Z 43 B39 BIR 1817 Hondo VII AHLIH SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN للنننفنسينتين USUM TIEROR SI QUAERIS.PENINSULAM.AMONAM CIRCUMSPICE S.... HINIHILIARIOS OUW THE GIFT OF SAMUEL L. BIGELOW PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY 1901 - 1937 HT Z 43 B39 BECKER'S Ornamental Ssenmanship. A SERIES OF CCCC ANALYTICAL AND FINISHED ALPHABETS (GEORGEIBECKERS གྷ2) Boor erd of (PHILADELPHIA: Published by Ulriah Hunt & Son, No. North Fourth Street. Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. z 23 B 39 gli Buy Samuel R. Begelow Contents. ROMAN PRINT. PLATE 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 6 5 Title Page, Ornamental Design, . Analytical Roman Alphabet, Variously Shaded Roman Print, Analytical and Variously Shaded Small Class Roman, Variously Shaded Italic Print, Finished Block Letters, . Spurred Finished Block Letters, Lower Case Block Letters, spurred, Pearl Letter (caps), . Velvet Letter (caps), Italian Print (caps and lower case), . Egyptian or Unfinished Block Letters, Spurred Egyptian and Small Class Roman, Designs for Ornamental Print, . 9 Analyzed and Finished German Text (lower case), Ornamental German Text and Old English, 1 Ornamental German Text and Old English, 2 German Print, 3 English Church Text (caps), 4 Small Class English Church Text, 5 NUMERAL FIGURES. 7 Plain Arabic Figures, 8 Spurred Finished Block Figures, 9 Pearl or Bone Figures, 10 Egyptian or Unfinished Block Figures, 11 Gothic Figures, 12 13 WRITING. 14 Large Text Hand Alphabet, 15 Italian Alphabet, Italian and Large Text Hand Alphabets (small), Washington (Large Text Hand), 16 Italian Print or Stump Writing, . 17 Small Round Hand, 18 German Alphabet in Script, 19 German Epistolary Writing, 10 13 25 GOTHIC PRINT. Old English Print (caps), Analyzed and Finished Old English Print (lower case), · German Text (caps from A to M), German Text (caps from N to Z), 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Neither trouble nor expense has been spared in order to secure the services of the best steel engravers in the Union ; as an evidence of this, the work will speak for itself. The names of the artists, who engraved the different plates, will be found at the bottom of every page. We do not hesitate to say that, so far as our judgment and experience go in these matters, these gentlemen have no superiors in this branch of the art. This work comprises in all thirty-three plates of various designs of ORNAMENTAL ALPHABETS, and a few compositions intended to illustrate the effects of a combination of different styles of lettering. The alphabetical plates consist of a series of Analytical and Finished Capitals and Lower Case letters, in plain and ornamental Roman Print, German Text, Old English Print, English Church Text, German Print, Round or Text Hand, Italian, Italic or Stump Writing, and German Epistolary Writing. The student will be greatly assisted in the drawing of letters, by a careful observation and study of the Analytical plates. Numeral Figures, both plain and ornamental, and of varied styles, to correspond with the different characteristics of the Roman Print, &c., are also given on the several plates. FLOURISHES. To attain superiority in flourishing requires good taste, diligent study, and careful practice. Although no plate has been devoted exclusively to Flourishes, yet there is an almost endless variety in the pages which contain the German Text, Old English Capitals, &c., &c. Each of these should be practised separately by the learner before he attempts a combination of them. The Title-page, and several others given, illustrate how these movements, i. e., Flourishes, may be varied. Perhaps the best exercises that can be given for practice in striking, are the Round Hand and Italian Capitals, as all flourishes considered individually form part of a letter. In the formation of these letters the penman may depend a great deal upon his own fancy, as they may be made in a great variety of styles, yet their general characteristics must be preserved. Those persons who practise flourishing and striking of Capitals off-hand will necessarily become more elegant business writers, as those exercises tend to impart strength and freedom of motion to the arm, hand, and fingers. GIRARD COLLEGE. را در بازار را and ARE istris Handwands Titu ! LO LIP Useful and Omamentul 15. Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Barle. ANALYTICAL ROMAN ALPHABET. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 ABCDEFGH JKLMNOPOR S NUVWXYZ & 3 3 4 5 In this. Analysis of the Roman Capital, the spaw which each letter opis is divided into squares, showing the proportion of it wilth to its height as indicated by the figures placed over each. The height of vach lotter is divided into 5 equal parts, as shown by the fiques , plaved in front of the first, and at the end of the lastlitter of every time. The width of the body of the letter should te vpnál to 56fits height. u Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by R.Martin. VARIOUSLY SHADED ROMAN PRINT. ABCDEFGINI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZA Whave here given a variety aj ftyles for shading letter, it must be understood, thatin binamental Penmarship, att hitters en the same time should be shaded precisely alike. Written by G... Becker. Engraved by R.Martin. ANALYTICAL & VARIOUSLY SHADED SMALL CLASS ROMAN. fal bie del gh ij kiom no p qrstu U V W W X M 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 0 Z 1293 /?345 232 The directions which are given upon the preceding page must be observed in copying the above Mettern Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by J. Archer. 6 VARIOUSIT SHADED TALIO PRIITT. Line - BODETGALIJKLJI abaldahijklmnopqrsturwny: . VO PORSTUTITZ When Capitals The slope of these letters should be at an angle of 65 degrees, are used in connexion with small tetters they should nel de vullincel but filled up and their columns made somewhat Aroader than those of the small telters. Their Sheighit should be equal to that of the ascending Atters such as l. heh.d &c Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by J.Archer. – Fuisted Glork Eetters ABCDEFGFT JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ The proportion of heighit and width in those Hellers are very nearly the same as ciplained in the analytical part of the Roman Rint. But the Avdy cdumns should be 11the height of Hotellers ) Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by W.M.Smillie. S Spurred Finished Block Letters, AHEDEF&ET JKLMNOPQR STUYYYXYZ The student will find it advantageous to make a timished Block Letter with his penal before making the spurs thus D after the latter is drawn the spurs should be added with a pencil and the whole finished with inkl. Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by J. Meignelle. 9 LOWER CASE BLOCKLETTERS, SPURRED. 000 abcdefghijklmn 184567890, opqrstuvwxyz Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by I. Meignelle. m PEART TETTER ABCDEFGHDTKCM 1234567890 NOPORSTUVWXYL Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. YELYET LETTER. ABCDEFGHI JKIMNOPQR STUVWXYZ& Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by J. Meignelle, ITALIAN PRINT. 12 ABODEFGHIJR. elo odeignjemnooorsturva : NOPORSIUTW LI This style of letter should be made at least 's narrower than the ordinary Roman Print of the same height, because the perpendiculai pait of the letters gives them an appearance of bulki which they really do not contains Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by J. Meignelle. Egyptian or člnfinished Block Letters. ABCDEFCHIJKLMN 1234567890 OPQRSTUVWXYZ & Written by CJ. Becker. Engraved by J. Meionelle. SPURRED EGYPTIAN. SMATI CLASSROMAN. (- ABCDEFGHIJKLMN abeileigirijkturnopqrstuvway2 OPQRSTUYWXYZ & Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by J. Meignelle. ار UTSIENS TUH UHAMENTAL PRINT. FRU GALITY HEROIC BIOHES ATMOSPHERIC Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by R.Martin. 10 OLD ENGLISH PRINT, ABCDEFGHI KLMNOPOR STUU 10 X 17. Engraved by J. Meignelle. Written by G.J. Becker. C Analized & Finished Old English Print. a bed of g bij li im inn oop qr us to it to y v w xU U - sus The dotted linesof the outlined litteras , indicate those points which should be on the same perpendicular. Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. is (((GERMAN TEXT c QUOD SIS Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by H.Earle. Pramon Baia 19 Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. 30 Inalzed 8 Finished German Text da bo deeff g Lim 10 par SL VIV X 133 The detted marks of the outlined letters indicate Ahese points which should be perpendicular with each other. German Sat should always be omamented with flowishes, especially about the capital.O. Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. 2 Ornamental Gaman Text & Old English. Suphrates Nashington Opulence Mixgmnimous Probity) Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. 22 ) - Omamental German Terti Ow Cnglish PACKARD ) (es Imenon Caloonia ( Benevolence Independence Urbanity G Written by G... Becker. Engraved by .I. Meiguelle. GERMAN PRINT. 22 RMA A B C D E F G H IN ? M N O P ON S TI V W.X93 abodeigbijklmnopqrstuvwr13 . Engraved by J.Meignelle.. Written by G.J.Becker. 24 English Church Text. NBCDEFGD KLĀLILOOR U V W 7 Written by G.J. Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. 25 (SMALL CLASS ENGLISH CHURCH VAXT abcdefghijklmnopqrsinowing - 1234567890 Jaskies abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw.rys Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. 20 Washington Written by G.J.Becker, Engraved by H. Earle. LA PLUME, ITALIC PRINT OR STUMT WRITING VIVE les rother Brantiful Word!how the warning human heart allicts ils gentle sound! What a volume of love is bound up in those seven letters ! It is awhisper caught from the up- per world; a term borrowed liom thw speech of anges; a um of affection, tenderness, devotion and trust. To contemn the obligations which it enjoins is to sin against ᏓᎫ MARITY Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by R.Packard. 3/ novo di Small Round Hand Wesenet , in this life the end of human actions. Their inftruena In every widening ville it rachoteyond the gram. Death removes as from Thiste in dermal world. Time determines what shall be our condition in that world. Every morning when we go forth we lay the mouldering hand on ou desting, and every evening when we have done we have lifi a deathilips im prefsin on our charadir : We heuch not a win, bu vibrates in terminý a wir but reports at the throne of GCD). Sea youth especially think of these things and ld every one remember that in this world where charadiis in its formation state it is a serious thing to think we speali, tract: Written by G.J.Becker. Engraved by H. Earle. elan epilahe Paja از - الا ما را به کار قرار دارد و ما را با به کار از گرما را که در UN / Classification Verhältnis // 1( ////// Cheder, $ ا ر ا // // // // // // // // // // 2) German Epistolary Writing Menemend geluida aina rufaa, finalista sama pingued overvejeifur pi bonument 3,9 mo in niua linblis ner Focos puit, vivegnbuen Mornú mm wlane pogance foodluci, in cau Macauzu suit gutuse Blue joguer a infaz uma obywa- portua Cipone poinna Mwiftwo vás zu la porte van uw ziou vylénipon neyslu , imu sad Wala lan ben por buy waifani,- fad on zmluvert, valamin braucht, oci dwu prenea unpluie Saudinguu yo'qula ibat darilao ea? Ciida Arieftin daiftas come baziemne vollbringan ka., apua propisane' abywambynovifuna juinze diere-for weddiadav Manff in vainasus , vollkomna gliobliepowe Prokuu fiifons, á baie d'avan, dan puina vw, dan pingarna wafleine Winampdovaudamine Jashpine zinc aputy part > Göthe. Written by G.J. Becker. Engby H. Borman. UNIVERSITY ()! ?? 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