§§ ###{)} ${};&#: ********* Saeſ ¿¿ { |;$.{- gºſº, ،§§ §§ sae !!!!! f.§į. № §§ſae; ſººs: 、 !“,“ „f„“, *********¿¿.*;;;;;;;gºsa, H # f EĻ}ſſſſſ!!!!!IĘTEJſae -* §§§ĶĪĻIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIĘ | inſ ·} Èğiſý ||||||||||| º TÉTTTT ill | ſ | UIUU|| § §ſſTTI iſſiſſi *Eziº fiſſ; IIIHITIIIIITITITUTITIIIſIIIllſ ITF „22, 22 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIĘá -º-º-º-º-ºr- K-r- HITO PADES THE SANSKRIT TEXT, WITH A. GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, BY FRANCIS JOHNSON, sometime PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AT THE COLLEGE of THE HONOURABLE THE EAST INDIA COMPANY., HAILEYBURY. _A. INTETWT EHIDITION". L ON DO N : W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13, WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. PUBLISHERS TO THE INDIA OFFICE. 1867. STEPHEN AUSTIN, PRINTER HERTFORD, i § {} TO MONIER WILLIAMS, ESQ., M.A., BoDEN PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, * ETC., WHO BY HIS PERSEVERING LABOURS AND CRITICAL SCHOLARSHIP HAS STIMULATED THE STUDY A NID EXTENDED THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SAN SRIRIT L A N G U A G E AMONG HIS FELLOW-COUNTRY MEN, THE PRESENT EDITION OF THE H IT O P A D E S A IS DEDICATED, BY HIS SINCERE FRIEND AND FOR MER C 0 L L E A G UE, FRANCIS JOHNSON, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, THE collection of Fables and Stories termed Hitopadeśa was brought early to the knowledge of Sanskrit scholars by the translations of it which were published by Mr. Wilkins and Sir William Jones. The text was printed at Serampore in 1804; and another edition of it was printed in London in 1810. An edition has been subsequently printed at Bonn by Professors Schlegel and Lassen, in which the text is illustrated by copious Latin notes. A translation in the same language was also promised by the former of these distinguished critics and scholars; but his death has prevented the fulfilment of his design. The pains which have been bestowed upon the Hitopadeśa have been justified by the interest which attaches, on various grounds, to this work; and especially, on account of the history of its literary adventures. These have engaged the attention of different eminent writers; and have been investigated with singular success, especially by Mr. Colebrooke, in the Preface to the Serampore edition of the Hitopadeśa, and by M. Sylvestre de Sacy, in the Introduction to his vi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Calilah et Dimna. From their investigations it is established, that a work which is to be considered as the original form of the Hitopadeśa was translated from Sanskrit into Persic in the sixth century of our aera, by order of Nushiravān;–that it was translated from ancient Persic into Arabic in the ninth century;—that it was presently after- wards rendered into Hebrew and Greek;-and that, from these versions, successive translations were made into all the languages of Modern Europe, until it became familiar, even to youth, under the designation of Pilpay’s Fables. In Hindustān, it has continued to retain its popu- larity to the present day; where it has served as the substance of the Anväri Sohaili, and Khirad-Afroz; and exists, in the form of translation, in all the spoken dialects. The value of the Hitopadeśa to the history of narrative fiction is not, however, its only recommendation. Its popularity through so many ages, amidst such various nations, is evidence of intrinsic merit: and the pictures of domestic manners and human nature which it presents, however tinctured by national peculiarities, must have been recognized as universally true, as well as diverting; or they would not have been naturalized in the West as well as in the East. In the maxims also which the tales serve to illustrate, there must have been much that secured the acquiescence of all mankind, or the remarks would have been left to enlighten the moralists of India alone. These qualities admitted of transfusion into other tongues; but the intrinsic merits of the work as a composition have chiefly recommended its PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. vii preservation by the press, and its circulation amongst the cultivators of Sanskrit literature. The moral verses with which the Hitopadeśa abounds are, in many cases, perhaps in all, quotations from different writers. They conse- quently form a sort of anthology,+a collection of passages, not only remarkable for striking thoughts, but offering examples of various styles. In general, they are not of difficult construction; and those passages which are most elaborate, are necessarily short: and, as the thoughts which they express are compressed within a few words, they become, from their sententiousness, impediments of no protracted dura- tion. The narratives are, in general, written in very simple and unpretending prose; and it may be doubted if any book exists in the Sanskrit language that is better adapted to introduce a Student to its acquirement. In no single work is there to be met with a more comprehensive assemblage of serviceable words and phrases. The want of copies of an English edition of the Hitopadeśa induced the Editor of the present publication to prepare, a few years since, for the press, the first selection of the four books into which the work is divided,—the Mitra-lābha, or Acquisition of Friends; and to furnish it with such facilities as might assist the Student to make himself master of the sense, with no greater degree of application than might be expected at an early period of study. With this view, the intro- ductory section was printed in English as well as in Deva-nāgari viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. characters; a nearly literal translation of the same portion was sub- joined; and a Glossary was added in which all the words were alpha- betically arranged, with an explanation of their meaning, and an indication of their grammatical structure. The advantages which have been found to result from this arrange- ment have encouraged the Editor to extend his plan to the entire work; and to print the whole of the text of the Hitopadeśa, with a Glossary of all the words which it contains. The text has been carefully collated, not only with that of the earlier editions, and especially with that of Bonn, the accuracy of which, notwithstanding some exceptions, is to be highly commended; but with two excellent manuscript copies belonging to the valuable library of the Honourable East India Company. EAST INDIA CoILEGE, HERTs. January 19, 1847. ADWERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN preparing the present edition of the Hitopadeśa for the press, the Editor has availed himself of a manuscript copy, formerly the property of the late Professor H. H. Wilson, and now in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (numbered 39 in the catalogue). Exclusively of some choice readings, this manuscript contains sundry interpolations, the greater part of which have been inserted among the notes subjoined to the text of the present volume. Since the publication of the former edition in 1847, the text of the Pancha Tantra has been edited in Germany by Professor Kosegarten. Few Sanskrit scholars need to be informed that the Pancha Tantra is . an older work, from which the author or the compiler of the Hitopadeśa drew a large portion of his materials, in verse and prose. Whenever a verse from the Pancha Tantra occurs in the Hitopadeśa, reference has been made in the notes to the chapter and verse of Kosegarten's edition where it is to be found. There are, occasionally, discrepancies between the two texts, not however deemed of sufficient importance to require special remark. In the notes also will be found references to quotations from the Hindu legislator Manu, the moralists Chānakya, Bhartri Hari, and others. X. ADWERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. The Hitopadeśa owes much of its popularity as a Sanskrit class- book to the happy manner in which verses from various sources and in various styles are ingeniously interwoven with the narrative. In stating this, the Editor does not mean to disparage the usefulness of such a work as the Indische Sprüche, the first volume of which, with a German translation, has lately been published at St. Petersburg by the learned Otto Böhtlingk. In this truly valuable repertory of Sanskrit proverbs, all the principal verses of the Hitopadeśa, with many others, are arranged in alphabetical order. The convenience of such a plan for purpose of reference is apparent; but the verses, when detached from the stories they illustrate, are likely to lose somewhat of their epigrammatic force. The copious English and Sanskrit Dictionary published by Professor Monier Williams, has superseded all further demand for the reversed vocabulary which accompanied the last edition. F. J. HERTFORD, 1sT JANUARY, 1864. PAGE INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER I. THE ACQUISITION OF FRIENDS. FABLE I. The Story of the Crow, the Tortoise, the Deer, and the Mouse— including the Story of the Pigeons ................................. 5 II. The Old Tiger and the Traveller ...... ........ .......................... 6 III. The Deer, the Jackal, and the Crow .................................... 11 IV. The Blind Vulture, the Cat, and the Birds .............................. 12 W. The Story of the Mouse Hiranyaka ....................................... 19 WI. The Old Man and his Young Wife ....................................... 20 VII. The Huntsman, the Deer, the Boar, the Serpent, and the Jackal ... 25 VIII. The King's Son and the Merchant's Wife .............................. 29 IX. The Jackal and the Elephant ............................................. 30 CHLAPTER II. THE SEPARATION OF FEIENDS, FABLE I. The Story of the Bull, the Two Jackals, and the Lion ...... . ...... 33 II. The Ape and the Wedge ................................................... 36 III. The Thief, the Ass, and the Dog.......................................... &b. TV. The Lion, the Mouse, and the Cat ....................................... 42 W. The Poor Woman and the Bell.............................. .. - e g º e o te e o 'º' ... 43 WI. The Adventures of Kandarpaketu-comprising the Story of the Cow- C 0 NT ENTS. VII. VIII. IX. keeper, the Barber, and their Wives; also the History of the Merchant whose avarice occasioned the loss of all his Wealth 46 The Farmer’s Wife and her Two Gallants .............................. 47 The Crow, the Golden Chain, and the Black Serpent.................. 49 The Lion and the Hare...................................................... £b. The Sandpiper and the Sea ............................................... . 53 LINE 115 135 306 321 535 551 710 818 845 931 1012 1024 1200 1238 1313 1371 1395 1406 1504 xii contRNTs. CHAPTER III. WAR. PAGE FABLE I. The Story of the Geese and the Peacocks .............................. 58 II. The Birds and the Monkeys ................................................ 59 III. The Ass in a Tiger's Skin................................................... ib. IV. The Elephants and the Hares ......... ................................... 60 W. The Goose and the Crow ................................................... 62 WI. The Quail and the Crow ................................................... £b. VII. The Wheelwright and his Wife .......................................... 63 VIII. The Blue Jackal.................. ............................................ 67 IX. The Soldier who sacrificed his own Son ................................. 72 X. The Barber who killed a Beggar .......................................... 74 CHAPTER IV. PEACE. FABLE I. Continuation of the Story of the Geese and the Peacocks...... ..... 81 II. The Turtle and the Two Geese............................................. £b. III. The Three Fishes ............................................................ 82 TV. The Merchant and his Artful Wife ....................................... £b. W. The Cranes and the Ichneumon .......................................... 83 VI. The Mouse and the Hermit ................................................ 84 VII. The Crane and the Crab...................................................... £b. VIII. The Brahman who broke the Pots and Pans ........................... 85 IX. The Two Giants............................................................... 86 X. The Brahman and his Goat ................................................ 90 XI. The Camel, the Crow, the Tiger, and the Jackal........................ &b. XII. The Old Serpent and the Frogs.......................................... ... 92 XIII. The Brahman and his Ichneumon.......................................... 95 ANNOTATIONs................. © tº e º e º e º º 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º e º e e º e e e s a e e º e e º e © 6 tº 0 & © tº e o e o ſº e º e o e o e 101 Woºnahy "......... ...................................................... dº e s e s e e s e e e º e s a 113 SchEME OF THE METREs. tº 0 tº tº º e º e º e º e º 'º © Q & Q ºn tº © º & © tº 0 & 0 tº e 4 º' s e s a e s e s e tº e º 'º e º e º e s tº e º e º 'º e º º Q Q Q & © tº 279 I,INE 1643 1665 1685 1707 1761 1773 1787 1907 2044 2111 2283 2294 2302 2309 2335 2368 2382 2410 2438 2540 2551. 2595 2691 GRAMMATICAL REFERENCES. For the coalition and permutation of the Vowels and Consonants, a few References to the Rules of Professor WILLIAMs' Sanskrit Grammar, Third Edition, may be of service to the early Student. IN LINE BY RULE 2 ügt (a . ... has become rºa O © O © . 32 º-sº wg ºf . . . . . trafā . © © G . 47 — firituasta . . . . firituáriſt . . . . 64 -— arti o © O © . Set . © O o o . 64 a. — is a sting . . . . deitfits . . . . 32 5 HTER . . . . . atºſt . . . . . 64 6 Jútna . . . . . Tºta . . . . . 66 7 fraſt Ua . . . . fšāra . . . . . 33 — `AIHR . O e © . *Tºrſ © e O º ... 65 8 ºrgſåstra. . . . . weristg º tº º . 45 — wrºteſ&Tat e C C ... wrºtersta. º º e . 48 9 ſtart wifu . e e ... witHTT ºft © O . . . 31 11 favrata . . . . . fºrata . . . . . 45 14 fºſteſt atta ſa . . . fšātūtfäuä . . . . 31 15 artwä . . . . . qaa . . . . . . . 47 — distrº . . . . . . fºrêt . . . . . 64 — vſ arºſeſt . º e © . VIT-Teſt . O • , e. . 31 16 at & . . . . Tº . © ſº Q Q . 45 17 afºre . . . . . afºrt . . . . . 65 18 auſt arºsſra. . . . . autºrºſta. • . . . 31 — aſſag|Ta . e © º ... wºrstſ: . e © o • 45 xiv GRAMMATICAL REFERENCES. IN LINE $8 19 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 36 37 38 40 42 42 45 53 56 57 wrºtra . §ziºrº . wrūfīrū . RR *Infºrg . . witſa Tºſa. *R *Ifu artºirºt rfă ărăuș *Taſū aſſaſsi: *Frºgtist start ata ºria. tfirst Ua . RIETT . . gaaſt attit *Taft afia R. atga sarcº . was Tū Ura stätt Uaſº avº arº ºf a agú a . Jag ºarſt Jarº . *Te Uiſt UAR afu *Tºte ºa . has become wrºta: N gainſt wrūfrt R • *Infrt wittººſa . *Tºtſ º **Tºtº *Itaú UITaTST: at stra. wiſt tºtºa *Tºrqūtāwītfärvi BY RULE 45 64 65 67 65 34 66 34 34 3] . 32 64 a. 64 33 45 37 37 64 65 66 65 62 64 45 64 62 64 a 65 65 66 a. 33 64 a. 32 IN LINE 59 62 67 83 84 86 87 88 93 95 98 107 I 13 117 118 129 I36 138 146 us Uatfit untfit afu #a w . wraits an *TRTHTR . fairara ºra arat a fāfāa ºf ~TsIt watū wira .. uña a agataua wfurtā Mafia aſſieſt: Hºwata. *Tsūatº sta. fººt *[ta. afºrtua făgăutarºt *Rºtatºrst fără afºrt atfººt attal gāng ºrga auta # UHTatvUuſtº Tºrse ºft stºral stºtº suffra favºreſt Ura 5 *ſūrūg: ag sta: *rugſ (alſº att ung ſat GRAMMATICAL REFERENCES. ... has become uétatfit . UraTafú #a . º wraiträän {{RHTT . first ra at as fäifaa ~Tirata XV BY RULE 33 34 47 65 66 a. 66 a. 48 47 32 66 d. 62 66 a. 53 34 65 66 a. 43 e. 52 53 52 34 52 66 47 56 32 63 65 52 154 168 175 189 198 212 232 255 48 53 49 xvi. GRAMMATICAL REFERENCES. IN LINE 320 333 337 461 465 679 1539 1731 1984 1991 *Tatfit ºraºſt it wated: tºta: Q titº atquart *RITA . . * . . 3 uº . . *ſtarrat . fºr Usart stirºla (feraſer BY RULE ... has become atafºrtut . . . . . 34 . . atºmsg: . . . . . 37 . . . *Tºta: . . . . . 50 . . . aſtºrature art. . . . . 43 e. . . . wrats. . . . . . 48 . . . ** • . . . . 48 c. O remains # Us . . . . . 38 ... has become frºm . . . . . . 48 O O Q Hiſt veſs © O Q & 65 0. . . . fºrt Utsan . . . . . 71 c. C º . Grätä ºf Tag & C . 65 a. O O º Jārū. Q Q O º º 65 Cl, /~ Il featurit: || Il ºf mutta sºn: Il fafa: stasarawa HaTzra as qiè: strălărăşa qaf. Ifira; suit air fairuzit sé qizā āwīāfāg at at gåa afrai infäffieſt zatfä a || R I, 5 *Isrtavaa at it faita aú a furtāa with raig Haint wia arºſta R.I. aăzăg fāāa gara atº ºtha, agrãar: *tjara Tadata qāzt i 8 || gºafa fäää irºſt stu HR afra 1() aqafia º qi arma an: Rall ºn fäät zaifa fånö fairara attà qtaata qtaatz with aritſa war winn; gºsa I & I. făzıt tº a ſtºº q = fat, afāq-Hå *Tat greata azāfāātūtfäºſa gat I e Il 15 aza Mtsſa. Th: jùtút witHºt Haa statiºn aſsitat ifāq agrg arºſa I. c. I frauma: avia fauw: afar ua a quavaſa Tariquitº data area fºsſa I & I. wfin writräläir uſzfaqanſassi ºral Haqāsīfāqīān; axiit 20 with Rufrº aráin a rufrturat āarfa gaati irraù rºta anariºtărºft unºratiº airn sås stai (Tºi qua HTúza Ua q: , , , ſt irºſtant nº r witää unawfºr: Tjaa afāāāat uñata quadra fºg aa grºgga, º m rarăvărăIn: qatūra Anfäntättatut fraſa satiſtfäni Traſh- as Tarairfºirant: a visit fantatars it si: ſău sītān ār a faxTH H utfää. stºn want fî at wº: itsa fiana tº warrangirut ava writ ºutfia: agº gºvratata ºf Tha º qā qā u ºr m 30 fº a sität ºn stān aſſā āt; agafra, uftāfāfā intº Ha: air at a sitera Il Q9 | waſ a uſuru-ſunrº a qafā āfāā Ganjarº. Tº aarat afā tīfā'āt aa aztat aft: it witH | \ll *fºra atta aqf tº a Tea ºf affi Hā: 35 ſaatara qiātā a HTR starrua a: I vå I wuxial axiāt Tī Tār a º Hºnºr ºf unit was air ºf a w Arrºr ºf n ve Jºãº º an aq: intfü agaixa as Tāt was awa: gär aſſār; gºt: u vs I 40 autºmata ºitatiſt fiaſa ºrfrat a frat a wität fügatfºil a awayſ a qāt sità afāat agitatiſt㺠quifaxtºn lºs I it air asſa: Ha: ºrigruttå: arºus: guruzita a fraga fºnt r" | uwait flat ſtar atat q afirarfruit 45 utúr sqāāl ºrd: Ja: Tº quſua: I <3 *Tara fåå fååt witi airsi ſãua fātī s*T afrā'ū āzza arºuftfaha Il RR ll wra Ha Täät sta Tuata quan wr: uTránſarºt stafiºſ. f* *fraſture 50 wrºt Jain ºtºla gºats rifug || ARITaTT || ân i ſãºst Häuä irr ºa ſtafa Il rg an awarxtätauſſian Tat Tawi: ſăawira, *TºttfääTºrqāqā 'm qratiqa una Trºfirº TTTR, 55 wat fu fiqra afºr faitūr aiuſ ant: qſºfa. Thrºtt: Il Rull *Iai: , *Tºrqā 60 fara *Ifu a witääTHārūTui Tèat stu si ſãzia *Islaturqaqa ata sºn frºm Il Ré I wrº; a`ās fri a flat faunaua w qāarraft, ºstra Iziała afºn: Il Re Il *Iai: ºttfäät MTHT Mafia awatū ºf Tari iluſãuze. Hetfººtai wº: Il RE I at ºutfa = Hit atta utſa & Tº ºut rfă faintfäuät serºtz: fæ a ſtaa Il Ré I una stºrwaruſt fistfää are afraigă avian 65 # *āa ºf afawa aſsiz siriſatiºn: witänäntſä frºm HTTH ºffi u sº I was sitfiti quaſiva sºfa writtàn ran ºf a ſquat azfin *āfāga gº freqa Tartaataa wa afa a fatafa firsa ºrg: u 70 Weſt ºf 75 ºuTH | 80 qqt in wān º Kºrea wife wan, uá Rainful fant à a fraſh n ex I gåstågåmå ikāa ºf saſā Y- agita Hºgantu qā ºr wafa: ll as aqt Hfqsa: Rät gº asſº resfä Ua Hºtarºi º RTHā: afāqzā Il R8 ll a TamaTºrqaa HTā gat stafāfāa ºua: st at #aa-Tzº quatinºſawa I. Rul setan ſº fūafin a Tätſu a Härra: wife grafive afāufa Hä Hit: I as 1, araſawatūrāt ºf Tataufa arus: a rigſråtåu Jit waſ uſua: I re I Frºſta | ll TGITHWTT || 8 #Tat Tº fant at an areſt a qfza: st ſtafa quTHä junta air qat Il Re . *qūrangwat faitreſsurghat: faeſtūnt a ſtralia fairst ra fårgår: I as I qāf sſa irua aran aurat awaſun; 85 Arai tria Hºt qtaaffha witHà go uſafúinfrat a Urst qfusaght attfraata Utsmaru I am air: qfirsat: #aara ºf sfºguanſit fixin it wagaruffrara saltimfirara *Infantratura ratif ifātrārqā’īn Jaim strfari gai: RIFſ: I wºn a are: THºriuir air arraſſ frn 90 waſ safāstān Tāt aifa Häuaran gº *raafs afāq ata ää; aw garmara qān a gaata uſa fåſtåå fåfirgata II gru warnſt favºriarat Harafura: gäuälſätranrait awarfax rat- aālā, śa agrºwawat warragat waſ ifāqrºfit tº 95 *Iai: . *Tarsū fift at artfºra fåat quail ºn *Traia a stuTutantfü rºaa qtaa aar: Il 98 || wfiq is firji is tranſasqarqā *Taº q-TUTTTui s㺠aºtºut; ga: Il 99 || wāt sº quitarianſ wargata infantratfirst-ºf-arfă Krst afā- 100 wd qar sata *Traia I àät stu gan:a:FT& Trafa sat fix: *RTsſú 4tſä ari Ref#: gafāfga: Il gu ll airzafirºt aſsi afââºu fluia aqt gafauran asſault sſa fuſā il gé ú 105 Jurjust frit waſnä firiniata waſm ºrat: . *Tarqārat; quafin na: aqa Hºrata Mawriqaſ: Il be l azuńut agrgarut ifātrārqāºttawawi: Hatural rºaſt Tafawi- wium agaragrat Jarº asſinata waxtarzge girafagint-tº- \ * ll. T&Tawit ll 110 115 120 125 130 Jarut Rara Tatarau sufum sain it (Tagar. Hua atTagſtafāārān āTeſt Tºfa ſtant H agān º Hirut fixat asiºn at I gº I agaai ſãirata ärägår:flat ſafrat āqi Raatfä Tsigan small ará swara, fawſuitars Rua dafā fraura: aqqā qeraa, *Tel: *ſtar: Il frastar: Il *Istant fixtant ifa Hºn. Bºtat: . *Tºrquarry artitſu attatariantsa: I v Il rtsight Rū; sqauān, ifāqār āqūſà ºf irrtättätt faittur. Trurias: Ha Htamfºrtatiſm afavit Krät fiasſini wa satfää wasarai-sai wurruusstaafafºusaf sºfitarai waſ era. qānāntataraq: Hā: an ºntºſh rafaātūn ºratºriuttggiatun, wana, Hawaii#Irfantaž ºr wa HTTE ustfäggiº stan, a strå fån ºnfirmiziſaiafa raſant azarum㺠argurt ºf Th: *Iai: | iträgt HaYatſu MavTºtatfä a fraafaā Hāa ºrfaitfin a qfusan I r I *IRIs faufüUTH ra: ‘Tawā ārūtūn satirata äräsä Higg wah safúan *Ruratfºrträttät für Hºa faufa'afa Il R l waña atün Auguſtuſtafaātāstāfātīting a n Tºit rat faā: afāqua Frûfrađanſaſ Rūtarts: guftartifaaffagäu His Hug- statuta waitāiaſatsuna's auguraturati sãratºrgſ Hatgård- RTs: sit safīāāauguraturat gala: afāsāat atää Hzará a quarfa arautrān angºuiſintuitfire ºf aqt wifaaaa. sºurg & smin HH, qi gº agatau gath: qſºlar: a Hāt azıt il 8 || | firãwith: || é sitat sº ran unn, witHRTs: sqaf ºrgauwat ºf urū iss wra aquah, wit agata: ara: ºrga: Trºit Hà it it: arra gå gaúaºui Talata latt stratºga Rafaa qtānrūtſūan I MT-a- #aaaajafā fåwa afºragiº Tafar a fääut *Iai: , *firgig restà stan wifax situa rºſt aarāfāsāsif SHä Hit ºf Haſa II u. I 140 fººd qā-ātārā Haſh; gº wa autºtº a sixtan qatū at Matſu quafā #Tº qux wrºnt aft filafā quafa I & I. aftewarfă ăran artimã is a Ha tºwn aritwe; auriziaf, qrāt Saza tº HTTârâ afāfāqta; aſia: altasara ºut qtr4 145 arºua Tranzittata afākāa ºrgan waitirataua Taqarā qat *Havitt Hat a TTI a staſi ſãuſt stºl I Ha: äätſa stfääurgh, waſ g; latnaia stars warn ºf HºltzzzTitaxi artileſt a Tat ºr ºf Tangzºn: l atº a fax Tangfa: Sãa **Tºrqūg Tatfä au: naj gfa: a HT 150 *Isſrú ºf HTit sº qigrgſås: ga: li e ] wa gårºit zaitia aſ āsā sºn ºf artist Higtälää figfa Il c | an ºatatuſ stafārāt an awatha ºf gaúāºri ağı âtéfair at- rººtfa Tarſū arát HTTH stailfä itääärät afiarua 155 *Iai: , Tārīfāāt its: grila sqāftālā, THTTafā it qā azıt witHa ºf fasra I & I. # It waitraruamarfă Izu awawi aqī aft: Juſã itsiaat afrā āqāzri quºtiatºnian || “. . 160 atuſ! 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Twſulfattſ atºlutiqātū a TTHāvūTú sàrfāui Hautū fag ºf faſsàrº quâxrºutit faſsàn ºf aste ärfäräs: gai: , kº rfă fantaqua ñatát atāufaātūtfra: stfragl ºr sº Hāfā āºurg 190 tº eſtan rarfa ºa: gäut afaqtfriará a aīāafāfā an: , ailinºi aſāqūuſ: ga: ºttfäät ºn Tufº gafari: afqwa ºri afāxītā an ºri gºtiatta stu a qiſa fåſåath Il Rºll Il frautaſ: º UHz aviaat ºf a siſta: gzúa are at: frauan sufi agtwi aqā Tarawſurrº wºufa'al gäää fautºut aftsin ºf Haia Il RR Il 195 *In: I Tºtfir: qân ºrantºſh ºf qiā a gaú Taft: sº arist ºnfääsä avia at I rem aqtātā ##f gun agg: ārqār fīrūnfra: qxurnituitäts ºrgua gºatfiſh: I rel was at # airara Tiruſagr: 200 RIai: | qawwuf. 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TutuTuſt ºf sirfaxaquint a striant HaTav 270 aquawei aſ sat finafraſh I gº I *Izaia fantainauai H aſsifin Hatfish witHTuarantfü maïata Harfºrata Il ge I fără aturaçãarfaffääsfän ºf fāqqº favºtatai Tºt: Tura fåa a Il gº || 275 *Tº qual afa fååTafrāzi faiei Heratfºat *III: ārūn ºrian Hå mä was fata, Il ge. I vari: | Tūrei Turai º ºxhawſawra. *RR auſatifs arearmatſuit ºut: I we QQ Il frauttaſ: ll 280 285 290 295 300 305 ratsui fºrus: Tugant: Huffin: gºal argº fra arº ºn aatſratai argūn authºrſ, Huriafa Hºſa waasai ſãst sit- Arnt awarf fººtfi, air fºrus: gärnurr ºn wars safe. aira giata struthanfair afā ātūn 'stars: Tariqast n arist *Iai: | wir stååTº its Titata quaāraīfāū sm: * Ua MTHATurgº quitari a quafa Il u0, . afra ºf fratºr avitsi Tsits raûrt ºf sana, afrant afātīrāzfrzaffafºrt ºn asſain ºf āafa: luru was witHarmfäwifruit sfn frºm: qarqawqīqā as a fagär attasſiurningſ: start ºf giffif, fair sh: aufrä is: arºuti. It stem ſº as tagſfrast ºutfä gria wfa u as I rfă qātūtfää fauTatfºrd a fraúlag in qāfāār Tag ºf qufrat- wn Túr *Itfit airfit a fråtful ariatfä statfit a wn aſsfäu witHT Hwarant: I w8 || fºxwait statsfääx afāg: aquqqanisatat aris: gääxtrºtz if at- *rīn ºrza are ºr fºrus Teſt stal ºr swa ºf ant as ##f sia restfä wit atāāurºrasa wifs unºgatfºrwärsſ fa. arrºwſ frare as an it: , stºr Hal Taqanatarat āraāī s* air fºugait favºut's laſt Hat ag äät vºtaſ: 1 qā āq ºſa its sustan instan, ww.axiwara irºt sailfirrufa'afa Il quu *qūa arºquºit: āfāk fīqātua arºua, guttata quºt sit Hat: ātān (fºn: l ué l arađt Saita aſ an una fºrwar: aqafā *fa Hatsaºtºmatail witHRūtā Haifaxtargat ºn HTaitºr fraga: a v HT: āsat attan waggry: infan ºranſasſifºn: ## at Izarreſt sfumaru aſ: äuä UHFre Hta Gufräuwatfäl Märi Il frauttah: || QR ſaari araz sqtaatfä rairiritualTašta, firs ºri a Hi- witna, as aa, stºr Hà i ºzāfānſar srit swall warra firs- arºlitigaag wºrſt fastfä ratifs waii ſã an Arara qa; ita- its afaāt sfn agat Har Harquêu qāat afānaarfă I Hiiri wan ºrd Haq ataz wēi ſã waſh frºm Höfðarfiſa Hare arqāſā afā āūstaāt Tīr law unsanitrarat gifantatatºr ºr a far- firifasſà l'irrat stätsarajaú ºn itsäſtäla: , Hit Hà stºr its qawqissarsawtºn: stºr Haifax witutz wrºnt aw faqrātāa gº: Hawza stafaa. aqtārºa asſassiſters, ārātā āt a refun Aritxea fê ºtgut eaſt gºt six Fa: Il ue || atarget: I aviaan attar: aviafā *fa writtiläf & Häzatfä qāā Hūra qāātās: ava ºrzū ā- gfigrºrº wifunaswait six; it tra zät za: afāāāfā wa agat ashanta Hawarfān; afºur: starCra fåfsa.fºfg. &zſä àirit snafa I wa aztfugairtiarat HTirr; afºtrasta afri Tarta: was Hawratºirºt ºf trafix raſă: Frutº: wa. awarriſ- airātā āt San AT&Tſä friaruſt gain ºatſråa quan are grwät sfür I *Iai: | araz was ānsā ataz wraa warranº f wrºtá a wrū ārºa Tr: gärt airfaan I us || wgºttfasſàstan quranawuntsiaa’at afāāsā Hā was unwrāqā *q-rººtfa ratefreiragataša artiara ºrga afiraz I går sa- , - *Iai: | *ants ºr its Tºrg arºs w fravaa. sat attit Trurgårºg º Il ºrg II #aw ſave &a at #it garafufu i zu za #fault frigata frust afāqſas I 2175 arifu sista Hsit tº air at a uſesa: Il Mºull - *qūa 1 wºrrº surmfüra: Träsſut waſn's 1 agrant: ºnfirms ſagfin a fretset: I ºré I #aaaaaaatura girgrättänarqawuf arawfºrma stänfä- wrfºratfälzismutatua agºt awaan www.ua iwāt azſälä a qā 2180 NS)NS) il favº a wfasſà an: faſhirt waisºn fºrsfºrward wra: rºw sizrtraºrº fºunrº www.fºffur sºuriſm frºwnie, afuna. *a swas varixtºn frºnt grºw switueurºra sixt{raºrsi sfsfä ºrwift a it win ſugar fºssi wart ºf a 2185 was a fraudurrrurfavre: fiuma, nsurat usiastfrº waté Turanati a faunrºl Hur ºrnia, a stfälitaraqqawat sºftwavºurag staginfraſauwww.sixtsfiew surfa wºm: Ivrell was ºf faan asafúsū awararáſ firqugº 2190 frare artiasis was wifruit wifa wriflurgs mºre *Iai: ) Tº: wwww.wrwraisiuri ºff s: gº: www.sº wres rºstěatfästaura n ºre. I *Targ wafirºuasſrººrgºň is is wrūzīwāxīn ūsītā *itant sº wrūz; Tatwistfrºsaurºń. griºn ºf taufs. 2195 Truffawnfalata ºriginfrasaurunzi: «Twarºmat Rfaqara. aurºtºn I - wrºſsrºsit: āvgt: arºqrut: ºffgat: I sumnt: fºrm: safarqāfrat awan vs. n. *Tuva I tºwar: its gºat: ávtat: Giafriqat: 1 2200 *ſū quitä ºr Häfn fruarfaith nº ſt fără fºxtafaitºrs wºu: unwrtas: 1 faat sſ, alsº wra: frºn: aquſt wr: I. ºr D *Iai: I waſ träwatwrit quëa ºr ºut: . uāunit attºrn: ariſh sº arrara I. vºs 220s tº fit authwarars araža Trºjar: autºtra, wit an afterg: ara ºw airzū sºn 1 afāqūr fºrwa: Hrúg a was a n ºrg 0 *Iai: . *i; ºn at frºm afaw: Jiaqā; *āfāqsafús; straits frºstfä nºru. I tº figue NStº wata with tra ºr a tºrn; wºrsiºn w 2210 fai ºntºut a tº wrºt wrt B ºn wat Tutu's araru, wustush Hanº wararº ºf Hraºrst witawāa ºran l ºre a *Iai: , wrºit Hararu asſa: srigrut waurör fö at Uruva: aftera {ual ºr ſi 2215 warm quailwauf ºn its rſaurus us qarāftāqū aqū sixtſtašāuiraft tauratºratºſt waſ arriaſºftwa afari riatfä an awarraraunsutstfä wrarit ºn Han, aft aſsfäual ºrgsiak sirºuwääfruitsiwa avit fºund 1 fanzit staur ºat: afºreſtfä:gāt salt: I 2220 anrºn asſa: swifth sf wrºtruan, we awā azſä a sq waſ qā ºrnatal *Iai: . grºw as Urst ſtudº wavitsan) stfaat sſifia: at staff a fieruń an I was n witHRā āā sixt{waſ avtsi waan: , ºrgfrauf wra (Titwº- 222s Hars arm ºnfirmtrºgºr fathwara gºt ºn twº ºran, xºrusun ºwi Hºrsfººrqºra, wqi ſtºrs w sistangua u \ºv || writtara wiſh squitufºrtúrût sagºgu átairs ºn 1 *. sis writuatºre: stunt tº a varſi 2230 www.warnfisſuaqa; ºftwari, ºrwäääa, an ºf a wreſt at- a:stº waifa ºtts ſº was singiſt we gºt stätszt wire ſº- fra: Tit witävälä sififi ºutwei gat was aws a wrai atti naturaútº crºrise awa; aftstaura gifratfän; sº gº H- fägt: I -> 2235 *Iai: | unfaisſantwigº gustfinal HTºra qurufº sirº a fastwººl war || wrºtºs; aſsentatiºnſh; 1 gruftflºrs frastix, anrufant sº- \S) &_ a fauw: it ºurnal afān; , fºcurºit Tºrº intº arts annºwik wrºnti 2240 m starkfasſà want sº wrºngnü. ºrgagnt sſ, snº: I wrat wei aſān war wardiºgrafrirari sãura await (Tsiri aftafa writ Hålæs w awaauignº aw: . wran wºrriffia arafstant *a: ºr *ašitfäärö ania atqrafiafran wraaitt wran afâna 3rd: - * 224s wºrd *a witzrat Jºura stät writin Tºſa visits ºf a ºf Rút sºng waſ: su gain: I was n writ Hà was its aft gara wars wifa Hair" waſhfī Hāfāt sign: Harºn wa Hruſa wawāa sit: ſafāfāqut afri aw: finan I ºwn 2250 *[RIH I wasſan usingtºn affairarº f struń queſtin writiſfaraw: n ºth tº a qāat arºl vauma: *Iai: | awfī; affilm wrºt gºat sſa w śaſā aſ www.frau: fs ºf wardſ, 1 vse D 2255 ºn U & sºn staurant st; failufa failufa : stºrqara wratfaa Tºrsvan was *fa a armaraſs (Tº s ºf ität as awa, trsatiſtſ; Heau: it-Tut ºurát stö a u \ge u warfa Tatar; Krst was ºurnal Crsrus; ºrt svävastata: 2260 win: an: saxauga grºw stºrmfrit (Istiwww.ſt sºn wºrd: sawfºr situan grºw grinſista xist wa Hſia: suitsfra- Tufant arran asſirºgºvtrustefâfirstättan, statſºn: warn, writ sſ, asſa: affit; unſa aruſta: wa fraant giafan sit- afaā as utºfrat afiafrt startantafiza; sºma I (Isºkwa. 2265 afºnºrsriqwā guara stra wa an ºakwatin starfºn: *Iai: | stwafin gara Tra: gärää margital fantumfºſsargai afaza Tarafan, Il Quº il. . a fars: ce favºriumwa, a transwälarm www.irata ſauruttuftsºn squas autuva: I nut twº wrºag a § †T: warraù aſ ºnfänt: º 2270 wristºt: uſasite, a TUT: Grimfän: Il Quº Il wara was ºr; ºrifa, aftāfān; *wurst erºſa umāra aft àsim wrºfit l ºur I fauw: it waſh: Krºsna. Itſ aſsif war away favºritsa- #twº questiaang * * & 2275. fauw: aftarruſafirit ºf want witHara. infrasausa: salvar; jargº fiftwº fºs: n ºr n I ºf fºrqāºt fauvºt stra añta: amatºrs: Il tº | : || © gº surrºra crºwawrāfusiºn sunfit frºxgnifit. asso matra favºriumwa, ºral afsaf, swarfă quranraits: wº awfī arra Crºmfivaſanit: p wauriat girqāratarat afts: ºn: gurra II ºn Tsigºt sº: waiian fawſuit awaf, anºn Triśirway int- urgiftfairsfir: fs arrºwwwat surgiarfariºuſ frusagini wr- auss arº axfinita wait firstrus-ſrºn awai: unfraſt wrºtatiºnal Tº as faufünfaza Krst sui ſãfixars ºf arañá an ºrnia. una I war ºrwal wuxts: a tag a quifauna ºran atti gafº warn æairmfºtºaf, m r I 2290 Hºa Ha smāna, fasat f Line 1135—After Utstrº the MS. has aftſurut- furnt afrain a Faragrava waita having stroked with [his] right paw, said very respectfully.” After Line 1137, the London edition has the fol- lowing. The metre is Vasantatilaka. *ITsag TTT aftaſafúHT atwrºgrfa; stamfäni di auTAft « » TºſºftugaturaTºri ata: Raufiq Ratsagaſafúat: m “And the words even of those by whom the ever- adored earth, the bulky and the tall Surabhi (cow of plenty granting every wish) had been furrowed by the fall of hundreds of weapons in battles, [when] come into the presence of a monarch, falter, being broken (unconnected, incoherent) through depressing emotions of awe.” For *Ifüa arpita, *Ifüa has been substituted. ~Tsift fügui Hà argratºrianTurfi autil attaggfraugºt a ſºug-fu ataxi stafa u “He whose heart is tainted with fear, although eloquent in speech, becomes confused before a king, in the midst of the learned, [and] in the company of women well-inclined for a husband.” 65—Pancha Tantra, i. 81. ( 107) After Line 1140, the London edition has we as Juſt: afin flagfin was rºl wfs arºfesſité quanfantaſau “And whatever be the qualities of any one, they display not themselves spontaneously; for the fra- grance of musk is not perceived along a good road.” Perhaps the meaning intended, although at the first glance not very obvious, is this: that many shining and useful qualities are apt to lie dormant, until called forth on some special and trying occasion; as it is only in rugged and secluded spots, and not on the open highway, that the musk-deer of Tartary, by sharp scrubbing against the pointed rocks, squeezes out the musk secreted in his navel-bag.—It must be acknowledged that in Wilson's Dictionary, witz is given as a masculine noun. 66–For Hafirºuasſrai the MS. has award ‘be that, however, as it may.” 67—Bhartri Hari. Line 1145—The MS. has afā’ītāūta. 68—Pancha Tantra, i. 90. The MS. has qft- #twiſt. 69—The MS. has it “are employed.’ 70—Pancha Tantra, i. 82. 71—Pancha Tantra, i. 85. 74—Pancha Tantra, i. 124. 75—Pancha Tantra, i. 110. 76—Instead of HTRTGItal the MS. has a tutºTa. ‘supremacy.” Line 1184—After attain the MS. has find art- zama it fü ºftaraqaruſtai Hāraat; afia ăutaw gritsaratfääz at Tarāſāfirgs- *TR agſta etc. “But Karataka and the rest are my [fellow] servants of the glorious feet of your Highness; therefore having called [them], and given garments, and the like as a gratuity, let them be em- ployed in what is proper to be done.” 80 and 81—Manu, vii. 11, 8. Line 1211—After a ja the Ms. adds, Hāt-ift *Tarraſſàn afúait gåuſt sagiſt aus “Then Dadhi-karma,enfeebled by want of food, sank.” 87—Pancha Tantra, i. 115. 94—Instead of witHui the MS. hastīrūtū‘nourish- ing, cherishing.” 108—Pancha Tantra, iii. 245. Line 1337—After agrºſata;, the London edition has the following: ~stiftausſtäut afilgäfiſät fütfit uniquifsfasma gºt get aimſa: m “The god of love looking [and] looking through the darkness, dispelled at night by the moon, pierced the hearts of young men.” It is known, only too well, that this edition swarms with errors; hence the Editor is doubtful about Ust- witHRT-TTg, a word not to be found in Wilson’s Dictionary. The context, however, seemed to de- mand the translation which is here given. 111—Pancha Tantra, i. 98. Manu, viii. 86. Line 1355—After Titfüaart, the London ed. has the following: agrgaatfaxinfºrtafºgreſſesſfisääsſau waua firſtaå wrºt gavī Hfgfiſta argău “And the flavour of honey [is] in women's speech; in [their] heart the most deadly poison only. Hence the nether lip is sipped, [but] the heart is thumped with blows of the fist.” After Verse 112, the MS. has the following— tafsat fafé at ifātavāwā ātā at afāt stratºriat ºnfruſt Prairfruitm “The intellect which, although pressed down, waxes stronger and is not lost, that intellect is the rejoicing of mankind, enabling [its possessor] to surmount [difficulties], and is productive of happy results.” 114—Pancha Tantra, i. 53. 115—The MS. has aſaºtºtt: ‘disobedient.” 116—In the first hemistich the MS. reads thus: NI- utterjärfänzi sãTwixa; fatriatrixfirst Line 1387—After of Ta: the MS. has as follows— witzatfä agatſu! Tatara Tarfă a aſqui aftfägata (faſt TUTT-ſå m “When a refugee scared with fears is protected, the reward is that to which one who gives away thou- sands of kine and hundreds of horses [is entitled].” See a note on Verse 18 of the “Acquisition of Friends.” 118–Chānakya. 119—Pancha Tantra, i. 233. 120–Chānakya. 121—Pancha Tantra, i. 245. In line 1422, the MS. has UT'sſ: Ta;, a reading more strictly in accordance with grammatical rules. ( 108) 125—It would appear that death by decapitation was considered more ignominious than suicide. 126—Mudrā-Rākshasa, Act iv. 127—Pancha Tantra, i. 270. 128—The MS. has the following: frage, a *Tattº “and of an intriguing follower.” 130—Pancha-Tantra, i. 271. The MS. reads ºft § at: I 131—Pancha Tantra, i. 272. 133—Pancha Tantra, i. 273. 137—This may have been a tried experiment. 138—The MS. hasºain ‘with a watering.' Pro- bably the anchar-tree (arbor toxicaria), growing in the eastern extremity of the island of Java, is here spoken of. 139—Pancha Tantra, i. 269. 145—The MS. has ºratºr a nature. 147—Chānakya. All the copies read ºrgaſt, which, as a feminine noun, means a she-mule; in the masculine it also signifies, besides a mule, “one of the Nāgas or serpent-race inhabiting Pātāla." What is here said of the ºrgat, is also asserted of the aúift or female crab. Draupadi, in her indignant expostulation with the ravisher Jayad-ratha, alludes to this popular superstition of the crab dying upon depositing her young : wrat a aſ: ageſt weſt at www.aſara w Ha- VI: atta : ufrºſarumaratefă ăşătă | “And as the bambu, the plantain, or the reed beareth fruit to the annihilation, not to the benefit of itself; even so wilt thou take me away, being rescued by those [Pāndava princes] as the she-crab [conceives] an embryo.”—Selections from the Mahā- bhārata, by the Editor, Page 72. | In the first hemistich there is an anomaly both in Sandhi, and in metre. In the “Gulistān,” the Persian poet Sãadi declares that the young of the scorpion eats its way out through the mother’s entrails. 148—In speaking of this feeble but conceited little bird, the Pancha Tantra has a line (i. 357) wfiqa fif:a: qīātia arºſatſira: “The Sandpiper lies on his back having his feet upraised, from apprehension of the falling of the sky.” Line 1516—After wra; I the MS. has at HUTrafa- wāt wransfºrm rawfºra quântaura *IUSTRIugatfit Line 1520–After Tºtte‘It ratf the London edition has stratfºrtstreat avºrºſa fäs: a quashtānfā guafira fåfºurth “He [who] ignoring a violation of the command- ment, commences hostility against an enemy, meets with a defeat like the Sea from the Sandpiper.” 151—Pancha Tantra, i. 295. 152—Pancha Tantra, i. 162. 155—Pancha Tantra, i. 310. Line 1553—The MS. has nºrt: instead of Reſt:. 159—Pancha Tantra, i. 315. 160—Pancha Tantra, i. 317. After Verse 162, the MS. has the following— “What is spoken to a stupid person [is as] a cry made in the wilderness; a corpse perfumed; plant- ing a lotus in dry soil; raining a long while on salt land; a cur’s tail bent down; a whisper made in the ear of the deaf; adorning the face of the blind.” 166—Pancha Tantra, i. 313. 169—Pancha Tantra, i. 344. 182—Pancha Tantra, i. 472. 183—Bhartri Hari. Pancha Tantra, i. 473. WAR. 4 –Pancha Tantra, i. 434. 5—Instead of g|TTºrst *RI: the MS. has gºt- wrist ag: “experienced the destruction of [their] habitations.” Line 1667—Urzú signifies “a roof’— “And now the thickened sk. “Like a dark ceiling stood.” —Paradise Lost, Book xi. line 742. Line 1673—After Suttº: the London edition has *Tºtar, Ruaſatºſuſtain wntaſt quart “Immediately one monkey spoke— “Fools fancying themselves wise, with clean faces, ( 109 ) but of wicked practice, unable to build a house, but able to demolish a house.” If the first be really the word intended, it should have been with a short vowel, *Ifa º 9—Pancha Tantra, iv. 52. 10—Chānakya. 14—Pancha Tantra, iii. 79. 15—Pancha Tantra, iii. 80. 19—Instead of ºra the MS. has frº: ‘a robber.” 21—So deeply ingrained and inveterate is the dark hue of the poison, that it cannot be got rid of even by Mahā-deva himself!—The Bengali Translator, using the figure prosopopaeia, says that the black hue of the poison has no desire for the comeliness of Śiva's fair complexion. 22—The ridge of submarine rocks stretching from Cape Comorin across to Ceylon, is said to have been once a causeway or bridge made by the monkey (barbarian P) allies of the semi-divine hero Rāma. 26—Pancha Tantra, iii. 203. 30—Pancha Tantra, iii. 186. 33—Manu, v. 151. 36—The MS. reads at Tiftºft “a dissolute ruler.” 38—The MS. reads aſtºrtºlà Jºſia & Line 1842—The MS. has ~Tsūt in the king's family.” 40—Instead of gºttarºttfäätºrt the MS. hasui afiafāātān ‘thus accompanied by the minister.” 43—Manu, vii. 198. 51—Pancha Tantra, iii. 20 53—Manu, vii. 74. 62—Instead of aggrºtiała the MS. has ag- aſtrianTurt-U' consumes the inner vitals.” 85—Manu, vii. 195. 98–In the first hemistich the MS. has trººrgſ- firstental; and in the second aférá ag wizāa. The Editor would have been happy if the MS. had thrown a little light on several of the foregoing verses; in this part, however, it is confused, almost unintelligible, and altogether unserviceable. Line 2065—After aftºn:, the MS. has the fol- lowing couplet, inserted apparently for the purpose of causing a break in the continuity of the prose : #Tºrºusſain: qīntafºntai: . aimfire awałºgº affirrufaāt fººt:1 “From an obscure sound (as that of the rustling of leaves, or the creaking of branches) a tree is dis- cerned: a body is perceived from touching: by words (by the voice) a living being is discovered: by light- nings the regions of the sky become visible.” In line 2093 the MS. reads its tº “with a six- teenth.” 103—These lines in praise of betel, which seems to be as general a favourite in the East as the cigar is with the inhabitants of the Western nations, are probably extracted from some old medical work. Line 2094—The MS. has againſ “by elevation of mind.” 109–For iſrata the MS. has witHTT ‘avarice.” 118–The MS. reads agtai ‘splendour, lustre,’ instead of fºſsi. 120—Although the MS. has Tārant:, the femi- nine plural of the superlative, still there seems no need for changing the present reading. Tº “able,” giving a passive signification to the Sanskrit infini- tive, is for the most part made to agree in gender with the noun; as in Manu, ii. 217. was firifa. Tartajaúxiāxfü “A requital thereof cannot be made even by hun- dreds of years (of dutiful behaviour.)” The rule, however, is by no means apsolute or universal; for in the drama of “Śakuntalā’” (edition of Professor Monier Williams, page 104) Tai is in the neuter, although the word it agrees with (UKTVT!) is masculine. So, in the Rāmāyana, Tai at affit: uTj attaſt: “The breezes are able to be quaffed by the hollow palms of the hands.” 67—Chānakya. 69—Pancha Tantra, i. 257. 73—ETriſt. This word, which in classical Sans- krit means ‘owner,” “proprietor, “master,” or “lord,” seems in later times to have acquired a more ex- tended signification, answering in some measure to an amulet or charm. Whether the Hindu rajas of anti- quity, when they went forth to war were accustomed to carry a tutelary deity or Palladium, as the sons of Eli bore the ark of the LoRD on one occasion when going forth to battle with the Philistines, the Editor has not been able to ascertain 84—Manu, vii. 192. 121—Pancha Tantra, iii.244. 123—Chānakya, (110) Line 21.70—After wuf. It the MS. has & HTQIT- ai fúathgūs $ft ‘and seeing that thou art equal to our paternal grandsire.” 125—Pancha Tantra, i. 143. t 130–The MS. has quºqūšt: ‘body to body” (shoulder to shoulder). 139—The MS. has the following: surgfafria: füg: gà-fu ersgutturat Line 2226—Instead of fºreſtºratº the MS. has firātā a ‘carry out, perform.’ After Verse 152, the MS. has the following— area gifºrât ast: area º qā ifā aiaat as await gºtá Ruſſia i airfaxrigºi Tarafavī waſ wrºTai Hºſt irºt: Tātā Hū gº I aft a jaw; jai sięitfit; sifrºſt *Turistianiast ºftāfāaai Hat u “To whom are the glories of Paradise put under subjection ? and whose position on earth is equal to that of Indra P Whom except after a death in battle, do the gods greatly honour? “Dying in battle [is] meritorious: so [is there] merit in dying at Gayå. In dying in the Ganges [there is] beatitude. Dying in battle ſensures] bliss. “If men have a mind to dwell for a long while with females of Paradise, enjoying supreme felicity, then let death be found in battle.” 153—For RTHTºaſt: the MS. has *Tºttfraſt:, à. more expressive term. PEACE. 4—Pancha Tantra, 1.358. 5—Pancha Tantra, i. 320. The story of the Three Fishes, occupying twenty slokas, is told in the Mahā-bhārata (Sänti Parva, Āpad-dharma, line 4889). The first fish is there named tâairst, *Long-time; the second Wºtanfºrm, “Ready-wit;’ and the third #tāqā , “Procrastinator.” 7—This verse was given before in Mitra-lābha, 124; and the same is the case with several other verses as the book draws towards the close. It would seem as if Vishnu-Sarma's stock of quotations was becoming exhausted; rather, however, than omit the citation of an apposite stanza, the author makes no scruple of repeating himself. Instead of Verse 7, the London edition has the two following stanzas : ºutstanasia ww.rºafraga Heqat Hed at Watfºrd tistã “They carry not their observations so far as to examine the limbs, or whether he be well-favoured or ill-favoured. ‘He is a man,’—and they gratify their desires.” Tº qfafirarafa affärätä *Tºrfirit wrūfī; afrirgita: . figrat-fú gafa: qſurgitat Tā iſ a gait a ºn afraitſ “A statute of law, though it has been ever so well considered, is still to be re-considered. A king, who has been propitiated, is still to be apprehended. A young woman, although seated in the lap, is alto- gether to be suspected. Whence then is [this] fasci- nating power in a legal ordinance, in a prince, and in a young woman P’’ 10—Pancha Tantra, i. 454. Line 2369–The MS. has ºf tºrt:‘a youth of a hermit.” 15—Pancha Tantra, i. 237. Line 2403—The Ms. has-e ºſtr; gé ai ww.ſtarā as ſtateſt figa Heit tº * as: aataaraa: sºft arsifaga ºrgaút WTHTR “The Crab having seized very firmly by his throat the Crane prepared to devour [him], stood still. Afterwards the Crane, making many efforts, [but] unable to force the Crab to quit his hold, expired.” Although diffusiveness is, in general, re- garded by critics as an argument against the anti- quity of a manuscript; still, it cannot be denied that a little amplification now and then, may be con- sidered an improvement on the brevity and baldness of the older readings. & Line 2417—Instead of gº the MS. has aſūraſi “clatter, hurly-burly.” Line 2419—The MS. has moré fully, at MTUg- ustrafirºtºnstruatºgaſtute bythepotter awaking up through the noise caused by the break- ing of the pots.” 20—Instead of Târurºa afirºt: the MS. has fäfºre, a attitut: “ and of a restive steed.” The story of Sunda and Upasunda (line 2438) is not found in every MS. The style of this short fable is ( 111 ) somewhat lofty, differing widely from the usually simple and unpretending character of the prose in the Hitopadeśa. The story is told in the Mahā-bhārata, Adi Parva, chapter 208, and line 7613. The two brothers Sunda and Upasunda are there said to be Sons of the Asura Nikumbha, who was himself son of Hiranyakašipu. The penances and tortures to which these Titans subjected themselves are described as being of the most severe kind: such as wearing matted hair, and bark-clothing; besmearing their bodies with dirt; feeding on air; offering their own flesh in sacrifice; standing on tip-toe, with arm up- In short, so intense was the severity of these self-inflicted tor- ments, that even the Vindhya mountain, the scene of their ascetic discipline, is said to have emitted volumes of smoke; a wondrous spectacle, says the writer. The gods, as usual, becoming alarmed and uneasy, lifted, and not winking their eyes. had recourse to their customary method of breaking their penance—that of despatching beautiful women, and other alluring objects, as jewels and the like. When these devices had all failed, Brahmā appeared to them, and desired them to choose a boon. They begged they might be made perfect in the use of arms, and in magic; and be endued with the faculty of as- suming any shape at will, and rendered immortal. This last request, the boon of immortality, however, was not bestowed; still, a promise was given that they could receive no injury from auy one save from themselves. They then began forthwith to run riot, taking forcible possession of Swerga, smiting and slaying the Yakshas and Rakshas, and other denizens of Indra's paradise. When matters had proceeded to such fearful extremities, Brahmā instructed the di- vine artist Višwa-karma to form a female of exquisite beauty, whom he named Tilottamä. She was then sent to inflame the passions of Sunda and Upasunda; and in this errand she proved successful. The sequel of the story coincides with the Hitopadeśa.—Touching Siva and Pârvati,the Mahā-bhārata is silent; although in some versions of the Hitopadeśa it is said that a female resembling Pârvati, not the goddess herself, was bestowed by the incensed deity. are aſaraat win axartetragamat frarºgirºrit: qrāātā firārūTRT ºftwarfa. 27—Instead of Krait -quTuran waſ some copies have atafá HTTTT tra: 30—Pancha Tantra, iii. 57. 31—Pancha Tantra, iii. 22. 32—Instead of natura Hºuſ the MS. has a- *Tata Juſã Utrum horum mavis accipias. 33—Pancha Tantra, iii. 10. 52—Pancha Tantra, iii. 24. Line 2522—Instead of Ha become, taken place, recent,” the MS. has “country, territory.” Line 2545—The MS. tells the story somewhat differently: ºnfäään jää irratarafaān ažātān agtaºui & attitut sata its at rafirara fåfagfºrwarrat ā āti Hāt fit. wra Hafitten fåfaārsī wrºtºſaarara *Tºrqūrā artifa straitaalaiòt-tisſºu- ufa'a I qa; sº aſst afra: Ha: fatafa grada faān jīn afuſagènfāfān; it Ratatuſ fäfirfit ºut ºnfäuästertfºurt skit *Tustergia;; gº Line 2552—For artiſt the Ms. has qata. 59—Pancha Tantra, iv. 16. 61—Pancha Tantra, i. 322. 65—Pancha Tantra, iii. 247. 66—Chānakya. 73—In the MS. the first hemistich reads thus: asſatiſt Twittatvia:Teſſatfºra få-ſåa © 86—The MS. has atāTºti for Tatuli. 88—Manu, vi. 66. 104 and 108—Chānakya. AN EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREWIATIONS USED IN THE WOCABULARY. mom. ... nominative, or 1st case. (706. ... accusative, or 2nd case. £ns. ... instrumental, or 3rd case. dat. ... dative, or 4th case. abl. ... ablative, or 5th case. ge?. ... genitive, or 6th case. loc. ... locative, or 7th case. Q)00. ... vocative, or 8th case. sin. ... singular number. du. ... dual. pl. ... plural. %. ... masculine. J. ... feminine. %. ... neuter. 07", ... crude or uninflected state. 8. ... substantive. adj. ... adjective. £ron. ... pronoun. Apers. pron. ... personal pronoun. zel. Pron. ... relative pronoun. dem. pron. ... winterr. Apron... pronom. wb. e Q & demonstrative pronoun. interrogative pronoun. pronominal. ... verb. 20%". . . . dim. cl. 6%/8. . . . A9678. . . . pres. poff. ... imp. ... pret. ... jut. pass. £art. agù. ... parasmai-pada. ... àtmane-pada. . class or conjugation. causal form. person. present. potential. imperative. preterite. ... future. . infinitive. ... passive. participle. agent, noun of agency, or verbal adjective. £789. . . . comp. .. &nd. abst. ... obs. .. compar... superl.... £rreg. ... indef ... preposition. compounded. ... indeclinable. abstract. ... observe. comparative, superlative. irregular. º indefinite. WOCA Bluſ L.A.R.Y. *: *:I as in “America.” *I a, ind. No, not (A privative, prohibitive, dimi- nutive or depreciating particle, prefixed to words beginning with consonants.) *ist ansa, s.m. Share, portion. *itwansena, ins.sin. *Tºtal akathayat, 3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vö. afiºſ kath, 10th cl. par. Tell, relate, narrate. *ſūVäPU akaravam, 1st pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vö. tº kri, 8th cl. par. Do, make. *Tºtal akarot, 3d pers. sin. * *Taururot a-karma-dhārā, nom. sin. f. BAHUv. Without a steersman, destitute of a helmsman. *Taigital a-kasmāt, ind. Without a why, wherefore, cause, or reason. Suddenly, unexpectedly. *Talſū!! a-kārana, s. n. Absence or non-existence of a cause. Used adverbially, Causelessly. *Tattáa-kārya (fut, pass. part. of the vö. El kri, Do, with º a, priv.), Not to be done, or improper to be done. a-kāryam, acc. sin. m. a-kāryatas, ind. By doing what should not be done. *ſūTNT a-kāla, adj. Out of season, unseasonable. s.m. Unseasonable time. - a -le, loc. sin. waitrºgºt a-kāla-kusuma, KARM. A flower budding orblossomingout of season. --HTfºr-mâni,nom.pl.n. *TATSRT: a-kāla-saha, agt. Unable to hold out for any time. -RTÉ R-saham, nom. sin. n. a-kirti-kara, agt. Disgraceful, inglorious, humiliating. -ATRSR-karam, nom. sin. m. wrºfºrt a-kutsita (pass-part. of the vö. & kuts, Despise, revile, with ºf a, priv.), Unreproached. -à-te, loc. sin. m. *Tºta-kula, adj. Low, mean, of no family. *Is in a-kulena, ins. sin. m. *Tarā a-kulina, adj. Low, mean, of low origin, race, or family. -VTR -nam, acc. sin. m. or n. a-kušala, adj. Unlucky, inauspicious. -STA -lāt, abl. sin. m. *IEfan a-kritrima, adj. Unfeigned, inartificial, na- tural, unsophisticated. - R-mam, nom. sin. n. *ſūqua-kripana, adj. Generous, not miserly. -UR -nas, nom. sin. m. *1ffièrºttuta-kriyamāna (part.pres-pass. of the vö. tº kri, Do, with ºr a, priv.), Not being done. -UIST -nasya, gen. sin. m. *RIT a-kshata (pass. part. of the vb. *[UI kshan, Kill, injure, with & a, priv.), Unhurt, uninjured, unscathed; unnipped. --R -tam, nom. or ace. sin. m. *Tºrna-kshama, adj. Unable, incapable. --R-mas, nom. sin. m. - RTUTTR-mămăm, gen. pl. *Tºta a-kshaya, adj. Imperishable. *TRIT-Ua- kshayān, acc. pl. m. *TaſerSta-kshayatwa, abst. s. n. (from *RRT a-ksha- ya, adj. Imperishable) Indestructibility, exemption from waste or decay. *RRISATT a-kshayatwāt, abl. sin. *Tºrqūrai a-kshaya-loka, s. m. KARM. Heaven, the imperishable world or region. -āTVU-kān, ace. pl. *Tartakshara,s.n.Aletter of the alphabet. A syllable. *Ifgúta-khila, adj. All, entire. -STR-lam, ace, sin. 772. OT 12. *Tara a-gada, sm. A medicine. --T&R -gadas, nom. *Tarna agamat, 3d pers. sin. 3d pret. of the vö. TR gam, 1st cl. par. Go. *RRR a-gamyas, nom. sin. m. (fut. pass. part. with ºf a, priv.) Unattainable, impervious, inaccessible, unapproachable. *Tarā a-garva, adj. Modest, humble, void of pride. 8 *I*TI *It ( 114 ) *Fräua-garvas, nom. sin. m. *Från a-garvam, nom. sin. m. *RITE! a-gádha, adj. Deep, fathomless, bottomless. *RRT a-guna, s.m. Absence of merit; demerit, defect. *I juriſts: a-guna-Śila, BAHUv. Worthless, of a bad disposition. -STS -lasya, gen. sin. m. *RTH a-gupta (pass part of the vö. In gup, Con- ceal, with at a, priv), Unguarded. *RIHR a- guptam, nom. sin. m. **Traſt a-gochara, s. n. Unconsciousness. Non-con- currence. -ºut-rena, ins: sin. -R-re, loe. *Ifivt agni, s.m. Fire: always associated with the idea of the Deity presiding over it, and who is worshipped by the Hindus. AfrºRagnis, nom. sin. afrºſtagnim, ace. *If wrºtt agnină, ins. wrºte agnes, abl. or gen. Triſt agnau, loc. *RT agra, s. n. The front, fore part, point, tip, sum- mit, or extremity. *RRR agram, acc. sin. *Taut agrena, ins. *RITA agrät, abl. agº agre, loc. ind. Before, in presence of. arrarº agratas, ind. Before, in front, in the van. At the head. Beforehand. *RIEUT a-grahana, s.n. Non-taking, not securing. -UTR-nam, nom. sin. *Tataraat aghātayat, 3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of atſa ghāti (caus. form of the vb. ºf han, Slay), He caused to be killed. arº añka, sin. Flank, or part above the hips; lap. Embrace, hug, clasp. *Tºtańkam, ace, sin. arº añga, s.n. A limb, member. The body. Branch. Department. Mind, understanding. *Tºtañg- º º, o © - - am, nom.sin. Tº stangena, ins. *Tºtal angāt, abl. arº añga-da,sºn. Abraceletworn on the upper arm. | *Tºtt anganā, sf A woman. *Tſarºqtfurº añga-vāk-pânimat, adj. Endued with mind, speech, and hands. - RTIT matā, ins.sin.m. *Tºrqū anga-sparsa, s.m. TATP. Touch of body, bodily contact. -Stitta-sparsät, abl. sin. wrºtf aigăigi, ind. Body and body, implying con- tact and co-operation. *Tºtfºtra añgāńgi-bhāva, s. m. TATP. The recipro- cal relation of the body and its members; of a whole and its appendages; of a chief and his fol- lowers, etc. --Ta-Rbhāvam, acc. sin. *Tºrº añgāra, s.m. Coal, charcoal. “Tº TURañgā- ras, nom. sin. wrºtaſtfit angi-karoti, 3d pers. sin. pres. chwi, (He) promises, or assents. *Tºtara att angi- kritawān, nom. sin. m. of -qa -vat, indef past part. He proposed. *f; anghri, 8.m. Root of a tree. wfººt anghrim, (ZCC. S.272, *RTTa-chala (not moving, immovable)s.m. Amoun- tain. -SR-las, nom. sin. -STR-lam, acc. sin. *RTTTSH a-châpalya, abs.s.n. (from arautta-chapa- la, adj. Not fickle) Firmness,steadiness,consistency. -USTR-palyam, nom. sin. *If Tºrº achintayam, 1st pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vb.faa chit (Ki) 10th cl. par. Think, reflect, con- sider, muse. *fºreſa achintayat, 3d pers. sin. *fºrt achintā, sf. Disregard, insensibility, the not thinking or brooding over. *Iffºrt a-chintita (pass. part. of the vö. f*[a chit (Ki) Think, with ºa, priv.), Unthought of -atfit -tāni, nom.pl. n. *fºr U a-chira, adj. Brief, short, momentary, not long. *fºr a-chirena, ins. sin. m. or n. or *If IUTA a-chirāt, abl. also used adverbially, Without delay. **ast a-chetana, adj. Insensible, void of reason or feeling; unthinking, thoughtless. -a-ne, loc.sin.m. *TSI aja, s.m. A goat. TSRajas, nom. sin. *TSRTHRHA a-jarāmaravat, ind, comp. of the adj. *TSR a-jara, cr. Undecaying, and *[HU a-mara, cr. Undying, immortal, with the particle at vat, As, like, subjoined. *RTT ajã, S.f. A she-goat. *RTTT a-jāta (pass-part. of the vö. Stºtjan, Be born, with ºr a, priv.), Not born, unborn. *Isſaqaqītūtra, a -jāta - mrita - mirkhānām, DwANDwA of the first species: comp. of ºstral a- jāta, Unborn, qa mrita, Dead, and #TTTR mürkhānām, gen. pl. of *śmārkha, s.m. A fool. *fºra a-jita (pass. part. of the vö. für ji, Conquer with ºf a, priv.), Unconquered, unvanquished. *Iftafiºſº a-jitendriyas, nom.sin. m. BAH. Whose passions are ungoverned; of unsubdued senses. aſsiſti a-jirna,8.n. Indigestion. *rītūjajirne, loc.sin. *TET a-gya, adj. Ignorant, unwise, foolish, stupid, senseless; a fool. *TER a-gyas, nom. sin. m. ºſ- *TR a-gyās, nom.pl.m. *ſūIT-Ua-gyān, acc.pl.m. a-gyāta-kula-Śilasya, gem. sin. m. ^e *TEIT Bahuv. comp. of Tsita a-gyāta, Unknown, ºut kula, Family, and witut Šila, s.rn. Personal qualities, disposition, temper, character. *Tºtasſista a-gyāta-Šilas, nom. sin. m. Bahuv. Unknown as to character. *TETTSAT a-gyātwä (ind. pret. part. of the vö. EIT gyā, Know, with ºr a, priv.) Not knowing or discover- ing, not having known or discovered. *TETTT a-gyāna, s.n. Ignorance. --TR-nam, nom. sin. adj. Ignorant, unwise. *ſūtīn a-gyänena, ins. sin. m. *TETTTE a-gyānasya, gen. sin. m. *TEITTR a-gyānatas, ind. Ignorantly, unwittingly, unknowingly, not of malice prepense. *I*TT anchala, s. m. The end or border of a cloth, veil, shawl, etc. *Iait anchale, loc. sin. *ETT anjana, s. n. A collyrium or application to the eyelashes to darken and improve them; a universal article of the Eastern toilet. Antimony, lamp-black, “Soorma.” --TR-nam, nom.sin. --TST-nasya, gen. *Rºſatanjana-vat, ind. Like collyrium. *Rāft anjali, s. m. The cavity formed by putting the hands together, and hollowing the palms; being in this form carried to the forehead, it forms the appropriate salutation from inferiors of respecta- bility to their superiors. *Ishfºraústanjali-karman, sºn. TATP. A making of submission; civility, respect. -āUIt -rmanã,ins.sin. *T2 ºf atana, s.n. A roving or a gadding about. --TR -nam, nom. sin. --TET -nāya, dat. *Tzºft atani, sf. The notched extremity of a bow. *Izāt atavi, sf. A wood, a forest. *TUS anda, s. n. An egg. A testicle. *TUS Randam, acc. sin. TUSTfºr andāni, nom. or acc.pl. *ſūST- TIR andānām, gen. *TUSSR anda-ja, s. m. (Egg-born) A fish. A bird. *TUSSTR anda-jās, nom.pl. *Tat Ua ata eva, ind. Therefore, on this account. *Taºſ a-tathya, adj. Untrue, false, unreal. *TTEIT- fºr a-tathyāni, acc. pl. n. *Tafºa a-tandrita, adj. Smart, active, not slothful. -ākū-tas, nom. sin. m. * *Tara atas, ind. From this. Than this. Hence, hereafter. On this account, for this reason. *Targeſt atädayat (3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vº aſg tad, 10th cl. par. Strike, beat, cudgel), He kept striking, he continued to strike, (115) *T&TRT *If ati, prep. Over, beyond, exceedingly, extremely, transcendently, much, very, beyond measure. *Iftaſh ati-krama, s.m. Violation, transgression, overstepping. -ā-ATT -kramatas, adverbially, By transgressing, through violation. *fraſt ºf ati-krānta (pass. part. of the vö. airt kram, Step, with ºff ati), Passed beyond, far gone, transgressed. Extended, prolix, diffuse. -āītā -krānte, loc. sin. m. -ātāş -krānteshu, loc. pl. m. *firſtürtt ati jirmatā, als.s.f. Extreme old age. -TET -tayā, ins. sin. *Iftf. a-tithi, s.m. A guest, one entitled to the rites of hospitality, one who does not prolong his stay beyond a faft tithi, or lunar day. Aftfºrd a- tithis, nom. sin. ºfatern a-tithim, ace. *IfrºTC ati-bhāra, s.m. A great, too heavy, or ex- cessive burden. --TTUR-bhāras, nom. sin. atfäfterå ati-richyate, 3d. pers. sin. pres. of the vö. fú rich, Flow. When conjugated in the passive with ºff ati, Over, it means Exceed, become ex- cessive, predominate,superabound; bemoreworthy, of greater importance and value; be heavier. afraia ati-vartate (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vb. in vrit, 1st cl. atm. Be, with ºff ati), Passes, elapses, rolls on. *Iftara ati-vyaya, s.m. Lavish expenditure, pro- fusion, prodigality, extravagance. --Tºſº vyayas, 720770. Sº?. *faſtfänt ati-saktimat, adj. Over or much at- tached. --HTVUmān, nom. sin. m. *Ifſº ati-sanchayas, nom. sin. s. m. Excessive accumulation, a vast hoard. *Tita atita (pass. part. of the vb. *i, Go, with afa ati, Beyond), Passed, gone over or by. *Tātūt atitya (ind. pret. part. of the vö. Fi, Go, with *If ati, Over), Having surpassed, gone over, sur- mounted, got beyond, or above. *Táta ativa, ind. Excessively, much, very much, be- yond measure. *Ife a-tushti, s.f. Dissatisfaction, displeasure, dis- content. aft atti, 3d pers. sin. pres. of the vb. *ra ad, 2d el par. Eat. *T&T'ſ aty-anta, or *[&ITR aty-antam, ind. Much, very, excessive, excessively. *T&T&T *If I (116) *T&T&T aty-aya, s.m. ( *If ati, Beyond, *RI aya, Going) A passing away, a going by. Escape, loss. wańg aty-ayeshu, loc. pl. *TRIST aty-alpa, adj. Very small. T&T TR aty- alpam, nom. sin. n. WKTIféºt aty-āhita, s.n. A desperate, daring, or portentous action. -ath-tam, acc. sin. wgatz aty-utkata, adj. Extreme, excessive, great. -38. tais, ins. pl. n. *TH atra, ind. Here, in this place. Hither. *Tarºtſ" atrāntare, ind. Thereupon, meanwhile. *ta atraiva, ind. On this very spot, even here. *T&T atha, an inceptive particle, After. Then. Now. And. But. *:Teſcºt athavă, ind. Or, or else. Moreover. But. adatta, 3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vb. at dā, 3d cl. atm. Give. waitat adattwä (ind. pret. part. of the vö. at dā, Give, with & a, priv.), Not having given. *U adarśayat, 3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of aft darśi (caus. of the vö. # It driš, See), He made to appear, he shewed. wrºtéga a-dirgha-sutra, adj. Not dilatory, prompt. wº a-dirgha-sătram, acc. sin. m. Haat a-dirgha-sătrată, abs. s..f. Despatch, the reverse of dilatoriness. *Igi a-durga, BAHUv. Having no fortress, without a fortress. *Igia, a-durgas, nom. sin. m. HRR a-durga-vishayas, nom. sin. m. KARM. An unfortified country. *Tº a-drisya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. gºt driš, See, with ºf a, priv.), Not to be seen, invisible. *THST a-drišyā, nom. sin...f. *Tºga-drishta (pass. part. of the v6. # It driš, See, with ºf a, priv.), Unseen, not seen. a-drishta-karmă, nom. sin. m. BAHUv. Not seen practice. *IgguköTavia. a-drishta-para-sămarthyas, nom. sin. m. BAHUv. Not witnessed an enemy's power. “Tºggºt a-drishta-purushas, nom. sin. m. (or *TºgºſV a-drishta-naras, nom. sin. m.) BAHuv. A form of treaty, in which the parties treat direct without any mediator or surety. *Tºgfērksatural a-drishta-viraha-vyatham, nom. sin. m. BAHUv. comp. of *Tºgadrishta, Unseen In this world. (not experienced), fºr UE viraha. Separation, and asſeſſ vyathâ, sºf. Pain, pang. wºrst a-desa-stha, agt. An absentee, one absent from his country; or not abiding in his place. º waſ gr8! a-desa-sthas, nom. sin. m. *T&T adya, ind. Now, to-day. *RITaal adya-yāvat, ind. Till now, unto the pre- sent day. *T&TTURI ady-ārabhya, ind. Commencing to-day, this day forwards. *śra adyaiva, ind. This very day. *Tººl a-dravya, s.n. A thing of nought, a worthless object. *Igå a-dravye, loc. sin. *f; adri, S.m. A mountain. *fºrt adrim, acc. *Tú:ET`ſ adhah-krita, pass. part. Thrown or put down. - TSI -tasya, gen. sin. m. *I:utfitaſ adhah-pâtita, pass. part. Thrown down, made to fall down. -atfºr-tāni, nom.pl. n. *Tºt a-dhana, adj. Poor, indigent; s.n. The want or absence of wealth. --TR -nam, acc. sin. m. -āg -neshu, loc. pl. m. *In adhama, adj. Low, vile, despicable. *[HTTTR adhamānām, gen. pl. arºſł a-dharma, s.m. Breach of duty, unrighteous act, injustice. *Teſ: a-dharme, loc. sin. *Tºtarº a-dharmatas, ind. Unrighteously, iniquit- ously, unjustly. *TR adhas, ind. Down, downwards, below, beneath, under. *TETTA adhastät, Beneath, below, at the bottom. *If I adhi, prep. Over, above, upon (in place, rank, quality, or quantity). *Aftſai adhika, adj. Exceeding, extraordinary, su- perior, more, over, additional, more than. Para- mount. -ATR-kas, nom. sin. m. -ATR-kam, nom. or acc. sin. n. -ATT-kāt, abl. sin. m. *fºrain adhikam, ind. Exceedingly, very much. *If Tairradhi-kāra, s.m. Superintendence, manage- ment, authority, controul. An office or post. -ºut —rena, ins. sin. * re, loc. *Iftaircraft adhi-kār-ādhyas, nom. sin. m. TATP. Invested with authority. aftſätfººt adhi-kārin, s.m. A superintendent, di- rector, administrator, comptroller, commandant. -čt-ri, nom. sin. -fcuſt-rinau, nom. du. *Ifugia adhi-krita (pass. part. of the vb. tº kri, wift, Make, with ºf adhi, Over), Set over. A super- intendent in general. --R-tas, nom. sin. m. *Iftafiufú adhi-kshipasi (2nd pers. sin. pres. of the vö. f*[q kship, 6th cl. par. Cast, with ºf adhi, Over), Reproach, taunt, asperse, treat with disrespect, throw dirt upon. Aftſfºuft adhi- \kshipati, 3d pers. sin. *Ifür-Tºft adhi-gachchhati (3d pers, sin. pres. of the vb. STR gam, 1st cl. par. substituting QTK3 gachchh in the four conjugational tenses, Go, with *fºr adhi, Over), Goes over; reads, learns; gains, acquires. *Ifüfirgſå adhi-tishthati (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vb. ST shthā, 1st cl. par. Stand, with *Ifu adhi, Over), Governs. *If T&TaïT adhityakā, sf. Land on the upper part of a mountain, table-land. -ātūTR-kāyām, loc. sin. *If TUIST adhi-rāja, s.m. King paramount, emperor. -SR jas, nom. sin. *fºratºr adhi-Šayāna (pres, part. of the vb. ºft ši, 2d cl. atm. Lie down, with ºf adhi, Over), Lying on, sleeping. --TET -nasya, gen. sin. m. *If Ifat adhi-shthita (pass. part. of the vb. ST shthā, Stand, with ºf adhi, Over), Stood over, presided over, supervised, overlooked. Governed, influenced, swayed. Suggested, inspired. -7R-tas, nom. sin. m. -āºf -tena, ins. sin. m. -TR-tam, nom. sin. n. *faffarat adhi-shthitavat, indef. pass. part. He mounted or sat on. TúTºt-tawān, nom. sin. m. *Teſta adhita (pass. part. of the vb. * i, Go, with *If I adhi, Over), Read, perused, studied. In- structed. -arú-tas, nom. sin. m. -ti-ta, voc. sin. -TR-tam, nom. sin. n. - TIf -tāni, nom. pl. n. *Tºtal adhitya (ind. pret, part. of the vb. * i, Go, with ºf adhi, Over), Having gone over; having read, studied, perused, or learned. *Tºtt a-dhira, adj. Unsteadfast, not staunch, timid. -Q-ras, nom. sin. m. *Igºtt adhuna, ind. Now, at present. *Teſt **Radho'dhas, ind. (“Tº adhas, repeated), Down, downwards, low down, below. Always down. Deep. *T&T&T adhy-aksha, s. m. Overseer, inspector. —kshas, nom. sin. *T&TEIT adhy-ayana, s.n. Study; a reading, es- -*R (117) *Iwſº pecially of the sacred books, one of the six duties of a Brahman. --TVTR-yanam, nom. sin. *T&TARTTT adhy-ava-săya, s.m. Effort, exertion, de- termined application. *Tarantfºran. adhyavasāyitam, nom. sin. m. adj. (from *TºrqūT&T adhyavasāya, s.m. with affix ºn ita, called ºn A itach), Undertaken, attempted as a difficult task. *Túa a-dhruva, adj. Uncertain. -a-R -vam, nom. sin. n. -ATſūt-vāni, nom. or acc. pl. *IVU an, ind. No, not, un-, in-. A privative, pro- hibitive, or diminutive particle, prefixed to words commencing with a vowel. *TEI an-agha, adj. Sinless, innocent. *ſūtūrū an- aghas, nom. sin. m. *[TEI an-agha, voc. *Tºr; an-anga (bodiless) s.rm. A name of Kāma, the Hindu deity of love, in allusion to his having been reduced to ashes by the eye of Śiva, for having disturbed his devotions, and rendered him ena- moured of Pârvati. *Frºfit gT an-anga-kridā (pronounced krirã), sif TATP. Love, dalliance. -STR-rām, acc. sin. *Infºſhufta an-ati-kramaniya (fut, pass, part. of the vö. #[H kram, Step, with ºff ati, Beyond, and *[Tan, priv.), Not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable, unavoidable. Not to be broken, trans- gressed, infringed, or disobeyed; inviolable. --R -yas, nom. sin. m. --TSI -yasya, gem sin. m. *Tsift-Tºi an-adhi-gata (pass. part. of the vb. TH gam, Go, with ºf adhi, Over, and *[[an, Not), Not gone over; unread. *InfºTTTTEITUTTR an-adhi-gata-Śāstränäm, gen. pl. m. BAHUv. comp. of aſsif.ſºrt an-adhi-gata, cr. Unread, and WTTKā Śāstra, s.n. Book, or science. *Tºtfigtwi an-adhi-shthāna, s. n. Want of superin- tendence, absence of presiding care. --TR-nam, 720770. Sø/2. an-anu-bhūta (pass. part. of the vö. 3] bhū, Be, with prep. *ſū anu, and *Ran), Unperceived. *Tºrqºri an-anu-shthāna, s. n. Non-observance, non- performance, neglect,inattention. -stºr -nena, ins. sin. -à -ne, loc. sin. : *FITSR an-antaram, ind. Immediately, presently, Afterwards. an-anya-pratikriyas, nom. sin. m. by and by, forthwith, anon. *Iwſºn fºrf: BAHUv. Incapable of making further resistance. *Iwtu *If I (118) * *ſūqt an-apekshā, sf Carelessness, indifference, disregard. *Infilºsſ an-abhi-gya, adj. Ignorant, unacquainted, unskilled; an ignoramus. -ER-gyas, nom.sin.m. *Tºtfiſha an-abhi-mata (pass. part. of the vb. HVT man, Desire, with ºf abhi, and *U an, priv.), Disliked, disagreeable, unpleasant. - TR -tam, acc. sin. m. *RT-ITI an-abhy-āsa, s. m. The want or absence of practice, or exercise; disuse, neglect. -à se, loc.sin. *Israt anayā, ins. sin...f. of x& Ridam, pron. This. *Tºtºſtº anayos, gen. du. m. *Tºttàst an-arghyatwa, abst. s. n. Absence of price or value, invaluableness. atti arghya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. *Tú argh, Cost), To be rated or appraised; rateable, with the privative particle ºt an. -STT-twāt, abl. sin. *Tºtò an-artha, s. m. Misfortune; disadvantage, ruin, poverty. an-artham, acc. sin. an-arthäya, dat. *Tºtèrtú an-arthäs, nom. pl. *Tºtòaſt an-artha-kara, agt. Unprofitable, useless. -HTR-karas, nom. sin. m. *Twist anala, s.m. Fire. -SR-las, nom. sin. & TaſūTVI an-ava-dhāna, s. n. Inattention, inadver- tency, neglect, negligence. --TR-nam, nom. sin. --TET -nasya, gen. sin. *TT3KRan-avasara, adj. Unseasonable, inopportune. *IvräfgafººtST an-ava-sthita-chittatwa, abs. s. n. Unsteady-mindedness. -STTT-twāt, abl. sin. *Tºtt-Tai an-ā-gata, pass. part. Not come, not arrived; future. (See *[[Tā āgata.) -aº -tam, nom. or acc. sin. n. *TMTTTatt an-ā-gatavat, indef past part. That has not come to pass, or is unaccom- plished. -ath-vatim, acc. sin. f. an-āgata-vidhātri, BAHUV.(Fate-not- come) Name of a certain fish. -ęITTT dhātā, nom. sin. m. wrºttº: a-nātha, adj. Destitute of a friend or pro- tector; fatherless, orphan. --R-thas, nom.sin.m. -*TT -tha, nom. sin. f. *Travan-ādara, s.m. Disrespect, disregard, slight. -a (R -daras, nom. sin. *TTTTRI an-āyatta, adj. Independent, uncontrolled. *IVITURI an-ārambha, 8.m. Non-commencement. -KRR-rambhas, nom. sin. *TWTTÜI an-ā-ruhya (ind. pret. part. of the vö. Ug ruh, Mount, with ºut 5, and *[[an, priv.), Not having surmounted, or overcome. an-ārya, adj. Not noble; plebeian. *Fºrtúa an-āryas, nom. sin. m. *Intºuſ an-āryena, ins. an-āryatā, abs.s.f. Unworthy conduct, dis- gracefulness; plebeianism. -at-A-tām, acc. sin *Tºttºſta an-à-lochya (ind. pret. part. of the vö. uſta loch, See, with *T â, and art an), Not having seen, considered, regarded, or looked at. *IWT:Tºrq an-āśrayas, nom. sin. m. BAHUv. Desti- tute of asylum or place of refuge, defenceless. *TWTETR an-āhāra, s. m. Abstinence, fasting, starva- tion. -RT-rena, ins. sin. *FITätt an-ā-hüta (pass. part. of the vö. § hwe, Call, with AT â, To, and *[an), Uncalled, not summoned. -āT{{-hütas, nom. sin. m. *If Tºga an-ichchhat (pres. part. of the vö. RH ish, Wish, 6th cl. par. with *), Not desiring. -arú. -tas, gen. sin. m. *Ifsſºn a-nitya, adj. Transient, not lasting, of short duration. Inconstant, variable, uncertain. -&R -tyas, nom. sin. m. -&R-tyam, nom. sin. n. -ārst -tyena, ins. sin. m. *If T&TTT a-nityatā, abs. s. f. Transient or limited existence. The present transient, fleeting state of being; frail mortality. -ąTR tam, acc. sin. *If TºſatàIT a-niyat-ātmā, nom. sin. m. BAHuv. comp. of ºf Tºra a-niyata, Unsubdued, and *AT&TWU atman, s. Soul, self. afātūnū. a-niyamas, nom. sin. s. m. Absence of re- straint, indecorous or improper conduct. wfīān a-nir-vrita, adj. Unhappy, ill at ease. -aſt -tam, nom. sin. m. *first anila, s. m. Wind. —SR-las, nom. sin. aftaat a-ni-vedya (ind. pret, part. of ãf: vedi, caus. of the vö. fää vid, Know, with fºr ni, and *I a), Not having announced, told, or informed. *fifſ: a-nis-chitya (ind. pret. part. of the vö. fºr chi, Gather, with fºr nir, Out, and ºn a, priv.), Not having ascertained. *firg an-ishta (pass. part. of the vö. RH ish, Wish, with art an, priv.), Unwished, undesired; bad, unlucky, inauspicious. -ERR -shtam, acc. sin. n. —gta-shtāt, abl. sin. m. or n. *firgº a-nishthura, adj. Not contumelious. -UR —ras, nom. sin. m. *Tºft *Tºtal anika, s.m. or n. An army, forces, host. —alº -kasya, gem. sin. wriſtfä a-niti, sf. Bad policy, imprudence. writta's a-niti-gya, agt. Impolitic, indiscreet, silly. -*t-gyena, ins: sin. m. -ā-gye, loc. sin. m. *II anu, prep. After. Along with. According to. anu-kampaniya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. au kap, Shake (ri), with *ſū anu), To be pitied; worthy of commiseration. --R-yas, nom. anu-kirtanam, nom. sin. s. m. A pro- claiming, publishing, or blazing abroad. an-ukta (pass. part. of the vb. Tº vach, Speak, with *U an, priv.), Not spoken, not uttered. *ITHUR an-uktam, mom, or acc. sin. m. *IJāsītāaviºratan-ukta-kliva-vachanam,nom.sin. n. BAhuv. comp. of ºffi an-ukta, Not spoken, aita kliva, Wain, and &RIST vachana, s. n. A word. anu-kshanam, ind. Every instant, con- tinually, moment after moment. wºrsefa anu-gachchhati (3d pers, sin. pres. of the vö. TR gam, 1st cl. par. Go, with *R, anu, After), Follows, goes after. *Tºta anu-gata (pass. part. of the ob. TH gam, Go, with *R, anu, After), Following; a follower. -VITA -gatas, nom. sin. m. *Rºlfrate anu-gatikas, nom. sin. m. adj. Follow- ing, imitating. An imitator. anu-grihitas (nom. sin. m. pass. part. of the vb. as grah, Take, with ºf anu), Favoured, obliged. *Iſaätºrt anu-grahitum, inf. To fa- vour or oblige. anu-chara, s.rm. A companion, attendant, follower, servant. --R-charas, nom.sin. -Hºuſ -charena, ins. --RT-charās, nom. pl. - Hºt -charais, ins. pl. *Infant an-uchitam, nom. sin. m. adj. Improper, unfit, unsuitable, unbecoming, absurd. *Tºrqū anu-jagmus (3d pers. pl. 2d pret. par. of the vb. QR gam, Go, with *Iſ anu, After), They followed. arºstrátfä anujānihi, 2d pers. sin. imp. of the vö. *IT gyā, 9th cl. par. Know, with *II anu, Permit. writfää anu-jivika, s.m. A follower. -áē-kais, ins. pl. wºmfät anu-jivin, agt. Following ; a follower, ( 119 ) *Ti attendant, dependant, servant; an inferior, a sub- ordinate. -frºſt-viná, ins. sin. m. -fast& -vinas, nom.pl. -fºr-TTR-vinäm,gen. pl. m. -faş -vishu, loc. pl. m. *TTTR an-uttama, adj. Best, having nothing better. witHR an-uttamam, mom. or acc. sin. m. *Iſfºa an-ud-ita (pass, part of the vö. R i, Go, with Stut, and *[an), Not risen, unrisen. -ā -te, loc. sin. m. *Titat an-ud-yoga, s. m. Inactivity, absence of exer- tion. *Tania an-ud-yogena, ins. sin. *RTúTavt anu-dhāvan (nom. sin. m. pres. part of the vö. Tº dhāv, 1st. cl. par. Run, with *ſū anu, After), Running after, pursuing, chasing. *Tºrq anu-naya, s.rm. Civility, respect, courtesy. -VTER-nayas, nom. sin. -stºvt -nayena, ins. sin. *RTuaſtfrit an-upa-kārin, agt. (from the vb. Ül kri, Do, with WBQ upa, and *[ºt any, Not assisting; not a benefactor; helpless. frin -rine, dat. sin. m. Nº an-upa-kurvāna (pres. part. of the vö. Ei kri, 8th cl. atm. Do, with Su upa, and Tºlan), Not assisting. -UR-mas, nom. sin. m. *RſqūH an-upa-panna (pass. part of the wb. Tº pad, Go, with Wu upa, and *ſ-U an), Unproved, undemonstrated, unsubstantiated. Uneffected, un- accomplished. -UHTR-pannam, nom. sin. m. *ITTFTRTsi an-upa-bhuiyamāna (pres. pass, part. of the vö. In bhuj, Eat, with sq upa, and ºt an), Not being enjoyed. -HTVR-mānas, nom.sin.m. *TTTTH, an-upa-yukta, adj. Unserviceable, useless. - Tºtt-yuktas, nom. sin. m. *ſūqturatanu-pālayan (nom.sin.m.pres-part.of the wb. It pā, 10th cl. par with *ſū anu), Keeping, maintaining. *Tafāg anu-pra-visya (ind. pret, part of the vö. fast vis, Enter, with a pra, and ºianu), Having entered. *ITTTR anu-präpta (pass. part of the vb. *ſū āp, Obtain, with H pra, and *II anu), Reached, ar- rived, found. -JITHR-präptas, nom. sin. m. -Tă -präpte, loc. m. or n. anu-badhnanti (3d pers. pl. pres. of the vb. GTRI bandh, 9th cl. par. Bind, with wi anu), Follow, adhere, are fixed, or attached to. anu-budhyate (3d pers. sin. pres. pass. of the vb. Tabudh, with ºrianu). (It) is understood wrºn wrºſs ( 120 ) *RRTaftanu-bhavanti, 3d pers. pl. pres. of the ob. *1 bhū, 1st cl. par. Be, become, with *IJ anu, Enjoy, experience. *Thaganu-bhavatu, 3d pers. sin. imp. -Mast-bhavan, nom. sin. m. pres, part. *Iſhafâa. anu-bhavadbhis, ins. pl. m. wºn anu-bhūta (pass. part. of *1 bhū, with ºf anu), Experienced, felt. Resulted, followed as a con- sequence, ensued, ensuing. - TR-tam, nom.sin.m. anu-bhüyate (3d pers. sin. pres. pass. of the vb. *1 bhū, Be, with *II anu), Is perceived or felt; results. --Tºttº -yatām, 3d pers. sin. imp. pass. Let be enjoyed. anu-mata, s. n. Consent. anu-mate, loc. sin. (in the sense of *That anu-matyā) With - the consent. anu-marana, s. n. Dying with, or follow- ing in death: the term usually denotes the crema- tion of a Hindu widow, whose husband’s corpse is not on the spot, and with part of whose dress she therefore ascends the pile. It is synonymous with *RTHºt anu-gamana (post-cremation); whilst {{EQRVT saha-gamana denotes a woman's burning herself on the funeral-pile with her deceased hus- band (concremation). -UTR-ranam, acc. sin. anu-mâna, s.r. Inference; a conclusion drawn from given premises; consideration, reflec- tion. -ºist -nena, ins. sin. * *Iſāq anu-meya (fut. pass. part. of the vb. RT ma, Measure, with ºf anu), To be inferred or proved. -*TR-yās, nom.pl. f. *Rſatfä anu-yāti (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. It yā, Go, 2d cl. par. with *RI anu, After), Goes after, follows, attends, accompanies. *RRR anu-raktas (nom. sin. m. pass. part. of the vb. Üst ranj, Be attached, with *ſū anu), Loving, liking, fond of, attached. -\{[SI -raktasya, gen. *ITUſing anu-raktis, nom. sin. S. f. Affection, love, attachment. *RRTst anu-rága, s. m. Attachment, love, affection. *TRT-Ranu-rigas, nom. sin. -Utaſk-rāgam, acc. sin. -UºTra-rāgāt, abl. sin. *ITTºrqa. anu-rágavat, adj. Fond, in love with, doting. -URIATA-rāgavān, nom.sin.m. --Taraft -rāgavati, nom. sin...f. *Jºn anu-rūpa, sin. Conformity. *ITsūut 8Illl- rüpena, ins. sin. (According to). adj. Fit, suitable, like, resembling,according to. -UR-pam, acc.sin.n. anu-rodha, s.m. Kindness, partiality. - TTT -dhāt, abl. sin. *Tºrqū anu-rodhana, s. n. Compliance, complais- ance. --TR-nam, nom. sin. *Tifºsi anu-liptena (ins. sin. m. pass. part. of the vö. frº lip, Anoint, smear, with *II anu, After [bathing]), Anointed, smeared. \ } anu-vartana, s. m. Obedience, submission, compliance. -STR -nam, nom. sin. anu-vartin, agt. Following, obeying, yield- -TT -nā, ins. sin. m. anu-vi-dhāyin, agt. Obedient, com- pliant, observant of rules. -firit -yini, nom. sin,f. anu-writta, s. n. Compliance, conformity. -aºist-vrittena, ins. sin. wift anu-writti, sf Course, continuance. -afts -vrittis, nom. sin. - -writtyā, ins. sin. anu-shthātavya (fut. pass.part. of the vö. ST shthā, Stand, with *If anu), To be followed, observed, done, attended to, conducted. -a-TR ing to. -tavyam, nom. sin. m. *Tºgth anu-shthāna, A doing, or engaging in any thing; performance, course of proceeding ; atten- tion. anu-shthānam, nom. or acc. sin. *Infºrth anu-shthitam (nom. sin. m. pass. part of the vb. g7 shthā, Stand, with ºf anu), Done, followed, observed, attended to, performed, prac- tised, executed, accomplished, carried out. *Infº anu-shihite, loc. sin. m. anu-shthiyatām (3d pers. sin. imp. pass. of the vö. gtshthā, with ºf anu), Let be minded, attended to, followed, pursued, managed, done, put in execution. *Tºga anu-shtheya (fut. pass. part. of the vb. ST shthā, Stand, with *I'ſ anu), To be pursued, ob- served, done, performed, executed, accomplished. -*RR-yam, nom. sin. n. anu-san-dhātavya (fut. pass. part. of the vb. It dhā, Hold, with KRRsam, and *II anu), To be heeded, minded, attended to, seen to. - Tºº -tavyam, nom, sin. m. *Iſhvatt anu-sandhāna, s. n. An arranging, a set- ting in order. Close or narrow inspection, seeing to, looking after. -a -ne, loc. sin. wºn wrºſºftwara anu-san-dhiyatām (3d pers. sin. imp. pass. of the vö. It dhā, Hold, with {{Rsam, and wi anu), Let be sought out, investigated, searched, inquired into. Let be schemed, planned, devised. *Iſaafs anu-san-dhehi (2d pers. sin. imp. of the wb. It dhā, 3d cl. par. Hold, with *Rsam, and *R, anu), Inspect, look after,inquire into. Arrange, set in order. Compose. *RRRT anu-sarana, s.n. A following, going after, tracking, tracing. -UR-nam, nom. sin. *RRTR anu-sāratas, ind. Conformable to the nature. *Tatfit anu-sărin, agt. Following, attendant on. -fc-ri, nom. sin. m. - -rini, nom. sin...f. ww.rºsa anu-hun-kurute (3d pers. sin. pres. of the ºn a kri, 8th claim. Do, with the imitative particle FA hum, and *ſū anu), Roars, grunts forth. *In anipa, adj. Watery, wet. wº antipe, loc. sin. m. or n. wºn an-rita, adj. False. -at-tā, nom. sin. f. -art -tam, nom. sin. m. witH. an-ritam, nom. sin. of win an-rita, s. n. Falsehood, untruth. witat an-eka, adj. Not one, many, much. *ſºtafºtºattan-eka-chitta-mantras, nom.sin.m. BAHUV. One in whose council are many minds. witateſt an-ekadhā, ind. In many ways, manifold, or many times over. wiatſafúsſfürst an-eka-yuddha-vijayin, agt. Vic- torious in numerous engagements. -stºft jayi, nom. sin. m. -jayinas, gen. sin. *ºtºqan-eka-rūpa, adj. Multiform. -ut-pâ, nom. witainſt an-ekašas, ind. In great numbers. º, e an-eka-sansayo-chchhedi, TATP. comp. of *ſūtai an-eka, cr. Many, kūta sangaya, cr. Doubts, and uchchhedi, nom. sin. m. of wºfºt uchchhedin, agt. (of the vb. figg chhid, Cut, with prep. WBZU ut, Up), Cutting up, destroy- ing ; a solver, one who, or that which, resolves or clears up. witästn an-ekeshām, gen. pl. of wrºtai an-eka, pronom. Many. wiątnatafºgganek-opavāsa-klishtas, nom. sin. m. TATP. Worn out by much fasting. (121 ) *TRT *fast anema (ins. sin. m. or n. of wartidam, pron.), By or with this, him, or it. *Tº anta, s.m. End, term. Tºrn antam, acc. sin. *RT3TTR antah-sāra, s. m. Inward treasure, internal stores or contents. -RTTUR-sāram, acc. sin. *Tºtaliantaka, s. m. Yama, the king or angel of death. -āT-kas, nom. sin. wºrk antar, ind. Inwardly, within. *ITR antara, s. n. Interval, intermediate space, dis- tance. Difference. Midst, the midst. —KR-ram, nom. or ace. sin. Rut-rena, ins: sin. -R-re, loc. sin. At the end of a word it may be rendered by “another;” as, #TTTC desantara, Another country, QūTºrr purushāntara, Another man. *RTUIGFU antar-ātman, s.m. Soul. Internal feel- ings, heart or mind. -Utaſt -rātmā, nom. sin. -Utaſºft-rātmanā, ins. sin. --Tatwº-rātmanas, gen. sin. *Tºttfra antar-ita (pass. part. of the vb ºf i, Go, with *Tºrt antar), Retired, withdrawn, shielded, screened. - Tú -tas, nom. sin. m. -ā-te, loc. sin. n. *Tºtº antare, loc. sin. of ºſC antara, s. n. Inter- mediate space. ind. Amidst, among, between. *Taira antar-gata (pass. part. of the vö. VR gam, Go, with *Tºrt antar), Gone within, entered, pass- ing within; inward, inner, internal; included in, within. --TTÜ-gatas, nom. sin. m. --Tarºt-gatam, acc. sin. m. or nom. n. -STAR-gatás, nom.pl. m. *RTÉg antar-dushta (pass. part. of the vb. gh dush, Be corrupt, with ºr antar), Inwardly bad, wicked, vile. -ggð. -dushtas, nom. sin. m. *fºrai antika, s. n. Vicinity, presence, close attend- ance. ind. Near. *fºrain antikam, (ZCC, *firſh antima, adj. Last, final. *firrº antimas, %20%2. Sº?, ???, *Fú andha, adj. Blind. *Randhas, nom. sin. m. *I*TSI andhasya, gen.sin. *ſūtūandhās, nom.pl *FCIATTC andha-kāra, s.m. Darkness. *Fºraa andhavat, ind. As blind. *TH anna, s. n. Food in general; meat, viands. Boiled rice. Corn. *[HRannam, nom. or acc. *[HTTTR annãnãm, gen. pl. anna-dānam, acc. sin. m. TATP. The gift of food. *RT anya, pronom. Other, the other, another; dif- ferent. *RRR anyas, nom. sin. m. *RRR an- *TREET *Tuwſ ( 122 ) . º l * g yam, acc. sin. m. *Tºt anye, nom. pl. m. writº *::autuſ anweshana, s. n. A seeking, a searching; anyais, ins. pl. m. ººſt anyā, nom. sin...f. *Is anyachcha, ind. (*ſtanyat, Another, and *T cha, And) Moreover, again, and another. *FIT anyat, nom. or acc. sin. m. of “Tºſanya, pronom. Other, another. One. Besides, else. *RTR anyatas, ind Elsewhere, to another place. *RT at anyatra, ind. Elsewhere, to another place. On the other hand. In any other case. *Fºreſt anyathâ, ind. Otherwise, else, in any other way, of another kind, after another fashion, con- trary, differently. *Frat anyadā, ind. At another time. Occasionally. *Fºrnvið anya-manas, adj. BAHUv. Otherwise- minded, fickle-minded. --HºrūR -mºnasas, nom. pl. m. or f. *RTGITT anyasmāt, abl. sin. m. or n. of *R, anya, pronom. Other, another. *ſūt anyasmai, dat. sin. m. wº anye, nom.pl. m. of ºſſºſ anya, pronom. Other, another. airst fistfaat anyena kenachit (ins. sin. m. of wrºta fifaat anyat kinchit, pronom.), With any one else. witHTR anyeshām, gen pl m. ofarº anya, pronom. Other, another. *Rītº anyonya, adj. Mutual, with one another. anyonya-kalaha, BAHUv. Quarrelling with one another. -ETºTTR-hābhyām, ins. du. *FitzR anyonyam, ind. One with another, mu- tually. *FaſāwīTanwawekshā,sf. Regard, respect, attention, *fravært anwichchhet (3d pers. sin. pot. of the vö. *H ish, 1st cl. par. Wish, with *If anu), Should SUIC- *Ifatrº anvitas (nom. sin. m. pass. part. of the vö. ri, Go, with ºf anu), Joined, connected with, accompanied, possessing. *If a TRanwitam, nom. *Ifa ºf anvishyati, 3d pers, sin. pres. of the vö. *H ish, 4th cl. par. Wish, with *R, anu, Seek. *If a tºtaTR anwishyatām, 3d pers, sin. imp. pass. *f;aurst anwishyan, nom. sin. m. of wfatua. all- wishyat (pres, part. of the vö. RH ish, 4th cl. par. Go, with ºf anu), Seeking, searching. ºfataat anwishvatā, ins. sin. m. search, quest. -UTR-nam, nom. sin. *Rafirºtanweshin, agt. Seeking, searching; a seeker. -it-shi, nom. sin. m. * anweshtum, inf. of the vö. ºn ish, Seek, with 311 UI. *Tú apa, prep. Off, from, away. Below, worse. wqalā apa-kartri, agt. Injurious, hostile, inimical ; an enemy. apa-kartari, loc. sin. *[qāš apa-karsha, s. m. Inferiority. *[qāśrt apa- karsham, acc. sin. *TTETR apa-kāra, s.m. Hurt, injury, annoyance, disservice, spiting. *[qātūt apa-kāri, nom. sin. m. of -aſtfººt-kārin, agt. (from the vö. E. kri, Do, with *ſū apa), Hos- tile, inimical, offensive, injurious, mischievous. An enemy. -fúUIT-rină, ins. sin. m. -ăTfGUR -kārinas, nom. pl. m. *TUETT apa-krita (pass. part. of the vö. a kri, Do, withºu apa), Done wrong; maliciously, offensively, or wickedly committed. s. n. Injury, unkind act, disservice. -at-H-kritam, nom. sin. *TUST apa-gata (pass. part. of the vb. JR gam, Go, with *ſū apa), Gone off, passed away. -STTT -gata, nom. sin...f. *TURTR apa-gama, s. m. A going off; departure, re- moval. Death. --Tăgame, loc.sin. -STRTK-gamās, nom. pl. *TURITapa-gã, s.f. A river. --TTTTR-gānām, gen.pl. *TTTRI apa-chaya, s.m. Loss, privation. Decline. *[qfirst a-pandita, adj. Illiterate, not a scholar. Unwise. - TH-tas, nom. sin. m. *TT&T a-patya, s. n. Offspring, male or female, a young one. *[q&R a-patyam, nom. sin. *Tuzeſtfit a- patyāni, nom. pl. *TUTET a-patha, s. n. Absence of a road, wrong road. *Tueſnutt tº a-patha-prapannām, acc. sin. f. TATP. Gotten out of place, misplaced. *Túº a-pathya, adj. (in medicine) Contra-indicated, unfit to be taken as food or drink in particular complaints. *[q&ITTTR a-pathyānām, gen. pl. *T2RR a-pathya-bhuj, agt. Kwip, An eater of un- wholesome things. - -bhujam, acc. sin. m. aſuiſta apa-nita (pass. part. of the vö. uſt ni, Lead, with *ſū apa), Removed, driven away. -iſtak{ -nitas, nom. sin. m. vºlun *TRTT apa-măna, s. n. Disrespect, disgrace, affront, insult. --TR-nam, nom. or acc. sin. *TTeſtfä apa-yāti (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. EIT yā, 2d el. par. Go, with ºù apa), Goes off, departs. *TUR" apara, pronom. Other. Better, more effectual. *[qū aparas, nom. sin. m. -Rut -rena, ins. sin. m. “STWU-rān, acc. pl. -RTR-rām, acc. sin. f. -RSR-ram, nom. or acc. sin. m. *TR3 aparancha, ind. (“TRKR aparam, Another, and RT cha, And) Again, moreover. *TURTH apa-ráddha, adj. Criminal, guilty, culpable, faulty. -URR-rāddhas, nom. sin. m. *TURTú apa-rádha, s. m. Fault, offence, wrong, trans- gression, trespass. -URR -rādhas, nom. sin. -Uteſº-radham, acc. sin. -\lºt-rādhena, ins. sin. -Uta -rādhe, loc. sin. apa-rádha-Vriksha, s. m. TATP. The tree of transgression. -Hºg -vrikshasya, gen. sin. *[qūtſūt apa-rádhin, agt. Transgressing, offend- ing; faulty, guilty. -fúš-dhishu, loc. pl. m. wºufrièg a-pari-chchheda, s. m. Want of discrimi- nation, discernment, or judgment; inability to dis- tinguish true from false, real from unreal. *Iwata apa-vāda, s. m. Censure, blame, unjust im- putation. -āºt -dena, ins. sin. *TRIt apaśyat, 3d pers, sin. 1st pret. of the vö. Hºt driš, See. *[q RFU a-pašyan, nom. sin. m. of TRIA a-pašyat (part. pres.par. of the vö. Hº! driš, See, with ºr a, priv.), Not seeing. *TRIR apaśyam (1st pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vö. gºt driš, 1st cl. par.), I saw, I noticed, I observed. *RRR apa-sara (2d pers, sin, imp. of the vi. 3 sri, 1st cl. par. Go, with *ſū apa), Move off, go away; avaunt 1 *[qūTV apa-săra, s.m. Egress. A sally-port. -\{{ -ras, nom. sin. *[qūtfoºt apa-sărita (pass. part. of the vb. Itfº sāri, caus. of the vö. g sri, Go, with *ſū apa), Thrown away, flung aside. -arú-tas, nom. sin. m. *TTE apa-ha, agt. (from ºf han, Kill, used only in composition, with 3TUI apa), Removing, destroying. -\{R-ham, nom. sin. n. *[qā QUT apa-harana, agt. Removing, carrying off; who or what removes or carries off. -UTR-nam, nom. sin. n. ( 123 ) *ſūlū wºugää apa-hartavya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. ºf hri, Take, with ºù apa), To be carried off; liable to be swept away. --Tſºt -vyāni, nom.pl. n. *TUIETRºi apa-hāraka, s. m. A robber, plunderer, one who carries off. --TVU-kān, acc. pl. *[qūTUI apa-hārana, s. n. A robbing, a spoiling, spoliation. -UTT-nāt, abl. sin. *Uſººt apa-hrita (pass. part. of the vb. 3 hri, Carry, with *[q apa, Off), Carried off. -atfit -täni, nom. pl. n. *TUTH a-pätra, adj. Unworthy, undeserving. -tram, acc. sin. m. a-pâtra-bhrit, agt. Kwip, A cherisher of the undeserving. -HT -bhrit, nom. sin. m. *TUTE apāya, 8.m. Destruction, death, loss, harm, danger, peril, casualty. --R-yas, nom. sin. --TR -yam, acc. *TUTET apāsya (ind. pret. part. of the vb. *R as, Throw, cast, with qui apa), Having quitted or discarded. *If api, ind. Although, though, even, also. As- suredly, surely. At least. (Obs. When subjoined to the interr. pron. ffin kim, What? or to any of its derivatives, it gives an indeterminate sense to the word.) - *ſūtsūt a-pidayan (nom. sin. m. pres. part. of the vb. Üts pid, 10th cl. Pain, with ºr a, priv.), With- out distressing; not harassing. *TitfääTº al- piditãs, nom. pl. m. pass. part. Not pressed, un- squeezed. *Titat a-pitwa (ind. pret. part. of the vö. UT pā or ift pi, Drink, with w a, priv.), Not having drank, without drinking. *Uſa a-putra, sm. A man who has no son, a child- less man. *Jag a-putrasya, gen. sin. *Igå a-pürva, adj. Unprecedented, unparalleled, ex- cellent. Wonderful, extraordinary. wgä 8- pürvas, nom. sin. m. *gºt aprichchhat, 3d pers, sin. 1st pret. of the vb. Tº prachchh, 6th cl. par. Ask. wqugata aprichchhatām, 3d pers. du. a-prishta (pass. part. of the vb. HRE prachchh, Ask, with ºr a, priv.), Unasked, unquestioned, not interrogated. -gū-shtas, nom.sin.m. -ºw-shtena, ins. sin. m. attºſa apekshate (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. ** --R *ſūlū ( 124 ) atfit iksh, 1st cl. atm. See, with *[q apa), Wait for, await, expect; see, consider. *ſūlū a-peya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. It pā, Drink, with ºf a, priv.), Undrinkable. *ſtrate a-peyās, zom. pl...f. *ſūfºr apaiti (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. *i, 2d cl. par. Go, with *[q, apa), Departs, goes off. *TARTSR a-pragalbhas, nom. sin. m. adj. Modest, unassuming, shy, not bold or forward. *Infºrt a-prati-hata (pass.part. of the vö. Hºthan, Kill or strike, with Aff prati, and ºn a, priv.), Unaffected, uninjured, unimpaired. a-pratikāras, nom. sin. 8.m. Non-re- taliation. *UTCITT a-pradhāna, adj. Subordinate, secondary, not chief. --Tit-dhānau, nom. du. m. *UTEITTTT a-pradhānatā, abl. s. f. Secondary rank, social inferiority. -arrºt-täm, acc. sin. *UraTz a-prasāda, s. m. Disfavour, disapprobation. -38. -das, nom. sin. *TRTH a-präpta (pass. part. of the vb. *[q àp, Ob- tain, with H pra, and ºf a, priv.), Not found, un- obtained, unarrived. *Imtā a-präpte, loc. sin. m. *TATHEITST a-präpta-kāla, adj. Inopportune, un- seasonable. *UITHTARR a-prăptăvasara, adj. Inopportune, ill- timed, unseasonable. (ºn TH Taºſ") *THTRI a-prāpya (ind. pret, part. of the vö. Tu äp, Obtain, with H pra, and ºf a), Not having found. *THTERR a-prāpyam (ace.sin. n.fut-pass.part. of the vb. *[[Q àp, Obtain, with II pra, and ºn a, priv.), Unattainable, unobtainable. *fire, a-priya, adj. Disliked, disagreeable, dis- pleasing, offensive, unpalatable, distasteful, unwel- come. --R-yas, nom. sin. m. --TEI-yasya, gen. sin. m. or n. --TIf T -yāni, acc. pl. n. *Ifiran a-priyam, ind. Unkindly. *IST-I a-badhya (fut. pass. part. of the vb. Tº badh, Kill, with ºf a), Sacred, inviolate, not to be put to death. *[T&R a-badhyas, nom. sin. m. *T&Têſºſta a-badhya-bhāva, KARM. Immunity, sa- credness of character (as that of an ambassador). -àut -vena, ins. sin. (The word *[[a bhāva, Being, condition, is used in the formation of abstract nouns, like the affixes at ta, ST twa, Tya, etc.) *Tºſº a-bandhya, adj. Not barren, not unfruitful; fruitful, productive. wrºtzRa-bandhyam, acc. sin. m. *rsitfirst a-bäliša, adj. Not ignorant, childish, or silly; not an idiot. - R-šas, nom. sin. m. *Infanta-buddhimat, adj. Stupid, foolish, sense- less. --HTVU-män, nom. sin. m. *S*I a-budha, adj. Stupid, foolish. -čiū. -dhais, ins. pl. m. -ūd -dheshu, loc. pl. m. *Iaita. abravit, 3d pers. sin. 1st pret. of the vö. # bri, 2d cl. par. Say, speak. *RRRTHTT a-bhajyamāna (pres. pass. part. of the vb. ?[a bhanj, Break. Being broken, separated, severed, detached, with ºf a), Accompanied, at- tended, associated. --TR-nam, nom. sin. m. *RRTHärn a-bhaya-pradāna, s. n. TATP. The gift of exemption from fear. --TR-nam, acc. sin. *RRTATA a-bhaya-väch, sf TATP. An assurance of safety, encouragement. --Tai-vāk, nom. sin. -HTERR-vācham, acc. sin. *Raa abhavat, 3d pers, sin. 1st pret. of the vö. *] -bhū, 1st cl. par. Be, become. *RAT&T a-bhāva, s. m. Non-existence, absence, default, want. --R-vas, nom. sin. -āst -vena, ins. --Tat -vāt, abl. -ā -ve, loc. *RItfä a-bhāvi, nom. sin. m. of arºſtfä-U a-bhāvin, agt. Not future, not to be, that will not be. *Ift abhi, prep. Before, over against, in presence of, ob-. Above, over. Much, very. *If [THºt abhi-gamana, s. n. An approaching, ap- proach. TR-nam, nom. sin. afiraraúa. abhi-ghātayet, 3d pers, sin. pot. of *Itfit ghāti, caus. of the vö. §ºt han, Slay, smite, strike, with ºf abhi, Against, upon. atfäliitta abhi-jāta (pass. part. of the vö. STT jan, Be born, with ºf abhi, Above, over), Well-born, well-bred. Wise. -arú-tas, nom. sin. m. afrºſtaſat abhi-jātatā, abs. s.f. High birth, nobility. *Ifirstrafi abhi-jāyate (3d pers, sin. of the vö. Slºt jan, Be born, 4th cl. fitm. with ºf abhi), Is born or produced. *first abhi-gya (agt. from the vb. *IT gyā, Know, with aft abhi), Knowing, understanding; skilful, clever, proficient. -ºſt-U-gyān, ace, pl. m. *If Teſtabhi-dhā, s.f. A name, appellation. -èITETR -dhāyām, loc. sin. warfittitut abhi-dhāna, s. n. Name, appellation, mostly *If I used as the last member of Bahuvrihi compounds. *If teſta abhi-dhāya (ind. pret. part. of the vb. It dhā, Hold, with ºf abhi), Having said, called, or cried out. afrºſteſt abhi-dhiyate, 3d pers. sin. pres. pass. Is called, is held. afātīterara. abhi-dhiyatām, 3d pers. sin. imp. Let be told. wfīrūzāfā abhi-nandati (3d pers. sin. pres. of the wb. Ura nad (Ri), 1st cl. par. Rejoice, with ºft abhi), Likes, relishes, heeds, regards, accepts, wishes for. *favra abhi-nava, adj. New, fresh. Young. *firstärſtav! abhi-nava-yauvana, BAHUV. Youthful, juvenile, blooming. --TIf IEU-nābhis, ins. pl. f. *fiſſia abhi-preta (pass. part. of the vö. R i, Go, with II pra, and ºf abhi), Meant, wished, in- tended. wfīāna abhi-pretam, nom. sin. m. abhi-pluta (pass. part. of the vb. § plu, Swim, float, with ºf abhi), Overwhelmed, over- flowed. -TR-tam, acc. sin. n. *If RTA abhi-bhava, s.m. Defeat, subjugation, hu- miliation, putting down, mortification, disgrace. -āT&T -vāya, dat. sin. abhi-bhūta (pass. part. of the vö. *1 bhū, Be, with ºf abhi), Weighed down, oppressed, overcome, overpowered, crushed. -Aſ& -tasya, gen. *If [Hai abhi-mata (pass. part. of the vö. Hºt man, Think, with ºf abhi), Wished, desired; agreed, accepted, approved, acquiesced in ; admitted, re- puted. --R-tas, nom.sin.m. - TH-tam, nom.sin.n. *firqū abhi-mukha, adj. Present, facing. *firgan abhi-mukham, ind. Towards, facing, fronting. *firgaº abhi-yukta (pass. part of the vö. In yuj, Join, with ºf Habhi), Attacked, assaulted, assailed. Defeated. - Tatº -yuktas, nom. sin. m. wfirm; abhi-yoktri, agt. Assailant. Plaintiff, claimant, pretender ; attacking party. -*Trait -yoktā, nom. sin. m. - -yoktus, gem. sin. m. *firſtºº abhi-yojyas (nom. sin. m...fut. pass-part. of the vö. §st yuj, with *If abhi), Assailable. atfäufa abhi-ruchi, sf. Delight, taste, relish. Ambition. -\ft|{{-ruchis, nom. sin. *firstuft abhi-lashati (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. sts lash, 1st cl. par. Like, with ºf A abhi), Long for, aspire after. ( 125 ) *Raſwat *firstfrat abhi-lashita, s.n. Wish, will, desire, pleasure. --TR-tam, nom. or acc. sin. *If ISITs abhi-läsha, s.m. Lust, desire, greed. afrait abhi-vande (1st pers. sin. pres. of the vö. aa vad (Ri), 1st cl. atm. with *If abhi), Salute. *fratsäfin abhi-vānchhanti (3d pers. pl. pres. of the vb. ata, vächh (Ri), 1st cl. par. with *f; abhi), Long, hanker after, desire strongly. abhi-vādayāmi (1st pers. sin. pres. of the vº. agvad, 10th cl. par. Speak, with *If I abhi), I salute respectfully, I address. afāfētai abhi-shikta (pass. part. of the vb. fºr shich, Sprinkle, with ºf abhi), Sprinkled. Anointed, installed, inaugurated, enthroned. -fraſt -shiktas, nom. sin. m. aftflºratº abhi-shichyatām, 3d pers. sin. imp. pass. Let (him) be inaugurated. afāūai abhi-sheka, s.m. A bathing, sprinkling. Inauguration, royal unction. Ablution. -ATR-kas, nom. sin. -āA. -kam, acc. sin. wfīāāſa. abhi-shektum (inf of the vö. fºr shich, Sprinkle, with ºf abhi), To anoint, inaugu- rate. wfiſäuſºta abhi-shenayet, 3d pers. sin. pot. (a nominal verb equivalent to avtat senayā, With an army, and afirateſta. abhi-yāyāt, He should go against) He should march forth against, he should lead forth an army. affºa abhi-hita (pass. part. of the vb. It dhā, Hold, with ºf abhi), Said, spoken, uttered. Spoken to, addressed, accosted. Whispered to, prompted to say. - TH -tas, nom. sin. m. -āt -tau, nom. du. m. --TH -tam, nom. sin. n. -ā -te, loc. sin. m. arºſtaſaat a-bhita-vat, ind. As not afraid. *Rírst abhishta (pass. part. of the vb. Yū isli, Wish, with aft abhi), Desired, loved, cherished. -gröU-shtās, nom. pl. m. a-bhūyishtha (superl. of STE bahu, adj. Many, with ºn a), Not very numerous. -gū -shtham, acc. sin. m. a-bheda, s. m. Not breaking, compactness, closeness (of array). -àw -dena, ins. sin. *Rasawſ abhy-anjana, s. n. A smearing with oil, in- unction. *RITU abhy-antara, s. n. Inner part, interior, in- *Raſei *Tä ( 126 ) cluded space. - -ram, acc. sin. - -rāt, abl. -R-re, º xn RTT-rāt, *Raúa abhy-archyate (3d pers. sin. pres. pass. of the vö. *ſū arch, Honour, with afir abhi), Is honoured or respected. *RTSIT abhy-asyat, (pres. part. of the vö. *Ras, 4th cl. par. Throw, with ºf abhi), Studying. - T -tā, ins. sin. *RTTTT abhy-āgata, s. m. Visitor, guest. -arú-tas, 2nom. sin. *RTR abhy-āsa, s. m. Practice, exercise, study; re- peated performance or continued application in order to master. *Ryazı. abhy-ud-aya, s. m. Increase, rise, ascent, prosperity. -a a -daye, loc. sin. wratifa abhy-upaiti (3d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. *i, 2d cl. par. Go, with Gu upa, and *If abhi), Goes near, approaches, repairs; agrees, promises, is faithful to ; obeys, submits; affects, influenceth. *:Ri abhra, s. m. A cloud. *R* a-marsha, s.m. Impatience. Anger, passion. *RT&I amātya, s. m. A minister. -&R-tyas, nom. sin. -CºISI-tyasya, gen. -à -tye, loc. -&TR-tyås, nom.pl. -&TTWU-tyān, ace. -&TTTTR-tyānām, gen. *THTTT a-mānana, Disrespect, disobedience. --TR -Ilam, 720772. *RTRTT a-māyā, sif. Sincerity, honesty, the absence of deceit or guile. --RIT-yayā, ins. sin. wriſt ami, nom. pl. m. of wºº adas, pron. This. *RR amum, acc. sin. m. a-mrita, s. n. Nectar, ambrosia, liquor of im- mortality, beverage of the gods. -ath-tam, nom. sin. -ăut -tena, ins. *RKIT ambā, nom. sin. s.f. A mother. ambu, s.r. Water. *RRR ambhas, nom. sin. of *RRR ambhas, s.n. Water. -ST-sā, ins. -f-si, loc. *Tºtifs am- bhānsi, nom.pl. *[HRTR ambhasām, gen. *RTSg|EU ambhas-sthas, nom. sin. m. agt. Standing in water. *RTT a-yata (pass.part. of the vö. ETHyam, Restrain, with & a, priv.), Uncontrolled, unrestrained, un- checked. - TEU-tas, nom. sin. m. *RT&T a-yatna, s.m. Absence of effort, ease. Tºrn a-yatnema, ins. sin. *Tºtayam,nomisin.m.of rºtidam,dem pron. This. *Iain a-yuktam (ace, sin. m. and nom. sin. m. pass. part of the vö. In yuj, Join, with ºn a, priv.), Not attached, disunited, separate. Improper, un- suitable. Used adverbially, Improperly, unfitly, unsuitably, absurdly. a-yuddha, s. n. Peace, absence of war, not fighting. wrºſa a-yuddhe, loc. sin. aft aye, interj. Ho! hey! hark yel *RfrºTa-yogya, adj. Unfit, unsuitable, unserviceable. -T-IT-gyās, nom. pl. m. *TºrtAT a-yodhyā (inexpugnable), s.f. Name of the capital of Rāma, Ayodhyā, the modern Oude. -*ITR-yām, loc. sin. *Rfºra a-rakshita (pass.part. of the vö. Rºº raksh, Guard, with ºf a, priv.), Unguarded. -āk-tas, nom. sin. m. - TR-tam, nom. sin. n. *RQ, aranya, s.n. A forest. *RGITT aranyāt, abl. sin. *Rū aranye, loc. *RQRIST aranya-rajya, s. n. TATP. The sovereignty of the forest. -šū -jye, loc. sin. *Rºgraa aranya-vat, ind. Like a wilderness. *Rºgatfürst aranya-vāsin, agt. Forest-dwelling, or dweller. - -sishu, loc. pl. m. *RGIT ſt aranyani, nom. sin. of *RGIT ſt aranyāni, sºf. A large forest. -witH -nim, acc. aravinda, s. n. A lotus (Nymphaea nelumba). *Rtfä arāti, s.m. An enemy. -frº-tim, acc. sin. *Ifº ari, s.m. An enemy, a foe. *If SR arim, acc. sin. ºf UIT arinā, ins. *ſū ares, gen. Tú arau, loc. *ſūta arin, ace. pl. ºftfirð ari- bhis, ins. afraign ari-nandana, agt. Gratifying an enemy, affording triumph to an enemy; an enemy's joy. -wrºt-nam, ace. sin. m. *Rºſt arundhati, s.f. The daughter of Kardama and wife of Vasishtha, one of the seven Rishis; she is also one of the Pleiades. -ātā. -tim, acc. ** are, interj. Ho! ho! sirrah I used as a call of contempt. *RTst a-roga, s.m. Health. --TR-gam, acc. sin. *Rºtfrata-rogitā, nom. sin. abs.s.f. (from arūfirſt a-rogin, adj. Healthy), Exemption from sickness, healthfulness. *Rtfirst a-rogin, adj. Exempt from sickness, healthy. -it-gi, nom. sin. m. *ā arka, s. m. The sun. *ſūrt arkam, acc. sin. with wirst argala, s. n. A wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door (a lock). *Tºufia: archayanti, 3d pers. pl. pres. of the vö. whº arch, 10th cl. par. Honour, treat with respect. *fºra archita, pass, part. -TR-tam, acc. sin. m. *First arjana, s. n. A gaining, earning ; gain, acqui- sition of wealth. --TR -nam, nom. or acc. sin. -à -ne, loc. *fºra arjita (pass. part of the vö. *rī arī, Ac- quire), Acquired, gained, earned. *fºra arji- tam, acc. sin. m. *Tura arnava, s. m. The ocean. -aº -vasya, gen. * artha, s. m. Advantage, profit, benefit. Revenue, wealth. Cause, origin. Object, purpose, thing. Meaning, signification; contents. *R-arthas, %20%2. *Tºraſt artha-kari, nom. sin. f. of *Tºaſt artha- kara, TATP. comp. of *Tº artha, Advantage, and aſ Ukara, agt. (from the vö. Bikri, Make) Making; a maker. (Advantageous, useful, profitable.) *Tºra-Ra artha-tattwa, s. n. TATP. True state of a case, fact of a matter. -a-Nºt-tattwam, acc. sin. *rēratt arthatas, ind. Really, virtually, truly, sub- stantially. *rīgsui artha-dûshana, s. m. TATP. An unjust seizure of property, or a withholding of what is due. -UTR-nam, nom. sin. *Tºttº! artha-nāša, sm. TATP. Loss of property. -TR-šam, acc. sin. wrūq, artha-para, adj. Intent on wealth. Parsi- monious, niggardly. -USA -rasya, gen. sin. m. -QI -rā, nom. sin...f. wrist artham, acc. sin. of *Tº artha, s. m. A thing, an object. Wealth, money, substance. Meaning, signification, intention. ind. For, on account of. (In this sense it is subjoined to the crude form of a noun or pronoun as a substitute for the dative, though it is occasionally met with following a genitive case.) *ITH artha-lābha, s. m. TATP. Acquisition or wealth. - Trºtta-lābhāya, dat. sin. -stº-labhe, loc. *Túat arthavat, adj. Wealthy, opulent. *TiaaTR arthavatām, gen. pl. m. artha-vriddhis, nom. sin. s..f. TATP. In- crease of wealth. ( 127) *Tºw *Tºrqū artha-săra, s. m. TATP. Sum of money, large amount or best of wealth. --Tituſ -sărena, ins. *Tºrst arthasya, gen. sin. of *Tº artha, s. m. Wealth, substance. Meaning, intention. Thing, object. *Tºrra arthäs, nom. pl. of ** artha, s.m. Riches. *TüTºrna. arthågamas, TATP. comp. of *rē artha, Wealth, and *[[THRāgamas, nom. sin. of aſſurn āgama, s. m. Income, influx. *Túra. arthät, abl. sin. of *Tº artha, s. m. Wealth, riches. *Tirst arthän, acc. pl. *If at arthitā, nom. sin. abst. s.f. (from *If rºtar- thin, A beggar) The condition of a beggar; men- dicancy; an asking, begging, solicitation. *ff arthi, nom. sin. m. of *fist arthin, agt. (from the vb. *ſū arth, Ask), Asking, sueing, begging, seeking, longing for. A beggar, suitor, petitioner, suppliant. *Ifávtt arthinā, ins. sin. º arthinas, nom. pl. afúfira. arthibhis, ins. pl. *fºrata. arthinām, gen. pl. *ſef arthe, loc. sin. of *Tº artha, s. m. Wealth. Matter, business, affair. ind. For, or on account of, for the sake of, against. (See ºria artham). *ſūst arthena, ins. sin. *fa arthais, ins. pl. *Tºtºut arthoshmanā, ins. sin. TATP. (comp. of * artha, Wealth, and GURT ushman, s.m. Warmth) By the glow of wealth, or the condition of being wealthy. afía ardita (pass. part. of the vö. *rē ard), Pained. injured, hurt. --RU-tas, nom. sin. m. *Té ardha, s. n. Half, moiety. *Túrt ardham, nom. *Tºtairſt ardha-koti, sf. KARM. Half a crore, five millions. *Túaits ardha-kosha, s. m. KARM. A moiety of one’s treasure. -ātūut -koshena, ins. sin. *RTH ardha-rätra, s.n. KARM. Midnight. -à-tre, loc. sin. afiat arpita, pass. part. of the vb. *Ifü arpi (caus. of the vö. H3 ri, Go), Placed in or on, applied. -TR-tam, nom. sin. m. *Tja. arbuda, s. m. or n. A hundred millions. Name of a mountain in the west of India, called Abü, a place of pilgrimage, especially to the Jains. *śfs arhasi, 2d pers. sin. pres. of the vö. *ē arh, 1st cl. par. Be fit, worthy, deserve. Deign, be willing; ought. *I fit arhati, 3d pers. sin. *INIfºral a-lakshita (pass. part. of the vö. Twº laksh, wrºte: wrqū ( 128 ) See, with º a, priv.), Unseen, unobserved, unper- ceived, unnoticed. - Tú -tas, nom. sin. m. wrºtfºtufgart a-lakshitopasthitam, acc. sin. m. BAHUv. comp. of Tºrfaſt a-lakshita, cr. pass. part. Unobserved, and Wufga upa-sthita, pass. part. Arrived. wers TV alan-kāra, s.m. An ornament, trinket, jewel. ºf alafi-krita (pass. part. of the vö. E. kri, Make, with *ſūſhū alam, Ornament), Adorned, ornamented. - T -tas, nom. sin. m. *Isſºr a-labdha (pass. part. of the vb. SRT labh, Gain, with ºf a, priv.), Not gained, unobtained. *RTEER a-labdham, acc. sin. m. *RTHT a-lab- dhwā, ind, pret, part. Not having gained. *RT-TTTT a-labhamāna (pres. part. of the vb. SRI labh, 1st cl. atm. Gain, with º a, priv.), Not gain- ing or getting hold of. --R -nas, nom. sin. m. -TR-nās, nom.pl. m. *INTºrº a-labhyam, nom. sin. m. of Tºº labhya (fut. pass. part. of the vö. SRI labh, Gain, with ºf a), Unattainable, not to be gained or procured. *RTR alam, ind. Enough 1 away! have done! *INRT alasa, adj. Lazy, idle, indolent. -RTR -sam, acc. sin. m. wfºr ali, s.m. A bee. *fºra alis, nom. sin. a-lubdhatwa, abs.s.n.(from *Tºra-lubdha, Not greedy), Freedom from covetousness, modera- tion, contentment. -STR-twam, nom. sin. wreſtºn a-lobha, s. m. Moderation, content, absence of cupidity. --R-bhas, nom. sin. *ISQ alpa, adj. Small, trifling, little, insignificant. Few. *TR alpam, acc. sin. n. *ſū alpe, loc. &%. 772. Ol' 72, *Tºgai alpaka, adj. Small, very little. *Isgätt alpakais, ins. pl. m. *ISTAT alpatā, abs. 8.f. Littleness, smallness, insig- nificance. -at R-tām, ace. sin. *Tútº alpa-dhis, nom. sin. m. BAHUv. (comp. of *Is alpa, Small, and it dhi, Understanding), Ignorant, foolish, of little sense. fºrtſº -dhiyas, nom. pl. *RTHRHT3 alpa-prabhāva, BAHuv. Insignificant, of little weight or consequence, of small power. *RSTARTTTSH alpa-prabhāvatwa, abs. s. n. Insignifi- cance. -SITT -twāt, abl. sin. *Taura alpa-balam, nom. sin. m. KARM. A small force. *Isſier8 alpa-medhas, Bahuv. Ignorant, silly, of little understanding. -RR-sas, gen. sin. m. or f. *RTIfäNR alpa-Śaktis, nom. sin. m. Bahuv. comp. of *R, alpa, cr. Little, and ºf Śakti, s.f. Power, strength. *TSRT, alpa-snäyu, ace. sin. n. BAHuv. Having few sinews. *RTTTTR alpânăm, gen. pl. of ºrºg alpa, adj. Little, small. wreſtº alpiyas (compar. of TST alpa, adj. Few, small), Smaller, very small. --TVU -yām, nom. $2%. 700. wrºtagº alpechchhus, nom. sin. m. TATP. Moderate in one's wishes, seeking little. (TST alpa, and tº ichchhu.) - alpopäya, s.m. KARM. Small means. --R -yas, nom. --TTU-yāt, abl. *Ia ava, prep. Down, downward, from, off. *Ta-Taſ ava-gata (pass. part. of the v6. TH gam, Go, with *ſū ava), Understood, comprehended. -Tarn-gatam, nom. sin. m. *Taſºſ H ava-gama, 8.m. Knowledge, perception, cer- tainty. -HR-mam, ace. sin. te *Tarſº ava-gamya (ind. pret. part. of the vb. STR gam, Go, with *[q ava), Having perceived, having become aware of. *a*Tºta ava-gamyate (3d pers. sin. pres. pass. of the vö. QR gam, Go, with ºra ava, Down), Is known, comprehended, understood. *Ta'avtaſk a-vachana-kara, agt. Not doing what one is bid; disobedient. -at-kare, loc. sin. m. *RTET ava-gyā, nom. sin. 8.f. Disrespect, contempt, disparagement. *Tautºſº ava-gyātum (inf of the vö. It gyā, Know, with prep. *[q ava), To despise. *[qūtº ava-gyāya, ind, pret. part. Having despised. *Taſºſtºt ava-gyāna, s. n. Contempt. -TR-nam, nom. sin. -stral-nāt, abl. sin. *Taatfºa ava-tārita (pass. part. of aſtfö täri, caus. of the vö. aſ tri, Cross, with ºſa ava), Taken off, laid down or aside. -an-tam, ace. sin. n. *ſū- até ava-tārya, ind. pret. part. Having brought down or caused to descend. * |