cent. 25: 868. – Native Training Schools of. Lend a H. 7: 343. — Pigmy Kingdom of a Debauchee. (G. H. Fitch) Cosmopol. 4: 123. — Political Revolution in. n. s. II: 298. Hawaiians, The. (J. N. Ingram) Chaut. I3: 755. Hawaiian Legends. Nation, 49: 257. Hawara, Pyramid of. (W. M. F. Petrie) Acad. 35: 64, 192. — Am. Arch. 25: 82. Hawkbit; a Poem. (C. G. D. Roberts) Atlan. 68: 456. Hawkesworth, John. Adventurer. Sat. R. 63: 610. Hawking. (P. H. Ditchfield) Antiq. m. s. 16: 242. – My Only Day at. (Wm. Jolly) Good Words, 29: 615. Hawkwood, Sir John. (W. Mercer) Ath. '89, I: 599. '89, 2: 773. (W. Mercer) 'go, I: 245. —Sat. R. 69: 297. — Spec. 63: 885. — and Italian Condottieri. Quar. I70: 1. Liv. Age, 184: 515, 643. Hawley, Joseph, the Northampton Statesman. Shaw) M. Am. Hist. 22: 489. Hawthorne, N. (W. Lewin) Acad. 38: 285. — (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 7: 31. – (A. E. Waffle) Cosmo- pol. I: 15. — (F. H. Underwood) Good Words, 28: 664. -- (R. H. Stoddard) Lippinc. 43: 250. — (J. A. Briggs) M. West. Hist. 8: 504. — (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist, 9: 6. – (R. C. Houghton) Meth. (C. W. Stoddard) Overland, m. s. 1.4: (F. L. Clarke) Overland, Same art. (C. L. Q. 48: 409. — and Morality. (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. Mo. 3: 176. — at Home. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 80. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 51: 216. (J. Haw- — Conway's. – “Elixir of Life" and Methods of Work. thorne) Lippine. 45: 66, 224, 412, 548. – First Printed Article. (Kate G. Woods) M. Am. Hist. 23: 237. — in Italy. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 49: 31, 48. – Last Sketch by. (P. R. Ammidon) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 516. — Portraits of. (R. C. Hall) Ath. '87, I: 799. – (G. P. Lathrop) Cent. II: 895. - Scarlet Letter, a Drama. Theatre, 21: 36, 41. – Unpublished Letters of. Ath. '89, 2: 191, 225. Same art. Critic, I5: 104, II 5. Hay, Col. J., in Washington. (B. G. Lovejoy) Critic, I2 : I. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer. Nature, 37: 325. — Science, II: I. — Am. J. Sci. I35: 179. — and his Work. (C. Aldrich) Critic, Io: 320. Haydock Papers. Sat. R. 67: 417. Haydon, Frank Scott. Acad. 32: 336. Hayes, R. B., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: Io;. Hay-Fever. Chamb. J. 66: 229. Hayman, Francis. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 4I: 324. Haymarket Theatre, Old Days at. All the Year, 65: 297. Hayne, Paul Hamilton. (T. W. Higginson) Chaut. 7: 228. – Brief Correspondence with. (J. E. Bowen) Lippinc. 46: 368. Haynes, Martin A., with portrait. (J. C. Linehan) Granite Mo. II: 245. Hayti. Chamb. J. 64; 246. – (N. D. Davis) Nation, 49; 35. — and the U. S. (F. Douglass) No. Am. I53: 337, 450. HAYTI Hayti, Society in Port-au-Prince. (J. M. Parker) Amer. Ig: 513. - Protestant Episcopal Church in. Church R. 49; 225. Af – Training a Tropic Torrent: an Engineer’s Glimpse of. (F. Crowell) Scrib. M. Io: I I I. Hayward, Abraham. Letters. Temp. Bar, 79: 190. - Blackw. I41: 37. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 52. – Sat. R. 63: 21. – (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 44: 2I 2. Hazard, Rowland G. 222. O Haze. (J. H. Poynting) Nature, 39: 323. – Alpine. Nature, 39: 247, 270. – Causes and Character of. (F. A. R. Russell) Nature, 4I: 60. — What is a ? (J. G. McPherson) Knowl. I5: 265. Hazel Nut. Knowl. I2: 49. Hazen, W. B., Biography of. (C. Abbe) Science, 9: 331. Same art. Nature, 35: 541. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 112. Hazlitt, William. (J. Davidson) Acad. 36: 146. — Spec. 63: 638. — (Geo. Saintsbury) Macmil. 55: 429. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 791. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 473. He and She ; a story. He Came and Went Again; a story. Arena, 4: 494. He Fell among Thieves. 62, 63. Head, Vertebrate, Recent Studies of the. Norris) Am. Natural. 25: 95, 334. Head of the District, The. (R. Kipling) Macmil. 61: 228. Head Growth in Students at Cambridge, Eng. Nature, 4O : 317, 392. - Head-Hunters of Solomon Islands. (C. H. Hall) (J. H. Hyslop) Unita. R. 34: (M. E. Hullah) Belgra. 63: 178. (W. N. Harben) (D. C. Murray) Macmil. v. (H. W. All the Year, 67: 279. Headaches. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 37: 831. Headless Ghost. (E. J. Curtis) Theatre, 2I: 288. Heald, Daniel A., with portrait. (G. W. Travers) M. West. Hist. I3: 73. Healers and Teachers: a London Mission. son) Sunday M. I8: 190. Healing, Old Theology. (E. J. Arens) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 533. Health. (E. Chadwick) J. Soe. Arts, 26: 55–79. — and Civilization. (B. W. Richardson) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 948. — Meliora, I2: 193. — and Ill-Health. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 37: 56. — and Wages. (J. H. Stallard) J. Soc. Arts, I6: 35. – as a Condition of Success. Atlan. 60: 138. — Boards of. (G. W. Field) Am. Law R. 24: 559. — Department of, Advocated for Great Britain. Russell) 19th Cent. 29: 615. — in the College and University. (M. J. Swift) Educa. (M. Harri- (R. 638. — Invisible Assailants of. (S. Hart) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 806. — Keeping Well in Summer. (F. L. Oswald) Chaut. II: 422, 584. — of the Mind. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. I4: 145. — Popular Errors regarding. (W. S. Searle) No. Am. I5I: 337. — Public. (D. Galton) J. Soc. Arts, 30: Io25. — — a Public Duty. (C. N. Hewitt) Science, I3: 198. — — and Municipal Government. (J. S. Billings) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. Supp. — — and Politics. (G. R. Hall) National, I4: 598. — — Blyth's Manual of. Nation, 53: 56. — — in India. (Justice Cunningham) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 24 I. 192 HEATHEN Health, Simple Help to. Health Exhibition, International, 1884. Soc. Arts, 33: 35. Health Insurance. (W. Hutchinson) No. Am. 145: 187. Health Resorts, American. (F. J. Bancroft) M. West. Leis. Hour, 38: 66. (E. Hart) J. Hist. II: 171. – Teneriffe and Madeira. (M. Mackenzie) 19th Cent. 26: I2O. - – Value of. (J. B. Yeo) 19th Cent. 26: 194. – Winter. Murray, 5: 238. Health-Resort Vignettes. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 83; 295. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 122. Hearing, Blunders in. (A. B. Johnson) Cosmopol. 1: 2IO. — in º, Lower Animals. (P. Bonnier) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 632. r Hearn, Lafcadio. (O. P. Caylor) Author, 2: 51. Hearn, William Edward. Ath. '88, 1: 535. Hearne, T. Remarks and Collections. (W. P. Court- ney) Acad. 31: 3. — Ath. '88, I: 143. – (R. T. S. Lowell) Nation, 50: 247. —Sat. R. 67: 766. Heart, Biblical Words for. (D. R. Goodwin) J. Bib. Lit. I : 67. Heart of Old Hickory; a story. Arena, 3: 6 ſo. Hearts are Trumps; a story. All the Year, 65: 349. Hearts of Certain Mammals. (I. H. Hyde) Am. Natu- ral. 25: 861. Heart Disease, College Athletics and. (D. A. Sargent) Educa. R. 2: 453. Hearths and Homes, Our. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 48. Hearth-Fires and Camp-Fires. Overland, n. s. II: 624. Heat as a Form of Energy. (J. LeConte) Overland, n. S. I'7: 545. – Conversion of, into Useful Work. (W. Anderson) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 543–804. – Latent, of Vaporization of very Volatile Substances. (J. Chappuis) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: IIo. – Mechanical Equivalent of. (A. Lodge) Nature, 37: 320, 365. — Non-Conductors of. 38: 644. — Radiant; History of a Doctrine. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 385. — — Instruments for Measurement of. (C. V. Boys) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 815–852. — — Weber's Law of Thermal Radiation. (W. Ferrel) Am. J. Sci. I39: 137. — Radiation of, Law of. I38: 3. – Specific, Measurement of. 36: 438. See Thermodynamics. Heat Engines. (H. G. Harris) J. Soc. Arts, 37; 687– 775. Heath, William, Gen. (W. A. Crafts) New Eng. M. n. S. 3: 5 I 3. Heating and Ventilating Homes. (L. Allen) Engin. M. (W. A. Dromgoole) (J. M. Ordway) Pop. Sci. Mo. (S. P. Langley) (W. Ferrel) Am. J. Sci. (G. N. Huntley) Nature, I : 57. — — McLeod System. (S. W. Woodbridge) Am. Arch. 29: I 50. — of Public Buildings. (T. Elkington) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: Ioz. Heathen and the Atonement. (G. W. King) Meth. R. 49: 75. — Salvation of. And. R. 9; 180. — (M. S. Terry and others) Meth. R. 49: 359. — — Grounds of. (J. C. F. Rupp.) Luth. Q. I7: 170. — Why am I a” (Wong Chin Foo) No. Am. I45: I69. — Why I am not a. 306. (Yan Phou Lee) No. Am. I45: HEATHEN Heathen Religions, Good in. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I44; 36. - Heatherly War, The. (W. A. Wood) M. Am. Hist. I7: 3I4. Heaton, John Henniker, M. P. Tinsley, 46: 247. Heaven, The Door in. (A. Macleod) Sunday M. 19: 85o. Heavenly Bodies, Classification of. Nature, 37: 585, 606. 38: 8–79. Hebrew Classics, The. (F. Brown) Critic, II: 220. Hebrew Institute for Great Britain. (T. W. Davies) Ath. '87, I: 383. Hebrew Language, Gaelic Elements in. Lean) Univ. Q. 45: 173. — Study of, by Preachers. 871. Hebrew MSS., Lost. Hebrew Poetry, Inspired. 257. — Measurements of. Hebrew Prose Accents. 9 : I 32. Hebrew Tenses, Conditional. Lit. 2: 4o. Hebrew Text before the Massorites. II 2. Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrides, Cruise among the. I4 : I 75. – History and Character of the Population. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 25: I.2. — Our Journey to. (E. R. Pennell) Harper, 77: 489– (J. N. Lockyer) (J. P. Mac- (J. Strong) Meth. R. 48: (B. Pick) J. Bib. Lit. 2: 122. (J. Neil) Theo. Mo. 6: 194, (F. Brown) J. Bib. Lit. 9: 71. (H. G. Mitchell) J. Bib. Lit. (H. Ferguson) J. Bib. Church Q. 28: (J. H. Overton) Longm. 943. Hecht, Edward. Acad. 3 I: 2 Io. Hecker, Isaac Thomas. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 49: I, 240. — Life of. (W. Elliott) Cath. World, v. 51–54. Heckewelder, John, Journey to the Wabash, 1792. Pennsyl. M. II: 466. I2: 34, 165. Hedge, Frederic Henry. (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 34: 281. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 292, 304. — (J. W. Chad- wick) Nation, 5 I: 165. —Critic, I7: Ioo. — Sermons by. (C. A. Bartol) Unita. R. 36: 325. Hedge Hog, Placentation of. Am. Natural. 24; 376. Hedgerow Decoration. (F. Miller) Art J. 43: 237. Hedgerows, Delights of. (A. H. Japp.) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 6oo. Hedges, Samuel P., M. D., with portrait. nard) M. West. Hist. I2: 306. Hedges, Sir William, Diary of, Yule's. 795. — Ath. '89, 2: 88. Hedges, English, in July. 18: 296. Heera Nund. (F. A. Steel) Macmil. 64: 283. Hegel, G. W. F. (J. Royce) Atlan. 67: 45. — and his Critics. (R. B. Haldane) Mind, I3: 585. — (A. Seth) Mind, I4: 116. Heidelberg. (A. Meynell) Art J. 39: 257. Heiland of Heidelberg; a story. (A. de Fonblanque) Temp. Bar, go: 121, 28o. Heilprin, Michael. Nation, 46: 402. — (J. W. Chad- wick) Unita. R. 30: 246. Haimskringla, or Sagas of the Norse Kings. (W. J. Mutch) N. Eng. m. s. 51: 365. —Spec. 63: 4oo. — Anderson's ed. Nation, 49: I 16. —Sat. R. 68: 76. Heimweh; a story. (S. Kirk) Atlan. 66: 808. Heine, Heinrich. Quar. IG9: 399. —Westm. 129: 426. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 17. – Last Days of. (G. Karples) Macmil. 62: 362. Same art. Bcl. M. II5: 563. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 236. — Reisebilder. Spec. 60: 48, 77. — Translations of, by Lady Duff Gordon. (J. Ross) Murray, 9: 769. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 167. (H. L. Co- Blackw. I45: (W. N. Lockington) Amer. 193 HENDRIEC Heine, H.; Visit to London. (T. Pryde) National, Io: 542. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 807. — Works of. (H. McLintock) Acad. 4o: 257. - — — Leland's Tran-lation. (W. E. Simonds) Dial (Ch.) I2: 213. Heineken, Chr. H., of Lubeck, a Precocious Child. Cornh. 55; 48. - Heir of Rothwell Chase, The. Chamb. J. 68: 488-551. Heiress of the Ridge; a story. Arena, 4: I 14. Heirlooms, English. (B. F. Scarlett) Antiq. m. s. 23: I 18. Helder, John, Journal of. Antiq. m. s. 18: 199. Helen. (H. L. Bradley) Cent. I2: 741. Helen's Escape. (H. F. Abell) Chamb. J. 65: 73–121. Helen's Experience. (Kate Richmond) Overland, n. s. I7: 46. Helen's Lover; a story. Argosy, 52: 152. Liv. Age, Igr: 394. Helena, Montana. (E. Roberts) Harper, 77: 585. — M. West. Hist. I3: 466. Helena. (A. Fellowes) Leis. Hour, 38: 475. Helgeland, Norway. Visit to a Great Estate. (H. Pot- tinger) Fortn. 53: 809. Heligoland. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 46: 481.- Blackw. I48: 160. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 606. — (W. Armstrong) Eng. Illust. 7: 773. — and the Islands of the North Sea. 387. — Cession of, 1890. (A. T. Sibbald) Scot. R. I6: 157. —Cong. R. 4: 291. — Chat about. Leis. Hour, 39: 686. — a Crown Jewel. (C. E. Cheney) Scrib. M. 8: 377. Same art. Lond. Q. 71 : — in 1890. Murray, 8: 248. — “Snake Jim Hollunder ?” (A. Gaye) National, I5: 792. Heliochromy. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 54. Heliography. Am. Arch. 2I: 53. Heliotropism of Hydra. (E. B. Wilson) Am. Natural. 25: 4I2. — Turning Motions of Plants. (C. McMillan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 674. Heliotype Process. (E. Edwards) J. Soc. Arts, 19: 479. Hell, Ancient and Modern Ideas of. (F. A. Fernald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 489. — and Gehenna. (W. A. Mathews) Theo. Mo. 6: 408. — Christian Doctrine of. (J. Mew) 19th Cent. 30: 712. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: 215. — Hebrew Teachings on. (J. Mew) 19th Cent. 28: 269. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 404. — Mrs. Oliphant's Land of Darkness. Spec. 60: 41. Hell, The Word, in Various Languages. (J. P. Mac- Lean) Univ. Q. 45: 450. Hellenic Studies. (C. T. Newton) J. Hel. Stud. I : I. Hellenic Temples, Distribution of. (G. B. Hussey) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 59. Hellenism in History. Sat. R. 63: 517. “Hello: ” a Rustic Sketch. Irish Mo. I7: 441. Helm, Joseph C., with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. Io: 163. Helps, Arthur. (H. Preston-Thomas) Blackw. I48: 44. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 357. Helvellyn, On, with the Shepherds. Cornh. 62: 379. Hemenway, Francis Dana, Bradley's Life of. (M. B. Norton) Dial (Ch.) II: 35o. Hemihedrism in the Monoclinic Crystal System, Possi- bility of. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I38: 115. Hemlock and Parsley. (W. W. Bailey) Am. Natural. 25: 784. Hencke, Karl L., with portrait. (W. Foerster) Sid. Mess. Io: 20. Henderson, William. Acad. 40: 48o. Hendrik Swanepoel's Promised Land. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J. 67: 669–760. HENDRIKS Hendriks, Frederick, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52; 927. Hengist and Horsa, Who were 2 (W. G. Black) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 164. Henley, Wm. E., and R. L. Stevenson. Theatre, 25: 279. — Verses. Ath. '88, 2: 245. —- N. Princ. 6: 387. — Spec, 61: 724. Henley-on-Thames. Hennepin, Louis. 223. * Hennequin, Emile. Acad. 34: Ioz. Henner, Jean-Jacques. (C. Phillips) Art. J. 40: 344. Hennessy, William Maunsell. (S. H. O'Grady) Acad. 35; 56. Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans. (J. Cartwright) Mac- mil. 62: 438. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 528. Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of England. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. IO4; 32 I. Henry I. of England, Am Unknown Mistress of. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 745. Henry II., King of England. (E. R. Thayer) Harv. Mo. 6: 158. — Green’s Life of. Ath. '88, 2: 149. —Sat. R. 66: 154. — Spec. 61: 1261. — Ongar, and its Great Forgotten Statesman. Norris) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 618. Henry V., Church's Life of. Spec. 62: 370. — Sat. R. 67: 450. Henry VII., Gairdner's Life of. Ath. '89, 2: Spec. 64: 518. — not Guilty of the Murder of the Princes. (J. Gaird- ner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 444. Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries, Gasquet's. Ath. '89, I: 719, 793. – Draft Dispensation for his Marriage with Annie Bo- leyn. (J. Gairdner) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 544. — Letters and Papers of the Reign of. Ath. '88, I: 208. — Spanish Account of. (J. Morris) Month, 66: I. Henry IV., of France, DeMeaux on. Spec. 63: 494. Henry of Monmouth and the War in Wales. (F. S. Flood) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 125. Henry, Patrick. Atlan. 61: 276. — Tyler's Life of. (J. Kirkland) Dial (Ch.) 8: 119. — (W. Allen) N. Eng. 47: 346. — (Hall Harrison) Church R. 50: 743. – Nation, 46: 306. Henry, Richard, Monte Christo, jr. (A. B.) Theatre, I8: 47. Henry Draper Memorial. Science, I3: 322. Henryson, Robert. (F. R. Oliphant) Blackw. I48 : 497. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 537. Henselt, Adolphe. Acad. 36: 277. & Her Children. (E. B. Gittings) Overland, 414. Her Fate ; a story. Her First Appearance. IO4. Her Guardian ; a story. Soc. 58: 5 II. Her Heart's Desire. (P. Carson) Harper, 81: 576. Her Inheritance; a story. All the Year, 64: 565. Her New Dressmaker; a story. (W. R. Walkes) Temp. Bar, 92: 387. Her Sweet Revenge. (A. E. Courtenay) Sunday M. Beau Austin. Outing, I6: 301. (I. V. D. Heard) M. West. Hist. 7: (J. (E. T. 181. — n. S. I7: (Lady D. Hardy) Belgra. 71 : 32. (R. H. Davis) Harper, 84: (G. Vickars-Gaskell) Lond. 2O: 490. Her Two Millions. (Wm. Westall) Good Words, 28: 51-837. Her Vocation. (M. L. Pool) Overland, n. s. I2; 165. Heraclitus, Study of. (G. T. W. Patrick) Am. J. Psy- chol. I: 557. Herakleopolis, Two Monuments from. son) Am. J. Archaeol. 7: 449. (S. Y. Steven- 194 HERKOMER Herald of Gospel Liberty; a Literary Curiosity. (D. F. Lamson) M. Am. Hist. 17: 429. Heraldic Exhibition at Edinburgh. (J. M. Gray) Acad. 40: 59. Heraldry, Crazy. (W. H. Whitmore) Nation, 44; 390. – Natural History of. Sat. R. 68: 37. – Positive Pedigrees and Authorized Arms. (W. S. Appleton) N. E. Reg. 45: 187. Herat. (G. B. Malleson) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 192. – (A. Vámbéry) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 701. Herbalist, The. All the Year, 62: 108. Herbart, J. F., and the English Psychologists. (G. F. Stout) Mind, I4: 1. *. - Disciples of. (G. F. Stout) Mind, 14: 353. – Pedagogics of. (C. De Garmo) Educa. R. 1: 33, 244, 453. Herbartian Psychology. (G. F. Stout) Mind, 13: 321, 473. Herbert, of Cherbury, Lord Edward. (A. Benson) Fortn. 49: 287. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 560. Herbert, George. (J. V. Blake) Unita. R. 33: 518.- (J. Brown) Good Words, 31 : 694. Herbert, John Rogers. Ath. 'go, I : 377. Herbs of the Field. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. 18: 281. Hercules: a Hero. (H. G. Cone) Cent. 13: 671. - Heré, Homeric. (W. E. Gladstone) Contemp. 53: 181. Heredity. (E. A. Rigby) Month, 7o: 83. — (M. M. Hartog) Nature, 39: 461, 485. – (W. Turner) Na- ture. 40: 526. - Acquired Characters, etc. (Argyll; H. Spencer; E. R. Lankester) Nature, 41 : 366, 414, 486. – and Character. (D. A. Goodsell) Meth. R. 49: 44. – and Education. (A. H. Bradford) Educa. R. I : I47. — and Kindred Biological Problems. Dub. R. IOS: 269. — are Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited ? (G. J. Ro- manes) Nature, 43: 217. — Christ’s Teaching concerning. 7 : 53. — Curious Facts of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 688. – Galton's Natural Inheritance. (H. M. Stanley) Na- ture, 40; 642. – Human. (J. H. Stoller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 359. — not Fatalism. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 787. — of Culture. (L. F. Ward) Forum, II: 312. — of Mental Traits. Science, Io: 125. — of Temperament. (F. Galton) Fortn. 48: 21. — Overcome Morally. (H. Butterworth) Chaut. II: 7O9. — Palaeont. Evidence for Transmission of Acquired Characters. (H. F. Osborn) Nature, 41: 229. — Present Problem of (H. F. Osborn.) Atlan. 67: 353. — Sons of Eminent Men in Office. (Mrs. C. Barus) Chaut. 9; 293. – Weismann’s Essays on. (Grant Allen) Acad. 37: 83. —(G. J. Romanes) Contemp. 57; 686. – (S. Garman) Nation, 50: 357. – Spec. 64: 662. — Weismann's Theory of. (E. Clodd) Knowl. I3: 195. — (S. H. Vines) Nature, 40; 621. – (A. Weismann) Nature, 41 : 317. “Herenus ” in Chaucer. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 33: 9, I34. Heresies in U. S. History, Unconscious. Scruggs) M. Am. Hist. 20: 4oo. – The Newer. (G. C. Lorimer) Arena, 4: 385. Heresy, Accusation of, against Marcus Dods and Alex- ander Balmain Bruce. Cong. R. 4: II.4. — and Error. Meth. R. 51: 937. — and Heretics. Bapt. Q. I3: 733. Heresy-Hunter, Natural History of. (W. Gladden) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 73. - - Herkomer Play. (G. E. Campbell) Art J. 40: 184. (St. G. Mivart) (G. Harris) And. R. (W. L. HERMAN Herman, Henry, and F. Wells. The Golden Band. (C. Howard) Theatre, Ig: 49. Harmamburg Missionary Society, History of. cius) Bib. Sac. 45: 133-407. Hermanfred. See Ermenfrid. Hermas in Arcadia. (J. R. Harris) J. Bib. Lit. 7: 69. Hermeneutics, in the New Testament, Robbins's. Chris. Q. 6: 161. Hermes of Praxiteles. 3: SI. Hermes Trismegistus. Philos. 20: 225, 337. “Hermione,” Cutting-out of the. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 519. Hermione, Shakspere's Character of. Blackw. I49: I. Hermiones, Some Famous, of the Past. Wingate) Cosmopol. Io: 314. \ Hermit of Cranberry Island. (W. Hale) New Eng. M. n. S. 3: 572. Hermit of LeCroisie, The ; a story. (G. Hac- (A. H. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. Divine Pymander. J. Spec. (F. H. Pellew) (H. F. Martin) (C. E. L. (H. de Balzac) Temp. Bar, 82: 573. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 473. Hermit of our own Day, A. (E. Copping) New R. 2: I45. Hermits of the Wissahickon. (O. Seidensticker) Penn- syl. M. II: A27. Hermit Knight; a poem. 4O7 4 : 4O7. Hermit Ledge, The. (H. L. Wells) Overland, n. s. I3: (D. Dandridge) Cosmopol. 449. Herne, Mr. and Mrs. (H. Garland) Arena, 4: 543. Herne the Hunter. (W. P. Brown) Outing, I3: 423. Hero, A, from the North. (H. E. Smith) Overland, m. s. I6: 295. — of the 20th Century. n. S. I5 : 592. Hero and Leander. (F. Schiller) Blackw. I45; 38. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 228. Hero's Act of Faith. (W. Wilberforce) Month, 71 : - 4I O. Herod, Persecution by. 4OO. Herod and Mariamne ; a Tragedy. pinc. 42: 305. Herodas. See Herondas. Herodotus, Translated by Macaulay. Spec. 64: 626. Heroes to Order. (C. Chaille-Long) No. Am. I44: 507. Heroic Adventures of M. Boudin. Harper, 82: 461. Heroic Couplet, Classical, Beginnings of, in England. (D. H. Wood) Am. J. Philol. II: 55. - Heroism, One Kind of. (E. S. Chester) Lend a H. 2: 283. — of Childhood. Spee, 66: 81. Heron and its Haunts. Cornh. 58: 292. erons. (W. Van Fleet) Am. M. 8: 589. Herondas. The Mimes. (A. Lang) Contemp. 60: $16. — (C. Whibley) 19th Cent. 30: 746, - Sat. R. 72: 335. – (E. W. B. Nicholson and others) Acad. 4o: 265, 286, 313, 336, 360. — (F. G. Kenyon and oth- ers) Acad. 40: 384,408. – (A. Palmer and others) Acad. 4o: 538, 563. º Heronries, Florida, Destruction of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Science, Io: 48. — (L. R. Peet) Science, Io: 96. Herr Maestro, The. (E. R. Pennell) Cent. 39: 838. Herr von Striempfell’s Experiment. (A. M. Hamil- ton) Cent. 4I: 891. Herring. (J. G. Wood) Longm. I3: 93. — and Heart Fishing at Scarborough. Outing, I8: 3. Herring Fishers, Scotch, Night with. Outing, 9: 539. (J. H. Barnabas) Overland, (T. Whitelaw) Theo. Mo. 4: (A. Rives) Lip- (A. T. Ritchie) (R. F. Walsh) 195 HIGH Herrman, Augustine, Will of. (G. Cope) Pennsyl. M. I5 : 32 I. Herrnhut, The Moravian Mecca. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 9: 85, 155. - Herschels, Maria Mitchell's Reminiscences of tho. Cent. IG: 903. Herzegovina, Ramble in. (T. W. Legh) New R. 5: 47O. Hessians in Amer. Revolution. Pennsyl. M. I.5: 218. Hessian Fly, The. Chamb. J. 64; 549. – Leis. Hour, 36: 666. Hester’s Shed; a story. Murray, 2: 99. Hester’s Weird ; or, the Mystery of the Marsh. Campbell) Outing, I6: 145. Hesternae Rosae; a poem. (G. R. Tomson) Atlan. 67: 224. Hesychius, Coray's Notes on. Sat. R. 69: 325. Het ; a Romance of the Bush. Macmil. 55: 463. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 681. Hewat, Archibald, with portrait. 5I : 399. Hewitt, Henry, with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 25. Hexameters and Rhythmic Prose. Atlan. 66: 526. Hexham, England, Glimpses of. J. 43: 332. Hexham Abbey, Fortunes of. M. 20: 599. Heywood, Col. Charles, with portrait. (Phila.) 3: 455. Heywood, John. Ath. '88, I: 631. Heywood, J. C., Dramatic Poems of. Cath. World, 47: 240. Heywood, Oliver. Lond. Q. 71: 205. – Sat. R. 66: (S. Bank. M. (Lond.) (P. A. O’Farrell) M. (G. H. Palmer) (D. S. Graham) Art (R. T. Talbot) Sunday Un. Serv. 374. Heywood, Thomas. A Woman killed with Kindness. Acad. 34: 375. — (F. Marshall) Theatre, 18: 205. Hibernian Imagery. Spec. 60: 1779. Hic Jacef; a Sketch from Our Village. ter) Argosy, 51: (ex. summ. no.) 82. Hickes, John, Nonconformist Minister; Letter from George Hickes, Dean of Worcester. Eng. Hist. R. 2: 752. Hickling, William, with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 99. Hicks-Beach, Sir M. Sat. R. 65: I55. Hidalgo : the Washington of Mexico. N. Princ. 5: 88, 219. Hidden Grave, The ; a Poem. 66: 659. Hidden Law, The ; a Cyclist's Story in France. Francis) Outing, I7: 91. Hierapolis and its White Terrace. 79: 687. Hieroglyphics, Egyptian. (J. M. Parker) Cath. World, 50: 374. . Higden, R. Polychronicon. Sat. R. 64; 396. Higgins, Charles Longuet. Quar. I68: 194. Higginson, Ella. (L. Fairchild) Author, 2: I II. Higginson, T. W., on Literary Workers. Critic, I2: I 72. High Bridge, Battle of, March, 1865. New Eng. M. g.: 630. High Churchmen, Grievances of. Cent. 26: 5oo. - High Life, Effect of, on Plants. Io8. High School, American. 40, I22. — Discipline in. (R. G. Huling) Acad. (Syr.) 3: IoI. — Division of. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 289. — The Free. (F. Abbott) Granite Mo. IO: 270. (A. M. Trot- (H. L. Conard) M. (F. C. Baylor) (A. R. Grote) Atlan. (H. (T. Ellis) Harper, (E. T. Bouvé) (G. C. Perry) 19th Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: (R. G. Huling) Educa. R. 2: HIGH High School, Functions of. (Syr.) 2: 398. - Graduation-Day Honors in. Acad. (Syr.) I: 184. – Literary and Rhetorical Work in. (E. R. Payson) Acad. (Syr.) I: 97. - Public, Opportunity of. II : 4OI. — — Place of. (C. W. Cabeen) Educa. Io: 537. — Raison d'Etre of. (G. Stuart) Educa. 8: 283. High Schools and High-School Girls. (R. G. Kingsley) Murray, 3: 479. – Boys and. (J. Clark; L. R. Klemm) Educa. 7: 345. High School Course, Order and Relation of Studies in. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 241. High-Pressure Areas. (W. Ferrel) Nature, 43: 466. Highclere Castle. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 7: 537. “Highflyer’” Locomotive, Ride on. Blackw. I45: 32 I. Highgate Hill Park. All the Year, 69: 1 Io. Highlands, The. (H. P. Malet) Antiq. m. s. Ig: 49. — Scottish, Geology of. Sat. R. 66: 442. — — Origin and Age of the. (A. Geikie) Nature, 4o: 299, 32O. – Tour in, 1803; Unpublished Letters. Longm. I2: I. — Transition in. Scot. R. I2: 108. Highland School, A, in 1850. (A. MacRae) Murray, 6: 836. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 50. Highlanders, 91st Argyllshire, Goff on. 698. Highly Recommended ; a story. gra. 63: 486. Highwayman, An American. 66: 641. — of the Middle Ages. (F. C. Lowell) Atlan. 66: 631. Hilali Codex. See Bible. Hild, Fred H., Librarian Chicago Public Library. Lib. J. I2: 513. Hilderferth, Saint. Antiq. m. s. 18: 203. Hildesheim. (I). Macleod) Gaod Words, 31 : 521. Hildrup, Wm. Thos., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 338. Hildyard, James. (W. H. Payne) Acad. (C. T. Williams) Educa. (J. Hogg Sat. R. 72: (H. E. Clarke) Bel- (R. H. Fuller) Atlan. Acad. 32: 150. Hilgard, Julius Erasmus. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 52: 398. Hilkiah’s Book of the Law. (T. Whitelaw) Theo. Mo. 6: 420. Hill, Gen. Ambrose. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 178. Hill, Benjamin Harvey [Ben Hill], Difficulty with Yancey. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 374. Hill, Britton A., with portrait. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. 7: 295. Hill, David, Record of Family of. E. Reg. 4I: 52. Hill, Noadiah. Atlan. 67: 715. Hill, Octavia, and her Mission. Chaut. 8: 235. Hill, Rowland, and Penny Postage. Liv. Age, 184: 735. Hill, S. A. Nature, 42: 616. Hill, Thomas. Unita. R. 63: 473. Hill-Digging and Magic. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 21: (E. D. Harris) N. (Mrs. H. Campbell) (A. G. Bowie) 40. Hill Settlements and Sanitaria. (H. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 407. Hillegas, Michael, with portrait. syl. M. II: 406. Hilliard, Laurin P., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 631. Himalayan Country, In the. Himalayas, The, and the Desert of Gobi. Younghusband) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: III. — Hunting in. Blackw. I46: 661. (W. H. Egle) Penn- (H. L. Conard) M. Chamb. J. 64: 561. (F. E. 196 HISTORIAN’S Himalayas, The, Our Present Knowledge of. (H. C. B. Tanner) Nature, 43: 624. — Science, 17: 288. — Rod and Gun in. Chamb. J. 67: 55. - Sport in, MacIntyre on. Ath. '89, 2: 629. —Spec. 63: 036. Hinchingbrooke. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 5: 535. Hindu at Home. (M. E. Jersey) 19th Cent. 25: 653. Same art. Ecl. M. I 13: 42. Hindus, The. All the Year, 64: 389. Hindu Child Marriage. Westm. 128: 181. See Child Marriage. Hindoo Conservatism. Spec. 66: 168. Hindu Doctrine of Death and Immortality. (T. B. Forbush) Unita. R. 29: 319. Hindu Hygiene in the Shastras. R. 8: 327. Hindu Legend of Trust in God. day M. 16: 683. Hindu Marriage Customs and British Law. jaya-Raghavan) National, 17: 80. Hindu Moral Training. (J. T. Wheeler) Asia. R. 8: 350. Hindoo Romance, A. 2I4. Hindu Widow, The. (R. Ragoonath) Asia. R. 5: 43. Hindu Woman, The. (R. R. Row) Asia. R. 5: 426. Hindu Women, High-Caste. Sat. R. 67: 223. Hinduism, Modern. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 485. — Reformatory Movements in Later. (J. F. Hurst) Meth. R. 49: 502, 649. — Revival of. (J. P. Jones) And. R. 13: 533. Hindustani, Importance of the Study of, for the Eng- lish. (Rafitiddin Ahmad) 19th Cent. 29: 747. — Ranking's Guide to. Sat. R. 70: 268. Hines, Old, a Confederate Veteran. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 257. Hinges. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 24: 131, 167, 179. Hingham, Mass. (F. H. Lincoln) Bay State Mo. 3: 258. Hinton, James. (C. Pike) Unita. R. 36: 136. Hippolytus Veiled. (W. Pater) Macmil. 60: 294. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 507. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 675. Hippophagy. See Horseflesh. Hirn, G. A., Life and Work of. Nature, 41 : 323. His Atonement. (H. D. Smith) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 592. His Day in Court. (M. N. Murfree) Harper, 76: 56. His Day of Honour; a story. (E. L. De Butts) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 4: 275. His First Action. Chamb. J. 64; 40. His First Attempt ; a story. (J. Leete) Argosy, 52: 25 I. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 488. His First Experiment. Cornh. 62: 287. His First Review ; a story. (L. Boehm) Belgra. 64: 188. 4. His Little Comedy; a story. (F. H. Low) Murray, 8: 638. His Little Maid; a story. 234–450. His Model; a story. (M. L. Pendered) Belgra. 69: 70. His Mother's Boy. Arena, 3: 361. His Private Honor. (R. Kipling) Macmil. 64: 464. Same art. Eel. M. 117: 768. His Uncle and her Grandmother; a story. Blackw. I47: 30, 185. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 596. His Word for it. (K. R. Lockwood) Overland, n. s. I8: 515. Hiscock, Frank. No. Am. I46: 682. Hislop, Stephen, Smith's Life of. (M. Beazeley) Acad. 35: 163. — Sat. R. 67: 541. Historian's First Book. (H. H. Bancroft) M. Am. Hist. 25: 201. (K. P. Guptra.) Asia. (W. J. Wilkins) Sun- (T. Vi- (J. H. Gilmour) Cosmopol. 12: (H. Fell) All the Year, 67: HISTORIANS Historians, English, of To-Day. (W. M. Baskervill) Chaut. Io: 429. – Modern, and Small Nationalities. (H. M. Stephens) Contemp. 52: Ioz. Same art. Liv. Age, I 74: 539. Historic Homes and Landmarks. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 22: 177. Historic Houses and Revolutionary Letters. Fowler) M. Am. Hist. 24: 81. Historic Myths, Persistence of. (Ch.) II: 143. Historical Clock, An ; a story. I50: 568. Historical Drama and the Teaching of History. E. Egerton) National, I7: 743. Historical Errors. All the Year, 65: 36. Historical Gossip. All the Year, 62: 138. Historical Grouping. (J. Schouler) M. Am. Hist. I8: 326. Historical Literature, Recent, Seminary Notes on. (H. B. Adams and others) J. H. Univ. Studies, 8: nos. II, I2. Historical MSS., British Royal Commission on. '88, I : 567. — Month, 6o: 44. — — Tenth Report. (F. Y. Powell) Eng. Hist. R. 3: I69. Historical Method, The. (S. Channing) Writer, I: 163. Historical Note-Book, Brewer's. (L. Heilprin) Nation, 53 : 70. Historical Novel, The. Macmil. 57: 41. Historical Parallelisms. All the Year, 65 : 560. Historical Research, Spirit of. (J. Schouler) M. Am. Hist. 23: 132. - Historical Societies of the U. S.; a List. (C. W. Dar- ling) M. West. Hist. I2: Io9. Historical Studies. Recent Historical Work in the Colleges and Universities of Europe and America. (C. K. Adams) M. Am. Hist, 23: I I I. Historical Study,Value of. (R.S. Storrs) M. Am. Hist. 18: 157. Historical Survivals. (J. Leyland) Amer. I 8: 137. Histories, Some American. Overland, n. s. I5: 439. Historiography, Modern European, Development of. (J. F. Jameson) Atlan. 66: 322. — Perils of Historical Narrative. 66: 289. History, Accuracy in. – American, Teaching. (R. L. (W. F. Poole) Dial (J. A. Owen) Blackw. (H. Ath. (J. Winsor) Atlan. Macmil. 62: 143. (F. N. Thorpe) Education, 7: 686. — and Criticism, Forces of. (R. I. Zubof) Unita. R. 33: 214. — and Politics. Spec. 64; 333. — — European Schools of. (A. D. White) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: no. 12. – as Development. (C. C. Shackford) Unita. R. 63: 424. — Conflicting Views of. Chamb. J. 66: 145. — Divine Drift in. (C. H. Parkhurst) M. Am. Hist. 24; 329. – Economic Side of. (H. de B. Gibbins) Westm. 135: 3II. — General, in the High School. (Syr.) 4: 285. — How to Write. — in American Colleges; Yale. cation, 7: 334. — in Elementary Schools. I: 438. — Incredibility of. (W. S. Walsh) Lippine. 43: 734. — Judicial Falsifications of. (C. Cowley) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 457. — Mediaeval and Modern, Stubbs’s. — (W. F. Allen) Nation, 44; 193. (M. S. Barnes) Acad. (J. C. Moffet) Writer, 5: 216. (H. B. Adams) Edu- (L. M. Salmon) Educa. R. Ath. '87, I: 412. 197 HOARDING History, Outline Course of Study in. (S. MacKibbin) Educa. Io: 159. – Philosophy of. And. R. I4: 64o. — Renaissance and Reformation, Outline Notes on. (I. M. Gardner) Educa. 8: 663. — Rogers' Economic Interpretation of. (H. D. Lloyd) Dial (Ch.) 9: 258. – (H. C. Adams) Nation, 48: 230. — Small Perils of. (J. W. Campbell) M. West. Hist. 7: 48. — Study of. (J. F. Riggs) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 764. — Spec. 61: 1434. — — in England and Scotland. Univ. Studies, 5: no. Io. — — in Germany and France. Univ. Studies, 8: no. 5–6. — — in Holland and Belgium. Univ. Studies, 8: no. Io. — — in Public Schools. (S. Schindler) Arena, I: 41. — — Necessity of, in English Education. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 30: 994. — — “Old South '' Work in the West. 37. — — Stubbs' Lectures on. Westm. I27: 93. – Teaching of. (O. Browning) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 69. — — in Academies and Colleges. (L. M. Salmon) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 283. — — in High and Preparatory Schools. Acad. (Syr.) 2: 241, 306. — — in High Schools. (Rose B. Winterburn) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 510. — — Method of College Preparatory. Acad. (Syr.) 3: 293. — — Methods of. (W. Barrows) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 245. — Unity of. (W. E. Gladstone) No. Am. I45: 589. – Writing of, in America. (J. F. Jameson) New Eng. M. 3: 645, 721. 4: II.3, 250. — — The Politician as Historian. See Historiography. History of Alix de Morainville. I5: 742. History of a Failure. (E. Chilton) Longm. Ig: 148. Hitchcock, Rev. Enos; a Chaplain of the Revolution. (C. A. Staples) Unita. R. 35: 267. Hitchcock, George, and American Art. (L. G. Robin- son) Art J. 43: 289. Hittites, The. Blackw. I42: 25. — (C. R. Conder) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4: 41. —Sat. R. 63: 325, 717. – in Art. (G. Birdwood) Asia. R. 5: 190. – A Lost Empire Restored. (A. Crawford) Church R. 50: 129. — Recent Discoveries Relating to. 37: 5 II, 536, 559, 590, 609. Hittite Ethnology. (C. R. Conder) Anthrop. J. I7: I37. Hittite Monuments, Unpublished. (W. H. Ward; A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 3: 62. 4: I 72. Hittite Problem, Fresh Light on. (R. Lovett) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 570. Hittite Remains. (E. Bissinger) Am. Arch. 24; 277. Hittite Seal. (T. Tyler) Acad. 32: Ioz. Hittite Symbol. (A. H. Sayce and others) Acad. 32: 3O4–39 I. Hittite Symbol of Life. (T. Tyler) Acad. 34: 29. Hoagland, Geo. T., with portrait. (W. L. Visscher) M. West. Hist. 7: 318. Hoang-ho River. Westm. I29: 733. — “The Curse of China.” (W. H. Gilder) Cosmopol. (P. Frédéricq) J. H. (P. Frédéricq) J. H. (P. Frédéricq.) J. H. Lend a H. 4: (A. B. Hart) (I. B. Burgess) Westm. I36: 184. (G. W. Cable) Cent. (T. Tyler) Nature, 5: 243. — Flood of, 1887. Spec. 61 : 48. Hoarding, National Habits of. Chamb. J. 66: 357. HOARE Hoare, Charles, Will of, 1638. N. E. Reg. 45: 285. Hoaxes, Famous. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 191. – (W. S. Walsh) Lippinc. 42: 407. Hobart Pasha, Adventures of. Ed. R. 165: 150.-Sat. R. 63: 205. Hobart-Hampden, Augustus C., a Blockade Runner. Nation, 44; 19. Hobbes, Thomas. 4I 5. — Quarterly Review on. (G. C. Robertson) Ath. '87, I : 736. – On the Struggle for Life. (Fergus) Acad. 37: 223. , Hobbies, About. All the Year, 67: 44 I. Hoccleve, Poem by. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 33: 325, 361. Hockey. (F. Prevost) Eng. Illust. 9: Ioz. Hodge, Archibald Alexander. (F. L. Patten) Presb. R. 8: 125. Hodge, William, jr. Hist. 7: 215. Hodges, James. M. West. Hist. II: 241. Hodgson, John, the Antiquary. (E. Peacock) Antiq. m. s. IG: 22. Hodgson, Capt. J. Sat. R. 67: 246. Hodson, Wm., a Soldier of the Mutiny. Temp. Bar, go: 175. Hoel, the Fiddler. (P. F. de Gournay) Cath. World, Ed. R. I.65: 88. — Quar. I64: (D. U. Manchester) M. West. (F. Dixon) 45: 234. Hofbauer, Clement. (A. de Ghequier) Cath. World, 48: 605. — (O. R. Vassall) Month, 63: 167. Hoffmeyer, Niels Henrik Cordulus, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: II 5. Hogarth, Dobson's. 676. — A Relic of. Antiq. m. s. 20: 259. – Tour from London to the Island of Sheppey. Nation, 53: 493. —Sat. R. 72: (A. Dobson) Fortm. 54: 218. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 629. Hogg, James. Ath. '88, I: 373.−With portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 768.- (G. Saintsbury) Mac- mil. 61 : 18. — Confessions. Sat. R. 65: 560. Hogs, Wild ; Florida Razor-Backs. Outing, Ig: I 17. Hog-Cholera, Causation of. Science, I4: 416. Hohenheim, Francesca von; German Madame de Main- tenon. (C. A. Montresor) National, I3: 3II. Hoist, Portable, of C. A. Teal. J. Frankl. Inst. I28: O2. Holbeach Church Robbery, Tracking by Magic. J. Hardy) Antiq. m. s. 2I: 4. Holbein, Hans, Jean Rousseau's. Am. Arch. 22: 54. — Madonna by. (Countess von Krockau) Am. Arch. 23: 42. — Ornamental Designs by, His's. Holden, Charles N., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 352. Holden, Edward Royal, with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 65. Holden, L. E., with portrait. (J. M. Murphy) (W. Ath. '87, 2: 443. (H. L. Conard) M. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: 439. Holiday, How to Make the Most of a. (A.T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 38: 479. Holidays for Poor Children. Chamb. J. 66: 193. – (M. Jeune) New R. 2: 455. — Origin of. (H. Gale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 516. Holiday Books. Atlan. 67: 121. — Illustrated. Nation, 45: 462. Holiday Making, Eccentricities of. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 428. Holiday Side. (P. A. Blyth) Leis. Hour, 40: 784. Holiday Time. (M. Rock) Irish Mo. 19: 422. Holiness. (W. Sutton) Irish Mo. I5: 530. 198 HOLY Holiness, Biblical Meaning of. Ref. R. I : 42. — Old Testament Idea of. R. 36: 349, 641. Holl, Frank. Ath. '88, 2: 168. — Acad. 34: 92.-Sat. R. 66: 133. – and his Works. (G. E. Campbell) Art J. 41: 53. – Portraits by. Spec. 62: 199. Holland, Lady Mary Augusta. Soc. 58: 23. Holland and Protection, Depew on. Nation, 46: 168. – and her Literature in the 17th Century. (G. Ed- mundson) Macmil. 60: 124. * - Agricultural and Beggar Colonies in. (W. Tallack) Leis. Hour, 36: III. — Church of, Present Struggle in. (J. Cairns) Presb. R. g.: 87. g — Defensive Position of. (S.R.Van Campen) Liv. Age, 187: 228. — Dutchman at Home. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 64: 289. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 53. – History of, Rogers’. Sat. R. 66: 470. —Spec. 62: I 42. – Monetary System of. (H. B. Greven) Q. J. Econ. 2: 79. — Picturesque Quality of. (G. Hitchcock) Scrib. M. 2: 16o. 5: 162. Io: 621." – Political and Social Life in. National, I5: 748. Same (E. B. Coe) Presb. & (E. Johnson) Brit. & For. (A. H. Wylie) Lond. art. Liv. Age, I86: 579. – Political Position of. (S. R. Van Campen) Westm. I34: 479. — Primary and Secondary Schools of. (L. A. Stäger) Educa. 9; 160. . — Some Glimpses of. (A. E. Lee) M. Am. Hist. 22: 58. Holland House. All the Year, 66: 509. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 466. — Murray, 6: 820. Hollister's Wife; a story. (F. Boardman) Cosmopol. 9: 482. Holloway, William W. (T. Johnson) M. West. Hist. : 2O4. Holloway College, Denominationalism in. Cong. R. 2: 765. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. (G. Stewart) Arena, 4: 129. — (G. W. Curtis) Harper, 83: 277. — (F. H. Under- wood) Good Words, 28: 298. – (A. Lamont) Sun- day M. 18: 588. - — at IIome. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 15. — at Home at Beverly Farms. Critic, 17: 147. — Before the Curfew. Spec. 61: 855. — Ath. '88, I: 787. — 80th Birthday. Critic, 15: 115. — (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. m. s. I : II 5. — Lunch with. (G. N. Lovejoy) Author, I: 167. — Writings, New Riverside Ed. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) I2: 209. - Holst, Hermann von. (A. B. Hart) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 677. — and his Critics. Nation, 47: 71. – Vindication of. Nation, 46: 28o. Holstein-Friesian Cattle. (S. Hoxie) Harper, 77: 363. Holy Coat of Treves. Month, 73: I53. — Authenticity of. Month, 73: 469. — Devotion to. Month, 73: 305. Holy Coats, Rival. M. Chr. Lit. 5: 57. Holy Grail, The. (H. S. Fagan) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 233. — Nutt's Studies. Sat. R. 66: 299. – Ath. '88, 2: 345. Holy Isle ; off the Beaten Track. Good Words, 32: 676. Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy Spirit, The. (J. Tomlinson) Luth. Q. 20: 446.- (I. C. Knowlton) Univ. Q. 46: 275. — and Inspiration, Gore on. (R. Watts) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 251. (C. Blatherwick) 2 HOLY Holy Spirit, Baptism in the. (B. F. Masure) Chris. Q. 7 : 52 I. — Mission of. .Chris. Q. 6: 196. — Personality of. (B. C. Caffrie) Brit. & For. Fvang. R. 36: 91. — Philosophy of Sin against the. Chris. Q. 6: 545. — Scriptural Doctrine of. (C. F. Thwing) Bib. Sac. 46: 262. — Witness of. 37: 617. — — Doctrine in Lutheran Church in 16th and 17th Centuries. (D. W. Simon) Bib. Sac. 48: 27, 369. Holy Wells. Chamb. J. 68: 631. Holyoke, Mass. (F. M. Johnson) Bay State Mo. 3: 328. Homans, Sheppard. Granite Mo. I2: 182. Homburg in the Season. Lond. Soc. 54: 420. Homburg Beauty, A.; a story. (Mrs. E. Kennard) Lond. Soc. 57: 561. 58: 1-562. Home, Daniel Douglas, Life of. Ath. '88, I: 692. Home. (S. R. Dennen) New Eng. M. n. s. 5: 338. — Evolution of the. (J. M. Hark) And. R. Io: 509. Home Again. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 5: 751, 822. 6; 35–390. 7: 25–40 I. “Home, Sweet Home.” (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 42: 33. Home of Rest, A. (Rhoda Broughton) Temp. Bar, (B. C. Caffrie) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 93: 68. Homes, Henry Augustus. (G. W. Kirchwey) Lib. J. I3 : 7 I. Homes for Gentlewomen. (J. Williams) Lend a H. 4: 2I 2. — for the Working Classes, Healthy. Fortn. 49: 526. — Healthy. Chamb. J. 64: 586. — Odd rican. (J. R. Spears) Scrib. M. Io: 308. — of the People. (Earl Compton) New R. I : 47, — of a Vanished World, Some. (W. O. Tristram) Good Words, 30: 828. — Old, Lack of, in America. (C. E. Norton) Scrib. M. 5: 636. Home Building. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. I2: 348. Home Culture Clubs. (G. W. Cable) Cent. I4: 497. — (E. P. Gould) Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 184. Home Rule. Ed. R. I70: 578. — all round. (J. Leng) Westm. I33: 573. — and Americans. Sat. R. 72: 220. — and English Journalism. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 444. . — and Home Rulers. (F. H. Hill) Contemp. 59: I. — and Imperial Federation. Westm. I32: 225. — and Imperial Unity. (Lord Thring) Contemp. 51: 305. Same art. Ecl. M. IoS: 607. — and Nationality. (W. Wallace) Scot. R. I2: 171. — Colonial. (J. P. Hennessy) Subj. of Day, no. 3: I Io. — The Fight for. (J. M. McCarthy) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 292. — for England to be expected. Cent. 27: 727. — for India. (H. G. Keene) National, 15: 261. — — not wanted. (F. Pincott) National, I5: 312. — for Ireland. See Ireland, Home Rule for. — for Scotland. (W. Mitchell) Scot. R. 16: 338. — (Lord Aberdeen and others) Westm. I33: 57. — — Limits of. (W. Wallace) Scot. R. I5: 420. — for Wales. (G. O. Morgan and others) Westm. I33: 394. — Sat. R. 66: 254. — in Canada and Ireland. Sgt. R. 63: I 56. — in the Isle of Man. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 75: 513. — in India and Ireland. Contemp. 57: 78. — in Newfoundland. (W. B. Bowring) Subj. of Day, no. 3: IO4. . — in Norway. (Th. von Bunsen) 19th Cent. 23: 54. — Sat. R. 71 : 254. — in Scotland. (B. D. Mackenzie) Westm. 132: 553. (D. F. Schloss) (Lord Wolmer) 19th 199 HOMER Home Rule in the United Kingdom. Westm. I28: 1. — in the Western Pyrenees. (W. Webster) Fortn. 49: 399. Same art. Liv. Age, I'77: 150. – Is the Game worth the Candle 2 (G. Hyndham) New R. 2: 97. – Liberal Party and. (R. W.-Dale) Contemp. 51: 773. — Objections of an Oxford Liberal to. (W. R. Anson) National, 9: 844. — Popery and. (S. Fothergill) Westm. I34: 469. –0 £. s. d. of. (G. Baden-Powell) National, I4: 439. — Salisbury on. Sat. R. 7I: 608. — Scotland and her Home Rulers. National, I8: 145. - Home Rulers, How we became. (J. Bryce) Contemp. 5I: 736. * Homer and the Bible, Theophanies of. Bib. Sac. 44; 521. — and Longfellow. (S. D. Hillman) Meth. R. 50: 184. — and Milton. Harv. Mo. 8: 6o. — Armor of Heroes of. (W. Leaf) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 73, 281. – as a Botanist. Age, I75: 301. — Chariot of. (W. Leaf) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 185. — Charm of. Spec. 66: 406. — Dignity of. Spec. 60: 587. – Gladstone's Landmarks of Homeric Study. (I. Taylor) Acad. 38: 4 II. — Sat. R. 70: 488. — The Great Olympian Sedition. (W. E. Gladstone) Contemp. 51: 757. — Homeric House at Tiryns. (R. C. Jebb) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 170. — Hymns. Edgar's Translation. Sat. R. 7I: 298. — Iliad. Spec. 63: 177. — — and Odyssey, Heroes of, compared with Heroes of Fiji. (W. Churchill) N. Eng. 52: 306. — — Closing Scenes. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 64: 482. — — Epic Cycle, Proclus's Abstract of. (D. B. Monro) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 305. 5: I. — — Leaf’s. Ath. '89, 2: 552. — (F. Haverfield) Acad. 31: 78. — (W. M. Ferris) Nation, 49: 165. — — Purves's Translation. Sat. R. 72: 146. — – Rhapsodizing of. (F. B. Jevons) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 29I. — — Sortais on. Sat. R. 72: 51 o. — — A Study of. (D.J. Snider) J. Spec. Philos. 21: 226. — — Trial Scene in. (W. Leaf) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 122. — Imagery of. (W. C. Green) Eng. Illust. 6: 858. - — Jebb's Introduction to. Sat. R. 63: 483. — (B. L. Gildersleeve) Nation, 44; 429. — Spec. 60: 992. — Land System of. (W. Ridgeway) J. Hel. Stud. 6: (A. N. Cumming) (A. W. Burr) Macmil. 56: 428. Same art. Lºv. 319. — Life in Time of. (A. Lang) Good Words, 32: 529. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 368. — Life of, by White. Sat. R. 68: 437. — Odyssey, Earl of Carnarvon's Translation. 6o: 296. — — Monuments relating to. Stud. 4; 248. — — Wm. Morris's Translation. Macmil. 56: 130. — Ath. '87, I: 601. — Sat. R. 63: 587. — Spee. 6o: I 742. — — Palmer's. (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 53: 88. — (M. L. D'Ooge) Dial (Ch.) I2: 143. — — under Historical Source-Criticism. Am. J. Philol. 8: 415. — Palaces of. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 264. — Phaeacians. (W. K. Leaske) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 292. — Phoenician Affinities of Ithaca. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 26: 28o. — Should it be taught in Preparatory Schools? Af- firmative. (R. P. Keep) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 438. — Negative. (T. D. Seymour) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 428. Spec. (J. E. Harrison) J. Hel. (B. Perrin) HOMER Homer, Talent [Measure of Value] in. (W. Ridge- way) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 133. – Translations of, Versification for. Atlan. 66: 526. – Translators and Commentators of. Meliora, I: 136. Homeric Life in Greece To-Day. (J. T. Bent) Na- tional, II: 825. Homespun Age. (M. C. Williams) M. Am. Hist. 25: 239. Homestead Bill, First. (N. Greeley) M. Am. Hist. 17: : I63. Homestead Exemption. (C. S. Devas) Month, 62: 153. Homeward Bound. Cornh. 59: 538. Homeward Bound. Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 425. Homicidal Mania. (G. H.Oavage) Fortn. 50: 448. Homicide as a Misadventure. (H. W. Hubbard) Na- tional, I6: 183. — in the United States. 760. – Spec. 65: 207. — — Wakefield on. Spee. 67: 639. Homiculture. (J. Wertheimer) 19th Cent. 24: 390. Homoeopathy and the Koch Controversy. (C. F. Nichols) Science, I7: 233. — Medical Science in relation to. — Pioneers of, in Northern Ohio. M. West. Hist. 7: 405. — Relations of, to the Regular School. 19th Cent. 23: 258. Honduras. Am. Natural. 24: 939. — British, History, Trade, and Natural Resources of. (Sir R. Temple) J. Soc. Arts, 5: I 13. 6: 465, 484. — — Sport in. Chamb. J. 68: 3oo. — Country Life in. (G. C. de Aguirre) Cosmopol. II: (G. H. Palmer) (E. Wakefield) Contemp. 6o: National, II: 14. (D. H. Beckwith) (K. Millican) 34 I. — Fine Woods of. (W. C. Burchard) Am. Arch. 30: I36. — Rhaetic Plants from. I36: 342. — Vertebrate Fossil Beds in. Sci. I34: 485. Hone, Philip, Diary of. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 285. Honey, Artificial, and Manufactured Science. Pringle) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 70. — Eucalyptus. Chamb. J. 65: 459. — Special Planting for. (A. J. Cook) Science, I6: 31 I. Honey of Aloes; a story. (N. Wynne) Belgra. 7I: 383. (J. S. Newberry) Am. J. Sci. (F. L. Nason) Am. J. (A. 72: 53–386. Honor, Sense of, in Americans. (N. S. Shaler) No. Am. I49: 205. Honors divided. (H. G. Keene) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 346, 438. Hon. Pepcy Heron. (R. Shindler) Longm. I4: 45. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 718. Honored in the Breach. (J. Magruder) Lippinc. 4I: 289. Hood, Gen. J. B., Invasion of Tennessee. Cent. I2: 597. Hood, Thomas. (D. R. Campbell) Author, 2: II2. — (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 62: 422. — (T. U. Dudley) Harper, 82: 719. Hoogly River. See Hugli River. Hook, James C. (A. H. Palmer) Portfo. Ig : IOS. Hook, Theodore Edward, with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 822. — Spec. 61: 1320. — Sat. R. 66: 366. Hook, W. F., a Great Yorkshire Vicar. (G. Hunting- ton) Temp. Bar, 84; 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 1 oz. Hoonah Indians, The, visit Sitka. Overland, n. s. I& 243. Hooper, J. D., with portrait. M. West. Hist. II: 492. (H. Stone) I — (Anna Maxwell) 200 HORSES Hoorn and Enkhuizen. (R. T. Blomfield) Eng. Illust. 7: 305. Hoosier Capulet; a story. (A. Teal) Cosmopol. 3: 304. Hops, About. All the Year, 67: 77, 160. Hop-Pickers, Indian. (M. R. Upton) Overland, n. s. 17: 162. Hop-Plant Louse, The, in Europe and America. W. Riley) Nature, 36: 566. Hope, Beresford. Sat. R. 64: 539, 585. Hope, Permissible. (J. R. Vernon) Theo. Mo. 5: 230. Hope and Despair; a story. All the Year, 65: 58. Hopedale, Mass., and its Founder. (L. G. Wilson) New Eng. M. n. s. 4: 197. — Public Library in. Lib. J. I2: 134. Hopefulness. Atlan. 63: 566. Hopkins Family, Notes on. Narrag. Reg. 7: 136. Hopkins, John Henry, jr. (H. M. Thompson) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 61. Hopkins, Mark. (I. W. Andrews) Education, 8: 118. – With portrait. (F. H. Kasson) New Eng. M. n. S. 3 : 3. Hopkins, Dr. Samuel. (A. W. G. Allen) Atlan. 68: 767. Hopkinton, R.I., Town Records. rag. Reg. 9: 70, 97. Hoppner, John, and his Time. Illust. 6: 22. Horace. Sat. R. 71 : 351. — De Vere's Translations from. Nation, 46: 76. — Life and Poetry of. I: 508. — Ode 12, Bk. I, translated. 9: 396. — Rhymes after. (Ofella) Macmil. 58: 308, 369. - Studies in Character. (A. Rankine) Leis. Hour, 4o: 394. — Translating. Spec. 61 : 817. – Wickham’s Edition. (A. S. Wilkins) Acad. 39: 189. Horley, John Theodore, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1813. Horns and Antlers. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 205. — Decorating. (C. G. Leland) Art J. 39: 358. Horn-Fly; a New Cattle Pest. (S. W. Williston) Am. Natural. 23: 584. — Science, I4; 335. Hornblende of St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I39: 352. Hornblendes, Enlargement of, in Fragmental and Erup- tive Rocks. (C. R. Van Hise) Am. J. Sci. I33: 385. Horniman, F. J. Tinsley, 46: 455. Hornless Ruminants. (P. C. Auld) Am. Natural. 21: 885, Io?6. Horological Invention, A Notable. Chamb. J. 68: 465. Horopter, Experimental Determination of the. (C. Ladd-Franklin) Am. J. Psychol. I: 99. Horse, Characteristics of the. (M. Bell) Month, 6o: 89. — in England in the 16th Century. (H. Dillon) Antiq. n. S. 23: IOS. — in Sculpture. Am. Arch. 24: 15. — Why Driven Before it was Ridden 2 (W. Ridgeway) (C. (J. N. Arnold) Nar- (W. Armstrong) Eng. (T. W. Higginson) (C. F. Little) Un. Serv. (Phila.) (S. E. Devere) Murray, (G. H. Acad. 39: 14. (F. M. Muller; M. L. H. McClure) 39: 4o. (W. Ridgeway) 39: 65, 91. (I. Taylor) 39; 165. Horses. Spec. 62: 452. — Carriage, and Cobs. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 66: 824. — Cart. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 65: 786. — Sat. R. 66: 705. — Spec. 66: 340. — Cleveland Bays. Sat. R. 71 : 528. — Constable on. Sat. R. 71: 662. — English. (J. G. Wood) Leis. Hour, 38: 96–70. — Famous in Legend and Literature. All the Year, 66: 223. – Fire-Engine. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 66: IoS. HORSES Horses for the Army. (C. B. Brackenbury) Contemp. 52: 831. — Hunters' Dams. Sat. R. 69: 257. — Mistreatment of. Sat. R. 72: Io9. — of the Plains. (F. Remington) Cent. 37: 332. — Portraits of Celebrated, Taunton’s. Ath. '88, 2: 38o, 412. — Spec. 66: 376. — Roadsters. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 65: 516. — Roaring in. Sat. R. 67: 321, 420. — Supply and Treatment of. (J. Graham) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 538. — Trotting. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 63: 696. — — of Kentucky. (Duke of Marlborough) Fortn. 55: 259. — Wild. (E. L. Trouessart) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 626. — — Quest for. Spec. 67: 413. Horseback Riders, American. (T. A. Dodge) Harper, 82: 849. 83: 3–364. Horseback Riding and Health. (D. N. Patterson) Out- ing, I4; 306. — for Ladies. (L. A. Tompkins) Outing, I4: Io9. — From Lubni to Paris on Horseback. (Asseyer's Ride, ’88) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 595. — in June. (C. H. Crandall) Outing, I4, 225. — in Wyoming. (L. P. Robie) Outing, I3: 392. — Pjeshkoff's Ride : 5,000 Miles on a Cossack Horse. (W. B. Stevens) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 35. Horseback Sketches. (J. F. O'Donnell) Outing, Ig: 61, 158, 189. Horse-Breaking, Baucher's System of. Sat. R. 7I: 49. — Hayes on. Sat. R. 67: 295. Horse-Breeding. (W. Blew) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 81. — Sat. R. 71: 382. — Burdett-Coutts on. Sat. R. 71 : 48o. — Notes on, with Reference to Army Supply. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 190. Horse Fair, Exmoor. Murray, 2: 81 I. Horse Farms, California. Overland, m. s. 18: 478. Horseflesh as Food. (A. S. Bicknell) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 349. — (L. Knowles) 19th Cent. 27: 592. — in France. (C. Morot) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 519. Horse-Keeping, Ethics of. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 67: 631. Horsemanship. Outing, I3; 17. Horsemanship for Women. (A. C. Brackett) Harper, 8o: 236. Horsemanship; Generals in the Saddle. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: I67. – Horses and Riders. (H. C. Lodge) Cosmopol. 9: 694. – Vaux on. Sat. R. 65; 444. — Weir's. Sat. R. 71 : 746. Horse-Power, Origin of Measurement by. 3O: I 72. — Steam, Cost of a. (T. Pray) J. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 8. Horse-Racers. Sat. R. 7 I : 619. g Horse-Races, Betting on. Spec. 62: 886. — the English National Pastime. (W. Day) Fortn. 52: Am. Arch. 38o. — in China. (J. L. Anderson) Outing, 16: 367. — Trotting. (H. C. Merwin) Atlan. 64: I I I. Horse-Racing ; the Army Race. (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 325. — and the Grand Prix, French. 7: 405. e — Handicapping in. Sat. R. I2: 272, 325. – in England, Ethics of. (J. Runciman) Contemp. 55: 603. — in France. Sat. R. 63: 520. — Reminiscences of, Chetwynd's. Sat. R. 7I: 232. — Sir E. Sullivan on. Sat. R. 65: 269. Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoeing. (G. Fleming) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 555. Horse-Supply in India. (E. King) Cosmopol. Blackw. I4I : 265. 201 HOUND Horse-Supply of England. (C. W. Duncombe) Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 342. Horse-Shoe, Battle of, 1814. Hist. Ig: 45. Horus, the Egyptian God, The Origin of St. George. Cornh. 61: 287. Horvath, Court Butcher to Emperor Joseph II. Cornh. 57: 285. Hosmer, Theodore, of Tacoma, Wash. (W. H. Maguire) M. West. Hist. I2: 367. Hospital, Addenbrooke. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. (M. J. Wright) M. Am. I9: I 53. — Day in a. (M. von Glehn) Leis. Hour, 39: 277. – East-End : the Children's Ward. Chamb. J. 65: I77. tº — A Lady's, in London. (A. Beale) Sunday M. 17: 482. — Life in a London. Westm. 131: 26. — A Real Free. All the Year, 69: 301. — Sunday in. All the Year, 69: 91. Hospitals. (S. H. Ward) Chaut. g.: 206, 271. — Ancient and Modern. (J. S. Breckinridge) Meth. R. 5I: 80. — Association for Visiting. Irish Mo. 15: 79. – English. (J. H. Morgan ; Isla Stewart) Murray, 8: I 45. — of London. (A. O’D. Bartholeyns) National, 12: 524. — of Southwark, Early. – Use and Abuse of. 58: 501. Hospital Life. (A. W. Bailey) Scrib. M. 3: 697. – in East London. All the Year, 41 : 9. Hospital Ships. (A. Beale) Sunday M. 17: 618. — for the Trawlers. (T. Paul) Sunday M. 17: 301. Hospital Sunday Fund (London). Is It a Failure? (W. Covington) Murray, 6: 205. Hospital-Work on Fresh Lines. Chamb. J. 66: 508. Hospitality Myths. (E. M. Edmonds) Acad. 35: 239. — (H. Wenzel) Acad. 35: 256. Hospitallers, The. (T. M. White) Chamb. J. 67: 296– Antiq. m. s. Ig: 93. (Sir M. Mackenzie) Contemp. 345. — in England. (C. Torr) Ath. 'go, I: 16, 117, 737. Host, Elevation of, Origin of. (J. Hirst) Month, 68: 86. Hostage, The. (F. von Schiller) Blackw. I45: 532. Hosts and Guests. (C. G. J. Reeve) Longm. I5: 414. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 501. Hot Springs, Vegetation of. (W. H. Weed) Am. Nat- ural. 23: 394. Hot Wave, A, in Southern California. (S.W. Weitzel) Overland, n. s. I4: 409. Hôtel Carnavalet, Paris. (T. Child) Harper, 77: 826. Hôtel Drouot. (T. Child) Harper, 78: 331. " Hotel Living. (S. Hale) Lend a H. 3: 693. Hotson, Hamilton Andrew, with portrait. (Lond.) 51: 649. Hough, Daniel, and his Descendants. Granite Mo. I2: 1 Io. Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord. (J. Den- mis) Leis. Hour, 40: 341. – Lond. Q. 76: 91. — Reid's Life of. (Lord Acton) 19th Cent. 28: 993. – Ath. 'go, 2: 769. — Sat. R. 7o: 68o. — Spec. 65: 829. – (J. Bryce) Nation, 52: I 18. — Atlan. 68: 136. — Temp. Bar, 92: 273. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 162. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 302. — Blackw. I49: 192. — (J. F. Rolph) Acad. 39: 5. – (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) II: 339. – Quar. I72 : 143. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 427. — (D. F. Hannigan) Westm. I35: 147. — (E. Peacock) Dub. R. IOS: 22. — Church Q. 32: 445. Houghton Hall and the Walpoles. (F. G. Kitton) Art J. 39: 76. Hound, Tongue of the. Sat. R. 69: 134. Bank. M. (C. C. Benton) HOUR Hour of Shadow Land. (Mrs. A. Fraser) Lond. Soc. 58: 421. House, The City. — — in the West. — A Comfortable. — The Country. — Health, Comfort, and Cleanliness in. J. Soc. Arts, 24: 66. – The Suburban. (B. Price) Scrib. M. 8: 3. House of Commons. (H. C. Potter) Critic, Io: 133. — Chaos in. (G. O. Morgan) Contemp. 55: 138. — Estimates Procedure in. (H. S. Northcote) Blackw. I45: 882. – Further Impressions of the. (R. Sturgis) Scrib. M. 7: 693. (J. W. Root) Scrib. M. 8: 416. (H. Campbell) Cosmopol. 3: I 95. (D. G. Mitchell) Scrib. M. 8: 313. (T. Blashill) Nation, 5 I: Io9. – Inside the. Macmil. 61: 395, 473. — A Night in. (W. Woodall) Good Words, 29: 104. — Oratory of. (C. W. Radcliffe-Cooke) National, I2: 373. — Procedure in. Sat. R. 63: 178. – Stranger in. Macmil. 64: 154, 235, 315. — Work of. Quar. 171 : 532. – Who Next on the Front Opposition Bench 2 New R. 2 : 54. — Why should not the Premier Speak in 2 Spec. 60: 37. - House of Lords. (F. H. Hill) 19th Cent. 23: 62o. — Quar. I67: 217. – Westm. I30: 455. — and the County Councils. (E. A. Freeman) Fortn. 49; 589. — and other Upper Houses. (J. Samuelson et al.) Subj. of Day, no. 4. — Conservative Estimate of. Day, no. 4: 74. — Dunraven on. Sat. R. 65: 458, 496, 518. – Labouchère on. Sat. R. 65: 277, 346. – Obstructionism of. Westm. I31 : 227. — Origin and Growth of. (E. A. Freeman) Subj. of Day, no. 4: i. — Patriotism of. – Peers’ Eldest Sons on Reform of. 297. — A Purified British Senate. tional, II: I 15. — Reconstruction of. I 53. — Reform of. (Lord Lymington) 19th Cent. 23: 734. — Sat. R. 67: 241. — — Conservative. (Earl Pembroke) Subj. of Day, no. 4: 47. — Rosebery on. — True Reform of. IIQ. House of Representatives. (T. E. Kebbel) Subj. of (A. Burney) Liv. Age, I78: 39. National, II: (G. N. Curzon) Na- (G. N. Curzon) National, II: Sat. R. 65: 337. (Lord Brabazon) 19th Cent. 21: (E. L. Didier) Chaut. II: 433. — Committees of, Testimony before. (C. P. Brecken- ridge) No. Am. I46: 520. — Constitutional Reformation of. 524. — its Growing Inefficiency as a Legislative Body. (H. Taylor) Atlan. 65: 766. — Obstruction in. (T. B. Reed) No. Am. I49: 421. — Reform of, by Constitutional Amendment. (C. C. Nott) Nation, 46: 4. — Reforms Needed in. Nation, 45: 452, (T. B. Reed) No. Am. I5o: 537. – Rules of. (T. B. Reed) Cent. I5: 792. — Pub. Opin. 8: 419, 44 I. – Rules for, Speaker Reed's. (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 43. – Speaker of, as Premier. (A. B. Hart) Atlan. 67: 38o. — — Power of. – Speakership of. (H. L. Nelson) Atlan. 64: 64. (J. Bryce) No. Am. I51: 385. 202 HOW House of Rep. ; Speakership, Limitation of. (T. B. Reed ; J. G. Carlisle) No. Am. I50: 382. House of Rest, Babbacombe, Eng. (D. M. Craik) Murray, I : 753. House Beautiful. (M. E. Palgrave) Leis. Hour, 38: 456. House of Martha. (F. R. Stockton) Atlan. 66: 577, 721. 67: 25-751. 68: 55–433. House of the Seven Gables, Salem, Mass. Critic, 17: 226. House of Tembinoka. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 8: 95. - House of Wittelsbach, The. (B. Hutton) Lond. Soc. 56; 248, 361. House of the Wolf. (S. J. Weyman) Eng. Illust. 6: 46–44o. - House on the Hill. (F. H. Loughead) Overland, n. s. I5: 64. House with the Cross, The. (F. W. Snedeker) Cent. 2O - 22 I. Houses. (J. W. Papworth) J. Soe. Arts, 5: 317. — and House-Life among Prehistoric Races. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. Io: 333. — Domestic Nest-Building. Chamb. J. 66: 289. — Hired. Sat. R. 65: 720. – History of Habitations. 168. – Home Building. (B. A. Halsted) Chaut. 12: 216. – How to Place them. (H. Becker) Am. Arch. 22: (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 27: 95. — Mediaeval. (Viollet-Le-Due) Am. Arch. 23: 282– 307. 24: I I4–3oo. º – Revolutionary, in New Jersey. M. Am. Hist. 20: 325. — Town, Building of. (R. W. Edis) J. Soe. Arts, 32: Io23–Io;7. — we Live in. (A. D. Mellick, jr.) (W. N. Lockington) Amer. I4: 375. – Wooden. (F. E. Thicke) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 591. House Accommodation, Social Bearing of. (R. Raw- linson) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 168. House-Boat Nuisance. Spec. 60: 920, 958. House-Building, M. J. Boussard on. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 23: 175, 189, 201. – Sanitary Construction. 26: 505. — Woes of. Spec. 66: 886. House-Framing, Improvement of. (W. Atkinson) Am. Arch. 28: 66. Household Art. (J. June) Am. M. 7: 371–628. Household Finances. (A. E. Ives) Forum, Io: 106. Housing of the Working Classes in Great Britain and Ireland. Lend a H. I : 142. Housekeeping by the United States Government. R. Conover) Am. M. 8: 339. — Co-Operative, in Tenements. pol. 8; 35. — is it a Failure? (S. Dare; R. T. Cooke; M. Harland; C. Owen; M. Parloa) No. Am. I48: 243. — of the Future. (H. E. Starrett) Forum, 8: 108. Houssaye, Arsène. (C. Seymour) Author, 3: 34. Houston, Henry H. M. West. Hist. 9: 749. Houston, Sam. (C. E. Bishop) Chaut. Io: 438. Houzeau, Jean Charles, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 544. - How Alphonse Karr took up a Bill. (C. Hervey) Temp. Bar, 86: 395. (J. Balbirnie) J. Soc. Arts, (C. (E. Bisland) Cosmo- How an English Girl sought to Make a Living. (G. Holtzmeyer) Lippinc. 40: 422. How Cornish Jack showed a Pious Bringing Up. (F. M. Stocking) Overland, n. s. 16: 449. How Enoch Styles changed his Mind; a story. Meli- Ora, II : 347. HOW How he Won the Election; a story. (S. Hodges) Ar- gosy, 46: 501. How I became a Novelist; a story. (R. Dell) Belgra. 66: 187. - How I Brought my Partner safe Home. (F. M. Stock- ing) Overland, n. s. 16: 281. How I Consulted the Oracle of the Goldfishes. (J. R. Lowell) Atlan. 64: 145. How I didn’t Catch the Trout, and then How I did. (I. E. Johnson) Overland, n. s. 18; 382. How I Lost my Thanksgiving Turkey. (E. W. San- dys) Outing, Ig: I36. How I Placed a Concession in London. Murray, 5: 72 I. How I Reached my Highest Point in the Atlas. (J. Thomson) Good Words, 30; 17. How I Struck Oil; a story. All the Year, 59: 164, 189. How it Happened in Ballybrook. (J. Tulloch) Irish Mo. Ig: 89. How Jack Lindsay Bested the Captain. (F. Trevel- yan) Outing, I8: 183. How Jerry Bought Malviny. 892. How Jones came to Join the Church. Overland, n. s. I3: 593. How Lord Roland Met his Wife. Argosy, 47: 78. How M. Baliveau Achieved Celebrity. (C. Hervey) Temp. Bar, 80: 413. How Old Folks Won the Oaks. (J. J. Eakins) Cent. 2I: 50. JHow O'Tulliver Bard Won the Championship. (Bates) Outing, I4: 209. How Sal Came through. 578. How “the Crayture "got on the Strength ; a story. (A. Forbes) Eng. Illust. 6: 525. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 469. How the Derby was Won ; a story. Scrib. M. 6: 24. How “the Hoppers ” Fooled Sam Perkings; a story. (J. M. Parker) Cosmopol. I: I 19. How the West Centre School was “Hoed out.” Chamb. J. 67: 7oo. How we Drove to Gale's. I31. - - How we Elected the Mayor of Oglethorpe. (C. King) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: I. How we Failed to get to St. Kilda. Longm. I5: 535. How we Got Rid of Hunks; a story. Cuthell) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 332. How we Married the Major. Cornh. 57: 389. How we Met; a poem. (L. C. Moulton) Cosmopol. 4: I94. How we Ran the Rapids at Chambly. (W. S. Smith) Outing, I8: 73. - How we Went to Klikitat for Christmas Dinner. M. Stocking) Overland, m. s. 17: 89. Howard, Bronson. The Henrietta. Theatre, 26: 250. — Truth. Theatre, 25: 190. Howard, John, Centenary of. Lit. I : 307. Howard, Gen. O. O., How Educated. Educa. II: 329. Howard, Philip, Earl of Arundel. Month, 60: 201. Howard, Robert, Notarial Records of, Extracts from, 1670. (W. B. Trask) N. E. Reg. 43: 149. Howard, William, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1261. Howard the Halt, Saga of. Sat. R. 7o: 71o. Howe, J. B., Re Miniscences. Tinsley, 40; 44–415. { t-" - (W. F. Boyle) Cent. I8: (A. G. Tassin) (H. S. Edwards) Cent. I7: (H. Robertson) (E. Greenleaf) Outing, 12: (H. Hutchinson) (Mrs. E. E. (F. (R. Shindley) M. Chr. (O. O. Howard) (R. Steggall) * 203 tº HUFFY Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, at Oak Glen, Newport. (Maud Howe) Critic, Io: 291. – Seventieth Birthday of. Critic, I4: 276. Howe, Samuel G., Sanborn's Life of. (J. W. Chad- wick) Nation, 53: 219. Howe, Walter. (T. Roosevelt) Critic, I7: 12o. Howells, William Dean. (W. Sharp) Acad. 37: 41. – (G. R. Carpenter) And. R. I6: 568. — and Maurice Thompson. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 281. — and the Realistic Movement. (H. T. Parker) Harv. Mo. 5: 145. – as a Critic. (J. A. Noble) Acad. 40: 209. — at Home. (L. Whiting) Author, 3: 130. — Hazard of New Fortunes. Atlan. 65: 563. – Latest Novels. (H. Garland) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 243. - – Literary and Social Recollections of. Cabe) Lippinc. 40: 547. — Literary Creed of. Atlan. 68: 566. — Moral Purpose of. (A. L. Dawes) And. R. II: 23. – Talk between Senator Ingalls and. (H. E. Monroe) Lippinc. 39; I28. — A Talk with. (W. Brooks) Author, I: Io9. Howitt, Mary. Ath. '88, I : 148. —Critic, I2: 77. — (J. Britten) Month, 64: 339. — Autobiography. Spec. 63: 756. – Nation, 49: 394. — Ath. '89, 2: 551. — (A. W. W. Dale) Sunday M. 18: 733. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 386. — Blackw. I46: 712. — Sat. R. 69: 56. t — Quaker and Catholic. (E. H. Clubbe) Murray, 7: 518. Howling, John. (E. Hogan) Month, 68: 506. Howlite, Chemical Composition of. (S. L. Penfield and E. S. Sperry) Am. J. Sci. I34: 220. Hoyle, William, of Tottington. Lond. Q. 69: 243. Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim. (W. H. Hudson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 431. — Love-Drama by. 489. Huanaco, Dying. Hubbard, Gurdon S. I2: 523. Hubbard, John Gellibrand, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 525. Hubbard, Samuel, of Newport, R. I., 1610–89. Huling) Narrag. Reg. 5: 289. Huchown of the Awle Ryale. (G. P. M’Neill) Scot. R. II: 266. Hudson, J. K., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 50. Hudson, Wm., Mayor of Phila., 1725. (T. A. Glenn) Pennsyl. M. I5: 336. Hudson River, Notes on the Submarine Channel of. (A. Lindenkohl) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 489. Hudson River Valley, Post-Glacial History of. H. Merrill) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 460. Hudson’s Bay. (J. M. Oxley) Am. Mag. 7: 399. — to Winnipeg, Through. (A. H. Markham) Good Words, 29: 23, II6, 187, 256. Hudson’s Bay Co., American History as affected by Canoe Paths of. (S. J. Parker) M. West. Hist. 9: 206. — Romantic History of a Great Corporation. Oxley) Cosmopol. 8: 325, 405. Hudson’s Bay Route to Canada. All the Year, 63: 348. — (C. Leggo) Scot. R. Io: 94. — (W. A. Ashe) Science, Io: 47. Hudson’s Bay Territories. (A. K. Isbister) J. Soc. Arts, 9: 230. Huebner, Baron 198. Hueffer, Francis. Ath. '89, I: 125. — Acad. 35: 66. Huer, Meaning of. (J. H. Ramsay) Acad. 33: 274. Huffy People. (E. Lynn Linton) Chamb. J. 68: 193. (L. R. Mc- (W. H. Hudson) Poet-Lore, 3: (W. H. Hudson) Longm. I7: 557. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. (R. G. (F. J. (J. M. Von, Travels of. All the Year, 41: HUGHES Hughes, B. F., Some Stump-Speaking Experiences of. Lippinc. 46: 685. Hughes, Hugh Price, and his Work. (W. T. Stead.) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 279. Hughes, Thomas. Tales. Spec. 63: 781. — versus Ginn & Co. Critie, 15: 34. Hugli River, Devastations Caused by Changes in its Course. (Sir W. W. Hunter) 19th Cent. 23: 4o. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 419. Hugo, Adèle, Romance of. (J. W. Longley) M. Am. Hist. 21: 297. Hugo, Victor. (J. S. Fiske) N. Princ. 3: — and Shakespeare. Amer. I4; 7. - – Diary of. Westm. I28: 674. — Ath. '87, 2: 46. . – Drawings and MSS. of. (H. Campbell) Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 217. – En Voyage. (A. C. Swinburne) No. Am. I51: 650. — A French Critic on. (F. Paul) National, 9: 407. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 93. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 340. --- — Les Jumeaux. (A. C. Swinburne) Ath. '89, 2: 221. – Lyrics. (C. E. Meetkerke) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 509. – Marzial's. (R. Noel) Acad. 34: 17. — A Story of the Seine. (G. J. Cowley-Brown) Blackw. I47: 822. — Things Seen. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 48: 342. – Spec. 60: 1572. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 45: 70. — Toute la Lyre. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 51: 29, 184. Huguenots, The. (F. J. Parker) Church R. 49: 369. — (J. H. Dubbs) Ref. Q. 36: 432. — and the Gueux, Kervyn de Lettenhove's. Armstrong) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 786. — and Henry IV. Cong. R. I : 907. I, 212. (E. — — Baird on. (H. Tuttle) Dial (Ch.) 7: 219. — Sat. R. 63: 629. — — Lea's. Spec. 61: 1326. — Political Theory of. 4 : I.3. Hukill, E. M., with portrait. (F. A. Layman) M. West. Hist. 7: 465. Hull, W., in the Lake Country. Portfo. 18: 33. Hull, Gen. Wm. Surrender at Detroit, 1812. Serv. (Phila.) I : 229. Human Document, A. 563, 738, 907. Human Form, Symbolisms of. Meliora, I: 17. Human Incapacity. (A. K. H. Boyd) Longm. II: 191. Human Knowledge, Objectivity of. (W. A. Fletcher) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 358. Human Life, Problem of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 265. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 775. Human Nature. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 49: 43. — Secular Changes in. (F. P. Cobbe) Forum, 9: 169. — Traits of. (J. M. Buckley) Chaut. Io: 159–665. Human Sacrifices on Babylonian Cylinders. (W. H. Ward) Am. J. Archaeol. 5: 34. Human Temperament and the True Life. (A. B. Curtis) Univ. Q. 47: 270. Human Variety. (F. Galton) Nature, 39: 296. . Humanism in Education. Science, 9: 161. Humanistic Religion. (A. T. Ormond) N. Princ. 6: 97. – (L. Abbott) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 541. Humanitarianism. And. R. 7: 295. — (H. S. Salt) Westm. I32: 74. — Arthur Balfour on. Spec. 61: 1353. Humanities, The. (J. W. Powell) Forum, Io: 410. Humanity in Relation to Divinity. (J. S. Stahr) Ref. Q. 38: 429. — Religion of. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 50: 665. Humbert I., King of Italy. Spec. 63: 744. Humboldt, Alexander Won. Meliora, 3: 273. (E. Armstrong) Eng. Hist. R. (T. Letherbrow) Un. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 56: 204 HUNT Hume, David. (R. Munro) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 667. – and his Philosophy. (J. A. Hall) Luth. Q. 21: 341. — Prof. Knight on. Spec. 60: 112. – Letters to William Strahan. Ath. '89, I: 9. –(J. C. Welling) Nation, 48: 121. – Sat. R. 67: 199. Humming-Bird, Ruby-Throat, Male. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 68: 49. - – Widow and Twins. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 67: 765. Humor. All the Year, 64: 520. — at School : Girls' Schools. (H. J. Barker) Chamb. J. 67: 734. — Can it be Cultivated? (M. Gozzaldi) Writer, 3: 172. – Evolution of. (S. H. Butcher) Harper, 8o: 898. — (H. D. Traill) National, Io: 811. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 554. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 482. — — Traill on. Spec. 61: 165. — in Black and White. All the Year, 68: 400. — of the Bench. (C. Bell) Green Bag, 3: 352. — of 200 Years Ago. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 5: 203. — Pathetic. Atlan. 63: 425. — Plea for. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 63: 175. – What is? (A. Stuart) Macmil. 59: 355. Humors of Gasopolis. Chamb. J. 65: 430. – of a Government Office. Chamb. J. 65: 33. — of Ignorance. (W. S. Walsh) Chaut. Io: 332. Humorist, Confessions of a. (R. J. Burdette) Lippine. 39: 459. Humorists; American Literary Comedians. Lukens) Harper, 8o: 783. () – English, in Art. Ath. '89, I: 767. —Sat. R. 67: 727. — Spec. 62: 827, 858. C – On Certain Latterday. (B. Matthews) Cosmopol. Io: 508. – Some Old German. (C. H. Herford) Macmil. 64: 44. Humpidge, T. S. Nature, 37: 155. — Acad. 32: 394. Hundreds of Domesday. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 95. Hundred Gates; a Dream of Bad Books. 405. Hundred Years Ago. (W. W. Knollys) Ecl. M. I.12: 84. (H. C. Cornh. 60: — and Now. (H. Johnson) Presb. R. Io: 77. Hundredth Man, The. (F. R. Stockton) Cent. II: 397–865. I2: 30–685. Hundredth Victim, The. (L. Lovart) Gent. M. m. s. 4I : IO5. Hunfalvy, Paul. Acad. 40: 540. — Ath. '91, 2: 801. Hungarian Language, Historical Dictionary of. (A. J. Patterson) Acad. 40: 220. Hungarian Literature, 1887–8. (A. Vámbéry) Ath. '88, 2 : 2O. — of the Last Fifty Years. 344. Hungarian Market Morning. Sat. R. 67: 666. Hungarian Music, Nationality in Music with Special Reference to. (F. Korbay) Harper, 82: 564. Hungarian Protestant Union. (B. Gyorgy) Unita. R. 30: 326. Hungary, History of, Vámbéry's. Spec. 60: 1284. — Mineral Resources of. (B. H. Brough) J. Soc. Arts, (A. Vámbéry) New R. 5: 34; 266. - Progress and Condition of. (A. Shaw) Chaut. I3: 292. — Relations to Austria. (A. Vámbéry) Subj. of Day, no. 3: 98. — A Remembrance of. Unita. R. 35: 53. || Hungerford Family. (W. J. Hardy) Antiq. m. s. I5: 62. Hunnis, William. (C. C. Stopes) Ath. '91, I: 249, 377. Hunt, Leigh. Lond. Q. 67: 331. — (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 59: 426. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 487. — (Mrs. Ritchie) Macmil. 63: 250. — and Charles Lamb. Ath. '89, I: 344, 374, 408. – Ultra-Crepidarius. Sat. R. 70: 259. HUNT Hunt, Robert. Nature, 37: 14. — Ath. '87, 2: 541. – Aead. 32: 272. Hunt, William Henry. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 22: 9. Hunt, William Holman. (A. T. Story) Tinsley, 45: 305. — and the Pre-Raphaelites. (A. M. Machar) And. R. I2 : 579. - – May-Day on Magdalen Tower. (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 39: 494. — (F. W. Farrar) Contemp. 59: 814. — (A. Symons) Acad. 38: 2O4. Hunt for a Head, A. (E. D. Cuming) Macmil. 63: 2I9. Hunted. 54 I. Hunter, Maj.-Gen. David. Hist. I7: 138. Hunter, John. Nature, 35: 379. Hunter, John Kelso; the Cobbler Artist. (G. E. Todd) National, I6: Ioš. Hunter, Robert M. T. (C. C. Jones, jr.) So. Hist. Pap. 16: 270. Hunting. Ed. R. I.66: 385. — Sat. R. 63: 441. (E. Edersheim) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 325, 433, (R. C. Schenck) M. Am. – and Trapping in Canada. (J. M. Oxley) Cosmopol. 4; 460. — Calpe Hunt. Sat. R. 65: 286. – Drag-. Sat. R. 66: 546. — Future of. (Duke of Beaufort and others) Murray, I : 527. — in Africa. Sat. R. 69: 382. – in Virginia. (A. Hunter) Outing, 13: 326. – in the Wild West. (R. B. Marcy) Outing, 14: 31, 9I. — Our Friends in the Hunting Field. Lond. Soc. 55: 54–506. — Pytchley Hunt. Sat. R. 65: 241. Hunting Songs. (L. A. Smith) Gent. M. n. s. 44; 489. Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of. (H. Allon) Sunday M. 20: 405. Hupa Indians. (O. T. Mason) Science, 9: 149. Hurdling. (M. W. Ford) Outing, 18: 322. Hurlbut, Capt. George, Heroism of, at Tarrytown, 1781. (R. B. Coutant) M. Am. Hist. 24: 358. Huron, Lake, Birth of. (J. W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. I4I : I.2. Huronian Rocks; Is there a Huronian Group 2 (R. D. Irving) Am. J. Sci. I34; 204-365. Hurricane in Cuba, Sept. 3-5, 1888. Science, I2: 169. Hurry, Modern Habit of ; too Late — too Soon. Spec. 66: 889. Hurst, J. P. The Begum's Diamonds. Theatre, 22: I59. Husband and Wife, Law of. (W. C. Maude) Month, 72: 227. – (E. Garrett) Sunday M. 17: 58–333. Husbands and Wives. (S. W. Cooper) Amer. 18: 328. Husk, W. H. Ath. '87, 2: 287. Husted, James D., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 454. II : I53. Hutchinson Family as Reformers. Our Day, 7: 278. Hutchinson, Anne. 3: I91. — A Friend of. (M. D. Steel) M. West. Hist. 7: 30, III. Hutchinson, Col. Joseph. Granite Mo. 12: 59. Hutton, R. H., as a Religious Thinker. (W. Ward) Dub. R. Io9: I. — (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: (R. H. Howard) (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. n. s. 473. — Essays. Church Q. 28: 478. – Modern Guides of Religious Thought. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 478. – (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 29: 330. Hutton, William. (G. B. Hill) Eng. Illust. 5: 668. Huxley, Thomas H. (S. Fitzsimmons) Am. Cath. Q. 205 I2: 577. HYMNAL Huxley, T. H., and Agnosticism. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I48: 403. — and Materialism. (P. R. Shipman) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 199. — and the Swine Miracle. (W. E. Gladstone) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 502. — Canon Liddon, and Lux Mundi. And. R. I.4: 304. — Corroboration of. (J. Burroughs) No. Am. I49: 560. — Explanation to. (W. C. McGee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 349. – his Methods of Controversy. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 29: 685. – Weak Side of. Spec. 6o: 176. Huygens, C. (A. M. Clerke) Nature, 43: 433. Hyacinth Culture in Holland. Chamb. J. 67: 470. Hybridizing, Orchids and. (F. Boyle) National, 14: 56. Hyderabad and Golconda. (J. F. Hurst) Harper, 76: 44O. Hydra, Heliotropism of. (E. B. Wilson) Am. Natural. 25 : 413. Hydraulics, Loss of Head in. (I. P. Church) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 351. Hydraulic Machinery. 937–995. Hydraulic Mining. 576. I3: I, I 13. - Hydraulic Power, Distribution of, in London. Am. Arch. 27: I55. Hydraulic Railway, An. Hydrazoic Acid ; a New Gas. 42: 615. Hydrogen and Oxygen, Relative Densities of. (G. Ray- leigh) Nature, 37: 418. — Compressibility of. (H. Crompton) Nature, 39: 583. Hydropathic Establishment, Life in. (A. J. H. Crespi) Tinsley, 4I: 535. Hydrophobia. Nature, 36: 433. – Chamb. J. 64: 734. — (T. H. Huxley and L. Pasteur) Nature, 40: 224. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 663. — and the Muzzling Order. (G. J. Romancs) Contemp. 59: 44 I. – Bugbear of. (E. C. Spitzka) Forum, 3: 178. – Pasteur and. (T. M. Dolan) Contemp. 58: 83. — (G. Herring) National, I4: 538. — (Mrs. E. Priest- ley) 19th Cent. 23: 838. —Sat. R. 64: II, 424. — Spec. 60: 467. — — Report of Committee on. Nature, 36: 232. — Prevention of. Nature, 40: 197. — Treatment of. (P. Gibier) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 28: 127. See Rabies. Hygieia. (W. Wroth) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 82. Hygiene. Spec. 67: 528. — as a Basis of Morals. (F. E. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I: 67. – International Congress of. Nature, 44; 344–484. — Our Boys and Girls. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 37: I Io. Hyksos, The. (I. Taylor) Acad. 33: 177. Hyltén-Cavallius, Gunnar Olof. Ath. '89, 2: 96. Hyman, Orlando Bridgman. Macmil. 60: 289. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 7or. (Prof. Perry) J. Soc. Arts, 30: (I. M. Scott) Overland, n. s. I2: Chamb. J. 67: 751. - (A. E. Tutton) Nature, Hymenopterous Insects, Morphology of Legs of. (A. J. Cook) Am. Natural. 22: 193. Hymers, Rev. John. Acad. 31: 289. Hymnal of the Congregational Union. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 628. – Protestant Episcopal, Proposed. Amer. I& 201, 216. — — Revised, 1889. (J. H. Hopkins) Church. R. 53: 9. — (J. H. Hopkins and others) Church R. 53: 60. — (J. Warrington) Church R. 54: 209. — And. P. I2: 296. – Critic, I5: 205. HYMNALS Hymnals, Church of England. (W. G. Horder) Theo. Mo. I : 379. Hymnists of Our Time, Three Lay. Sunday M. I7: 585, 653. Hymnody, English, America's Contribution to. Theo. Mo. I : 35 (W. G. Horder) — of the Christian Church. (E. L. Fancher) Meth. R. 5I : 259. Hymnology, Anglican. (R. E. Thompson) Amer. 21: IO7. - English. (E. G. Harmer) And. R. I3: 508. — Faith and Song. –– of the Church of Scotland, New. Blackw. I45: 657. — Pre-Wesleyan. Lond. Q. 7o: I 14. (C. F. Lee) Univ. Q. 46: 306. (A. K. H. Boyd) — Recent. Church Q. 28: 457. Hymns. Sat. R. 69: 683. — Ancient and Modern. (G. W. Cox) Contemp. 54: 66. — and Hymnals. (J. B. Selkirk) Blackw. I43: 622. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 497. – as a Basis of Christian Union. (T. S. Lathrop) Univ. Q. 47: 59. – Latin, Development of Form. (S. V. Cole) And. R. IO: 343. — — Duffield on. — of the English Church, Dialogue on. Chapman) 19th Cent. 22: 378. — Thoughts on Church. (J. Hudson) National, II: 81 I. — Why they are not Good. Spec. 61 : 1763. — Women Writers of. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. 18: 698, 762, — (J. C. Hadden) Good Words, 32: 628. Hyperboreans of To-Day. (F. Prevost) New R. 5: 45. Q Hypnosis, Phenomena of. (J. F. W. Howley) Month, 69: 478. 70: 194. Hypnotic Moralization. 453. ºf Hypnotic Subjects, Responsibility of. Means) Nation, 52: 86. Hypnotic Suggestion, a Means of Medical Treatment. (C. L. Tuckey) 19th Cent. 24: 839. Hypnotism. (J. R. Gasquet) Dub. R. IOS: 241. – (W. Seton) Cath. World, 52: 837. — (A. de Watteville) Fortn. 47: 732. – Quar. I7I: 234. — (M. Bram- well and L. S. Best) New R. 2: 334. — (J. T. O’Connor) Cath. World, 50: 574. — (Prof. Donati) Cosmopol. 9s 443. – (J. P. Moore) Overland, m. s. I6: 32. — (T. A. Trollope) National, I5: 300. — Spec. 62: 47. — Leis. Hour, 36: 454. — (H. Mar- chant) Month, 72: 349. — and Crime. (J. M. Charcot) Forum, 9: I 59. — — and the Medical Faculty. (A. T. Innes) Con- temp. 58: 555. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 692. — — — Reply to A. T. Innes. (G. C. Kingsbury) 19th Cent. 29: 145. – and Ecstasies. Dub. R. IO4: 445. — and Jurisprudence. (Emily Kempin) Arena, 2: 278. — and Magnetism. (J. M. Charcot) Forum, 8: 566. — and Suggestion” (J. P. C. Foster) N. Eng. 54: 15. – Applications of. (C. L. Tuckey) Contemp. 6o: 672. Same art. Science, I8: 328. – Concerning a Psychic Medium in. Arena, 3: 541. – Dangers of. Sat. R. 69: 699. —Spac. 64: 507. – Spec. 62: 765. & (Mrs. T. (W. W. Newton) Harper, 75: (D. MacG. (R. O. Mason) (St. C. Thomson) Westm. I34: 624. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 184. – Further Problems of. 397. — Ghosts, Dreams, and. No. Amer. I46: 704. — History of. (A. C. Clark) National, 16: 759. – in Disease and Crime. (A. Binet and C. Féré) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 763. (E. Gurney) Mind, I2: 212, 206 IBSEN Hypnotism in France. (M. Dessoir) Science, 9: 541. - Latest Discoveries in. (J. Luys) Fortn. 53: 896. 54: 168. Same art. Eel. M. I.15: 145, 381. - Medico-Legal Aspects of. (W. Noyes) Science, 9: 22O. – Physical and Mental in. (A. Fouillée) Chaut. 13: 622. – The Power of Suggestion. (C. T. Ewart) 19th Cent. 28: 252. — Recent Observations in. Science, Io: 187. — What it Is and What it is Not. (C. A. Herter) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 755. Hypocrisy as a Social Debaser. (R., W. Conant) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 475. – as a Social Elevator. (J. McElroy) Pop.Sci. Mo. 38: 599. Hypospadias, Three Cases of. (L. H. and W. H. Luce) Am. Natural. 24: IoI6. - Hypothesis and Dogma in the Sciences. (C. W. Shields) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 594. — in Experimental Science. (J. M. Rigg) Mind, 12: 549. Hypotheses, Multiple Working. (T. C. Chamberlin) Science, I5: 92. Hyrax. Sat. R. 72: 580. Hysteria and Ecstasies. Hysteria and Nervousness. Hour, 38: 412. Hythe, Crypt of. Dub. R. IO4: 444. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. (S. Barber) Antiq. m. s. 22: 62. I Mark the King ; a story. Temp. Bar, 86: 214. Iasos. (E. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 83. Ibbetson, Robert. (R. P. Robins) Pennsyl. M. 12: 355. Ibex-Hunting in Asia Minor. (E. N. Buxton) 19th Cent. 29: 251. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 608. Ibn Batuta ; A Rival of Marco Polo. National, II: 596. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 334. Ibsen, Henrik. (H. H. Boyesen) Cent. 39: 794. — (G. E. Channing) Overland, m. s. I5: 314. — Atlan. 66: 856. — (C. H. Herford) Acad. 35: 432. 36: 60. 37: 38. — (F. Wedmore) Acad. 35: 419. — (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 55: 725. – Temp. Bar, 93: 97. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 6Io. — (G. R. Carpenter) Scrib. M. 5: 4O4. — (O. Heller) Poet-Lore, I : 237. — Ancestry of. Critic, I6: 83. — and the Drama of the Moment. 19th Cent. 30: 258. — and his Translators. (T. Solberg) Nation, 50: 67. – as a Dramatist. (H. Garland) Arena, 2: 72. – Attitude towards Women. Critic, I6: 147. – Brand. . (W. L. Cross) Arena, 3: 81. – (A. H. Palmer) N. Eng. 53: 34o. — (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. I2: 207. — (C. H. Herford) Contemp. 59: 407. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 543. – (R. A. Armstrong) Westm. I35: 409. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 422. —Sat. R. 72: 705. — Doll's House. (W. E. Simonds) Dial (Ch.) Io: 301. —Spec. 62: 853. — (C. Scott) Theatre, 23: 19, 38. – Dramatic Experiment. (R. F. Sharp) Theatre, 22: 73. — Early Career as Poet and Playwright. ans) Atlan. 65: 578. – English Criticism of. – Ghosts; at the Royalty Theatre, London. 26: 205. — Hedda Gabler. (E. Gosse) Fortm. 55; 4. — (W. L. Cross) N. Eng. 55; I4. —Sat. R. 7I: 145, 498. — — at the Vaudeville Theatre. Theatre, 26: 257. — — On the Occasion of. (H. James) New R. 4: 519. – Home and Habits of. (E. P. Evans) Critic, I6: 122. — Ibsen's Ghost ; or, Toole up to Date, a burlesque. Theatre, 27: 28. (H. A. Kennedy) (E. P. Ev- (W. Archer) Fortn. 52: 30. Theatre, IBSEN Ibsen, Henrik. Iconoclast. (E. J. Harding) Critic, I6: I31. — in England. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 49: 7. — Individualism in his Plays. (R. C. Harrison) Harv. Mo. II: 25. — Jaeger's Life of. (W. E. Simonds) Dial. (Ch.) II; I46. - — The Ilady from the Sea at Terry's Theatre. Thea- tre, 26: 306. — Life Abroad, and Later Dramas. Atlan. 66: 457. — Men and Women of. Westm. I31 : 626. — Near View of. (J. P. Rudd) Author, 2: SI. — on the English Stage. Amer. I8: 267. — The Pillars of Society. (R. K. Hervey) Theatre, 23 : 94. — Plays. Sat. R. 69: 15. – Poems of. (P. H. Wicksteed) Contemp. 60: 333. – Peer Gynt. (P. H. Wicksteed) Contemp. 56; 274. — Prose Dramas. (J. M. Parker) Amer. 20: 429. – Sat. R. 69: 352, 474. — Reaction against. (H. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. I3: 51. – a Reformer. Critic, I6: I57. — Rosmersholm. Sat. R. 71: 258. – (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: 216. — Theatre, 26; 196. — Social Dramas. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 51: 1 oz. – Liv. Age, 180: 298. — (E. Fuller) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 584. — Quar. I72: 305. – Spectres. (C. H. Genung) Nation, 44: II6. — Works of. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 26: 241. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 737. Ibsenism, Quintessence of. 463. – Shaw on. Sat. R. 72: 455. Ice and Brines. (J. Y. Buchanan) Nature, 35: 608. 36: 9. — Crystallization of. (T. H. Holland) Nasure, 39: 295. — (J. C. McConnell) Nature, 39: 367. – Effects of Pressure on. (R. W. Wood, jr.) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 30. — Gathering and Selling. (C. L. Norton) Chaut. 7: 219. — Plasticity of. (J. C. McConnell) Nature, 39: 203. — Witchery of. (S. F. Goodrich and E. M. Thomas) Am. M. 7: 450. Ice Age, Astronomical Theory of. (W. H. S. Monck) Sid. Mess. 8: 193. — Geikie's Lecture on. Science, I7: 21 I. — Glaciated Areas of. (F. H. Kasson) Educa. 8: 358. — in No. America, Wright on. (C. H. Hitchcock) Bib. Sac. 47: 99. – Sat. R. 69: 610. — Man and. (G. F. Wright) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 314. — Wright on. Nation, 49: 295. – (A. Heilprin) Amer. I8: 375. Ice Growth. (Stefan) Nature, 40: 4oo. Ice-Making and Machine Refrigeration. (F. A. Fer- nald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 19. — (J. Hopkinson) J. Soc Arts, 31: 19. Ice Pack, Dangers of the. 4: 276. Ice-Storm, Remarkable, Jan., 1891. (S. Hart) Nature, 43: 317. Ice-Supply and its Dangers. (T. M. Prudden) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 668. Ice-Water, Injurious Effects of. No. Am. I48: 733. Ice-Yachting. (C. L. Norton) Outing, 9: 419. — (W. W. Howard) Outing, I5: 260. — (C. L. Norton) Out- ing, I3: 333. - Icebergs, Atlantic. Chamb. J. 67: 737. Same art. Ficl. M. r. 16: 160. — North Atlantic. Knowl. II: 257. — of the Polar Region. (F. Schwatka) Chaut. 8: 361. Iceland. Art J. 39: 301. (E. P. Evans) (W. Archer) New R. 5: (W. H. Gilder) Cosmopol. (W. A. Hammond) 207 — Enforced, Mutual Insurance against. IDLENESS (C. G. W. Lock) J. Soc. Iceland and its Resources. Arts, 28: 503. — for Tourists. (J. Stefánsson) Murray, 8: 95. – in Summer and Winter. (W. H. Carpenter) Fortn. 50: 515. – Scenery and Volcanic Rocks of. Soc. Arts, 24; 169. — Summer in. (C. S. Smith) Scrib. M. 6: 451. — Trip to. (G. H. B. Macleod) Good Words, 32: 809. — Visit to. (W. Telbin) Leis. Hour, 39: 607. Icelandic Fiction. (W. H. Carpenter) N. Eng. 45: 469. Icelandic Literature, Modern. Sat. R. 72: 173. Icelandic Sagas. Sat. R. 65; 75. – Wigfusson's Edition. (C. F. Keary) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 127. — (W. C. Green) Ecl. M. II.5: 261. Icicle, The. Lippine. 45: 697. Iconography, Christian, Didron's. Idaho, Archaeological Discovery in. Scrib. M. 7: 235. Idaho Springs, One Summer Day at. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I3: 15, 69. Idar, Vale of. (S. Weisse) Blackw. I48: 75. Iddesleigh, Lord. See Northcote, Sir Stafford. Ideas, Association of. (J. M. Cattell) Mind, I2: 68. — How Discovered. (S. Channing) Writer, 2: 196. — Insistent and Fixed. (E. Cowles) Am. J. Psychol. I : 222. — Origin of, as Taught by St. Thomas. (E. H. Dering) Month, 6I: 499. Ideal, The ; a poem. (F. E. Coates) Atlan. 67: 675. — Significance of. (E. P. Eschbach) Ref. Q. 37: 503. Ideala. Spec. 62: 55. - Ideals, Popular, Evolution in. (F. A. Doughty) Arena, I : 166. Idealism and Christianity. 845. — and the Masses. (R. B. Cunninghame Graham) 19th Cent. 28: 945. \ — and Naturalism, Ethical Relations of. wood) N. Princ. 5: 164. – and Realism. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 48: 418. — in Literature. (G. Bradford, jr.) And. R. 8: 461. — Modern. (A. H. Strong) Bib. Sac. 45: 84. — Moral, Lotze's. (G. Santayana) Mind, I 5: 191. — of Spinoza. (J. M. Baldwin) Pres. R. Io: 65. – Philosophical. (B. P. Bowme) Meth. R. 49: 395. — Philosophy of. (H. H. Moore) Meth. R. 5o: 551. Idealist, Confessions of an. Atlan. 62: 285. Ideality in Art. (J. Symonds) Fortn. 49: 211. Identification, Bertillon System of. (A. Bertillon) Fo- rum, II : 330. — of Criminals, Bertillon's System of. Anthrop. J. 20: 182. — of Criminals, French Method of. (T. Hopkins) Leis. Hour, 39: 541. — of Criminals by Measurement. Green Bag, 3: 526... — Mistaken, and Police Anthropometry. (E. R. Spear- man) Fortn. 53: 361. — A True Theory of. (B. Bosanquet) Mind, I3: 356. Idiocy and Genius. (A. Rexford) No. Am. I46: 221. Idioms, Curious. (A. Repplier) Amer. IG: 72. Idiom-Haters. Sat. R. 66: 641, 706. Idiopsychological Ethics. (H. Sidgwick) Mind, I2; 31. Idiots and Idiot Life. Meliora, 6: 97. — Prehension in. (F. Galton) Mind, I2: 79. Idle Notes of an Uneventful Voyage. (B. Matthews) N. Princ. 3: 241. Idleness. All the Year, 66: 556. — (P. A. Graham) Macmil. 62: 379. — Atlan. 67: 283. —Spec. 61: 166. . (C. E. Buell) (W. L. Watts) J. Ath. '88, 2: 487. (G. F. Wright) (H. Graham) Meth. R. 48: (H. Calder- (F. J. Mouat) Lend a H. 4: 571. — Praise of. Spec. 63: 139. IDOLS Idols, Pagan, made in England. (J. C. Ambrose) Our Day, 3: 152. Idolatry. Spec. 61: 783. — at St. Paul's, London. Spec. 62: 791. — Modern. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 20: 770. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: 234. — — R. W. Church on. Spec. 6o: 730. – Rise and Decline of. (G. T. Flanders) Univ. Q. 45: 465. Idyl of Clods, An. Liv. Age, I86: 364. Idyl of Gong-Gong; a story. All the Year, 41: 37, 52. Idyl of Ischia, An. Macmil. 56: 378. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 646. Idyl of “Sinkin’ Mount’in.” (H. S. Edwards) Cent. I4: 895. Idyll of Brook Farm. (H. Shipton) Longm. I6: 640. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 521. Idyll of Delhi, An. (H. Compton) Macmil. 63: 271. Idyll of One, An; a story. (W. M. Hardinge) Temp. Bar, 93: 245. Idylle à Deux; a dramatic scene. Temp. Bar, 82: 424. Iermak the Robber, Royal Gift to Czar Ivan. Meth. R. 49; 236. If He had Known. (A. W. Rollins) Lippinc. 43: 583. Ignatian Epistles, The. (P. J. Gloag) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 468, 630. Ignatius and the Roman Primacy, Lightfoot's. Dub. R. Ioo: 38o. Ignoble Martyr, An. (R. H. Davis) Harper, 8o: 604. Ignorances, Our Small. Cornh. 57: 60. Ikaria, Attic Deme of, Discoveries in. Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 421. 5: 9,461. — Inscriptions from. (C. D. Buck) Am. J. Archaeol. 5 : 3O4. Ikosahedron, Klein’s, Morrice's Translation. Nature, (W. M. Hardinge) (C. D. Buck) 40; 35. Il Mandolinista. (D. O’Brien) Cosmopol. II: 599. Iletsk, Russian Convicts at. (H. Lansdell) Harper, 76: 894. Ilfracombe and Lundy. Gent. M. n. s. 43: 51 I. — Sketch from. (A. I. Shand) Blackw. I42: 36. Ilium ; Ruins at Hissall k. (R. C. Jebb) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 7. 3: 185. 4: 142. — Site and Antiquity of the Hellenic Ilion. (J. P. Ma- haffy) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 69. Ill-Gotten Gains. (A. Barczinsky) Tinsley, 43: 25. Illegitimacy and Infanticide. Meliora, 5: 323. Illicit Commission Evil, The. Am. Arch. 31 : II-I 25. Illinois, Conquest of, in 1778; Oliver Pollock. (H. E. Hayden) M. Am. Hist. 22: 414. — French Society in Early. (J. Moses) M. West. Hist. Io: 561. — in 1847 and 1848. (J. Moses) M. West. Hist. I2: 16, I 32. — in 1849 and 1852. (J. Moses) M. West. Hist. I2: 246. - — Supreme Court of. (J. E. Babb) Green Bag, 3: 217. Illiteracy in England, 1870 and 1884. Lond. Q. 68: 273. Illiterates. Lend a H., 7: 236. Illuminating Agents, Solid and Liquid. (L. Field) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 821–881. Illuminating Methods, Spectro-Photometric Comparison of. (E. L. Nichols and W. S. Franklin) Am. J. Sci. I38: 100. Illumination, Artificial, Efficiency of. Dub. R. Io9: I95. — Welsbach System of. (A. O. Granger) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 379. - Illusions. (M. Maher) Month, 65: 83. — Our. (E. Lynn Linton) Fortn. 55; 584. Illusions; a poem. (W. Crane) To-Day, 7: 56. 208 Illustrated Journalism. (C. Thomas) Contemp. 58: 256. IMMIGRATION (W. Crane) J. Illustration and Decoration of Books. Soc. Arts, 37: 863–887. — and Illustrators. (C. M. Fairbanks) Chaut. I3: 597. — of Books and Newspapers. (H. Blackburn) 19th Cent. 27: 213. — (G. S. Layard) Temp. Bar, go: 553. - — of Books, Art in. (C. E. Hurd) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 37. 5 ('86–87): 95. — — as a Profession. (J. Pennell) Contemp. 58: 121. — — Modern Methods of. Sat. R. 63: 199. — – Old and New. (J. C. Carr) J. Soc. Arts, 3o: 1035. — Popular, Art of. (H. Blackburn) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 367. Illustrations, Apt. Chamb. J. 65: 826. Image of God. (E. Thomson) Meth. R. 48: 722. Image Transference. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. 134: 33. Imagination. (A. S. Hardy) And. R. 13: 664. — (H. Marwell) Blackw. I5o: 576. – and its Development. Spec. 65: 373. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: 657. — Artistic. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 44; 16. — Fatal. Tinsley, 42: 146. — Goschen on. Spec. 67: 754. – Higher Uses of. (M. D. Shutter) Univ. Q. 48: 5. — in Writing. Sat. R. 72: 33. — Orientalised. Spec. 63: 583. — What is a Strong? Spec. 62: 506. Imātrā, Fall of. Atlan. 68: 855. Imhoff, Amalie von ; a Poetess of the Weimar School. Nation, 50: 69. Imitation as a Factor in Human Progress. (E. Fry) Contemp. 55; 658. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 728. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 51. — Principle of, in Decorative Arts. (T. Purdie) J. Soe. Arts, I2: 329. — Spirit of. All the Year, 68: 231. Imitative Faculty of Infants. (W. Preyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 249. Imitativeness, Sphere of. Spec. 62: 638. Immanuel, Prophecies concerning. (W. W. Martin) Meth. R. 51: 699. — — and their Fulfillment. I5 : 439. Immersion. (A. McGary) Chris. Q. 7: 56. Immigrants, Answer of the. (J. P. Altgeld) Forum, 8: 684. — Are They to Blame? (O. Ottendorfer) Forum, II: 54 I. : — The Language Test for. cer) Natibn, 52: 360. — Occupations of. (F. P. Powers) Q. J. Econ. 2: 223. — Proper Sieve for. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 312, 354. Immigration. (S. Schindler) Arena, 3: 415. — (T. V. Powderly) No. Am. I47: 165. – Pub. Opin. 5: 313, (H. G. Mitchell) And. R. (A. A. Berle; E. C. Spen- 331, 431. . — American Field for. Chamb. J. 66: 820. —r and Crime. (W. M. F. Round) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 66. —(W. M. F. Round) Forum, 8: 428. — and Degradation. (F. A. Walker) Forum, II: 634. — and the Tariff. (W. McAdoo) Forum, II: 398. — by Passport. (T. T. Munger) Cent. I3: 791. — Control of. (R. M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 46–408. – — Excessive. (T. V. Powderly) Amer. 20: 76. s — Foreign Pauper. (S. H. Jeyes) Fortn. 56: 13. . — Government by Aliens. (A. C. Coxe) Forum, 7:597. - — into the U. S. (P. Ander) Arena, 2: 269.— (C. Park- hurst and others) Meth. R. 51: 709. — — Troubles of. (W. H. Wilkins) 19th Cent. 30: – Italian. (E. Schuyler) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 480. – Tho New. (J. H. Noble) Nation, 53: 209. IMMIGRATION Immigration of Destitute Foreigners. (W. H. Wilkins) National, I6: 113. — of Pauper Foreigners into England. (S. N. Fox) Contemp. 53: 855. – (A. White) 19th Cent. 23: 4I4. — Problem of, in the U. S. (T. Roosevelt) Harv. Mo. 7: 85. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 354. – Nation, 52 : 4OI. * — Quality of our Latest. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 52: Io8. — Restriction of. (E. W. Bemis) And. R. 9: 251. — (W. C. Ford) Nation, 45: 108, (E. L. Godkin) 518. — — by France. Spec. 61 : 1350. — — New Reasons for. (H. H. Boyeseh) Our Day, 3: I27. - — The Tide of. Pub. Opin. 3: 97–336. 8: 284. – Undesirable. Pub. Opin. 3: 49. – Unrestricted, Danger of. (H. H. Boyesen) Forum, 3: 532. - º, — — Lynch Law and. (H. C. Lodge) No. Am. I52: 602. Immoral in Literature, What is? (A. Ross) Arena, 3: 438. Immorality, Masculine. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 3: 379. — Vice and. (R. W. Black) Int. J. Ethics, I : 459. Immortal Life. (W. S. Woodbridge) Univ. Q. 45: 160. — Logic of the. (V. Lincoln) Univ. Q. 44; 429. Immortality. (J. Barmby) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 653. — (G. M. Gould) Monist, I : 372. — (J. W. Rey- molds) Theo. Mo. 2: 289. — (E. B. Bax) To-Day, 9: 138. — and Life's Inequalities. I 57. — Animal. (N. Pearson) 19th Cent. 29: 154. — Browning on. (J. W. White) Bapt. R. II: 417. — Causes of Belief in. (L. F. Ward) Forum, 8: 98. — Common Consent and. Knowl. II: 267. — The Gates of Hades: Horn or Ivory 2 National, I2: 87. — The Heart's. (T. V. Tymms) Good Words, 28: 715. — Idea of. (J. P. Lesley) Forum, Io: 207. — in the Light of Modern Dynamics. (H. Hansoldt) Science, I7: 3oo. - - — in the Old Testament. I46: 224. — Intimations of, from Recollections of Herbert Spen- cer. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 30: 513. - — Natural Grounds of Belief in. (J. LeConte) And. R. I4: I. — of Infusoria. (A. Binet) Monist, I: 20. — of the Soul. (O. Smith) And. R. 8: 263. —(K. F. Goeschel) J. Spec. Philos. 20: 3ro. — Problem of. (Sully-Prudhomme) Overland, n. s. 17: 279. — Reasons for Believing in. (B. F. Rogers) Univ. Q. 48: 283. e – Renan's Ironical Conception of. Spec. 66: 887. — Science and. Pub. Opin 3: 17. – (A. J. DuBois) Cent. 21: 252. ' — Scientific and Scriptural Basis of. (W. W. McLane) N. Eng. 53: 52. - — Sir George Stokes on. 7o: 223. ſº — Tolstoi on. (J. Faville) And. R. 9: 499. – Views of the Babylonians on. (C. Adler) And. R. IO: 92. Impartiality, What is ? Spec. 64: 264. - Imperative Duty, An. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 83: I91–765. Imperial Ceremonies, German. All the Year, 67: 17. Imperial Federation. See Great Britain, Empire of. Imperial Federation League. (W. Greswell) National, I4; 184. - (S. Cox) Sunday M. 17: (P. Greg) (T. G. Dashiell) No. Am. (C. Coupe) Month, 69: 360. 209 IN Imperial Institute, The. Nature, 35: 265. — Sat. R. 63: 3, 115.- (K. B. Murray) Fortn. 47: 384.—Spec. 60: 924. — Westm. I28: 48. — Work of. (F. Abel) Natule, 35: 627. 36: 17. Impey, Sir Elijah, limpeachment of, Beveridge on. Ath. '87, I: 732. Imponderables, Energies of, Utilization of. J. Soc. Arts, 21 : 550-718. Imports and Exports of Great Britain, Statistics of, and what they Tell us. (A. E. Bateman) J. Statis. Soc. 50; 653. — — — Wariations in. 399. Importunate Widow. Cornh. 55: 515. Impostor; a story. (U. Byrne) Belgra. 67: 288. Impregnation, Partial. (A. Weismann and C. Ischi- kawa) Nature, 38: 329. Impressions of a Tender-Foot. (W. J. Shoup) Overland, n. S. II: 644. I2; 43. Impressionists. (E. Armitage) Ath. '87, 2: 123. — Paris, in New York, Work of. (L. Hamilton) Cos- mopol. I: 240. Impressionist Painting. (T. Child) Harper, 74: 313. Impressments at Wareham, 1741–8. (W. R. Bliss) N. E. Reg. 43: 168. o Imprisonment for Debt. (M. D. Chalmers) Fortn. 50: 337. Improvidence; the Forgotten Cause of Poverty. Crosby) Forum, 3: 568. Imputation, Doctrine of. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: (A. Rigg) (S. Bourne) J. Statis. Soc. 52: (H. 275. In Abundance. (A. Giberne) Argosy, 45; 191. In Assabet; a story. (D. R. Goodale) New Eng. M. n. S. I : 491. In Beaver Cove. (M. Crim) Cent. 20: 142. In Blunderland. (L. Kip) Overland, m. s. II: 87. In Border Lands. (M. M. Richardson) Overland, m. s. II: 291. In a Border State; a story. (P. B. Semple) Atlan. 62: 464. - In a Cleft Stick. Cornh. 59: 638. In a Conning Tower; or, How I Took H. M. S. “Majes- tic ’’ into Action. Murray, 4: 59. In the Dales Sixty Years Since. (Lady Verney) Mac- mil. 58: '49. In Danger's Way: a Tale of Two Heroes. Hake) Chamb. J. 65: 136–199. In a Dangerous Strait; a story. gosy, 44; 363. In Dark New England Days. 9II. In a Dim Light; a story. (Mrs. P. Cudlip) Temp. Bar, - 93: 373. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 778. In 4 Dim Religious Light; a story. (J. M. Lippmann) Overland, n. s. I5: 356. - In Earnest. (P. Perceval-Clark) Theatre, 23: 186. In Eclipse; a poem. (T. W. Parsons) Atlan. 63: 543. In Elysium. (Mrs. F. Maitland) Temp. Bar, 91: 377. In an Evil Hour; a story. (M. Argles) Belgra. 62: 176. In Exchange for a Soul. (M. Linskill) Sunday M. 16: I–785. In a Far Countree. In Far Lochaber. 77: 51-900. In the Folk’s Wood; a story. All the Year, 66: 371– 396. - In the Garden of Eden; a story. (F. H. Loughead) Overland, n. S. I4; 449. In the Haworth. (G. Bonner) Harper, 8o: 740. In the Headsman's Room; a story. (A. French) Cos- mopol. 6: 446. In His Own Country; a story. (M. E. Ryan) Am. M. 8: 186. (T. St. E. (Mary E. Penn) Ar- (S. O. Jewett) Cent. I 8: (H. C. Tenney) Outing, 17: 297. (W. Black) Harper, 76: 275–879. IN In an Irish Village. (M. E. Francis) Irish Mo. 19: 393. - In Later Years; a story. (Mrs. H. Wood) Argosy, 44: 429. In Maiden Meditation. (G. A. Hibbard) Cent. 19: 443. In the Meshes of a Terrible Spell; a story. (Helen Campbell) Arena, 5: 102. In Mexico. (T. A. Janvier) Scrib. M. 1: 67. In a Mining Kitchen. Overland, m. s. 9: 511. In an Old Chateau. (Mrs. W. K. Clifford) Temp. Bar, 81: 335. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 660. In an Old Garden; a story. (M. F. Wilson) Belgra. 68: 5O. In One Short Year ! (J. R. Wünsch) Lond. Soc. 56: 185. In an Opium Smuggler. Overland, n. s. 17: 43. In “The Pack; ” a story. Cornh. 63: 482. In the Past ; a story. (C. Haddon Chambers) Argosy, 44: 288. In the Pesthouse; a story. (A. E. Ferris) Overland, n. S. I5: 272. In a Place of Security; a story. Year, 6.5: 260-310. In Praise of Mops. Macmil. 65: 137. In a Quiet Street. (M. E. Francis) Irish Mo. 18: 132. “In Quietness and Confidence.” (G. Wilson) Good Words, 29: 770. In the Red Room. (L. C. Lillie) Harper, 76: 611. In Search of a Gold Mine; a story. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. I4: 499. In Self-Defence ; a story. (J. C. Scott) Belgra. 63: 25o. In the Shade of Schiehallion. (C. Blatherwick) Good Words, 3I: supp. In the Shadow of the Great Tragedy. (W. S. Hutchin- son) Overland, n. s. I3: 123. “In Sickness and in Health.” (M. Ross) Blackw. 148: 54. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 502. In the Sleepy Hollow Country. (S. N. Sheridan, jr.) Overland, n. s. 9: 83. In a Snow-Storm. (A. E. Sale) Temp. Bar, 93: 579. In Some Other World. (C. Yorke) Lond. Soc. 53: (F. Talbot) All the 399. In the Steamer's Track. (W. P. Northrup) Scrib. M. 3: 5 I 5. * In the “Stranger People’s ” Country. (M. N. Murfree) Harper, 82: 202–834. 83: 63. In the Studio. Cornh. 62: 524. In Summer Woods; Walks with a Naturalist. Wood) Good Words, 30: 376. In a Sunny Land. Liv. Age, 187: 159. In Two Acts. (J. V. Prichard) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 32I. In the Valley; a story. (H. Frederic) Scrib. M. v. 6–8. In the Valley of Death ; a story. (F. Marryatt) Lond. Soc. 57: 38. In the Valley of the St. Eustache. Am. M. g.: 181. In the Vestibule Limited ; a story. Harper, 82: 572. In the Village of Viger. (D. C. Scott) Scrib. M. 2: 493. In the Wounded Ward. (L. Kip) Overland, n. s. 18: 385. In the Year ’26. 64o. Inauguration of the First President. (C. E. Dowe) Cos- mopol. 6: 533. Incarnation, The. (J. B. Jones) Chris. Q. 8: 457.-(H. Christopher) Chris. Q. 8: 568. — (S. Leathes) Theo. Mo. 4: 73. — Bishop Kingdom on. Church Q. 32: 131. — Religion of. Church Q. 3o: 195. — Tests of Belief in. (W. Humphrey) Month, 68: 224. See also Jesus Christ. . (J. G. (S. F. Harrison) (B. Matthews) (P. C. Curtis) Overland, m. s. 15: 210 INDIA Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney, The. Macmil. 61: 146. Same art. Same art. Eel. M. I. I4: 158. Inchbold, John W. Ath. '88, 1: 154. – Sat. R. 65: 692. Incident on Jubilee Night, An; a story. (H. Fell) Argosy, 46: 277. Income, Small, Pleasures of a. All the Year, 62: 493. Incomes, Changes in, and Changes in Prices. (R. Gif- fen) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 713. - Moderate, Increase of. (G. J. Goschen) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 589. - Statistics of, in Prussia, Saxony, and Great Britain. J. Statis. Soc. 51: 635. Income Tax. Sat. R. 69: 68. – and Mr. Gladstone, in 1874. (W. E. H. Lecky; W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 22: 52, 279. – in Switzerland. (G. Cohn) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 37. – in the United States. (G. A. Butler) N. Eng. 54: 39. Income-Tax Collection. Sat. R. 66: 635. Incomplete Adventurer; a story. (T. Hopkins) Leis. Hour, 40: 35–331. Inconceivability, Spencer's Doctrine of. (R. Kipling) Liv. Age, I84: Io. (T. E. Allen) Arena, 4: 94. Incorporation, Sacrament of. (W. Humphrey) Month, 66: 74. Incorrigible, The. (F. Wayland) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: I4O. Incredulity, Passion of. Spec. 67: 410. Independents (or Congregationalists), Cromwell and. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 39. Independents in Politics, Lowell on. Pub. Opin. 5: 25. Independent Party, The, and Money at Cost. (R. B. Haskell) Arena, 4: 340. - Index Librorum Prohibitorum. (H. F. Brown) Westm. I33 : 5.79. - — Reusch’s Works on. 781. Index-Making. (F. G. Heath) Ath. '89, I: Aitchison) Ath. '89, I: 117. India, Administration in, Inquiry into. (R. Sethbridge) Asia. R. 5: 276. – Administration of the Native States defended against Sir Lepel Griffin. (Mehdi Ali) 19th Cent. (H. C. Lea) Eng. Hist. R. 4: I6. — (G. 26: 545. — Agricultural Banks in. (A. N. Wollaston) Asia. R. 5: I 75. . - Agricultural Resources of. (E. C. Buck) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 225. — Agricultural Statistics of. Arts, 23: 597. — Agriculture and the State in. J. Soc. Arts, 38: 411. — Agriculture in. (F. C. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 595. – (R. Wallace) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 366. (C. R. Markham) J. Soe. (W. R. Robertson) — — and England's Wheat. (W. S. Seton-Karr) Asia. R. 6: 45. — Alberuni's. (W. W. Hunter) Acad. 35 : 263. — Sat. R. 67: 479. — Spec. 62: 172. — Ath. '87, 2: 464. – Ancient. Quar. 169: 162. —— Beef and Spirituous Liquors in. (W. E. A. Axon) Am. Antiq. gºrg9. — — Dutt's. Sati’R. 7I: 204. — — Industries of. (Rajah Murli.Manohar) 19th Cent. 30: 7I. - — and America, a Contrast. Westm. I28: 661. — and the Himalayan States. Asia. R. 5; 296. — and Thibet. (R. S. Gundry) National, 9: 93. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 259. — Anglo-Indian Codes. Ath. '89. 2: I53, 223. — Archaeology of. Ath. '89, 2: Io2. - *~, INDIA India, Army of, Improvements in. (T. R. Snow) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 15. — — — Suggestion for. Serv. M. n. s. 3: II.7. — — Native. (F. J. Goldsmid) Asia. R. 6: 17. – (D. Boulger) Asia. R. 8: 257. — (S. Rivett-Carnac) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 196. — — — Raising a Ghoorka Regiment in. dall) Asia. R. 7: 46. — — Reorganization of. (M. J. King-Harman) Un. (F. M. Run- (C. B. Norman) National, 9; 395. — — Volunteer Force of. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 326. — — Young Soldier in ; his Life and Prospects. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89); 61, 171, 343, 472, 583, 718. — Army Reform in Native States. (C. E. Biddulph) Un. Serv. M. n. s. I : 494. Q. — Art in, Decline of Taste in. (Mrs. G. Kingscote) 19th Cent. 29: 288. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 624. — — Modern. (C. P. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 511. — — Moslem. Sat. R. 67: 578. — Art of. Ecl. M. IIo: 266. — as a Field for Private Enterprise. Soc. Arts, 20: 329. — Baluch and Afghan Frontiers of. Fortn. 51: 293, 445. Same art. (F. Campbell) J. (Sir C. W. Dilke) Liv. Age, 181: 67, 287. — Beast and Man in. (J. L. Kipling) Nature, 45; 131. — Birds in. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I7: 532. — Bird’s-Eye View of. (Sir M. E. Grant Duff) 19th Cent. 25: 812. — Black Mountain Campaign of 1888. Fortn. 50: 744. — Bourbons of. (W. Kincaid) Asia. R. 3: 164. — British. (R. S. Dix) Chaut. I2: 566. — — Carstairs on. Sat. R. 7I: 302. º — — Emigration of Labor from. (Sir C. Bruce) New (S. Wheeler) R. 3: 222. — British Power in. (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 44: 556. — — Elphinstone's. Sat. R. 64; 393. – Ath. '87, I : 442. – Spec. 6o: 596. – British Rule in, 1859–89. Sat. R. 67: 631. — — Results of. (J. M. Maclean) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 338. ; - — Child-Wife in, Story of. (Max Müller) Contemp. 6o: 183. — Civil Service of. (L. Griffin) Asia. R. 3: 250. – (N. S. Ginwalla) Asia. R. 4; 213. — (G. W. Leitner) Asia. R. 5: 417. — — Examinations for. (J. C. Collins) Contemp. 59: 836. — Sat. R. 68: 586. — Climates and Weather of, Blanford on. 861. – Nation, 49: 317. — Commerce of. (D. Naoroji) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 239. — Defence of. (T. R. Snow) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 120. — — German View of. Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 502. — — — An English Reply. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 422. Spec. 62: `s – Development of. Westm. 129: 342. (F. Pincott) National, 18: 274. (D. Naoroji) Con- — Discontent in. — M. E. Grant Duff's Views about. temp. 52: 221, 694. — Lord Dufferin's Administra. in. Macmil. 6o: 116. — Lord and Lady Dufferin in. (J. Williams) Lend a H. 5: 81. & — Lady Dufferin on. Spee. 63: 724. — during the Jubilee Reign. (R. Temple) Asia. R. 4 : I. — Early European Settlement of. (G. Birdwood) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 192. — Ecclesiastical Grants in. (W. S. Seton-Karr) Na- tional, I2: 361. ºm-º: ºt- of. (G. Watt) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 273. 211 INDIA India, The Empress of. (O. T. Burne) Asia. R. 3: II. — England in. (A. Stevens) Meth. R. 47: 489. — England’s True Policy in. Fortn. 51: 275. — Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88–89): 641. — — Reply. (F. Maurice) Fortn. 51: 282. — (G. N. Curzon) National, I3: I 18. — English Government of. (M. E. Grant Duff) Con- temp. 51: 8. — English Writers in. (J. F. Hurst) Harper, 82: 354. — Ethnography of. (A. C. Haddon) Nature, 43: 271. — Euphrates Valley Route to. (W. P. Andrew) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 257. — European Landholder in. 30: 688. – Exchange with. (J. S. Wood) Blackw. I47: 384, 557. — (W. I. Gray) Blackw. I48: 127. — (C. Daniell) Blackw. I48: 135. – Famines in. (F. C. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 317. — — Probability of. Spec. 66: 507. — Female Medical Profession for. Contemp. 56: 207. — Field Sport in. (C. T. Buckland) Asia. R. 3: 430. – Finances of. (H. S. Cunningham) Asia. R. 5: 241. — — 1888. Sat. R. 65: 228. — — 1890. Sat. R. 70: 229. – First Visit to. (H. J. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 22: 133. — Forest Service of. (J. Michael) Asia. R. 4: 354. — Frontier of. Sat. R. 64: 681. 66: 398. — — North-Western. Dub. R. Io9: 199. — (G. N. Curzon) 19th Cent. 23: 901. — — — Military Position on. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 513. – Fruits of. (G. Bonavia) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 941, 953. – Game and Game Laws of. Quar. I67: 88. – Gazetteer of, Hunter's. Ath. '87, 2: 828. — Geography of, Human Aspects of. (W. W. Hunter) Contemp. 54: 783. — The Gift of Sea-Power. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 385. — Government of. (H. L. Harrison) Asia. R. 5: IoS. — — Indian Council. (W. G. Pedder) Asia. R. 6: 177. — — a Mussulman's View. (R. Kipling) Fortn. 53: 164. — Graeco-Roman Influence on the Civilization of. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 4o: 200. — Great Desert of. (H. Bell) Asia. R. 8: 117. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 369. — Hill Regions of, English Settlement of. J. Soc. Arts, 6: 423. - — Hill Tribes of Chittagong. (C. T. Buckland) Mac- mil. 6o: 199. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 460. – History of, Study of. (C. L. Tupper) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 658. — Home-Rule for. (S. Wheeler) Macmil. 59: 291. — (PH. G. Keene) National, I5: 261. — — not Wanted. (F. Pincott) National, I5: 312. — IIome-Rule Movement in. (J. M. Maclean) Asia. R. 7: 424. . — Hyndman on. — in 1887, Wallace's. — An Indian Waterloo. ('89–90): 526. – Islam and Christianity in. Contemp. 53: 161. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 579. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 455. — Jail Experiences in. (C. T. Buckland) National, 17: 4O2. — Justice on. (H. Cox) To-Day, 9: 43. — the Land of Incongruities. Chamb. J. 68: 721. — Land Revenue Administration of. (A. Rogers) Asia. R. 7: 134. — (H. P. Malet) Asia. R. 8: Ios. — Law in ; Anglo-Indian Codes. (J. D. Mayne) Asia. R. 4; 334. — Life and Sport in, Inglis's. Spec. 62: 897. (J. Mylne) J. Soc. Arts, (W. W. Hunter) (J. J. H. Gordon) Un. (S. Eardley-Wilmot) Un. (H. Clarke) (H. Cox) To-Day, 8: IoI. Sat. R. 66: 333. (F. Dixon) Un. Serv. M. 4 INDIA India, Literature of, Current. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. IO: 59. — — in 1886. Ath. '88, I: 403. — Liturgical Development in. Church Q. 28: 414. – Loyalty of. (C. Stephen) Asia. R. 6: 410. — — and Indian Volunteers. (L. Griffin) Asia. R. 7: I. – Loyalty of Mohammedans in. (W. H. Gregory) Liv. Age, 172: 156. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 185. — Magistrates in, and the Secretary of State for India. (R. Smith) Westm. I33: 669. — Manufactures of. (B. H. B. Powell) J. Soc. Arts, 34; 708. – Marriage in, and British Law. van) National, I7: 80. — — the Hindú Marriage Agitation. tional, I7: 179. — — Intermarriage in. (W. J. Moore) Asia. R. 8: 94. — — of Widows and Infants. (H. H. Risley) Asia. R. 4; 367. See also Marriage in India. — Marriage Laws of, Reform of. (L. Ashburner) Na- tional, I6: 360. — Military Weakness of England in. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 4: I 53, 223. — Minerals of. (V. Ball) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 578. — Missions in, Catholic. (A. H. Atteridge) Dub. R. IO5: 297. — — Protestant. — Missionaries and Education in. temp. 56: 489. — Missionary Problems in. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 8: 274. – Mussulmans in. — Mutiny of 1857, Malleson's. 463. —Sat. R. 7 I : 266. — National Congress of 1888. 6: 399. —Sat. R. 67: I I. (T. Vijaya-Ragha- (F. Pincott) Na- (C. B. Norman) (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: 410. (W. Miller) Con- Spec. 61: 928. (A. Lyall) Nation, 52: (U. S. Misra) Asia. R. 68: 382. — — 1889. (A. Rattray) Asia. R. 7: 202. — (F. Pin- cott) National, 13: 526. – (G. L. Smith) National, I3: 2O2. - — — 1890. (C. Bradlaugh) New R. 2: 242. — — Lord Dufferin and. (Uma Sankar Misra) Westm. I32: 92. — — — Reply. (P. B. N. Dar) Westm. I33: 80. — National Congresses in. (R. S. Watson) Contemp. 54: 89. – Westm. I30: 155. — Native Press of, (W. S. Seton-Karr) Asia. R. 8: 48. — Macmil. 58: 377. — Native Princes of. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. IoI: 268. — — at Court. Asia. R. 4: 24.I. — – Relation of, to British Government. (L. Griffin) Asia. R. 8: 209. – Native States of Central. I56. – Navigation to. – New Overland Route to. 29O. – Newspapers in, Word for. Spec. 67: 317. — Old Factory Life in. (J. T. Wheeler) Liv. Age, I87: 491. — Overland to, in 1789 and 1889. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 569. – Pacified and Purified. (J. Hutton) Asia. R. 3: 93. — Past and Present, Samuelson on. Sat. R. 69: 202. — Persian Gulf Route to. (F. C. Danvers) Asia. R. 5: 384. — Popular Movement in. (W. W. Hunter) Contemp. 59: I53. Same art. Our Day, 7: 333. — Portuguese in. (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. IOo: 98. — Poverty of. Westm. I28: 998. — Present Problem in. (W. W. Hunter) Contemp. 54: 313. Br' — Primitive Expeditions on the Frontier. (B^ E. Oliver) Fortn. 56: 89. (F. L. Peter) Asia. R. 6: (D. Boulger) Asia. R. 7: 241. (J. T. Bent) Macmil. 56: Chamb. J. 66: 54. 212 INDIA India; Public Service Commission. Sat. R. 66: 290. - Public Works for. (A. Cotton) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 395. — (W. B. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 431. - Race Basis in Politics in. (H. H. Risley) Contemp. 57: 742. — Railroads of. (H. Bell) Asia. R. 3: 331. -- and Trade in. (Sir J. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 45 I. -- Rationale of. (Sir T. C. Hope) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 707. — Reflections in, 1880–8. (Sir S. W. Baker) Fortn. So: 2 II. . — Religion and Society in. Sat. R. 67: 418. - Religions of. (Sir W. W. Hunter) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 401. Same art. Our Day, I: 378. —And. R. 9: 4O9. - - - Religious Life in, under Victoria. Cong. R. 1: 877. – Representative Government in, Impolicy of. (Lord Dufferin) Our Day, 3: 5. --- Fººd Smith's. (M. E. G. Duff) Contemp. 51: , 181. – Rise of British Dominion in. 64: 81. Same art. – Rulers and Ruled in. — Asia. R. 5: I. g - Russia, and Constantinople. Quar. 164: 218. - Russian Travellers in. Sat. R. 63: 258. - Sea Route to. (G. B. Malleson) Asia. R. 5: 21. — Self-Government in. Spec. 60: 411. — Self-Support of Native Churches in. rence) And. R. Io: 263. – Settlement and Military Colonization in. Murdo) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 343. – Settlement Systems of. (W. G. Pedder) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 517. - Sixty Years Ago. (J. T. Wheeler) Asia. R. 6: 102. - Sketches of Life in. Cornh. 58: 405. Same art. Liv. Age, I79; 345. Same art. Eel. M. III: 814. — (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 47: 78. - Social Intercourse in. (C. Stephen) Asia. R. 6: 192. – Some Weird Doings in. Chamb. J. 68: 105. - South, Among the Villages of. (E. A. Lawrence) Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 423. — — Reformers in. (J. S. Chandler) And. R. II: 326. (A. Lyall) Macmil. Liv. Age, Igo: 195. (R. R. Row) Asia. R. 3: 241. (E. A. Law- (Gen. Mc- – Southern. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 9: 284. — — Agriculture in. (W. R. Robertson) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 586. — — A Month in. (M. E. G. Duff) Contemp. 60: 313. - Sport in, Varieties of. Murray, 6: 61. – “Standard of Comfort” in. Spec. 66: 241. – Strachey's. Spee. 62: 57. – Street Life in. (E. L. Weeks) Harper, 81: 455. — Survey of. Ath. '87, 2: 88. – Tavernier's Travels in. Spec. 64: 595. —Ath. '90, I : 368. . – Temple's Journals Kept in. Ath. '87, I: 667. — Trip to. (N. J. Gossan) Tinsley, 42: 119. — Unadjusted Trade Balance of. (W. M. Wood) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 666. — under Lord Dufferin. Osborn) Nation, 48: 26. – under Queen Victoria. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 8: 73. — — Trotter's. Ath. '87, I: 571. —Sat. R. 63: 453. — (S.J. Owen) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 595.—Spec. 60: 836. - University Education in. (Sir W. Hunter) Asia. R. Ed. R. I fig: 1. – (R. D. 4: 85. – Village Communities in. (W. G. Pedder) Asia. R. 5: I.28. – Waste Lands in. (G. Campbell) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 52O. - Wººk Points in our Indian Empire. (Sir R. Temple) New R. I : 435. __-- - Earliest American People. _TI INDIA (De Mauley) Asia. R. 3: 178. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. India, Wellesleys in. — What England has Done for. IO: 459. — Wild Beasts of. (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I6: 220. — — Deadly. (J. Fayrer) 19th Cent. 20: 218. — Spec. 63: 205. — Will England Retain 2 (M. Townsend) Contemp. 53: 793. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 203. — Women of, as Physicians. Asia. R. 6: 374. — — Every-Day Life of. (R. C. Temple) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 43. — — Famous. (G. B. Malleson) Asia. R. 3: 57. — — Fund for Medical Attendance for. (D. Watney) Asia. R. 3: 284. — — Social Status of. (L. R. de Fonblanque) Fortn. 50: 363. India-Rubber, Cultivation of. (W. R. Fisher) Nature, 43: 390. See Rubber. Indians, American. (T. J. Chapman) M. West. Hist. I3: 162. — (G. Collins) Univ. Q. 44; 215. Aboriginal Art, Conventionalism in. (J. S. Kings- ley) Am. Natural. 2 I : 713. — Aboriginal History, Geology, and Geography. Antiq. 9: 372. — Affinity with Mongolian Race. Science, I2: 121. — Among. (A. Rowland) Leis. Hour, 36: 734. — and the Dawes Bill, 1887. (J. B. Thayer) Atlan. 6I: 315. — and Israelites; a Parallel in Planes of Culture. (G. Mallery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 52, 193. — as Soldiers. (W. H. Powell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 445. 3: 229. — Beothuk, of Newfoundland. Cent. 24: 899. — A Buckboard Trip among. mopol. 4: 138. — Campaign against, in Minnesota, 1857. ham) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 615. — Citizenship for, Perils and Promises of. (S. Tibbles) Our Day, 5: 460. — Conspiracy of Pontiac. Hist. II: 454. — Sir Thomas Dale's Indians in London. (E. D. Neill) M. Am. Hist. I7: 516. — Diary of an Officer. (Ernest Cruikshank) M. West. Hist. II: 383. Am. (D. G. Brinton) (Lady Blake) 19th (L. Meriwether) Cos- (H. Gra- (W. H. Perrin) M. West. (J. T. Everett) M. Am. Hist. 22: II.4. — Education of. (W. Barrows) And. R. I.6: 479. — (J. B. Harrison) Critic, II: 321. — (T. J. Morgan) Educa. Io: 246. --- - — Experiences among. (E. D. Neill) M. West. Hist. II : 2O. Fairy-Lore of. Featherman on. —— Fighting, with Crook, 1867–8. Serv. (Phila.) I : 482, 628. — Food and Fiber Plants of. Sci. Mo. 32: 31. — Future of. (T. J. Mays) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 104. — — Immediate. (Dr. Aubrey) Leis. Hour, 39: 449. — — Probable. (L. Cummings) Educa. Io: 234. — The Government and the. (H. Price) Forum, Io: 708. - — Half-Breeds of North America. (W. Barrows) And. R. I2: 15. — Health of, Question of. Lend a H. 5: 766. — How to Americanize. (E. Goodale) N. Eng. 52: 452. - — in 1877. (W. G. Sumner) Forum, 3: 254. — In Darkest America. (J. P. Reed) Cosmopol. Io: 539. (M. Proctor) Knowl. I2: 1 o'7. Ath. '89, 2: 637. (W. R. Parnell) Un. (J. S. Newberry) Pop. 213 INDIANS (G. Thomas) M. Am. Indians in Prehistoric Times. Hist. 20: 193. – Languages of, Changes in. (W. M. Beauchamp) Sci- ence, Io: 251. — — Rate of Change in. (D. G. Brinton) Science, Io: 274. — — Study of. (J. W. Powell) Science, 17: 71. “ — Law for. (J. B. Thayer) Atlan. 68: 540, 676. — Mass. Indian Association. Lend a H. 7: 389. — Meaning of the Dakota Outbreak. (Herbert Welsh) Scrib. M. 9: 439. — Miami, Last Chief of. (H. D. Teetor) M.West. Hist. I2 : 3. – Miles's Campaign against. 35 I. — Mission, of California. (M. Cariswell) Sunday M. 20: 324. – (E. L. Williams) Overland, n. s. 15: 461. — Mohonk Conference, 1889. (S. J. Barrows) Lend a H. 4: 806. — 1890. Educa. II: 182. — Montana Industrial School for. (J. F. B. Marshall) Lend a H. 2: 445. —Science, Io: 61. – My Life among. (H. B. Whipple) No. Am. I5o: 432. – Mythology of, The Raven in. (J. Deans) Am. Antiq. Io: Io9. – Native Instincts in Infant. (R.W. Shufeldt) Nature, 35: 346. – New Government for, 1891. Day, 7: 341. – New Policy with. — of British Columbia. (G. W. Baird) Cent. 20: (T. H. Tibbles) Our (T. A. Bland) Amer. I4: 73. (F. Boas) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 628. — of California. (C. F. Holder) Chaut. 9: 478. — of Canada. (J. A. J. McKenna) Cath. World, 53: 35o. — (W. MacD. Oxley) Macmil. 59: 194. — — Ilaws Relating to. (J. A. J. McKenna) Cath. World, 54: 62. — of Hudson's Bay Territories. (J. Rae) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 483. — of the Northwest Coast. Lend a H. 2: 650. — — Culture of. (F. Boas) Science, I2: 194. — of Puget Sound. (M. Eells) Am. Antiq. 9: I-271. Io: 26, 174. — — Religion of. (M. Eells) Am. Antiq. I2: 69. — of the United States. (J. B. Harrison) Chaut. 9: 140, 208. — of the West, Three Campaigns against. (W. Merritt) Harper, 8o: 720. — on the Reservation. (F. Remington) Cent. IG: 394. - — Origin of. (H. W. Henshaw) Nature, 43: 137. —T (H. Welsh) Lend a H. I : 130. (R. Errett) M.West. – Partisanship and. — Preference of, for the French. Hist. 7: 595. — Prisoner among. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I46: 55. — Problem of. (D. Rogers) Bapt. R. I2; 193. – (E. Goodale) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 146. — (H. Welsh) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 257. — (W. H. Powell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 329. — — and the Catholic Church. (M. Marty) Cath. World, 48: 577. — — Difficulties of. (S. A. Galpin) N. Eng. 46: 305. — (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. I4: 88. — — Some Difficulties of. (A. L. Riggs) N. Eng. 54: 325. — The Property Line of 1768. (C. W. E. Chapin) M. Am. Hist. I'7: 49. — Puritan Treatment of. Am. Cath. Q. I2: 157. — Question of. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I46: 294. — — in the Concrete. (J. E. Rhoads) Lend a H. I; I35. — — in a Nutshell. (M. A. Gile) Lend a H. 3: 386. --- ** = sº ----->Indian Legends. INDIANS Indians; Red and White on the Border. (T. Roosevelt) Lend a H. I : 68. . — The Red Man and the White. (A. G. Bradley) Mac- mil. 63: 381. – Rights and Wrongs of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 7: 351. – Rights of: Mohonk Conference Platform, 1888. Our Day, 2: 391. — Rising of, 1891. (O. O. Howard) New R. 4: 161. — — A Woman's View of. (E. Goodale) Chaut. I2: 786. — Royce's Historical Atlas. 28: 21. (S. Baxter) Am. Arch. , - School System for, Future. (E. Goodale) Chaut. Io: 5.I. – Sign Language of. (J. L. Axtell) Lend a H. 7: 432. — Sioux Commission of 1889. (C. Foster) M.West. Hist. I2: 228. — War with, Cost of our Latest. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 52: 63. — — Piute and Bannock, Causes of. (O. O. Howard) Overland, m. s. 9: 492. See also Indian War Pa- pers. - – What Next for 2 (W. J. Harsha) Lend a H. I : 530. - – Who are the P Science, I5: 21. — Women of, Education of. Lend a H. 6: 169. Indian Associations, State. Lend a H. 4: 863. Indian Circumlocution Office. (C. C. Painter) Lend a H. I : 86. Indian College at Cambridge. Hist. 24; 33. Indian Cradles and Head-Flattening. Science, 9: 617. Indian Crime, An. 72. Indian Ghost-Dances. Dub. R. Io9: 175. – (A. W. Buckland) Theo. Mo. 5: I.22. Indian Grave in Western New York. (A. L. Benedict) Am. Natural. 25: I. I.). Indian Horse-Race, An. 447. Indian Land-Grants in Western Massachusetts. (E. W. B. Canning) M. Am. Hist. I8: 142. (C. E. S. Wood) Outing, II: 141. (John G. Bourke) Nation, 5 I: (A. M. Davis) M. Am. (O. T. Mason) (J. W. Sherer) Gent. M. m. s. 45: (C. E. S. Wood) Cent. II: Indian Messiah, The. 439. Indian Missions of the Churches. (M. T. Richards) Lend a H. I : 78. 2: 403. Indian Names, Abuse of. (R. Errett) M. West. Hist. 6: 242. Indian Pictographs; Running-Antelope's Autobiogra- phy. M. Am. Hist. I'8: 243. Indian Ring, An ; a story. Blackw. I49: 669. Indian River, Florida. (St. G. Rathbone) Outing, I7: 196. Indian Scouting, Reminiscences of. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. I4: 151. & Indian Service, A Good Field for Reform. Nation, 46: 2IO. & — New. — Reform for. (A. L. Dawes) Lend a H. 2: 13. (H. Welsh) Lend a H. 3: 276. Indian Summer. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I5: 88. Indian Territory. (A. L. Dawes) Harper, 76: 598. — (E. Thurston) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 563. — Saloon in. (W. H. Johnson) No. Am. I46; 34o. Indian Trade in Wisconsin, Character and Influence of. (F. J. Turner) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: nos. I I, 12. Indian “Walk” in Pennsylvania. M. West. Hist. 8: 472. Indian War Papers. (O. O. Howard) The Bannock Campaign. Overland. m. s. Io: 95. — — Battle of “Old Camp Curry.” Overland, n.s. Io: I2 I. — — A Mountain Chase. Overland, n. S. Io; 310. 214 INDUSTRIAL Indian War Papers: Birch Creek. Overland, n.s. Io: 347. – – Capt. Miles's Engagement. Overland, n. s. Io: 533. — — The Back Track. Overland, n. s. Io: 653. – – Close of the Piute and Bannock War. Overland, Il. S. II : IOI. — — Results of the Piute and Bannock War. land, n. S. II: 192. Indiana and the Administration, 1888. Nation, 46: 272. Indiana State Prison; a Study in “Politics.” (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 224. Indiana Territory. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 6: 54I. * Indianapolis, Ind. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 259. Indictment, Charging Part of an. (S. Rapalje) Am. Law R. 23: 537. Individual, Value of the. (V. Paget) Contemp. 53: ç4. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 317. — Worth and Welfare of the. And. R. 7: 391. Individualism. And. R. I3: 167. — and Exclusive Ownership. (J. A. Cain) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 82. – and State-Action. (T. Whittaker) Mind, 13:52. — and the Workingman. Spec. 62: 885. – as a Force in German Literature. (K. Francke) Unita. R. 31 : 481. — Difficulties of. (S. Webb) Econ. J. 1: 360. – False. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 35: 76. – The Higher. (N. P. Gilman) Unita. R. 36: 205. – What is it 2 (M. H. Jones) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 205. Individuality. (G. P. Lathrop) Atlan. 65:337–(S.F. Scovel) Meth. R. 49: 56. — in Education. (M. L. Dickenson) Arena, 4: 322. — Potency of. Atlan. 63: 138. - Indo-China, British Empire in. 7 : 343. Over- (A. C. Yate) Asia. R. — Hallett’s Travels in the Shan States. Spec. 64: 91. — Opening up. Blackw. I 47: 80. Indo-Chinese Frontier of Great Britain. (R. Temple) National, 9: 441. Indo-European Languages, Fick's Comparative Dic- tionary of. (H. Collitz) Am. J. Philol. I2: 293. Indoor Studies, Burroughs's. (E. P. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 78. Indorsing Note in Blank, Stranger. Law R. 24: 796. - Induction, Aricient and Modern. (R. F. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 493. — and Deduction. (L. T. Hobhouse) Mind, 16: 507. — Principle of. (L. T. Hobhouse) Mind, I6: 80. Induction, Electro-Magnetic. (W. Thomson) Nature, 38: 569. — Neutralization of. (J. Trowbridge and S. Sheldon) Am. J. Sci. I39: 17. - — of Electric Currents in Shells of Small Thickness. (S. H. Burbury) Nature, 38: 333. – Self, in Iron Conductors. (J. A. Ewing) Nature, 38: (W. Street) Am. 55. Induction Balance, Hughes's. (J. Cook) Nature, 36: 605. Induction Machines. (J. Wimshurst) Nature, 38: 307. Inductive Method and Religious Truth. (E. B. Howell) New Eng. 54: 472. Inductive Thought, Evoňtion of. (H. M. Stanley) Mind, I5: 382. ". - Industrial Action, Relation of the State to. (H. C. Ad- ams) Am. Econ. Assoc. I : 471. Industrial Art. (H. Mereu) Am. Arch. 26: I.24. — Education in. (C. G. Leland) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 273. – in England. (T. Armstrong) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 205. (A. Harris) Art J. 4I: 38. — in Germany. INDUSTRIAL Industrial Art in Germany, Advance of; Munich Ex- hibition. (A. Harris) Murray, 4: 545. — in Württemberg. (A. Harris) Art J. 39: 20. Industrial Arts, Importance of. (W. Crane) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 717. Industrial Art School in Philadelphia. Am. Arch. 30: I3. Industrial Conciliation and Social Reform. (L. L. Price) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 290. – Position and Prospects of. (L. L. Price) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 420. Industrial Coöperation in England. Forum, 8: 274. Industrial Democracy. Industrial Discontent, Tap-Root of. cost) Engin. M. I : 498. Industrial Education. (C. McCarter) Cent. I4: 679. — (T. L. Flood) Chaut. 9: 213. – (E. A. Davidson) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 57. — (E. J. Phelps) N. Eng. 47: 267. — and Railway Service. Mo. 31: 233. – in Country Schools. ence, 9: 365, 372. – in Germany. (S. Thomas) Science, 9: 567. – in New York. Science, 9: 553. – in Public Schools. (E. J. James) And. R. Io; 369. — (J. W. Dickinson) Education, 7: 669. — Magnus on. Spec. 62: 123. – Necessity of, in the Struggle for Existence. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 23: 161. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 732. – Two Centuries Ago. 3I: 608. See also Manual Training. Industrial Exhibition, The First. gosy, 47: 379. Industrial Idleness. (M. I. Swift) And. R. I6: (F. G. Peabody) (L. Abbott) Forum, 9: 658. (H. O. Pente- (W. T. Barnard) Pop. Sci. (F. A. Walker and others) Sci- (G. P. Morris) Pop. Sci. Mo. (B. Edwards) Ar- * > * > Industrial Liberty, Bonhºlm on. Sat. R. 68: 277. Industrial Organizations, Good and Evil in. Meth. R. 5I: 787. Industrial Partnership. See Profit-Sharing. Industrial Peace, Conditions of. (R. T. Ely) Forum, 3: 638. — Do we Want? (W. G. Sumner) Forum, 8: 406. — Outlook for. (A. T. Hadley) Forum, 8: 53. Industrial Reconstruction. (G. M. Steele) Meth. R. 5I : 27. Industrial Schools for Indians and Negroes. Frissell) Church R. 53: I.25. – in Missions. (C. Hamlin) Our Day, 4: 334. Industrial Settlements in British Colonies. Maude) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 461. Industrial System, Breakdown of our. (Prince Kro- potkin) 19th Cent. 23: 497. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 72.I. Industrial Training. Nature, 38: 155. — (G. von Taube) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 386. — from an Economic Point of View. Educa. Io: 585. Industrial Village of the Future. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 24: 513. Same art. Ecl. M. III: (H. B. (F. C. (C. J. Bullock) 745. Industrialism, Future of. (H. W. Codman) Overland, n. S. I5: 577. Industry and Commerce, English, Cunningham's. Ath. 'go, I : 635. — Dislocations of. (W. Smart) Contemp. 53: 686. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 93. Same art. Liv. Age, 177: 707. — in the 4th Century, State Control of. (W. A. Brown) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 494. 215 INFLUENZA Industries, Localization of. (J. J. Menzies) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 454. — Small, and Wage-Earners. H. 4: 338. Inebriates; Alcoholic Trance. Science, II: 298. — Control of. Lond. Q. 74; 237. Inebriety, Cure of. (A. Day) Lend a H. 4: 742. – Disease of. (E. C. Mann) No. Am. I46: 101. – Modern Methods of Treating. (H. R. Chamber- lain) Chaut. I3: 494. Infallibility, Roman. Church Q. 29: I. — Working of. (S. F. Smith) Month, 68: 338. Infancy. Darwinism in the Nursery. (L. Robinson) 19th Cent. 30: 831. Infants, Future Destiny of. World, 51: 576. – Imitative Faculty of (W. Preyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. (C. F. Crehore) Lend a (A. F. Hewit) Cath. : 33: 249. — Milk for. Lend a H. 5: 611. – Psychology of. (J. M. Baldwin) Science, 16: 351. — Salvation of. (C. A. Briggs) Presb. R. 8: 316. — (W. G. Blaikie) Presb. R. 8: 526. — (W. Caven) Presb. R. 8: 736. — — Calvin’s Doctrine on. Ref. R. I : 634. — — Development of Doctrine of. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 321. (C. W. Shields) Presb. & (B. B. Warfield) – Study of. (G. S. Hall) Pedagog. Sem, I: 127. -- Unbaptized, Fate of. (J. F. Lough.in) Cath. World, 5I : 456. * Infant Church Membership. (J. E. Scobey) Chris. Q. 7: 90. Infant Morality. Atlan. 61: 855. Infant Mortality and the Environment. (J. M. French) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 221. Infanticide and Illegitimacy. Meliora, 5: 323. Infantry, Prince Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen on. Ath. '89, 2: 776. — Spec. 64: 236. Infantry Drill, 1889. (E. J. O’Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 257. W Infantry Fire, E:ficacy of. M. 1 ('88): 513. Infantry Officers, Equipment of. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): 89. Infantry Soldiers, Instruction of. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 120. Infatuated; a story. (Ella Edersheim) Argosy, 43: I 3I. Infection and Disinfection. (C. B. Mayne) Un. Serv. (T. O. Oral) Un. (R. Roose) Fortn. 47: 249. Same art, Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 765. — Some External Sources of. (W. H. Welch) Scienee, I5: 71, 78. Infectious Diseases. (J. Macaulay) Leis. Hour, 38: 499. – (E. Klein) Nature, 43: 416, 443. — Rôle of Ptomaines in. (C. W. Chapin) Science, I4: 26o. Infidelity. Chris. Q. 6: 241. — Aggressive, Advantage of. And. R. 9: 639. – Debating with. Chris. Q. 6: 578. Infinitive, Articular, in Polybius. (E. G. W. Hewlett) Am. J. Philol. II: 471. Infinitive, Flexional, in English. (A. L. Mayhew; J. Earle) Acad. 39: 211, 235, 26o, 283. Inflammable Liquids, Legislation on. (Lond.) 52: 97. Influence and Conviction in Polities. Spec. 64: 110. — Good and Bad. (A. Saxe) Univ. Q. 47; 26. Influential. , Nation, 44; 14o. Influenza.' (A. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 40: 569. — (Sir M. Mackenzie) Fortn. 55: 877. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 296. —Spec. 66: 718. – Sat. R. 69: 32, 6 Bank. M. 76. — and European Fatalism. Spec. 64; 48. INFLUENZA Influenza, Epidemic of, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 1054. — Nature, 4I: 145. – (F. J. Brodie) Nature, 44: 283. – Spec. 63: 918. - — — The Grip. Science, I5: 22. – Is it Communicable P Knowl. 13: 77. — Meteorology of. Dub. R. Io9: 167. Infusoria. (H. J. Slack) Knowl. I2: 138. - Immortality of. (A. Binet) Monist, I : 20. Infusorial Earths, Report of the Examination of Spe- cimens of. (A. M. Edwards) Am. J. Sci. I42: 369. Ingalls, John J. (J. M. Stoddart) Lippinc. 46: 141. – Talk between W. D. Howells and. (H. E. Monroe) Lippine. 39: 128. Ingelow, Jean, Autobiography of Infancy of. Longm. I5: 266, 379. º Ingersoll, Jared. (H. Binney) Pennsyl. M. I4; 223. Ingersoll, R. G., and Christianity. (S. Forcythe) No. Am. I46: Io9. — (L. R. Zerbe) No. Am. I46: 344. – Controversy with Gladstóne. Pub. Opin. 5: 317. – on Christianity. (E. S. Phelps; R. H. Proctor; R. Collyer; F. de S. Mendes; F. R. Coudert) No. Am. I47: I. - (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I47: 150. — (Cardinal Manning) No. Am. I47: 241. — Open Letter to. (H. M. Field) No. Am. 145: 128. — Reply. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I45: 473. – Re- joinder. (H. M. Field) No. Am. I45: 616. — An- other Letter to Dr. Field. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I46; 31. — Satan's Greeting to. (J. E. Rankin) Our Day, 3: 473. g Ingersollism. (F. W. Farrar) No. Am. I 57. 594. . – Flaws in. (L. Abbott) No. Am. I50: 446. Ingleby, Clement Mansfield. Essays. Spec. 61: 723. Inglis, Charles, First Bishop of Nova Scotia. (W. S. Perry) Church R. 49: 402-670. 50: 59–343. Inglis, John. Blackw. I5o: 591. - Ingoldsby, Tom. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 5: 198. Ingratitude. Spec. 63: 714. Ingulph, Credibility of. (J. H. Round) Acad. 32: 304– 37 I. Inheritance. Are Acquired Variations Inherited ? (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. 25: 191. — Curious Facts of. Chamb. J. 64: 661. – Galton's Natural. Nation, 49: 196. – of Injuries, Weismann on. Nature, 40: 303. — (C. P. Mitchell) Nature, 40: 391. — What is ? (A. Wilson) Harper, 83: 355. See Heredity. Inheritance of Property. (R. T. Ely) No. Am. 153: 54. Inherited Husband, An. (M. Mudie) Argosy, 45; 317. Inja. (A. Rives) Harper, 76: 31. Injuries to Workmen, Compensation for. (T. A. Brockelbank) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 488. Injustice, Appeals against Human. Chamb. J. 68: 682. Ink, Indian. All the Year, 41: 329. Inklings. Tinsley, 47: 259. Inland Navigation of the United States. Cent. I6: 353. Inn, The, of the Good Woman. Harper, 83: 813. Inns and Taverns. All the Year, 67: 366. Liv. Age, 188: 488. Inns of Court, The. (T. H. B. Graham) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 568. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 21 o. Innkeeper's Daughter, The ; a story. (M. E. Penn) Argosy, 45: 471. Innkeeper's and Boarding-House Keeper's Lien. (L. A. Jones) Am. Law R. 21: 679. Innocent, The. (F. C. Baylor) New Eng. M. n. s. 5: 2O4. Innocent Chaperon. (W. E. Norris) Longm. I7: 267. Innocent Fiction; a story. (Mrs. P. B. Pattison) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('87): 172. D (C. Barnard) (H. Butterworth) Same art. 216 INSCRIPTIONS Innocent Life, An ; a story. (L. B. C. Wyman) Atlan. 68: 347. Innocent Smuggler; a story. (M. L. Pool) Cosmopol. 2: 386. Innovation and Inertia in the World of Psychology. (C. Lombroso) Monist, I : .344. Innuit, The. All the Year, 65: 93. Inoculation. Nature, 36: 618. - A Séance of. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Nation, 45: 39 I. Inquisition; Confiscation for Heresy in the Middle Ages. (H. C. Lea) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 235. – in Cartagena de las Indias. (H. C. Lea) Atlan. 68: 186. – in Mexico. (A. H. Noll) Overland, n. s. 16: 480. – in Spain. (F. Legge) Scot. R. 17: 349. - Lea’s History of. (H. M. Baird) Meth. R. 48: 809. — (Lord Acton) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 773. — (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 30: 42. – (R. S. Dewey) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 385. – Atlan. 62: 126. —Sat. R. 66: 22. 7I: 141. – Spec. 62: 431. – Nation, 46: 450. — (E. Emerton) Nation, 47: 54. — (W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 9: 34. Inquisition Mythology. I2: 691. Insane, Attitudes of, Physiological Significance of. (C. P. Bancroft) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 439. (R. S. Dewey) Am. Cath. Q. — Care of. (A. G. Warner) Chaut. 9: 396. — Composite Portraiture of. (W. Noyes) Science, II: 252. — Family Care for. (H. F. Kimball) Lend a H. 4: 42O. — in Foreign Countries. (A. R. Cooke) Lend a H. 4: 778. — Jurisdiction over Estates of. (J. G. Woerner) Am. Law R. 21 : I. — Life among (A. P. Brincklé) No. Am. I44: 190. Lend a H. 5: 542. (P. Earle) Am. J. — Manicomio di Roma. — Popular Fallacies concerning. Soc. Sci. 26: Io?. — Schools for. (C. W. Pilgrim) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 634. — Treatment of, in England, in 1860. Meliora, 3: 48. — Work of Dorothea L. Dix for. Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: J s Insane Asylums, Life in. Meliora, Io: 321. — in England. (J. B. Tuke) 19th Cent. 25: 595. — Planning. (C. S. W. Cobbold) Am. Arch. 21: 20. Insanity. Cosmopol. I: 78. — and Demoniacal Possession. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 433, 577. — and Genius. (W. G. Stevenson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 663. — Spec. 66: 749. — and Murder. (W. A. Hammond) No. Am. I47; 626. — as an Excuse for Crime. Sat. R. 72: 71. — Homicidal Mania. (G. H. Savage) Fortn. 50: 448. — in England, Statistics of. (N. A. Humphreys) J. Statis. Soc. 53: 2OI. — Law of, Reform in. – Modern Treatment for. I4: 31O. — Moral. (G. D. Stahley) Luth. Q. 20; 634. — of Doubt. (P. C. Knapp) Am. J. Psychol. 3: I. — Responsibility in Mental Disease. (J. C. Browne) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 81. - — Theories of. (W. Tucker) Univ. Q. 48: 162. Inscription, Rhodian, Unedited. (C.T. Newton) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 354. Inscriptions, Ancient, on and in Old Churches. (S. Wil- son) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 516. — as an Element of Design. (F. E. Hulme) Art J. 43: 306. - — Copied by Cockerell in Greece. (E. A. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 6; I43, 34o. º Westm. I34: 128. (C. R. Hammerton) Chaut. INSCRIPTIONS Inscriptions for a Pedestal. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 55: 345. — from Caesarea, etc. (E. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 46. — from Cos. (E. A. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 248. — from Olympia, Two. (D. Comparetti) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 365. — from Salonica. (D. G. Hogarth) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 356. — from Samos. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 147. — from Thasos. (E. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. 8: 409. — Greek, Roberts's. Ath. '88, 2: 263. — Greek Christian, in the Cyclades and in Crete. (F. Halbherr) Ath. '91, 2: 458. — of Asia Minor. Nation, 46: 388. — Oracle, Discovered at Dodona. (E. S. Roberts) J. Hel. Stud. I : 228. 2: Io2. – Pamphylian. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. I : 242. 2 : 222. Insects and Plants, Relations between. (Sir J. Lub- bock) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 280. t — Ants, Wasps, Bees, etc. (M. Treat) Chaut. 7: 213. — Aquatic, Difficulties in Life of. (L. C. Miall) Na- ture, 44; 457. — Butterflies and Moths. (M. Treat) Chaut. 7: 533. — Characteristics of. (L. Montillót) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 223. — Commonplace. (M. Treat) Chaut. 7: 587. — Flight of. (J. G. Wood) Good Words, 29: 733. — Injurious. (T. Wood) Sunday M. I7: 263. — — Extirpation of. (A. Murray) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 734. — Musical. (R. Francheschini) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 678. — Number of Species of. Acad. 37: 85. — of India. (P. Hordern) Blackw. I44: 82. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 230.- (C. T. Buckland) Longm. I5: 35. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 762. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 673. — Unusual. Sat. R. 72: 188. Insect Concert, An. (D. Dale) Sunday M. Ig: 814. Insect Pests of the House. (M. W. Brooks) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 333 Insect Scavengers. Insecticide, Cyanhydric Gas as an. Science, Io: II. Insensibility, Praise of. Spec. 61: 1586. Insolvency and Bankruptcy. Meliora, 4: 252. — as it Affects the Position. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 791. Insolvent Debtor; can he Insure his Life for the Bene- fit of his Wife? (S. Williston) Am. Law R. 25: 185. Inspiration. (S. Crane) Univ. Q. 44; 326. — and Biblical Criticism. (Prof. Davison) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 143. — and Infallibility. (S. L. Bowman) Meth. R. 49: 169. – at the Crossroads. (J. W. Bates) Overland, n.s. 13: (D. Dale) Sunday M. 19: 487. (E. W. Hilgard) 235. — Chinese Ideas of. (W. A. P. Martin) And. R. 15: 472. — Education through. (F. C. Sparhawk) Education, 7: 563. - — Gore on. (R. Watts) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 251. – Horton on. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 934. — Momerſe on. (R. Watts) Theo. Mo. 2: 398. – Nature and Limits of. (J. J. Lias) Theo. Mo. 5: 217, 343, 386. – New Testament Doctrine of. Arena, 3: 724. — of the Bible. (C. T. Collins) And. R. II: 46. — of the Old Testament, Cave's. Spec. 61: 1329. – Old and New Theory of. (H. H. Howorth) Spec. 61: 1389. — Paul's Doctrine of. N (J. W. McGarvey) (C. Mascol) Unita. R. 28: 189. 217 INSURANCE Inspiration, Question of. (R. Watts) Theo. Mo. 1: 231. 2: 247. 6: 217. — Symposium on. (F. D. Huntington and others) Our Day. 2: 421. Inspirations of Life, The. (A. B. Curtis) Unita. R. 34: 495. Instinct, Lessons of. (J. Gerard) Month, 64: 457. — What is an 2 (W. James) Scrib. M. I : 355. Instincts, Lost, and Rare Faculties. Spec. 61: 121. – Some Human. (W. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 160, 666. Institute of France. (T. Child) Harper, 78: 501. Institute of Painters in Oil Colors, London, Exhibition, 1888. Ath. '88, 2: 631. — Exhibition of 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 639. Institutions, Early, Kovalevsky on. Sat. R. 7o: 463, 487. Insurance. (H. C. Lea) Lippinc. 39: 469. — and Thrift in Germany. All the Year, 65: 306. — Compulsory, in Germany. (F. H. Geffcken) 19th Cent. 30: 380. — Coöperative, and Endowment Schemes. (W. M. Cole) Q. J. Econ. 5: 466. — Fire, Ethics of. (E. M. Shaw) New R. 3: 76. – Improvement in Methods of. Spec. 64; 229. — in Case of Disability and Old Age. Text of the Ger- man Act of 1889. Q. J. Econ. 4: Io9. — Industrial, English. (J. Rae) Good Words, 30: 406, 466. — Life. (A. Hewat) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 161. —Ed. R. I72: 491. – Sat. R. 68: 354. 69: 567. — Spec. 6o: 1385. — — among the Poor. Lond. Q. 74: 42. — — and Murder. Sat. R. 69: 758. — — Civil Service. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1601. — — Claims and Claims. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: — — for Bankers. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 820. — — Gambling in Lives. Spec. 67: 673. — — in 1870–90. (A. Hewat) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: IoéI. 345. — — in 1889. Sat. R. 67: 671. — — in Great Britain. (G. King) Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 655. — — in the United States. (W. C. Wright) Am. Statis. Assoc. I : I.27. — — Increased Relative Advantages of, to the Insured. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 954. - — — Lawsuit or Legacy. (H. H. Gardner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 339. — — Level–Premium. (G. A. Litchfield) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 68. — — Medical Examinations. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 508. — — New Systems of. (W. C. Miller) Tinsley, 46: 540. — — of Children. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1737. — (P. Marshall) Fortm. 55 : 939. — Sat. R. 67: 180. — Spec. 64: 861. – (B. Waugh) Contemp. 58: 40. — — — Reply to Rev. B. Waugh. (P. Marshall) Fortn. 54: 830. — — — Slum-Mothers Vindicated. Cent. 29: 560. — — Policies of, Surrender Values of. (G. H. Ryan) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: Ioa5.— (H. J. Rothery) Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 315. — — Pure. (S. Homans) Granite Mo. 13: 151. — — Reversion, Present Value of a. (W. S. B. Wool- house) Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 126. (E. Berdoe) 19th — — Universal Life Endowment. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 5: 521. — — Wholesale. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 180, 361. — — without Medical Examination. Bank. M. (Lond.) 5I : 579. — Marine, Early. Chamb. J. 66: 581. INSURANCE Insurance, Marine, Effect of, on Shipping. (S. Plimsoll ; T. Serutton) 19th Cent. 25: 325, 539, 881. - Old-Age. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1053. — — French Project of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 327. - State. (W. L. Blackley) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 739. — (Sir G. Tryon and others) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 1: 48– 556. 2: 173–287. — — in France. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 81. — Sat. R. 72: 7. — — in Germany. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 749, 855. – Chamb. J. 67: 87. — (H. M. Felkin) Contemp. 54: 279. – State Supervision of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 107. — Worl, men's, in Germany. (F. W. Taussig) Forum, 8: 159. – (F. W. Taussig) Q. J. Econ. 2: III. — (J. F. Willard) Nation, 52: 178. – Spec. 61: 1501. Insurance Legislation in Germany, Extension of. Q. J. Econ. 2: 215. Insurance Reforms. Sat. R. 66: 293. Insurance Work, Bank-Teller's Experience of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1319. - - Integrity in Business. (H. S. Holland) Sunday M. I6: 317, 388. Intellect, Origin of. Ed. R. I.70: 359. Intellectual Culture, New Jealousy of. Spec. 67: 554. Intellectual Modesty. (E. S. Wilson) Church R. 63: 93. Intellectual Work, Economy in. (W. H. Burnham) Scrib. M. 5: 306. s Intemperance. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. Io: 361. — an Enemy to Labor. (T. J. Conaty) Cath. World, 45: 226. - — and Crime. (A. B. Richmond) Chaut. 9: 525. — Church of England Convocation on, 1868. Meliora, I2: 219. — in India. (C. T. Buckland) National, II: 224. — in Ireland. Cath. World, 51: 490. — Mitchell on. Sat. R. 70: 427. — or Hypocrisy 2 (E. F. Hadman) No. Am. I47: 586. — threatening the Downfall of America. (W. M. Bicknell) Unita. R. 34: 503. Intention, Doctrine of, Right Uses of. Church R. 50: 146. Intercontinental Railroad. (F. W. Conn) Engin. M. I: 627. — (R. M. G. Brown) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 60. Interest and Wages, Law of. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 43. (G. W. Shinn) (J. B. Clark) Ann. Am. — Cause of. (D. I. Green) Q. J. Econ. 5: 361. — New Theory of. (W. Smart) Econ. J. I : 675. — Rate of. (S. Webb) Q. J. Econ. 2: 469. — — and Laws of Distribution. 2: 188. — — and the Range of Prices. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: (S. Webb) Q. J. Econ. 933. - — — Third Element in. (J. de Haas) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 99. — Two and a Half per Cent. (G. Iles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 349. — Usurious. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 40. Interests, Division of. Atlan. 62: 568. Interference; a story. (B. M. Croker) Belgra. 74: 1– 337. 75: I-337. Interference Experiment, Simple. Am. J. Sci. I39: 216. Interlude, An; a story. Illust. 8: 28. Intermediate State. And. R. 15: 298. – Church Q. 32: 2O4. — Biblical Doctrine of. (L. T. Evans) Presb. R. 8: 325. — (R. B. Welch) Presb. R. 8: 509. — in its Relation to Salvation. (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. (A. A. Michelson) (Mrs. W. K. Clifford) Eng. 38: 97. Inter-Migration. (S. Schindler) Arena, 4: 487. 218 !” Interviewer’” Abroad. INVALID’S Intermingled Ways, New and Old. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 34: 157. Internal Improvements. 460. Internal Revenue, The. Nation, 46: 441. International Courtesy. Spec. 60: 588. International Law and Fraud. Sat. R. 71: 253. — Davis on. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) 8: 82. — Maine on. Ath. '89, 2: 48o. — (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) IO: 12. — of the U. S., Wharton's Digest of. Ed. R. 166: 152. — Ath. '87, 2: 172. — Pomeroy's. Nation, 44; 277. International Liability for Mob Injuries. cut) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 69. International Migration and Political Economy. Westm. I3O: 474. International Park, Neighborhood of. Harper, 75: 327. International Relations. Périn's L'Ordre International. (J. Westlake) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 364. International Responsibility, Federal Government and. (J. W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 338. Internationalism, Economic. (R. T. Ely) Chaut. Io: (F. H. Giddings) Chaut. 9: (E. W. Huff- (J. M. Welch) 38. Interoceanic Canals. (H. C. Taylor) Forum, 6: 326. — American. N. Princ. 5: 385. – (W. L. Merry) Over- land, n. s. I3: 269. – (D. Ammen) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 409. — and American Control. (S. F. Weld) Atlan. 64: 289. Interoceanic Railway, Proposed Honduras. (E. G. Squier) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 134. Interpretation, Uses and Abuses of an Important Prin- ciple of. Bib. Sac. 46: 304. Interrupted Sentence, The ; a story. Argosy, 45: 397. Interstate Carriers, Rates of, Power of Congress over. (J. Totyl) Overland, n. s. I5: I56. Interstate Commerce Bill, 1886. (C. S. Ashley) Na- tion, 44; 52. — Pub. Opin. 2: 249. 3.; 25. – Text of. Am. Law R. 21 : 89. Interstate Commerce Commission. (J. Totyl) Over- land, n. s. I3: 184. — Pub. Opin. 2: 537. — (A. Morgan) Science, II: 126. sº — Report of, 1887. (H. White) Nation, 45: 454. Interstate Commerce Law. (H. Stringfellow) Am. Law R. 23: 84. — (E. R. A. Seligman) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 223, 369. — (J. C. Welch) No. Am. I45: 86. — Does it Solve the Railroad Problem 2 (W. A. Crafts) Atlan. 60: 76. — Long and Short Haul. 32 : 537. — Operation of. (A. F. Walker) Forum, II : 524. — Railroad Business under. (A. T. Hadley) Q. J. Econ. 3: 170. - — Workings of. (A. T. Hadley) Q. J. Econ. 2: 162. Intervals in Vocal Music. (J. M. McLaughlin) Educa. II: 360. (H. Wood) Pop. Sci. Mo. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 56: 719. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 828. Interviewing. N. Princ. 3: I27. – (W. E. Brigham) Writer, I: 185. — Art of. (F. A. Burr) Lippine. 46: 391. – (J. W. Clarke) Writer, I: 3. — of Jurymen. Spec. 65: 728. Intonation, Just, New Instrument for. (P. L. Sclater) Nature, 44; 446. g Introspection, Logic of. (H. Graham) Meth. R. 47: 35. — — Wentworth's. (J. W. Bashford) Meth. R. 49: I86. Intuition, Woman's. (Grant Allen) Forum, 3: 333. Invalid, Career of the. All the Year, 68: 175. Invalid's Window, From an. Overland, n. s. I4: 83. Invalid's World, The. (A. W. Bailey) Scrib. M. 5: 58. INVALIDS Invalids. (E. Lynn Linton) Chamb. J. 67: 353. -— Professional. (H. D. Daly) Tinsley, 42: 169. Invalid Wives. (L. W. Champney) Harper, 8o: 612. Invalidism as a Fine Art. (A. W. Bailey) Harper, 77:/ 2 ” * Y a Macmil. 56: 275. Same Invention and Imagination. art. Critic, II: 191. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9:ſ 596. * — Future Conditions of. (S. Baxter) Cosmopol. Io: 747. — Practical, Relations of, to Abstract Research. (F. W. Clarke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 540. Invention of the Enemy. (W. H. Babcock) Lippine. 44: I 53. Inventions Foreshadowed in Animal Structures. (J. G. Wood) Sunday M. 16: 757. — Property in, Laws Relating to. (T. Webster) J. Soc. Arts, 2: I53. — Washington as a Promoter of. (J. M. Toner) M. Am. Hist. 25: 496. Inventors as Martyrs to Science. Granite Mo. Io: 384. Inventories of the Chantries, Somerset. Reliquary, 3I: 208. — Some, with Notes. Reliquary, 30: 150. Inverness, County of, Chronicles of. All the Year, 4o: I 50. (Kate Sanborn) Investment of Money. (W. W. Carruth) Chaut. I3: 183. — Authority in Pecuniary Affairs. Spec. 67: 671. — The Plausible Man. Spec. 67: 755. — Viennese Scare. Spec. 67: 717. — Woes of the Well-to-do. Spec. 67: 635. Investments. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 507. – Western, for Eastern Capital. (T. Leaming) Lip- pine. 4I : 523. Investment Companies, Western. West. Hist. II: 149. Invisible, How to Measure the. Sid. Mess. 9: 406, 442. Invisible Hand, The. (J. A. Owen) Tinsley, 45: 167. Invisibility, Use of the Word. Spec. 61: 1585. Inward Riches. (A. Macleod) Sunday M. I7: 342. Iodine, etc., in Haloid Salts, Determination of. (F. A. Gooch and P. E. Browning) Am. J. Sci. I39: 188. I40: 283. Iona. (L. Johnstone) Month, 62: 85. — Pilgrimage to, in 1888. Cornh. 58: 122. Ionian Islands, English Rule in. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 25: 558. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 478. — Greece and. Meliora, 5: IoS. Ionic Alphabet, Early. (E. A. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 220. Ionic Capitals, Archaic, found on the Acropolis. B. P. Trowbridge) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 22. Ionica. Sat. R. 7I: II 2. Iowa. (S. F. Miller) Harper, 79: I65. — Devonian Rocks of. (C. L. Webster) Am. Natural. 23: 229. — Glacial Drift and Loess in North-Central Basin of. (C. L. Webster) Am. Natural. 22: 972. — Great Farm Region of. (S. R. Davis) Cosmopol. 7: (E. L. Eames) M. (H. M. Parkhurst) (S. 557. — Railroads of. Nation, 46: 168, 174. Iowa City, the Historic Qapital. (Mrs. E. E. Dye) M. Am. Hist. 21: 443. Iphigeneia, Martyr. (L. Dyer) Harv. Mo. 4: 1. Ipplepan. (W. G. Thorpe) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 407. Ipswièh, Mass., Dunes of, Equinoctial on. (F. Bolles) Atlan. 68: 522. Iquique, Bombardment of, Feb., 1891. (A. P. Crouch) 19th Cent. 29: 998. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: I75. 219 IRELAND Iquitos, the Metropolis of Eastern Peru. (C. DeKalb) Nation, 50: 431. Ira ; a story. Lond. Soc. 56: 498. -Iranian Literature. See Zend-Avesta. Ireland. (T. W. Russell) Westm. I29: 765. ſ– About. (L. Linton) New R. I : 656. — Alternatives for. (Lord Thring) Contemp. 52: 153. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 443. – Ancient Laws and Customs. M. m. s. 38: 364. 39: 181. Io8: 758. — Ancient Usages of, Lady Wilde's. Ath. '90, I: 398. — and the Anglo-Norman Church, Stokes on. Spec. 64: 548. — Ath. '90, I: 1 Io. — and the Empire. (C. A. Feilberg) Spec. 60: 733. – (J. A. Partridge) Westm. I32: 449. — and Parnell. Sat. R. 7I: 432. – and Scotland, Ancient Peoples of. Anthrop. J. 20: 154. — Balfour's Administration of. Quar. 167: 478. — Bardic Chronicle of Flann MacFlathri. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 30: 643. – John Bright and the Irish Question. 525. — Canada and : a Political Parallel. Chaut. Io: 48. – “Castle '' System and its Operation. Subj. of Day, no. 3: 8o. — Catholic University of. Dub. R. IoI: 35o. — Catholicism in. Nation, 46: 423. – (P. H. Bagenal) Blackw. I43: 853. — Causes of Popular Sympathy with. Westm. I3o: 4I 7. — Celtic, Bryant's. Ath. '89, 2: 215. — Celts and Teutons in. National, 9: 84. — Census of 1891 in. Spec. 66: 785. – (J. MacVeagh) Cath. World, 54; 215. – (A. Webb) Nation, 52: 336. — Christian. (C. De Kay) Cent. 15: 675. — Christianity in, Origins of. Church Q. 28; 391. — Church of. Dub. R. Io9: 225. 2* __^ (E. M. Lynch) Gent. (H. MacLean) Westm. I28: (J. P. Mahaffy) (J. J. Clancy) — — Celtic. Ilond. Q. 68: 18o. 69: 58. — Coercion in. (Justin H. McCarthy) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 504. Cong. R. 2: 268, 378. (G. Alexander) National, — — Case against. — Coercion Bills Compared. I2: 69. — Condition of, as shown by Statistics. Nation, 47: 514. — Congested Districts, Government Plan for. (J. O’C. Power) 19th Cent. 27: 795. — Constabulary of. (R. Bruce) Murray, 3: 23. — Constitution for, A Fair. (C. G. Duffy) Contemp. 52: 3OI. — Constitution of I782. 308. — Convictions in, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 722. – County Life in. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. II: 580. – Cromwell in, 1649. (T. R. Power) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 657. - – Dairy-Farming in. (H. Evērshed) National, 9: 630. – Demand of, and the U. S. Government. Westm. 128: 198. — — Notes and Queries on. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 21: 165. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 771. — — Gladstone on the “Demand” of. (Lord Bra- bourne) 19th Cent. 21: 397. — Democracy and Irish Local Government. National, I8: I. — Diet and Discontent in. — Discontent in, Cause of. 652. - — Earl Grey on. Spec. 61: 273. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. IoI: Westm. 128: 587. (J. Sturgis) Forum, 4: dº _^ Same art. Ecl. M. IRELAND Ireland, Early Christian Art in. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 23: 237. - Early Christian Art in, Stokes's. Spee. 61: 1415. — Early Heroes of. (C. De Kay) Cent. 38: 198. – Eastern and Western Districts Compared. (T. W. Russell) 19th Cent. 27: 89. — Education in, Government and Higher. Dub. R. IoA: 389. — — a Neglected Factor. I7: 452. – English Government of. Cong. R. I : 946. — English Law Introduced into. (F. W. Maitland) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 516. — English Rule in. — Evictions in. Spec. 59: 172. — — on the Olphert Estate. (E. Martyn) Westm. I32: 97. – Reply. Westm. I32: 315. — Rejoinder. (E. Martyn) Westm. I32: 635. — Further Reply. (R. F. Olphert) Westm. I33: 304. — Experience in. Spec. 6o: IoS6, I I I 8, 1149. — Fairies and Druids of. (C. De Kay) Cent. I5: 590. — Farming in, Curiosities of. (Miss Cooper) National, I5: 697. – Financial Relations of Great Britain and. O’Brien) Nation, 46: I 14. — French View of the Irish Question. Westm. I32: 138. — from a Tricycle. (F. Wilson) Outing, 12: 291, 433, 52 I. — Future of. Spec. 60: 757. — Gold Fields in. (J. B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 3I4. — Government of, with Bibliography. Subj. of Day, (F. W. Currey) National, (M. 110. 3. — — Niebuhr on. Sat. R. 63: 838. – Has it a Grievance? (Lord Bramwell) Forum, 3: 559. — Herschel on. Sat. R. 68: 420. - — History of, A Contribution to. Leis. Hour, 36: 456. — — Ingram's Two Chapters of. Westm. I31: 113. —Spec. 62: 170. – (J. D. Ingram) Fortn. 51: 229. — — Lawless's. Ath. '88, I : 430. — Spec. 61 : 60. — — O'Brien's Two Centuries of. (R. Dunlop) Acad. 35: 16I. — — Turning-Point in ; the Leinster Tribute. (T. O’N. Russell) Cath. World, 44: 601. — — 1641. The Forged Commission. (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 527. — — — Massacres of 1641. (Mary Hickson) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 133. — (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 338. – (Mary Hickson) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 527. — — 1800–85, Daunt's. Spec. 60: 531. — Holy Places of. Month, 69: 153. 7I: 490. – Home Aspect of Irish Affairs. (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 48: 301. — Home Rule for. (O. Shipley) Cath. World, 47: 433, - 630, 753. —Cath. World, 53: 2. — (J. R. Towse) Chaut. Io: 681. – Cong. R. 2: 66. — (W. E. Glad- stone) Contemp. 53: 321. – (C. G. Duffy) Con- temp. 59: 655. — (H. O. Arnold-Foster) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 66. — (W. E. Gladstone) Subj. of Day, no. : I. — — Agitation of: its History and Issues. (H. Hewitt) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 157. — — and its Analogies. (E. A. Freeman) N. Princ. 6: I72. — — and Sir William Harcourt. Sat. R. 7I: 730. — — Dicey against. (J. Morley) 19th Cent. 21 : 19, 3or. — (M. MacColl) Contemp. 51: 84. - (G. P. Macdonel) Acad. 31: 2. — Nation, 44; 59. — — Effect on the Empire. Spec. 62: Io9. 220 (F. Harrison) Contemp. 54: 769. IRELAND Ireland ; Home Rule, Effect of, on English Politics. (Lord Wolmer) 19th Cent. 27: 727. - — — Friends and Enemies of. I3o: 82. –– Gladstone's Scheme of. Blackw. 142: 860. - — — How it Began. Sat. R. 72: 547. — — Is it Making Way ? (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 25: 753. • — — Lecky on. (B. J. Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 353. — — Leo XIII. and. Sat. R. 65: 71, 161. Same art. Eel. M. I. Io: 384. -— — Nonconformist Opponents of. Cong. R. 2: 466. — — Parallels to. (E. A. Freeman) Fortn. 52: 293. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 92. — Parnell on, in 1887. Cent. 30; 969. — — Prospect for. (B. J. Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 558. — — Roman Catholic Views. Sat. R. 64: 818, 852, 886. 65: 197. — — Tested by Gospel Principle. (B. Wilberforce) Contemp. 55; 462. — — 250 Years Ago. 52: 802. – Improvement in. Sat. R. 7I: 676. — in the 11th and 12th Centuries; the Last Kings. (S. O'Grady) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 286. — in 1399. How Art Kavanagh Fought Richard the King. — in 1487–88. Revolt and Pardon of Gerald the Great. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 28: 733. 29: 429. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 743. — in the 16th Century. Plantation of Leix and Offaly. (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 61. — in the 17th Century, Plunket Manuscripts on. Hickson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 535, 738. — in 1782 and 1886. (E. Fitzmaurice) Contemp. 51: (G. McDermot) Cath. World, (M. I 54. - — in 1793–1800. (W. O. Morris) Eng. Hist. R. G: 7I3. — in 1836–46 and Now. (T. W. Russell) 19th Cent. 27: 672. — in 1880–2 ; Forster's Administration. (W. E. Glad- stone) 19th Cent. 24: 451. — — Answer to Gladstone. (J. W. Reid) 19th Cent. (J. F. Hewitt) Westm. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 28: 355. ' (Lord Ribblesdale) 19th Y. 24: 605. — in 1882, With Mr. Forster in. (J. Ross) Murray, 2: I65. - — in 1887. (R. A. Armstrong) Unita. R. 27: 355. — — After the Crimes Bill, What ? (S. M. Hussey) Murray, 2: 69. — — American Opinion on. (E. L. Godkin) 19th Cent. 22: 285. — — The Coercion Bill. Pub. Opin. 2: 561. – Westm. I28: 137. — (J. B. O'Reilly) No. Am. I44; 528. — — Immediate Prospect for. (T. P. O'Connor) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 518. — — Pellew's In Castle and Cabin. Cent. 25: 232. — — Plan of Campaign and the Law of the Land. Quar. IG4: 54I. — — Playing at Coercion. 2I: 644. — — Policy of the Government. — — Report of Lord Cowper's Commission. O'Brien) Nation, 44; 227. — — Signs of the Times in. 248. — — State of Kerry County. I : 579. — — Unionist Delusions. (A. W. Dicey) Spec. 6o: Io;4, II 19, 1150, 1181. — — Up"to Easter. (J. Morley) 19th (R. B. O’Brien) 19th Cent. Westm. I28: 723. (M. (A. Webb) Nation, 45: (S. M. Hussey) Murray, (M. Arnold) 19th Cent. 21: 629. ^s IRELAND Ireland in 1888. Blackw. 143: 225. — (A. Webb) Na- tion, 46: 89. -- * — — Events in. Nation, 46; 17o. — — Gladstone and Parnell. (F. W. Newman) Unita. R. 29: 147. — — Papal Reseript. Westm. 129: 693. – (W. J. Still- man) Nation, 46: 296. — Sat. R. 65: 517. – Nation, 46; 443. — — Plain Facts about. II : 87. — — Reply to an Irish Dissentient Liberal. Menzies) Westm. I30: 129. — in 1889, Balfour on Improvement in. Sat. R. 67: 523. — — Casual Notes. (Powerscourt) 19th Cent. 25: 527. — — The Irish Malady and its Physicians. (F. H. Hill) 19th Cent. 26: Io24. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 323. — in 1890; the Actual and the Political. sell) 19th Cent. 27: 89. — — Distress in. Sat. R. 7o: 220. — — — Remedies for. (M. Davitt) Contemp. 58: 625. — — The Two Blights. Blackw. I48: 713. — in 1891 ; Irish Factions. Spec. 67: 520. — — Irish Forgiveness. Spec. 66: 473. — — Irish Object-Lesson. Spec. 67: 587. — — The Parnell Imbroglio. (Lord Brabourne) Blackw. I49: 142. (G. C. Brodrick) National, (R. S. (T. W. Rus- * — — Political Power of the Priesthood. Spec. 66: 533, (E. Dease) 624. — — Progress of the Irish Quarrel. Spec. 66; 585. — in Parliament. (C. M. O’Keeffe) Cath. World, 46: 676. — in the Victorian Era. (A. Sullivan) No. Am. I45: 664. g — Industrial. Leis. Hour, 36: 695. — — Dennis'. (H. S. Fagan) Acad. 31 : 194. — Industrial Resources.of. (G. P. Bevan) J. Soc. Arts, 3o: 178. — Industries of. All the Year, 63: 388. — (E. M. Clerke) Dub. R. IO3: 378. — — Development of. (J. C. Bloomfield) J. Soc. Arts, 3I : 432. — Innocence of. Spec. 60: 347. — Invasion of, by William. Reliquary, 29: 134, 195. — Irish Party, The Conflict in the. Nation, 52: 6. — — Leadership of. (J. J. Clancy) Contemp. 59: 455. — (F. Harrison) Fortn. 55: 122. — — Schism in. Nation, 52: 193. – Is the Irish Problem Insoluble 2 (D. F. Hannigan) Westm. I35: 676. – Is it a Nation ? (W. J. Corbet) Overland, n. s. 9: 65. — Jacobin Movement in. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. Io9: 95. — Dr. Johnson on. Westm. I29; I2. Age, I76: 426. — Jubilee-Time in. (T. M. Healy) Contemp. 51: 120. — A Kerry Nationalist. (A. Reade) National, Io: 790. — A Lady’s Holiday in. (I. Bird Bishop) Murray, 3: 467–819. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 614. — Land and Rents in. Westm. I29: 174. * — Land in, and British Legislators. (W. E. Bear) Contemp. 53: 262. — Land Bill, 1891. (A. Webb) Nation, 53: 24. — Land Law in, Five Years of. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 44; 183. — Landowners' Convention. Same art. Liv. (A. Traill) National, Io: 757. – Land Problem in. (T. W. Russell) 19th Cent. 26: 608. — — Notes on Russell's Programme. Waterford) 19th Cent. 26: Ioa5. 221 (Marquis of IRELAND Ireland, Land Purchase in. (H. O. Arnold-Foster) 19th Cent. 22: 891. — (G. Holloway) Nation, Io: 515. — — Bill of 1890. (Earl Grey) 19th Cent. 28: 157. — (H. George) New R. 2: 346. — (J. M’Carthy) Con- temp. 57: 760. — (W. O. Morris) Contemp. 58: 743. — (C. S. Parnell) No. Am. I5o: 665. — (T. W. Russell) Fortn. 53: 177, 638. — Blackw. I47: 847. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 624. — Sat. R. 69: 430– 562. — — Balfour's Answer to Parnell. No. Am. I5I: 489. — — Mr. Parnell and. . (G. Coffey) Westm. 134: 632. — — Retiring the Landlord Garrison. (M. Davitt) 19th Cent. 27: 779. - — — The Ultimate Guarantee. (Lord Ebrington) 19th Cent. 27: 799. – Land Question in. (S. Laing) Contemp. 51: 577. — Subj. of Day, no. 3: 67. º — — and Arbitration. (W. J. Walsh) Contemp. 55: " 797. — — and its Statistics. (W. J. Walsh) Contemp. 54: 734. — — — Reply to Archbishop Walsh. (G. Wyndham) Contemp. 54: 6oo. — — How to Solve. (H. O. Arnold-Foster) 19th Cent. 22: 725. — — Wyndham's Statistics of. (W. J. Walsh) Con- temp. 54: 447. — Land War in. (M. O’Brien) Nation, 44: 51. — Landlord's Appeal for Compensation. (M. Davitt.) Contemp. 53: 594. — Landlordism in. (M. Davitt.) Forum, 5: 331. — Last Struggle in. (T. P. O'Connor) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 735. - — Lecky on. Scot. R. I7: 171. — Legislation for, at Westminster. tion, 53; 7. — Legislative Systems of, Ball on. (W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 9: 153. —(W. O. Morris) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 789. —Spec. 61 : 939. — Local Government in. (G. E. DeVere) Contemp. 6o: 729. — (T. W. Russell) Fortn. 56: 653. — (W. O'C. Morris) Scot. R. 18: 405. —Sat. R. 72: 181, 213. — (P. H. Bagenal) National, II: 405. – (Earl Fortescue) National, I4: 781. —Spec. 61: 228. — — and the Poor-Laws. Spec. 63: 232. — — and Recent Parliamentary Measures. de Vesci) 19th Cent. 30: 885. — Magistrates of. Sat. R. 67; 6. — E. de Mandat-Grancey on. Spec. 6o: 865. — Manufactures of. Lond. Q. 7I: Ioff. — Material Progress of. (Leone Levi) Fortn. 48: 2O4. – Mercantile, and Home Rule. National, Io: 617. — Monasteries of. (C. De Kay) Cent. I6: I 13. – Myths and Folk-Lore of, Curtin's. Atlan. 66: 568. — A Nation “Fathered by a Mighty Past.” (E. M. Lynch) Gent. M. m. s. 42; 170. — National League. Proclamation. Sat. R. 64; 275, 285. — Needs of, and English Parties. Am. Cath. Q. I2; 12 I. — The New Round Table. Westm. I32: 506. – (J. G. others) Westm. I32: 624. — — Notes on “The New Round Table.” son) Westm. I33: 192. — Official Class in. (G. McDermot) Cath. World, 52: (M. O'Brien) Na- (Viscount (T. P. O'Connor) (A. Reid and others) Shaw-Lefevre and (E. Daw- 4II. — The Outlook in. (J. F. Hogan) Westm. I36: 497. — Pagan. (C. De Kay) Cent. I5: 368. — A Parisienne in. (De Bovet) New R. 4: 150. — Parliament of, 1782–93. (T. W. Rolleston) Westm. I34; 377. IRELAND 222 IRISH Ireland, Parliament of, and the Union. Quar. 165: Ireland; Unionists and the Constitution. (J. R. Eyre) 5oo. Westm. I33: 519. — Parliament of, in the Past. (E. F. V. Knox) Subj. § – Unionist Policy for. (T. W. Russell) New R. 1: 80. of Day, no. 3: 27. – Western. (Sir A. D. Hayter) Fortn. 47: 61. — Parnell and the Cause of. (B. O’Reilly) Am. Cath. — What I Learned in. Blackw. I47: 269. Q. IG: 171. – Winter in. (A. Webb) Nation, 48: 174. – Peasant Proprietorship in. Blackw. I47: 847. - Woman in Early. (C. De Kay) Cent. 16: 433. – A People Governed to Death. (F. P. Smith) Cosmo- || – Young. Irish Mo. 16: 453, 631. pol. I: II. Iridescence in Clouds, Cause of. Am. J. Sci. 134: 146. — Plantation of Ulster. (H. S. Fagen) Gent. M. m. s. Iris, Newly Discovered Head of, from the Frieze of the 40: 564. Parthenon. (C. Waldstein) Am. J. Archaeol. 5: 1. — Poetic Guild in. (C. De Kay) Cent. 17: 893. — (C. Waldstein) Harper, 8: 629. — Politics in, in 1889; Mad Tipperary. Murray, 7: |Irish at Home. (J. Codman) Chaut. I3: 289. 677. — in the French Revolution. (P. L. Nolam) Dub. R. — — — Gladstone in. (A. Herbert) Fortn. 55: I.26. Iod: 368. — — Object Lesson in. (A. Webb) Nation, 5I: 282. — in America. (J. Hull) Chaut. 8: 31. – Spec. 62: 566. — Political Transformation in. Sat. R. 72: 67. —Westm. I29: 713. – Poor of. (M. Ross) Blackw. I48: 54. — — Money Sent Home by. (T. F. Meehan) No. Am. — The Pope and. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 50: 47. I45: 563. — Poverty of. Amer. I6: 201. — — Their Position and Influence. Westm. 133: 290. — Present Condition of. (A. Webb) Nation, 44; 485. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I.4: 606. — Primrose League and. Sat. R. 67: 626. Irish Agitation in America. (A. L. Lowell) Forum, 4: — Prosperity of. Spec. 60: II.75. 397. — Question of, Mr. Gladstone and the. (Lord Bra- Irish Anonymites. Irish Mo. 17: 501, 609. 18: 43. bourne) Blackw. I42: 443. Irish Art, Early, St. Patrick and. Load. Q. 72: 87. — — in 1891. Blackw. I49: 580. Irish Banks, 1891. Bank. M. (Lond.).52: 193. — — Past and Future of. (J. Bryce) N. Princ. 3: 48. Irish Brigade in the Rebellion. (E. Field) Un. Serv. — — Real. Sat. R. 7I: 766. (Phila.) I : 575. — Rambles in. (D. M. Craik) Eng. Illust. 4: 259–587. Irish Catholicity, Patriotism of. Irish Mo. 15: 665. — Rebellion of 1798, An Incident of (W. H. Russell) Irish Celts, Legendary Fictions of, Kennedy's. Sat. R. Harper, 79: 46. 72: 709. — Recent Books on. Cong. R. 2: 173. Irish Channel, Tunnel under. (Sir R. Lethbridge) J. — Religion in. Church Q. 25: 138. Soc. Arts, 39: 235. —Spec. 66: 77. — Rent Question in. Westm. I27: 141. Irish Character. Spec. 63: 140. — Representation of, in Imperial Parliament. (T. P. – Moral Effects of Misgovernment upon. (R. A. King) O’Connor) Subj. of Day, no. 3: 38. Cath. World, 52: 37. -- Scottish and Irish Unions; a Contrast. (J. Downie) Irish Constabulary, The Royal. (P. O. Lisman) Un. Westm. I36: 527. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 267. Same art. Un. Serv. (Phila.) — Secret Societies in. (J. Ross) Eel. M. IIo: 172. 2 : 4O4. — Shaw-Lefevre on. Cong. R. 2: 676. Irish Emigrants in Minnesota. (J. H. Tuke) 19th Cent. — South of, Notes on. (A. Webb) Nation, 48: 502. 25 : 431. — Sport in. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, 9: 507. I4; 265. Irish Esker Drift. (G. H. Kinahan) Am. J. Sci. 17: I7: 212. 276. ! – Struggle of, Compared with the American Revolu-|Irish Exhibition, The, and Irish Manufactures. (H. S. tion. Westm. I31: 347. Fagan) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 192. – Tenants in, Position of. (J. J. Clancy) Contemp. 56: Irish Fair, At an. (C. Whymper) Good Words, 31: I34. 537. — Thought and Speech in, Traits of. (H. Hall) Na- || – Sports of. (R. T. Walsh) Outing, 17: 437. tional, I5: 59. - Irish Fairy and Folk Tales, Yeats's. Ath. '89, I: 174. — Thrift in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 751. Irish Gentlewoman, An, in the Famine Time. (A. — Through French Eyes. Temp. Bar, 8o: 516. French) Cent. Ig: 338. — Under Canvass in a Proclaimed District. (F. N. Pa- || Irish Hierarchy and the British Government. (B. ton) Liv. Age, I79: 222. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 72. — under Coercion. (A. Webb) Nation, 45: 370.-Ed. Irish Housekeeping in the Last Century. (C. O'Conor R. 168: 569. – Cong. R. 2: 947. —Spec. 61: 1192. Eccles) Blackw. I44: 804. Same art. Liv. Age, — Union of, with Great Britain. Church Q. 25: 464. I8o: 27. —Westm. I28: 793, Ioos. Irish Kings and Brehons. (C. De Kay) Cent. I 8: 294. — — Causes of. (J. P. Smith) Blackw. I4I: 154. Same Irish Landowner, Experiences of am. (M. S. Crawford) art. Ecl. M. Io9: 381. Contemp. 52: 263. . — — Lord Cornwallis and. Sat. R. 70: 226, 259, 291. Irish Language, Old and Modern. (J. Fleming and — — Ingram's. Spec. 60: 662. — (W. E. Gladstone) others) Acad. 36: 120–32 I. 19th Cent. 22: 445. – Criticism of Gladstone's Re- || – Utility of, in the Study of the Classics. (C. M. view. (Lord Brabourne) Blackw. I42; 715. - (T. O'Keeffe) Am. Cath. Q. I2; 468. D. Ingram) 19th Cent. 22: 766. — Reply to Dr. In- Irish Life, Sunny Side of. Spec. 63: 752. gram. (W. E. Gladstone) Westm. I29: 77. Irish Literature. (J. Hull) Chaut. II: 200. — — Lecky’s History. Sat. R. 7o: 513, 541. Irish Lord Lieutenancy. (St. Loe Strachey) National, — — Legality of. (J. R. Eyre) Westm. I33: 360. II: 788. - — — Plain Speaking on. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. Irish Lyric Poetry, Some Characteristics of. (R. M. 26: I. Johnston) Cath. World, 44; 484. — — — Gladstone on. (Lord Brabourne) 19th Cent. Hil, Manners, Delineators of. (R. Kennedy) Month, 26: 257. 5: 245. — — Plea for. (W. E. Macartney) Subj. of Day, no. 3: |Irish Minstrelsy. (F. Thompson) Dub. R. IO4; 26o. I5. — — Sparling's. (D. Hyde) Irish Mo. 16: 175. IRISH Irish Novelists on Irish Peasants. (R. E. Prothero) National, 12: 598. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 181. Irish Party, The. Irish Patriots and Prof. Dicey. ray, 8: 577. Irish People, Physical Characteristics of. (E. Hogan) Month, 59: 324. . Irish Poetry. Sat. R. 63: 363. Irish Sporting Celebrities, Recollections of. O'Flanagan) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 257. *Irish Statesmen and Self-Government. (J. McCarthy) Subj. of Day, no. 3: 54. Irish Tracts, 1720—36, Swift's. Ath. '87, 2: 337. Irish University Question. (J. McCarthy) Contemp. 56: 622. Irish Vote in the U. S. Amer. I7: 214. — (P. Ford) No. Am. I47: 185. Irish Wit and Humor, Recollections of. Bloomfield) National, IoS: 418. Irish Youth and High Ideals. (P. Sheehan) Irish Mo. I9 : 39. Irkutsk, Exiles at. (G. Kennan) Cent. I5: 502. Iron and Steel, Effect of Magnetization on Wiscosity and Rigidity of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I34: I 75. — — Microscopic Structure of. (F. L. Garrison), J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 181. — — Progress in. (F. Abel) Science, I7: 295. — Casting, upon Lace, Embroideries, etc. (A. E. Out- erbridge, jr.) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 450. — Clinton Oölitic Iron Ores. (A. F. Foerste) Am. J. Sci. I44; 28. — Commerce and Applications of. Soc. Arts, 6: 381. — Galvanized, for Water Pipes. (R. Haines) J. Frankl. Inst. I30: 393. — in its Relation to Life. Chamb. J. 66: 22. — Metallurgy of, Relation of Chemistry to. * Nature, 40; .473. — Pig. (A. E. Outerbridge, jr.) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 223. — (S. Seay) Nation, 46; 49. — — Manufacture in U. S., Development of. kinbine) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 337, 413. — Protection of, against Corrosion. (H. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 418. — Smelting, by Modern Methods. (W. F. Durfee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 449. (E. Brown) Harper, 75: 42I. (J. Wedgwood) Mur- (J. R. (Georgiana (C. Sanderson) J. (L. Bell) (J. Bir- — Wrought. (J. S. Gardner) J. Soe. Arts, 35: 313. Iron and Concrete Buildings. (G. W. Percy) Am. Arch. 24: I 59. Iron Cages. All the Year, 65: I.29. Ironclads. Blackw. I4I: 519. – First Fight between. (R. F. Coffin) Outing, Io: 416. Iron Industries of America. (J. Kitson) Contemp. 59: 625. Same art. Engin. M. 1: 485. — of Great Britain and other Countries. (J. K. Black- well) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 65, I 13. Iron-Making, Early Steps in. (W. F. Durfee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 145. Iron Manufacture. (W. M. Williams) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 827–895. — Blackwell on. Iron Market as a Barometer of Trade. Engin. M. I: 357. Iron Mills and Puddling-Furnaces. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 314. Iron Molders' Union No. 164, of San Francisco. Scott) Overland, n. s. I'7: 292. Iron-Ores, Genesis of. (J. P. Kimball) Am. J. Sci. (D. Mushet) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 196. (E. J. Shriver) (W. F. Durfee) (I. M. I42: 231. — of the U. S. (J. Birkinbime) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: I90. 22 3 IRWING Iron Ships, Construction of. (S. J. Mackie) J. Soe. Arts, I5: 359. * Iron Structural Work, Preservation of. Am. Arch. 33: 13. Iron Sulphates from Chili. Sci. I38: 242. Iron Trade. (Sir L. Bell) Fortn. 47: 88. — in 1889. Sat. R. 68: 462. Ironwork, Wrought, in Bruges. (R. G. Kingsley) Art J. 39: 402. Iron Works, First in America, Lynn, Mass., 1642. (N. M. Hawkes) M. Am. Hist. 22: 4O4. — Old, in Hampshire. (T. W. Shore) Antiq. m. s. I5: 208. Ironworkers, Among. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 37: I 30, 193. - Iron-Working with Machine Tools. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 586. Iroquois Beach, Deformation of. (J. W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. I40: 443. Iroquoian Etymologies. (J. N. B. Hewitt) Science, I7: 2I 7. Irresponsibility, Professional. Irrigable Lands of the Arid Region. Cent. I 7: 766. Irrigation. (T. Login) J. Soc. Arts, 18; 37. — in Australia, Proposed Introduction of. Brassey) 19th Cent. 28: 425. — in California. (W. H. Hall) Nat. Geog. M. I : 277. — in China. (Gen. Tcheng Ki Tong) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 821. — in Egypt. (C. S. Moncrieff) Nature, 44: 151. — in Egypt, Willcocks on. Ath. '89, 2: 489. — in India. Chamb. J. 68: 443. — (W. T. Thorntom) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 575. — — as a Preventative of Famines. (W. T. Thornton) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 272. — — Canal, Evils of. (T. H. Thornton) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 512. -- (H. W. Bellew) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 680. — — Periar Project. (J. O. Hasted) J. Soc. Arts, 39: (W. Jones) (J. B. Mackintosh) Am. J. (W. F. Durfee) All the Year, 66: 257. (J. W. Powell) (T. A. pse 555. — in Persia. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Cosmopol. 9: 131. — in the Southwest. (A. F. Bandelier) Nation, 45: 474. — in the U. S. (S. O. Henry) Nation, 47: 390. — of Arid Lands. (H. J. Philpott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 364. — of Western Lands. (N. A. Miles) No. Am. 150: 370. — Problem of, in Montana. (H. M. Wilson) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 212. — — in the Northwest. (J. Realf) Arena, 4: 69. — — Present Status of the. (W. Olney) Overland, n. s. 9: 4o. — (J. Bonner) Overland, n. s. I3: 602. Irving, Henry, as Charles I. Theatre, 26; 20I. — as Louis XI. Sat. R. 63: 798. — as Macbeth. (F. Hankins) Theatre, 21: 281. – (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 22: Ioo. — as Mephistopheles. (W. H. Pollock) Longm. Io: 294. — (H. Irving) Theatre, 20: 81. — as Shylock. Sat. R. 63: 726. — in The Corsican Brothers. Theatre, 26: 307. — in The Dead Heart. Theatre, 23: 247. — in Faust. Cent. I3: 309. — Critic, II: 250. — in The Lyons Mail. Theatre, 26: 148. — in Much Ado about Nothing. Sat. R. 71: 44.— Theatre, 26: 95. — in Olivia. Critic, 12: 93. — in Ravenswood. (C. Howard) Murray, 8: 696. — Theatre, 25: 191. * Irving, Washington, at Home, a Glimpse of. (C. Cook) Cent. I2: 53. — Letter of. Ath. '89, I: 632. ISAAC Isaac, Life of. (T. Whitelaw) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 114. Isaacs, Rev. Samuel M. 25: 210. Isabel, Elsie, and I; a story. Eng. M. n. s. 3:. 249. Isabel's Story. (A. Porter) Harper, 78: 214. Isabel Clifford, M. D.; a story. Argosy, 49: I56. Isabella I., of Spain, Courtship and Marriage of. Spencer) M. Am. Hist. 26: 178. – Descendants of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 26: 401. — Reign of, Fashion for Learning in. (E. Spencer) M. Am. Hist. 26: 364. – a Vagabond Queen. (J. Winn) Gent. M. n. S. 43: 266. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 174. Isaiah and the Spirit of Prophecy. (J. Orr) Theo. Mo. I: 361. — Ascension of. R. 37: 664. — Life and Times of. (A. S. Isaacs) M. Am. Hist. (A. H. Frechette) New (E. (W. J. Deane) Brit. & For. Evang. (G. F. Moore) And. R. II: 650. — Two Isaiahs, the Real and the Imaginary. (G. C. M. Douglas) Presb. R. 9: 602. Ischia, Earthquake in, 1890. Cornh. 63: 152. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 749. Ise, Transfer of the Temples of. (E. H. House) Scrib. M. 9: 569. Iseo and its Lake. (E. M. Cesaresco) Portfo. 20: I32. Isis, Duration of. (H. J. R. Murray) Acad. 32: 184. — (H. Bradley) Acad. 32: 2O4. Islam as a Political System. (A. T. Sibbald) National, I2: 6 I2. — Canon Taylor on. 1418. Islands, Floras of. Island Picnic, An. Spec. 60: 1383, (Isaac Taylor) (W. B. Hemsley) Nature, 42: 322. (G. Eyre-Todd) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 6I 5. Islander, An. (M. Crosby) Scrib. M. 1: 628. Isle of Man. See Man, Isle of. Isolation, or Survival of the Unfittest, Illustrated by the People of the Hebrides. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 25: I.2. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 358. Israel; Chronology of the Divided Kingdom. (J. D. Davis) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 98. — Lost Tribes of. (Z. M. Dembitz) Amd. R. I2: 169. See Jews. Italians in New York. (B. J. Lynch) Cath. World, 47: 67. — (V. Roseboro') Cosmopol. 4: 396. — in the United States. (C. L. Speranza) Chaut. 9: 346. Italian Characters, Countess Cesaresco's. Spec. 64: 629. Italian Drama, Modern. Sat. R. 63: 438. Italian Exhibition in England. (A. Gallenga) National, II: 309. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 622. Italian Folk-Songs, Busk’s. Spec. 60: 1493. Italian Immigrants. (E. Schuyler) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 48o. Italian Liberty. (C. L. Speranza) Cath. World, 48: 390. Italian Libraries, America im. (J. Winsor) Nation, 53: 9. Italian Literature. (A. Bartoli) Chaut. II: 13–276. — Current. (F. Garlanda) Chaut. 8: 555. — 1887–8. (R. Bonghi) Ath. '88, 2: 21. — 1888–9. (R. Bonghi) '89, 2: 22. — 1889–90. (R. Bonghi) Ath. 'go, 2: 22. — 1890–1. (R. Bonghi) Ath. '91, 2: 26. – since 1870. (C. Lombroso) Monist, I: 428. Italian Masters, Old. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I5: 164. Italian Monarchy, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: I?. Italian Museums and Monasteries. (A. L. Frothing- ham, jr.) Nation, 49: 230. 224 ITALY Italian Pictures at Munich and Dresden. (C. Phillips) Acad. 40: 243. * Italian Poets, Modern, Howells’. Atlan. 61: 130. — Nation, 46; 18. — Ath. '88, I: 141. – Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 344. Italian Secret Societies. (L. Wolffsohn) Contemp. 59: 691. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 621. Italian War-Ship “Lepanto.” (P. W. Murray) Un. Serv. M. I. ('88): 670. Italian Writers, Recent. (C. S. Hartmann) Poet-Lore, 2 : 595. Italy, Allies and War Scares of. (J. W. Mario) Na- tion, 49: 146. — and Abyssinia. (F. H. Smith) Asia. R. 6: 327. – and France. (A. Gallenga) Contemp. 54: 587. — — in 1891. Contemp. 59: 777. Same art. Liv. Age, I90: 323. — and the Papacy. Spec. 64; 9. — and the Peace of Europe. Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 223. — and the Pope. (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I50: 177. — (F. Crispi) No. Am. I53: 620, 704. — Sat. R. 63: 689, 726. Italy and the Triple Alliance. (F. Nobili-Vitelleschi) New R. I : 513. – Contemp. 56: 469. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 693. – (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 51: 339. — and the United States; the New Orleans Mob. — (Mrs. J. W. Mario) 19th Cent. 29: 701. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 837. — Archæological Club in. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. Io: 257. — Army of, 1887. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 44; 360. — — Features of. (F. G. Wallace-Goodbody) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 330. — Art in ; Renaissance in Architecture and Sculpture. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. II: 134. - – as a Field for Emigration. (E. S. Morgan) National, I7: 514. — before the Railways. 69: 27–512. — Building Crisis and Liquidation in. (Lond.) 50: 1799. — Burden of, under the Triple Alliance. 3I 2. - — Chamber of Deputies. (J. S. Farrer) Harper, 76: 178. - — Cities of. Am. Arch. 24: 90, Io9, I2O. — Colonial Policy of. Spec. 60: 614. — Commerce and Manufactures of. Arts, 9: 54. — Country House in, I490–1500. Longm. I7: 664. — De Giers's Visit to. Spec. 67: 520. — Drifting. (Marchese Alfiera di Sostegno) 19th Cent. 26: 385. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 3. — Economics in. (U. Rabbeno) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 439. — Economic Condition of. (F. H. Geffcken) Contemp. 58: 609. — Elections in, 1890. (J. Morris) Month, 68: 489. Bank. M. Nation, 50: (L. Levi) J. Soc. 459- — English Tourists in, 1591. Month, 73: 355. – Finances, from 1860 to 1884. (A. B. Houghton) Q. J. Econ. 3: 233, 373. — — 1889. Spec. 62: 189. — Financial Condition of, 1891. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 53: 255. — Financial Crisis, 1889. Sat. R. 68: 300. – Financial Situation in, 1889. (J. A. G. Colclough) Month, 71: 457. — Folk-Songs of, Busk’s. Ath. '87, I: 472. —Sat. R. 63: 420. — France, and the Papacy, (F. Crispi) Contemp. 6o: 161. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 51 : t ITALY Italy, French in, and their Imperial Project. Quar. I70 : 443. — from a 13icycle. (G. F. Fiske) Outing, II: 166. — History of ; Catholic Revival of the 16th Century. Quar. I65: 273. — How to Travel in. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. II: 286. — in the 13th Century, Religious Renascence of, Geb- hart's. (M. Hewlett) 19th Cent. 29: 763. — in 1888–9. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 25: 763. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 707. — — Gladstone on. (A. Gallenga) National, I3: 484. — Spec. 62: 599. – Lake Scenery of. 623. — Life and Thought in. 274. — Making of. (E. A. Freeman) Chaut. II: 129, 257. — Mediaeval, Life in. (A. J. Church) Chaut. IO: 391– 565. — — Politics of. (P.V. N. Myers) Chaut. Io: 513. II: 18. — Ministry of, 1891. Westm. I36: 233. — Modern, Life in ; the Citizen. (B. H. Stillman) Chaut. II: I39. — Navy of. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 48: 362. — New, Makers of. (W. S. Thayer) Atlan. 62: 656. — Note Crisis in, 1887. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 1098. — Oddities in. Chamb. J. 65 : 565. — Old, vs. Young. (G. S. Godkin) Westm. 134: 82. — on the Sea. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 53: 177. – Patrimony of the Poor in. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 50; I49. — Peace or Death 2 (J. W. Mario) Nation, 53: 25. – Peasant Life in. (B. H. Stillman) Chaut. II: 6. – Penal Code in, New. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 232. — Sat. R. 65: 661, 727. — Political Position of, in 1887. Fortn. 47: 617. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 643. — The Pope, and the Republic. Contemp. 59: 465. — Prehistoric Races of. (I. Taylor) Contemp. 58: 261. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 398. — Present and Future, Gallenga's. (E. Myers) Acad. 31: 266. — (A. H. Atteridge) Dub. R. Ioo: 369. — Spec. 61 : 59. — Press in, Daily and Periodical. tion, 44; 8. .* — — Daily, Another View of. (W. J. Stillman) Na- tion, 44; 139. — Primitive Civilization in. 46: 505. - — Reform Movement in. Ig: 266. — Religious Movements in, 1890. berg) Our Day, 6: 182. - — Religious Thought in. (P. Geymonat) Theo. Mo. 3: I22. — Renaissance and Catholic Reaction in. 25: 362. — — Burckhardt on the Civilization of. ner) Dial (Ch.) I I : 193. — revisited. (D. Macleod) Good Words, 32: 168. — Unita. R. 34: 421. - — Run Through. Art J. 42: 371. — Rural, Beauclerk's. Spec. 63: 86. — Rural Life in. Ed. R. 165: Io'7. — Society in, 50 Years Ago. All the Year, 64: 570. – Some Patriots of. (E. Cavazza) Unita. R. 34: 67. – Southern. Greek-Speaking Population of. (H. F. Tozer) J. Hel. Stud. Io: 11. — — How to See. (J. P. Mahaffy) Chaut. I2: 189. — — The Land of Manfred. Ed. R. 17o: 125. – Statesmen of. Liv. Age, 188: 451, 671. – Unification of, Characters in. Lond. Q. 75: 72. (W. C. Proctor) Sunday M. 18: (G. Boglietti) Contemp. 51: (J. W. Mario) Na- (W. J. Stillman) Nation, (A. Robertson) Sunday M. (J. H. W. Stucken- Church Q. (H. S. Gardi- 225 JACKSON Italy, Union of. (S. Walpole) New R. 5: 431. - — Upper Classes of. (B. H. Stillman) Chaut. II: 267. — Woman's Life in Old. (R. Davey) National, 18: 93. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 453. t Itata Case, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 416. — “Alabama’’ Precedent for. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 416. Iter Supremum ; a poem. 772. Ithaca, Phoenician Affinities of. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 26: 280. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: (A. S. Hardy) Atlan. 67: 539. Itinerants’ Club, The. (J. H. Vincent) Meth. R. 50: 65. - Ivan IV., Czar of Russia, A Russian Bear. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 168. Ivan VI. of Russia, Assassination of : Dark Page of Russian History. (A. Repplier) Cosmopol. 9: 210. Ives Swindle, The. (H. White) Nation, 45: 128. Ivo of Chartres; a poem. (H. G. Cone) Atlan. 62: 206. Ivory and Teeth of Commerce. (Sir R. Owen) J. Soc. Arts, 5: 65. — Tale of a Tusk of. (H. Ward) Scrib. M. 8: 531. Ivory Carvings, Japanese. (W. E. Griffis) Harper, 76: 709. Ivy Cottage; a story. (J. A. Meliora, 7: 172. Izard, Gen. George, Military Career of, 1814–15. (G. E. Manigault) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 462. 26: 457. Izard, Ralph, the South Carolina Statesman. (G. E. Manigault) M. Am. Hist. 23: 6o. Izard Hunting in the Spanish Pyrenees. (P. Van Dyke) Scrib. M. Io: 53. Jack. (E. S. Phelps) Cent. I2: 220. Jack and Minory. Blackw. I4I: 58. Same art. Liv. Age, I'72: 461. Jack Burns, Blacksmith. 3O4. Jack Delancey’s Foreman. Chamb. J. 67: Io&. Jack Hunter’s Telescope; a story. (A. M. Talcott) Cosmopol. I: 304. - Jack Jekyl's Pony ; a story. M. 1 ('88): 700. Jack's Father. (W. E. Norris) Murray, 3: 646, 761. Jack's Niece; a story. Argosy, 47: 163. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 725. Jackal, The. Knowl. I2: 39. Jackdaw of London. Sat. R. 67: 561. Jackaroo, The. Chamb. J. 64; 262. Jackson, Andrew. (T. Roosevelt) Chaut. I2; 477. — (Goldwin Smith) 19th Cent. 24; 269. — Letter to W. Snodgrass, 1813. M. Am. Hist. 26: (L. D. Blake) Am. M. 7: (H. G. Keene) Un. Serv. 474. – Outdoor Life of. (J. P. Foley) Outing, 13: 437. — Two Years with. (T. H. Clay) Atlan. 60: 187. – Visit of, to Harvard College, 1833. (J. Schouler) Harv. Mo. 5: 169. Jackson, Helen Hunt. Meth. R. 47: 883. — (C. D. Warner) Critic, Io: 237. - — Grave of. (A. N. Meyer) Critic, Ig: 142. Jackson, Gen. Thomas J., “Stonewall.” (H. M. Field) Harper, 83: 907. —So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 298. — at Prayer. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: I I I. — Moral Influence of. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 370. — Oil-Cloth Coat of. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 324. — Recollections of. (J. W. Jones) So. Hist. Pap. I9: I45. — Scabbard Speech of. (W. A. Obenchain) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 36. — Sobriquet “Stonewall; ” How Acquired. (W. M. Robins) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 164. Jackson, Wm. Sharpless. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. Io: 44I. JACKSON 2 Jackson, Miss., State-House. 29: 84. Jacob, History of. R. 36: 285–708. Jacob's Blessing. (J. P. Peters) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 99. Jacob's Faults. (F. Doveridge) Scrib. M. 6: 502. Jacobinism, French and English. Quar. 168: 532. – New, and Old Morality. (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 53: 475. Jacobite's Exile, A.; a poem. Illust. 6: 485. Jacobson, William, Bishop of Chester. 187. Jacques Bonhomme, The Boy. All the Year, 64: 472. Jacquetta. (S. Baring-Gould) Eng. Illust. 4: 274–396. Jade-Handled Brushes. (J. P. O'Reilly) Nature, 35: (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. (A. C. Swinburne) Eng. Quar. I68: 319. Jail Adventure, A. (W. O. Clough) Granite Mo. Io: I3. Jaina Inscriptions from Mathura. (G. Bühler) Acad. 35; 381. 37: 270. 39: 141, 373. – (A. Cunning- ham) Acad. 39: 397. Jainism. (J. C. Thompson) Am. Antiq. I3: 31. Jalāl ad Dīn Rūmi. Masnavi. Sat. R. 64: 364. Jamaica. Blackw. I47: 778. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 67. — and Mauritius; a Lesson. (J. W. Fortescue) Na- tional, IOG; 536. — during 1883-8. Sat. R. 71 : 307. — Exhibition, 1891. Sat. R. 67: 683. — in 1891. Sat. R. 72: 453. — New and Old. (H. Pyle) Harper, 8o: 160, 378. – Immigration to, advocated. (Sir H. A. Blake) 19th Cent. 28: 534. James I., Coronation of, 1603. s. 22: 18. — A Royal Book Burner. S. 43: 284. James II. of England, Fate of his Body after Death. (J. G. Alger) 19th Cent. 25: I oA. — Flight of. (W. J. Hardy) Leis. Hour, 37: So?. James V. of Scotland, Marriages of, Bapst on. Spec. 63: 34o. James, Henry. The American, on the London Stage. Atlan. 68: 846. — as a Novelist. Murray, Io: 641. M. 117: 806. — Partial Portraits. (J. A. Noble) Acad. 33: 406. — Atlan. 62: 564. — Ath. '88, I: 658. — Princess Cassamassima. Spec. 60: 14. — Tragic Muse. Atlan. 66: 419. James, Rev. J. A. Meliora, 4: 313. James, Robert, and Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of Medicine. (S. L. Clemens) Harper, 8o: 439. * James River, Along the Lower. (C. W. Coleman) Cent. I9: 323. — Up the. Jamestown Church Myth, The. 52: 7I. Jamin, Jules Célestin, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 262. Jan Jansen, Sheep-Herder. M. m. s. 5: 265. Jane; a story. (W. C. Bartlett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: I4I. Jane Jupiter's Apron; a story. I: 385. Janet, Paul. Dub. R. IO4: 436. Janet. (L. B. Walford) Longm. I6: 533. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 77. Janey, a Humble Administrator; a Study from Life. (S. Grand) Temp. Bar, 93: 199. Same art. Liv. Age, I9I: 721. (W. B. Rye) Antiq. m. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. Ecl. Same art. (H. M. Winslow) Educa. 8: 563. (E. D. Neill) Nation, (C. H. Shinn) New Eng. (S. Swett) Cosmopol. * (T.Whitelaw) Brit. & For. Evang. 6 JAPAN J* Natalie, Madame Schumann and. Murray, 7: 62. Jansenists, Later. Quar. 173: 211. - Old Catholics, and their Friends in America. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 533. Janssen, Johannes. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. 13: 429. – and other German Historians. Cath. Q. I2: 424. Januarius, St., Blood of. (Count Orsi) Month, 61: 161. January. All the Year, 62: 5. - the Month that Looks Two Ways. (Phil Robinson) Good Words, 28: 25. Japan, the Country. (E. Arnold) Scrib. M. 8: 663. 9: I 7–32 I. – American Artist in. (T. Wores) Cent. 16: 670. — and Germany. Spec. 63: 749. – and the Pacific, Inagaki's. (W. E. Griffis) Nation, 5I : 255. – Army of. (A. S. Hardy) Cosmopol. Io: 3, 165. - Art in. (T. de Wyzewa) Chaut. II: 736. – (R. K. Douglas) Good Words, 32: 182. — — Is it Extinct 2 (M. B. Huish) 19th Cent. 23: 354. — — Popular. (W. H. Winslow) New Eng. M. m. g. 3: 348. - Art of. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 614. — (W. E. Grif- fis) Scrib. M. 3: 108. — — and Industries of. Nation, 48: 448. — Arts of. Quar. 164: 97. — — Anderson's. Ath. '87, I : 293. — Blackw. 141: 281. - Art Wares of. (M. B. Huish) Art J. 40: 5–329. - Artist's Letters from. (J. La Farge) Cent. v. 17–20. - Autumn Visit to. (Lord E. G. Cecil) 19th Cent. 24: 851. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 165. — British Legation in, Attack on, in 1861. I4I : 45. Same art. Liv. Age, I'72: 539. – Chamberlain's Things Japanese. Nation, 51: 199. — Child-Life in, Ayrton's. Spec. 61: 825. – Christianity in. And. R. I2: 434. — Church Development in. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 7: 264. – Church Union in. (D. C. Greene) Our Day, 3: 222. – And. R. II: 520. — — Failure of. Bib. Sac. 48: 494, 605. – Civilization in, Modern. (A. S. Hardy) And. R. 15: 434. – Civilization of. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 405. — Coercion in. (W. E. Griffis) Nation, 46: 129. — Constitution of. (W. E. Griffis) Forum, 7: 404. — Chaut. I2: 591. — — Ito's Commentaries on. Nation, 50: 263. — — Johns Hopkins University, Commemoration of. Nation, 48: 341. — — Outline of. (K. Kaneko) Atlan. 65: 187. – Constitutional Development of. (T. Iyenaga) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: no. 9. — Constitutional Government in. (Kuma Oishi) Arena, , (J. G. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Blackw. 4 : 44O. — A Day's Life in. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 68: 621. – Decoration Day in. (C. Meriwether) Nation, 52: 89. — Dress-Reform in. Am. Arch. 21: 161. — Education in. (C. S. Eby) Our Day, 3: 139. — Educational Progress in. (E. Hausknecht) Science, I7: 23. – Election in, First General. (H. M. Moore) New R. 3: 67. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 313. — — On the Eve of. — European Learning in, Three Centuries of. Kitchin) Educa. I2; 77. - Farming Class in. . (Shosuke Sato) Overland, n.s. 9: II 3. (G. Droppers) Nation, 51: 88. (W. C. JAPAN Japan, Feudal System of. (M. Ichihara) New Eng. 54: 533. – First Englishman in. (D. Boulger) Asia. R. 4; 313. — Foreign Jurisdiction in. (E. H. House) N. Princ. 5: 2O7. — Ghost Myths of. IO: 34I. – Gleanings from, Dickson's. – High Schools and Colleges in. (E. W. Eastlake) Overland, n. s. Ath. '89, 2: 86. (C. S. Eby) Our Day, 3: 344. - – Holidays in. (H. H. S. Thompson) Cosmopol. 3: – Homes and Temples of. n. S. IO : 337. – Imagination in. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 845. – Imperial Diet of. (W. Imbrie) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 350. — in 1888. (T. S. Tyng) Nation, 46: 364. — — Netto's. Sat. R. 67: 79. — Industrial Arts and Manufactures of. erty) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 673. — Industrial Exposition, 1890. (H. H. Berger) Overland, (A. L. Lib- (F. T. Piggott) Art J. 43 : .317. — Industrial Transition in. (Y. Ono). Am. Econ. Assoc. 5: I. - - * — Industries of, Rein on. Ath. '89, I : 436. — (F. W. Gookin) Dial (Ch.) Io: 9. — Influences bearing upon Christian Thought in. (N. Kozaki) Unita. R. 36: 271. – Inland Sea of. (J. D. Butler) Nation, 5.1: 418. – Jesuit Missions in. Am. Cath. Q. IG: 628. — Justice in. Green Bag, 3: 545. — Land Taxation in. (G. Droppers) Nation, 53: Ioo. – Language of. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 515. – Local Government in. (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 51: 8, 25. — Missions in. 32I, 549. – Mission Work in. (T. S. Tyng) Church R. 50: 552. – Nature and People in. (W. E. Griffis) Cent. I7: 231. – New, and India. (A. P. Happer) Our Day, 8: 409. — — Japanese View of. (Daigoro Goh) 19th Cent. 29: 267. — — Political Development in. (C. S. Eby) Our Day, 2 : I. — New Epoch in. (C. S. Eby) Our Day, 3: 413. — Notes on. Sat. R. 71 : 304. — Old, Tales of, Dening’s. Ath. '89, I: 272. — Parliament in, The New. (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 5I: 265. — — Starting a . . (J. H. Wigmore) Scrib. M. Io: 33. — (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 52: 357. — Parliamentary Days in. (J. H. Wigmore) Scrib. M. IO: 243. — Parliamentary Elections in. (T. M. McNair) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 195. — Parliamentary Government in, Preparation for Be- ginning. (D. C. Greene) Our Day, 4: 32. – Perry's Expedition to. (J. S. Sewall) N. Eng. 53: 2OI, 331. — Politics in. (E. W. Clement) Nation, 46: 468. — — in 1886–7. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 7: 163. — Politics of, Christianity as a Factor in. (W. C. Kitchin) Chaut. I3: 346. — Political Parties in. (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 51: (C. C. Starbuck) And, R. 8: 202. I5: *. I 45. — Political Progress in. (W. E. Griffis) Forum, Io: 7OI. – Progress in. Ed. R. I72: 56. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 785. — The Reaction in. (J. H. Wigmore) Nation, 52: 237. — Rein’s Travels in. Sat. R. 63: 917. — Religion of. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 6o: 836. 227 JASMIN Japan, Religious Crisis in 1891. (N. Kishimoto) And. R. I5: 598. — Religious Revolution in. Spec. 61: 815. Our Day, 2: 307. — Representative Institutions in. Nation, 51: 68. — Reverie of. (H. F. Abell) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 511. — Riding in. (C. D. Chandler) Outing, 18: 218. – A School Ceremony in. (C. Meriwether) Nation, 53: Same art. (J. H. Wigmore) 445. — Shrines of Nikko. (J. La Farge) Cent. 17: 859. — State Legislature in. (E. W. Clement) Nation, 5o: I73. — A Summer Holiday in. Macmil. 64: 448. – Tariff in. (E. H. House) N. Princ. 5: 66. — Thraldom of. (E. H. House) Atlan. 60: 721. – Tour in. (V. Brinkley) Fortn. 47: 676. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 614. – Trade and Commerce of. Arts, I7: 301. — Treaties of U. S. with. 605. — — Revision of. — Nation, 46: 254. – Unitarian Mission-Field in. R. 35: 138. - – United States Courts in. Law R. 22: 125. – Varley’s Pictures from. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 22: (W. Davison) J. Soc. (W. E. Griffis) And. R. 9: (J. K. Newton) Bib. Sae. 44; 46. 52: 5o. — Amer. Ig: 191. (N. Kishimoto) Unita. (R. D. Hubbard) Am. IOI. — Winter Journey to. (L. Hearn) Harper, 81: 860. — Women of. (P. Loti) Harper, 82: 119. — (H. H. S. Thompson) Overland, m. s. II: 173. — Yema, or Votive Pictures in. (W. E. De Forest) Am. Antiq. I3: 331. t Japanese, The. (E. Arnold) Scrib. M. g.: 17. — at Play. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 6: 207. — Character of. (R. Nakashima) N. Eng. 50: 97. — Character and Social Industries of. (H. N. Shore) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 629. Japanese Art Symbols. (W. E. Griffis) Scrib. M. 5: 88. Japanese Art-Work. (E. Hart) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 1204– 1268. Japanese Children. Sat. R. 65: 630, Japanese Editors. Sat. R. 72: 415. Japanese Execution, A. (F. Abell) Gont. M. n. s. 39: 189. Japanese Exhibition, London, 1890. Spec. 64; 373. Japanese Librarian, A. (J. Winsor) Nation, 53: 334. Japanese Novel, Something about. (Mrs. E. M. Davy) Belgra. 75: 49. Japanese Ornament, Symmetry in. Portfo. 22: 157. Japanese Pictures at the British Museum. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 23: 190. — (Walter Armstrong) Art J. 40: 126. Japanese Pottery, Bowes's. Nation, 51: 383. – J. L. (A. H. Church) Morse on. Art J. 42: 382. Japanese Sword-Guards. (A. H. Church) Portfo. 20: 177, 188. Japanese Tales. Sat. R. 69: Io. Japanese Tea-Drinking Ceremony. Cosmopol. 5: I37. Japanese Theatre, The. Io: 685. Japanese Watering-Place, Trip to a. Chaut. I2: 56. Jaquet, Jean Paul. 27I. - Jarnac, Gui C. de. “Le Coup de Jarnac.” (H. C. Macdowell) Macmil. 63: 130. Jasmin, Jaques; Chapters from Some Unwritten Mem- oirs. Macmil. 62: 187. (J. K. Goodrich) (E. R. Scidmore) Cosmopol. (L. Bastide) (E. J. Sellers) Pennsyl. M. 13: . JAVA 2 Java, English Conquest of, in 1811. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 27: 621. – Liv. Age, 185: 419. Javan Hackett’s Ill-Mended Fortunes. (E. C. Martin) Scrib. M. 7: 456. Jay, John, Correspondence and Public Papers of: Pel- lew's Life of. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) II: III. Jay, William. Cong. R. 4: 1. JE in the Middle Books of the Pentateuch. (B. W. Bacon) J. Bib. Lit. 9: 161. Io: Ioz. Jealousy; a Comedietta. (M. W. Wildrick) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 354. Jean Wilson. (F. M. Maitland) Irish Mo. 17: 95. Jeanne. (J. E. Curran) Scrib. M. 5: 476, 533. Jeanne Zephir's Lovers; a story. (Lady D. Hardy) Belgra. 75: 366. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 753. Jeddah. (H. E. M. Shetfield) Longm. 16: 291. Jefferies, Richard. Ath. '87, 2: 245. – Spec. 6o: 1148. – (H. D. Traill) Contemp. 52; 477. — Acad. 32: II9. —Lond. Q. 71: 225. – (H. S. Salt) Temp. Bar, 92: 215. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 186. Same art. To-Day, 3: 163. – Liv. Age, Igo: 190. — Mur- ray, 8: 421. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 125. - and the Open Air. National, Io: 242. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 432. — Besant’s Eulogy of. Spec. 61: 1589. — (C. E. Daw- kins) Acad. 34: 315. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 466. — Ath. '88, 2: 765. – Gent. M. m. s. 42: 253. — Field and Hedgerow. Sat. R. 67: 161. Jefferson, Joseph, at Home. (W. H. Ballou) Cosmo- pol. 7: 121. — and L. R. Shewell. Shadows of a Great City. Thea- tre, IQ: IO2. — Autobiography. Cent. I7: 3–803. I8: 135–814. — Autobiography of. (B. Matthews) Nation, 51: 386. — (J. B. Runnion) Dial (Ch.) II: 237. Jefferson, Thomas. (C. J. Little) Chaut. I4: 141. — Adams on the Administrations of. (H. W. Thurs- ton) Dial (Ch.) II: 33. – Nation, 49: 480, 504. — (J. C. Welling) Nation, 50: 376. – Nation, 50: 395. — and the Study of English. (E. A. Allen) Acad. (Syr.) 4: I. — Home of. (J. G. Nicolay) Cent. I2: 643. — A New [Pen] Portrait of. Overland, n. s. 16: 547. — Outdoor Life of. (J. P. Foley) Outing, 13: 251. — A Study of. (E. P. Powell) Arena, 3: 712. — An Unpublished Letter of. N. Eng. 53: 573. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Magnetic Field in. (R. W. Willson) Am. J. Sci. I39: 87. Jeffrey, Francis. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 56: 256. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 707. Jégado, Hélène, Crimes of. Green Bag, I : 493. Jehovah and Elohim in Genesis. (A. Neubauer) Ath. '88, I: 470. — Orthography of. (C. J. Ball) Acad. 34: 44. – Was it a Jewish Fetish Stone? (A. Lang) Contemp. 57: 353. Jellett, John Hewitt. Nature, 37: 396. Jelly-Fishes, Growth of. (W. K. Brooks) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 577, 740. — Sting of. Science, I4: 390. Jemimy Bascom. (P. Henry) Scrib. M. 2: 54. Jemison, Mary. 1742 or 3–1833. (J. M. Parker) Cos- mopol. I: 371. Jenkin, Fleeming. Sat. R. 65: 416. —Spec. 61: 270. — Papers. Ath. '88, I: 366. — Stevenson's Memoir of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 86. Jenkin's Bend, a Primary Study in Government. F. Crehore) Education, 7: 547. Jenkins Family of Rhode Island. (S. Jenkins) Narrag. Reg. 5: 151. Jenkins, R. E., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 13: 316. “Jennie Kissed Me.” (M. Lee) Critic, I5; 20. (C. O And 8 JESUIT Jennings, John D., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 13: I O2. Jennison, Wm., jr., Journal of, Extracts from. Collum) Pennsyl. M. 15: IoI. Jenny Brooke. (J. MacL. Cobban) Longm. Io: 46. Jenny Geddes and the Devouter Sex. (J. Hutton) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 129. Jenny Harlowe. (W. C. Russell) Eng. Illust. 6: 555, (R. S. 716. Jeräbis, Inscribed Stones from. (C. J. Ball) Acad. 33: 416. Jeremiah, Life and Times of. (G. F. Moore) And. R. II: 650. (W. C. Russell) Chamb. J. 66: 8–56. (C. M. Jeremy York. Jerichans, The , a Danish Artist Family. Waage) Overland, n. s. 16: 370. Jermy, Seth, Captain of the English Frigate “Night- ingale.” (J. K. Laughton) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 65. Jerome, St. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 68: 468. – and his Times. Lond. Q. 70: 305. Jerrolan Caves of New South Wales. 737. Jerrold, Douglas. Meliora, 2: 17. Jerry. (S. Elliott) Scrib. M. v. 7–9. – and Clarinda. (W. H. Bishop) Harper, 74: 959. Jersey, Island of. (E. Lambert) Chaut. Io: 308. – A Week in. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 48: 497. Jerusalem. Spec. 64: 725. — Early Kings of ; Accession Dates. Eng. Hist. R. 4: 89. – Roman Milestone of. (Clermont-Garneau) Ath. '88, Chamb. J. 66: (T. A. Archer) 2: 39. – Round about. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. I6: 42. – Temple of. Spec. 64: 757. Jess. (H. R. Haggard) Cornh. 55: 90-430. Jesse, Mrs. Emily Tennyson. (J. Purnell) Ath. '87, 1: I62. Jest of Fate, A. Jesters, Court, of England. II : 444. Jesuits, The. (J. J. I. v. Döllinger and H. Reusch) Church Q. 28: 341. — and Benedictines in England, 1602–8, Documents on. (T. G. Law) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 730. — and the Renaissance. (W. S. Lilly) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 114. — (P. F. Willert) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 336. – and Seculars in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Law on. Ath. 'go, I : 171. — (J. Morris) Dub. R. Ioff: (V. Roseboro') Cent. I5: 932. (E. Singleton) Cosmopol. 244. – Apostolic Schools of. Month, 67: 506. — Ethics of. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. II: 570. – Immoral Teaching of. (S. M. Brandi) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 472. – in England, Baffling of. Ed. R. I73: 495. – in England, in 1540–81. (F. Goldie) Month, 73: 39. — Irish, since 1800. Irish Mo. 18: I. — Methods of, in Foreign Mission Work. son) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 38. — Philosophy among the. 254. — Pope Clement's Suppression of. Am. Cath. Q. 13: (W. Robin- (F. Winterton) Mind, 12: 696. - Jesuit College at Pau, Life in. (H. Dziewicki) 19th Cent. 30: 813. Jesuit Estates in Canada. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 322. Jesuit Maxim ; The End justifies the Means. (J. A. Corcoram) Am. Cath. Q. I3: I 19. Jesuit Novitiate, A Glimpse into a. (H. Dziewicki) Blackw. I46: 366. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 638. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 805. JESUITISM Jesuitism and Morals: Döllinger-Reusch History. (W. Arthur) Theo. Mo. I : 73–252. Jesus Christ “Among the Doctors” in Clifton College Chapel. (W. H. Hunt) Contemp. 58: 181. — and Christianity. (E. R. Conder) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 38. — and the Four Gospels. Church Q. 32: 29. — and God-Consciousness. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. I8: 538. — and Mohammed. (W. H. Eyre) Month, 71; 268. — and Modern Thought. Church Q. 23: 473. — Answers of. (R. W. Hufford) Luth. Q. 2I: 406. — Apocalypse of, in the Gospels. (C. A. Briggs) Presb. R. 9: 263. — at Twelve Years Old. (A. Raleigh) Sunday M. I& I3O. — Birth of ; was it Supernatural 2 (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 443 — a Buddhist 2 (M. M. Snell) New Eng. 54: 448. – (C. de Harlez) Cath. World, 53: 219. – (F. L. Os- wald) Arena, 3: I93. — Calvary and the Tomb of. ray, IO: 305. (Rev. H. Smith) Mur- * – Character of. (W. B. Carpenter) Sunday M. 19: * — God Man. d • — His Abdication of Delegated Authority. 52I. — Characteristic Scenes in the Life of. penter) Sunday M. Ig: 50. — The Christ of the Church. (A. J. Nelson) Meth. R. 50: 223. - (W. B. Car- z – Christology and Biogenesis. (I. E. Graeff) Ref. Q. 35 : 94. — Conceptions of, among the Early Christians. W. Farrar) Sunday M. I.7: 373. — Crucifixion of, Day of. (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 4: 86. — — Proximate Causes of. (T. Hill) And. R. I5: 24I. — Death of. (W. O. Ayres) Bib. Sac. 44; 293. — Descent into Hell. (E. C. Smyth) And. R. II: 414. — (R. J. Cooke) Meth. R. 50: 566. — Did He Claim to be the Messiah 2 (J. E. Carpenter) Unita. R. 36: 85. — the Divine Gardener. (H. Macmillan) Sunday M. Ig: (F. 81o. 9 — Divine Sonship of. (E. C. Sweetser) Univ. Q. 48: 196. — Divinity of, Liddon's. Spec. 63: 371. — Doctrine of. (J. P. Gulliver) And. R. I6: 373. — Exaltation of. (J. Hutchison) Meth. R. 47: 439. — the Face of. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. 16: 332. — the Final Test of Biblical Criticism. (H. Osgood) Bapt. R. 9: 357. — Flight into Egypt. (H. Van Dyke) Harper, 80: 44. — Footprints of. (J. W. Bum) Theo. Mo. 4: 194. (O. E. Accola) Ref. Q. 37: 194, 290. — God the Son in the Moral Government of the World. (G. F. Genung) Bapt. R. Io: 489. — the Greater Miracle. (E. C. Moore) And. R. I5: 505. *— the Healer of the Broken-Hearted. Good Words, 30: 498. — High Priest of the World. Presb. & Ref. R. I : 373. — Humiliation of. (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 3: Io. — Human Knowledge possessed by. (W. Humphrey) Month, 67: 215. — Human Limitations of. Io: 67. (N. Macleod) (S. M. Woodbridge) (C. Van Norden) And. R. (A. C. Kendrick) Bib. Sac. 47: 68. – Immanence of. (J. W. Buckham) And. R. I6: 167. — Impeccability of. (W. T. G. Shedd) Presb. R. 9: re pe º X D. — in Christianity. (E. H. Crosby) And. R. I2: 411. 229 JESUS Jesus Christ, in Prophecy, in Person, and in History. (B. F. Manire) Chris. Q. 8: 434. — in Recent Fiction. Atlan. 66: 693. — Incarnation of ; was it Dependent on Human Sin 2 (M. Valentine) Luth. Q. 21: 321. — Israel's Refusal of. (G. Gottheil) Unita. R. 27: I. — Jesus of Nazareth. (W. H. Furness) Unita. R. 32: 47. — — Was He Supernatural 2 (W.W. Hopkins) Church Q. 8: 70. — Kingdom of, Future of. (D. Curry) Meth. R. 47: 9. — — Nature and Relations of. (M. Valentine) Luth. Q. Ig: 69. — Knowing Christ after the Flesh. Theo. Mo. 6: 47. — Knowledge of, as Man. Church Q. 33: I. — Life of, Coleridge's. Dub. R. IO2: 62. — — Didon's. (A. F. Millar) Cath. World, 52: 677.- Church. Q. 32: 281. — — Rationalistic Criticism of. R. 8: 37. — Lives of. Dub. R. IO2: 354. — — Didon and Frouard's. Month, 7I: 417. — the Manhood Standard. (L. H. Parsons) Sunday M. I7: 725. — Mental Characteristics of, Bernard on. Lond. Q. 7o: I61. — Mussulman Traditions on. (M. Monteiro) Reliquary, 27: 2O5. — Names of, Pauline Usage of. (B. Hellier) Theo. Mo. 3 : 73, 239. 4: I 7. – National Types of. IOI. — Nativity of, in Art. (A. Meynell) Art J. 42: 354.— (E. A. Starr) Cath. World, 44; 460. — New Testament Account of. (G. S. Weaver) Univ. Q. 47: 53. — of St. Paul. (E. L. Houghton) Univ. Q. 44:.389. — Originality or Newness, Homeliness, and Severity of. (H. Jones) Good Words, 31: 426. — Passion of. (S. Crane) Univ. Q. 46: 77 — Paul's Doctrine of the Risen Christ. Unita. R. 27: 508. (P. J. Gloag) (P. Van Dyke Presb. (W. H. Ingersoll) Cosmopol. 6: (C. Masco) — Person of. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 19: I. — — in Pascal's Apologetic. (W. B. Selbie) Cong. R. 2: 448. – Person and Work of. (J. W. Richard) Luth. Q. Ig: 363. — Personal Opinion of. (A. A. Pfanstiehl) Ref. Q. 34: I72. — the Propitiation for Sin. (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 45: 26. — Poverty of. (H. Simon) Sunday M. 17: 274. — Reign of. Chris. Q. 6; 558. — Religion and the Personal Christ. Univ. Q. 46: I58. - — Resurrection of. (W. Jones) Meth. R. 51: 765.- (H. H. Bourn) Theo. Mo. 3: 262. – (E. L. Houghton) Univ. Q. 45: 209. — (G. M. Harmon) Univ. Q. 47: I 71. - - — — Huxley on. (S. F. Smith) Month, 66: 195. — — Is it the Corner-Stone of Christianity? (C. A. Al- len) Unita. R. 29: 530. — — a Part of Christianity. (C. W. Biddle) (L. S. Potwin) Bib. Sae. 47: I 77. — Return of, with Power. (W. B. Carpenter) Sunday M. Ig: 227. - — the Riches of. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 18: 134. — Second Advent of. (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 324. – (M. D. Shuller) Univ. Q. 44: 337. – Cong. R. 2: 143. — Sepulchre of, True Site of. World, 48: 763. (A. M. Clark) Cath. JESUS Jesus Christ, shall we Call Him Master? (J. P. Lesley) Forum, 4: 484. - Son of God. (S. Schwarm) Luth. Q. 20: 248. – Son of Man. (R. Eddy) Univ. Q. 46: 94. – Sternness of, Huxley on. Spec. 62: 228. – Story of the Cross. (L. Abbott) Cong. R. I : 758. – Study of. (G. W. Cable) Our Day, 2: 89. Same art. Cong. R. 2: 1084. — Substitute, Ransom, and Atonement. liams) Univ. Q. 45: 67. – the Superhuman. (P. M. Bikle) Luth. Q. 21: 431. — Super-Naturalism vs. Naturalism. And. R. II: 516. , - Temptation of. (J. Hawkins) Luth. Q. 20: 33. — (F. G. Cholmondeley) Theo. Mo. 3: 205. – (E. Smiley) Univ. Q. 44; 419. — Transfiguration of. (R. McC. Edgar) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 22. – Unrecorded Sayings of. Church Q. 31: 1. Jesus, Son of Sirach. (A. Bernstein) Theo. Mo. 2: 349. Jet, Reaction of a Liquid. (J. B. Webb) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 144. Jet, Whitby. (J. A. Bower) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 80. Jetties for Improving Estuaries. (L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 306, 410. Jew ; The Paronomasia in Rom. ii. 29. reira) — Theo. Mo. 5: 313. — Why am I a 2 (H. P. Mendes) No. Am. I44: 596. Jews, Agitation against, in Europe. (G. H. Schodde) And. R. II: 395. — and the Bible. (J. Cohen) Westm. I36: 66. — and Italy. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 53: 82. — Antisemitic Movement in Europe. (A. de Ghequier) Cath. World, 48: 74t. — as Workmen in England. (D. F. Schloss) 19th Cent. 29: 96. – Attractions of England and America for. 536. — Christian Polemics against. (A. C. McGiffert) Presb. R. 9: 463. — Colonies of, in Palestine. (C. R. Conder) Blackw. I49: 856. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 131. — Conversion of. Church Q. 26: 185. — Doctrines of, at Time of Jesus. (T. Slater) Month, 65: 229. – English, Comparative Anthropometry of. cobs and I. Spielman) Anthrop. J. Ig: 76. — English Exchequer of. Nation, 46: 443. — Exodus from Egypt. (I. Taylor) Good Words, 30: (R. O. Wil- (H. W. Pe- Spec. 62: (J. Ja- 459. — a Good Word for the. (K. Blind) No. Am. I49: 673. — History of, Kittel's. Hist. R. 3: 351. — — Renan's. (C. Adler) Amer. I7: Io2, I 19. I8: 248, 264. — Church Q. 27: 391. — Ath. '87, 2: 595. ’89, I: 141. – (W. R. Smith) Eng. Hist. R. 3: I27. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 45: 503. — (M. Heilprin) Nation, 46: 16. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: I 15. — (E. G. Hirsch) Dial (Ch.) 9: 39. — Ed. R. I67: 482. — (G. F. Moore) And. R. 9: 547, 657. — Spec. 62: 649. – (T. S. Cartright) Church R. 53: 217. –Westm. I28: II 26. — — Stade's. And. R. I2: 333. – (M. Heilprin) Na- tion, 44; 21 I, 235. — — Wellhausen's. (R. T. Polk.) Univ. Q. 47: 413. — in Early Spanish History. (M. P. Villamil) Cath. World, 54: 86, 360. — in Egypt, and the Exodus. R. 33: 253. — in England; New Chief Rabbi. Spec. 66: 888. — in Europe. Gent. M. m. s. 46: 323. - — in Fiction. Ath. '90, I: 730. — — Philipson on. Spec. 63: 305. (W. Robertson Smith) Eng. (A. W. Thayer) Unita. 230 JEWISH Jews in France. (F. Jeffrée) Dub. R. IoI: 323. Io2: 34. — in London, Wealth of. Spec. 60: 619. — in Paris. (MI. Du Camp) Chaut. 8: 161. – in Russia. Blackw. I48: 441. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 283. -- (E. B. Lauin) Fortn. 54: 481. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: I 13. – Sat. R. 71: 673–704. — Spec. 65: 857. 66: 619. — (C. N. Barham) Westm. 136: 138. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 748. – Con- temp. 59: 309. - (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Forum, II: 103. – (I. A. Hourwitch) Forum, II: 611. – (C. B. R. Kent) National, 17: 828. — — and the Czar. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 8. — — Baron Hirsch and. Spec. 66: 746. — — Colonization for. (A. White and E. B. Lanin) New R. 5: 97. — — Financial and International Aspects. Beaulieu) Forum, I2: 441. — — International Aid for. 8: I. * — — Legal Condition of. (C. Gross) Nation, 53: 184. — — May the United States intercede in Favor of ? (W. E. Blackstone) Our Day, 8: 241. — — New Exodus. Spec. 67: 375. — — New Light on. (G. Smith) No. Am. I 53: 129. — — — Russian Barbarities and their Apologist. (H. Adler) No. Am. I53: 513. — — — Goldwin Smith and. Spec. 67: 245. — (I. B. Bendavid) No. Am. I53: 257. — — Refuge for. (M. de Hirsch) Forum, II: 627. — — Tsar vs. Jew. (Countess of Desart) 19th Cent. 29: 969. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 189. – in Spain, Persecutions of. (H. C. Lea) Eng. Hist. R. 4 : 229. — in the United States. (P. Cowen) Chaut. g.: 604, — — Jewish Christian Conference at Chicago, 1891. (G. F. Magoun) Our Day, 7: 266. – Israelite and Indian ; a Parallel in Planes of Culture. (G. Mallery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 52, 193. — Mendelsohn's Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient. Nation, 53: 168. – Movements Towards Christianity. And. R. 9: 431. — of Morółco. Spec. 60: 1615. — of the North End of Boston. Unita. R. 35: 362. — Oriental. (C. R. Conder) Scot. R. 18: 1. – Pauperism among. Spec. 60: 554. — Prejudice against, at Summer Resorts. Rhine) Forum, 3: 523. — Roman Catholic Church and. World, 51: 232. — Social Phenomena of Early. (F.W. Blackmar) Over- land, n. S. 9: 361. Jewels and Dress. (M. E. Haweis) Contemp. 56: 94. Jewel Merchants of Mynors Court; a story. (A. Hope) Murray, 2: 13. Jeweler, Art of. (C. Giuliano) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 391. Jewelry; Boots' Parfaict Ioaillier. Sat. R. 7o: 286. — Hall-Marking of. (A. Lutschaunig) J. Soc. Arts, 24; 334. – Oriental and English. Spec. 64; 369. Jewett, Charles C. (R. A. Guild) Lib. J. I2: 507. Jewett, Hugh J., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 61. Jewett, John S., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M.West. Hist. I2: 565. Jewitt, Llewellyn. (W. H. Goss) Reliquary, 27: 1. Jewish Character, Both Sides of. (F. J. Dowsett) Westm. I30: 147. Jewish Chronicles, Mediaeval; Neubauer’s edition. (M. Friedländer) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 360. Jewis Fiction, Recent. (B. Berenson) And. R. Io: 5ö7. (A. Leroy- (C. Hamlin) Our Day, (G. H. Schodde) (R. C. MacDonald) (A. H. (F. McGloin) Cath. *Jogis and Jogaism. JEWISH Jewish Life in the Time of Christ. Lond. Q. 67: 205. Jewish Literature, History of. (C. Adler) Amer. I3: I67. Jewish Pseudepigraphic Writings. (W. J. Deane) Theo. Mo. 2: 162. Jewish Religion, Sack's History of. Eng. Hist. R. 5: 574. Jhansi Massacre, My Escape from the. 3oo. Jim's Little Woman. Jim's Meg ; a story. Murray, 2: 777. Age, I76: 75. e Jim Wilson's Resolve; a story. Meliora, 7: 82. Jimmy the Duck; a story. (F. Houghton) Outing, II: I 55. “Jin.” (H. Musgrave) Longm. I3: 16o. Liv. Age, I79: 783. Jireczek, Josef. (A. H. Wratislaw) Ath. '89, 2: 256. Jóan I., Queen of Naples. Art J. 40: 53. Joan of Arc. (F. M. Wyndham) Dub. R. Io9: 54.— (B. Hutton) Lond. Soc. 57: 260. – (E. Schreiber) Month, 70: 487. – in England. (W. D. Adams) Theatre, 26: 69. – Monuments of. Am. Arch. 26: 191. Joao IV., King of Portugal, with portrait. Leis. Hour, : 383. Job and his Friends. (E. H. Plumptre) Sunday M. 17: 85-394. — and Solomon, Cheyne's. (A. Neubauer) Chamb. J. 66: (S. O. Jewett) Harper, 82: Ioo. Same art. Liv. Same art. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 31: I39. - - Jockey Club, Black on. Sat. R. 72: 706. Joe Gilfillan. (J. E. Curran) Harper, 79: 569. Joe Griffith. Macmil. 59: 45. Joel Quaife's Return; a story. (L. J. Jennings) Mur- ray, 6: 768. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 103. Jötunheim, Walk through. (T. B. Willson) Leis. Hour, 38: 491. All the Year, 65: 66. Month, 66: 244. Q: Isaac. – A Poem. (J. P. Baxter) M. Am. Hist. 25: 77. ~~ John, Jona, Jonas, Jonah, Confusion of, in Versions of New Testament. (F. Chance) Acad. 40: 457. John the Baptist. (A. Bierbower) Unita. R. 34: 302. — (C. P. Jacobs) Bapt. R. I2: 446. John, St., A Character Study. (H. N. Bernard) Theo. Mo. 3; 319. — Theology of. 37; 649. John and Paul, Martyrs, House of, on the Coelian Hill at Rome. (P. Germano) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 261. : 2 - (P. J. Gloag) Brit. & For. Evang. R. John, King, Journeys of. Leis. Hour, 36: 175. — Times of. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 614. John, Dugenie. (S. Baring Gould) Gent. M. n. s. 4o: 76. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 352. “John,” Ship, Wreck of, 1732. Pennsyl. M. 13: 99. John Brown Song, Origin of the. (G. Kimball) New Eng. M. n. s. I : 371. John Bull Abroad. (Max O’Rell) No. Am. I46: 14. John Charrington's Wedding; a story. Temp. Bar, 93 : Ios. - John Davidson ; a story. Argosy, 43: 190. John Evelyn's Daughter. (A. L. Carter) Atlan. 62: 266. John Everard's Difficulties; a story. (A. Chambers) Belgra. 66: 171. John Huxford's Hiatus. Liv. Age, I78: 210. John Latham's Life and Fate. (M. M. Dowie) Chamb. J. 68: 28. (T. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. S Cornh. 57: 598. Same art. John Nelson's Reformation. (Phila.) 4: 72–607. 6: 368. 231 JOHNSTOWN John Smith, junior; a story. (E. J. Clayden) Argosy, 49 : 1 I 5. John Vale's Guardian. (D. C. Murray) Chamb. J. 66: I-616. John Van Alstyne's Factory. World, v. 46–49. Johnny Lane. (E. B. Gurton) Lend a H. 3: 554. Johns Hopkins Medical School, Opening of, to Women. Cent. Ig: 632. Johns Hopkins University. (D. C. Gilman) Cosmopol. II: 462. – J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: nos. 3, 4.—Na- tion, 47: 493. - Social Life at. (J. Cummings) Lippine. 40: 452. Johnson, Andrew, Eloquence of, 1861. (C. Aldrich) M. Am. Hist. 25: 47. * — Good Things from. (S. H. M. Byers) M. Am. Hist. 26: 302. — Grant, Seward, Sumner, and. I45: 69. – Personal Recollections of. (C. K. Tuckerman) M. Am. Hist. 20: 39. Johnson, Hon. D. H., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 7: 69. Johnson, Michael, alias Crispus Attucks, Inquest on. (J. S. H. Fogg) N. E. Reg. 44; 382. Johnson, Robert Underwood. Critic, I8: 303. Johnson, Dr. Samuel. (W. Besant) Harper, 82; 927. — Spec. 61: 357. — and Charles Lamb. (P. W. Roose) Temp. Bar, 86: 237. — as a Radical. (G. B. Hill) Contemp. 55: 888. – as a Temperance Moralist. Meliora, 8: 60. — Boswell’s Life of ; Hill's edition. Ath. '87, I: 825. — (W. Summers) Cong. R. I : I o23. — (M. B. An- derson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 177. — (T. R. Lounsbury) Nation, 45; 296. — (A. Morgan) Church R. 50: 5 I 3. — — Centenary of. — Characteristics of. In. S. 44: I 55. — Favorites of. Macmil. 59: 185. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 281. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 270. — London Homes of. (C. A. Ward) Antiq. m. s. 17: I 2. — Style of. (G. B. Hill) Macmil. 57: 190. Liv. Age, I'76: 288. Johnson, Samuel, 1st President of Columbia College. (W. W. Olssen) Church R. 49: 536. Johnson's Island, Escape from. So. Hist. Pap. I8: 428. — — Plan of. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 283. — Plain Living at. (H. Carpenter) Cent. Ig: 705. Johnston, Gen. Albert Sydney. (A. Q. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 460. Johnston, Alexander. (C. A. Young) Critic, I5: 56. – on Literary Criticism. (D. O. Kellogg) Critic, I5: 68. - Johnston, Capt. George B. (J. H. Lane) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 132. Johnston, Henry. Chronicles of Glenbuckie. Sat. R. 67: 648. Johnston, Gen. Joseph E. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 52: 255. —So. Hist. Pap. 18: 158. — (L. Robinson) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 337. % R. Dorsey) Cath. (G. Baber) No. Am. (J. H. Kennedy) (G. B. Hill) Macmil. 64; 37. (H. W. Massingham) Gent. M. Same art. — Johnson's Life of. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 53: 433. Johnston, Richard Malcolm. (S. B. Herrick) Cent. I4: 276. Spec. 62: 784. Johnstown, Pa., Flood at. (G. G. Groff) — How Sickness was Prevented at. Chaut. Io: 563. — The Money Sent to. (J. A. Beaver) No. Am. I49: I29. — Philanthropy at. (Clara Barton) No. Am. I49: 142. JOINTS 2 Joints, Longitudinal Riveted. (J. H. Cooper) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 131. Joint Stock Companies, Formation of. M. (Lond.) 50: 730. Jokai, Maurice. (S. J. Low) Blackw. 144: 565. — (J. Heard, jr.) Poet-Lore, 3: 135. Joking, Psychology of. (J. H. Jackson) Pop. Sci. Mo. Bank. 32: 327. Jonah § A Bible Study. (C. Reade) Good Words, 29: 47ö. Jonah Froth. Chamb. J. 64: 397. Jonas Lee. (P. L. Sternbergh) Overland, n. s. 9: 33. Jonathan. (F. G. Cholmondeley) Theo. Mo. 6: 276. Jones, Ebenezer, a Poet reduvivus. (T. S. Perry) Harv. Mo. 4: 127. Jones, E. Burne, as a Decorator. Portfo. 20: 214. — Legend of the Briar Rose. Ath. 'go, I: 538. Jones, Henry A. The Dancing Girl. Sat. R. 71: 99. — Theatre, 26: 98. — — A Sermon at the Haymarket. (F. G. Stephens) Westm. 136: 605. — The Deacon. Theatre, 25: 185. — Hard Hit. (E. A. Bendall) Theatre, 18: 99. — Judah. Sat. R. 69: 640. — (F. Wedmore) Acad. 37: 396. — Theatre, 25: 24. — The Middle-Man. Theatre, 23: 200. – Wealth. Theatre, 22: 326. Jones, Inigo. (R. T. Blomfield) Portfo. 20: 88–126. Jones, Col. John. (A. Perry) N. E. Reg. 44; 158. Jones, John Paul. (M. E. Wemyss) Blackw. I42: 541. – and the Armed Neutrality. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 6o: 786. — Funeral of. Atlan. 65: 712. — Letter of. Pennsyl. M. II: 338. Jones, Dr. S. J., with portrait. West. Hist. II: 425. Jones, Dr. Thomas P., Memoir of. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 1. Jones. Wilton. The Yorkshire Lass. Theatre, 26: 152. Jonson, Ben. (A. C. Swinburne) 19th Cent. 23: 603, 693. — Discoveries as to. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 50: 425. - Masques of. (E. Gosse) Acad. 37: 138. — Miscellaneous Works of. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. (H. L. Conard) M. (F. Fowler) J. (C. Howard) 5O: 24. — Swinburne on. Ath. '90, I: 315, 379. — Symonds's. (F. S. Palmer) Harv, Mo. 4: 96. — Spec. 60: 769. Joppa, A House-Top at. 2O: 526. Jordan, Chester B., with portrait. Granite Mo. I2: 65. Jordan, John, jr., Proceedings on Death of. Pennsyl. M. I4: supp. Jordan, Some Ruins beyond the. tion, 53: 4O4. Josef Israels. (Robert Walker) Good Words, 28: 6oo. Joseph, History of. (T. Whitelaw) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 491, 706. — and his Brethren: a Modern Yorkshire Mystery. (I. S. A. Herford) N. Eng. 51: 284. — Brethren of, Repentance of. (S. Cox) Sunday M. Ig: 308. Josephine, Empress of France. Am. I48: 435. — and Marie-Louise. (C. C. Jackson) Temp. Bar, 81: 467. – Liv. Age, 175: 738. — House of. (G. Hamilton) No. Am. I48: 613. Josephus, Flavius, and the Bible. (B. Pick) Luth. Q. I9: 325, 599. — and Christianity: Historical Puzzle. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. (John P. Peters) Na- (G. Hamilton) No. (R. A. Proc- &T) ~. tº y JUDAISM 2 Joshua Tanfield's Romance. 57: 592. Josiah's Relict; a story. I O I. Josiah Brinkman's Second Marriage. (F. Selons) Lond. Soc. 56: 152. Jouffroy d'Abbans, Claude François Dorothée, Marquis de. Ath. '89, 2: 260. . * Joule, James Prescott. Acad. 36: 272. – Nature, 4o: 613. – Ath. '89, 2: 526. -- Scientific Work of. (Prof. Dewar) Nature, 43: 110. Journal of a French Mariner. (W. F. Dickes) Eng. Il- lust. 4: 673. Journalism, American. (P. Blouet) No. Am. 150: 364. – – Beginnings of. (S. G. W. Benjamin) M. Am. Hist. 17: 1. — — A Decade of. (Z. L. White) Westm. 128: 850. — and Literature. (W. J. Stillman) Atlan. 68: 687. tº as a Profession. (E. F. Carpenter) Education, 7: 410. — Sat. R. 65: 249. * – for Young Men. (J. Parton) Writer, 2: 103. – Centralisation of. (C. Fiske) Writer, I: 91. *- Chances in. (A. Forman) Author, 3: 15. — Character in. (W. J. Fowler) Writer, 2: 6. – Days when I went Journaling. (An Ex-Editor) Lip- pinc. 43; 223. – English and American. (H. Chartres) Lond. Soc. (K. P. Osgood) Cosmopol. 2: (W. H. S. Lloyd) Writer, 3 : 35. — – Tendency of. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. 14: 2I 6. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 7: 503. — Illustrated. (C. Thomas) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 173. (T. W. Barnes) Inducements of, to College Men. Harv. Mo. 6: 127. – London. Sat. R. 63: 578. – Mexican. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 47: 450. — Modern. (H. E. Smith) Overland, m. s. 15: 474. — — Some Methods of. Chamb. J. 68: 317. — the New. (T. P. O'Connor) New R. 1: 423. – on the Western Border. (F.O. Popenoe) Writer, I32. • — Pacific Coast. (W. R. Hearst) Overland, m. s. *: ſ: 4O3. º A— Preparation for. (C. Moore) Harv. Mo. 6: 132. – The Public as Confidant. Spec. 66: 62o. * Qualifications for. (G. P. Lathrop) Chaut. 7: 193. 4–Schools of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 50: 197. – Semi-Denominational. And. R. 8: 414. A Western. (Z. L. White) Harper, 77: 678. Joy, Albert Bruce. Tinsley, 45: 561. Joy. (J. L. Gilder) Lippinc. 45: 867. Joyce. Blackw. v. I4I-I43. Juan Fernandez Island. Chamb. J. 65: 513. Juana's Ordeal. (K. Du Bois) Overland, n. s. 16: 653. Juana Alvarez. Macmil. 57: 112. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 81 I. Jubilee of George III. Cornh. 55: 509. Jubilees, Book of, Chapters 31–45. (Transl. by G. H. Schodde) Bib. Sac. 44; 426. — — Chapters 46–50. Bib. Sac. 45: 602. Jubilees, Unconsidered Aspects of. (C.W. Jones) Leis. Hour, 36: 385. Jubilee Day’s Experience ; a story. Murray, 2: 51. Jubilee Years. Chamb. J. 64; 161. Juby, Cape, Dritish Settlement at. Blackw. I46: 412. Judaea, Excavations in. (A. H. Sayce) Contemp. 58: 427. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 96. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 555. Judaism, American, Current Phases of. (A. S. Isaacs) And. R. Io: 62. — and Christianity, Early Relations between. (D. Mackenzie) (E. A. . . tor) Knowl. 9: Io9. Rankin) Theo. Mo. 3: 339. JUDAISM Judaism, Toy's. Atlan. 67: 546. — (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 52: 161. — in Modern Christianity. I 554. — Our Religious Inheritance from. And. R. 9: 171, 294. — What is 2 (Abram S. Isaacs) Arena, 3: 699. Judas Iscariot. (M. D. Conway) No. Am. I46: 266. Judas-Color; a story. (J. Waddington) Belgra. 64: 344. Judges, American, their Powers, and the Interests of Labor. (J. B. Thayer) Q. J. Econ. 5: 503. — Duty of, as Constitutional Advisers. (H. A. Dubuque). Am. Law R. 24; 369. . . — Speculating. (H. White) Nation, 49: 161. Judge Dent; a study. Chamb. J. 68: 540. Judging Others. (J. S. Blackie) Good Words, 29: 408. Judgment, Divine, Biblical Doctrine of. (T.W. Cham- bers) Presb. R. 8: 519. — the Final. (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. 17: 206. Same (H. H. Howorth) Spec. 61: art. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 156. — Chris. Q. 6: 456. Judgment of Paris, Myth of. (J. E. Harrison) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 196. Judgeships, Sale of the. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: J udicial Establishment, U. S. Nation, 53: 139, 156. Judicial Independence. (H. B. Brown) Am. Law R. 23: 78.I. Judiciary, Circuit System. Sat. R. 72: 186. Judith. (M. Kendall) Longm. I5: 2O3. Judith ; a story. (L. Wassermann) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 4I 7. Judith and Holofermes. (E. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 26I. Judson’s Remorse. (L. C. Wyman) Atlan. 61: 36. Jufrow van Steen. (A. E. King) Cent. I6: 757. º ugglers and Snake-Charmers of India. (C. E. Romain) Cosmopol. 5: 503. glary. (A. Wilson) Science, I8: 90. a O’Grady; a story. (D. Desmond) Belgra. 63: 4I 5. ian the Apostate. Atlan. 66: 219. — Recently Published Letters. Hist. R. 2: 518. Julius Vernon. Chamb. J. 67: 7–232. Jullabad Tragedy, The. Chamb. J. 64: 632–696. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) (Alice Gardner) Eng. July. All the Year, 60: 34. Jump, Running High. (M. W. Ford) Outing, I 8: 371, 448. – Running Broad. (M. W. Ford) Outing, Ig: 55, 1265 June. All the Year, 59: 484. — in an Old Orchard. (O. T. Miller) Chaut. 8: 537. Jungfrau Disaster, The. Chamb. J. 64: 687. Jungle Notes in Sumatra. Chamb. J. 67: 662. Junior Right among the Canaanites. (J. Jacobs; A. Neubauer) Acad. 34: 172, 273, 29.1, 306. Junius and Francis, Facts about. (W. F. Rae) Ath. '88, 2: 192—320. — (J. H. Lupton) Ath. '88, 2: 419. — and his Contemporaries. (W. F. Rae) Ath. 'go, 2: I93. - — P. Francis and Chatham on. (L. Stephen) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 233. . — Theories about. (W. F. Rae) Ath. 'go, I: 831. Jupe's Ears; a Story Founded on Fact. (F. B. Hallo- well) Cosmopol. 2: 59. Jupiter, The Planet. Chamb. J. 66: 759. — Markings of. (W. F. Denning) Nature, 44; 439. — Satellites of, Appearances of, during Transit. Na- ture, 37: 468. — — Measurement of, by Interference. (A. A. Michel- .*. son) Nature, 45; 16I. 22 3 JUSTIN Jupiter Inlet, Florida. 265. Jupiter Lights. 79: I 14–583. Jurassic Dinosaurs, American. Sci. I34: 413. Jurassic Mammals, American. Sci. I33: 327. Jura-Trias Trap-Belts of Central Connecticut, Perci- val's Map of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I42: 439. Jurisprudence, American. (W. M. Franklin) Ref. Q. 36: 465. -- Analytical, Character and Scope of. Am. Law R. 24I: 606. — in Germany, Historical. (E. Freund) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: (St. G. Rathbone) Outing, 17: (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 78: 240-951. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. (C. M. Platt) 468. g Jurists, English Analytical. (G. H. Smith).Am. Law R. 21: 270. © Jury, On a, in Washington Territory. Overland, m. s. I3: 4 I. Jury, Trial by, American System. (D. H. Chamber- lain) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: 85. — (S. F. Miller) Am. Law R. 21: 859. — (H. C. Caldwell) Am. Law R. 22: 853. — — — Reform of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 44: 546. — — — Shall it be Retained 2 (E. A. Thomas) Forum, 3: IO2. * - — — Distrust in. Spec. 6o: 1731. — — Lesson of Recent Trials. Spec. 67: 917. — — Verdicts by Majority Vote. (S. Zeisler) Forum, 9 : 309. -- Jury Duty in England. All the Year, 68: 60. Jury System, Freedom and the. Spec. 60: 487. — in Civil Cases. (A. Russell) Green Bag, 3 : 449. Just before Winter. (R. Jefferies) Ecl. M. IOS: 403. Just for the Fun of it; a novel. (R. A. Wood) Murray, 4: I 3 I, 273. _^ Just in Time; a story. (H. M. Greenhow) Belgra. 68: 339. Just in Time; a story. (E. J. Goodman) Lond. Soc. 55: 262. Justice. (H. Spencer) 19th Cent. 27: 435, 608. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 67, 323. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 756. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 19, 183. — — Spencer on. Sat. R. 72: I 12. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 341. – (J. Brough) Acad. 40: 147. — (St. G. Mivart) Dub. R. Io9: 245. — (J. Bascom) . Dial (Ch.) I2: 169. — and Charity. (T. S. King) Lend a H. 5: 761. — and Democracy. Spec. 64: 506. — and Judges. (F. Peek) Contemp. 59: 354. — Asiatic Notion of. Spec. 66: 271. — Enigmas of. (G. M. Towle) Green Bag, I: 254-463. 2 : IOO. — Expense of. Sat. R. 71 : 158. — in Scotland, Cheapness of. Spec. 67: 409. — Miscarriages of. (G. C. Barrett) Forum, 5: 247. — More, and Less Technicality. (S.D. Thompson) Am. Law R. 23: 22. — Obligation of. And. R. I.4: 408. — of the Gods; a story. All the Year, 64: 89. — Primitive. (A. G. Hopkins) Presb. R. 9: 364. — A Tree of. (J. Field) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 176. Justices, English. Sat. R. 67: 374. Justicia's Notions. (A. E. Ferris) Overland, n. s. 18: 323. Justification. (J. Errington) Month, 62: 399. — by Faith. (T. C. Billheimer) Luth. Q. 20: 549. — — Böhl on. (B. B. Warfield) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 702. — Immediate Cause of. (J. Errington) Month, 62: 507. a Justin Martyr. (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 2: 73. JUSTINIAN Justinian, The Age of. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 628. — Theophilus' Life of. 657. Justly Rewarded. (W. L. Queux) Tinsley, 41: 161. Juvenal, Mayor's Edition. Spec. 60: 1282. – New Editions of. (A. L. Wilkins) Acad. 31: 95. Juvenal Ancina, Blessed, of the Oratory. (J. Morris) Month, 7o: 24. - Juvenile Books. (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 53: 475. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 192. — in England. Sat. R. 71 : 630. – Problem of. (J. B. Gilman) Unita. R. 35: 370. See also Children's Books. Juvenile Crime as it affects Commerce. J. Soc. Arts, 3: 415. Juvenile Reform. (M. M. Dana) Lend a H. 3: 214. (J. Bryce) Eng. Hist. R. 2: (J. Symons) K. G. C.; a Tale of Fort Alcatraz. Overland, n. s. II: 238–490. Ka, Nature of the Egyptian. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 35: I.2. - Kabiri. See Cabiri. Kabylia, In Grand. (H. M. Field) Scrib. M. 2: 573. Kadesh, The Goddess. (T. Tyler) Acad. 38: 203. Kaemmerer, F. H. (G. Cain) Art J. 43: 7. Kaffirs of South Africa. (W. C. Preston) Sunday M. (F. K. Upham) I9: 744. Kaffirland, A Ride in. (J. E. C. Bodley) Blackw. I49: 231. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 442. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 677. Kahnis, Carl Friedrich August. Acad. 33: 446. Kahun. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 40: 54I. Kairwan, Salvation by Torture at. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 48: 64. Same art. I.iv. Age, I74: 563. Kala Dhaka Mountain. Sat. R. 66: I I I. Kalahari Desert, Across. (H. A. Bryden) Longm. I8: 512. Same art. Liv. Age, Ig I: 354. Kalamazoo, Mich. Glimpses of Early Michigan Life. (Mary V. Gibbs) M. Am. Hist. 24: 457. — Ladies' Library Association. (C. H. Stanley) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 54. – Training School. (C. H. Stanley) Educa. IIo: 305. Kalender of Shepardes, Notary’s edition. (H. O. Som- mer) Acad. 38: 593. - Kalevala. Ath. '88, I: 116–243. — (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 31: 309. — Crawford's Translation. Sat. R. 66: 556. – (Max Müller) Ath. '88, 2: 519. — (A. Lang) Ath. '88, 2: 556. — Spec. 63: 144. - Kamschatka and New Guinea, Guillemard's. Spec. 6o: II.86. — the Land of Salmon. Chamb. J. 65; 433. Kane, Sir Robert. Ath. 'go, I: 247. Kane, a Soldier's Servant; a story. (S. Grand) Temp. Bar, 92: 365. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 465. Kangaroo Hunt, A. (B. Harrison) Scrib. M. 9: 419. — in Australia. (H. A. Borrowe) Outing, II: 36. Kansas. (R. Hay) Harper, 77: 39. — and the Abolition of Slavery. West. Hist. 9: 78. — Crusade in, Thayer's History of. Dial (Ch.) Io: 164. — History, Fragment of Early. M. West. Hist. II: 588. — — Lights and Shadows of. (W. A. Phillips) M. West. Hist. I2: 6. — Personal Experience in. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. I3: 407. — Statehood of. M. West. Hist. II: IoS, Io9. — With the Congressional Committee of 1856. Townsend) M. West. Hist. 7: 487. Kansas State Historical Society. Lib. J. I.G: 209. (L. W. Spring) M. (H. W. Thurston) (A. 234 KEAN Kansas State Historical Society and its Founders. (W. W. Admire) M. West. Hist. 9: 407. Kansas City. (E. Ingersoll) Cosmopol. 8: 141. — (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 748. - (T. Hughes) Month, 69: 167. — and Manifest Destiny. (E. L. Eames) M. West. Hist. g.: 698. Io: 61, 221. Kant, Immanuel, Caird's Critical Philosophy of. (W. Wallace) Aead. 37: 224. — (A. Seth) Mind, 15: 266. — Scot. R. I6: 59. — Ath. 'go, 2: 118. — Critique of Philosophy. (K. Fischer) J. Spec. Philos. 20: 283. — — Fischer as a Critic of. Philos. 21 : I. (W. S. Hough) J. Spec. — Ethics of. (H. Spencer) Fortm. 50: 142. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 464. — Philosophy. (K. Fischer) J. Spec. Philos. 21: 113. — Recent Works on. Presb. & Ref. R. I : 425. – Schopenhauer's Criticism of. (W. Caldwell) Mind, I6: 355. — A Short Study in. (F. Urquhart) Month, 66: 40. Kantian Conception of Free Will. (H. Sidgwick) Mind, I3: 405. Kara Mines and Prison, Siberia. I6: 163–732. Karáchi and its Future. 44O. Karen at Home. Cornh. 56: 482. Karens, Karenni and the Red. Asia. R. 8: I.44. — of Burmah. (A. R. MacMahon) Leis. Hour, 37: (G. Kennan) Cent. (F. J. Goldsmid) Asia. R. 5: (A. R. MacMahon) I 36. — — Smeaton's. (R. C. Temple) Acad. 31: 72. Karenga, An African Sketch. (A. Werner) Longm. I3 : I 93. e Karlsbad. Spec. 63: 237. Karma. (L. Hearn) Lippinc. 45: 667. Karpathos, Island of. (T. Bent) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 233. Karr, Alphonse. Critic, I7: 198. — Sat. R. 70: 39 Karun River, Persia. (G. N. Curzon) Forth. 53: 694. — Agriculture on. Dub. R. Io9: 430. Kasai, Ascent of the, Bateman's. *Ath. ’89, I: 368. — Spec. 62: 402. Kashmir, Progress of. Dub. R. Io9: 174. Kashmir Folk-Tales. Sat. R. 66: 155. Kassiah Hills, Across the. (C. Roche) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 57. Kate Seymour; a story. n. s. 38: I. Katherine. (A. Macaulay) Theatre, 2I: 176. Katheºne of Aragon, Divorce of, Froude on. Smith) Nation, 53: 509. Katie; a Reminiscence. (T. Faed) Argosy, 45; 114. Katkoff, Michael. Contemp. 52: 504. – Sat. R. 64: 191. – Spec. 6o: IO48. — and the Moscow Gazette. 48: 379. Kauai, the Garden Island of Hawaii. Overland, n. s. II: 23. Kauffmann, Hugo. Art J. 39: 122. Kautz, Gen. August W., with portrait. (Phila.) 4: 539. Kavanagh, Art. How he Fought King Richard II. in 1399. (Hon. Emily Lawless) 19th Cent. 28; 355. Kavanagh, Arthur MacMurrough. Blackw. I49: 429. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 278. Kavanagh, Rose. Irish Mo. 19: 5 12, 601. Kaweah Coöperative Colony. (W. C. Jones) Q. J. Econ. 6: 47. Kean, Charles. (E. A. Gowing) Belgra. 75: 24. — in the Winter's Tale. (G. Tawse) Theatre, 2.0: 59. (W. H. Stacpoole) Gent. M. (G. (H. S. Edwardes) Fortn. (B. F. Herrick) Un. Serv. p a. t - . * KEAN Kean, Edmund, Molloy's Life of. Spec. 61: 1397. — Sat. R. 66: 62o. Kean, Ellen T. (E. A. Gowing) Belgra. 73: 256. Kearny, Gen. P. H., in New Mexico, in 1846. M. West. Hist. Io: 183. Kearsarge, Mount, N. H. : Two Days with the A. M. C. (II. M. Winslow) Bay State Mo. 3: 367. Keats, Frances Mary. Ath. '90, I: 16. Keats, John. Quar. I66: 308. — Colvin's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 233. — Spec. 60: 826. – Keynote of his Poetry. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 9 : 25. — Letters of. Church Q. 33: 169. — (W. Watson) Acad. 40: 87. — (K. Cox) Nation, 53: 2OI. — — On some. (Sidney Colvin) Macmil. 58: 31 I. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 520. — Memorials of, in Hone's Table Book, Ath. '91, 2: 255. — Place of, in English Poetry. (W. J. Courthope) Na- tional, Io: II. – Poems. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. 5: Ios. — The Punishment of Genius. (W. Watson) National, I5; 764. — Relics of. (E. Jenks) Ath. '91, I: 667. Keble, J., and the “Christian Year.” Meth. R. 47: 9. Keel, Etymology of. Keeling Atoll or Cocos Islands. ture, 39: 236. — Flora of. (W. B. Hemsley) Nature, 41: 492. Reely, John E. W., Contributions of, to Science. (C. J. Bloomfield-Moore) Lippinc. 46: III. Keely Motor, One View of. (T. C. Smith) Engin. M. 2 : I4. — Secret of. (C. J. Bloomfield-Moore) Lippinc. 4o: O 3oo. Keene, Charles S. Art J. 43: 94. — Acad. 39: 45. — (R. S. Keyser) (A. L. Mayhew) Acad. 35: 450. (H. B. Guppy) Na- , Sat. R. 71: 41. – Spec. 66: 48. ..ºprawings by. Spec. 66: 409. * {{eeping up Appearances; a story. Meliora, I: 88. Keigh, George, Earl Marshal of Scotland. (C. Dalton) Antiq. m. s. 21 : 152. * Reith, George and James. (H. Norton) Atlan. 63: 313. Keith, Sir William, with portrait. Pennsyl. M. I2: 1. Keith—Falconer, Ion Grant Nevill. Ath. '87, I : 673. — (J. H. Twichell) N. Dng. 50: 381. — (W. G. Blaikie) Sunday M. I8: 53. — Sinker's Memorials of. Spec. 61: 608. Keller, Gottfried. (Countess v. Krockow) Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 331. Keller, Helen. (M. Anagnos) Lend a H. 3: 137. – (B. Whitman) Lend a H. 4: 289. — Science, II: 160. — (J. C. Murray) Scot. R. I.4: 380. Keller, President, of Lucerne, Trials for the Supposed Murder of. Cornh. 57: 105. Kelley, Wm. D. Amer. Ig: 271. Relly, Alfred, Bates's Life of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 216. Kelly, Gen. Benjamin Franklin, Capture of. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 186. Kelto-Saxon, On the. (J. P. MacLean) Univ. Q. 44: 308. Remble, Mrs. F. A. Further Records. Atlan. 67: 688. — Thrashing a Journalist. Kempis, Thomas à, Birthplace of. Cath. Q. I3: 72. — Cruise on. Ath. '87, 2: 779. — Imitation of Christ. (S. Kettlewell) Acad. 4o: 212. — — New Translations of. Amer. I8: 28o. Kempton Park Race Course. All the Year, 59: 58o. Ken, Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells. (J. J. Teague) 19th Cent. 27: 424. — (F. W. Holland) Unita. R. 33: 513. Theatre, 19: 289. (J. G. Shea) Am. 235 ECENTUCKY Ken, Thos., Plumptre's Life of. (R. C. Browne) Acad. 34; 281. – (F. W. Farrar) Good Words, 29: 603, 772. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 248. — Sat. R. 66: 586. — Ath. '88, 2: 658. — Atlan. 63: 850. — Church Q. 28: 74. — Spec. 62: 863. Kendal, Margaret Shafts. (W. Archer) Longm. 9: 478. – Dramatic Opinions. Sat. R. 69: 453. – First Appearance of, in London. (G. Tawse) Thea- tre, 20: 33. Kendal, William Hunter Grimston. Longm. 9: 478. — and Mrs. W. H. G. Critic, 15: 180. I6: 107. — Hare and Kendal Management of St. James's Thea- tre. Theatre, 21 : 134. Kennan, George, with portrait. I4: 625. — Sonnet to. (N. H. Dole) Cent. I6: 707. Kennebec River, Along the. (H. S. Bicknell) N. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 197. — Petition of the Inhabitants on, in 1755, for Protec- (W. Archer) (A. L. Dawes) Cent. tion. (W. B. Trask) N. E. Reg. 44: 202. Kennedy, Benjamin Eli B. (J. W. Savage) M. West. Hist. 9: 404. Kennedy, Benjamin Hall. Ath. '89, I: 473. — Acad. 35 ; 255. Kennedy, H. Arthur. The New Wing. Theatre, 25: 32. Kennedy, Silas S., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 447. Kennel Club of Westminster. ing, I2: 195. Kennet River; on the Tow-Path Circuit. Year, 69: Iog. Kennicatt, W. H., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 501. Kensington. Sat. R. 67: 82. — Old. All the Year, 64: 197. Kensington Gardens. Sat. R. 64; 414, 444. Kensington Palace. (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 42: 140. — (B. C. Finch) Eng. Illust. 6: 454. — (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37: I 15. Kent, James, Chancellor, Birthplace of. (W. S. Pelle- treau) M. Am. Hist. I7: 245. Kent, a Cape Farmer in. (H. B. Knoblauch) National, I8: 21 o. — In the Sand-Hills of. Chamb. J. 67: 465. — Pilgrim Road in. (H. F. Abell) National, I5: 536. Kenton, Simon ; a Pioneer and his Corn-Patch. (Annie E. Wilson) M. Am. Hist. 23: 450. Kentucky. (J. L. Heaton) M. Am. Hist. 26: 8o3. — Blue Grass, A Taste of. (J. Burroughs) Cent. I8: (A. N. Towne) M. (C. S. P. Clinton) Out- All the (H. L. Comard) M. 339. — Brown's Political Beginnings of. Nation, 5 I: 93. – (J. O. Pieree) Dial (Ch.) II: 152. — Comments on. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 78; 255. – Constitutional Aspect of Kentucky’s Struggle for Autonomy. (E. D. Warfield) M. Am. Hist. 23: 363. — County Court Day in. (J. L. Allen) Harper, 79: 383. — Farms and Trotting-Horses of. borough) Fortn. 55: 259. — Green's Historic Families of Nation, 48: 333. — History, Early. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. I2: 345, 460. — — Unique Page of. II: I34. — Hunters of. (W. I. Kingsley) N. Eng. 52: 1. — Jurisprudence of, Dembitz's. (D. MacG. Means) Na- tion, 51 : 509. — An Old Home in. (P. B. Semple) Fortn. 60: 32. — Pioneers of. (J. M. Brown) Harper, 75: 48. — — 1750–1800. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. Io: 491. - (Duke of Marl- (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. ECENTUCKY 236 KINSHIP Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio; their Admission into the Kindergarten Mission, New Haven, Conn. (A. Brooks) Union. (I. W. Andrews) M. Am. Hist. 18: 306. Kentucky Fairs. (J. L. Allen) Harper, 79: 553. Kentucky Pioneer, Thrilling Adventure of a. (Annie E. Wilson) M. Am. Hist. 21: 252. Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, in a New Light. — (S. N. Randolph) Nation, 44; 382. - (E. D. Warfield) – What shall we Do with our Children? Nation, 44; 467. – Warfield on. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) 8: 245. — (J. C. Welling) Nation, 45: 528. Kenyon, John, and his Friends. (Mrs. A. Crosse) Temp. Bar, 88: 477. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 276. Kenyon's Wife. (L. C. Lillie) Lippine. 39: 361. Keokuk Beds at Keokuk, Ia. (C. H. Gordon) Am. J. Sci. I40: 295. - Kepaha-Winona ; a story. (L. C. d’Oyle) Gent. M. n. S. 42 : I. Kepler, John, Correspondence of, in 1599. Sid. Mess. 6: Io9–212. . Kept to the Ear. (E. L. Linton) Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 63, 25 I, 41 I. Ker, David. Cosmopol. 6: 89. Kératry, Count Emile de, Complimentary Breakfast to. Critic, I5: 298. Kerfoot, J. B., Life of. Spec. 60: 359. Keriolet, Pierre de. (J. A. Moran) Month, 67: 520. Kermadecs, The. Chamb. J. 64; 214. Kermesse at Ath. (M. Stenson) Irish Mo. 18: 609. Kerry, Humors of. Ecl. M. Io&: 558. — Plea for Home Rule in. (H. S. Fagan) Contemp. 5I : 234. — Ultima Thule of. (R. Lovett) Leis. Hour, 38: 276. Kerslake, Thomas. (J. Taylor) Ath. '91, I: 53. Keshub Chandra Sen, Life of. Sat. R. 67: 193. Kestell of Greystone; a story. (E. Stuart) All the Year, v. 65-67. Keswick, Dng., Industrial Art School. (H. D. Rawns- ley) Murray, 2: 756. - Kevin, St., at Glendalough. Month, 69: 464. Kew, Botanic Gardens at. (F. A. Fernald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 106. — All the Year, 67: 292. — (J. Haw- thorne) Lippinc. 47: 252. – Sat. R. 67: 471. 68: 375–428. Kew Observatory. (R. H. Scott) Good Words, 29: 8o 7. Key or Ké Islands; A Corner of the Dutch East In- dies. (G. Langen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 685. — All the Year, 65: 80. Khamé. (L. Knight Bruce) Murray, 5: 452. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 68. Khian. See Raian. Khojak Tunnel. Dub. R. Io9: 431. Kibbé River, West Africa. Nature, 44; 46. Kickham, Charles. Irish Mo. 15: 483. I6: 131. Kidder, Frederic, Memoir of. (J. W. Dean) N. E. Reg. 4I : I.29. Kieff, Winter in. Age, I89: 314. Kilauea. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I33: 239. — Eruption of, 1886. (C. H. Hitchcock) Science, 9: 18o. — (W. T. Brigham) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 507. — — After the. (J. S. Emerson ; L. L. Van Slyke ; F. S. Dodge) Am. J. Sci. I33: 87. — in 1880. (W. T. Brigham) Am. J. Sci. I34; 19. Kilima-Njaro, First Ascent of, Meyer's. Sat. R. 71: III. —Science, II: 8. Killarney, At. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. Ig: 505. Kimball Union Academy, N. H. (S. L. Gerould) Gran- ite Mo. II: 306. Kindergarten, Evolution of the. I51. - – Froebel on. Sat. R. 71 : 513. Chamb. J. 68: 33. Same art. Liv. (M. Mackintosh) Io: * * — Relation of, to the Primary School. King and Minister; a Midnight Conversation. Lend a H. 2: 415. (C. De Garmo) Educa. II: 154. – What is the Good of 2 (J. Thomas) Cath. World, 48: 14. (H. P. Spofford) Chaut. I2: 176. Kindergartens, Free. (C. Mackenzie) Lend a H. 1: 603. Kindergarten Association of New York, Meeting of. Critic, I7: 313. Kindnesses, Small. Atlan. 67: 143. ? Kindred, Our. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 17: 414. - King and Haines Families, Extracts from English Par- ish Registers Relating to. (R. King) N. E. Reg. 43: 256. King, Charles. (P. Reade) Lippine. 42: 856. King, Charles William. (W. A. Wright) Ath. '88, I: 441. – Acad. 33: 247. * King, E., Bishop of Lincoln ; Lambeth Judgment. Quar. I'72: 451. – Church Q. 31 : 265. — Dub. R. Io&: I.21. — (S. Morris) Month, 7o: 475. — M. Chr. Lit. 3: 252. King, George, with portrait. Io?7. King, Rufus, with portrait. (J. D. Cox) Green Bag, 3: 2O9. King. Thomas Starr, Reminiscences of. Unita. R. 29: 308. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: (E. E. Hale) Con- temp. 57: 457. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 339. King Solomon of Kentucky. (J. L. Allen) Cent. I6: 244. King Who Went Out Governing, The. (Margaret Wan- degrift) Fortn. 59: Io&. King's College, London, Theology at. Contemp. 59: 571. King’s College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Church R. 57: 145. 58: 63. King's Cup and Cake. (Sophie May) Atlan. 63: 544. King's Daughters. Lend a H. I : 222. – Creed-Condition of Membership. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 163. King's Luck. Cornh. 63: 601. King's Lynn, The “Guilty Creature ?” of. (J. O. Halli- well-Phillipps) Ath. '88, I: 350. King's River, California, Cañon of the South Fork of ; a Rival of the Yosemite. (J. Muir) Cent. 2I: 77. Kings, Training of. Spec. 61: 1635. Kingbirds; Chronicle of Three Little Kings. Miller) Atlan. 66: 297. — Nest of. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 66: 258. Kingdom of God. (B. F. Crary) Meth. R. 51: 740. — among the Nations. (J. Armstrong) Chris. Q. 7: 299. Kingfishers. (F. Finn) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 504. Kinglake, Alexander William. Acad. 39: 39. — Blackw. I49: 302. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 755. – Critic, 18; 19. —Sat. R. 7I: 34. — Temp. Bar, 9I: 369. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 122. Kingship, Longing for. Spec. 67: 155. Kingsley, Charles. (M. M. Mallock) Dub. R. Io'7: 1. — (H. Evershed) Liv. Age, I72: 98. Kingston, Eliz. Chudleigh, Duchess of. Cornh. 55: I58. Kinkajou, A Little South American. Cosmopol. 2: 232. Kinks in the Skein. (R. J. Burdette; E. W. Nye ; J. A. Knox) Lippinc. 45: I 13. Kinney, Elizabeth C. Critic, I5: 276. Kinship in Polynesia. (C. N. Starcke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 392. — Kendall on. (A. Momerie) (H. Y. Hind) (O. T. (O. T. Miller) (W. H. Whitmore) Nation, 48: 17, 52. ECIOTO Kioto, Day in. (R. Mackenzie) Eng. Illust. 8: 452. — The Two Capitals of Japan. (F. G. Carpenter) Cos- mopol. 7: 425. Kipling, Rudyard. Critic, I6: 212. 39: 319. — Imitation of. Age, I87: 407. — Impressions of. 138. — Plain Tales from the Hills. 5I: 465. — Poems and Tales. Ath. 'go, I : 527. — Scene of Tales of. Critic, I8: 22. – (E. Gosse) Cent. 2O: 9oI. – Stories by. (L. Johnson) Acad. 40: 327. — Tales. Ed. R. I74: 132. — (J. M. Barrie) Contemp. 59: 364. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 624. Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: I2O. — (P. G. Tait) Nature, 36: 606. — Am. J. Sci. I34: 496. Kirk, In and around a Scotch. n. S. 46: 57. Kirk-Grims. Cornh. 55: 189. Kirkstall Abbey, Yorkshire. (F. Adams) Fortn. 56: 686. — I9: 340. - (L. Johnson) Acad. Cornh. 62: 367. Same art. Liv. (H. McCulloch, jr.) Harv. Mo. II: (A. M. Logan) Nation, (A. Gordon) Gent. M. (W. H. S. Hope) Reli- quary, 30: 65. Kirsteen ; a story. (Mrs. Oliphant) Macmil. 60: 307, 388. 61: 1-302. Kirton-in-Lindsey; Churchwarden's Accounts. (E. Peacock) Antiq. m. s. I9: 18. Kishore Publishing House of Lucknow. Harper, 75: 352. Kismet and the King; a poem. (F. Wilkinson) Atlan. 67: 91. Kitchen-Garden; the Home Acre. (E. P. Roe) Harper, 74; 3O3. Kites, Musical. Leis. Hour, 37: 473. Kite-Balloon, Captive. (E. D. Archibald) Nature, 36: 278. Kitlings for his Reverence; a story. Argosy, 47: 326. Kittery, Me., Document, 18th Century. N. E. Reg. : 29O. Kittie Southwell's Conspiracy. (H. Paul) Theatre, 22: 5.o. Kitty’s Victim ; a story. All the Year, 65: 589. Kitty Macrane; a story. Argosy, 44; 416. Kitty O’Connell's Lovers; a story. (P. Vining) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 583. Kitzuki, the most Ancient Shrine in Japan. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 68: 780. Rivigtok, Our. (A. W. Greely) Cent. I2: 555. Kjerulf, Theodor. Ath. '88, 2: 702. — Acad. 34: 340. Klamath, Early Days in. (W. Wan Dyke) Overland, n. s. I8: 174. — to Rio Grande from. I2: 561. Knee-Jerk, Variations of the Normal. bard) Am. J. Psychol. I: 5. Kneeland, Stillman F., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 13: 460. Kneipp, Pfarrer, Woerishofen Water-Cure and. De Feres) Eel. M. 116: 163. Kneller Hall. (F. Hastings) Leis. Hour, 36: 132. Knight, John Henry, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 27. Knight, Capt. Nathaniel, Sr., Journal of. nell) N. E. Reg. 44: 200. Knight's Tale, A. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. m. s. 42: (J. F. Hurst) (C. H. Shinn) Overland, n. s. (W. P. Lom- (G. W. Travers) (A. (C. I. Bush- 375. Knights of Labor. Leis. Hour, 39: 64. — Spee. 63: 262. — (F. A. Walker) N. Prine. 6: 196. — and the Color Line. Pub. Opin. 2: 1. – and the Trades. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 358. 237 KOTZEBUE Knights of Labor; Assembly at Richmond, 1886. Pub. Opin. 2: 41. — Historical Sketch of. (C. D. Wright) Q. J. Econ. I : I37. – A Labor Trust. Am. Arch, 30: 12. – Mission of. (I. M. Scott) Overland, n. s. 9: 470. – “On Earth Peace, Good Will to Men.” (T. V. Powderly) Cosmopol. I2: 155. – A Vanished Illusion. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 307. Knights of the Road. (O. Lanyon) Belgra. 67: 189. Knights of St. John. Sat. R. 64: 515. Knight Service, Introduction of, into England. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 417, 625. Knitting, Framework. (W. T. Rowlett) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 445. Knockenhauer Amthaus. Am. Arch. 26: 277. Knockers, Venetian. Am. Areh. 28: 195. — Art J. 42 : I 75. Knole House, Kent. (F. R. Farrow) Art J. 43: Io2. Knots and Miles. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 279. Knot Cut, A. All the Year, 62: 367. Knowledge as Idealisation. (J. Dewey) Mind, I2: 382. — Relativity of. (F. H. Nash) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 653. — Superficial. Spec. 6o: 1736. – Thoughts on. (C. Patmore) Fortn. 48a 259. Know-Nothingism, New and Old. (E. McGlynn) No. Am. I45; 192. Knox, Alexander, and the Oxford Movement. Stokes) Contemp. 52: 184. Knox's Liturgy. (J. C. Hadden) Theo. Mo. 3: 272. Knoxville, Siege of. (J. D. Nance) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 387. Kobellite, Chemical Constitution of. (H. F. Keller) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 148. Koch, Robert, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 259. – New R. 3: 481. — Amer. 21: 154. – R. of Rs. 2 : 547. — and Consumption. (J. P. Hassler) Chaut. I2: 752. — (G. A. Heron) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 617. – Dub. R. Io8: 161. — (M. Mackenzie) Contemp. 59: I 18. — and his Discovery. (P. Gibier) No. Am. I5I: 726. See also Consumption. Kock’s Fragmenta comicorum Græcorum, Suggestions on vol. 3 of. (R. Ellis) Am. J. Philol. II: I37. Rodros, Sanctuary of. (J. R. Wheeler) Am. J. Ar- chaeol. 3: 38. Koehler Family, Booksellers. Koenig, Rudolph, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 545. Koeniggrätz, Battle of, Moltke on the. In . S. 3: 44 I. Koenigsmark, Philip C., Count von. Cosmopol. II: 609. Koener, Theodor, Soldier and Singer. New R. 5: 256. Koheleth, Studies in. (J. H. (G. T. Sat. R. 68: 84. (W. LeC. Stevens) Un. Serv. M. (M. E. Seawell) (H. S. Wilson) (M. S. Terry) Meth. Q. 48: 365. Koh-i-nur Diamond. (N. S. Maskelyme; W. Ball) Na- ture, 44: 555, 592. 45: 5, 126. — True History of. (V. Ball) Eng. Illust. 8: 538. Kohlhase, Hans, Grocer, his War against the Elector of Saxony in 1533–40. Cornh. 59: 77. Koninckina and Related Genera. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. I40: 21 I. Korahites, Among the. (G. Tyrrell) Month, 72: 81. Koran, The. (T. P. Hughes) And. R. 9: 466. — and the Eastern Question. (B. Archdekan-Cody) Month, 59: 45, 237. Koto, The, and its Associations. M. 9: 93. Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand. Life and Ad- ventures of an Old Play. (A. A. Wood) Theatre, 27: IOS. (H. T. Upton) Am. KOWALAVSKY Kovalavsky, Sophie. Nature, 43: 375. Koven, Maid Marian. Sat. R. 7I: 197. — (P. H. Wicksteed) Acad. 40: 586. Kozhiki, Japanese. Sat. R. 66; 319. Krakatoa, Earlier Eruptions of. (J. W. Judd) Nature, 40: 365. — Eruption of. Nature, 38: 540, 566. – (R. S. Ball) Contemp. 54: 661. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 53. — Ed. R. 169: 152. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 607. – Nature, 39: 345. – (A. L. Cortie) Month, 65: 367. —Science, 12: 217. – Sat. R. 66: 559. – Spec. 61: 1353. — Ath. '88, 2: 450. — — Dust from, Diffusion of. (R. Abercromby) Na- ture, 36: 85, 152. — — Results of. (A. E. Cortie) Month, 65: 534. – New Vegetation of (W. B. Hensley) Nature, 38: 344. Kreischer, Balthaser, with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 651. Kremlin, The, and Russian Art. 79: 327. Krupp, Ironworks. Chamb. J. 67: 342. Kuenen, Abraham. Ath. '91, 2: 835. Ku Klux Klan, The. (S. de Havilland) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 436. Kukuanalandº. The Army of. Frankl. Inst. I28: 258. Kulimism. All the Year, 65 : 306. Kunai, A Legend of. Chamb. J. 64; 41 o. Kuram Valley. (J. Haughton) Un. Serv. M. 4 (89-90): (G. W. Travers) (T. Child) Harper, (O. E. Michaelis) J. en Kurds, Among the. Sat. R. 7I: I I, 164, 221. Kurozumi Sect of Shinto. (O. Cary) And. R. II: 640. Kurrachee, Harbor Works of. (W. H. Price) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 623. Kurral, The Sacred. Sat. R. 64; 526. — (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 382. Kushan, Monastery of. (G. N. Curzon) Fortn. 49: 752. Kusti, or Fillet, of the Fire-Worshippers. Antiq. m. s. I9: 89. Kwakiool, The, Customs and Arts of. son) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 345. Kyre Park, Manor-House of, Building of. (Mrs. Bald- win-Childe) Antiq. m. s. 21: 202, 261. 22: 24, 50. (G. M. Daw- L. S. D. (£. s. d.) Chamb. J. 64: 225. Laach, Maria Church at. Month, 64; 178, 3.34. “La Bella.” (E. Castle) Temp. Bar, 91 : 567. 92: I 12. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 624. La Belle Américaine. (A. E. Morris) Eng. Illust, 6: I4 I. La Ballona, Lake and Harbor of. (S. N. Sheridan, jr.) Overland, n. s. 9: 467. Labiche, Eugène, 1815–88. Sat. R. 65: 91. — Ath. '88, I : I.25. — Critic, I2: 44. Labor. Meliora, 7: II.3. — among the Hebrews. n. s. I6: I67. — and Capital: Efforts of the Manual Laboring Class to Better their Condition. (F. A. Walker) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: I57. — — in Australia. Ecl. M. Io9: 82. — — Law of. (R. B. Fairbairn) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 572. — — Relation of the Church to. Lit. 5: 241. — — Rights of. Blackw. I 5o: 878. — and Land Question. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, 47: 5.I. — and Machinery. Meliora, 3: 115. — and Social Movements. (J. MacCarthy) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 85. — and Tariff. *º- (G. A. Danziger) Overland, (A. Speare) M. Chr. (J. B. Foraker) Am. M. 8: 542. 238 LABOR Labor and Wages in the U. S. Arts, 33: 208. - Atkinson on. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 15: 55. - Berlin Congress on. Sat. R. 69: 399. – (E. Ollivier) New R. 2: 310. Same art. Ecl. M. 114: 739. – (D. C. Wells) And. R. I.4: 422. - Casual, at London Dock. Spec. 67: 522. - Conditions of, in England. (F. H. Stoddard) Amd. R. 8: 153. - Demands of ; a Dialogue. (H. H. Champion) 19th Cent. v. 27–30. – Dignity, Rights, and Responsibility of. (Cardinal Gibbons) Cosmopol. 7: 383. - Encyclical of Leo XIII. on. Sat. R. 71: 614, 675. – And. R. 16: 175. – Spec. 66: 780. – (M. M. Sheedy) Cath. World, 53: 850. — M. Chr. Lit. 4: 217, 299. – R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 622. — Ethics of. (G. H. Hubbard) N. Eng. 49: 407. - Federation of. (H. H. Champion) New R. 2: 524. — (E. R. Pease) To-Day, 7: 171. , – Free Registries and the Marketing of. hen) National, 9: 57. — IIours of, in Different Countries. 785. — Am. Arch. 26: 290. — — in England. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 53: 2; 1. -- Regulation of. (R. B. Haldame) Conten:p. 57: 24O. — — Short. (J. Rae) Contemp. 60: 499. See also Eight Hours. — in Australia. (Jeannie Lockett) Westm. 135: 134. — (F. Adams) Fortn. 56: 181. — in Pennsylvania. (II. George) No. Am. 143: 165, 268, 360. I44: 86. — Limitation of. (S. Webb) Contemp. 56: 859. — — Morality of. Spec. 63: 514, 551. — Literature of. Meliora, 2: I. – Miners in the Hocking Valley. Econ. Assoc. 3: 177. — Parliament of. Spec. 67: 341. – Problem of. (T. Canning) Dub. R. Io'7: 319. – (I). F. Schloss) Fortn. 52: 437. — (M. H. Richards) Luth. Q. I7: 1 oz. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44: I 12. — (J. B. Robinson) Am. Arch. 21: 178. – (A. Matthews) N. Eng. 55: 285. — — and the Church. (C. S. Albert) Luth. Q. 17: 248. — — Christian Solution of. (A. E. Waffle) Bapt. Q. 9: 24. Same art. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 557. — — in England. (H. W. Massingham) New R. 4: 2; 5. — — in Great Britain. (G. Simmons) Cath. World, 54: 372. — — Lord Salisbury on. Sat. R. 71: 283. — — Some Studies of Conciliation in. Overland, m. s. I3: 546. — Question of. (W. D. Wilson) Church R. 63: 19. — (H. D. Lloyd) No. Am. I47: 325. — — and the Christian Pulpit. Chris. Q. 6: 251. — — Aspects of. Unita. R. 28: 69. 29: 76. — — Gist of. (J. Bascom) Forum, 4: 87. — — in America. (Dr. Aubrey) Leis. Hour, 37: 672. — — Open Promotion. Lend a H. 2: 183. — — Socialistic Agitation of. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I44; 217. — — Vertical Line in. (D. Pidgeon) J. Soc. (N. L. Co- Chamb. J. 66: (E. W. Bemis) Am. (W. C. Langdon) Amd. R. 9: 128. — Reporter on, Pioneer. (H. R. Johnson) Writer, 3: 3I. — Reporting News concerning. (C. F. Willard) Writer, 2: 75. — Representation of, in Parliament. (T. Burt) Com- temp. 55: 678. — Revolt of. (F. Greenwood) New R. 4: 41. — Rights of. Westm. I34: 95. — Rights of Free. (C. B. R. Kent) Macmil. 65: 27. LABOR (E. F. S. Labor, Royal Commission on, and Women. Dilke) Fortn. 56: 535. — Scientific Prospects of. 528. — Statistics of, English. Q. J. Econ. I : 376. — Tolstoi on. Nation, 5 I: 381. — Unskilled, Organization of. (R. S. Watson) Con- temp. 58: 282. Same art. Ecl. M. II.5: 465. — Value of, in relation to Economic Theory. (J. Bonar) Q. J. Econ. 5: I37. – versus Capital in Britain; A Forecast by a Working- (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 48: man. Blackw. I49: 710. Labor's War on Labor. (L. Satterthwait) N. Eng. 54: 516. Labor Bureau, U. S., Reports of. (S. Webb) To-Day, II: Io&. Labor Bureaus, Growth and Purposes of. (C. D. Wright) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: I. Labor Bureaus, What they might do for the Unem- ployed. To-Day, 8: 159. - Labor Candidate; a story. Cornh. 63: 612. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 97. Labor Colony, A Model. (T. Winn) Tinsley, 46: 121. Labor Colonies. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 29: 73. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 419. — of Holland. Chamb. J. 67: 4. See also Colonies, Laborers’. f Labor Combinations. (R. O. Williams) Univ. Q. 44: 69. Labor Commission, English. Sat. R. 72: 34, 96. — and its Duties. (T. Mann) New R. 4: 293. Labor Day in Europe. (E. Emerton) Nation, 50: 429. Labor Department in England. (R. Donald) Contemp. 6o: 826. Labor Disputes; Conciliation Committees proposed by the London Chamber of Commerce. (S. B. Boul- ton) 19th Cent. 27: 987. — Force or Conciliation in 2 (C. Bradlaugh) Subj. of Day, no. 2: 126. — in America. (W. H. S. Aubrey) Fortn. 54: 238. — Settlement of. (R. S. Watson) Contemp. 57: 730. Labor Issues, Present. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 708. Labor Legislation. (H. White) Nation, 44; 48. — Mistaken. (G. Howell) New R. 4: 267. Labor Market. Lend a H. 4: 625. Labor Movement and Christianity. Q. 20: 435. — Development of. — in America, Ely on. Labor Movements, German and French. son) Subj. of Day, no. 2: 157. Labor Organizations. (J. E. Brooks) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: 68. — (R. T. Ely) Forum, 3: 50. — Democracy of. (G. E. McNeill) Arena, I: 69. — Social Influence of. (G. Gunton) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 28: IoI. — A Study of. (A. S. Hallidie) Overland, n. s. 15: 397-5 I5. - — Tyranny of. (A. Corbin) No. Am. I49: 413. Labor Party, in the Elections of 1886. Pub. Opin. 2: 81. — in England, New. 24: 81. Labor Platform at the Next Election. pion) 19th Cent. 30: Io96. Labor Reform, Programme for. 938. - Labor Riots, May-Day, 1891. Sat. R. 71 : 553. Labor Statistical Department of Great Britain. (C. Bradlaugh) New R. 3: 438. – (E. F. S. Dilke) New R. 4: 75. - Labor Tendencies in Great Britain. Am. I5I: 453. (A. Stump) Luth. (T. Mann) 19th Cent. 27: 709. (H. T. Blake) N. Eng. 46: 48. (J. Samuel- (H. H. Champion) 19th Cent. (H. H. Cham- (R. T. Ely) Cent. 17: (M. Davitt.) No. 239 LADY Labor Troubles. (J. C. Kimball) Unita. R. 27: 327. — 1881–6. Am. Arch. 23: 23. — in New Zealand. (W. Charlewood) Econ. J. I : 710. Labor Unions and Strikes in Ancient Rome. (G. A. Danziger) Cosmopol. Io: 614. Labor Vote in England, Bidding for. Spec. 67: 634. Labor Warfare against Society. (F. A. P. Barnard) Forum, 4: 229. Laborer, Agricultural, Condition of, in England. (J. B. Denton) J. Soc. Arts, I6: 492. Laborers, English, Gladstone and. Spec. 67: 873. — Unthriftiness of. Spec. 62: 331. Laborers’ Allotments. Spec. 6o: 1112. Laboring Classes, Ideals of. (R. B. Brett) 19th Cent. 28: 526. - Labouchère, H. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 53: 185. – (A. Guest) Tinsley, 44; 73. – Ubiquity of. Sat. R. 63: 439. Labrador, Geography of. Science, II: 77. — Geological Facts noted on Grand River. Am. J. Sci. I42: 419. Labrador, “Planting ” in. All the Year, 67: 373. La Bruyère, Jean de. Characters. (H. M. Trollope) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 235. – New View of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44: 9. Labyrinthodonts of Swabia. Nature, 42: 551. Lace. (C. I. Hind) Art J. 43 : 87. — and its Varieties. Chamb. J. 68: 362. — Embroidery and. Sat. R. 66: 305. — Honiton. Sat. R. 65: IoI. — Irish. (Mabel F. Robinson) Art J. 39: 144 — Machine-Wrought, History of Trade in. kin) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 475. Lace Industry, Irish. (A. S. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 3I 7. Lace-Making. (A. S. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 769–799. — in England, Protection of. Sat. R. 72: 691. — in Ireland. (A. S. Cole) Eng. Illust. 7: 655. — (M. Griffin) Month, 71 : 34o. — Sat. R. 66: 23. Lace-School at Bruges. (Rose G. Kingsley) Art J. 39: 81. Lachine, P. Q., La Salle's Homestead at. M. Am. Hist. 24: 447. Lachish, Excavations at. — Supposed Discovery of. 682. Lachner, Franz. Acad. 37: 72. Lacquer Ware, Japanese, Preparation of. (R. Hitch- cock) Science, I4: 200. Lacrosse, Chapter on. (L. Moses, jr.) Outing, I8: 286, 426. Ladak, Caged Chieftain of. Leis. Hour, 37: 22. Ladd Observatory, Providence, R. I. (W. Upton) Sid. Mess. IO: 502. Ladies’ New York Club. 567. Ladies' Wreath, The. (S. J. Hale) Macmil. 64; 372. Lady Atherton's Sachet; a story. (D. Davenay) Bel- gra. 64; 218. Lady Baby; a story. Lady Betty's Ball-Gown ; a story. Murray, Io: 727. Lady Betty’s Indiscretion. Cornh. 60: 389. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 422. Lady Car. (M. O. W. Oliphant) Longm. I3: 525, 636. I4: 81, 194. Lady Clancarty and the Historical Drama. Morris) Macmil. 55; 454. Lady Clare; story of a Horse. mopol. II: 704. Lady Diana's Diamonds; a story. Argosy, 46; 523. Lady Elvira. (I. M. G. Nicholson) Tinsley, 46: 385. | Lady from Maine. (L. Saxe) Atlan. 59; 183, 299. (A. Cary) (W. Fel- (J. Fraser) Acad. 38: 76. (J. A. Paine) Bib. Sac. 47: (J. H. Percy) Cosmopol. II: Blackw. v. I44–I47. (D. F. Bloomfield) (Mowbray (H. H. Boyesen) Cos- LADY Lady Grace; a story. (Mrs. H. Wood) Argosy, 43: 1- 4I 3. 44 : I -342. Lady Guide. (Mrs. A. W. Hunt) Longm. Ig; 43. Lady Hartwell's Jade Ornament; a story. (A. Har- court) Belgra. 63: 48. Lady in Rouge. (W. E. P. French) Outing, 18: 270. Lady Killarney’s Husband; a story. Cornh. 64; 391. Same Art. Liv. Age, 191: 593. Lady Novelist, A ; a story. (D. Vane) Lond. Soc. 56: IO3. Lady of Fort St. John. (M. H. Catherwood) Atlan. 68: 1–577. Lady of the Sea. (H. Ibsen) Harv. Mo. 9: 55, 93. Lady Patty. (M. Argles) Lippine. 48: 387. Lady Penelope. (T. Hardy) Longm. I5: 279. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 217. Lady Postlethwaite's Hill. Argosy, 46: 231. Lady Trevelyan; a story. Argosy, 46: 464. Lady with the Carnations, The. (Marie Corelli) Temp. Bar, 79: 54. Lady Wrangler, The. Spec. 64: 827, 862. Lafarge, Marie F. C., Trial of. Green Bag, I : 398. Lafayette, Marquis de, Visit to America, 1824. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 457. – Visit to Missouri. (W. A. Wood) M. Am. Hist. I8: I54. — Tuckerman's Life of. Ath. '90, I: 143. – (A. G. Sedgwick) Nation, 48: 431. Laforce, France, Visit to. Meliora, 8: 41. La Garaye and its Memories. (T. L. L. Teeling) Month, 64: 559. Lagarde, Paul, Recent Biblical Work of. (S. R. Driver) Contemp. 55: 393. La Genara : a story of Early San Francisco. (E. Lud- lum) Overland, n. s. I2: 71-279. “Laggard in Love.” (J. G. Bettany) Lippine. 46: 579. Lago di Garda. (W. C. Preston) Sunday M. 20: 760. La Guardia, The “Santo Niño’’ of. (H. C. Lea) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 229. Laguette, Jaqueline de. Temp. Bar, 87: 477. art. Liv. Age, I84: 202. Laguía de los Padros. (M. Mulhall) Month, 63: 215. Laird o’ Cockpen ; a story. (Mrs. O. Booth) All the Year, 67: 313-601. 68: 1-306. Laity, Church Work for the. (D. B. Lady) Ref. Q. Same 37: 467. — Representation of. (R. Gregory) National, 9: 267. — Work of. (J. Britten) Dub. R. IOI : 151. Lakes, Classification of. (W. M. Davis) Science, Io: I42. — [English]. Temp. Bar, 82: 417. — — Coach Drive at. Cornh. 58: 255. — — Letters from. (W. Hull) Portfo. I8: 77–216. See also Lake Country. — Great, of North America, Changes of Level of. (G. K. Gilbert) Forum, 5: 417. — — High Level Shores in the Region of. (J. W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 2OI. — — Origin of. (T. G. Bonney) Nature, 43: 203. — — Region of, Climate of. (B. Hubbard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 373. — — Summer on. (F. M. Colby) Bay State Mo. 2: 42. — Minor, of the Northwest. (H. B. Hudson) Chaut. II: 606. — Northern and Northwestern of the U. S., Physical Characteristics of. (L. Y. Schermerhorn) Am. J. Sci. I33: 278. — North American. (J. Kinley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3 I: 333. Lake Country of England. (T. Letherbrow) Portfo. 2O: 54. — Coach Drive in. Cornh. 58: 390, 483. – Cradle of the Lake Poets. Leis. Hour, 37; 585, 663. 240 LAMENTABLE Lake County, Old Time Relics in. All the Year, 67: 298. – Reminiscences of, in 1844. (G. Butler) Longm. I2: 621. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 357. Lake Country of New England. (N. Smyth) Scrib. M. 8: 493 • 4.99 • Lake Dwellers. (S. H. M. Byers) Harper, 8o: 398. — of Europe. Sat. R. 70: 454. – of Venezuela. Am. Arch. 29: 195. 30: 49. Lake-Dwellings, English. Westm. I28: 337. art. Liv. Age, I74: 170. – Munro on. (W. B. Dawkins) Nature, 43: 341. – of Europe. Antiq. m. s. 23: 15. Lake Systems of Central Africa. Arts, 25: 242. Lal. Macmil. 63: 452. Lally, Thomas Arthur, Count. (S. J. Owen) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 495. Lalor Abboo Singh. (G. H. Jessop) Scrib. M. 3: 745. Lama, The Grand, of the Trans-Baikal. (G. Kennan) Cent. I5: 643. * Lamar, L. Q. C., Confirmation of. Pub. Opin. 4: 373. Lamarck, Darwin vs. (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 39: 428. — Principle of, in Biology. 328. – vs. Weismann. (J. T. Cummingham) Nature, 40: 297. — (A. R. Wallace) Nature, 40: 619. Lamartine, Alphonse de, Domvile's Life of. Spec. 62: I39. - -, -- ** Lamb, Beatrice, with photograph. Lamb, Lady Caroline. Same (R. J. Mann) J. Soc. (Prof. Giard) Nature, 43: Theatre, 27: 74. (F. Molloy) Temp. Bar, 84: 327. Lamb, Charles, with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 821. — and Leigh Hunt. — and Dr. Johnson. 237. — and Mary, Unpublished Letters of. (W. C. Hazlitt) Atlan. 67: 145. — Essays. (D. Wise) Meth. R. 47: 382. — in the Footprints of. (B. E. Martin) Scrib. M. 7: 267, 471. – Sat. R. 71 : 176. — John Woodvil. (J. D. Campbell) Ath. '91, 2: 583, 648. — Letter of. Ath. '91, I: 765. – Letters of. (A. Ainger) Macmil. 55; 161. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 263. – (W. Summers) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 55. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 381. — — Ainger's Edition. (R. C. Browne) Acad. 33: 265. — (A. Birrell) Macmil. 58: 95. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 45.-Spec. 61: 754.— Sat. R. 65: 453. — (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 9: 38.-Ath. '88, I: 427. – Temp. Bar, 85: 33. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 222. — — Two Neglected. Critic, I3: 167. — Prose Style of. (W. B. S. Clymer) Harv. Mo. II: 84. - — Review of his own Verse. (J. D. Campbell) Ath.'89, 2 : 164. Lamb, Martha J. Formative Influences. 5.o. Lamballe, Princesse de. Nation, 46: 425. Iambeth Conference, 1888. Church Q. 27: I. — (T.W. Allies) Dub. R. Io9: 291. – Church R. 52: 395. — (M. Fuller) National, II: 613. — Spec. 61 : 1086. — 1889. Church Q. 28: I. Lambeth Pottery, Fine-Art Section of. (J. Sparkcs) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 344. Lamennais, Hugues Félicité Robert de. (F. T. Marzi- als) Acad. 40: 279. – (C. J. Little) Chaut. 8: 172. Lamentable Comedy of Willow Wood, The. (R. Kip- ling) Fortn. 53: 670. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 843. Ath. '89. I : 344, 374, 408. (P. W. Roose) Temp. Bar, 86: Forum, II: LAMENTATIONS Lamentations of Jeremiah Johnson. (R. M. Stuart) Harper, 76: 863. Lammas Flood, The. Lammermoors, Across the. La Motte Fouqué. Undine, Cartwright's. Spec. 63: 238. Chamb. J. 65: 257. Spec. 61 : 239. Lampman, Archibald. Poems. Spec. 62: 52. La Mulette ; a story. (W. C. Russell) Eng. Illust. 7: 255. Lancashire in 1863: Lancashire, Emigration, and Pro- hibition. Meliora, 6: 144, * Lancashire Operatives in 1826 and 1862. Meliora, 6: 59. Lancaster, Mass., and John Prescott. (H. S. Nourse) Bay State Mo. 2: 261. — Loyalists of. (H. S. Nourse) Bay State Mo. I : 377. Lancaster, Pa., Assembly of 1780. (D. McN. Stauffer) Pennsyl. M. Io: 413. a. - Lance versus Sword. Sat. R. 7I: 556. Iances for Cavalry. Sat. R. 7 I: 71. -Lanciani, R., and the Age of Bronze. Nation, 48: 70. Land and its Owners in Past Times. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 27: 284. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 61 I. – and Labor. (M. Ronayne) Am. Cath. Q. I2; 233. — and Tithes. (Lord Brabourne) Murray, 3: 453. — Henry George and. (G. M. Grant) Presb. R. 9: I 77. 0–. — Henry George's Mistake about. (W. T. Harris) Fo- I'll m, 3 : 433. * — in England: Agricultural Holdings, Size and Distri- bution of, in England and Abroad. (P. G. Craigie) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 86. — — and Society. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 49: Io9. — — Bill for Transfer of, 1887. (Arthur Arnold) Fortn. 48: II.3. - — — How Every Tenant Farmer may become his own Landlord. (E. Atkinson) Westm. I31: 298. — — National Administration of. (F. L. Soper) Westm. I32: 362. — — Purchase Bill, 1891. Sat. R. 7I: 706. 72: Io, 71. — — — Effect of. Spec. 66: 848. — — Small Holdings. Chamb. J. 68: 353. — — — State-Aid for Farmers Provided in the Small Holdings Bill. (W. E. Bear) 19th Cent. 29: 583. — in France; Peasant Proprietors. (M. Betham-Ed- wards) Fortn. 48: 223. – in India, Tenure and Cultivation of. bell) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 422. — Laborers’ Allotment Grounds. (R. G. Kingsley) Na- tion, 44; 72. - — Law, and Labor in England. Ed. R. I55: I. — Management of. (G. Cadell) Macmil. 62: 461. – Mosaic System for Massachusetts. (G. A. Jackson) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 113. — Nationalization of. (F. L. Soper) Westm. I32: 270. — Reply. (R. Simon) Westm. I33: 70. — Rejoin- der. (F. L. Soper) Westm. I33: 298. — (A. R. Wal- lace and others) Westm. I33: 541. — — as First Presented. (J. R. Buchanan) Arena, 3: 401, 586. — Occupation of. (L. Courtney) Contemp. 53: 625. – Ownership of, Origin of. (D. E. Wing) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 644. – Problem of, and the Bible. (A. J. Brown) Luth. Q. I9: 303. – Property in. (Sir G. Campbell) Westm. 133: 181. – (W. T. Harris) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 116. — Question of. (W. Hayden) Month, 61: 82. — — and Labor Question. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, 47: 51. — — Demurrer to H. George's Complaint. hon) Cath. World, 46: 588. (H.W. Haynes) (Sir G. Camp- (R. J. Ma- 241 LAND–HOLDING Land, Question of ; History vs. H. George. (J. L. Galvin) M. West. Hist. 7: 195. g — — in America. (E. J. Shriver) Westm. I28: 975. — — Letters on. (H. Spencer, F. Greenwood, and oth- ers) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 334, 507. — – Return to the Land. Lend a H. 5: 817. — — Some Points on. (O. B. Bunce) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 507. — Reclamation of, on Northwest Coast of England. (H. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 276. — State and. Cath. World, 46: 94. – State Confiscation of Unearned Rents from. N. Eng. 47 : 295. — State Ownership of, vs. Taxes. pinc. 39: 486. — Tax on, Single. (E. Atkinson and H. George) Cent. 18: 385. – Tenure of Ethics of. (J. B. Clark) Int. J. Ethics, I: 62. — (S. N. Patten) Int. J.Ethics, I : 354. — — in England. (D. MacG. Means) Chaut. I2: 19, 162, 3O7. — — in France. (R. E. Prothero) 19th Cent. 28: 778. — — in Polynesia, Ancient System of. (N. D. Alexan- der) Amy Law R. 22: 371. — — Landlords’ Preferential Position. ards) Fortn. 53: 881. (F. P. Powers) Lip- (R. C. Rich- — — Northumbrian. (F. W. Maitland) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 625. — — Reform of. (E. P. Cheyney) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 309. — Transfer of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 270. — — Reform in. (H. B. Hurd) Am. Law R. 25: 367. — (J. W. Jenks) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 48. — — Torrens System. (W. D. Turner) Am. Law R. 25: 755. Land of Darkness. (Mrs. Oliphant) Blackw. I41 : I. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 333,405. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 289. Land of Love. (H. Harland) Lippinc. 40: 171. Land's End, Haunt of Gulls near. (H. A. Harper) Leis. Hour, 37: 460. Lands, Arable, Exhaustion of the. rum, 9: 461. — Public, Disposition of. I69. Land Charters of the Anglo-Saxon Period, Earle on. Ath. '89, I: 690. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 570. Land Court, The Southwestern. (A. F. Bandelier) Na- tion, 52: 437. — — Mr. Bandelier and. Nation, 52: 516. Land-Gavel. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 523. Land Law, A Model. (A. Williams) Fortn. 47: 558.- Reply. (Duke of Argyll.) Fortn. 47: 764. Land Laws, Revolution in. Spec. 62: 393. Land League Ballads. (C. J. Hamilton) National, I3: 762. Land Legislation; a Plain Tale and a Warning. (F. T. Burroughs) National, IOS: 381. Land Movement and Labor Movement in the U. S. N. Princ. 3: 259. Land Purchase; a Profitable State Investment. Westm. I31 : 467. Land Revenue in Madras. (C. W. Davis) Fo- (A. B. Hart) Q. J. Econ. I : (H. S. Goodrich) Econ. J. I : 449. tº º Land System of Homer. (W. Ridgeway) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 319. Landed Estates and Landed Incomes. Quar. I66: 2 Io. Landed Property, Taxation of. (C. H. Sargant) Con- temp. 57: 282. — (J. F. Moulton) Contemp. 57: . 412. Landes and the Landais. Leis. Hour, 40: 528. Land-Holding, Early, and Land-Transfer, Modern. (F. Pollock) Macmil. 61: 414. LANDLESS Landless, Last Resort of the. (H. J. Desmond) Forum, 6: 319. Landlord and Tenant, Law of, in India. (W. G. Ped- der) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 579. — — Relations between. Lend a H. 7: 371. Landlords, Plea for. (J. Martineau) Blackw. I43: 193. Landmarks, Country. (E. Fitzmaurice) Macmil. 61 ; II.4. Landowners, Mammoth. Spec. 61: 1286. — — Are they Idle 2 (J. Manners) National, Io: 836. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth. Belgra. 75: 170. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 372. Landor, Walter Savage. Ath. '89, 2: 707. — (R. G. Kingsley) Nation, 46: 151. – (I. Sidgwick) Nation, 47: I I I. — (Mrs. Andrew Crosse) Temp. Bar, 92: 191. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 102. — and Italy. Nation, 46; 196. — once more. (W. B. S. Clymer) Scrib. M. Io: 123. – Some Letters of. (J. R. Lowell) Cent. I3: 511. Landscape in Amer. (M. G. Humphreys) Art J. 4o: 81. — Turnerian, an Arrested Art. (A. W. Hunt) 19th Cent. 29: 214. Landscape Art, Future of. (J. S. Little) 19th Cent. 30: I 97. — in America, Materials for. (C. H. Morse) Atlan. 64: 670. Landscape Chamber, The ; a story. lan. 60: 603. Landscape Gardening. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Am. Arch. 22: 157, 263. 23: 1. — Possibilities of. (J. De Wolf) Engin. M. 2: 21. Landscape Painters, French School of. (C. De Kay) Cent. Ig: 568. — of Holland. Quar. I73: 414. Landscape Painting and Amateurs. Irish Mo. I6: 553–747. I'7: 129–592. — French. (J. M. Hoppin) N. Eng. 52: 193, 314. — Imagination in, Hamerton's. (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 3I: 98. —Sat. R. 63: 17 I. — in Japan. (W. Anderson) Art J. 42: 121. Lane, James, and his Descendants. (J. P. Lane) N. E. Reg. 42: 141. Lane, Gen. Jas. H., Defence of. So. Hist. Pap. 18: 71. Lang, Andrew. Ath. '89, 2: 596. – Critic, I5: I.29. — as Lecturer. (E. R. Pennell) Critic, I3: 329. — Essays in Little. Sat. R. 7I: 207. — Letters on Literature. Blackw. I45: 423. Langbridge, Frederick. Poor Folks’ Lives. Spec. 6o: I 573. Langford, Laura H. (E. A. Thackray) Writer, 5: I 19. Langiewicz, Gen. Marian. (Karl Blind) Fortn. 48: 31. Langtry, Mrs., as Esther Sandraz. Theatre, 24; 310. — as Lady Barter. Theatre, 26; 199. — as Linda Grey. Theatre, 26; 254. — as Rosalind. Sat. R. 69: 258. (S. O. Jewett) At- — in As You Like It. Theatre, 24; 21 O. — in Antony and Cleopatra. (C. Howard) Theatre, 25: 287. Language and the Catholic Church. (Brother Barbas) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 153. – and the Continuity of Evolution. (P. Carus) Monist, 2: 70. — and Literature. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 52; 549. — and Race. (H. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 340. — and Thought. (Max Müller) Monist, I: 572. — (G. J. Romanes) Monist, 2: 56. — (D. G. Thompson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 213. — — Identity of. (M. Müller) Contemp. 54: 475. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 771. – (J. Campbell) Contemp. 54: 806. — — Müller on. (A. J. Maas) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 449. — (S. V. Clevenger) Am. Natural. 25: 951. See also Thought and Language. 242 | – Place of, in a Curriculum of Education. (M. L. Griffin) || LAPACHIC Language, Enrichment of, by the “Man in the Street.” Spec. 64: 539. - Evidence of, to the History and Development of Mankind. (A. H. Sayce) Nature, 36: 511. - Evolution of. (A. S. Ballin) Knowl. 9: 26–285. Io: 55, 129. II: 20–207. - Festal Origin of. (J. Donovan) Mind, 16: 498. – Instruction in. (T. H. Castor) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 565. – International. (H. Hale) Critic, 13: 85, - (H. Phil- lips, jr.) Critic, I2: 222. — — Esperanto's. Amer. I8: 297. — — Pasilingua. (H. Phillips, jr.) Critic, 13: 154. – Mystery of. (F. A. Gast) Ref. Q. 35: 430. — of Animals. Spec. 61 : 476. – Origin and Development of. Science, 12: 145. – Origin of, Romanes on. Ath. '89, I: 11. (M. P. Jacobi) Am. J. Psychol. 2: 91. — Principles of, Paul's. Spec. 62: 457. — Science of, Müller's. (H. Hale) Science, 9: 325. — (A. W. Benn) Acad. 31 : 317. - — Simplicity of. (Max Müller) Fortn. 47: 7oo. – Study of. (F. W. M. Painter) Luth. Q. 17: 79. — (W. H. Carpenter) Science, 9: — — A Method of Beginning. (Syr.) I : 261. — — Thought Element in. (I. B. Burgess) Acad. (Syr.) 2 : 445. - - – Symbolic. (S. Bryant) Mind, I3: 188. – Teaching of. (S. M. Stern) Science, 9: 68. — (J. D. Gaillard) Science, g: 157. — Thought Without Words. Nature, 36: 28–249. – Universal, Proposed. March) Forum, 5: 445. Languages in Modern Education. rum, 7: 373. – Learning. Spec. 60: 955. — Modern, at Oxford. (E. A. Freeman) Spec. 60: 1533. — — College Requirements in. (J. Tetlow) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 453, 496. — — Study of. (S. C. Lougee) Educa. I2: 221. — — Teaching of. (H. R. Lang) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 289. — — — Aims and Methods of. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 385. — — — in Europe. (E. Noble) Education, 8: 152. — — — Natural Method of. (T. Heness and others) Acad. (Syr.) I : 301–332. — — Who shall Teach 2 (A. N. Van Darll) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 537. – Origin of. Knowl. Io: 204. — — and Structure of. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 52: 33O. Language-Culture. (D. Steele; J. Strong; W. G. Wil- liams) Meth. R. 48: 863. Language-Reason. (Max Müller) Nature, 37: 323. Langue d'Oc, Intellectual Awakening of. (T. Stanton) Monist, 2: 95. Languedoc, Pamiers-, Parliament of. Sat. R. 70: 451. Lanier, Sidney. (T. W. Higginson) Chaut. 7: 416. — (M. E. Gates) Presb. R. 8: 669. —Spec. 65: 828. — Memorial of, 1888. (R. E. Burton) Critic, I2: 63. — Critic, I2: 224. — Lit., W. (Bost.) I9: 56. — Tribute to ; a poem. (W. H. Hayne) Amer. 21: 356. Lansfordite, Nesquehonite, etc. (F. A. Genth and S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I39: 121. Lantern, Projecting, of F. E. Ives. I29: 230. Lantern-Bearers, The. 25 I. Lapachic Acid, Derivatives of. (S. C. Hooker and W. H. Greene) J. Frankl. Inst. I31 : 56. 572. (C. M. Moss) Acad. (F. Galton and others) Atlan. 61: 427. — (F. A. (J. S. Blackie) For J. Frankl. Inst. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: LA PLACE La Place, Nebular Hypothesis of. (G. W. Coakley) Sid. Mess. 7: 132, 191. Lapworth, James. Acad. 33: 446. Laramie Group, Relation to Earlier and Later Forma- tions. (C. A. White) Am. J. Sci. I35: 432. — Ward's Synopsis of the Flora of. (L. Lesquereux) Am. J. Sci. I34: 487. Laramie Jack. (A. A. Hayes) Cent. I7: 523. Larcom, Lucy. New England Girlhood. Atlan. 65: 418. Lard Oil, Eidine Absorbed by. (R. Haines) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 67. La Regnière, Grimod de. 464. Lark, The, and the Gamut. Atlan. 64: 572. — Prairie, Song of the. (E. E. Thompson) Am. M. 7: (J. Baker) Leis. Hour, 37: 7 I?. Larks, Sky-, Why we have no. (J. S. Prout) Nation, 44: 470. Larmach, Donald, with portrait. 48: 705. La Rochefoucauld, F. de, and his Maxims. Painter) Luth. Q. I8: 530. Iarrabee, Capt. A. A., an Early West Pointer. Aldrich) M. Am. Hist. 25: 371. La Salle, R., The Betrayer of. (A. F. Bandelier) Na- tion, 47: 166. – Homestead of, at Lachine. Hist. 24; 447. Lasco, Johannes à. Sat. R. 63; 20I. Lassalle, Ferdinand. (D. O. Kellogg) Atlan. 61 : 483. — (Mrs. N. Kennard) 19th Cent. 50: 361. — (L. J. Huff) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 414. — Kohut's. (E. P. Evans) Nation, 51 : 195. Lasserre, Henri, Translation of the Gospels, and the Roman Index. Month, 64: 305. Last Assembly Ball, The. (M. H. Foote) Cent. I5: 773, 879. If : 105, 180. Last Bowstrings; a poem. 640. Last Caesar, The. (T. B. Aldrich) Atlan. 59: 591. Last Chance ; a story. (Charles Hervey) Argosy, 43: 472. Last Days of the Earth. (C. Flammarion) Contemp. 59: 558. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 673. Last Dream of Julius Roy. (E. Rhys) Macmil. 63: 305. Last Links; a story. (E. M. Henry) Belgra. 67: 205. Last Marchbanks, The. (V. Roseboro’) Cent. I7: 760. Last Mass. (W. Basant) Harper, 78; 3. Last of the Costellos. (G. H. Jessop) Longm. I2: 596. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 397. Last of the Fenwickes. (H. Shipton) Good Words, 31: 57–839. Last of the Ghosts. (B. Wendell) Scrib. M. 3: 227. Last of his Race, The. All the Year, 62: 277. Last of King Yewle. (P. L. McDermott) Chamb. J. 67: 691–824. Last of the Ship's Crew, The. - m. S. II : 577. Last of the Vauriens; a story. gra. 62: 153. Last Paper Chase. (W. E. Baldwin) Outing, 17: 272. Last Ride, The. (M. Drisley) Tinsley, 45; 41. Last Salute, The. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 54. Last iner, The. (H. E. Smith) Overland, n. s. 15: 618. Last Ten Thousand; a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Bel- gra. 66: 49. Last Three, The. (M. G. Morrison) Overland, m. s. 12: Bank. M. (Lond.) (F. V. N. (C. (J. Fraser) M. Am. (E. L. White) Atlan. 67: (W. Clarke) Overland, (W. F. Hubbard) Bel- 54. Last Vigil of Brother Serapion, A. D. 15oo. (L. Haynes) To-Day, Io: 157. Last Watch; a poem. (B. Carman) Atlan. 67: 8o3. (> 243 LATUDE Last Words of Don Carlos; a poem. (V. Fane) Eng. Illust. 7: 516. Laswaree, Battle of, in 1803. Serv. M. '87, 2: 431. Latch, Meaning of the Word, in Midsummer Night’s Dream. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 35: 323. Latham, Robert Gordon. (T. Watts) Ath. '88, I: 340. Lathe, Modern, Manufacture and Uses of. (J. H. Evans) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 256. – Use of the. (W. A. S. Benson) Eng. Illust. 9: I.21. Lathe and Lac Work, Indian. Chamb. J. 67: 279. Latimer's Novel. Argosy, 47: 68. Latin Hymns, Modern. (W. S. McKenzie) Bapt. R. IO: I 5 I. - Latin Language and Greek, Elementary Teaching of. (C. Allen) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 541. — Adjective in. (F. Hanssen) Am. J. Philol. Io; 34. — Classical, vs. The Latin Classics. Acad. (Syr.) 4: (E. O'Callaghan) Un. 353. . . — Colloquial; Minervā and Cupid. Acad. (Syr.) 4:403. — Dictionary of, Key's. Sat. R. 65 : 541. — Elementary Study of, Subject Matter and Method of. (I. B. Burgess) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 528. — English Preparation for. (T. C. Foote) Acad. (Syr.) 4; 396. — Etymology of. (F. Haverfield) Acad. 37: 374. – First Year in. (A. A. Knight) Educa. 9: 89, 182. — Harkness's Method. (T. Peck) Educa. R. I : 501. — How Taught in German Schools. (W. Gerould) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 267. — Influence of Christianity on. Q. I3 : 602. — Learning. (J. F. Clarke) Atlan. 67: 325. " — Prónunciation of. Acad. 31: 187. – Atlan. 61: 281. — Sat. R. 64: 513, 551. - — — Good Form in. Acad. (Syr.) 4: 348. — Question of. (J. Jackson) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 465. — Reading of, Hale on the Art of. (W. S. Scarbor- ough) Education, 8: 198. - — Study of. (J. W. Macdonald) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 346, 4I 3. - — Teaching of. (M. M. Fisher) Education, 8: 172. — (G. C. Sawyer) Acad. (Syr.) I : IoI. — (W. G. Hale) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 18. — (W. T. Peck) Acad. (Syr.) I : 381. – (B. L. Gildersleeve) Nation, 45: 8. – (E. R. Humphreys) Educa. 9: I. — — Old and New Methods. tion, 7: 482. – Tenses in, Sequence of. (W. G. Hale) Am. J. Philol. 7: 446. 8: 46. Latin Philology and the Teaching of Latin. (E. P. Morris) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 193. Latin Poetry, Fragments; edited by Merry. Sat. R. 72: 703. Latin Political Poems of the 12th Cent. from a Bod- leian MS. (C. L. Kingsford) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 31 I. Latin Syntax; the Indirect Question. (C. Harrison) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 237. Latin Union, Triple Alliance and. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: Ioo. Latitude and Azimuth, Simultaneous Determination of. (J. S. Corti) Sid. Mess. Io: 189. Latitudes, Secular Variation of. (G. C. Comstock) Am. J. Sci. I42: 470. Latour, Gaston de. (W. Pater) Macmil. 58: 152, 222. La Tour, Maurice Quentin de, Champfleury's. (W. E. Henley) Art J. 39: 305. — Am. Arch. 22: 89. Latrobe Corn-Stalk Columns in the Capitol at Wash- ington. (E. Ashton) M. Am. Hist. 18: 128. Latter-Day Hamlet ; a story. (W. H. Dircks) To-Day, 8: 6, 35, 65, 96, 125. - Latude, Masers de...(F. Funck-Brentano) Chaut. Io: g • 3IO. (C. M. Brink) Bapt. (B. L. D'Ooge) Educa- (E. F. De Flaix) LAUD Laud, William, Archbishop, in the Tower. Son) Antiq. m. s. 21: 116. - Laudation, New Habit of. Spec. 62: 792. Laude, Italian, of the Confraternities of Penitence. (I. S. A. Herford) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 646. Lauderdale House, London. Sat. R. 72: 468. Laughing Girl in Terra Cotta. (A. Emerson) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 165. Laughter. (St. G. Mivart) Forum, 3: 492. — (A. Gaye) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 348. — Spec. 62: 83. — as a Mode of Expression. Atlan. 59: 427. – Decay of. Spec. 67: 673. — A Theory of. (J. O’Neill) Westm. I33: 201. Launches, Electric. (A. Reckenzaun) J. Soc. Arts, 32: I35. Laundresses, Sunday with the. All the Year, 69: 31. Laundry, Mexican. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 23: 58. Launfal. (G. L. Kittredge) Am. J. Philol. Io: I. Launitz, R. E. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 22: 59. Laurens, Henry, in London Tower. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 1. — Letters of, 1775. M. Am. Hist. 25: 459. — Resignation of, 1778. Pennsyl. M. 13: 232. Laurens, Jean-Paul. (Claude Phillips) Art J. 4I: 1. — (R. Heath) Good Words, 31: 477. Laurium, Attica; the Romance of a Mine. (M. E. Jer- sey) National, II: 701. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: *Robert- \ . (S. Lava, Peculiar, from LatestWolcanic Eruption in North- ern California. (J. S. Diller) Am. J. Sci. I53: 45. Lava Beds Massacre, 1873. (H. L. Wells) Cosmopol. II: 723. * Lava Flow in New Mexico, A Recent. (R. S. Tarr) Am. Natural. 25: 524. — in New Jersey. (N. H. Darton) Am. J. Sci. I38: 134. Laval, François, First Bishop of Quebec. (J. Dimitry) M. Am. Hist. 23:297. – (B. Oreilly) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 475. Lavater, J. C. (A. Benson) National, II: 210. art. Ecl. M. IIo: 823. Lavedan, Henri, New French Novelist. de Bury) Fortn. 52: 832. La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes de. Parkman) Atlan. 61: 783. La Verette and the Carnival in St. Pierre, Martinique. (L. Hearn) Harper, 77: 737. Lavieille, E. A. S., Artist. (R. Heath) Good Words, 3I: 835. Lavigerie, C. M., Cardinal, and the French Republic. (J. Schroeder) Am. Cath. Q. 16: I 13. — and his Work. Month, 65 : 305. — and the Slave-Trade. (C. Trotter) Blackw. I47: Ioš. Same art. Liv. Age, I44; 266. — Life of. (J. F. Claflin) Dial (Ch.) II: I 17. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 548. — (T. E. Thorpe) Contemp. 58: 891. — Life and Works of. Ed. R. I72: 84. — not the Discoverer of Oxygen. (T. E. Thorpe) Na- ture, 43: I. Law, Arthur. The Judge. Theatre, 25: 130. Law, John. Historical Study of his System. Davis) Q. J. Econ. I: 289, 420. Law, John, of Indiana. (F. A. Meyers) M. Am. Hist. 25: 4O9. Law and Grace. — — Pauline Antithesis between. Bapt. R. 9: 440. — The Idea of. (E. H. Johnson) Bapt. R. Io: 281. — Natural. (F. M. Taylor) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 58. * - — — in the Spiritual World, Drummond's. (J. M. At- wood) Univ. Q. 44: 57. — (M. Kieffer) Ref. Q. 35: 169. Same (Mme. Blaze (F. (A. M. (G. Harris) And. R. 9: 449. (R. E. Neighbor) 244 |- and Religion. | — as a Profession. LAW Law of God for Children, The. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 16: 630. - — of Nature, Divine and Supreme. Am. Cath. Q. I3: 193. — of the Spirit of Life. Unita. R. 28: 405. — Supernatural, in the Natural World. (J. Cook) Our Day, I: 129. Law, Administration of. I8: 51o. – American, Codification of. (J. F. Dillon) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 91. - (F. J. Stimson and M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: Ios. – (M. Smith) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 136. – Ancient, A Study in. (G. Ravené) Green Bag, 3: 28 – and Civil Society, Theory of, Pulszky's. wick) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 761. — and Lawyers. (S. Ballantine) Temp. Bar, 79: 274. — — in Great Britain, 1847-89. (J. D. Coleridge) (H. E. Manning) (E. A. Clark) Overland, n.s. 2 * e (H. Sidg- Contemp. 57: 797. Same art. Liv. Age, 186:- 26. — — Enforcement of Law. (W. M. Evarts) Lend a H. 4: 814. ºf - and Political Fact in the United States. (I.B. Rich- man) Atlan. 64: 205. (W. C. Maude) Month, 62: 368. – as a Disturber of Social Order." (B. Reece) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 631. Sat. R. 67: 159–563. – Certainty of, and Uncertainty of Judicial Decisions. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 23: 669. — Comedy of. Spec. 60: 1276. — Common, Codification of. (E. Peck) N. Eng. 52: 528. — — Origins of. (F. Pollock) Contemp. 58: 849. N– Criminal, 1200–25. Spec. 62: 581. – Delay of. (S. W. Cooper) Amer. Ig: 394. — Dignity of. (C. M. Depew) Am. Law R. 23: 521. — Dole's Talks about. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) 8: 39. — Forms and Failures of. (P. Snyder) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32 : 75 I. – Free; a Scheme. (J. A. Lomax) National, 18: 125. — Hindu. Sat. R. 64: 453. – Ideal and Actual in. (J. C. Carter) Am. Law R. 24: 752. – Improvements in. (D. D. Field) Am. Law R. 22:57. – A Lawyer's Attack on. Spec. 60: 219. – Logic, and Government. (A. Johnston) N. Prine. 5: 187. – Mutable, and Immutable Justice. Green Bag, 3: 138. — Practice of, in the United States. (C. M. Depew) N. Eng. 51: 48. - – Profession of. See Bar, also Legal Education. – Public, Instruction in, in Germany. (L. S-Röwe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 78, 272. - — Roman Constitutional, Mommsen's. 656. •) — Roman Private, Muirhead's. Ath. '87, 2: 532. — Sources of. (L. Clark) Lend a H. 4: 855. - Statute, of England, Amendment of. Meliora, I: II.3. s – Uncertainty of.” (J. Thacher) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: 125. — (T. M. Cooley) Am. Law R. 22: 347. — Written and Unwritten, Provinces of. (J. C. Carter) Am. Law R. 24: 1. — — — Carter's. Nation, 49: 436. Laws, Curiosities of “Spent.” Spec. 60: I I 17. – Dead-Letter. (I. Browne) Am. Law R. 23: 178. – English, Curiosities of. Cornh. 62: 85. – Spirit of. (C. F. Crehore) Lend a H. 4: 500. — State, Uniformity of. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 63: 55. Law and Order, Education in. (Bonney) Lend a H. 7: 184. Ath. '88, 2: LAW % Law and Order Leagues. (L. E. Dudley) Lend a H. 7: II 5. — International; Meeting at Chautauqua, 1891. Lend a H. 7: 269. — Need of. Lend a H. 7: 420. — Purpose of. (A. Bierbrower) Lend a H. 7: 345. Law Books, Recent. (J. B. Thayer) Nation, 45: 256. – Nation, 46: 511. Law Lane. (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. 2: 725. Lawlessness and Education. (F. D. Huntington) Forum, 4 : I.33. Law-Making by Popular Vote. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 324. - Law Publishers, Symposium of. (C. C. Soule; J. B. West; J. E. Briggs) Am. Law R. 23: 396. Law Reform in the United States and its Influence Abroad. (D. D. Field) Am. Law R. 25: 515. Law Reporting, Common Errors and Deficiencies in. (S. D. Thompson) Green Bag,' I : 436. Law Reports, Romance of. Green Bag, I: 275. Law Schools, Object-Teaching in. (W. H. Dennis) Am. Law R. 21: 228. Lawford Hall, History of. (J. Gairdner) Acad. 40: 351. Lawless, Emily. With Essex in Ireland. (W. E. H. Lecky) 19th Cent. 28: 236. Lawn Bowls, Game of. (J. Hedley) Outing, I6: I 13. Lawrence, Amos A., Life of, by his Son. Lit. W. (Bost.) I9: IOO. Lawrence, Charles B., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I2: 289. Lawrence, Lord John, Temple's. Life of. Sat. R. 67: 711. — Spec. 62: 686. Lawrence, Sergt. William. Autobiography. Spec. 6o: 931. – (R. D. Osborn) Nation, 44; 535. – Ath. '87, I: 184. — Sat. R. 63: 25. Lawrence, Kans., Snow Hall of Natural History. Sci- ence, IO; 314. Lawton, Andrew L., with portrait. West. Hist. I2: 630. Lawyer, Ancient. (C. E. Fenner) Am. Law R. 25: 25. — in National Politics. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 63; 686. — Leaves from the Note-Book of an Old. (J. A. Briggs) M. West. Hist. I2: 314. Lawyer's Address to a Lay Audience. (H. C. Caldwell) Am. Law R. 24; 267. Lawyers, Colonial, and their Work. Atlan. 63: 368. Lay, Corliss W., Appointment by the American Board. And. R. I3: 444. Lay of London Town. 487. Lay Help in the Church. Spec. 66: 587. Layard, Sir Henry Austen, Early Adventures. Ed. R. 167: 519. — Nation, 46: 222. — Sat. R. 65: 263. — Quar. Ioff: 87. — Spec. 60: 1819. Layton, W. M. E. Lib. J. I3: 141. Lazarillo de Tormes, Illustrations for. (J. J. Jusserand) Ath. '88, 2: 883. * Lazarus to Dives. (J. B. Hopkins) Ecl. M. IOS: 263. Lazarus, Emma. Cent. I4: 875. – (P. Mendes) Critic, II : 293. — Poems of. (S. Solis-Cohen) Amer. I7: 295. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 36. — Spec. 63: 608. 4 — Tributes to the Memory of. Critic, II: 3.18. Lazarus Mart’n, de Cullud Lieyer. (W. W. Archer) Atlan. 59: 479. - Laziness, Mental. Spec. 61 : 1319. Lea, Isaac, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 404. Lead Mine, Down a Cumberland. Chamb. J. 67: 507. Lead-Mining Customs of Derbyshire, Curious. (W. An- drews) Leis. Hour, 36: 850. Lead Pencil, Two Centuries of the. (O. P. Hubbard) N. Eng. 54: 151. (H. L. Conard) (H. D. Teetor) M. (F. G. Cook) (E. H. Hickey) Longm. I5: 245 LEE Leadville, Early Men and Events in. M. West. Hist. Io: 130. — Emmons' Geology of. (N. S. Shaler) Nation, 45: 529. Leahy, John Pius. Irish Mo. 18: 561, 646. Leal Lass, A. (R. A. King) All the Year, 62: I-529. Lear, Edward. Ath. '88, I: 154. — Sat. R. 65: 130. — Nomsense Books. Quar. I57; 335. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 515. Lear of New England; a story. (J. T. McKay) Cos- mopol. 4: 99. Learned Institutions, Influence of, on the Progress of Modern Society. (E. H. Griffin) Science, I5: 183. Learning, The Revival of. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 27: 12. Leasehold Enfranchisement. (H. Evans) Contemp. 51: 852. — (J. Woulfe-Flanagan) National, 9: 618. — (A. Bakewell) Westm. I31: 367. Leather Industry in Ireland. (G. G. Chisholm) National, I6: II. Leather-Stocking, Prototype of. Am. Hist. I 8: 530. Leavenworth Military School. (H. D. Teetor) (H. H. Hurlbut) M. (C. King) Harper, 76: 777. Leaves and Cotyledons, Shapes of. (J. Lubbock) Na- ture, 41; 81. Leaves from a Note-Book. Macmil. 60: 73. Lebanon, N. H., Early History of. Granite Mo. I2: II 7. Lebombo, The Rescue at. 48: 256. Lebrum, Jacques, Trial of. Green Bag, I : 21 I. Lechmere, Sir Edmund A. H., with portrait. M. (Lond.) 50: 561. Lecky, William Hartpole, as a Poet. (W. Sharp) Acad. 40: 448. LeConte, John, with portrait. (W. LeC. Stevens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 112. — (F. Slate) Overland, m. s. 17: 642. Leconte de Lisle, C. M., Poetry of. III. LeCouvreur, Adrienne. (R. Davey) Art J. 4I: 315. Lectures and Lecturing. Meliora, 2: 197. Lecturing, A Lecture against. (H. Sidgwick) New R. 2 : 444. — A Lecture in Defence of. I. 26. Led Captive ; a story. (A. Bourke) Belgra. 72: 265. Ledges, Formation of, on Mountain-Slopes and Hill- (Lt. Col. Mahony) Argosy, Bank. Temp. Bar, 89: (Max Müller) New R. 3: sides. (A. Ernst) Nature, 39: 415. Lee Family of Virginia. (J. H. Lea) N. E. Reg. 44: IO3. Lee, Arthur, and H. Elliot. Hist. Soc. I4: 85. Lee, Gen. Charles, Exchange of. syl. M. I5: 26. Lee, James P., Bishop of Manchester. (G. Hunting- ton) Temp. Bar, 82: 23. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 132. Lee, Margaret. Divorce ; a novel. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 25: 213. — Faithful and Unfaithful. Church Q. 29: 339. Lee, Richard H. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 66: 23. Lee, Robert E. (Jeff. Davis) No. Am. I5o: 55–(Jeff. Davis) So. Hist. Pap. 17: 362. — (Sir G. Wolse- ley) Macmil. 55: 321. Same art. Critic, Io; I41, 155. Same art. Ecl. M. I.O.3: 683. — after the War. (M. J. Preston) Cent. I5: 271. — as an Educator. So. Hist. Pap. I7: 357. – Birthday Celebration, 1891. So. Hist. Pap. I&# 133. — — 1892. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 389. — A Canadian’s Estimate of. (T. E. Moberly) So. Hist. Pap. I7: 373. (O. Browning) Roy. (W. S. Baker) Penn- LEE Lee, Robert E., Character of. Pap. I7: 342. - Long's Memoirs of. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 44; 321, 346. – Ath. '87, I: 378. – Spec. 60: 16. — Sat. R. 63: 56. – Poem on. (R. B. Wilson) Lippine. 45: 880. – Statue of, at Richmond. So. Hist. Pap. 17: 187. — — Unveiling the. Pub. Opin. 9: 189. - Sympathy for his Men. So. Hist. Pap. 17: 335. – War-Horses of. So. Hist. Pap. 18: 388. 19: 333. — Wolseley on. (F. A. Walker; W. Allan) Nation, 44; 269, 316, 362, 403. , Lee, Thomas Sim, Governor of Maryland, 1779-83. Cath. World, 50: 776. Lee, William, and Charles A. B. Shepard, with por- traits. (G. L. Austin) Bay State Mo. 2: 309. Lee, Gen. William Henry Fitzhugh, Resolutions to. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 271. Leech, John. (W. H. Hunt) Contemp. 54: 335. Leech, an American Terrestrial. (S. A. Forbes) Am. Natural. 24: 646. Leeches, Sense of Taste or Smell in. Nature, 36: 125. Leech's Bottle, The. (H. M. Field) So. Hist. (A. G. Bourne) (G. S. Layard) Temp. Bar, 85: 43 ſ. Leeds, Club of. (J. Hatton) Art J. 4o: 336. – Musical Festival at, 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 529. – (J.S. Shedlock) Acad. 36: 244, 258. – Past and Present. (S. A. Byles) Eng. Illust. 6: 429. Leek, England. Spec. 60: 1816. Lees, Gen. William Nassau. Ath. '89, I: 345. — Acad. 35: 189. Lefèvre, Shaw, as an AEdile. ray, 5: 68. Lefroy, Edward Cracroft. (W. A. Gill) Acad. 40: 284. Left Behind. All the Year, 67: 438. 'Left-Handedness, Wilson's. Sat. R. 72: 203. — (S. Gar- man) Nation, 53: 243. Left-Leggedness. (W. K. Sibley) 19th Cent. 27: 773. Legs. All the Year, 40: 328. Legacy of Love, The. (W. Boyd Carpenter) Sunday M. 20: 660. Legal Banter and Repartee. All the Year, 64: 443. Legal Education. Green Bag, 3: 516. — Method of ; Text Books versus Leading Cases. L. Penfield) Am. Law R. 25: 234. — — True. (G. H. Smith) Am. Law R. 24: 211. Legal Fictions. Spec. 61: 1155. Legal History, English, Materials for. (F. W. Mait- land) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 496, 628. Legal Profession, Sir E. Clarke on. Spec. 61: 83. Legal Secret, A.; a story. (T. St. E. Hake) Chamb. J. 66: 697–761. - Legal Tender, International. º of Marlborough) (H. H. Statham) Mur- (W. Forum, 4: 497. Legal-Tender Decisions. (E. J. º SOC. 3: 49. - Legend of an Ancient Minster; a story. Argosy, 51 : 249. Legend of Crystal Spring (Medford, Mass.). Austin) Tinsley, 44; 355. Legend of Madame Krasinska. ames) Am. Econ. As- (J. Graeme) (H. W. (V. Paget) Fortn. 53: 377. Legend of Martinez. (E. T. Y. Swett) Overland, n. s. I2 : 209. Legend of Old New York; a story. (A. E. King) Cent. Ig; 45. Legend of St. Genevieve; a poem. (A. DeWere) Cath. World, 45: 46. Leggues, Esther; a Child of Grace. ing) Month, 65 : 529. Legion of Honor, The. Bar, 89: 200. (T. L. L. Teel- (A. O’D. Bartholeyns) Temp. 246 LEO Legislation, Obsolete. Meliora, 7: Legislative Restriction of Evils. Presb. R. 9: 249. Legislative Systems of Ireland, Ball on. (W. F. Al- len) Dial (Ch.) 9: 153. Legislatures and the Courts. Q. 5: 224. Legitimacy of Children. (D. F. Hannigan) Westm. I33 : 619. Le Hay, John, with photograph. Theatre, 26: 216. Leibnitz, G. W. (C. W. Russell) Irish Mo. 15: 139, 397. - Philosophy of. (C. E. Lowrey) Educa. Io: 373. I93. (W. J. Beecher) (C. B. Elliott) Pol. Sci. Leicester Castle, Proposed Demolition of. (Mrs. C. Musters) Antiq. m. s. 22: 145. Leidy, Joseph. Nature, 44; 63. – Labors of, in Vertebrate Anatomy. (H. Allen) Science, I8: 274. Leighton, Sir Frederick. Tinsley, 43: 227. Leipzig, Psychological Laboratory at. (J. M. Cattell) Mind, I3: 37. Leisler, Jacob, in “The Begum's Daughter.” (E. S. Brooks) Critic, I6: 288. Leisure, Extinction of. (A. H. Peters) Forum, 7: C83. — in Praise of. Atlan. 66: 137. Leisure Thoughts. All the Year, 67: 228. Lekythoi, White, from Attika. (J. H. Wright) Am. J. Archaeol. 2: 385. Leland, Charles G., Three Poems of. Amer. I6: 152. Leland Stanford Junior University. Overland, m. s. 18; 337. Lemaitre, Jules. (B. Matthews) Cosmopol. 9: 588, — a Rising French Critic. Nation, 44; 73. — Serenus, and other Tales. Macmil. 57: 71. Lemmon, John M. (T. Johnson) M. West. Hist, 9: 42O. Lempster, N. H., Incidents in History of. Spaulding) Granite Mo. Io: 267. Lemur ; a Study from Life. (O. T. Miller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 577. — Pranks of a Pet. (O. T. Miller) Cosmopol. 5: 456. Lenau, Nicolaus. Voyage to America. (E. Emerson) Harv. Mo. I2: 182. Lenbach, Franz. (Alice Meynell) Art J. 40: III. Lending and Borrowing. Argosy, 47: 463. - Length, Ultimate Standard of, Feasibility of Estab- lishing a Light-Wave as the. (A. A. Michelson and E. W. Morley) Am. J. Sci. I38: 181. Le Nommé, W. (S. J.Weyman) Macmil. 55: 199. Samº art. Liv. Age, I72: 487. Lens, How to Make a. (G. S. Jones) Sid. Mess. Io: 68. Lenses, Apochromatic. Nature, 35: 467. – Photographic, Focus of. (W. A. Cheyney) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 356. — — — Depth of. I29: 470. Lent in Paris. — in Rome. Leo XIII. 69: 144. — With portraits. (C. H. Luders) (M. W. Shinn) (C. S. (W. A. Cheyney) J. Frankl. Inst. (P. Courty) Cosmopol. 3: 55. Irish Mo. I7: 318. -> (E. Peacock) Acad. 32: 211. – Lond. Q. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 465. — and the Catholic University of America. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 46; I45. sº — and the Civil Power. (Bp. of Salford) 19th Cent. 23: I30. — and his Writings. (S. Münz) Blackw. I49: 749. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 67. — and the Septennate. (H. A. Brann) Am. Cath. Q. I2 : 22O. — and Temporal Power. — and Queen Victoria. — Apostolic Letter of, Nov., 1890. 4O2. Sat. R. 64: 150. Sat. R. 63: 908. Dub. R. Io9: 147, * ... — in Norway. – of South Africa, Moravian Mission to. LEO Leo XIII. ; Attitude, 1887. Sat. R. 63: 874. – Cardinal Newman and Louvaire. (St. G. Mivart) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 404. - Encyclical Letter of, on Chief Duties of Christian Citizens. Dub. R. Ioff: 403. — (J. J. Keane) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 301. - Encyclical Letter, Rerum novarum, May, 1891. Am. Cath. Q. I6: 529. – (J. J. Keane) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 595. – (H. E. Manning) Dub. R. Io9: 153. – And. R. I6: 175. — Dub. R. Io9: 168. — (T. B. Preston) Arena, 4: 459. — Jubilee of. Month, 62: 1. — (H. A. Brann) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 42. —Spec. 61: 8, - (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 46: 291. – Sat. R. 64: 730. 65: 13. — on Labor. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 217, 299. — — and the Economists. (H. Lucas) Month, 72: 305. — Letter of, on Conclusion of his Jubilee Year. Dub. R. IO4: 406. — Life of, O'Reilly's. Spec. 6o: 1389. —Sat. R. 64: 801. — Ath. '87, 2: 820. — Mission of. (I. T. Hecker) Cath. World, 48: 1. — Personality of. (M. F. Egar) Cent. I4: 90. — Poem of. Irish Mo. 18: 220. – Will he leave Rome 2 (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 679. Leon the Exile. (M. Philips) Lippinc. 44: 839. Leonard, Manning, Memoir of. (I. N. Tarbox) N. E. Reg. 4I: 249. Leonard Arundel's Recovery. 74; 356. Leonardo da Vinci. Leopards at Home. Chamb. J. 65: 236. Leopardi, G. T. F. (H. F. Brown) Macmil. 56: 88. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 215. Leopold II., King of Belgium, with portrait. Hour, 39: 469. Lepachic Acid and its Derivatives. (S. C. Hooker and W. H. Greene) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 142. Leper, Christ and the. (W. Page-Roberts) Good Words, 30: 716. (Grant Allen) Harper, See Vinci, Leonardo da. Leis. Lepers. (H. Knollys) Blackw. I48: 733. — at the Cape. Blackw. I46: 293. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: I 18. — How Treated in Olden Times. Chamb. J. 66: 513. — in Canada. Chamb. J. 67: 17. - – of Crete. (C. Edwardes) National, 14: 316. — Mission Work among. M. Chr. Lit. I : 16. (R. Roose) Fortn. 52: 846. (A. E. Gibbs) Spec. 63: 633. — of Robben Island. (G. S. Fort) Eng. Illust. 8: 501. Le Play, Frédéric. (H. Higgs) Q. J. Econ. 4: 408. Leprosy. Lend a H. 4: 591. — Altruism and. (F. A. Doughty) Chaut. II: 446. — and its Causes. (P. S. Abraham) Fortn. 52: 150. — Curiosities of. Cornh. 60: 141. – Dreadful Revival of. (Sir M. Mackenzie) 19th Cent. 26: 925. Same art. Ecl. M. 114: 62. – Is it Curable 2 (I. Grant) Month, 67: 174. Leptaenisca, from the Lower Helderberg Group. (C. E. Beecher) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 238. Lepus, Leaps of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Nature, 37: 247. Lermolieff, Ivan (pseud.). See Morelli, Giovanni. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, on French Banking Companies, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 545. Le Sage, A. R., Claretie's Life of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 53: 464. Le Serope, Richard, Archbishop. Ath. '88, 2: 160. Leslie, George, Father Archangel. (T. G. Law) Scot. R. 18: 77. Leslie Derrant; a story. All the Year, 63: 234. Lesnier, Jean F. D., Trial of. Green Bag, 2: 128. 247 LEWIS Lesquereux, Leo, with portrait. (L. R. McCabe) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 835. - Obituary. Am. J. Sci. I38: 499. Lesseps, Ferdinand de, Recollections. Ath. '87, 2: 706. – Nation, 46; 181. – Spec. 61: 935. —Spec. 61: I324. Lessing, G. E. (J. Forster) Lond. Soc. 58: 577. — and the German Drama. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 5 I: 198. – Dramatic Notes. Macmil. 57: 448. — Faust. (T. B. Saunders) Macmil, 62: 180. — Laokočn. Portfo. 20: 136. — Rollestone's Life of. (C. Thomas) Nation, 50: 229. Lesson of a Life, The ; a story. (H. R. Shattuck) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 297. Lesurques, Trial of. Green Bag, I : 72. Let Loose; a story. Temp. Bar, 88: 511. Same art. Liv. Age, I85; 411. - Letcher, John, Gov., Burning of Home of. So. Hist. Pap. I8: 393. Letters and Science. I7. — the Practice of. Macmil. 59: 223. – Profession of. Macmil. 56: 302. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 625. Same art. Critic, II: 130, 142.-- Macmil. 56: 450. 57: 38o. — the Seamy Side of. (A. C. Grissom) Author, 2: 145. Letters, 18th Century. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 52: (A. Putzker) Overland, n. s. 16: 4O4. — of a Worldly Woman; a story. Temp. Bar, 89: 497. go: 589. * Letters. See also Type. Letter-Writers, Early College Presidents as. Alexander) Educa. II: 611. Letter-Writing. (A.-H. Japp) Argosy, 51: 375. —Sat. R. 72: 439. § — Art of. All the Year, 66: 294. — Cardinal Newman's Views on. Spec. 66: I 14. – Decay of. (A. H. Wharton) Lippine. 47: 369. — to Cultivate Style. (W. P. Rambo) Writer, 3: 202. Lettering of Books, Lib. J. I2: 322. Letty Coe. (G. Gissing) Temp. Bar, 92: 533. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 19. Leucite Rock in the Absaroka Range. (A. Hague) Am. J. Sci. I38: 43. Levant, English Commerce in. (J. T. Bent) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 654. — in the Prehistoric Age. Scot. R. I5: 25. – of To-Day. Spec. 67: 494. Levantines. Sat. R. 63: 802. Level, Jottings about the. (W. Stokes) Am. Arch. 30: I5 I. Leven Memoirs. See Melville and Leven. Levi, Leone, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 36: 713.-Sat. R. 65: 555. Levis, Duc de. Souvenirs et Portraits. Temp. Bar, 87: (W. S. 323. Levy, Amy. Acad. 36: 185. — (M. Bourchier) Critic, I5: I.92. — a New Novelist. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 123. — Poems. (W. Sharp) Acad. 37: 76. Levy, J. M. In Memoriam ; Died Oct. 11, 1888. Thea- tre, 2I : 225. Lexington, Mass., Two Old-Time Ministers of. (C. A. Staples) Unita. R. 34: 97. - — Battle of: An Historic American Road. Chamb. J. 67: 721. Lexington, Steamboat, Burning of, 1840. (Mrs. E. H. Schenck) M. Am. Hist. 25: 415. Lewes Charters. (J. H. Round) Ath. '88, 2: 663. Lewis, George Thompson. M. West. Hist. Io: 273. Lewis, Henry Carvill. Nature, 38: 346. —Science, 12: 37. —With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 401. LEWIS Lewis, Gov. Merriwether. (M. J.Wright) M. Am.Hist. 26: I35. Lewis, Robert, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: I33. Lewis, Samuel Savage. Acad. 39: 324. Lewis, William. (H. Binney) Pennsyl. M. I.4: 3. Lewis Island Troubles. Sat. R. 64: 747. 6.5: 29-189. Leyden, Pilgrims in. (H. M. Dexter) New Eng. M. m. S. I : 49. Lhésa, City of, Tibet. (G. Sandberg) 19th Cent. 26: 681. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 248. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 705. —Sat. R. 68: 349. Liar, The ; a story. (H. James) Cent. I4: 123, 213. Libbey, Daniel L., with portrait. (G. Gary) M. West. - Hist. Io: 721. Libby Prison, From, to Freedom. (J. M. Oakley) Lip- pinc. 4I: 812. — Re-Erection of, at Chicago. Am. Arch. 29: 39. — Col. Rose's Tunnel at. (F. E. Moran) Cent. I3: 770. Libel, Law of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 173. —Sat. R. 65: 642-752. 66: Iog. —Spec. 6o: 1701. — (S. Morrill) Writer, I: Io, 25. — — Fraser on. Ath. 'go, I: 239. Libel of the Dead. (H. C. Black) Am. Law R. 23: 578. Liberal Arts, The Seven. (T. Davidson) Educa. R. 2: 467. — (H. Parker) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 417. Liberal Leagues, Lawlessness of. (A. Comstock) Our Day, I: 393. Liberal Party in England. 54: 46.I. — and Mr. Chamberlain. (J. G. Rogers) Contemp. 54: I 2. — and its Prospects. (R. B. Haldane) Contemp. (R. B. Haldane) Contemp. 53: I 45. — and the Land Question. (F. Harrison) Contemp. 55: OI. & — and Liberal-Unionists, Controversies between. Cong. R. 4: 287. — and the Parnellite Leaders. (Duke of Argyll) Con- temp. 55: I. — Has it a Future ? (R. C. Graham) Contemp. 53: 295. — Reorganization of. Westm. I28: 393. — Woman Workers for. Westm. I28: 3 II. Liberal Unionist,Why I became a. (G. Brooks) Blackw. I45: 248. Liberal Unionists and the Government. (Lord Lyming- ton) National, II: 202. — Collapse of. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4; 274. Liberalism and Letters. Unita. R. 33: 157. — English. (J. W. Mendenhall) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 1. — in Religion. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 346. — the New. (L. A. Atherley-Jones) 19th Cent. 26: 186. — A Response. (G. W. E. Russell) 19th Cent. 26: 492. — — Is there a 2 (J. D. Holms) Westm. I34: 237. — Philosophically Considered. Westm. I32: 337. — A Weakness of. (R. A. Griffin) Unita. R. 3o: 238. Liberia. (G. Ralston) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 433. – History of. (J. H. T. McPherson) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: no. Io. Liberty and a Living, Hubert's. Spec. 64: 659. — Christian, Limits of. (J. B. Jones) Chris. Q. 7: 343. – Civil, What is it? (W. G. Sumner) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 289. — an Encyclical Letter. (Leo XIII.) Dub. R. Ioa: I37. — Encyclical of Leo XIII. on. Month, 66: 457. — Constitutional. (A. A. Chevallier) Arena, I : 432. 248 LIBRARIES Liberty, Individual, and State Interference. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 33. — Mill on. Meliora, 2: 83. — Shibboleth of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, Io: 508. Librarian an Educator. (M. Cohen) Lib. J. 13: 366. — Being a Lib. J. I5: 201—330. Librarians, Architects and. (N. S. Patton) Lib. J. 14: I59. – Ladies as. Spec. 64: 693. – State, Association of. Proceedings, 1889. Lib. J. I5: 24.I. — — Conference of. (T. H. Wallis) Lib. J. 12: 284. Library, Arabic, at Damascus. (S. P. Lambros) Ath. 'go, I: 149. – as a Field for Philanthropy. (A. Carnegie) Lib. J. I5 : 42. y — the First English Free, and its Founders. (J. Tay- lor) Murray, Io: 678. — Gladstone's Model. (A. C. Ranyard) Ath. 'go, I: 372, 436. — an Ichthyological. Ath. '87, 2: 406. — in Berlin, The Old Royal. Nation, 47: 497. – Largest, in the World. Lib. J. 12: 291. – of Congress, Building for. Nation, 47: 6. Congressional Library. — of a Philadelphia Antiquarian. Am. Hist. 24: 388. — Paris, Day in a. (J. B. Perkins) Cosmopol. 1: 249. - People's, Dream of a. Amer. I4: 7. Same art. Lib. J. I2: 260. — Private, How to Form a. I2: I 59. — Public, and High Schools in Boston. (G. W. Evans) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 123. Libraries. (E. Camut) Am. Arch. 34: 19-79. — Access to the Shelves in. Lib. J. I5: 197, 229, 296. — and the Federal Government. (W. Flint) Lib. J. I5: 64. – and Librarians of the Pacific Coast. Overland, n. s. 18: 449. — and Local Museums, English. (J. Winsor) Nation, 5I : 244. — Antediluvian. (E. C. Richardson) Lib. J. 15: 40. — Architecture of, Report on, 1889–90. (H. M. Utley) Lib. J. I5: 12, 75. – Browsing in. (J. K. Hosmer) Lib. J. 15: 33. – Business Methods in Management of. (F. M. Crun- den) Lib. J. I2: 335. . *- Cataldgues and Classification of, Report on, 1889–90. (K. A. Linderfelt) Lib. J. 15: 67. — Cathedral. (J. Winsor) Nation, 51: 284. — Chained. (J. W. Clark) Acad. 4o: 435. — Charging Systems for. (H. J. Carr) Lib. J. I.4: 203. – Choosing and Buying Books for. (C. Alex. Nelson) Lib. J. I2: 155. — Classification in. (R. Bliss) Lib. J. I.4: 240. — (W. E. Foster) Lib. J. I5: 6. — — Bonazzi's Scheme. (R. Bliss) Lib. J. I6: 5. — — Close. (G. W. Cole) Lib. J. I2: 356. — — Notation for Small Libraries. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. I2: 324. — — Theory and Practice. I4: 22–113. - — College, Departmental Arrangement of. (E. E. Clarke) Lib. J. 14: 340. * – Co-Operation in. (H. H. Morgan) Lib, J. I6: 39. — Common Sense in. (C. A. Cutter) Lib. J. I4; 147. – Departmental. (E. E. Clarke) Lib. J. 16: 264. – District-School. (C. H. Shinn) Educa. Io: 369. — Differentiation of. (M. Cohen) Lib. J. I5: 70. - Duties of, to their Staffs. (M. I. Crandall) Lib. J. I6: Ioš. — Fines in. Lib. J. I.6: IoS, 137, 17o. See also (E. P. Buckley) M. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. (F. H. Clark) (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. LIBRARIES 249 Libraries, Fire Protection of. Am. Arch. 30: 26. — for the People. Meliora, 2: 293. — for Specialists. (C. A. Nelson) Lib. J. I2: 361. — for Working Girls. Spec. 63: 716. — Free; an address. (J. Lubbock) New R. 4: 6o. — Function of, in Education. (W. T. Harris) Lib. J. I5: 27. — Hours of Opening. (E. C. Richardson) Lib. J. I2: 4O2. — in Canada. (J. Bain, jr.) Lib. J. I2: 406. — in England. (J. Winsor) Lib. J. I5: 302, 332. – in Europe, Impressions in. (M. S. Cutler) Lib. J. I6: supp. 48. — in Iowa. (A. North) Lib. J. I6: 332. – in Italy, Condition of. (J. Winsor) Nation, 53: 26. — in the U. S., List of. Lib. J. I2: 5–63. — in Zante and Crete. Ath. '87, 2: 55. — Lighting of, Proper. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I5: 9. — Normal-School, in Wisconsin. (K. A. Linderfelt) Lib. J. I6: 329. — of Scientific Societies, Classification in. (S. H. Scud- der) Lib. J. I2: 221. — Private, Bibliography of. 306. & — — of Brooklyn, N. Y. — — of New York City. 83, III. — Public. Lend a H. 6: 219. — — Access to the Shelves in. J. I6: 268. — — — Cleveland Public Library. J. I6: Supp. 34. — — — a Possible Function of Branch Libraries. (H. Putnam) Lib. J. I6: Supp. 62. - — — and Public Schools. (M. Merington) Lib. J. 12: 156. — (S. S. Green) Lib. J. I6: supp. 22. — (M. A. Sanders) Lib. J. I4: 79. — — — in Cleveland, O. (W. H. Brett) Lib. J. I6: Supp. 3O. — — — A New Experiment in Worcester, Mass. (S. S. Green) Lib. J. I2: 4oo. — — Are they Public Blessings? Lib. J. I.4: 407. — — as a Help to the Historical Student. Foster) New Eng. M. — — Formation and Orgánization of. (R. R. Bowker) Lib. J. I2: II.7. — — Free. (T. W. Higginson) Lib. J. I3: 87. — Meli- Ora, IO: 235. — — — in New York. I69. — — Future of. (L. H. Steiner) Lib. J. I5: 44. — — Gifts and Bequests to, 1890–1. (C. M. Hewins) Lib. J. Ig: supp. 27. — — in Manufacturing Communities, Possibilities of. (M. A. Sanders) Lib. J. I2: 395. — — in relation to Persons engaged in Industrial Pur- suits. (S. S. Green) Lib. J. I.4: 215. — — in the United States, List of. Lib. J. I2: 153. — — — Supplementary List of. Lib. J. I4: 24. — — The “Inferno’’ in. (W. I. Fletcher) Critic, 15: 275. — — Lending of MS. from. (R. Ellis) Acad. 31: 146. — — of Massachusetts. (H. S. Nourse) New Eng. M. n. S. 5: I.39. — — of our Time; A. L. A. President's Address, 1887. (W. F. Poole) Lib. J. 12: 311. - — — Public Support of. (W. E. Foster) Lib. J. 16: supp. 39. \ — — Relation of, to Education. J. I.6: 301. — — Relations of City Governments to. (W. Rice) Lib. J. I2: 364. (P. L. Ford) Lib. J. I.4: (P. L. Ford) Lib. J. I3: 286. (P. L. Ford) Lib. J. I.4: 20, (T. W. Higginson) Lib. (W. H. Brett) Lib. (J. M. Hubbard) (W. E. (V. Roseboro') Cosmopol. 3: (W. A. Mowry) Lib. LICENSING Libraries, Public, Significance of. Lib. J. I3: 34o. — — Sunday Opening of. I76. — — Trustees of. (C. C. Soule) Lib. J. 15: 19. — — — Duties of. (S. S. Green) Lib. J. 15: 24. — — Uniformity or Individuality in 2 (L. H. Steiner) Lib. J. I6; supp. 57. — — Working of. Lib. J. I2: 225. – Reading, in London. Lib. J. I2: 195. — Reference Workein. Lib. J. I6: 297. — Registration of Borrowers in. (H. J. Carr) Lib. J. I2: 340. – Lib. J. I5: 37, 74. — School, a Factor in Education. J. I4; 343. – Seminary, and University Extension. Adams) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: no. 11. — Shelf-Room in, Economy of. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I5: 134. — Specialization of. (P. L. Ford) Lib. J. 15: 7, 69. – State, Civil Service Reform in. (J. L. Cole) Nation, 52: II.4. – Western. (M. W. Plummer) Lib. J. 16: 334. Library Act of 1700. Lib. J. I2: 285. Library Architecture, Points of Agreement on. Soule) Lib. J. I6: supp. 17. Library Association of the United Kingdom, Birming- ham Meeting, 1887. Lib. J. I2: 516. – Ath. '87, 2: 408, 439. — Meeting, 1888. Lib. J. I3: 322. — — 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 456, 487. Library Buildings. (W. I. Fletcher) Am. Arch. 24: ......." 198, 252. Same art. Lib. J. I3: 338. – (W. H.;;...... . Fletcher) Lib. J. I.4; 39. " ... ---4----4-4*** * * * * * * — Architecture of, Report on, 1887. Lib. J. I2: 377. — Catalogue of Illustrations and Plans of. (J. L. Whit- ney) Lib. J. I3: 291. - . Library Bureau, (M. Dewey) Lib. J. 13: 145. *:::: Library Conference at Antwerp. (H. M. Stephens) e #4. Acad. 38; 131. . Library Economy, School of. Lib. J. I2: 166. — — at Columbia College. (M. W. Plummer) Lib. J. I2: 363. Library Experts, their Rights and Duties. (H. E. Green) Lib. J. I5: I5. - Library Legislation, The Best. J. I.6: supp. 31. — Report on, 1889–90. (T. W. Higginson) (M. S. Cutler) Lib. J. I.4: (G. E. Hardy) Lib. (H. B. (C. C. (J. N. Larned) (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. (T. Solberg) Lib. J. I5: 50. Library Reports. (F. M. Crunden) Lib. J. I5: 198. Library School, Value of. (M. W. Plummer) Lib. J. I6: 40. Library Superstitions. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I.4: X X • Library Work. (W. A. Bardwell) Lib. J. I3: 5. — Art Element in. (M. I. Crandall) Lib. J. I3: 365. — for Women. (C. M. Hewins) Lib. J. 16: 273. — in Schools. (L. R. Halsey) Educa. 9: 390. Librettist, The Good. Theatre, 22: 24.I. License, High. (E. H. Crosby) No. Am. I44: 496. — — and Prohibition. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 48: I26. — — Justified. (W. Miller) No. Am. I47: 638. — — No Remedy. (D. R. Locke) No. Am. I45; 291. — — Objections to. (L. W. Bacon) Forum, 5: 281. — — Other Side of. (H. M. Whitney) Nation, 46: 91. Licenses, Municipal Ordinances for Regulation of Oc- cupation by Means of. (W. L. Hodge) Am. Law R. 25: 595. License System, Ethics of. 24O. Licensing Laws and Customs, Early. (J. C. Cox) Fortn, 53: 835. * (J. Faville) And. R. II: LICENSING Licensing Laws, British, Proposed Amendment of, 1868. Meliora, I2: 65. Licensing System, Gothenburg. 73 : 60. – Liverpool. Theory of. Meliora, 8: 323. See also Liquor Licenses; Local Government. Lichens. Status of the Algo-Lichen Hypothesis. A. Williams) Am. Natural. 23: 1. Lichfield, Etymology of. (H. Bradley) Acad. 36: (J. Halpin) Month, (T. 3O5. Lichfield Cathedral. (Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer) Cent. I4; 379. Lick Observatory. (I. H. Ballard) Overland, n. s. 9: 232. – Knowl. I2: 34. — (W. T. Lynn) Leis. Hour, 38: 691. — Sat. R. 66: 74. — (E. S. Holden) Sid. Mess. 7: 49. — Automatic Recording Instruments of. Knowl. I2: 58. — Double Star Discoveries at. Dub. R. IOS: 175. — Telescope of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: 205. — (E. S. Holden) Sid. Mess. 7: 296. — Sid. Mess. 9: 97. — Time Service of. (J. E. Keeler) Sid. Mess. 6: 233. Lidderdale, William, with portrait. (H. May) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 799. Liddon, Henry Parry, Canon. (H. E. Holland) Con- temp. 58: 473. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 279. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: IO2, 130. — Church Q. 3I: 212. — (A. Pott) New R. 3: 305. — And. R. I4: 512. – Liv. Age, 187: 307. – Critic, I7 : 134– 206. — Spec. 65 : 330. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 31 I. — Sat. R. 70: 306. —Tinsley, 45: 467. — Sermons. Spec. 61 : 51.2. 62: 859. Liébault, Dr., and Hypnotic Suggestion in Medical Treatment. (C. L. Tuckey) 19th Cent. 24: 839. Liebermann, Dr., of Mainz. (I. Grant) Month, 7o: 186. Liebig, J., Discoveries and Philosophy of. Thudicum) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 80–141. Liebig Extract of Beef Works in South America. Chamb. J. 67: 773. Lieutenant, The. (M. Kendall) Longm. I5: 314. Lieutenants, Senior, in the Royal Navy. Un. Serv. M. '88, 1: 295. Lieven, Princess: Correspondence with Earl Grey. Ed. R. I71: 453. – Westm. I33: 643. — Ath. 'go, I : I41. '91, I: 145. — Spec. 64: 121. – Sat. R. 69: 71. 71 : 177. Life. (R. H. Howard and others) Meth. R. 51: 38o. — and Death, Paradox of. (W. B. Carpenter) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 4o. — and its Renewal. Meliora, 6: 315. - — Animal, What is? (J. W. Dawson and others) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 441. — The Art of. (A. Mathews) N. Eng. 52: 545. — Art of Prolonging. (R. Roose) Fortn. 51: 857. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 164. — Beginning and End of, Weismann on. 370. — Best Period of. All the Year, 64; 36. – Breath of, in Genesis ii. 7. (E. C. Richardson) J. Bib. Lit. 5: 49. — Christian Ideal of. (W. C. Magee) Good Words, 32: 619. ſº – Duration of. (P. C. Mitchell) Nature, 37: 541. — Elixir of, in Science and Romance. (W. S. Walsh) Cosmopol. 8: 81. — Four Modes of. (J. W. Powell) Forum, Io: 667. — Higher; How it is to be Sustained. (J. L. Davies) Fortn. 49: 124. — Reply. (F. H. Collins) Fortn. 49: 273. — in Other Worlds. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 230. — Loss of, at Sea. J. Soc. Arts, I: 169. (J. L. W. Quar. I70: 250 LIGHT Life, Lowest Forms of. (J. A. Mooney) Cath. World, 49: 356. – Origin of. (H. W. Conn) N. Prine. 4: 163. – Physical. (M. J. Greenman) Chaut. I4: 156, 287. – Price of. (E. Atkinson) Forum, 6: 350. — Problem of. N. Princ. 5: 390. - Prolongation of. (C. M. Hammond) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34 - 92. – Right Final Aim of. (G. von Gizycki.) Int. J. Ethics, I : 3 II. – Storage of, as a Sanitary Study. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. I2: 381. – Stream of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 1, 49. 5-Three Views of. (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 34: 377. – What is the Object of 2 (G. J. Romanes) Forum, 3: 345. — (Grant Allen ; W. H. Mallock; E. D. Cope) Forum, 3: 466, 595. 4: 49. – (J. P. Lesley) Forum, 4: 201. — (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 4: 307. — Wild Youth's Tax on. (H. W. Beecher) Knowl. Io: I47. — Worth Living, The. (W. Sutton) Irish Mo. 15:433. – Would we Live our Lives Over Again 2 Arena, 3: 206. Life's Long Battle Won. (E. Garrett) Sunday M. 18: 42–637. Life's Morning, A. (G. Gissing) Cornh. 57: 1-639. 58: 79–636. Life for Life. (H. H. Boyesen) Lippine. 40: 277. Life-Boats. (A. Henderson) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 5 Io. — and their Crews. Spec. 67: 636. – Steam. Dub. R. Io9: 414. — (J. F. Green) J. Soc. Arts, 39: I.27. Lifeboat Work. All the Year, 59: 394. — Recent. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 36: 184. Life-Brigade, Night with a Chamb. J. 64; 439. Life-Energy, Dynamics of Health and Disease. (N. Al- cock) Nature, 35: 366. Life Interest, A ; a story. Soc. 53: 81-380. Life-Restoring. (W. Preyer) Knowl. I2: 21. Life-Saving at Sea. Leis. Hour, 37: 21 I. Life-Saving Service, U. S. (W. W. Johnson) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: I34. - Life Statistics of an Indian Province. (S. A. Hill) Na- ture, 38: 245, 565. Light; a poem. (P. B. Marston) Fortn. 55: I. — and Color. (W. D. W. Abney) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 80– I 13. – Knowl. 9; 16–331. — and Electricity, Identity of. Mo. 38: I 79. — and Health. — Artificial, Materials for. I2: 31 I. — Cheapest Form of. (S. P. Langley and F. W. Very) Am. J. Sci. I40: 97. — Comparison of Elastic and Electrical Theories of. (J. W. Gibbs) Am. J. Sci. I35: 467. — Comparison of Electric Theory and Sir William Thomson's Theory. (J. W. Gibbs) Am. J. Sci. I37: (Mrs. Alexander) Lond. (H. Hertz) Pop. Sci. Meliora, Io: 125. (B. H. Paul) J. Soc. Arts, 129. — Direction of Vibration of. (F. T. Tronton) Nature, 39: 391. — Effect of, upon Magnetism. (S. Bidwell) Nature, 39: 572. — — on Matter, in Photography, etc. (W. de W. Ab- ney) Nature, 40: 469. — Polarization of. (S. P. Thompson) Nature, 40: 232, 257. — Right to the Access of. (George H. Powell) Am. Arch. 21: 2 Io, 232. — Standards of. (W. J. Dibdin) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 65. — Velocity of. Knowl. 9: 237. — Waves of. (A. A. Michelson) Science, I2: 80. LIGHT Light, Waves of, as the Ultimate Standard of Length, Feasibility of Establishing. (A. A. Michelson and E. W. Morley) Am. J. Sci. 138: 181. — — Length of. (L. Bell) Am. J. Sci. I33: 162. –––– Absolute. (L. Bell) Am. J. Sci. I35: 265, 347. — — Measurement of. (A. A. Michelson) Am. J. Sci. I39: II.5. – Wonders of, Recent. (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 129. Light of Life, The. (T. T. Munger) Ref. Q. 36: 313. Light that Failed, The ; a story. (R. Kipling) Lippine. 47: 3. Lights, Old and New. (J. W. Dawson) M. Chr. Lit. 3: II. Light Literature. Lond. Soc. 58: 408. Lightfoot, Joseph B., Bishop. Ath. '89, 2: 894. – (J. S. Stone) Church R. 63 : 173. — (F. W. Farrar) Contemp. 57 : 170. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I; 360. — (W. Sanday) Acad. 37: 9. - — as an Historian. (W. Sanday) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 209. — Testimonials to. M. Chr. Lit. I : 287. Light-House of Rolling Rock. (Mrs. L. Thompson) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 585. Lighthouses. (J. Tyndall) Fortn. 50: 805. (Sir W. Thomson) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 306. — Ancient and Modern. Am. Arch. v. 21–24. — and Other Aids to Navigation. (W. Mooney) Chaut, I2: 198. — English. 51 : 198. — (A. G. Findlay) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 238, – Gas for. (J. R. Wigham) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 464. — Illuminants for. Science, I6: 267. — in Great Britain, Management of. Fortn. 51: 490. Lighthouse Illumination, Experiments on, in Great Britain. (J. Tyndall) 19th Cent. 24: 61. — of Maritime Coasts. (E. A. Gieseler) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: I. Lighthouse Lamps. Chamb. J. 65: 347. Lighthouse Work in the United Kingdom for Fifty Years. (J. Kenward) Nature, 36: Io9–243. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 167–31 I. Lighting, Two Recent Improvements in. 64; 374. Lightning. Am. Arch. 22: 281. — Accidents from. (W. Marriott) Knowl. I2: 197. — and the Electric Spark. (S. Bidwell) Nature, 42: I 5 I. – Danger from. Knowl. I2: II. — Disruptive Effects of. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2: 198. — Flash of, Duration of a. I2: I77. – Flashes of. Nature, 35: 342. — Forms of. (R. Phillips) Nature, 41 : 58. – Globular. (A. T. Hare) Nature, 40: 415. – Photographs of. Knowl. I2: 165.— (O. J. Lodge) Na- ture, 38: 244. – Nature, 40: 190. — Science, I2: 11. – Protection of Buildings from. (R. J. Mann) J. Soc Arts, 23: 528.— (O. J. Lodge) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 867, 880.-Science, I2; 17. – (N. D. C. Hodges and oth- ers) Science, I7: 127–267. — Some Effects of. (C. Tomlinson and A. F. Griffith) Nature, 40: 366,437. Lightning Arresters. (A. J. Wurts) N. Eng. 55: 176. Lightning-Conductors. (R. J. Mann) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 328. — (R. C. Day) Knowl. I2: 220. —Nature, 38: 546. — (O. J. Lodge) Science, 16: 45. Lightning Discharge. (R. Abercromby) Nature, 4o: (W. M. Gattie) Chamb. J. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. 7. 295. - Lightning-Holes, or Fulgurites. (G. P. Merrill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 529. Lightship, Life on the South Shoal. (G. Kobbé) Cent. 251 LINCOLN Ligne, Princess Hélène Massalski de, Perey's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 301. – Ed. R. 167: 1. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 183. Ligne, Prince Karl Josef von. 454. —Ed. R. I72: 222. Ligonier Paving-Stone. (J. J. Stevenson) Am. J. Sci. (F. Groso) Chaut. Io: I34; 37. Likely Story; a farce. (W. D. Howells) Harper, 78: 26 Lil; a Liverpool Child. (A. C. Maitland) Eng. Illust. 5: 564, 628. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 144. Lilacs, The. (M. Hunt) Longm. I2: 403. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 593. . Lilian Dalzell. (F. Armstrong) Tinsley, 43: 1-619. 44: I–I93. Lilly, W. S. Chapters in European History. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 59: 167. Lily, Rose, and Vine in History. cation, 8: 258. Limburger Chronik, Poetry in the. (J. Goebel) Am. J. Philol. 8: 158, 448. Lime and Cement. Am. Arch. 21: 11. Lime Light, Ether-Oxygen. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 28. Limerick, Sieges of. Am. Cath. Q. 16: 845. Limes Germanicus. (J. Hirst) Antiq. m. s. 23: 166. Limestone, Genesis of Iron-Ores by Replacement of: (J. P. Kimball) Am. J. Sci. I42: 231. — Recent Explorations in the Wappinger Walley. B. Dwight) Am. J. Sci. I38: 139. — St. Louis, Brecciated Character of. Am. Natural. 24: 305. Limited Liability. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 27. – in its Relation to Manufactures and Commerce. (W. Hawes) J. Soc. Arts, I4; 21. Limited Liability Reform. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 582. * Limoges and its Industries. 651. Linacre, Thomas. (J. R. Bennett) Leis. Hour, 37: 546. Lincoln, Abraham. Quar. I73: 333. – (C. Schurz) At- lan. 67: 721. – (T. Stanton) Westm. 135: 635. 136: 1, 124, 255. —Spec. 66: 563, 628. – (G. L. Austin) Bay State Mo. 3: 165. – (R. Lovett) Leis. Hour, 36: 165. – Addresses on, Concord, N. H., Feb. 15, 1887. Gran- ite Mo. Io: 33. – and Seward and their Latest Biographers. (F. Ban- croft) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 711. — and the Sleeping Sentinel. Am. Hist. 25: 405. – as a Colonizationist. (F. N. Thorpe) Edu- (W. (C. H. Gordon) (T. Child) Harper, 77: (L. E. Chittenden) M. Nation, 50: 91. — Assassination of. (R. S. Collum) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : I 57. . . - — — Night of. (G. A. Woodward) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 471. - – Assassins of. (J. Speed) No. Am. I47: 314. . — Calhoun, Seward and. (J. M. Ashley) M.West. Hist. I2 : 599. I3 : I. — Estimate of. (H. Greeley) Cent. 20: 371. — Faith of. (L. E. Chittenden) Harper, 82: 385. — Franklin, and Washington. Atlan. 64: 707. – Humor of. (D. R. Locke) M. Am. Hist. 24: 52. — Life in the White House in the Time of. (J. Hay) Cent. Ig: 33. — Life of. (J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay) Cent. v. II-17. — — Nicolay and Hay's. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 52: 13, 34. — — Herndon's. Ath. '89, 2: 311. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 253. — (J. D. Cox) Nation, 49: 173. — — Memoranda on. Cent. I& 3.05. — Lineage of. (S. Shackford) N. E. Reg. 4I: 1 = 3. 20: 537. — Monument to, at Springfield, Ill. Chaut. 7: 405. LINCOLN Lincoln, Abraham, Personal Appearance of. (J. G. Nicolay) Cent. 20: 932. – Personal Recollections of. (C. K. Tuckerman) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 4 II. - (J. M. Scovel) Lippinc. 44: 244. – (J. M. Scovel) Overland, n. s. 18: 497. — Restoration Policy for Virginia. (R. Stiles) M. Am. Hist. 22: 209. –(H. E. Hayden) M. Am. Hist. 22: 487. – St. Gaudens's Statue of. Cent. I3: 37. — Unlucky Pass Given by. (A. Foreman) M. Am. Hist. I7: I 53. Lincoln, Robert T., with portrait. (H. Dunlevy) Green Bag, I : 321. Lincoln, Eng., County and Diocese of. Church Q. 33: (M. G. Van Rensselaer) I47. — Roman Inscription at. (F. Haverfield) Antiq. m. s. 2I: 257. Lincoln Cathedral. (Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer) Cent. I4: 583. Lincoln College, Oxford, Thirty Years Ago. Overton) Longm. 9: 258. Lincoln's Inn, London. (L. Serle) Portfo. I8: 220, 234. – Gateway of Old Square. (A. C. Ranyard and oth- ers) Knowl. I3: 143–191. (J. H. Lincolnshire. Quar. I73: Ioo.— (J. H. Overton) Longm. I7: 25o. — By-Gone. Antiq. m. s. 24; 17. – On Foot About. All the Year, 67: 270. Lind, Jenny. (H. R. Haweis) Contemp. 59: Goo. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 209. — Church Q. 33: 65. Same art. Liv. Age, Igi : 772. — (H. T. Finck) Nation, 53: 16. —Liv. Age, Igo: 629. —Sat. R. 71 : 508.- (L. C. Lillie) Lippine. 40: 914. — Acad. 32: 31 O. — Ath.’87, 2: 612. —Lond. Q. 76: 245. — (H. S. Hol- land) Murray, 2: 721. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 751. “ – First Appearance in London. (G. Tawse) Theatre, 2O : I. - — in the U. S.; First Jenny Lind Ticket. num) Cosmopol. 4: Ioz. Lindisfarne, Pilgrimage to, in 1887. Cornh. 58: 122. Lindsays, The. (J. K. Leys) Month, v. 59-62. Linehan, John C., with portrait. Granite Mo. Io: I 91. Linen Weaving in Skibboreen (Ireland). land) Irish Mo. 18: 145. Linguist, The. (E. Nesbit) Longm. Ig: 92. Lingula; the Oldest Noble of them all. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3 I: 743. Linnaeus, C. All the Year, 60: 254. Same art. Age, I65: 182. With portrait. 835. — Caddy's Life of. (E. W. Shogren) Dial (Ch.) 8: 40. — Through the Fields with, Mrs. Caddy's. Spec. 6o: 1218. Linoleum and Floorcloth. (T. Greenwood) Leis. Hour, 38: 354. . . . Linotype. J. Frankl. Inst. 129: I. Linskill, Miss Mary. Good Words, 32: 477. Linton, J. D. (F. Wedmore) Art J. 43: 57. Linton, William J. (F. G. Kitton) Eng. Illust. 8: 491. — Poems and Translations. Ath. '89, I: 593. Lion. King of the Forest. Cosmopol. I: 122. — and the Mouse; a story. (B. S. Knollys) Belgra. (P. T. Bar- (R. Mulhol- (C. Vogt) Liv. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 75: 77. — of the Nile, The. Scrib. M. 4: 707. Lions, Natural History of. (M. Bell) Month, 61: 215. Lion-Hunting in Algeria. Chamb. J. 66: Io9. Lion-Tamer, Adventures of a. (W. J. Rouse) Cosmo- pol. 5: 380. & Lion-Taming at Boulogne. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 23: I93. 252 LITERARY Lippard, George. (S. W. Cooper) Amer. 18: 361. Lippi, Filippo. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I6: 857. 18: 462. – A Nativity by. (V. Lee) Contemp. 56: 484. Liquefaction by Pressure; the Flow of Solids. (W. Hallock) Am. J. Sci. I34; 277. Liquids, Compressed, Dilatation of. J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 193. – Relation of Volume, Pressure, and Temperature in. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I38: 407. — Subsidence of Fine, Solid Particles in. Am. J. Sci. I37: 122. - Surface Tension of. (W. H. Larrabee) Pop.Sci. Mo. 35: 591. – (Lord Rayleigh) Nature, 41: 566. Liquor and Labor. (J. T. Smith) Cath. World, 47: 539. – Rum and the Rum Power. (H. Crosby) Arena, I: 396. – Rum Power, Political Influence of. Arena, I: 196. — — H. George and. (C. B. Fisk) Arena, 1: 310. - Taxed and Untaxed. Nation, 44; 266. Liquors, Adulteration of : “What'll You Drink.” Meliora, 2: 279. – “Original Packages.” 337. Liquor Laws not Sumptuary. (G. F. Magoun) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 768. Liquor Licenses in Cheshire, Eng. Spec. 67: 281. — in Great Britain. (H. E. C. Manning and W. S. Caine) Contemp. 57: 769. — — Bill for, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 559, 591. — — Compensation for. (E. N. Buxton and A. John- ston) Contemp. 58: 142. – National, I5: 667. — (T. W. Russell) 19th Cent. 28: 23. – Wickedness of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 8: 24. Liquor Selling, Romanism and. (M. F. Cusack) Our Day, 6: 81. — Sunday, Legislation on. Meliora, II: 20, 193. — in Cincinnati. (H. J. Steward) Our Day, 5: 22. Liquor Trade. Spec. 61: 78o. Liquor Traffic and the Ballot. I 73. — and Political Economy. Meliora, Io: 222. – Anglo-Saxon Race and. Meliora, 4: 130. — can it be Legalized without Sin? (N. Dow) Our Day, 4: 418. — Catholic Clergy and the. (T. McMillan) Cath. World, 53: I 59. — The Church and. Meliora, 2: 248. – in Great Britain, Official Statistics of, 1859. Meliora, 3 : 353. – in relation to Labor and Capital. Meliora, I2: I Io. – Parliament and. Meliora, 7: 246. 8: 189. Lisbon. Sat. R. 70: 343. — Loafing Trip to. Cornh. 59: 584. Lisbon, N. H. (S. Emery) Granite Mo. Io: 95. Lisieux, France, A Day at. Am. Arch. 21: 249. (E. H. Amagat) (C. Barus) (H. George) Pub. Opin. 9 : 99, I22, I93, (N. Dow) Our Day, 2: Lismore. (A. Stokes) Eng. Illust. 7: 471. Liszt, Franz. (P. Sylvester) National, Io: 662. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 361. — A Child’s Recollection of. Atlan. 68: 718. — and Wagner. Correspondence. Quar. IG7: 65. — Life of, Wohl's. Spec. 61 : 1323. — Sat. R. 64: 59. — Reminiscences of. All the Year, 63: II.3. – Month, 60: 394. — Some Pupils of. (A. M. Bagby) Cent. I3: 724. Litchfield, Grace Denio. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 342. Litchfield, England. See Lichfield. º Literary Anodynes. (A. Lang) N. Princ. 6; I45. Literary Backbiting. (G. P. Lathrop) No. Am. I44: 2OO. Literary Böarder. (R. Ogden) Lippinc. 44; 222. Literary Book-Keeping. (O. T. Miller) Writer, 3: I 77. LITERARY Literary Career, The, in France. (T. Child) Atlan. 51: 77 I. Literary Celebrities of 1788. Sat. R. 66: 516. Literary Coincidences. (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 40: 534. Literary Craft, Secrets of the. (E. B. Carter) Writer, 4: I.28. Literary Criticism in France. Age, I84: 67. Literary Dissipation. (J. F. Hume) Bapt. R. I2: 3oo. Literary Ethics. (W. P. Brown) Author, 2: 96. Literary Fame. (J. Burroughs) Critic, I4: 260. — Longevity and. (E. L. Didier) Author, 2: Literary Fields. (C. M. Harger) Writer, I: 149. Literary Focus. (A. E. Winship) Writer, 2: 8. Literary Forgeries. 318. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 176. Literary Frauds, Follies, and Mystifications. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. S. 45: 238. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: 502. Literary Goods, Marketable. 2 : 53. Literary Idolatrias. (W. Watson) National, I2: 160. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 844. Literary Immortality. (J. R. Seeley) Contemp. 54: 370. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 656. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: I60. Literary Influence in British History. Sat. R. 68: 3I2. Literary Inspiration, Sources of. (A. S. Gregg) Author, 2 : I44. Literary Life in the United States. (H. Holt) N. Eng. 48: 155. — Practical Aspects of. (Edward Dowden) Liv. 3I. (M. Meredith) Writer, (H. Holt) Writer, I: 39. Literary Log-Rolling. (J. C. Adams) Forum, 2: 515. Literary Necrology of 1888. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 15. Literary Perfume. (M. Thompson) Critic, II: 73. Literary Research, a Neglected Study. (J. Royce) Harv. Mo. Io: 169. Literary Shibboleths. Literary Society as she was seen. Lippine. I3: 116. Literary Societies and Culture. (R. Lee) Westm. I54: 3II. Literary Style. (J. Burroughs) Critic, I2: 124. Literary Success. (E. L. Didier) Author, I: 17. Literary Syndicates; Middlemen and the Dignity of Literature. Spec. 66: 752. Literary Taxidermy. (A. L. Hanscom) Author, 2: 96. Literary Venture; a story. (A. Fleming) Belgra. 68: 312. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 739. Literary Voluptuaries. Blackw. I42: 805. Literary Women, Husbands of. (A. W. Brotherton) Writer, 3: 269. Literary Workers, Best Home for. (C. Barnard) Critic, II: 25. Literary Workshop, Tools for. (J. F. Genung) Writer, 2 : 55. Literature and Language. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 52: 549. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 721. – and Philology for Study. (J. C. Collins) Acad. 32: 4O7. # *. — and Politics. Spec. 60: 617, 651, (Alfred Austin) 653. - — and the Stage. (C. D. Warner) Critic, 15: 285. – as a Profession. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: I2O. —Ecl. M. IIo: 651. — (T. W. Higginson) Critic, 17: 87. — – T. W. Higginson on. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 104. — as a Trade. (E. Gosse) Critic, 18: 61. – Celebrities in. (J. A. Bolles) Author, 2: 143. — Cheap : the Good and the Bad. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 1118. — Continental, in 1887. Ath. '87, 2: 7. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 65: 631. (Charlotte Adams) * 253 (H. G. Hewlett) 19th Cent. 29: - LITERATURE (R. W. Literature, Current, Certain Tendencies in. Gilder) N. Princ. 4: I. – Decorations for. Spec. 67: 38o. — Democracy, as Affecting. (E. Gosse) Contemp. 59: 523. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 259. – Does it Pay ? (E. L. Didier) Writer, 2: 218. – Fashions in. (E. F. Andrews) Cosmopol. 9: 125. — Formerly and Now. (E. Lynn Linton) Fortn. 53: 517. – Hopes and Fears for. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 643. M. I. I2: 457. – How I Succeeded in. (C. Adams) Lippine. 43: 427. – Imperishableness of. Spec. 63: 654. – in the College Course, Place of. (H. B. Sprague) Education, 8: 19. - – in Elementary Schools. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 51: 166. Same art. Ecl. (G. E. Hardy) Educa. R. 2: I4O. – in the Market-Place. (G. E. Woodberry) Forum, II: 652. — in the Public Schools. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 62: 223. — in a Republic, Hamerton on. (P. G. Hamerton) Harv. Mo. 4: 13. — Instruction in. Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 236. – (E. E. Kenyon) Educa. Io: 544. – Is it Bread-Winning 2 (P. R. Cleveland) Cosmopol. 5 : 3 I 2. — Lang's Letters on. (W. I. Way) Dial (Ch.) g : 287. - Lost Treasures of. (W. S. Walsh) Lippine. 47: 583. — Making a Name in. (E. Gosse) Forum, 8: 189. — Mediaeval, Ebert’s History of. Nation, 46: 412. — Methodist Contributions to. (R. Wheatley) Critie, I2: 253. — Ministration of. – Modern, Aspects of. 235. – Modern European, Study of, in America. Hewitt) Science, Io: 209. — John Morley on Study of. Io: 169. — of the Far East. 38. & — of the Last Fifty Years. Blackw. I4I: 737. — of Schoolboyism. Spec. 62: 429. — of the Streets. Ed. R. I65: 4o. — of the World in 1887. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 471. — — in 1889. I.it. W. (Bost.) 21: 24. - — Old and New. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. I8: 136. — “Ouida” on. Sat. R. 7I: 642. — Pernicious. (A. D. Vinton) No. Am. I46; 343. — Pleasant and Disagreeable. Atlan. 67: 856. — Poisonous. (J. L. Wenham) Month, 6.5: 200. — Popular, Some Aspects of. (J. E. C. Welldon) Leis. Hour, 39: 702. — Popular Taste in. (M. C. Clark) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 357. (H. W. Mabie) N. Prine. 5: (W. T. Spec. 60: 318. — Critic, (J. A. Smith) Chaut. 8: 205, 280, Critic, I5: I54. — — Changes of. (A. B. MacDowah) Knowl, 12: 103. — Relations to Society. (A. E. Barr) No. Am. I53: 87. - — Shall it be Taught 2 (H. A. Beers) Critic, I2: 271. — Socialist Ideal of. (H. S. Salt) New R. 4: 19. — Studiesin. (A. P. Marble) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 339. — Study of ; Author and Library Work in Schools. (L. R. Halsey) Educa. 9: 390. — Successful, What makes 2 (C. M. Hammond) Writer, I : Ioš. – Teaching of. – Ten Years’ Course in. (F. N. Scott) Critic, I3: 22. (W. E. Mead) Acad. (Syr.) 2 : 49. — the True Glory of Nations. (E. L. Didier) Author, 2 : 47. – Vampire. (A. Comstock) No. Am. I53: 160. Same art. Our Day, 8: 16I. LITERATURE Literature Work in the High School, A Phase of. (E. J. MacEwan) Educa. Io: 606. Lithgow, William. Temp. Bar, 89: 173. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 32. Lithobolia. (J. W. Dean) N. E. Reg. 43: 183. Lithography. (W. Simpson) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 189. Lithographic Stone Quarries of Solnhofen. (N. T. Riddle) Leis. Hour, 37: 128. Lithophysae, Nature and Origin of. (J. P. Iddings) Am. J. Sci. I33: 36. Litolff, Henri. Acad. 40: 141. Litopterma, The. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 25: 685. Little Bee-Mistress; a story. (M. A. Griswold) Cos- mopol. I: II.5. Little Bit of Tennyson, A ; 64: 354-376. Little Captive Maid, A. a story. All the Year, (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. Io: 743. Little Compton. (J. C. Harris) Cent. II: 839. Little Contessa; a story. (E. C. Kummel) Granite Mo. I3: I 35. Little Dinner, A. Little Dinner in Paris. 253. Little Gidding, At. (T. H. Bindley) Macmil. 56: 268. Little Jack's Master. (E. Bindon) Sunday M. I7: 129. Little Journey in the World. (C. D. Warner) Harper, v. 78–79. Little Learning, A.; or, the Unhappy Medium. McLaren) Overland, n. s. I3: 523. Little Love Affair, A. Liv. Age, Igo; 362. Little Maid, A, an Old Maid, and the Major. (J. Darrell) Argosy, 46: 281. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 654, 724. “Little Man in the Tinshop, The.” (W. H. Bishop) Cent. I3: 153. (C. Hervey) Temp. Bar, 8o: (N, (J. W. Riley) Cent. I7: 928. Little Marquise, The. (H. Lynch) Macmil. 62: 476. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 485. Little Mary. (J. Tulloch) Irish Mo. I7: 255. Little Mermaid, The , a story. Eng. Illust. 9: 260. Little Minister, The. (J. M. Barrie) Good Words, 32: 51—846. Little Orphan ; a story. (T. Dostoyevsky) Cosmopol. 2 : 390. Little Pilgrim, A. (F. M. Maitland) Irish Mo. 17: 2OO. Little Reformers; a story. (K. B. Foot) Cosmopol. 3: 59–257. Little Renault, The. (M. H. Catherwood) Cent. 20: 557. Little Rock, Arkansas. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 55I. Little Scotch Catholic, A. (F. M. Maitland) Irish Mo. 16: 389. Little Selborne. Little Sister. (H. Musgrave) Longm. I3: 607. art. Liv. Age, I8I: 399. Little Sisters of the Poor. (H. R. Robertson) Art J. 39: II.3. Little Sunbeams. 208. Little Venice ; a Story of the St. Clair Flats. Litchfield) Cent. I8: 367. Little Wasp. (J. G. Bettany) Temp. Bar, 81: 403. Little Wave; a Hint of a Forgotten Christmas. (F. B. Harris) Overland, n.s. I7: 77. Littledale, Richard Frederick. (H. T. M. Bell) Acad. 37: 45. — (J. H. Hopkins) Church R. 57: 213. — as a Canonist. (S. F. Smith) Month, 66: 489. Littleton Family of Virginia, Tentative Pedigree of. (R. P. Robins) N. E. Reg. 4I: 364. Littleton, N. H., Town Hall and Library. Lib. J. I2; 286. (M. G. Watkins) Longm. 9: 649. Same (Mrs. G. S. Reaney) Sunday M. I7: (G. D. 254 LOBSTER Liturgic Service, Congregationalist Movement for. M. Chr. Lit. I : 35. Liturgical Colors. I93. 28: 225. — English. Church Q. 29: 453. Liturgical Question, Lutheran. (J. W. Richard) Luth. Q. 20: 103, 457. 21: 84. — (G. W. Wenner) Luth. Q. 20: 299, 642. – Luth. Q. 20: 363. — — The General Question. (J. M. Cromer) Luth. Q. 2I : 505. Liturgy, Divine. Luth. Q. 19: 474. — (H. M. Luck- ock) Church Q. 28: 467. –Scottish, Proposed Changes in. Church Q. 29: 49, 288. - - Liturgies, Greek. Church Q. 29: 355. – of First Three Centuries. Church Q. 29: 355. (J. Wickham Legg) Reliquary, 27: Liverpool. (P. Villars) Art J. 4o: 202. — Sat. R. 66: 427. — Clubs of. (J. Hatton) Art J. 40: 289. – Glimpses of. Atlan. 65: 854. Liverpool Exhibition of 1886. (F. E. Chadwick) Scrib. M. I : 515. Livery Companies of London, Pictures and Plate of. All the Year, 68: 132–277. Living in Boxes. All the Year, 69: 464. – in France, Cheap. All the Year, 62: 274-343. – Income and Costs of. (C. Deming) Nation, 50: 148. – Joy of. (Grant Allen) Murray, I: 394. Same art. Ecl. M. 108: 638. – Joyousness of ; “At All Costs be Young.” Spec. 67: 9. – Standard of, in the United States. Science, I6: 131. Livingston, Colonel Henry Beekman. field) M. Am. Hist. 21: 256. Livingston, James. (J. Schuyler) M. Am. Hist. 21: ; 1. Livingston, Philip, Portrait of. M. Am. Hist. 23: 361. Livingstons of America. (E. B. Livingston) M. Am. Hist. 25: 416. Livingstone, David, Hughes's Life of. Spec. 62: 481. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 171. — Two Unpublished Letters of. Irish Mo. 18: 89. Lix and Offaly, Plantation of, in the 16th Century. (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 61. Lizard, A Mysterious and Dreaded. Chamb. J. 67: 158. — Pine-Tree. Lizards, British, and their Ways. Words, 3o: 677. – Fish-, of Secondary Rocks. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3 : 3. Lizzie Brubaker. (L. R. Fairfax) Harper, 81: 437. Llanos, Fanny Keats. (F. H. Day) Critic, 16: 43. Llewellyn's Speculation. (G. K. Andrews) Overland, n. S. II: 356. - Lloyd, E. Ath. 'go, I: 470. Lloyd Courtenay’s Banishment; a story. Temp. Bar, 89: 223. Same art. Liv. Age, I86; 143. Lloyds Bank and the Growth of Large Banks. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 385. Loa, Mt., Craters of, History of Changes in. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I35; 15–282. I36; I4–167. Loafers. Gent. M. m. s. 44; 398. Loafing and Laboring. (E. P. Whipple) No. Am. I53: 32. — Luxury of. Spec. 60: 1309, 1342. Loan of a Name, The. (F. H. Loughead) Overland, n. s. I6: 129. Lobby in Massachusetts, Regulation of the. (J. Quincy) Forum, I2: 346. — Publicity and the. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 53: 136. Lobster, Threatened Extinction of. Leis. Hour, 40: 555. (J. R. Dodge) (M. L. Dela- (C. C. Abbott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 162. (T. Wood) Good LOBSTERS Lobsters and Lobster Pots. (J. Z. Rogers) Outing, 15: I 3I. - Local Government, Howard on. Sat. R. 68: 389. — in Canada. (J. G. Bourinot) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: I 77. — in England. (F. J. Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 638. — — and Wales. Quar. I57: 249. — — Bill for, 1888. (H. E. C. Manning; F. W. Far- rar) Fortn. 49: 790. – Lond. Q. 7I: 123. – (Lord Thring) 19th Cent. 23: 423, 641. – Westm. I29: 545. I30: 265. – (F. J. Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 311. – Sat. R. 65: 714. 66: 64, Ioo. — — — as applied to London. (Earl Fortescue) 19th Cent. 24: 481. - — — — Distribution of Licenses under. (R. H. I. Pal- grave) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 47. — — — the Franchise Question. — — — What the Bill should be. Westm. I29: 277. — — in the Rural Districts. Cent. 21: 253, — in France, and County Councils. (W. H. Wadding- ton) 19th Cent. 23: 927. 24; 136. — — and Germany. Spec. 61 : 1036. — in Scotland. (C. G. Shaw) Scot. R. I3: I. Locarno, Italy. (Stephen Thompson) Art J. 39: 289. Loch Maree. Spec. 60: 987. Loch Rannoch. (T. V. Tymms) Good Words, 32: 391. Lochgoin. Macmil. 61 : 299. Lochiel; the Ulysses of the Highlands. Temp. Bar, 81: 349. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 543. Lock, Ebenezer. (B. L. Bartlett) Granite Mo. I3: 53. Locks and Safes. (S. Chatwood) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 704. Locke, John. Quar. I69: 460. Westm. I3O: I. (A. F. Leach) (G. Sclater Booth) 19th — Critique of. (G. W. Leibnitz) J. Spec. Philos. 21: 268. 22: 170. — Fraser's. Ed. R. I73: 92. — (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 5I : 254. — Marginalia Locke-ana. (N. Porter) N. Eng. 47: 33. Lockhart, John Gibson. Ath. '88, I: 630. Lockwood, Belva A., Efforts to become a Lawyer. Lippinc. 4I: 215. Locomotive, J. E. Wootten's. I61. Locomotives and Cars, American. Scrib. M. 4: I 74. — Broad Gauge. (A. H. Malan) Eng. Illust. 9: I 5. — Compound. Nature, 41 : 61. — — S. M. Vauclain's. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 1. — Hammer-Blow in. (W. H. Booth) J. Frankl. Inst. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: (M. N. Forney) I23; 42. Locomotive Chase in Georgia. (W. Pittenger) Cent. I4 : I.4 I. Locri, Ionic Temple at. (F. Halbherr) Antiq. m. s. 23: I94. Locusts in India. Nature, 41 : 403. — Plague of, in Algeria. (C. Bodley) Contemp. 59: 912. – Cornh. 64; 374. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 502. — — in Morocco. Dub. R. Io9: 202. Lodge, Thomas. (J. Buckham) Poet-Lore, 3: 601. Lodging-Houses. All the Year, 62: 389. — for Female Strangers. (R. Lamb) Sunday M. 16: 33O. Loennrot, Elias. Scot. R. I7: 16o. Loewy, Maurice, Inventions and Researches of. (W. H. M. Christie) Nature, 39: 421. Log-Book, A. (W. H. Patterson) Gent. M. m. s. 43: I42. - Log College and Early Presbyterianism in Pennsyl- vania. (A. H. Wharton) Lippinc. 44; 418. Log-Jam on the Ine-quam-e-eum. (G. O. Shields) Am. M. 7: 544. 255 LONDON Logan, J. A. Lippine. 39: 499. – Pub. Opin. 2: 225. – Dawson's Life of. Nation, 44: 557. Logic and Life. (B. P. Bowne) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 723. – Bosanquet's. 62: 684. — Clarke's. Ath. '89, 2: 245. – Inductive, Venn's. Ath. '90, 1: 462. — (C. Read) . Mind, I4: 565. — (F. Franklin) Nation, 51: 154. - Port Royal and Modern Science. (T. Funck-Bren- tano) Arena, 5: 76. – Proposed Reforms in. 75. — Scientific, Value of. – Study of, Plea for. 256. — Theory of, Present Position of. (J. Dewey) Monist, 2 : I. — with Rhetoric. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 367. Logical Machines. (C. S. Peirce) Am. J. Psychol. 1: (J. S. Mann) Acad. 34: 259. – Spec. (C. L. Franklin) Mind, 15: Sat. R. 67: 275, 396. (S. J. Bumstead) Science, Io: I65. Logos, Dispensation of. (W. M. Taylor) M. Chr. Lit. I: 185. – of Philo and St. John. (P. J. Gloag) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 46. Logwood Extracts, Testing of. (T. C. Palmer) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 316. Loire, Royal Châteaux of the. 83: 84. Lois Benson's Love Story. (A. Page) Cent. 18: 697. Lombard Communes, Development of Municipal Unity (L, Frechette) Harper, in. (W. K. Williams) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: nos. 5, 6. London. (H. James) Cent. I5: 219. — Meliora, Io: I93. — Actors and Theatres of. Theatre, 21 : 188. — after the Romans. (W. Besant) Harper, 83: 99. – Agitators and Demagogues in. (M. Roberts) Mur- ray, 7: 673. - – Ancient and Modern, from a Sanitary Point of View. (G. V. Poore) Nature, 39: 356. — and the Counties. Ecl. M. Io9: 421. — and Venice. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. Ig: 14. — Architecture in. (H. H. Statham Murray, 5: 68. — — in the 19th Century. Ed. R. I74: 152. — Art Treasures of. All the Year, 68: 132–277. — Artistic Society in. (L. C. Lillie) Lippine. 39: 632. — as a Literary Centre. (R. R. Bowker) Harper, 76: 815. 77: 3. – as a Loadstone. (J. Leyland) Amer. I3: 266. – Attractiveness of. Spec. 60: 1780. — Banks of, Profits of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 142. – Baynard’s Castle. Am. Arch. 28: 168. — Beautiful. (C. A. Whitmore) Murray, 3: 588. — before the Great Fire. (W. C. Sydney) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 613. — Below Bridge. All the Year, 64: 136. — Bird's Eye View of. (G. Shaw-Lefèvre) New R. 4: 432. — Board School Children. (J. Runciman) Eng. Illust. 7: 602. - — Borough Market, Morning in the. 228. — Cabmen of ; an Improvement Scheme. est) Westm. I36: 537. — Charing Cross to St. Paul's. 2I : 169, 212, 221. All the Year, 68: (F. J. Crow- (J. McCarthy) Portfo. — Charities of. (E. Bisland) Cosmopol. II: 259. — — An Afternoon of. (A. B. Winsor) Lend a H. I : 71. — — Future of. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 27: 72. — Churches in, Dissenting. (S. L. Loomis) And. R. 8: 16. LONDON London Churches, Old Art in. (F. Miller) Art J. 43: 274. – Christ's Hospital. (C. Lewis Hind) Art J. 4o: 229. – Christian Work in. (S. L. Loomis) And. R. 7: 592. 8: 16. – Citizens of, and their Monuments. Eng. Illust. 4: 534. — City Mission. (W. C. Preston) GoodWords, 32: 241. - City Names in, Some Old. Chamb. J. 64: 53. - Cleansing of. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 38: 601, 676. – Concentration of Money in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 543. — County Council for. (C. A. Whitmore) National, I2; 781. – (W. M. Acworth) 19th Cent. 25: 418. — Quar. I70: 226. — Sat. R. 69: 340. — — and Sir John Lubbock. (F. Harrison) New R. 5 : 395. nd the Police. (N. Evans) Contemp. 55; 445. — — Review of its Work. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 27: Io26. — — Work for. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 25: 505. — Darkness of. (W. H. Raffles) Nature, 43: 152. – “Day by Day.” Spec. 63: 397. — Day Nursery in, A Baby's Tea-Party in a. Beale) Sunday M. I6: 698. — Defence of. Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 148. – Defencelessness of. (Sir E. Hamley) 19th Cent. 23: (H. W. Brewer) (A. 633. — Diary in, 17th Century. (Alfred Wallis) Reliquary, 29: 9o. 30: I 35. — Drainage of. (A. Arnold) New R. 4: 342. — East. (W. W. Wakefield) Contemp. 54: 793. – Sat. R. 67: 457. – (Bishop of Bedford) Sunday M. 19: 77O. — — and Crime. (Mrs. S. A. Barnett) National, 12: 433. — — and Hackney, People of. (C. Booth) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 276. — — as represented by Mr. Besant. Wortley) 19th Cent. 22: 361. — — Booth's Labour and Life of the People. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 251. — (W. J. Ashley) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 507. – (F. C. Huntington) Q. J. Econ. 4: 83. Lond. Q. 74; 315. — — Condition of the Poor in. — — Dock Life in. — — Gospel of Hope for. (Lond.) I: 154. — — Inhabitants of. Quar. I69: 431. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 515. — — Missions in. (Mrs. J. Stuart- Church Q. 29: 195. (B. Potter) 19th Cent. 22: 483. (G. S. Reaney) Cong. R. Nation, 46: 338. — — People's Palace. Sat. R. 64: 518. — — — Working of. (Sir E. H. Currie) 19th Cent. 27: 344. — — Poverty in. (G. S. Reaney) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: III.4. — — With the Dock-Sisters in. (H. C. G.) Sunday M. 18: 483. (C. Black) National, I3: 788. (A. Farrar) Sunday — — Workwomen of. — Factory Life in, A Glimpse of. M. 18: 274. - - — Farringdon Wards. (R. R. Sharpe) Ath. '87, 2: 640. — — Illustrated from Sharpe's Calendar of Wills. (W. J. Loftie) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 593. — Feeding of. Leis. Hour, 38: 38–177. – Fire in, 1666. (J. E. Price) Reliquary, 28: 95, 147. – Fire Brigade. Sat. R. 72: 6, 40, Io2, 131. — — on the Thames. All the Year, 67: 569. – First Mayor of. (J. H. Round) Acad. 32: 320 — Fogs of. (R. H. Scott) Longm. 9: 607. See Fogs. — Foreign Artist and Author in. (P. Villars) Art J. 4I : 35I. 256 LONDON London, Foundling Hospital. (A. R. Buckland) Sun- day M. 20: 302. — A Frenchman's Impressions of, in the 17th Century. (A. I. Dasent) National, I3: 831. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 548. - – From Bloomsbury to Stratford-atte-Bow. All the Year, 69: 5 II. – Galleries of, Glance around. (H. L. Collinson) Thea- tre, 22 : I 5 I. – German Life in. (L. Katscher) 19th Cent. 21: 726. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 671. — Government of. (A. Shaw) Cent. Ig: 132. — Westm. I27: 151. – (Earl Fortescue) 19th Cent. 24: 481. — (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 48: 135. — — and the Local Government Bill, 1888. (A. A. Baumann) National, II: 539. – (H. Hobhouse) Contemp. 53: 773. — Gray's Inn. (F. Watt) Art J. 4o: 13, 75. — Green and Grey. (I. M. Holmes) Sunday M. 17:268. — Growth of, Salmon’s. Sat. R. 72: 647. – Guildhall. All the Year, 67: 558. — (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 39: 353. — Sat. R. 63: 694. –– Price's Descriptive Acc. of. (W. J. Loftie) Eng. Hist. R. 3: I 54. – (C. Gross) Nation, 44: 513, 534. — Health of. (A. B. MacDowell) Knowl. 12: 61. – Houses of Parliament, Decoration of. (R. Farquhar- son) Art J. 4I: 189. - - Imperial Institute Building Plans Competition. Am. Arch. 22: 75. — in 1771. Spec. 63: 779. – in 1889. Sat. R. 68: 297. – Inns and Taverns. (P. Norman) Eng. Illust. 8: 183. — — Riverside. (W. P. Ridge) Art J. 43: 225. – “Jools” on. Murray, 6: 542. — Labor and Life in. (C. Black) Contemp. 60: 207. — Libraries in, Famous Reading. Lib. J. I2: 195. — Life of. Lend a H. 4: 736. – Lighting of. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 39: 26. — — by Electric Light and Gas. (Baron Rayleigh and E. Vincent) New R. 5: 31. — Local Taxation of Rents in. temp. 54: I 4O. - – Lodging-Houses of. Month, 59: 66. – Loftie's. (C. Gross) Nation, 44; 407. — Lord Mayor's Day. Amer. I'7: 121. — Maps and Views of, Early. Antiq. m. s. 20: 63. - Memorable Houses of, Harrison's. Spec. 63: 555. – Merchant Taylors' Co. Sat. R. 67: 647. 69: 512. — Metropolitan Board of Works. Westm. I3o: 568. - Metropolitan Coal and Wine Dues. (R. G. Webster) National, 9: I.25. — Missions to its Poor Children. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. 17: 21. — Missionary Work in. (W. Hurlin) Bib. Sac. 44; 251. — Monkeries in. All the Year, 64; 39. — Monument. Sat. R. 66: 395. – Music Halls of. (F. Anstey) Harper, 82: 190. — (C. Scott) Contemp. 56: 683. — of Good Queen Bess. (W. Besant) Harper, 83: 941. - Old, Popula. of. (C. Creighton) Blackw. I49: 477. — — Streets and Thoroughfares of. (J. G. Crace) J. Soc. Arts, I5: 53. – Old City Houses. (P. Norman) Eng. Illust. 9: 239. — Old Sporting. All the Year, 4.1 : 220. — Oldest Church in ; St. Bartholomew the Great. (N. Moore) Cent. II: 557. — — — Book of the Foundation of. Atlan. 60: 355. – On the Thames Embankment. All the Year, 65: 8. 67: 390. — Open Land to be Obtained by Taxation of New Ground-Rents. (R. Hunter) 19th Cent. 30: 4o. — Our City of Nations. Chamb. J. 68: 453. - Out of Season. Chamb. J. 67: 497. (J. C. Hobhouse) Con- LONDON London, Outskirts of, a Century Ago. (L. Serle) Portfo. 18: 28–98. — Parks of. Cornh. 60: 529. — — More Wanted. (O. Hill) 19th Cent. 23: 181. — Past and Present. Westm. I36; 29. — Plantagenet. (W. Besant) Harper, 83: 453–78o. — Police of. (C. Warren) Murray, 4: 577. – Polytechnics and People's Palaces in. (A. Shaw) Cent. I8: 163. — Poor of. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 614. - Meliora, 4: 297. — — and the Salvation Army. (F. Peck) Contemp. 58: 796. — — Charles Booth on. Spec. 66: 853. — — Houses for. (Mrs. G. S. Reaney) Sunday M. I5: 740, 812. — — How they Live. (W. M. Colles) Murray, Io: 180. See above, London, East. — Problems of, Arnold White on. Spec. 60: 151. — Public Buildings, Recent Construction of. (G. Shaw- Lefèvre) 19th Cent. 24: 703. — Recreations of. Sat. R. 63: 158. — Religious Census of. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 130. — Rescue Work in. (H. Jones) Sunday M. 20: 522, 607. — Roman. (E. Lawrence) Harper, 82: 944. — Roman Wall of. Ath. '88, I : 54o. — St. Giles's Christian Mission. (P. Fisher) Sunday M. 2O: 236. — St. Katherine's by the Tower. (W. Besant) Contemp. 52: 781. — St. Paul’s Cathedral, in Old Times. Chamb. J. 65: 796. — St. Saviour's Church, Southwark. Quar. I70: 394. — Saxon and Norman. (W. Besant) Harper, 83: 289. — School Board, Some Aspects of. Westm. I29: 701. — Sixty Years Ago. (J. Macaulay) Leis. Hour, 40: 412. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 695. — Slums of, Life in. Temp. Bar, 9.I: 275. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 511. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 739. — Society in, Past and Present. Sat. R. 63: I 19. — — in 1830. Sat. R. 63: 220. – Stock Exchange, Crisis on ; 1890. (G. B. Baker) Contemp. 58: 680. – Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 593. — A Street in. (A. Morrison) Macmil. 64: 460. — Streets of. (M. Roberts) Murray, 8: 764. — Gent. M. m. s. 47: 3oo. — Street Studies in. (J. A. Sterry) Eng. Illust. 5: 798. – Street and Railway Traffic of. (J. S. Jeans) J. Soc. Arts, 37; 581. — Suburban Population. (S. J. Low) Contemp. 60: 545. — Sunshine of. (F. J. Brodie) Nature, 43: 424. — The Surrey Side. All the Year, 68: 181. — — Bankside to Bermondsey. All the Year, 68: 559. — — Borough High Street. All the Year, 68: 325. — — Famous Gardens. All the Year, 69: 16o. — Theatres of. (G. Turner) Theatre, 23: 65. — — At the Old Globe Theatre. (W. H. Hudson) The- atre, 24: I79. — — Season of 1890–1 ; Critical Retrospect. Adams) Theatre, 27: 53. — Tower for, Great. Am. Arch. 28: 161. — Tower Hamlets, Inhabitants of, Condition and Occu- (W. D. pations of. (C. Booth) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 326. — Travels in, in Search of the Picturesque. (P. Fitz- gerald) Lond. Soc. 54: 146–470. 55: 26, 143. — Trees and Flowers. (H. M. Ward) New R. 5: 182. — Tudor, Walk in. (W. Besant) Harper, 84: 124. — University of. (W. Hillhouse) Ath. '89, 2: 598. — Quar. IG4; 33. — University for, Proposed Teaching. (W. T. T. Dyer and others) Nature, 44; 53-Io2. 257 LONGEVITY London, University for, Charter for. others) Acad. 40: 562, 587. — — Report of the Commissioners on. Acad. 35: 429. – Vastness of. Spec. 66: 819. — Victoria Home in Whitechapel. Sunday M. 18: 703. (K. Pearson and (K. Pearson) (Mrs. C. Garnett) – Water Supply of. (T. H. Farrer) New R. 4: 213. – West Central Mission in. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I8: 190. – Whitefriars and Bridewell. All the Year, 67: 583. — Woman's World of. (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. 13: 213. London and Northwestern Railway. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 3: I, 160. London Basin. (E. A. Martin) Knowl. I4: 216. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 4: 91. London Flower-Girls' Friends. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. 17: 814. - London Letters. 222, 334. London Life, A. (Mrs. Humphry) Lond. Soc. 57: 1 Io, (H. James) Scrib. M. 3: 671. 4: 64– 3I9. London Magazine, The Old. Temp. Bar, 79: 567. Same art. Critic, I2: 235. 248. London Rowing Club. Tinsley, 45; 238. London Season, The. Temp. Bar, 84: 171. London Stone. Chamb. J. 65: 241. – (Grant Allen) Longm I7: 378. London Story, A. (Lady Lindsay) Temp. Bar, 87: 347. London Times. See Times, London. London Volunteers, A Patriotic Fund for. head) Contemp. 55: 939. Londoners, Health of. Spec. 67: 8. Lone Highwayman, The ; a story. land, n. s. I4: 28o. Lone House; a story. 579–723. Loneliness of the Poor, Relief of. Lend a H. 2: 247. Long, Gen. Armistead Lindsay, Resolutions to. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 272. Long, Rev. James. Acad. 31: 255. — Ath.’87, I: 480. Long, John D., with portrait. Bay State Mo. 3: 221. – How I was Educated. (J. D. Long) Educa. 11:458. Long Branch. . Chamb. J. 65: 353. — as a Summer Resort. (W. J. Henderson) Outing, Io: 2I4, 340. Long Island, Battle of. (J. White- (W. Clarke) Over- (A. E. Barr) Leis. Hour, 36: (J. C. Ridpath) Chaut. I4: I31. — Geology of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I34: 153. Long Island Sound, Disasters on. (S. Barber) M. Am. Hist. 23: 483. — in the Quaternary Era. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I4O: 425. Long Jake’s Trip Home. Chamb. J. 66: 397–407. Long Look Out ; a story. (T. S. Millington) Leis. Hour, 40: 424. Long Reckoning; a story. All the Year, 59: 309-351. Longevity. All the Year, 67: 202.- (W. F. Ainsworth) Argosy, 51 : 293.− (C. M. Hammond) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 92. — Abnormal. Spec. 62: 506. — and Fame. Atlan. 67: 285. - — and How to Attain it. (J. Burney Yeo) 19th Cent. 23: 370. — and Literary Fame. (E. L. Didier) Author, 2: 31. — Art of Prolonging Life. (R. Roose) Fortn. 51: 857. Same art. Pop. Sei. Mo. 35: 759. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 164. —How to Live a Hundred Years. (R. A. Proctor) Cos- mopol. 3: 3oo. — is it Worth its Price? (F. L. Oswald) Forum, 5: 699. LONGEVITY Longevity, Notes on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1440. — of Literary Folk. (J. A. Harrison) Critic, 12: I I I. — Our Grandfathers Died too Young. (Mrs. H. M. Plunkett) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 167. – Weight and. (T. B. Macaulay) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 287. See Centenarianism. Longfellow, H. W. (F. H. Underwood) Good Words, 28: I 54. — and Homer. (S. D. Hillmann) Meth. R. 50: 184. — and Lowell, at Home. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 81. - – Art of. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 59: 398. * — the Children's Poet. Chamb. J. 64: 17. – Final Memorials of. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 59. — Ath. '87, I: 828. — Unita. R. 27: 448. — A Study of. (J. V. Cheney) Chaut. I3: 618. Y – A Year with, and What he Taught us. (M. Mack- intosh) Educa. 9: 326. Longford Castle Pictures at the National Gallery. Colvin) Art J. 43: 1. Longitude, Telegraphic Determinations of. (J. A. Nor- ris) Nat. Geog. M. 2: I. Longking, Joseph. (D. Curry) Meth. R. 47: 99. Longshore Sketches. Leis. Hour, 39: 412. Longueville, Anna G. de B.-C., Duchesse de, Politician and Saint. (J. B. Perkins) Cosmopol. 4: 305. Longworth Mystery, The. (Y. E. Allison) Cent. I6: 875. Loochoo, Principality of. (J. A. Gubbins) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 598. — Madeira of the East. All the Year, 59: 587. Looking Back in Yarrow ; a poem. (J. B. Selkirk) Blackw. I46: 560. Looking-Glasses. (J. K. Jerome) Tinsley, 43: 308. Loom, Power. (C. C. Coffin) Chaut. 9: 273. Loomis, Elias. (H. A. Newton) Am. J. Sci. I39: 427. — (T. Dwight) N. Eng. 51: 310. – N. Eng. 52: 555. —With portrait. (H. A. Newton) Sid. Mess. 9: 24 I. — List of Papers by. Am. J. Sci. I39: app. Loon, The, Music of. (S. P. Cheney) Cent. I5: 97. Lopatine, the Russian Nihilist. (A. Smith) Contemp. 58: 863. Lope de Vega and Cervantes. Lond. Soc. 54: 4o. Lord Dunciman's Dilemma; a story. (J. K. Leys) Bel- gra. 66: 15o. Lord Howe Island; the Madeira of the Pacific. Chamb. J. 68: 262. Lord John. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. 13: 485. Lord John's Bargain; a story. (R. Arkwright) Belgra. 7I: 164. Lord Lynedoch ; a Historical Ballad. Blackw. I5o: 837. Lord Mayor's Show, How I Directed a. (L.Wingfield) New R. I : 645. Lord Merivale's Wooing; a story. (J. G. Bettany) Bel- gra. 74: 47. Lord Rodney's Bantam Cock. 58: 176. Lord's Prayer, The. (C. W. Currier) Bapt. Q. II: 315. — (D. Macleod) Good Words, 29: 283, 356, 428. – “Evil” and “Evil One” in. (I. Dole) And. R. 8: 323. — Exercitium super. (W. M. Conway) Antiq. m. s. I5: I94, 25 I. — in English, Evolution of. lol. I2: 59. — “Thy Kingdom Come.” Q. 18: 571. Lord's Supper, The. (G. D. Boardman) Bapt. R. 9: 320. – (H. J. Van Dyke, sr.) Presb. R. 8: 193, 472. — (A. C. Barry) Univ. Q. 45: 389. (S. (J. S. Blackie) (Sir F. Doyle) Macmil. (A. S. Cook) Am. J. Phi- (J. A. Singmaster) Luth. 258 LOTI Lord's Supper, Aids in Reverently Celebrating. Church Q. 29: 237. – and the Liturgy. Lond. Q. 73: 225. — Controversy on, in the Reformation. (J.W. Richard) Luth. Q. I 8: 153, 351. — Divine Formula for the Administration of. Cox) Luth. Q. 21: 541. — Eucharistic Service in First Three Centuries. Church Q. 29: 335. — the Lord's Eirenicon. 59: 97. – Luckock on the Divine Liturgy. (J. F. Garrison) Church R. 54: 263. . – Lutheran Doctrine of. (J. W. Richard) Bib. Sac. 45: I Io, 667. — a Proof of Christianity. Evang. R. 36: I. - – Real Presence in. (J. Tomlinson) Luth. Q. 21: 374. – Reservation of, Is it Lawful ? Church Q. 25: 77. — the Sacrament of Sacraments. (W. Humphrey) Month, 63: 74, 235. — Scottish Communion Office. Church Q. 30: 235. — Theories of. (W. D. Wilson) Church R. 49: 388. — Time and Place of Institution of. (W. F. B. Treat) Chris. Q. 7: 221. — Wine of. Chris. Q. 6: 78. Lords, English, as Landlords. Day, no. 4: 54. Lorenzetti, Ambrogio. Cent. I5: 941. Lorenzo di Credi. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 895. Loriat's Wager; a story. (D. Vane) Lond. Soc. 56: 37 I. Lorimer, James. (J. Westlake) Acad. 37: 151. Loring, George B. Critic, Ig: 145. Los Angeles. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, n. s. 13: 225. Loss of the “Emir.” The. Cornh. 62: 395. Lossing, Benson J. Critic, 18; 314. Lost a London Mystery. (N. Stuart) Month, 63: IoI. Lost and Found; a story. (H. P. Lewis) Argosy, 43: Supp. 50. Lost and Won. Lost Bond, The. (G. H. (J. J. Elmendorf) Church R. (A. Mair) Brit. & For. (A. Arnold) Subj. of (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) (J. Ingelow) Longm. II: 616. Chamb. J. 65: 216–234. Lost Bride. (D. J. Robertson) Longm. I4: 78. Lost Conscience; from the Russian. (M. Wright) Longm. I2: 163. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 744. Lost Diamonds of the Orange River. (H. A. Bryden) Chamb. J. 66: 72–89. Lost Earl ; a poem. (J. T. Trowbridge) Atlan. 61: 46. Lost Explorers; a tale. (D. Mariager) Overland, n. s. I2: 4O6. Lost in the Bush; a story. Argosy, 52: 78. - Lost in the Bush; an Australian Story. (H. Graham) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 181. - Lost in the Jungle. (A. C. Chamberlain) Outing, 15: 364. Lost in the Rockies; a Midwinter Hunt. (R. S. Hill) Outing, I7: 277. Lost Match, The. (A. Mougher) Macmil. 58: 205. Lost on the Upper Naciemiento. (S. Brooke) Overland, n. S. I3: I 53. Lost Plant, The. (J. Pierson) Scrib. M. 7: I 15. Lost Rembrandt, The. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 2: I46. Lost Text Regained. Words, 30: 305. Lotbinière, Marquis de. (Bishop of Peterborough) Good (J. Horn) M. Am. Hist. 20: 3I4. Lothian Fair, A. (G. Eyre-Todd) National, I4: 530. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 157. Lothrop, Daniel, with portrait. (J. N. McClintock) Bay State Mo. 2: 121. Loti, Pierre (pseud.). See Viaud, Jules. LOTTERY Lottery, Louisiana. (A. Comstock) Our Day, 4: 437. 5: 472. – (B. R. Forman) Nation, 44: 402. — Pub. Opin. 9: 405, 449. Lotteries, Evils and Methods of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 53: 503. — in France. Spec. 60: 252. — in the U. S. (E. N. Vallandigham) Chaut. Io: 689. Lotto, Lorenzo. (J. Cartwright) Portfo. 20: 16, 26. Lotus, Egyptian, in the United States. (C. C. Abbott) Harper, 78: 856. — in Ancient Art. (W. H. Goodyear) Am. Arch. 25: 66–308. — Critic, I2: 209. Lotus Symbolism in the Poets. Lore, 2: 625. Lotze, Herman, and the Mechanical Philosophy. G. Mivart) Fortn. 48: 696. — Microcosmus. Church Q. 23: 295. — Philosophy of. (H. H. Moore) Meth. Q. 48: 346. Louis XIV., After-Suppers of. (E. T. Johnson) Atlan. 62: 596. — and his Court. Age, I74; 323. — and Maric Mancini. Liv. Age, 187: 431. – Brienne’s Memoirs on. (F. Rothschild) 19th Cent. 24: 686. Louis XV. of France, Marriage of. (A. Laugel) Nation, (A. R. Brown) Poet- (St. Lond. Q. 68: 205. Same art. Liv. 44; 445. Louis II., King of Bavaria: Palaces of an Artist King. Am. Arch. 29: 8. Louis Draycott ; a story. Year, 64: 21 7–505. Louisa, Queen of Prussia. (Mrs. F. G. Faithfull) Sun- day M. I8: 827. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: I 18. Louisa Pallant. (H. James) Harper, 76: 336. Louisburg, Capture of, by the New England Militia. (F. Parkman) Atlan. 67: 314, 514, 621. — Siege of, Glimpse of. (S. F. Harrison) New Eng. M. n. s. 5; 261. Louisiana, Election in, Apr., 1888. Pub. Opin. 5: 57. — Native French Literature of. (J. A. Harrison) Critic, II : 37, 49. — An Englishman's Pocket Note-Book in 1828. Baillie) M. Ann. Hist. 20: 61. – Story of the Jurisprudence of. (J.H.Wigmore) Am. Law R. 22: 890. – Strange True Stories of. (G.W. Cable) Cent. 15:254. — Supreme Court of. (L. C. Quinters) Green Bag, 3: II.3. — Territory of, Pike's Expedition, 1806. (R. T. Cross) M. Am. Hist. 25: 140. * Louisiana Purchase, The. (L. E. Munson) N. Eng. 53: IoS. – Jefferson and the. s. I : 569. Louisville, Ky. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 429. Lourdes and its Inhabitants. Month, 61: 337. — and its Miracles. Month, 62: 25, 188, 352. — and its Pilgrims. Month, 61: 472. — On the Way to. Month, 61: 169. — Our Lady of. (G. J. Cowley-Brown) Blackw. I45: 44. — Recent Miracle at. Month, 6o: 498. Louse, Book-. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 5. — Human. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 226. Louvain, Catholic University of. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 46: 525. — and Dublin Universities. (T. Arnold) Dub. R. Ioa: II.3. — in the Classic Halls of. (E. Davis) Acad. (Syr.) 6:304. — Cardinal Newman, Leo XIII. and. (St. G. Mivart) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 404. L’Ouverture, Toussaint. 3II. (R. S. de C. Laffan) All the 65: I40. (Col. (R. M. Lovett) New Eng. M. n. (S. H. Swinny) Macmil. 56: 259 Louvre, Susa Gallery at the. (H.Wallis) Ath. '88, I: 769. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 419. LOWELL Love. Chamb. J. 65: 81. — and Beauty, Finck on. Spec. 60: 1422. —Sat. R. 64: 239. — — Origin of. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 4: 225. — and its Letters. All the Year, 66: 389. — and Self-Love. (B. Kingley) Month, 6o: 228. — at First Sight; a story. (L. Halevy) Cosmopol. 2: I67. – the Conqueror. (A. Adair) Macmil. 63: 49. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 548. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 77. w – the Conqueror; a story. (E. S. Tyler) Belgra. 69: 490. – Dantesque and Platonic. (J. A. Symonds) Contemp. 58: 412. — Divine, in the Old Testament. (E. L. Curtis) Presb. R. 9; 199. – in Fiction. (P. Bourget) New R. 5: 118. Same art. Ecl. M. I.17: 512. — in a Mist. Longm. I7: 155. – or Money; a story. Temp. Bar, 91: 130–593. 130-562. 93: I 19–583. — Powers of. (G. Matheson) Good Words, 28: 211. — Rambles with Cupid and Psyche. New R. 2: 32. — Selfish and Unselfish. (C. Blount) Month, 72: 215. — True and Sham. All the Year, 67: 230. Love's Lady ; a poem. (P. B. Marston) Fortn. 56: 1. { { º Old Sweet Song.” (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 42: O. Love Lesson, The. (R. S. Hichens) Theatre, 22: 82. Love-Letters, Colonial. (A. H. Wharton) Lippinc. 48: 586. Love Match ; Tennis Story. (W. E. Baldwin) Outing, I8: 462. : Love-Songs, English. (A. Repplier) Fortn. 65: 23. Love Story, A. Argosy, 43: 354. Love Story. (M. Macfarlane) Belgra. 69: 497. Love Story Reversed, A. (E. Bellamy) Cent. I4; 26. Lovejoy, Elijah P. (M. K. Whittlesey) M. West. Hist. 6: 228. — (T. Dimmock) New Eng. M. 4: 364. - Loveless, Thomas Henry, with portrait. Bank. M. 92: (Lond.) 48: I 193. Lovell, John. (R. Caine) Acad. 37: 152. Lover or Husband 2 (Mrs. A. Fraser) Lond. Soc. 57: 273. Lover's Conscience, A ; a story. (P. Deming) Atlan. 62: 633. Lover's Secret; a story. (Mrs. H. Lovett-Cameron) Belgra. 71: 81–424. 72: 82–413. 73: 74–415. Lovering, Joseph, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 690. Lovewell, John, and Lovewell's War. (J. N. McClin- tock) Bay State Mo. I : 80. Loving One's Self. All the Year, 67: 545. Low, George Macritehie, with portrait. (Lond.) 50: 1613. Low, Seth. Critic, 15: 193. — Installation of, at Columbia College. Critic, 16: 67. Lowell Family, The. (F. L. Gay) Nation, 53: I41. Lowell, James Russell. (W. Lewin) Acad. 40: 155. — And. R. I6: 294. — (G. Stewart) Arena, 4: 513. — (T. Watts) Ath, '91, 2: 257. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 530. —(G. E. Woodberry) Cent. 21: 113. — (L. C. Moulton) Author, 3: 36. – (R. H. Stoddard) Author, 3: I Io. — Blackw. I50: 454. — (F. H. Un- derwood) Contemp. 6o: 477. – Critic, Ig: 82–291. — (O. F. Emerson) Dial (Ch.) I2: 133. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 290. — Liv. Age, Igo: 761. — (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 53: 116. —(W. J. Stillman) Na- tion, 53: 211. – (D. H. Chamberlain) N. Eng. 55: 477. — (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 183. — (R. H. Stoddard) No. Am. I53: 460. — Sat. R. 72: 18o. — Spec. 67: 215. — (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 63: 436. — (F. H. Underwood) Good Words, 28: 52I. Bank. M. LOWELL Lowell, J. R. Addresses. Atlan. 59: 257. — Ath. ’87, I: 125. – (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 7: 241. — Blackw. I4I : 291. – Americanism of. (J. Benton) Cent. 21: 1 19. – and Matthew Arnold. (E. T. McLaughlin) Writer, 5: I 91. — and the Birds. 5: 398. — and Public Affairs. Y.) 4: 287. - — and the Public Schools. (R. D. Jones) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 294. — as a Critic. Spec. 66: 693. — as an Educator. (S. Low) Educa. R. 2: 417. — as a Jeremiah. Amer. I6: 6. — as Man of Letters. (C. T. Winchester) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 291. – as a Politician. – as Reformer and Poet. Day, 8: 347, 444. — as a Teacher. Scrib. M. Io: 645. — at Sixty-Nine. Critic, I2: 75. — Boyhood of. (W. H. Rideing) Cosmopol. 4: 253. – Democracy and Other Addresses. Spec. 60: 299. — English Estimate of. (F. W. Farrar) Forum, I2: I4 I. — A Few Words about. (Bret Harte) New § 5 : I93. — Heartsease and Rue. Ath. '88, I: 593. — Spec. 61: 543. —Sat. R. 65: 390. — Atlan. 61 : 557. – Home and Haunts of. (F. B. Sanborn) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 275. – in his Poetry. (S. Low Fortn. 56; 310. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 195. — in Politics. Sat. R. 66: 178. — in Private Life. (J. HA Holmes) Writer, 5: 183. – Last Interview with. (R. Blathwayt) R. of Rs. (N. (L. S. Keyser) New Eng. M. n. s. (J. F. Jameson) R. of Rs. (N. Amer. I6: 263. (F. H. Underwood) Our Y.) 4: 307. — Letter to. (A. T. Rigeº No. Am. I45: 46, 358. — List of Books of. # W. (Bost.) 22: 297. — Message of. 296. — the Patriot. — Personal Tributes to. Writer, 5: 185, 210. — Pioneer. (E. D. Mead) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 235. — Poem on. (W. W. Story) Blackw. I5o: 589. — (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 68: 552. — the Poet. (W. Larremore) Overland, n. s. Io: 271. — Political Essays. Atlan. 62: 274. — (M. B. Ander- son) Dial (Ch.) Q: 95. —Sat. R. 66: 147. — Seventieth Birthday. Critic, I4: 85, IO4. — Speech at Liverpool. Critic, I3: 305. — To ; a poem. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 63: 556. — Works. Sat. R. 72: 53. — — Riverside Edition. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) II: 285. — Writings. I9I: 579. * Lowell, Percival. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 25. — The Soul of the Far East. (R. Nakashima) N. Eng. 50: 97. Lowell, Robert T. S. (J. A. Spencer) Critic, Ig : (W. Tº stead R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: I36. (F. E. Abbott and others) Ed. R. I74: 377. Same art. Liv. Age, I44. — and his Works. (D. E. Hervey) Church R. 57: 22 I. — New Priest in Conception Bay. Atlan. 65: I.28. Lowell, Mass. Bay State Mo. I : 161. Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass. Knowl. II: 274. Lowell Offering, The. Atlan. 67: 569. – (H. H. Rob- inson) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 461. Lowestoft, Jottings in and about. (H. Bedford) Irish Mo. IG: 402. 260 LUIS Lowrey, Gen. M. P., Autobiography of. So. Hist. Pap. * Claims of. Pennsyl. M. 15: - nºw Brunswick. (J. Hannay) New Eng. M. 4: - of imater Mass. (H. S. Nourse) Bay State Mo. I : 377. - Unreconstructed, in Boston. Loyal Legion, Organization of. (Phila.) I: 179. Loyalty, Old and New. (A. Birrell) New R. 1: 567 Loyalty George. (Louisa Parr) Temp. Bar, 80: 5 8I: I-433. 82; 99-54 I. Loyola, Ignatius. Belgra. 75: 296. Age, Igo: 765. — and the Early Jesuits. 233. Loyson, Charles, Father Hyacinthe. Macmil. 63: 285. Lozère, Miss Betham-Edwards's Travels in the. Spec. 64: 408. Luard, Henry Richards. Acad. 39:441. —Sat. R. 71: Atlan. 67: 571, 858. (T. E. Zell) Un. Serv. $4. Same art. Liv. (A. J. Church) Portfo. 22: (W. F. Stockley) Y > Y - Lubbock, Sir John. Tinsley, 43: 96. – and the London County Council. (F. Harrison) New R. 5: 395. — The Pleasures of Life. Blackw. I42: 239. Lubricant Bearing, Holmes's. J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 4OI. Lucas, Francis. Rural Life. Spec. 63: 273. Lucas, the Hermit : Hero of Tom Tiddler’s Ground. (E. Copping) New R. 2: 145. Lucayan Indians, The. (W. K. Brooks) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 88. Lucca, Cathedral at. 178. Lucerna Landoniae. (E. Balfour) Art J. 41 : 263. Lucian. (A. Lang) Fortn. 50: 57. – (H. D. Traill) Macmil. 58: 230. – (J. Brierly) Cong: R. (Lond.) 2: 796. — Dialogues; trans. by Williams. Lucifer, Dante's. Cornh. 60: 264. Lucifers in Poetry. (P. Robinson) Gent. M. n. s. 39: I7O. Luck. (Mark Twain) Harper, 83: 407. — Good and Bad. Chamb. J. 66: 269. – Merit, and Success. (G. R. Gallaher) National, 17: 337. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 62. — of the Bogans. (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. 5: Ioo. — of Inanimate Things. Spec. 61 : 50. — of Ladypriors; a story. All the Year, 6o: 227. — a Prospector Strikes a Queer Streak. (D. De Quille) Overland, n. s. I7: 165. Lucknow, Siege of ; the Story of Jessie Brown. 65: 305. . - Luck-Penny, The ; a story. (E. A. Bloodgood) Am. M. 8: 35 I. Lucky Accident, A.; a story. (J. R. Towse) Chaut. II: 517. Lucky Hit, A. Lucky Libation, A. (W. M. Conway) Acad. 38: Sat. R. 65 : 513. Spec. (H. A. Kennedy) Macmil. 63: 31. (H. Luttrell) Gent. M. n. s. 40: 317. Lucky Shot, A.; a story. All the Year, 64: 593. Ludington Mine (Mich.), Distribution of Phosphorus in. (D. H. Browne) Am. J. Sci. I37: 299. Ludlam, Reuben, M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 555. Ludlow, Lieut. A. C., and the “Chesapeake.” (R. L. Fowler) M. Am. Hist. 25: 269. Ludlow Castle, and Milton's Comus. Antiq. m. s. 20: I4I. Luis I., King of Portugal. Sat. R. 68: 449, 465. .- &* LULLIER Lullier, C. Sat. R. 72: 131. Lumbering. (J. M. Oxley) Cosmopol. 4; 312. — in Canada. All the Year, 67: 30. Lumberman's Lien Law. Am. Arch. 25: 46, IoI. Lumber-Room, A. (M. Field) Contemp. 57: 98. Luminiferous Ether, Vortex Theory of. (W. Thomson) Nature, 36: 55o. Lunatics. See Insane. Luncheons. Chamb. J. 65: 764. – Ladies’, Etiquette of. (Jenny June) Cosmopol. 2: 326. Lundy, Benjamin ; the First Abolition Journalist. B. Sanborn) Cosmopol. 7: 52. Lungs; Breathing and Ventilation. Chaut. 8: 65. — Function of. I 2. Lupus, Servatus, Abbot of Ferrières. and L. Dodge) Atlan. 68: 75o. Lusk, Sir Andrew. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: I I II. Lust of Self. (Mrs. E. S. Willard) Theatre, 26: 5. Lustre Decoration, Invention of. (H. Wallis) Ath. '89, 2 : 493. •º Lustre Ware, Early Persian, Wallis's. (F. (C. F. Pollock) (D. E. Holman) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 24: (H. W. Preston Ath. '90, I: 505. Luthardt, C. E. Lond. Q. 76: 258. Luther, Martin, and the Music of the Protestant Church. (J. C. Hadden) Theo. Mo. 2: 199. — and Savonarola. (D. O. Kellogg) Critic, I8: 99. — as Founder of Protestant Morals. (O. Pfleiderer) Luth. Q. I 8: 31. — Did He Commit Suicide 2 (P. Schaff) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 161. — Life of, Bayne's. Spec. 61 : 56. – Church Q. 25: 498. — Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 186. — Sat. R. 64: 561. — — Beard's. Spec. 64: 143. — Ath. '89, 2: 664. – (J. Owen) Acad. 36: 414. — Mental and Moral Characteristics of. (W. N. McEl- roy) Meth. R. 5I: 917. — Place in History. (J. C. F. Rupp.) Luth. Q. I8: 414. — Return to the Principle of Authority. (K. Francke) Unita. R. 33: 123. Luther Monuments and the German Revolution of 1525. (K. Blind) Scot. R. 16: Io2. Lutheran, Why am I a... (C. A. Hay) No. Am. I46: I48. Lutherans, Union of, Obstacles to. (G. H. Gerberding) Luth. Q. I8: 407. Lutheran Church, Evangelical, in the U. S. Richard) Meth. R. 47: 397. — General Synod of. (E. J. Wolf) Luth. Q. I'7: 188. — — History of. (E. J. Wolf) Luth. Q. I4; 20. — — Lutheranism in. (E. J. Wolf) Luth. Q. 2I: 285. — Her Duty to Herself. (S. Schwarm) Luth. Q. Ig: 286. — Her Work and the General Synod in India. Wolf) Luth. Q. 19: 482. — Home Missions of. (E. K. Bell) Luth. Q. 19:573. — in America. (J. W. Richard) Meth. R. 47: 397. — in America, Living Issues before. (A. Stump) Luth. Q. Ig: 347. — — One Hundred Years Ago. I9: 242. — Preparatory Service in. (J. A. Earnest) Luth. Q. 16: Io8. Lutheran Common Service, Practical View of. Remensnyder) Luth. Q. 2I: 218. — Lutheran Sources of. (E. F. Horn) Luth. Q. 21: (J. W. (L. B. (E. J. Wolf) Luth. Q. (J. B. 239. Lutheran General Council, Fundamental Principles of. (M. Valentine) Luth. Q. I7: 515. Lutheran Historical Society. (C. A. Hay) Luth. Q. 18: 183. 261 LYTTON Lutheran Synod of Tennessee. (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. I9: 45. Luttrell, Narcissus, Diary of. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. S. 39: 257. - Luworth Chapel, Dorsetshire, Eng. Cath. Q. I4; 6o. Lux Mundi, Gore's. And. R. I3: 656. — Church R. 58; 213. – Spec. 64: 729, 762. – (W. Lloyd) Westm. I34: 493. – (R. Watts) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 342. — Scot. R. I7: 384. – Lond. Q. 74: 136. — (S. F. Smith) Month, 69: 491. 7 I : 44, 214. – R. of Rs. (N. Y.) I : 436. — (S. Leathes) Theo. Mo. 4: 73. Luxembourgs, The Three German. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 53: 235. Luxor, Excavations at. (I. Taylor). Knowl. I4: 69. — Temple of. (H. Wallis) Acad. 40: 101. Luxury, History and Philosophy of. (H. Baudrillard) Church Q. 28: 261. Lyall, Sir Alfred. Verses Written in India. Spec. 63: 583. – Sat. R. 68: 749. — (W. Watson) National, I4: 520. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 85. Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, Ada Ellen. Lycée, Paris, Student Life in. (W. L. Montague) Ed- uca. II: 494. — (W. W. Beman) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 138. Lycées, French. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 271. Lycian Language, The. (C. R. Conder) Acad. 37: 67. — (W. Arkwright) Acad. 37: 104. Lycosura, Discoveries at. (C. Waldstein) Ath. 'go, I: 377. Lyde, Elsie Leslie. My Stage Life. Cosmopol. 6: 372. Lydgate, John. (S. W. Brooks) Poet-Lore, I: 214. Lydia, Troad and, Journeys in. (A. H. Sayce) J. Hel. Stud. I : 75. Lying, Children's. Am. J. Psychol. 3: 59. — Decay of : a Dialogue. (O. Wilde) 19th Cent. 25: 35. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 184. Lyly, J., and the Euphuists. Chamb. J. 68: 667. Lyman, Anne Jean. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 60: 577. Lyman, Chester S., with portrait. Sid. Mess. 9: 4oo. — With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 116. Lynching in America. Chamb. J. 67: 317. – Sat. R. 7I: 643. Lynch Law. — and Unrestricted Immigration. Am. I52: 602. — Origin of Term. Spec. 62: 511. Lyndhurst, Lord, with portrait. Green Bag, 2: 417. Lynedoch, Thomas Graham, Lord; an Historical Bal- lad. (J. S. Blackie) Blackw. I5o: 837. Lynhaven Cross, The ; a story. (J. E. Cooke) Cosmo- pol. 4; 274. Lynmouth Story. (E. Stuart) Leis. Hour, 37: 822. Lynn, Mass. (E. A. Start) New Eng. M. 4: 497. Lyonesse, In. Chamb. J. 68: 555. Lyons, R. B. Pernell, Lord, Death of. Sat. R. 64: 780. Lyons Museum. (Henry Wallis) Art J. 42: 115. Lyrics, English, under Charles I. (L. I. Guiney) Har- per, 8o: 946. Lyric Poetry. (J. C. Rowell) Overland, n. S. 9: 403. — in France. Meliora, 2: 325. Lyrical Ballads. Ath. 'go, I : 599. Lytton, Edward Bulwer, Lord. Lady of Lyons. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 136. Lytton, Edward Robert, Lord. Critic, Ig: 309, 323. 358. —Sat. R. 72: 6oo. – (A. Austin) National, 8: 68o. — After Paradise. Ath. '87, 2: 169. —Sat. R. 64: 156. — as a Diplomatist. Spec. 67: 749. Lytton, Lady Rosina, Devey's Life of. Ath. '87, I: 604. — Critic, Io: 233. —Spec. 6o: 773. — Letters of. Critic, I3: 319. (T. L. Kelly) Am. (A. N. Paterson) Macmil. 55: 342. (H. C. Lodge) No. MABILLON Mabillon, J., Prince Emm. de Broglie on. (Lord Acton) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 585. Mabinogion; edited by Rhys and Evans. Ath. '87, 2: 566. McAdam, David, with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 456. McAll Mission, Paris. (M. J. Preston) Lend a H. 2: (G. W. Travers) M. I 54. McAllister, Ward. Society as I have Found it. Lip- pinc. 46: 873. Macaroni, The, and his Kind. Chamb. J. 67: 139. Macaroni, Preparation of, in Italy. Science, 18; 76. , McArthur, Sir William. Lond. Q. 76: 178. Macaulay, T. B., Lord. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 43. — Meliora, 3: 15. —Spec. 66: 337. — (G. M. Gerahty) Tinsley, 42: 75. — and Madame d’Arblay. (C. Adams) National, Io: 461. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 34. — at Home. (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 86: 185. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 801. – Lays of Ancient Rome, Paraphrased. (A. Bates) Chaut. Io: 9. – A Plea for an Old Friend. Temp. Bar, 79: 86. Same art. Div. Age, I72: 273. * = Study of, in Secondary Schools. (S. Thurber) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 357. Macbeth, Considered as a Celt. (J. D. Montgomery) National, I3: 181. % — Considered by Milton as the Subject of a Drama. (J. W. Hales) 19th Cent. 30: 919. — Facts and Fancies about. (J. Coleman) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 218. McCandlish, John M., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: IoSz. MacCarthy, Dennis F. Irish Mo. 19: 209, 237. McCarthy, Justin H. Your Wife. Theatre, 25: 8o. McCartney, Daniel: a Prodigy of Memory, with por- trait. (J. H. Creighton) Knowl. II: 274. McClellan, Gen. G. B. All the Year, 4o: 222. — Atlan. 59: 546. — and Lee. (J. A. Doyle) Acad. 31: 407. — Comte de Paris on. N. Princ. 3: 73. — Own Story. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 44:57, 79.-Sat. R. 63: 229. —Spec. 60: 232. — (R. B. Richardson) N. Eng. 46: 234. McClung, J. W., Major. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 297. McComb, Gen. Wm., Staff of. So. Hist. Pap. I6: Ioy. McCosh, James, President of Princeton College. (J. Van Cleve) Cent. II: 646. — Religious Aspect of Evolution. N. Princ. 6: 138. McCrady, Col. Edward, jr., Address, 1882. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 246. McCulloch, Hugh, Memories of Contemporaries. Scrib. M. 4: 279. — Men and Measures of Half a Century. Nation, 48: 207. —Spec, 63: 370. McCurdy, Judge Charles J., Home of, Lyme, Ct. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 26: 321. Macdonald, George, as a Poet. (W. D. Geddes) Blackw. I49: 361. Macdonald, Sir John A., with portrait. Leis. Hour, 4o: 689. – With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 339. — (J. G. Colmer) Fortn. 56: 25. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 289. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 417. — (M. J. Griffin) Atlan. 68: 527. — (M. J. Griffin) Blackw. I5o: 157. Same art. I.iv. Age, 191: 59. —With portrait. (J. A. Chisholm) Green Bag, 3: 345. — Sat. R. 71: 707. 72: 644. – Spec. 66: 817. 67: 117. — and his Political Influence on Canada. Westm. I36: 476. — on Imperial Federation. 3O: I54. (C. C. Nott) (S. B. Boulton) 19th Cent. 262 MACKINAC Macdonell, James. Leis. Hour, 39: 485. — Lond. Q. 74 : I. – and the Times. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 159. - Nicoll’s Life of. Spec. 64; 21. — (W. Wallace) Acad. 37: 74. – (A. W. W. Dale) Sunday M. 19: 4O2. McDougall, Francis Thomas. — and Harriette his Wife. Church Q. 30: 379. MacDowall, William. Acad. 34: 304. Mace of the House of Commons. (W. H. St. J. Hope) Antiq. m. s. 23; 6. – Reliquary, 31: 26. Macedonia, In, (D. G. Hogarth) Macmil. 60: 281. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 615. – The Question of. (A. Hulme-Beaman) Fortn. 55: 427. Macfadyen, Dr. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 31. Macfarren, Sir George Alexander. Ath. '87, 2: 611. – Acad. 32: 31 O. — (C. A. Macirone) Argosy, 45: 27. McGee, Thomas D'Arcy. (A. T. Sadlier) Cath. World, 50: 484. — Irish Mo. 17: 1. McGlynn, Dr. E. W., and Galileo Galilei. • Heinzle) Cath. World. 46: 110. – and his Movement. (H. L. Traubel) Unita. R. 29: 540. — and the Pope. Sat. R. 63: 162. — and Sacerdotal Rights. And. Ił. 7: 308. — Excommunication of. Sat. R. 64: 81. — Moral of his Case. (E. J. W. Huiginn) Church R. 49: 62o. Macgregor, Sir Charles Metcalfe, Life of. Spec. 61: 1640. – Blackw. I44: 664. – Nation, 48: 370. MacGregor, Hamish, Some Passages in the Life of. Macmil. 62: 47. McGuire, Hunter Holmes. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 298. MacHale, John, Archbishop of Tuam. (F. P. Devine) Dub. R. Io& : 27. Machiavelli, Nicolo. (J. Owen) Acad. 40: 423. — (L. Maclean) Belgra. 73: 174. — The Prince, Burd's Edition. tion, 53: 317. Machinery and Labor. Meliora, 3: I 15. — Kennedy’s Mechanics of. (J. Venn) Nature, 37: 510. Machines, Designing of. (J. E. Sweet) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 278. — Evolution of. Ath. '89, 2: 886. (J. U. (W. R. Thayer) Na- (H. S. H. Shaw) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 394. Machrehanish. Sat. R. 7o: 224. Mackay, Alexander M. (M. B. Whiting) Sunday M. I9: 531. – Church Q. 3I: 462. Mackay, Charles. Acad. 37: 10. – Leis. Hour, 36: 532. – Sat. R. 63: 385. —Spec. 60: 965. — Poems. (G. Cotterill) Acad. 39: 25o. McKay, Medad, Trial of, 1820; the Ordeal of Blood. Green Bag, 3: 476. Mackaye, Steele. Paul Kauvar. Theatre, 24: 315. McKendree, William, Bishop. (G. G. Smith) Meth. R. 47: 731. Mackenzie, Comm. A. S. Letter to O. Hoffman, 1843. M. Am. Hist. I7: 128. Mackenzie, H. Man of Feeling. (C. C. Marble) Amer. 2O: 4 IO. Mackenzie, John Kenneth. 40: 773. Mackenzie, Sir Morell, Controversy with German Phy- sicians. Spec. 61: 1433. Mackerel and Mackerel Seines. ing, Ig: 64. Mackerel Fleet, Night with the. All the Year, 4o: 206. Mackinac Island. (C. Ellis) Am. M. 7: 515. — Fairy Isle of. (W. C. Richards) M. Am. Hist. 26: 22. (J. Macaulay) Leis. Hour, (J. Z. Rogers) Out- MACKINAC - 2 Mackinac, Parish Register of. (E. O. Brown) M. West. Hist. II: 74, I 19. – Two Missionary Priests at. (E. O. Brown) M.West. Hist. II: 408, 555. I2: 221. McKinley Tariff Act. See Tariff. Mackintosh, Angus. (P. A. O’Farrell) M. West. Hist. I2: 189. McKnight, Amor A., with portrait. West. Hist. I3: 696. Mackonochie, Alexander H. Month, 7o: 65. – Sat. R. 64: 853. — and British Convict System. Meliora, 4: 1. McLaren, Duncan, Mackie's Life of. Spec. 62: 337. Maclay, W., Journal of. (J. C. Welling) Nation, 52: 221. — (F. J. Turner) Dial (Ch.) 12: 78. McLean, David, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 691. Maclean, John. Acad. 37: 212. - Macleod, Alexander. (J. Watson) Sunday M. 20: 265. Macleod, Henry Dunning. Theory of Credit. (A. Ellis) Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I.244. McMahon, Julia. Irish Mo. I5: 476. McManus, Patrick. (J. McGrath) Irish Mo. 18: 149. Macmaster, G. H. (E. C. Stedman) Critic, II: 203. MacMurrough, Dermod. Irish Mo. I5; 297. McNab, William Ramsay. Ath. '89, 2: 785. McNeil, John Lord, with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: (A. N. Towne) M. 54. , M’Shane, John A., with portrait. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9: 682. Mad Count, The. (P. Roose) Tinsley, 41: 637. Mad Englishman, A. (M. Crosby) Atlan. 60: 261. Mad Piper, The ; an Idyl. (J. W. Cheney) Cosmopol. I2; I43. Mad Spaniard, The ; a story. Chamb. J. 67: 460. Madagascar, Arts and Commerce of. (J. Sibree, jr.) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 623. — French Aggression in. (D. Willoughby) Fortn. 47: 433. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 236. — Missions in. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 9: 643. — Oliver's. (J. R. Soley) Nation, 44; 190. — Ath. '87, I: 471. – Nation, 51: . 217. — a Protected Queen. (M. A. Shufeldt) Cosmopol. Io: 581. — Social Condition and Prospects of. Arts, 31: 271. — Slavery in. (Vazaha) Fortn. 56: 708. Madam. (J. Cartwright) Macmil. 62: 438. Madame la Commandante ; a story. (A. Werner) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 541. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 226. Madame and Monsieur. Overland, m. s. I3: 286. Madeira. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Cosmopol. 6: 252.- (E. M. Taylor) Good Words, 29: 744, 843. (J. Peill) J. Soc. — as a Health Resort. (W. F. B. Stanford) Fortn. 55: 482. — Health Seeking in. (Sir M. Mackenzie) 19th Cent. 26: 12o. — a Neglected Paradise. Blackw. I43: 403. Madeleine's Story. (E. Keary) Blackw. I49: Io9, 217, 328. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 406, 590. 189: I65. Mademoiselle; a story. (Mrs. Oliphant) Cornh. 60: 489, 630. Same art. Ecl. M. I.13: 813. II4: 94. “Mademoiselle; ” the Adventure of a Bicyclist. (W. Atkinson) Outing, I8: 45. Mademoiselle Elise; a story. II. Mademoiselle Réséda. (Mrs. V. R. Cruger) Cosmopol. Io: 324, 438. Madge the Model; a story. (I. Weddle) Belgra.66: 453. Madison, Dolly. (E. D. Warfield) M. West. Hist. 8: 514. # Madison's Butler. (E. E. Bigelow) Lippine. 39: 853. (E. Francis) Argosy, 51: 63 MAGNETIC Madness of Father Felipe. (W. Hubbard) Macmil. 6o: 205. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 269. Madoc, Fayr. Margaret Jermine. Lond. Q. 67: 383. Madonnas, Black. (K. Hillard) Atlan. 64: 410. Madrid. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. II: 575. — Cosmopolitan. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 46: 523. — From New York to. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 46: 484. — Literary, A Day in. (W. H. Bishop) Scrib. M. 7: 187. – Street Life in. (S. N. Carter) Cent. 17: 32. Madrigals from Foreign Sources. (A. Horton) Murray, 9: 269. Madrilène; or, the Festival of the Dead. Harper, 81: 869. Madstones. (G. F. Kunz) Science, 18: 286. Madvig, Johan Nicolai. Amer. I3: 231. º Maestro Ambrogio. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 4: 35. Maeterlinck, Maurice ; a Pessimist Playwright. (W. Archer) Fortn. 56: 346. Mafia, The. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 52: 296, 337. — and the Camorra. (L. Wolffsohn) Contemp. 59: 691. — — Brigandage alias Crime. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 52 : 314. — in Sicily. Sat. R. 71 : 442. – Liv. Age, 189: 632. — — and New Orleans. (Mrs. J. W. Mario) 19th Cent. 29: 70 I. See also New Orleans. Magazine, The First. (W. M. Clemens) Author, I: 177. Magazine of Poetry. Sat. R. 69: 223. Magazines, American. (J. H. Browne) Author, 3: 3.− Spec. 63: 268. — — List of, Published in the 18th Century. Ford) Lib. J. I.4: 373. Magazine Guns in War. Sat. R. 63: 442. Magee, John, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 57o. Magee, W. C., Archbishop of York. Spec. 66: 648. — (W. Benham) Fortn. 55: 898. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 155. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 246. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 22.3.− (J. C. Macdonnell) Good Words, 32: 551. — (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 20: 455. —Sat. R. 71 : 548. Magellan, Fernando, and the Pacific. Harper, 81: 357. — Guillemard's. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 52: 140. Magellan, Strait of, Smyth's Channel and. (T. Child) Harper, 82: 442. Magi, Adoration of. (H. Van Dyke) Harper, 76: 167. — Return of the. (J. R. Howatt) Sunday M. 20: 805. Magic, Art of. (A. Herrmann) No. Am. I53: 92. — Constant's Mysteries of. Ath. '87, 2: 175. — Levi’s Writings. Sat. R. 63: 597. - — Modern, and its Explanation. (M. Benjamin) Chaut. (G. King) (P. L. (E. E. Hale) II: 731. Magic Fan, The. (J. S. Winter) Eng. Illust. 5: 176. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: Io. Magic Lantern and Photography. (S. Highley) J. Soc. Arts, II : 14 I. I7: 139. Magic Mirror, The. (M. Dessoir) Monist, I : 87. — Japanese. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. 125: 24, 324. Magical Music; a story. (R. Marsh) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 4.33% Magicians and Feather-Dusters. (J. K. Wetherill) Lip- pinc. 44; 273. — Modern. (F. L. Oswald) Cosmopol. 4: 292. Magistracy, Unpaid, and Prison Reform. Meliora, II: I 25. Magna Charta, The Original. Chamb. J. 66: 511. Magnet, Action of, on Chemical Action. (H. A. Row- land and L. Bell) Am. J. Sci. I36: 39. Magnetic and Gravity Observations. (E. D. Preston) Am. J. Sci. I40: 478. Magnetic Declination in Lower California, Recent Changes in. Science, I2: 155. MAGNETIC Magnetic Field in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. (R. W. Willson) Am. J. Sci. 139: 456. Magnetic Force, Effect of, on the Equipotential Lines of an Electric Current. (E. H. Hall) Am. J. Sci. I36: 131, 277. Magnetic Induction, Molecular Process in. Ewing) Nature, 44; 566. - Ewing's Theory of. (H. Crew) J. Frankl, Inst. 132: I48. Magnetic Mystery. Blackw. I4I: 648. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 45. Magnetic Strains. (S. Bidwell) Nature, 38: 224. Magnetic Theory. (H. W. Watson) Nature, 35: 296. Magnetism. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 37: 105, 366. — (J. Hopkinson) Nature, 41; 249, 273. — and Hypnotism. (J. M. Charcot) Forum, 8: 566. — of Ships and the Compass. (W. Bottomley) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 229. — Terrestrial, The Constant P in Observations of. (W. Harkness and A. W. Riicker) Nature, 37: 272. Magnetite Ore Districts of São Paulo, Brazil. (O. A. Derby) Am. J. Sci. I41: 31 I. Magnetization, Effect of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I34: I 75. — Passivity of Iron Destroyed by. (E. L. Nichols and W. S. Franklin) Am. J. Sci. I34: 419. Magnetized Needles, Instability of Freshly. Nipher) Nature, 37: 392. Magneto-Optic Rotation by Transient Currents. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 39: 526. Magnolia Metal. Science, I4: 327. Magnum Opus. See Great Work. Magnus, Saint, of the Orkneys. Scot. R. 9: 79. Magpie, Arrival of the. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, n. 3. II: 465. Magruder, Gen. John Bankhead, Peninsula Campaign, 1861. (B. P. Lee) So. Hist. Pap. 19: 60. Maguire, Thomas. Ath. '89, I: 281. Magyar Literature of the Last Fifty Years. (A. Vám- béry) New R. 5: 344. Maha-Bharata, The. (H. G. Bruce) Harv. Mo. 4: 185. Mahatma Period, The. (W. E. Hodgson) National, 18: 189. Mahogany Trade of Honduras. Science, 17: 79. Mahon, J. P. O'G. Sat. R. 71: 734. Mahone, W., and Readjusting in Virginia. Clark) Nation, 44; 244. Mahonenses, Genoese Rulers of Chios. Eng. Hist. R. 4: 467. Mahratta Country, In the. Overland, n. s. 16: 543. Mahratta Plough. (G. Birdwood) Asia. R. 6: 417. Maid of the Golden Fillet. (A. Rives) Lippine. 41 : 242. Maid of Norway, The. (A. C. Ewald) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 354. Same art. Liv. Age, I'73: 365. Maiden's Garland. (E. Peacock) Acad. 34: 226. Maidens Choosing. (E. O. Kirk) Lippinc. 47: 41 I. Maiden Speech, A.; a story. (R. Schindler) Murray, Io: 194. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 781. Maidstone, England. All Saints' Church. Sat. R. 68: (J. A. (F. E. (E. P. (J. T. Bent) 309. Mail, Delivery of, by Carriers. (L. W. Bacon) Forum, 7: II.3. — How to Prepare Matter for Mailing. (C. A. Conant) Writer, 1 : 63. — Royal, Sat. R. 67: 328. Mail Service, Railway. (T. L. James) Scrib. M. 5: 259. — United States. (J. M. Bishop) M. Am. Hist. I8: 45. Maimon, Solomon, Autobiography of. (P. A. Barnett) Acad. 34: 181. – (A. S. Isaacs) Nation, 47: 197. – (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 508. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 195. —Spec. 61: 656. Same art, Liv. Age, I77: 633. 264 MALLET Maimonides and Wyclif. (A. Neubauer) Ath. '89, 1: 3II. Main, David. (J. A. Noble) Acad. 33: 61. Maine, Henry S. Acad. 33: 96. — Ath. '88, I: 180. — Spec. 61: 193. – Sat. R. 65: I5o. — (F. Pollock) Contemp. 55; 265. Maine, State of. (N. Dingley, jr.) New Eng. M. m. s. 4 : 547. Maine State College. (M. C. Fernald) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 546. Maintenon, Madame de. (F. T. Marzials) Acad. 34: 217. – (Y. de Bury) Fortn. 55: 553. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 562. - (H. N. Oxenham) National, 9: 170. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 408. —Tinsley, 47: 3O3. – Miss Bowles's Life of. 4 : 573. – Jeffroy's Letters of. Ed. R. 166: 64. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 44: 550. Maitland of Laurieston. I-793. Maitland, Wm., of Letherington, and Mary Stuart, Skelton's. Ed. R. 170: 546. Maiwa's Revenge. (H. R. Haggard) Harper, 77: 180, 345. - Majolica, Italian Works on. (C. D. E. Fortnum) Acad. 38: II.4. Major, Richard Henry. Acad. 40: 13. Major and Minor; a story. (W. E. Norris) Good Words, 28: I-793. Same art. Liv. Age, v. I72– I75. Major Lawrence, F. L. S.; a story. (E. Lawless) Mur- ray, I : 81-835. 2: 113-688. Same art. Liv. Age, v. I73–I75. Major's Appointment, The ; a story. Cent. 21: 123. Major's Blankets, The. All the Year, 62: 296. Major's Revenge, The. (T. Hodge) Am. M. 7: 563. Majorca Island. (M. E. Herbert) Cath. World, 52: 512. — (F. L. Shaw) Sunday M. 19: 302, 407. - Letters from. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, v. 43-45. – Wood's. Spec. 62: 582. Majority, Election by. (D. S. Remsen) Cent. 41: 313. Makar's Dream ; a story. (V. Korolenko) Cosmopol. 6: 147. Makololo-Land. The Portuguese and. (D. J. Rankin) Blackw. I47: 837. Mal 'Occhio. (F. Allston) Theatre, 24: 133. Malacca Cane ; a story. (M. Deane) Belgra. 64: 351. Malagrida, Father Gabriel. (E. Sheirber) Month, 65: 2I4. Malaria. 255. – and Causation of Intermittent Fevers. Baker) Science, 17: 197. — Bacillus of. Nature, 36: 613. – Mysteries of. (E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 25: 852. (N. Pocock) Eng. Hist. R. (A. S. Swan) Sunday M. 19: (J. Schayer) (G. E. Waring, jr.) Am. Arch. 25: 244, (H. B. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 184. Malay Peninsula, Trade in. (M. Lister) 19th Cent. 30: IOO2. Malaya, British. (F. Dickson) Eng. Illust. 7: 283. Malaysia. (J. M. Thoburn) Meth. R. 47: 169. Malbrouk, Château. (H. Wolff) National, 16: 533. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 56. Maldon, The Song of. (Lt. Col. Lunsden) Macmil. 55: 37I. Malet, E. (C. R. Eaglestone) Tinsley, 44: 141. Malignity, Pleasures of. Spec. 61: 1355. – (A. Bain) Spec. 61: 1436. Maline's Confession; a story. All the Year, 66: 468– 490. Malingering for Money. Spec. 66: 652. Mallet, Sir Louis. Spec. 64; 261. MALLOCK Mallock, W. H., and the Positivists. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. II: 59. — The Old Order Changes. Spec. 60: 47. — on the Labor and Social Movements. (J. MacCarthy) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 85. Malmaison in the Market. (M. B. Ford) Cosmopol. II: 53O. Malortie, Baron de. Spec. 64: 695. Malott, Volney T., with portrait. *Twixt Old Times and New. M. West. Hist. II: 99. Malt, Manufacture of. (H. Stopes) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 328. Malta, Island of. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. I3: I99. — Ancient Greek Buildings Discovered in. (A. A. Caruana) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 450. — Constitution, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 871. — A Day at. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 47: 132. — Gladstone and. (G. B. Powell) National, I6: 289. Maltese Apparition, A. (Marquis of Lorne) Blackw. I42 : 794. Maltese Nobility. Antiq. m. s. I5: 255. Malthus and Ricardo. (S. N. Patten) Am. Econ. Assoc. 4 : 33 I. — Statistics versus. Westm. I31: 286. Malthusian Doctrine, The. (A. J. Ogilvy) Westm. I36: 289. Malungeon Tree, The. 470, 745. Malvern Hill, Va., Battle of. Hist. Pap. I&: 56. Malvern Hills, Eng., Ladies’ Glen on. Antiq. m. s. 21: 205. Malvoisie, A Cup of. All the Year, 66: 448. Mamelons, a Legend of the Saguenay. (W. H. H. Murray) Arena, I; 212, 343. Mammalia, Mesozoic, Osborn's. Nature, 38: 611. — obtained by Naturalist Exploring Expedition to Southern Brazil. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 23: 128. Mammals, Fowler and Lydekker's. Sat. R. 7I: 725. Mamisson, Crossing the. (M. A. Morrison) Leis. Hour, (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 3: (G. S. Bernard) So. (H. H. Lines) 4O: 95. Mammon. (M. Howe) Lippinc. 42: 147. — Etymology of. (C. Bezold) Acad. 33: 416. Mammoth and the Flood, Howorth's. Quar. I66: 112. — (N. S. Shaler) Nation, 46: 159. – Spec. 61: 275. —Nature, 37; 295, 343. — Hunting, in Siberia. Cornh. 58: 64. Mammoth Age, Climate of Siberia in the. Howorth) Nature, 39: 365. Mammoth Cave, In. (J. Burroughs) Longm. Io: 632. Man and Bird. (T. Wood) Sunday M. I7: 610, 661. — and the Glacial Period. (G. F. Wright) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 314. — and Insect. (T. Wood) Sunday M. I7: 329–448. — and Nature, Rival Mechanics. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. I 8: 616. — Antiquity of. (W. J. McGee) Am. Antiq. I3: 69. — (C. H. Hitchcock) Bib. Sac. 47: 99. — — and Egyptology. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: I45, 289. — — in North America. (A. R. Wallace) 19th Cent. 22: 667. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 473. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 44. — — Recent Discoveries. 48: 298. — The Coming. (S.V. Clevenger) Am. Natural. 25: 617. — Descent of, True Line of. (H. H. Brown) Unita. R. 32: 31O. — Destiny of, The Bible and. (G. B. Cheever) Arena, I : 453. (H. H. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 265 MAN Man, Empire of. (J. Gerard) Month, 66: 14. – From Brute to. (C. Morris) Am. Natural. 24: 34I. — Genealogy of, Last Stages in. Sci. Mo. 33: 821. 34; 171. — in Relation to the Lower Animals. (E. Emerson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 751. — Infinite. (T. Hill) Unita. R. 27: 38. — Influence of, on Nature. Meliora, 8: 1. — Inhumanity of, and God’s Humanity. (S. Cox) Sun- day M. 20: 227. — Introduction of Human Life into the World. C. Wells) Luth. Q. 16: 84. — Migrations of, Pre-Glacial. 269. — of the Future. (F. W. Langdon) Science, I8: 193. — (R. W. Shufeldt) Science, 18: 248. — (M. M. Snell) Science, I8: 259. – (R. W. Shufeldt) Sci- ence, I8: 289. — of Sin, The. (W. A. Stevens) Bapt. Q. II: 328. — or Machine. (M. H. Richards) Luth. Q. IG: 96. — Origin of. (W. F. Warren) Nature, 36: 198. — (E. C. Mann) No. Am. I46: 339. — — Müller on. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 87. — Paleolithic, in America. (W. J. McGee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 20. — — — Descendants of. (C. A. Abbott) Pop. Sci. Mo. (P. Topinard) Pop. (S. (H. Hicks) Nature, 36: 36: I45. — — in Ohio. (G. F. Wright) Nation, 50: 331. — Place of, in Nature. (E. Burgess) Univ. Q. 47: 3.18. — Prehistoric. See Prehistoric Man. — Primitive, Natural History of. (G. J. Romanes) 19th Cent. 28: 297. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 420. — Races of, Egyptian Classification of. (R. S. Poole) Anthrop. J. I6: 370. — — Featherman’s History. Sat. R. 63: 415. – Recuperative Bodily Power of. (G. Harley) An- throp. J. I7: 108. — Service of, Morison on. Acad. 31: 86. — Ath. '87, I: 153. – Spec. 60: Loš. — (R. H. Hutton) Contemp. 5I: 480. —Ed. R. 165: 512. — (P. F. Willert) Na- tional, Io: 46. — Spiritual Essence in. — Typical, Physical Proportions of. Scrib. M. 2: I. – Whence Came He 2 (D. G. Whitley) Theo. Mo. 2: 187. Man and Two Brothers, A. 75: 944. Man at Arms. The. (E. H. and E. W. Blashfield) Scrib. M. 3: 3, 161. Man I was Looking for, The ; a story. Am. M. 7: 590. Man's a Man for a’ that, A.; a story. (G. T. Kercheval) Lend a H. 3: 571, 621. 4; 44–98. Man of Almonacid. Cornh. 56: 535. Man who came Back, The. (C. D. Willard) Overland, (E. Clodd) New R. 5: 12. (D. A. Sargent) (G. P. Lathrop) Harper, (A. J. Mundy) n. s. I7: 38. Man who was, The ; a story. (R. Kipling) Macmil. 61: 465. Man with a Hoe, The. (W. D. Armes) Overland, n. s. I7: 584. Man, Isle of. (R. Wheatley) Meth. R. 47: 550. — Banker's Holiday in. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 976. — Chronicles of. All the Year, 62: 157. — Early Connection with Ireland. (A. W. Moore) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 714. — Home Rule in. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 75: 513. — Manxland. Westm. I29; 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 243. — Northmen in. le See Manx. (G. Vigfusson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 498. MAN’S Man's Friends, A.; a story. (B. Dempster) All the Year, 64: I 16–165. Man's Love; a story. (C. Gibbon) Belgra. 62: 219. Man's Mistake, A.; a story. (J. Leete) Argosy, 45; 359. Man-of-War, 48 Hours in a. (C. Eaglestone) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 4: 138. — A Girl’s Life on Board a. I : 186. - Modern, Life on Board a. Words, 30: 228, 322. Man-o’-war's-men, Making. M. m. s. 3: 483. (B. Chandler) Cosmopol. (A. H. Markham) Good (W. L. Luce) New Eng. Manassas, Battle of, Beauregard's Campaign and. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 52: 484. – First Battle of, Stonewall Brigade at. (D. B. Con- rad) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 82. Manatee, The. Sat. R. 67: 527. Manchester, England. Sat. R. 64: 88. — Clubs of. (J. Hatton) Art J. 40: 336. – Exhibition at, 1887. Spec. 60: 1535, 1571. — Am. Arch. 22: 169. — (W. T. Arnold) Art J. 39: 281, 313. — — Art at the. Ath. '87, 2: 90. – New College. (J. Owen) Acad. 37: 419. — on 'Change in. Chamb. J. 65; 774. — Worthies of. (G. Huntington) Temp. Bar, 79: 122. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 502. Manchester Ship Canal. (J. Leyland) Amer. I6: 201. — (G. R. Dunell) Engin. M. 2: 2O4, 35o. — Chamb. J. 66: 81. — (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 5: 763. — Dub. R. Io9: 200. - Manchuria, James's Journey in. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 9: 81. —Spec. 61 : 389. — Nation, 46: 327. Mandan Chiefs, Two, with portraits. (W. Matthews) Am. Antiq. Io: 269. Mandeville, Sir John. (E. Montegut) Liv. Age, 184: 741. – (A. W. Pollard) Acad. 38: 189. — Ashton's Edition. Sat. R. 65: 83. Mandrakes, Some Notes about. Chamb. J. 68: 9. Manesse Manuscript, The. (E. T. Lander) Am. M. 8: 6Io. 'Mang Muirs and Mosses; a story. Belgra. 61: 219. Mangan, James Clarence. (L. I. Guiney) Atlan. 68: 641. — Cath. World, 48: 33. Manganese, Oxides of. (F. P. Dunnington) Am. J. Sci. I36: 175. Mangon, Charles François Hervé. Nature, 38: III. Manhattan Athletic Club. (G. A. White) Outing, 16: 163. 307. Manhattan Island, Eozoönal Rock of. cap) Am. J. Sci. I33; 374. Manila and its Surroundings. 8o: 621, — Capture of, in 1762. (E. O'Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. ’87, 2: 332. Manipur, Aboriginal Tribes of. I6: 346. — Description of. (Sir J. Johnstone) 19th Cent. 29: 871. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 89. — Disaster at, 1891. Sat. R. 71 : 402, 761. — — Official Report on. Sat. R. 7 I : 610. – (R. Tem- ple) Contemp. 59: 917. — — Outcome of. (R. Temple) New R. 4: 412. — Grimwood's. Sat. R. 72: 588. — Hill-Men around. (C. N. Barham) National, 17: 331. Manitoba, Railway Question in. (G. Smith) Contemp. 52: 586. — Sat. R. 64: 291. —Sat. R. 66: 489. – Unique University of. (G. Bryce) National, Iof: 461. - Manitou Springs, Col. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I3: 435. 67: 35. (H. Wallace) (L. P. Grata- (S. Kneeland) Harper, (G. Watt) Anthrop. J. 266 MANUAL Manitou Springs, Col., all the Year round. (H. D. Tee- tor) M. West. Hist. II: 43. - Indian Legends about. (A. Z. Sheldon) M. West. Hist. Io; 341. Mankind, Future of. (J. R. Kendrick) Forum, 6: 286. Manly, Henry William, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 883. Mann, Albert Platt, with portrait. M. West. Hist. I2: 354. Mann, Horace. (F. H. Kasson) Educa. 12: 36. – With (G. W. Travers) portrait. (M. R. Keith) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 653. Mannering, E. H., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 77 I. Manners. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. I48: 470. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 343. — and Customs, Early New England. (M. R. P. Hatch) Granite Mo. Io: 23. — and Meals. (G. Mallery) Science, I2: 2. – English and American. (T. W. Higginson) Forum, 5 : 52 I. — Good, for Young People. 306. — in the Public Schools. Nation, 49: 206, 251. — Life and. (L. Abbott) Chaut. 8: 353, 529. Manning, Daniel. (H. White) Nation, 45: 518. Manning, H. E., Cardinal. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) I : 474. — Precedence. Sat. R. 70: 254, 310. — Silver Jubilee of. Cath. World, 51: 365, 395. Manning, Robert, of Brunne, Chronicle. Ath. '87, 2: (T. Temple) Chaut. I4: 74O. Manor Rolls; Maitland's Select Pleas. Sat. R. 67: 707. Manorial Lands, Tillage of. (I. Taylor) Knowl. I3: I63. Manse, The ; a Fragment. M. I : 611. Mansfield, Richard, in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. atre, 2I: 148. — in Richard III. (C. Porter) Poet-Lore, 2: 30. Mansfield College, Oxford. (A. M. Fairbairn) Con- temp. 56: 691. — Opening of ; Puritan Return to Oxford. And. R. I2 : 4 I 9. Mansfield Copper-Slate Mines, Saxony. J. Soc. Arts, 9: 592–627. Mansions, British, and their Mistresses. tage) Tinsley, 4I: 24–783. Mansion House, The ; Origin and History. All the Year, 69: 490. Mantegna, Andrea, 1431–1506. Cole) Cent. I7: 395. Mantis Religiosa; a Queer Pet. (E. W. Bellamy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 528. Manu, Code of. Ath. '88, 2: 91. Manual Training. (H. R. Russell) Educa. 8: 657. — (E. P. Seaver) Educa. II: 499. – (N. M. Butler) Meth. R. 49: 212. — (J. Nasmyth) Murray, I: 312. — (J. Lubbock) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 327. — Sat. R. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. The- (W. P. Jervis) (Mrs. Army- (W. J. Stillman; T. 64; 266. — and Brain Work. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. 27: 456. — applied to Building Arts. (C. Ham) Am. Arch. 22: 229. — as a Factor in Modern Education. (F. N. Thorpe) Cent. I5: 920. : — Definition of. Science, I3: 9. — Educational Value of. (G. P. Brown) Educa. g.: 664. – Erroneous Conceptions of. tion, 49: 35o. — for the Schools of Boston. II.7. (C. M. Woodward) Na- (S. B. Capen) Educa. 12: ...” MANUAL 267 MARIE Manual Training in Public Schools. (T. Davidson) Fo- Marble Quarries of Carrara, A Reminiscence of. (W. rum, 3: III. – (E. Chapman) Science, 9: 269, 277. — (H. H. Belfield) Science, 9: 372. — (A. W. Rol- lins) Am. M. 7: 344. — (P. Magnus) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I: 493. – (E. A. H. Allen) Unita. R. 35: 454. — Philadelphia School for. (F. N. Thorpe) Cent. 38: 92O. – Spirit of. (C. H. Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 433. — Psychology of. (W. T. Harris) Educa. 9: 571, 656. — Seminary for Teachers in, at Nääs. (A. Pullar) Fortn. 47: 315. — Swedish. (R. P. Keep) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 265. See also Sloyd. Manual Training School of Cambridge, Mass. (A. R. Willard) New Eng. M. n. s. 3: 761. Manual Training Schools, Ethics in. (F. N. Thorpe) Educa. 8: 489. — History and Economics in. (F. N. Thorpe) Educa. 8: 351. Manufacturer; a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Belgra. 68: 282. Manufacturers and Farmers. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 47: 65. Manufactures and Trade, Mutual Relations of. (E. Solly) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 487. Manufacturing and the State. Manufacturing Industry in Ireland. Harper, 78; 194. Manuscripts, accepted, Publication of. Author, I: 179. — Hidden in Country Houses. Spec. 64: 618. — Historical. (J. Brown) Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 26. —— British. (W. E. A. Axon) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: 73. — in the British Museum. — in the Buffalo Library. 37. – in the Libraries of Mount Athos. Ath. '89, I: 631. – Returned, of Leading Writer, 3: 78. Manx Humor. Sat. R. 72: 221. Manx Names. Sat. R. 70: 320. Manx Runes. (G. E. Browne) Acad. 38: 343. Manzanita. (W. S. Hutchinson) Overland, n. s. Io: 225. Manzoni, Alessandro. Maori and the Moa. 292. Maoris, The. Nature, 4o: 634. – Ancient History of. Sat. R. 66: 593. — in Parliament. Chamb. J. 66: 374. – White's Mythology and Traditions of. (E. B. Tylor) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 391. – Sat. R. 65: 201. Mapes, Walter, Author of Epistola Valerii. bee) Acad. 40: 588. Maple, T. B. Tinsley, 46: 535. Maple-Sugar Making in Vermont. Eng. M. 4 ('86): 208. Westm. I28: 225. (J. G. MacCarthy) (J. B. Clapp) (L. Sears) And. R. 14: 26o. (J. S. Metcalfe) Critic, Io: (J. P. Mahaffy) Writers. (L. J. Vance) Am. Cath. Q. 13: 736. (E. Tregear) Anthrop. J. 17: (P. Toyn- (J. M. French) N. Mapleson, James Henry, Memoirs. Spec. 61: 1440. — Sat. R. 66: 467. — Amer. 17: 184. Maps, Unbound, in Public Libraries. Lib. J. 16: 72. Marathon, Battle of. (W. W. Lloyd) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 38o. - – On the March for. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 59: 58. Marble, American. (A. Lee) Am. Arch. 22: 112. – Italian. (A. Lee) Am. Arch. 21: 208. Marbles, Ancient, in Great Britain. (A. Michaelis) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 143. 6: 30. – – Nicholson Collection of. (C. Waldstein) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 240. – Italian, History of. (W. P. Jervis) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 536. Sharp) Good Words, 31 : 617. — of Rutland, Vt. (R. E. Robinson) Cent. 18: 743. Marble Quarrying in the United States. (E. R. Morse) Engin. M. 2: 42. Marblehead, Mass.; a Poet's Town. Chaut. I3: 741. — Response of, in 1861. 3: 378. Marblehead Bay Yacht Club. Outing, I6: 453. Marblehead Bay, Yacht Clubs of. Outing, I'7: 61. Marbot, B. A. M., Gen. Memoirs. (G. Shaw-Lefèvre) Contemp. 6o: 853. — Sat. R. 72: 253. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 52: 478, 515. 53: 66–406. Marcellinus and Petrus, Martyrs, Eginhard's Account of their Translation. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 25: 438. March. All the Year, 62: 221. – An Ode. (A. C. Swinburne) 19th Cent. 23: 317. March 25 ; New Year's Day. (W. S. Bogart) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 70. March from Batesville to Helena, Ark., Memorable, 1862. (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 336. March of the White Guard. (G. Parker) Good Words, 32: Christmas no. 51–68. “Marchesa,” Cruise of the Yacht, Guillemard's. Ath. ’87, 2: 171. – Ed. R. 166: 317. – (W. D. Strap- pini) Month, 60: 55, 240. — Quar. I66; 161. Marcia. (W. E. Norris) Murray, 7: I. 8: 607. Same art. Liv. Age, I84; 329. I87: 677. Margaret of Scotland. (M. O. W. Oliphant) Eng. Illust. 7: 77. Margaret's Frenzy; a story, Argosy, 43: 301. Margaret’s Romance. (B. Chandler) Tinsley, 44; 338. Margaret's Room-Mate. (I. H. Ballard) Overland, n. s. II: 506. I2: 38. Margaret Fleming, Herme's Production of. Garrison) Nation, 52: 399. Margery; a story. (M. A. Dickens) All the Year, 65: I63–209. Margery Daw. (E. H. Hickey) Longm. I3: 77. Margery's Dowry; a story. Month, 67: 553. Margins, Our. (E. L. Linton) Chamb. J. 67: 16I. Margot, Meilhac's. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 174. Marguerite of Navarre. Heptameron. Ed. R. 92. Maria Caroline, Queen of Naples. Acad. 36: III. Maria Josepha, Duchess, as a Surgical Nurse. Sellers) Eng. Illust. 8: 122. Maria. Theresa, Empress. Ed. R. I70: 142. Mariani, Annibale. (W. Mercer) Ath. '91, 2: 839. Marianotte ; a Story of the Guards' Graves. (E. De Butts) Un. Serv. M. '88, 2: 175. Marie. Cornh. 61 : 432. Marie, Queen of Bavaria, and the Protestants of Zil- (M. B. Wright) (S. Roads, jr.) Bay State Mo. (S. G. W. Benjamin) (N. L. Stebbins) (L. McK. I68: (W. O. Morris) (E. lerthal. (E. E. Evans) Unita. R. 36: 36. Marie Antoinette: a Vindication. (C. J. Wallis) Gent. M. m. s. 39; 20. — and the Diamond Necklace. Nation, 50: 129. — at Trianon. (C. Hervey) Liv. Age, I72: 178. — Milliner’s Bills of. (G. A. Sala) Fortn. 48: 282. Marie Clotilde, Queen of Sardinia. (M. H. Allies) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 508. Marie Louise, Empress. (J. H. Hager) Cosmopol. 4: II5. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 45; 290. — and Josephine. (C. C. Jackson) Temp. Bar, 81: 467. — Monument to, at Vienna. Am. Arch. 23: 297. – Napoleon and, Durand's. (Countess von Krockow) Spec. 60: 466. MARIETTA 268 Marietta, Ohio, 1788–1888. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 25: 169. — Colony of 1788. (I. W. Andrews) N. E. Reg. 42: 349. - Historically Considered. (L. A. Alderman) M. West. Hist. 7: 537. Marine Engines. (N. P. Burgh) J. Soc. Arts, 13: 291. Marine Laboratory at St. Andrew's. (E. E. Prince) Eng. Illust. 6: 747. Marimes, United States. (J. Farney) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 393. Marion, Gen. Francis. (J. M. Greenwood) Educa. II: 61. — Grave of. (S. C. Hughson) M. Am. Hist. 20: 469. Marion, Md., Settlers at. (G. Vaux) Pennsyl. M. I.3: 446. Marionettes; a story. Argosy, 43: 271. – Parisian. (H. Campbell) Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 249.— Sat. R. 65: 756. Marionette Memoirs. (F. G. Walters) Gent. M. n. s. 4I: 578. Maritime Collisions; Inscrutable Fault. (S. D.Wilson) Am. Law R. 22: 903. Maritime Dangers and Defence. (Sir S. W. Baker) National, II: 585. – (C. C. Penrose-Fitzgerald) National, I2: I 15. Maritime Power, Mahan on. Ed. R. I.72: 420. Märjalen Sea, The. (T. G. Bonney) Nature, 36: 612. Mark in the Bible; a story. (J. H. Hager) Cosmopol. 6: 398. Mark of the Beast. (K. P. Woods) Lippinc. 46: 291. Mark Fenton. (A. Teal) Harper, 82: 774. Mark Oldshaw's Revenge; a story. (J. Macleod) Bel- gra. 62; 23. Markell, Clinton, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: I65. Market of the Dead, At. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 68: 382. Markets, Influence of Opinion on. (A. Ellis) Econ. J. 2 : Io9. Markham, Vincent D. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 9: 61 o. Marking Books. (C. E. Warren) Writer, 4: 121. Marking System. (F. G. Ireland) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 37 I. Marlborough, Duke of. (W. O'C. Morris) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 413. 488. Marlitt, Eugenie John. See John, E. Marlowe, C. Spec. 67: 381. — (H. Plowman) Theatre, 25: 8. — Memorial to. Sat. R. 72: 318. - — Tamburlaine the Great. (F. Rogers) Acad. 34: 244. - — Works; Ellis's Edition. (E. G. Johnson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 97. Marlowe, Julia. (A. Stoddart) Lippinc. 48: 306. — as Rosalind. Poet-Lore, I: 141. - Marmontel. Temp. Bar, 86: 337. Marooned. (W. C. Russell) Macmil. 59: 67–401. 6o: I–4OI. Marquett, Turner M., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 513. Marquette, Mich., Early Settlement of. (W. W. Clay- ton) M. West. Hist. 8: 271. Marr, Thomas, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1215. Marriage. (J. H. Browne) Forum, 6:432. — (M. Caird) Westm. I30: 186. — and Descent, Laws of, Development of. (E. B. Ty- lor) Anthrop. J. I8: 245. — and Divorce. (D. M. Craik) Contemp. 51: 570,-(C. D. Wright) Lend a H. 7: 303, 377. — Pub. Opin. 8: IO3, I4I, 334. — — in England. Spec. 66: 439, 471, 615. MARRIAGE Marriage and Divorce in the United States. (W. S. Collins) And. R. Io: 602. – Church Q. 28: 512. — Church R. 56: 120. — — — Statistics of. (S. W. Dike) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 592. — And. R. I2: 528. - ––– Uniform Laws of. (S.W. Dike) Arena, 2: 399. — (T. M. North) No. Am. I44: 429. — and Free Thought. Fortm. 56: 259. — and Kinship. Sat. R. 67: 453. — — Development of, Wake's. Ath. '89, 1: 794.—(J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) II: 9. – and the State. (M. J. Savage) Forum, Io: 115. — at Sea. (W. C. Russell) Lippinc. 46: 427. — Between Affines. (J. B. Gale) Church R. 49:47. — Reply. (Lord Bramwell) 19th Cent. 21: 104. - — by Capture. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 267. —Westm. I28: 283. — — Survivals from. (A. B. Ellis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 2O7. – Mona Caird on. (G. Black) Fortn. 53: 586. – a “ Cheapened Paradise.” (Linda Gardiner) Westm. 136: 268. — Christian, The Mystery of. (J. F. Loughlin) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 611. — Clitheroe Decision a Judicial Shock to. (E. L. Lin- ton) 19th Cent. 29: 691. — Consanguineous. (S. A. K. Strahan) Westm. I35:258. – Decline of. Westm. I35: I. I. — Destiny of. (J. P. Fruit) Poet-Lore, 3: 69. — Disparity of Age in, Theory of. Atlan. 63: 280. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 8: 504. — Failtºres in, Some. (G.M. Gerality) Tinsley, 41 : 782. — Folk-Lore of. All the Year, 59: 268–341. — For Better, for Worse. (D. M. Craik) Forum, 3: 161. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 773. — Future of. Sat. R. 7 I : 370. — History of. (E. B. Tylor) Acad. 40: 288. — — Westermarck's. Sat. R. 72: 57. — (A. G. Sedg- wick) Nation, 53: 337. — (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) I2 : 2 II. — Ideal. (M. Caird) Westm. I3o: 617. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 66. — in England. Spec. 6o: 173. — in Europe. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 61: 245. — in Fiction. (H. Moore) Critic, I3: 239. – in India, and British Law. (T. Vijaya-Raghavan) National, I7: 80. . — — Child. (Cardinal Manning ; M. G. Fawcett) New R. 3: 447.- (Rukhmabai) New R. 3: 263. — (H. H. Risley) Blackw. I48: 785. – (M. G. Fawcett) Con- temp. 58: 712. – Westm. I28: 181. — (C. N. Bar- ham) Westm. I35; 113. – Lend a H. 5: 774, 852. — — — Morality of. (M. Caird) Fortn. 53: 310. — — — Story of a Child-Wife. (M. Müller) Contemp. 6o: 183. — — — Stray Thoughts of an Indian Girl on. (Corne- lia Sorabji) 19th Cent. 30; 638. — — the Hindu Marriage Agitation. (F. Pincott) Na- tional, I7: I 79. — — Hindu Theory of. (H. S. Gour) National, Iof: 502. — Science, 9: 31o. - — — Intermarriage. (W. J. Moore) Asia. R. 8: 94. — — Meddling with, Discouraged. (J. D. Rees) 19th Cent. 28: 660. — — of Widows and Infants. (H. H. Risley) Asia. R. 4: 367. — — Reform of Laws of. (L. Ashburner) National, I6: 360. - — in Private International Law. (E. Stocquart) Am. Law R. 23: 775, 965. — Institutions of. (W. Schooling) Westm. I35; 385. – Is it a Failure? Spec. 61: 1219. – Cosmopol. 6: 93, 196. MARRIAGE Marriage, Law of, English, Greg on. thorpe) National, 8: 673. — Letourneau's Evolution of. (C. L. Franklin) Nation, 53: 52. — Plea for the Men. Spec. 67: 756. – Primitive, McLennan on. Spec. 60: 323. — Question of. (H. G. Keene) National, 12: 518. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 175. — — from a Scientific Standpoint. Westm. I33: 172. — — Our Civilization and. (H. M. Stanley) Arena, 2: 94. — Reform in. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 61: 680. — (J. H. Clapperton) Westm. 130: 709. — the Revolt against. (E. L. Linton) Forum, Io: 585. — Scriptural Doctrine of. Westm. 130: 399. - Spanish Laws on, and their Extra-Territorial Effect. (E. Stocquart) Am. Law R. 25: 82. – State Regulation of. (J. Wertheimer) 19th Cent. 24: 390. – Unhappiness in ; are Women to Blame? (R. H. Da- vis; R. T. Cooke; M. Harland; C. Owen; A. E. Barr) No. Am. I48: 622. — Why Men do not Marry. Temp. Bar, 84: 218. See also Exogamy. Marriage from the Stage, A.; a story. Argosy, 44: 191. Marriage in the Dark, A.; a story. (C. H. Palmer) Ar- gosy, 45; 281. Marriage Made in Heaven, A. Chamb. J. 68: 509–524. Marriage of Elinor, The ; a story. (Mrs. Oliphant) Good Words, 32: 1–793. Marriage of Marie Modeste. 246. Marriages, The. Marriages Abroad, American. I48: 424. – and Population-Growth. Sat. R. 69: 377. – Literary. Critic, 17: 75. — of Men of Ability. Spec. 64: 263. – Unhappy, in Fiction. (A. Lang) No. Am. 148: 676. Marriage Celebration, The, in the Colonies. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 61: 35o. – in the United States. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 61 : 520. Marriage Customs in Cathay. Blackw. I42: 691. – in the New Britain Islands. (B. Danks) Acad. I4: 407. — Anthrop. J. I8: 281. Marriage Laws. (E. H. Bennett) Forum, 3: 219. Marriage-Rates and Marriage-Ages. (W. Ogle) J. Sta- tis. Soc. 53: 253. (Lord Grim- (Alice Bodington) (G. King) N. Princ. 5: (H. James) Atlan. 68: 233. (E. Schuyler) No. Am. Marriage Rejection and Marriage Reform. (Eliz. R. Chapman) Westm. I30: 358. Marriage Systems of Australian Aborigines. (F. Gal- ton) Anthrop. J. I.8: 70. Married Geniuses. (J. Habberton) Lippine. 45: 271. Married People, The Law Relating to. (J. E. Joel) Na- tional, I7: 297. Married Women, Property of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 369. — Meliora, I2: 51. See Women, Married. Marriott, Charles. Quar. If 8: 182. Marrying and Giving in Marriage; a story. Leis. Hour, 38: 559–704. Marrying and Giving in Marriage. Longm. 9: 308—526. Mars, the Planet. (C.A. Young) Presb. R. Io: 400. — Canals of. (H. C. Wilson) Sid. Mess. 8: 13. — — or Rivers on ? (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 149. — Changes in the Aspect of. (S. Meunier) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 532. — Inundations on. — New Discoveries on. (Mrs. Molesworth) Chamb. J. 65: 529. (C. Flammarion) Arena, 3: 275. — Our Knowledge of. (J. Ritchie, jr.) Sid. Mess. 9: 450. 269 MARTIN Mars, Physical Aspect of. (W. H. Pickering) Science, I2: 82. – Strange Markings on. 35; 4 I. – Wonders in. (C. Flammarion) Liv. Age, 178: 252. Marsay, Charles Hector, Marquis St. George de. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 53: 47. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 276. Marsden, Miss Kate. Argosy, 52: 19. Marse Archie's Fight. (M. Blunt) Scrib. M. 1: 581. Marse Dab after the War; a story. Blackw. I41: 807. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 2O7. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: I I I. Marseillaise, The. – Singing the, for the First Time. Hour, 37: 107. Marsh, G. P., Life and Letters of. tion, 47: 213. Marsh, Sylvester, with portrait. (C. C. Coffin) Bay State Mo. 3: 65. Marshall, Frank. Acad. 37: 16. Marshall, Sir James. (W. R. Brownlow) Month, 67: (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. (H. Herman) Eng. Illust. 8: 576. (R. Heath) Leis. (F. A. March) Na- 23. Marshall, James A., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 251. Marshall, John, Chief-Justice, with portrait. Green Bag, 3: 541. — (R. W. Hughes) Ref. Q. 34: 428. — Magruder's Life of. (M. W. Fuller) Dial (Ch.) 9: 128. — St. Mémin’s Portrait of. (J. P. Bradley) Cent. I6: 778. Marshall, Thomas Francis. (H. M. Rowley) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 38. Marshall College, 1836–41. (T. Appel) Ref. Q. 34: 518. (A. C. Swinburne) 19th Cent. 24: 531. (L. M. Griffiths) Marston, John. — Antonio's Revenge, and Hamlet. Poet-Lore, 2: 414. — Bullen's Edition. 79. — Ath. '87, 2: — Shakespearianisms. 289, 360. Marston, Philip Bourke. (W. Sharp) Acad. 31: 129. — (T. Watts) Ath. '87, I : 256. — Sat. R. 63: 259. — (L. C. Moulton) Cosmopol. I2: 95. — (L. C. Moul- ton) Critic, Io: 147. — (M. J. Preston) Lippinc. 39: 97I. (R. H. Stoddard) Dial (Ch.) 8: 190. — Spec. 60: I of I. (L. M. Griffiths) Poet-Lore, 2: **~. — Sat. R. 69: 43. — Ath. 'go, I : 57. – (F. Wed- more) Acad. 37: 52. Marston Moor, Battle of, Two Accounts of. (C. H. Firth) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 345. - Martens. Cornh. 59: 626. – Eagles, and Owls. Sat. R. 65: 754. Martha Reid's Lovers. (R. M. Johnston) Harper, 74: 2I9. Martha's Vineyard. Sat. R. 66: 520. — Summer Institute at. (A. Pillsbury) N. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 3. Martial Law, Forster on. (Goldwin Smith) Spec. 61: I 390. Martin, Father Felix. Cath. World, 45: Ioy. Martin, John B., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: IoS3. Martin, Luther, with portrait. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 3: I49. e Martin, Martin L., with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 907. Martin, Noah, with portrait. Granite Mo. II: 199. Martin, Sarah. (H. C. Ewart) Sunday M. I7: 682. — and Elizabeth Fry. (E. J. Hardy) Sunday M. I7: 25. MARTIN Martin, T. Jaques. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 357. Martin. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, m. s. 15: 495. Martineau, James, and the Theory of Vocation. Rashdall) Mind, 13: 208. – Idio-Psychological Ethics of. Philos. 22: 138. — Study of Iłeligion. Ed. R. 168: 63. – Lond. Q. 7o: 205. – (C. C. Everett) Unita. R. 29: 485. Martini, Raymundus. (A. Neubauer) Acad. 32: 188. Martini, Simone. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. I5 : 54 I. Martinique, LaVerette and the Carnival in St. Pierre. (L. Hearn) Harper, 77: 737. Martyn, Henry. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. 20: 692. Martyrs, Catholic, of England. (J. Morris) Month, 59: (H. (S. W. Dyde) J. Spec. 524. 6o: 19. — — Beatification of. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I2 - 2 IO. — English. (J. Morris) Month, 59: I. — Massacres of the Roman Amphitheatre. (C.O.Ward) Cosmopol. I2: 3, 235. – Three, of the Nineteenth Century. Sunday M. I7: 201. Martyred Mule, The ; in verse. (I. Browne) Green Bag, 3 : 27. Marvin, James M., with portrait. (E. J. Hardy) M. West. Hist. g.: 336. Marx, Karl, 1818–83. (C. J. Little) Chaut. Io: 694. Mary, the Mother of Jesus. (W. P. Roberts) Good Words, 28: 571. — Cultus of, as contained in Sarum Breviary. (F. E. G. Smith) Dub. R. Io9: 374. — Feast of Our Lady's Conception. Month, 73: 457. — Pietas Mariana Gallica. (H. Thurston) (F. Goldie) Month, 71: 502. Mary Tudor, Queen of England. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. Iod: 324. — and Philip II. of Spain. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. Io'7: I IO. — Youth of. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. IOS: 363. Mary, Queen of Scots. Ath. '89, I: 58, 97. – (L. Barbé) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 266. –– and the Peterborough Exhibition. — Canonization of. Sat. R. 64: 259. — Casket Letters. (T. Sinclair) Ath. '89, 2: 193. – (J. Skelton) Blackw. I46: 790. — Sat. R. 67: 538. — Charges against, Hosack's. Ath. '88, I: 823. — Death of, Kervyn de Lettenhove on. Sat. R. 69: 206. — Drawings of. (C. L. Hind) Belgra. 68: 115. — from a Common-Sense Point of View. (E. M. Rank- ing) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 392. — Funeral of. (M. Bell) Atlan. 65: 639. — in Scotland. (J. Skelton) Blackw. I43: I-669. I44: 61. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 481. I78: 515. — Leaves from a Note-Book. Macmil. 63: 319. — Portraits of. (L. Hutton) Cent. I5: 612. – (E. E. Guthrie) Leis. Hour, 36: 855. – Sat. R. 64: 554. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 849. — Skelton and Henderson on. (A. J. Carlyle) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 371. — Was she Beautiful? (R. Davey) Art J. 4I: 16. Mary of Barlinghough ; a story. (P. Cushing) Belgra. 6I: 81. Mary Musgrave – Thief; a story. All the Year, 68: Spec. 60: 1146. I49. Maryland, Bar of, Golden Days of. (E. L. Didier) Green Bag, 3; 312. — Thomas Cornwallis and the Early Maryland Colo- mists. (E. D. Neill) N. E. Reg. 43: 133. — Eastern Shore of. (W. H. Babcock) Lippinc. 42: 273. 270 MASSACHUSETTS Maryland, University Education in. (B. C. Steiner) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: nos. 3, 4. - Women of, during the Revolution, and French Offi- cers. (K. M. Rowland) Atlan. 66: 651. Marylebone and St. Pancras. Antiq. m. s. 23: 11 3. Marylebone Cricket Club. Tinsley, 45: 60. Marzio's Crucifix. (F. M. Crawford) Eng. Illust. 4: 643, 724, 780. Masaccio. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. 16: 653. Masai Adventure. (J. Thomson) Good Words, 29: 94. Masai-Land, How I Crossed. (J. Thomson) Scrib. M. 6: 387. Masaniello. Meliora, 4: 72. - -- Romance of History. Temp. Bar, 81: 29. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 85. Same art. Ecl. M. 109: 622. Mascagni, Pietro, with portrait. Spec. 67: 559. – L'Amico Fritz; opera. Sat. R. 72: 608. Mas-col-lo, the Mighty Medicine Man. (J. C. Carlisle) Overland, n. s. I5: 533. Mashonaland, South Africa. 661. – How we Occupied. (J. Willoughby) Fortn. 55: 513. — Progress of. Dub. R. Io9: 426. Mashonaland, Trek, The, 1838. National, 16: 721. Mashpee Indians. (G. W. Soper) New Eng. M. 2: Argosy, 52: 553. – (F. C. Selous) Fortn. 51: 277. Maskell, William. Ath. 'go, I : 502. — Acad. 37: 267. Masnaví i Ma'naví, transl. by Whinfield. Ath. '87, 2 : 305. Mason, Jeremiah, with portrait. Green Bag, 1: 461. Mason, John, with photograph. Theatre, 27: 25. Mason, Lieut. T. B. M., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 667. Mason, William, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 588. Mason, William E. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 676. Mason and Dixon's Survey, Original Notes of. tobertson) M. West. Hist. 5: 452. Masonry, Strength and Stability of. (J. E. Howard) Am. Arch. 23: 91, I 13. Masque at an Old Mission, A. Overland, n. s. I7: 482. Masque of Flowers at Gray's Inn, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 78. Mass, The, Sacrifice of. (G. Tickell) Month, 67: 93. – Celebration of, in Ante-Nicene Times. (J. R. Gas- quet) Dub. R. IOZ : 337. * — Early History of. (J. R. Gasquet) Dub. R. Ioff: 286, 350. Io'7: 74. Mass and Inertia. (A. M. Worthington and others) Nature, 39: 248, 270, 341, 413. Massachusetts, Census of. (J. C. Rose) Nation, 52: 173. — Cities in, Growth of. (H. G. Wadlin) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: I59. - – Election in, 1891, Significance of. (W. E. Russell) Forum, I2: 433. – Emancipation of, Adams's. Atlan. 59: 251. – (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) 7: 263. – Nation, 44; 189. — (H. A. Hill) And. R. 7: 526. — Amer. 13: 390. — (T. R. Bacon) N. Eng. 47: I. — (F. B. Perkins) Overland, n. s. II: 213. — Laws of, Early. (A. A. Martin) Green Bag, 2: 295. —Nation, 46: 284. – Militia of. (D. M. Taylor) Outing, 18: 199—471. – Puritan ; Hallowell's Pioneer Qmakers, and Adams's Emancipation of Mass. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 57. – Puritan Rule in, Ellis's. Unita. R. 30: 221. Massachusetts, Resources of, 1885. Bay State Mo. 3: 439. Massachusetts, Survey and Map of. (H. Gannett) Nat. Geog. M. I : 78. (G. A. (C. E. Brimblecom) MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts Bay, State Support of Religion in. (S. Wetmore) Church R. 52: 49. Massachusetts, Fort, Site of. (D. D. Slade) M. Am. Hist. 20: 281. Massachusetts Hills, Rambles among. Bay State Mo. 3: IoI. Massachusetts Agricultural College. New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 224. Massachusetts Association of Classical and High School Teachers. Acad. (Syr.) I : 139. Massachusetts Convention of Congregational Ministers. (E. E. Hale) Unita. R. 35: 41. Massachusetts Historical Society, Centenary of, 1891. M. Am. Hist. 25: 250. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Am. Arch. 24: 47. — Science, I6: 340. Massage. (Lady J. Manners) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 543. Massalski, Princess Hélène, Diary of. (S. C. Woolsey) Atlan. 62: 797. — All the Year, 62: 392. Massasauga and its Habits, The. (O. P. Hay) Am. Natural. 2 I : 2 II. Massenet, J. E. F. Esclarmonde. Sat. R. 67: 609. Masses in Astronomy, Determination of, Tisseraud's. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, 40: 80. Masses, Physical Condition of the. (C. Roberts) Fortn. 48: 482. Massey, Gerald. (J. Davidson) Acad. 36: 282. — Ath. '89, 2: 629. — Meliora, 5: 52. — Poems. Sat. R. 68: 245. Massillon, Jean B. (H. H. Hall) Luth. Q. 21: 206. Massinger, P. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 52: 1. (A. P. Mason) (H. H. Goodell) — Plays of. (J. E. Baker) Acad. 37: 430. Massowah, Italians at. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: 87. Master-Art, The. (E. Myers) Macmil. 64: 480. Master and Pupil ; a story. All the Year, 67: I 17– 185. Master and Servant. (G. B. Hubbard) N. Eng. 51: 256. Master from the States. (L. G. Humphreys) New Eng. M. 4: 49 Master of Ballantrae. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. v. Master of his Fate ; a story. (J. M. Cobban) Blackw. I46: 439, 581, 770. Master of his Fate; a story. 58: 41 I. Master Randolph's Fantasy. (L. Barbé), Gent. M. m. s. 38: 178. Master Shakespeare's Star. (E. B. Walling) New Eng. M. 4: 575. Mastiff, German. (E. H. Morris) Outing, 16: 218. Mastodon in America. Am. Antiq. 9: 242. Mat Mahoney's Fidelity; a story. Meliora, 8: 170. Matabeleland. (E. A. Maund) Nature, 43: 90. Match of the Season, The. Cornh. 61 : 521. Matches, Manufacture of. Lond. Soc. 54: 632. —Tins- ley, 43: 86. Material Progress in England, Recent Rate of. Giffen) Nature, 36: 487. Materialism. (W. E. Parson) Luth. Q. 18: 453. — and Evolution, Relation of. (J. LeConte) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 39. — and Moºi . (W. S. Lilly) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 474. --Reply. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 493. – Rejoinder. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 47: 276. — and the Scholastic Philosophy. (H. Browne) Month, 64; 371. dº — Growth of. (G. F. Parsons) Atlan. 60: 157. – Huxley on. (P. R. Shipman) Am. Cath. Q. 13: I99. — Recent Discussions on. (J. M. Baldwin) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 357. (E. Heddie) Lond. Soc. (R. 271 MAURICE Materialistic Physics Unmathematical, (W. G. T. Shedd) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 323. Mates of Jackass Gully ; a story. All the Year, 64: I9. Mated by Magic. (W. H. Pollock and B. Matthews) Longm. I3: 44. Mathematics, Ball's History of. tion, 48: 328. – Classification of. 4 I 7. — Historical and Poetical. 6: 265. – Imagination in. (L. Dunton) Educa. R. I : 269. — Rise of, in the U. S. (F. Cajori) Educa. 12: 17o. – Teaching of. Nation, 52: 217. – Use and Beauty in. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 30. – Uses of. (A. S. Hardy) Chaut. Io: 28–421. Mathematical Instruments. (W. M. Williams) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 75-233. Mather, Cotton. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 25: (W. M. Ferriss) Na- (J. M. Long) J. Spec. Philos. 20: (A. White) Acad. (Syr.) f .--!> * 245. Mathew, Theobald. (J. Ireland) Cath. World, 52: 1. – Irish Mo. I7: 217. – Meliora, 3: 8o. 7: 62. – Centenary of. (W. H. Cologan) Dub. R. Io'7: 366. Matres Allototae. (R. E. Hooppell) Reliquary, 31: I 29. Matrimonial Agent; a story. (P. L. M’Dermott) Bel- gra. 63: 369. Matsue, Chief City of the Province of the Gods. (L. Hearn) Atlan. 68: 621. Mattei, Count ; Treatment of Cancer. (H. Snow) Na- tional, I5: 606. IG: 252. – Visit to. (W. Paget) National, I5: 348. Matter and Spirit, Relations of. (W. Tucker) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 790. — Constitution of, Graham's Ideas of. Nature, 35: 522, 547. – Intellectual Element in. 425. – Transformation of Heat Radiations into. don) Nature, 37: 536. Matter of Conscience, A. Chamb. J. 64: 505, 537. Matter of Fact, A. (G. A. Hibbard) Scrib. M. Io: 23. Matter-of-Fact Story, A. Chamb. J. 68: 237. Matterhorn and its Victims. Ecl. M. IOS: 278. — Reminiscences of. (R. King) Outing, Io: 571. Matthews, Brander and G. H. Jessop. A Gold Mine. Theatre, 25: 129. Matthews, Stanley, with portrait. Matting, Chinese, and its Manufacture. son) Leis. Hour, 39: 136. Maturin, C. R. Sat. R. 7I: 437. Maturin, William. (J. P. Mahaffy) Ath. '87, 2: 54. Maule, Sir W. (P. Fitzgerald) Belgra. 74: 136. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 732. Maumee Valley, Notes on the. Hist. Io: 595. II: 8. Maumer's Cure for Cowardice; a story. (M. R. Floyd) Cosmopol. 2: 229. Mauna Loa, Changes in the Craters of. Am. J. Sci. I33: 433. I34: 81. — Recent Eruption of. (S. E. Bishop) Science, 9: 205. Maundeville, Sir J. Travels. Quar. I72: 431. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. All the Year, 64: 369. Maupassant, Guy de. (H. James) Fortn. 49: 364. – (Y. Blaze de Bury) New R. 5: 63. —Spec. 63: 309. — as a Dramatist. (C. Nicholson) Acad. 39: 265. Maurice of Saxony. Temp. Bar, 89: 61. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 752. Maurice, Frederick Denison. (W. F. Faber) Ref. Q. 37: 281. — Spec. 63: 757. — (H. C. Ewart) Sunday M. I6: 626, (T. E. Thorpe) (C. Caverno) Bib. Sac. 46: (H. Gor- Green Bag, I : 181. (J. R. Jack- (T. Dunlap) M. West. (J. D. Dana) MAURICE Maurice, F. D.; Influence on Liberal Theology. (C. Pike) Unita. R. 35: 118. Maurice Grande's Wife. (N. Oppenheim) Harv. Mo. 4 : I.47. Mauripas, Confederate Gunboat, Career of. (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 541. Mauritius. (J. Morris) J. Soc. Arts, Io: 261. - Jamaica and ; a Lesson. (J.W. Fortescue) National, I8: 536. Maury, Jean Siffrein. (Lady Jackson) Temp. Bar, 82: 221. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 614. Maury, Matthew F. Atlan. 63: 128. — With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 4oo. – Sat. R. 66: 472. — Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 280. — So. Hist. Pap. 18: 365. — Corbin's Life of. Ath. '88, 2: 99. Maverick, Samuel. (E. H. Goss) N. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 22I. * Maxim Machine Gun, The. Chamb. J. 64; 190. — Sat. R. 68: 615. Maxima and Minima, A Problem in. (R. Chartres) Na- ture, 37: 320. Maximilian I., of Mexico. (A. H. Noll) Am. M. 7: 643. 8: 12. - Capture of, New Light on the. (R. Ogden) Nation, 45; 187. – Execution of, Grant and. (G. S. Boutwell) No. Am. I 44; 47 I. – Last Moments of. Pub. Opin. I : 353. Maximowicz, Carl Johann. (O. Stapf) Nature, 43: 449. Maxwell Family, Family History Sketches. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 13: 206. Maxwell, Francis. The Missing Papers. Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 286. Maxwell, Hugh. (E. P. Guild) N. E. Reg. 45: 38. Maxwell, James Clerk. (T. T. Waterman) Theo. Mo. 4; 369. – on Electricity and Magnetism; a correction. Tomlinson) Nature, 40; 621. — Papers. Sat. R. 72: 280. Maxwell, Major Thompson, Remarkable Military Life of. N. E. Reg. 45: 271. Maxwell the Murderer, Case of. Am. Law R. 22: 637. Maxwell Grant, The, in Colorado and New Mexico. (L. Noel) Overland, n. s. I2: 480. May, Frank, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1489. May. All the Year, 62: 413. — Outing in. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I6: 88. May Day and Walpurgis Night. All the Year, 64: 401. – 1517. (H. Haines) National, I5: 500. May Evening ; a story. (N. V. Gogol) Cosmopol. 3: 186. . May Meadows. (A. Lamont) Sunday M. 20: 312. Maya, Temples of. Am. Arch. 27: 2O4. Mayas, The. (Mrs. A. D. Le Plongeon) M. Am. Hist. v. 18–2O. Maybrick, Mrs., Trial of. Pub. Opin. 7: 390. —Sat. R. 68: 175, 203. — Spec. 63: 169. Mayence Cathedral. Am. Arch. 28: 67. Mayer, Charles F. M. West. Hist. Io: 417. Mayfield Mystery. Tinsley, 43: 723. Mayflower, The Second. (A. Black) Cosmopol. 5: 513. Mayhew, Henry. Ath. '87, 2: 181. Maynooth, Dear Old. Irish Mo. Ig: 135-336. Mayo, Earl of. (H. G. Keene) Acad. 39: 296. Mayo, Mrs. Isabella F. (Edward Garrett) Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 14 I. Mazarin, Cardinal, France under. mopol. 2: I 17. — Nieces of. (Hope Notnor) Atlan. 64; 642, 762. — Reminiscences of. Westm. I29: 477. Mazeppa Legend, The. (H. Spalding) National, I7:413. (H. Gullifer) (H. (J. Franklin) Cos- 272 MEDIAE Mazzini, G. Letters to an English Family. (S. Pratt) Cent. 2 I : 67. — Life and Writings of. Sat. R. 71: 171. – National Monument for. (K. Blind) Murray, 9: 751. – Personal Recollections of. (M. Blind) Fortn. 55: 702. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 831. Me an' Babby. (N. Eames) Overland, n.s. I3: 58. Mead and Sack. All the Year, 67: 87. Meadow-Lark, Songs of the Western. Cent. 36: 908. Meadow Mud-Hole, A. 856. Mean Advantage, A ; a story. (J. B. Savage) Tinsley, 46: 69. Meannesses, Small. Spec. 67: Io. - Measures, Denominate; can they be Simplified ? (S. N. Patten) Educa. Io: 553. – Natural. (J. H. Cooper) J. Frankl. Inst. 125: 133. – Standard. (E. A. Giesler) J. Frankl. Inst. 126: 115. Measures or Men. Amer. I 8: 263. Measurement, Conservatism in Terms of. (I.B. Choate) N. Eng. M. 6 ('87): 17. – Minute. Knowl. Io: 78, 109. . - Modern, Refinement of. (J. A. Brashear) Sid. Mess. 9 : 2O4. Meat, Diseases from. (J. L. W. Thudichum) J. Soc. Arts, I4; 391. – (H. Behrend) 19th Cent. 26: 409. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 466. — Preservation of. (R. Jones) J. Soc. Arts, 19: 149. — (B. W. Richardson) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 326, 357. – Tuberculous, Dangers attending the Consumption of. (H. Behrend) 19th Cent. 28: 545. — Wanted, a New. Spec. 67: 527. Meat Consumption and Trade, World's. Science, 15: I. Meat Supply of England. Quar. I65: 37. — Sat. R. 64: 696. Meath, Earl of. (A. Guest) Tinsley, 44; 226. Mecca and Medina. (J. Robertson) Sunday M. 19: 664. — Pilgrims to. Cornh. 6o; 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 442. — Snouck Hurgronje's. Ath. '89, 1: 626. Mechanics, Applied. (J. Anderson) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 7II–763. — — American Supremacy in. 2: 283, 443. — — Error in Formula. I26. Mechanic Arts, Teaching the. 6: 382. Mechanics’ Institutes. Meliora, 2: 209. Mechanical Engineering Schools, Efficiency of. Sci- ence, II : 292. Mechanical Progress. I28: 297. Mechanical Science, Advance in. ture, 36: 472. Mechanism. (A. Rigg) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 649-735. — and Life. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. 13: 121. Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. (C. M. Wilcox) M. Am. Hist. 21: 31. — (J. C. Welling) M. Am. Hist. 21: 221. Medal, The Miraculous. Month, 61 : 1. . Medals, and Societies Granting. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 745. — of the Society of Arts. J. Soc. Arts, 29: 850. Medfield, Mass., Political Study in, 1798. (E. P. Gould) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 672. Medford, Mass., Isaac Royall House. Am. Arch. 24: I 7I. Media, Mountains of. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. n. s. 46: T24. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 49. Mediae, The, (b, d, g) in Old Latin and Italic. Conway) Am. J. Philol. II: 302. (C. N. Allen) (C. C. Abbott) Harper, 78: (C. Sellers) Engin. M. (T. I. Dewar) Nature, 38: (T. Davidson) Forum, (G. B. Price) J. Frankl. Inst. (O. Reynolds) Na- (R. S. MEDIAEWAL Mediaeval Art, Reber's History of. Dial (Ch.) 7: 288. Mediaeval Romance of the 19th Century; a story. V. Blake) Outing, II: 208. Median Empire, Origin of. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 399: 66. Mediation of Ralph Hardelot. 5: 48–816. Medical Botany, Baillon's. Westm. I35: 158. Medical Congress, International, at Washington, 1888. Science, I2: 146. — — I oth, 1890. (A. S. Eccles) Fortn. 54: 578. Medical Education. (F. Delafield) N. Eng. 53: 184. — Sat. R. 70: 344. (W. F. Allen) (E. (W. Minto) Eng. Illust. — at Oxford. (G. L. Wilson) Nature, 37: 5. – Ideals of. (J. S. Billings) N. Eng. 55; III. Same art. Science, I8: I, 15. — Legislation and. (W. A. Purrington) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 28. — Liberal Education antecedent to. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 43. — Requirements for a Degree. Soc. Sci. 25: 15. Medical Museums. Science, I2: 134. Medical Practice, Rewards and Responsibilities of. Lond. Q. 76: III. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 659. Medical Practitioners, Unlicensed. Spec. 60: 827. Medical Profession. Sat. R. 67: 599, 633. — the Medical Sects, and the Law. (H. C. Wood) N. Eng. 51: I 18. Medical Recipes of 1656. (A.M. Earle) Atlan. 68: 215. Medical Relief, Charitable Aspects of. (Dr. Steele) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 263. — in London. (C. S. Loch) Murray, 7: 433. Medical Research, Endowment of. Nature, 35: 409. Medical School and University, Union of the. (W. H. Welch) N. Eng. 49: 145. Medical Schools, Need of Higher Standards for En- - trance to. Acad. (Syr.) I: 218. Medici, Piero de’, Flight of. (A. M. F. Robinson) Fortn. 48: 545. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 215. Medicine, Advances in. (W. Osler) Science, I7: 17o. — — 1888. Ed. R. I68: 491. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 553. — and Theology. (A. C. Thistleton) Theo. Mo. 3: 35. — in the Far East. Westm. I28: 13. — in Heathendom. Chamb. J. 64; 255. — in the South, Progress of. (H. McGuire) So. Hist. Pap. I'7: 3. – Is it a Science? (G. M. Gould) Forum, 8: 417. — Meliora, 9: 19. — Limitations of. (S. S. Burt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 396. — Preventive, A British Institute of. Nature, 44: 124. — — The New Science. (A. Ruffer) 19th Cent. 30: 975. — — Progress of. (J. Fayrer) Science, 18: 142. — Revolution in. (A. Flint) Forum, Io: 527. — Specialists in. (M. H. Henry) No. Am. I44: 141. Medicines, Patent, Evolution of. (L. J. Vance) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 76. — Quack. Sat. R. 64: 452–820. —Strange. (C. F. Gordon-Cumming) 19th Cent. 21: 901. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 750. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 81. Medicum, Odium. Nature, 37: 289. Mediolanum. (A. Hall) Antiq. m. s. 19: 197. Meditation. (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 33: 24. Mediterranean, England in the. (H. A. Perry) Na- tional, 9: 554. * º and Historical. (R. L. Playfair) Nature, 42: 4èo. . Mediums and Mysteries; a story. gosy, 51 : II.3. (S. F. Scovel) (H. H. Curtis) Am. J. (N. Rosavo) Ar- 273 MELROSE Médoc, Vintage of, 1889. (W. Beatty-Kingston) Fortn. 53: 73 I. Medusa, New Rhizostomatous. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. J. Sci. I33; 119. Medusae, Californian. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 23: 59 I. — Deep-Sea. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. J. Sci. 135: 166. Medusa's Head; a story. (F. D. Millet) Harper, 8o: I 30. Meehan, Rev. Charles Patrick. Cath. World, 51: 796. — Irish Mo. I7: 427. I8: 218. Meeting in Public Squares, The Right of. kin) Nation, 45; 410. Meetings, Presiding at. Lend a H. 3: 157. Meeting-House, Colonial. (R. Singleton) M. Am. Hist. 26: 434. — — in New England. (A. M. Earle) Atlan. 67: 191. — — — and the Wren Church. (A. R. Willard) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 497. Megalithic Monuments in Spain and Portugal. (Marq. de Nadaillac) Pop, Sci. Mo. 31 : 39. Megalopolis, Excavations at. Ath. '90, I: 507-7II. — Am. Arch. 29: 7. — Theatre at. (W. Dörpfeld ; E. A. Gardner; W. Loring) Ath. '91, I: 71o. 2: 139, 171. — (J. W. White) Nation, 52: 361. Meilhac, Henri. Amer. IS: 9. - Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. Acad. 39: 144. — Ath. '91, I: 191. — Sat. R. 7I: 165. – Anecdote of. Atlan. 67: 744. — and the Salon Julian. (G. Moore) Fortn. 54; 44. — The Master of Genre. (G. E. Montgomery) Cosmo- pol. IO: 667. Meisterschaft; in Three Acts. I3: 457. Meistertrunk, Der; the Festival Play of Rothenburg. (E. W. Mealey) Harper, 81: 846. Melancholy, Attractive. Spec. 64: 82. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 366. — Blue-Rose. Spec. 63: Io. — Poetry of. Spec. 62: I I4. Melanesia, Penny's Ten Years in. Sat. R. 64: 238. Melanesians. (A. H. Keane) Acad. 40: 385. Melbourne, William Lamb, 2d Wiscount. Ath. '89, 2: 735. — Spec. 63: 755. —Sat. R. 68: 601. — (W. J. Hardy) Belgra. 74; 33. — (J. A. Hamilton) Acad. 39: 201. – Liv. Age, 188: 357. —Spec. 65: 864. – and Russell. Lond. Q. 74: I to. — Government of, in 1835–41. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 27: 38. —Sat. R. 69: 33. — Papers of. Ed. R. I7I: 307. — (J. R. Tanner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 599. . Melchior; la Messe de Minuit. per, 84: 142. Melchior, Ragetli; or, the Life of a Swiss Porter. Cornh. 56: 378. Melho, Philip de. 168 Meliorism and Pessimism. Church Q. 26: 205. Melikoff, Mikhali Tarielovitch Tainow. (E. M. de Vogüé) Chaut. 9: 469. Mélinite Scandal in France. Sat. R. 7I: 645, 737, 764. — Spec. 66: 881. Melissa. Overland, n. s. II: 631. Melissa's Tour. (Grant Allen) Liv. Age, Igo: 168. Mellicent's Mill; a story. (H. S. Lockhart-Ross) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 79. Mellifont Abbey, Ireland. Antiq. m. s. 16; 29. Melody in Speech. (F. Weber) Longm. 9: 399. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 778. Melrose Hall, Long Island. (F. L. Perine) Am. M. 7: 323. (E. L. God- (S. L. Clemens) Cent. Ath. '87, 2: 236. — (W. McLennan) Har- (M. P. J. Ondaatje) Asia. R. 8: . MELTON Melton Mowbray; or Fox-Hunting in the Shires. Out- ing, I6: 16. Melville and Leven Memoirs. Ed. R. 174: 246. Mellville, Comm. Geo. W., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 643. Mellville, Herman. Critic, 19: 190–203. – (R. H. Stoddard) Critic, Ig: 272. — (T. M. Coan) Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 492. – With portrait. (A. Stedman) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 428. — List of Books of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 366. Melville, James, Pages from the Diary of ; Boy's Life in the 16th Century. (F. Maccumn) Good Words, 32: 482. Memling, Hans. Ath. '89, I: 154. Memmi, Simone. (W. J. Stillman; T. Cole) Cent. I5: 54 I. Memoir Mania, The. All the Year, 65: 92. Memoria; poem. (F. E. Coates) Atlan. 66: 534. Memorials, Dean Church on. Spec. 65: 898. — of the Dead, Society for Preserving. (C. M. Gas- kell) 19th Cent. 22: 234. — Preservation of, for Posterity. Cent. 28: 381. Memorial Day, Thoughts on. Eng. M. n. s. 2: 38o. Memories. (A. Battye) Longm. Ig: 80. Memories; a story. (B. Matthews) Scrib. M. 6: 168. Memory. (W. H. Burnham) Am. J. Psychol. 2: 39, 225. — (H. C. Wood) Cent. I7: 776. – Westm. I3O: I73. - and Association, Statistical Study of. (J. Jastrow) Educa. R. 2: 442. — and Telepathy. (J. Royce) Mind, 13: 244, 415. — Culture of. (J. C. Moffet) Writer, 2: 265. – Diseases of. Science, I4: 420. — Edridge-Green on. (W. C. Coupland) Nature, 39: 244. – Experience in Recollecting. Atlan. 68: 430. — Phenomena of. All the Year, 65: 78. — Rods of, among the Fijis. (W. Churchill) N. Eng. (F. Harrison) 19th (M. M. Trumbull) New 52: 17. – Talks on. (W. W. White) Chant. 9: 87, 157. — Training. (W. H. Burnham) Nation, 47: 480. — Tricks of. Memory of the Warwick Woodlands. Outing, 9: 526. Memory Sam. Temp. Bar, 81: 371. Memphis, Tenn. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 551. Men. (D. M. Craik) Cornh. 56: 368. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 738. Men and Women. (D. M. Craik) Forum, 4: 38. — — Mental Differences between. (G. J. Romanes) 19th Cent. 21: 654. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 383. — Natural Inequality of. Mo. 36: 761. — of Genius, Miscalculated Ambitions of. Spec. 67: 670. — of Thought and Men of Action. Chamb. J. 65: 561. — Religion for. (H. A. Bridgman) And. R. I3: 388. Men's Women. (Mrs. V. R. Cruger) Lippinc. 47; 248. Men-of-War, U. S., Nomenclature of. (T. H. Stevens) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 357. Menageries, Beneficial Influence of. (I. Pavin) Lend a H. 4: 58o. Mendeleeff, Dimitri Ivanovich. (T. E. Thorpe) Na- ture, 4o: 193. – With portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: 261. Mendelssohn, Felix, and Charlotte Moscheles, Corre- spondence. Spec. 62: 238. — Atlan. 63: 267. — and his Music. Lond. Q. 72: 263. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 259. — Letters to Moscheles. (W. F. Apthorp) Scrib. M. 3: I31, 331. $ (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 52. (F. C. Moller) (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. 274 MEREDITH Mendelssohn, Moses, Letter to Bp. Robert Lowth. (A Neubauer) Ath. '87, 1: 575. Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin, with portrait. (G. Iles) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 690. Meneghini, Giuseppi. Am. J. Sci. 138: 336. Mºº Court Theatre of. (C. Waldstein) Harper, 2 : 743. Mempes' Japanese Paintings. 33: 296. Mensa Ponderaria from Assos. Archaeol. 7: 440. Mensberg, Castle of. (H. W. Wolff) National, 16: 533. Mental Association Investigated. Mind, 14: 231. Mental Balance. Spec. 64: 198. Mental Deterioration; some of its Avoidable Causes. Westm. I3o: 64. Mental Dyspepsia. (S. A. Adams) Writer, 3: 3. Mental Elaboration. (J. Sully) Mind, 15: 469. Mental Evolution," Apparent Paradox in. Welby) Anthrop. J. 20: 304. – in Man. (L. E. B. Klein) Dub. R. Ios: 157. — Romanes on. (J. H. Ward) Nation, 48: 491. Mental Fatigue. (F. Galton) Anthrop. J. 18: 157. Mental Philosophy. (J. Habberton) Chaut. Io: 24 (C. Monkhouse) Acad. (F. B. Tarbell) Am. J. (Lady º 418. Mental Processes, Time Relations of. Science, 1.4: 252, 285. - (J. Jastrow) Science, 16: 99–155. Mental Statistics, Study in. (J. Jastrow) New R. 5: 559. Mental Strain. (C. Richet) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 485. Mental Telegraphy. (S. L. Clemens) Harper, 84: 95. Mental Tests and Measurements. (J. McK. Cattell) Mind, I5: 373. Menzaleh, Lake. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 33: 33. Menzel, Adolf, a Great German Artist. (C. Marr) Cent. 2 I : 18. Mephistopheles, Goethe's. Cornh. 6o: 264. Meran. (Margaret Howitt) Good Words, 32: 448, 535. — Carthusian Monastery near. Spec. 60: 1211. Mercer's Company, Register, etc., of, Discovery of. (C. Kerry) Antiq. m. s. 22: 266. 23: 70. Merchandise, False Marking of. (A. Gray; C. E. H. Vincent) New R. 3: 234. Merchant, Education of. (L. Levi) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 817. Merchant Marine. See Shipping. Mercia, Corner of. Blackw. I42: 404. Mercuric Chloride as a Disinfectant. Science, I3: 62. Mercury and Venus. (G. P. Serviss) Chaut. I3: 34. — Another World. (C. Flammarion) Cosmopol. Io: Ioy. — Scenes on. (G. W. Schiaparelli) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 64. — Transit of, May 9, 1891. (W. F. Rigge) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 298. Mercury, Distillation of, at Ordinary Temperatures. Science, II: 314. Mercy. (S. R. Bogue) Overland, m. s. II: 259. — Sacrament of. (W. Humphrey) Month, 62: 64, 232. Mère Leroux; a story. (L. G. Séguin) Leis. Hour, 37: 385. Mère Marchette. (A. Bates) Cent. I 8: 244. Mère Pochette. (S. O. Jewett) Harper, 76: 588. Meredith, George. (G. P. Lathrop) Atlan. 61: 178. — (G. P. Baker, jr.) Harv. Mo. 4: 138. — (F. L. Shaw) N. Princ. 3: 220. — as a Theorist. (T. McLaughlin) N. Eng. 51: 81. — Ballads and Poems of. Ath. '87, I : 759. – Westm. 128: 693. — Characteristics of. (A. Symons) Acad. 39: 81. — Novels of. (J. M. Barrie) Contemp. 54: 575. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 118. — Critic, II: 205. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 137. MEREDITH 275 Maredith, George. One of our Conquerors. (L. John- son) Acad. 39: 555. – Study of. (J. A. Newton-Robinson) Murray, Io: 859. — Views of Women. Temp. Bar, 86: 207. – Visit to. (J. B. Gilman) Author, 3: 49. – A Word with. Atlan. 59: 854. Meres of East Anglia. (H. F. Wilson) Portfo. 18: 190. Meridian Observations, How to Make Good. (T. H. Safford) Sid. Mess. Io: 209, 401. Mérimée, Prosper. (F. T. Marzials) Acad. 36: 97. — Spec. 63: I 18. 64: 52. — (T. St. E. Hake) Belgra. 73: 149. - (W. Pater) Fortn. 54: 852. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 131. Merion, Pa., Early Settlers in. M. I3: 292. Meritt, Paul, and A. Harris. Theatre, Ig: 209. Merivale, Herman. (W. D. Adams) Theatre, 24: 233. — and Mrs. Herman. The Butler; a comedy. (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, I8: 41. - - Ravenswood, founded on The Bride of Lammer- moor. (C. Howard) Theatre, 25: 191. — — at the Lyceum Theatre, London. 696. Meriwether, Lee. Tramp at Home. Cosmopol. 7: 205. . Merlin's Grave. Chamb. J. 67: 337. Mermaid, The. (J. Lewis André) Reliquary, 30: 194. Mermaids and Sea-Cows. (M. Bell) Month, 59: 9o. Mermaid's Kiss, The. (C. Maxwell-Lyte) Lond. Soc. 58: Xmas no., 79. Mermaid Stories. (G. N. Lovejoy) Cosmopol. 7: 471. Merodach-Baladan. (T. H. Bindley) Theo. Mo. 6: 73. Mérode, F. F. X. de, Archbishop. Sat. R. 64; 296. — Besson's Life of. Spec. 61: 759. Marrill, Gyles, Ancestors of. N. E. Reg. 45: 304. Merrimac, Ironclad. So. Hist. Pap. 19: 246. – and Monitor. (Duke of Somerset) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 218. — Real Projector of. (G. Vaux) Pennsyl. Pleasure. (Quasimodo) Murray, 8: (E. Bisland) (J. M. Brooke) So. Hist. Pap. I9: 3. “Merry Chanter,” The. (F. R. Stockton) Cent. 17: 42–7O4. - Merveilleuse Américaine, La ; a poem. (A. R. Haven) Atlan. 63: 648. Meshed, Visit to Holy. (T. Stevens) Cosmopol. 6: 378. Mesmerism. (W. A. Croffut) No. Am. I.47: 191. — and Hypnotism. Quar. I'7I: 234. Mesmerism, a Latent Power; a story. (M. de Meu- siaux) Theatre, 22: 85. Mesoderm and Coelum of Vertebrates. (C. S. Minot) Am. Natural. 24: 877. Mesopotamia, Early Inhabitants of. Anthrop. J. 21: 86. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Realms of North America. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 21: 445. — North American. (C. A. White) Science, 14: 160. Mesozoic Mammalia, Osborn on. (O. C. Marsh) Am. Natural. 25: 595. — Reply to O. C. Marsh. (H. F. Osborn) Am. Natural. - 25: 775. Mess, Army, Comity in. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 49. Message from the Dead; a story. Murray, 2: 601. Message from the Desert; a story. (S. de Havilland) Belgra. 68: 63, 188. Messages from the Sea. Chamb. J. 67: 705. Message Sticks and Messengers, Australian. (A. W. Howitt) Anthrop. J. 18: 314. Messenger, The ; a story. (I. Weddle) Belgra. 63: 76. Messer Antonio's Revenge; a story. (Alan Adair) Murray, 9: 57. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 460. Messiah, The. Am. Cath. Q. I3: 736. (T. G. Pinches) (E. |Meteoric Iron. * — from Augusta Co., Va. METEORITE Messiah, in the Old Testament. Church Q. 26: 95. – Jewish and Christian. Lond. Q. 68: 1. Messianic Prophecy. (J. W. Reynolds) Theo. Mo. 5: 73. — (O. Cone) Univ. Q. 45: 5. Messina, Turkey, Glimpses of. (L. B. Platt) Cosmo- pol. I: 148. Metacinnabarite from New Almaden, Cal. (W. H. Mel- ville) Am. J. Sci. I40: 291. Metal, Decorative Treatment of, in Architecture. (G. H. Birch) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 905–937. Metals and Alloys, Curious Properties of. (W. C. R. Austen) Nature, 39: 83. – Embossing of. (W. A. S. Benson) Eng. Illust. 7: 39. Metal-Work, Art, Use of Alloys in. (W. C. R. Aus- ten) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 690. — — among the Jews. (F. A. Marshall) Month, 69: 71. – Decorative, at the Paris Exhibition, 1889. (C. Philips) Art J. 4I: 305. Metal-Working and Ornamentation. (W. C. Aitken) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 227. Metallurgist, The. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, n. s. 15: II 3. Metallurgy at the British Association. 416. Metamorphic Rocks, Irving on. Sat. R. 7o: 428. Metamorphic Strata of Southeastern New York. (F. J. H. Merrill) Am. J. Sci. I39: 383. Metaphors, Amusing. Chamb. J. 64; 222. Dub. R. Io9: — Physiological. Chamb. J. 64: 682. Metaphysics and History. (E. Hatch) Contemp. 55: 864. – Humors of. Spec. 61: 198. Metcalf, Richard. Tinsley, 47: 443. Metcalfe, Orlando, with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. Io: 565. Meteor, Narraburra. Nature, 42: 526. Meteors. All the Year, 69: 520. – (L. Swift) Cosmo- pol. I: 19. — and Comets; the New Astronomy. Cent. II: 339. — — Origin of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 123. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 50. — and Meteorites. (W. H. S. Monck) Sid. Mess. 8: (S. P. Langley) 395. – April. (W. F. Denning) Nature, 35: 606. – August. (W. F. Denning) Nature, 36: 407. 38: 393. — Celestial Phenomena Explicable by. (W. H. S. Monck) Sid. Mess. 9: 260. - — Lockyer's Theory of. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 357. — November. Chamb. J. 66: 679. — Radiant Energy of the Standard Candle, Mass of. (C. C. Hutchins) Am. J. Sci. I39: 392. — Radiant Points of. (W. H. S. Monck) Sid. Mess. 9: 363. Io: 126. — Star-Born. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. I2: 14, 183. (E. P. Venable) Am. J. Sci. I40: 161. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. I33: 58. — from Johnson County, Arkansas. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. I33: 494. – from North Carolina. I39: 395. — from St. Croix County, Wis. (D. Fisher) Am. J. Sci. I34; 381. — Mazapil. (W. E. Hidden) Am. J. Sci. I33: 221. Same art. Nature, 35: 572. — New, and an Iron of Doubtful Nature. (R. B. Riggs) Am. J. Sci. I34: 59. — New Locality for. (A. E. Foote) Am. J. Sci. I42: 4I3. Meteoric Theory, The. (C. Abbe) Nature, 40: 53. Meteorite, Bendego. Science, I2: 39. - (L. G. Eakins) Am. J. Sci. METEORITE Meteorite from Fayette Co., Texas. (Ward & Howell) Science, II: 266. – (J. E. Whitfield and G. P. Mer- rill) Am. J. Sci. I36: 113. — from Rensselaer County, N. Y. Am. J. Sci. I34: 60. – from Rockwood. (E. E. Howell) Science, Io: 107. — (J. E. Whitfield) Am. J. Sci. 134: 387. — Mazapil. (W. E. Hidden) Cent. I2: 534. – New, from Mexico. (J. E. Whitfield) Am. J. Sci. (S. C. H. Bailey) I37 : 439. — New Stone. (L. G. Eakins) Am. J. Sci. 139: 59. – of Oschansk. Nature, 43: 228. — So-Called Northport. Am. J. Sci. 135: 212. – Tonganoxie. (E. H. S. Bailey) Am. J. Sci. I42: 385. Meteorites. (H. Reusch) Am. Natural. 22: 97. — (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, v. 37–40. – American. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. 134: 467. — Am. J. Sci. I40: 312. – and History of Stellar Systems. (G. H. Darwin) Cent. 18: 858. - — Explosion of. Nature, 35: 303. — Fragments of Stars. (J. Heard, jr.) Cosmop. 9: 43. — from Coahuila. (O. W. Huntington) Am. J. Sci. I33: II 5. — from Hamilton Co., Texas. Sci. I40: 223. – from Kentucky and Mexico. Sci. I33: 228. — in Brenham, Kansas. (G. F. Kunz) Science, I5: 359. – Mechanical Conditions of a Swarm of. (G. H. Dar- win) Nature, 39: 81, IoS. — Meteors, and Shooting Stars. Mess. 6: 65–127. — Mennier on. (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 41 : 305. — Mineralogy of. (V. Cornish) Knowl. I4: 163. – New, from the San Emigdio Range, San Bernardino Co., Cal. (G. P. Merrill) Am. J. Sci. I35: 490. — Relation of Orbits of, to Orbit of the Earth. (H. A. Newton) Am. J. Sci. I36: I. – Talk about. (O. W. Huntington) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 366. — Two New. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. I36: 275. — Worlds and. Spec. 60: 1613. Meteoritic Dust, Formation of Stars from. (J. N. Lock- yer) 19th Cent. 26: 785. Meteoritic Hypothesis, Lockyer's. (J. E. Gore) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 376. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 790. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 344. — Ath. '91, 2: 65. — Sat. R. 71 : 657. — (S. Newcomb) Nation, 52: I4. — (S. Laing) Contemp. 53: 32. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 303. Meteoritic Shower, October, 1887. Nature, 37: 69. – Widespread. (L. Fletcher) Nature, 43: 295. Meteorological Apparatus, New. Dub. R. Ios: 181. Meteorological Observations at a Distance above the Earth. (F. Waldo) Science, Io; 33. – (H. A. Hazen) Science, Io: 45. Meteorological Predictions. I44; 395. Meteorology. 452. — American Contributions to. (W. M. David) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: IOA, 176. - — Bibliography of. Science, I2: 136. — A Contribution to. (W. P. Tatham) J. Frankl. Inst. (E. E. Howell) Am. J. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. (H. A. Newton) Sid. (W. F. Denning) (F. L. Oswald) No. Am. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 373, I27: 437. — Contributions to. (E. Loomis) Am. J. Sci. I33: 247. I37: 243. — Dynamical, Recent Contributions to. (F. Waldo) Am. J. Sci. I39: 280. — Greely on. (S. H. Peabody) Dial (Ch.) 9: 263. – Powers of the Air. (F. L. Oswald) Lippinc. 46: 15o. 276 MEXICAN Meteorology, Practical Applications of. (F. Waldo) Science, I5: 345. - Progress of. (H. Harries) National, 16: 26. - Scottish, Recent, and Sun-Spot Cycles. Smith) Sid. Mess. 8: 385. Method, Righteousness of. (S. Pearson) Cong. R. 1: 818. (C. P. - Unscientific. (F. E. Shelling) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 495. Methodism and the English-Speaking World. (W. T. Stead) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 275. — Church in the United States and. Church R. 60: 129. - Pºoval Functions in. (G. P. Mains) Meth. R. 48: 36. - – German, Providential Design of. (R. Yeakel) Meth. R. 49: 659. – in Great Britain, Aggressive. Meth. R. 50: 208. – Introduction into Pennsylvania. Pennsyl. M. I2: 200. – A Parallel. Lond. Q. 72: 193. Methodist Episcopal Church, Book Concern of. Hunt) Meth. R. 49: 218. — Conference at Washington, 1891. 4: 267. – in the South. (J. D. Walsh) Meth. R. 48:245. 5o: 35. — Itinerancy in, Time-Restriction in. (O. H. Warren) Meth. R. 48: 221. — Literature of. (W. F. Whitlock) Meth. R. 149: 821. – Paragraph 103 of the Discipline, Constitutionality of. (A. A. Gee) Meth. R. 51: 591. – Polity of. (E. S. McChesney) Meth. R. 47: 706. — Second Great Schism in. Lond. Q. 75: 49. — Theological Institution Controversy. Lond. Q. 74: 61. — Two-House Plan. (S. Hunt) Meth. R. 51: 230. – Unconstitutional Legislation in. Meth. R. 50: 523. Methodist Reunion. (W. Arthur) Contemp. 52: 68. Methodist Theology, Reconstruction of. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 2 I 2. Metlakahtla, Story of. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 45: 11. — Tsimsheans of. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. 7: 686. Metre, English, Mayor on. (E. D. A. Morshead) Acad. 31: 142. – Sat. R. 63: 14. — (J. M. Gannett) Na- tion, 45; 18. - Metric System. (H. W. Richardson) Harper, 81: 509. — (S. Brown) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 162. — and the Decimal. Westm. I31: 280. — Forerunner of the. (J. H. Gore) Cath. World, 53: (C. R. Hale) (W. A. Dickson) (G. D. Carrow) (S. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 37. Metropolitans and their Jurisprudence. Church Q. 29: I37. Metternich, Life of, Malleson's. Sat. R. 66: 358. Metz, Karl. (J. Kelly) Leis. Hour, 36: 624. Mexicans. Texan Types and Contrasts. (L. C. Harby) Harper, 81: 229. Mexican Burial Places. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 24: I 7. Mexican Campaign, A.; a story. (T. A. Janvier) Cent. I4: 535–817. Mexican Lover, A. (J. Bolivar) Overland, n. s. Io: 593. Mexican Poets and Poetry. (H. Dijon) Cath. World, 52: 236, 354. Mexican Song, Garden of, with Translations. (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 45: 209. Mexican Superstitions and Folk-Lore. Scrib. M. 5: 349. Mexican War, Our Cavalry in. (W. B. Lane) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 429. (T. A. Janvier) & MEXICO Mexico, Ancient, Civilization of. (H. H. Bancroft) Am. Antiq. Io: 21. – (C. A. Sawyer) Univ. Q. 45: 479. ." — — Metal Art of. (H. L. Reynolds, jr.) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I: 519. — and Central America, Ancient Cities of, Charnay's. Ath. '87, 2: 14o. — — Charnay's Explorations in. (Ch.) 8: 148. — Annexation of. 87. * — Antiquities of. (R. I. Geare) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 79. — Army of. (T. A. Janvier) Harper, 79: 813. – (A. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 303. — Art in. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 28: 177. — — Examples of Pre-Columbian. (R. H. Lamborn) Science, I3: II.3. - Autumn Journeys in. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. v. 23–25. º — Bancroft's History of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 46: 492. — Church of Jesus in, and the Constitution of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church. (C. H. Hall) Church R. 49 : 29–337. - — Empire in. Belgra. 72: 399. 73: 41. — Englishman's Pocket Note-Book in 1828. (Col. Bail- lie) M. Am. Hist. 20: 123. — Feast Days in. (A. H. Noll) Tinsley, 44: 451. – Financial Situation of. Nation, 46; 191. — Haciendas of. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 48: 84. — Independence of, Heroes of. (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 47: 184. — Industrial Condition of. Nation, 50: 427. — Legislation in, Some Recent. 1886. (R. Ogden) Nation, 44; 7. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (H. S. Brooks) Overland, n. s. I4: — Material. (M. F. Sullivan) Cath. World, 45: 319. — Northeastern. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 46: 761. — Notes from. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 74: 8or, 951. 75: 23–443. — of To-Day, Griffin on. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 7: 224. — Past and Future of. (C. H. Shinn) M. Am. Hist. 26: 36. – Picturesque. (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 45: 307. - Pyramids of. (S. B. Evans) Am. Antiq. Io: 115. — Railways of. Dub. R. Io9: 202. — Religious History. (A. H. Noll) Church R. 58: 119. — Republicanism in. (W. L. Scruggs) M. Am. Hist. I7: 402. – Through, by Rail. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 53: 81 — To California in 1849 through. (A. C. Ferris) Cent. 20: 666. , — Unification of. — United States of, Constitution of. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: I. — Valley of, Draining the. Am. Arch. 22: 38. – Wells's Study of. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 7: 224. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 37. – A White Umbrella in. (F. H. Smith) Cent. I5: 244. — — Smith's. (R. Ogden) Nation, 48: 311. — Spec. 62: 768. Mexico, City of. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 74: 801. - Cathedral. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 22: 239. — Church of S. Domingo. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 22: 276. — Day ifi. — National Library Building. 22: 95. — Statuary in. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 21: 171. – Street Scenesin. (G. B. Cole) Overland, m. s. 9: 265. Meydoum Pyramid, Day at. (H. D. Hawnsley) Liv. Age, Igr: 226. (A. F. Bandelier) Nation, 50: 409. (B. Moses) Ann. (G. De Haven) Outing, 16: 319. (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 277 MICROSCOPE Meyer, Lewis H. M. West. Hist. 9: 481. Meyer, Milo de. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 21 : 185. Miami Indians, Curious Discovery about. (W. S. Robertson) M. Am. Hist. 24; 45. Mica Group, Studies in. (F. W. Clarke) Am. J. Sci. I34: I 3 I. – Theory of the. (F. W. Clarke) Am. J. Sci. 138: 384. Mice, White-Footed. (C. C. Abbott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 322. Michael, St., Guardian of Souls. Month, 67: 50. Michael, the Tartar; a story. Un. Serv. M. '88, I: I 52, 245. Michael Phelan's Widow. (C. T. Harvey) M. West. Hist. 9: 384. Michel Angelo. (W. W. Story) Blackw. I44; 258. Same art. Liv. Age, I78; 665. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 492. – Poems of. Ed. R. I58: I. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 451. Michelet, Jules. Michetti, Francesco Paolo. 16, 41. Michigan, Archaeology and Ethnology of. Am. Antiq. Io: 36. — Northwestern Country in 1797. Belgra. 7I: 4O4. (H. Zimmern) Art J. 39: (S. D. Peet) (C. Swan) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 74. — School System of. (Mrs. C. H. Stanley) Educa. Io: IOO. — Supreme Court of. (H. A. Chaney) Green Bag, 2: 377. – University of, Jubilee of, 1887. (C. Thomas) Nation, 45; 28. — — Library Building. — Upper Peninsula of. – West, Picturesque. Michigan Agricultural College. West. Hist. 8: 139. Michigan Central Railroad, Conspiracy Trials of, 1851. (B. S. Ladd) Am. Law R. 24: 98. Lib. J. I4; 315. (C. B. Todd) Am. M. 8: 578. (W. H. Ballou) Am. M. 9: 201. (W. W. Clayton) M. Michigan Man. (E. W. Peattie) Lippine. 47: 394. Michigan Salt Association. (J. W. Jenks) Pol. Sci. Q. 78 3 : 78. “Michigan,” U. S. S., in the Rebellion. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 544. “Mick.” (J. Bowker) Irish Mo. 16: 205. Mickiewicz, A., the National Poet of Poland. Dillon) Fortn. 54: 202. Micmac Indians, Legends of. (S. T. Rand) Am. Antiq. I2: 3. Microbes. See Germ-Diseases. Micrococcus, A Madras. (E. Thurston) Nature, 37: 79. Microcosmus, The. (W. Tucker) Univ. Q. 46: 45. Micromillimeter, The. (A. W. Rücker) Nature, 37: 388. — (P. B. Hayard and others) Nature, 37: 437. — (F. Crisp and others) Nature, 38: 221, 244. Micro-Organisms in Air. (P. F. Frankland) 19th Cent. (F. A. Roe) (E. J. 22: 242. — — Distribution of. (P. F. Frankland) J. Soc. Arts, 35; 485. — of Air and Water. (P. F. Frankland) Nature, 38: 232. — Tenacity of Life of. Chamb. J. 64; 17o. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 778. Microscope, The. (J. Mayall, jr.) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 987– Io95. - * — from a Medical, Medico-Legal, and Legal Point of View. (F. Gärtner) Arena, 4: 615. — Modern. (J. Mayall, jr.) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 1149, I 164. *— Petrological. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I35: II.4. — Perspective. (G. J. Burch) Nature, 35: 358. MICROSCOPE (H. J. Slack) Microscope, the, Pleasant Hours with. Knowl. 9: 48. Io: Ioz, 267. — Practical Applications of. Arts, 2; 460. Microscopes, American. (C. S. Minot) Science, Io: 275. II: 24. — (T. M. Prudden and others) Science, Io: 3Io. — (W. H. Seaman) Science, II: 120. Microscope Magnification. (W. L. Stevens) Am. J. Sci. I40: 50. Microscopic Laborers and how they Serve us. Frankland) Eng. Illust. 8: I 18. Microscopic Life, Domain of. (H. J. Slack) Knowl. I2: 138. — Marine. — Winter Rambles in Search of. Leis. Hour, 40: 29-384. Microtome, A Freezing. Science, I2: 307. Mid-Age. (M. Field) Contemp. 56: 431. Middle Ages. (G. P. Fisher) Chaut. 8: 6–214. — End of. Dub. R. IO4: 475. — — Mme. Darmesteter's. Spec. 62: 307. — English Wayfaring Life in. Dub. R. IOS: 232. Middle-Aged Cherub; a story. (J. Yeo) Belgra. 63: Io9. Middle Atlantic Slope, Three Formations of. McGee) Am. J. Sci. I35: 448. Middlesex, Eng., Armorial Ensigns of the County. An- tiq. m. s. I7: 262. — Records of. Ath. '89, 2: 247. Middlesex Canal, Mass. (L. L. Dame) Bay State Mo. 2: 96. Middleton, Eliza Gordon-Cumming, Lady. Story of Comyn. Spec. 63: 180. Midges, Gnats, and Mosquitoes. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 121-161. Midian and the Midianites. (R. F. Burton) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 16. Midland College. (M. Rhodes) Luth. Q. 17: 589. Midland Railway, England. Blackw. I46: 321. — (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 3: 306. Midlands. (Lady L. M. Knightley) Murray, 5: 98. Midnight Baptism, The ; a Study in Christianity. (T. Hardy) Fortn. 55; 695. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I6: 826. Midnight Cruise around New York. Outing, I2: 256. Midnight Mystery, A. (F. Boyd) Tinsley, 42: 161. Midnight Ramble. (W. H. Gibson) Harper, 78: 130. Midnight Walk; a story. (R. Dowling) Belgra. 62: (P. F. (W. H. Shrubsole) Leis. Hour, 38: 530. (W. H. Shrubsole) (W. J. (W. W. Howard) 44 I. Midrash Rabba, Wünsche's Translation of the. Spec. 60: 496. Midsummer Madness; a story. (H. Musgrave) Belgra. 61: 67. Midwinter Night's Dream. 716. Midwinter Revel at Cumberland Gap. (W. C. Bartlett) |Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 249. Mifflin, Fort, Siege of. Pennsyl. M. II: 82. Mighty Hunter before the Lord. (V. Dabney) Outing, I9: 164, 234. Mignonette, The ; a story. All the Year, 67: 132. Migration a Law of Nature. (S. Schindler) Arena, 3: 185. — Laws of. (E. G. Ravenstein) J. Statis. Soc. 52: 241. Migrations of Men. (L. Courtney) 19th Cent. 23: 331. Same art. Ecl. M. I. Io: 660. Miklosich, Franz. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 39: 286. Milan, King of Servia. Spec. 62: 7. 63: 263. — Divorce of. Spec. 61: 1462. Milan. Am. Arch. 24: 90–120. — (T. F. Laist) Am. Arch. 30: 118, 149. — (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 48: 305. y (H. A. Beers) Scrib. M. 6: 278 (S. W. Leonard) J. Soc. Military Criticism and Modern Tactics. MILITIA Milan, Claim of the House of Orleans to. Robinson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 34, 270. Mile, English. (J. M. Clark) Sid. Mess. 9: 155. Miles, Nelson A., Gen., Indian Campaigns of. (G. W. Baird) Cent. 20: 351. Miles, Wm. A., Correspondence on the French Revolu- tion. Ath. '91, I: 179. – Spec. 66: 567. —Ed. R. I73: 299. Milº, Conn. (W. H. Downes) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: 268. Milford, Wales, True History of. (E. Laws) Temp. Bar, 88: 403. Milford Haven. All the Year, 65: 300. Military and Naval Administration. Westm. 128: 441. Un. Serv. M. (A. M. F. ... n. s. 3: 396, 553. 4: 51. Military Drill in Schools. (F. Eardley-Wilmot) J. Soc. Arts, 19: 357. Military Education; OCicers. (W. Wren) Fortn. 56: 225. Military Exhibition, A Glance at the. Un. Serv. M. n. S. I : I.93 Military Expenditures of the Great Powers. (C. W. Dilke) J. Statis. Soc. 54: I. Military Genius. (Gen. Wolseley) Fortn. 50: 297. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 803. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 590. —Sat. R. 68: 99. — Wolseley on. Sat. R. 66: 281. Military Geography, Marga's. Spec. 61: 483. Military Gymnastic Schools. Chamb. J. 66: 250. Military History, Inconsistency of Writers on. (A. Forbes) Contemp. 55: 341. Military Incident; a story. Cornh. 63: 53. - Military Instruction, Practical, Modern. (J. P.Wisser) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 583. Military Jottings. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 611, 742. 4 ('89–90): 105—481. Military Law and Martial, Difference between. (G. A. Woodward) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 385. Military Literature and the British Army. (S.Wilkin- son) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 507. Military Manoeuvre, A. Chamb. J. 65: 410. Military Officers and the Press. (A. Parnell) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 534. Military Pictures of the Season. M. 3 ('89): 326, 478. Military Prison. (J. W. Pope) Cosmopol. Io: III. Military Schools of the U. S. (E. M.Weaver) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 457. Military Service, Growing Unpopularity of. Trench) Blackw. I49: 804. — on the Continent, Universal, Influence of. (F. Mau- rice) Fortn. 51: 711. Military Simplicity. (R. Elias) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): I63. Military System, Our National. Cent. I4: 934. Military Training, Effect of, on Character. Spec. 62: 163. Militia, Active, of Canada. I7: 284, 365. – as an Element of National Defense. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 28o. — in the U. S. (D. M. Taylor) Cosmopol. 8: 566. — (L. S. Brice) No. Am. I45: 276. – (W. R. Hamil- ton) Outing, I5: 173. — — National Guard, Alabama. (J. G. Leefe) Outing, 16: 138. — — — California. (W. R. Hamilton) Outing, Ig: 131, 227. — — — Massachusetts. I99, 309, 406, 471. — — — Minnesota. (E. F. Glenn) Outing, I7: 28, 15o. — — — Mississippi. (R. K. Evans) Outing, Ig: 37. (H. Dillon) Un. Serv. (F. C. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, (D. M. Taylor) Outing, 18: MILITIA Militia in the U. S.; National Guard, Vermont. (P. Leary, jr.) Outing, I6: 208,264. — — — Wisconsin. (C. King) Outing, I8: 34, II2. — — — Elections in. (A. C. Sharpe) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3 : 524. — — — Individual Discipline in. (A. C. Sharpe) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 43. — — — Inspection of, by Army Officers. (J. P.Wisser) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 609. — — — Merits and Defects. (W. R. Hamilton) Out- ing, I5: 252. - — — — Staff Duty in. (A. C. Sharpe) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: I79, 266, 421. — — National Guard Camps of Instruction. (W. R. Hamilton) Cosmopol. 9: 387. – (A. C. Sharpe) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 71. – of Great Britain. All the Year, 64: Io9, 452. — — Requirements for National Defense. (J. C. Kel- ton) Forum, 8: 317. Militia Service. (H. Porter)"Cosmopol. I2: Io2. Milk, Adulteration of. (C. H. Henderson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 529. — Condensed. (H. B. Cornwall) Science, Io: I54. — (L. P. Merriam) J. Soc. Arts, 21: 450. — Distillery. Science, 9: 548–602. Io: 4–251. – (J. J. Janney) Science, Io: Ioz. — — Report on. Science, Io: 157. — — Wholesomeness of. (G. H. Rohé) Science, Io: 46. — Fermentations of. (H. W. Conn) Science, I7: 272. — Mischief Makers in. (A. B. Tweedy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 21 I. — Souring of, during Thunder-Storms. well) Science, I7: 178. – — versus Fire. (F. M. Wickramasingha) Nature, 38: (A. L. Tread- 342. Milk Industry in Cheshire. Chamb. J. 66: 362. Milk Supply, and Butter and Cheese Supply of Eng- land. (R. Bannister) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 965–Iooſ. — of London. (J. C. Morton) J. Soc. Arts, I4: 65. Milkweeds. (Jos. F. James) Am. Natural. 2 I: 605. Milky Way, The. Dub. R. Io9: 422. — and the Pleiades. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I4: 91. – Coal-Sack Region of. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I4: III. – Dark Structures in. 230. — Distribution of Stars in. I3: I 74. — Figure of, in Space. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 181. — Form of. (J. R. Sutton) Knowl. I4: 41. — Grindstone Theory of. (J. E. Gore) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 359. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 765. – in the Southern Hemisphere. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I4: 50, 75. Mill, John Stuart, and Christianity. (J. Orr) Theo. Mo. 6: 8, 108. Mills, Ancient, of Hampshire. Antiq. m. s. 24: 54. — and Mill Engineering. (E. Sawyer) Am. Arch. 26: 275. — Designing and Construction of. Am. Arch. 28: 71. Mill of the Gods. (C. Warren) Harv. Mo. 4: 156. Mill of the World, The. All the Year, 67: 150. Millais, John. How he sold his First Picture. Frith) Am. Arch. 29: 172. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I4: (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. (Miss Millbank Gaol and its Chaplain. Sunday M. 18: 37, 2O2. Millennial Hopes. Spec. 67: 282. Millennium and the Advent. (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 324. – First Steps toward a. (W. G. Sumner) Cosmopol. 5 : 32. - of the Apocalypse. (A. C. Kendrick) Bapt. R. 9: 481, 279 MILWAUKEE Millennium; Premillennialism. Sac. 45: 234. Millenniums and Moral Unity. 53: 186. Miller, C. H. [Joaquin], at Home. 5: 216. Miller, Geo. L. (J. W. Savage) M. West. Hist. 9: 615. Miller, Gen. Henry, Memoir of. (H. M. Watts) Penn- syl. M. II: 341. I2: 425. Miller, Mrs. Olive Thorne, at Home. Author, I: 19. Miller, Samuel F., with portrait. Green Bag, 2: 461. Miller, William, Author of “Willie Winkie.” (F. Maccumn) Good Words, 20: 762. Miller, William H. H., with portrait. 4I 3. – Appointment of, to Sup. Court. Pub. Opin. 7: 137. Miller, The Aboriginal. (O. T. Mason) Science, 9: 25. Millerite Delusion : Spiritual Cyclone. (J. M. Parker) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 321. * Millet, Jean François. (M. L. Sandrock) Cath. World, 50: 789. – With portrait. (R. Heath) Leis. Hour, 39: 162. — (A. Wolff) M. Am. Hist, I7: 509. — (Mrs. Julia Ady) H9th Cent. 24: 419. Same art. Liv. Age, I79; 164. – and Recent Criticism. 390. — Barbizon and. 735. — Exhibition in Paris. (T. Child) Atlan. 60: 506. — Pastels and Drawings. (J. M. Ady) Portfo. 21 : 191, (S. H. Kellogg) Bib. (H. Coppée) Church R. (E. Verne) Writer, Green Bag, I : (W. C. Larned) Scrib. M. 8: (T. H. Bartlett) Scrib. M. 7: 531– 208. — Recollections of. (W. Eaton) Cent. I6: 90. — Yriarte's. Am. Arch. 21: 31 I. Millet, Mme. Jean François, at Barbizon. (C. DeKay) Critic, Ig: I.23. Millicent and Rosalind. (J. Hawthorne) Lippinc. 45: 3. Millicent Phayre. (E. Vredenburg) Tinsley, 41: 410– 6oo. Millionaires, American Worship of. Spec. 64: 79. — in Polities. Spec. 61 : 602. — of New York. (P. R. Cleveland) Cosmopol. 5: 385– 52 I. — of the Pacific Coast. (G. H. Fitch) Cosmopol. 3: 345. 4; 32. Milloecker, Carl. The Beggar Student. Theatre, I8: 37. Mills Bill. See Tariff. Milner's Mistake. (F. Anstey) Macmil. 56: 279, 362. Milton, John. (Sir F. Pollock) Fortm. 54: 51o. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 451. – (C. M. Calthrop) Sun- day M. 19: 776, 834. — (M. Arnold) Cent. I4: 53. — and Caedmon. (A. S. Cook and J. O. Westwood) Acad. 35: Io. — and Homer. Harv. Mo. 8: 60. — and Wondel. (G. Edmundson) Acad. 38; 613. — Chalfont St. Giles. Macmil. 64: 199. — Comus. (J. W. Hales) Ath. '89, I : 507. — Leonora. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 47: 31o. — Memorial Window. Critic, I2: 94. — Paraphrasers of. (H. S. Pancoast) And. R. I5: 35. — Political Pamphlets by. (F. C. Montague) Murray, IO: 743. — Portraits of, Three. (F. W. Farrar) Eng. Illust. 9: II.4. Milton, Mass., Deaths in. (D. Y. W. Huntoon) N. E. Reg. 44; 43. Milwaukee, Wis. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 5: 468–737. — (C. King) Cosmopol. Io: 549. — Banks and Bankers of. (H. E. Foster) M. West.’ Hist. 6: 596. — Bench and Bar of. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 5: 695. — (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist, 6: 277–547. 7: 69, I75. MILWAUKEE Milwaukee, Wis., Courts of. West. Hist. 5: 817. — Derivation of Name. (H. W. Bleyer) M. West. Hist. 6: 509. — Financial and Commercial Growth of. (J. H. Ken- nedy) M. West. Hist. 6: 309, 371, 445, 572. 7: 85. — A Residence in. (G. H. Yenowine) Cosmopol. Io: 4I 3. — Romantic Beginnings of. Hist. 22: 265. Mimicry in Tropical Africa. Words, 29: 61. — Protective, in Animals and Plants. Cornh. 55: 142. Min: a Railroad Story. Chamb. J. 65: 344-407. “Mine” — a Plot. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. I5: 294. Mind Acting on Body. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 175– 306. ..— Activity of. (E. Montgomery) Mind, I4: 488. – Analysis of, F. H. Bradley's. (J. Ward) Mind, I2: 564. - — and Body, Höffding on Relation of. (W. M. Salter) Monist, I : I 18. — and Brain, Obscure Diseases of. Meliora, 5: 297. — and Muscle. (F. E. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 377. — back of Consciousness. (I. E. Dwinell) Bib. Sac 47; 369. read and Butter Moments of. Atlan. 61: 135. — Can it attend to Two Things at once 2 Science, Io: (C. W. Butterfield) M. (R. Singleton) M. Am. (H. Drummond) Good I 7. - — Effects of Storms on the. (A. M. Dudevant) No. Am. I44; 427. — Evolution of. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 24: 899, IOOO. — Growth and Decay of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. I2: 208, 230. I3: 32: 47. — Health of. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. 14: 145. — Human, Derivative Origin of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 792. — in Man and Animals. (G. J. Romanes) (Alice Bodington) Westm. I34; 25 I. – Narcotics and Stimulants of. (J. H. Denison) And. R. 9: 392. — Origin of. (P. Carus) Monist, I : 69. — Physical Basis of. (H. Maudsley) Forum, Io: 645. — Sex in. (C. A. Bartol) Arena, 2: 653. — Well-Regulated, Deficiencies of a. Spec. 60: IoI 7. Mind-Cure. (J. H. Denison) And. R. 7: 249. — (H. Wood) Arena, 4: 530. — and Christian Science. 418. — Creed, Craft, and Cure. (M. Clymer) Forum, 5: 192. Mind-Readers, Methods of. (C. Gatchell) Forum, II: I92. Mind-Reading. (R. E. Thompson) Chaut. II: 338. Mindanao, Southern, Six Weeks in. (J. B. Steere) Am. Natural. 22: 290. Mine, Lamartine Silver. M. West. Hist. I3: 52. Mines and Miners. Leis. Hour, 38: 12–344. — — around Idaho Springs. M. West. Hist. I2: 667. — — of Georgetown, Cal. M. West. Hist. I2: 490. — — of Great Britain (R. Hunt) J. Soc. Arts, II: 84. — at Mendota, Cal. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I2: 502. — Coal, Prevention of Accidents in. J. Soc. Arts, 8: 37. — Cornish, Work and Wages in. Statis. Soc. 51: 494. — Death-Damp in. (F. L. Oswald) Lippinc. 48: II6. — Machinery in. (H. Davey) J. Soc. Arts, 34; 21 I. — of Virginia, and American Rails. (Duke of Marl- borough) Fortn. 55: 570, 780. Mine Labor in the Hocking Valley. (E. W. Bemis) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: 177. (J. M. Buckley) Cent. I2: (P. H. Holland) (L. L. Price) J. 280 MINING Miner, Alonzo A., with portrait. Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 452. Miner's Sunday in Coloma, A. 2O: 259. Miners, American. Chamb. J. 68: 571. — Diseases of. (H. Mackworth) J. Soc. Arts, 3: 347. – Federation of, Proposed. (S. Wyatt) National, 14: 637. — — Their First Fight. (S. Wyatt) National, 15: 368. — Gold and Silver, Modern Types of. (A. Williams) Engin. M. 2: 48. — of Scotland. (R. Haddon) 19th Cent. 24: 360. Miners' Stories. Overland, m. s. I5: 24. Miners' Thrift, and Employers' Liability. (Lond.) 52: 657. Minerals of India. (W. T. Blanford) J. Soe. Arts, 21: 386. – (V. Ball) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 578. Mineral Leases and Royalties. (B. Taylor) Scot. R. 18: II O. ..” Mineral Locality at Branchville, Ct. (G. J. Brush and E. S. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I39; 20I. & Mineral Names, Derivations of. (F. M. Endlich) Am. Natural. 22: 21, 128. Mineral Springs, American. (C. A. Banker) N. (C. B. Gillespie) Cent. Bank. M. (T. M. Coan) Chaut. 7: 543. — of Colorado. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. 13: 3O4. Mineral Veins and Underground Waters. brée) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 633. Mineral Waters. All the Year, 63: 161. – Home Uses of. (T. M. Coan) Harper, 77: 719. – Manufacture of. (T. T. P. B. Warren) J.Soc. Arts, 32: 36. — of America and Europe. Sci. 22: 50. Mineral Wealth of the U. S. Nature, 36: 619. Mineralogical Notes. (G. F. Kunz) Am. J. Sci. I38: 72. Mineralogy, British, Renaissance of. (L. Fletcher) Nature, 39: II.5. — Contributions to. (W. E. Hidden and H. S. Wash- ington) Am. J. Sci. I33: 501. – (F. A. Genth) Am. J. Sci. I38: 198. — Microscopical, Rosenbusch's. Sat. R. 67: 319. — Present Status of. (F. W. Clarke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32 : 799. Minghetti, Marco. (W. C. Langdon) Atlan. 59: 593. — Sat. R. 67: 259. Miniature, The ; a story. 6: 483. Miniatures. Sat. R. 65: 239. – at South Kensington Museum. I8: 183, 203. Miniature Art, Propert's History of. Ath '89, I: 3.16. —Spec. 61: 18. Miniature Painting in My Time. 4I: I54. Miniaturists, Bradley’s Dictionary of. 185. —Sat. R. 64: 530. 66: 297. — Early, Bibliographical Notices of. wood) Acad. 34; 245. Minicoy: the Island of Women. Blackw. I45: 197, 307. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 502, 623. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 731, 795. Mining. Meliora, I2: 354. – Ancient, in America. (E. P. Appy) Am. Antiq. II: 92. — (J. S. Newberry) Am. Antiq. II: 164. – in Great Britain. (J. A. Phillips) J. Soc. Arts, 6: (G. A. Dau- (T. M. Coan) Am. J. Soc. (W. McK. Bangs) Scrib. M. (A. Beaver) Portfo. (G. Turner) Art J. Ath. 'go, I: . (J. O. West- 367. — in Victoria. (Mrs. P. A. Eagle) J. Soc. Arts, 12: 460-554. — Perils of, Prevention of. (J. Hogg) J. Soc. Arts, 4O I4: 405. — Placer. (J. P. Reed) Cosmopol. II: 419. MINING Mining Industry of Colorado. West. Hist. II: 632. Mining Properties, Investments in. gin. M. I : 730. Mining Royalties, Effect of. Soc. 52: 60. Minister Learning from his People. Bapt. R. 9: 337. — Mental Outfit of the. 424. Minister of Kindrach; a novel. Murray, 6: I I-453. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 794. I83: 36–239. Minister's Factotum, The. N. Princ. 4: 91. Ministers, Dissenting, and Politics. Cong. R. I : Io20. – Morality of. (J. M. Buckley) Forum, 2: 502. — Training School for, in the Northwest. (J. H. Crocker) Unita. R. 30: 527. – Unitarian, Supply of. (J. H. Crocker) Unita. R. 3o: 334. Ministers' Wives. Ministers, Foreign, Recall of. 6: 486. Ministerial Responsibility; Limits of. ard) Bib. Sac. 46: 28. (F. H. Foster) M. (G. F. Batchelder) M. (A. Williams) En- (R. W. Sorley) J. Statis. (C. H. Watson) (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 32: (M. Harland) No. Am. I49: 371. (J. B. Angell) Forum, (E. N. Pack- Ministry and Higher Criticism. Chr. Lit. 4: 257. — and Priesthood, New Testament Teaching respect- ing. (H. H. Bourne) Theo. Mo. 2: 316. — and the Times. (Archdeacon Mackay-Smith) Har- per, 78: 206. — (C. E. Perkins) Unita. R. 34: 319. – and Well-to-do Families. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 237. — at Large, A. (H. T. Lyche) Unita. R. 31: 252. — Call to the. And. R. 7: 189.- (W. M. Paxton) Presb. R. Io: I. — Converting Power in. — Educated, in the Country Churches. 9I. — Education for. (P. M. Bikle) Luth. Q. I7: 6o. — (G. Scholl) Luth. Q. 20 : 395. — (M. Valentine) Iluth. Q. 21 : 1 12. — (L. O. Brastow) N. Eng. 54: 16o. — And. R. 8: 536. – Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 152. — — Beneficiary. (F. W. Harriman) Church R. 49: 593. — — Difficulties in. (H. R. Reynolds) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: IoS5. — Efficiency in. (H. K. Fenner) Luth. Q. 20: 614. — Enthusiasm for. (G. A. Gordon) N. Eng. 55: 334. – Experiments worth Trying in. (C. M. Sheldon) And. R. 16: 265. — Gore on. Spec. 62: 142. – Heroic Spirit in. (W. M. Taylor) Presb. R. Io: 444. — in Cities. (E. E. Hale) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 81. – Joys of. (D. H. Bauslin) Luth. Q. 21 : 525. – of To-Day, Requirements of. (A. E. Dahlman) Ref. Q. 36: 219. — Origin, Constitution, Nature, and Work. 3I: I56. — Province of. (J. S. Lee) Univ. Q. 44; 176. — Qualifications for. (J. M. Titzel) Ref. Q. 34: 33. — Required by the Age. (R. W. Dale) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 2OO. — Salaries of. And. R. II: 186. — Thoughts on the. (T. P. Smith) Univ. Q. 44: 450. — under Self-Imposed Limitations. And. R. 8: 631. Same art. Cong. R. 2: 213. Minium from Leadville. (J. D. Hawkins) Am. J. Sci. I39: 42. Minneapolis, Minn., Architecture in. (M. Schuyler) Harper, 83: 736. — Coöperation in. (A. Shaw) Am. Econ. Assoc. I: 129. — Early Days of. (J. H. Stevens) M. West. Hist. 7: 61. — in 1890. (C. King) Cosmopol. 9: 750. — (W. W. Fol- well) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 86. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 447. And. R. I5: Church Q. 281 MIRACLES Minneapolis, Minn.; Public Library. Lib. J. I3; 92. — — Building for. Lib. J. 16: 176. Minnehaha and the Land of the Dakotas. Good Words, 28: 743. Minnesingers; the Dawn Song. (D. Robertson) Thea- tre, I8: 2OI. Minnesota, Economic and Social Study of. (C. D. War- mer) Harper, 76: 768. – Explorations of Groseilliers and Radisson. Neill) M. West. Hist. 7: 412. — Great Red Pipestone Country. Am. M. 8: 721. — Hennepin and Early History of. M. West. Hist. 7: 223. – Natlonal Guard. (E. F. Glenn) Outing, 17:28, 150. – Progress of. (L. F. Hubbard) No. Am. 144: 221. – Territorial Bench of. (I. Atwater) M. West. Hist. 7: 2O7–650. Minnesota Historical Society. (J. F. Williams) M. West. Hist. 9: 527. Minorities, Rights of. I : I.29. Minority, Future of the. (G. Batchelor) Forum, 2: 592. Minority Representation, New Plan for. (J. R. Com- mons) R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 410. Minstrel, The Al Fresco. (Semibreve) Theatre, 25: I95. Minstrels, Negro. (L. Hutton) Harper, 79: 131. Mint, British, Work of, in 1888. Chamb. J. 66: 703. – French, Closing of. (H. H. Gibbs) Econ. J. I : 145. – of Hindustan in 16th Cent. (A. Wingham) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 775. Mint Guard, The Royal. Chamb. J. 64; 317. Minton, H., and Ceramic Manufactures. (M.D.Wyatt) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 441. Minuet, The. (Z. Cocke) Am. M. g.: 236. Miocene, Horned Artiodactyle from. (O. C. Marsh) Am. J. Sci. 14ſ 81. Miocene Deposits, Florida. J. Sci. I38: 322. Mir and the Police. (Stepniak) Fortn. 47: 237. Same art. Ecl. M. Io&: 532. Mira, Ceti, The Maximum of. (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 38: 621. Mirabeau, Honoré, Count de. All the Year, 62: 182. — Macmil. 64; 189. – (A. Laugel) Nation, 53:44, 212. Miracle and Science. (A. J. DuBois) N. Eng. 51: 1. — Can there be a 2 (F. S. Chatard) Cath. World, 49: 366. - — Christian, Llewelyn Davies on. Spec. 61 : 52. Miracle of Mercy. (M. Probyn) Month, 71: 60. Miracle, What is a, and the Proof of it. (J. W. Rey- molds) Theo. Mo. I : 87. Miracles. (W. Lloyd) Westm. I32: 168. — after the Apostles. (W. H. H. Marsh) Bapt. R. 9: 225. Same art. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 570. – and the Divine Immanency. (J. Douglas) Bib. Sac. 45: 567. — and Doctrine. Miracles and Medicine. 39; I, I45. — and Nature. (H. Putnam) (M. Cristy) (E. D. (H. S. Thompson) (I. V. D. Heard) (D. G. Ritchie) Int. J. Ethics, (D. W. Langdon, jr.) Am. (W. Lloyd) Westm. I32: 394. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. (W. W. Harsha) Presb. R. Io: 432. — Are they to be Expected? (L. E. Smith) Bib. Sae. 48: I. — as Marvel and as Magic. (G. C. Cressey) Unita. R. 33: I'9. — Prof. Bruce on. (J. Orr) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 2OI. — Ecclesiastical, Newman's Arguments on. (H. I. D. Ryder) 19th Cent. 30: 217. — Huxley’s Review of Liddon's Sermon. (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 21: 321. MIRACLES Miracles of the Gospels and Historical Science. (E. Y. Hincks) And. R. II: 561. — Record of, in the Bible. Q. 48: 334. — Scientific Study of. (S. A. Whitcomb) Univ. Q. 47: (C. W. Tomlinson) Univ. I95. — Mrs. H. Ward on. Spec. 66: 655. Miracle Plays. (E. Clodd) Longm. I5: 621. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 74. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 43 I. Miraculous, The, in the New Testament. mon) Univ. Q. 48: 14. – Value of Witness to. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35; 601. Mirage; a poem. Mirage in the South American Pampas. Nature, 41; 69. Mirages, Social and Political. (G. M. Har- • * * (E. S. Tupper) Cosmopol. 4: 355. (W. Larden) (J. Parton) Forum, 6: 54. Mirandola, Duchess of; a Tragical Tertulia. (E. Arm- strong) Murray, 8: 333. Mischief of Monica. (L. B. Walford) Longm. I'7: 75– 577. I8: 1-561. Misers; How they Live. Chamb. J. 64: 471. - Miser Farrel’s Bequest. (J. P. Quincy) Atlan. 61: 721. 62: I. Misplaced Ambition and what came of it; a story. Temp. Bar, 92; 555. Misquotations, Current. (E. A. Meredith) And. R. Io: I56. Miss Barkle's Legacy. 281-329. Miss Blake of Monkshalton. Murray, 7: 75–547. Miss Devilet; a story. (M. Buel) Cosmopol. 9: 738. Miss Edith’s Conquest; a story. (I. Garvey) Argosy, 52: 330. Miss Eyre from Boston; a story. (L. C. Moulton) Cos- mopol. 2: 267. Miss Falkland. (C. Black) Eng. Illustº: 515, 579. Miss Grey. Overland, n. s. II: 160. Miss Honor’s Wedding. Cornh. 62: 496. Miss Julia Robinson. Temp. Bar, 81: 541. Miss Lou ; a story. (E. P. Roe) Cosmopol. 5: 73. 6: 225. w Miss Massareene's Ghost ; a story. (E. A. Henty) Bel- gra. 64: 453. * Miss Nisby’s Widowhood. New Eng. M. n. s. 3: 750. , Miss Peck’s Promotion. (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. I : (E. D. Cuming) Chamb. J. 65: 717. Miss Poole's Blunder; a story. (J. A. Lomax) Belgra. 69: 484. Miss Pringle's Neighbors. (Mrs. R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. I : 692. Miss Short's Stratagem. (R. Shindler) Longm. I5: 165. Miss Sue's White Turkeys. (S. D. Halsted) Overland, n. S. I2; I40. Miss Tempy's Watchers. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 61: 289. Miss Unapproachable; a story. (G. Holmes) Belgra. 66: 289. Miss Van Antwerp's Hat; a story. (B. Chandler) Cos- mopol. I: 94. Miss Winter's Hero. Chamb. J. 68: 344. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 206. Misses Lowman; a story. Argosy, 44; 460. Missals, Ancient Western. Church Q. 28; 182. Missing Man, The. (B. Cane) Tinsley, 41; 972. I, 93. Missing Passenger, A.; a story. All the Year, 67: 349. Missing Rubies; a story. (Sarah Doudney) Argosy, 43: 65–487. 44: 61-554. Mission, Theatrical, at Macready House, London. (A. Beale) Sunday M. I.6: 258. 42: 282 MISSIONS Missions. (M. Townsend) Contemp. 55: I. – (A. Bell) Luth. Q. 20: 625. — Adverse Criticisms on. — American Board of Theology for. And. R. I3: 396. – and Education in India. 489. — Are they a Success? (H. H. Johnston) Fortn. 51: 481. Same art. Ecl. M. I I2: 706. — Centenary of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 47: 66. — Failure of. (I. Taylor) Fortn. 50: 488. Same art. Eel. M. III: 852. — Pub. Opin. 6: 77–286. – Finances of. (I. Taylor) Fortn. 50: 581, 782. – Re- ply. (E. Stock) Fortn. 50: 774. – First, to the Heathen. (B. C. Caffin) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 401. – Home, Lessons from the Early Church. (J. C. Kol- ler) Luth. Q. 18: Ioz. — in Africa, British. (H. H. Johnston) 19th Cent. 22: 708. — — — in Central and Eastern. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. v. 9-12. — — — in Southern. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 8: 427. IO: 3 I4. — in China. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 7: 518. — (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 7: 2O7. I4; 31 O, 525. — — and Japan. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 7: 548. – in East Indian Archipelago. (C. C. Starbuck) Amd. R. 7: 2O3. — in Egypt. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. II: 529. — in India. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. 7: 198. 8: 274. — (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I6: 76, 3oo. – Lond. Q. 74; 334. — in Japan. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 8: 202. I5: Ioo, 32 I. — in Madagascar. I3 : 3 I 7. — in New Guinea, Chalmers’. Cong. R. 2: 461. – in Persia. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I3: IoI. – in Polynesia. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: 415, 651. I3: 57 I. I.4: 74. — in Sweden, Baptist. (P. A. Nordell) M. Chr. Lit. I : I9. — in the Turkish Empire. II : 94, 3I4. — International Missionary Union. (C. W. Park) And. R. 8: 545. – Jesuit, in Bengal. – Jesuit Methods in. 38. – Lack of Interest in. Church Q. 30: 364. – Lay Element in. (S. M. Zwemer) Ref. Q. 37: IoS. – London Conference of. And. R. Io: 190. – Medical, in China. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 644. – Negro, Catholic Seminary for. (J. R. Slattery) Cath. World, 46: 541. — New York Evangelical Missionary Society of Young Our Day, 4: 548. (J. P. Gulliver) (W. Miller) Contemp. 56: (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. 9: 643. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Month, 7I: 469. - (W. Robinson) M. Chr. Lit. 5: Men. And. R. 7: 81. — of Alta, California, The. (J. T. Doyle) Cent. Ig: 38 * *- 9. nd Mission Indians. (H. W. Henshaw) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 465. — of the Church of England. (F. Arnold) National, 9: 538 — Out I2: I 57. – Parochial. (A. Brooks and others) Church R. 52: 373. – A Plea for. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 825. – A Plea for Further Progress. And. R. 7: 313. – Principle of. (E. H. Capen) Univ. Q. 47: 5. – Protestant. (E. Collins) Cosmopol. Io: 529. — — Criticism of. (A. H. Atteridge) Dub. R. Ioa: 121. of Town, for City Churches. (J. Tunis) And..R. MISSIONS Missions, Protestant, Greek Church and. sup) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 193. — — in India. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: 410. — Reflex Influence of. (J. A. Singmaster) Luth. Q. 20: 2I I. — Roman Catholic. Lond. Q. 71 : 313. — Roman Catholic, among the Negroes. Cath. World, (H. H. Jes- 5I: IoI. — — in Africa. (Sir J. Marshall) Month, 64: 153, 321, 498. — — in Tanjore, India. (A. H. Atteridge) Dub. R. Ioo: 3O. — — in Texas. Cath. World, 51: 76. — Self-Support of Churches in India. (E. A. Lawrence) And. R. Io: 263. — Sermon on. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. 8: 504. *— Shall I Help the Missionaries? All the Year, 65: 329. — R. S. Storrs, Policy of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 5: 230. — (C. Hamlin) Our Day, 7: 346. — Student Volunteer Movement. (A. J. Gordon; A. B. Child) Our Day, 7: 241. — Success of. (D. B. Lady) Ref. Q. 35: 57. – (J. A. Clutz) Luth. Q. Ig: 189. — — in India. (E. F. S. Dilke) Fortn. 51: 677. — Union and Coöperation in. (W. J. R. Taylor) Presb. R. 8: 395. — Unitarian, in Japan. (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 375. — Value of. (T. T. Munger) Forum, 7: 393. — Woman in. (F. B. Harris) Chaut. 7: 525. Mission Epochs, Theology of. (G. A. Jackson) And. R. 7: 19. – Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 739. - Mission Indians of California. (M. Cariswell) Sunday M. 20: 231. Missionaries, Are they in Danger of Heresy 2 (W. W. Patton) N. Eng. 48: 249. — And. R. g.: 525. — Cheap. (M. Townsend) M. Chr. Lit. I : 93. — — and Mission Education. (– Miller) M. Chr. Lit. I : II6. — Protestant. (Sir W. W. Hunter) 19th Cent. 24: 14. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 303. — Canon Taylor’s Attack on. Spec. 60: 1483. Missionary’s Foundation of Doctrine. Church Q. 3I: 462. Missionary Discussions, Recent. (J. M. Thoburn) Meth. R. 51: 867. Missionary Enterprise, By-Ways of. Lond. Q. 73: 36. Missionary Life in Newfoundland. (M. M. Price) Church R. 60: 156. Missionary Students in Union Seminary. (A. F. Schauf- fler) Lend a H. 4: 885. Missionary Taxation. Spec. 61: 1548. Missionary Training Schools. (E. H. Johnson and oth- ers) Bapt. R. I2: 69. Missionary Unitarianism. (R. A. Griffin) Unita. R. 30: 438. Mississippi and the Mississippians, Davis's Recollec- tions of. Nation, 49: 335. — Confederate Dead of. So. Hist. Pap. I8: 293. — Constitutional Convention, 1890. Nation, 51: 182. — — Ingalls on Nullification in. Our Day, 6: 424. — National Guard of. (R. K. Evans) Outing, Ig: 37. Mississippi River, Discovery of. (H. L. Reynolds) M. Am. Hist. 22: 37. – An Englishman’s Note-Book in 1828. M. Am. Hist. Ig: 424. — Falls of. (J. A. Keyes) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 474. — Floods of. (A. W. Greely) No. Am. I5o: 618. — — in the Lower. (J. Meyer) Science, I2: 167. — — Prevention of. Science, I2: 85. — (W. Starling) Engin. M. I : I. – Improvement of. (S. S. Leach) Science, II : 87. — Source of. (T. H. Beaulieu) Science, 9: 418. (Col. Baillie) 283 •l Mistah Fahmah. MOBS Mississippi River, Source of, Glazier's Claim to the Dis- covery of. (A. J. Hill) M. West. Hist. 5: 602. – Ten Days on. (W. G. Eggleston) Cosmopol. I2: 221. Mississippi Valley, Last French Post in Upper. (E. D. Neill) M. West. Hist. 7: 17. Mississippi Dan. (W. S. Hutchinson) Overland, n. s. I2: 509. Missouri State Normal School at Warrensburg. (J. Jo- honnot) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 496. Missouri, Supreme Court of. (L. C. Krauthoff) Green Bag, 3: I57. Missouri River, Upper, and the Great Falls. Smalley) Cent. I3: 408. Missouri Valley to Omaha. 503. Missourians. (A. Graebner) Luth. Q. 19: 517. Mist, Shadow of a. (W. Fawcett) Nature, 37: 224. (F. E. Wadleigh) Atlan. 62: 377. Mistaken Identity, and Police Anthropometry. (E. R. Spearman) Fortn. 53: 361. Mistaken Premises. (J. Schayer) Cent. I5: 48. Mistassini, Lake, Various Discoveries of. (J. LeConte) Science, I4; 321. – (A. P. Low) Science, I4; 359. Mistletoe. (H. Collins) Lippinc. 45: 137. Mistletoe Bough. Cornh. 64: 599. Mistral, Frédéric. (M. L. Elmendorf) Poet-Lore, 2: 4OI, 449. Mistranslation, Some. Cornh. 57: 412. Mistress of Sydenham Plantation. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 62: 145. Mitanni, Language of. Mitchel, Gen. Ormsby M. 78. – With portrait. 442. – Intended Movement upon Charleston. (J. Hutch; M. West. Hist. 8: 293. Mitchell, Donald G., Works of. (C. H. Luders) I9 : 373. Mitchell, Elisha, with portrait. Mitchell, John. Nation, 47: 67. — Dillon’s Life of. Ath. 788, 2: I 19. Mitchell, Joseph Eastburn. J. Frankl. Inst. I25; 329. Mitchell, Joseph Sidney, M. D. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 150. Mitchell, Lucy Myers. Critic, I2; 176. Mitchell, Maria. (H. P. Spofford) Chaut. Io: 181. – With portrait. (M. W. Whitney) Sid. Mess. 9: 49. Mitchell, Zerviah Gould, Descendant of Massasoit. (W. G. Page) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 642. Mitchill, Samuel Latham, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 691. Mitford, John, Houstoun's Life of. Ath.’90, I: 172. – Sat. R. 7o: 404. Mitford, Mary Russell. (A. Repplier) Lippine. 47: 390. —Temp. Bar, go: 381. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: (E. V. (T. Hughes) Month, 7o: (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 37: 64. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 46: 55, (J. G. Porter) Sid. Mess. 8: Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 398. 79. Miñº Religion of. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 436. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 90. Mitra, Rajendra Lala. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 4o: Mnemosyne. (H. Maxwell) Blackw. I50: 247. art. Liv. Age, Igo: 792. Moa, The, in Australia. (C. W. DeVis) Science, 18; 8. Moabite Stone. (A. Löwy) Ath. '87, I : 642. — (C. Clermont-Ganneau) Contemp. 52; 169. — Apocryphal Character of. (A. Löwy) Scot. R. 9: 2I5. — Authenticity of. (A. Löwy and others) Acad. 31: 454. 32: 28. Moated Houses of England. (W. W. Fenn) Eng. Illust. 6: 363. Mob, Physical Force of the. Spec. 62: 535. Mobs and Revolutions. (W. W. Knollys) Liv. Age, I72: 3. II 5. Same MOB Mob Injuries, International Liability for. (E.W. Huff- cut) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 69. Moccasin among the Hobbys. (R. M. Johnston) Lippine. 48: 758. Mock Parliaments, London. (J. Lillie) Harper, 79: 62o. Mocking-Bird at Home. (Z. Cocke) Am. M. 7: 354. – Nest of. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 59: 514. Mocking-Bird, The ; a story. Chamb. J. 65: 557. Model, Living. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 48: 857. Same art. Eel. M. I. Io: 168. — Sixty Years a. (D. Benton) Am. M. 7: 524. Models in London Studios. (O. Wilde) Eng. Illust. 6: 313. Moderates in Theology, Reign of the. And. R. I.4: 69. - Modern Constancy. (C. R. Eaglestone) Tinsley, 44: I 2 I. Modern Correspondence, A. Fortn. 52: 705. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 743. Modern Dilemma; a story. 468. Modern Eastern Martyr, A.; a story. Good Words, 30: 812. I61. Modern Esau and Jacob, A.; a story. Arena, 2: 614. Modern Fairy Tale, A. (Mrs. P. B. Pattisson) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 197. Modern High School Girl. (Emily C. Cook) National, I7: 370. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo; 33. Modern Idyll, A. (F. Harris) Fortn. 55: 985. Modern Incident, A.; a story. (G. H. Page) Argosy, 52: 381. Modern Legend, A. (V. D. Scudder) Harper, 82: 3oo. Modern Life, Competitive Element in. (H. C. Potter) Scrib. M. 5: 252. Modern Nausicaa, A.; a story. All the Year, 67: 210. Modern Novelist, A. Macmil. 60: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 628. Modern Problem, A.; a story. ‘7: 184. Modern Sorceress, A ; a story. (I. Garvey) Argosy, 51: Summer no. I. Modern Thought and Christianity. Am. Cath. Q. I6: 309. Modern Topsy-Turveydom. II6: 57. Modern Witch, A.; a story. Argosy, 51: 73. Modesty, False, in Readers. - I48: 180. Modjeska, Helena. Autobiographical Reminiscences of. Arena, I; 298, 403. — as Imogen. Critic, I2: 69. – as Macbeth. Critic, I5: 259. — as Portia. Critic, I5: 220. Möhler, Döllinger, and Oxford Anglicanism. Lond. Q. 75: 96. Moglashen. (G. W. Edwards) Cent. 20: 493. Mohammed and the Koran. (H. M. Harman) Meth. R. 49; 26. — and Christ. — and Mohammedanism. 47: 303. — Life and Teachings, Ali's. Sat. R. 72: 537. — Place of, in the Church. (E. de Bunsen and others) Asia. R. 7: 259. 8: 191, 359. —Was he an Impostor? (B. Berenson) Harv. Mo. 4: 48. Mohammedans, Missions to. (E. Kersey) Belgra. 66: (C. J. Wills) Same art. Liv. Age, I84: (T. E. Allen) (S. Clarke) Eng. Illust. (St. G. Mivart) (E. L. Linton) Ecl. M. (W. H. Eyre) Month, 71: 268. (G. T. Flanders) Univ. Q. (T. P. Hughes) And. R. 9 : I. Mohammedan College at Aliguhr. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 7: 53I. 284 (G. P. Lathrop) No. Am. MOLTEN Mohammedan Mysticism. (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 29: 4 IO. Mohammedan Orthodoxy. (G. de Hennin) Spec. 61: 201. Mohammedan School of Thought, New. (H. Mansell) Meth. R. 51: 99. Mohammedan Women. (A. Reichardt) 19th Cent. 29: 941. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 173. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 5: 43. – Real Status of. (Ameer Ali) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 50. Mohammedanism. (T. P. Hughes) Amd. R. Io: 23. — (G. L. Hamm) Luth. Q. 18: 270. – and Christianity. Asia. R. 6: 299. – (B. Sewall) N. Eng. 48: 88. — — in India. Contemp. 53: 161. – and Civilization. (M. MacColl) Contemp. 53: 537. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 387. Same art. Eel. M. I. Io: 835. - — and Missions. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Unita. R. 32: I31. — Debate on. And. R. 9: 80. — in Africa. (R. B. Smith) 19th Cent. 22: 791. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 18. – (J. Benton) No. Am. I46: 222. — in Central Africa. (J. Thompson) Liv. Age, I72: 58. Same art. Ecl. M. IO3: 234. — in Arabia. Deserta. Church Q. 28: 142. — Koelle on. Sat. R. 67: 616. — Why am I a Moslem P No. Am. I46: 379. Mohawks; a story. (M. E. Braddon) Belgra. 61: 1– 360. Mohl, Julius. Spec. 60: Loš2. — and Mary, Letters and Recollections. 697. —Spec. 60: 799. – Sat. R. 64; 24. Mohl, Mary, Madame. Westm. I28: 427. Liv. Age, I74; 298. Mohonk Indian Conference. See Indians. Mohonk Negro Conference, 1891. Lend a H. 7: 44. Moir, David Macbeth. (W. W. Tulloch) Good Words, 30: 394. . . Moise, Penina. (C. Adams) Critic, 25: 327. Molars, Mammalian, Primitive Types of. Nature, 41. 465. Molecular Configurations, Energy Potentialized in Per- manent Changes of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I38: Ath. '87, I: Same art. I93. Molecular Stability of Metals. (C. Barus) Nature, 41: 369. Molecular Structure of Matter. (W. Anderson) Nature, 40: 509. Molecular Weights, Raoult's Method for the Determi- nation of. J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 420. Molecules, Dimensions of. (W. G. Woollcombe) Knowl. I2: II 7, 137. Molière, J. B. P. (A. Lang) Scrib. M. 9: 725. — and Shakspere. (C. Coquelin) Cent. I6: 819. – Débâts on the Stage. (H. M. Trollope) Blackw. I50: 486. — Funeral of. (P. Kent) Theatre, 21 : 296. — Humor of. (A. Tilley) Macmil. 56: 190. — Le Misanthrope. (H. M. Trollope) Gent. M. m. s. 40: I92. — Moy Thomas on. Sat. R. 71 : 290. — Wife of. (G. Moriarty) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 20. Moll and Virgil. (R. M. Johnston) Harper, 75: 583. Mollie. (M. G. McClelland) Harper, 79: 459. Mollusca and Arthropoda, Coelum and Vascular System of. (R. Lankester) Nature, 37: 498. Molly at the “Mitre ; ” a story. (G. B. Stuart) Argosy, 44; 48. Molly's Fortunes. 618. 18: 17. Molten Sea before Solomon's Temple. (J. H. Hop- kins) Church R. 63: 140. (M. E. Francis) Irish Mo. I7: 59- MOLTKE Moltke, H. K. von. (J. G. Wilson) Cosmopol. Io: 174. – With portrait. Leis. Hour, 4o: 638. – (J. D. Cox) Nation, 52: 356. —Spec. 61: 1119. 66: 612. —Sat. R. 71 : 520. — (Gen. Wolseley) Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 481. 4: 1. — (W. O'C. Morris) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 131. — and Future Warfare. (T. A. Dodge) Forum, 11: 353. — and Moltkeism. (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 30: IoI8. — as a Man of Letters. (H. A. Perry) Macmil. 64: 147. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 203. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 163. — Germany and. Ed. R. I74: 528. — on the Franco-German War of 1870–1. Un. Serv. M. n. s. 4: 89, 185. — Some Characteristics of. II. I. - — War Memoirs. (J. D. Cox) Nation, 53: 394. — Lord Wolseley on. Sat. R. 72: 350. Mommsen. (W. F. Allen) Nation, 45: 412. Monaco, Principality of. Quar. I 69: 322. Liv. Age, I83: 451. — Ath. '89, 2: 561. Monadnock in Autumn; a poem. (E. D. Proctor) Atlan. 61: 127. Monads. (W. H. Dallinger) Nature, 37: 448. Monarchs, Modern. Spec. 66: 855. Monarchy, Personal Element in. Sat. R. 65: 16. – versus Republic. Spec. 63: 169. Monastery at Rome, A. (F. Parkman) Harper, 81: 448. — Cretan. All the Year, 6o: 76, Io2. Monasteries, Augustinian, in England under Henry VIII., Visitations of. (G. G. Perry) Eng. Hist. R. (P. Dymond) Atlan. 63: Same art. - 4 : 304. — English. Church Q. 29: 386. — — Dissolution of. (J. G. Hall, jr.) Church. R. 49: 474. — (H. Edward) Dub. R. IO2: 243. IO4: 243. — (G. G. Perry) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 704. — (C. C. Starbuck) M. Chr. Lit. I : 188. — Sat. R. 67: 315. — — — Aske's Narrative of Events in 1536. (Mary Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 330, 550. - — — — Gasquet's. Spec. 62: 17. — — Archbishop Warham’s Visitation in 1511. Bateson) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 18. — in the Air. (J. T. Bent) Liv. Age, I77: 55o. — of the Levant Revisited. (G. N. Curzon) New R. 5: 515. — of Meteora. (G. Curzon) Eng. Illust. 8: 530. Monastic Life. All the Year, 65; 223. Monasticism, English, in the 16th Century. M. Chr. Lit. I : 353. — Revival of. Monazite, Occurrence of. I37: Io9. Monckton, Gov. Robert. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. I7: 470. Moncrieff System of Defence. Fortn. 55: 634. Monetary Congress, Paris, 1889. Nation, 49: 266. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 430. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I 243. Monetary System, British, Inherent Vice of, and its Cure. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 222. Money. All the Year, 67: 474. — (J. R. Rees) Leis. Hour, 38: 527. — A. B. C. of. (A. Carnegie) No. Am. 152: 723. -- and Genius. Spec. 64: 690. – English. Tinsley, 44; 26. - Fººtion of. (J. H. Cowperthwait) Lippine. 48: 616. - – How it is Made. (T. E. Thorpe) Good Words, 28: 391. — (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 36: 18. — Influence of, on Prices. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 93I. (Mary (F. W. Farrar) Forum, 9: 57. (O. A. Derby) Am. J. Sci. 285 MONROE Money, Making and Spending. (J. O. Dykes) Sunday M. 16: 658. — Men, Women, and. (J. W. Howe) Forum, 5: 461. — Nicholson on. Sat. R. 66: 356. — Problem of its Value. (R. Giffen) 19th Cent. 26: 863. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 579. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 1. — — Giffen's Attack on Bimetallists. son) 19th Cent. 26: I of 4. — Ring. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 427. — Shell, of New Britain. (B. Danks) Anthrop. J. 17: 305. – Standard of, Variations in Value of. son) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 150. — — — Brit. Assoc. Report on. Nation, 4o: 553. — Thoughts about. (M. Parmele) Lend a H. 6: 293. — Timonian Meditation on. Atlan. 59: 134. — A Universal, Bagehot on. Spec. 63: 559. – Volume of, in Circulation. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 46: 3OI. — we use, The. (H. C. Adams) Chaut. 8: 407. Moneys, Strange. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 987. Moneylenders in the Punjab. Sat. R. 64; 524. Money-Making, Art of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 2O5. Money Market, London, Constitution and Course of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 365. 50: 1805. — Present and Prospective. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 745. Money Power in Politics. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 44: I80, 204. Money Scare, The Annual. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 44; 241. Money-System of Holland. (H. B. Greven) Q. J. Econ. 2: 79. Monge's Differential Equation. (A. Mukhopadhyay) Nature, 38: 173, 197, 318, 564, 619. Mongols, History of the, Howorth's. Sat. R. 67: 385. — of the Azure Lake, Among the. (W. W. Rockhill) Cent. Ig: 350. - Mongredien, Augustus. Ath. '88, I: 437. Monitor and Merrimac. (Duke of Somerset) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 218. See Merrimac. Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, Corbett's Life of. Spec. 63: 471. – Sat. R. 68: 275. Monks; Austin Canong in the 13th Century. Sat. R. 7I: 223. Monkeys; Four-Handed Sinners. (F. L. Oswald) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: IoS. — Intelligence of. Chamb. J. 68: 97. — (H. Howard) Cosmopol. 2: 341. — Motor Functions of Certain Nerves of. vor; V. Horsley) Nature, 38: 359. — of Dutch Guiana. (A. Kappler) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 396. — Speech of. (R. L. Garner) New R. 4: 555. 5: 424. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 218. — a Tale of Many. Chamb. J. 67: 172. Monkhouse, Harry, with photograph. Theatre, 26: 216. Monmouth, Battle of, Notes on. Monnow, The, a Welsh Trout-Stream. National, I5: 824. Monopolies. (J. F. Hudson) No. Am. I44; 277. — Moral Theology and. (C. A. Oliver) Cath. World, 48: 72.I. — Natural, and Local Taxation. H. 4: 178. • Monopoly. (W. Barry) Forum, 7: 424. — Economie Law of. (E. B. Andrews) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 1. — Taxation through. (J. S. Nichol- (J. S. Nichol- (C. E. Bee- Pennsyl. M. I.4: 46. (C. Parkinson) (R. T. Ely) Lend a (C. F. Bastable) Econ. J. 1: 307. Monroe, H. Stanton, with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 13: 226. MONROE Monroe Doctrine. (W. L. Scruggs) M. Am. Hist. 26: 39. – Scope of. (H. C. Bunts) Forum, 7: 192. Monserrat, A Visit to. (A. Bentley) Temp. Bar, 84: 396. Monsieur Alfredo; a story. 637. Monsieur Durand's Lottery Prize. Cosmopol. I: 43. Monsieur le Curé ; a story. (M. E. Wotton) Temp. Bar, 82: 351. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 785. Monsieur Nasson. (G. H. Peirce) Scrib. M. 5: 685. Monsieur Silvain's Secret. (M. E. Penn) Argosy, 44: Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 435. Monsoon, The. (R. Abercromby) Nature, 37: 469. — The Southwest, Chamb. J. 68: 527. Monsoons, Forecast of. Nature, 44; 225. Monster, Rosa-Josepha Blazet, the Double. ural. 25: 891. Monsters, American, Now Extinct. Chamb. J. 68: 213. – Mythical, Gould on. Knowl. 9: 301. Monster of my Acquaintance; a story. Scrib. M. 6: 233. Mont Blanc, Three Days on the Summit of. Nature, 38: 35. See Blanc, Mont. Mont de Piété, Paris. (M. S. van de Velde) Leis. Hour, 40: 15. — Rome. (E. S. Morgan) National, I2: 533. Mont St. Michel. (E. Redgrave) Antiq. m. s. I7: 153. Montagnais Indians. (C. H. Farmham) Harper, 77: 379. Montagu, Anne Paule Doménique de Noailles, Mar- quise de. (H. Aidé) 19th Cent. 25: 623. Montagu, Mary Pierrepont Wortley, Lady. Spec. 6o: I 124. Montagu, Samuel, with portrait. 48: 963. Montague, William Henry. 44; 34 I. Montaigne, Michel. (A. Tilley) Macmil. 62: 331. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 87. – (C. H. Shinn) Au- thor, 2: 98. – Westm. I29: 679. —Temp. Bar, 84: 49, 224. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 323, 405. — and Bacon, Essayists. (R. E. N. Dodge) Harv. Mo. IO ... I IO. — Family of. — Journal of his Travels in Italy. Montana. Spec. 61 : 52. – as it was and as it is. (A. Munthe) Murray, 2: I 5. Am. Nat- (E. C. Martin) Works. Bank. M. (Lond.) (J. W. Dean). N. E. Reg. (J. Norton) Nation, 45: 27, 49. Ath. '91, I: 402. (L. E. Munson) N. Eng. 51: 96. — Catholic Church in. (H. Van Rensselaer) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 492. — An Early Governor of. Hist. I3: 589. — History of, A Chapter of. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. I3: 448–688. – Irrigation Problem in. M. 2: 212. — Views of Life in the Crazy Mountains. W. Hatch) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 539. Montcalm, Marquis de. Autograph Letter, 1744. M. Am. Hist. 20: 75. Montchrestien, Aide, the First French Economist. Ed. R. 172: 140. Monte Carlo. Month, 64: 407. — (H. Sidebotham) 19th Cent. 25: 552. — Gambling at. (N. Young) National, I6: 486. — (W. F. Rae) 19th Cent. 27: 240. — Its Games and Gamesters. (C. C. Welman) Cosmo- pol. 3: 287–399. — Men and Women at. (C. Edwardes) Belgra. 72: 28. — a “Poisoned Paradise.” (C. Scott) Contemp. 57: 661. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 774. (W. H. Maguire) M. West. (H. M. Wilson) Nat. Geog. (Mrs. E. D. 286 — Sketches of. All the Year, 65: 277. MOON Monte Carlo, A Thousand Games at. Crotch) Eng. Illust. 8: 723. Montefeltrö, Agostino da. (A. R. Willard) And. R. I3: 268. — Sermons. Spec. 61: 388. - Montefiore, Sir Moses and Lady, Diaries. Ath. '90, 1: (W. Duppa- 559. Montély. Trial of. Green Bag, 2: 221. Montenegro. (A. Hulme-Beaman) Fortn. 53: 124. Monterey, Midwinter Days at. (M. H. Field) Over- land, m. s. Io: 612. Montes, the Matador. (F. Harris) Fortn. 56: 418. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 649. Montespan, Marquise de. (W. Wolrige) Belgra. 7o: 69. — her Sisters and her Daughters. (H. Norton) Atlan. 66: 371. — Nieces of. (H. Norton) Atlan. 66: 499. Month of June at Big Meadows. land, n. s. I4; 295. Montherond; a story. All the Year, 60: 444, 468. Monticello, Home of Jefferson. (J. G. Nicolay) Cent. (L. L. White) Over- I2: 643. – Later Years of. (F. R. Stockton) Cent. I2: 654. Montreal. (C. H. Farnham) Harper, 79: 83. — Bank of Montreal Building. Am. Arch. 21: 174. — A Day in. Am. Arch. 22: 162. - – Winter Days in. (E. Ingersoll) Cosmopol. 6: 440. – Winter Glimpse of. (J. C. Martin) Outing, 9: 354. Montrose, James Graham, First Marquis of. Macmil. 56; 20I. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 405. — and the Covenant of 1638. Blackw. I42: 607. Montyon Prize. (L. G. Séguin) Leis. Hour, 39: 40– 823. 40: 605, 780. Monument at Langston's. land, n. S. 9: 614. Monuments, Ancient. and Modern Critics, Conder's. (W. R. Smith) Contemp. 51: 561. — — Preservation of. (F. Pitt-Rivers) Nature, 38: 518, 542. – and Art Industries, Conservation of. Ath. '88, 2: 325. – Elephantine. (T. F. Laist) Am. Arch. 29: 86. - Equestrian. Am. Arch. v. 22–30. – National. Am. Arch. 22: 100. — of Early American Settlers. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. v. 21–24. te – Sepulchral. See Funerary Architecture. Moods of Authors. (E. H. Chase) Writer, 2: 185. Moody, Dwight L., and Phillips Brooks, as Preachers. And. R. I5: 430. Moon, The. (G. P. Serviss) Chaut. I2: 735. — and the Earth. (G. P. Serviss) Chaut. I2: 596. — — Double Planet. (J. E. Gore) Knowl. I4: 175. — and the Weather. (J. W. Oliver) Longm. Io: 601. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 473. — Bright Streaks from Craters of. Knowl. I3: 128. — a Dead World. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 209, 283. — Harvest. Chamb. J. 66: 481. - — Heat of. Dub. R. Io9: 416. – in the Lick Telescope. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2 : 244. – Is it Covered with Ice 2 (A. C. Ramyard) Knowl. I3: 271. — Lunar Landscape; Contribution from the Lick Ob- servatory. (E. S. Holden) Cent. 20: 364. — Man in, Myth of. Knowl. Io: 273. — Mass of the. (L. d’Auria) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 331, 409. – Nasmyth's Story of. Knowl. 9: 145 – New Light on a Lunar Mystery. Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 158. (S. N. Sheridan, jr.) Over- (J. B. Keith) (A. C. Ranyard) (G. P. Servisº MOON 287 MORENO Moon, The, seen with an Opera-Glass. (G. P. Serviss) Moral Unity of Humanity. Meliora, 6: 289. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 478. - — Temperature of. (S. P. Langley and F. W. Very) Am. J. Sci. I38: 421. Moon-Fragment, A ; a story. Mo. 4: IoS. Moonlight and Vegetation. (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. (D. E. Hutchins) Nature, 37: 275. — for Geodetic Signals. (E. Goodfellow) Science, I2: 299. Moonlighter of County Clare. 81: 209. Moon Lore and Eclipse Superstitions. Knowl. II: 51. Moon-Myths, South Slavic. (F. S. Krauss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 615. {} (J. Sturges) Harper, Moore, Albert, a Painter of Beautiful Dreams. (H. Frederic) Scrib. M. Io: 712. Moore, Aubrey L. Acad. 37; 63. Moore, Edward. The World. Sat. R. 63: 85. Moore, George. (G. R. Carpenter) And. R. I6: 568. – Impressions and Opinions. Sat. R. 7 I : 484. — Writings of. (A. Symons) Acad. 39: 274. - Moore, James, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 434. Moore, Judge James and Major James, of Chester Co., Penn. (W. S. Long) Pennsyl. M. I2: 304, 465. Moore, Joseph C. (J. N. McClintock) Granite Mo. I3 : I. Moore, Thomas, with portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 770. — (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 57; 337. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 82. — Two Letters of. Critic, I2: 270. Moorish Hummum, a Night in a. Blackw. I48: 568. Moorland Farm, Week on a. Moorland Parish, Atkinson's. (W. B. Harris) All the Year, 69: 34. Ed. R. I74; 328. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 805. Moose; Antoine's Moose-Yard. (J. Ralph) Harper, 81: 651. Moose Hunting. (H. P. Wells) Harper, 74: 448. — Sat. R. 64; 319. (A. J. Selfridge) Outing, I4: 321. (W. — in Aroostook. Moosilauke, and Other New Hampshire Names. Little) Granite Mo. IO: 357. Moqui Country, In the. (C. R. Moffet) Overland, n. s. I4; 243. - . . " Moraine, Ice Blocks on a. (T. G. Bonny) Nature, 4o: 391. Moral Forces, Correlation of. (W. J. Barbee) Chris. Q. 7: 183 Moral Ideal, Wedgwood's. Spec. 61: 1587, 1639. Moral Obligation, Ground of. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 34: I58. Moral Order and Progress, Alexander on. (A. Seth) Mind, I4: 554. — Ath. '89, 2: 590, 630. Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life. (W. James) Int. . J. Ethics, I: 330. e Moral Principle in Public Affairs. (W. L. Trenholm) Forum, 5: 545. Moral Shipwreck, A ; a story. All the Year, 66: 421. Moral Tales. (C. E. Colley) Int. J. Ethics, I : 370. Moral Temperature. (A. C. Nickerson) Unita. R. 32: 5oo. Moral Theory and Practice. I: 186. Moral Training. (J. Young) Lend a H. 5: 305. — (L. Dunton) Educa. II: 394, 466, 526. I2: 65. – An Experiment in. (M. V. Lee) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: (J. Dewey) Int. J. Ethics, 50. — in the Public Schools. (S. B. Capen and J. S. Barrell) Educa. 9: 524.—Lend a H. 2: 77. – (L. Clark) * Lend a H. 4: 585. 5: 401. – (J. Jay) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 65.- (E. Bouton) Educa. 8: 411. – (J. Tetlow) Acad. (Syr.) 5; 293. Morality and Environment. (A. D. Vinton) Arena, 3: 567. – and its Sanctions. Church Q. 27: 68. — and Religion; the Service of Man and the Service of Christ. Ed. R. I65: 512. — by Act of Parliament. (R. Anderson) Contemp. 59: 77. — Christian; Scientific Sins. 55: 21. — Evolution and. (E. M. Bowden) Fortn. (C. F. Deems) Arena, 3: 394. — Evolution of. (J. Seth) Mind, 14: 27. — in Authorship. (S. C. Lasselle) Author, I: 81. — in Fiction. (E. Saltus) Lippine. 42: 708. – in History. (F. Jodl) Int. J. Ethics, I: 204. — Inner Life in Relation to. (J. H. Muirhead) Int. J. Ethics, I : 169. – Natural and Supernatural, Principles of. Church Q. 33: 136. — of Nations. (W. R. Sorley) Int. J. Ethics, I : 427. – Positive. (P. G. Hamerton) Contemp. 59: 537, 889. Same art. Ecl. M. I.16: 785. II7: 124. - — Practical. Westm. I35: 662. — Present Condition of, 1891. And. R. I5: 546. — Private, and Public Life. Fortn. 55: 213. — Right and Wrong. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 49: 62. — Reply. (F. H. Collins) Fortn. 49: 273. – State. Spec. 63: 431. — Statistics of. (H. Adler) Fortn. 47: 158. — Will it survive Religion ? (G. Smith) Forum, II: I46. Morals and Fig-Leaves. (Helen London) Arena, 3: 334. — The Border Land of. (C. A. Bartol) Forum, 6: 187. — Definitions Wanted in. (J. McCann) Theo. Mo. 3: 308. – Five Theories Concerning. Q. 47: 212. - — Machinery of. Lend a H. 4: 403. — Methods of Teaching. (L. Dunton) Educa. 9: 521. – Natural and Supernatural. (J. Rickaby) Month, 72: 540. — Public, Decay of. Moravian Baptists. Moravian Church, General Synod of. Bapt. R. II: 445. Moravian Settlement of Christian's Spring, Penn. B. Wright) Am. M. 7: 556. Mordaunt, Charles. See Peterborough, Earl of. Mordenite. (L. W. Pirsson) Am. J. Sci. I40: 232. More, Hannah. Blackw. I42: 773. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 771. — Meliora, 6: 250. — Yonge's Life of. Spec. 61: 612. — Ath. '88, I: 625. More, Henry, the Platonist. (A. Benson) Contemp. 54: * (G. H. Emerson) Univ. (A. C. Coxe) Chaut. 8: 424. (A. H. Newman) Bapt. R. 9: 41. (W. H. Vogler) (M. 393. More, Sir Thomas. (J. Gairdner) Acad. 39: 388. – (R. M. Johnston) Cath. World, 48: 453. — Life and Writings of. Dub. R. Io9: 283. — Private Life of. (Agnes Lambert) 19th Cent. 30: 540. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 707. — Relics of. (J. Morris) Month, 7I: 189. — Religious Writings of. (W. H. Hutton) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 667. - — Treatment of Heretics. (W. W. Lloyd and J. Gaird- ner) Acad. 39: 419, 442, 467, 491. — Utopia. Westm. I30:.647. Morelia. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 7.5: 283. Morelli, Domenico. (A. F. Jacassy) Scrib. M. 8: 735. Morelli, Giovanni. Quar. I73: 235.- (C. Phillips) Acad. 39: 288. Moreno, Garcia, Pres. of Ecuador, 1821–1871. Dub. R. Iod; 458. — (A. M. Clarke) Month, 62: 41, 215, 405. . — Berthe's Life of. Spec. 62: 737. MORETON Moreton Hall, England. (R. Keene) Art J. 42: Io9. Morgan, Mrs. Henrietta H. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 267. Morgan, James Appleton. (J. W. Bell) New Eng. M. In. S. I : 457. Morgan, John, and his Rough Riders, A Romance of. (T. H. Hines) Cent. Ig: 403. Morgans of Llantarmam Abbey. (B. Morgan) Antiq. m. S. I5: I.2. Mori, Arinori; Fate of a Japanese Reformer. (P. Low- ell) Atlan. 66: 680. Morier, Sir R. Bazaine Correspondence. Sat. R. 67: 7, 27. Morised; a story. 549. Morison, David, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 7: 435. Morison, James Cotter. Acad. 33: 150. — Ath. '88, I: 277. — Spec. 61 : 299. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 45. — Sat. R. 65: 248. Morley, John. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. Ioo: I. — R. of Rs. 2: 424. — and the New Radicalism. New R. I : 604. — Quar. I68: 249. — Samuel. Murray, 2: 792. – as a Politigian. (W. Summers) Cong. R. 2: 45. – Hodder's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 743. – Cong. R. I : I I44.— Spec. 61 : 208. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 47: 16. Mormons. Irish Mo. 18: 309. — and Polygamy, 1890. (R. G. McNiece) Our Day, 6: (Lady Carmarthen) Eng. Illust. 7: 4I 3. — Family Life of. (S. Y. Gates) No. Am. I5o: 339. — in Utah. Am. Cath. Q. I5: I.23. Mormon Church. (V. Reed) Bay State Mo. 3: 348. — Miracles of. (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist. I3: 761. Mormon Muddle in Utah. 38. Mormon Power, Growth and Decay of the. (D.L. Leon- ard) And. R. Io: 249. Mormon Propaganda. (D. L. Leonard) And. R. 7: 359. Mormon Question in Idaho. (G. F.Wright) Nation, 51: (G. F. Wright) Nation, 51: 243. Mormon Rebellion, 1856–57. (W. R. Hamilton) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: I-587. 5: 1-342. — (T. J. Chap- man) M. West. Hist. II: 337. - Mormon Theocracy, Decline of the. Nation, 44; 29. Mormonism. (S. A. McKay) Bapt. R. Io: 172. — (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist. II: 464. — as it is. (A. Rowland) Leis. Hour, 36: 32–171. – Early. (F. Barraclough) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 339. — Early Days of, Kennedy's. (C. Hazard) And. R. Io: 321. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 357. — Edmunds Bill. Pub. Opin. I : 181, 243. – Misleading Mormon Manifestoes. (J. Cook) Our Day, 7: 206. — Questions on. (J. Cook and others) Our Day, 7: 1. — Recent Reverses of. (R. G. McNiece) Our Day, 5: 281. — (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 287. — Salt Lake City Election, 1890. Pub. Opin. 8: 463. Morning. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I5: 56. - Early. (A. H. Japp.) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 294. — in the Woods. Chamb. J. 65: 417. Morny, Duc de. (M. E. Seawell) Cosmopol. 9: 88. Morocco. Ath. 'go, I: 79. —Westm. I28: IIII. — Consular Protection in. (Ion Perdicaris) Fortn. 49: 729. & - England and. (I. Perdicaris) National, Iof: 570. — Europe and. (H. A. Perry) Macmil. 57; 391. - Future of. Spec. 60: 1378. – How Piracy was Stopped in. Liv. Age, I75: 551. – in 1891. (C. Rolleston) National, I7: 649. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 536. (D, L. Leonard) 288 MORTGAGES Morocco in European Politics. (C. F. Goss) 19th Cent. 29: I or 6. – La Martinière on. Ath. '89, 2: 449. —Spec. 62: 892. — the Land of Mulai el Hassan. Chamb. J. 68: 657. — The Protégé System in. I49: 277. — Reminiscences of Boar Hunting in. mond Hay) Murray, 3: 531. — Tangier and. (B. Constant) Harper, 78: 752. – Thomson's Travels in. (E. Clodd) New R. 1: 383. – Nation, 49: 215. – Trade and Resources of. (A. Leared) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 530. Morocco, City of ; Chief City of a Moorish Despot. (J. T. Alling) Cosmopol. 4: 200. Morphinomania. (S. J. Sharkey) 19th Cent. 22: 335. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 177. Morrill, Willis Hall. Granite Mo. II: 319. Morris, Gouverneur. Lond. Q. 72: 358. – Diary and Letters. Ath. '89, I: 401. —Spec. 62: 3O4. – Quar. I59: 72. — Atlan. 64: 129. — All the Year, 65: 149. - (J. L. White) Dial (Ch.) Io: 52. — (M. D. Conway) Cosmopol. 7: 207. – (Annie C. Morris) Scrib. M. I : 93, 199. Morris, Lewis, Poetry of. Church Q. 32: 115. —(A. Waugh) Murray, 9: 43. — A Vision of Saints. (R. Bayne) Acad. 39: 202. Morris, Ramsey. The Tigress. Theatre, 23: 76. Morris, Robert. (F. G. Clark) Atlan. 66: 607. — Letter of, to J. Nicholson, 1797. M. Am. Hist. 26: (Dr. R. Brown) (D. Mackenzie) Blackw. (J. H. Drum- 7 I. Morris, William. (R. M. Lovett) Harv. Mo. 12: 149. —(W. Clarke) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 740. — as a Political Revolutionist. Sat. R. 65: 607. – House of the Wolfings. Ath. '89, 2: 347. — (C. Elton) Acad. 35: 85. — Sat. R. 67: IOI. — Atlan. 65: 851. — (H. G. Hewlet) 19th Cent. 26: 337. – News from Nowhere. (M. Hewlett) National, 17: 818. — Roots of the Mountains. Spec. 64: 208. — Socialistic Views of. (L. Johnson) Acad. 39: 483. Morrison, T. C., Religion of the Future. (P. F. Wil- lert) Ecl. M. Io9: 682. Morrow, Jeremiah. (W. H. Smith) M. West. Hist. Io: 634. Morrow, W. H., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 566. Morse, Elijah, House of ; An Old Landmark of Boston, (W. T. Parker) N. E. Reg. 41: 263. Morse, Nathan R. Granite Mo. I3: 89. Mort, Meaning of, in Shakspere. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 32: 286. Mortality and Survivorship, Tables of, Levasseur’s. J. Statis. Soc. 50: 547. – Occupational. Leis. Hour, 39: 320. Mortality Statistics, Class. (N. A. Humphreys) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 255. Mortar, Frost and. Am. Arch. 21 : 117. — Lime-Cement, Economy of. (I. O. Baker) Am. Arch. 30: 133. Mortars and Cements. (W. N. Brown) Am. Arch. 22: 61. — of Portland Cement, Permeability of. (S. D. Claye & P. Debray) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 220. — Mixed with Saccharine Matter. Am. Arch. 2I: 58. — Sugar in. (I. O. Baker) Am. Arch. 25: 174. Morte d’Arthur. (F. Ryland) Eng. Illust. 6: 55, 86. – Tennyson's Reproduction of. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. IO3: 259. Mortgage on Jeffy, The. (A. French) Scrib. M. 2: 473. Mortgages, Equitable. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 618. — Evil of. (J. P. Dunn, jr.) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 65. MORTGAGES Mortgages, Land, in the United States. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 12, 45. — Over-Mortgaging the Land. (Lord Vernon) 19th Cent. 29: 415. - — Western. (J. W. Gleed) Forum, 9: 93. – (D. R. Goodloe) Forum, Io: 346. —(W. McGeorge, jr.) Lippinc. 45: 426. —Western Lands and. (J. W. Gleed) Forum, II: 468. Mortgage Indebtedness, Census Bulletin on. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 52: 436. $ Mortgage Securities and Business in the United States. (Prof. Frederiksen) Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 406. Mortgage Statistics in the U. S., 1890. (G. K. Holmes) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: I. Mortgaged Real Estate, Double Taxation of. (N. Matthews, jr.) Q. J. Econ. 4: 339. Mortimers, Home of the. Chamb. J. 66: 337. Morton, Camp, Horrors of. So. Hist. Pap. IS: 327. Morton, John M. Ath. '91, 2: 876. Mosaics, Ancient. (Mrs. Lecky) Good Words, 32: 662. — Christian, Notes on. (A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Am. J. Archaeol. 2: 414. — Lost, of Rome, 4th to 9th Century. (E. Müntz) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: I. — — of the East. (A. L. Frothingham, jr.) Am. J. Ar- chaeol. 4: 127. — of Ravenna. (S. Lawrence) Harper, 75; 415. — of Sicily, Byzantine. (C. Diehl) Am. Arch. 31 : Ioy- 185. Mosaic-Powder Work. (C. G. Leland) Art J. 39; I49. Mosaic Work, Florentime. Am. Arch. 26: 222. Mosasaurs, Kansas. (S. W. Williston) Science, I8: 345. Moschus, Lament for Bion. Macmil. 55; 183. Moscow. (E. Noble) Atlan. 62: 194. — Holy. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 6oo. — (W. F. Malla- lieu) Chaut. 9: 592. Moseley, Henry Nottidge. Acad. 40: 455. – Ath. '91, 2: 689. – (E. R. Lankester) Nature, 45: 79. Moser, George Michael. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 4I: 323. Moses and the Good Land. (H. Nisbet) Sunday M. I7: 664. — at the Inn. (W. J. Dane) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 433. — Choice of. (T. Whitelaw) Theo. Mo. 2: 274. – Etymology of. (A. H. Sayce and others) Acad. 33: 397, 435. 34: II, 27. — the First Story-Writer for Children. Sunday M. I5: 59. — Land System of, in Massachusetts. New Eng. M. n. s. 3: II.3. — Law of, Reason of the. (J. W. Keifer) Luth. Q. Ig: 539. — — Social Science in. (H. L. Wayland) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23: 167. — Mosaic Legislation. (W. E. Gladstone) Good Words, 31 : 597. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 31. — Mosaic Offerings, Wine and Leaven in. Chris. Q. 6: 36. — Sepulchre of, and the Rock Tombs of Thebes. D. Philps) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 49. | – Veiling of. (T. V. Tymms) Good Words, 29: 669. Moslem, Why am I a P No. Am. I46: 379. Moslem Fanaticism. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 486. Moslem Mystery, A. (R. Eytinge) Am. M. 7: 415. Moslem Pictures. (W. A. Clouston) Acad. 34: 405. Moslem Prayer. (J. Robertson) Good Words, 29: 66o. Mosquito, Extermination of the. (H. C. McCook) No. Am. I49: 363. — The Northwest. All the Year, 63: 85. — Poison Apparatus of. (G. Macloskie) Am. Natural. 22: 884. (B. Waugh) (G. A. Jackson) (A. 289 MOUNDS Mosquitoes, Midges, and Gnats. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: I.21–161. Mosquito Pest, The ; can it be Mitigated ? Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 679. Moss from a Rolling Stone. I4I : 45. Mosses, British. 43 : 379, 4oo. – Water-Supply of. (G. Haberlandt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 479. Motes that People the Sunbeam. Chamb. J. 66: 716. Moths, Carpet. (J. B. Smith) Cosmopol. 2: 62. — Clothes. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 9: 309. Io: 177. — Meal and Tabby. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I2: 53. Moth-Mullein. Cornh. 59: 385. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 209. Mother Carey and her Chickens. All the Year, 65; 41. Mother Goose, Origin of. (A. Lang) Ath. '87, I: 287. Mothers – according to English Novelists. Temp. Bar, 88: 218. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 621. — in Society. Sat. R. 64; 254. — Legal Position of, as Guardians. Month, 64; 329. — Natural Science for. 37: 788. Motherhood; A Neglected Path to Greatness. Russell) Westm. I34; 391. – Is Education Opposed to it? (A. B. Tweedy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 751. — The Talent of. (A. Kenealy) National, I6: 446. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 189. Motion, Our Sensation of. (A. C. Brown) Nature, 4o: 449. — Pleasure of. (P. Souriaou) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 824. — Spectroscopic Determination of. Dub. R. Io9: 191. — Universality of. Meliora, 9: 304. Motive Power, New, for Ships. Chamb. J. 65: 429. Motley, John Lothrop. (D. H. Chamberlain) N. Eng. (L. Oliphant) Blackw. (E. Fry) Knowl. I4: 221. – Nature, (W. C. Maude) (M. A. Aber) Pop. Sci. Mo. (F. 53 : 297. — Correspondence. Atlan. 63: 706. – Blackw. I45: 561. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 242. – Quar. I58: 972. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 451. – (A. Ar- nold) Acad. 35: 177. — Ath. '89, I: 271. – Spec. 62: 404. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 48: 409. — Lond. Q. 72: 308. — (S. B. Wister) Lippine. 44: 564. — (A. Caldwell) Dial (Ch.) Io: 73. – Westm. 132: 26. — (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 32: 30. — (G. W. Curtis) Harper, 78: 611. Motors, Pyro-Magnetic. (Carl Hering) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 278. Mott, Richard, Characteristics of. M. West. Hist. Io: 34. Mottoes, German, for Decoration. Arch. 27: I3. (K. B. Sherwood) (T. F. Laist) Am. Mouching. (D. Bates) Cosmopol. 9; 32. Mouldings, Architectural. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 26: I59. — Greek, as Classified Characteristically. (W. W. Lloyd) Am. Arch. 27: I39. Moulton, Louise Chandler, at Home. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 82. Moultrie, John. Poems. (H. S. Salt) Macmil. 57: 123. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: II2. Mound, Great Cahokia. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: 3. — Serpent, of Ohio. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. IG: 375. — (F. W. Putnam) Cent. I7: 871. — by Yellow Creek, The. Blackw. I47: 51. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 428. - - Mounds and Animal Effigies, Peet's Emblematic. (L. Carr) Nation, 52: I.21. — Altar, and Ash Pits. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: 85. ly Books on. Am. Antiq. 9: 239. MOUNDS Mounds, Effigy, in Northern Illinois. Science, I2: I 18. — — in Wisconsin. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. II: 32, 73. — Grave. (J. W. Hales) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 326,447. — in Missouri. (J. Beckwith) Am. Antiq. 9: 228. — in Ohio. (F. W. Putnam) M. West. Hist. 7: 275. — (J. D. Middleton) Science, Io: 32. – Snake, in Minnesota. (T. H. Lewis) Science, 9: 393. — viewed as Monuments. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. II: 359. – Village Life in the Emblematic. Antiq. 9: Io. Mound-Builders, The. (C. Morris) Amer. 21: 88. — (C. Thomas) M. Am. Hist. 21: 320. – (E. B. Fin- ley) M. West. Hist. 5: 439. – Ancient Society in Tennessee. Am. Hist. I9: 374. - and Indian Relics. 25 I. — and North American Indians, The. M. Am. Hist. 21: 142. – Animals Known to the. II : I.39. – Copper Mines Worked by the. Antiq. II: 293. — Defensive Works of. 189. - Earliest American People. Hist. 22: 114. — Great Serpent, and Other Effigies. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I2: 211. – Higher Civilization of. I3: I5. – in Rhode Island. 2O5. – Migrations of. – of Manitoba. (T. H. Lewis) (S. D. Peet) Am. (G. P. Thrustom) M. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I2: (J. H. Patton) (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. (T. H. Lewis) Am. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: (J. T. Everett) M. Am. (J. P. Shreve) Am. Antiq. (J. N. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 6: (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: 131. (A. McCharles) Am. J. Archaeol. 3: 70. — of Ohio. (C. Thomas) Science, II: 314. — Religion of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: 307. — were Indians. (C. Thomas) M. Am. Hist. 20: 65. – Who were the Effigy Builders ? (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. 9: 67. — Works of, in Ohio. I ? I. Mounier, J. J., DeLanzac de Laborie on Life and Writ- ings of. (H. M. Stephens) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 390. Mt. Desert, How the People Live in. (C. W. Eliot) Cent. I& 556. Mt. Holly Springs, Pa., Givin Public Library Building. Lib. J. I5: 307. Mount Holyoke College. (A. M. Muzzey) Critic, I3: 13. — (J. H. May) Education, 8: 477. Mount Mansfield, On. (B. Torrey) Chaut. II: 689. Mount Vermon as it is. (S. B. Herrick) Cent. I3: 22. Mount Vernon Convention, 1785. (Kate M. Rowland) Pennsyl. M. II: 4Io. Mountain, Highest, in North America. (A. Heilprin) Science, 16: 260. — (W. H. Dall) Science, I6: 275. — (A. Heilprin) Science, I6: 289. Mountain of the Bell, a New. (H. C. Bolton) Science, 13: 368. Same art. Nature, 39: 607. Mountain of the Holy Cross. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: I. Mountains, Access to. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I2: (J. P. Smith) Blackw. I5o: 259. — and Climate. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 7: 203. — and Mountaineers. All the Year, 67: 137. — and Nummulites. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4; 64. — as Objects of Worship and Sources of Inspiration. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 7: 52I. — High Life. Ecl. M. II.7: 363. — Industries of. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 7: 397. 290 MR. (H. S. Morris) Amer. I7: 8. (E. Ingersoll) Chaut. 7: Mountains, Influence of. — — in Human Progress. 456. — of the Moon. – Wearing Down of. Liv. Age, I85: 16I. Mountain-Building and the Cremitic Hypothesis. (N. S. Shaler) Science, II: 280. — Experiments in. (H. M. Cadell) Nature, 37: 488. Mountain Chains, Formation of ; Distribution of Strain in the Earth's Crust. (G. L. Goodale) Am. J. Sci. I35: 338. Mountain Fire, A. (R. Mayne) Overland, n.s. 18: 507. Mountain Mirage. (J. Miller) Lippine. 47: 242. Mountain Plants. Cornh. 64; 169. Mountain Railways in Switzerland, New. Finck) Nation, 53: 233. Mountain-Ranges. (R. A. Proctor) Fortn. 49: 554. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 850. — Classification of, according to their Structure, Ori- (W. F. Ainsworth) Antiq. m. s. 22: 70. Cornh. 61: 267. Same art. (H. T. gin, and Age. (W. Upham) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 665. — Origin of. Am. J. Sci. I33: 240. — — Reade's. Spec. 60: 626. Mountain Romance ; a story. (L. Villari) Leis. Hour, 39: 193—481. - Mountain-Side Ramble, A. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 64: Ioé. Mountain Stumps, Geology of. Cornh. 61: 267. Mountaineers about Monteagle ; a story. Cent. I4: 771. — of the South. (W. P. Brown) Overland, n. s. I2: 505. Mountaineering. James Bryce as a Mountaineer. (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. II: 450. — in Africa. All the Year, 68: 88. Mountjoy, Charles Blount, 8th Lord. Antiq. m. s. 20: 237. Mountsea, Mystery, The ; a tale. Argosy, 46: 209. Mourning, The Reproach of. (J. M. Oxley) Forum, 2: 608. Mouse, Singing, Song of. Am. Natural. 23: 481. Mouth, The Old and the New. (J. Beard) Nature, 37: 224. — Physiognomy of. (T. Piderit) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 678. Mouton, Gabriel. (J. H. Gore) Cath. World, 53: 37. Movement, Voluntary, Analysis of. (V. Horsley) 19th Cent. 29: 857. Moxon, Thomas Bouchier. I499. Moyse, Jules, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I I49. Mozarabic Rite. (G. S. Lee) Cath. World, 49: 772. Mozart — after a Hundred Years. (A. G. Mason) Cent. (W. Roberts) Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 2I: 2O3. — Centenary of Don Giovanni. Westm. I28: 965. — Librettist of. (J. Ross) Macmil. 65: 53. — Requiem Mass; a Remarkable Musical History. (W. Pole) Cosmopol. Io: 493. Mozley, Anne. Acad. 40: 14. Mozley, Thomas, Letters from Rome. Church Q. 33: 206. Mr. and Mrs. Inderwick; a story. mopol. 4: 134. . Mr. Bates, the Architect; a story. Meliora, 4: 359. Mr. Bodley and the Dragon. Overland, n. s. I4; 526. Mr. Briggs's Bicycle; a story. (R. Shindler) Belgra. 64: 82. Mr. Busby's Bishopric ; a story. M. n. s. 39: 313. Mr. Calvert's Frailty; a story. (J. C. Scott) Belgra. 67: 331. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 344. Mr. Carruthers; a story. All the Year, 68: 510. (J. E. Cooke) Cos- (H. Luttrell) Gent. MR. Mr. Chaine's Sons; a novel. (W. E. Norris) Temp. Bar, 92; I-449. 93: I-449. Mr. Clegg's very Mysterious Disappearance; a tale. (A. B. Johnson) Cosmopol. 2: 333. Cutting, the Night Editor. (E. Wardman) Cent. 2O: 337. Dandelow; a story. (A. Jessopp) 19th Cent. 26: 136. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 346. Dangle's Dilemma; a story. (R. Shindler) Belgra. 63: 161. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 658. Esholt's Young Wife. (T. W. Speight) Chamb. J. 65: 648–818. - Mr. Gatherwick’s Prodigal. . Gibble Colt's Ducks. 82: 131. Gordon, Specialist. (E. Edersheim) Argosy, 45; 75. Halliwell’s Pupil. Cornh. 56: 634. Jenifer's Inheritance. (A. Layard) Temp. Bar, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Chamb. J. 66: 632. (R. M. Johnston) Harper, Mr. Mr. Mr. 79: 575. John Rollins's Revenge. (S. H. Palfrey) Lend a H. 4: 555. Joseph Pate and his People; a story. Johnston) Cosmopol. 8: 491. Joseph Wetherbee; a story. (L. C. Lillie) Cos- mopol. I: 2OI-292. Magsdale's Courtship. 65: 760–808. Myndert’s Grandfather. 9: IOS. Nipper's Will; a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Belgra. 68: 92. Perker’s Bear. Pierrepont's Repentance; a story. Belgra. 61: 183. Mr. Mr. (R. M. Mr. Mr. (E. D. Cuming) Chamb. J. IMr. (O. S. Adams) Am. M. Mr. Mr. Mr. (H. Bates) Outing, I3: 328. (Grant Allen) Mr. Potter’s Private Secretary; a story. (F. R. Fowke) Belgra. 67: 409. Mr. Pulvertoft's Equestrian Experiences. (F. Anstey) Macmil. 55; 254. Sanford. Cornh. 57; 337, 486. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 591, 653. Mr. Mr. Sonnenschein's Inheritance. Lippinc. 4I: 656. Mr. Stevenson's Reading Party. (J. Murray) Overland, n. S. I5: 417. Mr. Tangier's Vacations. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. I: 705. 2: 5–7 Io. Mr. Thomas Chivers’ Boarder. (R. M. Johnston) Cath. World, 44; 756. 45: 20. Tidylegs's Sincere Attachment. ing, I2: 244. Todpool's Memorable Night Ride; a story. Bates) Outing, Io: 247. Tommy Dove. (M. Deland) Atlan. 63: 89. Twistleton's Type-Writer. Cornh. 55; 62. Webster's Pedestrian Tour; a story. (C. P. Sher- man) Outing, I6; 29. Mrs. Beresford; a story. 4I : 209, 3I3. - Mrs. Crupper's Diplomacy; a story. (E. Edersheim) Belgra. 62: 307. Mrs. Dawe's Lady-Help ; a story. the Year, 69: II7—237. Mrs. Diffidence. All the Year, 68: 424. Mrs. Douglas's Story. (L. M. Cheney) Overland, m. s. Mr. (H. Bates) Out- Mr. (H. Mr. Mr. Mr. (B. M. Butt) Gent. M. n. s. (B. Dempster) All 9: 275. Mrs. Fairleigh's Dream. Argosy, 45: 440. Mrs. Farquharson's Niece. Chamb. J. 65: 489–535. Mrs. Felindre's Tableaux Vivants. (D. Vane) Tinsley, 4I: 687. Mrs. Fenton. (W. E. Norris) Longm. I4: 419–635. 15: 83, 194. Same art. Liv. Age, I82; 464. 183: I45–782. - Mrs. Gilmore's Diamonds; a story. (E. A. Walcott) Overland, n. s. I4: 503. 291 MUMMIES Mrs. Grosvenor. (F. M. Wright) Overland, n. s. I3: I72. Mrs. Harrington's Diamond Necklace. Chamb. J. 68: 360–376. Mrs. Hawtrey's Adventure. 55; 64. Mrs. Hetty's Husband; a story. (H. P. Spofford) Cos- mopol. I: I35. Mrs. Hibbert ; a story. S. 47: 537. Mrs. Higgins's Strange Lodger; a story. (H. MacColl) Murray, Io: 937. Mrs. Lamsbed’s Will. Mrs. Manstey’s View. II 7. Mrs. Pendleton's Four-in-Hand; a story. (G. F. Ather- ton) Cosmopol. Io: 189. Mrs. Silas B. Bunthorp ; a story. All the Year, 59: 366, 389. Mrs. Tom’s Spree. Mrs. Toovey's Red Book. 8I: 194. Mrs. Van Brunt's Convert. (D. Wane) (I. D. Hardy) Lond. Soc. (M. F. W. Cross) Gent. M. n. Chamb. J. 66: 488-552. (Edith Wharton) Scrib. M. Io: (H. C. Bunner) Scrib. M. 6: 677. (Lady Lindsay) Temp. Bar, (R. Driggs) Lippinc. 48: 359. Mrs. Westerveldt's Diamonds; a story. (H. S. Brodie) Belgra. 75: 184. Much Ado about Something. Lond. Soc. 53: 434. Mud. All the Year, 66: 229. — Cornh. 64: 617. — and Continents. (Grant Allen) Knowl. I2; 25. Mudie, Charles Edward. Ath. '90, 2: 588. Münchausen, Baron, Adventures of. Spec. 62: 429. — The Original. (S. B. Gould) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 342. Mugby School, Beginnings in Science at. (J. E. Tay- lor) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 56. Muggin's Bear. Outing, I2; 313. Mugwumps, The, and the Parties. Eng. 53: 23. Mugwump Idea, The. (C. Deming) N. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 44: 381. Mugwump Justification, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47; 4. Mugwumpism, Growth of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 44: 264. * Muhlenberg, Frederick A. C. (O. Seidensticker) Pennsyl. M. I3: 184. Muhlenberg, “Father” Henry Melchior. (H. M. Jen- kins) Amer. I4: 28o. — (E. J. Wolf) Luth. Q. 18: 254. Muhlenberg, Dr. Wm. A., Newton's Life of. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) II: 87. Mule, Army. (A. Rexford) Am. M. 7: 454. Mulford, Elisha, Works of. (T. T. Munger) Cent. I3: 888. Mulholland, Mary. Irish Mo. I'7: 242. Mull, By the Sound of. Chamb. J. 64; 305. Mull, Island of, Geology of. Cornh. 6I: 267. Mullins, E. Roscoe, Sculptor. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 2O: I4I. - Mulready, William. I IQ. – Stephens' Memorials. Sat. R. 7I: I69. . Multazim, Experiences of a. (H. Smith) Blackw. I47: 222. Multiple Consciousness. Spec. 60: 995. Multiplication and Division of Concrete Quantities. (A. Lodge) Nature, 38: 281. * Mumford, Morrison, with portrait. (E. L. Eames) M. West. Hist. 9: 702. Mummies, Arizona and New Mexico. (W. Anderson) Science, Io; I46. — of Deir-el-bahari. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 35: 383. Mummies; a story. Belgra. 74: 4oo. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 18: 85, MUMMY'S Mummy's Bequest; a story. (F. Eliot) Belgra. 69: 474. Mum, Thomas. (H. Clarke) Ath. '90, 2: 738. — (A. L. Hardy) Ath. '90, 2: 853. Muneepore Outbreak. See Manipur. Munger, Roger S., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: I66. Munich, Artists and Art Life in. mopol. 9; 3. — German National Industrial Exhibition, (Countess von Krockow) Am. Arch. 24: Amer. I6: 281. — Glyptothek. Am. Arch. 28: 67. — Industrial School. Am. Arch. 28: 13. — Royal Polytechnicum. (T. F. Laist) Am. Arch. 27: 181. Municipal Corporations, Constitutional Restrictions upon Legislation about. (J. R. Berryman) Am. Law R. 22: 403. Municipal Debt and Local Taxation. Ed. R. 167: 350. Municipal Finance, Statistics of. (H. B. Gardner) Am. Statis. Assoc. I; 254. Mumicipal Government. (J. Parton) Chaut. 8: 203. — (W. M. Ivins) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 291. — (G. Bradford) Scrib. M. 2: 485. — in Great Britain. (A. Shaw) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 197. — Studies in. (E. D. Mead) Lend a H. 4: 352. Municipal Misgovernment, Remedies for. Fiske) Forum, 3: 170. Municipal Reform, American. Day, 7: 418. Municipal Threat in National Politics. N. Eng. M. m. s. 4: 570. Municipal Warrants. (C. B. Elliott) Am. Law R. 21: 578. Municipalities, English, on their Trial. National, 9: 418. See also Cities. Munster, Ireland, Plantation of, I584–1589. (R. Dunlop) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 250. Munthe, Axel. Letters from Naples, 1884. Blackw. I42: II.7. Muqaddam of Spins; a story. Blackw. I49: 371. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 418. Murat, Prince, in Spain. (J. L. M. Curry) M. Am. Hist. 20: 48. Murat, Princess Caroline (Fraser). mopol. Io: 433. Muratorian Fragment. (J. B. Lightfoot) Acad. 36: 187. — Acad. 36: 205. Murchison, Sir R. I. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. (E. P. Evans) Cos- 1888. 209. — (A. K. (C. C. Bonney) Our (J. C. Adams) (S. Leighton) (J. L. Gilder) Cos- 25: 97. Murder as a Fine-Art in Scotland. Spec. 61: 994. — Epidemic of. Spec. 62: 44. Murder in the Brüder Strasse. (S. B. Gould) Belgra. 6I: 41. - Murder or Suicide? a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Belgra. 62: 48. - Murderer for an Hour. (J. Chambers) Lippine. 48: 318. Murel, John A., the Land Pirate. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. 9: 664. Murfree; Mary N. Despot of Broomsedge Cove. (H. Aídé) 19th Cent. 26: 994. — In the Clouds. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) 7: 269. — Mountains and Mountaineers of her Fiction. (M. T. Adkins) M. Am. Hist, 24: 305. Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban. (J. M. Hoppin) N. Eng. 5I : 33. Murols. (R. G. Kingsley) Good Words, 3I: 472. “Murra,” Medieval Meaning of. (W. H. S. Hope) Rel- iquary, 27: I46. Murray, Rev. Andrew. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 202. 292 MUSIC Murray, Mrs. Gaston. Acad. 39: 97. Murray, John. Memoirs. Atlan. 68: 268. — (W. E. Gladstone) Murray, 9: 577. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 699. – Church Q. 33: 185. — (J. Macaulay) Leis. Hour, 40: 521. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 344. – Scot. R. I8: 24. – Ed. R. 174: 121. – Quar. I73: I. - Sat. R. 71; 4:6. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 53: 50. - Blackw. I49: 717. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 643. – (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 92: 343. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 665. – (R. L. Gallienne) Acad. 39: 385. – Lond. Q. 76: 326. Murray, Lindley. All the Year, 60: 490. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 122. Murray, Patrick. Irish Mo, 19: 582. Murray's Handbook for Travellers, Origin and History of. (J. Murray) Murray, 6: 623. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 753. Same art. Ecl. M. I.14: 34. Murska, Ilma di. (W. H. Hardinge) Tinsley, 43: 209. Muscallonge. See Muskalonge. Muscle and Mind. (F. E. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 377. - Muscles, Bones and. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 393. Muscular Contraction, Effect of Fatigue on. (W. P. Lombard) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 24. Muscular Sense. (W. L. Mackenzie) Mind, 12: 429. – and Time-Sense, Münsterberg on. (G. C. Robertson) Mind, I5: 524. Museum, Cost of a Small. Am. Arch. 27: 24. — Na- tion, 49: 405. Museums, American. (A. R. Wallace) Fortn. 48: 347, 665. – and Exhibitions, Educational and Economic Value of. (L. Levi) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 954. – and their Purposes. (N. H. Winchell) Science, 18: 43. - — Dulness of. (J. G. Wood) 19th Cent. 21: 384. – Flower on. Ath. '89, 2: 345. — Sat. R. 68: 302. — Industrial. (T. Webster) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 136. – of Household Products. (R. Virchow) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 617. ! — of Industrial Art in Italy. (A. Melani) Art J. 43: 262. — of Northern Europe. (L. R. Farnell) J. Hel. Stud. 9 : 3 I. - — their Rise, Use, etc. (W. H. Flower) Nature, 4o: 463. — Trade and Industrial. (W. H. Ablett) J. Soc. Arts, 34; I44. — Use of, in Connection with Public Schools. Flower) Nature, 4 I : 177. Museum Building and Arrangement. (B. Ferree) Engin. M. 2: 221. d Mushroom, The. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. I4: 203. Mushrooms, Edible, of the U. S. Science, I4: 453. (W. H. Music. (H. A. Clarke) Amer. I6: 166. — (G. A. Stock- well) Educa. Io: 365. — (J. W. Cheney) Overland, m. s. I7: 28. — among Animals. (J. G. Woods) Chaut. 9 : 201, 266. — and Christian Education. (E.S. Steele) Bib. Sac. 45: 695. 46: I42. — and Dancing in Nature. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. I5: 597. — and Form. Spec. 66: 689. — and Literature. Temp. Bar, 88: 67. - — and Manners, Kingston's. Ath. '87, 2: 253. – Sat. R. 63: 344. — and Words. — as an Art, Recognition of. Arts, 7; 444. — as a Factor in Spiritual Development. (R. P. Rider) Bapt. R. I3: 592. — Byzantine Ecclesiastical. Scot. R. I4: 239. (Arlo Bates) Scrib. M. I : 637. (H. F. Chorley) J. Soc. MUSIC (G. J. Stoeckel) N. Eng. 53: 561. (C. Becker) Cath. Music, Chamber. — Church and Cecilian, Compared. World, 48: 682. — — and Choirs. (S. H. Little) Dub. R. Io2: 91. — — Luther and. (J. C. Hadden) Theo. Mo. 2: 199. — — Origin and Different Forms of. (F. Janssens) Cath. World, 48: 95. — Circulating Library of. I2 : I 59. — Criticism of. Sat. R. 72: 187. — Coptic Ecclesiastical. (A. G. Hatherly) Scot. R. I5: (W. A. Bardwell) Lib. J. 3I5. — Crotchets; Musical Anecdotes. Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 51. — Dictionary of, Grove's. Ath. '89, 2: Ioff. — Ecclesiastical, in Scotland. (J. C. Hadden) Scot. R. I5: I. — English, during Victoria's Reign. (F. Hueffer) Fortn. 47: 899. — — and German. (J. F. Rowbotham) National, I7: 238, 523. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: I.24. — — Foundation Stones of. (A. M. Wakefield) Murray, 4; 35–489. — — of 15th Century, ed. by Maitland. Sat. R. 72: 596. — — Wanted; an English Musical Style. (F. J. Crow- est) National, 9: 208. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 808. — Evolution of. (J. W. Powell) Science, I5: 244. — Family. Knowl. II: 271. — A Few Musical Notes. (F. Austin) Temp. Bar, 87: 49. — Foreign, Boycotting of, no Remedy. National, 9: 317. — Function of, in Social Regeneration. (A. Laidlaw) Theatre, 24; 240. 4 — History of, Matthew’s Popular. (Ch.) 9: I26. — — Naumann's. Ath. '87, 2: 124. — Sat. R. 63: — (G. P. Upton) Dial (Ch.) 8: 83. (C. L. Graves) (G. P. Upton) Dial 698. — — Rowbotham’s. Ath. '87, 2: 901. — in 1886. (J. A. F. Maitland) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: I96. ,é — in 1887. (J. A. F. Maitland) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 189. — in 1888. (J. A. F. Maitland) Br. Alma. Comp. '89: 334. — in 1889. (P. Betts) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 330. — in 1890. (P. Betts) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: 329. — in Early Scotland. (J. C. Hadden) Scot. R. I2: Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 452. — in England, 1837–87, Hueffer's. Spec. 63: I47. — in Ireland. (J. M. Kiely) Cath. World, 47: 74. — in Nature. (W. Pole) Nature, 36: 343.- (W. I. Good- win) 37: I51. — in New York. (H. E. Krehbiel) Critic, I2: 87. — Sat. R. 67: 278. — in Roman Catholic Churches. Cath. World, 47: 95, 215. — (C. Becker) Cath. World, 49: 348. — Influence of. (C. Willeby) Belgra. 72: 369. — Instruction in, University. (G. J. Stoeckel) N. Eng. 52: 469. — Instrumental, in Worship. Chris. Q. 6: 113. — Love, and Marriage. (F. J. Crowest) Gent. M. n.s. 42: 583. - — Musical Medley. All the Year, 40: 398. — A National School of. (A. Charlto An. M. 9: IOO. - — Nationality in, with Special Reference to Hungarian 22I. Music. (F. Korbay) Harpei, 82: 564. * — of the British Army (F. J. Crowest) National, 13: 325. — of Nature, The. (J. F. Rowbotham) Good Words, 32: 842. 293 MUSSET Music, Origin of. (H. Spencer) Mind, 15: 449. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 1. — (R. Wallaschek and J. M. Cattell) Mind, 16: 375. — (H. Spencer) Mind, I6: 535. — Philosophy of ; From Bacon to Beethoven. Lippinc. 4I: 643. — Place of, in Culture. (J. F. Rowbotham) National, I2; 38. Same art. Liv. Age, I'79: IIo. – Popular, Progress of. (J. S. Curwen) Contemp. 52: 236. — Relation of Words to. Atlan. 68: 574. — Ritual of the Russo-Greek Church. (D. E. Hervey) Cosmopol. 7: 567. — Romantic and Classical Schools of. (F. Praeger) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 159. — Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics of. (H. Gale) N. Eng. 48: 362. — Scottish National. 249. — State Aid to. (J. C. Hadden) Scot. R. I3: (A. S. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 376. – Teaching of. (Baroness von Gettrau) Knowl. 9: 54. Music Hall, The. Cornh. 6o: 68. Music Halls and their Effects. Meliora, Io: 246. — Continental. (E. Ballantyne) Theatre, 26: I.21. — London. (F. A. Guthrie) Harper, 82: 190. — Morality of. Spec. 63: 461. Music Hall Land. (P. Fitzgerald) National, I5: 379. Music-Study. (L. C. Lillie) Cosmopol. 3: 129. Musical Anecdote, Half-a-Century of. Spec. 60: 199. Musical Boxes. Science, I2: 286. Musical Composers, Boston. (F. H. Jenks) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 475. . Musical Devotees, Moral Dangers of. (V. D. Scudder) And. R. 7: 46. Musical Entertainments. Musical Experience, A. Theatre, I8: 34. (W. Atkinson) Tinsley, 42: JJ Musical Festival at Gloucester, 1889. Spec. 63: 3oo. — at Norwich, 1890. (J. S. Shedlock) Acad. 38; 349, 37I. - Musical Instruments, Brown on. Ath. '89, 2: 902. — Ath.”go, I:23.− (C. F. G. Cumming) Blackw. I49: 527. — (G. P. Upton) Dial (Ch.) 9: 265. — Construction and Capabilities of. (A. J. Hipkins) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 739–763. Musical Myths. (J. H. Rowbotham) Chamb. J. 68: 449. Musical Pitch, History of. (A. J. Ellis) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 293, 4oo. 29: Io9. Musical Scales of Various Nations. (A. J. Ellis) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 485, IIo2. Musical Sense in Animals and Men. (A. Weismann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 352. Musical Sound, Effect of, on Animals. (R. E. C. Stearns) Am. Natural. 24; I23, 236. Musical Sounds, Physical Basis of, Koenig on. (S. P. Thompson) Nature, 43: 199—249. Musical Taste. (T. F. T. Dyer) Leis...Hour, 38: IoS. Musical Triumph. (M. Hunt) Longm. I4: 288. Musicians. Crotchet and Quaver Wit. (F. J. Crowest) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 185. Musings without Method. Blackw. I42: 355. Muskalonge and Wall-Eyed Pike. (K. D. Peterson) Outing, I7: 17. — at Thousand Islands. (E. W. Sandys) Outing, I4: 27o. Muskegon, Mich., Hackley Library. Lib. J. I4: 125. Musketry Instruction in India. Sat. R. 71: 228. Mussels and their Culture. Chamb. J. 68: 283. Musset, Alfred de. (A. Houssaye) Fortn. 51: 515, 627. — (T. Delta) Ath. '89, I: 312. --~" – At the Grave of ; a poem. Atlan. 62: 834. — Oliphant's. Spec. 65: 799. *-* MUTINY Mutiny on the “Dreadnaught.” (S. Samuels) Outing, Io: I 73. Mutiny on the “Somers; ” a story. (H. D. Smith) Am. M. 8: Io9. My Adventure with a Burglar. Murray, 5: 797. My Adventure with a Ghost. (J. O. Thomas) Tinsley, 4I : 445, 542. My Adventure with Edgar Allan Poe. (J. Hawthorne) Lippinc. 48: 240. My Advertisement; a story. (P. Cushing) Murray, 2: 491. My Album. Cornh. 6o: 177. My Aunt Cecilia. (A. H. Norway) Chamb. J. 68: 216– 264. My Aunt's Cockatoo. Chamb. J. 67: 221. My Best Shipmate; a story. (G. Cupples) Leis. Hour, 37: 475–768. My Book and I. (W. Whitman) Lippinc. 39: 121. My Breach of Trust; a story. (E. Heron-Allen) Cos- mopol. 6: 549. - My Brother's Execution; a story. Meliora, 7: 369. My Channel Passage; a story. (C. N. Carvalho) Ar- gosy, 47; 255. My Cousin the Colonel. (T. B. Aldrich) Harper, 84: 43. My Cousin's Wedding-Dress. (F. E. Wait) Overland, m. s. I 8: 535. My Dead Wife; a story. 317. My Disreputable Friend, Mr. Raegen. Scrib. M. 8: 685. My Dog Toss. Outing, 18: 27. My Dresden Shepherdess; a story. Belgra. 66: 323. (A. G. Hopkins) Belgra. 69: (R. H. Davis) (J. G. Bettany) My Eldest Sister; a story. (Lady Danbogue) Argosy, 44; 56. My Enemy. (E. Stuart) Lippinc. 46: 360. My Fair Enigma; or, The Major's Love Story. (Mrs. P. B. Pattisson) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 38. My Fatherland; a poem. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 62: 463. My Fellow-Traveller; a story. (C. Scott) Belgra. 62: 94. My First Appearance. (J. Edmondson) Lippinc. 4o: 88o. My First Brief; a story. (J. K. Leys) Belgra. 69: 439. My First Deer. (H. N. Curtis) Outing, 9: 372. My First Hippopotamus. (B. Scott) Tinsley, 40: 371. My First Tail-Coat. Chamb. J. 65: 364. My Friend the Boss. (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. I; 24– 533. My Friend the Burglar; a story. (G. H. Underwood) Cosmopol. 2: II.4. My Friend the Thief; a story. All the Year, 69: 444, 468. My Friend's Wife; a story. (C. H. Chambers) Argosy. 46; 371. My Grandfather. Chamb. J. 64: II. My Great-Uncle's Double; a story. (H. Cresswell) Temp. Bar, 88: 535. My Husband's Partner; a story. Meliora, 8: 337. My Inheritance; a story. Chamb. J. 65: 540. My Journey to Texas. (A. Paterson) Eng. Illust. 7: 93. My Ladie's Song. (J. Truman) Macmil. 64: Io9. My Lady's-Maid. Lippine. 39: 650. My Landlady's Story. (H. D. Daly) Tinsley, 42: 35. My Lord Bangs; a story. Granite Mo. I3: 20–129. My Matinée; a story. (T. W. Speight) Belgra. 67: 3O3. My Neighbor and I; a poem. (W. C. Richards) Cos- mopol. 4: 382. My Niece's Jewels. (E. Edersheim) Argosy, 45: I95. My Novels. Blackw. I49: 630. - 294 MYSTERY My Old Drawing-Master. Macmil. 63: 375. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 205. My Old Village. (R. Jefferies) Longm. Io: 588. —Liv. Age, I75: 405. My Only Day after the Deer. (W. Jolly) Good Words, 28: 596. My Opal Ring ; a story. (F. G. Walters) Belgra. 66. 458. My Poor Little Story. All the Year, 59: 12, 36. My Poor Widow. (A. Price) Lond. Soe. 53: 30. My Portrait. (H. Cockran) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 529. My Pythagorean Friend. (G. Dunn) Blackw. 150: 384. My Second Marriage; a story. (J. T. Bent) Temp. Bar, 90: 569. My Secret; a story. My Shipmate Louise. I-674. My Son Tommy. Macmil. 59: 371. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: I55. My Treasure; a story. Blackw. I44; 364. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 641. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 14. My Trip to the Mine. Overland, n. s. 18: 405. My Tutorship. Cornh. 62: 642. My Uncle Dick. (J. E. Curran) Scrib. M. Io: Ioo. My Uncle's Clock. Macmil. 57: 195. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 432. My Uncle's Story. (Lady West) Eng. Illust, 8: 733. My Valentine; a story. All the Year, 64: 126. My Wedding-Day. Chamb. J. 67: 248-265. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 551. My Wedding-Day. (A. K. Hare) Theatre, 21 : I.21. My Wicked Ancestress; a story. Argosy, 44: 514. My Wild Girlhood. (A. E. Orpen) Leis. Hour, 37: 324- (E. M. Henry) Belgra. 65: 185. (W. C. Russell) Chamb. J. 67: wº and Mantineia, Excavations at. Ath. '88, 2: - fºil at, Stephani on. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. - fººd Ephesus. (W. Simpson) J. Soc. Arts, 26: wº F. W. H. A. L. Dawes) And, R. 9: 270. — Religious Views of. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: 473. Myles, John, and his Time. (J. Jones) Bapt. R. Io; 30. Myling Head, Faroe Islands, Precipice of. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 81: 553. Myrina, Terracottas from. Archaeol. 4: 413. Mysterious Case, A.; a story. 47: 352. Mysterious House; a story. 69: 98. Mysterious Summons. (H. D. Wolff) Murray, 3: 324. Mystery at Lyndon Chase; a story. Argosy, 52: 537. Mystery Indeed ; a story. (J. G. Bettany) Belgra. 63: (S. Reinach) Am. J. (A. K. Green) Lippinc. (A. Blackwood) Belgra. 470. Mystery of Catalina. (N. Eames) Overland, n. s. I6: I 36 º |Mystery of a Christmas Hunt. (T. Torrance) Outing, I7: 243. Mystery of Cro-a-tán. (M. J. Preston) Lippine. 39: 645. Mystery ºf Herbert Mylne; a story. (D.L. Johnstone) Belgra. 67 : 68. Mystery ºf Kim Hall Head. (E. J. Rice) Outing, 9: 323. Myste: ; Ji anciple's Inn. W. Parke) Theatre, 22: 95. - M.ystery of M. F., ix. The. (B. L. Farjeon) Lond. Soc. 57: 1-606. 58: 38–580. Mystery of the “Ocean Star.” W. C. Russell) Longm. IO: 379. * - Mystery of Old Gray's Inn, A. (A. Hope) Macmil. 63: 4OI. ** MYSTERY Mystery of the Sea, A. (E. K. Buttolph) Cent. 19: 718. Mystery of a Studio, The ; a story. (R. H. Fletcher) Cosmopol. Io: 727. Mystery on Mystery; a story. (E. Salmon) Belgra. 63: 332. Mystery, Tales of; ed. by Saintsbury. Sat. R. 72: 646. Mystery Plays. (I. S. A. Herford) N. Eng. 51: 284. — and Miracle Plays. (D. Robertson) Theatre, I8: 258. – Italian, of the Confraternities of Penitence. (I. S. A. Herford) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 646. Mystic Compact, The. Chamb. J. 65: 264. Mysticism in Modern Life, Place of. (P. R. Frothing- ham) Harv. Mo. I3: 45. — in Theology. (H. H. Jeaffreson) Church Q. 28:297. — Philosophy of, Du Prel's. Ath. '89, I: 338. – Spec. 63: 335. Myth and Legend, AEschylean Treatment of. (L. Campbell) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 153. – and Totemism. (G. Massey) National, I2; 238. — in American Coinage. (I.B. Choate) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 537. — of the Man in the Moon. Knowl. Io: 273. – Ritual and Religion. (A. Lang) Lond. Q. 69: 368. —— Lang on. Ath. '87, 2: 429. – Nation, 46; 36. — Spec. 62: I.24. Myths and Mythology, Berks on. Antiq. 9: 4o. — of the Great Departed. (C. S. Boswell) Gent. M. n. s. 43: 434. Same art. Ecl. M. II4; 37. — of Night and Winter. Knowl. Io: I 12, 125. — of the North American Indians. Knowl. 9: 22–351. Io: .32, 52. — Oriental, and Christian Parallels. (F. Layard) Scot. R. 16: 92. – Origin and Interpretation of. (W. A. Gill) Macmil. 56: 121. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 256. —Water. Knowl. II: I off. — Wind. Knowl. Io: 232. Mythology, Advantages and Methods of Studying. (F. S. Dietrich) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 81. — and American Myths. (J. Curtin) Science, II: 244. — and the Old Testament. (A. Lang) New R. I : 278. – Anthropological. (S. B. Platner) N. Eng. 48; 44. — Celtic, Rhys on. Sat. R. 65: 598. — Comparative. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 433, (J. O. Dorsey) Am. 577. - — — Illustrated by the Tale of Frau Kröte. (F. Max Müller) 19th Cent. 26: 668. — Greek. (J. Baldwin) Chaut. 9: 8–196. — (J. R. Mozley) Temp. Bar, 89: 244. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 76. — — Dyer’s Studies of the Gods. (J. H. McDaniels) Nation, 53: 412. — (P. Shorey) Dial (Ch.) I2: 171. – Teutonic, Rydberg’s. Ath. '89, 2: 67: 713. Myxinoid Fishes, Teeth of. (J. Beard) Nature, 37: 499. Naboth's Vineyard. (F. M. White) Chamb. J. 66:344– 392. Nacogdoches, Old Stone Fort of. (L. C. Harby) Am. M. 7: 721. Naden, Constance Caroline Woodhill. Contemp. 59; 508. Nägeli, Carl W. Von. (D. H. Scott) Nature, 44: 580. Naemd ; or the Remnant of the Jury in Sweden. (G. E. Fahlcrantz) Am. Law R. 22: 837. Naenia. Amoris; a poem. (T. W. Parsons) Atlan. 67: 5I3. Naharina, Land of. See Tunip. Nails. Am. Arch. 24: 72. — Resistance of, in Wood. Am. Arch. 23: 57. – Spikes, and Screws, Adhesion of, in Wood. Howard) Am. Arch. 22: 155. N * * (R. W. Dale) (J. E. 295 12.I. —Sat. R. NAPLES Nailmaking and Chainmaking. (H. Rylett) Eng. Illust. 7: 163. Najá-kallu, or Cobra Stone. 8o: 536. Names, American Geographical. (A. C. Coxe) Forum, 4: 67. — Change of, in the U. S. (W. A. Curtis) M. West. Hist. II: 388. — Evolution of. (T. M. Maxwell) M. Am. Hist. 26: 53. – Field, Study of. (S. O. Addy) Macmil. 59: 474. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 622. — Gossip on. All the Year, 64: 124. – History in. (G. H. Hubbard) N. Eng. 49: 122. – in Novels. Blackw. I5o: 230. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 813. Same art. Ecl. M. II?: 456. — Industrial Family. (D. R. McNally) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 808. — of Our Forefathers. 47: 623. — of Slaves in the South, Old. Atlan. 66: 428. — Origin and Signification of. (N. H. Egleston) Chaut. 8: 549. — Personal, in Cleveland, Eng., in 1302. (J. C. Atkin- son) Reliquary, 30; 20I. 31: 84. — Proper, Confusion of. Chamb. J. 66: 278. — — Origin and Meaning of. (E. D. Sanborn) Granite Mo. Io: 301, 366. — — with the Article. Philol. II: 483. — Queer. (H. Barber) Antiq. m. s. 24: IIo. — What’s in a Name? Chamb. J. 68: 617. Nameless; a story. (J. Lawson) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 32I. Namur, Assault on, 1695, Macaulay's Account of. (A. Parnell) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 754. Nanda Kumar, Maharajah, Trial of. Eng. Hist. R. 3: 178. Nankivell, John Hicks. Acad. 34: 404. Nannie's Career. (V. Roseboro') Cent. Ig: 457. Nansen, Dr. F., Will he Reach the North Pole? (A. W. Greely) Forum, II: 710. Nantasket Beach, Mass. (E. P. Guild) Bay State Mo. 3: I 79. Nanticoke Words, Supposed. Antiq. 9: 350. - Nantucket and Whale Fishery. West. Hist. 9: 178, 537. — Sharking off. (A. Bates) Cosmopol. 4; 323. — Ten Days in. (E. P. Gould) Bay State Mo. 3: 190. Naomi; a story. (S. Clarke) Murray, 6: 251. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 723. Napier, Alexander. Acad. 32: 150. — Ath. '87, 2: (H. Hensoldt) Harper, (W. Wheater) Gent. M. m. s. (B. L. Gildersleeve) Am. J. (D. G. Brinton) Am. (S. A. Willson) M. 34I. Napier, Sir C., Butler's Life of. (J. Bryce) Nation, 52: 162. Napier, Sir Robert C., of Magdala. (W. W. Knollys) Fortn. 53: 397. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: I53. — Sat. R. 69: 67, IoS. — Spec. 64: 80, II4. — With portrait. (J. Graham) Leis. Hour, 39: 391. — Funeral of. (Mrs. J. S. Lloyd) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): 573. Naples. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 47: 229, 309. — and Pompeii. (T. L. Flood) Chaut. 8; 355. — in 1803–6, Hugh Elliot at. (Oscar Browning) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 209. — in 1888. Sat. R. 67: 256. — in Panorama. All the Year, 64; 345–366. — Palaces of. (E. Marget) Portfo. 22: 187, 209. — Poor in, Housing. (J. W. Mario) Nation, 52: 134. — Rambles about. (G. B. Seely) Am. M. 8; 549. — Rebuilding of. Am. Arch. 31 : 43. — Unromantic. (H. Ingleby) Murray, I; 638. — Women of. (C. Eglestone) Murray, Io; 9oo. NAPLES Naples, Zoëlogical Station at. (P. L. Sclater) Nature, 43: 392, 465. — — Question of a Table at. ence, I8: 160. Napoleon I. (A. Rankine) Leis. Hour, 4o: III. — (H. Taine) N. Princ. 3: 145, 289'-(W. O'C. Morris) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 160–560. - — and his Detractors, Prince Napoleon's. Spec, 61: 236. — and his Times, Some Illustrations of. Scrib. M. I : 643. 2: 33. — and Peace with America, 1800. Am. Hist. 26: 298. — at Elba. Cornh. 59: 419. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 234. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 89. — at St. Helena, Bourrienne's. All the Year, 65: 293. — (J. Kirkland) Dial (Ch.) Io: I.25. – Temp. Bar, (C. O. Whitman) Sci- (J. C. Ropes) 88: 55o: — — O'Meara's. Ath. '89, I: 306. — Described by his Valet. Temp. Bar, à. 375. — Divorce of, Welschinger's. Hist. R. 5: 805. — Glimpses of, in 1804. (C. Deming) Scrib. M. 7: 62o. – An Imperial Barbarian. (H. Howard) Cosmopol. 3: 245. — Journey to Paris after Russian Campaign. (F. Law- ley) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 597. — Old Guard of. Leis. Hour, 37: 165. — Russian Campaign of, Tolstoi on. (W. H. Ray) Dial (Ch.) 9: I.2. — Seeley’s. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. I6: 72. — (A. V. Dicey) Nation, 44; 37. — Signatures of. (A. T. Rice) No. Am. I46: 96. — Taime on. Amer. I3: 378. – (H. P. McElrone) Cath. World, 45; 384. – Quar. I73: 438. — Views of Religion. (H. A. Taine) No. Am. I52: 567. Napoléon III. and the Stage. 18: Io. Napoleon, Prince. Narcotics and Stimulants. Narka; a Story of Russian Life. per, 74: 207. 75: 875. Narragansetts, Storming of the Stronghold of the, in 1675. (E. O'Callaghan) Um. Serv. M. '87, 2: 524. — (W. A. Greene) Narrag. Reg. 5: 331. Narragansett Bay. (C. Ferguson) M. Am. Hist. 24: III. Narragansett Country, An Historical Enquiry. (J. N. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 6: I. Narragansett Pacers. (A. M. Earle) New Eng. M. n. S. 2: 39. - Narrow Escape. Narrow Escape, A, all around. n. S. I'7: 73. Naseby, Battle of. (W. G. Ross) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 668. ‘Nashville, Tenn. (A. S. Colyar) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: I30. — Appointment of Receiver for, in 1869. iam) Am. Law R. 25: 393. — Educational Institutions of. (D. G. Ray) New Eng. M. m. s. I : 144. Nasir of Balkh. (C. J. Pickering) National, I7: 544. Nasmyth, James. Leis. Hour, 39: 636. – Nature, 41: 64. Nason, Elias. (W. B. Trask) N. E. Reg. 43: I. Nason, Henry Bradford, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 694. Nat; a story. (D. Desmond) Belgra. 66: 193, 335. Same art. Liv. Age, I'78: 529, 788. Natal. (Dr. Mann) J. Soe. Arts, 16: 210. I'7: 32. - Agriculture and Stock-Farming in. (P. M. Suther- land) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 497. • (E. B. Hamilton) Eng. (C. Hervey) Theatre, (F. T. Lawrence) Westm. I33: 33. Meliora, 8: I32. (K. O'Meara) Har- (G. H. Underwood) Am. M. 7: 613. (J. C. Hall) Overland, (L. S. Mer- 296 (E. Spencer) M. NATIONALISM Natal and South-East Africa. (J. Robinson).J. Soc. Arts, II: 424. — Annals of, 1495–1845. Sat. R. 68: 593. – Home-Life in. Chamb. J. 68: 11. — Influence of Railroads in. (A. Browning) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 475. – Kafirs of. (J. Bergtheil) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 470. Natalie, Queen, Expulsion of. Spec. 66: 712. Natchez, Horseback near. (M. Bisland) Outing, 15: 47I. Natchez Indians. (H. A. Giddings) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 2OI. Nations, Relative Strength and Weakness of. kinson) Cent. II: 422, 613. National Academy of Sciences. I2: 601. National Airs. (J. C. Hadden) Eng. Illust. 8: 238. (E. At- (M. Benjamin) Chaut. | National Art Competition, England, 1891. (A. Val- lance) Art J. 43: 335. - National Debt, U. S., Ownership of. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 45: 791. See Debt. National Defence, True Policy of. temp. 54: . 2 I4. National Educational Association. (J. L. Pickard) º Io: 244. – (A. P. Marble) New Eng. M. n. S. I : I&7. – Department of Superintendence, History of. H. Gardner) Education, 7: 487. National Gains, Some. All the Year, 64: 561. National Gallery, The English. Church Q. 26: 48. – How to Visit. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 297. – London, in 1888. Dub. R. Io9: 334. – New Pictures in the. (G. Moore) Fortm. 54: 586. – Picture-Hanging at. (C. L. Eastlake) 19th Cent. 22: 817. — Prices at. (E. T. Cook) Contemp. 55: 713. National Guard. See Militia. National Losses, Some. All the Year, 64: 325. National Muscle. (C. Beresford) New R. 1: 62. National Progress, Signs of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 47: 65. - National Provincial Bank of England. Bank. M. (Lond.) 51 : 53. National Road, The Old. (R. C. Faris) Amer. 20: I49. – (R. C. Faris) Chaut. I3: 758. National Songs of the U. S. (M. L. D. Ferris) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 483. - National Thrift, Sources of. (W. D. Kelley) Forum, 5: 640. National University, Washington, D. C. (C.W. Buoy) Meth. R. 50: 716. Nationalism. (F. M. Bird) Lippine. 45: 613. — (L. Grönlund) Arena, I: 153. - and Cosmopolitanism in Economics. ham) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 644. — at Des Moines. Am. Arch. 29: Ioa. — Behind the Mask. (E. P. Foster) Arena, 2: 588. — Edward Bellamy’s Vision. (W. T. Harris) Forum, 8: 199. - gº – Bellamy’s. (J. Cook) Our Day, 5: 332. — Christian. (A. Chamberlain) And. R. I5: 659. — Ethics of. (G. Meyrick) Overland, n. s. I5: 566. – First Steps toward. (E. Bellamy) Forum, Io: 174. – in California. (F. I. Vassault) Overland, n. s. 15: 659. - – in the United States. (M. A. Green) N. Eng. 52: 97. — (N. P. Gilman) Q. J. Econ. 4: 50. — — Renaissance of. (A. W. Tourgee) No. Am. I44: 1. — The Mask of Tyranny. (W. L. Garrison) Arena, I : 553. - Prophets of Unrest. (G. Smith) Forum, 9: 599. — Tyranny of. (M. J. Savage) Arena, 4: 311. (F. Maurice) Con- (W. (W. Cunning- NATIONALISM Nationalism versus Individualism. Arena, 3: 6oo. — What it means. (E. Bellamy) Contemp. 58: I. Same art. Ecl. M. II.5: 289. Nationalist Party, New, and Mr. Bellamy. Walker) Atlan. 65: 248. Nationalities, Consolidation of. Amer. IG: 87. - Nationality. (J. Westlake) Contemp. 53: 229. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 753. — and Home Rule. (W. Wallace) Scot. R. I2: I 71. — Sentiment of. (T. R. Edwards) Westm. I35: 501. Nationalization, a Case of. (S. B. Gorman) Cath. World, 46: 153. — of Industry in Europe. (F. H. Giddings) Chaut. Io: 668. Native of Winby. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 67: 609. Naturae Veritas, Minchin's. Spec. 60: 870. Natural Bridge of Virginia. (K. L. Parsons) New Eng. M. n. S. 4: 591. Natural Gas, Rock Pressure of, Origin of. Am. J. Sci. I39; 225. Natural-Gas Supply of Pittsburgh. Am. Arch. 2I: 3O3. Natural History in Elementary Schools. (H. Hensoldt) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 17. (F. A. (W. N. Lockington) (E. Orton) — in Secondary Schools. (T. B. Stowell) Acad. (Syr.) 2: Io&. — Invisible Paths. (B. Field) Gent. M. n. s. 46: 581. — Study of; Needless Difficulties in. Nature, 41 : 375. — Unnaturai.History. (J. Gerard) Month, 7I: 153. Natural Inheritance, Galton's. Spec. 63: 83. Natural Kinds, Doctrine of. (M. H. Towry) Mind, I2: 434. Natural Law in the Spiritual World, Drummond's. (H. M. Goodwin) N.Eng. 55; 45. See Law. Natural Philosophy, Experiñents in. (W. Thomson) Nature, 37; 612. — Results and Aims of. 236. Natural Religion, Max Müller on. Lond. Q. 73: 73. Natural Selection. (St. G. Mivart) Dub. R. Iof: 33. — and Christianity. (H. W. Conn) Meth. R. 51: 552. — and Elimination. (C. L. Morgan) Nature, 38: 370. — and the Spiritual World. (D. G. Ritchie) Westm. I33 : 459. — a Counter Criticism. (C. T. Hudson) (R. C. Schiedt) Ref. Q. 36: (H. Spencer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: I 5o. - — Darwin's Brilliant Fallacy. (St. G. Mivart) Forum, 7: 99. — Definition of the Theory. (G. J. Romanes) Nature, 38: 616. — a Romance. 32I. Natural, Unnatural, and Supernatural. Unita. R. 30: 16. ... Naturalism. Westm. I32: 185. II3: 402. — Ethical Relations with Idealism. N. Princ. 5: 164. Naturalist, A.; How he is Trained. Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 631. — Incidents in the Life of a. Bar, 93: 477. — Laboratory of. Knowl. 9: 247–337. — Notes by a. Cornh. 57: 86, 173, 290. Liv. Age, I76: 222. & — A Roadside. Blackw. I5o: II.4. Naturalization in the United States. (P. Webster) Am. Law R. 24: 616. Naturalization Laws and their Enforcement. (H. C. Bunner) Scrib. M. 3: 64, 181, (J. Tunis) Same art. Tcl. M. (H. Calderwood) (J. S. Kingsley) (Mrs. A. Crosse) Temp. Io: 16–278. Same art». 297 (C. C. Bonney) N. Eng. 49: 305. - NAVAL Nature, Adaptiveness of. (Grant Allen) No. Am. I48: 355. – and Books. (R. Jefferies) Fortn. 47: 646. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: I. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 723. – and Civilization. All the Year, 65: 88. — and God. Month, 6I: 196. — and Man in America. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. 8: 360-645. — — Rival Mechanics. I8: 616. — Behind the Veil. (B. W. Richardson) Longm. (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 29: I97. – Criminality of, Alleged. (H. Hayman) Theo. Mo. 2: 34O. — Disguises of. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 5o: 767. — Experimental Study of. (F. W. Pavy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 372. — Influence of Man on. Meliora, 8: 1. — Lovers of. (J. Burroughs) Chaut. 9: 463. — Man the Fool of. Westm. I31: 2OI. — Marvellous Works of. Sunday M. 18: 167. — Observations of. (J. Burroughs) Chaut. 7: 581. — Plea for Study of, in School. (A. Tovel) Educa. 8: 3Io. — a Problem. (F. H. Hedge) Unita. R. 29: 193. — Taste for ; Is it Acquired P Atlan. 67: 287. – Testimony of. (G. Macloskie) Presb. & Ref. R. I: 587. — Uniformity of. Nature-Worship in Ancient Religions. Am. Antiq. Io; I 54. Naukratis. (W. C. Winslow) Church R. 49: 256. – and the Greeks in Ancient Egypt. Quar. I64: 66. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 3. – Inscriptions from. (G. Hirschfeld and others) Acad. 32: 29, 43. 36: I74. Naulahka, The. (R. Kipling and W. Balestier) Cent. 2I: 35, 186. Nautical Anecdotes, Facetious. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 123. Nautical Lament, A. (W. Clark Russell) Gent. M. n. s. 38: 127. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 541. Nautical Nomenclature. (F. S. Bassett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 272. Nautical Proverbs and Sayings. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 352. Nauvoo, A Girl’s Letters from. m. s. I5: 616. I'7: I45. Navajo Artist, Drawings of. Am. Hist. 22; 462. Navajo Indians, The. I6: 373. — Dances of. — Head-Flattening among. Sci. Mo. 39: 535. — Mortuary Customs of. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Nat- ural. 25: 303. Naval Administration. Naval Apprentice, Life of a. I3: 57. Naval Apprentice System. (A. B. Wyckoff) Scrib. M. Io: 563. Naval Bases, Defence of. Un. Serv. M. '87, I: 208. Naval Battle of the Future. (B. A. Fiske) Forum, 9: 323. Naval Defence. Ed. R. I58: 451. — Volunteer. (P. H. Colomb) Murray, 4: 145. Naval Defence Act. (T. Brassey) New R. 4: 508. Naval Discipline. (J. J. Brice) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 576. Naval Education, Modern. (R. Wainwright) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: II. (C. Walker) Bib. Sac. 46: 245. (W. Tucker) (F. S. Bassett) Un. (F. S. Bassett) Un. (C. Haven) Overland, (R. W. Shufeldt) M. (M. J. Riordan) Overland, m. s. (S. Baxter) Am. Arch. 28: 22. (R. W. Shufeldt) Pop. Westm. I28: 441. (J. R. Spears) Chaut. NAVAL Naval Engagements, Modern; Ironclad Fights. Chamb. J. 68: 294. Naval Engineering in War Ships. (H. Williams) Un. Serv. M. n. S. 4: 207. Naval Exhibition at Chelsea. All the Year, 68: 540. — 1891. (Sir G. Elliot) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 3: 182. Naval Life; Our First Lieutenant. (T. R. Price) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 602. Naval Manoeuvres in Time of Peace. Contemp. 56; 516. — Value of. (J. R. Soley) No. Am. I53: 144. Naval Militia and Reserve, A. (J. W. Miller) Forum, I2: 262. Naval Necessities of the U. S. Overland, n. s. I3: 423. Naval Notes. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 87–484. 4 (89–90): (F. Maurice) (E. F. Qualtrough) 354. Naval Officers and Missionaries. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): 142. Naval Review under the Regency. Un. Serv. M. '88, I : I2O. Naval Supremacy and Naval Tactics. Ed. R. I7I: I46. Naval War, Early Developments of. (J. K. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 523, 683. — Next. Westm. I31 : 506. Naval Wars of the Future. I48: I, I96. Naval Warfare. (W. O. Morris) Acad. 40: 328. — Curious Phases of. (F. S. Bassett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: I28. — Fleets and Forts. (D. D. Porter) No. Am. (Sir E. F. Du Cane) Murray, 6: * 759. - — Mosquito Defence. (G. Baden-Powell) Fortn. 50: 546. — New System of. (P. Benjamin) Forum, 6: 370. — Newest Factor in. Un. Serv. M. n. s. 2: 434. 3: 3O. – Possibilities of. (H. A. Kennedy) Contemp. 58: 583. Same art. Ecl. M. II.5: 677. Navarre, In the Forests of. (J. Verschoyle) Fortn. 52: 516. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 340. Navesink Country, In the. (R. Riordan) Outing, Io: 512. Navy, Uses of a. (H. White) Nation, 48: 319. Navies, British and French. (R.S. Robinson) Contemp. 5I: 252. — Confidence in, Growth of. Spec. 67: 343. — Foreign, in 1889. (R. C. Oldknow) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 405. — Modern. Sat. R. 72: 152. — of the Continent. (Sir E. J. Reed) Harper, 74: 171, 365. See Sea Power. Navigation, Western River, a Century Ago. Perrin) M. West. Hist. I2: 333. Nazareth House. All the Year, 65: 136. Neale, John Mason. (G. Huntington) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 24. Neander, August. Cong. R. 4: 353. - Neapolitan Art. (A. F. Jacassy) Scrib. M. 9: 228. — Morelli. (A. F. Jacassy) Scrib. M. 8: 735. Neapolitan Island, A. Chamb. J. 67: 766. Near Shave, A.; a story. All the Year, 68: IIo. Nebraska, Coal and Petroleum in. Am. Cath. Q. I2: III. – Territorial Bench and Bar of. M. West. Hist. 9: 393. Nebraska University, Chemical Laboratory of. (H. H. Nicholson) Science, Io: 82. (W. H. (J. M. Woolworth) Nebuchadnezzar's Wife. Lippine. 41 : 693. Nebula, Great, in the Pleiades. (A.C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2: 68. 298 NEGROES Nebula in Andromeda. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. 12: 75. – Knowl. I2: 206. — in Lyra. Dub. R. Io9: 424. — — Annular. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. 13: 253. — – Photographs of. (A. M. Clerke) Nature, 43: 419. – in Orion. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. 12: 145. — (A.L. Cortie) Month, 67: 199. — — Spectrum of. Knowl. I2; 164. —(W. Huggins) Nature, 40: 405, 429.- (W. Huggins and Wife)Sid. Mess. 9: 303. Nebulae. (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 37: 585. - *stream. (G. P. Serviss) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 33ö. — Growth of our Knowledge of the. Nature, 39: 353. — Meteoric Theory of. (S.J. Preston) Nature, 39: 436. – (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 39: 460, 535. — Motion of. Dub. R. Io9: 157. – New, in Cygnus. Dub. R. Io9: 414. – News from. (C. A. Young) Sid. Mess. 9: 27. – Photographs of. (A. A. Common) Sid. Mess. 8: 25. – Spectrum of, Chief Line in. (J. E. Keeler) Sid. Mess. Io: 264. — — Comparison with Stars. 42: 342, 393. – Spiral, What is the Real Shape of ? (E. S. Holden) Cent. I7: 456. Nebular Hypothesis of La Place. (G. W. Coakley) Sid. Mess. 7: 132, 191. Nebular Photography. Dub. R. IO4: 421. Nebular Theory. (J. N. Lockyer) Harper, 78: 578. Necker, Madame Suzanne. (J. B. Perkins) Atlan. 61: 234. – Temp. Bar, 81: 179. Same art. Liv. Age, I75 : 343. - Ned. (M. S. Briscoe). Overland, n. s. 17: 152. Needed at Once. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M.’87, 1: I93. Needle-Work. (Princess Christian) Murray, 3: 577. Needlework Guild. (Lady Wolverton) Eng. Illust. 7: 702. — And. R. I3: 313, 445. (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, — Catholic. (J. Britten) Month, 66: 529. Needwood Forest, Traditions of. (H. Bennett) Longm. Neº: ºwn H. (D. C. Greene) Our Day, 5: - Hiy. Life and Letters of. (R. Ogden) Nation, Nitrº- (E. E. Hale) Lenda H. 7: 158. Negotiable Instrument. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 691. Negotiable Instruments–Extension — Sureties. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 377. Negro, The, and the Indian, Ethnologically Considered. (A. F. Chamberlain) Science, I7: 85. — as a Soldier. (Lord Wolseley) Fortn. 50: 689. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 85. — Frée, of the South. (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist. 12: 128. — Future of. (W. S. Scarborough) Forum, 7: 80. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 543. – Spec. 60: 1651. — Introduction of, into the United States. Stakely) M. Am. Hist. 26: 349. — Nature of the. (N. S. Shaler) Arena, 3: 23. — on the Stage. (L. Hutton) Harper, 79: I31. — Position of. (W. T. Sherman) No. Am. J47: 361. — Superstitions of the. (E. Shepard) Cosmopol. 5: 47. Negroes and Schools. Pub. Opin. 3: 526. — Beliefs and Superstitions of. Atlan. 68: .286. — (S. M. Handy) Lippinc. 48: 735. — Color-Line in Worship. (P. Pinch) And. R. 7: (C. A. 491. — Color Prejudice. Nation, 49: 26. — Do they Seek Social Equality? (J. C. Price) Forum, Io: 558. Y ^- NEGROES Negroes, Education of, New Basis of. (G. R. Stetson) And. R. I4; 254. — — what is Needed. I37. - Educational Status of. Lend a H. 6: 149. — Ethical Culture of. (J. E. Rankin) Our Day, 6: 93. — Genius and Prospects of [1858]. Meliora, I: 260. - Importance of Race and its Bearing on the Negro Question. (Alice Bodington) Westm. I34: 415. - in the Civil War. (J. E. Roy) N. Eng. 51: 353. – in Maryland, Progress of. (J. R. Brackett) J. H. Univ. Studies, 8: nos. 7–9. – in Mississippi. (L. A. Dutto) Cath. World, 46: 577. – in Missouri. (J. M. Greenwood) Educa. 8: 336. – of the South. (A. G. Broadley) National, I3: 45. - – Churches and Schools of. (L. B. Chace Wyman) New Eng. M. 3: 785. - — — Deportation of. Pub. Opin. 8: 375. — — Political Rights of. And. R. I3: 305. –– Progress of. (A. D. Mayo) Forum, Io: 335. — — The Race Problem. (T. H. Pearne) Meth. R. 5o: 690. —(L. M. Hagood) Meth. R. 51: 428. —(D. H. Chamberlain) N. Eng. 52: 507. — (G. W., Cable) Amer. 19: 396. — (W. C. P. Breckinridge) Arena, 2: 39.- (Wade Hampton) Arena, 2: 132. — (J. T. Morgan) Arena, 2:\385.- (W. S. Scarborough) Arena, 2: 560. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 5o: 64.— (W. H. Thomas) Our Day, 5: 89. — (J. Bryce) No. Am. I53: 641. — (G. W. Cable) Contemp. 53: 443. — (G. W. Cable) Forum, 6: 392. – Pub. Opin. 8: 303-397.—(T. B. Edgington).So. Hist. Pap. 17:21. -Spec. 62: 709. – Unita. R. 32: 542. --— and Catholic Church. (F. Janssens) Cath. World, 44: 72 I. — — — Can it be Solved? (H. A. Scomp) Forum, 8: 365. --- — — — from the Negro's Point of View. (W. S. Scar- borough) Arena, 4: 219. & - – Race Riots in the South. (J. Cook) Our Day, 5: 406. — — Science and the African Problem. (N. S. Shaler) (G. W. Cable) (G. R. Stetson) Unita. R. 27: Atlan. 66: 36. - — Solutions of Southern Problems. Our Day, 5: 308. - – The South and. Nation, 46: 383. — (H. Watter- son) Cosmopol. 9; 113. * -- Sufficiency of the Constitutional Amendments. (R. A. Pryor) Forum, 9: 266. - — Suffrage for, How to be Regulated. (R. H. Wil- liams) Arena, 5: 95. – – What they are Doing for Themselves. (S. J. Bar- rows) Atlan. 67: 805. – in the U. S. (N. S. Shaler) Arena, 2: 660. — (F. A. Walker) Forum, II : 501. — (T. L. Robinson) Leis. Hour, 38: 54, 697. —Spec. 63: 543. -— and the Republican Party. (E. L. Godkin) Forum, 7: 246. — - Census and. — — Statistics of. 2: 91. — Knights of Labor and. Pub. Opin. 2: I. * — Mission Work among. (C. B. Perry) Church R. 50: (J. C. Rose) Nation, 52: 232. (F. A. Walker) Am. Statis. Assoc. 4I. — Our Colored Citizens. (L. Graves) Bapt. R. Io: 292. — Plantation, as Freemen. Amer. I8: 311. – (E. P. Clark) Nation, 49: 26. — Prejudice against. (J. Snyder) Forum, 8: 218. - Progress among. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 48: 461. — Spec. 62: 852. — — in Washington, D. C. (M. W. Noble) Chaut. I4: 183. — Savage, Deportment of. (P. Reichard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39; 33O. 299 NERONI Negroes, Shall they Rule 2 (J. S. Morgan) Forum, 6: 586. – Spectre of Negro Rule. (J. R. Hendrick) And. R. I2: 596. – Trade Schools for. Amer. 19: 353. – Voting of. (A. B. Williams) Amer. 17: 203. — What shall they do? (G. W. Cable) Forum, 5: 627. Negro Characters. Charcoal Sketches. (E. Kirke) Cosmopol. 6: 300. Negro Dialect. (A. F. Chamberlain) Science, 12: 23. Negro Emigration from America. Spec. 66: 113. Negro Intellect. (W. Mathew) No. Am. 149: 91. Negro Labor in Southern Manufactures. Nation, 53: 208. Negro Missions, Catholic Seminary for. (J. R. Slattery) Cath. World, 46: 541. Negro Race, Christianity and Islam, Blyden's. Ath. ’87, 2: 267. – Nation, 46: 123. — in Central Africa. Nation, 49: 315. Negro Suffrage, and Woman Suffrage. (E. B. Dietrick) Westm. I35: 364. Negro Supremacy ; What it means. Forum, 5: 383. Negro Vote; Is it Suppressed? (A. H. Colquitt) Forum, 4; 268. – (M. Halstead) Forum, 4: 376. Negro Words. Atlan. 67: 143. Nehemiah. (A. B. McMackin) Luth. Q. 17:40. Neighbor, Our. (E. C. Cork) New R. 4: 461. Neighbors, Pleasant. Irish Mo. IG: 429. Neighborhood Nabob, The. (W. F. Williams) Am. M. 8: 95. Neil, Ross. Loyal Love. Theatre, 19: 150. Neilson, Julia, with photograph. Theatre, 26: 215. Nellida; a Princess of Russia. (J. Coleman) Temp. Bar, 81: 274, 412. Nellie Hales; a story. (Wade Hampton) (W. H. Stacpoole) Belgra. 63: 339. Nelson, Claudius B., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist: 13: 344. Nelson, Daniel Thurber, M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. II: 432. Nelson, Horatio, Lord, and England's Naval Suprem- acy. Sat. R. 69: 607. — and Lady Hamilton. Sat. R. 64: 734. — and the Queen of Naples. Ath. '89, I: 529. – Last Codicil of. (J. K. Laughton) Un. Serv. M. 2. ('88–89): 647. 3 ('89): Io. — Last Words of. Sat. R. 71 : 610. — Russell's Life of. Ath. 'go, I: 697. — A Study of. (W. O'C. Morris) Macmil. 63: 429. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 556. — Unpublished Letters of, to Sir Thomas Trowbridge. (Mrs. H. Jones) Cent. 37: 19. Nelson, Horatio Thompson. Ath. '89, 2: 895. Nelson, Jeremiah, Letter of, 1807. M. Am. Hist. 18: 536. Nelson, William. Ath. '87, 2: 374. Nelson, Captain, Relief of. (A. J. M. Jephson) Scrib. M. 9: 500. Neolithic Implements from West Wickham, Kent. (G. Clinch) Antiq. m. s. I5: 233. Neotus, St. Month, 67: 538. Nepaul, Sport in. (E. W. Quin) 19th Cent. 26: 60. — the Land of the Goorhas. (H. Ballantine) Harper, 78: 467. Nepigon River, Fishing on. (A. R. Macdonough) Scrib. M. 6: 271. Neptune's Shore. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 77: 763. Nero as a Musician. (J. F. Rowbotham) Argosy, 43: 60. — Character of. Macmil. 62: 135. | — Time of, Farrar on. Sat. R. 72: 476. - Neroni, Bartolommeo. (W. Mercer) Acad. 34: 212. NERONI Neroni, Domenico; Pictor Sacrilegus. (W. Paget) Con- temp. 6o: 188, 372. Nerval, Gérald de. (G. Smith) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 285. Nerves, Cranial and Spinal. (W. H. Gaskell) Nature, 38: 19. — Neurology and Psychology. (H. H. Donaldson) Am. J. Psychol. I: 209. Nerve-Rest Cure. (J. M. Howie) 19th Cent. 22: 659. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: II.7. Nervous Diseases, Immigration and. (C. L. Dana) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 24; 43. Nervous System ; Education and Sleep. (C. F. Pollock) Chaut. 8: 455. – Wonders of. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 50: 452. Nervousness. Spec. 61: 1124. — and Hysteria. (A. T. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 38: 4I2. – of Americans. (Grace Peckham) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 37. Nesbit, E. Leaves of Life. (A. Sergeant) To-Day, II: 24. Nest Hunt among the Grampians. (D. Bruce) Good Words, 28: 306. 'Nets, Reef-Knot. (W. Churchill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 40: 83. Nether World, The. (F. W. Farrar) Contemp. 56: 370. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 459. — (G. Gissing) Dub. R. IOS: 199. Netherlands, Colonies of. Arts, 36: 192. — Constitution of, Revised. 45 - 475. – Military System in, Reorganization of the. - Rieberstein) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 441. — Short Tour in, 1889. (W. C. Hazlitt) Antiq. m. s. 22: 55. Netherwood Barn: a Tragedy of Midsummer Day. (Benj. Scott) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 421. Nettle-Culture. Chamb. J. 64: 503. Nettle Family, The. (R. C. Day) Knowl. I3: 190. Nettleship's Score. Cornh. 61 : I. Neurology and Psychology. (H. H. Donaldson) Am. J. Psychol. I: 209. Neuschaustein, Palace of. (R. Phené Spiers) Art J. 4o: 2I3. Neuter Gender, Origin of, in Indo-Germanic Languages. (F. Haverfield) Acad. 38: 320. Nevin, John Williamson. (W. F. Faber) And. R. 16: II. – Luth. Q. 20: 543. — (T. G. Apple; H. Mos- ser; E. V. Gerhart) Ref. Q. 34: I. — Chapter from the Life of. (T. Appel) Ref. Q. 36: (A. J. R. Trendell) J. Soc. (W. Y. Hewett) Nation, (R. von 329. New Arabian Night; a story. (E. E. Hale) Harper, 78: 619. New Birth, Doctrine of the. (E. Leavitt.) Univ. Q. 45: 278. New Gallery, London, Opening of. Ath. '88, I: 7oo. —Spec. 61: 853. – (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 33: 383. – Stuart Exhibition, 1888–9. Spec. 62: 298, 680. — (F. Wedmore) Acad. 35: 347. — Ath. '89, I: 219– 668. — Summer Exhibition, 1889. Art J. 4I: 191. — (J. J. Foster) Antiq. m. s. 20: 17. – Exhibition, 1890. Ath. 'go, I: 575, 611. —Spec. 64: 728. – Exhibition, 1891. Ath. '91, I: 609. – Victorian Exhibition, 1891. Ath. '91, 2: 763, 838, 872. New Ghost Story. Belgra. 73: 186. New Heaven and New Earth, The. Sunday M. 16: 18. New Methuselah, The. (F. W. Farrar) (S. O. Jewett) Scrib. M. 7: 5 I4. New Othello, A. (Iza D. Hardy) Lond. Soc. v. 55–57. 300 NEW New Poverty, The; a story. (G. P. Lathrop) Scrib. M. 6: 223. New Rector; a story. Cornh. 64: 1-561. New Rule, The a Hospital Comedy. Chamb. J. 64: 380. New Sensation, A.; a story. (A. and E. Castle) Temp. Bar, 93: 509. New Spirit, The, Haverlock Ellis on. Spec. 64: 441. New Year, “A Happy.” National, 16: 577. New Year's Bells. (M. Gray) Murray, 3: 19. New Year's Day. All the Year, 60: 580. — Greek. Sat. R. 63: 87. — in a Persian Village. (J. T. Bent) Eng. Illust. 7: 326. New Year's Eve. Spec. 61: 9. — in New Mexico. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. 15: 54. New Year's Message, A. (C. A. Berry) Sunday M. 20: 52. New Zulu Bonds; a story. (W. H. Stacpoole) Gent. M. m. s. 43: I. Newark-Upon-Trent, Castle of, Ruins of. (W. Brails- ford) Antiq. m. s. 20: 185. Newark, N.J., Public Library. Lib. J. I.4: 437. Newark System, Are there Glacial Records in 2 (I.C. Russell) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 499. New Bedford, Mass. (H. I. Aldrich) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 423. Newberry Library, Chicago. ’87, 2: 213. – Building of, Plans of. Lib. J. I5: 48. — (C. C. Soule) Lib. J. I6: II. – Musical Department of. 361. New Britain and Adjacent Islands. (W. Powell).J. Soc. Arts, 33: 829. New Braunfels, Texas, the City of a Prince. Harby) M. Am. Hist. 20: 257, 345. New Brunswick, Emigration from New England to, 1763–4. (D. F. Lamson) M. Am. Hist. 25: 118. New Brunswick, N. J., Literary. (W. E. Griffis) Critic, I5: 7. º Newburgh, Revolutionary. (E. J. Runk) M. Am. Hist. 24: 382. Newburgh Letters, Letter of Dr. James Thacher con- cerning. (R. R. Hoes) N. E. Reg. 42: 165. Newbury, Eng. ; A Berkshire Town and its Reminis-- cences. (J. J. Doherty) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 561. — Money’s History of. Ath. '87, 2: 143. Newburyport, Mass. (E. Parton) New Eng. M. n. s. 5: I6o. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Lib. J. I2: 255. — Ath. (G. P. Upton) Nation, 48: (L. C. Sat. R. 7o: 433. — Old, and Gateshead. Antiq. m. s. 22: 245. New Castle, N. H., and the Piscataqua. Granite Mo. I3: 73. - Newcomb, Simon. Formative Influences. Forum, II: 183. New England, Agriculture in. (W. H. Brewer) N. Eng. 52: 328. — — Decay of. Sat. R. 70: 454. Same art. TI5: 804. — — Is it Declining 2 Ecl. M. (F. H. Chase New Eng. M. n. S. 2: 449. — and Emigration. (E. E. Hale) Chaut. I2: 630. — Awakening of. (F. H. Underwood) Contemp. 54: 257. — Colonial, Morals and Manners in. (S. W. Stevens) M. Chr. Lit. 4: I 7o. – Decadence of. (G. S. Boutwell) Forum, Io: 142. — Decline of. Nation, 49: 444. — Doyle's Puritan Colonies. (W. N. Saintsbury) Acad. 31: 121. — Atlan. 6I: 274. —Lit. W. (Bost.) I9: 69. *g \. 4 INEW New England; The Duke of Hamilton's Power of At- torney, 1726. N. E. Reg. 45: 71. — Economic and Social History of, Weeden's. Atlan. 66: 704. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 51: 365. — (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) II: 279. —(J. A. Doyle) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 592. — (W. L. Kingsley) N. Eng. 55; 439. — Education in. (W. Everett) New Eng. M. 4: 128. — Farmers of, and the Newspapers. (W. H. Brewer) N. Eng. 52: 410. – Fiske’s Beginnings of. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. I2: 223. – Atlan. 64: 566. — Future of. (J. D. Long and others) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 661. - — Gift of, to the Public. (A. D. Mayo) New Eng. M. In. S. I : 22I. — History of. Cong. R. I : 675. — in the Short Story. Atlan. 67: 845. – Journey to, in 1831. (W. H. Seward) M. Am. Hist. 26: 376. — Rural, Decay of. (C. B. Todd) Am. M. 7: 667. — (W. W. Newton) Church R. 52: 364. — — Decline of. (A. N. Currier) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 384. — Rural Life in. Atlan. 65: 713. 66: 282. — Transformation of. (A. L. Bartlett) Forum, 7: 634. New England Characteristics. (L.M. Whittlesey) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 374.—º New England Conservatory of Music. Cosmopol. 7: 488. New England Country Road. 692. New England Dialect. ('88): 583. New England Farm, Child Life on a. (H. M. Winslow) Educa. 9: 466. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Place Index to. N. E. Reg. 42: 369. New England Ingénue, A. (J. S. Wood) Scrib. M. 8: 24.I. New England Magazine, Original. (E. Buckingham) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 153. & New England Manners and Customs in Time of Bry- ant's Early Life. (Mrs. H. G. Roe) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 364. New England Primer, 1690. Hist. 20: 148. New England Towns in Colonial Times. (W. L. Kings- ley) N. Eng. 50: 149. New England Village, The, Future of. (J. B. Walker) N. Eng. 53: 14. New Forest, Around the. All the Year, 68: 489. – A Glimpse at. Tinsley, 43: 65. — Slow Destruction of. (A. Herbert) Fortn. 55: 444. Newfoundland. (E. H. Hall) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 311. — (R. Wheatley) Meth. R. 51: 413. – and the French Fishery Question. (Sir J. Winter; P. T. Scott; A. B. Morine; E. Flourens) New R. 3: 40. – (H. C. Goldsmith) National, I5: 404. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 699. —Spec. 64: 111. 66: 434–748. – (R. J. Pinsent) 19th Cent. 27: 566. — (Sir W. Whiteway and colleagues) Fortn. 54: 317. – Sat. R. 70: 284. 7I: 345–493. – and Labrador. Chamb. J. 64: 65. – Beothuks of. (Lady Blake) 19th Cent. 24: 899. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 36. — Chat about. (E. Blake) No. Am. I52: 714. – Discontent in. (D. Morison) Forum, 9: 694. ºx-º Fº and Fishermen of. (R. Howley) Morfth, I: 489. - French Aggression in. (R. Howley) Month, 64:210. – Home Rule in. (W. B. Bowring) Subj. of Day, no. 3: IO4. (E. D. Walker) (B. Torrey) Atlan. 60: (I. B. Choate) New Eng. M. 6 (C. Ferguson) M. Am. 301 NEW Newfoundland, Missionary Life in. Church R. 60 : 156. Newfoundland Dog, The. 461. New France in New England. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 20: 387. Newgate Prison. Sat. R. 67: 127. – of Connecticut. (E. A. Start) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 366. – (J. M. French) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 427. New Guinea. (H. Nisbet) Eng. Illust. 8: 36. — British. Spec. 62: 113. — — Scientific Results of Occupation of. Nature, 43: II.4. g – Explorations in. 62o. – Future of. All the Year, 41: 397. Age, I75: 762. — Lindt's. Spec. 61: 416. — Mission in, Chalmers on. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 334. —Spec. 60: 867. — Ath. '87, 2: 201. – the Papuan and his Master. (H. Nisbet) Fortn. 55: 413. – Reply (H. O. Forbes) and Rejoinder (H. Nisbet) Fortn. 56: 431. — Pioneering in. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 461. — Romilly on. Ath. '89, 2: 57. — Sorcery and Superstition in. ray, 4: 833. — Unscientific Notes on. (Phila.) I : 477. Newhall, Robert Stirling. Nature, 40: 59, 184. New Hampshire. (F. B. Sanborn) Granite Mo. I2:, I7I. — and the Federal Constitution. Granite Mo. II: 203. — Anti-Roman Catholic Laws of. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 51: 22, 185. (M. M. Price) (E. H. Morris) Outing, I6: Science, Io: 148. —Nature, 36: Same art. Liv. (H. H. Romilly) Mur- (W. O. Story) Un. Serv. (W. F. Whitcher) — Authors of. (A. E. Cotton) Granite Mo. Io: 214. — Courts in, Highest. (C. R. Corning) Green Bag, 2: 469. — Discovery of Important Documents relating to His- tory of. N. E. Reg. 4I: 306. – House of Representatives, 1890–1. Granite Mo. I3: 273. — in 1784. Granite Mo. Io: 194. — Innkeeping in. (E. Emerton) Nation, 53: 232. — Intolerance in. (M. W. B. Knox) Granite Mo. Io: 326. — Population of. (J. C. Rose) Nation, 52: 84. Granite Mo. I3: 254. Granite Mo. I3: 92. — Senate of, 1890–I. — Summer Resorts in. — Wheelwright Deed, More about. (C. H. Bell) N. E. Reg. 45: 243. New Haven, Conn., Republic of, Levermore's. Nation, 44: I 94. New Haven Region, Four “Rocks” of. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I42: 79. New Hebrides, French Occupation of. Spec. 60: 1382. New Ireland and Admiralty Islands, People and Lan- guages of. (S. H. Ray) Anthrop. J. 21: 3. New Jersey, Militia of, in the Revolution. (A. D. Mellick, jr.) M. Am. Hist. I9; 340. — Northern, Rivers of. (W. M. Davis) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 81. — Revolutionary Houses in. Am. Hist. 20: 325. — Snubbin' through. (F. H. Smith; J. B. Millet) Cent. I2: 483, 697. — Supreme Court of. (J. Whitehead) Green Bag, 3: 355-493. — Topographic Map of. Science, I2: 206. New Jersey Farm Life, 1700–. Sat. R. 69: 413. New Jersey Historical Society, State Aid to. (G. J. Hagar) Lib. J. I4; 465. (A. D. Mellick, jr.) M. NEW New London, Conn. (C. M. Holloway) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 119. New Madrid, Evacuation of, by Federals, 1862. G. Brackett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 182. Newman, F. W. (J. W. Chadwick) Unita. R. 30: 508. Newman, John Henry. (W. Meynell) Contemp. 58: 313. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I5: 535. — (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 54: 418. Same art. Liv. Age, 187: 3. — Spec. 65: 205. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 756. — (W. A. Greenhill) Acad. 38: 130. — (L. Johnson) Acad. 38: 412. — Ath. '90, 2: 224. — (C. K. Paul) New R. 3: 208. — Sat. R. 70: 185. — (R. H. Hut- ton) Good Words, 3I: 662. — And. R. I.4: 292. — Cong. R. 4: 309. – Nation, 5 I: 127. — (W. F. Faber) Ref. Q. 37: 487. — Critic, 17: 83. — (H. J. Henser) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 774. — (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 624. — (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 51 : 712. — Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 286. — Liv. Age, I86: 759. – (A. Birrell) Scrib. M. 3: 735. — Sat. R. 7I: 233. — (J. Owen) Acad. 39: 553. — (C. F. Lee) Univ. Q. 48: 81, 182. — (E. H. Sears) Nation, 52: 341. – (J. S. Stone) Church R. 60: 218. — Irish Mo. I& 5oo. – Lond. Q. 75: 205. — Month, 70: 153. — Abbott's Philomythus. (Mrs. M. A. Ward) 19th Cent. 29: 768. — (W. Ward) Contemp. 60: 32. -- and the Catholic Reaction. (J. T. Bixby) Arena, (A. 2 : 524. — and his Contemporaries. (W. Meynell) M. Chr. Lit. : 2O. — and the Oxford Movement. (C. T. Ward) Tinsley, 45; 368. — and John Wesley. (J. Telford) Sunday M. 20: 33I. — Another View of. (W. M. Salter) Arena, 4: 475. – as a Man of Letters. Ath. '90, 2: 257. Same art. Critic, I7: 122. — as a Musician. (E. Bellasis) Month, 73: I. — as a Preacher. (J. W. Tracey) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 225. — as a Writer. I99. — Attitude toward Ecclesiastical Miracles; Reply to Abbott and to Mrs. Ward. (H. I. D. Ryder) 19th Cent. 30: 217. — A Day with. (Fitzedward Hall) Nation, 52: 296. — Early Life of. (E. A. Abbott) Contemp. 59: 30. — Month, 71 : 305. — Ethics of Doubt. I : 224. — from his own Points of View. (C. S. Jerram) Na- tional, I6: 335. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 631. — Hutton's Life of. Atlan. 66: 834. — (J. W. Chad- wick) Nation, 52: 245. – in the English Church. Ed. R. I73: 526. — In Memoriam. Dub. R. IO7: 391. — Influence of. (W. Ward) M. Chr. Lit. 3: Ioy. — — Aspects of. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 28: 563. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 704. - — Leo XIII. and Louvain. (St. G. Mivart) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 404. — Letters. Acad. 38: 173?– (W. M. Lawrence) Dial (Ch.) II: 374. — Loyalty of. Month, 70: 305. — Philosophy of Religion. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 52 : 9. — Poetry of. (R. M. Lovett) Harv. Mo. II: 191. — Portraits of. (W. Meymell) Art J. 43: 314. — Reminiscences of. (W. A. Greenhill) Acad. 39: 273, 317. — (W. Lockhart) Dub. R. Io'7: 408. — — of Early Days in Roman Catholic Church. (R. * M. Stanton) Dub. R. Io'7: 402. (L. Stephen) 19th Cent. 29: 179. (J. F. Genung) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: (W. L. Sheldon) Int. J. Ethics, - Scepticism of. 302 NEWSPAPER Newman, John Henry, not a Sceptic ; Reply to Ste- phen. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 29: 979. — Tribute to. (H. Hayman) Bib. Sac. 48: 144. — (H. Hayman) Dub. R. Io'7: 424. — Two Stages of. Spec. 65: 270. Newmarket, Eng., Racing at. (C. Turner) Outing, 15: 372. New Market, Va., Battle of, May 15, 1864, Boys in. (J. S. Wise) Cent. I5: 461. New Mexico, Camp and Travel in. Overland, m. s. I5: 347. — Insurrection in, 1846–7. Hist. I8: 333. — the Land of Poco Tiempo. M. Io: 760. – Land-Stealing in. (G. W. Julian) No. Am. I45: 17. — (S. W. Dorsey) No. Am. I45: 396. – Redemption of. (G. W. Julian) M. West. Hist. Io: 238. “Newness,” The. (R. Carter) Cent. 17: 124. Newnham College, Cambridge. (E. Field) Cent. 20: 287. — from within. 2I: 843. New Orleans. Am. Arch. 28: 121. — (C. D. Warner) Harper, 74: IS6. — Battle of. Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 407. — City Government of. (W. W. Howe) J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: no. 4. — Education in, in Spanish Colonial Days. Am. Cath. Q. I2: 253. – An Englishman’s Note-Book in 1828. M. Am. Hist. Ig: 511. – Howard Library. (C. A. Nelson) Lib. J. I3: 316. — Lynching of Italians in, 1891. (Mrs. J. W. Mario) 19th Cent. 29: 701. – Lippinc. 48: 764. — Sat. R. 7I: 341, 406, 430. – Spec. 66: 400, 466. — (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 294. — (R. H. Marr) Am. Law R. 25: 414. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 52: 232. See also Mafia. — — The Law and. (G. T. Curtis) No. Am. I52: 691. — — Legal and Constitutional Aspects of. (J. Bryce) New R. 4: 385. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 579. Newport, R.I., Bibliography and Literature of, Ham- mett's Contribution to. (J. G. Rosengarten) Na- tion, 45; 197. – Landscape Beauty at. 367. New South Wales, Barton's History of. (R. J. Cross) Nation, 5 I: 197. – Ath. '90, I: 529. — Sat. R. 7o: 297. — Early Social State of. Meliora, 3: 253. — Hundred Years' Progress in. (W. F. Buchanan) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 603. — Industries and Commerce of. Arts, 34: 683. – Mineral Resources of. Arts, 39: 835. – Name of. Spec. 60: 1703. News, Gathering of ; How a District is Covered by a Reporter. (F. H. Pope) Writer, I: 89. – Money Value of. (E. M. Camp) Amer. IG: 182. — Ratio of. (H. R. Elliot) Forum, 5: 99. — What is ? (T. Williams) Amer. 16: 55. Newspaper, The. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 27: 833. (D. Mariager) (W. A. Wood) M. Am. (C. F. Lummis) Scrib. (Eva Knatchbull-Hugessen) 19th Cent. (M. A. C.) (Col. Baillie) (J. De Wolf) Engin. M. 2: (E. Combes) J. Soc. (C. S. Wilkinson) J. Soc. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 557. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 837. * and the Individual. (A. E. Watrous) Lippine. 45: 267. — A Christian Daily. (O. A. Kingsbury) N. Eng. 47: 183. - — The Country. (E. A. Start) Amer. 19: 115. — (E. A. Start) New Eng. M. m. s. I; 329. NEWSPAPER Newspaper, Country, The Ideal. (J. A. Bolles) Writer, 4 : 73. — for the Day. (G. A. Townsend) Writer, 2: 49. — the Night's Work in Preparing the. (W. Taylor, jr.) Writer, 3: 75. — of the Future. (N. Brooks) Forum, 9: 569.-Amer. 2O: 328. — Trial by. — West of the Alleghanies, The First. M. Am. Hist. I8: 121. Newspapers, American, Hundred Best. I2O. — — Merits and Defects of. (A. H. Plumb) Our Day, (S. G. (R. Foster) No. Am. I44; 524. (W. H. Perrill) Critic, II: 8: 209. — — Notable Editors between 1776 and 1800. W. Benjamin) M. Am. Hist. I7: 97. – and Journalists. Leis. Hour, 37: 735. — and the Public. (C. D. Warner) Forum, 9: 198. — and Reviews, New, of London. Amer. Ig: 233. – British. Meliora, 5: 2OI. — Century of, 1688–1788. All the Year, 62: 85. — Colonial, Early. Chamb. J. 67: 8 II. — Country. (E. W. Howe) Cent. 20: 776. — Curios of the Daily Press. All the Year, 67: 208. — Denominational. And. R. I3: 552. — Dulness of. Spec. 63: 712. — Endowed, Plea for. (C. H. Levermore) And. R. I2: 485. – Endowment for. (W. H. H. Murray) Arena, 2:553. —(W. H. Ryder) And. R. I3: 25. – English. Nation, 46: 223. —Sat. R. 64: 856. — — and American. (A. Reid) 19th Cent. 22: 219. Same art. Ecl. M. IO9: 474. — — and the Government. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 28: IoS. — — Bourne's History of. Ath. '88, I: 43. —Sat. R. 64: 856. — — Popular. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: 195. – Evening, in England, and their Sub-Editing. (C. Watson) Writer, 5: 74. - German. (L. Bamberger) 19th Cent. 27: 24. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 301. – (C. Lowe) 19th Cent. 30: 853. — — “Reptile.” Sat. R. 67: 28. — in the High School. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 260. — in Schools, How to Use. (A. J. Todd) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 391. — in U. S. and Abroad. (E. L. Godkin) No. Am. 15o: I97. — Need of Trained Men for. (Eliot Lord) Harv. Mo. - 7: 127. – New York. (C. Fiske) Writer, 2: 219. — of Australia. Chamb. J. 65: 805. — of To-Day. (E. M. Camp) Cent. 18: 260. — Old. (O. S. Adams) New Eng. M. 4: 383. – Parisian. (J. B. Matthews) Cent. 13: 200. — Religious, Early, Errors about. M. Am. Hist. 17: 435. — Russian. (F. C. Trench) Blackw. 148: 115. — Society. Sat. R. 67: 152. — Sunday. Critic, 13: 37. – Volumes of, in a Library. (H. M. Utley) Lib. J. 12: 349. Newspaper Correspondents, Advice to. (W. H. Hills) Writer, I: 6–154. Newspaper English. Critic, 14: 236. - American and British. Critic, 18: 315. Newspaper Factories; [Patent Insides]. (G. W. Weip- piert) Writer, 4: 6. Neº: History in the Library. (G. J. Hagar) Lib. . I4: II.7. Newspaper Ignorance. Sat. R. 72: 320. 303 (A. Balch) Lippine. 48: 87. — I , - Newton's Rings Produced by Plane Soap Films. New Windsor, Historic Temple at, 1783. NEW Newspaper Law, Fisher and Strahan's. 538. Newspaper Office, Experiences in. (A. E. Palmer) Chaut. 8: 29. — Twenty-Four Hours in a. (A. Reid) 19th Cent. 21: 452. Same art. Ecl. M. IoS: 561. Newspaper Pioneers, Some. (H. R. Fox-Bourne) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 224. Newspaper Press, Beginnings in Scotland. (J. D. Cock- burn) Scot. R. I 8: 366. — Influence of, upon the Stage. Sat. R. 71: (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I48: 335. Newspaper Publishing. (E. M. Camp) Cent. 18: 260. Newspaper Style. (L. A. Lamb) Writer, 3: 13. Newspaper Syndicates. (S. S. McClure) Critic, II: 42. Newspaper Topics, Several. Writer, I: 177. Newspaper Work, College Graduates and, (A. P. Wilder) Writer, 3: 123. * — College Preparation for. (H. H. Fletcher) Writer, 3: 5 I. – Importance of Style in. (H. L. Richards, jr.) Writer, 2 : 24.I. - Newspaper Writers, Hints to. (W. J. Fowler) Writer, I : IO9. Newstead Abbey, Nights at. (J. Miller) Harper, 81: 786. – A Pilgrimage to. (E. Walford) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 243. # New Testament Theology. (E. H. Hall) Unita. R. 28; 5OI. - Newts, Life-Studies of. (Grant Allen) Good Words, 29: 229. Newton, Francis Milner. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Ea. ton) Art J. 4I: 322. Newton, Sir Isaac, Birthplace of. (J. J. Foster) Antiq. n. S. I5: IO4. — Influence on Modern Geometry. (R. H. Graham) Nature, 42: 139. (H. G. Madan) Nature, 35: 503. Newtonite and Rectorite. (R. N. Brackett and J. F. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I42: II. - New Westminster, British Columbia. Chamb. J. 67: 529. (J. O. Dyk- man) M. Am. Hist. 24: 283. New York City. (R. Wynford) Good Words, 28: 829. — after Paris. (W. C. Brownell) N. Princ. 6: 80. — and New Yorkers. (A. Montefiore) Temp. Bar, 84: 343. — and Philadelphia in 1787; from Journals of Manas- seh Cutler. Pennsyl. M. I2: 97. — as an Art Centre. (C. M. Fairbanks) Chaut. I3: 33O. — as a Literary Field. (E. L. Didier) Writer, 2: 140. — (E. Bassett) Writer, 2: 171. — as a Musical Centre. (W. J. Henderson) Cosmopol. II: 54. - — Authors in, Home Life of. (G. P. Lathrop) Chaut. 8: 132. —capture of, 1776. (S. Kemble) M. Am. Hist. 23: 493. —Cathedral, Catholic. S. G. W. Benjamin Am. M. 9: I42. — Cathedral of St. John the Divine. (A. Graham) Am. Arch. 26: 267. — — Designs for. Am. Arch. 26: 206, 242. — Chamber of Commerce. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 83: 5O2. — Christ Church, Historical Sketch of. (W. J. Davis) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 58. — College for the Training of Teachers. (N. M. But- ler) Cent. IG: 915. NEW New York City, Colonial, Golden Age of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 24: I. — Consolidated Exchange. (J. Arbuckle) Cosmopol. 5: 233. — Defence of, 1776. (H. B. Carrington) Bay State Mo, I : I 54. — Defense of Eastern Approach. (E. M. Weaver) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: Io9. — Down-Town. (V. Roseboro') Cosmopol. 1: 217. – Draft Riots, 1863. Sat. R. 63: 528. — Early, Rare Picture of. (T. A. Emmet) M. Am. Hist. 23: I4. – Election of 1887 in. (E. J. Levey) No. Am. 145: 679. – Fifth Avenue Hotel. Granite Mo. Io: 317. — Finances of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 571. — Free Circulating Library. Lib. J. I5: Io;. – Free Public Libraries. (V. Roseboro') Cosmopol. 3: I69. — General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 22: 89. — Great Landholder of ; George Clarke. M. Am. Hist. 22: 246. — Harbor of, Needs of. (H. C. Taylor) Forum, 2:574. — — Tide in. (H. Mitchell) Science, g: 204. — Historic Homes and Landmarks of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 21: 1, 177. 22: 177. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 47: 39. (J. W. Gerard) M. — Histories of. – Impress of Nationalities upon. Am. Hist. 23: 4o. — in Recent Fiction. Atlan. 65: 563. — Irish Home Rule in, 1870–90. Quar. I'7I: 260. — Italians of. (V. Roseboro') Cosmopol. 4: 396. — Life in, Fifty Years Ago. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 23: 177. — Maritime Exchange. 756. — Metropolitan Museum of Art. (E. Dwight) Cosmopol. 6: 130. — Nominations in. (A. C. Bernheim) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: (R. Wheatley) Harper, 8o: Am. Arch. 25: 77.- 99. — Notes on. (G. W. Smalley) 19th Cent. 21: 206. Same art. Eel. M. Io&: 512. - — Occupation of, by the British, Diary during. Penn- syl. M. Io: 419. — Old New Yorkers. (C. K. Tuckerman) M. Am. Hist. 23: 433. — Petition of Ministers to the Earl of Bellomont, 1698. M. Am. Hist. 20: 152. — Plutocracy and Snobbery in. (Edgar Fawcett) Arena, 4; I42. — Police of. — Police Department of. (C. Williams) Contemp. 53: 214. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 74: 495. — Post-Office of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 298. — Press in, Issues from. Pennsyl. M. I2: 475. I3: 90, 207. — Public Charities of. Lend a H. 2: 574, 633. — Real Estate Exchange. (R. Wheatley) Harper, 77: 928. — Reform Club. 609. — Sanitary Improvement in, during the Last Quarter of a Century. (E. Clark) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 319. — Seventh Regiment. (W. S. Wilson) Am. M. 8: 644. — Slums of. (A. Forman) Am. M. 9: 46. (E. N. Wallandigham) Westm. I36: — — Fighting the Devils in. (C. F. Wingate) Lend a H. I : 256. —Stranger Seeking Literary Work in. (F. R. Burton) Writer, 2: 1. — Suffrage in ; Lodging-House Vote. ton) No. Am. I44: 631. *— A Summer Outing in. (C. Barnard) Chaut. II: 595. (H. A. Gumble- 304 NIAGARA New York City, Taverns of, Old. (J. A. Stevens) Har- per, 8o: 842. – Tenements of, Riis on. Sat. R. 72: 675. – To-Day [1889]. (H. Crosby) Lend a H. 4: 788. - Twelve Hours of. (Count Gleichen)'Murray, 7: 183. – Twenty-Second Regiment. (D. A. Curtis). Am. M. 9 : 227. – Water Supply of. Science, 13: 208. — Why it is not Well Governed. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 50: 216. New York Colony, Capture of, from the Dutch. (J.J. Morris) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 233. — — Origin of ; Glimpse of the Famous Dutch West India Company. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 18: 273. New York State and Ohio, Centennials of, Campbellon. (W. F. Poole) Dial (Ch.) 8: 285. – Ballot in. (A. C. Bernheim) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 130. — Constitution of, First. (F. G. Mather) M. Am. Hist. I7: 31o. — Constitutions of. 488. 4: 230. — Constitutional Convention, 1889. Q. 4: 553. - — Court of Appeals. (I. Browne) Green Bag, 2: 277, 32 I. – Financial Condition of, in 1833. Am. Hist. 22: 328. — History of, Roberts's. 293. — Property Tax in, History of. Econ. Assoc. 5: 363. — Proposed Division of. 86. – State Library of. Lib. J. I3: 93. — – Civil Service Examinations for. (M. Dewey) Lib. J. I.4: I 18. – State University, Regents o. Acad. (Syr.) I: 16, 23. — — — Convocation of 1891. Acad. (Syr.) 6: 312. New Zealand. (J. Lawson) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 184. — (G. M. Grant) Harper, 83: 327. – Acclimatization in. (G. M. Thomsch) Science, Io: I7o. – Alps of. (M. Ross) Art J. 43: 172. – Ancient History of, White's. Spec. 63: 612. — and its Resources. (W. Stones) J. Soc. Arts, 6: 218. – Bush Life in. (J. Lawson) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 574. — Census of, 1860. Meliora, 3: I71. – Fisheries of. Science, I5: I40. — Flowers of. All the Year, 65: 54. — – Hetley's. (H. S. Fagan) Acad. 35: 240. — Life with a Small Bush Farmer. Cornh. 59: 33. — Notes on. (E. B. Hoare) National, 9: 499. (J. H. Dougherty) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: (S. Low) Pol. Sci. (J. F. Cooper) M. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) 7: (J. S. Schwab) Am. (L. Sanial) No. Am. I48: — Primary Education in. (A. Inkersley) Educa. I2: I5. — Reminiscences of. (Ida Scott) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): 446. J — Science in. (J. Hector) Nature, 43: 521. – Science, I7: 146. — Social and Commercial Aspects of. (W. D. Hay) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 447. — Sounds of. (E. Sandys) Art J. 43: 3oo. — Two Years in. (J. N. Ingram) Chaut. II: 573. — University Notes from. (T. Flavell) Educa. Io: 258. Nez Percé Indian War, 1877. (W. R. Parnell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 364. Nguna Language, Grammar of. (S. H. Ray) Anthrop. J. I5: 409. Niagara Falls and Vicinity. (J. M. Welch) Harper, 75: 327. — Hydraulic Tunnel at. Am. Arch. 21 : 189. NIAGARA Niagara Falls, Power of, Utilizing. (C. Sellers) Engin. M. I : 803. – (C. Sellers) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 30. — (S. Newcomb) Nation, 49: Ioa. — Trip from New York to, 1829. (W. L. Stone) M. Am. Hist. 20: 315–489. 21: 46. — Trip to, in 1835. M. Am. Hist. 22: 331. Niagara Gorge, Recession of. (E. G. Bourne) Nature, 43: 515. – (E. G. Bourne) Nation, 52: 239. Nias, Island of, and its People. (H. Sundermann) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 233. — Modigliani’s Exploration of. (H. H. Giglioli) Nature, 4I: 587. - — People of. (H. H. Giglioli) Nature, 35: 342. Nibelung, Ring of the. (J. P. Jackson) Cosmopol. 6; 4I5. Nibelungen Lied, The. (A. Ten Brook) Chaut. I4: 196. – (R. Brindley) Cong. R. (Lond.) I : IIo4. — Barham's Translation. Sat. R. 63: 923. — Spec. 61: 22. Nicaea, in Asia Minor. (J. T. Bent) Fortn.e53: 220. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 664. e Nicander, Nucius. A 16th-Century Herodotus. (E. H. Tatham) Gent. M. m.'s. 45: 403. Nicaragua, Across, with Transit and Machéte. (R. E. Peary) Nat. Geog. M. I : 315. — Fever-Experiences in. (A. Stradling) Longm. I5: 176. •. — International Transit Route through. (B. Pim) J. Soc. Arts, II: 292. — Tarrying in, 1849. 9II. Nicaragua Canal. All the Year, 67: 341. — (D. Am- men) Lippine. 46: 349. – Chamb. J. 68: 86. — (C. T. Harvey) Cosmopol. Io: 676. — (J. Sherman) Fo- rum, 133 W. – (J. R. Spears) Chaut. I3: 490. – (H. White) Nation, 52:44. — (H. C. Taylor) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 32, 81. — (F. Boas) Science, Io; 182. — Engineering Features of. (R. E. Peary) Am. Arch. 22 - 21 O. - Location of. Science, I2: 158. — Route for. Am. Arch. 25: 273. Nicaraguan Woods, Flint's Investigation of. (R. H. Thurston) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 289. Nice, France, in the Spring-Time. All the Year, 62: 425. Nicene Creed as the Sufficient Statement of the Chris- tian Faith. (F. W. Davenport) Church R. 59: 195. Nicholas, St., Day of, in Carniola. Sat. R. 64: 814. Nicholas, Daniel C., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 347. Nicholls, Harry, and W. Lestocq. Theatre, 26: 89. Nicholson, Col. John Page, with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 215, Nicias. (T. D. Seymour) Chaut. 9: 194. Nickel and Carbon Monoxide, Liquid Compound of. (A. E. Tutton) Nature, 42: 371. — and Cobalt, Decomposition of. Nature, 39: 325. – and Tungsten Alloys, Magnetism of. (J. Trowbridge and S. Sheldon) Am. J. Sci. I58: 462. (R. S. Baldwin, jr.) Cent. 20: Nickel Ores from Oregon. (F. W. Clarke) Am. J. Sci. I35; 483. Nicknames and Ekenames. (A. Gaye) National, I4: 37I. – Italian. Atlan. 63: 282. — Amer. I7: 303. – Names and. (G. Nash) Bay State Mo. 2: 255. — of British Regiments. Chamb. J. 67: 251. Nicobar Islanders. (E. H. Man) Anthrop. J. 18: 354. Nicolo Cesi. (W. McArthur) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 34. Nidderdale and the Dalers. All the Year, 62: 57. Niece for an Aunt, A.; a story. Argosy, 46: 155. Niederbronn, Alsace. 23: 724. 305 (H. C. E. Childers) 19th Cent. || NINE Niger River. (E. Hutchinson) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 565. – and Congo River. (R. Capper) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 5oo. Night; a Nocturne. Amer. 20: 148. — Nature at. Cornh. 61 : 364. Night at Ouseley Manor; a story. Harper, 8o: 250. Night in a Haystack; or, a Trial for the Derby. Blackw. I49: 817. Night in Hummelstein; a story. (S. B. Gould) Belgra. 63; 432. Night in the Jungle. Macmil. 5 Age, I76: 496. Night in a Scotch Swamp. Liv. Age, 178: 723. Night in the Suburbs;ea story. (E. A. Somerville) Ar- gosy, 43: Supp. 66. Night of Terror; a story. 75: 64. Night's Adventure, A.; a story. (M. W. Dahlgren) Am. M. 8: 333. Night's Tragedy, A. (T. H. Wilson) Un. Serv. (Phila.) (K. S. Macquoid) * * 7: 290. Same art. Liv. º (Mrs. F. Copleston) Belgra. 3 : 37°4. Night Boat from Boulogne; a story. (E. Stuart) Argosy, 49; 33. Nightcaps and the Bey. (W. von Schierbrand) Cosmo- pol. 6: 609. Night Express, The. (H. Graham) Un. Serv. (Phila.) Nºri i. the Fields. (E. Clayton) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: Nº iºn. A. A. M. Kerr) Overland, n. s. I6: Niºt * of Animals. Sat. R. 65: 530. Night-Prowlers; Birds and Quadrupeds. (M. G. Wat- kins) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 123. Night Watch, A, with the Keeper. (E. Clayton) Gent. M. n. S. 4I: I79. Night Witchery. (W. H. Gibson) Scrib. M. 6: 305. Night-Work, Catholic Women and. Dub. R. IoI: 291. “Nightingale,” English Frigate, her Captains and Cap- ture in 1707. (J. K. Laughton) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 65. Nightingale; a poem. (F. D. Sherman) Cosmopol. 4: 4O6. Nihilism and Socialism in Russia. Day, no. 2: 140. – Beginning of. Sat. R. 64: 288. — Russian, Woman's Share in. mopol. II: 619. Nihilisms and Socialisms of the World. (J. P. Hopps) Contemp. 58: 271. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 373. Nihilist, The. (E. B. Mawer) Tinsley, 44; 375. Nihilists in Paris. (J. H. Rosny) Harper, 83: 429. — of New York. (V. Gribayédoff) Cosmopol. 6: 557. Nijni-Novgorod, Fair of. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 670. Nikè Sacrificing a Bull. (C. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 275. Nile, Afloat on the. (E. H. and E. W. Blashfield) Scrib. M. Io: 663. – as a Civilizer. (J. G. Lansing) Presb. R. Io: 245. — Day of Adventure on. (Mrs. Blood) Lond. Soc. 55; (Stepniak) Subj. of (E. Norraikow) Cos- 532. ~~ © — from Philae to Wady Halfa. (Gebel Effendi) Cos- mopol. I2; 131. — The Modern. (E. L. Wilson) Scrib. M. 2: 259. – A Trip to. (A. de Potter) Chaut. I4: 327. — Work of. (F. R. Conder) Scot. R. I5: 252. Nile Campaign of 1889, The. Blackw. I47: 747. Nile Valley, Tribes of. (Sir C. W. Wilson) Anthrop. J. I7: 3. Nils's Garden; a story. 426. \Nina; a story. Temp. Bar, 80: 210. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 229. (T. W. Higginson) Cent. I6: Nine Days; a story. (Carmen Sylva) Belgra. 70: 39. NINETEENTH Nineteenth Century, Panorama of, at the Paris Expo- sition. (A. Stevens and H. Gervex) Cent. 17: 256. Nineteenth Century Mystery. (H. E. Page) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 457. Ninette; a story. (L. G. Seguin) Leis. Hour, 38: 1. Ninety-One. (J. H. Greusel) Outing, I2: 250. Ninny-Hammers, Of the Nine. Reliquary, 30: 12. Niño Diablo. (W. H. Hudson) Macmil. 61: 303. Nipigon River, On the. (E. Thurston) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 386. Nirvana, An Apostle of. 285. – the Blest; a poem. (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. Io: 166. – Turning towards. (E. A. Ross) Arena, 4: 736. Nisard, Désiré. Souvenirs. Ath. '88, 2: 513. Nissa ; a True Story of Isfahán. Blackw. 149: 520. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 780. Nitrate of Soda, and the Nitrate Country. (R. Aber- cromby) Nature, 40: 186, 308. Nitrates. (D. A. Lonis) Knowl. I2: Ioo. Nitrification, Investigations on. (E. O. Jordan and E. H. Richards) Science, I8: 48. Nitrogen, Atmospheric, as Plant Food. Science, I4: 328. – Fixation of Free, Experiments on. Nature, 45: 32. Niven, Frederick William, with portrait. (Lond.) 52: 35. (W. Barry) Dub. R. Ioa: (J. H. Gilbert) Bank. M. No ; a story. (M. Wright) Belgra. 62: 296. “No” Dance, The ; a poem. (E. Arnold) Contemp. 6o: 777. No Haid Pawn. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. I.: 410. No Laughing Matter; a story. (C. Bingham) Belgra. 68: 458. No Man's Land, Story of. (J. R. Spears) Chaut. Io: 176. No Robbery; a story. (J. Paslew) Belgra. 68: 465. No Songs in Winter; poem. (T. B. Aldrich) Atlan. 6I: 245. Nobility, English, Morals of. (S. J. Lippincott) Knowl. II : IO4. INoble Mother, A. (H. Zimmern) Liv. Age, 191: 168. Noble Patron ; a poem. (A. Dobson) Harper, 79: 661. Noble Revenge, A. (Jessie Macleod) Chamb. J. 68: 569–615. Noblesse Oblige; a story. (T. M. Watson) Belgra. 63: 47O. Noel, Maurice. Tea; a Farcical Comedy. (P. H. Fitzgerald) Theatre, I8: 339. Noel, Roden B. W. Tinsley, 45: 67. — A Modern Faust. (J. A. Symonds) Acad. 35: 33. Noiré, Ludwig. Acad. 35: 255. Noise. All the Year, 65: 474. , Nollekins, Joseph, R. A. (J. E. Hodgson and F. Eaton) Art J. 43: 257. Noltché. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. I3: 353. Nomadic Experiences of a Frontierswoman. (D. Ma- riager) Overland, n. s. Io: 316. Nomen, Derivation of. (F. Max Müller) Acad. 31: 289. Nomenclature, Curiosities of. Chamb. J. 65: 278. Nonconformists and Unionism. (N. Hall) Fortn. 55: 32O. — English, Status of. Cong. R. I : 863. — Theological Degrees for. (H. W. Horwill) Contemp. 6o: 559. Nonconformist Conscience, Tyranny of. (P. B. Brett) 19th Cent. 29: 202. Nonconformist Ministers, Trials of. Westm. I31: 254. Nonconformity in Wales. (S. Leighton) National, II: 646. —Is it Declining ? Cong. R. I : 926. 4; 366. Non-Importation Agreement, Phila., 1769–70, Effects of. Pennsyl. M. I4; 41. 306 NORSEMEN “None so Blind-; ” a story. (Mrs. M. Argles) Temp. Bar, 8o: 378. Nonjurors, The. Age, I73: 771. Non-Residents, Judgment by Default against. Reno) Am. Law R. 21: 715. Non-Resistance, Christian Doctrine of. (Count Tolstoy and A. Ballou) Arena, 3: I. Nonsense. All the Year, 64: 114. —Sat. R. 72: 164. – as a Fine Art. Quar. 167: 335. - – Pure and Simple. Spec. 61: 1503. Nonsense-Books, Lear’s. Spec. 6o: I25I. Non Sine Dolore; a poem. (R. W. Gilder) Atlan. 66: 739. Noojehan; a story. (H. G. Bruce) Harv. Mo. 3: 186. Noor Mahāl, Light of the Harem. (S. G. W. Benja- min) Cosmopol. II: 235. Noºk Down the. (E. Morse) Overland, m. s. Io: 5ö7. Nordanskär. (H. Pottinger) Fortn. 52: 97. Norfolk County, England. All the Year, 66: 445. - Birds of. (R. R. Smith) Leis. Hour, 37: 744. – Broads, Cruise on the. (A. Gardyne) Tinsley, 43: 3I5, 434. - – Coast, Last Excursion to. All the Year, 69: 373. — — On the. All the Year, 68: 610. - Yachting in Waters of. (R. Goodwin) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 263. Norikoff, Olga. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 123. Norites of the Cortlandt Series on the Hudson. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. 133: 135–243. Normal College, Model. (J. W. Macdonald) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 30. Normal Institutes. (J. M. Greenwood) Educa. 9: 305. Normal School, Beginnings of the. (Brother Azarias) Cath. World, 51: 197. Normal Schools. (L. H. Durling) Amer. 13: 409. — (E. H. Magill) Amer. I4: 4o. – German System of. (C. De Garmo) Science, Io: 302. — in the U. S. (A. D. Mayo) Education, 8: 223. Norman, John Henry, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 209. Normans in England, Roll of Battle Abbey. Ed. R. I7o: Io'7. Norman Doorways. (J. R. Allen) Reliquary, v. 27–30. Norman Dukes, Homes of. (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 31: 180–447. Norman Lady, A. (K. L. Bates). Chaut. I2: 450. Normandy. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 49: 52–224. – Archaeological Notes, in. (H. Smith) Antiq. m. s. 2O: I53. - Fugitive Facts from. Chamb. J. 67: 44. – Life in. Spec. 64: 200. — on a Tricycle. Leis. Hour, 36: 709. - — Quiet Corner of. (E. D. Cuming) Murray, 7: 662. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 741. — A Ramble through. (R. O. Allsop) Eng. Illust. 6: 181. – Sands of. Cornh. 55: 81. — Summer in. Cornh. 62: 177. – Wheel and Camera in. (J.W. Fosdick) Outing, 16: 92. Normirofka, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44: 180. Norris, W. E. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 202. - Novels of. Quar. I68: 419. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 579. Norrland and its Timber Trade. Chamb. J. 68: 407. Norry. (J. Tulloch) Irish Mo. 17: 476. Norse Atlantis, A.; a story. (H. H. Boyesen) Cosmo- pol. Io: 48. Norse Tales, Dasent's. (A. W. Moore) Dial (Ch.) 9: 157. Norsemen, The, Conversion of. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 487. Quar. IG4; 322. Same art. Liv. (C. (G. NORSEMEN Norsemen, Christian, in America. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 598. — Discovery of America by. (S. C. Bull) M. Am. Hist. 19: 217. See America, Discovery of. — Du Chaillu on. (R. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) Io: 2O5. — in the Isle of Man. (G. Vigfusson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 498. — in the U. S. (K. Janson) Cosmopol. 9: 678. — — Ecclesiastical History of. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 249. — — Horsford’s Problem of. II ... I [2. North, Marianne. Ath. '90, 2: 319. Same art. Critic, 17: 160. — Picture Gallery of. All the Year, 67: 292. North, Roger, Autobiography. Ath. '87, 2: 563. —(O. Airy) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 174. – Death of. (A. Jessopp.) Ath. '87, I: 512. North, The New. (M. A. Baker) Cosmopol. 2: 51. North America, Antiquity of Man in Eastern. (C. C. Abbot) Science, I2: Io9. — The Ice Age in, Wright on. (A. Winchell) Dial (Ch.) Io: 98. See Ice Age. — Non-English Settlements in. Nation, 44; 392. Northampton, Battle of. Sat. R. 70: 558. Northampton, Mass., Forbes Library. (H. B. Adams) Lib. J. I2: 512. Northamptonshire, Steeples in. (W. R. Lethaby) Art J. 4I: 227, 254. North Briton, The, No. 45. M. m. s. 39: 48. North Cape, To the. (C. Beerbohm) Temp. Bar, 85: 389. — Tinsley, 41; 55. North Carolina, 1st Regiment. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 212. — — Roster and Song. (J. H. Lane) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 51. — Winter in, Word for. (D. Dodge) Outing, 17: 452. Northcote, Sir Stafford, Earl of Iddesleigh. (A. Ar- mold) Acad. 38: 383. — (H. W. Lucy) Temp. Bar, go: 5oo. — Blackw. I42: 235. I48: 585. — Sat. R. 70: 505. — (J. Bryce) Nation, 44; 138. – Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 162. — (Lord Coleridge) Macmil. 57: 161. – (Wiscount Cranbrook and A. Austin) Na- tional, 8: 721. — (T. E. Kebbel) National, I6: 407. (J. E. Olson) Dial (Ch.) (W. H. Tillinghast) (H. R. Fox-Bourne) Gent. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 614. —Spec. 60: 68. — Sat. R. 63: 73. – With portrait. Leis. Hour, 36: 2O tº — Essays. Ath. '87, I: 826. North Country Antiquities. (W. Brailsford) Antiq. n. S. I9: I37. Northfield, Mass. ('86–87): 335. North London Collegiate and Camden School for Girls. (Mrs. H. E. Monroe) Educa. Io: 347. Northmen. See Norsemen. North Pole, and the South Pole. Overland, n. s. IG: 5o. - How to Reach. (J. C. Johnson) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 486. º — New Route to. (F. Nansen) Forum, II: 693. — — Will Dr. Nansen Succeed? (A. W. Greely) Fo- rum, II: 71o. — Norwegian Expedition to. (M. Winchester) New Eng. M. 5 (H. M. Prentiss) (F. Nansen) Longm. 17: 37. North River Bridge, Proposed. Am. Arch. 24; 266. Northrup Genealogy. (A. J. Northrup) N. E. Reg. 43: 242. North Sea, Life in. (A. Gordon) Gent. M. n. s. 47: 78. — Life in Winter on. (W. Grenfell) Leis. Hour, 38: 2O4. – Trawlers in. (J. Runciman) Contemp. 54: 543. 307 NORWEGIAN North Sea, Trawlers in, Life among the. (T. Paul) Good Words, 28: 161. North Shore, Summer Days on. Eng. M. m. s. 5: 17. North Smithfield, R. I., Inman Purchase in. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 6: 49. North Uist Island. Sat. R. 68: 347. Northumberland, A Day's Raid into. Blackw. I50: 80. Northumberland Strait, Voyage in the “Northern Light.” (F. Haslewood) Murray, 3: 106. Northwest ; Beyond the Great Lakes. (A. B. Gup- till) Outing, 28: 175. – Cumberland on the. (G. C. Noyes) Dial (Ch.) 8: 91. — The New. (J. N. Dolph) Forum, II: 453. – The Old, Hinsdale on. (A. C. McLaughlin) Dial (Ch.) 9: 79. — (L. N. Dembitz) Nation, 46: 513. — (O. W. Collet) M. West. Hist. 8: 26o. — Physicians of. (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist: 6: 425, 604. — Pleasure Parties in. 24: I.22. – Section Life in. Liv. Age, I77: 163. — Studies of. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 76: 556. Northwestern Country in 1797. (C. Swan) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 74. Northwestern Fields of Sport, Summering in. gersoll) Outing, I6: 83, 312. Northwestern Territory, Centennial of. (D. Campbell) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 200. — (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 8: 483. — Education in, Beginning of. West. Hist. 7: 422. – Highest Court of. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 9: 24O. Norumbega. (A. L. Clark) New Eng. M. 4; 261. — Horsford on. (J. E. Olson) Dial (Ch.) II: II2. - (J. B. Shipley) Antiq. m. s. 23: 65. Norway; across the Folgefond. (J. Beveridge) Sun- day M. 20: 85. — and Denmark, New Literature of. (H. H. Boye- sen) N. Princ. 3: 370. Same art. Critic, Io: 225. — and its People. (B. Björnson) Harper, 78: 419–8or. — Deer-Forests in. (H. Pottinger) Fortn. 55; 229. Same art. Liv. Age, I89; 34. — Education and Schools of. (B. C. Pogue) Educa. (W. S. Nevins) New (F. A. (J. Veitch) (R. Singleton) M. Am. Hist. (E. In- (A. A. Graham) M. IO: 42O. — History of, Boyesen’s. Spec. 60: 1363. – Home Rule in. (T. von Bunsen) Liv. Age, I76: 544. – A Look at, from the Sea. (H. Jones) Leis. Hour, 37: 335-549. – National Bank of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1492. — New Road in. Sat. R. 68: 460. — Politics in. (D. K. Dodge) Nation, 53: 64. — Quaint Old Churches of. (H. M. O. Nevin) M. Chr. Lit. 4: I 74. & - — Recent Travels in [1858]. Meliora, I : 2II. – Schoolmaster's Vacation in. (J. Ricalton) Outing, Io: 223. — Shooting in. (Sir H. Pottinger) Fortn. 50: 755. – Three Weeks in. (E. Aveling) Tinsley, 47: I49. – A Winter Jaunt to. (Mrs. A. Tweedie) Murray, Io; 52. Norwegian Language. Sat. R. 67: 83. — of Recent Writers. (W. H. Carpenter) Atlan. 66: II.7. - - Norwegian Literature, 1887–8. (H. Jaeger) Ath. '88, 2 : 23. — 1888–9. — 1889–90. — 1890–1. (H. Jaeger) Ath. '89, 2: 24. (H. Jaeger) Ath. '90, 2: 23. (H. Jaeger) Ath. '91, 2: 27. NORWICH Norwich, Eng. (R. O. Allsop) Eng. Illust. 8: 365. — (C. Geikie) Good Words, 31: 828. — Visitation of, I492–1532. Spec. 62: 479. — Ath. '89, I: 369. — Walloon Church of, Moens's. Ath. '89, I: 112. Norwich Castle. Antiq. m. s. 19: I59. Noses. (H. H. Curtis) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 75. Nostradamus, Michael de, the Astrologer. Ward) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 601. Not for the Money; a story. (M. Cresswell) Belgra. 63: Io2. Not Professional. All the Year, 62: 9–33. Not Quite Lost; a story. Chamb. J. 66: 380. Notes for an Unsentimental Journey. Blackw. I46: 633. Notes in Books, Oppression of. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 68: 253. Notes, Payment of, by a Bank. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 29I. Note Circulation of England and Wales. (Lond.) 49: 665. – Palgrave on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 44. — Sir Robert Peel and. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 817. — Provincial, 1889. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1233. Note-Taking, On. Irish Mo. I5: 268. “Nothing to Do; ” a story. Meliora, II: 134. Notice to Quit. (J. M. O'Ryan) Irish Mo. Ig: 113. Noto, an Unexplored Corner of Japan. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 67: I-482. Notoriety, Love of. (F. P. Cobbe) Forum, 8: 170. — or Death. Spec. 62: 538. Notre Dame, Ind., Early Days of. World, 47: 316. Nott, E., Lectures on Temperance. Meliora, 6: 150. Nottingham, Eng., Crosses of. (A. Stapleton) Antiq. (C. A. Bank. M. (A. J. Stace) Cath. n. s. I5: 89. I6: 51–250. Nottingham Market-Place. (W. E. Doubleday) Antiq. n. S. 20: 5 I. Nottingham Assembly of 1888. Cong. R. 2: 969. Nova Scotia, Inshore Fisheries of. (A. F. Browne) Amer. I3: 297. – Secession Movement in. (A. F. Browne) Amer. I3: 330. Novel, The American. (M. H. Lawless) Author, 2: 63. — (A. L. Dawes) Critic, I4: I. — English, in Shakspere's Time, Jusserand on. Quar. I7I: 439. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 643. — Modern ; is it a Work of Art? (P. C. Schiedt) Ref. Q. 38: 370. — — Psychology of. (G. T. Ladd) And. R. I2: 134. Same art.” Critic, I5: 8o. — of the Future. (F. Coates) Author, 3: 47. — One Way to Write a. (J. Hawthorne) Cosmopol. 2: 96. — Present State of the. (G. Saintsbury) Fortn. 48: 410. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 603. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: I49. — Fortn. 49: II2. — Victorian, and Elizabethan Drama. (T. D. Robb) Lippinc. 47: 520. Novels, American. Irish Mo. I5: 560. — and the Common School. (C. D. Warner) Atlan. 65: 72I. — as Literary Anodynes. — by American Women, On Certain. Cosmopol. Io: 764. — by Women, Recent. — — Sceptical. 388. — Dime Novel Nuisance. (W. McCormick) Lend a H. Spec. 61: 1287. (B. Matthews) Atlan. 59: 265. * 5: 253. — English, Modern. (A. Shore) Westm. I34: 143. — — Artificiality of. (D. F. Hannigan) Westm. I33: 254. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 646. 308 (C. L. Engström) Theo. Mo. I : 24, NUMERATION Novels, Names in. Blackw. I5o: 230. – Naming of. Macmil. 61: 372. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 235. — Religious, Influence of. (R. Ogden) Nation, 47: 329. - Rºute and Realistic. (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. 9: 90. — Skeletons of. (M. R. P. Hatch) Writer, 5: 87. - Some Thoughts about. Macmil. 55: 358. – Three-Volume. Spec. 64: 656. – A Word about. (W. Hughes) Irish Mo. 16: 59. — Writing of. (B. Howard) Critic, 12: 157. – (W. H. Bishop) Critic, I2: 183. — (W. D. Howells) Critic, I2: 269, 284. — — Authors' Opinions. — — Besant’s Rules for. See also Fiction. Novel-Reading, Voracious. Spec. 61: 1125. Novel Writers, Maxims for. Murray, 9: 185. art. Liv. Age, I88: 570. Novel-Writing; does it Pay? (B. Northrup) Author, Critic, I2: I35. Critic, I2: 22. Same I : 130. – My First Novel. (L. Vanderpoole) Writer, I: 85. – Profits of. (W. Westall) Cosmopol. 3: 50. Novelist, Minor, A Plea for the. (F. A. Mathews) Au- thor, 2: I. – Two Views of the. (H. E. Egerton) National, Io: 607. – The Young. (W. Besant) Author, 3: 31. Novelists, Great, Why the U. S. have no. (H. H. Boye- sen) Forum, 2: 615. Same art. Amer. 13: 253. — Hint to. (W. H. Stacpoole) Lippine. 45: 435. — License of. Sat. R. 69: 597–792. — Modern. (W. D. Howells) Critic, II: 32. — Women, Audacity in. (G. P. Lathrop) No. Am. 15o: 609. Novelty, Sinfulness of. Spec. 66: 240. November. All the Year, 6o: 388. – Flowers and Birds in. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 62: 589. — Holy. All the Year, 63: 485. November Landscape, A. (E. H. Moore) Chaut. 8: 85. November Prairie, A.; a poem. (K. T. Prescott) Atlan. 68: 62o. “Nox,” Colony of. (A. M. Davis) M. Am. Hist. 17: 243. Noyes, Nathaniel, Letters of, to William Henshaw, I774-5. N. E. Reg. 44: 140. Noyes, W. H., Missionary Appointment of. And. R. Io: 625. – Ordination of. And. R. Io: 528. Nubian Folk-Lore. Sat. R. 66: 648. Nugent, Christopher R., with portrait. (Lond.) 52: 41. Nuggets, Monster. Chamb. J. 65: 524. Nullification, South Carolina and. (G. Hunt) Pol. Sci. Bank. M. Q. 6: 232. — Warfield on. (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) 8: 245. No. 29 Ratcliffe Highway, Murders at, 1811. Green Bag, 3: 134. No. 222. Cornh. 55: 377. Number 263; a True Story. Chamb. J. 65: 316. Numbers, Cardinal, Hopkins on. Sat. R. 66: 351. — Factors of. (A. Cunningham) Nature, 39: 559. — Prime, Certain Irregularities in. (J. J. Sylvester) Nature, 38: 259. — Some Properties of. (R. W. D. Christie) Knowl. 12: 186, 212. I3: 7, 45. Numerals, Roman, Development of the. (J. Lymburn) Nature, 36: 555. — — Natural History of. 565. Numeration; Twelve versus Ten. uca. R. 2: 347. (E. Tregear) Nature, 38: (W. B. Smith) Ed- NUMISMATICS N* Indian, Progress of. (V. A. Smith) Acad. 40: 388. — of the 17th Century. (G. C. Williamson) Roy. Hist. Soc. I4; 17I. — Roman, Babelon on. Ath. '89, 2: 491. Nummulites and Mountains. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4; 64. Numsen, W., with portrait. M. West. Hist. II: 485. Nuneaton, England. (E. Swimmerton) Art J. 4o: 89. Nunez, Raphael, with portrait. Overland, n. s. I4: 117. Nuñez de Arce, Gaspar. (R. Ogden) Scrib. M. 9: 432. Nuremberg. (T. F. Laist) Am. Arch. 29: 181. — Fountains in. Sat. R. 64: 286. — Mediaeval Sculpture in. Sat. R. 64: 385. Nurse, Rebecca, Monument and Homestead of. (E. P. Gould) Bay State Mo. 3: 434. Nurse, Training of a. (Mary C. Jones) Scrib. M. 8: 613. Nurse Crumpet tells the Story. 75: 62o. Nurses. Ath. '89, 2: 281. — and Nursing. Westm. I3o: II. — London Hospital. (W. H. Wilkins) National, I7: II8. – (E. C. E. Luckes) New R. 3: 289. – Training-School for, in San Francisco. White) Overland, m. s. 9: 123. – Training Schools for. Lend a H. I : 103. Nurseries, Day. Lend a H. 2: IoI. Nursery Classics in School. (H. E. Scudder) Atlan. 59: 8oo. Nursing as a Profession for Women. 336. – Hospital. (Mrs. Hunter) Eng. Illust. 8: 421. — Practical View of. (I. Stewart) Murray, 8: 162. — a Privileged Profession. Westm. I35: 6. Nuts and Seeds, Ornamental Uses of. Chamb. J. 68: (A. Rives) Harper, (Mary D. Lend a H. 3: 374. — Produce and Uses of. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 475. Nyassa, Lake. (H. B. Cotterill) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 678. 27: 242. Nyassaland. (H. H. Johnston) Nature, 43: 45. Oaks and Acorns. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I7: 23, 27. Oak of Geismar, The. (H. Van Dyke) Scrib. M. Io: 681. Oak Wood, Seasoning. Am. Arch. 29: 153. Oakes, John Wright. Ath. '87, 2: 89. Oakley, James M. M. West. Hist. 9: 75. “Oannes '' in Cuneiform Texts. (T. de Lacouperie) Acad. 33: 399. Oarsman, The Academical. Blackw. I42: 834. Oates, Titus. (R. K. Douglas) Blackw. I45: 228. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 131. . Obelisks, Egyptian. (B. H. Cooper) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 25o. Ober-Ammergau. Spec. 64; 439. — Behind the Scenes. (M. Bramston) Spec. 65: 277. — in Winter. (F. E. Norris) Murray, 7: 633. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 609. — (H. C. Ward) National, I6: 688. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 353. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 438. – Passion Play at. M. Chr. Lit. 2: 28o. — R. of Rs. 2: 74. - (J. K. Jerome) Theatre, 25: I. — (A. T. Story) Tinsley, 44; 403. — — Disposition of the Receipts. Nation, 52: 91. — — in 1890. (I. Burton) New R. 2: 546. — (E. Bis- land) Cosmopol. Io: 131. – (F. C. W. Barbour) Chaut. II: 725. —Irish Mo. 18: 535. — (C. R. Coleridge) Lond. Soc. 58: 486. —(P. J. O'Reilly) Month, 7o: I-359. — — Ober-Ammergau after the. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 284. — — Stead on. (A. T. Story) Tinsley, 45: 209. 309 OCEAN Oberländer, Adolf. (C. Whibley) Art J. 41: 143. – (C. S. Pratt) Cosmopol. 9: 602. Oberlin, John F. (E. R. Butler) Lend a H. 4: 507. Oberlin College and Town, Ohio, Evolution of. M. West. Hist. I3: 333. Obermann. (R. M. Lovett) Harv. Mo. II: 89. Oberon, History of. (C. H. C. Wright) Harv. Mo. Io: 52. Obeying the Poet. (M. Hill) Outing, 19: 69. Obi, Up the, to Tobolsk. (V. A. L. Morier) Murray, 7: 231. O’Brien, Charlotte Grace. Irish Mo. 16: 728. O’Brien, Frances Marcella. Irish Mo. 15: 406. O’Brien, Hugh. (C. H. Taylor) Bay State Mo. 3: 253. * O’Brien, William. (K. Tynan) Cath. World, 48: 151. O’Brien, William, King of Bank-Robbers. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1272. – Imprisonment, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 611, 687. Observation and Experiment Essential in Pedagogical Inquiry. (E. H. Russell) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 335. Observations, True Average of. (R. H. Smith) Nature, 37: 464. Observation Lesson, The. (L. J. Block) Educa. Io: 590. • Observatory, Astronomical, at Cape of Good Hope. (A. M. Clerke) Contemp. 55; 380. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 3. — at Carleton College. Sid. Mess. 7: 321. — College, First, in the U. S. (J. L. Love) Sid. Mess. 7 : 417. – Herschel's, at Slough. (D. W. Edgecomb) Sid. Mess. 9: 52. - – Ladd, Providence, R. I. (W. Upton) Sid. Mess. Io: 502. — U. S. National: An Irrepressible Conflict. (L. Boss) Sid. Mess. Io: 16I. - See also Names of Observatories, as Harvard, Lick, etc. Observatories, Ancient and Modern. Mess. Io: 481. – Astronomical. (W. T. Lynn) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: (W. Upton) Sid. tº 357. – Mountain. (A. C. Ranyard) Knowl. I2: 125. Obvious, Essays in the. (H. G. Hutchinson) Murray, 9: 634, 820. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 378. O’Callaghan, John Cornelius. Irish Mo. I&: 4II. O'Carroll, J. James. Irish Mo. I7: 209. Occultism, Modern, and Scientific Religion. (J. R. Gregory) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 726. — — Origin of. (F. Legge) National, I4: Io. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 84. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 499. Occupation, Choice of an. (E. E. Hale) Forum, 3: 604. Ocean, Avoidable Dangers of the. (V. L. Cottman) Forum, 4: 323. — Bed of the. (H. R. Mill) Good Words, 31: 686. — Deep Troughs of ; are they of Volcanic Origin? Nature, 42: 357. — Depths of. Atlan. 63: I.24. — from Real Life. (J. A. Beebe) Cent. 21: 244. — Physics of the Sub-Oceanic Crust. (A. "J. Jukes- Browne; J. S. Gardner) Nature, 41: 54, Io9. – Water of, Is its Bulk Constant? (A. J. Jukes- Browne) Nature, 41: 130. Oceans, Surface-Temperatures of the. 29I. Ocean Passenger Travel. (J. H. Gould) Scrib. M. 9: Science, Io: 399. Ocean Record, Breaking the. Chamb. J. 65: 182. Ocean Voyages, Peril of. (C. W. Kennedy) No. Am. I48: 572. * See Steamships, also Atlantic. OCEANIC (J. D. Oceanic Depression, Origin of Deep Troughs. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I37: 192. Ochtertyre Papers. Ed. R. I.68: 171. Ockley Battle, A. D. 851. Sat. R. 67: 66. O'Connell, Daniel. Irish Mo. I5: 594. —With portrait. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: 826. — Correspondence of. (W. E. Gladstone)/i9th Cent. 25: 149. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 323. Same art. Eel. M. II2: 233. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48; 33. —Spec. 62: 87. —Dub. R. Ioa: 194. — (R. Dunlop) Acad. 34; 313. -*Sat...R. 66: 525. — Ath. '88, 2: 619. –Quar. 167: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 131. —WBlackw. I44: 886. – (J. Mc- Carthy) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 303. — (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 49: 104M V— Few More Words on. (Sir W. Gregory) 19th Cent. 25: 582. — Hamilton's Life of. Sat. R. 65: 737. O'Connell, Mad. Frédéric, Recollections of. ran) Temp. Bar, 84: 539. O'Connell, Maurice. Irish Mo. 16: 526. O'Connell, Morgan. Irish Mo. I5: 160. (H. Cork- O'Connor, James, Bishop of Omaha. Am. Cath. Q. I5: 576. O'Connors of Connaught. (W. O. Morris) Irish Mo. I9: 481. O'Conor, Rev. W. A. Acad. 31: 255. Octavia, Empress. (A. Lloyd) Church R. 60: 193. October. All the Year, 6o: 317. October Walk, An. Chamb. J. 64: 673. Octroi, The, at Issoire. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 433. Odd Ideas, Some. All the Year, 65: 177. Odd Journey; a story. (E. E. Dickinson) Belgra. 64: Io8. Odd Love-Story. (W. B. Harrison) Lippinc. 44: 713. Odd Numbers. Liv. Age, I75: 308. Odd Sticks. (T. B. Aldrich) Scrib. M. 5: 124. Odd Trick, The ; a story. All the Year, 67: 253–275. Odd Tricks. (L. Smith-Gordon) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 406. Odlin Family, The. (J. T. Perry) N. E. Reg. 41 : 265, 393. Odo of Champagne, Count of Blois, and “Tyrant of Burgundy.” (K. Norgate) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 486. O'Donnell, John Francis. Irish Mo. 16: 690. Odor of Sanctity. (E. M. Heaton) New Eng. M. m. s. 4; 742. 5: 38-470. Odors, Gastronomic Value of. (H. T. Finck) Ecl. M. Io8: 42. Odysseus and Nausicaa. (W. C. Lawton) Atlan. 66: 78. Off Beaten Paths. (M. A. Kenn) Overland, n. s. 18; 19. Offham, Eng. Antiq. m. s. 16: Ioo. Office, Partisan Removals from, Evolution of. Nation, 48; 499. – Rotation in. (B. Webster) Nation, 48: 518. – (F. W. Whitridge) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 279. – Spoils of. (Goldwin Smith) Forum, 8: 28. See Civil Service. Office-Holders, Public, Removal of. Am. Law R. 25: 199. Office-Holding in the Colonies. 49; 28. Office—Seeking, Plague of. I49: Io9. — A True Story of. (R. S. Harvey) M. Am. Hist. 24: (J. R. Berryman) (W. C. Ford) Nation, (C. H. T. Collis) No. Am. II 5. Officer, The Ordinary. (J. C. Jeffery) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 25. Officers, Commanding. Um. Serv. M. I ('88); 559, 675. – Married. (C. A. Barker) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 2I4. 310 OILS Ogaga ; or, Thirty Hours on a Raft. (Jan Winn) Tins- ley, 41 : 617. Ogalalla. (J. M. Hoffman) Overland, n. s. Io: 623. Ogden, Milton D., M. D. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 696. Ogeechee Cross-Firings. (R. M. Johnston) Harper, 78: 887. Oghams in Isle of Man. (Earl of Southesk) Acad. 32: 359. Ogham Inscriptions at Bally knock. (W. Stokes) Acad. 4o: 459. - Ogilvie Whittlechurch. Chamb. J. 66: 280–329. Oglander, Sir. J. Memoirs. Spec. 61 : 550. Oglethorpe, Jas. E., Bruce's. Sat. R. 71: 204. Oh, to be a Man! (H. C. Davidson) Lond. Soc. 55: 523. O'Hagan, John. Acad. 38: 476. O'Hara, Theodore. (R. B. Wilson) Cent. 18: 106. — (A. G. Brackett) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 275. Ohio, Admission of. (I. W. Andrews) M. Am. Hist. 18: 306. — Antiquities of, Shepherd on. (J. O. Pierce) Dial (Ch.) II: 377. • — Border Life in. (E. W. B. Canning) M. Am. Hist. 2O : I.21. — Centennial of. (D. Campbell) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 200. — (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 7: 679. – College Growth in. (J. Eaton) Educa. 9: 433. — Correspondence of Varnum and Putnam, 1788. Am. Hist. Ig: 519. — First Court in, 1788. M. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 9 : 40. — General Assembly of, 1847-8. (A. G. Riddle) M. West. Hist. 6: 341. — — 49th. (N. S. Townshend) M. West. Hist. 6: 623. — History of. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. v. 5–8. — How the Fathers Builded in. uca. 9: I5 I. (J. H. Fairchild) Ed- — in 1790. (M. P. Steele) M. West. Hist. II: 393. — in 1818. (A. E. Lee) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 221. — in 1837. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. 7: 140. – Lawyers and Law in. (G. F. Marshall) M. West. Hist. I2: 356, 468. — Metropolis of, A Mythical. Hist. 5: 494. — Pioneers of. (R. King) Atlan. 62: 559. — Recollections of. (S. S. Packard) M. West. Hist. I3: 396, 564. — School System of, Origin of. (M. D. Leggett) M. West. Hist. 7: 241. – State Library. Lib. J. I5: 50. — When did it become a State 2 (J. Q. Howard) M. Am. Hist. I7: 135. —(W. Waddle, jr.) M. Am. Hist. I7: 425. Ohio River. [From Universal Magazine, 1757].M. Am. Hist. 20: 235. — An Englishman’s Note-Book in 1828. M. Am. Hist. Ig: 331. — History of, Brief. (J. F. James) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: (W. M. Day) M. West. (Col. Baillie) 739. Ohm, G. S., Memorial to. Nature, 39: 368. Ohm’s Law, Experimental Proof of. (A. M. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. I40: 42. Oil as Fuel. (C. B. Dudley) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 81. — Early Developments in, 1767–1859. M. West. Hist. 9 : I. — on Rough Waters, Use of. (W. H. Beehler) Cent. 37: 705. — (T. F. Townsend) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 42. – (R. Beynon) Nature, 41: 205. — Supply of, in the U. S. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: I75. Oils, Lamp. Chamb. J. 68: 389. OIL (C. A. Ashburner) Chaut. 8: 270. Oil Fields of U. S. (J. Dewar) J. Soc. — and Gas Fields of the U. S. Arts, 33: 771. Oil Regions, Romance of. Hist. Io: 436, 671. Oil Rivers, Protectorate of. Dub. R. Io9: 434. Oil Speculator's Mishaps, An. (J. H. Connelly) Am. M. 8: 47. Oil Well, First. (J. S. Newberry) Harper, 81: 723. Oil-Wells of Burma. (C. Marvin) National, I4; 34I. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 699. Okes, R. Sat. R. 66: 647. Oklahoma. Leis. Hour, 38: 447. —Sat. R. 67: 496. — and the Indian Territory. (W. D. Crawford) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 454. & — In and Out of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 48: 360. — Invasion of. Spec. 67: 571. — Land Rush in. Dub. R. IOS: I'87. — Opening of. (H. S. Wicks) Cosmopol. 7: 460. — Story of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 48: 279. – (J. R. Spears) Chaut. 9: 533. Olaf Tryggvisson, King of Norway. Westm. I30: 533. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 90. Olba, Topography of. (J. T. Bent) Ath. 'go, I : 742. Olbreuze, Elenore Desmier d’. Liv. Age, I84: 483. Old Academic, The ; a story. (C. E. Huse) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 349. Old Adam, The. Lippinc. 4I: 575. Old Adam, The. (H. C. Davidson) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 57-723. 2 ('88–89): 45. Old Adam ; or, I, yet not I. (W. Boyd Carpenter) Good Words, 32: 259. Old Age. Quar. I 59: 42. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 515. – Spec. 63: Io9. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 249. — Humphrey on. — Individual Provision for. Arts, 20: 188. — Science of. (A. Schofield) Leis. Hour, 40: 119. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: IoS. — Usefulness of. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 36: I 18. Old Bascom Place, The ; a story. (J. C. Harris) Cent. I6: 607, 909. Old Blazer's Hero. 73–605. Old Brown Mare ; a story. (W. E. Norris) Eng. Illust. (J. Lanagan) M. West. Spec. 64: 481. (G. C. T. Bartley).J. Soc. (D. C. Murray) Good Words, 28: 7: 44I. Old Californian's Pioneer Story, An. (W. A. Knapp) Overland, n. s. Io: 389, 499. Old Catholic Movement, Present Condition of. Herzog) Church R. 56: 136. Old Chair. (M. L. Cobb) New Eng. M. 3: 737. Old Cloak, The ; a Christmas story. (M. du Camp) Murray, 5: 54. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 275. Old Couple, An. (M. Field) Contemp. 51: 220. Old Doc. Travers. (H. W. Leavens) Overland, n.s. Io: 88 (C. H. Crandall) Atlan. (E. Old Dwelling, The ; a poem. 67: 772. Old Forty’s Master. Overland, n. s. I5: 187. Old Gus Lawson. (R. M. Johnston) Cent. 20: 104. Old Hickory's Ball. (W. A. Dromgoole) Arena, 4: 373. Old Hook and Crook. (B. Field) Eng. Illust. 4: 685. Same art. Liv. Age, I74; 372. Old House on the Cliff. (W. W. Fenn) Lond. Soc. 56: 628. Old Lord Kilconnell. (E. Lawless) Murray, 8: 229. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 614. Old Lyon's Inn. Chamb. J. 67: 141–155. Old Maid. See Spinsters. Old Maid's Husband; a story. (W. Collins) Belgra. 61: 278. 311 OLIPHANT (G. E. Walsh) New Eng. M. 5: 559. (G. H. Jessop) Old Man Bowen. Old Man from the Old Country, An. Cent. I5: 450. g Old Mansion, The. Chamb. J. 64; 296. Old Master, The ; a story. (F. S. Williams) Overland, n. S. I4: 48. Old Miss and Sweetheart. 77: 288. Old Missionary, The. (W. W. Hunter) Contemp. 56: 659, 781. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 614. I&4: 49, 77. Old Papers, Among some. Leis. Hour, 36: 99. Old * What to do with our. (F. Max Müller) New . I : 691. Old Quin’s Bank; a story. Chamb. J. 66: 717. Old “R. A.; ” a story. All the Year, 59: 261, 284. Old Red Schoolhouse. (H. Lee) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 292. Old Sailor’s Yarn, An. 3 ('89): 291. Old St. Leonard's Day. (A. Lang) Critic, II: 341. Old Schoolmistress, An ; a Sketch. All the Year, 64: 3oo. Old Secretaire, The. (F. M. White) Chamb. J. 64: 776– 839. Old Semaphore, The ; a story. All the Year, 65: 564. Old Sergeant, The. (A. Forbes) Eng. Illust. 6: 298. “Old Sixty; ” a story. (J. P. True) Outing, II: 216. Old Stairs; a Story of Long Ago. Chamb. J. 64; 313– (H. S. Edwards) Harper, (“R. Clynton’’) Un. Serv. M. 344. Old Studio, The. (T. St. E. Hake) Chamb. J. 68: 381– 4O9. Old Turcan's Wife. (J. Landers) Liv. Age, 180: 148. Old Way and the New, The. (T. W. Speight) Chamb. J. 64: 712–842. ** Old Winchester Hill. (W. Benham) Antiq. m. s. Ig: 73. Oldest Animals, Legend of. (W. Stokes and others) Acad. 34: 241-356. 35: 60, 77. Oldest Thing in the World, What is 2 Atlan. 59: 7Io. Oldhamia. Nature, 35: 315, 581. O'Leary, Ellen. Irish Mo. I'7: 83. — Poetry of. (J. Todhunter) Acad. 4o: 70. Olenellus Fauna Discovered in Cambrian Rocks. Lapworth) Nature, 39: 212. —Stratigraphic Position of, in North America and Eu- (C. rope. (C. D. Walcott) Am. J. Sci. I37: 374. I38: 29. Oleomargarine. (A. Jurgens) J. Soc. Arts, 33: 82. — (E. Richards) Science, I6: 71, 88. – Spec. 6o: Ioag. — Microscope as a Test for. (E. Richards) Science, I2; 59. Oleomargarine Law, The. (H. C. Bannard) Pol. Sci. Q. 2 : 545. Oliphant, Laurence. (M.O.W. Oliphant) Blackw. I45: 280. Same art. Liv. Age, 18o: 579. — Blackw. 150: 1. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 451. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 251. — Quar. I73: 392. — Scot. R. I8: 175. — Liv. Age, 191: 92. – (L. J. Jennings) Mac- mil. 64: 175. — (W. Lewin) Acad. 40; 27. – (A. J. G. Duff) Contemp. 55: 179. Same art. Eel. M. II2: 369. — (J. Wedgwood) Contemp. 6o: 347. – (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 93: 413. – (E. P. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 12: 138. — (C. G. Smith) Nation, 53: 3o. — Atlan. 68: 414. — Sat. R. 67: 8. – (S. F. Smith) Month, 72: 488. – Liv. Age, 181: 370. – Spec. 61: 1846. — and his New Book. Critic, I2: 289. — and Wife. Sat. R. 71: 655. — Episodes in a Life of Adventure. Ath. '87, 2: Ioz. — Religious Life of ; “Killing Self.” Spec. 66: 824. — Sympneumata. (S.C. Upton) J. Spec. Philos. 21: 82. OLIPHANT Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W., and J. L. Harris. (Mrs. A. Phillips) National, I7: 681. — (W. J. Stillman) Na- tion, 53: I2O. Olive, The, in America. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n.s. I8: 420. — Culture of, in California. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. S. I4 - 7O. Olive Oil, Production of, in the U. S. Overland, n. s. I4: I75. Olive; a poem. (A. C. Swinburne) Eng. Illust. 6: 3. Olive's Lover. Cornh. 56: 165. Same art. Liv. Age, (R. G. Sneath) I74: 733. Olivia Delaplaine. (E. Fawcett) Am. M. 7: 277-657. Olsen Testing Machine. J. Frankl. Inst. 131: 81. Olympia, Greece. (E. Gambier-Parry) Antiq. m. s. 16: I37. Olympian Register, Authenticity of. J. Hel. Stud. 2: 164. Olympias; a story. (T. Sparrow) Month, 65: 104-560. 66: 97. Olympus, On the Slopes of. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. m. s. 42: II. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 371. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 264. Omaha. (C.W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 8: 315, 591. 9: 86, 192. — Bar of. (J. W. Savage) M. West. Hist. 9: 201, 277. — Medical Profession of. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 9: 437. Io: 282, 383. Omaha Indians: New Class of Citizens. (G. T. Kerche- val) Lend a H. 6: 298. — Pressing Need among. (G. T. Kercheval) Lend a H. 6: 27. Omar Khayyám. (H. G. Keene) Macmil. 57:27. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: IO4. — (C. J. Pickering) National, (J. P. Mahaffy) 16: 506. — and Schopenhauer. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 49: 328. ~ :- — a poem. (F. D. Sherman) Atlan. 63: 6oo. — Rubaiyat. Sat. R. 68: 74. — Spec. 63: 215. — — Fitzgerald's Translation. Cornh. 62: 627. O’Meara, Kathleen. Irish Mo. 17: 527. Omnibus, History of. Cornh. 61 : 298. — Travel by. All the Year, 40: 180. Omnibus Strike in London. All the Year, 69: 138. — Sat. R. 7I: 705. — Mayor’s Interference. Sat. R. 71 : 762. O'More, Florence. (E. Hogan) Month, 7o: 78. On the Balance; a story. All the Year, 65: 39. On the Battle-Field. (B. Matthews) Cent. I4: 457. On the Dark Mountains; a story. Blackw. I44: 646. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 589. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: Io. On Detached Service. (C. A. Patch) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 121. On the Eve of Sleep; a poem. (E. M. Thomas) Atlan. 66: 456. On the Fells. Macmil. 63: 125. On Greenhow Hill. (R. Kipling) Macmil. 62: 321. On Lonely Hills. (M. Davison) Sunday M. 20: 465– 683. On the Marshes of Deva. Chamb. J. 68: 745–761. On a Mountain; a story. (L. Wassermann) Gent. M. n. S. 45: I. On the Outposts, 1780. (J. R. Gilmore) Harper, 76: 42O. On Pleasure Bent; a story. (J. Habberton) Chaut. II: 653. - On a Rose; a poem. (E. A. Dumble) Cosmopol. 4: 84. On St. Herbert's Island, Derwentwater; a story. (E. J. Hasell) Blackw. I44; 345. On the Seventh Level; a story. (C. M. Gayley and D. H. Browne) Cosmopol. 7: 23–267. On the South Shore. (M. Crosby) Harper, 8o: 564. 312 OPERA On Tour. (R. C. Grain) Murray, 3: 519. On the Wallaby Track; a true story. 708. On the Wane; a story. (Mrs.W. K. Clifford) Eng. Illust. 8: 701. On the Western Circuit; a story. Illust. 9: 275. One against Many. 4I2. One and Another; a story. Belgra. 73: 162. One Christmas Eve; a story. Argosy, 49: 75. One False Step ; a story. Meliora, 8: 77. One Night. (A. Paterson) Eng. Illust. 6: 206. One Night in the Bush; a story. All the Year, 67: 37. One of our Conquerors. 959. 55; I43–836. One of the Many a story. (C. Yorke) Temp. Bar, 84: Blackw. I44: (T. Hardy) Eng. (S. D. Segur) Overland, n. s. 13: (G. Meredith) Fortn. 54: 630– 359. One or Two P (M. Deane) Lond. Soc. 54: 157. One Story is Good till Another is Told. (B. Matthews and G. H. Jessop) Harper, 78: 625. One Thing Needful. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 358. One Traveller Returns. (D. C. Murray; H. Herman) Longm. IO: 421-638. II: 80–328. One Woman's Love; a story. Argosy, 44; 466. Oneida Historical Society. (C. W. Darling) M. West. Hist. 7: 337. Ongar, and its Great Forgotten Statesman. (E.T. Nor- ris) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 618. i O'Neill, Patrick, Rev. Irish Mo. 18: 248, 320. Onion, My Garden on an. (K. B. Claypole) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 72. — Romance of the. All the Year, 65: 605. Onions, John Henry. Acad. 35: 378. Only an Accident; a story. (E. W. Ricker) Outing, Io: 529. Only a Birthday Party; a story. (F. L. Pratt) Am. M. 7: 743. Only an Incident; a story. (L. Merrick) Belgra. 67: 427. Only an Incident; a story. (H. D. Ward) New Eng. M. n. S. 5 : 50 I. Only a Joke. (F. Bland) Longm. I4; 387. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 783. Only a Sempstress; a story. Meliora, 6: 356. Only a Teapot; a story. Sunday M. Ig: 460. Only Son of his Mother; a story. (L. McClintock) Ar- gosy, 51 : 259. Onomatopoeia in S. W. African Languages. , (H. T. Peck) Am. J. Philol. 7: 489. Onondaga Folk-Lore. (W. N. Beauchamp) Science, I6: 332. Onondaga Grammar. (D. Zeisberger) Pennsyl. M. II: 442. I2: 65–325. Ontario, Lake, Birth of. (J. W. Spencer) Am. J. Sci. I40: 443. Onteora, N. Y. A Nineteenth-Century Arcady. Bisland) Cosmopol. 7: 512. Ontologism, Rosminian. (F. T. Esser) Dub. R. IOS: 35. Oolite, Microscopic Structure of. (E. H. Barbour and J. Torrey, jr.) Am. J. Sci. I40: 246. Opal Mountain of Faroe. Chamb. J. 55; 645. Open-Air Assemblies. Antiq. m. s. 16: 233. Opening Sentence, The. (W. G. Bates) Writer, 3: 267. — Writer, 4: 193. Opera, The. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I44; 340. — Behind the Scenes. (G. Kobbé) Scrib. M. 4: 435. — Boucicault and Wagner. (E. J. Levy) No. Am. I44: 65o. — English. (C. Rosa) Murray, I: 460. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 739. (E. OPERA Opera, English, in nubibus. (F. J. Crowest) National, I2: 185. — — of the Future. I29. — French. (Mlle. Y. Blaze de Bury) 19th Cent. 28; 39. Same art. Ecl. M. II5; 443. — German, and Every-Day Life. (F. Austin) Gent. M. n. S. 42: (W. Damrosch) No. Am. I49: 699. — — in New York. (H. T. Finck) Cosmopol. 5: 3. — — — Season of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 44; 182. – Hot Weather, in New York. (A. G. Sedgwick) Na- tion, 49: IoS. — Italian, Mapleson's Memoirs of. All the Year, 63: 396. — National School of; can it Exist? (F. Lane-Fox) National, I2: 48. — “On Guard ” at the. Chamb. J. 64: 794. — Origin of. Sat. R. 72: 417. — Polyglot. Spec. 62: 605. Opera House, Essential Features of. (J. C. Cady) Am. Arch. 22: 208. Opera-Singers, Preferences of. (C. E. L. Wingate) Lip- pinc. 4I: 97. Operatic Reminiscences. All the Year, 65: I.29. Ophiolite of Thurman, Warren Co., N. Y. (G. P. Mer- rill) Am. J. Sci. I37: 189. Ophir, Where is ? All the Year, 65: 56. Ophthalmic Hospital, Royal, at Moorfields. (F. Madoc) Lond. Soc. 57: 481. Opie, Amelia. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. Ig: 454–546. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 635. Opie, John, R. A. (E. Hodgson; F. A. Eaton) Art J. 43: 338. (C. Patmore) Fortn. 48: 259. Sat. R. 72: 191, Opinion, Thoughts on. Opium, Cultivation of, in India. 219. — Indian and Native, in China. Dub. R. IO4: 431. Opium Curse in India, Story of. (J. F. Hurst) Chaut. 12: 768. Opium-Habit; how it is Acquired. (V. G. Eaton) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 663. Opium Joints in the Black Hills, Dakota. Chamb. J. 65: 654. Opium Revenue, Vote against. Spec. 66: 534. Opium Smuggler, In an. Overland, n. s. 17: 43. Opium Trade. (Sir R. Alcock) J. Soc. Arts, 30; 20I. – Anti-Opium Resolution in Parliament. (Sir J. F. Stephen) 19th Cent. 29: 851. — (C. Hamlin) Our Day, 8: 153. — and East India Company. Meliora, I: 28. — T. H. Perelaer's Babol Dalima. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: I74. Oporto, Bird's-Eye View of. (O. Crawfurd) New R. 1: 445. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 415. Oppenheim, Joseph Suess. (S. Baring-Gould) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 489. Oppolzer, Theodor von. Opportunities in Life. 450. Optative Mode in Hellenistic Greek. J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 3. Optical Angle, Estimation of. (A. C. Lane) Am. J. Sci. I39: 53. Optical Instruments, New. (J. N. Lockyer).J.Soc. Arts, 32: IIo9, II2O. Optics, Practical Applications of. (C. M. Tidy) J. Soe. Arts, 2I: 98–163. Optimism, Christianity the True. Chris. Q. 6: 392. - Flaws of, in Modern Thought. Church Q. 27: 439. – in American Literature and Life. son) And. R. I.4: 308. – of Human Nature. Spec. 61: 475. Nature, 35: 224. (W. C. Magee) Sunday M. 20: (H. M. Harman) (C. F. Richard- 313 OREGON Optimism, Scientific Basis of. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 5I: 80. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 259. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 328. — — Mallock on. (W. D. Le Sueur) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 53I. Orange, Frederick Henry, Prince of. (G. Edmundson) Eng. Hist. R. 5; 41, 264. Orange-Nassau, House of. Antiq. m. s. 19: 60. Orange, The. (G. F. Weeks) Overland, m. s. 13: 241. Oranges. Chamb. J. 65: 635. – in India. (C. B. Clarke) Nature, 41 : 579. Orange Culture. (A. Flamant) Overland, m. s. I2: 274. Orange Diamond; a story. (M. B. Deane) Belgra. 68: 236. Orange Sands, A Further Note on the Age of. Salisbury) Am. J. Sci. I42: 252. . Oratorio and Drama. (H. R. Haweis) Harper, 8o: Io9. Orators, About Some. (A. Fryers) Gent. M. m. s. 4o: 503. Orbit of a Body under a Supposed Repellent Force of the Sun. (G. W. Coakley) Sid. Mess. Io: 305. Orcagna. (Andrea di Cione) 1308–68. (W. J. Stillman and T. Cole) Cent. I6: 4. Orchard, G. Franklin, with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 714. Orchard, An Old Irish. Irish Mo. Ig: 271. Orchard Wind-Break, The. Cent. I5: 5oo. Orchids. (F. Boyle) Longm. II: 428. — Sat. R. 64: 727. 69: 636. — and Hybridizing. (F. Boyle) National, I4: 56. — Bull's Collection. Sat. R. 68: Io. — Cool. (F. Boyle) Longm. I3: 477. — English. (S. W. Scadding) Leis. Hour, 38: 175. — Exhibition of. Sat. R. 71 : 681. – Hot. (F. Boyle) Longm. I'7: 283. — Native. (P. Lovell) Am. Natural. 25: 248. — Nomenclature of. Sat. R. 68: 162. — Rare Forms of. (J. Dybowski) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: (R. D. (C. W. Hobart) 359. . | – Reichenbachia. Sat. R. 68: 219. — Warm. (F. Boyle) Longm. I6: 38. Orchid Farm. (F. Boyle) Longm. I2: 139. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 690. Orchomenus, Boeotian, Exploration of. (H. Schliemann) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 122. Ordeal by Poison. (C. Withers) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 307. – in Asia. Green Bag, 3: 310. — of Blood. Green Bag, 3: 476. — Through Fire and Water. All the Year, 66: 325. Ordinance of 1787. (John Eaton) Education, 7: 388. — (B. A. Hinsdale) M. West. Hist. 6: 259. — (F. D. Stone) Pennsyl. M. 13: 309. — The Constitution and. (R. S. Robertson) M. Am. Hist. 20: 224. z — Private Contract Provision in. (W. P. Cutler) M. Am. Hist. 22: 483. Ordination. (J. S. Bell) Chris. Q. 7: 354, 588. — (J. B. Williams) Chris. Q. 7: 514. — (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 7: 3, 593. – Anglican Ordinal and Non-Episcopal. Church Q. 3I: 382. — in Presbyterian Churches. 6: 337. — Non-Episcopal. (T. F. Jailer) Church R. 59: IIo, (A. Lowndes) 125. — (G. P. Fisher) N. Eng. 49: (A. Duncan) Theo. Mo. 373. Ordnance, Modern. (Col. Maitland) J. Soc. Arts, 3o: Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. Nat. Geog. M. 2: 243. Oregon, Archaeological Collections from. bury) Am. Arch. 21: 295. (J. Pierce, jr.) (C. J. Wood- ~…~" OREGON Oregon, Southern, Notes on the Surface Geology of. (H. J. Biddle) Am. J. Sci. I35: 475. — Ten Days' Outing in the Mountains of. (J. M. Balti- more) Overland, m. s. I3: 337. — Winchester Exploring Expedition in 1850. Overland, n. S. I7: 475. O'Reilly, John Boyle. (K. E. Conway) Cath. World, 53: 198. — (G. N. Plunkett) Irish Mo. 13: 19. — (G. P. Lathrop) Critic, I7: 82. — (A. Young) Chaut. I2: 339. – With portrait. (J. J. Roche) Cosmopol. 9: 768. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 21: 271. 22: 144. — Letters to a Friend. Atlan. 66: 572. — Poetry of. (J. J. Roche) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: 126. Ores, Metalliferous, Machines for Reducing. (C. F. Stansbury) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 17. Oretown Bank Robbery, The ; a story. All the Year, 64: 2O4. Organ, Electric. (H. Bryceson) J. Soc. Arts, 17: 81. Organs, Hand. Spec. 67: 218. Organ Pipes, Energy used by. Sci. I42: 21. Organic Forms, Origin of — by Natural or Supernatural Process 2 (J. LeConte) Overland, n. s. 18: 198. Organic Origin in Rocks of the Animikie Group. (A. R. C. Selwyn) Am. J. Sci. I39: 145. Organist's Vigil, The. (D. Bearne) Irish Mo. 18: 601. Organized Opposition, An. (F. W. Broughton) Thea- tre, 22; I44. Oriental Antiquities, Babelon's. Spec. 63: 248. — Notes on. (W. H. Ward) Am. J. Archaeol. 6: 286. Oriental Congress, Stockholm, 1889. Ath. '89, 2: 353, 385. – (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 36: 189. — of 1891. Acad. 40: 177, 221, 242. . Oriental Languages, Study of. (L. C. Casartelli) Dub. R. IO2: 294. Oriental Legations at Washington. Chaut. 9: 528. Oriental School, London, The Proposed. ner) Ath. '89, 2: 162, 192. Oriental Studies, Antiquity not their Chief Charm. (F. Max Müller) 19th Cent. 29: 796. Orientation. (C. A. Ward) Antiq. m. s. Ig: 233. Orientius, Ellis’ Edition of. (F. Haverfield) Acad. 33: 275. - Origen. (F. W. Farrar) Sunday M. 18: 162. Origin and Validity. (D. G. Ritchie) Mind, I3: 63. — of the Fittest, Cope's. (G. J. Romanes) Nature, 36: 505. Original Edition, An : a Ghost Story. Cornh. 58: 281. Original Package Case. (C. S. Patterson) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 192. Original Packages and Prohibition. (J. Shippen) Chaut. II: 456. Originality, Decay of. (C. K. Wead) Am. J. (Mrs. C. Barus) (G. W. Leit– (C. B. R. Kent) National, Ioff: 520. — Difficulty of, for Modern Writer. (C. E. George) Writer, 3: 149. Orinoco River, The. 666. Oriole, Baltimore. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 64; 265. — in Captivity. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 61 : 701. Orioles, The Rival. (O. T. Miller) Cosmopol. 4: 50. Orkney, The Lost Island, A Legend of. Chamb. J. 64: 733. Orkney Islands, Fauna of. Sat. R. 72: 147. — Peasant Nobility of. Westm. I28: 684. — under Robert and Patrick Stewart. Scot. R. I5: 285. Orléans, Louis de France, Duc d’, Jarry's Life of. Ath. '89, 2: 213. Orléans, Philippe, Duc d’. Arrest in France, 1890. Sat. R. 69: 189. – Case of. With portrait. Un. Serv. M. n.s. I; 242. (W. F. Hutchinson) Am. M. 8: 314 OSBORNE Orleans, Duchess of, Correspondence of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 5 I: 9o. - (C. Hervey) Gent. M. n. s. 41: 606. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 172. - Orme, Philibert De L’, M. Vachon's. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 23: 94. l Ormerod, G. Waring. Acad. 39: 43. Ornament in Architecture. Sat. R. 71: 420. — Meaning in. (L. F. Day) Art J. 39: 237. - Oº Symbolism of. (W. Simpson) J. Soe. Arts, 22: 4èö. Ornaments, Gold, from the United States of Colombia. (G. F. Kunz) Am. Antiq. 9: 267. — — from Florida Mounds. (G. F. Kunz) Am. Antiq. 9 : 2I9. – Spool, and Ear-Rings. Am. Antiq. 9: 38o. Ornamental Art, Relation of Botanical Science to. (F. E. Hulme) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 235. Ornamental Design. (L. F. Day) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 91– I32. Ornamentation as High Art. (C. Dresser) J. Soc. Arts, I9: 2I 7. - Ornithology at South Kensington Museum. (R. B. Sharpe) Eng. Illust. 5: 165. . Orphan, On being an. All the Year, 68: 269. — in Japan; a story. (Mrs. K. B. Foot) Cosmopol. 4: 350. Orphans, Care of. Lend a H. I : 317. – How shall we Support our 2 (P. A. Baart) Cath. World, 44: 644. Orphan Asylums, French Rural and Agricultural. (L. B. Binsse) Cath. World, 48: 318. Orphan Homes. (J. E. Bushnell) Luth. Q. 20: 289. Orphan Myth, The. (J. O. Dorsey) Am. Antiq. 9: 95. Orpheus in Rome. (V. Paget) Contemp. 55: 828. Orsini, Fulvio. (R. Ellis) Acad. 33: 326. — Library of. (R. Ellis) Acad. 33: 398. Ortels, Abraham. Letters Edited by J. H. Hessels. (W. J. C. Moens) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 385. Orthodox. (D. Gerard) Longm. I2: 308-636. Same art. Eel. M. III: 403-822. Orthodox Critics, Ways of. (F. H. Collins) Fortn. 49: 273. Orthodoxy, Changes of, in England. (A. Momerie) Forum, II: 302. — Current, and Culture. (A. J. F. Behrends) Forum, 9 : 37 I. - – Inevitable Surrender of. (M. J. Savage) No. Am. I48: 7II. — Liberal. (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 35: 419. – New, Radical Fault of. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 46: 353. — Non-Progressive, Heresy of. (W. M. Bryant) Unita. R. 36: 405. — Peril of. And. R. 9: 518. Same art. Cong. R. 2: 535. . — Philosophic Principles in. (J. W. Webb) Meth. R. 5O: I95. — Progressive : a Plea for Further Progress. And. R. 7 : 313. Orthography by Haphazard. (A. Erlebach) Leis. Hour, 40: 77I. Orton, John J., with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 175. Orvieto Cathedral. (W. J. Stillman) Am. Arch. 21: 285. —Nation, 44; 361. Osborn, Robert Durie. Acad. 35: 304. — (H. R. Fox Bourne) Ath. '89, I: 538. Osborne, Dorothy. Lond. Q. 7I: 271. — Letters. Ath. '88, I: 721. — Church Q. 27: 379. — Ed. R. 168: 516. — (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 47: 195. — Atlan. 62: 840. — (R. C. Browne) Acad. 34: 197. — Spec. 61: 720. —Temp. Bar, 86: 129. Osborne, Sir Peter. (E. A. Parry) Atlan. 65: 605. (J. H. Kennedy) M. OSBORNE Osborne, Lord Sidney Godolphin. Sat. R. 7I: II 5. Osborne Palace. (C. E. Pascoe) Leis. Hour, 37; 598. Oscar II., King of Sweden, with portrait. Leis. Hour, 39: 663. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 748. Osgood, Samuel, Autobiography of. M. Am. Hist. 21 ; 324. Osgoode Hall, Law School of. (D. B. Read) Green Bag, 3: 265. O’Shanassy, Sir John. Irish Mo. I7: 586. Oskaloosa ; a poem. (J. Benton) Cosmopol. 5: 291. Osman Oglou, Taking of. Cornh. 60: 599. Ossianic Saga, New Theory of. (A. Nutt and others) Acad. 39: 161–283. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. 699. Osteology, Comparative, Problems of. ence, I6: 281. Osterely Park. (E. Balch) Eng. Illust. 7: 862. Ostrich Farm, Life on an. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 778. Ostrich Farming. All the Year, 62: 352. — in California. (E. G. Paul) Cosmopol. II: 336. — in Cape Colony. (P.L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 225. — in South Africa. Sat. R. 65: 225. Ostrich Feathers, Something about. Longm. I2: 246. Otago Fiords and Stewart Island. Hour, 39: 837. Otchipwes, Among the. (E. J. Devine) Month, 73: 24. Otero, Dancing of. (J. Hawthorne) Lippinc. 47: 99. Otford Castle. Antiq. m. s. I5: 16. Other Englishman, The ; a story. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 75. Other Man’s Wife, The. (J. S. Winter) Tinsley, 45: 385, 481. •, Other Woman, The. 385. Otis, James, jr., with portrait. M. 4 ('86): 319. Ottawa, Canada, A Day in. Am. Arch. 22: 179. — Social Life at. (W. B. Harte) Cosmopol. 7: 317. Otter, The. Chamb. J. 68: 309. — Haunts of. Cornh. 57: 290. Otters and Otter-Hunting. (M. G. Watkins) Longm. I6: 561. — All the Year, 62: 324. — (H. D. Rawns– ley) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 313. Otter Traps, Prehistoric. (R. Munro) Antiq. m. s. 24; 9. Otto the Knight. (A. French) Scrib. M. 4: I56. Ottoman Empire. See Turkish Empire. Otway, Thomas. Spec. 62: 645. Oū Mū in the Gospels. (S. Thelwall) Theo. Mo. 5: 116. Ouachita Mountain System in Indian Territory, Notes on a Reconnoissance of. (R. T. Hill) Am. J. Sci. I42: I II. Ouessant (Ushant) Island, Visit to. Cornh. 56: 215. Our Bohemia. (P. Stapleton) Am. M. 7: 35o. Our Camp in the Cañon. (Belle J. Bidwell) Overland, n. s. Io; I48. Our Canvass; a story. Meliora, II: 328. (L. H. Boutell) Chaut. II: (G. Baur) Sci- (G. I. Nathan) (A. Tozer) Leis. Cornh. 58: 591. (Richard H. Davis) Scrib. M. g.: (H. Hewitt) New Eng. Our Dagon's Downfall. (T. Laurence) Lond. Soc. 56: 406. Our Door-Bell; a story. (W. Heimburg) Cosmopol. 2: 236. Our Expectations; a story. (C. Yorke) Belgra. 65: 45. Our First-Born. Macmil. 65: I41. Our Great-Grandmother's Wedding Dress; a story. (A. M. Trotter) Argosy, 52: 555. Our Holiday Ghost. Chamb. J. 64: 717. Our Lady-Help ; a story. All the Year, 64; 420. Our Midnight Visitor; a story. (A. C. Doyle) Temp. Bar, 91: .223. — Ecl. M. II6: 484. Our Old Doctor: a Village Wignette. Good Words, 30: 692. (J. E. Panton) 315 OWEN i Our Parish Mystery; a story. (R. H. Sherard) Belgra. 61: 428. Our Refugee. (W. H. McDougall) Overland, n. s. 15: 481. Our Riding Party; a posthumous sketch; with illustra- tions. (F.O. C. Darley) Cosmopol. Io: 279. Our Spare Room; a story. Argosy, 43: 382. Our Summer’s Outing. (K. Field) Harper, 75: 651. Our White Deal Box; a story. (G. A. Prestwich) Leis. Hour, 37: 183. Ouse River, in Sussex, Saunter up the. (H. Rix) Good Words, 29: 555. Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore. Acad. 35: 261. Out of the Deeps; a story. (E. Earl) Temp. Bar, 89: 98. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 734. Out of the Fog ; a story. (W. M. Hardinge) Temp. Bar, 80: 289–441. Out of New England Granite ; a story. van) Scrib. M. 6: 312. Outcast's Havens, The. All the Year, 62: 30. Outdoors and Indoors. Atlan. 64: 7oo. Outing in May, An. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I6: 89. Outing with the Queen of Hearts, An. (A. W. Tour- gee) Cosmopol. I2: 70. Outings for Thin Pocket-Books. (E. R. Pennell) Chaut. 9: 571. Outlawry on the Mexican Border. (J. E. Pilcher) Scrib. M. Io: 78. Outposts, British, in Actual Battle-Fields. Un. Serv. M. n. s. 3: 70, I37. Outpost Adventure, An. (A. Forbes) Gent. M. n. s. (T. R. Sulli- (C. King) 42: 209. Same art. Liv. Age, I81: 58. Outside the Intrenchment; a story. (D. Ker) Cosmo- pol. 7: 287. Outwitted; a story. (H. I. Arden) Belgra. 65: 90. Oven Islands. (J. T. Bent) Longm. 9: 512. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 181. Over a Cigar ; a story. (F. Russell) Outing, I6: 389. Over the Tea-Cups. (O. W. Holmes) Atlan. 61: 323. 65: 111. 66: 660. Over the Water; a story. All the Year, 69: 415. Overall, William H. Ath. '88, 2: 34. Overdone, A Little. (A. K. H. Boyd) Sunday M. I7: 234. Overland from India. (D. M. Wallace) Eng. Illust. 7: 858. - Overland Staging in the Fifties. Overland, n. s. I2: 289. Overland Trail, Spectres on the. (E. B. Payne) Over- land, n. s. I4: 654. Over-Production, General. (U. H. Crocker; S. M. Macoane) Q. J. Econ. I; 362. Overstolz, Henry, with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 32O. Overstrained Honor. (N. Vynne) Lond. Soc. 55: 491. Overwork in Schools; a French View. (G. C. Sawyer) Acad. (Syr.) 3: I54. Ovibos Cavifrons. (W. J. McGee) Am. J. Sci. I34: 2I 7. Oviedo, Camera Santa at. n. s. I9: 65. Ovum, Segmentation of, in the Mammalia. (C. S. Minot) Am. Natural. 23: 463. - Owen, Frances Mary. Poems and Essays. Spec. 61: 272. Owen, Philip C. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 213. Owen, Robert, and his Social Philosophy. Meliora, 3: 2I3. - — at New Lanark. (W. Lewis) Arena, 2: 441. Owen Glendower, At the. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 62: 384. Owen of Merion. (T. A. Glenn) Pennsyl. M. 13: 168. (J. E. Thompson) (F. R. McClintock) Antiq. OWENS Owens College, Manchester. Sat. R. 63: 451. – Spec. 6o: 79. g Owl, The. All the Year, 6.5: 533. Owls. (C. C. Abbott) Amer. I7: 408. — Sat. R. 7o: 396. — Food of. (W. S. Strode) Am. Natural. 23: 17. Owls' Revenge, The. (W. W. Fowler) Macmil. 59: 3O4. Same art. Liv. Age, 180: 590. Owl-Trapper's Christmas; a story. (W. H. Ballou) Cosmopol. 6: 295. Ownership and Usufruct. I9: 32. — Individual, Right of. I3: 27O. Oxen, Diseases of. Sat. R. 68: 139. Oxenham, Rev. Henry N. Sat. R. 65: 38o. Ox-Eye Cañon; a story. Chamb. J. 68: 93. (M. H. Richards) Luth. Q. (J. de Concilio) Am. Cath. Q. Oxford. (P. Villars) Art J. 40: 97. — Books about. (L. Johnson) Acad. 40: 495. — Burrows's Collectanea, vol. 2. (A. G. Little) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 564. — A Chat about. All the Year, 63: 326. — City Documents, edited by Rogers. 228. — Day of her Life at. — Day of his Life at. Murray, 3: 664. — Democratic and Popular. Macmil. 61: 282. — Derivation of. (W. H. Stevenson and others) Acad. 3I: 239-326. 32: 135-44I. — The First School at. (H. Rashdall) Acad. 35: 361. — History of, Boase's. Ath. '87, 2: 334. — Spec. 61: 546. 3. — Old and New. (T. E. Kebbel) National, 9: 451. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 259. — A Past Generation at. Month, 66: 26. — Rowing at. (S. E. Winbolt) Atlan. 67: 788. — Schools at. (S. E. Winbolt) Atlan. 68: 670. — Social. Macmil. 57: IoS. — Stedman's. Sat. R. 64: 456. — Spec. 61: 276. — Summer Meeting in. (H. B. Adams) Chaut. 9: 277. — the Upper River. (A. Battye) Longm. I6: 325. Oxford Anglicanism, Möhler, Döllinger, and. Lond. Q. 75: 96. Oxford House and Toynbee Hall. Hour, 37: 274. Oxford Movement. (J. W. White) Bib. Sac. 47: 84. – Lond. Q. 76: 205. — and W. G. Ward. Lond. Q. 73: I30. — Church's. Sat. R. 71: 394. — Acad. 39: 481. – Church Q. 32: 318. Sat. R. 72: Murray, 3: 678. (F. Arnold) Leis. — Genesis of. (J. W. White) Bib. Sac. 46: 654. See Ward, W. G. *N —in mºntury. E. T. Palgrave shºt. 28: 812, Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 77I. Oxford Pass Schools. Chamb. J. 64; 310. 65: 641. Oxford Poems and Parodies. Sat. R. 69: I51. Oxford Theology, Recent. (F. C. Conybeare) Westm. I35: 237. Oxford University. (K. Tynan) Cath. World, 50: 607. — after Forty Years. (E. A. Freeman) Contemp. 51: 609, 814. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. — Ancient and Modern. Q. I5: 457. — and its Professors. Ed. R. 170: 303. — (T. Rogers) Contemp. 56: 926. – Nature, 40; 637. — Archives of. (H. Rashdall; F. Madan) Acad. 31: 415, 432. — Dramatic Society; Julius Caesar at Oxford. (W. D. Adams) Theatre, 22: 209. — Early History of. Church Q. 23: 430. — The Four History Lecturers in. (T. Rogers) Con- temp. 57: 454. 316 PACIFIC Oxford University in the Middle Ages. (G. C. Brod- rick) Macmil. 56: 150. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 167. – Lang's. Spec. 64: 547. — Lyte's History of. Sat. R. 63: 304. — Lyte's and Brodrick’s Histories of. ger) Eng. Hist. R. 3; 163. — Mansfield College. Spec. 63: 509. — Matriculation at. (J. Foster) Ath. '87, 1: 62. — Mediaeval, Glimpses of. Month, 60: 188. — Museum of. Nature, 44; 619. — Old Revels at. (W. L. Courtney) Murray, I : 236. — Origin of. (T. E. Holland, H. Rashdall) Acad. 33: 378. 34: 40–104. — (T. E. Holland) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 238. — Political Science at. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 85. - — Professors and Tutors at. (S. R. Gardiner) Con- temp. 57: 183. – Reminiscences of. — Scholarships in. Sat. R. 68: 332. — Social Life in. (E. M. Arnold) Harper, 81: 246. — Statutes of. Ath. '89, 2: 217. (J. B. Mullin- (D. G. Ritchie) Ann. Am. Temp. Bar, 90: 333. — — Shadwell's Edition of the Laudian Code. (J. B. Mullinger) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 170. — Tutors in, Prof. Rogers's Criticism on. (M. L. Courtney) Fortn. 53: 294. – Undergraduate Life at. (C. Mellen) Outing, I7: 344. Oxidation by Means of the Electric Current. (E. F. Smith) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: 313. Oxus River, Upper. (T. Saunders) J. Soc. Arts, 35: I63. Oxygen and Compounds, Spectra of. (Liveing and De- war) Nature, 40: 212. — in Search of. All the Year, 68: 443. – Pure, Method of Obtaining, from the Atmosphere. Chamb. J. 65: 170. — Resuscitation by means of. 29: 7I9. Oxygen Furnace, Fletcher's. Nature, 38: 606. Oxygen Starvation. Chamb. J. 64: 841. Oyster, Biography of the. (E. L. Wilson) Scrib. M. (H. Elsdale) 19th Cent. Io: 469. — Brooks on the. (W. H. Dall) Nation, 53: 57. Oysters. (C. L. Morgan) Murray, 3: 87. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 164. — Sat. R. 72: 384. — at the Antipodes. Nature, 45; 43. — Philpots on. Sat. R. 72: 20. — Question of the Supply of. (H. N. Martin) Science, I7: 169. Oyster Culture. (Marquis of Lorne) Good Words, 3.I.: 161. – (J. Lowe) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 442. – (H. Lobb) J. Soc. Arts, I5: 276. — and Legislation. (A. F. Pennell) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 478. – at Arcachon. Blackw. I43: 366. – Progress of, 1867. (H. Lobb) J. Soc. Arts, I6: 439. Oyster-Fattening, Chemistry of. (W. O. Atwater) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 76. Oyster-Growing. (J. G. Bertram) National, I2: Io2. Oyster Industry, The. (C. Barnard) Chaut. 8: 154. Oyster Village, An. (J. L. Hopkins) Cosmopol. II: 7I7. Ozanam, Frederic. (T. J. Jenkins) Cath. World, 48: 342. Ozone, Fluorescence of. (W. N. Hartley) Nature, 39: 474. Pace-Eggers. Spec. 62: 508. Pacha's Snuff-Boxes, The. (C. Hervey) Argosy, 48: 553. Pacific Coast and the Commerce Act. (H. White) Na- tion, 44; 400. PACIFIC Pacific Coast, Coal and Iron Interests of the. (H. G. Hanks) Overland, n. s. I2: 145. — Glaciation of the. (G. F. Wright) Am. Natural. 2I : 250. Pacific Coast Policy, A. s. I3: 619. Pacific Islands. (H. A. Webster) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: 83. – (W. Churchill) N. Eng. 52: 17. — South ; Tonga and Samoa. (C. Trotter) Blackw. I43 : 759. Pacific Ocean, Air from, over the Rocky Mts. (G. H. Stone) Science, I7: 359. — Control of. (H. C. Taylor) Forum, 3: 407. — Trip to. (J. H. Montgomery) Chaut. 7: 552. Pacific Railroads, Cleveland's Message on. Pub. Opin. 4; 369. Pacific Railroad Reports, Lessons of. Nation, 46: 398. Pacific Region, Relief Map of. (J. S. Hittell) Over- land, n. s. I8: 144. Pacific States, Commercial Future of. (W. L. Merry) Forum, I2: 410. Pack of Cards. (R. Marsh) Longm. IG: 413. Packard, Alpheus Spring, with portrait. (J. S. Kings- ley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 260. Paddle-Wheel, History of. Arts, 6: 335. Paddles and Palettes. (E. L. Chichester) Outing, 12: 504. I3: 46. Paddy Shea's Fireside. (J. F. O'Donnell) Irish Mo. (J. P. Widney) Overland, n. (J. MacGregor) J. Soc. I7: 37. Padilla, Juan de, Missionary in Eastern Kansas in 1542. (A. F. Bandelier) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 551. Paderewski, Ignace Jean, Art of. Critic, Ig: 306. Pady de Charentais, Philippe. Acad. 39: 330. Paestum and the Parthenon. All the Year, 65: I.25. Paez, Gen. José Antonio, Career of. (E. Shippen) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 32. Pagan Incantation; a story. (H. H. Boyesen) Scrib. M. 6: 200. Paganini. Chamb. J. 65: 90. — Paganiniana. Cornh. 64; 76. Paganism in England. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 31. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 377. — in Scotland, Survivals of. (R. Munro) Good Words, 30: 333. — Influence of, on Christianity. (G. T. Purves) Presb. R. 9: 529. — Neo-. Quar. I72: 273. Page, Sir Francis, the “Hanging-Judge’’ of the 18th Century. All the Year, 62: 421. Page, Maj. R. C. M., Diary of. So. Hist. Pap. I5: 58. Page, William Tomlinson, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1987. Page of My Life. (J. A. Symonds) Ecl. M. II4: 121. Paget, Violet. Baldwin. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 59: I67. — Juvenilia. Ath. '87, 2: 176. – Spec. 61: 143. Pagodas as Architectural Imitations of State Umbrel- las. (C. F. G. Cumming) Eng. Illust. 5: 601. Pain and Pleasure, Sensations of. (E. H. Kisch) Pop. - Sci. Mo. 38: 243. — Economy of. (H. Hayman) Bib. Sac. 45: 1-585. — Purpose of. Spec. 60: 1338. — Tonic. Spec. 64: 231. Paine, Henry W., with portrait. State Mo. 3: 391. Paine, Thomas, and Gouverneur Morris in Paris. D. Conway) Nation, 52: 455. – First Essay of. (M. D. Conway) Nation, 52: 175. – Military Services of, in the Revolution. (M. D. Con- way) Nation, 53: 387. – Washington and the Imprisonment of. (M. D. Con- way) Nation, 52: 475. (W. Mathews) Bay (M. 317 PAINTINGS Painful Pleasures; a story. All the Year, 65: 174. Painter, William. Palace of Pleasure. All the Year, 68: 205. – Gent. M. n. s. 46: 215. — — its Relation to the English Romantic Drama. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 56: 235. Painter-Etchers, The Art of. (F. S. Haden) 19th Cent. 27: 756. Painter Etchers, Royal Society of. Cent. 29: 775. – Spec. 62: 478. Painter's Paradise, A.; Play in Provence. nell) Cent. 20: 737. Painters and Paintings, Boston. lan. 62: 89–777. — Dutch, at Home. (E. E. Chase) Cent. 15: 755. — — Landscape and Pastoral. Sat. R. 71: 301. — Irish, 1889. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. 17: 481. – Italian, Early, Guilds of. (J. P. Richter) 19th Cent. 28: 786. Same art. I iv. Age, 187: 707. — — Old Masters. (W. J. Stillman; T. Cole) Cent. 15: 164. I6: 450–653. — Nicknames of the Old Masters. All the Year, 64: 4 I. — Scottish. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 18: 53–227. — Studios of. Art J. 42: 11, 40, 135. – Van Rensselaer's Six Portraits of. (M. H. Ford) Dial (Ch.) Io: 212. Painting. After the Galleries; a Studio Talk. Na- tional, I7: 608. — British, Century of, Grosvenor Gallery, 1888. Beale) Am. Arch. 23: 78. — Contemporary, Tendency of. Portfo. 20: 192. — Continental and English. 27: 582. — Copyists in Paris Galleries. Art J. 43: 264. — English, in Queen Victoria's Reign. (W. Armstrong) Art J. 39: 163. — French, History of. Church Q. 3o: Io9. — — — Stranahan's. Ath. '89, 2: 294. — (H. N. Pow- ers) Dial (Ch.) 9: 261. — Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 466. — — School of 1830. (H. B. Merriam) And. R. I5: 263. — Greek. (C. Cook) Chaut. 9: 388. — History of, Woltmann and Woermann's. 2 : 247. — in France, Modern Art of. (C. H. Moore) Atlan. 68: 805. – Italian. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. II: 262. — — Kugler’s Hand-Book. Sat. R. 63: 812. – Italian Schools of. Quar. I65: 97. — Landscape, Hamerton’s. Ath. '88, I: 408. – Layard's Hand-Book of. Ath. '87, 2: 121. — National Supremacy in. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 2I: 225, 248. — Naturalist School of. Sat. R. 63: 881. — Newlyn School of. (A. Meynell) Art J. 4I: 97, (F. S. Haden) 19th (E. R. Pen- (W. H. Downes) At- (S. (P. G. Hamerton) (J. A. Crowe) 19th Cent. Ath. '87, I37. * — Old Masters and others. All the Year, 68: 157. — Origin of. (L. Popoff) Pop. Sci. Mo. 4o: Ioo. — Subjects Suitable for. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 24: 3O. Paintings by Old Masters in N. Y. (W. H. Downes) Atlan. 64; 37. — — in the N. Y. Historical Society Museum. (J. C. Vandyke) Am. Arch. 23: 196. — — Prices of. Sat. R. 67: 187. — Counterfeit. Am. Arch. 29: 203. — Early, of Asia Minor. (C. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 6; 18o. - — French and Dutch, Edinburgh, 1886, Memorial Cat- alogue of. Art J. 40: 58. — in the Glasgow Exhibition, 1888. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 20: 229. PAINTINGS Paintings; Pictures of 1888. Blackw. I43: 813. — — of 1891. (J. Cartwright) National, I7: 466. See also Pictures. Paints and Painting, Chemistry of. Portfo. 2 I : 259. Pair of Ears; a Story. Cornh. 64: 156. Pair of Old Boys, A. (M. Thompson) Cent. 19: 246. Palaces, Royal, of England. (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 43: 298, 366. Palaeohatteria Credner, and the Proganosauria. Baur) Am. J. Sci. I37: 310. - Palaeolithic Implements from Dunstable, Eng. (W. G. Smith) Nature, 40: 151. Paleolithic Man in America. Mo. 34; 20. Palaeontology; Inter-Relation of Contemporaneous Fos- sil Faunas and Floras. (C. A. White) Am. J. Sci. I33: 364. — Progress of North American, for 1886. cou) Am. Natural. 2I: 532. — in 1887. (J. B. Marcou) Am. Natural. 22: 679. Palatine Hill, The. (F. M. Colby) Granite Mo. 12: IO4. Paláwan, A Month in. (J. B. Steere) Am. Natural. 22: I42. (C. W. Heaton) (G. (W. J. McGee) Pop. Sci. (J. B. Mar- Palermo, The City of Initiatives. (J. W. Mario) Nation, ) 53 : 422. Palestine, Architecture and Pottery in. (W. F. Petri Leis. Hour, 40: 229. — as it is. (T. Hodgkin) Contemp. 57: 886. — Conder's Monuments of. Sat. R. 63: 164. – Dawson's Science in Bible Lands. Westm. I31: 474. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 35. – From Dan to Beersheba. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. 13: 815. – Holiday in. (W. Baudot) Month, 64; 28, 247. — Illustrated, Temple’s. Spec. 61: 793. — in the Time of Christ, Stapfer's. Ath. '87, 1: 636. – Journey in, in 1890. Blackw. I48: 1. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 259. — Life in Modern, Oliphant's. Ath. '87, I: 469.-Sat. R. 63: 523. — Amer. I4: 54. - Monumental History of. Ed. R. I55; 413. — of Saul, David, and Solomon. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. flººr 16: 863. — Palestinian Utopia. (T. Hodgkill) M. Chr. Lit. 2: I99. — Rainfall in. (E. W. Rice) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 69. — Recent Explorations in. Lond. Q. 69: 44.— (S. Mer- rill) M. Chr. Lit. 3: 385. — Some Wayside Places in. 737. – Southern, in 15th Century B. c. (A. H. Sayce) Acad. 39: I38. – The White Race of. (A. H. Sayce) Nature, 38: 321. Palestrina, G. P. A. da, Myth in Life of. (A. Young) Cath. World, 48: 790. Paley, Frederic A. (G. W. Cox) Acad. 34: 406. — Ath. '88, 2: 813. Palfrey, Cazneau. (A. P. Peabody) Unita. R. 29: 434. Palgrave, Francis Turner. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. I7: 754. Same art. Liv. Age, I79; 566. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, with portrait. M. (Lond.) 47: 35. Palgrave, William Gifford. 424. — Ath. '88, 2: 483. Pāli and Jaina-Prākrit Words. (R. Morris) Acad. 39: 16I, 420, 566. 40: 98, I59. Pāli Lexicography. (R. Morris) Acad. 38: 34–422. 4o: 592. — (H. W. Wenzel) Acad. 38 : 177. — (G. A. Grierson) Acad. 38: 369. Palingman, Meaning of. (J. H. Ramsay and others) (E. L. Wilson) Cent. I7: Bank. (L. Johnson) Acad. 4o: 318 PANMIXIA. Palladius. De Re Rustica. (H. J. Moule) Ath. '88, 2: 664. Palm-Trees and their Uses. (J. Poisson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 37I. Palmer, A. M., and his Theater. Am. M. 9: I. Palmer, Samuel. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 22: 255. Palmer, Sutton, Drawings of. Acad. 34: 408. Palmistry. (E. M. Forbes) New R. 4: 128. See Chiromancy. Palmyra, Past and Present. (Earl Compton) Fortn. 50: 611. Same art. Liv. Age, 179:. 579. Palos, Spain. (F. A. Ober) Am. Arch. 26: 231. Pamela. (Mrs. Anstruther) Eng. Illust. 7: 36. Pamirs Question. Blackw. I5o: 755. Pampas, Naturalist on the. (W. H. Hudson) 19th Cent. 27: 268. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 552. Pamphlets and Continuations of Serials, Treatment of, in a Library. (L. Swift) Lib. J. I2: 350. – in Libraries. Lib. J. I.4: 433, 470. (G. E. Montgomery) — Value of. (C. H. Shinn) Critic, 17: 182. Pan and Thalassius. (A. C. Swinburne) Ath. '87, 2: 278. - Pan the Fallen; a poem. (W. W. Campbell) Atlan. 66: 815. Pan-American Congress, The. (M. Romero) No. Am. , 51: 354; 407. – (W. P. Frye) Chaut. Io: 703. — Lend a H. 5: 373. 6: 373. — (E. P. Powell) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: II. *— 1889. Spec. 63: 663. F-Promises of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 6: 207. Yº on. (R. Ogden) Nation, 5 I: 182. Suggestions for. (J. Sheldon) N. Eng. 51: 469. Pan-Anglican Conference, 1888. Month, 64: I. Pan-Anglican Synod, The. (C. L. Marson) To-Day, Io: 84. Panama, Isthmus of. (J. P. Hain) Overland, n. s. 9: 557. — — and Darien, Trip to. (R. U. Goode) Nat. Geog. M. I : 301. — — First Vessel across; a Story of 1849. (M. McLeod) Overland, n. s. 9; 281. — — in '49, To California by. (J. H. Pratt) Cent. Ig: 90I. Panama Canal. (E. Whymper) Contemp. 55; 323. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I2: 577. — (B. Pim) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 67. – Leis. Hour, 38: 308, 391. – (H. White) Nation, 45: 367. —Nation, 49: 385. — (S. F. Weld) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 323. —Scot. R. II: 35. —Spec. 61 : II.5. – Action about 720,000,ooo Francs. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1980. – and its Prospects. (J. S. Jeans) 19th Cent. 23: 189. – and its Rivals. (J. S. Jeans) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 549. — and the U. S. Government. (S. F. Weld) Atlan. 63: 34I. — from Within. (G. C. Hurlbert) Forum, 4: 279. — Inventions at... (S. F. Weld) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: I46. — Progress at. (C. C. Rogers) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 447. Panama Canal Company, 1888. Sat. R. 66: 266. Panama Canal Scandal. Scot. R. I3: 274. Pandroseum at Athens, Stairs to. (J. Fergusson) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 83. Panic, Commercial, Sources of. Gent. M. m. s. 46: I54. — in New York, 1887. Am. Arch. 22: 41. — of 1873. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 46: 392. Panics. Spec. 61 : 1186. Panic-Stricken; a story. 62: 361. Panmixia, Weismann on. (B. D. Mackenzie) (H. C. Davidson) Belgra. (G. J. Romanes and others) Acad. 33: 274, 293, 309. Nature, 41: 437-511. PANSIE Pansie; a story. All the Year, 63: 260. Pantheism and Cognition. (C. M. Moss) Meth. R. 51: 882. — Lower. Spec. 66: 686. Panther, Trapping a. Argosy, 47: 225. Pantomime. (S. J. A. Fitzgerald) Theatre, 26: I. — Christmas. (G. L. Gomme) Antiq. m. s. I7: 6. — in the Far West. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 28. — Metamorphosis of. All the Year, 62: 197. — 150 Years Ago. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 64. — Revival of. Gent. M. m. s. 46: 540. Pantomimes, Three Famous. (W. J. Lawrence) Thea- tre, I8: 16. Pantomime Children in London. M. 17: 770. Pantomime Rehearsal, A. (A. Ludovici) Theatre, 26: (B. Waugh) Sunday 73. Paoli, Pasquale de, Corsican Adventurer. (W. F. Lord) 19th Cent. 30: 56. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 515. Paoli the Patriot. (E. A. Vizetelly) Westm. I34: 285, 355. “Pap; ” a story. (H. F. Bashford) Overland, n. S. I4: 3OI. Papa Stour; an Isle of Farthest Thule. Chamb. J. 66: 673. ** Papacy, and the Italian Liberals. (Marquis Biddle- Cope) Month, 60: 73, 503. 61: 70. — and Italy. Month, 67: 305. — (W. C. Langdon) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 487. — Spec. 6o: 520. — and Rome. Spec. 63: 40. — and the Temporal Power. (E. Castelar) Fortn. 48: 676. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: I. — (F. S. Chatard) Forum, 5: 361. — — Castelar on. Sat. R. 64: 661. — as an International Tribunal. Cath. Q. I4: 283. * — Civil and Spiritual Power. Sat. R. 64: 421. — Civil Government and the. (E. de Laveleye) Forum, 5: I.21. — Civil Power of, and Leo XIII. Cent. 23: 130. — Döllinger and. Quar. I72: 33. — during the Reformation, Creighton's. (H. B. Brown) Acad. 32: 33. —(J. G. Hall, jr.) Church R. 50: 159. —Sat. R. 63: 806. – Spec. 60: 768. — Church Q. 26: 388. —(W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 8: 35. — Ath. ’87, I: 512. – England and the. I3: 238. — The Holy See and the Gentiles. Am. Cath. Q. I4: 616. — in 1741. Frederick II.'s Capture of the General Council. (G. C. Macaulay) Eng. Hist. R. 6: I. — Innocent III. (G. P. Fisher) Chaut. 8: 140. — Petrine Claims of. (J. H. Hopkins) Church R. 54: I4O. — A Revelation and a Prophecy. (W. T. Stead) Con- temp. 56: I53. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 405. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 579. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : I. — Secular Revival of. — Shall it go from the R. I2: 513. — Situation of, 1889. Spec. 62: 362. ' — Will Leo XIII. leave Rome 2 (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. 14: 679. Papal Succession. (A. H. Cullen) Am. Cath. Q. 12: (B. O’Reilly) Am. (H. Waughan) 19th (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. ; R. 63: 228. iber to the Thames? And. 55. Papal Tradition. (E. de Bunsen) Unita. R. 35: 202, 279. Papaloi, The. (L. Manus) Gent. M. n.s. 38: 105. 319 PARIS Papavoine, Trial of. Green Bag, 1: 28. Paper and its Substitutes. Antiq. m. s. 20: 25. — Linen vs. Cotton. (G. W. Harris) Nation, 44: II.5. — Manufacture of. (R. R. Bowker) Harper, 75: II.3. — — Progress of, 1871. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 171. — Marbled. Ath. '89, 2: 675. — Novel Uses of. Chamb. J. 64; 25. Paper-Chase, A Bush. All the Year, 69: 114. Paper-Making, Fibrous Plants for. Chamb. J. 68: 581. Paper Mill on the Darent. All the Year, 63: 251. Paper-Trade, Technology of. (W. Arnot) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 59–164. Papiamento Language. (A. Barnes) Education, 8: 157. Papillon, Thomas, Memoirs of. Spec. 60: 499. Papua, Romilly on. Spec. 63: 405. Peº Dances of. (A. C. Haddon) Lippinc. 46: 380. Papyrus Prisse, The Oldest Book in the World. (H. Osgood) Bib. Sac. 45: 629. Papyri, New. Quar. I72: 320. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 515. Para, the Port of the Amazon. 50: Io?. Parables, Classification of the. Presb. R. 8: Io2. — of Air, of Water, and of Fire. Good Words, 30: 690. — of Christ according to St. Matthew. kins) Church. R. 52: 36. — of the Harvest Field. (M. G. Pearse) Sunday M. I7: 613, 696. Paracelsus. All the Year, 59: I28. Paradise Found. (E. W. Claypole) Univ. Q. 44: 14. Paradox, Use of. Spec. 61 : 881. Paradoxes, A Budget of. Temp. Bar, 8I: 483. Paradoxical, The, Two Philosophers of. (J. Royce) Atlan. 67: 45, I6I. Paradoxides, Great Acadian. (G. F. Matthew) Am. J. Sci. I33: 338. — Kin of. (G. F. Matthew) Am. J. Sci. I33: 390. Paraffine. (F. Field) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 349. — Economic History of. (C. Tomlinson) J. Soc. Arts, 9 : 295. — in Crude Petroleum. Inst. I27: 479. Paraguay, How they Live in. 9: I64. — Republic of. (T. Child) Harper, 83: 222. Paramore, James W., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 315. Paraná River, Up the. (T. Child) Harper, 83: 32. Paranoia. (W. Noyes) Am. J. Psychol. I: 460. Paranoiac, Autobiography of a. (F. Peterson) Am. J. Psychol. 2: 193. Paraschites, The. (M. Herbertson) Belgra. 69: 77. Parasite of a Brittle Star-Fish. (J. W. Fewkes) Na- ture, 37: 274. Parasites, Harmless. I3: 218. — Literary. Sat. R. 66: 761. — of Literature and Art. (A. C. Calmour) Belgra. 71: 278. Parasitic Enemies of Cultivated Plants. (B. T. Gallo- way) Chaut. I4; 297. Parcel-Post, English. (W. W. Tickle) Tinsley, 44: 183. Pardon of Ste. Anne d'Auray. (W. P. Northrup) Scrib. M. 6: 697. Parents' Educational Union, The. Macmil. 62; 55. Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d’Orleans, Count de. (J. G. Wilson) Cosmopol. II: 32. — as Pretender. Sat. R. 72: 716. (C. DeKalb) Nation, (T. W. Chambers) (Canon Rawstorne) (J. H. Hop- (E. A. Partridge) J. Frankl. (W. E. Curtis) Am. M. (H. J. Stack). Knowl. I2: 222. PARIS Paris, Louis Philippe, Count de, Manifesto of, June, 1886. Pub. Opin. I : 230. —Spec. 60: 1236. Paris. (F. C. Sessions) M. West. Hist. II: 302. — American Art Student in. (A. F. Peterson) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 669. — American Colony in. Sat. R. 72: 302. — and Politics. (A. Laugel) Nation, 48: 521. -- Aristocratic : the Faubourg Saint-Germain. Shepard) Am. M. 8: 492. — Boulevards of. (F. Sarcey) Scrib. M. 9: 663. — Bourse of. (E. King) Cosmopol. 3: 39. — Churches of. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 21: 136. 97, 277. 23: 31, 22I. 28: 97. — City Libraries in. Lib. J. I2: 135. — Conciergerie in, 1790–6. Sat. R. 69: 226. — Conservatoire. (Mme. M. van de Velde) Cosmopol. 7 (J. 22 : : 32. isit to. (A. Strobell) Murray, 4: 263. — A Corner of. (G. Grahame) Portfo. 22: 16, 41, 52. — Crime in, Phases of. (H. Le Roux) Fortn. 56: 881. — Customs in, in the 18th Century. Sat. R. 66: 461. — Daudet's Thirty Years in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 46: .69. — Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Gaston Cougny's. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 24; 173. — Election in, Feb., 1889. I56. – Exposition, 1889. (M. Brincourt) Am. Arch. 25: 306. 26: 88, 121. — All the Year, 64: 516. — (W. Armstrong) Art J. 4I: 161. – Art J. 4I: 192–276. — (C. Phillips) Art J. 4I: 3O4, 333. – Belgra. 71: 169. -- (H. T. Wood) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 45. – (E. Barker) Leis. Hour, 38: 662. — Sat. R. 68: 41. — (W. C. Brownell) Scrib. M. 7: 18. — (J. H. Donald- son) Westm. I31: 91. — — and Politics. Nation, 48: 521. — — Electrical Exhibits at. (C. Hering) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 394-431. — — — from the U. S. I29: I.2. — — Fine Arts at. (W. A. Coffin) Nation, 49: 128– 3Io. — Am. Arch. 26: 229. – (W. G. Armstrong) Portfo. 20: 172. — Ath. '89, I: 765. 2: 38, 70. — — — French. (C. Phillips) New R. I : 317. — Art J. 4I: 307. — Spec. 63: 176, 242. — — Impressions made by. (E. M. de Vogüé) Chaut. (A. Laugel). Nation, 48: (C. Hering) J. Frankl. Inst. Io: 66. 2 — — Impressions of. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. 17: 316. — — in Deshabille. (W. H. Bishop) Atlan. 63: 619. — — Loitering through. Atlan. 65: 360. — — Making Ready for. All the Year, 64; 397. — — Metallurgical Arts at. (F. L. Garrison) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 353. I3o: 266. — — Panorama of the 19th Century. H. Gervex) Cent. I7: 256. — — Social Eeonomy at. (E. Cummings) Q. J. Econ. 4; 212. — Exposition of Agriculture, 1887. Nation, 45; 27I. — Fortress of. Fortn. 52: 207. — Free Night-Shelter and Bread in. (L. B. Binsse) Cath. World, 46: 175. – Gambetta Monument. Am. Arch. 24; 2II. — Hausmann's Work in. Am. Arch. 29: 72. – Imperial, Reminiscences of. (C. Hervey) Temp. Bar, 86: 560. — in 1700. Sat. R. 66: 346. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 8o3. — in 1789. Sat. R. 67: 185. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 484. – Liv. Age, 180: 483. - in 1851, Excursion to. (T. Carlyle) New R. 5; 298, 385, 481. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 616. (A. Stevens; (L. de Lautreppe) 320 PARIS Paris in 1889. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 48: 398. — Industrial and Commercial Classes of. (B. Arch- dekan-Cody) Month, 64; 485. Same art. Cath. World, 46: 81. — Institut de. (W. C. Cahall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 83. — Literary Life in. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 137. — Living in. (J. D. Osborne) Cent. I3: 574. — Lycées and Colleges. Am. Arch. 28: Iog. – Mob of, and its Achievements. (C. J. Little) Chaut. 9: 465, 523. — Municipal Organization of. Arts, I3: 240. — Musée Guimet. Arch. 2I: 283. — Museum of, The History of. (T. Child) Harper, 77: 826. — National Library. Critic, Io: 129. — of the Revolution, Social Life and Character in. (G. Morris) Scrib. M. I : 93, 199. — of The Three Musketeers. (E. H. and E. W. Blash- field) Scrib. M. 8: 135. — Old. All the Year, 65: 4oo. (G. R. Burnell) J. Soc. (Baroness Althea Salvador) Am. — — A Corner of. (E. Balch) Cent. I7: 597. — — Walks in. (A. J. C. Hare) Good Words, 28: 48– 615. — — — Hare's. Ath. '87, 2: 777. — Spec. 61 : 448. — Outcasts of. (E. R. Spearman) Westm. I36: 616. — Out-Door Scenes in. (T. Child) Eng. Illust. 6: 812. — Philosophy on the Quay Voltaire. (J. H. Hyslop) Nation, 5.1: 129. — Post-Office. (M. Brincourt) Am. Arch. 2I: 196. — Pousset's Café. (E. Delille) Fortn. 55; 69. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 340. — Republican Museum Building. Arch. 21: 173. -— Round about. All the Year, 65: I3–III. — St. Denis, Church of, Building of. (C. E. Norton) Harper, 79: 766. - — — Desecration of, 1793. Sat. R. 69: 169. – St. Lazare Station. (M. Brincourt) Am. Arch. 22: 182. — School of Fine Arts. (H. O. Avery) Scrib. M. 2: 347. — Siege of, 1870, Recollections of. (P. C. Standing) Un. Serv. M. '88, I: 59. — — Goncourt in. (A. Laugel) Nation, 51: 359. — — Winter's Drive from Sedan to Versailles and (W. H. B. Hall) (S. Beale) Am. round Paris during the Siege. Blackw. I47: II.3. r- — Siege and Commune of, Reminiscences of. Washburne) Scrib. M. I : I-447. — Society in. (Mad. J. Adam) No. Am. I50: 490. — Westm. I30: 273. – Streets of, 1789. Sat. R. 69: 290. —Street Talk of. Ecl. M. Io9: 485. — Student Life in. (F. M. Warren) Chaut. 9: 406. — Theaters; the Porte Saint Martin. All the Year, 68: 17. — Transformation of. (F. Harrison) No. Am. I49: 326. — Trocadero Museum. (C. Phillips) Art J. 4I: I 71. — the Typical Modern City. (A. Shaw) Cent. 20:449. — University of ; Law Faculty. Sat. R. 7I: 336. — Working-Women in. (A. L. Bicknell) Murray, 8: 671. — Workmen of, 1390–1890. (A.M. F. Robinson) Fortn. 54: 82. Paris Salon of 1887. (F. G. Stephens) Art J. 39; 284. — Ath. '87, 1: 614–835. — (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 2I : 247. — — Decorative Work at. 22: 84. — of 1888. Art J. 4o: 190. — Ath. '88, I: 574–767. – Sat. R. 65: 628, 789. (E. B. (M. Brincourt) Am. Arch. — — The Fair Sex at. (E. Crawford) Contemp. 54: 81. PARIS Baris Salon of 1888; Sculpture. Amer. 16: 298. — of 1889. Ath. '89, I: 605, 667. — of 1890. Am. Arch. 28: 167, 182. — Ath. '90, I: 647, 709. — Art J. 43: 216, 240. — — and the Royal Academy. (Duke of Marlborough) New R. 3: 45. — of 1891. Murray, 9: 837. — Sat. R. 71 : 593. — — in the Champs Elysées. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52 : 494. — — in the Champs de Mars. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: 514. Paris Salons, The Two, 1890. Arch. 28: 198. — of 1891. (M. Robinson) Fortn. 55: 927. — (G. La- fenstre) Chaut. II: 591. — (C. Nicholson) Acad. 39: 423-544. Parish, Claims of the. Parish Books. All the Year, 62: I.24. Parish Councils. (P. H. Ditchfield) National, I8: 252. — Sat. R. 71: 466. Parish Officers. (H. M. Baum) Church R. 53: 222. Parish Registers in Uxbridge Deanery. (J. H. Thomas) Antiq. m. s. I& 17, 62. Parisians of To-Day. (B. Archdekan-Cody) Month, 66: 48. Parisian Boarding-House, A. All the Year, 62: Ioa. Park, E. A. Discourses, considered Homiletically and (M. Brincourt) Am. Westm. I29: 673. Theologically. (A. H. Currier; G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 44; 157. Parks and Gardens, Village. (R. Riordan) Chaut. 8: 545. — for London; with map. (O. Hill) 19th Cent. 23: 181. — How to Ensure Breathing Spaces. (C. L. Lewes) 19th Cent. 21: 677. — in our Great Cities. (Earl of Meath) New R. 2: 432. — of London. Chamb. J. 68: 337. — — “Rus in Urbe.” Spec. 66: 825. — Public, Next Stage in the Development of. Hyatt) Atlan. 67: 215. Park Areas and Open Spaces in American and Eu- ropean Cities. (E. R. L. Gould) Am. Statis. Assoc. (A. I : 49. Park Experience, A. (E. S. Bates) Overland, n. s. I5: 425. Park Place Disaster, Lessons of. (E. Atkinson) Engin. M. 2: 137. Parker, Amasa J. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 24: IQ7. Parker, Harry, with photograph. Theatre, 26: 215. Parker, Nathan. (A. P. Peabody) Unita. R. 35: 352. Parker, Theodore. (S. B. Stewart) Unita. R. 32: 114. — Early Sermons of. (S. J. Barrows) M. Chr. Lit. 4: I29. Parker, W. Kitchen. Lond. Q. 76: 60. —Nature, 42: 297. Parkes, Sir Henry, with portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 343. Parkhurst, Phineas. Granite Mo. I2: 154. Parkin the Saddler. (A. G. Bradley) Macmil. 63: 64. Parkman, Francis. (F. H. Underwood) Contemp. 53: 642. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 579. – (G. W. Cooke) New Eng. M. m. s. I; 248. Parliament, Behind the Scenes in. Contemp. 59: 55. — Breach of Privilege. All the Year, 68: 64. — Confessions of a Member of. (Thorold Rogers) Con- temp. 51: 681. — Convicts in. (E. Strachan-Porgan) Liv. Age, 172: 298. — A Country Member's Moan. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. I48: 32. (L. J. Jennings) 321 PARLIAMENTARY Parliament, Expulsions from. Chamb. J. 68: 616. — Gneist's History of. Ath. '87, 1: 316. — History of, Riess's Works on. (G. W. Prothero) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 146. – Holidays of. (H. E. Maxwell) Blackw. 148: 32. — Houses of, Westminster. (A. R. Willard) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 206. — Inside the House of Commons. Macmil. 61: 395. — Interim, 1887. (D. Crawford) Nation, 45: 328. – Late Hours of Sitting. (G. O. Morgan) 19th Cent. 22: 127. — Lawyers in. Sat. R. 65; 44. — The Liberal Party. (Lord Brabourne) Blackw. 146: 542. — Ministers’ Seats in. Sat. R. 69: 491. — Obstruction and its Cure. (Sir G. Baden-Powell) . Fortn. 51: 417. — or Congress? (T. P. Gill) Contemp. 53: 758. — Payment of Members. Sat. R. 64: 408. 66: 30. — Procedure in. (Wiscount Ebrington) National, Io: is5.—National, 12: 760, − (R. S. Moffatt) National, Iö : 433. — — Breakdown of. (F. H. Hill) 19th Cent. 22: 552. — — in 1887; Chatter or Business? (F. H. Hill) 19th Cent. 23: 245. — — Proposed Reform of. 694, IoI2. — — Questions. Ed. R. I71: 253. — — Shall we Americanize our Institutions? (J. Cham- berlain) 19th Cent. 28: 861. — Quinquennial Sessions Advocated. (H. D. Traill) 19th Cent. 2I: 530. Same art. Ecl. M. Io&: 763. — The Recess, Past and Present. Blackw. I48: 303. — Session of 1887. Blackw. I4I: 590. I42: 430. — Sat. R. 64: 381, 41 I. — — Has the Session been Unfruitful? (C. A. Whit- more) National, Io: 153. — — Progress of. Blackw. I4I: 854. — Session of 1888. (A. A. Bauman) Fortn. 50: 313. — Blackw. I44; 297. I45: 136. — Quar. I67: 514. — — Opening of. Blackw. I43: 444. — Nation, 46: 2I2. — — Progress of. Blackw. I43: 720. — Session of 1889. Blackw. I45: 724. — Sat. R. 68: 236. — Blackw. I46: 423. — (C. A. Whitmore) Na- tional, I4: I. — Session of 1890. Blackw. I47: 583. Quar. I70: 257. — Sat. R. 70: 191. — — Breakers Ahead. (F. Greenwood) Fortn. 54: 641. — — Prorogation of. (M. J. Wright) Arena, 2: 581. — — A Scandalous Session. National, I5: 577. — Session of 1891. Blackw. I5o: 299. — — its Domestic Questions. National, 17: 729. — — Shall we Dissolve this Year P National, I7 : (Earl Grey) 19th Cent. 28: I48: 285. — 44I. — Twelfth, of Victoria, 1886–91. Ed. R. I'74: 566. – Werney Case in. Spec. 66: 651, 683. Parliaments, Alternative for Shorter. Scot. R. I7: 412. — Provincial, Five Years' Advocacy of. (Marquis of Lorne) Fortn. 51: 809. Parliament Hill, London, and its Associations. (J.W. Hales) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 326. — Chamb. J. 64: 230. Parliamentary Franchises, Past and Present. Lambert) 19th Cent. 26: 942. Parliamentary Government and Government by Parlia- ment. (A. W. Dicey) Nation, 46: 464. — Lord Salisbury on. Spec. 66: 714. Parliamentary Incidents, Some. (C.W. R. Cooke) Na- tional, I3: 688. Parliamentary Misrule of War Services. (H.O. Arnold- Forster) 19th Cent. 26: 523. x (J. D. Holms) (Sir J. PARLIAMENTARY Parliamentary Régime, Reform in. (E. de Laveleye) Meth. R. 49: 347. Parnell, Charles Stewart. Nation, 53: 330. – (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 289.- (J. McCarthy) Contemp. 6o: 625. Same art. Ecl. M. 117: 821. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 669. – (R. D. St. John) Chaut. I4: 321. – New R. 2 : 172. — With portrait. (W. Clarke) New Eng. M. m. s. 1: 190. — (K. Tynan) Cath. World, 48: 661. – R. of Rs. (N. Y.) I: 100. 4 : 417. — and his Critics. Spec. 67: 247. — and the Land Purchase Bill. I34: 632. — and the Times. Sat. R. 69: 156. — as a Leader. (A. Sullivan) No. Am. I44: 609. — Boulogne Negotiations. Sat. R. 7I: 183. — Commission on. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 49: 86. — (J. B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 103. — — Report of. (F. Harrison) New R. 2: 199. – (M. Davitt) 19th Cent. 27: 357. — (J. D. Holms) Westm. I33: 384. —Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 179. — Sat. R. 69: I91, 277, 287. — Blackw. I47: 430. — — Sir C. Russell's Speech. (A. Webb) Nation, 49: I45. — — Lord Selborne on. Sat. R. 69: 261. — Death of. Spec. 67: 484. — Deposition of, On the Eve of. (D. Crawford) Nation, 5I : 497. — Fall of. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 2: $98. — Forged Letters. Sat. R. 63: 569, 683. – Imbroglio about. (Lord Brabourne) Blackw. I49: I42. — Patriotism and Chastity. I35: I. — Railway Journey with, in 1887. 19th Cent. 30: 969. — Rise and Fall of. (T. M. Healy) New R. 4: 194. — versus Ireland. (A. Webb) Nation, 52: 7. Parlor-Game Cure, The. (T. Hill) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 528. Parochial Papers, Glaston. (C.Wordsworth) Reliquary, 30: 236. 3 I : 40, I53. Pºtº School, Idea of. I6: 449. Farochial Schools, Political Mischiefs of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: 57. See Roman Catholic. Parochial System in England. (A. R. Buckland) Con- temp. 54: 246. Paroxytone Accent in Tribrach and Dactylic Endings. (F. G. Allinson) Am. J. Philol. I2: 49. Parrots; Do they Think? Chamb. J. 68: 182. Parry, Hubert. Judith. (C. V. Stanford) Fortn. 50: (G. Coffey) Westm. (E. C. Stanton) Westm. (Lord Ribblesdale) (J. Murphy) Am. Cath. Q. 537. Parsees, The. (C. M. Sawyer) Univ. Q. 45: 183, 297. Parseeism and Buddhism. (M. M. Snell) Cath. World, 46: 451. Parson Fourbits. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, m. s. IG: I63. Parson Jim. Chamb. J. 65: IoS. Parson Joye's Justice. (Maria Blunt) Scrib. M. 9: 685. Parson Sal; a story. (C. L. Hind) Belgra. 66: 36. Parson Venable's Adventure. Chamb. J. 65: 76–92. Parson’s Fixes, A. Chamb. J. 65: I57. Parsons, Samuel Holden. (C.J. McCurdy and C. S. Hall) M. Am. Hist. 21: 66. – Vindication of. (G. B. Loring) M. Am. Hist. 20: 286. Parsons, Thomas William, Poems of. (L. I. Guiney) Cath. World, 49: Io. Part of an Old Story. (J. L. Allen) Cent. II: 507. Parthenia. (L. C. Lillie) Harper, 79: 857. Parthenon, Frieze of, Restored Head of Iris in. (C. Waldstein) Harper, 8o: 629. 322 PASTEL Particular, On being too. All the Year, 68: 33. Partitives after Numerals in Hebrew. (H. G. Mitchell) J. Bib. Lit. 7: 61. Partners. (D. D. Ringeling) Overland, m. s. 13: 386. – When Deed of One Binds the Firm. (S. Rapalje) Am. Law R. 22: 251. Partnership, Dissolution of, Doctrine of Notice of, Re- stated. (C. Bates) Am. Law R. 21: 418. — Limited and Unlimited Liability in. (R. A. Slaney) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 476, 507. Parton, James. Critic, 19: 219. — (H. P. Spofford) Writer, 5: 231. Partridge, Alden. (S. C. Bean) Granite Mo. 12: 92. Partridge, English. (C. Turner) Outing, 16: 429. Partridges; Feast of St. Partridge. (H. Hutchinson) Murray, 4; 340. Partridge-Shooting: Old Style and New. bel) National, I2: 24. Party, The New Political. (S. Pennoyer) No. Am. I 53: 22O. Parties, Continuity of, in English History. (R.S. Long) Westm. I35: 28. — in the U. S., History of. (T. E. Keb- (F. W. Hewes) Chaut. I4: I 49. — Political, and Independents. (D. B. Eaton) No. Am. I 44; 549. — — Uses of. (L. Parsons) N. Princ. 3: 343. — Republican and Democratic; Leaderless Mobs. C. Bradsby) Arena, 4: 570. — The Transformation of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 47: 4. Party Government. (Earl Carnarvon) Murray, 5: I. — in England. (T. E. Kebbel) 19th Cent. 24: 227. — Selborne on. Sat. R. 63: 39. Party Organizations in New York City. heim) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 99. Party Politics and National Life. (W. E. Hodgson) Na- tional, 9: 234. Parties, Evening. Sat. R. 63: 402. Pascagoula River, Mysterious Music of. sey) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 791. Pascal, Blaise, as a Sceptic. (W. L. Courtney) Fortn. 48: 535. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 284. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 778. — Nourrisson's Apology for. (H. (A. C. Bern- (C. E. Chid- (A. Laugel) Nation, 47: 246. Pasch, Our Lord's, on Holy Thursday. Month, 71: 358. Pasilingua. (H. Phillips, jr.) Critic, I3: I54. Pasiteles and Arkesilaos. chaeol. 3: I. Paso del Norte, Mexico. (C. Waldstein) Am. J. Ar- (A. H. Noll) Am. Arch. 22: 30. Passe Rose. (A. S. Hardy) Atlan. 62: 289–726. 63: 38–441. Passini, Ludwig. Passion-Play on the Italian Lakes. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 562. See Ober-Ammergau. Passion's Slave; a story. (R. A. King) Belgra. v. 67– 70. Passports, French-German. Sat. R. 72: 355. Past, Our Relation to, a Debt to the Future. (S. E. Herrick) M. Am. Hist. 24: 54. — Passion of the. Macmil. 56: 349. Same art. Age, I75; 313. * — Present, and Future. (P. Pinkerton) Art J. 4I: 42. Macmil. 6o: 44. Liv. (P. G. Hamerton) Scrib. M. 5: 762. — Spell of the. (J. Burroughs) Chaut. I3: 644. Pastel, The Golden Age of. (E. W. Champney) Cent. 2I: 264. Pastel Exhibition, The First. (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 34; 294. — Grosvenor Gallery, 1890. Art J. 42: 38o. PASTEUR & Pasteur, Louis. (G. Prospero) Cath. World, 46; 619, 791. — (J. Paget) Nature, 43: 481. – (Mrs. E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 23:838. Same art. Eel. M. III: 218. — Anti-Rabietic Treatment. I3, 47, II O. — at Home. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 257. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 503. — His Investigations in the Realm of the Microbe. (Mrs. E. Priestley) 19th Cent. 29: 81 I. — Prophylactic of. (C. B. Taylor) National, I5: 654. Pasteur Institute, Opening of. Nature, 39: 73. — A Visit to. (Mrs. Brewer) Sunday M. Ig: 167. – (Mrs. E. B. Tweedie) Murray, 6: 503. Pastime; The Olden Time and the New, A Plea for. (J. Harris) Westm. I33: 277. Pastimes for Patients. Atlan. 65: 285. Pastor and Doctrine. (C. C. Starbuck) N. Eng. 47: 2 I 2. — Personal Work of. 4O7. — The Preacher as. (J. H. Mason) Bapt. R. II: 17. Pastor Park’s Assistant ; a Cycling Story. Outing, I7: Spec. 62: 856, 890. 63: (C. E. Hewitt) Bapt. R. I2: 2O5. Pastor’s Pool, The. (A. Anderson) Good Words, 30: 614. Pastoral. (R. L. Stevenson) Longm. 9: 596. Pastoral Work in the Country. (W. H. Beckett) Cong. R. 2: 645. Pastoral Elegies. (C. G. D. Roberts) N. Princ. 5: 360. Pastorate, Thé, and Baptist Polity. Bapt. R. I2: 291. Pastorates, Short, from a Social Point of View. And. R. I6: 595. Pastures and Meadows. (S. Kirk) Atlan. 62: 5 II. Patagonia: Darwin on the Patagonians. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 744. — Wild Tribes of. Chamb. J. 64: 798. Patagonia, The ; a story. (H. James) Eng. Illust. 5: 707, 769. Patents for Inventions, Power to Grant. Campbell) M. Am. Hist. 25; 323. — One Hundred Years of. (J. W. Allison) Engin. M. I : 302. Patent Law, American, A Century of. J. Econ. 5; 44. — British. (T. Webster) J. Soc. Arts, I2: 367, 381. Patent Medicines. (G. M. Gerahty) Tinsley, 41 : 892. Patent Office, Women in. (E. L. Dorsey) Chaut. I3: (L. H. (C. Smith) Q. 366. - Patent Rolls, Some Curiosities of the. Chamb. J. 67: 566. Patent System, The American. (W. Hough) Chaut. 13: 3Io. — (J. Shepard) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 139. — — Our Bargain with the Inventor. (P. Benjamin) Forum, II: 67. Patent No. 59; a story. (T. P. Alexander) Belgra. 69: 502. Pater, Walter. (G. Bradford, jr.) And. R. Io: 141. — Appreciations. (W. J. Courthope) 19th Cent. 27: 658. — Essays. Atlan. 65; 424. — Imaginary Portraits. (G. E. Woodberry) Nation, 45: 78. – Sat. R. 63: 920. - — Imitation of. Cornh. 62: 374. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 407. - — Marius the Epicurean. Ed. R. 165: 248. Patera, Archaic, from Kourion. (A. Marquand) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 169. Paterson, N. J., Danforth Library Building. Winchester) Lib. J. I6: 306. Paterson, William. Meliora, I: Ios. Pathetic Story, A. (J. K. Jerome) Tinsley, 43; 549. Pathfinder. See Fremont, J. C. (G. F. 323 PAUL Pathless Way, The ; a poem. (A. Fields) Atlan. 65: 4ö. Pathos. (A. C. Benson) Murray, 4: 537. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 495. – Spec. 6o: IoS2. Patience. Argosy, 46: 348. —Spec. 61: 1727. Patience; a story. Cornh. 60: 164. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 651. Patience Games. Sat. R. 69: 85. Patmore, Coventry. Unknown Eros. Acad. 38; 358. — Spec. 64: 512. Patmos, Revelations from. (J. T. Bent) Blackw. I4I: 368. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 243. Paton, John G. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 292. – (A. M. Sy- mington) Good Words, 3I: 557. Patriarchs, Testaments of the Twelve. Theo. Mo. 5: 322. Patricians and Plebeians, American. Cosmopol. 3: 76. Patrick, St., Apostle of Ireland. M. m. s. 40: 389. —Lond. Q. 69: 58. — and Early Irish Art. Lond. Q. 72: 87. — and the Monastery of Lerius. (M. Mulhall) Irish Mo. I7: 395. — and the Serpents. (C. M. O'Keeffe) Cath. World, V (G. Cotterell) (W. J. Deane) (H. Brydges) 47: 4 I. — Birthplace of. (C. C. Grant) Dub. R. IOO: 334. — Doctrines of. (F. E. Warren and others) Acad. 34: ," 4I-IO4. — Earlier Life. (B. W. Wells) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 475. Y — Tripartite Life of. (D. Dunlop and others) Acad. A. 33: 424, 447. 34: IO-172. — Ath. '88, I : 594. — Where was he Born ? (S. Malone) Dub. R. IOI : 387. — (C. C. Grant) Dub. R. IO2: I53. Patriotism and the Public Schools. (E. B. Andrews) Arena, 3: 71. — and School Education. m. S. I7: 377. — French Phases of. Sat. R. 72: 37. —How Germans Foster. (L. R. Klemm) Educa. Io: 20. — Possibility of Teaching. Spec. 64: 163. — Training in. (L. K. Trotter) National, I7: 565. See also Public Spirit. - - “Patriotic Society’” of Virginia, 1786. (C. F. Cre- hore) Lend a H. 4: 356. Patristic Literature, Protestant Interest in. (J. A. Corcoran) Am. Cath. Q. 13: 327. Patristic Studies in America. (A. C. Coxe) M. Chr. Lit. 2: 193. - Patron Days; or, Irish Reliques. Chamb. J. 64; 301. Patronage in Offices Un-American. (H. C. Lodge) Cent. I8: 837. — Church. Sat. R. 63: 322, 394. Patrons of Art. (M. Corelli) Lond. Soc. 53: 251. Patteson, Bishop John Coleridge. (E. I. Hardy) Sum- day M. 17: 472. Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow ; “Sister Dora.” 39; I4. Pattison, Mark. Essays. (H. Nettleship) Church Q. . 28: 371. – (A. W. Ward) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 787. — Ath. '89, I : 433. —Spec. 62: 4oo. —Sat. R. 67: 380. Patty’s Engagement Ring; a story. Cosmopol. I: 374. Patzcuaro. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 7.5: 283. Paul, St. (H. N. Bernard) Theo. Mo. 3: 43. — and Christianity. Cong. R. I : 637. — and Cicero, External Evidence as to the Writings of. (Mrs. C. M. Mead) Bib. Sac. 48: 470. — and the Classic Orators. (A. R. Kremer) Ref. Q. 38: 331. — and his Lady-Helps. (Mrs. J. Martin) Sunday M. 20: 562. - — and the Pastoral Epistles. (C. M. Waage) Overland, Art I. (H. R. Hudson) Lond. Q. 73: I. (H. S. Fagan) Gent. -- PAUL Paul, St., and the Roman Law. temp. 60: 278. (W. E. Ball) Com- Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 67. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4; 340. — and Seneca. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 68: 158. — as our Example. (C. Kendrick) Chris. Q. 7: 414. — at Athens. (C. F. Deems) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 761. — Conversion of, Evidential Value of. (B. C. Coffin) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 308. - — Doctrine of Salvation. (C. Mascol) Unita. R. 29: 97. — Epistles of. (G. E. Hare) Church R. 60: 292. — in Papal Tradition. (E. de Bunsen) Umita. R. 35: 85. — Missionary Life of, Sea-Gates of. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. 20: 382. – on Sin and Eschatology. 45: I.38. — on Socialism in Church of Corinth. Good Words, 31: 24, 118. — Prison Thoughts of. (H. M. Butler) Sunday M. (G. M. Harmon) Univ. Q. (W. C. Magee) 2O: 26. – Style and Modes of Thought of. (G. B. Stevens) And. R. I4: 13. — Theology of. (L. Abbott) And. R. 8: 468, 608. – Was he Married ? (J. V. Tracey) Am. Cath. Q. 15: 697. Paul ; a story. Argosy, 51 : 431. Paul the Trespasser; a story. (E. M. Henry) Belgra. 73: 365, 386. Paul’s Sister. (F. M. Peard) Temp. Bar, v. 85–87. Paul Patoff. (F. M. Crawford) Atlan. 59: 58–769. 60: 92–813. Paul Raven's Confession. Soc. 56: 257. Paul Ringwood ; an Autobiography: a story. Dijon) Cath. World, v. 48, 49. Paula, Friend of St. Jerome. (J. M. Parker) Church R. 50: 715. Pauline and Virginia. (F. Doveridge) Harper, 79: 284. Pauline Pavlovna ; a Dramatic Poem. (T. B. Aldrich) Harper, 76: 50. Paull, H. M. The Great Felicidad. (M. de Meusiaux) Theatre, 18: 276. Paulovsky Regiment, The. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 92. Paulton, Harry, and M. Tedde. Mynheer Jan, Comic Opera. Theatre, I8: 163. Paupers, Employment of, Brabazon Scheme for. J. Meath) Leis. Hour, 38: 571. — Enumeration and Classification of. Statis. Soc. 54: 600. — Interment of : “Thrown in with the City’s Dead.” (H. H. Gardener) Arena, 3: 61. — Religious Instruction of. Spec. 61: 229. Pauperism. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. I5: 675. — (J. Law) New R. 5: 375. —(C. S. Devas) Month, 64: 305. – Lend a H. 5: I49. — Distress, and the Coming Winter, 1887. (H. P. Tre- garthen) National, Io: 382. — Family System a Cure for. Lend a H. 5: 548. — in England, Remedies for. (Earl of Meath) 19th Cent. 25: 57. - — in United States. (R. T. Ely) No. Am. I52: 395. — Increased, and its Remedy. Meliora, II: 304. — Methods of Relief under the Ancient Civilizations. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. I5: 448. – Neighborhood Oversight. Lend a H. 5; 297. — Outline of an Elective Course of Study on. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. 16: 188, 639. – Poverty and, Discrimination between. Lend a H. I : 6 (H. C. Davidson) Lond. (H. (M. (C. Booth) J. 3. — Prevention of. Church Q. 29: 465. — (T. C. Amory) Lend a H. 3: 130. 324 PEARL & Pauperism, What Creates? Lend a H. 1: 191. Pauper Children, Training and Education of. (G. C.T. Bartley) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 188. Pausanias, Miss Harrison on. Spec. 64: 697. — Numismatic Commentary on. (F. Imhoof-Blumer; P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 50. 7: 57. 8: 6. Pavements, Asphalt, for New York. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 49: 124. – London, and Horse Labor. Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 509–765. 2 ('88–89): 615. – Street. (Lewis M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 440. Paving, Asphalt. (G. B. Strachan) Am. Arch. 22: 97. Pawnbroking. Meliora, 4: 239. II: 222. – in England and Abroad. (F. M. Robinson) Fortn. 50: 69. Pawnee, the First Capital of Kansas. Am. M. 8: 401. Pawtucket, R. I., and the Cotton Centennial. Eng. M. m. s. 3: 139. Pawtuxet Valley, R.I., History of. (W. B. Spencer) Narrag. Reg. 6: 122.- (N. J. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. (R. V. Hadden) New 6: 222. 7: 233. Payne, Henry B., Case of, in U. S. Senate. Pub. Opin. I : 301. Payne, John Howard. Irish Mo. I'7: 520. – Southern Sweetheart of. (L. Speer) New Eng. M. n. S. 5: 355. Payne, Peter. (J. Baker) Leis. Hour, 39: 314-490. Pea Fields; a poem. (C. G. D. Roberts) Atlan. 68: 185. Peabody, A. P. Formative Influences. Forum, 9: 685. Peabody, David George. M. West. Hist. 12: 251. Peabody, Dr. Jas. Henry. (C.W. Butterfield) M.West. Hist. 9: 444. Peabody Buildings, London, Vital Statistics of. Newsholme) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 70. Peace, International. (T. von Bunsen) Nation, 45: 350, (A. 37 I. — The King's. (H. Hall) Antiq. m. s. 18: 185. — or War. (G. O. Morgan) Contemp. 6o: 469. — Plea for, 1887. Ed. R. I.66: 547. — Predicted Era of. Chamb. J. 64: 209. — The Sword, and Arbitration. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 599. . Peace Congress in London, 1890. (R. B. Howard) Our Day, 6: 329. – Unita. R. 34: 244. Peacock, Sir Barnes. Sat. R. 7o: 675. Peacock, T. Love. Temp. Bar, 80: 35. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 685. Peaks, Concerning. All the Year, 66: 514. ' Peak Castle, Derbyshire. (J. Leyland) Portfo. 22: 129. Peak of Longing, The ; a Legend of the Carpathians. (Carmen Sylva) Good Words, 32: 89. Pearce, J. H. Esther Pentreath. (L. Courtney) 19th Cent. 29: 754. Pearce, Richard, with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M.West. Hist. II: 278. Pearl, edited by Gollancz. Sat. R. 7I: 625. Pearls. (A. H. Japp.) Argosy, 46; 61. — (Mrs. H. R. Haweis) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 51. — Cocoanut. Nature, 36: I57. Pearl Fishery. (E. Coubé) Month, 67: 254. — and Coral and Amber Fisheries. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 173. — Tinnevelly. (C. R. Markham) J. Soc. Arts, I5: 256. — Tuticorin. (E. Thurston) Nature, 40: 274. Pearl Fishery Coast, Visit to. (E. Coubé) Month, 66: 398, 556. 67: IO4. Pearl of Hafiz, The , a story. Gent. M. n. s. 47: I. “Pearl of Practice, The.” (E. Robinson) Pop.Sci. Mo. 39; 238. PEARL–POWDER Pearl-Powder; a story. (A. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 88: 132, 278, 424, 562. 89: 118, 262, 422, 565. Pearling. Chamb. J. 64: 454. Pearlin' Jean; a story. (J. M. Scott-Moncrieff) Blackw. I5o: 767. Pearson, Henry G. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 338. Peasants of North Italy. (E. M. Cesaresco) Scot. R. II: IO3. Peasant-Owner, Life of the, Lady Verney’s. Spec. 61: I557. Peasant Properties. — in France, 1787–1887. 549. Peasant Proprietorship. Spec. 63: 801. – French. (F. Seebohm) Econ. J. I.: 59. Peasant War of 1525, in Germany. (C. W. C. Oman) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 65. — (A. H. Newman) Bapt. R. II: 48. Peat, Employment of, in Useful Arts. (W. E. Newton) J. Soc. Arts, 8: 433. – Utilization of. (R. M. Alloway) J. Soc. Arts, 19:39. — (R. Wragge) J. Soc. Arts, 19: 201. § Peck, Ira B., Memoir of. (J. W. Dean) N. E. Reg. 43: 237. Peck, S. Minturn. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 153. Peculiar Easter Offering ; a tale. (J. H. Hager) Cosmo- pol. 3: 80. Bedagogue, Diversions of a. (J. H. Raven) Macmil. 58: 198. Pedagogics, Herbartian System of. (C. DeGarmo) Ed- uca. R. I : 33–453. - — in Germany. (C. Ufer) Monist, I : 597. Pedagogical Seminaries, Higher, in Germany. gog. Sem. I : 390. Pedagogy. Spec. 60: 953, 991. — College Instruction in. (J. B. Sewall) Acad. (Syr.) (H. W. Wolff) Contemp. 59: 733. (Lady Verney) National, Io: Peda- 4; 449. — Means and Ends of. (C. M. Barrows) Education, 8: 506. — New Books in. (G. T. W. Patrick) Dial (Ch.) Io: 257. — Some Problems of. (R. S. Keyser) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 365 — Spiritual. (W. H. Wynn) Luth. Q. 21 : 55. – Teaching of, in Colleges. (C. K. Adams) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 469. Pedestrian Trip, How to Take a. (L. Meriwether) Out- ing, I3: 60. Pediculi, Human. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I4: 226. Pedicure's Rondeau; a story. (H. G. Keene) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 196. Pedigrees from Pleas Rolls. (G.Wrottesley) Reliquary, 27: I59. 28: I33. – Positive and Authorized Arms. (W. S. Appleton) N. E. Reg. 45: 187. Pedigree-Hunting. Spec. 61 : 541. Pedlar of Swaffham. (E.S. Hartland) Antiq. m. s. 15: 45. Pedro II. of Brazil, the Exiled Emperor. (F. Vincent) Cosmopol. 8: 431. – Sat. R. 72: 659. Peel, Sir R. Ed. R. 174; 295. — Sat. R. 71: 199, 533. — (H. Cowell) Blackw. I50: 139. — and O’Connell, Lefevre's. Spec. 6o: Io25. &= - * the Note Circulation. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: I7. - Early Correspondence of. Quar. I73: 70. — in Early Life. (R. Dunlop) Acad. 39: 457. {-m: rºads Life of. (S. Walpole) Eng. Hist. R. : 793. Peelites, The. (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 56: 401. – Sat. R. 64: 473. Peers, Life. Sat. R. 65: 744. 66: 36. Peeresses, English. Sat. R. 72: 2. 325 PENNSYLVANIA Peerage, Hereditary, and Practical Politics. man) Westm. I35: 37. — — Patriotism of an. (A. Burney) National, II: 446. Pegnitz River, Visit to the Upper Walley of, Cornh. 56; I44. Peking, Capital of the Dragon's Empire. (F. G. Car- penter) Cosmopol. 8: 153. – First American Embassy to. (L. M. Ward) Am. M. 9: 23. Pelagic Fauna. (A. Agassiz). Am. J. Sci. I35: 420. Pele Towers of Northumberland. (C. C. Hodges) Reli- Quary, 3I : I. Pelecypods, Hinge of. (W. H. Dall) Am. J. Sci. 138: (F. Dol- 445. – Mechanical Origin of Structure in. (R. T. Jackson). Am. Natural. 25: II. — Studies of. (R. T. Jackson) Am. Natural. 24: 1132. Pella. Sat. R. 67: 38. Peloponnese, Franks in. (H. F. Tozer) J. Hel. Stud. 4: I65. Peloponnesus, In the. (J. Baker) Eng. Illust. 7: 238. Pembroke Dock. All the Year, 65 : 300. Pembrokeshire, Fortified Towers of. Antiq. m. s. 20: 246. Pens, Manufacture of. Tinsley, 43: 572. Pen-Drawing and Pen-Draughtsmen. (P. G. Hamer- ton) Portfo. 21: 23. Penal Administration, Tallack on. Spec. 61: 1474. Penal Colonies, French. (A. Griffiths) 19th Cent. 21: 825. Penal System, British. Meliora, 5: 342. — — Mortifying Retrospect. Meliora, 7: 310. Pendleton, Gen. William Nelson, Conduct at Freder- icksburg. (R. E. Lee) So. Hist. Pap. I5: 228. Pendragon Trial. (L. Palmer) Harper, 79: 543. Pendulum, Study of Earth’s Figure by. (E. D. Preston) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 445. Penelope's Swains. (C. C. Harrison) Cent. Ig: 509. Penhallow. (E. Robinson) Cent. Ig: 739. Peninsula, Battle of, 1812. (C. Whittlesey) M. West. Hist. 7: 322. - Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Asia. R. 7: 241. — (Morley Roberts) Murray, Io: 237. Penitence, Confraternities of, their Dramas and their Lamentations. (I. S. A. Herford) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 646. Penitent Brothers. (C. F. Lummis) Cosmopol. 7: 41. Penmanship and Literature. (E. J. Harding) Critic, II: 73. Phenie. (E. S. Bates) Overland, n.s. I5; 181. Penn, William. (M. Harrison) Sunday M. I7: 730. — at Reading, Eng. (M. A. Faber) Pennsyl. M. II: 37. — Burial Place of. Amer. I7: 2O2. Pennington Feud, The. (L. Webster) Overland, n. s. II: 180. Pennsylvania, An Account of. M. Am. Hist. 23: 326. — and the Declaration of Independence. (C. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. M. I3: 385. w — Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs in, in 1698. Pennsyl. M. I3: 216. — Convention of, 1788. (A. W. Clason) M. Am. Hist. 25: 215. — — Sketches of Members of. (W. H. Egle) Pennsyl. M. Io: 446. II: 69–497. — Finances of. (T. K. Worthington) Am. Econ. Assoc. 2: I26. — French Occupation of. (S. J. M. Eaton) M. West. Hist. Io: 23, II9. — Growth of. Amer. 21 : 185. — Headquarters of Washington and Wayne in. (M. Philips) Lippine. 48: 487. — Iron Industry of, Early. (T. J. Chapman) M.West. Hist. 9: 659. - PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania, Making of. (R. Errett) M. West. Hist. 9 : 259. — Politics in, Degradation of. (H. Welsh) Forum, I2: 330. — Pre-Railway Trips to Northern. (H. M. Jenkins) Pennsyl. M. I4; 313. — Provincial Council of. Unpublished Minutes of, 1692. Pennsyl. M. II: 151. — Quayism in. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 53: 250. — Rivers and Valleys of. (W. M. Davis) Nat. Geog. M. I: 183. — Supreme Court of. (O. Wister) Green Bag, 3: 9, 58. – University of, in Relation to the State. Pennypacker) Pennsyl. M. 15: 88. — — Library Building of. (T. Williams) Lib. J. 13: 237. – Lib. J. I5: I42. — Western, Preglacial Drainage of. Am. J. Sci. I40: 397. Pennsylvania Coquette, Fate of. Hist, 25: 327. Pennsylvania Dutch Language. Sat. R. 66: 208. Pennsylvania German Dialect. (M. D. Learned) Am. J. Philol. 9: 64–425. Io: 288. Pennies, French. Chamb. J. 65: 186. Penny Dinners for School Children. (W. M. Ede) Sun- day M. 20: 56. Penny Fiction. Quar. I7I: 150. Penny Gaffs. Chamb. J. 64; 9. Penoyer, William, Gift to Harvard College, 1671. M. Davis) M. Am. Hist. I7: 243. Pénrose, John. Acad. 33: 446. “Pensacola,” Running of the Potomac Gauntlet by, 1861. (F. A. Roe) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 151. Pension Manquer, La. Overland, n. s. I7: 629. Pensions and Patriotism. (G. B. Raum) No. Am. I53: 2O4. — and Pensioners. (F. Hillel) Chaut. 7: 549. — and Socialism. (W. M. Sloane) Cent. 20: 179. — Degradation by ; the Protest of Loyal Volunteers. (A. R. Foote) Forum, I2: 423. — for All. (M. M. Trumbull) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 721. — Legislation on, 1887. Pub. Opin. 2: 369, 393. — — 1890. Pub. Opin. 9: 95. – Literary. Spec. 62: 329. — National, and Improved Dwellings for the Poor. Lend a H. 4: 783. — A National Pension Fund. 516. — Old-Age. (C. Booth) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 6oo. – Spec. 67: 875. — Perpetual, End of. Sat. R. 66: 202. — Popular. (S. J. A. Fitzgerald) Tinsley, 46: 393. 47: (S. W. (P. M. Foshay) (E. F. Ellet) M. Am. (A. (E. Cooper) Fortn. 56: 23. — Private Bills, Cleveland's Vetoes of. Pub. Opin. I : 261. – a Raid upon the Treasury. 6: 540. (L. W. Bacon) Forum, — Shall we Pension our Soldiers? (E. H. Ropes) Am. M. 7: 293. — A System of National. (W. M. Ede) Contemp. 59: 580. Pension Bureau, U. S. (G. Hunt) Atlan. 65; 18. — Appointment of Raum. Pub. Opin. 8: 53. — Tanner's Retirement. Pub. Opin. 7: 485. Pensioners, Our Standing Army of. (E. P. Clark) Na- tion, 44; 92. Pentathlon, The. (E. Myers) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 217. — of the Greeks. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. I; 2Io. Pentecost, Church of San Sernin at Toulouse during. (A. Bentley) Temp. Bar, 87: III. – Were the Apostles Converted before? (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 3: 435. 326 PERILOUS “People, The,” Shibboleth of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, II : 29. People in the Steeple, The ; a story. (Paul Cushing) Argosy, 44; 447. People's Palace, The. (A. R. Buckland) Sunday M. 20: 680. (E. Bisland) Cosmopol. Io: 259. — (W. Besant) Contemp. 51: 226.- (W. Besant) No. Am. 147: 56. – Unita. R. 34; 338. —Sat. R. 64: 518. – Library of the. (W. Besant) Ath. '87, 2: 408. '88, 2: 690. — Sunday at. (J. Williams) Lend a H. 3: 321. – Working of. (Sir E. H. Currie) 19th Cent. 27: 344. People's Palaces, and Polytechnics, in London. (A. Shaw) Cent. I8: 163. Pepin. See Pippin. Pepin, Lake, Last French Post in the Upper Missis- sippi Valley. (E. D. Neill) M. West. Hist. 7: 17. Pepperell, Sir William, Commission of. (A. A. Fol- som) N. E. Reg. 44: 99. Pepys, Samuel, Diary, Promised Additions to. M. m. s. 47: 639. — — Unpublished Pages of. (H. B. Wheatley) 19th Cent. 30: 699. — Trial of, 1679–80. (G. F. Hooper) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 339. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 238. – Unpublished Letters of. Acad. 38: 109–200. — Ath. 'go, I: 704. Gent. – Wife of. (M. C. Whiting) Atlan. 66: 741. — Atlan. 67: 573. Pequot War, 1637, History of. (J. Mason) Narrag. Reg. 8: 121. Perception, Philosophy of. (H. N. Day) Bib. Sac. 46: 671. Perch. All the Year, 64: 439. Percy, House of. Quar. IG8: 393. – Temp. Bar, 83: 374. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 428. —Ath. '88, I: 756. —Ed. R. 168: 373. — (J. H. Wylie) Ath. ’89, 2: 781. Percy, John. Acad. 35: 434. — (W. C. Roberts-Austin) Nature, 40: 2O6. — Ath. '89, I: 795. — a Many-Sided Man. (Mrs. A. Crosse) Temp. Bar, 89: 354. Perdita; a story. Père de Famille ; a story. M. 2 ('88–89): 224. Perez, Antonio. (A. L. Hamilton) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 264. “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear.” day M. 20: 278. Perfection, Counsel of. (Mrs. W. Harrison and Lucas Malet) Murray, 3: 7oo, 836. – Sinless, Impossibility of. (J. Errington) Month, 66: 256. Perfume Flower-Farming. (J. K. Reeve) Chaut. 9: 596. Perfumery, Art of, History of. (E. Rimmel) J. Soc. * Arts, 8: 517. Perfumes of Antiquity. I95. Pergamon, Influence of Works of. Hel. Stud. 7: 251. Pergamos: Pergamine Frieze. (L. R. Farnell) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 301. 4: 122. 6: Ioz. Pericles. (T. D. Seymour) Chaut. 9: 130. — a Prince of Democracy. (H. L. Havell) Macmil. Temp. Bar, 91: II.5. (H. G. Keene) Un. Serv. (B. Waugh) Sun- (J. C. Sawer) Knowl. I4: (L. R. Farnell) J. 64: 95. Peridotite of Pike County, Ark. (J. C. Branner and R. N. Brackett) Am. J. Sci. I38: 5o. Peridotite Dikes in the Portage Sandstones near Ith- aca, N. Y. (J. F. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. I42: 410. Peril on the Sea; a True Story. (A. W. P.) Argosy, 44; 148. Perilous Incognito, A. (H. H. Boyesen) Scrib. M. 2: 120, 222. PERIODIC Periodic Law, Chancourtois's First Foreshadowing of. (P. J. Hartog) Nature, 41: 186. Periodicals, British. Meliora, Io: 289. — How to Bind. (N. C. Perkins) Lib. J. I2: 354. — in Libraries. Lib. J. I5: 5. — Subscriptions to, Legal Points on. Writer, 2: 118. — versus Books. Lit. W. (Bost.) 18: 184. Periodical Literature, German. Bib. Sac. 45: 186. — in Canada. (J. M. Oxley) No. Am. I47: 349. Same art. Critic, I3: 142. — of the Ohio Valley. M. West. Hist. 9: 35. — — Early. (W. H. Venables) M. West. Hist. 8: IoI- 522. Perishing Classes, The. Unita. R. 32: 151. Perissodactyla, The. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 2 I : 985, Iobo. Perkins, Brinsley. Perkins, Capt. George H., with portrait. knap) Bay State Mo. I; 20I. Perkins, Thomas H., and Webster. (J. K. Rogers) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 13. Permian Formation of Texas. (C. A. White) Am. Nat- ural. 23: Io9. Pernilla. (K. Erickson) Scrib. M. 7: 632. Perofskite, So-Called, from Magnet Cove, Arkansas. (F. W. Mar) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 403. Perpetua and Felicitas, Acts of the Martyrdom of. Church Q. 32: 68. Perpetual Motion. (H. Shaw) Nature, 37: 254. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 376. Perplexing Promise, A. Irish Mo. 15: 1-676. Perrault, Charles. Contes. Sat. R. 65: 208. — (A. Barine) Chaut. I2: 744. Perrot, Fort, Wis., 1685. (T. H. Kirk) M. Am. Hist. 22: 498. Perry Family of Rhode Island. Narrag. Reg. 5: 275. Perry, Rev. Henry Gideon, with portrait. Narrag. Reg. 7: I. Perry, Nora. Perry, Oliver H. 32 I. Perry, Father Stephen Joseph. (A. L. Cortie) Month, 68: 305, 474.—Nature, 41: 279, 301. —With por- trait. (C. M. Charroppin) Sid. Mess. 9: 197. Persecution Ecclesiastical, Impolicy of. Spec. 61 : 1026. Persecutions, Reformation. (J. H. Hopkins) Church (C. C. Lord) Granite Mo. 12: 98. (G. E. Bel- (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 471. (W. P. Sheffield) Bay State Mo. 3: R. 59: 212. Perseus and Andromeda, Myth of. (I. Taylor) Acad. 32: IOS. Persia. (J. D. Rees) Macmil. 55: 442. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 420. — (J. D. Rees) 19th Cent. 26: 160. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 25o. — Westm. I28: 453. — and England. (D. Boulger) Asia..R. 7: 190. – Army of. (J. J. Brereton) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 363. — Arts of, What the World owes to. (S. G. W. Ben- jamin) Chaut. I3: 43. - – Awakening of. (E. F. G. Law) 19th Cent. 26: Iool. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 222. — Bank of, Imperial. Asia. R. 8: 241. Liv. Age, 183: 353. — Bassett on. Sat. R. 63: 554. – Benjamin's. Amer. I3: 183. — Ath. '87, I: 89. — Sat. R. 63: 621. Persia, Children in. 5: 2O7. - Commercial Journey across. Dub. R. Io9: 430. – Court of, Diplomatic Life at. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Cosmopol. 9: 554. - — Development of. (D. Boulger) Asia. R. 8: 202. Same art. (W. von Schierbrand) Cosmopol. – Farm Life and Irrigating in. (S. G. W. Benjamin) || Cosmopol. 9: 131. - From Bikanir to Bagdad. Lond. Soc. 56: 32. – Future of. Spec. 63: 4. 327 PERU Persia, High Life in. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Cosmopol. 9: 259. — How the Persians Live. mopol. 4: I. – How the Shah travels in. (J. T. Bent) Fortn. 52: 71. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 457. – Isfahan to Bushire. (M. S. Bell) Blackw. I46: 96. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 402. — Kárún River and Kūm. (M. S. Bell) Blackw. I45: 453. Same art. Liv. Age, 181: 345. – Küm to Ispahan. (M. S. Bell) Blackw. I45: 843. — Modern. Amer. Ig: 271. — Monuments of. (E. D. Price) Sunday M. 16: 583. – Past and Present. (E. D. Price) Sunday M. 18: 237. — Plain Words about. (Sir F. Goldsmid) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 129. — Plays and Players of. Spec. 6o: 956. — Relations of, with Russia. (E. H. Paske) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 647. — Shah of, and his Court. (W. von Schierbrand) Cos- mopol. 4; 257. — — Visit to England. Tinsley, 43: 292. — The State of. Spec. 63: 202. — Susiana, and Babylonia, Layard’s Adventures in. Ath. '87, 2: 853. — to India, Through. All the Year, 69: 151. – Village Life in. (J. T. Bent) New R. 5: 355. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 747. — Women of. (S. G. W. Benjamin) Chaut. Io: 55. Persian Civilization. (Malcolm Khann) Contemp. 59: 238. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 496. Persian Gulf Route and Commerce. (F. C. Danvers) Asia. R. 5: 384. - Persian Literature, The Beginnings of. (C. J. Picker- ing) National, I5: 673. Persian Poetry, Some Characteristics of. (J. Buckham) Poet-Lore, 3: I. Persian Quatrains, Three. (T. C. Lewis) Macmil. 65: 52. Persian Story, with Persian Illustrations. (B. E. Bruce) Leis. Hour, 38: 280. Person, A, of Distinguished Consideration. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, n. s. I3: 611. Personals, Newspaper Social. (K. B. Sherwood) Writer, 3: 213. Personal Equation. (E. C. Sanford) Am. J. Psychol. 2: 3, 27 I. Personal Equation Machine, New. (A. G. Winterhal- ter) Am. J. Sci. I37: II6. Personal Explanation, A. Tinsley, 43: 761. Personal Identification and Description. (F. Galton) Nature, 38: 173, 20I. Personal Identity, Stokes on. Spec. 64; 471. “Personal Intelligence” Fifty Years Ago. (E. M. Hutchinson) Harper, 82: 425. Personality in Fiction. (E.S. de G. Tompkins) Author, 2: 79. (W. von Schierbrand) Cos- Personalities. Cosmopol. 6: 89. Perspective, Essentials of, L. W. Miller's. Am. Arch. 22: 30. — in Early Greek Art. (A. S. Murray) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 318. (R. S. Mylne) Antiq. m. s. 19: I4, 63. Peru, Ancient. (C. A. Sawyer) Univ. — Civilization and Religions of. Q. 45: 479. — Eastern, Possibilities in. (C. DeKalb) Nation, 5.1: 48. – Impressions of. (T. Child) Harper, 82: 253. — Incas of. Am. Antiq. Io: 95. — Looking Backward in. (J. S. Hittell) Overland, n. s. I5: 630. — Railways of. Dub. R. Io9; 20I. — Recent Happenings in. (W. E. Curtis) Cosmopol. 6; 79. - 3 Perugia. (A. Galton) Macmil. 55; 366. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 49. Perugino. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 20: 897. Peruvian Antiquities. (A. Agassiz) Nation, 45; 338. Peruvian Arc, Measurement of. (E. D. Preston) Am. J. Sci. I39: I. Perverted Franchise, A. 406. Pessimism and Meliorism. Church Q. 26: 205. – and Recent Victorian Poetry. (H. F. Randolph) N. Princ. 6: 221. — as a System. (R. M. Wenley) Contemp. 59: 373. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 601. — Aspects of. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 60: 756. — Ethics of. Macmil. 6o: 381. — Hartmann's. (C. B. Brewster) And. R. 16: 235. — in Theology. And. R. 9: 71. – Mystical, in Russia. (N. Tsakni) Contemp. 53: 406. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 67. — Old, and the New. (C. B. Brewster) And. R. I2: 565. — Practical. (B. E. Warner) N. Eng. 48: 432. — Rhetorical. (C. C. Everett) Forum, 6: 74. — What is ? Atlan. 61 : 716. – What it is not. (E. Saltus) Lippinc. 43: 594. Pessimists and Womankind, The. (C. Edwardes) Na- tional, I8: 236. Pestalozzi, J. H. (J. C. Bradley) Educa. II: 352.-(C. J. Hamilton) Macmil. 64: 341. Same art. Liv. Age, I9I: 482. — and Dr. Beel, Interview between. Education, 7: 559. — Guimps' Life of. Sat. R. 69: 388. — the Teacher of Children. (J. E. Bradley) Educa. II: 423. Pestilence and Plague. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. I2: I. Pestilences in the U. S. (T. M. Coan) Chaut. 9: Ioo. Pete Warlow’s End. (G. Flambro) Macmil. 64: 69. Peter, St. (H. N. Bernard) Theo. Mo. 3: 18o. — Bishopric of, in Rome. Church Q. 27: 219. — in the School of Christ. (G. T. Purves) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 579. — Livius on, as Founder of the Roman Episcopate. (C. H. Turner) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 757. — Papal Tradition of. (E. de Bunsen) Unita. R. 35: I. — Petrine Claims of the Papacy. (J. H. Hopkins) Church R. 54: 140. – the Stone and the Rock. Io9, 409. 38: II4–538. Peter the Great, Mother of. pol. I: I58. Peter, Mrs. Sara. 474. Peter Frolz, Tailor. Overland, n. s. I7: 385. Peter Grant's Wooing. (L. Parr) Longm. II: 315. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 153. O Peter Ibbetson; a story. (G. Du Maurier) Harper, 83: 8–856. Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of. Quar. IG5: 185. — Russell's Memoirs of. Spec. 60: 708. — Ath. '87, I: PERUGIA (A. C. Gordon) Cent. I5: (L. R. Klemm) (F. C. Porter) Ref. Q. 37: (E. M. Traquair) Cosmo- (M. E. Mannix) Cath. World, 49: 473. — Stebbing's Life of. Spec. 64: 410. Peterborough Cathedral. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. I2: 163. Peterborough Gentlemen's Society. tiq. m. s. 22: 207, 248. Peters, Christian H. F., with portrait. (J. G. Porter) Sid. Mess. 9: 439. —Nature, 42: 4oo. Peters, William, R. A. (J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton) Art J. 43: 261. Petersburg, Battle of. (G. T. Beauregard) No. Am. I45: 367, 506. (J. T. Irvine) An- ...” __ O 28 Petersburg, Battle of the Crater. (G. S. Bernard) So. Hist. Pap. I 8: 3. – The Colored Troops at. (H. G. Thomas) Cent. 12: PHAYRE 777. — Field Telegrams around. So. Hist. Pap. 16:261. *- Hºl. Brigade at. (J. Hagood) So. Hist. Pap. Ib: 395. – Unveiling of Soldier's Monument at Blandford Cem- etery. So. Hist. Pap. 17: 388. Petre, Edward, Guilt or Innocence of. ridge) Month, 59: 75. { { Pººl. The, and the Equinoctial Storm, 1891. Spec. 7 : 592. — and the Slaver. Cornh. 62: 6oo. Petrography of the Sandwich Islands, Contributions to. (E. S. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I37: 441. Petroleum. All the Year, 40: 248. — (M. Livingston) Am. Arch. 21: 202. — (C. E. Stewart) Murray, 1: (C. C. Long- 443. — and its Products. (B. Redwood) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 805–915. – and Natural Gas, Sources of. Arts, 39: 421. – Crude, Paraffine in. Inst. I27: 479. — Economic Value of. 230. – Illuminating Power of Flat Petroleum Flames in Various Azimuths. (A.M. Mayer) Am. J. Sci. I41: 52. – in the Eastern Hemisphere. Amer. I'7: 217. – in Russia. (P. de Tchihatchef) Chaut. 9: 284. — Origin of. (J. Anderson) Science, I4: 228. — Russian and American. (S. P. Sadtler) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 364. — Uses of, in Prime Motors. Arts, 39: 492. Petroleum Accidents. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 651. Petroleum Fires on Shipboard. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 517. Petroleum Trade. Chamb. J. 67: 822. Petroleum Vessels, Explosions on. (R. Beynon) Knowl. I4: 233. Petrology, Rosenbusch's. Nature, 37: 509, 556. Petronella. (M. C. Rowsell) Tinsley, 44; 290, 385. Petronious. (J. F. Rowbotham) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 515. Pets. Sat. R. 69: 405. Pettitt, Henry, and Augustus Harris. A Million of Money. Theatre, 25: 186. – and Sydney Grundy. Bells of Haslemere. Howard) Theatre, 19: 147. Pews, Concerning. All the Year, 63: 186. Pewter, Old English. Reliquary, 31: 20, 72. Phaeacians. (W. K. Leaske) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 292. Phantasms; What are they, and why do they appear 2 \ (A. R. Wallace) Arena, 3: 257. | Phantam Piquet, The ; a story. Cornh. 58: 378. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 463. Phantom Portrait; a story. Cornh. 63: I64. Phantoms of Fleury, The. Lond. Soc. 55: 189. Pharaoh and the Date of the Exodus. (J. Schwartz) Theo. Mo. I : 145. 2: 129. (W. Topley) J. Soc. (E. A. Partridge) J. Frankl. (W. Marcet) J. Soc. Arts, 12: (W. Robinson) J. Soc. (T. G. Bonney and others) (C. — Finding. (E. L. Wilson) Cent. I2: 3. — of the Oppression. (H. N. Hutchinson) Sunday M. Ig: 21, 108. — — and his Daughter in the Light of their Monu- ments. (J. A. Paine) Cent. I2: II. Pharis, Tomb of. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 49: to8. Pharisaism in Public Life. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 4: 754. Phayre Phenton; a story. (J. Hopkins) Leis. Hour, 36: 363-795. PHEASANT Pheasant, The. (C. Turner) Outing, 16: 12. Pheasants, Early. (T. E. Kebbel) National, I4; 446. Pheasant Rearing ; Pampered Sport. Westm. I30: 463. Phelps, Austin, Life and Services of. Bib. Sac. 48: 545. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. (W. H. Rideing) Chaut. 8: 82. — and H. D. Ward. Come Forth. Atlan. 66: 699. — — Master of the Magicians. Atlan. 66: I31. Phelps, Wm. Franklin, with portrait. M. West. Hist. 9: 167. Phenacite from Colorado. Sci. I33: 130. Phenacodus, Skeleton of. Nature, 40: 57. Phenie. (E. S. Bates) Overland, n. s. 15: 181. Phenols, Derivatives of. (E. F. Smith) J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 156. Phidias. (P. G. Hamilton) Portfo. 21: 89. — Collignon's. (S. Beale) Am. Arch. 21 : 297. — Sculpture of. (W. W. Lloyd) Portfo. 22: 205. Philadelphia. (H. C. Walsh) Cosmopol. II: 37. — Bethany Church. (J. W. Chapman) Chaut. I2: 470. — Capture of, 1777. (R. S. Collum) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 232. — Christ Church, Records of. (C. R. Hildeburn) Pennsyl. M. I3: 237. I5: 228, 354. — City Government of. (E. P. Allinson and B. Pen- rose) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: I. — — Letter to the People on. (H. C. Lea) Forum, 2: (D. L. Furber) (S. L. Penfield) Am. J. 532. – First Mayor of. (S. W. Pennypacker) Pennsyl. M. I5 : 344. - — Improvement of the Port of. Frankl. Inst. I24; 321. — in 1682. Pennsyl. M. I3: 227. — in 1750, About. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 2O: IO4. — Leaders of Old Bar of. I4: I-223. — Library Company. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. I4: 392. — Old, Belles of. (C. Adams) Am. M. 7: 672. 8: (L. M. Haupt) J. (H. Binney) Pennsyl. M. 3I. — Public Schools of. Amer. 21: IoS. — Roman Catholic Church and Cathedral in. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 422. — Seventh-Day Baptist Cemetery. Pennsyl. M. 13: 462. — Society in, before the Revolution. Pennsyl. M. II: 276. — Water Supply. 390. I29: 41 I. — — Future. (R. Hering) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 30. — J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 139. Philanthropic Perplexities. 38: 229-535. Philanthropist, Difficulties of. Meliora, 9: 139. Philanthropist, A.; a story. Argosy, 51: 468. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 270. Philanthropist, A: a Tale of the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco. Blackw. I45: 263. Philanthropists, Three Kinds of. (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I53: 661. Philanthropy. (R. T. Ely) Chaut. 9: 16. — Best Fields for. (A. Carnegie) No. Am. I49: 682. — My Views on. (M. de Hirsch) No. Am. 153: 1. — National. (E. Goodale) Lend a H. 5: 183. — Science of. Meliora, 2: IoI. — vs. Reason. Sat. R. 72: 70. Philharmonic Society, Recollections of. (C. A. Maci- rone) Leis. Hour, 37: 411. Philip III., King of France, Langlois on. (T. F. Tout) Eng. Hist. R. 4; 364. (J. G. (J. F. Sachse) (S. C. Hooker) J. Frankl. Inst. I27: (H. Jones) Leis. Hour, 329 PHILOSOPHY Philip II. of Spain, and Mary, Queen of England. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. Io'7: I Io. Philip IV., King of Spain, and Velasquez. (H. A. Kennedy) 19th Cent. 29: 63. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 316. Philip, King of the Wampanoags. New Eng. M. m. s. 5: I.21. (C. C. Stecker) Philip's War. (C. C. Stecker) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 519. - Soldiers in. (G. M. Bodge) N. E. Reg. v. 41–45. Philip Neri, St. Cath. World, 49: 618. Philip Fanshawe's Wife; a story. Argosy, 43: supp. I4. Philippine Islands. (C. De Varigny) Chaut. 8: 551. — (J. B. Steere) Science, I2: 84. – Central. (J. B. Steere) Am. Natural. 22: 622, 779. – Eastern, Month in. (J. B. Steere) Am. Natural. 23: IO2. — Foreman's. Sat. R. 72: 536. Philipse Patent in the [New York] Highlands. (W. S. Pelletreau) M. Am. Hist. 22: 106. Philistinism, American, Remedy for. New Eng. M. 4: 740. Phillips, John, First Mayor of Boston, Mass. Bay State Mo. 3: 249. Phillips, John Arthur. Acad. 31 : 29. — Ath. '87, I: Ioo. – Nature, 35: 248. Phillips, John M. (W. W. Kelley) Meth. R. 49: 66. Phillips, Watts. Sat. R. 72: 728. Phillips, Wendell; a poem. (W. P. Stafford) Atlan. 66: 35. — as an Orator. (C. Martyn) Forum, 8: 305. — Martyn's Life of. (T. W. Higginson) Nation, 51: 328. — A Monument to. 3: 535. Phillips Exeter Academy. (H. W. Stevens) Granite Mo. IO: Ioa. Philo Judaeus; his Canon of the Old Testament, etc. (B. Pick) J. Bib. Lit. 4: 126. — Drummond on. Nation, 49: 297. — (F. C. Porter) N. Eng. 50: 127. —Spec. 61: 14II. — Fragments of. Ath. '87, 2: 47. Philological Mare's Nests. (F. Hall) Nation, 46: 214. Philological Puzzles. (C. W. Goodchild) No. Am. I47: (C. L. Slattery) (E. D. Mead) New Eng. M. m. s. 475. Philology, Comparative, From Babel to. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 289, 433. — — in Our Colleges. (W. D. Shipman) Univ. Q. 44: I92. — English. (T. W. Hunt) N. Eng. 53: 43. — How the Germans Study. (W. A. Merrill) Educa- tion, 8: I43, 24o. Philosopher's Stone, The. (S. Baring-Gould) Gent. M. n. S. 44; 62. Philosopher's Window, The. (Lady Lindsay) Temp. Bar, 79: IoS. Same art. Liv. Age, 172: 267. Philosophers and Philosophies. (M. Rousseau) Church R. 53: 30. Philosophical Criticism. (R. Adamson) Mind, I4: 66. Philosophical Development. (A. C. Fraser) Mind, 15: I. Philosophy, American, 'Coming. (N. E. Wood) Bib. Sac. 47: I. — and Common Sense. (E. Charnier) Westm. I28: II 47. - — and Poetry. (J. Dewey) And. R. I6: Ioš. — and Religion. (G. B. Stevens) N. Eng. 48; 421. – (E. Naville) Theo. Mo. 6: 59–247. — and Specialties. (G. Mallery) Science, I2: 303. — Catholic, Manuals of. (J. Rickaby) Church Q. 28: 245. — Data and Method of. (E. H. Merrill) Bib. Sace48: 230. • PHILOSOPHY Philosophy, during the Renaissance. (C. E. Plump- tre) Antiq. m. s. I7: 205, 254. — Erdmann's History of. (W. M. Salter) Dial (Ch.) II: 344. — The Final. (S. Schwarm) Luth. Q. 21: 18o. — Future of. (G. W. Winterburn) Arena, 3: 513. — History of, Stöckl’s. (M. Maher) Month, 61: 153. — in Colleges and Universities. (W. T. Harris) Educa. 9: 96. — in Great Britain, Present Position of. wood) N. Princ. 3: 17. — in Scotland. Scot. R. 15: 139. – Ladd's Introduction to. (J. E. Russell) N. Eng. 55: 32. — (G. S. Fullerton) Educa. R. 1: 77. — (J. Seth) Mind, 16: 271. - Mechanical, and Lotze. 696. — Mental. (5. Habberton) Chaut. Io: 24, 153, 288. (H. Calder- (St. G. Mivart) Fortn. 48: Philosophy, Modern. (W. E. Wilson) Church R. 50: 30. — — Error of. (R. F. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. 13: 52. — of America, The. Church Q. 26: 124. • — Problem of. (A. K. Cherrill) Theo. Mo. 4: 217. — Progress of. (J. Ward) Mind, 15: 213. Y – Study of, and Art of Preaching. (F. S. Jewell) Church R. 52: 16. — Substantial. (A. W. Hall) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 77 — True. – Ultimate Distinction in. 50: 2Oo. * — Wundt's System der. (S. Whittaker) Mind, 15: 103. Phoebe; a story. All the Year, 68: 222, 253. Phoenicia. Ed. R. I74: 88. — Rawlinson's. (C. H. Toy) Nation, 50: 157. — Sat. R. 68: 591. — Ath. '89, 2: 885. — Spec. 62: 451. Phoenician Bowl in the Metropolitan Museum, N. Y. (A. Marquand) Am. J. Archaeol. 7: 19. Phoenix, The. (Bliss Perry) Scrib. M. 9:454. 3. (S. H. Hodgson) Mind, I3: 153. (R. Nakashima) N. Eng. Phonetics. (A. M. Bell) Science, I5: 5. Phonetic Method. (E. Spanhoofd) Acad. (Syr.) 3: I67. Phonetic Spelling Derided. Sat. R. 64; 446. Phonics of Auditoriums. (E. Cutter) Am. J. Sci. I42: 468. - Phonograph. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Atlan. 63: 256. — Chamb. J. 65: 613. — (W. H. Preece) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 534. — (Col. Gouraud) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 23. — Edison's Perfected. Nature, 39: Ioz. — (T. A. Edison) No. Am. I46: 641. - Use of, in Studying American Indian Languages. (J. W. Fewkes) Science, I5: 267. — What will come of the ? Spec. 61: 881. Phonograph Phantasy, A. Overland, n. s. 18; 182. Phonology, English. (T. H. Kellogg) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 387. Phosphate of Lime. Phosphates as Fertilizers. 181. — from the Black Hills. (W. P. Headden) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 415. Phosphate Deposits, Florida, Geology of. (N. H. Dar- ton) Am. J. Sci. I4I: Io2. Phosphorus and Phosphorescence. (J. E. Thorpe) Good Words, 32: 249, 306. — Glow of. Nature, 41 : 523. Phosphorus Pentoxide, Drying Gases by. ley) Am. J. Sci. I34: 199. Photius, Archbp., Relationship of, to the Empress Theodora. (J. B. Bury) Eng. Hist. R. 5; 255. Photochronograph, The. Science, I8; 29. Photo-Electricity. Dub. R. 108: 418. Photo-Engravings and Wood-Cuts. Month, 68; 91. (N. S. Shaler) Science, I3: 144. (D. A. Louis) Knowl. I2: (E. W. Mor- 330 PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs, Composite. Chamb. J. 65: 155. – Fading of. Chamb. J. 65: 94. Photographer, Experiences of. (A. Bogardus) Lippine. 47: 574. Photographers, Amateur. Where they can be of As- sistance to Science. (R. W. Shufeldt) Am. Nat- ural. 25: 626. Photº Chart of the Heavens. Nature, 43: 276, 540, 6 I5. Photographic Chemistry. (R. Meldola) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 787–812. Photographic Dark Rooms. (E. Wallace) Outing, 18: IOS. Photographic Image, The. (R. Mendola) Nature, 42: 246. Photographing by Women. (M. Bisland) Outing, 17: 36. – in Colors. (W. de W. Abney) Am. Arch. 26: 198. – Interiors. (P. C. Headley, jr.) Outing, 17: 118. Photography. (C. F. Crehore) Education, 8: 44. — (W. I. L. Adams) Outing, I5: 220. — (J. Trow- bridge) Scrib. M. 5: 605. — Advances in. (W. de W. Abney) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 611. — — Amateur. (G. H. Hepworth) Harper, 7.9:454. — (T. C. Hepworth) Knowl. 9: 250. — (A. Black; D. W. Huntington) Cent. 34: 722. — (E. Wallace) Outing, I4; 28, 98. – (C. B. Moore) Outing, 17: 37I. — — in its Educational Relations. Frankl. Inst. I27; 337. — — Modern. (F. C. Beach) Harper, 78: 288. — — Portraiture in. (C. B. Moore) Cosmop. Io: 422. – and Meridian Observation. (T. H. Safford) Sid. Mess. 9; 193. – and the Spectroscope. Arts, 33; 927, 939. – Application of, to the Magic Lantern. J. Soc. Arts, II: 141. I'7: 139. — — to Printing. (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 789–853. – Applications of. (Lord Rayleigh) Nature, 44; 249. — as a Fine Art. Spec. 60: 964. – Astronomical. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. ’87: 35. – (C. Barnard) Chaut. 7: 454. — (C. Flammarion) New R. 5: 72. Same art. Ecl. M. II7: 277. — (W. Schooling) Westm. 136: 303. — Ed. R. I67: 23. Same art. Sid. Mess. 7: 138– 409. — (Sir R. Ball) Macmil. 59: 389. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 613. – (A. A. Common) 19th Cent. 2I: 227. – (E. S. Holden) Overland, n. s. II: 587. — — Progress of. Nature, 35: 321. — — Recent. (E. E. Barnard) Sid. Mess. 6: 58. — — Recent Advances in. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '89: 360. — by the Electric Spark. Dub. R. Io9: 420. – by the Hand Camera. (A. R. Dresser) Art J. 43: 216. — Composite. (J. T. Stoddard) Cent. II: 750. — (W. I. L. Adams) Outing, I8; 31. – Definition in. (A. Mallock) Nature, 44: 552. – Fifty Years of. (J. W. Champney) Harper, 79: 357. — Flash-Light. (J. Carbutt) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 461. — (W. T. L. Adams) Outing, I7: 177, 259. – for Body and Brain. (T. A. de Weese) Outing, 18: (C. F. Himes) J. (W. de W. Abney) J. Soc. (S. Highley) 235. — Heat. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 227. — Illustration of Poetry by. (W. H. Downes) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 88. – Image Transference. 33. – Impressionism in. (G. Davison) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 65. — in Colors. Dub. R. Io9: 421. — (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I31 : I. (M. C. Lea) Am. J. Sci. I34: PHOTOGRAPHY Photography in Colors, by Lippmann's Process. (C. B. Thwing) Am. J. Sci. I42: 388. — — Mayall's Process. (W. H. Walenn) Am. Arch. 22: 17. — in the Delaware Valley. (H. R. Terhune) Outing, I2: 337. — in the White Mountains. (E. Wallace) Outing, 18: 389. — Instantaneous. (W. I. L. Adams) Outing, I5; 292. — Instantaneous Shutters. (A. Mallock) Nature, 35: 324. — Landscape. (E. Wallace) Outing, I7: 467. — Lunar. (R. A. Gregory) Nature, 42: 568. — Modern Achievements of the Camera. Adams) Outing, 18: 481. — The Munchausen of the Arts. ing, I6: 476. — Naturalistic. (J. W. Champney) Cosmopol. 7: 419. — of Foliage. (E. Wallace) Outing, I8: 305. — of Interiors by Flash Light. (W. I. L. Adams) Out- ing, Ig: 200. — of Luminous Objects. (W. G. Levison) Scrib. M. 9: 765. — Orthochromatic. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 20: 57. — Orthochromatic Films and Plates. (E.Wallace) Out- ing, Ig: II6. — Police, French, Bertillon on. Nature, 42: 642. — Physics of, Problems in. (E. L. Nichols) Chaut. Io: 673. — Printing Methods, Burbank's. (W. J. Stillman) Na- tion, 45: I97. — Recent. (C. Hastings) Art J. 43: 51. — Recent Advances in. (F. E. Ives) J. Frankl. Inst. I25: 345. — (J. Spiller) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 499. – (W. de W. Abney) J. Soc. Arts, 30: 871–897. — Study in Black. (C. B. Moore) Outing, Ig: 29. — Winter, for the Artist. (H. P. Robinson) Art J. 42 : I. Photo-Mechanical Printing. 32: Ioz7–Io99. Photometer, Bunsen's. (D. M. Lewis) Nature, 40: 174. Photophone. (A. G. Bell) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 38. Phrenology. Science, 9: 299. – Cerebrology and. (S. V. Clevenger) Am. Natural. 22: 612. — The Old and the New. (M. A. Starr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 730. — Revival of. Sat. R. 69: 5oo. Phrygia, Art in. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 350. IO: I47. — Cities and Bishoprics of. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 370. 8: 461. - — Metropolitanus Campus. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 53. — Rock Necropolis of. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. (W. I. L. (I. H. Adams) Out- (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 3: I. — Southern, Antiquities of. (W. M. Ramsay) Am. J. Archaeol. 4: 6–320. Phthisis, Origin, Propagation, and Prevention of. (J. Tyndall) Fortn. 56: 293. Same art. Ecl. M. I.17: 535. — Remarks. (G. W. Hambleton) Fortn. 56: 595. Phyllotaxy. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. 13: 229. Phylloxera, The. (E. Schreiber) Month, 62: 77. Physical Development. (G.W. Hambleton) Science, I8: 34. Physical Education. (E. Checkley) Lippinc. 48: 69. — (M. I. Swift) Unita. R. 31: 126. — Compulsory. (Earl of Meath) No. Am. I52: 682. – in Ancient Greece. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. 9: 443. — Need of, in America. (W. Blaikie) Harper, 79: 241. — Needed in Towns. (Lord Brabazon) 19th Cent. 21: 673. 331 PHYSIOLOGY Physical Education of Young Children. (F. Legrange) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 449. * — School Records of Physical Condition. hore) Educa. 9: 399. Physical Fields. (A. E. Dolbear) Science, I4: 442. Physical Healing. (J. R. Kerr) Am. M. 7: 622. Physical Peculiarities of Great Men. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 539. Physical Reality, Genesis of the Cognition of. (J. Pik- ler) Mind, I5: 394. Physical Religion, Müller on. (J. H. Crooker) Dial (Ch.) I2; 45. Physical Tests in Competitive Examinations. ton) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 19. Physical Training. (J. Graham) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 257. – Improved. (E. Chadwick) J. Soc. Arts, 33: Io99, Io86. — in Education. — in French Education. tion, 49: Ioy. — Precision in. (G. Demeny) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 467. — A Rational System of. (W. D. Hyde) Forum, II: 446. Physician, Family. (A. H. Smith) Harper, 78: 722. — A Mediaeval. All the Year, 69: 37. — of To-Day and of the Future. (E. P. Buffett) N. Eng. 47: 399. — Relation of, to the Community. (Grace Peckham) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 24: I. Physicians, Colored. (S. W. Hubbard) Lend a H. 4: 436. º Physics. (A. P. Coleman) Chaut. 9: 75. — Endowed Research in. (O. J. Lodge) Science, I8: (C. F. Cre- (F. Gal- (Z. B. Taylor) Acad. (Syr.) I : 212. (Le Cocq de Lautreppe) Na- I61. — Experimental, for Schools. (E. H. Hall) Science, Io: I29. — Metaphysics, and Faith. (W. Poland) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 334. — Methods of Teaching. (A. L. Arey) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 36 – Molecular. (F. Lindemann) Nature, 39: 63. — — Lindemann's. (G. W. de Tunzelmann) Nature, 38: 404, 458, 578. — A Newly Discovered Law in. I : 529. — New Method of Teaching. (W. D. Mackintosh) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 411. - — Province of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 47: 276. — Stewart and Gee's Elementary Practical. (W. M. Ferris) Nation, 46: Ioo. — Technical, Teaching of. (J. Perry) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 167. — Terrestrial; A New University Course. (C. Abbe) Atlan. 67: 16. — True Order of Topics in. (A. M. Mowry) Education, (S. M. Allen) Arena, 7: 399. Physiological and Pathological Reversion. (T.W. Mills) Science, II: 79. Physiological Expression in Psychology. (A. Bain) Mind, 16: I. Physiological Method, Prof. Sanderson on. (W. L. Mackenzie) Mind, I5: 245. Physiologist's Wife, A.; a story. (A. C. Doyle) Blackw. I48: 339. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 493. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 207. Physiology, Animal, Mills on. (H. L. Osborn) Dial (Ch.) Io: 283. — its Field and Work. (J.S. B. Sanderson) Nature, 4o: 52I. – Teaching of, in the High School. (F. Y. Bergen) Ed- ucation, 7: 4O4. — — in the Public Schools. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 509. PHYSIOLOGY Physiology, True Aim of. (W. Preyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 82 I. Pianos. Tinsley, 45: I72. Pianoforte, History of. (A. J. Hipkins) J. Soc. Arts, 3I : 397. Piano-Organ Case, The. Chamb. J. 66: 525. Pi—a-pot's Reserve. (J. M. E. Saxby) Chamb. J. 68: 74. Pi—Bast. See Bubastis. Picardy for Painters and others. (G. R. Tomson) Longm. I2: 524. – Picturesque. (W. Armstrong) Eng. Illust. 4: 622. Piccadilly. (A. Lang) Scrib. M. Io: 135. Pickerel Shooting on the Marshes. ing, I3: 203. Pickering, John, Pickering's Life of. tion, 45; 255. Pickering, Timothy, MSS. of. Hist. 25: 143. Pickering Church, Mural Paintings in. foot) Antiq. m. s. 21: 149. Picket, Prof., Laboratory of, at Berlin. Reymond) Nature, 45; 31. Pickle of Salt, A. Blackw. I45: 668. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 840. Pictograph from Nova Scotia. ural. 24: 995. Picton, James Allamson. Acad. 36: 39. Pictor, Bernardino. Art J. 39: 39. Pictorial Art, Decorative Art and. J. 43: 286. Pictorial Journalism. (O. W. Hard) Out- (H. Hale) Na- (H. E. Green) M. Am. (G. H. Light- (E. DuBois- (W. Fewkes) Am. Nat- (W. W. Fenn) Art (W. Gribayédoff) Cosmopol. II: 47I. Picts’ Wall. (J. Russell) Blackw. I44: 716. Picture of Dorian Gray. (O. Wilde) Lippinc. 46: 3. Pictures, Appearance and Reality in. (E. Dreher) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 249. — Crown Collections of. 181, 385. – Framing and Hanging. n. S. 4: 647. — in Poetry. Temp. Bar, 8o: 232. – out of the Future. (E. Pohli) Overland, m. s. I5: 606. – Studies for. (G. E. Campbell) Art J. 42: 65. Picture Exhibitions, Few Words about. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 24; 30. — Old London. (F. G. Stephens) Art J. 39: 44–396. Picture-Gallery, Reflections in. Macmil. 57: 440. Picture Galleries. (W. W. Lloyd) Portfo. 18: 181. Picture Talk. All the Year, 65: I32. See also Paintings. Piece of Bread, A ; a story. 92 : 417. Piece of Old China, A.; a story. Temp. Bar, 87: 509. Piedmont, Summering in. 306. Pier Moments, Graphical Method of Obtaining. (C. H. Lindenberger) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 341. Piers Plowman, Skeat's. (T. R. Lounsbury) Nation, 44; 274. — Ath. '87, I: 380. Pig, the, Development of. Sat. R. 7o: 706. Pigs. Sat. R. 70: 392. Pigeons as War Messengers. Chamb. J. 64; 353. – Cornh. 55; 6oo. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 57. Pigeons, Carrier. (C. B. Vaux) Outing, 9: 352. — Fancy. Sat. R. 64: 128. Pigeon Point, Minn., On some Peculiarly Spotted Rocks from. (W. S. Bayley) Am. J. Sci. I35: 388. Pigmy Races of Men, The. (W. H. Flower) Nature, 38: 44, 66. Same art. Liv. Age, 177; 690. — All the Year, 65: 82. (J. C. Robinson) Art J. 39: (S. L. Gerry) New Eng. M. (F. Coppée) Temp. Bar, (H. D. Daly) Tinsley, 42: 332 PIONEER’S Pigmy Races, African. (A. Werner) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 556. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 191. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37; 658. – (H. M. Stanley) Amer. 20: 157. Spec. 64: 650. - (H. M. Stanley) Scrib. M. 9: 3. Pigott, Richard. Spec. 62: 330. Pike, Z. M. Expedition to Rocky Mts., 1806. (R. T. Cross) M. Am. Hist. 25: 140. Pike's Peak, Locomotive on. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: 155. — Up, in . Carriage. (L. B. France) M. West. Hist, IO: 548. Pike. Chamb. J. 64; 343. — Wall-Eyed. (K. D. Peterson) Outing, 17: 17. Pikey; a story. (A. Moberly) Belgra. 62: 409. Pilaster and Buttress. (W. Watkiss Lloyd) Am. Arch. 24: 2 I. Pilate, Pontius. (E. A. Perry) Univ. Q. 45: 437. Pilatus, Mt. Railroad at. (Countess von Krockow) Am. Arch. 26: 75. Pilchards. Argosy, 45; 277. – Sat. R. 64: 626. Filgrim’s Road, Kent. Spec. 62: 227. Pilgrims, The. (L. Tolstoi) Temp. Bar, 79: 523. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 660. – in Leyden. (H. M. Dexter) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: 49. — Life of, in Common. (E. E. Hale) New Eng. M. m. S. I : 27. – Monument to. (T. B. Drew) New Eng. M. n. s. 1: 77. – Start of, from Delfshaven. (D. Van Pelt) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 325. Pilgrimage, The ; a poem. 522. Pilgrimage to Parnassus, The. 56; 56. Pilgrimages. Irish Mo. I7: 582. Pillaton Hall, A Painted Wooden Figure at. (C. S. Burne) Antiq. m. s. 23: 253. Pillsbury, Oliver. (W. P. Hale) Granite Mo. II: 332. Pilot's Clock, The. Chamb. J. 66: 748. Pilots, Trinity. Chamb. J. 66: 694. Pinchtown Pauper, A. (A. C. Gordon) Atlan. 60: 326. Pindar. (R. C. Jebb) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 144. — and Athletics, Ancient and Modern. worth) National, II: 235. — The Schema Pindarikon. Philol. II: 182. Pine and the Palm; a story. (W. S. Walsh) Lippinc. 44; 389. Pineal Eye in Extinct Vertebrates. Natural. 22: 914. Pinero, Arthur Wing. The Cabinet Minister. Theatre, 24; 312. (R. Steggall) Month, 62: (J. W. Hales) Macmil. (C. Words- (R. S. Hayden) Am. J. (E. D. Cope) Am. —. In Chancery. Theatre, 26: 37. – Lady Bountiful. Sat. R. 71: 321. — Theatre, 26: 2O2. * — The Profligate. — Sweet Lavender. Theatre, 20: 263. — The Weaker Sex. Theatre, 22: 218. Piney Branch Indian Workshop. (J. D. McGuire) Sci- ence, I7: I35. Pink of Perfection; a Fairy Story. Cosmopol. 2: 256-319. Pink Sun. (E. Fawcett) Outing, I7: 337, 455. Pink Villa. (C. F. Woolson) Harper, 77: 837. Pinkerton’s Men. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44: 70. Pinnipeds, Some of the Causes and Results of Polyg- amy among. (C. C. Nutting) Am. Natural. 25: Theatre, 22: 331. 25: 234. (C. F. Guernsey) IO3. Pinwell, George John. (J. Swain) Good Words, 29: 814. Pion des Leches, Colonel, of the French Revolution. Nation, 49: I67. Pioneer's First Letter Home. Overland, n. s. 18; 315. PIONEER’S Pioneer's Note-Book, Extracts from. (W. Williams) M. West. Hist. Io: 177, 397. Pioneers Once and Now in the U. S. (W. Barrows) M. West. Hist. 5: 351. Pious Fund of California. s. I6: 232. Piozzi, Hester Lynch. Ath. '89, 2: 894. Pipe, The ; a story. Cornh. 63: 264. Pipe Roll Society. Ath. '89, 2: 96. Pipestone Country, The Great Red. (H. S. Thompson) Am. M. 8: 721. Pippin, King of the Franks, Patriciate of. (E. A. Free- man) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 684. — (J. B. Mullinger; E. A. Freeman) Acad. 36: 288-373. Piracy. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. n. s. 42: 136. — Deposition of Thomas Pound, 1689. N. E. Reg. 45: 2I 5. — in Morocco, How it was Stopped. (J. H. D. Hay) Murray, 2: 583. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista. Macmil. 62: 295. Piratical F. S. A., A. Cornh. 58: 62o. Pirates, Barbary. (S. Lane-Poole) Antiq. m. s. 21: 158. – Eminent. (M. R. Davies) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 467. — Famous. (T. Hopkins) National, I7: 799. Same 'art. Liv. Age, IgE : 16o. — in the China Sea, Adventure with. Chamb. J. 64: (J. T. Doyle) Overland, n. 237. — of the Spanish Main. (H. Pyle) Harper, 75: 357, 5O2. Piron, Alexis. Pisa, Reminiscences of. 355. Pisidia, Graeco-Roman Civilization in. (W. M. Ramsay) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 23. Pistojan Mountains, Summer in. Pit-Brow, On the. Spec. 64: 437. Pitcairn Island, Letters from. (R. A. Young) Overland, m. s. I8: 294. Pitcher Plants. (S. B. Herrick) Cosmopol. 7: 244. Pithom. (C. R. Gillett) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 69. Pitman, Pity the Poor. (C. Reade) Gent. M. m. s. 41 : (J. W. Sherer) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 609. (C. T. J. Hiatt) Tinsley, 47: Leis. Hour, 38: 538. 234. Pitt, Thomas, Governor of Madras. (J. T. Wheeler) Asia. R. 7: Io.4. Pitt, William. (J. A. Hamilton) Acad. 38: 336. — and Talleyrand in 1792. (Mme. Y. Blaze de Bury) New R. I : 358. — Correspondence with the Duke of Rutland. Ath. ’90, I: 333. — Lecky on. (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 63: 241. — Lord Rosebery's. (R. Dunlop) Acad. 4o: 577.-Sat. R. 72: 669. — Speeches in Relation to Junius. (L. Stephen) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 233. Pitts, The Two. (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 62: 241. Pittsburgh in 1829. (R. Errett) M. West. Hist. 7: 33. Pittsfield, Mass., Historical Sketch of. (F. W. Kaan) Bay State Mo. 2: 193. Pity, Genuine and Spurious. (F. P. Cobbe) Forum, Io: 423. — Luxury of. (J. Sully) Forum, 8: 85. Pius VII., Pope, at Savona. (T. B. Scannell) Dub. R. IOI : IIO. Pius IX., Doellinger on. (E. P. Evans) Unita. R. 35: I79. — Will of. Spec. 60: 40. Piute and Bannock War, Outbreak of. (O. O. Howard) Overland, n. s. 9: 587. Pivardière, Louis de la, Trials of. Green Bag, I: 537. Pixley, Francis William, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1125. Place, Armstrong B., with portrait. (A. N. Towne) M. West. Hist. I3: 443. 333 PLANTS Places, Men and. Chamb. J. 65: 625. Place-Names, Archaic. (J. C. Atkinson) Reliquary, 31: I47. Placidia, a High-Born Roman Lady. Sunday M. 20: 623, 704. Plagiarism. (J. Runciman) Fortn. 53: 421.-Spec. 66: (E. W. Carter) 305. – Bugbear of. (F. Ford) Writer, 2: 35. — in the Pulpit. Spec. 60: 1529. — Literary. (A. Lang) Contemp. 51: 831. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 183. Same art. Critic, II: 179. Plagiarisms, A Few. (F. J. Huddleston) Tinsley, 42: 35 I. — Little Treatise on. (L. I. Guiney) Lippine. 41: 786. Plague and Pestilence. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 12: I. Plains, Across the, in the Donner Party, 1846. (V. R. Murphy) Cent. 20: 409. – Out on the. (J. M. Browne) Overland, m. s. 16: 495. Plain Girl's Story, A. (M. Douglas) Argosy, 46: 403. “Plain Truth,” Authorship of. (P. L. Ford) Pennsyl. M. I2: 421. Plainfield, Mass. Historic Homes on Golden Hills. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 17: 217. Plaint of the Parson, The ; a Sketch. All the Year, 67: 59. Plane-Table Sheets, Distortion in. Science, II: 166. Plane Trees, Origin of the. (L. F. Ward) Am. Nat- ural. 24: 797. Planets, The. (A. Giberne) Sunday M. Ig: 276. — Conjunction of, Sept. 20, 1889. Knowl. I2: 231. — Minor, Questions concerning. (F. F. Tisserand) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 195. – Movements of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 8, 54. — Periods of Rotation and Revolution around the Sun. (G. W. Coakley) Sid. Mess. Io: 217. – Studies in Astronomy. (G. P. Serviss) Chaut. I3: 307. As — Surface Markings of, in 1890. (W. W. Payne) Science, 16: 360. Planetary Bodies, Probable Law of Densities of. Hooke) Am. J. Sci. I38: 393. Plant, A Cannibal. Spec. 67: 557. Plants and Animals, Lore of. (F. D. Bergen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 656. 37: 240. – and Insects, Relations between. J. Soc. Arts, 25: 28o. — Breathing Organs of. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. I3: 246. — Comparative Chemistry of Higher and Lower. (H. C. DeS. Abbott) Am. Natural. 21 : 719, 8oo. — Dawson's Geological History of. Nation, 46: 493. — Defensive Armor of. (H. de Varigny) Pop. Sci. Mo. (R. (Sir J. Lubbock) 35 : 522. — Diseases of. (J. L. W. Thudicum) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 894–922. — Distribution of. (W. M. Spalding) Am. Natural. 24: 819. — the Earliest. (W. Dawson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 787. — Flowerless. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. 8: 531. — Food of ; The Greenwood Tree. Ecl. M. II6: 805. — How they Feed. Cornh. 63: 493. — How they Maintain Themselves. (W. Gardiner) Nature, 41: 90. — in Legends. (F. A. J. v. Langegg) Chaut. I2: 494. — in Witchcraft. (T. F. T. Dyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 826. — Insectivorous. (J. P. Smith) Knowl. I3: 266. I4:8. — Migrations of. Ed. R. 169: 448. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 422. — of India, Commercial. (J. R. Jackson) J. Soc. Arts, 27; 333. — Some Wayside Problems. 18. (J. Gerard) Month, 59: \ PLANTS Plants, Special Morphology of, Goebel's. (W. C. Wil- liamson) Nature, 35: 535. — Turning Motions of. (C. McMillan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 674. – Voracious. (E. Pyne) National, I7: 170. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 775. Plant Analysis as an Applied Science. Abbott) J. Frankl. Inst. I24: 1. Plant-Animals and Animal-Plants. 678. Plant Forms, Chemical Basis of. (H. C. DeS. Abbott) J. Frankl. Inst. I24; 161. Plant Life at Work. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut, 8: 409. — Unfolding of. (B. D. Halsted) Chaut. 8: 350. Plant-Names, English. Sat. R. 63: 559. Plantation Episode in Hawaii. (N. Douglass) Over- land, n. s. I5: 257. Planter's Bungalow, The. Blackw. I46: 238. Plantin, Christophe. Quar. I64: 475. Plantin Museum at Antwerp. (T. L. De Winne) Cent. (H. C. DeS. Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: I4; 225. Plantin-Moretus. (O. Hensel) Harper, 81: 390. Plas, François Robinet de. (E. Schreiber) Month, 72: 52 Plaski's Tumaments. (T. N. Page) Harper, 82: III. Plaster Ceilings, Spots upon. (C. T. Lee) Am. Arch. 22: 228. Plaster-Work, Decorative. (G. T. Robinson) J. Soc. Arts, 39: 439. Plasterers in Paris. (T. Smyth) Am. Arch. 27: 94. Plataia, Discovery of Temple of Archaic Plan at. S. Washington) Am. J. Archaeol. 7: 390. — Discoveries at. (J. C. Rolfe and others) Am. J. Archaeol. 5: 428. 6: IoS. — (C. Waldstein) Acad. 37: 327. — Votive Inscription from. J. Archaeol. 7: 406. Plate, Church, at Leicestershire. quary, 3I : I40. — — Leicestershire. Sat. R. 71: 168. — of Guild of Trinity House, Hall. Reliquary, 27: 212. 28: 42, 65. — Old Family. (W. Cripps) Murray, 3: 637. — Old, in the Tudor Exhibition. (J. E. Nightingale) Reliquary, 30: 74. Plates and Bags; a story. 9II. Plate River, Scotsmen and. Chamb. J. 65: 534. Plateau, Antoine Ferdinand Joseph, with portrait. (S. B. Herrick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 693. Platiniferous Nickel Ore from Canada. (F. W. Clarke and C. Catlett) Am. J. Sci. I37: 372. Platinum, Discovery of, in the Sun. (C. C. Hutchins and E. L. Holden) Am. J. Sci. I34: 451. — Electrical Relations of Alloys of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I36: 427. – Electro-Deposition of. Inst. I30: 62. Plato and Theosophy. (Alice Zimmern) National, 9: 68. — Armenian Version of, Ancient. (F. C. Conybeare) Am. J. Philol. I2: 193. — Dialectic, and Doctrine of Ideas. (W. T. Harris) J. Spec. Philos. 22: 94, II 3. – (E. M. Mitchell) J. Spec. Philos. 22: 223. – Inedited Portrait of. (S. Reinach) Am. J. Archaeol. (H. (R. B. Richardson) Am. (T. M. Fallow) Reli- (T. M. Fallow) (R. G. Evans) Murray, Io: (W. H. Wahl) J. Frankl. 4 : I. — Life and Times of. (A. P. Peabody) And. R. I5: • * * J D J - — Moral Mission of. Westm. I27: Io9. – Republic, Pfleiderer on. (F. T. Richards) Acad. 33: 415. - Timaeus, Interpretation Öf. Philol. 9: 395. Io: 45. (P. Shorey) Am. J. 334 PLEISTOCENE Plato, Use of Certain Verbs of Saying in. (G. B. Hus- sey) Am. J. Philol. Io: 437. Platonic Affair, An; a story. (H. H. Boyesen) Harper, 80: 347. Platonic Idealism. (E. L. Guppy) Overland, m. s. 16: 389. Platonism, Recent, in England. Philol. 9: 274. Platonists, Christian, of Alexandria, Bigg's. Spec. 61: (P. Shorey) Am. J. 449. Platyceras, Sedentary Habits of. (C. R. Keyes) Am. J. Sci. I36: 269. Plautus and his Imitators. Quar. I73: 37. – Miles Gloriosus. Goetz Critical Edition. (W. M. Lindsay) Acad. 39: 140. — — Patriotic Passage in. (A. F. West) Am. J. Philol. 8: 15. Plays, English, on Foreign Stages. All the Year, 62: I9. — Excluded. Westm. I31: 237. – Famous, First Nights of. Chamb. J. 68: 601. – First-Night Judgment of. (H. A. Jones) 19th Cent. 26: 43. —Sat. R. 68: 132. – How they are Made. (J. Magnus) Lippine. 44; 401. — Pages on. (J. H. McCarthy) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 316– 636. 47: 100–632. Play-Bill, Origin and Development of. (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n.s. 40: 373. Play-Bills – Old and New. (S. J. A. Fitzgerald) Thea- tre, 24; 292. — Recollections of Old. (C. H. Pattee) Arena, 4: 604. Players, English, in Paris. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 446. Players’ Club, N. Y. (B. Matthews) Cent. 21: 28. — (G. E. Montgomery) Cosmopol. 7: 141. —Critic, I4; 9. Playgrounds of a Great City [London]. land) Sunday M. 20: 416. Playhouse, Provincial, in 1840. 56; 524. Playing with Fire ; a story. Argosy, 44; 137. Playing with Fire; a story. (E. M. de Fonblanque) Belgra. 74: 172. Playing Cards, Origin and Manufacture of. (G. Clulow) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 571. Playwrights of Paris. (T. Child) Contemp. 51: 712. Play-Writing. (S. Rosenfeld) Author, 3: 142. — (A. Hennequin) Forum, 8: 705. - (J. Littlejohn) Irish Mo. I7: 356. — (C. E. Meetkerke) Theatre, 25: I56. – How to Write Dramas for Music. Theatre, 27: 67. Plea for Trust; a poem. (L. C. Perry) Atlan. 67: 72. - Pleasant People. Atlan. 61 : 569. - Pleasants, James, Heroism of. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 222. Pleasure and Pain. (H. R. Marshall) Mind, I4: 511. — — Physical Basis of. (H. R. Marshall) Mind, I6: 327, 470. — — Sensations of. 243. — a Heresy. — Pain, Desire, and Wolition. I3 : I. Pleasures of Life, Lubbock's. (W. Higgs) N. Eng. 52 : 443. Plebeians, American Patricians and. (H. Brydges) Cosmopol. 3: 76. Pleiades Cluster and the Milky Way. (A. C. Ranyard) Enowl. I4: 91. Pleistocene and Pre-Pleistocene of the Mississippi Ba- sin. (T. C. Chamberlin and R. D. Salisbury) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 359. (A. R. Buck- (A. Price) Lond. Soc. (F. A. Laidlaw) (E. H. Kisch) Pop. Sci, Mo. 38. (A. Repplier) Atlan. 67: 393. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, PLEISTOCENE Pleistocene Fluvial Planes of Western Pennsylvania. (F. Leverett) Am. J. Sci. I42: 200. Plesiosaurs. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 263. Plethon, Gemistos; A Byzantine Reformer. Tozer) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 353. Pletsch, Oskar. (R. Walker) Good Words, 32: 336. Pliny the Younger, Correspondence with Trajan, ed. by Hardy. Ath. '89, I: 594. — Spec. 62: 732. — (A. Tilley) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 762. — Letters, Gerunds and Gerundives in. ner) Am. J. Philol. 9: 214. Plot, Abolition of the. (T. W. Higginson) Author, I: II.4. — of a Story, Evolution of a. (F. E. Lyster) Writer, 2: I57. Plot-Making. (W. P. Brown) Author, I: II.3. Ploughmen's Union of Scotland. (J. G. Dow) Scot. R. 18: 197. Plow-Monday in the City. Ath. '89, I: 16. Plumb Idiot, The. (A. French) Scrib. M. 8: 749. Plummer, J. F. (T. J. Hyland-MacGrath) M. West. Hist. II: 35. Plumptre, Edward Hayes. (J. S. Cotton) Acad. 39: 136. — (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 32: 233. (H. F. (S. B. Plat- Plunket Manuscripts. (M. Hickson) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 535, 738. Plutarch ; The Codex Matritensis and Plut. Cic. 29. (A. Gudeman) Am. J. Philol. II: 312. Plymouth, England. Sat. R. 66: 548. — and Devonport. All the Year, 6.5: 232. — Rendezvous of the Dorchester Church Colony. (C. H. Pope) N. E. Reg. 42: 403. Plymouth Colony and the Bay Colony. land) Nation, 47: 35. — Goodwin’s History of. Spec. 62: 865. Plymouth, Mass., Day's Trip to. (E. P. Gould) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): 150. — In Plymouth Woods. (M. Watson) New Eng. M. Il. S. I : 2O. — Pilgrimage to. (A. M. Diaz) New Eng. M. n.s. I: 1. Pneumatic Gun and Dynamite Cruiser. (F. R. Brain- ard) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : 45. Pneumatic Parcel-Delivery for New York. Am. Arch. 22: I37. Pneumatic Tool, McCoy's. J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 1. Poachers and Poaching. Cornh. 57: 178. – (H. Hali- burton) Good Words, 31 : 548. – Bird and Beast. Cornh. 63: 289. – Watson on. Sat. R. 71: 753. Poaching. Quar. I73: 363. —Sat. R. 64: 692. – as a Fine Art. Spec. 63: 467. Pocahontas; My Lady Pokahontas. Cosmopol. 2: 209. Pocock, Crawford J. Acad. 37: 274. Pococke, Richard, Tours of. Ath. '89, 1: 468. Poe, Edgar Allan. (W. O. Curtis) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 818. —Ath. '90, I: 117. – (R. H. Stoddard) Lip- pine. 43: Ioy. - (J. Sartain) Lippinc. 43: 411. — and his Mary. (A. van Cleef) Harper, 78: 634. – and Morality. (J. B. Fletcher) Harv. Mo. 3: 176. – My Adventure with. (J. Hawthorne) Lippine. 48: 24O. – New Light on. Critic, 19: 254. - Reminiscences of. (H. P. Rosenbach) Amer. 13: 296. Poem, Evolution of a. (C. H. Luders) Amer. 16: Ioa. Poems of the Pathetic, Unwritten. Atlan. 68: 431. – How I Write my. (H. W. Austin) Author, I: 4o. Poet as Historian, The. Macmil. 59: 36. Same art. Ecl. M. 112: 62. – Has America produced a 2 (E. Gosse) Forum, 6: 176. See American Poetry. (H. W. Hol- (J. E. Cooke) 335 – in Fiction, The. (A. Lang) Critic, 13:46. POETRY Poet, What is a Great? (E. Gosse) Forum, 7: 175. Poet's Corner, A. (W. H. Greswell) Nat. R. 12: 807. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 471. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 747. Poet's Home-Going, The. 7: I 50. Poets and Coöperatives. 2O7. Poets and Poetry in the United States. ley) N. Eng. 53: 495. — and Puritans. (J. G. Dow) Macmil. 61: 457. Same º: Ecl. M. II4: 733. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 308. Poets as Landscape-Painters. Sat. R. 68: 101. Poets, English. Spec. 62: 539. - — — of To-Day. (W. M. Baskerville) Chaut. Io: 167. — Hereditary, Rarity of. Spec. 66: 719. — Minor. Temp. Bar, 83: 429. – Newspaper. (H. Butterwood) Chaut. II: 72. — of Australia. Atlan. 65: 281. — Old. (W. Whitman) No. Am. 151: 610. - Society. Temp. Bar, 84: 457. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 48. – Who are the Great 2 (J. V. Cheney) Overland, n. s. I4: 230. Poetess, A. Poetic Faith, The New. 484. Poetic ºld. The Old, in Ireland. (C. de Kay) Cent. 39: Ö93. - Poetic Inspiration, True, Fount of. Meliora, 3: 222. Poetic Justice. (E. J. Harding) Critic, Io: 13. Poetry and the Fine Arts. (F. T. Palgrave) National, 9: 352. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 579. – Na- tional, Io: 202. — and Philosophy. (J. Dewey) And. R. I6: Ioš. — and Science. (H. Allen) Poet-Lore, 3: 233. — and Speculation. All the Year, 66: 426. — Blocking-Out. (A. M. Cummings) Writer, 3: 273. — Children's. Spec. 67: 721. — Collections of ; the Siege of Helicon. (W. Watson) National, I4: 826. — Contemporary. Ath. '89, 2: 315. – Aubrey De Vere's Essays on. Nation, 46: 387. – Elizabethan and Victorian. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 5I: 55. Same art. Liv. Age, 18o: 195. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 289. - English, Early. (E. H. Sanborn) Bay State Mo. 3: I25. — — Future of. Ath. '89, 2: 411. - — The Gay Science. All the Year, 66: 484. — Hake's New Day. Ath. 'go, 2: 56. – in Education. Chamb. J. 65: 721. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 178. — (F. Pecant) Education, 7: 449. – Is Verse in Danger? (E. Gosse) Forum, Io: 517. – Lyric, German vs. French. Atlan. 59: 712. – Modern, Dr. Johnson on. (W. Watson) National, I3: 593. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 295. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 348. - — — Morris on. Sat. R. 72: 5. — — Scientific Temper in. (V. D. Scudder) And. R. " 8: 225, 351. — — Some Thoughts on. (L. Morris) Murray, Io: I. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 643. — Newspaper, Does it Pay? Writer, 2: 263. – of the Century. (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 39: 378. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 307. — of Common-Sense, The. (J. A. Noble) Macmil. 64: (H. D. Rawnsley) Murray, (J. W. Mario) Nation, 47: (W. L. Kings- (M. E. Wilkins) Harper, 81: 197. (C. L. Hildreth) Am. M. 8: 43I. – of the 18th Century. (L. J. Swinburne) N. Eng. 47: 189. — of a Stream, The. (A. Lamont) Sunday M. 17: 466. 2 POETRY I’oetry, Old Notion of. S. I4: I29. — Popular, Secret of Writing. (J. N. Matthews) Writer, 2 : I4I. — Recent. (E. Whitney) N. Eng. 46: 443. —(W. M. Payne) Dial (Ch.) Io: 279. – Schiper's Englische Metrik. 50: 355. — Science et Poésie. (Paul Bourget) Fortn. 49: 568. — Slovenliness in Writing. (R. E. Burton) Writer, 2: I29. – Some Needs of the Versifiers. (J. Buckham) Writer, 2 : II.4. – Stedman on. Critic, I8: 139. — A Talk about. The Realms of Gold. Good Words, 29: 683, 822. – What Endures in 2 Spec. 63: 236. — What is? (C. Morris) Amer. I6: 8. — (C. H. Luders) Amer. I6: 24, IoA. – (H. Hartshorne) Amer. I6: 42. Poggle's Mistake. (J. M. Brown) Lond. Soc. 55: 304. Pogson, Norman R. Nature, 44; 205. Poh Yuin Ko, the Serpent Princess; a story. Cosmo- pol. 6: 180. IIoweiv; Has it a Sacrificial Meaning? (T. K. Abbott) J. Bib. Lit. 9; 137. Poinsett, Joel R. (C. J. Stillé) Pennsyl. M. I2: 129, 257. Point Barrow, Hunting and Fishing at. Chaut. 9: 594. Point Lookout, Prison Life at. (C. T. Loehr) So. Hist. Pap. I8: II.3, 431. Point of View. All the Year, 63: 400. Poisons and Drugs, Sale of. Meliora, 8: 297. — and Poisoners. (Mrs. A. Fraser) Belgra. 70: 198. — Domestic. (H. Carr) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 150. — Sub-Papuan. (W. Churchill) N. Eng. 53: 32. Poisoned Potion, The. (R. Arkwright) Lond. Soc. 56: (J. V. Cheney) Overland, n. (J. M. Hart) Nation, (J. Dennis) (J. Murdoch) I93. Poland and the Quarterly Review. (A. Gielgud) Westm. I33: 489. – Centenary of the Polish Constitution. Westm. I35: 547. — in 1575; the Interregnum. R. 4: 645. — Insurrection in, 1863, and General Langiewicz. (Karl Blind) Fortn. 48: 31. — Religious Persecution in. 24O. — Second Partition of, in 1793. (R.N. Bain) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 331. Polar Bodies, Weismann's Theory of. (G. H. Fowler) Nature, 37: 134. Polar Expeditions, Coming. I48: 151. See also Arctic Exploration. Polar Globules, Signification of the. Nature, 36: 607. *s, * : Polarity and Binarism. Chris. Q. 6: 97. sº Polarization, Circular, of certain Tartrate SóTutions. (J. H. Long) Am. J. Sci. I38: 264. Pole, Margaret, and her Sons. (J. Morris) Month, 65: (A. Gielgud) (R. N. Bain) Eng. Hist. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 38: (F. Schwatka) No. Am. (A. Weismann) 5 I4. Pole, Reginald, Lee's Life of. Spec. 6I: Io97. Polecats. Cornh. 59: 626. Polianite, On the Crystalline Form of. (E. S. Dana and S. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I35: 243. Police in France under Louis XV. (C. Hervey) Temp. Bar, 81: 364. Police of London. (C. E. H. Vincent) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: 5. — (J. Stuart) Contemp. 55; 622. – (C. Warren) Murray, 4: 577. — (J. Monro) No. Am. 151: 615. —Sat. R. 65: 534–790. 65; 41.-- (E. Lawrence) Spec. 60: 1216. 336 POLITICAL Police, Mounted, of the North-West. All the Year, 65: 343. Police Court, English. Green Bag, 3: 132. — A London. All the Year, 66: 349. Police Department of New York. (R. Wheatley) Har- per, 74: 495. Policeman, Every-Day Life of. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. All the Year, 64: 6. Hour, 39: 603. Policeman's Diary, The. Police Matrons. (Mrs. J. K. Barney) Lend a H. 2: 471. — Lend a H. 3: 161. – Experiment with. (A. L. Dawes) Lend a H. 4: I26. Police Pensions, Story of. (J. Monro) New R. 3: 194. Police Power and Public Health. (H. C. Black) Am. Law R. 25: 170. Police Victim; a story. (C. Bird) Belgra. 64: 332. Polish Literature in 1887–8. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. '88, 2: 24. — in 1888–9. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. '89, 2: 25. – in 1889–90. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. '90, 2: 24. – in 1890–1. (A. Belcikowski) Ath. '91, 2: 28. Politeness, Comparative. All the Year, 68: 346. Political Apostate, A. (James Sully) Murray, 8: 783. Political Crime, Lombroso’s New Theory of. (H. Zim- mern) Blackw. I49; 202. Political Economy; Academic Instruction in Political and Economic Science in Italy. (R. P. Falkner) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 635. – Academic Study of. (C. F. Dunbar) Q. J. Econ. 5: 397. - – Analysis in. (W. W. Folwell) Am. Econ. Assoc. 4: 377. * – and Business. (F. W. Taussig) Harv. Mo. 8: 127. — and the Catholic Church. (J. J. Keene) Q. J. Econ. 6: 25. —t and Ethics. (J. M. Whiton) N. Eng. 49: 325. – (R. | Mathews) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 771. – and Social Reform. (F. Dolman) Westm. I33: 637. – Application of Mathematics to. (F. Y. Edgeworth) J. Statis. Soc. 52; 538. — as an Art. (C. J. Bullock) Lend a H. 4: 716. — Austrian School of, and Theory of Value. (F. Wie- ser) Econ. J. I. IoS. — A Competitive Utopia. (A. Ransom) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 44. — “The Economic Man.” (E. L. Godkin) No. Am. I53: 49 I. - — Educational Value of. (S. N. Patten) Am. Econ. Assoc. 5: 469. — English Movement of. (H. S. Foxwell) Q. J. Econ. 2: 84. — German Movement of. (E. Nasse) Q. J. Econ. I; 498. — Gunton’s. Atlan. 68: 276. — Historical vs. Deductive. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 244. + — History of, Ingram's. Ath. '88, 2: 283. — in America. (R. T. Ely) No. Am. I44; 113. — in the Colleges. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 20: Io9. — in England; Ashley's Economic History. (A. Jes- sopp) 19th Cent. 25: 617. — in France. (C. Gide) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 603. – (A. de Foville) Q. J. Econ. 4; 222. — — Studies on the Origin of the French Economists. (S. Bauer) Q. J. Econ. 5: Ioo. — in Russia. Q. J. Econ. 2: 233. — in Schools. (W. E. Burchill) Educa. I2: 91. — in the Secondary School. (C. J. Bullock) Educa. II: (E. v. Boehm-Bawerk) 539. — Institutes of. (D. C. Wells) And. R. I2: 555. — Instruction in, in Germany. (L.S. Rowe) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 78, 272. POLITICAL Political Economy, Internat. Migration and. Westm. I3O : 474. - — Introductory Lecture on. J. I. 625. – Jevons's Theory of. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Econ. (P. H. Wicksteed) Q. J. Econ. 3 : 293. — — Wicksteed's Notes upon. (T. E. Jevons) Q. J. Econ. 3: 5oo. — Macvane's. (E. v. Boehm-Bawerk) Q. J. Econ. 4: 33I. — Marshall’s Principles of. Nation, 51: 329. – (Ad. Wagner) Q. J. Econ. 5: 319. — Mathematical Theory of. (F. Y. Edgeworth) Nature, 40: 496. — Old and New. (W. Smart) Fortn. 56: 279. – (E. Caird) Q. J. Econ. 2: 213. — Optimism in. (D. C. Smith) No. Am. I44; 422. — Pessimism in. (E. Atkinson) No. Am. I44; 540. — Progress of, from the Time of Adam Smith. (F. W. Newman) Int. J. Ethics, I : 475. — Sociological Character of. (F. H. Giddings) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: 29. – Study of, Mathematical Method of. steed) Q. J. Econ. 3: 293. — — Suggested Rearrangement of. (F. W. Taussig) Q. J. Econ. 2: 228. Political Economists, New School. (P. H. Wick- (S. Newcomb) Na- tion, 53: 27. — President Walker on the. (F. A. Walker) Nation, 53: Io. Political Education. Science, 9: 370. Political Ethics, Absolute. (Herbert Spencer) 19th Cent. 27: I 19. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 608. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 347. Political Generation, The New. (E. P. Clark) Cent. I4: 851. Political Issues, Present. (J. J. Ingalls) No. Am. I46: 65 I. I.47: 306. Political Knowledge, The Tree of. (E. E. Hale) No. Am. I48: 564. Political Life of our Time, Nichol's. Ath. '89, 2: 3I. Political Lying, Ethics of. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 25:- 7ö9. Political Methods, Corrupt. (G. F. Edmunds) Forum, 7 : 349. — in the United States, Dangers of Present. (R. John- son) No. Am. I46: 424. Political Pamphlets by Men of Genius. tague) Murray, I3: 743. Same art. 838. Political Parties, in the U. S.; a Paradox. con) Forum, 8: 676. — — History of. (F. W. Hewes) Chaut. I4: 149, 279. – Study of. (F. A. Becher) M. Am. Hist. 23: 475. Political Power, Distribution of. (F. E. M. Steele) To- Day, 7: 126. Political Prospects, Our. Political Reform and Reformers. Mo. II: 169. Political Science and Constitutional Law, Burgess's. (E. V. Reynolds) N. Eng. 54: 479. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 240. — Atlan. 67: 694. – Pollock’s Introduction to. (J. Bryce) Nation, 52: 267. — Spec. 66: 172. — Recent Books on. (A. Shaw) Dial (Ch.) 8: 61. – Teaching of, at Oxford. (D. G. Ritchie) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 85. Political Slang. Cornh. 55: 624. Political Trials in Scotland, 1793 and 1888. Westm. I3O: 653. Politician, The, and the Pharisee. (J. S. Clarkson) No. Am. I52: 613. (F. C. Mon- Eel. M. I.17: (L. W. Ba- (J. H. Seelye) Forum, 5: I. (C. Guild, jr.) Harv. 337 | — in the U. S., Degradation of. POLO Politicians, Defence of. (J. Sturgis) Murray, 3: 219. – Personal Morality of, as Judged by the Non-Con- formist Conscience. (R. B. Brett) 19th Cent. 29: 2O2. Politics, American. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. II: 270. — — Personal Equation in. (W. Larremore) Overland, n. S. I5 : I 34. — and Politicians. (F. G. Gedney) Chaut. I2: 761. – Are Englishmen Interested in 2 (A. W. Dicey) Na- tion, 44; 16o. – as a Duty and a Career. Mo. 7: I. — at Home and Abroad. National, g: 279-7II. – Business Element in. (T. J. Hylande-MacGrath) M. West. Hist. II: 35. — Business Men in. (W. Miller) No. Am. I51 : 576. — Character and Ability in. (A. Austin) National, 9: 668. Same art. Liv. Age, I'74; 362. — Criminal. (E. L. Godkin) No. Am. I5o: 706. — The Disagreeable Truth about. (G. Hepworth) Chaut. I3: 474. — Ethics and. (Sir R. Blennerhasset) Fortn. 54: 224. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 7: 381. — Fetichism in. (H. C. Lea) Forum, 9: 430. — Foreign, Current Influences on. Blackw. I 50: 461. – The Gentleman in. (W. L. Kingsley) N. Eng. 51: I35. — History and, European Schools of. (A. D. White) J. H. Univ. Studies, 5: no. 12. — History of, Polločkº's. Sat. R. 70: 294. – Impartial Study of. (J. R. Seeley) Contemp. 54: 52. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 259. Same art. Science, I2 : 4 I. (Moorfield Storey) Harv. (F. A. P. Barnard) Forum, 9: I 17. — The Individualist Ideal of. 4: I O9. — Missionary Labor in. (L. Satterthwait) N. Eng. 55: 292. — Money and Political Machines. tion, 44; 222. — Money Interests in. (E. L. Godkin) Forum, Io: 1. — Morals and. (Julia Wedgwood) National, I 6: 749. – Partisanship and Independence. (R. L. Weeks): Harv. Mo. 8: 2 I. — Practical. (W. P. Garrison) N. Princ. 5: 2O1. — Rich Men in. (S. N. Clark) Chaut. 7: 475. — Sidgwick’s Elements of. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 40 303. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 5 II. — Sat, R. 72: 251. — (W. Wilson) Dial (Ch.) 12: 215. — The Socialist Ideal of. (G. B. Shaw) New R. 4: 9. – Study of. (W. Wilson) N. Princ. 3: 188. — Youth and Age in. Sat. R. 65: I.31. Polk, Bishop-Gen. Leonidas. So. Hist. Pap. I8: 371. — Order on Assuming Command in Mississippi. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 229. egregations of Races, in America. (R. . Natural. 23: 677. ent and Use of. Sci. Moºg: 337. Pollock, Frederick, Personal Reminiscences of. (A. F. Leach) Acad. 32: 434. — Ath. '87, 2: 739. – Sat. R. 64: 822. — Spec. 60: 1820. — Blackw. I43: I 15. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 46: 121.-Sat. R. 64: (C. Bradlaugh) New R. (J. B. Bishop) Na-. e © . (J. F. James) Pop. 822. Pollucite, Composition of. (H. L. Wells) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 213. Polly. (P. Stapleton) Lippine. 47: 618. Polly, a Governess. (E. H. Hickey) Longm. I6: 410. Polly Dossett's Rule. (E. Stoddard) Harper, 80: 267. Polly Winslow. (J. E. Curran) Harper, 79: 928. Polo, Marco. Blackw. I42: 373. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: I.95. POLO Polo, American. (L. Timpson) Outing, I8: 330, 410. Polo-Ponies, The Training of. (J. M. Brown) Blackw. I49: 645. Polruan Ferryboat, The. Chamb. J. 65: 248. art. Liv. Age, I77; 427. Polyahoff, Ivan. Nature, 36: 206. Polyandry. (A. B. Ellis) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 801. — in Thibet. Sat. R. 66: 483. Polybius, Articular Infinitive in. Am. J. Philol. II: 207, 471. – Stracham-Davidson's Edition of. Hist. R. 3: 767. — Translated by Shuckburgh. Spec. 64; 20. Polycrase, Occurrence of. (W. E. Hidden and J. B. Mackintosh) Am. J. Sci. I39: 302. – of No. and So. Carolina, Supplementary Notice on. (W. E. Hidden and J. B. Mackintosh) Am. J. Sci. I4I: 423. Polygamy, Do the Scriptures Inculcate 2 Chris. Q. 8: 497. — in Utah, The Death of. 368. — Mormon Manifesto against. Day, 6: 413. See Mormons. — of Heathen Converts. Spec. 61 : 930. – Overthrow of. And. R. I4: 644. Polygamists, Treatment of Converted. 46; 535. Polyhymnia in Comic Opera. tre, 22: I 29. Polynesia, Asiatic Architecture in. Liv. Age, I87: 387. – Fairies and Giants of. 440. — Kinship in. – Missions in. – Natives of. — Thomas's Cannibals and Convicts. Same (E. G. W. Hewlett) (A. Tilley) Eng. (C. Braden) (C. S. Zane) Forum, I2: (R. G. McNiece) Our Cath. World, (C. W. Franklyn) Thea- (R. A. Sterndale) (E. Tregear) Longm. I7: (C. N. Starcke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 392. (C. C. Starbuck) And. R. Io: 415. (C. Trotter) Anthrop. J. I.7: 75. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 6. Polytechnic, South London, Report on. Nature, 41 : 481. Nature, 4 I : 242. (F. Sutton) M. Polytechnics for London. Pomeroy, Seth, Neglected Grave of. Am. Hist. 23: 247. Pomeroys, The, in America. (W. W. Rodman) N. Eng. 5I : 161. — of Northampton, Mass. 43: 39. Pomp, Charm of. Spec. 6o: 891. Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette. Mme. de. (W. Wolrige) Belgra. 73 : 375. – Sat. R. 65: 407. — and the Seven Years' War. (H. Tuttle) Atlan. 59: 99. — House of. — The Real. Pompeii, First Impressions of. I6: 22. — for the 29th Century, A. (F. Har 28: 381. Same art. Ecl. M. II 5: – Gardens of. (E. Lecky) Macmil. 61: 31. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 564. Same art. Ecl. M. II4; 25. — in Bohemia. Cornh. 63: 45. — Naples and. (T. L. Flood) Chaut. 8: 355. – Paintings of. Ed. R. I73: 203. Same art. Liv. Age, (W. K. Wright) N. E. Reg. (J. Magruder) Cosmopol. II: 157. (Y. Blaze de Bury) 19th Cent. 24: 207. (C. French). Sunday M. 9th Cent. 188: 643. — Recent Visit to. (F. Halbherr) Antiq. m. s. 21: 48. — Revisited. (F. Halbherr) Antiq. m. s. 24: 97. Pennsyl. M. I3: 430. (S. Parsons, jr.) Pond, R., Autobiography of. Ponds and Lakes, Ornamentation of. Scrib. M. g.: 351. Pondicherry, Second Capture of, in 1778. ghan) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 337. (E. O'Calla- 338 POOR. Ponsonby, Sarah. (Mrs. Armytage) Belgra. 72: 136, 248. Pontiac, Conspiracy of. (W. H. Perrin) M.West. Hist. II: 454. – (C. C. Stecker) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: I 2 I. Poodle, The. (E. H. Morris) Outing, 17: 377. Poole, Henry Ward. Atlan. 67: 136. Poole, Sophia. Acad. 39: 466. Poole, Thomas. Ath. '88, 2: 871. – Sat. R. 66: 688. (C. A. H. Crosse) Temp. Bar, 87: 354. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 605. — and his Friends, Sanford's. (G. E. Woodberry) Na- tion, 48: ISI. - Spec. 62: 202. — Blackw. 145: 431. – Church Q. 29: 247. Poole, William Frederick, with portrait. (W. I. Fletcher) Lib. J. I2: 28. Pooling, Railway. (G. R. Blanchard) Forum, 5: 652. Pools among the Rocks. (D. Dale) Sunday M. 18: 742. Poor, The Aged. (Mrs. J. T. Fields) Chaut. g.: 517. — — Care of. Lend a H. 3: 281. – at Home. Westm. I31 : 619. – Brotherhoods of. (F. W. Farrar) Murray, 6: 433. - Creed of. (Mary Jeune) National, II: 553. — Helping the. Meliora, 7: 237. – Homes of. (Mary Jeune) Fortn. 53: 67. - Housing of. (H. E. Boulton) Fortn. 49: 279.- (Wis- count Lymington) National, I2: 830. - How they Live. (W. M. Colles) Murray, Io: ISo. – Improving the. (E. R. Donehoo) Lend a H. I : 406. - in Boston, Mass. Lend a H. 5: 696. — in Large Cities. Spec. 62: 473. — — Relief of. (F. Greenwood) 19th Cent. 25: 737. — in London and Paris in Winter. Sat. R. 71 : 96. — — Distress among; Outdoor Relief. (H. E. Man- ning) Fortn. 49: 153. — — — Remedies. (Earl Compton) Fortn. 49: 153. — — Housing of. Am. Arch. 31 : 53. — — Houseless at Night. (C. C. Bethune and II. E. Boulton) Fortn. 47: 318. — — How to Help them. Westm. I33: 265. – Loneliness of, Relief of. Lend a II. 2: 247. — Our l)ealings with. ((). Hill) 19th Cent. 30: 161. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: SoS. — Parties for, Plea for. Lend a H. I : 512. — Philanthropy and. Macmil. 65: 76. — Right of. (A. Yeomans) Presb. R. Io: 17. — Self-Help for, Mackay on. Spec. 64: 516. — Sick, of the Metropolis. (A. O’D. Bartholeyns) Na- tional, I2: S18. – Society’s Exiles. – The State and. 282. – State Lever for Lifting. I2 : 444. — What can we do for 2 (W. S. Rainsford) Forum, II: I 15. — What shall we do for 2 I : 18. - Words to Workers among. (O. Hill) 19th Cent. 26: 452. Same art. Liv. Age, I83; 182. — Work among the Country. Macmil. 61: 423. Poor Law, Administration of, in London. Meliora, II : 39. — and Private Charity. Sat. R. 71 : 32. — English. (S. Webb) Contemp. 58: 95. — Sat. R. 68: 310. — — and the Church. — — Ethics and Economics of. Month, 66: 536. — — Union Surgeons. Meliora, 2: 181. — — Working of the. (Louisa Twining) National, II: 523. (B. O. Flower) Arena, 4: 37. (H. W. Farmam) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: (C. H. Bromby) National, (D. O. Kellogg) Lend a H. (M. Fuller) National, Io: 685. (B. H. Newdigate) POOR. Poor Law, French. Lend a H. 1: 332. — German, New. Spec. 61: 960. — Relief of the Destitute. Ed. R. 169: 398. — Spec. 62: 567. - Poor Law Infirmaries and their Needs. National, I3: 630. Poor Law Reform Association, in England. (S. Webb) Q. J. Econ. 5: 370. Poor Law Reform for Scotland. I6: 201. Poor Rate, English, Statistics of. (P. G. Craigie) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 450. Poor Whites of the Southern States. Macmil. 60: 141. Poor Aunt Deb. (J. Mason) Argosy, 45: 65. Poor Folk; a story. All the Year, 60: 452–593. Poor Harry. (W. E. Norris) Longm. I2: 492. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 204. Poor Little Dhuleep. (R. Gibney) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89– 90): 219. Poor Little Miss Severance. M. 4: 320. Poor Man's Harvest, The. Chamb. J. 64: 145. Poor Mr. Ponsonby. (D. Prescott) New Eng. M. n. s. (L. Twining) (H. Hunter) Scot. R. (A. G. Bradley) (F. L. Weaver) New Eng. 3 : 377. Poor Mrs. Carrington. (W. B. Maxwell) Temp. Bar, 89: 45. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 691. Poor Polly; a story. (F. G. Walters) Belgra. 69: 88. Po' Sandy. . (C. W. Chesnutt.) Atlan. 61: 605. Poor Sir John; a story. (Mrs. Jerningham) Argosy, 52: 2O5. Poor Traveller, A. (M. W. Brew) Irish Mo. 15: 42. Pope, Albert A. American Bicycling and its Founder. (C. E. Pratt) Outing, 18: 342. Pope, Alexander. Church Q. 30: 389. — (H. D. Traill) Liv. Age, I84: 195. – (A. Dobson) Scrib. M. 3: 533. — Spec. 61 : 1058. — and the Poetry of the 18th Century. Macmil. 58: 385. — Commemoration, 1888. Sat. R. 66: 143. — Courthope's Life of. (A. Birrell) 19th Cent. 26: 987. — (H. D. Traill) National, I4: 491. – Quar. I69: 287. — Ath. '89, 2: 589. — (H. Sargent) Acad. 36: 295. — Sat. R. 68: 534. — (W. Minto) Macmil. 61: 176. — (A. Tanzer) Nation, 51: 175. — Spec. 64: 139. — Skull of, Truth about. Pope, Alexander, Animal Painter, 1849. son) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 631. Pope, Thomas, Genealogy of. (F. L. Pope) N. E. Reg. 42 : 45. Pope, The, and Morality. Spec. 61: 49. — and the Proletariat. (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 53: 633. — Infallibility of. Spec. 63: 145, 173, 239, 243. — — and Galileo. Church Q. 25: 338. — — Döllinger on. (A. Galton) Acad. 39: 508. — — in the Light of History. (H. C. Sheldon) And. R. I5: I.29. (W. Minto) (J. Underhill) Critic, I3:44. (F. T. Robin- Popes, The, and the Temporal Power. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 330, 569. — (A. DeVere) Month, 62: 2O4. — (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 52: 340. – Earliest List of. (J. B. Dunelm) Acad. 31: 362. – Names of. (R. F. Littledale) Acad. 31 : 452. — of the Renaissance. (J. A. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. I4; 410. I5: 734. — (J. Rickaby) Month, 70; 41. Pope and Chancellor. (H. Tuttle) Cosmopol. I: 341. Pope-Donkey, The. (K. Pearson) Acad. 4o: Io9. Pope's Mule; a story. (A. Daudet) Cosmopol. 2: 42. Popocatapetl, How I ascended. (A. F. Bandelier) Cosmopol. 3: 239. – Two Nights in a Crater. land, m. s. II: 308. (D. S. Richardson) Over- 339 PORTRAIT-PAINTERS Popular Government, Distrust of. (Marquis of Lorne) Forum, 6: 34. - Trial of. (J. M. Love) Forum, 5: 591. Popular Tales and Fictions, Clouston's. Ath. '87, I: 54 I. Population in Rural Districts, Decline of. Nation, 52: 333. — Increase of ; Standing Room only. Forum, 3: 96. — Influence of Civilisation on the Movement of. Leroy-Beaulieu) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 372. — Malthusian Theory of. (H. S. Pomeroy) And. R. I5: I 73. – Must Humanity Starve at Last 2 (E. Atkinson) Fo- , rum, 5: 603. – Movement of. (L. Courtney) 19th Cent. 23: 331. — of the Classical World. (F. T. Richards) Acad. 31: (J. C. Rose) (T. W. Knox) (P. 74. — of the Earth. (A. Tanzer) Nation, 53: 31o. — — Wagner and Supan on. J. Statis. Soc. 54: 7oo. – Overcrowding of, Remedies for. Nation, 46: 379. — Statistics versus Malthus. Westm. 131: 286. — Reply. (C. R. Drysdale) Westm. I31 : 561. Populations, Estimation of. (G. B. Longstaff) Econ. J. I : 382. Porcelain, Derby Crown, Works. (F. J. Austin) Leis. Hour, 36: 703. — Limoges. (T. Child) Harper, 77: 651. Porphyrite Bosses in Northwestern New Jersey. F. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. I38: 130. Porsenna, Tomb of. (J. Fergusson) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 2O7. Porson, R., Intemperate Habits of. Meliora, 6: 30. Port Hamilton, Occupancy of. Sat. R. 63: 151. Port Henry, N. Y., Minerals near. (J. F. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 62. Port of Missing Ships, The ; a story. Scrib. M. 4: 610. Port-Royal. Lond. Q. 76: 311. Igo: 682. Port Royal Logic and Modern Science. (T. Funck- Brentano) Arena, 5: 76. Port Tarascon. (A. Daudet) Harper, 81: 3-937. Porter, Adm. David D. (F. S. Bassett) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 381. – First Meeting with Sherman. Am. Hist. 25: 298. Porter, James, with portrait. 49: 857. Porter, Noah, Elements of Moral Science. Univ. Q. 46: 412. Porterfield. Col. Geo. A., Service of. So. Hist. Pap. I6: 82. Porteuses, Les. (L. Hearn) Harper, 79: 299. Porthan, Henrik Gabriel. Scot. R. I7: 141. art. Liv. Age, 188: 707. Portia. (H. L. Van Dolsen) Overland, n. s. II: 530. Portland, Öregon, Schools of Educa. 8: 671. Porto Rico, . Literature from. Lit. W. (Bost.) 19: 189. Portraits. — in Popular Science Monthly, Index to. ton) Lib. J. I.4: 435. – National. Antiq. m. s. I7: 98, 198, 257. 20: 113. — of New Hampshire Public Men. (B. F. Prescott) N. E. Reg. 43: 34. — Vitality in. (P. S. Hamerton) Portfo. 18: 75. Portrait Gallery, National. Quar. I56: 339. — Scottish National. Art J. 42: 16. Portrait Painter, Reminiscences of a. (G. P. A. Healy) No. Am. I5I: 582. Portrait-Painters, Society of. Tinsley, 47: 249. — — English National. All the Year, 69: 371. (J. (J. R. Spears) Same art. Liv. Age, (D. D. Porter) M. (D. Sherman) Meth. R. (O. Cone) Same (R. D. Draper) Harper, 8.I: 929. (H. C. Bol- PORTRAIT-PAINTING Portrait-Painting, W. B. Richmond on. Coll) Spec. 66: 594. Portrait and the Ghost. Lippinc. 4I: 677. Portrait of Concitta P-. (E. Gerard) Longm. I7: 412. Same art. Ecl. M. I. 16: 516. Portrait of Mr. W. H. (O. Wilde) Blackw. 146: 1. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 236. Portsmouth, Eng., and its Dockyard. All the Year, 65: 86. Portsmouth, N. H., Moffatt-Whipple Mansion. (F. M. Colby) Granite Mo. I3: 218. — Water-Ways of. (L. I. Guiney) Atlan. 60: 9. Portsmouth, Va., Trinity Church, Memorial Window in. So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 207. Portugal, Crawfurd’s Travels in. Sat. R. 7o: 536. — Crisis in, 1891. Spec. 66: 681. — England's Quarrel with. Spec. 64: 41. — Folk-Lore in Northern. (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 52: (D. S. Mac- 683. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 693. — Future of. (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 56: 149. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: Sco. – Peasants of. Blackw. I49: 352. — Republicanism in, and the Military Revolt. Vivian) Blackw. I5o: 856. – Rural, Springtime in. (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 49: 480. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 307. — — Summer-Time in. (O. Crawfurd) Fortn. 49: 803. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 816. Portuguese, The. Spee. 63: 544. Portuguese Delft. (O. Crawfurd) Acad. 35: 138. Portuguese Exploration of North America, 1501–80; a Lost Chapter in American History. (G. Patterson) M. Am. Hist. 25: 375. Portuguese Letters, by Mariana Alcaforada. (E. Gosse) Fortn. 49: 506. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 294. Poseidon. (W. E. Gladstone) 19th Cent. 21: 460. Posing, On. All the Year, 68: 375. Position-Finder, in Warfare. Sat. R. 67: 498. Positive Romance, A. (E. Bellamy) Cent. I6: 625. Positivism and Christianity. Lond. Q. 68: 249. — Common Ground with. Unita. R. 33: 440. — in Christianity. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 22: 403. — in India. Sat. R. 64; 40. — Religion of. (F. Harrison) Unita. R. 29: 236. Positivists, Susceptibility of. Spec. 64: 47. Positivist Churches in London. (L. E. Gates) Nation, 50: 128. Possession, in Common Law. Sat. R. 67: 616. Post, Truman M. (J. G. Merrill) And. R. 8: 31. Post, Agricultural Parcels, Proposed. (H. P. Dunster) 19th Cent. 25: 894. — Small Parcels, English. (W. (P. Graham) J. Soc. Arts, 7: I44. Postage, One-Cent Letter. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 47: 2O5. — Penny. Chamb. J. 67: 118. — — for the British Empire. (J. H. Heaton) 19th Cent. 27: 906. — — Rowland Hill and. (A. G. Bowie) Liv. Age, I84: 735. — — International. Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 98. — — Uniform. Nature, 41 : Io9. Postal Banking System, Austrian. 4; 468. Postal Communication. 317. — Past and Present. Liv. Age, I74; 284. Postal Reform; Carrier Delivery. (L. W. Bacon) Fo- rum, 7: II.3. - — and Telegraphic Reforms. (J. H. Heaton) Contemp. (S. Baxter) Arena, (J. Linford) National, II: National, 9: 690. Same art. 59: 327. — Needed. (T. L. James) Forum, 8: 126. 340 "N POTTERY Postal Savings Banks. (H. J. Smith) Amer. 18; 314. – (H. L. Wayland) Am. J. Soe. Sci. 22: 156. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1625. — (H. J. Smith) Na- tion, 44; 315. — Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 917. Postal Service, U. S. (D. M. Dickinson) No. Am. 149: 399. Postal Telegraph, Economy of. (E. Chadwick) J. Soc. Arts, I5: 222. Post-Cards. All the Year, 67: 395. Posters, Theatrical. Theatre, 26: 285. Posthumous Fame; or, A Legend of the Beautiful. (J. L. Allen) Cent. I7: 671. Postmaster at Bible Hill ; a story. Cosmopol. 9: 356. Postmaster of Old Times. Sat. R. 65: 128. Postmasters, How they are Made. (F. P. Powers) Chaut. Io: 189. Postmaster-General, Moral Censorship by. Arena, 2: (R. Y. Toombs) 54O. Post-Office, In a Village. All the Year, 64; 204. – London; Auction Sales of Postal Waifs. All the Year, 68: 29. – Modern English. (A. G. Bowie) Liv. Age, 172: 119. — The People and. (S. R. Davis) Writer, 3: 195. – Public or Private. Sat. R. 71: 375. — Railway. Chamb. J. 66: 234. — Sunday Service of. Sat. R. 64: 356. Post Offices and Civil Service Reform. (R. H. Dana) Amer. Ig: 7. Post-Office Parcels and Telegraphs. Eng. Illust. 5: 738. Potassium, Detection and Determination of, Spectro- scopically. (F. A. Gooch and T. S. Hart) Am. J. Sci. I42: 448. Potato, Cultivation of. (S. Hibberd) J. Soc. Arts, 22: . 293. — Father of the. (W. H. W. Campbell) Cosmopol. 2: I9I. – Place of, in History. Cornh. 60: 46. Same art, Liv. Age, I82: 302. Same art. Ecl. M. I 13: 317. – Story of. All the Year, 67: 540. Potatoes, Growth of. Nature, 39: 595. Potato Blight in Ireland, 1890. (W. H. Wilkins) Na- tional, I6: 259. Potato-Growing. (D. Sampson) Dub. R. Ioff: 73. Potato-Tuber, Growth Periodicity of. (C. Macmillan) Am. Natural. 25: 462. Pot-Boilers. Sat. R. 66: 541. Potential Mood, So-Called. (H. C. Penn) Educa. 8: 422. "Pothecary’s Folly; a story. (F. S. Day) Belgra. 65: 295. Potlatch, an American Indian. Chamb. J. 66: 239. Potocka, Hélène, Comtesse, Percy's Memoirs of. Ath. '88, 2: 585. Potomac, Army of, Cavalry Service in. (H. S. Thomas) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I : I. Potomac Formation, Evidence of Fossil Plants as to Age of. (L. F. Ward) Am. J. Sci. I36: I 19. Pott, August F. Acad. 32: 43. — (H. Collitz) Amer. I6: 103. Potter, Eliphalet Nott. (C. D. Vail) Church R. 57: 239. Potter, Henry C., Bishop, Centennial Address of. And. R. II: 631. — Pub. Opin. 7: 93. Potter's Art, The. (F. Hillel) Chaut. 7: 483. Potters and their Craft. (T. B. Preston) Chaut. I4: I7I. # — and Pottery in Rhineland Illust. 7: 852. *; g: Pottery. (C. Barnard) Chaut. #: 519. — Tinsley, 43: 2I9. ~$ . . A.W a Woodall) Eng. POTTERY Pottery, American, Improvement of. (L. W. Miller) Amer. I9: 315. — and Porcelain. (I. M. Tarbell) Chaut. 8: 220. — (W. Chaffers) J. Soc. Arts, 15: 141–433. — and Porcelain, Scientific and Artistic Aspects of. (A. H. Church) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 85–140. — Decorative. (J. Sparkes) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 557. — Early Persian, Wallis's. Ath. '87, 2: 346. – Gas Furnaces and Kilns for. (H. Guthrie) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 235. — Indian, at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. (G. Birdwood) J. Soc. Arts, 27; 305. - — Japanese, Morse Collection of. Arch. 2I: 255. — Kabyle. Gourds and Bottles. Sci. Mo. 33: 3Io. — Lambeth Fine-Art. (J. Sparkes) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 344. — All the Year, 62: 250. — Mexican Lustred. (Y. H. Addis) Harper, 79: 410. Pottery Art. Sat. R. 66: 11. - Pottery Industry, Rise of. (E. A. Barber) Pop. Sci. Mo. 40: 145. Potts, Joseph D. M. West. Hist. 9: 746. Pouched Mammals. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 125. Poultry; Chickens for Use and Beauty. (H. S. Bab- cock) Cent. I8: 47. — Mental Traits of. 625. Poultry and Egg Supply of Great Britain, 1886–7. (J. G. Bertram) Br. Alma. Comp. '88: 50. Pound, Thomas, Deposition of, 1689. N. E. Reg. 45: 2I 5. Pound's Bridge, Eng. Antiq. m. s. 16: Ioo. Pound Sterling, The. Chamb. J. 64: 785. Pourquoipas; a story. All the Year, 68: 445-466. Poverty. Westm. I30: 429. – Advantages of. (A. Carnegie) 19th Cent. 29: 367. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 555. — and Pauperism, Discrimination between. Lend a H. I : 63. — Cause of, Chief. Pub. Opin. 8: 557. — Causes of. (W. Gladden) Chaut. 8: 462. — (Z. D. Smith) Lend a H. 5; 23. — — Preventable. (H. D. Chapin) Forum, 7: 415. — — Statistical Determination of. (A. G.Warner) Am. Statis. Assoc. I : 183. - – Certain Convictions as to. (Helen Campbell) Arena, I : IOI. — The Church and. Lend a H. 7: 338. — H. Greeley’s Cure for. (R. Welch) Forum, 8: 586. — Poetry of. (H. B. Carpenter) No. Am. I49: 237. — Problem of. (E. Atkinson) Forum, 7: 609. — The Problem of the Slums. Blackw. I49: 123. — Progress from. (E. Atkinson) Forum, 6: 19. — A Remedy for. (R. A. Proctor) Cosmopol. 4: 1 Io. — Riches of. (M. Leighton) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 71. — Sympathy and Economics. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 5: 396. — Why does it Exist? (G. H. Hubbard) N. Eng. 50: 18o. * Powder; Present State of the Question. (V. B. Lewes) Un. Serv. M. n. s. I : 445. — Smokeless. (L. de Lautreppe) Nation, 50: 388. — — Effect of, on the Wars of the Future. (W. W. Knollys) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 4: 67. — — The Smoke Attack. (M. Hamilton) Un. Serv. M. In. S. M. : 55 I. –– Tactical Importance of. (R. von Bieberstein) Un. Serv. M. 4 ('8 i-396. Powdered Solids ion of. (W. Spring) Am. J. Sci. 136: 28 Powell, David, wi (S. Baxter) Am. (Grant Allen) Pop. (B. Karr) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: rtrait. (H. May) Bank. M. 341 . Prairie Chickens of America. (Lond.) 51: 8or. * PRE-ADAMITES Powell, Wm. D., Chief Justice of Upper Canada. B. Read) M. West. Hist. 5: 375. Powell, Maj. W. H., with portrait. (D. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3 : 343. Powell Roll of Arms, temp. Edward III. Reliquary, 29; I45, 23.I. Powellite-Calcium Molybdate; a New Mineral Species. (W. H. Melville) Am. J. Sci. 141: 138. Power Family, One Line of. (J. O. Austin) Narrag. Reg. 7: 17. Power of the Future. (C. Morris) Lippine. 44: 863. — through Repose, Call's. (W. James) Nation, 52: 246. Pownall Hall, Cheshire; a Modern Country Home. (T. R. Davison) Art J. 43: 329. Practical Test, A.; a story. All the Year, 64: 105. Same art. Liv. Age, I8o: 743. Pradilla. (D. Hart) Art J. 43: 257. Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. (G. Saintsbury) Macmil. 58: 345. – Political Poems. Sat. R. 65: 568. – Spec. 62: 22. “Praesens Regnat; ” a poem. (D. Osborne) Cosmopol. 4; 367. Prague, Carl's Bridge at. (J. Baker) Leis. Hour, 4o: 752. (W. W. Wolfe) Outing, I6: 435. – Day among. (G. Taylor) Outing, I8: 483. Prairie-Flowers of Early Spring. (B. D. Halsted) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 84. & © Prairie Heroine, A. (H. Garland) Arena, 4: 223. Praise of Thanatos. (Michael Field) Acad. 39: 441. Pranzini Murder. Sat. R. 64: 67. — Spec. 60: 986. Praslin, Duchesse de, Murder of. Green Bag, 2: 176. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. (E. E. Hale) Cosmo- pol. 7: 99. Praxiteles, Cnidian Aphrodite of. Hel. Stud. 8: 324. — Hermes of. (A. H. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 3: 81. Prayer. (J. Merrifield) Univ. Q. 44; 348. — (A. Conk- lin) Univ. Q. 46: 87. — and its Substitutes. Unita. R. 28: 142. – and Recent Difficulties about it. (J. A. Hessey) Chaut. I2: 29, 171. – Duke of Argyll on. 272. — Foolishness of. (A. Michaelis) J. (C. L. Daniels) No. Am. I44: (E. F. Hayward) Unita. R. 31: I54. t — for Wisdom, A. (W. G. Elmslie) Sunday M. Ig: II6. — in Public Worship. 366. - – in a Universe of Law. (E. S. Parsons) N. Eng. 55: 362. — (W. W. Kinsley) Bib. Sac. 48: 218, 439. — Public, Function of. (J. McG. Foster) And. R. 15: 418. – Pulpit. (G. A. Jackson) And. R. 8: And. R. I2: 618. — Science and. (W. W. Kinsley) Bib. Sac. 48: 128. Prayers for the Dead. (H. D. Waller) Church R. 55: 54. — (C. R. Bonnell) Church R. 58: 173. — of our Old Puritans. Atlan. 67: 853. — Sensational. (M. T. Elder) Cath. World, 48: 752. — Subjective and Objective. (E. Hungerford) And. R. I4: 479. Same art. Cong. R. (Lond.) 5: 15. Prayer-Book, English, not Understood by the Unedu- cated. Cornh. 58: 477. — Manual of. (J. G. Hall, jr.) Church R. 53: 35. — Revision of, 1889; Preliminary Report. (A. Lowndes) Church R. 54: 188. — The Lost. (M. Herney) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 615. Praying-Mantis. Sat. R. 69: 735. Pre-Adamites, Winchell's. (H. Colman) Meth. R. 51: 891. PREACHER Preacher, Christian, and Hebrew Prophet. (G. B. Spalding) Amd. R. I4; 28o. Preachers, French, in the 13th Century. Ed. R. 169: 537. — of Scotland, 6th to the 19th Century. Lond. Q. 72: 394. Preaching. (F. L. Patton) Presb. & Ref. R. 1: 26. — and Preachers. (F. M. Green) Chris. Q. 7: 321. — are there any Limits to Pulpit Themes? (J. S. Sew- all) N. Eng. 55: 546. — Art of, and Study of Philosophy. Church R. 52: 16. – Dupanloup on. Church Q. 31 : 437. – Elements of Success in. (F. W. Conrad) Luth. Q. I7: 157. — Evangelical. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 401. — (H. McSor- ley) Theo. Mo. 4; 332. — — What is ? (H. Allon) Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: Io95. – Exalted Character of. (E. S. Johnson) Luth. Q. Ig: I61. — Foolishness of. — in Scotland, Genesis of. 9 : 407. – Is it Worth While 2 (W. Kirkus) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 1. – Ker’s History of. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 510. — Material and End of. (J. W. Richard) Luth. Q. 16: I23. – Modern, as Affected by Modern Thought. Barrett) Cong. R. (Lond.) I : 693. — Motives in. (E. T. Bosworth) Bib. Sac. 47: 122. — of the Gospel. (C. Van der Veen) And. R. 16: 433. – Out-Door, Freedom of. Our Day, I : 400, 424. — Plain. (T. W. Hunt) Bib. Sac. 48: 420. — Science of. (W. B. Carpenter; F. W. Farrar; H. (F. S. Jewell) (N. C. Schaeffer) Ref. Q. 36: 406. (W. G. Blaikie) Presb. R. (G. S. P. Hughes) New R. 4: 481. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 226. — Street. (A. Young) Cath. World, 46: 499. – to the Native American Masses. (E. J. Haynes) Our Day, 5: 397. — to the Physical Man. 83. — the Training of Curates. Spec. 66: 269. — Unedifying, Harm of. And. R. I4: 174. – Value of. (J. W. Quinby) Unita. R. 34: 413. — Waste in. And. R. I3: 543. — What Gives Life to ? (C. C. Starbuck) Ref. Q. 36: 454. See also Pulpit. Precedency and the Peerage. quary, 27: I52. 28: 22. Precious Metals, Production of, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 5I: 657. — Relative Values of, Changes in. (D. A. Wells) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 170. — Supplies of. Bank. M. (Dond.) 47: 946. – Value of. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 450. Precious Stones. (G. F. Kunz) J. Frankl. Inst. I3o: 161, 287. — Sat. R. 63: 668. — (G. F. Kunz) Sci- ence, I7: 259. — Discrimination and Artistic Use of. J. Soc. Arts, 29: 440. — Fashions in. (G. F. Kunz) No. Am. I47: 45. — in the United States. (G. F. Kunz) Harper, 76: 97. Precocious Child, C. H. Heineken of Lübeck. Cornh. : 48. Predestination. (A. C. Peck) Bapt. R. I3: 689. — Doctrine of, A. D. 430–1160. (M. S. Freeman) Bib. Sac. 47: 645. Predisposition, Immunity, and Disease. hardt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 38o. Prečmption System of the U. S. West. Hist. 6: 396. Prefaces. (G. Holmes) Gent. M. m. s. 39: 352. (J. Buckham) M. Chr. Lit. I : (Roach Schonix) Reli- (A. H. Church) (W. Bern- (G. W. Warvelle) M. 342 PRESBYTERIAN Prefect and Thieves. (A. Sears) Overland, m. s. Io: 449. Prehension. (J. Jacobs) Mind, I2: 75. Prehistoric Amphitheatre in Florida. Amer. Antiq. 9: 207. Prehistoric Anthropology. IO - 212. Prehistoric Archaeology, Science of, in Western Eu- rope. (T. Wilson) Amer. Antiq. 9: 335. Io: 3. Prehistoric Artificial Terraces in Ohio. (T. J. Brown) Am. Antiq. Io: 167. - Prehistoric Flora of Sweden, Geological History of. (A. S. Nashorst) Nature, 40: 453. Prehistoric Lands and Languages. Chaut. 8: 68. Prehistoric Literature, Access to. Chaut. 8: 138. Prehistoric Man. (T. Wilson) Am. Antiq. Io: 158. — (W. H. Wesley) Knowl. I2: 28. — and the Aryan Question. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 28: 750. Same art. Eel. M. II6: 1. — in America. (J. W. Powell) Forum, 8: 489. – on the Pacific Coast. (G. F. Wright) Atlan. 67: 5OI. Prehistoric Metallurgy. (W. M. Williams) Knowl. 12: 3O. # Prehistoric Monuments, Geographical Distribution of. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. II: 276. Prehistoric Nations. (J. A. Smith) Chaut. 8: 4. Prehistoric Races. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I3: 255. — European. (A. H. Keane) Nature, 35: 564. Prehistoric Remains in America. Nature, 35: 476. — in the Ohio Valley. (F. W. Putnam) Cent. 17: 698. Prehistoric Stone-Grave People. (S. D. Peet) Am. Antiq. I2: 329. Prejevalski, Nicholas. See Prjevalsky. Prejudice. All the Year, 65: 272. — Psychology of. (G. T. W. Patrick) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 633. Premillennialism. (S. H. Kellogg) Bib. Sac Premontanus. See Butzbach, Johannes. Prentice, Archibald. (R. Dunlop) Macmil. 6o: 435. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 499. Preparatory Schools, Effect on, of Optional Examina- tions for College. (M. Merrill) Acad. (Syr.) 1: I22. — Need of Western. (E. M. Hale) (T. Wilson) Am. Antiq. (J. A. Smith) (J. A. Smith) . 45: 234. (H. B. Sprague) Education, 8: 34. Pre-Raphaelite Loan Collection at Birmingham. (J. M. Gray) Acad. 40: 316. Pre-Raphaelite Mansion, A. 81. Prerogative of the King in English Law. Maitland) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 367. Presbyterian Church, Government of, Proposed New Chapter in “Form * of. Presb. & Ref. R. I : 614. — in Canada, General Assembly of, 1891. (W. Caven) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 667. — in England, New Creed of. M. Chr. Lit. I : 239. — in the U. S., Barrier Act of Church of Scotland, and. (W. H. Roberts) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 472. — — Constitution of, and its Amendment. (E. R. Craven) Presb. R. 8: 85. — (F. L. Patton) Presb. R. 8: 282. — — Iogd General Assembly of. Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 495. — of Scotland, Liturgical Movement in. (W. F. Fa- ber) Ref. Q. 38: 489. º Presbyterian Confession, R bell) N. Eng. 52: 64 45. — And. R. I3: 3 World, 51 : 502. — (G. 348. aſ (T. Child) Harper, 82: (F. W. (B. B. Warfield) f. (J. M. Camp- iggs) And. R. 13: F. Hewit) Cath. ) Am. Cath. Q. I5: PRESBYTERLAN Presbyterian Confession, Revision of, Calvinism and, (A. Kuyper) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 369. Presbyterian System of Government, Biblical Limits of. (C. Van der Veen) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 556. Presbyterian Union in India. (R. Morrison and oth- ers) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 299. Presbyterianism and the Long Parliament. Gardiner) Acad. 39: 55. – in America. (J. M. Ludlow) Cosmopol. 9: 350. – in Canada. (T. Witherow) Presb. R. 9: 233. – in England, Elizabethan. (W. A. Shaw) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 655. — — History by Drysdale. Sat. R. 68: 51. - Progress of. (E. De Pressensé) Contemp. 54: 157. Presbyterians, Historic. (A. C. Coxe) Church R. 59: II. Presbytery of Cleveland, Ohio. Hist. II: 544. Prescott, Charles Harrison, with portrait. Hobbart) M. West. Hist. I2: 596. Prescott, John, Founder of Lancaster, Mass. Nourse) Bay State Mo. 2: 261. Prescott, Wm. Hickling. (W. W. Gist) Chaut. Io: 576. Prescriptions Extraordinary. All the Year, 62: 349. Presented to the King. (M. E. Palgrave) Leis. Hour, 40: 50. Presentiments, Visions, and Apparitions. (L. A. Dut- to) Cath. World, 5o: 8o. — (J. M. Buckley) Cent. I6: 453. Preservaline for Preserving Meat. Frankl. Inst. I32: 370. Preservers, Great. All the Year, 62: 269. Preserves, Indian. Science, I7: 60. Presidency, The. (G. Bradford) Nation, 47: 8. — Reasons for Accepting the. (U. S. Grant) No. Am. I46: 558. President of the U. S.; How to Elect. Atlan. 63: 428. — Manner of Electing. 28. - Power of. Nation, 46: 427. — (M. D. Conway) No. Am. I44; 120, 261. President's English. (D. Sparkman) No. Am. I47: (S. R. (J. G. Hall) M. West. (C. W. (H. S. (B. Terne) J. (P. J. Schlicht) Cosmopol. I: 47 I. President's Office and Home at Washington. (G. G. Bain) Cosmopol. Io: 656. Presidents of the U. S. as Horsemen. ter) M. Am. Hist. I7: 483. – Out-Door Life of. (J. P. Foley) Outing, 13: 99, 251. – Tours of the. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 4: 154. Presidential Campaign Medals. (G. Kobbé) Scrib. M. 4; 332. Presidential Campaign Songs. (F. G. Carpen- (G. Kobbé) Cosmopol. 5 : 529. - Presidential Candidates, Defeated. (J. Parton) Fo- rum, 6: 5oo. — for 1888: J. G. Blaine. No. Am. I45: 221. — — D. B. Hill. No. Am. I45: 384. — — J. Sherman. No. Am. I45: 524. — — G. Cleveland. (D. B. Eaton) No. Am. I45: 629. Presidential Election, 1888. Sat. R. 65: 553. - Presidential Elections, A Foreign Criticism of. And. R. Io: 183. - * Presidential Electors, Choice of, by District. (J. Dick- erman) Nation, 52: tº: - – A Suggestion. (L. Satterthwait) N. Eng. 54: 1. Presidential Issues. (H. Watterson) No. Am. I53: 481. 1 * Presiding Elders; Origin of. (J. Atkinson) Meth. R. 47: 526. . . . . Press, American, Transition Pericd of. (B. E. Mar- tin) M. Am. Hist. I7: 273. 343 PRIMA Press and Public Men. (H. W. Boynton) Cent. 20:853. — as a News Gatherer. (W. H. Smith) Cent. 20: 524. – Censorship of the, in Germany. Spec. 62: 422. — Chivalry of. (J. Chambers) Arena, 4: 25. – Decline and Fall of the. (D. Boucicault) No. Am. I45; 32. – Freedom of, in England, Growth of. Eng. Hist. R. 4: I. — Liberty of the. (J. B. Hopkins) Tinsley, 40: 120. – Native, of India. (G. Birdwood) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 399. 3.I : IOO7. – Statute Regulations for. (J. L. Long) Writer, 3: 4. Preterite; Herkunft des schwachen Präteritums der germanischen Sprachen. (H. Collitz) Am. J. Phi- lol. 9: 42. q Preterition. (G. A. Strong) And. R. I3: 631. Pretty Spendthrifts; a story. (H. P. Spofford) Cos- mopol. 4: 244. Pribenic. Cornh. 63: 45. Pribylov Islands. All the Year, 59: 232. Price, Bonamy. Ath. '88, I : 50. — Spec. 61: 50. — Sat. R. 65; 45. - (J. R. Mozley) Temp, Bar, 83: 494. Same art. Liv. Age, 178: 538. Price, David, Art Collection of. (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 32 I. Price, Frederick George Hilton, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 511. Price, Gen. Sterling, and the New Mexico Insurrection, 1846–7. (W. A. Wood) M. Am. Hist. I 8: 333. Price, What Determines? Sat. R. 69: 421. Prices and Gold since 1873. (J. L. Laughlin) Q. J. Econ. I : 319. — Changes in, and Changes in Incomes. J. Statis. Soc. 51: 713. – Element of Monopoly in. Econ. 6: I. — Fall in. (A. Crump) Ath. '89, I: Wells) Contemp. 52: 523, 678. — — Macleod on the. Sat. R. 70: 355. – Fluctuations in, Remedies for. (A. Marshall) Con- temp. 51: 355. – in Great Britain, Germany, France, and the United States. Q. J. Econ. I : 385. — Low, High Wages, Small Profits: what Makes them 2 (E. Atkinson) Cent. I2: 568. — Range of, and Rate of Interest. 48: 933. — Retail, in Boston and Vicinity. (W. F. Cook) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 116. – Rise in, and Banking Business, 1888. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 1253. — Rogers’ History of. 4; 167. — Stability of. 369. – Variation in, Measurement of. J. Statis. Soc. 51: 346. – Wholesale. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1356. Pride and Merit. Spec. 64: 115. — Ethics of. Chamb. J. 68: 641. Pride and Pride; a story. (J. G. Austin) Harper, 77: 423. Priest, An Irish Parish. Murray, I: 34. Priest or Player. (M. Hepworth) Tinsley, 47: 289, 385, 53I. Priest's Story. (M. Fulano) Cosmopol. 4: 182. Priesthood of Christians, Universal. (W. J. Skillman) Ref. Q. 35: 329. - Priesthoods, H. Spencer on. (R. A. Proctor). Knowl. 9: 59. Priestley, Cavendish, and Lavoisier. (T. E. Thorpe) Nature, 43: 1. Prima Donna, The, Edwards's. Spec. 61: 1527. (D. M. Ford) (R. Giffen) (J. A. Hobson) Q. J. 537. – (D. A. Bank. M. (Lond.) (J. S. Nicholson) Eng. Hist. R. (S. N. Patten) Am. Econ. Assoc. 3: (F. Y. Edgeworth) PRIMA Prima Donna's Charity, A. (F. H. Doyle) Macmil. 56: 32. Prime, S. I., Autobiography of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 448. Primogeniture; Bitter Cry of the Eldest Sons. (Vis- count Wolmer) National, II: 441. Primroses. (S. W. Scadding) Leis. Hour, 39: 388. — (W. B. Helmsley) Nature, 35: 561. Primrose League, The. Westm. I35: 473. Prince, Henry James. (E. Sellers) M. Chr. Lit. 5: 227. Prince, Rev. Thomas, with portrait. (V. Reed) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 347. Prince of Morocco, The. (G. Fleming) Macmil. 64; 161. Same art. Liv. Age, 190: 591. Princes, Working. Cornh. 58: 305. Same art. Age, I79: 186. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: 79. Princess Dormanoff. (J. Errol) Lond. Soc. 55; 477. Princess Fédor's Pledge. (G. M. Fenn) Tinsley, 41: 36-31 o. Princess Poppaea: a Mystery. Cornh. 56: 70. Princess Sarah; a stcry. (J. S. Winter) Leis. Hour, Liv. 37: I.24-4I 7. Princess Yiela: an African Episode. Blackw. I43: 2O3. Princess' Theatre, Some Recollections of. kor) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 66. Princeton, Mass., Wachusett Mountain and. Mason) Bay State Mo. 2: 35. Princeton, Battle of. (J. C. Ridpath) Chaut. I4: 259. Princeton University. (A. Marquand) Cosmopol. 8: 733. — (W. M. Sloane) Harper, 81: 886. — Alumni who have held Official Positions. Greene) N. E. Reg. 43: 47. — Social Life at. (E. M. Hopkins) Lippinc. 39: 677. Princeton Theological Seminary, Is it Humanizing 2 (N. Smyth) Forum, 3: 473. Principals of Schools, Legitimate Duties of. Acad. (Syr.) 2: 225. Principio Company: the First Iron-Works in Maryland. (W. G. Whitely) Pennsyl. M. II: 63, 190, 288. Principles, Force of. (Brother Barbas) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 480. Prings of Awliscombe in Devonshire. (B. F. De Costa) N. E. Reg. 4I: 86. Prinsep, Charles C. Acad. 31 : 306. Printer, Old Master, Home of an. Chamb. J. 67: 363. Printers' Marks and Devices, Early. Art J. 39: Io9. Printing at Avignon in 1444. (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 38: 33. — (W. H. J. Weale) Acad. 37: 332. — Haarlem the Birthplace of, Hessels's. Ath. '88, I: 398. — Invention of, Van der Linde's History. (J. H. Hes- sels) Acad. 31 : 307-431. 32: 9–102. — Origin of. (W. M. Conway) Acad. 37: 165. — Pentateuch of, Blades's. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 640. — Scottish, 1507–1600, Dickson and Edmond on. Ath. '90, I : 464. — Venetian. Sat. R. 72: 338. Printing Press of To-Day, Newspaper. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 39: 263, 333. — Rotary, Centenary of. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 39: I67. Printing Presses. (A. Rigg) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 238. Prints, Engraved, and their Production. (S. T. Daven- port) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 62. — Early Italian. Sat. R. 63: 378. Prior, Matthew. (G. A. Aitken) Contemp. 57: 715. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 563. – (A. Dobson) N. Princ. 6: 289. - - Poems. Spec. 64: 591. Pris; a Story of Rural Life. Sunday M. 20: 749, 837. Priscilla. (H. S. Brooks) Overland, m. s. 16; 20. Priscilla's Exile. Lend a H. 3: 146-436. (H. B. Ba- (A. P. (R. H. 344 PRIZE Prismatics. (S. Kirk) Atlan. 64: 476. Prisms, A Substitute for Carbon-Disulphide in. (H. G. Madan) Nature, 38: 413. Prison, º of the, to Ministers. (W. J. Batt) Bib. Sac. 45; 385. – A United States, (A. L. Dawes) Lend a H. 1: 3. – Voices from. Meliora, 9: 312. - wº should go to ? (E. F. Cary) Cath. World, 49: 6 Prisons, Abolition of. (A. A. Livermore) Unita. R. 34: 237. — and Prisoners. (A. H. Japp.) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 81. — Burmese. Cornh, 59: 20. — Care of Criminals. (Z. R. Brockway) Chaut. 9: * * * JJJ “ . – in New York, New Law Regulating. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 48: 498. – London, Two. (G. Millim) Leis. Hour, 40: 599. – on the Continent. Temp. Bar, 89: 87. – Rugsian and French, Kropotkin's. Spec. 60: 1509. – To-Day, 8: 90. – Spanish, Charitable Work in. World, 5o: 168. — Writing of Prisoners on Walls, etc. New R. 5: 537. Prison Discipline; Practical Penology. (H. J. Dam) No. Am. I44: 514. – Progress of. Meliora, I : 301. Prison Ethics and Prison Labor. tis. Soc. 54: 213. Prison Inscriptions in the Château de Loches. Watts-Jones) Eng. Illust. 8: 387. Prison Labor. (F. J. Mouat) J. Soc. Arts, 20: 266. — Competition of. (Z. R. Brockway) Forum, 6: 414. — Remunerative, Moral Effect of. Meliora, Io: 119. – Utilization of. (E. F. DuCane) J. Soc. Arts, 19: 529. Prison Law, New, of New York. R. I2: 471. Prison Life. Blackw. v. I44–146. Prison Management, Reformatory or Punitive? (E. C. Foster) Forum, I2: 496. Prison Reform. (E. A. Perry) Univ. Q. 44; 440. – Unpaid Magistracy and. Meliora, II: 125. Prison Science, Leading Principles of, (C. A. Collin) Lend a H. 7: 85. Prison Statistics, United States, 1888. (R. P. Falkner) Am. Statis. Assoc. I : 299. – (R. P. Falkner) Univ. of Pa. Pub. Pol. Econ. no. 5. Prisoners, Released, Guardianship of. M. DuCamp) Chaut. 7: 616. Prisse Papyrus. See Papyrus. Pritchard, W. H., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 290. Privacy and Publicity, Taste for. — Defence of. Spec. 66: 200. – Right to. Green Bag, 3: 524. — Atlan. 67: 428. Private Bill Legislation, Clifford's History of. Ath. ’87, 2: 78. Private Rights vs. Social Rights. Meliora, 9: 204. Privateering and International Law. (H. Haines) Un. Serv. M. n. s. I : 422. Privileged Communication between Husband and Wife. (M. A. Greene) Am. Law R. 24: 779. Privy Council, Dicey's. Spec. 60: 1420. Privy Council Judgments. (R. F. Littledale) Acad. 33: 258. Prix de Rome. (L. R. McCabe) Lippinc. 46: 559. Prize, Naval, in War. (C. E. Johnstone) Un. Serv. M. m. S. 3 : 325-54I. n. S. 4: 23. Prizes, Effect of, on Manufactures. (S. Sidney) J. Soc. Arts, Io; 374. Prize Competitions. (R. A Proctor) Knowl. Io: 122. (L. B. Binsse) Cath. (H. Zimmern) (F. J. Mouat) J. Sta- (Mrs. (C. A. Collin) And. * e *: (W. L. Wisscher) Spec. 61: 782. PRIZE Prize Competitor, A. Tinsley, 45: 273. Prize Questions, One Hundred, Answers to. Lippine. V. 42–44. Prievalsky, Nicholas M. Nature, 39: 31. — With por- trait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 402. Probability and Social Science. Meliora, g: 289. – Mitchell's Problem in. (S. Lupton) Nature, 38: 273. — (J. Kleiber) Nature, 38: 342, 414. Probabilities, Calculus of, Bertrand's. Nature, 41; 6. Probation after Death. And. R. 8: 312. – (A. J. Lyman) Bib. Sac. 45: 209. — (Q. Whitney) Univ. Q. 46: 35. — — Andover Theory of. (T. P. Field) And. R. 7: 461. — — Lyman on. And. R. 9: 522. — and the Study of God’s Word. Meth. R. 48: 190. — Early Tradition respecting Preaching to the Dead. And. R. II: 286. - Future. And. R. 7: 405. — (M. A. Dodge) No. Am. I44: I.29. - — — Agnosticism respecting. And. R. I3: 557. — — and Parable of Dives and Lazarus. (J. B. Sweet) Church R. 56: 106. — — Morris's Salvation after Death. And. R. 9: 206. g — — President Patton's Address on. And. R. 16: 520. — — Toleration of the Theory. And. R. 8: 618. — — What is the Need of 2 (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 45: 289. — Second. (W. G. T. Shedd) Meth. R. 49: 365. — Use of the Word in Theology. And. R. 9: 413. Problem in Portraiture; a story. (A. Bates) Scrib. M. 6: 623. Proboscidia. Procedure, Code of, National. Law R. 21 : 195. Procter, Anne Benson. Acad. 33: 187. – Nation, 46: 255. — Ath. '88, I: 309. Proctor, Richard A. (Grant Allen) Acad. 34: 193. — Ath. '88, 2: 388. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 317. — Critic, I3: 133. – With portrait (E. Clodd) Knowl. II: 265. Proctorized. Argosy, 51: 345. Procyon, The Satellite of. (J. M. Barr) Nature, 39: 51o. — (J. W. Ward) Nature, 39: 558. Prodigal, A ; a story. All the Year, 64: 611. Prodigal Son; a story. All the Year, 64; 44. Production, Cost of, Analysis of. (S. M. Macvane) Q. J. Econ. I : 481. — Cost of, Statistics of, Basis for. Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 257. — Unfair Burdens on. (M. I. Swift) And. R. 13: 139. Profession of Religion, A. (W. H. Pierson) Unita. R. (G. S. Chadbourne) (E. C. Smyth) (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 23: 191. (W. Reynolds) Am. (C. D. Wright) 33: 35. Professional Classes, Outlook of the. Spec. 63: 363. Professional Lady-Killer; a story. (E. Marryat) Bel- gra. 71 : I44, 253. Professional “Prizes.” Spec. 64: 690. Professionalism. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 106. Professor Bask's Aerolite. (T. Frost) Tinsley, 47: 457. Professor Bommsenn's Germs. (E. G. Harmer). gra. 64; 324. vº Professor Brankel's Secret; a story. " (F. Hume) Bel- gra. 70: 93, 202. Aſ Professor Ezekiel Harkinson's Plan; a story. Barroll) Cosmopol. Io: 569. Professor Franz. (C. S. Morgan) Education, 7: 392. Professor Latimer, F. R. S.; a story. (E. H. Huddles- ton) Argosy, 48: 515. Professor's Daughter, The ; a story. (E. H. Crosby) Cosmopol. Io: 477. Professor's Piano, The ; a story. (C. Black) Eng. Illust. 7: 390. (H. H. 345 PROHIBITION Professor's Problem. (M. K. Harris) Belgra. 69: 179. Profit, Rate of. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 191. Profits and the Residual Theory. (F. B. Hawley) Q. J. Econ. 4; 387. – Business, and Wages. 218. — — — a Rejoinder. 453. — — Source of ; Reply to Macvane. Q. J. Econ. 2: 263. — — Source of. (F. A. Walker) Q. J. Econ. 1: 265. — — Theory of. (A. Marshall) Q. J. Econ. I : 477. 2 : I. — — Margin of. (E. Atkinson) Cent. II: 923. — — Small, Low Prices, High Wages: What Makes them 2 (E. Atkinson) Cent. I2: 568. — — under Modern Conditions. (J. B. Clark) Pol. Sci. (A. Marshall) Q. J. Econ. 2: (S. M. Macvane) Q. J. Econ. 2: (F. A. Walker) Q. 2: 603. Profit-Sharing. (J. S. Nicholson) Contemp. 57: 64. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 339. — (N. P. Gilman) Arena, I: 269. – (F. J. Kingsbury and others) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 23; 25. — Sat. R. 69: 254, 493. – (N. P. Gilman) Forum, 4: 96. – Lend a H. 6: 97. — (J. L. Whittle) Lend a H. 7: 15. — (F. J. Kings- bury) N. Eng, 47: 333.-- (H. O. Nelson) No. Am. I44: 388. — (S. Taylor) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 260, 289. – Lond. Q. 74: 205. — Gilman on. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 370. — (W. H. Ray) Dial (Ch.) Io: 6. — Spec. 62: 718. — in the Pillsbury Mills. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 4: 172. — in St. Louis. (H. O. Nelson) Lend a H. 5: 341. — Increase in Industrial Remuneration under. (D. F. Schloss) Econ. J. I : 292. — New Departure in. Chamb. J. 68: 596. — Objections to. (R. Aldrich)\Q. J. Econ. I : 232. — Recent Progress Abroad. (D. Kinley) Q. J. Econ. 5 : 497. \ — Theory of. (F. H. Giddings) Q. J. Econ. 1: 307. Programs. (G. Turner) Theatre, 2I: 182. Progress. Lond. Q. 7o: 32. — and Pain ; a poem. Arena, 2: 129. — and Poverty, George's; Discussion of Natural Rights. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: 173. — (G. M. Grant) Presb. R. 9: 177. — — in Politics. (H. W. Farnum) N. Eng. 46: 335. — and War. (G. Smith) Macmil. 6o: 230. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 336. — Balfour on. Spec. 67: 751. — Conservative. (G. D. Boardman) Forum, Io: 537. — from Poverty. (E. Atkinson) Forum, 6: 19. — Human, How Best to Promote. (E. N. Sheffield) Theo. Mo. 2: 42. — Material, in England, Recent Rate of. (R. Giffen) J. Statis. Soc. 50: 615. — of the “Masses.” Westm. I28: 952. — the other Side of the Medal. (H. D. Traill) Na- tional, 9: 81 I. — Pleas for. (H. Bumstead) And. R. II: 656. – Where Must Lasting Progress Begin? (E. C. Stan- ton) Arena, 4; 293. rohibition. Science, 9: Ioš. – and Labor, True Politics for. 4: 723. — and High License. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 48: 126. — Nation, 46: 70. — (J. J. Ingalls) Forum, 7: 673. — and Roman Catholics. (J. W. Tracy) Cath. World, 51: 669. — as a Solvent of Parties. (E. C. Pierce) Arena, (E. P. Clark) Nation, 44: 504. — Cambridge Experiment in. Nation, 48: 87. — Constitutional. (C. A. Bartol) Unita. R. 31: 496. — — and its Rivals. (J. Cook) Our Day, 3: 355. — — Women's Appeal for. Our Day, 3: 335. PROHIBITION Prohibition, Do we Need? (J. Snyder) Forum, 3: 152. — Economic Basis of. (S. N. Patten) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 59. – Effectiveness of. (N. Dow) Forum, 3: 39. — The Foreign Element and. (A. Griffin) Chaut. 9: 589. — in Iowa. Pub. Opin. 9: 7, 30, 76. – in Kansas. Pub. Opin. 9: 547. – in Maine. Pub. Opin. 9: 314. — — History of. Meliora, I: 276. – in Mississippi. Pub. Opin. 9: 8, 30. — in Nebraska. Pub. Opin. 9: 7. — in N. Hampshire, Defeat of. Pub. Opin. 6: 525. — in New York. Pub. Opin. 9: 315. — in Pennsylvania, Vote on, in 1889. Amer. 18: 167. – in Rhode Island, Failure of. (J. B. Bishop) Nation, 48: 133. — in Southern California. s. I5: 376. — in Texas, Defeat of, 1887. — in the United States. (E. P. Clarke) Overland, n. Pub. Opin. 3: 375, 395. (A. Gustafson) Contemp. 51: 53I. – in the Light of New Issues. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. 9; 23. - - – Mistake of. (S. B. Pettengill) And. R. 9: 18. “ — not a National Issue. (Mrs. J. E. Foster) Am. M. 8: 675. — Original Packages and. (J. Shippen) Chaut. 11: 456. — Plain Words on. (A. H. Colquitt) N. Princ. 4: 191. — Political Future of. (F. E. Willard) Our Day, 3: 3I4. & – Prospects of. (N. Dow) Our Day, I : 11. — Theory of. (S. H. Cobb) N. Princ. 4: 31. — without Compensation Constitutional ; Decision of U. S. Supreme Court. Our Day, I : 55. Prohibition Campaign Comment, 1888. Pub. Opin. 6: 6, 28, 50, 71; Prohibition Convention, National. Our Day, I : 5oo. Prohibition Defeat, Moral of the. (L. W. Bacon) N. Eng, 51: 4or. Prohibition Party, History of. Hist. 9: II 5–698. - — Progress of. (F. E. Willard) Our Day, 5: 185. – Prospective Platform of. (F. E. Willard) Our Day, I : 177. Prohibitionism in Canada and the United States. Smith) Macmil. 59: 338. 648. Prohibitionists and the Whiskey Tax, The. Spahr) Nation, 47: 5. Prohibitory Law and Personal Liberty. (J. H. Seelye and others) No. Am. I47: 121. Projectile, Path of. (F. Gilman) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 267. Projectiles, Elongated, Calculation of Ranges of. Bashforth) Nature, 38: 468. — Velocities of. Nature, 42: 250. Pronoun, An Indeterminate. (F. Morgan) Writer, 5: 26o. Pronouns. (H. Graham) Meth. R. 51: 903. Pronunciation ; Child Speech and Mispronunciation, (E. Noble) Educa. 9: 44, 117, 188. Pronunciation, English. (R. L. Cumnock) Chaut. 9: 4O4. – English as she is Spoke. (G. L. Case) M. West. (G. Same art. Ecl. M. II2: (C. B. (F. (G. Turner) Theatre, 22: 93. Proof-Reading. (F. D. Stickney) Writer, 4: 274. Property. (T. Davidson) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 22: 1 oz. – (Lord Bramwell) 19th Cent. 27: 449. – and its Diffusion. (W. H. Mallock) Ecl. M. III: 42. — and Justice. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 53: 230. — Aristotle on Wealth and. (G. Wallas) To-Day, Io: I6. 346 PROTECTION Property, Confiscation of. Spec. 63: 431, 434, 470. — Conservatism and. (W. H. Mallock) National, II: 383. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, 8: 595. — Future of. Spec. 61: 1214. — in England, Laws on. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: 1114. – Lacordaire on. (E. McSweeny) Cath. World, 45: 338. — Laws of. (Lord Coleridge) Macmil, 56: 401. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 579. – Mosaic Idea of. (G. Calthrop) Theo. Mo. 2: 307. – Personal, Taxation of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 194, 2 I 2. — Private, Origin of. 545. — — Protection to, from Public Attack. (D. J. Brewer) N. Eng. 55: 97. — Public, Rights of. (W. Barry) Forum, 9: 208. — Public Use of, Limitations of. (A. Hobhouse) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 675. – Right of, Constitutional Guarantees of. (G. Hoadly) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 26: 13. — — Origin of. (H. J. Philpott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 666. Prophet, Hebrew, and Christian Preacher. (G. B. Spalding) And. R. I.4: 280. * – What is a ? (S. Henning) Theo. Mo. 4688. Prophets, Lives of the. (I. H. Hall) J. #. 7: 28. Prophecy. (C. H. Waller) Theo. Mo. 2: 83. – Evidential Value of. (J. B. Fox) Luth. Q. 20: 523. — Fulfilled and Unfulfilled. (R. Wheatley) Meth. R. (J. A. Cain) Cath. World, 47: 50: 347. — Fulfilled, – a Standing Miracle. (O. P. Eaches) Bapt. R. II: 468. — Fulfillment of. (E. C. Smyth) And. R. 13: 20. – Messianic, Briggs on. Ref. Q. 34: I 14. – Unfulfilled. (C. H. Waller) Theo. Mo. 3: 252. Prophecies, Curious. (W. S. Walsh) Cosmopol. 9: 203. — Messianic. (S. T. Willis) Chris. Q. 8: 228. Proposals, A Chapter on. Temp. Bar, 83: 349, 536. Same art. I.iv. Age, I78: 729. I79: 25. Prose and Poetry. (M. E. Martin) Belgra. 68: 426. Prospect Union, Cambridgeport, Mass. (E. E. Hale) Harv. Mo. I3: 89. Prospector’s Story, A. II: 517. Prosperity and Depression, Lessons of. Quar. I66: 63. Prostitution. Meliora, I: 70. 3: 145. – and its Causes. Meliora, 6: 308. – Suppression of, in Germany; German Emperor as Supreme Conscience. Spec. 67: 585. Protection. (A. Kinney) Overland, m. s. I2: 201. — America and. (A. N. Cumming) National, I6: 370. — among the Fruit-Growers. (F. M. Gallaher) Nation, 46: 383. — and Centralization. (D. C. Eaton) N. Eng. 53: 375. — and Commerce. (R. E. Thompson) Amer. Ig: 174. — and the Farmer. (S. M. Cullom) Forum, 8: 136. — and Protectionists. (F. A. Walker) Q. J. Econ. 4: 245. — and Wages. — Communism and. 226. — Effects of. (C. S. Ashley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: I. — Ethical View of. (H. Smith) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 626. — Fallacy of. National, Io: 7Io. — Fallacies of, Vitality of. Westm. I31 : 611. art. Ecl. M. II3: 159. — First Principles of. (C. Hamlin) Our Day, I : 265. — for Sugar. (H. White) Nation, 44; 484. — The Gospel of. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 47: 235. — Governmental Aid to Injustice. (G. M. Wallace) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 191. — How it Protects. (W. D. Kelley) Forum, 4: 582. (T. J. Butler) Overland, n. s. (L. Playfair) Our Day, 3: Io. (W. M. Fishback) No. Am. I46: Same PROTECTION Protection in Canada. (R. J. Cartwright) No. Am. I5o: 638. — in England, 1887. Sat. R. 64: 807. — in Europe. (F. Franklin) Nation, 47: 87. — in New South Wales and Victoria. (F. P. Powers) Q. J. Econ. 3: 87. — (E. Pulsford) 19th Cent. 24: 393. — in the U. S. (F. W. Taussig) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 17. — Lectures on, Scheme for. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 18: 232. - — Necessary for English Commerce. 19th Cent. 28: 901. — or Free Trade? (D. A. Wells) Arena, 5: I.2. — (H. C. Lodge) Arena, 4: 652. – (A. G. Thurman; W. P. Frye) Cosmopol. 6: 65. — Patten's Economic Basis of. (D. MacG. Means) Na- tion, 51 : 57. — Present Crisis of. (D. H. Mason) Amer. I3: 205. — the Purchase of Employment and the Sale of Work. (Lord Penzance) National, Io: 173. — Reasons for. (R. E. Thompson) Chaut. 7: 589. — Revival of, in Great Britain. (T. G. Shearman) Westm. I28: 61. — Southerner's National View of. (E. Ensley) Am. M. s — V (W. McKinley, jr.) No. Am. 150: 740. - nefited by ? (W. R. Morrison) Forum, : 79. Protectionism. (A. L. Perry) New Eng. M. 6 ('88): 156. — in the United States; Exit MeKinley. (Goldwin Smith) Macmil. 63: 161. Protectionist Economics, American. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: I 793. Protectorates, English. (Sir A. C. Lyall) 19th Cent. 30: 312. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 433. Protestant Liberty and the Dutch. (G. H. Emerson) Univ. Q. 45: 261. Protestant Unity. (A. Young) Cath. World, 47: 297. Protestantism and Art. (P. L. Foy) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 243. - — in Russia, Stamping Out. (C. H. H. Wright) M. Chr. Lit. I : 206. — is it a Failure ? (M. S. Cressman) Luth. Q. 20: 418. — Rise and Necessity of. (C. S. Albert) Luth. Q. I8: 72. Protestant Episcopal Church, Contemporary History of. June, 1888. Church R. 52; 99. — Ecclesiastical Register for Apr., May, June, 1889. Church R. 54: 333. — — July, Aug., Sept., 1889. Church R. 55: 336. — General Convention, Proportional Representation in. (W. Lawrence) Church R. 52: 330. — (J. F. Spal- ding ; W. W. Olssen) Church R. 53: 1. — in the English Colonies. Church Q. 32: 429. — in South Carolina, Issue in Convention of 1887. (J. Kershaw) Church R. 50: 385. — in the U. S. (G. W. Shinn) New Eng. M. 5 ('86–87): (L. J. Jennings) 309. — — Law of. (H. M. Baum) Church R. 50: 77–610. — — McConnell's History of. (W. S. Perry) Church R. 63: II. — — Judiciary of. (E. T. Wilder) Church R. 51: 107. — — Liberty in, Limits of. And. R. I6: 515. — — Name of. (H. W. Sheffey) Church R. 49: 502, 646. — — — Shall it be Changed? (K. Nelson) Church R. 49: 172. — (J. H. Elliott) Church R. 55: 69. — (S. C. Judd) Church R. 55: Ioo. — — Peace of. (S. D. McConnell) Church R. 63: Ioz. — — Triennial Convention of. And. R. I2: 524. — (T. S. Preston) Cath. World, 44; 521. — — — Layman’s View of. (J. H. Phelan) Cath. World, 44; 684. 347 PRUSSIA Protestant Episcopal Church, Who may Lawfully Teach º ºnate in. (F. P. Davenport) Church R. 3 : 78. Protestant Methodist Controversy of 1827. Lond. Q. 7o: 27 I. . Protevangelium, The, and the 8th Psalm. (E. C. Bissell) J. Bib. Lit. 6, pt. 2: 64. Protoplasm, Berthold's. (H. M. Ward) Nature, 35: 3Oo. - History of. (G. L. Goodale) Science, 14: 352. — Method for Subjecting to Action of Different Liquids. (G. L. Goodale) Am. J. Sci. 133: 144. Protopterus Annectens, Anatomy and Physiology of. (W. N. Parker) Nature, 39: 19. Prove All Things, Hold Fast that which is Good. H. Parkhurst) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 202. Provence, Play in ; a Painter's Paradise. (E. R. Pennell) Cent. 20: 737. — — A Water Tournament. (E. R. Pennell) Cent. 20: 848. — — The Grand Arrival of the Bulls. Cent. 20: 548. – Studio in. (A. M. Wakefield) Murray, 8: 49. Provençal Language, Attempt to Revive. (M. L. El- mendorf) Poet-Lore, 2: 401, 449. Provençal Pilgrimage, A. (H. W. Preston) Cent. I8: 323, 586. Proverbial Philosophy. Ecl. M. I. I4: 128. Proverbs: A Commonplace Book. (P. Maxwell) Gent. M. m. s. 47: 575. — Conflicts of Experience. (H. G. Keene) Macmil. 61: 452. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 483. — Maxims and Phrases, Christy's. (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 47: 505. – Spec. 63: 337. – Negro, or Gombo. (E. Wakefield) 19th Cent. 8: 575. — Old Saws Rečdged. Atlan. 65: 569. Providence, Divine. (I. C. Knowlton) Univ. Q. 47: 403. — Doctrine of, as Held by Orientalists in Ancient Times. (W. Tucker) Am. Antiq. 9: 356. — General or Special? (C. Z. Weiser) Ref. Q. 36: 367. – in the Light of Scripture. (G. C. H. Hasskarl) Luth. Q. 20: 277. . Providence, R. I. (F. N. Luther) New Eng. M. 5 ('86– 87): 499. — Canal Market, 1826–72. Narrag. Reg. 8: I. – Drug Business in, History of. (O. Johnson) Narrag. Reg. 5: 345. — Early Land Titles of. 8: 156. — Fortifications In and Around. Reg. 5: 209. — Fountain St. Methodist Church. (W. F. Hammond) Narrag. Reg. 6: 37. — in 1810. (H. A. Howland) Narrag. Reg. 6: III. — Schools of, Old. (E. Dyer) Narrag. Reg. 5: 220. — Taverns of, Old. (E. Dyer) Narrag. Reg. 5; I29. 8: (C. (J. Pennell) (A. B. Patton) Narrag. Reg. (E. Field) Narrag. 53. - — When was it Founded ? Narrag. Reg. 5; 27. Provoost, Rt. Rev. S. (I. S. Hartley) M. Am. Hist. 26: II 5. Provo' Marshal's Story. Overland, n. s. I4: 430. Prudentius. (F. St. J. Thackeray) Macmil. 6o: 220. Prudhomme, Sully, and his Poetry. (E. and R. Pro- thero) Eng. Illust. 7: 669. Prud’hon, Pierre Paul, Gauthier's. Am. Arch. 21: 2I 5. Prunes in France. Science, I3: 210. Prussia and France from 1795 to 1807, Baillen on. M. Gardiner) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 174. — Army of, First Guard Dragoon Regiment. (L. Hale) 19th Cent. 26: 431. — Census Enumeration in, 1890. Statis. Assoc. 2: 407. (B. (C. C. Plehn) Am. PRUSSIA Prussia, Constitutionalism in. Sat. R. 65: 677. — Culture Conflict in. (J. W. Burgess) Pol. Sci. Q. 2: 3I3. — in 1706–21, Ayerst's Letters on Introduction of Episcopacy into. (C. E. Doble) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 751. 4: 131, 338. – in the German Empire. Nation, 46: 337. — Income Tax in, The New. (C. H. Hull) Nation, 53: 22. — Local Government in. 4: 649. 5: I.24. — Monarchy of, and the Revolution of 1848. (Sir R. Blennerhasset) Blackw. I47: 615. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 707. — under Frederick the Great, Tuttle's. (W. O'C. Mor- ris) Acad. 33: 267. — (J. J. Halsey) Dial (Ch.) 9: 7. – (M. Smith) Nation, 52: 97. — Sat. R. 66: 213. Pruyn, John W. L., with portrait. M. West. Hist. 8: 347. Psalm of the Waters. (S. W. Mitchell) Atlan. 65: 629. Psalms of the Pharisees. (T. Tyler) Acad. 40: 127. Psalmody, Instruction in, in Boston before 1750. (W. Lee) N. E. Reg. 42: 197. — Old Style. All the Year, 66: 274. — Outlines of the History of. (D. C. Gilmore) Bapt. R. II: 166. Psalter, Literary Materials of the First Scottish. (J. C. Hadden) Scot. R. I7: I. Pseudepigraphic Writings, Jewish. (W. J. Deane) Theo. Mo. 2: 162. — (P. J. Gloag) Theo. Mo. 6: 301. Pseudonyms. Chamb. J. 66: 763. — Male, of Female Writers. (F. Weitenkampf) Lib. J. I6: 303. Psychic Blindness. Science, 9: 422. Psychic Experiences. (S. A. Underwood) Arena, 4: (F. J. Goodnow) Pol. Sci. Q. •y • * º J Psychical Research. (R. Hodgson) Arena, 2: 409. — (W. F. Barrett) Good Words, 32: 467. — Aspects of. (O. B. Frothingham) Atlan. 66: 203. — Harvest and Laborers in. (F. W. H. Meyers) Arena, 4 : 39 I. — Problems of. (J. Jastrow) Harper, 79: 76. — Recent. (J. Royce) Nation, 45: 116. — Richet's. (C. L. Franklin) Nation, 47: 226. – Society for, Proceedings of. Am. J. Psychol. I: 128. Psychological Experience; a story. Argosy, 52: 290. Psychological Principles. (J. Ward) Mind, I2: 45. Psychology and Metaphysics. (J. S. Mackenzie) Mind, I6: 259. — Applications of, in Education. uca. R. 2: I. — as a Natural Science, Raue on. Sat. R. 68: 362. — Comparative; its Objects and Problems. (T. W. Mills) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 651. — Compayré's. (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. I : 72. — Definition, Limits, and Method. (C. Richet) Science, 9: 256. — Dewey's. (H. A. P. Torrey) And. R. 9: 437. — Experimental, and Dr. Münsterberg. (E. B. Titche- ner) Mind, I6: 521. - * — — Studies in. (J. Jastrow) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 43. — — Studies from the Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin. (J. Jastrow) Am. J. Psychol. 4: 198. — Greek, History of. (C. A. Strong) Am. J. Psychol. 4: I 77. — Höffding's Outlines of. Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 382. — Illusory. (J. Dewey) Mind, I2: 83. -- in American Colleges. Am. J. Psychol. 3: 275. — Innovation and Inertia in. (C. Lombroso) Monist, I: 344. - Investigation in. (F. M. F. Skene) (M. P. Jacobi) Ed- (W. T. Harris) Educa. R. I : 8. 348 PUBLIC Psychology, James's. Sat. R. 71: 390. — Atlan. 67: 552. - (J. M. Baldwin) Educa. R. I : 357. — (J. Royce) Int, J. Ethics, I: 143. — (W. C. Coupland) Acad. 39: 396. – (C. S. Peirce) Nation, 53: 15, 32. — (J. Sully) Mind, I6: 393. – Mind in Man and Brute. (E. P. Evans) Unita. R. 36: 342. — Modern, Influence of, upon Theological Opinion. (G. T. Ladd) And. R. I.4.1 : 557. - — The New. (J. H. Hyslop) N. Princ. 6: 154. – (D. W. Fisher) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 607. – Physiological. (J. P. Gordy) And. R. 9: 103. — — Laboratory Course in. (E. C. Sanford) Am. J. Psychol. 4: 141, 303. — – Ladd's. Am. J. Psychol. I: 159. —(J. Dewey) N. Eng. 46: 528. — — Postulates of. 427. – Problem of. (E. W. Scripture) Mind, 16: 305. – Study of, by College Seniors. (E. A. Kirkpatrick) Am. J. Psychol. 3: 149. — Subject and Object in. (S. H. Hodgson) Mind, 12: (J. M. Baldwin) Presb. R. 8: 423. – Teaching of. (P. Janet) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 332. — Theory of. (H. N. Day) J. Spec. Phil § 189. – Volkmann's. (T. Whittaker) Mind, 489. Psychometry. (E. Dwight) Cosmopol. 6: Psychophysics. (W. M. Ferris) Nation, 51?-290. – Münsterberg's Experiments in. (J. Sully) Acad. 38: I 34. Psycho-Physic Law and Star Magnitudes. (J. Jastrow) Am. J. Psychol. I: II 2. Psycho-Physic Methods, Critique of. (J. Jastrow) Am. J. Psychol. I: 271. — (F. Boas) Science, II: 119. Ptarmigan and Grouse, in England. Cornh. 60: 188. Pterosaurian, New Species of. (A. Geikie) Nature, 37: 98. Ptolemy Soter. (T. D. Seymour) Chaut. g.: 507. Ptolemy's Theorem in a Problem in Maxima and Min- ima. (E. M. Langley) Nature, 38: 149. Ptomaines in Infectious Diseases. (C. W. Chapin) Sci- ence, I4: 26o. Public Buildings of the U. S., Discussions in the Sen- ate, Feb. 14, 1888. Am. Arch. 23: 99. – Raid on the Treasury, 1888. Am. Arch. 23: 80. Public Business, Management of. (A. T. Hadley) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 572. Public Characters in 1786. M. Am. Hist. 24: 287. Public Debts Scientifically Considered. Amer. 14: 7I. Public Documents. Lib. J. I.4: 432. Public Houses and Temperance. (R. E. Macnaghten) National, I4: 788. - - Public Life, Beautification of. Spec. 61: 682. — Does it Give Long Careers? (E. P. Clark) Forum, II: 672. Public Meeting, Right of. (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 55: 508. Public Officers and Candidates for Office, Criticism of. (G. Chase) Am. Law R. 23: 346. Public Offices, Jobbery in, in England. (L. J. Jennings) Fortn. 50: 179. Public Opinion as a Force. (J. T. Wheelwright) Harv. Mo. 8: 43. — Court of. (L. E. Quigg) No. Am. I44: 625. — Shibboleth of. (W. S. Lilly) Forum, Io: 256. Public Schools. See Schools, Public. Public Speaking, Lord Dufferin on. Spec. 66: 503. – Some Abuses in. (E. S. Norris) National, Io: 656. Public Spirit, Education in. Lend a H. 3: 63. — (E. E. Hale) Lend a H. 7: 75. -- Public Works, Appropriations for. (S. M. Cullom) Fo- rum, 5: 267. * PUBLIC Public Works, Department of, in the U. S. Am. Arch. 23: 247. — (W. F. Smith) Forum, 3: 296. — (L. M. Haupt) Lippine. Io: 553. Public Works, Needed Reform in Our. (L. M. Haupt) Engin. M. I.: 532. — Quasi-, Relation of Modern Municipalities to. Econ. Assoc. 2: 501. Publicity. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 47: 45. — Mental Effect of Extreme. Spec. 61: 411. Publishers, Authors and. (M. A. Denison) Author, 2: 95. – (A. C. Waldron) Writer, I: 56. — Judgments of. (G. B. Perry) Writer, 5: I. – A Plea for. (A. Jessopp) Contemp. 57: 38o. — Profits of, and Authors’ Complaints. (G. H. Putnam) Forum, 12: 62. Publishing, Methods of. Sat. R. 70: 486. Pudding-Pans, Whitstable. (C. N. Barham) Antiq. n. s. 22: 216. * Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico, Palm Sunday in. H. Smith) Atlan. 63: 62. Pueblo, Colorado, Mineral Palace. Am. Arch. 28: 55. Pueblo Architecture, Origin of. (V. Mindeleff) Science, Am. (F. 9 : 593. Pueblo Indians. (E. D. Price) Sunday M. 17: 436. — Bandelier on. (A. H. Noll) Dial (Ch.) 12: 104. – Habitations of. (F. H. Cushing) Am. Arch. 21 : 103. See alst, Acoma. Puget Group of Washington Territory. Am. J. Sci. I36: 443. Puget Sound, Indians of. 97. Io: 26. Pugilism, Defense of. (D. Osborne) No. Am. I46: 430. Puia, The ; a story. Temp. Bar, 89: 79. Pulaski, Fort, and Charleston. (E. Field) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: 217. Pulford, Barons of, Sitwell's. Ath. 'go, I: 208. Pullan, Richard Popplewell. Ath. '88, 1: 575. Pullman Car Wooing, A. (J. H. Hull) Overland, n. s. 17: 288. Pulleys. (C. H. Blackall) Am. Arch. 24: 227. “Pulls,” Political. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 223. (C. A. White) (M. Eells) Am. Antiq. 9: I, Pulpit and the Pew, Responsibility of. (G. F. Pente- cost) Our Day, I : 36. – and the Problems of Modern Life. (J. Wagner) Luth. Q. 21: 413. – and the Times. (C. E. Perkins) Unita. R. 34: 319. — Authority of the. (W. J. Tucker) And. R. 16:384. – Causes of Want of Success of. (D. Curry) Meth, R. 47: 269. – for To-Day. (L. Abbott) Cent. 12: 618. — — Abbott on. And. R. Io: 313. – in the Good Old Days. (W. Slater) Temp. Bar, 85: 557. – its Theme, its End, its Methods. Luth. Q. 19: 167. – Latent Power of the. (G. R. Pike) Bib. Sac. 44: 349. - – Mirrored from the Pew. Meth. R. 50: 706. — Modern, Criticism on the. (J. A. McCauley) Ref. Q. 35 ; 273. — — Limitation or Emancipation? And. R. 12: 650. -º- Mºrn Claims upon. (F. W. Farrar) Forum, 8: 24ö. - Range of. (C. Jerdan) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 82. (J. W. Richard) – Social Power of. Meliora, 1: 153. – Wit in. (H. R. Haweis) Contemp. 59: 718. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 695. Pulpits. (E. Rumler) Am. Arch. 34: 3. Pulse-Curves, Five Years'. (F. H. P. Coste) Nature, 44; 35. * - Pulvis et Umbra. (R. L. Stevenson) Scrib. M. 3: 509. 349 PUSHKIN Pump, The Positive Piston. (J. Dow) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 161. — Self-Feeding Sprengel. I4I : 390. Pumps, Experiments on the Efficiency of. (Isherwood) J. Frankl. Inst. I28: 276. Pumping Stations, Equipment of. Engin. M. 2: 213. , / Punch or London Chari`ari. Sat. R. 72: 45. — and his Artists. (M. H. Spielmann) Contemp. 6o: 52. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 433. — History in. (A. a. Beckett and F. C. Burnand) Fortn. 47: 546. Same art. Liv. Age, 172: 8o. I73: 284. — Jubilee of. Spec. 67: 93. Punic War, Second, Thessalian Inscription Contempo- (H. L. Wells) Am. J. Sci. (G. W. Rafter) rary with. (G. Nutt) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 294. Punishment. (W. H. D. Adams) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 360, 495. — Equivalence of Crime and. (D. O. Kellogg) Amer. 2O: 427. — Ethics of. (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 52: 112. Same art. Liv. Age, 182: 387. Punishments, Mediaeval. (C. S. Martin) Green Bag, 3: 481. — Old-Time. (R. Le Schonix) Antiq. m. s. 23: 163. — Singular. All the Year, 65: I32. Punjab, Housekeeping in. Leis. Hour, 40; 23. Punjab Frontier Troubles, 1891. Sat. R. 7I: 588. Punjab University, The. (M. Abd-ur-Rashīd) Asia. R. 6: 63. Punjaub, Cruise of the. Chamb. J. 65: 348. Puns. Temp. Bar, 85: 69. — in Icelandic Literature. Punshon, William Morley. 37: 222. –Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 69: 262. — Macdonald’s Life of. Spec. 61 : 518. Puntacooset Colony, The. (L. Kip) Overland, n. S. 9: I-483. Pupil, The. (H. James) Longm. I7: 512, 6 II. Purgatory according to Revelations of Saints. Garrison) Church R. 53: 244. Puritan, The, in Fiction. N. Eng. 54: 139. Puritans in Massachusetts. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 193. — New England. Blackw. I5o: 823. — — Political Ideas of. (H. L. Osgood) Pol. Sci. Q. 6: 2O I. ** ** — — Prayers of. Atlan. 67: 853. — Poets and. (J. G. Dow) Macmil. 61: 457. Puritan Birthright, The. (N. M. Hawkes) M. Am. Hist. 24: 354. Puritan Colonies."Doyle's. Puritan Fathers, Religion of. R. 34: 330. Puritan Genealogies. 227. Puritan Ideal, Genesis of the. (A. M. Fairbairn) Con- temp. 54: 695. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 707. Puritanism. (J. Fraser) Macmil. 58: 72. — Historic Forces which gave Rise to. (W. L. Kings- ley) N. Eng. 49: I64. Atlan. 66: 425. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 1031. —Lond. Q. (J. F. Sat. R. 63: 591. (E. Buckingham) Unita. (W. L. Kingsley) N. Eng. 51: — Message of, for this Time. (E. D. Mead) New Eng. M. 4: 462. - — Microsbopic. Spec. 61: Io. — A Study of. (C. E. Perkins) Unita. R. 30: 289. — Three Essentials of. (G. F. Hoar) Our Day, 4: 231. Pursuit of the Martyns, The ; a story. (R. M. º ston) Cosmopol. Io: 81, 227. Pusey, E. B. (J. S. Stone) Church R. 63: 209. Pushkin, Boris Godunés. (N. H. Dole) Poet-Lore, 3: 55I. PUSS-IN-BOOTS Puss-in-Boots Legend, Origin of the. 62: I73. Putnam, C. F. A. Hero of the Far North. Underwood) M. Am. Hist. I7: 339. Putnam, Gen. Rufus. (L. R. McCabe) M. West. Hist. 9 : 232. Putney on the Thames. (J. Leyland) Portfo. 18; 19. Putrefaction, Chemistry of Substances Taking Part in. (J. M. Thomson) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 941–972. – in Animal Substances. (B. W. Richardson) J. Soc. Arts, 26: 911–965. Putrefactive Organisms. 42: 381. Putting One's Foot into it. (W. S. Walsh) Lippine. 45 : 749. Puzzi, Madame. Sat. R. 68: 211. Pym, Robert Ruthven, with portrait. (Lond.) 47: 943. Pyramid, The Great. — in America, The, — Meydoun, Day at. s. 47: 260. Pyramids of Fayoom, Flinders-Petrie on. 452. Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico. (S. B. Evans) Am. Antiq. Io: I 15. Pyrenees, Battle-Fields of the, in 1813–14. Seymour) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 306. — A Drive through. Amer. Ig: 292. – Outcast Race in. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 546. Pyrenean Shrine. (N. Stuart) Month, 70: 207. Pyrenean Valley, In a. All the Year, 4.1 : 160. Pyrenean Village. (J. L. L. Teeling) Month, 73: 2 IO. Pyrite Crystals from French Creek, Del. Co., Pa. L. Penfield) Am. J. Sci. I37: 209. - Pyroxene, Crystals of, from Orange Co., N. Y. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I34: 275. — Hemihedrism of. (G. H. Williams) Am. J. Sci. I38: II.5. Pytchley Hunt, Past and Present. Longm. I2: 46. Pythagoras of Rhegion and Early Athlete Statues. (C. Waldstein) J. Hel. Stud. I : 168. 2: 332. Pytheas; An Old Greek Explorer of Britain and the Teutonic North. (K. Blind) Fortn. 56: 355. Same art. Liv. Age, Ig2: 416. Pyx, Chapel of the. Chamb. J. 65: 725. All the Year, (E. B. (W. H. Dallinger) Nature, Bank. M. (E. L. Wilson) Scrib. M. 3: 41. (S. Peet) Am. Antiq, Io: 221. (H. D. Rawnsley) Gent. M. n. Sat. R. 72: (W. F. (S. Quackery, Open Door of. (W. G. Eggleston; A. Flint; R. O. Doremus) No. Am. I49: 483. Quadrupeds, British, Spring Habits of. Spec. 64: 655. Quails. (T. S. Van Dyke) Outing, I5: 460. — Egyptian, Day with. (J. F. Milliken) Outing, 17: 312. Quaker, Confessions of a. Forum, 3: 199. — Why am I a 2 No. Am. I48: 761. Quaker's Brother, The ; a story. (L. B. Rowlands) Sunday M. 19: 678. Quakers, The. Church Q. 30: 352. — (P. W. Darm- ton) Cong. R. (Lond.) 5: 35. – Friends and their Foes. All the Year, 59: 174. — Have they Prevailed? (C. A. Briggs) Bib. Sac. 47: 325. — in New England. (H. Ferguson) Church R. 53: 82. — Richardson Family Records. Sat. R. 69: 611. — Turner's Study of the. Spec. 64; 377. Quaker Biographies, Some. (T. Raleigh) Macmil. 59: 358. Quakers' Meeting. (E. Pyne) National, 18; 362. Quakerism, Revival of. Ed. R. I74: 194. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 707. — Spec. 67: 154. Quales, Niles T., M. D. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 327. - 350 Queenstown Heights, Battle of. QUEER Quantocks, The. (W. Greswell) National, 12: 807. – Wordsworth and. (W. Greswell) National, 14: 67. Quarantine. Chamb. J. 66; 731. * * * — Doing : An Old Ship's Log. Chamb. J. 65: 172, Quarantine Laws, State, and the Federal Constitution. (W. H. Cowles) Am. Law. R. 25: 45. Quarantine Systems. Science, Io: 315. Quaritch Collection. Critic, I6: 71. Quarrels, On. (E. H. Fowler) Tinsley, 46: 545. Quarrying, Have we Neglected ? (W. L. Saunders) Engin. M. I : 87. Quarter Square, Method of. (J. W. L. Glaisher; G. C. Foster) Nature, 40: 573, 593. 41: 9. Quarterly Review and the Roman Catholic Church. Dub. R. Io9 : 107. Quartz, Primary, Origin of, in Basalt. Am. J. Sci. I36: 208. Quartz Fibres. (C. V. Boys) Nature, 40: 247. 605. Quartz-Mill, First in Colorado. West. Hist. I3: 563. Quatemary Era, Review of. I4I : 33. - Quaternions and the “Ausdehnungslehre.” (J. W. Gibbs; P. G. Tait) Nature, 44: 79, 105. Quay, Matthew S., and R. P. Kennedy. Puſ. Opin. 9 : 5 IQ. Que, et, atque, in Inscriptions, in Terence and in Cato. (H. C. Elmer) Am. J. Philol. 8: 292. Quebec, Province of, Geology of, Review of R. W. Ells's 2d Report. (C. D. Walcott) Am. J. Sci. I39: I O I. Quebec, City of. (C. H. Farnham) Harper, 76: 356. — A Day in. Am. Arch. 22: 191. – Glimpse of. (R. Brown) Am. Arch. 25: 56. — Memorable Attack on, Dec. 21, 1775. (C. Porter- field) M. Am. Hist. 21: 318. — Siege of, 1759. M. Am. Hist. 26: 381. — under Early British Rule. (D. A. O’Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 629. — Winters in. (P. Bender) M. Am. Hist. 21: 24. Queen at Home ; a story. Argosy, 43: supp. 36. Queen of Spades. (E. P. Roe) Lippinc. 42; 461. Queen's Colleges in Ireland. (E. Leyle) Month, 59: 5O4. Queen's Drawing-Room, The. Critic, II: I54. Queen's Royal Regiment, 2d. Leis. Hour, 36: 699. Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. (J. J. Bell) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 330. m Queen's Closet Opened. (A. M. Earle) Atlan. 68: 215. Queen's Pardon, The. Chamb. J. 68: 460. Queen Anne Pocket-Book. (A. Pollard) Longm. I3: 280. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 294. — Sequel to. (J. O. Payne) Longm. I3: 595. Queen Christina and De Liar; a poem. (E. Fawcctt) Arena, 2: I. - Queen Mary’s Ghost; a story. (Author of A Zealot in Tulle) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 4: 364, 487. Queen Charlotte Islands, Haidas of, Religion and Fam- ily among. (C. Harrison) Anthrop. J. 21 : 14. Queensland. (A. W. Stirling) Fortn. 50: 72.I., – Aborigines of. (A. H. Keane) Acad. 37: 73. — Sir Henry Blake's Appointment as Governor. G. Baden-Powell) 19th Cent. 24: 891. — Progress and Resources of. (A. J. Stanesby) J. Soc. Arts, 3I: 758. (J. P. Iddings) 42: (H. D. Teetor) M. (W. Upham) Am. J. Sci. (Sir (J. Fraser) M. Am. Hist. 24: 203. Queer Business. (W. E. Norris) Longm. II: 403. Queer Patron; a story. (R. Hayward) Belgra. 68: 418. Queer Story, A. 428. (P. Van Corlaer) Overland, n. s. I5: QUEIROZ Queiroz, Ega de. Dragon's Teeth. (O. Crawfurd) Acad. 36: I5. Quercy, the, Wayfaring in. Bar, 92: 515. Quesnay. Studies on the Origin of the French Econ- omists. (S. Bauer) Q. J. Econ. 5: Ioo. Quest of Mr. Teaby. (S. O. Jewett) Atlan. 65: 83. Question of Will-Power, A.; a story. (A. G. Tassin) Overland, n. s. I2: 304. Questioning, Philosophy of. (Theo. J. Morgan) Educa- tion, 7: 677. Quetzatcoatl, the Mexican Messiah. (D. Daly) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 236. Same art. Am. Antiq. II: 14. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 619. Quianganes of Luzon, The. (F. Blumentritt) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 388. Quick, Robert H. Acad. 39: 345. — Ath. '91, I: 409. — Pedagogic Autobiography of. Educa. R. I : 417. Quick or the Dead. (A. Rives) Lippinc. 4I: 433. Quick Thing, A. (A. N. Homer) Lond. Soc. 56; 54. Quiet and Small. Cornh. 56: 428. Quilliman, E. Irish Mo. I5: 285. Quimby, Phineas P. (G. A. Quimby) New Eng. M. 6 ('88): 267. Quin, Japmes, Life of. Sat. R. 64: 464. Quiñcy, Ill., Public Library Building. Lib. J. I.4: 86. - Quincy, Mass., 250th Anniversary of the Church in. (C. F. Adams; C. P. Cranch) New Eng. M. m. s. I: 263. Quinet, Edgar, Memorials of, by his Widow. Spec. 63: 48. Quinine and its Romance. 4I: 493. Same art. — Cultivation of Cinchona in India. J. Soc. Arts, II: 325. Quin Lough. (E. Lawless) Murray, 4: art. Liv. Age, I79; 331. Quite Cured. Chamb. J. 64; 28. Quite Inexcusable; a story. All the Year, 69: I33. Quite out of the Way. (F. W. Du Cane) Murray, 5: 466. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 439. Quite True. (Mrs. J. H. Riddell) Lond. Soc. 56: 46. Quitman, John A., Adventures of. (A. E. Lee) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 224. - Quivira. (A. F. Bandelier) Nation, 49: 348, 365. Quorum in European Legislatures. (T. Stanton) No. Am. I53: 737. Quotations, Bartlett's, 9th ed. (Ch.) 12: 268. — Inaccuracy of. Atlan. 61: 138. Quoting. (E. E. E. McJimsey) Writer, 3: 8. (E. H. Barker) Temp. (A. W. Tyler) (A. H. Japp.) Gent. M. m. s. Liv. Age, I79: 753. (C. R. Markham) 509. Same (M. B. Anderson) Dial Rababnameh, The. (A. Vámbéry) Ath. '88, I: 16. Rabat and Sallee. (H. C. Browne) Eng. Illust. 7: 396. Rabaut, Jean Paul, called Saint-Etienne, a French Protestant during the Revolution. (E. P. Thomp- son) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 281. Rabbis, Stories from the. (A. S. Isaacs) Atlan. 62: 394. Rabbits, Coursing, on the Plains. (F. Remington) Out- ing, Io: III. — in Australia. (C. G. N. Lockhart) Blackw. I42: 818. Same art. Liv. Age, 176: 179. Rabbit Crusading. Chamb. J. 64: 730. Liv. Age, 175: 637. Rabbit-Shooting in Ireland. (T. S. Blackwell) Outing, I7: 212. Rabalais, François. (P. T. Lafleur) And. R. 15: 215. — Ed. R. 169: 111. — (F. Brierley) Murray, 6: 527. – Temp. Bar, 85: 351. Rabelais, Master Théodrile. Gent. M. m. s. 47: 108. Rabiah's Defence. (T. W. Higginson) Atlan. 68: 298. Same art. 351 RAILROAD Rabies. (L. Pasteur) New R. 1: 505, 619. Same art. Ecl. M. I. I4: 45, 171. — among Deer. Nature, 37: 440. — and its Prevention. (V. Mott) Am. J. Soe. Sci. 22: 63. – (A. Ruffer) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 31. – and Muzzling. (A. Shadwell) National, 15: 219. — Suppression of, in the United Kingdom. (G. Flem- ing) 19th Cent. 27: 497. Rabinowitz, Joseph, Baptism of. (C. M. Mead) N. Eng. 52: 245. Raccoon Hunting. See Coon. . Race and Language. (H. Hale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 340. — Influence of, in History. (G. Le Bon) Pop. Sei, Mo. 35 - 495. — Revolutions of, in England. Meliora, 2: 263. Races, Intermingling of. (J. Reade) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 335. — Persistency of Traits in. (J. C. Ridpath) Meth. R. 49; 329. - Race Influence and Disease. Sci. Mo. 38: 817. Race-Portraits, The Earliest. ture, 39: I28. Race Romance, A. Race Theories and European Politics. Princ. 5: I. Race Courses, English. Outing, 16: Ioa. Rachel, Elisabeth Rachel Félix. “Menu.” (C. Hervey) Theatre, 22: 307. Rachel-Cremieux Correspondence. nard) National, 8: 659. Racing, American. Outing, 16: 412. — at Southern Fairs. (F. Trevelyan) Outing, 12: 492. — in 1890. (G. H. Stutfield) 19th Cent. 27: 921. — in England. Outing, I4: 63. * — Retrospect of the Racing Season. (Sir G. Chetwynd) New R. 3: 528. Radiant Energy and Electrical Energy. bridge) Am. J. Sci. I38: 217. Radiant Heat ; History of a Doctrine. Science, I2: 74. - Radiation, Double; Lindemann on. (G. W. de Tunzel- mann) Nature, 38: 458. — New Instrument for Measurement of. Hutchins) Am. J. Sci. I34: 466. — of Electricity. (O. J. Lodge) Nature, 38: 389, 59c. 39: IO, 319. Radical, The, at Home. Radicalism and Conservatism. Q. 47: 458. — History and. — in One, Two, and Three Dimensions. Unita. R. 28: I2O. Rae, George, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 113. Raffles, Thomas. Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 137. Raft of Ulysses. (E. Warre) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 209. Rafts. Am. Arch. 23: 23. Ragged Schools, Seed-Time and Harvest of. Meliora, 3: 233. Raian, King. (W. M. F. Petrie and others) Acad. v. 33, 34. Raid on Cagger's Cove. Rails, American, and Virginia Mines. borough) Fortn. 55: 570, 780. — Bessemer Steel. (J. C. Bayles) Chaut. 6: 145. Railroad, The, and the Canal. (E. J. James) Am. Econ. Assoc. 5: 281. — Building of a. (T. C. Curtis) Scrib. M. 3: 643. (G. B. Hoffmeister) Pop. (W. M. F. Petrie) Na- (M. Thompson) Cent. Ig: 894. (J. Rhys) N. (Mrs. A. C. Ken- (J. Trow- (S. P. Langley) (C. C. National, 17: 50. (G. P. Smith) Univ. (J. W. Crombie) Westm. I36: 360. (J. V. Blake) (D. Lowry) Am. M. 7: 470. (Duke of Marl- — An Early American. (C. R. Roberts) Am. M. 7: 448. — Every-Day Life on. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 4o: II–447. — Romance of. Sat. R. 67: 123. «» ser 4’ RAILROAD ton) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 393. Railroads, and Fast Travelling. Chamb. J. 66: 257. — and the State. (F. H. Giddings) Chaut. Io: 413. — and their Management. (R. F. Fairlie) J. Soc. Arts, 16: 328. — and Trade-Centers. (A. Morgan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 332. – Are they Public Enemies? (A. Morgan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 577. 31: 145. — Broad and Narrow Gauge. Sat. R. 72: 209. — Building of, in the North-West. Cornh. 57: 273. – Capital of, Changes in the Form of. (T. L. Greene) Q. J. Econ. 4; 449. — Competing, to the Pacific Coast; A Fool's Errand. Overland, n. s. I8: 474. — Consolidation of, A Plea for. No. Am. I53: 272. — Construction of, Reform in. 573. — Economics of. Chamb. J. 65: 300. — Electric. Science, I2: 301. See Electric. – Financial Management of. Arts, 16: 366. 2--" — Government Light, in Ireland. Chamb. J. 68: 655. — Government Ownership of. (E. W. Bemis) Cosmo- pol. 2: 365. —(W. Galt) J. Soc. Arts, 21:591, 645, 662. — (T. L. Greene) Nation, 51: 205. — — in Great Britain. (W. Hawes) J. Soc. Arts, I4: 34, IQ7. — — Should the Nation Own the ? Arena, 4: 152, 273. — — Should the States Own 2 (W. T. Croasdale) En- gin. M. I : 236. — — Why the States should not Own. gin. M. I : 592, 741. — Government Regulation of. 5: 469. — in Africa. (J. B. Fell) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 471. — (J. C. Morell) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 478. — in China. (W. B. Dunlop) Ecl. M. I.12: 516. — in England. Ed. R. 170: 36. — (W. R. Bogle) Tins- ley, 47: 129. — Sat. R. 67: 478. — — Great Northern, North-Eastern and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 3: 433. — — Great Western. 588. — — South-Western. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 3: 802. — — Southern. (W. M. Acworth) New R. I: 596. (C. P. Huntington) (O. Smith) Forum, Io: (R. Brandon) J. Soc. (C. W. Davis) (B. Reece) En- (J. F. Wilson) Forum, (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 3: — — Infancy of. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, I: 621. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 63. — — Problems of. (T. C. Farrer) Econ. J. I : 351. — — Statistics of, Defects of. Statis. Soc. 51: I. — in the East. (A. T. Hadley) Nation, 47: 351. Same art. Sat. R. 66: 196. (Sir J. Danvers) J. -o-º- in Europe, Curious Phases of the Problem. (S. Sterne) Q. J. Econ. I : 453. – in Germany, and Waterways, Relative Advantages of. (M. Todt) J. Statis. Soc. 51: 375. — in Hawaii, Novelty of. (A. Hau) Engin. M. I : 224. — in India. (W. P. Andrew) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 567. — (Sir J. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 263. — — and Trade. (Sir J. Danvers) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 45I. — — Rationale of. (Sir T. C. Hope) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 707. — — State Monopoly of. (J. M. Maclean) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 261. – in Scotland. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 6: 185–802. 352 Railroad, Sliding. Am. Arch. 26: 209. — (Sir D. Gal- !-- under Government Control. RAILROAD Railroads in Scotland, Acworth on. Spec. 64: 411. — in the United States. M. West. Hist. 9: 44–734. Io: 84–703. – (J. H. Kennedy) M. West. Hist. 7: 506, 62o. 8: II-408. II: 82–349. – (E. L. Eames) M. West. Hist. II: 643. I2: 95. — — and their Management. (Duke of Marlborough) Engin. M. I : 315. — — Effect of the Reduced Rates on; on English Agri- culture. (J. S. Jeans) 19th Cent. 28: 392. — — in 1889. Science, I5: 124. — — in Ohio, on Stilts. (C. P. Leland) M. West. Hist. I3: 742. — — Legislation on. (A. T. Hadley) Harper, 75: 141. — — Pike's Peak. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: I55. — — Richmond and Danville System. M. West. Hist. I2; 99. — — Southern Railway and Steamship Association. (H. Hudson) Q. J. Econ. 5: 70. — in Business Relations. (A. T. Hadley) Scrib. M. 4: (T. Johnson) 473. — in History, Glimpses of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 25: 429. g - — Inter-State Commerce Bill, How it will Work, Na- tion, 44: 93. — Legislative Injustice to. (H. Clews) No. Am. I48: 3I9. — Management and Dividends of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 244. – National Control of. (F. Taylor) Forum, 5: 299. — Passenger Traffic of, Development of. (G. W. Jones) J. Soc. Arts, I8; 623. — Political Control of ; is it Confiscation ? (A. Mor- gan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 455. — Recent Works on. (A. T. Hadley) Nation, 53: 87. — Social and Economic Effects of. (C. Barnard) Chaut. 9 : 455. — Speed on. (R. H. Thurston) Forum, Io: 463. — — English, Science, I2: 52. — State Interference with. (A. T. Hadley) Nation, 45: 346. – Street. See Street Railroads. — Supplies for. (B. Norton) Scrib. M. 6: 215. — to India and Turkey. (H. Clarke) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 4I. — Transcontinental. (G. G. Hubbard) Science, Io: I33. (W. M. Acworth) Fo- X rum, II: 79. – Underground. (L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 448. + - — Uniform Laws for. (F. Taylor) Forum, 6: 81. — The West and the. (S. Dillon) No. Am. I52: 443. — Working of. (H. W. Tyler) J. Soc. Arts, 22: 637. Railroad Accidents and their Prevention. Pub. Opin. 2: 273. * . — English, in 1888. Chamb. J. 66: 788. — Responsibility for. (A. T. Hadley) Nation, 45; 430. Railroad Booking Clerks. Chamb. J. 68: 251. Railroad Brakes. (W. P. Marshall) J. Soc. Arts, 35: 4I4, 466. — Continuous. (Capt. Tyler) J. Soc. Arts, 25; 556. — Hydraulic Automatic. (E. D. Barker) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 533. Rºll in England. Ecl. M. Io9: 224. Railroad Building on the Texas Frontier. (G. W. Rafter) Engin. M. 2: 29. Railroad Business under the Interstate Commerce Act. (A. T. Hadley) Q. J. Econ. 3: 170. Railroad Car, Building a. (W. J. Gordon) Leis. Hour, : 473. Riº Cars, Heating, by Steam on Pa. Railroad. (T. N. Ely) J. Frankl. Inst. I30: 367. Railroad Reorganization. RAILROAD Railroad Commissions, State. (F. C. Clark) Am. Econ. Assoc. 6: 477. Railroad Congress at Milan, 1887. Am. Arch. 22: 290. Railroad Construction. (R. Hitchcock) Chaut. 9: 540. Railroad Couplings. (T. A. Brockelbank) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 415. — Automatic. (T. A. Brockelbank) J. Soc. Arts, 27: Ioô. - Railroad Debt, The Great. (A. Hamilton) Forum, 6: I55. Railroad Elections, Bribery in. (I. L. Rice) Forum, 7: Ioé. Railroad Employés in Great Britain, Hours of Labor of. (G. S. Reaney) Contemp. 56: 649. Railroad Engineering, Feats of. (J. Bogart) Scrib. M. 4; 3. Railroad Guards. Chamb. J. 67: 385. Railroad Indemnity Lands. (F. P. Powers) Pol. Sci. Q. 4; 452. Railroad Journey and its Results, A. Chamb. J. 64: 265. Amer. I3: 278. (T. P. Cheney) Railroad Legislation, Problems in. Railroad Mail Service, United States. Bay State Mo. I : 44. Railroad Maladjustments.'. (B. Reece) Pop. Sci. Mo. 35: 367. Railroad Management. (E. P. Alexander) Scrib. M. 5: 27. — from the Passenger's Point of View. Soc. Arts, Io: 60. Railroad Men of America. M. West. Hist. v. 8–Io. Railroad Passenger Fares. (A. T. Hadley) Forum, II: 215. — (G. W. Jones) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 320. — (T. L. Greene) Nation, 51: 46. — English, Can Passenger-Fares be Lowered? (W. M. Acworth) 19th Cent. 30: 406. — in Austria. Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 462. (T. Baker) J. — Reform in. (E. J. James) Q. J. Econ. 5: 165. — Zone System of. (A. Neményi) J. Statis. Soc. 54: 509. — — in Austria. (C. Wessely) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 345. - — — in Hungary. (Jane J. Wetherell) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. I : 103. — Cent. Ig: 31 I. Railroad Passenger Service. (I. S. Emery) Cosmopol. 8: 67. Railroad Passenger Travel. (H. Porter) Scrib. M. 4: 296. Railroad Passes and the Public. (I. T. Brooks) Forum, 3: 392. Railroad Pools, Prohibition of. (A. T. Hadley) Q. J. Econ. 4: 158. — (G. R. Blanchard) Forum, 5: 652. & Railroad Problem, The. Overland, n. s. 18: 217. Railroad Problems. Ed. R. 165: 333. — of the Immediate Future. (A. T. Hadley) Atlan. 67: 386. º Railroad Question. (E. J. James) Am. Econ. Assoc. 2: 236." Railroad Rates. (H. Porter) No. Am. I53: 718.-Spec. 6o: 203. 61: 378. — Contribution to the Theory of. J. Econ. 5: 438. (F. W. Taussig) Q. —English. (C. T. D. Acland) Contemp. 51: 71. — Regulation of. (J. Macdonell) Econ. J. I : 490. Railroad Regulation. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 53: 441. (S. Sterne) Forum, Io: 37. Railroad Routes, Through. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 52: 435. Railroad Safety Appliances. (F. J. Bramwell) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 646, 674. Railroad Securities, Some Federal Decisions Affecting. (R. L. Foster) Am. Law R. 24; 428. — Unstable Value of. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 481. 353 RALEIGH Railroad Securities, Watering of. (E. L. Andrews) Am. Law R. 21: 696. — (T. L. Greene) Pol. Sci. Q. 6; 474. Railroad Service and Industrial Education. (W. T. Bar- nard) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 233. Railroad Share Certificates, American. (Lond.) 48: 591. Railroad Signaling, Evolution of. Frankl. Inst. I29: 36. Railroad Stations, Picturesque Suburban. bert) Engin. M. 2: 336. Railroad-Station Indicators. Chamb. J. 68: 315. Railroad Statistics, American. (A. T. Hadley) Am. Statis. Assoc. I : 24I. Railroad Stocks, American and British. (G. B. Baker) Contemp. 60: 593. Railroad Trains. (W. B. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 13: 54. Railroad Travel, A Decade of. (T. L. Greene) Nation, 52: 374. — Modern Improvements in. (G. Findlay) J. Soc. Arts, 38: 284. - — Safety in. (H. G. Prout) Scrib. M. 6: .327. ' — Up and Down the Line. (W. A.Willis) Gent. M. n.s. Bank. M. (C. H. Koyl) J. (B. L. Gil- 45: 503. Railroad Troubles, Remedies for. (A. T. Hadley) Fo- rum, 5: 429. Railroad Whistle, A. 850. Raimondi Peruvian Collections, The. (A. D. Hodges, jr.), Nation, 52: 261. - Rain, Formation of. (H. A. Hazen) Science, I'7: 8o. — (H. F. Blanford) Nature, 39: 224. Rainband Observations at the Ben Nevis Observatory. Nature, 35: 588. Rainfall and Water-Supply. (J. Birkinbime) J. Frankl. Inst. I23: 277. — at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. I2 : I.O. — Do Forests Influence 2 (H. Gannett) Science, II: 3. — (H. D. Post) Science, II: 5o. — Science, I2: 242. – Eleven-Year Periodical Fluctuation of the Carnatic. (H. F. Blanford) Nature, 36: 227, 267, 293. — in Great Britain. (J. B. Denton) J. Soc. Arts, 6: II.4. – on the Pacific Slope. Science, I4: 457. — on the Plains. (S. O. Henry) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 535. — — Is it Increasing? (H. Gannett) Science, II: 99. – (F. H. Snow) Science, II: 158. — (G. E. Curtis) Science, II: 194. — (A. W. Greely) Science, II: 24O. Rain Gauge, Self-Recording. (C. F. Marvin) Science, II: 97. Rain-Makers and Science. (A. H. Japp.) Good Words, 29: (G. E. Curtis) Science, (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 53: 253. - Rain-Making. (L. I. Blake) Science, I8: 296. – (E. J. Houston) J. Frankl. Inst. I32: 308. – Nation, 53: 309. — (R. G. Dyrenforth; S. Newcomb) No. Am. I53: 385. — (H. A. Hazen) Science, I8: 122. – (E. Powers) Science, 18: 249. — (E. J. Houston) Am. Arch. 34: 122. — in Texas. (H. F. Blanford; G. E. Curtis) Nature, 44; 473, 594. - Rain Showers, Curious. All the Year, 69: 378. Rains Cave, Derbyshire. (John Ward) Reliquary, 29: I4. Rainy Day, A, a Gray Gown, and a Basket of Plants. (H. M. Johnson) Overland, n.s. I7: 31o. Rainy Lake Region, Geology of. (A. C. Lawson) Am. J. Sci. I33: 473. Rajon, Paul Adolphe. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. Ig: 142. — Ath. '88, I: 770. — Acad. 34: 92. Rajputs of Meywar. (C. E. Biddulph) Asia. R. 8: 368. Raleigh, Sir Walter. (L. I. Guiney) Atlan. 66: 779. RALEIGH Raleigh, Sir Walter, Birthplace of. Chamb. J. 68: 609. Same art. Liv. Age, 191 : 507. — Incidents in Life of. (H. King) M. Am. Hist. 17: 25 I. — Gorre's Life of. (G. F. Magoum) N. Eng. 47: 16. – Poetry and Life of. Quar. 168: 483. – Stebbing's. Sat. R. 72: 733. Ralph Gray's Undertaking; a poem. (W. P. Chipman) Cosmopol. I: 31. Ralston, W. R. S. Acad. 36: 86. — Ath. '89, 2: 193. Ram Surrum Mali. All the Year, 69: 278. Ramabai, Pundita. Argosy, 48: 289. – (E. P. Gould) Cent. I7: 270. – (F. E. Willard) Chaut. 8: 96. – and her Movement. (J. C. Sundberg) Overland, n. s. ; I2: 532. – (E. Holmes) Sunday M. 17: 756. – Home for Hindu Widows. (S. D. Hamlin) Lend a H. 7: 126. – on the Pacific Coast. Lend a H. 4: 145. Ramazan, Night in. Chamb. J. 67: 785. Ramé, Louise dela, Truth about. (E. Fawcett) Lippine. 40: 25I. — A Word about. (M. Corelli) Belgra. 71: 362. Ramie. (J. Juvenet) J. Frankl. Inst. 128: 371. — Cultivation of, in the U. S. Science, 13: 75. Ramming in Naval Duels. (F. R. Brainard) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 245. Rammohun Roy. Sat. R. 66: 20. Ramoch Memories. Chamb. J. 65: 433. Ramokobane: a Story of Matebele Life. Cornh. 56: 603. Rampal, Ruins and Antiquities of. (A. Gupta) Asia. R. 7: II2. Ramsay, Sir Andrew Crombie. Acad. 40: 540. — Ath. ’91, 2: 836. — Nature, 45: 151. Ramsdell, Homer. M. West. Hist. 9: 597. Ramseur, Gen. Stephen Dodson. (W. R. Cox) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 217. Ramsey Co., Minn., Bench and Bar of. (C. E. Flandran) M. West. Hist. 7: 328. 8: 58. - Ranch, The Home. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. I3: 655. — Sheriff's Work on a. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. I4: 39. Ranch Life in the Far West. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. 13: 495. Ranchman's Rifle on Crag and Prairie. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. I4: 200. Rancho Chico. (C. C. Parry) Overland, n. s. II: 561. Rancho del Muerto. (C. King) Outing, 17: 3, 121. Rand, John. (C. W. Wallace) Granite Mo. Io: 1. Randall, Thomas. Church Q. 33: 216. Randolph, Edmund. (M. D. Conway) Lippine. 4o: 429. — Conway's Life and Papers of. (W. P. Stradley) Dial (Ch.) 9: 290. – (J. C. Welling) Nation, 47: 437. — (D. H. Chamberlin) N. Eng. 50: 264. —Spec. 62: 861. — Unpublished Draft of a National Constitution by. (M. D. Conway) Scrib. M. 2: 313. Randolph, John, of Roanoke, and his Slaves. (A. G. Evans) New Eng. M. m. s. 5: 442. Random Roaming. (A. Jessopp) Liv. Age, I88: 537. Rangoon, Capture of Martaban and, 1852. (T. S. Gooch) |Un. Serv. M. '87, 1: 226. Rangoon Jury, On a. Chamb. J. 68: 220. Rank. Spec. 62: 49. — among the Royalties. Spec. 61 : 506. Ranke, Leopold von, and his Method. (J. H.W. Stuck- enberg) And. R. 7: 117. – Library of. Lib. J. I5: 43. Rankeilor's Diamond. (Carroll King) Chamb. J. 68: 603. Ranking, Boyd M. Ath. '88, 2: 773. Ransom, Rastus S., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I2: 626. 354 READERS Ranulf Flambard and his Sons. (T. A. Archer) Eng. Hist. R. 2: Io9. Rape Seed, Coloring Matter from. (A. Johnstone) Na- ture, 39: I5. Raphael. (W. J. Stillman) Cent. 21: 164. - Hours, in Outline, by Miller. Nation, 53: 496. - Life of, Grimm's. Nation, 49: 274. – Müntz's. (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 20: 156. – Petite Saint Famille du Louvre. (W. M. Conway) Acad. 34: IoS. — Recent Criticism on. 343. Rapid Transit in Great Cities. (L. M. Haupt) Cosmo- pol. 12; 175. — J. Frankl. Inst. 125: 1. - Problem in New York. (T. G. Gribble) Engin. M. I : 165, 338. Rappe, Rev. Louis A. Hist. 5: 771. Rapture of Hetty, The. (M. H. Foote) Cent. 21: 198. Rash Step, A ; a story. (E. Streddler) Tinsley, 41: 145– 3I2. Rat, The. 226. Rats. All the Year, 62: 517. – Cornh. 61: 530. – as Pets. (S. L. Clayes) Cosmopol. 3: 255. Rath, Gerhard von. Acad. 33: 311. Rathillet; a story. Blackw. I47: 624. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 650. Ratification, Effect of. (J. P. Richter) 19th Cent. 22: (D. W. Manchester) M. West. Chamb. J. 65: 650. —All the Year, 63: (F. A. Sondley) Am. Law R. 25: 74. – of a Question. (F. R. Mechem) Am. Law R. 24: 580. Rationalism. (S. Crane) Univ. Q. 46: 448. — Mistake of. (C. A. Allen) Unita. R. 32: 193. Rationalist, Religion of a. (M. J. Savage) Forum, 2: 460. Ratisbone. Am. Arch. 29: 5, 113. Rattlesnake Jim. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. 15: I4I. Ravens. (M. G. Watkins) Gent. M. n. s. 41: 479. – in American Indian Mythology. (J. Deans) Am. An- tiq. Io: Io9, 273. — My. Spec. 65: 13. Raven's Nest. (“Nether Lochaber”) GoodWords, 30: Ravenna and its Mosaics. (S. Lawrence) Harper, 75: 4I 5. Rawle, William H., with portrait. (G. W. Biddle) Green Bag, I: 229. Rawson, George. (W. G. Horder) Sunday M. 17:585. Ray, Ossian, with portrait. Granite Mo. II: 1. Rayet, Olivier. (E. Robinson) Nation, 48: 18. Rayleigh, Baron, Scientific Work of. Nature, 43: 83. Raymond, George Lansing: a Poet of American Life. (G. E. Montgomery) Am. M. 8: 708. Raymund, Viscount of Perelloses. (S.O. Grady) Month, 65: 76. Reaction of a Liquid Jet. (J. B. Webb) J. Frankl. Inst. I25 : 31. Read, Thomas Buchanan. (R. H. Stoddard) Lippine. 47: 231. - – “Sheridan’s Ride,” Origin of. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. II: 565. Reade, Charles, Anecdotes of. (E. H. House) Atlan. 60: 525. — Memoir of, by C. L. and Compton Reade. Spec. 6o: 832. — (C. Reade) Spec. 60: 894. — Ath. '87, I: 503. ... ." — (J. Kirkland) Dial (Ch.) 8: 36.-Sat. R. 63: 659. — Blackw. I42: 99. – Personal Characteristics of. (E. H. House) Atlan. 6o: I45. Readers and Students, Helps to. (W. E. Foster) Na- tion, 53: I64. $ READERS Readers and Writers. (V. Paget) New R. 5: 528. — for Magazine Publishers. (E. Greenleaf) Writer, 3: 97. — Some Points for. (T. W. Tapper) Author, I: 129. Reading Abbey, Cartulary of, Lord Fingall's. (S. Bar- field) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 113. Reading Strike, Investigating the. (H. White) Nation, 46: Io9. Reading. Critic, I5: 303. — and Writing, Economizing Time in. Atlan. 59: 423. — Balfour on. Critic, 13: 263. – Effect of Practice on. Science, I2: 112. – Elementary, Objective Method of Teaching. Hughes) Educa. R. 2: 162. — for Boys. Ed. R. 165: 40. — — and for Girls. Lend a H. 4: 649. — for Children. (E. Salmon) 19th Cent. 22: 563. — — Course of, for Poughkeepsie Public Schools. C. Sickley) Lib. J. I2: 372. – for Honors. (M. Hunt) Belgra. 61 : 481. – Home. (J. Britten) Month, 68: 97. — How to Teach. (H. E. Shepherd) Education, 7:539. — in Common Schools. (M. E. Burt) Atlan. 67: 531. — in Schools; American Classics. (H. E. Scudder) At- lan. 60: 85. — — The Novel and the Common School. (C. D. War- ner) Atlan. 65: 721. — of Country People. Atlan. 68: 713. — of the English People. (W. M. Gattie) Fortn. 52: 307. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: IoS. — Religious, Symposium on. Our Day, 4: 497. — Responsibility of. (Rev. R. F. Horton) GoodWords, 32: 28. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 506. — Rest and Work of. (J. M. Buckley) Chaut. 8: 297. — Summer. (O. B. Bunce) Critic, I3: I. (J. L. (J. — Sunday School. (M. H. Brooks) Lend a H. 5: 330. – Teaching, to Children. (M. E. Burt) New Eng. M. n. S. I : 426. — What my Pupils Read. (M. B. C. True) Educa. Io: 42. Reading Book, What is a ? (C. B. Le Row) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 546. Reading Circles, Home. (M. C. Tabor) Sunday M. I8: 234. Reading Clubs. Reading Habit, Cultivation of. (Syr.) 3; I49. Reading Union, London. Lend a H. 4: 496. (R. S. Keyes) Acad. (J. C. Collins) Contemp. 58: I93. Real and Ideal. (F. P. Stearns) Unita. R. 33: 65. Real Estate in England, Insecurity of. Spec. 64: 45. Real Estate Brokers’ Commissions, Law of. (E. Z. Mil- ler, jr.) Am. Law R. 21: 705. Real Estate Exchange, New York. (R. Wheatley) Har- per, 77: 928. Realism. Atlan. 6o: 672. — Agnostic. (W. L. Sheldon) J. Spec. Philos. 20: 270. – and the Art of Fiction. (A. Bates) Scrib. M. 2: 241. — and Decadence in French Fiction. Quar. 171: 57. – and Idealism. (J. A. Symonds) Fortn. 48: 418. Same º: Liv. Age, I75: 109. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 578. — — R. L. Stevenson on. Critic, 18: 129. – and Reality. (W. A. Leahy) Harv. Mo. 5: 24. – and Romance. (A. Lang) Contemp. 52: 683. Same art. Liv. Age, 175: 618. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 259. - - and Romanticism in Literature. (G. Pellew) Forum, 5: 564. — Ethics of. (N. Hapgood) Harv. Mo. 8: 102. – in Art and Literature, Protest against. (O. Wilde) 19th Cent. 25: 35. — in English Fiction. Quar. I73: 468. 355 "Rearhs' Station, Battle at. "|Recollections of an Octogenarian Civil Servant. RECORD Realism in Fiction. (F. C. Baylor) Lippine, 48: 94. — — Limits of. (E. Gosse) Forum, 9: 391. — Physical. Church Q. 30: 94. — — Case's. Sat. R. 67: 47. – The Reaction from. (J. C. Adams) Univ. Q. 46: II 7. — Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 2I: 191. – (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 21: 321. – (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 21: 481. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 789. – Transfigured, Theory of. (L. Hall) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 237. Realists in Prose Fiction. n. S. I3: 5 Io. Reality and Realism. (A. W. Rollins) Critic, II: 123. — and Romance. Spec, 61 : 569. – and Thought. (F. H. Bradley) Mind, 13: 370. — Physical. (G. F. Stout) Mind, 15: 22. – What is ? (F. H. Johnson) And. R. II: 225, 449. I2: 73–453. I5: 280. (W. Larremore) Overland, (C. M. Stedman) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: II.3. Reason, Age of. (H. G. Keene) National, I4: 109. — and Language. (St. G. Mivart ; F. Max Müller) Nature, 37: 364–462. — and Religion. (Father S. Bowden) Fortn. 54: 570. — (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 54: 753. – Evolutionist Philosophy of. (T. B. Saunders) Scot. R. 9: 356. – Is Man the Only Reasoner 2 (J. Sully) 19th Cent. 30: 735. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 814. — Origin of. (S. F. Smith) Month, 69: I. — Sat. R. 70; 349. — Usé of, in Revelation. (P. J. Gloag) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 262. Reasoning Faculty, Training of. ence, 9: 63, 164. Rebecca and her Daughters; a story. (J. Mason) Leis. Hour, 4o: 707. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: I.21. Récamier, Madame. Temp. Bar, 87: 255. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 664. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 375. Receipts. “Arcana-Fairfaxiana Manuscripta.” Gent. M. n. s. 46: 432. (H. C. Bowen) Sci- Receivers in Mortgage Foreclosures. (J. A. Kerr) Am. Law R. 23: 56. — Suing, in Foreign Courts. (E. McQuillen) Am. Law R. 21 : 551. Receiverships, Dangers of. (H. W. Bartol) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 236. - Recessive Accent in Greek. (M. Bloomfield) Am. J. Philol. 9: I. Rechabites, Original. (E. M. Bowden) Theo. Mo. 6; I66. Reciprocity, American. Sat. R. 71: 495. — and Canada. (W. H. Hurlbert) No. Am. I53: 468. — Commercial? (J. G. Blaine) Amer. 20: 416. — Why Southward only 2 (R. Q. Mills) Forum, II: 268. — with Spanish America. Pub. Opin. 9: 263-567. Recitation, The. (W. B. Ferguson) Educa. 9; 220. — The Art of. (C. Harrison) Murray, 6: 48, 217. Recognition, A. (A. French) Scrib. M. Io: 612. (H W. Chisholm) Temp. Bar, 9.1 : 33-588. Reconciliation, The Day of. (G. W. Buckley) Unita. R. 63: 418. Reconstruction. — Constitution of the U. S. in. Sci. Q. 2: 558. — in Mississippi; Horace Greeley’s Practical Advice. (J. Tarbell) M. Am. Hist. 18; 423. Record of Virtue, The. (A. G. Spencer) Cent. Ig: 238. (J. H. Patton) M. Am. Hist. 20: 2O4. (W. A. Dunning) Pol. RECORDS Records, Public, in England. (Justin Winsor) Nation, 52: 176. — — Indexes to. Ath. '88, I: I 12. — — Provincial, Custody of. (W. P. W. Phillmore) Reliquary, 29: I69. 3. — — Should be Stored in the Cathedrals. (A. Jessopp.) 19th Cent. 25: 84. Record Searching, Rye's. Ath. '88, 2: 185. Recreation and Seclusion. Spec. 61 : 717. — for the People. (E. Priestley) Cath. World, 47: 5 Io. Recreative Evening Schools. Words, 29: 847. Recruits and Recruiting. (Phila.) 2: 25. — Last Year's. Un. Serv. M. '88, 2: 3. Recruiting, Military Enthusiasm and. (J. A. S. Thom- son) Westm. I36: 624. (Mrs. Thorpe) Good (C. B. Hall) Un. Serv. Rector's Resource ; a story. (A. Berlyn) Belgra. 75: 160. Red Book of the Exchequer. (W. D. Selby) Ath. '88, 2: 627. Red Cross, The. (H. H. S. Thompson) Atlan. 6o: 646. — (C. Barnard) Chaut. 9: 143. - Red Flower of the Madman; a story. Cosmopol. 3; 3. Red Hill Farm School, Eng. (M. Garshine) (M. M. G. Dama) Lend a H. 6: 222. Red Jacket. (F. N. Thorpe) Chaut. II: 694. Red Lion Inn, Bucks Co., Pa. (W. J. Buck) Pennsyl. M. I2: 359. Red Mountain Mines. (L. Vanderpoole) Lippinc. 4o: 329. Red River Gully; a tale. Argosy, 48: 172. Red Roses. (Mrs. A. Fraser) Lond. Soc. 55: 608. Red Sister, A.; a story. (C. L. Pirkis) All the Year, 66: 337-601. 67: 1–299. Red Spider. (S. B. Gould) Temp. Bar, 79: I 31–582. 8o: I 12–529. Red-Tape. Chamb. J. 66: 433. Red Towers; a novel. (E. C. Price) All the Year, v. 60–63. Redemption after Death. (C. A. Briggs) M. Chr. Lit. I: IOS. — and Ruin of the World. (D. Lipscombe) Chris. Q. 7: 161. - — Mystery of. Meth. R. 47: 851. Redgrave, Richard. Ath. '91, 2: 133. – Sat. R. 71 : 724. — (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 40: 99. Redmond, Mary. (R. Mulholland) Irish Mo. I'7: 416. Redstart, The. (O. T. Miller) Atlan. 62: 353. Redwoods of Lagoon Creek, Day in the. (L. L. White) Overland, n. s. I8: 257. Reed, Gen. Charles M. (J. Sill) M. West. Hist. 5: 4oo. – (J. C. McConnel) Nature, 35: 344. Reed, Henry, Prof. (G. G. Hart) M. West. Hist. Io: 16. - Reed, Thomas B., with portrait. (W. H. Brownson) New Eng. M. n. s. 2: 188. z Reed Entertainment. (R. C. Grain) Murray, 3: 373. Reefs, Long-Lost. (W. J. L. Wharton) Nature, 35: 347. Rees, James H. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. 12: 654. - Reeves, J. Sims. Autobiography. Sat. R. 68: 200. Referendum, The. Spec. 63: 425. – The American. (E. P. Oberholtzer) Ann. Am. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 324. — Early History of. (W. A. B. Coolidge) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 674. – in Switzerland, The. 29. – (A. V. Dicey) Contemp. 57: 489. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 515. 356 (J. W. Sullivan) Chaut. 13: REFRACTION Referendum, Limits of. Spec. 67: 556. Reflection and Refraction, New Lecture Apparatus for Determination of. (W. L. Stevens) Am. J. Sci. I35 : 332. Reflex Action, Sketch of History of. Am. J. Psychol. 3: 71, 149, 343. Reform, Do the People wish? (A. B. Hart) Forum, 9 : 47. — How and Where to Begin. Eng. 52: Ioy. — Obstacles Inseparable from. Day, 3: 236. — Problem of. (C. F. Hodge) (G. H. Hubbard) N. (S. L. B. Speare) Our (A. H. Bradford) And. R. 7: 147. – Progress of. (E. P. Clark) Nation, 44; 422. — Social. Irish Mo. I 8: 92. — True Law of Progress of. (J. Parton) Forum, 6: 54. — True. (W. Day) Fortn. 51: 819. Reforms that Do Not Reform. (E. Atkinson) Forum, 6: 6oo. Reform Movements, Regeneration as a Force in. (C. M. Morse) Meth. R. 51: 923. Reform Party in England, Centenary of. (H. Dunck- ley) Contemp. 55: 52. Reformation, The, and the Renaissance. (P. Schaff) Ref. Q. 38: 450. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 96. – Continental, and Episcopacy. Church R. 59: 203. — Counter-, and the Universities. mil. 63: 95. — — Beginning of. (J. Morris) Dub. R. Ioff; I I I. — — Gladstone on. (S. F. Smith) Month, 67: 457. — — Worsley’s. Sat. R. 7I: 719. — in Switzerland. (P. Schaff) Ref. Q. 36: 301. — in Turkey by “Kabiz.” (H. O. Dwight) N. Eng. 53: 212. – Myths and Legends of. Cath. Q. I4: 193. — The New. (L. Abbott) Cent. I5: 71. – (E. B. Powell) Unita. R. 33: 289. – (C. Voysey; W. Clifford) Fortn. 47: 124. — (W. H. Fremantle) Fortn. 47: 442. – Reply. (J. W. Burgon) Fortn. 47: 587.-Dean Burgon and Mr. Fremantle. (W. Benham) Fortn. 47: 743. — Outline Notes on. (I. M. Gardner) Educa. 9: 35, Io9. — Papacy during, Creighton's History of. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 8: 35. Reformatory, Educational Aspects of a. (J. B. Daish) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 140. — Massachusetts, Life in. (R. A. Woods) And. R. I.3: 3I. Reformatory Prisons, Increase of Crime by. (W. P. Andrews) Forum, I2: 228. Reformatory or Punitive Prison Management 2 (E. C. Foster) Forum, I2: 496. Reformatory Schools. Meliora, I: 79. — and Industrial Schools. (J. C. Buckmaster) J. Soc. Arts, 2: 306–64I. — — in Great Britain. (Lord Norton) 19th Cent. 21: II.O. Reformed Burglar, The. Chamb. J. 67; 252. Reformed Church in America, General Synod of, 1891. (T. W. Chambers) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 661. - — Reasons for Belonging to. (C. Clever) Ref. Q. 38: 223. + — A Retrospect, 1791–1891. (J. B. Linn) Ref. Q. 38: 467. - Reformed Churches, Federal Union of. (J. I. Good and others) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 282. Refraction, Double, Law of. (J. W. Gibbs) Am. J. Sci. I35: 467. (J. H. Hopkins) (Dr. Ward) Mac- (C. G. Herbermann) Am. (W. F. REFFACTION Refraction, Law of, in Iceland Spar. (C. S. Hastings) Am. J. Sci. I35: 60. Refrigerating and Ice-Making. (J. Hopkinson) J. Soc. Arts, 31 : 19. Refrigeration, Summer. (F. L. Oswald) No. Am. I45: 261. Refugium Peccatorum. (E. Nesbit) Longm. II : 3II. Refuse and Dust Fuel, Utilization of. lan) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 527. — Household. Science, 17: 300. Regeneration. (J. M. Williams) Bib. Sac. 45: 612. – Chris. Q. 6: 614. — (T. W. Brents) Chris. Q. 8: 449. — (J. Douglas) Meth. R. 51: 752. — (C. S. Ger- hard) Ref. Q. 38: 76. — Doctrine of. (E. Leavitt) Univ. Q. 45: 278. — Fourfold. (A. R. Fausset) Theo. Mo. 4: 322. art. M. Chr. Lit. 3: 186. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum. Dub. R. IO4; 465. Reggie's Resolve. (S. M. S. Clarke) Sunday M. 16: 52–2O5. Regimental Dépôts and Headquarters of Militia Bat- talions. (C. A. Barker) Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 44O. t & — and Recruits. Un. Serv. M. '88, I : 228, 307. Regimental Pets. (J. P. Groves) Art J. 43; 20I. Regimental System, Decay of the. Un. Serv. M. 4 ('89–90): 72. Registration of Firms. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 617. Regnier, P. Souvenirs. Sat. R. 63: 665. Rehan, Ada. (W. D. Adams) Theatre, 26: I73. — as Rosalind. (C. Howard) Theatre, 25: 90. — in Taming of the Shrew. (F. A. Marshall; P. Fitz- gerald) Theatre, 2I: Io, 37. Rehearsal and Performance; a story. All the Year, 61: 583. Reichenbach, Heinrich Gustav. Nature, 4o: 83. —Sat. R. 67: 702. Reichstag, Composition of the New. (G. H. Harrower) Nation, 44; 342. Reid, George William. Ath, '87, 2: 573. – Acad. 32: (W. G. McMil- Same 325. Reid, William Sheill, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 283. Reign of Reason, The. 349. Reigns, Jubilee, in England. (Arthur Burney) Na- tional, 8: 605. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 430. Reindeer. (Mrs. S. L. Clayes) Cosmopol. 3: 423. Reindeer Age in France. (W. Seton) Cath. World, 54: 265. Reindeer Hunt in Iceland. (W. L. Howard) Outing, Io: 466. Reiving in London. Spec. 60: 383. Rejected MSS. (J. Benton) Author, 3: 20. — (W. J. Fowler) Writer, I: 151. – (E. B. Cheesborough) Writer, 2: 215. tº Related by an Unavailable. (W. Roseboro') Cent. I8 : (A. F. Muir) Lippinc. 44: 377. Relation the Ultimate Truth. (M. Parmele) Forum, 3: 483. Relativity of Knowledge, and the Scholastic Philoso- phy. (H. Browne) Month, 64: 67. Reliable. (F. Hall) Nation, 48: 96. Relics. All the Year, 69: 246. – Literary. Chamb. J. 64: 695. ja — Rhodian, in Russia. (C. Torr) Ath. '89, 2: 641. Relie-Keeping. Spec. 6o: 1308. Relief, Metrological, at Oxford. Hel. Stud. 4: 335. – Sepulchral, from Tarentum. (P. Gardner) J. Hel. Stud. 5: 105. * (A. L. Dudevant) No. Am. I44: Ioff. (A. Michaelis) J. Religion. 357 RELIGION (F. W. Farrar) Good Words, 32: 454, 542. – and Ethics. (C. H. Toy) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 727. — — Potter on the Relation of. (W. Higgs) And. R. II : 437. — and the Messiah. Am. Cath. Q. 13: 706. — and Personal Insight. (N. Gribble) New R. 4: Religion and Art. 355. – and Philosophy. (G. B. Stevens) N. Eng. 484.421. – (E. Naville) Theo. Mo. 6: 59–247. – and Science, Conflict between. (A. Cave) And. R. I4 - 44 I. — — Controversies of, Proper Attitude toward. (W. Ward) 19th Cent. 27: 942. Same art. Eel. M. II4: 181. – Ansairee. Cornh. 63: 65. — Authority in. (R. W. Dale) Contemp. 58: 389. — — Martineau's. (S. D. F. Salmond) Presb. & Ref. R. 2: 528. – Lond. Q. 75: I. —(J. R. Gregory) Theo. Mo. 4: 289. – Babylonian, Sayce on. Lond. Q. 70: 327. – Can a Nation have a 2 (L. Abbott) Cent. 19: 275. — Comparative. (F. F. Ellinwood) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 350. – Definitions of, Why so Many? (F. N. Riale) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 348. – Elements of. (J. H. Muirhead) Int. J. Ethics, I: I69. — Ethic, Some Characteristics of. Ref. Q. 36: 358. — Ethical and Emotional in. (J. M. Williams) Bib. Sac. 48: 456. - — Evolution of. (D. J. Hill) Luth. Q. I6: 42. — for the Masses, A. - (T. Thompson) Unita. R. 31: (E. W. Gerhart) 535. — Fundamental Elements of. Church R. 58: 137. — Future of. (E. De Laveleye) Contemp. 54: I. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 289. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 349. — Growth of. (E. L. Shaffer) Univ. Q. 46: 69. – F. Harrison on. Spec. 61: 1549. – Has its Course been a Progression or a Degenera- tion? (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 27: 60. – Humanization of. (M. D. Conway) Unita. R. 32: I38. — Illusion in. — in the Court of Reason. 32: 385. — in the Far East. – in the Light of Modern Science. Unita. R. 32: 315. – In Search of a. (W. S. Lilly) 19th Cent. 26: 476. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 623. – Martineau's Study of. Ed. R. 168: 63. —Church Q. 27: 23. — (R. Flint) Mind, I3: 590. – Nation, 46: 2O4. —Spec. 61: 304. — (C. C. Everett) Unita. R. 29: 485. —Spec. 61: 204, 234, 267. – Ath. '88, I: Ioff. — Modern, A Study of. • 7II. 5o: 72, 187. – Myth, Ritual and. (A. Lang) Lond. Q. 69: 368. — Natural. Church Q. 30: 297. — — A Catholic on ; Review of Dr. Hettinger's Evi- dences of Christianity. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 54: 355. – Reason and Religion; Reply. (Father S. Bowden) Fortn. 54: 570. – Reason alone; Re- ply. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 54: 753. Q' (E. A. Abbott) Contemp. 58: 721. (R. W. Black) Unita. R. (P. Lowell) Atlan. 60: 836. (L. G. Janes) (W. Barry) Cath. World, 49: — — Müller on. (J. R. Gregory) Theo. Mo. 3: I45. — — Prophetic of Revelation. (F. P. Noble) Bib. Sac. 48: 52. — New Reformation in. Spec. 62: 294. — of the Future, J. C. Morison on. Spec. 6o: 324. — of Humanity, The. Cong. R. (Lond.) 3: 4. RELIGION Religion, Origin of, Certain Theories of. (J. T. Bixby) Unita. R. 33: 193. — — Ghost Theory of. 273. — Origin and Growth of, Rhys's. Enowl. II: I60, 193. — — Sayce's. Ath. '87, 2: Nation, 46: 451. — Permanent Elements of, Carpenter's. Acad. 37: 259. — Philosophy of. (G. W. F. Hegel) J. Spec. Philos. 20: 301, 407. – (R. M. Wenley) Scot. R. I 8: 53. — Physical, Max Müller's. (A. W. Benn) Acad. 39: 492. — (J. H. Crooker) Dial (Ch.) I2: 45. — Practical. (Grant Allen) Fortn. 52: 776. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 145. — Public Instruction in. (A. R. Marsh) And. R. II: I. — Roots of, in Human Nature. (H. D. Maxson) Unita. R. 3o: 403. — Science of, Modern Conception of. J. Ethics, I: 389. — Scientific, Oliphant’s. Ath. '88, 2: 213. — Spec. 61: 787. — Sat. R. 65: 662. — Scientific Elements of. 552. *. — Secret History of. (W. Lloyd) Westm. I32: 566. — What is it? (J. H. Browne) Arena, I: 477. — Witness of Science to. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 52: 791. 53: 60. — Working Classes and. 33O. Religions, Ancient. (J. S. Stone) Church R. 56: 157. — — Inspiration in. Church Q. I31: 180. — Are All Equally Good P (J. J. Conway) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 764. – How they Grow. Unita. R. 33: 235. – New Attitude of Unitarians towards the World-Re- ligions. (J. H. Allen) Unita. R. 33: 481. — of India. (Sir W. W. Hunter) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 401. — of Mankind. (F. P. Cobbe) Contemp. 58: 839. — Science of, Burnouf's. Spec. 62: 735. Religious Census. (G. S. Reaney) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 849. Religious Congresses in England, 1887. Cong. R. (Lond.) I : IOI.4. Religious Discussion, Freedom of. rum, II: 38. Religious Doctrines, Scientific Origin of. (R. A. Proc- tor) Knowl. II: 217. Religious Education. (C. A. Bartol) Unità, R. 3o: (S. H. Kellogg) Bib. Sac. 44: Ath. '88, 2: 58. — 367. —Spec. 60: 1281. — (J. Owen) (E. Caird) Int. (J. Douglas) Meth. R. 49: (E. Salmon) National, II: (Max Müller) Fo- 3.18. — of Children. (F. Foxcroft) And. R. II: 368. — Science in. (D. G. Thompson) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 351, 5.I. Religious Experience, My. (T. S. Preston) Forum, 4: 2 Religious Freedom in United States Treaties and Pub- lic Law. (D. A. O'Sullivan) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 452. — Threatened Invasion of. (H. Tuttle) Arena, I: 93. Religious Instincts, Our. (J. T. Bixby) Forum, 3: 273. Religious Instruction in Public Schools. (Wm. T. Har- ris) And. R. II: 582. — in State Schools. (J. L. Spalding) Educa. R. 2: Ioš. Religious Liberty in America, Development of. (O. S. Straus) Westm. I28: 38. — in England; Mohammedans of Liverpool. Spec. 67: 722. — in French National Assembly, 1789. (N. Weiss) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 264. Religious Life, Future Development of. (L. Ramsey) Westm. I31 : 545, 650. – in France. (G. H. Pike) Cong. R. (Lond.) 4: 169. 358 — — Civilization of, Burckhardt on. RENT Religious Movement of the 16th Century. (A. M. Fair- bairn) Contemp. 54: 695. Religious Novel, The. (R. T. Davidson) Contemp. 54: 674. Religious Organizations, Legal Status of, in Modern States. (J. W. Burgess) And. R. 8: 1. Religious Statistics. Nation, 44: Io. Religious Studies and Speculations, Some. Overland, n. s. I7: 216-442. Religious Teaching in Schools. (B. J. McQuaid) Forum, 8: 377. Religious Thought, Continuity and Progressiveness of. (A. W. Williamson) Good Words, 30: 266. – in England under Victoria. Cong. R. (Lond.) 1:589. Reliquary, A 5th Century African. (J. Hirst) Antiq. n. s. 22: 260. Remarkable Courage of Abdias Muller; a story. (T. Combe) Cosmopol. 4: 408. Remarkable Pair of Pantaloons; a story. (C. Forsythe) Tinsley, 44; 467. Rembrandt “Ambassadors.” (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 2I : 24.I. — The Dansaert Portrait. (C. Monkhouse) Acad. 38: 95. – Emile Michel's. Am. Arch. 21: 246. — Lesson in Anatomy. (W. Hastie) Contemp. 60: 271. Remedies, Some Odd. All the Year, 64: 513. Remembrance, A. (G. Moore) New R. 5: 136. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: Io9. Reminiscences; Pro Bono Publico. (J. M. Barrie) Fortn. 54; 398. — of an Egoist. New Eng. M. n. s. 4: 241. Remusat, Madame de. Temp. Bar, 8o: 396. Rémusats, The. (A. Laugel) Nation, 44; 205. Remy, Col. Wm. B., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 213. Renaissance and the Jesuits. (W. S. Lilly) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 114. — (P. F. Willert) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 336. — and the Reformation. (P. Schaff) Ref. Q. 38: 450. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 96. — — Outline Notes. (I. M. Gardner) Education, 8: 547. – Imaginative Art of the. (W. Lee) Contemp. 51: 505. Same art. Liv. Age, I73: 487. – in Italy and Roman Catholic Reaction, Symonds on. Church Q. 25: 362. Dial (Ch.) II: I93. A — — Symonds's. (M. B. Anderson) Dial (Ch.) 8: 80. — Sat. R. 63: 34o. — in Portugal. (J. Dernjac) Am. Arch. 32: 144. — Müntz's History of the. (C. Monkhouse) Portfo. 22: 124. — (P. G. Hamerton) Portfo. 21: 57. Renan, Ernest. Quar. I7I: 366. — (W. H. Gleadell) Westm. I36: 387. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 691. — (J. Owen) Acad. 39: 443. – Dramas. Atlan. 63: 558. – Later Works of. (A. Lang) Fortn. 47: 50. art. Ecl. M. Io9: 329. — A º on Religion with. (L. de Lautreppe) Nation, 40: I 52. Renascence Tendencies. (R. H. Quick) Educa. 9: 583. Renfrew, Scotland. Sat. R. 66: 233. - Rennet, Vegetable. (J. R. Green) Nature, 38: 274. Renovation at Quality Corners. (M. E. Brush) Am. M. 7: 362. Rent and the Residual Claimant Theory of Wages. (F. A. Walker) Q. J. Econ. 5; 417. — and Taxes. (F. P. Powers) Lippinc. 39: 486. — Distribution as Determined by a Law of. Clark) Q. J. Econ. 5: 289. — Law of the Three Rents. (J. A. Hobson) Q. J. Econ. 5: 263. Same (J. B. RENT Bent, Theory of. (L. L. Price) Econ. J. I : I.22. Rents, Ground, in Philadelphia. (E. P. Allinson; B. Penrose) Q. J. Econ. 2: 297. See also Ground Rents. Repentance. (E. W. Herndon) Chris. Q. 8: 120. Reporter, Experiences of a. (A. E. Watrous) Lippine. 39: 829. —How to get Work as. (H. Underwood and others) Writer, 5: 239. Reporters; should they express Opinions? (S. S. King- doñ) Writer, 2: 29. — Traditional, Actual, Real. I : I.34. Reporting and Reporters. Meliora, I2: 321. — Ecclesiastical, Needed Reform in. (A. H. Noll) Writer, 4: 146. — Ethics of. (H. R. Shattuck) Writer, 3: 57. — How to Succeed in. (D. J. McGrath) Writer, I: 94. — Longhand. (J. C. Moffatt) Writer, 2: IoI. — Practical and Theoretical. (J. Arthur) Writer, 3: 36. Reprints of English Books, Taxing. Lib. J. I2: 162. Reproach of Annesley. (M. Gray) Murray, 4: I-736. 5: Io'7-530. Reproduction; A Living Mystery. (Grant Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 730. Reproductive Power, the, in Animals, Conditions af- fecting. (J. H. Stoller) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 48. Reptiles, Economic Uses of. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 967, 985. — Giant Land. (R. Lydekker) Knowl. I3: 223, 243. — — of a Past Age. (O. Meyer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 466. Republic, Universal, A. (J. I. Rodriguez) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 3II. Republics, A Congress of All. Eng. M. n.s. 5: II. — Thoughts on. (G. Saintsbury) New R. m. s. 2: 133. Republican Clubs, Permanent. (J. P. Foster and oth- ers) No. Am. I46: 24.I. Republican Control, A Year of. (H. L. Dawes) Forum, 9: 24. Republican Convention, 1888. Pub. Opin. 5: 257. — 1856 and 1860. (R. Errett) M. West. Hist. Io: 257, 360. . Republican Decadence at the Colleges. Nation, 52: 472. Republican Party, Formation of, 1856. West. Hist. 7: 18o. - — Future of. (G. F. Hoar) No. Am. I49: 616. — Pledges and Power of. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: 47. — Prospects of. (J. S. Morrill) Forum, 7: 488. — (J. G. Carlisle) Forum, 7: 585. — Return of, 1888. (J. B. Foraker) Forum, 3: 543. Republican Platform of 1888. Our Day, 2: 21. — (J. C. S. Blackburn) Forum, 6: Io. Republican Promise and Performance. Forum, 9: 243. Republicanism in Spanish America. M. Am. Hist. I7: 402. – Vulgar. Spec. 63: 7II. Reredos of St. Paul's and the Perilof Idolatry. Month, 66: 341. Re-Sale, Scope of the Present Law of. (N. Newman) Am. Law R. 23: 208. Rescue Work. (S. H. Hilliard) Church R. 60: 261. Research, Abstract, Relations of, to Practical Invention. (F. W. Clarke) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39: 540. – Special Processes of. (G. K. Gilbert) Am. J. Sci. I33: 452. Residences, Concentrated, Distribution of Areas for. (E. T. Potter) Am. Arch. 30: 165. — — in Various Countries. (E. T. Potter) Am. Arch. 27: 88, 119. (H. W. Blake) Writer, (E. P. Powell) New (C. Deming) (R. Errett) M. (J. G. Carlisle) (W. L. Scruggs) 359 REVELATION Residences, Concentrated, E. T. Potter's System. Am. Arch. 26: 65. Residual Affinity. (W. Durham) Nature, 36: 30. Residual Glow, The. (W. Crookes) Nature, 35: 425, 447. Residuary Legatee, The. (F. J. Stimson) Scrib. M. I : I43-544. Resins and Gums of Commerce. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 4: 13. Resistance, Megohm, New Form of. (R. W. Davids) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 311. Resolute, Ship. Presentation to the Queen of Eng- land. (F. N. Otis) M. Am. Hist. 18: 97. Respighi, Lorenzo. (W. T. Lynn) Nature, 41; 254. Rest and Exercise. Chamb. J. 68: 81. — and Unrest. All the Year, 65: 569. – How to Obtain. (W. A. Hammond) No. Am. I53: 2I5. — Technique of. (A. C. Brackett) Harper, 83: 46. Rest ! Rest | Perturbed Spirit; a story. All the Year, 64: 179. Restigouche, The, and its Salmon Fishing, Sage on. Nation, 47: 57. Restoration and Separation. quary, 27: 80. — of Life's Work. 2O: 372. Result of a Visit to a Military Post ; a story. (W. H. Powell) Un. Serv. (Phila.) I: 499. Results of a Hunt Week; a story. Argosy, 48: 26. Resurrection. (W. T. B. Treat) Chris. Q. 7: 95. — (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 17:278.— (G.M. Harmon) Univ. Q. 47: 467. — (S. Crane) Univ. Q. 48: 316. — and Final Judgment. (E. B. Fairfield) Bib. Sac. 48: 74. - — from the Dead. (W. J. N. Mant) Reli- (W. Boyd Carpenter) Sunday M. (A. W. Gould) Unita. R. 36: 366. — in the Pentateuch. (H. Osgood) Bapt. R. Io: 425. — Modern Science and. (J. Cook) Our Day, 8: 269. — of the Body. (R. G. Balfour) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 298. — (L. A. Fox) Luth. Q. 2I: 17. – (B. Howley) Meth. R. 49: 265. — Paul's Doctrine of. (C. Mascot) Unita. R. 27: II8. Resurrection of Siddhartã; a story. (A. Glardon) Cos- mopol. 3: 358. Resuscitation by Oxygen. (H. Elsdale) 19th Cent. 29: 7I9. - Retained for the Defence. (E. Dering) Tinsley, 41: 852, 952. .* Reticence. Spec. 6o: II45. — Decay of. Spec. 61: 1461. Retreat of Highlanders in 1745. (R. S. Ferguson) Reli- quary, 28: 17I, I93. - - Return of a Private; a story. (H. Garland) Arena, 3: 97. Return of the Rejected. (A. French) Lippinc. 48: 593. Returned Empties. (H. S. Lockhart-Ross) Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 313. Retz, Gilles, Baron de; the Original Bluebeard. (L. Frechette) Arena, I: I41. Reuben Tracy's Vacation Trips. (E. P. Gould) Bay State Mo. I : 58. 2: 368. Reuter Celebration at Jena. Nation, 47: 130. Réve. (P. Loti) Fortn. 50: 256. Revelation and Discovery. (W. D. Wilson) Church R. 55: I. — and Science. (G. G. Stokes) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 47. — Divine. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. 38: 498. — Inspiration, and Authority. (A. G. Langley) And. R. I5: 367. — Limits to the Possibility of. (W. D. Wilson) Church R. 50: 526. — Nature and Means of. (W. Rupp.) Ref. Q. 37: 143. REVELATION Revelation, Nature and Method of. Cent. I7: 272-780. — Pagan Theories of. Q. I2: 39. — Psychological Principle in. (J. W. E. Bowen) Meth. R. 51: 727. — Use of Reason in. (P. J. Gloag) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: I. – Vindication of, by Science. 35: 225. — Weir on. (T. Harris) N. Eng. 50: 423. — What is a ? Unita. R. 32: 289. Revelstoke, E. C. Baring, Lord, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 607. Revenge of a Heathen. s. I5: 386. Revenue, Increase of, without Taxation. (W. Gattie) Eng. Illust. 7: 460. — Surplus. (C. F. Randolph) Pol. Sci. Q. 3: 226. Revenue Cutter Service, U. S. (H. D. Smith) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 2: 454, 579. 3: 38–38o. (G. P. Fisher) (A. H. Atteridge) Am. Cath. (S. Z. Beam) Ref. Q. (C. R. Harker) Overland, m. Revenue System, Revolutionizing the. (W. D. Kelley) Forum, 5: 406. Reverberator, The. (H. James) Macmil. 57: 263, 366. 58: 58–161. Reverend, The Title of. All the Year, 64: 509. Reverend Henry Bronson, The. (J. E. Bowen) New Eng. M. m. s. 3: 492. Reviewers and their Ways. 90. Revision. (H. M. Hoke) Writer, 2: 73. Revival of Religion among Youth of France. Allier) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 231. — Cane Ridge Camp Meeting. (I. Smucker) M. West. Hist. II: 134. — Outside View of. (C. C. Everett) Forum, 3: 587. Revolt of “Mother; ” a story. (M. E. Wilkins) Har- per, 8I: 553. Revolution, Right of. (L. Tolstoi) New R. 5: 57. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 348. - — Signs of Impending, (W. Barry) Forum, 7: 165. Revolutions of 1848–9, Maurice's. Spec. 61: 235. Rex Raynor, Artist; a story. (S. K. Hocking) Sun- day M. Ig: I45–605. Reynolds, Geo. Greenwood, with portrait. (G. W. Travers) M. West. Hist. I3: 603. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. (J. E. Hodgson and Fred. A. Eaton) Art J. 41: 161, 238. — Amecdotes of. M. Am. Hist. 19: 530. Rhaetic Plants from Honduras. (J. S. Newbury) Am. J. Sci. I36: 342. Rhampsinitus and the Wise Thief. Cosmopol. Io: 56I. — Story of the Treasury of. 38: 506. Rhea Fiber, Preparation and Uses of. J. Soc. Arts, 23: 522. 32: 66. Rhetoric and English Philology, Cornell Course in. (J. M. Hart) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 181. — History of, Chaignet's. Ath. '89, 2: 248. — Practical Talks on Writing English. (W. Minto) Chaut. I2: 561. I3: 6–273. — Raw Material of. (O. E. Jackson) No. Am. I47: 467. — Uses of. (H. H. Stoddard) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 395. Rhetorical Exercises in High Schools and Academies. Acad. (Syr.) I: 264. Rhigas, Constantine. (H. F. Tozer) Acad. 37: II.3. Rhineland, In. All the Year, 62: 495. Rhinoceros, White. (P. L. Sclater) Nature, 42: 520. Rhinoceroses. Sat. R. 70: 449. Rhode Island and the U. S. Constitution. Hamey) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 272. (A. Lang) Forum, 7: (R. (M. A. Watson) (W. A. Clouston) Acad. (J. F. Watson) (G. L. 360 — Politics in. Rich and Poor. RICHARD Rhode Island, Dorr Rebellion in. Reg. 6: 145. 7; 25. – Emigration from, to Nova Scotia. Narrag. Reg. 7: 89. – in Bryce's American Commonwealth. Nation, 48: 2O4. — Judiciary of. (S. H. Allen) Narrag. Reg. 7: 57. (S. R. Honey) Nation, 44; 114. — Pre-Historic. (J. N. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 6: 97. — Presidential Electors in, 1792–1888. (S. H. Alten) Narrag. Reg. 6: 301. — Supreme Court. (S. O. Edwards) Green Bag, 2: 525. – Veteran Citizens Historical Association Reports. Narrag. Reg. 5: 189. Rhodes, Cecil, Premier of the Cape Colony. (E. Dicey) 19th Cent. 28: 176. – With portrait. R. of Rs. (N. Y.) 3: 348. - Rhodes, Ancient. Sat. R. 63: 200. — in Modern Times, Torr's. Ath. '87, 2: 303. Rhodochrosite from Franklin Furnace, N. J., Analysis of. (P. E. Browning) Am. J. Sci. I40: 375. Rhodomite, Fowlerite Variety of, from Franklin and Stirling, N. J. (L. V. Pirsson) Am. J. Sci. I4o: 484. Rhodope Mountains. (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn. 55: 598. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 680. Rhone, Lower, Desert of. (E. Barker) Leis. Hour, 37: 655, 741. - Rhyme, About. (J. Benton) Lippinc. 43: 901. Rhymes on Pames. Chamb. J. 64: I 17. “Rhythmic Drill” in Religion. Spec. 65: 79. Rhynchocephalian, A New Permian. (G. A. Boulenger) Nature, 39: 562. Riant, Paul, Count. Acad. 35: 93. Ribs, Eight True, in Man. (D. J. Cunningham) Na- ture, 39: 248. Ribbon-Man of Regent Street, The ; a story. Un. Serv. M. 2 ('88–89): 427. Ribchester Parish Church Library. Antiq. m. s. 23: 21. Ricardo and his Critics. Econ. 4: 276. — Malthus and. (S. N. Patten) Am. Econ. Assoc. 4: 33I. y — Rehabilitation of. (W. J. Ashley) Econ. J. I : 474. — Use of Facts by. Q. J. Econ. I : 474. Ricasoli, Baron, Politico-Ecclesiastical Policy of. C. Langdon) Pol. Sci. Q. 5: 487. Riccio, Il. See Neroni, Bartolommeo. Rice, Alexander H., with portrait. (D. B. Hagar) Bay State Mo. I : 65. Rice, Allen Thorndike, with portrait. (W. H. Ride- ing) No. Am. I48: 652*.- Critic, I4; 26o. —(W. E. Gladstone) No. Am. I49: 247. — Tributes to. (W. W. Astor; E. Pierrepont; W. T. Sherman; L. Bryce) No. Am. I49: IIo. Rice and its Culture. (L. W. Robarts) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 827. Rich, Arthur D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M.West. Hist. I3: 233. What makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer? (W. G. Summer) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 289. — Haste to be. (H. Crosby) Forum, 5: 436. — “The Idle,” Gladstone on. Spec. 67: 805. Rich and Free; a story. All the Year, 61: 84–136. Richard III., King of England, a Doubtful Verdict re- viewed in his Favor. (C. R. Markham) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 250. — — Did Henry VII. murder the Princes? Reply to Markham. (J. Gairdner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 444. — Reply to Gairdner. (C. L. Markham). Rejoin- der. (J. Gairdner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 806. (E. Dyer) Narrag. (R. G. Huling) (S. S. Rider) (T. C. Smith) (E. C. K. Gonner) Q. J. (W. RICHARD Richard, Henry. (A. Arnold) Acad. 36:333. —Sat. R. 66: 231. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman. Chamb. J. 64; I- 834. Same art. Liv. Age, 172: 426. I75: 748. Richardson Family of Cleveland, England. Ath. '90, I : I42. Richardson, Henry Hobson. Arch. 24; 253. — and his Works, Mrs. S. Van Rensselaer's. Am. Arch. 24; 10. – (W. P. Longfellow ; T. U. Clark) Nation, 47: 94, I51. – Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 179. Richardson, Samuel. (W. C. Ward) Gent. M. m. s.44: 74. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 459. — Morals and Manners in. (Mrs. A. Lang) National, (A. Waterhouse) Am. I4; 321. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 771. Richelieu, France under. (J. Franklin) Cosmopol. 2: II 7. – Reminiscences of. Westm. I29: 190. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 446. Richfield Springs. Richmond, Dean, with portrait. (M. B. Hedges) Outing, I2: 305. M. West. Hist. 8: 550. Richmond, W. B. Work and Life as an Artist. (A. Higgins) Art J. 43: 194, 236. { Richmond and Kew. (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 43: 298. — A Night Fête at. All the Year, 67: 129, — Old. All the Year, 63: 13. Richmond Palace and its Royal Residents. 7I; 22. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 619. Richmond Park. (J. T. Beighton) Leis. Hour, 36: 447– 615. Richmond, R.I., Town Records, 1747 to 1850. (J. N. Arnold) Narrag. Reg. 5: 74–259. 6: 272, 331. Richmond, Va., during the War, Social Life in. (E. M. Alfriend) Cosmopol. I2: 229.- (E. M. Alfriend) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: 38o. -- — Home Guard, 1861. (T. H. Ellis) So. Hist. Pap. Ig: Lond. Q. 57. - — Old State House at. Am. Arch. 23: 249. Richter, Jean Paul. Leis. Hour, 36: 671. — Sayings of. Leis. Hour, 36: 834. - Riddle, A. G.; A Writer’s Confessions. M.West. Hist. 8: 499. Riddle, Francis A., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 319. Riddles. Cornh. 64: 512. Ride to the Lady; a poem. I74. Ridge, Dr. Isaac M., with portrait. West. Hist. Io: 214. Ridgefield, Conn., Historic Cannon-Balls and Houses. (C. A. H. Bartlett) M. Am. Hist. Ig: 185. Riding and Driving. (M. Thompson) Chaut. 8: 333. — Chat from the Sidesaddle. (C. Borland) Outing, II: 86. — in Japan. (C. D. Chandler) Outing, 18: 218. – in New York. Harper, 75: 489. – in Washington. (F. P. Smith) Cosmopol. 6: 3. Rieger, George Conrad. (H. C. Stuckenberg) Luth. Q. I9: 564. 4 Riel, Louis, Rebellions of. Q. 2: 135. Rienzi, Story of. (H. G. Cone) Atlan. 67: (E. L. Eames) M. (T. D. Rambaut) Pol. Sci. (G. P. Lathrop) Chaut. Io: 528. Riffard, Léon. Contes et Apologues. Spec. 64: 306. Rifle in Colonial Times. (H. Kephart) M. Am. Hist. 24: I79. – New, for the British Army. Un. Serv. M. '88, 1: 243. 4 ('89–90): 521. n. s. 2: 357. Rifles, Magazine, Influence of, on Tactics. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 5: Io9. Rifle Firing, Some Sequences of. (H. R. Brinkerhoff) 361 Un. Serv. (Phila.) 6: 215. RIPPLES Rifle-Shooting; Creedmoor and the National Guard. (W. R. Hamilton) Outing, 15: 445. — Hythe School of. (J. MacGregor) J. Soe. Arts, 9: 474. Rifleman, The Mounted. (Visc. Melgund) Un. Serv. M. In. S. I : 305. Riflemen, British ; Short History of the Green Jacket. (R. Holden) Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 451. Rig-Veda, Cosmology of, Wallis's. Ath. '87, 2: 742. — Translated by H. H. Wilson. Ath. '89, I: 816. Right and Left. Cornh. 59: 551. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 628. Same art. Ecl. M. I.12: 846. — All the Year, 65 : 54. Right and Wrong. (E. Myers) Macmil. 57: 349. —(W. S. Lilly) Liv. Age, 176: 259. — — Origin of. Westm. I33: 345. – What is. (A. K. Cherrill) Theo. Mo. 3: I. Rights, Natural and Political. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: 173. – Reply to Huxley. (J. D. Christie) 19th Cent. 27: 476. — Prof. Huxley's Attacks. (M. Flürscheim) I9th Cent. 27: 639. Right-Handedness, What is 2 (T. Dwight) Scrib. M. 9: 465. Righteous Man, A. (B. Waugh) Sunday M. 18: 422. Righteousness and Worship. (A. E. Palmer) Unita. R. 29: 52 I. — its own Law. (G. Batchelor) Unita. R. 27: 408. — Unitarianism and the Law of. (G. Batchelor) Unita. R. 31 : 289. — Which is of Faith. (J. F. Genung) J. Bib. Lit. 4: 29. Rilo, Monastery of, Visit to. (T. W. Legh) Macmil. 58: I 18. Q Rimini, Baron de. Memoirs. Sat. R. 65: 799. * Rincon, Captain Antonio. (Mme. Darmesteter) Macmil, 60: 371. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 195. Rindge, Samuel B. (F. J. Parker) N. E. Reg. 45: 3. Ring, An Indian. Liv. Age, I89: 785. Ring and the Bird. (C. G. Furley) Chamb. J. 68: 89- I37. Ring of Amasis. (Lord Lytton) Eng. Illust. 7: 58– 622. Ring of Thoth. Cornh. 61: 46. Same art. Ecl. M. II4; 355. Rings. All the Year, 65: I60. — Finger. (H. M. Westropp) Antiq. m. s. I7: 45–248. I8: Io. Ring Money. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 427. Rings and Trusts. (W. Barry) Forum, II: 91. Rio de Janeiro. (A. Montefiore) Liv. Age, I86; 184. Rio Grande, Agriculture along the. (O. E. Cromwell) Overland, n. s. 9: 551. — Military Operations on the. (W. R. Scurry) So. Hist. Pap. 18: 318. * Rio Grande Region, Age of Coal in. (C. A. White) Am. J. Sci. I33: 18. Rio Tinto, Roman Remains at. (J. H. Round) Ath.'89, I : 22. Rio Verde Valley, Ancient Dwellings of. (E. A. Mearns) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 745. Riot, the Right to. Spec. 61: 46. Riots, Famous Theatrical. Chamb. J. 65; 222. — in Boston before the Revolution. (A. P. Peabody) Atlan. 62: 321. — London. All the Year, 60: 52 I. Ripen [Ribe]; an Old Danish Town. (J. A. Riis) Scrib. M. ro: 87. Ripon, Abbey of, Frisian Chronicler’s Account of. (P. H. Ditchfield) Antiq. m. s. 22: 243. — Church of SS. Peter and Wilfrid. Ath. '89, I: 497. Ripples and Paddle Plashes; Canoe Story. (E. P. Johnson) Outing, I9: 48. RISE Rise and Fall of the “Irish Aigle.” Cent. I5: 298. Risk, Enjoyment of. Spec. 67: 186. Risky Revenge, A ; a story. (A. Beresford) Argosy, 52: 67. Ristori, Adelaide. R. 64: 636. Ritchie, Mrs. A. Chapters from Unwritten Memoirs. Macmil. 63: 249, 424. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 295. Ritschl, Albrecht, Theology of. (G. Galloway) Presb. . R. Io: 192. — (C. W. Rishell) Meth. R. 51: 194. Rittenhouse, David, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 835. Ritual, Myth, Religion and. 368. Ritualism as it is. (H. M. Bennett) Month, 64: 321. — The Newest Fashions in. (C. W. Worlledge) Month, 70: 316. — Prosecution of Bp. of Lincoln for. (S. F. Smith) Month, 65: 457. — (J. Morris) Month, 67: 37. — (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 516. See also King, E., Bishop of Lincoln. — Rise of, in the Church. (C. C. Grafton) Church. R. 54: I 72. — What is ? Fortn. 51: 639. (G. H. Jessop) (A. King) Argosy, 47: 285. — Sat. (A. Lang) Lond. Q. 69: Rivals, The. (K. Leigh) Chamb. J. 68: 188–199. Rival Collectors, The. (H. F. Abell) Gent. M. n. s. 39: 52 I. Rival Souls, The. (H. S. Edwards) Cent. I5: 660. Rivalry in Art, Value of. (W. W. Lloyd) Portfo. 19: 2OI. Rivalries of Mr. Toby Gillam. (R. M. Johnston) Har- per, 74: 537. Rivarol. (W. F. Rae) Temp. Bar, 89: 513. Rivers and Valleys. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. 4: I31. — — of Pennsylvania. (W. M. Davis) Nat. Geog. M. I: 183. — Flood Plains of. (W. J. McGee) Forum, II: 221. — of Northern New Jersey. (W. M. Davis) Nat. Geog. M. 2: 81. — Pollution of. (W. Thorp) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 382. — (J. Hogg) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 579. — — and Waste of Manures. J. Soc. Arts, 23: 889. – Purification of, Self-. (Dr. Frankland) Science, I8: I34. River and Harbor Bill, Biography of. (A. B. Hart) M. Am. Hist. I8: 52. River Conservancy. (C. N. Cresswell) J. Soc. Arts, 29: 274. Riverside, At the. 2O. Rives, Amélie. (E. Fawcett) Lippinc. 42: 390. — Criticism of. Critic, I3: 223. – Reply. (G. P. La- throp) Critic, 13: 260. – Critic, 13: 292. — English of. (C. K. Nelson) Writer, 2: 113. — (M. M. Horsfield) Writer, 2: 139. — Novels. Sat. R. 67: 765. — The Quick or the Dead. Sat. R. 66: 570. — — and Virginia of Virginia. (H. Aidé) 19th Cent. 25: 228. – Some Days with. (J. D. Hurrell) Lippinc. 4I: 531. — Witness of the Sun. Cosmopol. 7: Io9. (M. G. Watkins) Longm. I4: Riviera, The. (C. A. Siegfried) Nation, 46: 381. — Madame de Genlis on the. (E. Schuyler) Nation, 46: 524. — Mule-Paths of. Spec. 62: 573. — On the. Blackw. I45: 676. – Peasantry of. Spec. 62: 161. – Tropical Gardening in. Sat. R. 69: 74. Riviere, Briton. (W. Armstrong) Art J. supp. 1891. Rjedkin, Peter G. (B. Alexandrenko) Acad, 39; 345. 362 ROBINS Roach, John. (G. E. Reed) Chaut. 7: 535. Road, Etymology of. (A. L. Mayhew) Acad. 34: 307. – (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 34; 322. — (J. Earle and others) Acad. 34: 338, 355, 373, 389, 405. Roads and Highways, Country. (J. G. Speed) Lippine. 48; 355. – Better, How to secure. (C. R. Dodge) Outing, Io: 478. — Common. (N. S. Shaler) Scrib. M. 6: 473. — — in Europe. (J. G. Speed) Lippinc. 48: 482. — — of Europe and America. (I. B. Potter) Engin. M. I : 612. — Country, Profit of Good. (I. B. Potter) Forum, 12: 376. — Dirt. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 466. — Good, Importance of. (L. M. Haupt) Engin. M. I : 332. – Highways and National Prosperity. (E. P. North) Engin. M. I : 47. – Traction on. J. Soc. Arts, 23: 689. — Wagon, Future of. (W. Claypoole) Engin. M. 2: 75. Road Legislation for the American State. (J. W. Jenks) Am. Econ. Assoc. 4: 145. Road-Making. (J. B. Olcott) Amer. I7: 280, 297. Roadsters. See Horses. Roanoke Island, Raleigh's Settlements on. Weeks) M. Am. Hist. 25: I.27. Roaring in Horses. Sat. R. 67: 96. Robben Island and its Lepers. (G. S. Fort) Eng. Illust. (S. B. 8: 501. Robbers' Cave; a story. (A. Beale) Argosy, 43: 49. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 532. Robbia, Andrea della. Assumption. Am. J. Archaeol. 7: 422. Robbins, Thomas, on the Western Reserve. (B. A. Hinsdale) M. West. Hist. Io: 353. Robert Elsmere's Successor. (J. Parker) Our Day, 3: 28–582. 4: 64–556. Robert-Fleury. See Fleury. Robert-Houdin, Prince of Conjurers. Chamb. J. 65: (A. Marquand) 590. Robert of Bampton. (J. H. Round) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 746. Robert (Manning) of Brunne. Chronicle. Sat. R. 65: 298. Robert of Gloucester. (W. H. Cooke) Ath. '88, I: 6oo. — (W. A. Wright) Ath. '88, I: 630. Robert College. (E. P. Gould) Educa. II: I. Roberts, Humphrey, Collection of Paintings. Stephens) Art J. 40: 121–32 I. Roberts, John, Descendants of. (L. A. Roberts) N. E. Reg. 42: 242. Robertson, Archibald, and his Portraits of the Wash- ingtons. (E. R. Cleveland) Cent. I& 3. Robertson, David. (W. Sinclair) GoodWords, 32: 737. — Sat. R. 7I: 539. Robertson, F. W. (C. Kernahan) And. R. 8: 247. Robertson, James. (E. Kirke) Harper, 76: 420. Robertson, Johnston Forbes, with photograph. Thea- tre, 26: 291. Robertson, Madge. (W. Archer) Longm. 9: 478. Robertson, Thomas William. David Garrick. (W. Calvert) Theatre, 27: 9. — Plays. Spec. 64: 55. — (F. Wedmore) Acad. 37: 15. — Sat. R. 68: 684. Robertson, William B., of Irvine. (W. C. Smith) Good Words, 28: 89. — Brown's Life of. Spec. 62: 896. Robespierre's Love. (E. Knox) Macmil. 57; 297. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 476. Robin, American, and his Congeners. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 74. Robins, London. Sat. R. 66: 580. (F. G. (S. Trotter) ! | ROBINS Robins, Roosts of. (B. Torrey) Atlan. 66: 492. Robin Hood, Who was 2 (W. Wheater) Gent. M. m. s. : 56. Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances, Poetry of. (W. Wat- son) Acad. 39: 179. — Ath. '88, 2: 181. – Spec. 61: 936. Robinson, George D., with portrait. Bay State Mo. 2: 177. Robinson, “Long’” Sir Thomas. Sat. R. 64: 624. Roby’s Christian Charity. (J. T. McKay) Cent. I6: (F. W. Webber) 37. Rochechouart's Memoirs. Nation, 49: 287. Rochester, England. (A. K. H. Boyd) Longm. I2: 613. — Fortress of. All the Year, 62: 37. Rochester, N. Y., the City of Homes. Chaut. I3: 40. Rochford, Ramble in the Hundred of. (S. Newton) Tinsley, 44; 235. Rock, Crystalline, Origin of the Primitive. Michel-Levy) Nature, 38: 525. – Molten, Contraction of. (C. Barus) Am. J. Sci. I42: 498. Rock of Béranger, The ; a story. (T. R. Sullivan) Scrib. M. 6: 42. Rocks and Recent Rock Flexures, Cause of Active Compressive Stress in. (T. M. Reade) Am. J. Sci. I4I : 409. — Chemical Changes in, under Stresses. Nature, 41 : IoI. — Massive, Rosenbusch's New Scheme for Classifica- tion of. (W. S. Bayley) Am. Natural. 22: 207,295. — — Texture of. (G. F. Becker) Am. J. Sci. I33: 50. — Uncharted. Chamb. J. 67: 433. Rock-Flexure, Recent. (F. Cramer) Am. J. Sci. I59: 22O. * Rock-Forming Minerals, Allanite and Epidote as. (W. H. Hobbs) Am. J. Sci. I38: 223. Rock-Pinnacles. (G. S. Boulger) Knowl. I3: 21. (J. Dennis, jr.) (M. A. (J. W. Judd) Rock Transformations, Underground Waters in. (G. A. Daubrée) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 508. Rockbridge Battery, Roll of, Apr. Io, 1865. (C. Wil- son) So. Hist. Pap. I6: 277. Rockingham Castle. Sat. R. 72: 257. Rocky Mountains, Across the Divide on a Buckboard. (A. H. Paterson) Macmil. 56: 445. — Discovery of. (F. Parkman) Atlan. 61: 783. — Educational Progress in. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I2: 370. – A Fall Hunt in. Blackw. I42: 264. – First Union Flag in. (R. O. Old) M. West. Hist. I2: 375. — Pike's Expedition, 1806. Hist. 25: 140. — Robbers of the. — Snow-Shoeing in. Rocky Mountain Protaxis. I40: 181. Rocky Mountain Ramble, A. (M. E. S. Stickney) Overland, m. s. 9: 635. Rocky Mt. Region, Later Physiographical Geology of, Dawson's. Nature, 42: 650. Rocky Mountain Sheep, Capturing. Overland, n. s. I7: 634. Rod's Salvation. (A. E. Trumbull) Atlan. 65: 679, (R. T. Cross) M. Am. (J. C. Lees) Good Words, 29: 468. (E. R. Warren) Outing, 9: 350. (J. D. Dana) Am. J. Sci. (O. Howard) 773. Rodentia, Dentition of. (E. D. Cope) Am. Natural. 22: 3. Rodin, Auguste, Sculptor. (T. H. Bartlett) Am. Arch. 25: 29–283. — (W. C. Brownell) Cent. Ig: 17. — (C. Monkhouse) Portfo. I8: 7. Rodney, Lord, Some Unpublished Letters of. (L. C. Sanders) Un. Serv. M. m. s. 2: 242. 363 ROMAN Rodrigo de Villandrando; A. Successful Highwayman in the Middle Ages. (F. C. Lowell) Atlan. 66: 631. Roe, Edward P. (E. D. Walker) Cosmopol. 5: 399. — (J. Hawthorne) Critic, 13: 43. – (E. Roberts) Critic, I3: 49. - Autobiography of. Lippine. 42: 479. — Barriers Burned Away. (E. P. Roe) Cosmopol. 3: 327. – Poem in Memory of. 5 : 52O. – Some Words about. (W. S. Walsh) Lippine. 42: 497. — Writings of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 248. Roºm F. A., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) : 637. Roe, John J., with portrait. Roeschlaub, Robert S., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 176. Roger de Wendover's Flowers of History; Hewlett's ed. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 3: 353. Rogers Family; Gleanings in England. (H. F. Wa- ters) N. E. Reg. 4I: 158. Rogers, James E. Thorold. (W. J. Ashley) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 381. – (H. de B. Gibbins) Westm. I34: 603. – Acad. 38: 341. — Ath. 'go, 2: 512. Rogers, John, of Purleigh. (W. C. Ford) Nation, 53: 3I4. Rogers, Rev. N. Dedication to John Haines, 1632. (A. M. Haines) N. E. Reg. 42: 254. Rogers, Robert, the Ranger. (J. B. Walker) Bay State Mo. 2: 211. Rogers, Samuel. Church Q. 30: 78. – (J. Dennis) Leis. Hour, 38: 386. — Temp. Bar, 86: 485. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 746. — and his Contemporaries. Lond. Q. 72: 347. — Clayden's Life of. Ath. '87, 2: 855. — Spec. 61 : 790. — Spec. 62: 731. — Ath. '89, I: 56I. —Sat. R. 67: 509. 4 — Early Life of. Sat. R. 64: 795. — Reminiscences of. Quar. IG7: 504. — Table-Talk. Spec. 60: IoS7. Rogers, William. Ath. '88, I : 171. – Cong. R. 2: 364. — Hadden's Reminiscences of. Lit. W. (Bost.) Ig: 358. — Sat. R. 65: 234. Rogue, The. (W. E. Norris) Temp. Bar, v. 82–84. Rogues' Picture-Gallery, A. Chamb. J. 64: 605-636. Rohan, Henry de. Nation, 49: 413. — and the Huguenot Wars. Ed. R. I7I: 389. – Laugel's. Sat. R. 7I: 78. Rokeby. (M. Hunt) Art J. 4I: 325. Roland, Madame M. J., the Queen of the Gironde. (I. M. Tarbell) Chaut. I2: 756. Roland, Song of, and its Critics. Irish Mo. I5: 465. Rolette, Joseph, an Old French Trader, M. West. Hist. I2: 583. Rolfe, Henry P., with portrait. Granite Mo. II: 41. Rolfe, W. J., Portrait of. Lit. W. (Bost.) I 8: 265. Roll of Battle, The ; a Romance of Feudalism. Blackw. I46; 223. , Rolling Contact of Bodies. (N. J. Holcombe) Cosmopol. M. West. Hist. Io: 325. (H. D. Teetor) (H. Shaw) Nature, 36: 92. Rolling-Machine, Simonds's Universal. (G. F. Simonds) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: I, 345. Rollins, Alice Wellington. (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 475. Romans, Ancient, Life of. (J. Donaldson) Chaut. Io: 5, 134, 262. — in South-East Britain. (G. B. Airy) Nature, 135: 562. — Religious Feeling among. (J. B. Greenough) Harv. Mo. 8: 169. Roman Catholic, How I became a. Cath. World, 46; 32. (A. F. Hewit) ROMAN Roman Catholic, Reasons for becoming a. (G. P. La- throp) M. Chr. Lit. 4; 274. Roman Catholics and the Public Schools. (F. S. Cha- tard) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 566. – (G. Hamilton) No. Am. I47: 572. - (L. T. Townsend) Our Day, I : 15, 121. – (J. Cook) Our Day, 3: 257. — And. R. II: 184. — — in Boston. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 94. — (M. E. Blake) Cath. World, 48: 501. — and the School Question. (M. M. Sheedy) Cath. World, 49: 649. — and Technical Education. Dub. R. Io'7: 344. — as Loyal Citizens of the United States. (J. J. Keane) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 509. — Colored, Congress of, at Washington, D. C. (A. J. Faust) Cath. World, 49: 94. — Duty of Protestants to. (C. E. Amaron) Our Day, 5: 369. — Educational Grievances of. World, 49: 246. — in Canada. Are they Priest-Ridden 2 (J. A. J. McKenna) Cath. World, 52: 541. — in England. Quar. I66; 31. — — and County Councils. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. Io9: (M. M. Sheedy) Cath 77. — — and the Social Question. (C. S. Devas) Dub. R. IO8: IIo. — — 1715. Dub. R. IO4: 454. — Sat. R. 67: 230. — in Russia, Persecution of. Month, 67: 153. — in the United States. Ed. R. I7I: 476. – International Scientific Congress of. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 46: 460. — Laws in England against. IO9: I. – Liberty of, in Scientific Matters. Cath. World, 48: 145. — Self-Contradictory Claims of. Day, 5; 41. Roman Catholic American Congress, 1889. Mooney) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 150. Roman Catholic Authority. Dub. R. IO4: 213. Roman Catholic Church, Anathema of the. (E. J. V. Huiginn) Forum, 4: 177. — and the American Republic. Westm. I28: 348. — and Biblical Criticism. (St. G. Mivart) 19th Cent. 22: 31. – Rejoinder. (J. F. Stephen) 19th Cent. 23: II.5. —Sat. R. 64: 760. – and the Classes. (P. F. McSweeny) Cath. World, 47: 470. – and Economics. (J. J. Keane) Q. J. Econ. 6: 25. — and the Governments of To-Day. (H. C. Lea) Fo- rum, 8: 622. — and Historical Science. Cath. Q. I3: 255. – and the Rum Traffic. 81. — and Science. (J. A. Bahn) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 630. – and Scientific Freedom, Mivart on. Sat. R. 64: 760. — and the Social Revolution. Io'7: 278. — and Socialism. (T. S. Preston) Forum, 5: 216. — and Temperance. (W. Elliott) Cath. World, 51: 813. — Conflicts of Morals in, since the 16th Century, Döl- linger and Reusch on. (W. Arthur) Meth. R. 49: 536. — From, to Protestantism. (E. J. W. Huiginn) Fo- rum, 5: IoS. - Historic Basis of. Dub. R. IoI: 28. - How I came to leave. (J. B. Green) Unita. R. 32: 39. - in America and Ireland. Spec. 6o: 104. (W. S. Lilly) Dub. R. (J. Gmeiner) (I. J. Lansing) Our (J. A. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. (M. F. Cusack) Our Day, 6: (W. Barry) Dub. R. 364 ROMAN Roman Catholic Church in England. (A. F. Mar- shall) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 609. — (A. M. Grange) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 364. – (R. Buddensieg) M. Chr. Lit. 5: IIo. — — Leakage of. Month, 59: 176. — — Second Summer. Month, 69: 305. — in France, De Freycinet and. Spec. 67: 836, 874. — in Greenland. (R. H. Clarke) Am. Cath. Q. 15: 249. — in Ireland; Irish Bishops' Outlook. Spec. 67: 4. — in Italy. (L. A. Dutto) Cath. World, 48: 39. — in New Hampshire. (M. P. Thompson) Cath. World, 52: 17I. — in Scotland. Dub. R. IO2: 458. - — in the U. S., Fourth Provincial Council of, Acts of. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 44: 543. — — Pope's Veto in American Politics. Day, 7; I27. – in Utah. Am. Cath. Q. I5: 284. — in the Middle Ages. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 588. — In Port ; Religious Experiences of a Convert. (Mrs. C. R. Corson) Cath. World, 44: 726. – Intellectual Life of. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 263. — Ireland and the. (P. H. Bagenal) Blackw. I43: 853. — Laity of. Cath. World, 47: 12. — Mass and Vespers of. (A. Young) Cath. World, 46: 805. — Persecution of, under Queen Elizabeth. (J. M. Stone) Dub. R. Io9: 311. — Reason or Rome. Unita. R. 63: 480. — Relation of, to Human Progress. (H. A. Brann) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 639. — Rome or Reason 2 (R. G. Ingersoll) No. Am. I47: (J. Cook) Our 394, 503. — Salvation Outside. (J. Gmeiner) Cath. World, 47: I45. — Salvation out of the. (J. P. Ryan) Cath. World, 48: 509. — Secessions to. (J. J. Lias) Theo. Mo. 2: 99. — Tradition in. (M. M. Snell) Am. Cath. Q. 15: 12. Roman Catholic Claims. Church Q. 27: 332. — The Catholic Answer to. Church Q. 28: 500. Roman Catholic Clergy in England, Culture of. (G. B. L. Woodburne) Dub. R. Io9: 352. Roman Catholic Conference of 1889. (J. Britten) Month, 67: 338. — of 1891. (J. Britten) Month, 72: 497. Roman Catholic Congress, First. (P. L. Foy) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 542. – First, of Spain. 31, 218. Roman Catholic Dogma and Scientific Dogmatism. (J. A. Zahn) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 434. Roman Catholic Education, A Century of. (Brother Azarias) Cath. World, 50: 143. Roman Catholic Literature in England. (A. F. Marshall) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 691. Roman Catholic Parochial Schools. (J. Cook) Our Day, 2: II.7. — Text-Books in. 691. Roman Catholic Party in the United States, No Need of a. (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 705. Roman Catholic Philosophy and Scholasticism. (W. Ward) Dub. R. Io9: 255. — in England, and the Pope. Dub. R. Io9: 272. — Manual of. Dub. R. 104: 456. Roman Catholic Priest and the Public. (E. McSweeny) Cath. World, 47: 743. Roman Catholic Priesthood, American, Education of. (J. F. Loughlin) Am. Cath. Q. I5: IoI. (M. P. Villamil) Cath. World, 5o: (J. G. Shea) Am. Cath. Q. 13: ROMAN Roman Catholic Progress, Old and New. (E. B. Brady) Cath. World, 50: 428. & Roman Catholic Reform in Italy. (A. Robertson) Sun- day M. Ig: 266. Roman Catholic Revival. Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 141. Roman Catholic Savants, Congress at Paris. (R. Allier) And. R. I5: 410. Roman Catholic Schools. 46; 603. — in Massachusetts. — Patriotism and. 682. Roman Catholic School Question. Eng. 51: 331. Roman Catholic School System. World, 51: 427. – in Canada. (G. Iles) Educa. Io: 606. Roman Catholic Text-Books, Misleading. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: 152. Roman Catholic Theology in England. (W. H. Kent) Dub. R. Io9: 92. - Roman Catholic University at Washington, D.C. Cath. World, 47: 577. (P. A. Baart) Cath. World, And. R. I2: 658. (H. H. Wyman) Cath. World, 52: (C. C. Starbuck) N. (J. W. Tracy) Cath. — — Faculty of. (C. G. Herbermann) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 7OI. — — Leo XIII. and. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 46: I45 — in Ireland, Endowment of. (F. C. Conybeare) Na- tional, I4: 151. Roman Catholic Universities of France. (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 47: 289. Roman Catholic Worship and Christian Art. Carroll) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 228. Roman Catholic Young Men's Societies. (M. J. Lavelle) Cath. World, 47: 4oo. Roman Catholicism. (M. F. Cusack) Our Day, 4:37. — Spec. 62: 612. — among the Negroes and Indians. 727. – and Human Rights. 387. – and Protestantism. (R. Rothe) M. Chr. Lit. v. 1, 2. – and the Republic. (L. Bouland) Forum, 5: 555. — Blunders and Forgeries Relating to, Bridgett's. Ath. 'go, I : 698. — Graver Aspects of. Church Q. 28: 31. — in America. (T. S. Preston) Am. Cath. Q. 16: 396. — (J. E. C. Bodley) 19th Cent. 26: 801. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 781. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 707. Same art. M. Chr. Lit. I : 134. – in Canada, as a Factor in Polities. (T. F. Fothering- ham) Presb. R. Io: 229. - — A Century of. (J. A. J. McKenna) Cath. World, 50: 229. — — Present Purposes of. 537. – in Modern Denmark. Cath. World, 51: 725. – in England in Modern Times. (J. Morris) Month, 73: 328, 489. - — — the Old and the New. (A. M. Fairbairn) Contemp. 57; 387. Same art. Ecl. M. II4: 546. – in Germany, Militant. Nation, 45: 249. – in Japan. Cath. World, 52: 726. – in New England. (C. E. Amaron) Our Day, 4: 319. - in Scotland. (A. Bellesheim) Church Q. 28: 231. — — Bellesheim’s History of. Spec. 64: 660. - in Spanish America. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: 262. – in Switzerland. (A. Gretillat) Theo. Mo. 4: 301. – in the U. S.; Baltimore Centenary. Dub. R. rob: I35. – (C. de Meaux) Cath. World, 51: 373. – Ed. R. I71; 476. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 451. — — Future of. (W. Elliott) Cath. World, 50: 239. (C. M. Cath. World, 48: (A. Young) Am. Cath. Q. I4: (J. Burton) Our Day, 3: 365 ROMANCE Roman Catholicism in the U. S., National Defense against. (A. C. Coxe) Our Day 4: 308. — — of the Baltimore Congress. (J. Harris) Amer. I9: I49. — — Plans of. Our Day, 3: 571. — Modern, Mivart's Views on. (J. F. Stephen) 19th Cent. 22: 581. – Reply. (St. G. Mivart) 19th Cent. 22: 850. — Reverses and Resources of. 352. — Revival of, in 16th Century. Quar. If,5: 273. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 515. — Survivals of, in Modern Protestantism. (L. H. Shuck) Bapt. R. I3: 720. — to Unitarianism. M. Chr. Lit. 4: 281. – versus Anglicanism. (L. Rivington) Dub. R. Io'7: 243. Roman Advocate. 34I. Roman City in the Cheviots. Chamb. J. 67: 257. — The Old, at Silchester. (B. G. Johns) Sunday M. 20: I66. Roman Coins found in England. (F. Latchmore) Acad. 37: 358. Roman Discoveries in Britain. quary, 27: Io9–232. Roman Empire, Eastern (976–1059), Basil II. to Isaac Romnenos. (J. B. Bury) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 41, 25I. — in 8th Century. Patriciate of Pippin. (E. A. Free- man) Eng. Hist. R. 4: 684. — Provinces of. Scot. R. I2: 293. — Social and Political Life of, in the 4th and 5th Cen- turies. Westm. I35: 49. Roman Inscriptions in Scotland. 18o. — Acad. 40; 20I. Roman Lady, A High-Born. (E. W. Carter) Sunday M. 2O: 623, 704. Roman Law, Muirhead’s Introduction to. (H. J. Roby) Acad. 31: 157. — Public, Mommsen's. Ath. '88, I: 626. — St. Paul and. (W. E. Ball) M. Chr. Lit. 4: 34o. Roman Legions, Movements of, from Augustus to Sev- erus. (E. G. Hardy) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 625. Roman Life; a story. All the Year, 66: 588–604. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 421. Roman Matron and Roman Lady. (E. L. Linton) Fortn. 48: 237. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 589. Roman Morals. (J. Donaldson) Chaut. II: I52, 272. Roman Pavements at Isurium. (A. D. H. Leadman) Reliquary, 30: 91. & Roman Pin Money. Atlan. 64: 571. Roman Provincial Concilia from Augustus to Diocletian. (E. G. Hardy) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 221. Roman Relics at Little Chester. (John Ward) Reli- quary, 29: 65. - Roman Remains at Chester. (W. T. Watkin and others) Acad. 32: 209, 225, 242, 258. — in Britain. (W. T. Watkin) Reliquary, 28: 26. Roman Sculptures at Chester. (E. W. Cox) Antiq. m. s. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4: (C. E. Fenner) Am. Law R. 25: (W. T. Watkin) Reli- (J. Rhys) Acad. 4o: I7: 94, I37. & Roman Wall in England. (H. Goodwin) Murray, 2: 822. — in Scotland, Excavations on. (G. Neilson) Ath. '91, I : 706. — of Chester. (C. R. Smith) Antiq. m. s. I'7: 41. Roman Winter; a story. Belgra. 74; 284. Romance and Realism. (A. Lang) Contemp. 52 : 683. — Domain of. (M. Thompson) Forum, 8: 326. Romance of a Bottle, The. Macmil. 56: 114. Romance of Cairo, A. (C. H. Butcher) Macmil. 65: I43. ROMANCE Romance of Castine, A. (I. G. Eaton) New Eng. M. n.s. 2: 558. Romance of the Cloister, A. (M. B. Edwards) Argosy, 48: II6. Romance of a Cross, The. Un. Serv. M. 4 (89–90): 434. Romance of a Dead Letter. 9: 456. Romance of Dollard. (M. H. Catherwood) Cent. I5: 81–528. Romance of a French Parsonage. Temp. Bar, 79: 557. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 733. Romance of a Government Coast Survey. tle) Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 505. Romance of an Hour. (J. Bowles) Cosmopol. II: 482. Romance of King Philip's War. (F. B.Workman) New Eng. M. 4 ('86): 330, 414. Romance of a Letter. (M. A. Allen) Cosmopol. 1: 223. Romance of Mary MacAdam. (E. A. Arnold) Murray, Io: 687, 869. Romance of Middle Age, A. J. 68: 108–124. Romance of Miles O’Meara. M. m. s. 3: 468. Romance of the Platte. I6: 509. Romance of Posilipo. (F. D. Sherman) Outing, (C. F. Lit- (Ethel Ireland) Chamb. (J. E. Curran) New Eng. (M. Graham) Overland, n. s. (L. W. White) Tinsley, v. 42– 44. Romance of a Public Library; a story. (E. Kersey) Belgra. 68: 35. Romance of the Rose. Romance of a Summer. 68: 423–472. Romance of the Two Cameras. , Cent. I8: II.7. Romance Realisticised. 2OO. '. Romances, Theological. (A. Lang)*($ontemp. 53: 814. Romance-Writers, Difficulty of Modern. Spec. 61 : 88. Romanes, G. J. Mental Evolution in Man. (G. F. Stout) Mind, I4: 261. Romantic Episode in the Life of Miss Charlotte O’Mara. (H. Lynch) Murray, Io: 362. Romantic and Classical in English Literature. (W. D. (H. Caine) Con- (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 34: 153. (Lydia M. Wood) Chamb. J. (E. W. Champney) (H. D. Traill) Contemp. 59: McClintock) Chaut. I4: 187. Romanticism and Idealism in Fiction. temp. 57: 489. Rome. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 47: 401. — (F. C. Ses- sions) M. West. Hist. I3: 646. – Ancient, Battle at the Colline Gate, B. c. 82. R. 67: 312. — — Family in. (E. S. Morgan) National, I3: 539. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 81. — — in 1888, Middleton's. Church Q. 28: 315. — — in the Light of Modern Discoveries. Atlan. 63: 27I. - —— Labor Unions and Strikes in. (G. A. Danziger) Cosmopol. Io: 614. — — Lanciani’s. Church Q. 28: 315. — (W. F. Allen) Dial (Ch.) 9: 238. —Eng. Hist. R. 4: 351. — Ath. '89, I: 511. —Spec. 63: 398. Sat. — — Morals of. (J. Donaldson) Chaut. Io: 647. II: 23. — — Politics which Made and Unmade. (C. K. Adams) Chaut. Io: 1–509. — — Site of Temple of Venus. (H. Hayman) Antiq. n. s. I& 51. — and the Romans. Cornh. 62: 248. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 642. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 24. – Anti-Irish British Diplomacy at. (B. O'Reilly) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 72. – Antiquities, Notes on. 675, 805. (R. Lanciani) Ath. '91, I: 366 RONALD Rome, Archaeological Club at. Io: 386. II: I. — Archaeological Discoveries at. '88, I: 22, 155. — Burial of. (R. Lanciani) Chaut. Io: 32, 125. — Christianity in, during the First Century. Titus) Univ. Q. 44; 205. — the Corso. (W. W. Story) Scrib. M. Io: 399. – Discovery of Early Christian House at. (S. Baring- Gould) Chamb. J. 7: 491. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 240. Same art. Ecl. M. I.15: 490. — Ecce Roma 1 (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 47: 490. (J. A. Harrison) Chaut. (R. Lanciani) Ath. (A. 48: 44. — English Cemetery in. (C. Eaglestone) Tinsley, 47: 45. – Excavations in and near. (R. Lanciani) Ath. '89, 2: 424, 566. — Government of, Mommsen's. (F. T. Richards) Acad. 34; 356. – History of, Background of. Dodge) Atlan. 64: I5o. — — Bury's Later Roman Empire. Ed. R. I7I: 340. —Spec. 64: 567. —Sat. R. 69: 57. — Ath. 'go, I: I74. — — Mommsen's Provinces. (W. E. Wilson) Church R. 49: 415. — Ath. '87, I: 279, 314. — Meth. R. 47: 825. — in 1889; Results of Recent Excavations. (Mrs. Julia M. Ady) 19th Cent. 26: 584. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 323. — (J. Hirst) Antiq. m. s. 21: 215. — in Transformation. Chamb. J. 66: 689. — Italian Occupation of, 1870–91. (W. R. Browne) Month, 73: I72. — Macmillan’s Studies. (Bost.) Ig: 465. — Malaria in. (E. S. Morgan) National, Io: 676. Same art. Liv. Age, I76: 283. – Modern, Vandalism in. Am. Arch. 23; 223. – Modern Spirit in. (C. Edwardes) Macmil. 62: 342. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 81 I. — Monuments of, Preservation of. Am. Arch. 22: 78. – Mozley’s Letters from. (J. W. Chadwick) Nation, 52: 224. – National Museum of Antiquities. — The New. Unita., R. 34: 509. — — Impressions of. (L. Villari) National, Ioff: 472. — Old and New. (W. J. Stillman) Atlan. 68: 23. — Piranesi's Views of. Macmil. 62: 295. — Plebs, The Decrees of. (J. L. Strachan-Davidson) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 462. – Pontifical and Modern, Buildings of. Am. Arch. 29: 183. — Powder Explosion at, Apr. 23, 1891. (Ada M.Trotter). Chamb. J. 68: 369. — Sat. R. 7I: 530. — Provincial Life under the Republic. 427. Same art. Liv. Age, I'79: 643. — Recent Discoveries at. Ed. R. I70: 479. — Recent Discoveries of Works of Art in. ciami) Cent. II: 598. — Recent Excavations at. (R. Lanciani) No. Am. I5o: 8o. — Religion of, during the 3d Century. Westm. I32: (H. W. Preston and L. Sat. R. 66: 445. – Lit. W. Ath. '89, I: 478. (A. Melani) Quar. I67: (R. Lan- 247. — Republic of, Public Lands and Agrarian Laws of. (A. Stephenson) J. H. Univ. Studies, 9: nos. 7, 8. — Studies in. (H. Macmillan) Church Q. 315. — Topography of. (F. M. Nichols) Ath. '88, I: 542. – under the Caesars, Inge's. Spec. 61 : 547. — Underground Christian. (R. Lanciani) Atlan. 68: I4. – Vanishing. (J. M. Ady) Art J. 42: 33. — Villa Madama. (W. Mercer) Ath. '89, 2: 265. Ronald Lester. Macmil. 62: 59. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 599. RONCONI Ronconi, Giorgio. Sat. R. 69: 46. Rondeau, The. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: IIo. Ronge, Johannes, and the English Protestants. Fretwell) Unita. R. 29: 19. Rood, Micah, Tradition of. (P. H. Woodward) N. E. Reg. 42: 389. Rood of Boxley, The. (T. E. Bridgett) Dub. R. Io2: I. Roofs, Mexican. Am. Arch. 22: 232. — Open-Timber, of the Middle Ages. I5, 39, 65. Roof-Water, Removal of, from Buildings. Am. Arch. 26: 98. Rooks and Farmers. (A. Graham) Murray, 6: 827. Same art. Liv. Age, 184: 45. — and their Relatives. Cornh. 59: I 71. — London. Sat. R. 64: 755. Room in Belltops. (T. Hopkins) Leis. Hour, 40: 795. Roots of Words, Byrne on the Origin of. Sat. R. 65: 3OI. Root-Tip, The. (F. L. Sargent) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 31. Rope-Walker, Experiences of a. (J. F. Blondin) Lip- * pinc. 42: 680. Rosa, Carl. Acad. 35: 3I4. — Ath. '89, I: 577. Rosalie Mountain, Idaho Springs. (H. D. Teetor) M. West. Hist. I3: 169. Rosamond; a poem. (B. Wendell) Scrib. M. 7: 783. Rosary, Use of, in India. (W. Tayler) J. Soc. Arts, 2I: 461. Roschen. (E. T. V. Swett) Overland, m. s. I5: I.27. Rose, Hugh James. Quar. I68: 175. Rose, James Anderson. Acad. 38: 324. Rose, Sir John, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: IIo?. Rose, Lily, and Wine in History. cation, 8: 258. Roses. Quar. I65: 358. – Garden, of India. (D. Brandis) Nature, 36: 509. — Legends of. Chamb. J. 66: 438. — Otto of. Chamb. J. 64: 582. — Queen Rose and her Court. (T. Ohl) Am. M. 8: 346. — The Romance of. (S. B. Herrick) Cosmopol. 5: 251. Rose Exhibition in London, Sept., 1890. Sat. R. 70: 47. — in 1891. Sat. R. 72: 45. Rose. (F. Hamilton-Knight) Theatre, 20: 244. (J. Am. Arch. 32: (D. Porter) (F. N. Thorpe) Edu- Rose of a Hundred Leaves. (A. E. Barr) Lippinc. 48: 3. Roses of the Señor ; a story. (J. J. A. Becket) Scrib. M. 4: 749. Rose Lily, The ; a story. (F. Kemble) Temp. Bar, 82: 4I. Rose Tree Hunt Club. (A. Stoddard) Outing, 19: 44. Rose-Weavers, The ; a story. All the Year, 63: 133. Roseberry, Lord, and the London County Council. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 27: 1026. Rosegger, Petri Kettenfeier. (H. Zimmern) National, IO5 : 302. Rosen, George. Ath. '91, 2: 648. Rosetown Extension of the Cortlandt Series. Kemp) Am. J. Sci. I36: 247. Roshuayans. (M. B. Wright) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: 805. Rosicrucians, Waite's History of. Nature, 37: 193. — Sat. R. 64: 567. Rosicrucian Brotherhood. (A. E. Waite) Gent. M. n.s. 39: 598. Same art. Ecl. M. IIo: 227. Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio. (R. Bonghi) Ath. '88, I: 762. – Lockhart's Life of. —Spec. 60: 835. (J. F. (G. A. Simcox) Acad. 31: 269. — Propositions, Roman Condemnations of. Dub. R. IO3: 166. — Works of, Condemned by the Inquisitors-General. (R. Bonghi) Ath. '88, I: 664. 367 | Rotifera and their Distribution. ROUND-ROBIN Ross, Rev. Alex. J. Sat. R. 66: 444. – Pioneer in East London. (I. F. Mayo) Good Words, 30: 598. - Ross, Mrs. Janet, Autobiographical Reminiscences. Murray, 7: 796. 8: 201, 341. —Liv. Age, I8o: I.21. Ross, Joseph P., M. D., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. II: 651. Rossetti, Christina Georgina; poems. (R. L. Gallienne) Acad. 39: 130. — Poems. Lond. Q. 68: 338. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. (J. T. Nettleship) Acad. 36: 363. – (C. J. Wood) And. R. 8: 573. — Ath. '87, 2: 432. – Ath.'go, I : 823.− (H. R. Fox-Bourne) Gent. M. m. s. 38: 596. — and the Moralists. (C. Kernahan) Fortn. 55: 406. — as a Designer and Writer. Sat. R. 69: IIo. — Collected Works of. (E. Dowden) Acad. 31: 85. — Sat. R. 63: 172. — Ath. '87, I: 346. – Louvre Sonnets of. (W. M. Hardinge) Temp. Bar, 9I : 433. 4° — Poetry of. (H. W. Mabie) And. R. II: 378. —(H. Bates) Harv. Mo. 7: 130. Rossetti, W. M., in Prose and Verse. (W. Sharp) Na- tional, 9: III. Same art. Ecl. M. Io&: 702. Rosslyn, Robert, Earl of. Poems. Spec. 64: 144. Rostrevor as a Health Resort. (R. J. Reilly) Irish Mo. I9: 64o. - Rotating Masses of Fluid, Figures of Equilibrium of. (G. H. Darwin) Nature, 36: 358. Rotation in Office. (F. W. Whitridge) Pol. Sci. Q. 4: 279. Rothe, Richard. (C. C. Starbuck) Ref. Q. 34: 257. — and Swedenborg. Ref. Q. 36: I39. Rothenburg-on-the-Tauber. (T. F. Laist)*Am. Arch. 29: 181. Rothenburg Felicity. (P. Heyse) Lippinc, 39: 307. Rothenburg Festival-Play, The. (E. H. Lockwood) Scrib. M. g.: 87. Rothschild Family. Spec. 61: 420. — Wyschnegradski and. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 215. (C. T. Hudson) Na- ture, 39: 437. Rotterdam and Dutch Workers. (R. Heath) Contemp. 57: 569. Same art. Liv. Age, 185: 425. Rouble, A Silver. Chamb. J. 67: 429. Rouen, France. (C. W. Wood) Argosy, 49: 52, I37. — A Climb at. (M. B. Edwards) GoodWords, 28: 752. — The First and Last Homes of the Norman Dukes. (H. D. M. Spence) Good Words, 31 : 48, 93. Rouen Cathédral, Architectural Notes on. (R. A. Cay- ley) Antiq. m. s. I7: 65. Roughs, Street. Spec. 61: 747. Rough Road, A.; a story. All the Year, 69: 61. Roulette. Sat. R. 68: 717. Roumania, Folk-Songs of ; the Bard of the Dimbovitza. (F. Harrison) Fortn. 56: 715. — King and Queen of. Liv. Age, I87: 301. — Peasant Life in. (Carmen Sylva) Forum, 7: 452. – Peasant Revolt in. Nation, 46; 38o. — Queen of. (L. T. Meade) Sunday M. Ig: 838. See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. — A Summer in. (D. King) Cath. World, 46; 504. — Tale of. (J. D. Bourchier) Fortn. 50: 785. Roumanville, Joseph. (A. Symons) Ath. '91, I: 701. — (M. L. Elmendorf) Poet-Lore, 2: 4or, 449. — and the Félibres. (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: 496. — Death of. (F. de Baroncelli) Critic, I8: 340. Round a Canoeist's Winter Camp Fire. (C. B. Vaux) Outing, I7: 441. Round Hill School, Northampton, Mass., Recollections of. (G. E. Ellis) Educa. R. I : 337. Round-Robin Talks. (J. M. Stoddart) Lippinc. 45: 889. 47: 359. ROUND Round Table, How to Conduct a. (E. E. Hale) Chaut. II: 460. — in County Clare, The. All the Year, 64; 293. Round Towers of Ireland. Am. Arch. 22: 145, 167.- Month, 60: 325. Round-Up, The. (T. Roosevelt) Cent. I3: 849. Rouse, Benjamin. M. West. Hist. 5: 415. Rouse, Milton, Violation of Parole. So. Hist. Pap. 16: 35. Rousseau, J. J., Ideal Household of. (Mrs. A. Lang) National, I7: 754. Same art. Ecl. M. I.17: 504. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 175. — Social Teaching of. (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 27: I Rousseau Revival, The. (W. P. Garrison) Nation, 51: 233. Rousseau, Théodore, and the French Landscape School. (C. DeKay) Cent. Ig: 568. Rout of the Rooks. (N. F. Layard) Longm. I4: 490. Routh, Martin. Quar. If 8: 168. Routt, John L., with portrait. (H. D. Teetor) M.West. Hist. 9: 457. Roux, Joseph. Lond. Q. 67: 241. Row, Giles Blair, Lady, Testament of. (G. M. Hunter) Antiq. m. s. I8: 160. Rowing as a Recreation for Women. ing, 18: 267. — at Cambridge. (R. C. Lehmann) Eng. Illust. 7: 507. — at Oxford. (S. E. Winbott) Atlan. 67: 788. — (W. H. Grenfell) Eng. Illust. 7: 498. — College, Evolution in. (E. M. Garnett) Outing, I4: (C. Mellen) Out- I7. -— Form in. Outing, 9: 588. Rowing Clubs of Canada. (T. Blackwell) Outing, I8: I22, 244. Rowing Songs. (L. A. Smith) Gent. M. n. s. 45: 255. Rowlandson, Thomas. (F. G. Stephens) Portfo. 22: I4 I. Rowley, Thomas. (W. W. Skeat) Acad. 37: 206. Roxburghe Ballads, Ebsworth's ed. Ath. '87, 2: 266. Roy's Good Samaritan. (M. G. Wightwick) Argosy, 46: I37. Royal Academy and the Salon. (W. Sharp) National, 9: 513. – (Duke of Marlborough) New R. 3: 45. — Exhibition, 1887. Art J. 39: 277, 309. — Ath.”87, I : 580-805. 2: 24. —Sat. R. 63: 650–836. — — 1888. (C. Phillips) Acad. 33: 14–400.—Am. Arch. 23: 246. — Art J. 40: 181, 21.7. — Ath. '88, I: 21– 831. — Month, 63: I53. – Spec. 61: 14-933. — — — Architecture at. Am. Arch. 23: 269. — — Winter, 1888–9. (C. Phillips) Acad. 35: 30–Ioo. —Ath. '89, I: 56-285. —Sat. R. 67: 37. — — Summer, 1889. (C. Phillips) Acad. 35: 328–435. —Art J. 4I: 185–245. — Ath. '89, I: 572–797.- (F. Grant) Harper, 78: 958. — Month, 66: 183. — (M.S. Stillman) Nation, 48: 462. —Sat. R. 67: 536—637. —Spec. 62: 795, 891. — — 1890. (C. Phillips) Acad. 37: 32—394. — Ath. '90, I: 55–645. — (E. Schreiber) Month, 69: 198. — Sat. R. 69: 533. –Spec. 64: 235–761. — — 1891. (C. Phillips) Acad. 39: 447–543. – (C. Phil- lips) Art J. 43: 183, 193. — Ath. '91, I: 572–737.— Murray, 9: 830. — (E. R. Pennell) Nation, 52: Io9. —Sat. R. 7I: 532–778.--Spec. 66: 625, 661.--Tins- ley, 47: 61, 161. — — — Sculpture at. Art J. 43: 261. — — — Works of Old Masters. (C. Phillips) Acad. 39: 43-143. —Sat. R. 7I: 42. —Nation, 48: 175. – in the Last Century. (J. E. Hodgson and Fred. A. Eaton) Art J. 4I: 129. 43: 341. – New Rules for Students. Ath. 'go, I: 442. – Proposed Reform in. (M. H. Spielmann) Contemp. 56: 259. - 368 RUMSELLERS Royal Academy, Schools of. (Walter Armstrong) Art J. 39: II8. – (F. J. Stephens) Art J. 4o: 10. — Why not National 2 (C. North) Tinsley, 45: 119. Royal Caste. Spec. 60: 853. Roºm Society. (T. E. Galt-Gamble) National, Ib: 794. Royal Engineers, Corps of, Porter's History of. Ath. ’89, I: 785. Royal Grants. Spec. 63: 5. Royal Institute of Painters in Water-Colors, Exhibition of, 1888. (F. T. Marzials) Acad. 33: 401. – Exhibition, 1889. Art J. 41: 157. |Royal (English) Observatory. Nature, 36: 139. Royal Scottish Academy, Exhibition of. I56. & Royal Signatures. (F. G. Carpenter) Cosmopol. 3: 330. Royal Society of England. (W. C. Cahall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 226. — Anniversary of, 1890. Nature, 41: 234. - Politics and the Presidency of the. Nature, 37: 49, 76, Io9. Royal Society of British Artists. (J. M. Whistler) Ath. '89, I: 543. – Exhibition of, 1888. Acad. 33: 349. Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colors. See Water- Colors. Royalty, English ; its Cost and its Uses. chère) Forum, I2: 270. Rubber and Gutta Percha. Acad. 37: (H. Labou- (F. Walton) J. Soc. Arts, IO: 324. — — Industries in. (T. Bolas) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 753– 8o3. – History of. (J. Collins) J. Soc. Arts, 18: 81. – Manufacture of. (T. P. B. Warren) J. Soc. Arts, 26: I.28. - — Physical Properties of Vulcanite. Am. J. Sci. I4I: 54. Rubies and other Precious Stones, Artificial Reproduc- tion of. (V. Cornish) Knowl. I4: 81. Rubinstein, Anton, Autobiography of. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 5 I: 31o. Ruby Mines of Burmah. (R. Gordon) Asia. R. 7: 410. — Chamb. J. 64: 166. – (G. S. Streeter) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 266. — (G. S. Streeter) Murray, I: 669. Same art. Liv. Age, I'73: 757. Ruckinge Church. (E. Nesbit) Longm. I4: 256. Rädagi ; a Persian Chaucer. (C. J. Pickering) Na- tional, I5: 327. Rudolph, Crown Prince. Temp. Bar, 85: 491. — Death of. Sat. R. 67: II.3. — Literary Work of. Amer. I7: 281. — A Reminiscence of. (W. Werner) National, I3: 22. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 94. Rudolph. (V. Roseboro') Atlan. 65: 622. Rugby School. (G. A. Bacon) Acad. (Syr.) 2: 209. — (H. A. Newton) Eng. Illust. 5: 719. — (T. Hughes and H. L. Warner) Eng. Illust. 9: 3. — and Town. (W. N. Lockington) Amer. 20: 491. Rugby School Games. (L. Knowles) Eng. Illust. 9: 87. Ruined ; a story. (C. G. H. Teniswood) Un. Serv. M. ’87, I : 257–531. 2: 55–539. '88, I: 64–450. Ruiz, Juan, Priest-Poet of I4th Cent. (G. H. Powell) Antiq. m. s. 18; 41, Ioff. Rule of Honor, The. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 44; 401. Rum, The Word. (N. D. Davis) Nation, 5 I: 304. Rumford, Count. Am. Arch. 22: 303. Ruminants, Food-Producing, and their Parasites. S. Cobbold) J. Soc. Arts, Ig: 636–687. — Hornless. (R. C. Auld) Am. Natural. 21: 730. Rumination, Human. Science, I4: 418. Rumsellers as Robbers and Rulers. Day, 4: 288. — Government by. (A. M. Mayer) (T. (J. Cook) Our (H. Crosby) Forum, 9: 341. lº- as a Poet. *. * — Imitation of. /~. A. Russia; an Ode. RUN “Run of the Season,” The. (F. Mason) Temp. Bar, 93: 237. Run to Seed. Runaways. Runes, Order of, in the Futhork. others) Acad. 38: 477–566. Runic Inscriptions in Isle of Man. others) Acad. 31: 113–290. Running, Distance. (M. W. Ford) Outing, I8: 205. Rupee, Circulation of. (F. C. Harrison) Econ. J. I : 72.I. Rupert, Prince, Gower's Life of. Spec. 64: 544. Ruprich-Robert, Victor Marie Charles. (M. du Sei- gneur) Am. Arch. 22: 19. Rural Life in New England, Decay of. (W. W. New- ton) Church R. 52: 364. — New and Old View of. Spec. 63: 517. — Sadness of. Atlan. 65: 713. — — Another Side of. Atlan. 66: 282. — Some Neglected Possibilities of. (G. E. Todd) Mur- ray, Io: 465. Rural Pleasures. (W. Crapper) Belgra. 73: II2. Rural Reminiscences. Cornh. 62: 57. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 496. Ruralities, A Scattering Shot at some. ell) Scrib. M. 6: 507. Ruskin, John. (W. Lewin) Acad. 39: 177. – (W. J. Stillman) Cent. I3: 357. — (A. T. Ritchie) Harper, 8o: 578. — (W. N. McElroy) Meth. R. 49: 697. — Tinsley, 43 : 686. — and the Edinburgh Review. Spec. 61: 124. — and the Guild of St. George. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Lippine. 4I: 839. — Artist and Publisher. ... s. 44; 126. (T. N. Page) Scrib. M. Io: 367. (L. Parr) Longm. II: 631. (W. W. Skeat and (J. Taylor and (D. G. Mitch- (P. Fitzgerald) Gent. M. n. Spec. 67: 590. — as a Political Economist. (F. J. Stimson) Q. J. Econ. 2 : 4 I4. — Brantwood, Home of. (A. M. Wakefield) Murray, 8: 587. t ! — Early Years of. Atlan. 61: 706. — Hortus Inclusus. Blackw. I42; 704. — Ath. '87, 2 : 53o. - Cornh. 62: 369. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 407. on Architecture. 630–687. (W. B. Adams) J. Soc. Arts, 2: — Poems of. Critic, Ig: 286. — Poet of Prose. Temp. Bar, 83: 49. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 50. - — Praeterita. Nation, 46: 263. — Publishers of. Liv. Age, I73: 250. — Studies in, Cook’s. Sat. R. 7o: 424. — Work of. (C. Waldstein) Harper, 78; 382. — Works of. Ed. R. 167: 198. Ruskin Museum, Sheffield, Eng. (H. D. Berridge) Gent. M. m. s. 4o: 577. – Sat. R. 69: 462. Russell, Irwin. (C. C. Marble) Critic, I3: 199, 213. Russell, John, Earl. (E. Fitzmaurice) Contemp. 59: 245. Same art. Liv. Age, I89; 3. – (J. Macau- lay) Leis. Hour, 39: 187. — and Melbourne. Lond. Q. 74: IIo. — Walpole's Life of. (G. W. E. Russell) Contemp. 56: 81o. — (A. D. Elliot) Macmil. 61 : 136. — Westm. I32: 594. — Sat. R. 68: 446. — Spec. 63: 671. — Ath. '89, 2: 627. — Blackw. I46: 832. — (J. R. Tanner) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 175. —Ed. R. I7I: I. — (G. W. E. Russell) Liv. Age, 184: 3. Russell, W. Clark, and his Sea Stories. (R. Blath- wayt) Author, 3: 113. (A. C. Swinburne) Fortn. 54: 165. — Advance of, in Central Asia. (J. Long) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 644. 369 RUSSIA Russia and Austria, 1887. Sat. R. 63: 461. – and China, Overland Trade between. Dub. R. Io9: I7I. * *. the Dardanelles; Fresh Russian Scare. Spec. 7 : 312. – and England. (H. G. Keene) Macmil. 59: 125. — — 1852–64; Vitzthum's Reminiscences. Ed. R. 165: 305. Same art. Liv. Age, 174: 195. — — in the Far East. (Sobolev) Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 24. — — Rivalry of. (G. B. Malleson) National, 8: 753. — and Europe, 1887. Fortn. 47: 321. – and France, Alliance of. Ed. R. 167: 140. — — since 1871. (M. Flourens) New R. 1: 201. — — What will Russia do? (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 46: Io8. - — and Northern Asia. (A. Vámbéry) Liv. Age, 189: 8or. .. — and the Papacy, Pierling's. (W. R. Morfill) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 775. — and the Roman Catholic Church. Cath. World, 47: Io9. – and the Russians. (Mrs. C. R. Corson) Chaut. I3: (A. F. Marshall) 687. — Army of. (A Russian General) Harper, 8o: 187. — — The Paulovsky Regiment. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 92. — as the Enemy of English Trade. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 239. — Attitude of. (C. Hamlin) Forum, 3: 284. — Baltic. (H. Lansdell) Harper, 8I: 295. – Bazan's People and Literature of. (M. B. Morton) And. R. I5: 4O4. — (A. W. Moore) Dial (Ch.) II: II.5. — The Bible in. (G. H. Pike) Sunday M. 18: 634. — Brandes on. Spec. 64: 696. — By River and Road in. (E. Noble) Atlan. 60: 363. – Censorship of the Press in. (G. Kennan) Cent. I8: 65. See Russian Censor. – Censure in. (E. B. Lanin) Fortn. 55: 798. — Church of, and Russian Dissent. (R. Kidner) Church. R. 52: 1. – (H. E. Bourne) N. Eng. 48: 244. — — Orthodox. (C. W. Cyr) Unita. R. 34: II.4. – Democracy in, and the Moujiks. (Stepniak) Ecl. M. IO3: 1. – Demoralization of. (E. B. Lanin) Forth. 56: 463. Same art. Ecl. M. II 7: 721. — Dissent in. (C. W. Cyr) Unita. R. 36: II.4. — Economic Thought in. Q. J. Econ. 2: 233. — Empire of, and its Capital. (W. F. Mallalieu) Chaut. 9 : 342. — An Empire of Crofters. (J. Roe) National, I3: 819. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 367. — Famine in. (E. B. Lamin) Fortn. 56: 636. — Spec. 67: 215, 666. — Field Sports in. – Finances of ; a Bad Investment. Forum, II: 601. — — The Racking of the Peasantry. Fortn. 55: I 73. — Friends of Freedom for. (R. S. Watson) Westm. I33: 470. — Girlhood in. (H. C. Romanoff) Eng. Illust. 8: 360. — Glimpse of. (M. A. A. Galloway) 19th Cent. 2I: 576. . — History of, from Peter the Great to Alexander. (Lady Verney) 19th Cent. 25: 827. — — Rambaud's. Spec. 60: 1621. – Home Affairs of, in 1887. Murray, I: 542. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 786. — in the Caucasus and Armenia. (E. H. Paske) Un. Serv. M. '88, 2: 129. Murray, I : 799. (W. Oliver) Outing, I5: 389. (F. H. Geffcken) (E. B. Lamin) RUSSIA Russia in Asia. (W. H. Ray) Atlan. 59: 471. — — Future of. (A. Vámbéry) 19th Cent. 27: 196. Same art. Liv. Age, I84: 771. — — Influence of, 1870–80. (A. Vámbéry) J. Soc. Arts, 28: 474. — in Winter. An Old Letter from the Baltic. Murray, 8: 487. — Industries and Commerce of. (L. Levi) J.Soc. Arts, 2I: 75. — Internal Economy of. Ed. R. 170: 512. — Justice and Law in. 920. – Liberals of, Last Appeal of the. I3: 5o. — A Month in. (Lady R. Churchill) New R. I : 87. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 179. (G. Kennan) Cent. — Morfill's. (A. W. Moore) Dial (Ch.) 11: 115. – Mystical Pessimism in. (N. Tsakni) Contemp. 53: 4O6. — of To-Day. (Emil Blum) Arena, 3: 658. – (A. F. (W. S. Nelson) New Heard) Harper, 74: 579. Eng. M. 6 ('88): 541. — One Day in. (S. Whitman) Gent. M. m. s. 44: 604. – Orthodoxy and Sects in. Am. Cath. Q. 15: 21. – Peasantry of. (J, A. Partridge) Westm. I32: 286. Acad. Pol. Sci. 2: 225. — — Stepniak's. Ath. '88, I: 623. —Spec. 61: 1327. — — Traits of. Westm. I3o: 442. Quar. I'72: II.3. Brit. & For. Evang. R. 36: 128. – Policy of, in the East. (C. K. Adams) Chaut. 9: 18, Political and Social, Tikhomirov on. To-Day, 9: 26. Political Situation in, 1887. Fortn. 47: 321. Same – Poor in, Problem of. Leis. Hour, 36: 729. — Priests of, Black and White. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Cos- — Prisons of. (E. B. Lanin) Fortn. 54: 20. Same art. Ecl. M. I.15: 301. — — My Escape from. (N. Sakney) Cosmopol. 2: 183– 250. — — Provincial. (G. Kennan) Cent. I3: 397. — — State Prisoners. (G. Kennan) Cent. I3: 755. — Protestantism in, Stamping out of. (C. T. H.Wright) Liv. Age, I84: I73. – Punishments in, Cruel. (I. F. Hapgood) Cosmopol. Io: 387. * — Religion of, Leroy-Beaulieu on. Ath. '90, I: 176. — Religious Persecution in. Ed. R. I72; 161. – Leis. — Religious Tolerance in. (O. Novikoff) Ecl. M. II2: 45 I. — Rural Life in. (Lady Verney) 19th Cent. 21 : 133. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 354. Bar, 93: 53. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 423. – Scenes in. (A. Hope) Murray, Io; 554, 758. W. Cyr) Unita. R. 35: 103. — Sexual Morality in. (E. B. Lamin) Fortn. 54; 372. 370 (A. F. Heard) Harper, 76; — on the Borders of Czardom. — Origin and History of. Antiq. m. s. 22: 64. — — Present Condition of. (C. de Lestrade) Ann. Am. – To-Day, 9: 182. – People and Government of. ++:#. of. (C. H. H.Wright) 82. XT art. Liv. Age, I73: 67. mopol. 5; 292. — — My Life in. (F. Volkhoosky) Fortn. 54: 782. — — Political. (G. Kennan) Cent. I3: 52I. — Progress in. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 585. — Public Debt. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43: 513. – Reading in. (J. S. Smith) Nation, 53: 276. Hour, 40: 302. — Reminiscence of Life in. (D. Ker) Cosmopol. 6: I59. — St. Petersburg to Sebastopol. (W. B. Paton) Temp. — Sects in. (C. T. H. Wright) National, I6: 93. – (C. — Social and Political Aspects of. Westm. I29: 366. RUSSIAN Russia, Social Life in. (E. M. de Vogüé) Harper, 78: 833. 3. – Starvation of Peasants in. (W. L. Kingsley) N. Eng. 49: 225. - Stead's Truth about. (O. Novikoff) Contemp. 55: 207. – (E. Schuyler) Nation, 48: 273. – (S. Ford) Westm. I32: 2O4. – Strength of. Spec. 60: 314. — — and Weakness of. (H. Foster) National, 9: 686. — Tikhomirov’s. Spec. 61: 628. – Tolstoi’s Reforms in. Spec. 62: 222. – Truths about. Fortm. 52: 274. — — and the Fortnightly Reviewer. 573. – under Alexander III. (F. H. Geffeken) New R. 5: 234. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 644. – Village in. (V. Verestehagin) Harper, 78: 374. – Village Communes of. (S. Stepniak) Fortn. 47: 237. — What Americans can do for. (S. Stepniak) No. Am. I53: 596. Russians on the Pamirs. Blackw. I5o: 755. Russian Art, The Kremlin and. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 327. — Modern. (T. Child) Harper, 8o: 76. Russian Censor, My Experience with the. good) Nation, 51: 318. Russian Characteristics. (E. B. Lanin) Fortn. 52:410– 854. 53: 256. Same art. Ecl. M. 113: 606, 843. II4: 2Oo. Same art. Liv. Age, 183: 23–628. 184: 90, 677. Russian Convicts in the Salt Mines at Iletsk. (H. Lans- dell) Harper, 76: 894. Russian Don Quixote, A ; the Story of an Ugly Man. Temp. Bar, 80: 67. Russian Drama, Shakespeare and. Lore, I: 497. 2: II.3, 566. Russian Empire and the Catholic Church. (B.J. Clinch) Am. Cath. Q. I5: 496. Russian Fleet, Bi-Centenary of the. (C. J. Cooke) Un. Serv. M. I ('88): 523. Russian Folk-Lore. (W. R. Morfill) Acad. 37: 261. Russian Frontier, Across the. (G. Kennan) Cent. I4: 6. Russian Ladies, Three, of the Last Century. (E. J. Whately) Leis. Hour, 40: 847. Russian Language, Translating from. Atlan. 67: 139. – Transliteration from. Nature, 41 : 396, 534. 42: 6– 316. – (J. S. Smith) N. Eng. 54: 431. - Russian Literature, Characteristics of. Temp. Bar, 89: 210. Same art. Ecl. M. r15: Ioff. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 802. – Contemporary. (N. H. Dole) Chaut. 8: 465. — 1887–8. (P. Kropotkin) Ath. '88, 2: 25. — 1888–9. (P. Milyoukov) Ath. '89, 2: 26. — 1889–90. (P. Milyoukov) Ath. 'go, 2: 25. — 1890–1. (P. Milyoukov) Ath. '91, 2: 29. — Panin's. Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 415. Russian Monastery, A. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. m. s. 43: Blackw. I41: (I. F. Hap- (N. H. Dole) Poet- 238. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 209. Russian Newspapers. (F. C. Trench) Blackw. 148: II 5. Russian Novels. (T. S. Perry) Scrib. M. 1: 252. Russian Novelists, Realistic. Nation, 45: 188. Russian Pacific Railroad. Science, I2: 182. —Spec. 6o: 1381. Russian Penal Code, The. (G. Kennan) Cent. 13: 880. Russian Police, The. (G. Kennan) Cent. I5: 890. Russian Revolutionists, Prison Life of the. (G. Ken- nan) Cent. I3: 285. Russian Secret State Trial, A. (A. Smith) Contemp. 58: 863. Same art. Ecl. M. 116: 127. Russian Wedding, Ride to. (C. M. Litwin) Outing, 13: 242. \ RUSSIAN Russian Writers, Prose, Dupuy's. Ath. '87, 2: 365. — Spell of the. (H. W. Preston) Atlan. 6o: 199. – Tourgueneff, Tolstoi, and Dostoyevsky. (J. Heard, jr.) Critic, II: 254. Russo-Chinese Intercourse. 54: 403. Russo-Jewish Immigrants in London. (S. Singer) Eng. Illust. 8: 835, 842. Russo-Turkish War, War Correspondent's Reminis- cences of. (A. Forbes) 19th Cent. 30: 414. Ruthenia, In. (M. M. Dowie) Fortn. 54: 520. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 765. Same art. Liv. Age, I87: 364. Ruthwell Cross. (G. F. Browne) Acad. 33: 297. — Date of. (A.S. Cook) Acad. 37: 153.−(G. F. Browne) Acad. 37: 170. Rutilius Numatianus, Claudius. (H. W. Preston and L. Dodge) Atlan. 62: 742. Rutland Papers. Ath. '89, I: 441. Rutledge, John. (F. G. Cook) Atlan. 67: 225. Ryan, Abram. Irish Mo. Ig: 629. Ryan, Desmond L. Acad. 34: 378. Ryan, Edward G. (C. W. Butterfield) M. West. Hist. 5: 830. Ryan, John, Dr. Irish Mo. I5: 336. Ryckaert, David. (W. Armstrong) Portfo. 21: 3o. Ryder, Albert Pinkham, a Modern Colorist. (H. Eck- ford) Cent. 18: 25o. Ryder, W. H., Inauguration as Professor at Andover. And. R. Io: 89. Rye House, Old. All the Year, 63: 509. (F. W. Williams) N. Eng. Sá de Miranda, F. de. Saadi. See Sadi. Sabbath, The. Chris. Q. 6: 321. —Spec. 64: 723. — (T. W. Chambers) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 489. — American Civil. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 4: 452. – and the New Testament. Sac. 46: 499. Sat. R. 63: 376. — Christian. (L. R. Fiske and others) Meth. R. 51: 2I 2. — for Man. Lond. Q. 74: 361. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 45: 475. (J. Q. Bittinger) And. – in Germany. —in Relation to Civilization. R. I2: 275. — the Lord's Day and the Lord of the Day. Weiser) Ref. Q. 35: Ioš. — Manifold Worth of. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 8: I3. — Observance of, as a Sociological Problem. Wells) And. R. II: 207. — — Valid Ground for. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 2: 261. — Origin of. (J. Q. Bittinger) Bib. Sac. 46: 321. — Our Lord and. (J. Horner) Meth. R. 48: 884. — Theology of. (G. F. Genung) And. R. 15: 189. Sabbaths, Ideal. (F. Peek) Contemp. 55: 224. Sabbath-Keeping Tourist in the West. (W. G. Ballan- tine) Our Day, 3: 55. Sabbath Reform, National. I: 336. 3:44. — — in 1890. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 7: 21. — — Strategic Year in. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 3: (C. Z. (D. C. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 309. Sabbathai Zevi; The Story of a False Prophet. Mac- mil. 64: 182. Sabine Pass, Improvement of. (T. Turtle and L. M. Haupt) J. Frankl. Inst. 125: 410. I26: 137. Sable Island. All the Year, 66: 516. — An Ocean Grave-Yard. (J. M. Oxley) Scrib. M. 1: 603. Saccharine and its Uses. (A. J. H. Crespi) Tinsley, 42 : 343. 371 (A. E. Thompson) Bib. , SAINT Saccharine from Coal-Tar. Chamb. J. 64; 44. Saccharissa's Letters. (J. Cartwright) Macmil. 57: 213. Sachs, Hans. (K. Blind) Westm. I29: 332. Same art, Liv. Age, I77: 17o. Same art. Eel. M. IIo: 642. Sack and Mead. All the Year, 67: 87. Sackville-West, Lord, at Washington. Sat. R. 66: 485, 512. – Letter of, in Presidential Campaign, 1888. Opin. 6: 65. Sacraments. Cong. R. (Lond.) 2: 157. — in º to Children. (G. C. H. Hasskarl) Luth. Q. 2I: 382. Sacramentos, Rifle in the. ing, I3: I75. Sacred Flame of Torin Ji. 332, 42O. Sacrifice. Unita. R. 30: 306. — Symbolism of. (S. W. Culver) Bapt. R. Io: 447. Sacrifices, Greek: Sacrificial Calendar from Cos. L. Hicks) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 323. — — Vase Pictures of. (C. Smith) J. Hel. Stud. 9: 1. — Levitical, The. (T. Tyler) Acad. 38: 240. — of Masses. (A. Richardson) Dub. R. Ioff: 85. Sacrilege, History and Fate of. Dub. R. Ioa: 463. Saddle and Sentiment. (W. Gilman) Outing, I9-3. Pub. (W. H. Johnston, jr.) Out- (E. H. House) Scrib. M. 2: (E. I44, 204. * Saddling, Military, Notes on. Un. Serv. M. 3 ('89): 396. Sadi. Book of Love, tr. by Arnold. Spec. 62: 335. — Bostan. Sat. R. 66: 497. Sadler's Wells. (H. B. Baker) Gent. M. n. s. 39: I37. Safe, National, for the Preservation of Memorials for Posterity. (F. Harrison) 19th Cent. 28: 381. Same art. Ecl. M. II5: 599. Safes and Locks. (S. Chatwood) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 704. Safe Deposit Company, Evolution of the. (T. L. James) Cosmopol. I2: 27. Safety, Luxury of. Spec. 66: 720. Saffi, Aurelio. Nation, 46; 319.- (J. W. Mario) Nation, 50: 371. – In Memory of ; a poem. (A. C. Swinburne) Ath. 'go, I : 566. Saffin Family. (I. J. Greenwood) N. E. Reg. 45: 41. (W. C. Green) Blackw. I48: 103. (H. L. Wells) Overland, Sagas from Iceland. Sage-Brush Rebellion, The. n. S. I3: 253. Saginaw, Wreck of the. Hist. I'7: 214. - Saguenay River. (C. G. D. Roberts) Outing, Io; 336. – Canadian Voyagers on. (C. H. Farnham) Harper, 76: 536. Sahara : Animal Life in the Great Desert. (W. Mar- shall) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 247. * — Hunting Wild Sheep in. (E. N. Buxton) 19th Cent. 28: 218. Same art. Liv. Age, I86: 595. – Land where All Things are Forgotten. Cosmopol. 6: 576. – Proposed Railway across. 630. — Dub. R. Io9: 173. “Said,” Synonyms of. (A. C. Grissom) Writer, 5: 24. Sail-Boat, Typical American. Sat. R. 67: 405. Sailing, Great Circle. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. Io: Ioo, (E. B. Underwood) M. Am. (D. Ker) (N. Ney) Scrib. M. Io: I99. Sailor, A, called the Parson. (J. R. Spears) Scrib. M. 5 : 443. Sailors, Life of. (J. A. Beebe) Cent. 21: 244. — — Everyday. (W. T. Gordon) Leis. Hour, 36: 525. – Lost, In Search of. (H. Armstrong) Leis. Hour, 38: 379, 463. — Shipowners and. Spec. 67: 489. Sailors' Chants. Spec. 62: 549. Sails of Boats and Ships. (R. C. Leslie) Harper, 75:455. Saint Albans. All the Year, 63: IoS. ST. St. Andrews, Scotland. (A. Lang) Harper, 8o: 297. Sainte-Anne d'Auray, Pilgrimage of. (A. Hervé) Month, 63: 88, 25o. St. Anthony's Face. (J. O. Dykman) M. Am. Hist. 23: 23. * St. Augustine, Fla. Chamb. J. 64: 745. — (A. For- man) Cosmopol. 6: 493. St. Bartholomew the Great, London. All the Year, 68: 349. — The Oldest Church in London. (N. Moore) Cent. II: 557 St. Bernard, Abbey of. All the Year, 63: 172. — Good Words, 32: 472. St. Bernard Dog. (E. H. Morris) Outing, I7: 403. Ste. Beuve, C. A. Spec. 65; 734. — and Zola. (E. Dowden) Amer. Ig: 261. — Marginal Notes by. (F. Bôcher) Harv. Mo. 4: 43. St. Bruno's Desert, Walking Tour in. (E. Barker) Leis. Hour, 36: 374, 460. Clair Tunnel. Am. Arch. 29: 155. Cloud. (L. S. Belloc) Good Words, 31 : 543. Croix of the Northeastern Boundary. (W. F. Ga- nong) M. Am. Hist. 26: 261. David, Fort, Repulse of French Attacks on. O’Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. '87, 2: 530. St. Davids, Wales. (J. Baker) Eng. Illust. 6: 33. St. Denis, Abbey of. (B. Berenson) Harv. Mo. 6: 195. — Old English Charters of. (W. H. Stevenson) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 736. St. Elias, Mt. (W. H. Dall) Science, 16: 275. — (A. Heilprim) Science, I6: 289. — Climbing. (W. Williams) Scrib. M. 5: 387. — and its Glaciers. (M. B. Kerr) Scrib. M. 9: 361. — Expedition to. (I. C. Russell) Nat. Geog. M. 3: 53. — Two Expeditions to. (F. Schwatka and I. C. Rus- sell) Cent. Ig: 865. St. Elmo's Fire. Chamb. J. 68: 393. — on Ben Nevis. (A. Rankin) Nature, 40; 439. St. Emilion Monolith Church. (J. H. Parker) Am. Arch. 27: 16. Saint Etienne, J. P. See Rabaut. St. Gall; a Forgotten Republic. Am. Hist. 26: 465. 67: 6. St. St. St. St. (E. (S. H. M. Byers) M. — Library of. (Jane Bancroft) Lib. J. I2: 289. St. Gallen Socialist Congress, The. (E. B. Bax) To- Day, 9: I.2. (K. Cox) Cent. I3: 28. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. St. Gaudens, Augustus. – Statue of Lincoln. I3; 37. George for Old England Serv. M. '87, 1: 64. St. (G. C. Rothery) Un. St. George, Guild of. (P. G. Hubert, jr.) Lippinc. 4I: 839. St. Germain-en-Laye. (A. F. Millar) Cath. World, 49: 676. St. Germain's. (L. S. Belloc) Good Words, 3I: 376. St. Giles, Edinburgh. Sat. R. 67: 738. St. Helena, From the Cape to. (D. P. Todd) Nation, 50: 349, 389. St. James's Palace. (W. J. Loftie) Art J. 4I: 212. St. Jean de Luz. Cornh. 64: 67. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 688. John, Daniel B., with portrait. M. West. Hist. I3: 84. John Ambulance Association. Gent. M. n. S. 4I: 435. Johnsbury, Vermont. (E. A. Start) New Eng. M. n. S. 3: 701. St. (Theo. Johnson) St. (A. J. H. Crespi) St. St. Joseph, Mo. (W. L. Visscher) M. West. Hist. 7: 299, 547. 8: 165. - — Beginnings of. (W. A. Wood) M. A. Hist. 26: Io8. St. Kitt's, West Indies. All the Year, 69: 184. 372 SAINT’S St. Lawrence River, Lower. (C. H. Farnham) Harper, 77: 814. – Legends of. (J. M. Oxley) New Eng. M. m. s. 1: 625. Saint Lo, France, Miraculous Statue of. All the Year, 4I: 368. St. Longinus, Legend of. : 61 o. St. Louis, Mo. (C. D. Warner) Harper, 77: 748. – Boatmen's Bank in 1847. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 46: 391. — Law School. (C. C. Allen) Green Bag, I: 283. — Mercantile Library, Plan of. Lib. J. I.4: 35. — Niedringhaus Memorial Library. Lib. J. 13: 372. St. Lucia, Seven British Captures of. (E. O'Callaghan) Un. Serv. M. '88, I : 29. St. Luke, Florentine Company of. (D. Colnaghi) Portfo. 22: 228. St. Margaret's Chapel, Poughley, Berks. (H. J. Reid) Antiq. m. s. IG: 41. St. Martha's Hill, Ancient Chapel on. (G. C. William- son) Antiq. m. s. 22: 71. St. Martin of Tours, Shrine of. World, 47: 495. St. Mary of the Angels; a story. mopol. 8: 333. St. Mary Woolchurchaw. (A. De Vere) Cath. World, (W. Price) Cath. (T. A. Janvier) Cos- (J. H. Round) Ath. '89, 2: 223. St. Menoux Steeple, Legend of. (A. Dumas) Am. Arch. 30: 13. St. Michael’s in the Azores. (T. E. Thorpe) Eng. Illust. 7: I 19. St. Michel, Mont. (A. M. Mosher) New Eng. M. n. s. 5: I93. – (E. Redgrave) Antiq. m. s. I7: I53. – Church, Abbey, and Fortress. Am. Cath. Q. I4: 660. St. Pancras Parish. Antiq. m. s. 23: II.3. Saint Paul du War, Riviera. Spec. 62: 757. St. Paul, Minn. (C. Hamlin) New Eng. M. m. s. 2: 537. — (C. King) Cosmopol. 9: 750. — Architecture in. (M. Schuyler) Harper, 83: 736. — Sacrificial Stone near. (H. C. Hovey) Am. Antiq. º • * JY 9 : 35. St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Cosmopol. I: 4o. — All around. All the Year, 68: 85. — Dome of. (T. J. Eagles) Am. Arch. 29: 202. St. Petersburg. (W. F. Mallalieu) Chaut. 9; 342. – At the Court of the Czar. (G. M. Dallas) Cent. 20: 83. — Cent. 20: 272. – Imperial Library. (I. F. Hapgood) Nation, 48: 242. Same art. Lib. J. I4; 312. – Impressions of. (W. T. Stead) Contemp. 54: 432. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 2I4. — Minister Dallas at. (G. M. Dallas) Cent. 20: 83. — Palatial. (T. Child) Harper, 79: 188. - — Sunday in. (F. Hastings) Sunday M. IG: 662. — The Tamara of. Cosmopol. 3: 281. Saint-Saëns as a Critic. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 45: 74. St. Sauveur; a story. Month, 67: 420. St. Thomas, W. I. Hurricane Island. (H. H. Smith) Cosmopol. 4: 65. St. Thomas Treaty, The. (O. R. Seward) Scrib. M. 2: 585. St. Thomas's Hospital, Records of. (W. Rendle) Antiq. n. s. 20: 1-158. - - St. Valentine's Day. See Valentine's Day. - St. Winifred's Well and Holywell. (E. Walford) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 96. Saint or Satan; a story. (A. Beresford) Argosy, 51: I7I. Saint, Psychology of a. (Sara C. Upton) Overland, n. S. 9: 593. o Saint's Mother. (E. Nesbit) Longm. I2; 174. SAINTS Saints, Ancient British and English, Stanton's. Ath. '88, I: 336. — Barbour's Legends of the. R. IOO: 265. — Commonplace. Irish Mo. 16: 709. — Scottish, Pinkerton's Lives of. Spec. 63: 491. Salamanca, Spain, Our Boarding-House in. (H. Pier- son) Cosmopol. II: Io9. – University of. (W. H. Bishop) Scrib. M. 6: 552. Salamander, Spotted. (A. J. Field) Knowl. I2: 60. Salamanders, Primeval. (R. Lyddeker) Knowl. I4; 3. Salamis, Pre-Historic Building at. (M. O. Richter) J. Hel. Stud. 4: I 12. Salcombe and the Prawle. 4I = 254. Salem, Mass., in Hawthorne's Day. Critic, II: 7. — Public Library Building. Lib. J. I.5: 203. — Silsbee's Half-Century in. (G. E. Woodberry) Na- tion, 44; 194. Salignac, Jean de Gontaut Biron, Baron de. spondence. Ath. '89, 2: 312. Salis, Ulysses de, Swiss Captain of 17th Cent. Villari) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 341. Salisbury, Lord Robert, Foreign Policy of. National, Io: 591. — Traill's. Sat. R. 72: 640. Salisbury Parliament, Men of the. Am. I52: 453. Salisbury, Capt. Silvester. (J. J. Morris) M. Am. Hist. I9: 233. Salisbury, Eng. Antiq. m. s. I8: 206. — Cathedral. (M. G. Van Rensselaer) Cent. I3: 693. Sally; a story. (A. Fleming) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 217. Sally; a story. (L. Parr) Longm. I7: 645. “Sally in Our Alley.” (C. Bingham) Tinsley, 42: 236. Sally's Lovers; a story. 63: 87. - Salmon, Victoire, Trial of. Green Bag, I: 345. Salmon. All the Year, 63: 316. — Angling for, on the Restigouche. Scrib. M. 3: 577. — — — Sage on. Nation, 47: 57. — and Trout, Enemies of. (J. Watson) 19th Cent. 26: 695. — British. Sat. R. 67: 5oo. — — and Irish. Sat. R. 65: 392. — Champion of the Season. (C. B. Bradford) Outing, I7: I4I. - — A 40-Pound. (G. W. Hartley) Macmil. 62: 199. — Kamschatka, the Land of. Chamb. J. 64; 433. — My First, in Norway. (Mrs. E. Kennedy) Outing, I7: 136. — Heresies about. Spec. 61: 1766. Salmon Fishing, from a Salmon’s Point of View. Mur- ray, 4: Io9. — in Canada. (A. Macdonald) Murray, 2: 447, 621. — in Scotland. Scot. R. I4: 93. — — Crown. Chamb. J. 67: 742. Salmon Laws and Salmon Rivers. Arts, I7: 385. (M. M. M. Scott) Dub. (J. Baker) Gent. M. m. s. (G. Batchelor) Corre- (L. (H. W. Lucy) No. (G. R. Henderson) Belgra. (W. Peard) J. Soc. Salmon Leistering. (J. Purves) National, I7: 37. Salmon Stop-Nets at Beechley, on the Severn. (C. Parkinson) Gent. M. n. S. 45: 459. Salmon Supply. Sat. R. 70: 369. Salmonidae, British and Irish, Day's. Nature, 37: 242, 296, 321. — Distribution and Characteristics of. Am. Natural. 22: 306. Salome. Macmil. 64; 356. Salomon, Louis Sifferin de, the Internuncio at Paris during the Revolution. (F. B. Scannell) Dub. R. Io9: Ioz. (T. H. Bean) 373 SALVATION Salons, French, Women of. (A. G. Mason) Cent. I& 77-878. — — of the Revolution and the Empire. (A. G. Mason) Cent. Ig: 8o3. — — of the Empire and Restoration. Cent. 20: 12. Salon Idea in New York. (Sara J. Lippincott) Lippine. 45 - 243. Salonica, Dünmehs of. (J. T. Bent) Longm. II: 24. Same art. Liv. Age, I75: 682. Saloon, The. (J. W. Tracy) Cath. World, 49: 285. – as a Political Power. (E. H. Crosby) Forum, 7: 323. – Crusade against. (A. J. F. Behrends) Forum, 2: 623. — Economic Effects of. Chaut. 8: 293. — in Politics. Chaut. 8: 228. — Pub. Opin, v. 1-7. — — Anti-Saloon Republican Convention, 1886. Pub. Opin. I : 461. — — Sovereignty of. (R. C. Pitman) Our Day, 2: 289. — in Society. (G. F. Parsons) Atlan. 59: 86. — the Nation's Bane. (M. F. Foley) Cath. World, 48: 3II. — Sunday Closing of. (W. F. Crafts) Our Day, 8: 329. — — in Wales. Sat. R. 69: 467. — versus Sunday. (J. Cook) Our Day, 4; 344. Saloon Lawlessness, Sunday, in Cincinnati. son) Our Day, 4: 224. Salt, Thomas, with portrait. 1283. Salt, Common. (A. H. Japp) Argosy, 46; 131. – (G. McGowan) Knowl. I2: 31. — Geology and Manufacture of. (G. P. Merrill) Chaut. 8: 82. — Manufacture of. Chamb. J. 65: 758. Liv. Age, I79: 829. — — in India. Chamb. J. 64: 807. - — Production and Consumption of. (P. L. Simmonds) J. Soc. Arts, 37: 249. — Sources and Manufacture of. Arts, I: 451–478. — Subsidences in Cheshire District. Dub. R. IO4: 430. Salt-Cellars, Elizabethan. (G. R. Redgrave) Art J. 39: (A. G. Mason) (J. Pear- Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: Same art. (W. Bollaert) J. Soc. 75. Salt Lakes and Silver Lodes. (G. Sutherland) Nature, 44; 342. Salt Monopoly of India. Salt Working and Salt Superstitions. Argosy, 46: 225. Salts, Natural and Artificial, Determination of Water and Carbonic Acid in. (T. M. Chatard) Am. J. Sci. I37: 468. Salt Lake, Utah. See Great Salt Lake. - Salt Lake City and its People. (W. C. Preston) Sunday M. 20: 698. Saltillo, Mexico. Blackw. I45: 668. (A. H. Japp) (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 46: 438. Saltpetre Deposits of Peru. (G. F. Cole) J. Soc. Arts, 23: 875. Saltus, Edgar. Lit. W. (Bost.) I8: 347. – as a Novelist. Sat. R. 67: 654. 68: 30. Saltykoff-Shtchedrin, the Russian Satirist. (I. F. Hap- good) Nation, 49: 8. Salutations. (H. L. Roth) Anthrop. J. Ig: I64. — Greeting by Gesture. (G. Mallery) Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 477, 629. Salvador, Central America. (J. Newbigging) Overland, In. S. I2 : 419. Salvation and the Reformed System of Faith. (J. N. McGiffert) Bib. Sac. 48: 279. — Biblical Conditions of. (W. H. Ward) And. R. I6: 545. – Creation and. (F. H. Johnson) And. R. 7: 275. – How to Acquire. (A. Ellmore) Chris. Q. 7: 481. SALWATION d Salvation is Conditional. Chris. Q. 6: 419. — Scripture Idea of. (C. Mascol) Unita. R. 29: 1. — What is it? (W. de W. Hyde) And. R. 13: 372. Salvation Army, The. All the Year, 68: 12–37. — (A. F. Marshall) Cath. World, 51: 738. — (G. Simmons) Cath. World, 52: 633. — (F. W. Farrar) Harper, 82: 897. — at Eastborne, Eng., Attacks upon. Spec. 67: 640. — Nuisance of. Sat. R. 67: 781. 68: 33, 60. — Street Music of. Sat. R. 72: 185, 292. — Tactics of. Sat. R. 67: 33. — What is the 2 (W. Booth) Murray, 5: 289. Salvette and Bernadon; a story. (A. Daudet) Cosmopol. 6: I28. Salvini, T., as Samson. Critic, I5: 191. Salzburgers. (E. B. Speirs) Eng. Hist. R. 5: 665. Samaria, The Woman of. (J. Brown) Good Words, 28: 643. - Samaritan, The Good. (H. A. Harper) Sunday M. 18: 479. Samaritans, The Oldest and Smallest Sectin the World. (J. F. Hurst) Harper, 79: 579. Samarra. Sat. R. 68: 243. Samary, Jeanne. Acad. 38: 278. Samela. (G. W. Hartley) Macmil. 64: 1. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 27. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 727. Samoa. (H. W. Whitaker) Cent. I6: 12. — and its People. (E. S. Parker) Cosmopol. 6: 33. – Churchward's. Spec. 61: 388. — Ath. '87, 2: 599. — Sat. R. 64: 570. – Cyclone at, 1889. Nature, 45: 161. — German Conduct in. (W. L. Rees) 19th Cent. 24: 734. — in the National Museum. Amer. I7: 329. — Life in. (S. S. Boynton) Overland, n. s. 13: 533. — Question of. (G. H. Bates) Cent. I5: 945. I6: 25. — Trouble in, 1888. (H. White) Nation, 48: 84. — Pub. Opin. 6: 365. — — Genesis of. (E. L. Godkin) Nation, 48: 108. — Treaty about, 1889. Pub. Opin. 8: 403. — Tuscarora's Mission to. (H. Erben) Cent. 16: 34. Samos, Archaeological Visit to. (J. T. Bent) J. Hel. Stud. 7: 143. — Easter at Mt. Kerki. Sat. R. 63: 508. – New Fossil Mammalia from. Nature, 43: 85. Samothrace. (J. T. Bent) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 86. Sampson, Capt. W. T., with portrait. Un. Serv. (Phila.) 3: 563. San Agustino, Spain. 39: I 53. San Antonio of the Gardens. (T. A. Janvier) Cent. I6: (A. C. de Borring) Gent. M. m. s. 343. San Diego, Anaheim, and Riverside. (H. T. Finck) Na- tion, 49: 247, 267. — Gunn’s Picturesque. Nation, 46: 392. San Diego Bay. (T. S. Van Dyke) Overland, n. s. II: II.3. San Diego Co., Cal., a Newly Discovered Land. (T. S. Van Dyke) Overland, n. s. Io: 644. San Domingo, Botany of. Nature, 36: 367. — French Colony of: its Rise and Fall. (E.W. Gilliam) M. Am. Hist. 20: 471. San Fernando, Bells of. (A. W. Moore) Cosmopol. I: 23. San Francisco. Chamb. J. 66: 38. — Architecture in. A Word to the Wise. (A. F. Oakey) Overland, m. s. 18: 132. — Charities of. (S.W. Weitzel) Lend a H. 3: 617. — Commerce of, Past, Present, and Future. (W. L. Merry) Overland, n. s. II: 369. — Manufacturing in. (A. S. Hallidie) Overland, n. s. II: 636. - 374 SANDWICH San Francisco, Municipal Government in, Establish- ment of. (B. Moses) J. H. Univ. Studies, 7: nos. 2, 3. - — A Night in Chinatown. (G. H. Fitch) Cosmopol. 2: 349. – Parks of. (C. S. Greene) Overland, n. s. 17: 225. — Poverty and Charity in. (M. W. Shinn) Overland, n. s. I4: 535–586. — Reminiscences of Early Days in. land, n. S. II: 275. — Schools of. Overland, n. s. II: 216. — Yachts and Yachting in. (E. Roberts) Outing, Io: I6. San Joaquin, Artesian Belt of the Upper. (C. H. Shinn) Overland, m. s. I2: II.3. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. (C. E. Hodson) Cath. World, 5I : 294. San Marino, The Republic of ; a Political Survival. (E. Armstrong) Macmil. 63; 192. Same art. Liv. Age, 188: 364. San Martino di Castrozza. 281. San Mateo, Relief of, in 1706. Serv. M. '88, I: 219. San Paulo, Brazil, Highlands of. (Mrs. Mulhall) Month, 59: 58. Same art. Liv. Age, I72: 497. San Pietro Island. Sat. R. 67: 69. Sanborn, John B., with portrait. West. Hist. 7: 666. Sanborn, Winborn A. Granite Mo. I2: 287. Sancho, Mitarra. (J. Heard, jr.) Cent. I7: 450. Sanctification, Biblical View of. (J. T. Gladhill) Luth. Q. 20: 6oo. Sanctuary, The Privilege of. Chamb. J. 64: 513. Sand, Drifting. (C. Carus-Wilson) Knowl. I2: IoS. — — and its Formations. Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 534. (C. J. King) Over- (L. Villari) Eng. Illust. 5: (E. O'Callaghan) Un. (S. A. Willson) M. — Grains of. (G. Wardman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 247. — Musical, at Sinai. (H. C. Bolton) Science, I3 : 368. - Sands, “Barking,” of the Hawaiian Islands. Bolton) Nature, 42: 389. - — Musical Notes from Non-Musical. (C. Carus-Wilson) Nature, 44; 322. Same art, Science, I8: 99. Sand Boulders in the Drift in Central Missouri. W. Spencer) Am. Natural. 21: 917. Sand-Desks. (R. Blair) Antiq. m. s. 23: 75. Sand-Grouse, Pallas’s. Chamb. J. 65: 471. Sand-Transportation by Rivers, Peculiar Method of. (J. C. Graham) Am. J. Sci. I40: 476. Sand-Waves at Henlopen and Hatteras. Scrib. M. 8: 507. Sandwort, A Mt. Washington. (Grant Allen) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 590. Sandby, Thomas and Paul. (C. Monkhouse) Portfo. (H. C. (J. (J. R. Spears) I9: 9. Sander, Nicholas. (J. H. Pollen) Eng. Hist. R. 6: 36. & Sanderson, John, with portrait. Bank. M. (Lond.) 52: 2II. Sandhurst and its Legends. (C. C. King) Un. Serv. M. n. S. 4: 176, 242. Sandringham, Run to. All the Year, 40: 82. Sandro Gallotti; a poem. Macmil. 59: I.21. Sandstone, Mechanical Cause of Lamination of. (T. M. Reade) Nature, 37: 222. — Redrock, of Marion Co., Iowa. J. Sci. I4I: 273. — Structure of, as Affecting Architectural and Engi- neering Work. (T. M. Reade) Am. Arch. 27: 9. Sandusky, Pioneer Incidents of. (S. A. Willson) M. West. Hist. 9: 369. - Sandwich, Mass. (N. Y. Chamberlain) New Eng. M. 11. S. I : 3OI. ~ (C. R. Keyes) Am. SANDWICH Sandwich Islands, Petrography of. (E. S. Dana) Am. J. Sci. I37: 441. See also Hawaii. Sandwich Man, The ; a story. M. 8: 7oo. Sandwich-Men, Between Boards. Leis. Hour, 36: 714. Sanger, James V., with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 707. Sanitarium, Thomas Wilson, Baltimore, Md. (J. A. Tompkins) Lend a H. 2: 505. Sanitary Condition of Cities. (S. G. Young) Am. Arch. 22: 218. Sanitary Inspection in Chicago, Results of. (E. W. Bemis) Nation, 44; 230. — of Houses. (W. K. Burton) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 178. Sanitary Legislation in England since 1875. (G. N. Calkins) Am. Statis. Assoc. 2: 297. Sanitary Needs of Town Houses. (C. F. Wingate) Chaut. 7: 607. Sanitary Progress in England. Ed. R. I'73: 65. — in India. (D. Galton) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 519. — Vital Steps in. (B. W. Richardson) J. Soe. Arts, 32 : 454. Sanitary Science. Science, Io: 218. — in the Home. (R. H. Richards) J. Frankl. Inst. I26: 95. & — in New Jersey. 48cience, 9: 444. — Popular Instruction in. (J. J. Pope) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 320. Sanitary Service in Amsterdam. Am. Arch. 28: 84. Sanitary Study of Life" (B. W. Richardson) Ecl. M. III: 508. Sanitary Work in Great Disasters. Sci. Mo. 37: 459. Sanitation, Economy in. (E. W. Peattie) Am. (Consul Eckstein) (G. G. Groff) Pop. (D. Galton) J. Soc. Arts, 31: 575. — Hughes's System. Am. Arch. 21: 213. — Obstacles to. (R. Brewer) J. Soc. Arts, 24: 654. — Progress of. (E. Chadwick) J. Soc. Arts, 36: 1029. — Survival of the Filthiest. (C. H. Owen) N. Eng. 47: 2OI. – Tenement. (C. F. Wingate) Lend a H. 2: 82. Sanskrit Grammar, Whitney's. Sat. R. 67: 484. Sanskrit Language, Chronology of. (F. Max Müller) Ath. '89, 2: 191. Sanskrit Manuscript, A New. I38. - Sanskrit Poetry, Beginnings of Classical. (P. Peter- son) Acad. 39: 305. Sant'Ilario. (F. M. Crawford) Eng. Illust. 6: 6–867. Santa Barbara, Cal. (E. Roberts) Art J. 39: Io. — (E. Roberts) Harper, 75: 813. – (E. Roberts) Outing, 9: 563. * a Santa Barbara Channel, Across the. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 23: 21 I, 387. Santa Barbara Island, Flora of, Peculiarities of. (J. W. Fewkes) Am. Natural. 24; 215. Santa Catalina Island. (H. T. Finck) Nation, 49: 307, 327. Santa Catalina River, An Early Mining Boom on. M. Guinn) Overland, n. s. IG: 476. Santa Clara, Rio de. (N. Eames) Overland, n. s. 9: 382. Santa Clara Valley. 561. > Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, Blake's Attack on. (G. F. Hooper) Un. Serv. M. 1 ('88): 83. Santa Fé, Vice-Regal Palace at. Am. Arch. 30: 151. Santa Monica, Soldiers’ Home at. (E. F. Adams) Overland, m. s. I2: 225. Santa Rosa, Caged Tigers of. (R. Wheatley) Cosmopol. 7: 326. (G. Bühler) Acad. 4o: (J. (D. Belden) Overland, n. s. 9: 375 SATURN Santorin, Island of, Volcanic Eruptions at, and St. John's Account of the Last Judgment. (J. T. Bent) 19th Cent. 24: 813. Saône, The, Hamerton's. Sat. R. 64: 865. – Spec. 6o: 1679. Saphir, Moritz Gottlieb. Spec. 60: 1416. Sapphire Ring, The. (R. K. Hervey) Theatre, 19: 304. 2O: I 3. Sappho. (M. Gray) Argosy, 51: 203. — Ath. '89, 2: 56. : - Songs, translated by Easby-Smith. Sat. R. 72: 726. sº of Green Springs. (F. B. Harte) Lippine. 45: 27. Saracens, History of the, Gilman's. Ath. '88, 2: 218. — Origin of the. (E. de Bunsen) Asia. Q. 8: 132. Sarapis, Xanthian Marble of. (A. Michaelis) J. Hel. Stud. 6: 287. Sarasate and D'Albert. Critic, 15: 260. Saratoga, Battle of. (J. Fiske) Atlan. 63: 601. Saratoga Monument, The. (C. H. Crandall) Am. M. 8: 415. Sarcey, Francisque. (B. Matthews) Cosmopol. 9: 727. Sarcophagus, Amazon, of Corneto. (S. Colvin) J. Hel. Stud. 4: 354. - Sarcophagi, Two Archaic Greek. (G. Dennis) J. Hel. Stud. 4: I. Sardine Factories of Kent. Chamb. J. 68: 155. Sardinia and the Sardes. Chamb. J. 66: 662. — Edwardes on. Ath. 'go, I: 173. — Hunting Wild Sheep in. (E. N. Buxton) 19th Cent. 25: 902. — Sketches. All the Year, 65: 367. — Visit to. Cornh. 60: 607. Sardinians, Among the. Liv. Age, I84: I40. Sardinian Drummer Boy. (E. de Amicis) Cosmopol. 4: 81. Sardou, V. Cleopatra. (C. Seymour) Poet-Lore, 2: 654. — Thermidor. Sat. R. 7 I : I.24. — (A. Laugel) Nation, 52: I55. (C. Nicholson) Acad. 39: 145. (W. E. A. Axon) Acad. 36: — — Suppression of. Sargant, William Lucas. 3O3. Sargent, John S. (R. A. M. Stevenson) Art J. 4o: 65. — — (H. James) Harper, 75: 683. Sark. (C. W. Kennedy) Longm. I7: 633. Same art. Liv. Age, 189: 30. Sarracinesca. (F. M. Crawford) Blackw. I4I: 92–469. Sarsfield, Patrick; a Jacobite Rapparee. (F. Dixon) Temp. Bar, 92: 30. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 591. Sarto, Andrea Vanucchi del, The Carita of. (W. Mer- cer; F. Max Müller) Acad. 35: Io2, 120. Same art. Ecl. M. Io&: 351. Satan in the Old Testament. (M. L. Killner) Church R. 50: 736. — Milton's. Cornh. 60: 264. — the only Formidable Enemy. Mo. 5: 301. Satchell, Thomas. Acad. 31: 288. Satins, Silks and, Manufacture of. Art J. 43: 19. — Political, Twenty Years of. (G. Saintsbury) Mac- mil. 61: 336. Same art. Liv. Age, I85: 259. Satire, Byzantine. (H. F. Tozer) J. Hel. Stud. 2: 233. Satsuma, Old. (E. S. Morse) Harper, 77: 512. Saturn and his Rings in March. Chamb. J. 67: 81. — Phenomena Observed upon, in 1877-8. (E. L. Trouvelot) Sid. Mess. Io: 74, 17I. — Rings of. (G. H. Darwin) Harper, 79: 66. — — Shadow on. (A. Jenks) Sid. Mess. 9; 255. — — Spectrum of. Nature, 39: 564. (H. J. Clarke) Theo. (L. H. Armstrong) SATURN Saturn, Rings of, Stability of Stars in. (G. W. Coak- ley) Sid. Mess. 9: 3, 67. — Satellite of, First Discovery of a. (W. T. Lynn) Ath. '88, 2: 165. Saugus, Mass. (E. P. Robinson) Bay State Mo. 2: 140. Saul's Three Signs. (W. J. Deane) Brit. & For. Evang. R. 37: 405. Sault Ste. Marie; an Outing on the “Soo.” I6: 279. — Rapids of, How we Ran. (H. D. Wiman) Outing, II : I4. Saunders. Saunders, Harris C. L., with portrait. (Lond.) 51 : 593. Sauropoda, Notice of a New Genus of. Am. J. Sci. I35: 89. Savage, J. Genealogical Dictionary, Corrections and Additions in. (J. W. Porter) N. E. Reg. 45: 3II. Savage, James Woodruff. M. West. Hist. 9: 295. Savage, Minot J. Surrender of Orthodoxy. (W. B. F. Treat) Chris. Q. 8: 521. Outing, (C. H. Roberts) Overland, n. s. I2: 190. Bank. M. (O. C. Marsh) Savage Club, London. (E. J. Goodman) Contemp. 55; 873. Savagery, Modern, Sources of. (J. Buckham) Our Day, 8: 357. Savages, Metaphysics of. (A. Lang) Acad. 33: 43. – (F. Max Müller) Acad. 33: 62. – Minds of. Spec. 60: 351, 385. Io9: 504, 704. — Mutual Aid among. 29: 538. — Sight in. (W. H. Hudson) Longm. I2: 279. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 377. Savage Races, Progress of. Spec. 60: 73. Savannah, Ga. (I. W. Avery) Harper, 76: 256. — Siege and Evacuation of. (C. C. Jones, jr.) So. Hist. Pap. I'7: 60. Saved 1 (Countess of Munster) Lond. Soc. 53: 507. — as by Fire. (E. M. Marsh) Good Words, 29: 46–829. — by a Crutch. (E. R. Croom) Sunday M. 20: 634. — vs. being Saved. (T. W. Chambers) J. Bib. Lit. 6: 40. Savermake Forest, Eng., Sale of. Spec. 67: 878. Savery Families of America. (A.W. Savery) N. E. Reg. 4I: 369. Savile Letters, The. (J. Cartwright) Macmil. 58: 430. Same art. Liv. Age, I79: 235. Savings Banks. (W. Meikle) Bank. M. (Lond.) 51: 435. — Bank. M. (N. Y.) 42: 872. – and Building Associations in Illinois. Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 125. — and Recent Frauds. Chamb. J. 68: 486. — Dealing in Futures by. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 524. – Fifty Years of. (Alex. Cargill) Good Words, 28: 334. — in Australasia, 1887. Bank. M. (Lond.) 48: 154. – in England, Deposits in, 1887. Bank. M. (Lond.) 47: 817. - in Massachusetts. Bank. M. (N. Y.) 43; 822. 45: 792. - — in the U. S. IOO. – Penny. Meliora, 2: 133. – Post Office. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 42: 908. — (C. E. Bu- ell). Lend a H. 4: 193.— (C. E. Buell) Lend a H. 7: I77. — Meliora, 4: 330. See Postal. - Recent Inquiry into, 1890. Bank. M. (Lond.) 50: I95I. – School. (J. H. Thiry) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 165. — (G. C. T. Bartley) J. Soc. Arts, 25: 851. — — Progress of. (Agnes Lambert) 19th Cent. 22: 206. — — Working of. (H. Whitehead) 19th Cent. 22: 415. Same art. Ecl. M. (Prince Kropotkin) 19th Cent. (J.W.Jenks) (J. P. Townsend) Am. J. Soc. Sci. 25: 376 SCARRON Savings Banks, Taxation of. (W. S. Paine) Bank. M. (N. Y.) 45: 789. — Trustee. Bank. M. (Lond.) 49: 1139. —Lond. Q. 7o: I. Savings Bººk Directors, Liability of. Bank. M. (N.Y.) 43: 836. Savings Bank Dividends. Q. J. Econ. 3: 211. Savona, The “Santuario’’ of. Spec. 62: 709. Savonarola, Girolamo. Am. Cath. Q. 14: 23. – (A. Bates) Chaut. II: 27. – (E. Castelar) Contemp. 51: 457. Same art. Liv. Age, 173: 433. —Lond. Q. 72: Ioč. – Villari's Life of. Ed. R. 17o: 68. – Church Q. 28: 426. – Atlan. 64; 422. – (E. Armstrong) Eng. Hist. R. 4; 441. Savoy, hº Out-of-the-Ways in. (E. Eggleston) Cent. 40: 8o3. Savoy, The, London, Story of. Illust. 6: 656. Saws, Wise, and Modern Instances. Chamb. J. 64: 507. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 667. Sawflies. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. I2: 79. — Transformations of. (E. A. Butler) Knowl. 12: 119. Sawyer, Jonathan, with portrait. Granite Mo. 12: 1. Sawyer, Philetus, with portrait. (G. Gary) M. West. Hist. Io: 457. Saxe, John G. Critic, Io: 179. - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ernest, Duke of. (J. Kelly) Leis. Hour, 37: 96. – Quar. I57: 108. Same art. Liv. Age, I82: 707. Saxons; how they Lived. 3O3. Saxon Churches. All the Year, 62: 468. Saxon Land Charters. Acad. 34: 119. Saxony in 1533–1540, The Grocers' War against. Cornh. 59: 77. Saxton, Albe M., with portrait. (W. L. Visscher) M. West. Hist. 7: 305. - Sayings, Famous, Evolution of. (W. S. Walsh) Lippine. 44: 871. Sayre, Lewis Albert, with portrait. (S. A. Willson),M. West. Hist. II: 60. Scammon, J. Young, with portrait. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I2: 409. Scanderbeg. (A. Repplier) Cath. World, 50: 341. Scandinavia; a Midsummer Ramble. (C. C. Clarke) Month, 59: 207, 369. Scandinavians in the U. S. (A. Shaw) Chaut. 8: 169. Scandinavian Antiquities. Ed. R. I73: 332. Scandinavian Authors, Modern. (C. S. Hartmann) Poet- Lore, 3: 33. Scandinavian Literature. 282, 335. — Gosse's Studies in. Nation, 5.1 : 507. Scandinavian Studies in the United States. (D. K. Dodge) Science, 9: 478. – (F. E. Nipher) Science, 9: 599. Scapegoat, Painting the Picture of. (W. H. Hunt) Con- temp. 52: 21, 206. Same art. Liv. Age, I74: 477. Same art. Ecl. M. Io9: 325, 529. Scarabs. (A. B. Edwards) Acad. 38: 54. —Sat. R. 69: (J. E. Locking) Eng. (R. S. Dix) Chaut. I2: 14– (H. H. Boyesen) Chaut. 8: 54. Scarborough, Eng. (J. Leyland) Amer. I8: 378. — Castle of, Discoveries in. (R. C. Hope) Reliquary, 29: 24. Scare at Rushlight Camp. (J. C. Scott) Belgra. 65: 475. Scarecrow. (S. P. M. Greene) Harper, 81: 256. Scarlet Fever and Cow Pox. Nature, 40: 57. — Etiology of. (E. Klein) Nature, 36: 126. — in London in 1887. (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 2: 433. Scarron, Paul. (Mrs. E. M. Davy) Belgra. 75: 247. Same art. Liv. Age, Igo: 701. SCENE–PAINTING Scene-Painting. Sat. R. 64; 757. — as a Fine Art. (J. P. Ritter) Cosmopol. 8: 43. — Century of. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. n. S. 40: 282. Scenery and Scenic Artists. (W. J. Lawrence) Gent. M. m. s. 42: 608. — in Europe, Most Beautiful. R. of Rs. 2: 179, 289. Scepticism. See Skepticism. Schaeffle, Albert E. F., the Quintessence of Socialism. (F. W. Hannam) To-Day, II: 72. Schaff, Philip. Literature and Poetry. Sat. R. 7o: 4O2. Scharf, George. Scharnhorst, Lehman's Life of. Hist. R. 4: 796. Scheele, Karl Wilhelm, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 3I: 839. Scheffer, Ary, with portrait. 4o: 759, 835. Schema Pindarikon, The. (R. S. Haydon) Am. J. Phi- lol. II: 182. Schenck, Gen. Robert C. Hist. I2: 209. Scherer, Edmond. Atlan. 67: 838.- (E. Dowden) Fortn. 51: 579. Same art. Liv. Age, I8I: 407. — Ath.’89, 1: 377. — (W. Jones) Nation, 48: 280. – Lit. W. (Bost.) 20: 160. — as a Critic. (G. Bradford, jr.) And. R. II: 502. Scherer, Wilhelm. (W. T. Hewett) Am. J. Philol. 8: (J. F. Boyes) Art J. 43: 296. (A. W. Ward) Eng. (A. Laby) Leis. Hour, (Isaac Smucker) M. West. 34. Schettini, Pirro. (P. Toynbee) Acad. 38; 313. Scheveningen; a Dutch Watering-Place. Nation, 51: 27. Schiller, Johann C. F. von. (J. Forster) Belgra. 72: 295. —Spec. 61: Iočo. — Friendship with Goethe. (E. Dowden) Fortn. 56: 163. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 493. — The Ring of Polycrates; the Cranes of Ibycus; translated. Blackw. I42: 684. —Song of the Bell. (T. Martin) Blackw. I4I: 579. Schiller-Szinessy, Salomon Marcus. Acad. 37: 186. Schinder, Der. Sat. R. 65 : 376. Schinner, Matthew, Bishop of Sion. idge) Eng. Hist. R. 2: 737. Schism, Great, of the West. Cath. Q. If: 67. Schists, Classification of the. (W. A. B. Cool- (J. F. Loughlin) Am. (A. Heim) Nature, 38: 524. — Crystalline. (T. Hunt) Nature, 38: 519. — Problems Presented by. (K. A. Lorsen) Nature, 38: 522. — Recent Publications on. (J. Lehmann) Nature, 38: 549. Schjellerup, Hans Carl Frederick Christian. (J. L. E. Dreyer) Nature, 37: 154. Schlangenbad, a Spa in Prussia. Argosy, 45; 436. Schlegel, Caroline, Sidgwick’s Life of. Spec. 64; 343. Schleyer, Johann Martin. Acad. 34: 244. Schliemann, Heinrich. Critic, I8: IO-2O. — (J. S. Cot- ton) Acad. 39; 19. — Pop. Sci. Mo. 38: 8o3. — (C. K. Tuckerman) New Eng. M. m. s. 4: #79. —(P. Gardner). Macmil. 63: 474. Same art. Liv. Age, I89: 495. — And. R. I5: 210. – Liv. Age, 188: 621. – Sat. R. 71: 6. — (J. P. Mahaffy) Ath. '91, I: 27. – (S. P. Lambros) Ath. '91, I: 94. — (T. D. Seymour) Chaut. I3: 314. — Nature, 43: 227. — Discoveries of, in Hellas. (J. L. Ewell) New Eng. M. 4: 634. — An Evening with. Blackw. I49; 212. — Excavations of, Schuckhardt on. Sat. R. 72: 449. – Personal Recollections of. (K. Blind) National, 16: 734. Same art. Liv. Age, I88: 550. Same art. Ecl. M. II6: 433. 377 SCHOOLS Schliemann, Heinrich, Scientific Work of. (W. J. Stillman) Nation, 52: IIo. — Sketch and List of Works of. Lit. W. (Bost.) 22: 29. – Visit to. (E. L. Didier) Lit. W. (Bost.) 22:41. Schlyter, Carl Johan. Ath. '89, I: 51. Schmitz, Leonhard. Ath. 'go, I: 739. Schnadhorst, and the Liberal Party. Westm. I28: IO4. Schnaebelé Affair, Moral of the. (S. Reinach) Nation, 44; 424. Schnatterndorf Episode, A.; a story. (D. H. Strothers) Cosmopol. 9: 94. Scholar, English, of the Middle Ages. Chaut. I2: 312. - — in American Life. (H. C. Potter) Forum, 7: 467. Scholar’s Note-Book of Cromwell's Time. (L. D. Ray) Educa. Io: 615. Scholarships, Evil of. (D. Beale) Murray, 5: 608. (E. Lawrence) Scholastic Philosophy and Evolution. (H. Browne) Month, 64: 529. — and the Conservation of Energy. (H. Browne) Month, 64; 398. — and Materialism. — and the Relativity of Knowledge. Month, 64: 67. — and Roman Catholic Philosophy. R. Io&: 255. — Neo. (F. Winterton) Mind, I3: 383. Schonfeld, Edward. Ath. '91, I: 639. Schongauer, Martin, of Colmar. (C. MacMillan) N. Eng. 5I: 189. School, Boys', American, Coit) Forum, I2: I. — A Country Day, Seventy Years ago. Liv. Age, I81: 51. – Expenses at., (A. Gave) National, I6: 594. — A French ; Ecole Alsacienne, Paris. (W. L. Mon- tague) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 382. — A Good London. (Mrs. H. E. Monroe) Educa. Io: (H. Browne Month, 64; 37. (H. Browne) (W. Ward) Dub. What it should be. (H. A. (P. H. Gosse) 309. — A Home, for Boys Unsuccessful elsewhere. Cornh. 56: 325. — in Germany, New. (W. H. Burnham) Pedagog. Sem. I : I.3. — Legal Definition of. (C. W. Bardeen) Educa. R. I: 374. — Moral Tone in the. (T. B. Stowell) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 95. - — Need it be a Blight to Child-Life? (J. M. Rice) Forum, I2: 529. — a Scotch, Examining. 44; 247. Schools, American and German. lan. 66: 413. — Anthropological Investigations in. (F. Boas) Sci- ence, I7: 35 I. ; — Continuation, in Great Britain. temp. 60: 148. . — Denominational, Should Americans Educate their Children in 2 (J. J. Keane) Cath. World, 49: 808. — Development of Character in. (Abby M. Diaz), Arena, 2: 592. — District, in England. Cornh. 57: 587. — Elementary, in England, Shortcomings of. Yoxall) Longm. I2: 360. — English Public. (N. M. Butler) Science, Io; 253. – Meliora, 7: 97. — — Free Dinners at. 372. — — in 1887. Ath. '87, 2: 83. — — in 1888. Ath. '88, 2: 96. — — in 1891. Ath. '91, 2; I25. (A. Gordon) Gent. M. m. s. (J. T. Prince) At- (S. Smith) Con- (J. H. (G. H. Sargant) Fortn. 48: SCHOOLS Schools, English Public, in the Olden Time. (R. J. Mackenzie) Murray, 4: 117. Same art. Liv. Age, I78: 495. — Free. Dub. R. Io9: 395. — — in Great Britain. (E. L. Stanley) Contemp. 57: 44o. — (T. J. MacNamara) Macmil. 63: 274. — Health of. Lend a H. 7: 258. —Science, Io: 64. – in England, Scheme for. (J. H. Yoxall) Longm. I3: 28. — in Europe; Klemmi. 50: 138. — in Germany, Impressions from. uca. R. 2: 231. — in Summer. (B. Whitman) Lend a H. 3: 699. — Manual Training in. (E. J. James) And. R. Io: 369. See Manual Training. — Overpressure in. Chamb. J. 67: 769. – (B. A. Hinsdale) Science, Io: 177. — (E. P. King) Science, Io: 192. — Preparatory, Modern University and. (M. G. Ed- wards) Bapt. R. I3: 583. — Primary, in the Middle Ages. Educa. R. I : 220. — — and Secondary, of Holland. uca. 9; 160. — — — and University. (S. S. Laurie) Science, 9: 367. — Promotion of Pupils in. (E. E. White) Educa. 9: 4I 5. -- — Public, in the U. S., and Colleges, Gap between. (C. W. Eliot) Arena, 2: 24. — — and Parochial Schools. World, 47: 589. — — and Religion. (W. E. Griffis) And. R. II: 356. — — and Religious Education. And. R. I5: 84. — — and their Responsibilities. (J. L. Pickard) Ed- uca. II: 480. — — Are they Godless 2 (H. D. Jenkins) Presb. R. (W. H. Burnham) Nation, (J. T. Prince) Ed- (Brother Azarias) (L. A. Stäger) Ed- (A. D. Small) Cath. Io: 26. — — Bible in the. (H. E. Manning) Forum, 7: 52. — — Christian. (P. F. McSweeny) Cath. World, 44: 788. — — Course in Lower, Can it be Shortened and En- riched ? (C. W. Eliot) Atlan. 62: 250. — — Effect of, on Crime and Vice. (B. Reece) Pop. Sci. Mo. 36: 319. — — Essential to American Institutions. (S. P. Smith) Univ. Q. 47: 69. — — Is the Public Demanding Impossibilities? (H. S. Baker) Educa. I2: 228. — — Jesuits and. (L. T. Townsend) Our Day, I: I5, I2I. 2: I35. — — Manning on. (G. P. Fisher) Forum, 7: —— Moral and Religious Instruction in. Thompson) Meth. R. 49: 88. — — Moral Instruction in. Bapt. R. I3: 617. – (J. Cook) Our Day, 3: 360, 461. — — Morality and Religion in. (J. C. Greenough) And. R. 7: 638. — — Nationalism for. (W. Gerould) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 243. - — — New Policy for. (J. Bascom) Forum, II: 59. — — Patriotism and. (E. B. Andrews) Arena, 3: 71. — — Perils of. (W. E. Dodge and J. Strong) Our Day, 3: Io9. — — Province of. (J. W. Dickinson) Educa. 8: 302. — — Question of, in the Pennsylvania Legislature. (M. M. Sheedy) Cath. World, 53: 485. — — — in Wisconsin and Illinois. (E. A. Higgins) Cath. World, 53: 521. – (E. M. Winston) Forum, I2: 208. — — — Three Views of. (D. G. Wylie) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 465. II9. (D. D. 378 SCHOOL Schools, Public, Religion in. (Brother Azarias) Am. Cath. Q. I6: 760. – (M. H. Leonard) And. R. 15: 496. – (A. A. Hodge) N. Princ. 3: 28. — (N. K. Davis) Forum, 2: 599. — — Religion, Morals and. 503. — — Religious Instruction in. (N. S. Burton) Bapt. R. 13: 533. – (W. T. Harris) And. R. II: 582. — (B. J. McQuaid) Forum, 8: 377. — (G. S. Payson) Our Day, 2: 384. – (J. Gibbons, and others.) Pub. Opin. 7: 297. — — Roman Catholics and. And. R. Io: 617. –(P. F. McSweeny) Cath. World, 46: 433, 736. 47: 794. — (G. Deshon) Cath. World, 5o: 677. – (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 50: 804. — (T. J. Jenkins) Cath. World, 52: 646. — — Romanizing the. (J. R. Kendrick) Forum, 8: (M. J. Savage) Arena, I: 73. — — System in. (J. E. C. Welldon) Contemp. 57: 671. — — System of. (W. T. Harris) Chaut. 8: 278. — — What Shall they Teach 2 (M. J. Savage) Forum, 4; 460. — (W. T. Harris) Forum, 4: 573. — (C. H. Parkhurst) Forum, 5: 47. – (A. Flint) Forum, 5: I46. – (R. C. Pitman) Forum, 5: 289. — (R. Gil- mour) Forum, 5: 454. — (L. H. Ward) Forum, 5: 574. — (S. E. Warren) Forum, 5: 682. — (H. H. Boyesen) Forum, 6: 92. – (A. S. Isaacs) Forum, 6: 2O4. *Secondary, Action of Colleges upon. Educa. R. 2: 422. — — Duty of the Public in Supporting. Acad. (Syr.) 5: 407. (W. C. Collar) (E. H. Capen) — — Duty of the Teachers in Supporting. (H. M. Willard) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 415. — — French and American ; Programmes. (G. W. Beaman) Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: 48. — — Function of. (N. M. Butler) Acad. (Syr.) 5: I31. — — in France, Methods of Instruction in. (A. N. Van Daell) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 200. — — What they Ask of the College. I33. - – State, Religious Instruction in. (J. L. Spalding) Educa. R. 2: IoS. Acad. (Syr.) 2: — Trades. (J. M. Wilson) J. Frankl. Inst. I29: 310. I3O: 24.I. – Unsectarianism in. (Brother Barbas) Am. Cath. Q. I4: 505. – Voluntary, Value of. tional, I2: 72.I. (Viscount Cranborne) Na- School-Books. See Text-Books. School-Boy as a Microcosm. (J. Johnson, jr.) Lippinc. 40: 726. School Boys in Council. (H. F. Lester) Gent. M. m. s. 44; 570. — Parents of. (A. Pember) National, I6: 582. School Buildings and Fittings. Arts, 23: 18. — for Secondary Education. Arts, 28: 429. School Bullies. Sat. R. 68: 376. School-Days, Leaves from a Note-Book of some. Mac- mil. 63: 313. (T. R. Smith) J. Soc. (E. C. Robins) J. Soc. School Fees in England, (J. R. Diggle) Contemp. 57: 605. — — Abolition of. (J. R. Diggle) Fortn. 49: I96. School-Houses, London. Am. Arch. 21: 127. — Practical Suggestions concerning. (C. F. Crehore) Educa. 9: 683. - - School Hygiene. (R. Virchow) J. Soc. Arts, I8: 550, 557. School Inspection. (G. H. Martin) Chaut. II 521. — (J. Kerr) Chamb. J. 68: 70. SCHOOL School Law in New Hampshire, The New. (J.W. Pat- terson) Educa. 8: 375. School Legislation in the United States, Recent. (W. B. Shaw) Educa. R. 2: 151. School Libraries. (M. B. C. True) Educa. I2: 190. School Life, Elementary Studies of. (H. J. Barker) Longm. I3: 256, 401, 512. Same art. Liv. Age, I80: 233, 5oo. — in Relation to Growth and Health. Sci. Mo. 38: 107. Schoolmasters, Modern. Sat. R. 67: 236. — The Schoolmaster Abroad. Murray, 6: 76. School Rank as Evidence of Mental Capacity. (F. A. Fernald) Educa. 9: 622. — (R. C. MacDonald) Ed- uca. IO: I 96. School Reform, Pendulum of. 8: 347. School-Rooms, Air-Supply of. 8: 1, 9 School-Shi 3: 483. School Supervision, City. (A. Gove) Educa. R. 2: 256, 362, 482. School Superintendence in Cities. (E. E.White) Educa. II : 234. e — Function of. (J. Kennedy) Educa. R. I : 465. School Tax in England, and the Royal Commission. (H. E. Manning) Fortn. 51: 732. School Teachers, Grievances of. (T. A. Organ) Contemp. 6o: 703. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, with portrait. Pop. Sci. Mo. 37: II.3. - Schopenhauer, A. (J. Royce) Atlan. 67: 161.—Sat. R. 7I: 46. — (H. T. Finck) Nation, 52: 183. – Cornh. 58: 31. – (R. Munro) Scot. R. II: 244. – and Goethe. (L. J. Huff) Unita. R. 32: 437. — and his Mother. (C. Edwardes) Temp. Bar, 82: 368. Same art. Liv. Age, I77: 35. – and Omar Khayyám. (W. L. Phelps) N. Eng. 49: 328. – as a Critic of Religion. (H. N. Gardiner) And. R. IO ... I. – Estimate of Christianity. (A. Key) Pop. (W. T. Harris) Educa. (S. W. Abbott) Educa. 5. , Life on. (W. L. Luce) New Eng. M. m. s. (A. B. Curtis) Unita. R. 33: 543. — Philosophy of. (J. A. Farrer) Gent. M. m. s. 40: 584. Same art. Liv. Age, I78; 29. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 197. — Wit and Wisdom of. Temp. Bar, 86: 281. Schreckenstein ; the Key of the Elbe. (J. Baker) Gent. - M. m. s.45; 33. Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm. Church Q. 29: 339. — (L. M. Gray) To-Day, II: I72. Schulze, Paul, with portrait. (C. W. Hobart) M. West. Hist. I3: 189. - Schumann, Madame Clara. (J. F. Rowbotham) Sunday M. 20: 337. — and Natalie Janotha. Murray, 7: 62. Schumann, Robert, Letters. Ath. '88, I: 347. — (H. T. Finck) Nation, 44; 493. Schurman, Anna Maria van. (M. G. Hansen) Ref. Q. 35; 297. Schuster, A. N. (W. L. Visscher) M.West. Hist. 7: 315. Schuyler, Cornelia, Runaway Match of. (Mrs. M. J. Lamb) M. Am. Hist. 18: 150. Schuyler, Daniel J. (H. L. Conard) M. West. Hist. I3: 323. Schuyler, Eugene. (J. S. Fiske) Nation, 51: 147. — (James M. Hubbard) Nation, 51: 190. Schuyler, Margaret, Story of ; a ballad. (C.C. Nott) M. Am. Hist. 22: 458. Schuylkill Fishing Company, History of the. (D. Sage) Nation, 50: 54. 379 SCIENCE Schwann, Theodor, with portrait. Sci. Mo. 37: 257. Schwedagone Pagoda. (P. Hordern) Macmil. 63: 37. Science, Affinity of, for Christianity. (G. F. Wright) Bib. Sac. 46: 701. — and Art, Schools of. (O. S. Dawson) Nature, 44: 547. . — — Education in, in Great Britain : Fifty Years of Government Aid in. (F. Cundall) J. Soc. Arts, 38: (L. Frédéricq.) Pop. 499. – and the Bishops. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 352. Same art. (T. H. Huxley) Ecl. M. IIo: 389. - — and Christianity. (J. Gibbons) Am. Cath. Q. I3: 1. — (W. Poland) Am. Cath. Q. 13: 335. — and Conjecture. Spec. 67: 723. — and Faith. (W. H. Mallock) Forum, 2: 583. — — Moore on. Spec. 62: 577. — and its Accusers. (W. D. Le Sueur) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34; 367. — and Morals; Reply to W. S. Lilly’s “Materialism and Morality.” (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 493. — (W. S. Lilly) Fortn. 47: 276. – and the Poets. (J. Burroughs) Cosmopol. 5: I.27. — and Politics. Knowl. 9: 240. f — and Practical Life. (T. H. Huxley) Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 166. - f — and Pseudo-Science. (R. Watts) Brit. & For. Evang. | R. 36: 497. — (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 21 : 191. — (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 21: 321. — (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 21: 481. – (Duke of Argyll) 19th Cent. 21: 771. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31: 207, Same art. Ecl. M. 108: 722. — and Religion. Knowl. 19: 171. — — Conflict between. (J. Rickaby) Month, 62: 58. — — Mivart on. (J. Murphy) Dub. R. IO2: 4oo. — — Scriptural Questions. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 44; 445, 654, 741. — — Spencer's Reconciliation of. Educa. Io; I45. — — Testimony of Nature. (G. Macloskie) Presb. & Ref. R. I : 587. — — Truthfulness in. Church Q. 27: IoI. — and Revelation. (G. G. Stokes) Nature, 36: 333. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 32: 47. & — and the Revolution. (W. H. Mallock) Fortn. 52: 6oo. — and Society in the Fifties. (Mrs. Andrew Crosse) Temp. Bar, 93: 33. Same art. Ecl. M. II.7: 651. Same art. Liv. Age, Igr: 208. — and Speculative Philosophy. (J. Ming) Am. Cath. Q. I2 : I. — and the Spiritual. (A. J. Du Bois) N. Eng. 46: 4I 3. — and the Supernatural. (A. J. Du Bois) N. Eng. 53: 462. — and Theology. (G. D. B. Pepper) Bapt. R. II: 207. — (T. H. Huxley) 19th Cent. 22: 625. — Applied, Sir Frederick Bramwell on. Ath. '88, 2: II. — — Possibilities of. (O. Smith) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 422. I32: I 7. — — Progress of. (L. Playfair) Contemp. 53: 358. — Border-Land of. (R. H. Thurston) No. Am. I5o: 67. — Concessions to. (G. Macloskie) Presb. R. Io: 220. — Culture and. (T. Gill) Am. Natural. 22:481. — Dignity of. (R. A. Proctor) Knowl. 9: 93. — Dogmatism of. (R. H. Newton) Arena, I: 643. — Empiricism versus. Nature, 38: 609. — for Artists. Nature, 36: 199, 221. - (J. N. Lockyer) Nature, 44; 175, 227. — Friends and Foes of. (J. A. Zahn) Am. Cath. Q. 15: 630. SCIENCE 380 Science, Generalisations of. (C. L. Morgan) Mind, 12: 88 — Growth of, in Twenty Years. Nature, 41: 1. Same art. Science, I4; 398. — Hasty Conclusions in. (J. Burroughs) Chaut. 8: 493. — Humility of. Spec. 63: 267. – Idealism of. (G. A. Denison) Unita. R. 33: 225. – Implications of. (St. G. Mivart and others) Nature, 45: 60–125. — in 1885-6. (R. A. Proctor) Br. Alma. Comp. '87: (R. A. Proctor) Br. Alma. Comp. '88, I67. — in 1887–8. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '89: 343. — in 1888–9. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '90: 338. — in 1889–90. (E. W. Maunder) Br. Alma. Comp. '91: 339. — in Courts of Law. (R. A. Smith) J. Soc. Arts, 8: I35. — in Elementary Schools. Nature, 36: 518. 37: 279, 577. 40: 589.-(J.M. Arms) Pop. Sci. Mo. 34: 662. — (H. E. Armstrong) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 239. — (J. H. Gladstone) J. Soc. Arts, 27: 63. — (W. L. Carpenter) J. Soc. Arts, 32: 155. – in its Effect upon Trade. (L. Playfair) [Contemp.] Ecl. M. IIo: 577. Same art. Liv. Age, I'77: 27. — in Politics. (J. Adam) Contemp. 51 t 32. — in Secondary Schools. Acad. (Syr.) 2: 82, 184. — (C. R. Dryer) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 197. — (H. H. Ballard) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 209. – (G. B. Morrison) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 270. — (C. H. Koyl) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 281. — (G. V. Yonge) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 329. – (A. D. Morrill) Acad. (śī) 3:402-(G.E. Zartman) Acad. (Syr.)3: 517. -- (E. A. H. Allen) Educa. Io: IoS. — in the Schools. Educa. 9: 547. — in Utopia. (G. L. Herrick) Am. Natural. 22: 698. — Jubilee of. (E. S. Bruce) Dub. R. IO2: 257. — Knowledge of, Increased Importance of. Dolbear) Acad. (Syr.) 4: 537. — Light of, and Lights of the Church. (T. H. Huxley) M. Chr. Lit. 3: I. — Men of ; their Relation to the General Public. (T. C. Mendenhall) Science, I6: 227. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 38; 19. - — Missing. (E. Atkinson) Lend a H. 4: 407. — Moral Teachings of. (A. B. Buckley) Chaut. Io: 542. II: 296. (A. E. – Natural. (A. Irving and H. P. Gurney) Nature, 37: 389, 415. — — Aim and Future of. (J. L. Howe) Science, I6: 239. — — as a Requisite for Admission to College. (S. F. Clarke) Acad. (Syr.) 6: 422, — — Study of, its Uses and Dangers. (W. T. Harris) Educa. Io: 277. - – or Bumblepuppy 2 (T. Dwight) Am. Cath. Q. I2: 636. — Philosophy, - Religion. Unita. R. 28: 314. – Physical, and Theology. (E. Hatch) Contemp. 55: 864. — — and the Woolwich Examinations. Nature, 37: 433. — Practical Outcome of. (W. H. Smith) Pop. Sci. Mo. 39 : 479. – Progress of, from 1836 to 1886. (Grant Allen) Fortn. 47: 868. Same art. Pop. Sci. Mo. 31 : 503. - Public Applause and. Spec. 67: 524. - Relation to Art. (E. Du Bois-Reymond) Nature, 45: 2OO. A. * - Religion's Gain from. (T. T. Munger) Forum, 6: 45. * SCILLY Science, Renan's Future of. (A. Laugel) Nation, 50: 4 II. - Services of Catholic Missionaries to. (A. David) Nature, 38: 434. Same art. Liv. Age, 179: 59. — Social Claims and Aspects of. Meliora, I:237. – Students of, American, Why they go to Germany. (S. Sheldon) Atlan. 63: 463. - - Study of, and the Christain Faith. (H. W. Conn) Meth. R. 50: 79. — — Outline of a Course Based on Evolution. (L. J. Martin) Educa. 8: 440. — — Preparatory Training in. (Syr.) 3: 69. – Teaching of. (J. H. Gladstome) Nature, 40: 1. — Nature, 40: 590, 645. - (H. H. Sales) J. Soc. Arts, I7: 261. - (F. Guthrie) J. Soc. Arts, 34: 629–659. — — Experiment in. (J. B. Daish) Acad. (Syr.) 5: 98. •=º mº "-- . the High School. (D. S. Jordan) Pop. Sci. Mo. 30: 72.I. — — in the Schools. (W. N. Rice) Am. Natural. 22: 765, 897. — Unity of. (J. Moleschott) Pop. Sci. Mo. 33: 520. – Warfare of. (A. F. Hewit) Cath. World, 53: 393, 567, 678. 54: 194. — — New Chapters in. (A. D. White) Pop. Sci. Mo. v. 3 I-39. — Witness of, to Religion. (W. Barry) Cath. World, 52; 791. 53: 60–821. Sciences, Circle of. (A. P. Coleman) Chaut. 9: 13, 75. Science Museum at London, Proposed. Sat. R. 63: 9IO. Scientific Advances, Some Recent. (A. J. H. Crespi) Gent. M. m. s. 43: 391. – Ecl. M. II3: 753. Scientific Advancement and its Relation to Education. (W. M. Spaulding) Acad. (Syr.) 3: 415. Scientific Age, The. (W. Siemens) Pop. Sci. Mo. 3o: 814. Scientific Apparatus, South Kensington Exhibition of, 1876. J. Soc. Arts, 24: 831–1026. 25: 13–132. Scientific Assessors in Courts of Justice. Nature, 38: 289. Scientific Beliefs, Degree of Probability of. (W. N. Rice) N. Eng. 54; 44. Scientific Books, The United States as a Publisher of. (J. H. Gore) Chaut. I3: 75 I. Scientific Culture. Spec. 61 : 331. Scientific Dreams of the Past. (A. de Rochas) Pop. Sci. * Mo. 39: 362. Scientific Education, Advantages of. Meth, R. 49: 2OI. — and Industrial Prosperity. (P. F. Frankland) Na- tional, I3: 343. — Vices of Our. (G. M. Minchin) Nature, 40: 126. Scientific Expeditions from American Colleges. (N. S. Shaler) Chaut. I2: 52. Scientific Fact and Inference. (H. W. Conn) Am. Nat- ural. 2I: 791. Scientific Ignorance. Sat. R. 72: 222. Scientific Inquiry, Limits of. (H. Hensoldt) J. Frankl. Inst. I31: 358. - Scientific Method, Teaching of. (H. E. Armstrong) Science, I7: 281. Scientific Perdition. (R. Fisk) Univ. Q. 44; 26, 133. Scientific Research, National Agencies for. (J. W. Powell) Chaut. I4: 160. Scientific Speculation. (G. Macloskie) Presb. R. 8: 617. Scientific Spirit of the Age. (F. P. Cobbe) Contemp. 54: 126. Same art. Ecl. M. III: 324. Scilly Islands. (E. Brewer) Leis. Hour, 39: 552. — The Scillonians. (F. Banfield) Gent. M. m. s. 4I: 41. — Sketches in. All the Year, 69: 229. Same art. Liv. Age, 191: 437. (C. D. Marx) Acad. (A. Winchell) SCIOTO Scioto Purchase in 1787. (E. C. Dawes) M. Am. Hist. 22 : 47C. Scopas, Works of School of. (L. R. Farnell) J. Hel. Stud. 7: II.4. Scorodite, Deposition of. (A. Hague) Am. J. Sci. I34: I7I. Scorpions, Do they Commit Suicide? Nature, 35: 590. Scot; Story of a Dog. Chamb. J. 65: 731. Scotch in America. (J. G. Carnachan) Chaut. 8: 303. Scotch-Irish. (J. C. Linehan) Granite Mo. II: 17, 50, 85. – Granite Mo. 12: 69. — Convention of, 1889. Amer. 18: 70. – Pennsyl. M. I4: 68. Scotch Farm Kitchen, In a. s. 46: 346. Scotch Gentleman, Disappearance of the Old. Spec. 61: 1435. Scotch Judge of the Old School, Disappearance of the. Spec. 60: 732. Scotch Language, Future of the. Spec. 60: 521. Scotch Literature. Unaccredited Heroes. (H. G. Reid) Gent. M. m. s. 45: 384. Scotch “Smiddy,” In a. (A. Gordon) Gent. M. n. S. 45: 56. Scotch Swamp, A Night in a. Scotland; Among the Lonely Hills. Macmil. 64; 424. — and England, Union of 1707 viewed Financially. Scot. R. Io: 213. — and Home Rule. — and Ireland, Ancient Peoples of. Anthrop. J. 20: 154. — Duke of Argyll on. Ath. '87, I: 344, 388. – Ed. R. 165: 532. — (D. MacG. Means) Nation, 45: II9. – Sat. R. 64: 198. — Church of. (Balfour of Burleigh) Contemp. 52: 867. (A. Gordon) Gent. M. n. Blackw. I44; 229. (G. W. Hartley) (W. Mitchell) Scot. R. II: 323. (H. MacLean) — — and Kirk of. (K. Nelson) Church. R. 50: 283. — — Disestablishment of. (A. T. Innes) And. R. I5: 27. — — Gladstone and. National, I6: 433. — — Kirk Session Records. (A. W. C. Hallen) Antiq. n. s. 29: 41. — — Liturgics, New, of. (A. K. H. Boyd) Blackw. I48: 659. - — — Roman Catholic, Bellesheim’s. Spec. 61: 894. 64: 659. - — Churches of. Spec. 62: 790. — Church Question in. (W. C. Smith) Contemp. 53: 286. – National, 9: 39. — Conservatism in. (W. E. Hodgson) National, I2: 486. . * – Corner of, Worth Knowing. (W. G. Blaikie) Har- per, 79: 785. — Counties of, Chronicles of. All the Year, 59: 5-505. — Ecclesiastical History of. Church Q. 28: 508. — Farm-Laborers of. (A. Gordon) Scot. R. I4: 219. – Fisher Life in. (J. G. Bertram) National, I4: 358. Same art. Liv. Age, I83: 665. — Highlands of. (C. M. Gaskell) Murray, 2: 187. — — Agriculture in. (L. Levi) J. Soc. Arts, I4; 324. See also Highlands. — History of, Keith's. Sat. R. 63: 97. — Home Rule for. (A. N. Cumming) National, 18: 145. —(W. Mitchell) Scot. R. I6: 338. — — in A. D. 1920; a Retrospect. (A. Dunbar) Blackw. I47: 45 I. — — Limits of. (W. Wallace) Scot. R. I5: 420. — in the 18th Century, Ramsay’s. Ath. '88, I: 174. — Ed. R. 168: 171. — Quar. I57; 33. —Spec. 61: 391. — in Times Past. (G. Burnett) Scot. R. II: I. – “Incendiaries” and “Plotters.” (J. Hutton) Gent. M. m. s. 46: 259. 381 SCOTT Scotland. “The Incident.” s. 47: 65. – Letters and Sports in. (J. Winsor) Nation, 51: 358. — Local Government in. Blackw. I45: 297. – National Music of. (J. C. Hadden) Scot. R. I.3: 249. — Nationality and Religion of, Ker's. Spec. 60: 661. — Northern, Fauna of. (M. G. Watkins) Acad. 34: (J. Hutton) Gent. M. n. I 74. — of Mary Stuart. (John Skelton) Blackw. I41: Io9. — — Skelton on. Ath. '87, I: 215. — Blackw. I43: 529. – Spec. 61: 1363. — Ath. '88, 2: 511. — Old. Sat. R. 72: 381. : – Old Church Life in. (A. H. Japp) Cong. R. (Lond.) I: 515. —Sat. R. 63: 132. — Pagan, A Remnant of. Chamb. J. 66: 187. — Parish Life in the North of, Sage's. Spec. 63: 556. — Parliament in. (Marquess of Bute) Scot. R. I.4: 399. — Parliamentary Position of. Quar. I70: 503. — Peoples of Ancient. (J. Rhys) Scot. R. I7: 60. — Pilgrim Resting-Places in. (W. S. Dalgleish) Good Words, 28: 472. — Politics in. (Marquis of Lorne) No. Am. I51 : 534. — Poor-Law Reform in. (H. Hunter) Scot. R. I6: 201. — Preaching in, Genesis of. (W. G. Blaikie) Presb. R. : 4O7. — Railways of. 679. — Recent Dogmatic Thought in. & Ref. R. 2: 193. - — Religious Tendencies in. (R. A. Sinclair) Unita. R. 3I : 233. – Scenery of, Geikie's. Spec. 61: 96. — Scottish and Irish Unions. (J. Downie) Westm. I36: (W. M. Acworth) Murray, 6: 473, (J. Cairns) Presb. 527. – To-Day. (J. S. Blackie) Forum, 5: 71. — Trials for Sedition in : Cockburn’s. Ath. '88, I: 462. — Twenty Years Ago in East Lothian. (A. G. Brad- ley) Macmil. 64: 269. — Why is it Liberal? Westm. I3o: 581. — War of Independence in. Spec. 63: II.3. Scotland Yard. (J. H. Richardson) Murray, 8: 7. Scots' Charitable Society of Boston. (J. Mackay) Scot. R. 15: 406. Scotsmen, Jurisdiction of English Courts over. R. 9: I. Scott, Ladies Mary and Anna. Blackw. I.47: 828. Scott, Thomas A., with portrait. M. West. Hist. Io: 2O2. Scott, Sir Walter. (M. Morris) Macmil. 6o: 151. Same art. Ecl. M. II3: 2O4. — and Dryden. (J. A. Evans) Temp. Bar, go: 84. — and his Little Friends. Leis. Hour, 40: 453. — at Work. (E. H. Woodruff) Scrib. M. 5: 131. — Black Dwarf, Original of. (J. Veitch) Blackw. I48: 322. — Bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. Macmil. 61: 70. — Bride of Lammermoor. (H. S. Wilson) Gent. M. n. S. 39: 529. — — Dramatization of, by Merivale. — — Scenery of. Chamb. J. 66: 321. — Characters of. (E. Stoddard) Lippinc. 45: 726. — Country of. (D. Hannay) Art J. 39: I-232. — Great Granddaughter of. Critic, I7: 315. — Heart of Midlothian. Sat. R. 7I: 716. — Heroines of: Alice Lee, Alice Bridgenorth, Minna Troil. Macmil. 62: 257. Same art. Liv. Age, 186: 690. — Macmil. 63: 443. 64; 453. — Howells as a Critic of. Sat. R. 67: 521. – Ivanhoe as an Opera. (J. B. Carlile) Theatre, 26: 158. Scot. Murray, 8: 696.