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CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 9 3 O A // 4 Sº / L’ f | 3/ * . . . * . * ~ *- : /* J 7 ------------------ 1254, 1269 Industrial plants at Fordson ---____ 446 Industries (other) come ____________ 1320 Industry, Aircraft --_______________ 1175 Inkster ------------------------- 442–446 Innis, Robert –––––––––––––––––––––– 206 Inscription on Soldiers’ Monument -- 499 Institute of Arts ------------------ 910 Interdict, The --------------------- 1001 International Machinery Co. --______ 1465 Invention of telephone ---__________ 362 Iredell, A. ------------------------ 205 Iron and steel --------------------- 1392 Iron ore -------------------------- 6 Ironrite Ironer Company ------_____ 1538 Iroquoian ------------------------- 14 Iroquois plot –––––––––––––––––––––– 68 Island cession creates excitement - 373 Island of the Rion ------__________ 3 Ives, Albert ----------------------- 1067 Ives, S. H. ------------------------ 1066 Ives, William --------------------- 1066 J Jackson, Charles ------------------ 325 Jackson gave Black Hawk sword ___ 462 Jails ----------------------------- 394 James Scott Water Fountain ------- 896 Jamieson & Company, C. E. --______ 1496 Jay sent to London -------________ 190 Jay's treaty with Great Britain ----- 204 Jefferson approved act ----_________ 463 Jefferson on taking Detroit --______ 155 Jefferson, President, approved act making Ohio State ----___________ 410 Jefferson quoted --_________________ 417 Jenks & Muir M'f'g. Co. ---________ 1466 Jesuit relations quoted --__________ 13 Jesuits opposed Cadillac ---________ 46 Jewish churches today ---__________ 729 Jewish congregations John Brown Raid, The 1562 INDEX Johnson, Col. Richard M. ---------- 296 Johnson, Sir John --______ 175, 182, 227 Johnson Sir William --------------- 83 Johnson's Journal ----------------- 951 Joliet ------------------------------ 448 Joliet, Louis –––––––––––––––––––––– 25 Jones, DeGarmo -------------------- 326 Joseph, Benoit ----------------------- 1008 Jouett, Charles –––––––––––––––––––– 104.7 “Journal” catastrophe ------------- 393 Journal, 1853, quoted --------------- 1063 Judges appointed –––––––––––––––––– 194 Judges, attorneys –––––––––––––––––– 547 Judges of courts in 1930 ----------- 577 K Kales Stamping Co., The --________. 1454 Kansas-Nebraska controversy, The -- 1112 Keller Ink Company, The Robert – 1550 Kenton, Simon -------------------- 167 Kercheval, Benjamin B. --________. 246 Kerr Specialty Co. ----------------- 1490 Killed in action and died of wounds (World War) --------____________ 514 King Motor Car Co. --_____________ 1378 Kinzie, John –––––––––––––––––––––– 210 Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. --_____________ 1106 Kissane Elevator Co., Thomas ---__ 1416 Knaggs, George ------------------- 210 Knapp, Thomas S. ________________ 1090 Knox, Gen. Henry --_____________ 227 L L’Halle, Father de -----____________ 39 La Butte (Chene) --_______________ 86 La Compagnie du Canada ----_____ 43 La Hontan, Baron --_______________ 449 La Measure Brothers, Inc. ---_______ 1497 La Mothe, Capt. William ------ 141; 178 La Mothe, Guillaume Pierre --- - - 194 La Salle, Robert Chevalier de -- 28; 1165 Lacrosse -------------------------- 91 Ladies’ Soldiers and Sailors Aid So- ciety ---------------------------- 495 Ladsberg, Albert -------- ---, --- r- -- - - - - - - 1067 Lake and river charms ---___ ______ 1154 Lake St. Clair named ------_____ _ _ 30 Lake steamers captured --________. 492 Land grants, First ----- -- ~~~. -- - - - - - - - - - 1272 “Landmarks of Detroit” ---______ __ 870 Langdon, Geo. C. ------------------ 936 Langlade, Charles -------- ... . . . . . . 97 Langon, Augustin --------------...- 254 Lapham State Savings Bank _ _ _ _ _ _ 1259 Last battle at mouth of Bad Axe - 461 Later Detroit publications --______ __ 649 Later political campaign, The ------ 1121 Lawyers, Detroit ----------________ 577 Le Caron, Joseph Lecture rouses interest in telegraph - 361 Ledyard, Henry B. -- . . . .--_____ 356 Lefevre, Bishop ------------------, 1024 Legal publications ...--------------- . 654 Le Grand, Dr. Gabriel C. . . . . . . . 595 Leith, James -------------------- 209 Letters to and from early Detroiters - 918 Lernoult, Capt. Richard B., --_____. ---... ... 126; quoted 144 Lernoult removed - - - - - - - - - ------- 133 Lewis, J. O. --... . . . . . . . . . ------- . . . .335 Liberty Loans ----------------- ... . 508 Liberty Motor Car Co. -----_____ _ _ 1378 Liberty Motor, The --------______ __ 1882 Liberty State Bank of Hamtramck 1258 Library bonds --------------------- 857 Licensed merchants and traders in 1767, Names of . ------------____ 1282 Liggett Schools, The -------------. 826 Lincoln Motor Co. ---------------- _1378 Linden Park --...--_________ ___ _ _ 1146 Lindley, Jacob -------------------- 380 Liquor question disturbing factor - - - 120 List of Detroiters, 1796 --________. 205 Literary history of Detroit ----_____ 866 Literature, Religious and theological 868 Little (Lytle), John ---_____________ 205 Little turtle starts fight __________ 228 Livonia --------------------------- 442 Livonia Township ...----------____ __ 425 Location at Ann Arbor -------_____ 804 Lochmoor -----------------------… 446 Log-way up Griswold St. --______ __ 1062 Long Manufacturing Company -- 1510 Lord, Capt. Hugh ----------------- 133 Lossing quoted -------------------- 298 Lossing writes regarding Malden -- 270 Lucas issued proclamation ---------- 463 Lull in storm --------------------- 468 M McArthur, General --------...------ . 307 McArthur-Cass outfit ------____ -- - - - - 281 McCarty, Richard, quoted ----______ 154 McClelland, Robert ------, --. _ _ _ _ 1138 McCloskey, James -----------------. 245 McCormick, Alexander ----_________ 211 McCoskry, Dr. William L____. 241 fm., 595 McCrae, Thomas -----____________. 205 McCully, George --_______ _______. 186 McDonald, Donald -----________ _ __ 523 McDonell, Ronald ---______ ________ 209 McDonnell, John ----__ __________. 209 McDougall, George -- 256, 260, 266, 372 McDougall, Lieut. George -- - - - - - - 94 McDougall, Robert - ill-----. . . . . . . . 205 McGill, James --------------------. 219 McGregor, Gregor --- - - - - -------- . 195 McGregor Institute - - - - - ------- 400 McGregor, James - ----------_______ 206 INDEX 1563 McGregor, John -----------------. 209 McGregory, Maj. Patrick ---------- 32 McKee, Alexander, 140, 178, 194, 226, 234; letter to Col. England - - - - - - 230 McKee, Col. Thomas -------------- 956 McKee, Kenyon & Co. -------------- 1480 McKinstry, David C. ----------. 246, 857 McKinstry’s Museum -------------- 857 McKoigan, John ------------------- 205 McMillan, James ------------ 1065, 1142 McNiff, Patrick ---____________.---- 209 Mabley, Christopher R. -- . --------- 1294 Maccabe, Julius P. Bolivar, quoted . . 1290 “Machine with great springs” ------ 51 Mack & Conant ------------------- 1283 Mackintosh, Angus ---------------- 206 Mackintosh, James ---------------- 209 Mack, Stephen --------------- 320, 1283 Macomb, Alexander ----------- 209, 954 Macomb, Edgar and Macomb - 158, 1282 Macomber, L. G. reviews port devel- opment Macomb, John ---------------- 209, 1282 Macomb, William ----__________ 194, 954 Magazines, Early ––––––––––––––––– 623 Maisonville, Alexis ------------------ 194 Maisonville, Francois ---------- 142 f.n Malcher a Catholic ---------------- 985 Malcher farm conveyed for schools - 763 Malcher, Francois Paul ------____ 763, 989 Malcher or Church farm –––––––––– 980 Manufacturing industry, The ------- 1316 Many events of 1829 -------_______ 1105 Marest wrote Cadillac --___________ 49 Marl ---------------------------- 6 Markets -- - ---------------------- 1290 Marquette and Joliet --____________ 27 Marsh, Albert ------------------ 326 Marsh Furniture Company, Inc. - . 1510 Martindale, Wales C. -----__________ 793 Martin, Fred ---------------------- 1180 Martin, John --------------------- 206 Martinsville ---------------------- 443 Mascouten, The . . .----------------- 14 Mason, Joseph -------------------- 206 Mason, Stevens T. ----------______ 244 Mason and Brown led troops into Toledo -------------------------- 464 Mason’s order to Brown - - - - - - - 463 Massachusetts Laundry Company -- 1520 Mass gathering at Kalamazoo … . 1113 Master Tool & Die Company, Inc.___. 1511 Maxwell Motor Corporation -------- 1377 May, James - - - - - - - 209, 238, 242, 380 May, Joseph . . . -------------, ----- 209 May's Creek ---------------------- 5 “Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Freemen of the City of Detroit” ... 325 Mazer-Cressman Cigar Company, Inc. --------------------------- 1523 Mechanical Handling System, Inc.__ –1496 Mechanics’ Society -------------- 1102 Medical journalism in Detroit ----- 603 Medical profession, The - - - - - - -- 591 Medicine in Wayne Co. . . . . . .---- 596 Meeting of the Freeman -...------1075 Meldrum, George - - - - - - 195, 205, 311 Meloche, Jane (Caron) -- - - ------ 92 Meloche, Jean Baptiste – . . . ----- 92 Melvindale . . . . . . _______ 446 Members Supreme Court under 1835 constitution --- - - - - - - - ------ 570 Menominee, The . . . . . . . . . . . ----- 7 Mercantile Society – . . . . -----1300 Merchants of 1819 – ... ------------- 1289 Merchants of 1820 - - - - - -------1284 Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ EX- change -----------, --, ---------1305 Merchants and Mechanics' Bank of Hamtramck - - - - - - - - - - - -------1258 Merchants and traders in 1767, Names of ----------- - --------- 1282 Merchants Exchange and Board of Trade ---------- ------------1300 Merchants, First American --_____1283 Merchants, First English . . . --___ 1282 Merchants National Bank _ _ _ ______1253 Mergers of banks ---------- -- - - - - - - 1262 Me-sa-sa (Turkey-foot) -- - - - - ------ 234 Metropolitan Trust Company ... ------ 1269 Mexican War, The ---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. 470 Michigan admitted to Union –––––––– 250 Michigan Alkali Works - - - - ------- 435 Michigan Central, History of --____ 1.191 Michigan Central Railroad Company_1107 Michigan Club and its work, The ----1118 Michigan Herald, 1825, quoted –––. 437 Michigan Historical Commission lists men and women decorated - - - - 527 Michigan History Magazine quoted 1299 Michigan Industrial Bank __________ 1268 Michigan Lyceum ––––––––––––––––– 843 Michigan Manufacturer and Finan- cial Record, quoted - - - - - - - 1267, 1358 Michigan National Bank . . . . .--__1245 Michigan Pioneer and Historical Col- lections -------- - ---------- 45, et seq. Michigan Savings Bank Michigan Soldiers Relief Assn. (1861) 495 Michigan State Agricultural Society_1277 Michigan State Bank of Detroit 1222, 1254 Michigan State Board of Agriculture_1277 Michigan State Gazetteer quoted -- 433 Mickle, William --- - - - - - - - ----- 206 Migration of churches --- - - --__ 701 Military disliked ------ . . . . . . . . . . 381 Military honors to Detroit soldiers -- 527 Military reservation, The . . . . ------1049 Military reserve --- - - - - - 965, 1068 Milleville Land Company, D. C. --__ 1549 Mill on island wanted . . . . ------, 174 Mills, William -----________________ 205 1564 INDEX Minor villages –––––––––––––––––––– 441 Miscellaneous churches today ------- 729 Miscellaneous Detroit publications --- 634 Miscellaneous publications --------- 873 Mistele Coal & Coke Company ----- 1537 Mitchell, Rev. George -------------- 680 Modes of travel, Early ------------- 1161 Moffat Building ––––––––––––––––––– 1074 Moffat, Hugh ---------------- 1075, 1079 Mohn Products Company, Inc. ------ 1505 Monarch Bumper Manufacturing Company ----------------------- 1520 Monguagon Township –––––––––––––– 426 Monroe, President, and Detroit River 2 Montieth, John (1816) ------------- 693 Montrésor, John ------------------- 105 Montrésor's observations ----------- 107 Montour, Capt. Henry ––––––––––––– 116 Mooney, Richard –––––––––––––––––– 205 Moore, Louis –––––––––––––––––––––– 206 Moore’s “Northwest Under Three Flags” ––––––––––––––––––––––––– 871 Moran, Charles –––––––––––––––––––– 249 Moravians, The -------------------- 678 More law suits –––––––––––––––––––– 1028 Morell, George ––––––––––––––––––––. 1134 Morgan & Wright Plant ----------. 1488 “Morning Post” favored “Patriots” – 466 Morrow, Gen. Henry A. ------------ 972 Morse, Professor ------------------ 361 Mortgage made by trustees -------- 990 Motor transportation -------------- 1172 Mounds -------------------------- 11 Mounted police –––––––––––––––––––– 385 Mullett, John ––––––––––––––––––––– 335 Municipal courts ––––––––––––––––––– 575 Municipal development of Detroit, The charter of 1802, 309; amend- ments to Constitutions, 325; gas and electricity come, 355; police and fire protection, penal and charit- able institutions, ---------------- 379 Munro, Robert -------------------- 251 Murray Corporation of America --- 1466 Murray, Maj. Patrick ---___________ 189 Museum of art –––––––––––––––––––– 859 Name and personnel of the party - 1114 Name of island officially changed, 1881 ---------------------------- 375 Names—many found in foot notes Names of D. S. C. recipients ------- 528 Names of governers ---------------- 1137 Names of recipients of naval decor- ations Names of senators Names of subscribers to minister’s pay Nankin Township Narrow streets in old village ------ 1036 National Bank of Commerce of De- troit, ---------------------- 1250, 1268 National Bronze & Aluminum Cast- ings Co. ------------------------ 1413 National Production Co. ----------- 1445 Naval decorations ----------------- 531 Naval reserves –––––––––––––––––––– 505 Navarre, Robert ---------------- 64, 734 Navarre, Royal notary ------------- 949 Navigation companies of Detroit –––1167 Navigation, Growth of aerial ––––––– 1174 Near autocracy –––––––––––––– –––––– 312 Negroes in Michigan -------------- 1122 Nelson, Jonathan ------------------ 209 Newberry, John S. ----------------- 1065 Newberry, Truman H. ------------- 1145 New Boston ––––––––––––––––––––––– 437 New city hall wanted -------------- 345 Newcomb-David Co., Inc. --_________ 1469 New currency issue, A New edifice replaces St. Aloysius’ – 727 New library building, The ---_______ 854 New library described ------------- 899 New Masonic Temple, The ---______ 909 New municipal court -------------- 577 Newspaper plant equipment –––––––– 662 Newspapers, Early ---------------- 623 Newspapers in Wayne County towns – 659 Nichol, Robert Nichols, John F. Nielsen, C. & H., Cartage Co., Inc. – 1439 Niles Register, quoted .____________ 823 Ninth Infantry (Civil War) --______ 481 Ninth Cavalry (Civil War) --_______ 488 No Man’s Land (World War) ------ 516 Norris ---------------------------- 443 Northville ––––––––––––––––––––. --- 438 Northville State Savings Bank _____ 1259 Northville Township -----__________ 427 Northwestern State Bank ____1254, 1268 Not satisfied with damages --------- 1053 Nowlen, Sally ––––––––––––––––––––– 1038 Numerous Detroit authors attain fame -------------------------- 87.4 O Oakwood State Bank ______________ 1259 Oath of allegiance ----------------- 76 Offered $5000 for 20,000,000 acres -- 220 Officers and men in Civil War ----- 473 Officers and men in Mexican War --- 470 Ohio admitted --------------------- 413 Ohio Company, The --------_______ 225 Ohio-Michigan War, The --_____ ___ 462 O’Keefe, George A. --_______ ----- - - - - - - - ---- 1085 Old French orchards ---________ ____1276 Old Indian trails, The ---___________ 1159 Old letters of earliest Detroiters --- 918 Olds, Ransom E. ----------------. 1357 INDEX 1565 Oldest bank in Michigan ––––––––––– 1333 One Hundred and Seventh Air-Squad- rom Field ----------------------- 1403 One Hundred Twenty-fifth Regiment 515; delayed ––––––––––––––––––.-- 526 Open north of Michigan Ave. ------- 1061 Orchards, The old French ---_______ 1276 Ordinance of 1787 ---------------- 757 Organization of the Board of Trade ... 1303 Origin of newspapers -------------- 619 Original boundaries --------------- 406 Orling Brothers ------------------- 1532 Osborn, David S. ------------------- 1068 Other Detroit fires –––––––––––––––– 391 Other Detroit publications ---______ 634 Other Detroit Schools ---___________ 837 Other foreign language publications - 658 Other organizations (Civil War) --- 490 Other private schools ----__________ 823 Other publications of an early day – 623 Other slave rescues –––––––––––––––– 1124 Otis Elevator Company –––––––––––– 1524 Ottawas start trouble _____________ 53 Ottawa, The ---------------------- 15 Overt Acts by the British ---_______ 257 P Packard field ––––––––––––––––––––– 1403 Packard Motor Car Co. ------------ 1373 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co. ------- 1378 Paint and varnish industry ---------- 1346 Painters of Detroit –––––––––––––––– 875 Palmer, Gen. Friend --------------- 1066 Palmer, John --------------------- 349 Palmer, T. W., quoted -------------- 860 Parent's Creek –––––––––––––––––––– 5 Park extension plans ------------ ‘. . . 1152 Park, William ––––––––––––––––––––– 206 Parker Rust-Proof Company ––––––. 1514 Parkman quoted ----------------- 17, 88 Parks ---------------------------- 370 Parks and boulevards of Detroit ---- 1145 Parliamentary election, First -------- 198 Partlan & Son, James W. ----------- 1534 Part of farm south of Gratiot Ave. -- 1025 Patriot War, The --_______________ 465 Pattinson, Richard -------...-------- 209 Pattison, George W. --------------- 1067 Pauli Co., Inc., Frank M. --________ 1444 Payan, Pierre Jacques de ---_______ (35 Pean, Ives, Jacques --------------- 64 Peot ----------------------------- 6 Pedagogues of late 18th Century ---- 73 Peerless Cement Corporation ------- 1462 Peg Welch backed by Supreme Court 382 Peninsular Casket Co. ------------- 1410 Peninsular Machinery Company ... -- 1512 Peninsular State Bank __ 1253, 1266, 1268 Peninsular State Bank of Highland Park Peninsular Stove Co. -------_______ 1338 Pennsylvania Railway, The ---______ 1203 Peoples National Bank of Ham- tramck ------------------------- 1258 Peoples State Bank ________________ 1246 Peoples State Bank at Belleville ---- 1259 Peoples State Bank of New Boston –1259 Peoples State Bank of Highland Park 1259 Peoples State Bank of Redford ____ 1259, 1268 Peoples State Bank of Wayne Peoples Wayne County Bank _______ 1262, 1266, 1269 Pere Marquette System ---_________ 120.1 Permanent institution, A --_________ 860 Perrinville –––––––––––––––––––––––– 443 Perry ready for action ----_________ 300 Perry testing laboratory, The ---___ 1448 Perry’s ships carry army to Malden - 302 Peschke Packing Company Pershing order (in France) ----____ 515 Personnel and name of the party – 1114 Personnel, etc. troops in World War – 505 Personnel of bank officials ---_____ 1267 Peters, Samuel E. --------_________ 1097 Petition for an academy ----______ 7.58 Petitioners for Presbyterian Church – 692 Pharmaceutical and dental ---______ 654 Pharmaceutical industry, The ----__ 1341 Phelypeaux, Jerome _______________ 35 Physical geography ––––––––––––––– 1 Physical features -----------_______ 1 Picoté, Francois Marie ---__________ 63 “Pie Peters,” ----------____________ 1097 Pingree, Hazen S. _________________ 1141 Pingree became mayor --___________ 356 Pioneer in car building, A ----______ 1324 Pioneer in iron manufacture, A ----1326 Pioneers—see Townships, Towns. Piquette, John B. --________________ 1066 Plan of 1806 ---------------------- 335 Plan of military reservation ---____ 1054 Plans for park extension ---------- 1152 Plastic Products Company ---______ 1509 Platting of the town, The first ----- 1145 Platting the reservation ---________ 1050 Playground development ---_______. 1153 Plymouth ------------------------- 4.38 Plymouth Township -------________ 428 Plymouth United Savings Bank _____. 1259 Poetry and fiction -----___________ 872 Polar Bear Monument unveiled ---__ 523 Polar Bears Association ---_________ 520 Police commissioners -----_________ 384 Police court ----------------------- 1103 Polk called for troops ----_______ __ 471 Pontiac, Sketch of ...--_____________. 76 Pontiac's death -----------________ 117 Pontiac’s hatred ---________________ 86 Population and area --______________ 340 Population, 1806–1928 340 1566 INDEX Population in 1830 . . . . . . ... -------1105 Popoulation in 1773, 1778, and 1780. 166 Population of Detroit in 1852–3 -- . 1289 Porteous' narrative of siege ------- 87 Porter, George B. . . . . . . .244, 1137 Port development -------- - - - - - - - 1170 Port of entry, A ... ... --------------1298 Post office located in Mariner's Church –––––. ------------------ 1068 Potier, Father Pierre . . . . . ... ----- 161 Potts, Rev. J. H. --______ _________ – 870 Powell, William Dummer --- - - - - - 197 Precision Screw Products Co. ---- ... 1481 Presents Indians liked ------------. 159 Presidents of Medical Society 1876– 1930 - - - - -- - - - - ...— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “* *- 608 Pre-settlement explorations -------- 23 President Wilson to Congress (World War) --------------------------- 505 President’s proclamation ignored --- - 258 Press, History of the ------______. 619 Prideaux, General ----------------. 72 Primitive currency issues -__ _ _ _ _ _1210 Primitive methods of education --__ 731 Private and denominational schools .. 817 Private schools at beginning of nine- teenth century ------------------ 817 Probate court of Wayne Co. --______ 576 Probate court, The ----------______ 568 Proclamation of 1816 – ..... --_______ 414 Proclamation to Canadians ---...--___ _ 267 Proctor a disgrace ----------------- 295 Proctor escapes --...---------- - - - - - - - - 303 Proctor, Col. Henry ...— ...— ... ---- 244, 273 Products of the salt beds ------------1328 Production Tool Co. of America, Inc. ------------------------- 1551 Profaned Sabbath -------- - -------- 380 Progress in agriculture retarded ... 1273 Prominent Detroit painters - – --_____ 875 Propaganda work - - - -------------- 1120 Prophet, The -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 254 in action ----------------------- 255 Protestant Church beginnings --____ 677 Protestant Churches --------------- 703 Protestant Churches today -- . . . . . . . 728 Protestant orphan asylum -------. 399 Protestant parochial schools -- ------. 835 Protestants, a list of - -----------. 680 Provide for drainage -- - - - - - - - - - 1050 Provident Loan Society ... ..... ------ 1257 Publications, historical ---------____ 870 Public education in Detroit today – 787 Public library . . . . ... ------------ - - 845 Public meeting, Jan. 5, 1862 - - - - - - 1309 Public school education from 1842 to 1930 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 Public school system -- - - - - - - - ... ... 757 Public welfare commission . . . . ._ _ _ _ 401 Pushing Indians westward - 185 Putnam, Gen. Rufus . . . . . . . . . . 225 Q Quaife, Dr. M. M., quoted 52, 200, 202 R Racine Foundry & Machine Co. ... - 1439 Radio ------------------------- __ 906 Railway lines, The . . . . . . . . . . 1204 Railways, Eastern Michigan - - - - - . 1204 Railroad facilities—see townships. Railroad, The -------------------. 1185 Railroads, Traffic and express -- . . . 1205 Rains and bad roads delayed Hull --- 265 Randall, James A. ------------- 377, 1148 Rattlesnake or Hog Island ––––––––– 3 Rawsonville - - - - ---------- - - - - - - - 443 Réaume, Charles ------------------ 167 Réaume, Claude -------------------- 167 Réaume, Hyacinthe ---------------- 167 Réaume, Jean Baptiste -- - - - - - - - - - - - 167 Recent Detroit publications ------ ... 661 Recent History of Institute of Arts -- 910 Recent history of ship building ----. 1333 Recent leading protestant clergymen 719 Recipients of D. S. C. --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 528 Reclaim Swamps ----. ------------. 1276 Records not dependable _____ _ _ _ _ _ 59 Redford . . . . . . . ...------------------- 439 Redford State Savings Bank -- 1260, 1269 Redford Township ... --- - - -------- 428 Refuse lots for Methodists ----_____ 1104 Regiments, Civil War ---______ 473 et seq. Registration day in Detroit – - - - - 507 Relics exhumed ----------------- 12 Relief expedition . . . . . ... --_______ 99 Religious and theological literature - 868 Religious corporations in Michigan - 994 Religious development --- - - - - - - - - 669 Religious publications -- . ----------- 654 Reorganization -------------------- 803 Report to commissioners of persons who trespassed police regulations -- 379 Republic Iron & Steel Co. . . --- -- - - - - 1470 Rese, Rev. Frederick ________ . . . . --- 1017 Resolved by Senate and House ---...- 506 Retail trade growth ---____ _ _ _ _ ___. 1289 Retaliation threat --- - - - - - - - - - - - 141 Return of 119th Field Artillery 523 Revolutionary period --------______ 121 Richard one of cholera victims i - 460 Richard, Rev. Gabriel ----__ 753, 760, 798 Riley Stoker Corporation --_________ 1411 Riot of 1863, The --_______________ 1129 Rivard, Charles ------------------- 1011 Rivard, Francois -----------_______ 1011 River and Lake Charms - - - - - - - - - 1154 River Rouge --------______________. 439 River Rouge plant built ---_________1394 River Rouge Savings Bank _________ 1260 River Rouge State Bank _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 1260 INDEX 1567 Rivers, creeks—see Townships. Rivers of Wayne County -----_ _ _ 3 River Savoyard --_________________ 1050 Riverview ------------------------- 446 Road building, Early history of . , 1160 Roberts Co., C. A. -----___ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1471 Robertson, William I. -----_________ 194 Robinson, William E. 792 Roche de Bout -------_____________ 171 Rockwood ------------------------- 439 Rockwood State Bank _____________ 1260 Rogers defeated -----------_______ 150 Rogers, Robert -------_____________. 72 Roman Catholic Churches today 729 Roman Catholic schools in Detroit – 833 Romulus -------------------------- 439 Romulus State Bank ______________ 1260 Romulus Township ------___________ 429 Roseboom, Johannes ---____________ 32 Roster of governors -----__________ 1137 Roster of Senators --______________. 1141 Rousing appeal, A --_______________ 1113 Ruland, Israel --------_____________ 210 Rum preferred by Indians ---____ ___ 159 Russell, Dr. Geo. B. -----___________ 1326 S Sabrevois, Jacques Charles --_______ 62 Sac and Fox -----------------_____ 16 Sail Vessel, Pioneer ----___________ 1163 Ste. Anne's Bi-Centenary ___________ 721 Ste. Anne's Church, 158; burns______ 986 Ste. Anne's Parish --_______________ 720 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur______ 189, 226, 228 St. Clair incensed ---_______________ 409 St. John’s Episcopal Church --_______ 714 St. Luke's Hospital ----_____________ 401 St. Mary's Church -------__________ 972 St. Ours, Jean Baptist de ---________ 64 St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral______ 707 St. Vincents Orphan Asylum ----_____ 399 Sargent’s Proclamation erecting Wayne Co. --------------------- 405 Savages unrestrained by Proctor_____ 299 Savoyard Creek ----_______________ 5 Saxon Motor Car Corporation________ 1878 Schieffelin, Jacob -- ~~~~----- 143fn., 216 Schieffelin, Jonathan -----__________ 205 Schoolcraft, Henry R. -- - --- _ _ _ _ 872 School buildings erected since 1922. 785 School buildings in Detroit--_______ 781 School Lands and Constitution of 1835 771 School Law of 1833_________________ 768 School reports ----__________ 785 Et Seq. School teachers of late 18th Century – 738 Schools, First Scientific American, quoted ._________ 1858 Scientific Association -------_____ __ 858 Scott, James –––––––––––––––––––––– 1040 Scott, John -- -------------------- 1041 Scotten-Dillon Co. --______________ 1433 Scripps, James E. * * * ~ *-** *-* - -– === -- - - 1434 Second Battalion arrived 3 a. m. 526 Second Cavalry (Civil War) - 486 Second Infantry (Civil War) 477 Second National Bank _ _ _________ 1235 Security Company, The 1257 Seitz Brothers --...--______ _________ 1070 Selby, Lieut. Prideaux 202 Selecting a Name -- -------_______ 406 Senatorial List, The ----___________ 1141 Sent to new area (World War) - 510 Series of Notable Banquets, A_______ 1119 Settlement of the Controversy 1026 Settlers felt no alarm-------________ 459 Seventeenth Infantry (Civil War) – 484 Sexton, Wm. H. -----_______________ 872 Sheldon, John P. --________________ 320 Shipbuilding History, Later ----____ 1167 Shipbuilding industry, The --_______ 1331 Sibley ---------------------------- 447 Sibley Lumber Company, F. M.------ 1545 Sibley, Solomon, 245, 256, 260, 266 987 ----------------------------- 1133 Sharp, George -------------------- 206 Showles, Conrad L__________________ 206 Signers of incorporation of Ste. Anne's -------------------------- 997 Sill, Prof. J. M. B. -------_______ 791, 858 Silver Creek _______________________ 4 Simcoe, John Graves ---__________ 197 fri. Sinclair, Patrick __________________ 129 Sixteenth Infantry (Civil War) -- 483 Sixty-fourth Brigade --_____________ 518 Sketch of Black Hawk War 457 Skyline changes ---________________ 892 Slave rescues, Other ----___________ 1124 Slavery and the negroes in Michigan -1122 Slavery and the underground railroad - 1122 Smart, Robert ----------___________ 1040 Smillie & Co., C. M. -----___________ 1415 Smith, A. M., quoted -----------____ 1312 Smith, David William, 198; quoted 201 Smith, Maj. John --________________ 189 Smith, Thomas --______________ 195, 206 Smith, William ----_______________ 205 Soils of county --__________________ 8 Soldiers awarded D. S. C. ----______ 528 Soldiers disorderly -----...----______ 381 Soldiers’ Monument -----------____ 496 Soviet Army ---------------------- 521 Spanish-American War . . . . ------ 501 Speed, J. J. ----------------------- 361 Spietz Cigar Company, Ltd., ------- 1536 Springwells Township . . . . . ------ 430 Square D Company ---------------- 1519 Stadium of University of Detroit---___ 906 Stage Coach Lines, The -- - - - - - - - 1161 Standard Motor Truck Co. . . . . . . 1380 Standard Steel Shelving Co., The 1478 Standard Trust Company --------- 1269 Star Carpet Cleaning Company ...---- 1542 Stark ---------------------------- 443 1568 INDEX State Agricultural College --_______ 1278 State Agricultural Society ---______ 1277 State democratic in early day ------ 1111 State Savings Bank of Flat Rock --___ 1259 State sent regiment --------------- 471 State ownership of railroads ---_____ 1189 Statement of Facts ----____________ 244 States erected out of Northwest Ter- ritory -------------------------- 417 Statues -- ~-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 905 Steamer General Brady removes Michigan troops ----------------- 465 Steamer Henry Clay brought 370 men 460 Steamers, The first --____________ 1165 Steamship lines, Present ---________ 1170 Stearns Register Co. ----___________ 1415 Steinheiser Co., Inc., C. P. ----_____ 1458 Stenger Die & Tool Co. ---_________ 1464 Sterling, James ---------------- 89, 951 Stillman defeated --_______________ 459 Stocking, William, “Detroit Men in Public Life” -------------------- 1132 Stocking, William, “Historic Political Campaigns” Stocking, William, “Parks and Boule- wards of Detroit.” Stocking, William, quoted ---_______ 1364 Stocking, William, “Slavery and the Underground Railroad” --________ 1122 Stone, David ---------------------- 1215 Stormfeltz-Loveley Co. --___________ 1426 Story of a title—a lost deed ---______ 980 Story of Detroit's greatest industry__1357 Story of medicine in Detroit --_______ 591 Stove-making, 1337; industry today 1341 Strathmoor State Bank ____________ 1260 Street in 1826, The ----___________ 1049 Street railways approved --________ 362 Stubbs Company, The ---__________ 1548 Studebaker Corporation -----_______ 1379 Study club fire, 1929 ------_________ 394 Subsequent boundary changes ---____ 414 Successful and aggressive campaign, An --- ------------------------ 1116 Sumpter Township -----___________ 430 Superior Seal & Stamp Co. ---_____ 1453 Superior court abolished --__________ 577 Supreme court history ----_________ 569 Superior Tool Works ----__________ 1413 Surrender premeditated ---_________ 290 Surveys established --______________ 1274 Swamps reclaimed --_______________ 1276 Swan Creek ----------------------- 4 Swedish Crucible Steel Company----1535 Sweinhart, James, quoted --________ 515 Sydney, Lord (Thomas Townshend) -- 177 T Tablet in Southern Hotel ---_______ 117 Taylor Center Taylor, Gen. Zachary _______________ 470 Taylor Township ------------------ 431 Tax protest ––––––––––––––––––––––– 118 Tecumseh ---------------------- 254, 275 Teetzel Company -----------------. 1521 Telephone invented ----____________ 362 Temperance Hotel -----____________ 1129 Ten Brook, Andrew, quoted --------- 797 Ten Eyck, Conrad ----------------- 246 'L'enth Infantry (Civil War) --______ 482 'Territorial Bank, The first --________ 1211 Thanksgiving brought here _________ 955 Theological and religious literature -- 868 These were awarded naval decorations 531 'I hird Cavalry (Civil War) 'Thirteenth Battery (Civil War) --___ 490 Thirtieth Infantry Thirty-first Infantry (Spanish War) — 503 Thirty-fourth Infantry (Spanish War) 504 Thirty-fifth Infantry (Spanish War) - 504 'I hirty-second Division (World War) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 508, 513 Thirty-second Infantry (Spanish War) 503 Thirty-third Infantry (Spanish War) 504 Thomas, Cyrus ------------------ 11, 76 Thompson Aeronautical Corporation - 1179 Thompson Home for old ladies --____ 400 Thompson Products, Inc.____________ 1495 Thomson, Bishop Edward ---________ 870 Thorn, William -------------------- 209 Threat of retaliation --_____________ 141 Three hundred thirty-ninth Infantry 520 Tiffin, Edward --------------------- 309 Tiffin, Edward, quoted -------------- 1275 Title vested in University of Michi- 880 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1107 Todd, Isaac ––––––––––––––––––––––– 219 Todd, Col. John -------------------- 224 Tonty, Henri de ------------------- 28 Tonty left in charge ---------------- 52 Tonty, Pierre Alphonse de ----______ 62 Townshend, Thomas (Lord Sydney) -- 177 Trackless trolleys, New –---------- 1173 Trade and commercial growth -------- 1281 Traders and merchants in 1767, Names of -–––––––––––––––––––––– 1282 Trading licenses revoked -------_____ 36 Traffic, railroads and express________ 1205 Trails, old Indian ------------------ 1159 Translation of mortgage made by trustees ------------------------- 990 Transportation, development of --___ 1159 Transportation, motor -------------1172 Transportation, recent development_-1171 Travel, early modes of --____________ 116I Treaty of Fort Harmar, The --_____ 18 Treaty of Fort Stanwix --__________ 18 Treaty of Ghent ------------------- 181 Treaty of St. Mary’s, 1818 --------- 20 Trenton ------------------------- 440 Trenton State Bank _ ______________ 1260 Trespassed police regulations (unpub- - lished list) ---------------------- 379 INDEX 1569 Triangle field - *** -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- *-* *-- - - -- ~~~~ ** 1403 Trip wires and tin cans for alarms -– 516 Troops in Civil War ---____________ 473 Troops in Mexican War ----________ 470 Troops to Archangel, Russia ________ 520 Trolley, new trackless -------------- 1173 Troubles begin --------------------- 994 Trucks took 125th to Chateau Thierry 517 Truscon Steel Company, The -------- 1502 Trust companies ------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1245, 1254, 1265, 1266 Trust, Security and Safe Deposit Com- Parly ----, ------------------------ 1245 Tucker, William L_ ___________ 167, 211 Tupper, Gen. Benjamin ------------- 225 Turkey Foot Falls ---______________ 234 Turnbull, Robert --_____ ________ 870 Turner Cartage & Storage Company 1507 Turner-Messenger Manufacturing Company –––––––––––––––––––––––– 1513 Twelve boxes rifles captured - - - ----- 469 Twenty-fourth Infantry (Civil War) 484 Twenty-seventh Infantry (Civil War) 485 Two died of cholera - - --____________ 460 Two Provinces created ---__________ 197 U Unconditional surrender ------------ 297 Underground railroad and slavery – 1122 Underground railroad, The ----____. 1125 Union depot, The --________________ 1202 Union Joint Stock Land Bank _____- 1269 Union Trucking Company, The . . . . . 1499 Union Trust Company --__ __ 1254, 1269 United Outdoor Advertising Co., The 1455 United Savings Bank ____ ___ _____ 1254 United Savings Bank of Detroit ----- 1269 United States at Detroit ... --______ 179 United States surveys established .__ 1274 United States takes a hand --_______ 374 United States Telegraph Co. --_____ 361 United States troops scare “Patriots” a Way ...— . * - - - - - - - - - - - - -º- ºr---, -, -aº - - 468 United States Trust Company__ ___ 1269 Universal Cooler Corporation, The -- 1451 Universal Credit Corporation ------- 1423 University of Detroit - --________ 808 University of Detroit today ----_____ 812 University of Michigan ----________ 797 Universities and colleges --_________ 797 Unrecorded deed that was lost --_____ 1017 Upper Canada established --________ 198 Utley, Henry M. ---_______________ 871 Upper Sandusky Treaty ----________ 20 V Value seminary lot at $5,000 --------- 1106 Van Antwerp Company ------------ 1491 Van Buren, Martin ---______________ 292 Van Buren Township --------------- 432 Van Dyke, James A. --__________ ___ 1069 Vessels of every type built ---_____ 1334 Villages now extinct -------________ 443 Villages recently incorporated_______ 446 Vincent, James -------------------- 205 Visger, Jacob –––––––––––––––––––––– 210 Volunteer fireman -----------_______ 387 Vote on bonds for library____________ 855 W Wabash railroad, The ----________. 1202 Walk-in-the Water ---_____________ 1165 Walker & Company --______________ 1446 Wall Street of Detroit -----_________ 1089 Walter Machine & Screw Company, The ---------------------------- 1509 Waltz ----------------------------- 443 Wanless, Andrew L_________________ 872 Wanted Buffer State ---____________ 223 Wanted mill on island ----_________ 174 War cost about two million -----____ 462 War of 1812 ----------------------- 998 War whoop at 4 a. m. --____________ 256 War work at home (Civil War) --___ 495 War Zone ––––––––––––––––––––––––– 506 Ward, Capt. E. B. --________________ 1326 Warfare on Citizens Railway ------- 366 Watercourses ---------------------- 3 Warren, Charles B. --_____________ 1145 Warren, Chas. B., quoted -----______ 1833 Washington decided on vigorous mea- Sules ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 227 Washington Market, --_____________ 1293 Washtenaw County set off from Wayne -------------------------- 415 Water craft, canoe is first -----_____ 1163 Waterford ------------------------ 443 Waterhouse Laundry Machinery Com- Parly –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1506 Waterworks ----------------------- 349 Wayne -------------------------- 440 Wayne County Airport ------------- 1402 Wayne County and Detroit Finances - 1207 Wayne County and Home Bank of Highland Park ------_______ 1245, 1259 Wayne County and Home Savings Bank -- - - -------------------- 1236 Wayne County Banks --____________ 1258 Wayne County cut off --___________ 410 Wayne County, Evolution of ---____ 405 Wayne County Farmers' Institute --- 1278 Wayne County Geography --_______ l Wayne County in 1805 -- . . . . . . . . . 413 Wayne County Medical Society, The 605 Wayne County Pioneer Society_______ 871 Wayne County Poor House _________ 402 Wayne County Savings Bank _______ 1074 Wayne County Towns and Villages . . 432 Wayne County Townships --- - - - - - - 417 Wayne, Gen. Anthony, called by Washington, 190; mobilizes forces, 1570 INDEX 229; marches for Indian country, 233; County named for ----------- 406 Wayne Savings Bank ______________ 1260 Welch, Peg ------------------------ 382 Wessels & Sons Co., D. D., ---------- 1517 Western Christian Advocate, quoted__ 220 Westminister Presbyterian Church___ 713 Wheaton, John -------------------- 209 White Chapel Cemetery ------------ 521 Whitehead, John ------____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 209 Whitney, Andrew G. --------- - - - - 323 Whitney Building, David ---------. 1297 Wholesale trade developed --________ 1287 “Wildcat Banks” --------_______ ____ 1229 Wilkins, Ross . . . . . . . . ... -- 1057, 1134 Williams, John R., ----------------- -- - - - - - - - 245, 260, 323, 1137, 1215, 1300 Williams Mfg. Co., Inc. --__________. 1449 Williams, Nathan ----__________.--_ 210 Williams, Thomas ----______ 148, 156, 212 Willis, Richard Storrs ---__________ 873 Willits, Elijah -------------------- 1084 Willits, Wellington --______________. 1085 Willow ---------------------------- 443 Willow Creek ______________________ 4 Willow Run - - - - - - --...--_____ - - - - - - - - --- 4 Wilson Company, The Frank H. ----. 1550 Wilson, President, addresses Congress 505 Wilson War Message --_____________ 506 Winchester in action ---____________ 297 Winnebago, The --- __ 16 Winston, Richard, quoted --_________ 155 Winter of 1831-2 severe ____________ 459 Winter of hardships ---_____________ 305 Wise Chrome Products Co., Inc._ _ _ 1492 Witherell, Benjamin F. H.--_265 fr.; 1092 Witherell, James__256, 260, 265, 762, 1133 Wolverine Bolt Company, The -------1544 Wolverine Bottling Works ---------. 1528 Woman’s Hospital and Foundlings’ Home --------------------------- 400 Wood Co., The W. E. ----___________ 1455 Woodall Industries, Incorporated – 1526 Woodbridge, William . . . . 245, 246, 1132 Woods' Creek ----------------_____. - 4 Wood w a r d Avenue Presbyterian Church -------------------------- 716 Woodward, Augustus B. 243, 245; plan of city, ---------------- 370, 1145 World War ---------------________ 505 World War incidents and episodes___ 512 World’s stove-making center________ 1337 Writers --__ ___________. 839, Et. Seq Early American ----------------- 867 Writes neighborhood gossip_________ 1106 Wyandotte -- -- - - 441 Wyandotte Savings Bank __________ 1260 Y Yax, John ------------------------- 210 Y. M. C. A. –––––––––––––––––––– 900, 903 Z Zeisberger, David, quoted ---------- 1274 Zion Lodge, F. & A. M., 1763________ 1013 Zoological Park ** {ſ^ ,, , ,¿ ..“ " … !?;: $], “****): ‘’s)ż-- * . :: ،· • ¶ - x . . .' * * * ·,≤)***(' + ': '%s', `·. *,: „*;;;; * * * ...) º .*** ...:-- »: : , !··。.,.,:;.. 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